#if you wanna give your all to something already fundamentally broken then that’s your choice and I won’t judge you or try to change you
insanechayne · 1 year
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#the way you talk about relationships/friendships is honestly so sad and kinda pathetic#but I think I needed to hear it because something seems to have finally flipped in my brain now to put me on the right track#because honestly the fact that you still want to keep our friendship hidden for your myriad reasons kinda makes me sick#and feeling like I just got used for a while and then tossed aside when it was no longer convenient also makes me feel sick#your worldview is just so bleak and depressing and for what?#I’m trying to squeeze out every little drop of happiness that I can from this shitty existence#and if there ever comes a time my girlfriend and I don’t trust each other or don’t feel like we can talk to each other about anything#well then that’s a fucking problem and we need to fix it immediately#because personally I believe your partner should be your best friend and I want a relationship where we’re basically attached at the hip#like no secrets completely open with each other talk about every single little thing kind of relationship#because otherwise what’s the fucking point? if you can’t even have that from someone you might spend your life with then what’s it all for?#if you wanna give your all to something already fundamentally broken then that’s your choice and I won’t judge you or try to change you#but couldn’t be me I’ll fuckin tell you that#at least this seems to be a turning point for me so that I can use this to make positive changes to myself and my life#which is honestly exactly what I needed because something inside was still bothering me and making me unhappy#and now I’ve identified it and can remove it and move on with my life#like we’ll still be friends and everything#I’m still happy to talk to you here every day because we do have a deep foundation of friendship at this point#but I think even that might be coming to an end soon…#not that I necessarily want that but just that it feels kind of inevitable at this point since we’ve hit a wall here#idk lotta shit to think through and figure out but at least this cemented my feelings towards my girlfriend#she’s so important to me and I want to give her the whole world and all of my time/attention and that’s how it should be#personal
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fruitpunchninja101 · 3 years
Flowers For You
After a small spat at the merchants assembly, Levi was determined to avoid Hange and her flower shop at all costs. Unfortunately, The funny thing about trying to avoid someone is that you have to have a rough approximation of their daily routine. And so, his quest began.
Written for LeviHan Eggschange 2021 @levihanweek​
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Hello my dear giftee! I’m sorry if your gift took a while! I hope you'd enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed making it. Keep safe!♥
“Every plant can do this fundamental process, and we call this Photosynthesis.”
Cheery voices of kids boomed in celebration as soon as they finished singing.
Ever since summer break started, the flower shop in front of his store started a “Horticulture Camp” for little kids. At first, He didn’t really pay much attention to the cacophony of loud cheers and noises but as days passed, customers would leave little comments like “Sure does sound like a daycare in there.” or “Your neighbor sounds like they're having a lot of fun in there huh?”
The thought about confronting the owner of the flower shop did cross his mind, but there's a little problem, they had a little bit of a spat at the shop keeps assembly last month.
Okay, he'll admit it, maybe It's not just a spat, It's more like a full blown passive aggressive squabble. His memory of the event was a little hazy but he recalled raising his concern about the dried leaves that keeps blowing over his store. Something about her nonchalance about his concern and something about his word choice led to a disastrous mistranslation of what he really wanted to say which somehow escalated to a kerfuffle. "You and Hange will be the hot topic of the whole merchants block for a good while." Erwin warned him after the assembly. Tch! He certainly didn't need that kind of attention.
Since then, Levi kept his distance from that damn flower shop and focused on minding his own business. He is determined to avoid this Hange at all costs! Unfortunately, The funny thing about trying to avoid someone is that you have to have a rough approximation of their daily routine. And so, his quest began.
Hange's schedule was never consistent.
Sometimes she'd open her shop so late that her students would start rough housing by the sidewalk waiting for her arrival. Their parents would wait by her store too and they were seemingly too charmed by her to get annoyed about her tardiness. By the time she gets there the kids would immediately run towards her climbing on her limbs but she never seemed to mind. Those kids eyes would shine so bright at her , he’s pretty sure he’d go blind if he kept on staring at them.
She never seemed to eat lunch for some reason. Sometimes, the son of the deli owner at the corner of their street, Moblit , would come by to bring her food. There was a time when he thought the guy was courting her but he can tell by that sad longing stare he gives at her when he leaves her shop that Hange had no fucking clue about his intentions.
She never brings an umbrella even when it rains. She just runs across the street donning a hoodie. Which she would continue to wear all throughout the day. She’d definitely get sick if she doesn't dry herself up properly. If the rain is still pouring by the time she closes up her store, Hange would spend a good minute to stare at the night sky marveling at the little droplets like its the first time she ever saw one in her life. Nights like that , he would close up a little late to make sure she's gone before he leaves.
Observing her became a routine at this point.
During warm sunny days, she would wear a brightly colored shirt underneath her overalls. Unfortunately, the shirt seemed to be the only thing she changes regularly. He can tell it's the same overalls because it still has all the stains in the same place as the day before. Her best record was 5 days without washing the damned thing and he can't tell if that's impressive or disgusting.
When the kids aren't around, Hange would dote on her plants until late hours of the day. He'd watch her methodically arrange flowers and pour all her love and care to every bouquet she makes. All the while ignoring the fact that she haven't had food at all. ( He knows because Moblit recently got a girlfriend and since then , he only drops by the flower shop to pick up orders for his new love interest.) All he ever see her consume are cups of coffee and not even the good stuff. Just the regular instant kind from the grocery. Days like that , he hopes that she would at least stop by a convenience store to pick up something to eat.
It didn't take too long for him to consider that maybe Hange isn't an asshole at all.She's just one of those people who gets easily preoccupied with things that pique her interest is all. To hell with her health, appearance or even basic cleanliness. Its frustrating but at the same time its a relief to know that underneath all that nuttiness is a seemingly good person.
He was just closing up shop one night when he noticed her still sitting in her store as she practiced playing the Photosynthesis song on her guitar.She was surrounded by an array of beautiful flowers and in that dim light, he could've sworn she looked like a scruffy forest diety.
And it was at that point when he realized that a smile is creeping up his lip. What the fuck was that about?
As if hearing his thoughts, Hange's head perked up from her guitar and turned towards him. He froze as soon as their eyes met. She gave him a tight lipped smile and at that, Panic shot through him. He immediately turned away from her and rushed to turn off the lights and closed his store.
Days after that encounter, Levi had to resist the urge to spare even a peek over her shop. he didn't like that sometimes his mind would wander to images of her that night. He probably overdid his little investigation is all! He had to stop watching her schedule anyway , he had all the information he needs at this point.
However, her presence never seemed to leave him. He'd still overhear the rhythm of her guitar and the rambunctious laughter from her little campers. Even Eld and Gunther are starting to warm up to it. "There's something about the sound of children having fun that puts me at ease." He heard Eld reason out to Gunther the other day. Even Oluo who once mentioned his irritation with the constant singing is starting to absentmindedly hum the damn song.
He's ready to let the whole thing go but when a loud crashing sound (which is probably another pot broken by a child.) caused Petra to make a small uneven line on her work , he knew he had to do something. Even if these type of mistakes are easily fixed, precision is utterly important in his business and he can't have random nuisances ruining his reputation. He'll do it tomorrow. NO! He'll do it tonight! There's no use to delay the inevitable.
Odd enough, he did wonder if she even knew his name.
Levi was just closing up his shop that night when he heard someone open the door. Accepting late night jobs Isnt new to him but he did commit to speaking with Hange about his concerns so he let out an absent minded “We're closed” warning before realizing who entered his shop.
It’s her.
She wore an oversized green overalls paired with battered up chucks that he bet was once white. Her brown mop of hair was tied messily up on her head. He didn’t miss the huge ass bouquet tucked in her arm as she struggled to get through his door.
“A little help?” She said, as if they didn’t had a spat that literally had them screaming at each other infront of other people. Levi paused cleaning his tattoo gun and hurried to help her. ”What are you doing here at this hour?” He asked genuinely out of curiosity than irritation.
”I just wanna give you these.” She beamed as she let go of the huge bunch for him to carry inside. “The kids got a little carried away with their flower arrangements today and I’d feel awful if I have to throw it out.” She continued.
“You think dumping this monstrosity to me is the solution?” He asked, immediately regretting his word choice.
“Monstrosity?!”Hange placed her hand on her chest playfully feigning mortification and shock.
He rolled his eyes at her and was a bit surprised that Hange chuckled at him and leisurely walked past him to take a seat at one of the stools by his register and started innocently looking around his shop seemingly waiting on him for a conversation. "Neat place you got here." She said.
"Thanks?" He said genuinely confused what she's doing here. Although, He did wonder if it has something to do with that awkward encounter they had the other night. He really hoped she already forgot about that. “What are these for?” He asked as he opened the cupboards hopelessly trying to look for a vase somewhere in his shop.
“I was gonna ask you for a favor.” She replied.
He scoffed. “what makes you think I’d help you.”
“It’s for a good cause! Plus,I was thinking it’s your opportunity to make up with that whole assembly incident we had.”
He paused and glared daggers at her. She still have that goofy smile on her face. “That dumb assembly incident was not something I want to make up with.” He said stubbornly.
Hange rolled her eyes at him. “Oh please you were angry over a few dried pieces of leaves in front of my store it’s hardly even your business.”
“Your leaves are blowing over my store front so yes it was my business.”
“You know I run a flower shop right? These things happen. I cant just wait outside my store and catch all the falling leaves for your convenience.” Her voice slightly raised as if she’s explaining something so obvious to him. Of course he knows these things happen, he’s not an idiot. All he wants is for her to take responsibility and not be so nonchalant over it.
