#rachel argyll
cowes · 5 months
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two bad bitches doing insane, evil shit the night they died.
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fallloverfic · 1 month
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Rating: Mature
Category: Gen
Fandom: Ordeal By Innocence (TV)
Relationships: Jack Argyll & Rachel Argyll, Jack Argyll & Kirsten Lindstrom, Jack Argyll & Mickey Argyll, Jack Argyll & Tina Argyll, Mickey Argyll/Tina Argyll
Tags: canon divergence, angst, hopeful ending, family bonding, more tags on Ao3
Summary: Kirsten speaks, Jack makes a different series of choices, and two lives are saved.
What if Jack didn't leave the house that terrible night, and instead confronted Rachel again before she spoke to Mickey and Tina?
Different Moments (1,843 words, complete)
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 1 year
They really upped the “Rachel was the big villain” of Ordeal by Innocence.
I mean, I thought the whole point of the Argyll family was not one of them were perfect innocents whose lives were ruined when Rachel was murdered.
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the-woman-upstairs · 8 months
In the universe of the film, there is ABSOLUTELY a contingent of fans that fervently ship Argylle/Wyatt and have the dominant ship on AO3 and trade elaborate fan theories about their hidden relationship and are convinced they’re meant to be endgame but the publishers won’t allow it. Of course, they go totally BALLISTIC when they learn they’re based on the author and her boyfriend.
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dearinglovebot · 8 months
sorry I just watched a camrip of argylle and they walked into so much queercoding with rachel/elly. why did she self-insert as a man? why did she imagine an au where she and her boyfriend are implicit gay lovers? if we’re supposed to take her interactions with lagrange as what happened, is she also supposed to be read as bisexual? why did saba el-badr say “or me” when asking if she missed anything from her old life?????? if they make a second then they’d better commit to the trans masc bisexual angle
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felicitykings · 6 months
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Pretending not to love you, kid. Hardest mission of my life. So... we were good together?
ARGYLLE (2024) dir. matthew vaughn
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tending-the-hearth · 8 months
sorry but if i was an in-universe argylle reader i’d go completely feral over the author calling argylle and wyatt partners who will always be at each other’s sides even after the missions are over
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superheroesandspies · 7 months
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Sam Rockwell as AIDAN WILDE and Bryce Dallas Howard as RACHEL KYLLE/ELLY CONWAY Argylle, 2024
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kitigai · 7 months
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aidelly · 6 months
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The whole story in twenty moments. Elly Conway Rachel Kylle and her journey back to herself and back to Aidan.
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men-moyagen · 5 months
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Wanna dance?
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cowes · 4 months
thinking about "God Almighty, Mother" again
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this was such a Moment.
honestly one of the best moments in the final episode. until this moment, it seemed like jack was just distantly amused and entertained by the goings-on in the house. and then this happened. and he saw how incredibly cruel rachel could be, but specifically!!! that it was so much crueller than normal, which means there is so much that she holds back from saying.
and especially that it was said to mary - not to him, who has always been and knows that he is trouble, but to the most devoted and most well-behaved of the children. mary, who spent her childhood distant from the rest, always wanting to be the Good Eldest Daughter. and she gets that in return:
RACHEL: Stop pulling. I can't bear it. Always pulling at me! It's intolerable! MARY: Why did you get me? Why did you get me, if you weren't going to love me? RACHEL: I was sad, Mary. I thought you could make up for that sadness. It's not your fault you couldn't.
God Almighty, indeed.
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fuunsaiki · 7 months
what she says: i'm fine
what she means: the division clearly knew that the song now and then was important to rachel, and presumably they knew why and therefore just how much it meant to her, so instead of ignoring it they co-opted it into their mind control so that if it popped up in elly's life then she might know it meant something to her but she was supposed to just think 'oh, it's my song from my music box', however even vogler's best efforts - both as the head of psy ops and in her capacity as mother figure - couldn't completely erase the full depth of feeling that rachel has for aidan so no matter how much ruth encouraged elly to try dating, deep down she *knew* she wasn't single, and her song reminded her heart of that every time she heard it, even though her head had completely forgotten who aidan was
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
[series now cross-posted to ao3! stay tuned for more! ] Have been watching a lot FRIENDS lately bc its one of my and my gf's comfort shows and, of course, i cannot stop thinking about Stranger Things-ifying the hell out of it. the vision came to me SO CLEARLY [PART 2]
Sitting around the coffee shop that is basically a second home to the gang.
Nancy sits on the chair across from Argyle, one leg tucked under her, legal pad balancing on the arm, a pen being held between her pointer and middle finger, tapping incessantly on the pad. The other hand tucked into a fist and holding up her chin.
Argyle sits with his legs draped over the arm of the oversized chair, flipping through the latest Steven King book, one arm perched behind his head.
Jonathan has the NYT crossword in his lap, Robin peering over his shoulder, making him nervous.
A normal Saturday afternoon routine for the group of twentysomethings. The rain from outside softly hits the windows nearby, complimenting the soft chatter and gentle clanking of dishes.
But Robin can only seem to focus on Nancy's damn tapping.
"I'm gonna need you to stop tapping. I'm trying to beat Jonathan's puzzle."
"Just take it," he hands the paper over to her, annoyed.
