#if someone knows how disney land is feel free to help me
sunalee · 1 month
when you wish upon a star
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prompt: our precious boys are part of a farytale (disney au).
with: joshua, dino, jeonghan and wonwoo.
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ⅰ. 𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚, starring Hong Jisoo
“Well, there’s one thing: they can’t order me to stop dreaming.”
As the King's firstborn, Prince Joshua must fulfill his several obligations to the kingdom, including his long-pending marriage. He became tired of so many greedsome proposals and empty-willed madams; he just wishes for a truthful and kind one to love, and to be loved genuinely in return. The prince finally finds what he's been longing for, someone who isn't seeking the coins inside his pockets, or the power attached to his title, but his heart. And he doesn't care if the woman in question has no name or land: she has become his dream. And who would be the fool to prevent the prince from getting his dream?
"You are the one I want." he professes earnestly , the words he wished he could say before you vanished through that starry night; leaving only a glass slipper for his memories to rely on. Now that you're at his arm's reach, though, he won't let you leave in a hurry again. ever again. "You're my wish that came true: the wish from my heart. Please, don't take it away from me because of void rumors or expectations." Holding your smooth hands to his gloved ones, he nears himself into your warmth, pressing your foreheads together while keeping his soft, but intense gaze on your eyes. "Just let me love you, utterly, tenderly. As I know you'll do to me.
ⅱ. 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝, starring Lee Chan
“I know not who you are, or how I came to find you, but may I just say … hi. How ya doin’? The name’s Dino. How’s your day goin’, huh?”
Being an outlaw has its perks. Not that running away from guards and other crooks is anything fun, but the feeling of being free to go and do as he pleases it's too exciting. And lonely as well. Believe him, Dino was all fine by himself, but the moment he ventured inside that tall tower and found you there — caught by you, to be more precise —, something changed inside him. He never had so much fun with someone as he has with you, the feisty, clueless, and dreamy girl who wanted to see the lanterns up close. The gold of your tiara doesn't fill his eyes with glint anymore; it is you, and only you who's now capable of doing it so easily.
"You're beautiful." He cannot help but speak his mind, watching your features turning brighter with the lanterns around you. The most perfect sight in this whole world, he wanted to keep it engraved in his memory; keep you engraved in his heart as if this wasn't natural by now. Brushing a strand behind your ear, he stares at you in adoration,  gently taking his time to trace every inch of your face. And in silence, you both enjoy the dream that came true.
ⅲ. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝, starring Yoon Jeong-han
"Where would we walk? Where would we run? If we could stay all day in the sun? Just you and me. And I could be, part of your world."
That's what he longed for. Ever since he was little, Jeonghan yearns to know more of the surface. To feel the sand kissing his skin, to gaze at the blue day sky, to feel the warmth of the sun guiding his steps as he runs down the beach towards the unknown; to have legs. He just wanted to be part of this world, and maybe, just maybe, he could also stay by your side. The feeling of you fills his mind ever since he saved your life from that storm. And to know that you also wish for him, oh, how much he wants to just kiss his girl. And he's ready to do anything for that.
"Wait for me." He pleads lowly, watching as you wander around with your friends through the beach, unaware of the mermaid that admires you from afar, hidden in a heap of stones. His legs will soon be granted for him, as the sea witch promised in exchange for his voice. A careless decision, it might have been; but whatever happens, his dream will come true. He'll do whatever it takes for that. "I'm coming to you, my love."
ⅵ. 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧, starring Jeon Wonwoo.
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty."
Never, in his five years as a captain in the Chinese army, has Wonwoo faced such a bewildering challenge: having a girl among his soldiers. He doesn't understand how he didn't notice it before, nor did his cadets, but being right or wrong, that defiant young woman is without a doubt the most talented and bravest warrior he has ever seen. And besides conquering the country's victory over the Huns, she won something else, something quite unbelievable to their teammates: the captain's once-cold heart. The one who once told her she didn't belong there, now bows in respect and fascination for China's savior, and princess.
"You have all of my gratitude." His tone is filled with acknowledgement and also a bit apologetic, for his past mistakes that he wishes nothing more but to fix them. He looks at you with pride in his eyes: pride for getting to know such an admirable woman. Pride of having the honor of fighting alongside her. Extending his hand for you to take, he coyly adds. "And my fondness, if you wish to have it."
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a/n: my first work for this fandom, i hope you enjoyed this scenario as much as I did 💕
© sunalee 2024 — all rights reserved.
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autumnmoonsurveys · 9 months
NEW YEAR’S DAY 2024 4:10 PM
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(I love her bathroom!)
What's for dinner tonight?
Pork & sauerkraut with garlic mashed potatoes!
Do you prefer cold or room temperature drinking water?
Cool, not cold. So, closer to room temp. I don’t put ice in my water.
How many different things have you had to drink today?
Water with my morning pill and two mugs of instant espresso with fat-free half & half and a little sugar. About to have my third and final.
When you read a book, do you use a bookmark or simply dog ear/fold the top of the page?
USUALLY, I just remember the page number I’m on.
What's the nearest city to you with a population of at least one million?
Philadelphia is the one PA city with 1mil+.
During the pandemic, did you use reusable or disposable masks?
Both. I bought us reusable masks at first, but learned I preferred the disposables.
What is your favourite local restaurant?
There aren’t a whole lot of “local” restaurants here, but I’ll say Vince’s for their chicken salad wrap.
Have you ever been harassed while minding your own business walking down the street?
Of course.
Do you own a gun? Have you ever thought about getting one?
No; yes.
Do you know anyone who owns a gun?
Tons of people.
What year is/was your 10 year high school reunion? Will you (or did you) attend?
2020, and no.
Do you cut your sandwiches into triangles or rectangles?
Have you ever seen a panda in real life? Where was it?
At zoos, I’m sure.
Are there any postcards hanging around the house? If so, where are they from?
Does it snow where you live?
Yes. It snowed right at midnight the big, chunky, heavy snowflakes and it was magical.
When was the last time you took a flight? Where did you go?
Aug. ‘21, to Mexico — Cancún airport. I had paid $6K (all-inclusive resort & flights) for my husband and me to travel with our friends to Punta Cana again this past August, but we had to take the loss and stay back because the house we bought that we knew we belonged in was going up for auction during our vacation. We won though! 🤍 Side note: it wasn’t a foreclosure; farm auctions are popular around here. It’s a great way to make tons of money if you’re selling a home with a farm or lots of land.
Is there a flight path over your house?
Does your neighbourhood have a lot of hills?
We do live on a mountain.
Have you ever had covid? What was your experience like?
Just once, to my knowledge. It was mid-Jan. ‘21. I had my usual flu-like symptoms of severe body aches, headache, and feeling like I’m freezing. It was a 24-hour ailment.
Do you have any alcohol in your house right now?
Do you tend to keep alcohol around the house for when you might want it?
I don’t drink, but my husband does.
Has a romantic partner ever given you a pet as a gift?
Do you ever talk on the phone with friends?
What was the last thing someone said to you in person?
My son was explaining to me how he slipped out of the trampoline since it’s wet.
Are you hungry right now? What would you like to eat?
How far away are your parents right now?
I don’t know where my mother is, but she lives 7.5 miles away. My father is deceased.
Do you believe in aliens?
I do.
Have you ever been bitten by a spider?
I believe so.
Do you own any clothing made from animal products like leather or fur?
What's the best vacation you've ever been on?
My favorite was Oct. ‘17 when my husband and I took our four little kids (and my mom for help) to Disney World for a week over my daughter’s sixth birthday. Our kids were 15 months, just shy of 4, just turning 6, and just shy of 7. 🥹 They’re now 7½, 10, 12, and 13! 😭
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threadsun · 1 year
Freaking. HELL MAN!!! Okay. OKAY! Literally got me acting like a fool pacing the around the entire house because I literally CAN’T EVEN! Neighbors probably think I’m lookin crazy with all these wild gestures, freaking messing up food sounding like Hein the old wheezy dog from Howl’s Moving Castle, had me shout out a curse in disbelief, literally was just about to walk into the microwave door. Alright, I had to stop writing for a moment because I wound up having a seasoning packet explode on me because I was not functioning right. Why am I telling you that? You can’t tell when I start or stop writing but I DON’T KNOW! In any case, note to self: do not try to do things before reading your messages. AND I STILL HAVEN’T GONE PAST THE BLUE TEXT! Listen, I’m a very animated person because of how much I’ve performed in musical theatre so like, freaking looked like I was doing a whole cabaret show up in here. That went WAY harder than I expected it to be and apparently there are some things I didn’t know I wanted until you said it. So um, yeah, thanks for that! 🥵 Okay so MAYBE I did underestimate you JUST a tiny bit and didn’t think you could get me to react more than before, but each time you’ve been proving me wrong and this one just takes the cake! LISTEN, I’M TRYING to be strong and tough here, but pulling out stunts like that MAKE IT SO HARD 😂 But I’m not giving in yet! NOPE! NOT HAPPENING! NO SIR! I am STRONG! I am CAPABLE of not submitting. Tbh, I don’t even know how to respond back to what you said because every time I look at it, I let out a flustered laugh and my eyes shift away instinctively (*coughandwhatyousaidisalltruesoCOUGHCOUGHCOUGH*) So nope! Totally don’t want to be or go through ALL of those things! No way! 👀
NOICE! Glad to hear I’ve got a chance! 😊 But I’ve gotta respect your professionalism though, it definitely builds self confidence in yourself and your products/services! I used to have the issue of selling myself short and giving away services like readings for free because I didn’t think it was worth anything, plus I wanted to help others. Because I did that though, I ran myself ragged and wound up having to stop. By putting limits like a price or a time limit, it shows that what you have is valuable and takes up your own personal time to do to provide them goods. People wind up respecting you more and you can still take care of yourself. Even though I feel like I didn’t learn much in college, it’s in moments like these that I just go “Okay, maybe I DID learn alittle bit.” Lol!
But yeah, DEFINITELY too bold for Ian. He’s the perfect example of needing to learn to love yourself first before you love another. If he only found himself more deserving of love and took the brave step of cutting ties with toxic people in his life like his mom, maybe he would’ve found more confidence in the type of relationship that he and M/C shared. I’m sure that his route will be all about healing his traumas and self-worth. I’m about to buy all these guys blanket warmers and just bundle them up while watching Disney movies.
AW HELL YESSSSS! Freaking LIVE for stuff like that man! Just having your brain go blank every time he uses a trigger phrase and a dopey smile lands on your face. My brain keeps going ultra subby mode thinking about all the ways this could go. BRRRRRR. Phantom of the Opera creates hypnosis kinks? No wayyyy! Mirror scene where Christine gets hypnotized and her makeup turns all sultry the whole next scene with a dreamy expression? Gerald Butler? PSSH! No one finds THAT incredibly hot, no! 👀 And then SDJ is loosely BASED off of said Broadway show/book/movie? Ain’t no way someone’s who’s dream was to play Christine Daae since Nursery school and would involve her entire life on getting that role would EVER love a game like this! Oh, and Jack’s supposed to be the Phantom? The sexiest guy in the movie but also the most freaking deranged? BOI. POTO was my yandere gateway, I swear 😂
Anyways! Fireman AU! But yeah, it’s so weird how one moment sunshine is just talking normally, but the next they’re drooling all over themselves and- wait did they just moan out Jack’s name? They’re begging to be pounded into oblivion? Well, the firehouse can’t let down their favorite pet, can they? So they’ll be more than happy to oblige! “Sunshine, if you keep drooling like that, you’re going to make everyone believe you can’t live another day without my love filling you up~! Don’t you know how dangerous that is sunspot? You don’t even know how much I’d love to make you mine in front of everyone, but that’s okay! Puppies like you are GREAT learners, so I’m sure you’ll figure it out in no time!” M/C is just a blushing, incoherent puddle at that point between the triggers and the copious amounts of touching. NOM NOM NOM, I could eat hypnokink ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!! OOO! I can’t even imagine the types of punishments they’d receive!
YA GOT THIS!!! But I’ll get my tombstone ready. RIP me when it does come out 😂 YUS! Like Jasmine or white orchid or something for Ian. I honestly don’t think that Alan would have any type of super woodsy smell on him, he’d be just straight CAMPFIRE with some kind of grass mixed in. Literally just laid down on the ground and that’s his scent 😂
OO OO OO! Sounding like a monkey over here lol, but that sounds like FUN! I’m curious at how far I’d be able to go since I love the heat normally (ice cubes feel SOOOO freaking good)! But that massage oil sounds aMAZING too! GOD, I love kinks! There’s so much fun things you can do and just that rush of dopamine. UGH! Love it! There’s a sex shop downtown where I’m at that has a floor dedicated to kinky items and I felt like a kid at a candy store lol. Sadly, I’ve never got to do much since my last relationship was long distance for years until we moved in together for a bit and had no privacy so we didn’t get to do much. Plus my drive is fiendishly high while his was a lot lower so we didn’t match up well in that aspect, but it’s okay! But I remember talking a lot about what I would get the moment I had the chance! (*coughgotropesbutnevergottousethemcough*) In any case, you got me curious, what’s the sensations with electricity? I know for me, I’m scared of being shocked by static electricity during the winter so I’ve never considered it, but I’m sucker for trying new things soooo 😗
Oh thank goodness!!! I got scared for a moment there! Anxiety and people pleasing tendencies got my heart racing like a mad man lol! I gotcha though and I’m glad you’re having as much fun as I am~😉 Also tell Moon that I’m eating up that whole discussion over on their blog! I normally pop on over because I love their writing too, but I saw how they’re discussing how certain parts of the fandom were acting ridiculous between the audio and Nick’s design and I was just like “YES! GO OFF!” 👏 😂 D’Awwww! \(//∇//)\ I got da SMOOCHES! Thank you Sun for trusting me to speak up and reassuring me that it’s all good 🩵 But noooooo, I’m not too neeeeeedy~! I’m a STRONG woman and I ain’t kneeling down to any dom! 😜
It's cute, how easily flustered you get from just a few words~ And to think, you thought you knew what you were getting into? But as I said, you just need to meet a proper dom who knows you better than you know yourself. Who'll open your eyes to all those filthy little kinks you've been pretending not to notice. Someone who can tell that you want to be a helpless princess reduced to nothing more than a desperate whore, so eager for the approval of her dom that she'll accept any punishment and thank them for it.
Exactly, Ian needs to learn to love himself and also learn to trust mc to tell him how they feel. He's just got a whole boatload of trauma to work through and unlearn, and I hope his route is us getting to help him with that, because he deserves it!!
God yeah Phantom is sooooooo good for hypnokink~ Everything about Music of the Night is just 😘👌 perfect! Jack would definitely be the one to hypnotise you into becoming the perfect pet for the whole fire station crew. He'd scramble your brain so much, you'd truly believe you were a dog with no purpose other than to please them. He'd have you getting desperate and horny the moment you heard his voice. Hypnokink Jack is divine!!
Oooh Jasmine is a nice one for Ian!! Alan definitely smells like he took a nap in the grass next to a campfire. Man's just smoky and grassy and definitely hasn't showered in weeks.
Kinks are so fun!!! My first few introductions to kink were... not ideal. But when I got back into it at 18, it was with friends that I trusted and properly organised community events and stuff which was much better!! And now I've been in it for years and have dedicated my career to it :3c I feel very lucky that I get to do that tbh, it's not the most lucrative thing but it's fun and fulfilling!!
As for electricity, hmmmm... depends on what you're using and the voltage. A tens unit, for example, is kinda just tingly and buzzy because the pads are directly on your skin. Though if you turn it up enough, it'll also make your muscles tense/twitchy which can be fun if you're safe about it. A violet wand, on the other hand, doesn't actually touch the skin and instead creates sparks between the wand and your skin. So that feels a little more like a sharp, stinging pain. Almost like the world's tiniest, thinnest whip. It can also leave a tingly feeling afterwards if it's a higher voltage. But yeah, really depends on the type of electricity. A shock collar sometimes makes your blood feel like it's fizzing/bubbly and it's definitely a much harder (and less safe) form of estim. But violet wands, which is what most people think of when they think of electricity play, are mostly just delightfully sharp pain~
Don't worry, I'm very direct! I don't vaguepost, and if I did then I'd be like "this IS a vaguepost" in the tags lmao I'm not good at subtlety. Rest assured, though, I'm having plenty of fun~ And Moon said they're glad people have been taking it well!! We both feel strongly about the way people have been treating Sauce and the team, so it's good to know it really is just a vocal minority who are entitled bullies. Of course smooches!! Smooches for a strong, capable woman who just so happens to want to be forced onto her knees and used~
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iyliss · 6 years
Sooo @lily-liegh I finally finished writing everything for your gift >w< It ended up much bigger than expected so I have to post it here under a read more. Also I went for a travel in Paris since I know the place at least a bit, and im sorry if it isn’t always well written and has lots of mistakes...
Anyway I hope you enjoy it ♥♥♥
First, how they ended up travelling together... First was Akira, who had to go to Paris for a week for a business trip. But he managed to get paid for another week there, so he could have some nice holyday with Aoi since they never really travelled like this. But well Aoi couldn't stay alone in this city she doesn't know for the week that Akira had to spend on work... So he asked her if she had any friend or classmate who would like to come,and she invited Yusaku and Takeru.
When he heard about this, Kusanagi kindly « offered » to take care of the kids if he could come with his brother. Meanwhile, Ema kind of imposed herself and her brother in the trip because she always wanted to go to Paris (and Akira trusts her on keeping an eye on Aoi).
As for hanoi....Well, very sadly, Baira and Faust had a last minute work preventing them from doing that travel they had prepare... But it would be a shame not to use the plane ticket and hotel room ! Ryoken,what about you go with Specter ! (actually they never planned on going to Paris, they just wanted to give Ryoken some actual holydays and knew he would have never accepted directly). And it turns out they are in the same hotel as everyone else, and they kind of decided to spend the week together.
Now for the planning. Takeru absolutely wanted to go to Disney Land, Revolver wanted to go to the  Museum d'histoire naturel (natural history museum??) to find stuff to give to the other knights. Specter totally agreed with him, especially since he learned that the botanic garden was nearby.
Kusanagi basically wants to see the classic places (louvre, eiffel tower...) and take a lot of photos. Aoi secretly wants to go to Disney too, and she knows her brother will bring her to all the museums she likes anyway. Ema absolutely want to explore the catacombs and go shopping. Kengo just want to go back as soon as possible.
They somehow managed to organize everything in a single week, by allowing a day for each person who will chose where the group would go. It ended up like this :
    Sunday : the plane actually don't arrive too late but Akira spoke words of wisdom : « don't plan anything. You'll just be laying on bed all day because of jetlag. »
    Monday : a whole day for disney world. It was the most sunny day, and monday is always better than week end or wednesday.
    Tuesday : Morning for the louvre (it's a bit cloudy), afternoon for the eiffel tower (some more sun)
    Wednesday : late at night is when the catacombs tour take place, so they just kept the rest of the day empty to do what they wanted on their own
    Thursday : Shopping time ! And visiting the old paris, buying lots of souvenirs.
    Friday : Museum d'histoire naturel+botanic garden. Takeru didn't understand how it could take up a whole day.
    Saturday : Packing up, the plane is in the afternoon.
And... How each day actually went :
The beginning of the travel was pretty nice.Takeru managed to get the window seat, Yusaku in the middle and aoi on the aisle side (she asked her brother to travel with her friends). On the other side are specter and ryoken. At first Specter wanted to be by the window but he quickly felt bad so they switched. Behind was jin (window), kusanagi (middle), ema and on the other side kengo.
The first few hours were a lot of fun, they had started to play some card games, Kusanagi had food for everyone, and they took beautiful picture. The first one to fall asleep was actually Yusaku. Surprisingly, he felt very good in the plane and managed to sleep more during the travel than in the last two weeks.
Ema decided to sleep to keep a healthy schedule. She didn't, and watched stupid comedy with kusanagi for hours while criticizing everything. Takeru fell asleep while watching movies, and Aoi had to crawl all the way over Yusaku to take off his headphones which he was starting to entangle beyond recuperation.
Specter watched a 10 hours long documentary about the Amazon forest. Ryoken red a book, then slept, then tried reading again but couldn't, then started a movie he didn't finish, then slept again a bit, woke up on some turbulations, red again, and all this the whole time. Kengo said he was reading, but really he was playing with the game there was on the screen in front of the seat.
Aoi just spent most of the time half asleep, looking at everyone and listening to music when everyone was sleeping. When they arrived, she ended up the most capable with Yusaku to guide everyone to their hotel room. Though they almost forgot Takeru, who had fallen asleep on one of the subway station seat and didn't follow the group when it came.
But the magic of Disney land blessed him during the night, and he actually woke up first singing (badly) all the worst songs. Aoi, Kusanagi, Ema and Kengo yelled at him to shut up because they already started to have the songs in their head. Everyone prepared, and they arrived at the park quite early. They were expecting to see some people, but not that much crowd.... and now here comes my lack of knowledge of how this thing is like (i never went to disney land ever). So I have absolutely no idea what is really there. So sorry it'll be a bit lacking…
But anyway, they came back to the hotel incredibly tired. Thanks god they had eaten so much junk food, they didn't even need to think about a dinner.
The next day was harder for everyone. The sky was grey, and they were more than afraid to get lost once more in a dense crowd. But they still got to the museum around midday and ended up splitting up. Ema, Kusanagi with Jin, Takeru and Aoi went to see the Joconde and all the important stuff. Specter, Ryoken, Kengo and Yusaku went to visit the other less crowded flours. The first group got their great dose of selfies to expose on social media, and even ended up « retranslating » the guides speaking language they didn't know but with stupid explanations.  The second group found a nice little exposition about how middle-east prehistoric civilization were worshipping nature that satisfied everyone. They ate at the museum's restaurant and went to the eiffel tower.
And it's at this point they realized the hell that was Paris' subway. They came back to where they were countless time, had to ask many people, and spent way too much time arguing about where to go... and about how to pronounce all the exotic words
(kusanagi swore to god that « bastille » was pronounced like baseball). But they still found their way, and the eiffel tower. « It's small » said Aoi. « it's huge ! » said Takeru. « And this is where Humanity's hopeless vanity started. » said Kengo. « Look there's a colleague ! » said Kusanagi as he was reaching for the closest Hot dog van, not even minding that they ate copiously 2 hours ago.
They climbed up the tower. It turns out Specter had indeed dizziness (or vertigo ? Like when you're ill on height ? ), so he stayed on the ground with Jin who was too tired and Kusanagi who was talking business.
As they were walking on the countless stairs, Ryoken couldn't help but talk about how this was nothing compared to his own tower. Eventually they reached the top and gladly enjoyed the wonderful view. Aoi and Ema started reading some flyers they managed to find in japanese about how the tower was built, and Ryoken and Kengo got in a deep talk about how high you should climb on such a tower to start having trouble breathing. Takeru found one of those thing used to see the city closer (where you have to put a coin), that looks a lot like a big canon, and said played with it like a big big laser gun.
When everyone gathered, it was already quite late and the restaurants were all full. They got back to their hotel, found a pizza hut on the way, and watch with much incomprehension french tv shows in the same room.
