#if you're not interested please reblog this for exposure! thank you
onlythebravest · 1 year
looking for a long-term beta
Hi! I’m looking for someone who I can work with more long term instead of having to find someone whenever I write a new fic. I’ll include both what I would want from a beta and the things that I usually write
What I write (here are my posted fics if you want to check them out)
Mainly Harry/Louis, but I’ve begun writing a few rare pairs too
a/b/o, in different constellations
Mainly AU but also canon sometimes
Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
Friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, established relationship
Sometimes smut, but I don’t tend to write a lot of it as of right now
What I would want my beta to check
Grammar and sentence structure (I’m not a native speaker and sometimes write with swedish sentence structure)
Punctuation, spelling, phrasing, word choice, synonyms, etc
Plot holes
I often leave a bunch of questions throughout the text for my beta, such as how to phrase a certain sentence, if scenes are necessary for the plot, etc
I’d like us to do a test run where we’re compatible to work together before we decide on anything, where we’re both open to the fact that we might say we don’t want to work together more. Sometimes people don’t fit and that’s okay!
If you’re interested, please send me a message here on tumblr! 
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lesbedilfvriska · 5 months
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I'm opening up commissions again! Prices will vary depending on what you ask for, but generally speaking;
Sketches: £5-£10 Flat Colours/"Pixel Art": £12-£20 Fully Shaded: £30-£50
If you're interested, have any further questions, or want some more examples, please DM me! And please reblog, any extra exposure I can get helps more than I can say. Thank you!
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reachartwork · 5 months
still looking for artists
since i have a lot more followers now than last time i posted it;
i'm still looking for artists who would like to collaborate with me on a comic adaptation of chum. i am willing to handle the process of turning the existing web novel into a comic script. if multiple artists are interested i'm not averse to handling a paneling-inking-coloring sort of situation for increased rates of production, but let's not get too ahead of ourselves.
while i do not make a ton of money this *is* a paid job offer, i'm not interested in having people work for me uncompensated and i don't believe in paying people for "exposure". we can negotiate per-page rates as we chat - i'm committed to paying people their fair share for their work without lowballing even if it means i need to save up between issues.
having a consistent, professional art style and the ability to deliver relatively on-time without nannying are the only two requirements. being good at drawing action scenes and having an interest in superheroes helps. i've had many, many projects that have gotten bottlenecked by artist collaborators just... not doing it after the planning phase, going radio silent for months, and then being like "oh i forgot let me get right on that :)" and i don't want this to be another one.
if you're not interested but know people that would be, please feel free to forward this to them. if you don't know anyone, reblogging for reach would be appreciated. thanks
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ladykf-writes · 9 months
Just in case...
So there's a fic I'm totally not writing. >_> Just getting it out of my system! It's utterly indulgent. I have spent over 5000 words writing what would be a multichaptered panel talking about materia.
(The premise, if I haven't already chattered about it, is that Genesis and Angeal were rejected for SOLDIER. Genesis went on to become an influential academic. Yes he is on the panel talking passionately about materia. Yes Reeve is smitten. I can't help myself apparently.)
But yeah, I basically made this post to go "over 5000 words and I'm not done with the materia panel" I have no idea if people other than me, @case-of-traxits and @wandererriha would actually want to read this but guys, I had to tell you anyway. This is consuming me. I'm on CH8 of around-2K length chapters and I started less than a week ago. @_@
Please reblog for max exposure. Also just so you know, the poll doesn't tell me who voted for what, and I am working on the other fics at the same time. A Second Chance at Family needs one more chapter written, Dog Whistle needs some solid work for what I think is the final arc of the story, and Waltzing Through Time has an absurd amount of buffer so that's not a concern. I probably wouldn't start posting until Second Chance is done. If I post at all.
We'll see. Let me know in the poll, comments, and reblogs! Thanks for your support guys!
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kitconnor · 6 months
idk if you made a post already about it but can you please explain a bit more about track tags and how to use it? your blog is such a big help thank you for taking the time to make tutorials
hey there ! i'm so sorry for the late reply, i've been away for 10 days 😭 i don't have a post about it but i'm more than happy to help you out !
what are tracking tags? in order for gifmakers to gain exposure on their gifsets, they will often use a tracking tag. in creating a user unique tag, they will follow it and then reblog things they are tagged in.
how do you create one? a 'tracked tag' is just a regular tag. common formats are: '#userx', '#tuserx' and '#userrx' or someone's username. they typically use the user's name (in place of where the Xs are on my above examples) but depending on whether or not someone already tracks that tag is whether or not you choose to use it yourself. once it's created, it's always good to follow the tag, simply because it makes it so much quicker to find in your tumblr search bar as a shortcut to quickly see if you've been tagged.
