#ig you could make a case for josh not /wanting/ to come back to a victory won by a violent method but i chose to trust him as a man of his
sighdbh · 1 year
josh not being able to survive the violent revolution is absolute bullshit that makes me mad to this day, but what even is death in an android world? if you gave him enough blue blood and had spare body parts on hand, would be able to come back?
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
Bugs, Bears, and a Thunderstorm
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On a camping trip that y/n wasn’t particularly eager to go on, a set of unfavourable circumstances leads to the best possible outcome, leaving her to believe camping may not be so bad, after all.
Pairing: Danny Wagner x f!reader
Word count: 12.5k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex (fuck just please wear protection), fingering (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving), oral (f!receiving), face-sitting, sort of rough sex, bit of slapping ig, teasing, name calling, biting, touch of orgasm denial, touch of a daddy kink towards the end (im sorry, im terrible, ik), drinking, swearing, camping (deserves a warning), sorry if I missed any!!
ok without further ado, here it is! I’ve been working on this for like a week and was hoping to have it out days ago. but alas, im on day 3 of one of the worst hangovers I’ve ever had and i think i perhaps may be dying. anyway, im so down bad for this man it’s not even funny. sweet stuff at the beginning, the ending is pretty filthy. i have no explanation for it 😌 enjoy, and as always be kind and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!
The sun was warm, inviting you in with its gentle embrace and loving touch. You sat under it, birds chirping in the distance and the smell of the trees filling your nose. The trickle of the lake nearby was calling to you, begging for you to jump in and feel the water on your skin. You made a mental note, ensuring you’d check it out before the day was through. The grass below you was tickling your thighs, reminding you how loving the earth could be if you treated it right. Peacefulness wasn’t a strong enough word to describe the scene. The stress melted off your body as if it never existed. Just by sitting there, you seemed to be able to forget about all of your other worldly troubles.
The serenity was disturbed when voices broke through the air, laughing and joking echoing like the owners didn’t realize you were enjoying the silence. You turned your head, eyes settling on a group of boys. You wanted to be mad, to scold them for disrupting your solitude, but you couldn’t. The minute they came into your line of vision, a smile was breaking out on your lips. “Trying to catch a tan?” Jake asked, taking a seat next to you on the ground.
“Maybe, more or less just enjoying some peace and quiet away from you guys.”
“Oh, come on, Mama, you know you love us.” Josh teased, taking up the empty spot on the other side of you.
“Depends on the day, really.” You shrugged off his comment, giving him a smile. He placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt, giving a dramatic gasp. “Oh, shut up, you know I do.” You assured him. He placed his arm around you, pulling you into his side.
“You know, for someone who said she doesn’t like camping, you seem to be enjoying the trip so far.” Sam chirped, taking a seat on a lawn chair not far off from where the three of you were sitting on the grass. Danny followed suit, sitting in one beside him.
“I like the outdoors, Samuel. I don’t like tents, or bugs, or bears.” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“That doesn’t really make it sound like you like the outdoors, either.”
“Sun! The sun is fantastic! Swimming is great, too! Hikes and fresh air and all of that is awesome! But, I like my bed, and I prefer to sleep without a million bugs trying to bite me, and the thought of not being eaten by a bear is very comforting.” You argued. He held his hands up in surrender, conceding from the discussion. “Besides, having a kitchen is great, and you know, a roof, in case of extreme weather is excellent, too.”
“Fine, I suppose you have a point.” Sam rolled his eyes.
“Speaking of hikes,” Jake turned to look at you, now “we’re getting ready to go check out the trails. Care to join?”
“I was actually going to see the lake over there.” You were honest. You’d love to go with them, but the water was calling your name, and you knew that if you went with the boys, you may not be back until dark.
“You bring your life jacket?” Jake smiled, nudging you with his elbow.
“My god, you guys really know how to disturb the peace.” You shook Josh’s arm off you, standing now.
“You were the one who agreed to come with us.” Sam reminded.
“After you begged me to come!” You snipped.
“Yeah, yeah,” he waved you off, all of them standing now, too. “Daniel will stay and keep you company, just to make sure that bear doesn’t get you.” He winked. The three brothers stalked off, going to collect their bags from the cabin. You watched them walk away, then turned to look at the boy they’d left behind.
“You don’t have to stay with me, Danny.” You assured him.
“I don’t mind,” he gave a nervous smile. You felt your stomach flutter at the sight. “Sometimes I just need a break from them, too.” He admitted.
It was day one of the camping trip you’d been coerced into going on. The boys had a break from touring, and you took some vacation time to spend with them for their time home. You’d arrived earlier that morning after the boys packed their cars with necessities and food. You’d split up into two cars. Sam and Danny had arrived together, and you and the twins went in the other vehicle. You were on the fence about going, due to all the reasons aforementioned. But, you’d managed to convince the boys to rent a cabin rather than rough it in tents, making your uneasiness about the plan a bit better.
After unpacking and throwing the food in the refrigerator, you’d all went your own way for a while. You found yourself content in a patch of sun by the fire pit, leading yourself to your current situation. Now the boys were gone, and you were alone with Danny, who’d managed to win your heart over from the minute you met him. Somehow, he still made you nervous even after years of knowing him.
Your apartment building was nestled in the heart of Nashville. You kept to yourself aside from a few friends you still had from high school, whom you’d spent almost all of your free time with. You were a local bar frequent, spending every weekend going out for karaoke and a few games of pool with your group, just for something to do. You weren’t the biggest fan of drinking, but adored the social aspect.
After one particularly rowdy night, you woke the next morning to banging and crashing in your hallway, covered up almost completely by loud voices. In your hungover state, you decided to check out the scene, wondering who was causing the disturbance in your normally, mostly calm complex. You hoped maybe you could reason with them to keep it down, just to keep your migraine at bay. You washed your face and pulled your hair back, throwing on some clean, comfortable clothes before investigating. When you peeked your head out your front door, you were taken back by the amount of items littering the otherwise empty space. You only had to wonder for a moment before a group of three boys you’d never seen before popped out from an apartment across the hall.
“Well, hello.” A shorter boy with curly hair gave you a breathtaking smile. You tried your best to return it, suddenly feeling very nervous.
“H-hi,” you stuttered, stepping into the hallway. You were too invested now, having to see the interaction through. “You guys moving in?” You asked, addressing all three of them. You noted how similar they all looked.
“We are!” The curly haired boy said, motioning to a strikingly similar boy beside him with long, wavy hair. “I’m Josh, and this is Jake.” He introduced them both. “We’re twins!” You couldn’t help but giggle at him. He was so bubbly and welcoming.
“I’m y/n.” You stepped forward, holding your hand out for them to shake. After the introduction with the twin boys, the taller boy stepped forward, pushing past the other two.
“I’m Sam,” he gave a smile, shaking your hand, too. “The younger, but better, brother.” You laughed at his words.
“So you’re all brothers?” Josh gave you a nod. “Must have been a full house growing up, then.”
“We have a sister, too.” Jake chuckled, leaning against the wall.
“Wow,” you exhaled, unable to imagine that many siblings. “I’ve got one, and she’s way younger than me.” You laughed. “I couldn’t imagine growing up with that many kids in the house.”
“We never killed each other, so I guess it turned out alright.” Sam grinned. “I’m actually moving in upstairs, too, with our best friend Danny. Not sure where he ran off to.”
“So four new faces to see around.” You nodded along to your own words. “I suppose it won’t be that bad. You guys seem alright.”
“As long as noise doesn’t bother you to much.” Sam chuckled. You cocked your head to the side, as if to ask him why. “We’re in a band.”
“Oh, cool! Noise doesn’t bother me, especially if it’s good noise.” You assured them. “The apartment isn’t really quiet in general. Lots of musicians and aspiring artists in here. The hallways usually pretty silent, but not the rooms. That’s kind of why I came out to investigate.”
“What about you, duckie?” Josh asked, eyeing your pyjama pants. You looked down, feeling redness rush to your cheeks at the childish pattern of rubber ducks plastered on the fabric. You were suddenly aware of how attractive all of the boys were, and how hungover you looked. “You an aspiring artist?”
“Writer.” You smiled, trying to brush off the embarrassment.
“I’d love to read something, someday.” His words were honest, warming your heart.
“Who knows, maybe you guys can be my new muse.” You joked.
“Oh! Can I be a superhero?” Sam exclaimed.
“Pirates,” Jake interjected, dismissing Sam’s idea. You giggled.
“I’ll make you guys sound super cool, don’t worry.” You assured them. “I’d love to hear some of your music, too.”
“You play any instruments?” Jake asked, trying to engage more in the conversation.
“I tried a bit of everything, I guess. Never stuck with much, but I could pick a tune on guitar and I could play a melody on the piano. I tried drums a couple times, but my family got fed up pretty fast.” You chuckled at the memory. “I like to sing, most of all, but I tend to stick to my writing.”
“You hear that, guys?” Sam looked between his brothers. “She’s coming for our jobs.” They all laughed at the statement.
“I think you’re all safe, don’t worry. Especially your drummer.” Your eyes looked between all of them, trying to figure out who that might be.
“Speaking of drummers,” Sam cleared his throat, eyes looking down the hall to another body moving towards the group. “Maybe this guy could teach you a thing or two, if you ever wanted to learn.” You couldn’t hide your staring when the fourth boy came into view. He was tall, wearing jeans and a muscle shirt, his biceps catching you off guard. His long curly hair framed his face, his nose a little on the larger side and his eyes glistening with a type of kindness you couldn’t fake.
“Who am I teaching?” He asked, smile wide and tone welcoming. He was breathtaking.
“Duckie.” Sam motioned to you, breaking you from your trance. “She said she’s not very good at the drums. Well, her parents didn’t think so, anyway. She may be alright.”
“Hi,” you breathed, clearing your throat “I’m y/n.” You tried your best to give a good first impression, but your crimson cheeks and racing heart were not helping your case.
“Danny.” He beamed. You started to hold your hand out to him to shake, but he dismissed it. “I’m a hugger, if you’re cool with that.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s cool too.” You managed to squeak out. He took a step towards you, wrapping his arms around you. “Nice to meet you.” You told him, and you meant it. It was very nice to meet him. His cologne lingered in your nose after he pulled away. You tried not to let it affect you, but you were swooning just at the thought of his arms around you. “Sorry I didn’t wear my Sunday best, I didn’t expect to meet anyone new. I was honestly gonna come out here and tell you guys to be quiet. The bar got the best of me last night.” You laughed. “But, since you guys are cool, I’ll let it slide.”
“‘Preciate it, duck.” Sam smirked. “You’re alright, too.”
“Aw, thanks.” The sarcasm was dripping from your words. “You guys need any help?”
“Maybe an interior decorator!” Danny offered. “All our stuff is in our apartment, but we aren’t exactly experts on the decoration part.” He admitted. “I’ll treat you to lunch if you could offer some insight.” You swore you saw his cheeks turn rosy, but you ignored it, believing you must have made it up. “Well, I’ll treat you to lunch, anyway, but I could really use a second opinion up there.”
“Y-yeah!” You stuttered. “Let me go and take a quick shower. I’ll meet you up there?”
“Sure, 208.” He replied.
“Guess we’re still stuck moving everything in down here?” Sam eyed his roommate. Danny gave a shrug.
“I wasn’t gonna let the pretty lady do the dirty work. Besides, you’re doing such a great job already.”
You didn’t believe in love at first sight, but whatever you’d felt for Danny that day was the closest thing to it. At first, you thought he may have felt the same way. He always wanted to hang out, made excuses to come to your apartment to visit, and always made sure you were invited to any of the group events. He never technically stopped doing that stuff, but it had never advanced. You guys had fallen into the friendship routine, never toeing any boundaries or crossing any lines. You wished he would, though. You bent down and picked your journal up off the grass, swiping away any dirt that had accumulated on it.
“So, are we going for a swim?” Danny asked, gazing in your direction for a second too long. You felt the nervousness creep back in.
“Yeah, of course. I gotta get changed.” You turned to the cabin, Danny following closely behind. Just as you reached the door, the others tumbled outside, almost knocking you over. You stumbled backwards into Danny, but he caught you and steadied you. His large hands holding your arms made your head spin.
“Sorry!” Sam exclaimed, inspecting you to make sure you were okay. You waved him off.
“S’okay, Sammy.” You assured him, regaining your footing. He was still watching you carefully, making sure you were being honest. “It’s okay.” You repeated, reaching out and giving him a pat on the arm. “Less scary than a bear.” You two shared a chuckle before the three brothers bid a goodbye, promising they’d be back soon. The two of you continued on your way, running up the stairs and into your own rooms. You pulled out the bikini you’d packed, quickly changing out of your shorts and tank top. You’d managed to tie the strings around your neck with no issues, but were struggling with the ones around your back.
A knock sounded on the door, startling you. “You okay in there?” Danny asked through the door. You sighed, holding the cups of the top tightly to your chest.
“No, can you help?” You called him in. “I need you to tie the strings for me.” The door creaked open, slowly revealing the boy you’d been talking to. He let out a small chuckle at the sight, making his way over to you. “Just as tight as you can, please.”
“Will do,” his fingers grazed the skin on your back, causing goosebumps to raise on your arms. He took the strings and tied them together, making sure it was on securely. His palm landed on your lower back as you turned around, causing your stomach to flutter with butterflies. You turned to face him, taking in the sight before you. He was just in swim trunks, standing closer than you thought he was, with a grin plastered on his lips. Your breath caught in your throat at his exposed upper half; it was a sight you would never get used to, no matter how many times you saw him shirtless. “Ready?” He asked, fingers still lingering on you. You managed a nod.
The two of you clambered back down the stairs. He held the door open for you as you slipped on your flip-flops. “Wait!” You stopped, turning back towards him. He raised an eyebrow. “Sunscreen!” You ran back inside, grabbing the bottle from your bag and bringing it back to him. He watched you, unsure of what to do. “Put it on, silly.” You laughed. “No sunburns on my watch.” He playfully rolled his eyes, grabbing it from you and obeying. You took turns with the bottle, coating yourselves in the lotion. “Turn around.” You ordered. He did as he was told and you put some on his back, rubbing it in gently.
“You’re such a mom.” Danny poked fun at you.
“I’m not listening to everyone complain when they’re burnt and sore, later.”
“Fair enough,” He backed down “your turn.” He said once you finished, turning around and grabbing it from you. You allowed him to do the same, holding your hair out of his way. “Should be good enough.” He said, gently pulling you back around to face him. “Oh, hold on.” He squeezed a bit more on his finger. You watched with curiosity as he closed the bottle.
“I don’t think we missed-“ he raised his hand and swiped the dollop of lotion on your nose. You both broke out into a fit of giggles as you processed what he’d done. You massaged it into the bridge of your nose and over your cheeks, not finding it in you to be annoyed with him. He had a child-like humour by times that was heartwarming.
“Now we’re okay. Come on.” He grabbed your hand, leading you back outside. You shut the door behind you, letting him guide you to the water. You broke through the tree line, following the short trail to the clearing. The grass slowly transitioned into sand, which was surrounding a gorgeous body of water. The sun rays made the surface sparkle, illuminating the blue hue that looked so inviting. There was a dock with a small ‘no diving’ sign attached to it. You couldn’t see the other side of the lake, but you were assuming it wasn’t as large as it seemed upfront. There were a few other trails through the line of woods, presumably leading to other cabins in the campground. Each building was quite secluded, giving lots of privacy to the visitors. It was nice.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Danny asked from beside you, hand still in yours. You gave his a small squeeze, nodding your head.
“It’s like a whole different world compared to the city.” You sighed, kicking your shoes off. “I should come out here and write sometime.” You thought aloud, not really intending for a conversation.
“If you ever want company, you know where to find me.” He said, thumb running over the soft skin on your hand.
“As long as it’s just you,” you mumbled “the other ones are too distracting.” He laughed, letting go of you to step forward onto the beach. You followed behind him, immediately walking over to the dock. You were careful stepping on the old wood, not wanting to get a splinter. Once you made it to the end, you bargained with the thought of splinters, willing to risk one or two for the experience. You sat down, feet dangling over the edge, just barely reaching the water. You moved your legs back and fourth, getting a feel for the temperature. You looked back over your shoulder, watching Danny scale the shore, just a few feet in from the sand.
He caught your eye and you looked away quickly, your heart racing. You had a hard time not staring at him, but you didn’t want him to think you were weird. He walked over to where you were sitting, barely making a noise aside from the small splashes of water with his steps. “I thought you wanted to swim, duck?” He asked as he approached the dock. He waded into the water, coming to stand beside you. The water was shallow enough that he was only up to his navel in depth. He moved in front of you, hands reaching out and finding a home on the wood beside each of your legs.
“I’m in the water.” You reminded, pointing at your feet. He scoffed, holding back a laugh.
“I don’t think that counts.”
“Does so!” You argued.
“Come in with me.” He pleaded. You reasoned with yourself before answering.
“Is it cold?” You questioned. The water that was up to your ankles told you it wasn’t, but you were sceptical.
“No, it’s really nice. I promise.”
“Okay, but you have to stay with me, just in case.” You bargained.
“Don’t know how to swim?” He quipped, a smirk growing on his lips.
“I do! I’m just nervous. Usually I only swim in pools.” You admitted.
“Ah, whatever you say, city girl.” You responded by flipping him the middle finger. “Maybe Jake was right, we should’ve brought your life jacket.” You rolled your eyes.
“You know, maybe you should’ve went with them. I’d rather fight the bear than get bullied all day!” You both erupted into a fit of laughter again.
“Fine, I promise I won’t go too far away. I wouldn’t want a fish to get you.” He said through a giggle.
“You’re on thin ice, Wagner.” You warned. He took another step closer to you, his chest practically touching your knees. He held his arms out for you. You hesitantly scooted forward, letting him grab onto your hips. He lifted you carefully, slowly bringing you down into the water with him. You let out a sigh of relief when your feet hit the bottom. You were significantly further in than Danny, though. The bottom of your bikini top was hitting the surface of the lake.
“See, it’s not so bad.” He whispered, pulling you into him. His hands still rested on your waist, sending your stomach into knots. You were sure he could feel your pulse just from the proximity of your chests. “Right?” He mumbled, looking down at you.
“It’s not that bad,” you sighed an agreement, relaxing a bit. He smiled, leading you out further into the water.
“Float on your back.” He said, simply.
“I don’t know how to.” You admitted.
“I’ll show you.” He let go of you, taking a step away from you. His arm landed on your upper back. “Lean back, keep your legs straight.” He explained. You did as he said, easing into the water. Eventually, your legs rose a bit higher and he snaked his other arm under you, supporting your bum. You tried not to notice where his hand was, but it proved difficult. “Now keep your hips up and your legs straight. Don’t lose your posture, okay?”
“Okay.” You whispered. He held you for a moment, but slowly lowered his touch so you were floating on your own. He continued to stand next to you, making sure you knew he didn’t leave you stranded. “I’m doing it!” You exclaimed, looking at him through the corner of your eye.
“You are, duck.” He beamed down at you. “Good job.”
The afternoon was filled with aquatic adventure, but eventually dwindled into the early hours of the evening. The sun sinking slowly below the trees, but still bright enough to cast a golden glow over the earth. When the temperature started to drop, too, you and Danny made your way out of the lake, planning to retire back to the cabin. When you got out of the water, a shiver ran through you. Danny wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him, trying to warm you up. When you got back through the trees, a billow of smoke through the air caught your attention. You continued walking to find the three other boys had returned from their hike and had lit a campfire. Jake was sitting in a chair with his acoustic guitar in his lap. Josh had a drink in his hand, face looking a bit red. You couldn’t tell if he was sunburnt or just drunk.