The next day everyone woke up at their own pace. Aoi, yusaku and ryoken woke up quite early and decided to go buy croissants for everyone and enjoyed the grey morning together. After spending two days in loud crowds, the silent streets felt magic. When they came back to the hotel, specter had woken up and was a bit scared not to find Ryoken in the room.
After breakfast, ryoken, specter and Yusaku went around to find big book store with very specific books of their interests. They found a little shop with  old books, where Specter discovered an encyclopedia of plants from 1500~, with watercolor illustrations. Then they ate a sandwich, and went down a street with a bunch of retro video game shops and old informatic stuff. They regretted quite a bit not being able to bring back the most fragile and big pieces.
Meanwhile Aoi waited for Ema to wake up, while looking for various stores (mostly CDs). They left at the beginning of the afternoon with takeru and kusanagi. (Jin was too tired, kengo was too grumpy) they got lost quite a lot, but managed to find their way and enjoyed a nice time of trying to tell the seller what french singers aoi was looking for with the most terrible pronunciation.
They gathered where the catacombs tour started. Since there wasn't any in Japanese, they went for the English one (ryoken, kengo and Ema could both understand it well enough to explain to the others. Kusanagi thought he could too but it turned out that beside informatic words, he didn't understand English that well). Though after some time they ended up just trying to scare each other (mostly everyone trying to scare takeru). They also lost kengo and ryoken at some point. Ema thought it'd be funny to say they had been taken away by some zombies or demon. She almost got killed by specter. They eventually found them discussing French revolution at the entrance (they were bored and left).
Thursday: once again, they ended up in way too much crowd. Specter spent the whole time whining about all the people, except that moment they stopped to eat chocolate crêpes. Takeru had a little list of things he had to bring back for him and kiku. He barely bought half of it, and he spent most of his money on completely unrelated stuff(like those little metal eiffel tower). He still managed to find the hoodie he was looking for.
Kusanagi cried when he saw all the aprons there were in the souvenirs shops. He ended up taking picture of each of them and make a complicated organization to chose the ones he'll buy, two of each since yusaku needed one.
Ema bought more magnets than she had place on her fridge. She spent around an hour deciding if she should take one of those pin up lady ones. “They are so pretty! but that's still objectification of women. but they are really cute aaaah…”
Ryoken found a quite good old revolver replica and considered buying. Or more like Specter and Yusaku almost bought it for him before he allowed to gift himself with it.
Aoi tried not to buy much stuff since her brother always tell her about how all this is useless and just for tourist. She still fell for one of those little music box in cardboard boxes.
And of course they got lost countless time. And every time there was someone to say “wait let me check on my phone” to realize they had no connexion here…
When night fell, they found a nice little restaurant with traditional french dishes. Never did they eat that much cheese in their whole life.
Friday: specter was incredibly excited to see the garden, but it wasn't open in the morning so they first went to the museum. They spent hours at the place with dinosaurs bones and various animals exposed, until Specter realized it was 1 PM and he might not have time for the garden if he stayed with the others. So he went there with Aoi and Yusaku, who also wanted to see pretty flowers rather than dead animals.
There was strangely not that many people in the garden, and they greatly appreciated this calm moments after days of noisy crowds. Aoi took picture of all the colorful flowers, Yusaku red the little articles about the poisonous plants and did the little quizz with much concentration, and Specter skipped all the smaller plants and went to look at all the trees. He was very sad to hear he wasn’t allowed to touch all of them, but still took a lot of pictures and enjoyed it a lot. When he came back with a bunch of books from the nearby stores, Aoi pointed out it was all i english and he won’t be able to read them. “Don’t worry I can understand english well.” “But… you didn’t help us when we got lost?” “Revolver didn’t ask me to do so.”
The others kept enjoying the museum. Ryoken got the glorious idea to first go to the store and took his time to take stuff for each of the other knights, as there was a lot of choice. Takeru and Ema stayed at the animal section, amazed by all the wonderful creatures that lived on this earth (and takeru actually cried in the lost animals part, where it’s only species in danger or extinct). They also managed to scare Kengo with the dinosaurs reconstitution (Ema still has the recorded moment).
Kusanagi went with his brother to the geology section, and spent the whole time going for each pretty stones display wondering which one was the coolest. Also none of the three that went to the plants questioned why Takeru and Kusanagi had dino hats for the whole evening.
Saturday: Yusaku and Kusanagi woke up first. Yusaku didn’t have much stuff to put back in the bags, but Kusanagi had bought quite a lot and had to organize his luggage carefully to put everything in.  Ema thought about keeping enough space for her purchases, and managed to pack up quite quickly (tho she had to redo it completely once because she had lost her phone, which was inside the biggest bag). Revolver and Specter ended up with too many books, but by taking them with them for the travel they still managed to pack everything quite easily.
The real panic ended up for Takeru. He had bought way too many things for the space he had, so he had to organize everything like a tetris game. Despise that, he still asked yusaku and Aoi to take some of his stuff in their bags (Aoi would come back the next week so she didn’t had to pack, but she knew she wouldn’t buy much with her brother anyway).
They still came to the airport in time, could buy some food for the flight. They sat in the plain ready to enjoy the travel over the cloud once more… But every single one of them slept the whole time.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Tripped Into Love ~ MYG [Request]
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PAIRING: Yoongi x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Fluffy, friends to lovers, opposites attract, best friends friend, fluffy yoongi, yoongi having a crush on the reader
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Yoongi was 100% without a doubt in love with you. There was something about the way you dressed. The way you acted. The way you held yourself. You were the complete opposite of everything he was and everything he thought he wanted in a partner. Everything about you had him head over heels in love with you. 
From the moment he met you he knew there was something about you that drew him in. Something that made him feel as though he could never let you out of his life. Jungkook wanted you all to meet and so he set it up, way back before everyone debuted. Yoongi figured you would be exactly like Jungkook but he couldn’t have been more wrong. The fact that Jungkook felt the need to warn the boys about you should have been his first guess that you were nothing as he was expecting but in a good way.
“Just remember I said Y/n can get a little excited over things, and when she sees something she thinks is cute she’ll keep telling you how cute she finds it,” Yoongi rolled his eyes at the persistent Jungkook. He’d been going on for the last hour about you. His best friend. Someone he’d known since the two of you was able to walk and talk. Jungkook just wanted to prepare Yoongi about you, he knew how temperamental Yoongi could get with things and he didn’t want there to be any issues.
“I told you, I’ll say hello and leave.” Yoongi reminded him as he sat on the dorms sofa and waited for the doorbell to ring. Jungkook wanted you to meet everybody since you were going to be seeing them all a lot more now your best friend was going to be training more.
“That’s her,” Jungkook breathed out as he walked over to the door calling you to come in. Yoongi couldn’t see you at first because Jungkook had his arms wrapped around your body. 
“Come in, this is Jimin and you already know Tae.” Yoongi kept his eyes on the door waiting for your arrival and when it finally came his jaw almost dropped open. Not only were you beautiful but you seemed so happy to be there. A smile plastered across your face as you held up a bag for Jungkook to see, 
“I got everyone something. I couldn’t resist.” Taking the bag over to the coffee table in front of Yoongi you smiled at him and his heart practically lept from his chest. The way you smiled at him did all sorts of things he never thought would happen. 
“I’m Y/n,” You shook his hand and he smiled, beginning to stammer over his words trying to introduce himself to you. Never in a million years had he ever been this shy around someone. 
“That’s Yoongi, he’s one of our rappers,” Jimin said as he sat beside Yoongi, poking his side and earning a death glare from Yoongi. 
“I can tell,” You joked about the way he was stammering and let out the most heavenly giggle Yoongi had ever heard in his life. It was something he would feature in the back of a song if you would ever let him.
“What did you get us?” Jungkook asked as he stood beside you trying to peek into the bag. You smirked before rummaging through it. Yoongi still couldn’t take his eyes off you. The dress you were wearing looked as though it had been plucked from a barbie doll but it wasn’t anything too much for the eyes. A simple A-Line dress that went to below your knees, short puffy sleeves with a lace-up-front. Covered in cute strawberries. You had paired it with a pair of pink vans and Yoongi instantly could tell what your favourite colour was from the first look at you. 
“Yoongi!” Taehyung began snapping his fingers in front of Yoongi’s face to pull him back into the conversation. All of the boys were staring at him holding cute stuffed animals while you grinned at him. There was clearly something on his mind that was taking up his attention but you had no idea that it was you.
“I got you one too,” You smiled holding up a black and white stuffed cat. It was larger than a small sofa cushion and adorable. Yoongi couldn’t help but smile even more as he took it from you carefully, giving it a small squeeze. 
The boys all exchanged looks with one another as Yoongi had a slight blush to his cheeks. It was shocking for them to see him so shy in front of someone but they were going to enjoy seeing him like this for a while. 
“I figured since Jungkook always tells me how much you look like a kitty,” You smiled sweetly at him and he couldn’t help but smile more. Not only was it a kind gesture but it was something he never would have expected. 
“I love him,” He breathed out as he looked up at you. Jungkook could already see what was beginning to happen and he wasn’t going to put a stop to it. Only encourage it, it would be a breath of fresh air to see Yoongi so happy around someone. 
Yoongi stayed longer in the living room with you and Jungkook, agreeing to watch any movie with you that you were willing to put on. He never would have pegged himself as the guy to sit and watch copious amounts of Disney movies just because someone asked him to.
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Smiling to himself Yoongi bopped the cat toy you had gotten him on the nose, he had kept it for eight years and kept him on his desk in each studio he stayed in. It never left his side unless he went home for the night. It had been eight years of Yoongi being in love with you and he had never once admitted to you or confessed to you that it was all happening. Why would he want to ruin something that was already perfect? 
Jungkook knew of Yoongi’s feelings for you and had confronted Yoongi about it trying to convince his Hyung to tell you the truth. That he would feel even better once the feelings were out in the open. But he never did. He never wanted to risk the friendship that you and Jungkook had, nor did he want to ruin the friendship you and he had. 
The two of you had begun to get close over the years, hanging out together whenever Jungkook was busy or just because you wanted to be around one another. The two of you had movie nights, take-out nights and even lunch dates together. You knew what he was like for forgetting to eat so you made sure to bring him a homecooked lunch at least once a week, two if you could push it. 
Yoongi figured it was something you did for Jungkook as a friend and he let it continue on, having no idea that it was because you were head over heels in love with him. 
The moment you met him you couldn’t help but feel a yearn for him. You needed to be around him at all times or you would feel sort of lost without him. It was hard to explain and you had tried to explain it to Jungkook too many times you were beginning to lose count. 
“I thought we were going to have lunch,” You complained to Jungkook as he stood inside one of the dance studios sweating and panting heavily. It was your annual lunch in the HYBE canteen.
“I got caught up in a late practice. I’ll be out in an hour or two,” You rolled your eyes at him playfully before agreeing to go off on your own. It wasn’t the first time he had suddenly become busy while you were supposed to visit him. The joys of being friends with a kpop idol.  
It wasn’t as though you were going to be bored you could just go and sit with Namjoon or Yoongi. Whichever you happened to run into first on your way up to their studios.
“Hey! I thought you were going to lunch,” Namjoon’s voice filled the hallway and Yoongi frowned as he turned to look at who he was talking to. He’d gone out to get a small cup of coffee before going back on his break. He thought he was the only one around on the floor.  
As soon as his eyes landed on you he couldn’t help but smile. Your back was to him but he could already tell it was you because of the outfit. A soft pink jumper and matching plaid skirt, your pair of pink vans that Yoongi had gotten you for Christmas. 
The fact that you wore them almost every day bought a huge smile to Yoongi’s face whenever he saw you. It was secret Santa with the boys and Yoongi swapped with everyone until he got you. 
“Jungkook is practising so I was coming up to see if you or Yoongi were free,” Yoongi’s heart almost combust hearing that you wanted to spend time with him. Whenever you were around him it felt as though he was going to have a heart attack or at least have his heart suddenly burst out from his chest and confess to you itself. 
“Well, I’m not but I think Yoongi might be considering he’s staring at us,” Yoongi felt himself beginning to burn up as your body turned around to see him. Standing there holding a paper cup of coffee and smiling shyly over at you. The sight alone was enough to make you smile and heart sing, 
“Thanks, Joonie,” You hugged him goodbye before rushing over to join Yoongi beside his studio door.
“If you’re doing something I don’t have to.” You didn’t want to ever push your presence onto anybdoy but Yoongi shook his head at you. There was nothing that could stop him from inviting you into his studio. Spending more and more time with you. 
“I’m free, you can come and sit with me. I just finished a song, you can help me decide if I like it.” He smirked a little as you began to jump up and down on the spot getting excited at the thought of seeing a sneak peek of a song. 
“I think this will be the first time you’ve ever allowed me into the studio…” He thought back on all of the times you had been there and it was true. Mostly because he never wanted you to see him working, he would drown out the world and end up ignoring you. Or there was the possibility that you being in his studio would be far more distracting and he didn’t think he would be able to concentrate on anything but you. 
“It’s nothing much,” He pushed in the password and you looked away. You knew how private Yoongi was about things and you didn’t want him to have to change the password because you had seen it.  
“Welcome,” He breathed out as he pushed the door open.
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Eyes dancing around the studio you couldn’t help but smile at everything around you, looking at the huge audio mixer, three monitors that were at his set up. Two on the desk and a larger flatscreen mounted onto the wall above his desk. There was a keyboard beside the desk that was put away whenever he wasn’t using it. A sofa sitting on the opposite side where the boys would sit and a small recording booth to the side. 
“This place is huge,” You gasped out as you looked at his desk. The mixer took up a little more than half of the desk, then there was a keyboard and mouse ready for him to use. 
As you were about to ask about what every button did on the mixer you saw it. It being the cat you had gotten for him all of those years ago. To your knowledge, the rest of the boys just put them away never to be seen again but the cat was there. Dressed in a miniature version of Yoongi’s Daechwita outfit. 
“You kept him?" There was genuine surprise in your voice as you looked at the small animal sitting there.
"Of course, you gave him to me and I love him." He chuckled watching you as you began to pick up the stuffed animal. Holding it close to your chest, 
"So cute! Did you get this made for him?" You questioned looking at the small outfit. It had every last detail from Yoongi's rags outfit in the video on the teddy. 
"Yeah, I got it made after the video dropped." It was a lie. He got it custom made the moment you told Yoongi how much you loved the video on set. 
He'd invited Jungkook to film with him and you'd tagged along to watch everything for the two days of filming. Watching Yoongi act tough as Agust D always made you feel something inside you couldn't quite explain. Even when he was dressed in the rags it made your heart skip and your stomach flip. 
"I love the video and song so much," You admitted as you put the cat down onto the desk. 
The video shoot had been one of the most amazing two days of your life. Yoongi had tried to convince you to get in the video but you declined, just wanting to watch the master at work. 
"Do you remember when you burnt your hand?" You looked at him remembering the scene where he had been bound near fire. He'd accidentally slipped and burnt his hands on one of the metal holders when he was trying to impress you. 
"How could I forget?" He whined looking at the small burn on the back of his hand, nothing large but just a small pink mark where he had gone into contact with the metal bowl. 
"It healed nicely," You told him as you took his hand into yours to take a look at the mark. Your fingers softly running over the faint mark as you inspected it. Yoongi's heart lept into his throat as you held his hand. A spark radiating from his entire body.
"Only because you made me ice it right away," He reminded you,
"Because you would have scared a lot worse if I didn’t." You scolded him as you began to look over his hand, letting go of it and smiling. When he did it he tried to act tough, as though it hadn’t bothered him but you could tell by the look in his eyes that day that it hurt more than he was willing to let on.
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The two of you sat down on the sofa looking at one another. Talking about anything and everything that came to your mind. You were in the middle of planning your next movie night together when he suggested a horror movie.
"I'm telling you, there is no way on this earth you can get me to watch a horror movie with you," You complained as he continued to beg you. To you, it was just a horror movie but to Yoongi it was going to be a ticket into getting you to hold you in his arms. 
"Why not? I'll be there to protect you." He announced clearly as you shook your head,
"Protect me? Who's going to protect you!" You laughed rolling your head down onto the sofa and shaking it. 
"There is no way," You repeated to him and he pouted a little. There had to be a way to get you to watch a movie like that with him. 
"What if I asked really, really nicely." He pleaded, you looked up at him before sitting straight. 
"How would you do that?" Yoongi sat up straight and looked at you, eyes turning into puppy dog eyes as he begged you.
"Will you, Y/n Y/l/n, like to watch a horror movie with me? Pretty please," You scoffed at him, 
"Have to do better than that." You told him clearly as you waited for him to continue on. Yoongi nodded,
"I'll bring you chocolates, flowers, and a new stuffed animal.” The idea made you smile a lot more than if it was something between friends.
"It'll be like a date," Your mouth spoke before your brain even had time to register what it was that you were saying. The two of you froze. Yoongi didn't laugh and neither did you. You just stared at him wondering what to say next.
"A date...Would that be a bad thing?" His voice came out soft. He was testing the waters to see what you would think about having a date with him. 
"I don't think so..." Your voice came out a little strained. Was this your way of coming clean to him and admitting your feelings for him? 
Your eyes kept staring at his lips, his eyes doing the same as he did his best not to kiss you. He didn't want to move too fast or be too forward with you. Yoongi's head moved forward just a little as if he was going to kiss you so you. His breathing was careful as he glanced at you, heart racing from how close he was. He couldn't feel his legs, his arms or his toes anymore. All he could feel was how close you were to him and that was the only thought running rampant in his head. 
Meeting him in the middle you kissed him. His lips were softer than anything you had ever felt and you began to feel weightless. Lips moving against his as you sat up straight to deepen the kiss ever so slightly. Yoongi's hands at on your waist as he smiled against your lips. This was everything he had imagined and more. 
Pulling away your eyes stayed shut, resting your forehead on his as you were unable to open your eyes. Opening them meant realising that had truly happened and the repercussions that could have come along with it. 
"Y/n I need to tell you something," The whole room seemed to tense up as he looked at you. As if the kiss wasn’t obvious enough for you he needed to tell you how he was feeling.  
"I don't think I can be friends anymore..." He admitted as he looked at you, your heart almost dropped to the pit of your stomach.
"What? I-I didn’t mean to...I thought-”
"No, Y/n...Listen," He took your hand into his and smiled softly at you. Cutting you oof as he shook his head,
"I don't want to continue as friends because I need something more...I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you more and more every time that I see you and it's getting harder and harder to keep my feelings for you at bay." Heart lept back into your throat hearing that Yoongi loved you back.
"You love me too?"
"Yes I do- wait, too?" He questioned as he raised his eyebrow not expecting to hear that you loved him back. He would have thought you liked him after the kiss but loved him?
"You think I wouldn't fall in love with you?" You giggled softly as you kissed his lips again softly. It was like a drug, every time you stopped you wanted to go back in for more.
"You light up my life Y/n...I never would have thought someone like you would ever go for someone like me." When he finished his sentence you frowned at the statement. Someone like you?
"Someone like me?"
"Someone so cute and pink...The complete opposite to who I am." He rambled on a little as he looked at you. Never in a million years would he have expected you to like him back.
"Opposites attract," You whispered as you looked at him.
"But you're so soft and gentle with us and you're unreal. You make me melt into a puddle." Giggling at the small statement you kissed his lips over and over again making him blush deeper. The effect you had on him was unreal.
"So you fell for me?" You teased as you held his hand in yours. Locking your fingers together and giving his hand a small squeeze.
"I didn't fall in love, you tripped me." He licked his lips as he looked at you. Head racing to kiss you again but he didn't want to go too far or too fast with you. He had to take you out on a date first. 
"You tripped me too," You admitted to him as you pressed your lips to his cheek. The blush growing deeper with each touch he earnt from you. 
"Let me take you to lunch...We can make it up to Jungkook another time." He admitted before kissing you softly, pulling you to stand up from the sofa. If the two of you stayed in the studio any longer he was never going to be able to let you go.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @min-yus​ @rjsmochii​ @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @agustdjoon​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @justbangtanthingz​ @taeechwitaa​ @mwitsmejk​ @stillwithlix​
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ohtobeleah · 3 years
Pre-Prep // Sebastian Stan
Summary: Your relationship with Sebastian starts to develop even more. 8 weeks into Pre-Prep and it feels like a lifetime.
In Production Series The Interview Series
8 weeks. For 8 weeks you’d been learning how to fall from movie set buildings, for 8 weeks now you’d been perfecting fight sequences that would hopefully look like incredible fight scenes on screen. For 8 weeks now you’d been icing your body in ice baths because your skeletal system throbbed harder than it ever had before—which was saying something drastic. Never had you ever had your muscles ache the way they did when you were repeatedly being thrown against crash mats, flips over shoulders and fake punched repeatedly.
“You’ve gotta remember your representing a strong female lead Y/n, there’s no room for second thoughts or doubt, you gotta keep your chin up, shoulders straight and follow through with a believable roundhouse kick that’ll knock teeth out.” Aaron held the boxing pads out as your gloved hands connected to respective marks. “You’ve gotta be in it—“ you threw a hard right uppercut, Aaron smirked. You huffed as you stepped back—whipping the layer of sweat from your forehead onto your forearm which heavy set breaths.
“I never asked to be a god damn monument Aaron, just wanna do a good job—“ you groaned, resuming your stance as you continued your combos. Jab, Jab, Cross, Upper, Upper, Hook, Upper. Repeat, over and over. Stepping as Aaron stepped you. “God, who even publishes bullshit like that? They know nothing about me—“ Aaron didn’t response, simply letting you punch out your anger and frustration on the boxing pads. “If they only knew. They were headlines that bounced around in your head all morning.
“Marvel takes leap of faith, where will they land?”
“Marvel Studios messed up big time, signs contract with scouted gym goer.”
“Kevin Feige scouts talent unknown by industry.”
“Sebastian Stan & Anthony Mackie co-star revealed, Marvels newest addition seen jogging up Parks and Fairfield.”
“Y/n Y/l/n set to star alongside Sebastian Stan as Alexandra Avery in up and coming Disney plus series, but who exactly is the mystery actress?”
It stung, you couldn’t help it—the idea of the world watching your every move didn’t sit right with you. Not after you’d seen your face, your name, plastered all over social media. Having woken up on the wrong side of the bed not even the best of coffees could cheer you up—break you out of the foul mood you’d been in. You just wanted to do one of two things: Crawl into a hole and never venture out into the world again. Or two: go to pre-prep and do a good job, prove everyone who was already doubting you—wrong.
“It’s comes with the territory Y/n.” Aaron smirked, changing your your comb. Jab, Upper, Hook, Cross. Repeat. “Do the work and you won’t disappoint.” You we’re just warming up, it was a mix match bundle of random bits and bobs today. Some high wires, rigs, hand to hand. Everything was written on the whiteboard, everyday was something knew and your body was struggling to keep up. But perseverance and being mentally prepared for the shit show that was pre-prep was how you’d managed to make it this far. Kari was an exceptional planner, there was always a rhyme and reason for the things she wanted you to run through. 
