#if this doesn't make sense just pretend it does for my sanity
starrywangxian · 2 years
warning: the last of us spoilers!! (episode 9 in particular)
to the new people who are adding to the moral dilemma debate at the end of tlou from the show, first of all: hello! second of all, you're missing some points about the importance of the sciencists' dumbassery and joel's ain't no one touching my daughter rampage and hopefully i'll explain what those missing points are.
1. the cure wouldn't have worked.
you're very right, cures are impossible for fungal infections such as Cordyceps, however the key missing detail is joel didn't know that. joel is not a scientist nor did he know how the fireflies were going to make this cure. as much as i love the "we're all fucked" segment in the first episode and the scared scientist from episode 2, none of this context happens in the game so, it's not general knowledge that fungal infections cannot be treated let alone cured. it's a good point but it's not relevant to joel's moral dilemma because he doesn't know that the cure wouldn't work. when he's in his rampage, he's not thinking "silly, fireflies. this cure won't work! you can't cure fungal infections" because if he did, i'm sure he'd at least try to tell them first. and anyway, FEDRA really don't want to tell people that there is a way to cure this infection and then not do it. more people would join the fireflies that way and the QZs would quickly become under new management. so FEDRA are certainly not telling people that fungal infections cannot be cured (heck, FEDRA aren't even telling people about the different infected - ellie didn't know what a clicker was, pre-museum).
2. the scientists dropped out of med school.
yeah, they probably did because med school, as we know it today, hasn't existed for 20 years. doctors are most likely taught in the QZs - the place the Fireflies are currently bombing - and these courses are probably taught by FEDRA or at least the government, which are the people that are killing the fireflies by the masses. even if the fireflies running the tests and doing the operation on ellie did go to FEDRA med school, they most likely were not taught how to do precise biopsies or extraction surgeries as in an apocalypse, they probably want to train their doctors to do more practical operations and ones they're most likely to come across, or maybe they just forgot! it's been 20 years! plus the fireflies aren't exactly in the best place right now (FEDRA are doing a good job of killing them all), so they're probably too desperate to go through it thoroughly. so are these firefly scientists good scientists? no. but they're trying their best with the resources and expertise they have and most importantly, the exact procedure that ellie goes through does not matter.
ik it's a pain that there's a few holes and flaws with the plot but these little bits really don't have that big an impact and if these little details were accounted for then the impact on joel's decision wouldn't be as big as the writers wanted it to be.
the moral dilemma joel faces has to be a big deal: we spend all this time travelling across the country for this cure, just for one man to murder everyone in his path for his newfound daughter. that's the point here! the writers want us to think about sarah; joel didn't get a choice with sarah, she was taken from him but this time, he can save her. he has a choice and he'll do whatever it takes to make this time different. in those moments when he guns down everyone he sees, he's not seeing them as people with loved ones and hobbies; they're obstacles, they're threats to his ellie's safety. (think "you'd just come after her").
he doesn't care about these people, he only cares about ellie. joel did save the world that day, it's just that his world was that little girl. honestly, a lot of joel's reasoning is explained in part 2 of the game so if you're really hung up on it, give it a play (or wait until season 2).
my point being here is, the writers wanted to create a situation that 1) reminds us of sarah, and 2) makes ellie and joel's relationship very tense afterwards. because ellie knows that joel is lying about the fireflies and this creates a big rift in their relationship. the choice joel made has to be big to have this same impact. ellie is willing to sacrifice herself for a cure, even if it doesn't work because she already believes that she's getting more than she deserves. she should've died with riley that day, and then with tess, sam and henry. all these people she's seen die should have been her all those months ago. but joel can't let that happen, he can't let another daughter die. and boom the tension flowers! this moral dilemma is showing us how deep joel's feelings go; he'd kill half of salt lake city and doom all of humanity to death for his little girl, even if that means going against what she wants.
so to summarise, no one knows that the fungal infection cannot be cured, the little details that you're hung up on about the science do not matter and the writers needed to create this big moral dilemma to really test the love that joel feels for ellie.
*breathes* so any questions?
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spacetimepieces · 10 months
So after my brain stopped screaming joyfully while running around in circles, something I noticed about Fourteen is that he's not exactly Ten. This was a little surprising, given how chock-full the 60th is with Ten catchphrases, RTD-era references, and rhymes of memorable high-emotion Ten moments. But there's two things missing.
One, the flashbacks. Both Nine and Ten had times where they shut down completely and the sound faded into the background for a few moments. Then they'd return to reality, pretend nothing happened, and zoom onward.
Fourteen doesn't do this. No flashbacks.
Two, the manic episodes. I'm not sure this is exactly the right phrase, but there were times when Ten would babble in a way where it came off to me like he wasn't actually in full control of his actions. Not the happy babbling or the genuinely explanatory babbling, but the babbling as a futile, usually panicked attempt to distance himself from overwhelming emotions or to ignore a terrible reality.
Fourteen doesn't do this, either. Even when he thinks he's about to have to personally kill Donna, he's in full control of himself and his actions.
I mean, it makes sense. Ten regenerated from a dude who was hanging onto his sanity with gritted teeth and a white-knuckled grip. Fourteen regenerated from the chillest incarnation ever.
I'm not saying Fourteen hasn't recently been through Some Shit, obviously, but it does make sense that a DT!Doctor would be much stabler coming from JW than CE.
I don't really have a conclusion for this. Just something I noticed.
Something that, in your inevitable fanfiction, Donna would probably notice, considering she was the only companion who seemed to recognize these moments for what they were.
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multifandomslxt · 4 months
How I think each Nct 127 member would be during a heated argument (honest)
he plays the victim really well
The argument started because of something he did
but he flipped the script
now he's pinning EVERYTHING on you
omg its crazy
knows exactly what to say to set you off
and when you do bow up he says something like
"see? this is what I'm talking about"
he speaks to you like you're a child
like you don't know basic shit
ALOOTTT of hand gestures
and the worst part?
he sometimes disregards your point just to get his across.
twists your words a lot
He's a walker btw.
walks away from you whenever it's your turn to speak
You won't win
let me clear that up first and foremost
You. Will. Not. Win.
You could've made an entire PowerPoint presentation with detailed examples
He doesn't give a shit.
You're coming at him for shit like this?
alright then here
He's saying the most low-balled shit ever
he's throwing shit back in your face btw
stuff you confided in him about
so you're not gonna win this one
Girl bye.
attitude on top of more attitude.
looks at you stupid
"how does that even make sense?"
and quite literally blocks you out after that.
argue with yourself is basically what he's saying
pretends like he doesn't know what he did.
CANNOT take accountability for shit
everything is "but-"
excuses and more excuses
also plays the victim
also manipulative
a manipulative crier (I have ptsd from this)
makes you feel like shit for even coming at him like that.
don't argue with this man if you value your sanity
he does not give you ANY reaction
just sits there and nods
"alright." "okay."
like he just wants this over with
makes you feel stupid because he really and truly is not even attempting to properly engage at all.
