#if you don’t think Yamato is canonically trans this blog is…. not really for you lmao
otaku553 · 4 months
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Idk if u watch Bnha but i think u will love the Story right now it has over 60 Chapters.
As Yamato, Son of Kaido, heals from her wounds from a battle against her tyrannical father, a chance meeting with a injured boy in green opens her world. And that world, will change.The boy's name? Midoriya Izuku.
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I mean absolutely no offense to the writer or the people who enjoy this fic but personally I get an ick every time I read she/her pronouns for Yamato, who is canonically trans. I’m sure otherwise I would really enjoy it, since Yamato is one of my favorite characters and I’m a fan of the bnha world as well, but,,, yeah
Yamato to me is such a powerful character in terms of the impact he has had on the fanbase. Especially as someone who presents usually pretty fem and has difficulty getting people to refer to me by my own preferred pronouns, I love seeing people acknowledge Yamato’s chosen identity :)
Thanks for the recommendation though!! Crossovers are my bread and butter, so if you find any other fics you think I might like, do feel free to send them my way!
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monkey-d-momo · 2 years
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#and i've always wondered why people acted as if she was part of the crew
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One Piece 1051 spoilers
Honestly... Am I the only person who does want want Yamato to join the crew? Don't get me wrong, I love him, I love this character a lot, but I don't feel like he fits in and I don't like how he imposed himself in the crew. Luffy never agree to let him in or never said "oh yeah, I'll let you join". I don't think Luffy is firmly opposed either, but I just don't like it.
I hate how people are always like "oh yeah, this and this character will join the crew!" or act as if some characters (like Carot) are already in it. It bothers me so much, because the characters in the crew are the main protagonist of One Piece and we've known them for so long now. We've heard of Jinbei before we've seen Chopper and we've known him for so long before he got into the crew. Yamato, we've only known him for a little while, so it just feels wrong to me for him to join the crew.
Also, as a afab nonbinary person who use he/they pronouns (but doesn't look like a "he"), it hurts me seeing people using she/her for Yamato, just because he has boobs and looks like a girl. I don't fucking care what is on his vivre card, he uses he/him in canon, then fucking use it, even if his gender is female. So I know this is part of why I don't want him in the crew, because it'll means that more and more people will use the incorrect pronouns for him and it will just hurt me. I understand this is more of a personal opinion and I can't do anything about it but anyway.
Anyway, I'm against Yamato joining the crew and I like how Jinbei said that they still have to hear it from Luffy's mouth (so that means don't jump to conclusion guys)
Anyway, I'll probably get hate from this but I don't care, I just needed to rant. I delete and block any hate anyway so.
58 notes - publié le 3 juin 2022
Luffy, as a kid: I’m tired of everyone treating me like a kid!
Shanks: Here, have a juice box.
Luffy: I’m not six anymore!
Shanks: So you don’t want it?
Luffy, grabbing the juice: I didn’t say that!
79 notes - publié le 1 juin 2022
The Yamato discourse just really shows who are real trans ally and who aren't. Yamato has always said he is a man, has always used he/him pronouns, yet people are still using she/her or they/them for him just because he has big boobs.
And the "but Yamato is so gender ambiguous so I'm using they/them for this character" is just as bad as saying "Yamato is a girl", because Yamato is not "gender ambiguous". He is a man, he never claimed to be anything else. I hate to break it to you, but that's the reality.
And I understand, I'm a non-binary afab with huge boobs (that I want to get rid of, but that's not the point here), using he/they pronouns, so it could be easy to project my gender to Yamato, and headcanons are fine for that, but in canon, Yamato is a man, and not non-binary, so I don't.
And those same people are fine calling Kiku she/her because she looks like her gender. Y'all are too hypocritical and call yourself trans ally, I can't.
206 notes - publié le 12 juin 2022
304 notes - publié le 29 mars 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Luffy: What’re you doing?
Sanji: I’m writing a list of everyone who likes me.
Luffy: ...But there are no names on it?
Sanji: Exactly.
