#if you have anymore questions abt them I'd love to try answering them! if I dont have an answer it gives me an opportunity to think them ou
kristhekrispy · 3 months
PLASE TELL ME ABT YOUR OWN OCS !!!!!!!!! plis :> if u want to
okay little disclaimer I have no art of them that im proud of and the characters make no sense because they're from when I was 9-12. anyways
MAIN CHARACTER Piper! So, in the story, there's magic that some people have. you can teach yourself, but some people are already naturally skilled. piper isn't either of these. she wasn't skilled and when she tried teaching herself, she failed. really bad. she didn't even care about magic, she just wanted people to be proud of her......shes my little sopping wet cat.
Aruna! Aruna is one friend of Piper. She specialized in more dark magic. people would think that she was smart and mysterious, but she was just sorta quiet. kind of person that keeps to herself and then is really open when you're close :]
Sól! another friend of Piper. acts happy and stuff, optimistic to a fault at times. he specialized in light magic and healing. he's seen as the dumbest in the group and it gets to him.
all three of them are somewhere in their mid to late 20s...I think i'd say around 26 or 27. all knew each other as kids and grew up together.
and I think I brought up mischief, malice, and mayhem? anyways, they're side characters. just these three kids, pulling pranks and stuff. probably stuck to each other like piper, sól, and aruna did at their age. they're treated like problem kids, but no one does anything to help them for a while, making them act out even more. a lot of stuff still isn't clear for me yet, but I think maybe piper would be reminded of herself and her friends, and she'd try treating them right....the kids stay chaotic, but they'd at least be treated right. I really need to do more with them.....
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superbellsubways · 7 months
ok thanks so you ever heard of jackbox games. they make incredibly silly party games you can play with your phone. one of my faves is the fibbage series, specifically the most recent one fibbage 4
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in fibbage you get a weird fact with an important word(s) blanked out. and every player has to write something to fill in that blank (that’s called a lie). then everyone picks what they think is the real answer (the truth). you get some points if someone falls for your lie, but more points if you find the truth
the main reason i like jackbox’s games so much is because of the voices in each game that narrate stuff like tutorials, prompts, etc. the fandom usually just refers to these guys as the Hosts of the games. some of them have official designs that appear sometimes throughout a game (m bubz in job job, rue meringue in roomerang, etc.)
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others don’t have appearances Or official names (like the hosts of talking points, quixort & fixytext) and some More others, while not ever being seen, they do have names that they refer to themselves as. there’s schmitty from quiplash and lord tippet from weapons drawn
ok back to fibbage now the host of fibbage is part of the last category i listed, his full name is Cookie Masterson. he’s such a wild guy let me talk abt him for a moment. he has a niece named Lexical Semantics, his house is infested with bats, he once tried to drive down local real estate prices by dressing up as a ghost & the fandom has collectively agreed that he’s bisexual. those first three facts are from various voice lines that he has in fibbage 4. go try to look for them i dare you
fibbage 4 also has 5 special episodes with pre-decided questions (oh did i mention that the players take turns choosing the questions using random words relating to the questions? well in the special episodes they can still kinda “choose” the questions but every choice in one round leads to the same question. does this even make sense anymore i’m sorry) that relate to an over-arching storyline that each episode has, like there’s one where cookie’s on a date and hosting the game both at the same time, one relating to the bats infesting his house that i mentioned earlier, one where an ai clone of himself traps him in a closet and takes over the game for a bit. sorry for going on for too long i just really like sharing crazy shit i enjoy. anyways here’s a link to all 5 special episodes i have no idea if the embed will show or not
also idk if i made it clear or not but cookie does Not have a canon design, meaning we in the fandom draw him however we like. do with that information what you will
OK THIS IS ALOT MORE THAN I WAS EXPECTING but its OK!! I don't mind this at all prommy
I am aware of Jackbox and a couple characters in it :) (I have actually made a design for the host of Trivia Murder Party once before but never finished or shared it!) Though I haven't been able to play many of the games myself 💔
This Cookie guy does seem very interesting tho and I'm sure I'd love him just from the stuff ur telling me fhjsdjd I'll probably check out the eps later and look more into this along with the other characters and hosts 😁 I love disembodied voice characters!!! (and by ur name i could tell you do as well LOL)
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coachbeards · 3 months
okay now for a tl question: as someone who also dislikes season three, i'm curious to know how you would have liked season 3 to end? i'm pretty sure you've talked abt it before but i'd love to hear your thoughts.
well, i think there are a lot of things that could've happened....but i'm not entirely sure, as i haven't seen the season since it aired. that means i can't give the biggest in depth answer to it regarding every single tl character, so i'll just give my thoughts on what i think should've happened............................................for beard
first of all, he should've broken up with jane after mom city. i've talked a lot about that, and how i believe that beard's forgiveness of nate should've been shown as a forgiveness of himself as well, and by extension beard finally beginning his journey of self-healing. because, no. forgiving nate didn't Heal beard, not by a long shot, but it helped fix a little bit within himself that would've paved the road to his breaking up with jane. realizing he didn't need to be punished anymore.
so, if there was no jane involved in the finale, there would be no wedding or beard choosing jane over ted.
HOWEVER. i think it would've been amazing to see beard choose richmond anyways.........finally making a choice for himself. he came to richmond in the first place because ted asked him to, and he was willing to leave richmond all because ted asked him to. ignoring the jane of it all, beard choosing to stay in richmond because he wants to....he wants to continue coaching the team, he wants to complete their mission of winning the whole fucking thing, he wants to nurture those relationships he made and be .,,,, well. his own independent person, something we never really saw considering he was either following ted or following jane. never on his own.
regarding the other characters,
JAMES DIDN'T DESERVE TO BE FORGIVEN. i am all for james's recovery arc, showcasing him in rehab and actively trying to get better. but just because a character is in recovery doesn't automatically erase all the harm they've done, nor does it mean their victims need to forgive them for anything. i think jamie should've been shown to grapple with what he wanted to do, forgive him or not, and come to the conclusion that he doesn't need to do anything. he doesn't need to care what james thinks of him anymore, he doesn't deserve to have that weighing on him. i think jamie should've been shown to be ... idk not Happy or Supportive, but be okay with james in recovery, but draw boundaries that he doesn't need to do anything past that. he should've had someone tell him it was his choice, rather than being told to forgive him.
