#if you're a girl it's like...a yellow flag
raphael-angele · 6 months
Nico's Big Sisters
I have this headcanon that while Bianca is away, the cabins take turns looking after Nico and he gets to stay with them.
Nico, crying: Thaliaaa!!!
Thalia: Nico? What's wrong?
Nico: *incomprehensible babble*
Thalia: Okay, okay, calm down. Tell me what happened
Nico, pointing to some Hermes kids: Tho- Those boys stole Three.
Thalia: *looks over at the Hermes kids tossing around a dog stuffie with three heads*
Nico: I told them to give it back but they wont. And they kept making fun of it
Thalia, rolling up her sleeves: Just a sec
Thalia with dirt all over her and slightly bloodied fists: Here you go, Nico. *hands over Three*
Nico: Reyna...
Reyna: Yes, Nico?
Nico: I fell down the track and I scraped my knee and hands *shows his hands*
Reyna, sees his injuries: Aww, c'mon let's go get them treated.
If Zoë lived:
Bianca: Zoë
Zoë: Bianca, hello.
Bianca: You remember my little brother, Nico.
Zoë: Oh, yes, of course. Nice to see you again, little one
Nico, standing next to Bianca: *shyly waves*
Bianca: Nico made something for you. *whispers to Nico* come on, you can give it to her.
Nico, slowly approaches her: *hands over a jar of paper stars*
Zoë: *takes jar of paper stars*
Nico: Thank you for looking after my sister
Zoë: Well, you're very welcome, Nico. This is a very beautiful gift.
Nico, entering the Aphrodite Cabin: Piper...
Piper: Hm? Oh, hey, Nico. What's up?
Nico, shyly whispers to her: Can you make me look pretty?
Piper: Why do you want me to make you look pretty?
Nico, fidgeting with his fingers: Will asked me out on a date
Piper and almost all of the Aphrodite Cabin: *gasp*
Piper: Alright girls, we got a code Apollo! Let's move! Move! Move! Let's get this baby ready for his first date!
Annabeth: Alright. C'mon, Nico. Time for bed
Nico: Aw, okay. *climbs into bed*
Annabeth, sitting beside him: What story do you want me to read to you today?
Nico: We haven't finished the one about the big cat, the mean old lady, and the box yet.
Annabeth: ...you mean The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?
Nico: Mhm. We stopped when Edmund went to the mean old lady's castle.
Annabeth: Ah! Then The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe it is!
Nico: Rachel!
Rachel: Oh, hey, Nico. Did you need something?
Nico: No, not really. I was making something and Percy said that you might like it. *hands over a box*
Rachel: *takes box and opens it* What is it?
Nico: It's paint! The Demeter kids let me plant sometimes in their garden and I get the flowers and I made them into paint!
Nico: See? The blue one is from Morning Glory flowers, the red one is made from Roses, the yellow one is made out of Marigolds, the orange one is made from Poppies, the purple one is made from the Lilacs, and the green one I made from Leaves!
Nico: :D Do you like it?
Rachel: This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever given me ༼☯﹏☯༽
Mark, training Nico: Alright. Here's what's gonna happen. You want a candy bar?
Nico: *nods*
Mark: It's on that table over there. *points to table behind him* To get it, you need to get past me first.
Mark: Now, I'm bigger than you. So you need to be smart and think of how-
Nico: *punches Mark in the groin, and pushes him to the side, then goes over to the candy bar*
Mark, on the floor, clutching his groin: Oh, good gods!
Nico, can't open the candy bar: *goes over to Clarisse and shows her the candy bar* Open, please
Nico: (´。• ◡ •。`)
Later during Capture the Flag:
Clarisse: Alright, listen up! If anyone wants to mess with this kid, know that he is under my protection. You wanna mess with him, you go through me first!
Nico: *holding Clarisse's hand, eating a candy bar*
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sinofwriting · 6 months
Points Have Been Made - Charles Leclerc/Reader/Max Verstappen
Words: 3,363 Summary: Max and Charles find out something happened to their girlfriend. Note(s): Thank you Mak for commissioning this! Mentions of medical stuff, infertility (not reader). One German word, one Dutch word, some French words. Jenson Button appears in this fic, because uh, well, I love him and honestly, I’d like to think (write) him having a weird soft spot for Max (and Charles) after seeing him more recently around Logan.
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“Max.” He lets out a hum, his focus on the car and racing line into turn nine. “Box box.” “What?” His eyes flick up to where a yellow or red flag would be waved but there isn’t anything. “I’ve only done three laps on these tires.” “Box box.” His brows furrow beneath his helmet and balaclava at the non-answer.
Pulling off the track and into the pit lane, his fingers tap against the wheel as they pull his car back into the garage. He sits there expecting the mechanics to make some sort of adjustments but instead they start doing what they do at the end of a session, cooling the car down, prepping it for its next use.
He feels a slight pressure to the top of his helmet and then GP is in his line of sight, leaning into his space and car, perfectly helping to cover him with the mechanics and engineers, so the camera can’t see inside. “Something happened, Max. Session is over for you.” His heart starts thudding in his chest, panic threatening to overtake him. “What happened?” His voice is muffled by the helmet but he knows that GP hears it from the way his frown deepens. “Out of the car, Max. We’re doing our best to not let cameras see in, but who knows how long that will last.” Max looks at the mechanics and engineers and only now takes note of how they’re standing. It’s a carefully constructed wall, not allowing the cameras to see him at all. “Alright.” He murmurs.
He focuses on his hands as he disconnects the steering wheel, resting it on top of the car before pulling his gloves off. He doesn’t know why but he expects them to be shaking, but they’re perfectly still, like always. Jaw clenched, he stands, bending at the waist to grab the steering wheel and put it back on before hopping out of the car.
It’s odd to take his helmet off, passing it gratefully to Annie who whisks it and his gloves away.
“What happened?” He asks GP again. A hand is pressed against his back, pushing him to walk and he does. Undoing the near too tight collar of the race suit as he walks. It’s only once they’ve nearly disappeared behind the wall, where outside cameras aren’t allowed that GP speaks. “It’s about Y/N.” And the rug disappears out from underneath his feet.
“I’m okay, mama. I promise.” She says, tucking the phone between her shoulder and ear as she rubs at her head. “You're sick. And I know that neither Max or Charles is with you.” “I will be okay, I’m a big girl.” “Your my baby.”
Her heart clenches at her mom’s words. All of her friends growing up and even some now all thought of her mother as overbearing, with the weekly phone calls, daily check ins and texts, but she was her mother’s only child. She grew up knowing that she was supposed to have siblings, that she was never supposed to be an only child, but it hadn’t worked that way for her mother and it had made her protective of her only child.
“I know, mama. But I’m okay.” Her words nearly flatter as a wave of dizziness hits her, but she pushes it away, clutching at the counter with her left hand as her right rubs at her temple. “The weather just changed here in Monaco. Y’know how that goes.” Her mom makes a noise, not believing her. “Pascale will be coming over for dinner, to check on me. Charles' orders. Will you believe her?” “Oh, Kindchen.” Her voice is soft, so reminiscent of her childhood. “It is not that I don’t believe you. It is that you are always the last to notice when you are unwell.” “I will be okay and she will text you to update you. Now go to your book club. I know that it is today.” “It’s not a book club!” “It’s a book club, mama.” She laughs, wincing immediately at the way the movement makes her feel unsteady. “I’ll call you first thing tomorrow alright?” “Alright.” She agrees. “Love you.” “I love you too.”
As soon as her mom hangs up, she takes a deep ragged breath. Her hand on her forehead, that’s damp now with sweat which makes her nose wrinkles, grasps at her phone before setting it on the counter.
It’s only when it knocks into something she realizes she’s had her eyes closed and she doesn’t know for how long. Opening them, she blinks at how bright the kitchen is. Turning her head slowly, her nose wrinkles up again at how the sun is positioned in the sky. No wonder it was so bright.
Letting go of the counter and taking a step towards the living room, she swears when a wave of dizziness rushes over again and she’s clutching at the counter again. The edge of it digging into both of her palms.
“Fuck.” She breathes when it’s passed. She watches as a bead of sweat drips off of her onto arm. She needed a shower. She needed to shower before Pascale got here. With the reminder of Pascale coming in a few hours she takes a few more deep breaths before letting go of the counter and walking.
Only it isn’t just a wave of dizziness that hits her, but a tidal wave and before she can catch herself, she falls to the floor, head hitting the tile hard and knocking her out.
“What happened to her?” Max asks, feet seeming to be glued to the floor as GP tries to push him deeper. “GP, what happened?” GP looks around before leaning into his space, a hand on the back of his neck pressing, and Max lets him push his head down. “Pascale found her passed out, she hit her head on the way down. They’re still waiting for test results.” “But,” His mind is whirling, trying and failing to understand what is happening. “Where is Charles?” If GP is surprised by his next question he doesn’t show it. “He’s still out there. He just about told Xavi to fuck himself when Xavi told him to abort his lap.” Normally that would make Max smirk, chuckle but he can’t be bothered. “I need to tell him. He can’t hear it from Xavi or Fred.” “Andrea was going to tell him.” Max shakes his head. “She’s in Monaco. Charles can’t find out by himself.” He looks at GP pleadingly and the older man nods. “I know, go and get out of your race suit and you can go right on over. Fred is expecting you.” Max quickly claps GP on the shoulder. “Thank you. Thank you.” He rushes to say again as he moves quickly to his room.
Charles is grinning as his car is pulled into the garage. He doesn’t know what Xavi was thinking, telling him to abandon that lap. It was amazing. And yes he knew that his session was over, cut short due to a new setup that they wanted to try out, but it was fine. This track had always treated him nicely and with this car, it would hopefully even treat him to a win or he mused considering Max, second place.
Climbing out of the car and pulling his gloves and then helmet off, he doesn’t notice the way the engineers and mechanics are blocking the cameras from seeing anything, or the worried looks from Fred and Xavi. He just notices the worry on Andrea’s face when he catches sight of Max, standing just out of sight if you look into the garage, close to where the drivers rooms are. And he does notice the look on Max’s face, it makes his stomach drop and he rushes to him, not even murmuring a thank you to Jean who takes his helmet and gloves from him.
“Max,” he breathes, hands fluttering before they rest gently on his face. “What happened, Mon coeur?” “Charles,” his name is broken up by a stuttered breath. “Did something happen to Sophie? Vic? Luke? Leo? Jos?” Max shakes his head at every name. Dread fills him even more. “Y/N?” Max’s eyes close and he nods. “No.”
“Charles.” Andrea’s voice is in his ear, ushering him forward. “Let’s get you both somewhere private.” He nods, letting his hands fall away from Max’s face, though he can’t help but to grab Max’s hand, intertwining their fingers, needing the touch, and Max clearly does too with the way he squeezes his hand back.
As soon as his driver's room door shuts, Andrea speaks again before Charles can ask anything.
“Pascale called me maybe ten minutes ago. She went over to yours for dinner, to check on Y/N and found her passed out on the kitchen floor.” Charles makes a wounded noise and his already tight grip on Max’s hand grows worse and the barely older man doesn’t even wince or jump. Doesn’t seem to notice. “They’re at the hospital.” Andrea’s voice is somehow even gentler than before when he says it. “They are at?” “Yes.” “Oh, maman.” He murmurs, feeling tears prick his eyes and Max drops his hand, wrapping an arm around him, bringing him close. “They are waiting for test results.” Max says. “GP made me box. He told me and I rushed over here.” “I,” Charles shudders. “Is she okay? I mean she passed out on the floor. How?” “I don’t know. They only just got there or at least that’s what it sounded like.” Charles nodded. “Thank you, Andrea. For getting a hold of GP.” Andrea sends Max a look. “Of course, Max.”
Andrea leaves the room, leaving them alone and Max as soon as the door shuts, wraps Charles completely in a hug, holding him tight as he tries to comfort himself with at least having one of his partners healthy and safe in his arms.
“I,” Charles struggles again. “I should call someone to go be with maman. She shouldn’t be there alone. Not at least till I can get there.” “Charles,” Max starts to say and Charles shakes his head, pushing away. “No, Max. I know it is a race weekend. But it is just a two-hour flight away, I can be back before qualifying if it is not too bad.” “Charles,” he tries again. “I have to go. I can’t just be here while she is unwell.” “Charles,” and this time Max is holding his face, making him incapable of speaking. “I am going with you. Fuck the race. If it is bad, it is not like we will lose our spots in the championship. Everyone else is more than forty points behind, we will be fine. Let me call my pilot, the jet will be ready by the time we get to the airport.” “Merci, Max.” Charles breaths, pressing their lips together. “Merci.”
“Pascale?” She mumbles when she opens her eyes and sees the woman sitting beside her. “Did I fall asleep?” She tries to sit up but her head aches, making her groan, and Pascale is gently pushing her back down. “Lay down, sweetheart.” “What?” Her eyes wander around the room as she realizes this isn’t her, Max, and Charles shared place. It’s far too clean, sterile. She tries to lift her arm and winces when there’s a tugging sensation. Her eyes fall to her arm and more confusion builds as she sees an IV. “Pascale, what happened?” “I found you passed out on the kitchen floor.” “But,” she couldn’t have passed out. Right? Her mind struggled to remember it. She knew she had been feeling dizzy, but enough to pass out. “Are we at the hospital?” “We are.” Pascale’s hand pats hers. “I will be right back. I’m going to get the nurse, okay?” She nods and as Pascale darts out the room, her eyes land on someone sitting just outside her room. “Jenson?”
“Anything new?” Charles shakes his head, frowning at his phone. “Like before, they knew that she was dehydrated as soon as she came in but they are still waiting for everything else to come back.” “What is taking so long? Is it money?” Max runs his hand through his hair, before he looks at Charles. “Call them, the hospital. Throw your name around, prince of Monaco.” “Max.” Charles hisses. “I am not the prince of Monaco. And I can’t call them. Nothing will happen if I call.” He huffs, slumping back in his seat.
It's silent for a moment.
“Are you,” “Yes, I’m sure, Max.” He reaches over and squeezes Max’s hand before tangling their fingers together, lifting them to give him a kiss. “We will be there soon.”
She tries her best to focus on the doctor as they examine her but her eyes keep going to Jenson. Now inside of her room and standing in the corner, arms crossed over his chest as he watches intently.
“You have a mild concussion from the fall. The back of your head will be tender.” “But why did she faint?” The doctor frowns, “Normally I’d have the answer for you. But our lab is abnormally backed up and we are down to one lab technician. As soon as the results are in, I will be back to give them to you.” “Take your time.” She smiles.
Jenson shakes his head when the doctor leaves. “How does Monaco, of all places, have only one lab technician working?” “Jenson, what are you doing here?” He smiles at her, coming closer to her and bending quickly to press a kiss to her cheek. “Max texted me. Asked me to keep you and Pascale company. I was already here in Monaco.” She smiles at the older driver. He and Max’s friendship wasn’t too well known, but they talked often. Then she frowns, because Max had asked him. “Max asked you?” Her eyes then look over at Pascale. “I texted Andrea.” She nods. “Can you tell them I’m okay. There is no need to worry.” “Sweetheart.” “Pascale, I’m okay. I haven’t felt dizzy since I woke up, my head hurts a little from the concussion that’s all.”
Before Pascale can respond her attention is drawn away by the sound of the room door practically being thrown up and two voices on top of each other.
“Cheri!” “Schat!”
“We were so worried.” Charles murmurs, holding her face gently. “How is your head feeling?” Max asks, sitting beside her on the bed, arm wrapped around her. “I’m okay.” She smiles at both of them. “My head hurts a bit, but that will go away soon enough.” Charles frowns, fingers gently brushing over her cheekbones, before he drops his hands to hold both of hers. “Are you sure? I’m sure we could get you some meds.” “I’m sure, Prince Charles could get you some meds.” Max whispers in her ear making her laugh while Charles sends him a dirty look, though a smile is playing on his lips. “Don’t listen to him, Cherie.” She smiles at Charles, carefully leaning forward to press their lips together. Before being even more careful as she turns her head to kiss Max.