Luffy: *angrily takes the list*
Luffy: *angrily writes ‘Luffy’ on it*
577 notes - publié le 7 juin 2022
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mokutone · 3 years
do you have any more gender and/or sexuality headcanons besides transgender Tenzo and Kakashi?! I'd love to hear them!!
thank you for the question! i hate to disapoint, but most of the characters in naruto occupy a "could be trans, could be cis, i don't think about it much" space for me aside from 1) Yamato, 2)Kakashi and:
3+4) Naruto and Hinata are both canonically trans I obviously don't think it was intentional on Kishimotos part but Y'know I Take What I Can Get.
5) Sai. I think of him generally as amab nb, but I don't really have Strong Opinions on this or anything. its just a vibe
but yeah like I said I don't have really strong opinions on anyone else? I dont tend to think abt this stuff in depth usually unless I feel like the narrative is giving me coding I cannot resist (as in the case of Yamato)
I can Very Easily see possible readings of Lee (whose own physical experience is likely to resonate w/ trans individuals) or Shino (for a very similar reason as Kakashi) Temari and Chōji as well, I've drawn Shikamaru wearing a binder in his civilian clothes before for fun too, but like all personal interpretations of the text, these are just based on my own limited experiences and observations. this said, a valid case can be made for any character in naruto and there are a lot of creative and wonderful trans people out here who are making a lot of trans hc content if thats what ur looking for!
Unfortunately my interest in naruto is fairly narrow though, my focus is mostly on Yamato and the characters that affect him, only branching out on a whim, so I and this blog are probably not going to be of much use outside of that narrow window of interest— I don't even have particularly strong feelings on how exactly trans Yamato should manifest, other than that it feels strange for me to try and think of him as cis because his coding feels so very clearly trans to me. He could have any kind of gender identity under the sun, I just create content of him the way that I do because there is something in doing so that satisfies a creative need for me in working w/ him as a character!
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orenonahaichigoda · 4 years
Appearance of the Soul
I came up with this via my other fandom, Digimon (where I am also older than most. I may be the oldest of all over there) Specifically Digimon 02.
In Digimon 02, the kids'clothes change upon entering the Digital World because this is how they see themselves.
I first decided to import this for my project to explain why Juusirou had that whole coughing up blood to the point of fainting thing, which nothing seems to cure, but is otherwise a-OK, and Shuuhei's scars being drawn with the outline pen.
I came up with Soul Scarring--if a wound/injury/illness is traumatic enough, or is otherwise burned enough into your perception of yourself enough, it's with you until you die (at which point, I roll with Rukia's memories of Kaien and your soul returns to the essence of Soul Society. I know canon has a couple contradictory explanations)
This concept further extends. Let's say you have someone who dies in the Living World at 95. Their image of themselves is, for whatever reason, them at 50. Their soul will look like that. My image of myself hasn't caught up with the balding guy I see in the mirror, either.
This also extends to trans people. In my project, I haven't gotten there yet, but it's very explicit that some trans people have cisnormative souls. However, not all do. Because not all trans people are dysphoric in the same way, and cisnormativity is not any more of a Holy Grail than, I dunno, being neurotypical or something. It's not quite like whiteness because some people do experience intrinsic symptoms of not being either that do harm their daily lives, but not everyone wants to be the "norm"/priveledged bunch. I don't like my anxiety, but I love my synaesthesia. I don't like my PTSD, and I don't like non-stop suffering, and the anxiety from it may actually be making me malnutritioned because I don't eat enough, which is frightening and a severe health risk, but I had well over 20 years of constant trauma, and for better or worse, I no longer am able to imagine a "me" without a whole 26 years of my experiences. That would be way too much of a different person.
