#if you're wondering if fortune will ever tell them about the nightmare
ddoxhan · 1 month
stay by my side
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if there is no one next to you I’ll just be behind you, just stay by my side
word count : 0.9k words
genre : classic angst; giselle x gn! reader; days were never the same anymore but your feelings for aeri will always be unchanging for as long time exists
t/w : nothing :) this is just some good ol' angst
a/n : not much plot to it but ! it's the feels of not being able to forget someone and maybe, you're better off longing for them than try pressing down your feelings. anyone out there longing for their special someone, I just wanna say it's okay to feel that way :3 it may not be the healthiest choice, but allow yourself to long for that person until you feel it's time to actually let them go <3 enjoy !
things were just never the same anymore, it couldn't. I'd keep having dreams about you, about us. those sweet, spring memories we shared now embedded in my head like a broken record. those days when we spent our mornings showering each other with kisses, when we would take night walks in the park, when we talked about spending the rest of our lives together. those days, when we loved each other like there was no tomorrow. we did, but it just didn't last forever just like what we had wished under that shooting star.
I admit, that I still love you, the same or maybe even more than I did back then. I truly believed that we were meant to be, and no one can tell me otherwise as I've seen those eyes of yours bear the same endearment for me as I do for you. it sounds cheesy, but I am willing to be if it's you. however, as much as I want to let go of you, I don't think I'd ever come to terms with the fact that you did. we were so beautiful, don't you think so? it was as if the world revolved around us. I know we will never be able to go back to those days, to love each other again.
every night that came and went in the same repertoire. staring straight at the ceiling, reminiscing the times I still had you in my arms, crying myself to sleep, jolting awake from the same nightmare, hugging myself back to sleep. the pain was almost unbearable when it gets to the nightmare. it was my regrets for not doing my best for you, and the mistakes that I wished I hadn't made. I could never stand to see tears in your eyes, especially if it was because of me. on the day you left, you looked me in the eye, with tears threatening to roll down your crimson cheeks. that moment broke my heart to pieces, noticing the burning sensation of the wind against my skin.
it seems I have already lost you, with no chance to turn back time.
when I'm sober, everything I did numbed me to the core. when I wake up to your side of the bed empty, seeing that the once lively space all dull with silence, the fridge slowly emptying, leaving nothing but water and some alcohol. it's like I stopped functioning properly when you're not with me. the flowers that you loved so much don't look as lively, the warm breeze that greeted us daily slowly getting chilly, the stars that we spent hours looking at don't sparkle as much. you brought so much color to my world, and it returned back to being monochromatic, like those times before I met you.
you brought so much joy to my life, and I have never felt so grateful for being alive. it was the first time I felt so euphoric, fortunate to see that very smile of yours when you look at me with such affection. that smile was for me, because of me, only me. you made me feel like the luckiest person on earth to love someone as wonderful as you are. I can only hope you felt the same way as I did.
all the things in my life took a turn, not a good one at that, after you left. you took a part of me with you when you told me that things weren't working out. what did that mean? was I not doing good enough? did your feelings for me change? there were so many questions I want to ask, but sometimes, they were better left unanswered. these daggers piercing through my heart are more than enough to leave me bleeding profusely till I can't feel love anymore.
as I spent each day, yearning for your warmth and affection, there's something that I've come to realize as I take a step back to look at things. there will be no one else who would be able to fill your spot, not even with time. it's been months, almost a year that I've been standing here, not knowing what is wrong with me. that's because, nothing is wrong. everything made so much sense.
I love you and nothing can ever change that fact. even if you don't love me anymore, that's okay. all I will do is just stand here right behind you, protecting you from the shadows. although there might not be someone who would be by your side all the time, I will be right here behind you. until the day I get the chance to stand next to you, be the one you can rely on, I will be here for you.
there will be a day where we meet again, whether it be by chance or fate. and when that day comes, I want to be stronger than I am now, to give you that smile you loved so much when we were us. until then, I will take this role as your dark knight. looking over you from somewhere you wouldn't notice, offering you a hand when you struggle, finding solace right here. I know you would be able to tell that I am here, but please, leave me be. for the day I am able to let you go, will hopefully come.
so let me stay by your side for now, aeri.
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teen-antisocial · 7 months
Man After Midnight - Matpat x reader
TW: Collen Balinger, mention of death
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The air was still. No breeze. No wind. No rain. No warmth. It was haunting. The group of youtubers had been at Everlock for about 3 hours, making it half past 12. Y/N Davidson had been constantly on edge. She had won about 2 challenges out of the 4 that have happened. She had just witnessed her best friend, and crush, die. He lost a challenge to Manny, and it was heartbreaking to see. She looked at him before it happened, he couldn't move which triggered her to do the same.
She hoped all this was a nightmare and she would wake up and watch the late show in her flat all alone. Normally she would hate to spend the evening on her own, but right now. She would take it. Y/N couldn't bring herself to watch another friend die. She was currently fighting survivors guilt.
Currently, she is sitting next to Joey, listening to him rant on about something to do with the league of evil he's with. She just wanted him to shut up. That league is the reason Mat was dead. Nothing could convince her otherwise. Autumn winds started blowing outside the window, possibly a sign the curse was wearing off maybe? Probably not!
It made her so depressed to look around the room and see the gloom. However she didn't blame anyone, the best player had just died. Who wouldn't give up? By this point all the players had. Y/N found herself praying to herself. Praying for someone to come and save them. 'is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayer?' she wondered, looking around the room.
Suddenly, Nikita placed a bottle in front of her. "Drink up sunshine, you can't give up now!" She stated "Mat would want you to fight for your survival, to live your life, not to give up!" All Y/N could do is nod and take a swig of her drink. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight" she thought to herself as she took the sip. "Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away"
All Y/N wanted to do was go home and give her brother the biggest hug ever. Tell him she's sorry for everything she had ever done to him. This mission really made her realize that tomorrow isn't always promised. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight" she repeated hoping something would happen. "To lead me through the darkness to the break of the day"
This seems like something a movie star would film for a horror film. It's crazy to think she was living it. Looking around, she realized the next task was being read out loud. She needed to stop day dreaming and get her head into focus. She needed to survive. For George (her brother) , for her family. She couldn't let them down by giving up and dying.
"Find the end of the rainbow, with a fortune to win! It's so different from the world you're living in" Calliope states, great another riddle. After a while of thinking, Y/N finally says something.
"It must be about children, they live in the same world yet it's so different to the world we live in. They have an imagination, and see the world in bright colourful rainbows."
"True, but why would there be a task involving children?" Manny asks, raising an eyebrow
"Well this entire carnival is messed up, it wouldn't surprise me if there were children involved"
"Wait! Y/N/N you're onto something there! Think about it! Maybe there are not fully children. Maybe they are dolls. They are so common at these things, aren't they? Think about it! It makes so much sense!" Colleen agrees
"So you mean to tell me that we might have to fight killer children!" Rossana comments
"Doll children but basically" Joey says
Y/N found herself hoping again that all this was a nightmare, she was going to stop day dreaming and then be in her living room. She would be tired of the TV and she opens a window and she gazes into a night but there's nothing to see, no one in sight.
Y/N doesn't know when, she had been silent and following the others, but they had found themselves in a room with a maiden of madness. God help whoever had to be put in there. It's gonna hurt. She hoped it wasn't her. The tarret cards were put at the front and Calliope brought Colleen up to do the first vote.
She looked around the room, at all the people who were there. Somehow she wondered who would most likely go after her. Y/N! It clicked! Y/N would want revenge about what happened to Mat. Of course she would vote for Colleen. She debated on whether to tell or not. In the end she decided to.
"I'm voting for Y/N" she said emotionless "she wants me dead, and I am planning on surviving!"
"Is there a man out there, someone to hear my prayers!" Y/N screamed internally, hoping if she prayed hard enough she wouldn't be put in the box.
Before Colleen could step back from placing a vote, Safiya said something "why would Y/N want you dead. In every challenge she has voted for herself of Joey!"
"I voted for Matt Safiya! She's going to want me dead!"
Y/N's heart broke. She had defended Colleen to Mat almost a dozen times and yet this is how she repaid her. "You voted for Mat?" She whispered
Colleen didn't know what to say, she assumed Y/N knew, and had voted her into a death trap. No one said a word, until Joey went up, "look I'm sorry Colleen but, I'm going to vote you in, you can't just vote someone in for a reason like that!"
"Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight! Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away!" Y/N said internally as she stepped up, she looked at all the names. She didn't want to start drama, and so she subtly put Colleens card forward, making her vote hidden!
Quite a lot of people voted for Colleen, there were a few random votes here and there due to lack of cards in Colleen's pile. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, take me through the darkness, to the break of the day!" Y/N internally prayed again, nerves twisting in her stomach, her heart beat quickening by the second. She feared that she was going to be the one to go in.
The cards were shuffled, and a card was chosen. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight won't somebody help me chase the shadows away" another silent prayer. Calliope took a card and looked at it, "gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight take me through the darkness through the break of the day!"
"The disco dancer" Calliope announced showing the card to the rest of the group. Colleen shook her head, as Joey and Safiya grabbed her. Y/N stood at the back of the room with Rosanna as the rest of the group put Colleen in the box, despite her screams and pleas for mercy. None were listened to. As the doors shut, Colleen let out a scream as powerful as banshee, causing the group to cover their ears.
A tear gently fell down Rosanna's face, this felt immoral to her. Slowly, the group headed back to their safe space, making sure they had the artifact. Through investigation, the group found out that they could revive one person. Y/N was laid on a sofa as Safiya and Joey discussed who to bring back. Manny and Nikita sat on another sofa, while Rossana sat on her own playing with Matt's badge.
Y/N found herself drifting to sleep, she needed the sleep, she couldn't sleep though. She needed it though. Before she could properly drift off, the two came over and announced they had chosen someone. The group sat and looked around, wondering where the said person was. Wondering, if it even worked.
"Is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayers?" Y/N internally prayed again. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, won't somebody help me chase the shadows away" there was still no sign of life. Just as the group were about to give up, a crash was made, followed by a yellow flash. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, take me through the shadows, through the break of the day"
She exhaled slightly, and sat up a little and repeated the thoughts in her head. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, won't somebody help me chase the shadows away, gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight take me through the shadows to the break of the day"
Suddenly, a confused figure walked into the room, Y/N couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Mat walk through the door. Carefully, she rubbed her eyes and watched Rossana walk over and hug Mat, giving him back his badge.
Mat proceeded to hug everyone in the group, how her he saw no sign of Colleen, or his crush Y/N which made a sort of anxiety rise inside of him. Mainly directed at Y/N. Once he hugged the others, he looked over at the sofa and saw a tired, unmotivated and emotional Y/N looking at him. He ran over and gave her the biggest hug he could possibly give. He was thankful to be alive. And he was reunited with Y/N.
"I'm sorry for leaving you" he muttered, looking at her, admiring the twinkle in her eyes. He quickly looked down at her lips and then back at her own, realizing she had done the same. He thought nothing of it.
However, once it was all over, and the five survivors (Joey, Matt, Nikita, Y/N and Rossana) walked out, Mat carefully pulled Y/N aside. "Y/N, please, we've been friends for months now, and I always feel this feeling around you. Like there's butterflies in my stomach. And it took dying for me to realize this, but I like you! Not in a friend way, or a platonic way, as In I want a relationship with you" he confessed.
Y/N didn't even answer, she just crashed her lips onto his, that gave him his answer. The answer is that they were official. "I like you too!"
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Retained Memories (READ TO THE END)
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A couple of days following One More Hero's events, Sally came to see Tails up at the balcony of a forest.
Sally: You okay, Tails?
Tails: I am, yeah. I've just been pretty deep in thought since what happened a few weeks ago.
Sally: You sure? You've been awfully silent recently...
Tails: I mean... after all that happened with the Outbreak Malware Threat, I've still been really shook up.
Sally: Yeah... Sure wasn't a pleasant experience.
Tails was doing his best to fight off his exposure to the multiverse's bounds' radiation from the big battle, considering, even after a year, his body was still recovering from how many times he perished at OMT's hands.
Tails: At some point, I'm gonna have to be ready for if something like that happens again. I still want Sonic to be proud of where we've come to, you know?
Sally: Speaking of, I was wondering if you'd like to hang around more often.
Tails: Heh, yeah. I'd really like that.
Sally: Besides... I know when someone isn't okay. You've been very deprived ever since we got back from the whole ordeal.
Whilst OMT's other victims only remembered their most recent demise, Tails was unlucky enough to remember ALL of them. Yes, every. Single. One.
Tails: I've remembered all those times I got killed during OMT's rampage here, and I'm still shook up thinking about it... Even trying to fight back changed nothing...
He was just glad aging was halted in his universe, as he clearly was not ready to go into being a teenager.
Sally: Would you like to talk about it?
Tails: Y-Yeah.
A little later...
Sally: So... you remember every death you've faced?
Tails sadly nodded.
Tails: Every single one...
Sally: W-Why didn't you tell us any of this? T-This is beyond terrible forms of trauma!
It was very clear Tails needed therapy to clear his mind of all the trauma OMT gave him.
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Sally: Tails... What you're doing isn't healthy, and by the looks of it, it's harming you a lot... If you need someone, I'm always all ears. You're my friend, after all.
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Tails: T-Thanks, Sally.
It then started raining, as the radiation's side-effects kicked in, leaving Tails suddenly exhausted.
Sally: Looks like the storm's started. Come on, we need to get back home. Think you can fly us to your workshop?
Tails tried to, but his fatigue made his twin tails feel heavy to move.
Tails: O-Oh...
Sally: Oh, man... That doesn't look good. Come on, hop on my back. I'll walk, and you navigate me to where your house is.
Tails nodded as they headed back.
After this scene, Sally found out Tails had a nasty fever from the radiation and the abundance of Chaos energy he was forced to use to stop Eggman Nega. She also discovered his compartment of plushies he made of his multiversal companions, which she genuinely found sweet.
However, it wasn't all positive. Tails was still horribly haunted by his experiences, to the point that he had to go through nightmares related to OMT and his sickening misdeeds. Thankfully, Sally was there to comfort him, but it would still be some time before Tails was ready to help protect his home again.
Fortunately for him, since Detective Ghost was already an ample crime fighter alongside him, she could handle the main crooks while he recovered. And Tails managed to fully recover his strength and gain an immunity to the radiation. Sally also proved to be a good role model to Tails and made sure he was well cared for in that month, which was very valuable to him.
And after he was feeling all better, he continued his usual crime-fighting acts alongside Detective Ghost, whilst keeping his studies going strong at Bumper High School, maintaining his excellent grades alongside Max Cartwright. After 5 more months, however, we know what happens next, don't we? But that's a tale for another point.
To be continued in More than One Universe...
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"Do you even get it? Do you even realise WHY my little bro had suffered so much in that year?! ...No, of course you wouldn't. Because it's all about your petty idea of entertainment, isn't it?"
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"I've seen so much of the multiverse after my passing, and to be frank, I discovered that there are LOTS of creatures like OMT out there, all targeting the same people who quite frankly don't deserve their fates. And it makes me feel bitter to see that you seem to love seeing Tails suffer; always first, ALWAYS the worst."
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"Yeah, that's right. I can see you watching behind that screen of yours! That monster isn't the only one who can see past your fourth wall. And to be quite frank, you have SERIOUSLY pissed me off, ESPECIALLY whoever let this freak into my world! My best friend has suffered the worst from it, all because of your "Tails demos" and alternating paths! One death would've been merciful enough for them, but NO! You just want to satisfy your curiosity and desire for "entertainment" just to watch those I love suffer!"
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"Consider yourself lucky I'm not real OR alive at this point. Nobody deserves to go through that level of suffering in ANY dimension, ESPECIALLY not Tails. I don't care how "quality" or "appealing" your little .exe games might be; every time you make those, you're forcing another version of Tails to suffer, AND Knuckles, AND Robotnik, and potentially even the girls! All because you want to gain recognition from giving a monster fuel to cause terror!"
"I'm gonna cut off this post here and hope that you actually bother listening. If even one more version of my companions is forced to suffer at the hands of an EXE as of the day this post was made... you'd seriously better hope you can run WAY faster than I can."
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artmnson · 2 years
take on me
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“i'll never be him, but let me love you like i am. as if i could be him.”
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SUMMARY. the nights feel lonelier since you walk through them alone. fortunately, steve has never left your side. one night in particular, he lets you know that, in fact, he never will. never ever.
PAIRING. steve harrington x female!reader (brief eddie munson x female!reader)
WARNINGS. s4 spoilers! mentions of death and family abuse i guess? NOT PROOFREAD.
NOTES. how do i feel about this one? not good but not that bad either, seemed better in my mind 😭 hope you like it! reblogs and comments are always appreciated! have a happy reading and thanks beforehand for the support <3 more to come soon, i swear!
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you look to your side. steve's sleepy figure huddled in front of you as he tries to battle sleep. you half smile, you tried to tell him more than three times that he could sleep if he was tired. true to his stubbornness, all three times he replied that he preferred to stay awake, keeping you company.
if someone told you a few years ago that you would end up saving the world more than twice with steve harrington by your side, you probably would've sent to hell whoever said that. yet here you are. the same person you used to hate is now on the other side of the bed, humming your favorite song to distract you from the memories of the events that rocked hawkins once again. you're not complaining, over the years you managed to discover that there's something more behind that bad boy image that steve gave to the people around him. as incredible as it is, you struck up a great friendship.
steve's a good boy. you see it every time he takes care of the kids like his life depended on it, you see it in every advice he gives robin about how to approach any of the girls who catch her eye, you see it in every look of patience and caring that he gives to max, you see it in the way that he accepts that nancy is better off with jonathan than with him. you saw it in the quick way that he accepted and helped eddie munson until the last day of his life.
you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times you saw him cry. the most recent was that week when nancy broke up with him in a hilariously cruel way. tears fell from his eyes like cataracts. you came to believe that he wasn't going to be able to recover from it. he did. the last time you saw him cry was a couple of nights ago when he offered you his chest as shelter after you woke up from one of the nightmares that has plagued you for months. he wept silently, believing you were asleep. you weren't. hearing that made your heart clench and you wondered if it was worth doing all he was doing for you. you were never brave enough to confront him about it, nor did you have the strength to do so. lately, you have no strength at all. just sadness.
five months ago, your life changed forever. hawkins' well-being was forgotten the moment you took his bloody body in your arms. the tears that welled up in his eyes had nothing to do with fear or regret, they were tears of sadness knowing that he had acted to save a city that'll probably never know the truth about him. his heroism acted accordingly in an attempt to show that he was something more than the riddled words and looks he received at school, on the streets, everywhere he walked. as he cut the rope that linked your world with the upside down, all he could think was that chrissy cunningham's death couldn't have been in vain, that he had to do something to avenge the soul he saw being disfigured. he tried to be a hero. he was. as he left, he took every part of you with him, leaving you empty and helpless. almost like him, dead.
“hey...” you hear steve's tired voice. your eyes focus on his face. his hair is disheveled and his eyes will give way at any moment. one of his hands is under the pillow, the other acting as a barrier between your body and his. “aren't you sleepy?”
you laugh weakly. “shouldn't i ask you that?”
a half smile spreads across steve's lips, used to you answering one question with another. his eyes scan your face, he knows how tired you are. you cannot, however, allow yourself to close your eyes. if you do, the nightmares would come back, and it wasn't in you to try to fight them. his heart turns a sad blue as he sees the sadness permeating the surroundings of your face. wherever you look, there is it. he can't help but feel guilty at the thought that he would give anything to make you love him like you used to love him. he knows that it's impossible, that his departure left a hole in your being that will never be mended, but he prays with all his might every midnight to win a place in your heart. he doesn't want to supplant him or be the nail that pulls out another nail even if he is, he wants you to give yourself the opportunity to love and be loved again, to live again, to laugh, to enjoy.
before eddie's death, before the demobats attack, before the tragedy, munson made steve promise to take care of you, that no matter what or how, he was going to keep you protected from the clutches of any enemy who tried to disturb the peace of the city again. no one knew what was going to happen better than eddie, probably because he had run through the scenarios in his mind a thousand times on the way to the trailer that would transport you to the next dimension. eddie wasn't your boyfriend -- at least not officially. anyway, your well-being came first for him. he loved you, without a doubt. unfortunately, his fears were stronger than his love. he didn't want to hurt you, drag you into a life you didn't deserve, make others automatically categorize you when they saw you holding hands with him. he couldn't take away the life of your dreams. so, he remained silent, waiting for the day that love would disappear from his heart, not knowing that that day would only come on the day of his death.
steve undoubtedly agreed when eddie spoke those words. no matter what, you'll take care of her, eddie said. steve nodded, asking no questions or questioning his decisions. the task of taking care of you had been amended to him. even knowing that was what his mate had asked him, he still felt miserable remembering the jolt of happiness that ran through his body when he saw the lifeless body of eddie munson.
screams from outside interrupt steve before he can speak. with his brow furrowed, he asks. “who's screaming like that?” the voices become increasingly noisy, causing him to get up from your bed and stick his head out the window in search of the owners of such a scandal. “what the hell? it's almost midnight.”
unlike steve, the screams of the conan family don't bother you. you're used to them. every night at midnight, matt conan, the father of the family, uses his time alone to get high and work up the courage to be the man he can't be in the course of the day. he beats his children, mistreats his wife, all under the influence of strong substances. history repeats itself every night. over time, it became a routine to wake up thanks to the uncontrollable cries of the pair of siblings who have the misfortune to carry the blood of matt conan. “it's mr. conan. leave it alone.”
steve looks at you in disbelief. “there are children crying. we can't leave it.”
you roll your eyes. “yes, steve, i hear it. i hear it every night. they cry now but in a couple of minutes they'll be quiet. leave it alone.”
