#ig it was just a simple realization of how i don't feel close to them anymore that i don't wanna talk about myself ever but dkjcjcuvi 👍🏻
zaggyzoo · 9 months
really don't wanna go help with math homework today
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strangeswift · 2 years
You just proved my point (btw I am not saying this to be pissy and I dont have problems with people's headcanons but i do have a problem with them if they are portrayed as if they are canon by people, especially if it involves potentially harmful stuff like talking about OCD or ED, so let's go.)
Mike only appears 1 time in Max's memory, that is the same as Will. Both Mike and Will appear only 1-2 times in Max's memory montage. That shows us that while they're friends, they are not besties and they're not that close in contrast to what people make it out to be.
Max has the loosest connection to Mike and Will, that's why they don't appear that much in her vision/memory montage that much. That is also why Mike and Will play virtually no role in Max's struggle throughout S4. That is intentional writing choice (aside from other reasons, ofc). They are worried for her and are saddened by her 'death' at the hospital but they spend no time with Max in S4, that is a narrative choice.
It is Lucas, El and Dustin who are there for her the most. Because Lucas is Max's love and El is Max's best friend. Dustin is the second closest friend Max has.
Both Lucas and El appear the most in her memory montages, expected so, since they're the closes two people to Max.
Then it follows Dustin, he appears quite a couple of times. That shows that Dustin is the closest to Max after El and Lucas.
Then Mike and Will appear 1-2 times. That shows us, that yeah, Mike and Will are also Max's friends but they are not that that close to Max. It is simple really. The whole text and the memory montages shows us this.
When I pointed this out and wrote it, my intention wasnt to diss Mike's character, I think that's what people thought my intention was. But no, I am just pointing out what the show tells us. I am saying the same thing about Will too, not because I'm trying to diss Will and Max's friendship. They all are friends, it's just Mike and Will arent that close to Max as people make out to be and that is normal and okay. Mike has the loosest connection to Max out of other party members just like El has the loosest connection to Dustin out of other party members. That's not to say Mike and Max dont care each other or El and Dustin dont care each other. They just arent besties.
Hey anon you're getting an extraordinarily bitchy response because I have very little patience right now and you're all up in my inbox minimizing Mike and Max's relationship. Everyone just fucking remember how overly nice I usually am and shut the hell up about it mkay? <3
Listen. Listen to me when I speak to you anon. Because I don't think you listened before. I said I realize they aren't "besties" but they are friends. That's fucking exactly word for word what I said. So. That's really not me "proving your point" at all. Mike appearing in Max's Vecna memories at all indicates that they are close friends. The memories that save you from Vecna are your happiest memories. Hellooo????? HELLOOOOOO????? They were also limited to using footage they already had for the flashback scenes. Stranger Things isn't a sit com, like they don't have time to physically show every character bonding with every other character, they kinda have other shit going on. They add in things to show the audience the established relationship dynamics and they trust their audience. Obviously they can't trust you though so big yikes ig. And yeah, I know you weren't dissing Mike's character. I just think you were wrong in saying that Mike had a "nonexistent connection" to Max and Eddie. So I was correcting you. Since you were wrong. But generally it seems like we're coming to pretty much the same conclusion, that Max and Mike aren't besties in canon but they are friends? So. Idk why you're arguing with me still. Other than the fact that I think they're close friends and you think they're friends who aren't that close. Whatever that fucking means. Like I feel like you're making an unnecessary distinction based on a misguided assertion. Idk why it matters so much to you anyway. Especially when there's literally canon evidence to suggest them being close so you're just obviously wrong about that. But I guess the canon evidence went over your head huh? My bad.
Also anon just a heads up I responded to this ask because I literally already addressed this so there wasn't that much more to say, but after this I'm not going to be responding to asks over like 300 words because they take too long to answer. Sorry. You're welcome to send asks that are more concise. Otherwise you could always make your own post. You can even tag me in that post if you want my opinion. But I suspect you don't want my opinion since you never asked for it, I think you're just using my blog as a soap box.
(btw I am not saying this to be pissy)
For anyone else reading this for some rason here's the original ask. Tw for ED and suicidal tendencies mentioned.
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wooahaes · 6 months
Idk if you are still open for the fanfics ask but can if so, can I ask for 2 and 20???🌼
2. How many WIPs do you currently have?
god i wish i knew lmao i constantly come up with fic ideas, draft em, and then either don't get around to writing em or i don't finish the drafting part.
theres the soulmate AUs which are pretty close to being done, a set of fics for svt + skz that i haven't drafted yet but am getting ideas down for. the soulmate bodyswap aus (woozi for svt, lee know for skz if i choose to write it). the chubby!fem!reader fic that i'd like to write for felix. shadow (poly UtS) is still a wip. the second part to i won't run away (its a lee know fic). i kinda have a childhood friends -> lovers fic in mind for seungmin. i started this mingyu fic that's centered around food (current title for it is 10 course meal bc its like taste of love where its cut up into sections based on the meals shared). keep it simple, stupid! which is a paboracha fic where everyone is mutually pining for someone but they're a lil blind to it and the rest of skz makes a bet on who will realize it and confess to their person the soonest.
also idk if theres an audience for it but i did have some plans for a chubby!fem!reader fic w seokmin where they fake date for a while and uhh ohhhh it turns real oopsies. theres also the woozi fic i promised a while back where woozi is an art student and chubby!fem!reader ends up becoming his muse for a bit
i had Big plans for july that i still could go back to involving a full group svt fic of the group taking off time to go on vacation together because work and life keeps em all apart and it'd break into individual parts of realizing feelings for reader. i might not do them, but if i do, i think i'd be breaking it into summer-themed fics and i might extend it out to skz (and maybe trsr, depending on how i feel ig?) as well
there's also love, lee that i wanted to write but that one's much more up in the air between being a svt fics involving the lees there or being a felix fic.
basically i have a lot of fics i wanna write and only so many hours in the day to work on them :(
20. What’s a fanfiction trope that you couldn’t imagine writing?
hmm.. i guess yandere stuff comes to mind first? its just not my cup of tea and there's other writers who do enjoy writing it so ppl can always find it there! (obvs nothing wrong w enjoying stuff in fiction, it's just not something i think i'd ever be interested in writing :3)
also ig kind of smut but only specifically on this blog. if i write it, it's on a sideblog, and i rarely write it since i'm not good at it lmao plus something something sexual abuse trauma stops me from... a lot in life and that tends to be part of it
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I Don’t Want a World Without You. Eren Jaeger x Reader
Request from @shittypaperwork
A/N: This took me forever to write this. I wanted it to be perfect. I really hope it is. Also, my asks are open for AOT smut (Disclaimer I do prefer to write in Canon Au but not opposed to writing Modern AU if I like the idea.) , Jujustu Kaisen smut. But please enjoy!!!!!!
WARNINGS: SMUT!!!, slight breading kink ig, name calling, slight Dom!Eren. Unprotected sex, Canon AU,
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Your friendship with Eren was unlike any relationship you had experienced before. You both joined the Scouts after the attack on Wall Maria. You both bonded over the losses you both endured that day. Eren sought out revenge on the Titans. His hatred and rage fueled his desire to become a better soldier. You wanted a better understanding of the outside world. Why all the memories came fooling back in the middle of a titan ambush you had no idea why. A giant hand came out from the shadows of the forest directly aiming for you. You didn't have much time to react before Eren swooped in and grabbed you.
"(Y/N) you need to pay more attention," Eren said right before the titan grabbed the wire to his ODM gear causing him to fall to the ground several hundred feet below.
"Eren," you screamed out. Your heart pounding in your chest as you locked eyes with the titan. Suddenly, a red hot burning sensation rushed through your chest and up your face. Tears started to form in your eyes as you maneuvered around the giant trees. Finally finding a vantage point, you zipped over the titan and your blades cutting deep into its nape. It fell to the ground dust and debris flying above its lifeless body. The feeling still stuck in your chest, but it was different something lingered beneath the surface. You located Eren, and you looked at him the feeling became stronger as you watched him lay there, blood dripping from his head on the ground under him.
You were irrevocably in love with him.
There was no time to confess to him your newfound feelings. He needed to get the infirmary. The more you realized your feelings for him, the more you realized it would never work. This world was unfair and unforgiving. There was no room in the world for love let alone a relationship, or that's what you told yourself. The pain you would feel if Eren didn't reciprocate your feelings would tear you apart inside.
Two weeks had passed since the ambush in the forest and your feelings had remained the same, in fact, they had gotten stronger. Your whole squad had made it back alive, which you were grateful for. Eren was rushed to the infirmary due to his extensive injuries. You didn't sleep most nights so you would sneak down to see Eren. You held his hand and changed out his bandages being very careful not to wake him.
"(y/n), you have to let him rest," quickly turning around you saw Armin standing in the doorway.
"It's my fault this happened," the tears started to swell up in your eyes. Armin grabs your hand leads you outside.
"B-but Eren," you stammer looking back at him.
"He's going to be fine while you're gone". You looked up at the night sky, gazing at the stars above you. It was late, you didn't realize until now. How long have you been sitting by Eren? An hour? Maybe five. A cool breeze hits your face as you sit down beside Armin on the bench just outside the infirmary.
"You're so concerned about Eren. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're acting like Mikasa," he laughs. You chuckle slightly. You had been so wrapped up in making sure that Eren was okay that you had forgotten what it feels like to relax. Memories of you and Eren flood your mind.
"Armin there's something I need to tell you. I can only trust you with this information," the blonde turns to look at you.
" I'm in love with Eren". Armin's face gets all red and he turns away.
"So why are you feeling me this? Shouldn't you be telling Eren?"
"Because it would never work out the way I want".
