#ig. just tk be safe
girlcavalcanti · 10 months
❤️‍🔥 some-cat Follow
my gf is such a bitch like "I'll love you forever" she said?? whyd you lie to me. girl we Literally had a pact
🍷 girlclodiipulchris Follow
I'm not your gf
❤️‍🔥 some-cat Follow
bitch stfu you literally sell yourself on the streets I hope your traitorous backstabbing ass dies form hay fever
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🍆 arte-regendus-amor Follow
im about to pull a number for the ages. check this out
🍆 arte-regendus-amor Follow
🍆 arte-regendus-amor Follow
see? not a mouse stirring. nothing to be heard from anyone. I can't be cancelled. I'm invulnerable. I'm unstoppable. you people adore me too much I could be saying the nastiest most off putting shit imaginable and you'd give 10 years of your mom's life for a thread from my toga. whores
📖 messssalla Follow
lmaoo op did he find out eventually?
📖 messssalla Follow
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🐝 bees-are-cool Follow
so! It's taking me longer than I expected to finish up my wip since I'm having trouble researching specific things about farming which I really really need (been working on it for 8 years now). but I've been kind of rotating aeneas lately so as soon as I'm done with it I'm gonna start to actually try and flesh out something about him. although it's probably gonna take me another whole decade lol
🍸 maecaenaes Follow
little homo idk who you are but I really dig your vibe and I wish I could bring you home and put you on a shelf
🐝 bees-are-cool Follow
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⚛️ epicurus-enjoyer Follow
Rumors might have reached you about my alleged suicide. It very much is just gossip. I regrettably inform you that I am still alive and physically thriving
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⚔️ n-ius Follow
what the hell just happened
my whole blog is. not there anymore?? like completely wiped out????
what the fvck. @ staff @ staff @ staff please, please can you do something about it?
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🩸 your-local-necromancer Follow
I was tagged by @senekant! here's my Pinterest home board :))
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🍃 senekant Follow
you're a literal freak
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🍆 arte-regendus-amor Follow
a poor wretch makes one (1) tiny insignificant error (1) like one mistake (1) and Շђєภ ђє ђคร Շ๏ Շคɭк ɭเкє Շђเร Ŧ๏г Շђє гєรՇ ๏Ŧ єՇєгภเՇץ
#guys I'm playing the jester and all #because that's what I do #but I seriously think this is Not gonna end well for me this time #theres literal arrows flying over the rooftops here
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matan4il · 8 months
I saw your post about Noah and it just but a bee in my bonnet about how people in all sorts of fandoms have been doing similar things to Jewish actors (but it’s not as well known cause they’re obviously not as high profile as stranger things). I follow you from the 911 fandom, and I also watch 911 Lone Star and both Ronen Rubinstein (who plays TK) and Lisa Edelstein (who guest starred so isn’t a regular anymore but is iconic in her own right) have gotten hate. Ronen removed his twitter after people started calling him a Zionist and harassing him. Lisa turned comments off on some of her ig posts and specifically said it was so she wouldn’t get attacked. The only things those two have said are in regards to getting the hostages home safe or in reaction to the immediate events of Oct 7. Yet they’re being called supporters of genocide. The antisemitism disguised as “antizionism” is so fucking obvious and it’s sad how it’s infiltrated even the smaller fandoms if actors involved dare to be Jewish and express concern for fellow Jews.
Hi Nonnie!
First of all, yes. Sadly, there is not a single fandom I have been active in, that has been a safe space for Jews in general, and they've all become worse since Oct 7. So I'll talk a bit about the 911 fandom, but let's be clear that this fandom isn't the issue, it really is a symptom of a much bigger problem, which is very prevalent in online spaces, not just online fandoms. What I'll talk about is obviously not true for every single person, but it IS true for enough people, and especially for some very vocal ones, who shape what the "allowed" discourse is.
I have not been following what the 911 fandom does and says about Ronen Rubinstein for at least 2 years, but I can't say I'm surprised by what you told me.
