#if you look closely you can tell I love furina's story quest
pencilofawesomeness · 4 months
Hey Pencil, can I ask you what you think of Neuvilette's character after the end of the current Archon quest? Not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed at how he and everyone else treated Furina, but I was curious about your thoughts on the matter
ohohohohohohohoho anon. Dear sweet anon, you've activated my trap card, otherwise known as the Pencil Essay card, because I have sooooo many thoughts about this.
I will say though, I see Neuvilette in context of the story quests too, especially Furina's, as well as his friendship stories and voicelines. So, er, spoilers for that I suppose, but I can't separate those bits away from his character at this point. Anyway.
I frickin love Neuvilette. As a character, he checks a lot of boxes of traits that I adore, like being hella old, a dragon, somewhat isolated from normalcy, a cinnamon roll that can kill you, and Doing His Best. Now, as an important addendum to this, the fact that he is a dragon is a crucial part of the basis, because that's where a lot of conflict starts. He's separated from his kind, he's not a human yet he is confined to a human form, he remembers that the elemental authority should be his but Celestia took it and the archons have it now. The idea he has that he will forever be isolated, and that there will forever be a certain taste of bad blood between him and the rest of the world is founded. And yet. AND YET. Long ago, Focalors asks for him to help lead Fontaine, and he!!! Agrees!!! Neuvilette's character is rooted in a sense of justice and fairness, and in such, he tries to remain open-minded, and thus, he must witness things for himself. When he is presented a change in perspective, he accepts it.
Honestly I thought the Archon Quest did this rather nicely. He worked with Furina, believing her to be Focalors, for years. While Furina did waaay too good of a job in being as showy as possible, their close proximity meant that some of her true ethics and anxieties did make themselves known to Neuvilette. He knew when Furina was panicking and lying, just not why. Likewise, he has had inklings of when she's been sincere, and also, has a better perspective on how other people perceive her. More on that in a second.
Knowing what we know in hindsight, the Archon Quest is....very harsh. But. I understand why it happened that way. It was very clear that neither the Traveler nor Neuvilette wanted to put Furina on trial, however, neither of them were able to get her to tell the truth in private, and time was of the essence. The threat of a whole populace dying (and!!!! People have already died at this point!!!! Civilians!!!) is kind of a big deal. Something happens, or they all die; full stop. Hence, calling out the big guns. Which, to their credit, was just meant as a display of pressure on an actual deity, not an actual trial with death sentences and the discovery that Furina was a stressed out human all along. Focalors wanted that, however, so all according to plan. But very much not what Neuvilette wanted.
Fast forward. For Neuvilette, I think there is something really special to be said that he cares about both Focalors and Furina. He's only ever seen glimpses of both, but when Focalors aims to die to give Neuvilette back what is rightfully his, he protests! He doesn't want that! If there was a way for Focalors to undo the sea, he would accepted that, despite the janky usurped power thing. She is making a divine sacrifice, one that nobody else will truly know, and he mourns the person that is lost for it. Meanwhile, for all that Furina acted as a mask, and acted as if she was entirely self-sustainable, Neuvilette has shown to be concerned over her as a person. He caves so quickly to meet with Arlecchino when it's clear she's nervous, he asks Traveler to look after her, he tries to ask her when she's clearly being flighty. Even little things, like when he tells Traveler to acknowledge Furina at the beginning of the quest when she's showing off, because he knows she equates attention to success (just not why) and he is throwing her a bone. Yes, he is exasperated just as frequently, but Furina is not making it easy at that stage. Her entire schtick is to purposely keep people at arm's length, to be entertaining before she's likable, so really, I think there's an impressive amount of patience to be had.
The thing I have noticed about Neuvilette is that he is the kind of just that is caring. The law is for the sake of the people, and thus, people have become his focus. He denies this for a long time on account of believing himself to be forever an Other, but it is persistent all the same. He quickly wants to see the melusines treated well and with respect when they are integrated with society. He wants to see justice for those who are hurt. He understands, even, when those who do wrong are not bad people, like with Wriothesley. Neuvilette is, at his core, a kind person; however, he is terrible at expressing care in ways we would expect it. In part because he's just Like That, and in other part because he spent so long unaware of it. Usually, this means that he takes things at face value. If a melusine is being threatened, then there is a problem regarding humans' view of melusines again; if Wriothesley crawls out of hell with a Vision and the new title of Duke, then that means he found something to live for and he will support it; if Furina asks for space, then he tries to give her space. Neuvilette is a sincere person, even if sometimes he misunderstands the emotional complexity afoot.
Back to Furina. When it's revealed that she is a human, and she absolutely crashes, Neuvilette may not be the picture of fatherly comfort, but he is there for her in the way she asks, and even, in the ways she doesn't. She wants to be left alone, because Furina is tired of a facade and at this point she believes that everyone will hate both the fake her and the real her. Neuvillete obliges, and he arranges to pay for her apartment and food and make sure she is taken care of, when Furina is clearly not thinking that far ahead. It's clear that he would visit more often, but he's busy being the effective Archon now, and also, he doesn't think Furina would want that. Face value interpretations and all that. However, Neuvilette still appreciates the good that Furina did accomplish, in the mask and out of it. He doesn't fully understand Furina's hangups, but he respects what she does or doesn't want to do.
Now, Furina absolutely hit that depressive slump of a crash. Homegirl is living off of noodles like a broke college student. She thinks the world hates her and that everyone only put up with her because she was the archon and a superstar. Did she need someone to intervene? Sure. But she pushed Neuvilette and Clorinde away when they awkwardly tried, so Furina has to go through the long story quest way, and come to a bit of her own realization that people genuinely respected her ability to act as a skill and a thing of beauty, not just as a lie.
Furina's story quest offers the very best presentation of how Neuvilette sees her, and how, in his own way, he apologizes but also respects everything she has done and is. When Furina goes on stage, despite her valid reservations, and she gives it her all for that actresses sake, and she gives it her all because its real to her too, and Neuvilette sees this and sees her bravery, her spirit, and all of the hard work that Furina has given Fontaine for 500 years. So he tears a chunk off of his power and he gives it to her, in the form of a Vision.
The Visions are such a wonderful representation, because now that Neuvilette is the sole sovereign, without Celestia's janky throne in the way, he has full power over the granting of Visions. He can stop if he wants, because Visions are made by ripping chunks off of the god in question, but Neuvilette has studied and he has learned that humans are amazing and they earn their ambition, and he wants to give to that. So it's an incredibly purposeful gesture here and it carries the meaning of his care and respect in ways that he cannot articulate.
Neuvilette is kind. He's stiff, dutiful to a fault, has trouble being vulnerable and recognizing it in others, but he is trying, and he is kind. He gives credit where credit is do, and he tries to do the right thing, even when he misses the mark. He accepts when he's wrong, though, like with Focalors and Furina, like with missing how the general populace adores the melusines now, like with Childe when he honestly was baffled by the oratrice's absurd verdict. He's an old dragon and he's slow to catch up, but he makes that effort anyway, which I think is really neat. Neuvilette learns and he implements that. In Lantern Rite, he listened to Furina and finally managed to take a vacation, and he made a dumb little dragon ladle and had fun doing it. And he walked away from that realizing why taking a break was important.
So, er, yeah. I think Neuvilette is neat. Furina too. I really wish we can see them interacting more now that Furina is finally getting it through her skull that people do, in fact, want to be her friend and spend time with her, and I would love to see more on the implications that Traveler has told him of the other archons' exploits and he is forced to admit that they also either have no idea what's going on or that they known of them took the elemental authority on purpose/for the sake of it, but that's either an end-game thing or we'll never get it. Alas. Still I think Fontaine and all of hydro is in good hands with him.
