#if they give aaravos a love interest
mjbarrosart · 2 months
My Dragon Prince Boards season 6, episode 608
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Hello, everyone!
Finally I have some time to write this! You can not imagine how demanding is to work making television shows, everything is for yesterday, haha!
Complains about work aside, it is time to talk about my last episode of season 6, episode 8. This one was... special.
I can say without a doubt that this was one of the most emotional episodes I have ever worked on. I cried every time I watched the animatic, and I cried again watching the final episode a few days ago.
I think is a lot of things together: a lot of important things happens, characters die, Katolis is destroyed, one of the quasars is fake! Aaravos!!! ... but also because I witnessed my team bring together their A game, telling this story in such a beautiful way.
I learned a lot from this episode, specially from my Unit Director, Mike Jones, who was in charge of boarding the "Hearts of Cinder" spell sequence; what a masterclass of emotion, storytelling and cinematography! I love Jason Simpson's performance during the show, but in particular in that sequence, and I think the boards took everything to a new level.
Now, let's go back to my sequences.
My first one was Soren going down to Viren to ask him to perform the spell. It was good to have this last interaction between both of them after all the work I did with the characters in 605.
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There is a lot of subtle staging in this one. The way the light is hitting over their heads, how present in the screen the staff is; Viren's hesitance is something that I remember was important for me to portrait properly.
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One of the things we talked a lot during this sequence was in how to use the light as narrative element. I was not interested in the classical reading of going into the light as "good" and shadows as "bad".
But light as hope, options, forgiveness, etc.
Viren walks away from the light when he gets offered the staff not because he is going "bad" but because he doesn't feel capable to do what he is being asked to do.
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Soren is coming directly to him, removing his chains, giving him back his staff, asking him for help. But Viren hesitates.
And I think that that was a genius think for the script to call. Viren is not a man looking for the first chance to "redeem" himself. I am not even sure that he believes that he deserves that possibility.
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But they are running out of time. The situation is dire, and as the light get blocked by the falling debris, the options are becoming clearer. Hope is dim, but there is something to do: Hearts of Cinder.
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Viren, still full of doubts, explains to Soren why the spell is so hard to perform: the price is a human heart. A price that the Viren of the past would have pay with not second thought, but not the current one, no the one who understands the weight of dark magic.
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But Soren has no doubts: "Take mine" I still have chills listening to the delivery of that line. And I think here is the moment Viren decided to sacrifice himself. While he is being consumed by doubt and fear, his son will is clear, Soren will do the right thing, even if that cost him his life.
And that is what Viren never had before. The willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good. He looked at his reflection in Soren's golden heart and saw and answer, saw love, hope.
I just think is beautiful that Soren's conviction gave him the chance to do the right thing for once. Soren taught him the ultimate lesson.
I love this two so much.
My next sequence is a simple one, Terry and Claudia arriving to Katolis. I liked to draw Claudia's new hair. I wish I had more sequences with her in this season.
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After this is Moon nexus time!
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After all the drama with Viren and Soren the massage sequences felt a little silly, hahaha. but was fun to make.
I added the little detail of Rayla having issues landing, while Callum is just so good at it, haha. Fun to have their roles reversed for one, and Rayla being the clumsy one.
I like the moment when Lujanne ask them if they are a couple again and they exchange this nice look. I know that Rayllum is a huge thing in the fandom, and while they are not my type of ship (I am into the sapphics, you know) I think that they are pretty cute together, and Is always fun to make moments between them.
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I just wanted to share with you this silly face, lol. Sometimes you draw things in boards that don't translate that well into the final show, but It is fun anyway, you want to inspire the animators to push the performance as much as they can.
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Back to serious business. I love the shift when our heroes realized that there is only 2 quasars and 3 coins. Callums turn into Raylla knowing that this will destroy her. I really enjoy how the use of the lens to blur Lujanne in the Background creates this efect of hyperfocus on Callum and Rayla.
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She is facing a terrible decision, who to save. So we move the camera to focus only on them. Is an intimate moment.
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I like this framing, Rayla is in pain, crying, Callum is listening, but by the framing we can se that he is holding her. Callum is there for her, always.
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And that is how I finished my last sequences of season 6, with Rayla crying.
Working on this season was one of the honors of my life. And I can wait to share with you how was making season 7, because was... A LOT, for sure! hahahaha.
Hope you like this! And feel free to ask if you have questions about the storyboard process!
And thanks for all the notes, comments and support! It is truly appreciated!
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A little bonus:
Look a the cool crew jacket that Bardel gave us when we wrapped seasons 4 to 7! (Finally I can show it without making it an spoiler of the name of season 7!!)
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raayllum · 2 months
what's the worst that can happen
Going into s6, we know it's the show's 11th hour in a lot of ways. I expect the mid-point of S7 will also have some terrible shit happening, don't get me wrong, but going into S6, there's a lot of things that are probably going to happen and here's some of 'em, and then we can check back here in two weeks and see what was shaken out!
Janai loses her kingdom. This would be especially devastating because 1) Janai has called for reinforcements through both Ezran and Aanya, and 2) it means Kim'Dael could be freed as well. I'm not expecting this to be the end of the plot line either per se (Sol Regem + Pharos corruption sleeper agent infecting more Sunfire elves)
Aanya dies. We know that Aanya has an older adoptive brother, and I've been wondering for a while on why to give her one in the first place. The most obvious reasons would be for him to provide her with a confidant (perhaps some Aanya angst or uncertainty) and as a parallel to the broyals. The other most obvious reason would be for her or her brother to die, thereby leaving the other alone; if Aanya dies as well, he would also inherit the throne, and this would possibly leave Ezran with a weakened or non-existent ally as well.
Katolis falls. Katolis has been a safe base and starting point throughout arc 2. We also know Ezran is staying behind there in early S6 and that Claudia, at some point alongside Terry, makes her way to the Valley of Graves in Katolis as well for some kind of spell. If Katolis fell, and Ezran and co. had to leave (maybe with the castle under siege, and a character like Opeli also dying), this would be a big blow to the status quo as well as for Ezran's character to deal with.
The quasar diamonds don't work. One is missing, or the Star magic isn't enough because of the nature of the coins. This doesn't mean the Moon fam + Kpp'Ar doesn't get out, per se, but that more creative solutions (dark magic, a quasar diamond substitute) have to added in order to have a real shot at releasing them. Alternatively: the quasar diamond star magic is all that's needed, but it leads to disaster such as the possession.
Aaravos takes the Nova Blade. Big bad who is notoriously angry at other Startouch elves, and the sword that just happens to be the main thing that can kill Startouch elves? Yeah, it's a recipe for disaster in terms of "collecting mega dangerous objects that Aaravos could have a reasonable vested interest in" and a classic "the tool you hunt down to use on your enemy is then used against you" (perhaps literally, if Callum and/or Rayla are also stabbed with it).
Callum is possessed. This is a matter of when, not if. There are a few different orders this could go through, the most dramatic probably being either escalated choices Callum makes or random happenstance leading to his possession, Aaravos isn't out yet, Rayla refuses to hurt him despite everything being on the line, Callum stabs her (with the Nova Blade?) but snaps out of it, and sets Aaravos free in order to keep her alive. I could also very much see Aaravos being released and then Callum being possessed if they want to go full throttle on the "possession is a kind of death (you chose)" deal.
Claudia is Claudia. Do I really have to explain this one? Poor girl, but the world is definitely going to be worse off in S6 for having her in it. Still love her though.