“oh, so this happens every night?”
“yeah, most nights,” you reply between huffs.
eventually, steve returns to his side of the bed. your gaze is still on him, you know he can feel it. for some reason, however, he can't bring himself to speak. the truth is that he doesn't know what to say. his thoughts are far from the conan family or the living hell those children must go through, he can only focus, however clichéd, on the shine of your hair and the softness of your lips. he never kissed you, he has only dreamed of doing it. there are many things he wants to ask. will you ever get over eddie? will you ever move on? will you one day give him the chance to love you? he doesn't have the answer to any of them, and it makes him desperate.
“what's the problem now, steve?” he hears you say.
“sorry?” he replies stunned.
“what are you thinking about?”
“i-i…” he stares into your eyes. the resplendent darkness has conquered every corner of your pupils, dark circles make your face look like you're sick. in a way, you are. you find it exasperating not knowing if one day you will improve. to steve you still look beautiful, and that's when he wonders if he ever felt for nancy what he feels for you. he loved nancy, of course he did, and he's sure nancy did too. only nancy was never you. “nothing important, sweetheart.”
the nickname sends chills down your spine. steve has been doing a good job of making it difficult for you to want to disappear from the spotlight of the citizens of hawkins. the first month after eddie's death was absolute hell, you slept during the day and cried at night. you lost a large amount of weight. all without drawing anyone's attention, or so you thought. before the end of the month, steve showed up at your door. i gave you the time o thought was right to give you, you can't keep killing yourself, not when you still have something to fight for, he said. you laughed in his face when he finished speaking, everything you thought was worth going on for was left in that dark world. you yelled at him to go away, that you didn't need him, that you wanted to rot in your misery. he didn't care. that night, you wept silently in steve's arms with his hands stroking your hair until you finally fell asleep. that night, you understood that there was no way to turn back time, only to let it continue.
steve was very supportive. he accompanied you through endless nights, he wiped your tears, offered you hugs that knew how to fix every open wound after a nightmare. he drew stars around your scars. something inside you stirs every time you think of him, every time you have him close. you want to know what it feels like to be loved by him, only fear wins you over. you don't want loving him to mean forgetting eddie because that's something you know you'll never achieve. eddie left a mark on your soul that will accompany you everywhere. so, why do you feel like you betray him every time you smile at steve's meddling in your thoughts?
“you know you can tell me anything, steve,” you insist.
“not this,” he mutters, thinking you wouldn't get to hear him.
“and what is that, exactly?"
steve's eyes fill with tears. suddenly, it's like he forgot to speak. the words don't come out, a lump forms in the middle of his throat. he wants to cry, kick, scream that he loves you, save you from yourself. his fears are incredibly big, almost the same size as his love. he can't tell you what he's dying to scream. his mind, however, is not tied to his heart. the threads of sentences fall from his lips inevitably.
“i know i'll never be eddie. i'm not trying to be like him, or replace him. i know it still hurts that he died, that it'll probably hurt forever. but I can't help it. i can't help but love you. i'll never be him, but let me love you like i am. as if i could be him. please. please."
steve's confession leaves you speechless. his lower lip trembles and his chest rises and falls in agitation. his eyes that hold his tears look sad, dull. his hair is messy, perfectly messy. you bring a hand to his cheek, your thumb caressing his soft skin. he closes his eyes at the contact between his skin and yours. small, lonely tears fall on his eyes. your heart breaks. for him, for eddie. for everything.
“you're asking me something very difficult, steve,” you whisper.
“i know,” he replies with a breathy voice. “i know.”
your caresses leave his cheek to touch his lips. you slowly approach him, closing your eyes as you go. his breath hits yours, blending into rhythm. you kiss him gently and lightly.
“if you're willing to wait, we can get there,” you propose.
mr. conan's screams are no longer heard. the night is quiet, sleepwalking. a sense of belonging, of warmth, settles in your heart. you loved eddie, you always will. he spent his life making you happy. eddie will always be remembered by you as the hero of hawkins no matter what anyone else thinks. eddie loved you, and he would've wanted to see you happy even if he wasn't by his side. you love steve, and you have him here and now. it'll be a tediously long process, but you're willing to get there.
“take on me,” steve says. “as much as you want. i'm here.”
steve is willing to wait. it's worth a try.
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thelazyhermits · 4 years
Haunting Memories
Here’s that Fortune angst I promised. I hope y’all enjoy it! XD
Once again, you’re back in the fighting ring. This time you’re up against a large man with a mutant Quirk that gives him the appearance and abilities of a rhinoceros. 
That means he’s not only strong but incredibly thick-skinned. To say you’re nervous about this match would be a complete understatement. 
While you are definitely faster than him and will be able to predict his movements thanks to your Quirk, that can only get you so far. Just like with some of your past opponents, the only chance you have of winning is by wearing him out to the point that he can no longer move. Although, something tells you that this feat will be much harder with this particular opponent.
Most likely, it’s because you could tell he was being serious when he was taunting you yesterday about defeating you. He claimed that your usual cheap tricks wouldn’t work on him and that no matter what you throw his way he will be the victor.
Of course, that wasn’t the first time you heard words like that from an opponent. However, unlike previous opponents, this man has the power to back up his words. His past matches were proof of that.
In addition to claiming that he’d be the victor, your opponent said he’d beat you down until you couldn’t move anymore. According to him, the pain you’ll experience at his hands is going to be worse than anything you’ve ever experienced. 
So, you think your nervousness is perfectly understandable. You do not want to experience whatever kind of pain the rhino Quirk user has in store for you.
That’s why you’ll have to push yourself to your limits to ensure that doesn’t happen. No matter what it takes, you will not allow your opponent to prevail. 
It’s at that moment the sound of a bell ringing reaches your ears. However, rather than signal the start of the match, the bell becomes a harbinger for a much more horrific nightmare. 
All you can do is stare with large, horror-filled eyes as your opponent literally explodes, covering the surrounding area with blood and gore. Naturally, due to your close proximity to the explosion, you get covered in blood.
Dimly, you’re aware of the screams coming from the crowd as you slowly look down to examine your trembling, blood-covered hands. You don’t know how long you remain in that position, too shocked to do anything else.
You’re eventually drawn out of your stupor by a hauntingly familiar voice. “Ah~ As expected of my beloved Prophet, you even look beautiful covered in blood. Although, I think that it’s a waste that you’re covered in the blood of a fool so far below you, don’t you agree?”
Immediately, your gaze moves to focus on the speaker who’s standing right outside the fighting ring, and you see bright, acid green eyes staring back at you and a large grin that sends shivers down your spine. Pure terror washes over you as your heart beats rapidly in your chest. 
The only thing you want to do now is run, but you can’t. Your body remains frozen in place, so unfortunately for you, there’s only one thing you can do in this situation.
You scream.
Your eyes fly open as you jolt into a sitting position. Immediately, one of your hands flies to cover your mouth to prevent yourself from releasing the scream building up in your throat.
Shivers rack your body as your heart pounds a mile a minute. Tears spring to your eyes and quickly cascade down your cheeks before you can even think to stop them.
Rather than try to fight back against the surge of emotions that’s overwhelming you, you just give in to it and spend the next several minutes crying into your knees after pulling them to your chest. Miraculously, you manage to avoid making a lot of noise since the last thing you want is to wake Eri and have her see you in such a pitiful state. 
Even though there’s nothing you want more than to forget about that horrible nightmare, you can’t stop yourself from thinking about it. As much as you’d like to write it off as just a bad dream, you know that it’s a memory from your life as a cage fighter.
Somehow, you ended up in a match where your opponent suddenly died due to exploding. Unfortunately for you, you can’t remember how that explosion occurred. Obviously, you didn’t do it, and it couldn’t have been the fault of the rhino Quirk user.
So, whose fault was it?
Immediately, your thoughts turn to the person with acid green eyes that seemed like they could look right through you. As soon as you do that, your trembling increases, which is definitely not a good sign since this is the kind of reaction you had after you had that vision of Mumei following the USJ attack.
Deciding it would be in your best interest to stop thinking about the memory, you do your best to clear your mind as you slowly move to climb out of your bed. You know there’s no way you’ll be able to go to sleep on your own after such a horrible nightmare, so that means a trip to Aizawa’s apartment is in order.
So, that’s exactly where you head. However, before you can, you have to make a stop at your bathroom since you suddenly have the overwhelming urge to wash your hands.
For some reason, even though you know it was just a memory, your hands still feel like they’re covered in blood, and you desperately want to get rid of that horrible sensation.
As a result, you end up spending several minutes roughly washing your hands in a desperate attempt to get them “clean”. Even when your hands start turning red, you don’t stop washing them until the sticky sensation you feel finally fades.
Once you’re finally satisfied, you leave your room and take a moment to stop by Eri’s room, wanting to make sure she’s still sleeping in her room. Once you’re sure she’s fine, you take the elevator to go downstairs. 
Much to your surprise, shortly after you exit the elevator, you notice that the lights in the kitchen are on. Either someone forgot to turn the lights off before heading to bed, or one of your students is up despite it being the middle of the night.
While a part of you wants to see if someone else is awake, you’re also reluctant since you know you must look like a mess considering all the crying you did earlier, even though you did wash your face while you were taking care of your hands. 
Just as you’re thinking you should just head straight to Aizawa’s apartment before anyone can see you, a pajama-clad Todoroki appears in the kitchen doorway.
Once you see him, you immediately realize what’s going on. The stoic boy has a penchant for sneaking sweets in the middle of the night, so he’s obviously going after the fruit tarts you made earlier today.
The thought of Todoroki pilfering fruit tarts causes the corners of your lips to quirk upwards. Leave it to your student to put a smile on your face without even trying. 
As you’re thinking that, Todoroki moves to approach you. Rather than make a comment defending his actions like he usually does when he gets caught in the act of stealing sweets, the taller boy remains strangely quiet for some reason.
It’s when he comes to a stop before you that you realize why. Now that he’s closer, you can make out the clear concern in his eyes and the small frown resting on his lips. “Are you alright, Sensei?”
Your first impulse is to tell him that you’re fine, but that would be a lie. And you’re sure that he’d know that. While the last thing you want to do is lie to your student, you also don’t want to tell him about your nightmare since that would mean reliving it which is the last thing you want to do.
Of course, your brain has to choose that moment to betray you by bringing scenes from that nightmare to the forefront of your mind. When that happens, tears immediately prick your eyes as your breath hitches.
Todoroki’s eyes widen slightly after seeing your reaction. However, rather than question you about it, the stoic boy moves closer to you before outstretching his arms.
He doesn’t move to hug you since he’s not sure if that’s what you want right now, but he wants you to know that the offer is available to you. It’s obvious from his soft expression and the worried gleam in his eyes that he just wants to help you in any way he can.
As much as you hate the idea of him seeing you in such a pitiful state, his offer is too tempting to resist. When more horrible memories flash in your mind, you quickly move to embrace the younger boy, hugging him as tightly as you can as you bury your face in his shoulder.
Immediately, his arms wrap around you and hold you close. Remaining silent, Todoroki uses one of his hands to gently stroke your back in hopes of providing more comfort to you. 
For awhile, the two of you remain in that position. Eventually, after you calm down and feel less like crying, you break the silence. “Thank you, Todoroki. I really needed that.”
His arms give you a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad I could help. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
A small smile forms on your lips as you pull away from him so you can meet his gaze. “No, it’s alright. You don’t have to do anything else. I’m sure after your midnight snack run that you’d like to head to bed and get some more sleep rather than stay up with me.”
Rather than release his hold on you like you expect, Todoroki tightens his grip on you, catching you off guard. Your surprise only grows when you see the small pout he’s now sporting. “So, you’re going to see Aizawa-sensei instead?”
Once your shock fades, the meaning behind his words register, causing your heart to melt. To think he’d actually get jealous of the fact that you always go to Aizawa for comfort when you have nightmares. 
The corners of your lips lift higher as you move to softly tussle his two-toned locks. “It’s not because I prefer him over you. I just don’t want to bother you with my problems. It doesn’t seem right for a teacher to burden her students, especially over something as trivial as a nightmare.”
Todoroki frowns, “Anything that upsets you this much isn’t trivial, and you’re not burdening me. You always help me when I have problems, so it’s only right I do the same. That’s what people do when they care about someone, right?”
Warmth blossoms in your chest at his words. “That’s true.”
With a sigh, you press your forehead against his shoulder. “In that case, could you keep me company for a while? I don’t really feel like sleeping right now.”
He softly pats your back. “Of course. Would you like to sit down on the couch, or do you want to do some stress baking?”
An amused huff passes your lips at his question. “You know me so well. I could definitely benefit from some stress baking.”
After the two of you finally pull apart, Todoroki pulls out his phone, catching you by surprise since you weren’t expecting him to have it on hand. Maybe he likes to browse the internet while he snacks. “I’ll invite the others, so they can join us. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be left out.”
Before you can tell him that that’s not necessary since you don’t want to wake any of the sleeping students, you notice that he’s sending the message to a group chat called “Y/N-sensei Protection Squad”, and you can’t help but snort in response. “Protection Squad, huh? Who all is in that group?”
Once he hits the send button, Todoroki replies, “Everyone in the class is a part of the squad, but this particular group chat is just for the members who are familiar with your past.”
Your eyes grow large. “Wait a minute. Then, that means…”
Shortly after those words leave your mouth, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Kirishima come storming out of the staircase near the elevators. While the latter two are wearing worried expressions, the former is scowling and looks like he’s ready to fight, making you wonder what exactly Todoroki typed in his message since you never got around to reading it due to being distracted by the group chat name.
Midoriya and Kirishima immediately run over to you while Bakugou observes his surroundings as if searching for an enemy he needs to fight. After giving you a quick once over, Midoriya frowns worriedly. “Are you okay, Sensei? Todoroki-kun said you needed our help. Did something happen?”
Kirishima dons a similar expression. “He said it was an emergency so it must be really bad. Whatever it is, we’ll do everything we can to help! You can count on us, Sensei!”
As expected of the sunshine children, the two boys do not disappoint. Unable to help yourself, you pull them both into a hug, making Midoriya flush while the redhead quickly moves to reciprocate the embrace. “I’m alright. I just had a nightmare and didn’t want to go back to sleep. Todoroki thought having more company would help me. I’m sorry for worrying you.”
While they both sigh in relief after hearing that you’re okay, Bakugou glares at Todoroki. “You bastard....Don’t go saying it’s a fucking emergency when it isn’t! You wanna die?!”
The stoic boy just tilts his head. “It’s not like I lied. Just see for yourself.”
His words puzzle you, but before you can question Todoroki about them, Bakugou suddenly stomps toward you, catching you by surprise. As you release your hold on Midoriya and Kirishima, the blond comes to a stop in front of you and studies your face for the next several seconds.
When he finally pulls his gaze away from you, Bakugou turns to look at Todoroki again. “I’ll let you live to see tomorrow. Be grateful, you bastard.”
Stoic expression never faltering, Todoroki just blinks, “Thanks.”
As you snort at the exchange, Kirishima grins at you. “So, what do you wanna do, Sensei? Make a pillow fort?”
At the words “pillow fort”, Todoroki’s eyes brighten. “Yes.”
Bakugou scowls, “What you want doesn’t fucking matter, Half-and-Half. This is about Sensei, remember?”
A smile forms on your lips. “A pillow fort sounds like a great idea, but first, I’d like to do a little stress baking. Any requests?”
Immediately, Todoroki and Kirishima reel off what they like while Midoriya shyly mentions a dessert he hasn’t had in awhile. Bakugou just rolls his eyes before saying that he refuses to bake anything super sweet.
In the end, you decide to make multiple desserts, so everyone will be happy. Not only that, it ensures that you’ll be able to keep yourself busy for awhile, meaning you’ll be able to avoid thinking about your horrible nightmare.
It’s not just the baking itself that keeps you distracted, however. The whole time you’re in the kitchen, the students take turns keeping you engaged in fun conversations. 
Kirishima tells you about a movie he went to see recently with Tetsutetsu that, according to him, was the definition of manliness. Midoriya brings up what he’s recently added to his hero notebook and how he’d like your opinion on some of the observations he made regarding his classmates.
Every now and then, Todoroki chimes in with a pun or a meme, making you laugh every time. While he mostly remains silent except for the times he snaps at the others for making careless mistakes with their baking, Bakugou does eventually start talking to you about his training regimen which he’s considering adding onto and wants your input on much to your surprise.
Considering how much fun you’re having with your students, it’s like your nightmare didn’t even happen. While your eyes and hands are still red, it would be hard for anyone to think anything is wrong after seeing the large smile you’re now sporting.
Just goes to show that no foe is a match for your students, not even the haunting memories of a past best left forgotten. 
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yenkat101 · 2 years
Bsd female period pt. 1
25 post event. 15/25. -pt. 2 (Dazai and Chuuya)
Characters: (Atsushi x you) (Akutagawa x you)
General: mostly headcannons
Text type: Pine point
Warning: very little cursing And I believe that's it
Master list
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Atsushi Nakajima
Initial reaction to period. Sorry not sorry. He doesn't know what it is so he thinks you're dying when he sees the blood. You're just in casual pain just trying to clean up the blooded staind bed sheet... That was until Atsushi came into the room... Let me tell you, when he saw the blood, all hint of colors in his face faded away in a instant. He's in such a panic because he thought you were going to die. His primal instinct told him to bring you to Yosano immediately so he rushed to you and picked you up. Fortunately you were able to explain enough to make him stop panicking... "Y/N! You're going to be alright! I'll bring you to doctor Yosano!" "Calm down Atsu- it's normal!" "Bleeding shouldn't be normal!" "All girls, go through this!" "Stop lying! I don't want you to die! Please let me bring you to doctor Yosano!" "I can prove it" "..." After that one statement he decided to give you a chance. You call Yosano and explain her the unfortunate situation you've been placed under. After she fully grasped the situation she explained to Atsushi it was perfectly normal and answered any questions he had. Once he understood the situation, he was completely embarrassed that he overreacted... Now he completely thinks that girls are superior because they have to suffer with that once a month... (Not like he ever disrespected woman's in his life, he just has even more respect for them) In his mind he's wondering what he could do to make you feel more better, because he hates seeing you in so much pain. He's basically a worried and caring weretiger of boyfriend wanting to help you out of pain
If they don't take it serious, When do they take it serious? As explained before... When he saw the blood he took it serious instantly... The next time it happens. He's way more calmer about this but still takes it serious. Because he hate seeing you in pain so if there's anything he can do to ease you, he'll try is absolute best to measure up to your expectations
What do they do when it comes to? Pain edition!
