#if you have any recs [pretend the side eye emoji is here]
garagepaperback · 3 months
absolutely love your fic recs omg! do you have any recs for authors who are currently still active? i'll read anything but i'm a big fan of stories that take their time and have a slow slow slow burn.
aww thank you for the ask! here are some of my top-tier favorites from ~active~ authors, varying degrees of slow burn:
probationary action - @toomuchplor
this fic is like being in a carnival funhouse where the walls are writhing, panting, dumb-hot, rigorously perfect smut and then slowly, slowly, you recognize all the mirrors and the warped floor are actually soft, glancing sentiment and crisp prose and then you make it back outside to a big, real, aching world. in the parking lot you will have also important thoughts about the punitive justice system.
Harry breathes out a sigh, dropping his face into the open palms of his hands. “Thank Merlin for you, Neville,” Harry says, looking up again. “You really are the best of all of us.” “I’m not,” says Neville, “but I do want to see you happy, Harry.” Harry reaches out and squeezes Neville’s shoulder fondly. “It must be very interesting, dating Malfoy,” says Neville, standing up. “He uses a lot of sex spells, doesn’t he.”
la, who am i to love you? - @epitomereally
a masterpiece! i'm actually getting sun-soaked dazed eyes just thinking about it. perfect, heat-scoured (the riddled-with-light skies! the la fires! the radiant blooming gardens! the fucking pool!) lush location, one of the most interesting takes, and still true-to-the-marrow depictions of harry, draco, pansy, luna - the list is endless. also so hot, and so dear. even the traffic feels dreamy.
“Maybe you could list the pros and cons of moving to LA for me, Harry,” Dr Goldstein prods. Uncomfortably, all Harry can think is Draco, Draco, Draco.
the july tree - @oknowkiss
:,) this is so sweet, fun, hot and adoring from another masterful prose-maker. everything that is glanced at feels so naturally done, the vividness creeps in before you're liable to fully realize you're in fact reading and not truly looking. explorative and understanding. 10/10, wonderful, a hundred gold stars.
His neck was in shambles from where it had been bent over to one side. He tried to move but there was a heavy weight on his shoulder. He looked down and saw Potter had fallen asleep on him. Potter’s hand had slipped between Draco’s legs, just above his knees, and then the train came to a stop and Potter woke up as well, lifting his head, his glasses slightly crooked. Draco wanted to go back an hour and keep himself awake, so that he could feel Potter on him, warm and heavy and unguarded. Instead he’d had only a few seconds before Potter sat up straight, stretching his arms overhead. He smiled at Draco before standing, resting his hand on top of Draco’s head as he walked by. It was lovely, and intimate, but all Draco could think of was the hour he’d slept through, an hour of time spent with Potter he wouldn’t ever get back, his brain repeating over and over, I missed it.
cut from the sky - @mallstars
so much of what i'm desperate to say about this fic is [redacted] for spoiler reasons! such a raw romance wound around an incredible, engaging, heart-stuttering plot. i'm jutting my lip out and there's a vacant ache in my ribs where my heart's supposed to be over this one. lovely, queer, splendid, just perfect. god.
"Please," Harry heard himself say, though he didn't quite know what he was asking. Draco kissed his forehead. "Of course," he replied. "What would you like?" Harry shivered, watching the runnels of water against Draco's flushed cheek. "Please," Harry said again, dropping his head against Draco's leather-clad shoulder, thinking of his hotel room, of stumbling into Draco's store tomorrow, calling him Malfoy and pretending his days didn't revolve entirely around him, "Please don't leave. Please don't leave just yet."
gallows-bird - @jtimu
i want to describe this one with eight knife emoji's and nothing more. four chapters in and every single one individually has ruined my day. it's wonderful, dreary, just enough gray that you'll wonder if the glint you thought you saw was hope or just a trick of the light. highly recommend, misery loves company, come on through.
There hadn’t ever been anyone to soothe Harry’s hurts. To fuss over his skinned knees or brush his hair back from his temples with tender thumbs, too coo softly over a scrape. Comfort was something he’d learned secondhand, dear and hard-bought, and so sat there with his fingers twisted together, knuckles like knotgrass, and tried to wrench the words out. He wanted to touch, instinct told him that much, but he lacked the framework for how and where, and so he didn’t, and they sat there together in a thorny silence.
from love, obviously - @starsworth
counting even though bizarrestars is writing mostly (lovely! gender-explorative! wonderful! wolfstar and also black familial fic currently) not drarry because just god damn. an essential read for me. weirdo, phenomenal draco and the best teddy in the game, easily. hilarious but in that way where your breath snags after laughing really hard and the moment sort of echoes.
"You were kissing," Teddy says. "I saw it."  Harry's eyes sink shut for a moment, and he drags a hand through his hair, which Draco may have accidentally made a mess of, then he blows out a deep breath and opens his eyes. "That's—well, that did happen, yes. That was…something we did."  Teddy's eyes narrow. "I thought you were mortal enemies."  "Mortal enemies kiss…sometimes," Harry says weakly, clearly out of his depth here. He grimaces almost immediately after he says this, then seems to remember he's the adult out of the two of them and coughs, standing up taller. "Nevermind that, you'll understand when you're older."
close behind - @oflights
oh my whole fucking heart. destroyed! adrift! she died how she lived. reading this feels like listening to music, something sleek and melodic, and when i actually consider the masterfully-rendered level of complexity in the plot, it feels like trying to peer into the belly of an actively-playing grand piano. certainly does not hurt to be an enormous fan of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, orpheus and eurydice myth, and general suffering <3
“It’ll be all right,” Draco said again, and Harry swallowed the rest of his words. He couldn’t let them out here, in their bed, in their home; not yet. And his body didn’t know how to say what he wanted it to, not with Draco this close. Harry didn’t know how to tell Draco that they wouldn’t be all right, not in any language. Not yet.
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suzukiblu · 1 year
YJ core four polycule? [eyes emoji]
"So, like, polyamory," Cassie says, and Kon nearly falls off the couch.
"What?" he says.
"Polyamory," Tim repeats patiently. "Cassie and I have been discussing it. We both figured we were going to be the complicated ones here so we were just getting the 'complicated' out of the way in advance."
"You–discussing it?!" Kon chokes as Bart visibly brightens next to him. They're both sitting on the couch in the Titans Tower rec room. Tim and Cassie are standing side by side in front of them in their combined version of leader-mode, which Kon sort of hates and sort of loves and sort of wants to run away and die over.
"Oh thank god, I was worried you guys' socialization was gonna be weird about this," Bart says in obvious relief, clapping his hands together. "Like holy crap but literally everyone in this time period is just such total prudes. Uh. No offense. And like, no lie, the subjective time wait on you all finally figuring out that the four of us should all be kissing each other has been absolutely killing me."
"Sorry for the delay," Tim says with a faint smile that makes Kon's guts want to turn inside out in a good way, assuming that there's any possible "good way" to do something like that. And also, unfortunately, makes him want to throw up. "Cassie and I have been negotiating. And establishing some boundaries."
"Also working on a plan of attack to get us all on a date together," Cassie says. "Tim wanted to do a power point presentation, which I immediately vetoed. So like, there's absolutely a secret power point presentation that he thinks I don't know about if you two wanna see it."
"Yesplease!" Bart blurts immediately, sitting bolt-upright in his seat and looking delighted.
"Sure?" Kon tries, because maybe the power point thing will buy him enough time to stop freaking out.
It does not.
Tim has slides. And graphs. And pictures. And even a little speech prepared, too. He lists all sorts of absolutely dumb and totally weird reasons that they all obviously like each other and how they might all work well in a romantic relationship together and smiles again like four more times and the whole thing is like stupidly adorable and even color-coded and Kon's entire fucking heart breaks in his chest watching it.
He wants that. He wants the others to be right. Wants what Tim is currently pitching to the group of them in the middle of the tower rec room like this is a mission briefing or a battle plan or some stupid high school science class project. He's wanted exactly this for a genuinely fucking embarrassing amount of time, in fact.
But he can't give them that.
He's not . . .
Kon swallows. It hurts. Bart vibrates with glee beside him and Cassie hides a little grin behind her hand and Tim smiles at all of them again as he switches slides. They're all being so cute. All being so sweet. All being so perfect.
Kon wants to kiss all three of them and wrap his arms all the way around them all at once and never, ever let go of a single fucking one of them, not for anything.
But he can't give them what they're asking him for.
Which was fine, before they actually went and asked him for it. It was fine when it was just him pretending to himself, just him being greedy and weird and thinking stupid little secret thoughts that would never see the light of day or actually amount to anything. That never could've actually amounted to anything.
