#if u understand this reference then ..... our interests overlap
cowes · 2 months
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two bad bitches doing insane, evil shit the night they died.
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marvellovelacevt · 1 year
YAY!!!! I'm glad I didn't cross any boundaries/hurt you/talk over you in anyway, first off. I often get worried when I bring up how I may relate to something, or how I understand someone, can be interpreted as making it about myself or speaking over the original speaker. That's anxiety and autism for ya! Haha. ; u ;
THANK YOU for all the insightful discussion! I learned so much. It's intriguing how the queer community has gotten more narrow over time, especially in light of the separatist movement and TERFs (though it unfortunately makes sense). I agree that perhaps going back into the era of fewer labels, of more fluidity and overlap of identities and definitions would actually be more affirming for a lot of people!
"it's really interesting that it feels strict to you and makes me wonder how you personally define it!" [in reference to pansexuality]
Truly, I don't know if I have a personal definition! The general definition as you demonstrated works "well enough" to get the idea across to someone who's wondering, but somehow, for myself, it's like I need a definition that's a step beyond that. I guess like you, it's like "yeah that works, but it doesn't feel quite right either"! It's kind of funny, because I didn't really realize I truly felt that way until you began discussing it!! XD That's why these discussions are important~ (Which you point out!)
"people want strict and clearly defined definitions of labels for experiences that are wholly unique from individual to individual. while yes, having a definition can be helpful, i often feel that we use these definitions as a crutch and end up narrowing the scope of a label in ways that really harm the community.
for example, the obvious and most widespread consequence of this is transmedicalism; the belief that you have to have dysphoria to be transgender and that you have to transition into a binary gender for your gender to be valid. that you have to pass as a binary gender and perform as that gender in order to make the overall trans community look good to outsiders."
Hard, hard agree here. Like, I agree with this so hard that I feel like there needs to be a global campaign about this. Too many people probably hide and feel invalidated about their experiences because of this very notion of being "truly trans/trans enough" and I feel so, so bad because I imagine there are millions of people who feel this way, that they're trans but won't ever feel like they can come out because of the "requirement" to pass as a binary gender, transition, etc.
"transphobic cis people will not take any of us seriously, and the binary, fully transitioned transgender person is pretty much the same as the blue-haired cat/catself nonbinary person as far as they're concerned. we're all delusional in their eyes."
THIS^^^^ This hits so HARD and it's basically the reason why transphobic people will lump transwomen, drag queens, people at Pride events, etc. all under the same reaction: "you're delusional and I don't like you". You're totally right that it doesn't even *matter* if you pass the "trans litmus test" of passing properly as one gender or not—transphobes will *still* come after you. Bluh.
"but regardless, i think discussing the impact and consequences of labels and the commodification of LGBTQIA+ community is a really valuable discussion and i really thank you for giving me the opportunity to elaborate on my experiences and have these sorts of discussions!! it really makes me happy to discuss this with other people. i often feel like i can't talk about the thoughts i have on this and other topics because of the risk of annoying people or people going "it's not that deep, don't think about it so hard." because that sort of lack in critical thinking and intellectualism is killing the ability to have constructive discussions!! we should allow ourselves to be unlabeled, for our identities to be messy, for them to not fit neatly in a convenient word, because convenience where there should be nuance leads to confusion and discontent. it's what makes people go "but none of these labels fit me. what if there isn't a word for how i feel?""
What can I say, you say such great stuff!!!!! I LOVE these discussions, and I'm so glad you shared your experiences and thoughts!!! We *need* discussions like these to surpass our own limitations either caused by society, the groups we associate with, or our own understandings. We can always go so much further than what we have today to make tomorrow even brighter and clearer!! You can always talk about what's on your mind, and I'll totally support it!! And I know other followers will, too :D.
Long text XD
totally understandable!! i'm the same way; the easiest way to relate to other people is through anecdotes but i also really feel guilty about it even though it's how my brain works! but yeah, no feelings hurt, and you can't have a dialogue if it's only one party participating! then it's just a monologue, and usually i do so much monologuing that it would put shakespearean actors to shame.
but yeah, i'm glad you found this to be enriching and even happier to hear that i helped you learn stuff!! i was really scared that no one would be interested in what i had to say at all but getting to have this discussion really made me more confident in speaking my mind. i feel a whole lot more motivated to do stuff now!! so once again, thank you for the opportunity to get this out into the ether. i'm definitely going to refine what i shared a bit more to put them into a more coherent form to use as a script or something similar somewhere down the line. maybe i'll write another introspective rant on another topic to share and discuss!
i think i'm discovering that discussions like this are where i feel like i'm in my element.
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adultingautistic · 4 years
hi! i wanted to ask - i have adhd but am wondering if i also have autism? i know there’s a lot of overlap, do u have any tips for me on the differences? (ive seen the Venn diagram that’s been going around! I related to all areas of it and went “wait not all of what i experience is adhd???” so if u could clarify how to further tell the difference id be so so grateful 🥰
That Venn Diagram is awesome so I’m gonna reference it here:
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But now I’ll give some examples for the ones in the “Autism” side of the circle, to try to help you determine whether you have these.
The first one, Taking Things Very Literally, can look like this:
Person 1: “Do you have any extra pencils?”
Autistic person: “Yes.”
And that’s it.  The autistic person fails to see the “hidden meaning” behind the question, which is “...and if you do have an extra one, can I borrow/have it?”
The autistic person only sees the exact words on the surface, and hidden meanings are lost on them.