“Hello, lovebirds!” Sammy announced, causing you and Danny to look between each other, unsure how to respond. “Have a good swim?” He grinned.
“Shut up, Sam.” You rolled your eyes, throwing your towel on the ground to sit on it. Danny did the same, taking post next to you. The orange flames warmed you, drying any missed water droplets from your skin. “How was your hike?” You pointed the question to the twins.
“It was an extravagant exploration of the wilderness,” Josh giggled at himself. You could tell he’d been drinking for a while. You smiled at him, looking over to his brother who was picking a tune on the guitar. You hummed along with him, appreciating the sound of the song.
“Did you guys get anything to eat?” You asked. They all shook their heads. You had to hold back an eye roll, making a move to stand. “Okay. I’ll make something, then, before you all perish.” Danny looked up at you from his seat on the ground.
“Need any help?” You gave a nod, holding your hand out to help him up. The two of you disappeared back into the cabin. You raced up the stairs to grab a quick shower and get changed. You pulled on some sweatpants and a tank top, quickly brushing through your hair and meeting Danny back in the kitchen. “What are we making, duck?” He asked, standing up from the chair he’d been sitting at.
“I have no idea what they brought for food,” you laughed, walking to check the fridge. You searched, trying to find something to throw together. “Nachos, I guess?”
“Sounds good to me.” He smiled. You took out the ingredients the boys had thrown haphazardly into the fridge. The two of you cooked silently, both starving and ready to eat.
When the food was ready, you put out paper plates on the table and called everyone back inside. The meal went quickly, barely any words spoken. You were all hungry after a long day of activities. When the food was gone, you all joined forces to tidy up before going back outside. The boys all took their turns thanking you before returning back to the fireside. You grabbed a cooler from the fridge, cracking the can and taking a sip. You watched out the window for a moment, admiring the view.
Danny had started the shower upstairs, presumably wanting to wash the lake water off as badly as you’d wanted to, earlier. You went up to your room, sitting on the bed and pulling your journal out. You put your pen to the paper, wanting to write about the beautiful things you’d seen all day, the serenity of nature and the experience of being with your friends, but every word that came from you was all about the same thing; the boy who had taught you how to float today. You laughed at the memory, feeling a bit ridiculous that you were an adult and had no idea how to float on your back in the water. In a way, you were glad you didn’t, because it gave you an excuse to be close with Danny. You thought about the scene, the metaphor pouring out on paper effortlessly. He was so easy to write about, so easy to think about. He occupied your mind even when you were busy with a million other things. It was so easy being in love with Danny; it wasn’t easy, however, not knowing if he felt the same way about you. His lingering touches and affinity to be near to led you to believe he did, but he never gave any other idea that he felt that way.
If you’d known that day, when you joked about them being your new muse, that it would be so true, you never would have said it. Writers block was a distant memory now, your mind constantly begging you to write about the beautiful boy who lived just a floor above you. You’d heard about his dates, potential flings and pursuers, just the same as he’d heard about yours. You even met some of them. But, in the years that had passed since you met him, nobody you’d been with ever compared to him. You barely knew what it was like to touch him, or have him hold you. He’d never kissed you, or given you anything other than platonic love, but you knew that nobody could be better than Danny. He was a ray of sunshine, he made your day better just by knowing he existed. You were hopelessly pining after him, wishing he’d notice, but too scared to say anything to anyone.
You were broken from your thoughts when someone stepped in your room. You looked up to see the boy you’d been lost in thought about. “Hey, duckie.” He greeted, giving you a smile. The other boys never really consistently continued on with the silly nickname they’d given you all those years ago, but he did. The rest of the boys usually only called you it when they wanted to get on your nerves, or tease you, but was rare for Danny to call you by your name. You didn’t mind it, especially coming from him. “What are you writing about?”
“Just about the lake, earlier.” You replied, closing the journal and putting it beside you on the bed. He took a seat beside you.
“Care to share?” He asked. You convinced yourself he was only doing so as a formality.
“Nothing worth sharing.” You lied, looking over to meet his eyes.
“I think everything you write is worth sharing.” You felt your cheeks heat up, distracting yourself from the compliment by reaching over and taking a sip of your drink.
“Thanks, Danny.” You whispered. “Wanna head out to the fire?”
“Sure,” he said, looking a little dejected. You thought maybe he really did want to read what you had written. You promised yourself you’d show him eventually, when you worked up enough courage.
The boys were positively drunk by the time you rejoined them, laughing and signing along with Jake’s playing. You returned to your unspoken claimed spot on the ground. On the way out, Danny had grabbed his own guitar and started tuning it when he took his own seat. It didn’t take long for you to find yourself tipsy, too. You were tired, making the effects of the alcohol even stronger. You found yourself swaying to the music the boys were playing, entranced in Josh’s singing. Your eyes drifted towards Danny, watching him smile as he played, fingers dancing over the fretboard. He was beautiful, everything he did was captivating. You’d only noticed you were staring when he caught your eye, giving you a grin.
“You gonna sing us a song, y/n?” He asked. You heart sped as your name fell from his lips. It sounded so perfect coming from him.
“I mean, I can’t really compete with Josh, but I suppose I could give it a go.” You smiled. You could see the excitement dance across his face. He didn’t say anything else before he started playing again. When Jake picked up on what song he was picking, he joined in. Rhiannon. Fleetwood Mac. He remembered your favourite band. You sung along, carefree and open, not worried about how you sounded. All of the boys joined in on the chorus, laughing and belting it with you.
When the last note of the song rang out, Sam and Josh gave a round of applause, muffled by Jake and Danny’s cheers. “If you ever give up writing, we’d give you a spot in the band.” Sam laughed. You shook your head, dismissing his statement.
“No chance, Sammy. I’m just going to keep writing my silly little book and hopefully make it big, someday.”
“You’ve got four of your biggest fans right here once you do. Remember us when you’re famous.” Danny spoke now, immediately catching your attention.
“As if I could ever forget about you guys.” You said, but you directed it to him. You would never be able to leave any of them behind, but he’d always have a place in your heart, especially.
“Awww, you’re so sweet, Duck! I know you couldn’t forget about me, I’m your favourite!” Josh’s smile blinded you from across the fire.
“Of course, Josh.” You laughed.
The drinks slowly came to an end as the flames fizzled into embers. The music died off, too, all of you completely exhausted. Danny had thrown his guitar back in the case and you’d laid back, head in his lap while his fingers danced through your hair. You wished you could lay with him like this forever. Jake was picking at the strings, not with much intent. Josh was a second away from slumber, barely holding his eyes open. Sam had dozed off a few times in his chair, quite like a middle-aged dad. You were certain it was nearing midnight by now, but truly didn’t care enough to check. You closed your own eyes, just to satiate the need for sleep for a little while, not wanting the night to end.
Just as you did so, a raindrop landed on the coals of the fire, omitting a sizzle that brought you back to reality. You only had a second to realize what was happening before more were falling. Everyone sprung to action, the boys grabbing their instruments to get them inside. You gathered all of the damageable items, stuffing them into the pockets of your pants and the rest in your hands. The boys were inside by the time you collected the last of the things. The rain had picked up, now drenching your tank top. You swore under your breath as you made your way into the house, shivering and cold.
Danny was waiting for you by the door, immediately taking the stuff from your hands. “I’m sorry, duck! I wasn’t even thinking about the rest of the stuff, I just didn’t want to get the guitar wet-“
“It’s okay,” you promised, teeth still chattering.
“Here,” he placed all of the things on the ground and pulled his sweatshirt over his head, handing it to you. You took it, turning away to face the wall for a moment, slipping the wet shirt off. You pulled his sweater on, immediately feeling better. It was still warm from his body heat and it smelled like him.
“Thank you.” You sighed. The two of you joined the others in the kitchen, returning phones and wallets to the right owners. You all stood together, sharing mindless chatter and forgetting about the rainstorm for a moment. “You see, Sammy. Aren’t you so grateful for a roof, tonight?” You smirked.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Be careful, I might let one of the bears know which room is yours.” You both giggled, knowing he’d never let the joke die. “Well, I think it’s bedtime.” Sam sighed. Josh and Jake nodded, both feeling the same way. “Have a good night, everyone. I’ll make sure to wake you all at six sharp, so we don’t miss out on any festivities.” Sam announced. You rolled your eyes.
“If you show up at my door at six in the morning, you won’t be alive for any more festivities.” You warned.
“Understood.” Sam gave a salute before breaking away, heading upstairs. The twins also bid a goodnight and found their way to their own beds. You turned to look at the only other body left in the room.
“You going to bed, too?” You asked. He gave a shrug.
“Are you?”
“I’m not sure.” You said, looking around the empty kitchen. “I’m tired, but I don’t know if I’m ready to sleep yet. You don’t have to stay up with me, though.”
“I know I don’t have to.” He chuckled. “If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t.” You gave a small smile.
“Go to bed, Danny.” You gave him a gentle pat on the arm. “I’ve got a date with my journal. And by date I mean staring blankly at it until something good comes out of it.” He laughed at your words.
“You know where to find me if you need anything, then.” He replied, hand reaching out and landing on your lower back. He pulled you in for a hug, chin resting on top of your head. You held on to him, not wanting to let him go. Eventually, he broke away, leaving you wishing he’d stay. “Goodnight, duckie.” He whispered, walking out of eyesight before you could formulate a response. You sat in the kitchen, waiting until you heard his bedroom door shut, thinking about the days events. Eventually, you found yourself retiring back to your room.
You clicked on a lamp that was on the table beside the bed. It was soft, enough so you could see what you were doing, but not enough to become annoying. The rain softly puttered against the windows, inviting you in. You loved rain, the sound was so soothing and it was the perfect ambience. Your journal still rested on the bed, saving a spot for you. You slid under the covers and opened it back up. The words poured out effortlessly, continuing on with your story as if you’d never stopped in the first place. You filled the page, not taking a break until you were jolted to reality from a thunder crack outside. Your stomach churned at the sound. You tried to ignore it, but another boom and flash of light startled you again. You loved the rain, but you hated thunder, and despised lightning.
You swallowed hard, feeling a nervous tremble in your hand as you tried to keep writing. By the fifth snap of thunder, you were no longer able to focus on anything you were doing. It was a childish fear, but the loud noises were always unsettling to you, mostly because you never knew when it would happen. Counting the distance between bangs only kept you more on edge, and then the spark of light lost your focus. You climbed back out of bed, finding a bit of solace in Danny’s sweatshirt that you were wearing. You pushed the door open, creeping down the stairs, hoping you wouldn’t wake anyone. When you made it to the kitchen, you searched for a kettle, hoping that there was one in the cabin somewhere.
You stumbled across a tattered electric one, smiling in triumph. You pulled a teabag from the small sandwich bag you’d filled while packing. That was one thing you knew you couldn’t go the weekend without. The water ran quietly from the tap, filling the kettle within a few seconds. You flipped it off, searching in the dark for an outlet.
Once you plugged it in and flipped it on, you sat at the table to wait for it, focusing on the noise of the boiling water rather than the commotion outside. Your fingers drummed against the wooden table, filled with anxiety. You were calming down slightly, thinking the storm may have been dwindling to an end, but the rain started coming down harder and another sound of thunder filled the home, much stronger than the rest. A bright flash filled the windows, and the sound of the boiling water slowed to a stop. The power had gone out. Your heart was racing now, palms breaking out into a sweat. You decided the best course of action was to go back to your room and hope to fall asleep.
“Y/n?” A low voice said from the bottom of the stairwell. You jumped, whipping your head to see who it had come from.
“Oh, Danny,” you sighed, laughing gently. “You scared me.”
“Sorry,” he said, sheepishly, making his way towards you. His hair was pulled back and his shirt was off, leaving him just in a pair of sweatpants. “What are you still doing up?” He asked, but he already knew the answer. He’d never forget how much thunder bothered you.
“Ah, just couldn’t sleep.” You brushed it off.
“Thunder?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “Powers out, too.” He was in front of you now, kneeling down so he could see your face. His hand reached out, finding your cheek. His thumb brushed over the skin, causing you to melt into the touch. The anxiety bubbled away just from him being there.
“You can come to bed with me, if you want.” He offered. You looked up at him through your lashes, unsure if he really said what you thought he did. “O-or Sam, or anyone, really.” He covered it up, quickly. “Nobody would mind.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.” You brushed it off.
“You’d never be intruding. I can go wake up whoever you want to stay with-“
“You, Danny.” You assured him. “I’d like to stay with you, if it’s okay.”
“Yeah, of course it is. Come on.” He stood, holding his hand out for you. You took it and he carefully guided you to his room. He let you go in first, opening the door for you. You slowly shuffled inside, turning to look at him. He chuckled at your nervousness, closing the door behind him. “I can sleep on the floor, you can take the bed.” He said pulling a pillow from the mattress. You held your hand out to stop him.
“We can both…” you trailed off, suddenly embarrassed at your words. “We can, uh, both sleep in the bed. I mean, if you’re okay with it. It’s just… it’s a big bed, there’s no need for you to sleep on the floor. If anything, I can sleep on the floor-“
“Hey,” he laughed, throwing the pillow back in its place “it’s okay, if you’re cool with it, I am too.”
“Okay, great.” You internally cringed at yourself, realizing how stupid you sounded. You watched as he climbed under the covers, not sure what to do.
“Oh, did you want me to put my shirt on?” He asked, quickly making a move to stand again.
“No, it’s okay.” You said, making a move to get in beside him. He scooted over, giving you as much room as possible. “We can put a pillow between us if it makes you more comfortable.” He laughed at your words as you both settled in.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I don’t think you have cooties.” You let out a small giggle.
“Maybe you do, though.”
“Too late for you, then. You’ve been wearing my sweater all night.” He argued. You relaxed a bit, the anxiety seeping away. You’d almost forgotten why you were in bed with him in the first place. He rolled onto his side, facing you.
“I guess so,” you sighed “I’ll never recover.”
“You poor baby,” Just as he said it, another roaring wave of thunder shook the house. You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound. Without wasting any time, he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into him. You accepted the hold, shifting on your side and burying your head in his chest. He held you tightly, not even so much as considering letting you go. “It’s okay.” He whispered, rubbing your back gently. You relaxed into his touch, wrapping your arm around him and allowing him to comfort you.
“Thanks for letting me stay with you.” You mumbled. He moved the hair from your face, running his fingers through it and gently brushing out any knots.
“My pleasure, duck.” He hummed, still holding you close to him. “Who doesn’t love a good sleepover?” You gave a small laugh, mumbling an agreement. Any sleepover would be fantastic as long as it was with him. You guys fell into routine of listening to each others breathing, eventually drifting off into a slumber that was more peaceful than any you’d had before.
When the sun peaked through the curtains the next morning, it was almost like the storm had never happened. Golden rays casting over both of the bodies in the bed, showcasing that neither of you moved the whole night. You were still wrapped up in Danny’s arms, holding him closely to you. His hands had drifted downwards, hand decorating your thigh and fingers dangerously close to your ass. You were awake, the sunlight ensured that, but you wished so badly that you weren’t. You wanted to stay like this all day, sleeping next to Danny and soaking up every bit of affection you could get from him. You felt grateful for the thunderstorm last night, realizing that it was the sole reason you had the opportunity to wake up to the beautiful sight of him sleeping next to you.
You wiggled impossibly closer, gentle enough to avoid waking him. You just wanted to be surrounded by him and to never have to let go. He stirred but didn’t wake. Instead, the hand that was holding your hip tightened and pulled you closer to him. Your heart fluttered but you tried to stay calm, shoving the interaction to the back of your mind. Though, it was really hard to forget the feeling of his hand on you, burning into your skin and lighting you on fire. You tried not to think about your own fingers dancing on the bare skin of his back, how warm he was and how you wanted to lay there and trace patterns into it all day. You closed your eyes, trying to let sleep take over once more, but his heartbeat was fuelling you rather than serving as a lullaby.
Your feelings for Danny were always prominent, standing out above anything else, but in that moment they were driving you insane. You wanted nothing more than to lean up and kiss him, just to know what it felt like. You wanted him to wake up, to see you as more than the downstairs neighbour or his friend. You wanted to start your day wrapped around him like this every morning. As if the universe heard your silent plea, Danny shifted, hand never leaving you, and took a sharp inhale. You pulled your head back, looking up at his face. His eyes fluttered open, immediately looking down at you. His lips upturned into a smile which you returned without a thought.
“Good morning, duck.” He whispered, hands unmoving as if he was enjoying touching you, too.
“Morning,” you managed to muster out, eyes taking in every aspect of his features. He was doing the same, wanting to remember exactly what you looked like first thing in the morning. “Sleep well?”
“Yeah, really good.” He sighed. “You?”
“Me, too.” You said, making a move to turn on your back. He kept his hand on you as you moved, not letting you get too far away.
“Storm didn’t bother you too much?”
“No,” you tried to ignore the nervousness brewing in the pit of your stomach. “Felt pretty safe in here with you.”
“I was hoping you would.” You both fell back into silence, his thumb teetering just underneath the hem of your shirt, scared to push his luck. You laid still, hoping maybe he would understand that you were far from complaining about the contact. You were too scared to give any encouragement, afraid that you may have been getting the wrong idea from the encounter.
“Probably should get up, see what everybody else is doing.” You breathed, looking towards him but making no effort to leave.
“I really don’t care what they’re doing.” He admitted.
“Me, either.” You laughed. “I could stay here all day.”
“What’s stopping you?” He asked, suddenly finding enough courage to slip his hand just under your sweater, now letting it dance over the soft skin that lie beneath. Your breath caught in your throat, eyes looking for some sign of joking in his expression.
“Nothing,” You said. “We are on vacation, aren’t we?” He gave a nod, a smile creeping onto his face. “Staying in bed all day is more than acceptable.” He wasted no time pulling you back towards him, rolling on his back as he did so. You let out a giggle at his suddenness, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you on top of him.
“I was hoping you’d say that.” He sighed, his grip now falling to your lower back. Your head found its place in the crook of his neck, hand resting on his chest. “I didn’t want to say it last night, but I was really hoping you wanted to stay with me, and not one of the other guys.”
“Why is that, Daniel?” Your anxiety was melting away, knowing he wanted you there just as much as you wanted to be there.
“I think you know why, y/n.” His tone was completely serious, no hidden implications behind his words.
“I don’t think I do.” You whispered. You pulled back from him to look at his face. His eyes were watching you carefully, looking to see if you were being honest.
“Come on, duck, you really have no idea?” You shook your head, waiting for him to continue. “I love you.” He almost laughed at his own words.
“I love you too, Danny.” You told him, your heart racing.
“No, like I really love you. I’m in love with you.” He said, clarifying even further.
“Yeah,” you breathed. “I am, too.” He didn’t move, still continuing to watch you to ensure you weren’t joking. “Last night when you asked what I was writing about, I was writing about you.” You laughed. “That’s why I didn’t want to show you. I didn’t want to make it weird.”
“So you’re telling me I’m your muse?” He smirked, cockiness radiating from him. “Sam’s going to be pissed. He was really hoping you’d make him a superhero.”
“He’s not cool enough to be a superhero, I just don’t have the heart to tell him yet.” You both laughed, feeling the weight of the world being lifted off your shoulders. “How long have you felt like this?” You asked, curiosity getting the best of you.
