#if you haven't listened to that yet idk why you're reading this lmao
thebuggiest · 8 months
The Magnus Protocol ep 1-4 thoughts
So many spoilers for TMA and TMAGP under the cut lmfao god it's good to be back on my bullshit
FIRST SHIFT- First file? case? whatever, that's deffo this universe's anglerfish. The speaker says that something took Jacob into the shadows, and the returned Jacob's comment on being "some of him" mirrors what Sarah Baldwin said to Jon in TMA ep 96: "Some of her. Skin, a few memories. Not on the inside." Fun callback to the first episode of TMA. Second file elicits a reaction from Sam because of the mention of the Magnus Institute, so the horrible thing he's seen that was mentioned in the TMAGP interview-with-Lena trailer is likely linked to it. Also, the Magnus Institute burning down… I really hope that means this universe has a Gertrude, and she's still around. I'd also like to point out the mention of strange symbols found in the Institute. I'll talk more about this soon. Also: what or who killed redcanary? There's a part of me that wonders if there's an Archivist wandering in the tunnels beneath the institute similar to the one under Alexandria in TMA ep 53 (rc mentions spelunking specifically, not just urban exploration, which is why I think he went into the tunnels for sure.) Other notes: Teddy quit. You can quit here. That's good to know. Less comforting is that the recording of Sam and Alice in the bar sounds like it came through one of their phones- muffled and not in the office where the computer microphones can get at them. Also: Gwen Bouchard is interesting. I want to know why she's too stubborn to look for work elsewhere, as clearly she isn't wanting for money. She could have some affinity for government secrets due to some connection with the Eye, but even in TMA's universe Elias was just an upperclass meatsuit for Jonah Magnus. I'll be curious to see what unfolds.
MAKING ADJUSTMENTS- I have a hunch that Ink5oul is going to pop up again. It seems like a rich vein to plumb given how the tattoo they(she?) gave their victim and what unfolded seemed tailored to her. Plus, they were the instigator of the horror without being its focus, and they've got a big cool tattoo that will make them easy to recognize. More importantly, the victim apparently found Ink5oul when looking up symbols for a commission involving alchemy. I think alchemical symbols (or other weird occult symbolism) might crop up as a recurring motif in TMAGP, as they mentioned symbols in the Institute as well (placed there by the inhabitants or whoever started the fire?) Other notes: Alice has a brother named Luke who is part of a moderately successful band but doesn't play an instrument. I'll circle back to that.
PUTTING DOWN ROOTS- Nice gristly little (probably) Corruption linked story. Outside of the case, I like that Alice's devil-may-care attitude makes it hit harder when she tells Sam she's being serious about something. It's also kind of interesting to see that Sam gets along much better with Gwen than Alice does. I wonder if that comes from a dislike of confrontation. I'm also curious to see where this mention of redundancies goes-- it's a contrast to TMA, in which getting let go was not something they had to worry about.
TAKING NOTES- The story about the murder violin is quite clearly Slaughter, and yet the fact that it thirsts for his physical suffering as well gives a tint of Desolation over the thing, despite the lack of firey motifs. Maybe we'll get more of the gray areas between powers in TMAGP. Something I really want to speculate about though is whether someone's little brother in a band might get hold of the evil violin sometime. That would be sick. More in line with the story: Merchant immediately reminds me of both Breekon and Hope and Mikaele Salesa. We will see if he and/or his oddly shaped sack come back into things. I wonder if the sack is an artifact itself, as he sounded a little surprised by the appearance of the violin in its depths. Other notes: Interesting that the computer system (I forget how they said Freddy was 1337ed out) is dropping info for both Alice and Gwen here. I could have sworn Alice just exploited a loophole or something to find out about Sam's snooping-- except that's the exact opposite of what she's been telling him to do. And Gwen seemed like she was just doing her job when the video or audio file dropped into her workstation.
Anyways. Excited to hear the next ep tomorrow.
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lalalian · 1 month
I always think to myself, "I'm out of ideas... I'm out of actually cool, creative ideas, will I have to shut all my shit down? How am I supposed to continue posting if I've got nothing..." but then, the next second I'll come up with something that genuinely could be a whole ass dr
here's a dump of some of the drs I've been wanting to make into filled scripts for awhile now, but I haven't even started designing the scripts for them yet.
Some of them are literally just titles, but idk I just know I can work with it yk?
since I finished some prototyping hw today, I'll put in a little more effort sectioning this post
some of the ideas in question
cloud catcher: steampunk reality based on a cloud city, you've got a job as a cloud catcher, your job is to catch and sell different kinds of clouds, have a cloud shop
inedible edible cafe: inedible things here (in our OR) would be edible in this dr.. Initially I only wanted to include slime as a dish, but now I want to make dishes with different ingredients, like puffy sticker cereal or sum shit
shifting school dr: okay so this actually was a trend on shifttok for a sec, it was called a 'mysterious school' idk why. anyway, this school was supposed to be it's own dr, but I think i may include it in my dreamscape dr
magitech engineer dr: ngl this idea was in the fucking basement of my mind-- ain't nobody gonna wanna shift here besides for someone that actually likes crafting things. idk i just feel like it’s a niche idea
number magic: uh so no, that's not the title for this dr-- I just really wanna make a dr with this kind of system. idk I was just in world lit class and I realized the poem I was reading was repeating the number 5. we were supposed to analyze the poem, but my dumbass just started daydreaming... anyway, next idea
fantasy cosmetic makeup maker dr: so like imagine handmaking make up with like... mermaid pearls or like ground unicorn horns (sourced ethically of course-- unicorns will shed their horns like baby teeth throughout their lifetime. I cannot imagine depriving a unicorn of its horn... imagine doing that... what a psycho😨) you could make like a mermaid line, a sky beauty line, IMAGINE THE PACKAGING. STOP. WAIT. FLOWER KNOWS. AHHH.
guardian flame: I have so little down for this DR lmao 😭😭 essentially like you're some sort of being that's been assigned to protect another, probably someone who isn't as strong as you. the kinda oddball part about your drself in particular is that you have to go to school to train how to be a good protector, but like you've already got a person you need to protect. nobody is assigned to protect anyone until affffftteeerrr graduation, but ur stuck with an idiot
futuristic skater/futuristic biker: self explanatory! I also wanted this to be in a high school setting. this idea stemmed from me just wanting a high school futuristic dr, cuz like yk I was curious about what high school students would need to learn. what would be considered important to learn about? would all students be taught about how to make technology we would find difficult to make today? what about psychology class? what new theories would arise? what would students think about our generation (in our CR) today? would they think we're stupid, crass, or selfish? anyway, initially I just wanted to go to school and walk around... but, I had a dream about living in the future, more abt that in the next idea (this idea is getting long). Instead, I think I wanna deviate a bit from what I would usually do here and in literally every other school dr I have-- I want to experience what it'd be like to be a... deliquient? idk, growing up i kinda just was just that quiet girl that listened to her parents... soooooooo why not do smth different? I'm still not gonna drink or do drugs tho, boooooooo ik so boring 🙄🙄 oh also I was gonna have a group of friends that were also skaters or bikers and compete in definitely legal biker/skater competitions
futuristic entertainment district: anyway more about that dream, essentially everyone was wearing these levitating rocket boots that looked a lot like roller skates (they had those wheels at the bottom of the shoes). the city was like a huge pot hole filled with stores on the side, but like it seemed like parts of the land was broken apart and floating around-- even those had advertisements and people singing and dancing on them. like this pot hole city was filled to the brim with advertisements, shops, stores, entertainment places, literally I remember that there was a huge section of like idol shit. there were a lot of people darting around the place using those levitating boots I was wearing, but there were also futuristic floating cars. imagine cyberpunk but if it was located in a big ass pot hole. yah, that. idk i just wanna explore
dystopian futuristic dr: similar to cyberpunk in the fact that it's a world dominated by companies; I want to join an underground group that wants to overtake the gov and make the world less ass
singles inferno - introvert ver: I actually have all the contestants scripted + designed a script for this DR, but I haven't worked on this script in a whiillleeeee. I wanna be song jia. not literally, but like I want to have her charm, yk? ok so the introvert part-- a lot of the game will take place in a group chat room. you do challenges in-person and in this chatroom to get a date, sometimes it's a random date, but most of the time it's like your choice. very heavily inspired by a game called picka!
a minecraft roleplay dr: I know at least one of yall cringed so hard at this, trust me, I knooowwwww-- but I really want to be like the next aphmau or smth. oh except I don't want to make kid vids, tho I'm sure yall knew that right. I want to recreate aethergarde academy in minecraft (ALSO ALRUNA TOO OMFG) but then I also wanna do other things that aren't dr related. idk I just know that this DR's gonna be sooooo fun. I haven't even decided on a channel name yet 😭😭
uh so I prob got more, but these were just the ones that came to mind
I'll prob make a part two when I'm lazy with posting
if anyone wants to use these ideas, please do credit me! if one of yall see someone using my ideas without credit, plz plz tell me, ty!
