#if you let me shitpost if you give me the power I will deliver
clownblr · 2 years
A clown HAIKU. For you .
Silly little clowns
Doing silly tricks for you
Honk honk honk honk honk
-mod grace
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akirathedramaqueen · 2 months
Is the knowledge of magic gatekept by Hell's elite?
Time for another shitpost speculative analysis. And, suddenly, no conclusions—just some facts I’ve gathered about the topic from the show and a bunch of questions for you. Because this time, as much as I would’ve liked to deliver some hot details, there isn’t enough information yet, and I prefer not to claim anything without having at least some degree of certainty in it.
So let's just talk and make some fun, semi-educated guesses, shall we?
Yesterday, @tealvenetianmask released a wonderful post about Blitzø and his insecurity regarding his intelligence. Give it a read—it's a topic that isn’t discussed enough. One of the points raised was his limited access to education, which made me think.
An infinitely powerful artifact possessed by Stolas Goetia is central to the series, at least before The Full Moon episode, as it is the only way for Blitzø to access the mortal realm. While it serves its own purposes for bringing together—and ultimately breaking apart—Stolas and Blitzø, it also has many interesting properties and details that allow us to speculate on magic as a whole.
It made me think: Who theoretically can use this grimoire or other spell artifacts? Why is it that no one but Stolas is permitted to use it? Are there genetic and/or biological reasons for this, or is the restriction societally driven?
Namely, would all hell beings be able to use magic if given the chance to learn it?
Let’s examine the evidence we have and try to answer at least some of these questions.
Clue one: Using the grimoire by anyone other than Stolas is illegal
It is clearly stated by Stolas himself in these two episodes.
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You know, I have been... permitting you to access the mortal realm less than... legally for quite some time now? S1EP1, Murder Family, 8:31
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You will be able to go anywhere you want in the human realm without fear of consequence. Without breaking demon law. You no longer need my grimoire. S2EP8, The Full Moon, 19:05
The question is, why? We know it’s not crucial to have Goetia blood to channel magic from the grimoire—Loona has read spells from it, as we'll discuss later.
Could the reason be that the Goetia family wants to keep their powerful artifacts a secret and maintain their hold on power?
Clue two: Magic books are written in runes
The grimoire and Stolas's book about Asmodean crystals are written in runes, suggesting the potential existence of a language barrier when sharing magic-related knowledge.
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Left - S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 17:44 Right - S2EP1, The Circus, 19:45
It is oddly convenient if you want fewer people to understand the sacred information you wish to keep to yourself.
Clue three: Stolas does not need his grimoire to cast spells from it
It is briefly discussed in the Seeing Stars episode.
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[Blitzo]: No chance you can conjure us a couple of those, can ya? [Stolas]: Sadly, no. I'm afraid without my grimoire, my powers are just a tad limited in the human world. [Blitzo]: What, you can't memorize your fucking spells? [Stolas]: Oh, your memory's so great?  S2EP2, Seeing Stars, 6:33
See, Stolas does not deny Blitzø's assumption and gets annoyed when his memory is belittled. Therefore, I believe we can safely deduce that it is indeed a matter of only remembering the necessary chants to cast a spell. It is still possible that the artifact holds power on its own and Stolas needs it to access magic in the mortal realm, but it doesn't seem like the absence of the book prevented him from making two poor little human beings soil their little fancy trousers.
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S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 19:11
And he does not need the book to summon the portals, it is seen multiple times throughout the series.
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S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 20:10
Not mentioning him performing small magic tricks quite regularly:
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Left - S2EP6, Oops, 7:42 Right - S2EP8, The Full Moon, 2:00
So, can we make a conclusion the grimoire is not so unique after all, if to memorize all the spells? Not sure, because... okay, I promise, we will get back to it later.
Clue four: Loona can use the grimoire, even though she is a lower-class demon
And she can shapeshift without any artifacts, which might suggest she has more magical abilities than other members of I.M.P. Her ability to read runes is also noteworthy.
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Shhhit! I can't... I can't read the spell in this light! I can't see dick! S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 17:43
Do you think she could become a skilled magician with proper education? It's quite impressive that she knows the rune language to begin with, given her origin!
Clue five: Blitzø, Millie, and Moxxie are never seen using the book
Is this accidental, or are they simply unable to use the book? If the latter, is it because they are physically incapable of channeling magic (e.g., due to being imps), or is it because they don’t understand the language of the spells?
I noticed them bantering about replacing Loona because of her horrible attitude once or twice (such as at the beginning of the Seeing Stars episode). Does this mean they could take on her responsibility of opening the portal, or is it just bluff? There’s no way to know for sure.
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If I'm so terrible, how about you just grow a pair and replace me? S2EP2, Seeing Stars, 3:03
Clue six: The I.M.P. crew is never shown trying any spells from the book other than those for portals
I.M.P. never tries any spells other than opening the portal, which seems strange, especially since they could have used disguise spells, as mentioned earlier in clue three.
Is it because they physically can’t use other spells, or is it an unspoken rule not to meddle with a powerful artifact whose true implications they might not fully understand?
Clue seven: Without the grimoire, the I.M.P. crew is not able to access the mortal realm
And it is posed as a big deal—the whole Season 2 setup revolves around Stolas freeing Blitzø by calling off the transactional agreement and providing a grimoire replacement, the Asmodean crystal.
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Official Music Video, Just Look My Way, 0:11
This seems to contradict clue three. Perhaps there are specifics we have yet to learn or understand.
Why? If simply remembering the spell is enough, they would only need the book once. If Loona can read runes, she could write the spells down when Blitzø stole it, making the entire ordeal unnecessary.
Maybe, just knowing the spell isn’t enough to use it without the book. Maybe, special education or training is needed to prepare the body for it. Or, maybe, being born into royalty is a prerequisite for channeling magic without artifacts.
Maybe, if not conclusions, let's at least make a guess?
So, here’s everything I’ve gathered on the matter.
Without additional information, it seems a bit contradictory, and I admit, I sometimes get the feeling these might be plot holes left because this isn’t the focus of the story. This would be surprising though, as the show is usually very detailed and well-built in terms of worldbuilding.
I’m going to try to fill in these gaps with my speculations, just for fun. Please don’t consider this as making any claims; it’s more about me engaging in some mental gymnastics because I’m a lore geek and love figuring out how the fictional world works in media.
So, my take on whether the knowledge is gatekept or not: in short, it is.
If not so short:
I speculate (like highly speculate, because I have no proof), that any hellbeing could theoretically learn and use magic. It might require certain genetic preconditions, natural talent, and extensive training, but success is possible to varying degrees;
Artifacts assist in channeling magic for those who are untrained—like the grimoire helps the I.M.P. crew open portals;
Magic knowledge is encoded in runes to complicate the learning process for those not taught in it;
This knowledge is kept secret and shared only within royal circles, with different branches having their own secret techniques and specialties;
There are also laws prohibiting the sharing of this knowledge with lower-class demons.
Why? It’s simple—power wouldn’t be power if it could be used by just anyone. Withholding resources and granting access to it only to the wealthy is a characteristic of non-democratic regimes, and, mind you, Hell is an absolute monarchy at best.
But what do you think? Share your opinion via poll, reblogs, and comments!
Instead of my usual funny giggles at the end, I’ll reiterate from my reblog yesterday:
Because only by sharing knowledge and making it public can the community truly prosper.
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gracchisuggestions · 4 years
Shitpost of the day: Sporus lets Nero fucking have it
From Acte of Corinth, or, the Convert of Saint Paul, by Alexandre Dumas, translated by Henry William Herbert.
“Oh!” cried Nero, rearing himself erect, “I can still fly. I have still time to fly, to gain the forest of Aricia, and the Minturnian marshes; some vessel will pick me up, and I will conceal myself in Sicily, or in Egypt.”
“To fly!” said Sporus, still pale and cold as a marble statue, “to fly, and by which way?”
“This way,” cried Nero, opening the door of the room and darting toward the quarry, “since I entered there, I can issue forth.”
“Yes, but since the time of your entrance,” said Sporus, “the opening is blocked up, and, however good an athlete you may be, I doubt your ability to push away the rock which bars the entrance.”
“By Jupiter it is true!” cried Nero, vainly expending his strength in efforts to remove the stone. “Who closed this cavern, and who rolled this rock hither?”
“I and the freedmen,” replied Sporus.
“And wherefore did you so? Wherefore have you shut me up like Cacus in his den?”
“In order that you should die there as he did,” said Sporus, with an expression of which no one would have supposed his soft voice capable.
“To die! To die!” cried Nero, dashing his head against the wall, like a wild beast imprisoned in a cage and seeking in vain to force a passage. “To die! Is all the world, then, athirst for my death? Does all the world abandon me?”
“Yes,” replied Sporus, “all the world is athirst for your death! but all the world does not abandon you; but I am here, since I am here to die with you.”
“Yes, yes,” murmured Nero, letting himself again fall back on the mattrass. “Yes, this is indeed fidelity.”
“You err, Caesar,” said Sporus, folding his arms, and looking at Nero, who was literally biting the cushions of his bed. “You err, it is not fidelity, it is better than that; it is vengeance.”
“Vengeance!” cried Nero, turning about quickly. “Vengeance! and what have I done to you, Sporus?”
“Jupiter! he asks that!” cried the eunuch, raising his two arms to heaven. “What he has done to me!”
“Yes, yes,” murmured Nero, alarmed and recoiling toward the door.
“What have you done to me?” replied Sporus, advancing toward him slowly, and letting his hands fall as if his strength had failed him. “Of a child who was born to be a man, to have his portion of the sentiments of earth, and the joys of heaven, you have made a wretched being who has no longer a hold on anything, who has no longer a right to anything, who has no longer a hope in anything. All pleasures, and all happiness have passed before my eyes, as before those of Tantalus, who saw the fruits and water without being able to reach then, fettered as I was by my impotence and my lack of manhood. Nor is that all. If I could have suffered and wept in a mourning garb, in solitude and in silence, I could perhaps have pardoned; but it has been your pleasure to array me in purple, as if I were powerful, to smile as if I were happy, to live in the midst of the world as if I existed in it! I, an unhappy phantom, a miserable spectre, a most wretched shade.”
“But what would you have more?” said Nero, trembling. “I have shared with you my gold, my pleasures, and my power. You have had a part in all my festivals, you have had, as I, your courtiers and parasites, and when I knew not what more to give you, gave you my own name.”
“And that is exactly what causes me to hate you, Caesar. If you had caused me to be poisoned as Britannicus, if you had caused me to be assassinated as Agrippina, if you had caused my veins to open as Seneca's, I could have pardoned at the moment of my death. But you have treated me neither as a man, nor as a woman; you have treated me as a frivolous toy, of which you could have made whatever seemed good to you, like a marble statue, blind, dumb, and heartless. The favors of which you speak to me were but gilded humiliations, no more; and the more thickly you covered me with shame, the more loftily you raised me above the heads of men, the more clearly were all eyes able to measure my infamy. Nor was even this the whole. The day before yesterday, when I gave you that ring, when you might have replied to me by a poniard blow, which would at least have led all the men and all the women, who were present, to believe that I was worth the trouble of killing me, you struck me with your fist, as a parasite, as a slave, and as a dog!”
“Yes, yes,” said Nero, “yes, I have done wrong. Pardon me, my good Sporus!”
“And nevertheless,” continued Sporus, as if he had not heard Nero's interruption, “this being, without name, without sex, without friends, and without heart; this being, be he what he may, if he could do no good, could at least do evil. He could enter your chamber by night, could steal your tablets, which contained the condemnation of the senate and the people, and could scatter them like a tempest among the crowd in the forum and in the capitol, so that you should no longer have a chance of pardon either from the people or the senate. He could even rob you of the box in which you had enclosed Locusta's poison, so as to deliver you over, alone, defenceless and unarmed, to those who seek you, in order to put you to a shameful death.”
“You deceive yourself!” cried Nero, drawing a dagger from the cushion of his bed. “You deceive yourself! I have this weapon left.”
“Yes,” said Sporus, “but you will not dare to make use of it either against yourself or others. And this example will be given to the world, thanks to a eunuch, of an emperor dying beneath rods and the scourge, after being paraded naked, with a yoke about his neck, through the forum and the market places.”
“But I am so well hidden here, they will not find me,” said Nero.
“Yes, yes, it would have been possible that you might have yet escaped, if I had not met a centurion, and if I had not told him that you were here. At this very moment, he is knocking at the door of the villa. Caesar, he is about to come—he has come.”
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Request; Kombat Krew and embarrassing dating stories.
I cannot remember who requested this for the life of me! But this was a nice and easy ask to do! The rest are coming don’t worry! I’m just a wee bit tired and need some rest! But here it is, some Embarrassing dating stories. Mix of NSFW and SFW, some are just NSFW or SFW, some are a mix. Warnings; NSFW below the cut, 18+, mentions of Kano but its a shitpost, me telling the fucking truth about him!  GIFS aren’t mine/ Don’t belong to me. 
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·         SFW; He once got lost on the way to your date. This man, is not good with directions. It’s the last time he uses apple fucking maps. He was panicking a little on the inside. He’d sent you like ten sorry messages, about him being potentially late. He was praying you wouldn’t think he was standing you up. He ended up sitting on a bench, trying to work out where the fuck he was. He looked up, saw you sat in the restaurant, smiling, holding back a laugh and waving. He fucking died on the inside. Had to wave back and smile. Recovered his pride and walked in. Apologised for being super late and offered to make it up to you.
·         NSFW; He once, during one of the first times you were intimate, made the ‘I’m Kabal’s deep in you’ joke. You weren’t disgusted or repulsed by it. But you started laughing, laughing so hard that you lost balance and fell back. Your laugh is infectious to him, so he started laughing. His cock was still in you but you both couldn’t deal with it and had to stop. Like, tears were coming down your face. It’s such a shit fucking joke. Bonus NSFW; he’d always wanted to try shower sex. You were down for some sensual dicking in the shower, turns out, it’s harder than the movies make it out to be. He slipped and chipped a tooth on the side of the bath. You’ve also broke a sink when getting too heated in the bathroom. Accident prone Kabal is a thing. He needs to wear his damn glasses more.
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Sub Zero (Kuai Liang);
·         SFW; Okay so dating for him is awkward anyway. He’s confident in everything but his love life. You’ve the patience of a saint to put up with him at times. He’s not a pain, he just takes things very slow. Anyway, during one of his more sleep deprived states, he thought it would be cute for him to pick you out a book to read. He was planning on going on a long-haul mission, one that would take a few weeks at the most, so he wanted to give you something to pre-occupy your time. Isn’t he considerate? Plans changed, he asked Bi-Han to deliver the book to your quarters, because he had to go. Fucking Johnny Cage being impatient. Bi-Han, being the little shit lord that he is; changed the book to the Karma Sutra. He literally gave you it and said it was from Kuai. You had a lot of fucking questions to ask him when he got back. He was fucking beet red on the tips of his ears, regretting that he ever saved his brother.
·         NSFW; Because of his inexperience in the field, there are a fair few awkward and potentially embarrassing encounters. But this one takes the cake. You laugh about it now but at the time, he was fucking mortified. You had asked him very nicely to cum on your face. He wasn’t sure, but like, how hard could it be to cum on someone’s face? The answer, hard when you over think it. You’d been giving him some top-notch head, like he was so enthralled and enamoured by it; you’d reduced him to a hot mess. Well, when it came to it, he pulled out but was unsure where to aim. Whilst he was trying to think about it, he just kind of, jizzed on your face… getting it in your hair and partially on the sheets. He was fucking mortified. How could his aim be that bad? Maybe he should ask Erron for aiming lessons. You tried to laugh, but then it got in your mouth, so you were howling. Kuai was embarrassed. Because he’d just cocked it up. He laughs at it now, but only because he can actually aim now. Fucking hell.
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·         SFW; He once planned the perfect date. One of his old school style ones. The type of date that has never failed him before. Okay, he’s prepared, he’s going to surprise you and take you to the best joint in town… you get there and its closed. Turns out, it had rats and roaches. He’s gutted, because why the fuck did he not think to research beforehand? He’s kind of embarrassed, because this is so unlike him. It turns into you two eating hot dogs on a nearby bench and giggling about it. You found it funny, and it was a nice evening, so you ended up having a nice walk and just talking. Probably one of your best dates. Every time he asks if you fancy going out, he will always suggest that place, because its funny and he needs to laugh at his mistakes... Don’t tell Johnny, Takeda or Hanzo, he will never live it down.
·         NSFW; He can sense when you’re having impure thoughts about him. It’s just something he’s good at tuning into. What a useful skill. Well, he was sensing you, thinking about last nights activities. And you were really going into detail. He was far too focused on you, that he became a bit bold and brash, asking you outright if you were always this naughty before proceeding to describe what he’d do to you tonight… and queue Johnny laughing. So yeah, Johnny overheard a bit of dirty talk coming from Kenshi to you. You tried to stop him, trying to warn him that Johnny was attempting to sneak up and give him a scare. But nope. He was too busy thinking with his penis.
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·         NSFW; When you asked him if he’d be up for you giving him some sweet, sweet head. He panicked. What the fuck does one say in a situation like this? Panicked a little bit too much and actually, really, did say ‘I Must consult the Elder Gods’ he froze, had he actually just said that. You found it funny, leaning back and gesturing to the sky, before saying ‘You better go ask them quick, my soaps are on soon’ It become a little inside joke between the two of you. He doesn’t know shame or embarrassment, so he found it humorous. Maybe because it made you laugh so much. So yeah, anytime you ask him if he fancies trying something new, he will always ask you that.
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Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi)
·         SFW; So, this happened before you were dating. You were both having a few drinks, one led to two, two led to four. And soon he was on his arse. He is not a great drinker, he avoids it because he will be tit over arse, before he knows it. You ended up helping him to his room, he’s heavier than he looks. Just pure muscle and all that BDE of his. Anyway, when you finally get him to his bed. He may, before he fell asleep, have admitted that he wants YOU to spoon HIM. He likes to be the little spoon when he feels a bit softer. So yeah, when you let out a chuckle. One eye will shoot open, his lips kind of curl together so their pencil thin. He cannot believe he just said that. God damn Sake. Why is it always Sake!? He knows it loosens his lips a little too much. But that all fades when you slide into the bed next to him, beginning to spoon him and giving him a kiss on his neck. Promising it yours and his secret.
·         NSFW; Right. So, he does known his own strength and knows sometimes, his Scorpion side kind of creeps up on him. So, when you two are fucking, it’s pretty normal to start with. Until you ask him to go harder, and harder and harder. Eventually coaxing the Scorpion side out of him. This fucker raises his kinky head out of nowhere. Starts pounding into you at the exact pace you want. Like fucking hell, the force of a thousand suns type pounding… and you heard a creak. The bed fucking breaks. He fucked you so hard. The bed broke. You both kind of fall off it and onto the floor. He’s mortified, cock still balls deep in you, his eyes are wide, and panic is setting in. Johnny is staying over, in the room below yours, and now he’s probably awake. Because it was loud.  How does one recover from this? Well, simple. He loudly compliments your stance, before offering you advice on how to improve your form. Fucking smooth. Some Kombat advice whilst he’s balls deep in you. So yeah, he has the power to break a bed. If that isn’t big dick energy, I don’t know what is.
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Erron Black;
·         SFW; He has so many cute pet names for you. And he’s actually a big softie at heart. He just wants to flatter, worship and make you feel divine. So, he has a habit of sending cute messages whilst he’s at work. He knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t help himself. One day, during a sleep deprived state, he types up a rather cute message. About how he cannot wait to get home, cuddle and have a bath. Ends up sending it to Kabal instead of you. Queue Kabal asking what bathbomb he’s going to use, who’s going to be the bigger spoon and if there will be some Barry White background music. He’s thankful it was just Kabal who received the message. Because he can deal with that little shit. All he has to do is hide his glasses and threaten to out him for collecting dolls. They aren’t dolls, their action figures, but to Erron they are the same thing.
·         NSFW; He’d snuck you into base. He knew he shouldn’t. But you were horny, he was horny, everyone was horny. You’re both being really quiet, as quiet as you can possibly be. He’s got his hand over your mouth, he’s biting his lip real good. Like there will be no noises tonight! Even though he’s dying to hear them. One problem, he didn’t give a damn good reason to why he was going to his room early. He just said none of your damn business. Not a good excuse. Queue Kabal coming in and asking if he had the new Wi-Fi password. Kano in tow because he wants to watch Porn. Because he’s fucking disgusting and nobody loves him. So yeah, they caught him dicking you. It was not a pleasant experience. Kabal just kind of stares before leaving, like he isn’t that desperate for the password, he’ll come back when he’s finished. He actually says that. Kano pulls up a chair and asks if he wants pointers. Erron tells him to get the hell out, unless he wants a bullet in his face. Kano scoffs, but he keeps a gun on the nightstand just in case. One shot just to the left of where he’s sitting, and Kano is gone. You were shielded mostly from them, just your face on show, but still. Fucking mortifying.  
