#if you put casual clothes on him and take off his hat he really does look like a father figure
cheygrembaby · 1 year
hey guys what if i told you i had a human freddy design
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after-witch · 1 year
Horrorfest: I'm a Mouse, Duh [Yandere TPOF!Ren (Fox) x Reader]
Title: I'm a Mouse, Duh [Yandere TPOF!Ren (Fox) x Reader]
Synopsis: Fox wants you in just the right costume for his party.
For Horrorfest request:
Fox making his darling try on different "sexy" Halloween costumes
Word Count: 1291
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, a bit of humiliation/degradation, descriptions of previous injuries including eye gouging, questionable taste in Halloween costumes
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You didn’t know you could feel anything like shame anymore, but there it was, red-hot, covering your cheeks, not unlike a thin, sticky layer of latex that you couldn’t peel off yourself. 
Speaking of--
“Turn around,” Fox murmurs, idly swirling his glass of champagne while you swiftly obey his words. 
You turn ever so slowly, because you know what’s what he wants to see. You imagine you’re a doll in a music box, sans music and static ballerina pose, spinning slowly enough to let him get a look at his newest handiwork. 
The skin-tight latex cat costume does wonders in keeping your movements slow as well, but you try to ignore that part and stay in the music box metaphorical fantasy. 
He sighs lowly--your stomach roils--and shakes his head. 
“No, not quite right.”
He gives you another once-over, and you must be frowning, because he continues in a casually reassuring tone. “Not that you don’t look lovely, but it’s not what I want for tonight.” What he wants, in this case, is unclear. You’ve already tried on 3 different costumes, and he didn’t care for any of them. 
He gestures with his free hand at your hand, and you dutifully remove the latex cat ears (that matched your outfit, of course) and hand them over. 
He sets them on the table and beckons you over.You eagerly scamper over, turning away from him; you really did need help removing the thin layer of latex. At least he does it swiftly, though you feel a veneer of sweat on your back when he begins to peel it away. He continues pulling it down until you lift each of your legs, stepping out of the tight concoction with a visible sigh of relief. 
There’s a warm chuckle behind you, and you shiver when you feel his nails lightly raking down your back. 
When he stands and makes his way over to the long costume rack that one of his employees brought in, you follow. He thumbs through them, humming, pulling a few out now and then.
He pulls out a black and white lacy concoction, something that looks like the type of clothing people world in olden days. A big felt sword hangs off the flimsy top and there’s a large tricorn hat attached to the hanger, and it takes you a moment to realize what the costume is meant to be. 
A pirate.
He smiles, but you don’t. Your empty eye socket suddenly aches and your lip trembles. Which just makes him grin a little.
“Too on the nose, huh?” He taps his finger above your eye patch, a neutral black cloth for now. Fox said he wanted to pick your costume before they went about choosing what prosthetic or patch to give you. 
You suppose he wants you to care that he’s taking the time to find you the right costume, that he wants you to be appreciative that he’s putting so much effort into it. And when you suppose what he wants,  you do your best to fulfill it. That’s how you’ve made it this far.
So you look closer every time you think he might be choosing a costume and you try (pirate mistake notwithstanding) to mimic his reactions. This one is cute, mm-hmm. That one won’t do, nuh-uh. 
Maybe you would be appreciative, maybe even a bit excited about the idea of getting to dress up on Halloween, if you weren’t dreading tonight. You were going to attend a Halloween party with him. Thrown by him. Populated by the guests he chose. 
You weren’t putting on a show (that fear had already been cooingly whisked away, the moment you broke down into seizure-like sobs at the thought) but you would be… on display. 
Like a pet. No, no, that’s not entirely right, is it? You are a pet. You’ve got the collar to prove it. 
What would the people at the party be like? As bad as the ones who watched the show? Worse, because they were there in person and not just through a screen? Maybe some of them would be the same… would any of them recognize you? Would they hurt you? Would Fox let them hurt you? What if--
“Ah! This one!” He says, pulling you out of your heavy thoughts. There’s a glint of excitement in his voice that makes the tension in your stomach ease off. 
When he gets excited like this, it’s a good sign. Usually it’s related to finding out that you like some of the same things as him (you genuinely enjoyed, at least as much as you could, curling up on a sofa and watching anime with him) or you surprising him in a way that pleases him.
Sometimes he seems younger when he gets like this, more carefree. There’s a pang of envy when that happens, but you never let it last too long. 
He pulls out the costume he’s chosen and shoves it into your waiting, slightly trembling, arms. You don’t even have time to really see what he chose. 
“Quick now.” He flashes a muted grin. “The guests will arrive soon enough. Don’t want to be late for your first party.” 
You don’t waste time getting dressed. The end result, when you stand up and let him zip up the back of the costume, is cuter than you expected. It’s a mouse costume, a short little gray number with a black tail hanging off the edge. The costume covers your ass enough that as long as you don’t bend over, you should be fine.
 (You try not to think of ways that Fox might make you bend over in front of others. But then, he didn’t like it much when others were around you, so maybe he didn’t want you to show off more than necessary? The questions are really too difficult to consider for long.)
The finishing touch is a big pair of cutesy gray mouse ears that he tenderly places on your head. It’s the type of costume that you might have worn on a night out with friends, before. Though you’d have worn something else underneath, and you’d definitely still have two eyes. 
Still. It’s better than the tight catsuit. 
And you look... cute. If you ignore the missing eye, and the scars on your face. And the cauterized nail wounds dotting your body. And the cross-cross of scars, old and new, lining your arms and legs.
These are all things you have gradually forced yourself to ignore, so yes, you can put them aside and appreciate the way that the mouse ears frame your face or the way that the costume is made from nice materials.
You can ignore the hungry gaze of Fox standing behind you, keeping his eyes on your own as you stare at your reflection.
“Perfect,” he murmurs, standing behind you and looking at the finished product through your reflection. In the mirror, you see him place a kiss on your neck. Your body recognizes what will happen before your brain does, because your shoulder tenses even before he bites your skin harshly, lapping at the blood he leaves behind. 
“We can leave the patch as-is,” he says. You’re too busy staring at your reflection to answer. Maybe he takes it for being pouty, because he continues.  “Unless you want one of your prosthetics tonight?” 
How nice of him to ask, you think, and your heart feels sick when you realize the thought came without a trace of sarcasm. You’re really fucked up, huh?
You shake your head and give a little smile, looking at him in the mirror.
“No,” you say, voice meeker than you meant it to be. “Whatever you think looks best, sir.” 
He smiles, just a little. An intimate smile, a you’re-being-good smile, the kind you think (you hope) he reserves just for moments like this. And then he places a tender kiss on your bite wound. Bits of red stick to his lips and he licks them away, sighing low and almost husky. 
You know this sound, these gestures, the way his breath quickens and comes out of his nose. You feel two hands grope your ass and you squeak, like the mouse you might as well be. 
“I suppose it won’t hurt if we’re a little late… it is my party after all.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
hi! can i request ken x (male) reader who’s from texas and breaking ken’s idea of the patriarchy (mostly the realities of cowboy life lol) thank you!!
"Now what're you supposed to be, a cowboy or somethin'? Because it looks like you're goin' to a fashion show upstate."
Blinking owlishly, Ken spun around on his heels, coming face-to-face with you. He looked at your clothing up and down, noting you had a hat similar to his, along with ripped jeans, cowboy boots, and a buttoned plaid shirt.
His eyebrows furrowed with confusion, not seeing an apparent difference.
Nevertheless, he realized you were another human male who was trying to talk to him, and he was excited! This was his big chance to learn more about the patriarchy of the Real World!
But he didn't wanna let his eagerness show too much, so he leaned against a nearby pillar, keeping the books tucked against his side.
"Nah, I ain't goin' to no fashion show....partner..." He made a poor attempt at mimicking your accent, which he noted was heavily Southern, and it took all your willpower not to laugh your ass off.
Yet you couldn't help chuckling anyways, which made the blond pout as he adjusted the brim of his hat. "Awh I'm only teasin'." You shook your head. "I will say it does fit ya pretty good. Haven't seen anything like that back in Texas."
"...oh really? Thanks!" He put a big smile back on, trying to sound cool and casual. "Sounds like a fun place. I'm just here..seeing what this world's all about...getting accustomed to the patriarchy. Man, I wish Barbie told me about-"
"Hold on..." You stopped him in his tracks, being perplexed by several things he just said. "What about the patriarchy? You act as though it's a lifestyle-"
"Is it not? Because I see it all around us!" He spread his arms out. "It's incredible! Everything's backwards but yet...I'm just amazed! This world caters to us men!" Then he stepped closer, showing you the books in his hands depicting studies of horses and patriarchy, a sparkle in his eye. "Look, these books have already taught me so much!"
You blinked, taking one of them and frowning as you recognized the barcode as being from the school your cousin attended. "Ya realize you stole these from a school library, right-?"
"Back in Barbieland, we Kens had none of this stuff!!" He ignored your remark, yanking the book from your hands as he continued to babble on and on and how "awesome" the patriarchy is while pointing to a nearby horse statue.
He's acting as though this was the first time he's ever heard of it, firmly believing that it's all about men and horses.
That would've convinced you that this guy was either insane or living under a rock all his life....had he not mentioned "Barbieland", "Barbie", and "Ken".
'As in...the dolls my little cousins played with?' You pondered. 'Well it would certainly explain the outlandish outfit..and how it doesn't look like any lights are on upstairs...'
"So.." You cleared your throat, he was quick to shut up and let you continue, blinking as you offered your hand. "Before I forget...the name's [y/n]. A pleasure to meet ya."
He studied your gesture intensely, before putting forth his manliest handshake possible, his eyes lighting up when you laughed and complimented his strong grip. "And I'm Ken, the pleasure's all mine."
"Yeah, I figured."
"Well, [y/n]. You seem to embody everything a human man is, so...you got any advice for a fellow man who only just recently learned of all these great luxuries?" He raised an eyebrow.
You thought about it for a few moments, letting his hand go as your gaze went back to the books tucked under his arm. "Yeah, uh..for one, ya seem to be holdin' onto this "idea" that patriarchy's all about the horses. I hate to break it to ya....but it ain't that simple."
"....wait, it's not..?" He blinked in bewilderment, looking to the books and frowning. "Are you sure? Because these books told me-"
"They're outdated an' used for history projects at school. They don't accurately showcase modern cowboy culture, which is what ya seem to be enthralled with."
"...these don't???" His voice became higher-pitched, becoming utterly devastated that he was lied to. "But if it's not about horses..then...then what about the statues, hm? And those officers riding them?!"
"Ken..in this world anybody can ride a horse if they wanted to. You just happen to see more guys than gals doin' it."
"Look, it's true that more men are in charge of stuff here in LA, but the patriarchy is really just a messy system that harms both sides." You frowned slightly. "It ain't somethin' I'd wanna idolize."
"...but why?"
You sighed, unsure of how you could possibly dumb it down for him even further. "'cuz it's turned some of my own friends and family into vile dirtbags who think the world owes them everything. I'd hate to see ya fall down that same pipeline."
He nodded in slight understanding, but seemed rather sad as he hugged the books to his chest, feeling like his dreams were shattered just as he began to realize them..
"I thought it was just like Barbieland..."
"Ya'll got a matriarchy there?"
"...I guess..? They write all the constitutions and stuff."
"And...how do they treat ya?"
"Like we're accessories." Ken huffed, eyebrows knitted together in frustration. "They aren't terrible, but...I only have a good day when Barbie looks at me..which...hasn't been happening lately. I was thinking if I could show her the cool horses and stuff...she'll see me differently. See me for the man I can be."
You never expected for this conversation to derail into you trying to resolve a doll's identity crisis, but it's clear he was holding onto the misconception that the "Real World" was just opposite of Barbieland--where men had it all here and ruled without flaw.
That was far from the truth.
"Now changin' yourself for a lady isn't what ya wanna do, son." You patted his shoulder, causing him to look up at you in astonishment. "You're good enough as you are. But I take it that deep down...ya just care about the horses?"
He nodded again.
"Then..how about instead of reading this misleading garbage--" You tapped the binder of one of the books "--ya talk to someone who's lived the authentic cowboy life? Somebody with experience?"
Looking all around, he seemed confused for a moment, before his gaze returned to yours. "Like....you?"
"Isn't being a man and wearing this not enough?"
"It's a wee bit more complicated than that. It's hard work. But if you're interested in that sort of life, I can tell ya all about it." You offered, smiling as you watched the grin return to his face.
"I'd love that. Now if I don't need these stupid books, then I'll just--" He went to toss the stack into the nearest trash bin, but you were quick to intervene.
"Hey, hey, hey! Ya can't just throw away school property like that!"
"...but you just called this "garbage"."
"It's a figure of speech, Ken." Sighing, you just shook your head, taking the books off his hands. "You'll learn a lot about that here. Let's just go return these and I'll tell ya all about my life back in Texas. Whatever ya wanna know, I'll do my best to answer."
Ken's eyes shimmered at the prospect of hanging out with another guy..like all the other humans he's seen. That's all he truly wanted, really--just to bond with someone and not be in some aggressive rivalry unlike what he had with the other Kens.
He's lucky he ran into you.
"Can I ask something now?"
"Sure..if it's less than ten words." You humored him.
"Do..you..own..horses..? That's four." He grinned, counting on his fingers just to be sure of it.
"I do. Poor things couldn't take the dry heat of Texas, so they came along with me in a truck. I'll show ya pictures after we return these books."
Ken nodded eagerly, unable to hide his excitement as he followed you back to the library, ready to learn more about your culture.
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falloutjuli · 1 year
Hey I love your blog! That post that you wrote with y/n moving in with Chuuya had me kicking my feet and screaming it’s just *chefs kiss* perfect ❤️‍🔥 if your requests are open can I ask for Chuuya and Dazai with an artsy reader who loves to crochet and make them small clothing pieces/plushies? I’m so down bad for these men istg
Thank you so much for your nice words! It really means a lot to me to hear that you like it. Chuuyas part is shorter (no pun intended :D), since I struggled to write more. If I later come up with more ill come back to edit this post. For now, I hope you enjoy this! Dazais scenario was a lot of fun specifically!
_______________ Chuuya Nakahara/Dazai Osamu x artist!Reader!
Warnings: Dazai typical suicide mentions, Crack _______________
Requests are currently open!
Masterlist - Rules for Requests
Adores his plushie mini-me.