"are you done now?"
He tries to understand where you're coming from but boyyyy
he got some shit to get off his chest too.
he'll try to word it nicely but just ends up making it worse.
walks away and then comes back later more calm and collected
arguments don't go too far with him.
that's what an argument feels like with him.
completely disregards anything you say and makes you feel stupid for even thinking it.
"y/n, be serious..."
"...so tell me then, since you're so smart"
rolls his eyes at EVERYTHING.
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slashsrealgf · 2 months
Rock Star
a/n: ALL THE SONGS MENTIONED ARE STILL HOLE SONGS IM NOT TRYNA STEAL THEM!!!!!!!!!! for the sake of this fic and also my sanity were gonna just pretend like courtney love doesnt exist and that the reader is basically courtney love only not as problematic idk how to describe this...i know i couldve lit just made up a band but im uncreative and i love hole and hole writes the best songs ever and plus it makes sense to me bc i love slash and im also literally a modern courtney love. this is such a weird fic its also shorter than i wanted but whateva
enjoy ★
warnings: none its fluff 🤍
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You and Slash had been dating for a while, and you both knew quite a lot about each other, however, there was one thing that Slash didn't know about you.
You were in a band called 'Hole', in fact, it was your band. You loved your band because it was the easiest way for you to express your feelings, especially considering how hard you found expressing them in other ways. You had thought about sharing this with Slash, because you knew he also struggled with expressing his emotions and that he used his guitar to do it, but you weren't sure if he would like the style of your music.
You knew it was ridiculous because Slash loved music and he encouraged everyone to make music in a way that feels true to them. You also knew that even if he didn't like the sound, he would still support you anyway. You still had your doubts though, so you decided not to tell him.
However, that would change tonight.
It was a Saturday and Slash and Duff decided to go out to some bars and get drunk. You were fine with that because you had a gig that night anyway. What you had failed to realise, however, was that your gig was at Whiskey a Go Go. Slash practically lived there.
You and the rest of your band were just finishing setting up, and you had excitement coursing through your veins.
You all walked on and then you spotted Slash's big head of hair in the crowd. You panicked a little, but he wasn't facing the band, he was at the bar talking to Duff. You take a deep breath and pretend he isn't there. You take a step closer to the mic and speak, "this song's about a jerk. I hexed him, now hes losing his hair," then start playing your most popular song, 'Violet'. Unlike most bands, you like to get your most popular songs out of the way first.
As soon as you spoke into the mic, Slash turned his head, instantly recognising your voice. He questions himself, thinking maybe he's just too drunk.
He turns to Duff, "hey, man, does that look like Y/N to you?" Duff looks up at you, "yeah, actually. Sure as hell sounds like her anyways." Slash doesn't reply, instead his entire focus is on you.
Throughout your set, you play your more popular songs, 'Violet', 'Celebrity Skin', 'Doll Parts', 'Petals', some of your more underground songs, 'Babydoll', 'Nobody's Daughter', 'Reasons To Be Beautiful', 'Awful', and even some unreleased songs, 'Over The Edge', 'Dicknail', 'Seasons Of The Witch', 'I'm So High', and 'Beautiful Son'.
Throughout your entire set, Duff had talked nonstop to Slash, clearly not realising that he wasn't listening. He was too mesmerised by your singing and your playing. He had always found female guitarists sexy, and finding out he was dating one excited him.
He admired how you talked to the crowd, how messy yet so well put together your songs were, how your voice could change from soft and sweet to loud and raspy.
In a way, your vocals reminded him of Axl's because of how high and low you could both go. However, he didn't find Axl's vocals angelic like yours. He wanted you to continue playing forever, but he was also so excited to talk to you about your band.
When your set was done, you walked off and Slash pushed and shoved his way through the crowd to get to you. Duff followed behind, not wanting to be left alone.
Slash grabbed your arm and you panicked, but relaxed seeing it was just him. "That was sick as fuck," Duff said, casually. Slash stared down at you before starting to ramble uncontrollably, "Holy shit, Y/N! That was fucking incredible! You sounded absolutely amazing and it was so raspy yet so soft and so loud yet quiet and the way you play and the way you move when you play is just so satisfying! How come you never told me you were in a band!? This is the best thing I've found out about you, and your music is clearly written and sang with such complex emotions and your lyrics are so raw and intense and your songs sound so messy yet put together so well and, and, I just, I'm at a total loss for words, I love you -" He cuts himself off.
Your eyes widen and even Duff turns his head to look at Slash. "What!?" Both you and Duff say at the same time. Slash stays quiet for a second.
"I love you," he repeats.
Duff stares at him like he's crazy. Your eyes soften and you smile, "I love you too," you say. You knew you loved him early in your relationship, but you were too scared to tell him.
He smiles and he grabs your hips, pulling you in for a kiss. You melt into the kiss, smiling against his lips.
He pulls away, clearly too excited to handle. "I'm assuming that wasn't all your songs in that set?" You giggle and shake your head. "Okay, we have to go home right now!" You tilt your head, "what, why?" Slash looks at you with a look as if you were being unreasonable, "because you have to play me every one of your songs! I've got to hear all of them! And how you wrote them, and why you wrote them, and when, and -"
You grab his hands, "okay, okay," you say, giggling at how excited he was, "I'll show you everything, okay?" His eyes light up, "oh my God, my girlfriend's a rockstar, I'm dating a rockstar!" He says, excitedly, as if he wasn't a famous guitarist himself.
Since learning about your band, Slash did everything he could to promote it, especially considering the fact Guns was starting to get more and more famous. He would do things like talking about your band at shows, in interviews, covering some of your songs and even having your band do some openings for Guns. Your band started to get famous too, and occasionally, you and Slash would have your own shows, playing a mix of Hole, Guns, Snakepit and even some songs you had wrote together.
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thought--bubble · 5 months
There is still hope Isn't There? Pt 5
Tom Bennett X (Best friend's sister reader)
Warnings after the cut
Word Count: 1,562
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There is still hope masterlist
Tom Bennett Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners & Dividers by @arcielee
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Warnings:: None
A/N: Only one or two parts left to this not sure if i'm going to do one long part or two shorter parts. Sorry for the slow update i had to take a slight writing break for my sanity.
Josh sits at the table, chuckling to himself as he watches you and Tom do everything you can to avoid interacting with each other.
He watches as you stare at Tom until Tom looks your way and then watches you quickly pretend you were not looking, just for the cycle to repeat the other way.
"Would you like some tea?" You ask Tom in an uncharacteristically gentle voice, and Tom responds with a very respectful "Yes, please." Which finally sends Josh over the edge, laughing in hysterics.
Both you and Tom look at Josh like he has gone insane.
"Yes, please," Josh mocks between fits of laughter. "Who are you?" Josh continues laughing, wiping the tears from under his eyes. "Would you like some tea?" Josh mimics in a high-pitched voice.