Eren was finally recovered enough to leave the infirmary, but he was strictly prohibited from any training, missions, and extraneous activities. You have been avoiding him for days, unable to come to terms with your feelings you thought it best to stay away.
"You're eventually going to have to tell him you can hide from your feelings forever," Armin said to you quietly.
"Shut up, Armin," you punched his shoulder just a little too rough. He winches in pain, and you touch his arm.
"Sorry." You start to blabber about how you're used to hitting Eren because he can take a hit. You didn't realize Armin was trying to tell you that Eren was right behind you. A slight punch suddenly hits the middle of your back causing you to fall forward into Armin's chest. You turn around quickly to see you hit you. Your eyes lock with Eren's, trying to speak, but nothing comes out of your mouth. His green eyes peer into yours. It feels like your entire being is melting into the palm of his hand.
"Shouldn't you be picking on someone your own size," Eren smirks at you.
"Uhhh," you fumble your words trying to form a comprehensible sentence but fail.
"I gotta go!" You said quickly as you darted off somewhere far away from Erin and Armin.
Finally catching your breath you stood in front of the shower house you are reminded of a prank you pulled on Eren just a few months ago.
It had been a long day of combat training and Eren was the first to use the shower, like always. Connie dared you to sneak into the men's showers and take Eren's clothes and hide them in a nearby bush.
"Easy! You should come up with a harder one next time," you smirked knowing this was going to be way simple. Quietly you snuck in being extremely careful not to slam any doors. You glanced around trying to find Eren's clothes, the steam from the showers making it hard to see. Stumbling into one of the benches close to the showers.
"Fuck that hurt."
"Hello? Who's there?" You heard Eren call out. Your heartbeat quickened as you heard the water turn off.
shit shit shit where are they?
Finally, you found the clothes tucked away under the bench. You guessed this isn't the first time this happened to him. You balled up his clothes and ran out. The steam made your hair stick to your forehead as you threw his clothes in a bush.
"Nice going (y/n)!" Connie gave you a high-five. Both of you waited for Eren to realize his clothes were missing, but to both of your surprises, Eren walked out of the showers butt-ass naked with only one of his hands covering his goods. Your jaw dropped at the sight of him the sunlight made his wet skin glisten. He shook out his hair causing water droplets to scatter around him. You followed the water as it dripped down his toned chest and pass his carefully carved abs. Your eyes followed the v line just below his abs.
"My eyes are up here! Now, where did you put my clothes, darling?" Eren steps closer to you feeling the heat radiate off him from his shower. Your mouth stayed agape and all you could do was point over to the bush. He made his way over not bothering to cover his ass.
"Well, that was fun," Eren chuckled as he pulled up his pants and let them sit on his hips unbuttoned.
Wetness started to pool in between your thighs, causing you to blush from the intrusive thoughts of Eren. You looked around to make sure no one would follow you. After stepping into the shower, you took your clothes off, and neatly folded them, and placed them on the bench. You pulled the curtain closed in hopes of having a sliver of privacy. The cold water rushed over your body and hair. Your nipples became hard as the cold water ran over them. Your mind began to imagine Eren behind you and what his hands would feel like as he rubbed your shoulders and softly caressing your breasts. Maybe he would snake one of his hands down your waist and tease your folds as the other would grip your neck pulling you back into his bare chest.
"Mmm. Eren," you moaned teasing yourself closer and closer to orgasm. Your finger moved faster in circles around your clit. A tightness started building up in your core and just about as you were going to come undone the door to showers swung open. FUCK! Disappointed in your attempt to relieve some stress you quickly got dressed.
"Hey (y/n)," Sasha greeted you, but you bolted past her "okay, bye!"
You didn't want to be rude to Sasha, but you had other things on your mind. All of them were Eren. Your body ached for his. You wondered want it would feel like on top of yours. Your mind kept racing all these thoughts about him and what he looked like under his clothes.
"(Y/N)! Instead of daydreaming why don't you help in the kitchen?" You were quickly drawn away from your thoughts as Levi approached you.
"Sorry Captain, I-" you tried to explain yourself before Levi shut you down.
"You're almost as bad as Eren." Eren? You clung to his name.
"What's wrong with Eren?" You ask.
"Well, since he's been released from the infirmary he's been zoning out. But enough chit-chat go help get dinner ready."
You made your way to the kitchen. Both Connie and Sasha were slacking off and having a baguette battle.
"Guys, let's do what needs to be done. I'm tired and want to go to sleep." You announce. It took about an hour to get prepped and cooked. By the time you were done cooking, you wanted to go to your room and finish what you couldn't in the showers.
After finally arriving at your room. You quickly shut your door. The rooms weren't big, but none the less you were grateful to have your own after spending a year in the barracks. The rooms were massive, but they were a decent size for one person. A desk with a wooden chair sat in the far corner and a closet just big enough to hold a few scout uniforms and a full-size bed. Still, a layer of dust covered everything although you didn't mind. It wasn't like you were going to be staying in your room all day.
You rubbed your eyes and sat at the edge of your bed, taking off your boots and jacket, neatly putting them away in the closet. You always hated taking off your harness there were so many buckles and straps, you got confused so easily. The only light to work with was an oil lamp fixed to the wall. You sighed heavily as you finished folding up your clothes and getting into your pajamas.
As you laid down in your bed thoughts of Eren came back to you. Softly you moaned as you pawed at your breast and teased your nipple. Woefully imagining it was Eren's instead of yours. You felt a wetness start to pool between your legs. Slipping your hands down your shorts your finger circled your clit. You were a virgin, but you still knew what happened you just never found anyone worthy enough. Expect for Eren.
You moaned as you came closer and closer to climax, but it was cut short again. "(Y/N)..." You had sworn you heard someone moan your name. Quickly you pulled your covers over your body as you listen to the room next to you and you heard it again. You were sure someone was moaning your name. In the room next to yours you heard the bed squeak as someone got up from it. Your heart beated faster as you heard footsteps approached your door. You closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep. The door to your room slowly creaked open. "(Y/N)... Are you awake?" It was Eren. You still didn't open your eyes as the door shut and Eren sat on the edge of your bed. He took your hand and held it and pressed it to his chest.
"I know you're asleep but I wanted to tell you, thank you for saving me, I know everyone told you to leave me but you didn't and I'm grateful. I don't know why you've been avoiding me, but I probably deserve it somehow." You heard his voice crack and you could tell he was about to cry.
"I just don't know how to tell you this but here does nothing, I love you (Y/N)." You opened your eyes and saw Eren crying.
"I love you too." You said sitting up in your bed. Your hands cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. His lips were soft and perfectly fit in between yours. It was sweet and soft but your core ached for him. He pulled you onto his lap and brushed your hair behind your ear.
"I can't tell you how many nights I wished for this, to be here with you." Eren buried his face into your chest.
"You don't have to wish anymore," you told him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him again this time softly biting on his lower lips. He moaned into the kiss sending chills down your spine. He gripped your hips, his callused fingers dug into your sides almost as if he was scared you were fall through his hands if he didn't hold you tight enough.
Your hips ground into his causing a deep moan to escape from his lips. His erection grew quickly underneath you. Eren flipped you over on your back onto the mattress. He stood up and began removing his shirt. Your eyes followed the skin on his stomach as more of it was exposed. Moonlight peaked in through the window, shining on his torso. It was beautiful, hours and hours of training had paid off.
"My eyes are up here, darling" he chuckled as he climbed on top of you. You couldn't help but feel his chest and abs. His piercing green eyes looked into yours. His lips crashed into yours, it was sloppy and wet and hot. Your clothes limited his access to your perfect body. He slowly took off your shirt and kissed up your stomach and in between your breasts before he took one in each hand and massaged them. His thumb rubbing your nipples before he took it in his mouth and circled it with his tongue. Your fingers ran through his hair as you leaned your head back and moaned. He made his way up to your neck kissing and sucking on it. You knew for sure there was going to be a hickey tomorrow but you didn't care. You wanted everyone to know that you were Eren's and that he was yours too.
"Eren, I need you." You begged him to touch you. He leaned back on his calves and pulled your legs up to his chest, slowly removing your shorts.
"You're so wet for me already, have you been expecting me?" He chuckled and smirked as he pushed your legs apart. His hot breath hit your folds making you beg for him even more.
"Please please Eren!" Your cries for his touch were desperate. Him seeing how much you needed him turned him on. He was throbbing in his jeans. His finger slid up your folds and collected your wetness before he put it in his mouth and sucked on his finger.
"Open your mouth," he commanded and you did as he stuck his finger in your mouth. "Suck." His voice was deep and demanding making you want him even more. Your tongue danced around his finger you tasted yourself on his finger. His mouth attached itself to your clit and you threw your head back moaning. His tongue circling your clit making you bite down on your lip to keep from moaning too loud. Your hands found their way to his beautiful brawn locks, your fingers entangled themselves pulling slightly. Eren groaned and gripped your thighs tighter, maybe enough to leave bruises. The idea of having Eren's fingerprints lingering on your skin turned you on even more.
Eren's erection grew harder and slightly painful. He stood up from the bed and a whine came from your mouth in protest.
"Don't worry we aren't done yet. Do you know how much my hand hurts by now? I'm so glad you accepted my feelings so I can fuck you now."
"All you had to do was ask" you teased back at him "but you should know I'm a virgin." You weren't shy about it, it was just how you were.
"Well, I am too, if that makes you feel better." You sat up on your knees and began to undo Eren's pants. You could hear his moan that he held back. Your fingers slipped between his skin and underwear slowly teasing it down before releasing the waistband and having it snap back to his skin. A low hiss rolled out of his mouth as he smirked at you and his eye went darker with lust.
