#if this flops i will be big sad
solarisfortuneia · 1 month
— 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟.
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✦ info: kaeya returns home wearing his master thief costume. (takes place after the events of 'secret summer paradise' in version 3.8)
✦ warnings: not proofread.
✦ notes: where can i get myself a kaeya pls why isn't he here with me
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the clock strikes nine just as the knob to your front door turns, the little bird in the wooden device chirping out the counts at precise intervals. the creaks of the door are not loud, yet they still have you jolting awake from your impromptu after-shower nap. 
“sorry, did we wake you?” a very familiar voice whispers into the dark from near the hallway. kaeya’s back! you realize, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
you shake your head, closing the book that lays open on your lap. “no, no. i just dozed off.” you laugh it off, smiling at your boyfriend and at klee, who’s dozing off comfortably in kaeya’s arms. she stirs when he moves a little too abruptly. 
“hey, it’s okay, you can go back to sleep.” he coos softly, patting her head. he sets her down on the couch, gently laying her head on a cushion.
“we had a little too much fun in sumeru,” he tells you after he’s made sure she’s sound asleep, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around your waist. “she’s all tired out. albedo’ll be here to take her home soon.”
“i can tell. i love her mage costume.” you squint at his indigo and peacock feather get up. “and you’re supposed to be a…?”
he huffs playfully, pouting. “you can’t tell? i’m a master thief, clearly.”
“the style suits you.” you tap at his lips and his mouth spreads into a grin underneath your fingers, lighting up his entire face. “though, you’re not you without the boob-window. or that fluffy monstrosity you call a cape. it’s characteristic, but unnecessary. ”
he gasps in mock offense. “how could you slander my cape that way? you call it an unnecessary fluffy monstrosity, yet you still steal it when you’re cold, do you not?”
you exhale forcefully through your nose despite your best efforts to keep a straight face. “touché. drama queen.” 
“besides, i was born for this role, you know,” he says, mischief glinting in his periwinkle eye. “after all, did i not manage to steal your heart?” 
you roll your eyes, undoing the peacock feather tie and tugging at the braid he has his hair in to free it. he gives you a fond look, shaking his head to assist once you’ve loosened it enough. azure cascades down his shoulders, a slight wave throughout. “so, master thief kaeya, wearer of feathers, stealer of hearts.” your expression mirrors the still-present grin on his face as you loop your arms around his neck, his hair a silky waterfall on your fingers. “what caper are you chasing next?” 
“since i already have the most precious of hearts in my hands, i believe i need to steal a few kisses to complete my collection, yes?” 
“but good sir, are you sure you’d be satisfied with just a few?”
“oh, haven’t you heard, darling?” you feel his mouth curl into a slow smile against your neck, his voice a caress against your skin.
 “i’m insatiable.”
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taglist: @number-one-love-lover
new taglist form (old one had issues): here.