“You don’t even...” He closed his mouth. She's starting to get a rise from him and it made him queasy. It's not even worth it. He closed his eyes to calm himself.
“Look, the favor isn’t even for me.” She started. Her tone of aggressiveness gone. ”Just hear me out please?” Her voice sounded gentle and warm this time. She’s so hot and cold it’s starting to drive him insane.
He opened his eyes and was met with her brown orbs that shone bright behind her dirty glasses. “Go ahead.” He said defeatedly avoiding her pleading eyes and proceeded to turn back to his cupboard. He should just let her say her piece and move on.
“It’s for one of my campers actually.”
“Hn.Which one? the brunette kid that shouts a lot?”
“Oh you know Eren?”
“He always sticks his snotty face up on my window how can I forget.”
“Yeah, That kid adores you you know , he asked about you and what you guys do here a couple of times before. He even threw fits because he wanted to get a tattoo from you.”
He scoffed. ”How is that my problem?”
”You see, his little friend Armin loved the camp but is a little too shy for his own good. He won’t attend sessions without Eren who sort of refused to attend til you tattoo something on him.”
“So you want me to tattoo a child? ”He turned from his fruitless quest for a vase on his cupboard to raise a brow at her.
“Not a real one, just one of those temporary tattoo stickers.”
He scratched the back of his head and let out a sigh. It would be easier to complain to her about the noise of she owed him some sort of favor. Right? "Alright." He said.
She surged out of her seat and gave out a small yelp startling him. "You'd do it? Really?" Her eyes seemed brighter now.
“Yeah sure." He said as he marveled at how expressive her eyes were. He willed himself to tear his eyes from her damn face. "Is there anything else?” He asked.
“Yes.” She replied enthusiastically.
“You are really pushing your luck here four eyes.”
She chuckled at that and pushed her glasses a bit higher up her nose. ”Don't worry, this one isn't a favor. More like a friendly advice."
He raised a brow at her. "What?"
"Put those in cold water. They'd last longer that way.” She said pointing at the bright colored bouquet at the table which certainly looked out of place against the black and gray interior of his shop.
After exchanging details about their little activity tomorrow, Hange gave him a final enthusiastic wave before taking off his shop leaving him in awe.
Ah. He forgot to mention his noise complaint.
The next day, nine little children were lined up orderly marching up infront of his store led by Hange. She carried a red flag to remind everyone where she is at all times. They all wore a silk screen printed shirt that says plants rule in front and some sort of a plant pun at the back.
Hange's shirt says. 'Someone has been adding soil to my garden. The plot thickens.'
Ah. That was pretty good...and also pretty dumb.
“Are you sure about this boss?” Oluo asked as he worked on a cover up on a customers shoulder.
"No." He answered earing a chuckle from Eld, Gunther and Petra at the back.
"Good Morning Underground Ink!" Hange enthusiastically cheered as she opened the door.
"Keep your voice down four eyes!"
“Oh! Sorry!" She mouthed at him before turning back to her campers. "Kids say good morning to Mr.Ackerman!” She beamed.
“Goodmorning Mister Ackerman!” The kids said in unison in a sing song tune. He gave them a small nod of acknowledgement then proceeded to cut out the temporary tattoo sheet into small pieces. The kids immediately scattered around the store to take a look at the reference books laid on his lounge. He glowered at Hange. "You said they'd behave."
"They would I promise! They're just a bit excited with our little expedition."
"If they break anything, I swear you're gonna pay ten times the price."
"Oh don't be such a grump!" She said slapping his arm. "Ouch! You didn't tell me you work out."
"Tch." He clenched his jaw and focused his eyes on the tattoo sheets he's cutting up. Damn four eyes and her mouth.
"Hey Kids! Gather over here Mr.Ackerman will show you how to put on a tattoo."
“Is this gonna hurt?” Eren innocently asked.
“Not if you’re brave.” He answered. The kid involuntarily recoiled at that. He can tell that Eren's starting to have second thoughts and struggled to put on a brave face. Eren immediately sought out Hange seemingly asking for help and at that, she immediately stepped up and ruffled the kids hair. ”I’ll get my tattoo done first.” Hange hopped on a chair and presented her wrist to Levi.
Levi held her hand to keep her arm steady. His eyes darted at her as if asking her if the touch was permitted and he was met with a sweet smile. He immediately avoided her eyes pushing down the thought of her playing her guitar surrounded by flowers...a scruffy forest diety. he recalled the exact words that formed on his mind that night.
He bit the inside of his cheek to ground himself to reality. Levi held the damp towel against her wrist and she let out a little yelp. He immediately pulled away hoping he didn't press too hard while his mind wandered to silly memories of her the other night. "Gotcha!" Hange teased chuckling at him. "Ass!" he said playfully throwing his towel at her face gaining another laugh from the brunette. The kids huddled around them giggled at them.
"Ms.Hange, What's an ass?" A little girl munching potato chips asked.
"It's another term for a donkey." A small timid blonde kid answered.
"Thats right Armin!Very good!" Hange said. The blonde kid blushed at her praise and glued his eyes on the floor.
"What's a donkey?" Potato chip girl asked again.
"It's like a little horse" Armin answered.
"Why are you calling Ms.Hange a donkey Mr.Ackerman? She doesn't even look like a horse" A kid with shaved head asked.
"...unlike Jean over here." Eren added and a kid with elvish features (which he assumed is Jean) stepped up and hit Eren by the arm. Eren was ready to retaliate when Hange spoke.
"Kids, we promised Mr.Ackerman no rough housing inside the store." Hange reminded them calmly and the kids immediately pulled away from one another.
There was a brief moment of silence and wondering gasps from children around them as he worked on Hange's tattoo.“So does anyone have a question to Mister Ackerman.” He immediately frowned. He said yes to tattooing kids not chatting them up. Nothing would have prepared him for the set of questions that came rushing in after Hange's open invite.
Eren is the last one to get his tattoo. He disinfected his arm with alcohol and his eyes drifted to Hange who was blushing at the sight of a kid adorably putting on a brave face.
Levi had to look away.
At the end of the session,all kids merrily walked back to her shop comparing all their little tattoos. Hange then thanked him for playing along with her little activity.
His whole afternoon was a blur. Between those kids who won't stop asking him and Hange's constant teasing smirks he was out of it. He scrubbed the side of his tattoo gun a little harder.
“I see you put my flowers in a bucket.”
Levi almost dropped his tattoo gun as Hange's merry voice boomed around the shop.
“Its the closest thing I have to a vase.” He said wondering if she’s offended that he chucked her precious flowers on a bucket, but that endearing smile she had on her face says otherwise.
“I had just the thing!” She rushed out of his shop and came back with a huge crystal vase.
“What's that?”
“Its a vase I inherited from my gram-gram.”
“I can see its a vase.”
“Well with the horticulture camp and all I'm scared this would get knocked over and you seem like an organized responsible sort of guy. Maybe you can take care of this for me for a while.”
She’s certainly getting a little too comfortable with favors now. ”What makes you think I wouldn’t knock it over to get back on you for that assembly mess.”
“Because you’re nicer than your letting on.” she says as she procured a small rose from her back pocket and gently tucked its stem behind his ear. He compelled his hand to swat her arm way but his body didn't cooperate. He stood there frozen wondering if she truly was some sort of a scruffy forest deity and she's punishing him from his insolence at that assembly.
Okay, that sounded dumb...What the hell is wrong with him?
"Did the kids asked you to give me this?" He forced himself to reply.
"Nah, That one is from me." She said. Her eyes were bright and her face were slightly flushed. He wondered if he'd never seen anyone look this gallant and handsome before.
"You don't like it?" She asked cocking her head to the side.
"No! I-ah...I'm just..." He stuttered trying to find the right words without sounding pathetic. His hand raised to touch the flower on his ear. He never got flowers before. He felt a smile coming up so he forced a frown.
“Why are you frowning? Don't tell me you're still upset about that assembly thing? I thought were past that?”
“Tch! No were not!” Levi recoiled at how loud his reply was.
”You see, I would be threatened but I just watched you spend your afternoon tattooing a bunch of kids even though you are not paid for it so...Yeah...I guess water under the bridge right?”
“Who says I'm not charging you? I thought you came here to pay up.” He smirked finding calm at her retort.
At that, Hanji laughed. She fucking laughed! The woman even clutched her arms around her stomach and doubled over. She practically radiated with warmth and a familiar sense of home. “Alright you got me, I don’t want to owe you anything so how about a cup of coffee sometime? Although, you seemed to prefer tea”
He scrunched his face. "How do you know I prefer tea?"
"You see, the funny thing about a huge glass storefront window is that, if you can see me, that means I can see you too."
”Wh-What are you on about? I don't...” Fuck! She knows. He internally panicked and wondered what would the appropriate response be.
"Oh calm down! Don't worry, I don't mind you ogling at me." She smirked evidently teasing him.
"Tch. Fuck you four eyes!"
"I wouldn't mind that too." He froze and It didn't take her too long to realize what she said. Her face immediately flushed in a very flattering shade of red. "I'm sorry I got carried away." Hange slightly turned away and tucked a little piece of her hair behind her ear.
He wanted to say something...flirty maybe? But chances are he's gonna run his mouth and say something about him thinking that she was a scruffy forest deity or how he hates that she never opens her store on time or how he knows her best record for not changing jumpsuits is 5 days. So he kept his mouth shut and let silence engulf them.
“Well, I’m next door just in case you wanna take me up for tea. I’ll see you around I guess.”