What do they do when it comes to Muscle aches, medication! If it hurts that bad he'll give you some recommended medication to help. Another thing he'll do is completely tell you that you shouldn't be moving around when you're in pain... Finally, there's a small possibility that he might massage your body to make you feel more better
What do they do when it comes to Joint pain, if there's any sort of medicine he could offer you, he would... But I can definitely see him telling you to rest. Like you're in pain... He knows it's not an injury but you're in pain and if you're in pain you should rest... So yes, he would tell you to rest while he does anything or and help you do anything you want to do during those difficult times
What do they do when it comes to Headaches, medicine~ recommended~! I also feel like he's the type to also make your surroundings completely calm and serene... expect the lights to be off, calm music playing on a very low level while he lets you nap on his lap
What do they do when it comes to Diarrhea or constipation, all I can see him doing is making sure it doesn't get any worse. He might ask for some recommended medicine that would help with that sort of thing... But he would give you nutrition that he was pretty certain that it shouldn't worsen your constipation/diarrhea
What do they do when it comes to Trouble sleeping, he finds it embarrassing but if it makes you happy and it helps you, he'll let it slide. He'll activate his ability Beast Beneath The Moonlight and cuddle you. He did it a couple times when you had trouble sleeping, like the time you had a nightmare. He might even force himself to go into a vibration motion which is called "purring". He does that because, he realized that the vibration of his body helps you fall asleep quicker so he forces himself into a vibration state to help you fall asleep quicker
What do they do when it comes to Tender breasts, to be completely honest he doesn't even know when you feel that way... So he won't be much help because he doesn't even know that... Tender breasts is a thing
What do they do when it comes to Lower back pain, medication that's recommended. He thinks that medicine could possibly help way more than he can himself
What do they do when it comes to Abdominal cramps, medicine... Recommended medicine... And I could also see him laying his head lightly on your abdominal... (I headcannon that Atsushi is a walking furnace) so he's basically a walking heating pad for you
What do they do when it comes to Low energy, fatigue, he's honestly the type that would leave you alone. Because if you're tired and you feel low, he'll let you rest. No, he won't give you a hard time about it... He might perhaps let you cuddle up to him... But he certainly won't force you to do anything that you're not capable of. If you feel tired or low on energy it's not a problem
Extra~ pain edition
Crying, when he finds you crying, he tries his absolute best to help you feel way more better because he hates seeing you cry... No, that's not an exaggeration, he HATES it. So when he finds you crying, he's ALMOST ready to do ANYTHING for you
Unbearable pain, he's trying to give you some pain medication and whatever that could possibly help... He hates it when you're in pain but it's somewhat necessary during a period... When he doesn't have work, he's all yours... He'll cuddle you, he'll care for you, he'll remind you that he loves you, ect
Throwing up, he hates that your hormones can cause you so much unnecessary pain... He isn't the best but he absolutely tries his best to comfort you
Can't move, no need to worry! Atsushi isn't cruel, if you're in so much pain that you cannot move then, that's that. Because if you're in pain and can't move because your body refuses to, then he's not going to pressure you at all... So expect him to do almost anything you need to do in order to ease you
Buying things for their s/o
Pads and Tampons buying, yes! If you ask him he will. He thinks that's the least he could do while you're in pain... But please tell him specific instruction about what you want, or he won't be buying you anything because of the fear of picking the wrong brand and or size
Heating pad buying, not necessary! As I already said many times... Atsushi it's like a walking heating pad... He's very warm (warmer than most people) and he can kind of, force himself to purr... So a vibrating heating pad that won't fall off you with every movement you do and he's body heat won't go cold... so if he has the capability of becoming your somewhat heating pad, then why not do it (first to save money… second… he likes making himself useful, especially for you)
Pain medicine buying, yes! I mentioned throughout the whole thing... That the answer to almost everything is pain medication and love. So yes, he only gets medicine that's recommended... And he's quite cautious, he make sure that he reads the instructions before he even offers the medication to you (what sweet baby!)
Snack buying, yes and no! If he can and can afford it... Then sure. But you're going to have to keep yourself tame, because he can't exactly buy you a whole factory of junk food (sorry, he's somewhat broke) *Luckily Ranpo decide to willing give you some of his treats because he felt bad...*
What do they do personally to help you, when he's home from work he does whatever he can to help you... If you need anything just tell him. Heck! He might even turn into your personal heating pad if you're that desperate (he loves you very much)
Would they be nicer or just the same as always? Basically the same but doesn't let you do anything on your own... Especially if you're in pain. He hates the idea of you walking around while you're in so much pain... Because if it isn't necessary, then he doesn't want you moving around causing more misfortune for yourself
Now, would they take a week off just to take care of you? Not exactly his choice. Yes he loves you and worry's about you, but the Agency ends up giving you and him a week off... Why? Let's just said that their was a scenario that Atsushi was calling you so much during the day that everyone believed he would win the world record of calling one person's number a thousand times in such small time... When they heard how much pain you're in, that's when they felt more bad... So when the president heard about it, he just gave Atsushi a week off, just to take care of Y/n... Because he's sympathetic in a way
he's a really caring boy that wants to relieve you from pain... He's very worried about you. Mostly because he believes that it's inhumane to feel that much pain once a month without an sort of torture involved... He really pitties you, so he take care of you very well... He doesn't like seeing you in pain, so he tried his best job to absolutely ease you from the unbearable pain you must go though... He may not be the best person to help during your period but he tries... (Is the thought that counts, right?)
Little bonus~
Period cramps simulator! Not that he never took it serious... But he always wondered how did it feel? He knows it's painful but to what level... How painful it is? So you decided to buy a little period simulator to ease his curiosity... As you strap on the device the more anxiety and curiosity rose... When you started off at the lowest level he only felt a bit of an odd tingling around his abdomen... After every 2 minutes you cranked up the level one by one... It was only a level 5 and he was already feeling unwell... Both of you agree that.. Atsushi wanted you to crank it up to the highest level and leave it like that for 2-5 minutes so he could absolutely grasp how painful can this monthly thing can be... The both of you agreed on 2 minutes because after some long wild convincing, Atsushi now understood that it is going to be extremely painful and he shouldn't be doing it for 5 minutes... The moment of truth. You did as he asked and placed the simulator on the highest level.. Oh boy... The instant it turned on he collapsed onto the ground in agony... You watched him curl into a ball while trying to mute his cries of pain... Dazai decided to take a little visit exactly at that moment... You had to explained what was going on and he was in wowed... After it was over it he needed 20 minutes to recover... After that he was even more concern every time you feel pain during your period... So.. yeah, not only he understand the pain, but you also made him more anxious every time you receive your period
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Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Initial reaction to period. Sorry not sorry. He himself doesn't exactly know what it is. Probably overheard Gin speaking about the monthly pain but he doesn't know the details... He actually thought that it was just pain and uneasiness for a week not blood coming from your abdomen for a week. You didn't exactly know if you should tell him or not because, why? He doesn't care, right? He thought it was unusual the way you acted (coincidentally every time you receive your period he's on a task overseas and or too busy to notice) he thought it was weird that you were in the washroom for over 40 minutes because you not taking a shower..? He instantly knows when you take a shower because the sound of sprinkling water coming from the washroom was he's proof... So, he decided to barge into the bathroom while you were unfortunately cleaning the blood off your legs... You're just so lucky enough to choose the right words to him calm down... "R-ryunosuke! Don't barge in like that!" "Who. did. this..." "Wha-?" "Who harmed you..." "Please calm down. No one hurt me! It's just a time of the month! can you get a hint?!?" "Woman's... Bleeds during the time of the month..?" "yes..! Now get out! Please!" Now you were left in peace in the washroom but left with so much embarrassment. While you were continuing what you were doing Akutagawa took it upon himself to finally research "what is a period?" Oh boy... He did a little bit too much research and ended up into a coughing fit...
If they don't take it serious, When do they take it serious? After he fully understands that "'it's just the time of the month"' he doesn't even bother... But once he knows, that this nuisance and inconvenience is necessary or you could either be pregnant or... There's a larger issue involved... That's when he takes it serious. Because, you must get this at least once a month or it could be the sign that you're pregnant, if the two of you ever... you know... Or it could be a serious problem if you have not received your period in 3 month (if you're not pregnant what'so ever)
What do they do when it comes to? Pain edition!
What do they do when it comes to Muscle aches, I honestly can't see him doing much because he doesn't exactly know how to take care of someone... But I can imagine Akutagawa indirectly telling you to take it easy while telling you directly that it isn't necessary for you to be walking around Yokohama if he could easily do whatever you need for you
What do they do when it comes to Joint pain, just stay in bed... The next thing he needs witnesses is you collapsing in front of him because of your unfortunate joint pain... He'll tell you that it isn't necessary for YOU to move about if you're feeling weak (no, he doesn't listen to his own advice *unless he's not self-pitying himself*)
What do they do when it comes to Headaches, he doesn't exactly know what to do so... To make it up to you he does something so sweet. He prepares a small tray with cold water, medication, neatly toasted bread with butter and a small bowl of some easy digestible fruits such as grapes, blueberries, raspberries, figs, ect... leaves the tray on the bed stand where you can easily grab it, afterwards he makes the room completely dark with a little bit of sunlight coming through and leaves you alone afterwards. (He's not the best, but he's surprisingly very good at act of service *it's the thought that counts, right?*)
What do they do when it comes to Diarrhea or constipation, he doesn't really do anything. I can only imagine him just giving you a warm glass of water and some pills that would speed the process
What do they do when it comes to Trouble sleeping, okay most of us can agree that he's probably an night owl... So... He doesn't exactly sleep at night or very little.. but, he doesn't want you missing out of sleep that is necessary for you. So he's definitely the type to stay up with you while doing little things to convince your mind you need to sleep... I can imagine a scenario where he's reading one of those antique books he so adores and notices that you're currently awake at a unreasonable time... He decides to read out loud so you at least have something to listen to instead of unbearable silence (he might even let you get away with cuddling him while he's reading out loud to you) he's in peace when he sees he's exceeded in helping you fall asleep and couldn't help but admire your peaceful state before heading to bed himself
What do they do when it comes to Tender breasts, doesn't knows that sore breasts are a thing.... So he doesn't do anything about it. If he doesn't know that's a problem in the first place, then how is he supposed to help you?
What do they do when it comes to Lower back pain, he advised you not to use your back to too much... While offering you pain medication and a glass of water
What do they do when it comes to Abdominal cramps, gives you glass of water, pain medication and a heating pad and leaves you to it (he thinks doing act of service while you're in pain, show's you how much he loves you)
What do they do when it comes to Low energy, fatigue? Simple. Remember the little tray I mentioned earlier? Yep, it's back! He makes a tray with medication, food and a tall glass of cold water and place it on the bed stand. Not only that he tucks you in and gives you a forehead kiss then tells you he'll be back in a couple hours (yes, he's big on Act of service! Since he doesn't know how to properly handle the situation)
Extra~ pain edition
Crying, he comes home to see you crying in pain... He just right up tells you to wipe those ugly tears off your face.. you were about to cry more until he added the part those ugly tears shouldn't be on your gorgeous face... Yes he has his way with words... Then he comforts you a little bit... "Wipe those ugly tears off your face....... Those hideous tears shouldn't be on a face as gorgeous as yours. Now tell me. Where does it hurts..?" (He's trying... He's trying his best... So please give him a break)
Unbearable pain, he simply tells you to rest while he does the rest for you... And offers you medication that will ease the pain (recommended and safe medication obviously! He doesn't offer you medication unless he knows it's safe)
Throwing up, he doesn't exactly do much but he will hold the bucket and your hair. Fine I will not lie... He thinks it's disgusting when you throw up but he will be there to hold the bucket and your hair while he silently watches you throw up... After a couple minutes you haven't thrown up, he'll offer some Gatorade and some lightly buttered toast, so you have at least something in your stomach before he leaves to go to work
Can't move, he does absolutely everything you need before heading off to work... Leave the phone with you so you can easily call him or his sister Gin if you absolutely need something... I suggest you call Gin than Akutagawa because when he gets home he'll be in a pissy mood... Well half heartedly insulting you by claiming your weak and pathetic for not being able to move (he doesn't mean it… he just hates it that you're in this much pain, to the point you have to call him to help you)
Buying things for their s/o
Pads and Tampons buying, not really... Unless you're going with him. You do the shopping for yourself while he protects you and pays for it, then the both of you go home and do whatever the heck you guys want
Heating pad buying, if you asked for it... Then he would. Don't worry he doesn't need you to come along with him for that. Because he a heating pad isn't exactly categorized as female period needs so he doesn't exactly embarrass himself looking for female products (unlike pads and tampons they are female products for periods)
Pain medicine buying, yes! He would. But surprisingly isn't in a rush about it. He's the type that would take his time to read and research about the medicine he's planning on buying to make sure, it's safe and would help you with the symptoms they claim to temporarily remove
Snack buying, sure he doesn't exactly mind... When he does his weekly grocery shopping he buys you a little something healthy and maybe a little bit of junk food just to satisfy your cravings... But he isn't exactly the type to go out of his way to get you something at midnight unless he's on his way back from work, then that's a different story
What do they do personally to help you, Would they be nicer or just the same as always? Same as always... But just does more "Act of service" for you...
What do they do personally to help you, Would they be nicer or just the same as always? Same as always... But just does more "Act of service" for you...
Now, would they take a week off just to take care of you? Nope! He just leaves you with whatever you need and you try to do it on your own. He's won't stop working because of you but that does not mean he will not stop you from working. If you're in pain and you should take a break (do not argue back, I repeated do not argue back)
He can't do much to help you but he will put more effort into Act of service to prove his love for you... Do not argue back with him when he tells you to do something. Like if he tells you to go back to bed and rest, you fucking go to bed and rest... But that's besides the question, he genuinely cares about you and wish that is inconvenience called "period" never existed nor was necessary
Little bonus~
Period cramps simulator! He was one that never understood the concept, especially the part where pain was necessary... But he always wondered how did it feel? He knows it's painful, because of how you explained it, but to what level... How painful it is? So you decided to buy a little period simulator to prove to him that the pain you feel isn't your exaggeration (yes, at one point he thought you were exaggerating your pain just to get attention) I don't know how you did it, but you convinced him to try simulator. As you strap on the device, the more curiosity rose within... When you started off at the lowest level he only felt a bit of an odd tingling around his abdomen... After every 2 minutes you cranked up the level one by one... It was only a level 5 and he was already feeling unwell... Somehow you convinced him to try out ONE of highest amount of pain someone can feel during the time of the month... Akutagawa was interested in knowing how painful is the highest level on this specific simulator... So the of both of you came to a conclusion to leave it like that for 2-5 minutes so he could absolutely grasp how painful can this monthly thing can be... The both of you afterwards agreed on 2 minutes after some wild convincing, because you explained to Akutagawa that it's going to be extremely painful and he shouldn't be doing it for 5 minutes then he took it the wrong way and believed you were calling him weak..... So.... Now! The moment of truth.You did as he asked and placed the simulator on the highest level.. Oh boy... The instant it turned on he fucking collapsed onto the ground in agony... You watched him curl into a ball... He was twitching in unbearable pain... you watch as he clinged to a pillow for dear life, you couldn't help but notice he started crying. That's when you come completely turn off the machine before the timer went off. Apparently his weak body couldn't handle it... You watched silently as guilt clouded your vision noticing Akutagawa weak state clinging on to your waist for support and comfort... 3 days later, he was completely back to normal. Yes, the whole experience caused him to be weak in bed for 3 days... Of course he accepted your apology but he claims that he's never putting that piece of junk on him ever again... After that he was even more concern every time you felt pain during your period... So.. yeah, not only he understand the pain, but you also made him more anxious every time you receive your period.. (Akutagawa already has a weak body as it is, and trying an experiment such as that on him, will obviously cause him to become weak for a few days, it's only natural when it comes to his weak body, so don't feel bad because... It was actually his idea *yes, he thought about that simulator way before you even asked if he was interested in trying it out*)
25 post event with (Atsushi x reader) and (Akutagawa x reader) 15/25.
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pricescigar · 2 years
Incubus AU
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An incubus is a demon in male form who, according to mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleeping women in order to engage in sexual activity with them.
"Someone's hunting you."
"What? Who's hunting me? I don't get what you're saying ..."
"He's hunting you, be wary of your surroundings even at night itself."
"I don't really get what you're saying, but... Danke I guess?"
"Be careful out there miss, he's closer than you may think."
Like that ever helped, that greatest bit of advice didn't help Elvira at all. Helplessly she walked home, what the hell was that woman talking about anyways? She thought a fortune teller would help, but alas nothing did. She didn't tell no one close to her about it. What can she do now? Come to think of it, her dreams have been rather ... Odd lately. She was never the one to have sexual dreams, never in her life. Hell she never thought about sex before. Most of the time Elvira normally had her nightmares, but that was about it. The man or, thing whatever was in her dream. He called to her, he called her name. But how did he now her name? Better yet he was touching her; In all places she thought she'd never be touched, but it felt so good as well. The kisses into her neck, her chest and everywhere else. She felt ashamed for liking it, yet Elvira didn't bother telling anyone about it. Never in her life had she been so close to a man, he was full blown naked from what she could remember; Yet all she could remember about him was brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. A rough scruffy look about him, yet he looked so damn sexy at the same time.
Arriving back to her home, Elvira closed the door behind her sighing in frustration. Looking to see what time it was, she went over to the kitchen to make herself some dinner. Living on her own was rather lonely, the thought of having someone by her side did sound nice. But in the end she always appreciated her own company; Sure she had friends of course, but not the kind of friends that you would live with. Elvira made herself a simple dinner, but made a large portion of it so she could have leftovers when need be.
With the dinner finally prepared Elvira sat herself down on the chair, and began to eat her dinner in silence. Something she was used to. It was a simple Friday evening so nothing big was going on for her, most of her friends (Or work colleagues for a better term) Would be out by now having drinks. Having fun, you know parties and all. She heard some blabber on about going out with their significant other, Elvira wondered why she never had anyone special in her life. It almost hurt her, her friend did suggest speed dating. But she quickly said no; Maybe she was starting to regret it.
Elvira easily assumed that the sexual dream was because of her being touchstarved, and probably her mind had a will of its own; Making up of a complete yet sexy mysterious stranger. At this point she didn't know any more, she hoped that tonight there wouldn't any dreams of it.
For the duration of the evening Elvira watched TV for a bit, most of it was flicking through the channels before finding something decent. She was in the bathroom getting herself ready for bed, doing all the basic routines thst needed to be done. Feeling a strand of her hair being put behind her ear, quickly she looked behind but no one was there.
'Calm down Elvira no one is there' Elvira kept saying to herself, trying to ease her mind. The door was already locked. So no one could get in her apartment. She walked to her bedroom, only a small light on the nightstand was on for now. Going over to her bed, getting in within the covers. Grabbing her book that was on the side, and opening the page she was left off with she began to read. Why did she even bother reading such fairytale at this age? Ah, but Elvira didn't care. No longer feeling that presence or anyone else touching her hair.
Elvira didn't remember falling asleep, but when she woke up the whole room was dark. The book was no longer in her hand, but back on the nightstand and left on the page where she was left off. With the bookmark placed there on the page too, worst part was. She couldn't move. Her whole body almost felt paralysed. The only thing that she could move was her eyes. "Scheisse..." She softly cursed. What now?
There he was standing not so far from her, the same man she saw from the night before; Her heartbeat quickened, her not being able to move didn't tell either. Seeing him walk towards her over to the bed, and getting ontop of her. The bedsheets were no longer over her body, her eyes observed his features closely. A typical Incubus none the less, horns and a tail. Their muscles fully exposed. Yet the man couldn't take his eyes off of her.
"What are you...?" Elvira managed to say, she was almost lost for words at this point. And for once in her whole entire life, she didn't know what to do.
"It doesn't matter what I am, but I know you like it whenever I touch you... You yearn for me so badly. Don't deny it young one." He spoke to her, his hand running across her stomach and going under her shirt. Goosepumps easily forming upon on her skin.
"W-Wait ... I can't move! Stop!" Elvira said quickly, which made him stop what he was doing. As he looked to her, tilting his head a little in confusion.
"That's the whole point, you're locked into my own trance... You can't move my love. I can do whatever I wish, and the mount of pleasure that will be given to you... Will engulfe you, pleasure by pleasure dearest." He whispered to her in her ear, which made her almost shudder a little.
"But...- But I don't want to be locked like this... Please?" Elvira said suddenly, lookimg up go him with such pleading eyes. He looked at her a moment of silence and it was as if a twinge of the moment. She could finally move her body again, and so she quickly sat up sighing in relief. Opening her eyes again and staring at the same stranger in question. "...You were in my dream the other night? But how? It's impossible at this point... How are you even real to me?" She questioned him.
"Yes, I was in your dream. What you saw was real, I've been watching you for some time now. I know what you want, I feel the need of energy... Flowing through you. I know what you want, and I know what I want too..."  He mumrrued his hand running down her arm, caressing it gently.
"I saw you then ... I thought I was going crazy, was you the one who put the strand of my hair behind my ear? Before I fell asleep?" Elvira asked, to which he nodded to her question.
"I love doing that to you, always had done. Now relax ... I'm here." He simply responded to her, leaning towards her lips. As his lips crashed against hers, pulling her body close to his.
Elvira was surprised at the sudden kiss, yet immediately she melted within his arms. The type of kiss that Elvira had always wanted. Returning the kiss back, her hands slowly worked up to his face. His hands gripped onto her thighs roughly, before they would do the work of undressing her. Throwing the clothes aside, the low audible growl escaping from his lips. His lips began to kiss her neck, going downwards to her chest. Marking his territory along the way.
Feeling the wetness between her legs, Elvira moaned softly; He liked to hear her finally moan, his hand trailed down her body to her thighs and fingers began to work itself into her inner thigh. Close to her cunt, stroking the clip gently he groaned softly into her ear. "God you're so wet for me, I should've done this with you much sooner... Fuck." He continued to stroke her clit, rubbing her faster.
"Scheisse..." Elvira breathed out, her hand was behind his head. The other on his shoulder, gripping onto it a little. Her nails digging into his skin. He slid two fingers inside of her and began pumping his fingers into her. Another moan escaped her lips, her mind was already foggy with such thoughts; Kissing her again, his tongue easily fighting for dominance in which he was sucessful.
"I can feel you growing close to your climax... Not yet. Hold on just a little longer." He suddenly pulled his fingers out of her, l her sweet juices coaxed around it as he licked them with such delight. Licking them clean. "You taste ravishing as well." He said to her.