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mysteriouswolf · 3 months
Adding a read more cause it's literally just my random thoughts and a bit of a vent:
Being acespec and arospec as a minor fucking sucks. Because if I even begin to mention it to anyone besides some of my close friends, I get shut down with "but you're only *insert age*. Things change as you get older. You'll want those things someday."
And it hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts because I KNOW. SEXUALITY IS FLUID. I KNOW THIS OKAY? And I don't need you to tell me that. I just- I want to be met with "okay. If you never want those things, that's fine. You're your own person who gets to choose what they want and what they don't."
I know things might change. But I want support for who I am now. Because I hate to break it to you, but almost everyone I know has had at least a crush, if not a first kiss and a romantic relationship by this time. And I don't want one. I don't have any interest at ALL. And I don't remember really ever truly wanting it except for wanting to fit in with other people.
I dunno why I'm so suddenly upset about this. I haven't even came out to anyone recently. It's just hitting right now and I don't know why
Oh wait fuck I need to take my meds. Wait this makes so much more sense now. That's why I'm freaking out--OHHHHHHH WAIT OKAY IMMA GO DO THAT
I'm not expecting anyone to really read this besides maybe Royal, Char, or Geode. If you're here and actually made it this far, hi lmao.
The other thing that bothers me a lot is just like- I have this one friend that I've had since 7th grade. They're really kind and supportive, but they've got a lot of shit they deal with in their personal life too. (Home issues, anxiety, anorexia, etc). And so I'm always there to support them because I care about them so fucking much and they really care about me. And if I ever need help, I can go to them and they won't question it.
It's just- they've like...been infected with romance-fever. For the past year. And it's all they wanna talk about, and usually that's fine because it *usually* isn't repulsive to me. But sometimes it is and I feel like they don't know how to communicate with me otherwise
Also random side note. They like guys. I don't find guys at ALL attractive (very rarely I get aesthetic attraction towards a guy but usually it's like one on the Internet or a fictional character lol) but they wanna show me whoever they're currently dating and I don't know how to react. I'm just like...yeah. cool.
And for the record, I'm not gonna stop being their friend. I care about them too much for that. And this literally won't even be an issue anymore cause I don't think I'll have any classes with them next year and they're mainly a school friend so whY IS THIS STILL BOTHERING ME
It's cause it's 10pm and I literally just took my meds. They haven't done their magic yet
Okay. Good. Then my brain will go back to normal soon.
Tumblr media
You get a picture of Rosie is you actually made it this far into the post. I'm impressed lmao.
Imma go listen to some music until my brain shuts off now. That's probably a good idea. I'll probably put on your cover of Well It's Better Than The Alternative Royal because it's stuck in my head and it's really nice to hear someone singing who isn't doing it to like. make money. Just to sing and make their friend happy cause sing. :)
Idk if that made any sense. Okay. I did a shit ton of work today. I didn't know setting up a fish tank for the first time was so much work. But not I am tired.
P.S. I found a really pretty shell today :333 Also wtf does P.S. stand for???
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samuelroukin · 2 months
hi! not here in favor of you making Actual Books (i don't even read any of the newly published books anymore for reasons and reasons and reasons), just complimenting your work in general
i dont really care for cod at all but i really enjoy how you write the characters!! and tbh the only reason i watched some playthroughs of the games was so i could understand your work better. sure, fandom is the main reason people click in, but it's definitely not why they're staying. and it's not why people are writing paragraphs of praise to your stubborn ass even though you work so hard to never listen to any of it 💖
also id be enchanted to hear more about your ocs on future works or even here on tumblr!! you're great at creating made up people that actually feel real. they're pretty round (funnily enough that is the actual technical term), even when you don't tell us a lot about them
also 👀👀 say you have original stuff in mind?????? i would love love love love love to know more about that!! you're getting pretty darn good at worldbuilding and ambiance. better with each update now that you're trying out this AU thing. it would be infinitely interesting to see what you come up with when working with your own stuff only
anyway what i mean is. even though I don't quite believe in Published Books on this day and age, please know that your writing is definitely good enough for the editorial market (even more so now that those dark romance things are going mainstream and a lot of them read like the stuff 12yos post on wattpad. what tf is the deal with that? but I digress. out of those circles your work is still definitely good enough) it's legit like Good Work, even if the tiny mean bully whispering in your ear disagrees. it's good realism. good introspection. good porn and also good narrative and great junction of those. it's lovely seeing how far you've come in so little time and we're excited to see you reach new heights in the future (because you will, with absolute certainty, unless you stop. but i don't think you could really stop yourself at this point lmao)
and please know that achieving that level of quality with no help or instruction or training in so little time is a grand fucking accomplishment
point is: Who Care? We Care (even if we're not an enormous audience)(...yet?). and not just because it's cod
it's def a nice compliment to get thank u 🙏💖
and so is you reading my stuff without caring much for cod! though i wouldn't be able to write this much about them without (clearly) being completely insane about Them and the basis the games laid (haha laid) because without them i'd be nowhere at all, these characters are so. well they clearly took over my brain lol, though i worry a Lot about them being ooc when i write them 💀
i actually feel like my guys are so barebones and one dimensional rip, which is fine since i mostly created them as little more than a joke and they're just being used as set dressing, so that means a lot 🙏
my Main story is this sprawling urban fantasy thing, which if i ever did write it would need serious adjustments since it's. old and not aged very well. the gist of it was the main character (30 year old barista) has Visions, cue road trip with his bestie (ex bf from high school that he reconnected with years later) to figure out The Deal after they suddenly get much worse. it's about that on the surface, and below about dealing with missed chances and not living up to ur potential. it sounds stupid but i've been Thinking about it since i was like 14 so cringe is to be expected lol
lsklhkjhffghst yeah no offense to them but despite this fic being what it i i wouldn't really want to fall into that category even if that sound like i think i'm better than them (i'm not it's just not my thing. or i guess it is and i just have a superiority complex. anyway) um thank you once again 🥺i def feel like i haven't improved a lot but you're dead on about not being able to stop myself anyway lmao
idk why you're being this nice to me but 💖💖💖
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angerybabydino · 1 year
Did a 15+ hour road trip with my fam twice a little ago and I drove a good chunk of it. Used AA/DGS music to keep me awake bc music psych is a blessing sometimes. Anyway, just a roundabout way to say, I have discovered some fun things in the music that made me 👀👀👀 Idk if anyone else has noticed any of it (and I will say I have minimal music theory knowledge but I'm an English major with the tendency to read into symbolism way too much), but feel to keep reading if you're interested! Spoilers for DGS2 are in here, fair warning!
I'll try and include links to the songs when I can! It'll probably be a mix of Spotify and YouTube hyperlinks so bear with me. Fair warning, this is super long because I decided to cram everything in one post oops lmao
The Funky Time Signature
The first thing I really ever noticed was that Sholmes' "Dance of Deduction"s were weird in terms of keeping beat. It's not in common time aka 4/4 aka 8-count; I think it's in 7/8 time (so you count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 etc. etc.) which is a struggle to maintain counting since people are so used to 3, 4, and 8-counts.
Dance of Deduction - Type A
I found sheet music for easier counting! It says it's in 7/4: https://youtu.be/51vTmoQzwI8
Originally, I thought it was just because he's Weird and Silly™, but I ended up listening to "Partners - The game is afoot" which plays when Sholmes and Yuujin are on the S.S. Grouse trying to deduce where Jigoku is.