"Wait!" He called out.
Hange whipped her head to turn to him and he rushed behind the register to grab one of his spare umbrellas he keeps for emergencies. "Take this."
"What for?" She asked scratching the back of her head.
"You'd get sick running around in rain." he said plainly, hoping she didn't find him too creepy.
Levi didn't know it was possible but he swore her eyes shone a little brighter, a small smile is now etched on her face. "See you later Levi." She took one last glance at him lifting an arm to wave as she ran back to her store.
“Later, four eyes.” He whispered beneath his breath and although he felt pleasantly sunny inside, he sensed that he forgot about something...
Ah, he forgot to talk to her about his noise complaint.
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staggeringsmite · 3 years
HELLO! just finished properly listening to your (amazing!) corruption arc playlist! I have many thoughts, and so I wanted to ask you about specific moments and/or characters that you associate with songs (as mentioned in your tags), as I am simply SO intrigued. (did you have certain songs that were added for certain character(s)? were any songs for specific what if's? etc.) also, please consider this a free pass to ramble about anything related to the playlist that you wish. it is SO excellent!!
AHHHH!! thank you jade (both for the compliment and the free space to yell about my thoughts here because when i get playlist brainrot i get it Bad <3) // the playlist in question
i think i'm genuinely going to do a song-by-song thoughts below the cut, but here are some overview thoughts/associations if you don't wanna read all of that or don't have the time!
overall this started with athena by nova twins! i thought the sp*der imagery and overall vibe was great for a more sinister look at the wacky (mostly) chaotic neutral party as they are, just going full lolth. i wanted the pacing to be semi-slow and then drop into the more rock-heavy reckless villain-y section before moving into a (?) bittersweet? i guess? end that feels a bit more like a question mark of if it was worth it.
i think this party is full of extremely interesting motivations to side with an evil power for their own gain/the benefit of the people they care about, and each one of them has a very complex relationship with that so things spun wildly out of control as a thought about this.
for songs i associate with specific characters here's an overview, but you'll notice there aren't a lot for fy'ra rai or orym which i get into a bit more in the song-by-song:
all: i come with knives, into the spin, steady/steady, control, bad dreams / lolth: million years, athena, diggers / dariax: diggers, plenty, hollow / dorian: athena, grenadine, dangerous / fearne: plenty, you should see me in a crown, black wave / fy'ra rai: home / opal: home, grenadine, black wave, you should see me in a crown / orym: i'm not calling you a liar, dangerous
song-by-song >:)
1. i come with knives (acoustic) - this song, zoowee, so i went with the acoustic version because i think it's a nice slow but sinister start and it very much gave me the feeling of whenever you begin as a character to question taking this kind of power, that is a Source yes that you can do whatever with but is rooted in temptation and associated with evil, is there any real justification for that which is not in some part selfish. "i come with knives and agony to love you" if that isn't the chosen ones to a T in their overall reasoning for even considering a deal with lolth. and as much as that may be rooted in care, and wanting to be strong and powerful enough to protect the people they care about, it is a painful way to love when you really choose that path once and for all.
2. into the spin - this one is based on "slow climb but quick to descend" and i love the instrumentation as a part of the overall vibe, but it's about sowing the seed here. planting even a hint of consideration in accepting the power of the circlet and lolth's words is going to need time for the person to mull it over, but once it's on it is On baby.
3. million years - this is what i mean by All In Baby, and while it isn't the playlists narrative point of anyone actually accepting the power for good, it is a glimpse intended to shake things up after an 8 minute slow start with the first two songs, and this is all about lolth who is a Chaotic Evil entity, who is a reckless and hauntingly destructive force <3
4. home - "everything you made will end up broken" i think this song to fy'ra rai is more of an omen, of everything that she cannot fix but wants to, knowing that she cannot make choices for the group and seeing the potential path they could wind up on and knowing that fundamentally if they go that way it is their decision no matter how much it will hurt her - for opal there is SOMETHING about the tone of this song that feels very much like her, and the complete lack of care it seems to have to rattle off mundane things to the intimate drama of the place, to omens, to demands/declarations i think it shows her personality well and how that pairs with a chaotic neutral entity being offered something like the power of the circlet
5. steady, steady - idk if this is necessarily everyone but the mix of you know when you're ready and i am ready to be the one, this is the song about taking the leap and grabbing for power and/or fy'ra rai and orym's feelings of diving in with them or resisting/leaving them
6. diggers - for lolth this is just the consistent "i've been waiting for you" in the bg which i found fun and disconcering but also i think this is the perfect party and perfect storm for her to convince someone to use the circlets power >:) - for dariax! it seems with what we know he doesn't really know that he is a divine soul sorcerer? unless that is a show he is putting up. still, i feel like him carrying the circlet is Very interesting as someone with a divine bloodline who is in a way being given/chosen for that type of power holding onto this artifact born from evil and perhaps being tempted by it & i think this song works as an interesting back and forth for him with the strange double-entity grab for him in a way
7. athena - truly just a banger that fit the vibes wayyyy too well and started this whole thing, it's loud and reckless and out for blood babey <3 - i think i associate it with dorian mostly because i also associate it with lolth and he is the closest to really taking that leap in canon (and also probably the first one the go if we're following this playlist like a story with everyone/most everyone going corrupt, though it can be read truly infinite ways these are just compiled songs) i think it has a certain flair and appeal that just makes me Feel like it's the song that would play the second dorian puts the circlet on (which! fun fact! decreases your charisma by 2! have fun beloved bard!) - i think it's a very intense conversation
8. i’m not calling you a liar - okayokayokay it's orym thought time bc there are sooo many worlds and routes for orym here and i truly have no idea where he would even end up in this hypothetical. do i think that orym loves these guys and wants to protect them? yes. do i think that he may genuinely take the pain of loving them and keep his morals by walking away and/or turning on them if they all go evil? maybe. do i think he also might love them enough to throw that away? maybe. in a party of all chaotic neutrals besides him without fy'ra rai he is surprisingly the wild card here. while they have each other and no one else, he has the teachings and wisdom of the voice of the tempest and a moral compass that does not align with theirs at all. so, something has to give! dorian's slide into chaotic neutral was natural, but i think orym would be giving up Much More of himself to let himself slide from neutral good to chaotic neutral. i have no answers only sad, sad hypotehtical questions and scenarios so i will just, leave you with "and i love you so much, i'm gonna let you kill me." - this song also comes here before the storm of the 3-5 because whatever way he goes i think orym sees it all happen before anyone else does.
9. grenadine - Do Not Tell Me You Couldn't Hear villainous opal and dorian say the lines "what a big heart i have, i'll be your savior now. what a real catch i am, all the more to pull you down." - i see this song as playful but more genuine for dorian in terms of Truly Really believing any action he does to protect his friends is justified and good to him in his eyes whereas this is a very playful song for a villainous opal - they both give off this vibe strongly though (could see this one for fearne as well but don't have a good a justification)
10. black wave - helloooooo my favorite druid and warlock?? going apeshit with power? more so than they already are on a day-to-day basis (esp given episode 6 combat)? that's what this song is about. "stumbling down the street i swear to god you don't wanna test me" - i also think they both have an interesting question with "what do i believe?" with fearne being of the feywild which is a place of considerably different moral standing to exandria and opal being so young that she doesn't have the world figured out at all <3 terrifying and upsetting when you get into those questions on a corruption arc <3
11. you should see me in a crown - okay i knooooow this one is on the dorian playlist BUT vibes for my brutal babes <333 something about opal’s whole personality and fearne confronting the mirror self But eventually choosing/heading down the path anyway?? impeccable i love it there’s very few other thoughts here
12. control - OKAY not only does this song Fuck but i put it as party wide because i think it transitions nicely into the end of the mix which is more of the “questioning this decision after going all in but not being able to turn back/was it all worth it in the end?” part - i mostly love the “though i like the idea of providence... i’m in love with control” repeated because! i think the circlet is very interesting in that it has been iterated many times over that though it has connections to lolth and she has some claim/twisted abilities with it, it IS just a power source. so, the idea of going all in and accepting this power is an incredibly interesting dilemma of “who’s in charge here? did you really put it on/would you have without these dreams and lolth’s influence? are you really in control?” i think this song really represents that admission/delusion of control in this situation.
13. plenty - okay this song in any context is just my Feywild/Faerie Vibe song so i think this trails back to my feelings about fearne leaning into that different set of fey morals along a corruption arc, and as for dariax i think this is about abundance! following through that mixture of divine power source and chaotic evil god origin over dariax and his chaotic history of vast and varied experiences in emon, i think this very much befits a corrupt version of him.
14. dangerous - this song makes me insane, and the first reason i put it on the mix was the “the dead are true believers. rest assured. we are all believers” really just made me think of a terrible and cinematic moment of them discovering the circlet with the dead aboard the ship ESP in the context of this playlist’s narrative where that was the point they were destined to claim its power and go through their corruption arc - “how does it feel to be your own deceiver?” is the main reason and feeling as for why i made this a dorian song as well in line with “don’t worry i would do anything for my friends.” bc i personally find dorian’s corruption arc to be disillusioned with his own intentions and takes a lot of convincing himself that taking this power for his friends is noble in the scope of this group’s collective morals and self-interest in keeping each other safe and prosperous so <3
15. hollow - woowee dariax corruption, at least in this scope, i think is very frightening to me in that i think he’s going full maximalist, abundant, greedy, impulsive chaotic evil if we’re realllly leaning into a villain arc but still many of those things if we’re just going “this group is the only thing that matters and i’ll do anything for them no matter the cost” - i also think this song has a tone of resentment towards this? apprehension a bit? recognizing that this is how the person singing is but not entirely enjoying or feeling justified in it? as impulsive as dariax is, i think he cares A Lot, and is even a character i could see pulling a reverse dorian and going chaotic good in a different story than we’re in? “so simple when i was younger” and “i’d be a dancer of a different tune” really give me angsty dariax vibes in the height of his corruption arc
16. bad dreams - “don't you worry about your bad dreams cause I'm not in them. don't you worry about what change brings cause you can't stop it.” WOOF i don’t know that this one really needs to be explained but it’s the climax and the descent all in one of the party/corrupted individual being too far gone in their decision to step back or be saved. i think the tone of the song lends itself well to a mixture of uncaring but also giving some question to if they regret it or not based on the narration of the crowd against them.