Also he's an awkward dragon yall know I love grandpa dragon men who have parental bones but have no idea how to use them on purpose. I have. a type. of course I'm looking hard at neuvilette he's got the whole package
So uhhhhhh yeah. Yeah. I will. End it there.
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themissinghand · 11 months
i was wondering if you could do another story with the 12th Harbinger you created "brighella" if if remember. i really liked reading the two stories about her
Genshin Impact: Oh Hydro Dragon, What is Your Wish?
Summary: In which Neuvillette discovers a new Miracle Magician in town, one who brings joy and wishes to life. He learns that humans are complex beings and that human feelings can be delightful, to the depressing.
Or, you, as Tsaritsa’s proxy, Brighella, infiltrate Fontaine for the purposes of watching over Arlecchino, but a certain Hydro Dragon appears to be more fun than you thought. 
Pairing: Neuvillette x GN! Reader
Note: Thanks for the request! Also, with the 4.2 update of the game out, how could I NOT write about it? 
Warning: A bit of angst and betrayal, after all, everything is just a play, and you are all characters of a show.
Also, spoilers for Fontaine Archon Quest!
The Opera Epiclese glittered with splendor as noble laughter and melodies echoed through the opulent halls. 
A new talent has emerged. 
A magician, not of mere tricks but of miracles, with the power to weave dreams into reality. The people of Fontaine, including the Hydro Archon Furina herself, and Ludex Neuvillette, were charmed by this mysterious enchanter.
“Tell me what you wish for, little noble child.”  
But perhaps it was not just their show that caught Neuvillette’s attention, rather their genuine love for humans. 
“I wish for you to heal my mother’s face!” A gasp echoed throughout the room with a mix of disbelief and mockery. 
Indeed, all nobles and VIPs did not believe such a thing, but even with so much noise, Neuvillette could easily pick out what the magician whispered.
“Which one is your mother, little one?” 
When the child forcefully pulled her mother to the stage, the noble lady already had a veil to cover her face. With the rumours circulating the room, it appears that the lady was burned badly in order to save her child from a house fire. 
Due to such a bad burn and scarring, no doctor has been able to restore her original beauty. 
Neuvillette did recall such a trial occur a while back.
“Shh, Shh. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to ask everyone to quiet down. After all, you could only witness miracles if you paid attention.” Neuvillette watched closely, curious and attentive despite Lady Furina pulling on his sleeves and excitedly waiting for a miracle.
“Madame, please repeat your child’s wish. Only the person who wishes for it, may the miracle occur.”
Thinking of nothing of it, the noble lady repeated the wish outloud. The magician slowly drag one hand from one side of her face to the other, and right before everyone’s eyes, her burn had completely disappeared. 
“W-What?” The lady touched her face with shock, then with gratitude, and broke down on the spot. 
“What did you do?!” 
“That is a secret of course.” The magician out a finger on their lips.
“Thank you for helping my wife.”
Neuvillette was confused, he did not sense any use of a vision. He expected the magician to perhaps possess the powers of a dendro vision, after all, some of them could heal wounds. 
But this…he had never seen such power before. 
“Please, can I make a wish?” This gentlemen seemed like a middle-age worker, one who barely compiled enough money to enter the opera house for a show. 
“Go ahead sir.” The magician ignored the nobles and beelined for the gentlemen. 
“My house and many other homes near the sea was washed away with the large rainstorm last week, please...I wish for them to be rebuilt!” 
Once again, despite the gentlemen pleading and even tearing up for a wish, the magician smiled gently and held his hand. 
“Your wish is my command.” The magician handed him multiple unique keys, and looked at Neuvillette with a patient look. 
“If Monsieur Neuvillette could lead this gentlemen to his house safely, there would be no doubt to my credibility.” 
There was absolute confidence in their voice, and since everyone was looking at Neuvillette with such curious and pleading eyes, Neuvillette stood up. 
With a snap of fingers, Neuvillette felt the world shift underneath his feet. No, it was the shadows that engulfed a group of people to teleport them here.
In an instant, they had travelled from the center of the city, to the edge. 
As promised, those who were curious arrived at the area where houses were supposedly washed away, but instead were brand new as if a disaster has never struck. 
Neuvillette saw many people who cried at this miracle, and the gentlemen who made the wish immediately rushed into his own home to check everything.
"How? It was a wasteland just a day ago...how...you are a saint!"
When all the residents confirmed their house and nothing out of place, Neuvillette truly saw a miracle. 
An entire village built with just a wish. 
A truly great, but dangerous power. 
When Neuvillette turned to find the magician, they were already gone. 
The Miracle Magician.
A name that danced through Fontaine, and gained great popularity especially among the middle and lower class. 
Neuvillette made it a mission to find you and talk to you.
It wasn’t hard to find you.
Where there are moments of joy and wonder, the Miracle Magician will be there.
You who stood at the center of it all, made others smile and grateful for everything you’ve done.
The people loved you for your miracles and kindness, and gave back with what they can. 
Captivating outdoor performances that left Neuvillette enchanted, not just by the magic, but by the warmth and understanding that the Miracle Magician exuded.
The Miracle Magician was popular as they were desirable, for people of different status and desires approached them with good or ill intentions. 
Neuvillette was not surprised by this developments after all, he’s seen many of these human emotions in court.
Relief, gratitude, sincerity, and love. 
But also greed, envy, hatred, and distrust. 
He may not understand them well, but he can identify them.
Neuvillette was worried at first, and watched you from afar in case of any crime to occur. However, little did he know that you were just as talented as leaving the scene without a trace, and you appeared right behind him. 
“Hello, to what pleasure does the honorable Ludex Neuvillette have with me?” 
“Who are you?” Neuvillette asks, looking down at the Miracle Magician with vigilance and curiosity. 
“I am a Miracle Invoker. One who makes wishes come true.” Then with a mischievous smile, you extended a hand. 
“What is your wish, Ludex Neuvillette?”
“I do not have a wish.” The magician was stunned briefly, before they withdrew their hand. 
“That is fine too.” For some reason, the magician looked peacefully content with his answer. Sensing an unspoken initiation for conversation, the magician smiled politely at him. 
“Would you like to go on a walk? I can foresee a lot of questions from you, Monsieur Neuvillette.” He nods. 
“Follow me, perhaps our talk will be easier in a more private space.” 
Both of you went to a nearby restaurant, where the owner immediately recognized Neuvillette, and gave the two a private room. 
Little did Neuvillette know that this conversation was one of the most pleasant he’d had in decades. The magician began to share tales of distant lands, weaving narratives that spoke to the deepest corners of Neuvillette's ancient heart. 
They were naturally an entertainer, one who dramatize stories and share them as if they were in a play. Neuvillette listened for the most part, enjoying their little act.
They shared stories that sounded familiar, and ones that were foreign, regardless, he found you as good company while he drank his water. 
“Forgive me for being rude, but I haven’t gotten your name.” At the end of the two hour conversation, Neuvillette asked for this mysterious Miracle Invoker's name. 
With a polite curtsy, and a tip of their flamboyant hat, they responded with a professional smile. 
“I have no name, but if you must address me, you may deem me as a ‘Miracle’.” 
What a strange name. 
One who refers to themselves as their profession.
Neuvillette has many questions, but chooses not to ask.
As they spent more time together, the Miracle Magician became a confidant for Neuvillette. The dragon, who witnessed the passage of ages, revealed the weight of his solitary existence. 
The magician listened, offering a sympathetic ear and a comforting presence. Neuvillette, for the first time in centuries, felt understood despite his lack of expression in his feelings.