how do i determine whether that tag is taken/how do i know if someone uses that tag? to find out if a tag you wish to use is already in use, go to the search bar on tumblr, type in 'userx' and then click on the search that also has the hashtag beside it (you want to search the tag, not the words) and then it'll show whether or not it's being used. if there's no results and that tag is empty, great !! you can start using that yourself. if you search it up and posts are already there, you're best to check the dates on the post. if the dates are recent, someone is likely still actively using it. if the dates are old, that means the person who has used it has likely gone inactive and people stopped tagging them. if you try a few different variations and all of them are in use (this can happen with common names), often people will just use their username. there's no problem with it, but it's less common because people change their urls. some people even do '#user[username]', but you still need to account for changing of urls.
how do i get people to tag me? make sure you've got your tracked tag somewhere on your blog, and if you just decided to start tracking one, make a quick post letting people know ! then they'll know to tag you in things you like.
how do i tag a gifset? apart from single user tags, there are also source blog tags (i'll refer to them as SB tags). gifmakers will typically tag these source blogs depending on the content of the gif and what that blog says they will reblog, ie. #usermusic <- reblogs music content/musicians, #usergay <- reblogs lgbtq+ content from tv/film/celebs, etc. user tags are the '#userx' ones i've already talked about. users will tag people who share common interests or whoever asks to be tagged, (usually a discord thing) as they know that can be a guaranteed reblog. keeping in mind you now have space for 30 working tags, you can tag heaps of people and get more exposure !!
help - i've tagged a SB/user and they still haven't reblogged my work? there can be a few explanations for that. the first one and most likely one is that the blog runs on a queue. almost all SBs do so, in order to keep the blog constantly running. users do it for the same reason, but some will like your post once they've added it to their queue, to let you know they've seen it. it's less common for single users. the second possibility is you've tagged them in something they don't like/don't know/don't reblog. some users have content they don't want to be tagged in listed (often in 'about' pages, on their web theme or a mobile navi.) on their blogs, so you know. it's also often that people only reblog what they actually know; if you tag a user who is predominately sci-fi/fantasy media in your post about a rom-com, and you've never seen they reblog rom-coms or that rom-com before, then they chances of them reblogging your post are lower.
what's the point in tracking tags? exposure !! if you tag blogs that get more attention than yours, or blogs that are a well-known source in a particular fandom, and they reblog your work, they you will get more reblogs as a result.
let me know if you need anymore help :)
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hungry-skeleton · 3 years
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Guess who finally has a p@ypal??
Here's my first batch of adopts! The theme for this one is "don't be fooled"
I'm currently only accepting payment through P@yPal, each of these bois are going for 10$ each! Please DM me if you're interested!
If not, please reblog! Exposure for things like this go a long way!
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altaroracleguidance · 2 years
Hello, I’m thinking of starting a YouTube gaming channel but I’m wondering if it’s a good idea for someone like me with terrible anxiety… could I please get a reading on it?
Hi Nelli!
Thank you for your request, here's your reading!
Knight of Cups - This card is all about self reflection leading to an increase in self esteem. In other words, the more that you ponder over starting a gaming channel and wonder what it will entail, the more you realise that this COULD be something good for your confidence. And the fact that this card is upright confirms this! You're thinking along the right tracks. Continue to self reflect and learn more about this industry and what is required of you, because you need to be 100% prepared in order for this to go smoothly - if something happens that you haven't prepared for/failed to research, it could set off your anxiety and cause you to retreat. So as long as you stay one step ahead and have a good understanding of what awaits you, this could be a wonderful opportunity to help you grow!
3 of Pentacles - This is a positive social card, and represents working with others in order to achieve success. This suggests that when you start your channel, you will regularly be interacting with both followers and other content creators alike, both of which will enable you to practise your social interactions and feel more comfortable around people. After some time, this will feel natural to you, and you will find only pure enjoyment in working alongside others. Its almost like exposure therapy - the more you interact with others, the easier it will be and the more confident you will feel. Pentacles can also represent money, so as a side note this card could suggest that you will earn some money from your channel, by connecting with follows and collaborating with other creators.
The Emporer - This card represents high confidence and leadership. Essentially, this card confirms, clear as day, that after a while you will feel completely comfortable and motivated with your channel. You will feel confident with what you've achieved, and confident talking to others and to a camera. You will absolutely be in your element, and you will feel on top of the world, and on top of your game!!!