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yangsharperavery · 5 years
title: second choice
pairing: michael x maria
word count: 1210 words
summary: in honor of tomorrow’s premiere. post season 1 finale. michael hasn't been seen at the wild pony for almost two weeks; maria goes to the airstream to check on him.
She can’t quite get her bearings.
Which doesn’t bode well considering she’s already made the decision and his gaze had already registered her truck. 
She vacillates between feeling silly and feeling brave. 
Assuring herself that she’s going to leave with what she came there to collect: answers.
As she hops out of the truck and strides toward his seated frame, the contents of his environment come into clear view. 
Beer bottles strewn about, flames of the fire just barely meandering, a fifth of whiskey on a tree stump that doubled as a small table.
His red-rimmed eyes bleary but fixed as she approaches.
He’s alone as far as she can tell, and wasted would be too kind a term to appoint.
“You want me to think you disappeared off the face of the planet, Guerin?”
He almost chuckles at her choice of words.
He hasn’t been by the bar in nearly two weeks. 
Not since the night she’d finally set her guard aside and after thumbing a few chords on the guitar, he basically bolted out the door with no more than a few vague words as explanation.
“You have another sign for me to fix? A piece of jewelry I can repair?” 
His mouth covers his words like someone inebriated and in pain.
“Would that help?”
“I don’t know.”
He takes a swig of beer, doesn’t take his eyes off her as if he’s also drinking from a visual well. 
She suddenly has an overwhelming urge to shelve all the things she originally came to say to him in favor of just offering some show of support.
It was obvious he was in a bad way and it had been at Liz’s fervent request that Maria go check on him after he’d basically disappeared.
So there she was, having a million questions and a million doubts but yet one very visceral response to the mere sight of him.
Before her sat someone in such a clear state of agony. 
And while she knew what some of it was about, a part of what highlighted it was the obviousness surrounding that piece that had actually always been present.
Underneath that charming, tempered bravado. 
He was aching. He was angry. He was lost.
And she sees it so clearly in him in that moment but doesn’t trust herself to broach that physical plane.
She wants to snark at him. She wants to shout at him. She wants to comfort him.
But right then she actually couldn’t decide.
“Want a beer?”
She lightly shakes her head in protest.
“Guer, I’m so sorry about…”
The rest gets stuck in her throat. His jaw clenches and he looks away for the first time since she arrived.
She can almost detect a shrug.
“I’ll be next,” he mumbles. 
Her eyes narrow.
“Why would you say that?”
He completely bypasses that question.
“Sorry I didn’t come back… I uh, I couldn’t.”
She nods. It’s obvious Max meant way more to him than she had originally thought.
She wonders why she didn’t pick up on it before.
She wonders why she didn’t pick up on so many different things becoming increasingly clear yet decidedly more muddled the more she thought about it.
“Can we still have that talk?” His expression looked almost hopeful.
She doesn’t reply. Just watches him. 
Like she’s gauging the weight of the moment and how she feels about it.
She shakes her head again.
Something is collapsing around her understanding of him and this crazy town and how it all just doesn’t fit.
“This isn’t about us. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“Let’s make it about us and I’m not.”
He pours from the already open bottle of whiskey into the glass that isn’t quite empty.
“You maybe wanna slow down?” Maria suggests.
“Not at all. You wanna catch up?”
The glass pauses at his mouth. His first name almost felt foreign on her tongue. 
“I’m not a second choice,” Maria proclaims.
“Is that what you think?” His expression goes sad for the first time. Before it was all pain infused with anger. Now he just looks like a forlorn puppy.
“You must admit there is a discrepancy in the timing.”
He takes another swig of his drink and sighs.
“You’re not a second choice, Deluca. You’re the sun.”
Her stomach flutters.
“You’re blinding, disorienting and so, so warm. So you’re the fucking sun.”
And he fully chuckles for the first time, though it’s fundamentally lacking mirth.
“And you’re also like the first sip of cool water, which is something I never even knew was possible or real…”
He trails off, his drunkenness catching up with the syllables of the words he’s saying.
She shifts back onto the heels of her boots.
The glow of the fire is making his eyes appear a particular shade of honey.
“I won’t be a distraction from him.”
“You two exist in two separate times,” Michael explains lowly.
“Well maybe that’s the time you two should revisit. Maybe I should make it easy.”
“How exactly would you do that?” He implored. “By removing yourself from the picture?”
She swore she heard his voice hitch. She doesn’t have an immediate response. 
Instead she takes a deep breath and looks up at the vastness of the unending dark sky.
She meets his gaze.
“He doesn’t get to be the only person I ever love in my life.”
His tone is a bit more vulnerable and forthcoming then she’s ever experienced, which makes her knees almost wobble.
His gaze akin to a laser as he awaits her response.
She can’t give him one.
“Please come here,” Michael poses softly.
She doesn’t comply.
“How did your hand heal?” Maria questions.
His expression goes blank. 
It’s not a coincidence and she knows it.
She noticed his hand the night that Max died. And things had been odd and only getting odder since. 
She felt it in her bones, she didn’t need access to someone’s palm to tell. Something monumental was happening in this town and with these people.
Michael’s lips part but nothing comes out.
His expression is broken and lonely and gutted.
And Maria has never related to any inadvertent display more in her entire life.
Despite wanting a verbal answer, she somehow knew. She sensed it in how his jaw set and his eyes were pained and his breath went shallow.
Before she realized what she was doing, she steps through the bit of space between them and reaches her hand down to graze the side of his face. 
Her comforting touch practically physically unglued him.
He turns his face into her wrist and muffles a sob.
“I know,” Maria whispers, her other hand runs across the base of his neck and into his curls.
She leans down, resting the side of her head on the top of his as his sobs grow more momentum. 
He tries to stop crying but can’t.
In the next moment she’s on his lap and he’s bawling into her chest.
And maybe neither one of them know how it’ll all turn out.
But in that moment they’re anchored to the truth of their unabiding resonance and need for the other.
And that’s more than sufficient. 
also on ao3
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jungdrizzydraco · 5 years
An O.C. for Your Asses!!!
I wanna see if the characters are legit before I move forward with this short story im working on (I'm a character first kinda guy, so I work inside-out) leave any form of constructive critique you wish, they are still works in progress, thanks!!
Augustine Harriet Andersson
Sign: Gemini (sun) Cancer (moon) Virgo (rising)
Height: 5'8
Eye Color: Formerly dark-brown, bleached to a pastel-hazel because of some dark magic fuckery
Hair Color/Cut: dark-brown,q shifting variations of a fade, whose design changes somewhat based on his thoughts and emotions (yes, this is an enchanted fade)
Build: lean, lightly muscled from years lifting cauldrons in his grandfather's potion shop
Notable Features: Dimples; left-dimple is deeper than right, multiple piercings on each ear, artificial left eye (looks organic but to magical eyes, it looks otherwise)
"Have you ever been like...fundamentally angry? I feel that way...like at my core, there's this rage that seethes and coils at the pit of my stomach, everyday, like a python that can't quite squeeze his prey all the way to death. Everytime I think I've grown up, forgiven something or someone or myself, there's this anger that tightens right back up all over again...like it's reminding me of something. Somedays...I feel like that feeling will petrify everything I've ever loved about myself, and I'll just be another slave to outrage and ego and pain...just like everyone else...haha, then I'll really be a normie."  -August Andersson, on his depression and internal anger issues.
Augustine Andersson is a witch-boy. But you could probably already tell that from looking at him: the way his eyes are almost constantly fixed towards some unseeable infinity, the way air molecules hum with fresh, manic energy around him, how he seems to absorb sunlight and the way his brown skin would filter the glow as a result of his connection to the natural...it was all very off putting to others around him for most of his young adult life. And as we all know, no one likes a freak, so such years had a hand in building his current trust issues, feelings of great anger and inadequacy, and all the tics and tricks he uses to keep such feelings at bay. He's not at a total loss; at his core he is a humanitarian, deeply compassionate and available to those who have managed to capture his heart, as well as wild and humorous. However, he keeps a tight lid on his darkest feelings and insecurities, out of fear that they may be too much for those around him (also, he might accidentally call forth a vile arch-daemon on accident, but that's neither here nor there.) After finally having had enough of his mundane time amongst the humans, he vanishes from his college campus one day and takes to the open road, hoping that like the many young, angsty teens in the movies he loves, he will find himself in his own solitude. But the best way to deal with oneself is when confronting someone else, and after a close-call with a reckless (and very cute) motorcycle rider on an interstate, August will be forced to deal with every single part of himself, the good, the bad, and the strange...
A few more things about him...