“I mean, I’ve always thought you were pretty. When we were moving in and I asked you to come upstairs and help me, I just wanted an excuse to get to know you, and take you out to eat.” He explained. “I guess I never realized I was really in love with you until we started touring. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I was always a little bit jealous if I heard you on the phone with the other guys. Then I knew I was really in pretty deep.”
“You never said anything.”
“I was scared,” he finally broke the eye contact. “I mean, we all practically live together, we’re all friends, I was scared of risking it all.” You felt like screaming. Years of repressed feelings and emotions were flooding you all at once, angry with yourself that you never got the nerve to be honest with him. “I think that this morning I realized I had to tell you, because I want to wake up next to you every day.” He chuckled.
“Me too, Danny.” You rushed out. “I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you.” You felt your cheeks turn red.
“So love at first sight, then.” He teased. “I guess we were both pretty stupid.”
“Yeah,” you practically scoffed. He didn’t let you say another word, because he was pulling you forward into a kiss. You thought maybe you should pinch yourself, just to make sure it wasn’t some grandly fabricated dream you’d wake up disappointed to. You didn’t care, though, because even if it was a dream, it was the best one you’d ever had. He gently pulled your bottom lip between his teeth, causing a small moan from you. You shifted your position without breaking from his lips, moving your legs on either side of him. Both of his hands immediately shot to your hips, wanting to make sure you knew that your new position was very welcomed.
One of your palms fell flat on his chest, holding you up. The other cupped his cheek, holding his face to yours. Eventually, you pulled away to catch your breath, head spinning and chest burning with desire. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He smiled at your words, pushing you down a little towards his legs so he could sit up. His back rested against the headboard of the bed. He reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, wanting to see your face.
“We’ve got all the time in the world, now.” He gently brought your lips back to his. The kiss was sweet, filled with love and even better than you had ever imagined it. You were desperate for more, no patience left from waiting so long. He deepened the kiss, more than likely feeling the exact same way. It didn’t take long for it to become messy, both of you grasping at each other, frantic to know everything about the undiscovered parts of each others bodies. You could feel his erection pressing into your heat, causing your arousal to grow even more. “Can I take this off?” He asked, pulling at the bottom of your sweater. His face was barely parted from yours, just enough so he could get the words out. You gave a small nod, lifting your arms so he could pull it off for you. He threw it to the floor, eyes raking over your naked upper half. His mouth moved down to your neck, nipping and biting at the soft skin. When he found a particularly sensitive spot, his attention rested there, sucking gently. You rocked your hips forward into him without intent, begging for some friction. “Needy,” he smiled against your neck.
“Been waiting for this for a long time,” you sighed, a hint of a whine in your tone.
“It’s okay, baby, you can have me. Just have to be patient.” He assured you, his hand reaching to cup one of your breasts. “Have to appreciate you first.” The pad of his thumb brushed over your hardened nipple, sending a rush of pleasure straight to your core. He pinched it gently, rolling it between his fingers and watching your reaction. Your eyes settled on his face, a pleading look instilled in them. You saw his jaw clench. He wanted the foreplay to continue but he wanted you just as bad as you wanted him.
He flipped you over, settling you on your back without a word. He tapped your thigh, silently letting you know he wanted you to lift your hips. You did as he wanted and he pulled off your pants, throwing them in the steadily growing pile of clothes on the floor. You watched him as you laid back on the bed, still forcing yourself to believe it was real life. His hair was still pulled back into a bun, some pieces falling out here and there. His eyes still looked tired, but his expression showed that he was wide awake and fully invested in the moment. “Seeing you like this is way better than anything I’ve imagined before.” He whispered, lips trailing over your bare stomach, sucking marks into the skin just above your panty line.
“So you’ve imagined me like this before?” You tried to sound confident, but your voice was shaky and gave you away immediately. His mouth moved to your hip, gently sinking his teeth into you. You let out a noise of surprise at the feeling.
“You haven’t?” You could hear the smirk in his voice; you didn’t even have to look at him to know.
“Maybe once or twice,” you admitted. He was right, this was much better than any of the dreams or fantasies you’d had about it. The feeling of his mouth on you was intoxicating. He pulled back from you, moving to rest on his knees. He made a move to take off your underwear, which you happily helped him with. You could see how hard he was through his sweatpants; the sight alone was driving you crazy. Once he had you fully naked, he slipped an arm underneath your hips, then roughly flipped you over onto your belly.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, more than okay.” You assured him.
“Let me know if you want me to stop, or if I do anything you don’t like, okay?” You nodded. “I need to hear you say it.”
“I will, baby.” You promised. He started back at the top of your body, lips brushing over your shoulders, making their way down to the dip in your back. His large hand became quite familiar with your ass, fingers squeezing it ever so slightly. He pulled back again, just long enough to deliver a sharp slap to the same spot his hand had been just a moment before. You gasped, not expecting the sudden change in his demeanour. He leaned down and placed a small kiss where he’d left the stinging red mark.
He moved his hand between your legs, fingers slowly running through your wetness.
“All this for me, sweet girl?” Hearing such a pet name coming from his mouth was enough on its own to warrant an orgasm. His fingers explored further, almost immediately landing on your clit. He knew he’d hit the right spot when a moan fell from your lips. His index finger circled there a few times, allowing some relief for you. “You want it so bad, don’t you?” You hummed a response, but he pulled his hand away from you completely. “Use your words.” He ordered.
“Y-yeah, I do, Danny. So bad.” You stuttered, taken aback. You definitely didn’t expect him to be as dominant as he was being. His usual sweet personality has seemed to vanish completely.
“That’s what I thought.” He resumed his slow pace at your clit, enough to give you some pleasure but not enough to get you off. He was driving you crazy. He continued on at that speed for only a short while before he removed his hand again, grabbing your hips and pulling them up off the bed. “M’sorry baby, I can’t wait any longer.” He shuffled back to his knees, pulling his pants down just enough to free his cock. He spit on his hand, stroking himself for a second before pushing into you, letting out a sigh of relief at the feeling.
He used his hands on your hips to pull you back on him as he thrusted into you, hitting your cervix hard on every re-entry. Each time you let a moan out, letting him know he was doing a good job. His fingers were digging into you more with every movement, and your were certain there would be perfect, fingers shaped bruises to remind you of him. One of his hand slipped up to your hair, balling it in his fist and pulling your head back. He leaned down, moving your head to the side so he could kiss you while he fucked you. You whimpered into his mouth, which in turn caused him to grip your hair even tighter. “Being such a good girl for me.” He muttered as he pulled away. The praise began to form a knot in your belly, desperate for a release.
He removed his hand from your hair, slipping it under you, reaching down to your bundle of nerves again. The combined feeling of him inside you and the stimulation on your clit was making your head spin. The burning in the pit of your stomach was growing by the second. It didn’t take him long to catch on, your ragged breathing and string of moans served as a strong indication of your impending orgasm. “Danny, I’m gonna-“
“No, you’re not.” He cut you off.
“I-I can’t-“
“Don’t,” he warned. “Not yet.” He didn’t slow his pace, making it even harder for you to control yourself. Your noises of pleasure became more erratic, informing him that you couldn’t stop it. He pulled out immediately, moving his fingers, too. You let out a whine, almost in pain at the loss of contact. You were panting, legs shaking underneath you. Without really thinking, you reached your hand down to your cunt, trying to find some relief. He noticed, grabbing your hand before you could get anywhere. “I told you no, baby.” He was taunting you, hoping you’d beg for him. Little did he know he didn’t have to ask for that. You’d been desperate for him for years, all of it finally coming out now.
“Please, Danny. I need it so bad.” Your head was still down on the bed, not willing to move and look him in the eyes. A gentle hand ran down your ass, fingertips trailing down the back of your thigh. The light tickle was enough to sent a jolt of electricity through your body.
“How bad, baby?” He breathed. His voice was low, dripping with emotion. You had to commend him for his self control. He stood now, fully taking off his pants. He walked to the side of the bed, looking down at you.
“So bad,” you whined. “Can’t wait any longer. Please, please fuck me.” He grabbed your hair again, pulling your head up gently to look at him. He gave you a small, reassuring smile, just so you knew he wasn’t going to push you too far. As soon as he was certain you’d seen it, it disappeared.
“You sound so pretty when you beg for me.” He took your face in his hand, making you keep the eye contact with him. He leaned down, placing a kiss on your lips. You made a move to sit up, sitting on the edge of the mattress to face him. You took the time to admire him, now, finally getting the full view of him. The usual sweetness in his eyes were replaced with a dark look, one that sent a shiver down your spine. A good one, but still a feeling you’d never had from him before. He almost held a scowl on his features, for lack of better description. But it wasn’t hateful; it was authoritative, and it was turning you on more by the second.
His cock was eye level with you, head red and glistening with pre-cum. Your mouth was watering at the sight, curious to know what he tasted like. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, giving him a sweet look before leaning forward and taking him in your mouth. You realized that he was much bigger than you’d anticipated, confidence slightly diminishing. You gripped him at the base, stroking the bottom half that couldn’t fit in your mouth. He let out a groan, watching you suck him off with nothing short of adoration. You took as much of him in your mouth as you could, slacking your jaw and relaxing your throat. He took it as an invitation, slowly thrusting in time with the bobbing of your head. He wasn’t being aggressive, wanting you to know you had the freedom to stop him if it got too much.
When you enthusiastically continued, he did, too. His fist found your hair again, holding your head in place while he fucked your mouth. He didn’t push you past your limit, but certainly tested it. When his hips stuttered slightly, you knew he was getting close to his orgasm. You didn’t care, wanting him bad enough that you’d let him finish wherever and however he wanted to. He pushed your head down on him as he pushed himself down your throat, causing you to gag, tears forming in your eyes. You felt him twitch in your mouth, wondering if he would stop or just finish right there. The noises and profanities that were slipping from his mouth were heavenly. Just when you thought he might cum, he pulled back from you completely. His breathing was heavy, jaw clenched and eyes a little sex-crazed.
“Up,” he ordered. You scrambled to your feet, still trying to process his quick withdrawals. He seemed to want you everywhere, in any way he could have you. You weren’t complaining, feeling the exact same way. You dreamt of having him like this so many times, and now that you did, you wanted him to have you in any way he pleased. He laid on the bed, looking to you. “Come here.” He held his arm out, motioning for you to join him. You moved towards him, climbing on top of him and straddling his waist. As you were lining yourself up with him, he held your hips, stopping you from going any further. He roughly pulled you upwards, catching you off guard. You caught his eyes, finally understanding what he wanted; He wanted you to sit on his face.
“Danny, I don’t know-“ his hand lifted to your face, gently brushing over your flushed cheeks.
“It’s okay, if you don’t want to, we don’t have to.” He assured you. The nervousness fizzled away.
“I just… I don’t want to hurt you or anything.” He let out a chuckle.
“Baby, I’m asking you to. If you hurt me by sitting on my face, I think I’d be very proud of that injury.” There was no tone of sarcasm or humour in his words. “If you don’t want to, that’s okay, but if you’re worried about me, don’t be.” His voice was firm, assuring you he was more than okay with the situation.
“Okay.” You whispered. He guided you upwards, settling his head between your legs. His hands were firmly planted on your ass as you hovered over his mouth. “I’ve never done this before.” You admitted.
“If you want me to stop, I will.” He said. You weren’t looking at him but you knew the sincerity was pooling in his eyes. He would never say that without meaning it. “Are you okay with this?” He asked again. His earlier aura of dominance had faltered. It was just Danny, as sweet as he’d always been. He always made you feel safe.
“Yeah, I am.” You replied. Once he heard your answer, he pulled you down onto his mouth. A gasp of surprise sounded from you, but it was quickly replaced with a cry of pleasure. You had to silence yourself, biting down on your lip. He was quick to the point, fucking you with his tongue. Your anxiety dissipated almost as soon as his tongue was on you, completely replaced with pleasure. His movement was fast, working at you like he had been dreaming of having you like that forever. Your hips involuntarily rocked into his movements.
The tip of his nose brushed against your clit, driving you closer to your orgasm. You let out a whine, knuckles gripping the blankets on the bed. He moved upwards, focusing his attention there and slowing his speed. The burning in your belly that had been building seemed to remain steady, the feeling radiating through every nerve in your body. It didn’t take long for your breathing to become ragged and your muscles to tense. Your moans were frantic, the heat of his mouth and the strokes of his tongue were heavenly for such a sinful activity. “Danny, m’gonna cum.” You whimpered. He hummed against you, encouraging you. His grip tightened on your ass, holding you down on his face. Within a few seconds, you hit your peak, unravelling and calling out his name. Your legs were shaking, knuckles turned white from your hold on the fistfuls of blankets. He rode you through it, slowly stopping his movements as he gently lifted you off of him.
“How was that, baby?” He breathed, looking up at you.
“S’good,” you sighed. He tapped your ass with his hand and you raised yourself up, freeing him without moving from where you were. He guided you back down his body, stopping you when you were over his hips. He didn’t give you any warning before he grabbed his cock in his hand and brought you down on him. The feeling of him inside you again was blissful. The feeling of him under you was, too. You started slowly, wanting to savour the moment. He allowed it for a few seconds, wanting that, too.
After a minute, he used a hand to pull you down to kiss him. He took the opportunity to fuck you at his own speed, hips raising from the bed and slamming into you. You moaned into his mouth, only making him fuck you harder. His tip was hitting your cervix, causing a pleasurable pain to shoot through you. You sat up again, riding him as he fucked into you. He had a hand on your hip and reached his other one up to cup your tit, grabbing your nipple and pinching it. You used one of your hands to rub circles into your clit. He was watching you carefully, soaking up every expression.
“Look so good riding me,” he mumbled, rolling your nipple between his fingers. You clenched around him, letting out a small gasp. “You’re my little whore, aren’t you?” He murmured. Your breath caught in your throat, looking down at him with wide eyes. Your orgasm was building again, pushing you closer with every move of his hips. Your fingers on your clit never slowed, desperate for another one. “Answer me.” He snapped.
“Y-yeah, I am,” You groaned. His eyes burned into you expectedly. You weren’t sure what exactly he wanted, but you had an idea. “Daddy.” you whispered. His jaw clenched, eyes rolling back in his head at the sound. You’d never pegged him for the type, but once you’d started fucking, you slowly started to realize there was a whole other side to him you knew nothing about.
“That’s my girl.” He was throbbing, also painfully close to his climax. “Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” He asked, voice faltering. He was barely holding back. Your fingers sped, not worried about holding on either. You nodded your head, but he wanted an answer. His hand on your hip moved, snaking behind you and landing a sharp slap on your ass.
“Yes, daddy, I am.” You moaned. With another thrust you came hard, palm planted on his chest so you wouldn’t fall over. “Fuck!” You cried. He wasn’t long finishing, pulling you down on his cock and staying buried in you.
“Oh fuck, y/n.” His eyes screwed shut, head falling back on the bed as he spilled into you. You collapsed on top of him, both sweaty and panting. His fingers danced over your back, tracing small patterns into your exposed skin. His lips found the top of your head, placing a sweet kiss on there. You melted into him, wishing you could stay like that with him forever.
Eventually, he helped you off of him, ordering you to lay back while he got something to clean you up with. When he returned, he wiped you off and pulled you in for a kiss. You savoured it, finally realizing that everything that happened was, in fact, real life. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, grabbing one of his shirts from his bag and handing it to you. You sat up and slipped it on. You both stood, gathering your pants from the ground. “That was fantastic.” You told him. A smile graced his lips.
“You are fantastic.” He said, pulling you into a hug. “I wish I could start every morning like that.” He sighed. You let out a giggle.
“Me, too.”
“You want to go find something to eat?” He asked. You gave a nod, making a move for the door. He grabbed your hand before you could leave the room, pulling you back to look at him. “I was also wondering, maybe, if you’d want to be my girlfriend?” A blush rose to his cheeks. You grinned, barely comprehending how he’d just had sex with you like that and was nervous to ask you to be his girlfriend. It was adorable.
“Yeah, Danny. I’d really like that.” His smile grew, too, as he pulled you in for another kiss. “Now let’s go get breakfast. We can see if the boys are still alive.” He kept his hand in yours as you both went downstairs. Nobody was in the kitchen when you got there, so you both went to work, finding something suitable to eat. In midst of cooking, the front door opened. You both turned to see Sam stumbling in. He immediately looked between both of you, raising an eyebrow. “Good morning,” you greeted.
“Glad to see you’ve both decided to join the rest of the world.” He said, making his way to the table. He took a seat before he spoke again. “I went to wake you up this morning only to find your bed empty. I thought that bear you’d been talking about really did get you.” He let out a disapproving tsk. “Turns out it was just Danny.” You felt heat rise to your face, knowing Sam knew exactly where you ended up last night.
“Yeah, I stayed with him last night. Thunder storm, couldn’t sleep.” You explained.
“Uh-huh,” Sam nodded, a mischievous smile on his face. “Josh and Jake went to check out the water earlier. I stayed back to wait for you both. Realized I would be waiting for a while, so I was forced to explore outside a little bit.” Your stomach dropped, realizing he’d heard you both this morning. You wanted to shrivel up and die.
“Shut up, Sam.” Danny dismissed him, seeing you were embarrassed.
“What! I’m happy you guys finally made a move. It was getting a little unbearable watching you two.” He laughed. You rolled your eyes, still cringing at the whole interaction. “Care to share some breakfast with the poor soul who had to listen?” You hid your face in your hand, wanting nothing more than to run away.
“Go and join your brothers,” Danny was holding back a laugh while he shoo’d him away. Sam raised his hands in defence, standing.
“Fine, I see how it is.” He stalked towards the door. “Oh, y/n?” He asked as his hand reached towards the knob. You looked to him, annoyed that he’d only come inside to poke fun at you.
“What, Sam?” You asked, knowing he wouldn’t let it go.
“Glad to see you really are enjoying the camping trip, after all.” He giggled to himself. You groaned.
“Never going to live this down, am I?” You muttered. He opened the door, taking a step outside.
“Never.” He assured you. He shut the door behind him, leaving you and Danny by yourselves again. You could tell he was trying to hold back from laughing.
“I wasn’t that loud, was I?” You asked. He looked to you from the corner of his eye.
“Um, no, I wouldn’t say so.” He tried to comfort you. You could tell he was lying.
“Danny! Why wouldn’t you say anything?” You smacked his arm. He gave a chuckle and a shrug.
“It was way too hot for me to tell you to be quiet.” You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t find it in yourself to be mad at him.
“So you just subjected me to a life full of torment?” You couldn’t help but smile, too.
“I think it was well worth it.” He pulled you into him, lips landing on yours once again. As annoyed as you were, you couldn’t help but agree. You were certain everyone in the world could hate you, but if Danny was by your side, it wouldn’t matter. You would take a lifetime worth of bullying from Sam, because you finally had the one thing you’d wanted so badly for so many years. Hell, you were even thankful for the bugs, and the bears, and especially the thunderstorm, because it landed you there with him, making breakfast and wearing his clothes, as his girlfriend.
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castle-dominion · 11 months
5x4 murder he wrote
these girls are amazing I love them my gal is just watching the clock RC: But there will be plenty of that this weekend GIRL SHUSH his whispers are great KB: (sigh) Wow, Castle. Thank you for reminding me that I’m lying to a bunch of people that I really care about so I don’t get fired on an ethics violation ‘cause I’m dating you.
KR, v loud: Hey Castle! RC: *there is no meme for the face I am thinknig of* Ryan's outfit "her boyfriend" "give uss sss ss something!"