"A bloke can't be polite?!" Tom's voice is laced with aggravation, his face a bright shade of crimson.
"A bloke can yeah. Not you, especially not to my sister. Never ave been. " Josh leans back in his chair, a smug smile on his face and his arms crossed, his eyes shifting between you and Tom.
You can feel your face burning and your chest getting tight, the urge to hurt yourself over the table and strangle your brother growing stronger by the second.
"I gotta go. Ummmm, " Tom stammers while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, you're also gonna start looking for a job before the sun is even fully up?" Josh laughs again. "You're outta sorts, mate." There is a twinkle in Josh's eyes as he watches Tom scramble for his rucksack and shoot out the door at a record pace.
You sit across the table from your brother, completely mortified the heat in your cheeks unmistakable.
"Don't you look at me like that," he teases. "Any dolt with an ounce of sense in their head can see you two running circles round each other."
You want to deny it, but you can't. You look at Josh and sigh. When your mouth finally opens, you think you are going to deny Josh's allegations. Instead, a very telling question is asked. "It doesn't bother you?"
Josh slightly lifts his eyebrows, the smug smirk never leaving his face. "No, it doesn't bother me." He moves slightly in his chair before continuing."But, if he hurts you or acts like a fool, I will kill him, best friend or not."
You smile, more to yourself than Josh, but he sees it anyway.
"He's grown a fair bit, I know he's a good lad." Josh stands and starts clearing the teacups from the table. "So if I am the reason you two are acting like young children, don't."
You feel the heat collect in your cheeks, your eyes glued to the smooth wooden top of the kitchen table.
Josh chuckles once more before kissing the top of your head and snatching up his own rucksack before heading out the door to work.
"Have a good day!" He yells out on his way out the door.
As soon as he leaves, a comfortable silence settles around you as you sit alone at the kitchen table. Your smile is growing by the second until you finally jump up frin tour chair, and your hands fly over your mouth.
Josh just gave you his blessing, and you can't believe it. You jump and giggle giddily.
You attempt to distract yourself with chores throughout the day, your eyes shifting over to the door at every sound just waiting for Tom to return.
But he never does. The hours tick by, and he doesn't come back. You feel so frustrated, bursting at the seams, wanting to tell him about the conversation you had with Josh. Thinking if he knew Josh was ok with it, he would finally make that move and actually kiss you.
You groan in frustration as you get ready to leave for work, knowing it will be hours before you are able to tell Tom about your conversation with Josh.
You go over the conversation repeatedly in your head as you walk to the pub you work at. Trying to estimate Tom's reactions. You imagine him shocked and then thrilled, excited even. The visual in your head filling you with anticipation.
Right up until the moment you round the corner to get on Main Street, just a few steps from the pub to see Tom. Arm resting against the wall, smiling down at a very pretty woman.
Your eyes burn with tears desperate to escape, but you swallow them down.
Clearly, both you and Josh misread the situation, and you feel stupid. You put your head down as you try to pass them unnoticed.
Tom, of course, recognizes you and slightly recoils from the woman. "Off to work?" He calls out to you.
"Hmmm," you mumble in confirmation, not sparing him a glance. You couldn't stand to look at him in this moment. You fear you would burst into tears. It's your own fault, you think. You built this up so much in your head without knowing how Tom actually felt.
You walk into the pub and set down your bag and jacket, hands slightly shaking. You're frustrated. Upset, but mostly confused. Are you upset with Tom? Or yourself? You didn't even know. All you knew was that tonight was going to be a long, miserable night.
Tom led you on... didn't he? Or are you just so stupid that you saw something that wasn't there?
Your thoughts run rampant all night long through your shift. Your usually sunny disposition is dampened by your disappointment.
When your shift finally ends, you feel relieved quickly gathering your things and offering your coworkers a brief wave before nearly running out of the pub at lightening speed.
You try to focus on the clicking of your heels against the pavement as you start on your trek back home, desperate to keep the thoughts of Tom and his partner for the night at bay.
"Walking home alone, love?" You wince at the sound of his voice coming from behind you.
"Came back to walk ya home and find out ya already left! What you in such a hurry for? Josh, give you a new curfew?" He laughs as he pops a cigarette into his mouth, pulling out a match and lighting it.
"No. I'm tired." Your answer is short and curt. You don't turn to look at him, and the irritation you're feeling is very obvious.
"Right. You alright then? Someone givin you a hard time? I'll sort em. Just let me know who"
You can't help but roll your eyes. Is he really this clueless?
"Thought you had plans for the remainder of the evening. I'm surprised to see you." You start to walk ahead, your pace quick and head held high, not waiting for his response.
He runs a bit to catch up with you while he chuckles. "That what this is all about? The bird from outside the pub? You think I'm a tramp?" He takes a puff off his cigarette as he walks beside you. "I didn't mean to offend your delicate sensibilities, love."
If this were a cartoon, smoke would have shot out of your ears.
"I'm not sensitive, I just don't need to be walked home by a common whore" the words didn't seem as harsh in your head as they sounded when they came out. Although you were so deep in your frustration that you refused to apologize for it.
Tom's eyes go wide in surprise for a moment before he chuckles and stays quiet, simply walking beside you.
When you reach the flat, he clears his throat as if to say something, but with your emotions high, you quickly enter the flat and slam the door behind you, leaving him outside.
Josh looks up at you from his usual spot at the table. "Everything alright?"
"Obviously!" You yell before stomping upstairs, leaving a bewildered Josh sitting at the table.
When Tom finally quietly enters the flat, Josh is still sitting at the table waiting for him.
"Guessing all that was about you?" Josh waves his hand toward the stairs where he watched you stomp away in anger.
"Aye, she called me a whore" Tom forces a smile on his face while looking up the stairs absent mindedly.
Josh nearly spits out his tea while breaking into a laugh. "Did she now? Well, what did ya do to earn that title?"
Tom rolls his eyes, as he leaves the stairs and walks toward the living room.
Josh sighs and groans as he rises from the table to head upstairs to bed. Before going up, he stops and turns back toward the living room.
"Why didn't you just tell her you didn't do anything?" He says toward the darkened room where Tom lies frustrated on the sofa.
"What makes you think I didn't?" Tom retorts rolling his eyes and turning over onto his side.
"Because I still remember your golden rule"
Tom closes his eyes and chuckles, realizing how he has given himself away in this moment.
Josh laughs one last time before starting up the stairs. "You always said. It's rude to leave before morning. Yet here you are, on my sofa"
"Yeah, yeah," Tom mumbles to himself before closing eyes with one final thought.
"I'll tell her in the morning"
Part 6
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violett-orwhatever · 2 months
I'm going insane. (LMK season 5 spoilers at the end)
Trying to put together a timeline for JTTW in LMK is fucking hard.
Like it starts with Sanzang getting the pilgrims together, that's the same as in the book. But after that it gets wacky.