It's not fine anymore.
It's not fine anymore, and Kon can't be okay with that anymore.
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foolishlovers · 10 months
18. 😭 - please! I need some hard angst recs 👀
here, have some angsty fics 🥺💜
18. 😭 - a fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
in the house we remain (M, 48k) by commodorecliche
Aziraphale buys a quiet cottage in the middle of the English countryside. It is perfect in every way: old-style, quaint, surrounded by wilderness, with a small water feature in the back and a price to rival that of any other property he's seen. He is in love from the moment he sees it. But when a mysterious set of books, all written by unknown author A.J. Crowley, appears on his book shelf, Aziraphale begins to wonder if there is perhaps more to this house than he'd originally believed. The truth can be buried, but it cannot stay hidden forever.
Flowers From The Grave Of Our Friendship (E, 50k) by WaitingToBeBroken
Crowley is very good at temptation, not so good with what comes afterwards. Aziraphale knows demons don't love so he is happy to take anything Crowley would give him. Both of them are too blind to realize the thing they want is right in front of them.
amaretto (E, 69k) by goosewriting
“Demons have laws?” Aziraphale asks, head cocked to the side.  “Well, insofar as nature has laws, yes. Is that your final request? Is that what it’ll be?” Aziraphale takes a moment to contemplate this. “Yes.”  Crowley nods, then holds the pad of his thumb out to Aziraphale’s mouth. “Lick it,” he commands. “Excuse me?” Aziraphale squeaks. Crowley notes that this is the first time Aziraphale has been outwardly puzzled at literally anything Crowley has done.  “In order for a demonic contract to be solidified, there needs to be a mixing of biological matter, and I’m assuming you’re not into bloodletting,” Crowley says, eyes wide. He’s been wrong before. ------- Aziraphale, a human, has grown used to being alone.  Everything changes for him when a unique occult relic falls into his hands and loops him into a contract with a mild-mannered (if a bit snarky) demon named Crowley. 
Green Things Are Flowers Too (E, 60k) by summerofspock
“Oh yes,” Crowley said breezily. “This is my husband, Francis. He’s a gardener by trade. We were hoping you might have an opening. An estate such as this.” Aziraphale gaped from where he stood on the stoop, feeling his heart speed up. Husband? Francis? Gardener? He’d never agreed to any of this! ** In which Aziraphale and Crowley pretend to be married while they stay at the Dowlings as Nanny and Francis.
send me a number or emoji for a good omens fic rec!
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renegadeontherunn · 3 years
Me again. I'd actually really like to hear your thoughts about fine on the outside by Priscilla Ahn besides the obvious bc well this song is just very fitting— did you have any specific thoughts? And cassiopeia by anju? Mostly coz I didn't know that song before :')
!!!! of course!!!! I would love to, thank you so much for the ask!!!!! :'))))
okay, so fine on the outside first!
I mostly put this song on there bc of this section:
so I just sit in my room after hours with the moon / and think of who knows my name / would you cry if I died / would you remember my face?
just because like. after ahsoka left the order I can just imagine how sad and heartbroken and just homesick she felt and it's so sad!!! and we don't really get to see that in the show, and I feel like this line is specific to obi-wan and ahsoka because I think it's obvious that she knows that anakin still supports her and loves her and he stood by her the whole time. but with obi-wan, at least to her, it doesn't seem like that so much. and having to leave everything behind with seemingly no word or support from obi-wan, who was very much a partial master to her too??? idk I just feel like ahsoka would be questioning everything after she leaves and especially obi-wan's part in it.
but as for the rest of the song, I like to think that while, yes, anakin and ahsoka are extremely similar, she's also similar to obi-wan in some aspects and I feel like this song represents some of those similarities pretty well, specifically in their similarities growing up! like they both had challenging times as initiates and their starts to being a padawan, and idk I just like to think that their childhoods were similar. I'm not super familiar with obi-wan's history in canon, but I feel like both he and ahsoka were fiery little upstarts that maybe didn't have "that many friends growing up" and I definitely feel like they both had to learn to mask their inner turmoil, especially in regards to anakin. and also bc they've been through a lot!!! and they both had to just be "fine on the outside" bc they had jobs to do and they wanted to support anakin, especially towards the end and after where he fell apart, but they had to continue on and be "fine on the outside." I also think it's super interesting to think about them talking to vader in the section I mentioned above (so I just sit in my room . . .) and to think about how much of anakin is still in there--think of who knows my name (vader in rebels with the "Ahsoka." YIKES) / would you cry if I died / would you remember my face? so yeah! that's that for this one :')
and now for cassiopeia by anju!
this one, like fine on the outside, is sort of about the vibes of the song that make me think of obi and soka, but there are some specific lines.
i'm just a little confused / what to think of us
this is so ahsoka post wrong jedi. just like confused and betrayed and angry, but still sad to leave and missing him and just! especially coupled with the lines before that saying "for once in my life i don't know how to feel" as in, for once she doesn't know how to feel about them bc she never imagined that this would happen, it's always "we'll be fine as long as we stay together" and "our padawan" so it's just really startling & confusing to suddenly have this happen and not know what to think.
am I dreaming / is it even you / cassiopeia?
so for this, I'm thinking their reunion again. the disbelief and surprise and slight doubt of is that really you, are you really alive, am I dreaming? would 100% be them if they saw each other again
constellate our fears with cinnamon sticks / let's connect the stars / help me hold the heavy parts of a heart / feel me from afar
I also just really like all the space & star references in this song, which gives me very much obi and soka vibes and also bc star wars lol but anyway! with this line, I feel like it shows how obi-wan sort of helped ahsoka as a padawan in a war, and anakin did too obviously, just the "help me hold the heavy parts of a heart" really speaks to obi and soka I think :')
many moons of waiting on a steady sun / now I freeze in fear / merge out fingernail horizons / swear you'll catch my tears / maybe sometime you can teach me / how to hold on to your hand / maybe next time when I'm bleeding / I can call across the sand
this!!!!! this part gets me again with reunion thoughts!!!!! obi-wan waiting, even knowing that it'll never happen, just the slightest bit of hope that he'll see her again, the "now I freeze in fear" I can literally see it in my head that's THEM REUNITING AHHHHHHH. and just like! the softness of this bit and like relieved, incredulous crying and just!!! this is them reuniting!!!! and I feel like the second part they could both be saying to each other, "maybe sometime you can teach me . . ." and "maybe next time when I'm bleeding . . ." maybe they don't have to be alone anymore!!!! and! "call across the sand" ajklsdkljas I know that's extremely literal but still!!!! they found each other again!!!!
and yeah just like, I feel like this is a nice obi and soka line throughout their entire relationship, including a reunion (if they had one):
am I dreaming / is it even true / cassiopeia / show me what I'm meant to do
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dakotacrisis · 5 years
For Better or Worse (4)
It had been about a week since that day on the Seine. Marinette and Adrien were taking things slow as agreed. Little moments and actions to help ease them into their new relationship. Not that they did any of it in public. They wanted to keep this to themselves until they could truly define what exactly this was between them. It was also nice to have this time alone without outside interference or opinion to rain on their happiness. They hadn’t even told Alya or Nino yet. Not that the pair hadn’t been digging at them for information about what happened that day. But Adrien and Marinette agreed that this was something to be kept in the utmost of secrecy for now.
It was actually going rather well. They got their good morning texts complete with too many emojis and their late night goodnight phone calls. They’d find cute notes tucked inside their lockers. Adrien tried to walk her home most days before he had to race back to his own house.
The relationship had also gotten them to relax around each other a whole lot more. It took a couple days of whispered pet names, and hesitant touches, but they had fallen into a comfortable rapport. Adrien liked giving her pet names whenever possible and Marinette found herself tracing patterns on the back of his hand when they were sat near each other. It wasn’t much but it was a promising start.
If anyone suspected that something more was going on they didn’t ask. Discuss about it behind their backs via group chats? Yes. Was there a betting pool going on? Most likely. Did Chloe call him in a fit demanding answers once the rumor got to her? Of course.
Through it all though Adrien and Marinette had their own bubble that no one could pop.
So of course the moment they were finally happy something had to come along and ruin it.
Marinette’s phone pinged alerting her she had received a text. With bleary eyes she reached for her phone and smiled when she saw it was Adrien.
Morning sleepy head, do you wanna have breakfast together?
She rubbed the last of the sleep from her eyes and texted him back.
Good morning! I’d love to! Where were you thinking?
Your place?
Are you inviting yourself over to my house at the crack of dawn? I thought we were keeping this from the parents.
Can’t a good friend come over for breakfast? ( O ^ O )
I guess a very good friend wouldn’t be amiss in this house ( > ν o) How are you getting out of the mansion?