In a fit of lust Eren quickly removed his pants and pulled his cock out. Your eyes widen at the sight, you always thought Eren was big but never this big.
"Suck now." His tone cold and demanding. You took it in one hand and started to suck on the tip of his cock. You could taste the precum from the tip. His hand placed at the back of your head slowly pushing you further and further down. Your hands gripped his thighs as he drove his cock deeper into your face. You looked up at him, he looked so hot his eyes were rolled back and beautiful moans escaped his mouth.
"Ahhh fuck (Y/N) your so warm. I'm so close, will you be a good girl and swallow for me?" He looked down, locking his eyes with yours, you nod.
"Mmmm that's my girl." He continued to fuck your face, his hands cupping your checks. A warm salty liquid flowed into your mouth. You swallowed it and sucked the rest off his cock before opening your math to show him.
"Fuck... You're such a good slut for me." He crawled on top of you. "I'm gonna take such good care of you," he kissed your stomach right below your navel. He slowly slid two fingers inside of you making you arch your back and grip the sheets. He took his time moving his fingers in and out of you taking care to make sure you never felt any pain.
"More Eren, please..." you begged for him, bringing him closer for a kiss. He lined himself up at your entrance wetting his tip on your folds. He steadied himself by placing his hand next to your head. He looked into your eyes. "Ready, darling?" You nodded. He slowly pushed his tip in both of you letting out moans of each other's names. You momentarily adjusted to his size before he added another inch. You wrapped your legs around his hips allowing him to fully enter you.
"Oh fuck, you're so tight I could cum right now," Eren moaned into your chest. Your breath was heavy as you fully adjusted to his massive size. Eren pressed his forehead to yours as he thrust in and out of you at a good pace. You moaned and softly bit into his shoulder careful not to hurt him and activate his Titan.
His thrust because faster and faster. You moaned his name over and over again. Sweat started to drip from his forehead, you could tell he was holding back his orgasm. The tip of his cock hitting your cervix. Eren let out a chuckle.
"What's so funny?" You asked.
"I can it inside you. Look." You glanced at your stomach and saw the tip pressing the skin up. "Fuck I can't wait to fill you up with my seed." He pounded harder into you as your orgasm started to build.
"Eren I'm getting close," you mewled in his ear. His thrust becomes sloppy as his thumb played with clit and that sent you over the edge. Eren watched as your body twitched underneath him. It felt like your entire body was on ice and fire at the same time. Eren was not long after you as he slammed one last time into you and let out the most beautiful moan you ever heard.
"Ahhh fuckkkkk (Y/N). You were such a good girl for me." He pulled out and laid down next to you pulling you close to him.
"I love you. I always have. I don't care if this world is unfair and unforgiving. A world that doesn't have you isn't where I want to be." You pressed your face into his chest and slowly fell asleep.
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viridwns · 3 years
Can't help but fall in love with you.
Time: present
Paring: Chuuya x f!reader
Characters: Chuuya nakahara, Dazai osamu, Mori ōgai, Fukuzawa yukichi from BSD
Warnings: none ig.
Request from: @trixiegalaxy . I hope you are happy with this!
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You were just looking for a job. A simple job.
You really went from being a secretary with mountains of paperwork your boss left you to being in the middle of a truce meeting.
"No illusions this time fukuzawa?"
"It's a truce meeting right? I don't see the use of using my members ability."
You really didn't want to be here. What were you even thinking! The job that you were offered after just moving into this city was to perfect to be true. You knew something was up, but you still accepted it anyway.
When you were asked to come to an important meeting by Dazai, you didn't think any of it. I mean maybe you had to take notes or something. So ofcourse being the good subordinate you were, you said yes.
Curse this handsome looking man. If only you had listened to your guts when he asked you to join him for a double suicide.
You tugged at Dazai's arm wanting to know why in the hell he brought you here. "What the actual fuck Dazai" you whispered at him a frown setteling upon your face. He looked at you with a grin and winked. Wanting nothing more to bash his head in a voice interrupted your thoughts.
"I can see you brought someone new. I've never seen her face here before."
You looked at the mafia boss. He was smiling at you.
Gulping down the lump in your throat you tried to look as brave as possible. Standing up straight with your chin up.
"She's our new secretary. Thought i'd bring her with us for some experience." You heard Dazai say.
Only Dazai, fukuzawa and you were here. On the other side you could see the mafia boss, a man with no eyebrows? And a short, but intimidating man with a fedora.
Yeah you didn't want to get caught up into this.
"I'm gonna quit the next opportunity i get" you muttered. Regretting not listening to your mother to stay in the little village and not moving to the city.
"Knowing you Dazai, she isn't just a secretary. Just tell us what her ability is."
Wait what?
"Hah?" You said without realizing.
First of all how did Dazai know about your ability. Second of all how could it be of any use here?
"Ah you caught me. She indeed has an ability. Up to you to figure it out."
Dazai said, his famous grin plastered on his face.
"Cut the crap mackerel. This is a truce meeting. Stop this shitty act and just tell us why she's here." The man with the fedora stept forward. His gloved hand pointing at you.
Honestly you don't even know anymore why you were here.
"Can we just set our agreement. My schedule is busy and the only way we can stop (bad guy name) is if we work together."
Your boss spoke up. Looking tired as usual.
"Sorry, but it seems like your hiding something from us. Are you going to attack us when we turn around hm?"
The mafia boss looked at him with an amusing smile.
"Stop this nonsense Mori. Just agree to the plan. You know it's the best thing to do."
"Fine. Tomorrow at midnight i'll send Chuuya and you'll send Dazai. Deal?"
Why the fuck.
That chuuya guy and Dazai were supposed to be going on a mission together.
so why in the hell were you here waiting infront of a shed at 12 AM with Dazai at your side.
Simple answer: you fell for his tricks again.
"Isn't the sky pretty y/n."
"Say one more word and i'll make you regret using me for my ability."
An angry scowl was placed on your features as Dazai pouted.
"Ah come one y/n-kun don't be so mean."
You snapped your head to the right to face him.
"Oh i'm mean? You literally send me here to join you for a suicide mission. I'm only going to be dead weight anyway!"
He chuckled
"Oh don't worry, you're going to be a great help for this mission."
Giving him a confused look, you were about to say something when a voice interrupted you.
"And can i ask why she is here?"
You looked to the left to see Chuuya standing there with a hand on his hip.
"Why is everyone so irritated this night. Well i wouldn't expect less from Chuuya, but you are never irritated y/n."
"For everything there's a first time." You said with a sigh.
This was going to be a long night.
"Just shut up you mackerel. I'm not in the mood for your shit."
Chuuya walked closer to the two of you. He was intimidating as ever, but gosh did he have anger issues.
Dazai tried to open his mouth, but knowing him and his passion for annoying people you interrupted him.
"If we go left from here, we'll eventually see the base of the enemy. There's a way in from the left side of the building without being seen. It's our best shot to sneak in."
You finished looking at the two men.
You could see Chuuya staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked, your hands wiping your face.
It looked like you suprised him by the sudden startled look on his face.
"N-no Let's just go. The sooner we start, the faster we finish."
Chuuya walked past the two of you. Cursing something under his breath. You could swear you saw a light pink covering his cheeks.
"Where the fuck did that maniac go?!"
You sat on the ground covering your ears with your hands. Not wanting to listen to Chuuya's whines anymore.
It all happenend so fast. The three of you broke into the enemy's base and found a good hiding spot, but somehow the three of you got caught. Chuuya and you ran, thinking Dazai was right behind you two, but when you locked yourselves into a lab, he was gone.
Looking at the furious ginger you tried to calm him down.
"It's Dazai we're talking about. C'mon have some faith in your partner."
You smiled lightly, but it soon faded as you were met with an angry scowl.
"He was my partner. I can't even believe he brought you."
He pinched the bridge of his nose.
You didn't know either why he brought you, but he could be atleast a bit nicer about it.
"Well i'm sorry for being here, but thanks to me we could break into this place. Also can you just calm your tits. Your behavior isn't helping the situation."
You stood up to look him in his eyes. Your smile being replaced with a more serious look.
"I-." He tried to say something, but instead moved to the other side of the room.
"You're such a nausionce."
Knowing if you would pick a fight with him now nothing good would come out of it.
"I know, now let's find a way out."
Looking around the room, you could only find some medical suplies and some samples of God knows what.
Chuuya began helping you after sulking for a bit in the corner. He checked all the cabinets and only found food and more medical supplies.
"I found nothing, you?"
You asked the man while sitting down on the large dental like chair in the middle of the room.
"Nothing useful no."
Chuuya leaned at the wall infront of you.
"Going outside is also not an option. There are cameras outside the door. So they'll know our location immediately."
You let out a frustrated sigh. Massaging your temples.
"God i'm so stupid. I should've paid more attention to our location."
The man infront of you scoffed.
"Not going to disagree with you on the first thing, but you couldn't have known where we were and we were all in a state of panic. It makes you forget things."
Being a little shocked that he also could be nice, i mean he did call you stupid indirectly, but the words he said did make you feel better.
"Thanks Chuuya. That means allot to me." You said to him smiling.
"Yeah yeah whatever." The pink hue could be seen again on his cheeks as he looked away.
Giggling softly at his flustered state.
"What are you laughing at brat?!"
Ah there was the angry chihuahua again.
"Nothing, just you."
"You bi-."
Chuuya was cut off by voices on the other side of the door. You jumped of your chair looking at Chuuya with a panicked expression.
He motioned to the closet and you nodded your head. Quickly moving over to the closet, you and Chuuya squeezed yourselves in.
The space was cramped, but it was the only solution for now. Knowing that Chuuya's ability would make to much of a commotion.
Feeling Chuuya's warm breath on your lips, you now noticed how short he actually was. His head not coming above your nose. It was adorable really.