“Okay Aaron step aside big guy, I can take her from here.” Sebastian teased as he walked in, sunglasses still covering his eyes as coffee gently cooled in the takeaway cup his hand gripped tight. You groaned teasingly at his presence, just slightly bruising his ego. You couldn’t peel your eyes away from the cheeky smile he beamed. Scruff covering his face, cheeks slightly blushed. “Let’s go Y/l/n you’re up against the Winter Solider himself—“
“God you really are manic aren’t you?” You placed the velcro strap of your boxing gloves between your teeth, ripping it away to free your hand, tucking the discarded glove under your armpit. “Don’t you have someone else to annoy—surely Anthony’s around somewhere.” Sebastian chuckled in response, walking close beside you as he shrugged, sipping his coffee—only to hand you the cup, your wrapped hand taking the warm of the takeaway cup in stride, bring the warm liquid gold to your lips for a sip. Handing it back with a crinkle of your nose. “Jesus Christ, is that almond milk?” Sebastian laughed, pulling his glasses over his forehead to the top of his head gently. Keeping his hair from falling in his eyes.
“One, almond milk is the superior milk—I’ll die on that hill, and two, why would I bother Anthony when I could bother you? you’re much more fun to tease, you cry a lot easier.” Sebastian winked, a teasing smirk taking over his face as he walked across the complex with you.
“So that’s what this is huh? Some degradation kink? You like making me cry?” You responded with a chuckle, raising your eyebrow when Sebastian pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek. Looking up and away from you for a moment as he sighed. “So busted.” You snickered. Shaking your head softly as you sat to unwrap your hands, elbows on your knees. Slowly taking apart the dark blue wraps that covered your wrist and knuckles. Sebastian sat with a huff beside you, leaning back against the wall. Sipping his coffee like he depended on the caffeine.
“I saw the articles.” You momentarily paused, only for a second, enough so that Sebastian could tell his words got to you. “I hope you aren’t feeding into the bullshit the media spits sometimes, It can be a lot—just don’t let it get to you alright?” You let out a chuckled scoff, biting your bottom lip.
“Says marvel’s golden boy himself.”
“Since when am I marvel’s golden boy?” Sebastian questioned with a raised brow.
“Since they gave the cartoon version of you a steamy shower scene—“ you looked over your shoulder with teasing smirk. “C’mon Seb, you really think I’m buying into that crap?” Referring to the headlines that plastered themselves all over your Instagram feed. Sebastian looked at you , a genuine concern for your well-being on his mind. You couldn’t convince him otherwise, your acting skills still being worked on.
“Yes! I do, I know you, this is a lot for you.” You threw your wraps at his chest, standing with a huff as you walked away, towards the green screen set up. You had rig work to perfect. Tumbles to master. “Y/n, c’mon I didn’t mean it like that.” Sebastian pleaded, gripping at your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. Sebastian had known you for a total of 8 weeks, in all honesty? It had been the best 8 weeks of his life.
“I can handle it Seb, it’s nothing, really.”
“All I’m saying is I’ve been throwing it, alright?” His hand dropped from your wrist. “You need to talk about it? Or just decompress, I’m here—don’t let what other people think about you or what they think they know stop you from kicking ass.” Your smile could light up the darkest of rooms, the way you looked at Sebastian? He’d die a happy man just being a friend.
Over the last 8 weeks. You and Sebastian had grown close, close enough that he had an extra key to your apartment for emergencies and you, his. Close enough that morning jogs through Bentley park became a ritual, coffee shop dates that weren’t really dates seemed to be the highlight of you day. Sebastians too. So close that when Sebastian saw you panicking about paparazzi trying to get your attention, shouting questions your way, that he’d mess around, pretend to take their picture, put on a show once he saw where they were. Making you laugh, feel less alone in a whole new world you didn’t know how to navigate.
“Thanks, hey—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap, it’s just new for me and I’m not really processing the idea very well.” You pressed your lips together as Sebastian flipped his glasses down over his eyes.” Pretending to fix his jeans. You laughed as he walked away, turning to look at you over his shoulder.
“Don’t fucking cry Y/l/n I’ve got jeans on!” You couldn’t help the beaming smile that took over your face as you shook your head in disbelief, Sebastian Stan would be the death of you.
“Oh wow—“ you grinned ear to ear while you watched Sebastian stick his entire left arm in an enormous bucket of K.Y Jelly. Fingertips to shoulder completely absorbed by the translucent jelly mass. “Bet that’s something you’ve missed.”
“Actually, I think I’ve done it so many times it’s just become natural, people think it’s weird but I think it’s weird that everyone else doesn’t stick their entire arm into a bucket of K.Y Jelly on a regular basis.” You rolled your eyes, sitting in a makeup chair just across from Sebastian, watching the process of putting on a Winter Solider arm for the first time. Legs crossed as you leaned your elbow on the arm chest, slouching casually. Comfortable in Sebastians presence.
“Okay so these are Averys wigs—“ Jillian smiled at you through the mirror, holding up two different coloured wigs. A bold brunette moment complete with razor cut bangs and curls only you wish you could pull off in real life, Cascading effortlessly. And an extravagant platinum blonde shoulder length moment.
“Jesus, that look amazing.” You gasped, turning around to look at them in more detail. Jillian cooed, her pride and joy was making the actors and actresses who sat in her hair and makeup smile and feel confident. “Why these two?”
“Two reasons, the brunette is for undercover work, hopefully it’ll withstand some fight sequences, and the blonde is for a scene Kari specifically had in mine, I’m not privy to specific details though, all I know is wardrobe have made sure it’s specifically matches an outfit.” You hummed in response, turning back to Sebastian as he squeezed his arm into the tight prosthetic.
“Your arm is not going to fit in that.” Teasing the man who enjoyed teasing you so much. Almost relentlessly.
“Yeah because I’m jacked.” Sebastian huffed as he had help slipping his arm into the black and gold arm. The gold entrancing, dancing through black like lakes that have carved their way through rock. “It’ll fit, it always fits.” Watching as Sebastians arm completely disappeared into the Winter Soldiers prosthetic. Smirking as he swung his arm around a few times, making sure it was as comfortable as it could be. “That’s what I’m talking about, look at that.” Flexibility his arm as you again rolled your eyes, Sebastian stood behind you, looking at you in the mirror, winter solider arm draped around your shoulder, across your neck. “All I have to do is squeeze you know that right?” You couldn’t deny the almost electrifying feeling that traveled violently through your body at Sebastians words, his voice a low mumble against your ear, dangerously dominant. You pulled out your phone, notification after notification littering your Lock Screen, ignoring the notifications you opened Instagram, opening your story and snapping a photo. Posting the. I context photo that would soon become your lock-screen.
“You’re a child, a genuine child.” you chuffed a smile out. Sebastian pushing off the makeup chair with a groan. “It looks good though.” The compliment hanging in the air.
“C’mon I wanna go throw you against a wall with this thing on.” You chocked at Sebastians statement, pulling his jacket over his arms. He caught onto what he’d said a second after you did. “I totally meant professionally, like against a crash mat—but I mean, you know what, never mind, I’m gonna just shut up.” Sending you a devilish smirk as he walked past.
Sebastian Stan had you in an utter chokehold and you couldn’t tell if it was something you wanted or something you needed.
“Seven, Eight, Nine—“ Anthony groaned as he pressed his chest to the concrete, pushing himself back up and springing to his feet. “You gonna give in?” He asked as he looked to you, watching to keep a steady rhythm, one burpee after another, a straight face as you focused. Anthony should’ve known better then to challenge a professional—despite your recent indulgences of way too much fast food.
“No fucking way.” You puffed out. “Keep up or shut up.”
“Anthony looks like he’s about to pass out—“ Sebastian chuckled from behind strapped into his harness. Arms crossed. “Anthony man, just give in—shes got you, c’mon.” Anthony groaned, squinting his eyes as he tried to pace his breathing.
“Y/n, Sebastian! Let’s go—we don’t have all day, I need you up on that ledge like three minutes ago.” Karis voiced echoed through your head, you’re head his the concrete and stayed down. Body aching as Anthony bellowed out a victories overdramatised laugh.
“I told y’all! I told y’all—it’s the Mac-attack baby! Don’t even try me.” Anthony’s shouted his shit. You groaned in annoyance. “I’m out, I’ll see you suckers tomorrow, much love much love—“ sending you kisses as Anthony parted from his brotherly embrace with Sebastian.
“You need a hand?” Sebastian asked softly as you rolled over onto your back, sticking your arm up in defeat as Sebastian hoisted you up from the ground. “He’s just lucky, my bets were on you, I’m out fifty.”
“How will I ever make it up to you, I’m sure that really broke the bank.” You teased, walking towards the rigs where your harness was dumped on the ground. Sliding it up your legs.
“Go to dinner with my Friday night? Or come over, I’ll cook—my treat?” Sebastian asked, his question lingered in the air for a moment longer then he’d like as you worked tour harness over your body.
“You wanna take me to dinner?” You wanted to make sure what you heard was what you were hearing.
“You sound surprised?” Sebastian quipped, wondering if he’d overstepped a line.
“It’s just this sounds more like a date then two friends just hanging out?” You worked to fix your harness as you spoke, trying your hardest not to over think things.
“No—no absolutely not, just friends.” Sebastian countered, hands coming to move your hair from your shoulders as you finally clipped the harness on. Gesturing a small thank-you his way for the help.
“Just friends huh?” It was hard to deny the fact you were starting to develop feelings for Sebastian other than friendship, but that would always be enough for you.
“There’s no reason we wouldn’t be?” You wanted to say maybe, say you remembered the kiss from the drunken taxi ride home after you’d sobered up enough—you wanted to say you wouldn’t mind being more, maybe a date wouldn’t be so bad? But you didn’t. You kept your mouth shut, you didn’t want to live in a world where Sebastian Stan couldn’t stand the sight of you after a failed dinner date. The chemistry the pair of you had been working on diminishing after one ‘date’
“You better not give me food poisoning, I like pasta.” You turned to climb the ladder. Sebastian hot on your tail. Climbing after you.
“Well then pastas what you’ll get, I’ll teach you some Romanian!” You pretended to swoon. Looking back down at Sebastian as he beamed up at you. The back of your hand coming to press against your forehead with a gently moan.”
“Be you say that to all the ladies.” You winked, turning back to continue your climb. Sebastian sighed under his breath, watching you climb further up and away from him.
“Just one—“ his shook his head. You had a total chokehold over him. But Sebastian couldn’t decide if it he was falling in love fast and hard or if you had a spell over him. Either way, he didn’t mind.
“Okay! Y/n, you’re going first, it’s the jump that needs to be high and over exaggerated, we’ll pull up on the ropes when you’re about to land so when you’re feet hit the crash mat you can follow through with a tuck under and run—“ Aaron explained from the platform beside you. You nodded in response, hands on your hips.
“And if I break my neck?”
“Don’t break your neck, we’re to far in to get a replacement.” Aaron teased as he patted your back. “You’ve got this, it’s easy.”
“I’ll never get tired of this.” You could feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins. Stepping back as you got ready for your run up to jump straight over the edge. Slapping your cheeks softly, hyping yourself up as you jogged on the spot.
“You’re methods are amazing.” Sebastian chuckled, standing to the side waiting for you to jump. He’d follow shortly behind. “You slap yourself hard enough you might knock yourself out.”
“Eat me.” You hissed, taking your run and pushing yourself off the platform, falling towards the green screen crash mat, you felt the resistance of the ropes pull against you as your feet his the mat, tucking your head under as you rolled—coming back to stand on your feet, following through with that boss ass roundhouse kick Aaron was talking about this morning.
“Nice work!!” Okay Seb you’re up.” Aaron gestured, Sebastian took his run up. Flying down towards the crash mat below, doing exactly as you did—run, fall, tuck, except he posed, hand on his hip. Striking for Kari as she laughed. Throwing her hands up in defeat as you broke into an obnoxiously loud laugh. Sebastian swore then he’d do anything to make you laugh. 
Aaron had made his way down from the platform, standing silently next to Kari as they watched you and Sebastian fight, messing around, faking punches as you laughed and screamed, Sebastian dodging your fists both open and closed. Falling to the mat onto his back as he brought you with me, falling with a groan.
“We’re never gonna get anything done with these two are we?” Aaron asked. Kari just shook her head.
“No, no we aren’t.”
@iamtheonewhocares @bbgem329
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transpat · 3 years
pat moments where he acts as if he fell straight out of a bollywood movie pt. 3
ep 7 aka the ep where pat employs a seduction tactic that's entirely out of silly mainstream movies: flaunting his sex appeal and sprinkling tenderness in btw to win pran's heart (or smth else idk).
its kind of darling that pat doesn't seem to realize that he can't keep stripping his clothes off till pran's swept off his feet, bc when he does kind acts its not part of the game its purely his love. and it really made me wonder what romcoms this dude has been watching bc we see pran ask him to fix his printer (feeding into his fantasies of being pran's savior or whatever), pran cooking for him, pran bringing him nong nao and drinks. and all pat does is. take off his shirt, take off his shirt, take off his shirt again.
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this ep is where i realized this dude really thinks he's srk or smth. acting like raj but not the ddlj one (the cringy rnbdj rip off one).
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this is how u know this guy uses famous romcoms as a textbook for flirting he's Horrible.
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greeting them in a library behind a stack of books while offering the exact book they were looking for? it does say a lot about how well he knows pran, what it implies more is how theatrical he needs to make each of his entrances.
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get him an oscar please.
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OF FUCKING COURSE HE WOULD. if he watched bollywood, srk wasn't the only khan he preferred...
(i don't like salman khan but i can see why a younger pat who has yet to realize he's bi would be into a man that took his top off every movie.)
alternatively i think he kins poo. explains why he's always insisting he's hot really.
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ruk ja o dil deewane moment anyone? down to him pretending he can't play well first for the shock value. not him also arriving last and getting his sticks delivered by his clumsy sister he knows will be late, so his entrance is memorable.
auditioning for this role at all, using the stage to openly confess his feelings, wasn't to play safe within the boundaries of the play, it was a grand gesture of his love, the grandest he was allowed by pran at the time, within the boundaries of their secret relationship. (pran later gifts him the staircase confession, let's him become the hero of their film.)
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diagnosis: a bad case of savior complex w melodramatic comorbidities.
like. this look on his face after pran leaves the rooftop. he could have accepted, he's already accepted but. he simply needs Drama.
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bhai please 😭😭 this is how every bollywood/disney channel original movie ends. modern college au, knight saves the damsel in distress type. he had stage lighting fall on him, waited for the conversation to land where he could deliver his big line, had some poor dude sit there and turn him around slowly for dramatic effect like. he's so embarrassing how is pran in love w this dude???
i just know he saw that prop on stage and worked this out when pran offered to lose in exchange for pat taking the role. pran was only using it as an excuse to end this finally, but pat can't read his mind so he concluded pran was that desperate. he's disappointed at first that pran would bring smth so personal into this but then u see him light up bc he realizes this is his chance. his chance to become pran's knight in shining armor.
(but no just. what did he bribe that architecture dude w to rope him into this script? free food? splitting responsibilities? or maybe he told him a grand love story of two ppl from rival faculties, confessed he was wooing someone from architecture, used kwan & riam's stories to buy his sympathy and help him orchestrate the 'guy gets the girl' ending.)
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thechekhov · 4 years
Hi Chekhov! Really enjoying your white diamond au! I had a quick art question: How do you start comissions? I've been improving my drawing skills and thinking about drawing for others after having fun in artfight, but I don't know where to start? How much to charge, how to get paid, etc. Do you have any tips? Hope you're doing well! :)
Alright, since a few people have asked, I’ve decided to put together a few things about how to get started on commissions - what you need, what you should make, and how to keep things organized. 
This will get a little long, so I’ll divide it into 4 main sections:
1) Draw Art - Getting started
2) Get Commissioned - Making a commission sheet, Advertising
3) ??? - Communicating, Setting Limits, Running the Business
4) Profit - Pricing Yourself and Getting Paid
* Disclaimer: I’m an artist, so this How-To will be illustration-focused. I’m sure many of these tips can apply to ANY types of commissions, but I will be focusing on the type I know best. If you are proficient in other types of commissions for other types of art - music commissions, photography, etc - feel free to chime in and leave a comment or make your own tutorial!
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1) Draw Art
I think this is probably the most obvious part, but it needs to be said:
Before you start making art for other people, you must first be comfortable making art in general.
I’m not saying your art has to be Disney-quality, or industry-level! Not at all. 
BUT! You must be comfortable creating what you sell. If you try to sell something you have little confidence in, you will stress yourself out and possibly end up losing time AND money.
Don’t shoot for the moon if you haven’t landed on it even once. Sell what you know you’re good at. Your commissions don’t HAVE to include full-body illustrations if you don’t know how to draw feet/solid stances. Limit yourself to what you can do.
Things you need to should probably have before starting commissions:
1. Access to art materials or a fully downloaded art program
DO NOT - Use a free tutorial version that will expire in a month and leave you without a way to draw! If you are having trouble finding a program, try free ones like MediBang Paint Pro. 
2. Free time to complete the amount of commissions you want to take.
DO NOT - Take on or offer commissions if you KNOW you’re going to be overwhelmed with school or personal life for the next 2+ months. Pace yourself, otherwise you’ll burn out, get stressed, and get discouraged.
3. A reliable way to communicate with your customers like a commissions-only email 
DO NOT - Use your friend/family/college email. It’s hard to keep track of things as it is, and creating new emails is easy and free. And keep it professional if you can! Not many people will reach out to dong-wiggles20434 to ask for a design. Ideally, your email should be close to your brand - however you want to brand yourself. Usernames are fine!)
DO NOT - Use Instagram/Twitter/Tumblr to collect commission info unless you are ready to do the organizing yourself. Some people make it work, but in my experience, if you use these SNS sites to communicate with friends and network... you’re going to be losing commission inquiries right and left and accidentally ignoring people. Email is much easier to organize and sort into folders.
4. A portfolio or at least 2-3 pieces of each type of art you’re planning to sell. 
DO NOT - Advertise commissions without having any examples of the art you plan to sell. People will find it difficult to trust you if you can’t even give them a vague idea of what sort of drawing they’ll be getting. 
Disclaimer: These are not hard ‘do not’s. If you have had a different experience, I respect that. I’m simplifying for the sake of streamlining this advice. 
2) Get Commissioned
So - you have your art, you have your art program, and you’ve got all the time in the world. That means.... that’s right! It’s time to let the world know you’re taking commissions.
One of the most common ways artists signal to their audience that they can do commissions is by creating a commissions sheet. There are MANY ways to make this - and they range from simple and doodly ones to VERY complex designs. For example, here’s mine! 
There are many ways to organize a commission sheet. At its core, a commission sheet should display the types of art you WANT to be commissioned to make. Let’s go over a few ways they can be done!
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#1.... Body Portion Dividers!
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This sheet is most common with those who want to capitalize on drawing people and characters. If you want to draw lots of characters, this is a great way to offer several tiers of pricing based on how much of their character your customers want to see. 
#2... Complexity Scale
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If you’re open to drawing many things but want to base your pricing off of how complex something is, you can split your tiers into done-ness. This type of commission is popular with those that draw characters AND animals, furries, etc.
#3....  Style and Type
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If you’re more on the design side of things, or if you have various niche art styles that you can’t quite lump together, display a variety of your skills alongside each other! It helps if all the ones you have can be organized under a common customer - like those looking to advance their own business and get logos, websites, or mascots made for them!
3) ???
You got your first commission... what happens now???
Well, ideally you have the time, tools and motivation to make things happen! Now all you have to do is... sit down and... draw.......
I’m going to say something that may be a little controversial: 
Commissions aren’t fun. 
No, no, hear me out: I have fun doing commissions! I genuinely enjoy drawing characters and coming up with designs. But even with all that said, commissions are, first and foremost: WORK
I’m not saying this to discourage you, I’m saying this to keep things realistic. When I first began commissions, I thought it would be just like any other type of drawing. I would sit down, imagine a thing, draw it... it would be fun! 
But then I realized that I couldn’t just draw what I wanted - another person had an idea in mind and had asked me to do it. I stressed over getting the design correct from descriptions. I stressed over not having the right reference for the pose the commissioner wanted. I stressed over not being able to draw the leg right in the way I had promised I would do. I stressed about billing. I stressed about digital money transfers. It was difficult, and time-consuming, and I did not enjoy it. At all. 
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And a part of that is definitely on the commissioner - we, as artists, NEED to demand proper references or descriptions. We, as artists, NEED to limit the amount of changes we’re going to make at the flick of a finger. We NEED to demand clear instructions and set boundaries. That’s also super important. 
But also - don’t be discouraged if you find yourself exhausted drawing your first commission. MANY artists go through this. Adjust your rules, fix up your limits, practice putting your foot down on finicky commissioners who expect you to read their mind! It does get easier, but you have to communicate and put in the effort and act as your own manager AND your own customer service AND your own accountant. That’s what you’re looking at. 
Good limits and boundaries to set: 
Limit the amount of changes a person can ask to make. “I want blue hair.” Next email: “No wait, yeah, make it red.” Next email: “Actually I changed my mind, can I get the blue but like, lighter?” Next email: “No, not that light.” ... At some point, we have to stop. I personally allow 2-3 changes on the final stages of a commission before I start refusing or start asking for extra money.
Demand clear instructions and/or references. If something isn’t described, you have to take artistic liberty and design it, but that’s difficult! And if the customer is not happy with it but can’t tell you more? That’s not your problem - the burden of reference is on THEM. You cannot read their mind, and that’s not your fault.
Get at least half the payment up front! This is a good balance between the ‘pay before art’ and the ‘pay after art’ conundrum that will limit the amount of woes between artist and customer. (I’ll touch upon this a little more in the Profit section.)
Where possible, create good habits! Tag your emails and organize your folders. I have a tag on my emails for active and finished commissions. I also keep my emails on Unread until I have time to sit down and properly look at/reply to them.
My Commissions in the folder are also organized chronologically and I mark down which ones are paid and which ones are not.
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(I understand not everyone can do this, but if you want to give it a try, it does make things easier in the long run. Again, this advice is just what I have found personally helps.)
One last thing - I do not want to shame ANYONE for taking their time with commissions! Commissions are complex, and they take time and work. You can draw in 8 hours, but some things take research, materials, etc. Some illustrations realistically take up to half a year, or, depending on what’s involved, several years!!
THAT BEING SAID - it’s good manners to be upfront with your customers about how long you expect the commission to take. If you think you’re busy, just say that! Explain that you have a lot going on, and you will probably take (insert time period here).
And if your commissioners are worried, work out a system to keep them updated! I send my commissioners updates when I finish the lineart/flat colors/etc and I try to be clear about how long everything will take. I try to estimate with a +3-5 days buffer to give myself extra time... and recently I’ve been using it. Always say a bigger number than you think you’ll need. 
If someone wants a rushed commission... make them pay more. If ANYONE wants a commission done ‘by the end of the week’ - that’s an automatic rush-job for me because I’m juggling an irl job and several commissions at once. I WILL charge a rush fee and I won’t feel bad about it. 
If someone wants a commission within 24 hours...... Well, they better be paying you 3x your normal amount, or more. And remember - you CAN refuse! It’s perfectly reasonable to say ‘No, sorry, that sort of turnaround time is not realistic for me.’