I have my ways
Is this in any way going to get either of us in trouble?
Perish the thought. I would never risk your reputation
I’ll tell my parents you’re coming over and I’ll make sure my dad doesn’t go overboard. See you soon, sunshine! Xoxo
Can’t wait! See you soon, doodle bug! <3
“Doodle bug?” Tikki whispered in Marinette’s ear.
“Because I doodle a lot.” Marinette hid her face in her pillow. “Shut up.”
“It’s cute.” Tikki patted her head, “Now you should tell your parents he’s coming over, right?”
“Yeah, I’m going,” she squirmed out from under her sheets and popped downstairs to tell her parents Adrien was coming over for breakfast.
“Awe!” Her mom cooed, “Are you two finally together, sweetheart?”
“Mom!” Marinette flustered, “It isn’t like that. We’re just friends.”
She knew she could tell her parents the truth. They would keep it a secret and would be really happy for her. With everything going on though it just seemed like another step forward that her and Adrien weren’t quite ready for. In time they would tell the parents but not today.
“Of course, dear,” Her mom said, “Sorry to presume. You go get ready, we’ll get breakfast started.”
“Thanks mom, dad, love you!” she sped back up to her room and started getting ready. It was only breakfast so she didn’t need to dress elaborately but she also didn’t want to be bumming it when Adrien came over. She really didn’t want to put on jeans today though. Black sweatpants and chic oversized sweater it was!
A knock on the door sent Marinette shooting down the stairs and careening around her parents to get to it before they did. She opened it and Adrien was waiting patiently on the other side. While he may have been dressed properly for public his hair was all messy as if he had barely taken a brush to it after he woke up.
“Hi,” Marinette giggled as she started to smooth out his bedhead, “Nice to see you groomed before coming to my house.”
“Nice to see you dressing up for our breakfast date.” he quipped back.
“My house, I get to dress however I want.” Marinette crossed her arms, “You should be grateful I deigned to change out of my pajamas for you.”
“If you wanted me to crawl into bed with you that badly you could have just said so.”
“Adrien!” Marinette’s face pulsed red, “You can’t make those kind of jokes where my parents may hear you.”
“What? What did I say?” he frowned, confused, “Is it so bad to want early morning cuddles with my girlfriend?”
“Oh! Cuddling. That’s what you meant.”
“What did you think I was talking about?”
“Nothing. It’s not important. You wanna come in for breakfast?”
“Yeah, but I still want to know what you thought--”
“Mom! Dad! Look, Adrien is here!” she pulled Adrien in and shoved him in front of her parents.
“Good morning, Adrien.” her mom smiled at him, “Go on and take a seat. Would you like anything to drink? Juice? Tea? Milk?”
“Orange juice please.” Adrien took the offered chair next to Marinette.
The food was soon ready and everyone gathered round to start eating. At first a little nervous Marinette bumped Adrien to let him know that he could have as much as he wanted. Her dad always did make enough food for even the biggest appetites.
“So, Adrien,” her dad said, “How are you? School going well?”
Adrien paused, a little caught off guard by the question. “School is going very well.” he answered, “Can’t complain.”
“That’s good. What about outside of school? Marinette tells us you have a lot of extracurriculars that you devote your time to.”
“It can be a pretty full schedule but I enjoy my extra activities most of the time. I think my only wish is that I could have a little more free time to spend with my friends.” And girlfriend, Adrien thought to himself. He knew it had only been a week but he was itching to be able to take Marinette on a real date. Not just a video-call afternoon in the park or a study date in the library with Alya and Nino keeping a keen eye on the pair. A real date...in person...maybe a nice dinner where they didn’t have to pretend nothing was going on.
Maybe at the end of the date he could even give her a kiss. Not just on the cheek or hand like he’d been doing. A real kiss. The thought both thrilled and terrified him. What if he went in for the kiss and missed? What if he was bad at it? Sure he had kissed Ladybug a couple times but it wasn’t like he could remember any of them! What if he really was bad? What if something he ate made his breath smell? What if--
“Adrien.” Marinette poked him, “You still with us?”
“Sorry.” he blushed. He was getting all worked up about a kiss he had yet to give. “I was letting my mind wander. What were we talking about?”
“I’m given to understand you speak Chinese.” Mrs. Sabine said, “Well enough to translate for my uncle when he visited months ago.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Adrien said, “Father had me start lessons a couple years ago. He said it was important to be able to speak more than one language.”
“And how did you decide on Chinese?”
“Well, truthfully, I wanted to learn Japanese. But father said that I would be more likely to need to know Chinese so we went with Mandarin instead.”
“Does your intention of learning Japanese have anything to do with your obsession with anime?” Marinette smirked into her glass.
“I wouldn’t say it’s an obsession.”
“The three page rec list you gave me when I asked for anime/manga titles wasn’t obsessive?”
“You happen to be a fan of some quality entertainment--”
“It was color coded by genre and your personal rating of the series.”
“Like you have room to talk, Marinette.” Her dad said, “You have that huge calendar in your room that is not only color coded but meticulously updated with your ever changing schedule as well as your friends’ schedules.”
“Wow.” Adrien grinned, “Marinette, you’re a huge dork.”
“Come at me weeb!”
“Children.” her mom interrupted them, “No shouting at the table.”
“Sorry mom.” Marinette went back to her food. Her mom and Adrien started a conversation in Chinese that Marinette could barely follow. She had started learning more so that she could better communicate with her relatives back in China when she ever got to meet them. She still had a ways to go before she could hold a full conversation though.
“Not bad,” her mom nodded, “You speak Chinese rather well if not a bit too clunky and formal for normal conversation. That’s something you can only get over with repeated interaction with a native speaker really.”
“Not a whole lot of native Chinese around to practice with.” Adrien shrugged.
“I guess that means you’ll have to stop by more often.” Her mom had that plotting glint in her eye behind that sweet smile.
“I’d like that a lot.” Adrien beamed.
Unfortunately breakfast had to end and Adrien received an notification he had a fencing lesson to go to soon. He’d have to sneak back into the house before anyone came to check on him. He said goodbye to Marinette’s parents and walked downstairs with her to the door.
“Thanks for having me,” Adrien told her, “Breakfast with your family is way more entertaining than eating by myself back home.”
“My parents certainly enjoyed having you around.” Marinette said.
“Just your parents?” he leaned in closer to her.
“Maybe someone else did too. I wasn’t paying much attention.”
“And what could have possibly be splitting your attention?”
“Just some cute blonde sitting next to me.” she pushed his face back with her finger, “I wish we could do stuff like this more often.”
“When we let people know we’re dating we can.” Adrien assured her, “In the mean time I hope you can be happy with video-call dates and secret notes between class.”
“I’m already happy.” she held his hand. Her gaze focused on their intertwined fingers.
“Marinette,” Adrien tilted her chin up so she was looking at him, “I wish I could give you more.”
His face came closer and a little bell in her head started to sound. Was he going to kiss her? Okay, Marinette, don’t panic! Relax. You know how to kiss. You’ve done it plenty of times before! It’s just your first kiss with Adrien. Stop shaking you absolute scaredy cat!
Adrien pressed a kiss to her forehead instead.
Oh. That was new. Usually he only kissed her cheek. She didn’t think something as small as a kiss on the forehead could make her even more of a mess.
“I’ll talk to you after fencing practice.” Adrien told her. “See you later, doodle bug.”
“Yeah…” Marinette was still mooning over the sweet gesture, “Talk to you later, sunshine.”
Marinette went back upstairs to find her parents cleaning up breakfast and whispering animatedly. “Whatcha talking about?” Marinette went to help them.
“Oh nothing dear,” her mom assured her. “It was nice of you to invite your friend over for breakfast.”
“He more or less invited himself but it wasn’t like I was gonna tell him no.” Marinette said.
“Because you two are dating?” her dad guessed.
“What?” Marinette tried to play it off, “Of course not. I already told you it wasn’t like that.”
“Marinette,” her parents gave her a sympathetic look, “If that’s true then you may want to tell him that cause it was obvious he was very smitten with you.”
“We’re just good friends.” she insisted.
“Did you lie because you were scared your father would go overboard again?” her mom asked.
“No! I mean--I didn’t lie! There’s nothing...going on...um…” it felt gross lying to her parents. “Fine. We’re dating. But we didn’t want to let anyone know yet because we didn’t want anyone interfering.”
“Oh sweetie,” her parents hugged her, “We’re sorry for prying. We couldn’t help but be curious. If this secret relationship means that much to you then we promise we won’t breathe a word of it to anyone or interfere.”