“I am not a god as you may have assumed, Monsieur Neuvillettte. I am simply an existence that is created to make wishes come true.” 
“Nonsense. Are there not requirements for a wish?” 
“The only requirement is that the person who wishes is happy.” 
“…you are lying.” A laugh, Neuvillette watches the magician break out of their polite demeanor. 
“Oh Monsieur Neuvillette, what is your wish?”
“I do not have a wish.” 
“I see. Perhaps one day you will tell me your wish.” 
One day, after a long exhausting trial, Neuvillette stepped out for a stroll. He walked and observed as humans walked past him with their own stories to tell, and their own role to play. 
A routine of his as rain fell from the sky. 
“Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don’t cry!”
But why in this black and white world, were you here?
“Monsieur Neuvillette, why are you standing in the rain alone?” You who held a colourful and flamboyant umbrella quickly shielded him from the rain. 
Startled by this unique predicament, he simply stared.
“Why…are you here?” 
“I enjoy the rain.” 
The magician smiled before extending a hand. 
“Would you like to make a wish, dear Neuvillette?”
This time, Neuvillette didn’t respond to accept or reject your offer, but instead accepted your hand and chose to walk ahead. 
Neuvillette held your hand like a gentleman, ensuring there was nothing scandalous that could occur from this action. 
But he felt his heart beating harder than before, as if he had come alive again.
“The world is beautiful, isn’t it?”
The magician suddenly says, as they take down the umbrella. Colour came back to his world as if the curtains of the stage unveiled itself.
Sun rays appear from behind the dark clouds and people rush out to see a beautiful rainbow stretching across the skies.
“The Hydro Dragon must be happy!” A little boy exclaimed as he ran around happily. 
“Monsieur Neuvillette, storms will come to pass, just as sunny days will turn to night. But what’s important is that you live now, where peace exists and people can be happy.”
The magician pulls out a blue rose from behind their back and suddenly slots it behind his ear.
With a cheeky smile, you kiss his gloved knuckles. 
“I wish for your happiness, oh Hydro Dragon.”
Neuvillette didn’t know what this feeling was, a quite foreign one for himself, but he doesn’t find it annoying or worthless. 
“Look! It’s a double rainbow!” 
As days turned to nights and nights to days, Neuvillette found himself drawn not just to the enchanting magic of the Miracle Magician but to the soul beneath the illusion. The Miracle Invoker, with genuine kindness, had become a beacon of trust and solace for Neuvillette.
So why? 
Why are you standing by the suspect’s side? 
“Stand down, dear 11th.” In an instant, the Tartaglia released his transformation. 
“Brighella?” Neuvillette heard the suspect whisper out your name, and he felt himself turning his hands into fists. 
“The Miracle Magician?! Why, why are you here?!” 
"Shh, shh," You hushed the crowd, a calming spell woven into your words. 
You stepped forward, gracefully interposing between Neuvillette and Childe. 
“What is going on?!” Lady Furina exclaimed, looking between Neuvillette and you with a bewildered expression. 
“Now, since the true guilty party has been brought forward, and even Ludex Neuvillette himself deemed my friend innocent, is there a reason for this show to proceed? Does Foutaine’s justice perhaps leave the final verdict to a machine? If so, why would we need a trial in the first place?” You put a hand to Childe’s shoulder, and the man immediately relaxed, and looked at you with a happy expression. 
You smiled, still in your new role that you’ve created for this very moment, and bowed. 
Neuvillette, sensing the unspoken authority, hesitated. 
“I wish for this trial to end peacefully, and ‘I’ to be forgotten by Fontaine.” 
Neuvillette widened his eyes and rushed towards you, but with a sly look, you stopped him with your flamboyant hat, a forcefield pushing him back. A huge tsunami burst forth in the court with water rushed around you. 
“You lied to me.”
You laughed slyly, your image as the Miracle Magician he’d always known slowly faded away.  
“Who are you?” Neuvillette felt a sense of loss and grief, and even for a moment doubted himself and his ability to properly “judge” humans emotions.
“Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don’t cry.” A hand reached out to wipe under his eye, your voice was the same, though you had a mocking expression on your face. 
“Oh Hydro Dragon, what is your wish?”
A portal appeared behind you, with Tartaglia pulling on your coat tail to signal you to leave. 
“I wish-” You put a finger to his lips.
“To think I’d see such an expression on Chief Justice, the Hydro Dragon Sovereign himself…” A smirk rose to your face, paining him even more.
“That is what it means to be human.”
In an instant, the two vanished, leaving behind a bewildered courtroom. Neuvillette felt a headache, but when he turned around, Lady Furina was already leading the court with her dramatics. 
And just as you wished, the “Miracle Magician” was no more, just as how Tartaglia was never part of the trial in the first place. 
The Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale still revealed the verdict as guilty, just not to Tartaglia, but to the true guilty party.
Neuvillette picked up your hat, and held it tightly in his hands. 
The next few days, it was raining harder than usual with Neuvillette’s figure disappeared completely from the public. 
He watched every moment he spent with you in the rain, and the joy you brought to the people. He regretted not making a wish. 
Now, no one in Fontaine knew you, and only he and Lady Furina recalled such a name. 
Neuvillette hoped to find you again, even if you were a lie.
Just like your name, you appeared like a “Miracle”, and disappeared like one too.
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floxtingdrm · 9 months
(N): the inability to express your feelings.
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Angst
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Furina de Fontaine
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞: On
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: One Shot
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: they/them
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Conflicted of the way she's supposed to feel, what path of loss should she take, how can she be like you? Tell her, Creator of Teyvat.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Violence, Sagau AU themes, spoilers for Fontaine Archon quest storylines. This story is only a second branch linked to the Sagau Au that I'm working on and is not the main one, there will be a very huge difference compared to the one I'm working on.
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It’s like you're underwater… the world quietly embraces you as you fell from the stars, did you remember anything as the sound of a loud splash occurs and attracts the unsuspecting creatures? How could you when you’re already too busy falling asleep at the bottom of a lake? 
Ah… could the creator not hear the gentle song of joy that their creations are singing? The return of such a noble and loving soul to its children, this could only mean hope and prosperity towards the creatures who have always prayed for their return.
(Y/n), you who sank to the bottom of the lake unable to remember who you were before coming to this land, can you face them? Your creations who do not even remember your face, except for the guiding voice you’ve always been towards your vessels, resent you for leaving for so long. 
The waters which surround your injured and sleeping figure brings you the tales and troubles of what happened while you were away, though you already know these tales haven’t you? 
A blond traveler and their silver companion walked on the soil of Teyvat, they who claimed to have been your vessels, your apostles. Though their name brings hopes and joy to those who are “humans”, just the mere thought of them to any other creature stikes fear and terror to the heart of their beings.
“They’re approaching Fontaine soon…” You opened your eyes slowly finding yourself surrounded by fishes and curious creatures.
“It will be a while before they finish their involvement with Sumeru..” Should we get to know you a bit more? But then again you have no time to think for all that’s on your mind right now was finding a safe spot to hide before the blond traveler finds you.
“You’ll find a safe spot for me to hide right? I trust you all.” The water current gently pushes you away, you don’t know where in Fontaine are you right now, but you definitely aren’t close to the Fortress of Meropide.
The trail of red blood, your trail which bleeds life into Teyvat remains to be un-tampered. The waters of teyvat cannot heal you nor can anything else if anything, for a god’s creation cannot heal them. You can’t feel pain however since your body is as fragile as a human’s obviously you’d get hurt, as gentle as the skies tried when first delivering you into Teyvat it still could not be gentle enough and hurt you.
