#if you need the context it’s a super grocery store
sturnsbaebackup · 10 months
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i highly recommend reading part 1 first, which is linked here!
summary; after madi and nick set up their plan to make you and matt fall in love, you’re finally going over to their house to film for the first time… and the connection between you and matt only grows stronger
warnings: she/her pronouns used, mentions of gagging. purely fluff!!!
your car ride to the sturniolos apartment consists of nothing but a very happy madi in the passenger seat and severely shaky hands. so much that madi almost had to take your spot in the drivers seat a couple times because you haven’t been able to steer correctly.
when you arrive in the parking lot outside of their complex, you sit in the car for a minute to regain some control of your emotions. as deep breaths exit your nose, madi speaks up. “y/n, you’re going to be fine i promise. now can we go inside? i don’t want to keep them waiting any longer,” she begs. you exhale sharply, nodding your head as you grip the door handle.
before you can even realize it, you’re standing in front of their door as madi gently knocks on the door. you fully snap back into reality when you see matt’s face at the door, greeting you both with a big teethy grin. “hi guys! come on in!” he says, stepping aside for both you and madi.
their house isn’t necessarily the cleanest place you’ve ever seen, but you can tell that they put in somewhat of an effort to clean it for you guys. you smile at nick as he comes running to the door, pulling you into a tight hug. “y/n, hi! i’m so glad you came!” he smiles, making your heart swell with joy. even if you’re in shambles from your nerves, you’re still super joyous that you’ve been adapted into their lives so quickly.
“so before we start the video, we need to go to the grocery store. for some context, we’re doing a challenge where we all buy a few gross or weird foods of our choice, and line them up on the counter. we have an app that when you put a bunch of fingers on it, it randomly selects someone and whoever gets picked has to eat the next food item in the lineup,” nick explains.
“oh god, this sounds awful,” you groan, earning a laugh from a few people.
“this sounds fun y/n! lighten up,” matt teases, nudging your shoulder lightly as he does so. you blush a little and that pit from a few days ago immediately comes back.
“okay people we don’t have all the time in the world, so let’s go!” nick exclaims, pushing you and madi out the door. the five of you get into the car, driving to the closest grocery store. you all go in and make sure to separate so that you don’t spoil your items to one another. each person is supposed to buy 3 items so that the total will add up to 15 items. your items of choice are horse radish, sardines, and to be nice you decide to add unicorn pudding cups.
while you’re using the self checkout, you see chris appear in the line in your peripheral vision. you notice him trying to peak at your items, and you turn your head to him. “stop cheating chris!” you say sternly, making him roll his eyes.
“i wasn’t even looking at you y/n,” he lies, knowing damn well you both know he’s bluffing. you just chuckle to yourself and secretly place your items in your bag, making sure chris doesn’t see. eventually everyone finishes their quick shopping, and you all head back to the apartment to begin the video.
“hi guys! today we’re going to be playing disgusting food roulette, but we have a couple special guests with us! c’mere guys,” nick says, wrapping both his arms around you and madi to drag you both into frame.
“hi guys,” madi says softly with an awkward smile.
“and for those of you who don’t know who y/n is, she’s a great friend of madi’s, and one of our newest friends! her socials will be linked below, so go check out her stuff! she posts a lot on tiktok and instagram, so make sure to go follow her! you can expect to see her in a lot more videos,” nick says smiling at you. you smile back, truthfully unsure of what to say.
“yeah yeah okay we get it nick now stop kissing y/n’s ass and let’s reveal what foods we bought,” chris groans, making you flip him off.
“chris is just mad i caught him trying to look at my foods at self checkout,” you shrug. chris gasps and immediately throws his hands up in defense, “you’re just full of yourself! i was not looking at you,” he rolls his eyes playfully.
“okay chris, leave y/n alone,” matt chuckles, putting his bag of food on the counter. per usual, this sets off that feeling in your stomach once again, but not as bad as before. you’re starting to embrace the obvious feelings you have for matt, and you’re actually okay with that. once everyone reveals their items, it’s time to let the fun begin. “okay guys put your finger down on the phone screen! whoever’s finger gets the little white dot under it has to eat the food,” nick says as you all place your fingers on the phone screen.
the first couple of items on the counter aren’t very bad, but as you further along the line things start to get bad. unfortunately you get chosen to eat the horseradish. “clearly this is my karma for buying this,” you groan, hesitantly placing the spoon into the jar. you quickly shove it into your mouth and swallow, trying to forget about the fact you’re eating horseradish. the taste fills your throat and begins stinging your nostrils from the pungent smell. you start gagging a little, and everyone bursts out laughing.
“fuck oh my god! this is disgusting!” you say, leaning over onto the counter in disgust. you pray that you get the coconut water since it’s the next item, but unfortunately it goes to matt. he takes a sip and scrunches his face a little, and you groan at the gross taste in your mouth. nick and chris are arguing in the middle of the kitchen, while you and matt stand off in the corner. “do you want a sip of my coconut water?” he chuckles, and you accept it gratefully. even if it tastes nasty, you still drink a few big gulps to get the taste of your previous item out of your mouth.
eventually it gets to sriracha sauce, and you’re afraid of getting that as an item seeing as you don’t do good with spices. and of course with your luck, you do. “oh fuck me!” you groan, lifting the spoonful of it off of the counter. you take a deep breath before putting it in your mouth, groaning at the burning sensation on your tongue and lips. you have an overwhelming mix of different disgusting tastes and sensations in your mouth, making you fall to the ground out of disgust and discomfort. everyone laughs at your reaction, and matt lifts his hand out for you to take as a guide back on your feet.
thankfully along the way you get a few good items, but the next item is that stupid pepper chris bought. everyone is deathly afraid of getting it, but unfortunately matt is the one who gets chosen. “you’re joking, you’re actually fucking joking! i’ve gotten all of the worst items!” matt cries out while dragging his hands down his face.
“oh no poor matt,” madi laughs, and matt just groans. he takes a bite of the pepper, and immediately his eyes start watering. he falls to the floor and just curls into a ball while groaning in pain. you all let out a laugh, but after a few moments you guys start getting a bit concerned.
“matt are you okay?” nick asks. matt just looks up at everyone and pouts with little tears welling up in his eyes. you make a little frown at him while letting out a little chuckle. he gets to his feet and stumbles over towards you, pulling you into a hug. he isn’t necessarily thinking clearly, seeing as his mouth, throat, lips, and basically sinuses are all on fire. your eyes widen, but you hug him back gently. you let out a few chuckles, and nick hands him a glass of milk to try and subside the burning sensation in his mouth.
“i’m going to bed, goodnight everyone,” he sadly laughs, waking to his room. you all burst out laughing and end the video without matt.
“someone should go check on him, y/n can you go make sure he’s alive? we need to clean everything up,” nick asks while giving a look to madi. you roll your eyes at the two of them, “yeah sure,” you say in an annoyed tone. they’re making their plan so obvious that even chris is starting to pick up on it.
you softly knock on matt’s door and you hear a muffled voice telling you to come inside. you walk in and his room is surprisingly clean. the lights are off and he’s laying in his bed hugging a pillow, with the empty glass of milk on his bedside table. “i was tasked to come make sure you’re alive. you doing okay?” you ask.
“my mouth is on fire,” he groans and you laugh a little.
“do you want me to get you anything?”
“more milk, please,” he practically begs. you nod and take his empty cup to the kitchen. when you bring it back to him, he’s now sitting up in his bed with his phone in hand.
“fuck, thank you so much y/n,” he says before chugging the whole cup in under 5 seconds. you let out a giggle and he just smiles at you bashfully. he pats the end of his bed, signaling you to sit down on it. your heart rate begins to increase but you do as you’re told and sit down.
“y/n, i know we just met and this might seem a little quick… but i think you’re really pretty and sweet. i was wondering if you maybe wanted to grab food sometime? and i know it’s a little awkward since you just saw me crying from eating a pepper, but it’s the first time i’ve actually gotten the chance to ask you this,” he chuckles and you laugh at the end of his sentence.
“oh my gosh of course matt! i’d love to,” you blush, this time not even worried if he can see your cheeks turning pink. you both figure out a date and time, meanwhile madi chris and nick are all secretly standing outside the door listening in. you exit matt’s room and you see them not so slyly trying to pretend they weren’t listening.