“Thank you both for coming.” “Of course.” “Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” Charles and her both look at Max, eyebrows raised. “Okay, I can think of places I’d rather we be.” He admits. Charles shakes his head, “so silly.” He murmurs, leaning across her to kiss Max. “Now, why don’t we have your test results back yet?”
“There’s a backlog.” Jenson says, grinning when Charles jumps at the sound of his voice. “Max sent me over to keep them company as soon as you guys figured out the game plan.” Charles' entire face softens and Max flushes at the look their boyfriend sends him. “And they only have one lab technician.” Max lets out a curse. “Did you try bribing them?” “I could go try if you’d like.” Max starts to nod, but a knock sounds on the door and it opens.
She watches as the doctor blinks at the two new people in her room but ignores them, focusing on her. “I’ve got your results right here. Hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar and I mean very low blood sugar. When’s the last time you ate?” Her brows furrow.
She remembered eating Tuesday night with Max and Charles before they left. A nice dinner that her and Max made, Charles pouring them more drinks or chopping and stirring things. But she had eaten something the next morning hadn’t she? Her head throbs as she thinks, but she ignores it, trying to remember and winces from both the pain and the realization that she hadn’t eaten anything since Tuesday night.
“Tuesday night. I was going to eat breakfast on Wednesday but we were out of my breakfast bars and then I got so busy and I just wasn’t hungry.” “Are you not hungry often?” “Sometimes. But even then I make sure to eat at least one meal a day, I snack throughout. I’ve never done this before.” They nod. “As long as this isn’t a normal occurrence, I don’t see an issue. But, you need to make sure you are eating often. You don’t want to be back in here because you forgot to eat and it made your blood sugar drop.” “Of course. Thank you so much.” They nod. “I’ll get your discharge paperwork done and as soon as you're finished with the bag, you’ll be free to go.”
“When are you guys flying back?” She asks, Max’s head in her lap, her fingers combing through his hair as she leans against Charles. Max makes a face. “We won’t be.”
Charles and him had both talked about it as they got Pascale home and she settled in. Their teams would be unhappy, but it wasn’t like they could be overtaken in the championship. They could live. And they had two weeks after this with no racing. Two weeks where they could make sure she was eating, taking care of herself. And she’d be going to the next race anyway. This had been a sort of one-off due to all the things that had piled up at home.
“What do you mean you won’t be?” “We can miss a race. Max is twenty points ahead of me, I am forty-seven points ahead of Oscar.” “I have so many questions about that.” She murmurs, because god what was this season. Checo barely hung onto fourth in the championship with George hunting him down, Lewis and Lando hunting down George. Barely fifteen points collectively separating third to seventh. Charles snorts. “Many people would like to know the same.” “You should go though. Put more of a lead in the points.” Max and Charles share a look, a bit hard with their positions but they manage. “No.” They both agree. “I can survive not even two days. I’ll go stay with Pascale. Have Arthur stay with me. Or Jenson since he’s here in Monaco.” “No.” They say again at the same time. “You are far more important than another twenty-five or eighteen points.” Max continues. She sighs, looking at them both. “Three stubborn people is way too many people in a relationship.” “I think it’s perfect.” “Suck up.” Max coughs and Charles flicks him on the forehead. “Says you.”
“Boys, settle down.” “Love you.” They chorus. She shakes her head, sighing. “If you will not go without me, I will just go with you.” “You have a concussion.” “A mild concussion. And we all know that you have flown before with a concussion, Charles.” He pouts, “it was just once.” “Twice.” Max coughs and Charles flicks him again.
“I will go with you tomorrow. Just please make the flight later than eight am.” “Done.” Max says, already texting his flight crew. “Thank you.” She starts to bend to kiss Max, when her face is redirected to look at Charles and he kisses her. She expects Max to whine but as soon as Charles is done, Max is turning her head the other way, no longer laying in her lap, to kiss her as well.
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@fanboyluvr @teti-menchon0604 @darleneslane @ironspdy @rewmuslupin @copper-boom @eutrizbea @namgification @eugene-emt-roe @skepvids @elliegrey2803 @stopeatread @hiireadstuff
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arcade-writing · 8 months
Little Bunny
Pairing: William Afton x AFAB! reader
Warning: age gap (reader is a grown adult), infidelity from William, pet names, minor breeding kink, Daddy kink, William is a shitty person, manipulation(?), rough sex, boss x employee, reader is unaware William has wife and kids (they're new to town and Will makes no effort to show he's married), reader is pretty oblivious, eating out, protected penetration, desk sex, minor pervert! William, scent kink, pussy slapping, Condom breaking, Praise kink, creampie, light degradation, he starts off 'nice' and then gets mean, alot of dirty talk, minor choking, overstimulation
Hey y'all... how's it been... I haven't posted a story since uh- April 17th, 2023 ....... yeah....hello again! I genuinely had the worst writers block & honestly horny block. Even when I started getting ideas and my thirsting back on, it was just never enough to write. I always hope when I start writing again it'll mean good news for my flow but, idk. (Also P.S I'm doing art commissions so if y'all wanna check that out you can right here , if you wanna, Just reblogging even if you're not interested would be really helpful, thank you!)
This is based off my own au so timeline may make no sense compared to the games and it is a rough idea - we're here for smut not lore. So please excuse the rough wages timeline wise. Just wanna say, I do not condone cheating or really, anything William does - but if you're crushing on a fictional character that kills kids you gotta accept he's gonna be scum. And sometimes you gotta embrace it a little.
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You were one of the newer hires since the business has been getting slower, one too many crimes attached to the Pizzeria's reputation. Missing kid cases connected to the business but no proof to say it had any real causality to them. Bodies never found, no camera footage, solid alibis. Nothing. But that didn’t deter people. In fact, it seemed to bring a morbid curiosity. Some wanted to feel a sense of scandal by just being in the building. It was a small town, everyone knew everyone. Hearing their family diner was the talk of the town for so many headlines was horrid luck in attracting outside locals.
Unbeknownst to you, you were Williams best employee and to him, his little bunny, he was obsessed with you. But he knew had an image as your boss and a family man to uphold; but that didn’t stop him from trying to get a slice of your attention and getting what he wanted. He was a selfish man; he tried of the perfect suburb he’s crafted for himself. Who was he to deny his interest in the new hire? Sure you were younger but that just seemed to go in his favour.
Abit thankful the town, even in their grief, were still held by the morbid curiosity and tendencies to still come. The small boom in business makes it feel like how it has to be. Even gave him a reason to finally bring their newest attraction; a new band to play now he and Henry had to practically remodel themselves to centre stage. Freddy’s little band was minor show they pulled when they couldn’t perform or either of the springlock animatronics were out of commission. But if William can still keep this damn business afloat; he can give the spotlight to his newer creations.
The kids were finally done demanding your attention; it was a slow day since it was still early morning and most kids were at school. A band of kids flagged you down and insisted on giving you a makeover. Reluctantly, you agreed and you had two little girls who put chunky plastic jewelry they won or had on you. The boys immediately tried to put face paint on you, putting messy yellow face paint around your eyes and a bit of your cheek. You were so thankful when their parents finally coaxed their children to let you get back to work.
Huffing as you headed towards the back of the diner to get to the staff bathrooms, the back was still semi in construction. Loose wires here and there, some unpainted walls. Your coworkers said before the press and the police investigation the diner was expanding it’s building but with everything that happened; it’s all been delayed. Meanwhile, William saw everything through the security cameras, watching the chunky computer flicker through footage. Spotting you head towards the back, where the cameras were still buggy, quickly heading towards his office door and opening it; just so conveniently opening the door when you walk past and spotting you. Wearing that signature grin under his scruffy beard, his smile stretching uncomfortably wide. Stretching to his eyes but his stare never matched.
“Ah- little bunny, hopping away from the job, huh?” He teased softly, knowing full well what you were doing.
At the sound of his voice, you jump as a noise of surprise slips out from you.
“No! Oh no-! I just wanted to get this face paint off!” You quickly say, not wanting my boss to think you were trying to slack off. Sheepishly gesturing to the thick yellow face paint around your eyes as your cheeks, feeling them heat up with embarrassment. You looked so stupid. He couldn't help but laugh, that was the reaction he liked – seeing you becoming sheepish around him. He can feel his smile grow wider.
“We can’t have you not look the part.” He tuts, using the still semi wet face paint on your cheek and smearing it on the tip of your nose, making a heart shape with it , his thumb now smudged with yellow as he liked the bunny-like nose he painted on you. It surprised you, eyes widening as you grew an awkward smile as you adjusted your uniform. Your trainers are scratching the back of your other leg, feeling the purple knee high socks roll down due to it. “I guess we can’t.”
“Let’s fix that then.” William patted the doorframe of his office before gesturing you to get inside, he wasn’t going to have you scurry off to the bathroom. “Come sit, little bunny, let’s sort this face paint, hm? I don’t want anyone else seeing you like this in public” He chuckled, moving out of your way so you could enter. “It’d be pretty embarrassing-“ William saw the way you squirmed at the idea of being considered an embarrassment to your own employer, deciding to give you some mercy as he finished his sentence. “-for you, wouldn’t it?”
You reluctantly agree, sighing as you walk into his office. Seeing the golden bunny plush on his shelf of memorabilia of his work. Trying to calm yourself down from your own prickling nerves, Fiddling with the wire bunny paper holder on his desk as you couldn’t help but chuckle at the obvious attatched he had to to the long eared creature. His eyes followed your every move; the bunny plushie was something important to him, something sentimental; it was a plush of the golden rabbit he once dressed up as. A victory statement to himself for what he got away with; he liked having trinkets of his achievements. He closed his office door, contemplating locking it but didn’t want to get too eager. Making sure the window was covered with the mini curtain; the more privacy the better.
He guided you to sit In the plush yellow chair beyond you, grabbing some wet wipes from the drawer of his desk. “Such a soft little bunny, can I touch?” He asked playfully, crouching in front of you as he turned his attention to your face, using a wet wipe to remove the paint smear from your nose first. Your nose scrunched at the sudden feel of something wet. The smell was always too clean – some just smelt acidic. When you sat down, you didn’t expect to get somewhat pampered, you knew William could be pretty hands on as a person but you didn’t expect this. He cleaned up the rest of your face without much issue, his movements were precise and a bit rough when it comes to rubbing off the face paint on your cheeks. The thicker spots and cheap paint make it cling to your skin abit more. When satisfied with the wipe and picking up the next wipe to start on getting the yellow around your eyes off, careful to avoid poking your eyes.
Peering down as he saw you fiddling with the fabric of your shorts; one of the reasons he loved the summer time. He got to see your pretty legs on show. He had the desire to run his finger down the length of your shorts, he couldn’t get the thought out of his head, like an itch he couldn’t scratch. But he held himself back, just as he did with the urge to pull you away from the seat right now and on top of him.
Once he pulled away you gently tried to dab away some of the dampness with your hand. Your cheeks stinging a bit from his roughness. Smoothing out your clothes to look more presentable as you hummed. “Thank you, Mr Afton.” You say, just reaching down to sort out your fallen down sock.
“It's not a problem at all, I have to make sure everyone follows uniform code.” William shrugged, throwing the crumbled wet wipes into the bucket looking pin by his desk. You were so oblivious to how obsessed he was with you. Letting him wipe your face clean and didn’t even protest. He often wondered what excuses you made up in your cute little head to not dwell on his behaviour.
His focus shifted as he watched you reach down, beating you to it as he grabbed your ankle and propped your foot on his thigh, wiggling your sock back up until it reached up just under your knee, giving you a pat with his signature grin. You knew this wasn’t very professional but he always seemed so doting; you just took it as perhaps it was just his instincts to take care of others. Unaware of the horrific things he’s done. His persona to others as this caring, sweet businessman – blaming him snapping at workings as stress and then gifts his employees with free snacks or drinks to make up for it.
“Thank you again.” You say. Nodding to your now lifted sock as you look down at him, still crouched before you.
“I already said it's no problem, being too polite can be annoying.” William stated, his words sickly sweet. As if just giving some friendly advice. Rubbing your knee as his thumb caressed it. He knew this might be inappropriate but he needed this and you were such a good little employee; you wouldn’t speak up, you were a good little bunny that does what he asks. Always trying to please the people around you and fit in as the new hire of the place.
He could still see the faint remnants of yellow face paint around your eyes that he decided to leave alone, it made your eyes pop, it made you look even more pretty. He gently grabbed back of your hand, holding the palm upright and used his index finger to draw his initials in the centre; marking you as his in a way you’d never know, his other palm was hovering over yours gently. He leaned in and made sure the blinds of the window were still shut; gently kissing your hand.
Which you, in turn, jumped at the kiss – the giggle you let out at the ticklish feel of his finger drawing on your palm cut off by the surprise you felt. Feeling the scruff of his beard on your skin as your lips part. “oh-!” Your brows scrunch, unsure how you felt about him doing that as you chewed on my bottom lip. One half enjoying the attention; enjoying to be doted on and his nice words but you knew that wasn’t what a boss should do. Glancing back over to the door; perhaps it was time you went back to work now you were all cleaned up-
His smile grew a little wider as your giggle was cut off. Seeing you glance at the door, he immediately grasped your hand with both of his, adjusting to rest on one knee as his aching legs screamed at him. "sorry, I just wanted to show my thanks, you’re such a sweet bun.” He lied so easily, quickly trying to dismiss your concerns. “That was abit forward, wasn’t it? I can be like that, how I was raised and all.” When he said how he was raised, a part of you felt a little guilty for being so quick to rush off. Assuming so poorly of his actions; not like an older man hasn’t kissed your knuckles goodbye before without ill intent.
“oh..okay.” you reluctantly accept. But you were still worried you may be enjoying his attention a little bit too much. Your stomach twisting, remembering you shouldn’t be accepting this but..it felt nice. My brows scrunched and twitched as your brain spun. It wasn’t like he wasn’t an attractive man, abit scruffy but he always seemed so cheerful and wanted to make others happy. Leaning into the plump back of the yellow office chair as my hands continued to fiddle with my work shorts. My brain screaming two different things at me it kinda just made me freeze. Go still until my brain could decide what it wanted.
William loved seeing the innocent expression in your face as he looked up at you. You seemed so helpless. You were his. The fact you were allowing this, excusing it told him all he needed to know. His mind was always the eager opportunist. How far could he really push this? His eyes falling to your ankle, the fact your foot still rests on his bent knee, you made no move to remove him or yourself. His smile turned sly as he bent closer to your foot, beginning to untie the knot of your trainer.
“It's alright, it’s okay.” He shushed softly, doing his best to come off soothing when his mind was running wild. One hand went to your thigh, pushing your hand from its continuous fidget as he smoothed his palm along until the fabric was bunched up as high as it could, exposing half of your thigh to him. His other hand taking advantage he had big hands to massage, squeeze and caress along your calf down to your ankle. “Those shoes still look new, bet they pinch.” His brow raised, giving the tip of your shoes a pinch.
“They do… sometimes.” You answer quietly, becoming a deer in the headlights at the feel of his palm against your thigh. Your heart rate immediately spiking as it thumped like a drum in your chest. Your cheeks growing warmer as you leaned completely against the chair. Hands going to the sides of the cushion, gripping into them. Unable to stop the soft sigh that escaped you at the feel of your aching calf being messaged.
He slipped your shoe off as it landed on the floor with a thud. “Poor little bun.” He tutted with mock sympathy, rubbing your ankle and the heel of your foot. Repeating the same for your other leg as he put your trainers to rest by the plush seat. Swapping hands to soothe your legs.
The scruffy man looked at your work shorts, an idea coming to mind. “Bet uniform can be such a pain at times, The summer heat must be doing you no good- they could cause chaffing, we should get you changed into a size that looks more comfortable.” He cooed a little more, trying to convince you by disguising it as concern. He knew you weren’t stupid; oblivious but not stupid. You couldn’t make decisions for yourself, He needed to do it for you.