Wow hella nice place
JE: Why would Beckett be holding out on us? KR, sounding genuine: Maybe there’s something wrong with the guy. Maybe he’s bad news. ((They care abt her)) JE, using it as an excuse: Well, then as her partners, it’s our obligation to find out who this guy is. KR: And what kind of partners would we be if we didn’t? Her safety could be at stake. JE: Exactly, and with no active murder case going on, I say we use this time to find him. ((They also,, just are curious lol))
KB: So uh, are you rich or smth? Holy this place is huge & nice
What's up with her though? Is she ok? complete privacy? already poured himself a drink? Wow she's tanned this episode.
UGH THE MUSIC IS SO SO GOOD Ooh becket, wowie
HOLY CRAP THIS MAN IS BLEEDING & DROPPING SAND I mean of course, this is a murder show Hey I only just noticed, we didn't get a teaser
I like Brady. What kind of arrangement? She's hot enough ig? & I'm sure castle had met this police chief fellow before
Watch a lot of cop shows do we? Shapiro?
becks is maaaad
castle is going into crime solving mode XD
Nice wooden table, reminds me of the altar in my fnmi church
they just want to have sex but they love the story they want justice lmao the party was killer XD
Green screen it looks like
[10:48, INT. PRECINCT, AUTOPSY – DAY] [Ryan and Esposito follow Lanie around her lab.] LP: Beckett’s boyfriend? Don’t you two have something better to do? JE: Actually, no. ((like balancing the egg)) KR: We figured Beckett must have started up with the guy during her suspension. JE: A pretty emotional time for her. I bet she needed a shoulder to lean on. KR: An ex. JE: It would explain why she’s too embarrassed to tell us who it is. It makes her look weak. KR: We’re thinking the most likely scenario is that it was the last guy that she was with. JE: Dr. Joshua Davidson. KR: Mm-hmm. JE: It’s him, isn’t it? LP: Okay, I get that you don’t have a life, Javi, but you’re married, Kevin, so what’s your excuse? KR: I— LP: Whoever Beckett’s boyfriend is, is none of your business. JE: Come on, Lanie. You must know who it is. She went back to Josh, didn’t she? LP: Is this how you interrogate people? ‘Cause you ain’t doing nothing but pissing me off. ((I love her)) [Esposito reels his expression back in.] LP: Now I don’t know who it is, and I respect Beckett’s privacy, but I do know it’s not Josh, because he’s been in the Amazon setting up free clinics for the last year. JE: Are you sure about that? [Lanie gives him an annoyed look.] KR: I think she’s sure. JE: Yeah. [Ryan’s cell rings.] KR: Hey, Castle. Yeah, I’m gonna put you on speakerphone so you can weigh in on this. ((brings castle into their convo instead of whatever castle was calling for initially)) RC: (on speaker phone) Weigh in on what? KR: (on speaker phone) Well, we’re in the morgue with Lanie trying to figure out who Beckett’s boyfriend is. ((So becks knows that her partners apparently try to look into her personal life, & even try to get castle in on it. The boys totally could have used the excuse that since she wasn't telling them they were mildly concerned)) [Beckett straightens up in her chair in fear.] LP: (on speaker phone) I have nothing to do with this nonsense. [Lanie walks off and hits Esposito on her way out.] RC: Yeah, until you’re bagging their mangled bodies when Beckett finds out. [Beckett smirks.] JE: (on speaker phone) Pfft. Like we’re afraid of Beckett. (chuckles) [Beckett purses her lips.] KR: (on speaker phone) Besides, how’s she gonna find out? [Beckett grabs for the phone angrily, but Castle snatches it off of the base first before she can blow their secret.]
poison with a gun lmao
that is like,, magenta not blood red-- wait nvm castle not normal to say! You could have said "It must be hard to be the last one to see him alive, are you doing ok?"
Yeah he barely needed to pressure her at all lol
so right, he is NOT close friends with the chief
hooker friend XD & now rick has another arrest on his record.
oh no this poor guy hasn't worked homicide before...
Making a deal! Nice! two hours in here? "relax" lmao He's going to learn how to solve homicides!
Oh no, if the precinct finds out... that would be less than good
bad coffee or good coffee?
He does indeed have friends in robbery, this is a plot point that has been mentioned before
KB: Why are you even helping them? are they trying to find a ship name? Yeah we know their ship name. (tho consistency is nice. I personally prefer kevenny over kevjen & esparish over esplanie, & rickate is fine but caskett is better... you should see my table/chart of ship names lol.)
lol just deputy jones <3 (what if it was him?)
in the ocean FOR 20 mins?
they are so hot for each other I love this meth guy lol he is crazed out
A red shark with red eyes? reminds me of that holmes novel with the LERNER I KNOW THAT NAME
Oof all that rope
I keep forgetting non-natives usually don't use "deadly" Oh wow I just googled it & apparently it is also used by australian aboriginals too, not just us up here in canada & probably the rest of north america, (but probs only english speaking parts in the americas)
Love how the police chief is just sitting there while these two are doing most of the interviewing
Group therapy? Or weight loss
exactly from 8.30 to 10?
It's going to be the chief himself lol Castle's face when he heard that name
Oh hey Sal! We know sal!
No contacting vinnie the scar! *cut to vinnie toasting salud* Yeah a surprising amount of people can't cook This has been a great way to slip into it
VC: Ooh, see, that’s the difference between Castle and me. You’ve had my complete attention since I’ve been here, sweetheart. RC: Whoa, whoa. Watch it, Vinnie. Don’t make me have to do to you what someone did to your neighbor. VC: Oh, you heard about that, huh? RC: Heard about it? The guy ended up in my pool!
castle no you went too far! You should have given a different route! You also maybe could have offered him to take home his leftovers even though the evening went poorly & you could have said you hoped time would heal this bump in the road.
solving murders is like foreplay for them. I say this about detective murdoch & doctor ogden too
Give him some linguine to make things up... Outing them is a good threat "He said he already ate" she probably heard the convo hun
Ooh nice place there! All dirty & gross! Flashlights! No vests. Also turn your phone on silent idiot sounds to me like the place is going to blow up heavy door...
WHO'S THAT? GOSH THEY HAVE A GUN Holy crap they took him down! Gosh ryan went in that direction & probs didn't see this individual here, thank goodness esposito came in right after & knocked him Wow ryan is yelling. & the other guy is just still there? & espt leaves him? wait no he takes the gun Wearing a lot of stuff rn. ppe But dang they are coughing a ton. ryan mr ex drug cop
He used to do what? Cook the books? I forget what he did & idk what that means naked by the pool? they switched places, now the one trying to be sexy & is the one worried about the murder "exactly" he says about the murder & drug case & then pulls her close
Ryan & esposito look pretty but I'm not interested in taking a pic, I'm tired maybe I will clip this tho bc the way ryan stops in front of espt ooh
Good to have your lawyer making back to making crank lol ryan is so good in this interrogation I love love it whu what do you mean girlfriend? Hey! Hey! I’ll ask the questions here,
brown but almost blonde nowadays, & I think her eyes might be hazel body type? Hot. That's how ryan knows it's beckett lol. KR: Son of a gun
KR, sitting chill, feet up (so we get to see his nice shoes): You were right, Castle. Franklin was using his helicopter to move meth to the Hamptons. Looks like you blew this case wide open. Guess you can get back to your writing now, huh? & then kate in the room frantic & "are you still there?" RC: Uh, what else did Aaron Lerner say? Did he say anything else about… anything else? KR: Oh, you know, the usual. “I didn’t do it. You got the wrong guy.” I’m pretty sure he told me everything he knows. He is SO toying with them KR, smug smile still on his face: Yeah. Good luck with the writing. *hangs up immediately*
why did he go to open the door & then,, close it? Good. But why are you telling them? Oh honour of being at the arrest
Ooh he has his gun out! Nice! I'm lucky! & plot armour
I mean, yeah, these knots are the way they go. Knots are the same. The only difference would be maybe left handed vs right handed. Oh the knot wasn't the right knot, nvm
I called it! It was the chief! OR NOT HOLY CRAP I mean... yeah *hides behind beckett* BRADY TOOK A SHOT! RC: Sorry about the whole “accusing you of murder”…still buddies? Brady: Yeah...
toast to you! Oh now they are waiting for him to leave. Hot tip "Well I shouldn't keep you, we'd better let you go, but let me walk you to the door"
Oh crap I forgot I was going to mention it's neat to have fbi contacts & we get to see ppl making use of these contacts
(also ryan's shirt looks like it was not ironed... I hate ironing & think that we as a society should stop caring about wrinkles, I just think it is an interesting fact)
JE: Well, the case in the Hamptons has been solved, but the case of the secret boyfriend remains open. Turns out Beckett’s FBI ex has been stationed in Europe for six months. KR: Huh. JE: What? You got anything? [Ryan turns around to face Esposito, and leans back in his chair, considering for a moment.] KR: Nah. No, I was just thinking, maybe we should drop it. [Esposito’s brow furrows in surprise.] KR: You know, let Beckett’s private life stay private. JE: What, you mean give up? (scoffs) A real detective never gives up on a case, bro. KR: You know it’s not a real case, right? JE: You’re gonna tell me what a real case is? KR: Uh, last time I checked, it’s when there was a murder. JE: Oh, there’s been a murder all right. Your spirit. KR: Wow. [They grab their coats and head out.] JE: Your dignity, too. KR: Huh. Well, you know what, just for that, the first round’s on you. JE: Yeah, good luck with that. [They greet a co-worker passing by.] JE: Bruce. KR:Bruce.
Ah bruce. Name for this guy now.
the story is not the hardest part... I mean sometimes it is... the idea at least is easiest. Sometimes making the story make sense is hard. But then it's the sitting down & working that is the hardest part. the music Lots of candles too, I hope they are not too close bc she has hair oh gosh they are on the bedframe what if they have rigorous sex & it makes them fall? I mean they could be into wax play ig...
cute af & I'm even 20 minutes early!
0 notes
chal-latte · 2 years
A/N: pt 2 of this fic LFG (j bc yalls cute @chalametsimp @xoxoloverb @timmymyluv @ohmysw33 @idk27131277) hope this is alright ✨ sry for the formatting 
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Liked by tchalamet, enews, chloegmoretz and 3.302.594 others
y/i/n toodle loo🥯🍳🫒🥑🧁
tagged: @tchalamet
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↪️ y/i/n baebygirl
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
chloegmoretz <3
↪️ y/i/n my angel <3
enews could this, too, be a pr stunt situation?
↪️ fanpage33 this is a sign for you to stfu
fanpage42 dude wtf 
juliafox huh
↪️ y/i/n i swear catch up soon
↪️ juliafox call me at least god
↪️ y/i/n @juliafox in a minute mom
fanpage77 lol him choosing the bagels while y/n waits for him 
fanpage20 we gonna act like him n lily actually didnt happen?
fanpage58 move tf on y/n he’s clearly still in contact w lily
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Liked by 428.004 others
deuxmoi so, what happens 15 hours after the met gala after party is timothee chalamet leaving y/n l/n’s apartment complex holding his neatly folded costume, dressed casually in his day-to-day attire. while y/n follows suit 20 minutes later looking fresh and chic. an anon said: “on the way, timothee was calling someone, saying ‘it’s over, i dont give a f*ck about her. i would never do that again.” did they sleep on the problem and continue their day like nothing happened or has it been solved? 
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fanpage47 lol wack agent
fanpage76 i’d fucking sue him idk 
fanpage45 the press and media is breaking them they dont deserve this
fanpage89 i hope everything’s alright :(
fanpage64 i swear this isnt easier for lily too 
fanpage57 the amount of hate lily’s getting is crazy pls stop 
fanpage78 L man she’s better with me 
fanpage33 kiss and make up ig 
fanpage80 hope this is for the better :( 
tchalamet mentioned @y/i/n in a story!
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tchalamet my little dove
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Liked by y/i/n, dunemovie, officialrebeccaferguson and 5.021.582 others
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zendaya real cozy up there huh
↪️ tchalamet we good
fanpage37 WE GOOD. WE GOOD.
fanpage84 i need to see tomdaya and y/ntimothee on a double date again
joshbrolin you guys want to come to my watch party?
↪️ prideofgypsies hell yeah
↪️ zendaya @joshbrolin time and date and i’ll be there
↪️ tchalamet @zendaya @prideofgypsies he only invited me but okay 
↪️ joshbrolin @tchalamet @zendaya @prideofgypsies only the younglings dude
↪️ zendaya @joshbrolin who the hell is the younglings?
↪️ joshbrolin @zendaya​ timothee and y/n 
↪️ y/i/n @joshbroliln AW we’ll be there josh <3
↪️ prideofgypsies @joshbrolin old man playing father figure. lame. 
fanpage24 pls invite my daddy oscar @joshbrolin 
fanpage90 its y/n’s hands
fanpage21 it’s ab time i said it all along it was a misunderstanding
fanpage75 remember that one interview where tim said things about how theyre meant to be with each other in this lifetime? yeah no one can separate them 
fanpage23 it can only be her’s
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Liked by juliafox, tchalamet and 2.301.943 others
y/i/n it’s probably just a case of the mondays.. am i right?
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tchalamet right baby
↪️ y/i/n 🥰
fanpage11 theyre not through but theyre back!!! we’re alive again
wandavision you’d be perfect in westview
↪️ y/i/n OMG YES i’d be a good girl for wanda 
↪️ y/i/n i mean- nvm i’d love to be a westviewer :)
↪️ tomholland2013 @y/i/n HAHAH will you look at that
↪️ y/i/n @tomholland2013 throw me a welcome party then 🤨
fanpage83 SAY WHAT
katdenningsss you are always right
↪️ y/i/n QUEEN 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
fanpage31 queen acknowledging queen so true
fanpage44 @katdenningsss​ y/n loves physics fyi
fanpage31 today is my happy day
fanpage89 my it couple 
123 notes · View notes
9w1ft · 2 years
hi! i’m new to the kaylor world and i’m a little skeptical they are still together, so this is no shade but genuine curiosity. besides mannerisms and being close to mikey, is there any actual proof josh is gay? i’m asking because what i’ve seen posted about him being gay just looks like he’s not a stereotypical ultra masculine man, but that doesn’t say gay to me.
maybe you don’t know but actually your question is such a hot button topic. it seems like anyone who answers it gets a flurry of charged messages 🙈
so while it’s not a satisfactory answer to your question, i will answer by saying that i try to focus more on the nature of his relationship with karlie, rather than asserting what he might or might not “be.”
to start, there’s an old post somewhere that goes over the beats of the social media rollout when they first became instagram official and there’s a bearding energy about it. also, he started being publicly seen with karlie around the time that he founded oscar health, and karlie promoted oscar a lot back then. the same year he gets highlighted in forbes 30 under 30. articles start painting him as some business scion. they are first linked on social media via a friends post in Jun 2012, and right before karlie and him became a public thing in Nov 2012, he was gathering a third round of investments for his thrive fund ($150m) which closed in Sep 2012 after 10 weeks of investment. after he began dating karlie, the subsequent round of investments for thrive iv would jump to $400m.
so it just makes me think, this quiet rich kid starts his first big company and it coincides with him suddenly dating a victoria’s secret supermodel, and here they go posting pics of her pointing at oscar billboards and such? idk maybe he’s just one incredibly lucky dude? or maybe it’s giving me notes of coordinated PR.
and if you think about if there is a motive to beard, i would say there is. when you’re going out there to garner investments from the elite, it (unfortunately) can help to have a certain presence. in his case, there may have been benefits to being able to complement any talk that he gives to investors with the publicly researchable tidbit that he’s dating a woman supermodel. and that’s basically what his IG is, pics of karlie, and pics of james turrell exhibits 🙈 it’s almost like a mission statement in a way.
and this is only discussing what we all can see as public spectators, when there could be motives and opportunities to privately beard as well. for example, given the potential social conservativeness of the society that he is from, he or his family might want him to maintain a closet amongst close acquaintances for his family’s image. given the hypothesis that he had been dating a guy for some time, one could imagine that the extra press exposure that comes from making a splash with business ventures might lead to him being noticed more by people with cameras when he’s with his partner. that could lead to gossip. so it seems fitting that, especially at the onset of his relationship with karlie, it seemed like whenever him and mikey were seen at an event, karlie was magically there (alternatively you might say that whenever he and karlie were seen at an event, mikey was magically there).
and if you look at some of the entertainment industry company he has kept (for example him and karlie almost always go on summer yacht trips with people like DVF/Barry Diller and David Geffen) you can see he is surrounded by mentor-aged people for whom business and bearding are bread and butter.
then, contemporarily speaking, there are just times where karlie has made what read like bearding jokes. for example, i think about this quarantine video did, fast forward to number 22, where she talks about cutting josh’s hair and calling him her “first and last client” with a clip of her taking a shaver to his head
as well, the guy isn’t on social media that much, and yet for as long as i’ve been around, he always posts like 10-15 images to his instagram stories celebrating mikey’s birthday. in contrast, some years he posts nothing for karlie’s birthday at all. and he wishes no other person a happy birthday either. just mikey 🤷🏻‍♀️ and recently, the night before the kid’s birthday he’s attending the opening of a night club in miami with mikey. meanwhile karlie is seen in new york etc.
none of these things ‘prove’ he is anything. they can all be explained away in some fashion. indeed —as is the case with taylor— in assuming they are closeted, there would always need to be a degree of plausible deniability because the goal would be to not have the truth revealable. i know this sort of ambiguity doesn’t make for a solid argument, but it’s not as if we are all a part of some debate club.. this is life. still, it’s these kinds of things in aggregate that paint a certain picture for me, one which is congruent with kaylor ☺️
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silver--storms · 4 years
Moral Support.
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Requested by the lovely @whoisshewhatisshedoing​ “ Would you do one for josh being supportive to the reader in her first art gallery show? I don’t have any specifics just go wild ig. Have a nice day! “
I’m so sorry this took me ages to get around to writing! I do hope you like it. As always, let me know what you think! 
Warnings: None, pure fluff. We love a soft Josh HC/blurb. 
Josh has always been super supportive of your art.
He is mesmerized by your talent, the way you mix the colors and structure each painting, he could watch you paint for hours. 
Josh is refreshingly honest with anything you show him, he is always kind but he’s not afraid to be critical if that’s what you need from him. 
You appreciate that he’s your biggest fan but still pushes you to do the best you can with every single piece you create. 
You had a big art show coming up for school, it was the first time any of your work would be on display and you were so nervous about it. On top of everything it counted towards half of your over all grade.
Your friend and family had tried to calm you down, assuring you that everything was going to work out and that people would love your work.
Still, while you appreciated their kind words, there was only one person you wanted to hear it from and that was Josh. 
You knew he wasn’t going to make it, he was off shooting a music video in New Mexico and wouldn’t be back in time to see your first show. 
He apologized profusely and asked if any of your family could face time him during your presentation so he could see it himself. 
He tried to assure you the best he could while being so far away, but still, you just needed him there. 
The days leading up to the show you started to second guess all of your pieces you had chosen from your collection to show case. 
You were so unsure of yourself and nothing felt quite right. You weren’t sure if you wanted to make a statement with some of your more dark themed pieces or if you wanted to showcase more of your technical talent. 
The day of the show you were a complete, frazzled mess, nothing was able to shake your nerves. 
Walking into the showcase you were already intimidated by everyone’s work, you tried not to compare yourself to the other artists but it was hard not to. 
You got in your place and patiently waited for your turn. Your hands were shaking when they announced your name. 
The crowd shifted and huddled around your table and wall section. You started to talk about what process you chose to use during the creation of each painting, why you went a certain direction and what inspired you. 