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Kung Lao;
·         NSFW; Once for a joke let you try on his hat. Because he thought, hey, that would be cute, seeing you in his hate. Oh no. It was more than cute. He got hard watching you wear it, attempting to toy with it. My god why is his dick so hard?! Can you tell?! Please say you can’t tell. He’ll end up shifting, trying to hide it, because this cannot be normal. You ask if he’s fine and he’s like ‘Oh yeah, me? Sure. Fine and dandy. Fine. Yeah. Sure.’ He’s fucking burning up on the inside though. He must resist temptation to ask if you wanna wear it whilst you fuck. But the fucking hat on you, it makes you look so powerful and strong. Long Story short, you do end up fucking, and you’re still wearing the hat whilst you’re fucking. He’s like ‘Please don’t tell Liu Kang or Raiden. Or just anyone.’ The Great Kung Lao is smiling down, with such fucking pride at him right now. Wiping a tear away from his spirit eye.
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mr-entj · 6 years
Mr. ENTJ: Q&A (Part 2)
1. What is the goal of your Tumblr?
Related ask:
what made you join tumblr in the first place?
Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.
Anton Chekhov
I joined for the memes and shitposts, I stayed because I was asked to provide information to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of concepts. There’s a huge emphasis on theory on Tumblr stemming from lack of exposure and general youth but the successful application of those concepts (business, psychology, law, etc.) can only come from experience. There’s valuable perspective that textbooks and Google can’t provide. 
It’s important to note that:
I am not a business student-- I am a businessman. I’m not speaking from a textbook or a Netflix show about power dynamics, people drama, and theoretical economics, I’m actually in the boardroom face to face with these people day in and day out making decisions that steer a multi-billion dollar startup. I’m in real high-stakes situations where my decisions have serious consequences. 
My wife is not a law student-- she is a lawyer. She works on cases with multinational corporations across continents, fights in real international courts, navigates huge 9-figure mergers and acquisitions, and delivers real tangible work you can read about in the newspapers. 
My friends are not medical students-- they are surgeons. They’re in clinics, hospitals, and some of them, battlefields, cutting people open and saving lives on a daily basis. They’re seasoned veterans whose experience transcends textbook concepts. 
And so on and so forth. 
This is not a theory blog and it’s not for everyone. If you want theory, there are plenty of better places to get your fix. This blog is suited for people who are ready to act but want additional information, data, and perspectives to give them an advantage. This is where theory meets practice.
2. Hey Mr. Entj! Are you allowed to talk about the coolest business project you’ve worked on while consulting?
I managed the cross-functional team that developed the 2024 Olympic bid for the city of Los Angeles. A few dozen of our consultants and Senior Partners worked round the clock with city legislators, urban planners, transportation specialists, law enforcement officials, etc. to build the strategy, vision, and logistics for the report. We won the 2028 Olympics.
3. How many unanswered asks do you have in your inbox?
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My ask box is a permanent disaster zone but in my defense I have limited free time because I’m (ENTJ voice) really busy with my career and personal life. I do my best to stay on top of things and answer the most asked questions but there are thousands of you and only one of me. I recently got promoted so I have more free time during this transition period, prepare for a barrage of catch-up responses. 
Also, the captcha on Tumblr is like Fort Knox security and eats every long ask especially if you send a mega multi-part question. I often receive parts of asks but never the entire thing. 
4. What is your attachment style? Has this ever caused trouble in your relationships?
I’m going based on this reference but if you’re asking about something else, feel free to correct me. 
My attachment style is secure, and it hasn’t caused trouble in my relationships. The same attachment style applies to my wife, the INTJ, and we have a strong marriage because of it. 
In the past, though, my attachment style was dismissive avoidant because relationships weren’t important to me and that certainly did cause trouble. Who wants to date someone who doesn’t make dating them a priority? Throughout the years, I grew out of it, my priorities shifted, and things changed.
5. do you perchance know about the D&D alignment system and your type? even though it's part of a game without a psychological theory behind it like MBTI and enneagram, do you think it can still be used as a decent tool to partially assess a person's personality traits?
Based on the descriptions I’ve just read:
Lawful evil when I’m hangry and have low blood sugar.
Neutral or neutral good when I’m sated.
I’m not familiar with this alignment system but feel free to chime in and educate me with thoughts on it.
6. Happy new year, Mr. ENTJ! Do you have travel plans to come to Asia in 2019? Wandering if we will cross paths and if that is something you would be open to (although of course no pressure on your part)
Happy new year to you too, belatedly. Yes, I’m still a globetrotter. Travel plans this year are, loosely:
Singapore City, Singapore
Jakarta, Indonesia
Seoul, South Korea
Dublin, Ireland
Possibly Germany if I can sneak it in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (tentative)
Honolulu, Hawaii or Bali, Indonesia 
If you’re in any of these cities at the same time as me, let me know. 
7. Please posts more photos of Princess Mango!~!!
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tamsythepansy · 6 years
VOY: “Workforce”, the transest Star Trek episode ever
So. There’s a two-part episode of Star Trek: Voyager (“Workforce”) in which the crew all find themselves living out new lives as vaguely Fordist industrial workers on a planet called Quarra, all memory of their real lives having been artificially suppressed.
Imagine my surprise when, rewatching it years later, the bogus diagnosis they’re given as their memories start to resurface is...
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...which also happens to be exactly what my partners have been reminding me for the last two months (bless them). I giggled.
Lo and behold, it happens to Tuvok as well:
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Now, I get that it was the turn of the millennium and this hadn’t really entered the lexicon yet, but... this is just the tip of the iceberg. Watch along with me and see how it all plays out:
Tuvok, of course, is the first to experience memories of his real life breaking through the facade, has a panic attack, and is hospitalized:
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Well, if this isn’t relatable to multitudes of trans and non-binary Star Trek fans, I don’t know what is. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Of course, the ‘treatment’ for Dysphoria Syndrome involves suppressing the offending memory engrams, so the patient can peacefully return to being a cog in the cisheteronormative machine Quarran power distribution facility (read what you will into that). As the expert on Dysphoria Syndrome himself later puts it:
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Sounds like an allegory for LGBTQ conversion therapy to me, I mean, what?
Anyway, Seven realizes that Tuvok might be on to something, and heads to the mental health clinic to get a gender assessment investigate:
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Stepping into the realm of the purely serious for a moment, I *have* sort of read Seven’s character arc as a plausible trans allegory, and it’s pretty compelling: having her true identity suppressed at an early age, and finally being forced to confront it in adulthood; processing layers upon layers of trauma just to function as an individual; being rehabilitated by a circle of strong, compassionate women, each with their own identity issues (plus the medical wizardry, overeager cisheteronormative life coaching, and starry-eyed / vaguely inappropriate crushing of The Doctor, I guess, so yeah); struggling to reclaim her human (/feminine) sense of self even while the effects of her Borg (/patriarchal) upbringing have thoroughly warped her thoughts (even as they continue to give her superhuman resilience and insight). I’m sure there’s even a comparison to be drawn to transfeminine desirability politics — Seven is continually presented both as an extremely conventionally attractive human *and* as a mysterious cyborg whose embodiment and manner communicates an often-threatening sense of Otherness — but I’ll leave that for a future discourse. I’m honestly spitballing a bit with all of this, but to see it so explicitly referenced, intentionally or not, is quite something.
So, Seven asks the obvious question, and it turns out that, while being trans is undoubtedly a Real Thing, the specifics are... inconclusive:
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Let’s take a moment to celebrate the fact that we’re finally starting to see gender doctors who actually understand us in all our nuance, because...
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...we already know this is bad news. (Paging Dr. Harry Benjamin.)
Anyway, the compassionate gender doctor goes to the conversion therapy doctor to see what’s up, because clearly something over at the power plant is turning people trans:
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One important takeaway from this story is “never walk away and leave your work computer unlocked”:
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I get it, though! On a planet ostensibly without Tumblr or OKCupid, trans community is just really, really hard to find. 🤷🏻‍♀️
The compassionate gender doctor soon notices a pattern:
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...mm hmm, it all started when a genderqueer person sneezed in the employee locker room, and somehow the conversion therapy doctor wound up with his hands full as everybody in the office came down with a bad case of The Trans.
Finally, the compassionate gender doctor is determined to be just a little bit too sympathetic to these gender deviants, and the now-canonically trans but still awesome at passing Seven of Nine comes to the rescue:
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As if this weren’t trans enough...
...check out the subplot featuring Jaffen, a co-worker with whom Captain Janeway has an adorable but bittersweet whirlwind relationship. Though Jaffen presents as male and uses he/him pronouns, THIS TOTALLY HAPPENS, and its implications are never made clear:
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Though this is set up as the punchline of a “your father” joke, Jaffen isn’t just fucking around here. Tuvok knows what’s up, and proceeds to Vulcan-splain the joke right back to him:
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Which begs the question, how do Norvalians procreate, anyway? Are they clones, like the Vorta? Do they deposit their genetic material into pods, like the J’naii? Do they pick up ready-made offspring, like the Kobali? Whatever the intent is, it has serious implications for whatever kind of relationship he and Janeway would have (like, it’s not on the cisheteronormative trajectory of sex and babies, at the very least). So, bear with me for a moment, because this is my honest-to-goodness fan theory: 
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(okay, I admit I just had that image lying around, and this seemed like as good a moment as any to use it.)
What if Norvalians reproduce parthenogenetically, leaving the entire need for a biological “father” out of the equation?
This could mean one of two things: as with terrestrial Komodo dragons (I think), parthenogenesis happens but binary sexual reproduction is still an option (which honestly doesn’t seem like the most likely explanation, given the way Jaffen and Tuvok both frame it), *or*, as with terrestrial whiptail lizards, parthenogenesis is the default, and male (i.e., sperm-producing) offspring are extremely rare and/or usually infertile.
So yeah, okay, they reproduce parthenogenetically, Jaffen is a rare male and is probably infertile, and therefore the Jaffen/Janeway relationship is more about companionship and cooperation than sex and babies. I’m fine with that, and I actually find it quite heartwarming.
But, with that in mind, do we need to assume that Jaffen is male, whatever that means for his species? After all, whiptail lizards engage in female/female courtship behaviour, which somehow makes them more fecund — and remember, it’s the Delta Quadrant; we’ve seen enough weird sex shit by Season 7 (cf. “Elogium”, “Favorite Son”, “The Disease”, “Ashes to Ashes”, off the top of my head) that we can reasonably conclude that all bets are off. 
My interpretation? Jaffen is an honest, gallant, leather-waistcoat-rocking, he/him pronoun-using, parthenogenetic Space Butch. Maybe I’ve spent too much time on Sapphic Star Trek Tumblr, or have finally disappeared up my own genderqueer ass, but I’m convinced it’s the simplest explanation that’s congruent with the facts.
[I just spent a bunch of time trying to find the “Captain Janeway is a closet lesbian, change my mind” meme, but no dice.]
Anyway, if you’ve made it this far, it’s time for me to deliver on the non-binary trans lesbian Star Trek shitposting that I’m usually all about. Having been closeted for a long time, I know a thing or two about relationships that seem straight on the surface but are actually hella queer under the hood, so to speak. Just look at these two u-hauling it on the third date (it’s adorable!):
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This also seems really gay for some reason:
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And, at the end of the day, he’s a good ally:
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Watch the whole episode for the obligatory Sad Lesbian Ending.
The icing on this three-tiered Tholian gay wedding cake
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[Thanks to Em for subtly egging me on (ha) and Bry for putting up with me procrastinating all night. Love you both.]
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white-eyed-girl · 6 years
Personal top 43 for ESC 2018
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
30) Czech Republic - this is catchy as *insert muted swear word*, who would deny that...the lyrics kinda make me uncomfortable tho, and the edulcorated version didn’t do much to solve the issue :”“““ anyway, I am glad he managed to get back on his feet in time to actually perform this, no one would deserve to see their dream crash like that
29) UK - yes, it’s a pretty bland attempt, but there’s something in the way SuRie delivers it that sounds better than I thought
28)  Belarus - well let’s be honest, after sending Naviband aka my winners last year, there was pretty much nothing they could have done to impress me again, buuut I actually appreciate the final version of this song...I would definitely love to “support him” a little bit more asdfghjk
27) Cyprus - yes it stays in your mind a lot, yes she has a great stage presence, yes her vocals weren’t AS bad as I thought (though they’re still not the best I guess)...there’s still something very “ordinary” about the whole thing that puts me off a little bit
26) Montenegro - could you believe this was LAST at the beginning :” well yeah technically you could, because it started growing on me after the revamp, but well, I’m glad I ended up appreciating it more. That one last line is so dramatic, I love it
25) Latvia - "How is this song so low in your top when you've almost turned this into a Laura Rizzotto shitpost blog?"  :” ...Let’s be honest I’m still not over Latvia not competing with a certain song in Latvian in such a special year which also coincides with their centenary, and definitely not over not being able to have that certain song as my absolute 12 points this year I know this song tries to sound very sophisticated but I find it...heavy? I’m still trying to understand what puts me so off exactly but I get bored after 15 seconds BUT STILL I can’t deny that Laura is good. And somehow manages to make this work in her own way. And now I stop before I write a 10 page essay on how generally wonderful and aestethically attractive I find her because I shit you not I could
24) Portugal - this is so delicate! Claudia has a beautiful voice and I know not everyone agrees but I actually like that Isaura is being part of this too
23) Serbia - maybe the most ethnic entry this year (together with Georgia)? When the chorus gets stuck in my head there’s no way of getting it out of there
22) Armenia - I wasn't a fan of this at the beginning. Tbh I still find it a bit boring when it starts, but that build up and explosion toward the end is awesome, it gives Aram Mp3 vibes
21)  Azerbaijan - okay I do am disappointed by this, mainly because it’s so different from what they had promised? But, surprisingly, I still kinda like it. The lyrics are weird, sure, but Aisel’s voice is so warm and the chorus is uplifting
20) Spain - This has actually grown on me a lot? I realized I actually enjoy listening to it...IF I don't look at them. They act a little bit too cheesy on stage :"  
19) Macedonia - This is...interesting. I love the girl's voice so much, and also the verses and the part right before the chorus; the chorus itself is a bit underwhelming maybe and the lyrics are...a bit awkward asdfghj but overall I really enjoy all four songs
18) Finland - this is not bad, I love Saara, I know what a bundle of energy and power she is, but I really would have preferred her to have a song that would be a bit more impactful; still she's an amazing performer and I'm sure she'll fare well in ESC - second places not allowed
17) Australia - I shouldn't like this, should I. And yet, simple and cliché as it is, this has stayed in my mind since the first time I heard it for some reason...
16) Romania - you’re free not to believe me but I actually listen to this quite a lot, it’s like...soft and powerful at the same time
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kado-maschine · 4 years
How to be alone?
Everyone has problems right? Those who don't, either don't understand what the term problem means, or they are inanimate matter, but even inanimate matter has problems too because of entropy.
Anyhow, my scariest bogeyman is that at best I can't make a relationship work, and at worst I even avoid the chance of having one. Why? If I want to put it simply, fuck knows. Thing is that I'm not gonna put it simple this time, as what I have learned from fake news propagated by Russian troll armies is that everything that is simple, sensational and easy to understand is not very productive apart from having the intention to muddy the waters and serve a very select few by doing so.
Since my interest is to clarify things for my own good (and maybe help or at least entertain others), truth is the name of the game with this writing (whatever it turns out to be). If there will be no other benefits, at least I’m going to be  able to cross off the mental task off my imaginary to do list.
One day, after having a rather enjoyable horse at the vet sensation, as I went to bed I had the same sensation that I was having as a child on countless occasions when I couldn't sleep or woke up randomly during the night. The bed, the sheets and most importantly the pillows felt like they are made some rigid, abrasive material, that is also disgusting. It felt like being embraced by disgust and bitterness. Normally my bed and I are best buddies, I love to sleep and I had no problem falling asleep on a beam bag in the middle of the office, during business hours. The chemistry was also supposed to help, not to deteriorate. Fast forward a few weeks while sitting on the bed and drinking a cuba made of free rum and overpriced PEPSI from the hotel's mini fridge I'm trying to figure out, when and why was I having problems with sleep before and when was I sleeping like a baby and why. In recent history, since my memory is one very slippery slope, the answer is a no, a no regarding detectable issues with my sleep. It is a no, as long as all the nights spent with gaming, night shifts or digging through obscure forums to find a track in a mix somewhere between minute 53 and 57 are not considered. Reflecting on the whole experience described above, I must have had trouble sleeping when I was a really small child and I was missing a lot. As I was growing up things got gradually better. By the time I was in high school the wardrobe have been conquered and turned into my gaming nest. The gaming room hosted my first gaming pc that I built piece by piece from a shitty Athlon that dad got screwed over by some "friend" and beloved games that kept me glued to the screen for hours on end. After the PC came my first car, job, girlfriend and slowly but surely as I moved away from my parents my own life really started to take shape. I have slept better and better. Now, armed with a mortgage, with two cars that possibly cost as much put together as a front bumper for a brand new BMW M3, two cats who are by far not the smartest but they keep me company and are cute af, two bicycles, a bunch of computers and a job that I'm grateful to have and one that fits my questionable attitude towards work, I yet again arrived to the point where the quality of my sleep is degrading faster than a space capsule entering the atmosphere, despite all the the things listed above were part of what I was dreaming of as a child and teenager/student.
Despite all of these, I'm oscillating between two states when it comes to sleep. One is the depression sleep, after taking a long hard look at my backlog that reaches to the Moon and back at least five times, taking a nap seems to be the only viable option, or multiple naps, or a humongous sleep where the only thing that can get me out of bed is the need to pee. The other one is the let's try to solve all of my problems in a purely theoretical manner, right before sleep, going over the same problems over and over, while making wild conspiracy theories about myself, because of the purely hypothetical setting. This mental kung-fu under some circumstances can turn into the above mentioned “being embraced by disgust” thing. How did I get here?
I've seen people being happier while having a lot less. What is that they have and I do not possess? Intimacy, I guess by the power of exclusion. Of course I could just short this whole thing before it gets off the ground, as a self-proclaimed good capitalist. I could say that If I can make enough money, someone will fake it for me for the financial benefit and as long as this someone does the thing right and tricks to my brain, I couldn't give less a of a fuck, or could I? Anyhow, with my current work ethic of extracting as much resources as possible form as little invested work as possible puts a cap on my earnings that limits my financial possibilities to roadside STD intimacy. Shut up! - screams the humanist from somewhere between repressed emotions and avoided social responsibilities. You have to make things work, otherwise you're just treating the symptoms, but the root cause remains and will re-surface over and over again - he continues. Now, call me Susan and you know the rest...  A multitude of attempts were made to solve this mess, so I kept failing in various ways. Yes, my now my mantra is "failure, failure, failure, failure, failure, success, failure, failure, success". Despite this attitude, one can only take so many failures before feeling exhausted and gets worse at the task on hand because of said tiredness and fails even more. People also tend to tell me that I need to learn to be happy alone. Please, shut the fuck up. Despite my shitposting, which i find genuinely funny, good and somewhat toxic way of escapism, I can be happy when I'm alone. Just to bring one example to the table, the road to this very hotel room where I'm writing this whatever right now, took me through one of the twistiest mountain passes that gets you outside of the Carpathian basin, the road goes through the city of Cheia (BV) and it has dozens upon dozens of hairpins one after another and miles upon miles of narrow, twisty roads with a bunch of elevation changes. My right foot just couldn’t care about fuel consumption. With my tires squealing in almost every corner and I was laughing loudly in the car, spanking the dash and shouting "ohh yea" while I could let the steering wheel loose for a few seconds. Dancing alone in the living room when the track of the week or month hits out of the blue, or when the right people at the right party are found to have "deep" conversations about whatever stupid topics that our brain soaking in whatever cocktail finds to be fit for purpose. The thing is, if one spent somewhere in the neighbourhood of six years trying all the gizmos and distractions of the modern society to make him or herself be happy without intimacy and succeeded to some extent, but at the same time realized that hundreds of thousands of years of evolutional biology and al the workflows tied into it cannot be cheated in a lifespan, what are the limits for being happy alone?
I have reached a point where the things that cause me unconditional pleasure are getting very complicated, time consuming, expensive or dangerous, like buying car parts, pushing transportation devices to their limits, gambling with bs crypto currencies or trying to learn skills with a heck of a learning curve, not to mention experimenting with chemically induced changes in my brain activity. I have also reached a point where it gets harder and harder to trick my biology. The ape says reproduce, while this in the modern era where global warming is prevalent and innocent eyed orphans  are making t-shirts in Bangladesh for next to nothing in a sweatshop, while China’s rivers deliver more plastic to the oceans than water kind world makes no sense. I could  at least fool the ape with just having someone around and occasionally making love or engaging in other forms of intimacy. At least the thresholds would be closer and it would be a lot simpler to fool the inner ape and the hormone levels wouldn't need to filled up with lies that much. Besides the raw biological teardown, having someone around as a partner where the positive interactions outweigh the negative ones could be the basis of a symbiosis between two humans.