I've written more than once about the fact that Jews are not white, not even the white passing ones. Also, I'm hardly the only Jew raising their voice about this, and yet I've noticed that the 911 fandom, which raged when half-white Eddie Diaz was not recognized as a POC by one fan, the fandom which has accepted Christopher Diaz as a POC (even though he's canonically only 25% Mexican, and is played by an actor who actually IS white, which means there's no arguing over the fact that Chris looks white), is also the fandom which has repeatedly conceptualized Ronen as a white guy, same for his character TK (even though he's canonically only half white), and with that view in mind there's been hostility towards Ronen that I've come across not long after 911LS just started. Ronen's family is from an area where Jews had been repeatedly slaughtered, including during the Holocaust for NOT being white less than one hundred years ago. TK looks white (you know, exactly like Chris), so that's enough to ignore Jewish identity, history, being native to the Middle East, and anti-Jewish persecution. Ronen gets conceptualized as a white oppressor. And as such, he's a fair target, even an encouraged one.
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Gavin, whose character Chris is recognized as a POC, even though he himself is completely white.
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Ronen, whose character TK is not recognized as a POC, even though the actor is fully Jewish.
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Natacha, whose character Marjan is recognized as a POC, even though the actress herself is half white. She's also half Lebanese, Marjan is fully so, and whatever Arabs are, Jews are the exact same, because both groups are native to South West Asia (similarly, both groups come in a variety of skin tones).
So I'm not surprised that Ronen is being mistreated. Jews are mis-conceptualized as white, and the Israeli-Arab conflict gets mis-conceptualized by applying to it a race-based model imported from the US, in which Israelis are white Jews (even though 21% of our population is Arab, a part of our leadership is Arab and has been since the first Knesset was elected, over 70 years ago, and even though many of the Israeli soldiers fighting to protect us are Arabs... when the conflict is explained, they're all erased, and Israelis are only understood as - and blamed as - white Jews), who are evil oppressors of brown Arabs (even though some Arabs are just as white looking, or even whiter than some Jews). Then, this conflict is used to vilify and justify harassing Jewish actors, whether Noah in Stranger Things, Timothee Chalamet, or Ronen and Lisa.
Here are some white looking Palestinians, who always get ignored by the people conceptualizing the conflict as white vs brown people:
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Two pics of Israeli soldiers killed, each pic from just one day in this war in Gaza, and you can see the diversity of skin tones...
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Like I said, I haven't been following Ronen, but I did happen across a post that claimed he needs to be canceled for the crime of blocking people who the poster said were pro-Palestine. But in my experience, even when you're a Jew who is not being hateful towards Palestinians, you're just pro both groups, because you recognize they're both humans, the fact that you have the "audacity" to stand up for Jewish people and Jewish rights, and against the mis-representation of Jews in Israel, is enough for antisemitic bullies to use that to come after you with antisemitic abuse under the guise of being pro-Palestinian (here's just one example. I wonder how many Palestinians have been liberated by harassing Jews online. Pretty sure the answer is zero. I also always love how this crowd never actually stands up for Palestinians when they're wronged by fellow Arabs, in Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon or Syria. It's only the Jews who bother these "pro-Palestinians," not the actual well being of Palestinians). I'm sure that if we could see who Ronen was blocking, it would be the same kind of people who have been sending me these very caring, human rights-oriented messages:
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^ This ask was specifically a response to my reply to an anon telling me I lost my claim to humanity when I became an Israeli (and me answering that that was at the age of 5 months, and that my parents' decision to bring me to Israel actually saved my life).
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^ Just a small collection, nowhere near what I actually got, but I kept them 'coz I wanted to show people at some point what Jews who dare to not want Israel destroyed are subjected to. And Ronen probably got similar ones, he blocked them, and for saying he was blocking them, he got further hate... At what point are people going to wake up and see that this is how an antisemitic misinformation campaign works? Lots of Germans genuinely believed in the narrative that Jews backstabbed them during WWI. If you were to ask them in the 1930's whether they hate Jews simply for being Jews, they'd say no, that they hated Jews, because Jews deserved to be hated due to their actions. In the exact same way, now support of the existence of the Jewish state, not even of its specific policies, is being spun as justification to hate on Jews.