Definitely showed it around the ADA, asking everyone “You see this? They made it for me! Me! The similarity is striking, isn’t it?”
Requested a crocheted noose for his mini-me, so that “He can live the dream.”
Kunikida eventually got annoyed because instead of working Dazai kept playing with his plush, so he banished it to Dazais locker.
He now hangs it in there by the noose every time, not wanting Kunikida to potentially confiscate it.
You invited Dazai to make more mini plushies with you, which he did take you up on.
And while your skilled hands got Mini Ranpo, Atsushi, Yosano, Fukuzawa, Kyouka, Kenji and the Tanizaki siblings done, Dazai worked on Kunikidas mini me.
Definitely drew angry eyebrows on Kunikidas already rough looking doll, giggling like a madman.
“Hey there!”You called into the office, quickly slipping in with a giftbag and some baked goods. You were immediately greeted by the ADA staff who coincidentally were all gathered in the main room.
Dazai already knew why you were here, so he happily spun in his chair, his sly grin ever so present on his face. Before you could even set the plates of muffins down, Ranpo had already stolen two off it, peeking in the giftbag as he did. “As a thanks for helping me out last month, I made all of you something!” You proclaimed and started giving everyone their mini-me.
Fukuzawa thanked you wholeheartedly, unable to hide the big smile when he spotted the cat you made extra for him. Kenji and Yosano both inspected the cute plushes, marveling at the details, like Yosanos Butterfly accessories and chainsaw and Kenjis little hat and street sign.
Ranpos Mini-me was promptly placed on his desk, while he was busy eating the muffins you had brought along. Atsushi kept asking how you were able to do that and if he could learn it too and Kyouka just starred at hers with a blushing face, only able to mutter a quiet “Thank you!”when you passed her a muffin.
As you shuffled to Kunikida, you whispered your apologies to him, while Dazai presented Mini-Kunikida. The proportions looked off, it wasn’t as well made as the others and the big black marker made eyebrows had the ADA laugh as the blond took it from your boyfriend.
“Thank you..I’m guessing you made it, Dazai?”He asked, unsure what to say to the plush.
“Yes! One hundred percent handmade, with these Hands!”Dazais said, showing off his hands.
While everyone was talking, showing off their gifts to one another, Dazai pulled you close, hugging you from behind.
His plushie sits on his work desk and if someone makes it fall off, he will pretend to not care, but he will softly pick it up to put it back on its place once they leave.
Normally not the kind of guy to integrate crotched clothing into his styles but he changes it a little so he can wear something you made when hes casually out and about.
Became a big fan of the socks you made for him, all with patterns to match him of course.
Tried crocheting with you once, but its not really his thing. He does like watching you though or helping you if you need it, while he sits next to you doing his own thing.
Offers you to buy anything you need. Need new materials? Well get ready to be taken shopping and if you as much as look at something, it’ll be put in your basket.
Would 100% ask for a crotched dog, made to look like the one from his favorite movie.
“Doll?”He asks, watching as you resumed your pattern, after taking a sip from your share of the wine. “Yes Chuu?”
”You think you could make me a dog plush? Like the one from ‘The boy and The Puppy’?”
You laughed, leaning onto his shoulder as you continued. “Sure! I’ll finish this one and then see what I can do.”
He pressed a kiss on top of your head, smiling already just thinking about the tiny plush.
It took a while until you had it ready, you did the final steps while enjoying a nice evening with him on the couch, watching said movie.
“There. It’s all done!” You finally proclaimed and sat your material down, before handing Chuuya the newly made plush.
You thought you had outdone youreself this time, it looked so much like the dog from the movie, so you hoped Chuuya would love it just as much.
The ginger spun it around looking at it in awe.
“I still can’t believe you can just create things like this. Thank you so much!”
He quickly gave you a kiss, pulling you close to cuddle with you, as his eyes kept darting from his plush to the movie template.
"I am so lucky to have you, doll." He mumbled, still not believing that his partner could make all these lovely presents for him.
From his mini-me plush, to the wine themed socks you made and now this plushie he will forever treasure all these little things you made specifically for him.
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supernovasilence · 9 months
Casmund happy ending: I love the idea of the Pevensies(mostly Edmund) trying to teach Caspian how to function in the real world with them. I think Edmund Lucy and Susan's favorite part would be trying to get him proper clothes. He basically looks regal and princely in everything he wears. Also when Edmund introduces Caspian to his mother. He's super charming, kissing her hand and stuff. Peter is a little(maybe a lot annoyed) of Caspian dating his brother. But he gets over it really quick. Their mother takes Edmund and Caspian's relationships really well. It's mainly their father they have to deal with. But Peter puts his foot down and talks to his father. Gives him basically an ultimatum. Accept your son as is, or lose all your children and not just one. Because the Pevensies are ride or die for each other. And Edmund and Caspian are basically married in all the ways that matter.
Sorry for the late response! I was thinking about Caspian in the real world, and wanted to ask if you've seen the Dorian Gray movie with Ben Barnes, because the beginning with innocent Dorian wandering London around all wide-eyed gives off such Caspian-in-England vibes. I couldn't find any gifs of that scene on tumblr, and instead of just screenshotting it like a reasonable person I thought "well, I know how to make gifs. how long could it take?" AND THEN IT WAS 2AM. Anyway have these gifs of Caspian completely failing to act casual while I ramble about your ask.
(yeah it'd be more cars than horse-drawn carriages by the 1940s but Caspian almost getting run over was too cute to leave out. he's trying his best)
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Oh my gosh yes, Caspian is the sort to kiss people's hands. The chivalrous disaster. He probably goes around calling people "my lady" and "my good lord" etc too. And he absolutely would somehow look regal in whatever he wears. Edmund is torn because he wants Caspian to blend in, but also his boyfriend looks so gorgeous. Also imagine Edmund tying Caspian's tie for him. And the hat Caspian is wearing in the gifs above looks a lot like the one Edmund wears in Prince Caspian. What if Edmund is scolding Caspian, telling him mess up your hair or something, slouch a little more, you still look like a king, stop standing like you've got a crown on— And Caspian grabs Edmund's hat from the coatrack and puts it on. "Does this help?" he asks, grinning, because Edmund's brain just stopped working for a moment and Caspian knows it.
As much as I want the Pevensie parents to just be okay with their son being gay (or their children, because let's be real, none of these siblings are straight), realistically at least one of them would have some difficulties with it. I love Peter not being happy about Edmund and Caspian dating but instantly getting over it when he needs to defend them to his father. These siblings are so close and it's so good. Imagine traces of the High King showing through as Peter calmly, firmly tells his father Edmund and Caspian are together. This is how things are going to go, and there is nothing he can do except make himself miserable by pushing his children away. And Richard* sees a side to his oldest son he hasn't before--or maybe hasn't accepted before, but it has been there for a while. And he takes some time to really look at his children, and sees all sorts of things about them, strange things, but they make his children seem so alive. Like how happy Caspian makes Edmund. So after that the parents have a new son-in-law.
*props for LWW use Richard as Mr. Pevensie's first name and since he doesn't have one in the books I'm taking Richard and running with it
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yuurei20 · 9 months
Trey Info Compilation part 27: Thoughtfulness and More
Trey seems to be well known for being considerate: Cater says that Trey is always spoiling new students and Azul comments that Trey has an effortless consideration of others.
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We see him asking Sebek about himself, expressing concern for Lilia and being worried about Riddle being too cold at night when he himself is sick (“Even now, you worry about me? Really, Trey, you ought to think about yourself for once”).
He also asks Jamil and Najma about themselves and says the group ought to tell Lilia how much thought Malleus put into his souvenir.
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When Jamil is reluctant to accept an honor that is offered to him at the end of the event, Trey encourages him to make his sister happy.
During Spectral Soiree Trey intentionally sends Sebek after a non-existent ghost in order to distract him from Rook, saying, “I just figured you wouldn’t want people prying into your private life. I’ve noticed you tend to steer clear of that kind of stuff when- we talk at club meetings. But I’m sorry if I read too much into it and overstepped.” Rook thanks him for maintaining “such a pleasant distance,” saying he is forever grateful for Trey’s discretion.
Trey compliments Azul on his glasses, saying that they look great on him and give off a mature vibe, and encourages Riddle not to work too hard, to which Riddle responds, “Trey always was a worrier.”
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When Trey sends chocolate cake and apple pie to Ramshackle with Ace and Deuce for Book 5 Vil comments that Trey is “the type of man one must truly watch himself around—the kind who spoils people rotten under the guise of knowing what’s best.”
Vil’s opinion on Trey’s thoughtfulness comes up again during Culinary Crucible when Trey assures him that he has cut down on the fat and sugar content of his dish, saying, “You addressed my concern before I could even finish voicing it. You’re too considerate by half. It’s almost galling.” Trey says he will take it as a compliment.
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When Ruggie wanders out of his own vignette and into Trey’s in search of food (after Kalim had botched the meal he was supposed to judge), Trey offers him a second pizza that he made.
Vil observes, “Trey, you really do spoil people rotten. It’s a bad habit of yours, the way you try to stay on top of every eventuality.” Vil asks if Trey also bails out Heartslabyul students when they botch their cooking and Trey admits that he does find himself covering for them a lot.
Vil explains, “It’s all well and good to look out for underclassmen, but you can’t baby them. That can rob them of potential learning experiences. There’s a balance to be struck.”
Trey relates a time when his parents once let him burn a batch of cookies, only looking on as he worked without interfering. Trey thanks Vil for his insight and says he will put it into practice.
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Trey is Ruggie’s judge for the Culinary Crucible, complimentary towards Ruggie’s culinary efforts and is able to read the room effectively enough to refuse the leftovers that the chef ghost offers him afterwards ("I'd rather not get on Ruggie's bad side").
It is possible that Trey doesn’t really experience as much thoughtfulness as he practices: when he tries to explain the science behind fireworks to the Firelit Sky group, they ignore him in favor of playing with sparklers.
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Trey says he likes hats and the hat he wears with his dorm uniform was made to match it.
Like Jamil, Trey might wish he had more alone time: when Jamil wishes “to take a trip by myself” during Wish Upon a Star Trey says that he can empathize, as “Alone time’s hard to come by when you’re at school…sometimes you want a little peace and quiet.”
When Jamil asks if he feels the same way sometimes Trey laughs and says, “Maybe.”
Trey says that, unlike Cater, he can go days without picking up his phone, and he prefers to wear casual clothes with muted colors.
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overwatchfics · 2 years
D.VA, Ashe and Kiriko with a fem s/o who is insecure about her short height and small chest? 🐇 thank you!
Short Flat S/O - Kiriko, Ashe, and Dva
A/N: Why do I feel like I know you, show yourself.
CW: Suggestive, slightly nsfw
So I found out recently that Hana is actually 5'6... yeah.
Man, actually doesn't even tease which is surprising since she'll find other things to tease you about, but never your height and especially not your chest (she's really not one to say much in that department)
Suprise hugs you can bet on. She practically tackles you and nuzzles into the crook of your neck giggling.
She likes you being short it makes her feel powerful, and maybe a lil protective, but it's a good thing I swear!
If Hana is teaching you to shoot, it makes it easier for her, she'll steady you with her hands on your hips and correcting your stance.
she's part of the Korean army so stfu she's not just an UWU gamer girl.
will explode when she puts her fatigues blouse on you and seeing the sleeves droop.
Hana is pretty damn strong, best girl to go to concerts with bc she'll hoist you on her back or on her shoulders fr.
If you're openly insecure about your breasts, she is pulling off your shirt and leaving kisses on them. She loves and appreciates them.
she will not let you shame yourself in front of her.
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Kiriko doesn't really have much there (regardless of what r34 artists like to draw)
Never going to judge you, she'll make jokes about sharing bras but that's as far as it goes.
Your height though. She's a damn menace.
Picking you up, wrapping her arms around you from behind and using your head as a rest for her chin.
Is the type of person to wake up in the morning and have you wrapped around her front with your arms and legs around Kiriko's torso.
She'll just casually be brushing her teeth with one hand and hold you by the behind with the other as you're still napping in the crook of her neck.
Lap sitting casually 100%
You are her body pillow she clings to you alot in her sleep
Will put stuff on high shelves simply so you ask her for help.
If she sees you trying, she'll grab you by the hips and lift you up.
For your breasts she'll licking and sucking on your nipples no questions. She will get a non toxic red marker and draw lil hearts on them.
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Has enough boobage for the two of you, but really doesn't care about boob size.
Height however, Ashe is surprisingly fair about.
If you really want to be taller, she'll take you out to get a stylized pair of cowhide leather boots.
Or have you sitting on top of Bob's shoulder.
Likes having you in her lap while she does office work
100% holds you against her and wraps your legs around herself and cradles you in her arms.
Smothers your face in kisses if you try to shame yourself.
If you try to hide your chest, she'll gently pry your wrists away and kiss and lick your breasts, maybe even traces on with her fingers.
I love all of you sugar, there's no need to hide
If you wear Ashe's stuff that motivates her to buy you a matching outfit with her.
Bob is also mildly interested in your tiny stature so his heart will be so warmed if you let him place his bowler vest and hat on you.
Please let bob do this, he deserves happiness.
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A/N: my hand is finally healed so I can write now. Pumping these out holy crap.
190 notes · View notes
huffle-dork · 1 month
Swap Beyond the Crystalverse Chapter 10: SepticPirates
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs
Other Multiverse Stories: SITCV | SATCV | GITHV
SBTCV Masterpost
Bro falls, and lands on a city street. But not a modern city street. It's clear from the cobbled streets and clothes the people are wearing. but it's not quite as medieval as Glasúil. The buildings are made of brown bricks with shingled roofs, and the people wandering around don't wear tunics, but instead frilly shirts and the occasional long coat. The sky above is the bright orange and pinks of sunset. The air smells salty. Nobody really looks at Bro as he appears, but he does get long looks for his strange outfit as he stands there. 
Bro blinks and brushes himself off, flushing a bit self consciously as the people looking at him. He takes it all in and whispers to himself, “… the fuck did we fall now…?”
A window in the nearest building suddenly shatters as a person goes flying out. They quickly get to their feet. A man wearing a red bandanna around his head and a belt around his chest. "Oh, you be making a big mistake here!" He shouts back through the window. He grabs onto Bro's arm. "Come on, Chase, let's—Chase?!" The man does a double-take, looking at Bro. "What in the deep seas are you wearing?! When did you put that on?!"