Now I’ve obviously figured this one out, because here I am, an autistic, telling you about this hidden meaning.  But I didn’t always know this rule.  I had to learn  it, by being specifically told about it.  Someone had to TEACH me that there was this hidden meaning in this question about pencils, and I remember learning it- it was after my best friend in 6th grade got mad at me for not “just giving her one”, and we got into a fight, and she finally explained the rule to me.  
So if this sounds like you, ADHD does not cover this symptom.  This inability to see hidden meanings in human communication is a strong indicator of autism.
This goes along with the “Not understanding social rules” example in the diagram.  Not understanding social rules can look like this:
Person 1: “So did you like that shirt I gave you for your birthday?”
Autistic person: “No, it was a color I never wear and was too small.”
This is a major social faux-pas that autistic people often make, because we tend to be more concerned with facts than with social implications.  And just like the first one, we can learn what the social rules are- but the hard way.  We don’t know a social rule is there until we’ve broken it, gotten yelled at for breaking it, and then someone has explained to us what it is.
If this sounds like you, then ADHD does not explain this either.  While people with ADHD can struggle to make friends, the reasons are more centered around their inability to "correctly” do conversation, and executive dysfunction, than in being totally unaware of social rules.
These are the biggest differences between ADHD and autism, because autism is all about deficiencies in social understanding and communication skills.  
Another big one not listed in the diagram is “social reciprocity.”  Reciprocity means “back-and-forth”, and is a highly important part of socialization for allistics, and is almost entirely missing for most autistics.  Here is a conversation with reciprocity:
Allistic 1: “Hi, how was your weekend?”
Allistic 2: “Great, we finally got to go to the park, the weather was so nice.  How was yours?”
And here is a conversation lacking reciprocity:
Allistic 1: “Hi, how was your weekend?”
Autistic person: “Fine.”
The autistic person fails to recognize that they are supposed to ask the first person about their weekend in return.  Even autistics with highly developed social skills can really struggle with this one (ahem: me).  
If this sounds like you, then it strongly points towards you also having autism.
So those are the social symptoms.  The other big one is routine, or “sameness” (listed above as “carefully planning things” and “having the same routine”  Autistic brain struggle hugely with unexpected change.  Spontaneity is our kryptonite.  Things that are the same are comforting to autistic brains, and this shows itself in many ways: samefoods, samesongs, samemovies, daily routines, etc.  An autistic person is very comforted by watching the same movie over and over and over, because their brain can predict what will happen, and this lowers the processing power they have to use to enjoy the movie.  New things are difficult, and require huge processing power, and can be very stressful and anxiety-inducing.
I have heard from people who have both ADHD and autism that this one gives them a lot of struggle, because an ADHD mind is the opposite.  An ADHD mind craves stimulation, and needs things that are interesting, and struggles with becoming easily bored.  An autistic’s need for sameness can conflict with that, and I’ve seen several posts about the difficulties this can cause a person.
So I think I’ve gone over a LOT of material here!  There’s plenty more that could be said, and don’t base any decisions only on this post- keep doing research, and learning about autism, and learning about ADHD, and learning about yourself.  
One last thing I’ll mention is that ADHD and autism occurring together in the same person is really common,  in fact having one significantly increases your chances of having the other, so its definitely worthwhile to be looking into whether you have both.
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kae-karo · 5 years
Hi Katie! I just want you to know that I want your analysis of this new sims video more than anything and I'll just patiently wait for it... Have a nice day!
hi dear!! new sims vid, did u mean dnp simulator?
dorks spending the first ten seconds dancing in fake snow 
why virtual friends???? ??
my daddies gave to me y’all,,,,,,there’s knowing your branding and then there’s acting on that knowledge and i think this may have been one time where acting on your knowledge maybe was not a good call like ily and u do u and all but
i love phil loving his branding it’s cute also shoutout to @dnpscloset​ thanks for finding it (x) bc i want one now if anyone needs a last minute xmas idea i’m lookin at u mom u always wait til the last minute
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same dan, same
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‘we all have new faces and new lives and everything’s changed, this is gonna be hella dramatic’ *inhale* *exhale*
‘when u imagine the howlter family’ god they’re such adorable n sentimental nerds i love them
phil’s actual default is bein a leany boye
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dnp arguing about what ‘desperate’ actually is as if the entirety of their first year after meeting they weren’t talking as often as they could five hour skype calls amirite
get away from me stalker lmao bold of u to say that danny
phil sweetie i love you with my entire heart he’s so so excited abt the virtual snow i love him
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tiny zoom in jumpcut at 2:08 overlapping audio interesting
a mood and a half
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phil immediately going ‘yeahhhhh thin walls family hearing things they gotta get out’ abt dab and evan like m8 we get it all u think abt is sex we get it god u and ur husband really are made for each other aren’t u (dnp = devan reference #1)
‘i presume evan is also jobless’ ‘i hope so!’ phil is it really,,,,,,smth to be excited about,,,,,,,
dan’s doin a lot of the hand phone lately u cute boy
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we should have a redbull what is wrong with them phil can barely handle having too much sugar y’all thought it was a good idea to have a redbull also we should have a redbull they share literally everything which tbh is probs for the best lbr phil on a whole can of redbull hmmmmm yes ik it’s v possible and in fact probable that phil had his own can let me live
‘it’s a sensible lightweight jacket’ in the fucking snow wow dan u really did just set urself up for phil to drag u about not dressing for the weather
dan’s fucking laugh at 4:39 gives me life literally there is no purer and more adorable sound like that’s up there with kittens purring
‘i think he’s gonna be a bit of a diva in this relationship’ did you mean: dan howell (dnp = devan reference #2)
[slight bit of ankle is showing] dan: ‘and now you’re wearing shorts’
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where’s the lie tho honestly that lil pause before he said mate
this clip will live in infamy bc i want this in every fucking phan edit for the rest of time like i can’t even think of the right out-of-context clip right now but anything that can be answered with phil saying ‘it’s dan’ i need it
mandatory phil covering his mouth and bein a cutie
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yes destroy gender roles in the snow universe (although seriously dan’s ‘life is just about uncon-doing the horrible conditioning of all these gender stereotypes, phil’ is so important also i stan phil recognizing that before dan i think it’s really easy to forget that just bc up til recently he’s not been as expressive as dan of his opinions on how stupid gender roles are doesn’t mean he doesn’t have just as if not more progressive a mindset than dan)
‘it’s like a dan vs phil’ dnp = devan #3
dan has such a lovely singing voice i miss him singing
dude phil’s eyebrows are making a Solid appearance v expressive
i s2g this is a different moment from the one above he’s just so fricken cute???
