#like no secrets completely open with each other talk about every single little thing kind of relationship
insanechayne · 1 year
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#the way you talk about relationships/friendships is honestly so sad and kinda pathetic#but I think I needed to hear it because something seems to have finally flipped in my brain now to put me on the right track#because honestly the fact that you still want to keep our friendship hidden for your myriad reasons kinda makes me sick#and feeling like I just got used for a while and then tossed aside when it was no longer convenient also makes me feel sick#your worldview is just so bleak and depressing and for what?#I’m trying to squeeze out every little drop of happiness that I can from this shitty existence#and if there ever comes a time my girlfriend and I don’t trust each other or don’t feel like we can talk to each other about anything#well then that’s a fucking problem and we need to fix it immediately#because personally I believe your partner should be your best friend and I want a relationship where we’re basically attached at the hip#like no secrets completely open with each other talk about every single little thing kind of relationship#because otherwise what’s the fucking point? if you can’t even have that from someone you might spend your life with then what’s it all for?#if you wanna give your all to something already fundamentally broken then that’s your choice and I won’t judge you or try to change you#but couldn’t be me I’ll fuckin tell you that#at least this seems to be a turning point for me so that I can use this to make positive changes to myself and my life#which is honestly exactly what I needed because something inside was still bothering me and making me unhappy#and now I’ve identified it and can remove it and move on with my life#like we’ll still be friends and everything#I’m still happy to talk to you here every day because we do have a deep foundation of friendship at this point#but I think even that might be coming to an end soon…#not that I necessarily want that but just that it feels kind of inevitable at this point since we’ve hit a wall here#idk lotta shit to think through and figure out but at least this cemented my feelings towards my girlfriend#she’s so important to me and I want to give her the whole world and all of my time/attention and that’s how it should be#personal
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ikroah · 2 years
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Pistol packin' mama, lay that thing down before it goes off and hurts somebody! —“Pistol Packin’ Mama,” Bing Crosby (1943)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #24 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding III
Collaborative Issue! Guest Artist: @yesjejunus
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Original Pencils / Transcript:
Oh noooooooooooo :(
These pages might get shrunken a little by Tumblr for some reason so either right-click to view at full-size or just read it on AO3 at the link above. And give a round of applause to my wonderful and wonderfully talented friend @yesjejunus who returns to guest art duty with this new issue, which is just another car crashing into the pile-up that is happening to Agnes in the closing half of Volume 2. Issue #25 will be all of my own art again, and I've been working for a long time on reinventing the look, feel, and production of IKROAH's artstyle so I hope you'll all be as excited as I am. Some really big things are about to happen.
Original Pencils
Here's another reason why mr. jejunus deserves a round of applause: patience. I talk often about how IKROAH is a very long-term project but this issue marks the longest collaboration in the history of the comic: the original pencils for this issue were drawn in August 2021. This was also when yesjejunus and I first discussed him doing guest art for this issue, and it would have been a lot sooner, of course, but you know, things (like months of burnout) can just happen. By the time this issue was finally next in the queue, I had committed to increasing the resolution of IKROAH's pages just to ease my own production, but these pencils were still formatted for the old size. I had to reformat these pencils for the new size and aspect ratio.
The tumblr editor keeps crashing every time I try to include them, so here's links instead: [1] [2] [3].
The thing about working with yesjejunus on comic issues like this is that at this point we're so deep in each other's heads that I barely even need to give him feedback. He understands the assignment completely because we're both sickos pressed against each other's brain-windows going "Yes…ha ha ha…yes!" and drooling. It's the kind of friendship as well as creative partnership that you really just treasure.
AGNES SANDS stares down, exhausted, at BENNY, the leader of the Chairmen and the man who shot her in the head.
BENNY does not stare back. He is dead. His eyes have rolled up lifelessly and blood is oozing from the gruesome wound in his skull.
AGNES looks away.
VOICE FROM OUTSIDE (off): Hey, Ben-man! Everything alright in there?
AGNES jerks up in surprise. She searches her surroundings frantically, looking for a way out. The gun that she shot BENNY with—the gun that BENNY shot her with—is still in her hand. She sees a side door, barely ajar, leading out of BENNY'S BEDROOM with a dim light coming from behind it.
AGNES sprints forward, her arm outstretched to shove open the door, and barges in. Then she freezes in her tracks. In front of her is a large and ambulatory machine, with claw-like arms and a computer monitor in its center. The monitor displays an unchanging vector of a happily smiling face. It speaks.
THE MACHINE: Hello! I'm Yes Ma—
AGNES raises the gun with both hands and fires repeatedly, her eyes wide and mouth agape in terror. She empties it of every single other bullet that was left in it.
THE MACHINE (shorting out): I-I'm sorry…!!
THE MACHINE crumples from the repeated shots, which shatter its monitor-face like a glass window and send it falling backwards. Its robotic corpse snaps and cracks with electricity and malfunctioning hardware as AGNES remains stunned in the doorway.
AGNES looks up as BENNY'S men pound harder on the door to the suite.
VOICE FROM OUTSIDE (off): Benny! We heard shots! We're coming in!
AGNES drops the gun and flees through the hallway's secret private elevator.
VOICE FROM OUTSIDE (off): Oh, shit, somebody iced 'im! Get security!
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petitelepus · 1 year
yandere MTMTE Rodimus with a reader who is yandere for him too. Although reader is really subtle about it.
At first, Rodimus didn't know who you were. There were many Bots in Lost Light, so how could he know every single one of them? You may have passed each other on the corridor but that was it.
The co-captain of the Lost Light was completely unaware of you until he had a very bad day.
Now Rodimus wasn't good at talking about his feelings, and he tended to go and pout somewhere when he was caught in a foul mood.
He was on his way to his usual place and he wasn't paying attention to anything when he suddenly ran into you.
"Ouch!" You yelped, holding your balance and Rodimus gasped in shock, "Oh Primus, are you okay?"
"Oh, captain!" You smiled at him, "I'm fine, thank you for asking. What brings you here?"
"I uh…." He didn't really want to share but you were there and somehow he had this feeling that he could talk to you.
So he did open up to you and told you how others had deemed him immature, impossible to work with, and incompetent… He was expecting you to laugh at him, but you did no such thing.
"It's okay. I don't think you are stupid or anything. You always try your hardest and I think that is amazing."
You smiled and accepted him as he was. You offered him words of encouragement and told him that despite everything, you were on his side.
Rodimus hadn't expected to fall for you at that moment, but in the end, it happened.
How could he not love you!?
It was only natural for him to fall for your beauty and your kindness, oh how kind you are to everyone, even to those who don't deserve your kindness.
People can tell that he likes you because he turns into an incoherent blabbermouth when he tries to talk to you and when you leave, there is a huge smile on his face.
He hates it when you have to leave, but he loves watching you go and sway that aft.
Rodimus worships the ground you walk on, and many can tell but no one knows just how severe or how dark his feelings toward you can be.
He isn't afraid to use his position as Captain to make you work more with him around monitoring your every move and taking every chance he gets to talk to you.
Megatron and Ultra Magnus are worried for both of you so they have made sure to let you know about Rodimus' feelings and that you can always talk to them if the young Captain makes you feel uncomfortable with his advantages.
But you just chuckled and smiled as you told them that there was no reason to worry and how you found Rodimus' attempts to courtship you delightful.
Little did anyone know, that you were in control and that you had orchestrated everything.
The bad day Rodimus had when he had run into you? You were behind all of it. By controlling and manipulating things, you had made it possible for you two to finally meet and let your feelings bloom.
It was okay, you liked him, no, you loved him so much. You knew just how to warp him around your little servo and take advantage of his feelings towards you.
You would give him little pieces of your affection and love and he would absorb them eagerly. It was like he was getting addicted to you and you were dealing love for him.
What were your motives? Why not just tell him how you love him and enter a relationship? Well, you wanted Rodimus to be yours and yours alone. You didn't want to share him with anyone.
If anyone tries to come between the two of you, you can always play victim to Rodimus and he would sort things out. If that won't help then you would secretly have to get your hands dirty yourself again…!
What's that? What do you mean by saying "again"? Hi hi, that was your secret.
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mrsemilybartrum · 11 months
As promised... this is the first rough draft of my play on the continuance of the Golden Girls. In these pages, we meet the four people who will be called back from retirement to fill the house on Richmond Street.
The Golden Guise:
“TY4BAF. Wonder what THAT means... Hmm.” Agent Collins said under her breath. The crackling noise coming from her outdated earpiece preceded her superior’s stern voice.
“For the love of all things holy, stop talking to yourself! I get you’re over the hill and old people do that, but chances are we are being surveilled. If I could read your lips, they just did, too. You’re a seasoned veteran, Collins! Now ACT LIKE IT! Don’t reply verbally. Just listen.”
Normally, Collins would’ve told her superior where to stick it before throwing her old-timers earpiece into the closest body of water. She didn’t appreciate bureaucracy or hierarchy – which was odd, because she was an avid British Royal Family watcher. Yet, she could tell by the tone of Deputy Director Franklin’s voice that something was seriously wrong. A little too late wrong.
“Your next assignment. All the information you need is already inside that envelope. There will be no Q and A or follow-up Ted Talk. You will receive addendums as needed, and those will be very rare. Once you leave here, verify you are alone before opening the envelope. I am serious on this one. Make sure you are completely alone. The details of this operation are top-level secret. Now GO on your way! We are already behind on the timetables!!”
Agent Collins took a deep breath and appreciated the gravitas. Normally, she would have at least a breadcrumb to go on when it came to selecting or receiving missions. This time was different. Bauz, as Collins often called Deputy Director Franklin, wouldn’t even hint about the impending weather forecast. Everything about this case was top of the line, by the book kind of stuff. No expense or detail was spared. If Bauz was that wound up for the first point of contact, then something was going on behind the scenes. It’s bad whenever you may be under lipreading surveillance.
The digital car clock was flashing 8:34 AM. It was the perfect time to grab a bite at the marina. Collins had the same routine every single day for the last three years. She always went to the marina directly after the morning rush to get her favorite meal. The envelop wrapped up in newspaper in her favorite Coach tote meant today was the last time she’d have her favorite meal for a while. Instead of heading back to her house, she turned left to head toward the Connector.
Agent Collins saw no need in rushing. After all, she went to the Marina for breakfast just about every single day. If Bauz was worried about lipreading and surveillance, one would argue NOT going to the Marina for breakfast would be a red flag. Why should that day be any different? If someone else wasn’t watching her, there was a chance Bauz was. Either way, breakfast was being had!
Joshua was working the counter that morning. He was the original owner’s son and shared the family business with his two sisters. Carla and Mallory are amazing people, but hard working they are not. Collins realized she would miss these people almost as much as she would miss their family’s generations’ old recipes. Before she could open her mouth, Joshua pointed to his own ear, tugged at it, and then shrugged. She realized her old Cold War dinosaur was sticking out. She immediately pulled it from her ear and dropped it into her bag.
He looked confused, but he went on with the day. He started making Collins her usual breakfast. In a matter of five minutes or so, not one word was ever spoken between the two of them. Yet both knew everything about each other’s morning. Collins always appreciated that more than anything about Joshua; comfortable silence is a hard thing to find.
Joshua spoke. He asked Collins what was wrong with her. She realized she was out of practice and immediately questioned whether she was truly up for this mission. Then she realized she still had to answer Joshua. She looked him dead in the eye and said, “If I told you, Mr. Joshua, I would then have to kill you by order and authority of the federal government. And that would make me even sadder than I am now. So, I am not going to be sad anymore, K?”
He looked completely shocked, yet he looked completely sure she was being honest. Collins could read people. It was her profession. She knows what true reactions should be, and he believed every word she ever told him. Well, except for that once.
Nothing else was said that morning between the two of them. She didn’t even say goodbye before she went to leave. Collins would come to regret that later; she was sure of it.
She walked out to the picnic area and looked out at the water before going down the stairs to the parking lot. One of the phones in her pockets was ringing. She could tell by the annoying ring tone who was calling.
“What do you want, Craig? I’m in the middle of something here, alright? Craig, are you there? Listen, I know what you are about to say. Listen closely here, okay? Get a pen, and I will give you 29. 28. 27. 26.”
“I got a pen, Val. Go.”
“I know you are about to tell me we are still married, that our divorce was somehow never properly filed. Send me the paperwork now. Like right now. If I do not have them by 2000 hours, we will always be married forever. Your favorite color is orange, and the weather is nice this time of year in Madrid. Do you understand me, Craig?”
“Vacation? Really? I thought you retired from – uh, taking vacations? What are you doing? Is this a midlife crisis?” Craig asked before he confirmed his understanding. He and Val were married for years, and he knew the drill. But now? She was done. The awkward silence reminded him that time was ticking away. Something in his brain was triggered, and he was back to the old days writing code phrases and secure line passwords.
“I’ll email the docs to your Gmail. Good luck out there. I am always here if you ever need me. Even if you need someone to help you keep up appearances.
“That’s sweet Craig, but I’ve been on vacation for the last three years. I don’t need anything from you anymore. Good luck.”
Betty hit the ignore button as she got her supplies from her trunk. She was on a mission right then, and nothing could be more important than cleaning off the graves of our fallen veterans. She pulled out her little hand brush, her rubber gloves, and her little trash bags from the cardboard box marked “Operation Hero Marker”. She closed the trunk and walked over to the final resting place of Staff Sergeant Lester Turner, World War II veteran.
The sun was beating down on her, but she enjoyed the feel of its rays warming her fair skin. Minnesota wasn’t known for its wonderful weather, but today was something the state could be proud of. She sat her box of supplies on a concrete bench. Betty usually put her phone on silent or vibrate before starting, and she usually would wear a headphone in her ear to listen to her favorite Pastor, Doctor John Barnett. But for some reason, she decided not to. She, did however, decide to turn down her ringer.
She already had 6 missed calls from not hearing her phone while driving. Betty hated a phone. She saw it like a ball and chain. And she didn’t care who was calling her right then, either. She was there on a mission to restore the headstone of Staff Sergeant Lester Turner, World War II Hero, back to its lustrous wonder. She enjoyed helping people, but she missed really helping people the way she did in her prime.
After about twenty minutes in the cemetery, the music in her headphones stopped. She looked at her phone to see what stopped her music, only to see fifteen missed calls from the same “Unavailable” caller ID. As much as she wanted to pretend it was something else, Betty knew exactly what it was.
Finally, Betty faced the music and answered the phone the next time it rang.
“For the love of all things holy, what have you been doing??!?” A familiar voice barked through the headphone speakers. Betty told the caller to give her a few minutes and then call her back.
She immediately hung up the phone and rushed to pack up all of her supplies. The grave stone will have to wait, it seems. She threw the supplies back into the “Operation Hero Marker” box and closed the trunk. She then did a quick walk-around the car with what looked like a Walkman radio. After a few minutes and finally being satisfied, Betty got into the driver’s seat of her car.
Betty locked the door locks and started the car. She was being paranoid; but Betty was a firm believer that sometimes paranoia is really intuition. She never took any chances, even if it made her feel silly. She checked all of her mirrors first before throwing the car in reverse to see through the back-up camera. After another minute or so, she finally pulled out of the cemetery.
Betty didn’t want to bring any attention to herself just in case she was being followed. She had no reason to think she would be followed, but she'd never risk it. She decided to stick to her usual routine and headed back to her farmhouse on the outskirts of St. Paul. She loved that farmhouse. Some of her best times were had at that place. And she loved being a farmer. Even with the tanking industry issues.