Bro starts and jerks his arm back with wide eyes, “woah woah woah!! The fuck is happening?!”
"Wait... you got out really real fast, didn't you?" the man in the bandanna says, looking more and more confused. 
CRASH! Another window breaks as a second man gets thrown through it. And then a tri-cornered hat is tossed out after him. The man scrambles to his feet, putting the hat on his head. "Bunch of ass-bastards!" he curses. "Come on, Jackie, let's—Jackie?!" The man also does a comical double-take, staring at Bro. "What in the blue blazes?!" 
And he's staring for good reason, because Bro looks exactly like him.
Bro flounders for something to say. “Why the fuck did you crash through the window?!” Is what he finds himself saying. Then he jumps again as he stares at his other self. “…holy fuck… are you guys pirates?!” he gasps.
"Are you not?!" The man in the bandanna—Jackie—says. "Why are you in the Cove if you're not?!" 
"Must come from very far," the man in the hat—Chase—says. "What bright garb." 
"But he sounds like he's an Angle, or maybe an Éiran," Jackie insists. 
"Then explain the clothes! I've never seen anything like this in Anglice or Éire." Chase gestures at Bro's whole getup.
Bro holds up his hands, grinning nervously, “Oh right me immmm very very very far from here! Some place you all have never heard of- and some place where I thought pirates like- didn’t exist anymore! …so I guess we’re in the past again??” Bro muses to himself.
Chase and Jackie exchange looks. "Are you a friend of Chase's?" Jackie asks. "Or a relative, perhaps?" 
"I don't have any friends or relatives in strange places." Chase shakes his head. 
“Uhhh- not exactly a relative… I’mmmm kinda him like- exactly?” Bro says with an awkward grin.
"You're... me? But I'm me." Chase looks very confused about that.
"Must be pretty far if ye don't think pirates exist." Jackie grins and chuckles. "Well, what brings you to the Cove, then? Looking to join a crew? Because the Septic Eye has openings."
Bro blinks at the offer and laughs, “…you guys are being very casual about being thrown through a window. Doesn’t that like- hurt normal people?”
"Oh, trust me, it stings," Jackie says, brushing broken glass off his shirt sleeves. "But a brawl is nothing! Speaking of, Chase, what do you say we hand it back to those Dark Waves bastards?!" 
"Um—I think this man claiming to be me is a bit more important." 
"Aww." Jackie looks a bit disappointed.
“Oh well, I’m from…. Another world. Where I’m Chase but… not a pirate-“ Bro laughs, “Uh- it’s hard to explain- but um I’m Chase Brody… from the future I guess…??? Depends on how mythical this place is… or like- imagine if you grew up somewhere different and then met that other you? …that’s what I am! …I’m not sure that’s better ah fuck-“
"...no, I'm not heading where you're leading." Chase shakes his head. "But I'll take mystical as an explanation and leave it at that." 
“Yeah okay magic is usually the best explanation,” Bro laughs. 
"Still wondering what you're doing here, Chase Brody from the future," Jackie says. "Like I asked, you want to join a crew?"
Bro looks to Jackie and thinks, “Uhhhh well… me and my brother are looking for something… but god joining a pirate crew would be kickass… even if I’m sure I’m not cool with like- killing, pillaging and stealing-“ as he’s talking, he goes to hold the tracker- if they need to cross the ocean to find this thing… then this might be the best bet! The tracker says that the parts are out at sea, on a ship called the Antithesis. 
"What an unusual glass eye," Jackie says, leaning down to look at it. "Some witchcraft bob?" 
Bro blinks then grins. “Yeah basically! I don’t really get how it works but it shows me what I’m supposed to find.”
"I'll note that the Septic Eye doesn't pillage," Chase says, raising his hand. "We only steal from ships of nobility."
“Oh! Like Robin Hood!” Bro says excitedly, “I can dig that. Sayyy have you two ever heard of the ship Antithesis? cuz what I’m looking for seems to have fallen there.” 
The smiles immediately vanish from their faces. "Your eye told you that?" Jackie asks, suddenly serious. "Well... hang me, then." 
"Don't say that, Jackie," Chase mutters, tilting his hat back. "He's a tough-looking guy. Surely he can, uh... figure his way on and out of there."
Bro blinks comically in surprise. “…damn this boat really brought down the vibe…” he says, rubbing the back of his head. He then smiles sheepishly. “Oh yeah don’t worry about me- I’m.. kinda magic… I guess.”
"Hmm. That would explain your strange clothing... and why you look like me." Chase laughs. 
"If ye be going to find the Antithetis, you'll need to head out to sea," Jackie says. "Need help finding your way back to the docks? I know the Cove can be confusing for people who aren't here often. And I don't think me or Chase will be welcome back in that pub while those Dark Waves sailors are still in there."
“Well… you said you were lookin for crew for your ship, right? Maybe we could.. work something out together?” Bro offers sheepishly.
"Oh yes, that would be a real help!" Jackie grins and nods. "And you can ask Jays about the Antithesis. He knows the most about it." 
"This way, then." Chase points down the street. "Follow us." 
"Ha! The rest of the crew will have fits seeing you!" Jackie grins, and the two of them lead Bro down the street. 
Bro beams and stims a bit, “Brilliant! Oh Jackie is gonna be sooo jealous-“ He mutters to himself as he follows after the other two. Hopefully Alt isn’t too far away- 
Alt lands—lands on the very edge of some sort of platform holy shit—!
For a moment, he wobbles back and forth... and then falls into water with a loud SPLASH!
Alt cries out as he lands, trying to keep his balance- then screeches as he splashes into the water. He breaks the surface and gasps, floundering to try to stay above it as he coughs water out of his mouth.
Squawk! "Man overboard! Man overboard!" 
A bird flies down and lands on the edge of the platform Alt fell off of—some wooden planks of some kind. It looks like a parrot, mostly green, but its head is blue and so are its wing feathers. "Man overboard!" 
"Man overboard?!" A human voice repeats from up above. "Hold on!" Looks like Alt has fallen right into the gap between a dock and a boat. A... large wooden boat. 
A sailing ship.
Alt treads water for a bit to try to get his bearings. It’s hard to glitch when he’s in water… not impossible but not pleasant. He jumps a bit at the squawk then finally looks up to take in the huge ship in front of him. “H-Holy shit…!”
A rope ladder unfolds, dropping down the side of the ship. A man leans over the edge, a man with a mustache. He waves at Alt, and points at the ladder. Then a second face, and a third, lean over the side as well. "Grab and climb!" one says.
Alt shakes himself out of his awe and blinks at the ladder. He swims up and then clumsily tries his best to climb, struggling at bit.
As soon as he gets close enough, the man with the mustache reaches down and helps pull him onto the deck of the ship. 
Alt hurriedly grabs onto the other man and falls to deck, heaving and trying to catch his breath. Alt looks up at the others and then he stares at them wide eyed. “I-I’m… okay… “ he breathes, then weakly pushes himself to his feet, taking the men in.
"Are you hurt?" One of the other men asks. He's wearing glasses, the type where they stay on by pinching the bridge of your nose. He's wearing a long, old-fashioned sort of blue coat. Next to him, the man in the mustache is wearing a frilly shirt and vest, and the third man is wearing a similar outfit, but with the addition of lots of handmade-looking jewelry... some of which include shells, and some of which include bones. Some beads are even braided into his shoulder-length hair. 
"Unusual outfit," comments the man with the jewelry. The man with the glasses rolls his eyes. 
"Yes, in contrast to your normal outfit," he drawls sarcastically.
“I… I could say the same for you all..” Alt mutters. He looks around, “um… where are we, exactly?” 
The man with the jewelry raises an eyebrow. "Did you hit your head on the way into the water?" 
Squawk! The bird from earlier flies towards the group, landing on the shoulder of the mustached man. "Cutlass Cove!" it says. "Cutlass Cove!" 
"As Sam said." The man with the glasses gestures at the bird. "You are in Cutlass Cove. Or, on the Septic Eye, which is docked at the Cove." The mustached man points off the edge of the boat. 
They are indeed docked at a town of some kind, a town that sits on the curve of a bay.
Alt jumps and glitches back from the bird, then hisses a bit, gripping at his arm. He stares at the bird wide eyed then at the scenery. “…holy shit…” he whispers, looking around.
The man with the glasses laughs a little. "What?" He glances at the other two. "That is unusual phrase." 
The man with the mustache raises his hands and... starts to sign. But it's slightly different than the BSL Alt knows. He can still understand it, but there's some guesswork involved. I don't think that's a phrase that exists. 
"Really? It is not some Anglish saying?" 
"Never heard it before--seems a bit blasphemous to the gods, to be honest," the man with jewelry says.
Alt blinks at the others and then smiles sheepishly, “Oh it’s uh… pretty common where… I’m from…”
A faint voice comes from the bag where Alt put his phone. "Welcome to UF-0628724SS," Anti says, his voice too quiet and muffled for the three men to hear. "I like to call it the water world. Cause that's what it mostly is." 
Alt startles a bit at Anti’s voice but relaxes quickly, glad he can still hear him. He snorts a bit at this then looks away from the cove, staring out at the sea. He stares in awe, walking towards the edge at looking out. “This is insane…” he laughs breathlessly.
"...not familiar with that word, either," the man with jewelry says. "En-sain." 
"I can understand from the reaction, though," the man with glasses says. "Grew up somewhere in the middle of land?" 
The man with the mustache nods. That would explain his clothes. 
“Kinda… I live near a beach now but… this is definitely different,” Alt says.
"Where are you from, stranger?" the man with jewelry says. "I'll bet Anglice or Éire from your voice. But I suppose you could be from any in that area." 
"Not Deutsreich, we do not dress like that back home," the man with glasses comments.
Alt turns back to look at the others and sighs, “Alright uh… guessing by how you all talk… this is gonna be hard to explain.” He then straightens up and says, “My name is Alt Brody and- I’m from another world. One very very different from here.”
"Another... world?" The man with glasses repeats. 
"Did you sail off the edge of your last one and land in the water by our ship?" The man with the jewelry chuckles. 
“…yeah that’s pretty accurate actually-“ Alt says to the man with the jewelry. 
The man with the mustache frowns. He looks at the others. Did you hear his surname? 
"No, I did. But the part about the world seemed more urgent." The man in jewelry says.
The man with the glasses reached up, adjusting them. "Well, ah... I am Henrik von Schneeplestein, I am the ship's doctor. This is Jameson Jackson, he is the purser, and Marvin MacLoughlen, he is..." He trails off, gesturing vaguely. 
"I'm the witch." The man with jewelry--Marvin--stares at Alt as if expecting him to laugh or scoff at that.
Alt looks at Marvin and nods in understanding. “You certainly look the part… like a… a witch doctor I’ve seen in pirate- …boooks?” They clearly wouldn’t know what a movie is ah shit-
Marvin grins. "Well... that does make sense, doesn't it?" He turns to the side, making a little pose. "After all, I am also a pirate. We all are." 
"The Septic Eye is a pirate ship, and the Cove has been claimed by us as well," Henrik says. "You must really be from another world if you do not know that about the Cove." 
"Cutlass Cove!" squawks Sam the macaw. "Avast! Avast!" Jameson reaches into his pocket and holds out a little cracker for them, which they immediately start nibbling with their beak.
Alt’s jaw drops. “Nooo fucking way- are you… are you serious?! Pirates??” He glitches a bit in excitement, “that’s so fucking cool!” but quickly stops with a wince. Ugh he needs to dry off… he whispers a spell under his breath then presses a hand to his chest- and he’s suddenly dry again with a zip of green magic. “Oh- that’s much better…”
Henrik laughs. "Well—if you find the pirates' life exciting, then you are not with a nation's navy, clearly. Or the Armada." 
“Oh hell no- I get why pirates do the things they do.” Alt grins. 
Marvin's eyes light up. "A fellow witch, I see?!" he says, matching Alt's excitement. "What spell was that? It'll come in sure handy!"
Alt blinks at Marvin then smiles, “Oh! Uh… I can see if I can teach you! Being wet doesn’t really.. mesh well with my powers.”
"Well—bad luck that you arrived in this world, then," Marvin says. "It's mostly the sea. The land nations are small, some being just islands. Like Éire, that's where I'm from." 
"And it is where our friends Chase Brody and Jackie Menan are from, as well," Henrik adds. "And our Captain Jack." 
"Cap'n Jack!" Sam caws. 
Alt sighs, “I guess that figures…” He then smiles hearing at the others. “Oh you guys do know Chase-! I wonder if my brother appeared by him then…” he muses.
Your brother? JJ asks. 
"Oh, ah... do you know handsign, Alt?" Henrik asks.
“Imm… picking it up mostly-“ Alt says, rubbing his head. “But yeah in my world… Chase is my brother. We’re… technically people from this world too… if you know anyone called Anti… that’s me.” He sighs, pushing up his mask.
"Oh? How fascinating," Marvin says, grinning. He does look a bit... less than hinged, shall we say, but that's probably just the bone jewelry giving him a bad impression. 
"I have never met anyone called Anti," Henrik says. "Or Alt. Certainly not on our crew." 
Jameson shakes his head. 
Alt seems to relax a bit at what Henrik says. At least these guys won’t have a negative image of him. 
Speaking of the crew... now that Alt's really looking around, they're not alone on the deck. There's a woman at the helm, hands on the wheel. There are some men up in the masts. And there's a handful of people around the edges of the deck, tying ropes and scrubbing the deck.
Alt blinks and looks around, noticing the other members of the crew. “Oh damn- there’s… so many more people on here than I thought-“
Jameson laughs—an actual sound. They do tend to blend into the deck, don't they? 
"We were just settling down for the night," Marvin says. "We'll have to ask Jackie and Chase if you can stay on board, if that's what you want. If it's not, you'll have to find an inn on the shore. Plenty of those, though, don't worry your head." 
"Though you said you needed to find your brother?" Henrik recalls. "Another Chase Brody... how strange."
Alt notices that the sun is setting and nods. “Ah yeah… guess this will be a.. longer journey for us this time. Hopefully Chase is nearby… but we’re also looking for something pretty important.” He takes out his tracker- learning the location of the TRVLR piece is on the ship called the Antithesis. He hums and looks back at the others, “…according to this…. It’s on something called the Antithesis? Do you guys know of it?”
