#if you aren't caught up you should probably avoid this post entirely...
monbons · 5 months
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @rimeswithpurple. Baby Baz and Dev are so cute I want to pinch their little cheeks! (And that little skating outfit is perfect!)
I have no real progress to report on the new WIP. I started a chapter. It is a mess, but first drafts are supposed to be terrible, yes?
Instead, let’s play a game. For those who've kept up with The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, you can find a snippet of Chapter 7 past Baz under the cut. Can you fill in the blanks correctly?
“Call me by my name or call me nothing at all.” “Your name?” The dark’s eyes are wide and playful. “Why does one even need a name?” “Surely you have one,” Baz scoffs, narrowing his eyes at the dark. “What is it? Lucifer? Hades? Beelzebub?” “You wound me,” the dark feigns heartbreak. “I was certain you’d be more original than your predecessors when you finally addressed me formally.” Baz arches an eyebrow. He’d always suspected he was dealing with some kind of devil, but to have it confirmed? Then again, this might be another of the dark’s games. He is so fond of unsettling him.  “[Redacted],” Baz states plainly, arms crossed.  The dark tilts his head. He waits.  “Your name is [redacted].” Baz repeats.
(Games need prizes but I'm not sure what to offer, so feel free to also make suggestions with your guess...)
Hellos and high fives! @thewholelemon, @raenestee, @roomwithanopenfire, @bookish-bogwitch, @cutestkilla
@valeffelees, @drowninginships, @emeryhall, @iamamythologicalcreature, @hushed-chorus
@beastmonstertitan, @fiend-for-culture, @larkral, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @aristocratic-otter
@arthurkko, @best--dress, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @shrekgogurt, @ic3-que3n
@rbkzz, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @run-for-chamo-miles, @youarenevertooold, @noblecorgi
@skee3000, @comesitintheclover, @supercutedinosaurs, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @artsyunderstudy
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HELLO I moved last week and I have no WiFi or service in my flat (posting from a coffee shop) so I apologise for the lack of posting.
However, this was meant to be for today's wolfstarmicrofic prompt Basilisk, but it's officially much too long because I've missed writing to post lmao, so it's not a microfic.
(Ravenclaw Remus AU.)
"Lupin, you're patrolling with..." Moody flicks quickly through his notes, "Black."
"Oh, er... Alright," he says with a shrug, trying to pass himself off as calm.
Internally? Every single alarm is going off in his head.
Remus never exactly... spoke to Sirius Black, or his friends. Ravenclaws and Gryffindors aren't really destined to interact, and Remus would have chosen death over joining the Quidditch team. That didn't stop him from being one of far too many people in the school that had a major minor crush on Sirius.
Sure, he knew that Sirius had grown up rich and pampered. He always held himself in this way that made him seem ten times more important than everyone else. That wasn't exactly helped by the fact that he was a Gryffindor. Lily, Mary and Marlene were the only Gryffindors Remus has ever really tolerated. The rest are all pretentious as fuck. Everyone knows that.
Still, for some reason, his brain would short circuit whenever he was so much in the same room as Sirius. He still lays awake at night, humiliated about the time he accidentally caught Sirius' eyes and tripped over the bench in the Great Hall.
Joining the Order wasn't even a question for him. Anything to help them win the war. He hadn't exactly expected Sirius to do the same, but it just makes him feel like he's back in school. Frustratingly enough for him, Sirius has only gotten more attractive in the year since they've left school. It hasn't really mattered until now, though. He's been pretty successful in avoiding him. It's probably helped by the fact that he isn't even on Sirius' radar, but this? He's going to set the strangest first impression on the planet.
There's nothing he can do about it, though.
That's how Remus finds himself waiting outside the Order house, fidgeting with an unlit cigarette.
"Hey, Remus!"
There he is.
Remus looks up, shoving the cigarette back into the carton. Sirius has stopped in front of him, running a hand through his hair and grinning at Remus.
Leather jackets look weird on literally everyone other than him.
Remus has to jostle his brain into functioning. He blinks once, before finally mustering a polite smile.
"Hi. Should we get going?"
"Yeah. Yeah, let's go."
They walk in silence for a while, moving from spot to spot and taking the odd note.
Until Sirius decides he's done with all of that.
"Y'know, I was hoping you'd join the Order."
"Sorry?" Remus practically stops in his tracks, turning to Sirius with wide eyes. Shock ripples through him.
"I mean, I had a feeling you would. I'm just... glad you did, I guess."
"I didn't even know you knew I existed," Remus confesses quickly.
Sirius actually does stop moving, grabbing Remus' forearm and stopping him too.
"You're kidding, right?"
"No, really. You existed on this... separate plane. I mean, you were you. Everyone knew about you. Why would I be on your radar?"
"Remus," Sirius says slowly, eyes boring into Remus'. It sends a shiver down Remus' spine. "All I did was think about you."
"What?" Remus sputters, a strange mixture of confusion and shock overwhelming him.
"Oh, I had such a crush on you." He shrugs like it's nothing; like what he just said hasn't turned Remus' entire world on its axis. "I thought that was obvious, I mean... you're bloody brilliant. Ravenclaw prefect, running a study group-"
"I can't believe you've even given me a second thought," Remus says, a little breathless.
"Merlin, I did. I remember telling James that I'd fight a Basilisk for you." Sirius chuckles to himself, but Remus is losing control over his own responses scarily quickly. "I know you couldn't stand me, but-"
"Who said that?"
"Nobody had to." Sirius watches Remus, a little puzzled. "You're not the biggest fan of Gryffindors, right?"
Well, he's not wrong.
"Besides, you couldn't stay in the same room as me. You literally fell over yourself trying to get away from me before."
"Oh, God," Remus mutters under his breath, his face heating up uncomfortably. His one comfort has been that Sirius didn't notice him embarrassing himself every time he walked into the room.
"Sorry," Sirius says suddenly, releasing Remus' hand. "I didn't mean to- Christ, I've made things even more awkward, haven't I?"
He's not as confident as Remus thought.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean- let's just forget I said that. Finish patrolling."
Remus doesn't want to forget. He needs to do something, before Sirius never speaks to him again.
Hurriedly, he grabs Sirius' hand, pulling him into an alley nearby.
Well, he's committed to it now. No turning back.
"Remus, what-"
He pulls Sirius in by his stupidly perfect jacket and connects their lips before he has a chance to second guess himself.
Thankfully, Sirius wastes no time in falling into the kiss. His lips are soft against Remus', parting just enough for their tongues to meet.
The kiss is everything he could have imagined and more. Sirius is somehow both tentative and eager and he tastes like cinnamon and fuck, Remus may as well have died and gone to heaven. His hand involuntarily slides into Sirius' hair, and he's rewarded with a muffled gasp.
Okay, maybe Gryffindors aren't that bad.
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molarbeardoc · 7 months
Me when I write
Hope you all enjoy Cheshire Cat doomed yuri. This ship has grown on me a bit chat.
Also they start out dating? Woah that's rare from me
Enjoy hurhurhur
Edit before Posting #1: WTF SHE’S 6’7?! 9’0+ WITH THE HAT?! Oh my God she’s literally a fucking GIANT!!!!!!!
EBP #2: Urg I made myself jealous can’t wait to cause suffering
EBP #3: OH YEAH I should probably mention blood and character death warning. It does get a bit graphic towards the end. Viewer discretion is advised.
The elevator was noisy...
And full
Full and noisy...
She hated that.
Two of the things that she hated the most, combining into one awful physical hell.
Her ears flattened as each voice jumbled with one another.
"Brick boy."
"*KRRTZ* WA-WARNING PROTOCOL INITIATED! Animals of such large aren't allowed in the estabilishment! Please re-relocate."
"You wouldn't even hear a fly buzzing around through that thick wooded skull."
"I hate that um... dumb green cat."
So much noise, so many arguments. And then that dumb animatronic had the nerve to say she wasn’t allowed. Sure she wasn’t the thinnest cat but what she lacked there she made up for in strength. At least she thought she was strong.
Ugh! Why is she thinking so hard about this?! She just needs to get to the WHEEL OF floor, then she can get off this elevator and not have to worry about psychos anymore.
As if she spoke it into existence, the elevator dinged before its doors opened, revealing the floor as she let out a quiet prayer and sighed. She wasted no time to push past the others, earning her a few confused stares as she exited the elevator.
She made sure her tail wasn’t caught in the door, as that had happened before and trust her, not only was it painful but she nearly lost it entire, before turning her gaze to the purple suited deity that sat on the crates near the wheel. Her closed eyes opening at the sound of someone’s arrival.
The feline purred as she heard the adoration in Mach’s voice, rushing over and climbing onto the stage before sitting next to her.
"Mrrow!" «Hi Mach!»
"What brings you here?"
DrRETRO rolled her eyes as she looked at the deity, who was now leaning forward with a knowing grin on her face.
"Meow!" «I know that look. You know why I’m here!»
"Yeah I know! I missed you."
"Meow.." «It’s only been a day.»
"That long?! Yeesh I don’t wanna know how two days are like!"
Before DrRETRO could respond, she heard the sound of a metal door slamming open. Of course being a cat, well katball, she was startled by it; instinctively jumping back to avoid possible danger.
Instead, she was met with the cowardly, caterpillar, clown. Pilby was staring at the two awkwardly, their face contorting into one of anxiety.
"D'ohhh… I’m sorry. Am I messing something up. Heugh I always mess up :0(…"
"Pilby we’ve talked about this, you’re not a mess up. You’re not interrupting anything."
"Oh good golly. I’m sorry Mach."
"It’s okay. You’re fine! If you wanna go on the elevator, you can. They haven’t left yet."
Pilby turned towards the open doors. Upon hearing and seeing the chaos that occurred, they shook their head rapidly.
"Oh fiddle faddle! That looks overwhelming! I prefer to stay here please…"
"Suit yourself."
She turned towards the startled cat, chuckling quietly as she lifted her top hat. At least the caterpillar wasn’t alone when it came to feeling afraid..
The doors of the elevator closed, taking the rowdy crowd with it as it began to ascend.
"Me-" «So-»
The doctor couldn’t even finish her statement- erm meow before she was pulled close and given several kisses on her forehead by Mach. As much as the feline loved it, she wouldn’t let her get away with this. At least not without a challenge, trashing around as she purred in an attempt to escape.
"Hey stop that! I’m not finished with you yet!"
DrRETRO continued her attempt at escape, her purring becoming louder before she eventually gave in. It’s not like she didn’t enjoy it, after all, anything that came from the deity was practically a gift… At least to her.
"Mrrrooow.." «I let you win this time.»
"Sure you did."
Mach held the face of the feline, looking down at her with a smile as she rubbed her cheeks.
"You’re really soft you know that?"
"Mmmrreow!" «Who do you take me for? Bive? I shower every day!»
"Yet you’re still a big, fat, stinker."
"Purrrr…" «I’m your big, fat, stinker.»
Pilby was left watching the two from the side, smiling as they listened to their adorable conversation. They found their relationship to be like two middle schoolers who had just gotten together, being all lovey dovey and overly affectionate with each other. They were glad they had fallen for one another.
Mach being the keeper and caretaker for the "[X] OF" floors, had a tendency to overwork herself. The last time that happened, someone ended up getting a hammer straight to the gut; and based off the sound, they were pretty sure it took a while before that person had actually healed. Not to mention Mach was left were a darker coloured hammer than what she originally had.
She did eventually attempt to apologize to them but the damage had been done and they immediately ran off before she could get halfway through her statements. They never heard or saw it happening again… But they were pretty certain it did when they weren’t around…
DrRETRO was similar. Usually overworking herself to give others check up. From what Pil heard, Bive was the most difficult one to handle, typically having to either be held down or knocked out to get her to comply. Just the sound of it seemed exhausting and irritating…
The difference between the two was DrRETRO fought dirty, going for quick and deadly attacks or attempting to cause some sort of permanent damage to her opponent. They were certain this had to do with her going to prison as they once witnessed, first hand, along with Mark and Spud!, her and Gnarpy get into a giant cat fight. Fur flying in frenzy as they fought tooth and claw. Even with the alien having the extra limbed advantage, xe still lost horribly due to Retro’s size and strength. Pilby even thought with Gnarpy’s zapper or whatever xe called it, xey would still lose!
They were certain the only reason why the katball even decided to heal xem was because Spud! asked her to! The very guy that hated Gnarpy ended up feeling bad for how badly xe lost the battle. Apparently that was enough to get the doctor to lift her glasses and beam the poor Gnarpian. As stoic as Gnarpy was, they had never seen xem look at someone with such hatred yet also pure terror in their four eyes.
Ever since then if either one saw the other on the elevator they flat out refused to enter it. They could’ve swore they even saw Gnarpy flinch one time when DrRETRO narrowed her eyes at xem.
However, it’s like they both tried to better themselves for the other. Both never overworked themselves since they got together, like they wanted to be the best version they could be for each other. It was absolutely adorable in the caterpillars eyes. Sometimes they even had little sleep overs! Mach typically left Pilby in charge when she was gone but always made sure that every task, except the easier ones so they didn’t feel useless, were already completed to prevent any accidents.
They watched as the two enjoyed each other’s company, talking and dropping the occasional pet name or tease. After a few minutes they decided to leave them alone, quietly walking across the stage and walking through the other metal door.