As you finished up, the crowd clapped loudly, but you heard someone whistle. It startled you, looking over you saw Josh’s bright smile piercing through the crowd of people. 
Your heart skipped a beat, him being there to support you meant everything to you. 
You finished greeting the crowd and discussing your art, eventually you were able to make your way over to Josh. 
You ran up to him, pulling him into the biggest hug, he leaned back and giggled at your excitement. 
“How are you here? You’re supposed to be in New Mexico?!” you exclaimed in a shriek.
Josh gently lifted you up off your feet, spinning you around in a circle and laughed “I wouldn’t have missed this for anything.” he said while kissing your cheek. 
“You were brilliant, you captivated the whole room. I never doubted you for a minute. “
You smiled into his shoulder and let out a deep exhale as the stress of the last few weeks melted away in his warmth.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Starcrossed Losers VIII (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Listen, I’m not saying my heart hurts every time I write their shitty talks, but I really need a hug right now. I’m too soft. Also, you guys prefer short chapters or long chapters? cause I have a 6k draft and idk if I should divide it into two parts or post it like that lmaoo
Words: 3,782
Warnings: Uh, sadness and we get a sort of graphic death scene. Alex has a gun to get rid of ghoulies so that’s also a thing ig?? The fluff might suffocate you.
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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I bet you’re not surprised. This whole story started with me telling you that my life changed because of Josh. I guess is not a shocker to find out I didn’t leave the mall. Although the circumstances must’ve been surprising right? No? Okay then, party poopers. I’ll keep going with my narration:
“Where is he?”
“Still on the carrousel,” Angelica tells me, “he’s been there since last night”
“You keep giving him the slime?”
“Yes, I also make sure he eats it”
“Well, at least he’s eating something,” I sigh, “I don’t get it, where do you found her body again?”
Wesley coughs, he’s laying on the couch in front of me, so I can’t see his face but I can hear his voice:
“The middle of the street, close to a parking lot”
“Close to Cheeramazon territory?”
“No, no one lives there.”
“What was she doing there?”
“Maybe she was looking for Josh,” Offers Angelica, “you and Josh were loners, Sam could’ve been one too, only that she wasn’t lucky”
I think about it for a moment, Sam and Josh were sorta dating when all this happened, they fought and she wants to fix things but she’s alone and things get out of control. It’s an awful thought, yet possible. 
“Why didn’t you tell me when you got back?” I ask them, “you seemed okay when I talked to you...”
“You were happy to see us back with the medicines,” Wesley retorts, “we didn’t want to ruin your mood. I know we did it anyway the next morning but at least you got to sleep better that night, right?”
“I suppose,” I sink further in the bed.
That afternoon I tell Angelica that I’ll take the slime to Josh and a small cup of the instant chicken soup I had on my bag.  He’s laying on the floor, his eyes are closed, however, I know he’s not sleeping. I know cause I’ve seen the way he looks when he sleeps. 
Okay, that sounded creepy. Ignore that I said that.
I walk up to him and kick his leg softly. He opens his eyes and looks over at me.
“Time to eat,” I put the bowl with slime next to his head and the chicken soup next to it, then I sit on his right. Josh gets up and takes the first bowl between his hands.
“I’m getting real’ tired of the taste,” His voice is low, hurting.
“You should’ve thought of that before cutting off your finger” I reply.
“I was preoccupied thinking about not becoming a Ghoulie.”
“Right,” I smile softly, “how are you feeling?”
“Like crap,” He looks at me briefly before putting his attention back on the slime, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Okay,” I change my position so I’m facing him completely, “I just want you to know that I get it. You don’t have to tell me anything but I know how you feel.”
He looks up again and this time his eyes remain on me, curiosity pouring through them.
“Your sister?”
“My sister, my parents, my best friend...” I sigh, “it’s all the same at the end if I’m honest”
“What do you mean?”
“My sister...” I explain, “I didn’t know exactly how old you had to be to turn into a ghoulie, so part of me was expecting to see her fine. Once I lived through that nightmare, everything else just felt... numb.”
“You sure this is the right hall?”
“Yes, Alex. Now stop talking before another horde of Ghoulies run our way.”
“That was one time and it was an accident!”
“Everything bad that happens to us because of your impulsiveness is always an accident according to you,” I reply sternly, “here...”
I point to the door on our left, my hands shaking.
“You ready?” Alex asks, holding the door’s handle.
“No,” I yelp, “I have to do it anyway...”
“Should I?”
“Open the door.”
Alex complies. It’s too dark to tell if there’s someone inside the dorm, I step in, with the boy following suit, too scared to talk. I pull out my phone and turn on the flashlight.
Something moves under the covers of the bed. We jump back and the light trembles thanks to my own nerves. I decide to reach for the bed.
“Y/N...” Alex whispers beside me, “I don’t feel good about this.”
“Shh!” I look back at him, annoyed, “Maybe she’s hurt!”
I grab the covers tightly. For the first time in ten years, I want Alex to be wrong.
“It’s me, Vinchi,” I whisper at the figure, “Katie..?”
There’s a loud screech, then all I can see it’s a bloody face over mine with a set of familiar brown eyes. Katie scratches my arms and face, she pushes my head up so my neck is exposed and bites me. Hard. I scream and twitch under her, crying in pain. Then I hear a loud thud and her body slams against the bed’s frame.
I straighten up and put a hand over the bite, she didn’t get to tear off skin, but there’s plenty of blood and it’ll leave a scar. Katie is standing up again when Alex helps me to get on my feet.
“She’s gone, Y/N,” He tells me, but I can’t bring myself to believe him.
“No, not her. She’s young,” I insist, fighting to get out of his grip, “she’s just scared!”
“Look at what she did to you! She’s dangerous Y/N, we have to leave!”
“I can’t leave her!” I scream, “She’s my sister, I can’t leave her like this!”
“We can’t take her with us, she’s a Ghoulie!”
Katie attack us again, but this time I kick her before she gets to touch us. She crashes against the desk and the chair falls beside her. Katie’s on her knees when I jump into action and grab the chair, lifting it up and hitting her head with all my strenght.
“Fuck!” I tear up, “Why you?!”
I hit her at least twelve times. I was crying the whole time, the bite in my neck was pulsating and my hands felt stiff and soar from holding onto the chair like my life depended on it. I was angry and devastated, I just wanted all to be over soon.
I couldn’t recognize her face afterwards. I thought that was good, cause then it wasn’t her. Unfortunately, my brain didn’t have the same opinion. I do know that was my sister. I can’t forget.
“Although I did forget her last words,” I tell Josh, “actually, I think she turned into a Ghoulie in her sleep and I don’t know if that’s the reason why she wasn’t talking but I hope so, cause I don’t remember if she say something before I killed her.”
“Shit,” The soup is probably cold by now, but he’s not really paying attention to what he’s eating, “Do you really have... uh, you know, where she bit you?”
I pull the collar of my shirt to reveal the scar.
“I’m not self-conscious about it,” I say before he even asks, “if anything, this is sort of like the last thing I have left from my sister.”
“That’s a pretty dark thought,” He replies with worry.
“Is it?” I tilt my head, “yeah, I think you’re right.”
“You must’ve bled a lot... How did you get out?”
“I wasn’t alone, remember?” I let go of my shirt so my scar is covered again, “Alex was there”
“We need to get somewhere safe so I can help you with the bite,” Alex rasps as he pushes a Ghoulie down the main stairs.
“The blood will attract them, Al. You have to leave me.”
He grabs my arm tightly and practically drags me outside the building towards our car. It’s surrounded by Ghoulies but he pulls out his gun and shots as many as he can reach on his first try. 
Alex didn’t know how to use a gun before the nuke, he learned fast cause the circumstances were asking for it. He quickly became accostumed and I made sure to always have enough bullets in case of an emergency.
“We need to leave now!”
I get inside the car, holding tightly my wound. Alex drives back to town as fast as he can, none of us has said a word, Katie’s body still present in our minds.
“There’s bandages on the back seat.”
“I know,” I reply without moving, “I told you to leave me behind.”
“You’re my best friend, I can’t do that”
“What if I turn into a Ghoulie?”
“We saw how Phillip got bitten and he was okay afterwards.”
Alex stops near Glendale when he offers a new plan.
“What if we don’t come back?”
“Let’s get out of here,” Alex turns on his seat to look at me, “we have nothing but crappy memories of this place, we could make a whole new life outside... together”
I stay silent for what it feels like ages, my friend waits uneasy. 
“That’s a bad idea,” I open the door and get out.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m getting my stuff,” I open the back door and grab my two bags, “I’m leaving”
“You wanna go back?” Now he’s also out of the car, “To Glendale? The shittiest town you could live in right now?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not the shittiest”
“You know what I mean,” Alex grabs my wrist softly, but it’s enough to further my annoyance, “we could travel, never settle down in one place... and there’s literally no adults to tell us we can’t”
“That’s all you can think of?” I ask in rage, “our parents where also part of the adults, our families just died. I- for fucks sake, Alex, I just had to kill my sister!”
“I know that!” He replies in the same tone, “I was there! Both times! And both times I got you out of trouble!”
“Jesus, thank you so much for shooting my dad in the face, Alex. I don’t know why I never thanked you for that.”
“That wasn’t your father anymore,” He lets go of me, “ Why are you so upset about it, I saved your life!” 
“Because they were my fucking parents!” I drop the bags on the floor, “It’s not my fault if you don’t care about how yours are probably eating european kids right now, is not my fault that your parents left you alone even before the explosion!”
I see how his expression changes and I don’t deserve to feel sad cause I did that on purpose, I couldn’t stay with him after what I had done. To me, that whole experience had taught one thing: Staying with someone would only increase the posibilities of dying or killing against my will. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do that a second time. Besides, nothing felt right anymore, I wasn’t the same, my life wasn’t the same, I didn’t want to get hurt or to accidentally hurt someone innocent. I had to remain alone.
We had ran out of chances. We simply weren’t a good team anymore. Forcing ourselves to work it out cause we didn’t have anyone else was cruel and unfair to both of us, it would only slow us down.
“You know what?” Alex steps back, his eyes colder than ever, “You’re right. I don’t have to waste my time trying to convince a coward.”
Two could play the same game, I thought as my heart stung at his words, I deserve what he’s telling me. I am scared, I am a running away. I’m a coward.
“Leave me alone,” I reply, picking up my things and walking away.
“Have a good life, Y/N.” 
You’d think that when someone means something to you for a long period of time the goodbye has to be something epic. Their last words won’t be dull and you’ll get to hug them one last time. 
It didn’t happen at all. I walked back to Glendale while he drive away and that was it. I was permanently broken, staying with him would’ve been a constant reminder of how nothing would ever work out the way I wanted. 
So I just let him go. 
“And back in Glendale where I had no one,” I exhale, now both of us laying on the floor, “I had one place to stay. I knew the jocks had taken over the school so I got in without being noticed. Mona Lisa never questioned how did I get there but since I never caused her problems she let me stay and used me as some sort of janitor.”
“And you let her treat you like that?”
“She didn’t mistreat me,” I frown, “I guess she couldn’t care less about me. There were bigger targets to fry. That’s when they started to kill kids.”
“And you decided to live on your own,” Josh states. 
“My parent’s house was still in one piece and although their bodies were there, it was easier to just drag them out than to look somewhere else to live,” I add, “it was hard at first, but once I got the hang of it I never thought about going back with the Jocks or with my old friends.”
“And why did you leave that place?” 
“It got destroyed. The mutant dog, a giant...”
“A giant pug,” He finishes at the same time.
I turn my head, staring intently.
“The pug attacked you too?” I smile.
“I had this dope mansion at the other side of town,” He replies with nostalgia, “it was great. I went back one night and found the pug in the garage. It wasn’t safe anymore, so I couldn’t stay.”
“Stupid pug,” I shake my head, “we should go out one day and hunt it.” 
“My dad showed me how to hunt, you know?” Josh mentions, “all the survival things I know...”
“Is he..?”
“Yeah. It happened before the nuke,” He turns his head to me, “the same day, just hours before the explosion.”
“Shitty, right?”
“Life tends to be like that,” I feel the back of his hand against mine. I fight the need to inch closer, “we learn from it, I guess”
“What could we learn from something like that?” He frowns, “that no matter what we do, people we love is always going to die?”
“They way I see it, it’s all for a reason,” I reply calmly, “if my sister hadn’t turned into a Ghoulie, right now I’d be traveling around the country with Alex and her. You and I wouldn’t have run into each other, and maybe you would’ve died after cutting your finger. That would’ve sucked, right?”
“I... guess. Yeah,” He stares at me intently, “that would have sucked.”
I feel a familiar warmth creeping up my chest and I try to push it down.
“Or maybe not,” I squeak, “maybe we’re just randomly running around like headless chickens and I’m bullshitting you just to make you feel better and-”
He pushes a strand of hair away from my face and I freeze.
“You ramble a lot,” Josh smirks, “either way, it kind of worked. I think.”
“You think?” I ask, “you’re easy to cheer up”
“Or I just really like talking to you” He jokingly offers.
“Who wouldn’t? According to you, I’m the coolest loser in town,” Josh snorts at my comeback.
“You definitely are a loser,” the boy agrees. 
Before I can help it, his hand is holding mine, he gives it a light squeeze.
“You should stop being so caring, though,” He continues, “I’m running out of ways to thank you”
“I’m curious to find out how creative you can get, to be honest,” I grin, “you’ll have to start giving me offerings”
“What, you’re naming yourself the goddess of the mall now?”
“Bitch, I might,” I straighten up, still holding his hand, “I think I would do a great job as a deity.”
“Hey, losers-” Angelica stops talking when she sees us laying on the ground, “Oh, come on. Wesley! Josh’s depression got to Y/N and now both of them are moping!”
“I’m not moping,” I counter, standing up and letting go of the boy’s hand, “we were just talking. And I was about to leave, anyway.”
“You were?” Josh asks, sitting up hastily, “Now?”
I stare at him in confusion for his outburst, until I realize he thinks I’m talking about leaving the mall for good.
“Not the mall,” I correct nervously, “I’m not leaving. I mean, at least not right now. I’m just leaving this hall.”
“Oh,” His shoulders relax, “when are you leaving the mall, then?”
“Yeah, Y/N?” Angelica smiles knowingly, “When?”
“Undecided,” I glare at the young girl, “I figured this place isn’t so bad after all and you guys need me. I’m safe. It’s better if I don’t go.”
“That’s cool!” Josh smiles, “I’ll get you a notebook...”
I laugh, starting to walk away with Angelica.
“Whatever you want, Wheeler.”
As I’m walking, I feel Angelica’s stare burning holes in me.
“What now?” I sigh, stopping in front of her.
“Nothing,” She shrugs, “I was thinking”
“You do that all the time,” I cross my arms, “Is this about your crazy idea of forming a new tribe? Cause you can forget it, I’m not staying for that long.”
“You and Josh...” She mentions innocently.
“Me and Josh, what?” I ask harshly.
“You seem to be getting along.”
“We’re the only ones in this mall that never got on our nerves, you mean,” I reply sarcastically, “don’t even try to talk me into your crazy plans.”
“I’m just saying,” She gives me her best, innocent smile, “he was in a better mood! It’s clear that you have chemistry...”
“You just found Sam’s body,” I reply in a hurried whisper, “Josh is grieving and I’m only trying to help him cope. You’re out of your mind if you think this means I’ll try to get in his pants.”
I turn around to leave, Angelica surely is frustrated cause I decided to not listen to her insinuations. Josh and I are not a thing. Simply cause I say so.
Nighttime is upon us and I’m on the second floor killing time, going left to right on my new pair of skates to loosen them up so I feel comfortable in them. I have earphones on and the music distracts me from the annoying silence that falls on this place when no one is up. Or when I think no one is up. 
Soon enough, I’m proved wrong by Josh. He walks straight into my practice and all I can do is lessen my speed before I crash against him.
“Shit!” He catches me with his injured hand and holds to the railing with the other.
We end up in this ‘prince-charming-catches-the-damsel-before-hitting-the-ground’ position that is more embarrassing than romantic. I try to stand up on my own but the wheels keep making me trip and Josh holds my waist firmly, pulling me up and helping me stay still.
How many times are we gonna fall into each other’s arms like it’s a soap opera?
Josh says something but I signaled him to stop and I take my earphones off.
“Uhm, thanks for catching me. Sorry for almost killing you this time. What were you saying?”
“I said that you need to start watching where you’re going,” He snickers.
“Rude,” I scoff, “but really, you needed something?”
“Oh, I-uh...” He plays with his bandages, lost in thought. I want to stop him cause it could ruin them, "The things you told me today... I know it's hard to talk about it. I appreciate that you trust me and I... I keep thinking about this thing, and I wanted to ask you something about Alex"
“Oh,” Oh. Do I give myself away that easily? “What about him?”
“You had a thing with him, right?” Fuck. Give me a break, won’t you?
“I, uh-I mean, I never really...” I ramble, then I notice that he’s holding back a shy laugh and I just shake my head miserably, “it’s a long story”
"Well, I don’t get it,” He sits on the bench next to us and pulls me with him so I sit with him, “Why didn’t you say yes? He offered you a new life to do whatever you wanted, Why not going?”
“Cause I didn’t want a new life. I wanted the old one,” I shrug, “after the nuke I understood that no amount of freedom would ever give me the peace that being on my own could give me. It was better. That way I don’t exist for the rest of the world.”
“Sorry for ruin your plan,” He passes a hand through his hair in an anxious manner, “I didn’t know...”
“Exactly, you didn’t. So don’t apologize for something you didn’t do on purpose”
We stay silent for a second, then Josh speaks up again, this time with a shy demeanor.
“You exist for me now,” He replies in all honesty, his eyes have a strange gloom on them, “and even if you leave, you’ll exist in my head. I don’t think I’ll be able to forget about you this time. You're the girl that saved my life after all.”
That is the sweetest thing someone’s said to me in a long time and I can’t believe it had to be Josh Wheeler the one saying it. How dare he?
“I only wanted you to know that you’re not alone, so I told you my story. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable or...” I start to apologize, but he quickly interrupts me.
“It didn’t. Things didn’t go as planned but you’re right. I think they’re going to get better... eventually, I hope.”
“If you ever want to talk about your dad... you don’t have to,” I nudge him gently, “but if you ever want to talk about him or someone else, I’m here. I’m with you.”
“I know,” Josh smiles softly, “I’m with you too. And I’m glad I crashed into you in that alley,” He jokes.
I don’t know what to answer back. Am I happy or am I resentful because he dragged me into this madness? Was my life going as good as I’m trying to picture it? I honestly don’t know.
All I know is that I like being friends with Josh Wheeler and he’s glad he met me. Nothing else. No romantic feelings at all from any side. Just as it should be.
@letsbloodmagic @hollywaterpls
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andyeehaw-mack · 5 years
So I stayed clear of spoilers (yes!) and got to watch andi mack live while my parents where outside so I could scream all I want to lol. Heres my live reaction in case anyone cares. (Sorry for all the 😭)
Omg I'm scared
Wow cece is going to LET them party, hmm
Wow bex dont know what maracas is lol
Yall really trynna hide andi's letter yall ain't slick 🤨
Wow this party is really fancy considering its gonna be messed up and sweaty in the end. I mean that's how normal middle school parties go
Omg the dress!!!