Food For Thought - Invoicing
Many artists I’ve commissioned in the past have not used Invoicing, but I’ve recently begun to fill out invoices and file them in my Commissions folder just to keep track of things. It’s not necessary until you start getting into the Small Business side of Freelancing, but it’s not a bad idea to get into the habit early in case you might need to do it later for tax purposes. 
Here’s what my Invoice looks like, for example. 
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I’ve optimized it to help me remember who, what, and how much is involved! It also contains important info for my customers like where to send the money.
Which brings us to...
4) Profit
One of the hardest things for artists is pricing themselves. I’m not going to tell you which way is BEST - there is no BEST way, only the best way for YOU. 
One of the options available to you is pricing by the hour. It includes averaging out how long it takes you to draw a specific type of art (whatever you’re offering as a commission) and multiplying that by an hourly wage you’ve decided on.
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When you do this, I stress - do NOT price yourself below minimum wage if you can help it. When you first start out, aim for the $15/hour mark and adjust accordingly. 
Other ways to price your art:
- Per complexity: Portraits vs full body should be scaled based on how difficult you find one vs. the other. You can also easily decide on a price for a sketch and double it for lineart, triple it for full color, etc.
- Per type: Look up for industry prices for website design and logo design. They may surprise you! You don’t have to charge that much, but it helps to keep things in perspective. 
It’s okay to change your prices! Keep your commission sheet image handy so you can update the amounts as you grow. :)
Payment up front or after completion?
Some artist take full payment up front. Some only demand payment after they’ve finished and sent out the piece. I personally think these are both risky for everyone involved. 
I recommend doing at least HALF of the payment BEFORE you start the commission. Calculate your full price and ask for half before you start working on it in earnest, to make sure the person can actually pay you. Then, when they receive the full piece and are satisfied, they can complete the payment. 
I personally work in this structure:
> Someone emails me with their idea/reference
> I send back a rough draft sketch that shows the idea/pose (only takes me 10-20 minutes so not a huge loss if they ghost) and quote them a price
> They can pay the full thing upfront OR pay half
> I finish the commission and send updates when I do the lineart/colors to double check anything so they have multiple chances to spot any errors
> If the person paid only half on completion, I send them a low-res version of the finished thing, they finish up their payment and THEN I send them the full-res version plus any other filetypes/CYMK proofs, etc. 
Many of the people who commission me pay me up front even though I offer they pay half - and I’m really flattered that they trust me that much! Because of that, I feel encouraged to update them frequently and ask for their input as I work, so they have the peace of mind knowing I’m actually doing their commission. 
Great, but how do I get PAID????
There are NUMEROUS ways - these days money is relatively easy to transfer over digital means, and you have a few options. 
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Paypal is perhaps one of the oldest digital wallets and is geared towards businesses. By setting up a PayPal and connecting it to your debit card of bank account, you can tunnel a pathway from your online business directly into your hands in a matter of days. 
Paypal also offers Invoicing - you make an invoice, price it and send it to the person’s email and they can pay whatever way they need! (It also allows partial payments.)
Pros: transfers from PayPal to bank account are free, and take a couple of business days. It also has no upper limit to the amount of money you can move in/out each month. It can force refunds due to the nature of its business-oriented payment system.
Cons: Because it’s used by businesses for larger transactions, PayPal may demand a more rigorous proof of your identity. It may also take longer to set up and be harder to get used to. I’ve also heard that they can be a hassle when it comes to closing your account. 
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Venmo is another type of digital wallet that acts much like paypal, except for a few key differences - it is NOT made for businesses (so depending on whether you’re officially registered as a freelancer, you may not be able to use it). I personally don’t use venmo, so I cannot speak to its usefulness, but I know a few people that use it for casual transactions. It’s easy and quick! :) 
Keep in mind that you cannot force a refund over venmo! The transactions are final.
There’s also CashApp, GooglePay (which could load gift cards but also allows peer-to-peer transactions) and I’ve heard good things about Due, though I’ve never personally used it.
Other ways to pay: I’ve had people pay me over Patreon by upping their pledge, and I’ve had people pay me over Ko-Fi by donating a specific amount. 
Many people even use Etsy - the website specialized for independent small businesses selling art - by listing their commission sheet and offering up several ‘slots’ of commissions, which allows you to track taxes AND allows your clients to pay using whatever they feel comfortable with.
If you’re in Canada, you can even pay by emailing money directly from bank account to bank account - check whether your country offers this type of service! There’s no shortage of ways to move money in the digital world.
Just like everything else, there’s no singular ‘Best’ way. It just depends on what works for you.
I think that just about wraps it up! I can’t quite think of what else to put here - but I’m sure other artists will chime in with their own advice. :) I’m very sorry this became so long but I hope it was helpful! 
Obligatory Disclaimer: I’m not qualified to give legal or accounting counsel. Please double-check the laws in your own country/state in regards to taxation of freelancing work and do your own research. If you are underage, DEFINITELY get an adult’s permission before you start doing commissions, and have the adult help you through the process.   
. . . . . . . . . . . . 
An Extended Post on Pricing Yourself for Commissions
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome/Feeling ‘Not Good Enough’
Growing Your Audience
Advice for Starting Digital Art
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crazymangaluv · 3 years
Mercy: Jason Todd x Reader
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Warning: Some curse words & some steaminess. 
Brief Summary: Being the bright person you are, you come up with a great idea to relieve your boredom, however, you failed to consider the repercussions of your actions. You reap what you sow and now you’re at his mercy. 
You had to admit this wasn’t your strongest idea, going up against someone like him. There you are, under the mercy of your captor, struggling to break free. Arms pinned above you, the weight of the man heavy on you. Your eyes wide, pleading.
”Please have mercy!” you cry out. 
He sneers, “You had your chance. It’s too late for mercy.”
Crap, I messed up bad. Your stomach drops, the sense of dread creeping in on you as you sense your impending doom. 
It was a hot day at Gotham and to make things worse, you were home alone bored while you waited for your boyfriend to come home. You two had plans, Disney marathon plans, but he was late...again. You sigh. Hmm-- you tap your fingers on the table-- what to do, what to do...then it clicked. You know exactly what you want to do. You leave a note for your boyfriend and head off to begin your preparations. 
Whew, there...you wipe the sweat off your brow. You finally finished. “Thank you for your help Alfred.”
“Anytime Miss/Mister y/n. Is this all the assistance you require?”
“Yes, thank you. Hehe...hehehe….hahaha -snort- ahahahahahaha! Yes! This is perfect!” you cackle at your plan. With a sigh Alfred leaves you laughing to yourself. 
“Y/n, I’m home! Sorry for running late, Bizarro--” Jason pauses, noticing the note you left for him:
Dear Jaybirdie,
        Meet me at Wayne Manor ASAP...you owe me.
                      Your awesome lover 
Wayne Manor? Hn...what are you up to y/n? He ponders. He then shrugs, already heading out to meet you. Soon enough he arrives at Wayne Manor, but before he could reach the door his back feels an impact. *splash*. Was that a…water balloon? He hears your trademark giggle, his head whipping around just in time to see you running off. “What the hell y/n?”
“Master Jason, these are for you.” Alfred states, appearing behind him. Jason turns back around to see Alfred holding out a bucket for him. “A message from Miss/Mister y/n, and I quote: ‘I’m leveling out the playing field. It’ll make your ass whooping more satisfying sweetheart.’” He clears his throat, handing Jason the bucket of water balloons. 
“Hmph, oh how nice of you sweetheart…” he snatches the bucket from Alfred’s gloved hand.  He dashes after you, “WE’LL SEE JUST WHOSE ASS IS GONNA GET WHOOPED! NEWS FLASH!” he rounds the corner, “IT’S YOURS!” he advances towards you. 
You look back and see him advancing on you. You give him a wicked grin before sticking your tongue out at him childishly and giggling away. He returns the grin, chucking water balloons at you, however, not a single one hit its mark. You, on the other hand, manage to land a hit right on his beautiful face. You both stop. He was dumbfounded, dazzling blue eyes wide. His expression was so funny you couldn’t help but burst out in laughter while you took off running again. Your cackle brings him back to the situation at hand. He shakes off the shock and with a newfound burst of energy he sprints after you, hot on your trail. His throws become faster and stronger, precision improving. It was getting harder for you to dodge them. 
You laugh, “Pfft, I thought you were a marksman, the marksman! What kind of marksman are you if you can’t even hit your target?!” You taunt as you nimbly dodged each of his water balloons. 
You can literally see a vein popping out on his forehead. “I was going easy on you cuz I love you but fuck that! You’re gonna get it now y/n!” 
“Oh noooo, the big bad Red Hood is after me! I’m sooo scared!” you retort back sarcastically. You were digging your own grave taunting this dangerous man, but it was worth it. The look on his face, priceless. You were kicking his ass, but alas, your winning streak wasn’t bound to last forever. 
You hear barking in the distance. Titus! Soon you see Jason’s face shift from a determined smirk to a mischievous grin. Uh oh…
“Get her/him Titus!” he shouts, pointing at your direction.
No! But before you could react, you’re tackled and knocked over by an excited Titus. “Noooo! Titus! Get off you big goofy dog!” you shield yourself from the onslaught of licks and drool. 
This time it’s Jason’s turn to laugh at you. Oh how the tables have turned. You manage to get Titus off you but Jason launches himself on top of you before you’re able to recover. He’s quick to pin you down. And there you are, hands pinned above your head by your boyfriend’s firm grip, his hard body heavy on top of you. He has one hand gripping a water balloon menacingly above you. You struggle against him, attempting to break free but he’s too strong; it didn’t help that you were already tired from all the running and dodging. 
“Please have mercy!” you cry out with pleading eyes. 
“You had your chance, it’s too late for mercy” he sneers. 
“I was just trying to help you! You just looked so hot...I thought I could help you...you know...cool off?” you weakly explain.
His eyes narrow, smugly grinning, “How nice of you y/n. Let me repay the favor, my love.”
Crap, I messed up...bad. Your stomach drops feeling a sense of dread for your incoming doom. Noooo-! *splash* You gasp, but that was just the start of it. He soaks you with the rest of his remaining ammo. 
“Oh my goodness gracious, I’ve been bamboozled!” you manage to choke out, completely drenched. 
He chuckles above you, “That's what you get for challenging the amazingly badass Red Hood!” 
Your chest is heaving from exertion as you glare up at him, still unable to break free, completely at his mercy. Your soaked shirt has become see through, revealing your chest. His eyes roam down your body, his handsome face no longer sporting the triumphant, gleeful expression he had a few seconds ago. His eyes are now darkened with lust, pupils dilated...your heart pounds wildly and your breath hitches. Your eyes flutter shut as he leans down. You could feel his hot breath fanning your anticipating lips briefly before his mouth covers yours passionately. He releases his grip on your arms, his hand is now underneath your head gripping your hair, firmly but gently. You clutch onto him with a moan, reciprocating in fervor, pulling your bodies closer together. He sucks at your bottom lip then slips his tongue into your mouth. Your tongue meets his, sliding against his as you grind yourself against him. He huskily groans in response, his other hand slipping under your shirt to explore your chest--
“Aww come on guys! Get a room!” Tim shouts in disgust, covering his eyes. 
“Nooo Damian! I’ll save you!” Dick cries out dramatically as he tackles Damian to the ground in a poor attempt to protect his innocence. 
“Get off me Grayson!” Damian demands, struggling to get his stupid brother off him. 
Both you and Jason cease your “activities”, releasing an exasperated sigh, disappointed by the interruption. You look up at him, making eye contact, and you both smirk. He helps you up, and you hand him your bucket containing the rest of your water balloons. Taking advantage of their distracted state, you both reach in, grab a balloon, and proceed to chuck them at the brothers. 
“HEY!” they shout in unison. 
Jason and you cackle evilly while the two of you proceed to pelt the boys with the water balloons. You both run away once the brothers recover as they made it their primary mission to get their revenge on the two of you. 
Jason chortles, “Suckers!” when the two of you pelt Tim and Damian on their faces. 
You also manage to land a hit on Dick’s butt, causing him to gasp dramatically. You snicker. “Sorry your ass is too big Dick! It makes such an easy target!” 
Dick gapes at you with a hand over his heart, aghast at the audacity!
Jason laughs at Dick’s expression, smirk widening at your taunting, however, you both unfortunately run out of water balloons. Uh oh. “Run y/n!” Jason grabs your hand, pulling you along with him to run for your lives. 
“Traitors! The both of you!” 
“Oy! Get back here!” 
“Todd! Y/n! You’re dead!” 
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forlove2020 · 3 years
Day 2 - No Vacancy
It is the last day of November and no one wants to buy any more pumpkins. 
Halloween has gone by, and Thanksgiving has blown past too. The people of Lebanon, Kansas have had their fill of the bright orange gourds - for more than two months they've displayed them on their front porches, carved them into jack-o-lanterns, and added them into every kind of dessert and frothy little drink imaginable.
And that is why, on November 30th, Dean decides his family is going on a field trip to the Lebanon Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch.
Things have been good lately. No, scratch that. Life has been freakin' awesome. It has been just under two weeks since he rescued Cas from the Empty and a week since Jack came home. Dean is over the moon; radiating happiness in a way he never has before. They're all together, alive, and no Big Bad hovers menacingly on the horizon. Dean's not one to believe in a 'best case scenario,' but hell if this doesn't feel just like it.
The farm is about a twenty-five minute drive from the Bunker, and Dean, Cas, and Jack pull up in the Impala at the same time as Sam and Eileen arrive in Sam's CR-V. 
(Dean had teased him mercilessly about his new ride until Sam looked him dead in the eye, placing his hand protectively on Eileen's protruding belly, and insisted "Honda gets really good safety ratings, Dean." Dean, wisely, had shut up after that.)
Claire and Kaia are already there waiting, leaning up against Claire’s car, hand in hand. Jack leaps out of Baby as soon as Dean puts her in park, barreling toward the girls so he can nag Claire about his latest obsession: TikTok. Even from a distance it’s clear she’s rolling her eyes at him, but smiling despite herself
Dean and Cas get out of the car at a more leisurely pace and survey their surroundings.
What had been a busy festival complete with a lush corn maze, vibrant pumpkin patch, and stalls selling kettle corn and caramel apples two months ago is now a dismal scene. The corn maze has dried out and shriveled up, and the stalls are unmanned. Technically, there are still pumpkins aplenty in the field, but they're the ones that have been forsaken. The remaining pumpkins are leftovers that were considered either too skinny, too fat, or just too misshapen and lumpy to have been picked as the cream-of-the-crop.
Dean looks over at Cas. He’s squinting at the scenery in the dim autumn sunlight, and the nippy breeze has swept through his dark hair, making it seem more tousled than usual. Not for the first time, Dean thinks that he is gorgeous.
But now, he can actually tell Cas what he is feeling in these moments. There are no more half-truths or lies between them, nothing secret. After years of pining for one another without any hope of reciprocation and hiding the pains of longing, they’ve finally broken down the walls that kept them apart. They love one another fiercely, and while their relationship is new, it is not tenuous. 
So, Dean turns to him with a crooked grin.  “Hey, handsome.”
Cas blinks, and then a little smile curls the corners of his mouth. “Hello, Dean.”
Dean moves closer until their shoulders are brushing and he can feel the warmth of Cas’ body through both of their jackets. “You think Jack’s gonna be disappointed?” he asks quietly, watching their kid practically tackle Sam with a hug as Eileen signs something Dean can’t quite make out from the other end of the parking lot. “I mean, this isn’t exactly the ‘autumn glory’ we were promised on those fliers earlier this month.”
Cas doesn’t even hesitate. “No. I think Jack just appreciates having a normal...uh, sort of a normal life again. He’s excited to be here picking pumpkins, especially with Claire and Kaia, and Sam and Eileen joining us. This was a nice surprise you planned for him, Dean.”
It’s a simple compliment, and not even particularly saccharine, but Dean flushes from head to toe anyway. He’s working on believing the good things Cas says about him; he’s really trying, but it’s always been difficult for him to take a compliment about anything other than his good looks or hunting prowess. Instead, he meets Cas’ eye, and nods silently. And then, remembering he is allowed, takes Cas’ hand in his own, twining their fingers together.
They walk hand-in-hand to join Claire, Kaia, Jack, Sam and Eileen at the front gate. It’s hanging wide open, and no one is standing there to charge them an entrance fee. However, the sign does make a point to state that the maze is open until December 1st. Eileen shrugs, and so the seven of them wander down the path towards the pumpkin patch and the entrance to the maze. 
“Kaia! I’ll race you to the end!” Jack shouts, and laughing, Kaia chases him into the maze, dragging a grumbling Claire along behind her. 
“Let’s see if we can find anybody still working,” Sam suggests.
Eileen points at a worn down farmhouse tucked mostly behind a newly-painted red barn. “Someone must be home,” she signs pointedly, gesturing to plumes of smoke exuding from a grey chimney stack.
Dean ends up knocking on the door. He leaves Sam, Eileen, and Cas at a nearby picnic table, debating in Sign Language about the best flavor of cotton candy and whether or not the color of the dye changes the taste. 
 A minute or two later, an older man swings open the squeaky screen door to the house. He’s scowling, wearing muddy overalls, and chewing on a thick cigar. “Yeah?” he asks shortly. “Whaddya want?”
Dean raises his eyebrows at the farmer’s bluntness, but manages to respond politely. “My family and I saw fliers for this place a few weeks ago. We were hoping to buy some pumpkins and candy apples. What are you charging”
The farmer’s scowl grows deeper, and he looks past Dean to Sam, Eileen, and Cas relaxing on the bench, then narrows his eyes at the corn maze, where shrieks of laughter can be heard as the younger adults chase one another through the thinning stalks.
Getting impatient, with the man’s surly silence, Dean prods, “And…? It’s a yes or no question. Are you still selling pumpkins?”
The old man pulls the cigar out from between his teeth. “My wife and daughter run this hokey shit,” he grunts. “They went into town today ‘cause folks already came through here earlier in the month. They like customers. We haven't had anybody else stop by since before Thanksgiving.”
As his temper flares, Dean turns his grit teeth into a sharp smile. “Well, then it’s your lucky day! Here we are,” he says mockingly, sweeping his arms wide. The farmer mumbles something insulting and covers it with a hacking cough. Dean pretends not to hear him, “Fine. I take it from your sunny attitude that there will be no popcorn or apples today?” 
The man scoffs, “Enjoy the maze, boy-o. Free of charge.” He turns to lumber back inside, but Dean grabs the screen door before he can try to disappear.
“Hey!” the hunter barks. The farmer pauses, his body tensing for a fight. “Are you gonna sell me the goddamn pumpkins or not?” 
Cas has wandered to his side, either noticing the commotion, or simply because he wanted to be closer to Dean. Now, he interrupts casually, “You still have quite a few squash left in the fields and there’s going to be heavy frost two days from now, overnight. It’d be a shame if all of these pumpkins rotted, and you wasted the rest of your harvest.”
He has, quite deftly, snared the salty old farmer’s attention. Money is the man’s language; he might not enjoy having customers on his property so late in the season, but he certainly likes having the funds to maintain his land.
“A hundred.”
“A hundred?” Sam sounds insulted. “You’re gonna pitch all of these in a couple days. There’s no way we’re paying a hundred. Try twenty-five dollars.”
The farmer rolls his eyes dramatically. He is in his element; the thrill of making a good deal and bartering his wares on the last day is an unexpected but welcome surprise that has put him in high spirits. “You’re cute, kid. I know my produce is worth more than that. I’ll go down to eighty-five, and you can take whatever you can carry in one trip.”
“Thirty-five,” Sam shoots back.
“Forty-one.” Once, Sam was going to be a lawyer. He’s got the upper hand in this situation and he’s going to crush his opposition. One more price reduction and they’ll have dozens of pumpkins to take home, way below the original asking price.
“Sixty-five, and we fill up all of our cars,” Dean interrupts, and Sam looks at him, utterly betrayed as the gleeful farmer shakes on the deal.
As Cas, Jack, Claire, and Kaia help carry the pumpkins to Sam and Claire’s cars respectively, Dean just claps Sam on the shoulder and tells his brother, “It’s still a cheaper family outing than going to Disney.” 
“Yeah, I guess,” Sam says mournfully, and sulks over to help Eileen, who is supervising the influx of pumpkins that are being loaded into their vehicle.
Dean chuckles, and scoops up a few pumpkins. He’s got some recipes he wants to try out, plus he’s excited to teach Jack to carve ‘Jack’-o-lanterns. The kid seemed to want to learn how to do everything the human way now, and Dean is more than happy to teach him.
One by one, Dean places eight pumpkins in the backseat of Baby. One is tall and oblong with lots of stringy stems, matched with the only short and well rounded pumpkin he sees in the field. Between those two he sets a teeny tiny baby-sized pumpkin. Then, there’s a pumpkin that is half-green half-orange. It seems like it must have grown too fast because it is still quite young despite its size. Next, he adds two medium pumpkins that are also young, but growing strong. And last but not least, he picks up two more pumpkins. They are both a bit damaged - one is bruised and discolored, the other looks like it might have grown sideways. But Dean picks them because they lean against one another in the field, steady despite their flaws, despite what they’ve been through. 
He sets them all up in a long line along the backseat, and when Cas sees what he chose, his eyes go soft and warm as he looks at Dean.
“Let’s go home,” he breathes out, and takes Dean’s hand again.
Everyone gets in their cars - Dean in the driver's seat and Cas taking shotgun, as before. Jack tries to get in the Impala, then looks in the back window, and starts laughing. 
“Dean! There’s nowhere for me to sit.”
Cas chuckles quietly beside him, as Dean grins. “Aw, tough break, kid. Guess you’re walking home.”
“Hey, no fair- Dean! C’mon! Cas! Tell Dean he has to -”
Dean starts to roll up the window, laughing loudly as Jack knocks on the window pane.
“Sorry! No vacancy!” he hollers. Jack is nearly doubled over, hilarity spilling from him in peals of laughter.
Claire honks her horn loudly, and throws open the back door to her car. Jack straightens, and scrambles to join her and Kaia, shooting Dean and Cas a bright wave goodbye.
Sam and Eileen also wave as they leave the parking lot, wheels sending gravel spinning in their wake. Claire and Kaia follow, and Jack rolls down the window as they pass, and calls across to Cas and Dean, “This was the best family trip ever!”
They too are soon gone, headed for the Bunker to drop off dozens of pumpkins which will decorate every room until they end up decaying or until Dean cooks them. 
Dean and Cas wait until the others have left, and then Dean leans over and kisses Cas, long and sweet. When he pulls back, Cas traces his cheek, and says thoughtfully, “We could take the backroads home today….”
Dean is so gone on him. He kisses Cas once, twice more, and then puts the Impala in drive, and they’re on the road, taking the long way home.
I enjoyed adding a little Day 1 ‘Harvest’ flare to Day 2!
My goal is to make most of my Suptober fics one-shots that are in some way related to my multichapter fix-it that is still a work in progress (Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen, etc, post 15x20).
Thank you for reading!