Elvira took the time and she composed herself, her heartbeat was beating fast. Her body was already hot and sweaty. But it didn't help the poor and aching feeling between her legs it was unbearable. As she whined to him. "Please do it already, I can't take it anymore..." She begged desperately to him, and so he easily got into position spreading her legs wide as possible, before he then wrapped them around his own waist. "What's your name?" She asked him.
" ... It's John. John Price, more or less. And I already know your name Elvira, so save the stress of telling me my dear..." He hummed a little, without wanting he inserted his cock into her the both moaning in sync. God he couldn't remember the last time he felt like this, he had to hold himself back going feral for her immediately. But the latter failed fortunately.
Price had already started thrusting into her roughly, he was needy, driven by such passion it was unbearable. He was so fucking horny for her, and he wouldn't stop until she alone was completely satisfied. Elvira groaned in pleasure, the sudden pain rushed through her. With each and every rough thrust, the pain was beginning to die away. And her moans began to turn into pleasure, he marked her skin with his kisses and various bites. Claiming her as his own, seeing the blue and purple bruises form upon her skin. Her moans were like music to his years, his hands ever so needy and continued to touching her.
"Fuck ... I didn't know you were this tight..." Price hissed, his eyes were glowing as the two locked eyes together. Elvira saw how his eyes were growing, her head laying back in pleasure before their lips connected again. He slid his tongue into her mouth, fighting for dominance. He had easily won. While their tongues twisted and turned almost drooling he pulled away licking his lips in the process.
"Don't stop ... Please..." Elvira cried with pleasure, her head leaning back in pleasure. His cock suddenly pulled out of her, turning her body over upon her stomach.
"I'm not going to stop, not until you feel every inch of pleasure running through your body." Price spoke getting behind her and stroking her hair a little, putting a strand of it behind her ear. Leaning over towards her more and inserting his cock back inside of her again.
"I feel it alright..." Elvira mused, gripping onto her bedsheets, Price's hands gripped onto her hips tightly. Her body was overwhelmed with pleasure, the tightness between her legs became stronger; The orgasm was building up even more to the point it was driving her to the edge. "Fuck how much longer..." she moaned in pleasure.
"A little longer... Fuck ..." Price whispered, his cock penetrate her weak spot made him pound her more with passion and his own neediness; The desire to release his load into her, and claim her as his own mate right then and there. He'd do anything to give her a world of pleasure. And all the love especially. "I'm so close now... I'm not holding back." He said.
Price cummed inside of her, as Elvira did too. Both released in sync. His hot seed flowing through her. He laid his head within her neck, regaining his strength and feeling her exhaustion. He pecked her neck softly, and laid down and gently pulling her into his arms.
"Don't go John please, I'm tired of you hiding from me..." Elvira whispered through her exhaustion, as she laid her head on his chest. Both of them were hot and sweaty; But she didn't seem to care about it, feeling his arms immediately wrap around her body. Her hands wrapped around his body, waist falling asleep without question; She was exhausted by the fun they had. But Price knew he did a good enough job. Holding her close to him as he possibly could, feeling this undying need to protect her with his very life.
"I won't." Price promised, kissing his head as he relaxed in the bed. He found his true mate, after all this years. And for once, he could finally rest in peace.
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Gift exchange
It’s Christmas Eve, and you’ve forgotten about your Christmas company party. Even worse you forgot to get a gift for the “not so secret Santa” - your company’s tradition. Wanna top it? Make it even worse? No problem. The person you were supposed to get a gift for? Your crush. Defsoul - the most talented, kindest and hottest person alive. What are you going to do now?
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pairing: Lim Jaebeom (Defsoul) x reader
genre: smut, fluff, Jaebeom is a producer, Y/N is a manager
warnings: smut: daddy kink, light choking, ass play; foul language (please don’t read it if you’re not old enough)
words: 4989
A/N: TFW you try to write a GOT7 reaction, and you end up with one-shot. I know I’m kinda late with whole christmas theme but i wrote it last night and figured out I could post it anyway.
You barely got to shut your eyes before your alarm tore you up from your dreams. It was nine in the morning, and you went to sleep at six AM because of your work. You groaned as you shuffled in bed cursing your job, three hours of sleep was not enough for anyone. Being manager of K-pop girl group was hard enough but being the manager in December when there was award show after award show and festivals - that was a nightmare. To other people December was equal to Christmas, gifts, parties, New Year's Eve but to you, it was synonymous with constant state of tiredness, your biggest wish right now was to spent Christmas break alone, just you and your bed. You sighed as you dragged yourself to shower. Girls had only slept for 5 hours, and you felt bad for them — not only were they invited to each award show that existed they also just have had a comeback. You could see how exhausted they were and yet your superiors still pushed for them to go to some stupid TV show on Christmas Eve. You got yourself ready and went to pick them up and get them to set.
The recording went smoothly, and you were already daydreaming about coming home early and passing out on your bed. It was six PM already, but you still had to drive girls home and step into the office for a bit. You sighed you'd be home eight PM at best - well it was still better than coming home at two or three AM. You were about to go and thank everyone for their hard work when your phone vibrated. It was your best friend and coworker.
"Hey Inha. What's up?"
"I wanted to check if you remember about the company party tonight."
You hit your forehead and groaned.
"OMG! You forgot! Have you bought a gift at least?"
"No..." you whined. You wanted to die. You had so much work lately that you've absolutely forgotten about that party — it was for staff only and each year you'd drew lots to pick the person you were supposed to give a gift to. It wasn't even secret Santa your boss simply came to conclusion that gift exchange would help out with forming friendships...
"Girl... Do you at least remember who you drew?"
Of course you remembered. How could you not. This was your lucky year, you got Defsoul the hottest, kindest and most talented person working for your label. You had a small crush on him since that day he gave up his coffee for you. You were falling asleep standing while girls were recording their vocals, and he chuckled at you before telling you to sit by him and drink some coffee. It probably meant nothing to him but that was one of the most stressful weeks in your life, and you weren't sleeping at all during that time — ITZY were about to make a debut, and you couldn't stop worrying over it. You remember how touched you were by this simple gesture, after all no one ever gave you coffee, usually you were the one getting it for other people. His looks certainly didn't help with your hopeless crush. He was H O T and not even simply hot, more like "I-look-like-an-idol" hot. He had a black mullet, piercing under his eye, he also had his nose and ears pierced to make matters worse for you he also had most hypnotizing almost feline-like eyes. Honestly you wondered why didn't he become an idol with a face and talent like that. After that one time, he would buy you a coffee whenever he had seen you and you two became somewhat close - you'd swing over his studio when girls had to train and talk about everything and nothing. He told you about his cats, his favorite restaurants, his passion for taking pictures and well you mostly told him about your job since you basically didn't have any private life - it really felt pathetic. He even took your photo once - telling you that the picture would help him later when he would be looking for inspiration (it is a mystery till this day how you haven't fainted that evening). One day you were waiting for girls to finish up their dance practice and fell asleep on one of the benches — it was difficult day for you since you haven't slept for twenty hours already (you had to fight off some crazy sasaengs and didn’t sleep whole night keeping an eye on their dorm — some would say you were overdoing it, but to you members of ITZY were like your little sisters). You woke up in his studio on his couch. He carried you there while you were asleep and tucked you in, covering you with his jacket. You were extremely embarrassed, apologetic and thankful at the same time. He chuckled at you before saying that it was okay and forced you to promise that you'd oversleep to work the very next day. Inha claimed he had a crush on you since he never treated her with the same kindness or anyone really. But you knew better, he was a good colleague. A good, extraordinarily attractive colleague you wanted to kiss and lick and...
"Hello? Earth to Y/N??" your friend snapped you from your thoughts.
"I have to go Inha! Thank you for reminding me! Love you!" You checked the time, there was no way you'd manage to drive girls back, buy a gift, get ready for a party and do all that without being late. You sighed you will have to improvise. You drove off girls and came back rushing straight to your apartment. The party started at 10 PM and you had to shower, somehow fix your sleep-deprived face and figure out how you're going to apologize to Def... You were home a few minutes before 8 rushing into your bedroom - at least you knew what you were going to wear. That would be the most expensive, or more like the only expensive piece of clothing you had — a birthday gift from girls. It was an oversized tuxedo jacket from Alexander Wang and you haven't worn it yet. You tried it on, it had quite deep cleavage, and exposed a lot of your legs, but you figured it would be ok for tonight. You smoothed out black velvety material before stepping out of it. You still had to shower and do your makeup. An hour later you were looking at yourself in the mirror — the mask Inha got you really helped out with bags under your eyes. You did good with makeup as well: it was soft brownish smoky eye, orange toned lipstick and some shimmers here and there — you actually looked healthy and well rested (a true Christmas miracle really). You looked even better after getting in your outfit — Ryunjin was right, the tuxedo like dress fitted your vibe. You even wore some black heels which didn't often happen since you always chose comfort over looks when at work.  
Fortunately you got to the party on time even though you couldn't catch a taxi for twenty minutes or so. People inside were already mingling and drinking, and you decided to grab something to drink before looking for Def. You located a small table with champagne in the corner of the room. You downed two glasses as quick as you got there, and were already grabbing a third one when a voice spoke up startling you so much you jumped a little.
"Rough day?" Defsoul was standing next to you, whiskey in his hand, smirking at you. You immediately blushed and gawked at him. He was so handsome it was simply unfair. This man clearly woke up today and chose violence. He was wearing a silky black shirt — and it was quite unbuttoned, so you had a chance of seeing his broad chest (you were currently having a heart attack), and slacks he also styled his hair so that his forehead was exposed with one defiant streak of hair falling onto his brow bone. You wanted to groan. You fucked up — this could've been your chance to get him to like you more...
"Y/N? Are you alright?" he was genuinely concerned, and here you were, basically salivating and staring at him like a starved, nasty man. That was so embarrassing. You cleared your throat and looked away.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm just really tired today..." He smiled at you warmly, and you wanted to punch yourself for not getting him something, anything.
"That's great!" You gave him a confused look, and he bit his lip nervously while scratching the back of his head. He was so cute you could kiss him. Well to be fair you felt like you could kiss him any time. Why...why did you have to forget that bloody gift...
"I mean it's not great that you're tired... It's just… ah, shit I suck at this. Here." He handed you a plastic card, and you read it absolutely puzzled. Lifetime pass for coffee with Jaebeom — it also had a cute chibi character that looked just like Def, except it had some cat ears.
"Now you can get coffee whenever you want. I mean I know you can have it whenever you want anyway, I just thought that maybe you'd like someone to get it with... I mean get it for you… It's ok if you don't like it really, oh by the way I'm Jaebeom, I don't know if I already told you my real name or not…" he was rambling, and you were screaming inside your head. That was so cute. So kind. You wanted to hug him and kiss him so badly. "Ah, shit. I really do suck at this." he said more to himself than to you. You finally looked at him and grinned.
"I love it." you said and his eyes turned into big orbs before light pink colored his cheeks.
"You do?"
"I do. It's a perfect gift." you smiled, your heart swelled with happiness. You could technically go on a date with him whenever you felt like with this handy piece of plastic. That is if he wouldn't start to hate you in the next few minutes for forgetting his present.
"I'm glad." he grinned and it took your breath away. How come he was so perfect? You got even more nervous looking at the gift from him.
"Ah... I was your not so secret Santa as well…" you started.
"Really? So what did you get me?" he was genuinely interested, and you wanted to go back in time and kill yourself for forgetting about this party. You looked up. His eyes were gleaming with curiosity — you were fucked.
"It's me! I'm your gift!" you joked and looked down to cover your nervousness. You were about to say that it was just a stupid joke and apologize before he spoke up.
"I love it." his voice was deeper than normally, and you looked up shocked by it. He was checking you out, his hungry eyes traveling up and down. You've never seen him like that. You could feel warmth spreading on your cheeks under his intense stare, a tight knot forming somewhere near your core in excitement.
"Y-you do?" your voice faltered, and he chuckled while moving closer to you. He smelled musky with a hint of citrus. Your legs were about to collapse under you.
"I do." he hummed he was so close you could feel the warmth radiating from him. His hand brushed against yours as he bent down to reach your ear. You were sure your skin was burning where he touched you. "So, tell me Y/N, when can I unwrap you?" his tone was dark and dangerous and when he straightened up you've seen this gleam in his eyes as he smirked. Your legs felt like made from putty and you'd collapse if his hand weren't already wrapped around your waist. You couldn't believe it was happening. Your heart was beating so hard it was about to spring off your chest — you were wondering if he could hear it. You certainly could even though blood ringed in your ears. You felt your throat going dry and your panties getting moist.
"Def…" you started weakly. Shocked by your own voice — it sounded so needy.
"Call me Jaebeom.." he purred. "Would you like to go to my place? I don't think I can wait any longer to enjoy my gift…" You quavered from excitement, his voice was laced with a promise of sleepless night.
"Yes, let's go." you said and he smiled at you. You were sure you lost any oxygen you still had in your lungs at that moment. His hand left your waist, and you wanted to catch it and wrap yourself with it again. Instead, he grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers with his, smiling at you sweetly before he led you outside. You couldn't focus on anything else, but his fingers wrapped around yours. His hand was warm, and he held you firmly, his skin soft and delicate. You managed to quickly catch a taxi and through whole drive Jaebeom's hand lazily travelled up and down your thigh. His gentle fingers sending sparks to your core every time he brushed the inside of your leg. You glanced at him, eyes filled with desire — he shivered, and it made you feel a different kind of excitement — you didn't know that you had this kind of effect on him. You got out of the taxi and his hand was instantly on yours, he was almost dragging you skipping every other step as he rushed upstairs to his apartment. He opened the door and let you in. Immediately three cats came in and brushed against your legs. You smiled softly.
"They like you.." Jaebeom murmured against your neck while taking off your coat for you, you gasped at the feeling, and he released low chuckle before he started planting soft kisses against your neck — each time his lips touched your skin your muscles clenched with anticipation. You couldn't wait any longer. You turned around and looked at him, his eyes were glued to your lips and excitement bubbled somewhere below your stomach.
"I waited so long for this..." he started but never got to finish as your lips were on his in a second. Even his lips felt like cotton, and you sighed against him when he kissed you back. He was clearly enjoying slow kisses. You grew impatient once again and licked his lower lip, he gave you access you asked for, and your tongue brushed against his hungrily. You could already feel how wet you were, arousal making your panties stick to you painfully. Jaebeom's hand travelled around your back dropping dangerously low now and then but never grabbing you — you really wanted him to hold you and take you roughly. Once again you grew impatient this night. You took his lower lip in between your teeth, you bit it hard and moaned. That seemed to make him lose his cool, he let out a growl that travelled straight to your core.
"Bad girl..." he said before he turned you around and pushed you against the wall so that your back was facing him. His tongue already on your earlobe, you sighed and shivered when he licked it and let out breaths against wet, sensitive skin. "I wanted to take it slowly, but you're so eager, so impatient…" he was purring into your ear, and you were aching down there more and more with each syllable.
"Jaebeom..." you moaned as you pressed your ass against him. He sucked some breath in when you pushed down against his hard length, his body working on its own accord, one hand already on your hips pressing you harder when the other one cupped your breast. This is not how he envisioned tonight, he thought that he'd at best confess his feelings not have you here crumbling in his hands while moaning his name. Your hips bucked against his by itself as soon as you felt how hard he was. His hand grabbed your clothed breast, and you regretted wearing anything. You wanted to feel him against you naked skin not through layers of clothing.
"Jaebeom-ah..." you moaned his name again, and he rewarded you with sucking on your neck — it was painful yet pleasant, and you almost forgot what you wanted to say before he licked the fresh mark and kissed it. "Didn't you say you wanted to unwrap me?" You said in weak voice still affected by his mouth on your neck. He laughed against your skin, and you thought that's how paradise would sound like.
"You really are impatient... do you want me to fuck you so bad?" he asked rubbing into you, his dick almost in pain from the friction.
"Yes...please..." you panted out, and he let out some animalistic sound upon hearing how needy you were. He made you face him and unbuttoned your tuxedo-like-dress before he tossed it somewhere behind him. You shivered under his stare. He pulled you into him and his hands immediately travelled to your ass, grabbing it and lifting you up without effort. He began kissing your jaw, neck, collarbones, and you tilted your head, so he could have better access. He carried you to his bedroom and laid you down carefully on the mattress before he took a step back. His sheets smelled just like him, and you sighed in pleasure, sinking deeply into his fragrance. He bit his lip seeing you in his bed, wearing nothing but lacy underwear. However, you didn't want just lay and wait, you got up and reached out to his own shirt undoing the buttons hastily, but he didn't let you, he was in control. He held your hands and pushed you back on bed. You bounced and your hair created a sort of crown, spreading around your face — it emphasized your features even more, and Jaebeom felt as if he was making love to some kind of goddess. Your lips, eyes, hair, body everything was perfect. He wanted to taste you already.
"You need to ask me nicely." He smirked at you and you pouted a bit before a mischievous gleam appeared in your eyes. You let one of the straps fall from your shoulder and gave him an innocent look before taking off the other one as well. Just one move and Jaebeom would see your torso naked. He bit his lip unintentionally, when you pushed your breast closer while also moaning.
"Pleeeaaase... undress already and fuck me... daddy." He groaned - you'd be the end of him. He quickly tore any clothes that were on him leaving only his boxers on, and you stared him down hungrily. Saying he was beautiful was and understatement. He was perfect. His skin was light and smooth, it gleamed in the moonlight that illuminated the room through a small window located right above the headboard. It was still dim, but you could clearly see the outline of muscles on his stomach, and a tempting v line, waiting for you to be licked on his abdomen.
"Take off your bra." he ordered and you obediently followed. His eyes devoured your glistening breasts, two darker beads already hard and inviting him in. He licked his thumb and brushed it against your nipple watching intently for your reaction. You didn't disappoint him as you arched your back hungry for his touch. He took another one into his mouth, his tongue making circles around it for what felt like forever. The sound of his wet licks and your quickened breath feeling the silence of the room. You squeezed your legs looking for any kind of release, it didn't help much. Your core was aching and since you could only wait for him to bring you pleasure you closed your eyes and focused only on the sole path of his tongue. It was almost like a torture and Jaebeom seemed to enjoy it greatly, lazy licks, circles around your nipples, blowing cold air on them to hear your whines. And so when he finally sucked on your swollen nipple you moaned his name so loudly his neighbors could hear you. His dick twitched in his boxers. He couldn't wait for much long either, you were the most beautiful person he ever saw, and you were squirming under him, waiting for him to fuck you. He was honestly shocked he didn't take you against that wall in his hall when you pushed your ass against him. He smirked at you, he haven’t even fucked you yet and you were already having this kind of expression. His lips travelled from your breast lower and lower before his face hovered above your panties, hot breath on your wet, clothed pussy sending you almost over the edge. You looked down at him, his eyes were full of lust. He was so beautiful you felt like it was just a dream, not reality. When he pressed his nose against your wet folds you moaned again. He inhaled it a few times as if it was the most ravishing smell in the world.
"You smell so good I might go crazy." He actually was going crazy as his cock let out a bit of pre-cum only upon him smelling your pussy.
"Daddy... please..." you pleaded looking him in the eyes, he couldn't take it any longer. In one swift move he tore the panties off you, they were soaked, and he sniffed them one last time before throwing them out.  He took off his own underwear, and knelt between your legs his cock in his hand already.
"You're so wet for me. Such a good girl, I'm going to fuck you so good." he purred out, and you could go off his words only. He put on condom quickly and teased your entrance before sliding into you slowly. He was watching your face intently as he didn't want to cause you pain.
"Just don't move for a second, you're so big I need to get used to the stretch." It was painful a and pleasant at the same time - the way he filled you up. He didn't buck his hips as you asked, instead he kissed your lips, your jaw, neck, and you kissed him back with passion. Soon he started rocking into you and you moaned into his mouth.
"Harder." you managed to say between the panting and kissing. He straightened up and increased the tempo, sweat building on his forehead.
"Harder..." you said and his hand went to your throat while he almost crushed into you. He choked you lightly, and you felt the orgasm building already.
"Daddy... harder..."
"You dirty girl. On all fours." You obediently followed his order and soon he was fucking you doggy style, his hand spanking you lightly. "You like that? You like when daddy takes you hard?" His voice was so low you shivered under him.
"Yes, daddy." you moaned out when his huge dick filled you with each thrust.
"You're so dirty and good to your daddy. I will reward you and play with your other hole." Before you could say anything he spat on your ass and his finger danced around the other entrance. Just that was enough for you to see white. Your toes curled and your head went back, you screamed his name like it was the only thing keeping you alive, and you could feel how he twitched inside you when you clenched around him in orgasm spasm.
"Y/N, ah... I'm cumming, I'm…" he said through gritted teeth while pounding into you. You both reached your highs and fell onto the bed. He discarded the condom and started kissing your back lazily.
"Do you want to shower together?" he asked.