Partners - The game is afoot!
This one is surprisingly in 4/4 aka common time (you count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 etc. etc. [though I have seen sheets put it in 12/8, which is close-ish, but it still has an even counting pattern WHICH IS WHAT MATTERS]). So in actuality, Shomles' Dance of Deductions aren't in a weird time signature because he's our favorite eccentric boy (okay, it might be part that too); it's because he's missing his partner after he left and investigating never felt quite right without him. Once he and Yuujin get to investigate together again, he's whole and happy. And it's just so fucking gay I can't.
The big thing I noticed while I was driving (because there was nothing else interesting on the road) was the use of harpsichords in certain Londoner themes, specifically Stronghart, van Zieks, Iris, and Kazuma's prosecutor theme, as well as some of the final songs during 2-4&5.
If you don't know, this is what a harpsichord sounds like! Yes, I know I'm a nerd for being able to pick it out and name it while driving lmao
You can hear it a lot in Stronghart's theme, specifically around 0:38-0:49 (it's pretty in the background so you kinda have to strain your ears but it's there), but it's also pretty present throughout his theme.
Lord Chief Justice Stronghart - Time-Keeper of the Law
There's also a lot of it in van Zieks' theme as well; it's right off the bat and it's one of the prominent instruments throughout the piece.
Barok van Zieks - The Reaper of the Bailey
You have to really be listening for it, but it pops up occasionally in Iris' theme as well! You kinda have to strain your ears during 0:16-0:30 to hear it, but it's definitely there. It's more hidden compared to van Zieks'.
Iris Wilson - Young Biographer
I know Kazuma is Japanese, however, since he became a prosecutor in Britain, it still counts and it makes more sense once I tell you why it's all related (if you haven't guessed yet). ANYWAY, his theme also has a lot of harpsichord in it, even in the parts that were from his original theme.
A Prosecutor, Reborn
This could all just be a stylistic choice too, but do you see it yet? All the people who correspond with these themes are directly related to the Professor killings. van Zieks and Kazuma have the most prominent because we know by 2-4 the obvious connections they both hold. Iris and Stronghart's are more in the background since both of their involvements are big reveal-type deals by the end of the game.
Bonus points: the actual theme that plays when anything related to the Professor is mentioned also has some background harpsichord to connect it all.
The Professor - A Spectre Revived
I will note that I didn't notice anything in Gregson's theme, even though he played a big part in the false conviction. Courtney Sythe's theme also has some harpsichord, but I can't remember how she's related to it other than the fact that she helped with the autopsy (which probably means I should replay the games again lol).
Other game music that proves the connection:
Enoch Drebber - Rondo of Science and Magic
The Great Gateway to the Truth
The Prison Warders
The Great Closed Trial - Court is Now in Session
Reminiscences - The Fruits of Ambition
Others I probably completely missed
A Prosecutor, Reborn
Speaking of Kazuma's prosecutor theme, one of the really cool things about its composition is the warring back and forth between itself. It starts with the completely new theme, blending his usual string accompaniment with drums/cymbals, singular bell tolls, and harpsichord. When it gets to around 0:47, you hear the bells and then it switches back to his original theme from Adventures, though it's a lot grander now and lacking a lot of the traditional Japanese elements it once had.
A Prosecutor, Reborn
Kazuma Asougi - Samurai on a Mission
And it bounces back and forth like that until the end of the song, the bells signifying the shifting. It goes to show this internal struggle Kazuma is having between finding the truth even if it's something he won't like (his original theme) and following his emotions to falsely convict van Zieks as revenge (the beginning chunk of his prosecutor theme).
I also think it's interesting how dominating the harpsichord is, again especially over the chunks of his original theme from Adventures. In connection to it being related to the Professor, aside from the obvious connection to his father, it also shows how much influence and manipulation Stronghart had over him, with him being the BBEG.
One of my favorite things I noticed was Susato and Kazuma's connections through themes, though not the one you're thinking. Kazuma's official theme I'm sure has a few connections to Susato's (but I haven't listened closely enough to hear them), however I really noticed how intertwined the two were when I listened to Kazuma's unused theme they provided in Chronicles.
Susato Mikotoba - A New Bloom in the New World
Kazuma Asougi (Unused)
Many of the same instruments are used, as well as note and chord progressions. They have the same peaceful/serene vibes too, which is understandable in why Kazuma's was scrapped (even if I do like it a lot). But if this ended up being Kazuma's actual theme, I would've noticed the familial relationship they share instead of my initial thoughts of it purely just being professional.
That's all I've really noticed for now, but I'm sure I'll come across more things as I listen to the soundtrack to study. I will, however, shut up now and let you get back with you day/night/whatever time of day it is for you because this is getting l o n g. If you did read this far, thank you for indulging me and listening to me be a complete nerd ^w^ And definitely feel free to share your thoughts too; I love talking about this stuff if you couldn't tell!
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httpiastri · 3 months
oooo why is isack not very liked? i’m new here so i wanna know 👀👀
this got a little too long 😶 so yeah uh more under the cut
ooooo bestie.... well, first off, he's a major whiner and i hate whiny drivers (feels like ive written that sentence like 20 times the last 48 hours lmao). he loves to complain on the radio to his team when things don't go his way (as if its their fault and not his own 😶)... i get that you're frustrated but you don't have to press the radio button when you're screaming, yk?
like, listen to his radio from after the race in monaco. sure, getting a win would've gotten you the lead in the championship, but can't you just understand that it was a lucky call from zak (the winner that day) that works like once in 15 races? it wasn't your fault, it wasn't the team's fault, it was just a coincidence? and the fact that he didn't just whine, he was SCREAMING. like, screaming his lungs out. really embarrassing.
and then, listen to his radio after the qualifying in barcelona. buddy was screaming like a toddler yet again. very awkward.
then, in the feature race in austria, he started by whining on the radio about his battle with paul (he ended up not being able to pass paul, which pissed him off TONS). but then came the worst part... he was behind pepe (our fave little boy on this blog <33) towards the end and whined to the team about how "he's defending against me much harder than he did to other drivers!!" and on and on. and when he finally got to pass pepe, he first of kept on complaining about pepe, and then said "give me 2-3 laps to get the lead". did he take the lead? no, and then he refused to give pepe the position back many laps later. idk i kinda don't wanna get into it more than that, but my dear friend @lilioopdf has a post about it hereeeeee (that i haven't read yet lol but i trust her) with the radio messages hereeeee !!!!
he also takes 0 responsibility for his actions, which annoys me a lot. in melbourne, he crashed out pepe (again, his teammate...) and did not understand why he got a penalty for it and lost his win. and idk, he just keeps on disrespecting and dishonoring his team who works so hard for him.... like him writing "limited power from the race start to the end. it is getting really frustrating, mechanics does not make it easy for us this season." on his instagram 😶 shush
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(kskdkrkekd ignore my ask before i sent it on accident before i could finish it)
hiiii we haven't talked in a bit so this is me popping by
how have you been doing? :)
i have finished reading hamlet so i am going to reread i fell in love with hope any day now and give you your promised highly detailed essay. yay? also i have been seeing a therapist, idk if i told you about that and i'm pretty sure that's a yay!! she's very nice
question time!! i miss your aro fic so i decided to ask something regarding that. firstly, can i ask why are there different mating systems? like, what is the in-world explanation and/or what is the narrative purpose? (idk if that's too much spoiler, you can just answer in private if you want or not answer at all, whatever you seem fit)
other question is about björn bc i love him. does he like musicals too?? i know you said you, yourself are not that into theatre but if yes, do you have an idea what types of musicals would be his fav?
that's all for now i think. you answer when you answer, if you want to at all - as always. no pressure!!
bye-bye (´^_^)ノ
hiiiii sorry this took me so long to get around to, I've finally started on my summer job and I can count my free seconds on just one hand 😭 otherwise I'm mostly fine, bit preoccupied with getting obsessed over various crochet projects and trying not to lose my sanity over them lmao
oh I am so looking forward to that essay of yours, it's been a hot moment since I read I fell in love with hope so perhaps this is a call for me to reread it as well. I'd say we should do a race to see who can finish sooner but I get the feeling neither of us needs any kind of extra stress right now, lol. And I'm glad to hear you found a good therapist! I remember you mentioned you were looking for one, so happy to hear that turned out nicely!