So, to conclude, YES! Start your gaming channel - this is an opportunity you don't want to miss, and will help your confidence leaps and bounds whilst opening new social and financial doors.
I hope this reading was insightful for you lovely! As an energy exchange, I would really appreciate it if you could leave me feedback either in the comments of this post, or in the comments of my pinned post. If you don't feel comfortable doing so, as a last resort feel free to private message me to leave me some feedback. And don't forget to follow my blog, and reblog my pinned post to help me reach more people! 💕
If you're interested in a more indepth paid reading at any time, I accept donations of any amount. Feel free to private message me to book 🌟
For those who may have stumbled across this post and are drawn, i offer free and paid readings! Please see my pinned post for details 🔮
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thyandrawrites · 4 years
1) I saw some of your ATLA comments and I got to tell you: they’re racist. You make it painfully obvious that you’re a white woman. I’m debating whether or not it’s worth the emotional labor to explain the ways you casually disrespected my cultural history and dark-skinned women represented on the show. If you’re interested in educating yourself, then check out visibilityofcolor’s blog.
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Hey. I've been scrolling that blog for the past hour and I think I understood which posts of mine were disrespectful and had a double standard. There's probably more than what I can think of after some critical self-reflection, though, and that means I will keep consuming analyses that bring up said flaws in fandom trends and in the writing of the show itself.
It was never my intention to disrespect a culture or to be racist, but I understand that's just a justification and not an apology. I should've known better, especially knowing of my limited perspective as a white watcher of a show with an entire cast of people of color. I realize now that the things I said about Azula's redemption and my disliking for Katara do pose a problem as I was way kinder and more willing to give Azula a chance than I did Katara. I... Will admit that I didn't understand that to be racist at the time, but being called out on my behaviour made me stop and critically assess myself to see what else I have overlooked, not thinking much of it, as a white person. I never thought of myself as immune to prejudice and racism, but these asks still threw me off guard, so this made me realize that I need to work more on broadening my perspective and of being mindful of the things I say, and why I say them. Not knowing better is not an excuse so I will educate myself further.
Thank you for calling me out on my behaviour and I'm so sorry for those posts. Your words definitely won't be forgotten or brushed off, and I'm sorry if this reply itself sounds dismissive. I promise I will try to be more aware of the things I say and share from now on, and I thank you again for speaking up.
Now, you're under no obligation to reply to this reply but to anyone else reading this: if I think I know which posts of mine were racist, what should I do with them? I don't wanna just... Delete them after I answer this as if trying to hide my skeletons in the closet or something. But I don't want more people to be exposed to racist commentary. Should I reblog said posts with an apology? Should I just delete them to avoid further exposure? What's the policy when you realize you've been a dick?
As a psa, if you see me misusing my privilege as a white person to promote racist commentary again in the future, please absolutely do call me out on it. I don't plan on repeating it, but I think we've established I'm not my own best judge
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ladyeowyn · 4 years
Hi!! You've always been so inspirational in edit-making. I've recently been trying it out myself and I wanted to know if you have any tips on growth when you're just starting out?
Hello nonnie and thank you so much 😭 I can't believe I could ever be an inspiration to someone, that's so sweet of you to say 💖💖
I apologize in advance if this gets too long sdfghjkl
the first and most important thing I'd recommend is to create, create and create. I know it sounds cliché but practice makes such a huge difference. you don't even have to post everything you create (even now, I very often scrap an edit if I don't like it), just create for the sake of familiarizing yourself with your editing medium of choice. you can discover a lot of things just by playing around and creating will gradually come easier to you if you make enough edits.
don't be afraid to look to others for inspiration. save edits you like and then try to recreate some elements of it. or take the style and make your own edit with it. but please don't forget to credit the person if you end up posting it. you can also try to send an ask to the creator if you're interested in a particular thing - most creators are happy explain their creative process or share the font and colouring they used.
take some time exploring various resource blogs - especially their tutorials. if you're using photoshop I'd definitely suggest learning how to work with layer masks, selective colour layer and colouring in general. my favourite tutorial pages can be found here and here. and here is a masterpost of other photoshop resources you may find useful. sometimes even studying a tutorial can give you an inspiration for an edit in which you can put to use what you learned.
coming back to the first point, participating in various events or starting some edit challenges will also help you get some practice, it can bring some exposure to your edits and it can give your inspiration a kick-start if you need it. there are always plenty of those floating around, just pick one close to your interests and give it a try.