“It’s not like I didn’t want to tell you but it’s already pretty delicate and new.” she relaxed in their arms, “You promise you’re not upset?”
“Nothing to be upset over.” they gave her one final squeeze before releasing her. “You make an adorable couple.”
“Thanks.” Marinette blushed, “And you promise you won’t tell anyone? I haven’t even told Alya yet.”
“What’s there to tell?” her dad tapped his chin, “That a friend of yours came over for breakfast?”
Marinette breathed out in relief and continued to help her parents clean up. This was shaping up to be a pretty good day.
True to his word Adrien called her after fencing practice and she admitted that she told her parents they were dating after he left. He wasn’t upset with her which was a relief. It was inevitable that someone was bound to figure it out sooner or later. Thankfully it was just her parents and not some paparazzi or crazed fan.
“How did they figure it out?” Adrien asked.
“They said that you were too smitten to be anything less than my boyfriend. That and if we weren’t in fact dating then I should tell you since you didn’t seem to be aware.” Marinette laughed.
“Do you think we’re that obvious at school?”
“Hard to say, I don’t know how we look when we interact at school. I think because we’re much more wary of the eyes watching us there it isn’t as bad as when it was just us eating with my parents in the privacy of my house.”
“That’s good. Don’t want the news getting out to everyone too soon.” Adrien paused, “Hold on a second, Nino’s calling me.”
“It’s fine. If I don’t hear from you again today then sweet dreams and a good night, sunshine.”
“It’s three in the afternoon.”
“And we both have very busy schedules. I don’t know if we’ll talk again before bedtime.” There was a frantic knocking on Marinette’s front door. “Someone’s at the door. Bye, Adrien.”
“Well, sweet dreams if I don’t hear from you later,” Adrien chuckled, “Goodbye, Marinette.”
They hung up and Marinette went downstairs to see who was banging on her door. She opened it and Alya rushed in nearly plowing over her.
“Alya!” Marinette jumped out of her way, “What is--”
“Do you have something to tell me?” Alya was pacing the living room. Her phone clutched tightly in her hand and her hair even more of a mess than usual.
“What is going on?” Marinette didn’t know what Alya was doing looking like a madwoman in her house. “Not that I don’t love seeing you, Alya, but what on earth are you doing here?”
“Don’t try and act dumb, Marinette,” Alya pulled up something on her phone and shoved it in Marinette’s face, “Care to explain this photo circulating around every social media platform?”
“What are you…” Marinette trailed off as she took in what she was seeing. It was a picture of Adrien and Marinette outside her house this morning. Granted it was a great candid photo of Adrien kissing Marinette’s forehead but who took it?
“Oh no.” Marinette didn’t dare look at the comments. “Who posted that!”
“I think what is more important,” Alya took her phone back, “Is the fact that you and Adrien are dating and didn’t tell me! Your best friend!”
“Alya, you don’t understand.” Marinette pulled out her phone. Already her Instagram was flooding with comments from jealous fans. “This is so bad! We weren’t telling anyone about this for a reason! Now everyone knows.”
“Okay, calm down,” Alya pulled the phone out of Marinette’s hands and set it down on the counter, “You’re freaking out and that’s partially my fault for coming at you full force. Everything will be alright.”
“How can I relax?” Marinette started doing little circles around the coffee table, “Adrien hasn’t even told his dad that we’re dating. You know how controlling he can be. What if he forbids Adrien from seeing me? I already have so much on my plate right now, Alya, I can’t handle any secret dating or star-crossed lover tropes in my life.”
“Marinette!” Alya grabbed her and forced her to sit on the couch, “You need to chill. Look at me, take a deep breath, and try to relax. You are blowing the situation out of proportion.”
“You’re right,” Marinette unclenched her fists, “It’s not that bad...right?”
“Some jealous fans leaving comments on your Insta are not worth the freak out. Don’t worry about Adrien’s dad being a jerk or anything like that.” Alya rubbed her back, “The only thing I want to know is every little detail about your new relationship with Adrien.”
“Alya,” Marinette let out a tired laugh, “Give me a moment to breathe. I just found out my relationship’s been outed to the public when we were supposed to be keeping it ourselves. I need a minute.”
“Okay. Take your time.” Alya leaned in closer and whispered, “I knew he was going to choose to date you.”
“You are hopeless.” Marinette chuckled. “And I suppose I have been dying to tell you about it so get comfortable. You are going to love this.”
(1) (2) (3) (5)
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chloemill · 5 years
On threesomes, tacos and The Office
Well, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? (-me, every single goddamn blog I write) I’m not going to wax poetic on my lack of motivation because, well, I do that every single post and also every single day in the prison of my own mind BUT! Here I am. Let’s just get on with it.
As most of you know, I am single. [thunderous applause from the crowd] please… please, thank you so much, please let me finish. After a solid consecutive five-ish years spent in back-to-back relationships, before which I’d been a crippingly insecure college student content to desperately make out with whatever pasty and emotionally stunted upperclassman would squeeze my boob, I’d never really dipped my toes into the dating app world until the last seven months or so. And I have to say: I am… well? I’m disgusted. It’s no secret that women on the apps match with exponentially more men than the other way around, and given what I’ve seen of men’s profiles, it’s not hard to see why. Men are out here in the virtual streets acting like goddamn buffoons and still expecting sex to be bestowed upon them. It’s a travesty, and nevertheless, it persists. It’s often said you need to be the change you wish to see in the world. So I’ve decided to take matter into my own hands. I present to you: my definitive list of dating app pet peeves.
- The Office quotes. I have to get it out of the way first, or it’ll gnaw at my soul. We all love The Office. It’s one of the greatest comedies of all time. So great that every fucking idiot this side of the Mississippi lists it as one of their top three TV shows. Cut it the fuck out. No mention of it! No “assistant to the regional manager”, no “looking for the Pam to my Jim”, no “Employed at: Dunder Mifflin”, please, for the love of God, shut the fuck up. At this point I’d honestly rather see a blurry, unhygienic and unsolicited dick pic than read “Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica” in some mediocre looking Brayden’s profile. Oh, and if you think you’re off the hook because you quoted Parks and Rec instead? You’re fucking not, Tanner. Watch another show.
- “Kid not mine!!!!!!” Yes, my instinct was that a 24-year-old named Brett on a dating app created for the primary purpose of fucking strangers was going to upload a picture of his infant child as his main photo for which to attract female mates. I’m glad you clarified
- Grown, of age, adult, matured, human men using Snapchat filters and/or boomerangs. This might be the biggest one of all, and that’s saying something. A photo of a man with an artificially round cherub face and giant virtual sparkly anime eyes or, even worse, a squinty boomerang trying desperately to accentuate his weak jawline… sends a chill down the spine. I hate to perpetuate gender roles, but I feel I’m justified in saying straight men aren’t allowed to use Snapchat filters. And boomerangs are only for hot girls making kissy faces and clinking their drinks together - at this point, it’s basically cultural appropriation to use them if you don’t fit that profile. Please, I beg of you, summon a shred of goddamn dignity from the depths of your broken soul and delete the boomerang.
- Jumping off of that last one: emoji use. Again, I mean, I hate to impose the confines of traditional masculinity on anyone, but the monkey-covering-his-eyes emoji has never helped anyone seal the deal. I mean that.
- “Not looking for anything serious” Chad, you have the Macklemore haircut and are wearing American flag swim trunks. I promise you, no one assumed you were looking for something serious
- Mentioning tacos/pizza/[insert delicious and popular food item here]. Look, I am a feminist, and in the spirit of equality I must point out that women pioneered this trend and still perpetuate it heavily - a pattern sociologists have termed the “touch my butt and feed me tacos phenomenon”. However, men have latched onto it in what I can only assume is an eleventh-hour attempt to draw in this demo. Please cease and desist. Everyone likes tacos, Caleb
- The other day I saw a guy on Hinge say his ideal dinner guest was Peter Kavinsky and I’ve never seen anyone else say that but honestly fuck you dude. Fuck you
- When guys are trying to stay anonymous and post a low-quality shirtless torso pic without showing their face…? Has anyone ever actually swiped right on that? I kind of respect the blind confidence, but still.
- ”[insert height here]… because I’ve been told it matters” stop with the qualifier, just tell us how tall you are and go, you coward. Honestly, I think the ideal male dating app profile for me is just 3 grainy vaguely attractive pictures and “6’3” as a bio.