Your breathing immediately stuttered. Your hands raised to your chest to fiddle with your own fingers. “I don’t know- I don’t think you-“ The words got caught in your throat as your eyes kept glancing at the door. Your mind was screaming to get away and not indulge but my body felt like putty when you felt your muscles relax from his caressing and firm hands. He had such lovely strong hands…you couldn’t deny you’ve thought about them before. He made machines, sure with Henry, but he obviously knew how to use them for intricate wiring and metal work. Your body was absolutely relishing this man's hands being on you.
“That’s right, you don’t think and that’s okay, let me do it for you.” He chuckled, his voice soothing but his words had some bite. A part of you made you whimper at his words; you didn’t mind the sound of that. Letting him think for you. His signature smile stretched high on his cheeks, moving your legs over his shoulders as he was still bent on one knee. Grabbing your work shorts, unbuttoning them and shuffling them down, abit awkward with how you were sitting but nothing that would deter him. You gasped as you didn’t know if you should lift your hips or just stay still. Sliding off your shorts as he hummed happily at the sight of your skin now properly exposed to his wandering eye, his tongue clicking when he saw you press your thighs together.
“Now, now, no hiding from me, I need to check if you have any chaffing.” He scolded, lying through his teeth with glee. Easily prying your thighs away from each other and forced your legs apart to ‘inspect’ your smooth skin. Grinning wider when he saw the little wet patch on your underwear, a shiver running through him. Oh you really like him.
You immediately tried to hide your face behind your hand. One hand covering your crotch to hide the shameful evidence of your arousal. Whimpering a little as your feet dug into his shoulder blades a little, your breathing getting heavier embarrassment. Trembling as you couldn’t bring myself to peek at what he was doing. Feeling as if you were in a dream; there was no way this was happening. But everything felt too real, too much it was making your nerves feel like they were being electrocuted.
“How many times will I repeat myself with you? No hiding.” His voice suddenly grew huskier, snapping at you. Firmly grasping your wrist as he shoved it away from your crotch. He wasn’t going to tolerate having to say the same thing no matter how cute you were. “Look at you, getting wet just for me…have I been a bad boss? Neglecting my sweet bunny? Does that spot need attention?”
He licked his teeth, his brows knitted from his previous annoyance but his voice dripping like honey as he looked down at you. Not wanting to wait for your response. Grinning wildly and staring directly at your hidden face. The fact he could get you this riled up and helpless in his presence excited him beyond belief. He could hear the sound of your little whimpers, sliding your underwear gently to the side to attend to that slick cunt of yours.
“there, there.” Giving your vulva a wet kiss as he shakily inhaled your scent, shuddering at finally getting to sniff it beyond finding left over clothes in your locker. Finding your panties in there was a jackpot, how angry and red his cock was after stroking it so mercilessly to your sweet scent.
Immediately, you let out a scandalised gasp. Your hands shot up and grasped the back of the plush yellow chair. Eyes wide as you shuddered, “Mr Afton-!” You squeal out as my feet kick and dig into his back as my toes curl beneath your socks.
He loved that response, that high-pitched little squeal you let out as your body became the epitome of vulnerability in his arms. He had to hold in a moan of his own, his heart feeling like it was going to explode in his chest and his cock straining in his pants.
“Shhh my little bunny, it’s okay, let me clean you up.” He shushed in a sing-song tone, using those hands to firmly press your legs still. Making sure you couldn’t squirm away. He huffed in your scent a little, giving more kisses along your wet folds, Each kiss leaving a wet smack. Letting his tongue trace along with the smallest licks, just teasing you.
You whine, back arching as your hands grasp and clutch at the back of the chair as your eyes squeezed shut tight. Your legs twitching and digging into his shoulder blades as you let out cracked whimper. “Mr Afton.. please..” you weren’t even sure what you were begging for – for him to stop and be professional? Act like it never happened. Or for him to keep going. You liked what he was doing – it’s been so long since someone’s given you attention like this, most guys only wanted their turns. Feeling the scratch of his beard on the inside of your thighs, prickling your sensitive skin.
William kept kissing and sucking gently, burying his nose into your heat as he peered up at you as he gripped your thigh and hip to keep you still. Only parting to coo more encouraging words at you. Wanting you to let go and be a good bunny. To be his. “You’re doing so, so good my little bunny.” Feeling no guilt to using his control over you as he licked a long strip up your pussy. “Let your boss take care of you, it’s what I’m here for.” He mocked sweetly.
It made your stomach flutter and twist; your eyes unable to peek, keeping them eyes shut tightly, as you sighed. Relaxing and sinking against the chair as you trembled. Your body is unable to deny how good his mouth felt. He let out a pleased hum that vibrated against your folds, his hand smoothed up your hip and pushed your button-up shirt up your stomach to keep it out of his way.
“There, that feels better, I think. Doesn’t it?” His tongue left a trail of wetness where he licked and sucked. Nuzzling his face into your pussy as he moved his head side to side, groaning as he inhaled deeply your sweet scent. He loved the sound of your whimpers, your soft little whimpers. How sensitive and responsive you are to his mouth. Groaning against your hot flesh as his other hand smoothed from your thigh, pulling your underwear more out of the way to make sure he could pamper your cunt with his kisses. His tongue prodded at your entrance as he kneeled fully, letting his nose nestle and bump against your clit.
“..yes..” you breathed out, one hand dropping from the gripping the back of the seat, your hand instinctively grasping his well kept hair. Brown and grey strands in your fist as your eyes fluttered open. Your hips bucked and squirmed with his continuous kisses and licks. Your lips falling open and unable to close them. His breath hitched at the sudden grasp of his hair, a low groan leaving his lips. “My little bunny wants more.” He hummed, his face moving to the side as he sat back a little to watch your face.
The way you bucked and squirmed, he couldn’t help but feel that satisfaction of knowing he was the one to make you do so. Seeing you grasping his hair as a sign to keep going. He knew he could hold you down and continue to pleasure you to his heart’s content. But he wanted to see how vulnerable you could become as he leaned back, his warm breath blowing over your sensitive spot. He wanted to see how far he could push you, to break you out of your shell as his eyes gazed up at you. Hastily burying his face back into your weeping cunt as he kissed up and began hungrily sucking on your clit. Feeling it throb against his tongue as it traced the letters of his name against it. Shaking his head as he did as he slurped noisily.
William pulled back for a small gulp of air, not wanting to part from your perfect cunt for too long. “How does that make you feel, sweetheart?” He teased, eyes squinting as his thumb caressed your tummy. “your boss making you feel so good, sucking on your clit like that?”
You mewl, tugging on his hair as your back arches from the constant attention to your sensitive bud. Just his breath fanning against it was making you shiver. “Yes- yes sir-“ but once those words left your mouth he tutted, shaking his head as he pulled back more. Frowning as he licked his now glossy lips. “No, no, bunny that’s not how you address the man eating out your pussy, now is it?"
“…n-no?” You stammer with confusion, already whining at the loss of his mouth. Tilting my head as I gave his hair another tug, wanting him to continue but all that did was make him slap your clit. The sting and suddenness made you jump with a yelp. A moan fluttering out your throat. Your legs squeezing at the side of his head, your knees bumping into his ear.
“No is correct.” William hummed, proud of your answer, caressing where he slapped as he raised a brow. “You should call me daddy, that sounds nicer, right? You can call me that, can’t you?” He coos, tilting his head as his nose crinkled as his smirk grew. Expectant eyes watching your every move, seeing the embarrassment grow on your face. Your lips opening and closing as you just let out a shaky breath. Slowly nodding but that earns you another slap. You let out a high pitched whine at your poor bud getting smacked.
“Use your words.” He ordered, his voice only growing firmer, this time not giving any soothing caress to the small sting. “yes…daddy” the word falls off your tongue, making your stomach twist and flutter. It felt strange but it didn’t feel wrong. Despite your hesitance he rewards it by bending back down, lavishing your sex with kisses as muffled praises left his lips.
Williams tongue was long And thick but grew a bit more slender to the tip of it. It dragged and lapped at your wetness as he groaned. His hand on your thigh, adjusting your leg on his shoulder as he kept his face pinned to your heat. The hand holding up your shirt tugging it up after unbuttoning a few of the bottom ones. Pulling the edge of the shirt towards your mouth and you bit down. Holding the shirt with your teeth as you slightly drooled against the fabric. With his hands free, his thumbs now on either side of your fluttering hole to keep you open. Grunting as he prods his tongue into you, fucking you with it as he sucks and slurps hungrily at your arousal. You gasp, shaking as your hands tug on his hair and try to pry his ravenous tongue from your sloppy cunt. It was too much- groaning deep into the fabric between your teeth as your eyes fluttered.
William plunged a finger inside you alongside his tongue. Only pulling back to speak. “don’t fucking try to stop me. You can handle it.” He immediately went back to work as your head flew back. Your legs are tightening and kicking against his shoulder blades. “I’m gonna-“ you whine, breathing as shaky as the rest of you as you squirmed. Feeling yourself dangle right at that edge as his finger hastily pumped in and out of you. Getting closer and closer – feeling so good- just as you reached right on that edge he suddenly pulled away, liicking his lips. Making you cry out in protest, eyes wide.
“Daddy- no- I was almost there!” You pleaded. Too needy to be embarrassed by the title for him as you gave another kick to his shoulder blade with the heel of your foot. He just tutted and shook his head. "No, you're only gonna cum around my cock and only then.”
Your eyes widen. Breath hitching as words caught in your throat making the shirt drop from your mouth. Unable to even try to speak as he suddenly pulled himself from in between your legs and grasped your hips, yanking you up. Bouncing you in his arms with a strained grunt as he carried you over to his desk. Grabbing what files he could and shoved it to the side – letting anything else be swiped off without care. Placing you down on the edge of the desk with a small thud. You hissed slightly at the small smack of your rear against the old hardwood. He unbuttoned your shirt at your chest, opening it up as he grinned at the sight of your chest.
“Daddy’s waited so long to play with these.” He breathed out, moving your shirt more out of the way to keep your chest exposed. Squeezing and groping at it, pressing against the perk of your nipple. Caressing it with the pad of his thumb as he hummed.
Your breathing hitches, puffing your chest more into his big hand, feeling dizzy from the way it felt like he was engulfing you. His fingers long but still thick, palm rough with work and age. You grasped his wrist as he kneaded at your chest as you glanced down and saw a prominent tent in the front of his pants. A small wet spot already formed from his own excitement.
Noticing where you were looking he used his other hand to unbuckle his pants, tugging them down to his ankles along with his boxers. Letting his cock spring free as it smacked against his yellow shirt, the sticky tip just smearing pre on it as it drooled. Twitching as your eyes were glued to it. He’s longer than any of the guys you’ve tried before, thicker too but not too much. “O-oh shit…..” You breath out with wide eyes, reaching out your hand to grasp it but he stops you. “Ah ah- no Bunny, you’ll make me cum if you do that, let me feel you cum around me first.”
You nod, and yelp at another smack to your poor throbbing clit. Covering your mouth to muffle your surprise as you panted. Removing your hand to respond as he raised an expecting brow. “Yes daddy-“ with a satisfied hum he strokes your tummy as he pushes your back more against the desk. Ready to align himself with your hole, his eyes watching the way it clenches at nothing in anticipation. Sticky with your arousal and his spit. Eager to feel exactly how good you’ll make him feel-
“Wait-! Do you have a condom?” You ask with a flurry of sense, so caught up in the whirlpool that was William and your need you almost forgot. Sure you’re already on birth control but you always preferred to be safe.
At the question, William huffed quietly. Forcing his uncomfortably wide smile back as his hand twitched. A flair of annoyance rising at your request but he wasn’t looking for any risk to this. As tempting as knocking you up sounded, he couldn’t handle another snot faced kid. Three was more than enough. Besides, he can’t let anyone find out about this. So with a nod, he walks around the desk and goes through the top draw where he spots a purple condom. You immediately felt relief upon seeing the packet; confused why your boss has it but thankful nonetheless.
Once rolled on he resumed his position between your legs as he stared down at you. Licking his teeth as his brow twitches, his smile still perked on his lips. “Now you’re gonna take daddy’s cock, aren’t you?”
“Yes daddy, fuck me!”
“Dirty bunny.” He chuckles with surprise. William lines his cock with your entrance, rubbing the tip against your clit. Tapping the head of his cock against it before dragging it down your folds. He grinned as he suddenly grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand to his dick and curled your fingers around it. “You want it? Then guide it in, bunny, be good for me.” You did just that, aligning it perfectly, your hips flexing as your legs adjusted at his hips and slid down on the head of his cock.
Immediately, Your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the stretch. “Oh-! You’re so fucking tight.” He thrusts a couple of times, fighting the resistance. He desperately held back the urge to cum, groaning as he slid in and out. Sawing himself into you as he worked you open with his cock. You already felt so much better than his wife. You didn’t bitch at him or refuse to let him eat you out. You didn't say no to him. And you’re so tight- squeezing his dick like you owned it. And William wasn’t a man to be owned but he could definitely get use to your pussy hugging him whenever he needed you.
His cock buried deep Inside of you as he eased in, nestling right against that certain spot. Making you let out a strained moan, eyes rolling back. “Easy, Bun, easy-“ he hushes, his stubble tickling your ear as he hunches over you. His teeth tugging on the shell of your ear as he let out a husky chuckle.
William paused in his thrusts, giving you a moment to fully adjust. Wanting you to become more needy as you squirmed. Rolling your hips as you tried to grind against him. Seeing your pathetic state, he gave you a second before he thrusts into you once again, His grip on your hips were tight. The first squeal of your wetness from his movements made him let out a rumbling groan from his throat. Pumping into you as he nodded his head. The resistance of your tightening walls growing less and less as his fingers dragged and kneaded into your hips. “Take it-take it! Fucking take it!” Skin slapping against skin, his grip on your hips as your body dug into the desk underneath you, you kept your hand to your mouth to muffle you.
Williams thrusts were getting faster now, his thighs smacking into yours as yours, your legs squeezing his hips which only pushed him closer, his heavy balls slapping against your ass, the desk creaking. Everything building together with his rugged breaths, your muffled whines. His eyes pinned you down as one hand snaked up your body to your throat, squeezing ever so slightly as his cock kissed your g-spot as he arched his back.
It all made your stomach clench, that tightening knot in your gut approaching quicker, clamping down on his cock with every stroke. “Gonna cum on my cock, bunny? Making you feel good?” he taunted, tilting his head as you desperately nodded your head. Trying to respond back to him as your voice cracked and your moans overcame any words you attempted to speak. “Cum on it, squeeze it tight, come on.”
“I’m gonna- ohh- fuck-!” you squeal, your eyes rolling as your back arched, panting as your hand tightened over your quivering lips. You could see his hair messy and no longer neatly slicked back, the part you tugged on and the sweat on his forehead ruining his hair gel made the tuffs sweep over his forehead. His brows tightly knit in concentration. “cum on my cock, little bun, go on.” He grunted, keeping up pace as his hand tightened around your neck. Just beginning to steal the air from you as your fluttering eyes remained rolled. Bucking your hips furiously as your orgasm crashed over you. Whimpering as came, and you came hard. Practically choking his dick as you did. Stars littering your voice as you whine, tugging on his wrist to let go of your neck.
With a groan he let go of your neck but his fingers twitched. Itching to do it again. He slammed his hand right by the side of your head as he kept a tight grip on your hip. His thrusts getting shaky and erratic.“Fuck, bunny I’m about to cum-“ he could feel the warm of your heat. Feeling the friction from the condom against his sensitive tip. Feeling it roll and shift, chewing on his bottom lip as you whimpered and whined.
“That’s it, Bunny, You gonna let Daddy breed you? Fuck you full of my cum, I bet you want that-“ he was cut off by you clenching around him. Groaning as he shuddered. “Ooh…Well your body definitely likes the idea.” He gleefully chuckled. Shaking his head as he kept fucking you. Chasing that high of his impending release.