He also smelled like wine, but it wasn't smelly or something. It was quite a pleasant smell and not to mention very attractive.
Blushing at your thoughts you looked up.
'Omg why am i thinking this now. He's so attractive- NO Y/N FOCUSE.' you internally screamed.
"This door is locked kiri, maybe the intruders are in here."
A soft rattling noise was heard and the door knob moved a little.
"Damn i don't got the keys. Let me go get them."
You heart footsteps leave the door, but you knew someone else was waiting infront of it.
Suddenly you could feel a light bulb just pop above your head. You had a plan, but you didn't know if it would work.
"Shit what do we do." You could hear Chuuya mutter.
"I might have an idea." You whispered.
"Are you crazy?! You can't just do that y/n!" Chuuya whisper yelled.
You were putting on one of the labcoats hanging in the closet. Your other clothes were in Chuuya's hands.
You were wearing your hair loose with a skintight labcoat flaunting every curve of your body.
"It's the only plan right now. And with my ability it is almost guaranteed it will work." You whispered back. You hated this plan as much as he did, but it was your only chance. And you felt sexy as fuck right now.
"I got them!." You heard a man's voice say. Footsteps getting closer. "Took you long enough, now open the door."
"Jeez okay fine."
"There is no time Chuuya." You said closing the closet doors. You could see Chuuya trying to protest, but he gave up.
Scurrying over to one of the counters pretending you were organizing something the door opened.
You heart starting to beat faster and your hands shaking. 'Calm down y/n. You got this you sexy motherfucker'. Your breathing slowed a little and a voice was heard from the doorway.
"Hey you! Put your hands up!"
You looked up to see two men in trenchcoats with guns pointing at you.
"What's this commotion all about gentleman? I'm just trying to do my job here."
You raised your hands and slowly walked over to the men.
"Stay still! Tell me your name."
Stopping your movements you bit your lip.
"My name is..." should you tell them you're real name? Or just make one up.
"Go on woman, we don't have all night."
Slightly annoyed by his tone, you decided to use your own name.
"L/n, y/n l/n." You said
"Never heard of you. Have you?" The man turned to his colleague.
"No, take her in custody."
Panicking internally, you needed to come up with a lie right now! Your ability won't work unless the men touch you.
"I uhmm. I was waiting for one of the men. He hired me for some private time. If you know what i mean." You winked at the two men. Hoping they would buy your lie.
You could see them blushing slightly.
"Who hired you?"
"Dunno. We do these things anonymous."
You walked over to the chair and slowly crawled on it. Trying to nonegelantly show your ass.
"Hey i said don't move!"
The second man said. Coming closer to you.
"Okay, okay calm down." You sat down and put your hands infront of you.
"I'm just here, because he still got 30 minutes left. Rules from my boss. Can't go away till the time is up." You shrugged and flipped your hair. Leaning on your knee with the other hand.
You really had to stop yourself from cringing.
"Well i got to ask you to leave ma'am." The first guys said, putting his gun down and walking over to you.
"Fine, but if you get a call from my boss, don't blame me."
"Ofcourse. You are just doing you're job." The second guy said with a blush on his face.
'Ugh men.'
"You have to lead me the way tho. The other guy insisted on blind folding me." You seductively bite your lip and winked again.
"Of- ofcourse come with us please."
The second guy cleared his throat and offered his hand. Smiling you took his hand and hopped of the chair.
'Now the other guy.'
'Accidentally' stumbling you fell into the first dudes arms, causing him to catch you.
"Oh shit. Clumsy me. Can't even walk properly."
You gave out a short laugh and the guy brushed his jacket.
"It's okay. Now come o-."
Not being able to finish his sentence, he fell to the ground. His partner following him.
"Yeah that's right you two go to sleep. I'll find my way out from here."
Chuckling at your own humor you snatched their guns.
"Wait how-."
Chuuya stepped out of the closet a blush on his cheeks and a confused expression.
Standing up straight you walked over to him and picked up your clothes from his hands.
"It's my ability  'sweet dreams'. If i touch the person and whisper 'sweet dreams' in the next 5 minutes. The person or persons will fall into a coma. They'll wake up when i fall asleep or when i forget i put them to sleep. So i have to keep thinking about them."
You finished off with a smile. Putting your own shirt on again.
"I can see now why Dazai brought you." He said with a slight smirk on his face.
"It isn't all that fancy and i never really used it before."
"Why come you never joined the port mafia or hell even the ADA."
You sighed a little.
"Well it could be a useful ability, but i don't want to be a hero or villian or other shit. I'm happy as i am now."
Chuuya looks at you with a soft expression.
"That's a shame. Would've loved to see you in action more. Or hell even fight against you."
He looked away from you. His hand behind his head. You laughed a little.
"I would absolutely demolish your ass." You said, crossing your arms with a triumph look on your face.
"Hah you wish princess. You won't be able to even come near me!"
You blushed at the sudden nickname. Your hands falling to your side.
"W-we'll see." You cursed yourself for stuttering.
He walked passed you to the door. Whispering something in you ear.
"I wouldn't mind seeing you try to seduce me like the two men you seduced just now."
Your ears felt hot and you were sure you looked like a tomato right now. Chuuya walked out the door and you just stood there. Coming out of your shocked state you ran out the door to slap him. "Come here you asshole." You whisper yelled. Chuuya almost dying from laughter shushed you. "We don't want the enemy to find us now. Do we. Otherwise you have to put on that outfit again."
Smacking him on the back of his head. You couldn't wait to get this mission done.
"Ah what a night. Good thing you guys saved me back there. They were cruel!"
The brunette man was stretching his limbs.
It was 5 in the morning and Chuuya and you were finally able to take the boss out (well Chuuya did that part while you freed Dazai.)
"Oh shut up you damn piece of shit. Thanks to you it took us the whole night to finish this job and most of all you brought y/n in unnecessary danger."
"Hey it's okay. I'm fine. Luckily we all are. Let's just head home go to sleep and go back to enemies in the morning." You quickly said walking inbetween the two men.
Dazai yawned.
"Sounds like a great plan y/n! Altough i thought you were gonna quit the job."
You put your hands around Dazais arm.
"Nah can't do that after such an adventure now can i?"
You and Dazai chuckled while Chuuya just sighed.
"Get a room jeez." He said annoyed.
"Ah c'mon Chuuya. We make a great team! I can't wait for the next truce." You said rather excited for this hour.
Coming at the end of the forest you knew you had to say your goodbye's to the men.
"Well y/n i wish you a pleasant night and i'll see you at work again. Chuuya i hope you get hit by a car."
Dazai smiled and turned around to walk away.
You laughed and waved him goodbye.
"That fucker." Chuuya muttered holding up his middle finger.
"Ah come on Chuuya. He may not show it, but i know he sees you as a friend."
"Pff sure in your dreams."
Sighing you face palmed yourself.
"Well i guess this is it then. Goodnight Chuuya."
You knew it was wrong. He was your enemy and you had to put your feelings aside, but you couldn't stop yourself. You never had so much fun in your whole life and to be frank, you didn't want the night to end here yet.
You kissed him on the cheek and turned around.
"Thank you for this wonderful, but crazy ass night." You gave a sad smile. Although he couldn't see it.
Suddenly you felt someone grab you wrist. Spinning you around. You were met with a flustered Chuuya his eyes fixated on the ground.
Standing there in an awkward silence for a few seconds, he finally spoke up.
"Look. I worked with many people before, but i never had so much fun with someone. And-" he became quiet for a bit. Taking a deep breath he continued: " and i never felt like this before. You give me this warm feeling and i hate it, but i can't get enought of it. When i first saw you at the meeting i just knew you were different. So please let's not end this night just yet."
He tilted his head to look at you a serious expression on his face.
Your voice was cut of when a pair of warm lips crashed your own. They were rough, but soft at the same time. Being a little stunned you forgot to kiss back. Chuuya pulled away again taking a step back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me."
This time you shushed him and kissed him back. His arms finding a way on your hips and your arms grabbing his hair to deepen the kiss.
After a few seconds you both pulled away, out of breath. Your fourheads touching eachother and your noses brushing eachother.
"That was- wow."
You said with a small smile.
Chuuya chuckled lightly.
"I won't go easy on you now if we meet again y/n."
"Oh i'm counting on it."
You grinned. Wanting to make this night last longer. He pulled you in for a kiss again and you let him. Nothing making you happier as you are right now.
Little did you two forbidden lovers know that a brunette man was staring contently as his assumptions were right.
Sorry it took so long :,)
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spencerhotchner · 4 years
Alternative {spencer reid}
Chapter 2
summary: Since quarentine was announced, Y/N decided to rewatch all seasons of Criminal Minds. On a lonely night she wished she could be in that universe instead of this. What happens when she wakes up in 2008 in Quantico?
warnings: angst, a very confused reader, regular cm stuff and my grammar (if you find anything else pls lmk) 
word count: 2.1k
a/n: ok, i am really excited about this series. and really thankful that y'all are liking it. also, i hope you will enjoy this chapter as much as y'all did the last one! it didn't end up as long as i wanted it it but ig its ok right.
series masterlist
part 1 | part 2
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You could hear some familiar voices on the background as you began to regain conciseness, voices you could identify anywhere. You kept your eye shut for a while, feeling the tiredness and dizziness your body was screaming at you despite the fact that you have been unconscious, and on the floor apparently. Even though you're head was still too slow to think straight, you noticed that your face mask wasn't on you anymore. 
“Who is she?” you heard the familiar voice of Shamar, or Morgan, given the circumstances. 
“Apparently she knows me.” that was Spencer’s turn to speak. 