I'll say this again. This reply isn't about Ronen. It isn't about Noah. It isn't about Lisa. This isn't about a specific fandom. This is a call for people to wake up and smell the antisemitic coffee, the legitimization of Jews being harassed. Please don't be a part of it, and if you can, please speak up when you see others being a part of it. I KNOW that online, and def on Tumblr, the majority of posts you see justify the vilifaction of anyone who is pro Israel's existence, even while also being critical of its leadership. And it's easy, and it feels right, to go with what everyone else in your echo chamber says. But you can be that one guy in 1930's Germany who didn't do the heil Hitler. If you will be, it may not be easy, but I very much doubt you'd ever regret it.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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akookminsupporter · 8 months
Re preg 46
You're so right for saying that jkkrs are held on some high level cause they can't be delulu by themselves nor they can make simple fun jokes. See i know many jkkrs used 24/7 and that was regarding them getting same job like if they get same job then they'll be together almost of the time if they don't then also they're together so i personally don't care what cult says cause at the end of the day jikook should be safe.
The way tkkrs make daily delusional tweets and get 6-7-10-15-20k likes for those tweets and they never care for someone correcting them they simply block you cause they wanna stay delulu. Just after the last ep of doc they made tweets like "omg is that jk's hat" and if you know enough taehyung has a whitiesh bucket hat too and his nd jk's have a bit diff design and people even showed them some photos but nahh they don't care, same with them tweeting how one of jk's jacket from Celine is in tae's home when that's literally tae's own Celine jacket which he wore in one of vhopeminkook pictures after live ig but do they care? No. And again as usual they underside of both jackets were different but nope the tweets is still up with thousands of likes, then they saw tae's slippers in the room where jk was boxing with his trainer and these dumb shits were like "so taekook share the same room" along with the interior of jk's and tae's room when it should be clear that all hotel rooms has same interior Plus the room jk was practicing was literally a gym room cause you can simply see same couple of instruments in the background and tell me which hotel is putting three running machines in same room, with weight lifts like is that not a common sense???? Mind u some even tried telling them that it was from when jk later joined vhopemin live after boxing and tae was not with him and only jm knew jk was doing his boxing but anyone cares? No. Then again they have tweets saying "omg taekook soul twin and they use couple things together" mind you it was a freakin mask that get's provided in the military itself and even jm and jk has wore it in their first picture but they ignored that part and were only focusing on how in one of pictures jm and RM wasn't wearing one but tae and jk were.
Sorry to mention all those tweets but I'm just pointing out how ridiculous and delusional their daily tweets are but they are still up even if someone tries correcting them with 10k likes not just small amount. Do you see any jkkr doing that anon with those many likes? You will never see it cause we're not that dumb nor we keep our wrong tweets up when someone corrects us.
Jay aka dionysustkk said that she is in a grp with korean people who's done MS and that jungkook is going to join tae after 5 weeks for the special force training but in 3rd week itself it got cleared that jikook will stay in 5th div till their discharge and it's not that only accounts it's lots of them even jk solos who belived that with thousands of likes (the implication on likes is just to show how it's not some 10-15 people but thousands of ppl) but after 3rd week when it got cleared do you see A SINGLE tkk account coming out to Accept they were wrong??? Nope. Do you see any of them calling out e/o? Nope so like why are we always supposed to be knowing everything at all times when we can only sit and make assumptions here because of lack of knowledge on things like sk's military? Are we not allowed to do that? Do you not think tkkrs would have rubbed it on our faces if it were tk? Infact i say jkkrs still gotta rub it on their faces that jkk enlisted together cause for whole yr these mfkrs were after jkk and still are trying to prove it's only for cam then i want everyone to rub it on their faces how precious their bond and deep it is that they chose to enlist under Buddy program cause you won't find any other idol doing it so yeah I'm gonna rub it. Take it if you like or fk off.