Imma be honest, it's been a hot moment since I thought abt my aro fic 😅 other projects came up and then I started working on Absolutely Nothing At All, so that one has been kinda put on the backburner lately - it's probably a good thing you're reminding me of it, then. Tbh I don't remember if I had any specific reason for multiple mating systems, I think I just wanted to represent many of them to say: no, the problem isn't with one specific system, the problem is with the idea itself. Then again I have been considering going through every idea I had thus far again and sort of "restarting" bc I wasn't entirely happy with what I came up with thus far, so who knows. Maybe next time you ask I will stick with just one system lol.
Oh yeah Björn is a really funny guy I love him too, for some reason I imagine he would be the type of person who loves musicals but purely for their music, and otherwise has zero clue as to what the musical is actually about. He would listen to the soundtrack on 24/7 loop but if someone came up to him like "actually this musical is about [plot]" he would give you the most confused surprised pikachu face. (What kind would be his favorite, I am honestly not sure)
man I really should think about getting back to writing this Thang I have been putting it off for so long I'm already forgetting things about it 😭
Anyway, how are you doing? I hope everything's going fine with you this summer break and that ur resting at least a little bit (and that your brain hasn't boiled yet in the heat lmao). Doing anything interesting lately?
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devotioncrater · 1 year
idk how that WIP fmk ask game works but i’d be curious to hear ur thoughts on any ted lasso wips you have !
HELL yes tysm!! i LOVE talking abt WIPs
fuck - the story you just want to read instead of having to write it yourself
i have the outline done for a tedtrent western film AU inspired by a convo with @stevecarrington @tomlinfonda and @larkin21 !!
the fic is set in the 60s, right as the western genre is going out of style. rebecca owns a film studio (richmond studios) in hollywood, and wants to blow up its reputation to get back at rupert. so she has higgins cast ted, a high school drama teacher from kansas, to star in an upcoming western film. she then personally hires trent, an established director well-known for being a cold-hearted bitch to work with, to direct the movie. the film itself is risky, as it subverts cornerstones of the western genre. this is the film's synopsis:
Mason "Badlands" Morris (Theodore Lasso) is a lone cowboy rider hired for a job he don't normally do: escort a Miss Josephine Fairfax (Keeley Jones) from Kansas all the way to California so she can reunite with her beau Jack (Jamie Tartt). To ensure no untowardness, her uncle Ezra (Roy Kent) accompanies them, himself desperate for a change. Over the course of 14 days during the spring of 1856, the trio face unexpected challenges and uncover secrets which would best be left buried.
the fic spans from the first initial table read all the way to release day. shenanigans and unlikely romances ensue. i have everything for this SO clearly mapped in my head and on paper, but i know it's going to be a massive undertaking putting it into words. so if i could just...read it instead that'd be amazin LMAO
marry - the story you're obsessed with writing and never want to stop working on or thinking about
break me, shake me, devastate me (come here baby) is one i cannot stop writing/thinking about. the second and final chapter for it is going to be at minimum 7k words long because i keep adding more details in or reworking scenes. especially since the james lance interview dropped and we got more trent lore. the flipside to this is that i'm chewing my nails, sweating over the fact i haven't updated in 12 days. i deadass tried to update this past sunday but!! no!! it didn't feel complete yet. so hopefully this weekend it'll happen
grief and longing are my favorite themes to write about, which this fic explores. i have a playlist titled "grieving" that i made purely to listen to while writing this fic.
kill - the story you're most frustrated with and would rather just put it in the trash (or a high shelf somewhere to forget about for a long time)
i've kind of already done this, but there's a royjamie fic i'm bashing my head against the wall about. i got inspired by AURORA's songs "forgotten love" and "soft universe", specifically the lyrics:
You are the reason I can dance Within a fire of goodbyes, of goodbyes I can lie in a dark room without the feeling that I'm lonely
My body falls off the side of her bed And now I know what love feels like Don't let me turn into pain All of this is loveliness Chaos came, we laid our head Down on the feather cotton bed You find a heart and catch your breath Let the universe go red Speak to me, speak to me With love in your words Make for me, make for me A soft universe
basically the fic is about different times roy and jamie sleep together in the same bed. it explores their unspoken codependency and the soft intimacy they share underneath their weird dynamic. the reason i'm frustrated is that i cannot seem to find a good enough explanation for why they start sharing a bed LMAO
currently i have something inspired by the fonda/redford film Our Souls At Night, where jamie shows up at roy's door one night and is like "i can't sleep, mate. i miss having a person next to me."
we'll see though. maybe i'll find motivation for the fic again
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sarrie · 9 months
Ok fuck it I'm in a Music Mood and I'm going to include youtube links to all of my favorite Depeche Mode songs per album so this post is probably going to load like ass I apologize. Why am I doing this?? idk man growing up my dad listened to a ton of Depeche Mode and as a teenager I would lay in bed with headphones on listening to all my dad's old Depeche Mode CDs they've kind of just been present my whole life.
(i wish we could make our own customized Keep Reading text à la livejournal dot com)
From Greatest Hits (1987) because, listen, the amount of singles and single round-ups they have is wild so we're just going to start here since it includes a majority of what i like pre-1987 onward. Also I wish I could just share the entire album lmAO but i'm trying to keep the lists like. top top favorites.
I feel like Shake the Disease is this very bare bones version of Depeche Mode. Like, it's the staples. All the things that make up their future songs are there, but they haven't quite gotten comfortable in their style yet. It's such a good starting point for their sound, to me.
(tw referenced self harm in lyrics) Was I like 16 listening to this song and crying? MAYBE. The heavy industrial pushing this moody synth. Uuggghh IT'S SO GOOD. Surface level this song is good, and then you're going through some hard shit in high school and it becomes something that helps keep you together.
(cw flashing/strobing images at 1:06 to 1:17, and 1:54 to 2:02) The fucking dancing. The peppy "You treat me like a dog, get me down on my knees. :D" The superimposed dancing. It is, indeed, just A lot.
Another classic tbh. I love the train sounds at the beginning of the song. "Metropolis has nothing on this You're breathing in fumes, I taste when we kiss" I'm feral the imagery in this song is so so good. This is also a song where I feel like Dave's vocals really shine. And again got me weak with the Dave + Martin combo at the interlude.
Music For The Masses (1987)
Never Let Me Down Again is like. idk. one of those high ranking songs for me. The lack of separation between homoerotic subtext and the glaring drug addiction in the lyrics is so good. (I know it's about the drug addiction more than anything, but the vibes are there.) Soundscape-wise I LOVE how big this song feels. Depeche Mode is so good at that, though. I don't know how to explain it better, but it's like even if you're listening through headphones their music just fills the room.
Is it a list without Strangelove?? I give in to sin Because you have to make this life livable But when you think I've had enough from your sea of love I'll take more than another riverful Like y'all come on lmao.
I remember not particularly liking this song and then getting to the vocals/lyrics. The harmonizing between Dave and Martin's voices is so good. There is a comment on genius for the lyrics of this song that just says: The song is obviously about sexual submission, a subject in which Martin Gore is very interested. Which. Ok mood, Martin. But, I DUNNO MAN I feel like you can never be that face value with their music like that. That being said, good for him.
Did some digging on song meanings and one thing I got for this one was a younger man and an older woman in a relationship, with the narrator explaining to the younger guy what the older woman got out of the relationship which is. Interesting?? You get into the lyrics and it definitely fits. And then at like 2:04 it breaks into this tone shift and then the piano at 2:25 the whole thing becomes very serious. It's one of those songs that just kinda tells a story.
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
6, 9, 13 for the ask game!