"Waowee, they’re adorable! I’m happy for them."
Mach listened as DrRETRO ranted about her day. From the rowdy elevator, to uncooperative or annoying patients, and even Jermbo not helping her out as he promised. He was always selling his pops that made everyone drop like flies… Well more like turn to dust. Mach witnessed it happen once, it freaked her out to think that something so simple could disintegrate someone just like that.
"So in other words, your day so far hasn’t been ideal."
"Mrraow…" «Yeah...»
"Well at least you’re here with me. I’m sure my mere presence can brighten it."
"Mew." «You’re so egocentric.»
"I am not! I’m just being honest!"
The feline rolled her eyes as she looked towards Mach, continuing to purr quietly with a small grin on her face.
"Mrrow..?" «Hey Mach?»
"Mrreoww… Meow…?" «Maybe I’ve been listening to Split talk too much about Bive’s conspiracy theories but… You really think there’s other versions of you?»
"Meow! Meww…" «You know like if there are different versions of you! Maybe a you that wears pink suit instead of purple?»
"That sounds like a fashion disaster, everyone knows purple is the superior colour."
"Meow! Mmmeow? Mrrow…" «Oh come on I’m being serious! Maybe in a different universe we switch roles? I take care of the Wheel of or Hall of or Wall of or whatever and you’re the one taking care of the others.»
"I mean… It sounds like an interesting concept. I don’t think it’s entirely plausible though. Well maybe it could exist…"
"Meow!" «Maybe I have a giant top hat or I’m just a dog in another reality!»
"I’m sure my catself would still love your dog self."
"Merrow.." «That makes me wonder…»
"Mrroww…" «Are we together in those realities?»
"Well I’m sure we are! Seems unlikely that we aren’t."
"Mew…" «Yeah… You’re right…»
"When am I not?"
Mach would take her hat before covering the doctor’s face with it, mischievous grin on her face to contrast her usual neutral expression.
She pulled the hat off her face, an amused purr erupting from the feline as she gazed up at the deity.
The next few hours of theirs were just spent talking and enjoying each other’s company, and before long, it was time for DrRETRO to go. She bid her farewells as she made her way back to the elevator and pressing one of the buttons. As she waited, she felt a slight tug on her sleeve as she looked down towards the cowardly caterpillar she saw earlier.
"Heugh, you don’t mind if I come with you do you? I’m pretty sure most of the ones from earlier got off. Plus, I need to get something from Enphoso’s shop..."
She nodded with a purr, she never minded Pilby. They were a sweetheart and one of the few more tolerable beings to be around. Plus, it was just a quick trip to the store and back; she could wait that long for them. The elevator dinged, opening its doors to reveal a nearly empty elevator; minus a tired Lampert and reserved Pest.
The two didn’t say a word at DrRETRO and Pilby entered the elevator, keeping to themselves rather than engaging in small talk. Pilby was already completing the necessary steps to make it to their desired floor before shuffling back over to stand near DrRETRO.
Soon enough Lampert exited onto his IKEA floor and Pest left to scrounge the subways, leaving the caterpillar and katball alone.
"So uhm…"
She looked down at Pilby, tilting her head.
"How are you?
"Meow." «Good…»
"That’s nice… That’s good… D’ohhh sorry for making things awkward. I just couldn’t stand the silence anymore."
"Mrrow." «It’s okay, I understand.»
"Are you gonna get anything from Enphoso’s shop?"
"Mmmmrew." «Hmm, I don’t think so.»
"Maybe you could get a gift for Mach?"
"Mrow-?" «What-?»
"W-Well you don’t have to! I was just suggesting since you two are together now you could get something for her? Heugh! Sorry for invading I don’t mean to be a nosy busybody…"
"Meow!" «No no, that’s a good idea!»
"Oh… That’s good!"
Retro nodded. Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner?! It was perfect! But what kind of gift could she get her? Enphoso had some of the most… interesting items. She could’ve sworn she remembered seeing some sort of plushed golden doll. When asked about it, apparently it was called The Token of Midas. What it did, she didn’t even wanna find out. She knew little of Midas but she knew about how everything he touched turned to gold.
That wasn’t a risk she wanted to take.
She was pulled from her thoughts as a small ding was heard, the doors of the elevator opening and revealing the cheery music of Enphoso’s Shop. The katball and caterpillar stepped out of the elevator as its doors closed behind them.
An overwhelmingly cheerful and echoing voice spoke out. One she had heard many times, it was like a broken record.
"Welcome to my store. I only sell glig glags and doo dads, so be sure to pay up at the front desk! BUT DON'T STEAL ANYTHING FROM ME."
Yet another empty threat of the yellow, smiling, cashier. She had witnessed Pest swipe items from the shelves and face no consequences almost as many times as she heard its voice. Either Enphoso was extremely blind or extremely stupid; maybe even a bit of both.
Pilby had wasted no time to gather their items, which was simply some more apples and a small tub of frosting. DrRETRO was taking much longer however, carefully scanning the shelves for the perfect gift as Pilby watched from afar.
"What’s she looking for? Are my glig glags and doo dads not enough? Or is she planning on stealing..?"
The caterpillar jumped back out of fear. They never heard Enphoso speak in such a quiet yet malicious manner, the glare it sent them didn’t help either.
"Honk! Sh-She’s just looking for a-a gift for someone..!"
"You better not be lying caterpillar. I hate accomplices just as much as their thieving frie-"
It was cut off as someone cleared their throat. Enphoso looked up, its chilling smile remaining on its face as it looked at the katball doctor.
"Took you long enough, silly!"
DrRETRO merely rolled her eyes and placed a purple bowling ball on the counter. She would have preferred flowers but of course it didn’t have any… Weird smiley face.
"Will that be all?"
"Mrrew.." «Yes..»
The two watched as it rung up their items and sent them on their way.
"See you later! Hope you enjoyed your stay…"
Enphoso’s high pitched giggles could be heard as the elevator doors closed, freaky weirdo smiley face. What was wrong with that thing? It was always acting so weird.. She didn’t like it at all.
"I don’t think that thing likes you very much."
"Meow." «I don’t like it either.»
"That’s fair. What’d you get?"
"Mrrow. Mraow." «This purple bowling ball. I wanted to get her flowers, but just my luck that thing didn’t sell them.»
"Maybe you can get her flowers later?"
"Mrow-" «Maybe I could-»
The sound of metal and concrete scraping against each other cut her off. Both she and Pilby lifted their heads and looked at the ceiling towards two holes that replaced where the fluorescent lights would be.
"Mrrow..?" «What in the…?»
The caterpillar had already backed away, not wanting to get too close in case electrical wires fell from the openings. For DrRETRO? Curiosity killed the cat. One moment there was just confused staring and questioning mrrows, the next the sound of the bowling ball cracking as it hit the floor along with a cut off excruciating yowl.
Pilby could do nothing but stare in horror as the sound of metal pierced flesh and broke through bones filled their ears, the feeling of warm blood splattering on them as they dropped their newly bought items and covered their mouth in shock.
The caterpillar watched as DrRETRO quivered a few times before falling completely still, her eyes dull and lifeless as the metal spike that pierced her body slowly lifted back into the ceiling; dripping the thick crimson liquid from its tip and onto the floor. The katball laid there motionless, her fur stained red and skull cracked open.
The sight was too grotesque for Pilby, causing them to look away while crying. They felt sick to their stomach, they wanted to throw up. They were covered in blood, good GOD they were covered in her blood. What were they gonna do? They what COULD they do?! They can’t just carry her back to her floor she was way too heavy and-
How were they even gonna explain this to Mach?
How could they break this down for her?! "Yeah sorry your girlfriend is dead.." THAT’S NOT HOW YOU TELL PEOPLE SOMEONE DIED! Christ they had no idea what to do..
They turned back to the lifeless body behind them before looking at the cracked bowling ball. She bought it for Mach, it’d only be fair that she received the gift, even if it was not of use. It laid partially in the small crimson pool that had gathered around the doctor, Pilby picked it up and held it carefully before backing away. Their once white and green pale paws now stained as they picked up their own belongings.
They continued growing more and more queasy as the metallic smell of iron filled their nose. Upon hearing the ding of the elevator, they waited impatiently for the doors to open before running out, tears still streaming down their face as they rushed towards the stage.
Mach was still there, sitting on the wooden crate with her eyes closed before opening them as she heard the arrival of the elevator. A smile nearly graced her face before she saw the distressed and bloodied Pilby running towards her. Immediately she grew concerned, getting up and stepping off the stage.
"Huh- Pilby? What’s wrong? What happened?!"
Her grip on her hammer tightened as the caterpillar stopped abruptly in front of her, unsure of how to begin. She noticed the clown makeup on their face had started to run due to their tears, she noticed how they struggled to speak, she noticed the items that they held in their many arms. She kneeled down, carefully taking the items before placing them on the floor along with her hammer.
"Pilby. Calm down, it’s okay. You’re safe now."
"Hng- She- The-"
"Shhh… Calm down… It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. You’re not in any danger."
"The spikes-"
Spikes? She never really took the elevator anywhere, so she had no earthly idea what they were talking about. She knew a few of the floors such as the one where its bottom fell out, she thinks it was called the frightening floor..? She couldn’t entirely remember.. However, she did her best to comfort them holding two of their hands.
"What about spikes?"
"The lights moved an-and-"
"They killed her!"
Mach grew more concerned as they spoke.
"Killed who?"
"We were just coming back from the shop.. And it killed her."
"Pilby, who died?"
"She was looking at the holes in the ceiling, she was just looking, and then the spikes fell and one of them killed her. It killed DrRETRO!"
Mach felt her heart drop, her already pale face turning whiter at the news. There was no way… There was absolutely no way she was dead. She didn’t want to believe it. She refused to believe it!
"She’s in the elevator. I didn’t know what to do. I can’t carry her, she’s too heavy. I didn’t know if I should’ve taken her to her floor or not. I didn’t know! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-"
Mach listened as the caterpillar repeatedly apologized, slowly looking towards the elevator. The doors hadn’t closed yet, it was like it was begging her to take a glance. Begging her to see what it did. Like it wanted to prove her wrong..
"Stop apologizing… Head to your room…"
Pilby stood still as they watched the deity slowly make her way towards the elevator, they had stopped apologizing but they didn’t leave. Not yet. They were still too distressed to leave.
Mach cringed as she got closer to the elevator, she hadn’t even looked inside yet she could see the blood dripped off the railing and running down the walls. She took a deep breath before stepping inside, her stomach churning in disgust and despair at the grisly sight before her.
Before her lay the body of DrRETRO. From what she could tell the 'spike' had fallen through and pierced her from her skull through her stomach. Bits of bone and brain laid near her, her eyes were dull, blood had dripped from her mouth and stained her fur.
Mach let out a quiet sigh, forcing herself to stay calm for now. She couldn’t just leave her here but she had no clue what to do with her body. She looked at the buttons of the elevator, her mind coming up with an idea as she pressed them with shaking hands.
She pressed the frightening floor, searching her pockets for a coin before placing it in the slot.
She stepped off the elevator, staring into the eyes of DrRETRO as the doors slowly shut.
She turned towards Pilby, staring at the caterpillar as they trembled.
"Go get cleaned up.."
"… Okay…"
She sighed as they didn’t press further, however they did pause for a moment, picking up the cracked bowling ball and slowly making their way over to Mach.
"She heugh… She bought this for you… Enphoso didn’t have any flowers so she got this instead.."
Mach carefully took the bowling ball from the caterpillar before they left, going to get cleaned up as they muttered quietly to themselves and went through the metal door.
She stared at the purple bowling ball, gripping it tightly in her hands as tears began streaming down her face, staining her cheeks as she trembled. She wanted this to be some sort of horrible nightmare, she wanted this to be some sort of sick yet false reality. But the more she stared at it, the worse she felt. The more she stared, the more it sank in, the more she stared, the more she realized there was nothing she could do to change this outcome.
All Mach could do right now, was breakdown in silence..
I fell asleep while writing the end and woke up with a headache sorry for any silly typos and horrible grammar that appears.
Hope you enjoyed it!!!!!
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clairelsonao3 · 1 year
Happy STS, Claire! I guess this is a worldbuilding question so feel to save it for another day if it’s a lot/you want to post it on Wednesday. It was around 1950, if I remember correctly, when the current system was established in your world. How much resistance was there when the slavery system was brought about? Were there riots, insurgent groups, etc., and if so, how were they quelled? Any heroic folks whose names have been buried by the powers that be in the interest of maintaining the system? In the present day, if the authorities caught whiff of a huge activist movement (on a mass scale, *if* that were somehow possible—as big or even bigger than the stuff in Erica’s past), how would they respond?
Happy STS!
No worries, I'll answer it now since I have time! Plus, I have too many WBW q's sitting in my drafts already...
First of all, I'm actually shocked that you actually remember this much history of my world, since very little of it was actually mentioned in the story for fear of boring readers to death before the plot even really got going. But I find it interesting, of course, so I'm glad you also did!
Below the cut are some mild spoilers for the later chapters and what is probably the longest, most boring post you've ever read! You were warned.