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ellameloetta · 7 months
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OH SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT TO POST THIS BUT HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM L.T, THE ULTIMATE CIRCUS PERFORMER!! this is for a dtiys challenge i’m hosting over on instagram!💗💗
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icewindandboringhorror · 10 months
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#cats#his eyes are always so big and weird he no longer looks like a cat anymore sometimes.. in a way...#it's hard to understand.. complicated vibes on this boy#his summer sprawl (laying flopped out on the floor weird because of the heat)#I AM still trying to get some costumes done and also post another poll advtnure so I can finally finish it lol#the weather this month has just been soooo.... There was the heat wave and then after like 2 days of coolenss where I was like 'ah! finally#I can be productiv!' but just as soon as I had recovered from the heat.. it got hot again ghhhh#currently sweating inside. I actually had to leave my doctors appointment early today because I was just so so warm from#sitting in the car and the fac tthat half the buildings still do not have their air up very high and etc. and I felt so nausous#and flushed and started to get back and stomach pains for some reason.. Which I guess is good in a way to further confirm to doctors that#I Have Something Wrong With Me lol (most normal people should not be this heat sensitive I think) but is also still a little stinky#because I still payed a copay for the fulla appointment time but cit it short by leaving 15minues early.. grrr#ANYWAY. It seems like recently it's just hot all the time but it will ocasionally tempt you with a cool day of reprieve BUT don't let your#guard down! because as soon as you start to think 'hey things are getting better! :0' the sun will be like NO actualy. scalding temperature#be upon ye..#Which of COURSE. I would rather have hot weather with little breaks in between than just constant hot weather. 100% definitely.#but it just always makes me sad because I get my hopes up lol.. JUST as I've recovered from the past heat and am So Ready To Start#On All My Things now That I'm Not As Sick And Hey Maybe It's Even Cool Enough To Do A Costume! .. my hopes are dashed#.. woe and so on and so forth. . Which I am stil managing to get a few things done but just.. not the things I really WANT to do (costumes.#sculptures. edit videos. etc. ).#anyway.. look at son.. If nothing else I still have lots of cat photos.. my sole productivity offerings to the internet online world
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meringuejellyfish · 12 days
one time i said "im too emotional to live" out loud by my mistake like some sort of Cartoon character and after, the, "i didnt mean to say that" my silbing just held back a chuckle and was like "what?"
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princelydelinquents · 13 days
I need to stop telling myself every one is ignoring me -_-' sigh oh well anyway art time of my favorite silly! (i hate this bastard )/aff
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I gotta draw him as a human istg he'd have an accent like rio's from across the spiderverse probably anyways recommend silly clothes please ! And I have a shit ton of blogs collecting dust if you'd like to check em out ! My favorite most notably is @cuttlefish-cabin ask about lore or something idk a tartar isntemperaroily up for grabs send an ask in ask anything dont be creepy ho thats his job!
Reblogs appreciated !
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karomiiz · 1 year
Making enha content even when it flops now that’s true fan behavior
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reikunrei · 1 year
tatsuya kato was really the one carrying all the weight of fs2 like. the movie sucked ass but the music is still SO GOOD the ost for all of free! is so sososososooooo so so good
#listening to it and just Being Sad#that the movie just FLOPPED like there was SO MUCH POTENTIAL#they really should have had makoto get fucking hit by a fucking car smh#wouldve been 100000x better than whateverthefuck we got#i say things#edit: okay wwait im not done ranting#LIKE if youre gonna make it such a big thing for us to care about#kaede and his brother and azuma and have this whole tragic backstory for the brooding asshole coach#then MAKE IT HAVE A PURPOSE for the MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER#if youre gonna end up focusing on haru and leaving the underclassmen in the dust#then COMMIT TO IT!!!!#like seriously if they were gonna have this whole thing of kaede's brother no i dont remember his name bc i do not care#then have haru go thru the SAME THING that azuma did#it doesnt even have to be SUPER THE SAME#but like. come ON make haru have to CHOOSE between SWIMMING and SOMETHING ELSE#and that SOMETHING ELSE could have been HIS OWN HEALTH#but they DECIDED TO KEEP THAT OFF SCREEN!!!! FOR SOME REASSON!!!!!!#me: im upset but normal about fs2 again#me thinking about it for more than 2 seconds: i have never been so angry in my life#IT JUST!!!! MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!!! WHAT DID THEY DO!!! WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED!!!!#i just dont understand and i never will... it was so disappointing.....#go back. redo it. fuck all of this#am literally like about to buy into the conspiracy theory that bc tatsu cheated they changed a bunch of the movie#bc like. that happened before the first one was out right?????#and like. it would have been a bit insane. but also the animation industry doesnt care about animators#so they could have been like 'quick redo the whole 2nd one to make makoto in it less'#but like FOR WHAT PURPOSE god fucking shitting damnit#i was about to go to bed and now im all upset about this again aghdfjsgkdjhjfsdgkshdfkgfg#anyway i got away from my point#in short: they tried going 17 different directions and then didnt tie up any of them
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i’m sad so i made this
modding exists but it’s still the end of an era ya know
rest in peace eShop
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kingmaximusboltagon · 2 years
ok so i know death of the inhumans is sort of. cruel. to basically EVERYONE there. but does anyone else think it specifically treated maximus like, really shitty??