“you guys suck, you know that?” you jokingly say, and they all just shrug.
“have fun at dinner with matt on saturday,” nick winks as you exit their apartment. you just roll your eyes with a smile, “yeah yeah whatever nick.”
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thaylepo · 1 month
I've been super into repotting all my propogating houseplants and growing seeds from grocery store fruit for shits and giggles this summer.
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Pictured are my many lil jade plant babies, my red currant tree that has survived and regrown from someone (not me) putting it into a storage unit for winter while it was still green and leafing (pro tip: make sure ppl caring for your potted trees while you are off in a different town for college know not to heckin do that), and my lil baby dragonfruit cacti in their Humidity Bins because it is dry as a popcorn fart where I live.
(Another pro tip: don't forget to open the bins, as pictured properly here, when placing them outside in the morning sun for some good good UV -- this avoids literally steam-cooking your poor innocent baby cacti. That one's on me. I won't show you a pic of the resulting carnage, but suffice to say about half survived. Luckily dragonfruit seeds are super easy to germinate like this and can be bought in the literal thousands for the low low price of 7.99 per a single fruit at safeway.)
But by far the most consequential of this summer's fucking around and finding out is this:
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Context: So the downstairs bathroom where I live has a dried flower arrangement in it (i live with a lady in her 60s, it is her house). Said flower arrangement includes these:
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(apologies to anyone with trypophobia.)
These are lotus seed pods, for those who do nor know. Large ones. These ones are only a bit smaller than the palm of my hand, and they come from this flower:
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(Unsourced pinterest photo with live human being for scale. Note the corresponding palm-sized seed pods.)
Five days ago I found one of the seeds from these pods on the bathroom floor, idly looked up some how-to instructions, and I think you have all you need to put the rest of this story together.
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After only two days in water, I was forced to confront what I, primarily a succulant and cactus grower, might have gotten myself into.
Some people are born great, some acheive greatness, and others fuck around with seeds from a tropical water plant that have been known to still germinate after 200 years without thinking of what exactly they'll do if it actually grows, and find themselves unprepared for the responsibility of what will become the water-garden version of Jack's fucking beanstalk.
I'm naming it Audrey II. Updates will follow.
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20dollarlolita · 7 months
Describing a couple more wigs:
I'm getting back into this topic because of one wig:
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This is the Dahlia from Sepia, and it's absolutely why we need more pictures of inside-out wigs on wig selling sites.
It's a nice long, layered cut with a center part. This is sold as a heat-resistant lace front wig. That's the only info they give you about it.
This wig was my first lace front wig that I owned, and I had so much trouble making it look good. I assumed that lace front wigs were really difficult to wear, and that I'd trimmed the lace wrong and ruined the wig.
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In reality, it's hard to wear because they give you 1/4" of lace on the front and a piece the size of a postage stamp in the parting. Lace front. But just the very front. The absolute VERY front. I can assure you that this wasn't me overzealously cutting off too much lace. The wig only has that much hair on the lace.
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As you can see from the inside-out picture, the lace in the part is only about an inch wide and two inches long. In addition to this not being able to be moved, it really doesn't go far enough back to look like a natural part. There wasn't ever enough of a lace section to thin out the front, so the front edge of the wig goes from zero hair to full hair in the span of exactly zero space. If I had glued down the temple and taken off my glasses, it'd look a little bit more realistic, but I didn't feel like doing tape and glue when I was taking these pictures last night at 10pm.
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I believe I paid about $60 for this wig, because I had no idea what a lace front wig should be like and just went "oh yeah, it makes sense that it'll be expensive! It's a lace wig!"
I would not recommend paying extra money because "lace front," in this case. The sudden appearance of a full amount of hair looks a TINY bit more realistic than a front with no lace at all, but it's not great. If you can get this for the same price as a non-lace of a similar style, it's probably a little better. But I really don't recommend it.
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And that's because this wig was only 2/3rds the price of that wig, and it's way better.
The brand on this one is called BTWTRY and you can get it on Amazon in 30 different colors.
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The lace section on the front of this is about 2.5" wide, as opposed to the slightly less than 1/4" on the Sepia wig.
This wig is also heat resistant and so you aren't stuck with the super straight hair it comes with. The fiber is really nice. Don't judge it by my picture up there, since I didn't spend long untangling it and I store my wigs in paper grocery bags.
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So my background is in theatre, and in a theatrical context you really never have people closer to your actor's hairline than about 2.5 feet, so I'm not great at blending the lace. But unlike the blonde wig, I actually feel like the blending is possible.
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Again, I wasn't going to glue this down at 10pm, so here's a lovely picture of the lace lifting up. There is also a problem that I tend to run into, which is that my hair is a really different color from the wig's, and if the wig slides back then my hairline is really visible. If your hair color is similar to or darker than the wig, having a bit of your natural hairline show through is going to maybe make it more realistic. However, it's not a good look with neon pink on auburn. Also please just ignore that I was holding the lace I just cut in my mouth. I was going to try to crop that out but y'all can just know that I needed both hands to take this picture and forgot that I can put the lace down on the counter.
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I wanted to show that, due to the large (ish) piece of lace in the top, you can change the part without it looking strange. However, I just ended up looking like one of the Scene kids that my mom wouldn't let me dress like when I was 14. UwU.
Amazon link here. It's $41-$45 depending on the color. When I'm comparing this to the $60 Sepia wig, it's a significantly better value.
Anyway, that's about it. Found out that I bought an overpriced wig, spent a couple hours telling the internet about it. I've got a couple more that I want to describe just to get that info on the internet, but I bought them a while ago and I have to track down if they're still available and stock pictures of them.
Also one of them is a really long wig that I got in 2009, and I let it get SO tangled.
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Tease tidbit Tuesday 👠
Tagged by @honestlydarkprincess @panbuckley 💙💙💙💙 love you thank you
Ok so I woke up today(well officially tomorrow ) with this idea and rn my brain decided to wrote this for this idea so sorry for it being super bad(it's 4am)
Context: Buck liked to wear skirt, crop top, panties and heels in his fav gay club till Ali to feel pretty (especially Buck 1.0) but after Ali stopped because of everything around. After lightning (and maybe break up with Natalia still think about when to set it) he decided he needs it again for himself to feel better. So he's in gay club having good time and papapam Eddie is here with his bf
"Ed-Eddie? What are you doing here?" Buck feels a big urge to cover himself from the eyes of his best friend right now. And run away. Fast.
But he doesn't. Cause he doesn't do anything wrong. Just having fun.
"Hey, Buck. Doesn't expect to see you here," Eddie says it not even trying to hide how he looks at Buck's clothes, staying on the skirt too long that Buck has to cough to back his attention to his face .
"Well, it's Friday, and it's best gay club in LA so I just having fun. Not like I'm first time here. Cause if you remember I'm bi," Buck's margarita comes this moment and he takes big sip to try to calm down.
"I don't mean in club. I mean when you refuse to babysit with Chris it's always only if Maddie needs help with Jee," Eddie shrugs like it's nothing but his face shows that he judge Buck for something. Like that day in grocery store.
"Well, excuse me that I wanted to have fun and make myself feel good, because recently I felt like trash, when you were going to fuck the guy you going out with. By the way, don't you think that, how was his name," Buck take a pause to "remember the name", " oh, yes James, a little bit jealous that you speak long with pretty boy here and not with him? So go and be petty to your boyfriend, Edmundo, don't make me sad in this fantastic night. I'm sure there's a lot of people who can make it better for me," with this Buck drinks the last half of his margarita and goes to dance floor making sure his hips moves as that someone could even see the glimpse of his panties and his heels heard by close to him people even through all the music.
In the center of dance floor, Buck let's himself forget the world again and just dance feel all the attention from people around, and trying not to think how Eddie comes back to James to have a good night with him. Buck really hopes they will go away before him.