Betty thought about the happy life she had made for herself there. Even though her husband had been gone for about fifteen years or so, Betty felt closest to Alan on the farm. She never understood why it was that way. Alan had never lived with her, there at the farm; they had only visited there over the years when it was a Bed and Breakfast.
Betty had bought the property and turned it back into a functioning farm a couple years after she partially-retired. But even then, that was long after Alan had passed away. She didn’t want to answer the incoming call she was about to answer. She already knows it means giving her life up for a while. And she’s not ready.
But, if anything meant more to Betty, it was serving her country. As much as she wanted to avoid taking the impending call of doom, she would never do such a thing. She will always answer the call to serve her country whenever that call comes. Even if she doesn’t want to.
She pulled into the driveway and immediately ran inside. The old farmhouse still had some of the leftover layout from the Bed and Breakfast. But Betty couldn���t bring herself to remodel the place. She was afraid to change anything there, really. As if by remodeling would release whatever leftover energy of Alan that was trapped there. Who knows? All Betty knew was that change was coming.
She went into her office and shut the door. She secured her line, and then waited for the ring. That dreaded ring that will take her from her happy place. And then it came.
“Agent Ludden, while you were busy playing pussy-foot, we were en route to your location to extract you. This matter is that urgent, Ludden. As we speak right now, the other three are either being notified or already packing. You’re slowing us down. Your packet is in your locked desk drawer. All of the details are inside. Time is of the utmost importance. You have your instructions. Now secure your residence and ensure you’re alone before opening your envelope. Now, GO!”
Betty hated how that woman barked at her whenever she was worried about something. Deputy Director Franklin could manage to ruin even the best day. She was the type of person who enjoyed pissing in people’s Cheerios. Betty heard that many people called her “Bauzz” but didn’t know how that started or if it was true.
Betty had her orders. Now, she had to make sure she was safe to open them. She was dying to know what was inside. Most of all, she was dying to know who else got the same exact envelope.
“IIII… Want to dance with somebody! I want to feel the HEEEEEEAAT with some-BOOOOOODY… I wunnnnnna dannnnce with suuuuuumbooody… with somebody who looovess meee!!!” Rebecca belted as loudly as she could sing. She was in the shower, and that was when she came alive as a singer. Of course, there are some circles out there who would say that Rebecca came alive in a whole different way when she was in the shower.
Rebecca had the reputation of being a gentleman’s lady of the night. She was feminine, delicate, and she was completely in-tuned with her sexuality. For most women of a certain age, the concept of being in-tuned with one’s sexuality meant one of two things. Either someone was hanging onto their thirties or forties with a death-grip, or they were always promiscuous. Rebecca was a little bit of both, and she didn’t care who knew it.
“Incoming call. Caller Unknown.” Interrupted Rebecca’s Whitney Houston shower show. She didn’t think much of it and finished her shower. By the time she was drying herself off, the phone was ringing again. She answered the phone and spoke before her caller could get a word out.
“Yes, I know I am late. But I ended up having a meeting run over… into the floor I dare say, and I had to freshen up before I left the house. I will be there when I get there. As much as I do hope and pray that you would understand the dire straits of being a southern lady, and that certain protocols are met and in place to prevent certain disasters from taking place, I do consider that you lack the proper upbringing to understand this traditional etiquette.-“
Rebecca was interrupted by a loud, angry voice.
“You listen here, Rebecca! What you essentially just said was that you decided to have a romp in the hay with yet another strange man, that it went on for longer than you anticipated, and you’re running late because you had to shower in between your slutcapades! Get your skeeting ass in gear and get to the contact point, now!” Deputy Director Franklin screamed through the line. She must’ve been in the office with a desk phone because Rebecca could hear the phone physically slam down as it clicked.
Rebecca went to her closet and picked out one of her favorite outfits. She didn’t let her age influence how she dressed. She dressed for how she wanted to feel. Regardless of whether other people might think her attire be less than appropriate sometimes. She never faltered in the idea that she was a true Southern Lady entitled to, and deserving of mind you, everyone’s love and admiration.
She chose a white silk top that had pink magnolia blossoms printed all over it. The front of the top was carefully and strategically cut to wrap ever-so-carefully around a fully-busted figure. She paired the low-cut wraparound with a pair of black leggings that had pockets easily hidden by the bottom of the top. She decided to wear her thong-jelly sandals; after all, what’s the point of paying for pedicures?
Rebecca grabbed her latest bag and double checked the house was locked up tight before leaving. She got into her car and opened the garage door from the driver’s seat. An envelope fell from the driver’s side visor. It had “TY4BAF” on the front of it. The phone rang inside of her car. It was the same “Unknown Caller”.
Rebecca sighed a heavy sigh and answered the phone.
“Never mind, I had the team put your packet in your car. We don’t have time to waste. Everything is in motion now, so time is too important for theatrics. Just go inside and read the packet. Bye”
Rebecca wanted to laugh; Deputy Director Franklin wasn’t barking that time. She was actually kind of nice to do that for her. Wonder what the catch will be. And what is “TY4BAF”?
“The time of day is Two-Fifty,” said the strange man in the oddly-apparent hipster clothing.
“Oh my word, are you for real right now? You never speak to the mark. You only look at my watch to make sure the hour hand is pointed at the two and the minute hand is pointed at the ten. You idiot. If we’re being watched, you could’ve just revealed everything. You idiot. Get out of here!” screamed the deputy director.
Kate winked at the young kid in the horrible clothes and sat down on the park bench. She did a quick look around the place to see if anything was out of place. She grabbed the New Yorker paper with an envelope inside marked with “TY4BAF”.
Kate got back up, almost as smoothly as she sat down, and was gone before the deputy director could even put a tail on her. She was irate that Kate got away from her first.
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Secrets- pt. 5
The first time I met you I remember it so clearly. I needed help and I was literally looking for you-- and yet, had absolutely no idea who you were. The first thing you did for me was open a door. It was metaphorical and chivalrous.. but as we were leaving, I was so elated that I got what I needed in order to go. I remember saying something to you and immediately realizing how weird that is, even jokingly to say to a stranger. When I think of this memory I hope it's one you maybe don't remember.. because I didn't even know you before that night and one of the first things I said to you was that I loved you. In the moment I was half ways joking- I just said it because it came to mind so naturally - but then I realized how weird it is to say to someone who is technically a stranger - so to attempt to recover with some dignity, I said, oh my God. I don't mean that- I don't know why I would say THAT. " I glanced at you and you were smiling a little smile and I was thinking why would I ever say that? I couldn't place you- and I still can't quite get there. I really thought that things were different when I couldn't stop thinking about you on random occasions- no matter who I was with - or how happy I was - even during moments of elation- like when I close my eyes to smile or laugh- an image of you would come to mind. And this would occur for the longest time. + I couldn't make out why. I thought you left but I couldn't tell because we weren't talking. . There was one day my boyfriend wanted to get food and I didn't at all. I was so nervous and I couldn't explain why. I was actually in the middle of explaining to him that my stomach was in knots and I didn't feel well at all. I was like physically getting sick. I didn't want to go because I felt so sick all of a sudden. To my dismay, I went anyway - and we saw each other and everything was different after that. You completely ignored me after that. For years. At one point it dawned on me that I was an absolute fool and I was really leaning into this. Like accepting the reality of things. I did the math one day. Collectively, I think we spent less than 20 minutes together, which is weird math, but necessary to articulate what kind of things I mean when it comes to you. Meeting you caused such a disruption in my reality - it took years to get over you and I was never even under you. There's so much I never got to tell you. You really left and came back and for some reason I wanted nothing more than to catch up with you and tell you every single thing that happened to me since you left. I didn't have an actual reason to feel that way- and yet I did. I just missed you so much. wished I could've expressed that to you. I guess now I understand the bigger picture. It wasn't for us to be together because a man like you would've made that happen, if it's what you wanted. . but instead, a slew of spiritual lessons were learned from knowing of you. Ego - death- transformations- standards- trust- lots of adjectives for a now dormant path.. and there's the irony again.
One day I realized you were really done and I would probably never see you again. So I became okay with that. Or, I had to become okay with that. It was so sad to go through the absence of you.
I worked through so many things because of the impact your energy had on me. Some time in the absence of you, I was able to get back to myself! So like, that's beautiful and I'm so happy and thankful for it. I was able to be a better person because I have higher standards for how I need to be treated and that applies to everyone nowadays. One thing I never got to thank you for was showing me that regardless of the energy in the room or how much time passed, I was always going to be the only one to move things forward. It's actually because of this that I learned my lessons. . Even from a distance - oh but the lessons are so good because now I know that I don't actually want to ever show up like that for anyone ever again. You were strike 3. So, I'm actually really appreciative of this and I know that I shouldn't have to do that with the right person because the right person would just show up for me at some point- naturally- and by some point I mean at least to communicate something but everything happens for a reason. We show up for the people we really want to show up for and I totally get that lesson now. I'll never intentionally meet your gaze again. . And as sad as that thought once was, it humbles me to think about sometimes because it serves as a reminder. It's actually almost funny, but in a "read the room" kind of way. You were the reason I knew I couldn't be where I was.
So I made a lot of changes because of you - regardless of how you felt about me.
I realized, if I could feel that way about you while being in a relationship with someone, I should not and therefore could not be in a relationship with that person. The only way things could've been worse was if I was married! I wouldn't ever be able to look at my partner in the same light as I looked at you. That's actually a very heavy feeling. In so many ways- and yet, ultimately, I'd work through it all- imagining it would be worth it- but those are other journeys for the Soul. . So after you, I knew if you weren't the one, it would have to be someone who could compare to you. The qualities and characteristics of you that I never even got to know, could easily show up in someone else. . But energetically? I really wasn't sure because you felt like the invisible energy that's been around me for the better part of my life. Or maybe my whole life and I only woke up to it being around me because my consciousness was shifting and I could finally pick up what was previously static. I realized I couldn't keep coasting on hopes I carried in mind and daydreams. . I'd never dare to reach out where I am not needed or wanted- but as a kind of collateral for being the only one to push for anything beyond a deep sensual gaze of the eyes- I just wanted your name. Just so I would know at least that much. It's something real, not imagined. So I got it and like every other time I was ever around you, time stopped. . Its as if I knew you, and almost never did. .
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yuujilogy · 4 years
trouble (gojo satoru x reader)
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REQUEST:  what do you think about fem reader and gojou sensei having a secret relationship like they’d be sneaking late at night to fuck or smth but they have to keep quiet or else the other students will hear esp with them thin ass walls
| PAIRINGS:  satoru gojo x fem!reader
| WARNINGS: smut, explicit, little bit of degradation, little bit of cum play, breeding kink if you squint, exhibitionism, rough, unportected (be safe), grammar errors
| WORD COUNT: 2,745
A/N: OH FAWWK YEA  some gojo spice to make things more interesting!! kinda went off with this one bc c’mon, we all know gojo is freaky and sexy in bed 😳 anyway i hope this is what you expected !! enjoy !!  ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
Satoru pulled you inside of his room as soon as he opened the door after knocking just once. It was almost as if he couldn’t wait anymore, capturing your lips in a feral kiss as he pushed your back against the door to close it, you both moaning into each other’s mouth as his hand groped your ass to press you against him.
It’s not like you minded these kinds of escapades with rough sessions, where Satoru just threw you over the edge over and over again, showing his stamina off and fucking you stupid.
But right now, you were at the dorms of the Tokyo facility at midnight, where the other students and teacher were probably already sleeping soundly not that far from here. When he called you to this room, you thought he wouldn’t actually take the risk of taking you to bed, considering your relationship was still being kept a secret from your professional lives for two reasons: you were both teachers, and the heads above were just assholes who wouldn’t let Satoru−or you−hear the end of this.
Well, turns out this man is still full of surprises even after two years of dating, revealing at least one to you almost every day.
“S-Satoru…” you said between kisses, your hands flying to his hair that was already styled down due to the absence of his blindfold. He pulled away and looked down at you, smirking. Oh, he knew what was coming. “W-We are at the school right now, Gojo. What if they hear?” Your cheeks were already heating up, flustered by the surprising, wet kiss.
Satoru limited himself to let out a low laugh, his free hand caressing your cheek with slender cold fingers before travelling to the side of your neck. You could barely see the brightness of his blue eyes thanks to the moonlight coming through the windows.
“And what about it?” Satoru said indifferently, the hand previously on your ass making its way to your hip, too slowly it was sending chills down your spine. “You scared everyone will hear how I make this pussy mine the whole night?” his hand cupped your centre, making you jump and gasp. “I can already feel how wet you are just from some sloppy kissing, baby. I wonder if I could just slip my cock inside.”
God, you hated to admit it but he was so right. Satoru was always right and knew the right buttons to push at the right moment. You couldn’t help the grinding of your hips against his hand, already throbbing and clenching around nothing, in need of relief. Your hands grabbed the frame of his shoulders, moaning softly as you tried reaching for his lips once again. Yet he didn’t give you the chance to get what you wanted, pulling farther apart from your face. You complained with a huff, frowning, and he kissed your forehead.
“You’re so whiny tonight, baby. Better keep quiet.” He started making his way towards the bed with you, making you fall over your back, positioning himself on top of you. “Because I sure won’t hold back with you this time.”
With ease, he unbuttoned your jeans with one hand before pulling them down along with your panties. Both of his hands gripped your thighs, opening your legs to feel the chill weather hit your centre, feeling way too exposed. You were so sensitive already for some reason, you had to cover your mouth with your own hand when his fingers started rubbing your clit softly, your hips starting to move involuntarily trying to meet his movements.
You don’t know if it’s the fact you must stay quiet regardless of his sweet torture, or if it was the way he overpowered you so easily, but you were so turned on right now.
“So fucking wet already” Satoru groaned under his breath, more to himself than to you, the friction coming to a stop. Uncovering your hand to complain, you couldn’t help but let out a loud moan when two of his fingers entered your warm core. Talk about timing. The sting of being stretched open feeling so good, arching your back as you bit your lip harshly. He knew your body so well and the fact you liked a little bit of pain from time to time. He chuckled. “You’re such a wet mess, Y/N. This dirty pussy is swallowing my fingers so easily.” Satoru brought his face to the exposed skin in your neck to start sucking softly at your sweet spot behind your ear.
It was too much. The risk, Satoru’s fingers and demeanour, and just overall the situation. All of that was making you feel so aware and sensitive, making it harder to control your whimpers.
“F-Fuck, ‘toru. I need-“ your words were interrupted by his fingers increasing their pace and going deeper, hitting the perfect spot inside of you, and, before you could make another sound, Satoru kissed you roughly, swallowing every single noise. He could feel the way you were tightening around his fingers, letting out small cries, and smiled against your lips before pulling away with a string of saliva between you.
“You naughty slut,” his fingers left your insides, looking at his fingers covered with your slick and then back at you. “You thought you were going to cum with only two fingers, didn’t you?” he guided them towards your mouth, which you gladly accepted by sucking them, tasting yourself, without breaking eye contact with him. “Are you that desperate of letting everyone know who makes you feel this good?”
You could only nod, humming around his fingers with pleasure before releasing them with a pop, your lips coated with a mix of your juices and saliva. Gojo pulled away from your body to get rid of his shirt, unbuttoning his pants afterwards and pulling them down, his throbbing hard cock springing free. Your mouth salivated at the sight of him wrapping a hand around his shaft, pumping it a few times while staring at you.
Satoru totally loved this sight: you spread open for him, your tortured wet cunt in display waiting to be ravaged by him. Only him. Just the thought of it made him eager to finally be inside you, his thumb smearing the pre-cum over the tip of his cock as he bit his lip. God, he wanted to ruin you so badly.