You moaned louder, your hand slightly uncovered from your mouth to try and let you breathe and William sneered. Thrusting into your tight cunt brutally. “Shut up! Are that much of a slut you want the whole building to hear?” he speaks through gritted teeth, you immediately let out a whine, shaking your head. Your words are shaky as you quickly deny being a slut but he just licked his teeth. Tilting his head.
“Oh really? You're not? Why do you think you’re in this position then, huh?” He just grunts as he continues thrusting. “you’re a slutty bunny, just letting your boss undress you- letting him eat your pussy-” William groans, his sentences getting chopped as he panted. Bullying his cock into you over and over. “Letting him fuck you, this what you wanted, you let this happen – you’re a slut.” His words made you whimper, the truth stung but your mind was so foggy, lost in the haze of your pleasure, you could barely think. Just trapped being a squirming mess as he fucks you.
“Don’t whine, don’t act like it’s not true.” William scolded, sliding his hand just on your lower stomach, pressing down where his cock is inside you. “That’s my cock deep inside you, gonna deny that too?”
You shake your head. “No daddy-“ your response is immediately reward with him patting your hot cheek abit roughly as he nodded. “That’s right, can’t deny it – the sound of your wet pussy squelching and wetting my cock is more than enough evidence, isn’t it?"
“Yes daddy.” Your words came out slurred, nodding as your lips kept parting as you drooled. Eyes fluttering as you squirm and arch as your second orgasm is forced out of you as you squeal. Your feet digging right into his ass as overstimulation shocked you. Hiccupping as your poor pussy fluttered around him, each stroke of his cock against your walls made your veins spark.
That was all he needed, cursing under his sharp breath as he squirted thick ropes. Just registering how he painted your inner walls. His glues just catching the sight of his cum sticking to him and smearing on the lips of your pussy. A spark of satisfaction grew in him but also annoyance. Making sure to fuck his cum more into you as he tore his eyes away, you were too blissed out to even realize. Overstimulation already making your brain a mess. Shaking as you felt warmth flood up to your stomach.
He slowly eased out, looking down once again. “Oops-“ he says almost lazily, too riddled with euphoric high to pretend he cared. Looking at the torn condom, ripped and stretched at the thick head of his dick. His cum stitching to your cunt with a thick string. Your juices absolutely soaked him, making the rubber shine under the lights of his office. Panting as he pushes back his messy hair. “Well, this is one of those things you risk when you’re a slut, isn’t it? Accidents happen.” He tuts, having enough sense to fight off the smirk wanting to raise on his lips.
You see the broken condom and your stomach twists. For a moment you believe your heart stops as you watch him, tug off the broken condom as he throws it into the bin. Letting out a pleased hum as he grasps his dick, smearing his cum and your juices on your thigh to clean himself up. Raising his hand to suck on his finger and groans; enjoying the taste of you once again. Tugging his pants back up, he pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and pulls out some crumbled cash. “Here, bunny, I should take responsibility.”
With a chuckle William puts the cash in your trembling hand, leaning down to your cheek to give it a few doting kisses. Stroking your hip as he did. You whined when he pulled away, you were completely and utterly fucked. Your hand clenching around the dollar notes as you stare up at him. Your brain was utterly turned into putty. He grabbed your underwear from the floor, wiping his cum from your sloppy cunt but he didn’t return them. Putting your underwear inside his desk drawer, with a smile.
“Let’s get you presentable, I’ll send you home early, ain’t that a win?” He teased, giving your cheek another kiss before he grabs your clothes from the floor. Helping you redress and steadied you back on your feet.
“I’m hoping this won’t be our last time, bunny, you were perfect.” He reassures, squeezing your hands as he nuzzles his nose against yours. You blinked as you nodded, heart racing as you leaned against him. On your tiptoes to reach his height with a small smile. “Really?” You ask, voice shaky and quite. William nodding as he strokes your knuckles, giving your forehead a kiss.
“Go on, Bun, hop along!” He smacks your ass as he guides you out of his office. You stumbled out and tried to make yourself more presentable as you smoothed out your uniform and fixed a few buttons. You could hear your blood rushing through your ears as you went out of the pizzeria in a daze. Your brain is unable to stop the spinning wheel of his heavy breaths. His thrusts that left you still aching. Clutching the dollars tighter as you knew where you’d be going before heading home.
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shurisasthmaticgf · 8 months
daughter of hades blk! reader ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
summary: you arrive to camp half-blood and are the only topic of conversation. rumors already circulate catching the attention of one particular cabin which means you now have a problem with one specific girl. everyone is dying to know who your father is but you're trying to protect your identity unsure of what will come when he claims you as his own. what nobody expected was it all to happen on your very first night.
character list: hades daughter! reader, clarisse, grover, percy, annabeth, male oc (briefly)
warnings: swearing, fighting, mentioned parent loss, clarisse is a bitch
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You dragged your feet along the dirt pathway that led back towards the open grass training grounds of the camp. The other campers were enjoying their night after a long game of capture the flag you missed by a day. You were slightly appreciative that you got to camp when you did because fighting off a fury and minotaur in one day was enough. The entire idea of this place was just peculiar to you but you’d seen much stranger on the New York subways back home. One minute you were walking home from school half an hour after it began because some girl in your class lied and said you punched her. The next minute some winged lady with a bad pixie cut was trying to kill you. Not even three hours later, a minotaur nearly succeeded in the fury’s failed task. 
Upon your arrival people were interested to know who the new girl was that escaped the minotaur's clutches. Rumors began to circulate that you were a daughter of Poseidon because of the minotaur fight. According to one of the girls in your cabin, a demigod named Percy killed a minotaur on his first night at camp and got claimed as Poseidon's first son shortly after. Since you’d also “defeated” a minotaur in everyone else’s eyes that meant to them that maybe you too were a child of Poseidon. Everyone seemed to like that narrative except one cluster of Ares children that had been eyeing you all day in way that felt a lot less than admiration. It didn’t help that the rumors followed your every step and grabbed more attention the longer you stayed in the open. 
You had only made it a few steps outside of Hermes cabin and the amount of stares you were getting made your skin crawl. Just as you were about to give up on trying to make it to dinner, a familiar face appeared in front of you. The satyr greeted you, “Hey you’re outside again. I was coming to invite you to dinner. Oh and I made you something in arts & crafts.” He pulled a small crown of yellow and white dandelions from behind his back and placed it on your head gently. You couldn’t help but smile at the gesture, “Thank you, Grover. It’s beautiful.” The satyr stuck out his wrist proudly and said, “It matches mine too. Usually Annabeth and Percy are here to match with us too but they’re not coming back until late tonight so you’ll have to wait to meet them.” You weren’t sure if you were looking forward to meeting this Percy guy based on the fact that an entire cabin hated his guts and now you for even being associated with him. 
As you followed Grover down the cabin step you eyed the other teenagers around you before meeting his gaze nervously and he glanced down at your right hand. Grover stared for a minute then said, “I don’t think the axe is helping.” He chuckled and reached for the axe but you pulled away before he could touch you or the weapon. There was an awkward silence before he told you warmly, “You have nothing to worry about y/n. you are safe now okay? It’s just dinner time and it’s taco tuesday. So I’ll take this and you get some food, and we can sit outside on the beach away from everyone else. Deal?” You nodded and swatted his hand away when he reached for your axe again, this time he asked, “Then how about you put it back?” You followed his instructions and closed the cabin door behind you before he led you off to the dining hall. 
You picked at the last taco on your plate as Grover sat beside you and asked, “So do you think you know…” There was no point in letting him finish so you spoke up, “No. Daddy never told me or gave me hints about who he really was..."
Now that was a complete lie.
Truthfully, you did have an idea of who your father could be but there was no tangible evidence. The only lead you really had was poorly remembered dreams from your childhood. The dreams depicted you sitting on a throne of bones guarded by three vicious dogs with countless dead soldiers at your feet. Glittering obsidian and midnight blue marbling lined the throne room and the smell of bakhoor, incense, and spices clung to the back of your throat from your father's timeless cologne. As a child you recall him calling you "my little goddess" and teaching you that darkness and the dead were nothing to fear. As you grew older you realized that you truly were the only thing that mattered to him which is why you stayed out of sight for so long. He gave you the hints long ago but you never wanted to believe they were true. Especially after you arrived at camp to see that there wasn't even a cabin for your suspected father.
Grover continued staring at you prompting you to continue speaking, "Some could say Ares because I was always hot-tempered and starting trouble as a kid but…could have just been the absent father- dead mother thing? The Ares kids here aren’t my type of people.”
Grover nodded along and asked curiously, “Where’s the axe from?” You shrugged and answered, “I found it in my house as a kid. My grandpa was a huge nerd about that kind of stuff and used to collect and sell things like swords and knives and my grandma said it was probably just another collectible he didn’t sell before he died. As a kid I always thought daddy left it behind for me, kinda like a gift.”
The sound of a twig snapping drew both of your attention to a boy who was cautiously making his way to you both. Grover beamed and waved him over, “Ezra, hey!” The satyr turned to you and continued, “Y/n this is Ezra, son of Demeter.” You gave a genuine smile and the boy who looked around your age relaxed more and responded, “Nice to meet you.” The young demigod was fairly tall around 5’11 and his thick black locs with their puffy roots added an extra inch or two. Assorted colors of beads adorned each loc on his head right at the ends or the middle. He smelled of earl grey and cucumber in a subtle way that complemented the shades of green in his outfit and headscarf. Ezra stuck his thumb back towards the rest of camp, “Percy and Annabeth are back, and they’re looking for you.” Grover lit up and said, “Thanks man, I’ll be right over.” The demigod waved to you before disappearing down the path back towards camp. The satyr beside you excitedly stood up, “Percy and Annabeth are the ones I told you about. I know they’ll wanna meet you let’s go- wait. On second thought I’ll bring them to you, just stay here and I’ll be right back.” Before you could even say that you didn’t want to meet anymore new faces, Grover was already running back towards camp leaving you alone looking over the beach once again. 
The peace and quiet lasted no more than three seconds because through the lapping of gentle waves a chorus of amused whispers and snickers behind you. The same group of Ares kids that had been eying you like a meal since the moment you arrived crowded around you. The ringleader of the pack you’d recognized as Clarisse, pushed you with the blunt end of her spear. The thick, chocolate brown ringlets that framed her face swung back and forth with her laughter as she looked at you laying on the ground with food spilled on your t-shirt. She laughed along with her cabin siblings and murmured, “Pathetic.” The end of her spear pressed further against your sternum making it slightly harder to breathe in. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips when you remained silent, “What? Cat got your tongue? ‘Cause you sure had a lot to say a minute ago.”
Clarisse kicked the retracted bo staff that you owned, in its current form it was no longer than a roll of quarters. Your fingers reached for it, opening and closing them desperately but stopped immediately when her foot pressed them into the dirt. one of her brothers mocked you in a whiny tone, “You think Daddy weft you a widdle gift?” He high fived Clarisse and laughed before she crouched down and grabbed you by the collar so your faces were merely inches apart. Clarisse hissed with words laced of venom and hatred, “Nobodies like you don’t get gifts from the gods. We all know you’re not one of the big three so why lie to everyone about it?  You think you’re all special because you lied about fighting a minotaur and killing a fury? Lying about being Poseidon's kid?” You rapidly shook your head, “I never lied because I never said any of that.” She let out a laugh and continued, “Gods this is too good, too easy…let’s get one thing straight right now though. You’ll always just be a lonely little nobody. And I know for a fact your Daddy will never claim you as his own because you’re weak. That’s why you hide behind that little satyr all day, your little protector. But where is he now? Huh? Nobody’s here to protect you now.” She plucked the flower crown from your head and threw it aside allowing one of her siblings to stomp it into the dirt. 
Anger coursed through your veins and your eyes filled with a fiery rage you hadn’t felt since your family fell apart when you were eight. You gritted your teeth together and tightened your jaw then without thinking, you leaned forward and spat directly into her face. The crowd of siblings had grown to a larger group of nosey teenagers that oo’ed as as Clarisse let go of your t-shirt and let your head fall back onto the ground with a thud. The young demigod flipped her prized spear in her hand and pointed it directly beneath your chin by your throat. The very tip of it electrified and glowed a fiery red only a millimeter from touching your skin which made you swallow thickly. For only a second pure fear flashed across your face which was enough for Clarisse to know she was winning already. A sinister smile crept onto her face and you pressed your head back further into the earth, begging to the skies above for someone, anyone to help.
Your eyes fluttered closed and you heard a deep voice in the distance, “Hit the ground.” The voice was familiar of someone you knew but couldn’t quite remember. Nevertheless, you followed the command and balled your free hand into a fist before bringing down against the hard dirt and gravel covered earth. The force of your fist fractured the ground beneath Clarisse and her siblings' feet causing them to stumble back. The retracted bo staff rolled back into your grasp which you held in one hand. with the other, you reached for her spear and snatched it from her grip whilst spinning it back so the pointed end now faced her and her siblings who were lying on the ground. You took a step back and twirled the spear in your hands for show then threw it to the side which she immediately scrambled to pick up.
Of the six Ares blood teenagers, three of them were on the ground unconscious while the other two staggered to their feet ready to fight back. You quickly extended your bo staff and whipped it across your body knocking one of the boys back before swinging it quickly in an X formation knocking out the girl beside him. Bringing the staff once more across your torso then over your shoulder and around your head, you knocked the boy out as well leaving Clarisse the only one standing. 
Clarisse stood more angry than before now knowing that you were stronger than you looked, proving that she now had competition. Her cheeks felt hot as other campers watched the two of you standing before one another clearly questioning if she was going to be the one that walked away tonight. One of the smaller kids you recognized from Hermes cabin threw you the shield he owned. You nodded to him as a thank you and took a step back. Clarisse watched as you brushed one of your thick twists out of your face and raised an eyebrow which pissed her off more. Why weren’t you struggling? Why weren’t you afraid?  The idea of you winning pissed her off the more she stood there which was enough for her to lunge forward with her spear. You held up the shield and caught the body of the spear in your hand and turned around to try and slip it from her grasp. The girl pushed you trying to shake it from your grip and when you held on tighter she huffed and threw you forward not realizing her most prized possession would be thrown with you. Crackling and hissing sounds filled your ears the moment your back hit the ground and knocked the wind from your chest. Clarisse looked at the half of her spear left in her hand while the pointed end was still lodged into the shield in your palm. Blood curdling screams echoed throughout the entire camp and everything seemed to still around you as the teenage girl stared in horror. You walked over to her and pushed her back with your shield before she could run up on you. She hit the ground once more and you snatched the other part of her spear from between the arm hold. All of your thoughts were clouded with anger as her words rushed back through your memory once more. 
You climbed on top of her with each of your legs on a side of her waist so you were hovering above her torso with a smile far from friendly. You held one of her arms down with your knee while the other was trapped beneath her torso but she didn’t even try to fight you back anymore. She watched with her eyes now full of fear as you held the sharp end of her broken spear beside her face, dragging the tip of the blade on her skin but not hard enough to cause harm. You placed the tip underneath her chin so she was forced to meet your gaze, but a sudden cloud of darkness fell over you both. The curtain of shadows engulfed the two of you which took your focus from Clarisse long enough for her to free her arm and push you off of her. The shadows rose as you made your way onto your feet and stepped away from the crowd that had formed. The feeling of your heart pounding in your chest seemed to be the only thing you could focus on as the dark clouds fell from your head to surrounding your feet. When you could finally see ahead of you all that was there was the ocean, same as before. 
“Y/N!” Grover’s voice broke through the crowd as he manuvered through campers and stared at you with darkness and shadows pooling at your feet. A girl with deep umber skin and black waist length box braids stood beside him and a pale, freckle- faced boy with a mess of blonde curls that brought out his ocean blue eyes. The three of them along with every other camper and Chiron who followed the crowd stared up above your head. You looked up to see a long royal blue and obsidian bident, a black snake coiling up the body with two navy prongs pointed towards the sky at the top. A glow of midnight blue surrounded the bident and illuminated around you. It lowered into your hand and the weight brought a smile to your face as you felt a wave of pride in knowing what this meant. 