LBD should be the first demon the group encounters so I'm gonna say that is what happens in LMK too. After that nothing major happens that involves LMK.
Not long after that they should encounter Kui Mulang (in JTTW without Wukong because he got banished for killing LBD but that didn't happen in LMK so...i guess he's still here. Probably. Maybe. Or he got banished for some other shit, but for the sake of my sanity we're gonna pretend like he's at Flower Fruit Mountain like he should be**) who captures Sanzang, prompting Bajie to bring Wukong back.
In season 4 we see Kui Mulang together with a captured Ao Lie. So maybe in LMK it was Ao Lie who got captured...which in my opinion would probably be a better reason for Wukong to come back, because LMK seems to imply that the two of them were friends and Wukong probably didn't really care for Sanzang at that moment. (Granted this was in the Memory Scroll so who know if that even actually happened)
But then again these two kidnappings could also have happened seperatly because in JTTW Kui Mulang is married to the maiden he lost in LMK...but we'll ignore that.
(** also i just noticed, if Wukong got banished in LMK too and went back to Flower Fruit Mountain...that would mean he still found it burnt down and was livid but I can't help but wonder if he questioned where Macaque was? Because LMK makes it seem like Macaque joined the Brotherhood at Camel Ridge after their argument under the Mountain so...you think Wukong thought about that? Because now I'm thinking about it)
Then we come to Red Son's arc...things start getting tricky here. In JTTW Red Boy uses the Samadhi Fire to hurt Wukong prompting him to get help from Guanyin.
Guanyin then brings an ocean's worth of water with her, which does happen in LMK.
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Tang recalls this event during the episode "Dumpling Destruction" if i remembrer correctly. He also mentions that he doesn't remember which demon Wukong fought during that time, meaning in LMK's version it most likely wasn't because of Red Son.
(Also this could just be because Tang is telling the story, but in the first image you can see Wukong in his usual attire, not the one he wears during the journey. He also doesn't have the circlet on, which, even if this is Tang's interpretation, Wukong should still have that but we'll come back to that later.)
So let's say this event occured because of a different demon, that than begs the question: when was the sealing of the Samadhi Fire?
If it was, let's say, shortly after the Guanyin thing that would mean Wukong meets DBK (and consequently PIF) before he and the pilgrims reach the Burning Mountain which technically should put him in the Bull Family's good graces, I'd argue. But in JTTW neither PIF nor DBK trust him during that time so i don't know if that would make sense.
But the whole Burning Mountain arc itself sort of wouldn't make sense in LMK because PIF and DBK's relationship is actually functional here so...
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And Wukong is - yet again - not wearing the circlet during the sealing of the fire.
"Amnesia Rules" also doesn't make this any easier because during his amnesiac state Wukong doesn't question why there's no torture crown on his head...but he also confuses a stick with his staff so he was probably just out of it in general.
Then there's the matter of Macaque's death and the impriosonment of the Brotherhood.
I'm gonna say that after Macaque split from the Brotherhood he died around the same time as in JTTW (so after the Kingdom of Women arc).
After that should be the Burning Mountains thing but...again wouldn't make a lot of sense if that was after the Samadhi Fire thing so...eh.
Some time after Macaque died the Brotherhood should have gotten sealed away.
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Which - and this might be a long shot - but maybe that's why Wukong looks so...stoic when he had to fight the Brotherhood. Because his best friend just died and now he has to deal with his other former friends who are working on taking him out...
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(I know this isn't technically a flashback but it is how Azure remembers Wukong being like during their fight. Stoic, kinda emotionless in general...just not exactly giving off cheeky-mischievious-Monkey-King Vibes like in...almost every other fight except LBD (looks a lot like posessed Wukong tho))
Just an emotional rollercoaster all around, I suppose.
But then again, when fighting the Brotherhood he wears the circlet, so that obviously happened during the journey.
Which can't be said about the other stuff because he isn't wearing the circlet this is driving me nuts!
But the Samadhi Fire can't have happened after the journey because during "Amnesia Rules" Wukong already knows about the four rings while thinking they're still going to the western heaven so obviously that must have happened during the journey.
Don't even get me started on the Xiangliu thing. In season 5 he says that him and Wukong are old enemies and according to JTTW that's true because Wukong fights the Nine Headed Beast because Xiangliu and his father in law are conspiring or something so yeah. Wukong should know the guy.
That...doesn't explain why Xiangliu called him an old friend as well or why Wukong doesn't remember him. But honestly not important right now because all that does is fuck up the timeline even more.
That should have happened after the Brotherhood got sealed away. I'd theorize, because I have some far fetched theories, but this is exhausting to think about.
I just want answers...please
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Well the comics did a good job squandering any sympathy and shiz for dicklander, and the show too. I only feel bad for his child self. His grown ass can get attacked by rabid kryptonian dogs for all I care.
i disagree.
and look, i ain't gonna tell you how to feel boo, i can't obviously. i can only spew out nonsense and hope i might reach you or someone else who comes along to read my long winded bullshit.
but while both renditions are pieces of shit, i feel so much for comics homie too if not more. he's even more whoobie than show homie but gets dismissed but i digress.
throughout the story, we're made to feel *suspicious* about the claims on homelander or that his story may have more than meets the eye. ennis presents it point blank. he doesn't tell the reader how to feel about homelander, or anything, or anyone. he makes it clear how billy feels, how other characters feel, but he also certainly makes it show that things aren't quite adding up about him and billy's claim. he presents the story and lets *you* the reader feel (which is what real *good* writing does)
BUT it's framed out in a way to make the reader realize he *wasn't* this big bad awful guy he was made out to be, a piece of shit sure, but and not the real monster they were after, that billy was fuckin' wrong (like his dumb ass always is), that his end and final point in the story was manipulated, coerced by outside force, and not truly justified as a result.
leik, this guy got his WHOLE LIFE fucking RUINED, his whole self image, gaslit into fucking oblivion to *believe* he was a bad guy until he *became* a bad guy, after literally never once getting a *choice* for anything, ever, at all, at any point in his whole gotdamn life.
this boi never had a chance... and even after ALL that. people STILL want to control or punish him when he lacks one major vital thing that would warrant him *actually* deserving that.