“I met her this morning.” JJ states, you could only imagine the faces they would be making at her, wondering how and why. “I bumped into her walking on the street, she seemed pretty confused but yet she still knew who I was.” 
“Well, that’s weird.” Emily said.
When you finally decided to open them, you felt like you were still dream. Once again you found yourself asking what was going on. Why was the whole cast of Criminal Minds standing there simple staring at you and why were they acting like their characters? Out of the two explanations that came to your mind at the moment, only one made any sense. I was a tv prank, it could only be. There would be no other logical reason to it, other wise. 
“Are you ok?” Hotch asks, offering a hand. 
You stared at him trying to figure out what to say, but without saying a word you took his hands and got up. The whole team was looking at you, with weird expressions. You felt almost like you were an unsub, you hated being stared. 
“Yes, I mean, no!” you say. “Is this a prank of something? Because, damn, you guys went too far down with it. Fuck!” you say, finally snapping. 
“I’m afraid I don't know what you are talking about.” Rossi said. 
You tried not to but as soon as you realized you already had a big sarcastic expression on your face. How wouldn't they? They were tv stars and they were clearly acting, you've seen it. 
“Oh, you're not?” you said, as sarcastic as you could be. “Ok, let me enlighten you all, since you ‘don’t know what i’m talking about?’. I woke up in this freaking random apartment by myself wearing the exact same thing I was wearing the night before.” 
“...and where is the part we fit in there?” he replies. 
You ignored him, sighing and trying to push your anxiety down. 
“As I was saying, I was wearing the exact same thing and I was in Bellevue, in Washington state. I have no idea who decided to pull this off but as much as I love the show, I am not enjoying this.” you say, looking around trying to find cameras. 
They all kept staring at you, Rossi was the only one who didn't seem worried about, it was like he thought you were on drugs or just delusional. You were even starting to believe in that. JJ and Spencer kept staring at each other, possibly trying to figure out what was going on, and how you knew them. 
“You believe you were abducted, then?” Hotch finally says something. 
You sigh again, trying to be patience. All you wanted was to go home, when you said you wanted to meet the cast - all the hundreds of times you said it, you didn’t mean this. You closed your eyes, because suddenly all you wanted to do was cry. You couldn't count how many times you imagined this happening and it was being just awful. You hated being confused, lost and being pictured as crazy. 
“No, Agent Hotchner” you spilled his name, sarcastically. “I am sure.”
He looked at you without much expression - as usual, but you could tell he was superseded you knew him, just as much as the team. Morgan step forward, walking towards you. You stared at him, trying to remain calm. 
“Listen, we can't help you if you don't let us.” he said. “Can you tell us your name?”
God, don't they realize this is funny? I do not wanna be acting, some pictures would do the job just as fine. 
“Y/N Y/L/N” you say as you watch Rossi give Garcia a look making her nod and direct herself to her ‘cave’, certainly to search you up. 
“Alright, you have someone we can contact with?” JJ asks. 
You nodded, yes you did. But they wouldn't pick up the phone, as you tried multiple times this morning on the old cellphone. What if something happened to them? This was all so confusing. 
“But she won’t pick up the phone, I tried.” you said.
Once again, you caught yourself wondering what was going on. And that was the moment you kind of got what was happening. Would it be possible that you shifted to this universe? Maybe this wasn't all a prank and your wish had just became true. You probably should've thought about it before asking for it. At once it hit you, what you said to your friend just last night. 
“What is something you would want to do right now?” your best friend asked you, leaning a bit towards you, laughing drunkly.
“Um, I’d really like to be in Criminal Minds right now.” you say laughing as you best friend rolled her eyes. “No, listen! I’d love to meet Spencer Reid and I don't know, it just sounds better than quarantine.”
“Yeah, sure, because serial killers are just not bad at all, huh?” she laughed. 
Maybe this was true, maybe you did shifted. And if you did, you sure sounded like a crazy person, and probably a stalker. You looked around trying to figure out if you could sit somewhere, it all became took much for you mind at that moment. 
“Can I sit... Can I sit somewhere?” you asked, probably looking as ill as you sounded.
You watched as Reid rushed to bring the chair. You set down trying to figure out how you'd leave there, and how you'd shift back. Staring at them you felt your heart warm a little, you dreamed about this for so long - as it was all it was, a dream, until now, at least. 
Before you could say a word you watched Penelope come back and whisper in Rossi’s ear, probably what she found out about you. Which, maybe was everything, since you had no reasons to hide a thing about your life, which was quite boring, in fact. 
“Who are you?” Rossi says, like he’s ready to arrest you.
“I-I already told you.” you answer. “I’m Y/N.”
If you needed any proof about what was going on that was it. It was like you did not even exist, like you weren't real. She probably didn’t find anything because you’re not from this universe.
“Alright. What can we do for you, Y/N?” Morgan asks.
“I need to go home.” you let it out. “I don't know how I ended up here in Quantico.”
Garcia stares ate you, almost like she felt pity about your situation while the rest of them kept a suspicious look at you. It’s not like you blame them, anyways, you would think it’s weird for somebody to come out of nowhere knowing your name and claiming to be pranked. 
While you were sitting there, with all those eyes at you, you thought that maybe giving up and trying to figure it all out by yourself maybe would be better. How would they help you, anyways? It is not like they could send you back. And it is also not like you didn't actually wish for this. 
There are some wishes that are entirely rhetorical. 
“You know what? I’m good.” you fake a smile, obviously. “I’m just gonna go.” 
You stoop up fast, not giving them much time to contest you. Spencer looked confused, more than any of the others, for some reason. Maybe he was just curious on how you knew him, or JJ. Either way, you wouldn't know. 
Hotch looked at you, wondering your action. Why were you so desperate at one time and tried to pull off as if it was ok? It was definitely not ok. Your smile looked fake, your body seemed tense and your eyes looked as lost as he could think someone could be, as he has seen a lot of lost eyes. 
“Thank you, for your attention, though.” you say. “I’m sorry for taking your time agents.” 
You stormed out of there, not even realizing that you left your jacket in there. How could you? Not when you ran out of there as if your live depended on it. You let a sigh out as you got out of the building, not even noticing when the tears started to come down at your cheeks. 
At that moment you didn't care at all about where you were, you set on the floor, letting the tears roll down and the sobs come out. You never wished to be away from your reality, it only seemed nice in your dreams. Right now, all you wanted was to go home and hug your parents, or even just see them. You felt lost, as lost as a five year old who can't find his mommy at the park. 
You got scared as you felt a big hand touch your shoulders. As your turn, to see who was it, Spencer looked as nice as you could ever picture him to, or see on the screens. His face resembles worry, like he was actually wondering what happened to you and why where you there. 
“I believe this is yours.” he hands you your jacket. 
You stare at him before.
“Yes, thank you.” you wipe the tears away. 
“No- No problem.” he said, sitting by your side. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah.” you answered looking away. 
“You don't have to lie to me.” he said, as you looked back at him. “I wanna help you, but I can only do that if you cooperate with me.”
Why would he?
“I don't know where I am. I mean, I do know but I don't know how I ended up here. I understand what is going on, I did after a while but I don't know how to change this situation. I don't know how to go back home.” you said. 
Not like he’ll understand, anyways.
"Maybe... Maybe me and my team could help you figure it out?” he tries. 
“I doubt it.” you shake your shoulders. “I know that you guys are awesome at your job, don't get me wrong, to be honest I’m quite the big fan.” you laughed a bit. “But it’s just out of hand.” 
He stops, looking at you. Gave up offering help, you were not accepting he felt it. No, he knew it. It was his job to know what body language was telling him, anyways. He didn't want to stare at you, but he felt like he needed to. He was stuck at your looks, so pretty, yet so lost. 
“If we can't help you, is there anything I can do for you?” he asks. 
You looked right into his eyes. Thinking, if you should say it. Maybe so, it wouldn't kill you, it was not like it was the real world of something, well maybe it was but you couldn't care less. All you wanted was somewhere to stay this night and figure out how to get back.
“I do need a place to stay tonight.” you say, smiling little at him. 
He had a weird look on his face when you said that, like he wasn't expecting it. Because he wasn't. That moment he considered himself a crazy man, because he knew the risks and yet was up for it.
“Uh, ok.” 
Taglist: @feverdreamreid @andromedasstarship @paulaern @theetherealbloom @thatsonezesty13 @reidsalvez​ @pieceofreid @nymeria-targaryen​ @greeny-kitten​ @peppermintnight @notebookgirl30​ @2sarvinem @holding-on-to-my-youth​ @mggsprettygirl​ @iifloweringnightsii​ @iidontgiveafuckuniverse​ @mcntsee​
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slutdery · 4 years
See you looking right here, don’t hesitate.
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make a wish series.
A series (for each member of the unit) about their lines in make a wish (english version).
pairing | taeyong x fem!reader
genre | smut, fluff (ig)
words | 3.8k
warning | knife play, degradation, one time sex, dom!taeyong, mature content, oral (m receiving).
author’s note | my native language isn’t english, so if there’s something wrong with anything i wrote tell me and i’ll edit it...
You know that one wish? That one u'd die to fulfill? Everyone have plenty of them, but you had the chance to make one of them come true and was still difficult to believe that this invitation came to you.
You were invited to one of the most famous ball around Korea, that's something to celebrate. 'Why?' well, that's actually a simple question for you to answer. Being a photographer had its privileges. They asked you to photograph a ball with the richest people all around Asia. It was a dream to attend to that kind of event, but only selected people could go, by "Selected." means rich. Yeah, those ones that brags about themselves whenever they can and humiliate the others for not being one of them. You really hated rich people with all of your heart, but you couldn't miss the chance to go somewhere like that.