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IOTA Reviews: Miraculous World: New York - United HeroeZ
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So... with the recent announcement that Seasons 4 and 5 of Miraculous Ladybug will air on Disney+, with one episode set to air around March 27th (and it's out of order because of course it is), I figured I would try something new with this blog.
While I'm sure Astruc will be more active while the new season is airing, I figured I'd take a stab at reviewing new episodes of Miraculous Ladybug when they come out, as I already have a Disney+ account that I only really use to watch Star Wars and other Disney Channel cartoons I've never seen before. Well, that and the gloriousness that is Mech-X4.
And I was thinking that since a certain special is already available on Disney+, I'll review it now. Consider it my, uh...
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279 Follower Special. Yeah, that’s it.
Miraculous World: New York – United Heroez is the first in a series of Miraculous Ladybug specials with the premise of having our heroes travel around the world. Because I guess that's what you do with your show when you run out of ideas for things your characters can do. Just ask Ash Ketchum and Thomas the Tank Engine.
The special is somewhat polarizing among the fandom, with some loving it, and some hating it. If you've seen some of my earlier posts, you probably already know how I feel about this.
Anyway, let's take a look at Miraculous World: New York – United Heroez
We start off with a logo letting us know this is going to be the start of a series of specials called Miraculous World.
Yeah, I'm sure that'll be remembered among other great cinematic universes like the Dark Universe and Ghost Corps.
In all seriousness, this is actually a pretty decent opening. It has some nice visuals that inform the audience of the globetrotting gimmick seen in the special, and the orchestral cover of the Miraculous Ladybug theme sounds pretty badass.
The special truly starts off in the middle of an Akuma fight, where we see that Mr. Pigeon is taking inspiration from Startrain's plan to escape to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism... SPACE! Apparently, this is the 51st time that Ladybug and Cat Noir have fought him, which makes you wonder if Hawkmoth is either running out of ideas, or if he just wants to see how insane Mr. Pigeon's plans can get for the hell of it.
Ladybug and Cat Noir transform into their new space forms that they've obviously had for a while, given Alya's familiarity with their names... even though those forms probably would have been useful when they were fighting Startrain. And this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of things this special retcons.
We get a few interactions between Ladybug and Cat Noir to give new viewers an idea of what the Love Square dynamic is like, with Cat Noir fawning over Ladybug after she leaves, and Marinette gushing over a new poster Adrien is in. I'll get back to this later,
After that, we see a brief clip from a student film teaching the audience about the real life friendship between George Washington and Marquis de Lafayette (the latter actually becoming one of Washington's close advisors during the Revolutionary War), and how it lead to the completely made up, “French American Friendship week”, which is basically an excuse for Marinette and Adrien's class to go to New York for a week.
Their teacher, Ms. Bustier isn't going with them because she's having a baby (God help us if the writers resort to pregnancy jokes next season), so the only other teacher in the school, Ms. Mendeleiev, will be supervising the class instead.
Adrien isn't able to go to New York because his father won't let him, and even he lampshades how predictable this is. But as soon as Lila suggests spending time with Adrien, Marinette immediately declares she will try to get Adrien to come on the trip with everyone, because he's her friend... and then Alya mocks her for saying that in the very next scene.
And here is the first problem with this special: The way Marinette's crush on Adrien is portrayed.
We're supposed to see Marinette as being in denial about her feelings for Adrien, but when you think about how Season 3 ended with Marinette realizing Adrien and Kagami (who will make an appearance in this special later on) are happy together, it makes sense that she wants to do this. She wants to move on from her crush on Adrien and try to be friends with him.
Unfortunately, her “best friend” Alya isn't willing to let her move on, which is extremely hypocritical when you remember how often she teased her for her behavior around Adrien, to the point where her other “friends” made bets about Marinette's hesitance to confess to him (Cat Blanc). Does she even know about Adrien and Kagami?
And throughout this special, rather than acknowledge Marinette's decision to move on, she constantly teases Marinette about how she still has feelings for Adrien, instead of simply leaving her alone. She reaches salt fic levels of unlikable in this special.
It doesn't help that Marinette's anxiety around Adrien is cranked up to twelve in this special, with her constantly stammering, or fidgeting around to the point where she struggles to get through a door. Twice. And as always, this behavior is only going to be played for laughs, because the showrunners are running out of ways to make Marinette suffer for comedy. And it only gets worse from here.
While watching a news report about a necklace and sabre George Washington had given to him by Lafyette, Nathalie, bedridden from the events of the season finale, tells Gabriel that the necklace in question is actually a lost Miraculous.
And as soon as Marinette arrives, Gabriel tells her that he's going to let Adrien go on the trip. His reason?
Gabriel: Letting Adrien go to New York will be simpler than hiding my absence here from him. Besides, this will allow me to continue keeping an eye on him.
Yeah, he seriously thinks it's a good idea to send his son to the same place he's planning to attack as part of one of his plans. At least you could make the argument that whenever Adrien is endangered during an Akuma attack, he's simply caught in the crossfire because he's in the wrong place at the wrong time, like with “Style Queen”. Here, Gabriel is intentionally letting Adrien go to New York, while claiming that he will be able to monitor him while he plots to attack the city. This is like if Grand Moff Tarkin let his son go to Alderaan for vacation. And again, it only gets worse from here.
Though Gabriel waits a day to tell Adrien he's going to New York, because of he did, we wouldn't get any scenes of Adrien moping around about how much his life sucks. Well, that and a scene of him and Kagami, where the latter kisses him. This is Kagami's only scene in the special, and she isn't mentioned again after this.
As Ladybug, Marinette tells Cat Noir she's going away for a few days and trusts him to guard Paris as long as he alerts her of an Akuma or Sentimonster. What will happen to the Miracle Box Marinette inherited from Former Master In Name Only Fu is never explained.
To Adrien's credit, it's Plagg that convinces him to go on the trip even though Ladybug trusted him, and even then, it takes a little bit to convince Adrien, showing he still takes his job seriously, with him coming up with a plan in case an Akuma attacks. It's not perfect, but it's something. That all goes to hell later on, though.
We then see Gabriel once again talking to Emilie's corpse about his plan.
Gabriel: Blah, blah, blah, Emilie. Blah, blah, blah, blah, I'll get Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous this time for sure. Blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm such a good father and sympathetic villain.
Oh, sorry. That's how I hear most of his monologues to Emilie these days. My bad.
The next scene features something I bet you've never seen before, Marinette being late for something. Thankfully, Luka gives her a ride to help her catch up, hoping that the trip will “give her some clarity”, most likely referring to her conflicting emotions. Marinette then kisses Luka goodbye and gets on the bus. This is Luka's only scene in the special, and he isn't mentioned again after this.
On the plane, it turns out that Adrien is conveniently sitting next to Marinette, prompting Alya to tease Marinette yet again while making this face.
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Alya: (smirking and talking in a very smug tone of voice) Awesome, Marinette! Go and sit next to your “friend”! So you two can enjoy a nice flight together! A very long flight.
Alya continues to relentlessly tease Marinette and makes fun of her crush for no real reason, suggesting Marinette get off the plane because “New York is the most romantic city in the world after Paris”. And this gives her a goddamn panic attack where she frantically tries to run off the plane. Remember kids, if someone has some kind of anxiety or social awkwardness, it's perfectly fine to tease and make fun of their behavior, and even exploit it for your own amusement.
And after some unfunny hilarious slapstick involving Marinette on the plane, Alya continues her streak of treating Marinette like her plaything.
Nino: If only this trip could help Adrien finally come out of his shell.
Alya: And if only it could help Marinette be more honest with herself and clearer about her feelings!
Nino: Operation New York?
Alya: Operation New York!
Nino: Let's help them loosen up!
Alya: After all, isn't the United States the land of the free?
Well, the only thing you actually got right about America is forcing others to do things they don't want to do. Just ask the Native Americans.
It's scenes like this why Alya is portrayed so negatively in salt fics. And this happens throughout the special. Now, while I'm not really a drinker, I'm guessing there's at least one person reading this post right now who is. So I have a little idea for a game. Every time Alya acts like a terrible friend to Marinette, take a shot. I'd just have a donor ready in case one of your kidneys gives up on you.
After an admittedly nice scene of Adrien thanking Marinette for convincing his father to let him come (undercut by Marinette creepily commenting on Adrien's cologne as they hug), another problem with this special rears its ugly head, as a man with oddly-colored skin arrives on one of the plane's wings.
Alya: Oh, no! That's Techno-Pirate, the supervillain who steals technology!
Yeah. This is happening. The special is just casually introducing this new supervillain, Techno-Pirate as well as some other superheroes, neither of which had any buildup before, not even a throwaway line They're just here now.
So some of the American superheroes are to save the day, now, I guess. Majestia, the Superman knockoff, helps steer the plane back into position, her robotic daughter, Uncanny Valley, helps fix the plane's broken wing, while Knightowl and Sparrow, the Batman and Robin knockoffs, deal with Techno-Pirate. And everyone just treats this like a regular occurrence.
Marinette: Wow! That all happened so fast! I didn't have time to transform or help out!
Adrien: Good thing the American superheroes were here. I couldn't have transformed here. I'm supposed to be in Paris!
Plagg: Relax, Adrien! Let the local superheroes handle their own problems.
I have so many problems with this plot development. Just how common is the knowledge that there are other superheroes besides Ladybug and Cat Noir in other countries? How have they never been mentioned until now? Why is everyone just accepting the fact that there are other superheroes?
I get that these characters weren't conceived around the time the show started, but the way they're just thrown into the story is just so confusing and does so many things to hurt the narrative instead of helping it. In other episodes, Majestia and Knightowl were only seen in comic books, and Ladybug and Cat Noir were seen as the only heroes in the world because the world itself was fairly down to earth, barring some more advanced technology (the police's weapons in “Origins”, Hawkmoth's lair, Max's robot, Markov, the space dumpsters in “Reverser”, and the AI in Startrain).
The fact that New York is apparently filled with all kinds of superheroes for very mundane things like directing traffic and selling hot dogs just makes the Miraculous seem less important. If there was more work done to better integrate them into the story, like maybe making them an American secret or something, it could have worked. To quote a character voiced by Jason Lee...
And the sad thing was that Power Rangers was able to pull something like this off far better in 1995. During the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Master Vile had successfully reversed the Earth's rotation, turning the Power Rangers into children (yes, it runs on Superman logic, just go with it). Because of this, the Rangers are unable to morph, with the villains free to attack the city. In response, Zordon sends out a distress call to another team of Power Rangers from the planet Aquitar.
Now I know what you're thinking. If Zordon had the ability to contact another team of Power Rangers for help, why did it take him so long to do so? The episode immediately answers the question by pointing out that Aquitar is a planet made entirely of water, so it's incredibly dangerous for them to head to a planet like Earth, making their intervention a last resort. And even after they come, a major plot thread is finding ways to keep the Alien Rangers hydrated, which only gets worse when the Alien Rangers' enemy, Hydro Hog, arrives to drain Earth's water while teaming up with the main villains.
The integration of the Alien Rangers into the story generally feels natural, and there is a clear explanation as to why they haven't joined the battle until now, and even then, still place some hurdles for them to overcome. Here, the special just wants the audience to immediately accept the fact that there are hundreds of superheroes in New York.
So as Marinette and Adrien's class arrives in New York, we see Sparrow watching over them, referring to them as “the little croissants”. That's another thing the special gets right about America: casually making racist comments.
Uncanny Valley's civilian form, Aeon, sees Marinette and Adrien, and, of course, she says that they're “made for each other”. If only the writers actually bothered to give us evidence of that fact that everyone loves to say for some reason. Though we do get the only instance of sanity regarding the Love Square in this special, where Sparrow's civilian form, Jess, calls out Aeon for thinking of getting them together.
Aeon: Those two are made for each other.
Jess: Seriously, Aeon? Not again!
Aeon: But I am programmed to help people, Jess!
Jess: Just stop meddling with people's private lives!
Also, I had already mentioned the unfortunate implications of Aeon being programmed to “help people” in an earlier post, but I still want to reiterate that I don't think any of that was intentional at all, and I definitely don't think a single writer on this show is actually racist. Everyone got that? Okay, moving on.
Jess and Aeon are assigned to watch over the Parisian students while they sneak out to a party on the rooftop of the hotel they're staying at, where they meet another superhero, Hot Dog Dan. He gives random people magical hot dogs that give them temporary superpowers. Marinette and Adrien share one, and they both start flying before Adrien offers to slow dance with Marinette.
Okay... It's clear they they're trying to reference an earlier episode, “Despair Bear”, by having Marinette and Adrien dance to the same song they danced to in that episode. The problem is that the context isn't right.
Adrien is dating Kagami, and he's offering to do this... why? What makes him so interested in Marinette all of a sudden? I get that he doesn't realize Marinette has feelings for him, but if someone says they only see you as a friend, do you offer to slow dance with them? Especially if their reaction to your offer is recoiling in fear?
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I'm sorry, writers, but you can't try to recreate some of the magic you had in earlier episodes with Adrienette when you have clearly established Lukanette and Adrigami as official relationships at the moment. And don't give me any of that “that's not the point of the special” crap. The season finale showed Marinette and Adrien getting together with Luka and Kagami respectively, so it's natural that a lot of people were looking forward to seeing how they worked as couples. I'll get back to this point later on.
Meanwhile, Gabriel has made his way to New York, and decides to akumatize the arrested Techno-Pirate into Technolizer, asking him to steal Lafyette's sabre from the museum instead of the necklace.
Back to the museum, Alya and Nino decide to send Marinette and Adrien into a room alone where they're locked in and attacked by the supervillain Solutide...'s hologram, which was all part of Jess and Aeon's plan. In a city where there is a superhero and supervillain on every street. They seriously planned on giving Marinette and Adrien a near-death experience to get them to realize their love for each other.
That's... pretty fucking demented.
What if Marinette and Adrien did something reckless in their attempt to escape? They could have seriously gotten hurt. Hell, what if the scare gave either of them a heart attack? And let's say either of them found out what the plan was (which would be pretty easy, given “Solitude” is a hologram). Do you think either of them would be happy with Alya and Nino, even if they confessed their love for each other? And none of them even think to apologize for what they did, and this scene is never mentioned again. To quote a certain internet reviewer. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?
Though to be fair, the scene before was the only scene where Alya gets to use a brain cell in this special by pointing how wrong that plan is... for a second before she goes along with it. So close, Alya. So close...
So after Adrien gets a news report revealing that Robustus is attacking Paris (even though Markov is with them in New York), while Marinette isn't contacted by Cat Noir. The situation only gets worse when Technolizer attacks, getting the sabre in the process.
Sparrow and Uncanny Valley try to fight him off, but are quickly overwhelmed, with some of the latter's technology getting stolen by Technolizer. Marinette and Adrien transform and help out the two heroes, naturally being confused by the other's presence.
But while the four heroes chase after Technolizer, Hawkmoth shows competence for once and steals the necklace in the process, while revealing that the Robustus attacking Paris was actually a Sentimonster created by Mayura.
During the fight, rather than focusing on stopping the already dangerous supervillain powered up by Hawkmoth, Ladybug decides to trash talk Cat Noir instead. I get that she's angry at him for not following through on his promise, but can't she wait until after the fight?
Ladybug: (mockigly) “Just go and rest easy! Yeah, leave Paris with me!”
Cat Noir: I-I didn't know I was going to leave! It was a last-minute decision, that's all!
Ladybug: Do you realize that because of you, there's no one in Paris to protect the city?! Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving?!
Cat Noir: I was afraid you'd get angry!
Ladybug: And you were right, because as you can see, I AM angry!
To quote our recently inaugurated president, will you shut up, man? People say I'm too harsh on Cat Noir for the way he acted during episodes like “Syren”, but this is basically the same thing. Ladybug is prioritizing her own feelings over stopping Technolizer. Yes, she has a right to be angry at Cat Noir, but all she has to do is wait until after the battle to chew him out.
And during the battle, Ladybug outright says she can't trust Cat Noir anymore, making the latter flinch, so Technolizer throws him into Uncanny Valley with his Cataclysm activated, killing her.
In her anger, Majestia punches Technolizer through several buildings before Hawkmoth recalls the Akuma inside him before helping the villain get away. Ladybug casts her Miraculous Ladybug, fixing Uncanny Valley, but that's not enough. Knightowl is pissed, and orders Ladybug and Cat Noir to hand over their Miraculous, not listening to why they're so important, so the two run away.
To make things worse, the two find out about Hawkmoth's plan, and Ladybug explains she can only use Miraculous Ladybug to fix damage caused by a specific villain, and since the Sentimonster is gone, she can't do anything.
In his grief, Cat Noir admits that everything that happened is his fault, so he renounces Plagg and hands over his Miraculous to Ladybug before running away.
So... this scene.
This. Scene.
Where. Do I. Begin?
First of all, this is what causes Ladybug to lose trust in Cat Noir? Not the multiple times he disobeyed her orders because of his own personal feelings? Not the constant flirting and unwanted advances even though she's made it clear she doesn't see him that way? Not the time he trusted an evil doppelganger of Ladybug over the real one? It's this? Cat Noir leaving Paris alone while a Sentimonster attacked?
Okay, let's say that Cat Noir decided to stay in Paris after all. What was he supposed to do when Robustus attacked around the same time as Technolizer? What was Ladybug supposed to do when she found out about Robustus in Paris? Was she supposed to abandon New York and head back there or focus on helping the American heroes?
Second, who does Knightowl think she (yeah, she's a woman, I'll get to that in a bit) is ordering Ladybug and Cat Noir to hand over their Miraculous? What authority does she hold over them? Why should they listen to her? Why can't they simply explain why their Miraculous are so important, and that they can't give them up? Why doesn't Ladybug just explain that she's now the Guardian of the Miraculous? In fact, why does Majestia go along with the order? Ladybug still saved her daughter's life! If anything, she should be sticking up for the two.
There's actually a Superman comic where Captain Marvel storms a police station to interrogate a criminal who killed his best friend so he can find out who hired him. Though he comes close to doing it, Captain Marvel ultimately doesn't kill the criminal's boss, but still flies over to Mount Everest to grieve his friend's death.
Enter Superman, planning to call out Captain Marvel, but instead, he sees him crying. He explains that the boy killed was his best friend before revealing his identity as Billy Batson. Superman's response?
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He goes to the wizard Shazam and demands to know why he did this to Billy, furious that a child was forced to go through stuff like that. While Shazam can't take back the powers he gave Billy, he encourages Superman to reach out to Billy, leading to him revealing his identity as Clark Kent to the kid.
I'm not saying that Majestia or Knightowl should have called out Master Fu or ask who made Ladybug the Guardian (as awesome as that would have been), but the point I am trying to make is in that comic, Superman made the effort to understand what Billy had been through, and understood what happened. Majestia and Knightowl made no effort to do anything like that. In fact, they never even knew Hawkmoth existed, which I call bullcrap on, given that he once MOVED THE PLANET AWAY FROM ITS ORBIT. Were you all asleep that day? Why didn't you do anything to help Ladybug and Cat Noir fight Hawkmoth? Were you expecting them to just fight this magical terrorist on their own? They don't have the same support system the American heroes have, and they could really use the help.
And third, Cat Noir. Yeah, just because I'm calling out Ladybug doesn't mean Cat Noir isn't taking any heat either. Again, I have to ask, this is what makes him give up? Keep in mind, when he was Aspik in “Desperada” and saw Ladybug get captured by an Akuma, he reversed time 25,913 times to try and save her before he threw in the towel. At the same time, he was willing to quit in “Syren” because he claimed Ladybug didn't trust him. The level of Adrien's willingness to keep going is incredibly inconsistent, and this doesn't really help his reputation as a character.
And then there's the fact that he's bailing on Ladybug when things are at their absolute worst. Yes, Marinette also briefly gave up in “Origins”, but that was after her first battle, and she was overwhelmed by her screw-up endangering countless lives in Paris in addition to being a nervous wreck even before she got her Miraculous. But here's the difference: She took responsibility. She realized people were in danger, so she jumped into action to save Alya and Cat Noir. Even then, she acknowledged her failure and felt unsure of herself, with Cat Noir helping to reassure her, showing the emotional support their partnership has.
Adrien, who has been a superhero for months, and has faced some pretty stressful situations, as soon as things head south, he immediately gives up and leaves Ladybug to fend for herself while two separate cities are in danger. And he knows that she has no other allies, because Master Fu ran away at the end of the last season, and Miracle Queen exposed the identities of the other temporary heroes. She has nobody to go to for help. He doesn't even show Ladybug her civilian form to apologize, just so he can't get any flak in his regular life. He just gives Ladybug his ring, and literally runs away.
A wise man once said “With great power, there must also come great responsibility.” Adrien has shown no responsibility at ALL in this special, barring the one moment I mentioned earlier.
It's nothing more than a forced emotional moment that has no buildup. This is basically the same with basically every time Miraculous Ladybug tries to be emotional. The writers think that despite never really having any tension or character arcs in their story, they can just have their characters cry out of nowhere, and suddenly, it's a deep moment? That's not how writing works, idiots!
Back at the hotel, Jess and Aeon are getting chewed out by their mothers (Who are the civilian identities of Majestia and Knightowl), and have a conversation about being superheroes... less than a few feet away from the French students. Though at least Barbara, the civilian form of Knightowl (again, I'll get to that later) calls out Aeon and Jess for their stupid “fake supervillain plan”, so there's that I guess.
So we cut to a press conference where the President of the United States, Camilla Hombee (An anagram of Michelle Obama's name, because Astruc has made it clear what his political views are) advises everyone to stay inside while Techno-Pirate is still an active threat. Why does this seem so familiar? And then she... transforms into a superhero too.
Oh, for the love of-- THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS A SUPERHERO?! The person in charge of the country and relations with foreign nations is a superhero too?! If she's the president, why didn't she do anything to stop Hawkmoth?! I get that America doesn't really care about news from other countries outside of America, but you would think that the frickin president, WHO IS A SUPERHERO, would at least acknowledge the existence of a supervillain in Paris as a threat!
GOD, this is stupid! And it only gets worse...
Gabriel sends a car to pick up Adrien, realizing the city was too dangerous (I still don't get the point of sending him here in the first place), causing him to tearfully say that he “wouldn't have minded being stuck here a little longer with a friend like her” before leaving. And then Alya...
Alya: What is wrong with you, Marinette?! Couldn't you see that he was just waiting for you to tell him to stay?!
Marinette: What-? But I...? He...? He made his choice. What did you expect me to do?
Alya: It doesn't matter what I expected you to do! Who's Adrien to you?! A friend or more than a friend?! There will never be a better time to be clear with yourself, Marinette! Do you want him to leave or do you want him to stay?!
NO. You do not have the right to say ANY of that! It doesn't matter what YOU expected Marinette to do? This whole special, you've been teasing her about her feelings for Adrien, and forcing her into uncomfortable situations with him all because you want your OTP to be a thing. And now you're saying Marinette had a choice the whole time? Marinette expected herself to get over Adrien and start to see him as a friend, AND YOU WOULDN'T LET HER DO THAT! For three seasons, Alya has made fun of Marinette's crush on Adrien, while at the same time, has constantly pushed her into situations where she was clearly uncomfortable around him to the point where she discouraged Marinette for trying to move on in a previous episode (Frozer). And then in this special, she trapped them in a room with a fake supervillain (which is this world's equivalent to pretending to be a terrorist) just to get them to confess their feelings for each other. AND THE WHOLE TIME, IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MARINETTE'S CHOICE???