First off, I should probably mention that I knew going into this that there weren't going to be any wars, riots, rebellions, insurrections, uprisings, emeutes, or whatever other synonym you can come up with. I am NOT the writer for that. Reading about anything war-related bores me, and I'm terrible at writing it anyway. Plus, other than Erica -- who I'll get to in a minute -- my characters aren't really fighters in that way. They'd volunteer to be spies, sure, but are they going to be waging guerilla warfare or hurling Molotov cocktails into storefronts? Absolutely not. I knew there were much more efficient and stealthy ways of fighting back that I would find much more fun to write about, and in the story, we absolutely do see some of those, which I'll discuss more below.
That said, let's talk about initial resistance. First off, a reminder that slavery was almost universally popular when it was first implemented. In fact, it's quite likely that initially, it helped avoid a violent uprising by people who were growing angry and desperate because they had no food and their governments weren't doing anything about it. Most of the people who sold themselves or their children (remember, it also started out as almost entirely voluntary) were relieved because it meant that at least they wouldn't starve. That, and they thought it would be temporary. But they say there's nothing as permanent as a temporary government program.
The movement against it -- once the horrors of the system inevitably started trickling out, and it didn't take that long -- only came in slowly, through the back door. Remember the blacklists of the 1950s? And remember how I said there was no Cold War in this world? You can imagine that the Communists of our world became the abolitionists of this one. They were few in number overall, but they were much more common in more progressive industries, such as literature and the performing arts (although they could be found almost anywhere). But they lived in a widespread climate of fear -- someone would be brought before a government tribunal and compelled to inform on their neighbors or colleagues in an effort to save themselves. Consequently, many of these people -- who consisted of freeborn people and any former slaves who were brave enough to put themselves out there -- though they weren't killed or imprisoned or (re)enslaved, were blacklisted permanently, died in poverty, and have been forgotten to history, their books burned and taken out of libraries, etc. They did occasionally become violent -- there were a few political assassinations connected to the movement, but those were few and far between. The ones that did succeed worked in secret. This was before microchipping technology was developed, and so escaping was naturally much easier. The problem was slavery wasn't just confined to one area or country; it was everywhere -- so they really had nowhere to go, except underground, where they were often easily caught. So there was never a mass exodus of runaway slaves at any point.
Heroes of the time period? Let's see. There was Eloise Yardley, a wealthy heiress who, due to her supportive family's money and connections, could avoid most of the dangers of blacklisting. She became a prominent figure in the movement and traveled around making speeches and writing books on the topic, many of which ended up being banned soon after publication, and even gave public speeches on the topic. The authorities, determined to make an example of her, eventually had her arrested on specious charges, and she ended up being one of the few activists actually put on trial for inciting rebellion during this era. Even though she was convicted, she was never actually imprisoned or enslaved, probably because of her family's intervention. She was however forced to live in exile -- on a small island in the Caribbean -- and continued her advocacy from there. Her case made sensational headlines at the time -- especially because she was also found to have been scandalously living with a male partner, a former slave and fellow activist. Sadly, it's mostly because of this reason that her name is one of the more well-known of the movement; her books still remain largely banned (people like Erica can of course get them, but you're not going to find them in mainstream libraries).
And then there's Palaestrio (a code name; if he ever had a real name, it went unrecorded) -- a freed slave whose owner had been a doctor and gave him significant training in medicine, which he used to provide care for those who became injured or ill during or after their escape attempts, and train others in the same thing. It's unknown how many slaves he actually helped -- like I said, escape was never easy -- but he was ultimately killed in the course of his work. You'll note that there's still a secret communication network that bears his code name, which in itself was likely chosen as a reference to the main character in Plautus' Miles Gloriosus. His legend, still talked of among slaves, has probably outgrown the actual biographical details of his life, but so it often goes.
Although these and others like them were widely seen as radicals, who could be dangerous if their views spread, were not yet deemed dangerous enough to be worthy of a large-scale violent crackdown.
That changed a few decades later. Erica's movement, which had hundreds, possibly thousands of members in loosely interconnected cells at its apex, was as far as the anti-slavery movement ever got in North America and was an offshoot of these early radicals. It was always an underground movement, never open war, although some of her more violent associates hoped it would become one. It is mentioned that in the past, the Slave Liberation Army, which, by the way, was shamelessly and uncreatively inspired by various real-life radical and violent factions that operated in the 1960s and '70s in our world -- is now a shadow of its former self is because of the major government crackdown, which was partially propelled by corporate lobbyists who had an interest in seeing the system remain in place. And once the movement became more violent, they had a perfect excuse to do that.
Erica, a fugitive for years, was one of the lucky ones to survive that. The ones that were caught were convicted of sedition, conspiracy, and/or attempted murder in most cases. When this happens, they're usually sentenced to become slaves but are considered untrainable/incorrigible, and so don't generally get the chance to be sold to a decent owner -- for them, it's always the mines or somewhere equally as bad. By the 1980s, the most radical parts of the movement were long gone -- the ones remaining had either somehow beaten the charges, like Erica, or had fled abroad to a country with no extradition, which included the few countries where slavery didn't exist -- mostly small, remote, less populated and less developed countries (often islands) where it wouldn't make economic sense.
But of course, they're still around in some ways. Like many formerly radical organizations in our world who now primarily operate through the legal system and various forms of advocacy, they now use the tools they have, in the form of more conventional, above-board activism like Erica's. So the remains of what was once considered a terrorist organization is now a registered nonprofit dedicated to legally helping former slaves, which gives them the veneer of legitimacy, even though obviously not everything they do is strictly legal. And of course, on the other side of the spectrum, we also have Jake Wallach's "philanthrocapitalism" approach (which of course goes horribly wrong). Interestingly, his isn't the only corporation that has expressed anti-slavery views or even expressed interest in "disrupting" it, but the actual abolitionists largely see this as a joke and mostly for show, since many of these companies still manage to profit off slave labor anyway. Erica, for her part, has known about his views for a long time, but was already suspicious of him even before the current events, as she's suspicious of all millionaires and billionaires purporting to be "of the people."
And what if the abolitionists did decide to stage an all-out rebellion? Well, as they say in politics, never let a good crisis go to waste. As I've said before, governments and even national borders in this world look different than they do in ours, but I have no doubt that whoever's in power, either in North America or anywhere, would use it as an opportunity to propagandize, stir up a climate of fear and characterize the fighters as an army of violent thugs coming to murder your children. And once they've done that, they would use it as an excuse to crack down on free speech and assembly, spy on the population, rob people of more of their fundamental rights and freedoms, and round up and prosecute whoever they could. And then, most likely, they wouldn't have to go to war, because the people, by turning in and informing on their friends and neighbors, would fight the war for them without firing a single shot.
And closing in on that lovely Orwellian thought, thanks for the ask!
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mctives · 10 months
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indie stu macher . scream (1996) . written by aj carrd . promo . memes . headcanons . open starters . playlist
also found at @lessluck, @goodjobsport, @aranostra, @purpcse, and @unascend
NOTE: this blog is entirely based on the original film and is anti-spyglass due to the firing of melissa barrera
unformatted guidelines and info:
my name is aj and i'm 30+. as such, please do not interact if you are under 20 years old. if you are younger, and i accidentally follow you, please block me.
do not follow for the sole purpose of shipping. stu is a disaster person and probably should not be in a relationship anyway, so it's rare that shipping will work out. (although i do think he had feelings for both tatum and billy, i also would want to talk things out for those interactions as well.)
stu isn't a good person. even aside from, y'know, murdering people… he's also a sheltered, spoiled, privileged white boy in 1996. he'll say and do some things that aren't cool. i will use content warnings etc, but also please understand that i do not agree with him.
if you have a concern or issue about something i've posted, please contact me personally. if you have the desire to write a vague post, i would prefer that you block me. vague posts cause a great deal of anxiety for me. if you ever suspect i'm vague posting about you, also feel free to contact me, but i promise that i don't vague post; i will speak directly about any issues i have or keep my mouth shut entirely.
i use the tag negativity cw on any post i make that is negative about anything including rpc or life in general. please block the tag if negativity brings you down!
i have a full time job and a neurodivergent brain, so my activity will come and go. please be patient with me, and please do not message me unless we're mutuals.
FULL NAME. stuart macher ALSO KNOWN AS. stu, ghostface D.O.B. + AGE. 01 / 24 / 1979 | 18 ZODIAC. aquarius GENDER. cis male PRONOUNS. he/him ORIENTATION. biromantic / bisexual OCCUPATION. student
BASICS Born in Woodsboro, California, the youngest son to rich parents, Stu grew up sheltered and privileged. Although his parents were aware that Stu had some mental health concerns, they covered up anything he did wrong, thinking he'd grow out of it. He met Billy Loomis in middle school and the two of them began a close, but extremely complicated, friendship. Eventually, the two of them began a murder spree as the Ghostface Killer. Together, they killed several people, and planned to eventually frame Neil Prescott for the murders, and themselves as the only survivors. They failed.
A slightly different plan; Billy stabbed Stu before they revealed their identities to Sidney. Stu thought Billy intended to let him survive, but he stabbed too many times and too deeply, because Billy himself intended to be the sole survivor. When Stu realized what was happening, he stayed still, pretending to already be dead (or at least unconscious). After Sidney killed Billy, Stu was found still alive and taken to the hospital.
Stu survived the electrocution with some scarring on his face, but was tried for his crimes and sent to prison. However, after a few years, his parents' high-priced lawyers were able to poke holes in the evidence against him and claim that Billy was the one who committed all the murders. Stu, they claimed, was also a victim, manipulated into helping Billy cover up his crimes. The ploy worked, and Stu was released with time served.
Stu survived the electrocution with some scarring on his face, but was tried for his crimes and sent to prison, where he has remained.
Billy and Stu both got away with the murders, their plan to frame Neil Prescott a total success.
Stu survives the murder spree at the party, and is credited with killing Billy. He goes along with it to avoid being caught as his accomplice. (The details and who else survives depends on who I'm writing with.)
After killing Maureen in the early 2010's, Stu and Billy have an intense falling out. Stu's mental health becomes so bad as a result, his parents decide to send him away to live with extended family in another part of California. Stu loses contact with his friends in Woodsboro, but eventually goes to college and finds a new group of friends with Josh Washington and co.
+SECOND CHANCE (innocencel0st);
Stu is released from prison after 27 years and reconnects with Tatum, much to the dismay of all her friends. Unfortunately, another cycle of Ghostface killings begins soon after... Also features Sidney, Dewey, Randy, and Stu's sister Tabby written by me (killcdhim and aranostra) and Cici written by innocencel0st.
+CHANGE OF PLANS (innocencel0st);
When Billy attacked Tatum in the garage, Tatum killed him in self-defense, leaving Stu to hide the evidence that he was involved with the murders. Also features Randy written by me (aranostra).
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btsandvmin · 3 years
Answering asks in regards to my recent post about shipping
Ok, so I got a few asks which I think are all responses to my recent post How much do we really know?
I got a few others but these are the ones I am choosing to reply to.
If you follow me and have done so for a while you probably understood my post already, and thus most of these replies might not be that interesting to my general readers. This for the most part just a reply to explain the points I felt got completely misunderstood by these particular anons. But I also go through some others that asks as well. Those will be at the bottom of the post if you want to skip the explenations.
Here goes. So the first ask I got was this:
Anonymous asked:
You mentioned in a post that during the billboard Vlive V suggested that him and Jimin “sleep together casually.” But the very next day Jimin said in a press conference that he was with JK all night and cried with him over the #1 spot. Do you think you ignore things JM says or does to fit your Vmin narrative? There just seems to be a big confirmation bias. A lot of your evidence seems to come from V’s songs but that’s entirely your analysis based off your perception of their relationship. (Not that I don’t agree with you on some of it.) How do you step back and look at things unbiasedly or rationally?
First of all, yes I did mention this but I didn't say that Jimin and Taehyung slept together that particular time/day. I am not 100% sure the post you read was the "How much do we really know?" but if it was, I said this:
"....or that Vmin seem to casually sleep together in private (if we take Tae’s words for it in the Billboard vlive)..."
Meanwhile in that vlive this is what Taehyung said.
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"I told him to sleep next to me" followed by "...as he's too lazy to come to my place" it makes it sound like they normally would have gone to either place to sleep together, but both were too lazy to do so this time. Thus they didn't sleep together this instance, but the way Tae talks makes it sound like they casually ask each other to sleep together at times and like it almost was a given that one of them go to the other.
Worth noting is also that the way Taehyung says it (though there is always room for error since I don't speak Korean) it seems he was asking Jimin to come over first, and he wasn't even aware of the Billboard result. He also asked Jimin to do this on JK's birthday, so clrealy it didn't seem like a big deal at least from Tae's side to ask Jimin to come over to him on this particular day.
What I said in my post applies even if they didn't do it that day. Because it doesn't matter if Jimin went in the end or not, Tae still "casually" asked Jimin to come to his place to sleep.
You can look at the whole vlive (1st in BILLBOARD! Gather ARMY!) from September 1st 2020 and get your own understanding, it's not that long and it's full of cute moments.
But if we get into Ji/kook a little bit, the way I understood the situation from what they said is that of course yes, Jimin did tell JK about it. He said as much and of course I will believe him when he says it.