“You’re so lucky I can’t wait to fuck you either” Satoru almost growled as he positioned himself again between your legs, his nails digging in the flesh of your legs to spread them further apart, the head of his cock pressing against your entrance. You held back a whimper as your small hands rested against his stomach as he was entering you. “Let’s see how quiet you can be.”
And almost too easily, he slides inside of you with a steady pace, his long hand covering your mouth as he bottoms out with just one thrust. You instinctively want to put your legs together, but Satoru’s hands didn’t let you, his nails digging into your flesh. His long cock was rubbing exactly where it had to, your insides pulsating and clenching around him. The feeling of his hips connecting with yours in such rough manner was too much you couldn’t help the heat in the pit of your stomach from appearing, throwing your head back with a muffled sob before you could even stop it.
Fuck. Satoru could cum from this sight alone, watching you tremble around him as his free hand lifted your shirt to reveal your breasts, squeezing them as you tried your best to stop the moans from coming out. You were sinful. Fuck. Fuck.
“Look at you” He started circling his hips still inside you, rubbing your inside walls deliciously. “Fucking losin’ it over some cock” the way he was degrading you this night, in this exact place where anyone could hear was way more pleasurable than you would like to admit.
Satoru didn’t want to hold back anymore, pulling almost completely out before slamming back roughly, even pushing your body back due to the force of his next thrusts, quick and deep. If it wasn’t for his hand still covering your mouth, you were sure your loud moans would be joining the wet, slapping sounds filling the room. Satoru was actually being nice here, helping you stay quiet as he kept hitting your g-spot repeatedly as he growled lowly at the feeling of your walls clenching around him, knowing he went crazy whenever you did that.
Oh, but he wasn’t going to be nice anymore. His hands grabbed your waist tightly, leaving your mouth suddenly uncovered as you looked up to him through hooded eyes, mouth hanging open, drool starting to run down your chin as you gasped for air instead of making any sounds because, god, you were about to break at any point now. Satoru started controlling your movements, impaling you with his cock however he pleased with his own force, as if you were his fuck toy. You threw your head back, grabbing a pillow and biting it harshly because, lord, have mercy, you were about to scream if he kept fuck you so good.
“Yeah, just like that, baby” He was basically using your body as a toy to pleasure himself, looking down at the part you were connected to each other, biting his lip and letting out a sigh of pleasure as he continued his rough thrusts. The sight of his cock disappearing inside of you was so perfect, your juices coating every inch of himself; you were born to take his cock, nobody but him could pleasure you. “Mm, fuck, I’m making such a mess out of this sloppy cunt. You hearing that? So wet it’s almost pathetic.” Your mind was going blank at this point, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your legs started shaking around him as the pillow muffled all your cries of pleasure, feeling that familiar heat in your core.
You were close and Satoru knew it. He was fucking you stupid this early into the night and he could go for hours now that he was actually fired up. He wanted to make you struggle a little more, so he decided that throwing away the pillow you were holding onto with dear life was a good idea. Your eyes opened in surprise, no longer being able to hold your moans at the lowest volume, raising higher in tone as his thrusts went by. He wanted to hear you come apart, secretly wanting the rest of his colleagues to hear how you were falling apart in pleasure because of his ministrations to your pussy. One of Satoru’s hands flew to your cheeks, squeezing them roughly to make you look at him, his thrusts slowing down a notch, but still going deep.
“You wanna cum around my cock, baby?” He asked through heavy pants, a smirk never leaving his face as he watched you struggle to form even a word. You whimpered a little louder this time. “C’mon, say it. You can do it. Tell me how much you want me to fill you up.”
“P-Pleawse.. Nghh… Satoru m- Ahh!” You babbled non-sense through your moans, and you knew it, the pleasure being too much for you to handle right now, the grip in your face making it even harder to speak. God, you were actually pathetic, huh? All you needed to do was answer one single question and you would be seeing stars. But Gojo thought that was enough for this one time. Only this one time.
“Please, Satoru” He mocked, ridiculing you and releasing your face to grab your legs once again, spreading them open as you shook uncontrollably and continued with his fast pace. Tears started forming around the corners of your eyes due to the stimulation and how close you were to bursting, your walls pulsating around his cock so badly as he hit your cervix with every thrust. “You’re allowed to cum, baby, don’t hold back.”
And that was all you needed to throw you over the edge, head falling back with a silent sob once again as you squeezed the sheets into your fists. Satoru chuckled lowly, placing a finger over your mouth to remind you to stay quiet but you were far gone, still shaking for the still ongoing orgasm you were having. You bit Satoru’s finger subconsciously to avoid your whining getting louder. It seems he was also a sucker for pain as he was the one to let out a louder than before moan, bending over to get closer to your body, his face mere inches away from yours.
“F-Fuck, baby, I’m gonna fill you up so good.” The way you were squeezing around him was suffocating and the pain he was feeling from your biting was also bringing him closer to his release, his thrusts becoming sloppier and erratic as his free arm helped him for support when he grabbed your face again as you looked at each other. Everything else was a blur except for his cloudy eyes, foreheads pressing together as he kept groaning all the way through his release. You squeezed with the little force left in you, expecting to push him over already. “Ugh, yeah, just like that. Fuck, yes… Fuck, Y/N!”
He captured your lips into a sloppy kiss, muffling his own groans of pleasure as he stilled inside you, painting your walls white with every spurt as you felt him throb inside you, moaning against his mouth as he grinded against you. Satoru was cumming too much you started feeling it dripping out of you with the small movements of his hips. He pulled away from the kiss, panting heavily as you both were coming down from your highs, and smirked, caressing your cheek and pressing another kiss to your lips, softer this time.
“God, baby…” a low chuckle escaped him as he pulled away, pulling out from you as he saw his seed coming out of you. He felt himself throb again at the sight. “We made such a mess.” Satoru gathered some of his cum in his fingers and smearing it in the outside of your walls. You whined hoarsely as you watched him play with his own release with his fingers, his cock still hard for another round.
After all, he was a big fan of sloppy seconds.
“Well, whose fault is that?” You kicked him weakly with your feet, rolling your eyes in annoyance, even if your body was feeling numb. You enjoyed it, of course, but reality was hitting you like a truck right now. It almost seemed as if Satoru made it his goal to actually get you both caught. Oh, girl, if you knew. “You sure are dumb.”
“Oh, c’mon baby, don’t be so mean. There’s no way we were heard.” Satoru pouted, his whole demeanour changing quickly as if he didn’t just fuck you into oblivion a few seconds ago. He opened his mouth to say something else, but the sound of his phone inside of his forgotten jeans interrupted him. “Wait, someone is calling me.” He pressed a kiss in your forehead and stood up quickly, roaming through the room to find his phone to answer it. The light of the screen lighted up his features before bringing it to his ear. “Yeah, my dear director~?”
Oh, no.
“I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about, hehe~” Satoru laughed sweetly, scratching the back of his head and sparing you a quick glance before a blush creeped up his face. You frowned. You knew the director Yaga wasn’t just calling to talk with your boyfriend at 1am on a Friday. Hell, he wouldn’t call Satoru at all if he could. “Haha! That’s funny because− What? Y/N?”
Oh, no, no. Please, no.
“I mean, yeah but− Yeah. Yeah, I understand” He let out a loud sigh, closing his eyes in frustration. You swore you could hear Yaga’s loud, angry voice all the way to where you were. “Right. Yeah. Goodbye.” Satoru hung up and gulped harshly when he felt your glare piercing through his thick head. He turned to look at you with a sweet but nervous smile, forgetting the fact he was still fully naked. You could almost see the cold sweat running down his face. “Teehee~, we are in trouble.”
You were actually going to kill him.
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
Petals and Drumsticks|Gareth Emerson x Fem!Reader
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SUMMARY: Eddie can see the star drummer of his band falling head over heals for the "Queen of Hawkins High" leading her to walk over and offer to talk which leads to a very heated session of emotions and admission.
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The table of Hellfire was in a heated debate about a rather interesting topic that most would consider crude, but what was expected from a bunch of freaks? If other guys could talk about girls then why couldn't they? Each guy was asked about their own crush at the promise what they discussed would be kept at the table and not repeated elsewhere. Eddie noticed that one particular member was quiet, his own best friend, through thick and thin.
"Gareth, you've been awfully quiet during this conversation." Eddie had called him out, causing the others to fall silent as their leader spoke turning all eyes towards the drummer. "Do you have anything to say?" Eddie watched him turn a bright red, from his cheeks to the tips of his ears, and he swallows throat bobbing as he tries to form the words.
"I..I have a crush.." The table erupted into a fit of cheers and whispers amongst themselves. Eddie held his hand up ending the uproar and the table goes silent again.
Eddie looks back to Gareth, "Well?" The metalhead holds a grin on his face one he knew all to well. "Going to let us in on your dirty little secret?" Gareth sighs shoulders slumping in defeat as he looked to the other members, before giving in.
"It's (Y/N) (L/N)." The table was in complete shock. Their leader in battle had a crush the 'Queen of Hawkins High' and it was so surreal.
"Wha-Really?" Eddie shakes his head in disbelief, his curls bobbing along with the movements of his head, hands firmly placed on the table.
Gareth hangs his head, "Yes, really. I know it's stupid, but she's so kind to me and every time she sits next to me in English she turns to me and smiles and says, 'Good Morning, how are you today?' and I just look at her like an idiot cannot get a single word out." He explains and everyone nodder in complete agreement, sympathizing with his seemingly impossible situation.
"Does she do that thing with her hair when she talks to you?" Eddie questions and Gareth sends him a look of confusion not really sure by what he meant. Eddie huffs rolling his eyes and reaching up to twirl a lock of hair around his finger fluttering his eyes.
Gareth sighed, "Yes. Every time she talks or looks at me she's twirling her hair or fiddling with it." He admitted bashfully. Eddie couldn't help the snicker that left him and Gareth sent the curly hair boy a glare.
"Don't look now, Gare, but I think she's staring at you." Dustin nudged his head towards behind him and Eddie giggled with the other's as the drummer turned around.
Sure enough there you were whispering amongst the other girls at the table as you made eye contact with him, your hand reached up to twirl a strand of hair around your finger, a bubbly laugh escaping you. Gareth turned around in a flash, eyes wide, cheeks flushed brighter than ever possible.. All the Hellfire boys were grinning amongst themselves, "I-Is she still looking?"
Mike and Dustin turn to each other and then look back to their friend nodding enthusiastically, "But she's kind of uhm-Shit." Dustin couldn't finish nor bare to watch. Eddie even turned to look in shock. Gareth totally unaware of the situation. That was until a gentle tapping on his shoulder leading him to turn around. He was met with the delightful scent of rose petals and big beautiful eyes staring back at him. You were a vision of beauty.
"(Y/N).." His voice was high-pitched and squeaky unable to control his own vocal chords. Throat dry as you giggled down at him.
"Gareth, could I speak with you in private?" Your sweet voice was like music to the drummer's ears. Although it wasn't the kind he listened to or played he welcomed it with open arms.
"Yeah-Uhmm, of course!" Gareth stands up immediately gathering his things and leaving behind his lunch. Willingly following you out of the cafeteria like a lost puppy.
"He's got it bad, man." Jeff whispered to Eddie. The guitarist chuckled and nodded in agreement.
"He does, but let him have his fun. Maybe he'll be the first one of us to get a girl." The leader claimed.
Once out in the hallway Gareth felt his nerves shoot up. You were so close and he was loosing all sense of function. "Hello-Fuck, I mean-" You place a hand over his lips hushing him.
"Stop talking and listen." You gently order and he nods, hair bouncing with his abrasive movements. "Good, Gareth Emerson.. I'd like to go on a date. Just you and me." When you finish he glances down at your fingers still over his lips and you remove it muttering an apology.
"You the Queen of Hawkins want to go out with me?" He asks almost hard to believe.
"Mhm, I greet you every morning just to hear your voice. I love the way you write those little poems, and watching you play the drums. I love every little thing about you." Gareth's breath is uneven watching you get closer and closer before reaching up to press your hands over his rosy cheeks no doubt from being embarrassed.
"I'd love to go out with you. I've been building up the courage to ask you out but-" Gareth's words are cut off by your soft lips on his gentle, smooth, and bittersweet. His hands find their way to your hips pulling you flush against him. Gareth takes over the kiss and you find yourself almost breathless, the guy knew how to take your breath away.
You know what they say about nerds.
They are always the best kissers, they appreciate it more.
When he pulled away your eyes lock- the moment was so intimate and gentle. "You're the prettiest girl in all of Hawkins." He whispers lips just shy away from your own.
"Yeah?" You challenge and he grins almost smugly.
"Want me to prove it?" He quips his grin morphing into a smirk.
"I think we've got enough time before they figure us out." You reply dragging him by the arm to an empty classroom.
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hope mikaelson x reader , bestfriends to rivials to secret protectors to lovers ?
secret protectors is secretly protecting eachother btw
and if you can , can you start it where they are ex bestfriends already
sure thing darling ;) I’ve tweaked it a tad but it’s mostly the same
it’s quite shitty but It’s written with my sleep deprived brain.. so.. sorry.
warnings : swearing, mentions of sex, underage drinking
Y/N Y/L/N and Hope Andrea Mikaelson.
The two of you had an.. interesting history to say the least.
Let’s start with the backstory shall we?
Now the two of you had already come from feuding families, though you had both completely disregarded that fact in your first meeting and there was an instant platonic connection. One which you and her both eagerly deepened as you’d both grown up shadowed from the outside world and without the ability to form relationships of any kind, so it was like a first to the both of you. In a sense.
Your relationship status of friends quickly glided from good friends to close friends to best friends and the two of you were perfectly content with this.
Of course that was until you families had to go ahead and ruin it.
It was actually Hope’s mum Hayley who had found out about your secret friendship first, unbeknownst to you, and Hope had almost burst into tears at the look of shock and mild disgust on her mum’s face.
“You’re father told me about that family.” Hayley had said “They aren’t a good bunch sweetheart.”
And Hope had stayed mute and assumed that that was the end of that — but of course she knew deep down that wasn’t simply going to be the end of this situation she had gotten herself into.
The next day, she was at a family dinner — one which they commonly had every single evening so nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the slightest.
But the tense looks on all her families faces told her otherwise and she had felt her heart psychically constrict at her dad’s next words.
“We don’t want you involved with that y/l/n family.”
That sentence was playing on her mind for days as she actively avoided you at all cost, knowing full well a look into your y/e/c eyes would only worsen her current predicament.
But she made her decision (no matter how difficult).
Family was everything to her...
So the next day, she had met you in person in broken up your friendship in perhaps the rudest way possible she could think of in the hopes you would start disliking her and consequently leaving her life which made her family life so much easier. No matter how the mere thought being without your presence for eternity pained her dearly.
But afterwards it was after your friendship never happened.
You went to thinking she was just like how your parents portrayed her family to be.
And she went to glaring in the halls of school and showcasing her ‘hate’ while dreaming of you when the day turned to dusk.
• • •
“Looking good y/n.” Your friend (kinda) Bianca Goldman whistled as you strutted over to her where she stood leaning against a tree as she observed the lively party.
“You too Ani.” You smiled playfully, twirling a strand of Bianca’s strawberry blonde hair around your finger with a playfully seductive look in your eyes.
“Go find someone else to hit on, you’ve got half the school pining after you.” Bianca scoffed lightly with a joking (mostly) roll of her green eyes but anyone could make out the newly gained pink flush to her pale skin.