1. His father is Afro-swedish, hence his last name.
2. Loves to travel and is nomadic by nature.
3. He gets a special kind of warmth out of being moderately petty at all times.
4. He loves open spaces and bodies of water, as well as hikes through mountains (ok so he only went once in Vegas, so sue him, he really liked it!)
5. Surprisingly low maintenance, really just likes being around people that are happy, and the feeling easily rubs off on him.
6. Both positive and negative emotions easily rub off on him.
7. Can get caught up in moments of warm content, given his unstable interior life, and can get lost in wasting/spending time.
8. Gets restless easily.
9. Budding film buff, faves include Kill Bill vol. 1&2, Her, Moonrise Kingdom, Gone Girl, Blue is the Warmest Color, Moonlight, & Mean Girls.
10. August's father is very engaged with politics and civil rights, so in honor of that, he decided that his son's middle name would belong to one of the greatest figures of the civil rights movement: Harriet Tubman.
11. Favorite new movie is The Favourite.
12. Due to a lack of acceptance of his full self and the full spectrum of his sexuality, he is judgemental of others and holds them to the same near-impossible standards he holds for himself. 
13. Things he expects from others: To read his mind and conjure what he wants without saying, to have his needs and boundaries respected without actually stating so, for others to fit in whatever box he thinks they should be in, for everyone's intellect to be slightly lower than his own, but high enough not to annoy him with silly questions, ect.
14. Listens to Lorde, J. Cole, Rex Orange County, Frank Ocean, Lana Del Rey, Tyler the Creator, Young Thug and assorted film soundtracks.
15. Enjoys playing into his double-sided nature when it suits him, and has a secret glee in melding into different roles depending on who's around him.
16. Is attracted to more eccentric personalities in platonic and romantic relationships
17. Smokes weed to escape boredom. (and his problems)
18. Smokes weed because he likes the feeling.
19. Is secretly a little ratchet, but he'll kill you if you say so, it'll fuck up his reputation as the quasi-sociopathic erudite.
Magic House-Thoth
Augustine is a member of the Sacred House of Life, witches whose magic is passed down from the Egyptian Gods themselves. August himself is a descendant of an African slave-witch, once known as Ashe. She was taken to Egypt as a typical piece of cargo from zealot raiders, and was sentenced to a life of building the pyramids. Or so she would have thought: Thoth, the God of Magic and Knowledge, took pity upon her and beguiled her to follow an invisible force into the desert one night. He then revealed himself to her in his ibis-headed brilliance and bestowed upon her a set of choices: he could free her now and set her loose across the desert with all the things she would need for survival, or he could give her secrets and wisdoms unknown to man at the time, but she would have to frequently return to him for lessons. Ashe always prized knowledge and growth over any material thing, or even something such as freedom (I prefer to disagree myself). And secrets from a God must count for that much more, right? She indulged in option two. Thoth grinned and whispered to her the mysteries of life, the secrets of the stars, and the riddles of worlds lost and intangible, he spoke magick into her very soul. She would then use her newfound knowledge to fool her captors, freed any slave that would believe in her, and with her wits about them, guided them across the desert to build a library-like sanctuary, in honor of Thoth. The former slaves then learned from the god's teachings, passed through Ashe, and became witches and educators in their own right, and Ashe came to lead this new coven of magi. This is how the House of Thoth became to be. 
Magick: As a member of house of Thoth, August has the ability to manipulate various aspects of the moon, writing, hieroglyphics, knowledge and sciences, and the progression of time. His particular specialty is the creation of Moon Dust, a substance used as a medium for most of his spells. By gathering various quantities of mineral, be it: crystal, rocks, pearls, aluminum, or even silvers and golds, he can channel his magic into them and break down and rearrange their atomic components into a corrosive, abrasive substance that also tends to stick to objects due to an electric charge. This dust is also dangerous to breathe in. He tends to carry around a pouch or two on his person, as trying to create some on the fly is nearly impossible given how much time and intricacy is needed to create the substance. (I mean, working with just a pile of plain old rocks would take a couple of hours to convert, let alone harder or more distilled substances.) Spells that he has mastered so far include...
Spell of Refraction: A spell in which the moondust bonds to whomever or whatever August desires (sans the harmful effects, it's enchanted in this state) and whatever is enveloped in dust turns invisible via light refraction.
Spell of Revelations: He can spread his moondust over an area and have the pieces cling to imprints of negative emotion or dark magick. A spell used for forensic work.
Spell of Retribution: An offensive spell that uses moondust to its fullest offensive powers and creates small funnels of dust to ravage the opponent. The largest funnel made could surround a fully grown man.
Golemancy:  Can create golems out of the moon dust he has formed, usually no larger than a human toddler. They tend to take form roughly resembling lego-men (he was a big fan of the Lego Expanded Universe as a child), but one can easily be fooled by their size: each golem has the strength of three men, and can combine to further power themselves up.
There are a few spells that don't require the moon dust...
-The Veil: A surface-level illusion layered directly over the skin. This allows the caster to look like whatever he wants to look like and sound however he wants, but can be broken if struck with bad intentions (like a slap from an offended woman on the street)
 -Somnus: A very old, yet practical spell. Also one that does not require moondust, this handy spell induces sleep.  Those affected by this spell will not remember being forced to sleep, but they will have active and vivid dreams for distraction. Also necessary for Dream Diving.
-Dream Diving:  A skill Augustine has yet to master, this allows the caster to astral project into one's consciousness for complete access to the afflicted parties mind, if the brain is distracted by dreams. August has gotten stuck in several public nude dreams, and it takes long hours to remove oneself from another's mind.
-Illusion Casting 
-Temporary Madness Inducement
-Script Magick: By writing down a word or phrase on any surface that can be sufficiently marked on, whatever has been written manifests somehow, just so long as it is within his power. He can't create miracles with it though.
Top 10 Roadtrip Songs
Sobriety- Sza
No Role Moldelz-J. Cole
Sacrifices -Dreamville, assorted artists
Grown Up Fairy Tails- Chance the Rapper, Taylor Bennett 
My Boy-Billie Eilish
U.N.I.T.Y.- Frank Ocean
West Coast: Lana Del Rey
Cruise Ship-Young Thug
400 Lux-Lorde
Let Em Know- Bryson Tiller
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katieskarlette · 7 years
Warcraft Q&A - Blizzcon 2017
I’m going to attempt to liveblog this if my computer/internet behave.
[This post will be edited as it goes but if there’s dragon news I’ll probably make a new post to scream about it in addition to this one.]
Q:  Warfronts:  will they be available on timer like invasions, and what are the rewards like?
A:  They won’t be up 24/7 but they’ll be up for a good amount of time.  Sounds similar to the buildings on Broken Shore.  Rewards will be similar to Timewalking where you get a good reward for the first time through, you won’t be penalized for not doing them all the time, but you will get some reward for doing them if you like them.
Q:  Will basic reputations ever be account-wide?  Not like Bloodsail, but more mainstream ones?
A:  Ion talked about the balance between character-based vs account-based.  Things that unlock content like flying or flight master’s whistle on Argus, they want to do account wide.  If you want rep because that particular character wants a crafting pattern, that’s a goal to work toward on the character with that skill.
Q.  Stat squish coming?  
A:  Yeah, and item level squish, too.  As before, we won’t notice as far as our playing experience.
Q:  Is Anduin a paladin now?
A:  “100% not a paladin.  He’s a priest”.  He’s a hero characters, and hero characters can do things that players cannot.
Q:  Cross-guild or cross-faction social groups possible?
A:  No cross-faction chat.  Do it at Battle.net level, individual to individual.
Q:  Are there improvements coming to guild recruitment?
A:  Something they’re always aware of, but no major plans.
Q:  With the new leveling scaling... is mob health changing?  Heirlooms?
A:  Gear levels and mob health are being dealt with, some for the next Legion patch, some for 8.0.  Heirlooms will continue to be ideal because they are properly itemized for current talents and such, not stuck with outdated stats from past iterations of the game.
Q:  Heart of Azeroth
A:  They liked the way to slowly get incremental increases to power, but they realize dealing with literally trillions of AP isn’t fun.  You’ll have one amulet no matter what spec you’re in, so you don’t have to collect azurite for multiple specs like we’ve had to level different artifacts.
Q:  What was the thought process behind bringing back raid buffs like Arcane Intellect?
A:  They liked them, and they liked the moment before a boss pull where all the buffs went out and it felt like “yeah, we’re ready” as opposed to “has everyone eaten their fish?”  They don’t want to make it so any one class is absolutely required for an encounter, but each one is welcome for a slightly different reason.
Q:  PVP templates, and PVP players not being able to pick their own gems, enchantments, etc.  (I don’t PVP so I have no clue what he’s talking about.)
A:  Something about how there was a problem before but they overcorrected (as they tend to do) and are tweaking it.  It’s important to have consistent rule sets, but they understand we want to make choices to make our characters feel like our own.
Q:  Titanforging
A:  Tweaks coming, but not a fundamental change to the system.  They like variability of rewards and the motivation to continue killing bosses you’ve got on farm.  Azurite-attuned armor slots will not be able to be Titanforged, however.
[Aside:  We don’t care about your guilds, people. Get to the questions.]
Q:   Player wants more options to counter roots and knockbacks.
A:  Classes are all different and something like a death knight is supposed to have a better toolkit to respond to such situations.
Q:  Why does WoW have such a lackluster character customization system?
A:  They were waiting to see what they were doing with the ally races, and now that those are being added they are going to move forward with those customization options.  Including orcs’ posture, which can be toggled in the barber shop (which now doubles as a chiropractor...LOL)
Q:  Is Jaina good now?  What about the purge of Dalaran?
