#if you reblog send me an ask
nimona-antifa · 7 months
Alright I'm stealing this. Send me a ship and I'll rate it!
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Feel free to reblog, but if you do please send in a ship!
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sallie-may-slut-ranch · 8 months
Alright, might as well get an ask game or two going! Please reblog and send me a kink to rate!
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
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placesyoucallhome · 6 months
Size/Height difference poses
I love height differences aesthetically, but posing them can sometimes be a pain! So to cater to those that also struggle with posing smols and tols, I have a few options-
Meant for art of any type and ask memes, for drawing, writing, photography (like gpose!), ect. Gender nonspecific and for any sort of relationship type, romantic, platonic, and antagonistic!
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museaway · 2 months
✍️ more fic writer asks!
reblog & your followers can send asks with the questions they’d like you to answer!
the last sentence you wrote
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
how you feel about your current WIP
a story idea you haven’t written yet
first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you)
your preferred writing fonts
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
a WIP you’d like to finish someday
a trope you’re really into right now
a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
where do you get your inspiration?
favorite weather for writing
favorite place to write
talk about your writing and editing process
if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
in what year did you publish your first fic?
when did you publish your most recent fic?
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
pick three keywords that describe your writing
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
are you able to write with other people around?
your favorite part of the writing process
your least favorite part of the writing process
how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
share a fic you’re especially proud of
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realpokemon · 7 days
rotomblr: reblog with the worst injury you’ve ever gotten from a pokémon, wild or domestic
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
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neroushalvaus · 4 months
One very draining thing about having an openly gay presidential candidate is having the humanity and capability of us openly discoursed everywhere like it's fucking 2013 all over again
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buckttommy · 18 days
hrmm. i feel like. there is a conversation to be had about whether or not a storyline is racist that a lot of you are not having and that conversation has a lot to do with intention.
i'm seeing a lot of people call this mara storyline racist and as a literal black woman, i just. do not get it. is mara a brown/black girl? yes. has she been traumatized/retraumatized beyond belief? yes! and that is horrible. but the question i don't see anyone asking is why? was there precedent? did the story just come out of nowhere or was there build? does the event make sense within the context of the story overall? and like. i mean. yeah. it does.
the groundwork for mara's introduction was laid last season with a different little girl, though the premise ("hen and karen are going to be adopting a girl") remained the same. the groundwork for conflict was also laid in 7x2 when ortiz's (an established person in power) son died under hen's care. these events led to the rising action and revenge we saw play out last night. this is a clear arc with a clear and defined progression that could make sense if exchanged for a predominantly white family without any significant changes and with all the same emotional (soul crushing) beats.
versus noah's storyline last season, which existed solely to prop up maddie as the hero white woman while coloring noah—a sweet, black boy—as a criminal. that was it. there was no build. there was no tension. there was no story, except to say "here is a black boy and he is bad." there wasn't any real cause, reason, or structure and that is what makes that storyline rancid. that is why i roll my eyes every single time. it is racially lazy, not to mention just kind of boring, and 9-1-1 can do and has done better.
so. on the topic of, like, "is this story racist or not?" the conversation should not be these characters are black and multiple bad things are happening to them, therefore this story is racist. but rather, the conversation (or critical analysis) surrounding the story should be does this storyline make sense within the context of the story itself? is there enough narrative and structural build to support this storyline or is/are the black character(s) being scapegoated? is this trauma porn for the sake of trauma porn or is there a legitimate story being told for a legitimate reason? (*non-black people are not equipped to answer that last question, as the topic of trauma porn is multifaceted and layered, but that doesn't mean the question still can't be asked and considered)
anyway. the point is. well. the point is, i really don't think you guys are asking the right questions tbh. lol. and that's frustrating to me because every conversation about racism gets swallowed up by what you guys think is racist and none of it ever really amounts to anything except to make people painfully reactionary and angry. both which i'm sure we can agree is not conducive to having a productive conversations about anything. so you see. anyway. that's all i have to say. back to bucktommy posting + eddie/bobby spiraling.