If some intimacy / sex / company would help, why I’m not having any? - the question poses. In theory, the ins and outs have been mapped out. It all started, as it mostly does, during childhood. The marriage of my parents went totally south when my sister was born and I had 4 years, so my long term memory just started working. This meant that my memory had no part of seeing a single act of intimacy of my primary caregivers towards each other, just shouting, aside from my grandmother and my favourite aunt giving me a hug sometimes. It was a real battle zone where a few hours without shouting were far and few between. This and a lot of other shit that my parents were haunted by, courtesy of their own pasts gave me exactly zero knowledge on how to read woman. I’m basically fucking blind. Even if I was any good at maths I would loose count of the occasions when someone told me, “Look at that girl / woman, how she’s looking at us / you” and I had to ask where to look, in terms of general direction, not to mention the ability to pick up small signs. How do I see the sign, if a year or so have passed since we ’been together and I didn’t know the eye colour of my first girlfriend. Sounds surprising right? Well, when batshit crazy is considered normal for the first 20 years of your life, climbing out of that perspective has quite a learning curve. If that learning curve weren’t damn steep enough as is, add a stupid decision to it, and be very disciplined about that stupid decision for years, and the shitstorm will be near perfect. But I come back to the near perfection of the shitstorm in a bit.
First of all, how about that first girlfriend and the stupid decision? I think I might have been 18yo when I had my first kiss and I was 19yo when I met my first girlfriend. I would have never ended up her boyfriend if I wasn’t drunk on a particular party and were just kissed by another girl who was into me boosting my morale, the cherry on the top of the cake being that I knew from a friend of my sister that my would be ex was into me. All these factors played into the hand of a relationship that lasted two and a half years and could have been a major leaping stone for me. She looked gorgeous and a chemistry was spot on. We learned things together and I learned how and where and when to touch a woman. Since I was still in the grasp of the narrow conservative (small rural town, what do you expect?) mindset I did and said a bunch of things I’m not proud of. Hopefully she learnt more from those lessons as much as I did or even more. So, why wasn’t this relationship the bridge between my loneliness and the ability to have functioning relationships? Why instead of being a leaping stone I stumbled and fell into a ditch head first?
When it ended, the feeling was so shitty, that the most logical conclusion to my very simplistic mind was to avoid feeling like that again altogether, therefore becoming cold and distant become the primary guidelines. Six years of loneliness ensued. Going without sex, kissing anyone or hugging could be easily measured in moths or even a year. Months have passed between occasional one night stands, where the hunter was determined or drunk enough to not to care about my cluelessness, or the hunted was drunk enough to not to be totally unapproachable or clueless or both. Even if they were looking to turn the one night stand into multiple nights or maybe a relationship, due to the long stretches of loneliness and due to the weird sexual expectations that arose during said long stretches of nothingness, I felt so weird and ashamed of myself, that I turned down further invitations and couldn’t bring myself to talk to them. Basically, from their perspective, I had sex with them, than I disappeared in the ether. I have managed to show myself in a successful a-hole kind a way, while I felt like the most unlucky, ugly and talentless piece of shit (now that’s what I call “an achievement”).
Despite the fact that I found myself highly repulsive for a long time, hiding behind sunglasses and foundation I had enough self confidence to let woman try. And boy oh boy, they did try. Those who were more desperate were more determined, while those who had multiple choices open had a look, maybe had some fun and than left seeing the vast cluster of insecurities behind the sketchy façade that looked enticing from a distance, but fell apart upon closer inspection. People told me that I was good looking and I should have a girlfriend and I truly believed for years that they were only saying this to save face. Now, looking back, I’m starting to realize that I’m not ugly, I might even be good looking by some metrics. This realization came as the memory lane of old pictures was revisited again and again. Upon closer inspection all the woman around me, hugging me, giving me kisses on photos became evident. It is one thing that I couldn’t capitalize on any of that, but I realized, how lucky am I that genetics favoured me. Elsewise, if the gene pool wouldn’t have been kind to me at least in this department, I would be the most neglected man, considering my social and dating skills. Or the lack thereof, to be more precise. One thing to be grateful for.
Before this realization occurred, I shit you not, I had to realize first, that the policy I applied after I broke up with my first girlfriend was seriously affecting me. It was like one of those cases, when a temporary workaround is put in place for something, everyone forgets about it, than it causes a major shitstorm in the long run when something breaks down the line, messing up a forgotten but needed dependency. Before this realization life went by casually in a perfect state of cognitive dissonance, by not willing to open up for anyone, not willing to pay attention to anyone’s feelings and yet craving intimacy and blaming the world for not providing any.
So ok, during the time it took for the realization to kick in some amazing woman drifted away. ”What do you do now, you dumb fucking bitch?” - asks one part of the brain. “Well, you stand up, use less swearwords, or edit them out later and keep moving on hoping that each failure at least landed some useful experience points that can be used as a solid base for improvement.” - says the other. So this is how the journey of relationship 101 and emotion handling begun.
Phase 1. Trying to establish a relationship, but being emotionally unavailable.
There’s was a girl who added me on facebook after after a party and somehow I managed to puzzle the picture together. She was there, she saw me playing music, she liked me and she tried to reach out. We have started talking, we have started going out and we kept going out without me doing any advances for 3 moths, when she finally had enough and invited me over to her place to watch Narcos. That night was followed by a relationship that lasted approx two months when she kicked me out, calling me insensitive and unable to care for her emotionally. She was totally right.
Moving on, I drop a comment on some meme posted by one of the girls I met at the University a few years ago. She replies to my comment, I reply to hers, the discussion moves to chat. After a couple of days she tells me that she is coming home from abroad and we shall meet. I agree. The meeting happens, other things happen, we get along really well, meet two more times and consider ourselves to be in a long distance relationship. She’s very enthusiastic, wants to communicate with me, she’s being cute and I’m still 100% emotionally unavailable. When I finally decide to visit her, after dragging the topic for months, she cuts me loose. Rightfully so. Off course, I delete her from social media, and decide that whatever, I’ll make enough money so someone will stay with me for that, even if I’m an emotional iceberg laced with titanium (un-fucking-penetrable). What an utterly crappy response to being rejected, says captain hindsight.
Phase 2. Overflow.
Next up, wasted on party (but in a mildly good way) and another girl who remembers me from a festival that took place years ago initiates a conversation and I end up hanging out with her and all of her girlfriends. We party, we talk, we decide to go to an after at their place. Due to administrative reasons when I get there only one of them is there, so we start talking. Meanwhile people are arriving, chemicals are wearing off and kicking in, dynamics change. Finally everyone gives in and we sleep together. The next day (because the next days always counts from the moment when you wake up) we talk, have a long walk, I unload a mental excel of pros and cons about myself to her since honesty can only be good (later on my psychologist tells me the contrary, since what I do is scary and things should be let to unravel by themselves) and I leave town.  After my short city break is over we decide to meet and she’s over at my place before I could blink. We start hanging out more and more. Even If I have the tendency to make the same mistakes over and over again, just to be sure that they are mistakes and I have mastered the recipe, this time I knew that I have to open myself up. The theoretical part was ok, as the plan was to move slowly and open myself up step by step over an extended period of time.  Unfortunately the gap between theory and practice sometimes can accommodate a few light years in between, so all of the emotions that I managed to bottle up over the years managed to get out after only a few careful steps. She had her own problems, I had mine and they didn’t make a good combination, but a rather unfortunate one. Disregarding the fact that I have tried to invest emotionally, I still couldn’t care for her emotional needs. The whole thing blew up in my face, basically. Being blind to anything that is less obvious than she suddenly turning to me in the middle of the night and saying, “I have to go home”,  and having the alarm of something is not right going off is not the hallmark of being ready for a relationship. Another part of the lecture was that revealing rating systems to woman about woman is a double edged ice cream that mostly licks back instead of being licked. For those who don’t view the world from an engineering / mathematical (call it as you fancy) perspective, there are people out there who measure and categorize everything. This in a relation means that the relevant parameters like, looks, intelligence (or the lack thereof), like mindedness, biological match, size of the cultural gap (if applies), financial and social situation are all measured on a scale and the weighted average tells if the other person is a match or not, and how good a match it is. Unfolding this information in my situation turned out to be a major no-no. Based on the very narrow sample, I was convinced that this is how it is and I should never again reveal my rating system ever again. Luckily, lately a friend of mine told me that his girlfriend appreciated this kind of approach, so the analytics based way of thinking is not my mental dead end, only it has to be used after a lot of observation and in the right situation with the right people as the “target audience” seems to be quite small. By the time we got to the point of me revealing my rating system, red flags were flying all over. Thing is red flags are easy to miss even with experience not to mention barely having any. When you add that up to the fact that you need a planetary alignment that occurs every 5000 years to be able to get close to someone, you also finally manage to let your guard down and you know that giving up on things is generally considered bad and dedication is king, those red flags are rendered inexistent in the quantum soup of thoughts. All of the above combined leads to the materialization of one very specific dynamic in attachment theory, where the anxious one is trying to get closer and to invest more in general, while the avoidant is getting further and further away, creating a situation where both feel frustrated. Fast forward a little (as the whole thing lasted two months), she cuts me loose and I have no clue how to deal with the tsunami of the emotions that are now very much on the surface and the pink cloud that acted as a distraction is gone and the withdrawal starts to kick in. A downward spiral begins that ends with being so desperate to escape the sensation of a panic attack being one mental “block” away that I start taking random meds and drinking, because at one point they have to override my emotions. I don’t want to kill myself per se, but I made peace with the thought that if I need to die to escape that state of mind, I’m fine with it.
Luckily since I’m an attention whore, I’m not doing this in total silence and even if I’m not being totally upfront about it, my friends and people who are not my friends but are nice people and just care realize that something is off and rush in to help. Their intentions are really good, however, most of them are not experts and just share their best practices. Five or six best practices in, one is confused as fekk. This confusion is that finally pushes me through the barrier to seek professional help. Luck was by my side as I found a psychologist I could work with from the get go. As we were moving forward with therapy I was still trying to resuscitate a very dead relationship. The contrast between my interactions with the therapist and my ex were miles apart. While I was still rowing the waters “make her feel sorry for me” and told her how I tried to get my overboiling emotions in check, scaring her tremendously, creating a mess of emotions for both of us, the how's and whys and the to-dos were very clear during therapy. At one point the psychologist said that “You see the situation very clearly, you are also very conscious about what you did and what are the possible ramifications of your actions and you also have a plan as to how to fix them, why are you here?” My answer was simple: “While I’m in a state of rest, where I’m not being cornered by my own emotions all is clear, however, once shit hits the fan, all of the logic that was nicely put together goes out of the window and I start acting borderline crazy”.
As the therapy sessions flew by and the links to my ex started to fade, things ere starting to stabilize. All that was left is what I call “light general depression”. Light general depression is exactly what its name stands for. It doesn’t contain joy (apart from chain-smoking, watching tons of YouTube videos about video games and cars, binge eating pizza and ice cream and drinking herculean amounts of rum), existing feels bad and pointless, but it is not terrible, there are no big ups and downs and existence in this state can go on for extended periods time. As one of these days passed by as experienced from the warm hug of an unnecessarily long bath I randomly texted a friend to see what is she up to. She was hanging out by herself, drinking and asked me if I wanted to join, so I did. By the time I got there another woman was at the table. Nothing special, we introduced ourselves and carried on drinking. I did not find this new addition to my pool of acquaintances physically attractive, that under normal circumstances could have been a trigger, however she was very intriguing. As the alcohol levels in our blood gained an ever larger foothold, the discussion suddenly turned into one of those that go down the rabbit hole of serious emotions and life experiences. I love these discussions (hence the experience, wink wink), they are the bread and butter of why am I socializing. It is almost pointless to say that as the discussion turned into the two of us going on a philosophical rampage about depression and explaining the how’s and why’s to anyone around us the spark went off. Finally, as the night came to a close and everyone said their goodbyes only the two of us were left walking the through the streets bursting with nightlife telling more and more intimate stories about ourselves. As we reached her place and said goodbye I got stuck in the mental loop of what to do after a meeting and discussion like this. Luckily she promptly bypassed the situation by shaking my hand and telling me something along the lines of “till next time”. The next day the temptation was simply irresistible not to stalk her online. By the time I got a glimpse of her through her profile her friend request already landed safely.
She left town for a few weeks (if I’d be religious or into spiritual stuff, I’d say there’s a link to the previous relationship, luckily I am not, life is just hugely random), but we agreed that I would take her to party when she comes back, since she haven’t been to one since her son was born. Meanwhile I also found out that she had what she described as a “sort of boyfriend”. While all of this was unravelling my brain dripping with curiosity kicked me into higher and higher gears as my taste of the unusual and complicated got ever more triggered. Finally the day of the party came and it was the best party I ever attended where I didn’t like the music at all. We really connected. Looking back at that level of connection, I couldn’t tell if we were really alike in some terms and hugely different in others, or she is just simply darn good at showing what people would like to see. A few days later she invited me to watch a movie, we watched the whole movie without me totally being unable to do any advances, again, unless we finally decided to sleep. Things happened. That night was the starting point of a journey that lasted 7 months and included lots of love, lots of desperation, living together with ex boyfriends, handling a spoiled 4 year old boy, discussing and trying to come to terms with a father that got lost in the ether, lots of calculated action combined with a shit-ton of impulsivity and lot more. What I learned in this relationship about trauma, falling victim of compensating for trauma, overusing resources without considering the future, keeping something useless and counterproductive in your life just because it makes you feel superior, utterly useless - clueless and spoiled people, the consequences of being inconsistent in a child’s education hopefully could fill pages on its own, If I managed to learn something. All of this is still just scratching the surface. The full and detailed version of said list serves material for more writings as this paragraph could go on for dozens of pages, but it won’t to avoid further side-tracking. Also, some of these lessons still need processing time for the sake of being able to paint a picture that is more accurate rather than soaked with emotions. What is certain is that at least one writing (if not more) about overprotective parents running the risk of handicapping their children, involuntary hostage taking and kindness as a useless perk if not accompanied by other skills will come at one point. With the this pitch out of the way, let’s get back to the relationship itself. To put it simply, there was this man, dressed in black from head to toe, wearing black nail polish occasionally, being a strong proponent for nihilism and putting himself at risk for the excitement of being exposed to risk while also testing all sorts of limits because an “engineer” has to know the limits, right? During the course of a few months this man had a child seat in the back of his car, learned how to micromanage educational failures by measuring, not just feeling and truly cared for the wellbeing of a few people. He had the impression that he found his place in a world where he previously tried to fill the void by proving the pointlessness of life through reckless (and very fun) activities. Thrusters were set to 110% as the pink fog of “this is it, we have to commit and do this” descended on the brain cells locked in a hormone fuelled frenzy. Finally I experienced a Christmas where I felt happy and loved instead of trying to avoid conflict and hating the world in general.
While I was working on getting myself involved in a hot, crazy mess, thrusters 110% on, I happened to stay at my former flatmate’s parents for two days. I love going there, not just because it served as a perfect base for a weekend of partying, but it is one of those places where a family functions in a symbiosis, not co-dependence. Very-very-very fucking important difference. I love to see how people interact with one another when the main driving force is not fear, but understanding, where attachment comes from the light, not darkness. Even now it makes me to slightly tear up to know, that family can be good, not something to avoid as much as possible, if handled properly. Sights like these give hope. Anyhow, before this detour gets too big, I had good chat with my ex flatmate’s mom where she told me “Kado, don’t look for woman who fit you best, look for someone simple who is capable to learn”. Objectively speaking, this was the best advice I ever received about dating. Worry not, this will not be left unexplained, jut not right now.
So with this advice in mind, the weekend ended and the quest of getting myself deeper into the murky waters of chronic co-dependence was back. As the first few months of the relation flew by and we went from low profile affair to we’re together now and everyone should know about it, more and more details emerged of an ex that could only commit to a relationship when the imminent loss of her partner is present. It also became clear that his incompetence serves as his major attraction, since a man that is kind, but lacks any purpose and logic to derive any said purpose is highly desirable for an ego that cherishes being superior. It became evident how this dynamic eroded seven or so years of the than “woman of my dreams” into a quagmire. My nativity was strong enough to redirect the previously mentioned thrusters to pull her out of the quagmire by the power of micromanagement. The end result hovering in the distance was that my help could propel her to regain traction. As soon as she will be  in a better place and I can get just a bit more of those tiny glimpses of her former happy self, we’ll be on track to create what we referred to as a “power couple”. However, one thing that flew under my radar and finally led to the demise of this premise was an important conclusion drawn after years of being a cog in the corporate machine. Never give 100%, maybe at the beginning, but not even then. Not to talk about 110%, as no person can operate on those levels for months on end, unless driven by amphetamines or coke, but that will take an even higher price in the longer run. If one still decides to go down this path, burnout will be just around the corner. When said burnout meets with someone who needs therapy rather than relationships, shit will go down. Empathy will run out after the same mistake leads to the same crisis for the zillionth time, emotional attachment generates fear in conjunction with each re-occurring crisis and “the you shouldn’t do this, you should do that” tone prevails. The thing is, if I look at my ability to get very cruel, cold and calculating when feeling emotionally cornered as gift or as a curse, it doesn’t matter, it still happens. Detailing to a mother how others managed to solve something with relative ease that she couldn’t or barely could and that she should do this and that, in that situation is a major no-no. I think when it comes about parenting, egos flight higher than Icarus. As one of the cornerstones of empathy is to try to put yourself in the shoes of others, I tired imagining how it could feel like if someone, dunnoh, attacked me because I can’t do maths for shit, or that I have a tendency to abandon my plans. In conclusion, the grey matter sitting inside this skull that is producing these lines might just feel comfortable when it comes to shedding ego. Whit our dynamics auto optimizing themselves to counteract one another in a pretty toxic way, the inevitable happened. We agreed that we can’t understand one another no more, therefore it was time to break up.
In order to minimize the pain a full communication lockdown went in effect to add another twist to the Covid-19 lockdown. This combined with making a few new friends while doubling down on substance abuse spiced with getting into relapse territory with other woman got me ticking along. I think it is pointless to say that this mechanism used for calming emotions wasn’t the best. First, natural coping mechanisms were obliterated even before getting a theoretical shape, not to talk about trying them and maybe getting some experience, second, these coping mechanisms took their own toll on my body and psyche and third, they crumbled in the very moment when my ex reached out to me to normalize our relation as two human beings who happen to know one another. It only took a few hours for the stream of emotions to turn into whirlpool of anger and darkness where my criminal mind flourishes. And boy do I have a criminal mind. When the going gets rough it isn’t like I can’t control myself and start shouting, and throwing things around. No-no, it’s not like that at all, but it is like making plans, evil plans, plans that would make a drug cartel hitman nod in approval. The way these “solutions” from the dark end of the spectrum interact with checks and balances look like: “what I would say of a totally unrelated person who does that” or “what were the consequences if my plans were revealed and such”. This time, all these impulses distilled in ever more frequent and strategic use of creating constructive ambiguity by selectively revealing secrets and manipulation. The cherry on the top was put in place when she reached out to me when she tried to re-establish post breakup communication, consisting in grabbing all sorts of dark echoes that race through my mind, amplifying them and revealing them to her in order to make sure that she’ll be convinced that I’m a horrible, dangerous and aggressive person underneath, therefore she’ll never attempt to communicate with me, ever. It wasn’t nice, at all, but it was violence free apart from me running my mouth and it worked, for a while.
So far so good, the plan worked great. I made friends with new people, both offline and online and I had a few who were interested in me and maybe still are (as you might have noticed so far, can’t really tell). The plan was to get some mileage into the game and get more experience points and to learn, for which diversity is essential. There was a week where I had 4 dates, with 2 happening on the very same day. Result? Let’s not call it a total fucking bummer, but let’s go with a “valuable lesson”, ok? Why? One person stood out and everybody else faded into the shadows of absolute zero interest.
People who intrigue me are the ones that I feel a longing for. These are the people who have my instant and unconditional support as soon as they ask, these are the people I’m paying attention to and these are the people that I use as examples to follow in certain walks of life. So, there was one date who stood out and baaam, just like that, interest for anyone else vanished like lines from a broken phone screen at a rave. This one person turned out to be someone who exploits life just as I do, or even to a greater extent when the conditions are set. She likes adrenaline, playing around with thoughts not being afraid to be cut by some rough edges, going fast, views substances as mere tools, not like something good or bad and last but not least, she is the best looking, besides ticking a few other boxes. Did all the positives yielded a relationship or even a one night stand? Absolutely not. Was this a problem? Maybe from the perspective of my reproductive instincts, but from any other perspectives, it was interesting at worst and beneficiary at best. There are a bunch of people who tell good and bad Tinder date stories, however I haven’t heard a single one up to date that could match the level of renovate a bathroom on a tinder date. The bathroom turned out to be something both of us are showing with pride and I have learned about the ins and outs of tiling. It was also refreshing to see when a relationship between two people is based more in rational thinking than dragged by emotions, as it was the perfect contrast for my ex girlfriend who basically managed to turn a life of success into a quagmire by giving the executive powers to her unhinged emotions.