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‘but they’ve got each other’s backs, phil, just like dab and evan’ yeeeeaaaa i’m gonna go ahead and go with dnp = devan reference #4 here i think that’s fair
snow angels are the least fun thing to do and yet (x - it literally won’t let me put it in bc it’s a privated vid rip)
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amazing they just started having a snowball fight how cute n domestic am i talking abt dnp or dab and evan hmmmm - dnp = devan #5
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i get that infinity war was a meme but lads it’s time to let it go
‘and they’re called the howlters’ lmao as if u ain’t an honorary lester daniel (dnp = devan #6)
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i’m living for phil’s excitement i mean if that’s what redbull does to him i’m here for it i guess?
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hi they’re dumb this was cute
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‘we don’t want to be those people, but for us personally, we very much found that you just need to just move into a big city of some kind and just jump into life with both feet’ this is not only adorable advice but also where dnp simulator comes into play aka we did this so uhh dab n evan should do it (dnp = devan #7) also dan speaking for them both singular pronouns are quaking
‘don’t trust that’ what on earth are u on abt phil what don’t u trust the fuckin desert or?????
scalyburg phil stop pls we know we get it dan’s a furry ur a scaly we got it
why does dan spend an entire 7 seconds (8:40) adjusting is he moving closer to phil? switching which leg he’s sat on? idk but it lead to me pausing at this moment which was a gift in and of itself
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‘the deposit on that one, plus the weekly went would make us instantly broke, so that’s fun, us when we moved to london’ bih do u hear me crying
does dan remember phil’s first manchester apartment what kind of question is that phil have u met dan he probably remembers every bloody inch of that place i mean he did remember that there wasn’t a bedside table so
stop that
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middle of the city, romance festival, geekcon, pretty views and cherry blossom trees sounds like dnp’s ideal location do u get why i’m calling it dnp simulator yet also dnp = devan #8
we don’t want to move next to the karaoke legends wow dan bold of u to say after belting helena at 2am real bold
phil having flashbacks to the apt they toured where they found out people died there
hi phil just looks so excited by everything
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look i’m not saying anything except they’re managing to find a lot of similarities b.w their lives and what they’re doing for dab and evan okay like this apartment is great for people-watching? which is what phil did in his manchester apt?
context whomst? idk her
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shoutout to the wardrobe
big bold life-changing steps
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anon spitting truth up in this house (but like,,,,,my thoughts exactly lmao i was like they’re such introverts they would’ve avoided meeting their neighbors at any cost including apparently smacking into a locked door trying to avoid small talk phil we love u bab)
casually mentioning dan saying ‘we are dil-’ was he gonna say dil’s son, maybe but i like to remember the bloops of dan repeatedly calling dab dil so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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omg okay so from like. this point on, when dan’s like ‘here is my vision’, i’m absolutely getting queer eye vibes like amateur queer eye tho like two gay nerds trying to embody queer eye in their lives a bit oh wait
okay okay okay dan u said an ensuite bathroom and then failed to add a door to the bedroom do u understand how frustrating that is???????? do u understand how stressful it was for me to watch that whole damn vid and know that u forgot the door????
a space for hobbies what hobbies who has hobbies
they learned nothing from building their house before: phil should take the mouse away from dan immediately look at him he is such a sugar baby in this jfc
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god dan is so cute get these idiots a penthouse apartment super high up so he can have his bath next to a window okay he deserves that in life
stop it they’re literally agreeing on almost every single thing god they literally share a single brain
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leany boye
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‘they are young adults moving into their first apartment, you don’t have art!’ okay first of all don’t even go there daniel second of all i’m sorry you’re the one arguing for spending literally all their money but u don’t want to get some art bc it’s unrealistic????
dan saying lovely
phil’s mr carpet
navy??? navy? when did they? why? 