Tagging if they want to share : @911onabc @ebdaydreamer @alyxmastershipper @transbuck @cowboy-buddie @lover-of-mine @heartshapedvows @bekkachaos @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @elvensorceress @shortsighted-owl @barbiediaz @buddierights @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life @wikiangela @hippolotamus @transboybuckley @devirnis @heartbeatdiaz @buck-coded @spotsandsocks @monsterrae1 @spaceprincessem @userdisaster @caroandcats @mandzuking17 @translasso @firemedicdiaz @jesuisici33 @bigfootsmom @jeeyuns @diazass @eddiediaztho and anyone who wants to share
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moxpunk · 7 months
So, I mentioned I'd write up a trip-report/retrospective of my experience of getting absolutely buried under pies on Saturday, so here it is! Be warned, it's fucking long.
To start off, my friend Dee was very professional about the whole matter: reassured me that I'd be taken care of, helped lighten the mood a bit, and didn't have any massive expectations for someone they just met for the first time in-person who's never done something like this at such a scale. Our styles and how we carried ourselves couldn't be different though, which was extremely funny to me. Them in this very stylish coat and scarf number, while I'm bumming around in my ripped-up Fender shirt and fishnet-tights - extremely visual-metaphor, I know.
Snagging the supplies was a wild experience. I'm just sorta following along while Dee had a total game-plan in their head, bee-lining it towards the baking section and immediately shoving about 12 boxes of cake batter into the cart. I was surprised to see how little frosting they snagged, but that'll be something for next time. The other supply that dominated our cart was store-brand whipped topping for the pies. I figure we had like about a dozen tubs of that as well by the end. During the grocery-run, I told Dee that whenever someone would make a comment when I'd buy stuff for solo-experiences, I just tell them that I'm running a bake-sale or something. People will take it at face-value, and I don't have to explain that "Yes, I'm buying so much dessert-product because it's a kink of mine". But Dee, this asshole (affectionate), gets asked the question while we're checking out and puts on this bright face saying they're "Moxie's happy helper, she's got so much work to be done on her head" and I'm trying not to corpse right then and there while I'm bagging our supplies. I think my face was crimson when we bounced back to my place.
Speaking of my place, I do not live in a large apartment and my bathroom is even smaller with my shower being a one-person standing-job. Thankfully, this also means that laying down tarp to catch the massive amount of spillage was super easy, and Dee had tons of tarp and tape ready to go. Looked like that one scene in American Psycho with a singular chair in the middle surrounded by clear tarp to catch the mess. Absolutely unhinged shit if you saw it out of context.
Then came making everything! Dee had brought a bunch of pudding-cups as filling for the pies as well as some xanthan gum to thicken things. That xanthan gum stuff is wild, they mixed it with water at first, and it had the texture of drool. Great if you're into that stuff and want a body-safe way to get drenched in it! I had baked half of the crusts earlier when we got back, but I totally spaced on poking holes in the crusts so they ended up kinda jank. Thankfully, the pies were just going to be thrown at me instead of eaten. Ha! This is when my back started getting angry at me, standing a whole bunch and moving around the kitchen. Had to take a number of breaks during this, but Dee told me they have infinite energy for this sort of thing and was fine that the fat girl needed a few breaks. Took maybe an hour in total to go from nothing to a dozen pies and three 3-gallon buckets of cake batter, which was wild. I put some makeup on, Dee got the camera and tripod set up, and it was time for us to start!
The anticipation I felt when I was sitting in that chair was wild. Like, I've absolutely pied myself before and even last year I got pied by another person for the first time from my ex. So, I sorta knew what to expect. But, these pies had that gum mixed in to hold their shape better, so I wasn't entirely certain how it was going to go. Dee told me to get ready and…
SPLAT! The first pie nearly knocked the fucking air out of my lungs. It was fucking cold thanks to the topping been in the fridge-section of the grocery store about only an hour ago! It covered my whole face and stuck to my hair that I had pushed to run down the side of my head, and I nearly called for a yellow light to slow down. For a little there, I felt like I couldn't catch my breath properly before two more pies got sandwiched over my head. Dee, for their part, did the expert thing of smearing and twisting the desserts over my head to just turn it into a mask of goop. This is absolutely the point where I could feel all the weight concentrate in my hair and start to weight my whole damn head down. Looking back at the video for reference, my hair is just this curtain of white goop and pie crust.
A few pies in for good measure, and Dee finally grabbed one of the buckets of batter. The dye we snagged wasn't all that potent, sadly. We wanted a bright pink sludge that mimicked the ancient-ass game-show What Would You Do's "Crowning Glory", but we know next time not to get the gel-dye (and also to buy a hand-mixer!). Because it's part of The Kink, of course I looked directly up into the bucket above just before it cascaded over me. In stark contrast to the other pies being cold as hell, Dee used warm water to mix with the batter, so it was heavenly to have that thick warmth poured over my body. It made all the future pies a lot easier to handle, honestly, by having that mucky barrier of off-pink coating me.
Around this time is when I realized "Oh, right, I have a bunch of hair soaking in all this stuff, might as well work it in!" because I'm a dork for my hair getting the slop-salon treatment. Another few pies splatted over my face while I worked my hair like I was in a shampoo commercial, Dee grabs my arm and smears a big blob of marshmallow fluff up my armpit because the bastard knows I'm a pit-fiend. So, you folks out there that enjoy the idea of lapping dessert out of my pit, please hold onto that mental image nice and tight. The banter between me and Dee started flowing at about this point. They were asking me questions while smearing the batter over my body, and ended up zeroing in on my nipple. I'm a sensitive lady, so when I'm trying to give an answer, it came out as "Oh yeah~!" like I'm some actress in a shitty porn because I was goddamn moaning through it. They didn't let me forget that, repeating it back to me whenever I would say "Yeah" to anything. Asshole (affectionate).
Syrup came next, just some cheap-ass brand and not actual maple syrup, and I smelled like breakfast. I smelled like breakfast for like two days afterwards, even through a thorough shower. I am not complaining at all, this is a benefit to this fetish. Honestly, the syrup was the one thing that I was not expecting to enjoy as much as I did. In my head, it's watery and just kinda boring? But, it being emptied out over mess-coated me and a pie that was stuffed into my face, I'm absolutely adding it to the roster of Quick and Easy Shit to Buy When I'm Horny.
Then came The Barrage. So, in this little obsession Dee and I share, the pie-barrage is usually seen as one of the climaxes of a scene. It's taking what, up to this point, is usually singular pies being added to someone in a sensual way that builds up the mess slowly piece-by-piece. A barrage of pies is the person throwing them going absolutely feral and just wanting to see the target inundated with layer upon layer of pie. That's exactly what happened to me! The first pie hit, totally blinding me, and before I had time to react properly, a second and then a third pie was added to the vaguely human-shaped blob of pie and moaning trans woman. Even managed to muffle anything I was trying to say, which was incredible to someone like me that types out muffled syllables in text roleplay. Honestly, Dee got the best photos of me immediately after the barrage, you… can hardly see who I am, let alone what I am. Absolute peak!
When your head is absolutely coated in thick pie-slop, the world fades away in a real way. You can't see past the layers of dessert, it settles over your head so you can't hear anything but your own breathing, and taste and smell have been absolutely tossed out the window to be replaced by sugarsmell. It's like sensory deprivation, because even your sense of touch fades out since you're rocking at least a layer or two of full-body coverage. It's an incredible experience! It's also only halfway through my session!
To speed things up a bit, more pies and more batter-slime was added to the mess. Since this kink began with Nickelodeon shows for the vast majority of the Millennials that have it, it's a bit of a "tradition" when green slime is involved (in our case, green batter because I'm a Dessert Bitch) to say "I don't know" like in You Can't Do That On Television. Say the trigger-phrase, get a bucket of green dumped over you. Dee even tried to put the bucket over my head, but the three-gallon ones are just a bit too small for that. It's a shame, because if we had the five-gallon buckets, I would have absolutely done a bit of head-dunking where I get on my hands and knees before plunging my whole head into that warm goop. Dee even had some chocolate cake batter as well, which reminded me that Valentine's was only a few days previous. Chocolate-covered goblin, anyone? The irony of my most-recent art piece mirroring what was going to happen to me is absolutely not lost on me.