All three of the men stiffen in unison. Jameson goes pale as Henrik and Marvin both glance at him. "That is... a ship," Henrik says slowly. "A very... strange ship. Ah... you being a witch, you must know about magic. Have you heard of ghost ships before?"
Alt blinks. “I think so?” …he’s heard of them in a video game before. “But uh- go ahead and enlighten me?”
"They wander the seas, phantasmal ships with phantom crews," Marvin says in a low, spooky voice, like one would use for telling a ghost story. "Some are signs that your own ship will meet its doom soon. Some are simply strange visions. But some will actively attack, leaving damage from cannonballs but no cannonball fragments to find." 
"The Antithesis and its captain are among the most fearsome," Henrik says. "The ghostly sailors will board ships out at night, killing some crew and passengers and... taking... some captive." 
Jameson takes a step back. 
"No one knows how the Antithesis came to be," Marvin continues. "Some say the captain ran aground on purpose on a lunar eclipse, seeking the immortality of ghostliness. Some say the ship was sunk by the Iris Armada. The truth is completely unknown."
Alt’s eyes widen, “Woah…” He glances briefly at Jameson and looks concerned. “…that’s so interesting if it was just like a myth but… sounds like this is something me and Chase need to face now.” He sighs. “cool fun- I can… handle ghosts… probably..?”
"Well... you'll have to be careful," Marvin says. "Can't exactly shoot or stab a ghost." 
And you can't stay on there for too long, Jameson adds. Or... you won't be able to leave. 
"But witchcraft will sure be a good help." Marvin grins. 
“Oh… well that’s- good to know.” Alt smiles at Marvin. He then sighs and looks over near the cove again. “….guess I should start looking for my brother then-“
“Aye, of course,” Marvin says. “I could probably help with finding him—” 
“Ahoy!” calls a distant shout. 
Several of the crew members stop what they’re doing and rush to the bow of the ship. “Ahoy!” Many shout back. One turns around and says, “The mates ’re returning!” 
“Already?” Henrik says in surprise, leaning over the side of the ship. “I do hope the two of them didn’t get in a brawl again.”
In the distance, walking down the city streets, is a man in a red bandanna and two others.
Alt blinks and turn glitches to look towards the streets. He grins as he sees the familiar bright orange of Bro’s jacket. “Hey! There he is!” He laughs, “what good timing.” 
Bro sees the flash of green from the ship and starts to wave wildly towards it.
Jackie and Chase break into a run. "Oh, what's that?!" Jackie shouts in response to the green flash. "Some sort of witchcraft? Never seen the like! What's Marv working on now?" 
"Hmm... I don't think it's Marvin." Chase looks at Bro. "You know what's going on there?"
“Yeah! That’s my brother!” Bro grins. Since they’re running- and because he thinks it’ll be funny to see their faces- he kicks off the ground and bursts into the air sailing towards the ship.  
"What in the blue blazes?!" Chase gasps. 
"Fucking witch stuff!" Jackie shouts, surprised.
Soon enough, Bro is landing down next to Alt with a flourish. “Alt!! Isn’t this so cool?! Pirates!!!” He beams. 
Alt laughs and shakes his head- “I think you just gave everyone on the ship a heart attack bro-“
The whole crew does indeed seem to have had a collective heart attack. One of them reaches for a bell hanging from the side of a mast but another stops her. 
"H-how--excuse me?!" Henrik gapes at Bro. 
"Not a bird! Not a bird!" Sam squawks, and Jameson shakes his head slowly, as if agreeing with the macaw. 
"Amazing!" Marvin gasps, and suddenly grabs onto Bro's arm. "Oh, you're real!" 
Jameson grabs him and pulls him back. You can't just latch onto someone. 
"Ah, sorry."
Bro startles slightly then laughs, “Yeah I’m real! I’m Chase but you all can call me Bro! Nice to meet ya!” 
Alt laughs and rolls his eyes a bit. “Excuse my brother- he likes to show off.” 
“You’re one to talk.” Bro snickers.
Henrik nods. "Well... you do look much like Chase." 
"The spitting image, really," Marvin says. "Except for that leaping through the air." 
“Yeah kinda freaky, huh?” Bro chuckles.
Jameson leans over the side of the ship, looking at the dock. He turns back around and whistles. "Lower the gangplank!" Sam caws. 
The crew members spring into action, pulling out the gangplank and lowering it as directed so Jackie and Chase can come on board.
Once the crew starts to move Bro hurries over to the edge and waves down at them. “Ah sorry! Didn’t mean to leave you!!” 
"Excited to see your brother, huh?" Jackie laughs. "Alright, ye show-off, don't worry about it." 
Bro flushes a bit but grins sheepishly at Jackie and Chase.
"You both dress like that, huh?" Chase comments, looking at Alt. "Might need something new if you don't want all eyes on you." 
Alt looks at his outfit and hums, “…guess we do kinda stick out…” 
Jameson's eyes light up. I could help with that! 
Marvin laughs. "Excited?" 
Excited to give advice to people who will listen to my points on clothes for once instead of putting bones in their hair. "I don't put bones in my hair! Just beads."
“Yes! Oh I love when we get to wear costumes!” Bro stims eagerly. 
“I hate to admit it… but me too,” Alt laughs. “We’d appreciate the help, Jameson.”
Jameson grins. We'll have to go back into the city. There's a clothing shop right on the dock. He leans over, pointing it out. 
"Aye, you can tell by the blue columns out front," Jackie agrees. 
Anyone else want to follow? Jameson asks. 
"Well I want to know more about this other me," Chase says. "Might as well tag along for that." 
"How much rum did you and Jackie have?" Henrik asks. "They're not going to let you in if you wobble like idiots." 
"Not that much!" Chase says defensively. "We, uh... got in a... fight--" 
"Of course you did," Henrik sighs. 
"But we weren't hurt!"
“They both got thrown through a window,” Bro points out. Alt blinks in surprise and stares at Jackie and Chase.
"Hey!" Jackie says. 
"You brainless gulls." Henrik sighs. "Alright, where were you cut?" 
"We weren't!" Chase holds out his arms. "Look for yourselves!" 
"I will be!" Henrik immediately bursts into action, brushing Chase and Jackie down and checking their skin. 
"It wasn't our fault," Jackie grumbles. "Some crew from the Dark Waves were insulting to the captain."
Bro blinks, “…what’d they say?” 
“And what did you do back that got you thrown out a window? Seems like a pretty drastic reaction…” Alt mutters.
"They said that Captain Jack abandoned us!" Jackie growls. "He'd never! Not in a thousand years, in a thousand fathoms! I'd believe he sunk to the locker before I believed he left us!" 
"Maybe you should have said that instead of hitting the man square in the face," Chase says. 
"You got tossed out after me! What did you do?!" 
"...hit his friend in the face." 
Marvin laughs. Henrik rolls his eyes. "Well, you two seem fine, at least. You'll have bruises later but no cuts."
Alt blinks then grins, “Nice- sounds like those guys deserved it.” 
“…what happened to Captain Jack?” Bro asks quietly.
Chase shakes his head. "We don't know. Vanished right off the deck while we were not too far from Anglice. Nobody else on deck at the time saw anything, which is very strange." 
"He left all of his things behind!" Jackie says. "Even Sam!" 
Sam squawks. "Cap'n Jack! Hoist the colors!" 
"We can only guess there was witchcraft involved," Marvin says. "But I'm not sure how it was used."
Bro looks concerned, “…that’s so weird-“ 
“Hm… maybe I could help? I have some spellbooks with me… I could try to see if maybe there’s a trace of what took him still around..” Alt says.
Marvin snaps to attention. "Books of spells?! Yes, if you could find something in them, that would be a great help!" 
But I'm sure the shops will be closing soon, JJ says. How long will this take? We don't want to wait.
“…clothes first- I can do the spell stuff whenever!” Alt laughs. “Especially since if we’re hunting down a ghost ship… we’ll probably be here a bit.” 
“Woahhh a ghost ship?? Like in wind waker??” Bro asks, looking excited.
"Ah, so you told him what the Antithesis is, then?" Jackie asks. 
Marvin nods. "It'll be tough to find it, but maybe that glass eye of yours will make the search easier." 
"So we're going to help them, then?" Chase asks. 
"Of course!" Henrik chuckles. "Do you think we can resist a hunt for something valuable like that?" 
Jameson nods. I'll help out, too, of course. He clears his throat, then smiles. Well? Let's go get those clothes! I'll use my share for it, don't worry, you won't need to pay.
“…I would offer to help but uh- I don’t think we have the right kind of money,” Bro laughs timidly, “So… thanks that’s so nice. We’ll find a way to make it up to you!”
Don't concern yourself, we can get some more! Jameson says cheerfully. 
"Easy enough." Jackie grins mischievously. Chase laughs. "Alright. Down to the shop, then?" 
Down to the shop! Jameson hurries over to the gangplank, and Chase follows him. Sam the macaw does as well, flying overhead.
Alt and Bro shared glances then grin at each other and hurry after the others.
The clothing shop, identified with the blue columns as Jameson pointed out, is filled with all sorts of outfits. It's a real eclectic collection, a mismatch of patterns and colors. There are some fancier-looking dresses and coats, but most of it is more casual, better fitted for a life on the sea.
Alt and Bro look around at all the materials and patterns.
“Dudeee this is sick!” Bro grins excitedly. Alt chuckles and nods. 
 A woman walks out from a door at the back, wearing a long red outfit that's reminiscent of traditional Japanese clothing back on Earth. "Oh, Mr. Jackson, welcome back! And Mr. Brody as well. And--oh!" She hurries over to Bro and Alt. "So vibrant! What is this material?" 
The brothers both blink at Haru checking out their clothes. “Uh… cotton I think? Or… something synthetic- that’s why it’s shiny.” Bro tries to explain.
 "How beautiful," Haru coos.
"Ah, Bro, Alt, this is Haru Milton," Chase says. "She and her husband run this place."
“It’s nice to meet you,” Alt smiles shyly.
Haru backs away, looks between the two Brody brothers, and bows. "Nice to meet you too." 
They'll be sailing with our crew for a while and want something suitable, Jameson says. 
"Oh, of course, of course, a pleasure to help." She pulls a measuring tape out of her sleeve. "Though your clothes now are quite amazing. I have never seen anything like them. Do you mind measurements or would you prefer to go by sight?"
“Oh! This is so fancy-“ Bro giggles with glee. “I’m okay being measured.” 
"Fancy?" Chase laughs. "It is, isn't it? But the Miltons take their work seriously." 
“Um- I’d prefer sight,” Alt mutters, messing with his mask.
"Of course, of course." Haru nods and starts measuring Bro, starting with his chest and waist. "Mr. Jackson, please help your friend while I help Mr. Bro here." 
Jameson nods. He looks at Alt and smiles. You like layers, then? Here, I think these are close to your size. He walks over to a rack of coats.
Alt blinks and follows after Jameson. “Oh yeah layers would be good…” his eyes brighten at the sight of the jackets and he grins wide, starting to look through them.
Bro holds out his arms and stays very still for Haru. He laughs, “We don’t have anything like this back home! … or if we do I’ve never been!”
"Oh no, not back home where I'm from, either." Chase laughs. "Me and my family had about four sets of clothes each, and my son's clothes were mine when I was his age." His smile fades slightly. 
Not many space for clothes on a ship, either, so you have to be sure what you have fits, Jameson adds. 
Haru finishes up measuring. "Yes, I see. Over here, Mr. Bro. These should fit your form nicely." She gestures to a corner of the store.
“Oh you have a son?” Bro asks then furrows his eyebrows in concern. But, he’s distracted by Haru and he giggles at the name. “Ha- Mr. Bro…” as he goes to look over where she directs him.
Chase nods slowly. "Yes... I haven't... been home in a while, though. My wife, Stacia, she found out that the ship I was sailing on was a pirate ship, and she was... not happy. She told me to get out, and I... I want to return, but..." He sighs.
Bro winces and looks back at Chase, “Damn… that’s rough, buddy. But I’m sure you’ll be able to get back some day!”
Chase laughs. "I'm sure. But we are far from Éire right now, so it will be a while." He pauses. "The next time we sail nearby, I'll ask the others if I can go see them." 
You don't need to ask anyone, Jameson says. You're the first mate. You can do as you want. 
"Well it wouldn't be right to go off without telling the crew, would it?"
“Oh you’re first mate! …I forget what that means but it sounds important!” Bro laughs.
Chase laughs. "It means I'm second highest, right behind the captain. I'm not sure why Jack chose me, especially when Jackie and Henrik had been on the crew much longer than me--" 
Well, Henrik's a doctor, isn't he? Jameson says. 
"Jackie, though?" 
He's happy where he is. Jameson smiles. You do great, Chase, don't worry. He looks at Bro and Alt. Well? Found things you like? 
"I have a room in back to try the clothes," Haru offers.
Bro beams at his other self, “Yeah other me! I’m sure you’re awesome!” 
In the meantime Bro has piled a couple fabrics and things he likes in his arms, including a bright orange piece- close to the color of his jacket. He grins, “Heck yeah! I’m busting out all my movie knowledge lemne see how this looks!” 
Ah yes, orange must be a favorite color of yours, given the bandanna, Jameson says, chuckling. 
Bro beams and nods then rushes into the room to try stuff on. 
Alt has picked out a dark gray blue coat and is looking it over, smiling slightly. “Bet this will look cool-“
Oh yes, I'm sure it will! Jameson says excitedly. Try something green as well, to bring out the unusual coloring in your eyes. 
Alt blinks at Jameson then smiles and nods, “Alright! Something green…” Alt starts to look around and soon enough finds a teal-ish vest and a green sash. 
"Having fun?" Chase comments, smiling. 
I am! None of you ever listen to me! Jameson laughs.
Then Bro rushes back out, throwing out his arms to show off his look. “What do you think?!” He has an orange bandana wrapped around his head, a soft blue open collared shirt and a gray vest with blue stripes on the front. The vest and shirt are tied with a striped sash that’s yellow, white, gray and blue. He had tall brown boots on and brown braces on his arms and black and blue striped pants. He grins wide, giggling in excitement. 
"Oh!" Chase gasps, and laughs. "You look more dashing than I do!" He pushes his hat back. 
You'll fit right in! Jameson says, grinning. You have a good eye on you. Both of you. He nods at Alt. Make sure that fits. 
Alt grins at Bro and laughs. “Looking good dude!” 