If Obilvio didn't make me stop caring about Alya, this was the moment that actually me despise her.
And the worst part? The narrative frames her as being right. This is somehow enough for Marinette to run out in the pouring rain while a supervillain is lose in New York, with nobody even trying to stop her, to chase after Adrien's car, where she tearfully confesses that she still loves him after the car gets away.
What is the point of this exactly? We already knew Marinette liked Adrien last season, her nonexistent character arc was learning to get over him, and now she's supposed to learn she's still interested in him? What about Luka? Are we just going to ignore Luka? What about the fact that Kagami is already in a relationship with Adrien? None of these questions are never explained.
Gabriel finds the lost Miraculous, the Eagle Miraculous, which represents Freedom, and gives it to Techno-Pirate, turning him into Miraclonizer. Using the Eagle Miraculous' power, Liberation, he can undo any mental boundaries someone has, but since he's using it for evil, it basically drives several heroes crazy without their own moral codes. And while I claimed it was an original power in one of my earlier posts, the more I think about it, Liberation is really just a different version of Reverser's airplanes. All they did was just phrase the explanation a different way.
So despite being a city full of superheroes, Miraclonizer manages to drive every hero crazy in a matter of minutes, with the exception of Jess and Aeon. So do none of the other heroes have sidekicks? Is there not even a Young Justice or Teen Titans-esque team in this city? I'm just saying, if they have a hot dog superhero, there should be at least more than two sidekicks in New York.
Aeon goes to search out Ladybug and Cat Noir, and because of some technobabble stuff, Aeon can easily figure out their identities. Again, this was something I already talked about in an earlier post, so I won't harp on this scene. It's a dumb retcon in a special full of dumb retcons, what else can I say?
So Aeon goes to find Adrien on his private plane to give him back his Miraculous... even though wouldn't it make more sense for Aeon to use it instead to save time? I didn't mention this, but right before this scene, Majestia was pushing the moon towards the Earth. Time is kind of the essence here. It also would have saved us more of Adrien's whining.
Uncanny Valley: Cat Noir, New York and Ladybug need you!
Adrien: (looks at where his ring used to be) I'm no longer Cat Noir.
Uncanny Valley: To err is human, apparently!
Adrien: My mistakes are unforgivable. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment in her eyes.
“i'M sO tOrTuReD. fEeL bAd FoR mE, dAmNiT!”
Cut it out with Angstdrien Depreste already, writers. It's gotten old.
And despite making a big deal about how much he failed Ladybug, he immediately jumps back into action as soon as he hears a recording of Ladybug saying she needs him. I know it's supposed to be a heartwarming thing by showing him wanting to support his lady, but to me, it just comes off more like he needed an ego boost. He was fulling willing to let Ladybug save the day on her own, but as soon as he heard how important he is to Ladybug, he's more than willing to become Cat Noir again. Because it's not like he could regret his decision to abandon his partner, and realize it isn't too late to make up for his mistake, right? That would imply Adrien is motivated by anything other than his feelings for Ladybug. Then there's the fact that as soon as Cat Noir returns, Ladybug instantly forgives him, despite saying earlier that she didn't trust him. It's almost like that whole debacle was only there to eat up about fifteen minutes of the special's runtime.
Hawkmoth issues an ultimatum to Ladybug and Cat Noir. Miraclonizer is ready to fire a nuclear missile (though the dub calls it a rocket, let's be honest, it's not), fully intending to start World War III unless Ladybug and Cat Noir give up. He's seriously willing to risk making The Day After a reality all for his wife. But remember, you're still supposed to feel bad for this literal war criminal.
Ladybug, Cat Noir, Aeon, and Sparrow manage to get to Miraclonizer's hideout, the Statue of Liberty, and take back the Eagle Miraculous, with Sparrow taking it and transforming into Eagle.
And then there's the design of the new hero's suit. While I'm glad it isn't another skintight jumpsuit, and the wings are a nice touch, people have raised some questions regarding Eagle's design, and how it feels like the animators really want to remind the audience that Jess is Native American. I mean, it looks like what Zack Morris wore in that one episode of Saved by the Bell barring the headdress.
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And this might be because I'm a history major, and I just brushed up on this subject in class last semester, but I'm a little uncomfortable with the fact that someone actually thought it was a good idea to give the Native American girl the Miraculous of the Eagle, the symbol of America which represents Freedom. I don't want to go too into detail about this, but, uh... let's just say if you know about the history of the relationship between the Native Americans and the colonists, you'll get why this raises a couple of red flags.
Does this mean I think the showrunners are racist? No, it was an honest, albeit questionable mistake. Do I think this is the worst Native American representation on TV. Oh, hell no. Chakotay from Star Trek: Voyager was a walking amalgam of every Native American stereotype in the book, and was featured in an episode that said, with a straight face, mind you, that Native Americans used to be backwards savages, so a group of white aliens genetically altered them so not only could they survive the Earth's harsh weather, but so they would become more creative, leading to the birth of Native American culture. I apologize to any Native American human being who had the misfortune of learning about that for the first time. But over all, Jess is far from the bottom of the barrel of poor Native American representation.
So Jess uses her powers to calm every superhero down, while Ladybug and Cat Noir de-evilize Technolizer. And of course, Hawkmoth assumes that since there are other lost Miraculous, “they will be his”. Maybe focus on getting the two Miraculous you originally set out to get first, buddy.
So Knightowl and Majestia apologize for their behavior, and we learn that apparently Knightowl and Sparrow have been around for at least since the Wild West, and that the Knighowl and Majestia we've been following have been keeping up the illusion that the original duo are still alive for several generations.
Was this special written in the 1950's? Why make a big deal out of this? Why is it so important that Knightowl and Sparrow both have a Y chromosome? The president is a woman and a superhero, the strongest superhero on Earth is a woman, and you were just saved by a female superhero all the way from Paris. I don't think people will be afraid of getting cooties from this Knightowl. Hell, we live in a world where if you don't like a female superhero, people automatically hate you. Just ask the people who didn't like Captain Marvel.
We see that Alya still learned nothing, as she continues to tease Marinete for daring to call Adrien her “friend”, as our special mercifully ends with the class sending a picture of a banner to Adrien to show their support... but not before a brief scene where a Guardian tries to take Eagle's Miraculous, before she makes him instantly pull a 180 as soon as she suggests he help to “create a new generation of heroes together”.
I'm guessing this is meant to be yet another tie-in to yet another Miraculous side project that will go absolutely nowhere. You might as well have had Nick Fury, oh, I'm sorry, Mick Flurry, recruit Eagle and Uncanny Valley for the ZAG Initiative.
But it doesn't matter, because the special's over, and once again, I never have to think about it ever again.
So... what else can I say that I haven't already said. This special sucks.
While the animation is honestly some of the best to come out of ZAG, and the action can get pretty good at times, it honestly doesn't really mean much when the story surrounding it is just so abysmal. Basically the only thing I liked about the Season 3 finale was the idea that the status quo was shifting in terms of Marinette's feelings for Adrien, and this special just ruined this interesting idea by the end faster than you can say “the series finale of Quantum Leap”.
Alya is at her most unlikable here with everything she does in this special. Almost everything she says to Marinette is either some catty comment or making fun of her trying to get over Adrien. Because God forbid she actually try to grow as a person and not let her life revolve around a cute boy. It's stuff like this that I genuinely wonder why Marinette even bothers to stay friends with her when all she does is tease her and force her out of her comfort zone. And according to co-director Wilfried “Winny” Pain, Alya is meant to be like Jiminy Cricket to Marinette's Pinocchio. I don't know which version of Pinocchio he read as a kid, but clearly, it's not the version we're mostly familiar with.
I'm still glad they didn't have Cat Noir revert back into his Ladybug-simping self we all knew and loathed in Season 3, but that doesn't mean he's still enjoyable in this special. The angsting about how sad Adrien's life is stopped being interesting years ago, and it's only done as a way to get the audience to care about him, but it comes off more like the writers are holding the audience at gunpoint and demanding they sympathize with him for bailing on the world when they need him the most.
I thought Aeon was a pretty likable character. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for socially awkward robot characters like Data or Penny. I just wish we got to know her more, and why exactly her mother felt the need to play God by create her instead of just adopting like what Olympia and Barbara presumably did with Jess.
As a matter of fact, despite being played up as a big deal, there's still a lot about the American heroes that we don't really know about. How were the “United Heroes” formed in the first place? How did Majestia get her powers? What exactly is the origin of Knightowl and Sparrow? Why are all the American heroes so open about their identities to the point where the President's identity as a superhero is so well-known she can casually transform on TV? Hell, Ladybug and Cat Noir barely even interact with any of the heroes, and that includes Uncanny Valley and Sparrow/Eagle.
Generally, the special feels very rushed at times, with a lot of ideas not really being utilized. According to Astruc, there was actually a lot of things cut from the special, including a deleted subplot with Chloe and Ms. Mendeleiev. Although, given Astruc's track record, I don't think it would have been a good one given Chloe is involved.
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This leads into a personal theory I have regarding this special, that I want everyone reading this to take it with a huge grain of salt. As much as he claims that he can't change anything he's already written, I personally believe that Thomas Astruc rewrote part of this special so Adrienette could get more focus to renew interest in the ship.
Hear me out on this. During Season 3, there were a lot more shipping debates between Adrienette shippers and Lukanette shippers, with the latter gaining more traction that season. It was also the season where other ships like Felinette, Kagaminette, and even Maribat became more prominent. And all of these ships were featured in post-Chameleon salt fics bashing Astruc's sunshine child, Adrien.
So, given how Astruc already dedicated an entire episode to bashing Felix fans, why wouldn't he use something like the New York special to convince the shippers to have more faith in the Love Square? After all, aren't Adrien and Marinette made for each other? Astruc has already said so on his Twitter.
Unfortunately, right now, I like to describe the Love Square as “Shrodinger's Relationship”. While the show can claim that Adrien and Marinette would make a great couple, they simultaneously show no real chemestry happening between the two in favor of Love Square shenanigans. And yes, I'm actually thinking of talking about the Love Square in a future analysis post.
And then there's the fact that Astruc himself said that everything that happened in this special is going to lead into the events of Season 4. What do I have to say about that?
Bring it.
I already talk about Miraculous Ladybug itself on this blog almost as much as I talk about its creator, and since I have a Disney+ account, I might as well subject myself to everything Season 4 has to offer. I've already seen one of my favorite shows go to hell, so why don't I chronicle another one of my favorite shows going to hell as well?
So yeah, as soon as a new episode is officially released on Disney+, expect a review from your boy IOTA.
I survived Season 3, so let's see if the number 4 is as unlucky as some countries say it is.
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kanerallels · 3 years
Ok ok eeee!!! I'm so excited! Okay, how about a Kanera princess and the frog au?! I was thinking the scene where they turn into frogs (or should it be lothcats?) Aka when she has to kiss him and then the line "how did I get down here, and how did you get all the way up there?" Until they have to fly away on ballons at the party? (Maybe Chopper can be the dog and Hera's just like "My dog just talked?!") Lol I'm so excited cause I know how good you are at AUs, congrats on 111!!😍
Heck yes my favorite Disney movie let's GO!!!!
Pairing: Hera Syndulla/Kanan Jarrus
Word Count: TBD, I'm on mobile
Tags/Warnings: G (for green. It's the green, it's the green, it's the green that Kanan needs...)
In the dressing room of her best friend’s bedroom, Hera changed out of her stained brown dress and slipped into the shimmering dark blue dress Omega had provided her with. In the other room, she could hear Omega chattering excitedly about the charming Jedi who’d shown up-- Kanan Jarrus, the apprentice of the deeply respected Depa Billaba. He’d swept Omega off her feet almost immediately, although from what Hera had heard, the young man had quite the reputation for such things.
Hera couldn’t focus on her friend’s words, though. In her mind, she could only replay the moment when she’d heard that she’d been outbid for the ship she was trying to buy. With it, she’d be free, to explore the galaxy by herself, not dependent on anyone.
But tonight, she’d gotten the news from the salesman himself-- they’d handed it off to someone with more money. She could still hear the man’s condescending words echoing in her ears-- a little woman of your… well, species, would have had her hands full trying to run a ship on her own. You’re best where you’re at.
Best where I’m at? Hera thought, frustration boiling through her veins. Working two jobs, sacrificing any semblance of fun or enjoyment just so she could save enough, scrimping and saving and making so many hard choices, and just when she thought she’d had a chance? It was all gone.
She stepped into the main bedroom as Omega was saying, “You know, I was starting to think that wishing on stars was just for babies, and crazy people.” She paused as Hera came into view, and a smile crossed her face. “Well, aren’t you just as pretty as a magnolia in May?” Taking a silver-and-blue headpiece from the chest of drawers in front of her, she brought it over and placed it on Hera’s head, saying, “Seems like only yesterday we were younger, dreaming our fairy tale dreams-- and tonight, they’re both coming true!”
Hera couldn’t bring herself to correct her friend, and Omega was so excited she didn’t even notice Hera’s silent demeanor. It was only seconds later that she swept back out into the party, leaving Hera alone in her room.
Reaching into the pocket of her stained dress, she pulled out the flimsi advertisement for a VCX-100 ship she’d found when she was little. Her mother had always encouraged her in this dream-- her father was a little more skeptical. Still, the memory of Eleni Syndulla holding her close as she excitedly talked about the ship she’d own one day was enough to make tears prickle in Hera’s eyes.
Moving out onto the balcony, she stared out at the Rylothian landscape, determined not to cry. But she’d been so close. So kriffing close, and she’d lost it all again. It was hard to imagine attempting this again, after how hard she’d work the first time-- and now she had to start over?
Releasing a shaky sigh, Hera blinked away her tears and lifted her gaze up to the sky. Her eyes landed on one of the stars-- the brightest one, that her mother had always told her and Omega stories about when they were little. A star you could make a wish upon, and it would always come true.
It was just a story for children. But in her current emotional state, Hera was about ready to believe anything.
Her gaze darted around the balcony. Finding it empty, Hera muttered, “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” All the same, she lifted her gaze to the star and internally made her wish. Please. Please.
She closed her eyes for just a moment, then opened them, knowing nothing had changed. Wishes only came true in stories. Hard work was the only thing that would ever get her anywhere.
As it turned out, something actually had changed. Hera’s gaze drifted to the left, and her eyes went wide at the sight of a frog perched there. She wasn’t exactly a fan of frogs, if she was being honest, although she had nothing personal against them.
Remembering one of the other stories her mother had told her and Omega, a small smile tugged at Hera’s lips. “So what now?” she said, directing the comment at the frog. “I suppose you want a kiss?”
“I’m not about to say no to it,” the frog said with a smirk.
Hera wasn’t exactly proud of how she reacted next. But coming face to face with a frog that sounded like a grown man who thought he was more charming than he actually was? That was too much for her. Letting out the closest sound to a scream she’d made in years, she stumbled backwards and crashed into a shelf full of Omega’s things.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” the frog said, hastily hopping towards her. “I didn’t mean to startle you--”
He cut himself off with a yelp as he leapt to avoid a book from Omega’s shelf. And then a holodisk. The tooka doll Hera threw actually hit him, although it didn’t make much of a difference. Leaning his forearms on it, he remarked, “You’ve got a strong arm, Princess.”
Hera responded by grabbing the vibroblade Omega’s brothers had given her, and the frog’s eyes widened. “Please don’t--”
He dove out of the way just in time as the knife embedded itself point first in the wooden floor, and jumped up on top of the chest of drawers. “Okay, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kanan Jarrus, Jedi--”
Hera slammed a cup she’d found over him, neatly trapping him. “--Knight,” he finished. “What the kriff?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Hera snapped. “How would you like me to react to a talking frog??” And then his words caught up with her. “Wait. Jedi Knight? If you’re the Jedi Knight, who’s that down there charming Omega?” she demanded, releasing the cup without thinking.
Kanan immediately shoved the cup off of him with a grunt, letting it roll free. “How would I know?” he pointed out. “All I know is one minute, I’m a dashing Jedi Knight, handsome, excellent dancer, I might add--” Hera rolled her eyes extensively-- “and then I’m stuck with these.” He thrust one webbed foot in her direction, wobbling towards her dangerously, and Hera grabbed a book nearby in defense.
“Wait!” Kanan all but shouted, his eyes going wide. “Wait, wait-- I know that story! The one with the frog who used to be a prince-- what’s it called…?”
“‘The Frog Prince’?” Hera deadpanned.
“Exactly!” Kanan waved for her to hand over the book, almost toppling over under the weight. He managed to get it settled against the mirror, and flipped it open. “I used to hear this story all the time in the Creche. This-- this is it! This is the solution!” Turning towards Hera, he said, “You-- must kiss me.”
“Excuse me??”
Moving to his feet, Kanan directed her a charming grin that probably worked on most women when they were not incredibly irritated by him, and he was also not a frog. “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll enjoy it. All women do.”
“That’s revolting,” Hera told him flatly.
“I doubt you’ll be saying that soon,” Kanan said, his grin widening as he leaned forward-- and then the sac under expanded out, and Hera jerked back in alarm. “That’s new,” he assured her.
“Look, I’m sorry,” Hera said, which was only mostly a lie, “I wish I could help you. But I don’t kiss frogs, and I certainly won’t kiss you.”
“Wha-- you literally asked me back on the balcony!” Kanan protested, the alarm on his face growing.
“It was sarcasm!” Hera snapped. “And I certainly didn’t expect you to answer. There’s absolutely no way I’m kissing you.”
“Come on-- look, not only am I incredibly good-looking, but I’m with the Jedi Order,” Kanan pointed out. “I can make sure you’re rewarded handsomely for this. Surely there’s gotta be something you want, some wish we could grant?”
Despite herself, Hera’s eyes flicked to the flimsi poster for the VCX-100 that had gone flying across the room in the kerfuffle. But this was stupid. It was just a ship, she didn’t need it that badly.
Yet even as she thought the words, she knew it wasn’t true. It was more than a ship for her, it was freedom. It was a dream she’d had for as long as she could remember. And if there was a way to attain it…
“Just one kiss?” she asked, wavering.
“Unless you beg for more,” Kanan said, smirking.
That decided it. If it was only to get rid of this pain in the neck, Hera would do it. “Deal,” she said, nodding.
The frog instantly puckered his lips, closing his eyes, and Hera reeled backwards. It was just… gross. The idea of pressing her lips against those of a decidedly slimy looking--
She pushed that thought out of her mind, replaced it with the image of the VCX she’d own after this, and lunged forward to kiss the frog.
The moment her lips met his, greenish light flashed over them, and Hera felt it engulf her. Everything went black.
She didn’t know how long later her eyes slid open, but when they did, she was enveloped with some kind of blue fabric. Shoving it off of her, she looked up and saw a wide-eyed Kanan staring down at her. Except he was still a frog.
“.......kriff,” he whispered.
Uncomprehending, Hera blinked hard. “You look remarkably like a frog. Still. Aren’t you supposed to be handsome? But why are you up there? And what am I doing down here, with all this--”
She glanced down at the pool of fabric, seeing the green of her skin against it. But there was something different about it. Something off with the texture and the feeling of it.
Also, she was missing a finger.
Hera jerked to the side and caught sight of herself in a mirror. The face of a frog stared back, and she let out an undignified shriek. “What--” With a leap that was entirely instinct, she flew to the top of the dresser and crashed into Kanan, bowling him over. “What did you do to me?” she demanded, staggering to her feet.
“Easy-- don’t panic,” Kanan attempted to calm her. “It’s not so bad.”
Catching hold of her hand, Kanan said soothingly, “No, no-- it’s not slime. You’re secreting mucus.”
That was the last straw for Hera. She narrowed her eyes in a death glare at Kanan, and his eyes went wide just as she tackled him across the room. They crashed into a cushioned stool, bouncing up, slamming against a shelf, then down again and landing on a precariously balanced sniper rifle of Omega’s. Before Hera could act on the many threats she had boiling in her head, a book toppled off the shelf and landed on one end of the rifle, catapulting both her and Kanan out of the room, over the balcony and into the party below.
They plummeted towards the band below, landing on the drums. The drummer, a big male Togruta, instantly went after them with his drumsticks as they both dove away from him and attempted to make a break for it.
Hera heard the other band members start a faster song to match the renewed tempo as she and Kanan went flying through the air and landed on the nearest person. Unfortunately, it happened to be Omega. And it was less landing then falling down the back of her dress.
She started hopping around frantically with yelps of shock. As they were jolted around, Kanan remarked, “You know, for a costume ball, you’d think they’d be a little more welcoming!”
“This is not the time for jokes,” Hera snarled.
As Omega toppled over, the two of them managed to escape out of her voluminous hoop skirt, just in time to hear Hunter, Omega’s father figure/brother, shout, “CHOPPER! GET THE FROGS!”
Karabast. Hera caught sight of Chopper-- the tame vornskr that Hera had befriended-- jerk his head up, then bolt towards them. Next to her, Kanan grabbed her hand. “Run!”
As he leapt from the skirt to the nearby buffet table, flying past the shocked Kanan-lookalike, Hera snapped, “I can’t run, I’m a frog, thanks to you!”
“Then hop!” They landed on the buffet table, Hera almost slipping off the edge. Kanan hauled her up quickly and the two of them started hopping frantically down the table as Chopper came flying after them, scrabbling at the tablecloth. “Down!” Kanan shouted. “Down, you kriffing monster dog!”
Chopper did not listen, partially because he was not a dog, and partially because he was Chopper. Kanan and Hera kept going-- straight towards a pair of guests. One of them brandished a fake sword that looked a little too sharp, and swung at them viciously. At the exact same time, the man next to him, wearing a boga hat, ducked, and the sword severed the top of the hat. The hat dropped on top of Kanan and Hera, effectively covering their vision.
The next few minutes were a haze of chaos-- shouting and yelling and a lot of running. Finally, the boga hat came off of them, and both Kanan and Hera went flying forward, tangling in the strings of a bundle of balloons.
Hera frantically tried to disentangle herself as she spotted Chopper still charging towards them. “Wait! Chopper!” she shouted.
Kanan had other ideas. Grabbing the string of balloons, he jerked them free. “Going up!”
As the balloons zipped up into the air, Chopper lunged for them, and Hera shouted, “Chopper, it’s me, Hera!”
“Hera?” the vornskr gasped.
Before Hera could react to that, Chopper plummeted back to the ground, and they continued upwards.
“Chopper just talked,” Hera managed as Kanan grabbed her by the hand, pulling her up so she could grab onto some of the balloons. “The vornskr talked.”
His voice irritated, Kanan said, “You know, if you’re going to let every little thing bother you, this is going to be an even longer night!”
As they flew away from the party, Hera shot Kanan an unseen glare. The sooner she got away from this pain in the neck, the better. She had a bad feeling that wasn’t going to go as well as she hoped, though.
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Disney Songs That Hit Different™ When You’re Autistic, a full Spotify Playlist
Open to updates should anyone notice a song I missed!