Eventually, we had run out of supplies, and I got to sit there in the chair just enjoying the mess I was in. My hair was so heavy at that point, and the slop had just sorta congealed into a single texture. It made it incredibly easy to just work and play with, with Dee finally realizing that the reason I keep my hair so goddamn long is for moments like this where I get to wear what felt like ten pounds of sludge from the neck up. As is tradition in these shoots, just because we ran out of supplies doesn't mean the Moxie Messing was over, because Dee had put a bucket between my legs to catch as much excess slop as possible before dumping it all over my head in this thick mashed-up mixed-up wave.
After I had run out of steam having fun with myself, it was time to wrap and get me cleaned off. Wringing out my hair was an experience for the both of us. Neither of us had really realized just how much mass my hair could hold. When I went to pull the mess from my hair, it… just kept going. I filled a damned three-gallon bucket with just the stuff in my hair alone, and even then there was more. I soaked myself in the shower for the better part of a half-hour afterwards, to which my back got very upset at me for standing so long on a slippery surface. When I came out of the shower, Dee had completely cleaned the place. Wrapped up the pool of slop in the tarps and slammed it into a contractor bag for dumping. In my past experiences of being really bad at planning, it was never that easy, so I was thoroughly impressed at the foresight. I helped Dee toss it all into the dumpster near my place, and they bounced on off home in their car soon after!
So, to summarize… Holy shit, I wrote a lot, didn't I? Ha! But, yeah, this was an incredible experience and hands-down the best and most-encompassing slop-session I've ever had to this point. Dee said they absolutely want to do another session before they move again, so I'm excited to have more experiences like this! Hopefully this whole thing helps show people that have no idea why the hell I'm so obsessed with being hit by pies why I enjoy it, and shows people that do understand how incredible it was for me to have this. 2023 was a rough year for me, so kicking off 2024 with a session like this is hopefully the start to a far better year. With that, let's call it a wrap!
Love you all, stay messy. 💖
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sleeps24hoursaday · 4 months
I love you isn't enough to describe how I feel
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  TW: 14+ but you can read if you’re mature enough
So for context, this Is about how a girl (23) met Eminem (27) in 1999 (Kim and Hailie didn’t exist in this situation) and they go from friends to… more.
It was a quiet afternoon in your neighborhood, you were sitting in your room listening to music while writing in your journal. You saw a beat down 1976 Oldsmobile delta 88 park near the house that was empty for a few weeks, the car wasn’t familiar. Then a young blue eyed blonde with baggy clothes stepped out of the car, he looked a bit intimidating but you were curious about him,  you wanted to get to know him, since you were a super curious person from childhood. But you thought it would be awkward to go up to him out of nowhere so you just continued writing in your journal about your day.  The blonde called someone and got the keys to the house (the one next to you that was empty) and took his stuff in. 
The next day, you were going to get some groceries and walk your dog, pinky pie and you saw the blonde was also going to the grocery store  so you thought what a great chance to talk to him. You went up to him and said “hey are you new here? I’m Y/N” he looked at you and said “yeah, I just got here yesterday, I’m Marshall” he seemed very introverted and shy at first but you tried to keep the conversation going. You asked “how old are you?” He replied “I’m 27, you?” you replied “23” you both smiled awkwardly but you didn’t give up, you wanted to know him so you asked “uh do you want me to show you the community and like walk around?” He said “yeah sure, I mean i’m low-key lost here” you laugh at his comment and continued walking. He asked “what’s your dogs name? So ADORABLE” he said in a baby voice, you replied “she’s my little pinky pie” he said “awww, it fits her so perfectly” you said “I know right!” You two continued talking about your opinions on dog breeds and names then there was an awkward silence between you guys then you broke the silence and asked “sooo what do you plan on doing? Like your career?” He replied anxiously “ Im really into hiphop, and I’m trying to become a rapper..” He said very shyly like he was scared of being judged you replied supportingly “oh my gosh, you are gonna do sooo good, I believe in you Marshall, in my opinion your voice is PERFECT for this field” he scratched the back of his neck and said “really? That’s so kind of you” you said “no worries”  you got to the grocery store and you two had to go in different ways and said bye, you got some cereal, milk, and vegetables and went back home with pinkie pie. You got home, washed your face and got into your pink pjs and started making dinner for yourself, some vegetable stir fry and cola, then you heard knocking on your door, you opened the door and Marshall was standing there in a pink apron asking if you have garlic, you started laughing but then got yourself together and told him to come in as you went to get garlic from the kitchen, you got the garlic and gave it to him “you have a really cool house, Y2K kinda stuff, by the way thanks for the garlic” you reply “welcome, feel free to ask if you need anything okay?” “Okay” he replied. You ate your dinner and went to sleep, you were happy that you made a new friend.
The next month, you two continued having these awkward little interactions but slowly got more comfortable and not as shy as the first few days. You two hanged out every single time you were free because you lived right besides each other. One of the most embarrassing moments was when you told him you were free in the morning and then went shower and then when you came out he almost saw you half naked but he covered his eye and apologised for not knocking but you two were embarrassed for the next 2 days. A really fun interaction you two had with was when you went to the beach with both of your friend groups and made a super cool HUGE sand castle and made all the girls sand mermaid and the boys have sand six pack,and you brought sandwiches and everyone loved it. 
You two would have a movie night every week, in 2001 you two watched legally blonde together and at the end when you found out Elle and emmet got together you screamed (excitedly) and he was shocked and tried to calm you down but you told him it’s fine and you went back home.
(FOR GIRLS THAT LIKE OLD LOVE) one day you two were going to walk your dog together while it was raining, you were walking and then out of no where you almost slipped with your head but he quickly grabbed you by your arm and for a second he was holding you bridal style (this was the time you had feelings for him but only friends) and you got butterflies in your tummy.
As you two got closer friends, you slowly started to develop feelings for him, it was because of his kind soul, funny quotes, orange cat personality, and how beautiful his eyes were when he was concentrating on something. But you told yourself you two are just friends and you can’t be liking him like that. Those feelings slowly started to disappear but they appeared again after a few months…
You thought that having feelings for him wasn’t right and it would ruin your perfect friendship… but you couldn’t stop liking him, but loving him. It was driving you insane.
In 2002 you two decided to rewatch titanic with some of your friends and also proof. You and him sat next to each other and when those scenes came he covered your eyes even though you were 26, he treated you like a little kid. When the movie finished proof and your other friends started saying “Marshall is Y/Ns jack Y/N is his rose” or hollering “kiss kiss kiss” you were dying inside wanting to confess but you and him just ignored your friends shipping you…
You two just ignored them and went back home, he took you to your house first then you looked back at him with puppy eyes (he was very much taller than you) then he asked “what?” You didn’t reply wanting him to guess he said “don’t care about what proof and stuff said” you said “no, Marshall you don’t get it” he said “what do you mean? Y/N” you sigh and said “ugh Marshall why didn’t you get the signs, I like you” the next second you were full of regret but you looked up and Marshall, his eyes were giving “I know you did” and then he said “and what made you think I didn’t like you?” You said “you never said anything” he said “you didn’t either” then he said “come on let’s go talk inside it’s too cold for you” now THAT gave you butterflies all over. You went in your house, sat on the couch and held pinky pie in your arms for comfort. He looked at you and smiled and sat next to you and said “I guess we are the jack and rose aren’t we” you blushed but didn’t say anything. He left to his house and you went to bed, when you were about to fall asleep you heard knocking on your door, you got up and went to the door, and there was Marshall again. He said “I had a bad dream can I sleep at yours?” You were shocked but said “um okay fine” (reminder you had one bed) you got on the bed and slept at the left edge and him on the right, you were this close to falling asleep but he said “good night Y/N, love you” you were shocked when he said love you but you said “love you too marshmallow” marshmallow was a nickname you gave him that annoyed him a bit but you knew deep down he liked. You were deeply asleep when you felt his hand on your waist, you DID NOT complain about it and just fake asleep the whole night. 
You woke up, he was still sleeping like a baby, you tried to move his hand off of your waist but he was forcing it down so you just slowly moved your body to get free from his grip. But he woke up and said “good morning” in his sleepy voice and you said it back. You got up to go make your coffee and one for him so you ask “iced?” He says 
“Mhm” in the cutest voice ever, you got your and his iced coffee and sat next to him on the bed and started drinking it, as you were drinking it Marshall said “sooo about last night….” You replied “Marshall I’m sorry it was so awkward” and you thought he would say it’s fine or something, but no he didn’t say anything and looked at you with fuck me eyes and OUT OF NOWHERE put his coffee down and grabbed your face and kissed you pretty aggressively but ended it soon, you were speechless just staring at him while he was giving you a small smirk.