i would get involved in a criminal plot to have that / i’m gonna throw you out of one
wow pro tips makin a comeback
phil is Losing Steam
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oh my god okay so i was joking but literally phil is losing steam lmao 18:35 he says ‘ayy’ and it’s so tired-sounding
leany leany boyes
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okay look ik dan’s going into ‘aww poor philly’ mode but also he knew that very quickly like honestly that’s not a Thing i would ever notice about someone tbh i’m not saying it’s like Significant but damn danny was really into phil to know that shiz man
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the high-fashion gigantic rug of our dreams
okay look i can’t make this up phil literally leans away for a bit and then
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hello daniel’s Curl
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i stan phil getting excited over plants
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dab and evan will be having a mario kart fest will they (dnp = devan #9)
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dude big mood god they’re so fond and full of memories 
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honestly dnp made it that way like u cannot convince me they didn’t purposely decide to do that mmkay
‘see they are ready to have their romantic dinners. and then they can pretend they have another friend and it’s fine!’ am i talking abt dnp or dab and evan who knows :) (dnp = devan #10) 
cold in the middle what on earth i literally have no memory of that i mean it could just be my shit memory but jfc they just remember that stuff goddamn
scrunchy boyes also phil where’s ur arm at hm
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like i’m not fuckin joking where is it
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you can’t exist without a computer i mean
what is important in life / the internet
they don’t even have fucking doors and dan’s like ‘uhm they need a terrarium’ dan i’m stressed
oh my god i’m sorry phil is so done with this now it’s actually comical
hi they didn’t add a door for the ensuite
give dnp an interior design series honestly give them any series
phil reached for dan’s hand u cannot convince me otherwise
‘not my personal taste’ really,,,,,really
when dab n evan hug dan looks at the screen n phil looks at the camera things u didn’t need to know but now u do
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lmao jumpscared by the kiss
‘i feel like i’ve never nailed anything more in my entire life’ hmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm hm
the fuck was dan’s ‘getting a job’ that’s his fnaf voice u stop that
doon doon doon doon
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hi uhm what the Fuck was that jumpcut at 28:30 i hate Obvious Jumpcuts with a burning passion specifically bc of dnp
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How to ROCK Being Laid Off (with free checklist!)
Most people will tell you that being laid off can be one of the most traumatic things to happen in our lives.  Our means of providing for ourselves, our family, our way of life is pulled out from under us in one fell swoop.  
We're usually left feeling powerless, angry, and like we're not worthy of ever getting a job again.  It's awful.
But what if it didn't have to be?  
What if, instead, we freaking ROCKED being laid off?  Like, fully mastered this thing and harnessed it for GOOD instead of EVIL?  (And, by evil I mean depressing, soul-sucking, existential dread)
If you've either been laid off recently or think your position is on the chopping block, read on.  This post, my friends, is for you. 
There are two areas to wrap our arms around: Your headspace and then your life logistics.  We'll handle your headspace first so you'll have the mental bandwidth to handle the life logistics stuff after.
If you're here because you've been laid off, I want to say one thing: THIS IS AMAZING!!  Seriously!  Congrat-u-freaking-lations!  You've been thrust into the new chapter of your career (and possibly life) and you are going to be making the most of it.  I know it.
It may be scary right now, but it is also filled with ALL the opportunities for something new and BETTER.  
So, repeat after me: Your life is so much bigger than your job.  It's just a small piece of the pie.  Honestly.
Getting into the right headspace is critical to rocking being laid off, and this is just the first step.  If you're feeling down in the dumps and just NOT into this laid-off-thing, what can you actually do to get through it?  Here's a brief list:
MEDITATION: Cultivate your headspace by calming it.  Meditating is an incredibly powerful tool to do so (if you've never done it before, here's a great book that will get you started). Start out small and build from there.  Pro-tip: the chatter in your head doesn't ever truly go away, so don't get discouraged!  Stick with it and create a little freedom in your mind.
BE OF SERVICE: The other thing you can do is help others, Be of service in some way.  We're absolutely surrounded by hundreds of overlapping communities: our town, our city, our friends, our family, our religious/spiritual community, our street, others who have been laid off, etc., etc.  What can you do to be in service to them?  What help do they need?  Be impeccable with your people and your word, and you'll realize soon there is a massive universe out there just begging for you and heaping praise and appreciation into your lap.  Go find it.
ACCEPT & FORGIVE: If you find yourself in a position where it feels more like a firing than a lay-off, it's easy to be angry and hurt.  Give yourself a specific amount of time (a few days to a week) to sit with those feelings without judgement.  Binge on Netflix, eat tubs of ice cream, rant, rave, and cry.  But once you hit that deadline, that's it: you're committed to moving forward.  Think about at least one person who you genuinely liked at your last job, and mentally wish them all the success in the world.  And, if you're able to, open that wish up for the entire company, knowing that this person's boat will rise with everyone else's.  And, finally, mentally forgive the company itself: you're committing to moving on and being bigger than any one position, and they did you a favor.  Now you can be.
NEXT STEPS: Once you're feeling up to it, take a moment and think to yourself: do you REALLY want your old job back?  I mean, sure, the money was nice (I hope), but do you really want to be doing what you were doing?  If you could be finally doing the thing you were dreaming about for years, could this be the opportunity you've needed to jump into it?  If a little voice is saying, "yes!", then do it!  Get your research pants on and find out everything you need to about it.  Talk to folks who do what you want to do and don't worry about being too forward or having awkward introductions: people WANT to help, even if they don't know you.  Will it require you to go back to school or get a certification?  Will you need a part-time job while you transition?  Figure it out and make a plan!
Now that we've gotten the headspace stuff out of the way, let's talk about the nuts and bolts of what you need to do after being laid off.  To be honest, there is a bit of headspace stuff here, too (gosh, this stuff can be intense!), but I promise you'll get through it.