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jhanseo · 2 years
you know what I specially love about the hockey match scene? is that vincenzo plays really rough with hanseo but not once is hanseo actually scared of him
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Hi Kanmom! I've come to you because I know you are a safe space, and I have a small rant and also a question.
Look, I'm a seasoned SM user. I'm 43 for crying out loud. And I thought by going back to Twitter so I could see cute Jikook moments, especially from their concerts, was a good idea. Boy, was that a mistake. Nothing but vitriol and now Free T from JKKers is trending, and the hypocrisy of it all disgusts me. I'm so over it and regret even getting back on that app. And how a certain group are shouting how TK are the biggest ship in Korea...I'm just going to sign off and get my content from original sources, tumblr people I trust (like you), and that's about it. Rant over, LoL.
Now to my question. Do you think we've seen another shift in dynamics between the Seoul concert and Vegas concerts? In Seoul, the love between them was so sweet and adorable and endearing. Now they're in Vegas, and that's all still there, but I also sense now a bit of smugness? Especially from JK. I just wanted your opinion on that. Thanks!
Hello anon. :)
SM is kind of a hell on earth, lol.
But there is a lot of good there too. You just need to sift the bad out, report, block, limit the accounts you follow. This would be right for any form of sm.
Those who's name shall not be mentioned, they are not known for truth telling, nothing new. Just report when needed, block and try to steer away from them.
Now to your question.
I don't think there has been a shift in their dynamics between Seoul and now. I think the biggest shift in dynamics we saw of late was around August-September 2021, after memories 2020 and MOTS ON:E dvd dropped.
We saw it ever so clearly at the TMA's beginning of October (there is something about those to and the TMA's).
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We saw it in JM's birthday live.
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We saw it when they were in LA.
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There is an aura of confidence surrounding JK and a giddy shyness to JM.
And then they took a break, and we didn't see them for 2 months. We have no idea what they were up to most of the time, and especially from JM and JK we had radio silence (zero interactions online driving the WHOLE fandom crazy).
But end of January JM got sick, really sick, hospitalized sick. Operation sick. And covid sick. Meaning isolation. JK went quiet until the day that we were notified JM's being released from hospital, and boy did he let us know how he is feeling.
And then came the Seoul concerts.
And we were in awe.
They were free, they were happy, and they were loud.
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The feeling was that maybe JK going through whatever it was he did when JM was sick, had him or maybe even both of them come to realisations, and make some decisions.
And that feeling, well it's been kind of amplified since the second JK first opened his mouth in LV.
Is it something in the air in that city? Who knows. But they are happy and allowing themselves freedoms we haven't seen before. Pushing boundaries in ways that I'm not sure that elastic band of deniability will hold (metaphor).
They have been all sorts of wilding.
JK has been uncharacteristically verbal.
Almost no holding back (that butt grab, no words...).
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They are telling us, showing us, that they are who they are, they are happy and unashamed, and well, you only live once (a realisation you sometimes come to after a traumatic event).
So, has there been a change in behaviour?
Yes, I think there has been.
But has there been a change in dynamics?
No. I don't think so. Not since that JK confident JM shy change mid-late 2021.
Their dynamics are the same since then. It's what they are showing us that has changed.
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futures-tense · 3 years
Happy new year! Hope youve had a great holiday! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your writing with us - I love your work, especially the Tarlos fics <3 Do you still take prompts for your bad things happen bingo card? Would love to see either "take me instead" or "grabbed by the chin" with hurt!TK if you're up for it? 👉👈 No pressure, tho! ;) Tysm for sharing ur writing once again <3
Anon I want to thank you because this got me back in gear and broke my writer's block so ily💜 also it wasn’t as heartbreaking as I had originally intended so. You’re welcome ig
and what if I'm left without a choice?//2.7k//
warnings: gun violence, shooting mentions, tiny little hospital moment
“Yeah, I’ll be home first so I’ll cook something,” Carlos says. “It’ll be done by the time you get home.”