"Yes, but I don't think I have enough energy to go for another round…" you said while turning his way. He was looking at you lovingly, his expression completely fucked out. He was beautiful, the most handsome you've ever seen him actually. You sighed when his fingers brushed off hair from your face in sweet gesture.
"That's ok, I'll just shower you and we can go to sleep." You nodded, and he took your hand and guided you to his bathroom. He switched on the shower and pulled you under the water when it was warm already. He was so delicate with you, soaping your body, shampooing your head. You smiled at him warmly, and he chuckled.
"You're really cute." he said with a smile after making and weird shapes out of your shampooed hair.
"Stop it, I'll blush." you said while getting under the water, he was quickly spooning you, kissing your back almost with devotion.
"Good, you're even cuter when you blush."
You both towelled yourself dry and Jaebeom even brushed your hair for you before pulling you back to bed. You cuddled your face into his chest and he closed his arms around you. You didn't know if it was one-night stand only, but you'd worry about your possibly broken heart in the morning since his scent was already inviting you to the dreamworld.
You woke up to some rumbling. You opened your eyes and shot up, fear washing over you — that wasn't your bedroom. Memories of last night came next, and you fell back to the sheets squealing quietly into his pillow. That's when the realization hit you. What if it was just one-night stand, and you were rolling around his bed happily in love like an idiot? You sighed but before you could do anything, the man in question came to the bedroom smiling at you warmly.
"You finally woke up sleepyhead." He sat next to you and bend down to kiss your cheek. You looked down. "What's wrong? Have I done something?" He looked concerned.
"I.. no." You said sitting up, and he raised his brow on you. Ugh, he was looking great wearing a plain gray hoodie. You sighed.
"Was that one just for one night? If it was a one-night stand tell me now before I do something stupid."
"One-night stand?" He looked at you offended. "One-night stand?! Do you even know for how long I've been crushing on you? It was few years of my desperate attempts to ask you out, buying you coffee, looking for you constantly. Hell, I even made Yugyeom exchange the stupid lottery draw with me, so that I could give you that card. I actually thought that would helped me out with asking you out. One-night stand?! Jesus, Y/N, he made me basically his slave for a day, and you're asking me if it's one-night stand?" He was angry, and you looked at him shocked, you have never seen him like that. "Do you want this to be one-night stand?!" he raised his voice again.
"No!" you answered him immediately.
"No?! Great, then you can... wait you said no?" He cleared his throat, and you could actually see him smiling like an idiot before he cleared it again. "Well… good because I made us lunch already, and it would go to waste otherwise." He tried to act cool. You giggled at him and pushed him down before sitting on top of him.
"You're cute." You said and he blushed looking away.
"I'm not."
"Yes you are. You are the cutest actually." He groaned in response getting even more red, and you giggled once again. It was the first time you got him to blush so much, usually it was just light pink appearing on the apples of his cheeks. You kissed his face leaving pecks all over it, he chuckled before speaking again.
"I don't want this to be one-night stand. I like you I was actually planning on asking you out yesterday."
"You were?"
"I was. So would like to go out with me?" he wiggled his brows at you and you grinned before nodding.
"Mmm. I'd love to." you answered and he pulled you for a lazy kiss.
"Come, I prepared some food for you. It's hardly festive, but it's something"
"I'm sure it's great. I just need to put something on myself first."
"You can have my hoodie and sweats." he said while looking through his cabinet. "Here." He handed you clothes and blushed once again mumbling that he will wait for you in the kitchen. He got embarrassed — that was just too cute.
You slipped in his clothes, his smell wrapping around you. You got out of the bedroom only to be greeted by three cats purring and brushing against your legs. You smiled and petted them, scratching them on their chins. Jaebeom was just standing and staring at you, still not believing his luck. You were wearing his blouse, it was hanging on you like a dress basically and his heart ached at this picture. You looked up and grinned.
"They like me!"
"I'm pretty sure they're going to like you more than they like me." He chuckled. "Now come, let's eat."
You nodded and entered his kitchen, there was kimchi jjigae and rice prepared for both of you. You smiled and sat down already salivating because of the delicious smell.
"Merry Christmas Y/N." He said looking up from his dish.
"Merry Christmas Jaebeom." You smiled at him lovingly. "So what did Yugyeom made you do?"
"Don't even ask." He said and you giggled. Let's just say you didn't get to spend the Christmas break alone in the bed like you wished.
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curiousconch · 3 years
Chase You / Chase Me (Pt. 1)
Part 1: Burning on the Edge of Something Beautiful
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary: Alex finds herself personally affected by the Rothswell case and Gabe attempts to find out why.
Book/Pairing: Choices - Laws of Attraction / Gabe Ricci x MC (Alex Keating)
Words: 1.8k+
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / implied sexual content, alcohol consumption
Disclaimer: Most of the characters as well as some dialogues belong to Pixelberry. I am merely borrowing them.
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Wednesday Evening at McGraw Byrne
Back from a day in the courts, Gabe stepped out of the elevator and into the halls of McGraw Byrne. Eager to finish the day's work, he passed by the break room where he unwittingly heard something that made him instantly halt.
"Did you see how clammed up Keating became when you asked her that question?" Gabe heard Vanderweil's deep voice.
"Actually, I sensed something irked her during the ride back. Seems like I did strike a chord," a serious female voice replied, which Gabe presumed was Sinclair's.
He made the assumption that the line of conversation was about their visit to the Rothswell's mansion. Earlier that day, the law firm's major client Philip Rothswell, demanded that they see to the whole Lydia and Joey situation. So Gabe and Sadie instructed the associates to go see the young heiress, trying to give the firm more time to create a more solid strategy than playing family counselor.
When they were placating Rothswell, he noticed how Alex fidgeted in her chair as she listened to their client. The way her body pulled up every defensive stance in the book full with meaning.
Seems that what he just overheard confirmed his suspicions. Something was bothering Alex Keating. And like all things Alex, it piqued at his curiosity.
It irked him that he did, more than he was willing to admit. Seems like even as trivial as office gossip, as long as its about her, Gabe is guaranteed to take notice.
Hastening his strides, he continued on to his plush new office, the setting sun coloring the wood furnishings with a hue of orange. He tossed his briefcase on the khaki couch, his leather soles padding on the clean white carpet. Loosening his tie, he crossed the room towards his desk. He took off his coat, hanging it on the rack nearby and turned to face the glass walls which offered a much better view of the concrete jungle below.
His mind whirred as he rationalized with himself as to why he was so invested with Alex. He initially chalked it up as a familiar, primal response to her... attractiveness. Yet as he watched her emerge from every pressure test and challenge he and Sadie gave her, he can't help but root for her.
It's not just that. After a long time, Gabe wanted to be near someone. He wanted to hear what bothers them, their goals, even their history. A level of interest he never exhibited to his usual carnal pursuits.
She stirred up something sleeping within him, something he willed never to return.
Consumed by the thoughts of her, Gabe finds himself glancing at his Rolex and hatching a guise to know what made the mighty Alex Keating got so worked up about.
Sometime later, uptown New York
"Alex... Have you ever had someone like Joey mess with your head? It's not about smart or stupid," Gigi had asked.
Alex poked her fork at the piece of chocolate soufflé as her mind whirled back to the ride back to the office.
"I'm not buying you any more of that Riesling if you wouldn't even bother being a worthy companion," Gabe teased, before downing another glass of scotch across her.
Her head immediately perked up, breaking free from her introspection. Alex forced a smile in response.
"As if another glass would make a dent in your indomitable fortune," she leaned back, trying to hide her thoughts under the façade of her sarcasm, rolling her eyes at him for added effect.
The two find themselves in a swanky New York restaurant, its upscale interior design worthy of the five star Yelp rating. The sleek tables and gray scandinavian chairs made Alex grateful that her wine red dress fit among the crowd. With a private booth overlooking the city lights and the delicious gourmet food served, she did not regret accepting Gabe's dinner invitation to meet a client.
Her mind decided that more work and Gabe's company was a great way to distract herself from the nagging of her memories, and it didn't hurt that the senior partner was easy on the eyes.
And when the supposed big shot canceled at the last minute, Alex completely saw it as a win.
"Something bothers you." Gabe suddenly articulated, breaking her from her contemplations.
Alex's brow arched in reply, as Gabe stated it like a fact, not as a question.
Crossing her legs under the table, she folded her arms across her chest.
"And why does that concern my pretend-boyfriend, hm?" she interjected, hoping to evade his interrogation.
"You're not the only astute one in this booth," Gabe let his eyes trail across her defensive stance the second time today.
Throughout the course of their meal, the heat between them simmered as well as the flow of their usual banter. Their chemistry was palpable, convincing even the waiter of the restaurant. The cocky man was certainly redefining the phrase hot and cold for Alex. He quickly and easily shut down her attempts to flirt, pulling back when the temperature between them reached a boiling point.
But Alex was more surprised, pleasantly so, when Gabe briefly opened up about his past and the vague explanation of why he's still not settled down.
She sensed the current trajectory of their conversation was what Gabe planned to have all along.
But now, as she swirled the remaining expensive liquid in her glass, trying to decide whether to put her guards up or to just give in, she couldn't deny the uncharacteristic softness in his gaze. It was magnetizing, making Alex want to fold and drop her pretentions.
She watched him as he seemed to eagerly anticipate for her retort, a half smile lingering on that pretty mouth of his.
Alex knew he won't push her if she didn't want to, yet a part of her wanted to share the heaviness that weighed on her shoulder since meeting Lydia Rothswell. Of how much the teenager reminded her of her old, naïve self.
She's been trying to rack her brain for a reasonable explanation for her growing desire to introduce herself to Gabe more than she'd allowed the string of men that she had trysts with. Despite her continuous self-denial, her gut is telling her that Gabe wasn't like any other she crossed paths with.
Making up her mind, she decided to let the door open. Maybe just a little.
She sipped her wine beckoning some needed courage, wishing that she ordered something stronger.
Taking a deep breath, she began, her eyes fixed on the view behind him.
"Since you were wondering, my otherwise impeccable track record is stained by one mistake," she paused, finally turning her gaze to Gabe's waiting eyes.
"Like Lydia, I trusted the wrong person," she continued. "I... risked everything and got nothing."
Gabe's mouth twitched ever so slightly, sensing a fluttering in him because of Alex's candor. There was no trace of the witty comebacks he'd grown to see in her, only vulnerability.
And somehow, he adored her more.
He watched her as she bit her thumbnail, an action greatly contradicting the fiery personality she projected in front of everyone else.
Alex gritted her teeth as she fought back the overwhelming emotions as she stopped herself from revealing more than she's prepared to. Not yet, not tonight, she thought.
"But I woke up from that nightmare, solemnly swearing to myself that I wouldn't repeat the same wrong decision that almost railroaded my whole future," she concluded, determined not to expose herself any further.
A hush fell between them.
Alex raised her head to meet the eyes of the man that made her walls crack, expecting to find intrigue. Instead, she found a subtle look of understanding.
It's as if it was telling her that he knew. He knew every pain and every hurt that she wanted to just forget and bury inside a box, never to be opened again.
Just because for him, pain was a familiar companion. That like her, he too, has been through hell and back.
And while she relished under his attention, her breath slowed, letting herself be trapped within the depths of those reassuring brown eyes. Alex thought nothing can make her drop down her guard, but Gabe's next actions proved that there's still more he can do to break down her walls.
Without thinking, Gabe reached for her hand and took it in his, skimming his own thumb on her knuckles in an attempt to comfort her. He smiled warmly at her, expressing a gentleness that she never thought he was capable of.
It made Alex's heart skip a beat.
Even Gabe seemed to slowly enter the same daze, unable to veer away from Alex's unguarded view. Any remnants of his resistance, leaving him. He found himself leaning in, lured by the heady scent of her perfume - a mix of coffee, vanilla and jasmine. An unexpected combination that enticed him more to her.
For a few moments, their world stood still, as if they were on the edge of discovering something that all their lives they subconsciously sought.
Something more than any flirtation or any pursuit for lustful pleasure. Something more...
"More drinks, Gabe?" a familiar voice broke them from the temporary oasis that they pulled themselves in.
All of a sudden, they were sucked back to the reality of their actual surroundings. The noise of other patrons of the restaurant, the soft ambience of the lights overhead, and the fact that he was her current boss, and that she was under his professional supervision.
Gabe turned to James, their waiter, and refused the offer nonchalantly, and instead asked for their check.
"We should head back to the salt mines, the stack of work on my desk probably hasn't gotten any smaller since we left," Gabe casually said, erasing any trace of what just happened between them. Alex silently agreed, following his queue by checking her phone for emails.
The trip to the lobby was wordless, as well as the wait for their ride. Up until Gabe opened the door of the town car, not following Alex inside.
"Aren't you coming?" Alex inquired, briefly confused.
He cleared his throat, his expression stoic before he answered her. "I think its best if we part ways here. I wasn't kidding about needing to head back to the office," he paused, a look of contemplation in his eyes before it softly shifted to that of sincerity.
"You, on the other hand, should go home and get some rest. Partner's orders."
Alex couldn't help but smile. "Whatever you say, Gabe."
"Careful, Alex. I just might hold you to that promise one of these days," Gabe replied, the usual playfulness evident in his tone.
And with that, the door closed and the car pulled away.
But as Gabe watched the vehicle fade out of his sight, his phone pinged for an email. Glancing down at his screen, he saw the name of the sender, prompting him to open it in haste.
The message contained a single statement: "I found what you asked me to look for." An attachment was included.
When he opened the file, he saw a picture of a younger version of the woman he just parted from.
And a look of recognition passed over his face.
Author's Notes: This is getting a little canon divergent, though I'm just expanding their dinner conversation and using the intimate setting provided in the original book.
Tags: @adiehardfan @pixelnutrookie @starryjieun @fucking-random1 @choicesficwriterscreations
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you want to be tagged or removed on succeeding installments. If not, please reblog or comment, I'd really appreciate it!
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Brave face, talk so lightly(hide the truth)
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'All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them.'
Au August
Day/Prompt: Day 26 - Soulmate
Ship: Prinxiety, brief logicality, creativitwins
Word count: 3k (I'm so sorry I got carried away)
Cw: swearing / brief murder mention / implied death / crying / nightmares(?) / anxiety mention / caps / claustrophobia(?)
A/N: the prompt is your dreams are your soulmate's memories. The title is from the song "Sick of losing soulmates" by dodie. I wrote the first 1/4 of this a few days ago and the rest in one sitting and I couldn't care less about proofreading it so Im so sorry if there are any mistakes ;-;
I see a girl in the distance. She has her back turned. Long chocolate-colored hair tied in a low messy bun. My hand is reaching out to her. I feel this sudden longing to be held by this woman. Craving her caring and loving words. Telling me that everything is going to be alright.
Wait. Why is she getting farther away?
She looks back at me with a sad smile. Everything gets dark. I let my eyes stray from her to look around. When was I in a hospital corridor?
"I'm sorry, Pumpkin. You're gonna have to continue our adventure without me. But, fear not, Little one. I'll always be there by you. You just gotta learn to know where I am,"
She caresses my cheek, giving me the warmest smile I have ever received.
She's gone, suddenly. I touch my cheek, still feeling the ghost of her warm touch. Along with… something wet? Am- Am I crying?
I don't move. I feel stuck. But, also free, somehow. Just unsure of what to do, I guess?
"Roman! Wake up. You idiot!
"Oh, thank all things unholy! I thought someone was in our room, trying to murder us! You were crying, and- and whispering stuff! And it's creeping me the fuck out! And I'm not easily creeped out, you know that" Remus exclaimed as he sat on Roman's chest, grabbing his twin’s shoulders.
"Man, you're soulmate must have some twisted memories," He continued, getting off of Roman and returning to his own bed across the room.
'Yeah. Twisted…' Roman thought.
"You okay there, Sweetie?" Roman heard from where his head was buried on the kitchen counter. "Yeah... Just thinking about my soulmate again," he admitted.
"Another bad dream?" His mom inquired as she sat next to Roman, patting his back. "It's not just that. It's about the move. Like, we're never really sure which of our memories they see, right? But, they've seen all my memories from this place. Like, they know where I've been my entire life…" he trailed off.
"I'm just not sure how they would feel seeing a whole new different place… They don't seem to be in a place to experience a big change right now. All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them. And, yeah, my dreams don't really change that much. But, I make an effort, y'know?" Roman looked up at his mom to seek at least some kind of reassurance.
"I understand what you mean, and I think that what you're doing is great. And I know that you're gonna be the bestest thing that's ever gonna happen to them. But, I'm really sorry. We don't really have any choice with this move. I know your soulmate is in a dark place right now, but you can't always do everything for them. You're also your own person," His mom hugged him.
Roman felt like he was hopeless in this situation. And, he was always hoping for the best. For his soulmate or otherwise. Maybe his mom was right about putting himself first sometimes.
Virgil was in his first period when someone he didn't expect to walk into his classroom… walks into his classroom… They were wearing an army green shirt, a denim jacket with neon green highlights and spikes at the bottom, ripped jeans, and platform boots with more spikes and vulgar words written on them. To say that this man was familiar was an understatement. He KNEW this man's entire life THROUGH his dreams.
Virgil felt like he was trespassing someone's life. Like, he wasn't supposed to know the man. And that, they shouldn't be in any way related. Especially to their sibling.
He wasn't really ecstatic about meeting his soulmate. IN SCHOOL NO LESS. It wasn't really an ideal 'meet-your-soulmate' place for someone like Virgil.
"Alright, students, I'm sure you've all noticed that we have a new student right here. Now, why don't you go and introduce yourself, Mister," their teacher said to the denim jacket guy.
"Umm. Sup? I'm Remus Duke Kingsley. Nice to meet you all. And, if you see a guy that looks like me but without the mustache and wears red all the time, he’s always loud, you can’t miss him. That's my twin brother, Roman. The boring one," Remus says, yawning by the end of his introduction.
'HOLY FUCK, TWINS?!' Virgil thought. Fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on which part of Virgil's brain you're asking), Remus already gave him a vague description of who to look out for.
Virgil continues his day and falls into his daily routine, which mostly includes attempting to avoid being perceived by anyone. It usually succeeds if you exclude his friend, Patton, from ‘anyone.’ He only hopes that his soulmate also sees Patton in their dreams cuz, to be honest, Patton is the ray of sunshine everyone needs. Yeah, he was also friends with Logan, but he’s more like a moon if you ask him.
Virgil goes into the cafeteria and sits at their usual table, his back facing the entire cafeteria. He takes out a paper bag from his bag and grabs the sandwich he bought earlier, not waiting for his friends.
A few moments pass before Logan and Patton reach his table. “Hey, kiddo! You alright?” Patton says as he sits down. Virgil just gives them a nod and continues to eat. “I heard this morning that there were new students,” Logan inquires before Patton interrupts “Oh yeah! They’re twins! I have first period with one of them. He’s really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!” Patton shouts and waves his arm toward a student that just entered the cafeteria. “Hope you guys don’t mind that I invited him over to sit with us,” He continues and flashes both Virgil and Logan a smile no one could say no to.
“Hey, Patton.” The guy says to Patton. “Hope you guys don’t mind me crashing your table. I’m Roman by the way,” Roman says to the other two. “Pleasure to meet you, Roman. I’m Logan. And, no, we wouldn’t mind at all,” Logan answered him back. Roman looked over to Virgil who just nodded and said his name. Roman then proceeded to sit next to Virgil but not paying him any mind.
And, though Virgil seemed to be calm about the situation, his mind is currently in flames having his anxiety and his gay panic fight over each other. Virgil is currently waiting for who would win, that's why he seems so calm on the outside. After finishing his sandwich, he was trying to think of something he could do to keep himself from leaving and be noticed. He looked over to Logan, attentively listening to Patton talking about the dog he saw this morning. Roman was silently eating his lunch, also listening to Patton, but looking around the cafeteria every once in a while.
It seems that Virgil’s anxiety won the fight because he decided that he doesn’t want to stick around with his friends and his apparent soulmate without doing anything. So, he stands up and excuses himself from the group. "Hey! Wait!" Roman calls after him. Virgil stops a few feet from the table to look back at Roman who was already jogging towards him.
"Virgil, right?" He assures.
Virgil nods. "Ok, there’s just something I wanna ask you. Are those two soulmates?" Roman throws his thumb back, pointing at the two left at the table. "Cuz, as much as how adorable they look together, I kinda don't want to be stuck as a third wheel," he continues.
"Oh. Yeah, those two are soulmates. Sometimes, I wonder if they ever do notice me every time I leave the table," Virgil elaborates, looking back at his friends with a slight smile.
"Umm. Class doesn't start for a few more minutes. I was wondering if I could join you for a while? Wherever you were going…" Roman trailed off, realizing he didn't know where the shorter male was headed.
"Uhh. Yeah, sure. I was just headed to the courtyard to pass the time,"
'Shit. Virgil, why are you doing this?! Why did you agree?! You have anxiety!' Virgil mentally scolded himself.
"Ok. Cool. I'll just go get my stuff," Roman flashed Virgil a smile before heading back to the table.
'Fuck. I am so screwed,' Virgil thought.