Ohhh so that's what the cyrus and buffy look back was.. we where off
Buffy really said "I see" like she wasnt staring
Cyrus I so disappointed 😭😭 disney channel really out here
Ohh so he was talking to buffy when he was deluding himself
I'm sorry but how was cyrus dancing oskdksks
Ew kira
Yass tj defend your boyfreind
Tj dont be sad over her
Damn celia
Born this way??
Hes singing???
Shes singing??
They're singing??
They're still singing??
Oh no jandi
The nine year olds that ship them are getting fed tonight
Also all these references to the past seasons
Are they are talking like they did when they first met!!
Lmao, I shouldn't laugh but right after buffy walked off, this girl came through dancing with glow sticks and ruined the moment
Buffy where are you going
Omg omg omg omg omg
They kiss!!!
Yall thought it wasnt going to happen (including me)
Omg the bench
This is gonna be gay
Yes finally you realize Kira isnt good for you
So tj said the "nice person trying to get out" line. Makes sense
Omg the antisipation
Thelonious jagger?????
Thelonious Jagger kippen???
Tj you ain't slick we see you hands
They are gay! Ahhhh! on disney! We are witnessing history!
Omg they are so small
She got in!!
Go after your dreams andiman!
Jonah looks a little jealous that he's not apart of that picture lol
Oh jonah
Of course buffy isnt saying goodbye
The cast pics!!
Did this boy just say jammin'? Omg my son
That girl is right it was the best moment this season
Those girls freaking out are my mood
They look back at cyrus coming out!
Wow josh, a king, right as always
Omg emily is so pretty
Wow Luke's hair!
Everything they said has me emotional
They're singing!! 😭😭😭 ahh
Wow, its really over. I wasnt a lot in this fandom but I appreciate all of you. I'm glad disney got this far and they credit they gave andi mack. They have never ended a show like they did tonight with all the look backs and memories. The good hair crew and all of our children are forever in our hearts.
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fearlyssa · 6 years
Hi! I noticed you are one of the stauch supporters of kaylor even after the debacle. Can you please share why you still think they are together? Cause im being a weak kaylor right now. Thanks! 😘
Ok so this is going to be long but basically I just don’t see why it would mean they broke up. Like I know they haven’t been seen together in a long time and she might want to stay closeted even if Taylor doesn’t whether they broke up or not but I don’t see why even if that were the case why she’d have to go so hardcore with it and I don’t think it’s for money either because she already has money and they’re in a TON of debt for being as rich as they are. Plus no amount of money should be enough to connect yourself with a family of criminals and possibly implicate yourself. I think it was done more for him and his family’s benefit to cover up what they’re doing than to benefit her and that’s probably why it came out of nowhere when it seemed like they were maybe finally going to break up. As to why she’d cover for them, I think she might have agreed to something like that in the contract with him and/or Scooter Braun that she signed 6 years ago before he was associated with the Trumps and their criminal activity and she can’t get out of it just yet. And as much as we all hate him I do actually think they’re kind of friends just from bearding for so long but don’t worry there likely won’t be a wedding. (And even if there was, because Lavender weddings DO still happen, it would be a short lived “marriage” and still wouldn’t convince me in the slightest that their relationship was real. Nothing in this world could tbh, they’re both way too gay for that! lmao) They just needed to temporarily be closeted and cause a distraction. Plus it brings more attention to their relationship that no one cared about before so more people will be paying attention to their breakup and will be more shocked and sad about it so it’ll make even more sense as to why she would need to seek solace from Taylor (and Taylor from her after she breaks up with Joe), a friend she supposedly hasn’t talked to in like two years, and how that might cause them to get together themselves and realize/revist their feelings for each other and maybe why it wasn’t working out for them with men. I don’t think they’ll really address it in a big way though, more just be seen together holding hands, kissing etc. until people just put two and two together and figure it out. If they’re forced to address it directly they’ll probably just say they’re bi or don’t like labels and I could see it being years before that happens if they can help it. That way they don’t out their past beards or seem like liars who faked all their relationships. But I think they’ll stop bearding for good after this so it’ll be even more obvious than before even if they’re not confirming it. And I think this will start soon with her breaking up with Joe this fall (either in September before his movies come out or in November after they come out) because they’ll both have gotten all they needed from each other (some PR and closeting and the longest term fauxmance they could probably hope for at “two years”) and they’ll both be conveniently busy anyway. He’ll be doing promo and her tour will be over or almost over but she’ll still need to film Cats so it’ll be perfect timing. Then Karlie and Josh will follow suit not too soon but not too long either and she and Karlie can “reconnect” at some point in this timeline and start coming out more in earnest all within the next year or so before her next album is announced (and the sooner the better so people won’t wonder how she had time to write so many love songs about her) so that she can be even more open about it in her music in the next era and maybe MAYBE even use female pronouns or at least stop using male ones for good. That’ll go a long way in people starting to pick up on it (there was already an increase in Kaylors this era and how often she meets Kaylor fans and they haven’t seen each other - in public anyway - once since then). I think (judging by what all the big Kaylor blogs with sources have been saying anyway) that this has been their plan basically since they first got together in 2014 but then Kissgate almost outed them too soon so they couldn’t come out in the 1989 era and had to go WAY underground (but not at first or in a super obvious way) and still beard for a while while until they could find the perfect time to come back together and finally come out. (after she’s brave enough to renter the spotlight for the first time in a while and they both broke up with their boyfriends) I don’t think the engagement was part of the plan to begin with but after they realized they had no choice I think they just had to roll with it and it’s probably been hard and might set them back a few months or something but they’ve already been through a lot so I think they’ll survive this too and come out of it even better and stronger than ever. As to why I still feel this is their plan and nothing changed recently to cause or because of the faux engagement, like I said I just haven’t seen as much proof as there is to suggest they’re still together. For instance, they haven’t been seen together for a long time because they’ve been hiding but there’s really nothing to suggest they have any hard feelings towards each other and they’ve just seemed happier than ever the entire time even to this day. They were spotted a couple times together but photos were purposely not taken and/or posted or were quickly deleted. The album is filled with all love songs about her and no breakup songs despite supposedly having gone through two breakups, around when the album came out Karlie presented an award she won when she’d never been involved in country music before, she was left off the Junior jewels T-shirt because she doesn’t want her like a best friend ;) and I think her hanging out with Katy Perry was just click bait so the general public would still think about them in the sentence but would think (or at least wonder about it) they weren’t friends anymore so that the rumors would temporarily go away and everyone would believe whole-heartedly in their beards and not think they were faking relationships or cheating on them. Karlie’s Dad also told a fan (with the username reputationisaboutkarliekloss on IG) in February or March that they were still friends, when asked they kind of avoid the question but suggest that they are and Karlie still likes Taylor’s posts. Even Abigail liked the engagement post and would have no reason to care or even know let alone support her if she and Taylor broke up or were never together. Everyone knows and is in on it and all the big Kaylor blog’s sources have been saying they’re fine even after it happened. (And if they weren’t why would Taylor have still been so happy and seemingly gung-ho about coming out, or at least dropping gay hints, last night if she had no real reason to anymore?) So although I have no way to 100% prove that not having any sources myself I do believe they are in fact still together (and I personally believe have even been engaged for a while now but not everyone thinks so) and planning to come out to some extent within the next year. They’re smart girls who always have a plan when it comes to their careers so I think we just have to trust them, have faith in their process right now and just wait and see what happens before we make any snap judgements (I think the song with Hayley was just her trolling us/fueling the rumors so we won’t know what to think but will know we weren’t crazy about her being gay at least). After all they didn’t spend 4+ years being the perfect soulmates for us to be weak Kaylors! #Kaylorrisein20gayteen (or at least 2019) ❤️🏳️‍🌈☕️Ps. If you made it to the end of my long, unorganized response, thank you! Sorry if it was hard to get through but I hope it helped. Don’t give up hope! 😘
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Anastasia’s Interview!
I already told you all on Anastacia’s IG profile that this week things are going to be a little bit different. Instead of a full chapter I used my journalist skills to write an interview, the one we’ve been talking about on past chapters.
I thought it was a fun idea and many of you don’t know that I’m actually a journalist so it was a great oportunity for my to put my knowledge to the test.
I hope you all like it and don’t forget to give feedback!
Thank you all for reading this crazy thing that I’m writing!
  “We want to step out of the Chili Peppers’ shadow”
A new album and the same old attitude give Dead Curse all the elements to finally reach the long way to the top of rock and roll
 The music world these days is weird. It’s constantly changing and many – too many – styles adjoin at the same time. You have a huge variety to choose. Some musicians play safe finding a beat that works for them and stick to it forever, others are not afraid of change and keep renewing their sounds from time to time. I’m about to have a conversation with a musician that belongs to the second group, a girl who is always testing new ways to show her talent and creating new melodies. Maybe that’s the reason she is one of the most valued producers in the last 10 years, being responsible of creating massive hits for artists like Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Imagine Dragons and even pop queens like Britney Spears and Madonna.
You would have thought that she takes the stage with over elaborated choreographies, but her personal music style is far from that. She leads a rock band, quite a famous one, a very original group that mixes sweet melodies with powerful lyrics and helps bring back the sensuality of old rock and roll acts.
She definitely exudes a sexy vibe. She takes a seat in front of me wearing a sports bra with the phrase “Not your babe” in the front and high-waisted leggings. You could think she’s coming right from the gym but her face tells a different story, no makeup and a smile after a yawn show her tiredness, “Sorry, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a while”, she says, her big blue eyes shine and everybody in the press room at the Meadows Festival turn their heads to her. I’m in the presence of a star.
It’s been a wild year…
“Tell me about it!” She laughs. “We’ve been doing a lot of things and this tour took forever”.
But I imagine it must’ve been fun.
“Oh it was. It definitely was. We are close to the end now and I’m gonna miss everyone, but we are ready to take the lead, do our own thing now and kind of step out of the Chili Peppers’ shadow”
The Chili Peppers are big shoes to fill.
“Yeah, but we are not trying to fill them. They are who they are and we are a completely different band”.
How did this happen? Who’s idea was it of touring together?
“I think it was Anthony’s. Last year we did our usual festival tour, we played on some of the same festivals and I have known Anthony, Flea and Chad practically since I moved to Los Angeles back when I was 12. Anthony was my sister Barbara’s neighbor – He still is – and they are very close friends, so, you know, they were always together and hanging out at our place and they are like family to me. I’ve known Josh for a long time too, almost seven years now so there was a precedent there for sure. We started hanging out – they were on the finishing stages of planning their own world tour, and it was probably Anthony the one that had the idea to put us as an opening act. I was shocked.”
“Because our styles are very different, our audiences couldn’t be any more different so I thought it was a crazy idea but, at the same time, it was an incredible opportunity for us to gain new fans.”
And you did.
“Yeah, it feels really good to know that although they don’t attend the shows to see our band, their fans still support us. At first we were just going to do the Europe leg, but people started to request us in other places. That was a great feeling.”
But here you are, tired of touring.
“Not like that,” she laughs again. “It’s just that the schedule is crazy. Two weeks on, two weeks off. We should do all the dates together and finish this shit in six months, you know? The say that it’s because they want to spend more time with their families but, if we shortened this huge amount of dates they would all have even more time to spend with their children. You start touring for two weeks, you get used to that tour routine but then you have to back home… you get used to your home routine and then you have to go back to tour, again and again, and you don’t know what to do. My sleeping schedule is fucked.”
You would think that touring with the Chili Peppers is a wild experience.
“But it’s not, at all! I imagined Flea would be running around naked at every venue, but they all act like responsible adults now. They are grounded men that demand veggies and a variety of teas in their dressing rooms; they are quite boring to be honest. Chad’s the man for us in the other hand; he was always up for a drink every day off. Overall, it has been more like a religious experience, they have taught us a lot about this side of the music business and we will be forever grateful for that.“
You have a new album that will be released soon and you have said before that it’s a new age for Dead Curse.
“I’m so happy and proud of this record. It’s totally different from everything we have done before and is heavily influenced by this whole touring experience. We never really planned to put out another record so soon. We wanted to finish the tour, get some rest and then go back to the studio but we, as a band, were having such an inspirational rush and making all this amazing songs that we didn’t want to put it on hold, we wanted everybody to hear the new material.”
What makes it different from your other work?
“Musically, it’s a ground we haven’t covered before. It’s an album that was made to be played live, it has a big stadium anthem vibe, and at the same time it’s the perfect record to blast on your car or in your bedroom. It’s powerful, it’s pure rock… We have never sounded as tight as a band before. We have finally found a way to highlight each one of our talents. Nick plays incredible guitar solos, Mandy came up with the catchiest bass lines and at the same time Eric has never played those drums as hard as he did on this album. I’m proud; I think we reached the place we always wanted to be at as a band. We always, well… I always liked to adorn our melodies with a lot of extra instruments like trumpets, harps, violins, mostly because I started as a classical musician and I thought that was what made us different from the rest, but in this one we ditched all of that. We kind of started that in our last album, but here it’s just us with our instruments; I may have included some piano notes or maybe a synthesizer or two, but it’s mostly us showing what we can do with the basics”.
The recording process was different too.
“Yes, because we would usually enter the studio and start from zero there, but in this case we were making songs since the beginning of the year while we were touring, we would record in bathrooms in hotel rooms, and then we had some free time so we decided to enter the studio just to organize what we already had. We kind of recorded this album live because we would play all the instruments in one take and then I would add the vocals, while before, we used to make each sound separately. We also went out of our comfort zone and recorded the album in the desert. We did some takes in an amazing place near Joshua Tree called Rancho de Luna, and we also recorded at the Battle Born Studios in Las Vegas. So all of that influenced the sound vibe for this record.”
Why Las Vegas?
“I went to Las Vegas for a while because it’s this big show city and I wanted to translate that vibe into the album. I wanted it to be a big show album.”
Lyrically, is it different?
“Yeah. The last album we made was sort of a cathartic experience for me. I turned the pen to my experience and it was a whole album about me. This time I went back to diversity and I shared my experiences, but I wrote about Mandy’s, Nick’s, and Eric’s experiences as well, and even experiences of some dude we met in Russia, you know? It’s different and I’m glad that I went back to that. I don’t really like to write about me and that made the last album so hard to make, so I’m more relaxed this time because it doesn’t feel like my album but a band’s album.”
Why did you pick Josh Klinghoffer to produce the album?
“I know how much Josh likes to be in a studio. We developed a big friendship over this tour and he was dying to do something different than the Peppers at that point, so we thought he was perfect for the job. It was a challenge for him too, because he wasn’t comfortable with the kind of music we wanted to project, and although the original plan was to produce the record on our own, we realized that we needed an outsider’s opinion. Josh is a close friend and someone we trust with our guts. He has an amazing music taste and he brought all these British band influences that can be heard on some songs. Each member of the band, as individuals, has very different tastes in music: Nick is more punk, Mandy is all about what’s new and the R&B scene, Eric likes the old rock and roll, I’m a fan of soft rock melodies so we definitely needed someone that glued all of that together, and that person was Josh.”
With all those different styles you may think yours is a tough band to be part of.
“We are so different from each other. In the beginning, many people thought that we weren’t gonna make it. The age difference plays an important role too, but we managed to overcome it and the idea of doing what we love and expressing ourselves through music is what moves us. We know how lucky we are everyday for being able to do what we love and making a living out of it. Many fail on the way but we are keeping strong, even with our differences.”
Don’t you want to kill each other all of the time?
“Oh! Every day” She laughs.
Does it bother you when people say the success of Dead Curse is attached to your last name?
“It used to bother me, but not anymore. I came to terms with it. I won’t lie to you, I do think that being Nick Truman’s daughter helped us gain notoriety in a very short time, but if it wasn’t for our talent and passion for what we do we wouldn’t have come this far.”
In the past, you’ve said that being in this business while suffering from chronic depression could lead to suicide. Do you still think so?
“Yeah, every day. But luckily, I have an amazing support group around me that helps me when I’m down.”
How have you coped with such a long tour?
“Surprisingly, I haven’t had a panic attack or a full-on depression episode during this tour. I’m in my element, doing what I love and that helps a lot. I know it sounds cheesy but without music I wouldn’t be here today. I was having a lot of trouble keeping myself afloat back when I was 14, and entering a studio and starting to make music for such a big part of my life gave me the push and have a purpose to wake up every morning.”
Some can’t do that. Lady Gaga just canceled her tour because of her health issues.
“Mental issues, they aren’t just issues. I love what Lady Gaga is doing, erasing the stigma from mental illness. She is strong and we all need time to heal to give the audience the best version of ourselves.”
Do you give yourself to your audience? Do you care what other people think of your music or not, as long as you are happy with it?
“I think when you have talent and passion and you are so sure of the way you express yourself, it translates into what you offer to the public and they embrace things well done. I think that saying ‘I don’t give a shit about what other people think’ is such a strong statement. I just like to express myself, not thinking if people are going to like it or not, so… yeah, in a way I just don’t give a fuck” She laughs.
Dead Curse has been cataloged as a festival band, are you okay with that? Was that the road you all wanted to take?
“When we started the band we never had any goal of being as a certain thing, we just wanted to play music and to express ourselves through it. Everything that happened from there was organically done. I love to play at festivals. First you get to play to such huge crowds, you also get to see friends otherwise would never encounter and you get to discover new bands and artists, that is something I love to do. Festivals are all fun and games. We just had the best experience ever headlining Glastonbury which was something that never in a million years I would have thought we’d do.”
How did that feel? Do you think you reached a peak as a band after that?
“It’s all downhill from here”, She laughs. “As I told you, we never had any goals as a band to do things like that, but Glastonbury was definitely a dream come true for me. I attended so many editions of the festival and I always found myself watching a certain band play and thinking ‘One day it’s gonna be us up there’ so making that dream a reality stills feels so surreal. I still can’t believe we did that. I cried the day before, I cried during the set and I’m still crying today.”
Now let’s talk about style.
“My favorite subject besides music.”
You have a quite unique fashion sense with your stage outfits. How do you manage not to repeat a single one with so many shows?
She laughs “Anthony was always joking about that. About the fact that we don’t repeat outfits on stage while they are always wearing the same, but I don’t know, fashion sense is a extension of this express-yourself thing. I grew up in a very fashionable environment with my mother being a model and my sister Barbara being a huge clothes lover. I kind of adopted that taste for looking my best. It doesn’t happen all the time, look at me now, I’m a mess,” She laughs, “But with time, I’ve learned to wear what makes me feel comfortable. I ditched the heels long time ago unless I’m just performing one song. I don’t know how to answer to your question… if I like it I’m gonna wear it.”
What do you do with your stage outfits afterwards? Because I can’t see you doing grocery shopping in thigh-high Union Jack boots, encrusted with Swarovski crystals.
“You might be surprised! I have a room just for my stage outfits at home. It’s crazy and totally unnecessary.”
What’s the next step for Dead Curse? What can we expect?
We are going to release our record. ‘Live Action’ is going to be available on October 31, my favorite day of the year. We are going to be releasing our first single with the video next week, it’s called ‘Flesh and Bones’ and we’ll probably do a couple of promotional shows and maybe have our own headlining tour next year.
What’s the video about?
“Well, ‘Flesh and Bones’ is a powerful song about owning yourself, having confidence in your own skin and being able to kick any ass that gets on your way, so we wanted to take that and show it with the immigration issues in this country, showing that no matter where you come from you can have the life you’ve dreamed about here.”
Getting political…
“We have never gotten political before, but with everything that’s happening in this crazy country right now you must step out and have a voice.”
What are you going to do now? How do you see yourself in five years?
“I’m gonna get myself a husband!” She laughs.