HI GLORIJA!!! I hope you're doing well :D thanks for the ask!!
female character asks
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
okay so listen. I have a slight love/hate with her character, but truly, I feel that Edelgard gets kinda done dirty by her own route
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I will never get over the fact that the Black Eagles route is 17 chapters compared to the 26 (?) chapters that the other routes get, with Golden Deer and Church route having near identical stories?!?!??! like they totally could have used that effort to give Edelgard the chance to take down Those Who Slither In The Dark BUT NOOOOOO NOOOO WE DONT GET THAAAT WE DONT GET THE JUSTICE FOR THE WRONG DEALT TO HER AS A KID AND WHY SHE STARTED THE WHOLE WAR NOOOOO
The payoff was horrendous and it just left me sitting bitter and ill towards her route and just her character. It's such a disservice really :oI
9. A female character you started out disliking but came around to?
oh my god a character i disliked but had a slow warm up to... hmmm... ngl and I'm soooo so so so sorry to do this to her, but that's Camilla for me
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AND TBH THIS ISN'T EVEN HER FAULT TBF !! Have you seen that post around that's like "this isnt you girl this is your writers fault?" Yeah that's how I feel towards Camilla lmao
I just am very very extra tired of fanservice characters, and especially female characters used for fanservice, so I have a tendency to just disregard the "sexy female" trope in an instant, but it's thanks to my friend that I actually came around and gave Camilla a try and started working through her supports, and honestly, it just makes me hate the. The cutscenes with Camilla more. It just feels (again) like a disservice.
I won't say that I outright hated her? I just felt disappointed by the way the writers frequently portray her. I don't know --
13. An interesting femslash ship? (Canon or otherwise)
OH YAY this is the most recent femslash ship that I fell in love with but Kallen/Sakura from Honkai Impact 3rd !!
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I found out that they were actually canon in one of the manga, saying explicitly that they were soulmates (or Kallen the white hair girl saying that "When I first met Sakura, it was like I knew the reason why I was born" lIKE OKAY??!?!?!?!??!? OKAY------)
BUT BUT BUT my heart felt so touched reading through Kallen and Sakura's story, and while I'm still only slowly learning what happened between them (I'm still super new), what I do know and love is that Kallen saved Sakura from falling into absolute despair after being forced to kill her sister to appease the gods of her village, reminding Sakura of the kindness in humanity.
But for whatever reason (I haven't reached this yet BUT I think I'm pretty close actually? idk. if anyone else is reading this and plays hi3, please don't spoil me. ik the game's been out forever but i am absolutely blind to this so i don't want to know :)), Kallen had to seal Sakura away because she houses an evil being within her, but she leaves an artifact that would defend Sakura within the place she seals Sakura and just,, making sure Sakura is never alone and it was soooo ; - ;
I think a bit of it actually reminded me a bit of the ending for Sayaka and Kyoko in PMMM if you know that ! But I sure am particularly weak to knights in shining armor ish stories lmao
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lastlight-inn · 3 months
💜🩷🤍 🫶
💜 Purple: Name one song you're listening to while writing your next/current fanfic. How or why does it help the writing process?
HAHAHAHAHAHH oh, anon you've opened up the biggest can of worms😈
SO one thing to get out of the way is that I do NOT have an ear for lyrics. My partner makes fun of me for it, frequently. But given I started writing a bard-centric fanfic, I wanted what I included to make sense in some capacity (esp with the WIPs I haven't published yet for reasons people will hopefully see before I die).
Writing has been very hard atm so I don't have one song I've been focusing on for You're At The Top of My Lungs. But! I do have songs that I've been listening to for WIPs and also some fun stuff for future chapters that have already been written for YATTOML.
So...for the WIPs? It's still Very loosey-goosey atm AND this song literally just came out but "The girl, so confusing version with lorde" by Charlie XCX has been on repeat the past few days because it's a bop but also because I've been associating with a Modern AU with Gale x Tav but they WEREN'T childhood friends beforehand. The lyrics have nothing to do with it, but the song feels linked to them, now. It be like that sometimes.
Similarly, for YATTOML a song that accidentally became attached to a chapter is Femininomenon by Chappell Roan. I'll probably mention it in the chapter notes once the chapter is posted, but I have yet to decide if I'll put it in the fic's playlist or not. Again, lyrics have nothing to do with it but there's a lot of action in this particular chapter where the flow and energy of Femininomenon just fits.
Lastly, there's a Modern College AU that I've been trying to solidify that I have an entire album that's...perfect. But if I had to share One song it's Love by Hana Vu. I recommend her whole album, Romanticism to everyone. I like imagining that Poppy could have written this album, it fits her so well.
anyway...that's ONE question lmao let's get to the others.
🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?
Honestly? I have a hard time writing most of the rest of the party. I think I've said this in an AO3 comment or tumblr tags or something but I find it very difficult to Not start every sentence Karlach says with "Hey Soldier!" and every sentence Astarion says with "Darling." This can be fixed if I go on youtube and watch dialogue videos for all the other characters but I just...don't. Maybe the lack of Lae'zel in my fic also shows how idk how to write her 💀. I try to include the group as best I can because Gale x Tav doesn't happen in a vacuum but I definitely avoid writing the others lmao. I just want to listen and stare at our resident wizard hehe.
🤍 White: What's a fanfic scenario or idea you'd like someone else to write so that you can read it?
Gods. Hrm. So many of the scenarios I have in my head are so Poppy x Gale centric that I can't imagine other people writing them. But generally I would love more Modern AUs. There's a lot of Gale x Tav bg3 story/game playthrough fics out there and (if I can share a hot-take) an over-saturation of them. A little ironic/hypocritical coming from someone writing one of those very fics but ah whatever. No shade at all to anyone trying to write those fics, please please do it. The best thing I've done for myself this year is start writing about my Tav and Gale. Get those words out. Post it. Keep writing and keep posting. Don't let one millennial on the internet tell you what to do lmao.
Most of the Modern Gale fics I've seen are professor Gale x student Tav. Granted, I don't expand my reading horizons into many other relationship combinations (I read some Bloodweave here and there) but that's the go-to Modern AU because his good ending in bg3 is Gale becoming a professor (and professors are HOT!!). It's why I'm excited about my Modern College AU. I've very recently been inspired by The Season by Linnetagain and have been considering Actor Gale x Musician Poppy for that aforementioned "Modern AU with Gale x Tav but they WEREN'T childhood friends beforehand" I've been thinking about with Charlie XCX in the background. I have a hard time with making other Modern AU situations happen because of reasons I'll get further into in the next ask I have in my inbox (coming shortly) but in short, Poppy is a Very Very old OC and she has Always been a musician. I have a hard time inserting her anywhere else.
Anyway, PUT THAT WIZARD IN SITUATIONS!!! Gimme that yummy Modern AU goodness.
0 notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
Hopefully the kid has a great career, I'd hate if he became "one hit wonder" like many young stars before. Man City who??? Idk I'm not seeing anything, my eyes are closed. Arsenal first <333 cristiano can't go back to ManU so he's choosing the next closest thing, ManCity??? 😭
Ahhh yes me and my friends figured it must be Torres and taste! I used to be a huge El Nino fan. Btw random, I had no idea David Villa works in an Indian club?! Also I joined tumblr (don't ask me how many years ago...) because of the Spanish NT and the first user I followed was actually a Barca fan lmao. Dark times
Noooo I'm probably not attending Lolla in Paris 🔫 I want to, since Skz are headlining, but it still won't be a full concert and I don't care for any other artist in the line up. Btw I'm travelling to SK next week, ngl I'm not that thrilled, but hopefully once I'm there it'll be worth it. I have so many vegan spots to visit in Seoul! Maybe I'll be too distracted to feel petty and sad about the Euro tour
The enemies to lovers prompt has so much potential AAAAAAAAAAAA a slow burn me thinks, a slow and painful one! I really need to read it 😭
I don't think any of the royals are particularly normal jjshshahshagaha maybe Beatrice and Eugenie, they're just kinda there? We know who's the worse tho, Andr*w that old fuckhead. Camilla and Charles don't have good reputation and we all also know why. Guess they can be funny sometimes, but I wish they had sense of morality instead of sense of humour 💀
That Hannah Montana doll, I need to see it 😭 Baek but have you seen The O.C, Skins, 90210 (not the OG one even though it slayed, but I watched the spin off and it was insane)
Not ANOTHER After movie oh god, this and the Hoover movie, we're doomed :/
Literally can't remember anything from that Nascar cartoon, but I watched the shit out of it for a while???