AGENCY. fucking agency, the answer is agency, homelander has none of it, never has, and still does not have it. (he pretends to but it's not quite the same, the lack of it is what makes him a ticking time bomb)
you seem like someone to really value your own agency so idk, i feel like you should get that??
just try to imagine if every single choice in your life was made *for you* by *someone else*, and that's homelander. and it doesn't stop into adulthood, it just turns into a fucking fucked up conservatorship beside someone who wants to kill you, oh yeah, and stunted growth so you never get a chance to really grow up and feel like or be your own person either.
like i'm not kidding, he might as well be a child STILL in that regard and it is super fucked up how often people exploit and groom him that way. i don't care if he's fucking 16, 40, or in his 70s, the man *ain't* grown like he should be and *needs* the space to actually *grow* before we decide to fucking judge him, else we're no better than his abusers.
and when a kid commits a crime, it's the parents/guardians that are brought up on charges/trial. there is a *reason* for that.
homelander's very clear lack of sanity/mental capacity and vought being his 'guardian'/conservator?? (if he even is a real legal person...) would put him under this spectrum of bullshit, and baby i don't want to say it's ableist not to acknowledge this, but...
this motherfucker is *CRIMINALLY INSANE*, emphasis on that last fucking part, in every sense of the word *CLINICALLY*. and when that happens, even the fucking laws in the fucked ol' U.S. of A. DO NOT 'punish' a mofo by regular 'incarceration', they still order institutionalization but with a HOSPITAL for TREATMENT. (granted there are a whole mess of other problems in this country that still do not handle this properly jesus fucking christ--)
ABLEISM! it's fucking ableism that doesn't let fandom recognize this!! EVEN some of the people who claim to love him!!
except THEN make it WORSE on top of everything *because* of the stunted growth and vought AND limited personal agency and... fuck me... UGGGGGGHHHHHHH--
but THAT is homelander. and uh... yeah. yeah, you'd probably lose your gotdamn mind too, i don't think ANYONE could walk out sane, realistically speaking. pain is easy to say we'd walk out clean from, and then we all turn into pussies the *second* it's our turn to deal.
and the whole point of the twist is to rob you of any satisfaction of his death and make you angry at his circumstances rather than at him. again, ennis doesn't explicitly *tell* readers how to feel because it's more of a graphic novel but...
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i personally think the show is aiming to recreate this effect because if they can pull it off (and manage to make an entire population feel like utter ableist shitheads for wanting him dead), then they'll be pulling off some kinda magical MAJOR amazing heist of the feels for the ages that will *hopefuly* be enough to push society in some better directions than its current state (man, we really could not have asked for a better time for this series... holy shit--)
as much as it pains me, *this* was why he was killed in the comics. not just for... ugh, sadness, realism... but because it was *part* of the lesson in exemplifying what was actually wrong.
man i am just way too fucking hyper analytical with this shit and also sometimes SO SLOW i--
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aliennazero · 1 year
No CSM Tuesday effects finally hit me, so today I will propose theories of why *I think* relationship between Yoshida, Denji, and Asa would have significant impact in the future (in short, they will be a some sort of trio).
Source? I have no source. This post absolutely has no valid basis. Just me and my feelings, my own delulus, my own mess. It's all just in my head. And I decided to do an insane amount of reaching and stretching to the point I and my friends start to question my own sanity.
Let's just say... I have contract with Fanfiction Devil. All these theories below are the waste products of my contract (I sold half of my soul and sanity). So I hope you guys didn't take this as leaks or valid predictions or something. This is purely my own madness (even if it doesn't happen, I still have that Fanfiction Devil contract, I could fix them).
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So, what are those "YoshiDenAsa trio will happen" theories? Well, allow me to elaborate further then. Please buckle up your seat and prepare your ibuprofens because this journey will be a long and confusing one.
#1 - Animals and Habitats Representation Theory
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Asa's last name, Mitaka (三鷹) literally means Three Hawks. Asa represent bird, the sky. Just like how hawk observes from the sky before attempting a strike, that's what Asa's narratives roles *I think* would be. She's meant to be an observant at first before surprise attack. We've seen that before and I think we will see more of it as I believe she would become stronger as the time goes.
Denji's devil heart represent dog, the land. It's 100% obvious that Pochita is treated as a dog, there's no doubt. And just like that, it also represent Denji's roles in the narratives. The thing is, Denji is not an ordinary dog no more, he's the feral ones. To control and to "tame" him now will be no easy task as his previous owner who successfully "claim" him (Makima) is already dead.
(Hawks could pick up and eat dogs btw, just like how Yoru in the past could defeat Chainsaw Man so many times before her fall. It does fit the narratives when we think about it hard enough)
And lastly... Yoshida, he represent octopus, the sea. Just like how octopus is solitary animal, both of them said to prefer living alone. Octopus is also very smart, and could camouflage to its surrounding. Which suit very well with common Yoshida's character interpretation that's usually interpret him as this very mysterious knowledgeful being.
However the truth is, Yoshida is a human, just like the rest. And octopus is just a part of bigger animal kingdom, just like the dog and the bird. Now we just wait until that little octopus get tired of pretending to be a dog (to Public Safety) and finally break free, like many of "octopus jail break" cases in real life.
In conclusion, I think these three different animals symbolism will be connected to each other somehow in some way. It's too much of a coincidences for it to just be a mere coincidences and not Fujimoto's writing choices IMO.
#2 - Three Horsemen × Three Birds Theory
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As you can see in this poorly written image, this theory will try to debunk the connection between Yoshida, Denji, and Asa with their respective Horsemen Devils counterpart.
"Why are you so sure that three birds imagery will be very important?"
"Mi" in "Mitaka" means three. Asa is the new main character, her name have symbolism just like how Denji's name come from Tenshi (Angel). Also we already get introduced to three Horsemen Devils who will deliver major impact in this part.
It's a messy dots right now BUT when you try to connect it, things started to make more sense. So, about their connections to their respective Horsemen Devil counterpart/parallel...
Asa is connected to Yoru (she literally use Asa's body as her vessel), the War Devil. Just like how she has constant war within herself and with society as a teenage girl. War Devil fits Asa so much.
Denji is connected to Makima and Nayuta, the Control Devil. Because he's very persistent to keep fighting for his freedom over people who try to abuse him and control him in his entire life.
Yoshida is connected to AND supposedly opposes Kiga/Fami, the Famine Devil. His last name, Yoshida (吉田) literally means "Lucky Ricefield" (and rice is the most common staple food in Asia). He's really built and made to oppose her. Though he did shows signs of social starvation.
Back to three birds imagery. If we read the same manga, you'll notice how birds is used a lot in part 2 and also used by Makima to keep an eye to her surroundings and her enemies (remember Katana Man Arc).
It's hard for me to come up with paragraphs of explanation so I will just show you this image on how I connected the dots.
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++ Bonus delusions: Chapter 99 is titled "Two Birds", probably to reference both Asa and Yoru. But the three birds imagery there still bother me. To the point, I think it's actually for Yoshida. So by "Two Birds", it's maybe means Yoshida and Asa rather than Yoru and Asa (or them three, YoshiAsaYoru because it looks very deliberate to have double meanings (the three birds is not for YoshiAsaYuko sadly🥲)).
In conclusion, three birds symbolism in part two IMO stand for three human (Asa, Denji, Yoshida) and three horsemen (War, Control, Famine). I'm very positive that their 2x3 groupies will have deeper meaning and connection in the future.