roy should've been in therapy earlier on in the season than last second. i'm glad that roy is seeking help, obviously, but i think it would've bettered his arc if we saw more of it starting like,,,, 3x08 onwards. maybe. idk. again, i haven't seen s3 since it aired.
not sure about rebecca, since i didn't really pay attention to her arc that much in s3 (sorry to all) because i disliked the psychic aspect so much. i like her ending up with the dutch man! wish we got more of them between 3x06 and the finale, but i understand the romcom aspect of reuniting with someone you thought you'd never see again. i don't hate her ending !!!!
ted needed to go back to kansas, sorry. it wasn't dottie "forcing" him to go back, even though i will admit she's a pretty shit parent lmao. but it wasn't like that wasn't the plan from the very start. could it have been handled better? absolutely! should've jason played ted with way more emotion in 3x12? YES. but,,, come on. ted is a father first and foremost. before a coach, friend, romantic interest, etc. he's a father. and that's actually been a really big part of his character, so i never understood when people said that it "came out of nowhere" or it was so "out of character" for him.........to....be with his son? DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE HENRY LASSO HATE. i swear some of y'all forget the message of being curious, not judgemental lmao. ted was always supposed to go back to henry. i don't agree with the idea of uprooting a literal child to a whole other country, though i can picture there being a time where they do move back to richmond together! the door is left open, not closed! i could picture him going there as a teenager and going to school there, but again. he's like.....12 lmao. ted's arc always circled around his son...and he needed to go back.
also keeley just deserved better. i'm perfectly okay with her remaining single at the end of the show, as i do think that that could've helped her heal herself and her relationships with other people and her career. no, giving her a romantic ending wouldn't have impacted her career, but i think i like where she ended up. on her own, with her new friend of barbara and their company, her and rebecca, and even her and roy and jamie!!!!!!! i think there's chances for their to be romance, but like. i think considering how much of keeley's arc has revolved around romance, it's nice that she didn't end up with anyone. idk.
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twopercentboy · 4 months
Ok so Im v curious abt being poly, how does that work? Like if I dated someone in a polycule, can I date everyone else? Is there an onboarding presentation? Is it ok to have favorites? I need dets tbh
I'm gonna preface this by the usual every relationship is different so I can only speak to what it's like for me and the people I've been with and also that I'm only 18 so I don't have a ton of dating experience, at least serious dating experience (only have 1 serious relationship to date and it's w my current partner)
I'm also putting the actual answer under a cut bc it got a bit long and I'd feel bad for doing that to my mutuals lol
So for any relationship, but especially if you're poly, communication is integral !! If you're not communicating with your partner(s) the likelihood of the polycule working out is very slim, so that fuels pretty much everything. To make a poly relationship "work" pretty much all comes down to how well you communicate.
What is considered important/necessary to communicate though can vary from polycule to polycule. Like as an example, my partner prefers knowing if/when there's other people I'm interested in/talking to (and vice versa, they tell me about the ppl they're trying to get with), and that's more so bc we're long distance and that kind of thing can cut into the time we'd usually be using to talk to each other but for us that habit will probably stick even when we aren't ldr anymore bc we both like talking about cute/hot ppl we meet yk?
As for if you decided to date someone in a polycule, ideally you'd know beforehand (ideally as in like- if they don't tell you before you agreed to date them I find that a bit of a red flag), and if you wanted to date the other partners (the term for ur partner's partners is metamours btw) and they also wanted to date you then you definitely could!! But you also could just be besties with them, that was the dynamic I had with my partner's ex, we had no interest in each other but we vibed together ^^
In my experience there is a bit of a rundown given to new and old partners when someone joins the polycule. Like when I had a little summer fling I gave them the rundown of my polycule as it stood at the time and then gave my partner a rundown of the person I was seeing and things like why I liked him and what he was like. But actual presentations? Not from what I've seen lol (tho honestly? Master Doc of the polycule is a hilarious and potentially helpful concept).
And your last question is, from what I understand, a rather controversial and highly debated question. In my opinion though? You shouldn't have favorites when it comes to the people you are dating. Having favorite metamours is basically equivalent to having favorite/best friends, but your love and care towards your partners should be equal. The exact feeling of that love and care can definitely vary but you shouldn't generally prefer one partner over everyone else imo. And there's nuance there as there is with everything, like if you had a disagreement with one partner the previous day it's only natural to prefer being around someone else until things settle back down, but your overall feelings shouldn't be tipped towards one person if that makes sense.
Anyway, again, I can only speak from my very limited experiences and definitely do not speak for all poly people, but that's my two cents !! I hope it gave you some sort of satisfying answer
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sanchoyo · 1 year
5, 6, 16, 17, and 50 :3c
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
no. I used to, but my cat is a MENACE!! who tries to ATTACK THEM and will tear them up (despite having pLENTY of soft toys to play with. smh. its like..she cant tell the difference between 'soft toy she is allowed to chew' and 'soft toy that is MINE'...cat sized brain -_-...) so now the stuffed animals stay on the Shelf or Dresser, and I simply cuddle my cat like she is a little baby when its sleeping time instead. and shes gotta accept it bc shes the reason i do not have plushies on the bed anymore....take responsibility miss zilla....😤
6. Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
ohhh hard question. it rly depends on my mood ngl. I love doing both! I ...think if I HAD to pick. I'd choose writing actually... its a bit less time consuming and easier lately. this answer could change in a week tho :")
16. Want any tattoos? What of? 
yeah!! I already have one I lowkey wanna get removed bc it was impulsive and im bored of it LMAO but id wanna replace it with a birth of venus tribute, and I kinda want one sleeve thats ocean + nature themed, and one sleeve that's...vaguely rococo themed with lil tributes to other stuff I love too (omg a lil cinnamoroll tat would b so cute, possibly some pokemon and a lil masha too??) and I have HAD a tmm tat concept sketched out forever but it'd be a bigger piece, so im not sure WHERE id get it on my body, possibly...a chest/collar area placement would be ideal.... hm. also ive always wanted a lil something around my ankle, maybe a floral piece or smth. or a lil dragon around my ankle for poor 17 yr old me who threw a FIT over not being allowed to get a tat at that age HAHA shout-out to them bc that was funny asf looking back. anyway YES I want more tats but Money u know. :")
17. Want any piercings? Where? 
look I respect and love the way they look on other ppl but No none for me. i used to have my ears pierced but let them grow in. im lowkey very anxious/paranoid that if I got any piercings someone would try to fight me and Rip Them Out and its very irrational but very Scary to think abt. (or that theyd be around my mouth and get caught on food and id swallow them or smth kjadsfhkj) my paranoia simply Wont Allow it. But again. they are VERY cool on other ppl, esp the more alternative/big ones!! i love to see em 🥺
50. Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
ohh wait does this question mean i..come up with a question for myself lol?? or am I misreading. anyway im choosing to make this question 'what drawings are u working on rn' bc I want to Ramble abt that. I am CURRENTLY working on (4) diff magical girl drawings bc im putting together a mini magical girl zine + coloring book :) im having fun!! and should be posting previews within the next week or so if all goes according to schedule.... after I finish that I also want to draw a blue knight + ichigo drawing with some cute redesigns I did forever ago hehe :3 very excited for tmmn s2.....aaaaa they are so cute im literally like...getting so happy just seeing screenshots and new fanart of them i love them sm.....