- “In town for the weekend… show me around?” Firstly, that sounds absolutely harrowing. Secondly, I’d respect you more if you just said “in NYC for 24 hours and trying to get it in” than pretend like you’re searching for Sacajawea to show you the new world. It’s NYC. Google it
- Any of the following descriptors: easygoing, laid-back, outgoing, “loves travel/fine dining/yoga/hiking/Netflix/some other generic hobby white people like to talk about”, intelligent, chill, fun, low-key, “up for whatever”, hard-working, humble, etc. These are not bad qualities per se, but anyone who describes themselves as such is 110% guaranteed to be deeply boring.
- I was just swiping to find some more overused descriptive phrases and someone’s bio was “the Earth is cylindrical”… you have my attention, sir
- Guys with accents specifying in their profile that they have an accent. I cannot tell you what an enormous boner killer this is. Do you know what’s a huge turn ON? Being into a guy and then meeting him for the first time and realizing he has a sexy ass accent. You know what’s not a huge turn on? A random English dude you didn’t match with leaving you a 45-second Instagram voice DM (this is a thing somehow) in which he hits on you and then goes “oh… and yeah… I have an accent. Crazy, isn’t it?” Yes, this really happened. Still accepting thoughts and prayers.
- Couples looking for threesomes. This is a delicate process and making a joint profile with “she’s bicurious. He’s straight. We both like kissing girls. Looking for someone to explore with :)” is not only cringeworthy as all motherfuck, but completely ineffective. Listen, I get it. I get that after four years, Tommy and Kayleigh are trying to spice things up. Order a pair of fuzzy handcuffs on Amazon and leave me the hell out of it. Also - every single one of these couples has a very… wide male/female attractiveness margin. Kayleigh can hit me up on her own.
I’m going to stop here because I’m just making myself depressed at this point. It’s really a jungle out there. The truth of it is we’re all braver than the goddamn troops every time we swipe, and I salute each of you out there in the trenches with me. May your monkey emojis be infrequent and your threesome requests be infrequent-er! If worse comes to worse, there’s always arranged marriage.
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dreamilyzealousbird · 7 years
Happy Valentine’s 2k18
so I dedicate this fic to my dear Valentine @fiery-feyre <3
Happy Valentine’s day! I hope you enjoy it.
(quick shout out to my lovely @rowaelinsmut for helping me edit. TYSM <3)
Elain’s wedding was in a week, and Nesta dreaded the day for a different reason other than the fact that her little sister was marrying Lucien, of all people. She hadn’t been able to find a date, which meant getting set up with Lucien’s brother. She wanted to avoid that situation at all costs, but also didn’t want to upset Elain. Feyre had a date and she had suggested she could introduce Nesta to her new boyfriend’s brother but Nesta had quickly shut that down. She would have to figure out something later. It was time for zumba class at the rec center, so with one last look at the mirror to check her hair was secure in a ponytail, she grabbed her keys and left.
The rec center was busy and Nesta hoped she wouldn’t run into the insufferable brute who was always working out outside the dance room. Of course, it wasn’t totally his fault he happened to be a personal trainer there. Nesta met Cassian a year ago, when she started attending zumba class. He was showing a client the proper way to do a squat and he caught her checking out his butt. Needless to say, he had teased her endlessly until she had muttered a string of curses at him and it had all gone downhill from there; at least she thought so as he always found time to go out of his way and annoy her with his lame flirting tactics.
Cassian was eager to start the class. The instructor had called in sick, and since he was certified in zumba, the manager asked him to step in. He knew his friend Nesta would be there. She never missed a class, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she saw him standing there. Nesta had something in her fiery blue-grey eyes that enticed him. She commanded the room with her presence, and he loved to work her up. Her words never ceased to awaken a primal instinct in him. Since the first day he had set eyes on her, his thoughts always seemed to drift to that woman, Nesta.
As Nesta entered the room, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Why of all days, did he have to be here? He was standing there in all his glory like a war God… wait what? What was she thinking?  
“What are you doing here Cassian?” she asked him.
He turned to address her, “I’m your zumba instructor today,” he smirked at her.
She decided that it wasn’t worth putting up with this insufferable man; she would just miss today’s class. Besides, watching all these people swoon over him put her in a bad mood.
“Leaving already, Nes? I never thought you’d back away from a challenge.”
Ugh. “I don’t,” she answered reluctantly.
“Then stay here, I bet you’ll enjoy my dancing more.”
There was no way she would survive this class. Nesta decided she would stand at the back of the room, where there was less of a chance of him looking at her dancing; even with the large mirrors at the front of the room.
“Welcome everyone, my name is Cassian, and I’ll be your instructor today. Let’s get started, and make sure you have fun!“
The song Havana by Camila Cabello came on the sound system, and Cassian started moving to the rhythm. Nesta gaped; the way he moved to the music, his hips swaying side to side; the muscles under his shirt rippling in such a sensual way that had her cheeks burning. She needed to stop staring or he was going to tease her. Again.
Cassian couldn’t stop the smile growing on his face. The beautiful way Nesta blushed at the way he moved was adorable. She was exquisite; he was captivated by her eyes and the way she pretended not to look at him. Today, today would be the day he asked her out. Maybe when she was working he would casually stop by the library and ask her to recommend a new book. Yes, perfect plan.
Nesta walked out of the dance classroom as fast as her legs could manage. She needed a very long, very cold shower after that session. Nobody should be allowed to look that good while sweating - which only made her think of other ways he could work up a sweat. No! She needed to stop thinking about Cassian. She had to get ready for work if she didn’t want to be late.
The library was quiet as usual. Nothing better to relax with than sorting books, and the scent of the pages waiting to be read. This was her favorite place to be. As Nesta walked back to her desk, she saw a familiar pair of red sneakers peeking out from behind the furniture.
“Hey there Nes,” he smiled that crooked smile she loved.
“What can I help you with today?” She asked with poise.
“I actually wanted to ask you if there was any book you could recommend me?”
“Okay, what kind of genre do you like to read?”
Cassian pondered for a bit before answering, “I like mostly nonfiction, memoirs, history. Lots of informational stuff.”
Alright, she was not expecting that answer.
“Have you read Night by Elie Wiesel? It’s not new but it is the story of a holocaust survivor. It is an amazing read.”
Something like surprise flitted across his eyes before disappearing. “Actually I haven’t read it. Can you help me find it?” he asked.
“Of course.”
As Nesta and Cassian walked back to the bookshelf, she couldn’t help but shiver every time she felt the ghost of his breath on her bare shoulder. She found the book, and as she turned around, she found him staring at her with what she thought looked like longing in his eyes.
“Here you go.” She handed the book to him, and his fingers brushed against hers, and she felt her belly flutter in response.
“Thank you, Nesta.”
She met his eyes and saw a question lingering there. She was about to turn to walk back to her desk, but he caught her off guard and then asked, “I was also wondering if maybe you would like to grab dinner with me sometime?”
He looked nervous and an idea popped into her head; one she would most likely regret later.
“Actually, I have a favor to ask of you. I need a date for my sister’s wedding. Would you be willing to pretend to be my boyfriend for a night?”
Cassian couldn’t move. He never thought she would actually consider going out with him, much less ask him to pretend to be her boyfriend.
“Sweetheart, are you sure you’re just wanting to pretend? I saw the way you were looking at me during zumba.”
Her eyes went round and that beautiful blush he so dearly loved made its way to her cheeks.
“Can you be serious for one minute? Look, if you can’t I understand, I’ll just ask someone else.”
No. No way was he going to let anyone else take his place.
“Yes, of course I’ll do it.” He saw the relief settle in her eyes.
“Good. So I’ll be wearing cream and gold. Make sure we match. The wedding is on the 7th at six o’clock. Pick me up at five. Don’t be late.”
“Yes, milady. But I don’t know where you live and I don’t have your number.”
She growled in frustration, then extended her hand, “I’ll type my number into your cell. Text me, and I will give you my address.”
Just like that, Cassian had Nesta’s number. Yes! He was doing a celebratory dance in his head; he had been trying to get it almost since the day he met her. He couldn’t wait to be Nesta’s boyfriend. Well, her pretend boyfriend, but maybe one day it would become reality.
Nesta was still pondering over what she had done.
“Cassian is my boyfriend,” she said out loud. What was she thinking? This was going to be a disaster. Just then, she received a text from a unknown number.
~Hey it’s Cassian :)
An emoji? Really? She answered him with her address and tossed her cellphone on her bed when another message came in.
~So do u have a date yet? - Feyre
~If not, we could set u up with some1 - Elain
Great. So they were group chatting.
~ No it’s ok, I’ll be attending with my boyfriend - Nesta
~ Since when? - Elain
~ No need to be so surprised, Fey. Yes, I have one and we’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks. You’ll meet him at the wedding. Goodnight! - Nesta
It was the day of the wedding and Cassian was nervous. He was wearing a grey suit with a crisp white shirt and a cream and gold striped tie. The same color as Nesta’s dress, which she had sent him a picture of so he could get the color right. He couldn’t wait to see her but he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to act around her. Instead of overthinking it, he grabbed the keys to his car and locked the door behind him. He just hoped that tonight was going to be a good one.