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#3 - Chapters Title Theory
Now we come to the last theory I have for YoshiDenAsa trio possibilities. I can't put image in this section because I already hit the limit so let's use our imagination a little bit.
This one is kinda fanfic-esque and I did the most of my far stretching here so I recommend you to drink that ibuprofen you brought right now before entering this insanity trip.
First, let's take a look for where Yoshida, Asa, and Denji are in the same chapter:
- Chapter 104 with title "Spoiler"
- Chapter 109 with title "The Easy Way to Stop Bullying"
- Chapter 114 with title "Endless Aquarium"
- Chapter 115 with title "High Schoolers These Days"
- Chapter 117 with title "Penguin and Weapon"
- Chapter 120 with title "Triangle"
- Chapter 121 with title "Theory of Happiness"
- Chapter 132 with title "Protection"
Second, let's take another look to which chapter where their interractions to each other was the main focus:
- Chapter 104 with title "Spoiler"
- Chapter 115 with title "Highschoolers These Days"
- Chapter 120 with title "Triangle"
This is actually a signs for their weird love interest triangle. Trust me. Hear me out. There's something more in these chapters title, I just know it. Based on what? My feelings. Maybe it will be like how chapter 102 ("Save The Cat") was a foreshadowing for chapter 127 ("Save The Asa").
I just could feel it in my soul. These chapters title will be more relevant in the future. TRUST.
That's all for now. Big thanks to my moots @mimsynotpog for encouraging me to write this LOL. Anyway, I'm always open for discussion! Lemme know your thoughts on this one!
Do you guys think Yoshida, Denji, and Asa trio is possible? The answer is obvious big YES from me. We still have time. We're just 30+ chapters in! I won't lose hope yet!
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darkestspring · 2 years
A, C and U from the yandere alphabet for Aegon I and II, please?
Aegon I "The Conquerer" Targaryen
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
it's a bit tricky with aegon i, he's the type to shower you with gifts but he's also there at every corner. you literally have to pretend you don't see him lurking nearby for your own sanity. he'll show you so much affection, kissing you, hugging you, holding your hand, kissing your hand. he'll have jewelry made for you in targaryen colors so he can stake his claim on you. he's very intense in his affection for you. you're his, why should he restrain himself or shy away from it?
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
I've mentioned it before but aegon i is capable of great violence and cruelty, just not towards you, you're completely safe from his bad side unless you misbehave or try to escape/run away and even then he'll just act like it hurts him to have to punish you. "it pains me to do this to you, my heart." he'll tell you in his saddest voice. "you would never be able to get far from me. not with everyone i have watching over you. you're mine, forever." he'll tell you, that targaryen madness shining through as he cups your face with his hands. "You're more than welcome to try though," he'll mockingly tell you. "I'll just have to fuck the will to escape out of you, my heart."
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
when it comes to it, aegon i is very classic yandere, possessive and obsessive. he won't isolate you unless it's to punish you and even then its not for very long. he'll shower you in gifts and affection, you're generally free to do what you wish but you're still trapped. you're the conquerers wife. the queen of westeros. he still wants you to love him, which is why he takes care not to show you a side of him that would make him unappealing to you.
Aegon II "The Usurper" Targaryen
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Aegon II is very intense, and very unpredictable. You never know whether he's going to kiss you or grip your jaw and demand you tell him you love him. aegon ii will provide you with everything, even things you don't need. if he gifts you with something, it's better to smile and thank him for it before kissing him. he's also very suffocating with his affection in the sense that he really doesn't care whether you're in private or in public, he'll tell you how much he desires you. you're the apple of his eye, his wife.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
aegon ii is capable of greeeat cruelty, he delights in seeing people in pain, depending on his mood, he'll delight in seeing the hazy look in your eyes as he bites down on your skin hard enough to draw blood. he loves to leave marks on your. marks that will turn into scars are his favorite. eternal proof that you are his, and his alone. Many pity you, especially his mother. Once you're in his grasp, depending on if you married him willingly or he abducted you, he'll either be delighted and as well-mannered as he can be or he'll mock you. he's a prince/king. it has been your fate to be his since he laid his eyes on you.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
aegon ii is very interesting as a yandere, in my eyes. you're special to him so he'll treat you better than he does everyone else but not by much, you're his wife, his woman. by time, you're in his grasp, he'll abandon his whores and lay with you exclusively. they were just a replacement for you anyways, it was so hard to find ones that reminded him of you but you're here. you're his wife. he'll tell you that constantly. how much he ached at the thought of you. he'll take your hand and place it on his hard manhood and unashamed tell you that you made him like this so you have to do something about this. he's a pervert and now he has you, you'll take care of him right? he'll give you baby after baby and still never be satisfied.
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theamazingmaddyas · 4 days
I'm writing one of the companion fics for This Family Makes Me Want to Murder People and the fact that The Lightning Thief Musical exists in this fic universe came up again (the first time being karaoke of course, with Austin's reindition of Another Terrible Day) which makes me think of the implication that the book series (or at least The Lightning Thief) must exist in order for the musical adaptation to, in turn, exist. So, this is my little headcanon on how this works:
Percy is, obvious, the author of the first five books. He wrote them during the school year following the adventure (ex:// TLT was written during 7th grade, SOM during first half of 8th, TTC during second half of 8th etc etc.) with help from Sally, and later on, Paul (one of whom is an author and the second of whom is an English teacher, so it works). If you read Rick Riordan's author notes, he's described as the senior scribe of CHB and later CJ when Greeks and Romans are aware of the other's existance, so it would make sense that he would get the manuscript and publish it as a work of fiction. If Percy had published it under his own name, that could, in theory, serve as a problem for camp and the integrity of it. So, it makes sense to put a name with no attachments on the front (however, if we take Rick as a senior scribe, then he must visit camp often enough and just cut himself out from the script, or tell Percy to pretend he doesn't know him, to keep this "fictional" facade up). (This does leave the implication that Rick, in this universe, is a demigod or legacy, because while Rachel has gone to camp as a mortal, it is described as too uncommon) (My bet is one of the muses' kids—my guess would be Calliope)
Heroes of Olympus, in this in-universe hc, is written in 3rd person POV because the Seven, Nico, and Reyna collectively decided it would be easier to comprehend then leaving the readers trying to grasp and remember which character is the "I" at that part. However, it would be possible that each character wrote their entire POV out in first person, and let Rick change the POVs and cut and paste sections in. The only way I can think that this would be able to be published in a timely manner is if each character had a diary that they wrote in consistantly so they didn't fall behind (however, Percy and Annabeth probably wrote their HOH bit post-Tartarus because obviously)
Trials of Apollo is obviously written by Apollo, given to Rick to polish up and publish.
As for TKC and MCGA, Rick would have to be somehow connected to the Magicians, maybe Becky here is blood of the pharoahs, and Annabeth could've asked for Magnus.
I'd like to say the movie's don't exist for my sanity, but also it would be so funny if they did, and the demigods watch it to make fun of it.