“Thanks! Hurry and go try your stuff Alt!” Bro encourages. 
Alt flushes a bit then checks over his stuff- grabbing a grayish undershirt and pants and hurrying into the back.
"How many eights, Haru?" Chase asks. 
"No more than a handful, surely," Haru says. "Here, let me find the details." She goes around the counter, taking a ledger of some kind from beneath it. 
Jameson goes over there, too, taking a small bag out of a pocket.
Alt comes out after a bit, pulling on the long trench coat and adjusting his mask self consciously. Underneath the coat he has on a teal vest and that gray shirt- tied together with a thick green sash. He has dark blue pants and black boots. He smiles sheepishly. “Not nearly as flashy as Chase but… eh?”
"Not as flashy, but not everyone is flashy!" Chase looks over at Jameson. "Is that something like you'd say?" 
Jameson nods. Don't worry, Alt, it looks great on you.
 Alt smiles a bit more, playing with his necklace. “Thanks…” 
“You look good Alt!! Very nice!” Bro laughs, looping his arm around Alt. 
Alt glitches a bit in surprise then playfully shoves at Bro. 
Jameson takes some coins out of the bag and starts lining them up for Haru. Big, golden coins--very pirate-y. No, wait, they're not exactly coins. They're more octagonal in shape.
Bro then wanders over to Jameson and looks at the coins with wide eyes. “Woah! Pirate coins!! They’re so big-“
"Aye, the pieces of eight are the main form of coin in this part of the sea," Chase says. "Though it's not the only coin. There's... um... I don't actually know." 
Jameson laughs. Silver pieces are another popular coin, and pieces of jade as well. 
“Ohhh- neat!” Bro laughs. 
Haru takes the coins as payment. "I'll assume you just want to wear those out?"
Bro smiles at Haru, “if that’s okay, that’d be grand!” Then he blinks, “oh my other clothes-! Alt can you-?!” 
Alt walks over, stuffing their clothes into his backpack. “Way ahead of you-“
Chase laughs. "Glad that someone thinks ahead, because I also forgot." 
"Pleasure doing business with you," Haru says. "As always, Mr. Jackson." 
Jameson nods, and turns back to the others. Now, let's go back to that ship to try that witchcraft.
Alt zips up the backpack and nods with a smile. “for sure!” 
“Thanks Jameson!” Bro grins.
The group says goodbye to Haru and head back to the docks. The sky is darker now, becoming a dusky blue as the pinks and oranges of sunset started to fade. The Septic Eye's gangplank is still lowered, and there's some music coming from up on the deck. Cheerful accordion and fiddles, along with some singing. 
Chase laughs. "Sounds like they've cut loose while we were gone. I bet you an eight that Jackie started it." 
I'm not taking that, because you're probably right, Jameson says. 
"Pieces of eight!" Sam the macaw squawks from the edge of the ship.
Bro hears the music and starts to rush for the gangplank excitedly. “Ohhh!! They’re throwing a party!” Alt shakes his head and laughs.
The deck is filled with people, a circle of crew around the main mast playing instruments. The others are singing, clapping along to the beat, and some are even dancing. 
"Avast, Chase, Jays!" Jackie shouts, sitting up in the netting you'd use to climb up to a mast. "And our newcomers too!" The crew all shouts in greeting, a chorus of "Aye!"s and "Ahoy!"s and "Avast!"s.
“Aye!” Bro greets and raises his hand. He watches the circle with a big grin and looks up at Jackie. “You guys sure do know how to put on a show!” 
Once they’re close enough Alt glitches up and goes to sit on the edge of the wall of the ship, curiously watching the people playing the instruments and singing.
The crew shouts in surprise as Alt glitches, but they quickly shrug it off. Alt shrinks in as he surprises eveyone and hides his face in his mask. 
"Come on, join in!" Jackie shouts to Bro, laughing. "Ye'll learn the lyrics fast enough! And if you don't, just sounds are fine, too!" 
"You all are going to feel this tomorrow!" Henrik shouts from... somewhere. It's hard to see him through everyone else. 
Bro blinks and looks out before shrugging and then climbing up to sit next to Jackie on the rigging, “Maybe you can teach me!” 
"Maybe I can!" Jackie grins. "Alright, we're coming to a call and respond section! Repeat with me! And now we sail on the bright blue seas!" 
Bro grins back and follows Jackie’s lead, singing out loudly, “And now we sail on the bright blue seas!” 
"Looking for bounty for you and me!" Jackie continues, laughing. 
“Looking for bounty for you and meeee!” Bro sings with a flourish, finding himself giggling. 
"Fighting 'gainst monsters from the waves!" Jackie and half the crew sing. 
“Fighting ‘haunts monsters from the waves!” Bro calls in response with the other half. 
"The crew of the Eye will prove we're brave!" Jackie sings. 
Bro grins and repeats, “The crew of the Eye will prove we’re brave!” 
"And say 'aye aye aye!' Away!" Jackie shouts. 
“And say ‘aye aye aye!’ Away!” Bro shouts too, pumping a fist into the air. 
The whole crew cheers, and the sea shanty goes into an instrumental section, the musicians fiddling away. 
Bro cheers too and starts to clap along to the music. “Damn! This is a riot!” He grins at Jackie.
Meanwhile, Marvin hops up next to Alt. "Can you teach me to do that disappearing thing or is it just in your blood?"
Alt glitches a bit in surprise as Marvin joins him and then blinks at him, “Oh my glitching? It’s… blood… I think. It’s uh… complicated but- it’s kinda only something I can do really…” he says self-consciously, fiddling with his necklace.
"Ah." Marvin sighs. "Would've come in hand to appear and disappear like that." 
Alt chuckles, “It is very useful.” 
Marvin brightens up again though. "Nice coat, by the way! See you still have your bag as well. Your books of spells in there?"
Alt flushes a bit but lowers his mask to smile at Marvin. “Ah, thanks… and uh yup! Lemme see if I can still read it before it gets too dark…” he plops his bag in front of him and pulls out his normal spellbook, flipping through the pages. “Maybe… something with divination…? Or a tracking spell…” he mumbles to himself.
"Oh, you can use the lantern if the shadows get too deep," Marvin says, pointing around and indicating a bunch of lanterns hanging around. "My divining didn't work, myself, but maybe something about your powers will be different."
Alt nods and starts looking through his spells. He hums in thought, “…if your divining didn’t work I’m not sure mine will… my practical spells are still kinda… iffy. Maybe if I had something of his…”
"Do you think you could use Sam?" Marvin points at the bird as they perch on Jameson's shoulder. "If not, there's plenty of his things still in the captain's cabin."
Alt thinks, “Probably something that hasn’t been touched as much by other people… that way his like presence? isn’t muddled with someone else’s… if this even works… “
Marvin nods. "The cabin it is, then." He hops up. "Come on, I'll open the door for you." And he leads the way around the singing crew towards the stern of the boat--the back.
Alt hops down from the wall and follows after Marvin, still looking through his book as they walk. 
The captain's quarters is unlocked. Marvin pulls open the set of double doors, revealing a wooden room with a single set of glass windows. There's a bed in the corner, a wardrobe in another corner, a desk against one wall with a bunch of papers and some books, and a framed map on the wall that is most definitely not of Earth. Little bits of sea-based paraphernalia litter every surface.
Alt enters the room and looks away from his book, taking in all the details. He whistles at the sight of the map then runs his hand across the desk with the papers. Trying to see if there’s anything lingering here… any magic he can sense.
Marvin lights a few of the lanterns in the cabin as Alt looks around, turning the little keys at the bottom. Seems this world has gas lights, as opposed to the world of Glasuil, still with only candles and magic. 
Alt looks at Marvin turning on the lanterns with a bit of fascination before getting back on track. 
Alt can't really sense any magical signatures from a specific item. But there is a vague feeling of something... dark. Dusty and salty, like a turbulent sea. 
He tries to focus on that dark salty feeling, closing his eyes and clutching at his necklace, using the chaos star symbol to channel his magic- trying to see if he could divine… something. Thinking of how the Jacks in the other worlds looked could help maybe?
A moment passes. Marvin leans closer, watching him with interest. 
And then, a shadow forms. A flickering green figure. Alt can't discern many details, but he sees the figure take a hat off its head and hang it on the corner of the wardrobe—where a hat actually rests. And then another figure appears. It seems to walk through the wall from the side. The first figure spins around in shock, and the second one lunges, grabbing onto it before it can react. And then they both disappear.
Alt gasps as the vision forms and watches with wide eyes. “S-Someone attacked him… it must have been a… a ghost cuz it came through that wall-“ he points at where he saw it came from. “Then it grabbed Jack and just… disappeared.” He walks over to where Jack’s hat is and touches it lightly, frowning in concern.
"A ghost?" Marvin blinks. "Oh no. Don't tell me we'll be dealing with that ghost ship for more reason than one. The Antithesis has haunted these waters enough. That ship's captain is the only ghost who'd have a problem with Jack."
“…if the Antithesis’s captain had a problem with him then… that’s your best lead.” Alt says gravelly. “…why would the captain want Jack though? Enough to steal him away with no pomp or circumstance?”
Marvin shakes his head. "I'm not sure. No good reason. Maybe he'd want to make him into a ghost with the rest of his crew? Or maybe it's revenge for--" He stops. "Oh, I'm not sure I should share that. Not my business, really. You can ask Jays about it, see if he'll tell you."
“I hope he’s not a ghost now…” Alt mutters. He closes his spell book and walks back towards the door, raising an eyebrow at Marvin. “…sure- I’ll bring it up with him later.” He shrugs.
They leave the captain's cabin. Out on the main deck, people have broken off into smaller groups that are talking loudly while the band plays a different song. 
"Where did Chase go?" Marvin mutters. "We'll need to talk to him about what to do pursuing the Antithesis. He's the one in charge while the captain is gone."
Jackie is hanging upside down from the rigging and Henrik is shouting at him to be careful-- "I do not want to fix more head injuries!" 
Bro is trying to copy Jackie, giggling to himself and waving down at Henrik. “He’ll be fine bro, chill out!” 
Henrik throws his hands up in the air and curses in German--or, a language that sounds German. Given how they called English "Anglish" earlier, they probably have a different name for that language, too. Bro giggles more, reminded of how him and his Jackie push Dr. J’s buttons.
Alt sticks kinda close to Marvin, warily eyeing the crowd. It’s a bit more manageable now that it’s in smaller groups but- god there’s still so many people… “Oh yeah I heard he was the first mate… um-“ Alt tries to help look around for him. He sees his own Chase hanging from the rigging like a doof and rolls his eyes.
Chase is up on the deck with the helm, leaning back against the wall and holding a brown glass bottle, taking a swing. Jameson in here, too, with a bottle of his own. 
"Ah, Alt! Marvin. Care for some rum? This is fruity." 
"Remember to drink water, Chase, to help your headaches," Marvin says.
Alt blinks at the two of them, hesitates, then shrugs with a grin, “Ah sure what the hell?”
Chase hands the bottle out to him. It is, indeed, very fruity, more like a cocktail than straight rum. 
Alt tries some then blinks at it in surprise, “damn- this fucks.” He grins, taking another swig. 
Jameson laughs. Let's use that phrase in the future. This fucks.
"Alt just did some of his witchcraft in the captain's cabin," Marvin reports. "Says that a ghost might have taken him. Meaning we have another reason to find the Antithesis." 
Chase blinks. "Alright... and you're telling me?" 
You're the acting captain, Jameson says. "Ah, yes, of course." Chase leans back, pressing a hand to his head. "We'll stay in the Cove for the night, and then set off in the morning. I'll assume those glass eyes can give us a heading. Ghost ships are usually only found in fog or at night, so we might be at sea all day."
Alt listens to the others and then nods, “Yeah that sounds good to me. Our tracker… eyes- they can give us pretty specific info on where to look.” He smiles to himself as he hands the bottle back to Chase. “…not gonna lie- I’m actually kinda looking forward to sailing on a real ship like this.”
Chase takes a swig back. "A real ship? As opposed to a fake ship?" He laughs. "I suppose you don't sail much where you're from."
Alt laughs, “No not really- …my friends all got to a little bit back but I-“ He grips at his arm, trying to push back to unpleasant memories of that trip. “…I couldn’t join them.” He shakes his head and tries to smile, “But now I get to so- it’s all good. And it seems like Chase- my Chase- is already getting comfortable being on one again,” He laughs, gesturing towards Bro and Jackie.
Jameson turns to look at Bro and Jackie, frowning. I do hope they don't get hurt. 
"Well, the other Chase can fly, so I wouldn't worry about that," Marvin says. "He'll probably catch Jackie, too." Bro seems to slip for a second from the rigging but catches himself with a laugh. 
Chase smiles at Alt. "Sailing isn't for everyone, but the life can be... the sea can pull to you. The open ocean, the salt in the air..." He laughs a little and shakes his head fondly just thinking about it. "So. Will you two be sleeping on the ship tonight? We do have spare hammocks. Or if not, you can stay in the Cove."
Then, Bro parkours off the rigging and hops over to Alt and the others, “Sup lads! Oh hell yeah are we drinking?!” 
Alt laughs and rolls his eyes before looking back at Chase, “spare hammocks would be grand. We haven’t really had much chances to rest so- I’m afraid if we slept in an inn you’d all cast off without us!” 
“Oh yeah- I’m probably gonna sleep like a baby tonight-“ Bro laughs.
Chase laughs. "You want some? Jays, give him yours, Alt got mine." 
Jameson rolls his eyes but holds out the bottle to Bro. 
Bro eagerly takes it from Jameson and raises it up, “Cheers!” He takes a large swig then blinks down at the bottle. “…dude this fucks!” 
“That’s what I said!” Alt laughs. 
"We'd be sure to remember you I'm sure!" Marvin says. "After all, you'd provide the heading. We wouldn't know where to go if you weren't with us!" 
"Aye! Gus, Mona! Find some hammocks for our two new travelers!" Chase shouts. 
"Aye, mate!" a voice shouts back.
“Hey Marv, what’s a heading? S’that like directions?” Bro asks, taking another sip.
Marvin laughs. "Heading is the direction to point the boat! A course is how you'll get there, you need the heading to plot it out. Chase was our navigator before Jack made him the first mate. Now that's Jackie." 
Which is why he should always be careful not to hit his head, Jameson says, watching as Jackie slips in the rigging for a moment, his foot getting caught. He's going to give Henrik a conniption.