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I never said that Jimin didn't say this, so I don't understand how my post would in any way imply that I ignore what Jimin says or does to fit a Vmin narrative. I didn't even mention Jimin, because it wasn't what I was talking about. Jimin's situation didn't matter in that context, just that Tae asked Jimin to come sleep with him.
Sadly I can't include all pictures because there is a photo limit, but Jimin also says he wasn't prepared for the news, and he was talking with Taehyung, and then he started to cry as he got the news. To me it seems he might have told Tae first (and that they already were on the phone when Jimin got the news?), and that JK likely wasn’t with Jimin when he got the news himself, but that he told JK at a later point.
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But aren't you ignoring how they told the story a bit as well if you see this as a pure ji/kook moment?
The thing is that to me, no matter what ji/kook did that night doesn't even matter for what Tae said. It still indicates Vmin sleep together casually in their private time even if they didn't end up doing it that particular day. And if Tae could say that and ask that on the night leading into JK's birthday then how does that make Ji/kook seem like likely lovers even if they were together? Of course it doesn't mean that Vmin automatically becomes real, but I never said that either. Maybe the two ships cancel each other out, but in the end the fact that Taehyung said this, said it like it was normal, and suggested it the night before JK's birthday says something to me.
It's fine if Ji/kookers love the fact that JM told JK, I don't blame them, but they in turn need to take Tae's words into account as well. The whole point of my original post was to say I don't understand how shippers can feel confident in their ship being real, and this is a perfect example of why focusing in on one thing and ignoring or not noticing another makes these beliefs based on too little information.
You also seemed to ignore the rest of the post (if that was indeed what you were reading) where I state that I do have a bias and where ALL shippers use narratives that fit their ship to tell a certain story.
You also mention me ignoring moments and having confirmation bias, and sure I can't truly get rid of that, but again... I didn't ignore Ji/kook. I never said those things didn't happen. If anything I keep saying all ships have moments and shippers focus on them so much they don't see others have similar moments. Likewise I won't deny ji/kook moments when they clearly exist, that was a big part of the post, if you actually read it and didn't just get stuck on the small details. But it's good you are curious about and know confirmation bias. I have brought it up as a problem many times as well, and I will surely talk about it more in the future too.
Then, moving on to your point about "evidence" I would once again like to say (like in the post) that there is no such thing as proof or evidence for ANY ship. Just moments that shippers put together with their interpretations into a narrative. So you saying "A lot of your evidence seems to come from V’s songs but that’s entirely your analysis based off your perception of their relationship. (Not that I don’t agree with you on some of it.)" is why I felt you somehow misunderstood my whole post.
Of course it’s all my analysis based on my perception of their relationship. That’s the WHOLE POINT about how all shipping analyses work. Not just mine, but all.
Also, yes Taehyung's songs is a big part of why Vmin is suspicious, but it's far from the only reasons I have to question them. I simply used Tae's actions as an example in my post because they are quite many and out there. Many facts tied together, but of course what they mean is always a guess. Which I also stated clearly. I literally brought up a lot of examples of Vmin and said they make a lot of sense, but that doesn't mean we can be sure or "know" Vmin is real.
So, yes, I do feel you misunderstood me on several points, and it seemed you didn't read properly at all but rather got stuck on the details and then used Ji/kook moments to "refute" me even though it in my opinion wasn't relevant to the post at all. Which is why I in turn posted this reply:
It didn’t take long for someone to misunderstand my posts and get caught up on the details and examples instead of the general message. While they were at it they decide to throw in a good “accusation” of something I legit have said I am many times and no one can avoid. Good to know some people just don’t want to understand. 😗👍
Not only you but less interesting/good asks as well might have made me feel a bit annoyed, so I replied like this, I suppose I misunderstood your intentions too.
You also asked "How do you step back and look at things unbiasedly or rationally?" and my personal belief is that I can't. I am biased towards Vmin, and I do try to see things from many ways and to get content in its full context. But simply by consuming and remembering more about Vmin than other dynamics I will still remain biased. I don't think any shipper can truly remain neutral.
Then I got a a second ask (Edit; I now know this is by another person than the first ask).
This isn’t me trying to misunderstand you, I’m just genuinely curious how you ship vmin while also questioning Tae’s honesty (your BB night comment) and thus also Jimin’s, and also hand over the best tools to anti-vminnie who can use your words as proof that “well even vminnie don’t believe vmin so why should we?” And if all ships are basically equal, why ship at all, or why ship vmin? They have the most conclusive things and yet the more we get the more you question and doubt them.Why?
And suddenly there came a whole new additional set of problems.
I suggest reading my post Shipping vs Believing because if you knew my stance you would understand that I think there is a huge difference between shipping and believing and that you can ship whatever you like and it doesn't have to be tied to reality at all.
In general this ask makes you sound like a delusional and defensive believer, so I perhaps suggest reading my post Can shipping turn into conspiracy theories? as well. This additional ask is why I replied with this second short post:
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You say I question the honesty of Tae or Jimin's words, but hopefully you understand this is not at all true since I explained what I actually meant in my original post. Tae asking Jimin to sleep with him is just as true as Jimin telling JK about the win. These two things don't contradict each other and I trust both of the statments to be real.
Also, how am I "handing over tools" to anti-vminies? These things are all out there, and I wasn't even talking about anything negative? Just because I have a more healthy approach than "Vmin is obviously real" that doesn't mean my words should be interpreted as "shipping Vmiin is pointless". However, you did get it right that I don't believe in Vmin, but you seem to have the wrong idea of why I have that stance to begin with. Which again, was part of the message in the original post which you here continue to not understand in other ways.
Me not talking as if Vmin is 100% real doesn't mean I hand out tools to antis. Personally I think that's a weird interpretation of my text, but I can't do anything but try to explain my view on shipping, which I feel that I have many times.
I also don't personally think all ships are equal, but I do think many ships have similar moments and that those moments either get ignored or hyper focused on in a way that makes shipping analysis less trustworhty and always biased and not based purely on facts and the full context. Basically yes, a lot of ships seem to cancel each other out, but that shouldn't stop anyone from shipping. BUT it should make people careful about calling moments "proof" and be sure their narrative is the only possible truth.
I also don't think it's fair to say "They have the most conclusive things and yet the more we get the more you question and doubt them.Why?". I've always tried to keep a distance between shipping and analysis and while we do get more and more for Vmin it's not that I start doubting them more... It's just that I remain open to other things despite more things happening that fits in a Vmin narrative.
I honestly can't tell if you have read a lot of my posts before or not, but it doesn't seem like it, and thus it feels even more unfair for you to lay this judgement on me as well.
Then I got a third ask (edit: which was a second one from the first anon):
Anonymous asked:
I think I’m the anon you responded to. I did read more of your posts where you question things a bit. It’s nice to see you still have a healthy view point on things. I wasn’t really disagreeing with your posts, just wondering if you felt everything was being considered when coming to conclusions. Have a good one !
All this drama, and for what? :P But have a good one too I guess. Thanks for taking the time to read more and trying to understand my point of view.
I also got this ask from another person, and I hope you might understand what I meant after reading my reply to the first anon.
Hi I am sorry I am confused. Can you tell me why specifically you think Vmin alluded to sleeping together during the Billboard Vlive? Didn't Tae say he was talking to Jimin on the phone and told him to come over? Then at the press conference Jimin said "I was with Jungkook" and they were sitting stroking their phones. I am not a shipper or an anti shipper or anything like that. I just would love to see the receipts on this if you have them?
Again, I didn't mean Vmin slept together that day. But the fact that he asked and it seemed like a very normal (even perhaps expected) thing that one of them would go to the other, I can still express it as Tae alluding to Vmin sleeping together at least sometimes during their private time.
Now onto another anon, with a very different take. :)
Anonymous asked:
Spot on. Shipping is one thing but how can some people "believe" in a ship, I'll never understand. People need to realize that even with all the content we get (from concerts to DVDs to Run to BV to interviews), we only see them for maybe like 2-3 days (total) out of 365 days. Like? They visit a country for 7 days and we only get 10 hours of content from it. Do we have any idea what any of them is doing right at this moment? "Supporting" a ship is stupid even if you're right at the end.
Thank you anon. I don't fully agree that we get as little as 2-3 days total out of a year, but we definitely don't see the majority of their lives. And while you are a bit crude, I agree... Even if a ship is real, supporting and believing and being convinced of only one ship is at least in my opinion not the right way to go about it. Which is why I say let's speculate but also support them all whatever the truth might turn out to be.
There we go... It ended up being a lot of drama made out of nothing else than a small misunderstanding. Anyways, I hope I made myself clear. Thanks for the asks, sorry for the somewhat annoyed attitude and I hope you understood what I tried to say.
Thanks for reading. If any of you had the patience to do so all the way through I salute you. <3
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All posts are ask to tag, but I only occasionally actually put the tag "ask to tag" on posts (I do this when I think something should be filtered but I'm not sure whatd it be)
I use tone indicators! Primarily /j (joke) and /lh (light hearted), and sometimes /s (sarcastic). I avoid using genuine because then I'd have to stick that on to every sentence I write bbcjsbbdjks, If you're worried or not sure what I meant in a sentence, you can ask me clarify! ^v^
I like to avoid shipping in my aus, unless the au is centered entirely around a ship, there is no shipping. I do this so people can leave the ships up to their own interpretation, and thus anyone can enjoy the au
I rarely also post general j&h too, you can tell because it'll be given all the appropriate tags, though itll still also be tagged "The Glass Scientists" as tgs is still just a version of j&h
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! Tags or complimenting my art (whether we know each other or not) are highly encouraged!
If a post is tagged "Rest in w.i.p" and has say, 20-30 notes, I'd appreciate if it wasn't reblogged. It's very. Not fun. To see a wip to get twice as many notes as my finished art. You can however, reply! If you really wish to say you like something about it
I have a YouTube, if you wish to see me "draw"
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My Aus 🐺 (I make them in a week and never look at them again <3)
You'll see some have a link called [Main au post] the linked post will share most of the important information, its simply there if you dont want to browse the whole tag for that au
-The Wolf Apple Werewolf: Werewolf au, Jekyll accidentally turned himself into a maned wolf werewolf while trying to make his soul splitting potion. Jekyll hides the fact the he's a werewolf but Hyde doesn't [main au post here] I've been meaning to rewrite it, but eh
Hyde is a Falkland Island wolf, and considering that A: That wolf became extinct 1876 and B: he's a werewolf. There'd definitely be a bit more danger for him at blackfog
(made in collaboration with @ angstspawn25 )
There is a one off au of this, The Wolf Apple Puppy
-Feather Fin au: Siren au! Jekyll is a shapeshifting siren called a Feather Fin, one day he decides to leave the ocean and get a doctorate, somehow this works [main au post here]
Admittedly, I like branches and other versions of this au more than what's here
-Zombie Jekyll au: After Jekyll has his panic at the party he walks home alone and Moreau's creatures kill him. Very sad and tragic probably but really I made this so Jekyll and Zosi could be zombie buddies [main au post here] [reference sheet here]
(Important note!: If you're here from iiredgm's fic on ao3, "Rotten On The Inside (And Outside)" that fic actually differs from what's canon in the au!)
This au has a very strong branch! The "Jekyll hides he's dead au" [main au post here]
-Tgs Fantasy Au: Fantasy au, with story? Probably? Its what I call a daydream au because I can never choose a version of it to stick with. Jekyll is a spider monster with anxiety [Main au posts here and here]
-Dr. John Caught: Fusion au! Again another daydream au [main au post here]
-Porcelain Jekyll Au: You're at the Party by Lemon Demon [main au post here] [design reference here]
-Daylight trio: Oh I guess this is technically an au huh? It's the ship of Jekyll × The Couple [main post here]
-Jekyll with a mustache au: I edit mustaches onto panels of Jekyll from the comic [Main posts here and here]
-Princess Tutu au: Based on the "Princess Tutu" anime, due to how the different pt and tgs are there is no set story for this, mostly fun designs and screenshot redraws [design reference here]
(Important note!: [tumblr] really sucks so my original tag for this, "Princess Tutu au" would bother the normal princess tutu tag. SO! Any new posts will be tagged "Tutu au" )
However, old posts will not be retagged so check both "Princess Tutu au" and "Tutu au" for all the content
-Immortal (and upset about it) Jekyll au: An unrealized side effect of HJ7 was immortality. 136 years after the events of tgs, Jekyll's hating every second of it. Also he has a motorcycle [main au post here]
-Tgs Theater Au: Dr. Jekyll gets invited to be the star of a new mad scientist play! Which, funnily enough, is pretty much exactly the j&h m*sical from real life [main au post here]
-Vampire!Jekyll au: exactly what it says on the tin. Ah hm, the only posts that really explain this is the unfinished au reblogging, ah. [main au post here]
-Peppermint Rot: a fic im currently writing! Its essentially a ghost au [Chapter 1 here] [Chapter 2 here]
-Skyrim au: Jekyll owns the college of winterhold. That's it. This au doesn't even have a name and no one is helping me with it TwT
-Glassrune au: The Glass Scientists × Deltarune, in progress
(There are also multiple "branches" of these aus and some one off aus! AUs written here are just the "main" aus)
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
I've been around fandoms for several decades now. Both before the internet, through the earliest days of internet fandom, to the present day.
