#if you're HP stop
anotherrosesthatfell · 6 months
Meow mrrp vrp meowrorow :3???
Woofno, mewoof woofscaredd ofwoof wooff vrpwoofff
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etherealspacejelly · 1 month
Hi do you like the marauders fandom?
no. fuck jk rowling
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seeing a tiktok about how the person who made the video blocks every marauders cosplayer because they get second hand embarrassment from the cosplays : oh! myabe its just because the marauders tiktok community is really shit?
me opening the comments :
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me : oh
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
I'm so scared for the kids in the Percy Jackson show.
The racism that Leah is getting for playing Annabeth.
The worry that the fandom are gonna Kit Connor the kids playing Nico and Will.
Already seen people talking about others being creepy because they can't say Percy's attractive now.
Like we know by now the affect being a child actor can have and I just hope these kids are okay.
So glad Rick is looking out for them.
And yes there's a lot of lovely and kind people but I worry about how this fandom is gonna treat them.
How they're already treating them.
I don't care if you disagree with the casting choices, you do not take that shit out on literal children.
Most of you are grown ass adults and you need to start acting like it.
The shit people said to Hallie Bailey for playing Ariel was disgusting and the idea people are doing that same bs towards children is even worse.
And for what?
You know which character your most like?
Go touch some fucking grass.
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aethernalstars · 1 year
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*drops this meme and leaves*
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raziraphale · 9 months
I have never understood people that think love & monsters is the worst dw episode (I like it, sorry) but now that I'm 3 series deep into my rewatch I think the shakespeare code might be the worst one, or at least the most poorly aged. but I haven't even left rtd era yet so I might change my mind idk different horrors still await me
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rotisseries · 2 years
begging some of y'all to move the fuck on from hp. it is the most goddamn annoying shit any of you can make a post about. that woman did not invent narrative foils that woman did not invent the power of love and friendship those books are filled to the brim with cliches and tropes so she actually didn't invent anything interesting in those books. that woman did not invent anything except the wild lengths she'd go to to make everything in those books as antisemitic, racist, and transphobic as possible
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galactic-dragoness · 1 month
What I find humorous but also tragic is that the Harry Potter franchise is honestly mediocre. It's overrated and oversaturated thanks to consumerism, and JKR was just lucky.
There were and probably still are thousands of writers out there who are overflowing with more talent and potential that JKR could never fathom to harness, but are sadly overlooked because of the stupidest and insignificant little things.
There are plenty of people who made it, but don't deserve to. There are plenty of people who have absolutely zero talent but are considered superstars in their industries because they just happened to be at the right place at the right time. For every average celebrity, there are probably one hundred tremendously gifted above-average non-celebrities somewhere in the world struggling.
Don't ever sell yourself short.
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steakout-05 · 6 months
i think having TF2 as a special interest really early in my childhood influenced so many things about myself and my identity.... my gender is big men my sexuality is big men and my sense of humour is big men. i even named myself after the "very tiny and scrawny but still big" big man and i think about all the big men in TF2 on a semi daily basis,,,,,, anyway yeah i like the men in TF2 :)
#tf2#this post is nigh incomprehensible#this is the true effects of autism...... having such a big special interest that it literally influences half of your entire sense of self#i think this is why i feel gender euphoria playing crusty old source games#like i literally feel so connected to TF2 it's crazy#i'm currently listening to a TF2 YTPMV and have it in the corner of my screen and my brain is just going ''ahh... the song of my people''#i look at scout tf2 and i go ''he is just like me!!!''#man's got adhd and likes being an asshole to the other team on the battlefield and if that isn't relatable i don't know what is#i also occasionally play as engineer and i always put my sentries in the most bitchy spots ever#like you're taking a stroll over to the point and you're like ''oop. level 3 sentry that i can't get rid of because the fucker behind it-#-won't stop helicopter parenting it. welp.'' that's my gendar#scout main to engineer main redemption arc to scout main villain arc because my sentries kept exploding pipeline#that made absolutely zero sense.#i usually play on training mode because i'm too shy to play on casual again yet and let me tell you#the amount of times i've yelled at the engineer bots because they just won't build a damn dispenser next to their sentries is insane#like maintaining a sentry would be SO MUCH EASIER if you just built a dispenser nearby. like.#when you play engie you start to not even worry about your health anymore because you're too concerned with your metallic kids to care#it's like ''oh i'm at 2 hp. wow. OH SHIT MY SENTRY GOT HIT ONCE AND LOST A SINGLE BAR OF HP I NEED TO HEAL HIM!!!!! MY SON!!!'#and you never end up dead somehow because dispenser#and when you do die it's like torture looking at the spectating cam and seeing your sentry get shot at and not being there to help it#it's like ''nooo... my son.... please i need to heal my son..... i can't bare to watch''#i should invest in a wrangler.... hmmmm......#anyway this post is... so autism! it's great we love to see it!#autism#i'm very tired yet feel very energised.... i'm having a neurodivergent moment hang on#spy sappin my executive functioning#my brain is literally just 3 scouts and 2 engineers doing do si do with 'erectin a river' blasting really loud at the moment#YIPPEEKIYAHIYAAAAAHYKIYO - my brain when special interest
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is there a fandom you wouldn’t touch with a 39 and a half foot pole?
? '
hmmmmmmmmm . i try to stay neutral on here but like. probably never going to be into south park. or harry potter. they're just kinda bad media politically and i can't reconcile that? i think that's what i'll say for now.
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impishtubist · 1 year
Hot Take Sunday, Christmas Day edition: Ship names are fucking stupid and we need to go back to using initials for ships. 
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thehallstara · 1 year
i will just say. real weird time to more heavily be attempting to get into the games industry when the most talked about game at the moment is a thinly veiled allegory for wanting to murder jews
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death-rebirth-senshi · 11 months
"I leveled my character up to 200 because...why not, I deserve it" so true
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daggersandarrows · 1 year
(grumbling in the tags)
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on HL
I think the thing that bugs me the most is I keep seeing people try to both sides the HP thing, and like... okay. The author or Ruroni Kenshin is a legit convicted pedophile, not mincing words, it’s not a “cancel” thing. If you buy Kenshin merch, or watch the shows, you support him. As a child I loved that too, just like HP. NOT doing this shit is the BARE minimum. “No ethical consumption” extends to products like phones or food or whatever. We all live in late capitalist hell and a video game isn’t essential. “What if your favorite series [improbable thing] “ well glad you asked, so one time Fire Emblem Fates happened and I never purchased it for MANY reasons, the least of which being the shit that happened to the LGBT characters. Even though I love Fire Emblem. Even though it was painful. Even though I find some of the characters/plots intriguing. I genuinely don’t understand how you can ignore MULTIPLE minorities on this. The shit I’ve seen is unacceptable. IDK if this post has a point but there’s a difference between being ignorant and plugging your ears. You can’t be a centrist on this, bc being a centrist means people will still get hurt, and you’re still supporting that. Being a centrist means you do nothing, which gives the people causing problems... more power. Wowie zowie!
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thecodeveronica · 1 year
my hands are shaking and sweaty, but I FINALLY beat Minerva in Crisis Core Reunion
holy shit is that a relief now, I was afraid that would be the one thing stopping me from getting this platinum trophy, and I was going nuts with that second Judgement Arrow straight up killing me in my past attempts at 25% of her HP
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