“Aww no need to be jealous Ani.” You whispered lightly with a mocking pout as you leaned in a little more and watched in amusement as her pale skin gained a more crimson flush.
However, what you failed to see was from across the forest. Leaning against her own tree was your ex-bestfriend (enemy to everyone’s knowledge) watching you intently with jealously shining transparently in her ocean blue eyes.
“What’s go your thong in a twist princess.” Elizabeth Saltzman smirked jokingly, her eyes alight with the perfect mixture of mirth and entertainment that masked her confusion.
Hope didn’t answer, instead, a glare glazed over her previously envious blue eyes and she pursed her lips together.
“You’re jealous aren’t you?” Lizzie asked in amusement though slight shock, her gaze quickly flickering between both you and Hope with a new sense of interest and determination.
“Jealous of what? I’m only concerned for Bianca, y/n plays people and leaves them high and dry.” Hope spoke defensively.
“More like pleased and happy.” Lizzie corrected cheekily.
Her response was a displeased scoff and Hope taking an even bigger swig of her beer.
• • •
It was officially the next day and those who weren’t suffering with hangovers (the vampires and some werewolves or witches who knew the correct spells) were up bright and early.. most of them.
You were a witch, a bloody good one at that and thankfully you knew the hangover spell but with your lifestyle you sort of had to know it.
Still — instead of attending class like you were obviously meant to, you just went down to the kitchens for some food because hey? food is way more important than studies, right.?
Standing in the kitchens and munching happily on a chocolate chip cookie and you heard a sharp gust of wind. One which you could identify with an approaching vampire.
But before you could even turn, a resounding thud rang out through the kitchen and you turned to see a vampire, a newbie — Leon Arnold — neck snapped on the floor, blood staining his lips, mouth and shirt and vampire features receding back.
You blew out a harsh breath and placed your hand on your head, trying to calm your rapidly racing heart.
Under her own cloaking spell, Hope Mikaelson smiled lightly to herself in accomplishment and relief. Oh so maybe this seemed slightly stalker-ish.. but she was curious to what you did when you didn’t attend class and honestly thank god she did decide to be .. stalker-ish today.
Shit. She just so happened to forget you were an equally as powered witch who could see past her spells.
“You did that..?” You gestured to Leon and much to the annoyance of yourself you felt a warm feeling encase your heart at the thought of her protecting you.
“Yeah..I did.” Hope nodded her head hesitantly and slipped a quick smile over her plush pink lips with her cheeks discreetly flushing at the softer look that entered your y/e/c eyes.
“Well thank you.” You spoke sincerely and cursed yourself out mentally for the butterflies that swarmed around your stomach.
Just like old times
A response wasn’t heard on Hope’s end as you hastily hurried out.
• • •
“Ugh this is stupid.” Lizzie groaned slumping against the wall as she watched Hope pointedly avoid your eyes and you do the same. She had a sneaking suspicion and she also had an idea which in her opinion was spectacular.
“What is?” Josette, Josie, Saltzman asked hesitantly as she looked up with the end of her of pencil resting between her lips absentmindedly.
“This!” Elizabeth practically shouted as she gestured between Hope and you and Josie looked on with wide perplexed eyes.
“No you know what.” Lizzie muttered, putting Hope’s wrist in a tight hold and magically dragging you over. Ignoring your groans and shouts of protest and everyone’s either wide and curious or shocked eyes.
Quickly, she basically threw the both of you in the nearest classroom and placed a spell on the door.
“Talk! Now!”
You and Hope sat in a extremely tense silence for about a minute or so just staring into each other’s heatedly.
Before suddenly she crashed froward and pressed her lips into yours hungrily.
You eagerly responded to the kiss, familiar with this nature of kiss, winding your hands through her soft locks of auburn hair as hers wrapped around your waist. Hope let out a little moan as you ran your tongue over her bottom lip and she obediently opened her mouth slightly for you to proceed.
Abruptly the two of you pulled apart, panting harshly.
“We should—“
“Be my girlfriend—“
It felt like time stopped from a moment and with a wide grin appearing on your face you nodded your head frantically.
Your families the last thing on your minds.
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tartglias · 4 years
diluc, kaeya, albedo and childe when they’re in love
“ahh ok i just discovered ur blog and this is my very first ever request to a blog. so uhm can i req diluc, kaeya, albedo & childe headcanons on what they'll do when they're in love? like, will their attitude change when they're around the reader HAHAHA it's ok if u remove a character <3 if u don't want to write it feel free to ignore hehe”
Even though you both decided to keep the relationship away from the public eye, it’s not shocking that certain people come and ask if you can deliver a message to Diluc. It tends to be Kaeya or even Jean, whenever the Knights of Favonius are too busy to handle something a little too dangerous. Sometimes it’s even Venti, trying to persuade you to convince Diluc to lower the dandelion wine price.
Whoever the person is, they come to you because they know that Diluc has a soft spot for you. If something catches your eye, expect it on your doorstep the following day. He loves to spoil you, to the point in which you have to tell him to stop gifting you things, and that his love is and will always be enough.
And obviously, they know that if someone can convince him of doing something, that someone is you. It’s amusing how the normal situation switches when it comes to you. If Kaeya approaches him and asks for a favor, expect a very angry Diluc rolling his eyes and turning around, completely dismissing him while trying to not make a scene in front of you and the other costumers at the tavern. But, if it’s you who delivers the message, he just sighs and meditates it, eventually giving in. You see him smile slightly once you quickly kiss his cheek and thank him.
“Why do you always decline these requests but accept them once I ask you?” You once asked, looking up to face him as you cuddled him in bed. His hair was messy and untied, but he still looked beautiful, specially under the moon light.
“Because you’re not annoying” he simply said, caressing your cheek. You stared at him, unconvinced. This earned you a soft laugh from the man beneath you.
“I don’t know, I just can’t say no to you. Which is funny because now everyone knows you’re my weakness” He said.
It was then and there that he understood how much you meant to him. You could ask him to pick up every single Cecilia flower in Mondstadt and he would not hesitate to do it. It was dangerous, and he knew that, but his feelings were too strong.
“Kaeya will definitely use this for-“ “I love you” he said, interrupting you. Your eyes widened and a small gasp left your lips. It was the first time he said the big “L” word, maybe the first time in his life.
“I love you too” you whispered, still in awe from his previous confession.
He kissed you deeper than ever before, transmitting every single feeling he had into the kiss. You meant the world to him. He was in love.
The rest of the night was filled with quiet “I love you”s and cuddles, eventually falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.
One thing that helped him understand his feelings for you was that he could just be himself.
His past forced him to wake up and put on a facade as the flirty Cavalry Captain that had every person in Mondstadt wrapped around his finger. But you were different. When he was with you, he was Kaeya. No fancy titles, no social etiquette. Just Kaeya. Not only he felt comfortable enough to be himself around you, but you also seemed to like his true self as well. And that’s how he realized.
After long days filled with commissions and some paperwork, he would come home exhausted only to find you already waiting for him. Without need for words, he would wrap his arms around your waist and hide his face on your neck after leaving a small trace of kisses.
“Long day?” you asked as you gently hugged him, untied his hair and started brushing it with your fingers. He would reply with a small “hm” before looking up and kissing your lips.
This sight could confuse an outsider, since Kaeya, with his oh so flirty social title, is usually the one calling out for you or keeping his hands on you at any moment. Kaeya is not afraid to show his love to the world, and he makes that very clear in public. Yet, this sight made him look vulnerable, and that was something he reserved just for your eyes. You made his walls fall down, you made him vulnerable in the best way possible. He felt at peace when he was with you, and that feeling used to be so foreign to him due to the secrets of his past. But here he was, in your arms as he rambled about his day without care in the world.
His attitude towards you in public never changed much, always finding his way to make you swoon and fluster you. He loves to let everyone know that he is yours and you are his. But, once the doors close behind him, he would let his guard down completely with you. He would cling to your body as he seeks for advice or talk about his worries.
“I think that it’s best to ignore Pallad from now on since he always gets-“ you started saying, but noticing how Kaeya was looking at you made you lose your trail of thoughts. “Wh- Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You make me feel better about myself” Kaeya said, snuggling closer to you. He let out a chuckle when he heard you mutter a “huh?”
“You make me feel at peace, and I haven’t felt like that in a long while”
Relationships were kind of new to Albedo, he wasn’t certain about the right way to show affection. But one thing he was sure about was that every time you came to visit him in his research room he felt funny inside. Funny in a good way, he felt a sudden urge to hold your hand or make you smile. 
To understand this feeling more, he started doing research on couples in Mondstadt. Was he the only one that felt this way at the sight of someone he cherished? Or was this the beginning of him becoming a monster and destroying the city of freedom at last? Lucky for him, he realized that it was considered normal to smile whenever you see your s/o. 
While he was doing his research, Klee appeared holding one of her treasures. She wanted to show Albedo her newest creation, but instead she found him staring at some old couple sitting by a fountain. She thought it was a strange sight. “What are you doing?” she asked, startling him. “Research” he simply said. “On old people? Why don’t you do a research on me? I’m young! And I have treasures!” “I don’t think you can be of use in this research” he said, sighing. 
It took Klee a while to understand what was happening, but when she did she started giggling uncontrollably. Albedo just stared at her wondering what was wrong with the child. “Albedo are you in love?”
Love, such a strange concept. He read about it, and now that Klee mentioned it, he realized that it made sense. He felt funny every time he managed to make you smile or laugh, and even more when he saw the blush on your face after complimenting you. He realized that the “funny” feeling happened because he loves you. He loves when you visit him, he loves when you ask him questions about his research and when you offer to help him. He loves you.
He immediately started searching for you, he felt the sudden urge to see and tell you about this discovery. Once he found you, he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face. You looked beautiful, and you weren’t even trying. You just came back from a commission and your hair was messy, and he noticed that your clothes were a bit dirty too. Yet you looked mesmerizing to him. 
“Albedo! I was on my way to visit you!” You greeted him once you saw him, kissing his cheek. 
“I made a new discovery today, dear.” He said, taking your hands in his. “I discovered that I’m in love with you”
If there’s something Childe is gonna do, is spoil you to no end. Similar to Diluc, if he noticed that something caught your eye for more than 3 seconds, expect it by your doorstep soon. And don’t even try to stop him, he just won’t listen.
Since he has to go away for weeks due to his line of work, he wants to spoil you so you don’t forget him. Not that you could anyways, you always thought of him and even prayed for his safe return. When he comes back, expect little souvenirs from his travels and stories he may or may not exaggerate a tiny bit.
He loves whenever you wear things he gifted you, and loves to tease you about it. “May I know who got you that beautiful necklace dear?” he would ask with a smirk on his face. “You, Childe” “That’s right, the best for my favorite person in the world”
But his love doesn’t come in material things only, he also loves to spend time with you. There are times that he has to go away for long periods of time, and after a few weeks he starts missing you so much he just has to send someone to pick you up and bring you to him. On those occasions he makes sure to do everything he has to do in the morning so he could spend the afternoon exploring with you.
His line of work is dangerous, and you know that. There are times in which you’re exploring some ruins with him and treasure hoarders appear. In those cases he asks you to close your eyes, and only open them when he tells you to. Under no circumstance he wants you to witness this side of him he tries so much to hide.
Once it’s over, he would reach to you gently and tell you to open your eyes. When you do, the sight in front of you breaks your heart. He was alright, not a single scratch on him, but his face was filled with worry and fear. “I’m sorry” he would say, closing his eyes and taking your hand. “Why are you apologizing?” “I’m a monster” he said, not daring to look at you.
It would take you a few minutes to convince him that he actually is not a monster. Those treasure hoarders appeared out of nowhere, and threatened you. He was just protecting you. “This is what I do all the time, how are you not scared of me?” He asked. You hugged him very tight, not wanting to let go of him until every drop of fear and guilt leaves his body. “I know you would never hurt me”
He knew you were right, he could never hurt you. He may think he is a monster unworthy of your love, but he knew that he could never lay a finger on you. And as you hugged him tight in front of some random ruins you were exploring, he realized he was in love and swore to himself he would do anything to protect you.
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littlesniggy · 3 years
Hey could i request an Ace x female!reader scenario where she is Whitebeard’s biological daughter and the “little sister” of the crew. And she gets pregnant by Ace but nobody knows about it because they kept their relationship secret. So while the crew are eating lunch, the reader suddenly stands up and announces her pregnancy without giving Ace a warning (he already knew about it but didnt expect her s/o to say it outloud) So he just sits there all nervous while the crew is interrogating the reader about who is the father so they can kill him . Also i imagine whitebeard just choking on his beer for the shocking news lol.Srry if its too especific, change wtv u want about it.
Hello! Thank you for requesting! I hope I wrote everything to your liking. I probably went a little too much into Whitebeard's reaction but oh well...Please enjoy!
Pairing: Ace x female! reader
Crew's and Whitebeard's reaction to reader announcing her pregnancy
Word count: 1.2k
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“I’m pregnant, Ace.” He thought those words had caught him completely off guard. Your slightly trembling voice, your insecure tone, your harried eyes, darting from him to the wall behind him and back to him again; and he couldn’t say a word. Thinking about it now, he felt bad about his reaction but he was simply stunned. The first thing that had come to his mind was: How?
Of course, Ace knew how babies were made but didn’t you to use contraception? Sure, there was always a risk when having sex but Ace would’ve never thought he’d come into such a precarious situation.
The lack of speech had you think it was a bad idea; you should’ve never told him in the first place and just gotten rid of it. But you didn’t want to. You’ve already made up your mind that you would get the baby, if Ace wanted to or not. You wouldn’t even push him to be part of its life if he didn’t want to.
Ace noticed you becoming more insecure by the second and snapped back from his thoughts. “Hey, hey. Why that face?” he asked, trying to smile encouraging even though he felt insecure himself. “That’s great. It just came so…suddenly, y’know?” he said honestly, putting a hand on your cheek, stroking it your skin lightly.
“I know. I’m sorry to just tell you like this. But better now than never. I was shocked myself.” You admitted, leaning into his touch. A huge burden was being lifted from your shoulders and you were glad that Ace accepted it like this. Now came the difficult part though – how should you tell your father, Whitebeard?
Ace nearly choked when you announced your pregnancy to the crew out of nowhere. He stared at you wide eyed, face an unhealthy red. Did you catch him off guard back then? Absolutely. Did he think you could manage that again? Absolutely not. Was this announcement to your friends and family even worse? Holy shit, yes! Why didn’t you give him a heads up, an early warning? Anything, really!
All eyes were on you, a small smile on your lips. Marco was the first one to clear his throat. “W-what did you say?” he tried to get affirmation that he just misheard but you didn’t do him this favor. “I said, I’m pregnant.” You repeated yourself as if nothing was wrong with this statement.
Ace looked over the faces of his friends, some were shocked, some were angry, and some just had a blank expression. He didn’t want to look over to Whitebeard but he just had to take a quick look.
The old man was sitting at the head-side of the table, with a huge bottle of booze in his hand and completely frozen in place. Ace wasn’t sure if he even was still alive. Maybe the old man had a heart attack? Not too uncommon for people his age.
And suddenly, there was a lot of commotion on the table. Everyone was talking over each other, asking you questions over questions without waiting for an answer.
“Who did this to you?” “Did you get hurt?” “Tell us the name of this bastard!” “We will hunt him down, cut his dick off and present it to the sea monsters as some kind of offering!”