I can genuinely say, the way Supergirl treats its fans, especially the LGBTQ or BIPOC fans as a whole, has been the worst by some margin. Particularly in regards Supercorp in terms of queerbaiting.
Whether those involved in the production of Supergirl want to admit it or not, Supergirl as it stands has been queerbaiting a large portion of the audience. Without a doubt, in terms of a ship, the largest core group of fans there is for Supercorp, and by some margin.
Have there been some fans who have taken things too far? Absolutely. And every good SC fan I know recognise and understand this, and constantly say this.
Yet somehow, an entire fandom gets tarred with the same brush continually.
But worse still, when anyone tries to address the queerbaiting that has gone on with someone who works on the show, other than the women in general, Jon Cryer (who could teach those BTS of SG a lot on how to engage with fans on SM, and not piss off swathes of fans), and Jesse, there are few instances I can think of where it then hasn't resulted in SC fans getting dumped on, or called delusional, or basically saying it isn't there.
Here's the thing.
As LGBTQ fans, the majority of us - especially the older ones like myself - know exactly what queerbaiting is. How do you think it even became recognised as a problem?
Because we called media out on it. The LGBTQ audiences defined it, via our experiences. So we know exactly what queerbaiting is thank you. We don't need to be told it isn't there or isn't something going on - because we are the ones who wrote up the damn definition!
In all my years of fandoms, never have I seen queerbaiting on the scale Supergirl use. Season 5 - especially 5a - brought the queerbaiting to a whole new level.
So many of us now dread S6, because S5 was so bad in a multitude of ways for the LGBTQ audience, including but not exclusively Supercorp queerbaiting.
And I don't speak for all SC fans, but I do see a lot like me are caught in a conundrum. We all love the majority of the cast. Particularly the women. Sure we all have favourites, but also as a whole, the female cast is loved and respected.
Here's my dilemma. I want to support the female cast. Hell I was a Chyler, Katie and Azie fan long before Supergirl, and have grown to love Melissa, Andrea and Nicole particularly. Nicole as a transgender women especially holds a place dear to us. I will support them all beyond Supergirl.
As S6 will begin filming, I want nothing more than to show them I love, support and care for them. But then I'm at the point where I want to just tell the show to go jump, because they've sucked all the enjoyment I had out of it for me. When you actually dread what the next week might bring, that is not what any show should be about. Yet here I find myself dreading what the show might bring.
I also am questioning do The CW even care about Supergirl any more, especially as they finally got Superman, which they've coveted for years, and made no secret of it.
They seem to forget that Supergirl and Superman have two pretty distinct fans. I like Superman, but I love Supergirl. I'm also just a little bit done with all the iterations of Superman we've had on screen.
Supergirl has always struggled on the social media side of fan engagement as well. Not once have I seen a showrunner actively engage with the audience. Or at least, if they have it was a long time ago. The current showrunners definitely haven't. Hell, one doesn't even have a SM account.
But even if a showrunner or others involved in the show don't engage, when others do, it becomes a nightmare. The last 6 or 7 hours are a case in point.
Again, yes some fans take it too far where Supercorp is involved. Yet, once again, rather than just stepping away, a writer got embroiled into something that didn't need to happen, because they gave out conflicting tweets on replies to fans over Supercorp, and then began blocking fans who were polite and respectful and did absolutely nothing to warrant a block.
Then they also liked a post that called SC fans dicks.
Yet somehow again, we are all the bad guys.
I've no doubt that they felt overwhelmed on how the reactions went. I truly do. But I really don't understand why anyone doesn't just step back. Put out a polite post saying it's all getting a bit too much, and they need to disengage. I think each and every decent fan would understand and respect that. I know I would.
But here's the thing.
Ultimately the writer shouldn't be in that position of trying to answer fans on it all. Nor should they dismiss fans who say it is queerbaiting, if they're not LGBTQ themselves.
The problem is Supergirl social media is so lacking, it places a higher burden on writers and others instead. That is on the show. Entirely.
I also have to question just how diverse is the writers room? Having a number of women, if they are White and cis, when you have a cast of characters who are LGBTQ and/or Black or POC, is not having a good diverse writers room. And it shows.
If you say there is no queerbaiting, but not LGBTQ, you need to stop trying to redefine what is accepted queerbaiting.
If someone says it is a gay agenda, you need to stop with that, because that is homophobic. End of. That's no different that being racist if you write it is a Black agenda.
Supergirl put themselves in this position.
I've had family watch Supergirl with no preconceptions on characters suddenly say: I see something between Kara and Lena. Are they together? And being astounded when not only do they realise they're not together, that they actually have 4 seasons of this and counting.
This has come from straight family. Or my very gay, very into men brother in law.
If others see it who aren't involved as Supercorp fans, who might even be straight - that is queerbaiting.
But here's the thing. It shouldn't need us to say others see it too. If a large segment of audience see it, say it is there, pull out receipts to show why they are saying that time and again, that should be enough.
Yet it isn't.
As much as it pains me - I sense now The CW has Superman, they're going to let Supergirl go by end of S6. I'd be more surprised if they announce a 7th season than not.
Whatever decisions on the shows future they might be making, one thing is clear.
If they don't allow Supercorp to develop, and don't get rid of whatever homophobic block is going on for the show, Supergirl will be left with a legacy of being probably the worst example on queerbaiting your audience ever.
The 100 are still panned to this day over Clexa by LGBTQ fans.
Supergirl still have a chance, a choice to pull it around.
Sadly I doubt that will happen.
In the meantime, I'm stuck on wanting to stop watching the show, but wanting desperately to support the cast. That's the conundrum many of us now face.
The legacy Supergirl will leave is not going to be about empowering women if they don't change significantly for S6.
It will be how they queerbaited, how they dismissed the only full cast Black woman, worse still, who played an LGBTQ role. How they dismissed the LGBTQ as a whole.
Those are legacies that will not die away for LGBTQ fans. The CW in general has tainted itself with the LGBTQ audience in more than one show.
What a mess.
And it really wouldn't take much to avoid all of this. That's what is so disappointing. It is an easy fix.
Apologies for any typos/mistakes as I'm posting unedited.
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rayveewrites · 4 years
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I am not immune to the Hels Hermits brainrot, it seems.
So because I apparently love giving myself big writing projects, I've decided to essentially writing the entirety of the Scattered AU. Every Hermit, plus a few extras: two mystery characters, Evil X, Helsknight, and this fella. HesitateVS, the living embodiment of ImpulseSV's worst personality traits and moral failings. Or something.
Because he's the only original character (or the closes to one, or whatever) that'll be involved in Scattered Across the Map, I figured I should probably introduce him.
Infodump, both for the world of Hels and for the personality and history of Hesitate, is, as always, under the cut to avoid clogging people's dashboards:
(Wait, what do you mean there's a limit to how long posts can be?! You mean I have to reblog with the rest?!)
Hels is not a good place. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't just The Nether But Worse Somehow- it has Overworld resources and mobs in there too! (So what if all the normally harmless mobs can and will kill you?) There's even water! (Ninety-seven percent of the time it's poisoned) Hels is entirely underground, and the vast majority of its inhabitants have never seen the sky- some aren't even aware such a thing exists. Another thing about Hels: there is no Admin. What happens in Hermitcraft is often reflected in Hels- including members. While Hermits can come and go as they please, the Helsmits are essentially stuck where they are. So when a player leaves the Hermitcraft Server, their Hels equivalent... loses the ability to respawn. Yeah. The Helsmits don't know this- and, presumably, neither do the Hermits- as far as they're concerned, it's random and unpredictable. Denizens appear and disappear, and none of them are entirely sure why. The thing is, while things match up, they're not necessarily 1:1. So, while GenerikB was happy to pass admin status on to Xisuma when he left, Hels!Generik... didn't even know his time was limited. And, even if he had, he wouldn't give power to another player. In Hels, that sort of thing's a terrible idea. Fast-forward a few years. Hels has physically collapsed in on itself- twice- and the Hermits are in the middle of Season 3. Evil Xisuma, Hels!Mumbo, and (Tango equivalent) Disco hit on the utterly horrible idea of trying to bring (their) Generik back from the dead. They steal books from AngelCleo, navigate the complete headache that is bluestone (which is like redstone but worse in every conceivable way), perform the ritual, aaaand... It doesn't work. Or, more accurately, it does work, just not in the way it was supposed to. Instead of Generik, they get a fairly average-looking dude, dressed in a t-shirt and cargo pants, named HesitateVS. Hesitate is confused- who are these people? Where is he? And he's pretty sure he hadn't existed before now, but he knows how to build and fight and do bluestone and basic survival skills and that he can't trust anyone and that he fears death. Disappointed with their failure, the three more established Helsmits leave; the only guidance any of them give the new player is Disco pointing him in the general direction of wood. So Hesitate is on his own at the ripe old age of about ten minutes. He goes through the motions- wood, stone, iron, food. He learns to navigate the treacherous terrain, to avoid... uh... literally everyone, to carve out a living in the rocky walls. He learns, he adapts, and he's about three weeks old when he accidentally gets caught deep inside AngelCleo's territory. A thing about Angel: like her Hermit counterpart, she's completely insane. Unlike her Hermit counterpart, it's not in a fun way. So Hesitate has to run from an axe-wielding maniac- with wings- and while he's reasonably strong he's also Just Some Human, being chased by a literal angel. Fun. Hesitate digs down once he's gotten enough distance to do so, and he tunnels for a while. Angel either gets bored or gets distracted, because she seems to give up pretty quickly. Hesitate continues to burrow, until he digs into a small, abandoned room. It's not a normal room- far from it. It might have been a temple at one point, all quartz and emeralds and gold. It's circular, with the only entrance being where Hesitate busted through the wall. There's an altar in the middle, and on the altar floats what appears to be a Totem of Undying. Now, it's worth noting that, at the time, Totems of Undying didn't exist, and as such Hesitate had no idea what he was looking at. It's also worth mentioning that it was floating, above an altar, in a hidden room, and presumably had been for a while. Grabbing it would probably be a pretty terrible idea, considering the bit where everything in Hels was designed to kill you. Now, in Hesitate's defence, he's only existed for about three weeks. He grabs the totem.