What have we learned?
When a bunch of things fail to be turned into happy factories, let it be hedonism, creativity, hard work, sport or other kinds of hobbies, all kick in the feeling of “geez, I did that, but the I have to get to the next level to evade boredom and constantly levelling up is hard work” so doing literally anything gets turned into a chore. Shitting and washing ass can feel like a chore, just like hanging out with friends can so one inevitably pulls out the good old question of “is my brain just unable to make the happy stuff and if so, what’s the purpose of living?”. After talking with quite a few people who contemplated suicide, or people who lost a loved one to suicide, one thing was clear from the get go, I will not hang myself. Based on the frequency of suicide by hanging I can only conclude that people either have a huge imbalance between being emotionally driven or just simply being very sick and incapable of any rational thought. Why? Death by suffocation combined with the rupture of the spinal cord sounds like the worst thing ever. On the other hand, driving into a solid concrete wall at any speed near 100 km/h is guaranteed death. Driving into a solid wall at 200 km/h is massive overkill and it could be proven as an accident which could make lives for relatives easier if tricky life insurance policies are in place. Finances aside, there are other policies in place for reasons like seeing the misery of those who get left behind to live and let all the people who I consider idiots to outlive me. Like seriously, if some have been labelled as idiots by some metrics of mine and they outlive me, it means that my metrics and the logic based on those metrics was flawed, proven by my very demise.
So yea, what do you do when relationships don’t work out, you can’t seem to obtain them and self destruction is also off the table? Well, since we’re all caged to some degree due to the pandemic and I already raised my alcohol tolerance to stellar levels, it was the damn time to get myself busy. To really dig into my job and to force myself to do tasks that I have just passed to someone saying I can’t hack it, to start reading stuff, to start learning stuff to start exercising and most important of all, to create routines. Routines are awesome. If nothing makes sense, at least that nothing is done on a regular basis and the very fact that nothing amounts to anything if done on a daily basis is kind of a feet and gives a chance to dopamine production.
I have also learned that having sex after a hiatus of 10 months doesn’t improve things as much as I thought, which is good, because it also means that things do not degrade a lot from prolonged abstinence.
Where to now? I guess I’ll just try focusing on myself rather than trying to please others by forcing myself into the “normie puzzle”. I’ll leave myself open for options, since it would be rather counterproductive to Sméagol hiss away anyone who tries to approach me, but it might happen nonetheless.
And one last bit before I cut this writing short at the 11th or so page... If you’re interested in me, do something. Playing the get hard card just plain simply won’t work. If I don’t get any feedback like in a 50-50 distribution style I’ll feel discouraged and move on. I’m also plain stupid when it comes to decoding slight hints (as I’ve hinted at multiple times in this text). Be blunt about it, otherwise it might go totally unnoticed. Last but not least, if you’re not interested, please don’t fekking smile at me and more importantly don’t touch me. I know, theoretically that people can be nice with one another without wanting more, but it doesn’t work for me. If you do that, I’ll reach out to spend more time together, you’ll gonna reject me and I’m going to throw you on the pile failed attempts that is getting ever more poisonous and has a high chance of totally wrecking my mood by the time someone genuinely interested would come about.
I might also try to get more disciplined since it took me more than five months to throw up these characters. I sincerely hope that I wasted your time in a way that some part of what I wrote resonates with you, maybe helps you or you found it amusing at least. Peace out.
Update: some things have changed since I wrote this piece, I got new pieces of information and the story of my craziest adventure got a healthy boost. However, if I were to re-write and edit this text in accordance to all those things, it is highly possible that it would never come out. As one of my favourite hot rod builder puts it “Lower your expectations until you reach your goals”.
0 notes
kansetsukiss · 7 years
Winter 2018: First Impressions
The new year always comes with a bout of unwarranted confidence and energy, and what better way to spend it, I thought, than by keeping entirely up to date with the new anime season. (I say “entirely,” though I have clearly omitted several shounen / fantasy shows out of respectful disinterest, and Citrus, for reasons that may evolve into their own post.) Here are the first impressions of the season’s first episodes. I’ll be checking back in halfway through and at the end of the season to chart each show’s progress. Saa, hajimaruzamasu yo!
Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san
Though they’ve since been deleted, the first episode of Koizumi-san encouraged two extremely negative reviews to surface on MAL. Why anyone would submit a formal review after one episode is beyond me (get a tumblr blog, you herbs), but why this of all shows should warrant such backlash also confounds me. Yes, it’s silly - it follows goofy lesbian Oosawa Yuu as she follows her crush, the enigmatic Koizumi, from one ramen eatery to another, while Koizumi rebuffs her flirtations and educates her on various ramen cooking styles. It should be pretty fucking clear from this set-up that we’re not in for a thematically dense thrill-ride - why is this Cute Girls Doing Cute Things show apparently that much worse than others with equally pointless premises? All this said, I’m certainly wondering if the show can expand on its small roster of characters and settings to fill a full cour. Stranger things have happened. I’ll be following along, if only to hear more of Ayaneru’s darling voice acting, dreamy sigh.
Yuru Camp∆
(Don’t forget that delta!) This season’s iyashikei delivers exactly what was promised on the package, resulting in not much to say about it at all. I’m not sure the ambience here is quite luscious enough to warrant this many slow shots (cf. Studio Ghibli, Mushishi), but I was never bored, and it looks like we’ll be heading to more slice-of-life settings soon enough anyways. It’s quiet, thoroughly nice, even somewhat educational. Healing as it may be, it’s also definitely a Cute Girls show, and yes, the girls so far are very good. Fingers crossed we get some yuri with that yuru…
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Sanrio Danshi
Ahh, a familiar conflict: a mega-corporation creates / sponsors art that supports progressive politics, but is also using the medium to shamelessly promote their products - cf. Pepsi, Heineken, etc. This time it’s Sanrio fighting restrictive gender stereotypes: why can’t boys be into cute animal mascots too? It’s a sweet message, but the irony of it coming directly from the merchandiser is hefty. Sanrio Boys makes an inoffensive first impression - the titular boys are entirely generic in design and expression, distinguished mostly by their mascot kyara of choice (disappointingly, my lovely Cinnamaroll has been claimed by a boofy-looking doofus). It’s shallow and ironically enjoyable, as most teen-girl-oriented media inevitably is, alas. Here lies another mystifying contradiction: a clearly low-effort show featuring an ensemble cast of five handsome but emotionally vulnerable boys is so clearly aimed at girls, so how is their boys-can-have-feelings-too message even going to land with its supposed target audience? Are the boys themselves just another marketable Sanrio product for girls?? Christ.
Violet Evergarden
Speaking of mega-corporations, Netflix is still on track to subsume all art and artists by 2020 - but hey, they’re putting out some good stuff. Violet Evergarden is a decisive question mark. I’m partial to both its main tropes of “post-war melancholy” and “emotionless person learns to feel again,” but they can intersect respectively with “leaning heavy on the Feels” and “literal objectification of women.” Violet’s emptiness doesn’t make for a compelling main character - it’s strange to see KyoAni’s unparalleled expressivity lavished upon an unexpressive character - and it’s hard to say whether her traumatic past will justify this, or just fall flat. I’m cautiously optimistic for now, and if it all does go south, I’ll always have Sora no Woto to give me the good stuff. (Special shout-out to both all-too-brief timelapse shots. KyoAni, you magnificent bastards.)
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Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
I think it’s understandable that I would enter into this with trepidation - it seemed somewhere between a sports anime and a Cute Girls Etc., both of which can stretch to ridiculous settings. But it seems, in a weird way, fairly grounded. Well, I mean, for a show about high school girls travelling to Antarctica. I’m really hoping they’re not just on their way by episode 2 - Shirase’s struggle with the depressive realism of her ludicrous dream is ripe for exploring in itself. Both the main characters are wonderful; Shirase’s design indicated another taciturn raven-haired maiden (cf. Kousaka Reina), but she’s wonderfully expressive, and I’m always happy to hear Kana Hanazawa doing any voice other than Default Kana Hanazawa. Overall, it’s very nicely animated and paced, quietly comic, and almost definitely going to trip over its absurd premise by the time I next check up on it, but I suspect it will still be a fun, if silly, ride.
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card
OH MY GOD. I’ve only been living in a post-Sakura world for about 2 years, and this was still a quasi-religious experience; I can’t imagine how this would feel to the fans who grew up on the show. Everything about this is fucking fantastic. I’m losing the ability to criticise. I’m dangerously close to “I can’t even”-ing. The production is perfect, the sakura petals are abundant, there’s a fucking oboe solo stripped-back rendition of Platinum when Syaoran appears, the fucking ED is so beautifully animated. I’m sorry, I’m doki-doki-ing all over the place. This is the by far my favourite of the season so far. Not even Meilin’s absence can sour this for me. (Okay, maybe a little, if I really think about it :c)
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Pop Team Epic
Hmmm. This was preceded by its reputation, evenly regarded by my Twitter feed as “a shitpost in anime form” and “excellent lesbian representation.” Given how dense my watchlist already is, I’m pleased to say I absolutely don’t care about this. It conveys the same humour as short-form absurdities like Teekyuu or Plastic Nee-san, but mostly leans on shallow pop-culture references and crudeness. The face that it’s a full-length show - let alone the fact that the first episode is the same half-length episode played twice - is exasperating. As a fan of Wonder Showzen and the Eric Andre Show, I see the appeal of the style, but it definitely falls short of both such marks. (And though I know this is unfair, it’s a little hard to get into something so well-received by 4chan dipshits.)
Darling in the FranXX
There’s a sexual harassment joke roughly 4 minutes into the first episode - nowhere near Bakemonogatari’s record, and not damning in and of itself, but it unfortunately does reflect the overall tone. This feels like a weird teenage rebellion by Studio Trigger, defying their parent by making their own Evangelion, with blackjack!, and hookers!, and absolutely none of the subtlety or character exploration that made Eva great. Zero Two is a deafening klaxon of fanservice masquerading as a sexually autonomous character - I wanted to believe otherwise, but her fucking robot has nice boobs, and even gets its own panty shot. The robot, which is powered by making out, mind you. I’m not one to hold low-brow shows to higher standards - I will call a fanservice-y spade a spade - but I expected more out of Trigger at this point, especially on the heels of extremely wholesome Little Witch Academia series. Even the mediocre Kiznaiver had loftier goals. I’ll keep tabs on this one - if nothing else, Trigger’s animation style and an excellent OST will sweeten a bitter pill. 
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Mitchiri Neko
Hard pass. If you’re gonna watch a banal, cutesy, 3-minute runtime cat show - like, if you really need that - watch Bananya.
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wetrumpfeed · 6 years
Welcome to your weekly Presidential Recap! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back to deliver all things dank and spicy from the past week. For those that missed any past recaps you can check those out here!
Now onto the show!
Sunday, January 20th:
2 Years of Accomplishments
Always heard that as President, “it’s all about the economy!” Well, we have one of the best economies in the history of our Country. Big GDP, lowest unemployment, companies coming back to the U.S. in BIG numbers, great new trade deals happening, & more. But LITTLE media mention!
Be careful and try staying in your house. Large parts of the Country are suffering from tremendous amounts of snow and near record setting cold. Amazing how big this system is. Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!
Nancy Pelosi and some of the Democrats turned down my offer yesterday before I even got up to speak. They don’t see crime & drugs, they only see 2020 - which they are not going to win. Best economy! They should do the right thing for the Country & allow people to go back to work.
No, Amnesty is not a part of my offer. It is a 3 year extension of DACA. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else. Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally-but be careful Nancy!
Nancy Pelosi has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. She is so petrified of the “lefties” in her party that she has lost control...And by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!
Nancy, I am still thinking about the State of the Union speech, there are so many options - including doing it as per your written offer (made during the Shutdown, security is no problem), and my written acceptance. While a contract is a contract, I’ll get back to you soon!
Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall.
Don’t forget, we are building and renovating big sections of Wall right now. Moving quickly, and will cost far less than previous politicians thought possible. Building, after all, is what I do best, even when money is not readily available!
Thank you David!
The Media is not giving us credit for the tremendous progress we have made with North Korea. Think of where we were at the end of the Obama Administration compared to now. Great meeting this week with top Reps. Looking forward to meeting with Chairman Kim at end of February!
Thanks James!
A truly great First Lady who doesn’t get the credit she deserves!
Congratulations to Bob Kraft, Bill Belichick, Tom Brady and the entire New England Patriots team on a great game and season. Will be a fantastic Super Bowl!
Curt Schilling deserves to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Great record, especially when under pressure and when it mattered most. Do what everyone in Baseball knows is right! @marklevinshow
“No President in modern times has kept more promises than Donald Trump!” Thank you Bill Bennett @SteveHiltonx
Last year was the best year for American Manufacturing job growth since 1997, or 21 years. The previous administration said manufacturing will not come back to the U.S., “you would need a magic wand.” I guess I found the MAGIC WAND - and it is only getting better!
The MAGA Kids did nothing wrong and people are using it to push their Anti Trump Agenda
The NYT tried to destroy the life of an innocent child! SUE THEM!
CNN reporter calling for violence on white kid
Where was the Mainstream Media when 2 teenagers harassed and assaulted an Old Man supporting Trump? 🧐
Happy second anniversary Pedes, it’s been an honor shitposting with you
Jake Tapper Tweeting out Article that says the media wildly mischaracterized the Covington video
4chan has a knack for synthesizing situations down to the roux
Today marks the two year anniversary of the godfather of all reeeeeeeeeeeeeees
Who is it that was triggered?
Monday, January 21st:
President Trump & Vice President Pence Visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Humanitarian Crisis on Our Southern Border (Spanish)
Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for standing up for the self-evident truth Americans hold so dear, that no matter what the color of our skin or the place of our birth, we are all created equal by God. #MLKDay
Democrats campaigned on working within Washington and “getting things done!” How is that working out? #2020TAKEBACKTHEHOUSE
To all of the great people who are working so hard for your Country and not getting paid I say, THANK YOU - YOU ARE GREAT PATRIOTS! We must now work together, after decades of abuse, to finally fix the Humanitarian, Criminal & Drug Crisis at our Border. WE WILL WIN BIG!
Today, it was my great honor to visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial with @VP Mike Pence, in honor of #MLKDay
China posts slowest economic numbers since 1990 due to U.S. trade tensions and new policies. Makes so much sense for China to finally do a Real Deal, and stop playing around!
If Nancy Pelosi thinks that Walls are “immoral,” why isn’t she requesting that we take down all of the existing Walls between the U.S. and Mexico, even the new ones just built in San Diego at their very strong urging. Let millions of unchecked “strangers” just flow into the U.S.
Four people in Nevada viciously robbed and killed by an illegal immigrant who should not have been in our Country. 26 people killed on the Border in a drug and gang related fight. Two large Caravans from Honduras broke into Mexico and are headed our way. We need a powerful Wall!
Democrats are kidding themselves (they don’t really believe it!) if they say you can stop Crime, Drugs, Human Trafficking and Caravans without a Wall or Steel Barrier. Stop playing games and give America the Security it deserves. A Humanitarian Crisis!
Looking like Nick Sandman & Covington Catholic students were treated unfairly with early judgements proving out to be false - smeared by media. Not good, but making big comeback! “New footage shows that media was wrong about teen’s encounter with Native American” @TuckerCarlson
(Retweeting Kaya Jones) I want to show other celebrities who voted for @realDonaldTrump it’s ok to come forward. Better yet let’s show the world how many Americans stand with him. Bullies shouldn’t be allowed for almost a year and a half to bully us without cause. If you voted for him just Like or RT
Recap of the last 48hrs, or How I Learned to Stop Trusting Reddit and Love The_Donald
This content is being shadowbanned all over Reddit. It breaks ZERO rules.
Disney producer Jack Morrissey advocates putting MAGA hat kids in wood chipper, sets his tweets to private.
Blue Checkmark leftists quietly deleting their violent tweets aimed at the Covington students
1/1024th honest
Hi TD, Think You All May Have Finally Won Me Over
Make it happen, Daddy
Silver Fox Lays it Down
Tuesday, January 22nd:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Judicial Nominees
Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be. They have captivated the attention of the world, and I know they will use it for the good - maybe even to bring people together. It started off unpleasant, but can end in a dream!
“The Democrats are playing politics with Border Security.” @foxandfriends
Without a Wall our Country can never have Border or National Security. With a powerful Wall or Steel Barrier, Crime Rates (and Drugs) will go substantially down all over the U.S. The Dems know this but want to play political games. Must finally be done correctly. No Cave!
FBI top lawyer confirms “unusual steps.” They relied on the Clinton Campaign’s Fake & Unverified “Dossier,” which is illegal. “That has corrupted them. That has enabled them to gather evidence by UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS, and that’s what they did to the President.” Judge Napolitano
Marist/NPR/PBS Poll shows President Trump’s approval rating among Latinos going to 50%, an increase in one year of 19%. Thank you, working hard!
Never seen @senatemajldr and Republicans so united on an issue as they are on the Humanitarian Crisis & Security on our Southern Border. If we create a Wall or Barrier which prevents Criminals and Drugs from flowing into our Country, Crime will go down by record numbers!
Last time I went to Davos, the Fake News said I should not go there. This year, because of the Shutdown, I decided not to go, and the Fake News said I should be there. The fact is that the people understand the media better than the media understands them!
The United States has a great economic story to tell. Number one in the World, by far!
The reason Sarah Sanders does not go to the “podium” much anymore is that the press covers her so rudely & inaccurately, in particular certain members of the press. I told her not to bother, the word gets out anyway! Most will never cover us fairly & hence, the term, Fake News!
Former FBI top lawyer James Baker just admitted involvement in FISA Warrant and further admitted there were IRREGULARITIES in the way the Russia probe was handled. They relied heavily on the unverified Trump “Dossier” paid for by the DNC & Clinton Campaign, & funded through a... ... ...big Crooked Hillary law firm, represented by her lawyer Michael Sussmann (do you believe this?) who worked Baker hard & gave him Oppo Research for “a Russia probe.” This meeting, now exposed, is the subject of Senate inquiries and much more. An Unconstitutional Hoax. @FoxNews
Congratulations to Mariano Rivera on unanimously being elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame! Not only a great player but a great person. I am thankful for Mariano’s support of the Opioid Drug Abuse Commission and @FitnessGov. #EnterSandman #HOF2019💯
Deroy Murdock, National Review: “We are now exporting oil, which is the first time in my lifetime - we are right now the largest producer of oil and gas. This is not good if you’re Vladimir Putin where your chief export is oil. W.H. Agent - Not good for Kremlin.” @TuckerCarlson
Covington MAGA Kids To Meet With Trump; Families Plan To Sue After MSM Witch Hunt Results In Death Threats
Mad Maxine Flying First Class During Govt.Shutdown ALL YOU PEONS GO TO THE BACK OF THE PLANE
Just finished a conversation with someone from Covington Highschool
First "reporter" fired for fake news allegations against Covington highschoolers.
What watching the news today feels like I am really watching.
4chan anon is 3-D printing a Roman bust of Trump!
First, we fought Taxation without Representation...
Believe In Something: Just Smirk
Wednesday, January 23rd:
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Trump Participates in a Fair and Honest Pricing in Healthcare Roundtable
President Trump Meets with Conservative Leaders on his Immigration Proposal
Great unity in the Republican Party. Want to, once and for all, put an end to stoppable crime and drugs! Border Security and Wall. No doubt!
BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL! This is the new theme, for two years until the Wall is finished (under construction now), of the Republican Party. Use it and pray!
The citizens of Venezuela have suffered for too long at the hands of the illegitimate Maduro regime. Today, I have officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.
Even Trump Haters like (MS)NBC acknowledge you “BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL!”
“The Historic Results of President Donald J. Trump’s First Two Years in Office”
Fuck you Cuomo you commie butcher.
Huckababe: President Trump’s letter to Speaker Pelosi on the State of the Union
r/news tries to spread more fake news tonight and is immediately put in its place. The red pills are dispensing themselves!
"Pelosi doesn't want to hear the truth or let the American people hear the truth" --- POTUS 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Sue the bitch: Kathy Griffin deletes tweet about Covington teens 'throwing up the new nazi sign'
"It wasn't REAL socialism"
drumming up some controVersy
Sandmann is already smarter and more mature than 99% of Congress.
Recon Ranger Saving the Fridge
Thursday, January 24th:
Six Nominations Sent to the Senate
Statement Recognizing Juan Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela
President Trump Hosts a Meeting on Trade
As the Shutdown was going on, Nancy Pelosi asked me to give the State of the Union Address. I agreed. She then changed her mind because of the Shutdown, suggesting a later date. This is her prerogative - I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over. I am not looking for an.... ... ....alternative venue for the SOTU Address because there is no venue that can compete with the history, tradition and importance of the House Chamber. I look forward to giving a “great” State of the Union Address in the near future!