A few minutes later, after you finished your coffee he asked you “do you wanna do something tonight?” (Yes girl 8 mile reference) you said “yeah, if we don’t tell our friends” he said “fuck them, who cares”  and he put his hand on your neck and slowly pressed his lips on yours and got between your legs and… you know what happens next, it was calm but he did leave some marks and afterwards you two just cuddled together and fell asleep. 
This was a pretty short one but low key good for scenarios before bed but yeah thanks for reading and supporting me! Love you all!
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autogyne-redacted · 2 years
@loving-n0t-heyting hope you don't mind a bit of a longpost. I was gonna reblog one of your posts but this became A Whole Thing and I just decided to let it be its own post.
I've been thinking since you posted about it a little while back, and I do think (as an abolitionist) that the classic sources like Are Prisons Obsolete do stop short of making the case that no form of incarceration ever makes sense in any circumstance.
I think they make compelling cases that prisons cause more harm than they prevent. And I think there's a ton we can say about the limitations of viewing some ppl as just inherently Bad/Dangerous (or of acting like the majority of ppl incarcerated are in any way exceptionally "dangerous").
But I have the impression you're probably on board with at least most of that, and that's different from actually making the argument you're asking for.
At the end of the day, there are and will continue to be situations people who have crossed lines and caused major harm and made clear that they would or likely would do so again if given the liberty to do so.
And I don't feel the need to shy away from talking about that just because it gets messy.
And so our options are:
-refuse to infringe on their liberty.
-kill them.
-or in some lesser way limit their liberty.
And while I wouldn't want to totally write off options 1 and 2, I think it would be foolish to hardline and refuse to consider options in category 3 as part of what ideal solutions might look like.
As for what that looks like, I think it varies a ton depending on what context we're talking about and what kind of individual / situation we're talking about.And I think fundamentally in any context I'd advocate for a more case by case approach, which unfortunately means my answer is still somewhat vague (tho if you want to propose specific hypotheticals or talk about specific historic court cases I'm open to that).
But my general principles are:
-try and find a solution that minimizes the risk of them cashing more major harm in the future while not infringing on the their liberty more than necessary.
-reject punishment for the sake of punishment, or for the gratification of the victim.
Prison is a one size fits all solution and a fairly comprehensive denial of someone's liberty and I would (thinking about solutions that could be implemented without changing more than the criminal justice system)* advocate asking lots of separate questions:
-can the person in question continue to live at their home? If no, why not?
-can they continue to work a (non-prison) job. Or hell, work a bit al remote job from inside a prison?
-can they attend specific events / otherwise go to specific places they want to?
-can they keep their possessions?
Requiring that any reduction in freedom be actively justified.
A lot of the logics that justify prisons act as if some ppl are Inherently Dangerous and the only way to mitigate that is total separation between them and law abiding citizens because if they were allowed to walk thru a grocery store or go to a football game they'd manage to kill someone. And it's like ... that's 100% media super villain logic and not a real threat model.
Generally the capacity to cause major harm is dependent on specific things (having a weapon, having an established relationship, an institutional hierarchy, an isolated space, etc).
And none of this says that we could never decide that the best course is for someone to be confined to a specific location or otherwise be under close supervision long term. But I think there's a real paradigm break we can make from that being the default to something that has to be justified piece by piece, case by case.
Also, I'm gonna include this link as the only specific historic anarchist examples I know of:
Is it abolitionist? Is it trustworthy source? I think lots of ppl would say no to both, but it paints a specific kind of picture that seems like the result of ppl using similar principles to mine. And like, how do you handle a large group of fascist soldiers seems like one of the harder challenges you could pose to prison abolitionism (tho tbf my understanding is lots of them were drafted and actual ideological commitment wasn't super high)
*this is a weird thought experiment for me to do because my relationship to the prison system as it exists is so fundamentally one of antagonism and I see the kinds of cases where I would see ~ongoing control or supervision~ as justified as so limited, but they're not non existent and I hate seeing abolitionists in your threads just refuse this conversation so I'm trying.
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nuppu-nuppu · 1 year
Ik its such a typical thing to say, but I really, really get what you are feeling. For context, 95% of my life I have been isolated from others and disconnected from everything and everyone, stuck, frozen in what anyone else would tell me to do, and after moving from my parents' house things didnt get better at all. I'm not over these things and I struggle a lot with dealing with people and communicating with others constantly, but, just as a reminder, things can change. I would say the change in mindset and prioritizing small things and social achievements do help instead of trying to get into a group or something, like for example just saying hi to a neighbor, having a super small talk with the cashier, etc. Idk about you at all, but in my case I realized later there were actually ppl who wanted to meet me but thought I was mean or just didnt want to deal with others. I would also say, being more honest about yourself can be helpful when not knowing what you are doing "I really dont know how to talk to others", ofc there are shitty ppl out there but there are also kind hearts. It sucks but for many occasions is necessary for you to do the first step, but its alright, you dont need to do something really big and just practice to get used to talking to others. Good luck, I hope things get better!
I’m sorry to hear that you have been through such difficult times. I can relate sadly.
I’ve been trying so hard to focus on the positive things and be happy about the little thing like when I successfully talk to a person in a grocery store or something lol but it just gets so hard because I feel like I’m stuck where I am and I have been stuck for years and nothing is changing. At least that’s what it feels like. I know things are probably going into the right direction slowly but surely but right now I just feel hopeless.
I hope things get better for you as well, you deserve it <3 and thank you for taking the time to listen to me and write this. It means a lot
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roylustang · 2 years
how did i not know you lived in japan lol?? that’s so dope and tbh i’ve always thought abt doing a study abroad there since i took japanese classes 😅 i got held up pre covid cause my school required homestays with a program that felt super conservative…. anyway i’d love to know what your experiences as an english speaking person in japan have been like! esp if you can speak to the experience of being queer while navigating those identities
Boy how DID u not kno that I’ve been here for over a year and I talk about it all the time lmao. I also tried to study abroad here for a semester but didn’t get to bc of covid rip but it’s fine I’m here now 👌🏻
Since I live in the middle of nowhere pretty much no one speaks English. anytime I find someone that does speak decent English I’m like WHO R U but I speak bad intermediate Japanese so it’s p easy to get by. They always ask me if I have a point card at the grocery store (the grocery store in general is v overwhelming at first but it doesn’t actually take that long to get the hang of it tbh), they ask if I want a bag at family mart, I tell the gas people いっぱい/満タン お願いします (they have full service gas stations which is wild) and then school is it’s own breed of language which I’m v good at understanding bc I’m around it every day obviously. I’ve also learned u really only need to know a few keywords when having a conversation u can figure out so much through context alone. Sometimes I only have to say like one word (like I said mikan zeri) and people know what I’m asking for (I knew the VP was saving my mikan jelly from lunch in the fridge for me bc I was working from home that day but it was Special Order and I wanted it). Sometimes (because there’s only 3 white people in this town) I don’t have to say anything at all I just show up at the doctors office say konnichiwa and they give me a cup to pee in bc I couldn’t do it six weeks earlier at my health check (bc period reasons). It’s kinda wild how u can communicate with people with just the bare minimum. I am known throughout the town as maddie-san or maddie-sensei if ur under 13 lol so when I sign in at the gym I only ever write my first name. The foreigners (all 5 of us) only ever write our first names at the gym bc no one else has a katakana name lol. It’s a bit strange bc since I’m white and I stick out everyone knows what my job is and what I do here but the people I actually talk to and stuff r v nice (old people r very nice and they LOVE to give u food esp mikans). Idk I could talk forever about this probably. It’s a lot different than living in a city where there are a lot more foreigners. Whenever I go to Kyoto and I see multiple white people im like omg white people 🤯 tbfh. I could talk about this forever lol
Also I don’t ever bring up being gay here. It doesn’t usually come up anyway and I think I’m on the aro/ace side of the spectrum anyway. But I do find it interesting the elementary and middle schoolers do get LGBT talks and speakers and whatever which is more than I could probably say for america. In general tho I’d say there’s definitely ignorance but they got the right spirit. This towns mostly old people tho so idk how the old people feel about it. Don’t b trans here (in japan in general) tho if u want to legally change ur gender u have to be sterilized which is super fucked up.