tysm for asking jace!!!! <333
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woundthatswallows · 2 years
hi weather! <3 i got a bottle of black opium a few days ago and i love it soo much and i'm in a fragrance mood.. :) so i wanted to ask, what are your favorite new(er) fragrances, if you have ones in mind? best winter perfumes? controversial opinions or anything you'd like to share related to perfumes??
hi kata!!! oooh so fun abt the black opium!!! such a classic 🖤 and yayyy i'm always in a mood to chat abt fragrances !!! these r such fun questions ....
i definitely have some fave newer fragrances! ive been obsessed w thin wild mercury for the past bit- such a lovely indie LA perfumery. my personal faves are laurel canyon 1966 + whisky 1969. i got a sample pack of all their fragrances and rlly want to get full sizes of those two... haven't been able to stop wearing them. laurel canyon is so magical and it reminds me of all the time i spent up there too <33 but it doesn't have a great staying power :( whisky stays much longer but def has a different, more animalistic vibe. i'm planning on trying to write reviews for them so i'll go in more def then! but also that might be a while bc if i decide to get full sizes ill wait until i get them + they come to take pics w.
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the bottles r so darling also! above are the bottles + notes for the two i love. i'm also so obsessed w them bc they r all love letters to los angeles 💞💞🖤 excuse the graphic also i had to edit these to make the 10 image limit..
and ooh! okay winter perfumes.... a basic but rlly lovely one i'd say is replica by the fireplace. it's a smoky vanilla, rlly yummy. rn there's a sephora favorites scent collection w that in the mix and getting that set which comes w a voucher for one of the full size ones saves like. 6 dollars for the full size (not 3.4oz tho) so i got that set to prob redeem for her! it also includes my way which i think i remember u saying u got ! okay i got off topic . winter.
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i love woody scents all the time but esp around winter, cocoa woods by nest is a nice sandalwood! super cedar by byredo is another great woody scent. and also obv black opium for a decadent scent..
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and for indie scents... yorick by black phoenix alchemy labs (bpal) is sour and woodsy and Amazing. it has decaying note to it which reminds me of nature dying in winter. i also think rose is super chic in winter! something about the imagery of a single red rose in the middle of the snow... if u get my gist. london from bpal is my fave rose perfume!
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i think my most controversial opinion w regards to fragrance is i am not super crazy about florals anymore. i did love them when i was younger but now ive moved on and i do wish that the more mainstream and luxury brands would be a bit more bold and adventurous- but that is where the beauty of indie perfumes come! thank you for the questions lover!!! these were so fun to answer 🖤🖤🖤
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viktormaru · 3 years
How do you get better at rendering? How do you know when enough is enough? I always think I do too much and it still never feels finished and it doesn't feel nearly as touchable as your art (and other art I use as inspiration) always seems to
Oooh this is a tough one. Rendering is something I both love doing and struggle with because I'm a very lazy person and prone to giving up fast so I often don't have the patience to take render to as far as i'd like. I'm gonna try answering all those questions though.
How do I get better at rendering?
There's two main tips here I guess. The first is, well, do observation studies. Have pictures of the materials you're drawing on the side, preferably with the same colors and light and see what makes it different from the rest of the other materials, see how many values it has, if it has any different textures or shapes, so on. Second is use any tools you have to reproduce those textures and stuff. Brushes, textures, photobashing, it's all allowed and cool and it can help so much getting different materials and having them feel alive?? in some way.
How do you know when enough is enough?
Honestly, for me is "when I cant really add anything substantial to the piece anymore.
There's a catch though! This is like, a regular recommendation but as it always is with art it can sometimes not be appliable, but a good tip I've gotten is that sometimes it's not abt rendering a lot but rendering where it matters, right? Its the 70/30 rule. 70% of details should be focused on 30% of the painting's area. This applies on composition and rendering. You should focus on rendering more the areas that are important. like my practice portrait for dismas, you can see a clear example on that on how I rendered his hair
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I think the true talent in rendering is both adding gorgeous detail to things in focus and managing to imply detail on nonfocus areas without really detailing them. You do that using different value changes and textures and stuff. Here's some examples
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By Alex Flores
[higher quality of the pic above bcs tumblr sucks]
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By Sean Vo
[higher quality of the pic above bcs tumblr sucks]
This shit is hard, it's done by doing a lot of observation and watching other artists and just getting a feel for what's right and takes a lot of time to develop, so keep being patient and doing your best
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t0shii · 3 years
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scary video games with hq boys
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suna rintaro, kenma kozume, matsukawa issei, hanamaki takahiro, nishinoya yuu, tanaka ryunosuke x gn!r
!warnings! mentions of death, gore, etc. some slight game spoilers but tbh it's nothing major so dw! rlly just fluff! light swearing, nothing major.
pt. 2 here
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plays scary video games very often & is lq a scaredy cat but never lets it show. he especially likes when u sit in his lap & either watch him play or where ur hugging him w ur cheek smushed against his shoulder. holds u super tight during the scariest scenes
currently you were sitting on your boyfriend rintaro's lap, chin resting on his shoulder while he played the latest resident evil game. at first you were watching him play while sitting beside him but after a while it became too much to watch so you took to moving to his lap for comfort.
you could feel sleep creeping up to you, eyelids droopy, cheek smushed on your boyfriends shoulder, that was until rin's character died and screamed so loud you jolted awake, which seemed to startle the boy.