Truly you do not understand the connection between you and the land of Teyvat, because if you did then maybe you would have understood why, Teyvat no longer dreams of your return for so long…
Somewhere else…
Bored figure above the crowd, what are you looking for in the crowds of peasants and fools? She was a noble in every way yet so flawed and faulted, the perfect human, of course she cared about those voices who talked about her every move.
It’s the weight of the crown she’s wearing right? Isn’t she tired of pleasing them? The people who could stare at her in awe and contempt, doesn’t she ever feel like running away from her problems?
“Is it worth it?” The whispers in her head render her useless, relying on its encouragement to continue walking for the day.
“This isn’t how you’re supposed to smile, fix those corners” mental images began appearing, how many days has it been since she stood in front of this faulty mirror?
Perhaps she’s gonna break under all this pressure, but this eternal act must never fall, no matter what extend this stage forever as she continue to dance and play for their love, perhaps it wasn’t even their love she was looking for but the approval of a figure she doesn’t even know of.
‘I can’t hear anything, I don’t know anything’ she’s denying it again, denying the fact she knows what’s gonna happen next. 
‘Oh Creator of all creatures, can you at least give me peace of mind as the years have gone by? I wish for oneday… where I have no need to be the ‘Hydro Archon’ no more’ However no matter how strong or sincere the wish is, even Furina knows that the Creator has long gone from Teyvat’s memories… because of that incident. 
“Lady Furina there is something we think you’d like to see.” a cold and strange figure behind the door of her study snapping her away from her daydream, Furina coughed and returned to her ‘god’ demeanor.
“Very well then, enter.” A gentlemen in dark colored clothing, she remembered his father and the ones before him… ah, so it’s something related to the rising sea levels matter. 
“Lady Furina, the matter is that…” 
Oh? How interesting… a prophecy, long ago but not too long after the prophecy that the people of Fontaine shall dissolve into the sea and the Archon shall be left crying on her throne, a prophecy which had been mysteriously erased from the people’s memory.
A star bright enough to be mistaken for the sun shall fall in Teyvat’s embrace, carrying with it the remnants of the past and the answers to the future, when the waters rise and the creatures dance, the star shall leave and a trail of blood shall follow where it goes.
Furina remembered that prophecy long ago, the one prophecy which no longer seemed to be remembered by anyone else but her it seems, even Neuvillette does not understand of the said prophecy she talks about oh so often, eventually Furina kept this prophecy to herself and let the world seemingly forget of it’s existence all together. 
However the news that this informant has brought her… this one truly is fulfilling the first part of the prophecy, a bright shinning light had been spotted across the night sky not too long ago, just like that same light 500 years ago. However not knowing whether this could mean sometime interesting or important Furina decided to dismiss the informant temporarily after getting information of the location where the star was said to have landed.
The water levels are rising faster after that star had landed, it might seemed like useless worry but Furina is afraid, the prophecy never truly mentioned what would become of the star and only the result of their appearance to Teyvat. Trails of blood… should she start looking into this dangerous matter?
“I don’t know what to do anymore… not only do I have to solve my prophecy now I am at risk with another one.” She stared at the floor tired and devastated, how does she compare between threats? The one that the people know of or the one that has been erased from Teyvat’s very memory?
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Your mission... what plans did you have when you first arrived in Teyvat? You weren't sure however you did sense a sort of familiarity towards the land and it's creatures, you have yet to meet anyone else such as the "archons" or inhabitants of Teyvat.
"To take responsibility... but this was never your realm."
"It was still my mistake"
"You have until ?̴̨̩̘̗̪̯̅͆̽̆?̴͙̖̉͊̓̈͗̏͆̐̕͝?̷̹̞̻̫͚̝̭̮̫̏̒̑͂͗?̷̖̠̖͙͉̝̠̇ to solve it"
Ah, a flash of memory strikes you, your mind hurts as it tries to remember why and how you ended up here in the first place, it seemed you were the one who prevented yourself from remembering your purpose here.
Bandaging yourself up from the minor wounds you had from falling earlier you felt the water currents try to push and play around with your figure, though not a god, you certainly aren't some mortal being, something similar to a Demi-god or some sort.
"Enough with that, we have preparations we must do if we are ensuring the other region's safety." You had all the information you needed from the water, water carries the memories of all living beings, whether if it was drank, on the sidelines or even spilt, the water hears and memories it all.
Your plan was to make a barrier between Fontaine and the rest of the world, should the day ever come that the prophecy is filled nothing too drastic would happen if the water overflows and influences the rest of the world.
It's too late to try and stop the prophecy, not like you had a chance to stop it in the first place, however you did have a chance at preventing a bigger catastrophe and try to find a way to slow down the prophecy from happening.
Unfortunately for you, you didn't have enough materials to start making the barrier runes however that shouldn't be a problem if you could collect them in Fontaine. You can't expect all the ingredients for crafting to be in Teyvat seeing as some of them could be unique and a specialty for where you came from.
"We'll have to replace some ingredients but that's okay, whatever it is it shouldn't be too much of a problem." with the list in your hand your current goal was clear, ingredient hunting.
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Why did you even come into Teyvat in the first place? If the memory and intensive headache wasn’t already evident you have no idea why, perhaps you previously did something stupid and as a result were punished to be confined to Teyvat and stay there until your memory comes back, but if that truly were the case then why wasn’t all of your memory erased?
Another one of your theories for this was you witnessing something so disgusting or weird that it shook you so much, you had no choice but to run away and erase that part of your memory, and if this was true then maybe that part of your memory is connected to Teyvat and this land. However ultimately you had a feeling it was also connected to your teacher… the person who was in that blocked memory, you don’t know what transpired between you and your teacher but it definitely wasn’t that good.
Oh well, it’s not good to get distracted from your original goal and forget why you’re even here, you do not have forever to live and will die just like any human, getting distracted is the last thing you want on your list. 
You were lead to a village full creatures they called “Hillichurls”, you could feel remnants of curse on some of them though not all… however it’s not like you can break such a curse, if you don’t know the full story and origin of the curse breaking it could lead to more disastrous problems… like the last world.
The creatures were agitated upon seeing you however they didn’t seemed to be hostile and allowed you to calmly walk freely in the village. 
“Let’s see… I might need these, a little bit of that, probably a handful of this.” You were collecting a material called ‘Star tears’, despite the poetic name it’s basically a type of star dust and for some reason had been infused with the belongings of “Hillichurls”.
“Hm? You want me to make a replacement for the things I’m taking?” The Hillichurls dance and spoke as you looked through their stuff, looks like you have to make them something in return for the things.
“Don’t worry I’m not taking your stuff just erasing some bad omens on it.” The glittery dust on your hand shimmers as you continue to collect them, oh boy, this was gonna take a while.
Furina was a bit shocked to see that the scene where the supposed star was supposed to be… turned out to be completely normal!! Nothing!! Not a single crater or dead plant, it’s as if it was all an illusion.
“H-How could this be?! Did that-?! Ughh…” she was frustrated at the fact she had been lied to, she couldn’t understand why but now that she’s here she might as well take a break and enjoy the scenery.
It’s quiet… it’s too calm and quiet, she’d expect slimes and hillichurls to be popping out right and left since it was normal for this region to have them spawning but… it’s as if they’ve disappeared into thin air.
But this was good right? Here, she could probably rest her mind and not get worried about being attacked, maybe she could cry her heart out now that she’s in the middle of nowhere. It’s comforting… as if the creator had heard her words from earlier and gave her an excuse to temporarily break from her duties and role as the “hydro archon”, it’s a wonderful feeling as she realized she could breath the first time in a long time.