Already inside of the taxi heading to the Lee's house, where the ball would occur. You could say you were nervous, but you didn't had time for that. When you work with rich people like these ones, the secret is to be ready for whatever may come. And of course that phrase they always says "Know your place." You'll be there to work, so you have to know the place you belong and thank god is not where they are.
The house is stunning. That kind of ones that you just see in magazines and everyone wishes to live, the perfect one.
After getting your equipment ready you started taking photos of the rich fucks. It was a work that you loved doing, besides you had the chance to photograph the insides of the house. The little plants next to giants panting, details in the ceiling and that incredible chandelier in the middle of the room.
You'v decided to sit a little bit, cause your legs hurt for walking with big heels. Your attention was focused to the people dancing at the center of the room, all of them elegantly swinging to one side then another. It was something nice to see.
But then your eyes spotted a incredible good looking guy sat on the other side of the room. He had pretty big eyes and a chin that would cut your thumb if you touched. His body proportions were amazing, he was tall and thin. But you caught your eyes looking at his pretty hands, he wore many rings in those long fingers, that made it sexier than already was. Your stare got back to his face, he was the prettiest "hottest." man that you'v ever saw, and you wouldn't forget his face for a long time. You stood there for minutes fascinated by his little details that you didn't even saw his piercing gaze running through your body. When you realized that his eyes were reading all of yours moves while smirking, your brain stopped functioning for a second, was it just you or it got really hot? You washed your thoughts away and repeated to yourself 'You're here to work.', with that in mind you stood up and got back to photographing the rest of the ball.
After finishing  your job and keeping the camera on a safe place, you started walking through the big room. Actually there weren't much time left to enjoy the ball, since all the people were already leaving, but it was still a fun event. Besides now you had a new guy to stalk and dream of one day kissing him. After the good looking guy came to your mind, you searched for him all over the place, but he wasn't anywhere near. Unfortunately. The only thing left was to enjoy the last minutes in heaven. Walking through an hallway that got your attention as you passed by. Pretty decorations all over the way.
"You shouldn't be here."
A hoarse voice reached your ears making you freeze as you felt the impact of it. After realizing where the voice came you turned to where the incredible good looking guy was. ‘He's even more pretty up close.'
"Oh, sorry."
You told him and smiled at the tall guy, making your way to leave and go back to where the ball was occurring, but his giants hands held your wrist making you turn to face him again.
"I saw you looking at me."
He said getting closer to you with that smirk of earlier. His piercing gaze right into your eyes and sometimes slipping to your lips. You didn't even notice how close he was, until he let out a deep breath against your supple skin. His lips were millimeters away from yours, while his hands tightened around your wrist to the point that you could feel a slight of pain. Which made you feel a low groan leaving your mouth. He let loose of your wrist and stepped back. You let out a "Fuck." in protests. At this point you might be wet and he barely touched you.
"What? You wanted more? Oh... what a nasty girl."
His husky voice echoed in the hallway, all of your thoughts were vanished away and just the hoarse voice remanded.
"What? Hesitating on answering me, i see. When your eyes were glued on me you didn't hesitated on looking all over my body, why being shy now?"
You felt the heat on your cheeks. You didn't know what to say, nor do, he left you speechless. Step by step he got closer to you again, his body lead yours to the closest wall, pinning you there. His cold breath leaning against your soft skin while looking into into your eyes. His mouth half opened ready to say something but he didn't had time to do such a thing. You quickly got his lips together with yours, closing your eyes while feeling his busted lips. He was still surprised by the sudden action, but didn't hesitated on kissing you back, now leading the kiss. His tongue was hungry, he wanted more than you were giving him. His hands got to your waist, pulling you even closer to him. You let out a tiny gasp when his thumbs met the only part of your back that the dress didn't covered. His long cold fingers resting there, making your whole body shivers. You traveled your hands to his neck, moving your attention to his soft hair that covered his scruff, caressing it with your fingers while pulling his head even more closer. His body was so close that you could felt his boner on your thigh, moving one of your knees to reach his length. Rubbing a little bit through the fabric of his pants. The boy seems to like it since he let out a groan and intensified the warm and sloppy kiss. But it didn't last long. He slowly got away and took a step back clearing his throat.
"I don't think it's a good idea to continue these kinds of things here, but if you have time we can go to my room. By the way, my name is Taeyong."
Oh, the son of the richest man in Korea. 'Not knowing the son of the man that everyone talks about, i'm indeed not that clever at all.' you thought while you raised your eyebrow at him, thinking about his suggestion and 'Why not?' popped on your mind.
"Sure. My name is y/n."
He smiled at you and started walking. Not minding if you were following him or not, but you obviously were. The rest of the house was absolutely perfect, you didn't have any words to say how pretty it was. Literally the ones you just see in movies. You were somehow envious. You climbed the stunning stairs, with lots of tiny details that got all of your attention, stopping in the middle of the way just to stare the little panting on the handrail. You spotted Taeyong entering in one of the various doors that the second floor had, following him and getting inside of the room. Closing the door behind as soon as you got in. His bedroom was something else, it was bigger than your whole apartment. Decorations in blue, grey and black. You left Your shoes next to the entrance and started walking in the tiny corridor that the room has. When you finally reached to the actual bedroom you sighed in relief, that was a long ass ride.
Taeyong was sitting on his bed looking at the giant window that occupied almost the whole wall. When he realized that you were already there he patted the sheets signaling for you to sit on the spot next to him. You did as he told and sat right by his side.
"Can i talk with you? About... something."
He sighed moving his head to face you. His intense gaze made your legs tremble. 'He's ethereal.'
"Of course. What's up?"
"Well. I'm hundred percent sure we're going to have sex if i'm wrong please correct me."
He slipped his gaze to your lips. You bited the lower one thinking of an proper response to give him or even say that he was wrong. But you couldn't, you wanted it as bad as he.
"I'll get this lip biting as a 'Yes'."
He got his attention back to the window, and you did it too. 'Nice view.' you thought.
"I have a kink."
"I think we'all."
He sighed in response and closed his eyes. You could swear he was the most hot person that ever existed. His jawline only lighted by the moonlight, made you wanna attack him just like that. Without a warning.
"I mean, before testing my 'Kink' with you i have to ask if you're ok with it. I suppose you already heard about knife play, right?"
Your heart skipped a bit hearing his hoarse voice saying it while his gaze pierced through your soul. At the same time that it haunted you thinking of knifes cutting your skin, it aroused you too. You couldn't tell properly what you were feeling, it was a mix of adrenaline and fear. It made you even more horny seeing that he had sparkles in his eyes talking about his 'fetish'.
"I'm in."
"So easy. You're a fucking nasty bitch."
He practically jumped on you. Kissing your lips even more hungrier than on the hallway, tracing his fingers all over your face, caressing it with his thumbs. His body was on top of you with his legs in the middle of yours, his knee was so close to the place you needed him the most. You were probably soaking wet by this time, searching for something to just touch you there. Taeyong broke the kiss leaving one last peck to your lips. He left you there in the need for him to just fuck you until you cry.
He entered in some kind of room still on his bedroom. He didn't made you wait much, coming back just minutes after with a medium knife on his hands. The object fitted in his hands perfectly, like he knew just what he was doing. He knelt on the end of the bed and took his suit off, throwing it somewhere on the floor. You were so right about him being the hottest person, cause his abs were no joke. You wanted to lick all of his body so much.
"Can i perhaps give you a head? Before you know, doing what you wanna do."
"Yeah, c'mere slut."
He stood up again, now stripping his pants off. The only thing left was his underwear. You couldn't tell if he was shy or wanted you to take it off, the second one aroused you the most. You got up from the bed and knelt in front of him, his eyes widened as your hand moved to touch his body. Passing your fingers all over his abs until it reached the hemline of his boxer, pulling it down. Revealing his medium sized dick with a pretty pink tip. You couldn't hold yourself back anymore and wrapped your hand around his dick, stroking it from the basis to the top, moving your thumbs on the tip of it. He tilted his head back and let out a few groans. 'So he likes on the tip.' you thought. Quickly got your lips closer to it and kitty licked the tip, moving your tongue on his dick hole. As you did it he couldn't contain his low moans, letting plenty of them escape his mouth. His hands moved to your hair, pulling almost all of the strands into a ponytail.
"Suck it, stupid hoe. Gag on my fucking cock."
His hand pushed your head to finally put his penis inside of your mouth, letting you feel all of his length inside of it while you tried to lick his tip on the times he wasn't moving. He didn't had mercy at all. Putting all of his effort on making you gag, his dick reaching your throat while you were drooling, your saliva dripping over his balls. He suddenly stopped moving and got his hand out of your hair.
"I wanna last more, get up."
In the moment when you propped up he pushed you, making your body fall on the soft bed. He got on the middle of your legs again while studying you, his eyes went black looking at your body through the tight dress. The hand holding the knife got closer to your arm, pressing the point of the blade and moving just a little bit. The cold knife superficially cutting your skin made your body shivers.
"You like this don't you? Needy whore."
You couldn't even think of a proper answer to give him, the fear was taking control of you. His knife got closer to the bottom of your dress, moving it until it reached the top.
"Did you cut my dress?"
"Answer me when i ask you something, slut."
He opened the parts that he cut, ripping the rest that got in his way, making you mumble something similar to 'You'll have to buy me a new one.' as he just nodded and smiled for 2 seconds. Finally something that made you comfortable with the whole situation, his bright smile. Back again with the knife close to you, he now was focusing on your thighs.
"I'm gonna do it for real now. If you are uncomfortable or is hurting more than you can handle, say 'Kitten.'"