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bisluthq · 11 days
To thrive in the industry, you need to have a thick skin and be able to tolerate some unusual behavior without complaining. I don't think Chappell will be able to handle it. While it's important to set boundaries with overly enthusiastic fans, in cases like the red carpet you need to learn to ignore it and not react.
especially since it was NOT directed at her? Like I say lol idk where you guys live but I’ve heard some pretty crazy shit in public transport and if randos are yelling I… don’t like decide to enter the group chat? If someone had yelled something directly nasty to her or even hard to misconstrue as not about her then I get saying something but like if people are noisily arguing in a noisy place it seems a little weird to get involved.
still strongly feel that most of the people bashing her are like… mean and rude and nasty for no reason but I guess that’s also the nature of the internet. Also do feel like this was kind of weird behavior and I’m still not into her REPEATEDLY cancelling her shows for more exposure opportunities. I totally get her calling out invasive fans though, that’s fair lol like idk people in public aren’t commodities right so don’t be creepy and weird. If it seems like it’d be appropriate to say hi, fine but also accept that they might not be in the mood?
idk I was talking about this to my friend in a kind of different context (not Chappell’s thing) and she said she thinks about it as like bothering any professional off duty. If you’re in the hospital, you have a right to demand the doctors and nurses like… treat you. If you’re in a school, you have a right to demand the teachers teach and provide feedback and shit to you/your kids. If you’re in a restaurant, you have a right to demand the kitchen staff cook for you and the wait staff serve you tbh. You still needn’t be a cunt in any of those places but also you 100% have a right to demand that they do their jobs.
Flipside, if you see your doctor (or even someone you know is a doctor) out at the grocery store and start hassling them to look at your weird toe thing or you see your child’s teacher in a public place and hassle them for feedback (or try fob your kids off on them lol - hasn’t happened to me personally with my students because I teach big kids but I was in a group of teachers at like a sunset concert once and this mum of one of the Year One kids my friend taught asked if she could leave the kids with her while her and her husband go get merch and snacks and my friend said yes but I was fucking annoyed right and if I’d been her I’d have said hell fucking no lady, I’m not at work, but also that’s why I don’t teach Year One) that’s imo SUPER uncool. Even if you’re friends with the people right like my doctor friend is okay with me asking a medical question if I legit can’t go to the doctor for whatever reason or to find out if I should but she has had to draw the boundary of me continuing to hassle her with questions like “is this the right medication/what are the alternatives/is this the way this should be clearing up” etc. Also I know chefs often get asked to cook for friends lol.
And like… it’s awesome if you want to do that and it’s kind and it’s sweet. I actually do always hang out with kids (not the very little ones because I don’t like those but closer to the age I teach) at social functions where they’re bored without even being asked and like find shit for them to do. But that’s my choice then, right? Like I’m offering to continue doing my job in my time off.
So as a fan (and actually as members of the media too) you have a right to demand artists do their jobs at concerts, meet and greets, signings, and yes at events they choose to attend. Because that’s their job, not a fun hobby anymore.
Chappell’s correct in that she needn’t be a pop star when she’s not working and if she wants to be she can but she REALLY doesn’t have to be. However, to me Chappell seems a little unclear on what’s her off time (that she’s 100000% entitled to and can regulate fully in terms of boundaries) and what’s her workie turkey time, where she has to 1) show up 2) do her job 3) suck up the kinda bullshit bits lol same as all of us 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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jessemarsh16 · 6 months
In the context of a Grocery Store. About halfway through the college semester, two friends catch up at work prior to spring break
JESSE: SAAAAAMMM! Hey what’s up man!
SAM: Oh, nothing much, you know how it is
JESSE: Cool, Cool. So, I started working on Tea, you can do either Eggs or Milk. Pick your poison.
SAM: Ight, ok got it. Eggs didn’t look so bad so I’ll start with Milk. Hey we have spring break this week!
JESSE: I can’t wait. Though its not much of a break for me.
SAM: What? How come?
JESSE: I have my teaching! I only have off for like one class.
SAM: Oh that fucking sucks
JESSE: Yea I know.
Some time passes as Sam works and Jesse moves on. They meet up in the back of the store
SAM: (Putting boxes away)
JESSE: Owls are my spirit animal
SAM: What are you talking about?
JESSE: I think I’m gonna get an Owl tattoo. Well. Maybe. Probably not anytime soon.
SAM: Are they your favorite animal or something?
JESSE: Yea. They represent knowledge and wisdom ya know?
SAM: Yea, Yea. Hey what are you doing before you leave?
JESSE: I’m probably going to backstock some yogurt but I’d rather just go home.
SAM: When are you leaving?
JESSE: Well I’m scheduled to 5:30. But I might leave at 5.
SAM: Classic
The two move on to their own tasks. Only to regroup again.
JESSE: I think Philly sports are doomed.
SAM: Yea? How come?
JESSE: I just don’t have any faith. No faith at all.
SAM: Really? I think you just gotta buy in. What are you gonna do? Not watch?
JESSE: Maybe.
SAM: Alright, you do that.
JESSE: My anniversary is tomorrow. I need to one up my girlfriends gift.
SAM: What’d she get you?
JESSE: She got me a reusable water bottle. But its like super nice.
SAM: Ooooh that’s a good one. What were you thinking?
JESSE: Ummm flowers, and chocolate maybe?
SAM: That sounds good! I’d mess with some flowers and chocolate!
JESSE: Hmmm alright. Lemme go pick those up. Sam, I’m heading out. Ill see you next week?
SAM: Yuuup. Next Sunday.
JESSE: Alright, see you then!
Jesse leaves stage, Sam continues to work as lights dim.
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ichitits · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
And then Ichigo said “No” (pronounced to sound like meow)
Happy Valentine’s day!
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ticklystuff · 2 years
Hello!! I'll be nice if you write a fic/ficlet with lee Loid Forger, and ler Franky Franklin (For context, Franky Franklin is Loid Informant, and Franky really look like a good ler). Trust me the anime was super interesting XD
hewwo anon! thanks for the request and for getting me into the show hehe i hope this turned out okay!
Loid flipped over the several documents laid out in front of him, rubbing his temples with his fingertips as he did his best to cram all the information needed for the mission. Adopting a child and ensuring their entrance into Eden Academy all within one week was already an extremely tall order, but Loid would also have to act as a father figure for the child to avoid suspicion, placing him in an unfamiliar situation that his years of spy training would be unable to aid him with. It's not like being a father should be a problem for him, though, as it would just be another role for him to play, but tricking a child with a falsified father image just felt wrong, not to mention that the child would be used for such a dangerous mission…
The sound of a sudden knock on the door broke Loid out of his thoughts. The singular knock was followed by two rapid ones, a pattern that Loid recognized as Franky's. "Come in," he said from the other side of his small hotel room.
The door soon opened and Loid watched as Franky walked in with a happy grin on his face, placing two large grocery bags on the table. "There are so many fancy stores around! I was able to pick up some candy for when we meet them. Oh and let's see.. I got a doll and a racecar as gifts."
Loid sighed to himself  and crossed his arms in annoyance as his informant went on about his day. "Franky, I told you to familiarize yourself with the surrounding area, not go on a shopping spree."
"Well, lucky for you, I was able to do both," Franky scoffed proudly, still unpacking the contents from his bags. "Besides, I wanna be the cool uncle!"
"Franky, there will be no 'cool uncle'" Loid said with air quotes as he spoke, receiving an eye roll from the other. "The less people getting involved with the child, the better. Now, go and return everything you've purchased today."
"No way," Franky shook his head, pushing the bags in Loid's direction. "You can at least use this stuff for yourself. It'll help the kid bond with you."
"I doubt I'll need stuff like this," Loid said, picking up the toy doll, before placing it back in the bag. "Besides, Eden Academy is a highly prestigious school with rigorous coursework. There will hardly be any time for these because of all the studying they'll need to do."