Slowly lying down on the grass the world lured her to sleep, the gentle sea making waves, the soft winds blowing, and her feeling tired and broken, she’d fall and slowly slip away from reality. 
“A nap wouldn’t hurt anyone… right?” An answer she would never receive, who knows how long she’ll stay asleep, but maybe long enough for someone to spot her.
You walked back to your hidden space with a bag full of star tears, the stuff was all over you including a hillichurl mask, very friendly creatures, you have no idea why they would be mercilessly killed though… maybe it was something different between your aura and others?
Teyvat’s ecosystem was very lively and diverse, more than the ones where you came from at least, compared to the rest of the worlds you’ve been through you could say it was… pretty mid, sure the scenery and landscape was nice and pretty but that was all. You couldn’t really find another reason to settle down or stay in Teyvat, not when your final goal was to travel and explore, despite having limited memory of your home plane and almost none of your life before this you still want to travel.
Stuffing the bag full of star tears inside your inventory you decided to call it a day and rest for now, the sun was already down by the time you stopped collecting star tears so for now you decided to spend that time to rest and collect your thoughts for the night. 
“Oh?” light blue hair and noble like clothing, unique lashes, and an obviously sleep deprived look on her face, who was this girl sleeping in the middle of nowhere close to the place you were residing?
At first you wanted to pay no mind to her, yet after standing there for a while thinking of all the possible benefits you might get from her judging from her appearance, you decided to save her from her miserable fate of being in danger and princess carry her into the waters with you.
The young girl on your bed seemed like she was having a nightmare, tears spilt for her shut-closed eyes, she’s whimpering as if someone hurted her, she was in so much pain. It shouldn’t bother you, it doesn’t involve you, she doesn’t have anything to do with you, you drew a line between her and you, never intending to cross that line and help the crying girl.
It’s cold underwater, even when you’re in an drier and not as cold part of the waters, everything was still so cold, it’s not like you weren’t bothered by the sticky feeling of your clothes hanging tightly on to your frame but you just chose to simply not mind about it. But what about the girl? Sniffling and shivering with the lack of heat and freezing cold waters, ah, you really don’t want to get involved.
“Forgive me for my lack of decency,” you pulled her closer to you “ but I really don’t want to see someone dying from being cold.”
You feel like a pervert for crossing the line and holding a girl so close to you like this, considering there’s no flammable materials near you at the moment and if you left her alone to go find the materials something might happen. Boredly you traced her facial features, a beauty indeed for your standard but if anything you aren’t attracted to children who are below 400 years old, that was about how old you were at least, you don’t remember how old you truly were, but you’re definitely older than the average human.
“You’re… the perfect example of a human I’ve seen so far,” beautiful yet so tragically fragile, you wonder what lead the girl to have laid so defenselessly and tiredly so “you’re so interestingly weird with that curse on you.”
It’s cold… it felt so cold being asleep, why did she feel so lonely for some reason? It’s like she was underwater, it’s calm and serene yet so lonely and dark compared to the surface world, it’s simply too… suffocating for her.
“Furina… why did you abandon them?” she doesn’t understand why, who was telling her this? Where was she even in the first place, blinded by the dark and sadness of the warters. She who is being judged for all that she has done so far in the name of “hydro Archon”.
“Do you not hear their pleas?” it’s too much, make it stop… unconsciously trying to reach for her ears she try to block out the words and sounds that she hears, it’s too much, it’s al simply too much for some one like her to handle. “ You’re so heartless”
‘Creator, where are you?’ she silently pleas holding her body as if she was going to break any moment, the pain was too much for her to bare, how was she to move if the weight of her guilt was holding her down? ‘Let me hear your voice just once, even for a moment I want to have hope.’ but there was nothing there, nothing to catch her tears or listen to her pleas.
The darkness of her nightmares engulfing her slowly but surely, she was losing her mind having to dance and play someone else for so long, a never ending torture to her life. For a moment she felt at peace with the cold and suffocating darkness, and slowly it stopped scaring her, like an old friend she finally opened her arms to embrace it.
“Is this what you really wanted?” A voice she’s never heard before, yet a feeling of warmth and relief washes over her like a wave of sea on a summer day, who was this?
“How can I continue when I’m already at my limit?” she’s weak, oh so weak, how come the barriers that she put up seemingly start to crumble now?
“...Don’t ever stop or give up ever again,” she’s angry at those words, they’re just stupid meaningless encouragements others spew, so what if she continued? There’s no grand prize waiting for her at the end…
“What do you know about giving up or stopping?!” her bailed fist swung at the direction of the voice, yet it only hits a barrier between her and the voice, it’s so frustrating… “You don’t even know what I’ve been through, you stupid, incompetent, pathetic voice in my head!!”
She played the role of a god, and will always play according to the role of “Hydro Archon”, so then why in this part of her mind does she let go of that mask and become one with “Furina”? Why was she wavering and growing weak only now after so long on her throne and stage of endless night?
She’s frustrated, she’s angry, she’s confused and so so lost in her own mind, she doesn’t understand what she has to do anymore, the voice in front of her in this dream right now… she hates it. With her clench fist in frustration she starts hitting the invisible wall, letting out all the anger and frustration onto something that is the result of her own mind.
“You’d never understand, you’d never see,” the walls which slowly crumble with each hit, she’s still so lost in her emotions “yes I won’t stop or give up just yet, so listen to me!!”
With her last hit the invisible wall broke like glass making her fall into the deeper darkness in front of her, the weak yet beautiful human, you acknowledge her perseverance. 
“I’ll listen to you,” gently you traced her tear stained face, her eyes still so full of life looking up at you in surprise “so wake up, Furina.”
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Jolting out of her sleep, Furina breathed heavily trying to calm herself down, after a minute or so she began to look around and noticed that she was in one of the underwater ruins, the barrier between the ruin and the water was clear but that wasn’t what her attention was on right now, it was on the strange figure sitting close to the barrier seemingly playing around with strange gold-like dust. 
“Y-You! Where am I and how did I end up here?” however the figure did not stop and continue to inspect the glitter, standing up the figure dump the whole bag of glitter onto the ground “Can’t you hear me?! You’re in the presence of a god, mind your manners and praise me will you?”
“...Patience is a virtue, dear god, and I’m performing a task.” Huffing her chest, Furina looks pissed, but in reality she’s curious on what they were doing.
You combined the vial of Primordial seawater together with star tears, nothing seemed to react out of the ordinary, for the ritual in making the barrier to work you have to also combined another element, which is in fact your blood, long story short as the person to form the barrier it is your duty to preform and replace the missing ingredients so to apply with the last missing material which is the blood of the elemental sovereign of water, you had to use your blood which qualifies for some elemental properties. 
“So, how should I address you dear god?” The long silence as you both stared into each other’s eyes, it seems she’s slowly realizing who you were.
“You… you’re the voice in my dream.” An empty smile, Furina has seen a smile like this many times, she knows just by looking at those (e/c) with specks of light like stars however those specks of light quickly die out, your eyes are like a quiet and dead night sky. “Drop the act, how much do you know about me?”
You only stared back at her, not sure how to answer her, to be able to sneak into someone’s mind was one of your skills, it was an underhand trick taught by your mentor a long time ago on a mission. Normally you wouldn’t be able to get into her mind like right now when she’s awake and her mentality is strong, however, when the target is weak and defenseless and their mentality is at the worst state possible then you would have a chance to take a peak.
“Even without the ability to know as much as I do right now,” a pitiful look on your face, why do you look like you’re pitying her for no reason? “I already knew from the moment I touch you, you were no more than an ordinary human cursed for some reason.”