You nodded and tried your best to relax your body, you didn't wanted to be nervous cause it would make you paranoid about what he was doing. You closed your eyes as you felt the knife drawing circles with the steel on your thighs, you had goosebumps all over your body from the coldness of the knife. You felt a severe pain on your skin as he moved the blade in horizontal lines, making you wonder if he was gently cutting or scratching you. Letting out a low moan while you tried calling his name, you didn't even know if he heard his name being called or not.
He let the tip of the sharp knife rest on your skin. Without a proper warning he slightly dragged it across your derm. Now on the vertical, making you flinch while a moan escape through your lips again.
"Don't fucking flinch, bitch."
"Fuck me, please."
You murmured while opening your eyes to look at him, he was on his knees on the middle of your two legs with the knife on the same position as before on his hand. You thanked god that there weren’t any bleed, cause that made you trust him even more. He stood up the moment that he spotted your panties, entering the same room of earlier and getting back faster than that one time before. But now he had a condom on his fingers instead of the knife. You thought he was finally gonna give you what you were wishing for all night. His dick inside of you.
"Can i make a wish now?"
"I want you fucking me with no mercy."
"You're such a whore."
He slowly got on the bed making his way to the top of you. But now he was fully above you with his arms on each sides of your body, making him carry his weight through them. He wasn't a soft dom, that was for sure. So you weren't expecting him to kiss you that much, and he didn't. But you missed a little kiss here and there, that teased you even more. Maybe the two of you were just too different from each other. Your body was half naked already, you weren't wearing a bra that night so it was easier for him. And he didn't loose time at all, so slowly he got closer to your chest. Diving on your right breast with his mouth. His tongue played with your nipple, sometimes kitty licking it or nibbling with his teeth. You weren't holding your moan back, sometimes whispering his name as you let some of them out. Of course you were enjoying it, his tongue was literally heaven, but you couldn't take it anymore. you were so wet that your panties glued on your pussy, making it uncomfortable to wear.
"Please, just fuck me."
He stopped playing with your nipples just to look at You. The smirk appeared on his lips as soon as he saw your desperate gaze, hoping that he would finally fuck you.
"So needy, bitch."
He left the top of you and rolled to the side, laying his body on the bed and resting his head against the pillows. He got the condom out of the plastic and placed on the top of his dick, pulling it through his length until it reached the basis. After finishing it he sat on the bed and patted on his lap for you to top him. When you realized that in this position he wouldn't take the soul out of your body, cause you would be making all of the work, you moved your head to the sides telling him a 'No'.
"If you don't mind i prefer this way. Please."
You looked at him with puppy eyes, making him sigh and roll his eyes. He got up from the spot that he was sitting and came to where you were.
"No mercy, huh? Slut."
He spread your legs a little and knelt between them. After finding an comfortable position for him he raised one of your legs and rested it on one side of his shoulder, doing the same with the another one on the other side. His hands moved down, making its way to your clothed clit, he palmed it. He stimulated you doing lazy circles with his middle finger through the fabric of your lingerie. You let out a loud moan to the final sensation of something touching you there. He stopped his motions a little seconds after starting it, grabbing the fabric of your panties and putting to the side. He stood there for a little bit, looking at your bare pussy facing him.
"You're so nasty. All that wet just for me?"
You nodded in response and he smirked moving his hip for the tip of his cock tease your entrance, leaving you wanting more from the contact.
"Fuck, Taeyong. I need you inside me."
That's all he needed to listen. He grabbed the basis of his penis and shoved it into your pussy without a warning, making you tilt your head back into the pillows and groan his name from the sudden move. He wasn't kind, every time he moved his hips you could feel his cock hitting your g-spot, making many loud moans come out of your mouth. Besides being a little uncomfortable, cause you weren't too flexible, the position was amazing. And when he deep thrust you could see stars.
"You like that way, right? So fucking tight, whore."
He kept his moves deep and fast, making you a vocal mess. He wasn't much of a vocal as you were, cause you only heard low moans coming out of his mouth, but it was still hot. His hands traveled from your leg on his shoulders till it reached your thighs, you wasn't paying much attention to that, until he passed his thumbs through the scratches he made. You flinched as you felt a slight of pain, it made you moan even more than you already were, he didn't hesitated on touching it again just to see the discomfort on your face. It hurts more than you've imagined it would, but at the same time it was so good. The pain mixed with his dick hitting your spot, made you experience something u'v never felt. His fingers moved to touch you down there again, moving his index and middle finger in fast circles through your sensitive clit. You felt a knot being made on your stomach and you tried to hold it, succeeding on your task.
"Taeyong, can i cum?"
You asked while moaning from all the pleasure he was giving you, it was so hard to hold your orgasm back while he stimulated you.
"Yes. Cum for me, my slut."
He didn't needed to tell you twice, you saw stars as you relaxed your body and finally let your orgasm out. You were a totally vocal mess, your walls clenched on his dick, making him let out a loud moan at your sudden tightness. He stopped moving his fingers on your clit, afraid of the overstimulation. But still didn't stopped his fast motions, making you still moan for him.
"Beg for my cum, whore."
"Please Taeyong, cum on my pussy, fill your slut with your load."
As soon as you finished your sentence he finally let out the moans he was holding all night, it was music to your ears seeing that he finally reached his orgasm. The two of you stayed in the same position for a couple of minutes until he recompose himself. Making you form a groan in your throat when he took his dick out of your pussy. You saw him taking the condom off and making a knot at the end of it, seconds later throwing it on the garbage can next to the other side of the bed. He rolled to the spot next to you and held your arm, pulling you in a lovely hug.
"Can we stay like this for a little bit?"
You nodded and smiled in response. Moving your hand to reach his hair, caressing his strands while watching him with his eyes closed.
“You’re ethereal.”
He giggled at you and held you tightly. You Kissed his forehead and closed your eyes as well, sleeping with him just like this.
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milkiijustwrites · 3 years
Raffle prize 11
For:@blushbugs or should I tag @teanonnie
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ prepare to be sad ig
Slight angst
Couple relationship
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".... Ah.... You're here..?"
... a familiar voice echoed through the room, wait... I heard this voice...before..! As soon as I realized whose voice did I heard, I quickly open my eyes.
I was greeted by a scene of a figure laying on a lighter colour blue bed, the expression on her face was as pale as a white sheet.
At the moment, I could feel my heart aching , you haven't ate that much have you? Chiaki? My beloved partner....
I could feel tears rolling in my eye, but chiaki wouldn't like it if I shed tears in front of her, therefore I'm trying my best suppressing tears.
"yes, yes I am. I'm glad that you're awake"
I said, with a smile on my face. I saw her raising her lips , letting out the widest smile. That's right, she loves my smiles...
" hey... Did we take a trip back to Osaka before...?"
I nodded , then reached out my hand to hers, and arched her white and thin hands.
"mhm, we did, did you forget? "
I replied, along with a jokingly laugh. Osaka , the place where me and Chiaki first met, we were having our highschool year there and we were the best of friends.
But as soon as we graduated we moved to Tokyo for better jobs, coincidentally, we once again met each other. It's like a miracle, and I could still feel that shocking feeling when I saw her once again
"Ah... such missed memories am I right ?"
It's like she's thinking back all those memories, she shuts her eyes, lips still smiling.
"oh,.. had you heard anything from peko ? I remember she planned something..."
Chiaki then asked, curiously, not knowing any information about her friend.
"ahahah... That! Peko and fuyuhiko were married! Right today!"
I answered, this is such great news, but if only we both could attend this marriage... I'm sure chiaki would be happy for them as well.
" married? Well that's shocking, I still remember when peko and fuyuhiko always get into fights, well, mostly only fuyuhiko onesided quarrel. "
She then let out a soft chuckle, then murmured how fast the time flies.
" I'm surprise at first too! Guess the world is full of unknown huh"
... then there's a moment of silence
" ... Do you regret anything bun?"
Suddenly, chiaki broke the silence and asked me, In an instant, I suddenly didn’t know how to answer, do I regret anything?
" I don't think I had ..?"
I answered, with a questioning tone , I myself am not sure as well....
"... Don't you regret... Being with me?"
I was shocked
Why Would chiaki ask me this kind of question? It feels like...There's something bugging her... I'm sure there is..
" no.. why would I? You're the best thing I could have!"
Replied, with a strong tone at the ending.
" ... If you didn't end up being with me, you wouldn't be sad, you wouldn't be sitting here listening me rad..."
Just as I was about to answer her that what she said was wrong, shw drew my hand that was holding hers close to her then deeply printed lip marks on it
" no no... What was I thinking, chiaki wouldn't be depressed, I... I'm just ... Scared"
Stated, as she grabbed my hand with her other hand, and held it tightly.
Suddenly, you could hear sobbing, I quickly look to her and saw her shedding tears.
" I used to held your hand this tightly, but I know... I won't be able to do that ever again..."
She stated along with her sobbing. Her pale face with her distressed sad look I couldn't help but let out my tears as well.
"ahh.. I really love you bun... I really really do... And I'm sorry for leaving you... "
I felt Helplessness for the first time in my life, if only I could do something ... If only I could do something to have her with me..."
" no... Nonononononono... I don't want to lose you.."
I spat out words as I couldn't bare the feelings inside me , I don't want to lose .. the most important person in my life... I don't want...
we held each others hands more tightly, as if we thought we could kept each other onto ourselves in that case.
But of course, we both know, that will never happen. Because the future has already set.
Chiaki nanami , my most beloved partner, will leave me.
Chiaki nanami, the girl that made my life better, will leave me.
Chiaki nanami, the girl that would play games with me every night, will leave me.
Chiaki nanami, the girl that I used to eat ramen together at midnight , will leave me.
Chiaki nanami, the only girl that gave me game cards for valentines day, will leave me.
Chiaki nanami, the girl that always sleep with her weird posture, will leave me.
A the memories splashed through my head, like water. as when I couldn't hold back my feelings anymore, i then burst into tears.