A great new book just out, “Game of Thorns,” by Doug Wead, Presidential Historian and best selling author. The book covers the campaign of 2016, and what could be more exciting than that?
“This is everything FDR dreamed about, the New Deal to put America back to work. Think of LBJ, he gave people food stamps & welfare. Donald Trump’s giving them a job. He’s got a lot of good things to talk about. News stories do not accurately cover him, should correct.” @DougWead
The economy is doing great. More people working in U.S.A. today than at any time in our HISTORY. Media barely covers! @foxandfriends
So interesting that bad lawyer Michael Cohen, who sadly will not be testifying before Congress, is using the lawyer of Crooked Hillary Clinton to represent him - Gee, how did that happen? Remember July 4th weekend when Crooked went before FBI & wasn’t sworn in, no tape, nothing?
The Fake News Media loves saying “so little happened at my first summit with Kim Jong Un.” Wrong! After 40 years of doing nothing with North Korea but being taken to the cleaners, & with a major war ready to start, in a short 15 months, relationships built, hostages & remains.... ... ...back home where they belong, no more Rockets or M’s being fired over Japan or anywhere else and, most importantly, no Nuclear Testing. This is more than has ever been accomplished with North Korea, and the Fake News knows it. I expect another good meeting soon, much potential!
Without a Wall there cannot be safety and security at the Border or for the U.S.A. BUILD THE WALL AND CRIME WILL FALL!
Nancy just said she “just doesn’t understand why?” Very simply, without a Wall it all doesn’t work. Our Country has a chance to greatly reduce Crime, Human Trafficking, Gangs and Drugs. Should have been done for decades. We will not Cave!
Great earnings coming out of Stock Market. Too bad Media doesn’t devote much time to this!
A third rate conman who interviewed me many years ago for just a short period of time has been playing his biggest con of all on Fake News CNN. Michael D’Antonio, a broken down hack who knows nothing about me, goes on night after night telling made up Trump stories. Disgraceful!
House Democrats block Republicans' attempts to pay federal workers during the government shutdown
Schumer blocks bill to pay Coast Guard
Nancy Pelosi gives House members a three-day weekend, no deal to end government shutdown on the table
German forklift maker planning to expand manufacturing in the United States to avoid being hit with tariffs in China that Trump imposed to protect American industry and jobs
Boom. The entire HuffPost Opinion section is being eliminated.
Not a shitpost!: The MAGA Teen’s Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus (article link in comments)
Anderson Cooper in Vietnam times
Art of the Deal
They’ll do it to our wives and daughters too.
That smile
Friday, January 25th:
Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country! NO COLLUSION! Border Coyotes, Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers are treated better. Who alerted CNN to be there?
President Trump delivers remarks regarding the Government Shutdown
I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!
Voter fraud alert! Don’t let illegal voters destroy the integrity of our elections.
MSM: crickets
Sarah Sanders: In 21 days President @realDonaldTrump is moving forward building the wall with or without the Democrats. The only outstanding question is whether the Democrats want something or nothing
RELEASED ON BOND: Judge has released Roger Stone on $250,000 bond. His travel is restricted to NYC, DC, and South Florida.
TEXAS Pedes...This Vet has no next of kin and is being buried Monday Morning. You know what to do.
Melania Trump - An Apology
MFW I re-open the government just long enough to shit on the Dems at the SOTU, then shut it down and declare a National Emergency anyway
CNN EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone arrested in front of our cameras
TFW you realize President Bush just pulled a fast one on you and can proceed with the SOTU....
So that's how they figured it out
Fibtell Madbrow on watch!
Saturday, January 26th:
If Roger Stone was indicted for lying to Congress, what about the lying done by Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Lisa Page & lover, Baker and soooo many others? What about Hillary to FBI and her 33,000 deleted Emails? What about Lisa & Peter’s deleted texts & Wiener’s laptop? Much more!
“I like the fact that the President is making the case (Border Security & Crime) to the American people. Now we know where Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer & the Democrats stand, which is no Border Security. Will be big 2020 issue.” Matt Schlapp, Chair, ACU. Bigger than anyone knows!
21 days goes very quickly. Negotiations with Democrats will start immediately. Will not be easy to make a deal, both parties very dug in. The case for National Security has been greatly enhanced by what has been happening at the Border & through dialogue. We will build the Wall!
We have turned away, at great expense, two major Caravans, but a big one has now formed and is coming. At least 8000 people! If we had a powerful Wall, they wouldn’t even try to make the long and dangerous journey. Build the Wall and Crime will Fall!
Thank you to the Republican National Committee, (the RNC), who voted UNANIMOUSLY yesterday to support me in the upcoming 2020 Election. Considering that we have done more than any Administration in the first two years, this should be easy. More great things now in the works!
“We absolutely need a physical barrier or Wall, whatever you want to call it. The President yesterday laid all that out. We need to do it all, including the Wall. I provided the same information to the previous administration, & it was ignored.” Mark Morgan, Border Chief for “O”!
Every news network sends 5+ "journalist" and spends an entire day broadcasting from all the other marches...650k strong March For Life... crickets
Nancy Pelosi's bill for alcohol on her flights from Washington to San Fran every week? We pay for it. 1000 dollars. On average 52,000 Bucks, a year for BOOZE. Tax payer money. Thank you very much.
Roger Stone was charged with LYING TO CONGRESS. Can we get a list of every swamp creature who has done the same since BENGHAZI, help them prepare for their own - surely imminent - heavily-armed FBI/CNN pre-dawn raids?
Let’s not forget Bob Mueller lied to congress about Iraq’s WMD’s in 2003.
Our Based Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Facial Expression Guide
Just remember: these losers will wake this morning believing they've won. But the countdown is on. 20 days left until a wall with ZERO concessions. The MASTER dealmaker.
Daily RBG Counter
3 WEEKS.......
LEFTIST WAKE UP CALL: This man has top clearance and has seen military advancements ten years ahead of anything on the market... so yes, liberals, he DOES know more about technology than you do.
Without further ado, some music for all you beautiful deplorables:
House Of Gold
Why iii Love The Moon
Let Me Go
Stressed Out
Holding Onto You
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 6 years
HAPPY SATURDAY PATRIOTS!Welcome to your weekly Presidential Recap! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back to deliver all things dank and spicy from the past week. For those that missed any past recaps you can check those out here!Now onto the show!Sunday, January 20th:TODAY'S ACTION:2 Years of Accomplishments🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Always heard that as President, “it’s all about the economy!” Well, we have one of the best economies in the history of our Country. Big GDP, lowest unemployment, companies coming back to the U.S. in BIG numbers, great new trade deals happening, & more. But LITTLE media mention!Be careful and try staying in your house. Large parts of the Country are suffering from tremendous amounts of snow and near record setting cold. Amazing how big this system is. Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!Nancy Pelosi and some of the Democrats turned down my offer yesterday before I even got up to speak. They don’t see crime & drugs, they only see 2020 - which they are not going to win. Best economy! They should do the right thing for the Country & allow people to go back to work.No, Amnesty is not a part of my offer. It is a 3 year extension of DACA. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else. Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally-but be careful Nancy!Nancy Pelosi has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. She is so petrified of the “lefties” in her party that she has lost control...And by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!Nancy, I am still thinking about the State of the Union speech, there are so many options - including doing it as per your written offer (made during the Shutdown, security is no problem), and my written acceptance. While a contract is a contract, I’ll get back to you soon!Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall.Don’t forget, we are building and renovating big sections of Wall right now. Moving quickly, and will cost far less than previous politicians thought possible. Building, after all, is what I do best, even when money is not readily available!Thank you David!The Media is not giving us credit for the tremendous progress we have made with North Korea. Think of where we were at the end of the Obama Administration compared to now. Great meeting this week with top Reps. Looking forward to meeting with Chairman Kim at end of February!(video)Thanks James!A truly great First Lady who doesn’t get the credit she deserves!Congratulations to Bob Kraft, Bill Belichick, Tom Brady and the entire New England Patriots team on a great game and season. Will be a fantastic Super Bowl!Curt Schilling deserves to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Great record, especially when under pressure and when it mattered most. Do what everyone in Baseball knows is right! @marklevinshow“No President in modern times has kept more promises than Donald Trump!” Thank you Bill Bennett @SteveHiltonxLast year was the best year for American Manufacturing job growth since 1997, or 21 years. The previous administration said manufacturing will not come back to the U.S., “you would need a magic wand.” I guess I found the MAGIC WAND - and it is only getting better!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:The MAGA Kids did nothing wrong and people are using it to push their Anti Trump AgendaThe NYT tried to destroy the life of an innocent child! SUE THEM!CNN reporter calling for violence on white kidWhere was the Mainstream Media when 2 teenagers harassed and assaulted an Old Man supporting Trump? 🧐🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Happy second anniversary Pedes, it’s been an honor shitposting with youJake Tapper Tweeting out Article that says the media wildly mischaracterized the Covington video4chan has a knack for synthesizing situations down to the rouxToday marks the two year anniversary of the godfather of all reeeeeeeeeeeeeeesWho is it that was triggered?Monday, January 21st:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump & Vice President Pence Visit the Martin Luther King Jr. MemorialPresident Trump Delivers Remarks on the Humanitarian Crisis on Our Southern Border (Spanish)🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for standing up for the self-evident truth Americans hold so dear, that no matter what the color of our skin or the place of our birth, we are all created equal by God. #MLKDayDemocrats campaigned on working within Washington and “getting things done!” How is that working out? #2020TAKEBACKTHEHOUSETo all of the great people who are working so hard for your Country and not getting paid I say, THANK YOU - YOU ARE GREAT PATRIOTS! We must now work together, after decades of abuse, to finally fix the Humanitarian, Criminal & Drug Crisis at our Border. WE WILL WIN BIG!Today, it was my great honor to visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial with @VP Mike Pence, in honor of #MLKDayChina posts slowest economic numbers since 1990 due to U.S. trade tensions and new policies. Makes so much sense for China to finally do a Real Deal, and stop playing around!If Nancy Pelosi thinks that Walls are “immoral,” why isn’t she requesting that we take down all of the existing Walls between the U.S. and Mexico, even the new ones just built in San Diego at their very strong urging. Let millions of unchecked “strangers” just flow into the U.S.Four people in Nevada viciously robbed and killed by an illegal immigrant who should not have been in our Country. 26 people killed on the Border in a drug and gang related fight. Two large Caravans from Honduras broke into Mexico and are headed our way. We need a powerful Wall!Democrats are kidding themselves (they don’t really believe it!) if they say you can stop Crime, Drugs, Human Trafficking and Caravans without a Wall or Steel Barrier. Stop playing games and give America the Security it deserves. A Humanitarian Crisis!Looking like Nick Sandman & Covington Catholic students were treated unfairly with early judgements proving out to be false - smeared by media. Not good, but making big comeback! “New footage shows that media was wrong about teen’s encounter with Native American” @TuckerCarlson(Retweeting Kaya Jones) I want to show other celebrities who voted for @realDonaldTrump it’s ok to come forward. Better yet let’s show the world how many Americans stand with him. Bullies shouldn’t be allowed for almost a year and a half to bully us without cause. If you voted for him just Like or RTSIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Recap of the last 48hrs, or How I Learned to Stop Trusting Reddit and Love The_DonaldThis content is being shadowbanned all over Reddit. It breaks ZERO rules.MASSIVE REDPILL OVER AT R/NEWSDisney producer Jack Morrissey advocates putting MAGA hat kids in wood chipper, sets his tweets to private.Blue Checkmark leftists quietly deleting their violent tweets aimed at the Covington students🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Accurate.1/1024th honestHi TD, Think You All May Have Finally Won Me OverMake it happen, DaddySilver Fox Lays it DownTuesday, January 22nd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Judicial Nominees🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be. They have captivated the attention of the world, and I know they will use it for the good - maybe even to bring people together. It started off unpleasant, but can end in a dream!“The Democrats are playing politics with Border Security.” @foxandfriendsWithout a Wall our Country can never have Border or National Security. With a powerful Wall or Steel Barrier, Crime Rates (and Drugs) will go substantially down all over the U.S. The Dems know this but want to play political games. Must finally be done correctly. No Cave!FBI top lawyer confirms “unusual steps.” They relied on the Clinton Campaign’s Fake & Unverified “Dossier,” which is illegal. “That has corrupted them. That has enabled them to gather evidence by UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS, and that’s what they did to the President.” Judge NapolitanoMarist/NPR/PBS Poll shows President Trump’s approval rating among Latinos going to 50%, an increase in one year of 19%. Thank you, working hard!Never seen @senatemajldr and Republicans so united on an issue as they are on the Humanitarian Crisis & Security on our Southern Border. If we create a Wall or Barrier which prevents Criminals and Drugs from flowing into our Country, Crime will go down by record numbers!Last time I went to Davos, the Fake News said I should not go there. This year, because of the Shutdown, I decided not to go, and the Fake News said I should be there. The fact is that the people understand the media better than the media understands them!The United States has a great economic story to tell. Number one in the World, by far!The reason Sarah Sanders does not go to the “podium” much anymore is that the press covers her so rudely & inaccurately, in particular certain members of the press. I told her not to bother, the word gets out anyway! Most will never cover us fairly & hence, the term, Fake News!Former FBI top lawyer James Baker just admitted involvement in FISA Warrant and further admitted there were IRREGULARITIES in the way the Russia probe was handled. They relied heavily on the unverified Trump “Dossier” paid for by the DNC & Clinton Campaign, & funded through a... ... ...big Crooked Hillary law firm, represented by her lawyer Michael Sussmann (do you believe this?) who worked Baker hard & gave him Oppo Research for “a Russia probe.” This meeting, now exposed, is the subject of Senate inquiries and much more. An Unconstitutional Hoax. @FoxNewsCongratulations to Mariano Rivera on unanimously being elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame! Not only a great player but a great person. I am thankful for Mariano’s support of the Opioid Drug Abuse Commission and @FitnessGov. #EnterSandman #HOF2019💯Deroy Murdock, National Review: “We are now exporting oil, which is the first time in my lifetime - we are right now the largest producer of oil and gas. This is not good if you’re Vladimir Putin where your chief export is oil. W.H. Agent - Not good for Kremlin.” @TuckerCarlsonSIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Covington MAGA Kids To Meet With Trump; Families Plan To Sue After MSM Witch Hunt Results In Death ThreatsMad Maxine Flying First Class During Govt.Shutdown ALL YOU PEONS GO TO THE BACK OF THE PLANESUPREME COURT LET'S PRESIDENT TRUMP'S TRANSGENDER MILITARY BAN TAKE EFFECT!!!Just finished a conversation with someone from Covington HighschoolFirst "reporter" fired for fake news allegations against Covington highschoolers.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:What watching the news today feels like I am really watching.4chan anon is 3-D printing a Roman bust of Trump!First, we fought Taxation without Representation...Believe In Something: Just Smirk🚨THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN🚨Wednesday, January 23rd:TODAY'S ACTION:Nominations Sent to the SenatePresident Trump Participates in a Fair and Honest Pricing in Healthcare RoundtablePresident Trump Meets with Conservative Leaders on his Immigration Proposal🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Great unity in the Republican Party. Want to, once and for all, put an end to stoppable crime and drugs! Border Security and Wall. No doubt!BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL! This is the new theme, for two years until the Wall is finished (under construction now), of the Republican Party. Use it and pray!BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL!The citizens of Venezuela have suffered for too long at the hands of the illegitimate Maduro regime. Today, I have officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.Even Trump Haters like (MS)NBC acknowledge you “BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL!”“The Historic Results of President Donald J. Trump’s First Two Years in Office”SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Fuck you Cuomo you commie butcher.Huckababe: President Trump’s letter to Speaker Pelosi on the State of the Unionr/news tries to spread more fake news tonight and is immediately put in its place. The red pills are dispensing themselves!"Pelosi doesn't want to hear the truth or let the American people hear the truth" --- POTUS 🇺🇸🇺🇸Sue the bitch: Kathy Griffin deletes tweet about Covington teens 'throwing up the new nazi sign'🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:"It wasn't REAL socialism"drumming up some controVersySandmann is already smarter and more mature than 99% of Congress.Recon Ranger Saving the FridgeMagaThursday, January 24th:TODAY'S ACTION:Six Nominations Sent to the SenateStatement Recognizing Juan Guaido as the Interim President of VenezuelaPresident Trump Hosts a Meeting on Trade🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:As the Shutdown was going on, Nancy Pelosi asked me to give the State of the Union Address. I agreed. She then changed her mind because of the Shutdown, suggesting a later date. This is her prerogative - I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over. I am not looking for an.... ... ....alternative venue for the SOTU Address because there is no venue that can compete with the history, tradition and importance of the House Chamber. I look forward to giving a “great” State of the Union Address in the near future!A great new book just out, “Game of Thorns,” by Doug Wead, Presidential Historian and best selling author. The book covers the campaign of 2016, and what could be more exciting than that?“This is everything FDR dreamed about, the New Deal to put America back to work. Think of LBJ, he gave people food stamps & welfare. Donald Trump’s giving them a job. He’s got a lot of good things to talk about. News stories do not accurately cover him, should correct.” @DougWeadThe economy is doing great. More people working in U.S.A. today than at any time in our HISTORY. Media barely covers! @foxandfriendsSo interesting that bad lawyer Michael Cohen, who sadly will not be testifying before Congress, is using the lawyer of Crooked Hillary Clinton to represent him - Gee, how did that happen? Remember July 4th weekend when Crooked went before FBI & wasn’t sworn in, no tape, nothing?The Fake News Media loves saying “so little happened at my first summit with Kim Jong Un.” Wrong! After 40 years of doing nothing with North Korea but being taken to the cleaners, & with a major war ready to start, in a short 15 months, relationships built, hostages & remains.... ... ...back home where they belong, no more Rockets or M’s being fired over Japan or anywhere else and, most importantly, no Nuclear Testing. This is more than has ever been accomplished with North Korea, and the Fake News knows it. I expect another good meeting soon, much potential!Without a Wall there cannot be safety and security at the Border or for the U.S.A. BUILD THE WALL AND CRIME WILL FALL!Nancy just said she “just doesn’t understand why?” Very simply, without a Wall it all doesn’t work. Our Country has a chance to greatly reduce Crime, Human Trafficking, Gangs and Drugs. Should have been done for decades. We will not Cave!Great earnings coming out of Stock Market. Too bad Media doesn’t devote much time to this!A third rate conman who interviewed me many years ago for just a short period of time has been playing his biggest con of all on Fake News CNN. Michael D’Antonio, a broken down hack who knows nothing about me, goes on night after night telling made up Trump stories. Disgraceful!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:House Democrats block Republicans' attempts to pay federal workers during the government shutdownSchumer blocks bill to pay Coast GuardNancy Pelosi gives House members a three-day weekend, no deal to end government shutdown on the tableGerman forklift maker planning to expand manufacturing in the United States to avoid being hit with tariffs in China that Trump imposed to protect American industry and jobsBoom. The entire HuffPost Opinion section is being eliminated.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Not a shitpost!: The MAGA Teen’s Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus (article link in comments)Anderson Cooper in Vietnam timesArt of the DealThey’ll do it to our wives and daughters too.That smileFriday, January 25th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country! NO COLLUSION! Border Coyotes, Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers are treated better. Who alerted CNN to be there?President Trump delivers remarks regarding the Government ShutdownI wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Voter fraud alert! Don’t let illegal voters destroy the integrity of our elections.MSM: cricketsSarah Sanders: In 21 days President @realDonaldTrump is moving forward building the wall with or without the Democrats. The only outstanding question is whether the Democrats want something or nothingRELEASED ON BOND: Judge has released Roger Stone on $250,000 bond. His travel is restricted to NYC, DC, and South Florida.TEXAS Pedes...This Vet has no next of kin and is being buried Monday Morning. You know what to do.Melania Trump - An Apology🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:MFW I re-open the government just long enough to shit on the Dems at the SOTU, then shut it down and declare a National Emergency anywayCNN EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone arrested in front of our camerasTFW you realize President Bush just pulled a fast one on you and can proceed with the SOTU....So that's how they figured it outFibtell Madbrow on watch!Saturday, January 26th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:If Roger Stone was indicted for lying to Congress, what about the lying done by Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Lisa Page & lover, Baker and soooo many others? What about Hillary to FBI and her 33,000 deleted Emails? What about Lisa & Peter’s deleted texts & Wiener’s laptop? Much more!“I like the fact that the President is making the case (Border Security & Crime) to the American people. Now we know where Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer & the Democrats stand, which is no Border Security. Will be big 2020 issue.” Matt Schlapp, Chair, ACU. Bigger than anyone knows!21 days goes very quickly. Negotiations with Democrats will start immediately. Will not be easy to make a deal, both parties very dug in. The case for National Security has been greatly enhanced by what has been happening at the Border & through dialogue. We will build the Wall!We have turned away, at great expense, two major Caravans, but a big one has now formed and is coming. At least 8000 people! If we had a powerful Wall, they wouldn’t even try to make the long and dangerous journey. Build the Wall and Crime will Fall!Thank you to the Republican National Committee, (the RNC), who voted UNANIMOUSLY yesterday to support me in the upcoming 2020 Election. Considering that we have done more than any Administration in the first two years, this should be easy. More great things now in the works!“We absolutely need a physical barrier or Wall, whatever you want to call it. The President yesterday laid all that out. We need to do it all, including the Wall. I provided the same information to the previous administration, & it was ignored.” Mark Morgan, Border Chief for “O”!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Every news network sends 5+ "journalist" and spends an entire day broadcasting from all the other marches...650k strong March For Life... cricketsNancy Pelosi's bill for alcohol on her flights from Washington to San Fran every week? We pay for it. 1000 dollars. On average 52,000 Bucks, a year for BOOZE. Tax payer money. Thank you very much.Roger Stone was charged with LYING TO CONGRESS. Can we get a list of every swamp creature who has done the same since BENGHAZI, help them prepare for their own - surely imminent - heavily-armed FBI/CNN pre-dawn raids?Let’s not forget Bob Mueller lied to congress about Iraq’s WMD’s in 2003.Our Based Secretary of Housing and Urban Development🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Facial Expression GuideJust remember: these losers will wake this morning believing they've won. But the countdown is on. 20 days left until a wall with ZERO concessions. The MASTER dealmaker.Daily RBG Counter3 WEEKS.......LEFTIST WAKE UP CALL: This man has top clearance and has seen military advancements ten years ahead of anything on the market... so yes, liberals, he DOES know more about technology than you do.WEEEEEEEEEEEEEW LAD!Without further ado, some music for all you beautiful deplorables:House Of GoldWhy iii Love The MoonLet Me GoStressed OutTequilawineHolding Onto YouMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
0 notes
reallifemag · 6 years
No Joke - Natasha Lennard
Image: Detail from Sacks (2007) by Sara Greenberger Rafferty. Courtesy the artist and Rachel Uffner Gallery.
