#if you see it don't touch it
fantazzzmita · 2 years
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dirtytransmasc · 11 months
the men and boys are innocent too.
we cry "the innocent women and children" to appeal to the masses, to try and force their sympathy, but the men and boys are innocent too.
I have seen sons crying out for their mothers, their fathers, their siblings. I have seen them break down at the loss of their families. I have seen them cling to their dead and grieve.
I have seen fathers cradle their dead children, seen them kiss their faces and hold their little hands. I have seen them faint with grief when asked to identify the dead. I have seen them carry their sons and daughters. I have seen them fasting to provide what little they can for their families.
I have seen men and boys digging through the rubble with just their bare hands, I have seen them comforting strangers, playing with children, rocking them, hushing them, even if the face of such imminent danger. I have seen them cry, seen them grieve, seen them break down into each other's arms, seen them be selfless, beyond selfless, becoming something I don't have a word for.
I have seen the men who are doctors refuse to leave their patients, even when they have no medicine or supplies to give them, even when they're threatened with bombings. I have seen fathers who have lost all their children pick orphans up into their arms and proclaim them their child so they are not alone. I have seen men and boys digging pets out of the rubble.
the men are innocent too. the men and boys are being hurt and killed too. the men and boys are grieving too. the men and boys are scared too. the men and boys are fighting to save their people too. the men and boys deserve to be fought for too.
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firehose118 · 21 days
If Buck has any single glaring omission in his dating history pre-Tommy—besides other men, of course—it's that he'd never really dated anyone who was athletic in the same way that he is. He'd dated plenty of yoga instructors and runners and even a few surfers, but he'd never dated anyone else who was interested in weightlifting or bodybuilding. That wasn't intentional, it just hadn't happened.
Buck didn't even notice it was something he was missing until he started dating Tommy. It's far from the only reason he likes Tommy, and far from the only reason why it's working so well between them, but because of it, there's a comfort between them that Buck hadn't felt in his past relationships. Their lifestyles fit together seamlessly. Tommy eats the same way he does, meal preps the same way he does, works out as hard and as often as he does, and doesn't judge him for his periods of bulking and cutting. Their routines aren't the same, but they're close enough that it works.
Buck doesn't have to explain any of it or justify himself. Tommy just gets it—both the strength training and the psychological aspect of why Buck does it. Tommy understands firsthand the desire to see the physical results of the work you've done on yourself; to be proud of the man you see in the mirror. Of the commitment you’ve made to yourself.
It's common ground. Buck doesn't do Muay Thai or play basketball, but this is an interest they share. Tommy compliments Buck on his results and his dedication. He seems genuinely interested in how Buck's routine has changed over the years. He gives feedback and asks for tips. He's encouraging and enthusiastic and appreciative about it all in ways that none of Buck's past partners have been.
Of course, there's also a thrill in dating someone else who bodybuilds.
Tommy is strong. He can lift Buck up onto the countertop while they're kissing in the kitchen if he wants to. He can carry Buck across the room and throw him onto the couch. He can pin Buck down with nothing but his body; his big arms and his powerful thighs pressing heavy into Buck and quieting his mind in a way that restraints have never quite managed.
It's hot. It's not something Buck ever thought he wanted from a relationship, but now that he has it he doesn't think he could give it up easily. Heedless of his own strength, Buck can twist and thrash and play in a way that he hasn't been able to do with smaller partners—at least not without ropes and handcuffs. It's freeing to be able to be so unselfconscious of his own body. It’s amazing how easy Tommy makes it.
Tommy's strong arms around him make Buck feel safe. He feels taken care of. Buck has never felt weightless like he does when Tommy wraps Buck's legs around his waist and presses him securely against the wall. That's usually Buck's move.
And it still is. As big and strong as Tommy is, Buck matches him easily. Buck can carry him too; can press him against the wall, get both hands under his ass and lift Tommy up onto Buck's hips. The noises Tommy makes whenever Buck does that make the years of post-workout muscle aches and uninspired protein-heavy dinners worth it a thousand times over.