"sorry baby" he says with a sigh, rubbing your back soothingly, "just a few more minutes and i'll be done." to which you nod in response, then lay your head back unto his shoulder, trying your very best not to fall asleep before he was finished.
u sitting in his lap while he gamed is nothing but routine at this point. he loves when u hold him while he plays so either sitting in his lap OR sitting behind him is a must must must!! he plays any and all type of games as we know but he seems to gravitate towards scary ones sometimes just so youll hold him a little tighter wont admit it tho
currently you sat behind your boyfriend kenma, both legs beside his. you had originally been playing a game of your own until you got bored of it and opted to playing with kenma's hair instead, putting little braids in it, taking them out and repeating. he never once broke distraction from the game but honestly the game he was playing, outlast, was getting a little too gorey even for you. you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your face atop his shoulder, "ken," you mumbled, a little muffled from your mouth being pressed against his shoulder but you weren't sure he heard you as there was no reply. "hey ken," you said a little louder than the last, "hm?" you heard him repsond. "can you.. uhm play a different game now?" you mumbled shyly. "is this one boring?" he pause the game and turned his head slightly to look at you . "oh no! it's just that... it's a little scary." he looked at you for a second and blinked once before responding, "let me save real quick, yeah?" to which you nodded in response.
"what d'ya want me to play?" he asked looking back at you again, "anything is fine, ken." he nodded at that and opened a different game. "babe, i thought you liked horror games?" kenma questioned. "yeah i do! that one was just a little too much i think." you explained you got a hum in response while he continued the new game.
he and makki, always playing games together. hes not the biggest gamer & rlly only plays mainstream games
currently, issei was in his gaming chair playing the last of us 2 ,whilst you layed in bed and watched. you had watched him play through the first game so of course you wanted to watch this time too! what you werent ready for was the major character death in the beginning of the game!
issei swore he was hearing something your muffled tears odd but he couldn't tell what it was, that was until he paused his game and heard you cried on your shared bed. "baby?" he called out before walking over to you, "are you crying?" "yes," you said softly under the comforter through little hiccups. "oh baby." he said with a slight chuckle, sitting next to you on the edge of the bed, "c'mere." and when you did you were met with strong arms engulfing you in a hug. "i know it's sad but it's only a game, angel." he explains before kissing the crown of your head
again he and mattsun play games all the time with eachother! honestly only plays horror games occasionally and their usually only mainstream tbh.
you and your boyfriend makki were sitting on your shared bed, you in between his legs watching him playing little nightmares. to be honest you were trying your best to pay attention but the chase sequences were starting to get to you, especially as the antagonists all piled up to eat his character.
"makki... i don't think i like this game." you admitted shyly. "oh, why?" he asked raising a brow you couldn't even see, "it's pretty popular though.", "yeah but the chase sequences are really scary makki." you whined leaning your head back on his shoulder. "it's almost over, dont worry." he said with a smile while looking down at you and pampering your cheek with a million little kisses to make you feel better.
i swear he stays up so goddamn late playing games with his bestie tanaka it's almost annoying but his hushed giggles when tanaka makes a joke that only the two of you would actually find funny makes it worth it! don't let him near horror games omg.
you have no idea why you let yuu choose a horror game, he was shrieking every 5 minutes even when nothing was happening on the screen. currently, he was playing PT and you sat beside him, laughing at his exaggerated reactions all the while getting scared at the jumpscares just as bad as he was.
"babe i'm not answering that phone, nuh uh,no way" he said pausing the game and looking at you. "yuu the guide says you have to in order to progress!" you giggle at him. "well i guess i'm just not gonna progress!" he exclaims dramatically, tossing the controller somewhere in the room. "besides, i'd rather cuddle with you instead." he grins throwing himself onto you, causing you to fall. "you're such a scaredy-cat." you laugh rolling your eyes, while combing your hands through his spikey hair.
actually is super passionate abt his horror games 😤 hes a pussy but pushes through every time.
you liked watching your boyfriend ryu play games, but this game just wasn't doing it for you. currently he was playing outlast 2, and the atmosphere was creeping you out so bad you had to look away, not only that but the chase sequences were making you feel anxious.
"holy fuck stop chasing me damnit." ryu mumbled under his breath as the veiled antagonist chased him for what seemed like the 10th time. and honestly you couldn't take it anymore. you snaked your arms around his waist from behind and rested your eyes over his shoulder. "you doing okay?" he asked, a little concerned. "can you take a break from this one ryu?" you mumbled. he thought for a minute before pausing his game and turning to look at you, "is my baby scared?" hey cooed at you, which you nod a yes in response. hugging you real tight he says, "of course we can take a break but only if i get cuddles in return." it was a deal you simply could not refuse.
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a/n love horror games so ofc i wanted to write abt it lmfao. i rlly wanna play the new little nightmares game SO BAD ughhh. any who i tried to add some variety in here so pls enjoy lmfao. sorry for any mistakes i def didnt proofread 😩
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flaine · 2 years
(genuine question) what makes quinntana appealing when pezberry is not? i'm interested in your thoughts since quinntana clash too, so how are they different and more likable to you than pezberry? idk how my tone sounds in this ask but i mean it with love and interest, no hate :)
hi anon, yeah, that's a great question! quinntana also crossed my mind when i was writing that response tbh, and again it could come down to the fact that sometimes ship preferences don't always necessarily have a bunch of rhyme or reason to them, but...
i don't think the clash itself is inherently a bad thing when it comes to ships - it definitely makes for a compelling dynamic. i think with pezberry particularly, it just feels fruitless to me, and the show really overdid it to the point where it just tired me. and maybe it's naïve of me to think quinntana wouldn't go through the same cycle indefinitely, but idk. it's really one of the only ways the glee writers knew how to write relationships between the girls lol
i think one thing is the roots of their canon relationship make the foundation of the ship more solid, in my eyes? granted, glee didn't really do much actual delving into quinntana's friendship (or the uht in general), but despite the general popular girl cattiness between them that we're presented with, we know that they're friends. which is much different than pezberry's start. quinntana are on the same level (before quinn's pregnancy, at least), and they're both navigating the same waters in search of social status. and to me the fact that they share that is interesting. and ik we can debate how close the uht really were, but i do firmly believe that they were close friends who understood each other, and to me that underlies quinntana's relationship no matter their current level of affability.