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A popular fiction has it that Socrates was convicted of his various charges by a slim majority of Athenian judges. Then, when it came to sentencing, the prosecutor proposed death. Socrates instead proposed that he receive free meals for life in the city’s sacred hearth. In response, more judges voted to sentence him to death for his impertinence than had voted to convict him in the first place. Though this isn’t true, it would have been ironic if it were.
Socrates, we might say, died from “irony poisoning.” Not the flesh-and-blood man Socrates, of course — he was probably killed for teaching and befriending deposed tyrants — but the Socrates we know from Plato and Xenophon’s hagiographic renderings, who was apparently sentenced to death by hemlock for using irony to reveal philosophical truths to young Athenian men.
If only the term irony poisoning were used that way, for cases in which poison is dispatched against irony. Instead, the term has emerged in social media parlance to signify that irony, cultivated online, is itself the poison. Mimetic of the process it ostensibly denotes, “irony poisoning” began somewhat as a joke. It’s well summed up, as these things often are, in an Urban Dictionary entry: “Irony poisoning is when one’s worldview/Weltanschauung/reality tunnel is so dominated by irony and detachment-based-comedy that the joke becomes real and you start to do things that are immoral or wrong from a place of deep nihilistic cynicism.” An extreme case of “irony poisoning” turns the online shitposter into the committed violent racist, willing to carry out bloody deeds offline.
The adoption of the term “irony poisoning” lets centrist liberals do what centrist liberals do best: call for civility, earnestness, and Truth as the antidote to violent extremism
Had “irony poisoning” remained imprecise, self-referential Twitter jargon, there would be no reason to take issue with it. But it’s now being used in earnest to describe a real and troubling condition. It has been enthusiastically picked up by publications like the Guardian, the Boston Globe, and the New York Times, which embraced it as a revelatory explanation for the rise and spread of fascist communities online and the offline violence they facilitate. “We are making a plea to scholars, readers and Silicon Valley elites,” the Times journalists wrote, without apparent irony, “take irony poisoning seriously.” And we should, but not for the reasons they adduce. Rather, the term’s adoption reveals the flawed way mainstream liberal analysis wants to see and interpret fascism. It lets centrist liberals do what centrist liberals do best: call for civility, earnestness, and Truth as the antidote to violent extremism.
That’s not to say that the pattern that the “irony poisoning” thesis points to is not gravely real. Online communities awash in euphemistic alt-right neo-Nazi references as well as explicit racial slurs and Hitler memes have produced violent actors in the physical world. Charlottesville was organized as a meat-space meetup of white supremacists who had found each other online and adopted a cartoonish lexicon by which to recognize each other (Pepes, symbols of Odinism and so on) and culminated in white supremacists beating a black man with metal poles, and a neo-Nazi mowing his Dodge Charger into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one. Lane Davis, a prolific far-right troll on YouTube who called his parents “leftist pedophiles,” was thought to be nothing more than an outrage peddler until he stabbed his dad to death. The New York Times invoked irony poisoning in response to a case involving a German firefighter in a liberal town who bartered online in anti-refugee Facebook propaganda and Hitler jokes. He then attempted to set fire to a refugee group house.
These incidents of physical violence were no doubt stoked by a worldview shaped and encouraged in social media’s dark crevices, where race hate is often expressed and (further) normalized through memes and jokes. That is simply to say that our beliefs and behaviors are shaped and reinforced by the communities of which we are a part, and individual participation reinforces the group subjectivity in turn. Yet the framework of “irony poisoning” becomes dubious when applied as an actual explanation or pathology. By blaming irony as some sort of gateway drug to “real” race hate, it suggests that “real” far-right extremism develops through an extreme ironic detachment from reality and its moral standards. But in fact it is through routine attachment to networks in which white supremacy is an a priori moral norm in need of defense that fascist subjects are formed. Attachment, not detachment, is the problem.
For those of us interested in delivering effective blows to racist, fascistic formation, dismantling this liberal framework matters. I agree, we must take seriously the discursive violence expressed through veiled euphemisms and Pepe memes on Twitter, and the physical violence committed by those who speak that language. And we must take seriously that the flawed liberal response to these horrors is to blame irony.
The irony poisoning pathology belongs in the pantheon of bad explanations for the rise of fascism, which insist that a public is somehow unwittingly tricked into it: the idea that young, disaffected, white male social media users believe themselves to simply be playing a communal game of out-trolling each other but are in fact duped into a true fascistic frenzy. We see this framework play out in Jason Wilson’s piece on the phenomenon in the Guardian, in which he notes that seasoned neo-Nazis lure new recruits in with memes and racist jokes.
The media has picked up on contemporary white supremacist irony as if all previous iterations of fascism were somehow devoid of it. It’s perhaps calming to think that previous fascist constellations were transparent regimes of explicit race hate, easy to name and oppose. Nazi hats had skulls on them, for god’s sake, as British comedians David Mitchell and Robert Webb skewer in a sketch in which one Nazi asks another, “Hans, are we the baddies?” But historic fascist movements often bartered in irony and euphemism. Mussolini’s Black Shirts took up the slogan “Me Ne Frego,” which basically translates to “I don’t give a fuck” — a seeming cry of nihilistic detachment. But in context, the phrase meant “I don’t give a fuck if I die fighting for fascism.” The ironic expression was one of extreme attachment and sincere commitment, which makes individual nihilism possible. And as Malcolm Harris pointed out at in an interview with Elaine Parsons, author of Ku-Klux: The Birth of the Klan in Reconstruction, the Reconstruction Klan also weaponized “goofiness and so-called irony.” “All the Klannish affectations and accoutrements that seem so ridiculous today — the alliterative K’s, the costumes, the Magic: The Gathering titles like ‘Grand Wizard’ and ‘Exalted Cyclops’ — were ridiculous, and self-consciously so,” wrote Harris. “One of the functions of humor for the Klan, Parsons says, was to mark their transgressions as acceptable.” The funny white ghost costumes didn’t distract the American public into regarding Klan violence and the destruction of black life as acceptable and even desirable; rather it made it appear as normal and natural as laughter. The appeal to irony was not a trick, but an attempt to assert an already existing racist community, to invoke belonging and exclusion of the other.
In Germany in 1933, Wilhelm Reich, in analyzing how a society chooses fascism, rejected the all-too-easy notion of the duped masses. He insisted that we take seriously the fact that people, en masse, genuinely desired fascism. Ignorant masses weren’t manipulated into an authoritarian system they do not actually want. A Freudian acolyte, Reich posited a repressive hypothesis to account for fascist desire: The collective fascist subject was the result of societal sexual repression. His diagnosis was biologically essentialist and now appears wildly outdated, but his insistence on taking fascistic desire seriously remains all too lacking in today’s commentary on the rise of the far right.
This approach was further developed by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari to account for fascist desire formation as a productive force rather than a by-product of repression. “No, the masses were not innocent dupes; at a certain point, under a certain set of conditions, they wanted fascism,” they wrote. Deleuze and Guattari focused on micro-fascisms — quotidian, repressive operations of politics and power organized under capitalism and modernity. The individualized and detached self, the over-codings of family unit normativity, the authoritarian tendency of careerism and competition, the desire for hierarchy and power, the police — all among paranoiac sites of micro-fascism. These stem from the practices of authoritarianism and domination and exploitation that form us, reflecting how we are coded to desire the domination and oppression of the nameable “other,” and none of us are free of them. We can’t just “decide” our way out of them through a renewed commitment to earnestness.
But not everyone becomes a neo-Nazi. That requires a nurturing and constant reaffirmation of that fascistic desire to oppress and live in an oppressive world. And to be sure, that pernicious affirmation of white supremacy is not in short supply. Long before the birth of the internet, Deleuze and Guattari stressed interactive, habitual way that fascist desire is determined: “Desire is never an undifferentiated instinctual energy, but itself results from a highly developed, engineered setup rich in interactions.” Fascist subject formation relies on habit, and collective habit at that; social media platforms are an “engineered setup” that accommodate and incentivize these routines. Social media is literally designed to offer metrics of affirmation, which are easily adapted to incubating fascist desire.
The alt-right euphemistic symbols of racism are meant to confuse outsiders and affirm insiders who can feel a sense of belonging by being in the know. They are not attempts to trick the otherwise unsusceptible into racist thinking. Making racist jokes and references are among the habits that sustain and grow neo-fascist online communities, but it’s not the “irony” in them that affords a sense of permission and ushers someone toward white supremacist violence; it is the community that fosters such speech. The ability for angry, entitled people to find each other and support each other’s racial animosities, to speak freely and spread their message without negative consequences provides the conditions for far-right extremism to flourish, not the ambiguities of ironic discourse.
The suggestion that young social media users could somehow stumble into these online communities, believing them to be populated by ironic and nihilistic jokesters as opposed to “real” racists does not add up. Participation presumes understanding what Wittgenstein called a “form of life,” the necessary background context by which interactions and expressions are made possible. In these communities, emboldened white supremacy is the form of life, and participating in them presumes that understanding. Participants can’t be “poisoned” by what they already know.
Consider the “OK” hand sign adopted by the alt-right, Proud Boys, Identity Evropa and their fellow neo-Nazi travelers. The use of the hand sign began as a hoax on a 4chan alt-right discussion board. “Operation O-KKK” was announced “to convince people on Twitter that the ‘OK’ hand sign has been co-opted by neo-Nazis.” The same “meme magic” — to borrow shitposter parlance — was used to “trick” liberals and leftists into believing that milk was a white power symbol. Members of the alt-right swarmed actor Shia LaBeouf’s He Will Not Divide Us video-stream installation in New York, chugging cartons of milk. But there is nothing magical or alchemical in giving objects and words new significance through use. That just how meaning works. And it works even faster through social media’s metabolism, which establishes popular phrases and new references several times a day at minimum.
Buzzfeed’s Joe Bernstein, who first reported on the fight over the “OK” sign, wrote, “Where it gets really fuzzy … is trying to determine when and if these symbols cross over from ironic usage.” But it’s pretty clear that the “ironic” usage was poisoned with real racism from the moment groups defined by their white supremacy decide to collectively communicate and represent themselves with it. It’s not that irony poisoned the symbol or anyone using it; it’s the fact that neo-fascists used it to signal each other and develop the habit together, strengthening group subjectivity. Outside the language game of racism, it’s still just means “OK.” Inside, it betokens emboldened white supremacist fascism and bonds that sustain it. Those who claimed to be no more than pranksters were not drawing “us vs. them” lines arbitrarily; their targets were, from the jump, “libtards” and “social justice warriors” who dared care about misogyny and white supremacy.
Not every alt-right shitposter is going to take up physical violence against immigrants and non-white people. But the ones who do were not led to violence by a morality-blurring world of white supremacist humor but a consensus reality built around racism as a given, which is then nurtured, collectively and algorithmically.
If desiring fascism is not something that happens out of reason, we cannot break it with reason alone — this is the liberal mistake that manifests as calls to debate fascists in order to reveal the flaws in their thinking, as if fascist desire was simply something that dissolves into dust when faced with a counterargument or exposed for what it is.
Having a platform is what allows fascist communities to nurture fascist desire in participants. Thus anti-fascists seek to disrupt far-right rallies, deny opportunities to fascist speakers, and expose and shutter those online fascist communities to create unpleasant, if not intolerable, consequences for those indulging or exploring fascist desire. The point is to break the fascist habit by denying the spaces where it is fostered.
It would suit liberal and conservative disavowals of antifa tactics if irony poisoning were really the problem at hand. Condemning irony is the same as insisting that sunlight is the best disinfectant for fascism. As Vicky Osterweil noted in this publication, “feckless liberals abdicate power in the hopes that it will somehow ‘reveal’ the true nature of fascism — think of Democrats relying on Trump to finally demonstrate his unfitness to rule rather than organizing an actual opposition — fascism consolidates representations of that unfitness as opportunities to demonstrate loyalty and belonging.” Behind the so-called irony of Pepe and Kek, there is no pure discursive sphere to be revealed, where fascism and race hate have no place to hide. I suppose there’s some irony — a tired, well worn irony — in the media suggesting that the problem with racist fascism under Trump is that it’s all too obscure.
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 years
We're covering this because it was demanded on Twitter by like... maybe one or two people!
Joshua Minsoo Kim: An exciting musical event for people who go online and say things like "You, good sir, win the internet today." [0]
Taylor Alatorre: What did Weezer have to do to get back in the good graces of the Hot 100 for the first time since the balloon boy hoax? Apologize for party rocking with Dr. Luke and Jermaine Dupri? Drop the affectations and release a cathartic summer bummer album featuring their single greatest track since the 90s? Put the affectations back on, using late-period Fall Out Boy as a guidepost rather than a cautionary tale? Nope. Apparently all they had to do was check their Twitter mentions. The success of Weezer's "Africa," along with Disturbed's "The Sound of Silence" and Bad Wolves' "Zombie," portends a dark future in which guitar groups grasp onto whatever relevance they can by serving up unchallenging, irony-free leaf rubbings of pop's past glories. It's the easy path, and it's also the best way to self-fulfill the prophecy of rock's demise. If rock is destined to become the new jazz, 80s Greatest Hits compilations are the new standards. We should demand more audacious interpretations than this. [4]
Joshua Copperman: A great shitpost functions like a Rube Goldberg machine, putting a maximum amount of effort into a minimal, slight result (see: the GameCube meme). The insistence that Weezer should cover "Africa" was great not only because of the dedication of the Twitter account, but because fundamentally it's not a bad idea! Weezer has a sense of humor, and they're particularly notable for their harmonies and guitar riffs. Yet the result is abhorrent, with the worst mix to hit the Hot 100 this decade, a superlative achieved from the first crash cymbal and distractingly metallic snare. As the song goes on, distorted guitars and multitracked harmonies fight for space, obscuring those drum and culminating in a synth solo that screams Free 80s Synth VST instead of remotely mimicking the original. "Africa" is a hard song to cover, so it doesn't make sense to learn the song so meticulously and then utterly give up on anything else (harmonies and tom fills notwithstanding). The punchline should be that the cover is great, not that the cover exists st all -- think Celine Dion's contribution to Deadpool 2. Weezer's lack of willingness to go the extra mile, unlike Dion, is frustrating and borderline insulting. Internet types suspect that the poor mixing is "passive agressive," but what's the point of that? It's "Africa." The best covers of a song like that, shitposters or otherwise, both play up the camp factor and taking the actual songcraft seriously. The camp is there with Weezer, but it's still jarring hearing a version of "Africa" that feels dry and perfunctory instead of joyous. [2]
Juan F. Carruyo: This is what happens when a (bad) meme comes to life: the boys from Weezer take a note-for-note trip through the yacht rock classic adding metal power chords in the chorus but undermining the groove by subtracting the congas from the mix, so all that is left is a joyless, by-the-numbers execution. [1]
Alex Clifton: I like "Africa" as much as the next white people, but did we need this? Who asked for this? Is this ironic or sincere? "Africa" has been so memed out and Weezer themselves feel like a meme band that I'm struggling to wrap my head around it. As a cover: it's faithful and seems to love the source material. As a Weezer song: surprisingly not sarcastic, which is a nice change from Rivers Cuomo's usual schtick. As a whole: it's kind of a mess. [4]
Tim de Reuse: I mean, it's bad. The chorus, originally personable and warm, is here reduced to a straining mess of sugary guitars and phoned-in autotune. But even if there were an ounce of passion in the delivery, and even if the execution was in any way technically competent, and even if it didn't have the air of a desperate attempt to hop on a long-departed bandwagon, this would still be a waste of everyone's time, because Rivers Cuomo does not have anything meaningful to contribute to song "Africa" by the band Toto. [0]
Katherine St Asaph: At least when Rickrolling was a thing, no one tried to convince me that Rick Astley was a serious studio musician and that I should give an actual shit about Toto, instead of recognizing "Africa" as Mannheim Steamroller-synthed dreck with unsingable verses and mildly questionable lyrics about Africa that should have been left in the '80s alongside Dynasty hair and Ronald Reagan. That's not the most damning thing about Weezer covering "Africa." I also can't help but note that with the possible minor exception of "Total Eclipse of the Heart," this recanonization-via-meme only happens for the dudeliest of dudes. That's also, surprisingly, not the most damning thing about Weezer covering "Africa." Then there's Weezer, endlessly criticizable Weezer, already a meme band when they released Snuggies in 2009, now gone full Smash Mouth Eat the Eggs Imgur-core. It's Weezer in 2018, it's a given they're not trying, but it's still remarkable how mushy this sounds, like the rains down in Africa drenched all their equipment. But that's not the most damning thing about Weezer covering "Africa" either. The most damning thing is that Weezer covered "Africa" in a lower key. If you're going to karaoke your way back to relevance, put up the high notes or shut up. [1]
Edward Okulicz: I hate "Africa," and Weezer sleepwalking through it is the sort of thing that didn't need to exist, because it's easy to imagine it, and it's also easy to imagine something better. Like, say, Toto doing "Hash Pipe." Or! Even better! The Rentals doing "Hold the Line." [2]
Alfred Soto: Let me attempt to clear the fetid air. Toto needed Boz Scaggs, Michael Jackson, etc, to be any good. "Rosanna" is awful. I don't need Rivers Cuomo's power chords to explain how nostalgia for secondhand colonialism works. Who is this cover for? [2]
Jessica Doyle: So the original, while not exactly bland, is more cheesy than respectable; if the song has any notoriety at all it's because the lyrics are soaked in self-absorption, describing without containing any actual information. The cover increases the guitar and, while not changing the lyrics at all, delivers them with a wink. (Otherwise why bother? The original's not good enough for reverence.) And it works! The energy is fantastic, and the revisions make the original's flaws charming rather than grating. I've been having a lot of fun watching their live performances, and -- wait, what? Aren't we talking about Dreamcatcher? [2]
Thomas Inskeep: Not as smooth on the verses, and a little too hard on the chorus, but at least Rivers Cuomo dialed down the most whiny, grating qualities in his voice in an attempt to nail what makes "Africa" so perfect in the first place. This is a straight-down-the-middle second-base hit for me: I don't love it by any means, but I don't hate it. And that's more than I can say for the past decade, maybe two, of Weezer's career. It's nowhere near as good as the original, but you knew that. [5]
Ian Mathers: Is it really a surprise that the dude from Weezer is a less compelling singer (even, or especially with clunky digital assistance) than the dude from Toto? Or that loud guitars don't necessarily improve things? Or that anything good about this finely aged hunk of cheese is totally lost by trying to update it without even vaguely attempting to improve it? This does not bless any rains, anywhere. [0]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: It's impossible to review Weezer covering Toto's "Africa" in a way that reveals anything more than just noting that it is Weezer covering Toto's "Africa" in the year 2018. [4]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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wetrumpfeed · 6 years
Hope everyone is enjoying another glorious Saturday under President Donald J. Trump! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back to deliver all things dank and spicy from the past week! Before we get started if you happened to miss any past recaps you can check those out here!