Ichigo's one such that doesn't feel the need to have surgery. Ichigo experiences paralysing amounts of social dysphoria. Particularly consider all the violence in his life, and a lot of the bigotry, both queerphobia and sexism/machoism, that go along with violent types. Consider a lot of the bigots also pick on him for not looking Yamato Japanese enough (which I'm writing as being explicitly mixed instead of this weird thing about his hair but we don't comment on anything else or anyone else's hair except Orihime's being threateningly pretty to other girls)
Ichigo doesn't have my problem with transitioning late enough in life that his voice failed to drop. (Ichigo doesn't get misgendered every time he wears a mask and doesn't need facial hair to get gendered correctly. Nor does he get singled out by violent conservative neighbours for being something queer but they can't pin it since they've never heard of highly eraced trans men) As far as this blog is concerned, Issin gave him HRT as well as his name (to keep the theme naming of fruits and the importance of his parents giving him that name. And yes, "karin" and "yuzu" with different characters, are also fruit. Just not ones eaten here)
However, he doesn't actually have any problems with what's in his boxers or his piping. Here, he has a daughter, and he mostly enjoyed that experience and being able to do that. He wants to give her siblings at some point, too. He didn't enjoy that he had to hide out for safety, but that's a "them" problem, and he has enough supprtive people in his life that he knows that. (He didn't have much morning sickness, but the last leg/labour were not the greatest)
So, his soul reflects this. He doesn't have a cisnormative soul. Once his original body gives out, any subsequent body (I hc gigai, at least as Kisuke makes them, sans inflatables, are blanks, like we see him working on that mould and bond to the wearer. They *can* be modified, because it's Kisuke. Of course you can have a tail like Looney Tunes depictions of Satan and a narwhal horn! But those would be added on specifically, sans Akon's horns which are obviously there in soul form. The default body is a blank that moulds to you, which is how you can get such high percentage of attachment to something you can pop on and off and you didn't come with)
I'm not saying wanting or not wanting to be cisnormative is better, but I am very much saying there is no "One True Way uwu" of being trans, or being anything, really. That's what drives me writing this all. It's about time we stopped accepting only one narrative and forcing everyone to fit themselves to it. (And of course, in the case of trans people, too young and "you're too young to know" but if you come out older "you should've known when you were younger so we could've told you you were too young to know uwu")
He hasn't had top surgery, either. Unlike one of my other muses, who I made miserable, Ichigo's about the same as me up top. If he were fat like I am, you wouldn't think much of seeing him unbound. I didn't get mine for fear of complications due to health issues. I still bind when out because of dysphoria. Ichigo has to bind to pass, and I'm on the fence about the reason why he hasn't had it at any point in my timeline, but for RP purposes in any of my current threads, it's gonna be related to what I just said about him wanting more kids and wanting to be able to breastfeed. Though if I end up with any threads with him going through that, I may have him go pump-to-bottle for dysphoria.
So there's something about Ichigo and the way I write him, the fantasy reason how, and the social issue of why.
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late-stagechosen · 5 years
Muse Meme
Stole from: @twistedstarlitspirits
Tagging: @notsobubbly (well, you two have known each other longer, so provided you haven't already done this)
Name: Ichijouji Ken
Aliases: none he can even stand to be called anymore.
Gender: male (trans)
Age: 21 at blog default
Date of birth: 17 January 1991
Place of birth: funny story, Papa Ichijouji used to develop weapons with Oikawa (per the clipping he kept in his desk in the final arc of 02). Per me, it was a private firm that pretty much sold to any country with an active military (so all international sales) Ken was born in St. Petersburg, which was still legally in the Soviet Union at the time. Japanese citizenship is de sanguis, so there were no citizenship problems, but he was born in a place he's otherwise never been, in a country he doesn't even remember the existence of. His family register always brings up awkward conversation, but at least it can deflect from his deadname being on there.
Hometown: 江戸っ子 www mun is a history nut. Toukyou. Everyone ever knows what Toukyou is, at least.
Spoken languages: Japanese (native) Spanish (conversational), English (conversational, albeit with frequent pausing), Mandarin (fluent, native-level), Hindi (fluent, near-native) (why yes, I did just pick most spoken languages)
Sexual Preference: Um, you mean "orientation"? Pansexual. Otherwise I'm not sure I know what this question means.
Occupation: at default, flunking out of being a full time student at Toukyou University. Due to depression. Same reason makes it hard to hold a job. Eventually, planned: nurse.