Tracklist and specific lyrics that fuck me up under the cut: 
The World Above - The Little Mermaid Broadway Production
“It’s like my life was wrong And somehow, now, at last I’m in My own skin Up here in the world above!”
“The sun’s so bright here Upon my face! It feels so right here Warm as love... Life seems to be Almost calling to me...” - stimmy 
Belle - Beauty and the Beast 
“The bookshop. I just finished the most wonderful story. About a beanstalk and an ogre and a—” - y’all ever been interrupted on an infodump and then realize nobody cared? yeah that feeling 
“Look there she goes, that girl is strange, no question Dazed and distracted, can't you tell? Never part of any crowd Cause her head's up on some cloud No denying she’s a funny girl, that Belle...”
“[That one? But you've read it twice!] It's my favorite. Far-off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise...” - SPECIAL INTEREST 
“Look there she goes, that girl is so peculiar I wonder if she's feeling well With a dreamy, far-off look And her nose stuck in a book What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle...”
“Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because you'll see Here's where she meets Prince Charming But she won't discover that it's him till chapter three...” - IF NOBODY LISTENS TO MY INFODUMP I SHALL INFODUMP TO SHEEP
“But behind that fair façade I'm afraid she's rather odd Very diff'rent from the rest of us She's nothing like the rest of us...”
More - deleted song from Moana
honestly the entire song is a bit “want to break off and learn about special interest / be in my own world / be myself” mood 
“The other kids just dance and play How can you play? There's so much out there to explore...”
“She stares at the sky, she stumbles down the beaches She mumbles all the names that her Gramma Tala teaches With one foot here and another in a distant past She’s growing up too fast...”
Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid 
not only a BIG SPECIAL INTEREST MOOD... big “i don’t belong here” mood...
“Look at this trove, treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here, you'd think Sure, she's got everything” “I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty I've got whooz-its and whats-its galore You want thing-a-mabobs? I've got twenty But who cares? No big deal. I want more!”
“Betcha on land, they understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimmin', Ready to stand...”
“When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, Love to explore that shore up above?”
More Than Just the Spare - deleted song from Frozen 
“I'm not part of the town, not born to be queen Just somebody hopelessly in-between She's the scholar, athlete, poet I'm the screw up, don't I know it...”
“I may lack style and I may lack grace And once in a while I fall on my face But this little button deserves a place in the sky This button wants to fly- Wait, buttons can't fly, it doesn't make any sense!”
“And maybe I can't be the perfect one And maybe I err on the side of fun...”
“Someday I'll find my thing, a thing that's all my own That thing that makes me part of something, not just all alone If only all this feeling I have in my heart, could mean something to someone, how I'd love to play that part!”
“Like a button, like a horseshoe Like a girl who's bad at metaphors!”
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin Broadway Production 
“So say I'm slow for my age A late bloomer, Okay, I agree...”
“But I'll get over these lousin' up Messin' up, screwin' up times You'll see, Ma, now comes the better part Someone's gonna make good, cross his stupid heart Make good and finally make you proud of your boy...”
“Say I'm a goldbrick, a good-off, no good But that couldn't be all that I am...”
“Though I can't make myself taller Or smarter or handsome or wise I'll do my best, what else can I do? Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you Mom, I will try to try hard to make you Proud of your boy...”
Let Me Make You Proud - Tangled: The Series
“Maybe I make things a mess And maybe you're right to have doubts in me Maybe, but nevertheless If you for once could just trust me...”
“And when I return And I'm more than you dreamt I'd be Maybe then you will realize That you never actually knew me at all...”
“Cause I long for that look of surprise When you see your son rising at last...”
Almost There - The Princess and the Frog 
“Ain't got time for messin' around And it's not my style...”
“But I know exactly where I'm going Getting closer and closer every day...”
“People down here think I'm crazy But I don't care Trials and tribulations, I've had my share...”
Home - deleted song from Frozen 2 
BIG routine song
“Wandering through the town with everyone doing all of their stuff Somewhere in my heart I feel I've not yet done enough For these people I know, this place that I love so...”
“I know how fragile things can be. If I lost them, I'd lose me They're my ocean, they're my shore. I wanna give them more...”
In a World of My Own / Very Good Advice - mashup cover of Alice in Wonderland 
“They would sit and talk to me for hours When I'm lonely in a world of my own...”
“I could listen to a babbling brook And hear a song that I could understand I keep wishing it could be that way Because my world would be a wonderland...”
“I give myself very good advice But I very seldom follow it That explains the trouble that I'm always in...”
“Be patient is very good advice But the waiting makes me curious And I'd love the change Should something strange begin...”
“Will I ever learn to do the things I should?” 
Reflection - Mulan
“Now I see that if I were truly to be myself I would break my family's heart...”
“Somehow I cannot hide Who I am, though I've tried...”
“How I pray that a time will come I can free myself from their expectations On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself And to make my family proud...”
“They want a docile lamb, no-one knows who I am Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide? Must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time?”
If I Wasn’t So Small - Piglet’s Big Movie 
“It's not as if I want to rule the world Or even the forest, or even one tree I suppose I could be happy, if I could be helpful With just a little bit of noticing me...”
“I'd be needed and useful More each passing day...”
Jack’s Lament - The Nightmare Before Christmas 
“Oh somewhere deep inside of these bones An emptiness began to grow There's something out there far from my home A longing that I've never known...”
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew - Tangled: The Series
“I thought no one could love me And how could I have known? I was wrong, oh so wrong...” “Then I thought I found it, a dream that I could share I thought I was so lucky, it almost wasn't fair I thought I knew my purpose, I thought that I knew where I belong But I was wrong...”
“Now that it's all crumbling, help me understand If none of it was really me then who am I supposed to be?”
“I guess my life meant nothing I guess it was a sham I guess I'm someone else now I wonder who I am...”
I’ll Try - Return to Neverland
“I am not a child now I can take care of myself I mustn't let them down now Mustn't let them see me cry...”
“My whole world is changing I don't know where to turn I can't leave you waiting But I can't stay and watch the city burn...”
Waiting in the Wings (Reprise) - Tangled: The Series
“I craved so much, and yet I kept on waiting One glance, one touch, and I just kept on waiting...”
Waiting in the Wings - Tangled: The Series 
“Guess we all are born with parts to play Some of us are stars, and some are just in the way I know I was meant for glory But that's never what my story brings And yet I keep on waiting...”
“When you have the passion and the drive You expect your moment centre stage to arrive I show up with heart ablazing Ready to achieve amazing things But I'm left waiting in the wings...”
“It's always someone else who sings While I'm left waiting in the wings...”
“Always overlooked unfairly, while pretending that it barely stings But it stings, yes, it stings...” 
I’m Still Here (Jim Theme) - Treasure Planet
“I am a question to the world, not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms...”
“And how can you learn what's never shown Yeah, you stand here on your own They don't know me, cause I'm not here...”
“And I want to tell you who I am Can you help me be a man? They can't break me As long as I know who I am...”
“They can't tell me who to be Cause I'm not what they see Yeah, the world is still sleeping While I keep on dreaming for me And their words are just whispers and lies That I'll never believe...”
“And I want a moment to be real Want to touch things I don't feel Wanna hold on, and feel I belong And how can you say I'll never change They're the ones that stay the same I'm the one now Cause I'm still here!”
God Help the Outcasts - The Hunchback of Notre Dame 
“Yes, I know I'm just an outcast I shouldn't speak to You Still, I see Your face and wonder Were You once an outcast, too?”
“God help the outcasts, hungry from birth Show them the mercy they don't find on earth God help my people - we look to You, still God help the outcasts or nobody will...”
“Please help my people, the poor and downtrod I thought we all were the children of God?”
So Close - Enchanted 
honestly the entirety of enchanted is an autism mood but, 
“So close to reaching That famous happy end Almost believing This one's not pretend...”
Into the Unknown - cover of Frozen 2
“There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day And ignore your whisper which I wish would go away...”
“I’ve had my adventure, I don’t need something new...”
“Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I am really meant to be?“
“Are you out there? [Do you know me?]  Can you feel me? Can you show me?”
Someone’s Waiting For You - The Rescuers 
“Don't cry, little one There'll be a smile where a frown use to be You'll be part of the love that you see...”
Sally’s Song - The Nightmare Before Christmas 
“I sense there's something in the wind That feels like tragedy's at hand And though I'd like to stand by him Can't shake this feeling that I have...”
“Although I'd like to join the crowd In their enthusiastic cloud Try as I may, it doesn't last...”
Someday - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Off-Broadway Production 
“Someday, when we are wiser When the world's older, when we have learned I pray someday we may yet live To live and let live...”
“Someday, these dreams will all be real Til then we'll wish upon the moon Change will come, one day  Someday soon...”
Where Do I Go From Here - Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
“They do what they must for now And trust in their plan If I trust in mine, somehow I might find who I am...”
“The path ahead's so hard to see It winds and bends but where it ends Depends on only me In my heart I don't feel part of so much I've known Now it seems it's time to start A new life on my own...”
Wherever You Are - Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 
“I'm out here in the dark, all alone and wide awake Come and find me I'm empty and I'm cold, and my heart's about to break Come and find me...”
“I need you to come here and find me Cause without you, I'm totally lost I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far...”
“I used to believe in forever, But forever’s too good to be true...”
Belle (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast 
“And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned...”
Endless Night - The Lion King Broadway Production 
“Home is an empty dream Lost to the night Father, I feel so alone...”
“I know that the night must end I know that the sun will rise...”
Set Yourself Free - Tangled: The Series 
“Locked inside a tower, kept behind a wall Sheltered from a world you’ve barely known That’s the way they treat you...”
“There's much more inside of you than anyone can see And now the choice is yours, life waits beyond the doors So step on through, the time has come And only you can set yourself free!”
“So use the gifts you're given Make the world your own Look inside your heart and find the key...”
“Bound up by your worries Trapped by your mistakes Forced to play a role you never chose...”
“No more letting someone else define you to a T You know that you are strong You've known it all along...”
Let it Go - Frozen Broadway Production
“The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know!”
“I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway...”
“It’s time to see what I can do  To test the limits and break through  No right, no wrong, no rules for me  I’m free!”
“Let it go, let it go And I’ll rise like the break of dawn! Let it go, let it go  That perfect girl is gone!”
How Far I’ll Go (Reprise) - Moana 
“All that time wondering where I need to be is behind me I'm on my own to worlds unknown...”
Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas 
“You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew...”
Strangers Like Me - Tarzan 
when u meet another autistic person.... 
“Whatever you do, I'll do it, too Show me everything and tell me how It all means something And yet nothing to me...”
“I can see there's so much to learn It's all so close and yet so far I see myself as people see me Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there...”
Beyond My Wildest Dreams - The Little Mermaid Broadway Production 
“Look over there! Oh my god! How very odd! And what might they be? Something splendid, maybe! Look over here! Could you bust? Isn't it just bedazzling, dazing, utterly amazing! Gazing 'round, it's like, to die! Just seeing it feels so good, I'd scream if I only could!”
“Just keeps on gawking- Weird how she's not talking!”
“I'd hoped and wished My life would feel enchanted! Wished and prayed The fates would hear my plea...”
Watch What Happens - Newsies Broadway Production 
“’Write what you know’ So they say, all I know is I don't know what to write Or the right way to write it...”
“It could practically write itself And let's pray it does, cause as I may have mentioned I have no clue what I'm doing!”
“Speak up, take a stand, and there's someone to write about it That's how things get better...”
[also. the squeal.]
“Like someone said, "Power tends to corrupt" And absolute power, wait, wait, corrupts? Absolutely, that is genius! But give me some time, I'll be twice as good as that six months from never...”
“Just look around at the world we're inheriting And think of the one we'll create...”
“Give those kids and me the brand new century and watch what happens It's David and Goliath, do or die The fight is on and I can't watch what happens But all I know is nothing happens if you just give in It can't be any worse than how it's been And it just so happens that we just might win So whatever happens, let's begin!”
Son of Man - Tarzan 
“Oh, the power to be strong and the wisdom to be wise All these things will come to you in time On this journey that you're making, there'll be answers that you'll seek And it's you who'll climb the mountain It's you who'll reach the peak...”
“Though there's no one there to guide you, no one to take your hand But with faith and understanding You will journey from boy to man...”
“In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn You'll find your place beside the ones you love Oh, and all the things you dreamed of, the visions that you saw Well, the time is drawing near now It's yours to claim it all!”
Strange Sight - Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast 
“You stand in the light You're wrong, but you're right And my heart's beating wildly Strange how I'm scared but delighted Afraid, but excited too!”
“Do you long to be left all alone? Set apart with a heart made of stone? Let me help, let's begin Let me learn, won't you let me in? All the light, let it show...”
“You are a strange sight, some new kind of wonder With good hidden under, I'm sure that it's true Strange how your dark doesn't faze me...”
Wind in My Hair - Tangled: The Series 
“What if the doors began to open? What if the knots became untied? What if one day, nothing stood in my way And the world was mine?”
“Plenty of mysteries to unravel Tons of mistakes to not regret So much to see, and to do and to be A whole life to spend And it doesn't end...”
For a Moment - The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea 
“This way is left, but which way is right? Well, now I'll be circling in circles all night...” - direction problems amirite
“This is more than my thoughts ever thought it could be For a moment, just a moment, lucky me...”
“For a moment, I can feel, All the dreams I've been dreaming are real, Wish my mother could hear it, the sea is my song For a moment, just a moment I belong...”
Speechless - Aladdin 2019 Remake
i would like to send this song to autism $peaks (hate group) underlined in red and with a photo attached of me with a middle finger up 
“Here comes a wave meant to wash me away A tide that is taking me under Swallowing sand, left with nothing to say. My voice drowned out in the thunder...”
“Written in stone, every rule, every word Centuries old and unbending ‘Stay in your place, better seen and not heard.’ Well, now that story is ending!”
“Let the storm in! I cannot be broken! No, I won't live unspoken! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!”
“Try to lock me in this cage! I won't just lay me down and die! I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky!”
“I won't be silenced! Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it, All I know is I won't go speechless, speechless! Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me! Don't you underestimate me! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!”
Show Yourself - Frozen 2 
the siren call... stimmy
“Something is familiar, like a dream I can reach but not quite hold I can sense you there, like a friend I've always known I'm arriving, it feels like I am home...”
“I have always been a fortress Cold secrets deep inside...”
“Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life? Show yourself! I'm ready to learn...”
“I've never felt so certain! All my life, I've been torn But I'm here for a reason- could it be the reason I was born? I have always been so different, normal rules did not apply Is this the day? Are you the way I finally find out why?”
“I am found!”
“You are the one you've been waiting for All of your life...”
Here I Am - Camp Rock 
“They tell you a good girl is quiet and that you should never ask why Cause it only makes it harder to fit in And you should be happy, excited, even if you're just invited Cause the winners need someone to clap for them...”
“It's so hard just waiting in a line that never moves It's time you started making your own rules...”
“If how you’re living isn't working there's one thing that'll help You got to finally just stop searching and find yourself...”
“The world better make some room Yea move over, over Cause you’re coming through!”
“You gotta scream until there's nothing left With your last breath Say here I am! Here I am! Make em listen Cause there is no way you'll be ignored Not anymore...”
Us Against the Universe - Phineas and Ferb: The Movie - Candace Against the Universe
“I used to feel alone, just me against the raging tide, But I guess I should've known that you were always on my side. Now I don't have to be an island, cause you've been there all the while, and Now I realize my fears weren't justified!”
“Cause as long as we're together, We can stand and face whatever Kind of trouble this world tries to put us in. If you're out there on your own, You just might take it on the chin Cause if it's us against the universe, we win!”
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blessednereid · 4 years
Love and Monopoly
 Love and Monopoly
Milton Greasley x Reader, 
Fandom: TVDU/Legacies 
Dialogue Prompts: “Try focusing more on your life and less on mine!” and "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
Fun Take on Angsty Prompts
Warning: Cursing, Drinking, Kissing, Necking, Mentions of food, brief mentions of blood (bunny blood for vamps), Monopoly
A/N: Someone please open my messages and give me a crash course on how to write a makeout scene I can’t do it, OMFH ಥ‿ಥ
Word Count: 2760
You and Milton Greasley had been dating for 5 years. 
You met during your shared time together at Salvatore Boarding School. You were a witch who helped MG calm down whenever he went into a ripper mode. You had used spells to lower his bloodlust. You even made the bunny blood that the school had fed vampires taste as close to human blood as you could without triggering a negative response. 
 After you all graduated, The Super Squad all rented a house in Mystic Falls, and you were all roommates. The house had 5 bedrooms, one for you and MG, one for Lizzie, one for Josie, one for Hope, and one for Kaleb. However, since Josie and Hope began dating, they had moved into the tribrid's room, so now the empty space was more of a game room. There were board games and consoles in the closet, a pool table, and a regular round glass table surrounded by armchairs where you all could sit and play games. 
Tonight was your bi-weekly game night, and you all had decided to play monopoly. Though it was a unanimous decision, you knew it could take days to finish. You were all very competitive, and none of you would go down without a fight. This is why, to finish faster, you decided to have a team game of monopoly.
On the day of, everyone had started going shopping for the concessions for the event. Trays of assorted cookies, hors-doeuvres, sandwich platters, as well as multiple different fruit juices were bought and set on a foldable table in the game room. 
As you were setting and arranging everything on the table, your wonderful boyfriend came around to help you. 
"Don't worry, love, I got it," you chuckled. "I am much capable of setting a party table on my own."
"C'mon, you make me feel like I'm not good enough to do simple things, babe," he laughed with you, though his words triggered something in your brain.
"Oh yeah?" you quipped. "These are some pictures from the last time you set the table for dinner…"
In the photo, the table linen was frowned up, the forks were out of place, some placements didn't even have certain utensils. The plates were pushed to the center, chairs closer to the edge than the food was.
"Oh..." he giggled lifelessly.
"Now you see why you don't use super speed to set up something like that?"
"I mean, I don't think it's the super speed, darling. I was simply being blinded by your beauty that day."
 Your laugh thundered in the room. "Go away MG, I'm not letting you win today!"
"Aw dammit! Alright, love, I'll let you get back to your project," he stated before he walked out of the room.
"Yeah, Hope?"
The Saltzman twin had been brushing her hair in the mirror, getting ready for the game night later.
"You look gorgeous, so stop taking out every strand of your hair with this damn brush," Hope stated before yanking the brush out of the younger girls' hand. 
Josie embraced Hope in a warm hug. "Thanks, Hope."
"Alright, everyone. Welcome to 'The Super Squad Bi-Weekly Game Night.' I'm your host, Y/N L/N, and you're watching Disney Channel." All of the friends burst out laughing. "Tough crowd, I see I see. Well, let's move on with the game, shall we?"
"First up introducing, He's the founder, he's the mediator, He is… MILTON GREASLEY!!"
They all clapped and cheered for MG before you moved on.
"Next up, She's the brain, she's the brawn. She is the tribrid, and she's got it going on, Hope Mikaelson!!"
Whoops and cheers echoed throughout the room. 
You continued through all of your friends.
"The realistic, the cynic, the man with raps for days… Kaleb Hawkins!!"
"The sweet, the kind, but she can fuck up your mind, Josie Salvatore!!" 
"She's sarcastic, totally bombastic, Lizzie Saltzman everybody!!"
"And ME! Could you tell I was trying to sound like those game show hosts everybody? No? Well, I was. Anyways young ones-" You wore a giant grin to emphasize the corniness of what you were saying before continuing.
"Alright, I'm dropping the act. It's too hard, jeez!" They all laughed at your antics. "I hope you guys are laughing with me and not at me."
You explained the rules for the game of teams.
“Here’s the way it goes, each player has the same amount of money they would have in a regular game of monopoly. However, every team only has one token, teams must make agreements on all purchases, trades, and decisions. Teams must take turns rolling the dice, and one team member must always be present at the board.” 
“Sounds easy”
“Let’s play!”
You stared at them dumbfounded. “I memorized and recited all that without stumbling on my words, and all I get is ‘sounds easy’?”
MG stood to comfort you. 
“It’s alright, love,” he said, rubbing your shoulders lightly before pulling away. You scoffed.
“Alright then, let’s play. In this hat, I have slips of paper with all of your names, but first, in this bucket are sticks with numbers that will determine the order of selection. Step forward.”
They all stepped forward and grasped the popsicle sticks prior to stepping away from the bucket. 
"Who has number 1?"
"Oh, I do!" Lizzie stepped forward and drew a slip of paper from the hat.
She and Kaleb sat back down at the table. 
"Number 2?" 
Hope stepped forward. 
They also went to go sit down beside Lizzie and Kaleb.
"That leaves me and you, Jo," you stated happily. Jo and yourself had one of the best team duos. In school, you two would be partnered up for projects often. With that experience of communication, you were sure to win. 
You joined the rest of your friends at the table. Lizzie and Kaleb named their team, Team Siphon Vamp. Hope and MG had been Team 3 in 2, and you and Josie were the 'Twitches from two different misuses.' 
"Alright, before the token selection, I must announce the prize of the game.
"The winners of the game will receive a dish duty pass for the rest of the week." Cheers louder than before erupted in the room.
"Lettuce commence!" The silence in the room was lethally quiet, and you could quite literally hear crickets. "Get it? Because lettuce sounds like let us?"
"It's ok, babe, let's just play," MG said before pulling you down. You grumped before deciding with Josie on the Penguin. Hope and MG had picked the dog, and Lizzie and Kaleb had chosen the dinosaur. 
You, acting as the banker, dished out the money to all the players, and you commenced the game. 
Lizzie and Kaleb went first. Lizzie rolled the dice, rolled 7, and landed on a chance card, which told her to advance to the nearest railroad, and they bought it. Hope and MG went next.
MG rolled a 5 and landed directly on Team Siphon Vamp's freshly purchased railroad, M100 out of their pocket already.
"Ooooh… MG…. Honey, you're losing money faster than you did when that PS5 came out, babe."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, ok! I'm still gonna kick your ass!"
You were taunting him. "You sure about that, love?"
"You didn't even try to "kick my ass" last night, darling," you smirked.
Oohs erupted from your friends, and it was evident you knocked his ego down a peg.
At last, it was your team's turn. You and Josie each took one die in your hands and rolled it. You had landed a 6 and a 4, which landed you a visit to jail.
"Look who's losing now! You're literally in jail, babe," Hope teased Josie. 
"Oh, whatever. Focus more on your lives-"
"-And less on ours!" your duo quipped. 
Lizzie protested to this. "Hey hey hey!! That is my twin! Only I get to finish her sentences!"
You all laughed at this but continued your game.
Almost 15 rounds later, and everyone had a fair standing in the game. 
Team Siphon Vamp had had 2 monopolies, on the railroads and on the pink properties. 
Hope and MG had 3 already, the dark blue properties, the brown, and utilities. They also had 2 greens cards, the other being in the hands of you and Josie, as well as 1 red card that was being aimed for by you and Josie, who had the other 2 properties. 
You guys also had monopolies on the yellow and orange properties. If you got the red card of Kentucky Avenue, you would be unstoppable. 
 "Baby," you called out. 
"Yes, love?"
"I'll give you the other green for the red," you and Josie smiled.