even thought it's slightly off topic, one additional advice I'd like to stress out for everyone who is beginning with editing - please, please be mindful with your fancasts. don't use a latinx model for a character that should be indian, don't cast a light-skinned model if the character is canonically dark skinned, etc. do your research!! verify who is it that you're using in your edit and if they are actually of the right ethnicity - use the google function “search by image” to find the name of the model and then look for some background information about them. be also mindful when selecting your colouring, do not whitewash or lightwash at any cost (this includes using colouring that makes the skin look ashy). it is not that difficult to learn how to edit your colouring (or psd), again layer masks and selective colour layers (red, yellows and neutrals) are your best friend. keep in mind that some original pictures of models might already be heavily edited! for that reason it's good to look up other photos of that person and compare your picture with them as well. here is a tutorial for gif colouring (but the tricks can be applied to ordinary pictures as well), here is another tutorial and here is a list of poc-friendly psds - but there are many of other resources on the topic floating around on tumblr.
btw, I've already answered plenty of other photoshop-related questions, so if you're interested you can find them here and/or you can also browse the photoshop resources I've reblogged here.
I hope this helped and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. good luck with your creations, happy photoshopping!! 💖
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connorssock · 5 years
Hellllo! I know you're right supppper busy, and I wish all the success of all of your plans!! I thought ask you to think about opening a buymeacoffee page, for so many reasons. I just will give you a very few from the lot: so soooo many love your stories and I think many of them, as me, would happily send you a few thank-you drink for your gift writing! And you deserve all of the thanks! And with getting more support you would be able to write more, in more comfort! Pleeease think about it!
Nonnie, you are an absolute sweetheart for asking this. I’ve had similar asks before about commissions and Ko-Fi actually. So let me just reiterate my personal stance on these kinds of things:
When it comes to fanfiction, I think that should be enjoyed by all, this is about community at the end of the day. I come here to have fun with a bunch of strangers on the internet and bond over something we enjoy. To me, it feels wrong to take money from a fellow fan because I happen to enjoy writing fanfiction. Plus, I’m not sure I’d feel comfortable being paid (even the price of a coffee) for something that is fan content - I’m pretty sure there’s a law against that and I’m quite a big fan of staying on the right side of the law.
However, it’s a different ballgame when it comes to original content. If someone wants to support me more than hitting the like/reblog buttons or coming to chat/scream at me, then they are more than welcome to visit Trifecta Fiction and subscribe to what is a weekly short story from myself or two other very very talented authors.
You might think, well, you don’t want to pay for original content but let me give it a different twist. If you support the original content, I get to go to publishers with a manuscript and proof that my work is marketable. That means they pay me for my work, I get to pay the bills and keep writing in what is a sustainable way. I don’t want to exploit fellow fans and ask for money for something I would do for free anyway. However, by supporting Trifecta Fiction, you are helping build towards something bigger and give the means of a sustainable living and a potential career for someone.
Or, if you’d rather spend you money on yourself and give yourself a nice treat (which you should, you deserve it!), then maybe consider spreading the word about Trifecta Fiction. Reblog it, link it, tag people you think might be interested in it. We’re relying on word of mouth so much for exposure. It’s a new venture and we’re still learning, but it’s one that’s going to build up with a story a week and we want people coming along with us for this ride.
TLDR: If you desperately want to throw money my way, please consider subscribing to Trifecta Fiction or help spread word about it!
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thefloatingstone · 8 years
I know you're super into ponies, and I saw you reblogging something about how much the pony collectors community hates it when d/d/l/g or l/i/t/t/l/e/s/p/a/c/e blogs reblog yours stuff (added slashes so your blog won't show up under search for those tags). Why do they hate it so much? I'm not a part of any of these communities, and I'd like to understand. Thank you!
Hey there! :D That’s ok, I’m happy to try my best to explain!
The reason is actually pretty simple. Obviously I can only speak for myself but I imagine it’s the same for the other collectors as well (But if there is some different reasons I’m sure they’d be happy to add or correct me)
Basically, I collect the 80s My Little Ponies (although I won’t say no to the other generations and own ponies from all 4) I collect them because they were my favourite toys ever when I was small, and I loved the cartoon as a child. I liked it because it really was my first exposure to a high-fantasy setting. And it was done with really cute characters, in nice colours who were nice, sweet and kind to each other, but could still stop bad guys and work through bad situations and were very proactive characters.