Nesta heard the doorbell ring. She couldn’t believe her sister was getting married today. She put her lipstick in her gold clutch, and looked one last time in the mirror. She had done her hair in long curls and one side was pinned back with a crystal comb. Her dress was long, with billowy layers, and also sleeveless, which meant she would need a wrap for the night chill. She walked to the front door and opened it. There he was, his hair out of his usual bun, and looking like the most handsome man she had ever seen.
“Hello, sweetheart,” he greeted her with a cocky smile, which she answered with one of her own.
“You ready?” He asked.
“Yes, just let me lock up quickly.” She closed the door and followed him to his car. Like a true gentleman, he opened the door and helped her in the passenger seat.
“So, I told my sisters we’ve been dating for a few weeks; we met at the rec center, and you asked me out, and I said yes after the third time.”
She refused to look at him while she lay this information on him; wary of how he may react to the story she concocted.
She heard him huff, then he said, “Alright love, whatever you say.”
“Don’t call me that,” she exclaimed.
“You’re my girlfriend for tonight, Nesta, we gotta make it believable. Do you trust me?”
And surprisingly, she did. “Yes.”
He then smiled at her and said, “let’s go party.”
The ceremony was beautiful. Elain and Lucien looked so in love and happy with all their family and friends surrounding them. Now they were moving inside for the party. The barn looked lovely. They had decorated it with twinkling lights strung from the rafters, and the tables had lace, with gerbera daisies, roses, and carnations of different shades adorning the center pieces.
She felt Cassian next to her, as he offered his arm to walk her to their table. It turned out that Cassian and Feyre’s new boyfriend were actually brothers; he was the one they had tried to set her up with. Cassian had answered with “It looks like we were meant to be, love,” to which she gave him a death glare which everyone thought that was hilarious. Cassian kissed her on the nose.
She was surprised at how attentive and caring he was towards her, but she couldn’t figure out if he was truly like this or just pretending. Nesta told herself to snap out of it. She would leave analysing his behavior for another day. Right now, she would bask in his company, which she seemed to enjoy more and more as the time passed by. Even on her worst days, he always found a way to make her smile, whether telling her a joke or relaying a funny story of him and his family. Maybe Cassian wasn’t so bad after all.
Cassian couldn’t stop touching her. He kept finding ways to hold her hand, brush his fingers along her bare shoulder, or place his hand on the small of her back as they walked back to their table after talking to yet another older couple; who seemed surprised that Nesta had a boyfriend.
“You would think they haven’t seen enough couples around that you and I shouldn’t shock everyone.”
He felt bad at how judgemental everybody -with the exception of his sisters- were being. She was a passionate woman, who deserved every bit of good things going her way, but nobody could see what he did.
“Don’t feel bad, Nesta, they’re just mad because I happen to have the most beautiful woman by my side tonight. Aside from the bride of course.” He quickly amended after she sent a glare his way.
“It’s just hard to know that I won’t be accepted unless I have a man by my side. Half of these people have never acknowledged me until they saw me walk in with you today.”
He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her she was worth all those people put together and more. Instead, he offered the next best thing. “Would you like some dessert? I know cake helps me feel better.”
She smiled at him, a genuine smile that warmed his insides. Cassian left her at their table and worked his way to the cake where Rhys and Feyre were doing butterfly kisses.
“Ew you two, get a room.”
Rhys gently shoved him and Feyre stuck her tongue out at him.
“So how is dear Nesta treating you? I hear she is quite a handful.”
Cassian glared at him. “She is amazing, and I would appreciate if you didn’t insult my girl. I’m here to get her cake because her family isn’t being very nice.”
Feyre frowned. “I swear they get worse every year. The only reason they haven’t hounded me is because Rhys keeps glaring at everyone.”
Rhys shrugged, “What can I say, I can be very intimidating.”  
“In your dreams, maybe. Now if you’ll excuse me, my Nesta is waiting for me.”
Nesta was actually having fun. Cassian had gone all out in convincing her family they were together. He had even participated in the garter toss and won. Now it was the ladies’ turn, and Elain was calling everyone to participate in the bouquet toss. She was only doing it because it was her sister, otherwise she would have gone to hide in the bathroom.
Now she was standing in the back among all the desperate old women looking to dance with her date. She was so distracted, that she didn’t notice when Elain tossed the bouquet and it landed at her feet. Everybody started cheering and she can’t help but glance at Cassian, who looked… relieved? Maybe it was just that he didn’t want to dance with old aunt Marge and was now free from her clutches.
As the dance floor cleared, Elain and Lucien walked Cassian towards her and announced, “And now my sister Nesta will share this dance with her man, Cassian!”
The song came on, and it was, of course, “You Can’t Hurry Love” by the Supremes - her mother’s favorite song. She would sing this song to the girls when they were young. Her eyes instantly welled up and Cassian looked at with concern clouding his eyes.
“Are you okay Nes?” He asked her.
She then decided to tell him the story of her mom. The song was nearing its end when she finished speaking, and people started chanting, “Kiss! Kiss!”  
“We might as well give them what they want.” Nesta suggested.
She didn’t think about the look that crossed his face; she stood on her toes and locked lips with him. The kiss was magical, like nothing like she had ever felt before. It ignited a spark in her she couldn’t seem to put out. The kiss was over too quickly for her liking, but she didn’t let it show.
Cassian held out a hand to her and they walked back to their table. He was very quiet after that, and Nesta couldn’t help but think she had done something wrong.
That kiss. Gods-damn him. He couldn’t get her taste and the feel of her lips off his mind. They were on their way home and she had been distant since they had shared that amazing kiss. He didn’t want to say anything to upset her and ruin their friendship, so he stayed quiet. They pulled up to her place, and he decided to break the silence.
“Are you okay? You seem upset.”
She turned her head towards him and answered, “Yes, I’m fine, just tired. It’s late and my feet hurt from dancing.”
“Let me walk you to you door.”
She nodded. He didn’t want the night to end yet, but he wasn’t sure that Nesta would invite him in.
“I had a wonderful time, Nes. Thanks for inviting me to your sister’s wedding. I’ll see you later?” he said, more question than statement.
She nodded, “Goodnight, Cassian.”
He gave her a kiss on the cheek and lingered for a few seconds before pulling away.
“Goodnight, Nes.” He just hoped he hadn’t ruined any chances he had of taking her out again. He knew what he would do. He would prepare something special to show her how much she meant to him. First though, he had to enlist the help of his friend.
Nesta missed her big brute. She hadn’t seen Cassian since the day after the wedding; they were both at the rec center, and it had been so awkward that she left him there without saying goodbye.
Today was Valentine’s day and she decided to bake her famous double chocolate brownies and pay him a visit. Maybe she would talk about the kiss and why she had been so distant. She messaged Feyre to get Cassian’s address from Rhys. She would explain to her later why she didn’t know where he lived.
She hoped Cassian would like her surprise. Nesta tentatively knocked on Cassian’s door, and a few seconds later, a woman with dark, cropped hair opened the door.
“Can I help you?” She asked Nesta.
She felt her eyes widen with surprise as she heard Cassian call, “Amren, who is it?”
She felt anger and sadness. She could barely discern Cassian’s form, as she felt her vision blur from her unshed tears. She walked back toward her car with a word and she could hear him calling after her, “Nesta, wait!”
Cassian shot his hand out and held on to her wrist. She turned to face him, “I just came by to see if you were doing okay, I can see now that I didn’t need to worry. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to leave.”
Confusion and concern marred his beautiful hazel eyes, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away.
“What are you talking about, Nesta? You’re the one who always pushes me away! I was actually on my way-”
Nesta blurted out, “I love you! Okay? I have for a while now, I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything but you clearly don’t feel the same way…” Cassian cut her off by kissing her. She was shocked at first, but she quickly returned the kiss, pouring all the love she felt for him against his lips.
Cassian was kissing Nesta. And she was kissing him back; and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. He finally pulled away from her and told her, “I’ve loved you since the day I met you. Also, Amren is a friend, so no need to get jealous.”
He winked at her, and she playfully rolled her eyes. Cassian sensed Amren and Varian walk behind him.
“See you later, lovebirds,” he heard Nesta chuckle and waved goodbye to the other couple.
“So, do you want to come in? I was actually preparing a surprise dinner for you and I see you brought dessert.”