Every pair of eyes looked at the person who just said the last suggestion in confusion. “What?” Marco asked, bewildered from this comment. “I-I was just thinking…never mind.” The man said and sat back down, drinking his beer in silence. The pairs of eyes were shortly after back on you, everyone expecting an answer.
“Whoever this bastard is should run far, far away.” The deep voice of your father sounded from the far end. Apparently, no heart attack. Ace thought to himself. You looked at Whitebeard with a small smile on your lips, shaking your head.
“And why should he?” you wanted to know, intending on making Ace sweat a little more for the time being. It was kind of your revenge for him being silent for so long when you told him. It was petty, you knew but in your eyes you got a free pass. After all, you were going to go through a lot of pain in the end.
“Because once I get him into my hands I will personally crush this man with all I’ve got. So I hope he’s already on the run.” Whitebeard was mad. Not, because you were pregnant but because someone dared to touch his beloved daughter. Ace swallowed hard and looked over to you with a slightly pleading look on his face.
“So, you would crush your second division commander? That would be a shame. You’d loose one of your best men.” Silence. Aces’ eyes were wide open and his face said it all. How can she say this so nonchalantly?! Is she out of her mind?! Every single pair of eyes were now on him, disbelief written all over them. You could hear a pin drop; nobody dared to speak up.
“So, you’re the one who touched my precious daughter, Ace?” Whitebeard slowly got up from his seat, his heavy footsteps rumbling through the boat. “W-well….I-I can explain, pops.” Ace also got up from his place, slowly backing away with a shaky smile on his face, hands held up in defense.
“Really? Let me hear your excuse, then.” Whitebeard was standing in front of him, and it was the first time Ace felt intimidated by his captain. But before he could say anything you came between them, taking Aces’ hand and holding it tightly.
“We’ve been dating for quite some time now. We just thought it’d be better if nobody knew.” You said, looking up at your father.
Whispering could be heard from the rest of the crew at this revelation. Whitebeard raised an eyebrow. “For quite some time, huh? Why didn’t you tell me, Y/n? I’m your father.” Did he sound hurt? Or were you just mistaking? Either way, you felt guilty. “We just thought it’d be best for the crew if nobody knew. We didn’t want to cause disturbances on the ship.”
Whitebeard stayed silent for a moment, then looked behind you to Ace who immediately tensed up. “If you do anything and hurt my daughter or my grandchild in any way I will make my words from earlier come true. I can always get a new second division commander.” There was a small smile on his lips as he turned back to return to his seat.
You turned around to Ace and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “Why are you so tense? Everything went great!” you said innocently, pulling him back to the table where the rest of the crew was waiting to ask you two more questions. Before you two sat down, this time next to each other, Ace whispered into your ear. “Someone’s getting punished later on, Y/n. You almost gave the old man a heart attack, y’know?” he chuckled but was silenced by you almost immediately. “Just cause you’ll become a father doesn’t mean you have to call yourself ‘old man’.” Knowing full well he meant Whitebeard.
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bokuroskitten · 3 years
your piece about oral fixation was just 🤤 so now im super curious as to what kinda of gags you think the haikyuu captains + iwa would use on their partners.
oh anon, truly I'm grateful for this one. Because as a rope bunny, I think about it constantly. I didn't do every single haikyuu captain, just ones I feel I know the best. Enjoy the filth. ❦
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〈what kind of gags would the haikyuu captains (Bokuto, Terushima, Ushijima, Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo, Kita) + Iwa enjoy using on their partner.
⋆genre: 18+ NSFW (Minors DNI)
⋆warnings: BDSM themes (use of bondage and gags), dom/sub dynamics (daddy & master title used), oral (female receiving), spit, degradation & dumbification
Bokuto couldn’t be bothered with gags. He likes to hear you falling apart on his cock, the whimpers, the cries, the begging. It’s all music to Bokuto’s ears. Although if you do want to be gagged Bokuto just uses his thick fingers down your throat or slaps his palm across your lips. Both methods effectively render you silent and he still gets the joy of feeling your moans vibrating along his skin.
“You’re so fucking loud, Birdy. The whole neighbourhood is gonna know you’re a desperate little cock whore. Isn’t that right baby Bird?” Bokuto’s voice was nothing but a growl up against your ear, his heavy balls still slapping ruthlessly against your ass as he plunged himself faster into your tight cunt. He went in at the perfect angel this time, his cock head pressing to that sweet spot that would have you screaming. Before the sound could slip out Bokuto pushed three fingers into your mouth, grinning as he watched drool bubble between his knuckles, your cries getting muffled into his skin.
“Yeaaa, suck away baby and take what’s given to you.”
Terushima is a horny one, typically just wants to get the job done quickly and easily, so he likes to use what’s around. This typically means he’s using his tie. He usually wears one to his job, or sometimes finds himself keeping a spare in his back pocket when you’re being extra annoying. He always ties a knot in the middle first, pressing it between your teeth before knotting the material behind your head. It’s effective enough to keep you muffled but simple enough that he can still see your lips tremble, watch drool darken the fabric and dribble down your chin.
“Careful princess, you want the boys to know I’m stuffing you full of cock?” He spoke through a wicked grin, his lips pressed to your pulse as his hands held your hips in a death grip. The subtle slap of your ass into his pelvis kept him on beat, along with the muffled cries you let out into his tie. One of his hands slithered up your bent form, making sure to squeeze one of your breasts on the way up before taking hold of your jaw. His long fingers brushed over your chin, the drool already gathering there making him pick up his pace. He pressed the knot he made in his tie further between your teeth, making you whimper a plea that had him chuckling.
“Messy fuckin thing, by the time I fill you up there’s gonna be a mess on your face and between your thighs.”
Ushijima is a simple man with simple desires. Despite that, he actually enjoys using a gag on you because it gives him even more power over you than you already give him. He typically won’t use one unless other BDSM elements are in play (his favourite is ropes because he likes to make intricate patterns over your skin) but his favourite type to use is a deep throat gag. In every sense of the word, Ushi is big and wants to make sure your tight little throat is ready to be used when he wants it to use it. There’s a couple of different sizes he uses that he has you build up with, but each one comes with a reward when you’re able to swallow it down without gagging.
Although his face was usually calm during sessions today was an exception as he worked the length of the gag between your lips. “Baby, tap out if you need to—“ But you just furrowed your brows at him, fists tightening in determination which were currently bound above your head. It was a sign for him to keep going, so he did. He pushed the slick silicon between your lips until the hilt rested against your lips. He didn’t do up the leather strap just yet, waited to see if you’d gag or choke with such a big size being shoved down your throat. But there you were, sitting pretty with tears riming your lashes, the gag pressing snuggly down on your tongue. Ushijima hummed out, pleased with such progress as he was slow to buckle up the leather strap. He pressed kisses along your jaw, a small smile creeping its way onto his lips.
“I’m so proud of you, little one.”
Oikawa will only use ring gags because it keeps your mouth wide open and ready to use whenever he feels he needs it. Plus it allows for him to still be able to hear you when you moan and cry for him. He also loves the mess you make with a ring gag, helpless to the drool and bubbling spit that falls from your chin. Sometimes as a form of punishment he’ll leave you between his thighs, arms bound and a ring gag held snuggly between your lips. He’ll stroke his cock lazily while watching tv, only grabbing a fist full of your hair to shove that sloppy mouth of yours onto his cock when he feels the need.
The whines you let out are ignored completely by Oikawa, a little huff leaving his lips as his eyes slowly slip from the screen down to between his legs. There you sat, eyes wide and mascara streak marks down your cheeks. Your body was already trembling, sitting on your hunches for whenever Oikawa decided to take hold of your hair once more. He could see the way your tongue tried to pick up some of the drool that fell from the ring, only making matters worse as a new little stream of spit fell off your chin to continue to dampen your tank top. Oikawa just couldn’t help himself, and in one swift motion, his hips were pressing his cock back between the ring, burying deep within your throat that had it constricting. He hissed softly before a small flutter of laughter escaped him.
“Fuck, at least this fucking throat is good for something. Maybe I should keep this ring on all the time so you’ll always be ready for my dick? You like the sound of that baby?” He was only met by muffled whines and gags as he bobbed your head along this length.
Daichi hates when you talk back to him, it makes him so tense because all he does is treat you like his perfect little princess. So when you do get mouthy he has no problem getting you worked up whenever you are. He’ll tease, whisper into your ear about how naughty your being, grab handfuls of your ass until you make a mess of your panties. He’ll then shove the filthy material between your lips. Not only will get to humiliate you then, but he’ll also get to punish you properly without having to hear a single peep from you.
“You think good little girls talk back to their daddy’s like you do? No. They listen, and they behave. Since you wanna use such a filthy mouth I’ll keep it filthy for you.” Your previous cries were brought down to muffles as Daichi forced your damp panties between your lips. Balled up and soaked from your precious arousal you can’t even help but let your eyes flutter, the taste of your own desire making your cheeks burn bright pink. Daichi has to scoff, fingers pressing into your cheeks as giving your jaw a little shake. “Taste that? That’s your filthy little cum stains. Imagine staining your own panties from a few promises of punishment?” His cock was heavy as he quickly freed it from his boxers, making you Yelp softly as it slapped down against your already soaked slit. He rubbed it along you a few moments, pressing into your cheeks harder to keep your panties in place.
“Maybe if I just fuck you stupid, you’ll stop talking altogether?”
Kuroo likes to keep with the classics, and there’s nothing more classic than a ball gag. He started off with wiffleball first, wanting you to feel nothing but comfortable before he moved on to solid silicon, balls that would leave your jaw aching after sessions. He loved the way you looked, sitting on your knees for him on the bed with a bright red ball gag wedged in your mouth, already covered in spit. He would the type to put on you whenever you felt like it just so he could coo about how pretty you looked. He also took many many pictures of your mouth stuffed, keeping a secret folder just for it.
“Stay still kitten,” Kuroo mumbled close to your ear, pressing a couple playful kisses to your lobe as he secured the black leather behind your head. He slipped two fingers into the band, making sure it was loose enough to pull off if needed but tighten to hold. Once he was pleased he pulled away, the most satisfying groan leaving his lips as yours were stretched around the bright red. “Perfect, my perfect fucking kitten...” he spoke, his thumb pressing along the ball as you blinked up at him with wide, needy eyes. Your hands stay still on your lap exactly where he instructed them, a little whine coming out muffled only when Kuroo pulled away from you fully. He rose a brow at that, the flash of disappointment in his gaze enough to have you resting back down on your hunches.
“Ah, I said stay still, Kitty. I’ll play with you soon I promise. But Daddy needs a few pictures of his beautiful baby before we can get started. So keep sitting pretty for me.”
Kita only uses any form of BDSM with you because you’re interested in it. When you brought it up to him he was very much unaware but did as much research as possible. He decides to start off with a bite gag because, unlike ball gags, it allows for more relaxation of the jaw, as well as causes less mess in terms of drool. Plus he’s always enjoyed watching you bite down on the sheets when you're feeling a lot of pleasure, so the bite gag allows for him to watch your teeth sink on so perfectly into the rubber.
Kita’s thrusts slowed almost too much for you, your pussy desperately fluttering around his length to bring back that friction. You wanted to beg him to keep going, pick the pace back up but all you could do was let out muffled cries, press your teeth further into the bite forced between your lips. Kita watched it all, the way your face twisted up with need, the way your back arched, the way your hips jutted forwards in hopes to feel more of him. He just let out a soft little groan, planting a firm palm on your hip to keep you in place as he continued his slow, dragged out thrusts into your throbbing cunt.
“Just a little longer like this, kay Darlin? I love seeing you bite into that gag, we’re gonna have to use it more often.”
Iwaizumi was used to using his hand, slapping it over your lips when he found you were getting too loud. But he never knew what to do with all your squirming. Cuffs were too simple and ropes just weren’t his vibe, but when he discovered bondage tape it was a whole other ball game. Not only was it perfect because it only stuck to itself, resulting in safer play, but it was very much effective in shutting you up when he needed you quiet. His favourite part is watching you flinch when he rips a piece away from the roll, the way you shiver in anticipation as he hovers the piece over your lips. It only when you're about to whine at him that he presses it against your lips, a grin curling on his lips.
“Fuck Princess, you’re tighter than usual? Excited?” Iwaizumi murmured, his grin growing as he watched your eyes roll up in pleasure. He brought a large palm up to your cheek, bringing your blurry vision back to his own. His thrusts slowed, allowing his thick cock to drag along that throbbing spot within you. That had your back arching, muffled little pleas melting into the tape that was held firm over your lips. Iwaizumi sighed softly, his thumb rubbing over the tape to feel out the outline of your pretty lips. The action had you nuzzling into his palm, another string of muffled nonsense trying to escape the tape and failing miserably.
“I know you’re begging me to move faster under here... but remember princess, Master makes the rules. So let’s keep you quiet and I’m gonna fuck you nice and slow.”
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sariahsue · 3 years
Part two of this (but can be read on its own)
It was barely 9:00 a.m. and Adrien Agreste was already sweating. After an hour of pep talking and encouragement during patrol last night, Ladybug had declared that she wasn’t ready to ask Adrien out yet, but she never would be, so why keep waiting?
And Ladybug was Marinette.
And Marinette wouldn’t stop looking at him.
He hadn’t even gotten through his first class and it was already the longest school day of his life.
(Adrien peeked over his shoulder for the eighth time, just as Marinette turned her face away again and blushed. He whipped around to the front. She was going to get suspicious if he kept doing that, but he couldn’t seem to stop.)
It had been a whole week since Chat Noir had found out Ladybug’s identity, and four days since she’d told him the name of the lucky boy who’d caught her heart. And Adrien still couldn’t believe it was him.
And now she was going to ask him out. When? That was the question floating through his mind as his teachers droned on about algebra. When? Maybe something about the Revolution in history class, but he wasn’t entirely sure. When? Science possibly?
When was she going to talk to him? Today? Tomorrow? Did he smell nice? Had he misunderstood and she meant a different Adrien Agreste? Should he wait for her to approach him or start a conversation to give her an opening? He should have asked her last night! Why didn’t he ask her that?!
One advantage to peeking at her so often was that he could tell he felt more nervous than she looked, which was probably a good thing. Maybe something he said to her last night had helped. He felt scattered and on edge. Marinette’s nervousness was subtle. A tap tap tap of her pencil. The squeak of her shoe as she bounced her knee. Meanwhile, his mind was going in a hundred directions at once, wondering how she would confess.
And that thought sent anticipation swooping through his stomach.
Maybe it would have been better if he’d just told her his identity last night, make sure she knew how crazy he was about her so she could stop worrying.
But Ladybug had made it clear how much she wanted to ask Adrien, and how much effort she had already put in for him, and he didn’t want to minimize her struggle. Plus - and he felt a little guilty for it - he really wanted to hear what she would say. Wanted her to ask him. Wanted to be wanted by her.
Behind him, Marinette let out a breathy sigh. This was going to be a very, very long day.
A few hours later, Adrien stood at the top of school stairs, looking down at the waiting limo with its door already open for him, waiting to take him home for the weekend.
His pep talks hadn’t been enough. Even though she’d had plenty of opportunities, Marinette hadn’t asked him. His footsteps were heavy as he walked away from the school doors and waved a limp hello to his driver.
“Adrien, wait!”
He turned back so fast that the world blurred. Marinette ran toward him and then stopped a few inches in front of him, stone still, hands clenched to her sides.
His heart pounded in his mouth. “Yeah?”
“I-” That was as far as she got before her eyes fell to her feet.