“Oooh okay! Cool! Learning new things!” Bro grins. He takes another sip before passing the bottle back to Jameson and backing up. “Heh- if Jackie is so important I’ll get back to keeping an eye on him then! Just in case~” he grins then hurries back to Jackie, climbing up the rigging a little more sloppily. 
“Oh boy…” Alt sighs.
Luckily, Jackie is just about to climb down and ends up meeting Bro halfway. "Other Chase, I was thinking, you'd be a great topman with your flying craft. Or a lookout. No need to climb all this!"
Bro blinks then grins wide, “Oh yeah! I think my Jackie tried that out last time! That’d be fun- it is fun to climb these too though~” he giggles. 
"Isn't it?! This is why I became a sailor!" Jackie laughs. "Saw them all climbing up the ropes from my windows and wondered what it would be like to do that out on the open ocean." 
“Ha! My Jackie was the same way when we first got on a boat,” Bro grins, “he took to the riggings like he was born to be a sailor!” 
"Someone remind your brother to drink water as well," Chase laughs. 
“I’m torn between letting him get drunk and regret it or trying to stop him,” Alt mutters.
"Well... if you'll think he'll be able to help us cast off in the morning if he weren't drunk, maybe try stopping him," Chase says. "Personally? The drink doesn't come out as much on the open sea, so I say why not take it while you can?"
Alt contemplates this then shrugs. “Chase burns through alcohol quick- and since we’ll be here for a bit-” He glitches over to grab the bottle from Chase before suddenly sitting on the wall behind him. “You’re right! Why not let loose?” He takes another big sip with a giggle. 
"Ayyyyy!" Chase laughs. "Let me get you your own rum, then! So you don't have to keep swiping mine." 
"Henrik better have those headache cures ready in the morning," Marvin says, grinning. Alt grins too. 
The night goes on, the sky darkening and filling with stars. Seems they're not the only ones partying, as there are a couple more ships in the dock lit up with strains of music. And some seems to be coming from the city on land as well. The people in this world really know how to celebrate, don't they? 
Bro and Alt get probably too into drinking- considering how good the rum tasted. Bro talks and laughs with the other boys and the crew- trying to dance and sing to the songs they’re playing or join in any games. Alt tries to see if there’s any instruments he might know how to play- but soon enough gets too drunk to really try.
Luckily, Jackie gets off the rigging before he gets too drunk, and there are a handful who stay away from the rum to keep an eye on things. Henrik is one of those, and Marvin stops fairly early before going to bed, but the rest of the crew goes on until they all eventually trickle off, down to the decks below. 
Jameson shows Alt and Bro where they set up extra hammocks for the two of them—right at the end of the rows, closest to the stairs into the next deck up. Then he heads off. Apparently intending to sleep in the purser's office instead of with everyone else. Henrik must have done the same with the doctor's office, and Marvin disappears to who knows where, but Chase and Jackie take to the hammocks with the rest of the crew.
True to his word, Bro seemed to burn off the alcohol fast but he stayed decently buzzed until they started heading below deck. But, that also meant he had to help Alt who was a giggling mess. The older brother helped get Alt into a hammock before smiling down at him and patting his hair. 
Alt usually isn’t that good at falling asleep around others- but it does seem their adventures have caught up to him as he slips into sleep. Bro climbs into the other hammock and sighs, feeling exhaustion pull him down too.
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everynicorobin · 1 year
Favorite Robin panels, cont.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Sabaody (cont.)
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Chapter 495
Look at her. What's she doing. What is that face. I love her.
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Chapter 496
Top ten funniest panels in One Piece
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Chapter 507
I really respect her decision. She could have taken the easy way out and saved herself and everyone a lot of trouble by skipping out on getting the Road Poneglyphs, but she has enough faith in herself and the crew to know that they'll make it on their own.
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Chapter 510
I admire this quick thinking. Her Clutch move might have worked by redirecting the beam at the sky, but she might not have been able to generate enough hands to pull that off in time, especially considering (though they didn't know this at the time) that this Kuma is a robot duplicate. So she does the next best thing: Slam his jaw closed like an alligator's and blow him up from the inside.
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Chapter 512
Although it was Usopp who grabbed her at the time, I appreciate the similarities between this panel and the ones where Robin is rescued from Aokiji and then abducted to safety on the sea train.
Tequila Wolf
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Chapter 593
She loves them so much!! She's turning down the chance of a lifetime so she can go be with Luffy in his time of need! Just starts crying just starts crying
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Chapter 596
auuguhughh she loves her friends
Sabaody (return)
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Chapter 599
Look at her!! She's so happy to come back and meet up with everyone :')
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Chapter 600
And she wants to see Luffy again so much!! Ms Robin I love you!!
Fishman Island
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Chapter 605
This one is great because this is the first time Robin's drawing something unusual they've seen, but she acts like it's a habit for her. Plus, this is what the sketch ended up as:
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Chapter 616
This is just a lovely shot of her. Look at her. Keep looking at her. Beautiful.
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Chapter 628
This is a very nice moment - very peaceful and calm, yet her words hold some kind of weight. We've gotten more hints as to Joyboy's identity at this point, but back then he was just as big a mystery as the One Piece itself.
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Chapter 629
God this is so funny. Why'd she do it like this. She could have stopped their fight any other way.
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Chapter 643
A very cool Robin! Her pose is great here, especially with the sunglasses, and she very casually deflects their praise onto Jinbe, not taking any credit.
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Chapter 648
Another adorable Robin and Chopper moment! She doesn't even ask if he needs help, she just supports him without a word.
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Chapter 648
I love that she chose to hold his head like that instead of holding him under the arms like a normal person
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Chapter 649
She knows how to do an epic reveal and puts that talent to good use. It's a serious subject, not only because they're talking about a potentially destructive power, but because that power belongs to a young girl who has no idea of her true ability.
Punk Hazard
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Chapter 655
A super cute panel where she enjoys Usopp's misery while feeding Luffy :)
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Chapter 659
An amazing panel for several reasons. Robin's inner thoughts are cute as always. Based on Luffy's lack of worry or "How will we get across?" attitude, it seems he has the same idea as Robin. Usopp knows them well enough to read their minds at this point. Absolutely incredible.
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Chapter 661
A great scary Robin face and all she wants to do is steal the enemy's clothes
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Chapter 665
Her cold fury for the fact that Franky is making weird faces in Chopper's body culminating in her commanding him to never speak again is just hilarious
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Chapter 673
Always very funny to see how not seriously they take to being kidnapped and tied up, and the fact that they're reminiscing about when Robin was an enemy is doubly amusing
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Chapter 696
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Chapter 700
Yet another peek into her vivid imagination
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Chapter 705
The combination of the hat and sunglasses gives her a very classy look here
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Chapter 711
This is Robin's first expression of comic shock and I love it so much
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Chapter 711
Another great expression, coupled with the fact that this is the moment Usopp's habit of self-aggrandizing and lying finally breaks her
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Chapter 728
Robin gives off the air of, and often is, sensible. It's moments like these that really stand out, when she's swayed by a sob story (even if she's not crying) or walking headfirst into danger.
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Chapter 728
Her second expression of comic shock, even better than the first since she's participating in a group gag this time
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
29 notes · View notes
Solrin x LI stuff that just makes sense in my head: ↓
Solchael -
• She is currently trying to turn Michael into a cuddle bug. She wants a really cuddly and snugly boyfriend, so she's incredibly over affectionate to him so it can rub off on him. It's slightly working because he's getting more prone to being a little touchy feely with hand holding. "Curse you Sol" - Michael
• she once had to look after his motorcycle for a day since he was forced to go with his parents on this 'parent/child' bonding session with catching fish and going to a restaurant to eat.
At the end of the day, Michael now had a cutesy little wolf charm on his keys. What can she say? "They looked bland... Now they're cute!" - Solrin
• his nonchalance is rubbing off her, which is making him happy since they both can just chill and 'mind their business', since she usually was real nosy about public drama out loud. Now they can be nosy together in secret
• they try baking together as dates sometimes. It usually ends up with them getting mad at being in each other's way, them kissing too much and forgetting they have food burning somewhere, or just eating the batter and then just buying stuff at a bakery. No inbetween
• they both have a small possessiveness problem. More Solrin than Michael, but you bet they don't like being away from each other's eye for too long in crowded places. Solrin likes to put on bright lipstick and kisses him all over to make it obvious, Michael would just casually swoop by and hold her close and give her his jacket.
They just like eachother a lot.
Calrin -
• actual snuggle bugs for eachother. They just can't stop holding eachother and cuddling up like 2 cold cats in front of a heater in a shared cat bed. They're addicted honestly- but who can blame them? 1 is a 6'1 tall beefy jock who's literally a golden retriever, 1 is a slightly muscly 5'10 girl who wears really cuddly stuff (furs and fuzzy and crocheted stuff, and plush stuff). "It's necessary! It's to keep my girl warm and safe!"
• Trust Caleb will take her on the cutest dates known to man. Like cat cafe dates (though he doesn't go in the cat area, he stays at their table), going on a swan boat on a lake, having a cute ol fashioned picnic in a park, even just roasting marshmallows by the campfire in his backyard... "You really are the sweetest man ever~" - Solrin
• she loves wearing his clothing. His sweatpants, his tops, his hoodies- ESPECIALLY his striped white & black sweatshirt. She never takes it off if she's wearing it. Caleb lets her, he doesn't mind- he likes seeing her in his clothes anyway, she looks nice in them.
• she loves kissing him. 1 because she just loves kisses, 2 because she can feel his smile on her lips when she does and it makes her heart feel all gooey inside. Sometimes she goes overboard and kisses him so much that his face & neck ends up a glittery/glossy mess. He doesn't mind though.
• they're just drunk in love. Absolutely wasted on endorphins and romantic chemicals. They love just giving eachother kisses with their eyes, and just hanging around eachother.
They chilling fr.
Solade -
• S-U-P-P-O-R-T-I-V-E what's that spell? You BET Solrin is seated at every game Jade is playing when Hearst Isn't Versing Berry. She's the loudest in the crowd- ESPECIALLY when Jade gets their team a point and/or wins the game. "BEAT THEIR ASSES JADE!" - Solrin
• she also loves to give Jade sports team merch that she knows she'll love. Baseball bat keychains? A signed hat? Some limited edition cups? Solrin already swiped it for Jade. Even if something is out of stock, she'll just make Jade something handmade about her favourite sports teams! "I don't know how you do it, but thanks!" - Jade.
• Jade takes her on thrift dates. Thrifting is their main date idea, almost every week they go thrifting to see whatever is available to buy or look at. She even takes Sol to unknown thrift stores and antique stores just to see all the cooky shit people bring in and the stories they can make about said cooky shit.
• Jade also likes to lift Solrin up. Jade is a jock, she definitely does sports, please she WILL be somewhat muscly. She has no problem grabbing her 5'10 gf and picking her up and swinging her around after her team wins a game.
• they're both addicted to milkshakes. If they have a cafe date, a date at the golden griddle, going around town together- they're getting milkshakes. Cedar Cove milkshakes just hit different...
All in all, WLW supremacy.
Solgan -
• Morgan doesn't like Solrin because of how pretty she is. She really doesn't, because how can she concentrate when a tall curvy goddess is in front of her staring at her and giving her half-lidded eyes? This raging lesbian brain is NOT functioning. "Dammit, can you just not be hot for 2 seconds?" - Morgan
• she probably spends most of her time at Sol's house anyway. Her dad is chill and makes good hot choco, and also she likes just chilling in her loft bed, even if it's just too stare at the ceiling- her house can sometimes be too loud with her mother's music blasting from the lounge when her mother cleans... "You know I've never seen you so calm before... Its nice." - Solrin
• Solrin loves Python. She loves Python a ton, so much so that she keeps giving python head kisses and holding her. Python likes her since she doesn't try and bite her, which makes Morgan angry since Python loves giving Morgan little hisses and bites sometimes.
• she also loves wearing Morgan's denim jacket as a top. Just to wear as a top and nothing else. Of course she asks Morgan, and Morgan DOES mind when she does, but her gf looks hot in it, so it's whatever...
• they probably make out a lot in Morgan's car- and then act like nothing happened and they just go and get something to eat... Though Solrins earrings and jackets can be found in the backseat tidy somewhere.
They're THE dynamic. C'mon now.