A beautiful blush made its way to Nesta’s cheeks; his favorite look on her. They settled down after eating dinner, and for the next few hours, they talked about everything and nothing at all; just enjoying each other’s company. Finally with Nesta in his arms, settling into a comfortable slumber in his arms, Cassian knew there was nowhere he would rather be than holding the love of his life.  
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mojoflower · 7 years
Bodyswap in my various fandoms:  fic recs
Trust Fall by Stoney E, 144k.  Sterek.
Stiles is fairly certain that a case could be made for every bad thing in his life coming back to Peter Hale. This time it's pissing off a powerful witch, who retaliated by swapping Stiles and Derek a la Freaky Friday, because sure. That makes sense. Um, there are GPAs on the line, not to mention the whole thing where his dad wants to shoot Derek on sight. Except who he sees as Derek is actually Stiles, and Stiles did not sign up for filicide.  //  Great. Wait...does this mean he's the Alpha until they figure this out? Holy. Shit.  //  ****  //  Derek had stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a few minutes trying to control the panic as he saw himself as Stiles. As the loud mouthed human friend of the pack. He was going to kill Peter. He was going to kill the witch, then he was going to kill Peter. Maybe even resurrect him again just to kill him all over.  //  They were going to have to play this cool. They would have to stay calm and focused. Which is of course why the universe threw him into this situation with someone who physically couldn't be calm and focused.  //  Of course.
Note to self: I'm pretty sure this is the one I've been trying to remember where Stiles is always asking why no one wants him as a boyfriend, that he'd be such a good boyfriend:
“If people would just look, they'd see that how I am, who I am is pretty great, actually.” Stiles quietly cleared his throat past the lump that was forming and blinked rapidly. “I could be pretty great if someone would just let me be great for them.”
Fuzzy Logic by Sparseparsley E, 7k.  Sterek.
Derek and Stiles switch bodies because of wizard reasons and Stiles just wants to know what that awesome scent is.Derek and Stiles switch bodies because of wizard reasons and Stiles just wants to know what that awesome scent is.
Bonds of Power by Miya_Morana T, 18k.  Sterek.
When Stiles suddenly wakes up as an Alpha werewolf and finds out that Derek has become human, he reluctantly accepts Derek’s pack as his while they attempt to find out what exactly happened and how to reverse it. But as they all try to adjust to the situation, the Alpha Pack is breathing down their neck, and they’re going to need all the help they can get to face that threat.
Such a delicious premise! Felt like a kind of abrupt ending, I'd love to see this expanded, but definitely worth the read as is.
Might Not Make It Back by GotTheSilver E, 23k.   Sterek.
Bodyswap. Because of the fun.
copywritten (so don't copy me) by etben E, 13k.   Sterek.
"Oh, shit," Stiles says, and flops as far backward as their mysterious body-swap connection will let him.
hot and funny (omg, ALL THE BONERS)
I'll Walk with Your Wolf by iCheat no rating, 38k.   Sterek.
When Stiles wakes up in Peter's body, he's understandably freaked out. As Stiles starts connecting with the man's wolf, he can't help but reconsider his opinions of Peter. Needless to say, it's a rather confusing time for all involved.  //  For Day 5 of Steter Week, Body Swap.
Good story. I was most interested in Stiles' intrigtuiging ability to resist, and even direct both other Alphas (and so was Peter, lol) even when he was in werewolf Peter's body. I'd love to pursue that and see where Steter shake out in the Beacon Hills Pack, because they're kind of sneak Alphas, both of them. Stiles learned a lot about Peter by being in his body, because Peter's wolf stayed there (there's a funny scene, on the first full moon, where the Wolf tries to get his Mate and his Man together in one place and hunker down.)
Synchronicity by LadySlytherin E, 36k.  Drarry.
When Harry returns to Hogwarts to complete his final year of schooling, he does so with an unexpected new friend at his side - Draco Malfoy. An accident in potions leaves both boys in an unusual position, which leads to a friendly wager. The wager leads to revelations, realizations, and - in time - a happy resolution that no one was expecting. Well, almost no one...
Draco snorted. “As if that’s all of my personality.” He rolled his eyes. “Let me put it this way, Harry. You are, quite simply, not gay. And I am. Rather openly, since coming out to you and then everyone else. So unless you have some secret fashion sense and flamboyant urges you’ve been subduing, you won’t be able to manage this.” ... Harry huffed in annoyance. “You’re being ridiculous. Besides, I’m in your body, right? So the whole gay thing should come naturally. ... I think I’m feeling gayer already.”
Draco blinked several times, then said. “You’re a complete and utter twit. You cannot feel gayer simply because you’re in my body. My body isn’t gay, I am. ... If you’re feeling gayer, it’s got nothing to do with my body!” Draco snapped, moving closer to Harry in his fury. He itched to hex the other teen, but reminded himself sternly that doing so would only damage himself. “Especially as I don’t feel any less gay.”
“Are you saying my body is equally as gay as yours?” Harry frowned at that implication, not sure how he felt about it. “Because that’s ridiculous. I like girls.”
“I’m not saying anyone’s body is gay.” Draco pressed his fingers into his temples, trying to stave off the headache that was forming. “I’m saying I am gay, regardless of the switch. Therefore, you cannot possibly be gayer simply because you’re in my body right now. That’s patently ridiculous and more than your usual level of stupid.”
“Maybe you’re just so gay that it soaked into your cells.” Harry suggested, mostly because it was funny to watch Draco’s irritation twist his face into new expressions. “So now I’m stuck feeling all of the gay that’s surrounding me. Did you ever consider that? Because I think it’s a valid hypothesis.” Ignoring the way Draco had curled his hands into fists, he added. “In fact, I’m positive that’s what’s happening. I’ve woken up newly gay because of this whole switch and now I’ll have to explore just how gay I - which is to say, you - are.”
Draco snarled - literally snarled - before saying in a low, dangerous voice. “If you dare to pretend to be me, I swear I will convince everyone you are the biggest ponce to ever live simply by acting just as gay as I always do, while still pretending to be you. Don’t push me, Potter.”
My Only Hate by VivacissimoVoce M, 35k.   Drarry.
Harry has been cursed and now inhabits the wrong body. Draco Malfoy may be the only one who can help.
Hee, hee.
We're More Than Ordinary by digthewriter M, 13k.  Drarry.
After a freak accident, which was totally Potter's fault, Draco has to live as Potter for three days. It isn't a party for Harry, either.
Yellow Heart Emoji by HelloAfternoon E, 2.8k.  WIP.  Spideypool.
This had begun by accident at the zoo. Things exploded. People evacuated. Animals trumpeted and roared and bleated. Somewhere, Loki had giggled spectacularly.  //  Deadpool had thrown someone into the ape enclosure.  //  Peter had been thrown into the ape enclosure.
Ha! I love bodyswap, and this was delightful enough to make up for the fact that there is only one chapter. Go on, dive in, an unfinished fic won't kill ya: it's fun.
Displace by dontcareajot T, 10k, WIP.   Spideypool.
Peter thought he’d mentally prepared himself for… this. For seeing himself outside of himself. But it turns out he wasn’t prepared at all.  //  Wade evidently wasn’t prepared either. He looks Peter up and down, expression growing more and more incredulous. “What,” he says finally. “The fuck.”  //  (or, one of those body swap fics)
Aaaarrrgh, I love this. It's Peter's POV, and he's sweet, and reserving judgement, and kind of shocked at how much being Wade is actually physically painful, like, ALL THE TIME. And Wade is DELIGHTED to be Peter: to be young and pretty, but also, he's such a huge Spider-Man fanboy. And, just as they start sharing their lives and their thoughts and all that, ack, the story ends. Still worth reading, though. 4/?
Woke Up New by Zee (orphan_account) E, 22k.  Merthur.
Merlin and Arthur switch bodies; complications ensue.
Nice. The one where they switch, and Arthur figures out Merlin's magic because, oops, the magic stays in his body, and an angry Arthur accidentally levitates a chair. Also the one where Arthur starts to get off a little on being the servant and taking orders, and Merlin slowly wakes up to that.  [Dom/sub undertones.]
Buggre Alle This by Signe (oxoniensis) T, 12k.   Merthur.
"What now, then?" Merlin asks.  //  "Now, we sleep."  //  "Maybe we'll wake back up in our own bodies?" Merlin says hopefully.  //  "Yes, Merlin, that's what's going to happen. A powerful sorcerer has cast a spell over us, but it's just a harmless prank and it'll fizzle out in the night, and we'll wake up back to normal."
I love this author. You should also read "a tree and a bee and a flea, fiddle-dee-dee" (genderswap) here on AO3, and the fairy tale one where Merlin is the moon (which is only on LJ: The Prince and the Captured Moon).