Now onto the show!
Sunday, December 30th:
Veterans on President Trump’s handling of Border Security - 62% Approval Rating. On being a strong leader - 59%. AP Poll. Thank you!
Great work by my Administration over the holidays to save Coast Guard pay during this #SchumerShutdown. No thanks to the Democrats who left town and are not concerned about the safety and security of Americans!
President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!
Anon explains why the smoke shop employee reverted to high-pitched screeching when the MAGA-hat wearing customer wouldn't leave.
King of Shitposters. Master of Trolls.
Pedes in Cali and other cucked states: life is short, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE before we are totally overrun with carpetbagging leftists and illegals
WHY TRUMP IS STICKING TO THE SHUTDOWN: Poll: 8-in-10 call illegal immigration a ‘problem,’ 58% say ‘serious.’
The world we live in....
Happy Sunday Gun day MAGA frens 😎🇺🇸
What if someone 20 years ago told you that these two people would solve the Korea conflict?
Monday, December 31st:
An all concrete Wall was NEVER ABANDONED, as has been reported by the media. Some areas will be all concrete but the experts at Border Patrol prefer a Wall that is see through (thereby making it possible to see what is happening on both sides). Makes sense to me!
If anybody but Donald Trump did what I did in Syria, which was an ISIS loaded mess when I became President, they would be a national hero. ISIS is mostly gone, we’re slowly sending our troops back home to be with their families, while at the same time fighting ISIS remnants..... ... ...I campaigned on getting out of Syria and other places. Now when I start getting out the Fake News Media, or some failed Generals who were unable to do the job before I arrived, like to complain about me & my tactics, which are working. Just doing what I said I was going to do! ... .....Except the results are FAR BETTER than I ever said they were going to be! I campaigned against the NEVER ENDING WARS, remember!
I campaigned on Border Security, which you cannot have without a strong and powerful Wall. Our Southern Border has long been an “Open Wound,” where drugs, criminals (including human traffickers) and illegals would pour into our Country. Dems should get back here an fix now!
I am the only person in America who could say that, “I’m bringing our great troops back home, with victory,” and get BAD press. It is Fake News and Pundits who have FAILED for years that are doing the complaining. If I stayed in Endless Wars forever, they would still be unhappy!
I’m in the Oval Office. Democrats, come back from vacation now and give us the votes necessary for Border Security, including the Wall. You voted yes in 2006 and 2013. One more yes, but with me in office, I’ll get it built, and Fast!
It’s incredible how Democrats can all use their ridiculous sound bite and say that a Wall doesn’t work. It does, and properly built, almost 100%! They say it’s old technology - but so is the wheel. They now say it is immoral- but it is far more immoral for people to be dying!
MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL through the many billions of dollars a year that the U.S.A. is saving through the new Trade Deal, the USMCA, that will replace the horrendous NAFTA Trade Deal, which has so badly hurt our Country. Mexico & Canada will also thrive - good for all!
The Democrats will probably submit a Bill, being cute as always, which gives everything away but gives NOTHING to Border Security, namely the Wall. You see, without the Wall there can be no Border Security - the Tech “stuff” is just, by comparison, meaningless bells & whistles... ... ...Remember this. Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL!
(Retweeting The White House) 2018 has been a year of historic accomplishments!
Researchers discover that 54.5% of all plastic in the oceans comes from just five Asian countries; less than 1% comes from the United States.
Just the NY Times for what it's worth.....
Protesters in France today focused their anger against mainstream media, accusing it of lying about the movement to help Macron
Happy Birthday Don Jr
"It's ma'am!"
Wait , what ?
Elizabeth Warren launches 2020 presidential exploratory committee
Tuesday, January 1st:
Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a very good and talented guy, has a great new book just out, “Why We Fight.” Lots of insight - Enjoy!
Happy New Year!
The Democrats, much as I suspected, have allocated no money for a new Wall. So imaginative! The problem is, without a Wall there can be no real Border Security - and our Country must finally have a Strong and Secure Southern Border!
(Retweeting GOP Chairwomen) Jobless claims fell last week to a 49-year low. Yet another sign that @realDonaldTrump’s economic policies are working and America’s workforce is thriving.
(Retweeting GOP Chairwomen) .@realDonaldTrump made sure the men and women of the Coast Guard continue to get paid during the #SchumerShutdown.Meanwhile, Democrats refuse to work with our president to enhance border security.
Heads of countries are calling wanting to know why Senator Schumer is not approving their otherwise approved Ambassadors!? Likewise in Government lawyers and others are being delayed at a record pace! 360 great and hardworking people are waiting for approval from.... ... ....Senator Schumer, more than a year longer than any other Administration in history. These are people who have been approved by committees and all others, yet Schumer continues to hold them back from serving their Country! Very Unfair!
“General” McChrystal got fired like a dog by Obama. Last assignment a total bust. Known for big, dumb mouth. Hillary lover!
One thing has now been proven. The Democrats do not care about Open Borders and all of the crime and drugs that Open Borders bring!
Congratulations to President @JairBolsonaro who just made a great inauguration speech - the U.S.A. is with you!
Border Security and the Wall “thing” and Shutdown is not where Nancy Pelosi wanted to start her tenure as Speaker! Let’s make a deal?
Gas prices are low and expected to go down this year. This would be good!
Washington Examiner - “MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election.” True!
“Kim Jong Un says North Korea will not make or test nuclear weapons, or give them to others - & he is ready to meet President Trump anytime.” PBS News Hour. I also look forward to meeting with Chairman Kim who realizes so well that North Korea possesses great economic potential!
Do you think it’s just luck that gas prices are so low, and falling? Low gas prices are like another Tax Cut!
For FAR TOO LONG Senate Democrats have been Obstructing more than 350 Nominations. These great Americans left their jobs to serve our Country, but can’t because Dems are blocking them, some for two years-historic record. Passed committees, but Schumer putting them on hold. Bad!
Kanye is comming out swinging. Link to tweet in comments
Kathy Griffin whines about her fee for hosting NYE telecast on CNN, tries to claim gender pay gap, is firmly slapped down by Greg Gutfeld.
GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY! Native American soldier getting a hero's welcome in Billings, Montana
CNN,the enemy of America, at it again. South Korea story on Kim address and CNN’s Deep State lies.
Happy New Year fellow Russian operatives!
My favorite meme, updated for the New Year! Happy 2019, pedes
Everything in this comics is true
We cant stop winning
Never forget the bullet we dodged in 2016!
Wednesday, January 2nd:
President Trump Leads a Cabinet Meeting
Here we go with Mitt Romney, but so fast! Question will be, is he a Flake? I hope not. Would much prefer that Mitt focus on Border Security and so many other things where he can be helpful. I won big, and he didn’t. He should be happy for all Republicans. Be a TEAM player & WIN!
Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work. $5.6 Billion Dollars that House has approved is very little in comparison to the benefits of National Security. Quick payback!
Important meeting today on Border Security with Republican and Democrat Leaders in Congress. Both parties must work together to pass a Funding Bill that protects this Nation and its people – this is the first and most important duty of government... ... ...I remain ready and willing to work with Democrats to pass a bill that secures our borders, supports the agents and officers on the ground, and keeps America Safe. Let’s get it done!
Sadly, there can be no REAL Border Security without the Wall!
Does the madman really have a poster of his Sanctions are Coming meme on the table during a meeting? This timeline is unbelievable
President Trump: "I shouldn’t be popular in Europe. I don’t care about Europe. I’m not elected by Europeans. I’m elected by Americans"
Trump just sold rice to China.
RNC chair slams her uncle Mitt Romney for Trump criticism
Trump DESTROYS Jeff Flake "He Will Probably Go Work For CNN Now That He's Retired"
Thought y'all would appreciate this
Jake, from GameStop.
Liberals struggling with the prefix 'bi'.
I love Duckduckgo
Thursday, January 3rd:
December at the White House
Vice President Pence Visits Walter Reed
Seventeen Nominations Sent to the Senate
“MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election”
The Shutdown is only because of the 2020 Presidential Election. The Democrats know they can’t win based on all of the achievements of “Trump,” so they are going all out on the desperately needed Wall and Border Security - and Presidential Harassment. For them, strictly politics!
The United States Treasury has taken in MANY billions of dollars from the Tariffs we are charging China and other countries that have not treated us fairly. In the meantime we are doing well in various Trade Negotiations currently going on. At some point this had to be done!
The RNC has a great Chairwoman in Ronna McDaniel and the @GOP has never been stronger. We achieved historic wins with her help last year! #MAGA🇺🇸
Crisis On The Border
Michael Pillsbury interviewed by @cvpayne: “They have the motive of making the President look bad – instead of President Trump being portrayed as a HERO. The first President to take China on, it’s 20 years overdue.... ... ....President Trump deserves a lot of credit, but again, you have the anti-Trump people who are not going to give him a lot of credit.”
Citizens are NOT getting paid... so let me give my Salary to NON-Citizens...
Trump is on a roll today. He just posted this on Instagram
Lou Dobbs Rips ‘Treacherous Fool’ Romney: ‘I Can’t Believe The People Of Utah Elected This Creep’
Really Makes You Think
While Everyone's Been Distracted, Trump Reduced Muslim Refugees 93%
President Trump Delivers a Statement to the Press
that brave, brave, Pede
Parscale spending his birthday charging up for 2020
The left every time President Trump drops another tweet spicier than the last.
"I like beer"......Pocahontas drinks white man's firewater
Friday, January 4th:
President Trump Delivers Remarks
As I have stated many times, if the Democrats take over the House or Senate, there will be disruption to the Financial Markets. We won the Senate, they won the House. Things will settle down. They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!
How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%?
“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December”
The story in the New York Times regarding Jim Webb being considered as the next Secretary of Defense is FAKE NEWS. I’m sure he is a fine man, but I don’t know Jim, and never met him. Patrick Shanahan, who is Acting Secretary of Defense, is doing a great job!
Great new book by Dr. Robert Jeffress, “Choosing the Extraordinary Life.” Get it and enjoy! @LouDobbs
Pence: 'No Wall, No Deal'
MAGA: First Real US Household Income Gain Since 2000
"I Can Build The Wall Without Democrats By Declaring It A National Emergency" Trump OWNS Reporter
Trump Open to Declaring a State of Emergency to Fund Border Wall
Dow Jones Has Fourth Best Day Ever Less Than 2 Weeks After Best Day Ever... Where's the News?
Cries in Communist
MRW venturing outside of T_D
My reaction when I hear Geotus say he will keep the government shut down for years if need be
Just like the old saying goes - those who live in glass houses probably shouldn't watch Hentai
Saturday, January 5th:
Thank you to Kanye West for your nice words. Criminal Justice Reform is now law - passed in a very bipartisan way!
Great support coming from all sides for Border Security (including Wall) on our very dangerous Southern Border. Teams negotiating this weekend! Washington Post and NBC reporting of events, including Fake sources, has been very inaccurate (to put it mildly)!
The Democrats could solve the Shutdown problem in a very short period of time. All they have to do is approve REAL Border Security (including a Wall), something which everyone, other than drug dealers, human traffickers and criminals, want very badly! This would be so easy to do!
Many people currently a part of my opposition, including President Obama & the Dems, have had campaign violations, in some cases for very large sums of money. These are civil cases. They paid a fine & settled. While no big deal, I did not commit a campaign violation!
Homeland Security blasts CNN, says TSA 'sick out' report 'grossly misrepresented' situation at airports
10 U.S. Code § 2808 - Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency
And we pay for foreign abortions because.......
A special moment between a little girl and POTUS
That's My Vice President!
Ted Cruz introduced a term limit bill that would end his own career in the Senate.
Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:
You Should See Me In A Crown
Knock Three Times
Build Me Up Buttercup
Why iii Love the Moon.
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 6 years
HAPPY SATURDAY DEPLORABLES!Hope everyone is enjoying another glorious Saturday under President Donald J. Trump! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back to deliver all things dank and spicy from the past week! Before we get started if you happened to miss any past recaps you can check those out here!Now onto the show!Sunday, December 30th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Veterans on President Trump’s handling of Border Security - 62% Approval Rating. On being a strong leader - 59%. AP Poll. Thank you!Great work by my Administration over the holidays to save Coast Guard pay during this #SchumerShutdown. No thanks to the Democrats who left town and are not concerned about the safety and security of Americans!President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Anon explains why the smoke shop employee reverted to high-pitched screeching when the MAGA-hat wearing customer wouldn't leave.King of Shitposters. Master of Trolls.Pedes in Cali and other cucked states: life is short, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE before we are totally overrun with carpetbagging leftists and illegalsWHY TRUMP IS STICKING TO THE SHUTDOWN: Poll: 8-in-10 call illegal immigration a ‘problem,’ 58% say ‘serious.’🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:The world we live in....Happy Sunday Gun day MAGA frens 😎🇺🇸What if someone 20 years ago told you that these two people would solve the Korea conflict?Truth!Monday, December 31st:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:An all concrete Wall was NEVER ABANDONED, as has been reported by the media. Some areas will be all concrete but the experts at Border Patrol prefer a Wall that is see through (thereby making it possible to see what is happening on both sides). Makes sense to me!If anybody but Donald Trump did what I did in Syria, which was an ISIS loaded mess when I became President, they would be a national hero. ISIS is mostly gone, we’re slowly sending our troops back home to be with their families, while at the same time fighting ISIS remnants..... ... ...I campaigned on getting out of Syria and other places. Now when I start getting out the Fake News Media, or some failed Generals who were unable to do the job before I arrived, like to complain about me & my tactics, which are working. Just doing what I said I was going to do! ... .....Except the results are FAR BETTER than I ever said they were going to be! I campaigned against the NEVER ENDING WARS, remember!I campaigned on Border Security, which you cannot have without a strong and powerful Wall. Our Southern Border has long been an “Open Wound,” where drugs, criminals (including human traffickers) and illegals would pour into our Country. Dems should get back here an fix now!I am the only person in America who could say that, “I’m bringing our great troops back home, with victory,” and get BAD press. It is Fake News and Pundits who have FAILED for years that are doing the complaining. If I stayed in Endless Wars forever, they would still be unhappy!I’m in the Oval Office. Democrats, come back from vacation now and give us the votes necessary for Border Security, including the Wall. You voted yes in 2006 and 2013. One more yes, but with me in office, I’ll get it built, and Fast!It’s incredible how Democrats can all use their ridiculous sound bite and say that a Wall doesn’t work. It does, and properly built, almost 100%! They say it’s old technology - but so is the wheel. They now say it is immoral- but it is far more immoral for people to be dying!HAPPY NEW YEAR!MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL through the many billions of dollars a year that the U.S.A. is saving through the new Trade Deal, the USMCA, that will replace the horrendous NAFTA Trade Deal, which has so badly hurt our Country. Mexico & Canada will also thrive - good for all!The Democrats will probably submit a Bill, being cute as always, which gives everything away but gives NOTHING to Border Security, namely the Wall. You see, without the Wall there can be no Border Security - the Tech “stuff” is just, by comparison, meaningless bells & whistles... ... ...Remember this. Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL!(Retweeting The White House) 2018 has been a year of historic accomplishments!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:#WinningResearchers discover that 54.5% of all plastic in the oceans comes from just five Asian countries; less than 1% comes from the United States.Just the NY Times for what it's worth.....Protesters in France today focused their anger against mainstream media, accusing it of lying about the movement to help Macron🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Sickening...Happy Birthday Don Jr"It's ma'am!"Wait , what ?Elizabeth Warren launches 2020 presidential exploratory committeeTuesday, January 1st:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a very good and talented guy, has a great new book just out, “Why We Fight.” Lots of insight - Enjoy!HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE, INCLUDING THE HATERS AND THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA! 2019 WILL BE A FANTASTIC YEAR FOR THOSE NOT SUFFERING FROM TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. JUST CALM DOWN AND ENJOY THE RIDE, GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING FOR OUR COUNTRY!Happy New Year!The Democrats, much as I suspected, have allocated no money for a new Wall. So imaginative! The problem is, without a Wall there can be no real Border Security - and our Country must finally have a Strong and Secure Southern Border!(Retweeting GOP Chairwomen) Jobless claims fell last week to a 49-year low. Yet another sign that @realDonaldTrump’s economic policies are working and America’s workforce is thriving.(Retweeting GOP Chairwomen) .@realDonaldTrump made sure the men and women of the Coast Guard continue to get paid during the #SchumerShutdown.Meanwhile, Democrats refuse to work with our president to enhance border security.Heads of countries are calling wanting to know why Senator Schumer is not approving their otherwise approved Ambassadors!? Likewise in Government lawyers and others are being delayed at a record pace! 360 great and hardworking people are waiting for approval from.... ... ....Senator Schumer, more than a year longer than any other Administration in history. These are people who have been approved by committees and all others, yet Schumer continues to hold them back from serving their Country! Very Unfair!“General” McChrystal got fired like a dog by Obama. Last assignment a total bust. Known for big, dumb mouth. Hillary lover!One thing has now been proven. The Democrats do not care about Open Borders and all of the crime and drugs that Open Borders bring!Congratulations to President @JairBolsonaro who just made a great inauguration speech - the U.S.A. is with you!Border Security and the Wall “thing” and Shutdown is not where Nancy Pelosi wanted to start her tenure as Speaker! Let’s make a deal?Gas prices are low and expected to go down this year. This would be good!Washington Examiner - “MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election.” True!“Kim Jong Un says North Korea will not make or test nuclear weapons, or give them to others - & he is ready to meet President Trump anytime.” PBS News Hour. I also look forward to meeting with Chairman Kim who realizes so well that North Korea possesses great economic potential!Do you think it’s just luck that gas prices are so low, and falling? Low gas prices are like another Tax Cut!For FAR TOO LONG Senate Democrats have been Obstructing more than 350 Nominations. These great Americans left their jobs to serve our Country, but can’t because Dems are blocking them, some for two years-historic record. Passed committees, but Schumer putting them on hold. Bad!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Kanye is comming out swinging. Link to tweet in commentsKathy Griffin whines about her fee for hosting NYE telecast on CNN, tries to claim gender pay gap, is firmly slapped down by Greg Gutfeld.GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY! Native American soldier getting a hero's welcome in Billings, MontanaCNN,the enemy of America, at it again. South Korea story on Kim address and CNN’s Deep State lies.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Happy New Year fellow Russian operatives!My favorite meme, updated for the New Year! Happy 2019, pedesEverything in this comics is trueWe cant stop winningNever forget the bullet we dodged in 2016!Wednesday, January 2nd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Leads a Cabinet Meeting🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Here we go with Mitt Romney, but so fast! Question will be, is he a Flake? I hope not. Would much prefer that Mitt focus on Border Security and so many other things where he can be helpful. I won big, and he didn’t. He should be happy for all Republicans. Be a TEAM player & WIN!Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work. $5.6 Billion Dollars that House has approved is very little in comparison to the benefits of National Security. Quick payback!Important meeting today on Border Security with Republican and Democrat Leaders in Congress. Both parties must work together to pass a Funding Bill that protects this Nation and its people – this is the first and most important duty of government... ... ...I remain ready and willing to work with Democrats to pass a bill that secures our borders, supports the agents and officers on the ground, and keeps America Safe. Let’s get it done!Sadly, there can be no REAL Border Security without the Wall!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Does the madman really have a poster of his Sanctions are Coming meme on the table during a meeting? This timeline is unbelievablePresident Trump: "I shouldn’t be popular in Europe. I don’t care about Europe. I’m not elected by Europeans. I’m elected by Americans"Trump just sold rice to China.RNC chair slams her uncle Mitt Romney for Trump criticismTrump DESTROYS Jeff Flake "He Will Probably Go Work For CNN Now That He's Retired"🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Thought y'all would appreciate thisJake, from GameStop.Liberals struggling with the prefix 'bi'.I love DuckduckgoThursday, January 3rd:TODAY'S ACTION:December at the White HouseVice President Pence Visits Walter ReedSeventeen Nominations Sent to the Senate🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election”The Shutdown is only because of the 2020 Presidential Election. The Democrats know they can’t win based on all of the achievements of “Trump,” so they are going all out on the desperately needed Wall and Border Security - and Presidential Harassment. For them, strictly politics!The United States Treasury has taken in MANY billions of dollars from the Tariffs we are charging China and other countries that have not treated us fairly. In the meantime we are doing well in various Trade Negotiations currently going on. At some point this had to be done!Memer-In-ChiefThe RNC has a great Chairwoman in Ronna McDaniel and the @GOP has never been stronger. We achieved historic wins with her help last year! #MAGA🇺🇸Crisis On The BorderMichael Pillsbury interviewed by @cvpayne: “They have the motive of making the President look bad – instead of President Trump being portrayed as a HERO. The first President to take China on, it’s 20 years overdue.... ... ....President Trump deserves a lot of credit, but again, you have the anti-Trump people who are not going to give him a lot of credit.”SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Citizens are NOT getting paid... so let me give my Salary to NON-Citizens...Trump is on a roll today. He just posted this on InstagramLou Dobbs Rips ‘Treacherous Fool’ Romney: ‘I Can’t Believe The People Of Utah Elected This Creep’Really Makes You ThinkWhile Everyone's Been Distracted, Trump Reduced Muslim Refugees 93%PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:President Trump Delivers a Statement to the Press🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:that brave, brave, PedeParscale spending his birthday charging up for 2020The left every time President Trump drops another tweet spicier than the last."I like beer"......Pocahontas drinks white man's firewaterFriday, January 4th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Delivers Remarks🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:As I have stated many times, if the Democrats take over the House or Senate, there will be disruption to the Financial Markets. We won the Senate, they won the House. Things will settle down. They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%?GREAT JOBS NUMBERS JUST ANNOUNCED!“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December”The story in the New York Times regarding Jim Webb being considered as the next Secretary of Defense is FAKE NEWS. I’m sure he is a fine man, but I don’t know Jim, and never met him. Patrick Shanahan, who is Acting Secretary of Defense, is doing a great job!Great new book by Dr. Robert Jeffress, “Choosing the Extraordinary Life.” Get it and enjoy! @LouDobbsSIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Pence: 'No Wall, No Deal'MAGA: First Real US Household Income Gain Since 2000"I Can Build The Wall Without Democrats By Declaring It A National Emergency" Trump OWNS ReporterTrump Open to Declaring a State of Emergency to Fund Border WallDow Jones Has Fourth Best Day Ever Less Than 2 Weeks After Best Day Ever... Where's the News?🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Cries in CommunistMRW venturing outside of T_DMy reaction when I hear Geotus say he will keep the government shut down for years if need beJust like the old saying goes - those who live in glass houses probably shouldn't watch HentaiSaturday, January 5th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Thank you to Kanye West for your nice words. Criminal Justice Reform is now law - passed in a very bipartisan way!Great support coming from all sides for Border Security (including Wall) on our very dangerous Southern Border. Teams negotiating this weekend! Washington Post and NBC reporting of events, including Fake sources, has been very inaccurate (to put it mildly)!The Democrats could solve the Shutdown problem in a very short period of time. All they have to do is approve REAL Border Security (including a Wall), something which everyone, other than drug dealers, human traffickers and criminals, want very badly! This would be so easy to do!Many people currently a part of my opposition, including President Obama & the Dems, have had campaign violations, in some cases for very large sums of money. These are civil cases. They paid a fine & settled. While no big deal, I did not commit a campaign violation!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Homeland Security blasts CNN, says TSA 'sick out' report 'grossly misrepresented' situation at airports10 U.S. Code § 2808 - Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergencyAnd we pay for foreign abortions because.......🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:A special moment between a little girl and POTUSThat's My Vice President!Ted Cruz introduced a term limit bill that would end his own career in the Senate.“PROMISES MADE! PROMISES KEPT!”MOTHER FUCKING WEEW LAD!Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:You Should See Me In A CrownKnock Three TimesBuild Me Up ButtercupBellyacheWhy iii Love the Moon.MAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 6 years