KEEP IT TOGETHER: If you've just been laid off or you feel it's imminent, commit to managing your emotions.  Don't let them see you sweat, and promise yourself you will be calm, handle the situation with grace, and keep it together.  Being explosive or over-emotional may be difficult to avoid (although certainly understandable), but it will not do you any favors and may actually make the situation much worse.  You want to come out of this looking like a pro who is in charge of their own life (because, guess what: you really are).  It will give you a much more solid base for any necessary conversations you may need to have with your now-former employer.
MANAGE THE OPTICS: During or just after "The Conversation," get clear on how the company will refer to your leaving.  Will they be referring to it as a lay-off and not a firing?  Can a third option be created where you co-create an exit strategy that works for both of you?  I've worked with several colleagues where they were able to finish out an additional week to train others who would be picking up the slack, and in exchange it would be framed that they were leaving under their own volition and not a lay-off at all.  Others were able to continue to work for the company on a freelance basis, as-needed.  If there is trust, understanding, and a good relationship in place, there are a lot of options that could be discussed.  (You can see why keeping it together would serve you well in this sort of conversation).
LOOSE ENDS & PAPERWORK: Have vacation, sick-leave, stock options, expense reimbursements, sales commission, life insurance, etc.?  Will there be a severance package and unemployment benefits available?  Be 100% clear on how you will be paid out for all of these as soon as possible.  Same goes for your health insurance and COBRA.  Find out what you are eligible for and what you're not, and remember that everything is negotiable.  Most severance packages include signing paperwork limiting what you can and cannot do in the future (think: non-competes, legal action against your employer, and working with past clients), so don't sign anything until these and any other details are ironed out.  If you feel like having a lawyer look it over would be beneficial, don't think twice: do it.  
WHAT DO YOU NEED?  Some employers will pay for a career coach in exchange for being available for any questions that they may have as they transition your former position.  Find out if this is available or if they can make it available.  Working with an outside coach to get on a good footing is critical to creating momentum for your next career move.
BUDGETS, BUDGETS: After the initial conversations, you'll want to immediately apply to receive unemployment benefits.  At the same time, sit down and do a budget for yourself.   There are great websites such as mint.com that are free, and which will show you how you spend your money and where you can save.  Figure out how much money your bills require, how much you'll have left over, and where you can cut expenses.  If you have credit card debt or loans, call your bank and explain your situation: they may be able to lower your rates or allow you to sign up for an assistance program for the duration of your unemployment (same goes for your utilities).  It's also a great time for that garage sale or finally selling those collectables on e-bay.  Speaking of making a bit of cash on the side, if you're able to get a side hustle, it may make all the difference to lessening the financial pressure until you land your next dream job (not to mention getting you out of the house, which certainly can't hurt).
CONNECT!  Seriously, "networking" is an awful word. I totally get it.  Having said that, let's re-frame it as "connecting", which is really all it is.  You're human, they're human, and you're shaking hands and seeing where you can create a win-win for each other.  Join professional organizations, go to events, get on social media and let friends, family, and past co-workers know what you're up to and what gets you excited these days.  See who is connected to who via Facebook or LinkedIn and see if you can organize a coffee or informational meeting to shake hands with who you're dying to meet.  The point is, be creative and use every opportunity to connect with people and let them know your story.  Speaking of story, have an "elevator pitch" at the ready (this is a 2-3 sentence description of what you do that will cause someone to say, "that's interesting: tell me more!".  Here's a great post that goes into more depth on this!  
Being laid off can be scary, but it can also be INCREDIBLE and the start of something new and powerful for you.  Take advantage of the opportunity and you'll be more than fine: you'll be better off than you were before.  If you feel like working with a coach could be beneficial (I know I'm biased, but IT TOTALLY IS BENEFICIAL), feel free to schedule a free session with me.  We'll outline where you're at and what you can do to get you to the next level.
Also, if you haven't already, remember to download your free checklist which outlines all of the above in a single, lovely, well-designed document, just for you.  Just click here and it's yours!
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
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Former U.S. Mental Health Chief Leaves Google
Sixteen months after leaving the USA National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) for Google’s health sciences division, psychiatrist Tom Insel is the move again. The former NIMH director, who left Google on May five, is beginning his own employer. Insel’s organization, referred to as Mindstrong will try to infer a person’s intellectual-health repute by using analyzing the manner they use smartphones.
Insel stepped down as NIMH director in December 2015 which will begin a mental-health software called Verily inside Google’s Life Sciences group. One of the department’s desires overlaps with that of Mindstrong’s: Verily intends to build tools, that could consist of phone apps or PC packages, that can recognize characteristics of intellectual contamination the usage of a method called “virtual phenotyping”.
The method analyses elements which include a consumer
Word desire in conversation, voice styles when speaking to digital assistants, their physical movements and vicinity records to determine their state of mind. If a telephone could apprehend when its proprietor became feeling suicidal, for instance, it may doubtlessly interfere by means of imparting assets or alerting others.
Insel says that Mindstrong takes a comparable approach to accumulating mental-fitness information. The organization’s co-founders encompass Richard Klausner, a former director of America National Cancer Institute, and Paul Dagum, who holds patents on at least three digital phenotyping methods. They verify cognitive function — which will be impaired in disorders like Alzheimer’s ailment — from features along with misspellings and the duration of time among keystrokes, in keeping with the Mindstrong internet site.