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sinkableruby · 10 months
Ougi 1-26
mother mother - ghosting...........................
balance.... balance balance balance balance reason balance
show them being spooky and weird. ougi must be weird and spooky at all times this is a requirement GOD i love ougi
misogyny, transphobia, homophobia (less this but still)
yes because i love them. i would have to get better at cleaning my room but i definitely could as long as i did that
obviously. i appreciate their tricks and i would go along with their lies and laugh at their jokes because i already do that. we would be so tricky and fun together
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12. loves hats and other hair accessories but just never gets the chance to wear them because COUGH always in the school COUGH (i say this bc of the amount of official arts giving them hair accessories n hats) 13. 🤭 14. hmmmm.... it's not quite right to just say "goth." ougi absolutely wears black (could even say another headcanon is that its their favorite color bc i mean. cmon) almost if not all of the time... if i'm going off official art, cute clothes, sometimes with frills. if i'm going off a whim headcanon, fancier, elegant stuff (like smth you might wear at a fancy party), maybe formal attire, or just plain black shirt and skirt/pants. if i'm going off both, lots of dresses, long or short. if i'm picking specific styles/genres of fashion, probably either casual, business casual, or evening wear. maybe some goth too actually, but not lolita and probably no eyeliner to go with it 15. hmm.................. i dont ship ougi so much. but tsubasa/ougi kismesis rivalry ship is real. 16. >:((((((( koyougi. setting aside that it would never happen bc they dont see each other like that bc of who they are, it would put ougi in a really bad spot that i really dont want to see them in to the point where it physically pains me. koyougi can only exist and make sense by being mutually toxic and destructive and i'm fine with torturing koyomi but i refuse to subject ougi to that. 17. was gonna say this for 15 but then saw this. for a more traditional romantic ship, i think ougi/tsukihi is alright 18. well assuming this doesn't have to be romantic... koyomi, probably. she does so much for him and loves him so much. their dynamic is so unique and interesting and... intimate and special. and touching, too :) (and of course, fun and mischievous and all the good stuff) other than that... maybe nadeko? because of nademonogatari. and how nice he is to her 19. mmm don't think i have one of these? 20. TSUKIHI!!!!! TSUKIHI TSUKIHI TSUKIHI!!!! ive talked about this in another post but. they share similar situations and ougi had a heart-to-heart with her in ougi dark!!!! besides koyomi ougis opened up the most to tsukihi, and tsukihi genuinely respects ougi (ln)! ougi can unbalance tsukihi but the reverse is also true so they're on an equal footing. and tsukihi would help ougi out on whatever they needed, too bc tsukihi's just like that. they'd be really good friends i think nisioisin should scrap whatever his next novel idea is and write this instead 21. oh absolutely the gags. its soo fucking funny to think about how the hell ougi would take the piss out of something. i cannot count the number of times i've read my own fics and burst out laughing because god ougi is such a little shit and would totally do this. something i dont like........ second guessing myself on whether they would in fact, say that. alternatively, trying to figure out how to give them character development in a satisfying way because nisioisin forgor 22. there's no one thing because everyone other than me gets it wrong in an unforgivable way. HOWEVER, the thing i see people doing the most (or just remember the most) is making ougi Too intellectual. ougi isn't Not intellectual, but ougi is also not stuck up their own ass. this is the person who said "*blush*" out loud. ougi gets silly with it. ougi is a jokester and disrupts the balance and preserves the balance by disrupting it. if ougi is being too much of one thing, they will take notice and immediately shift gears to be the opposite. ougi is incredibly self aware. if ougi was ever using an average of 6 long and sophisticated words per sentence, they would cotton on and then make "Huh WHUHHHHH" their next sentence. 23. WHAT YOU CANT ASK ME THIS OK I KNOW WHAT IT IS NVM. its this (explanation in the link)
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there's two to tie with this, or runnerups perhaps: this, which is just. fun and playful and lonely. a moonlit waltz, and ougi's leading him around wherever she wants. wonderful
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and this vofan art! love these so very much. this one just feels like im in school and the sun is shining through the windows. which is what literally is in the picture but it feels like i'm there. ive always loved seeing the sun shine on things and it's no less beautiful here, especially when it's lighting up the euler's identity proof on the blackboard. the big ZERO scribbled a few times over is a nice touch too
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THIS VOFAN ART IS ALSO SO SO SO GOOD! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!! IN THE MIDDLE LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL SMILING AND ACTING ALL HUMBLE WITH THEIR FANCY LITTLE TUX THING. GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!! LOVE THAT FOR THEM LOVE THEM YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! 24. thought i didnt know this one, but actually... ena from. ena lol. it's the inscrutability + the gender + the formality 25. "wait who is this? did i skip a part by accident?? am i supposed to know who this is??? ive never seen this character as part of the lineup for mono girls. huh." then this became admiration and joy when she started doing interesting philosophizing and harassing of koyomi. not to mention the GENDER. and how entertaining they always were. without even realizing it i started rooting for them...... and now of course. they're the most important thing to me 26. "Are you really always right about Ougi?" hehehe...
YES. I AM ALWAYS RIGHT ABOUT OUGI!!!!!! *cackle* *cackle*
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who-is-shades · 1 year
raz dnd mini sesh 17.5
parsley yet again in eeby deeby. right in gods own domain lol.
god comes in and takes parsley goddamn. wheatley sighs and starts fixing up his body.
meanwhile eyes emoji the gals get out of bed wink wink anyways now we know what those arms do xD aftersex talk is always awkward lol. senna helps teya get dressed so romantic. zen being casual about it makes teya feel less awkward lol.
we head toward lil brother and hope parsley didnt go back out drinking. zen tells us that parsley is eeby deebyd again wtf. 'do you think its a fairy thing?'
wheatley fixed himself up pog! he has a tail cool! 'hey teya you match now!' we let him know he looks nice. lil bro is no longer drunk but he wants to drink again oh no xD SP is doing wheelies around wheatley going 'dad fixed!'
zen is taking us clothes shopping! fuck yeah! the person that runs this 'shop' is strange apparently. 'velvet and silk' are their names. clothes all over. 'i really dont think this is necessary.' omg android is being dressed lol. 'you cant just go around in just a belt.'
wheatley calls out to him and hes just like ugh its you guys. the other robot is 2 robots in 1! 4 arms, clothes making accessories and a real wig! wheatley wants to try on clothes for the first time ever! their so cool lol.
they measure wheatley as he t-poses lol. they ask what kind of style he wants and he vaguely describes some lolita fashion. android just looks tired. wheatley tries to talk to android and points out that he got fixed up. android is kinda dead right now.
wheatley notices how awkward things are and tries to break the ice. zen speaks up and says the robots are good at making clothes so its ok. teya is excited for what they come up with. wheatley wants it to be soft despite being unable to feel it. teya notices android is side-eyeing wheatley. she asks if everything is ok and he grumbles hes fine and stares ahead.
they come out with a big dress for wheatley! mostly white, bumped up petticoat and lightblue frills on the bottom. hole for the tail. blue frills and black and white lines on the sleeves that go down the shoulders like suspenders.
wheatley is so excited! 'of course he'd love it!' they help him into it hes squealing lol. teya and senna clap as he spins! wheatley asks if we wanted anything. senna says her and teya should pick each others outfits! teya is like 'you trust me?' with her farmers clothes lol.
SP looks up at wheatley and just says 'fashion.' senna holds out some hats form him but they all just fall off. she then shows him a bonnet that looks like a sky. wheatley offers to help lol bro get some clothes. senna and wheatley bring him stuff to try out. he just keeps putting them on together.
now their talking about why not wearing clothes is bad. senna looks at zen and teya for help. senna abandons the topic and distracts herself in a clothes bin. teya is looking for the most awful restrictive clothing for parsley as possible.
senna basically puts teya in eula's clothes from genshin lol. teya loves it and she looks great! wheatley does a cute girly jump with teya lol. the robots are so happy to make these fancy clothes! wheatley tries to put a tophat on android but he tosses it F. he then gives zen a cowboy hat and he accepts it lol.
teya puts senna in a star dress like from the stardance. senna 'appears' completely happy and dows a twirl and you can see the scale! teya asks how it felt and senna says its surprisingly lightweight. senna calls them professionals in every aspect. (senna is just a little self conscious right now she will like it later i promise)
senna asks what android is here to pick up. he says the seamstresses insisted on picking clothes for him. wheatley insists he would look great in anything. zen says we all look nice. he says it brings out sennas scales. 'thank...you...zen...' she distracts herself by telling wheatley an umbrella would work with his outfit but he says it wont work in combat but now hes thinking. teya says maybe a shield? wheatley says he used a spear so maybe.
we curtsy goodbye to android and go find a blacksmith. his name is smith of course. he pounds metal with his fists ala bismuth! shield spear parasol! he says thats too fancy for him to make he needs an artificer, which he is but like better. so we go off to find some!
we go into that huge building from earlier. zen says he doesnt really know them since they stay here and build stuff. balls of pure light and darkness merge. A FUCKING BLACKHOLE WTF. they shut it down fast lol. wheatley makes his offer. individual floating panels on the umbrella that makes a shield projection! it can fold and attach to the pole and a spear comes out the tip! when he throws it the flaps accelerate it! wheatley is enraptured. it runs on batteries so be careful not to run out. dont leave it around organics. (RADIOACTIVE WTF) dont let it go critical lol.
teya steps back a bit lol. wheatley wants to practice with his new fucked up weapon. shooting range oh no. senna leaves to go get a new mace lol. teya wants to wander. zen is like 'wait your not supposed to wander off!' and he goes after teya.
senna goes back to smith and asks if he can make her mace stronger. mace plus 1 pog! she gets directions to the fletcher cause she wants to upgrade her crossbow. names fletcher lol. he throws my crossbow and it explodes fucking hell. crossbow plus 1 pog. time to head back to wheatley.
cutting to zen and teya! shes being a tourist lol. she found the library! split in 2, one is classic one is futuristic. time to research the feywild! teya sits in the uncomfy chair lol. one of the books says the feywilds are always changing so stay on the road.
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9ateez-multiau-bot · 2 years
Home – YeoRin
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Yeosang has no intentions of finishing his food the second that the collar fell from his neck, Bobby’s hold on him and Hyerin now gone. Leaving the food on the table and slipping out to the rooms he and Hyerin were resigned to, the ferret wastes no time; packing all of his things in a suitcase he had charmed a regular at the casino to buy for him. There wasn’t a lot to pack, but he needs to empty the room of any and everything that was linked to the pair of them.
They need to vanish. They can’t allow Bobby to find them again.
Noona, don’t come back
He let us both go home
I’ve packed both of our things
Rin Noona
Fuck we did it
We’re free
Alright— I’ve just said bye to Lola
Meet you by the bus stop? I’ll call us a taxi from there.
Hyerin whined as she woke up in Bobby’s room, human arms stretching over her head as she regained her bearings. The flashback wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to be thrown off like that. But perhaps it would work; a little improvising wouldn’t hurt – the face she shared with the Mafia taught her that much.
“because people are talk-talking sir.”
“Then let them…seems like I need to teach you how to keep your mouth shut.”
Oh? So it wasn’t only the hybrids who wanted to leave. The staff wanted them gone too. She could work with that.
Looking at the exterior of the casino one last time before he pulls the luggage with him, Yeosang walks as fast as he can through the winter chill, his tail wrapping around him to provide just that little bit of extra warmth. The more he walks, the more relieved he feels. It was over; months of working off a debt that was finally paid off.
Waving off her girlfriend at the bus stop, Hyerin decidedly feels much lighter; she’s spent the day with her mate, and Yeosang put the last part of their escape plan into action. Listening to the Mafia pays off, it seems.
Mafia Me is calling
“Yes? Did you bring the change of clothes? I’m at the bus stop, I guess you know which one.”
“I’m going to ignore you blatantly insulting my intelligence, wolf. Yes, I brought the clothes; you really think this ‘Bobby’ will be this receptive?” Hyerin confirms what her counterpart asks, and there’s something in the back of her mind that notices how much more the Mafia woman uses their Daegu satori.
She’s proud of it. I’m not.
Surely, the phone hangs up and minutes later Hyerin sees the Bentley pull into the closest car park, a text telling her to hurry up wolf pinging on her phone. So off she went, those same wolf ears picking up anything that could possibly be out to get her.
“You really wear this every day?” Hyerin asks, looking herself over in the mirror. She’s dressed in all black, a hat to match and the hybrid would be a dirty liar if she refuses to admit that it makes her look powerful. With her ears and tail hidden, she really does look like a clone of the con woman behind her, now donning something a lot more casual.
“Yes, now hurry up and meet your ferret friend, he’s waiting for you, right?”
“He should be there right now; thanks again Rin.”
“You’re welcome, now go on and get lost.”
Engulfing Hyerin in a hug as the two board the bus en route to take them home, Yeosang sinks into his chair, never more grateful for the scuffed leather and slightly worn embroidery. He shifts, his ferret form squeaking with happiness as he curls up in his seat, ready for the hour or so long nap he’s been craving.
The house looks just like they left it that day, months ago, and both hybrids can already the commotion of people behind the door; Seonghwa cooking with Wooyoung, playful barking while San is screaming at what is definitely the TV screen. Yeosang reaches for the doorknob first, fishing for his keys and opening the door with practiced ease.
Seven pairs of eyes dart towards the front door.
“We’re home.”
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theriddlersunderwear · 7 months
The Library Part 3
The next day, the library was overrun with heartbreaking news. An entire nation was suffering the severe effects of mass poisoning from a multitude of unorthodox methods. A brave soldier named Nathaniel was listed among the thousands of dead citizens. That same day, one of the few healthy countrymen stormed the library.
The farmer wore baggy, hole-ridden clothes that spoke to the hard work he put in every day. His eyes were worn and tired, and his straw colored hair was unkempt beneath his farmer’s hat. Despite his weariness, the farmer stood tall as he stomped through the halls.
“Wan Shi Tong!” his rough voice shouted. He stopped in the center of the main room, head swiveling as he searched for the Great Owl Spirit. “My name is Atsushi, I come from the fields of the poisoned country.” The man was not old by any means, but his face was weathered and his hands were calloused.
Wan Shi Tong’s massive figure emerged from the shadows, “And what do you seek to gain by coming here? If you truly want to help your country, go find a healing Deity. Do not waste time here.”
Atsushi stood his ground, looking the Spirit dead in the eyes, “I come here seeking a way to exact revenge on Poe! With your knowledge, I could bring justice to my people and avenge the fallen!”
“No,” The Spirit replied. “My knowledge is not here for you to use as a weapon.”
Atsushi’s hands tightened into fists, he was practically spitting at the Owl as he shouted, “Why?! What does it matter to you? My people are dead because of Poe, and he was only able to kill them because of your knowledge. What’s one more life for the thousands he has taken?”
Wan Shi Tong bent down to stare the farmer in the face, “I brought this wisdom to your kind out of generosity, and humans have used it well. But recently, I have come to the realization that humans no longer wish to learn for learning’s sake. They only wish to use knowledge against others for the purpose of destruction and evil.”
“I’m not using it for evil! Poe is the evil one, he instigated this and I’m only trying to take him down,” Atsushi cried out petulantly.
“Do you really think you’re the first human to believe their actions were justified? If I remember correctly, it was your soldier Nathaniel’s cannon that destroyed Poe’s village. Poe was simply retaliating. Neither side is truly evil, but neither of you are good either. I will have no part in this petty war of yours.”
Petty? Atsushi thought, seething. He sees these deaths as petty?
Atsushi moved to argue, but he stopped at the sound of footsteps echoing off the marble floors. The steps were slow and confident, asserting a sense of dominance over the other people milling around the building.
“Greetings, I hope I’m not interrupting,” a familiar, smooth male voice said from behind Atsushi. Atsushi turned around only to be met face-to-face with Poe himself. The farmer was frozen, legs trembling with the urge to tackle the pompous man to the ground and kill him right there in the library. This man had the guts to murder almost his entire nation and now he is making casual conversation as though nothing happened? Atsushi could see Poe smirking behind the protection of his long bangs.
“Did you not see the sign?” Wan Shi Tong asked icily. “You, Mr. Poe, have been banned from my library.”
Poe tilted his head upwards, letting his bangs fall back across his porcelain skin. He frowned,
“And why is that? You would ban a man for simply wanting to learn?”