so to me, quinntana's quarreling feels less an indicator of some fundamental clash in their personalities and more like a byproduct of the social sphere they've navigated together. to be the popular girls, at some level, they have to maintain this built-up façade, and i think the fact that they both did this together affects their dynamic, at times. so they can swing into this catty, confrontational mode pretty easily, as if it's second nature for them - but i do believe that at the same time, because this is a sort of "mode" they've played together, they can fall back into a closeness without scarring their relationship. i'd say maybe that quinntana's clash is still a closeness between them, something drawing them together, whereas with pezberry for me it feels like their fights are more cold and isolating.
and i think after they graduate, the conflicts both of these relationships face are really remnants of their high school dynamics. but with quinntana it feels more superficial - just traces of this reach for the popular girl status that doesn't matter anymore, in the real world. pezberry's conflicts i think are more impactful, and therefore harder to really resolve? bc of their relationship in high school there seems to be this foundational insecurity in their relationship, and they take this with them as they try to break out into adulthood. and this starts impacting job opportunities, living arrangements, future goals, etc. - it just feels a lot less sustainable. and i guess i can't really see a relationship working amidst all of that.
never really thought too much abt the differences between them so thank u for the question! i hope i actually answered the question lol - i guess their clashes are just different, and i can see love and a relationship (which is not necessarily to say an "endgame" one) existing within one, whereas i can't really see the same thing arising in the other one, bc the relationships are so different at their roots. i hope that made sense !!
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ego-meliorem-esse · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @maelerie you are a treasure!
1. Why did you choose your url?
"Ego meliorem esse" means (roughly) "I will be better". I started this blog to get better at art but didn't post anything at all for a looong while before deciding to repurpose this blog as a hetalia acc.
2. Any side blogs?
Nah this is my only blog. I am deep into the fandom now and almost all I draw is hetalia related so why bother with another blog.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Sighhh a long time... I actually had a fanart blog before when I was abt 15-16 y/o right when the fandom was on the rise. Though I don't know the name of that blog anymore. Plus I'm very embarassed by how bad my art was. But to amswer the question, I've been posting art on this blog for about a year on and off.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope no queue tag at all :))
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I needed to share my thoughts abt this damn fandom and its characters and relationships somewhere. And where better than in the deep dark pits of hell tumblr.
6. Why did you choose your icon?
My absolute fav era of art is baroque and rococo. The kitsch!! Aghhhh! Right up my alley! Plus the lady in the pic kinda looks like me (not really).
7. Why did you choose your header?
Same answer. My blogs aesthetic is kitsch. And pink. As I have decided that that is my personality trait. :))
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Right here. It's a drawing of Arthur and Francis with their sons. I have to admit I hate looking at my past art as it's full of mistakes which i could easily fix if I could go back in time :/
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Some. Not too many as I'm relatively new on this side of the fandom. Tho the ones I do have I'd die for sooooo 🤷‍♀️
10. How many follows do you have?
570 lovely people follow me.
11. How many people do you follow?
271 people have caught my attention here 😏
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I...I don't think I have. I should try though.
13. How many times do you use Tumblr a day?
On and off in the day. Im on mobile so when I get notifications i come right back to tumblr.
14. Have you ever had a fight with another blog?
No but I am a bit in the fighting mood so if you are down to fight contact me.
15. How do you feel about need to rb posts?
Tf are rb posts I'm old.
16. Do you like tag games?
I absolutely love them. Getting tagged is like getting a lil smooch on my forhead and that's always welcome.
17. Do you like ask games?
Even better!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Tumblr famous? Thats a thing? Huh? I really didn't know. Idk how many followers my mutuals have so idk which ones are famous or not. Though all my mutuals are famous in my heart <3
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
On all of them. If you're my mutual and you're reading this I probably want to smooch your forhead.
20. Tags
I have seen people I originally wanted to tag tagged already so this is an open invitation for everyone who loves tag games.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Rlly love how nice u are abt this all!!! Also ur questions rlly got the cogs in my brain turnin for this au, so ty for that! :3 -🐻
To answer some of the serious questions:
Em primarily stays in his human form. Since he didn't like shifting out of his piglin form as a child he knows that no one knows yet that Michael is a hybrid, and so it's easier to hide his identity this way.
The only item of interest that he has on him is a book which he says is his journal/diary whenever anyone asks. It's labelled "DO NOT READ" in ender (bc like father like son), but he never lets anyone get a close enough look at the book for them to figure that out.
He never really tells anyone how old he is, but then again no one really asks, it's pretty obvious he's a teenager so everyone assumes he's in the same age range as the other minors, maybe a little younger.
No one's really suspicious about his sudden appearance, more curious if anything. Most don't really make a connection between his appearance and Dream's imprisonment, but why would they? Sure, it's a little odd some teenager appears after the server admin's imprisonment, but that's easily chalked up to coincidence. That being said, there are people suspicious for other reasons. Two of which are Quackity and Karl. Karl's only met Em a few times, but there's something familiar about him. But that can't be right, because he's never encountered Em before in the other times he's seen. He knows there's something up with Em, but with his memory deteriorating it's hard to put the pieces together. Quackity is suspicious because he thinks there's something off about Em. Call him crazy, but the way Em interacts with him is just so different compared to how he interacts with everyone else. He's colder with Quackity, and he doesn't understand why.
Em is pretty awkward when interacting with everyone on the server. Originally, he didn't want to interact with anyone much outside of small pleasantries, but it gets hard to do that when everyone is so pleasant and social with you. Besides, some of these people aren't around anymore in his time, so it's hard not to spend time with them.
Em steered clear of his parents in the start (which was actually pretty easy since they were busy doing their own thing and they hadn't actually married yet), but after they brought Michael to the Overworld they went to Em for advice on piglin stuff because "Hey! Em's a piglin hybrid, maybe there's stuff about piglins that he knows that could help us!" and while Em's hesitant at first, the fact that they care so much makes him really emotional so he agrees.
Em knows about Karl's timetraveling, because how else would he have found out about time traveling? He was never particularly close to Karl in his time, with how far his memory had deteriorated by then, but seeing Karl from this time with his memory being so much better still sorta hurts.
I still haven't figured out what exactly happened for Em to jump back, but I have figured out that before everything goes to shit, the Snowchester and Las Nevadas conflict escalates to the point that one day Tubbo and Ranboo just. Never come home. After that Tommy becomes Em's guardian, and while he never actually learns what happened to them, it's pretty easy to put the pieces together.