“Yes?” Adrien prompted, hoping he was keeping the desperation out of his voice. He was not going to let her get out of talking now. Not if she was finally going to tell him how she really felt about him. “Was there something you wanted?”
“N-no, I don’t want anything,” she said, eyes flicking back up to his. “Just, um.” Paper rustled as she reached in her pocket and held out a small piece of notebook scrap to him. This wasn’t in any of the plans that they’d made together.
“What’s this?” He took it quickly, careful not to let their fingers brush (even though he wanted them to) because it might make her more nervous. On it was a little doodle of a cat face.
“What’s this about?” he whispered, even though he knew exactly what was going to happen next.
“So I have a purr-fect idea.”
This was it. This was it! She was making puns! She was going to ask him out! This excitement and joy were expected. Every single wish he’d ever made was about to come true.
And all of it was almost overshadowed by the single revelation that his Lady trusted him this much, to take his advice on something so important to her, something that was literally keeping her up at night with worry. It wasn’t trust out of necessity. It was trusting him with her vulnerabilities. He hadn’t realized that was going to hit as hard as it did.
“Cat got your tongue?” Marinette asked.
A second cat pun? Adrien leaned against the open car door for support. It swung farther open under his weight and nearly took him off his feet.
Marinette’s face went white.
“Sorry,” he said, standing back up. (He leaned against the frame of the car this time.)  He had to pull himself together and not make this harder for her than it already was. “Sun was in my--” The sun beat down on the back of his neck. “Never mind. What’s your idea?”
“Uh.” She pointed to the paper. “Flip it over?”
On the back was a hastily-drawn ice cream cone. One of the many date ideas they had discussed. That had been his favorite one. Low pressure, but still enough to get the point across that it was a date and not just hanging out. She trusted his opinion and went with his idea.
“If you’re free sometime, would you want to get ice cream with me?” Its job complete, Marinette’s mouth clicked shut. Her lips screwed up tight as she politely waited for his answer.
Adrien was having none of it.
“Why what?”
“Why are you asking me for ice cream?”
“Oh.” Marinette folded her hands in front of her chest, eyes looking everywhere but at him. “I just, you know, thought that you might like some ice cream. Some time. And I like it too, and we know each other, so we could get some at the same time.”
“Is that the only reason? Because you thought we both liked it? Or is there something else?”
She sighed, shoulders dropping suddenly. “Listen, I really like you. A lot.”
“Yeah?” he prompted.
She finally looked at him, searching his face for any sign of impending rejection. Adrien smiled softly to let her know she wasn’t ever going to find any there.
“I think you’re great,” she said. “You’re very kind and you’re fun to be around, and I was hoping you’d want to go on a date with me sometime?”
“Yes. I’d love to.”
“Wait.” Marinette took a step back. “Yes? Did you just say yes?!”
“I’m really glad you asked me,” he said. “I’ve had a huge crush on you forever.”
It was Marinette’s turn to be speechless, but she recovered enough to squeak, “How about Monday after school? Do you have time then?”
“Sundaes on Monday? That sounds great!”
Marinette beamed, beautiful and wide and just for him. She liked him! She’d asked him! She trusted him!
She trusted him.
And he couldn’t start a relationship with her when he was keeping a huge secret from her.
“I have something to tell you first though, before our first date, and then you can decide if you still want to go out with me.”
Marinette cocked her head. “Of course I will. What is it?”
Adrien took a deep breath. Would she? He’d effectively tricked her into asking him out.
The Gorilla cleared his throat. A line of cars was forming behind them.
Feeling a little like a coward, Adrien started climbing into the limo. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
“But it’s Saturday. We don’t have school tomorrow. And don’t you usually have shoots and fencing?”
He leaned out of the door and grabbed her hand. It would be too much of a hint for him to kiss it, so he squeezed it instead. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll find you.”
Author’s note: There will be one more part! Update: Here it is!
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Fill out an interest check for my haikyuu zine here | buy my Batman zine here!
A/N: wrote this for @neoheros and @coophi Writing contest. Features being married 25 and younger for all breast having readers. Slightly suggestive themes, but mostly fluff.
Atsumu has a thing for your chest.
It’s not a secret. If you’re wearing a low-cut top, the neckline in a smooth u-shaped scoop. Or a dress with a plunging neckline, a soft curve of either breast on each side.
He gets dumbstruck every time.
It’s not even sexual, well not all the time, he just thinks they’re cute. Like a couple of puppies. He just wants to smother them in kisses and tell them how cute they are.
So when he sees them wrapped in beautiful fabric, looking good and healthy, he swells with pride. (Amongst other things, he is still a man after all)
‘Mah babies are doin’ good’ he’ll think with a soft smile.
So when he walks into your shared bedroom, duffel bag still in hand, and see’s you sitting on the bed completely topless, your breasts covered by nothing but your bare hands, the dainty silver band glinting on your finger - he practically combusts.
Your eyes travel from the laptop flipped open in front of you, to your husband who’s still standing in the doorway. You expression brightens the second you see him, eyes sparkling as a smile arch’s onto your mouth.
“You’re home!” You cheer, hands still clasped at either breast.
Atsumu gulps, not trusting his mouth to properly form words, he briskly nods.
“ ‘Sumu can you do me a favor and hold my boobs up?”
That’s it. He’s dead.
Time? 3:47 PM
Cause? Brain aneurysm, he couldn’t take the mental stimulation of a dream he didn’t even realize he had coming true.
“ ‘Tsumu?” You call, he’s just been standing there at the doorway since he saw you. Is he mad? He did just come home from practice, he must be tired. You’re just about to tell him that it’s okay, he should relax, when he nods his head.
“Y-yeah, ‘course ‘ah can baby,” Atsumu shakes his head, he’s acting like a damn teenager right now! What’s there to be so flustered about anyway? You’re his wife, he’s seen you naked tons of times, no reason to get all dopey about a little fondling.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna bother you-“
“It’s no bother!” Atsumu winces as the high pitched tone of his protest. Talk about over eager. He clears his throat, hand curling in her his chin. “ ‘Ah mean, this is what husbands are for right? Even Dax Shepard sucked out Kristen Bell’s breast milk when she needed it-“ Geez, why is he mentioning that now?!?
“Anyway, point is ‘s no bother, ‘lemme just u-uh,” he flinches when his voice cracks. “Let me get behind ya” he finishes, clearing his throat when you shuffle forward, your breasts bouncing slightly.
Damn, they look so cute.
Atsumu has to bite his lip to stay focused, frosty white teeth nibbling at the plump flesh of his bottom lip as he shuffles behind you. His legs thrown on either side of your frame, as you settle between them.
He gulps again when his hands replace yours.
With the way you’re seated his chin almost brushing against your hair, he gets wafts of your shampoo, and at this angle he gets a top side view of his precious babies. The perfect scent to accompany the perfect view. They’re so much softer than he remembers too, it’s almost like-
“Atsumu stop,” he freezes, did he do something wrong? His hands automatically move to retreat back to his side when he see’s you shake your head. “No, stop squeezing, it hurts.”
Atsumu’s eyebrows thread together, his mouth pursing until it’s a straight line.
“It hurts?” You nod, not looking away from your laptop, your fingers dancing across the keyboard.
“Yeah they’re just so swollen,” you start.
‘So they’re swollen’ he thinks. Looking back he should have realized there was a reason you suddenly wanted him to hold your breasts.
“they’re so sore I think it’s making my nipples sensitive too-“
And that explains why you weren’t wearing a bra or a shirt
“They were hurting so bad I didn’t think I would be able to finish this report for work,”
Which explains the laptop, he remembers you saying you had a deadline coming up. Actually, he wasn’t quite sure what part that played in the fantasy- maybe something a little scandalous, like you were watching a dirty movie on it or something.
“But now you’re here!” Your fingers stop, abandoning the keyboard entirely and focusing all your attention on him. You twist your torso so you can face him. Your thumb caresses his face, and you press a kiss to his cheekbone.
“You’re my hero Atsumu”
Atsumu is only twenty-three, no longer a boy, yet still not a man.
But he’s trying hard to grow into one, a man you can be proud to call your husband. A mature man who you always think is cool and makes you feel like you’re going to melt.
Atsumu can’t help but feel like a teenage boy when he feels a wobbly smile curl onto his face, steam practically curling out of his ears.
“ ‘course ‘ah am,” he huffs, his chest puffing out. “ ‘s a husbands job to be their partners hero” you giggle, he’s always saying the cheesiest stuff when you give him a genuine compliment. It’s kind of cute how he still gets flustered around you. Throw him in front of a bunch of reporters or fans and he’ll play them all like a fiddle, but in front of you…he’s just a boy.
His expression gets softer when you turn back to the laptop. Your hero, huh? He likes the sound of that. But-
“I’d rather be the love of your life, though” he mumbles, face pressed into your hair, and his hands holding your breast.
“What was that?” You ask, hissing when he squeezes in surprise. Crap, he didn’t think you heard. He sighs in relief when you tell him to be more gentle, you’re in a lot of pain. Looks like you’ve let the topic go.
“I know you’re used to-“ you pause mid-sentence when you shuffle back, resting against your husband's chest only to feel something hard other than the prominent muscles on his chest.
“Are you-“ before you can get a word in edgewise, Atsumu screams:
“What? I’m pretty sure Kristen Bell’s husband was a little turned on too when he sucked out that breast milk!”
For a single second the silence stretches between you two, and then you break out laughing
“What is with you and Kristen Bell?” You gasp between wheezes of laughter. Atsumu is laughing beside you.
“ ‘Ah donno, ‘s the only celebrity couple ‘ah keep up with.” You rest your head back on his shoulder, still laughing when he leans down for a kiss.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Three Minutes
Prompt: Harry slips up and it’s only right his wife serves him a little punishment.
Word Count: 3.2 k +
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content (sexting, dirty talk, public, subby!h)
AN: I’m excited to share this!! I’m pretty sure I’m going to do a part 2. Let me know if you’d like to see this! I’m dedicating this to @harrywritingsbyme because she’s an amazing writer and you need to read everything of hers! Requests open ☺️
Reblog if you can!
Harry was dreading his interview with Howard Stern. The guy was an obnoxious prick who had no filter and liked to put people on the spot - it’s what he’s doing right now. 
You were off to the side, watching the interview next to Jeff. It was matter of time before Howard brought you up to pick and prod at your husband.
“So Harry, you’re married, yes?” Howard asks, typical sunglasses on and curly permed hair donned. His mouth a little to close to the microphone.
“Yeah, I am,” Harry smiles tightly, hands rubbing on this upper thighs. He spares a quick glance over to you.
“She’s here, right?” Howard looks over at you and winks, “Fucking gorgeous babe, huh?”
You roll your eyes at the interviewers remark and Harry’s isn’t pleased but nicely responds, “She’s amazing, way out of my league.”
Howard laughs, “Now I have to ask you, does she tour with you?”
Harry replies, “Yeah. For the most part, sometimes she’ll go off to visit family or friends for a bit.”
The interview smirks, “Does she get worried you’re going to fuck other people while she’s not there? I mean you have girls falling at your feet. It must be hard to avoid temptation.”
You blink owlishly, attempting to contain the offended scoff bubbling in your throat. Jeff snickers and you send him a elbow.
Your husbands face can’t hide his annoyance at the question, “Are you asking me if it’s hard not to cheat on my wife?”
“I mean you could have a line up of girls after every show willing to blow you. I couldn’t be satisfied going home to the same thing every night.”
The band is looking back and forth at each other - clearly uncomfortable. Mitch’s face completely blank - of course.
“Well, I mean - I think that kind of stuff like...people going crazy over you was exciting when I was a bit younger. But no, I mean I’m very much in love and also consider myself a monogamous person.”
“Man, I mean - some of the songs you write about her? Watermelon Sugar, that’s clearly about eating her out,” Howard laughs, the tune playing softly in the background.
Jeff nearly chokes on the water he’s drinking and you pat him hard on the back - as payback for making Harry do this interview.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had pussy so good I’d write about it,” the interview jokes crudely. The women interviewer tittering in the background at his antics.
Harry fumbles, “Uh-uhm, it’s not uh- necessarily about anything or any act like...in particular. Just about having a good time with the person you love.”
The female interviewer who stays mostly quite chirps in to break the tension, “Is it hard to be long-distance when she’s not on the road with you?”
“Not at all. Most of the time she’s with me but we’re lucky we have technology that helps us not feel so far away from each other.”
Howard smiles, “How do you not go crazy being without sex for long amounts of time?”
It’s odd how obsessed this guy is with sex. As well as painting Harry as some sex-crazed rockstar who can’t go a day without.
Harry then goes on to put his entire, big ass foot in his mouth. “Y‘know that’s uh-that’s what good about FaceTime and Snapchat.”
The interviewer grins like a predator at Harry’s admission. You’re face is bright fucking pink. You’re gonna murder him.
“Well you heard it here first, folks. The key to how Harry Styles - one of the greatest artist of his time- keeps a happy relationship with his wife while he’s on the road. Dick pics and FaceTime sex.”
Harry glances over at you, his face apologetic as he already knows he in trouble.
You’re not that embarrassed - it not like it’s a weird thing to do but you didn’t want him talking about it with a trashy talk show host. 
The interview is almost over which is good because Harry’s about to lose his temper after he’s asked about his step-father’s passing and the stalker who was harassing you two.
During the interview however, you get a wonderful fucking idea as easy payback for Harry’s little slip up.
After Harry’s tossed his headset and microphone pack off with a little too much force to be unnoticeable - he’s sliding up beside you.
“Baby love,” He murmurs sheepishly into your cheek, nuzzling there for a moment, and breathing in the scent of your shampoo.
“You did good, H,” You reply softly, landing a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back to brush his hair off his forehead.
“Y’not mad?” Harry asks warily, knowing he got nervous and gave a little too much information.
“No baby, not mad at all,” Your voice steady and believable. It was true - you weren’t mad, just a little annoyed.
He seems confused. He knows you like the back of his hand and usually, you get peeved when he says something in interviews you’d rather the word not know.
Like the one time he let it slip you had an affinity for hooking up in hotel pools after dark. Prat.
Harry multiple appearances that day and it ends in a dinner at a fancy restaurant in Beverly Hills with big wigs.
You were invited but declined, despite Harry’s pouting and whines for you to go. You were the only thing that made these work obligations go faster.
However, you had other plans and a little bit of revenge to play on your unsuspecting husband.
All in good fun - of course.
Harry sits down with a group of people from his label. They’re all dressed in tight suits and rolex watches.
Harry on the other hand is in a flowy button-up only halfway done and a tight pair is skinny jeans. Jeff is dressed pretty casually too.
They were talking about tour dates and had just received their appetizers when he gets the text from you. Your name in his phone as baby love.
Harry nearly chokes on his water when he opens the message to reveal an image of you nearly naked in your shared bed. You skin tone standing out against the baby blue comforter.
You have one of his vintage tees on as well as some creme boyshort panties. The shirt is lifted though, rumpled up by your collarbones to reveal your breasts.
Harry wants to drool over the picture but doesn’t want to risk anyone else seeing his wife in any state of undress. So he quickly responds.
Baby, I’m at dinner.
You reply with another picture. A hand tucked down your underwear, cupping your heat. He can see the outline of your fingers underneath the thin fabric.
Already have something you could eat.
Harry can already feel himself twitch in his jeans. Cut it the fuck out now
Another. Fucking. Picture. Comes through.
This time you’re completely stripped, tits visible with soft pink peaks, and a hand strategically covering your cunt. 
Make me, H.