Loid watched as Franky immediately facepalm, creating an audible slap that nearly echoed throughout the room. "Do you know anything about parenting?" the informant asked in shock.
"Of course not," Loid replied matter-of-factly, "but I know nothing about dating or relationships and I was able to pull those off in the past. I'll just put on an act like normal."
"Nononono," Franky shook his head vigorously, giving Loid a disapproving glare. "Kids are surprisingly perceptive. They'll see right through you if you're not genuine."
"Franky, I think you're overesti-"
"Nope!" Franky cut him off as he quickly grabbed Loid's arm, dragging him out of the chair and towards the bathroom. Normally, Loid would have put up some kind of resistance, but Franky could be especially stubborn when he wanted to be. Sometimes, it was best just going with whatever he had in mind for the sake of saving time.
"Okay, just stand here," Franky pointed to the front of the bathroom sink, right in front of the wall mirror, stepping behind him once Loid was in place, "and just give your best smile. Remember, they can tell when you're being fake."
Loid sighed to himself at having got caught up in this, but did as he was told, flashing a charming smile at the mirror, one that he had used many times when treating a date to dinner.
"No- No, dummy!" Loid cried out from behind. "You're not trying to seduce the kid! More wholesome, less flirty."
The urge to walk out and just ignore Franky for the rest of the day began to bubble to the surface, but Loid pushed that idea to the back of his head and gave the best smile he could, doing his best to fill his mind with warm thoughts and happy feelings, hoping this would reflect in his appearance.
"It's good," Franky trailed off for a moment, "but it definitely still seems fake."
"It's fake because you know it's fake," Loid snapped, nearly losing his cool.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help," Franky said with a shrug of his shoulders, clearly unfazed by Loid's sudden change in expression. "Here, let me give this a shot."
Loid waited for Franky to step to the front and show off a smile to the mirror for both to see, but his expectations were soon subverted at the sudden feeling of two hands at his hips. Before he could even ask, the two hands began to squeeze away at the unexpected and unfamiliar sensations that soon followed.
"Wh-What are you-?!" Loid's body jolted from the sudden pressure, his body crumpling forward in front of the mirror. From the reflection, Loid could see a devious grin spread across Franky's face and he would have quickly wiped the smirk off his face, but his hands were already preoccupied with covering his face and keeping the laughter that threatened to bubble to the surface.
"Hey, come on, put your hands down," Franky said from behind, giving his waists a few more pinches before moving his hands upwards to Loid's sides. "This is supposed to help with what I was saying earlier."
"Y-You're just ticklihihing mehehehe!" The giggles began flowing freely and once they were out, Loid found it nearly impossible to stop them. If Franky wasn't his colleague and friend, his arms would be in a vice grip by now, but alas, as annoying as he was, Loid would never actually harm him. Instead, Loid redirected every ounce of sheer force to keeping his hands to himself, doing his best to control his involuntary reactions and twitches.
"But tickling is the best way to get a genuine smile out of anyone," Franky replied, digging into Loid's sides with gusto once his muffled laughter made its presence, a sound that was seldom heard by anyone. "Besides, I wouldn't have to do this if you would just laugh at my jokes from time to time."
Loid didn't even know what to say as he was too busy gritting his teeth, bracing himself for every wave that traveled from his nerves to his brain, but inevitably failing to heed his laughter. His body waved back and forth in place in an attempt to avoid Franky's hands, but the other was too fast, clearly skilled from some prior experience. The thought of how ridiculous he most likely looked plagued Loid's mind as he continued to laugh, avoiding eye contact with his own reflection in the mirror the best he could.
"Hey hey, just relax." Franky clearly noticed the amount of effort that Loid was putting into resisting the tickling, but Loid couldn't help the natural reaction. "Open your eyes and just let yourself laugh. You won't look as stupid as you think you will."
"Nghehehehaha!" One hand was removed from his mouth and was soon followed by the other as Loid heeded Franky's advice, unclenching his jaw in the process for a smoother flow of laughter. He still had a hard time looking his own reflection in the eye as his own eyes were squeezed shut due to the tickling, but every now and then Loid was able to catch a quick glance. His cheeks red as a cherry and bits of perspiration had made its place on his forehead. He looked just as ridiculous as he thought he would.
"There we go," Franky observed with clear satisfaction, allowing his hands to move up to Loid's ribs. "You've almost got it." This time, Loid relaxed his body and muscles, allowing his laughter to flow freely without hesitation. His struggling had come to a minimum, letting Franky really get at his upper-body, but the tickling this time felt almost lighter, somewhat cathartic, somewhat alleviating the stress that was brought on from his assignment to Operation Strix. Loid allowed himself to open one eye, noticing the difference in his features than from the start. That tenseness from before no longer ran through his body and his face had unstrained, almost as if he was enjoying it. He honestly couldn't be sure at this point.
"Hehehehahahaha! Ahahaha!"
"Alright, I think I've tortured you enough," Franky said as he removed his hands, giving Loid one more poke to his side. "See, it wasn't that bad."
Loid breathed heavily in response, recuperating for the strength exerted during his ordeal. He never knew that something as tickling could be so taxing. When was the last time he was tickled?
"So, now that we're done," Franky said as he opened the door to the bathroom, stepping out of the way to let Loid out first, "just think of this moment whenever you're with the kid." Loid shook his head in response, hoping to forget this moment in time. "Absolutely not."
"Ah, then I guess I'll just have to show the kid you're ticklish then," Franky tutted with a cheeky grin, earning a sigh from Loid. 
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svnaslove · 4 years
getting high with hq boys
𝐬𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; just stoner! haikyuu character heacanons and how they get when they’re high w you
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ; recreational marijuana use, suggestive themes
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ; atsumu miya, suna rintarō, tendou satori, sugawara koshi [all separate]
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yeah i can totally see atsumu being a stoner, i can’t help it, it just comes naturally
a bong bitch, he hates bowls and blunts for some reason
if you’re going to have a sesh with him BUCKLE UP
gets kinda whiny when he’s high and an EXTREME case of the munchies
will eat three times his weight 
will take both indica and sativa but prefers indica
gets !! so !! fucking !! touchy !!
if you’re his s/o it’s probably fine
but if you’re not, you’re probably gonna end up having a crush on him because he’s so extra flirty and touchy when he’s high
“you’re prettyyyy”
“can i give you a kiiiiiss”
“y/n do you think im prettyyy?”
you’re only encouraged by his flirtyness and end up flirting back without thinking about it
“i think you’re really pretty too ‘tsum”
-atsumu miya 2020
as i said, super touchy
but not in a pervy way, like he feels touch starved out of nowhere when he’s high
plays with your hands, hugs you, kneads your thighs, kisses your cheeks, throws himself on your lap and lays his head there and you just play with his hair
will be all dazed out and all of the sudden look up at you from your lap and goes “boobs are so pretty and soft :)” “can i touch your boobies :) <3″
even though he’s high he’s still respectful so if you say no he’ll be fine and it won’t be weird or anything, you two just laugh it off and he’ll let you touch his “boobies”
in the end and in summary,
this can go two ways
you guys either end up wholesomely hugging/cuddling and giggling to each other
you two end up fucking on the coach
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resident stoner, but you wouldn’t really be able to guess it
prefers the smoke so doesn’t really want edibles
really good with the smoke tricks
his french inhale is fucking sexy
honestly really fun and chill to have a sesh with
prefers indica
also prefers either a blunt or a dab pen, mostly the pen doesn’t like doing all the extra stuff, lazy mf
he might ask you to roll his blunt for him and it’s not because he doesn’t know how because you have seen him do it before
and so quick at it too like, you’re so good at it, you don’t need me??
you were his apprentice at rolling at one point 😌
✨sensei suna✨
says the weird shit
“if i try to fail and i succeed, which one did i do?”