"So, what's the deal with those two? I mean, how did they deal with the soulmates thing?" Roman finally spoke a few moments after they found a bench to settle on. "Uhh, well. Logan is my childhood friend and the first day we started high school here, they both had a dream of roll call the other had that day, I guess? They both heard each other's name and boom. You got your glasses gays," Virgil discussed, reminiscing the events that happened that day.
Roman let out a chuckle at Virgil's last words, causing the other's heart to skip a beat. They remain silent for a while, watching the other students passing by.
"What about you?" Roman spoke up.
"What about me?" Virgil glances back.
"I mean, what about you? Have you met your soulmate? Do you know who they are? You just seem like an interesting individual to me, having to stick around knowing you're third-wheeling all the time yet valuing your time with them and your time with yourself all the same. Well, either that or I'm just embarrassed that I think you're uncomfortable with me here…" Roman rambled, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed.
Virgil chuckled, "Nah. I just get anxious when meeting new people. Plus, I think you're a pretty nice guy." They smiled at each other, Virgil feeling his face heat up, and looks away immediately. "And, about the soulmate thing. I think I have a clue of who they might be, I just…" he trailed off.
"What's holding you back?" Roman muttered, lowering his head, attempting to catch the other's eye. "I… I just think that my memories aren't that… for them. They're just this amazing and joyful person… I just don't think they deserve to see my bland memories every night,"
The pair fell silent, Roman feeling sympathy for the other. Virgil felt Roman shift in his seat before speaking up, "I don't think anyone's memories are ever bland."
Virgil looks up at Roman who has a far-off look with a slight smile on his lips. "I think that our dreams are what shows us what we're missing in life. What our soulmate has that we need and what we have that they need. You know, what makes you both feel complete when you're with each other," Roman smiled.
Virgil pondered on the other's statement for a while. "Is that... Is that how you feel when you're with your soulmate?" He said, being careful with his words. Roman sighed but remained smiling, "I haven't met them yet. But, what you said earlier reminded me of them. I always think they're a little different. My moms said that dreams are supposed to show my soulmate's memories. But, no one is ever sure which ones we see. Well, my dreams always have one thing in common… There's darkness every time…" Roman trailed off, looking more sad as he continued.
"Sometimes, they walk out of their house and, suddenly, everything goes dark and I see pairs of eyes staring at me as I walk. Or sometimes, they lie in bed and, suddenly, it's dark again and I'm stuck inside a box too small for me. But, there’s always this one dream that always repeats itself. Though, I'm not sure my soulmate's gonna be comfortable with me sharing," Roman finally snaps out of his trance and looks up at Virgil, looking embarrassed.
At this point, Virgil is now entirely sure that the person in front of him is his soulmate. He feels tears cloud his eyes so he looks away to play off wiping them away before looking back at Roman with pity in his expression. This is exactly what Virgil was afraid of, having his soulmate also experience the darkness that clouds him every day he wakes up.
"Wow… They- I- I don't know what to say… What are you gonna do when you meet them?" Virgil glances at Roman, pity still in his eyes. Roman let out a sigh but smiled, "I'm gonna give them the biggest hug they've ever received and reassure them that I'm always gonna be with them and that they'll never have to feel alone all the time ever again." Roman looked at Virgil with a smile. But, before he could notice the tear that fell from the other's eye, a loud shrill of their school bell rang throughout the courtyard, signaling the start of their next class.
"Talk about first impressions," Roman said with a chuckle, standing up. "Well, see you around, Virgil. I got a few more 'Hi, I'm Roman' to do," he continued, leaving Virgil on the bench.
I hear my converse squeak as I walk through the hallway. There are people around me, but they're all just silhouettes of the same familiar darkness. I'm walking to what seems to be the cafeteria. I sit down and grab my lunch from my bag. A few minutes pass, two figures sit in front of me. There's something familiar about them despite being two black silhouettes.
"Hey, kiddo! You alright?"
"I heard there were new students," Logan?
Wait. Am I…
"Oh yeah! They're twins!"
"I have first period with one of them. He's really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!"
Before I could look over to… me…
Darkness. Again.
I hear muffled voices. Too muffled to be recognized.
I stay in darkness for what felt like hours before I get surrounded by light.
Too bright.
There's a silhouette in front of me. It doesn't have any facial features but I can feel it stare at me. Slowly, the light around me doesn't feel too bright anymore. It feels… warm and comforting. Similar to the feeling I have in my chest, along with a squeezing feeling. I feel tears cloud my eyes, but I feel happy, somehow?
I feel someone embrace me. I look up to see the silhouette. Its arms around me, like it's protecting me. I feel secure. I feel loved.
I hug back, breaking down in its arms.
"You don't have to be alone anymore"
I hear my own voice. I break down sobbing, seeking more of the silhouette's warmth.
I stopped sobbing after a while but remained in the silhouette's arms for what felt like hours.
"You gotta wake him up!" I heard a distant voice say in a hushed tone.
"No, he hasn't slept like this since who knows when… Something must've happened yesterday..."
I feel myself slowly drifting from where I was standing.
"We can just tell the school he's sick"
"On the second day?"
I feel someone caress my cheek.
"You can stay too if you want"
"Hey, sweetie," Roman opens his eyes to his mom in front of him.
"What's going on? Why are you all in our room?" Roman asks as he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He eyes Remus standing in front of their mama. Their mom is sitting on the edge of Roman's bed, facing him.
"Well, sweetie. You see, you just had a full night's sleep," their mom explained.
"You looked so peaceful too," their mama added with a smile. Roman stopped to let the events of his dream last night come back to him.
"Roman, is everything ok?" Their mama walked over to him, tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear. "Yeah… Yeah, I'm okay!" He flashed a smile to his moms, meaning what he said.
Roman hadn't been able to sit still ever since he got to school. 'Late', he should add. Apparently, he overslept while Remus and their moms decide whether to wake him up or not.
When they got to school in the middle of first period, they were excused because their moms were there to explain. With a slightly bent truth, of course.
Roman had to wait three(and a half) classes to talk to Virgil. They didn't have any classes together, to which Roman was bummed to find out. When the bell rang, signaling their lunch break, Roman hurriedly headed to the cafeteria. When he got there, he spotted Virgil just about to sit down at their usual table.
"Uhh. Virgil? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Roman felt awkward, to say the least.
"Uhm. Sure," Virgil replied, standing up. Roman led them under a tree in the courtyard, away from other students. They stayed silent for a while before Virgil spoke up, "So… what'd you wanted to talk about?"
Roman just stared at Virgil for a few moments, examining him, before enveloping him in a tight hug. Virgil stood frozen for a while, surprised at the gesture. He slowly placed his hands on Roman's back, still confused at the sudden affection.
"You're not alone anymore, Pumpkin," Roman said in a gentle voice, cradling the other's head. Virgil froze when he heard the nickname. His expression then softens and hugs Roman tighter, burying his face on the taller male’s shoulder.
"How did you find out?" Roman heard, slightly muffled by his jacket. "Had a dream about yesterday," Roman simply stated, not elaborating more. "What about you? You said you had a clue. Oh! That rhymed,"
They both laughed.
"I have first period with Remus and I recognized him right away," Virgil replied, his face still buried on Roman's shoulder. "Oh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with him," Roman chuckled.
"No, I'm sorry you had to deal with him your entire life,"
"Well, we're not alone anymore now, are we? Roman asked with a serious tone. Virgil parted a few inches from Roman, still holding on to him. He smiled as he looked up at Roman, "No, we're not."
This might be the last one I'll do for AU august but I'm also deciding if I should go back to the prompts I missed when I was sick hmm
I wish I included Remus more in this but it was already 3k words and thats the longest I've ever written so maybe its for the best XD
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How Can I Refuse Part 2 | Tom Holland
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rated: pg-13
warnings: rape mention
read part 1
The next morning, Tom was already wondering when he would see you again. He decided to venture outside of his room in your master's establishment. After the nourishing food you'd served and a good night's rest, he was well recovered from his travels. He found a staircase nearby his room and descended it. When he was met with a long hall, he wasn't sure which way to go to find you until he heard a melodic voice singing a sweet tune. Guessing rightly that it was yours, he followed it all the way to the washroom.
Tom stayed just outside the door for a few moments, captivated by your ethereal song. You were scrubbing furiously at a pair of trousers and as your tune faded to an end, Tom decided to make his presence known with a loud "hello." It startled you and you jumped before turning to him with a blush.
"Actually," he said. "I hoped you might join me for dinner tonight." A light pink tint colored his cheeks.
"Is there something I can get you, Tom?" you asked. You figured he either needed something to eat or something laundered but didn't want to yell for you.
"I...um..." you stuttered.
"Say yes, angel. You won't have to cook. I'll go out and get something for us."
You smiled timidly. "Alright then," you agreed, your face still burning.
"I have to go into town for business, but I'll be back for our dinner at six," Tom said.
You were hardly able to concentrate on your chores after Tom left. Mr. Latreille berated you because his food wasn't hot enough and you didn't even notice. Like a silly, love-sick girl, you were caught up in your daydreams.
Mending your boss' shirts wasn't nearly so dull with your imagination running free. You knew it was almost time for Tom to return when your stomach growled.
Hastening toward his room, you stopped just short of the door, opting for a timid knock. "One moment!" you heard from within. While you waited for Tom to answer the door, you became painfully aware of the state of your ragged appearance. You rushed to discard your dirty apron, stashing it in the corner of the hall and rubbed the grime off your face with the back of your hand.
Tom opened the door. "Come in, you radiant thing."
You entered the room and saw that it was all arranged. Tom had moved the nightstand from beside his bed to the center of the room and converted it to a dining table. He'd used the spare linens as a table cloth and lit the fire across from the bed. The table was laden with the goodies he'd brought in from town.
"I hope you like pork and beans," Tom said. "This sweet old woman was selling them in the square."
Your mouth watered at the smell. It had been a long time since you'd been allowed to indulge in a meal like this.
"This looks great, Tom," you said. He pulled out the armchair he'd placed there for you and brought over a footstool for himself to sit across from you.
"Tell me," he started after you'd had a few bites, "What would you want to do if you didn't work here?"
You didn't answer right away. It's not that you'd never thought about it. But when you did, it was rare. The possibility of getting out of this place anytime soon was completely hopeless.
"I'd want to sing," you finally answered. "For other people. Not just for myself."
"Yours is a voice I'd pay a fortune to hear every day. I know that you could do well singing for a living," Tom complimented.
"That can't happen until I get out of here," you noted dismally. "Not for several more years."
Tom put down his knife and fork. "What if it didn't have to be years?"
You stared at him, puzzled. "I mean, what if I could help you get out sooner," he said. "You're only here because of a debt. There are other ways to pay debts. If you could pay the debt off in money, you wouldn't have to pay in labor anymore."
You almost laughed. "Tom, when would I have time to make money?"
Tom took your hand across the table. It was warm and comforting. "I could help you. And maybe in return, you could sing for me one song." His tone was teasing, but his eyes were serious.
"You'd do that?" you questioned.
"I'd do anything," Tom said somberly.
You felt your pulse speed up and your stomach did a flip. The food no longer mattered, but you knew you wanted to be closer to Tom. The gentleman stood from his chair and offered his hand. Taking it, you glided up from your seat as if moving through a dream. You stood face to face and you held your breath, afraid that if you so much as disrupted the air the fairytale would dissolve.
In the next moment, his lips were on yours, featherlight, barely touching in a timid kiss. "Angel, is this alright?" he asked. "Yes, Tom," you sighed. And he kissed you again, with more determination. It was blissful, but it wasn't enough. You poured all the passion bursting from your heart into your lips as you returned the kiss. You let go of all the pain inside you and sank deeper into his embrace, letting the love pouring from Tom mend you.
Tom slowly and carefully guided the two of you until you were standing at the side of the bed, still lip-locked. You shivered a bit as things progressed. You wanted to experience this with Tom, but you felt so unworthy. You'd been nothing your whole life and while you didn't know Tom's full social standing, it was clear that he shouldn't be lowering himself to a servant's level.
"You've never made love, have you?" Tom breathed, noticing the way you trembled. You were aware of his nimble fingers fiddling with the laces on your corset, waiting to undo them, but not before you gave permission.
"That's not strictly true," you admitted. "I wouldn't call it love making, but Mr. Latreille often has his way with me when I displease him." Your lip quivered.
Tom removed his hands from your body, aghast at what he'd just heard. He was afraid that his own advances had been unwanted. You reached for him, not wanting him to slip away. Tom grasped your hands and fell to his knees. "Bright angel, you can't stay here another day. Spend the night safe in this bed. I will watch over you and in the morning I'll take you away from here." There were tears in his eyes.
Your heart soared at the thought. You could sing for an audience. You could be with Tom. You could be far from here, far from this horrible nightmare.
"Say yes," he pleaded. "Everything will be alright."
"You'll take me away from here?" you asked.
"Darling, I'll take you anywhere."
You spent the night in the bed Tom had rented as he sat by the fireplace, keeping watch. He'd nod off every once in a while, then jerk awake with a start. Each time it happened, Tom would frantically look around and then see that you were peacefully asleep like a little lamb.
Tom didn't know if you'd ever love him, but he knew that he was going to do everything in his power to give you a better life.
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be11atrixthestrange · 2 years
Do You Believe In Magic? [Chapter 4]
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Do You Believe In Magic?
Let me tell you a tale, dear reader, about a woman I once met on a train. Her name was Hermione Granger, and although intelligent and driven, she didn’t believe in magic, not even on Christmas. In fact, she hated everything about Christmas — snowstorms, travel delays, holiday carols, and worst of all, Hallmark movies. Imagine her confusion when, after our chance encounter on that train, her life transformed into a romantic comedy, forcing her to live the very tropes she hated. Fortunately, what she lacked in holiday spirit, she made up for in ambition, and she was determined to make sense of her nightmare and find a way out. But lucky for me, dear reader, I am also ambitious, and I was determined to have a little fun. ------------------------------
Chapter 4
The snow was still pounding down when Hermione awoke the next morning. Her room smelled vaguely like peppermint and pine, and the faint sound of Christmas music filled the air. To her surprise, she didn't mind the noise. It was well-suited to the new decor of her room — an array of wreaths, twinkling lights, and a pot of poinsettias. Previously, Hermione would have been horrified to awake to a new aesthetic, as it would have indicated that someone entered her quarters in the middle of the night to redecorate. However, this idea only caused her mild concern, which was overshadowed by the fact that she found the new ornamentation rather delightful. Maybe Hermione Granger was beginning to soften to the spirit of Christmas.
Before you scoff, dear reader, remember how I told you to suspend your disbelief? I think it's worth another reminder.
Hermione yawned and rubbed her eyes before pressing herself to a seat. Her feet landed in a pair of fuzzy slippers that were coincidentally awaiting on the floor. She glanced over to her bedside table before remembering there was no clock, nor was there any sense of urgency. There was, however, a Peppermint Almond Mistletoe Mocha steaming from the table. How it arrived there did not cause her any more concern than the thought of a late-night decorator.
Her adjustment to the more peculiar aspects of life in a romantic comedy might appear rather sudden. You might be wondering — how could these odd, impossible nuances fade to the background so quickly? The truth — and I assure that you already know this, is that it doesn't take long for novelty to wear off. There were certain conveniences to Hermione's new world, such as the precise placement of her slippers, the fact that the Peppermint Almond Mistletoe Mocha was still the perfect sipping temperature, and the way time just worked itself out. If you're accustomed to running water, electricity, or even a microwave, you might be familiar with how easy it is to start taking luxuries for granted.
But Albus! Wouldn't she be a little more concerned about her intruder? Hermione has more sense than this!
Sure! But it's Christmas! Even the most logical people were taught to welcome a stranger of the night during the holiday season. I don't know about you, but I baked mine mince pies! You'll find that most people are okay with breaking and entering if the intruder leaves them gifts.
And reader, there was most definitely a gift. On a hanger by the closet draped the most beautiful gown Hemione had ever seen. It was periwinkle blue with just enough lace and sparkle to enhance the glisten of Hermione's eyes when she saw it. She rose to her feet to get a closer look, snagging a robe on the way to wrap herself in warmth.
Hermione was never one for dresses — in fact, she really only dolled up when it was expected of her. Usually, the expectation came in the form of a wedding, or a work-related gala where she had potential clients to impress. But for a boy? Never!
Ron Weasley wasn't a boy, however. He was a man. A man she was pretending to fall in love with. Of course she had to wear the dress tonight. She smiled at the thought of Ron's reaction. If he was as committed to the act as she was, his face would show it, and her stomach fluttered at the thought. It was pretty easy to write off the flutter of excitement as pride in a well-executed plan, but reader, you and I both know what it really was.
A tapping on the door grabbed Hermione's attention. It was softer, somehow hollower than a knock, and the source was much lower to the ground. Confused, Hermione wandered to the door and glanced through the peephole, only to see an empty hallway.
Just as she turned away from the door, the tapping sounded again. She put her eye up to the peephole, and again, nothing. She squinted at the empty hallway when the sound came one more time, its source invisible to her.
She tentatively opened the door and peeked outside. When she saw no one, she took a cautious step into the hallway to peer down the corridor. That's when a sharp object suddenly stabbed her ankle, causing her to jump backward.
She looked at her feet to see a small, scrawny-looking barn owl staring up at her through beady little eyes. Tied to the owls' legs was a rolled up piece of paper. The owl lifted its leg expectantly, so Hermione knelt down to untie it, only slightly confused as to why — or how — an owl was delivering a letter.
As soon as she freed the owl from the letter, it squawked its appreciation and hopped back down the hallway. Hermione gaped after it for a moment, before shaking her head and turning her attention to the note. She unrolled the paper and smiled at the messy scrawl.
I apologize for Pigwigeon. He's in a mood. Keeps telling me that owls aren't supposed to deliver letters, but I keep encouraging him not to sell himself short. He's a smart bird!
Anyway, sorry if he pecked you.
I'm just writing to let you know that we are ready for the ball! Somehow, all the decorations appeared overnight. Call it a Christmas miracle!
That means you and I only have one task tonight — to fall in love! Should be rather simple, don't you think?
I'll meet you at the foot of the stairs whenever you're ready. Can't wait to see you in your dress. I bet you'll look beautiful.
Let's do this!
Hermione smiled at the note, her cheeks warming in response. She couldn't help but notice something odd about Ron's phrasing. There was no mention of pretending to fall in love — surely that's what he meant, right?
She reminded herself not to overthink it. Of course that's what he meant. Ron said it would be rather simple — and falling in love for real was anything but simple.
Her heart pounded at the thought of what pretending would entail. Maybe a dance or two, some light banter, and possibly a kiss? Her palms began to sweat, and she wondered how it had suddenly become so warm in her room. Was there a glitch in the heating system?
It crossed her mind this time, that her jitters had less to do with the external temperature, and more to do with the thought of kissing Ron, but she pushed that thought away almost as quickly as it arrived. It's no wonder, dear reader, that Hermione denies the existence of magic. It appears she's also willing to dismiss true facts, even when accompanied by hard evidence!
Hermione stood and pocketed Ron's letter before wiping her sweaty palms on her robe. She turned toward the dress and smiled, letting the sparkles distract her from any anxiety about her upcoming date, which in her mind, wasn't a real date at all. Of course not.
"Well. Time to get ready," she muttered to herself as she crossed the room toward the closet and vanity, her stomach fluttering beyond her control.
Hermione spent most of the day getting ready, and surprisingly, dolling herself up was a stress-free experience. This was a miraculous feat considering Hermione's hair usually resisted any efforts to be subdued, preferring instead to swell around her head like protective bubble wrap. Pulling it away from her face into an elegant bun allowed her natural beauty to shine through. When she donned her dress and makeup, the effect was rather pleasant. She still looked like herself, but in an elevated, sophisticated way. A little bit alluring, if you will. But instead of feeling like the dash of lipstick and eyeshadow turned her into a new person, it was just an extension of herself.
And that dress — the periwinkle blue color would look so lovely next to Ron's vibrant red hair, as well as his eyes, the look in which she can't wait to see.
On a final thought, she reached for her bun, and pulled it loose. Her hair fell toward her shoulders, more bouncy and curly than ever. Instead of trying to restrain it, why not let it roam free? The ball was a chance to let her hair down figuratively, as well as literally, after all.
She smiled at her reflection and twirled in the most un-Hermionelike way before slipping into her heels and making her way to the door, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering somewhere between excitement and nervousness. She couldn't tell which one she felt more, and frankly she didn't care. All she could think about was the fact that Ron was awaiting her at the bottom of the stairs.
Hermione gathered herself with a few deep breaths to calm her rising heart rate, then made her way into the hallway.
Overnight, the stairs had been transformed. Garland and tinsel wrapped around the banister and a set of candles adorned each step. Although it should be still daytime, the lighting resembled that of a romantic candlelit evening. She didn't question it. Time was fluid in this world.