I looked over to chiaki, it just seems like she She wiped away her tears, and showed me a smile, I could hear her saying.... Something .. I would always remember even though it's a simple sentence
"... Bun, I love you"
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rogerstoast · 5 years
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Garage Band//Roger Taylor x Fem Reader
warnings: fluff ig, really simple and cute
AN: I wrote this a long ass time ago and never revised it so apologies in advance for errors.
You were in your second year at Imperial College, and struggling to get through your second set of finals this year. Only three more exams to get through and you could finally say hello to summer.
The fact that you have been sitting at your desk studying for the last six hours, didn't help with stress either. No matter how much you studied, you just couldn't seem to grasp any bit of information from the papers in front of you.
Figuring it was going on six, and you have been sitting in an old wooden chair since noon, a well deserved break was needed. Capping your pen, you got up, stretched, grabbed your jacket and headed out of your dorm for a walk.
As you were walking down the streets of London, subtle music began to play in the distance. It wasn't half bad either. Quite decent actually. The music grew louder and you noticed a few, small groups of people, mostly girls, were gathered on the driveway of the house.
You looked both ways before crossing the street to see what was going on. Once you reached the house, it was hard to get about considering so many students were crowding the lot. Squeezing through and shoving past all the bodies was a struggle, but you managed to get to the front and into the garage.
Just as expected, it was a band. Now that you're here, you remembered your friend telling you about them a few days ago. But you weren't expecting them to be this good. The group was made up of three uni students. A tall one with wavy dark hair playing the guitar, and another dark haired guy, a little shorter, playing the bass. They both were singing. Along with the fella who caught your eye instantly. He had blond, wavy hair and played the drums wonderfully. Never missing a beat, and harmonized with the group beautifully.
About two songs in, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?" It was your friend Lorali, the one who told you about  the band.
"Needed to get some fresh air after sitting at that desk for so long. Thought I'd see what was so special about this band you were telling me about" I told her.
"Well I'm glad you came! Wanna go get a drink with me? Bars inside."
Accepting the fact that it was a Friday night and you studied enough for the day, you gave into her offer.
"Sure thing!" Following Lorali to the door located behind the band, you figured you would steal another glance at the drummer, as you were about to past him. However, he seemed to have caught your glance just as they were finishing their song. You immediately looked away, and followed your friend through the door, as you felt a slight blush rise to your cheeks.
"What are you blushing about," she asked you, noticing your obvious flushed complexion.
"Wh-what? Nothing. Just need a drink that's all."
"Oh please (y/n), what kinda twat do you think I am. Do you really think I didn't see you making heart eyes at the drummer a second ago?"
Damn it Lorali.
She could always see right through you.
"Oh shut up! Doesn't matter, it's obvious he's the womanizer of the group, what should it matter to me?" But before she could deny anything, I poured myself a shot of whisky and downed it as fast as I could. Feeling a wave of relief already, I gave her a look as if to say alright, go on.
"The night is still young, (y/n). Let's go back out there, they're almost done!
Following her back out to the garage, you noticed it had got darker outside, and string lights lit up the garage as students gathered around a fire pit on the driveway, smoking and dancing along to the music.
Lorali led you to the couch up front, and you took a seat right next to her, each with a beer in hand. Facing the band, they sang and rocked their hearts out to their closing song. You happened to really like it. Wether it was the subtle head bops, or the perfect rhythm he managed to keep, you couldn't keep your eyes off of the drummer. He played perfectly. The song then came to a faster, more rock n roll bit and the guitarist played a rif while blondie hit the drums harder and faster than before.
This time when he caught you staring at him, you didn't look away immediately right after. Same goes for him, giving you a wink and a cheeky smile. Doubting the possibility he could be looking at you, you turned your head around to see if the group of girls from earlier was behind you or something. Only to find them outside, and groups of guys behind you instead. When you turned around, he seemed to notice your disbelief, and subtly laughed to himself. You blushed and looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed that you thought he wasn't gesturing towards you.
Drinking from your cup, they finished the song and ended it with harmonizing their voices and it sounded like the most spectacular thing you have ever heard before.
doooiinnn allllllrrrrrriiiggghhhhhtttt
The guitarist then spoke into the mic, "Thanks for coming out everybody, we really appreciate it!"
You sighed to yourself, that the live music was over for the night. But just as a record started playing from the corner of the room, you stood up for your spot on the couch, next to your friend. In need for a quick smoke, you informed her you were going to stand outside for a bit and warm up by the fire.
Noticing people have either left or gone to get their second round of drinks, you stood next to the fire pit, struggling to warm up. Pulling a pack and a lighter from your coat pocket, you were slightly disappointed to see that you were all out.
"Having a bit of trouble over there?" You heard a deep voice ask you from behind, causing you to turn around.
Crap. It's him. "Oh I uh, I uh, I'm all out, that's all," you awkwardly chuckle and look down.
"No worries," the drummer then pulls out a pack and offers you a cigarette.
You take it as your fingers lightly brush over his. "Thanks," you say, with a small smile.
You both light your cigarettes and you allow yourself to really let it sink in before taking a long breath out.
"I'm a, I'm Roger by the way," the drummer offered is hand out for you to shake
"(Y/n)," you reply, shaking his hand in return. 
"Wow, that's a nice name. How come I've never seen you around here before?" he asked.
You blush a little and turn to meet his eyes. Wow, you thought. It was the first time you saw his big blue eyes. Just as you were about to get lost in them, you remembered he asked you a question.
"Oh, I uh, I came with my friend. You guys were amazing by the way, should've come around sooner."
He chuckled and took a small step closer to me, "Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I feel like I've seen you around." his mention came off more as a question.
"Yeah, im a uni student. Second year actually, majoring in fashion design. What about you?" I asked him, bringing my cigarette back up to my lips.
"Dental student. Doesn't seem to be working out well. Hoping this band thing works out," he said, looking back at me.
"Ah I wouldn't worry about it, you guys were amazing," I reassured him with a smile, hoping I wasn't coming off too obsessive with all the compliments I was giving him.
But Roger loved how you would blush and gawk over the band. Although you never noticed him until this night, he has noticed you since the beginning of his second year at uni. He sat at the very back in a class you two shared with each other, but you never seemed to noticed he existed until today. Roger on the other hand, was the total opposite. He noticed you the first day, and couldn't get over how beautiful you were. The way you concentrated so hard in class to make sure you took all the right notes, and the way your tongue would poke out of your mouth when you were focused. Roger admired all of it. Everything about you. But, he never had the courage to talk to until tonight. It was almost as if he had been intimidated by your perfection, and it made him nervous, which is not in his nature. Being known as the womanizer and all. 
"If I don't know any better, I'd say you have a little crush on the band," he brought up, trying to mess with you.
"Oh shut up!" you joked back, nudging his shoulder with yours, both of you lightly chuckling. It was only then when you realized how close you too actually were. Standing there, shoulder to shoulder.
You then realized your beer was empty when you went for another sip. Figuring you walked here, maybe it would be best to start heading back
"Well, i uh, I should get going I guess."
But just as you were about to walk away, Roger grabbed your hand to turn you around. Very quickly actually, resulting in your noses almost bumping each other as your faces grew closer all of a sudden. Neither of you said anything for a second, but just looked at each other. Both sets of eyes quickly looking down at each other's lips, then back at each other's eyes. Yet the awkward tension took over, making the moment suddenly uncomfortable.
"Let me get you another drink at least?" He offered.
You easily obliged with a simple, "okay," and a small smile.
He took your hand and led you through the garage past the bunch of people who were still there, and into the house to the kitchen.
While Roger went to the fridge to grab two beers, you hopped up and sat on the corner.
"So Rog, is this your house?" You asked curiously. 
He walked over to stand in front you, and handed you the can.
"Yeah, I've been rooming with Brian for a couple of months now."
You don't know why, but you felt so at ease around him. A sudden wave of confidence washed over you, causing the next question to come out of your mouth without a care in the world.
"I assume that means you have your own room then?"
Roger knew what you were intending with that question. He raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face as he walked closer to you, standing in between your legs.
"I suppose it does," he replied, your faces merely a few inches away from each other.
Roger placed a hand on your thigh, taking you  a bit by surprise. But you allowed it, and you couldn't help but feel more at ease because of it. The moment, it felt so right. But why? You barely knew him. You feel like you did, but you didn't.
"Hey (y/n)" Roger whispered, as our faces grew closer
"I know you barely know me, but I need to be honest. Ever since I saw you the first day of uni, I thought you were absolutely stunning. I always sit at the back of class, and I can help but admire your perfection. It kills me, everyday when I see you."
This took you by surprise even more. That's why Roger looked familiar to you. But what he just confessed to you made your heart skip a beat, and cause butterflies to literally explode in your stomach. You were blushing uncontrollably and had a huge smile plastered on your face. Why? You didn't know. Even though you barely knew each other, everything felt as if it was meant to be happening.
"Roger, I-"
But before you could say anything, he leaned in and crashed his lips into yours. It was fast, but sweet and loving at first. You flung your arms around his neck, running your hand through his hair. He brought his other hand up to your cheek as the kiss became more heated. Both of you craved each other, need each other. Roger has been the missing thing in your life all along.
Roger then took his hands, slid them under your thighs, signaling for you to jump on him. Which you did, wrapping your legs around his torso as his hands made their way under your ass to hold you up. He then started kissing you down your neck, leaving love bites all over. The feeling completely melting your insides, you grabbed his face with both hands and connected your lips together yet again.
Before you knew it, Roger had already carried you upstairs. Your lips not letting go for even a single breath of air, the two of you pushed the door open, only for him to slam it shut with his foot, ready for night of his life.
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