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fujosh1dreamer · 2 months
By doing right by Soren, Viren ended up unintentionally doing harm to Claudia.
Even though Viren didn't give him the letter which I was both happy and sad about. Sad because their mom leaving sucks, but she was scared I just wished she tried to take them both but in the end I understand. Soren didn't need to see the letter and know the truth because it would have taken away all the confidence he built up while Viren was gone he would have broken. By simply telling Soren that nothing was his fault, and Viren simply admitting it was all him bring a sort of closure. It also makes it so Soren isn't forced to forgive his father who was both his savior and abuser.
On the other hand Claudia gets no closure she didn't have the understanding of why Viren did what he did, or why he changed his mind. She was literally left in the dark. Viren thought by leaving her she would be better off and make choices for the betterment of herself. Claudia did everything for family because that's what she believed Viren also did, but Virens actions became corrupted and selfish. Claudia needed the clarity of that letter in a way Soren didn't.
Claudia has only been positively reinforced to use dark magic to solve her problems. Think about how her support structure consists of Terry, Viren, and Aaravos. Viren always had Claudia's best interests at heart, until he leaves free of dark magic. As far as she's concerned dark magic kept her tied to her father, and Aaravos has also been whispering to her about all the benefits, dark magic had gotten Viren back to her not once but twice. Terry on the other hand is supportive of her no matter what, unfortunately that is both a blessing and a curse. He'll let her choose for herself, but Aaravos is shaping her so she'll follow a dark path and Terry is also made to follow because he loves her.
Claudia having no answers or insight from Viren forces her to stay in the dark, while that lack of clarity pushes Soren forward.
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colonelpancakes · 16 days
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part Nine: Stardust! The time has come to see if Rayla will make it out of this season with the most parents. I hope so
Under the cut as per the usual!
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Hey, the quote from the beginning of episode one! I wonder if we’ll find out more about him and that other Startouch elf given that he’s quoting them now.
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Ohhh. Okay. I was entirely convinced that the quasar diamond was another fake. Whoops
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Oh, Claudia, honey… 🥺
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Skafjlk Something about Aaravos just suddenly showing up next to Claudia so that he can shush her is so funny to me. I think it might be Terry’s face.
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HUH? EXCUSE ME??? That was not something I expected. Aaravos has a kid?? Hello?
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Darling!!! Oh, honey. She looks so sweet!!! I love her already.
I am also already feeling immense dread because Aaravos is talking about her in the past tense and she isn’t here in present day. “Had a daughter” oh god. Something bad is going to happen to the baby isn’t it. I am not ready.
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Sweethearttttt. Oh my god, the way that you can hear the love in Aaravos’s voice as he talks about her… It’s not an emotion don't think I could have pictured on him before this episode but it's so tangible, the voice acting in this episode is incredible. This episode is going to murder me isn’t it.
Also, I like how the terms he's using to describe her could also easily apply to Claudia whom he's trying to get to empathize with him. To connect her own love for her father to his love for his daughter.
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Okay, this might be me reading into it but. The way his daughter's hands are held in this picture looks a lot like the way I flap my hands when I stim. Is Aaravos’s daughter maybe neurodivergent? Either way, I love her already, she’s so sweet.
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Give Aaravos’s VA an award. The RANGE this man has, spanning from threatening to playful to right here where it’s so soft and sad and full of love for his daughter.
Also, the adoraburrs!!! Look at her!!!
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…I am remembering vividly that response from the writers when someone asked if the Startouch child in the intro was a younger Aaravos and they responded that the child was Leola. Oh no. And again, the fact that Aaravos is talking about Leola only in the past tense… I am not ready for this episode oh no. NOTHING HAS EVEN HAPPENED YET AND I’M ABOUT TO CRY.
Also, the animators always do such an amazing job with Aaravos’s expressions. I just. Oh…
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Callum, buddy, I don't think you're helping.
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Oh, Rayla, honey… I might be wrong but I think that’s the first time Rayla has actually verbally acknowledged Runaan and Ethari as her parents. I know she’s called them her family before but I don’t think she’s called them her parents.
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“Those coins will guide you. Each coin contains a fragment of a soul. On the other side, the rest of the soul longs to be whole again, for it cannot pass into death incomplete.”
I like the clarification of what the coins actually do to a person and why they’re worse than death. Because they don’t allow the spirit to achieve peace by passing on or allow them to continue their life, they trap them in between life and death. I also really like that they’re bringing back the stuff from Through the Moon.
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Callum… I love them so much oh my gosh. He’s so nervous for her…
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They're so sweet, I love them!!!
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Ough and the fact that, to get her family back, Rayla has to dive into the lake despite her fear of the water.
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OHH NOO I am getting Through the Moon flashbacks, Runaan??? Buddy?? I wonder if it’s a side effect of being in the coin? Are Rayla’s bio parents gonna be like that too?
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While the corruption obviously isn’t great, I must say, I like the curly hair on Runaan.
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RUNAAN. NO. No killing Rayla. Bad Runaan.
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Rayla, honey...
Petition to give Rayla a break.
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Oh, they’re dancing. Interesting. Maybe it's some kind of trance that Rayla needs to break them out of? Like there's a different challenge for each soul that she needs to overcome? I don't know, something definitely feels off.
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Ohh… The way Claudia looks up at him, she's so enraptured in the story.
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Baby!!! Baby girl!!
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OH??? It looks like each side unlocks a different arcanum and a different version of the book, intriguing…
I wonder if there’s something particularly special written in the book or if it’s just a tome of knowledge of the arcanums. Rayla did originally think the cube was a piece from a children’s game, maybe in a way, she was right.
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SKjafslkjf. Leolaaa. I love mustache Aaravos so much. And it’s so humanizing seeing such a different side of him. To have a moment where he’s not some all-knowing mysterious arch-mage but just a father with a young daughter who likes to poke fun at him sometimes.
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Oh no!! Kiddo!
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Aaravos being so gentle with the little kid…
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Ohh Aaravos definitely knows whoever took Leola and by the look of it, he does not like them very much.
Also, I’m curious who the golden dragon was, that’s an interesting detail.
Continued in reblogs!
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Book 6, Episode 1: Startouched Analysis/Commentary
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Gotta love how it opens with Ripples in the water reflecting the stars. Go read the short stories if you don't know what I'm talking about.
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Aaravos hesitates before crumbling Viren which is the funniest shit to me. This hurts more though, having seen the whole season.
Gotta love how Terry basically said Viren just ran away to go die like an angsty teen.
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He got a new son to orphan les goooo
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I find the framing of this pretty interesting. Viren is still in the dark while Claudia is standing in the light. You'd think it'd be the other way around. Perhaps it symbolizes how he has come to terms with his dark side, and is going to face it. While he leaves Claudia who, hopefully, can still be redeemed. Because ultimately this isn't her fault, it's his. He's the dark one.
At first I thought it was cruel for Viren to leave Claudia, but I've come to a realization. Claudia is better off without him. He is the reason she's done all this, and nothing will change if she keeps having to save him. She needs to let go. I'm not sure if this was intentional on Viren's part, but he made the right choice nonetheless.
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Man, what is it with this show and blindfolds? So far they have showed up in Harrow's little flashback speech, on the Celestial elves, and here. Is this anything??
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I was expecting to be annoyed by the baitlings' presence in this season, but they didn't actually get in the way much. Glad the writers read the room. They were mostly just used to fill the comic relief void that soren has left.