As an adult, I can see the flaws in the show now, but I still think it’s highly immaginative with its ideas, and I still love the colours and that the characters don’t have to be snarky or aggressive to be heroic. As for the toys, I’ve always kept my childhood ones. I like them the best because again, I am a big fan of 80s and early 90s colour schemes, which I felt were better harmonised than the 2000s. And I also really liked that they resembled real ponies and weren’t AS stylized as how thy became later.
It’s also fun to be a collector. Because you’re constantly on a treasure hunt! Toys that were a big deal in pop-culture when they came out, and really represent what it meant growing up during that time period. And people don’t fully understand the value of “old toys”. So you’re always hunting at flea markets and thrift stores and some of the strangest places! Looking for collector’s items that the owner doesn’t have any attachment to and only sees as ‘an old toy’. In a way it’s like collecting bone china tea cups while they were still being made in England (before the 60s) or Medallions and medals. They are all a kind of time-capsule to a very specific era, and with ponies, they happen to have faces and be characters. So it’s fun to think of each pony as a little personality you’re finiding somewhere, taking home, cleaning up, and displaying.
These blogs that regblog these things however, have absolutely no interest in the individual items they are reblogging. Because to them, it only represents a sexual kink. Specifically the submissive pastel cutsey ‘Daddy’s Little Girl’ kink. And look, a kink is nothing to be ashamed of as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Honest. But the problem comes from the fact that we share photos, screenshots and gifs of these things because we’re honestly interested in the product. Whereas when they then take that post and reblog it, it’s for no reason other than to be part of a bigger kink to get themselves off on. The toys and collectors’ items because a sex toy, basically. Even if just in terms of visuals. It robs the post of its original intention and turns it into smut.
Smut is fine. But in this case it feels like someone has taken something that makes you happy and that you wanted to share with your fellow toy collectors and made it all about getting sexual satisfaction off of it based on what it represents to them; the idea of a girl being in the submissive position of ‘Daddy’s little girl’
It doesn’t become about ponies, or collecting, or showing off the value of a specific item, or about the episode or the character. Honestly the gif could be about anything in the kink blog’s eyes, as long as it fits into the kink they’re into. t robs the post of meaning, and turns it into something dirty.
I’ve recently had some porn blogs reblog some of my artwork by their bots and add things to it like ‘Hey I just got home, wanna chat?’ and ‘Hey I’m gonna be undressing for the camera, here’s a link!” and it has 0 to do with the picture. it’s just a way to promote their porn. And it feels icky you know? You feel taken advantage of. And they’re using your silly drawings to do it, not because they’re drawings, but because they happen to be getting a certain number of notes and reblogs. Your posts are being used and marked with something you’re uncomfortable with without your consent.
It’s the same thing :\ It also bugs a lot of my collector friends because they do their best to plaster their pages with “please don’t interact” banners, headers, tags, and sometimes within the images themselves, and the kink blogs completely ignore it. “consent” is a bit of a hot-button word because of its connotations, but that’s really what it is, isn’t it? “Please don’t reblog this as something to masturbate to.” “I’m gonna do it anyway and pretend you didn’t say ‘no’“
It’s just… it takes a hobby and turns it into something dirty. And then whether we like it or not, it makes us seem like we’re doing it for kinky, smutty purposes, all based on the nature of the toy (in this case, ponies). It builds an association.
If we were collecting wall-mounted plates none of us would be having this problem.
Anyway, sorry for the long reply. And I apologise if I got anything wrong. But this is my stance and experience with the matter. And why I personally really don’t like it. I imagine it’s very similar for a lot of collectors.
We collect the toys because it happens to be something we enjoy doing as an activity, from finding, to restoration to displaying on a shelf and looking at and being impressed by each others’ collections.
We share items among each other and trade, and help restore, and share tips on preservation and fixing problems. Some of my collector friends have kids who like playing with the toys themselves. We form friendships based on mutual interests, and its fun to hear each others’ collection adventures and childhood ties with the toyline.
and then someone reblogs it to their kink-specific blog with “dude I could totally masturbate to this.” Even after we have asked nicely “please don’t”
Also I’m sorry if this annoys anyone. I know kinks and stuff are a difficult topic on the internet as a whole, let alone tumblr. And I stand by the opinion that having a kink is fine if it doesn’t hurt anyone. But there is a level of selfish disregard here, and that is the main problem. It’s not all about the nature of sex, but more the active and decided action to ignore the OP’s feelings and requests and just do whatever you want. Until you start feeling like nothing but a ‘gold mine’ for kink blogs. And then you don’t even want to do it any more in the end.
Please help me guys! I’m talking about difficult subjects and I might be wording it wrong! I don’t want to insult anyone by accident ^^; I’m just trying to explain!
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