“Live action” the new studio album by Dead Curse is out on October 31 and available for pre-sale on October 7.
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junker-town · 5 years
The 11 best NBA workout videos of Summer 2019
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Who put out the hardest workout mixtape of the summer in the NBA? These are our favorites.
The NBA offseason workout video has become a ubiquitous part of basketball’s summer culture. If a player dunks in a dark gym and no one is around to put it on Instagram, did it ever really happen?
Damian Lillard chided his peers with a brilliant spoof last year, but it hasn’t stopped the workout video movement from continuing. NBA players covered every angle this summer: we got big men shooting threes, players working out with their dads, players working out with their kids, stars competing against each other in five-on-five, Dwight Howard competing against nobody, and one of the best young players in the world doing drills while catching a racquetball.
At this point, nothing surprises us. These are our favorite NBA workout videos of summer 2K19.
Karl-Anthony Towns has the most obstacle-heavy mixtape
KAT's workout is tough. (via _zachleach/Instagram) pic.twitter.com/9eEPBK6A9g
— House of Highlights (@HoHighlights) August 3, 2019
The next time someone throws a racquetball at Towns as he dribbles coast-to-coast for a dunk, he is going to be prepared. It’s a new era in Minnesota, people!
This is my favorite genre of the NBA summer workout mixtape: the one that combines basketball with obstacles. It is exactly what Lillard was parodying last year, though it’s also easy to see how these drills could help help a player’s hand-eye coordination, focus, and balance. Towns is already one of the most complete offensive big men in the league at 23 years old, a 7-footer who nearly put up 50/40/90 shooting splits last year. Hopefully the racquetball drills help his defense, too.
Zach LaVine has the most father-friendly mixtape
Zach LaVine's dad is making him work. #Bulls pic.twitter.com/de6cSc9aH9
— Bulls Nation (@BullsNationCP) June 4, 2019
“Get your ass in shape. Stop f*cking around.”
These are the delightful words of wisdom from LaVine’s father as he puts his son through a resistance ban workout in the sand that seems to target LaVine’s finishing ability as he gets tired late in games. Smart thinking, because LaVine was putting up massive usage rate numbers for the Bulls in crunch time last year.
There’s also a video of LaVine splashing threes and dunking from a pickup run earlier this summer if that’s more your style. We’re partial to seeing a dad still helping his son long after he’s grown up and turned himself into a bonafide NBA scorer.
Ben Simmons has the most implausible shooting performance
My La runs player spotlight @BenSimmons25 @swishcultures_ pic.twitter.com/wbvCsY7nVn
— Chris Johnson Hoops (@ChrisJHoops) July 23, 2019
Simmons has never made a three in his NBA career, a stat all Philadelphia fans are deeply aware of. Fear not, #lickface nation: Simmons can shoot now, at least according to this workout video.
That first pull-up three looked flawless, didn’t it? And that fadeaway? Smooth. Even the pull-up jumper from about 18-feet in the third clip would be an enormous addition to Simmons’ offensive arsenal. You have to love that nasty double-pump reverse dunk, too. I agree with Jackson Frank of Liberty Ballers that it’s likely unlikely Simmons ever becomes a competent shooter, but that’s part of what makes summer workout videos so much fun. Simmons has been in a few of these if you want more looks at that jumper.
James Harden created the best new move
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For game. @jharden13 #knowyourbigpicture #familyforever #theblueprint
A post shared by Darico "Rico" Hines (@ricohinesbball) on Aug 18, 2019 at 3:49pm PDT
Harden warned us he was going to come up with a new move that would make y’all mad. He has now blessed us with a sneak preview of what he was working on: a turnaround, side-step, one-footed three. It’s beautiful and perfect and I can’t wait wait to see it in a real game.
The Rockets are going to be a very different team with Russell Westbrook in place of Chris Paul this year, with a lot more emphasis on transition scoring and potentially less isolations in stalled halfcourt sets. That all sounds great, but let’s hope we still get to see Harden work his magic against set defenses with moves like this one.
Carmelo Anthony and Lou Williams were the best parents
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This is so dope!!!! @blackops.basketball @harrington1313
A post shared by Chris Brickley (@cbrickley603) on Aug 26, 2019 at 7:08pm PDT
If you can fight off feeling 100 years old while watching this, it’s so cool to see Anthony pass on his moves to his young son. Bronny James is already a household name as he enters his freshman year of high school. Maybe Kiyan Anthony will be one day, too. No one is going to have a better teacher.
Just as heartwarming: Williams, a standout for the Clippers, doing shooting drills with his daughter. Her jumper is already wetter than Simmons’. She obviously inherited her father’s ball handling ability, too.
Lou Will putting in work with his daughter. (via louwillville/Instagram) pic.twitter.com/4fAYXvC7Ok
— House of Highlights (@HoHighlights) September 5, 2019
Dwight Howard looked the best in an empty gym
Dwight Howard looking good in the gym! pic.twitter.com/1CmWWl2JRd
— ShowtimeForum (@ShowtimeForum) August 28, 2019
Howard has risen from rock bottom to join the Lakers once again, which might be the single most unbelievable storyline of another bonkers NBA summer. Howard reportedly beat out Joakim Noah and others for the job. Maybe the Lakers were really into empty gym workouts like this one.
Please, spare me the fire emojis here. The only thing separating this from the infamous Yi Jianlian workout is the absence of a chair. It would be a wonderful story if Howard could turn into a dependable player in his second stint in Los Angeles, but this video isn’t inspiring much confidence just yet.
D’Angelo Russell had the best Splash Brother audition
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(via @cbrickley603, @harrington1313)
A post shared by House of Highlights (@houseofhighlights) on Aug 9, 2019 at 12:20pm PDT
The Warriors are down a Splash Brother this season because of Klay Thompson’s torn ACL. Russell would like to fill out an application for the open position. He looks damn good here.
Russell’s move to Golden State is one of the most fascinating of the summer. Playing next to Steph Curry should be an amazing opportunity. As long as his Lifetime Fitness range extends to the new Chase Center is San Francisco, the Warriors should be just fine.
Dwyane Wade and Carmelo Anthony are the best tutors
D-Wade said he can’t stay out the gym ( @swishcultures_ @ChrisJHoops ) pic.twitter.com/4CQRZCWTyh
— NBA Central (@TheNBACentral) August 28, 2019
Wade is retired, but as he says in this video, he can’t stay out of the gym. Here he is giving Josh Hart instruction on how to look off the defense on a baseline push shot. It’s little things like this where Wade can be an invaluable mentor to younger players. The Pelicans appreciate the free lesson for Hart.
Anthony isn’t just instructing his son. Watch him give pointers to new Knicks forward Julius Randle, who signed a two-year deal with New York in the offseason. It’s great to see Anthony helping his former team even as he waits for an offer from an NBA team.
#NBA │ Julius Randle soaking up game from Melo (via @tylerrelph10/IG) pic.twitter.com/vsPQIeViJQ
— NOW Hoops (@NOW_Hoops) August 31, 2019
Lonzo Ball has most optimistic workout tape
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Lonzo Ball’s 1st day back on the court. (via @prosvision_, @paul_devia)
A post shared by House of Highlights (@houseofhighlights) on Aug 18, 2019 at 5:06pm PDT
Ball has the most maligned shot in the NBA this side of Ben Simmons. He looks a lot more like the UCLA Lonzo who shot 41 percent from three than the NBA Lonzo who shot 41 percent on free throws last season in this video. The video almost says it’s Ball’s first day back on the court almost six months after being sidelined with a serious ankle injury.
This video also has my favorite Instagram comment: “Man spent all of his VC on tats”. That is an NBA 2K reference for the uninitiated. Lonzo’s ink has gotten a lot of publicity this summer.
Giannis Antetokounmpo had the best shooting instructor
Giannis Antetokounmpo working on his shot with Kyle Korver (IG: BigSack42) pic.twitter.com/dNSNNjUdTt
— NBA Central (@TheNBACentral) July 23, 2019
If Giannis gets a jump shot is one of the most repeated phrases within the NBA discourse right now. The Bucks star is already arguably the best player in the world. Imagine if defenses had to respect his shooting range. We could be talking about GOAT territory.
Credit Antetokounmpo for putting the work in this summer. He he is with Kyle Korver working on his form. There is no better shooting coach to work with.
Anthony Davis had the most *eyes emoji* mixtape
Anthony Davis got handles like THAT (via @dribble2much) pic.twitter.com/cv1T8mSAld
— Overtime (@overtime) June 19, 2019
Davis got his wish with a trade to the Lakers and booked Space Jam 2 this summer. Then he spent the rest of the offseason reminding people he’s basically a guard in a big man’s body by doing some mesmerizing ball handling and shooting drills that were caught on video.
In case the guard training isn’t doing it for you, here’s Davis dunking with a weighted vest on. The Lakers need him at the peak of his abilities to realize their championship dreams this season. Davis looks ready.
0 notes
Different - Chapter 1
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Author Notes: This is my very first Fanfic so I would love to hear feedback (good and/or bad). I’m going to make this a series but don’t expect the chapters to come out quickly, I have a lot on with school, personal health and I have a terrible memory so i will most likely forget about this on more than one occasion, I also sometimes find it hard to find writing inspiration. // This is a re upload as I’m moving all my writing onto this one account. This imagine was originally posted on @josh-washington-x-reader-trash
Warnings: Suggestion of under aged drinking
Ship: Josh Washington X Reader
Words: 1,467
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
key:                                                                                                                     (Y/N) – Your name                                                                                         (Y/N/N) – Your nickname
Ever since you met Josh he always flirted with every single girl, except from you.
You didn’t really mind that he didn’t flirt with you; in fact you felt it meant he had a little more respect for you than other girls but you often found yourself wondering why he didn’t flirt with you. What made you different from the others? Did he not think you were pretty? Did he not like your personality? Was your friendship completely fake or where you just simply not his type? Then that lead in to what even was Josh’s type?
You weren’t quite sure why it bothered you so much, it just did.
“Josh is excited to see you again” Your best friend Beth said through the silence of your thoughts. Trying not to seem too eager you continued to gaze out the window and just nod your head and hum in reply.
You were on your way to the Washington’s Lodge on Black Wood Mountain for a summer week away with the ‘gang’ and currently you were sitting in a cable car with Beth and a couple of bags filled with numerous things, some with clothes, some with food and some with alcohol.
After a couple more minutes of comfortable silence the cable cart came to a rickety stop and you and Beth emerged carrying your bags.
Walking up the path to the lodge you and Beth started discussing what you would all get up to during this week. All the stuff that would normally happen; truth or dare, spin the bottle, taking a little hike and of course, getting drunk. “How’s Hannah’s crush on Mike going?” You say through giggles. Hannah had a pathetic crush on mike for a year or so now and you just couldn’t get what was so special about him. The only thing decent about mike was his looks. You always found Mike to be manipulative, you saw the way he played Hannah and you hated it but you also found humour in how head over heels she was with him.
Beth rolled her eyes and sniggered at the thought “Same as always.” She paused for a moment and sighed “She thinks she’s starting to get somewhere” “She needs to be careful, Emily will do something soon if she doesn’t calm it” Beth nodded. You stopped for a moment and readjusted your grip on your bags, taking a moment to take in the scenery.
The trees seemed to breathe in the gentle wind causing the vibrant green leafs to rustle against one another. The sound of various animals carried through the wind and you let yourself be immersed in your surroundings.
“You coming?!” You snapped your head towards the voice to see Beth a few metres ahead of you, smiling at your reaction to the mountain. “Yep!” you shouted over before trotting over to Beth. “Do you ever get used to everything here?” “Not really. I’m not quite as amazed by it now as I was but it still surprises me every now and then. Little things that I haven’t noticed before that then seem to make all the difference”
Walking at a steady pace the lodge soon came into view. Yours and Beth’s stroll soon turned into a heavy run as you came to a non-verbal agreement that it was now a race. Almost there, you dropped your bags and sprinted the rest of the way, leaving Beth behind and you victorious. You came to a stop and clung onto the lodges decking railing to catch your breath.
“I w- I win” you spoke through heavy breaths. Beginning to stroll over to Beth you raised your hands in triumph before putting them to your knees to catch your breath again.
“You cheated” She wined between shallow breaths “No one said anything about rules” you defended with furrowed eyebrows “Don’t worry, she’s just a sore loser” You heard from behind you making you swivel on the spot to face the voice. Now facing the voice you are greeted with a smiley Josh standing on the steps of the decking.“No I’m not!” protests Beth “you weren’t even here to see it!” she points an accusing finger at Josh while he just raises his eyebrows in response. “See. What did I tell ya, sore loser” he said while sauntering past you to your bags that had been abandoned half way though the race, picking them up.
You walked inside into the living room trailing behind Josh as Beth was still outside struggling with her bags and muttering words of not being a sore loser. You suddenly felt arms tangle around your waist from behind, causing you to let out a little yelp. Swivelling your head around you faced the culprit. “Chris! What are you doing?” you spoke through giggles. Chris lifted you up slightly making a little grunting sound before placing you back on your feet again “Just wanted to say hi to my friend”
Still giggling you pried Chris’s arms away from your waist and looked over to Josh. Josh was stood on the stairs waiting for you, still holding your bags, one bag in his hand and the other slung over his shoulder. A smile was spread across his face but it seemed to fail to reach his eyes. You started walking over to him backwards, still facing Chris “I just need to sort out my bags and stuff with Josh but I will be right back, I promise” “You better be, maybe then we can finally get this atmosphere going” Chris headed to the kitchen, presumably to start on the alcohol.
Still backing up you span back around to face Josh, stumbling slightly when you realized how close the two of you were. Josh quickly used his free hand to help steady you, placing it on your hip. His touch sent a warm sensation through your skeleton making you feel a light buzz run through you. “Careful there girly” Josh scoffed playfully. Once you were finally stable Josh seemed to realize where his hand lay on you and recoiled it immediately leaving a flushed look on his face. “Uh, just follow me” Josh lead the way upstairs and to Beth’s room, opening the door for you to go in first “I’m guessing you’re staying in here right?” “Yeah, yeah I think so” you nodded, taking the bags from josh placing them on Beth’s queen sized bed “Is anybody else here yet?” you question while your eyes take a scan of Beth’s room, smiling when you notice a few pictures of the two of you.
Leaning up against the doorway josh shook his head “Not yet but Hannah and Sam should be here soon and then the others are coming a bit later on” Josh started to stroll over to you. Sitting on Beth’s bed he watched you start to unpack your bags putting your clothes in a draw Beth had freed up for you. You could feel his eyes burning into your skin as you went back and forth between your bags and the draw.
You often felt that something was stopping Josh from being himself around you; stopping him from being how he was around the others, Joking, playfully flirting and being out spoken. Sometimes when he forgot you where there for a second or didn’t notice you coming to join the group you would see the real Josh for a moment and you liked that.
Slowly you went and sat down next to Josh at the end of the bed. Your leg brushed with his and at the contact Josh shifted a bit, seeming to be settling into his seat. The silence that currently occupied the air of the Beth’s bedroom wasn’t an uncommon thing between you and Josh, more often than not the silence was comfortable but it was still something you disliked about your relationship. Words seemed to come to you easily when you’re with the others and it seemed like it was the same case for Josh.
A stuttering sound croaked from Josh’s throat as if he wanted to say something, as if trying to figure out how to form the words that where stuck in his throat. He slowly turned his head to look at you and began to open his mouth. His mouth stayed open for a couple more seconds, then closed and then opened again. This cycle continued a while longer as you sat with a raised eyebrow and watched his failed attempt to talk.
Finally he manages to come out with “so…” he takes a long breath “you and Ch-“ suddenly yours and Josh’s head snap towards the door at the sound of Josh being interrupted by a shout from a voice you knew all too well, Hannah. Her shout was repeated “(Y/N/N)!?”
Link to original here
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teeky185 · 4 years
Halting tourism devastated the economy. Now officials hope testing can help to enable a safe reopening * Coronavirus – latest US updates * Coronavirus – latest global updatesThanks to its geographic isolation, a stay-at-home order and a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arrivals, Hawaii has had some of the lowest rates of Covid-19 in the US.But the quarantine essentially halted tourism in Hawaii, which accounts for a quarter of the economy. As a result, nearly one-third of the state’s working population has applied for unemployment.This week, Hawaii’s governor, David Ige, announced a phased approach to opening the non-tourism economy, or kamaʻaina (local) economy. The plan reopened auto dealerships, car washes and pet grooming services in May, while waiting until June to consider reopening higher-risk businesses, such as gyms, museums and theaters.The governor also confirmed that the mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arrivals would stay in place through June. The finer details of how the tourism economy – bars, hotels, convention centers – will be reopened have yet to be released but one idea being discussed is waiving the quarantine for visitors if they take a Covid-19 test before traveling to Hawaii.“The state needs to bring back tourism in some way. We need money,” said Colin Moore, the University of Hawaii public policy director. “But the only way to make that work is to find a way to do it as safely as we can.”Nearly 240,000 people have signed up for unemployment since the beginning of March, according to Hawaii’s department of labor and industrial relations. The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, which opened in May for gig workers and self-employed individuals, has received 28,000 applications. The state’s outdated unemployment system created a huge backlog in applications, forcing the recently jobless to wait weeks or, for some, more than a month for their first payments.The governor has extended the quarantine until the end of June, which has helped bring the number of arrivals to Hawaii from the usual 30,000 to less than 1,000 most days. The mandatory 14-day quarantine requires that everyone arriving in the state or traveling between islands must go directly from the airport to their home or hotel. During the quarantine period, all food must be delivered. Those who break quarantine face a maximum fine of $5,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.Local lawmakers have budgeted $36m for airport temperature cameras, which the governor said at a press conference on Monday would be part of the future screening process for arrivals to Hawaii’s airports. “It does allow us to identify those who are most sick in a way that can be less intrusive than other screening methods,” Ige said. The White House has advocated for their use, although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said that thermal screening airport passengers is not a particularly effective detection strategy.“It’s a lot of money to set up a system that makes people feel better but actually doesn’t catch many of the active cases that are coming in,” said Sumner La Croix, a research fellow at the University of Hawaii’s Economic Research Organization. Instead, he said, people should take a test before flying to Hawaii, and individuals who share their negative results with the state could then have the 14-day quarantine waived. This system won’t be flawless, since test results are not always accurate and not everyone will do it. He also acknowledged that people flying to Hawaii might still be exposed to the virus while traveling.But it would stop the vast majority of asymptomatic people who would have flown into the state with Covid-19, making it relatively easy to keep the number of new cases low. Hawaii’s lieutenant governor, Josh Green; the US congressman Ed Case; and local lawmakers have expressed support for a screening strategy that includes pre-testing for the coronavirus, while the Federal Aviation Administration and the US Department of Transportation have said that would be possible.“We’re going to have to deal with outbreaks, but that shouldn’t be our main policy,” said La Croix. “Our main policy should be trying to prevent people who have active coronavirus infections from getting on planes.”Maintaining low rates of Covid-19 will probably encourage visitors to come to the state, as they will think of Hawaii as a safe place. It will also make residents who are weary of visitors – a handful were caught breaking quarantine after posting pictures of themselves on the beach – more confident about allowing tourism to return.Testing, contact tracing, and isolation methods also needed to be bolstered before the state allowed tourists to come back, said La Croix. In early May, the state’s department of health said it was increasing the number of trained contact tracers, who will help track the people an infected person may have come in contact with in order to slow or stop the spread of the virus.Even after the quarantine is lifted, it could be years until the tourism economy returns to its previous figures. In 2019, Hawaii received a record-breaking 10 million tourists. If the recovery of Hawaii’s tourism economy continues to drag, the double-digit unemployment rates could remain for years, too.The existing idea that Hawaii is overly reliant on tourism and the need to diversify the economy has picked up steam since the pandemic began.“We can retrain people to start attracting a more diverse set of industries,” said Moore. He said the governor should create retraining opportunities for people in the hospitality sector who have lost their jobs, state-sponsored jobs that would focus on public works projects, and programs for young people. “People need a sense of purpose. Being unemployed for a long time, your skills start to rot. It can lead to depression,” he said.Along with long-lasting high unemployment numbers, many Hawaii residents will be forced to move to the US mainland for opportunities and affordable housing. It will probably take Hawaii longer to recover than states on the mainland with more diversified economies, said Moore. Hawaii has already seen a loss of population for the past three years and the pandemic is likely to accelerate that trend.“You’re going to lose the people you really don’t want to lose,” said Moore about residents moving away from Hawaii. “Well-trained, younger people with families, who could be the future of the state, leaving. We’re going to lose some of the most valuable people this way.”