hes the only member of the royal family shown dead, as triton is the only other one that dies, and triton's scenes happen off-screen. he also gets really limited screen time seeing how he "dies" in the FIRST ISSUE, and most of his scenes get immediately overshadowed and/or glossed over
(why is nobody that upset over him and triton? does karnak ever say ANYTHING about triton's death? does gorgon react at all to any deaths? why was there a joke played in the middle of their moment of silence for 15,000 deaths??)
additionally, in this first issue, where he gets,, maybe five pages before being "killed", he gets his arm shot off practically immediately.
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so mark him down as also the only one who loses a limb. which leads me to my next point.
most of his scenes are grossly morbid in comparison to most of the others? gorgon does practically nothing the entire comic and only really fights anyone in the very final scenes, so obviously nothing happens to him. medusa gets stabbed but like,,, immediantly heals? karnak also gets stabbed, but he's also almost immediately better? lockjaw gets captured at the same time as maximus, but i guess they just sort of kept him locked up, because he has no wounds. crystal seems to similarly be more or less fine.
really, most of the bad shit just happens to blackagar, the guy the kree want to kill specifically, and maximus, who i guess is just kind of there for the writer to throw some more gore scenes in whenever he feels like it.
when crystal isn't controlled by vox anymore, even though she's clearly freaked out, she gets immediate comfort from lockjaw and medusa
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and very quickly afterwards, she sees karnak, gorgon, and blackagar, and can easily assess that at least most of her family is safe. lockjaw has this same immediate comfort, as he awakens at the same time and same place. triton didn't have to deal with any of that at all since he was, ya know, exploded,, twice,,?
maximus gets out of vox's control, and is severely injured. he's bleeding, he's just been in a geniune fight, and he got a hammer to the face. looking at his bottom teeth and jaw, something is clearly fucked up there, to the point where im not even sure if thats bone or not. in some panels it seems significantly whiter than the top half of his face.
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the first thing he would have heard is gorgon threatening to kill him! with that mask covering his face, he literally doesn't even know where he is, or who's around him. im not even sure if he realized his family were around him, or that he was coherent enough to even hear gorgon. his dialouge does not suggest he does.
when crystal approaches him, and he hears her voice, he immediately freaks the fuck out, panicking worse than i can recall maximus ever being written before
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he seems geniuenly terrified for her, yelling at her to leave and run away. unlike most of the other characters, who go out quickly, most protecting someone or something, maximus doesn't get that at all.
karnak beats him to death, after maximus is surely convinced he caused crystal to either die or get teleported to a torture chamber. he doesn't get another chance to see his brother, or lockjaw, or any of the rest of his family. he dies painfully, and terrified, with no idea of what he's done or what's happened to any of the people he loves.
under the idea that somehow he survived or was cloned or whatever, he definitely would have died as a vox cyborg in that final scene, just as if not more painfully, forced to once again fight against his brother, who would have killed him there.
maximus gets severely mutilated, tortured, and then beaten to death by one of his family members. in the short few times while he's not under some sort of mind control, he's watching as lockjaw is harmed, and is unable to properly protect crystal, something he's clearly horrorfied over, to the point of trying to convince himself that what he was seeing wasn't real. if he was coherent at all after that blast, the last thing he would have seen is karnak suddenly killing him for,,, no reason, in maximus' eyes. while every other character it seems gets some sort of comfort or closure, maximus doesnt get any of that at all. he doesnt get a single scene with blackagar in the entire comic. he gets one panel with lockjaw.
it seems weirdly targeted, if you ask me. maximus wasn't even written as an antagonist in this series - he's exclusively fighting with his family, and blackagar requesting to speak with him doesn't suggest any animosity. why do all of this to the one character who's spent his entire life feeling neglected, putting him a setting where he subtextually seems happy, and then,,, torture the absolute fuck out of him, specifically?
he's barely even mourned.