“What proof do you have for that accusation?! Don’t you know it’s a crime on Fontaine to accuse the Hydro Archon with no proof?!” This wasn’t the first time someone had accused her of being a fake god, but still she can’t let down the act just yet.
“You’re right, I have nothing to prove that you’re not a god yet, but deep down inside you knew, didn’t you?” temporarily throwing your cloak away you take out an old and rusty dagger, how long have you kept it in your coat? “Whether or not you answer me doesn’t matter, feel free to leave now that you’re feeling better.”
With one swift action, you stabbed your left arm and winced at the pain, Furina in horror starred as your blood shimmers like glitter in water, as if you were controlling your blood, the liquid combined with the dust was used like ink on a strange looking type of stone in your palm.
“Excuse me~” A blink of an eye and now you’re suddenly in front of her, she falls behind out of surprise however you caught her by her waist and let her lean against you, you both still ended up on the ground but at least it’s only you who’s in pain right now “Well that hurts…”
“...What are you doing?” you calmly dust yourself off and help her stand up, while also taking a few strands of her hair.
“Making a barrier rune! Though I don’t think you’d ever seen one like this before.” Breaking your calm and gentle demeanor, Furina was surprised to see this child-like attitude and look on you. 
Your smile was beautiful, it’s strange for Fruina seeing as she’s never felt like this before, you had this sort of light glow on you when you both first met, even in her dream where she met you she was awestruck with how god-like you look in her dreams, if this was true then maybe the comet… you were the comet that fell from the night sky. 
‘A star bright enough to be mistaken for the sun shall fall in Teyvat’s embrace, carrying with it the remnants of the past and the answers to the future, when the waters rise and the creatures dance, the star shall leave and a trail of blood shall follow where it goes.’ 
That’s the prophecy wasn’t it? However you don’t look nor feel like a hostile person nor someone searching for something they have lost but… more likely it then not you’re just here to explore and look at the land. You looked like a traveler solving riddles and finding something new right now but before that… you were like an ancient being who had seen everything.
“You know, Furina, I really love this world” You’re lying.
“I love the people and creatures I’ve seen living and laughing” You’re lying again.
“I love the beauty of this country you’re trying so hard to protect.” Please… you’re hurting her heart…
“I love your strength and everything you’re standing for right now.” Shut up…
Angry tears spilt out of her eyes as she pushes you into the wall, she doesn’t believe you at all, you’re a lying voice, you’re a god who lies, you’re the god… who left Teyvat for no reason at all!! 
Pausing for a moment she looked into your confused yet curious eyes, how could she not recognize this carefree attitude and beautiful eyes? Despite your statues and paintings being long destroyed she still had runes and writings of your glorious days of when you were still in Teyvat.
“Have you ever heard of them? My prayers for peace and rest after so long?” her grip on you loosen allowing you to gently push her away and continue finishing the barrier rune. “Did you ever hear anyone’s wishes? You’re so cruel, Creator...”
“I’m not your Creator.” You’re still lying to her… why can’t you just accept the fact you carried everything that was written in the scriptures? “Your Creator… no longer exists.”
With the affinity of water that Oceanids had you combined Furina’s hair into the rune and formed the barrier needed to protect the rest of the World for a certain amount of 2 weeks. Now how did you know Furina was an Oceanid? It might have to do something with her peculiar eyes and hair color, however even without the Oceanid’s affinity with water your blood should have been fine on it’s own.
You aren’t the Creator, you have no memory of making nor creating a world much like this one, in fact you don’t even think you have enough power to make a world like this. But to be called the Creator? What a messed up joke…
Long ago, on one of your expeditions with your mentor, an accident happened on that trip killing your mentor. In their dying breath, your mentor told you of a world they hid from you and that one day you would find it, it would answer the questions they couldn’t answer you before. Though they wanted to tell you more, death had already taken them away.
There’s no use recalling old memories, based on assumptions you could only guess that this world is the world they were talking about, your mentor was truly a sly and secretive person. Leaving so much information yet so little ways of understanding it, creating a world of beauty and pain yet leaving it to rot and forgotten, you could never understand how they work.
“Will you tell them?” You stored the finished rune back into your pocket, Furina stood there with her head hung low not daring to face you directly anymore. “Will you tell the people that a fake god had pretended to take care of them and had contributed almost nothing in protecting them?”
She’s scared of the betrayal look on the people’s faces, the disgust in their eyes, the indifferent look on Neuvillette’s face as he passes down her judgment for being a fake God. You knew too much about her, and she could feel that by looking at your (e/c) eyes, though they show almost no emotions it also has shown that you had seen through her and her facade as a fake god. 
“No.” She looked up at you shocked at what you just said, weren’t you going to expose her for lying? “Because I saw the trials you have put on for yourself, to please the people’s expectations, to weigh the heavy responsibilities alone with no one to rely on, praying for peace only to wake up the next day putting up a front and slowly losing yourself, you’ve at some point have forgotten yourself.”
She can’t cry anymore, because there were no tears left for her to cry. It’s so quiet next to you, it’s so lonely next to someone like you, perhaps she somewhat understands your true nature, a lonely vagrant drifting among the stars, someone with no place to call home of your own.
“Are you going to stay in Fontaine?” It’s hopeless to hold you back she knew, yet childishly she still hopes for you to stay even when this is the first time you both had ever talked to each other.
“I can’t,” her face darkens at the answer, someone like you… perhaps it is better for you to leave than to stay here in this cursed land she calls home. “Although my job is far from over and I cannot stay in one place for too long, however.”
A hand you offered her helping her to stand up from where she seated, hesitantly she took it and stood next to you, she looked at where you pointed, despite the fears of being underwater she still found it’s beauty, the beauty you pointed out for her. She’s rarely, no she’s never been underwater until now, there’s just been too much for her to worry about to even have a break. The peace of mind she wanted before… you’re giving it to her now… she’s grateful to you.
“When you no longer have to act as the Hydro Archon anymore, I’ll lead you on a journey beyond Teyvat.”
"Then I'll trust you... beloved Creator..."
You caught her in your arms as she fell asleep once more, gently you handed her to the ocean, the waves shall bring her back to Fontaine and the memories she had just now with you shall be nothing more than a dream, whether it had grant her what she wanted or not you don't know.
The promise you made to her you don't intend to break, it's up to her whether she wants to leave with you or not.
" Furina... You'll get your deserved rest soon, just a little bit more, please dance for the gods."
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That took so longgggg jenvjrv
I know this request in away isn't as good as the ones I've finished before, but I really tried.
I'm so sorry it took so long @canigotosleep--plz
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Like and reblogs are extremely appreciated, please do so if you've enjoyed my writing thank you!
Request for a story! Or you can talk to me in my discord server:
Edit 1: You saw nothing
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idkfitememate · 5 months
Hhfsfhfhfhfsh I’m back in the inbox once again. Came up with another Furina idea. Kinda horror themed. But not really scary;
Faceless Furina. After her story quest, you can’t seem to see her face at all. It’s just…blurry. Even when face to face her eyes are covered with her hair as shade covers the lower half of her face. No one can see what her face looks like after her final forced performance where she fills in for the last scene. She doesn’t even try to hide it, nor does she even attempt to fix the situation. She even seems happy about it. But no one can tell because no one can see her face.
Side shots glitch and won’t reveal anything beyond her ears. If you were to try and hack to look at her face the game would either crash or you’d see a black abyss instead of her face.
Cameras stop giving her front face shots. The most you would get is the back of her head in close ups.