Also, I love how Jason Simpson still managed to weasel his way into the High Council through Barius, since Viren isn't exactly, yk, in that position.
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THE TABLE, CALLUM. THE TABLE!!!! Bro really be like "it's remarkably easy to buy a Novablade in central Starscraper."
Also, the way Rayla says "pearl" sounds like "peril."
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They play Aaravos's little motif-melody-thingy throughout this scene. Yk, from I See You and Follow my Lead. Glad to cross that off my bingo card.
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You can't see it here but the eye-movements in this scene are great. I think the animation and lighting really shine in this season. Pun intended.
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Barius doing some casual baking at like 1 AM or something. Bro got insomnia /j. I mean, who are these for? They don't have fridges so they can't save em for long. Maybe Callum got him some sorta magical fridge. Or- wait- maybe they do have, like, a primitive fridge. Was that a thing? Oh actually, maybe Callum and Rayla just go to bed early. Lmfao
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And there we have it, the first Viren-Callum parallel of the season. Just like episode 1 of season 1, he barges into the King's bedroom.
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Alright, so. Other than this line being hilarious, I'm thinking the frustrating switcharoo that turns the latter half of the season into a bloodbath happened here. Was pretty foolish of Callum to think the pearl would be safe with him on his way out.
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Ezran is saddened by everyone's departure. I'm not sure why, but it's worth noting.
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They pretty much have her say "my dad is gone" just so that using this clip as a trailer wouldn't spoil anything lmao. I've been waiting to say that since Wondercon.
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And now Claudia is the one leaving, as she steps out of the purifying light of the setting sun. Everyone, please give Terry a round of applause for continuing to love her despite this.
And now for the credits:
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These are similar. Opeli is from the credits of this episode, and Harrow, from the credits of one from Season 2.
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We need this to be a shirt.
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Ahhh so Aaravos isn't the only Startouch elf with a star on their chest. I might be a little late to noticing that. Idk.
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One last thing. Is it just me or is the outro song a little different? Music people, help me. I must know.
But yeah, banger episode, banger season, banger show. Imma be doin' these for all the season 6 episodes. At this rate, they will all have more words than Fallout Equestria. /j
Alright, time to take my meds. 💀
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
Aaravos x reader Hcs
here r some aaravos hcs bc i am in pain i wrote this with killer cramps while running on 4 hrs of sleep and an energy bar so i cant promise this will be good.
🥀CW: fluffiness, teasing, smut, thigh riding, subby aaravos, oral (reader receiving), hair pulling?, wax play, overall filth
🥀minors dni with nsfw part
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after being trapped in the mirror for so long, aaravos is severely touch starved
whether u two are in a romantic or platonic relationship, your personal space is his personal space as well (unless u tell him to leave you alone, but even then he'll still probably tease)
He is the type to just walk up to you and rest his arm on your head
he is TALL
if you are short (like me) and you ever need to reach something up high, this man practically materializes behind you to grab it for you he will hold it above his head and giggle while you struggle but will eventually give it to you
i feel like hes the type of person to enjoy slow and "elegant" music he would love my way by frank sinatra you can not tell me im wrong bc im not
aaravos will pull you into a slow waltz at random times
he enjoys the arts, and i feel like he would enjoy painting and doing sketches of you
he LOVES it if you play with his hair, just run your hands through it and he will literally melt
if you can do pretty hairstyles or braids he will be very content in relaxing while you do his hair
aaravos definitely enjoys reading, and would totally read to you if you asked (he would tease u a little tho but thats ok)
"do you really enjoy my voice that much, little star?"
he has the most stunning laugh
normally he just lets out small chuckles or smirks but the first time you make him genuinely laugh you just sit there in awe
he is ✨fabulous✨and takes forever to get ready
the type to arrive fashionably late (he will make an effort to arrive on time for dates tho)
hes a total drama queen and will make a huge deal about kissing you
he acts all confident but in reality is ridiculously nervous when he first met you
you were the first person to truly capture his heart and he doesn't want to fuck it up
he knows he isnt the most easy person (elf??) to love but will make an effort to be better for you
he prefers to listen in conversation rather then talk alot, however if you ask him about something hes interested in or ask him a magic question or something he will gladly talk for hours
enjoys holding your hand, you two are practically linked at the waist
he worries more then he lets on and will enchant little objects and give them to you for protection when he isnt't around
whether you are with him before or after his imprisonment, he is EXPERIENCED
he likes positions where he can be close to you such as missionary, but also likes you on top of him/riding him
if you pull his hair or his horns he will immediately submit
he likes to use his size to his advantage and pin you down
really into biting and marking, esp after his imprisonment, he wants everyone to know your his
whether your human or an elf, he will overstimulate you
he can go for hours
i feel like he would prefer giving to receiving, he will eat you out or suck you off for HOURS until you are whimpering for him to slow down
if you have boobs, he will mark them and play with them there is no question
he is 1000% into wax play he can make his hands really hot or cold and the sight of u with wax slowly dripping down your chest makes him feral
wouldnt mind if you did the same to him 👀
i feel like he would be super into it if you rode his thigh, he would be mocking you the whole time but it would turn him on sm
"you couldn't wait at all, hmm? is your pretty little cunt/cock really so needy that you had to be this impatient? acting like a bitch in heat, covering my thigh with your slick. your going to have to clean up your mess dear~"
he gets pissed if he asks you a question and you dont respond
super into eye contact during sex, he thinks its very intimate and attractive
your pleasure ALWAYS comes first with him, he will make you come at least twice before coming on his own
i dont think he would be super into causing you a lot of pain, like i dont think he would want to hurt you alot but will pinch and occasionally slap if your into that
super into being in pain for himself though
edge him until hes sobbing, then overstim him until his thighs are shaking
cover them in marks, he will admire them later
overall a very attentive and sensual lover, but definitely has a dirty side<3
can you tell i have an obsession? lmao. i tried to make this super gender neutral, lmk if there are any mistakes! reqs are open, im considering getting into writing some more
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mooni · 2 months
hedging a major bet for tdp's future seasons:
callum will use dark magic again.
now, there's some part of me that's only saying this because i want it to happen. i'm a major callum person, but me being a fan of a character means i want said character to suffer as much as possible before their happy ending. however, i do think that not only would such an event be interesting, it also would explain some stuff we've been getting as of s5 and s6.
though there's some things in s4 that contribute to this theory, s5's final episodes specifically take us back to dark magic as it relates to callum. he's assumed to be a dark mage, admits to thinking about and studying it (which, though that doesn't really mean much as studying is really just studying, is still something to point out), is pressured into doing a dark magic spell, actually DOES a dark magic spell.. there's a lot. i'd say that final point points out callum's fatal flaw fantastically: excessive personal loyalty. (do you hear that? all pjo fans collectively screamed.) to save a friend, callum would sacrifice himself, or a greater cause.
this ties well into the next season. in s6, in return for callum promising to choose the greater good's safety over rayla's (there's that theme of personal loyalty again), rayla finally promises that if callum is possessed by aaravos again, she'll kill him. this is immediately followed by the audience being informed that using dark magic gives aaravos a way to posses you, which is THEN followed up by callum being warned that if he uses it again after the cleansing thing, "the darkness and corruption will overwhelm you." idk, but the whole thing to me seems like it's setting up a lot of potential for callum to use dark magic in the future, only to fall victim to both this aforementioned corruption and aaravos.
in summary, i think it's quite likely callum will use dark magic again to save someone he loves, losing himself in the process. i do personally hope for ezran, solely because i like testing the limits of brotherly love and consider their dynamic to have been somewhat neglected as of late, but rayla would make the most sense given what's been shown so far. "oh no!" you cry out at this theory. or maybe you hate him and you cheer, idk. but do not fret (or do not celebrate for you haters /lh). if this route is taken, there's three things i can see happening:
"you broke your promise, i'll break mine." rayla ignores what she said, saving callum over killing him. would probably be yet another l/i reaches out to m/c whilst they're being possessed "yada yada yada i love you this isn't you blah blah blah." though it is something of a tired concept at this point, it would still be fun to see.
the extra quasar diamond. c'mon, they wouldn't leave one free one out there for no reason, we know this. rayla keeps her promise and kills him, but callum is revived.
some combination of both.
i also have related hopes for claudia, but i think i've said what i need to. anyone agree with me?