Chiron’s voice bellowed, “You have been claimed by Hades. King of the Dead. God of the Underworld. Y/N L/N.”
You turned to face Grover and his two friends with a sweet smile on your face as if you didn't just kick a whole cabin of demigods asses. "Hey I'm Y/N, daughter of Hades. Nice to meet you both." The blonde boy you knew to be Percy just stood with his mouth agape until the girl elbowed him. He scratched the back of his head and said, "Hi, I'm Percy." You smiled and shook his hand while the girl gave you a head nod, "Annabeth." Grover looked past you and motioned to the Ares kids on the ground, "You did all that?" Looking over your shoulder you saw some of them were now coming back to and you turned back unfazed, "More or less." Annabeth slung her arm over your shoulder and led you along with her two other friends away from everyone else, "Yeah I like you. We're gonna get along well I think."
authors note: i saw a lot of people posting their own fics about pjo so i thought i'd give it a try. i'm new to this franchise and i've only watched the show and movies. but i'm starting to read the books now so this is what i've come up with using the stuff i've seen, read, googled, etc. please be kind if there's something 'inaccurate' bc im still new to this!
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Hey Miles! What's your type?
Miles looks at his friends, "Hmm?"
"What's your type?" Gwen asked, "Like what do you see yourself with?"
Pavtri nodded, "Yeah, what kind of boy or girl you like?" Hobie stood listening them, his whole body turning into a curious colors; like soft green, bright yellow and gray with magazine and newspaper prints all over with symbols of curiosity fonts, and imagery.
"Hmm, I always did like girls like Gwen; smart, funny, serious, and vulnerable like good way. Like shows her sensitive side, I guess..." Miles explains about the girls he dated being similar to his old crush, Gwen. This got Gwen blushing so hard her face turns tomato red.
"Awe, love you too, man!" She plays off her blushing as she pats harshly on her friend's back. The two did like each other at one point, but it was at the wrong time. She needed to heal herself before getting involved in a serious relationship. Miles needs to deal with his own traumas and wanted the Spider people he was close to, to gain back his trust. So, they never went for it and slowly became close friends instead of lovers. It's safer like that.
"Ow!" Miles rubs his arms feeling pain on his back being nervous.
"What about guys! You said your into guys too!" Pavtri got close to his friend's face while holding his hand, even Hobie got close to listen.
"Well... umm... never really thought about it. I guess, the same thing as Gwen- um..." His honey-brown eyes started to drift away from eye contact being flustered. "I kinda like tall guys! Like really tall."
Gwen saw Hobie being pink, then stood next to Miles with his hand measuring Miles' height against his own. Hobie is a freakin' tall dude, being six foot and four inches while Miles only six foot. This made the teenager girl giggle.
"What else?" Pavtri asked.
Miles wasn't paying attention to Hobie and Gwen assuming they were being goofy with each other. "Umm... I always saw myself being with a guy that's edgy, likes music..." Hobie did a happy pose, showing off his outfit being punk and his guitar being, "romantic." The punker pulled out a rose being the romantic type.
"Funny, smart, not afraid to be sensitive, sweet with kids!" Hobie putting on a goofy glasses with mustache, then a book by Albert Einstein and pulls out Mayday from the blue while holding her. Mayday giggles at the punker being surprised he grab her out of home from a portal!
"Kids? You want kids!"
"No, I mean... i dunno a guy that's nice with kids is a green flag for me." Miles rubs his chin unaware of Peter 616 coming out of the portal to take back his daughter from the punker and wag his finger. Mayday merely laughs agains before waving the punker goodbye. The two went back to their world. "Oh, I always saw myself being with a black man, someone Jamaican or Caribbean but I wouldn't mind an Afro Latino or African or just black." He rub his neck.
Hobie happily stood showing off his tattoo of a Jamaican and Haitian pride alongside his West African flag to represent his descendants. Gwen snickers seeing how clueless Miles is being with his type. "What else? No Indian or brown love, Miles." Pavtri pouts.
"Oh, I don't mind that! I'm down for anyone." Miles shyly said, "I do like guys like you, Pav. Like sweet, funny and always putting a positive attitude!"
"Ohh, Miles! You make me wanna date you!" Pavtri hugs him having to nuzzle his cheek, "Hehehe, if I wasn't dating my Gayatri, you'll be my bae!"
That made Hobie jealous, turning grey with newspaper labels with prints, "Do not touch! Warning!"
"Hahaha, awe Pav, you're too nice." Miles giggles, then he said, "Oh, I like guys that are kinda bad boys... like they break the rules."
Hobie turns pink again, that is him. "Oh, and he cares about social views like Black Lives Matter, Women's Rights, LGBTQ plus umm... you know people's rights, heh. I guess, that kind of guy is unrealistic, huh?"
The punker looks surprised and exaggerated his pose into a big WHAT, with hands in the air and squatting. Gwen burst out laughing seeing how this is the perfect description of Hobie Brown.
"Awe, really?" Pavtri's brown eyes glance over at Hobie looking confused and lost. "I mean, I feel like someone already exists."
"I dunno... the guys I meet always be bums, then again I haven't dated much." Miles explains, "Oh, maybe this being a stretched but a guy with a nice accent is hot, y'know."
Hobie threw his hands in the air, Miles' man is right here. Pavtri giggles, "Miles..."
"You describe Hobie?" Gwen hums.
Miles looking flustered at his crush but the sixteen year old look so lost, "I did! Oh..." He glances over at the punker, "It's because you're so amazing! Anyone would be so happy to be with you, man!"
Hobie had hearts with his grey pop into a blooms of pinks being so happy, he picks up his friend with a nuzzle, "Awe, I love you, too, Sunflower!"
"Huh! Where did that come from?" Miles felt his face so warm, he cover his face being embarrassed by all this.
Gwen said to Pavtri seeing Hobie happily carrying around Miles like a couple. "You know... they are taking their sweet ass time to date!"
"You know, Miles... our sweet Miles is too shy and naive!" Pavtri giggles.
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idliketobeatree · 2 months
prompt: mindreading
pairing: crystal/niko (heavily implied, but can be read as one-sided pining if that's your jam), ficlet, 700~ words, T
"Wait, you want me to read your mind? You're not scared of someone taking a peek into that brain of yours?"
Maybe it's because of her own peculiar experiences with... not exactly unwanted, but genuinely huge mistakes of wanted guests in her head. But Crystal cannot fathom the idea to voluntarily make anyone privy to your thoughts, on a whim. She's done it enough for other people, sure; usually under the disguise of a case and protected by the motives, but she still had a preference of simply talking to people, hoping for the best that they would disclose the necessary information. Her budding empathy clashes somewhat with her psychic powers. There was a time she vaguely remembers, where she wouldn't bat an eye at using them for her advantage, even if it meant stepping on a few heads. Well. Not anymore.
It made something in her chest feel noble; a sensation she was not used to.
With great power comes great responsibility, et cetera, right?
Nevertheless, the casual allowance of Niko to make herself comfy in her brain, with no specific time slot seems intimate down to a T. Something you would allow under very specific circumstances, preferably after thorough discussion with the subject. A life or death situation, perhaps. It would be reserved for the closest bunch of people, unless your poor judgement decided to omit the jarring red flags and said, you know what, my scarlet matches your ruby.
There are choices you cannot go back from, as she is painfully aware.
In her lap, Niko brushes two fingers along Crystal's knuckles, from where she is cradling her palm. It feels strangely precious, encased in the softness of the other girl's hand. Crystal's gaze glides over to the intricate rings matching the long, beautiful pastel nails, decorated with small pearls and tiny ribbons. The touch brings dual sensations: there are the pads, soft like a cat's and similar to it, the sharper points of the nails leave blunt dents on the top of her palm. She belately realises, I wouldn't mind if you pressed harder. Make me feel it.
Crystal's gaze snaps back upwards, guiltily. She almost regrets it. The way Nico's face twists into a shy smile, Crystal feels the touch spark through her hand and race towards the chest like a livewire, a pulsing need. "I have nothing to hide from you."
"That's not true. Everyone has secrets they want to keep," she protests weakly.
"I promise to keep it G-rated," Niko laughs, and Crystal is lightheaded from it, glad she is already sitting down, because hey, did she just—
"Crystal. You need to see the bird."
Before she can cut it short, Niko lifts the hand she so generously cradled up to her forehead— in a mimicry of the main guy from— uh, was it the X-Men movies? Like she believed touching the temples while mindreading was essential to the process. Crystal's powerless against the flutter of her eyelashes when she's trying to focus and relax at once, the slightest of frowns gracing her forehead.
Her fingers are being gripped harder, determined. She wants to keep her there.
Crystal debates on whether it would work anyway, because how could she think about some stupid bird, when Niko is right there? An open, well-loved paperback, ready to fill you with strange images of her own design.
She gets hit with a memory like a pop-up ad, but without the surge of overwhelm and annoyance, the part where she's prying open inside smoother than anticipated.
The sight comes with a filter of pure admiration and some childlike wonder. The edges of the vision are swimming in bright, peak summer hues, teal sky and rich green bushes with pinkish yellow sparkling in the heat. Niko must have watched the scene from a sidewalk, and she had to be pretty close to see so clearly. The crow inside the memory drops a walnut from its beak right before a car drives over it, cracking open the hard shell, and the bird dives precisely half a second later, catching the remains of the nut in mid-air. Show off, Crystal snickers to herself. Surprisingly, she finds a familiar, amused chuckle reverbating around her temple. It's strange enough that Crystal gets thrown out of the vision far too quickly. She pushes the need to stay, down.
Niko cracks open one eye, apparently much too excited to keep going. "Did you see that? Did you see?"
"Uh. Yeah. I did." It's a tiny shock, to come out of the vision. "That was..."
Unexpected. Amazing. If I saw the world through your eyes, I wouldn't think it's genuine shit all the time.
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nerdygaymormon · 4 months
Happy Pride
I want to wish a Happy Pride to:
Green Carnations
In 1892, Oscar Wilde had some of his friends wear a green carnation on their left lapels to the opening night of his show. An elegant and witty character in the play—who paralleled real-life Oscar Wilde—wore a carnation as part of his costume. Why green? It was an unnatural color for a carnation, Wilde chose this since it was said that homosexuality was unnatural. The green carnation became associated with Wilde and his flamboyant friends, and spread as a secret code to show others that you're gay.
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"Be Gay, Do Crime"
The slogan "Be gay, do crime" has existed since at least 2011. The slogan suggests that crime and incivility may be necessary to earn equal rights given the criminalization of homosexuality around the world and a reminder that the Stonewall uprising was a riot. The slogan stands in contrast to the polished, corporate version of contemporary Pride, and shows that queerness has always been transgressive, regardless of its legal status. Part of being queer is being willing to push boundaries and protect one's self from the law since we have traditionally been attacked by it.
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Peppermint Patty and Marcie
Peppermint Patty defied traditional gender norms. She played all sorts of sports at a time when it wasn't common for girls to do so. All the other female characters wore dresses, but Patty wears a t-shirt, shorts and sandals and the only other female character not to wear dresses is Marcie.
Peppermint Patty regularly flirts with Charlie Brown and has a strong bond with Marcie. While we don't know for sure, it certainly seems that Peppermint Patty is bi and her best friend Marcie is a lesbian.
I can imagine Peppermint Patty organizing the school's GSA or an all-inclusive dance, and loudly calling out any queerphobia. I like thinking of Patty getting a man's suit from a thrift store and going to Prom where she dances with both Marcie and Charlie Brown
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Absolut Vodka
In 1979, Absolut entered the American market, but sales were slow. In 1981, Absolut starting targeting the LGBTQ consumer with the idea this group are trendsetters. Since 1981, Absolut has had print ads in queer magazines, sponsored events in gay bars, donated more than $40 million to queer charities and causes, sponsors the GLAAD Media Awards, and numerous major LGBTQ events in the US annually. Absolut has commissioned many openly gay artists to create ads, such as Andy Warhol, Nereyda Garcia Ferraz, David Spada, Keith Haring and Kenny Scharf. Supporting the queer community in 1981 was risky, but they have invested in the community and earned loyalty in return.
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Pink Triangle
In the 1930s and 40s, just as Nazi Germany required Jews in the concentration camps to wear a yellow star of David, gay men, bi men, and trans women had to wear a downward-pointing triangle on their chest. The symbol was reclaimed in the 1970's by the queer liberation movement as a symbol against homophobia, and then was adopted widely by the LGBTQ community. The community took this symbol from the holocaust to show we are stronger than the worst done to us.
The pink triangle has largely been replaced by the rainbow Pride flag, and a reason for this is explaining why a pink triangle is the symbol of the community required an explanation of its dark past and therefore was about what others did to us rather than a symbol representing who we are and our hopes & aspirations. Although it isn't used much anymore, it's important to remember the pink triangle as the first widely-adopted visual symbol of the queer community
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Ace & Aro Rings
Beginning in 2005, wearing a black ring on the middle finger of your right hand became a way for people to signify their asexuality. The material and design of the ring are not important as long as it is primarily black. It’s about carrying a reminder on our hands that there are others like us, and it's a way to identify each other. A white ring on the left hand of the middle finger is the aro equivalent.
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Eyebrow Slits
Eyebrow slits was a trend in the hip hop community in the 1990's and called "eyebrow cuts." The trend fell out of style, but was brought back in the 2010's by some male artists and models as an edgy fashion statement. Lesbians quickly adopted this trend, perhaps as a way of showing they aren't beholden to gendered fashion rules, and it quickly grew in popularity on social media as a way for members of the queer community to express themselves and signal to each other. It seems natural that a fashion style containing an underlying rebelliousness appeals to a group who are marginalized by society. The eyebrow slit trend largely has faded except among the LGBTQ+ community, and so has become associated with us.
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Nautical Star Tattoos
For centuries, sailors would get tattoos, often of images with symbolic meanings, such as the nautical star (which represents the North Star) which was believed to ensure a sailor’s safe return home. In the 1940s and 50s, lesbians were navigating the choppy waters of societal norms and expectations, and this five-pointed star tattoo became their compass, helping them find others like themselves. They'd get this tattoo on the inner wrist because it could be covered by a watch strap during the day, allowing women to hide their identity when necessary for their safety or professional lives, but could reveal it in safe spaces. This symbol was revived in the 1970's and is still used by some to this day.
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Online "Am I Gay?" Quizzes
A common experience of people who are gay, bi, and pan, is they find an online quiz that will ask a few questions and then determine whether you are gay, or will reveal how gay you are (as though this can be graded like a school test). Sometimes the questions are lighthearted, while others try to be more serious. Here's the thing, more than any quiz results, searching for this type of quiz is probably the biggest indicator that a person experiences attraction to people of their same gender. It can be helpful for someone to have a "confirmation" of how they're feeling, and thus these "am I gay" quizzes will remain a rite of passage many.
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In the early 1990's, Subaru was struggling. Sales of their dependable but plain cars were in decline. Subaru knew teachers, healthcare professionals, IT professionals, and the outdoorsy types bought 1/2 their cars in America, and they targeted advertisements at those groups. Soon they realized there was yet another core group, lesbians were 4 times more likely than the average American to purchase a Subaru.
Subaru began printing advertisements that made subtle nods to lesbians in a way that slipped past the notice of other Americans, such as having the license plate "XENA LVR" on a car. Many ads had taglines with double meanings. "Get Out. And Stay Out" could refer to exploring the outdoors in a Subaru—or coming out as gay. "It’s Not a Choice. It’s the Way We’re Built" could refer to all Subarus coming with all-wheel-drive—or an LGBTQ identity.
Subaru noticed a group of customers and created ads for them, a group which often felt unwelcome and invisible. The campaign was so successful that it became a stereotype that lesbians drive Subarus, even leading to the word "Lesbaru." Polls show that the queer community views Subaru as the most queer-friendly brand.