And the TV show exists too, of course.
As for timeline? If Rick doesn't have a cohesive timeline, I don't either. So there we have it!
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rjalker · 6 months
just because you can sometimes purposefully pretend that bad writing is just due to characters acting a certain way--
(IE: "This mixup of the holiday dates is clearly the author's fault for not paying attention to their own worldbuilding, which isn't even complicated, and she literally just had them correct not even twenty pages ago, but for the sake of my sanity I'm going to pretend this character is just lying to be an asshole")
--does not mean that bad writing is always "the character's fault". And the above "for the sake of my sanity I'm going to pretend this is the character's fault" is for your sake only. It's not to be brought up to defend the writing itself, which you know is filled with inconsistencies and wouldn't know the meaning of "continuity" if it bit them on the nose.
If someone is specifically asking for in-universe explanations for the glaring and painfully obvious continuity errors, then you should feel free to offer all the convoluted explanations you've come up with.
but these are not a substitute for actually acknowledging that the author has made mistakes and there are in fact a ton of continuity errors in the text, not because "it's the character's fault", but because the author wasn't paying attention or didn't understand what they were saying, or just straight up doesn't give enough shits about their own setting to bother with silly things like not screwing up timelines in ways that make no sense. (*cough* Jaxom *cough)
You can come up with in-universe explanations for the continuity errors.
But you shouldn't let those get in the way of admitting "Yes, the continuity errors exist because the author wasn't paying attention/doesn't understand what they're saying/doesn't take their own story seriously/has a problem with making all the protagonists Mary Sues/Ect.".
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arothroughtheheart · 7 months
For your own sanity, don't think about the logistics of the sports festival in BNHA
On the surface, it seems simple. One a year, U.A. students take part in a public event where they compete against their classmates in several events
But having to look deeper for fic writing purposes, I have discovered that it is one of the most nonsensical events ever put to paper.
Firstly: To get it out of the way, it is low hanging fruit, but the fact that it is described as the replacement for the olympics. Words cannot describe how hilarious that is to me.
The Olympics. An event with history from thousands of years ago, involving hundreds of countries from across the world, all coming together to compete to be the physical peak of their sport, showcasing humanity's talent and determination.
It's definitely comparable to a competition not just entirely within one country, not just having almost no sports, not just with TEENAGE competitors,but
I'm crying.
Secondly. Where are the other years doing theirs?
'Oh, they take place on different days'
Oh you'd think so wouldn't you. But there are two things we know about the other years' festivals:
1. On the outside of the stadium, there are signs pointing to the 'Second year stage' and 'Third year stage'
2. Nezu is said to not be at the first year event because he is always at the third year one.
From these two things, we can conclude that all three take place at the same time.
There's only one way that can be true.
We are to believe that there are THREE massive stadiums on U.A. grounds
That is utterly absurd
They don't even use them for anything else!
But that's too crazy to be true. If we stretch our facts a little, we can come up with a slightly more plausible explanation
When it's said that Nezu is busy at the third year event, that doesn't have to mean he's literally there now, doing the announcements and whatever. The sports festival is a big event, and he is the principal. It's equally likely that he's busy doing preparations for the third years.
So then, our alternative explanation is this: The first year sport is festival starts first. The second and third years have theirs afterwards. All in the same day, but not strictly the same time.
Now, I am ignoring something. After the first year cavalry event, Present Mic calls for an hour lunch break. For my own sanity, I am going to pretend that happens during the middle of the day as a whole, and not the first years events.
Now, fitting a race, a team event, and a whole tournament for three different years is a lot. It takes time. But the sports festival is a special event, it does not have to be limited by the U.A. timetable. The Olympics does not care for school hours.
But you know what is a limitation?
Since first years are definitely first, third years are last. It only makes sense. There's no way the third years, best U.A. has to offer, literally will be actual heroes next year would do their events in the dark. They wouldn't be able to show off properly. So, they need to finish before nightfall.
The sports festival takes place in *checks notes* April? Possibly March? We don't have a specific date. But it's around there, so the latest possible sunset time (and I am being generous) is 6.30. it would start getting dark even before then. So realistically, you'd want to at least plan for it to end at like. 5.30. which leaves a little wriggle room if something drags on too long.
Let's say the festival starts at 8am. That's before the normal U.A. day starts, so I'm being generous. But let's say it does.
17.30-08.00-1 hour for lunch. Gives 8 and a half hours.
That's a smidge over 2 hours 45 minutes for each year.
If the whole thing from walking into the field, doing the pledge, and then doing the first event takes half an hour (again, generous)
The second event is half an hour canonically, but there's also planning time, which has to be at least 15 minutes by the time everyone teams up and strategises, so 45 minutes
There's a short break, for set up and tournament contestants to catch there breath, which would realistically be longer but I'll give it fifteen minutes
And there are fifteen matches in the tournament. With the 1 hour 15 minutes we have left, that gives each of them a MAXIMUM time of:
5 minutes.
And some of them were that short, sure, but not all.
That's not even accounting for clean up time between them.
And I've left no room for change over time between years.
There is literally not enough time in a day for this to make sense.
This doesn't matter, really. Horikoshi clearly just didn't plan the logistics, and that's completely fine. We only care about the first years, who gives a damn about the others, and he spent the time where it was needed.
It just. Bothers me personally. Because for plot reasons I had to figure out a schedule for the day.
Don't do it. It's not worth it.
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I actually feel that RC is very strong at heart and still has a lot of humanity/sanity in her. She chose to go in there and "pay for it", leaving Laney to clean. She doesn't have to help Laney at all but she still does, many times.
At first it could be because she doesn't want to face Clark's anger, and Laney was the new victim. But I hold on to my theory that Laney's wild and irrational actions will push the pendulum to the extreme with all the chaos that follows, no matter good or bad.
I'm dreaded, but at the same time, in terms of story telling, I think a wild card like Laney is necessary to push things further.
I think despite readers skewed opinion of themself, you're right. She has a lot left of who she was but she pretends she doesnt to protect herself. She has to shield herself if she wants to survive.
And she sees Laney as another her. Someone trapped, deceived, and caught. Someone just trying to make sense of nonsense.
Laney is just as human. I dont think shes chaotic, just reacting like anyone would if penned in like an animal and abused.
They're two sides of the same coin.
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gayest-squrrel · 24 days
i went down a rabbit hole and investigated all the water on snaktooth island :)
so I was just playing bugsnax as you do and then I realized....
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The river in scorched gorge doesn't lead anywhere. So I was like "I must find out where it goes" and I ended up looking through the entire map's river system :,)
Also, disclaimer, I know nothing about hydrology I am pulling all of this analysis out of my ass. My source of knowledge is half remembered facts from middle school and youTube videos looking through the river systems of video games for fun lmao
Also it's gonna be long lol. Read more at your own risk
We shall start from the source ! Frosted Peak
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Of course, the frozen rivers and pond come from snow melt. I assume the pond was formed from the river periodically unfreezing and eventually being able to hold enough water that it couldn't be frozen completely. Although Frosted Peak is able to freeze MOVING WATER that is insane. I will ignore this for my own sanity
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The pond then drains off the side of the mountain. This river probably has liquid water underneath the ice because like yeah.