It clicks what game you’re playing. You rarely sent anything risqué when you where together because you had each other physically.
Harry curses under his breathe, locking his phone and pushing back his chair a little too fast - excusing himself to the loo.
As soon as he clicks the lock on the single-person restroom, he’s pressing on your contact information and you pick up on the very first ring.
“You bloody brat, I’m out at dinner,” Harry hisses at you, giving himself a rough squeeze through his tighten trousers.
All he hears back is a breathy moan. He’d know that sound anywhere - you’re touching yourself.
“What the fuck are you playin’ at?” Your husband demands, but the clipped edge in his tone tells you how much it’s affecting him.
“Just a little payback, babe...for spilling our dirty secrets,” you hum innocently, deciding to send him another picture.
It’s a simple photo without context some might not even understand. It’s just your hand but your fingers glistening with your arousal. 
Harry’s hand is about to crush is phone into bits as his eyes roam the picture. He was nearly panting, already able to imagine the taste and smell.
He takes a deep breath before he threatens you, “if you don’t pull your desperate little self together right now- I’m not going anywhere near that needy cunt and I’ll make you spend all night choking on me.”
Instead of the typical, sad whimpers he expects to hear - he receives a patronizing, high-pitched giggle.
“That’s not how it’s going to work tonight, H,” you inform him in a matter-of-fact manner before continuing, “we’re playing by my rules.”
Your husband laughs in disbelief, echoing against the bleak bathroom walls, “and what those rules, sweetheart?”
“You’re going to go sit through your nice little dinner, rockstar. And I’m going to send you pictures, maybe some videos to watch to keep you entertained. If you don’t open them within three minutes each time and reply - you’re not coming tonight. The couch will have a blanket and pillow ready for you.”
If he was in charge, he’d laugh and remind you that you two have three lovely guest rooms he could choose from. But he doesn’t want to push it.
“Fuck,” Harry spits, having to cram his hand into his jeans to adjust himself so he doesn’t look like a pervert when he goes back out.
But he was so fucking game.
He’d do anything you wanted from him - no matter if he could embarrass himself in front of business partners or fans. He was besotted, whipped, whatever you wanted to call him.
“Are you going to be good for me, baby?” You coo tauntingly, from the other end of the line. Basking in his little huffs of air and the agitated lift in his voice.
“Yeah, m’gonna be good,” he murmurs gruffly, his demeanor had changed now that he wasn’t in charge any longer - always willing to let you be dominant when you wanted to be. 
It wasn’t often - but when you did, Harry would fall into a nice, fuzzy headspace of compliance and submission. He always wanted to please and this amplified all of his desires.
“Best husband I could ask for, you know?” You reward, knowing that the games are just getting started and you wanted to make this last.
“I love you s’much,” Harry automatically returns, with deep devotion and honesty. His voice as sweet as maple syrup.
“Are you hard, H?” 
He grips himself, like he’d just remember, “m’really fucking hard for you.”
“Snap an picture for me, pull yourself together, and then go back to your table - don’t forget the rules.”
“Yes ba-“
Then you end the call while he’s talking.
Harry’s a little shaky as he swipes onto his camera. He grips the thick outline of his cock, rings glinting in the dull lights, and takes a picture.
He hopes it’s good enough and quickly sends it before splashes some cold water on his face and thinking of anything but his naked wife laying at home in their bed - wet and horny.
Jeff gives him a side-eye when he sits back down, casually throwing a napkin over his lap because he can’t help the semi that refuses to go down all together.
“You alright?” His manager asks him, the others still in the throws of tour venues and vendors discussions.
Harry nods, lying easily “the missus couldn’t find her phone charger - thought I nipped it.”
“You do love to steal those,” his friends agrees before cutting off one of them men to suggest three days at Madison Square Garden instead of two.
Harry’s clutching his phone like a lifeline, anticipating the indicative text vibrations that let him know you’ve sent something.
However, despite how many times he checks, fifteen minutes pass and still nothing has sent from you. He almost starts to worry if you’re okay.
But just like the sneaky little thing you are, you wanted to give him enough time to calm down and relax before rilining him up again.
When it finally alerts him, he’s unlocking his phone and opening the message thread as fast as possible. 
The picture makes his jaw almost drop on the fucking carpeted floor. You’re in one the large closets in your home- the one that holds all of his Gucci suits in particular.
There is a massive floor to ceiling mirror in this room that you’re standing in front of. You’ve slid on one of his custom silk Gucci button-ups that has styles embroidered on the breast pocket without doing doing up any of the buttons.
He’s an absolutely goner for you in anything that makes you look like his property - the large engagement ring and wedding band on your left ring-finger satiates that feeling quite well.
It takes he a moment before he realizes what else you’re wearing. Your fucking collar. It sat tight around your neck, the expensive leather biting into your skin.
Your one hand was holding the phone and the other had a hand teasing at one of your hardened nipples through the silk fabric of the shirt.
He keeps his phone in his lap with a dim light setting so nobody can risk a chance at seeing such explicits pictures of what’s his.
You look so good with my name on you, baby. Please, want to see you in just the collar, take off the shirt.
Harry fumbles along with the conversation, that’s revolving all around him, “Yeah, I loved Argentina. Definitely want to got there again.”
How’d you already forget I’m in charge? Maybe I’ll just go to bed if you’re not going to follow instructions.
As punishment - if you can really call it that - in the next image you don’t have the collar on any longer and you’ve done up a few buttons on the silk shirt.
Harry feels panicked at the thought of you stopping. He was in a nice, soft headspace clinging onto anything you were willing to give him - desperate to make you happy.
I’m sorry, baby. I’ll be good for you. You’re so fucking sexy. I can basically taste you on my tongue.
“Harry?” Jeff draws him out of his haze. He’s looking at him expectantly, eyebrow quirked, and a martini in his hand.
“What did you say?” Harry asks, eyes itching to dart back down to the screen of his mobile.
“Would you want Kacey to open for you again in North America?” Jeff repeats with annoyance.
“Oh, uh-yeah, that’d be great,” he tells them without really think about it.
He should be paying attention to this pretty important meeting but he can’t when he gets another alert.
The video is back in the bedroom, your delicate fingers sliding down your torso with the button-up pooled around your ribs.
Your hand slowly, at a near crawl- traces down with the camera until the manicured tips of your fingers are at your mound.
Harry’s stomach is tensing in excitement as he watches your fingers dip into the part in your slick, swollen folds.
He has to bite back a groan when the video cuts off and he reads the text below the attachment.
Was this the pussy you enjoyed eating so much you won a Grammy writing about? Was Howard right in his interview?
If Harry was in charge, he would have delivered a few resounding smacks to your arse for how cocky you were being - despite it being the absolute truth.
Did he write and win a Grammy based on a song about how much he loved eating his wife out? Sure fucking did.
Baby love. Yeah, wrote it about you. Write all my songs about how much I love you and your body. Everything is yours.
Harry is so good when he’s subby - is the thing.
Harry was a sappy sod anyways, always ready to tell you how much he loved you and thousand of other sweet things. This just amplified all of his warm, fuzzy emotions.
Send me a picture of your left hand
He hesitates for a moment, still nodding along to the ebb and flow of the business talk but having no actual idea what they’re talking about.
Harry places his large, wide hand flat on the table in front of him. He knew why you wanted his left hand - you were just as possessive as him. 
You want to see his long, slim fingers that feel so good inside of you. You want to see the glimmer of his wedding band as well as the tattoo of your name on the outer curve of his hand.
He doesn’t think to turn off his flash. It ends up going off in the dimly lit restaurant and blinding the table, reflecting off the silver flatware. 
He looks like a complete knob - taking a picture of his hand but also something weird Harry may do anyways and upload to his Instagram.
The men blink a few times and look at him with a confused expression. Jeff jabs him roughly in the side.
“Uh, snapchat streak,” he mumbles, tucking his phone back into his lap and sending it.
You were cutting it close, babe. 2 minutes, I don’t like waiting. But fuck, who’s name is that on your hand, who’s that ring for?
You, you baby. All of its for you, promise. I belong to you, only you for the rest of my life.
The response is quick.
But...you have girls falling at your feet, lining up to blow you.
A direct quote for the interview today. Brat - she knew how he hated when people assumed or talked like he had no self control or morals.
Only want your mouth, your cunt, your tits. So bloody gone for you, baby. Please send me another video.
He really shouldn’t be egging you on.
Your being greedy but you’ve been following the rules so I’ll allow it.
The video does not disappoint. You’re hand is nestled down between your thighs, pinching at your puffy, stimulated bud. Just the amount of pain you like. It’s a short clip but it has him wriggling in his seat.
He watches it again but before he can finish it - Jeff is snatching his phone out of his shaky hands and tucking it into his own pants pocket.
The manager’s obviously sick of the lack of focus and honestly, how disrespectful Harry’s being which is something he usual never is.
“Pay attention,” he whispers with a sharp, irritated tone before clapping Harry on the back to play off the scolding to the group.
Harry feels a knot form in his stomach as his phone sits stagnant in his friends pocket. His wife sitting, impatiently waiting for his response that she’s not going to get.
He watches his vintage wristwatch as fifteen minutes pass, he hears a few buzzes from his phone that go unattended.
Harry’s not fuzzy anymore - well not in a good way. He has anxiety bubbling in his tummy and his semi had finally disappeared from nerves of disappointing you.
He decides to engage in the conversation to keep his mind off of what is waiting for him at home. He craved to look at those images and videos again. To have it in real life.
It had been three hours since he responded. The people at the table insisting on dessert and alcoholic coffees despite Harry saying he was exhausted from a long day of promo.
At the end of dinner, Harry would love to lie and say he’s recovered from his shakiness but he hadn’t.
After shaking the hands of the record label men, he walks to his car with Jeff. He gets a nice talking to before his phone is being placed back into his hand and he’s sliding into his obnoxious vintage Ferrari.
He takes a deep breathe before he unlocks his phone. The buzzes he heard where not all from you. A few from Twitter, his mum, Niall. There was only one from you.
Game Over. You lose.
Thank you for reading💕🥺
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takamishinko · 3 years
hey its me again, feel free to do other requests if you have them but id like to ask if could you do a nsfw part 2 to denkis “your scars are beautiful”. or really just a denki x m reader nsfw scenario/smutshot (?) thing if you dont feel like continuing it, thank you in advance :D
first time writing smut ahaha this was fun to write
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pronouns: he/him
warnings: nsfw, swallowing, no protection
a/n: we could've finished this wqy earlier but we can't take anything seriously and fucked around for like a good hour laughing our asses off lol
e/n (editors note): wap wap wap wap wap 😹
you and denki just finished having dinner at a restaurant with the rest of the bakusquad. it was a pretty nice hangout thing you guys did often. every friday you guys would go to a specific place mina introduced to everyone and you all ended up loving the place. they had food that catered to everyone's taste, even bakugou’s hard to satisfy palette. 
you and the squad headed back to the dorms together, it was no secret that you and denki shared the same room since you two were dating so everyone else went back to their own rooms while you and denki headed back together. denki flopped onto the bed you both shared the second he opened the door, not before taking off his shoes of course.
denki sighed with content, "ahhh~ that place is good as always, it never fails to disappoint me with the burgers, i could eat them all day i swear!" he exclaimed happily. you chuckled at his cute antics.
"oh! we also don't have school tomorrow, woohoo!" denki finished as he stretched his arms out.
you weren't really bothered by denki's rambles since you knew he was the talkative type and tended to go on rambles a lot. but this time wasn't like the usual… it was almost like he was trying to hint to you something. 
you knew exactly what denki was up to. telling you the room was kind of hot, unbuttoning his shirt just enough so that you can see his pecs. while denki's body wasn't as buff as shoji’s or bakugou’s but it was still pretty well built even being on the lean side. you would also be a big ass liar if you said you weren't turned on by his actions. of course your boyfriend teasing you would turn you on.
though you knew what he was trying to do you kept up your clueless act because it was fun for you to tease him back a little. you were having your amusement playing innocent in front of him until the blonde male suddenly grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you down onto the bed. 
“heh, playing innocent on me huh? c’mon baby~ i know you want all this.” he said as he unbuttoned his shirt completely and took it off. his abs and pecs were irresistible and the proof was the hard on you had in your pants, you knew it well and so did denki. 
“i have no idea what you’re talking about babe~” you teased back, a playful grin forming at the corner of your lips. 
“fine! i guess i’ll have to show you with actions then.” 
your boyfriend’s lips pressed onto yours without any hesitation, his tongue immediately slipping into your mouth, who were you to resist him? the kiss he gave was sloppy but you didn’t mind it a single bit, it was actually quite arousing to you and you enjoyed it. of course you couldn’t let your boyfriend have all the fun so you put a little force into the kiss too instead of just letting his tongue swirl around in your mouth. the kiss between you broke after a minute or so, both of your faces red. you looked down and saw a bulge in denki’s sweatpants.
you licked your lips, “c’mon, take them off big guy~ you’re suffering in those.” you giggled with a licentious look gracing your features.
“with pleasure baby.” denki replied, nothing but pure lust dripping from each word.
you already seen denki’s cock before but something about the outline of it on his comical lightning patterned boxers turned you on to the max. without second thoughts you started to lick your boyfriend’s cock through his boxers, teasing him while you’re at it.
“why don’t you play with what’s under it instead?” he groaned out at the sight of you. god you turned him on so much.
you didn’t reply and pulled down his yellow boxers instead. his cock sprung out with excitement. denki was probably not the biggest, but it was definitely above average and enough to satisfy every last one of your needs. you wrapped your lips around his cock and started going further down inch by inch, using your tongue to lap at it as well. denki’s face contorted into pleasure. wanton moans inevitably escaped his mouth and they were like music to your ears. this egged you on and you hollowed out your cheeks as he fucked your mouth.
“oh fuck! y/n i’m getting close, ah- cumming!” he whined loudly.
without leaving his dick you swallowed every last drop of cum from you received from him. you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out to show him you enjoyed it, as if you were telling him “thank you for the meal.”
“that felt so fucking good baby… i want more, can i put it in?” he asked, feeling a bit impatient.
“you’re insatiable,” you chucked out, he rolled his eyes in response “but of course you can~” 
as soon as denki heard your answer he practically jumped on you to pull down your pants and your boxers together leaving your ass and cock exposed to him. you flushed at his rushed movements.
he cut you off, “you’re so fucking hot baby, i wanna fuck you so bad.” denki spoke with desire while looking at your lower half.
your boyfriend couldn’t wait any longer so he grabbed the lube that was sitting in his nightstand and spread some on his finger
“just relax alright?” he murmured as he spread a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and started to loosen you up. he started with one and eventually added two more fingers. you jolted a little as your entrance was explored but once denki had hit a certain spot your eyes rolled back of your head, your back arched and you let out a whine.
“o-oh fuck! denki!” you gasped out, your hips jerking upwards as he continued to abuse your prostate. tears formed at your eyes, you felt like you were melting, his fingers felt so good. 
your mewls shot straight down to his cock, “feels good huh?” he leaned down, whispering into your ear before nipping on it. you couldn’t respond to his sultry tone, you were so out of it. god you needed more.
"denki just put it in already..! i can't help it anymore. i need your cock." you mewled weakly, your voice hoarse. 
"alright~ don't blame me if i go a lil' too hard on ya now." denki grinned as he shoved his dick straight into your hole, hitting your prostate immediately. you let out a loud moan as he immediately thrusts at a fast pace.
you gasped and whimpered out, “a-ah! denki! slow down a little… too fast.” you couldn’t keep up with his pace. 