As for some of the less serious questions:
Whenever someone asks if Em is short for, he always gives different and increasingly ridiculous answers. (I'd give an example but I'm not clever enough for that)
Em occasionally babysits Michael (which is sorta weird at first and the weirdness never really goes away, but he gets used to it) and Michael just thinks he's really cool. Not as cool as Uncle Tommy, but still super cool.
Em is a hundred percent on for pranks and stuff, and once he gets comfortable in the time period, he starts doing quite a few.
He can definitely speak Piglin! While it's not as good as it could be, it's definitely pretty good. Especially since he had Tommy to help him from getting rusty (i am a firm believer of the "Tommy can speak piglin bc he was raised alongside Tehcno" hc). He can't speak Enderian, but he understands it. He also knows how to read and write in it.
He's not the best at fighting, but he can certainly hold his own in a fight. He tends to try and outsmart his way out of fights, though.
Happy to help!
Mkay, mkay. What's his human form look like? Scars, hair length/style? We got any braids in there? When does Michael originally shift-which is an option to expose Em, if somebody noticed the resemblance.
What are the adventures of this 'DO NOT READ' book, considering how much trouble Ranboo's own get into with such a title.
Does Karl have some sort of sense because of his time travel that makes Em odd to him? Or has he perhaps met him? Or will meet him? Or did some Doomed version of him? I'm not actually sure about that last one, do Karl's doomed/lost selves have any effect on him even? And Em's cold towards Quackity? Two out of three fiances find 'em suspicious huh? What did-or, what will Quackity do to warrant such behavior? Is there anyone else Em's a bit cold toward, or otherwise?
Pleasant and social? Why's that? Who exactly talks to him then? I imagine quite a few are less than, well. Pleasant and social, as you put it, considering recent events, so who exactly does he end up interacting with if he gets a warm welcome?
Oh? Do we get bonding then? If so, how so? What sort of advice does he give them?
Did Em learn about time travel from afar-like, see Karl do it and stick around to learn more, or was it like a whole distant/dying mentor thing in a short amount of time? Does he do anything to help Karl? Since Em learned about time travel from Karl in some way, is his memory similarly effected, or does he know some way to fight the effects of that? Has he had any experiences with the Inbetween and Other Side?
Oh no, that's really not good. Poor Em. So the conflict took his parents, huh? How does this effect things for him, once in the past-considering he's face to face with his parents' apparent killer? And since this would be soon after Dream's imprisonment, that means it's a bit before Las Nevadas is formed, right? How does Em feel about Foolish-considering he's part of Snowchester at the time? How does he feel about Snowchester's current residents What's his life like once his parents are gone?
Emergency, Empirical, Empire, Chemistry, Emerald, Emma, Emergence, Semi, Email. Those are a few that could work.
How does babysitting go? Is Michael a good child, or is Em silently apologizing to his parents for being a gremlin when he was younger?
Who's the first to fall to his mischief? Is he ever discovered as the culprit, or does he get away with it?
Does Techno or Tommy ever decide to try and drag him into a talk, since he can? How does that go? Do the Bee Duo try and get him to translate for Michael? Since Em understands Ender, does he ever have any encounters with Enderboo? If so, how do those go?
Any favored weapons of his? Long range, mid-range, or short?
Also, is there anything you'd like me to tag this as so you can find it easier? 
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dangan-happy · 3 years
hi uhhm
heya this is 2 any1 but honestly if kyoko's involved that'd be pretty damn poggers yeah
my name's Jay (he/him)
cw for death and s/h
idek where to start but someone I love said I need to talk abt my feelings more instead of repressing so uh here i am
i uh. lost someone close to me. like, really really close 2 me, he died.. and life's gone back to shit without him. i can barely live a normal life because me and him had so much shit we used to do together, like every morning I'd go 2 his house and he'd kiss me & we'd eat breakfast together. every week her take me to the park and we'd sit on the swings & just fuckin talk. he always comforted me when I needed it and he never even questioned me that 1 time I started crying out of nowhere (i was under hella pressure that day and was just too stressed) & he hasn't called me weak like other ppl, he hasn't made fun of me
but without him
this'll sound pathetic
but im scared. im so scared without him
i don't wanna live in a world he's not in but im part of a system
and i self harmed for the first time and my dumbass didn't do it in the inner world so they found bruises on the body and i
i just want comfort that I'm not weak and that I'll be ok
if that's alright
- jay.
I’m so glad that you opened up about this and decided to talk about your feelings instead of repressing them, Jay. The person who told you that really is right about that; repressing would only prove to be worse and even more painful. I thank that person for encouraging you to open up, and let me just say that I’m proud of you for opening up. That takes a lot of courage and strength, after all.
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To start off with, I truly am sorry for your loss; I can’t begin to imagine how you first felt and how you currently feel now. Losing someone close to you like that makes your feelings completely understandable and valid. However, I must cut through your words about how your situation will ‘sound pathetic’, because it doesn’t sound pathetic at all! You’re simply being honest about how you personally feel, and actually opening up about that to someone is not pathetic whatsoever. If anything, it’s the opposite of pathetic; it goes to show just how strong you truly are, Jay. As such, let me further reassure you by saying that you’re not weak at all, and that you’ll be okay. I have hope in you, and I have hope that you’ll be able to get through this and that you’ll be okay all throughout this grieving of yours! Of course, as repetitive as this may be at this point, it will be tough, and you’ll experience many more moments where you might just... want to give up. But I must stress that as hard and tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t give into this despair you feel! I’ll cut through your despair and do what I can to give you the hope that I feel!
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As for your recent self-harm, you’re not dumb at all. Self-harm is normally done with little to no stable thought other than that overflowing, overwhelming, despairful thought of, “I have to get rid of this terrible, suffocating pain now.” I get it, Jay; I really do. And I can understand why you may not want to be in this world anymore, now that this person who was very close to you is no longer physically there. But honestly, as weird as this may sound, I’m glad that you’re a part of a system. Granted, I can tell that’s possibly the only thing that’s currently holding you back, but even so, ending your life... it truly isn’t the answer, as obvious and clear as that may sound. This person may not physically be here anymore, but he’ll always be here in spirit; emotionally; within your memories. And sure, I may not have some crystal ball like that sea urchin guy, or unrealistic ‘physic powers’ like that bootleg Hatsune Miku, but what I do have is lots of hope. And I have true hope that this person you once were close to wouldn’t want that; he wouldn’t want you to end your life or to even self-harm. Instead, he would want you to keep his memory alive; to cope properly and in a healthy manner; to take your time with grieving but to also not stay in the past forever. So please, while it’s easier said than done, remain hopeful and keep living, but not solely for his sake; remain hopeful and keep living for your sake as well.