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meret118 · 1 month
When Janai dreamed Aaravos said he swallowed her grandmother, I thought that meant she fell under his influence. After seeing Giant!Aaravos, I wonder if he meant that literally.
After all the lines comparing the Ray of Illumination to Rayllum, the wooden ship burning and sinking better not be foreshadowing. I want my HEA!
I hope the celestial elves adopt Esmeray.
It's very interesting watching the scenes between Harrow and Viren in season one compared to Viren later on. Before the battle against the moonshadow elves, he tries to persuade Harrow to use dark magic to trade his life for another by swapping souls with a guard, but later Viren refuses to trade the life of Sir Sparklepuff for his own. Viren refuses to trade his life for Harrow's in the swapping spell, but gives his life to save people in the fight against Sol Regem. Harrow yells at him, and tells him he is a servant to Katolis, and Viren repeats, "I am a servant," over and over as he dies doing the spell. It's so rare for a show in the streaming era to be given the time play something out seasons later, but I love that TDP can and will.
When Leola is being sentenced one of the elves says they have all seen that Leola's act is, ". . . the beginning of the end. The start of a long slow spiral to chaos." What if it isn't what Leola did that caused it, but it was their killing Leola, (either for good or just temporarily depending on which ends up being true), and Aaravos's vengeance that caused the chaos? If they had just left Leola alone, the prophecy wouldn't have come true.
ETA: I don't want Janai to die either, which I'm also afraid may be foreshadowing. I have a feeling at least one character we like will end up dying, but I want her and Amaya to have their HEA too.
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lily-lilou · 2 months
My breef thoughts on TDP Season 6, not at all in order (also, spoilers so watch out!)
So, main thought? Ouch
Prepare tissues, I needed so much it's unbelievable
Remember we learned, with "Through the Moon" that Rayla's flower sank in the Silvergrove? Well, I don’t wanna imagine what Ethari will feel when he’ll see his big cat come back, have maybe an omnious feeling, and then see Rayla’s flower sink again a few days later... Then both flowers go back and the poor guy will have so many heart attack I ache for him.
Glad to see that frozen ship (hehe) finally move
about said frozen ship, I hope Rayla's "if you have to chose between me and the greater good, do the right thing. make the sacrifice” won't come bite her back because knowing Callum... well, usually he wouldn't, he’s proven time and again that he will always choose her and his loved ones above the greater good. But, you know... never say never...
one last star diamond, one last miracle maker stone. Wonder on what it will be used? (my bet: something about Leola)
Leola is the cuetest cutie ever.
I was all "Cutie Pie! I've know you for like five seconds but if anything happens to you I'll kill everyone and then myself"
But apparently Aaravos called dibs on that plan...
Tissues, guys. Tissues. Your body won't have enough water for all the tears you'll shed.
Lain and Tiadrin : re - ouch. (and ouch for their total screen time since S1...)
Mini Baits
Soren OMG
Viren's backstory (or more like his relationship with Soren's backstory) : prepare tissues.
And Terry, he's the best boi ever with Callum
SO!!!! MY THEORY ABOUT LOVE BEING MAGIC WAS RIGHT?! Though, from what I can see so far, it's not exactly a magic on its own in the same way the others are, but it's a glue in between, what makes the scale tips in the right direction. Interesting, hmmm? :D
oh yeah, the Cosmic Order. I hate them. I've always been prompt to give everyone some leeway in this show, even Sol Regem because I could bet all of them had "ReAsoNs" to act the way they did, no matter how horrible. The cosmic order, though?
they didn’t just kill a kid, they did it out of fear despite being the most powerful out there. My little theory (how long ago was the last one XD) is all about their view of things : destiny, fate, everything should be as is should. Except humans are unpredictable, and that scares them.  Which is why, apparently, showing them magic is a crime.
But hey, if Kung fu panda taught me one thing, it’s that it’s on the path where you hope avoiding it, that you meet your fate. And in killing the kid, they just ensured that destruction they feared so much (now, how they managed to not see that coming? Easy! When you’re emotionally stunt enough to think allowing a father to die with his daughter is a mercy, you’re just destined to die.)
Speaking of mercy. Mrs Merciful One! You’ll excuse my foul language, you all, but I’ll say it anyway : Fuck you! Never have I hated someone more in this whole show that this one. And if I find the damn idiot who called that elf “the merciful one”, I’ll roast them slowly and painfully (Aaravos probably already did, but hey, I'm sure resurecting people can be a thing...)
oh yeah, a very tiny but so crucial point: Runnan is back =)
And Katolis is a big chunk of charcoal...
Ok that's all for now
Have a nice day everyone! I'll come back from time to time. Now, I'm gonna try to cope with all of this, because this is gonna give me some kind of PTSD I'm sure T.T
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herwrittenuniverse · 11 months
So it seems Aaravos is going to become a bit of a sympathetic character for S6 and beyond (sign me up) . Ep. 1 starts with a flashback of him crying, and another Startouch Elf talking to him about being connected with love or something along those lines.
If everything he is doing (manipulating humans, trying to be free, etc.) is all a result of lost love, it definitely puts it into a different perspective, especially in terms of Callum. It makes for a good character foil.
Because what if Aaravos is fueled by revenge for his love - using love as a means of (and excuse for) destruction - and in the meantime, Callum's love for Rayla is what gives him hope, something to fight for, allows him to see the good in life, etc.
In a future episode, Callum could even converse with Aaravos (because we know Callum will definitely be in contact with Aaravos at some point, he's already dreamed about it) about how his love for Rayla helps him make decisions and choose his own destiny. Or perhaps, they can come to an agreement that love fuels them to do whatever it takes.
Ohhh. Now that's interesting.
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sarasade · 7 months
On Claudia, Viren, Aaravos & Claudia's Character Arc
This post is mostly about Claudia's character development or should I say character deterioration.
It's highly likely that Callum will be the one to take down Aaravos- like it all goes back to Harrow's letter in s2 and chains of history and the themes of free will vs destiny and such. Aaravos possessing Callum is all about that. He's literally taking control of Callum's faith. There is clear antagonism there that's in a direct conflict with who Callum is.
But at the same time Claudia is the one who's got the biggest personal beef with Aaravos. He exploited her grief, manipulated her and used her father to accomplish his own goals. If Aaravos didn't exist Claudia wouldn't have spent two years of her life in a complete stagnation waiting for her dad to come back from the dead instead of moving on. It seems like Aaravos has been molding Claudia into his personal minion through dark magic during the time skip as well.
Taking this into account it would be really satisfying to see Claudia snap out of it and take her revenge. Characters having a personal connection to the villain always makes a story's climax more gripping. More personal the better! And everything between Aaravos and Claudia is VERY personal.