“can’t handle it babe? i’ll slow down for you then.” denki replies with a smirk. he didn’t want to hurt you.
denki then continued to make slow yet deep thrusts into your ass. they didn’t hurt like the first time you guys did but rather euphoric. his cock was hitting a spot that your fingers or toys could’ve never reached, a whole new level of pleasure. even though this wasn’t your first time it felt so good having your boyfriend inside you again, he never fails to disappoint you in the bedroom. 
“nggh, your ass feels so fucking good. you take my cock so well baby boy.” denki moaned. 
“y-your cock feels so good denki..!” you replied, a trail drool indecently leaving your mouth, mixing on the sheets with the salty tears that fell from your eyes.
he then again pressed his lips onto yours and invaded your mouth with his tongue. it almost felt like heaven, making out with your boyfriends passionately while his big cock hit your prostate over and over again. the pleasure made you lose yourself and you didn’t even notice that you were getting close, and with denki picking up the rhythm of his thrusts, you could tell he was close too. 
“d-denki! i’m gonna cum-“ you moan out loudly in a high pitched tone.
denki groans at the feeling of your walls tightening around his dick. “me too baby- let’s come together..!” 
and just before he could finish his sentence both of you reached your climax and both of you moaned out in shameless pleasure. the two of you stared at each other and tried to regulate your breaths.
“you felt amazing baby...” denki spoke with affection while holding your cheek with his right hand. 
“you felt really good too denki...” you reply as you did the same with your left hand.
the two of you shared a quick kiss before giggling. the two of you were fatigued after your activities, both of you quickly took a shower together and got into bed. both of you fell asleep while cuddling each other on the bed.
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kumzume · 4 years
glam ft. todoroki shotō [smhub]
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wc. 2.8k :3
warnings. ownership, soft-ish!dom reader, edging, v v lowkey pet play (u call him bunny lol), quiet whiny shoto, begging, miss k*nk (?), slight humiliation k*nk, crying, um
shoto todoroki was so pretty.
it wasn’t like he wasn’t aware — he’d heard the whispers amongst the girls back at U.A. about how attractive he was. that didn’t keep him from believing those words, his insecurities gripping him so tightly that he was unable to even imagine that anyone found him remotely appealing.
that is, until he met you.
when you first transferred into 3-A, the class was thrown into an uproar. you were beautiful, kind, and funny with a powerful quirk to boot! and yet, you never believed that you were better than anyone else, always treating every single person with respect — even bakugou (shoto couldn’t even pretend to understand how you did it but still, the behavior was so undeniably you).
it was all of your remarkable traits that ended up being shoto’s downfall. he believed you were way out of his league — you deserved someone emotionally available and sweet, things that todoroki felt, no knew, he was not. besides, with every single guy in the nearest vicinity falling for you, he knew he didn’t even have a chance.
so, shoto resigned himself to observe you from afar, watching your interactions with his closest friends and classmates, wishing that he could make you smile as wide as kirishima and deku or laugh as hard as sero and denki.
he knew he didn’t measure up and while he tried to make himself okay with that, he felt jealousy bubbling up beneath his skin when he observed shinsou helping you with your homework or bakugou training with you after school.
of course, he realized he didn’t belong to you or you to him and he had no real reason to be envious of whoever you chose to spend your time with but that didn’t stop him from fucking his hand late at night at the thought of you hovering over him, pressing soft kisses to his mangled scar and calling him beautiful.
shoto came embarrassingly quick with that fantasy, the shame and disappointment overwhelming him to the point where he’d purposefully ignored you for days after.
he could tell you were hurt by his behavior — he wasn’t entirely oblivious — but he knew it was for the best. you deserved so much more than him.
the both of you graduated and moved on to your respective agencies, shoto swiftly making his way up to the number 2 spot while you sat comfortably at number 17. neither of you saw each other very often but when you did, conversation was stilted and a bit awkward due to the intense attraction and inability to act on it on shoto’s part.
shoto was willing to go the rest of his life like this; seeing you briefly in passing, stumbling through a discussion with much difficulty, and then returning to his penthouse to hump his pillow and cry out your name.
it was a pretty good system for the most part. shoto had no worries about ever having to face his feelings for you and was content to live out his days suppressing his inner turmoil just for you.
unfortunately, the universe hates him.
at least that’s what he told himself as he stood in the center of a boardroom next to you, clad in your hero outfits and listening to instructions on an upcoming mission that required you and shoto to work together. alone. for days at a time.
what the fuck.
to be honest, shoto completely tuned out the minute he heard “one bedroom,” his mind racing with all the horribly tempting ways his fantasies could play out.
by the time the meeting was over, he was hard in his pants and entirely distracted as you attempted to make friendly small talk about your mission. shoto sort of felt like he should apologize for being an absolute brick wall, giving you curt one word answers until you decided to leave him alone.
he felt bad but what else could he do when you stood there, wearing your obscene hero costume that revealed way too much of your skin?
well, shoto was being a little dramatic but that’s how he felt! your suit was a play on the playboy bunny costume but instead of being black leather (he thinks he would actually die if you wore leather in front of him), it was a white, lightweight fabric that helped with your quirk.
it was entirely too sexy and reminded him a little too much of one of his secret kinks that he was determined to never let see the light of day.
it was going to be ok! he reasoned. all he had to do was do his job, ignore you like he’s done for the past 3 years and everything would be just fine — right?
wrong. so fucking wrong.
the mission had gone well on all accounts. you both had kicked ass, much to your enjoyment, and were able to go back home a day early!
you were so excited to finally be back in your own bed and away from the weird tension that being around todoroki brought. it wasn’t that you didn’t like him — in fact it was quite the opposite.
you found shoto alluring and gorgeous, his awkward yet endearing mannerisms drawing you further into the mystery that was shoto todoroki. regrettably, it didn’t seem like the man in question was on the same page.
every time you tried to speak with him, he would either stutter and blush or refuse to look you in the eye and give you one-word answers. it was actually ridiculously cute but he would always disappear the first chance he got.
it hurt but you weren’t one to push boundaries where you weren’t wanted.
that’s why that night, instead of going back up to the room to watch tv (uncomfortably, might i add) and knocking yourself out, you decided to go down to the bar and celebrate a job well done.
one of the perks of being a relatively unknown hero was that you could enjoy a night in public without anyone approaching you, a luxury you knew not many top 20 heroes could afford.
with that thought — and the memory of the stifling hotel room awaiting you upstairs — in mind, you made your way to the sparsely populated bar, sitting down and immediately requesting a drink (bourbon, on the rocks).
you scanned the area, counting the number of exits and patrons before your eyes landed on the handsome bartender down at the other end of the counter.
with curly brown hair, bright green eyes and a smile that could kill, there was no way you could lie to yourself and say he was unattractive. even as your mind briefly entertained the notion of taking the brunette out into the alley and fucking him within an inch of his life, your heart just wasn’t in it.
your mind just couldn’t stop drifting to the tall, dual-haired, oh so pretty, man who was (inadvertently) waiting for you upstairs. of course, you weren’t even his to wait for but you didn’t know how to keep from imagining that he was.
a deep sigh escaped your parted lips before you downed the rest of your drink, wincing at the burn it left as it went down your throat. it was getting late and you weren’t planning on spending your night alone with the janitor.
you sent the cute bartender a soft smile while pressing a crisp $20 to the counter. he sent you his own grin back as his eyes trailed down your body clad in your tight hero suit, licking his plump lips in arousal.
you were flattered, truly, but you were a little occupied with getting back to your room, changing into some comfortable pajamas and conking the fuck out.
the trip back up to your room was long and arduous to your sore body, the elevators being out of commission leaving you to take the stairs.
by the time you were at your door, you were so worn out that you were ready to collapse but before you could manage placing your key against the lock, something caught your ear.
“p-please miss,” a breathy moan of your name followed by a wet slapping noise rang out through the door. “i’ll be your perfect bunny, just let m-me cum, please-!!”
holy fuck.
shoto todoroki, the man you’d been crushing on since your years at UA was now touching himself to the thought of you doing god know what to him and he was calling you miss?
you felt heat flood your core, your knees buckling under the heavy weight of your lust. now braced against the door, you leaned your ear against the wood, determined to hear exactly what was getting him off.
more wet noises permeated through the walls — did he just spit in his palm??? — before a long whine left his pretty pink lips.
“m-miss, i belong to you, y-you own me,” he gasped, the creaking of the bed just barely audible beneath his wavering voice.
by now, you knew you’d soaked through the crotch of your hero costume, your clit throbbing painfully beneath the fabric of your panties. you also knew you should turn around, head back to the bar and order another drink, leaving shoto to finish himself off but you couldn’t.
your feet were implanted in place, ear glued against the door as you listened to your partner masturbate to the thought of you owning him.
quietly, you lifted the hand gripping your key to the door, allowing the touchpad to register before slowly pushing the door open.
the sight that greeted you was otherworldly.
the blinds were parted allowing a dreamy haze of moonlight to envelop the room, casting the pale man before you in a somehow whimsical light.
he was stripped down to nothing, lying on his back with a hand wrapped around his gorgeous, swollen cock, furiously stroking himself to completion.
the plump lips that you had spent so much time admiring were parted, allowing whines and whimpers to leave them sporadically as his lithe hips bucked up into his hand.
shoto’s eyes were clenched shut so he was unable to see your dumbfounded, painfully aroused face as you crept into the room, leaning against the wall with your hand pressed to your mouth.
it wasn’t as though you’d never seen a man naked before — you’d had your fair share of men naked in your bed begging for you — but this was something else.
this was shoto — somehow more intimidating than anyone else you’d ever brought to bed and yet you’ve never wanted anyone more.
which is why you were almost surprised at yourself when you opened your mouth and whispered, “stop.”
immediately, shoto’s eyes shot open, wide with fear and apprehension as he lied there frozen, his hand still wrapped tightly around his girth.
the both of you stood there staring at one another, neither of you able to move. you let yourself have this moment to look at him, your eyes tracking all over his muscular form before landing on his length, not missing how it twitched under your gaze.
“i-“ shoto started but he was quickly interrupted by your own voice. “s’this what you do when i’m gone? touch yourself to the thought of me? you’re so dirty bunny.”
it was impossible to hide the low groan that echoed out in the hotel room, shoto’s cheeks burning red in humiliation. a grin crept across your face as you made your way towards him, giggling to yourself at the way he moved up and away from you on the bed.
“now you’re trying to hide, bunny? you weren’t hiding when you were moaning out my name.” your hand slid up his thigh until it was resting on his sharp hipbone, an abrupt gasp leaving his chest.
your hand continued its trajectory, fingers trailing across his tummy before coming to wrap around the base of his cock.
“o-oh fuck, miss—“ a thick drop of precum leaked from his slit and onto your awaiting hand as a low moan departed from the dual-haired boy.
one of his hands shot out to hold yours, drawing your attention to his heterochromatic gaze. shoto’s eyes held so much emotion, small tears already littering his lashline while the moonlight illuminated his crimson scar. he was ethereal.
“pretty,” you hummed, giving him a gentle smile while your hand squeezed his in reassurance. you’d had enough experience to know that that kind of comment was guaranteed to get some kind of vulnerability but what you were not expecting was the expletive shoto muttered before leaning forward to press his lips to yours.
immediately, he was over-enthusiastic, his lips and teeth clashing with yours messily, almost painfully, before you took control of the kiss, slowing shoto down before slipping your tongue inside his mouth.
his quiet groan vibrated into the kiss as you deliberately laid him down, resting his back against the pillows. from there, you had more access to his body, your lips trailing down to his neck while your hand took its place back on his length, lazily pumping him up and down.
“m-miss!” shoto choked, his eyes widening yet again, holding you with his stare. you chose not to respond, instead stroking him quicker while pressing kisses to his shoulder.
“miss,” he tried again, this time more deliberately. “p-please tell me i’m yours...”
with him asking so sweetly, a few tears leaking from his gorgeous eyes at the overwhelming moment, how were you supposed to deny him?
“of course bunny,” you purred, leaning down to peck his nose, sending shivers through his body. “you are mine.”
shoto’s reaction was instantaneous. his eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth dropped open as he felt his pleasure begin to crest, determined to push him over the edge.
you, of course, noticed his body’s response and quickly pulled your hand off of him, painfully ripping his orgasm from his grasp. a disappointed whimper resonated throughout the room as shoto’s eyes found yours, staring at you with such betrayal that you almost found it funny.
“c’mon bunny,” you moved until you were kneeling between his legs, your hands leaving featherlight touches to his inner thighs. “you can hold out for me, right?”
shoto nodded before he could stop himself, desperate for anything you would give him.
besides, it couldn’t be that hard to hold off, right?
wrong. so very wrong.
it had only been 30 minutes but it felt like 2 hours since you started playing with him and keeping him from coming.
shoto was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, both hands tangled in his bi-colored locks, eyes squeezed shut with tear tracks now drying on his cheeks and his cock standing fully at attention.
it was purple, throbbing, and covered in precum as you licked a stripe up the side making shoto sob in pleasure.
he had never been harder in his life and he was certain that he would just die if you didn’t let him cum soon.
“p-please, please, miss, please, let me cum,” he babbled, shaking his head mindlessly while bucking his hips up into the warm heat of your mouth.
you chose to ignore his pleas while you moved your mouth over his tip, sucking hard while your hand pumped what wasn’t in your mouth.
“a-ah-!!” shoto shrieked, his back bowing off the bed, his orgasm coming on so hard and so fast that he felt like he was going to explode. “c-can’t hold back m-miss, i can’t, i can’t!”
your hand continued to pick up speed before you pulled your mouth off of him, toying with his tip while leaning up to breathe into his ear.
“cum for me bunny. you’re mine.”
with a cry of your name, shoto came, thick spurts of cum covering his abs, chest and thighs as his body convulsed under the weight of his bliss.
it was the most all encompassing orgasm he’d ever had and you, his former classmate, current partner, and future lover, was beside him through it all, helping him ride it out.
in the back of his mind, shoto knew he should be at least a little worried about how your relationship was going to change after all of this but he couldn’t bring himself to care. you were here and now, bringing him the most pleasure he’d ever undergone with nothing but kind words and a smile, filling his touchstarved heart with heat and, dare he say it, love.
shoto may not have been the funniest or the most open but you chose him, even if it was just for the night. and now that he unlocked how much he loved you, nothing else mattered — just you and him.
as he collapsed back into the sheets, his head just barely registering the cool rag wiping him down, he took pride in how he finally admitted it to himself; shoto loved you and he would be damned if he let anyone else take him away from you.
now, all he had to do was tell you but that was a conversation for another day.
taglist. if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you!!
@anikazoldeck • @hakunamatatayqueen • @alilsumnsumn • @sukunaslefttesticle • @hawksyoongi • @rivviespens • @kenmas-nintendoswitch • @myumyutie • @unicorngluttony • @bloomyagi • @shantellmcintosh • @queenhxla • @yeyehdom • @persies-main • @yikes-buddy • @nnmesis • @thehandsresisthim • @hinatabokeboke • @joongsite • @amazinghefi • @sarcasticambiguity • @mr-bombastic • @i-am-literally-deranged • @ch0pi • @aonjuh • @www-bubblefish • @meliorist-midoriya • @maizurie • @idkdude776 • @midarislonglostlefteye • @queerloser17 • @franklyrobin • @ravioliplease • @ashsera • @chirumi • @yamashiro888 • @xxjosiexx • @krstnn • @bbsista • @seij6hs • @franklyrobin • @chirumi • @melodysakura
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