A Former Missionary Finds God
David Flood and Aggie Hurst’s story of redemption is an image of endless grace that has captured hearts for decades. In the early 1900’s David and Svea Flood entered the venture field in Africa. Another missionary couple joined them. After little fulfillment at attaining the humans around them, the alternative missionary couple gave up and lower back domestic. The simplest contact the Flood’s had become a little boy who offered fruit.
Svea Flood gave start on the task discipline to a daughter, however, died from malaria quickly thereafter. It turned into then that David gave up as properly, gave up the challenge field, gave up his religion, and gave up his new child daughter. Feeling deserted by using God, he left the infant on the project station and again to his home, damaged hearted. The human beings that followed her named her Aggie.
For so long as Aggie Hurst had been alive
Her father David Flood had remained on the opposite side of the ocean, ignoring her tries at reconciliation. Years later she observed out he turned into deathly unwell. She turned into determined to look him. When father and daughter met for the primary time due to the fact that she changed into a little one, he tearfully informed her he in no way wanted matters to turn out to be like they did.
Aggie tried to consolation him by way of sharing that God had been there through all of it,
Working faithfully behind the scenes. David erupted in anger and instructed her now not to mention God in his presence. Forty years a widower, forty years since the task area, 40 years an alcoholic had left him filled with bitterness at the notion of a creator.
Then Aggie showed him an article, it confirmed a picture of a cross, a memorial to his former spouse Svea. She instructed him approximately the revival that came about within the Congo after he left the venture subject in disgust. She advised him about the little boy that bought fruit that has become a preacher and led the village to Christ.
Forty years become a long time to look ahead to recuperation.
But David Flood experienced it that day, turning his heart back to the one with the nail pierced palms.
It was no longer long after Aggie’s go to that David died, in the end at peace with God. But the Flood’s story changed into a long way from over.
Years handed and Aggie and her husband have been in London at a convention paying attention to a preacher from the Congo. After the convention, they approached him and asked if he knew David and Svea Flood. “I am the little boy that sold your family fruit,” he proclaimed!
Then he advised her that Svea Flood becomes one of the maximum famous humans within the Congo. Then he told her that when the village was transformed, the gospel unfolds like wildfire. He becomes now in London as a consultant of over one hundred twenty,000 believers in the Congo who traced their religious foundation again to Flood’s. Their tale is a photo of grace, great grace certainly.
Buy Organic Tamarind and Grab Health and Taste in One Go
Most biologists realize this thingamajig by means of the call of Tamarindus indica, below Fabaceae. Most homemakers and elders understand this miracle pod as the quick fix whilst one desires a good laxative, digestive, a solution for bile issues; or inside the kitchen, as a condiment or an emulsifying agent in syrups, decoctions, dips and chutneys of many types.
So why you ought to use tamarind in spite of everything?
Some researchers recognize tamarind because the state-of-the-art development for treatment options spanning across stomach ache, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, irritation, bronchial asthma, gonorrhea, parasitic infections, fevers, and so forth.; as a powerful antimicrobial, anti-venom, antioxidant, wound recovery agent.
And maximum of us realize this as a spice or condiment that absolutely transports our taste buds into a wonderland, a revolt of flavors with a lingering after-taste.
Tamarind is largely a tree of a massive length that has thick foliage, and heavy drooping branches that dish out curved fruit pods in beneficent numbers across all its branches. The pods are enclosed in tough outer shells, thus, protecting the scrumptious, powerful deep brown gentle pulp internal, draped round darkish brown seeds.
Wait, it has more in the keep.
It has been famous when you consider that historical instances for its huge and impactful medicinal fee. It is perceived to speedy alleviate belly pain, issues with digestion, for fevers, sore throat, rheumatism, irritation, or maybe sunstroke. People have been using it in various bureaucracy – some use it dried, a few boil tamarind leaves and flowers to deal with swollen joints, sprains, boils, hemorrhoids, and conjunctivitis and a few make it into a concoction.
Its fitness repertoire comes from the presence of many elements inside. To begin with, it’s miles exceptionally rich in tartaric acid that other than endowing this pulp with a signature bitter taste additionally works as an effective antioxidant and protects the human frame from harmful unfastened radicals.
Tamarind fruit is brimming with vital risky chemical compounds, minerals, nutrients and dietary fiber even as its sticky pulp gives a ready torrent of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), gums, hemicelluloses, mucilage, pectin, and tannins. Besides, assisting with bowel moves, this size additionally empowers it to combat toxins in the food and protect the colon mucous membrane from most cancers-inducing chemical substances.
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Spinning visitors are the ones committed to a totally precise and clearly described area of interest. The traffic that arrives at such websites is frequently made up of those who arrive in the ideal body of mind due to the fact they’re pushed by means of a totally particular preference or want. The greater particular your area of interest and the extra unique your advertising the greater precise might be the expectations of your website visitors.
It is frequently stated that it takes money to make money
which you need to take a position to build up. When thinking about net advertising techniques the one region wherein financial funding will definitely assist, is in your merchandising and marketing. Advertising makes humans aware of your enterprise and attracts humans on your website. If you get your advertising method proper it’s far viable to deliver an excessive extent of visitors for your internet site. Let’s say that three% of your site visitors make a buy of your product which sells for $37. If the number of site visitors is one hundred you may sell 3 gadgets making $111. If you have got a drift of 500 site visitors over that equal length your income will be $555. It is glaringly worthwhile spending a few cash on paid advertising to achieve this. Even if the advertising and marketing costs you $100 you are nevertheless $344 up at the deal.