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 180 cm. Even without regular access to T, this isn't implausible. I once knew a Yamato Japanese cis woman who was about this tall. And Ken has had *some* T. (Yeah, it's hormone dependent as well as inherited traits, specifically hormones during growing years)
Scars: He's got a fair bit from Digital World activities, as well as sports. That one from his first game against Daisuke Did scar thanks to not getting it treated and being deep enough to bleed so long, bit it's pretty faint. He's got newer ones here and there, though.
Burns: Er,well, I think that'd be a type of scar for this purpose
Overweight: no
Underweight: unfortunately
Favourite colour: I don't think all adults have this (I think most all kids do) Ken kinda...he has a lot of trouble connecting to things that make him happy.
Favourite hair colour: This seems like a strange question, because different colours look good with different other colours and face types and so on.
Favourite eye colour: Same
Favourite song: I do have a character for a fic project that has a favourite song, but only because he spent most of his life captive, and so only knows under 20 songs. I kinda can't imagine having a favourite single song otherwise.
Favourite movie: Explained below. Ken's only begun to explore non-instructional media. None yet.
Favourite TV Show: Star Trek. When he was his parents' invisible inconvenience, he stumbled on Enterprise one day. He was since restricted from any media that wasn't educational/instructional, and finally living on his own in college, he hasn't been able to get a TV (though he has been able to get a record player to explore music) Star Trek was the only thing he even had that was something he just genuinely liked once he'd firmly grown out of Anpanman and Gachapin and Mukku. It's a great show, sure, but it's also something that's his thing.
Favourite drink: Can vary by verse. If he associates something with a loved one, it would be that. Otherwise, he's pretty copacetic towards food and drink.
Favourite book: non-fiction, he owns everything trans advocate since1995 and former Congress rep Kamikawa Aya has written to date. Fiction: He did really like the historical tech romp of Mori Hiroshi's "The Strange World of Dr. Kisima"
Passed university: At default, he's got no way left to pass. He's toast. He got to year three, though. Mun dropped out of junior college and considers that pretty good, even had Ken's studies not been at Japan's most elite science school
Had sex: verse dependent. Probably with Daisuke, if I had a Daisuke RPer.
Had sex in public: Nope. Nope, never. Dysphoria, and on top of that, former child celebrity trying to get away from catching notice of tabloids and fans.
Gotten pregnant: could be verse dependant. Planned digimon project, he does at 17, miscarries, which is bad because he and his partners, Daisuke and Miyako,were really looking forward to being parents, even despite their ages. I was a teenager during the teen pregnancy boom in the '90s, and saw parents do horrible things to their kids in a time of need. Deny abortion, toss out on the streets, rehouse with abusive relatives. I work social issues into my play. So sue me.
Kissed a boy: I really just should write my own stuff with an offscreen Daisuke, shouldn't I?
Kissed a girl: well, the project is slated to have Daisuke, Ken, and Miyako as a triad, so I can see Miyako with enough build up.
Gotten tattoos: No
Gotten piercings: Earlobes. He has worn tiny pearl dot earrings in the past.
Been in love: Daisuke
Had a broken heart: Does it have to be romantic? His parents' disregard for him unless he could be a cash cow counts. And also coming home after the Dark Seed's influence was broken and realising how much he hurt his brother.
Virgin: Verse dependent
Cuddler: Yup, and not only romantic. He loves nuzzling Wormmon or being hugged by Osamu.
Kisser: I guess. I mean most people who aren't asexual like that. (Some asexuals also do, it varies. I'm just thinking of five minute kissing scenes in movies being everywhere)
Scared Easily: He's a Chosen Child. Little is scarier than what he's been through. The only things that scare him are potential harm to loved ones. I headcanon that the difficulty in opening the Dark Sea portal was actually really bad physical pain from something something Dark Seed, not fear.
Jealous Easily: If he thinks you've found a new friend or something, he'll be glad you "did better than" him. He has horribly low self-esteem
Trustworthy: In all but actually telling you something is wrong with him. One day, this'll probably wind him hospitalised or permanently physically damaged
Submissive: Fandom, so this probably means sex, but I'm gonna take it outside of that. He doesn't have the confidence to lead anything. Intelligence, yes he could be a great team leader at some kind of academic or sciencey type of work. Sports-wise, he still has the muscle memory of his Dark Seed days. (That being said, the underweight problem hampers his stamina in sports critically) he'd pass rather than take the shot. He could lead, but he just doesn't have the confidence.