Buck's favorite is this, though: Tommy flat on his back in bed, Buck riding him like their lives depend on it and holding Tommy down by the shoulders.
It's not like Buck hasn't had partners who wanted to be held down by him before, but he never put his full strength into it for fear of hurting or scaring them. With Tommy, Buck doesn't need to hold back. With Tommy, Buck can lean all of his weight into Tommy's strong shoulders and move and keep Tommy exactly where he wants him. He feels powerful. He feels trusted.
It's clear that Tommy loves it, too. He melts under Buck's firm touch and stays where he's held. He'll struggle against Buck's hands just to get Buck to press harder, to really feel the way that Buck wants to keep Tommy pinned under his body like this.
It's not so different to how much Tommy loves Buck cuddling him while they sleep, he says, or wrapping an arm around his waist when they're out in public together. Buck gently gathering Tommy in his arms to keep their bodies close all night, Buck letting everyone know Tommy is his with a simple touch, Buck pressing his hands demandingly into Tommy's shoulders to keep him still beneath his body—it's all the same feeling to Tommy. It's Buck claiming him; wanting him enough to get a little possessive. To press their bodies together and insist that they stay that way. It lights a little fire of belonging inside of Tommy.
For Buck, it's a physical illustration of how he can bring his whole self into this relationship in a way that, for one reason or another, he's never been able to before. Face to face and close like this, there's no hiding. He's pressing his full weight into Tommy and Tommy groans in pleasure as he welcomes every bit of it. It's honest, intense, undeniable: it's full and unequivocal acceptance of Buck. He sees the love and desire and passion in Tommy's eyes and he doesn't have to worry about being too much for Tommy to handle. Tommy matches him effortlessly. Tommy wants this just as much as he does. Tommy wants him.
Buck has never felt more like himself in a relationship than he does with Tommy. For once in his life, Buck doesn't feel like a burden. He doesn't feel weak or helpless or desperate: he feels strong. He feels secure. He's not holding back, he's not overcompensating, and he's not begging to be let in. Tommy accepts and loves every part of Buck. He takes all of his weight with ease and revels in it. Asks for more.
Not because Buck isn't heavy but because he is. Not in spite of Buck's past mistakes and his flaws but because of who Buck is now in his totality. Because Tommy knows a thing or two about leaving behind a regretful past, and he loves Buck for who he has worked to become—the man he continues to work towards being. He loves what Buck has built of himself, day by day and rep by rep.
This thing they're building together now is unlike anything Buck has tried to build before. The giddiness and the trust and the perfection in the imperfections. The acceptance.
They fill in each other's gaps. They keep each other grounded. Buck holds Tommy down and Tommy feels held. Tommy holds Buck down and Buck feels free.
{give me kudos!}
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egophiliac · 3 months
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bluedawnflower · 5 months
i unsubbed from Watcher today but the people acting like steven lim is the devil and is singularly to blame for Watcher shifting to paywalled streaming are weirdos.
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muffinlance · 7 months
Do you get the impression the live action is treating us like utter morons?? Like I thought that making it aimed at an older audience would open the doors for more subtle story telling, but no, they're just using monologues to tell us eveything! Like in the second episode Katara's like 'oh his power isn't that he's the avatar, it's that he ~connects~ to people'. Girl we're not idiots we can see that!! And the first episode with Aang's goddawful 'I don't want this responsibility' monologue
THIS, YES. The word that keeps coming to mind is definitely "subtlety". The show for literal children? Had it. The remake for adults? Not so much.