I have that webtoon you mentioned saved actually. Also I noticed a webtoon I started on Kakaopage has made it into ENG webtoon, it's called Complicated Cohabitation. I only started it, because nuna content <3
You wanna steal Soohyuk from me??? Well that's ok, I'm on my way to propose to Hwa. Also the football rings hold ooooon wjdjwjsjjshahash. I actually bought some jewellery from this website before, but I just noticed all the funny rings
I try to be respectful towards religious people, but sometimes it's hard ajsgahshshajaj rip, they can't enjoy Lucifer nor Changmin's Devil, SNSD's Run Devil Run or You Better Run 😬 actually I saw a post on Reddit asking whether Halazia has religious themes, because OP couldn't listen to it if they used religious symbolism. Also pretty sure TXT always had angelic and devilish theme going on (btw that song is my fave off their album - me liking every song that has villain or devil in it)
Uhhhh bestie do you remember this video 😭🤧❤ (but the camera mostly filming his lips, neck and hands drives me INSANEEEE 😳😳😳😳)
Gonna start Nayeon x Hongjoong dating rumours jdjsjsjsbshsh. And You're right Atz and Dox served CEOs at the wedding
???? and hmmm
Okay rich...... do NOT remind me are you insane Park Seonghwa?! But he's cruel and vile
Omfg I haven't been on twt that much, I totally missed two new Seonghwa fansites and they have some gold content like this 😭 and this and oh wow god it's me..... - I need to arrange flowers for him, make him a big ass bouquet 💐💐💐💐
Okay that's enough of Hwa spam :3 - DV 💖
Hopefully the kid has a great career, I'd hate if he became "one hit wonder" like many young stars before. Man City who??? Idk I'm not seeing anything, my eyes are closed. Arsenal first <333 cristiano can't go back to ManU so he's choosing the next closest thing, ManCity??? 😭
it’s really sad seeing new comers come up and be compared and being called the “the next messi, the next ronaldo!” and yet they disappear after a year or something,,, MAN CITY BLUE !!!!!! they’re still 5 points behind but u best believe they are on their way, and 3 el classico’s????? + barca women coming for another win?? also 😭😭 idk if this is someone who had a fan account but it seems a little real take ur barca hate away HES A KPOPPER cr7 he needs to get back to rm, forget man city bro will ruin it 😭😭
😭😭 is this not true atp this has to be intentional is chelsea doing, 3 TIMES???? barca having to go to court to register a member and suing la liga WHILE CHELSEA SPENT €500MIL ON SIGNINGS???? INSANITY
Ahhh yes me and my friends figured it must be Torres and taste! I used to be a huge El Nino fan. Btw random, I had no idea David Villa works in an Indian club?! Also I joined tumblr (don't ask me how many years ago...) because of the Spanish NT and the first user I followed was actually a Barca fan lmao. Dark times
EXACTLY TASTE!!! he’s actually a goal scoring machine, so insanely talented,,, I THINK HES UNDER SOME ODISHA CLUB that was very surprising 😭😭 want to see him play in euro again,,, rmr how iniesta went to japan’s fc bc he didn’t want to ever face barca if he wasn’t playing in it 😭😭 LMFAOOO DARK TIMES AND BERE U ARE CONVERSING W A BARCA FAN ☺️☺️
Noooo I'm probably not attending Lolla in Paris 🔫 I want to, since Skz are headlining, but it still won't be a full concert and I don't care for any other artist in the line up. Btw I'm travelling to SK next week, ngl I'm not that thrilled, but hopefully once I'm there it'll be worth it. I have so many vegan spots to visit in Seoul! Maybe I'll be too distracted to feel petty and sad about the Euro tour
NOOOOOOO there’s so much happening in paris this time around 😭😭😭 right you are!!! omg it’s also come back season ur gonna see so much again! baekhyun comes back 😭😭 i saw this one video on a vegan cafe in itaewon called plant cafe & kitchen and the food looked so good! here’s also some restaurants to check out if ur going jeju! i hope u have a fun and safe time there!! I THINK YOU WILL BE DISTRACTED IF U STAY AWAY FROM TWT 🔫🔫
The enemies to lovers prompt has so much potential AAAAAAAAAAAA a slow burn me thinks, a slow and painful one! I really need to read it 😭 //// I don't think any of the royals are particularly normal jjshshahshagaha maybe Beatrice and Eugenie, they're just kinda there? We know who's the worse tho, Andr*w that old fuckhead. Camilla and Charles don't have good reputation and we all also know why. Guess they can be funny sometimes, but I wish they had sense of morality instead of sense of humour 💀
plots like those are truly the bane of my existence, can go into so many routes, rivals? mafia enemies? sworn since birth enemies? EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING,,, right eugenie and beatrice! they’re yeah just there 😭😭 i also like princess anne, she has a witty personality irl it seems and the crown version was just hilarious fbwnbdsjckc the tampongate is never escaping charles ever 😭😭😭 NO UR RIGHT FBFB i think those who aren’t the direct heirs families tend to be unhinged, the one who are the siblings tend to be more lowkey
That Hannah Montana doll, I need to see it 😭 Baek but have you seen The O.C, Skins, 90210 (not the OG one even though it slayed, but I watched the spin off and it was insane) //// Not ANOTHER After movie oh god, this and the Hoover movie, we're doomed :/
IT WAS THIS FBWKFHWKCJC THO MINE HAS HER ONE FEET CUT OFF 😭😭😭 THE SONG IS DIFF! do u rmr the bratz dolls and the strawberry shortcake ones 😭😭😭 IVE, IVE SEEN THE O.C AND LOVED IT DESPITE THE CONFUSION I GOT UNFORTUNATELY NOT THE OTHER TWO, are they quite similar?? ANOTHER MOVIE YEAH 😭😭😭 at least we have a redemption coming in ??? freaky friday revamp?? desperately need blake to leave that movie 😭😭
Literally can't remember anything from that Nascar cartoon, but I watched the shit out of it for a while??? //// I have that webtoon you mentioned saved actually. Also I noticed a webtoon I started on Kakaopage has made it into ENG webtoon, it's called Complicated Cohabitation. I only started it, because nuna content <3
it does look quite interesting to watch fhwjdhen the characters are <33 U DO?? ITS SO GOOD LIKE AN UNHINGED VERSION OF ONE SIDED ENEMIES TO LOVERS 😭😭 NOONA ROMANCE??? SIGN ME UP !!!!! the younger mc trope is so >>>>
You wanna steal Soohyuk from me??? Well that's ok, I'm on my way to propose to Hwa. Also the football rings hold ooooon wjdjwjsjjshahash. I actually bought some jewellery from this website before, but I just noticed all the funny rings
JFVWKFJWKCJCK GET BACK HERE HELLO TASIR IS WAITING!! TASIR. WAITS. omg those are so interesting to look at, THE DRAGON STOP IT SOMEONE NEEDS TO GIVE IT TO HIM 😭😭 do u think they have a anklet that has the golden boot charm bc that would be something ppl would buy fbwnd the world cup looking necklace 😭😭 maybe we should mail it to ronaldo <3 i know this is a parody acc but i just know he did something like this
I try to be respectful towards religious people, but sometimes it's hard ajsgahshshajaj rip, they can't enjoy Lucifer nor Changmin's Devil, SNSD's Run Devil Run or You Better Run 😬 actually I saw a post on Reddit asking whether Halazia has religious themes, because OP couldn't listen to it if they used religious symbolism. Also pretty sure TXT always had angelic and devilish theme going on (btw that song is my fave off their album - me liking every song that has villain or devil in it)
NO SRS i also think it’s like selective for many people, if a group they like do it it’s amazing and even praise it! but if one doesn’t it’s devil worshipping 😭😭😭 NO LITERALLY HOW WOULD THEY SURVE THE F(X) RED LIGHT ERA 😭😭 ayo ngl i expected halazia to have a pentagram or some rituals and a hook like zimzalabim 😭😭😭 yeah! they always seems to have that theme, very garden of eden x edgy australian band vibes <3 u know they should cover imagine dragons i think that music suits them well! like bad liar esp! THAT SONG IS SO GOOD UR RIGHT BUT TINNITUS??? 🤲🏻🤲🏻 they have the funniest titles 😭😭😭 what the heck 😭😭 lionel mbappe
Uhhhh bestie do you remember this video 😭🤧❤ (but the camera mostly filming his lips, neck and hands drives me INSANEEEE 😳😳😳😳) //// Gonna start Nayeon x Hongjoong dating rumours jdjsjsjsbshsh. And You're right Atz and Dox served CEOs at the wedding
I DO AND WHY WOULD U REMIND ME OF IT WHTMWHDKW THE ZOOM IN ON THE HANDS !!!! GRRRRRRRRRR nayeon x hongjoong giving ✨ ceo romance ✨ the bright and cherry fl and the reserved always squinting ceo <3
???? and hmmm //// Okay rich...... do NOT remind me are you insane Park Seonghwa?! But he's cruel and vile //// Omfg I haven't been on twt that much, I totally missed two new Seonghwa fansites and they have some gold content like this 😭 and this and oh wow god it's me..... - I need to arrange flowers for him, make him a big ass bouquet 💐💐💐💐 /// Okay that's enough of Hwa spam :3 - DV 💖
san’s an ass guy,,, bro just be going into all the details 😭😭😭 do u ever just randomly, out of no where rmr the texture of the smoothness of his hand? no? it’s okay BECAUSE HE WILL REMIND YOU FBWNBDWNDJKS
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oh i just screamed
he’s giving junior hwa tutor au but also steve jobs
what the hell
WHAT THE HECK im going to d word if he doesn’t put that inside
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nora-xox · 2 years
So hey :)
Spoiler tk /!\
In the last arc, you know where takemitchy is setting up his gang to help mikey ? i wanted to know if i can ask a headcanon when her s/o ask him if he would like to marry her, so that she could stay with him forever, so that he would never be alone again? how would he react?