And If You'll Come I’ll Take You Somewhere To Go by luninosity  T, 11k.  Cherik.
April Fools' Day mansion-fic. Which has to mean body-and-power-swap fic, right...?  //  “Yes,” Charles says, rather apologetically even though this can’t possibly be his fault, “you seem to be me. And I…well, I’m you. At the moment.”  //  “Charles,” Erik says, with what he considers quite remarkable patience under the circumstances, “how long is this going to last?”
Well, this was marvelous. Erik's POV, and he's a little ooc he's so utterly smitten, and his thoughts are something like Charles Charles so pretty Charles I'll protect him Charles Charles. It's kind of amazing he gets anything done, heh. And then they're switched, which turns out being rather more serious and unpleasant that you might guess, and there's some h/c, and some admissions, and some cuddling, and everything is lovely.
Amateur Theatrics by galaxysoup T, 27k.  Avengers.
In which Thor’s primary problem-solving method (a mighty blow from Mjolnir) fails to have the desired effect on a magical artifact, and his secondary method (a mightier blow from Mjolnir) proves to be actively disastrous.
Clint makes the absolute best Loki Daddy-uncle-brother-guardian-whatever. And kid!Loki is sweet as a pie. More or less.  [The bodyswap here, Bruce - Natasha, is pretty incidental.]
Being Dean Winchester by Anonymous E, 21k.  Destiel.
"You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of hell. I can throw you back in."  //  Who the fuck was this bitchy "warrior of God" doing talking to him like that? Fuck Cas-tee-el and his dumbass trench coat and abrasive motherfucking attitude.  //  Dean was done with this shit.  //  ***  //  Wherein a monster of the week steals the essence of Castiel's vessel, so he must use Dean, recently raised from hell, as a vessel instead.
Not technically a bodyswap so much as it is a bodyshare.  This is the one where Cas "assists" from inside Dean's head while he's with some girl, and then he lets Dean experience her viewpoint as well, and Dean notes that it's like Cas is fucking both of them... expertly, of course. It's pretty hot. Then they get to do it solo, later on. Nice.
Through Blind Men's Eyes by ladyblahblah E, 46k.  Spirk.
The obligatory Pon Farr story . . . with a bit of a twist.
absolutely gorgeous: sacrifice, angst, bodyswap (totally realistic, not at all intrusive), pon farr.... what more could a reader want?
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rootmacklin · 7 years
fic meme- self rec
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
Tagged by good ol @missparker
1. Of All the Things My Hands Have Held, the Best By Far Is You (Star Trek DS9)
In the morning, Kay sips her coffee at her desk, and the sounds of Herb and Douglas bickering are white noise until Herb slams his own empty mug down on the table, startling her. She looks up, and though it's been months it still feels like Benny should come walking through the door, asking for her report on their feud.
Across the room, Darlene isn't even pretending to work. Her chin rests in her hand as she watches the spectacle unfold before them. Herb is threatening to go to Galaxy for the second time this month and the seventeenth this year. Darlene keeps a tally in her desk drawer- threats to leave, items thrown, doughnut-related fits- and they all have a bet going to see who can predict the year-end totals.
Soon, Douglas will look in Darlene's direction and bark at her to get back to work, but for now, her attention is rapt. "You know I love a show," she always says, and as Kay watches her now she can't help but be charmed by the poorly-concealed delight on Darlene's face.
"What are we up to, now? Fifteen?" Jules asks, appearing beside her.
The smile slides off her face. Before she can answer, Douglas catches Darlene staring. "Miss Kursky!" he growls. "I don't pay you to sit around looking pretty!"
"Isn't that exactly what he pays her for?" Jules asks.
Kay looks up and glares at him. "You know, she's a lot smarter than you all give her credit for."
He pulls a chair over and sits down beside her, and she tries to remember that he is her friend and she never used to mind so much when he'd insert himself into her personal space. "I never said she wasn't smart," he says.
"But she's a secretary, and you're a brilliant writer, and you think that makes you better than her."
"I never said that, either," Jules says. "I know she's your best friend, Kay, but you needn't protect her from me. I think very highly of her."
Kay rolls her eyes and picks up her mug, swallowing down the rest of her coffee before it starts to get cold. Herb throws a pencil across the room. "I know," she tells Jules, but won't look at him.
2. All the Green in the Galaxy (Star Wars TFA)
At the base, it seems like word has gotten around- no one seems very surprised to see a small girl trailing behind the General.  They have plenty to say to each other about it, if the conversations that stop abruptly when she walks into a room are any indication.  She supposes it would be interesting enough, to an outsider.  Another surprise Skywalker, as if they just can't help appearing out of nowhere, once or twice a generation. She has never taken the name.  Luke is her brother, as surely as planets spin around their suns, but her parents were Bail and Breha Organa, her home was Alderaan, and she will honor them with the name they gave her.  She realizes- she hasn't asked Rey her mother's name.  She doubts Rey has been going by the name Skywalker, and the information turned up by the Resistance in their search for Luke had been sparse: a daughter, Rey, age five, alone. "Aunt Leia?" Rey asks.  "Are you very important?" "Important?" "I mean, are you everyone's boss?  They all talk to you like you're their boss." "I suppose you could say that," Leia answers, skimming over the report of another attempt to locate her brother.  It's pointless, she thinks.  He doesn't want to be found.  That they had even stumbled upon Rey's existence was an impossible blessing. "Unkar Plutt was my boss on Jakku," Rey says.  "Even though I didn't say I wanted to work for him.  He said I had to, if I wanted to eat." Leia closes the report.  "You don't have a boss here," she says, kneeling down to Rey's level.  "Do you understand?  No one here will force you to do anything.  Uncle Han and I will take care of you, no matter what."
3. with a heart so heavy and beating like a drum (Dragon Age Inquisition)
She gets too close to a dragon in the Hinterlands and it slices a claw down her side, and there's a great deal of shouting as she falls heavily to the ground. Dorian is the first to reach her side, and he is not a healer but he knows a few basic things. “If you were just dead,” he says, his hand covered in her blood and a strange warmth spreading from his fingers into her wound, “I could raise you right back up. Simple as that. But you have to go and make it complicated, don't you?”
She means to say she's sorry, but when she opens her mouth it's only a wordless cry that escapes her.
“There, there,” he says. “It's all right. I'd rather a slightly damaged Eilif than an undead herald, any day.” He keeps one hand spread over her wound and the other brushes hair out of her eyes, his thumb sweeping lightly over her forehead. “I know it hurts, I'm sorry. I won't let you die, darling. For one, Josephine would be devastated, which I believe would lead to Leliana having me killed in my sleep, and we can't have that.”
She nods, squeezes her eyes shut and hears the terrifying shriek of the dragon as it dies, and when she opens them Cassandra is standing over her. “Stupid girl,” she says, full of relief and fondness, and it's such a great comfort that Eilif finds herself smiling.
Dorian carries her partway back to camp, and when he starts complaining, Cassandra takes her from him, once it's determined that she absolutely can't hold herself upright or even dream about getting on a horse. Cassandra holds her as if she weighs nothing, and when she makes a small noise of discomfort, Cassandra stops momentarily. “We are almost there,” she says. “Will you be all right?”
“Yes,” Eilif says. “I'm sorry. I'm fine.”
4. look for my love where the sun shines (Frozen)
“Would you really have stayed in that castle alone on the mountain forever?” Anna asks. “What would you have done all day?”
“I hadn't decided yet,” Elsa tells her, and remembers the rush of freedom that chased everything else away.
Anna asks, “What would you have eaten?”
“Snow crab,” Elsa says, and Anna laughs and laughs.
Elsa touches Anna all the time, now that she can. A bare, un-gloved hand on her arm, kisses on her cheeks.
The gates are always open and Anna is so, so happy.
They never say “goodnight” without also saying “I love you.” They never travel anywhere by boat.
5. One Red Thread (Once Upon A Time)
Emma's first memory is of being replaced.
She can't remember anything else about that family, the Swans, who had given her a home and a name and must have been kind to her for those three years, must have, because she remembers how hard she had cried when it was taken away. They were going to have a baby, they said. A new baby, their own, and it meant Emma had to go and stay with a new family. She had cried so hard it made her cough and gag, and she had been held and soothed but still sent away.
“Be a good girl, Emma,” they told her. “We know you'll be good.”
She was good sometimes and bad at other times and it never seemed to make a difference, she was always sent back. By the time she was five, anything she had known about being loved by a family withered away like an unused language.
I mean TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT bc I wrote some stuff for Lost Girl that I’m real fond of that didn’t make this list but shrug emoji.
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