#like i have a lot of out the gate complaints#but this is certainly one of the big ones bothering me#plus like. showing ahura and luna are alive but their parents never express concern over then#implying the inhumans are kree for some reason#vox never using maximus' powers. vox having bb and crystal's powers before encountering them in any way#bb's powers kinda flip flopping around in how they work. the fact that his other powers outside the voice is NEVER mentioned or used#crystal NEVER USING HER POWERS. the fact that they only get one guy for help against a mass genocide spree.#ok i have a lot of problems with it#i feel like maximus is never really written to his full potential but like. he was treated horribly.#the death scenes needed to be slowed down and there needed to be more impact on the deaths#it felt like nobody gave two shits about triton or maximus bc the story just moves on way too fast#theres no breathing room at all to digest anything?? its just one killing or torturing after the next??#at least spread them out a bit. maybe have the characters be a tiny bit sad. or talk about it at all.#these were their FAMILY. after all. maybe more than one panel of bolt shedding a single tear??#maximus boltagon#blackagar boltagon#medusalith amaquelin#lockjaw inhumans#gorgon petragon#royal family#inhumans#cw blood#cw death#cw violence#cw bones#cw torture#just u know. every warning i guess. this comic has a lot of. gross.#crystalia amaquelin#karnak mander-azur#triton mander-azur
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tsugarubecker · 1 year
Tfw you’re 4000 words into basically writing Stranger Things season 5….. the way I’m taking this v v seriously 😂
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Actually my old prose-y, filled to the brim with outdated-but-still-banger theories dsmp ghost fic slaps and everyone should read it
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
I would like to be sad a little more.
#Hey im not looking for advice right now and its very much rubbing me the wrong way#i just. i worked on that fic for months. and i get that you cant write for others and i like it so whats it matter#but 23k. 23k and the only person who thought it was worth a comment was my friend#and i get that im being a whiner and and ass and snapping at someone who's offering advice in good faith is rude#but i just want to be saf about it#thats probably more than 40 hours of my life#if you spent fourty hours on a cake and you and a friend were the only one who enjoyed it you'd probably think you should have been doing#literally anything else with your time#and i dont want advice on what i should have done or what i should do next or how i need to not write for others-#I KNOW OKAY#i just want to be sad about it#ive had plenty of posts and fics flop and it sucks. we regroup and move on#but God Damnit cant i be upset and mourn the time spent (spent not wasted) when its more than six months of work#thats not even worth a fucking <3#yada you dont owe writers your comments or time Look i get it.#... its not even porn. at least then you know why no one says a word. it just sucked.#i just wanted to commiserate with my friends for a few minutes and now i cant even do that because i snapped at well meaning advice#instead of just saying right off the bat#*big inhale* okay. times up time to go do something productive#because i cant change it and laying here wont change where im at#back to it.#i got my clothes ironed ill make my bed and lie in it i think
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jrueships · 2 years
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The rooks getting scanned for 2k23 !
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Tyty so siked!!!
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old man tari
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Jabari fearing for his life
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bosquedemel · 8 days
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beautysamour · 10 months
squirt training with miguel! mommy pleaseee i’m begging on my knees 🤲🏻🧎‍♀️
squirt training with miguel o’hara ⋆⭒˚。⋆
— a/n: ❤︎.
warnings ゚𐦍༘⋆: vulgar language. reader goes into sub space
“Relax, hermosa, you can’t do it if you’re not relaxed.”
You squeeze his fingers—his hand being too big as a whole—once, twice, as you try to stabilize your breathing. You can barely keep your eyes open, you were too overwhelmed, too aware of the little movements, too overstimulated.
Your thighs shake as Miguel spreads them further apart, “Let’s do this one more time.”
It was a blatant lie, he said the same thing an hour ago, or maybe it was two? Three? You don’t remember, your memory was too hazy due to constant pleasure Miguel kept giving you.