I love this! I hope you enjoy! As always I tried lmao idk if this is exactly what you were hoping for but honestly I haven't written so much fluff in my life
Also I am close to 100 followers on here so let me know what y'all want for that!
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Mikey x reader
Warnings : None i think lmao (tooth rotting fluff?)
Proof read: lmao no.
·Mikey honestly doesn't understand why you of all people would even be with him. He thinks you deserve better. But he is glad to have you nonetheless.
· You've been with Mikey for a while.
·So when you followed him to Tenjiku (idk how to spell that lmao...)and wouldn't let him push you away like he did the others he was even more surprised.
· You were determined to stay with him through thick and thin. No matter what.
· And with that thought and determination you have. Has Now led you to where you are now.
· When you proposed to him it was infront of the other high ranking members of Tenjiku (💀).
· Them being around didn't matter though. But you could hear a few oooos and ahhhs in the background.
· the glare from Mikey shuts them right up and they leave the room. Honestly you would have done it when they weren't in the room but a spur of the moment thought of "I don't wanna wait any longer and I know what i want to do" made this happen then and there.
· Now Mikey's reaction is shock first and foremost. He doesn't get in the first place why you were with him but now you're suggesting it to be forever.
· Second Mikey is thinking isn't it supposed to be his job to be proposing to you.
· Mikey's face is honestly priceless as you're watching the wheels turn in his head.
· When he finally blinks and snaps out of his thoughts. Mikey deadpan asks "Are you serious?"
· Which you are and your response is " yes, I am serious. You'll never be alone again." You say with a serious yet sweet smile.
· Mikey is dumbfounded why him? Why do you keep choosing him? After everything. Yet he isn't gonna say no. He loves you and again is Honestly happy to have someone choose him no matter what.
· He would have slight tears threatening to fall.
· He would say yes finally and you give him a huge hug overly excited about the fact that he said yes.
(You can for sure bet that the others that left the room earlier are listening in on the other side of the door)
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sanhaoche · 2 years
thank you @insideline for the tag! i love reading about you all and also talking about myself :)
Rules: tag 9 ppl you want to know better
Last song: unsure and can't check on spotify as i've since listened to an episode of you're wrong about but i'm currently obsessed with maggie rogers' new album so i'll say horses off that bc like. horses. running wild. i wish i could feel like that for just a minute! alt pop needs more women who wail and maggie gets it. thank you maggie for your service
Last show: last show i finished i think was abbott elementary? which was very good. last show i got at least mildly obsessed with was superstore before that. by that i mean i think i read almost all of the superstore fic on ao3 in like one night. my last concert however was carly rae jepsen at a lovely outdoor venue and it was an extremely beautiful experience :)
Currently watching: only murders in the building season 2! the finale is out on tuesday and i'm so excited and happy to be watching something that comes out an episode per week again instead of all at once lmao god. i haven't been into some of the choices this season (cara delevingne my parasocial enemy) but yeah. fun mystery and a bit of peril wrapped in an overall very comfy vibe. i also started watching the sandman bc i remember being into the comics like a decade ago (😩) but i'm less confident i will finish that. other than that unfortunately i think i've watched every good video essay on youtube at this point but i'm still making my way through some of the wait in the wings videos about musical theatre productions. and i am WAITING for michael's microphone to tell me about gossip girl!!!!!!!!
Currently reading: vagabonds by hao jingfang! she said NFTs suck and she was right (idk actually i'm only a third through lol). i've also been halfway through a place of greater safety by hilary mantel for hmm over a year but i WILL finish it. one day. anyway idk why i keep sabotaging my goal to start reading more again by choosing books that are a million pages long and slightly hard to get through.
Current obsession: um scotty james and the daniel ricciardo bottom agenda. let the man get fucked by his guypals for god's sake he needs it. rotating my WIP in my mind instead of writing it even though i am mostly making myself finish it to relearn how to write fiction after not doing it for like a decade. fantasising about buying a sewing machine instead of finishing my 2 ongoing crochet projects. going for dinner with friends as often as possible before it starts getting dark early and cold again. finding new recipes to try while i'm on leave from work before i start getting sick of having to cook in the evenings again. thinking about sinophobia, as always. fantasising about going back to china again.
i always come to these late so i feel like a lot of people have done this already lol. @nottiinrosso @20timesisay @maidenpole i don't think you have yet? but also no pressure. and anyone else who hasn't done it but wants to!!!!
@undetectorist YOUR TIME HAS COME ALSO. @dorothywilde as well x
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nanaaw · 3 years
I SAW UR DAZAI PIECE AND HAD AN IDEA, i personally thought about dazai leaving a little sibling behind in the mafia so what would he be like if him and his little sibling crossed paths and they tried to make him suffer cause their still pissed
omg omg omg hii! thank you for requesting <33
A/N: idk why i just started imagining a toddler going all 'gRrr' at dazai while reading this but i- yes. i wasn't sure if you wanted the reader to be the sibling but i just decided to do that since i SUCK at writing 3rd person ;-;
ANYWAYS hope you enjoy this... abomination
(p.s. y/n's ability is pyrokinesis)
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as you were part of the command unit in the port mafia, you were usually seen with either akutagawa or higuchi. yet, here you were, attempting a case by yourself while they were too distracted by the bloody weretiger.
yes, you were y/n dazai, one of the strongest assassins in the mafia. you kicked the dirt as you walked, frustrated by the events that happened during the day. all you wanted to do was indulge in some alcohol with chuuya or kouyou at this point.
sensing a threat nearby, you got your guard up. turning around you met the eyes of someone you never wanted to see again. anger flooded your brain as you faced him directly.
"dazai." you say, venom lacing your voice. he smirks at you, being his playful self. "oh if it isn't my lovely sister, y/n! long time no see" he is then met a kick to the stomach.
"long time no see my ass. i never wanted to lay eyes with you again after you betrayed me. betrayed the port mafia." you seethe, walking towards his fallen form.
"you're as strong as always y/n-chan. just like chuuya." he praised. you send a light rush of flames his way. he manages to dodge it. out of your anger, you continuously throw attacks at him while he dodges them all.
"y/n. listen, i'm... sorry for leaving you." he starts, panting as he had gotten burned a few times. "but there were reasons for it. i promised a friend that i would leave for the better."
you took a breath in before crying out. "so was i of less worth than your 'friend'? obviously it's oda isn't it." without warning, you charged towards dazai, kicking him to the ground leaving you towering over him.
you eyed his bandaged form as you felt bad. still his suicidal self as always. "y/n it's not like that-" he tried to speak but was met with a punch to the cheek.