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dustykneed · 18 days
so jim got bit by a space mushroom that takes away his impulse control... welcome to daycare on the bridge with his xo and cmo
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obviously the salad cat meme is still going strong in the 23rd century because these guys reenact it on a daily basis lmaoo
prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "mask off" 🩵💙💛
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torchstelechos · 18 days
I love that In Stars and Time gives the nonconsensual kiss a proper horrified reaction, by the way. Most media where a character can kiss someone out of no where either make it a funny thing or the "romantic" thing, but here Siffrin kisses without permission out of no where and Isabeau reacts correctly! He pushed them away! Because thats surprising, and fucked up to do to someone with no lead up and no permission! Isabeau had no context, and at the time when the kiss happened, was under the impression that Siffrin didn't like touch which can have a variety of horrible reasons for it. Not only that but... We don't know what face Siffrin was pulling and I don't think it was a nice one. Which, again, means that we don't have all the context either! This is a horrible event that has horrible consequences and I love that it does. Because it's something that is horrible and objectively one of the worst things Siffrin did to one of the others in the loops, so I'm just!!! So excited it had bad consequences!!!
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touchyluffy · 2 months
part one
In the days it takes you to heal from your injuries, Luffy comes to your bedroom to sleep next to you every night. He does try, the night after the first, to sleep in his own bedroom but he can't. Usually sleep comes easy to him, especially after a long day of adventure but not now. He closes his eyes, trying to think of your wounds healing, your soft breathing, your warm hand holding his, but he can't fall asleep. He huffs in irritation and rises from his bed, sulking across the ship to knock on your bedroom door and opening it slowly. You put down your book, you were also struggling to sleep, and open the covers for him. You smile at each other as he excitedly hops into your bed.
And so it becomes routine for you two. Even as your injuries heal completely, as the sunsets and the crew walks off to their separate bedrooms, Luffy follows you into yours and you let him. It becomes normal to roll over in the middle of the night and snuggle into his warm body, to wake up in the morning with his arm wrapped around you, to feel him pull you closer in his sleep, to giggle at his sleep-talking, to hear your name in his mumblings. You offer to let him keep his toothbrush and some clothes in your room, he accepts.
Sleeping together becomes so routine that you have trouble sleeping without him. There were times when you two would be separated by a foe that Luffy challenged and each night you would stay awake staring at his side of the bed, worry clouding your mind and making it impossible to sleep and eventually when Luffy defeated the foe, he would be covered in bandages and it was your turn to listen to his soft, even breathing as he slept. There were times when you be working late into the night and he would come find you, curling up on the floor next to you to sleep in your presence until you eventually finish and drag him back to your bed so you can both sleep comfortably. There were times when you would get angry at him for putting the crew in danger with his recklessness and you'd slammed your bedroom door in his face and toss and turn, your anger at him turning into desperation for him to just come to bed already, eventually you get up to find him and as you open your bedroom door, Luffy's sleeping frame falls on your legs. He'd been sleeping against your door. Smiling you pull his rubbery body into bed and cuddle up next to him, his heartbeat your lullaby. He smiles in his sleep and his arms come up around you. Whenever he's missing his hat or sandals, you find them by your bed.
This new routine of you and your captain sleeping together left your other crewmates with their mouths on the floor several times. They still hadn't gotten used to you two waving goodnight and walking into the same bedroom. When they would ask, you tried to explain but there really wasn't anything to explain. You and their captain couldn't sleep unless you slept together. That's all, why do they always stare at you in such surprise when you say that? Their shocked faces didn't discourage you both into cuddling up to each other at night, finding relaxation, warmth, safety, and comfort in each others arms. What was once your space becomes "our bedroom", "our closet", "our bathroom".
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copypastus · 10 months
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Nothing gave me more whiplash IN MY LIFE than going from acowar to acofas.
Remember when Feyre closed the chapter on her relationship with Tamlin and wished him well? Coz the Inner Circle sure keeps forgetting.