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sherristockman · 7 years
Pediatricians Now Advised 'It's Dangerous to Call Breastfeeding Natural' Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola When making decisions that affect your health, and the health of your children, it's important they are grounded on clear, fact-based information, and not influenced by those who may stand to gain financially. In past years, this was sufficiently demonstrated in results from industry-funded studies that are widely divergent from results of non-industry biased studies.1 For instance, studies funded by the sugar industry claimed fats were the primary trigger for heart disease, when research has demonstrated it is sugar and trans fats that are the culprit. For years the tobacco industry hid the dangers of lung cancer. This misinformation damaged the health of innumerable individuals. Breastfeeding has suffered some of the same erroneous advice over the years. Following the development of manufactured infant formula, mothers were advised to bottle feed in order to improve the health of their children. Today, multiple studies demonstrate breastfeeding is more beneficial, both for you and your baby. A recent bioethical (ethics in medical and biological research) argument in the journal Pediatrics now advises pediatricians it's time to stop referring to breastfeeding as something "natural."2 However, while the article focuses on breastfeeding, the intent appears to be aimed at bolstering the vaccine program. Science Struggling With 'Natural' Authors Jessica Martucci, Ph.D., and Anne Barnhill, Ph.D., published a short essay3 in the journal Pediatrics, in which they discuss the use of the word "natural" to describe breastfeeding. Their argument is against using the word and built on a previous publication from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.4 The 109-page Nuffield Council report attempts to classify and understand how the term "natural" may affect an individual's process in making decisions about health care. They stated:5 "Commending, praising or [favoring] something on the basis of its being natural, or [criticizing], condemning or disapproving of something on the grounds that it is unnatural connects the notion of what is natural with value." Using this as a basis for their argument, the authors proceed to recommend the term "natural" not be used as pediatricians encourage new mothers to breastfeed. It is almost opposite of published breastfeeding initiatives from the American Academy of Pediatrics,6 which state:7 "Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition. Given the documented short- and long-term medical and neurodevelopmental advantages of breastfeeding, infant nutrition should be considered a public health issue and not only a lifestyle choice." It appears the authors' underlying assumption is that public health initiatives must be built based on the hypothesis individuals cannot differentiate between what is natural or normal and what is healthy. The authors propose:8 "Promoting breastfeeding as "natural" may be ethically problematic and, even more troublingly, it may bolster this belief that "natural" approaches are presumptively healthier. This may ultimately challenge public health's aims in other contexts, particularly childhood vaccination." The Value of 'Natural' The definition of natural is "existing in or formed by nature."9 At no point in this definition is there a value-added implication that natural is healthier. In fact, there are many sources of natural products that are not safe, not the least of which is the opium poppy and the natural source of opiate drugs.10 In an article published months after the initial piece in the journal Pediatrics, Martucci describes the backlash she and her colleague experienced. She described how many groups took offense to the way her article defined individuals who believe in working with the body to promote health, as opposed to starting with technology to treat illness. In the original article, Martucci and Barnhill wrote: "Studies have shown that parents who resist vaccination tend to inhabit networks of like-minded individuals with similar beliefs. These pockets of anti-vaccination sentiment tend to overlap with reliance on and interest in complementary and alternative medicine, skepticism of institutional authority, and a strong commitment and interest in health knowledge, autonomy and healthy living practices." While the authors may have meant this statement negatively, it is a strong assessment of the change in thinking currently underway. No longer are physicians and institutions given carte blanche to determine what is best for your health. Instead, individuals are taking responsibility to become educated in how to maintain their own health. In her rebuttal, Martucci described herself as a "natural motherhood sympathizer," until the article in Pediatrics was published.11 She and Barnhill became increasingly disturbed by the way "nature" was used by government agencies addressing public health issues. From this came an observation that ultimately led to their article:12 "The "nature" arguments used by vaccine skeptics to critique public health efforts seemed highly reminiscent of the "nature" arguments used by public health authorities to promote breastfeeding." Comparing Apples and Oranges However well-meaning Martucci and Barnhill's arguments may appear on the surface, they are comparing two different public health initiatives using their model to imply an inability to recognize the difference between "natural" and "healthy" or "safe," and comparing the benefits of breastfeeding against the risks associated with vaccination. They write:13 "Meanwhile, synthetic substances, products, and technologies mass produced by industry (notably, vaccines) are seen as "unnatural" and often arouse suspicion and distrust. Part of this value system is the perception that what's natural is safer, healthier and less risky." The juxtaposition between breastfeeding, which has no associated risk, and vaccinations that have a long history of drug-related side effects, is not an accident and likely meant to draw a parallel between the two, insinuating they are both equally safe. The backlash from the article has focused on the breastfeeding issue. However, the underlying issue may not be the implication that the word "natural" may have an additional value that could possibly influence a health care decision, but rather that it could negatively influence the decision to vaccinate. It is interesting that both authors14,15 have enjoyed employment at the same institution as Dr. Paul Offit, director of the vaccine education center at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia and professor of vaccinology at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Offit's book, "Autism's False Prophets," came under scrutiny after he and his publisher, Columbia University Press, were sued for fabricating an online conversation.16 He has also been widely criticized for profiting millions from royalty payments on a vaccine he invented and promotes heavily.17 Offit more recently has written about eating a gluten free diet. In his article he endorses the benefits of technologically based products, including genetically engineered food, BPA and eating wheat based foods, saying:18 "At Whole Foods, you can buy products guaranteed to be free of: (1) one