She gasped when she reached the end of the hallway. At the bottom of the stairs stood Ron, dressed in a black suit and a periwinkle blue tie that somehow matched her dress perfectly. She beamed when she saw him, and he returned her smile with a sparkle in his eye.
"Hello, Hermione," he called from the bottom of the stairs. "I see you got my letter."
"I did."
Although Hermione knew there were more people in the building — literally everyone was snowed in, after all, at that very moment — they felt like the only two people in the world. She glided down the stairs toward Ron without ever breaking eye contact, and reached for his extended hand once at his level.
"Shall we?" he asked as he linked his arm around hers.
"We shall."
Ron and Hermione continued into the cafe, which was unrecognizable to the one she walked into that first evening. A giant Christmas tree stood by the window decorated in lights, ornaments, and a gnome sitting on top, cackling maniacally to the tune of Jingle Bells. Normally, this would have annoyed Hermione and broken the elegance of the event, but for some reason, dear reader, it seemed to work. Upon closer look, each ornament corresponded to a resident of Ottery St. Catchpole.
"Looking at the tree?" asked Ron.
"Yeah. That gnome is—"
"Tradition," he said, almost with an air of defensiveness.
"I was going to say lovely," Hermione continued, noticing Ron flash a relieved smile. "Do I have an ornament too?"
"Of course."
They approached the tree and Hermione scanned the artwork for something that resembled her. She recognized Ron's ornament immediately — a Peppermint Almond Mistletoe Mocha with the letter R on it. There were others too — a stack of notebooks for Ron's brother Percy, an elegant tiara like the one his pretty blonde sister-in-law was wearing, a set of colorful corks for Luna and a toad for Neville. There were matching sets of playing cards for the twins, a hat and funky beard for Hagrid, and a pair of glasses for Harry.
She was surprised that she recognized who each ornament corresponded to, but she shouldn't have been. Something about this town was so memorable. Everyone seemed to leave their mark.
"Is this one mine?" asked Hermione, pointing at a little red train. In the window of the train was a girl, looking out the window longingly. Beside the girl, you could see the faint outline of a pointy hat and lustrous white beard — myself, dear reader.
"Yes, that one is yours. Do you like it?"
"I love it."
"You can keep it."
Hermione smiled at the ornament, making a mental note to take it with her before the night ended. "Who is that man?"
"Which man?" asked Ron, squinting at the ornament.
"The man next to me on the train."
Ron chuckled. "I don't see a man, Hermione."
"You don't?" She pointed to my outline. "Right there."
"Nope. I don't see it. But I know exactly who you're talking about."
Hermione pondered his response before asking, "Then who is it?"
Ron shrugged. "He's not really a man so much as a spirit."
"A spirit?"
"The spirit of Christmas," Ron said definitively. "It's best not to question it. Just believe."
Hermione smiled at her ornament one last time. Notably, dear reader, there was no eye-rolling, or scoffing. I guess we must have grown on her.
Ron wrapped an arm around Hermione, and the pair turned away from the tree to admire the rest of the decor. Candles, mistletoe, Christmas lights, bells, reindeer, even a sleigh completed the individual decorations, but the full effect was even greater. The butterflies that had been fluttering inside Hermione's stomach all day settled into a comfortable warmth, and she couldn't help but feel like she was at home.
Somewhat surprisingly, attending the ball with Ron Weasley felt rather natural, as if the pair had been friends for a long time. It might have been the help of the free flowing champagne and endless appetizers that led Hermione to feel comfortable enough to nod her consent when Ron tugged her hand toward the dance floor. It had been too long since Hermione had danced with a boy, but under the influence of delicious food, a bit of alcohol, and a whole lot of Christmas spirit, there was no reason to overthink the way her arms naturally wrapped around Ron's neck, or the placement of his trembling hands on her lower back.
Everything just seemed right, even the way Ron's ears turned pink, and her palms began to sweat. Her gaze couldn't seem to decide which to focus on more — Ron's cerulean blue eyes, or his lips, which looked so gentle and soft. She probably shouldn't have been looking at his lips, but to be fair, he was looking at hers too.
Reader, if you're that these two obviously wanted to kiss, you'd be right! Unfortunately, things aren't always that easy.
"Oh, Hermione!" came the voice of Molly Weasley. Hermione turned to see Ron's mum accompanied by his dad rushing across the dance floor to greet her. "You look beautiful, darling."
Molly threw her arms around Hermione in a warm, motherly embrace that she returned with enthusiasm. Maybe she had forgotten how different a mother's hug felt around the holidays.
"Thank you, Mrs Weasley," she muttered against the woman's shoulder.
"Nonsense! Call me Molly."
She let go of Hermione, giving her hands a loving squeeze before letting go. The look on Molly's face was one of pride, and it made Hermione's cheeks fire up.
"It was lovely to meet you, Hermione," said Mr Weasley with a hug of his own. He then turned toward his son and gave him a clap on the shoulder. "Hold onto this one."
"Erm, thanks Dad."
The older couple linked arms and made their way back to the dance floor. Ron turned to Hermione and opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Harry and his sister, Ginny.
"Glad to see you've made it!" said Harry, who reached for Ron's hand and pulled him into a brotherly hug. "Wonderful job, planning this ball."
Hermione resisted the urge to say she didn't do anything — it was all set up over night, as if by magic, but she figured this would be the time everyone in this town conveniently didn't believe in magic, preferring instead to give her the undeserved credit.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Ginny's sudden embrace. "Not sure how my brother managed to convince you to be his date," she muttered playfully. "Good for him though! Love to see it."
WIth another smile, the couple made their way back into the throng of party goers.
Now alone, Ron smiled at Hermione and winked, sending her heart fluttering. "I think we're doing a pretty good job, don't you?"
"I do too."
He reached for her hand and their fingers interlaced. Just as he was about to tug her onto the dance floor, a snarly voice interrupted.
"What was that, Weasley?"
Ron groaned, and the pair spun around to face Draco Malfoy, sneering at them with his arms crossed. "You're doing a good job of what?"
"Nothing, Malfoy," said Ron. "Stop eavesdropping. It's creepy."
"Pretending, right?" said the silver-haired man. "You two aren't for real."
"What the fork does that mean?" asked Ron.
"Why would a high profile lawyer from the city date a weasel like you?" Malfoy chuckled as he watched Ron's face turn red, knowing he had hit a sore spot. "It's not like you have much to offer, anyway. You're just a barista. And she doesn't even belong here."
"Shut up," said Ron through gritted teeth.
Hermione's hands formed fists in response to Malfoy's taunt. The first pang came from the thought that she didn't belong. Sure, she felt that way at the beginning, and wouldn't have cared to be rejected by this town. But after their welcoming embrace, she wanted to belong.
But even more hurtful, was Malfoy's jab at Ron. Just a barista? He was so much more than that. A few days ago, she might have assumed — mistakenly, dear reader — that Ron's status as a small town barista was beneath her. But after getting to know him, she realized just how wrong she was. How someone like Malfoy, who had presumably known Ron even longer, could think differently was beyond her.
"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Hermione. She stepped forward and stood up as tall as she could.
Malfoy laughed. "You know what it means."
"No. I don't. Please explain."
The silver-haired man studied her for a moment before nodding. "Alright, Granger. I'll bite. I think you're just pretending to like Ron because you're convinced that it's the only way out of this heck-hole. You'd never date a barista. You want someone who makes money. Not lattes."
"They're called Peppermint Almond Mistletoe Mochas," defended Hermione, without flinching at any of Malfoy's words. "And they're delicious."
Malfoy cackled. "Listen to you. You don't even believe yourself."
Hermione narrowed her eyes at the man. Everything he was saying was technically true. But why didn't it feel that way?
You and I both know why, reader. And Hermione was just starting to realise! How odd that for someone so smart, it took her this long.
"You're right," she said, eliciting a gasp from the crowd that had formed a circle around them. "I was pretending."
Ron looked questioningly at her, but she ignored him.
"I knew it!"
"But I'm not pretending anymore." Hermione glanced around her, suddenly self conscious of the deafening silence that had overtaken the room. "I thought that if I planned this ball, faked Christmas spirit, and pretended to fall in love, the snowstorm would end, and I would be able to go home." She cleared her throat before continuing. "But I don't want to go home."
From the corner of her eye, she could see a grin break across Ron's face.
"And," she said, her voice wavering, "I think I really did find love."
There were a few whoops and cheers from the crowd when she admitted it, but someone remained unconvinced.
"Bullshark," said Malfoy. "Prove it."
"Kiss him."
The idea of kissing Ron made Hermione's heart gallop inside her chest. At that moment, dear reader, she knew she wanted to kiss him. I mean, wouldn't you?
There was one problem. She didn't want to kiss him like that. It needed to be real.
"No. I won't," she said. A pang of guilt washed over her when she saw Ron's face fall.
"I told you!" said Malfoy. "You can't prove it."
"Kissing Ron in front of all of these people just because you told me to would mean nothing. How would that prove anything? It would be like… like kissing YOU."
Malfoy's eyes lit up. "Alright then. If it would mean nothing, then why don't you kiss me?"
"Excuse me?"
"Since it doesn't prove anything, you have no reason not to."
Hermione's throat clenched at the thought of kissing the other man, but he had a point. Luckily, she had a plan. She took a deep breath, then stepped closer. "Okay. You're right."
"Hermione," said Ron through gritted teeth. "What are you doing?"
"Trust me," she muttered back.
"You don't have to do this," he urged. "Please don't do this."
Hermione ignored him, and took another step closer to Malfoy. "Draco," she said sweetly. "Close your eyes. I'm going to kiss you now."
Malfoy eagerly shut his eyes and pursed his lips in anticipation.
The room was silent as everyone watched, wondering what Hermione was about to do. Was she really going to kiss him?
Then to everyone's surprise, Hermione recoiled her still-clenched fist, and slammed it right into Malfoy's face. He stumbled backward and tripped over a decorative log — which had conveniently rolled into its place right behind him — and fell to the floor.
The crowd erupted into applause again, followed by a few more cheers and whoops. Sure, Hermione felt a flash of guilt when Malfoy stood up and ran off with his hands clutching his bloody nose, but it was gone soon after he disappeared through the back door.
"Granger!" said the voice of Ron's brother Fred. "Nice punch!"
Hermione high-fived Fred when his twin George spoke up. "We've wanted to put him in his place for years. Thanks for finally doing it!"
"I guess we needed some of that city grit in this ol' town," came Hagrid's gruff voice. He patted Hermione on the back with such force that he might have dislodged an obstruction, had she been choking.
And then, dear reader, it was as if Hermione's punch had broken the floodgates and unleashed the full extent of Christmas spirit into the room. The party became alive with cheer, the music grew louder as couples rushed onto the dance floor, and laughter filled the air.
And even more notably, it stopped snowing.
Maybe Malfoy had been the barrier to Christmas cheer all along, not Hermione.
"The storm! It's over!" exclaimed Luna, pointing at the clear windows outside. The snow had settled into a beautiful white blanket, calm and peaceful, just waiting to be trampled and played in.
"Snowball fight!" yelled Fred, resulting in a mass rush toward the door.
Ron approached Hermione and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "You were amazing," he said. "So convincing."
Right. Convincing. Lest I remind you, dear reader, she was merely acting.
Upon his contact, Hermione became even more aware of the fact that she did not kiss Ron when she had the chance. She couldn't help but wonder if he thought the same thing.
Now that the doors were opening and closing freely, the cafe had become rather drafty. Ron tugged off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. She was pleased to see that his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and she had the immediate desire to run her fingers along his forearms.
"What do you think?" he asked, interrupting her lustful fog. "Would you like to dance? Or watch the snowball fight?"
Hermione looked outside to see her new friends frolicking away. Harry and Ginny pummelled snowballs at Fred and George, while Luna and Neville laid on their backs making snow angels, paying no attention to their sopping wet clothes.
Inside, Molly and Arthur twirled on the dancefloor, along with Bill, Fleur, Minerva, Charlie, Percy, and a smattering of other Ottery folks, whom Hermione couldn't wait to meet. Hopefully, she'd get the chance to.
Then she looked at Ron, and realized that she did not want to go outside, nor did she want to dance. Her next question was bold. In fact, dear reader, it was so bold that it surprised her. But her experience in this new world taught her a lesson. Hermione was so accustomed to living conservatively in the present as to preserve the future, but who knew if she'd even be here tomorrow? The thought made her heart sink, but it also filled her with determination.
It was now, or never, after all.
"I think I'd like to go back up to my room," she said in a soft voice. She confidently ran a finger up and down Ron's forearm, which was draped around her shoulder, and smiled as his ears turned pink. "Would you like to join me?"
Ron's ocean blue eyes lit up when he answered. "I was hoping you'd ask."
As Hermione led Ron up the stairs to her room, she kept watch on him in her peripheral vision. A part of her wondered if he interpreted her invitation as a bluff.
Another part of her wondered if she meant it that way.
She lifted the hem of her dress over her knees to avoid tripping over the final few steps and could have sworn she saw a look of lust cross Ron's face. If he was still pretending, he was doing a very good job of it.
His hand found its way to her lower back as they turned the corner, causing her arms to break out with goosebumps, and her stomach to flutter like snowflakes. It appeared that she was quite good at pretending, too.
When they reached her door, Hermione turned toward Ron, but she found herself unable to say anything at all. He appeared to be facing the same dilemma, as he shoved his hands into his pockets and his shoulders bounced with a shrug of uncertainty.
"So," she said. "Do you think the Christmas Spirit of Ottery has been restored?"
"Oh, absolutely. But what about us?" asked Ron. "Do you think we were convincing enough?"
Hermione shrugged. "I think so, don't you?"
Ron nodded and offered her a goofy, lopsided smile. "I do too."
And then they just stood there. Ron's hands were still shoved into pockets, and Hermione had one hand on the door, but she made no effort to turn the knob. It was almost as if they were waiting for something, dear reader. If they were expecting this romantic comedy to suddenly end — as that was the entire reason for this charade — they were mistaken. It wasn't time for that yet.
It looked more like they were stalling because they didn't want this story to end, but neither wanted to be the one to suggest it continue. That's okay, dear reader, as I was prepared to help.
"What's that?" asked Hermione as something green and leafy appeared in her peripheral vision above.
"Oh, look at that," said Ron. "Magic."
The mistletoe hung in mid-air just above them, its appearance somehow both commanding and subtle. A suggestion, if you will.
"Should we… erm," asked Ron, motioning toward the mistletoe.
"Well, we have to. In order to be convincing, right?"
"Right. We definitely should, then."
There was a moment of hesitation, dear reader, that could have easily been mistaken as dread, but I knew better. It was nothing but the nervous bashfulness that precedes any first kiss when there's hope for many more.
Ron was the one to lean in first. One of his hands found her waist while the other reached behind her head, his fingers tangling into her hair. There was a brief smile on Hermione's face before their lips met and warmth spread through their bodies.
Hermione's arms wrapped around Ron's neck, and she gave in to his gentle press, which guided her body against his. Every moment of the last few days had felt so out of place, so wrong, yet this kiss was nothing but perfection. All thoughts of mistletoe and pretending faded to the back of her mind as the kiss turned from chaste and innocent into something a bit more heated. Ron pivoted so that Hermione's back made contact with her door and pressed his firm body into hers as their lips found a rhythm. Maybe by its own accord, her hand slid from his neck to the doorknob, threatening to turn it at any moment and cause them to tumble into her bedroom.
I'll have you know, my lovely reader, that some not-so-innocent thoughts were running through Hermione's head. One, that the butterflies she'd been denying were very much real. Two, that there were some needs her career just couldn't satisfy. And three, Ron's dress clothes looked amazing on him, but they'd look even better crumpled up on the floor by her bed.
The click of the doorknob alerted Ron to the possible escalation of events, and he broke away. He glanced at the handle, then back at Hermione, who looked at him with raised eyebrows. Red spread up his neck and into his ears, and his eyes sparkled with delight and anticipation.
"Are you sure?"
Hermione nodded.
"You're really committing to the act, you know."
Hermione tangled her fingers into his hair. "I'm not acting."
Ron pressed his forehead to hers. "You're not?"
She shook her head. "No. Are you?" Her voice was a whisper now.
Ron smiled his lopsided smile. "Fuck no. I was never acting."
Swearing normally offended Hermione — but the novelty of Ron's exclamation only took her by surprise. She had become so used to hearing nonsensical versions of common curse words that it caught her attention. "Ron… you swore!"
"Must be a climactic moment," said Ron before pressing his lips back against hers.
With that, dear reader, Hermione turned the knob the rest of the way, and the pair burst through the door and into her bedroom.
Unfortunately, I'll need to pause here, my friend. Although I'd love to continue the story, I have no choice but to leave you with your imagination, because this tale is for general audiences, and I can assure you what happened in that bedroom was most definitely not.
But I will tell you one thing — I think they found their magic.
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auntphibian · 3 years
I'm gonna toot my own horn real quick. I made the COOLEST gift for my DM. My bard character is a fortune teller and has used quite a few tarot card refrences in the game. The DM and I both enjoy tarot cards, we've shared our decks before. So I was trying to make a really important gift to show just how much his kindness has met to me. Thus I came up with this idea to make Tarot cards based off of his homebrewed world. 9 are based off of characters in the game, 11 are based off of gods, some cards weren't included so it would fit neatly within a d20 system. All were hand drawn and painted on cardstock, then added gold accents and protective film.
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Characters are:
Drak: my bards crush as the hermit. He had talked about wondering alone for a long time only knowing his god wanted him to kill undead. My bard commented that he sounded like the hermit finding spiritual furfillment from within.
Hestia: the devil, she's literally part devil. Her dad is a dragonborn, her mother is a crossroads demon. It became so much of a running gag with "speak of the devil and she will come", Hestia can now cannonly in game tell when people say her name.
Raduk: my bard's father figure was called the hanged man on multiple occasions. He was often unwilling to help and on edge about everything. He would offer advice and a outside perspective but didn't want to be involved.
Drala: she was my bard's best friend who died. While she was still alive she had mentioned wanting to join her fiance in the stars. This lead to a talk about whether someone can join the stars when they die. She also gave a heart felt speech about not loosing hope, which my bard said 'you're a bigger fool than I am'. It was the last thing my bard ever said to her.
Lover: Raduk, my bard's father figure's dead wife. She died while she was pregnant and has often been a discussion between my bard and Raduk. She was a bard as well so there is this strange connection between them dispite never actually meeting.
Tower: is my bard's young brother Padda. The DM and I have often called the event with her brother as Ava's tower card. He was struck by lightning and trapped in the sword, later she would often have nightmares of him on fire. It fit the look of the card but also the concept of unheaval and unwanted change.
The fool: my bard Ava. Her character in and of itself was always suppose to be the fool. New adventures, taking chances, romantacism, bad idead, and just all around foolishness were the building blocks of her character.
Empress: Neeva is a sisterly figure to my bard. Her becoming the ruler of the world has been a common joke among up. "Kill the undead and Neeva becomes grand empress" is literally the joke. She doesn't fit the idea of fertility and parenthood the card does, but she does fit the idea of creating and rebirth. Neeva keeps getting cycled into diffrent bodies everytime she dies and so she does experiments hoping to solve why this occurs.
Emporer: this is to symbolize the bad guys in the game. The undead we are trying to out match. It is honestly fitting for the stragedy and leadership card though.
World: just a wild card I tossed in for decoration.
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These are the homebrew gods and how I visualized their symbols.
Magician: the god of arcana. Which is supper fitting of the visuals into reality. The DM's description of his symbol was "a egyptian style eye infront of a capital T"
Strength: the god of war and strength. Kinda self explanitory. The description was "a ploomed helm on the top of a morning star"
Death: again, pretty explanitory, the god of death. It was "a green sycle behind two skulls". This is the god my character's crush whorships and the main god in the game.
Hierophant: the god of knowledge and history. Pretty fitting for the traditions card. It was "a decorative D resting on a open book"
Sun: the goddess of light, creation, and the sun. She's who my bard originally whorshipped. Again pretty self explanitory. The symbol is "a spear stuck in the ground with the sun behind it, golden wings coming from the spear."
High (priest): goddess of nature and instinct. The card of intuition and trusting yourself but also secrets and mysteries seemed super fitting. Symbol is "a unicorn and lion back to back with a E above them, wings come out from the E and wrap around the two."
Judgement: the god known as one below all. God of corruption and punishment. His symbol is a short word facing down with a O behind it.
Justice: the opposite of the previous known as one above all. God of justice and redemption. Symbol is a long sword facing up with a O behind it.
Temperance: the goddess of peace and balance, which is almost exactly that card. Symbol is "two hands clasped together with sun rays coming from behind them".
Chariot: god of industry and crafting. The card about creating change and finding a new path seems to fit the god of artificers. His symbol "a maul above a anvil glowing white hot and dripping"
Wheel of Fortune: god of time and luck. Again just kinda fits the card. Symbol is "a hour glass with a quarter staff in the bottum."
I'm just super proud of this. I think they fit his world and the game perfectly. He should be getting them monday and I'm super pumped!!!