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141trash · 8 months
What's a girl gotta do to get more of that dad!Simon you've been hyperfixating on? 👀👀👀
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Ooh bestie I'm SO glad you asked. I was going to post it anyways once I found a good spot to stop. But since you're here I'm ready to share. Thank you for the ask much appreciated
-Dad Simon whose at the toy store nervously trying to figure out what to buy his kid. The daughter he never knew he had until now. It's her fifth birthday and sure he'd had a little nephew before, but what do little girls like? -You at the same toy store to pick up a gift for your neighbor kid's 5th birthday. You see Simon, a big hulking man dithering among the brightly pink splashed aisles and offering to help, but he looks so desperately lost and out of his depth -Simon looking at you this tiny short af woman with bright curly red hair (you've got a Merida wig on, but he doesn't know that). You don't seem intimidated by him in the least when you offer to help and he really just wants to do right by his daughter so he sucks it up and agrees that yes he really needs help picking a gift for his daughter -He awkwardly explains that he's military and hadn't had any idea that he had a kid up until now, but he wants to get her something to make up for the fact that he's been gone.
You purse your lips in thought, "I don't know that there's anything that could make up for absence."
adding quickly when you see the way his expression falls a little, "But if you're not too sure what she likes yet and you still want to get her something maybe get her something that she can hold if she miss you. Like a soft toy and then add something of yours to it so that it's personal to you both. Extra tags if you have them or a shirt or something."
Your voice trails off for a moment and then it's like a light flips on. in your excitement you grab onto his forearm and had it not been for the sheer surprise of how pretty the expression is on your face, he would have flinched. He doesn't like people touching him.
"Do you have time?" You ask almost breathless in your giddiness.
He raised his brows wondering if he should feel apprehensive.
"Don't need to be there till the afternoon."
"Perfect! Let me buy this and I know the perfect place to go."
Somehow he finds himself following you to check out and then over to your car. As you walk you introduce yourself, and manage to extract, "Simon." from him as a response.
"It's a couple blocks down, at the mall. Do you want to follow me in your car or come with me?" you ask popping the trunk and dropping your purchase among the other bags inside.
Under normal circumstances he would say follow, but with the way you're buzzing with energy and just how unthreatening you seem, he agrees to go with you.
The regret is almost immediate when you turn on the engine and nearly burst his eardrums with how loud the music is blaring from the speakers. He flinches and lets out an expletive while you rush to turn the sound to a more palatable level and smile sheepishly at him.
"Sorry. It gets me sometimes too." you laugh at the incredulous look he's giving you, "I like to have a party to up my mood when I'm driving tired."
-You towing the hulking man through the cheery warm yellow entry of the build a bear and waving to a friend of yours whose at the counter. After showing him the basics you leave him to choose and go speak to your friend. -Finally after a while you find him staring at the little section of army uniforms frowning at the green camo uniform. it takes you a second to see that even though he clearly wants to choose it there's something bothering him about it. The American flag patch on the sleeve His accent was clearly English of some sort.
"Is the American flag the only reason you're hesitating?" You ask him quietly. His gaze moves to you when you speak and he nods.
Grinning you pull one off the hook by the cardboard hanger and dig through you purse to find your to go sewing kit. He starts to protest when you immediately go to work using your seam ripper to get rid of the patch.
"There." You proclaim.
"Yer gonna get in trouble." He grumbles, but seems thankful as you hand it to him to go with his other choices.
"It's fine. You're buying it and I know the people who work here. The girl at cash and I went to college together." You gesture over your shoulder at her and when he makes eye contact with her she gives a friendly wave.
-You don't even question when he ends up with a pochacho dog with the army uniform and surprisingly a helmet that has a skull and flames on it instead of the matching army cap. You also hadn't heard the message that was added, but knew he'd done it because he'd leaned down by the station and spoke in his low gruff voice.
Simon on the ride back to his car with the paper bag on his knees glancing at you humming happily and finally getting the courage to ask why you bothered to help him
You glance sideways at him and give a shrug.
"Some dads don't even try. Some kids don't have dads. You clearly want to try and make up for last time. Why wouldn't I want to help?"
He wonders if you had a shit dad too or if what you'd been buying a t the toy store was for your own kid and the father was a piece of shit. It wasn't his business though so he didn't ask. Luckily for him, he doesn't need to.
"Listen. It's not really my business and I don't want to overstep, but just don't make promises you can't keep okay? Since you're military you're probably going to be gone a lot. Kids aren't dumb. They understand a lot more than people give credit for. I think if you really want to have any sort of relationship with her and you don't want her to hate you then be as honest as you can. She deserves that yeah?" There's a slight tremble in your voice that tells him that it's personal.
"Yeah." He agrees and he means it.
When you make it back to his car he lingers trying to think of what he could say to thank you. Because more than anything his daughter meant hope. A tiny spark of hope that he could have a family even after everything that's happened, that he's done. And in his head you've just given him the best chance at not fucking it up. He almost wants to ask for your number.
But he doesn't. He just memorizes your smiling face as you wish him good luck with meeting his daughter before he ducks his head and shuts the passenger door, gripping the bag tightly. He watches your car disappear feeling oddly disappointed to be doing so.
Tiny info dump beneath the read more bc I felt the need to add it in haha :)
-Why are you wearing a Merida wig? In this reader/you are a cosplayer influencer, but also do Princess Cosplays for little kid birthdays on occasion. Your neighbor's kid is suuuch a sweetheart that you absolutely want to do a cosplay for her birthday and were half getting ready before remembering the thing you wanted to get her for her birthday (honestly I really just wanted the moment where you and Simon are talking and where he sees you in the full cosplay and of all the things he could say to you he has to tell you that your scottish accent sucks because ofc he works with Johnny so he knows what the accent should sound like. and i didn't even put that in this part orz)
-This is in my head set in the USA and his daughter is a product of a one night. He doesn't find out until after the mother dies and is contacted by the grandmother. Literally could write a whole ass one shot smut of this because i have thoughts SO MANY THOUGHTS
I made a quick image of the build a bear he chose :) because I spent hours thinking about it and it needed to see the light of day. if i wasn't on a spending ban my delulu ass probably would have considered making a physical one because think of all the COD outfits I could sew for it
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green-enby · 1 year
Hello everyone! First post; I'm a bit nervous... I hope you're doing well!
I still don't have a clear idea of what exactly I could do with this blog, but there is one thing I'd like to share: it has to do with the Genderfluid Fragment Gender System (GDGS), a system of terms that specify what range of genders one is fluid between, and the issue of underrepresentation of androgynous genders in some of these.
(For extra clarity, androgyny refers to a state of being both masculine and feminine, as opposed to gender-neutrality, which means neither masculine nor feminine, although the two are often used interchangeably, hence the lack of regard for the distinction.)
For those who are here to learn, the main terms in the GFGS are:
genderfae (being fluid only between female, feminine and neutral genders, never a masculine gender);
genderfaun (male, masculine and neutral, never feminine);
genderflor (only neutral, never masculine or feminine).
By adding suffixes to these, you can extend the range of them a bit:
genderfaer (female, feminine, neutral, and partially masculine genders but never binary male);
genderfaunet (male, masculine, neutral, and partially feminine but never binary female);
genderflorer (neutral and partially masculine, but never binary male or feminine);
genderfloret (neutral and partially feminine, but never binary female or masculine);
genderfloren (neutral, partially masculine, and partially feminine, but never binary male or binary female).
There's also the genderfrith root and its variations, for people who always feel a connection to masculinity or femininity:
genderfrith (fluid between any masculine and/or feminine genders, binary or not, but never neutral);
genderfrither (binary female, feminine, masculine, never binary male or neutral);
genderfrithet (binary male, masculine, feminine, never binary female or neutral);
genderfrithen (partially masculine and partially feminine, never binary female, binary male, or neutral).
Finally, if you're fluid between all genders, that's called genderfruct.
In short, at the beginning of my gender discovery, I thought I was fluid only between a state of gender neutrality and one of androgyny, and I was surprised to see no term amongst so many of these to refer to said experience!
I looked to genderflor, but it does not, by definition, include genders that are in any way related to femininity or masculinity, so by extension androgyny. So how do you refer to that?
I felt like the system was a bit incomplete. So! I decided to take initiative and COIN new genders that extend the possible range of the main GFGS terms!
The actual names for the first 3 were coined by the blog @neopronouns, since I did not have enough creativity with words—I only had the flags already in mind. He just added a suffix to the genders, "-an", which is short for androgynous in this case. Genius!
So, I present to you...
Genderfaean (for pronunciation, a tip is to keep in mind that the root word is "fae", then you just add "an"): being fluid only between neutral genders and any gender that is feminine in some way—including when it is in combination with masculine, therefore androgynous. Masculinity can never be experienced on its own. (Example: fluid between girl, non-binary girl, agender, androgyne).
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Flag is the first, on the left; I put the genderfae flag to the right for comparison. The pink gradient stands for femininity, and I replaced the green-to-yellow gradient (which stood for neutrality) with a purple-to-yellow gradient, representing neutrality (yellow) and androgyny (purple, which I colorpicked from the non-binary flag).
Genderfaunan: being fluid only between neutral genders and any gender which is masculine in some way—including when it is in combination with feminine, therefore androgynous. Femininity can never be experienced on its own. (Example: fluid between boy, demiboy, neutrois, boygirl)
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Genderfaun flag on the right for comparison. The blue gradient at the bottom stands for masculinity; again I replaced the orange-to-yellow gradient (which stood for neutrality) with a purple-to-yellow gradient.
Genderfloran: being fluid only between neutral genders and androgynous genders, never solely masculine or feminine genders. (Example: fluid between neutrois and androgyne)
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Genderflor flag on the right for comparison; I replaced the green/orange-to-yellow gradients with purple-to-yellow ones (it's symmetrical).
Coining these next two terms myself:
Genderfloretan: being fluid only between neutral, androgynous, and partially feminine genders—never binary female or male. Can experience masculinity, but only in combination with femininity. (Example: fluid between neutrois, boygirl, demigirl).
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Genderfloret flag on the right for comparison. The darker orange stripes in both flags represent partial femininity. Replaced green-to-yellow with purple-to-yellow.
Genderfloreran: being fluid only between neutral, androgynous, and partially masculine genders—never binary male or female. Can experience femininity, but only in combination with masculinity. (Example: fluid between agender, androgyne, non-binary boy).
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Genderflorer flag on the right for comparison. The darker green stripes in both flags represent partial masculinity. Replaced orange-to-yellow with purple-to-yellow.
All the other genders of the GFGS I didn't extend like this already included the possibility of experiencing androgynous genders (e.g. genderfaer: female, feminine, neutral, and partially masculine, so this means this partial masculinity can also be experienced in combination with femininity).
That's it! Thanks for reading this through! Hopefully someone will find these useful :) [smiley]
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sonobeunitsarecool · 5 months
Milgram LINE stickers - Amane
arma bianca LINE stickers
...mood whiplash. I have three slides (I'm just doing this in google slides) for the stickers from The Purge March, because the flags have text on them. Plus the little * things will be in two bits, because some of the words used in the songs are... kind of funny in their childishness?
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* In Japan, it's common for a circle (O) to mean the same as a tick mark in English. It just means "correct", and the X is the same thing for both languages. What Amane is doing is holding her arms up to make an O, to show that she is correct in her answer (kind of like a gameshow, and she is the host). In the second image her arms are still in the O, but her answer was wrong, so the X is on the little stand in front of her, as well as behind her (like she's in a gameshow, but as a contestant). The one that I've captioned as "No, bad girl!" has めっだよ on it, which is kind of like... when you go, "hey!" to a kid or a pet that's doing something wrong. It's a warning/reprimand. Amane is either treating herself like a small child, or like a pet that needs training. "It is indeed" is... kind of a poor translation. The text is ですよ, with です used as "it is". So, at the end of sentences like "I'm happy", "It's a box", that kind of thing. よ sort of... is like "y'know". A better translation here would be "(and ---), is that!".
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* It's captioned as "'Tis ordained", because that's what the English subtitles say when it's said. However I am not entirely sure what it means here, probably something along the lines of listing, or saying that these are the "first" things you should consider? “Doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, GUILTY” is just... "(absolutely 5x) unforgivable" in Japanese. I think the subtitles give the right feeling, and also I just think it's more interesting that way. Imagine if it was "very, very, very, very, very GUILTY". That's no fun! The flags... Pink: 人は運命を生きよ/"Thou shall follow thine destiny" More directly: One should live their destiny Blue: 人は卑きを捨てよ/"Thou shall discard vulgarity" More directly: One should renounce what is despicable Yellow: 信じたものに納めよ/"Thou shall deliver unto those thou believest in" More directly: Give back to those you believe in Green: 道を外れずに果てよ/"Thou shall follow thine course, then perish" More directly: Do not stray from your path, and make it to the end Yeah, it's not exactly such "old-timey" words, in the Japanese, but they all still read as "commandments", of a sort. Same kind of thing... but maybe a little less ominous...?
Wow that's a lot. One more! (has nothing to do with the stickers) In The Purge March, the part where Amane goes, "You're sorry? I don't care!" is 謝ったって、べーだ! in Japanese. The first part is the same, but べーだ! doesn't quite mean "I don't care" in Japanese. It's the sound made when pulling down your eyelid and poking out your tongue, a childish and mocking act. It's kind of like putting your hands near your face, wiggling your fingers, and blowing a raspberry. ...I guess that means "I don't care!", but the whole thing is just so childish and petty. I love it. Amane is so very "I'm not a kid! (at least when you're watching me)", but also "Doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, PETTY" and I love her for it.
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iluvshinytwink · 1 year
heyy so i have a rq bc god save me your angst writings are the best ✨
i was wondering if you could write a lil fic abt Jude where he cheats on the reader and she finds out via social media and then she breaks things off and he's super broken and stuff and he all of a sudden remembers all the happy memories and the ending is bittersweet and there's no fluff except for the memories? like the ending is super sad?
you're writing is actually the best i've read in tumblr like girl publish a book already 😍
Lovefool - Jude Bellingham
"Dear I fear we're facing a problem. You love me no longer, I know and maybe there's nothing that I can do, to make you do."
Now Playing . . . Lovefool by The Cardigans
It's crazy how a few hours night out could break your relationship with someone/ The mind makes you do things, your body makes you do things, your emotions make you do things you know deep down in your heart you'll regret when you wake up in the morning. And yet you still do it.
Jude went out with his teammates to celebrate a huge win for their season. You declined Jude's offer to accompany him and he accepted your refusal with a small smile.
You remember bidding your boyfriend goodbye as he stepped into his car, waving your hand with a smile.
"Be back before 2." you said. Jude pops his head out his window with a smile. "Okay, ma." Jude said jokingly.
You went back in the house as the car drove away from the driveway and the hours ticked to what would be the end of your relationship.
You woke up in your bed as usual, the air around you felt awkwardly cold. Your head turns beside you and the side of your bed was left empty. The sheets you didn't hog and you reserved for your boyfriend was still there, clean and untouched. A red flag went off in your mind. Something was wrong but you didn't know whether to panic or stay calm.
Your hand reaches for your cellphone. Your lockscreen was filled with notifications. Twitter and Instagram quickly filled your notifications. Your eyebrows knit in confusion.
You clicked on one of the notifications and it leads you to Twitter where a video plays.
In the video, the atmosphere was dark and the only source of lights were artificial lights coloring red, blue, and yellow. The camera shakes and the music was loud. The camera then pans to a man, a man you knew all too well. A man that you found was your boyfriend.
Jude's hand was secured on the girl's neck as the camera's flash helped you see that Jude and this girl's lips were connecting.
Your heart dropped and a lump crawled up your throat. Your head spun as you tried to contain your thoughts. You felt sick. The video kept playing and your hand instinctively threw the phone into the bed.
Your hand touched your mouth as tears quickly fell from your eyes. You sobbed into your hand. Your body shook.
Did he love you no longer? Did he drop signs that you were too love-sick to see?
Did he lose feelings whilst you clung onto them?
That wasn't Jude, that couldn't be Jude. You thought to yourself as more tears brimmed your eyes.
Suddenly, you hear the front door open. Your heart dropped once more.
Why would he do this to me, to himself? You thought.
Footsteps began ascending the stairs. Your teeth bit into the palm of your hand as you tried to think of something, anything but the video you just saw.