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lodium · 2 months
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Was thinking about the face look without the helmet in this state
down here I just talk about how I love science and black holes, it's not really interesting
Black holes, the space, the existence of atoms and their different states, quantum entanglement, gene transfer are so fascinating. And that everything may go beyond human understanding. I consider myself stupid for all this and easily confused, and forgetful, but I am still very fascinated by science, theories and the unknown. And usually my head starts to hurt after overthinking about this and reading too much with trying to understand and remember. just BLACK HOLES ARE SO COOOOOL AND BEAUTIFUL, AND UNREAL, AND MYSTERIOUS
Sometimes I get very active with interesting thing for me that I found very surprising, so I start yapping that I read and see about it to others. Even though I'm embarrassed and scared that I'll start to bother a lot with this. So, I wanted to say abruptly that I love these things
These things can bring such a flow of overwhelming feelings in me that it feels so stupid how I may look and feel from the side. Sad and awkward
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bubacorn · 2 months
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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Zuko was a child when he met Agni. Then, the spirits started coming to him. Eyes hidden in the hallways, voices pleading for help, for recognition, for remembrance.
Zuko could see Agni. He could see the broken remains of a Great Spirit and the empty smiles of amnesiac ghosts.
And they could see him in return.
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
this is my roman empire.
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allyriadayne · 2 years
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“Once someone touched my jaw so softly I cried. Once someone held my hand so lightly I wept —” Sanna Wani, from “Meditation”, My Grief, the Sun.
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sanjoongie · 9 months
𝔉𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔩 ℭ𝔲𝔱𝔢
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🤎Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Reader (f) 🤎Au: Hybrid Au, Bunny! Seonghwa, Wolf! Reader 🤎Trope: Established Relationship 🤎Rating: 18+, MDNI, smut 🤎Word Count: 2,763 🤎Warnings: dom! reader, sub! seonghwa, toy use (squirting dildo), amazon press position, overstimulation, penetrative sex with no barrier, creampie, marking (love bites, hickies), degradation kink, mentions of pegging 🤎Summary: Your boyfriend thinks it's a smart idea to wear fuzzy, cute clothing with you and not trigger you to push him in an amazon press 🤎Dedication: @downtoamagicalland & @mejuii for being beta readers extraordinaire 🤎divider by @cafekitsune
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“Careful with a prey boyfriend,” Your friend had sighed in defeat. “They’ll trigger you when you least expect it.”
You had laughed then but you weren’t laughing now.
Seonghwa had slid into your living room on fluffy socks to show off his new outfit. His eyes were lit up with excitement to have some loungewear in the theme of his favorite game. He did the game's dance, chirping to himself, before finally settling down beside you on the couch. 
“I think they’re too small though,” He said with a pout, tugging at the hem of the shorts.
You dug your nails into your legs in an attempt to distract yourself from your thoughts but it wasn’t working. Your inner wolf was howling to pin Seonghwa to the couch and ravage him but now was not the time. Except your eyes kept slipping towards the bronze thighs that were on display and the way that Seonghwa was STILL playing with the shorts.
“Seonghwa,” You growled in warning, biting down on your lip. 
Seonghwa’s eyebrows furrowed, one of his floppy ears moving nervously. “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” You lied with a strained voice, “You look very cute.”
Seonghwa beamed, turning slightly on the cough, bare knee brushing against you. He bounced and your eyes zeroed in on his soft cock under the lush material. “I knew you’d like--”
Before you could control yourself, you put a hand to Seonghwa’s broad shoulders and pushed him back on the couch. His big eyes looked up at you, part fear and part wonder. It snapped something inside of you. You grabbed two fistfuls of the fluffy shorts, framing his cock. “A little too cute,” You growled again. 
Seonghwa’s eyes began to move back and forth, following the pattern of your tail behind you, almost hypnotized. “Too cute?”
He licked his lips and this time a low growl did escape your lips. “Careful, Bunny, or I might rip you to shreds on this couch.”
Carefully, you eased your grip of one hand, and slowly eased your hand up the plane of his pelvis to his stomach, pushing up the sweater. “I don’t want to get this dirty, I just got it!” Seonghwa had the audacity to whine.
Your hands snapped back to your legs, where you went back to digging them in. “Okay, Bunny.” You reigned in your inner animal, the wolf huntress that simply wished to take what she wanted, and moved to the far side of the couch. 