“why do your feet smell but your nose runs?”
you’re just as greened out as he is you’re like
“wooooooaaaaahhh riiiiiinnnnnnnnn”
in you head you’re like “omfg this guy is einstein, suna for president.”
you convinced yourself by accident once that he was, in fact, einstein and you were asking him how to make an atomic bomb
he was going with it too like, “yuh knoo, i just, got to the neighbors house and i ask him if he’s seen adam ( yes, in the context of fucking adam, instead of ATOM) and he’s like “yeah man i saw adam over at the grocery store, he was buying apples,” and i was like “yeahh an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and my neighbor was like “yeahhh” and then i went to the apple isle in the grocery store and there was adam and i was like “did you study yet adam” and he said nah so i was like “oh, well ig you should since theres a test tomorrow” and he’s like “i’ll be fine” and then comes tomorrow and he’s like, “suna, i bombed the test.” and that’s how it happens
you’re like
“wooooooaaaaahhhh riiiiinnnnnnnn”
you saw that whole story? yeah, he can make up random ass stories like those on the spot and go on forever
but he might fall asleep midway sometimes like a grandpa
would rather stay home and just talk with you while wrapped up in blankets
does get really thirsty, so have plenty of extra water for him <3
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says the weird shit like suna does and again,
“wooooooaaaaahhhhhh saaatttooooriiiiiii”
probably ends up with you two going on a trip somewhere 
but if not still makes it super fun
rents a bouncy house ??
where did he know to rent a bouncy house ??
and how did he get it shipped over to you two so quickly ??
sativa boyo
probably climbed the roof together at least once
you end up laughing so hard with him that your guts feel like they’re going to spill out
walks in from going to the bathroom and he’s like 
with a deadpan face
“it feels so weird to pee when you’re greened out”
looks like he’s legitimately scared
“woah does it really?” you reach over to chug a bunch of water to be able to pee soon
“huh ? 🧍‍♀️”
and then you both start laughing so hard that your eyes hurt from all of the crying
and then you have to pee and he’s outside of the door, “i’ll save you if you need my help, okay?”
when you start peeing you’re like 
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the most wholesome and head in the clouds experience ever when you’re getting high with suga
it’s like heaven
that is, if there are no interruptions 
doesn’t really care between indica or sativa
but he does like getting new stuff to try out like different types of kush or dab pens
he’s a literal “i’ll take anything” type of guy
kinda giggly when he’s high, it’s really cute
he knows how to braid ??
if you have long hair he’ll be like “y/nn can i braid your hair 🥺”
you guys made a freaking fort once ??😭
and it was surprisingly HELLA good
you two usually either talk about really deep stuff and it gets spiritual sometimes like you start talking about stars and god and souls
or you guys will end giggling at each other or end up watching disney movies
you tried to put on that’s so raven one time and he thought hE could do what raven could and see into the future and it was HILARIOUS
he kept stopping and looking into nothing really intensely and then telling you that he just saw the future
likes to lay on your lap too
he says you smell good and your thighs are really comfy
one time he liCKED YOUR THIGHS??
like a lil kitten lick 😭
he said your thighs told him to do it
ended up eating you out.
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icaruskeyartist · 3 years
I think people maybe misunderstood your post or maybe I did but I assumed you were specifically talking about physically disabled ppl who imply we don’t face similar issues in the context of minimising our issues & I thought your pastor comment made that fairly obvious like yes it’s p. Fucking obvious we face different issues but like I said in my post it’s more so we face similar problems but for entirely different reasons. It’s interesting to me that they seem to not realise there are physical effects to mental illnesses that do in fact prevent me from being able to go out and whilst it’s not the same as having no wheelchair ramp my sensory issues absolutely do make many places inaccessible so I do know what it’s like to want to go somewhere and then have to leave because it’s just not accessible I literally had that issue today. Like fuck I’ve had sensory overload just trying to get my groceries and had a full on breakdown in the store. I have such bad anxiety at the moment that getting on public transport is inaccessible, going out on my own is inaccessible going out to most places are inaccessible and whilst it’s inaccessible due to different reasons than physically disabled people it doesn’t make it any less inaccessible - I don’t disagree with the fundamental statement that we have different issues because no shit we do but I also want to make sure people aren’t erasing the physical aspects many mentally ill people do face and/or minimise them. I also thought the therapy point was a little funny because it’s SO much easier to get access to therapy as a physically disabled person because you only need your GP to refer you I had to jump through a ton of hoops and then when you’re finally accepted you could be looking at long waiting lists of up to a year in some areas of the UK. When I got diagnosed with a gastrointestinal issue the specialist I saw said if it caused me pain he could refer me to a group therapy thing for pain management it focuses mostly on mindfulness techniques iirc from what my mum did although she didn’t stick out the entire thing. Like I could’ve been referred just like that bam done. Also it’s the ignorance of assuming therapy is any more accessible for the mentally ill because even if they aren’t in the UK it’s not like its anymore accessible in the US given it’s all going to likely be out of pocket for most people.
Sorry for this super long message I just had to go off cos I’m not really here for ignorance on mental illness and if you’re genuinely coming from the same place as I am where you are accepting that we do face different issues (although arguably some crossover in our experiences) but rather that you’re pissed when people use it in a way to dismiss or minimise our struggles compared to that of physically disabled people.
We're coming from the same place. We face different issues, but there's a lot of similarities and it benefits everyone (even able bodied, neurotypical people!) if we can make things more accessible for the medically disabled, be it physical or mental.
I also have accessibility issues. The biggest one being that now that I live in a city, if I take transit, I have to know where bathrooms are or else I'm fucked. I wear headphones when on my own, and I hate going out without them. My mom used to tell me I wouldn't make friends that way.
But like, why am I making friends in the bread aisle at Walmart Mom?
and I don't think it's fair for anyone to have their pain diminished. I only framed it the way I did because I still struggle with my own physical limitations. My spouse validated my disability though, saying they'd never want to switch their bum knee for my problems lol. I adore them.
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variousnumbers · 2 years
i had a sort of epiphany about how others perceive me and my anxiety at my last job, early pandemic, and that shit stuck with me so i’m gonna share
i worked at a grocery store in order fulfillment, so while i was on the same level as most of my coworkers, i was often running around doing specific tasks and would have to ask for help quite often due to time constraints- this was a built in part of the job and other team members were expected to try and help if they had the ability. but being the neurotic thing i am, almost every request came with a “i’m so sorry, but…” and any amount of perceived inconvenience to them just made me feel worse and apologize more.
one day i had to get something off a high shelf and needed to use a machine to do so, but my role didn’t require me to have the keys for it on my person, so i had to ask someone to get it for me (or take their keys). i asked one of my favorite coworkers, a SUPER sweet dude who i never felt was secretly mad at me. (which is impressive for my brain. like this guy’s vibes were immaculate.)
i ask him, and apologize profusely as always bc it looked like he might be busy but my timing was super urgent. and almost IMMEDIATELY this dude turns to me and says “hey, did i snap at you at all? i’m sorry if i made you nervous, you haven’t done anything wrong! i’ll get that down for you.” and it fucking ROCKED MY WORLD.
i had been tiptoeing through every. single. interaction. and apologizing more than saying things of substance. for the entire time i’d worked there. because i felt like an inconvenience! and IN DOING SO I STRESSED THE KIND PEOPLE OUT! i made my favorite coworker ask what HE did wrong, because obviously my reactions were not particularly warranted for the replies i was getting- i was so insecure and caught up in being a burden that i MADE MYSELF A BURDEN.
i don’t think it was WRONG of me to act like this per se, i def have some trauma below the surface that my coworkers didn’t have the context of- but that’s just it! they wouldn’t have known i was feeling that way if i didn’t audibly doubt myself during 99% of interactions with them! and since then i’ve worked really hard to stop undermining myself before others can do it for me. because a lot of people? aren’t ever trying to undermine/belittle those around them! or sometimes people snap a bit on accident due to stress! i realized that my reactions actually matter a whole damn lot in relation to how comfortable people feel interacting with me.
which should have been obvious, right? like, i try to be kind to others bc that’s how i want them to treat me, but it never occurred to me that it might not be much fun to talk to someone who gives off more anxiety and insecurity than actual personality. i thought i was being agreeable, but i have no idea how many people felt the same way as my coworker and never felt good about asking if they did something wrong! so i could never tell them they didn’t.
idk i just want you to know that if you’re feeling like i was, (and honestly still sometimes do bc healing is not linear,) you’re worth asking for help. and a “thank you” always feels better than an “i’m sorry for bothering you.” and also i love you!! i’m sorry you feel this torn down but you can trick your brain into being nicer to itself. it just takes a while.
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