That's why Viren worked so well as a foil to Callum and Ezran in s 1-3. Especially Ezran whose rightful place as the king he tried to take. He was basically their shitty, power hungry uncle who turned against them. Side note but if Viren is still alive I hope he makes a return as Ezran's foil.
Claudia helping to take down Aaravos would be emotionally satisfying. All the elements for that are already there. Of course Claudia should come to some kind of realisation about the way she's been used by Aaravos before she can take that turn. I doubt the show's got the time for that but it's an interesting possibility to think about.
I really like how the plot around Aaravos manipulating Claudia is done. Even Claudia's own father didn't do anything to prevent it from happening although all the signs of Aaravos having sinister plans for Claudia were there from the beginning: Aaravos calling Claudia "an asset" and encouraging Viren to lie to her in s3 therefore enabling Viren's worst impulses while also using them to his benefit. It's SO EVIL (and I love it). Viren isn't that much better since he always had some kind of excuse to ignore the red flags. At this point of TDP's run I'm convinced that Runaan's "Faith worse than death" line about Aaravos' mirror is finally paying off. It means that the consequences of Viren's actions have hurt Claudia, the only person Viren loves unconditionally, in an unfathomable way.
I think Claudia's arc is relatively subtle and very well done. It balances between Claudia being a victim of manipulation and neglect while also giving her agency to influence the plot as a whole. My only complaint is that Lost Child short story should have been implemented in the show itself and not just be extra material. I have some other grievances but those are mostly fandom related.
How some fans, especially in YouTube reviews, talk about Claudia's downfall like it was inevitable because she's always been fucked up or talking about how "trauma isn't an excuse for bad behaviour" is strange to me. Like, yeah, it isn't an excuse but it's simply just bad media analysis to instantly jump into condemning Claudia's actions, like she's a real person who uses trauma as an excuse to hurt other real people, instead of seeing it in the terms of a character study. Claudia clearly uses trauma to convince herself that what she's doing is right but never tries to manipulate anyone else by using it as an excuse. Think about her and Terry for example: she usually refuses Terry's help instead of trying to garner sympathy from him. This character trait is one of the many reasons why she felt obligated to keep her family together as well. She's extremely stubborn and not very self-conscious about her trauma brain but she does understand why others would see her actions as objectionable. I think this character type (usually a woman) has been given the playful nickname "trauma bitch" in the internet lexicon. Anyway god forbid if we actually empathise, reflect on and engage with unpleasant or problematic characters instead of instantly condemning them.
TDP is about how people can always CHOOSE a different path. Viren's dark magic hallucination in season 5 stated this very clearly.
In Claudia's case it's more interesting to think about WHY she DOESN'T choose differently. That's where all the meat of her character writing lies.
Claudia's arc is what happens when the desperate actions of someone motivated by trauma around abandonment are taken to their logical conclusion in this fantasy setting. It's a fictional story, it has metaphors and shit. Fantasy genre has used necromancy and extending one's life by magical means as a story element to explore humanity's relationship to death many times. The metaphor for loss and regret basically writes itself. Ursula Le Guin has used this trope in The Earthsea books, Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn has done it etc. Everything can't be a one to one comparison to real life (trauma rarely makes you want to kill your friends with dark magic irl. idk that's just me though) and there needs to be a level of abstraction involved in a fantasy story. Abstraction and metaphor, paradoxically, can reveal a greater truth about the world. (I'm probably accidentally quoting someone here but can't remember who.)
Anyway the rest is great. When you think of it all for a moment it's pretty fucked up how Claudia has been used by Aaravos. It's not some tiny part of Caludia's story. It IS her story. And Viren set that norm for her. Viren too has abused Claudia's trust. It's a complex subject and probably requires its own post since Viren, Soren and Claudia's situation reflects some pretty realistic dynamics real life troubled families have. That's why the characters compliment each other's stories so well. Viren is a more realistic character after all when Aaravos is more over the top and symbolic and less of a real person. Aaravos is one of those villains who embodies the opposing ideology of the heros. We (still) don't know almost anything personal about him so he matters mostly in relation to other characters.
Thanks for reading this Claudia propaganda! I've had so many of these in the drafts. Anyway TL;DR
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heyo! so i stumbled on this theory of yours 2 days ago and aaa i love it —
but i’m so curious, could you explain?
what’s the reversing effect and reversed reflection? i’m a bit confused from this point, i looked a bit into one-way glass and im still confused yeah :P
somewhat unrelated but this theory is SO` much to me if it’s true bc i’ve been wanting to write aaravos povfor ages and it would basically solidify that 1. aaravos can see out of the mirror when the other side is still light as long as his side is dark (it wasn’t clear in canon if both sides had to be dark for him to see out) and 2. he can tell when he’s being watched and 3. i just find it interesting that he would have possibly been watching runaan in this case so yeah odsjfsdkafasldjfsldkf so yea i’d really like to learn more about what it means/is based on 🙏
Aww I love this old theory! The tldr is this: when someone's reflection in a surface is backward from how it should appear, there's magic involved.
We see this happen multiple times, but not everywhere that it probably should, so it could just be a repeated animation error. Still, it's been entertaining to think about, all these years.
Runaan's reflection should show his chest markings and broken horn on the other side of his body if this was just a normal mirror reflection, but instead it looks like we're looking directly at him, instead of at a mirror image. It could've been a single error with his reflection, but since I found more like this, it made me think the mirror might be up to something.
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Rayla's reflection in Ethari's sword is actually correct - but Ethari's is wrong. You can see his fringe right there in the frame, yet it's not reflected correctly, it's oddly on the far side of his face, which should not be possible unless magic is at work. Or, again, animation error.
I thought this might have to do with the fact that he ghosted her, and the Moon magic was affecting the reflection. But in the pond outside the tree house, both of their reflections are correct. So hmm.
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And here's Viren, before and after "activating" the magic mirror. If you watch his hair specifically, you can see his reflection goes one way, and then the other. This felt deliberate, and made me think there was something to the other scenes, and to the idea as a whole.
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When the dragang looks into the mirror back in the Storm Spire in S4, everyone's reflections are correct, but we don't get a shot of them just as the mirror is turning on.
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In the end, it's inconclusive. It's very possible that, in earlier seasons, more reflection errors just happened and no one caught them, but as time went on more of those scenes were animated correctly. Time will tell, but honestly I've set this theory down as "it's really fun but I don't think it's canon."
As for your points, I would love for Aaravos to have the power to look out anytime he wanted to. His powers are diminished, but he's still incredibly gifted with magic. If he could see out at any time, that gives him so much information to work with! He would have seen any conversations that Avizandum and Zubeia had. He'd have seen Zym's egg. He'd have seen Viren pondering how to turn the thing on.
And just like you mentioned, he'd have seen Runaan getting coined. I've checked - the mirror was definitely pointing in such a way that an observer would have seen it happen.
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These are all situations that give Aaravos information, which is his bread and butter when he's trying to get what he wants - freedom. So I do hope he can do that.
One thing he can definitely do is your 2nd point, though! When the dragang and Zubeia turned the mirror on in the Storm Spire, Aaravos immediately knew even though his back was to the mirror, and he turned around to approach, seeking who had activated it.
The way that little spin immediately told on him for fooling Viren back in S2 though 😂 omg. All that business with adjusting cloaks and going in and out of doors and pretending to search the shelves for a book but just leaving instead, and the great dramatic reveal that Aaravos could also darken his room and see Viren, thereby catching up to the great and clever human mage and owing him everything for making contact... it was all for show!