Seonghwa sat up carefully, eyes trained on your tense form. “Just like that?”
“I refuse to take advantage of you, Seonghwa,” You said tersely, “You’re my boyfriend, not my dinner.”
“Thank you.” Seonghwa shuddered delicately and you had to stand up to halt yourself from launching yourself over at him again. 
Your lust ran through you like little red ants biting at your nerves. It was a double edged sword at this moment. “I’m going to the bedroom,” You proclaimed.
Seonghwa began to protest, plans of you cuddling and playing Animal Crossing dying before his eyes. “But we were going to--”
“Seonghwa, either I attempt to take it down a peg or I peg you, there is no inbetween at the moment,” You snapped. You were at your limit.
Seonghwa’s eyes were round with surprise and his ears moving upward in alert. “P-peg me?!” he stuttered.
You groaned in frustration and stomped to your bedroom, slamming the door in the process. You began to rip your clothes off, your body offended by the covering. You were too hot, and any brush of your clothing stimulated you too much. You needed something inside of you or you were going to die.
Your wolf ear swiveled backwards towards the door, the shuffling of some bunny feet alerting you to Seonghwa’s presence. “Moonlight?” Seonghwa called out cautiously through the wood.
You desperately yanked open your drawer where you kept the condoms and lube. “It’ll only be a bit, Seonghwa, just be patient for me, ‘kay?” You called back. You found your breeding dildo--the wolf cock that had a knot and spurted out fake-cum--and licked your lips in anticipation. 
“But--!” You could practically imagine the dejected way Seonghwa’s ears were lying on his soft hair right now. 
“I have to take care of this, Bun,” You murmured softly, trying to be a good girlfriend. “If I don’t manage this--” Your throat became tight. The last thing you wanted was Seonghwa flinching every time you reached for him. “This is for the best.”
You placed down a towel, filled the dildo, put it down and then lubed up both the dildo and yourself. Your body was extremely wet from even just being in the same breathing air as Seonghwa in his cute outfit but you knew how rough it was to take the dildo, so you prepared anyway. You raised yourself above it and then played the large tip along your outer folds before resolutely sinking down on it. You groaned loudly, finally getting a dick inside of you. “Fuck yes,” You hissed at the intrusion. 
You closed your eyes and images of your panting bunny below you painted the inside of your eyelids. Seonghwa with his pretty ears laid out on the bed, pretty moans falling from his pretty lips; your bunny letting you take whatever you needed from him. You couldn't help but moan his name, playing with your nipples and making you growl in satisfaction.
“That! That’s not fair!” Seonghwa protested through the door. “You’re getting yourself off imagining me?”
Some of your filters had slipped away. “Mmm, I’m gonna ride this cock all night, Bun,” You promised the Seonghwa in your mind. “Gonna make you cum again and again and again until you beg me to stop and then I’m going to go some more.”
Seonghwa opened the door and your eyes opened lazily. If he walked into your bedroom, where you had drawn the line from safe area to dangerous, he was giving up his right to remain your boyfriend and become your prey. “Watch yourself, Bunny,” You warned him.
His eyes traveled over the arch of your body as you took the dildo, your puffy clit that was begging for attention, the way your breasts bounced with each thrust of the wolf dildo inside of you. His nose twitched in indecision. “Moonlight?” he said cautiously. 
“You said no to this already, Bun,” You reminded him, not stopping your pleasure for a moment. 
An unsure pout pulled Seonghwa’s lower lip downwards. Then his eyes saw the knot at the bottom of the dildo and his frown intensified. “You’re using your wolf dildo? But you’re imagining me?”
It wasn’t right for you to provoke him but he had semi-intruded on you, so your wolf unfurled herself. “It’s the only way to satisfy my need right now, Bun.”
Seonghwa pushed up onto the balls of his feet. His eyes moved back and forth, the wheels in his head spinning while he thought. He looked like he was on the cusp of taking back what he said earlier. You slowed the roll of your hips just in case. “Seonghwa?”