Dominant: See above
In Love: Daisuke, willing to also consider Miyako, But that'd be a slow burn
Single: Verse dependent
Siblings: Osamu
Parents: That he really needs to cut off because they're pretty toxic.
Children: I guess this could be verse dependent. None at default
Pets: None. I know some might put Wormmon here, but digimon have the minds of humans, and most are like playmates to their partners in canon. Wormmon in particular canonically comes across as traumatised little brother put into big brother role.
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Mobile Pages
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About Me
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Alias: Astre
Age: 20+
Gender: nonbinary (he/they)
Faceclaim: Yamato Kurosawa (Sukitte ii na yo); icons from aihasuicons
Faves: Noah’s Ark Circus Troupe, Grell, Ronald
OTP: me x Joker lmfao
NOTP: Sebastian x Grell
Other: I will protect Doll with my gotdamn life, fight me. Sebastian is trash and I can’t stand him.
This blog is here so that people can have fun. If I see any sort of bullying, I will not hesitate to turn anon off and block the users I see doing it.
That being said, my rules are quite simple, and I ask that you obey them.
First and foremost, THIS IS AN ALL INCLUSIVE BLOG. You ship SebaCiel? Cool. You ship CielLizzy? Cool. You’re trans? Cool. Bi? Cool. Nonbinary? Cool. I will NOT tolerate hate of any kind, especially toward my followers. This includes ship hate, body shaming, and discrimination of any kind.
That being said, I will let it be known I am uncomfortable with otherkin for very, very personal reasons. Please do not reblog my art or writing with kin/ID tags.
I enjoy a good laugh, so I don’t mind the occasional silly question. However, I reserve the right to ignore something I find offensive.
I am caught up with the Black Butler anime, Black Butler II, Book of Circus, Book of Murder, Book of Atlantic, the musicals, and the OVAs. Because of this, I will only be answering asks about things contained in these until I have fully caught up with the manga.
Some asks I receive may be offensive. If I think that there is a chance it could be offensive or triggering to someone, I will place the answer under a cut with the proper warnings.
This blog will not accept roleplay requests.
While some people may find it offensive, I will refer to Grell as female. I can relate to her character in more than one way, and have no intention of denying what I see as canon. I truly hope this doesn’t bother anyone.
This is a work of fiction and should be taken as such. I will NOT tolerate any anti vs anti-anti drama here. Period. The drama I’ve been involved with is toxic and damaging to my own mental health, and I will not argue with anyone over my stances for whatever reason. Don’t like something I post? Either blacklist the tag or block me and move on with your life.
In addition, there are a few things I’d like to list as disclaimers:
I am not responsible for a minor coming across content which is 18+. There are many warnings placed on this blog, and all 18+ content will be tagged as such. This disclaimer also applies for those residing in a place where the content of this blog may be considered illegal in some way.
All characters appearing in 18+ material have been aged up or deemed to be 18 years of age or older.
This is a ship safe blog. If I see ship wars, I will not hesitate to block you. The same goes for any hate I receive in my inbox.
Who is Astre?
Astre is my Kuroshitsuji self insert persona, a demon shipped with Joker. I could get into more detail, but honestly, I’d rather not unless you guys want to send asks about him. I’ll happily answer them!
Who you write for?
Long story short, any anime/OVA-canon or musical-canon character. I’m not caught up with manga yet, but I hope to be soon so that I can add the plethora of manga-exclusive characters to my writing portfolio - especially Bravat! Until then I’m most confident writing the anime, OVA, and musical characters for all you lovelies to enjoy~!
Do you have a favorite character to write for?