A:  “Jaina is complicated.  She’s as evil as I am,” says Afrasiabi.  “She’s wracked with regret.”  She feels potentially responsible for what the Horde is today, with the way she let her father be killed.  Also the Stratholme thing.  And Theramore.  This is a character “with damage.”  We are going to help her understand the way she is and how to move forward.  She’s conflicted, not evil.  [YES THANK YOU ALEX!!!!]
Q:  There should be ducks in WoW, and why do so many bosses have holes in their ceilings?  [SERIOUSLY?  THIS IS A QUESTION THAT IS TAKING UP OUR TIME?  WTF?]
A:  Practical reason = avoiding camera angle issues; artistic reason = environmental, gives a peek of the outside world etc.
Q:  What’s happening to the night elf and undead starting zones in BFA?
A:  They won’t change.  For new players to feel the impact of things like Teldrassil burning, they have to see and know it before.  It will phase to the destroyed version when you get to a high enough level.  Same for leveling in Arathi.
Q:  Alleria can shift back and forth from high elf to void elf form.  Can the playable ones?
A:  They have a void form that’s active in combat, similar to worgen form.  They won’t be “fully voided” all the time.
Q:  Somebody complaining about farming older content for Titanforging.  [Which has already been asked.  Shut up and move on to dragons, damn it.]
A:  They know the Titanforged Unstable Arcanocrystal is OP and they’ll try to avoid outliers like that.  Item level should be the main factor in picking which armor to equip.
Q:  Mythic keystones to old dungeons?
A:  Timewalking is kind of that concept.  They may do Timewalking keystones in the future and think the idea is cool.
Q:  How soon will we be flying after BFA launches?
A:  About the same as Legion.  [Which, for the record, I am totally in favor of.]
Q:  Future of WoW companion apps?
A:  Yeah, they like those and will keep building on that in the future.  They’d like to combine the armory app with it, too, so you don’t have to switch back and forth.
Q:  Timewalking:  as more get added it takes longer to get back around to the era you like best.
A:  Some consolidation may happen but they want it to feel like a special change of pace when it comes around.  They may have non-instanced, outdoor Timewalking events someday, too.
Q:  Faction balance...how do you keep players from switching too often?
A:  “Play the game the way you want to play it,” says Ion H.  “Play what you wanna play.”  They do monitor server balance, though.  The new PVP toggle may help smooth imbalances, too.
Q:  Legendaries in  BFA?
A:  The Azurite system is replacing the random legendaries from Legion.
Q:  Quest log size limit increase, please?  [I’d be in favor!!!]
A:  This gets talked about a lot.  They may have some of them moved to some other kind of interface, especially the breadcrumb types that sit in your log for a long time.
Q:  Oh god another question about  expanding that freaking default backpack.
A:  OMG, they’re actually close to letting us “slightly increase” backpack size, and it will be a reward for using an authenticator on your account.  Odd, but I’ll take it!
Q:  New reasons and ways for us to fight the other faction?
A:  Different factions will have different in-story motivations to go into dungeons and raids.  Some bosses may be faction-specific to add to the feel of being at war with the other wise.
Q:  Will they fix the bugs, issues and exploits from vanilla, or will it be rolled out, warts and all?
A:  That’s one reason why it’s taken them so long to get it rolling.  They want to recreate vanilla as we experienced it, but minus the game-breaking bugs, crashes, etc.  Also, what’s the right version of classic?  5-man UBRS or 10-man?  Both were in vanilla, but which do they put in now?
Q:  If you unlock ally races’ heritage armor on a nightborne, for example, can you use it to transmog on your blood elf?
A:  Nope, those are locked to that ally race.
Q:  Increase to friends limit?
A:  With the focus on social features it’s something they want to do, but it’s complicated because of all the different games and systems they have to coordinate.
Q:  Will the new zone scaling make it harder to farm low-level transmog?
A:  If a mob dropped something before, it’ll drop it after.
Q:  Warfronts...how long will they be?  Like a raid?
A:  Longer than dungeons, but just how long is still up in the air.  Feedback from alpha and beta will help them decide.
Q:  What classes will ally races have, and if they differ from the others, why?
A:  These are considered independent races, not subraces of existing ones.  They try to err on the side of letting us play what we want, as long as it makes sense.  (No void elf paladins, e.g.)
Q:  Void elves = alliance, nightborne = horde...why?
A:  The intro quests for each race will explain that.
Q:  Will the Legion threat end before BFA, and where does that leave Demon Hunters?
A:  “They just turn into regular hunters,” joked Ion.  Alex then clarified that DHs are sworn to protect the world they love, no matter the threat.  And someday we’ll see demons again!
Q:  Are the EK and Kalimdor totally Alliance and Horde now?
A:  Alex:  “Those zone boundaries are tricky for NPCs to cross.”  But no, Exodar and Quel’thalas are still holdouts.  The continents aren’t 100% red or blue.
Q:  New goblin and worgen models when?
A:  They’re working on them currently!  Goblin aren’t bad now, just need some polish and updating.  Female worgen will be reworked to be “more wolf-life and less chihuahua-like.”  THANK YOU.
Q:  something about PVP
A:  PVP flagging complicates and slows down your leveling, so they want PVP flagging to be rewarding but not so rewarding that carebears like myself feel like they have to.  (They didn’t phrase it that way; I did.  LOL)
Q:  More character slots per realm?
A:  Yep.  Six addition ones per server!  Whoa, nice!
Q:  When can we trade flasks and consumables with friends cross-realm?
A:  They know it’s needed but they have to protect individual server’s economies.  They’re working on it.
Q:  Beta when?
A:  You can opt in now.  No date announced.
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toydreamer · 7 years
Do you have any drawing tip p.s love your work
Hi Anon! And thank you for the love! (♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡Well for starters, it’s the regular drill of basics and fundamentals are really important. It’s all about understanding the structures and foundations before you can move on to building/creating things. I myself had a really hard struggle with it because I’m mostly self-taught for many years, my knowledge weren’t sufficient enough and I gloss over many knowledge that I took for granted until I went back to art school for a year and had it drill back into me. So I actually wasted a lot of time and went the longer way instead. And only now am I properly relearning again. To avoid being like me, work on the fundamentals because you can’t run if you don’t even understand how to use your legs. Sorry if this comes off a bit brutal but I’m really serious about this point. I felt the damages enough since it truly cost me my precious time. As for tips, I won’t talk about the usual drawing tips because I’m sure there are answers already available everywhere. And better answers than what I can provide. But I like to drop some main points that are like my golden rules to think about everytime I art. It’s more food for thought tips. ^w^
1. Art isn’t just about drawing a picture, it emulates a world you want to create hence everything is related to one another. Environments, characters, lighting settings, compositions to make things believable they gotta blend well together. Think of it as if it’s real world with the exception that rules can be broken. How you break it is your choice to make and will define your works. 2. Stories are a must! Because it relates to people and makes your works more interesting! Ideas, inspirations, easter eggs even are little tidbits to making your story yours to create. How you tell your stories will determine who makes up the audiences that connect with your works.  3. Don’t be fixated on finding your own style. Let it come to you.This is one that I wanna emphasize the most because this thought dealt the most damage to me through the years.  To me, style is never a fix. It can and will change because the things you like don’t tend to stay the same over the years. By finding new things that you like, discovering new tastes adds on to your already current hoard of what you love and might love. So why limit yourself to a box when you can have an entire ocean for you to explore? 4. I’m the cameraman. This ties in with compositions. How you compose your work upfront says a lot already about your work. How do you want your audience to relate to the story contents? The vibes? The mood? It’s a lot to think about to be honest but I swear this is the one good way of putting yourself into your work. Imagine yourself in your world in a 3d space. This is on the more advanced stage but you could give this some thought. 5. Challenging yourself. I usually set up a goal in mind for every piece of work I do. And I make sure to hit that mark and learn something with every new work. That way I don’t mindless-ly go about doing things and wasting my time. Always have a goal in mind and work on it and complete it! Don’t leave your works hanging or you’ll never finish them. Like it or not just finish it! And move on. 
This usually requires maximum amount of discipline which is basically testing your mental patience. 6. Move out of your comfort zone. I don’t have to explain too much on this. This one is the same thing as the style part. 7. Be yourself and just go all out and have fun.It’s useless if you don’t even find it fun. That’s a chore if anything. And that’s missing the whole point too. 8. Go out and see the world as much as possible. Be there to experience things firsthand, explore all the little corners. The world is an endless place filled with beauty everywhere. Who knows what you will find? And that’s it! I hope it helps you, Anon and those that find yourself stuck. So far this are from my own experiences. Thanks again! Sorry if it’s abit lengthy. Heh 
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trbl-will-find-me · 7 years
Every Exit, An Entrance 10/?
There are two (and only two) possibilities: either she led XCOM to victory and they are now engaged in a clean up operation of alien forces, or XCOM was overrun, clearing the way for an alien-controlled puppet government to seize control of the planet. She’d really like to figure out which it is, but asking hardly seems the prudent option. Read from the beginning here Chapter CW: Suicide allusion
 “Bullshit,” Gunda says. “Flip’em over.” Kelly smirks, revealing her four aces. “I’m almost offended you don’t trust me.” Gunda groans. “Let’s get it over with.”
Kelly pushes the piles of cards towards the woman and the Commander chuckles from her spot on the couch.
“You want in next round, ma’am?” Wallace asks.
“Oh, no,” she grins. “I am quite content to sit and commentate.” “Sounds like someone’s afraid to lose, ma’am,” Krieger sing-songs.