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James & Ava
James: I'm so sorry James: I was supposed to be working Ava: Everyone's here, it'd be stupid to say I was surprised and yet Ava: it's fine though, right, because everyone is here James: If I did get caught up in regrets, this would be a good time James: because everyone may well be here but since you are, they may as well not be as far as every part of me is concerned Ava: You can't just say things like that Ava: and NOT expect me to blush Ava: at least it's hot out James: you know I don't expect anything James: least of all at this precise moment Ava: Sadly Ava: Aside from work, where have you been? Ava: No, the question is how, how have you been? James: other than the fact I can't help but notice you now or think about you since the 'then' of last seeing you in an entirely preferably context, I'm fine James: you look more tan, which means I don't need to ask how you are Ava: You are hard to miss Ava: but still undeniably gorgeous, which is really rather rude, actually Ava: I've not been kidnapped by anyone else Ava: lots of time to sunbathe and 'work', if that's what you're into James: if I blush it'll be a green screen effect of sorts, except very red, so don't try & make me, please James: you are incomparable as having the title of the only beautiful 🍅 James: which is, of course, what I'm into, along with what you just listed, as well as many things about you I easily could list Ava: As you asked SO nicely Ava: I too will be very, very good Ava: you are always unmatched with compliments and words too but beautiful 🍅 is up there as the top 😂 Ava: How easily are we talking? James: You must because this outfit has an unmistakable 😈 countenance to it & despite the fact that's less in the sense of roguishness I would like & more in the guise of a child's cartoon creation, it nevertheless still casts you as an 😇 James: thank you James: oh, the ease is almost indescribable itself, ironically Ava: I can't decide if it'd be cruel or a kindness to say you are not the only, nor indeed the most, cartoonishly dressed man here Ava: It's a shame not everything is that easy Ava: or you could regale me over a drink James: perhaps it exists to be both, or to allow you the chance of being cruel to be kind James: in the way that the best offer I can make is, that I order you a drink that we then consume at the same time James: safer but no kinder for being that Ava: Dichotomies are just where things get really interesting Ava: I can handle that James: in the world of rewrites there's one where we're here together & another where we're somewhere else entirely, where we would rather while away these warm hours James: those possibilities are interesting to me Ava: Those are more than interesting Ava: especially the way you tell them James: tell me where you wish you were Ava: Okay, though it feels dangerous to let my imagination wander, it won't want to come back Ava: not in such an uninspiring reality, and especially not if I let it go to you Ava: if we could be anywhere Ava: it probably sounds seriously unimaginative, given the open-ended possibility of the scenario, but my favourite place is my rooftop garden, off from my bedroom, it's so peaceful and hidden and mine Ava: I'd like to take you there James: It doesn't sound in the least un-anything & I can definitely work with that James: [casually but not at all casually just writes them an au life, all the while Chlo is probably like get off your phone] Ava: James Ava: that is Ava: very close to perfect James: I'll willingly accept constructive criticism until it's perfect for you Ava: I don't know how capable I am after that Ava: and it's only not perfect because it's not happening James: but we'll meet in the rooftop garden one day James: dream it if you have to Ava: I've done nothing but dream of you since Ava: but will I have to Ava: can't we carve out even five minutes of time for us to just James: I want to say yes Ava: I know James: Ava Ava: and I know that sentence ended with a but, it's okay James: I heard you say earlier that it's fine because everyone is here, maybe it could be Ava: My friends are easily distracted, definitely Ava: your wife, though? James: it's unlikely she'll miss me for five minutes Ava: yeah? James: where? Ava: Okay, I've got it Ava: we drove here, Jacob just got his license and wanted to go somewhere Ava: I'll go to get something I forgot, follow me when it's safe James: okay Ava: Sadly, he doesn't have the Twilight soundtrack Ava: but we can make do James: I don't have the voice to do such classics justice but that's not to say I won't try my best to give you something you'll enjoy listening to Ava: I've missed your voice James: I won't stop talking until you don't James: a lack of words simply isn't an option around you Ava: might prove problematic when I tell you what else I've missed Ava: but we've got five minutes Ava: we'll make the most of it James: yes, we will James: until the next five Ava: How do you do it? James: how do I do what? Ava: have so much self-control James: is that how it appears? Ava: I know, me asking you Ava: I can see the irony but, yes Ava: it is how it appears James: I've never had less control over myself or the things I would like to do James: all traces there were seem to have ebbed away when we kissed in that club Ava: I'll apologize Ava: if that's what you want James: it's not James: because I've never been more grateful to lose something either Ava: Good Ava: because I don't want to be sorry Ava: it was so Ava: and you are James: I don't want to be in control, you can have it James: or not James: whatever you like Ava: I just want you Ava: Exactly as you are, exactly as you want to be wanted James: okay, I was possibly hasty when I said that there would always be words Ava: aren't you aware of how entirely wantable you are? James: no Ava: I've got the keys Ava: come find out James: [obviously does as soon as he can] Ava: [lowkey pulling him into this car] James: [thank god there actually would be so many people there, Chloe's squad included cos we busy for a while here] Ava: [everyone's busy getting wasted you can have this, not for as long as you want but still] James: [yes because contrary to his wife's post he is not & will not be getting wasted] Ava: [you rude hoe] James: [if you only knew what he is doing bitch] Ava: [ha, just you wait sweetie, also glad you don't know rn, 'cos enjoy it lads] James: [always hooking up in cars, love that for you] Ava: [forever a sneaking mood] James: [JJ would approve] Ava: [#bonding] James: [it's gonna break their hearts when they have to go back] Ava: [I know, like how do you even just like well bye] James: [I literally always think that] Ava: [and someone always has to be the first to walk away] James: [in this instance it should be her because we all know she's the stronger one here] Ava: [yeah, you gotta girl] James: [bad bitch global like it's not killing you too] Ava: [this is all so fine, we just need to keep far, far away from wherever Chlo is and definitely give Teddy a wide berth too] James: [literally your mother's daughter rn as the world burns around you, nah it's fine] Ava: [tah for that skill mother] James: [god knows one of your children should inherit it] Ava: Can I have that drink you offered now James: yes Ava: thanks Ava: [just milling at the sidelines of the bar, so casually] James: [cannot and must not look at her which only makes it look more suspect tbh sir] Ava: [awkward, we know it's packed and this will take ages] James: [regrets that you say you don't have or do ever James but here we are, boy] James: [at least you can grab drinks for everyone you're with and pretend that's where you were some of the time] Ava: [we know no one is checking that hard, even Chlo, part-timer that she is, and that makes me sad tbh] James: [hard same] James: how many has Teddy bought for you since you've been here? Ava: just the two Ava: no Ava: three James: you better take mine as well then Ava: why? James: sibling rivalry or the fact you'll be trying to avoid him for a while, depending on from whose perspective Ava: Fair enough James: nothing feels very fair right now Ava: No Ava: also true James: would you like me to leave? Ava: No Ava: Do you want me to? James: of course not Ava: I'm not going to do anything to make this hard for you, James Ava: you know that, right? James: my life is already difficult, Ava, I should be saying that to you, making sure yours doesn't have to be Ava: You won't make my life difficult James: that isn't true Ava: How do you know? James: because Ava: Have your word not come back fully yet? James: because I've done this before Ava: not with me James: I'm involved, that's enough Ava: What do you want to say right now? James: I don't know Ava: Well, you can say it if you need to Ava: or you can not Ava: I'm fine James: how do you do it? Ava: how do I do what? James: be fine with this Ava: I like you Ava: I knew you were married Ava: what's the alternative for me James: I'm not going to point any out to you James: I don't want you to take them Ava: You know I don't want to either Ava: you haven't forgotten everything that just happened James: no, & that's why James: I like you but this is always going to be hard Ava: What's always? Ava: you haven't promised me anything but another five minutes James: Ava Ava: James Ava: You don't have to worry about me James: nevertheless, I do James: I will, because we don't get to decide how we care Ava: I know you're right Ava: and I know I care about you too and I feel the same James: I know I'd give you those five minutes now if I could James: so I want you to know it Ava: You've already answered the question you didn't pose Ava: I don't get to decide how I care any more than you do James: but you get to decide other things Ava: such as James: such as how far you're willing to take something James: or not James: if you think someone is deserving of how you care about them, or not Ava: that'd be a mutual decision, even if we got off at different points Ava: and yeah, though the jury is out on how much that helps you to stop if they aren't James: it has yet to be a mutual decision in any other aspect of my life Ava: Try it with me Ava: it's been mutual so far Ava: we want each other Ava: we have each other Ava: we both like and care about each other Ava: it's equal not the same James: okay, I'll try Ava: do you want to? James: yes Ava: Alright Ava: that's settled James: [finally does look at her like that's not risky as hell behaviour okay then] Ava: [smiling like that didn't kill you but it very clearly did like hi] James: [when you can't help smiling back cos she's such a cute babe and you have feelings] Ava: [just another filmic moment across this bar] James: [so casual so fine] Ava: [when you can't just run off again like you wanna] James: [nobody wants a drink this bad, the torture] Ava: [seriously] James: [we should say Teddy appears cos not gonna inflict Chloe on y'all ever and then he can grab him to talk before he sees her so Ava doesn't have to like the gentleman he is] Ava: [God bless you boy, soz Teddy it's not personal] James: [I would love to know why he thinks the vibe has changed between him and Ava recently/if he has even noticed lol] Ava: [at least he is a teen boy so he probably has no idea in general, like thinks she just doesn't fancy you back which is true but you know] James: [#confirmed when she throws her cousin at you at her party] Ava: [lil awks but we're fine] James: [they gonna fall in love it'll be cute] Ava: [it all works out in the end] James: [you're welcome for us not being as evil as we could be for once] Ava: [just on this one thing] James: [when you have to make awks smalltalk with your brother now who's probably wasted and you're not] Ava: [that'll be fun, just catching his eye well stealth like soz 😬] James: [the things you do for love] Ava: [gonna make one of your mates text Teddy to 'see where he is' so he'll leave James alone lol] James: thank you Ava: Bit rude he's got himself well more than three drinks 😏 James: however, potentially not the time for me to give him any kind of lecture, all things considered Ava: Perhaps not Ava: Sorry, I know it's weird James: it is, but you know I'm not feeling apologetic about it Ava: That would fall under a regret, so of course not James: I'm going to miss you though Ava: When? James: now Ava: Me too Ava: stand near me, in the next race? James: I may be good with words, but you're unbeatable in terms of ideas Ava: 😊 Ava: I try Ava: anyway, missing me is for when we can't be anywhere near each other, most of the time James: of course you do, hence Kings remains in continued mourning that they aren't your first choice James: arguably that could just be the standard atmosphere at The Vault these days, who can say? Ava: 😂 Ava: well I miss it too Ava: though probably not enough to bump it up the list James: I'll make sure to include missing things for the right reasons as one of the key messages in my book, don't worry Ava: Really, using you as a ploy when you won't even be there next year is well sneaky Ava: should've put that on my exit review James: at least they wouldn't ask me to do any further tours in the future if you had Ava: didn't you enjoy it James: the reason I did & the reason you miss The Vault's glorious atmosphere are one & the same Ava: if you put that on yours they'd definitely not ask you back James: I already have my wife's assurances that I won't be Ava: 😕 soz to next year's intake but I'm not that sorry really James: It's unlikely they'd be that unhappy, even if they knew what they were missing Ava: They would be if they really knew James: once the book comes out, I'll send them my condolences Ava: as long as you keep it out of my dedication, I'd be alright with that James: some flowers, wine or fruit, nothing too indelicate Ava: very thoughtful 😏 James: the budget can't stretch to bracelets for everyone, for which I am the least sorry I have ever been Ava: I'd like to be somewhat special Ava: and if anyone else tries it, it's definitely a scam, I'm sure of it James: I'll refuse to watch the Twilight saga with anyone else, darling Ava: Good Ava: Who else will explain all the nuances to you Ava: can't risk it James: I will not, some risks are beyond unnecessary Ava: never the novel, babe James: or the film adaptation, irrespective of any reservations the fans and critics alike may share Ava: 🤞 they don't think I'm nothing like your description of the girl James: if they do it's a slight upon my writing, heartbreaking perhaps but they are entitled to their opinion Ava: can't account for taste but lackthereof is always unfortunate James: it very much is, as this outfit I'm wearing attests James: the opposite is very much true for yours though Ava: I'm never looking to break your heart James: but? Ava: I might have tried a bit harder if I knew I was going to see you James: you look divine, radiant as ever Ava: You're so lovely James: as are you Ava: you Ava: when are you next free Ava: or how busy are you, probably a better question James: I'll get back to you, given that I'm here now when I was not supposed to be, clearly my schedule is more up in the air than I previously realised Ava: you think with it being such a calendar staple, you'd have had more notice on that James: that would involve talking to me, or wanting me have notice Ava: of course 🙄 Ava: if you were my husband Ava: or lived with me Ava: well, you understand Ava: I want to talk to you so bad James: if you were my wife you wouldn't have to drag me anywhere against my will James: because I want to spend time with you Ava: I won't make you commit bigamy to spend time with me, rest assured James: eloping would take longer than 5 minutes Ava: I know Ava: my family has a history James: yes, your brother's particular history still gets spoken about Ava: Unfortunately James: sorry Ava: His sorry to give, not yours Ava: and I'm not out here holding my breath over it James: of course, but I didn't intend to bring him up James: this situation is tense enough Ava: Yours is literally here Ava: like we said, weird, but not sorry James: okay Ava: Thank God, when you move away, one of the perks is you don't have to come to this kind of nonsense James: you're not having fun? James: I'm stunned Ava: animal abuse for gambling is what I live for James: I'm well aware of why I'm here, why are you? Ava: My friends are James: what are they? James: actual fans of animal abuse for gambling? Ava: I think they just like getting drunk Ava: and putting on nice outfits James: you can do that anywhere Ava: you don't get to wear a big hat Ava: I don't know James: perhaps they should all get married to each other, that's a basic requirement Ava: Give them a few years Ava: sure they will James: I'll be sure to check back in Ava: What's wrong? James: nothing James: I just don't like to think about you somewhere you wish you weren't James: with people who aren't the right people Ava: It's alright, we go places I like too Ava: and they aren't all bad James: happy to hear it Ava: even if they're all slightly too drunk right now Ava: so's most the crowd so Ava: fit right in James: I can get you a car, one that you won't have to wait for your friend to drive, whenever you like James: we aren't both stuck Ava: that's kind Ava: but then I would be at home Ava: no one's about so James: how tempting Ava: If only Ava: you are stuck though James: Technically, I can't leave until she tells me I can but what if I didn't? So far as she's concerned, I could still be James: fitting into that crowd of mostly too drunk people Ava: Is she that oblivious? James: she's had that much champagne Ava: Tempting is right James: if she realises, she'll call me & I'll come back Ava: Okay Ava: it isn't that far Ava: and it is hard being around you and not James: so take me to your rooftop garden James: I wanna go Ava: I don't take just anyone there, you know Ava: you're very lucky James: well I'm just happy to be on the list, however long it is James: & intend to show my appreciation accordingly Ava: it'd be ungrateful if you just stayed five minutes Ava: at least ten, okay? James: oh, I don't want that to be your lasting impression of me James: how long into Twilight does your favourite scene occur? Ava: I wouldn't wanna ruin your rep as a perfect gentleman, either Ava: although the best scene is at the end, I'll be pondering one that comes a little sooner Ava: not trying to take liberties here James: you don't want an ending yet, I understand James: me either Ava: exactly Ava: maybe we can get to the scene where Bella gets forced to go shopping with her friends and Edward comes to rescue her Ava: fitting James: another good idea Ava: we'll have to have a picnic instead of going out after though James: that sounds nice Ava: God knows what we have in Ava: could be interesting Ava: I'll feed it to you whilst you recline nonetheless James: thank you James: in that case, I'll barely taste it Ava: you will be very busy writing me poetry, yeah James: writing you as poetry, so nobody can make unfavourable comparisons when you make your acting debut, yes Ava: my drama teacher will be thrilled Ava: not that she'll be there, obviously James: I'd rather she wasn't Ava: 😂 Ava: Promise James: thank you James: she wasn't a member of my fan club Ava: What did you do? Ava: or not do James: I'm not sure I should tell you, it's not as if you need any help coming up with ideas Ava: Well now you have to tell me James: let's just say my time was not well spent, either back stage or on it, in her opinion James: at the time however, I had a great time James: as did my co-stars & most of the crew James: I'm surprised you haven't heard about it Ava: 😏 Ava: It's nothing personal, I'm sure your exploits are legendary Ava: I just don't go in for all that stuff Ava: who's who, who's dad is who, you know James: They were more fabled, as in, in need of a strong moral James: hence the cautionary tale I expected you to be well versed in James: but perhaps she's learned those are rarely effective Ava: After-school specials certainly aren't the height of theatre Ava: even if she's become more willing to branch into 21st century plays and productions Ava: I could ask around, if you like Ava: or you can tell me more in less vague terms when we're alone James: what would you like? James: to know who I was, to know who I am or both? Ava: If we only have time for the one today, I'll go with the latter Ava: but both would be nice Ava: if and when James: okay, I'll see what I can do Ava: I remember you, a bit James: oh Ava: You were friends Ava: for quite a while James: I suppose so James: hypothetically Ava: What do you mean? James: I mean, we weren't, really James: but as far as he was friends with any of us, or any of us were friends with each other, I fall into the category Ava: I suppose so James: should I ask what you remember about me? Ava: Nothing incriminating Ava: you were all the same, in that I was the kid sister who he definitely did not want around so James: I think I remember you ignoring that at least once Ava: Well, can't do what he says, obviously James: you're smarter than that Ava: even as a kid Ava: much to his annoyance 💔 James: he was easy to annoy, that I do recall Ava: Still is James: thank goodness he won't be there either then Ava: on many levels, yes, thank God James: the car has arrived though James: [deets so she doesn't get in the wrong one] Ava: 🙏 all the thanks Ava: coming James: I'm beyond happy to hear it Ava: [show up girl] James: [the 😍 are real af] Ava: [too real] James: [lowkey dragging her into this car but at least she isn't at the school gates in her uniform this time] Ava: [you know what would be evil-er than not letting them get there alone?] James: [tell me gal] Ava: [if one of her friends sees them leaving 'cos nosy hoes but they're too far away/she doesn't know who Ava is somehow so it's just like he was leaving with some bitch thought you should know, 'cos Chlo will be fuming to be so publically shamed] James: [yasss we have to] Ava: [I thought it'd be a good idea 'cos everyone knows her life a mess and her friends' clearly love it so they'd be 👀 him anyway] James: [like I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he fucked some of her friends when they were younger and he was a mess cos I feel like he didn't go to rehab and sort his shit until well after Jay was born] Ava: [we all know this group been messy, even if they're not as bad as her by now, like] James: [oh god she gonna be so raging I love it] James: [enjoy your car makeout while you can you two] James: [maybe she's a newer friend and that's why she doesn't know who Ava is] Ava: [that'd make sense, like either way, we don't need to drop that bombshell right now, but we can do the Chlo telling him to come back convo 'cos she's drunk so it'd be delightful] James: [yeah it'd make sense as well that if she's a newer friend she wouldn't know it's better not to get involved with their cheating and that whole mess, and yeah we simply must do that convo] Ava: [exactly, hence Chlo is probs crying on her rn for the scene of it all] James: [of course, nevermind the fact that you're probably fucking god knows who yourself] Ava: [honestly, what a fun time] James: [okay so he turns the car around and goes back leaving it up to her if she wants to get out and go back to her friends or go home still #awkward] Ava: [imma say she goes home 'cos Chlo probably spilled what's up before he can get back and clearly this friend is too involved and we don't need y'all being outed and them tryna fight you rn] James: [good call, what a downer though, poor Ava at least you can call Grace if you need to talk cos she knows] Ava: [no one needs that level of public shaming lmao] James: [except Chlo but not like this thank you] Ava: [hence even as wasted as she is, they'll be leaving too to have this argument a little more privately, joy of joys] James: [thank god the kids are already with her mum or wherever] Ava: [gonna be sleeping over tonight gals] James: [do you wanna pick this convo up later or like say they don't talk for a bit cos it's awkward lol] Ava: [up to you chicken, 'cos he'd probably have to start in considering how obviously shook/angered etc he would've been in the car so] James: [let;s say he leaves it til way later to the point she probably thinks he isn't gonna but I shall] James: she still doesn't know anything, you don't need to be concerned Ava: She must know something Ava: unless you made her believe her friend was lying, for some reason James: I should have said she doesn't know anything about you, who you are James: that's what I meant Ava: Okay Ava: that's for the best, no doubt Ava: are you okay? James: not really but I don't have anyone else to blame Ava: I'm sorry Ava: I assume there's nothing I can do? James: unfortunately not Ava: Yeah Ava: I shouldn't have said we could James: it isn't your fault James: I should've known better, I typically do, it's just that you aren't typical, at all James: I feel differently & I wanted things to be different so badly that I forgot they can't be Ava: How do you typically do it then? Ava: We could do that James: more carefully James: with less emotion Ava: I can do careful Ava: contrary to what today would suggest Ava: and before, probably James: like I said, it isn't your fault James: you're 17, why should you be careful, why would you want to? Ava: because I knew you were married Ava: and I want to see you James: I'll let you sleep, it's very late James: I just wanted to let you know that your identity is unknown Ava: If you need to say we can't then just say it Ava: because I don't care about either of those things James: whether I need to say it or not, I'm not sure I can & extremely sure I don't want to Ava: You can say anything to me Ava: just don't lie James: if I could see you now, right this second, I would, I haven't learned anything from this James: don't you see how dangerous that is? Ava: I see how dangerous it is Ava: if you want to stay with her Ava: why do you? James: there are two reasons & I have to go collect them both in a few hours Ava: Then I'll let you sleep James: nothing's that simple, Ava James: if only Ava: you don't want me to say anything in response to that Ava: or you wouldn't have brought them up James: you asked me why right after you asked me not to lie to you Ava: Yeah, I'm hardly meant to argue a point against it Ava: if that's how it is then that's how it is James: I don't have a choice, I've never had a choice, that's how it is Ava: Why? James: because I made mistakes that took them all away James: I'm a father now Ava: No, it's not that simple Ava: people separate, with kids as well James: it is that simple, if I want to keep seeing them, I have to be here Ava: You're their dad, that isn't as simple as that Ava: infidelity isn't a valid reason to not allow access James: if I were dealing with a rational person, perhaps Ava: You don't want to go through the courts Ava: so you're just going to stay with her and be unhappy forever James: I've got my reasons Ava: you said James: you don't understand & with respect I don't want you to have to James: my life is messy & complicated, we can't make it simple by wishing that it were Ava: Likewise, you don't have to tell me anything Ava: that's fine James: there's things that she & I have both done that mean I have to stay Ava: Why would she want you to Ava: if you cheat on her and clearly don't love her, and want to leave Ava: that doesn't make any sense James: appearances, finances, an inability to face the ordeal of starting her life over James: I don't know James: maybe she would like me to remain locked in misery with her forever Ava: Jesus James: I've not loved her for a single day, perhaps it's spite for never having done so James: or not about me at all Ava: does she love you? James: no Ava: that's horrible, James James: yes, it is Ava: how sustainable is it Ava: how long can you both live like this James: I try not to think about it, in case the answer for her is indefinitely James: but I'm sorry I dragged you into it, Ava Ava: You haven't Ava: don't apologize James: I didn't mean for this to happen Ava: I know you didn't Ava: but James: but I know, you're not sorry James: not yet anyway Ava: No, I am Ava: but I'm glad too James: I'd rather you were the latter but I can hardly expect it Ava: I am Ava: I can make you happy, even for five minutes Ava: I'll take it James: you do Ava: Good Ava: let me James: I'm trying to Ava: Just don't push me away Ava: if we have to be careful and not see each other for time because of the things in your life you can't control, that's fine Ava: just don't be the one to do it when you don't need to, okay James: it's really difficult not to when so often it feels like doing so would be better for you than anything I can actually offer & every instinct tells me that if I don't hurt you, she will Ava: Don't bother trying to tell me what would be better for me Ava: I want what you can offer, I don't care James: Ava Ava: You can think I'm stupid and 17 if you want but it won't change how I feel James: you're not stupid, that isn't what I think Ava: I care about you, James Ava: more than I care about the possibility of being hurt James: I care about you, more than I was ready for, but I'm trying James: I meant it, I do want to try & I don't want to hurt you Ava: I meant it when I said sorry Ava: I'm not trying to be more stress in your life Ava: just good Ava: but I know it's a lot, not that I planned it any more than you did James: I can handle stress, it's having something good which I'm not used to anymore Ava: Baby Ava: how can I make you feel better, like right in this moment James: if we can't see each other then I'd like to at least be able to hear your voice Ava: Okay, hold on Ava: let me get set up outside James: get a blanket, it was really warm earlier, you'll need it Ava: I've got a big sofa out here, I'll be cosy James: I don't mind if you fall asleep Ava: I don't want to, I want to talk to you 'til YOU fall asleep James: we can fall asleep together, the way we would if any of this was normal Ava: I want that Ava: too good of an idea, meant to be my thing James: it's about time I had one, don't you think? Ava: I'll allow it Ava: as I like it that much James: thank you Ava: Oh, James James: yes? Ava: just wanted to say it Ava: I'm ready now James: okay Ava: how quiet do I need to be? James: you don't Ava: noted Ava: [the call] James: [oh sweet babies, never gonna let Chlo ruin it, not soz] Ava: [deal with it, your reign of terror coming to an end hun] James: [the idea of them falling asleep together on the phone has made me die because it's so soft, goodbye cruel world] Ava: [not to make it weird or anything guys but Buster and Rio used to do that all the time so love that for you too] James: [literally had that thought] Ava: [when you're lowkey forced ldr by circumstances] James: [mhmm how annoying that'd be, like you're living so close to each other but you can't just see each other whenever you want] Ava: [literally the most frustrating] James: [at least if you're miles away or whatever you know you can't] Ava: [tea, 'cos like you could in many ways but you also can't] James: [^^^ that] Ava: [oh the willpower you'll need] James: [hence they don't last long before outting themselves because it's too hard] Ava: [^^yup and fuck you Chlo James: [you've stolen enough of his life] Ava: [time to do that convo moment though]
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Why We Know More Stuff but Aren't Getting Any Smarter
When you scroll through Facebook, you can see posts about simple stretches to relieve back pain, how to make a s’mores, and how to be single and happy. Or maybe you’re more like a Youtube person, watching gurus talk about makeup tips, or some Youtubers teaching guitar. I’m sure you read and watch some of these every day.
Technology has brought a surplus of information to our fingertips, but has it made us smarter? How often do you try those stretching exercises? Do you really know how to make a s’mores? Are you making yourself happy being single? Are you good at doing makeup now? Or can you play guitar better?
If more information made us smarter, we’d all be geniuses at this point. But mere exposure to data doesn’t make us better thinkers and learners.
The fact is, we’ve never learned how to learn properly.
No matter how many articles you’ve skimmed through, you are not getting smarter.
How many times have you caught yourself scrolling through Facebook, watching video after video on Youtube, or digging through blog posts? On average, we’re spending 50 minutes per day on Facebook alone.[1] Being exposed to information is not the same as internalizing and adapting the knowledge to make it relevant to us. Even during our formal education, turning what we learn into wisdom that we can apply throughout our lives is uncommon. At school, we acquire knowledge quickly to write papers and take exams.
Our conventional systems of knowledge acquisition fail to make use of the brain’s potential.[2] We don’t often get the chance to apply what we’ve learned.
Instead of trying to grasp tidbits of information from the vast amounts online, you can hack your brain to learn in an authentic way. Unless we use that information, we’re bound to forget it.
The thing is, how we apply knowledge today is too different from that in the past.
The way that we apply knowledge is different today because we are exposed to so much information every day. Traditional learning styles often involved apprenticeship or immediate active application of skills.[3]
If you were trying to learn to ski before the Information Age, you’d likely start by finding an instructor. The experienced skier would help you understand the equipment and act as a guide while you learned the mechanics of the activity. You’d constantly work to apply what you learned by practicing on your own time, the bulk of your learning was done on the slopes. Eventually, you wouldn’t need your instructor, and you’d consider yourself a competent and confident skier.
Today, when you decide that you want to learn to ski, you spend hours perusing the internet for every blog post and article about skiing. You watch videos of people skiing, research the best gear, and join a Facebook group for winter sports enthusiasts.You may feel like an expert in all things ski-related after you dig into these resources, but have you actually learned to ski? There’s a big difference between reading about putting on skis and actually hitting the slopes.
When we learn now, we have to deal with so much more interference from an overabundance of information.
Today, we have sacrificed the quality of the knowledge for quantity.
There’s an imbalance between the knowledge we take in and the information that we use.[4] Your brain is working as quickly as it can to send data from your working memory to your long-term memory, but it can’t retain everything.[5]
We’re also thrilled by the chase for more information. Our desire to keep up sends us scrolling through social media on a frequent basis. We are plagued by our own fear of missing out (FOMO) to the detriment of authentic learning.[6] We are up to date on sensational stories, and we’re sharing like mad on Facebook and WhatsApp, but convenient access to knowledge is no replacement for deep learning through effort and concentration. How much of that easily-accessed information do you apply?