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Before I conclude my side of the case, I want to suggest some alternatives to self-harm. One common one is using a rubber band, putting it on your wrist, and snapping it on your wrist until that urge goes away. Squeezing ice cubes or taking a cold or even hot shower might help as well. Another sort of common alternative is to draw on yourself with a sharpie. Specifically, use a red sharpie to draw pretend wounds on where you might want to self-harm, and if you want, wrap the area you draw on with bandages. I could... go on and on, but I’ll wrap this up with one more alternative: Find a fine ballpoint pen to use and make lines on where you might want to self-harm. While it’s unlikely to actually cut through skin, don’t keep drawing over a line over and over, or else you’ll potentially cut yourself! Of course, not all of this may work for you, so just give these alternatives a try and see what works best with you. Just remember these important pointers: You opening up about your feelings isn’t pathetic, you’re not weak, you’ll be okay, and I have hope in you. Keep that in mind, okay? Take care now, Jay.
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I personally requested Hajime answer before I do, now I will proceed with my part.
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It’s not pathetic to be afraid of being without someone, I have never gone through something like that. Sure, I lost someone close to me…but I never knew him, so I can’t fully relate to you. However, opening up about this is very brave of you, you aren’t holding back any feelings. That is definitely a step forward instead of suffering in silence, if you will.
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Relapsing is always rough, don’t beat yourself up too much about it, alright? Using tactics such as snapping a rubber band against your wrist can help you snap out of it before it happens again. Your loss is not something that you’ll heal from immediately, it will take time. And even then, some scars never fully heal. I don’t just mean scars as in psychically, I mean mentally and emotionally. The loss of a person is an example of those kind of scars, don’t think you’re pathetic at all. You’re quite the opposite Jay. None of this makes you weak, you’re still trudging on and trying to stay strong.
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Hajime essentially took the lead here because I had asked him too, so I will do my part in reassuring you that you’ll be okay. I have the upmost faith in you. Life is a big rollercoaster of ups and downs, you won’t be happy all the time. But the same can be said for sadness, you will not be sad forever. It takes learning from experiences that we have throughout our lives that we take and grow from. Whether they be bad or good experiences, we learn something from them. We’re human, we make mistakes. And you relapsing isn’t a sign of weakness. You’re recovering in a way, and I’ll remind you that you are worth more than you think! That’s the truth, I assure you of that.
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disaster-fruit · 4 years
and I know it's unfair because I haven't answered the ask yet but you're Brazilian so you know way more than me but I'd love to hear your thoughts about Imperial Brazil?? I'm really struggling with him bc i know about him in this era more from a portuguese perspective.....
Sorry for taking so damn long audshdf I was saving this ask to do a real deep dive into the whole empire with a lot of historical explanation and a lot of detail buuuut I was having some trouble coherently organizing my thoughts about Pedro II’s reign so instead I’m gonna use this ask to more loosely talk abt the first half of the empire. You’ve seen my basic thoughts on the second half on that other post, so now I’m gonna ramble mostly about 1808-1840.
Also, hm, this is LONG. It’s embarrassingly long. I hope you have time. 
And yes 1808-1822 is not part of the empire, but Brazil was no longer a colony in practice during those years, and I think they were crucial to his development as a person. 
Before 1808, Brazil pretty much grew up alone. His mother was around less and less, and he had no friends. Portugal was, as we already know, a shitty dad. Up to that point, he was not only absent but also very controlling. He never allowed Brazil or his people to learn how to read, Brazil wasn’t allowed to have libraries or universities or newspapers or even print. Portugal alienated Brazil both from his mother and from Port himself. He was forcefully kept from developing his own ideas, and his growth was stagnant – even physically. The way I see it, after 300 years he was still a small child, while the others around him were already growing into teenagers even though they were younger in actual numbers. Portugal literally kept him from developing as a person, by force. 
But suddenly, Portugal needed him. Suddenly, he showed up at his shore, with hundreds of people, and objects, and books. And though Portugal desperately needed Brazil at that time, his king couldn’t be there with Brazil being like that. That land with no cities and no libraries and no economy no nothing because he was forced to have nothing. 
He starts growing really, really fast, and forcefully again. And it was a painful process – his people were being kicked out of their houses so that the people that arrived from Portugal had where to live. In a few years, he grew almost as fast as humans did. But it was still an incomplete growth – most of his people were still living in misery, but now he had a structured state that allowed him to more firmly fit into what a nation means. But it all happened so fast he was… dizzy. 
And that was all combined with what was happening in his relationship with his father. They had both gotten much closer now that Portugal was physically there more often. I think Portugal is considerably less shitty to Brazil during these years, both because he needs him and because he is a relief from everything going on in Europe. But that doesn’t mean he became a good dad, but also Brazil was a lot smarter now, a lot freer, and quick to realize something that had always been true – Portugal needed Brazil more than Brazil needed Portugal. Much more. 
The fact that he wasn’t a colony anymore but wasn’t quite independent, and thus still had to obey Portugal to some degree, started to annoy him. This has quite a bit of teenage rebellion element into it, but that doesn’t mean it came from unjustified anger. Not at all. His pride and ego were starting to really develop. The king of Portugal liked him better than he liked port himself, Brazil was heaven on earth, Brazil was rich, Brazil was full of potential, Brazil was great, Brazil was paradise, Brazil was not his own.  
And that just keeps building.
And when Portugal starts talking about making him a colony again. After all that shit about the being a united kingdom, about Portugal being his father and trying to get close to him, of seeing him as a refuge and a relief, after all of that connection I think Portugal genuinely tried to build with him, the ugly truth is bare again – Portugal never saw him as worthy of equal footing, never saw that united kingdom as anything but temporary, never saw brazil as anything more than a colony. 
And Brazil is mad. 
When he found out the plans of Pedro I to declare independence, he’s more than happy. He’s been thinking of it for a while, and I think maybe deep down he didn’t love the idea of another Portuguese man being his boss, but Pedro had grown up in brazil, dude was carioca at heart, his wife was wonderful, Brazil could work with that. He declared independence, fought against Portugal, won, still had to pay for his independence, but, at last, he got it. 