“More like, I’m afraid to give any of you a shot at getting a read on my tells.”
“Planning on some brinksmanship?” Kelly asks.
“No, but I am planning to beat all of your asses at poker, given the opportunity.”
“You play?”
“I had a life outside of commanding, Wallace. Stop looking so shocked.”
“Yeah, but poker?” Gunda pushes.
“It can’t be all eat, sleep, shoot aliens. Believe it or not, I had a whole existence before XCOM. How do you think I paid for beer when I was writing my dissertation?”
“You went to grad school?”
“Again with the disbelief, Wallace. I’ll have you know I have a Masters and a PhD, for all that those are worth now.”
“You’re not military?” Krieger asks, surprise audible.
She cocks her head. “They’re not mutually exclusive, but in my case, no. I’m not. Before I joined XCOM, I’d never held a gun in my life.”
“So, then, who taught you to shoot?”
“Three guesses and the first two don’t count.”
Kelly cackles. “Oh, man. Central? Really? I can picture it now.”
She nods. “Yup. I’m not sure who was more nervous.”
“Wait, so if you’re not military,” Krieger begins. “How did you end up joining?”
The Commander sets the datapad next to her. “It’s a long story, but it boils down to catching the right eyes and having the right connections. Write the right papers, present at the right conferences,” she shrugs. “Have family friends who set you on unusual career paths.”
The men stare at her.
“Alright, shorter answer: serendipity. I’d published a few papers that made waves in the right communities. When the project was taken out of mothballs, someone thought I had something to offer, and I got an invitation to the table.”
“You got your command based on papers?” Gunda asks, incredulity hanging from every word.
She smiles and shakes her head. “Not … not exactly. And I wasn’t the first choice.”
“Who was?”
“Three guesses.”
Wallace almost spits his coffee over the table. “Central? No.”
“Yeah,” she says, nodding.
“What’s so hard to believe about that?” Kelly asks and the Commander swears there’s something approaching offense in the ranger’s voice.
“Central,” Wallace says slowly.
“He’s more than capable,” the Commander counters. “I wouldn’t be here if he weren’t.”
“So, why didn’t he take it?” Krieger asks.
Again, she shrugs. “That’s his story to tell, not mine. You wanna find out, go ask him.”
“Ma’am, I’d really rather not be booted out the airlock.”
“I doubt that would happen. He’d have to go through Engineering, and I don’t get the sense Lily would appreciate her workspace being disturbed.”
“Shen versus Central,” Wallace proposes. “Who wins?”
“Not us,” she says, picking the datapad up again. “We’d be sunk without those two.”
“It’d be a draw,” Sally cuts in, poking her head out from one of the bunks. “Neither of’em would be able to throw the first punch.”
“How long have you been listening?” Kelly asks, craning her neck.
“Long enough to know none of you read personnel files.”
“It’s because we are too busy in the field, unlike someone, no?” Thomas quips as he breezes through quarters, stopping at the card table.
“It’s alright,” Sally smiles. “You’ll have plenty of time to catch up while you recover from that broken jaw you’re gunning for.”
“Easy, you two,” the Commander says. “Thomas, report to wherever the hell it is you’re going. Sally, aren’t you in enough trouble as it is?”
“Assez, non, chérie?” Thomas coos, already on the move.
“Not worth it,” Kelly mouths, shaking her head at the younger woman. “Not worth it.”
“I’m gonna light that stupid braid of his on fire,” Sally grumbles.
“Please don’t,” the Commander says, unlocking the device on her lap. “Burning hair smells awful.”
Five sets of eyes fixate on her. “How do you---“ “Sally, your hair is longer than mine. You’re telling me you never caught a bit in a candle or a campfire?”
“I thought that story was headed somewhere a lot darker,” Krieger mutters.
“It’s not all doom and gloom,” the Commander says, turning her attention back to the briefing the Spokesman had sent after his call. “Sometimes, you just have a mishap with a roommate’s candle. If I start talking about the smell of burning flesh, then you can worry.”
Sally shakes her head. “Well, given how bad this place smells already with all the cigarettes, I’m not gonna be the one to make it worse. I’ll be on the range if anybody needs me.”
“Wait up,” Kelly says, standing. “I’ll go with you.”
“Don’t trust me not to get creative?” “Don’t trust you to listen to your better angels.”
She sometimes laughs when she thinks of how well teaching prepared her for commanding. Certainly, the scale and severity of the consequences have changed, but fundamentally, her day still consists of crisis management, ego management, and a parade of faces through her door. Yes, essays have been replaced by intel briefings and After Action Reports, but at least she’s not expected to offer meaningful feedback on how to improve their construction and clarity. Instead of fraternity boys and sorority girls, she now has her men and all the questionable behavior that entails.
Bernard, Pukkila, and Lan are all crowded around the table in the Common Room, a pad of flip chart paper in front of them.
“No, you’d be crazy to make that a down your drink,” Lan insists. “We’ll all be out our livers by the end of the week. We’ll never make it to the ceremony.” “Means you need a stronger liver,” Pukkila counters.
“He has a point, no? It’s supposed to be enjoyable, not a suicide run,” muses Bernard.
“What are we sacrificing our livers for?” She asks, craning over Bernard’s shoulder for a look at the paper. “I don’t think Central’s forgiven you three for the safety briefing shots game yet.”
“Central Officer Bradford will be happy to know he’s not involved in this one,” Lan says. “This time it’s all for our favorite happy couple.”
“Oh no,” she groans. “Really, guys?”
“Ouai,” Bernard drawls. “We should have some fun too.”
“No,” she says, eyeing the three men. “Those two have enough going on with their families as it is.”
“Oh god, we know,” Pukkila groans. “Royston’s mom is having a bigger fit than mine did when I came out. And she’s marrying someone of the expected gender.”
“Martin’s father’s no better,” Bernard says. “Less shrill, though.”
“I don’t think they’ve gotten good wishes from either side,” Lan adds, shaking his head in sympathy. “I’m pretty sure it’s the most Martin’s heard from his dad since he got here, though. So, I guess that’s a positive.”
“Some line of communication is better than none?” The Commander asks. “Never thought of you as an optimist, Lan.”
“What can I say? I’m just sunshine and roses these days.”
“It’s cause he got laid this morning!” Molchetti calls down from the second level.
“Grazie, Isabella,” Lan calls, flipping the sniper off. “Prego, mio caro!”
The Commander shakes her head. “Try not to make it worse for Edouard and Steph, okay? They’re already in a crappy spot.”
“And so are we,” Pukkila insists. “We keep having to listen to it!”
She glares at the assaulter. “Good, then practice your empathy.”
“Yes, mom,” he groans.
She shakes her head and continues toward Mission Control.
“Martin,” she says, pressing a finger to her comm once she’s sure she’s out of hearing range. “You got a minute?”
“Commander?” “Is Steph with you?”
“No, she’s with Hershel.”
“You might want to have words with Bernard and company, then. They’re planning a sequel to their drinking game.”
“Fils de putain. Thanks for the warning.”
“Try not to put anyone in traction.”
“I won’t, but I make no promises for Steph.”
Mission Control is quiet. Scanning the day’s data, she spots two more energy spikes and her stomach twists. She knows Shen’s engineers are working as fast as they can, but can’t ignore the twinge of panic.
Come on, universe. Just give us a little more time. I know I screwed up. Don’t make everyone pay for it.
She’s not sure how the world would handle a resumption in hostilities --- or, more importantly, how the Council would. Obviously, there’d be a stronger push for the weapons specs and, she concedes, a stronger case in favor of it. She imagines, too, that there would be pressure for additional offensive development; with fully automated weaponry like the Sectopod running rampant, the push for a proportional response would be intense.
She’s not sure how the men would handle it either. Operation Avenger had taken place November 14th, and in the aftermath, life had tilted swiftly back towards normal.  Only three days after, they had celebrated Central’s birthday with beer and cake. Two weeks after that, Martin had proposed to Royston. They had gone from a state of near constant alert, a life lived on caffeine and adrenaline, to one of more sustainable vigilance, a life where six hours of sleep was an attainable goal. The strains, the cracks that had widened into crevices, had gone quiet, suddenly manageable once the onslaught had been quelled. Bernard’s smoking is back to a reasonable level. Hershel says prayers other than the Kaddish. She’s even fairly certain Royston and Martin manage to sleep through the night sometimes. The base personnel are starting to lose the dark circles under their eyes, and some are even beginning to show up for shift without firearms. She can’t imagine morale would weather a second storm well.
In their time spent fighting the aliens, they’d only had a single self-inflicted casualty, and even that had felt like one too many. They’d all gotten used to funerals, to death and the rituals of mourning, but still, it had rattled them all. It was impossible to miss the way no one quite left Martin alone for any real period of time, the way the sharpest knives went missing from the kitchen, and the sudden dry up of their liquor stores. She has always been impressed, and maybe more than a little touched, at the way XCOM manages to look out for its own.
She knows, though, on some level, that the holidays would be an ideal time for the aliens to strike back. Psychologically, it would be devastating, the sight of bodies among the cheer, the ensuing chaos as people sought safety in overcrowded shops and streets. Her mind briefly flashes to New York, to Times Square, hundreds of thousands crammed into a space far too small to ever be evacuated quickly. They’d all be slaughtered on live television.
No, no, no, she tells herself. We’re not doing this. We’re not playing what if. The comms are quiet. The comms have been quiet. Molchetti scattered their ship out of existence. This is not a horror movie. There is no gotcha. Rational. Be rational.