“I wanna--” Seonghwa bit down on his lower lip in hesitation, “--I wanna help.”
You studied your boyfriend. His tail was making the jacket part of his loungewear move. His eyes were bright, though, almost curious of what would happen when he stepped into the bedroom, even though you had already warned him. Should you even allow him when you knew the mood you were in?
“I will bite and mark up your inner thighs, little bunny,” You educated him, “I will overstimulate you until tears. I will make you sweaty and dirty and you will not like it.”
Seonghwa’s fuzzy socks rubbed the door jam. “What if I want that?”
You raised an eyebrow. “You wanna be a cute little bun for me?”
Seonghwa nodded, eyes big and sparkling. You sighed and pulled yourself off the dildo. “C’mere, pretty.”
Your boyfriend pushed through the invisible barrier of your lair and climbed onto the bed. Your body tensed immediately, ready to pounce but you withheld yourself so that he could settle. You allow yourself to smooth your hand over the back of his neck. Seonghwa turned his head to look up at you, legs tucked under his body. “Why do you call me pretty?”
“Why, Seonghwa,” You can’t help but coo at your bunny boyfriend, “Because you are!”
“Pretty, how?” he persisted.
You push Seonghwa to lay on his back and you settle between his legs. You danced your fingers up his legs, stopping to grip them slightly at the hem of his shorts. “Pretty tan legs that I want to nibble on,” You murmured, leaning down to lick and nip at the sensitive skin. 
You feel your tail move back and forth behind you, happy to hear Seonghwa’s breath hitch at your love bites. You push his shorts up and up, until they’re practically punched up at the end of his legs. Seonghwa continued to spread his thighs for you, his dick getting harder as you got closer to it. 
But you weren’t about to put him out of his misery; you wanted him to be aching for you like you had been for him. So instead, you abandoned his thighs, covered in berry-colored bruises from your nibbles, and slowly unzipped his jacket. The broad expanse of his chest and stomach were now available for you, so you continued your task at hand. You left love bites on his chest and stomach and when you got to his hip bone, Seonghwa was a whiney, moaning mess under you. Sweat beaded his hairline and his lips were begging to be kissed.
The damn fuzzy loungewear of his was still making you feral. That hard body under all that soft material made you want to bend him over and-- “Seonghwa, baby, you trust me, right?”
Seonghwa blinked slowly, almost as if he was attempting to rise for the lust-filled fog of his brain. “Trust you,” He replied.
Your fingers hooked under his shorts and underwear and pulled them off of him. He watched you with those big eyes of his, waiting for you to reveal your plan. You gently but firmly bent him in half, so that his feet were near his head. You grasped Seonghwa’s cock and gave it a few pumps, making him moan for you. You pulled his dick upwards so that it came up through his bent legs. Then you stood over Seonghwa’s bent body and took him inside of you. 
“Moonlight!” Seonghwa cried out for you, enveloped in your tight, wet heat.
Since you were already stretched out from your dildo, it was easy to set a grueling pace to fuck your bunny boyfriend. His ears laid against his head, showing how content and comfortable he was with you right now. He may be a prey animal but he was enjoying being submissive to you--and that was exactly what you needed.
“Feel good, Bun?” You ask Seonghwa as you push a little hard on his calves to keep him bent in half.
“Gonna cum! Gonna cum inside of you, gonna--!” You pull off of him suddenly and he cries out at the loss of your pussy. 
“Did I say you could cum?” You demanded.
“P-please,” Seonghwa begged, “Please, it felt so good, please, want you to fuck me like that in my pretty new clothes, please!”
You tilted your head, “You know you have to ask before, Seonghwa.” You shake your head like you’re disappointed in him. 
“I’m!!” Seonghwa’s eyes tear up and they run down the side of his face. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
“Are you sure? I can always go back to the dildo. It knew better than to come before me,” You threatened.