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urlocalfrogmammy · 4 years
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but i have it—ronald speirs
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inspired by
(and my 12-1am contemplation)
@yeahcurrahee : Hey! I was wondering if you could do a Ronald Speirs imagine with the prompt “you can’t keep avoiding your problems!” “i avoid you well enough!”? Thank you!
when your feeling utterly lost, speirs shows you a side you're not used to seeing.
literally started writing this as sOON as i got the request because i was listening to the song and i was like 👀. not re-read it, not cut it down. my pure, unfiltered 12am thoughts. word count 2k because i don't know where to stop at this time. i hope u enjoy it <3 thank u for the request
there was a soft breeze that blew the sheer curtains. the doors to the balcony had been left open the night before, you couldn't be bothered closing them before slipping into your silk sheets. now, the rays of sunshine cast a heavenly glow on the marble floor of your room, and believing in a god no longer felt foolish to you. you, however, were not exactly feeling like you belonged in the paradise of that austrian hotel room. you'd spent your night tossing and turning, stripping layers of clothes off in cold sweats between nightmares. you now lay wearily in your bed, wondering why you couldn't sleep as well as everyone else. you were a lieutenant, for christ's sake. you were supposed to be training the men to go to war once again. but you were haunted by the images of the war. you'd seen almost all your friends injured or dead. chuck grant with his head shot, bill and joe with their legs missing, gordon paralysed, hoobler bleeding out, jackson in that dingy basement, skip and penkala being blown up—
breathe, you told yourself.
now you could barely look your men in the face without feeling guilty for sending them off to the hell you'd experienced. you had the points. you could go home. but you knew in your heart you'd forever feel ashamed if you left now. your head, being wiser, knew that you'd forever feel guilty for leading these men back into combat, after they'd earned long and happy lives.
instead of worrying about your inner conflict, you lay and stared up at the lighting fixture. there were three lightbulbs, surrounded by tulip-shaped lampshades. they were edged with gold, and they reflected in the light. you stared and stared, until your eyes began to drop. a bang on your door startled you, and you called: "i'm naked!"
ron speirs came barging into the room. "lieutenant what the hell are you playing at?"
see, the awkward thing was that you really were naked. you grasped the sheets to pull over your bare chest and a small squeak cane out of your throat. "i told you i was naked sir!" speirs awkwardly stood in your room like he was lost in the middle of a jungle and had stumbled into a foreign camp. he slowly prowled towards the dresser, lifting up a jewel encrusted brush you'd snagged and holding it up to the light. the reflection was cast on the wall opposite, leaving a glowing pattern on the cream walls. you sat up onto your elbow and stared at your captain. you weren't blind, you knew he was handsome in a sort of rugged way, but the delicate light from those french doors radiated a celestial glow onto him, making his appear angelic. you watched as speirs fumbled with the silver box of pins, trying to figure out how to open it. a soft click confirmed he'd succeeded and he peered inside, unimpressed at the contents of the box.
you wanted to scream. you wanted to tell the man to get out your room. but instead, you just observed him as a glint from your bedside table caught his eye. slowly approaching both you and the bedside table, he lifted up the best thing you'd snagged. a diamond necklace, four diamonds thick, with tendrils of diamonds hanging down from it. you knew it was worth a small fortune, because it was one of the most luxurious pieces of jewellery you'd ever seen. looking down on you, ron leaned down and held it up to your bare neck. "it's pretty."
"thank you." your voice was breathless, ron had taken that away. standing back up and letting the necklace clatter on the glass tabletop, ron's demeanour returned to normal. "are you going to get dressed?" you simply pointed to behind the door.
ron's footfalls were the only thing heard in the room as he grabbed the silk robe from the back of the door and chucked it at you. you caught it with one hand, and ron turned around to give you some privacy. he heard you place yourself back on the bed before telling him you were decent. as he turned back around to look at you, he swore he'd never seen anyone as ethereal as you in that moment. your hair was down, something he had never seen before, and it caught the light. your eyes gleamed as the looked at him, sparkling with something he couldn't recognise. your cheeks were flushed and your lips looked soft. “you’re not sleeping.”
“of cour—”
“you’ve got dark circles.”
he watched as you scoffed, walking over to the dressing table mirror and peering into it. “maybe i’d get less stressed if i was tested less.”
picking up the hairbrush, you slowly began to pull it through your hair. ron watched your reflection in the mirror. “why are you here, captain speirs?”
“why aren’t you with your men?” you paused, hissing as you got to a knot in your hair you couldn’t untangle, right at the back of your head. ron felt an insatiable urge, and indulged himself in it. taking the brush from your hands, your hair was like silk in between his fingers. he dragged the hairbrush through your hair slowly, and your head tilted back towards the movement of the brush.
“you never answered my question, lieutenant.” you hummed in content at the soothing feeling of having your hair brushed, and looked up at him in the mirror. “just let me enjoy this. this is the best things that’s happened to me since nixon brought me that bacon sandwich.” ron chuckled at the statement, and continued to brush your hair with a softness you hadn’t expected from him. the gesture was very out of character, but you accepted it with open arms. maybe you just didn’t know your captain as well as you thought you did. there was a clank as ron set the brush back down and you turned on your stool to look at him. he looked down on you with a look you couldn’t decipher, so you stood and padded over to the bed again.
"the men need someone else." ron stared at you from across the room. arms crossed. "i can't do it."
"because..." you couldn't articulate what you were feeling. "i... i can't watch another boy die. screaming for the medic, or their mother, with blood coming out of their mouth and—" you cut yourself off abruptly in order to stop yourself from crying in front of the captain. he approached you, crouching down until he was at your eye level. "aren't you just happy that the war's over in europe?"
you scoffed again. "don't ask if i'm happy."
"you know that i'm not." your traced your fingers along the silk of the creamy sheets, stained with your sweat and a reminder of all the images you'd had in your dreams. "at best i can say i'm not sad." you glanced fleetingly at him, with a half smile on your face. you wondered how your captain would ever understand how you were feeling. ronald was ruthless, to the point. he acted as every solider should, no second thoughts, no remorse.you wondered if he ever understand the guilt that hung heavy on your conscience, like a plaque that read i've murdered more people than i can count.
ron sat on the bed next to you. "you're a good leader, y/n."
"yeah?" you tucked your hair behind your ear.
“yeah.” he smiled, something you hadn’t seen properly before. ron had always been stern faced or shouting, but it was worth it for the smile. his eyes crinkled, twinkling like the constellations in the sky. you looked away from him and shrugged. “i don’t know. maybe.” you stood back up, collecting your clothes off the floor, and dumping them on the bed. “y/n.” you ignored him, picking up your army pants and folding them leg to leg. “y/n, you can’t keep avoiding your problems.”
“really? because i avoid you well enough.” a neatly folded shirt now joined the pants. speirs walked behind you, and you could feel the warmth he radiated on your back. his hands captured your wrists. “stop.” you turned your head to look at him, and his lips met yours.
at first you froze, and then you jumped back. ron felt a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach. had he read the signs wrong? “y/n, i’m sorry i—”
“no. i’m sorry. i panicked, i...” you turned around properly, “spilling my guts with... drunkards who don’t care about me... is the only love i’ve ever known.” he felt a pang if guilt, that someone as beautiful as you had never experienced what love really was. he looked down on you and murmured: “let me look after you.” you wrapped your arms around his neck. ron’s hands found your waist, and he pulled you back in for another kiss. this time, it was reciprocated. softly, gently, and with feeling. lifting you up and sitting on the bed with you in his lap, the kiss continued with more compassion and care. you pulled away.
"wow." your laugh was breathy and shaking. ron just grinned, hair ruffled and chest heaving under you. easing yourself off him, you could feel your legs trembling. "i should... probably get ready." a sudden wave of guilt slammed into you. you were enjoying yourself, and you should have been out there training your men. the men you were responsible for. your chin wobbled and you turned away from your captain, unable to stop the tears welling in your eyes. "hey, y/n look at me." ron lifted you chin up to look at him. "everything is fine. you have done your very best. just..." his voice softened, "hope for the best." you sniffled, and he told you he'd leave you to get dressed. as he was about to open the door, when you answered him. "hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have," you said softly. he turned to look at you, "but i have it."
he left you alone to your thoughts as you got dressed. your ike jacket was a little loose, you didn't have the broad figure expected, and your hair could barely stay in its pins, but you looked a lot better than you had done for a while. your face wore a smile. going down the luxurious stairs of cream marble to meet the other officers, you were greeted by a slightly drunken lewis nixon at the bottom of them. "captain nixon."
"lieutenant y/n. nice lie in?"
"shut up." you shoved him with an elbow and he just giggled that dumb giggle. he held his hands up in mock surrender, "i'm serious, y/n. you're looking a lot better than when we got here." wrapping an arm around your shoulder, nix guided you into the glass room with the huge wooden table and sat you down on it. ron was stood at one corner, drinking coffee and consulting his map. you smiled shyly at you, and he smirked back. lewis seemed to pick this up, and he handed you a teacup and saucer and winked at you. you couldn't help but smile at the gesture, shaking your head and glaring. you sipped your tea and almost gagged on it. “christ nixon! stop drowning everything in alcohol!”
“sorry! thought it would be a good pick me up!” you stood up, leaving the teacup where it sat.
“i’m going sorting third platoon.”
“alright kid. have fun.”
speirs smiled and nodded as you lit up a cigarette. you felt pride swelling up in your chest. he was proud of you. and you were proud of you too.
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aliencowboys · 5 years
Here's another Malex prompt for you if you're still doing them. : ) : "While we're on the topic of trauma, I should probably tell you the last time I slept through the night without any nightmares was the last night you and I slept in your trailer together a few months ago. "
Thanks for the prompt!! I hope you like Taylor Swift because I ended up taking a lot of inspiration (and lyrics) from ME! to write this.
The rain was coming down in bucket loads, churning the dustoutside Michael’s airstream into mud. Alex’s denim jacket was alreadysaturated, soaked through to his skin. The cold made Alex shiver, but he stoodhis ground.
“I waited for you! I waited for hours and you didn’t show. Ididn’t deserve that.” Alex yelled at Michael, not out of anger, butdesperation.
When Michael hadn’t showed up to talk to him earlier thatweek like he promised, Alex had been heartbroken. He was ready to wallow inself-pity when he found out Michael had turned to Maria instead of him. Hadthis happened months earlier, Alex would have thrown himself into work andpretended his own feelings didn’t matter.
But so much had happened, Alex had changed. He was strongernow, more self-assured. Prepared to fight for what he wanted. What he needed.
“I’m messed up!” Alex cried, pouring his heart out to theonly man he had ever loved. “I’ve got enough trauma to sink a ship. I getanxious and stressed and I- I don’t always make the right decision.”
Michael opened his mouth to respond but Alex cut him off.
“Maria, is a fantasticperson. I get why you like her. She’s wonderful, she’s great. But damnit,Michael, so am I!” Alex’s voice cracked as he spoke words he had never saidbefore in his life. “Maybe you love her. But not like you love me. Not like I love you.”
“I don’t-” Michael shook his head, “it’s not like that.Maria’s just… She’s not-”
“She’s not me.” Alex finished for him, “and that makes iteasier. Maria can sleep through the night without having a panic attack. Shedoesn’t have a family legacy of killing your people. I understand.” Alex’svoice was genuine and imploring, “maybe- maybe I’m not worth the pain. That’sup to you to decide. But I promise thatnobody’s gonna love you like me.”
With that, Alex turned to leave. He had made his point,fought for his worth, and left the ball in Michael’s hands. It was all he coulddo. It wasn’t up to him to make up the other man’s mind. What Alex wanted now,was to get home and dry and hope he fought hard enough.
“Alex, wait!” Michael called, stepping out from the doorwayof his airstream into the rain. “You know Inever want to see you walk away.”
Alex turned back around, arms slack at his side as he lookedto Michael’s face, the man standing close to him.
“You’re right,” Michael spoke slowly, choosing his wordshonestly. “There’s a lot of people in the world – Maria’s one of them, andyeah, she’s great. But you’re the onlyone of you.”
Sighing, Michael reached out and took Alex’s hand gently.
“I’m not gonna find another Alex Manes,” Michael smiledsoftly. “I’m not perfect either. I guess… I got caught up in the trauma. I wasmaking it about me, and I forgot why I fell in love with you. You’re more than just your trauma – more than your family’s legacy.You’re kind, and brave, and quirky.” Michael gave out a single, easy laugh,“you’re the guy who makes lists in his heads to stay organised, who gave me hisbrother’s guitar so I could quiet the panic in my head. You’re you and you’re wonderful. I’m sorry Iever forgot that.”
Alex squeezed Michael’s hand and smiled, “it’s alright. I-I’ve not been perfect either. I’m sorry for all the times I’ve walked away andput everything else above you. It’staken me a long time to realise that what I love about you, and what makes ithard to be with you, aren’t mutually exclusive.” Alex shook his head andlaughed quietly, “you’re one of a kind, Guerin, that’s the fun of you.”
Michael pulled Alexinto his arms in a determined hug. As the two men pressed their foreheadstogether in the pouring rain, the clouds above them parted and the sunlight onthe falling raindrops created a halo of colour in the sky.
Looking up, Michael grinned and pointed. “See, just like us.A rainbow with all of the colours.All of the shades of what makes us, us.Love, quirks, awesomeness, trauma. It’s all a part of who we are.”
Alex nudged Michael as he looked to the sky. “You’re socheesy,” he mumbled. “Oh, and while we’re on the topic of trauma, I shouldprobably tell you the last time I slept through the night without anynightmares was the last night you and I slept in your trailer together a fewmonths ago. Also my clothes are soaked and my cabin is almost an hours’ driveaway,” Alex pouted.
Michael rolled his eyes, “I know you’re being guilt-trippyand dramatic to try and convince me to let you stay here with me tonight.” Hesmirked, “fortunately, that’s one of the things I love about you.”
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Mary Queen of Scots 2013
Tomorrow there will no longer be two queens in ___.
I find I bear you no grudge.
I know you are as powerless to change your role, as I have been to change mine.
l am frightened, Your Majesty.
Don't be.
I thank you for staying with me.
I'm not going to let them take you.
I will protect you.
For you must be allowed to have your own life.
You will be the queen, they never let me be.
When I think back ___ years ago in ___, I realize neither of us had an easy start in life.
I could barely move my tiny hands, yet politics was already clawing at my unsuspecting soul.
Pay attention, give me your hand.
Hold your dress.
Concentrate, keep your head up, look straight ahead.
Mine was not' a very settled upbringing.
As you must know your father was so determined I should marry his sickly son he sent troops to ransack my country.
Many ___ lost their lives in my rough wooing as an infant queen.
When I was being carted from one stronghold to another, sometimes I couldn't tell whether what I was seeing was real or a nightmare.
Farewell, my child, and may God grant you safe passage to a more peaceful land.
They will protect you.
You are feverish again.
That's good, my dear, the fever will take away your fear!
The only way my mother could protect me was to dispatch me overseas.
Overnight' my destiny changed.
Packed off like precious merchandise to spend a lifetime with another mysterious bridegroom.
It's lucky for you I took that' boat'.
If I'd have stayed, you wouldn't be sitting on the ___ throne today.
What is your name?
But which one is the Queen?
I can kill just by moving my finger.
Come back.
Come and look!
She is dead.
She is Queen now...
l am the Queen.
That's impossible.
You should have said so right away.
And there you will stay.
Why do you laugh?
I thought we were cousins.
I will reply to her immediately.
We will be the best sisters in the world.
I shall send her my portrait.
Better yet, let me go and meet her in person.
We understand each other, she and I.
We are like twins.
You cannot address her as Queen.
That woman is a bastard.
Have you forgotten what the ___ have done to your country?
They burned and destroyed it.
It is frightful to think that I was the cause of a war.
Do not succumb to your womanly instincts and kindness, do not let them cloud your reason.
There can be no dialogue with that... that pretender to the Throne.
When she dies, you shall be the ___ Queen.
Why should she die?
You and you alone can restore the true faith in that blasphemous land.
Carrying three crowns is a grave responsibility, but impossible as long as that illegitimate heretic is alive.
She has to go.
I will not crush her, I will win her over.
A delightful conundrum.
But not everyone here approves of me consorting with a foreign power.
I have been advised that my claim for the ___ crown is based on legitimate descent.
Accordingly, I am having the ___ coat of arms added to my royal portraits.
You need not' fear for your person.
I have no wish to disturb you.
But if you do ever respond to me, you should address me as Queen of ___, ___ and ___.
What an enchanting voice.
You are charming.
You make me tremble.
Come up and join us.
That hurts.
Tomorrow I will join the hunt.
Isn't it a little too early?
I feel strong again.
For the first time this year, I will lead the hunt.
I am confident that I still have a life to discover.
You of all people will appreciate that once born a queen, one must be a master of one 's own destiny.
If I can no longer be Queen of ___, I am still and will remain Queen of ___.
Let us sing our song.
It's so cold here and my subjects seem to hate their Queen.
That is because your subjects don't know their Queen yet and the Queen has to get used to sharper blades.
How does my cousin do it?
You cannot simply behead everyone who contradicts you!
I could throw ___ into the dungeons, but that would merely make matters worse.
Tolerance can easily be misinterpreted, Your Majesty.
At least you're beautiful.
She is really ugly, they say.
Even if they do write erotic sonnets about her...
No wonder! She has no husband, but countless lovers!
And she's seven inches shorter than you are.
And look at my bump.
Mine is worse.
Come closer.
My heart and my pride have just been stabbed by this rabble-rouser.
I'm frightened, dear cousin.
Why do men of god seem so afraid of women?
___ and ___ living in peace, guided by the example of our sisterly unify.
Oh, I wish I'd seen her face to face.
Believe me, she is as curious about you as you are about her.
Does she really bathe in warm milk?
Is it true she has bad breath?
They say she beats her lovers.
Off you go, ladies, we wish to discuss political matters.
I promise to divulge more gossip later.
Could you perhaps suggest the prospect of a meeting between the two Queens?
She extends to you any help you may need in making preparations for a future match.
I wonder who she will recommend to be my husband.
What of her empty matrimonial bed, your Majesty?
At least, you know what it's like to be married.
I'm delighted to hear you are interested in the possibility of me marrying again.
I 'm rather excited at the prospect of receiving a queue of young suitors.
Alas, I seem to lack the good fortune to meet any man capable of stirring my blood or touching my heart.
Have I not the right to choose whoever I want.
I, too, shall be free, free to stand by my own choices.
I must confess I'm not completely satisfied with my new husband.
I'm worried about his extreme views.
Likewise I hope I can count on you to disarm my treacherous lords and stifle their fanatical plots against me.
The heir to both of our kingdoms is growing safely within me.
Above all, it will heal this country's wounds.
Mama will do everything.
l am a prisoner now.
The child of this traitor is growing within me
and I do not know how to bring it to safety.
How will I know when I'm really in labour?
How can I possibly maintain a pose as serene and confident as you, when inside I feel like screaming?
You cannot know what it feels like to be a mother surrounded by vipers.
Maybe you are right' never to marry.
You can be absolutely certain that the future King will be in good hands.
In my end will be my beginning.
I have a healthy son and a secure future.
I'm besieged by a new force that I do not know how to meet.
Should I surrender or should I resist?
Can I count on my ancestors?
I have found something I never dared hope for.
I know everyone will turn against me and condemn me.
Don't call it sin.
It is true I conceived a child with my husband.
I've always had to make my own decisions and act on my own instincts.
I've been waiting all my life for a man like you.
For him I have risked dignity and conscience, for his sake I have come to regard my friends as less than nothing. For his sake I would fain
renounce the world, I would gladly die that he might rise.
It pleases me to see my husband suffer.
His very being has repelled me for so long now. But how can a wife get rid of a husband?
Careful - the people want to punish you for what you've done.
Some deeds are done by doing nothing.
I'm pregnant.
I know you must resent my sudden marriage, but surely you will appreciate that a pregnant queen must be married to the father of her child.
You cannot imagine the anger and desperation I feel to have my new husband blamed for the murder of my previous one, but I can declare that we are innocent a hundred times and there will still be slanderous voices condemning us.
To fight them would be madness, Your Majesty.
I have no wish to fight them.
They must submit to the Royal Lion and there will be peace again in ___.
There will be no single combat, no negotiations, only surrender.
You must send him away. You have no other option.
I lose count of the springs and the winters.
Has she killed me already?
I am actually more alive than she is.
She can do it! She can chop off the crown.
But she is the crowned sovereign now, and I am just a poor woman, without a crown, a country.
I can't bear it any longer I wish she would kill me.
Two great Queens, caught in a deadly stalemate. In an endless purgatory.
No way out, until one of you fades away.
This could go on forever.
Please don't leave me alone!
Don't hesitate to do what has to be done.
I would only be too pleased to get out of this bed and face your headsman.
And when that secret moment finally comes, will you then have the courage to face me?
With or without you by my side, I long for a new, for the chance to return to my beginning.
Oh, my dear ___, I would be deeply grateful for a sharp ace.
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