Aaravos knew Viren was there from the very beginning, just like he knew Callum was there, and he led him a merry chase, getting him curious and intrigued and hungry for power before closing the trap and binding them together with the caterpillar spell that resulted in Sir Sparklepuff and a (hopefully) foolproof way to free him from his prison as long as the human played his role.
The mirror is broken now, so we might not get any further lore or interactions with it, but it sure was a fun magical artifact. I'm never going to look at a reflective surface quite the same again.
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raayllum · 5 months
6x05 Moonless Night Speculation
So 6x05 is called "Moonless Night" and it's ruining my life (affectionate), so let's talk about it.
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Seasonal Placement
Something that's worth noting, I think, is that while episode 5 is undoubtedly an important episode in each season, as it marks the official "over halfway point" of the 9-episode assortment, thus far across the series it doesn't tend to hold the most plot compared to episodes occasionally surrounding it. Consider how 2x05-2x06 or 3x04-3x05 are grouped together as little collections, either grinding the plot to a halt to give flashbacks or to see Ezran leave his kingdom crownless and for Rayla and Callum to retrieve Zym from the wily Nyx. Even 4x05 and 5x05 aren't particularly plot heavy episodes, often getting the next segment of the story underway by travelling to a new location or having certain characters / pieces of information reconvene.
What episode five does tend to be are emotional turning points for characters:
1x05: This is the episode that makes the trio Friends, most notably allowing Rayla to open up to the boys about her parents and her fears, and having their togetherness reaffirmed. Unlike in the previous episodes, she's not hopeful or tolerating them anymore, and the boys have seen some of her more consistently good attributes / learning her behaviours too.
2x05: Callum finds the resolve to open the letter from King Harrow and we see where his mother, stepfather, and Viren felt about the mission that ultimately led to tragedy.
3x05: Soren chooses to do the right thing and stand by Ezran, and Callum and Rayla begin their romantic relationship.
4x05: Callum and Rayla deal with the lingering results of their fallout, even as Callum is able to admit that he is happy she's back, and we see how Rayla has become more jaded whereas Soren's gone in the opposite direction.
5x05: The group reconvenes to decide what to do for the rest of the season about Aaravos, leading to an interesting difference between the brothers. This one fits the pattern the least, arguably, but we'll talk a bit more about how S5 breaks patterns in a second.
As of course, TDP doesn't have to follow any previous seasonal notions. In every other season, Callum's arc(s) have always carried over into the season finale in some way—for 1x09 and 2x09, it's his relationship with magic, and for 3x09 and 4x09, it's his relationship with Rayla. Season five subsequently breaks convention as his arc is shored up by the end of 5x08, leaving 5x09 to give more room for Viren and Claudia's emotional arcs as well as a minor beat for Rayla's metaphorical/literal one with water. Season six could break previous patterns even further with 6x05 being a massive turning point.
With all that in mind, let's first examine what the Moon itself represents in TDP, and then what a night being moonless might mean before we get into plot and emotional arc speculation.
What does the Moon Represent in TDP?
One of the things that's nice about a series like TDP that takes its magic so literally is that we do have a handy list of things the Moon represents, at least tangentially. Callum's Spellbook reads, "Illusion, love, charm, private, deep, secrets, manipulation, death, reflection, appearances, and duality." Certainly seems like a very Aaravos-y star adjacent list, don't you think?
And we also get the explanation from Lujanne in 2x01, which is based off Plato's concept of the forms:
The arcanum of the moon is about understanding the relationship between appearances and reality. Most people believe that reality is truth and that appearances are deceiving. But those of us who know the Moon arcanum understand we can only truly know the appearance itself. You can never touch the so-called reality that lies just beyond the reach of your own perception.
For Lujanne, the philosophy behind the arcanum is rooted in the duality of truth vs secrets, appearances (and illusions) stacked against each other, and the nature of reality. However, we see other aspects of the Moon arcanum, such as Moonshadow form, be tethered to something equally involved in duality if perhaps more noteworthy for our purposes (Bloodmoon Huntress):
Moonshadow form is only achieved when we understand the balance between life and death. Balance is weight against weight, and to understand the weight of death, you must feel the weight and value of another's life. Think of those you love, those you hold dear. Now think of the souls who have touched your life. Understand that each time your weapon meets its target, each time we fulfil our duty, the potential for that life to change—to love another—is gone. We may remove hate, but we remove the potential for love as well.
Now, we can see how both of these may overlap with each other later — Harrow had the appearance of someone who posed a risk to the world but no longer did, and the vengeance declared was for an egg that hadn't actually been killed — but we'll get more to the other implications in the following section.
For now, I want to focus on examining the other less 'metaphorical' meanings and look at some of the more literal associations we have with Moons in the text. As we all know, there's been a prevalent light-darkness motif running throughout each season of the show that's only gotten more affirmed — and more linked to Rayla and Callum's relationship — as the show has gone on. (If you want more details, check out this tag.) We see this first hand in 2x02 "Half Moon Lies" where Lujanne also counsels Rayla through some Moon arcanum wisdom about her relationship with Callum:
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L: And it is the same with you. There are parts you keep hidden. Real trust is about accepting even the dark parts we will never know.
By resolving to tell Callum about his stepfather's death, Rayla chooses to show her whole face — a full moon, if you will — and it's not the last time truth is associated with light in opposition with darkness either ("I finally see the truth. I find myself here at these horrifying crossroads because I have followed a dark path"). We even see this in the way the framing at the Nexus changes compared to before Callum knows the truth with Claudia, and after when he knows the truth with Rayla, with Rayla being framed in the light. The truth may be ugly, and Harrow's death darkens Callum's life, but just like each girl's hair being white and black at this point, Callum ultimately chooses Rayla when it matters here the most.
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It is likewise not surprising that Callum's understanding of the Moon arcanum ("After all, we can only truly know the appearance itself" "Now you're starting to sound like Lujanne") evolves alongside his understanding of Rayla, knowing better how/what she hides in S3 and what's actually going on.
Then season four comes in very heavy handed with making Rayla synonymous with the moon pretty blatantly in a way she hadn't previously been afforded. Just having Callum looking at the moon is meant to represent his love and longing for her, after all, and she's framed as the moon upon her return as well, literally moving from dark (moonshadow form) to light.
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This is a sort of association we've only thus far had given to characters like Janai with the sun. And then they have the association drawn through dialogue, too, just in case the Most Obvious Framing Ever wasn't enough.
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Okay, so Rayla is a Moonshadow elf who now has the moon as a potential stand-in for her. Shocking, I know. But put a pin in it as we have one other blatant Moon symbolism thing to discuss, and that's Runaan and Ethari.
Now, the moon itself isn't super prevalent for Runaan and Ethari, per se. They're far more associated with circles/cycles (their family, the pendant, the shape of the lotus pond), weapons, and hearts — their goodbye dialogue for example. We do see two heavy Moon associations for them, though, both of which that is particularly apt for today's meta:
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It also worth noting, of course, that neither of these things are exclusive either to Ruthari in the text. The notion of "Guiding Moon" and Ruthari's partnership is a consistent parallel to Rayla and Callum's evolving bond, as well as Rayla giving Callum the necklace with the same sentiments that Ethari did upon giving one to both her and Runaan.
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With all that symbolism and setup out of the way, let's get into the biggest speculative question we have to try and answer:
Why is it Moonless?