She draws in a breath and fights the urge to go search for a piece of wood to knock on. If she’s jinxed them, it’s sure to ward it off. Really. She just has to go, knock on wood, throw some salt, something, anything to ward off the sense that she’s just invited trouble.
She shudders and draws her sweater closer around her. You’re being ridiculous, she tells herself. You can’t control that. You can’t control them. No single thought, unaccompanied by action, has ever led to an attack. Never. It’s an explanatory fiction. You know this. Come on. Don’t go down the rabbit hole.
She goes to pick at the skin of her thumb, already rubbed raw, and is momentarily surprised to find a bandaid covering it.
Of course. That had been Central’s work yesterday, after he’d watched her tear at the offending flesh for the duration of a staff meeting. He’d waited until Shen and Vahlen had left, then pulled the bandage from his wallet, wrapping it around her finger.
“It hurts just looking at that,” he’d told her. “It’s gotta sting.”
She nods. “At least it feels like something.”
The worry in his eyes had said all he’d needed it to.
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ooc-but-stylish · 7 years
 “There’s a lot that gets me about the love story in FFXV and how it…”
Im super curious to know what your thoughts are on that absurdity with prompto’s “dramatic reveal” in chapter 13
Hoo boy. My opinion about the “dramatic reveal” is pretty much my opinion on the whole game, which is 
“Good plot, terrible execution”
Prompto was an MT? Neat. However,
it should have happened earlier
it should’ve been resolved earlier
it should have had a bit more foreshadowing if it was going to be dragged out to Chapter 13 of all things. 
With regards to the actual scene, my first impressions were “Damn, Prompto looks good for a guy that fell off a moving train and got tortured!” then “Oh, oh shit, this is the twist– Prompto’s gonna strangle the shit out of Noct, isn’t he? He’s right there–” and finally “…. Oh.”
The game has Prompto like “Oh, I’ve been tortured for a while in this dungeon, also I wanna tell you guys I’m a Nif/MT”(1) and the bros are like “Ok so? That doesn’t change anything. We still care about you.” which matches more the reaction parents should have when their kid comes out of the closet than anything else. One of their own revealed themselves to be part of the same army that, like, has been attacking them relentlessly on the World Map every 15 minutes ( and interrupting the important dialogue we’ll never hear again ). You know the reaction Wakka had about Rikku being Al Bhed? Yeah. I was expecting that, most likely from Gladio. But they’ve known each other since they were kids, more or less, and those of us who have played the game, regardless of whether we did or didn’t see Brotherhood or the extra media, have likely already seen proof of their unwavering friendship toward each other even in portions of the game where it wouldn’t even make much sense for them all to still be cool.(2) So this… is a waste. It reinforced what we already knew. It served no purpose except to reveal a plot-convenient serial code on his wrist to help them escape, and it raised more questions. 
MTs are made from daemons made from Starscourged humans, and Niflheim would need a lot of humans, so they started making clones and infecting them. Prompto is supposedly one of them, but escaped when he was super young and adopted into the Argentum family. Okay, so who got him out of that lab? Why did he still have “no parents” in Brotherhood? Who were his parents? Were they natives to Insomnia? How did he get a nice place to live in and not end up in the outskirts/slum parts of Lucis on account of his being a foreigner? If he got a serial code imprinted when he was a baby, wouldn’t it have deformed as he grew up? How did it maintain its shape? Was the barcode the same size throughout his life? Why isn’t he wearing light-resistant armor, like the other MTs? This is stuff we’d have to read the Wiki or the strategy guide about, except I’m still asking these questions, so the answers exist nowhere. Even to this day. And people still have theories on whether the Naga in the beginning of the game ( the one that kidnapped Prompto and cried about her baby ) was actually Prompto’s mother. That’s fucked up storytelling, not because they did it on purpose, but because they didn’t.
The reveal happens and is resolved so quickly, no one has the time to process anything. A lot of this game is pretty much “Here’s this earth-shattering detail! Let us never speak of it again”. 
Like, yeah, Noct is broken up he attacked Prompto and knocked him off the train, but did he process the part where he said everything was Prom’s fault and demanding that Prom stop following him around? Right to his face?
Did no one stop to think that Ardyn being able to make himself look like another person means that there’s 0 chance any of them would know for certain that their allies were their allies? Wouldn’t they be in an intensely paranoid state, questioning each other on stuff the “real” them would know about? How do any of them know Ardyn isn’t still right there, hiding in plain sight?
Details that would have worked as foreshadowing for Prompto’s reveal, instead of Ardyn dropping eleventh hour infodumps on Niflheim’s army allowing for post-hoc bullshit:
The constant Magitek encounters come specifically from the Nifs geotracking Prompto’s barcode. The party actually brings up the frequency of these attacks, but Prompto is hesitant to say anything.
None of the Magiteks attack Prompto, focusing on the other three in the party instead of “one of their own”. Possibly dumb luck, and saves every gamer the trouble of Prompto always dying first somehow.
Increased frequency of goofy Ardyn selfies and creepy Prompto pictures on any day Ardyn is with the party.
Instead of Ardyn’s “stitch in time” thing that is never explained again, and Ardyn’s immortality just being the Astrals going “Ew, cooties” and banning him from the Beyond to inflict him on the living, have this: the way 'Ardyn’ appears and disappears is by body-hopping from one Starscourge-afflicted/daemonified person to another. Some individuals are more receptive to him than others based on how far along they are in their daemonification or MT experiments. So why was he on that train, in the place of Prompto? Because something inside Prompto allowed him to be there ( enough to alter his looks but not his speech patterns ). He could drop that particular bomb in Ch 12 before telling Noctis that Prompto is in Gralea.
Ardyn’s immortality comes from the fact that when he ‘dies’, he just manifests in the next likely person to host him or maybe someone of his choosing if he wants. That adds the drama of Ardyn not really ever being dead for good, and the possibility that he could take over Prompto in his next life if he felt like it. That’s a better justification for “You have to kill this dude, then kill yourself, then kill him again” than “Because the gods said so”.
TLDR the Prompto reveal sucked ass.
(1) Let me get this out: Fuck This Game. The localization sucks in its consistency by language. Bahamut is either the Draconian or the Aetherian. Ardyn could have either vaguely “known” Gentiana died, or personally had a hand in killing her. Izunia is either a relative of Ardyn, and Noctis’s ancestor, or is a completely random name Ardyn made up that he forgot the origins of. The Japanese version of the game, rather than hinting that Prompto is an MT, has sections where Ardyn instead taunts Noctis about “Did you know he’s originally from this city?”, and when Prompto reveals it to the group he says “I’m a person of Niflheim”. Even the JP VA confirmed it. So whether or not Prompto is even a Magitek is dependent on language of the game. I can understand that they were trying to go for, but they should have been consistent. Must have been something to do with the constant rewrites of the plot.
(2) Fuck This Game Part Duh: No, seriously. It tried to eat its cake and still have it, and I’ll tell you why. The game doesn’t actually give a shit about your choices. It wants its narrative both ways, telling us that Noctis in particular has certain “fixed” character traits but giving us a choice to make him another way in his dialogue options typical of Western RPGs which have “blank slate” characters. Using both methods and no lasting plot divergences to support those choices beyond the immediate cutscene makes it so that the dialogue options have no impact on the story or make sense, suggesting you play it “Square’s way” or else the game ignores your choices, which is fundamentally not how open world western RPGs work.
A playthrough in which Noctis acts like a total jerk to Prompto and dismissing him every chance he gets will still result in Prom wanting to hear from Noct that he cared about his well being, as well as Prom expressing sadness that Noct will die. 
A playthrough where Noctis puts only platonic or indifferent notes into the book he sends to Luna will still result in the scenes in Chapter 9 where he sheds a tear at her speech, laments that he wanted to save her, and then is quiet rather than impassioned and vengeful, even though he summoned Ramuh and busted a base to rescue the Regalia and to get revenge for Jared of all people.
A playthrough where the Altissian woman interrogates Noctis and Noctis answers by straight-up fucking metagaming and showing more understanding of the lore of the story than he’s ever been told and treating her with respect should count as “gaining her implicit trust”, but we still see a scene where Luna is sitting in the chair across from the Altissian woman and Imperial forces come in and surround Luna anyway, meaning the Altissian lady sold them out.
A playthrough where Noctis only ever responds maturely to Gladio, and his conversations with others have the options for him to act like a leader and the King he’s meant to be, will still result in Gladio chewing him out unnecessarily while the game clunkily tells us Noctis “is a spoiled brat/selfish”, “is being immature” and was “moping for weeks” about Luna even though we just saw her death five minutes ago and Noctis is shown to be quiet but otherwise not stalling the quest in any way. We didn’t even see a funeral, or excessive crying or outbursts, or Noctis demanding that everyone focus on his pain and staying in Altissia locked in a hotel room. He’s just quiet on a train. 
Chapter 13 of the game is especially awful, when both it and Ardyn insist that Noct is supposed to be some scared, frightened puppy without his weapons when he’s wielding the most canonically powerful item in the game, casually ripping gashes in reality and insta-killing a fortress full of daemons with an anti-daemon ring, and the player is able to ignore most (if not all) stealth mechanics and blitz through that chapter with no penalty.
For those that did the side quests throughout the game, the only trait from gameplay that sticks in the narrative is that Noctis is a passive entity. He’s told to do something, he just does it. Otherwise, no matter what, even if you played the game and had Noctis act like a rude shit and played as if none of the Bros were his Bros, they’re still going to be Bros. They’re still going to care about him, including Prompto. Especially Prompto.
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