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queen-of-the-boos · 5 months
Because I am a music autistic and I don't see many of these around...
Music Ask Game: Selfship Edition
💿 - Give us a song that fits your f/o's vibe!
🎙 - What song would you like to sing to your f/o?
🎧 - Your f/o just found your music player! What song do they find playing on it?
🎤 - Your f/o caught you singing! What song would you be singing and how would you react? How would they react?
🎼 - Give us a song that matches your s/i's vibe!
🎹 - Can your f/o play any instruments?
🎵 - What song would you recommend to your f/o?
🎶 - If you could assign your f/o a musical artist, who would it be?
🔊- Does your f/o like loud music?
💜 - Give us a song that describes you and f/o's relationship!
📀 - Does your f/o have a theme song? Show it to us! (Or give us one you think would be their theme song!)
🕺- What song would you and your f/o dance to?
Proshippers this isn't for you.
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themirokai · 5 months
now I wanna know- why isn't drinking water free in the US?
Hi there friend! Thanks very much for taking the bait from this post. Buckle up, this is a long one.
If you want to put out a cistern and collect rainwater and use that, congratulations! Your water is free! Plus the cost of maintaining your cistern and keeping it clean. If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with a high enough water table to have a well, then your water is also free + the cost of the well and well maintenance.
But if you want water to come out of your tap on demand and you can’t or don’t want to maintain a cistern and you can’t or don’t want to have a well… you need public water!
How do we get public water? Well, a government entity (usually. there are some private utilities, but that’s a different post. I have strong feelings) has rights to take water out of a river or a lake, or they have a reservoir, or they have access to an aquifer. Then they have to transport the water out of the source. This generally requires aqueducts or massive pipes, which are expensive and need to be maintained, which is also expensive. The pipe leading out of one of my utility’s reservoirs is 12 feet in diameter.
Does the water go directly from the source to your home? Nope! It gets piped to a water filtration plant! The process of modern water filtration is complicated but it involves both physical and chemical treatment to make sure the water isn’t carrying any parasites, harmful bacteria, or pollutants and it has the right pH. Not only are these filtration plants extremely expensive to build and maintain but the process of operating them is extremely expensive, both in terms of hiring skilled staff and having appropriate materials for the filters and chemical treatment.
After the treated water (called “finished water” in the biz) is ready it does get piped to your house.
If you use public water, do you know where your local water filtration plant is? No? That probably means it’s not in your immediate neighborhood, which probably means it’s several miles or more away. To get to your house, the water needs to travel through an extensive pipe network. These pipes are smaller but they have to remain pressurized so that no contaminants can get into the water on its way to your house. But pipes break! Especially if you live somewhere with a freeze/thaw cycle. Maintaining this pipe network is, you guessed it, expensive! It requires materials and extremely skilled workers who perform in very very difficult conditions. Plus lots of engineering to keep the whole system pressurized even when one part of it breaks. Oh, and you know what lots of pipes were made out of in the early 20th century? Lead! So all around the country utilities need to make extensive and costly infrastructure upgrades because now we know lead pipes are really freaking bad.
Okay, so you get the basic picture. And I haven’t even gotten into Safe Drinking Water Act compliance, but most of that happens at the filtration plant. Oo! Or desalinization because some utilities pull their water from the sea and need to take the salt out. I know basically nothing about this except that it is likely complicated and expensive to do at scale.
This is essentially why I get frustrated by people who argue “why should we pay for something that falls out of the sky?” Because finished water doesn’t fall from the sky and it sure as hell doesn’t fall from the sky into your faucet. (Side note: as a public utility official I have been screamed at by the “it falls from the sky” people. A thing I like about the private sector is that people scream at me a lot less.)
Now, there is a very strong argument to be made that because water is necessary for human life, it should be provided by the government for free to everyone. And just like the costs of roads or public education, this should be part of the public budget and paid for by taxes and no one should have a water bill. I don’t disagree with this. I’m sure that’s how it’s done in some countries.