Now, what you might've noticed in all our symbolism and setup is one main commonality: the moon, while tethered to duality, is usually seen as a more positive symbol than not having a moon. Light, or the light side of the moon, is better than the dark side or it being nonexistent. We can already see undercurrents in this given Callum's arc surrounding darkness ("In darkness, gaze upon a fallen star"): light, or the moon, is a Good Thing—most of the time. If you want more discussion on why Light isn't solely good in the series, check out this meta here.
What I'm getting at here is that Moonless Night almost undoubtedly refers to some kind of dark turn or tragedy. The only question is what/which one, and for that, I have three main thoughts:
1) Luna Tenebris
Luna Tenebris was the Queen of the Dragons after Sol Regem was disposed and before Avizandum (+ Zubeia) took over. She was also queen when humans were expelled from Xadia (known as the Judgement of the Half Moon) and mysteriously vanished circa 4x04's flashbacks, leading to chaos:
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However, Luna Tenebris' disappearance is far more associated with a red Blood moon which doesn't bode well for the connection between blood-dark-star magic, and is most obviously associated with the Bloodmoon Huntress, Kim'Dael, as she and her kin were hunted under Luna's reign. So I'm not positing that Luna's death for her personally was a moonless night.
But it might be for someone else, who's been forced to live without her, and who vanishes shortly after she does.
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Luna Tenebris' presumably 'unsuitable heir' (maybe the wrong kind of archdragon? Arcanum-less?) bears a striking resemblance to the dragon we see Rayla approaching (attacking?) in the S6 clip from the video game trailer:
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We know that he's in a snowy place and we also know thanks to released screencap titles that Callum and — more importantly per the screencap above — Rayla are in snowy place from 6x03 "The Frozen Sea" onwards to presumably 6x05 "Moonless Night" at least, given that I can't imagine they'd always be at the infamous Starscraper (6x04) for just an episode. If Luna's heir is not an obstacle in 6x03 on their way to the Starscraper, facing him could be something they have to do — perhaps he's a nuisance to the Celestial elves or holds something they need, like a glowing crystal — in 6x05, as he's the result of well, a Moonless Night.
This is probably the most abstract of the few we have and the most entrenched in Just Plot (at least phrased/pictured as the above). The other two subsequent theories are much more in vein with an episode focus and/or the title maybe having multiple meanings (the above as well as one of the other two we'll detail down below).
2) Moon Fam Release
I'm prepared to eat my words but honestly, "Moonless Night" doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence for it to be a Moon fam heavy episode—at least not in a happy way. For starters, like I said before, there's all the negative associations with being 'moonless'. Even Ethari's vow amounts to "Myself and my love is with you even when there is no light/goodness/hope in your life." That doesn't exactly feel like a reunion vibe given that Runaan being released from the coins is surely something he will ultimately feel positively about.
Ethari's vow to Runaan is going to be harder to uphold if Ethari isn't there for Runaan's release. If Ethari is Runaan's guiding moon and it's a moonless night, then it doesn't seem like Ethari's there. Of course, he could be. I've speculated for a while that 6x02 will feature Rayla and Callum dropping off the Shadowpaw and making a pit stop at the Silvergrove, giving us a chance to catch up with Ethari; perhaps he'll even come along and has been left out of the (admittedly few) screencaps we have of Rayllum approaching the Starscraper for marketing seasonal secrecy purposes.
Another long held theory though is that whatever Callum has to do to ultimately set Runaan (and everyone else) free from the coins will not end well though.
If Ethari is there in 6x05, that makes me think the Moon fam will get out around the halfway point of the episode, they'll have like one (1) very happy scene, and then almost immediately major shit is going to hit the fan that becomes the focus.
Another add on reason is that I think if Moon fam are released and reunited in S6, the plot reasons behind it are 1) to give Callum a motivation to potentially go 'too far' (too fast?) in his quest to release him, and 2) to have Runaan there to encourage Rayla to kill Callum if/when he gets possessed again. There are many other reasons to love Rayla's parents, there are many other reasons to want them around, but from a structural/plot standpoint of being side characters, I do think that's the purpose they're here to serve in s6, with probably having an expanded role in s7.
For example, if we follow along the line of "Moonless Night" being a release episode with the meaning being largely related to Runaan and Ethari > the main characters, that means it would have to be about either how much Runaan missed Ethari in the coin (which we don't need to see to understand the coin is terrible, we know that) or two, Ethari not being there and Runaan not listening to whatever Ethari would want him to do (maybe not being upset with Rayla or angry at Callum?).
I just can't see an episode like "Moonless Night" ending on a good note for anyone while still having the name of the episode be earned unless we entirely go flashback heavy (Aaravos, Rayla's travels or whatever) or the Luna Tenebris heir route.
With that caveat in mind, I want to talk about what is the most likeliest reason behind "Moonless":
3) Aaravos and Callum
As stated before, the character most accordingly associated with the moon is Rayla. This association has become even more literal into arc 1. I think it's the association next to the Luna Tenebris one that makes the most sense.
While I could perhaps see a flashback or expansion on how she felt during her time away featuring into S6, I would question the validity of doing it at a location like the Starscraper where there is so much feasibly else to focus on in a very unique and special location where we're primed to be meeting new characters (possibly friends and foes from the celestial elves), getting lore drops, and stuff focused on Callum and Rayla's present emotional journeys. Something like that would make more sense on the way to the Starscraper where we're just killing travel time, the same way the S2 flashbacks were reserved for the two episodes where the kids are just stuck on a boat, or in S3 on the way to the Storm Spire.
The other thing that's worth noting is the way that Rayla is framed as the Moon in opposition to Aaravos' darkness. Callum worries he's on a dark path and Rayla reminds him that he can choose to take another way. Callum is gazing 'in darkness' at a Fallen Star and Rayla shows up haloed in light to literally turn him away from it. Like in 2x02, she's seen as the more positive, light side of the moon. And we know without a doubt that she will be at the Starscraper alongside her human fella. We know from S2 and S5 that Callum will go to "dark places" in order to help/protect her.
There's a few different ways this could play out. Maybe Rayla goes off on an agreed upon mini-quest to fetch something from Luna Tenebris' nearby heir to help free her parents, leaving Callum worried and alone at the Starscraper, and he's possessed in the interim. Maybe, as noted in Option 2), he frees her parents at great detriment to himself. Maybe she's threatened because the Celestial elves aren't that friendly or serve Aaravos.
If Callum only 'succumbs' to Aaravos' possessive / coercive control — a moonless night is total darkness — then the removal of light would be a reasonable step on the path to getting there. Threatening or fearing the loss of that light ("But the second you see that elf girl in pain, you completely lost yourself") in order to make it disappear, to let a "dark path" overtake Callum? It'd be a tragedy. It'd be moonless — and it would plunge Rayla's life into darkness as well, fearing that she might have to become the assassin both Runaan — as she carries his bow — and Callum — heart vs duty — have asked her to be.
Like I said, I think there are ways to overlap. Both Option #1 and Option #3 could be paired together if the heir puts Rayla at risk in her journey, or Option #2 and Option #3 if freeing the Moon Fam with all the coins' deep blood magic indicators are taken to the forefront (aka the symbol on the coins matching the symbol on Aaravos' book). It could be none of these things.