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The river does disappear, probably going underground.
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The water then moves into Flavor Falls. The waterfalls do appear to be coming from tunnels, which supports the theory that the river in Frosted Peak went underground, but...
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As you can see, there's a big gap between the falls and the mountain 🙂 which certainly complicates things. Although, there is a bridge between them. So it could be that the water is going through there ? I'm just gonna chalk it up to the island being weird and also not being modeled with accurate hydrology in mind and pretend it doesn't exist
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the waterfalls pool into one spot, separates into two rivers, and quickly rejoins with each other.
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The river then follows a straight path and ducks under a rock.
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Before we continue the river, why don't we look at the ponds in Flavor Falls :) starting with the one in Mama Mewon's cave.
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It's probably rain water that pooled there because there isn't anywhere else it could have came from
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There's also this little cave.
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The water seems to be coming from a split-off from the underground river.
It's flowing towards the collapsed passage entrance, so it probably goes through the passage a bit before breaking out and depositing into the sea
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Anyways, back onto the main river !!! After going under the rock it follows the groove
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And falls into Garden Grove !
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The river splits, with one side flowing into a pond that probably goes into another underground river which turns into not my problem ! Yay :)
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The other one goes down the hill and leads to Snaxburg
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And Snaxburg is where we have a major split in the river, going to Scorched Gorge and Simmering Springs respectively.
The river in Simmering Springs isn't much to make note about. You can't even see it, it's between Snaxburg and Simmering Springs and I can't even find a way to look at it.
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There's also the springs, which like yeah it's next to a volcano there would probably be some volcanic springs and geysers. The fact that they're all on raised rocks doesn't make sense but once again it's just meant to look cool it's not meant to be accurate.
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ALTHOUGH there is one geyser that's accurate by my very inaccurate standards :D along with the one in Sprout's training area
Boiling Bay doesn't have any rivers or ponds so we're just gonna skip that one and return to the major split and head into scorched gorge
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The river flows down into the gorge and almost splits into two, but one ends up seeping into the ground.
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You can tell that it either used to or sometimes does become an actual split by the indent in the ground and also by the fact that the gorge is circle and was carved by a river
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The successful split ends up also seeping into the ground, which the other one would also do if it formed.
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Some groundwater surfaces in the cave of Simmering Sands
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Along with the oasis. Idk whether it naturally formed or was grump-made
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Now for the ponds in Sugarpine Woods !
There aren't any visible rivers, so either they get their water from an underground river or rain and/or snow melt
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna question why I spent two hours on this when I should have gone to bed
edit: brokentooth
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sabriel-13 · 8 months
it takes a man
it takes a man for me to vigorously research a new area of the world
it took the man who couldn't do better for me to read up on Wittgenstein and join logic and philosophy lectures
it took the man who brought stories to my life to understand that a great story doesn't necessarily mean an entirely happy one
it took the man who showd me grounhopping to see the value of football in Czech society
it took the man who brought light into my life not to kill myself
it took the man who is yet to be named to understand in how much of a bubble we are here in the West, in how much of a bubble we are here in Prague, in how much of a bubble I am
there are babies being murdered in Karachi there are babies being murdered in Karachi there are babies being murdered in Karachi because desperate people do desperate things
when I was leaving school, I said: "I am very much looking forward to not having to see another WW2 or North Korea or China or Russia or any other documentary in my life, if I don't want to" but that's the point of education to not let us forget to confront us with all the realities of this world to not let us just close our eyes and pretend that if I can't see the suffering, the suffering isn't there there is a man from a culture I don't know much about and he finds me cute and he was surprised when I didn't think that reading about Taliban is boring and he was enthralled when I quoted Dr. Who and I have been reading about his corner of the Earth for three days straight because I am immensly interested and I have the same undue feeling that I had when Russia attacked Ukraine when there was a mass shooting in the city I consider home
was it just profound luck that put me in what we like to call 'the civilised world' when I was born? was it god? was it a coincidence?
I have been thinking about what I'm gonna say when we come across the topic of personal belief systems
"My relationshiop with God/god is complicated. I was raised roman catholic, so essentially I was raised to hate or atleast suppress quite a big part of me. I understand how believing in The Lord helps my mum and her mum every day, and I am glad they have something like that. Personally, I am not sure he exists, but if he does, then I am pretty damn sure he doesn't give a fuck. And that pisses me off. Because if a french pilot can formulate the thought you are responsible for what you have tamed, then so can god. And I cannot make my peace living in a world made by a god so cruel he chooses to not do anything about all the wrong stuff. So... I think that I try to not think about it much to save my sanity." in any case, it took a south Asian journalist for my bubble to burst once again
my precious safe bubble of mint tea and insurance covered therapy and driving to my parents' house on Sundays when I don't feel like riding the bus
there are babies being murdered every day in Karachi because desperate people do desperate things
I am so glad that I can worry about what to wear for the date we have tomorrow
and at the same time it's so wrong, so undue, so fucking unfair
because there is a woman my age half way across the world (and one half way across the city, probably) who is pregnant and worried and desperate and I cannot help her and I worry about what am I going to wear for a date with a guy she once saw on the news and in moments like this the world doesn't make any sense to me
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eternalmydnyt · 2 years
"Like describing color to a blind man or music to a deaf man"
That statement can be used to describe many things but the best use for it is when your trying to describe what schizophrenia is like to someone who can never experience it personally.
There's voices... they are mine but each one different... each one wrong in some way. All broken and changed.
On a bad day nothing they say makes sense...
On a good day some of it does and you can find peace...
But on the worst days it all makes sense.
It's impossible to make someone understand why it makes sense that it doesn't matter if you die because the only reason you'll ever be found is the smell of your cat box will disturb the neighbors after your cats eat you.
It's impossible to make someone understand why it makes sense that you shouldn't be lonely in the end so maybe you should burn down the whole building and take people with you.
It's impossible to make someone understand why it makes sense to go out and do truelly horrible things because it's the only joy this colorless life offers.
Because none of it does make sense outside of a mentally ill mind.
I am broken and the glue is failing.
I am alone despite people every day telling they are here for me.
The worst part of it is being high functioning and self aware through it all. I have this veil of functionality barely covering the hole in my sanity and through that veil I see just how dark the pit becomes at its depths.
You know the only thing in this world worse then being incurable insane? Knowing it. And knowing there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Please nobody overreact to this post. Life is hard right now but that veil I mentioned is still there. I'm functional and able to see clearly enough to understand what all the bad decisions are... I just felt the need to rant a bit and the part of me that likes to pretend she can be eloquent wanted to play a bit.
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