Seonghwa shook his head, some strands of hair falling into his eyes. “Please, can you fuck me? Please, can I cum inside of you? Please?” With a trembling lip, he said, “Please, your bunny wants to cum.”
You sighed in defeat and cupped his face, rubbing his tear-streaked face with the back and forth of your thumb. “You gonna be a good Bun, now? Are you going to let me use your cock properly and then we can cuddle and game?”
Seonghwa nodded, sniffling quietly. “I'll be a good bun.”
You slipped Seonghwa back inside of you and his head tipped back with the pleasure of it all. You admired the line of his neck and the sharpness of his jaw for a moment before setting another demanding pace. Seonghwa’s legs start to curl around your body, wanting more but you push them apart so you can keep control.
“Please, I can cum right? I can cum and fill you and you can use me until you cum too. Please, I'm a good bunny, let me cum!” Seonghwa begged so pretty for you, how could you deny him?
Seonghwa came with a great cry, desperate and needy and just the way you like it. You slowed down your pace, coaxing him through his orgasm. His seed leaked out of you as you continued to move above him. Quickly, Seonghwa goes from blissed out to whiney. “Too much,” he whimpered, squirming under you.
“You can take it, little bunny,” You cooed at him. “You want me to cum too, don't you?”
Seonghwa’s eyes snapped open, watery but pleading. “Use me,” he said.
You adjusted your position, letting Seonghwa’s legs fall back a bit but still spread. Instead of bouncing on him, you snap your hips forward, and it's almost an imitation of you fucking him, only he's still the one inside of you. Seonghwa is a bunny hybrid after all, he could actually go all day and all night if need be.
“You're so fucking cute like this, Seonghwa,” You waxed poetic for him. “In your cute little fuzzy jacket.” You pulled the zippered sides snugger to Seonghwa’s body. “Don't know how you thought you could just bounce around like a happy bunny, waving your soft cock in my face and not get fucked, but here we are.” 
“I just--hhnnffff--wanted to be cute for you!” Seonghwa managed to somehow reply back to you.
“Well, that cute little cock of yours is about to give me some much needed relief, Bunny,” You couldn't help but grin.
“I can--” Seonghwa swallowed loudly, barely containing a whine. “--can I cum again?”
“Fuck no,” You denied him. “I'm gonna cum, clenching around your cock and then you're gonna sit in your cute fuzzy shorts with your painfully hard dick and I'll cuddle you.”
Seonghwa whined and pouted and closed his eyes tight, trying his hardest to not cum so that you could take what you needed from him. Your soft cries became a crescendo as you searched out your high. It took you, searing through your body like lightning struck and you shouted his name. You rolled your body against Seonghwa’s, allowing your pussy walls to convulse around Seonghwa’s cock. 
When you opened your eyes, Seonghwa’s teeth were digging in his lower lip, drawing slight blood from his effort to not come from your tight heat looking to milk him for a second time. You leaned over and bestowed him a kiss, in thanks for him being a good bunny for you. You rested your soft body against his hard one. “Thank you, Bunny” You murmured against his lips as you smooched him in a softer moment.
Seonghwa had tears in the corners of his eyes but he smiled so happily for you. “I did it.”
You couldn't help but laugh in response. “You did well, Seonghwa.”
You looked at you, unsure and hopeful. “Do I still…?”
You hummed in confirmation. You pulled Seonghwa out of you, who was still hard. His dick looked so pretty covered in his cum. “You know you love the feeling of being a dirty boy,” You teased him.
Seonghwa endured putting back on his underwear and shorts, zipped up his jacket and padded back to the couch. His ears were flopped forward, framing his face, doing his best to look heartbroken, hoping you’d take pity on him. But watching him shuffle in his fuzzy clothes, the sharp lines of his body and his dick imprint pressed up against his shorts was recalling the beast you thought you had soothed earlier. If you were going to suffer, so was he.
You picked up his switch and offered it to him. “Load up your village, Bun. We’ve got some cuddling to do.”
Tagged: @hijirikaww @starlitmark @k-pop-ology
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