"No! It's more fun when it feels like I'm beating you."
Jonathan looks over at Nancy, who is staring blankly at the wooden support beam a few feet away.
"What's going on Nance?"
"Nothing." Her pitch high, grabbing the rest of the groups attention, so much so that they all inch closer to her chair.
"Sounds like a whole lotta nothing," Argyle pulls a nearby chair up next to hers flipping it around and resting his forearms on the back of it.
Robin sits on the ground next to her and Jonathan takes a seat on the coffee table right in front of her.
"Fine!" She takes a look over her shoulder, toward the front door. "I have a date."
"Why are we whispering?" Argyle asks, also whispering.
"Because you know who could walk in any second."
"Why are we whispering and speaking in codes?" Jonathan asks, still whispering.
And as an act of divine timing, the front door to the coffee shop opens, and they all turn their heads to see a slightly damp Eddie shake his hair out and shed his leather jacket in one fell swoop. His face fixed in the same frown that's plagued his face for the last two weeks.
"Hey," the group says in unison, not moving a muscle from where they're still crowded around Nancy.
"What did I say about that tone," Eddie whines, flopping himself down on the couch that previously held Jon and Robin.
"How're you doing?" Robin asks, shifting her body, still sitting on the floor, toward him.
"All of her stuff is gone which means that all of my stuff is gone."
No one says a thing. Not even when the sound of a ceramic coffee cup shatters somewhere in the distance.
"I don't mean to sound insensitive dude, but shouldn't you be a little less depressed considering... " Argyle trails off.
"Considering what?"
"Considering you're the one that left her?" Robin finishes the thought that everyone is having.
"I didn't leave her." He scoffs.
"No, but when you tell your long-term girlfriend about recently discovering that you're gay, one might see that as you being the one to end that relationship."
"We've been over this." He balls up his jacket and shoves his face into the wet leather. The group share a look, Nancy gesturing to Eddie's state as if to say this is why I'm not talking about the date.
He chucks the balled up jacket at Jonathan, who kicks his feet out in surprise as he catches it with his chest. Eddie's hands are now on either side of his face.
"The love was there! I could've loved her if..."
"If she was someone else?"
He deflates, lets his arms slump down and his shoulders do the same.
"Eddie, my friend, my pal, listen up." Argyle moves seats for the third time, now squeezing himself into the space between Eddie and the arm rest on the couch, draping his arm over his shoulders.
"You have just entered a whole new world, my man. So, you're gay? We're in New York City, so is everyone! Welcome home! All that love you were ready to give to Michelle? You get to hold onto that and give it to someone else. Someone who makes your heart sing."
"But I knew her just as long as I knew you guys." He whines, again, gesturing to Robin, Nancy and Jonathan. "It was easy. It was safe. How am I ever gonna find romance with someone? Where we have an established - I don't know - thing! A connection! A history! How?"
Eddie stares at them like he expects them to answer, forcing the rest of the group to share glances, let the air settle with Eddie's words.
The front door flies open just as a roaring thunder booms overhead, making for a dramatic entrance.
Robin's the first one to swivel her head toward the ruckus, the only one who has a perfect view of the person who burst into the shop.
A man dressed in a tux, drenched, like, just hopped out of a swimming pool drenched. Fighting with his bow tie with one hand and running his other hand through the unforgettable head of hair that sends Robin right back to Hawkins, Indiana. Back to the summer before her senior year.
Unable to move a muscle in her body, she watches him clumsily go up to the counter and ask for her and Nancy, by name. The sound of her name sends her up to her feet and pushes her toward the man. An air of chaos surrounds him, drawing an offense amount of curiosity out of Robin as she finds her words.
"Steve Harrington?"
He turns around, his face lights up, and he does the weirdest thing.
He hugs her.
She remains stiff as he pulls back from the hug, hands still on either side of her arms.
They were buddies that summer scooping ice cream at the mall. Nothing crazy, or maybe even that memorable, but they started the summer as acquaintances at best and left as friends.
But then he left for college and she stayed and they never spoke again. A few run-ins here and there. But nothing substantial.
"I knew I'd find you here, I remembered that the last time I was in the city I ran into you guys and you're here!" He sounds drunk, but also like he drank a vat of espresso.
Clearly, it was substantial enough for him to come looking for her. Dressed in a tux soaking wet?
"And you're here, overdressed." She says, taking him in, unable to unscrew the confused look from her face.
Is that a boutonnières?
Oh no. Oh fuck.
"Steve?" Jonathan and Nancy say in unison as Robin brings him over to the couch.
Robin thinks Eddie might have summoned the ghost of hopeless high school crushes past, the way Eddie looks like he's just seen a ghost.
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sandensan · 3 months
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just-b-wilde · 6 months
The moments between Aidan and Elly remind me so much of the moments between Loki and Sylvie at so many points. Here is a summary of the scenes.
Oh, and it's probably obvious, but there are a lot of spoilers.
Together on the train
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They walk together
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They run together (from danger)
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The champagne scene
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They fight together (several times)
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He gives up the fight just so he doesn't have to hurt her
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They fight against enemies
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Epic kiss
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So… Sylkis, you have my highest recommendation. Watch the Argylle movie.
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