of the most important scientific advances in the 20th century ('GMO-free'); (2) a chemical resin that the Food and Drug Administration as well as every other regulatory agency that has weighed in on this subject has declared safe ('BPA-free'); and (3) a component of wheat that causes a disease that affects about 1 percent of the American population ('gluten-free')." Is It Possible to Be Too Clean? As civilization moved from living outdoors, in the dirt and under the sun, to inside buildings, our children have had less exposure to a variety of germs. This reduction in exposure may have led to an increase in illness and disease. Most parents worry about the germs their children may pick up from floors, dropped pacifiers and toys, but exposure to some germs may actually help to develop a more robust immune system by seeding the gut microbiome.19 A recent study20 compared the immune systems of children who grew up in an Amish community, generally on small single family farms, with Hutterite children who are genetically similar but live on more industrialized farms. They found the Amish children, whose environment was rich in a variety of microbes, had unusually lower rates of asthma than their research counterparts. While there is no question that improved hygiene has saved many children and adults from illness, disease and infection, the movement to eradicate all germs in your immediate area may have backfired. Vaccinations are the pharmaceutical industry's answer to correct the situation. However, the options pumped out by drug companies do not address the complexities of your body's response to germs as discussed in the video below, and are not the solution. Studies now demonstrate it is important to strike a balance between protection from rampant illness and creating a sterile environment where the immune system is not challenged to develop normally. Seeding the microbiome of children is critical to a vigorous immune system, which infants receive through breastfeeding.21 Vaccines Are Not Risk Free Download Interview Transcript Drug companies were granted immunity against vaccine injuries and deaths after the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court determined licensed vaccines were unavoidably unsafe.22 This essentially became a "free pass," protecting manufacturers and physicians against those seeking to sue for death or injury resulting from a vaccination. In this interview, Dr. Suzanne Humphries dismantles the historical arguments used to defend vaccines. Without legal liability, pharmaceutical companies are free to release vaccines that are poorly tested and have produced dubious results. However, poor performance is not the only negative effect. Included with the active ingredient, all vaccines contain some combination of suspending fluid, preservative, stabilizer and enhancers (adjuvants).23 One of the more common adjuvants or enhancers, used in attenuated vaccines delivered to neurologically developing children, is aluminum. As illogical as it seems, children are thus injected with a known neurotoxic substance — aluminum. As noted in a 2011 study by Lucija Tomljenovic and Christopher Shaw:24 "Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science's understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences." Aluminum Is Not an Essential Trace Metal Offit argues that "aluminum is an essential metal … believed to play an important role in the development of a healthy fetus."25 However, he is in the minority, as most scientists not associated with the vaccine industry acknowledge that while aluminum is found in most humans, it is not required by biological systems, nor does it participate in biological processes.26 Studies have demonstrated the lack of participation in the biological process,27 and its neurotoxic results in the body.28,29 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also clearly states the action of aluminum inside a child's body is not the same as in an adult, as children are not neurologically mature, have an increased susceptibility to hazardous chemicals, and their unique physiology influences the results of exposure.30 Today, American children are the most highly vaccinated in the world — and the most chronically ill. The CDC reports 1 in 6 children, or 16 percent, have learning disabilities, while in 1976 the prevalence was less than 1 percent.31 In that same period between 1976 and 2008, the number of vaccines children received more than doubled. Exposure to aluminum is only one of the identified health challenges associated with vaccinations, for both children and adults. Removing the word "natural" from recommendations to breastfeed will not change the side effects from the vaccine program in the U.S. It is more important to use public health initiatives to educate individuals about the fact-based risks and benefits to any healthcare choice. Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Infant Infant formula, created in a lab, cannot replace breast milk when it comes to providing exactly what your baby needs, at the time they need it. Breast milk is produced based on your baby's growing requirements, unlike infant formula which cannot accommodate your child's nutritional needs. Breast milk is loaded with nutrient growth factors that prime your child's gut to promote the growth of a healthy microbiome and thus a healthy immune system. Breast milk also contains the exact amount of cholesterol your child's brain needs for optimal neurological development. Breastfed babies also have fewer ear, respiratory, stomach and intestinal infections than their formula-fed counterparts. Breastfeeding benefits the mother too, as it helps burn more calories and shed "baby weight," and may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease later in life.32 The additional load on your metabolism may lower a diabetic's requirement for insulin, and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes if you suffered from gestational diabetes during pregnancy.33 While breastfeeding is a natural and healthy means of meeting your child's nutritional needs, it is important to note your child's nutrition is dependent upon what you consume. Some drugs will pass from mother to child through breast milk, for example, making the process of breastfeeding natural, but only as safe and healthy as the foods and medications you consume. Martucci's and Barnhill's argument that there is value added to the term "natural" in our society, thus making it a dangerous word to use in public health initiatives, is not a reasonable assumption. Instead, it is important to provide fact-based information to ensure safe health care decisions are made, regardless of whether the choices are natural or created in a laboratory. When it comes to breastfeeding, there's simply no doubt that it is the healthiest and safest choice available for the vast majority of women and children, and I find it truly disturbing that Martucci and Barnhill would risk undermining the global effort to promote and increase breastfeeding, as it is a crucial component of optimal health. Considering the fact that babies have been successfully raised on breast milk since the dawn of mankind, it stands to reason that breastfeeding is as natural as it gets, and that breast milk is an ideal, healthy and safe food, providing a growing infant with everything it needs.
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