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2AXOy4d
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oltnews · 4 years
Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been? DJ: We are great - safe and healthy, which is a blessing. It's a beautiful day today, I can't beat time on the west coast! With a lot of people looking to be on stage - what made you want to work behind the scenes? Jimmy: After seeing a DVD of The Neptunes in the studio in 2004, this is what inspired me to want to produce and I immediately fell in that direction. DJ: I have always been a fan of the process and I have been inspired by so many producers and artists over the years. How did you get together?DJ: We met during a video shoot in Las Vegas. Jimmy wanted a friend of mine (an artist at the time who signed with Interscope) on a record. We went to the studio a few days later and we played music, we loved each other and the rest is history. Why Audibles? Jimmy: We loved the name because of its double meaning and what it represents. "Be heard" as in something audible and "Change the game" as when a quarterback calls an audible. With many artists trying to break through - would you say that production is a very open and competitive market with room for everyone or that you had a hard time getting to where you are? DJ: It certainly was not an easy trip. There are a lot of new artists coming out every day, but it's about having the right product and the right relationships. The people in the industry who support you and who fight for you are essential. Jimmy: Yes, it was a non-stop version for sure, but I wouldn't change anything. Despite the obstacles, we made some of the best memories of our lives and met some of the bigger people. People like the infamous Phil Spector are known to be a producer who has become known for his particular sound - are you hoping to create your own brand of sound or treat each client individually?DJ: Sonics and identity are the key to who we are. We pride ourselves on originality even when we collaborate with other creators. Our goal is to always be familiar enough for people to understand our expression but different enough to separate us from the pack. After a 5 year hiatus - what was it like working on Justin Bieber's changes? DJ: Phenomenal! It's always a blessing to be back in the lab with our best friend and longtime collaborator Poo Bear and of course Justin. Jimmy: Always a good time to work on Justin's projects because we all have a similar taste for music and we manage to create the type of sound we like. Have you had the opportunity to research or build on previous work or have you approached this disc as a whole new chapter? DJ: We are lucky to have worked on his last two previous projects; one track on "Goal" and five on "Newspapers". We knew the underlying vibe was R&B, but we wanted to make sure the discs had a tempo and could move the needle. Jimmy: Yes, as we love ballads, we wanted to bring this bounce mixed with unique sounds on this project. Many have claimed that it was some kind of love letter or strongly influenced by Bieber's new marriage - from your point of view, was that the case or what did the production and process look like? writing? DJ: Hailey was a huge inspiration for this project, no doubt. For example on "Intentions", Justin says, "I have this ring, just like Toronto." Such a smart line to add to the folder. Jimmy: Knowing the theme going into the production, we just wanted to make cool love songs that were fun and that you could always move around. How would you rate the most difficult aspect of producing this record? DJ: I would say how quickly the production changes should be delivered. We are proud of the responsibility. We made sure we were always available day and night for the album creation process. There were times when Poo Bear, Justin or Josh Gudwin asked us for a production or modifications that had to be returned, sometimes within an hour. What happens next in the world of Audibles? Jimmy: We are currently working on our compilation album which will feature different artists we like to work with and a variety of genres. We are also executive producer of LAZR artist's first project Bloom, as well as a Poo Bear project. In addition to these, we're still working on Justin's records, hopefully landing on Chris Brown and excited to see what's in store for the rest of the year. To stay up to date on what we are working on check us out at IG @TheAudibles. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p2wMpVVtXg[/embed] window.___gcfg = lang: 'en-US'; (function(w, d, s) function go() var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], load = function(url, id) if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.src = url; js.id = id; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); ; load('//connect.facebook.net/en/all.js#xfbml=1', 'fbjssdk' ); load('https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js', 'gplus1js'); load('//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js', 'tweetjs' ); if (w.addEventListener) w.addEventListener("load", go, false); else if (w.attachEvent) w.attachEvent("onload",go); (window, document, 'script')); https://oltnews.com/interview-mega-production-duo-the-audibles-talks-about-justin-biebers-latest-record-vents-magazine?_unique_id=5e9ed61258bba
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Chapter 32: Glasto dreams
Hello everyone! I just wanna say that the amount of love that I’m receivingfrom all of you is immeasurable and I’ll be forever grateful for that!
Also I want to invite all of you to visit @bemygetawayjz​ to read Zara’s story with Josh if you haven’t - In that case you should be ashamed of yourself - and to ask her weird shit! Say that I sent you and she’ll give you an special answer (Not really).
Remember to visit Anastasia’s IG profile:
Anastasia_Truman  ❤️️
Thanks to everyone who reads the fic, much love to you all! ♥
Read chapter 31
This leg of the tour was the one Anastasia’s was looking forward to the most; they would be traveling the South of the country to end in Florida where Anastasia was going to take advantage and make of it a small, very small, vacation. And now that the barrier between her and Josh was down, she was so excited about this new adventure, it was going to be like the old times.
She was wishful about the Josh situation; even though she said she wasn’t going to put her hopes up, but Josh kept texting her and they talked until late those two nights before traveling to Washington, DC for the show. The two bands traveled apart this time. Dead Curse arrived to DC earlier so the four bandmates decided to have a day together, visiting some historic sites like the Smithsonian, and other common touristic sites. Then, they went to some music stores and ended up at a bar near the hotel.
Next day, they were the first to get to the venue. Anastasia hadn’t seen Josh yet, but walking through the stadium she stumbled upon Anthony and Chad talking in front of the stage.
 -          Here we go again –She said to Chad and Tony – This “two weeks on, two weeks off” thing is killing me, man.
-          When you have a family you will understand – Chad said smiling.
-          You are part of the Josh club – Anthony said surprising Anastasia.
-          How come? – She asked.
-          He doesn’t like this schedule neither – Anthony answered – Hey, did you take pictures of us in Venice?
-          Of course – Anastasia replied.
-          Can I see them to see if we can post some on our social media? – He asked again and Anastasia handled him her phone.
-          You choose.
 She continued talking to Chad while Anthony checked trough her phone, then he gave it back to her and they walked together through the backstage area to a common room, where Josh was practicing and Flea was there teaching some bass lines to Mandy. She was thrilled to be there as Anastasia could see. As soon as Josh saw her, he put his guitar away and walked towards her to give her a big hug, she responded with a smile. Anthony walked to a couch and took his phone out while he kept talking to Chad.
 -          Did you bring your new guitar? – Josh asked Anastasia, grabbing his pink Fender 1960 Relic Stratocaster back.
-          Of course! I’, even gonna play it on some songs – She answered.
-          That sounds awesome – He said with a proud smile.
 In that moment a phone started to ring, but the ringtone was the Dark Necessities song.
 -          How much of a narcissist do you need to be to have your own song as a ringtone? – Mandy said laughing.
 The song kept going off but nobody picked up the phone.
 -          Somebody needs to pick that up – Anastasia said, and in that moment she felt a vibration inside the left back pocket of her jeans, that was weird because that wasn’t her ringtone. Sara by Fleetwood Mac was her ringtone.
 The song went off again. At that point Anastasia grabbed her phone and realize it was her own iPhone ringing, and in the screen she could see that Anthony was calling, her eye roll must have been huge because Anthony started to laugh loud.
 -          God! I give you my phone to check a picture for ten seconds and you change my ringtone? – Everybody in the room was laughing at this point – You are such a child.
-          Look at your screen background – Anthony said and she did it, a Josh picture was her new background. It was him smiling in the floor, holding a guitar in black and white.
-          You are such a child! – Anastasia said laughing too. Josh grabbed her phone.
-          It’s a nice picture – He said smiling as a joke.
-          Listen! – Tony spoke up again – We noticed yesterday that you sing the chorus on The Getaway and we haven’t performed it together during this tour! Would you like to join us on stage tonight?
-          Wow! – She was in shock – That would be cool! Do we need to rehearse or something?
-          That’s the other part of the surprise! – Chad talked this time – We have a couple of interviews so I don’t think we’ll get the chance to rehearse it.
-          Nice – Anastasia put a fake smile on her face.
-          You already know your part – Josh said – You helped build that song.
-          Well… I like extreme shit, so let’s do it!
 The Getaway was the third song on the Red Hot Chili Peppers setlist that night, so she waited at a side of the stage where nobody was allowed to be except the crew and sound engineers. That place from where she always watched Josh play, she just stood there until Anthony mentioned her name.
 -          For the next song I would like to bring up here someone special. She is like a niece to me and so is for everybody on this band, well, almost everybody – “He had to say that”, Anastasia thought – And she helped bring this next song to life, so please give it up for my favorite girl in the world, Anastasia Truman! – Anthony said and the whole venue burst into cheers and applauses.
 She smiled and took the stage, and as soon as she walked out she felt someone holding her. It was Josh, giving her a big hug from behind, she tried to hold herself together and walked to Flea’s side of the stage where he gave her a hug too. She only sang the chorus on the song and some harmonies so she decided it was best to just jump on top of Flea’s amps and sit there, once in a while she shared a smile with Chad or Anthony come closer to sing some parts to her, by the middle of the song she was so hyped she got off the amplifiers and walked next to Anthony but Josh turned her around and while she was singing the last chorus he had the brilliant idea to join his forehead with hers. That caught her by surprise and she didn’t know what to do except to follow his lead. She smiled and for the end of the song (which was sang by Tony and her at the same time), she decided to stand next to Anthony again. He thanked her for joining the band for that song, she said “thank you” to the crowd and before leaving she felt Josh’s arms around her again.
 -          That was a weird attitude from Josh last night – Mandy told Anastasia while they were getting ready to leave for the next city, Atlanta, the morning after the show.
-          I know, he was so loving on that stage – Anastasia said with a smile – But – She changed her expression – I woke up with this knot on my stomach today, like if something is going to happen.
-          Really?
-          Yes, I don’t know – Anastasia closed her suitcase – It’s probably nothing.
 They traveled alone again. When they landed in Atlanta, they went straight to their hotel rooms. Josh hadn’t texted Anastasia since the night before, so she wasn’t sure if he was in town yet. She went to sleep feeling the knot on her stomach and woke up next day with the same feeling. She knew something was going to happen.
Mandy wanted to wander around the city a little bit so she, Nick and Anastasia went to have lunch to a Southern cuisine restaurant where everything was fried, that grease filled An’s heart. Greasy food was the best! And this tour was making her gain a few pounds but she was having so much fun she didn’t focus on that. Tour had been great thus far, she was so thankful.
After eating such a huge amount of fried chicken, the three Dead Curse members made their biggest effort into walking to the venue. They were going to play a song for the first time that night, so Nick wanted to do a short sound check. Anastasia was sensing a bad feeling while she was approaching the Philips Arena, they entered through the backstage door and walked to the stage where Nick grabbed his guitar, and after planning with some engineers they started soundchecking. They song only required voice and guitar, it was a ballad and it was probably the first time they ever performed a ballad, but it was one of Nick’s favorite songs from their last album and he really wanted to play it.
 -          That song is beautiful – A shirtless Anthony said to her when she walked out the stage – Your songwriting is so good. I’m jealous!
-          Don’t worry “Ding, dang, dong, dong, deng, deng, dong, dong, ding, dang” is still one of the best lyrics ever written in music history, and nobody can’t take that away from you – Anastasia said smiling sarcastically.
-          Oh my God, An! – Mandy interrupted the conversation trying to catch a breath because she was obviously running but before saying anything she looked at Anthony for a second – If someone would have told me I was going to deal with so many old shirtless dudes on this tour…
-          What the fuck is wrong with you two today? – Anthony said laughing.
-          Back to you – She looked at Anastasia again – I have to tell you before you find out and it gets worse – Mandy took a deep breath – Lauren’s here – Anastasia’s heart stopped.
-          Man! That Josh is so stupid sometimes – Anthony said – Are you ok? – He asked Anastasia.
-          No – She answered – But I’ll be.
 She lied. She wasn’t going to be fine. This was a sick joke from the Universe or from Josh. What was she doing here? After Josh denied her as his girlfriend? Her world collapsed in a second and she felt sick. That was why she had that knot on her stomach, she sensed it. She wanted to avoid him, avoid her and avoid them. Mandy grabbed her and took her to their dressing room as fast as she could.
 -          This is a neverending thing – Eric said when the girls arrived to their dressing room.
-          I need to make this stop – Anastasia said – It’s my fault, I fell for him as I fall for him every damn time I see him. I thought this time it would be different but no. It’s my fault.
-          It’s not your fault – Eric talked again – You love him and you can’t control that, and…
-          Don’t dare tell me he loves me – Anastasia said before he could finish his sentence.
-          I think you need to be alone – Eric said walking to the door and grabbing Mandy.
-          But… - Mandy said
-          It’s true. I just need to be alone for a few minutes. Let me breathe, break some things and I’ll catch up with you later.
 Mandy walked out reluctantly, followed by Eric who closed the door behind him.
Anastasia took a look at herself in the mirror. She promised herself she wasn’t going to fall again and there she was, compressing all her anger on her throat as her eyes became watery, she wanted to scream but the pain didn’t leave any space for energy, so she threw herself in a big white sofa. She fell down next to her purse and took a look inside, and there she saw it: a box of Xanax. She hadn’t taken one in so long, years probably (she battled a little addiction to them about ten years ago and after that she never took another pill), but she always kept a box near, nobody knew about that, she never said a thing because it would piss everybody off, but ever since, she never felt the desire to fall in that again… until then. She felt defeated, lonely and so sad, and on top of that she had a show to perform in a few hours. She sat up and grabbed the box and without even thinking about it she popped one pill. She got up to look for some water but there wasn’t any near, instead she found a vodka bottle and by then she didn’t gave a fuck about collateral effects, she looked at herself in the mirror one more time feeling so disgusted with who she was at the moment and swallowed the pill with a shot of vodka, straight from the bottle. She looked at herself one more time and grabbed another pill to repeat the procedure. She sat on the floor, her eyes still watery but she wasn’t able to cry.
Anastasia lost track of time, and she just sat there waiting for the drug to kick in when she heard a knock on the door. By then the Xanax had done its thing and it was hard for her to move but she managed to get to the door and opened, Carl was on the other side.
 -          Are you ok? – He asked.
-          I’ll be in a moment – She answered.
-          I need you in the meeting room, I have something to discuss with you guys – Carl said.
-          I hope it makes my day better.
-          Oh, it’s gonna make your whole life better – He said smiling.
 They walked together to the meeting room. Anastasia was looking at the floor the whole time, she didn’t want to see anything or anybody. Once they arrived, Mandy, Nick and Eric where already there, sitting around a large black table. Anastasia took a chair next to Mandy.
 -          So I have great news, like the best news – Carl said. He was showing such an excitement.
-          Please, enlighten us! – Mandy said.
-          I managed to get you guys a spot in Glastonbury this year – Carl said with an exaggerated smile.
-          We already been to Glasto – Anastasia said.
-          Yes, playing at 4 o’clock – He talked again – But this time you’ll be headlining fucking Saturday in Glasto! – Anastasia’s eyes opened big
-          Wait, what? – Eric said trying to contain his smile.
-          You’ll be headlining Glastonbury in June!
-          OH MY GOD, CARL! – Mandy screamed and got up her chair to jump on Carl’s arms – Did you guys hear that?
 Anastasia was trying to process the information. When they started Dead Curse they did it as a way to express themselves and play music which was something they all loved to do, they never had any expectations to where this journey would lead them, but headlining Glastonbury was something she always dreamed about. It was her favorite festival in her homeland, and now she would have the opportunity to headline it. Dead Curse’s name would be among other big names in music like Radiohead, David Bowie, The Smiths, Oasis and many more. It was a dream come true for her.
 -          It’s a dream come true – She wanted to scream and jump and dance but the Xanax and vodka mix was on full effect and she couldn’t move her body.
-          Do you feel okay? – Carl asked her.
-          Yes. I just need to sleep for about an hour – She said getting up with difficulty – Can I do that?
-          Be my guest – Carl said.
 She left her bandmates celebrating and walked back to her dressing room but on the way she fronted Josh.
 -          Hey! I heard about Glasto, congrats – He said with a smile.
-          I can’t deal with you right now, please let me through – His smile automatically faded and he didn’t try to stop Anastasia – You know? – She said a few steps away and he turned to see her – When you’re done playing with this girl and get ready to hang with a woman then we’ll talk – Xanax made her honest. He didn’t answer.
 She was feeling a windwhirl of emotions at that moment: sad because of Josh, angry with herself for being so stupid and extremely happy because she was achieving a longtime goal. She rested her head on the sofa and without thinking about it she fell asleep.
Within an hour for the show, Mandy woke An up and then helped her get ready to perform. On a quick meeting before taking the stage Anastasia decided to add a cover to their set list, it was a song that all of them knew well so nobody had a problem with it.
It was Fleetwood Mac’s Silver Springs. She took the Stratocaster Josh gave her for her birthday and started to play and sing.
 I'll begin not to love you
Turn around, see me runnin'
I'll say I loved you years ago
Tell myself you never loved me, no
And did you say she was pretty
And did you say that she loves you
Baby, I don't wanna know
Oh, no
And can you tell me was it worth it
Really, I don't wanna know
 She noticed Lauren and Josh at a side of the stage, he was looking at her with a mix of regret and love in his eyes, maybe it was the Xanax but at that moment she didn’t care what the hell he was feeling.
 Time casts a spell on you, but you won't forget me
I know I could have loved you, but you would not let me
 She looked straight into Josh’s eyes at that moment. And Lauren noticed it because she looked at both, confused. But once again: she didn’t give a fuck about it. She was returning the favor to Josh, as he sang Landslide for her a couple of weeks ago but with a lot more revenge on it, this time.
Then it was time for the song they practiced that afternoon, she announced to the crowd that it was the first time they would play it live and everybody cheered.
 It's been so long between the words we spoke
Will you be there up on the shore, I hope
You wonder why it is that I came home
I figured out where I belong
 It was a song called Long and Lost that she wrote after breaking up with Valentine but it seemed so valid and relatable at the moment.
 But it's too late to come on home
Are all those bridges now old stone?
But it's too late to come on home
Can the city forgive? I hear it’s sad song
Read chapter 33
Disclaimer: as I always tell you I have not a tiny bit of talent to write songs so I use some that have been already written, the one in this chapter is “Long and Lost” by Florence and The Machine. Such a beautiful song.
And now I give you “Silver Srpings” by Fleetwood Mac. Ultimate favorite. Any Fleetwood Mac fans out there?
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