Despite the fact that most of my confidence comes with writing characters I’m familiar with, there lies a single exception, and he’s actually the answer to this~! I absolutely adore writing for Bravat! He caught my attention from the minute he was introduced, and I’ve done so much research on him that I’ve debated making a full on roleplay blog for him. If I do, I’ll let you all know~
I also really, really enjoy writing for Grell. Her character is one that I can relate to, and back in my early Tumblr years I roleplayed her a lot. maybe if I can ever get into my old account, I’ll revamp her blog and we’ll bring Lady Grell and Sir Red back ;)
Do you, ya know, ship nasty stuff?
This blog ain’t about my ships, hun. I’ve been involved in the anti and anti-anti drama before, and it absolutely destroyed my mental health. I was sent some not-so-good things by some really shitty people on both sides of the debate, so I’ve learned it’s best not to disclose my feelings on the subject. If that bothers you, you can feel free to leave.
Does that mean you won’t write for ships?
Honestly, I’m game for just about anything that isn’t triggering for me - which isn’t much, honestly. That being said, this blog is meant as a “x reader” type blog, so I’d like to keep canon x canon ships away from here if I can.
But if what you’re really asking is “will you write my SebaCiel/SebaReaderCiel smut for me???”, then the answer is no.
So you don’t ship (ship)?
Again, I’m not answering questions like these. My views are my own, and yours are your own. Let’s leave it at that and move on with life, shall we?
Where do you stand on the Great Grell Debate?
Grell is a trans woman, a queen, and I love her. No, I don’t accept criticism.
Can you tag (thing)?
Of course! If you ever need anything tagged, be it a trigger or not, feel free to let me know! I want this blog to be enjoyable for as many as possible, and I know something as simple as tagging can make that difference.
That being said, all asks and scenarios will be tagged with the characters they contain, as well as any ships involved. If need be, I’ll gladly make a tags page so that you guys can figure out how I tag stuff in case my system isn’t easy for some to use.
Do you do matchups?
Yes, but only if you fill out and submit a form. If they get overwhelming, I’ll be limiting how many I accept at a time.
Why do you keep your reader gender neutral?
As someone who’s been in fandom their whole life and realized over 5 years ago that fem-identifying labels didn’t feel right, I understand the struggle to find inclusive content - especially for x reader content. My writing features a gender neutral reader so that others can have what I’ve longed for - inclusive content that hopefully doesn’t isolate them just because it uses female pronouns.
Will you write nsfw/triggering content?
Hell yeah! Dark fiction is my favorite thing to write, so I’d adore to get some darker themed asks here and there. Don’t worry, they’ll all be tagged properly so that anyone who doesn’t like that sort of thing can avoid it.
I use mobile, so I can’t blacklist!
Honey, mobile came out with a blacklist feature some time ago. If you can’t figure out how to use it, either enlist in some help or just avoid my blog altogether. I’m not going to stop writing what I enjoy just because someone doesn’t know how to use the internet.
I’m a minor, can I still follow?
Yeah, I’d rather you not. In my experience, even if I say “as long as you use the blacklist feature!”, we all know that the chances of that happening are very low. So, to avoid that problem, I’m gonna say plainly that I don’t want minors following me.
If I find out that you’re following me and you’re under 18, I won’t hesitate to block you. Period.
But-but-but Tumblr is 13+!
Yeah, well the app is 17+, and this blog is 18+. Life has rules, kid. Get over it and follow them.
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cyb-by-lang · 8 years
I just saw your answer to the main question I had concerning Kaito about whether he was transgender or not, but you said something about his chromosomes which got me thinking, is it because the Hozuki bloodline? Like his mom was a literal body of water, did that trait get passed down and now Kaito had literally "fluid" body? I don't know I was just thinking and I just finished binge re-reading the whole story and its really late and this was one of those "do squirrels have feelings?" questions
Lang: Eh, no. Clan stuff doesn’t have anything to do with it. Kaito’s trans because he’s trans. I only specified chromosomes in that one ask because people don’t often know what transgender even means, when realistically speaking I probably should have said that he was assigned female at birth.
(Beta: Lang answered that ask, I didn’t catch it before she posted, so it was a cis person answering that ask in the best way they knew how.)