I don’t have a well-researched answer on the history of water utilities but I do have some facts and some (very) educated conjectures. Water rights in the US are complicated (another separate post!) but they’re based on private ownership. Ever since white people came to this country people have been claiming ownership over water and charging each other money for taking water out of rivers or lakes or the ground. You can measure how much of it someone uses and charge them for it. Water is treated like a commodity because unlike other public goods, it *can* be treated like a commodity and then, you know, capitalism. Again, I’m not saying that’s right.
But as a society, if we believe that no one should have a water bill, then we need to figure out how to pay for all the very expensive steps in the process I outlined at the top. Could that just be taxes? Sure, if you have a system that supports taxes at that level. Do I believe that public funding of water infrastructure would be a fuckton better than a lot of things we use taxes for now? Absolutely! But that requires massive institutional change and this isn’t generally an issue that people know enough about to demand change.
If you read this far, congratulations! You now know more stuff about drinking water!
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agnesjurati · 10 months
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roe-and-memory · 11 months
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heres a newer lightning sketch, i used him as my muse for an expressions practice
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
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Mav was put to rest yesterday. His spine injury was affecting his quality of life and he deserved to go without suffering.
I have a lot of things to say about my beautiful dog. He was funny, he was easygoing, he was versatile, he was charming. But mostly, Mav was beloved. He was loved from his very first breath until his last, and he'll be loved for a long time still. He was loved by everyone he met and by people he'd never get the chance to meet, and he loved the entire world in return.
He was the coolest dog in the world. We could've had a hundred years together and it wouldn't have been enough. But we fit so much love into that little dog, he was full to bursting. And that's something at least.
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plulp · 9 months
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yknow kylar isnt my favorite character but the owl plushie really raised the bar by like maybe 30%
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fakehelper · 4 months
gif pack maker question game! 💕
I've seen a few of these float around for gif/edit makers and some questions apply to us, but I figured I'd make one specifically for gif pack makers! Feel free to send me some or just reblog and get some questions asked yourself! If you think of any other good questions, leave them in the replies and I'll try to add them in the future!
What is your favorite gif pack to date?
Which FC have you made the most gifs of?
What is the largest pack you've ever made?
What is the smallest pack you've ever made?
Who is your favorite gif pack maker? If that's too hard, top 3!
Which gif pack do you think is underrated (should have gotten more attention)?
Which gif pack are you close to deleting?
Have you ever deleted a gif pack?
How did you get started making gif packs?
Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
What scenes are the worst to color?
Which scenes are your favorite to color?
What was the worst show you've had to color?
Which show had the best lighting/was the easiest for you to cover?
Would you ever remake a gif pack? If so, which one(s)?
Would you ever do a gif pack collab? (ie, you split a season or movie of the same fc and gif half)
Which gifs do you think are ESSENTIAL for a pack?
Which gifs do you think should never leave the cutting room floor?
Do you have any current projects you want to talk about?
What are you most looking forward to gifing this year? Any upcoming movies or shows?
Do you usually gif a whole pack at once, or split up packs across various days (or weeks, or months... or years...)
What is your favorite expression to gif? Smiles, laughs, incredulous looks, etc
What FC do you wish had more footage for you to gif?
Which gif pack do you regret making? Why?
Any pet peeves when it comes to gifing?
Frames to Layers or Screencaps? Or do you use a different import method?
Frames or Video timeline?
Watermarks or no watermarks? Any reason why?
What is your favorite or standard gif size for packs? Any particular reason why?
Do you save your psds? If so, do you save one per scene and edit it or do you save one for each gif?
Do you save your .gif files after posting them?
What is a gif pack you've seen recently that you think deserves praise?
Are you someone who likes to take suggestions or do you just gif what you feel inspired to make?
Black and white gifs. Worth it?
Free choice! Ask whatever you'd like!
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nicepersondisorder · 2 months
whiny cunt mode activated. pay attention to me. now !!!!!!!!!!!
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