In events like the film festival, if the traveler tried to point the camera at her even as a joke—the lens would start to break and Furina would snap at them to move it away or face painful consequences. If they don’t listen Furina starts to threaten them or Paimon. (Girlboss move making them realize her boundaries after her crap-show of a story quest) she will unsheathe her sword or use hand-to-hand combat if needed to teach a lesson.
Photos are blurred or destroyed if they even make it to that stage. Most pictures don’t even make it to processing because they’ve somehow been messed up. A pigeon flew in front of her face the moment the camera flashed. The lens caught too much light ruining the picture. Paparazzi find themselves in painful situations when they suddenly trip when trying to sneak a picture of her secretly or someone brutally runs into them on accident. Though this is all on the speculation that Furina would let someone take a picture of her. She usually straight up refuses.
Even mirrors don’t show her face clearly. Nor so puddles or lakes or any body of water. If Furina wishes to hide her face, the world bends to that wish no matter the cost.
I feel like I share more Furina headcanons than I do deer creator. Which feels kinda sad. Might come back with some new facts after this week or something.
🦌 anon
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You’re fine! And I love faceless characters sm you don’t understand-
Like, faceless beings is such a cool concept we don’t play around with as much as I’d like-
I used to have a character like this, Asagiri!Reader x BSD, but reader, no matter what or how you looked at them would be “faceless”.
Fan in front of them, parasol to low, book pressed to their nose, leaves in the way, a flock of birds flying past, a glare on the camera, it’s too dark, to many people in the crowd, etc etc-
Anyway, faceless characters/beings :D
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Fontaine Archon Quest Act 1 + 2 Spoilers beneath the cut!!! 👾 anon and 🎺 anon i responded to you here :) (Also lots of talking about Arlie because I LOVE HER)
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I've also gone through Lyney and Lynette's character stories/voice lines regarding Arlecchino (and a rough translation of Freminet's) and I completely agree! To be completely honest she seems more nicer than I thought she'd be. Of course, she's still strict and evil but she still has standards and seems to care for the siblings to some extent. One of the lines I found most interesting was "Perhaps the most amazing aspect of Lyney's Founding Day magic show was its ability to have even "Father" lay down her heavy burden and enjoy a brief moment of familial love." I didn't expect her to have such a close connection with the siblings. Plus, when she denied giving Lyney a Delusion and also allowed Lynette to keep a box of cats? Loved that. She can be cruel and mean but she does have some sort of heart left. Not to mention Arlie's confirmed to be from Fontaine. I hope we learn her real name soon! Totally with you there with her being soft only for reader ❤️ She has the ability to be kind but expresses it in perhaps an unconventional way. Even when she's being soft she doesn't know exactly how to act. Really looking forward to her in-game appearance!!
HELP I WAS ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE😭😭 Saved for months with absolutely no regrets. Currently saving for Arlie as well! I wish you luck on your primogem saving ❤️❤️
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FR I LOVE THE SIBLINGS SOOO MUCH 😭💖💖 (Freminet was robbed of screentime though) AND YES ARLECCHINO I LOVE HER 😭 Ugh I can totally imagine that <3 Arlie shows her kindness in a stern and strict way but you're the complete opposite. You can't fathom being cold to these little cuties! You're the affectionate one and while Arlie does scold you a bit about spoiling them too much she can't get too mad because at least you can handle all the mushy stuff which she cannot do very well. I'm now brainrotting about the kids seeing you and Arlie argue and becoming scared for your relationship and trying to get the two of you to reconcile 😭 I'm literally bouncing in excitement for 4.1 i want to see her so bad!!
Moving on to me just talking about the quests. Did anyone else feel a bit upset at Traveler for how they treated Lyney and Lynette at the end?? I did considering everything the twins went through. I understand the Traveler not trusting the Fatui but they were literally holding onto Childe's Vision in that moment?😭 Besides that little piece, these two Archon quests were really solid and lots of fun. Was also surprised how many serious topics were put into it too. Usually they leave the dark stuff for side/world quests.
Navia. Definitely an amazing character i loved her in the quests. Really beautiful, great personality, and i love her two bodyguards. Her voice while yelling at Neuvillette was really raw 🥺 Also loving Furina a lot. I didn't expect her to be insecure of herself. Seems like her confidence is just a facade for her people's sake. Y'all already know how I feel about Neuvillette haha i didn't expect him to be so emotional but I'm loving him so much! (I love everyone lemme just stop repeating myself 😭)
But damn being dissolved into water is so grim 😭 Imagine just being Fontanian and all of a sudden you learn you could simply dissolve and no one would ever know. I'd literally be so scared that i could die at any time 😭
EDIT: I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT CHILDE IM SO DONE. IM SO SORRY CHILDE LOVERS I GOT TOO SWEPT BY ARLIE. Anyway. Childe was so freaking cute. He is the kind of guy who would tell you every little detail no matter how minuscule it is about his siblings. Teucer told him about something that happened to him? Okay now you're getting the same story but more drawn about and longer because Childe can't help babbling about his family.
I know people are clowning on Childe for getting beat by Neuvillette but give my man some credit 😭 He managed to scratch A DRAGON THATS IMPRESSIVE OKAY.
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blazingblorbos · 1 year
Okay Genshin 4.1 thoughts dump because if I don't compile my thoughts somewhere I will literally implode. Anyways, spoilers for the Fontaine Archon Quest so far (as of Chapter 4, the Version 4.1 update) under the Read More (a couple paragraphs under, but you catch my drift)
So. Something I have always absolutely adored about Genshin's storytelling is the way it goes about presenting its gods as "Human too"...
At first, it was seen painfully obvious through Ei and her incredibly human response to grief and trauma (a lot of people thought she was being unreasonable, and yeah for a ruler of an entire nation, closing yourself off to the outside world certainly seems - and is - irresponsible. And then... you consider how easily any other normal person would have done the same thing, if not worse, if they had lost nearly everyone they loved in quick succession, while also being personally responsible for a handful of those deaths).
And upon further reflection on the topic, you can see blatant traces of it present in every archon. And I don't just mean their trying to blend into/ further their understanding of humans, human society, and human nature.
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I mean, Venti is kinda hedonistic and aloof; Zhongli wasn't always as wise and so intricately-versed in his knowledge about so many things - before the Archon War, he was more of a brute who preferred to solve things head-on (literally) as opposed to thinking things through; Nahida- oh don't even get me started on Nahida. Her self-doubt and insecurity as a result of facing constant beratement and feelings of inferiority to Rukkhadevata; her constant desire to learn more (both for her namesake as the God of Wisdom, to prove herself, and for her own curiosity's sake); her child-like nature (as a result of her research and human observation ofc!!! but still adorable none-the-less; I mean "dook-dook" !?! come on!)...
But now with Furina, oh. I think we've entered a BRAND NEW level and it's part of the reason why I absolutely love her so much.
In classic good-story-telling practice, Genshin achieves all of this through "show-not-tell" and it's world-class ability of characterizing its characters (IN MY OPINION ! I love them so much, okay?). And from the second I MET this girl to the very last line of 4.1's archon quest, it has been made painfully abundant to me that
Furina is just a child.
She has. NO IDEA what she's doing!!! Now, the underlying reasons for this have yet to be seen, and will most likely be tackled in the very next Archon Quest chapter, but if you'll allow me to speculate right now... Knowing that Egeria also conducted trials for citizens who broke the law (meaning she should have also been a God of Justice), I believe whole-heartedly that it was her who built the entire system Furina and Neuvillette are running right now. Meaning, I'm confident Furina has absolutely nothing to do with it. The ONLY (and I think I truly mean ONLY) thing Furina did in the time since she inherited the role was: change the perception of what justice and its deliverance should be into something a lot more akin to a dramatic play, only enacted for people's enjoyment.