Also, though his mother was a member of the Hozuki clan, the technique didn’t end up getting passed down to him–and it has to be taught since it’s specifically not a bloodline limit. It’s more akin to Yamanaka or Nara clan jutsu. Instead, Kaito takes after his dad, who was from the Yuki clan instead.
Beta and the The Knowledgeable Karson*: This ask is kinda giving off massively transphobic vibes (likely unintentional, but transphobic nevertheless).
Short answer: Literally being a fluid =/= fluid gender.  
(I suggest looking into what genderfluid as a gender is since Yamato is genderfluid.)
Long answer:  Gender is A) a social construct, it’s something that society collectively agrees is a thing (idk I’m agender, I REALLY don’t get gender at ALL and feel it is a very made up thing) and B) a brain thing, it’s a person’s perception of themself in relation to those social constructs and internal feelings. The ability to turn into different states of matter or elemental things doesn’t magically make the person’s gender different. (See every superhero or superpowered thing ever, or like every other character in the Naruto universe who can turn into things since I know 99% of those aren’t canon trans, intersex, or non-binary.) Additionally, we stated that Kaito is a trans boy, as in he has a single static gender. Boy. He’s a boy. There is nothing fluid about his gender.
* Yes, I’m aware that those two words don’t start with the same sound, only the same letter. Go check out their blog @kcomplexes
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late-stagechosen · 5 years
So, I'm talking to someone I'm considering RPing with, but their muse is an OC that's meant to have history with the Chosen, so we're still hashing out what that is.
Originally, I was playing this muse sort of off my other muse while I worked out things for that fic project that may be too huge to ever complete.
Not playing them off each other in a direct and tangible way, but they're two very disparate and both realistic looks into what being trans is. Because Ken has struggled as a direct result of it so much more than Ichigo due to Ken's parents being so cruel about it, it not only features very prominently in his story, but it's at the forefront of his identity. Ken is also monoethnic Yamato Japanese in Japan. My Ichigo, his mother was South African "Coloured"(mix of Black and white with a dash of patrilineal Japanese to explain the name) and Issin's Ainu Japanese, and he's always being attacked for his looks, so at the forefront of his identity is not being monoethnic Yamato Japanese
Often times, the thing you face the most discrimination and suffering for naturally ends up becoming a core part of how you identify.
I am very adamant on playing trans characters that want or have biological children not because I think having bio kids is some holy grail over adopted. In fact, in my project, Ichigo has both and is one of only a few characters to eventually have more bio kids than adopted. But because most of the world still demands sterilisation before legally recognising a person's gender or allowing a name change.
But mostly, for Ichigo, being trans is in the background. It's only really a big part of the story if they're going to a onsen/pool, or he's currently pregnant or something. It's not the biggest struggle in his life. His 300+ year old dad is a doctor who grew up in the Edo period, before America forced itself and queerphobia on Japan, and actually gets licenced in prescribing HRT so he can help his son. Of course, his son has a kid during that time because I was a teenager in the '90s,when a lot of teens were having kids, and I knew so many who were kicked out and met tragedy, but one with supportive parents who was happy and healthy and had a happy and healthy two year old, and I realised then that it wasn't the kids ruining their own lives, but the parents throwing them out that did.
And where Ichigo demonstrates that by being like my happy classmate, Ken demonstrates that by being like the ones who met tragedy.
Ken's parents are walking gender roles. Ken's dad is agressive or neutral toward his son depending on how his wife reacts, the end. So I figured they could be typical Japanese right-wingers.
Ken's mother becomes to fret over him...insofar as she fears having to sit with the knowledge she's a failure as a parent. I've said before I just don't find her actually shaping up and flying right after all she did believable. Papa, who realises everything in episode 23 and then seems to go right back to not caring beyond how his wife feels is much more believable.
So Ken's parents are incredibly unsupportive of who Ken actually is. Mama is passive or passive agressive about It. Papa sees a five hundred yen (five dollar) charge on the bank statement, immediately assumes Ken bought something related to being trans, like they make 500¥ binders or something (if only!) and starts yelling. The actual charge was for a piece of cake at a bakery that just opened up. That kind of thing.