If 6x06 is indeed "Moment of Truth" as has been speculated, I'll assume de facto that 6x05 ends with Callum being possessed again (although again, the circumstances that lead to said event could take many paths) in order to nudge Rayla's arc ahead (whether Runaan is literally there or not, though I would probably lean towards yes and Option #2 for 6x05). It'll just be go go go plot and drama wise — and no matter what, I can't wait for it.
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sthormiiii · 10 months
Okay how about drawing teenage aaravos? I’ve always wanted to try but I’m unoriginal and can’t think of how I’d draw him as a teenager, but maybe you could give it a shot?
AAA I LOVE TEENAGE AARAVOS, i've had this design for him for MONTHS but never drew him more than once. these r just sketches bc im tired af
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hes a cutie. he started to get interested in humans during this time, he spent hours in libraries, reading stuff about magic and xadia. he rambles a lot
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other elves found him annoying and weird 😔
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colonelpancakes · 1 month
Season Six Episode Five "Moonless Night" lets go! Given the fact that one of our protagonist’s is a MOONshadow elf, this title makes me worried. Like, I know it’s referring to the prophecy thing but still…
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Skjsklf I love Rayla. She wants NO part of this ding dang prophecy business.
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Hmm so Callum wants to know more about whatever Startouch magic item they could get for doing the quest. Interesting. I wonder if he’s still thinking about ways to defeat Aaravos? Since "from the heavens" does sound like it would have something to do with the Startouch elves, "beings from the heavens".
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Stella’s little “just kiss already” look is killing me.
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I love Soren checking in on Ez to see if he's okay is so sweet. I love his character development so much, going from considering killing Ezran to being a dedicated crownguard and making sure Ezran's okay.
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Oh wedding?? That’s happening now?? Yay!
Surely nothing will go wrong, Ezran will have a nice relaxing break and Janai and Amaya will have a lovely stress-free wedding and nothing will go wrong and the fact that the episode after next is called "The Red Wedding" means nothi-
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Ezran sidestepping actually saying Viren’s name and even Soren faltering a little bit before he says it. The impact he’s had on both their lives is so clear even in these little moments.
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They’re so sweet they are going to melt my heart I love themm 🥹
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Ohh... and Soren's upbeat demeanor vanishing as soon as he leaves Ezran's room because he knows Ezran needs the reassurance...
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Fly caught in a spiderweb imagery how interesting…
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Oughh poor Soren. And the voice acting is so good here. You can hear how much effort Soren is putting into keeping his voice steady and tough so he doesn’t give Viren any control over him again.
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Rayla gives the exact same response as Sarai did in season two. The Ice Behemoth is already giving me huge Magma Titan vibes I really feel like killing it is the wrong move. And Rayla’s right, they don’t know anything about the behemoth or why its causing the storms. “Does it think? Does it feel? Does it have a family? […] Then is it the last of its kind?”.
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Yeah, that’s something I was thinking about too. It’s interesting how Callum is the one so interested in this prophecy when before this point, he’s always been the most resistant to the idea of destiny, or the concept that there’s something you “have” to do and there’s no way around it. I wonder if there’s something else at play?
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🥺🥺🥺 Rayla singing a lullaby???? Holding Stella like a baby???? My heart…
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Viren, respectfully, please shut up.
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I wonder if the reason Soren keeps coming down is because he needs to see for himself that Viren is still locked up so that it can be real for him? Like if he keeps checking on Viren that means he can see with his own eyes that he’s still there and isn’t escaping or hurting anyone, and it'd be hard to get that reassurance from a guard. It could also be that he feels some form of responsibility for Viren and doesn't feel right passing that to someone else. Idk maybe I'm totally off, but I could see that contributing.
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"And that’s why I abandoned your sister on a beach."
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Yes, including abandoning your daughter on a fucking beach. Viren. It’s good that you're acknowledging how much you’ve hurt Soren but please also acknowledge that you are in fact still actively fucking up in the parenting department.
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Ohh. Soren… He’s finally hearing his father tell him the things he’s wanted to hear for so long, the things he’s had to figure out on his own. That the way he was treated was cruel and wrong. That he’s not lesser, or a bad person, or stupid or the things he’s been told aloud or otherwise for most of his life. That is father sees who he is and is proud of the man he’s become. But the last time he was down here with Viren, Viren told him that all of the awful things were in his head, that he was imagining them. That he was too stupid to understand Viren’s instructions and of COURSE his dad had never done anything wrong. He was literally gaslit and it has (understandably and rightly) absolutely destroyed his ability to ever trust Viren again. How could he when Viren lied to and manipulated him for his whole life? It’s too good to be true, so it must be a trick.
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And then Soren getting angry, reaffirming that he knows who Viren is and what has happened and that it was real out loud so that Viren can’t gaslight him again, can’t convince him that nothing was wrong in the first place, can’t manipulate his point of view or taint the happiness that he’s finally found in the palace with Ez and Callum and Corvus and Opelli.
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Oh, Soren…
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On a much happier note, Stella holding Sneezles!!!!!!!!!!
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sjaklffsjdkaljfd I love them so much. Callum, what are you doing?
Also, I noticed while screenshotting that Stella is still holding Sneezles and I just think that’s so cute.
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Ooh interesting. I wonder what determines the prerequisites for a spell being cast. Like, what characteristics distinguish spells that need a physical element or a magic object from spells that can just be cast aloud with runes?
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Yeah, I still don’t think that killing the behemoth is a good idea in the first place. This magma titan part two. Hopefully with a different ending this time.
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Ohhhhhh I am imagining wet socks in that kind of weather and that sounds hellish. Hopefully the Celestial Elves have some spidersilk socks they can lend them.
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Aww, Callum sheltering Rayla from the storm with his arms.
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The behemoth’s heart even glows in the same way the magma titan’s did! Actually, how do we know this isn’t just an ice titan? Maybe titans aren't all humanoids, I mean we've only seen one type so far.
Okay I'm less than halfway through the episode and I've run out of images. Dang. Continued in reblogs
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aevyk-ing · 2 months
Okay, last part...
That got way better. Like you can tell during the whole season it's not going to be the last one and there's a lot of filler, but anyway...
You can't use a title like "The Red Wedding" but then nobody dies. I'm not even a Game of Thrones fan but I know some stuff about it. I was also expecting something with The Battle of the Five Armies but I get that was too much to ask. I'm glad Karim got what he deserved (sort of) and the weddings were nice. I have to say I didn't like Janai much in the past season but she's improved in this one.
No kidding, but there was a scene in one episode where the castle of Katolis is shown at night and I though: "You, know? That castle is pretty". So thanks for burning it down. Anyway, I'm all for high stakes and it gave Soren another chance to shine. The story of his family is still the most interesting. I hope Viren can finally rest, though.
I have to say that I don't like nor care about Rayla anymore, so I wasn't that invested on her part. She's just going to the Deep and save the beastly version of someone she loves. I've seen that before in Trollhunters and it was done better (even though the episode that precedes that one wasn't that good). That being said, and W.I.T.C.H. reference aside, I knew the only way to decide who to save would be directly talking to them.
Now, I have a big problem with Aaravos. Giving someone a sad backstory is not and shouldn't be an excuse for their behavior. We all go through bad stuff, some of us more than the rest, and it's how you react to adversity what makes you a good or bad person. Unlike what Ezran said, sometimes the right thing means showing strength. So I get it if Aaravos was just lying to Claudia so she'd make the spell, but not if the story is used to make us pity him. Terry is right, listen to him.
Overall, this season was better than the last one (well, that was easy) and it took an interesting turn at the very end.
PS: Anyone else out there thinking Leola was autistic?
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