GOOOD AFTERNOON DEPLORABLES!This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here to help kick off this beautiful Saturday, recap style! Before we get started on that, I'd like to remind everyone to hop into our r/The_Donald's Best Of 2018 Awards Thread and vote of your favorite nominations in each category! You only have until midnightFriday December 14th to vote!!As always, if you happened to miss any past recaps you can check those out here!Now, onto the recap!Sunday, December 2nd:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:This week, Jews around the world will celebrate the miracles of Hanukkah. @FLOTUS Melania and I send our very best wishes for a blessed and Happy Hanukkah! http://bit.ly/2EoCFom …China has agreed to reduce and remove tariffs on cars coming into China from the U.S. Currently the tariff is 40%.SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:🤣🤣Ticket Scalpers are losing their shirts on Bill & Hillary Houston speech tomorrow! Tickets as low as $6 🤣🤣OUT. OF. CONTROL!The 'ballot-harvesting' that enabled Democrats to STEAL California ElectionsComey backs off, agrees to testify in private.DON JR BRINGS THE HEAT ON INSTAGRAM. WE LOVE OUR RUDOLPH DON’T WE FOLKS?🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:MRW I visit r/allAnCapistan wins again LOLHey England! We can’t hear you over all this Freedom! U-S-A! U-S-A!Complains about IslamophobiaMonday, December 3rd:TODAY'S ACTION:Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the Lying in State of the Honorable George H.W. BushPresident Trump Participates in the G20 Summit in ArgentinaFirst Lady Melania Trump at the G20 Summit in Argentina🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:My meeting in Argentina with President Xi of China was an extraordinary one. Relations with China have taken a BIG leap forward! Very good things will happen. We are dealing from great strength, but China likewise has much to gain if and when a deal is completed. Level the field!Farmers will be a a very BIG and FAST beneficiary of our deal with China. They intend to start purchasing agricultural product immediately. We make the finest and cleanest product in the World, and that is what China wants. Farmers, I LOVE YOU!President Xi and I have a very strong and personal relationship. He and I are the only two people that can bring about massive and very positive change, on trade and far beyond, between our two great Nations. A solution for North Korea is a great thing for China and ALL!I am certain that, at some time in the future, President Xi and I, together with President Putin of Russia, will start talking about a meaningful halt to what has become a major and uncontrollable Arms Race. The U.S. spent 716 Billion Dollars this year. Crazy!We would save Billions of Dollars if the Democrats would give us the votes to build the Wall. Either way, people will NOT be allowed into our Country illegally! We will close the entire Southern Border if necessary. Also, STOP THE DRUGS!“Michael Cohen asks judge for no Prison Time.” You mean he can do all of the TERRIBLE, unrelated to Trump, things having to do with fraud, big loans, Taxis, etc., and not serve a long prison term? He makes up stories to get a GREAT & ALREADY reduced deal for himself, and get..... ... ....his wife and father-in-law (who has the money?) off Scott Free. He lied for this outcome and should, in my opinion, serve a full and complete sentence.“I will never testify against Trump.” This statement was recently made by Roger Stone, essentially stating that he will not be forced by a rogue and out of control prosecutor to make up lies and stories about “President Trump.” Nice to know that some people still have “guts!”Bob Mueller (who is a much different man than people think) and his out of control band of Angry Democrats, don’t want the truth, they only want lies. The truth is very bad for their mission!Looking forward to being with the Bush Family to pay my respects to President George H.W. Bush.Congratulations to newly inaugurated Mexican President @lopezobrador_. He had a tremendous political victory with the great support of the Mexican People. We will work well together for many years to come!#Remembering41SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million householdsWINNING: SCOTUS rejects environmental challenge to POTUS border wallMAJOR REDPILL: Reporter Blows the Lid on Modern JournalismCorsi files criminal complaint against Mueller, alleges bid to seek false testimonyNO!! You don't say!! That's UNPOSSIBLE!!!! Mueller Withheld "Details That Would Exonerate The President" Of Having Kremlin Backchannel🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:MERRY CHRISTMASSaw this on FB.. it’s because he was REPUBLICAN 🇺🇸IT'S HAPPENING!, again...When you try to save France, but people call you a right wing dictator and the “moderate” guy ends up causing protests and riots resembling that of the early 1800’sMacron : "Please shake" after French Police and Firefighters turned backs and removed helmets to show solidarity with Yellow Vests. Trump Curse is real.By bitches!!Tuesday, December 4th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration PostsPresident Trump and the First Lady Pay Their Respects to President George H.W. Bush🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Looking forward to being with the wonderful Bush family at Blair House today. The former First Lady will be coming over to the White House this morning to be given a tour of the Christmas decorations by Melania. The elegance & precision of the last two days have been remarkable!The negotiations with China have already started. Unless extended, they will end 90 days from the date of our wonderful and very warm dinner with President Xi in Argentina. Bob Lighthizer will be working closely with Steve Mnuchin, Larry Kudlow, Wilbur Ross and Peter Navarro..... ... ......on seeing whether or not a REAL deal with China is actually possible. If it is, we will get it done. China is supposed to start buying Agricultural product and more immediately. President Xi and I want this deal to happen, and it probably will. But if not remember,...... ... ....I am a Tariff Man. When people or countries come in to raid the great wealth of our Nation, I want them to pay for the privilege of doing so. It will always be the best way to max out our economic power. We are right now taking in $billions in Tariffs. MAKE AMERICA RICH AGAIN ... .....But if a fair deal is able to be made with China, one that does all of the many things we know must be finally done, I will happily sign. Let the negotiations begin. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!Could somebody please explain to the Democrats (we need their votes) that our Country losses 250 Billion Dollars a year on illegal immigration, not including the terrible drug flow. Top Border Security, including a Wall, is $25 Billion. Pays for itself in two months. Get it done!(Retweeting Charlie Kirk) There are riots in socialist France because of radical leftist fuel taxes. Media barely mentioning this. America is booming, Europe is burning . They want to cover up the middle class rebellion against cultural Marxism. “We want Trump” being chanted through the streets of ParisI am glad that my friend @EmmanuelMacron and the protestors in Paris have agreed with the conclusion I reached two years ago. The Paris Agreement is fatally flawed because it raises the price of energy for responsible countries while whitewashing some of the worst polluters.... ... ....in the world. I want clean air and clean water and have been making great strides in improving America’s environment. But American taxpayers – and American workers – shouldn’t pay to clean up others countries’ pollution.We are either going to have a REAL DEAL with China, or no deal at all - at which point we will be charging major Tariffs against Chinese product being shipped into the United States. Ultimately, I believe, we will be making a deal - either now or into the future.... ... .....China does not want Tariffs!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:WIN for Young Republicans! UC Berkeley must pay $70k, and change policies to guarantee free speech for conservative speakers. The campaign of the American Left to silence conservatives on campus sustained a massive defeat yesterdayReport: Wall Street execs too afraid to hire women in wake of #MeToo — “It’s creating a sense of walking on eggshells,” one adviser told the publication. Interviews with more than 30 senior executives suggest that the #MeToo movement has led to “gender segregation” in the workplace.Keep at the meme war boys. Globalism is implodingI am proud of my 40 year friendship with the President and prouder still of the amazing job he is doing making America great again !RUINED HIS LIFE FOR WHAT? ASSHOLE🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Desperate prick!We have the best shitposting Senators don't we folksHad to give a rebuttal. Was then downvoted into oblivion then the mods removed my comment. Guess humor is a one way street? This was posted on every political sub.New favorite gifWednesday, December 5th:TODAY'S ACTION:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“China officially echoed President Donald Trump’s optimism over bilateral trade talks. Chinese officials have begun preparing to restart imports of U.S. Soybeans & Liquified Natural Gas, the first sign confirming the claims of President Donald Trump and the White House that...... ... .....China had agreed to start “immediately” buying U.S. products.” @businessVery strong signals being sent by China once they returned home from their long trip, including stops, from Argentina. Not to sound naive or anything, but I believe President Xi meant every word of what he said at our long and hopefully historic meeting. ALL subjects discussed!One of the very exciting things to come out of my meeting with President Xi of China is his promise to me to criminalize the sale of deadly Fentanyl coming into the United States. It will now be considered a “controlled substance.” This could be a game changer on what is....... ... .....considered to be the worst and most dangerous, addictive and deadly substance of them all. Last year over 77,000 people died from Fentanyl. If China cracks down on this “horror drug,” using the Death Penalty for distributors and pushers, the results will be incredible!Looking forward to being with the Bush family. This is not a funeral, this is a day of celebration for a great man who has led a long and distinguished life. He will be missed!Hopefully OPEC will be keeping oil flows as is, not restricted. The World does not want to see, or need, higher oil prices!Doug Wead, a truly great presidential historian, had a wonderful take on a very beautiful moment in history, the funeral service today of President Bush. Doug was able to brilliantly cover some very important and interesting periods of time! @LouDobbsWorking hard, thank you!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Here's what's actually happening in France (from an American in Paris)[GHWB's FUNERAL] Obama and Hillary are PISSED at GEOTUS. They Know Justice is coming!This is General Michael Flynn, an American hero. He has officially been vindicated. The Democrats, MSM, and Robert Mueller destroyed his life for nothing. They are all criminals for what they're doing to innocent patriotic Americans like Michael Flynn.This picture is iconicDonald Trump Jr. Responding To Sen. Gillibrand’s Sexist Tweet: “When is it appropriate to let my boys know that there’s no future for them?”🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Pills...are...kicking...in...HAHHHAAAHAAAAAAA!!!!! We have the best GIFs, don't we folks?!Me, a gay man: You know Muslim countries kill gay people right? Them, a leftist retard: Good. You deserve it.OK, this is just too much fun . . . .Thursday, December 6th:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation on National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2018President Trump Delivers Remarks at an Afternoon Hanukkah ReceptionPresident Trump Delivers Remarks at an Evening Hanukkah Reception🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:My thoughts and prayers are with the @USMC crew members who were involved in a mid-air collision off the coast of Japan. Thank you to @USForcesJapan for their immediate response and rescue efforts. Whatever you need, we are here for you. @IIIMEFDoes the Fake News Media ever mention the fact that Republicans, with the very important help of my campaign Rallies, WON THE UNITED STATES SENATE, 53 to 47? All I hear is that the Open Border Dems won the House. Senate alone approves judges & others. Big Republican Win!Statement from China: “The teams of both sides are now having smooth communications and good cooperation with each other. We are full of confidence that an agreement can be reached within the next 90 days.” I agree!Jerome Corsi: ”This is not justice, this is not America. This is a political prosecution. The Special Prosecutor (Counsel), to get this plea deal, demanded I lie and violate the law. They’re the criminals.” He is not alone. 17 Angry Dems. People forced to lie. Sad! @Trish_ReganTrish_Regan: “Did the FBI follow protocol to obtain the FISA warrant? I don’t think so. The Dossier was opposition research funded by opponents. Don’t use Government resources to take down political foes. Weaponizing Government for gain.” Is this really America? Witch Hunt!FAKE NEWS - THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!Arizona, together with our Military and Border Patrol, is bracing for a massive surge at a NON-WALLED area. WE WILL NOT LET THEM THROUGH. Big danger. Nancy and Chuck must approve Boarder Security and the Wall!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:NBC headline vs content of articleAnnouncing The First EVER r/The_Donald's Best Of 2018 Awards!France Deploys 89,000 Cops Amid Fears Of Yellow Vest Rebellion On SaturdayNYTIMES BENDS THE KNEE | “What if President Trump’s gut turns out to have been right and the Federal Reserve’s interest rate increases are holding back the United States economy?”FITTON:MASSIVE Breaking: Fed court excoriates State and DOJ on Clinton email, orders discovery plan in 10 days as to whether Hillary Clinton email system an intentional attempt to evade FOIA. "One of the gravest modern offenses to gov't transparency..."🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:In Trump We TrustPic Of POTUS Kissing Bob Dole On The Forehead- You Won’t See This On MSMWhen your sexuality goes full circleVery True.One more sane countryFriday, December 7th:TODAY'S ACTION:The First Family hosts a 2018 Hanukkah ReceptionPresident Trump Delivers Remarks at the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods National ConferencePresidential Determination on the Suspension of Limitations under the Jerusalem Embassy ActPresidential Proclamation on Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 2018🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey are Best Friends, just one of many Mueller Conflicts of Interest. And bye the way, wasn’t the woman in charge of prosecuting Jerome Corsi (who I do not know) in charge of “legal” at the corrupt Clinton Foundation? A total Witch Hunt... ... ....Will Robert Mueller’s big time conflicts of interest be listed at the top of his Republicans only Report. Will Andrew Weissman’s horrible and vicious prosecutorial past be listed in the Report. He wrongly destroyed people’s lives, took down great companies, only to be........ ... .....overturned, 9-0, in the United States Supreme Court. Doing same thing to people now. Will all of the substantial & many contributions made by the 17 Angry Democrats to the Campaign of Crooked Hillary be listed in top of Report. Will the people that worked for the Clinton.... ... ....Foundation be listed at the top of the Report? Will the scathing document written about Lyin’ James Comey, by the man in charge of the case, Rod Rosenstein (who also signed the FISA Warrant), be a big part of the Report? Isn’t Rod therefore totally conflicted? Will all of.... ... ...the lying and leaking by the people doing the Report, & also Bruce Ohr (and his lovely wife Molly), Comey, Brennan, Clapper, & all of the many fired people of the FBI, be listed in the Report? Will the corruption within the DNC & Clinton Campaign be exposed?..And so much more!China talks are going very well!It has been incorrectly reported that Rudy Giuliani and others will not be doing a counter to the Mueller Report. That is Fake News. Already 87 pages done, but obviously cannot complete until we see the final Witch Hunt Report.Today, we honor those who perished 77 years ago at Pearl Harbor, and we salute every veteran who served in World War II over the 4 years that followed that horrific attack. God Bless America! http://bit.ly/2E9sYco will be doing a major Counter Report to the Mueller Report. This should never again be allowed to happen to a future President of the United States!I am pleased to announce that Heather Nauert, Spokeswoman for the United States Department of State, will be nominated to serve as United Nations Ambassador. I want to congratulate Heather, and thank Ambassador Nikki Haley for her great service to our Country!I am pleased to announce that I will be nominating The Honorable William P. Barr for the position of Attorney General of the United States. As the former AG for George H.W. Bush.... ... ....and one of the most highly respected lawyers and legal minds in the Country, he will be a great addition to our team. I look forward to having him join our very successful Administration!(Retweeting The White House) President Trump Delivers Remarks at the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods National ConferenceMike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him. His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ballgame, great spirit at State!Hopefully Mitch McConnell will ask for a VOTE on Criminal Justice Reform. It is extremely popular and has strong bipartisan support. It will also help a lot of people, save taxpayer dollars, and keep our communities safe. Go for it Mitch!It is being reported that Leakin' James Comey was told by Department of Justice attorneys not to answer the most important questions. Total bias and corruption at the highest levels of previous Administration. Force him to answer the questions under oath!Totally clears the President. Thank you!(Retweeting The White House) This afternoon, President Trump delivered remarks at the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods National Conference where he reinforced his commitment to making our communities safer for all Americans.SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have been working with FBI and IRS since last year | It turns out that whistleblowers inside and outside the Clinton Foundation have amassed "6,000 pages of evidence attached to a whistleblower submission filed secretly more than a year ago with the IRS77 years ago today at 7:55am nearly 2,400 American Souls were lost. Today we remember them. December 7th National Remembrance Day.France Deploys 89,000 Cops Amid Fears Of Yellow Vest Rebellion On SaturdayCreepy Porn Lawyer to Pay Child Support WITH: 2017 Ferrari 488 GT Spider that he was leasing; five luxury wristwatches, a few of them worth at least $50,000; a sculpture by Frank Gehry; a number of expensive pieces of art, and his law firm’s stake in a 2016 Honda private jet.White House reactions to today’s court filingsAn elected member of Congress just threatened a citizen with Congressional subpoena over a meme!Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez After She Threatens Donald Trump Jr.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Liberalism is a mental disease"there is absolutely nothing that's more racist than that..."💀💀💀French Macron 18% approval rating. Globalism is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.Baby it's cold outside..Saturday, December 8th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:The Paris Agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris. Protests and riots all over France. People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment. Chanting “We Want Trump!” Love France.The idea of a European Military didn’t work out too well in W.W. I or 2. But the U.S. was there for you, and always will be. All we ask is that you pay your fair share of NATO. Germany is paying 1% while the U.S. pays 4.3% of a much larger GDP - to protect Europe. Fairness!AFTER TWO YEARS AND MILLIONS OF PAGES OF DOCUMENTS (and a cost of over $30,000,000), NO COLLUSION!I am pleased to announce my nomination of four-star General Mark Milley, Chief of Staff of the United States Army – as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replacing General Joe Dunford, who will be retiring.... ... ....I am thankful to both of these incredible men for their service to our Country! Date of transition to be determined.“This is collusion illusion, there is no smoking gun here. At this late date, after all that we have gone through, after millions have been spent, we have no Russian Collusion. There is nothing impeachable here.” @GeraldoRivera Time for the Witch Hunt to END!Very sad day & night in Paris. Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes? The U.S. was way ahead of the curve on that and the only major country where emissions went down last year!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Trump Admin Officially Rolls Back Michelle Obama's National Lunch GuidelinesThis is one of the biggest squares in Rome right now! While in France people are protesting against Macron, Italy is celebrating the return of a popular government officially proving that European Union has failed!Meanwhile in France''We want our country back, we are tired of globalism!''🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Communist Leaders throughout the years.Christianity: Bad Islam: GoodA little something for the shills in here to downvoteSOOOOO MUCH WINNING, STILL NOT TIRED OF IT!Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:CenterfoldMy SongKodachromeEverything I AmLove StinksHey MamaMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
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