When Ken hits puberty (on the night he's across the ocean in Mexico, no less), he tries to hide it, but, well, clothes stain, and Mama gives him this horrible talk about how he*will* become the woman he's "supposed to be," and Ken predictably has a panic attack and three days of unrelenting dysphoria like ants crawling all over his skin. Which is only overtaken in his head by the whole kidnapping thing. Seriously bad holiday season.
In RP, Ken bides his time and grins and bears it. In the project, Ken and Daisuke make everyone think they're dating since forever, causing Jun real confusion the day three years later Daisuke comes home and tells Jun he confessed to Ken.
Anyway, Daisuke and Miyako both like Ken. Ken's adult cousin Kouji is in a poly relationship with Junpei and Izumi, and Daisuke gets the idea they should team up and try to be in a three person relationship. It works, and Papa finds them sleeping in each other's arms late at night when he's messing with the central air.
Long story short, he gets thrown out, Jun is working and lives in Miyako's building, the three go to live with her. Miyako's family is super supportive and constantly around.
Even later (project covers eighteen years) Ken gets pregnant, miscarrying at five months.
The whole meanwhile, pretty much the entire country knows he's trans because different reporters had different parts of information. He's also sparked radio chat show debates about how to handle your kids coming out to you. Not everything said on those shows is compassionate or even correct.
So everyone knows his deadname. He will never get the chance to pass for cis as long as he is in Japan.
His parents won't let go of parental priveledges to him so easily, and puberty is really unkind to him. His build has very narrow hips, and he grows to five foot six, but other than that, he has a build not unlike Orihime from Bleach.
As much as he has older supportive people in Jun, his cousins in Nagoya, Osamu thé frog-shaped Hollow, Mimi and Jyou, who stick by them, his aunt and uncle Jenrya's parents, who pay for his schooling, and Mama and Papa are not giving him any money in the project, they still maintain control. And until he's 20, he may not be able to opt into his own treatment and his own plan on the national public option. I was in the US for high school, so I actually have to look that up.
On the blog, it's worse because he doesn't have the support network except not-dead Osamu, and his parents are his best option for money without feeling like a burden, though he's coming around.
Ken's voice has not dropped because again, he has not been able to consistently be on hormones. So how he sounds in canon is how he sounds here at 21.
All in all, he's clockable even if he wasn't nationally outed over and over.
Realise in that, he's completely lost control of whether he wants a given person to know and the chance to just be seen for who he is and not what. He's also lost the option to be stealth in every situation ever, which is dangerous.
Everyone ever also knows his deadname. Some people may not have even seen stories that tried to explain his transness and preferred name, and may call him by it without meaning anything, but it's mental death by a million papercuts to the heart whether they know or not.
The *only* solace he has is there's no reason to not leave the house for an entire pregnancy's duration when/if he has kids. Everyone knows anyway, and it's not like everyone sees him as himself even if he did pretend to be textbook (the only accepted narrative, which exactly why I'm writing him choosing to do that, again)
At the same time, people like his mother would choose something like that to give him invalidating speeches, which since Ken has the self-esteem of rotten bean sprouts, he would be a wreck afterwards.
I do think a friend trying to undo someone's invalidating speech once Ken's away from them could be a nice potential thread. Ken would be older than default age of 21, because here, he tried to go to university.
But in the end, Ichigo and Ken are definitely played off each other. Ichigo's what happens when kids have loving parents that understand that their kids are people, and Ken's what happens when kids have bigoted narcist parents that think kids are vanity projects to force to be as you wish, and inconvenient if you can't (think about how flashback!Mama treats Ken like an afterthought and inconvenience)
I like creating fanworks that contribute something to the world, and Ichigo and Ken offer two very different looks about the myriad of ways trans can look, and also offer two different sides of the same coin on a parent's duty to their children, a duty anyone takes on when they decide to become a parent.
Before I close, I should also say that neither character is upset about being trans. Even Ken knows the thing to be upset about is living in an unaccepting world. Not being cis, white, whatever priveledged demograph isn't a bad thingat all. It's neutral, as it should be. It's like having a predilection for a certain genre of book or something. But face enough hate over something, and it becomes an indelible part of your life story.
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