What were you going to do? Turn a blind eye and act like you saw nothing? Or face him for what he did wrong and risk losing the person you spent loving for all these years?
Before you could conclude to your final answer a figure appears on your bedroom door.
Your stomach twisted into knots and you felt sick once more. Jude looked at you with a tired and sympathetic expression.
He knew what he did.
And by the tears streaming down your face, you did too.
Your hand removes from your mouth, Jude feels his heart breaking away.
You stood up with shaky legs.
"Why?" you whispered. Jude's hand began accumulating sweat as his heart began beating out of his chest.
He asked himself the same thing. Why? Why did he do this to you? After years he had loved you unconditionally, why?
"I'm sorry." he croaked, tears of his own slipping down his cheek.
Your legs walked toward him. You didn't know what to do, what to think. You loved Jude, you did. But did he love you back after what he had done to you?
"I thought you loved me." you whispered, looking into his eyes. "I do, baby. I love you so much." he whispered, his hand shaking. He wanted to hug you, to kiss you. But he knew dee down you wouldn't kiss back. He knew that if he kissed your lips, your lips were loyal to him, and his weren't.
His eyes were glossed with tears and feelings. Emotions that you could only describe as pity and sadness. But those were the eyes you longed to look at everyday. The eyes which you loved. The eyes that once looked at you with nothing but adoration.
You wanted to find in the depths of your heart any sympathy you had to forgive him because you wanted to believe that he truly did love you. His lips were yours even if his lips kissed another.
"You don't mean that." you hissed. "If you did, you wouldn't have done that to me." you looked at Jude in his eyes once more. His eyes broke underneath yours. Your eyes were glossy from old and new tears and it was because of him.
"I'm sorry." Jude whispered, his hand nearing to touch your shoulder which your hand quickly flicked away. "Don't." you said lowly.
You slipped out the bedroom door, quickly making your way down the stairs leaving Jude by himself and his thoughts.
There was nothing you could do. If he had fallen out of love, you would accept that. If you spent your years loving him for all of that to be thrown away in a night, you would accept that. If you could accept the fact that the lips you thought were yours and yours alone, you could.
Minutes pass and Jude hears the door slams shut.
Jude looks down on the ground, tears falling.
Memories quickly surge his mind.
Never again would he hold your hands when he was nervous, happy, or sad. Never would he hear your laughter that echoed throughout his mind every time he heard it. Never would he see the smile that made his heart ache. And never would he hear the heartbeat that once beated for him and only him.
The eyes that once looked at him lovingly with nothing but love, looked at him with hatred. The lips that brought words of affirmation and affection spat venom and acid.
The heart that mended his own, he broke.
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arent-we · 5 months
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Beauty isn't a real magic but kindness is
"But for a lady as charming and elegant as you, perhaps I can make some exceptions." -?
"I'll show you the beauty of cosmos" -Y/n
What if a reader who has the face of Cayena? But have a different personality?
Orter x Reader
A lady from a foreign country and also a part of a noble family
"She's short" One of the people who saw her. Ahh yes, the lady just closed her eyes and controlling her emotions, of course she is. She is short why? She got her mother's height and have a beautiful face so what? (4'11?? I don't know, but she can change her height if she wants to, don't get me wrong. Her real height is still 175 but used 4'11 when she's not sure of places because mostly short people lives more and escape easily, that's what my friend said.) "Probably she's just beautiful but weak-" the lady looks at the person who said it. She won't probably kill that person or anything after all she cares so much of her fame.
The lady just continue walking and sees the academy she's looking for, she was been stopped by the guards "I'm sorry but we don't think we've seen you before here" one of the guards said, the lady just smiles at them "But my little brother, this is where he's studying can you let me in?" She can, just use her charming smile and go.
Walking down the halls, she keeps looking for her little brother who still or still not sleeping, as clumsy as she is. She bumps to someone who have a yellow gold eye color (?) "oh sorry-" he looks intimidating. He didn't said anything and she just left too "Wow rude- anyways where's that gremlin"
It's the divine visionary test (? I forgot what it's called) of course those called divine visionaries is here, she just keeps walking and thinking how their organization is better than those called divine visionaries. Many students are looking at her and she just wishes to disappear, if only she can use her teleportation (she uses a lot of her mana) but she can't.
And finally she reaches her little brother's dorm "Gremlin-" the door opens and a boy who's a taller than her (170 cm) and who also had good looks (family gene) "I just woke up why did you?" The first year boy asked "Oh shut it! Let me in." The lady came in and giggling like a teenage girl who is inlove "So I bumped into someone and-! I mean he also has good look" she keeps giggling as her little brother was getting tired "can you-" "No" "Yes" "No" her little brother just sits and listening who's ears was about to fall off "Come on He maybe red flag you said but you see... Mother likes to buy me red jewelries" she said again and rolling on his bed "But it doesn't mean your just gonna crush someone who probably annoyed and doesn't care about you-" before he could finish his sentence a pillow is been thrown at him.
An owl came to the window and gives a letter to her "Oh?" 'Y/n please go back, you have a lot to do again here. -The creator of Heavenly Chasers' ...Can I just enjoy my vacation before I'll go there again and not sleep for a week doing a lot of works?" Her little brother was getting a coffee and continue listening after all he likes gossips too "His name is Orter Madl" The lady looks at him and smiles "You're a life saver you gremlin"
Part 1
Should I continue?
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parkjayssi · 24 days
Hello! How are you? I hope you're fine. I wanted to participate in the fictional character game. I don't know if you know Doctor Octopus/Otto Octavius from the Spider-Man movies (played by Alfred Molina) but I wanted to ask for him.
How our relation would be in another life/dimention/universe? How he treats me? Is he a good man or a walking red flag (a toxic man)? How passionate he is? Does he care about me?
My initials are S.B.E. and my favorite color is aquagreen. The reading type I want is Tarot.
(PS: I hope I'm doing this well and I'm not breaking any rules...)
(PS2: if you want a bit of help on knowing the character's personality I can give you this page/article: https://funkymbti.com/2021/02/23/spider-man-otto-octavius-doc-ock-infj/)
Here's your reading for you, I will use my intuition:
I've chosen Draco Malfoy for your reading. I have seen a forest with vivid dark green (and with a tiny blue hue) leafs. I also saw the Slytherin snake (the green one), maybe meaning that you're from that Hogwarts house. I have seen a white/albino snake too, maybe this would be your's and Draco's pet. I have seen a girl with long brown curly hair (probably you) smiling at him and laughing, he was in that mood too. You and him where grabbing your hands each other. Yeah, I have seen you in the Slytherin uniform. You two were walking in the forest (taking a stroll). In this reality looks like you have reddish brown hair or you're redheaded, with freckles, brown or green doe eyes and pink full lips. You're a bit shorter than Draco (probably 1.60 meters), I can saw that you also use Y2K aesthetic and clothes, you're usually wearing yellow or blue clothing in this universe, mostly like a yellow striped white tank top and denim jeans. Also in this reality or lifetime you use ribbon themed hair clips (one with a white ribbon and other with a baby pink one), you also joked in this reality by putting a pink ribbon on your pet snake's head and then took a photo above her (yeah, the snake's a female). You (with Draco) have found that albino snake in the forest too, but not in the same day you guys were taking that stroll in my vision. You have met Draco one year ago, when you have changed school. He tried to mock you, but you standed up for yourself and defended your persona (and maybe you verbally attacked him a bit). He liked your determination, and then the two of you started liking yourselves. You two were starting dating like 5, 6 or 7 months ago. I have also seen that you did a vacation to another forest or other area of the U.K. (with a beach too) via driving with Draco and his friends or group. I've started hearing the song "Sabotage" by Beatie Boys (maybe it starting playing on the radio or some of the Draco's friends (or either him or you) putted it). You and Draco are starting this relation and is going fine in this universe, but maybe it can have one or two breaks and then consolidations. But I want to think than in more than one year the two of you will confess and marry/commit maybe? I have also seen that, in this reality, you have a enemy that is an Asian girl from the Gryffindor house. She's know for having black hair, white skin and strange white irises/eyes. She has a cold face and demeanor, and I have seen an image of her in my mind pointing at oneself with her wand (with a serious yet cold face), she's on a dark grey to light grey gradient background. The name of this strange Asian girl (probably from Korea or Japan) can possibly be Yuu, Sabrina, Amanda, Jazmin or Julietta/Juliet/Juliette. I thought about "Zamora" too.
thank you for joining and the reading! this was full of details so thank you for that. as for one thing that i can actually see that would happen is me owning an albino snake. i do think they are very beautiful and interesting species. also you were very close to my height! i'm actually 1.64 metres tall. i'll be doing your reading for dr. octopus according to the questions you've asked
YOUR STORY: the dynamic and your fate cards pulled : queen of cups, justice (rx), queen of swords, the lovers (rx), 10 of swords (rx) so, as for your first question. queen of cups indicate that something about this relationship is nurturing and caring. i don't necessarily pick up any romantic feelings at first, but you both try to fulfill each other emotionally and feel secure together than separated. as for your second question, i pulled justice(rx) and oh boy, this is where everything goes downhill. there is a lack of balance here despite the comfort. it's almost like a false bubble that keeps both of you from reality. with how doctor is during the whole franchise, he needs time to heal and it evidently shows in how he treats you. he's a mixed flag and it shows with the card, because he is, in fact, a good man, but very selective with whom, with the queen of swords coming into view. he can be mature, but behind all that is a man with repressed trauma, slowly taking time to heal. his trauma holds him back from being an actual nice man to you. even then he does try to hold both of you together. as for passion, we got the lovers, but, in retrograde. this man is passionate, but here again, passion isn't enough to keep a relationship going. you both have different ideals and values, not seeing eye to eye, which let the flame flicker even before it gets the chance to light up. not to mention, again, i see that he isn't ready to invest in a relationship wholeheartedly in the first place with everything that's happened to him, no matter which dimension. you both seem to be better off as friends/co-workers, if i am to be honest. as for your last question, i got 10 of swords, in retrograde. this confirms what i've been saying. he does care about you, but he's not open to the idea of committing to anybody else. it seems like he's pretty rigid with his decision. nonetheless, i also see that he does care for you, like a lotttt. even if it's in a platonic way, both of you do give yourself some sense of peace and that is more than enough he could ever ask for. ultimately, you both could be the type of friends who comfort each other through utter chaos and in the marvel universe? that is really precious than you can imagine. hope you liked your reading! please provide me feedback if you can. that helps a lot with increasing the quality of my readings
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
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🎃 This Is For Haunted Hoedown Day 8! | My Haunted Hoedown Master-List 🎃
best friends-lovers au + "this fear you feel? it won't last."
Synopsis: Your heart has been broken, and your best friend Ransom has made it his mission to make you smile, with all your favorite things of course.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Throw on this ambiance and spend a day with Ransom as he attempts to cheer you up: tooth-rotting fluff. flirty friends. obvious friends with benefits. a cameo from all my favorite books. sweet!ransomdrysdale x nerd!reader. all the fall vibesss. like alot of fucking angst. Part 2 "We fell in love in October?" maybe?
Baby I'm A Project Lovin' Me's A Mistake.
“Hey sweetheart, How are you doing this morning?” You expected this. Your best friend called you every morning, asking about your plans, checking in, and seeing if you were alright. After, he hung up and went on with his day.
Ransom was like that.
But today, your only reply is a muffled sniffle. Your head is buried deep into your white pillow, both dry and wet tears staining the surface. “Sweetheart? You okay?”
“Yeaaaahhhh” You grog, putting the phone on speaker. You were in fact, not okay. Your boyfriend of 3 years decided to break up with you, he didn’t give a reason, but you're almost ninety percent sure it has to do with a girl you saw him flirting with weeks ago.
It was a red flag, but when you're in love you ignore them.
You wish you hadn’t.
“What happened?” Ransom asks urgently, the sound of his voice is comforting, to hear something then sniffing and silent sobs.
“Nothing, Ransom. I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine, sweet girl.” You never knew how much you missed his little nicknames until this moment
“I am-”
“I'm coming over.” Ransom rushes out, and embarrassment fills your aching body. He has seen you like this a dozen times, always comforting you, but this time you felt so stupid, How could you not see the signs?
“Please, no-”
The line goes dead, and Ransom disconnects his end. All you can do is scream into your pillow.
“Shortcake, you have to get out of bed sometime today.” Ransom stands over top of you, his sunglasses hanging by his shirt collar, an expensive-looking jacket on.
“Mmph!” A pillow goes hurdling across the room, heading right for Ransom. Unfortunately, he catches it, launching it on the opposite side of your bed.
“Shortcake.” He says seriously, Ransom's eyes look over your crumbled frame, the blanket covering your half-naked body.
“Ransom. Please. I’m fine.”
“Why don’t I take you out, just you and me? How does that sound?” Your head perches up at his offer, seeing the smile blooming on his smooth features. “Yeah? You like that idea?”
Finally moving your head away from the pillow you’ve been face to face for the last three hours, you nod your head in agreement. Spending a day with your best friend is exactly what you need.
“Get dressed, Shortcake.” He laughs, snatching the blanket off your body, you screech as the cool air caresses your thighs. You throw the blanket in his face, running towards the opposite end of the room to your closet.
“Sneaky little-” You crack a little smile, Your mood is lightning just a bit, but it’s going to be hard to fill the hole your ex left, Ransom would make you forget, for the moment at least.
He would make sure of it.
The weather was beautiful, auburn colors swirled inside the tree’s leaves, yellows and oranges and red collided to make bursts of colors. It was magical.
Autumn had always been your favorite time of year, the Halloween music, the movies, the pumpkin spice lattes. Everything about this season was extraordinary. Ransom’s car matched the leaves, a light orange, its convertible roof folded down.
It allowed you to smell the Autumn wind, feeling it flow through your hair, wiping it around your face. Ransom fingers find the radio, switching it to the nearest station.
The acoustic version of Boris Pickett's “Monster Mash” blares through the station, and Ransom would be damned if he missed the smile that blooms on your face. Although a weak one, he would take all you had to offer.
“Go ahead, I won’t judge. Sing it, shortcake.” Ransom offers, tapping his fingers against the wheel to the beat, turning left on G.R Drive, heading for town. You shrink back, embarrassment flooding your cheeks.
Ransom keeps one hand on the wheel as his other presses into your jaw jokingly. You rear back, “Stop it.”
“Sing it then.” He bargains, his finger poking at your chest. Ransom wanted so desperately to see a true smile from you, even if it meant forcing you to sing Monster Mash.
“Fine! Stop poking me!” Your buck against his hand, telling Ransom to keep his eyes on the road as you tune into the music, listening to the lyrics.
“He did the monster mash.” You start quietly, twirling your fingers in your lap. Your hoodie is drawn over your knees. Ransom is trying very hard not to burst out laughing, he keeps one eye on you, watching your mouth sync with the lyrics, and one eye on the road, going straight for a place he knows you’ll love.
“From my laboratory in the castle east…” You started again, tapping your foot to the beat, the wind settling your nerves for the moment.
“To the master bedroom, where the vampires feast.” You pick up now, moving in tune with the beat, moving your hands, joking with your body, swaying your hips against the seat belt.
“Sing it, baby!” Ransom laughs, his face was practically red from holding in, and with it you join him, listening to the rest of the song play out.
What is with the fall and happy memories?
“The bookstore? The fucking bookstore!” You squeal excitedly, watching Ransom’s own features bloom in enjoyment, seeing your cheeks puff. The bookstore's front was decorated with paper leaves, stringing a banner across the glass windows.
Its exterior was black and gold, the perfect place for a sad girl. Books heal all wounds. Ransom’s already by the door, pulling his scar tighter as he holds the frame open for you, urging you in.
“As much as I love seeing you toggle, we have books to buy, sweet girl.”
“I love you, you know that?” You say playfully, although not exactly a lie. Ransom had always been like this, ever since you met in college.
“I love you too.”
Books. So many books. It took all your energy not to scream right there and then.