I think in a way Brazil’s anger, as righteous as it was, did blind him to what was going on. He wanted so bad to get rid of Portugal and avoid going back to how it was when he was a colony, that he waved away or even approved things that really just kept him stuck in the same place. Very little actually changed for most people, and as someone who literally represented all the people, he knew that and could feel that, but he was still so euphoric personally about it that he… ignored it. 
Pedro I’s reign was… messy. He needed a constitution, he got into a war with Argentina, everyone was talking about who Pedro was fucking, it was just a whole mess. For that reason, I think despite declaring his independence, brazil remembers Pedro as being mostly an irresponsible asshole who couldn’t keep it in his pants and was too busy being a playboy to rule this country yet still managed to be authoritarian and also made him lose Uruguay. And when it came time for him to choose Brazil or Portugal, just like his father, he chooses Portugal. 
That was a blow on his ego. Brazil at this point was still just a teenager, who had in two decades grown insanely fast for a nation, has been told by each king his land was heaven on earth and so much richer than Portugal, yet no one was willing to choose him. Ever. He was still an afterthought. Like a colony, that still had a metropolis. Pedro left him with a 4-year-old, with a government disorganized, and no money. 
And then the Provinces start to rise up. 
So, hm, a quick background on how I see the provinces: Some of them existed since around 1530, some were younger and some weren't around yet, and if Brazil first appeared representing the people that were born in this new colony, the provinces were much more… administrative and political. Yet many of the ones that were around grew much faster than Brazil – they were already teenagers or even adults by independence. They had always responded directly to Portugal and for a long time saw no connection between themselves or between them and Brazil. The idea of “Brazil” was only like… 100 years old, even less than that. And some of them were not loving being attached to those two kids – Brazil and the baby emperor. They saw the weak government of the regency as a chance to rise up and declare their own independence, as many who started as provinces around them had – like Uruguay.
The regency lasted 9 years, but I think those few years were also crucial to form Brazil as a person, due to how stressful they were. Think about it, he saw what was happening around him, with Spain’s former colonies. And I think he for the first time had to grapple with the very human existential fear of death. 
If each of his provinces became their own country, would he still be around? Would he just become… Rio? But Rio existed as a province too. Would he just… be a lot of different countries? Probably not.  He would probably disappear. He had only just started to be allowed to live, but that could be taken away at any moment. Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul succeeded in getting their independence. How long until the others? It was quite terrifying. And I think that experience not only made him averse to the idea of being a republic in general at the time, but also created a lot of emotional and psychological problems for him, a lot of insecurity, as well as it made him realize he was nothing. There was nothing to justify his existence. He couldn’t say he existed because he wanted freedom or republic, he had none of these, plus it was something the provinces too could have. What united that land? What made him him? Those were all questions that would haunt him for the rest of the empire, and he would soon be more than willing to go after and accept easy answers. That’s how he gets to that whole indianismo think I talked about some time ago.
He fights his own provinces, on people, countless times. Revolts that really were like civil wars kept popping, and he, who was just a teenager, had to fight to oppress his provinces and force them into being a part of him, for a reason he himself didn’t know. He couldn’t explain why they should be a part of him, except that they were and he wanted them to be and he wanted to live. And he didn’t know why.
In summary, this whole period was one of fear, and insecurity, and doubt. It shook him profoundly as a person more than as a country. Because once Pedrinho was in power, things were quick to stabilize and it was, in some ways, as if those revolts had never happened, but Brazil remembered them, he lived through them, and never really forgot that fear. 
If the regency was marked by external peace and internal turmoil, Pedrinho’s reign was one of relatively internal peace and external turmoil. Pedro II was… a complicated figure. Most Brazilians today regard him as an excellent ruler and a wise man, but I at least can’t be this optimistic about the man who insisted on the Paraguayan war, refused to abolish slavery for decades, and basically laid ground to a lot of the problems we still have today, like bad distribution of land and late industrialization. He didn’t do all that by himself, of course, a lot can be blamed on the senate, but he was the most powerful man on the country, and he receives way too much credit for his personal beliefs of being an abolitionist and a pacifist. Maybe he really was both these things, but that doesn’t change the fact that he didn’t use his power to end slavery and avoid war, quite the opposite. And why is that important here? Because I think brazil, the tan, was also fooled by it. He quickly bought into the narrative that Pedro II was this wise incredible man, and overlooked all the ways he kept the worst structures of the country untouched in order to not upset the elite that kept him in power. Brazil wanted nothing but stability and power, and Pedro, looking like the opposite of his father at the surface, brought that. There were no more separatist movements or civil wars once he rose to power, Rio Grande do Sul was reabsorbed, and the years that followed were ones of relative prosperity, and all of that really made brazil more and more attached to the whole concept of the empire. I think just like he was willing to ignore a lot of things during independence for the sake of it, here too he ignored all the ways Pedro II held him back so that he could fully feel the pride of being a powerful empire.
Brazil really did like being an empire during that time. The narrative of the empire was one that answered the question that haunted him for so long – what justified his existence. Justifying it, in the 19th century, is what I believe to be the main motivation underlying everything he did and thought. And the narrative was that the empire guaranteed stability and avoided civil wars and fragmentation, allowing Brazil to be, to quote José Bonifacio, “This majestic and solid piece of social architecture from the Prata to the Amazonas”, and again, all that in comparison to his neighbors that were constantly drowning in civil wars and fragmenting. For stability and that justification, he was willing to turn a blind eye to anything else.
So he rose from the regency feeling stronger than ever. Pedrinho had put everything into place, he was growing, he had a Brazilian in power for the first time, his coffee was going well, and he had survived. Many of his neighbors hadn’t, or at least not in the sense of managing to keep their territories intact. He did. His neighbors were unstable, with wars and coups and wars (like he hadn’t just had exactly that), he was stable and growing and he was the strongest. Once free of the fear of being destroyed from the inside, his ego grew once again, and he felt good. He felt pride in being a big strong and centralized empire, and to look down on the other Latin Americans and even on his father. He was ready now to make his power and influence spread, as an Empire. 
That's it, sorry if this is both ridiculously long and also a mess, I have way too many thoughts about imperial brazil and I could've probably written ten more pages of it and still have something to say. Also I'd still love to hear your thoughts on the empire for a Portuguese perspective, because I genuinely have no clue what that would look like. But anyway hmm I hope this was fun? 
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