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Which includes her lack of knowledge on the Oratrice. Furina didn't create it. How could she? She's so utterly ignorant on what it is, how it works, and dare I say what it's truly even for.
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The moment I read this statement I convinced myself that it had to have been the previous Hydro Archon. And while I concede that: looking back on the wording of this statement now, it seems like its existence would only be beneficial under someone like Furina's ruling… But, I'm willing to just chalk that up to "Egeria had great future-sight" (or something more along the lines of: she trusted the machine to help keep her in check so false charges were less likely; and it just so happens that its decision making is carrying the court system now under Furina’s rule).
Like many things related to Fontaine's history, it would seem, Egeria being solely responsible for the creation of all these staple facilities and aspects of the nation's inner workings would shed light on why Furina is so unknowing. She had nothing to do with it. And while I'm no envoy from Celestia, so I have no insight as to what the hell happens when a new Archon is born to fill in the void that was left, I think that whatever that process is (IF THERE EVEN IS ONE) went completely awry for Furina. She probably didn't even inherit the Gnosis - ever ! I'm thinking it's stuffed into the Oratrice somehow/somewhere. I'm thinking the "curse" Arlecchino sensed has something to do with that process of inheritance (or... lack thereof) going so wrong.
It’s obvious that Furina is running from something. Ignoring something. Distracting herself from the realities of the world with the “spectacle of the courtroom” (as Dain put it). And it’d be easy to just chalk it up to her being a little bitch with no deeper meaning but I don’t think that’s it.
Genshin doesn’t make it gods “just human”. They spend their time trying to prove that they’re “Human too”.
The underlying reasons for it have to lie in whatever happened when Furina was born. Cursed. Whether it was a curse to end up alone (as per the prophecy), or to never obtain the powers becoming of a god in this world... Whatever happened, it overwhelmed Furina to an unbearable degree, and naturally, like any Human would... she resorted to escapism. She found entertainment in the trials headed at the court room, realized she could make people like her by being this mascot of justice, and upon learning that it's only a matter of time before all of her subjects turn into puddles and she'll be left all alone… she decided to just- NOT think about it!! Who would?! That is a horrifying! revelation.
THAT is why she's so scared to fight - literally anyone!! She doesn’t have the power (and if she does she’s never had to use it).
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THAT is why she’s turned out this way - a brat with very little humility, never knowing when to stop the act - because for centuries she’s lived in this little Lala-Land of a bubble denying the inevitable. A fate she was cursed with from the moment she inherited the title of “God”. She wasn’t really given powers, she wasn’t given dominion, and she most certainly hasn’t received instruction, or… ANY!?! HELP!! it seems, in understanding what it means to be an Archon (perhaps even in spite of those other perks she was “supposed” to receive.)
Born to be a god, yet being set up to suffer the loss of your entire people with almost no power to change it? That would fuck anyone up, even an Archon.
And it’s the way that they’ve shown how it’s fucked with Furina that blows my mind.
She’s so disconnected that Arle’s assassination attempt shocked her to her core. She’s a GOD!! Who would try to assassinate her (aside from the Fatui)!? She’s never had to even perceive the notion of being a target of something like that. Stack that on top of her general sense of helplessness in the greater context of what’s happening to her nation, and it makes sense that she broke down crying later that night... :(
Girlie just needs some help </3
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forwantofacalling · 11 months
hi bestie, i want to know your opinions for that lab partner/elevator/employee trainer ask game! you don't have to answer all/any of these but. i am so curious hehe
jing yuan, fu xuan, qinque
march 7th, dan heng, stelle/caelus
aak, hung, waai fu
furina, neuvillette, arlecchino
oh this is so funny okay
fuck/marry/kill except its get them randomly assigned as your lab partner for a whole semester, get trapped with them on a broken elevator for ten hours, or they’re your employee trainer for your new job at McDonalds
jing yuan/fu xuan/qingque:
first order of business i dont trust qingque in the lab OR in a kitchen so into the elevator she goes. I'd love to say jing yuan for that one because then i could probably just take a nap for the full ten hours but hey she can teach me how to play celestial jade or something. at least there's nothing to set on fire.
fu xuan and jing yuan is honestly a toss-up based on how much fu xuan cares about the task. she would be so very insufferable but i trust her to get the job done when it matters...that probably means I'd perfer her as a lab partner. honestly not a bad option ive probably had worse partners than her. at least she'd do her half of the report.
that leaves jing yuan to teach me how to work a frier. sure, i'd let him do that. he'd probably teach me the ropes and then come to work like 30 minutes late and once in a blue moon. i wouldnt be killing myself with any of the machinery though so i think thats a win.
march 7th/dan heng/stelle
i would let dan heng do any of these things. so the real question is with the other two.
...I'm not letting stelle in the kitchen. im also not letting march in the lab. she would drink the chemicals and i would be responsible. come to think of it i shouldn't let stelle in the lab either. shit. that leaves me with her in the elevator.
that's probably fine. its a closed metal box. i trust my ability to deal with stelle more when its not around dangerous tools or chemicals.
dan heng would get me an A in every lab no questions asked. he'd be the guy i never talk to outside of class and we'd speak in like five word sentences max but i'm not failing unless hell freezes over. he's probably actaully interested in the material too. 10/10 please introduce me an archiving job pleeeeeaseee
i want march to be able to cook. i think that would be cute. let her teach me how to stack a hamburger in the most aesthetic way i would absolutely let her do that. i would pose for her instagram stories. I would listen to her gossip. this job would never get boring.
aak/hung/waai fu
easy. hung mcdonalds, waai fu elevator, aak lab partner. now hear me out.
hung can cook so fucking well that if hes in somewhere as close as a mcdonalds im sure as HELL jumping for the chance to learn from him. also hes so goddamn nice. and strong. he can do handiwork and also beat the shit out of assholes i dont see any issue with this. 10/10.
waai fu is just friend shaped have you heard that girl talk i wanna be her friend. we would be so chill in that elevator yessss tell me all about your deadbeat dad and your found family i hope you kick that man's ass one day. good for you!!!! also she would let me take a nap without disturbing me. hung would too. honestly she and hung are interchangable i just worry that waai fu would end up being sued for punching someone during customer service.
okay look being lab partners with aak sounds like a terrible idea this boy is a genius pharm student who acts like a litearl child and would absolutely stab me in my sleep with a concoction from his mad scientist lab. BUT. he's a genius pharm student. as long as i DO ALL THE WORK and he agrees to answer my questions we're fine. we're fine. also i have his entire family on speed dial if that syringe gun gets anywhere near me waai fu would have him in headlock in two seconds flat sir i am calling your DAD.
i feel like im being called out for not playign the fontaine quests yet 😭😭😭i only have a vague impression of what these guys are like pleaseee
furina i do NOT want to be stuck in an elevator with. i dont want to be in a closed space with arlecchino either. i feel like theres a good chance i would be fucking dead in the first two hours. or incredibly annoyed. ill take neuvilettte. this guy is fine. talk to me about water for 10 hours id listen.
now the question is who's mentee do i want to be. I feel like i should refuse arlecchino just on principle of whatever shes got going on with the siblings. she can be my lab partner. as long as we dont talk about anything except the work and she doesnt freaking kill me for messing anything up i think i'd survive. once the semester is over i can book it out of there. if furina was my lab partner i think the teacher would HATE us and i'd be dead by glitterbomb explosion by the second week.
that leaves furina at mcdonalds. i would not enjoy this and i would also not learn anything but its the lesser of three evils. i love furina but if i had to deal with her in real life i don't think there would be any way to win. i would just have to have her dragon on speed dial.
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