While it’d be perfect to absorb and apply 100% of the information, it’s not quite possible.
Perhaps there are a few hyper-productive individuals who can achieve this level of success. But most of us aren’t Albert Einstein, and we’re pressed for time. We have to be pragmatic about how we approach information if we want it to stick.
If you want to hang onto information for the long-haul, you’ll need to be selective about what you choose to absorb. Without a plan, getting information from the internet is like trying to eat the entire buffet in one sitting. Break the overabundance of resources into easily digestible pieces so that you can give the information time to become meaningful to you.
If we can’t take in everything anyway, how can we really learn?
1. Get your brain a filter — filter out information that won’t improve you.
Scrolling through the internet is a passive form of knowledge acquisition. When we waste time skimming through the latest trends, our FOMO supersedes our drive to acquire knowledge in a meaningful way.
The amount of information that we can access is always going to be more than we can process. To filter the information you take in, focus on what you need to improve. What must you learn to be successful? Taking this simple step enables you to pass over unrelated and tangentially-related information.
As you continue to grow your knowledge and skills, you can update the parameters of your filter.
If you return to the skiing example, you establish your filter by deciding what you need to learn about skiing right now. Are you trying to figure out how to put on the skis properly? Do you know how to stop when you’re heading down a slope? If you are working on the fundamentals, it won’t be valuable to spend time learning about advanced tricks. After you’re proficient in the basics, modify your filter so that you continue to grow your skills.
2. Take information into the real world — do what you’ve read to confirm your learning.
You know that reading about something once doesn’t guarantee that the information is yours to recall at will. Knowledge isn’t useful until you can apply it. If you are trying to learn a new skill, you’ll have to do the things that you’ve read about in your research. Until you’ve made multiple attempts to master the ski-trick you saw on Youtube, you haven’t internalized it. When you can land the trick without thinking or recall information without struggling, it is yours.
It isn’t always easy to take information from your computer screen into the real world. There’s a fair chance that you are going to fail the first time you attempt something.
When you are learning to ski, you are going to fall. You’ll probably fail to execute a smooth turn, and even when you do succeed, you’ll undoubtedly compare yourself to all the other skiers on the slope that day. Giving up when you fall or allowing your brain to spin a self-defeating narrative keeps you from learning. Making mistakes is a potent part of the learning process.[7]
Practice, get feedback; and practice, and get feedback.
Getting into the habit of applying what you’ve learned is excellent, but there is only so much that you can do on your own. You need the input of others to take your skills to the next level.
You can initiate a feedback loop by performing a self-assessment to take stock of where you are in the learning process, but if you want to make more growth, seek feedback from others.[8]
It is easy to stop at the self-assessment stage and convince yourself that you are doing everything well, but you don’t know what you don’t know. Insights from others can help you determine where you should focus your learning efforts next so that you are always improving.
When you start to build new skills, you may be able to process instructions in the moment, but if you don’t continue to practice, you won’t internalize the knowledge. You’ll have to repeat your actions or process until it becomes second-nature.
For example, when you learn a new word, you have to go through the slow process of looking it up, repeating the definition, and using it in a sentence several times. If you don’t use the word, you will forget it, but if you use it enough, it comes to mind with ease.
3. Stay alert to what to learn next — avoid wasting time on unnecessary information.
You can’t take in every bit of information at once, but you can choose to learn more about things you’d like to improve. You’ll retain more information when you target your searches as opposed to mindlessly scrolling.
Take opportunities to reflect on what you have learned along the way. You’ll not only feel better about your progress, but you’ll be able to make use of what you already know when you take on a different challenge.
To refer to our skiing example for a final time, imagine that you’ve mastered the basics of movement. You can turn smoothly and stop when you need to. What do you need to learn next? How will the things that you already know about skiing impact the way that you approach new techniques and challenges?
To get smarter, it’s not about how much you’ve known but how much you’ve brought into play.
To know something deeply, you’ll have to engage with it on a consistent basis while giving yourself plenty of opportunities for self-reflection and objective feedback. Knowledge is cumulative. The greatest minds and most skilled athletes of our time didn’t become that way by scouring social media or reading books — they put in the time to make meaning of their the data that was relevant to their studies.
True learning is not always easy. You’ll experience struggles as you tackle new challenges and wade through the ephemera of the Digital Age. If you can focus your efforts and make deliberate choices about your learning, you can navigate the abundance of resources to make meaningful gains in your life.
[1]^New York Times: Facebook Has 50 Minutes of Your Time Each Day. It Wants More.[2]^Scientific American: What is the Memory Capacity of the Human Brain?[3]^The Atlantic: Why Germany Is So Much Better at Training Its Workers[4]^Huffpost: The Internet May Be Changing Your Brain in Ways You Never Imagined[5]^National Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience: How is Information Transferred Into Long-Term Memory[6]^HuffPost: Social Media, FOMO, and the Perfect Storm for the Quarter-Life Crisis[7]^Teach Thought: 10 Ways to Honor Mistakes in the Learning Process[8]^Fast Company: Why You Hate Getting Feedback but Still Need More of It
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The post Why We Know More Stuff but Aren’t Getting Any Smarter appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2sKpi8G via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Why We Know More Stuff but Aren't Getting Any Smarter
When you scroll through Facebook, you can see posts about simple stretches to relieve back pain, how to make a s’mores, and how to be single and happy. Or maybe you’re more like a Youtube person, watching gurus talk about makeup tips, or some Youtubers teaching guitar. I’m sure you read and watch some of these every day.
Technology has brought a surplus of information to our fingertips, but has it made us smarter? How often do you try those stretching exercises? Do you really know how to make a s’mores? Are you making yourself happy being single? Are you good at doing makeup now? Or can you play guitar better?
If more information made us smarter, we’d all be geniuses at this point. But mere exposure to data doesn’t make us better thinkers and learners.
The fact is, we’ve never learned how to learn properly.
No matter how many articles you’ve skimmed through, you are not getting smarter.
How many times have you caught yourself scrolling through Facebook, watching video after video on Youtube, or digging through blog posts? On average, we’re spending 50 minutes per day on Facebook alone.[1] Being exposed to information is not the same as internalizing and adapting the knowledge to make it relevant to us. Even during our formal education, turning what we learn into wisdom that we can apply throughout our lives is uncommon. At school, we acquire knowledge quickly to write papers and take exams.
Our conventional systems of knowledge acquisition fail to make use of the brain’s potential.[2] We don’t often get the chance to apply what we’ve learned.
Instead of trying to grasp tidbits of information from the vast amounts online, you can hack your brain to learn in an authentic way. Unless we use that information, we’re bound to forget it.
The thing is, how we apply knowledge today is too different from that in the past.
The way that we apply knowledge is different today because we are exposed to so much information every day. Traditional learning styles often involved apprenticeship or immediate active application of skills.[3]
If you were trying to learn to ski before the Information Age, you’d likely start by finding an instructor. The experienced skier would help you understand the equipment and act as a guide while you learned the mechanics of the activity. You’d constantly work to apply what you learned by practicing on your own time, the bulk of your learning was done on the slopes. Eventually, you wouldn’t need your instructor, and you’d consider yourself a competent and confident skier.
Today, when you decide that you want to learn to ski, you spend hours perusing the internet for every blog post and article about skiing. You watch videos of people skiing, research the best gear, and join a Facebook group for winter sports enthusiasts.You may feel like an expert in all things ski-related after you dig into these resources, but have you actually learned to ski? There’s a big difference between reading about putting on skis and actually hitting the slopes.
When we learn now, we have to deal with so much more interference from an overabundance of information.
Today, we have sacrificed the quality of the knowledge for quantity.
There’s an imbalance between the knowledge we take in and the information that we use.[4] Your brain is working as quickly as it can to send data from your working memory to your long-term memory, but it can’t retain everything.[5]
We’re also thrilled by the chase for more information. Our desire to keep up sends us scrolling through social media on a frequent basis. We are plagued by our own fear of missing out (FOMO) to the detriment of authentic learning.[6] We are up to date on sensational stories, and we’re sharing like mad on Facebook and WhatsApp, but convenient access to knowledge is no replacement for deep learning through effort and concentration. How much of that easily-accessed information do you apply?
While it’d be perfect to absorb and apply 100% of the information, it’s not quite possible.
Perhaps there are a few hyper-productive individuals who can achieve this level of success. But most of us aren’t Albert Einstein, and we’re pressed for time. We have to be pragmatic about how we approach information if we want it to stick.
If you want to hang onto information for the long-haul, you’ll need to be selective about what you choose to absorb. Without a plan, getting information from the internet is like trying to eat the entire buffet in one sitting. Break the overabundance of resources into easily digestible pieces so that you can give the information time to become meaningful to you.
If we can’t take in everything anyway, how can we really learn?
1. Get your brain a filter — filter out information that won’t improve you.
Scrolling through the internet is a passive form of knowledge acquisition. When we waste time skimming through the latest trends, our FOMO supersedes our drive to acquire knowledge in a meaningful way.
The amount of information that we can access is always going to be more than we can process. To filter the information you take in, focus on what you need to improve. What must you learn to be successful? Taking this simple step enables you to pass over unrelated and tangentially-related information.
As you continue to grow your knowledge and skills, you can update the parameters of your filter.
If you return to the skiing example, you establish your filter by deciding what you need to learn about skiing right now. Are you trying to figure out how to put on the skis properly? Do you know how to stop when you’re heading down a slope? If you are working on the fundamentals, it won’t be valuable to spend time learning about advanced tricks. After you’re proficient in the basics, modify your filter so that you continue to grow your skills.
2. Take information into the real world — do what you’ve read to confirm your learning.
You know that reading about something once doesn’t guarantee that the information is yours to recall at will. Knowledge isn’t useful until you can apply it. If you are trying to learn a new skill, you’ll have to do the things that you’ve read about in your research. Until you’ve made multiple attempts to master the ski-trick you saw on Youtube, you haven’t internalized it. When you can land the trick without thinking or recall information without struggling, it is yours.
It isn’t always easy to take information from your computer screen into the real world. There’s a fair chance that you are going to fail the first time you attempt something.
When you are learning to ski, you are going to fall. You’ll probably fail to execute a smooth turn, and even when you do succeed, you’ll undoubtedly compare yourself to all the other skiers on the slope that day. Giving up when you fall or allowing your brain to spin a self-defeating narrative keeps you from learning. Making mistakes is a potent part of the learning process.[7]
Practice, get feedback; and practice, and get feedback.
Getting into the habit of applying what you’ve learned is excellent, but there is only so much that you can do on your own. You need the input of others to take your skills to the next level.
You can initiate a feedback loop by performing a self-assessment to take stock of where you are in the learning process, but if you want to make more growth, seek feedback from others.[8]
It is easy to stop at the self-assessment stage and convince yourself that you are doing everything well, but you don’t know what you don’t know. Insights from others can help you determine where you should focus your learning efforts next so that you are always improving.
When you start to build new skills, you may be able to process instructions in the moment, but if you don’t continue to practice, you won’t internalize the knowledge. You’ll have to repeat your actions or process until it becomes second-nature.
For example, when you learn a new word, you have to go through the slow process of looking it up, repeating the definition, and using it in a sentence several times. If you don’t use the word, you will forget it, but if you use it enough, it comes to mind with ease.
3. Stay alert to what to learn next — avoid wasting time on unnecessary information.
You can’t take in every bit of information at once, but you can choose to learn more about things you’d like to improve. You’ll retain more information when you target your searches as opposed to mindlessly scrolling.
Take opportunities to reflect on what you have learned along the way. You’ll not only feel better about your progress, but you’ll be able to make use of what you already know when you take on a different challenge.
To refer to our skiing example for a final time, imagine that you’ve mastered the basics of movement. You can turn smoothly and stop when you need to. What do you need to learn next? How will the things that you already know about skiing impact the way that you approach new techniques and challenges?
To get smarter, it’s not about how much you’ve known but how much you’ve brought into play.
To know something deeply, you’ll have to engage with it on a consistent basis while giving yourself plenty of opportunities for self-reflection and objective feedback. Knowledge is cumulative. The greatest minds and most skilled athletes of our time didn’t become that way by scouring social media or reading books — they put in the time to make meaning of their the data that was relevant to their studies.
True learning is not always easy. You’ll experience struggles as you tackle new challenges and wade through the ephemera of the Digital Age. If you can focus your efforts and make deliberate choices about your learning, you can navigate the abundance of resources to make meaningful gains in your life.
[1]^New York Times: Facebook Has 50 Minutes of Your Time Each Day. It Wants More.[2]^Scientific American: What is the Memory Capacity of the Human Brain?[3]^The Atlantic: Why Germany Is So Much Better at Training Its Workers[4]^Huffpost: The Internet May Be Changing Your Brain in Ways You Never Imagined[5]^National Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience: How is Information Transferred Into Long-Term Memory[6]^HuffPost: Social Media, FOMO, and the Perfect Storm for the Quarter-Life Crisis[7]^Teach Thought: 10 Ways to Honor Mistakes in the Learning Process[8]^Fast Company: Why You Hate Getting Feedback but Still Need More of It
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The post Why We Know More Stuff but Aren’t Getting Any Smarter appeared first on Lifehack.
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