“Good morning!” An employee greets you both with a small smile, and you return it with glee, going straight to the new release stand, not even bothering to wait for Ransom.
Every book released in the past month was here, you wanted to get all of them. You circle around the table, seeing authors ranging from Nicolas Sparks to Ana Huang. A hand grabs your shoulder, spinning you around. Ransom greets you with a smile, handing you a black basket.
“Go crazy, sweetheart.”
“Ransom…” Because he knew you were going to protest, you always do, he places a finger to your lips, cocking his lips in a grin. “I’d rather spend my money on my shortcake.”
Did you already say you love him?
Because you really do love him.
And you do exactly what Ransom tells you, you go crazy.
Your basket is almost filled to the brim. You had insisted on stopping at three books but Ransom wanted you to fill the whole basket. You wanted around now, taking in the spice scent of hair and the smell of freshly printed paper-backs.
It’s not until you see Ransom, a book in his hand, flipping through the pages, that you truly start to panic. The cover, although rather innocent looking, displayed woods, and the name “CREDENCE” sprawled over the cover.
You have never run faster in your life. You attempt to snatch the book out of his hands, surprising him with your speed, but he grips it nonetheless, laughing as you fail to stop him. Halting completely, you watch in terror as Ransom’s back faces you, blocking your sad attempt at receiving the book he begins to read…
Ransom's voice is extracted, dark and husky. “That’s it…Noah says in a strained voice…” Your thighs clench at his words, not because of Ransom in particular, but because you know exactly what scene he is reading.
Oh god.
“Ransom! Shut up-”
But he ignores you, continuing on.
“-Holding my face as he kisses my nose, and then my lips. Good girl”. Ransom doesn't stop despite your pleas, and the more he reads, the more your thighs clench, maybe it wasn’t the book or the scene, maybe it was-
“I feel his fingers slip under the waistband of my shorts, and he starts to pull them down.” He faces you now, reading the pages, his lips pursing to make his voice seem seductive. Ransom is doing it to piss you off, but you are far from it.
“I look at him, pleading” He looks up for dramatic effect, allowing you to hang onto his every word, “No.”
“He pulls my shorts and panties-”
You snatch the book out of his hand, carefully trying not to crease the cover. “We're done, let’s go.”
“These are the types of books you read?” He whispers, clearly poking fun. He plops the book from your gripping hand, putting it back on its stand. You try to hide the blush forming on your cheeks, Your best friend or not, that was embarrassing.
“An innocent girl like you?” Ransom smiles, grabbing your basket and heading for check-out. Your lips are slightly parted, looking distraught in the middle of a bookstore.
“Come on, Shortcake. We have more places to be.”
What the hell just happened?
“That fear you feel? It won’t last.” Ransom states, his tone a bit more serious. You quirk your brows as you walk down the street, your books stashed in the back of Ransom's convertible.
“Fear?” You question, look to where he walks next to you on the cracked sidewalk. Leaves crunch unearth your feet as you lose your arms in your hoodie, letting the fabric hang.
“You're afraid to trust again, aren’t you shortcake?”
You closed your mouth quickly. Ransom wasn’t entirely wrong, it had only been a few hours, but you truly thought it would be the last time you would ever love again.
“I trust, Ransom.”
“Who?” He asks, stopping in front of a little coffee shop just around the corner of the bookstore. It looks fairly empty from what you can see in the window.
“I trust you.”
That’s all he’s ever wanted to hear.
You order the first pumpkin spice menu item you read. A latte with whipped cream and real pumpkin. Ransom ordered a black coffee, because… of course he did. You both find an orange booth to settle in, sitting across from each other. Candles are lit throughout the shop as baristas call out orders to the other customers.
You bring your lips to the steaming cup, not caring if it burns your tongue or not, you feel the whipped cream gather on your flesh, smelling the cinnamon rooted throughout the substance. Ransom laughs, reaching over the table, and swiping his thumb across your nose to wear the whip cream sets. “You're a messy girl, shortcake.”
“That’s what your dad said.” You joke, laughing as Ransom shakes his head.
“I’m taking the books back.”
He tilts his head in a way that says “Now who’s laughing”.
Unfortunately, it was not you.
You two sat in the coffee shop and converse, ordering drink after drink and dessert after dessert, loud laughter could be heard from one source,
Your table.
It had been a long day. The night sky rose above you, the air now having a layer of coolness to it, enough to bite you if you went outside. As soon as you got into your apartment, Ransom started you a bath, fiddling with a lighter for a few minutes, trying to light your favorite fall-themed candle.
He poured a generous amount of bubble bath into the tub, watching the hot water steam, turning the liquid into white bubbles.
“Shortcake, Bath’s ready!” Ransom calls, and you put your books down, having about ready to organize them. Your stomach ached from all the pumpkin you practically inhaled today, and a warm bath was just the thing to relieve every taught muscle.
You lean against the door frame in nothing but a towel, smelling the bubble bath mixed with the scented candle. You smile, looking at Ransom, “Thank you.” It dissipates from your lips with more appreciation than you could imagine.
“Of course.” Ransom goes to exit, but your fingers wrap around his wrist, turning him around. “Are you going home?”
“I’ll still be here when you get out of your bath.” He whispers, leaning forward to place a soft kiss against your temple, you don’t think much about it, now when it makes you want to melt. “You're full of surprises today, huh?”
“Anything for you, sweetheart.”
The feel of your best friend's lips against your temple, the sound of his flirty comments and funny resolve, you were starting to look at Ransom in a different way.
A way you both desired but pushed away.
“Ransom!” You call, and in an instant, he’s walking into the bathroom, shielding his eyes as he stops in front of the tub. You smile, heat blooming in your gut.
“Come here, silly.” The hesitation in his steps chips at your heart, but you pursue with it regardless. Ransom kneels by the tub, and carefully you unshield his eyes, holding onto his fingers.
“Shortcake, I don’t want to do anything you're uncomfortable with-” You grab his hand from where it rests in yours, and despite begging to be able to pull away, Ransom doesn't do it. He watches as you glide his hand, being held by the wrist, across your shoulder, bringing his fingers lower to slide down your breast, as your unoccupied hand splashes water upward, making the movement easier.
Ransom’s breath catches as his fingers meet a hardened peak, his eyes locking with your own. “Sweet girl-,
“You showed me what it was like to feel good again, Ransom.” A pained look blossomed on his cheeks, looking to where you sit in the bathtub.
“It was my pleasure.” You see clearly he’s fighting with himself, how far should he go with you? He didn’t want you to think he was using you. You and your ex just broke up.
Ransom also couldn’t deny the burning sensation that settled deep inside him, did he have feelings for his best friend? His best fucking friend of four years?
“It’s too soon-” He pulls away, unsure of his wariness, you sigh, feeling his fingers leave your chest. Perhaps it was for the better, it was so soon, and the last thing you wanted to do was use Ransom for pleasure.
If there was one thing you had known, the one thing that interaction did clarify, You loved him.
Maybe, you always had.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
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fedoraFreak: jury rigged makeshift urine filtration system utilizing serveral gorgeous silk socks, stretched like drum over open mailbox. fedoraFreak: filters adequately, remains yellow, unpalatable. fedoraFreak: storing unimbibed urine in rumpled, unsightly fedora. fedoraFreak: p.s. - they are all rumpled and unsightly, unfortunately.
Fedorafreak remains the best character in Homestuck.
Anyway, we evidently missed something pretty critical. The last time we saw John, he was about to prototype the kernel - and now he's napping. Either Vriska is interfering, or something is going down on Skaia.
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TT: Why were you sleeping?
Not quite in the loop on everything, are you, Seer?
I feel like that should be a red flag for you - a sign that you should be catching up with your friends a little more. If you were, you'd have learned about Vriska's sleep-sniping habits from John or Kanaya, and you wouldn't be so surprised.
EB: i couldn't have been out for that long, because my dream was really short. TT: You weren't. TT: Ten minutes, I'd say.
It's over.
Something critical has happened here - and I'd bet a Grist Hoard that it happened because John slept through it. Someone was 8iding their time, waiting for the right moment to influence events in their favor.
I told you to be careful around that girl, John.
EB: can you see me somehow? TT: Yes. TT: I have a crystal ball. [...] EB: can it show you the future? [...] TT: No, it can only show me various locations in the present moment, as far as I can tell.
A versatile tool for a Seer, just like Dave's timetables are for him.
Perhaps every Player makes a 'classpect tool' to aid them with their specialty. You could even argue that John's is his jetpack, which allows him to acquaint himself with the air.
...that said, the trolls had rocket gear, too. His classpect tool, if it exists, will probably be more specifically tied to his Heir-of-Breathness.
TT: My perception of the future has been informed by other sources. [...] TT: Whispering gods, memories sifted from dreams, cryptic readings from unearthed talismans, conclusions drawn from riddles deciphered - every gambit you'd expect a quest to extend to an emerging seer. TT: Just as I presume an heir would be supplied with what's needed for his maturation, assuming he's looking for it.
So if you're willing to embrace your Title, the game will sort of... meet you halfway?
Well, that's easy for a Seer to say. The game provides plenty of obvious ways for you to learn more about the world around you. What's an Heir supposed to do? Who can he inherit from?
Maybe John's ultimate goal as an Heir has something to do with the Royal Families. If so, he'd better get a move on - one of them is already extinct.
TT: Sometimes trolls blither tidbits about the future, and I can't help but take note of it. TT: Just as they do with you. TT: You also have access to the oracle clouds in Skaia, whereas I do not.
You could take a peek at them with your crystal ball, couldn't you?
Actually, maybe not. The clouds are probably 'hard-coded' as a Prospit perk. The same way Jade found the Furthest Ring unpleasant and overwhelming, Rose would probably find nothing of value in those clouds.
TT: Knowing the future is no remarkable feat here. TT: It appears to be a fact of life. TT: I'm not all that special, John.
Knowing the future isn't that special - but you're sidestepping the fact that that's not currently your specialty. What makes you unusual, I believe, is the out-of-bounds information you have about the game, and the big picture surrounding it and the Green Sun.
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disasterousduo · 2 months
The Pirate’s Fairytale
Ch. 1 Meeting a Pirate
Sunny’s view
I wake up with a yawn as I look at my clock, 7 am. Getting out of bed, I check the calendar, looking at the date.
July 16….
July 16!
Me and Moon’s birthday!
I rush out of my room, and immediately bump into someone.
When I look up, I see Eclipse glaring down at me, “Watch where you’re going dork.”
Before I could say anything, he picks me up with his tentacles, then leaves.
As I watch him leave, I mutter angrily to myself, then remember I forgot to say it was my birthday. Then I think, ‘of course he knew! He’s my brother! My taller, younger brother…’
As I continue to walk, I see Solar and Moon talking. I hear someone behind me, turn around, and see Earth.
“Hey Ear-“ I wave at her
She runs over to Moon and gives him a big hug, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOON!”
I look over at them, slowly putting my hand down, my heart slightly breaking. ‘Maybe she didn’t see me?’ I think, slightly feeling better.
Feeling more people push past me, I see all my siblings wishing Moon a happy birthday… what about me?
As I hear someone clear their throat, I look behind me and see Trashcan Man.
“Hey Trashcan!” I smile kindly at him.
“I have a name you know.” I hear him angrily grumble, but before I can say anything, he grabs me, “You need to continue your lesson, let’s go.” And drags me along.
“Stupid royal lessons.” I mutter angrily and annoyed, “How come I have to do them, but no one else does?! I don’t even want to be stupid king. Why’d I have to be born first?! I always have to have it hard!”
As I continue to swim in the ocean and make coral crowns, I see a ship. Going above the water to it to check it out, I suddenly get caught in a net.
I struggle to break free from the net, only to hear, "Ye ain't human!"
Looking around at who said that, only to look down to see a short fox. Looking at the ships flag, I see it’s a pirate ship.
I reply uncomfortably, “Can you get me out of here? And who are you?”
The fox "Or a lass!" He looks more surprised.
‘Girl? I’m not a girl!’
Foxy’s view
Monty throws a bucket and mop across the deck, “Start cleaning fox!”
I glance at Freddy, who's busy cleanin' the cannons. "What's got the captain so riled up?" I ask.
“We’ve gotten no treasure for a whole week, and the crews getting hungry, especially since we have kids in the ship.”
"Ye've got to feel sorry for the captain…"
“I DONT PAY YOU TO CHIT CHAT! START WORKING!” Monty yells from his captain office.
I begin swabbin' the decks when somethin' colorful catches me eye in the water. Curious, I take a closer look and realize it's a head. Quickly, I grab the net and haul the person aboard.
When I get 'er to eye level, I see she ain't human, but a beautiful mermaid, maybe a siren? She was mostly yellow, with some red stripes on her tail and arms, her eyes were blue and orange, and she had a red amulet of some kind, not to mention a flower crown of some kind?
"Ye ain't human!" I gasp.
‘Whatever she be, she's a beauty. I could probably sell 'er for a tidy sum of gold.’
She starts to look uncomfortable as she asks, “Can you get me out of here? And who are you?”
I look surprised as I hear this, she didn’t sound like a lass, but she he looks like a lass!
“Or a lass!" I blurt out.
She He looks as angry as a stormy sea as I speak. Yet, he seems uneasy, not the type to cause real harm.
Glancing around to ensure no one's watching, finding Freddy long gone, I snatch the net. Dragging him to the ship's deck, I set him free.
He flops onto the floor face-first. I snicker quietly as he glares at me. But then, noticing his shivering, I offer him my coat.
He chirps in gratitude, or so I think. Looking around, he starts transforming into a humanoid shape.
"You can do that?" I inquire.
He nods and chirps something.
"I can't understand a word you're sayin'," I admit.
He grumbles, glancing at his hand and miming writing with the other.
"You need paper?" I ask.
He nods vigorously and chirrs. Hurrying to my quarters, I fetch a notebook and return swiftly. Handing him the paper, he begins to write something. Once done, he hands it back to me.
“I need clothes, also my names Sun. What’s yours new friend?”
"Friend? Well, this is gettin' awkward now," I mutter under me breath, considerin' I was plannin' to sell him earlier.
"My name's Foxy, and I got some clothes in me room. Come on," I say, leading Sun to me quarters to find him some gear. After he picks out a white shirt and a red skirt that fit him, we settle on me bed and start askin' each other questions—well, I ask 'em, and he scribbles his responses.
"What were ye doin' near our ship?" I inquire, loungin' on me bunk.
“I had been swimming by, and saw the ship. I was curious about it, I’ve only ever read about ships before.” Sun writes, staring at me.
"How come ye can write English but not speak it?" I ask, gazing at him curiously.
“I was taught to write English by my father.” He looks away glaring at the wall.
"I could give ye a tour of the ship if ye want," I offer, trying to change the subject.
He looks at me with stars in his eyes, chirring excitedly and giving me a hug.
I chuckle softly at his enthusiasm. Suddenly, I hear someone barging in just as Sun places his flower crown on me.
Monty yells as he fixes his gaze on me, “WHY ISNT THE FLOORS CLEAN?! AND WTF YOU HAVE ON YOUR HEAD?!” Then he glances at Sun and starts to calm down a bit. “And who is this fine young lady you have with you?” He asks, kissing his hand.
I glance at Sun, noticing his annoyed expression.
Giggling softly, I watch as he quickly scribbles something in his notebook. “I’m a boy, kind sir.”
Monty stares at him for a moment, then shrugs, “Fine with me ether way.” He replies, looking confused at me for why he wrote it down.
Before anyone else can say a word, or in Sun's case, write anything else, I interject, "Sun has amnesia. He's forgotten everything except his name."
“Even how to talk?”
"Aye, even how to talk. Found him in the water like this, and I'd be keen to lend a hand, if that's fine with you," I say earnestly, giving Monty pleading eyes. Sun looks at me, then turns to Monty with the same imploring gaze.
“Ok.. ok, fine, he can stay, BUT! He has to help around the ship. And Foxy,” He looks at me intently, “You’ll be talking care of him.”
We give a thumbs up as he leaves me room. Gods, what did I get myself signed up for?
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