Poe’s voice was outwardly respectful, but had a snobbish undertone. He spoke boldly, without an ounce of remorse. The uppity young poet truly believed that he was entirely in the right.
Wan Shi Tong’s beady eyes flashed with restrained anger, “You deliberately disobeyed one of the most crucial rules of this sacred building. Did you think I would not notice the missing pages? You stole from me and had the insolence to use that knowledge for destruction.”
“It was not needless destruction. You said it yourself, his country struck first,” Poe replied cockily. Before he could even comprehend what he was doing, Atsushi shoved the man to the ground.
Poe’s eyes widened in shock as he lost balance. His shoulder collided with the marble floors, and he felt his joint pop. As he struggled to a sitting position Atsushi kicked him in the face, forcing him back to the ground. Every time Poe had nearly gotten back up, Atsushi kicked him back to the ground. Choked cries for mercy left his throat as his nose began to bleed and his skin bruised over.
Atsushi had never been a violent man before, and certainly would not have curb-stomped a stranger. But he was filled with an unstoppable rage that no amount of morals would stop. As his steel-toed farmer boots made contact with Poe’s body over and over, Atsushi could hear the crunch of the poor man’s bones beneath his feet. His eyes glimmered with malice and a sick enjoyment.
What are you doing? Are you really going to stoop to his level? A tiny voice spoke in the back of Atsushi’s mind, urging him to stop. He was vaguely aware of Wan Shi Tong’s talons scrabbling at his back, trying to pry him off. But he was too far gone. There was no stopping him now.
“ENOUGH,” The Spirit commanded, throwing Atsushi across the room. The action caused the farmer to snap out of his rage, his vision clearing. He could see Poe laying eerily still on the floor in a puddle of blood. His arms and legs bent oddly from broken bones, his face entirely stomped in. The orbital rims of both of his eyes were also broken causing his once beautiful blue eyes to roll back into his head.
Poe was dead.
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intofclklore · 1 year
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penny gets a summer job at starcourt mall. this doesn’t stop her from relentlessly mocking steve for doing the same. it’s different though. she’s working at a cool clothing store, where she gets discounts and the first look at the newest, cutest trends. he’s scooping ice cream cones and probably going home sticky. his job’s gross. hers is cool. she feels completely validated in the teasing. it becomes like her second job. she spends her breaks in the food court anyway, already there to grab some fries. she may as well have a little extra fun while she’s there.
it helps that the ice cream at scoops ahoy is actually really good. the first couple of times she went in, she ordered the most complicated looking thing she could just to put steve to work. it was delicious. but her wallet demanded she stick to cheaper cones if she didn’t want to blow her entire paycheck there. steve has never been worth that.
but that’s fine. she likes the cherries jubilee cones just as much if not more than the big fancy sundaes. the girl who works there suggested it one day when penny went in to bully steve and got robin instead. it’s her go-to now. she saves the sundaes for when steve looks especially stressed and she wants to make it worse.
she thinks that’s what she’ll order tonight. she got paid that morning and had a couple extra dollars to spare. it’s later than she usually shows up. her break came and went and she spent it with another girl she works with, eating with her instead. the mall is emptying as she makes her way from contempo casuals to scoops. some stores have closed already, the rest will be soon. she knows scoops is open about thirty minutes later than her own work place is, so she’s cutting it close, but she makes it in time.
it’s open but empty when she gets close enough to see inside. rather, almost empty. she can see steve cleaning up behind the counter and it makes her grin. he was about to have to re-do all that hard work. maybe she’d order two and hope the second didn’t melt by the time she got it to her dad. right before she steps inside, someone gets there ahead of her. they don’t even seem to notice her. they’re stomping, on a mission.
“excuse me, young man!” it’s an older woman, around her dad’s age if she had to guess. she has a scoops ahoy cup in her hand - or does, until she slams it on the counter. her tone makes penny freeze. she’s less eager to go in now. she lingers just outside the entrance, not out of sight, but no one seems to notice her. steve’s too distracted by the woman screaming in his face. penny can’t catch every word, especially from steve who is considerably more soft spoken than the lady is, but she gets the gist. the woman’s unhappy with her order even though she drank the entire thing and ordered it over an hour ago. she’s demanding a refund. it makes penny roll her eyes. even she doesn’t yell at people like this, who are just trying to do their job. she’s a bitch, but she’s not a monster.
penny only goes in once she’s gone. storming out with no refund. steve does not look happy to see her. she smiles at him.
“we’re closing. what do you want?” yikes. even on his worst days, he still gives her the standard required greeting and tries to fake it. he takes his hat off and runs his fingers through his hair and she can’t even bring herself to gasp and call him on going against dress code.
she leans against the counter and tries to peer behind him to see if robin is in the back room. she can’t see her. she thinks she would have come out by now if she was still there. “i was in line. not my fault it got held up.” she was in line… just outside the store. it counts.
steve sighs and aligns himself in front of the register. “what do you want? banana boat?” damn him for knowing her plan.
“well actually, i came here to fight. but it looks like you’ve had a shit enough day. it kinda feels like i’d be kicking a puppy. so i’ll just take the ice cream, i suppose.”
he gives her a look and she can’t tell if it’s relieved or amused. maybe both. mixed with annoyance still, which is fair enough. he knows what to expect from her little visits. maybe a hint of embarrassment too, knowing she witnessed that. but she can’t tell for sure.
whatever look it is, she returns it with a smile. “no banana boat though. cherries jubilee, please. two scoops. waffle cone.”
she suddenly wasn’t craving a sundae anymore for some reason.
the rest of the exchange happens in silence. she slides two dollar bills across the counter at him. he drops her change into her palm before making her cone. she waits until he passes it to her and has his attention again before she drops the coins into the tip jar. “that’s for robin.” she wiggles her fingers at him in a wave before turning with a flick of her hair. “thanks, king steve!”
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muppeteyes1001 · 1 year
Part 2 of 2 Unfit
"Ahh, Miss Katrina Cunningham ... How .. expected of you" Mason returns the greeting with a polite tip of his hat. Though on the last bit, his tone shifted to one of slight annoyance. "And not to worry .. They were no trouble at all ... Children will be children, after all" he added, gesturing to Ben and Lucy.
"It's ok, Kitt! ... We were just about ta head on back to the orphanage an' .. change" the bear boy tells Kitt as he looked over his wet clothes, to which she nodded in acknowledgment with a small, somber smile. "We'll catch the carnival tomorrow when the creeps aren't around, ok?" he whispers discreetly into Lucy's ear with the side of his mouth. As the two quickly shove off, Lucy manages to chirp out a 'bye' as she's pulled away in the wagon. Once the two kids were safely gone, the two adults continued on with the conversation.
"So what brings you to the carnival? .. Honestly never thought that this was even your kinda thing, yes?" Kitt remarks as she casually holds the strap of her satchel bag that hung on her shoulder.
"Normally I'd say not ... But 'never say never' as they say ... These types of events are usually monitored to make sure .... things are going smoothly .. And that there are no riffraff skulking about" Judge Mason enlightened. To which the felinoid could only mentally note on how the pot was calling the kettle black here.
"I see" Kitt simply responds in a relaxed manner. "Does that usually entail scarin' little kids as well?" she then added, not in an accusing tone .. But in more of an observant one. Yet, that wouldn't escape the judge's notice.
"Good children have no need to fear me, I simply want what's best for them ... That's all one can really ask for" Mason promptly responds. Earning a slight brow raise from the felinoid.
At that, the judge then began to turn tactics a bit within their conversation. Discreetly gazing over the direction Ben and Lucy had fled, he decided to change the topic more over to her since he was already familiar her own little plight.
"My taking's that you've grown quite attached to those little urchins, haven't you?" Mason began, as his smile seemed to curl a tad. Kitt became a bit more alert at that, though remained silent as the judge continued.
"If I recall correctly, you've been asking the courts permission to take them both in .... And for quite a while too, I understand ... Well, my dear .... The sad truth is that's just not possible ... I mean, considering your rather ... delinquent past and all. Besides, you already know well enough that those with a known criminal record are prohibited from becoming wards. Such young minds being tainted and exposed to such negative influences ... Inconceivable!" he states, putting on a faux appalling expression as he said the last part.
"And not only that .... You're not even married, are you? .. Well I'm afraid that's just another strike against you, my dear! .... After all, children need both a mother AND a father in order to become well rounded adults ... As well as functional and thriving contributors to our fair society. A lone caretaker who isn't even blood related is .. simply preposterous" the tall badger judge inserted. At that, Kitt then decided to interject. She had already heard all this before, so it wasn't a shock to hear. But, it wouldn't stop her from putting in her own two cents.
"Oh is that right?! .. But it was all fine an' dandy when I was left in the care of that .. that ol' git years ago when I was a kid, wasn't it?" Kitt couldn't help but snap back at that point.
"Now now, madam! .. That .. 'old git'.. as you called him was listed as your legal guardian in your parents' will ... T'was only my duty to fulfill that wish for them. And you seem to have turned out ... well enough" a sarcastic tone was obviously felt as it crept into his reply.
"No matter what you say, it won't make me stop trying .. I don't care how long it takes, but I will keep sending in those applications until you're up to your neck in them ..... I can't be ignored forever!"
The cat woman was stubborn, that's for sure .. And Judge Mason knew this all too well. This was when he decided to pull out his "trump card" in the matter.
"You know, it's rather unfortunate that their adoptions haven't been going quite so well. The boy's only had at least one interested family. Which is not at all surprising as older children tend to be looked over. However, he's rather adamant of not wanting to part with his little friend. And as for the girl herself, why she would be a prime candidate for a new family ... If only she weren't showing signs of some rather .. odd peculiarities... Which has concerned all her potential adopters, I'm afraid"
"Peculiarities?" Kitt softly repeated to herself. She had honestly noticed some slightly odd quirks from Lucy for a while, but nothing that would truly cause any major concern ... At least, not for the felinoid.
"Tis sad, but true ... But there are always some avenues open for those who are unable to find new homes" the judge began in a mock somber tone before seemingly able to perk up.
"But you know ... Those two would benefit greatly from the workhouses ... And I assure you, there's no need to worry ... They will be given all the basic essentials ... A roof over their heads, enough food, a place to sleep .... And with a bit of work to earn their keep, they'll do splendidly .... After all, no one gets offered anything for free in this world" he states matter-of-factly.
Kitt hears this and automatically feels her stomach drop. "W..Workhouses?" she manages to rasp out before Mason continued.
"The lad's rather bright and resourceful. I believe he would do rather well working in one of the food mills ... or the glass factory. Perhaps ... maybe even be sent to a youth camp .. And in a few years, become a proud member of our finest airship forces. As for the little doe, I imagine once she learns how to operate a sewing machine, she could work in one of the city's dress shops .. What little girl wouldn't love that? ... And as charming as she is ... She may be fortunate enough to be taken in by one the local lords to cook, clean, and serve tea for their family .. Such honorable service for the young lass to provide ... And they will both play their parts .. And become among the many cogs that keep this industry running"
The old badger says all this as if he was trying to sell off a marketing idea .... Lucy and Ben were being treated as pawns ... for cheap labor. Kitt was beside herself. She couldn't believe what she was hearing from this judge. This respected man of the court.
"Have you gone absolutely mad?! .. You're talkin' about sendin' children to become either soldiers or servants ... As if those are the only choices they'll ever have in life ... Just because they have no families doesn't make them any less valuable than those that do" the felinoid shot back. Her anger began to rise and her heart began to quicken with agitation.
Seeing this rise from her, Judge Mason simply smiles and lets a soft chuckle resonate from his throat.
"Life can be unfair, I know ... But once the boy's old enough to be shipped off, this whole trifling matter will finally be over and put to rest ... permanently" he finally declares.
It wasn't until that sentence totally sunk in that Kitt's initial anger was doused out. Instead, it was being replaced with fear and dread for the two children over what the judge had just said.
"Shipped off?! ... Y ..You mean to separate them! .. No .. No, please, you can't! ... Those two are like siblings! .. You can't just take them apart. Do you have any idea what this'll do to 'em?!" the felinoid cried out. Pleading that this would not come to pass.
"Ah, but they're aren't siblings, are they? .. Not related in the least .. Tis not an uncommon thing for siblings to be parted. After all, boys and girls are meant to do different jobs. Trust me, they'll learn to accept such changes in due time ... They always do" the judge almost purred as if this was a simple everyday job for him. Though honestly, it probably was.
"If we don't have order, then everything we've built .. will simply fall into anarchy ... And I for one refuse to ever let that come to turn" Judge Mason added, gesturing to their surroundings as if trying to prove a point. But Kitt wasn't having it.
"A little late for that, don't ya think? ... How can ya not see how plain an' utterly cruel this is? ... You're a bloody judge! .. Your job is to help the people of the city ... 'All the people' ... Not just your poker mates and the ones who line your damn pockets. Have you no honor whatsoever?" the felinoid sharply retorted. Her teeth baring only slightly.
After that, the badger judge simply looks down at her. His slender snout held high up in the air with a strong unimpressed expression.
"Honor and justice are the very things I stand for! .. And what keeps this city alive and on the 'straight and narrow' ... And as far as morals go .. You are honestly the last person to ever be giving anyone any kind of talk of the sort ... much less to me" Mason responds back. His own teeth were bared and clenched as he spoke the last part. He then catches himself and regains his composure with a small cough.
"And I know that you haven't truly ceased those little 'rogue excursions' of yours .. Although they haven't been proven .. Yet" Mason adds with a tone that could only be gleaned as a threat towards Kitt. To which the felinoid only glared at him through narrowed eyes.
"Now, if you will excuse me .. I have some business to attend to .. You have a good evening, Miss Cunningham" the badger judge concluded. Adjusting his vest and cape before taking his leave.
Kitt watched as the judge went on his way before he finally disappears around a corner and towards the exit of the fairgrounds. Her gloved hands forming tight fists, she was trying hard to keep her composure after all that .. But it was proving to be nearly impossible. After what had transpired, there was nothing more that the felinoid wanted then to just let out everything she was feeling right now ... Mostly beating the old badger into an absolute pulp. Though, she knew well enough that if she had given into that urge, then the cat woman would've just proven his point that she wasn't a suitable guardian for Ben or for Lucy.
With that in her mind, all she could really do was swallow down all her fear, anger and pride .. And damn nearly choking on them. Kitt needed to think of something, but she was running out of ideas. It was painfully clear that the courts were never going to grant her legal guardianship.
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