"listen osamu. it's not you leaving me that angers me. it's that you never thought of saying goodbye before you left." you explain. "if you could have given me a warning- or even just an explanation, i would be okay with you leaving."
"why didn't you tell me? why did i have to find out through the boss?" you felt tears well up in your eyes before rapidly rubbing them away. "i'm glad to see you happy now, but i think it's best we don't run into each other." you start walking away
"wait y/n. i'm really sorry, i should've explained it to you. i guess i just didn't know how. goodbye, y/n" he apologised in a serious tone.
without turning back, you replied.
"goodbye, 'samu."
BRO I'M SORRY I WROTE THIS AT 1AM AND I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO DO THIS LMAO. i don't know what i'm doing anymore i have like so much homework to do and i haven't started a single one i'm fucked AAA
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sternbilder · 3 years
Gyu-hyuk's Epilogue 3 (Re-translated)
#Buried Stars spoilers
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OMG okay, I feel like I need to expand on this, because YES, it does;
So the line you're referring to is the one where Gyu-hyuk tells Do-yoon, "딛고 일어서," which, to break it down: 딛다 means to overcome or get over something, and 일어서다 means to stand up. Grammatically speaking, this is in the imperative mood, so in a very literal sense, "get over it" is...technically...an accurate translation.
In the context of the scene, I think this is misleading. In the official translation, Gyu-hyuk sounds weirdly cold and dismissive, but imo he doesn't actually come off that way in the original text? I read the "Get over it" line as more like...Encouraging? Motivational? Than dismissive, personally. It's clear to me that he's comforting Do-yoon, and I was honestly surprised at the tone whiplash in the translation.
Don't get me wrong, this scene is unsettling. It feels "off" somehow. But it's not because Gyu-hyuk is being dismissive of Do-yoon's feelings when Do-yoon is clearly still incredibly traumatized, but rather:
Because Gyu-hyuk himself seems relatively unfazed, in stark contrast to Do-yoon (Not to mention the strong Dutch angle on that CG. Come On. It just adds to the subtle creepiness of Gyu-hyuk's weirdly serene smile?)
Because one of Gyu-hyuk's biggest flaws is his tendency toward codependency, and of course
Because Gyu-hyuk is the one responsible for the murders, which is like. A pretty big part of Do-yoon's trauma.
At the time that you get this epilogue for the first time, it's likely that you haven't actually seen the true ending yet. So unless you know what happens, it's easy to chalk (1) up to Gyu-hyuk's personality—or at least, the calm and level-headed front that he puts up. You have enough evidence to arrive at (2) by this point, but it's not until you learn (3), which obviously isn't revealed until the true ending, that you realize what a deeply broken person Gyu-hyuk really is.
Without some of this background, the scene honestly reads as, idk, a bit uncomfortably codependent maybe but also...Very Heavily Romantic, in a fucked up, vaguely problematic and unhealthy way? Incidentally, I was looking up a Korean let's play of this scene on Youtube so that I could transcribe it and the streamer I was watching also was straight up like, "Why does it feel like he's flirting with me" and "Oh this feels like a romance" so I know I'm not the only one thinking this LMAO.
TL;DR This epilogue doesn't feel "wrong" because Gyu-hyuk is being insensitive and selfish, but rather the opposite—if anything, his tone is excessively warm and sweet, almost bordering on smothering.
Anyway, because I really, really hate how this scene was translated, I'm going to take a crack at a fan translation that (hopefully) captures the effect of the original text a bit better? I've highlighted the lines that I think have the greatest diff:
Original Text
GH: 또 심각한 얼굴이네. 무슨 생각을 그렇게 해?
DY: 그냥 뭐… 이것저것. 형은 아직 여유가 좀 있나 봐? 맨날 문병 오는 거 보면.
GH: 여유 있긴, 너 보러 시간을 빼는 거지. ...오늘은 좀 어때?
한도윤은 창틀을 매만졌다.
DY: 복잡해. 사람들이… 그렇게 됐으니까.
GH: … 지금은, 너만 생각해.
어깨를 토닥이는 손길에 저도 모르게 움츠렸다.
GH: 아, 미안…
DY: 아냐. 내가 아직… 다 낫질 않아서.
GH: 얼마나 걸리든 푹 쉬어, 다 나을 때까지. 복잡한 머리도 풀릴 때까지. 내가 있잖아.
이규혁의 말에 고개를 들었다. 따스한 눈길이 한도윤을 바로 본다.
GH: 너, 나… 우리 두 사람은 살아남았어. 힘들면 기대. 내가… 언제든지 곁에 있을테니까. 도윤이 네가 구해준 덕분에 난 여기 있어. 언제까지라도 널 배신하지 않을 거야.
눈앞이 흐릿해지더니, 볼에 뜨거운 무언가가 흘러내렸다. 눈꺼풀 밑으로 스러져간 얼굴들이 아른거렸다.
GH: 괜찮아.
이규혁의 손이 다시 한번 어깨를 토닥였다.
GH: 서로 의지하면서 살아가자.
고개 숙인 한도윤이 이규혁의 팔을 붙잡았다. 바람이 흔들리는 창문 소리가 적막한 병실을 울렸다.
GH: 도윤아, 딛고 일어서. 내가 곁에 있을 거야.
다정한 목소리가 멀게만 들렸다.
Official Translation
GH: You look somber again. What’s on your mind this time?
DY: Just a few things… Aren’t you supposed to be busy? You visit me every day.
GH: Busy, but I always have time to drop by to see you. How are you feeling today?
Do-yoon touched the windowsill with his hand.
DY: Complicated, considering what happened to them…
GH: Focus on yourself for now.
He fidgeted as Gyu-hyuk patted him on the shoulder.
GH: I’m sorry…
DY: No, it’s just that… I’m still recovering.
GH: Just take as much time as you want until you’re fully recovered. And I hope you can stop worrying so much, too. I’ll stand by your side.
Do-yoon raised his head to listen to Gyu-hyuk. He was staring at Do-yoon with an affectionate eye.
GH: You and me, we’ve survived. Lean on me when things are rough. I’ll always be there for you… I’m standing here because you saved me. I’ll never betray you.
Do-yoon’s eyes blurred, and tears rolled down his cheeks. The faces of their departed friends glimmered under his eyes.
GH: I’m okay.
Gyu-hyuk patted Do-yoon on the shoulder again.
GH: We’ll watch each other’s backs.
Do-yoon lowered his head and grabbed Gyu-hyuk’s arm. The sound of the rattling window hit the walls of the still hospital room.
GH: Do-yoon, get over it. You have me.
His kind voice seemed so distant.
My Translation
GH: You have that somber look on your face again. What’s on your mind?
DY: Oh, you know… This and that. I guess your schedule must be pretty free still? You’ve been visiting me every day.
GH: I wish. I’m actually making time to come see you. How are you feeling today?
Do-yoon adjusted the windowsill a bit.
DY: It’s complicated. You know… considering what happened to them.
GH: …You should try to worry about yourself for now.
Do-yoon couldn’t help but flinch reflexively as Gyu-hyuk touched his shoulder.
GH: Oh, sorry…
DY: No, it’s OK. It’s… just that my injuries are still healing.
GH: Take as much time as you need and rest until you’re fully recovered. And until your anxieties quiet down a bit, too. You know I’m here for you.
Do-yoon lifted his head as he said this. Gyu-hyuk was watching him with his warm gaze.
GH: You and I… We’re survivors. Lean on me when things are tough. Because I’ll… always be by your side. The only reason I’m here today is because you saved me, Do-yoon. I’ll never betray you, no matter what.
Do-yoon’s vision blurred, and hot tears began to roll down his cheeks. The faces of the deceased wavered beneath his closed eyelids.
GH: It’s all right.
Gyu-hyuk patted him on his shoulder once again.
GH: We’ll have each other to depend on from now on.
Do-yoon lowered his head and grasped Gyu-hyuk’s arm. The sound of the wind rattling the windowpane echoed throughout the quiet hospital room.
GH: Do-yoon, you'll overcome this. I’ll be right here beside you.
His voice was kind, but it somehow sounded distant.
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