"That's not fair babe, you'll own the corner," he protested.
"But the green is worth more. Please?" you pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes.
Before he could utter another word, Josie spoke. 
"We'll give you M100, and your first landing on any one of our properties will be free of rent."
Hope spoke up. "Sounds good to me!"
"Hell no! You're gonna have to do something way better than that before you fool this genius."
You whined.
"Fine, I'll give you one of my signatures back walks," you leveraged, knowing full well he couldn't resist. "C'mon, baby, I know how much your back has been hurting."
He agreed reluctantly. "Fine, but it better be worth it!"
Team Twitches cheered. 
"Wait, what about us! We'll be demolished, you selfish weirdos." This was true. Lizzie and Kaleb were low on cash, they had rushed too fast to place houses, and now they were paying the price.
"Tough luck!" Hope and Josie chorused.
 Soon, it had been as you all thought.  Kaleb and Lizzie were in debt to Hope and MG. They had landed on Boardwalk Avenue, and it had 3 hotels on it, so they owed them M6000, M6000 they did not have.
Soon, they ended up relinquishing all their properties back to the bank for auction to pay off Hope and MG, gave them the rest of their money, and had to leave the game.
 With 2 full monopolies from Lizzie and Kaleb, along with the last green property they needed, they had successfully turned the game around. Now it was Josie and you who were losing. 
You all decided at this point to split the teams. Each team dividing both the cash and the monopolies equally, and two more pieces were added to the board, on the same spots as their former teammates, and you resumed.
Josie was soon knocked out due to MG within 5 rounds, and Hope was quick to crumble under your might, two turn-loops after that. They joined Lizzie and Kaleb at the pool table. They were now drinking beers since they no longer needed to be sober.
Soon it was just you and MG left in the game. 
MG leaned forward closer to you while you were deciding what to do with your turn.
"You know what you could do, darling?" He whispered provocatively in your ear. "Give in."
You pushed him away. You were not going to lose to MG and his self-righteous ego that night. 
"Shut up."
"Give in, baby. I know you want to."
"Shut up, Milton."
"Hey, Hey, Hey!" He yelled. "No need to get hostile!"
You decided you hadn't wanted to place any more houses, well, you couldn't at the moment. You rolled the dice but were in for a bitter-sweet realization.
You had been ready to pay an M100 luxury tax fee before you realized you landed on Boardwalk, one of the monopolies Hope had let MG keep in the split. MG had only since put 2 more hotels on it, and the price was now M10,000
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"
Soon, your friends rushed over to where you two sat and began cackling, all except Josie, who was still hoping her former teammate would avenge her.
You began selling your hotels and houses back to the bank, but it still wasn't enough. You sold your properties and gave the rest of your money to MG, but you still owed a few hundred Monopoly dollars. 
 He kissed your cheek, much to your dismay, and happily accepted his victory. 
It had been almost 2 weeks, and you were still giving MG the silent treatment. He had been gloating about his win for the entire night, and you were livid.
You knew he didn't deserve it, but you didn't think you deserved to lose either. 
You were staring at the ceiling. You had just woken up, and MG wasn't beside you. 
You had hated those moments. No matter how mad you were at MG,  you hated when you woke up, and he wasn't beside you. 
After all, you guys had been through so much, and you were always worried that he would die abruptly and leave you. Even after the threat was over, you still felt this way.
After a few minutes, MG had come into the room, Kaleb at his side. Kaleb looked bored, and his face said all you needed to know... he didn't want to be there. 
He was carrying a pot of pink hydrangeas in one hand and a pot of coffee in the other. He placed both on the nightstand beside you, disappearing for a short while, before coming back with a giant fruit bouquet in his hands. He set it on the nightstand as well before exiting the room and closing the door.
MG had carried a platter of all your favorite foods. Eggs, just the way you liked them, pancakes, hash browns, and your favorite flavor of yogurt. He had also gone ahead and made a smoothie bowl with your favorite fruits. Berries and banana chips littered the surface of it. 
He placed the platter on the portable desk you had in your room for breakfast and bed and set it down, just above your lap. He then went to the mini-fridge in your room and got all the ingredients he needed to make your coffee just the way you liked it as well as a glass to pour it in.
"I'm sorry for bragging," he apologized. "I know how much you like to win, and it was very insensitive of me." He looked like he wanted to laugh at how ridiculous the reason he was apologizing for was. You turned your eyes away from him and the delicious breakfast he made.
"But baby, I miss you."
He walked over to you. "Please talk to me!"
He started trailing kisses on your forehead, down to your neck, resisting the urge to sink his teeth inside, something you had taught him. He knew exactly how to make you forgive him, and he was using every technique he had learned over the years.
"Please?" He whined, and you could see his pouty eyes without looking. 
He sucked on your collarbone for a while and left a dark mark. Then he moved to the sensitive spot under your ear. 
You moaned slightly, but he could hear it, even without his vampire hearing. 
He pulled away, causing you to frown and whine. 
"MG…" you complained. "That's not fair."
"So you're talking to me now?"
You looked away, you had slipped up, but you told yourself that would be the last time.
You simply ignored him and started to eat your breakfast.
He walked back towards you and began nibbling on your ear.  You threw your head back in pleasure. 
"Look at me, darling." 
He reached his nimble fingers out to your face and trapped your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
"I said I'm sorry, and I really, really miss my girlfriend. I made you a nice breakfast, and I've let you pick the movie every night since monopoly. What more do you want?"
You moved the tray of food to the side of you and stared at him indignantly. 
"I wanted my boyfriend to not be an egotistical asshole. I thought I was dating MG the vampire, not Jed the werewolf."
"I'm sorry... What can I do to make it up to you, love?"
"Let me out of that back walk favor?"
He scrunched up his face in horror. "That was part of our deal."
"Technically, you're not even supposed to be able to make outside game deals in monopoly, so you could let me out if you wanted to."
"Yay! Those hurt. They're so energy draining."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, you can," you smiled.
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blue-bird121 · 3 years
A Night to Remember
It was silent in the city, where lights dominated the beautiful night sky of Paris. While the stars were not visible, the lights from atop the Eiffel Tower basked the surrounding area in a golden light. It was alluring and quiet, free of crime and akumitizations. The lack of crime and those to help could make the night somewhat slow, though Chat Noir wasn’t going to complain. The change made things easier for him and Ladybug, though it was a bit suspicious.
With the silent night and nothing else on his plate, the leather clad man decided to take his leave to visit Marinette’s apartment.
The building wasn’t hard to find, especially as the soothing golden lights glistened from behind the curtains of every building, each giving way as the path lead to the window of a familiar place.
This aureate landscape was new to both of them, despite the fact that Chat Noir did not live there. Marinette had moved to gain more space with her steadily growing business in the fashion industry, leaving the bakery and childhood home behind. Though this didn’t mean that she didn’t visit often, she had gone here with him as both Chat Noir and Adrien.
In his civilian form, Adrien had used his name to help progress Marinette’s business. The Agreste family was very well known, and having him model for her line was a huge deal. Having someone of his status grabbed a lot of attention from the press and the fashion industry. Though Marinette was absolutely a talented creator herself.
While this double life helped him become a better friend towards Marinette, he did feel bad at times about knowing some of the secrets that she’d told him. Those that were personal and ones she’d never tell him as Adrien.
Secrets like she used to have a huge crush on him back in school.
Back then, she’d been such a huge advocate for him. She helped him break free of his father’s grasp, moving past his sheltered youth. It was something that he couldn’t thank her enough for. He’d also been focused on his feelings for Ladybug, instead of someone who was right in front of him. ‘Have I always been this airheaded?’, he wondered to himself, landing on the window’s ledge gracefully.
Chat went to alert Marinette to his presence, but froze from the nerves.
The idea of Marinette finding out tonight, the possibility of her rejection caused him to worry. What if she got mad or didn't want to hear from him again? He couldn't stand to give his heart, to only have it given back. He wondered if he'd almost be better without telling her, but the idea of revealing himself was set into motion. He couldn't stop himself if he tried.
He shook these thoughts from his head, quietly rapping on the window. It was late and he wanted to get her attention without alerting the neighbors to notice a guest in the twilight hours. After a few minutes, the window slid open to reveal Marinette. She had her dark hair in a bun, bangs pinned up above her face so that she could see better while working.
Chat slid in through the window, his tail curling itself around the woman’s waist as he stood to his full height. He’d become quite a bit taller than Marinette in the last few years, which was something that’d been a point to poke at her about. She stood just above his shoulder while he was six foot two.
She looked at him, making a face at the movement, and Chat smirked. His emerald green eyes met her glistening bluebell eyes for a moment before he pulled her closer. “Meowdy there, Purr-incess,” the feline said as he let go of her. He could see a bit of red across Marinette’s cheeks, which matched the color settling across his own.
Just as quickly as Marinette had been let go, she stepped away while stuttering a bit. This was a familiar sight that he remembered from their school days. She always stuttered around him and her sentences didn’t make sense back then, though they did now.
“You’re a dork,” she said with a giggle, walking away to the living room. “Come on, Kitty. Let’s go watch a movie.”
Chat follows down the hallway, looking over the woman’s mixed outfit. The top was a regular, blush colored t-shirt. Her pants were black, similar colored spots matching her top. It was obviously Ladybug themed, though not so much so that it made her look overtly like a fangirl. He watched as her hands moved to her head, letting her bangs fall back over her forehead.
Both of them moved from the bedroom to the living room and sat down next to each other. There was a bit of space between them with Chat’s right leg crossed over the other, and his arms were across the back of the couch. His left arm was over Marinette’s shoulders, though not touching the woman as she began to pick a movie.
“You picked what we watched last time, so it’s only fair that I get to pick this time,” Marinette commented, to which Chat shrugged.
“Is there still a ban on my usual movies?”
There was the sound of the rain pattering against the window, a soft drizzle beginning to fall across the city, the raindrops sliding off just as quickly as it came. Chat’s ears flicked at the sound, suddenly glad he was inside instead of still patrolling in the wet night.
“Yep. I think We’re going to watch Beauty and the Beast. The animated version, of course,” she said before starting the movie. She then set the remote down, settling into the couch with a blanket. Chat leaned across her, pulling the large blanket over to himself and slightly moved Marinette’s blanket off of her, enough to lure her closer to him. The apartment was chilly and he was warm, which he hoped to use in his favor.
The movie began and they both became quiet as Marinette slightly curled up into his blanket. He felt nervous for a plethora of reasons, but the biggest being because of his dual identity. He was sure that she would want to know who he was. Once she found out he knew so many secrets… would she still feel the same towards him, or even still want to be friends with him? The idea of Marinette never speaking to him again made Chat ponder if this was even a good idea.
For just a little while, Chat did decide to watch the movie with Marinette and forget his plans for a moment. He’d have his chance to reveal himself soon enough, when the timing was just right. Plus, he enjoyed a good musical so Beauty and the Beast scratched the right itches. The animation was beautiful as well, and he wished that Disney still did this sort of animation instead of their current CGI style. Though the CGI still had its perks.
He was too far into this now, though. He wanted Marinette to know how he felt, at the chance of ruining their friendship and partnership. She would leave a huge hole in his life if she left.
Which is where he stood now. Or well- sat. Chat managed to move his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to himself. His stomach was full of Ladybugs, churning some from nervousness.
As Belle and the Beast played on the castle grounds, he smiled while they threw snowballs at each other and enjoyed their time together. He found it so adorable and he felt like the time to share his feelings for Marinette was nearing.
When Chat shifted, Marinette took notice. She looked up at him as he leaned down, one hand on her cheek before pulling her into a soft kiss. Romance filled the air.
Chat was the first to pull away from the kiss. His eyes opened slightly, just in time to see Marinette’s eyes flutter open to meet his own. He could feel his cheeks blushing hard, this moment being the least smooth for the Cat.
Marinette’s cheeks were equally flushed, she watched him for a moment before he began to feel guilty for knowing secrets he shouldn't. She shouldn’t be left in the dark like this. It wasn’t fair towards her.
“Before you say anything. I want to show you something. Or… someone. Me, without the mask,” he said as he wanted her to know that he was Adrien beneath the mask.
Marinette seemed shocked, but shook her head vigorously. “What? N--No Chat! Your identity should remain a secret, just like any other miraculous holder. Besides, I'm sure that's what Ladybug would want you to do,” she told him.
Adrien shook his head. “I already knew that you were MultiMouse. It’s such a shame that you couldn’t come back as her either. So, I think it's only fair for you to know my identity as well,” he disagreed, eagerly wanting her to know who he is.
Then without another chance to let Marinette argue with him… Chat revealed his identity.
“Plagg, Claws in...”
In the background of their current scene, the Beast began to change back to his human form by the love that he shared with Belle. His human form was revealed to be Prince Adam, and Belle was glad to see that her prince was back.
Chat transformed back into his civilian identity while Marinette covered her eyes to try not to look at him. He was worried whether she’d be mad at him or disappointed. He didn’t know if he’d be able to recover from that.
Adrien felt upset because Marinette didn’t want to know who he really was. That she would be disappointed it was him of all people. “Please, Princess?” he asked softly, brows raised. “I want you to know who I am. We’ll be alright, I promise you.”
“If anybody found out I knew your identity, you could lose your miraculous,” she said, feeling his hands on hers. They were warm and soft. The feeling was very familiar to her for some reason, then it clicked.
Marinette’s eyes shot open in visible surprise only to see Adrien Agreste sitting in her living room. Adrien had just kissed her. She found out Adrien was Chat Noir. The man that had been flirting with her for the last ten years.
Adrien watched her face to see a wave of emotions, Plagg emerged from his pocket nibbling on some Camembert. “Marinette?” he asked softly, a hand cupping her cheek. He was unsure of what was going on inside of her head. Until she began to turn bright red.
“Since you showed me your secret… Can I show you one of mine?” she asked while he noticed the deep flush spreading across her cheeks. Her partner had been Adrien all these years and she hadn’t even guessed. Now it was her turn.
“Tikki, spots on!”, she called the little red Kwami who transformed her into Ladybug. Adrien looked shocked as Marinette transformed, though he was glad to know that it was Marinette who was his Ladybug.
“M’lady?~” he said with a smile on his face while being shocked at the same time as Marinette spoke her detransformation words. “My kitty.”
“Are you disappointed it was me?” the pair asked one another in tandem. They both let out a small chuckle as Adrien pulled his lady closer to him. She was special to Adrien, and he was glad that they knew each other's identities now. He was unable to imagine a life without her in it.
Adrien was special to Marinette as well, the guy whom she had a huge crush on back in high school had turned out to be her partner in crime all this while. She meant so much to him, and he was glad to know that he meant the same to her as well. It certainly was a night to remember.
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violetfaust · 3 years
I'm interested in hearing more about why you think Margot should've been Rumbelle's daughter. Sounds interesting, but what would that mean for her enchanted forest life? I think her being Robin Hood's daughter would've been fine if not for Zelena
Okay, Nonny, since you sent this a few days before Mother's Day, I'm gonna finally take the opportunity to try to sum up and speed-run the Belle's Daughter Margot feelings that have haunted me for THREE YEARS. Buckle in; this will be more than you or anyone asked for.
Disclaimer 1: It's been, well, three years, so my memory of Curious Archer and their story is not perfect; could be off on some details here. And Disclaimer 2: I really loved Tiera Skovbye as Robin/Margot; she did a lot with not much screen time, and she and Rose had fabulous chemistry. So although she was well cast as Robin Sr.'s kid, Tiera would be perfectly believable as a Rumbelle daughter, too--maybe give her some low-lights and call it a day. We keep Tiera as Margot in this rewrite. Okay: onward.
(Since one of the few things that would have to change about Robin if she were Rumbelle’s daughter is her name, I’ll just mostly use her Hyperion Heights name “Margot” throughout this post for simplicity.)
First and foremost, the foundation of everything: Margot is so like Belle! She is so like her. They have the same love of adventure, a similar sense of humor. She took Alice on a date to a bookstore. Most of all, she has Belle’s ability to see past “the mask of the monster” to a person’s heart. There was a great scene where Tilly explained that she didn’t want Margot to see her “bad days” because she thought it would be “too much,” and Margot said words to the effect that she was there for the bad as well as the good.
Obviously, people don't have to grow up to be exactly like their parents (Belle and Rumple sure didn't)...BUT. In fiction, one of the fun parts of next-gen stories is for the audience to see how their favorites' personalities are passed down. It's just more fun to see a Henry who has parts of Regina/Emma/Neal than one who doesn't; it's fun to see Lucy resemble little Henry. And it would be fun to see Margot be like her parents (she is very like Robin Sr; not so much Zee). Seeing a character who has so many of Belle's traits becomes just more...fun...when she learned them FROM Belle.
The family feud Rumple/Hook angle turns Alice and Margot’s relationship up another roman tic notch. A classic trope! It’s about reconciliation and love remaking and erasing those old grudges. Which is even more important when we’re supposed to believe that the evidence of Rumple’s final redemption is his saving Rook.
On a more macro level: the entire claim that OUAT is "a show about hope" COLLAPSES because it ends with the annihilation of the Stiltskin family. Rumple, Belle, and Neal are all dead; Henry doesn’t acknowledge them as his family; and Gideon is a friendless and forgotten orphan in another world. I did my rants about this three years ago, but long story short: the show’s not about hope unless it’s hopeful for EVERYONE. And having at least one of Rumbelle’s children alive and happy at the end (with her True Love and friends and acknowledged as part of the family) would fix that. My objection has never been that Rumple (and even Belle) die, but the way it happened.
And of course, Rumbelle needed to have at least one other child because Kitsowitz managed to deny them even one single shared happy moment surrounding Belle’s pregnancy with Gideon and his birth. Even if the audience didn’t get to see it (and we could have gotten a glimpse in Beauty), we deserved to know it happened.
Finally: Zelena did not belong in S7, period. I know it was fun for her fans! (Although apparently there weren't enough of them to positively affect the ratings, meow.) I do know! But it was bad storytelling. She served no point in the larger season arc, and the serial witch killer plot that was invented to serve her was one of the worst and most stupid things Kitsowitz came up with in seven years, and ate up time that could/should have gone to develop other characters. (Driz and Ana come immediately to mind, instead of having them shunted off to another universe, but also Henry/Cinda/Lucy and of course Rumple since his plot was coming to a close.) Zelena didn’t even get any significant growth herself, or develop her relationships with Regina or Robin. She still didn’t express regret for the horrible things she did to characters we love (Rumple, Neal, and Robin Sr.); the only result of all that screentime was to give an unrepentant rapist a love story with a person--we barely see and have zero investment in. And even that was ultimately negated at the end of the season, because in the finale Zee’s back in Storybrooke sans Boo Bear.
So, all that said: what would have to change about Margot’s, and Curious Archer’s, FTL storyline to give us Margot Gold?
Her name—but actually very little else. (And frankly it would have been more respectful to have Belle name her daughter after Robin Sr., who was actually her friend, than for Zee to name her kid after the man she raped, manipulated, and ultimately got killed—but that ship had sailed.)
Belle and Rumple could have given their daughter any number of fairytale names after people they know, aka fresh take on a Disney character. My favorite possibilities are Aurora (and then Curious Archer could have been Curious Beauty, and done a riff on the Sleeping Beauty story as part of their FTL backstory, with a built-in TLK) and Merlin (very pretty for a girl, I’ve always thought).
But the character herself would have been very much the same: she could be Rumbelle’s jock daughter, trained in archery and swordsmanship by family friends (Merida/Mulan/Charming), but always feeling out of place in her family of scholars/sorcerers/nerds.
I am SO sorry for the length of this--there's even more under this cut!
Robin/Margot felt insecure about trying to live up to her father’s name; Rory/Merlin/Margot could have similar anxieties trying to live down her father’s Dark One rep. There could even be a similar story where she was born with magic (like Robin was) but loses it or chooses to give it up—something that would estrange her further from her family. Or, if she was Merlin, she could keep her magic but be reluctant to use it, and part of Curious Archer’s Hyperion Heights arc would be both Margot and Tilly discovering and accepting their magic. (Sapphic sorceresses for the win.)
Now, one of the cutest things about Alice/Robin’s FTL dynamic was Robin being a girl from the Land Without Magic finding her feet in an enchanted forest, with Alice’s help. But it would only take a little finessing of S7 Rumbelle’s story to get that for Rory as well. (Of course, any decent story would have a LOT of finessing of Rumbelle’s plot so that Belle didn’t die and put Rumple on a suicide mission, but again—assuming the ship has sailed…)
Say that Rory is five to six years younger than Gideon. The Rumbelle family spend a dozen years or so traveling the realms, but then Rumbelle decide that they want Gideon and Rory to be comfortable in the LWoM with their extended Charming family, so they settle back into the Pink Palace so the kids can get a LWoM education. They still take occasional journeys, often Rumbelle going to save some hapless souls, but Rory grows up primarily in SB with very few, vague memories of all the fascinating places they visited when she was a small child. This feeds her hunger for adventure along with some envy of Gideon for having so many more fairytale experiences—another thing that makes her feel like a misfit in her family. So, presto, when she moves to FTL she and Alice have pretty much the same meeting/adventures.
One of the key notes of Rumple and Alice/Tilly's relationship, showing his growth and making it so special, was how he chose to set her free of being the Guardian or whatever, allowing her to be free and get what he never had, the chance to grow old with the woman she loves. And that would be weakened if Rumple knew that by choosing Alice's happiness over his own, he was also choosing his own daughter's happiness (because we know Rumple picks his kids over himself ever time). But--he doesn't have to know WHO Alice's True Love is when he makes that choice. He could just know that there is someone, or simply realize that Alice deserves her freedom for her own sake. (Rumple's daughter also getting happiness would be a side benefit that he didn't learn about till later, and have the added perk of Rumple actually getting a narrative reward for doing something good. Which almost NEVER happened! Bonus.)
Finally: I do understand that Robin's presence on the canvas was important to fans of Robin Sr.--getting to know he's remembered and having someone carry on his legacy. Of course I get it--Rumbelle and their family not having that is my biggest complaint (of so so many).
But we don't need a grown-up Robin Jr. to be Robin's legacy. Let her stay a cute background kid with perennially baby Prince Neal. There's already a character, one we're invested in, to carry on for the Hoods: Roland. And again, it would be satisfying for the audience to learn that a five-year-old orphan wasn't shunted off from what family he had left (Regina and Henry) into another universe and never heard from again. If Kitsowitz didn't waste time with Zelena, they wouldn't have needed the idiotic Jack-is-Hansel-the-serial-killer twist, and we could have have had Roland filling the role of Henry's best friend/little brother (and therefore Lucy's fake HH dad--God, that plot was bad all the way back in season 1; why Kitsowitz why?). We'd see Roland onscreen, part of the family, at the end of the show, perhaps with his own True Love (Drizella, maybe, or better yet Gideon) and happy future.
So, that's it: the combination of Margot Stiltskin-Gold and Roland Hood tightens and heightens the storytelling throughout S7, closes some plot holes, and actually fulfills some of the show's stated themes. Who knew!
Anyone else want three years of OUAT theory vomit? 😋 Shoot me an ask!
(I actually have another one, god help us all, but I might save it till Father's Day...)
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