Could you blame him though? He’s only trying to help his poor girl.
You squeezed your eyes shut as Miguel dragged one of his long fingers down the middle of your cunt, your pussy clenches onto nothing by default. “Relax,” Miguel purrs.
You think it’s unfair— no, unrealistic for you to be able to relax. Not with your puffy pussy going through the same routine over and over, cumming so aggressively and then getting pet softly, getting the princess treatment until Miguel hits that spot and prods at it hoping that he’ll get drenched in your fluids—but is only met with cum leaking around his fingers.
“‘m trying,” you murmur as tears start to well in your eyes. You want to so badly, to make him happy, to squirt for him and it makes you so sad that all you can do is pitifully cum around his fingers.
Miguel hums and tilts your chin up, “Look at me. Don’t look away, got it?”
Your eyes fluttered shut as he started to rub circles against the folds of your pussy—and opened just as quickly when Miguel lightly hit your chin with his index finger, “I said don’t look away cariño, closing your eyes is looking away.”
A whimper leaves your mouth as Miguel leaned over you, mouth immediately finding that sensitive spot behind your ear and sucks as a finger smoothly slides itself into your cunt.
“Am I understood, hermosa?”
You jolt as Miguel enters another long finger into your cunt. Usually even one of his fingers can fill up all the space in your tight pussy, but not tonight.
He’s loosened it enough for you to be able to take his dick in one go.
“Hermosa,” your eyes widened, body becoming stiff as he hits that spot. “I asked you a question.”
His eyes flicker down to where your pussy and his fingers connect, the pulsing of your cunt distracting him.
He puts in a third finger as he rubs your g-spot, stars enter your vision.
“Yes,” your voice raises as he quickens the pace of his fingers, “Yes! I under—understa—nd.” You gaze into his eyes. Lust and determination is seen in his, desire and pure ecstasy is seen in yours.
“Bueno,” Miguel whispers. He buries his face into your neck, sucking a pretty little hickey for you. “Muy bueno, hermosa.”
A moan rips out your throat, you aren’t sure if it’s because of the praise—or because of how quick Miguel’ fingers are moving in your pussy.
You aren’t able to think much about it, Miguel pulls his head away from your neck, he eyes trained on your cunt as your body starts to arch off the bed. He sets a hand against your stomach, eyes still on your pussy, and pushes you back against the bed.
“Miguel,” you moan, fingers gripping into the sheet as Miguel ignores you. His pace somehow quickens and then—
A hand flies to your back, supporting your body as your body spasms and something that feels different from cum comes out your pussy. Your eyes are on Miguel’ and finally, he’s eyes are on yours—the lust somehow more prominent in his eyes.
He hums as you start to babble in his arms, his fingers still in your pussy—still moving but slower—and he adjusts your body so your sitting in his lap.
You mewl as your head flops down on one of his tits, a sadistic smirk forms on his face as he kisses the top of your head. The squelching of your wet, wet pussy fills the silence along with your soft, somewhat quiet, whimpers.
He massages your nub as your body starts to shake.
“Miguel,” you weakly call out, “Did—did I do it,” you ask looking for praise.
He presses your nub and tilts your head about with his other hand, exposing your hickey to him. He praises himself internally then presses a kiss on your hickey, “Yes, hermosa, you did,” he licks the hickey, “Knew you’d be able to.”
Your pussy flutters around his fingers, the praise going straight to it, until Miguel tilts your head again to make you look at him.
You look at him, doe eyed, as his flicks your nub and presses a kiss onto your puffy lips. You return the kiss immediately—body pressing up against him and hands caressing his abs. His tongue enters your mouth and you don’t resist him at all.
He pulls away leaving a string of saliva connected to you. His dick hardens painfully as he notes the way you look up at him.
He pulls you closer to him with a grunt and slightly quickens the pace of his fingers—your eyes widen in realization, “Do you think you can do it again for me, hermosa?”
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jayskai · 1 year
kinda scared that my "experimental" era might just be another flop era lmao
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