“No,” TK says with a small smile. “I want to cook you something.”
“Um,” Carlos laughs on the other end of the line. “Don’t take this the wrong way, babe, but you can’t cook.”
“Let me cook.”
“Let me cook, Carlos.”
He sighs dramatically and TK knows he’s won.
“Fine, but not without supervision. I don’t trust you not to destroy my good pans.”
The alarm goes off, calling for medical but Carlos is the one who says, “Hey, I gotta go. I’ll see you later.”
TK’s on his feet, rushing to the ambulance. “Yeah, be safe, I love you.”
“Love you too.”
He slips his phone into his pocket and climbs into his seat in the truck.
“Where are we headed, Cap?”
“Westside Mall,” Tommy answers; TK turns the rig in that direction. “We’re just here to triage the crowds. And whoever’s still inside.”
He’s not exactly sure what he was expecting when they get there. There are people scattered all over the outer edges of the parking lot, a line of police tape separating them and the first responders.
“Start triage along there,” Tommy starts, climbing out of the rig. “I’m going to talk to the IC, see what the damage is. But if anyone asks you to do something you do it, got it?”
TK and Nancy both nod. They start at opposite ends of the crowd, intending to meet in the middle.
TK carefully places an Iron Man bandaid on a young boy’s scraped knee, offering a smile to him and the mom—who is thanking him profusely.
“No problem, ma’am,” he assures her, already moving to the next person.
“Paramedic Strand.” He can’t help but grin.
“Officer Reyes,” he says, turning to find his boyfriend striding up to him. “Fancy seeing you here.”
They share a smile and TK turns back to the woman in front of him. There’s a cut on her forehead and she’s holding her wrist gingerly.
“How are you feeling, ma’am?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she insists. “But my daughter, you have to find her. She’s twenty-four. She was headed to the car. We parked in the parking garage—that one there.”
“Alright, well, after the scene is cleared for us, we’ll find her.”
“No, you don’t understand.” She’s shaking her head, pushing TK’s hands away. “She was supposed to take her medicine an hour ago, her insulin.”
“And you don’t think she’s taken it yet?” She shakes her head again. “Okay, I’m going to do everything I can to get her what she needs.”
He stands upright again and Carlos is shaking his head. “No, I know what you’re thinking—”
“Carlos, I can’t just leave her in there.”
“There is an active shooter.” He sighs and rolls his eyes, reaching for his radio.
“Cap, we’ve got a twenty-four-year-old female diabetic. Her mom says she’s late to take her insulin.”
“What are you asking, Strand?”
Carlos gives him a look but he ignores it. “I want to go into the East parking garage to find her. The shots were fired on the other side of the building and we haven’t heard any movements from the inside since.”
He sees Tommy by the IC tent, talking with Richards.
“We’ll give you ten minutes tops.”
He takes a breath. “That’s all I need.”
“You aren’t going by yourself,” Carlos says matter-of-factly.
“Fine. Then come with me.”
— — —
He still firmly believes that this is a terrible idea.
They walk in silence, TK just a few steps behind him, eyes alert.
“Looks like date night came a little early,” TK says after a few minutes, and Carlos can hear the smile in his voice.
“TK, I swear to god.” TK laughs and he smiles a little.
“Jesus…Carlos, over here.”
He follows TK’s gaze to the figure on the ground. TK gives him a look as he kneels down next to the woman. “Ma’am? Ma’am, can you hear me?”
Carlos steps away and looks around the parking garage. They’re toward the top of the structure now; it’s not as full here as the other levels and they’re in a free spot. There’s a van a few spaces over and a car the other way.
There’s a sharp inhale behind him.
“Don’t.” That voice is new. He turns and—god, how do they keep ending up in situations like this? TK’s hands are raised, a roll of medical tape in one. There’s something pressing against his boyfriend’s back. He can only assume that’s the reason they’re here in the first place.
This is exactly what he’d been trying to avoid.
The other side of the building, huh?
“Don’t move.”
Try to gain control of the situation.
Carlos holds up his hand, the other lowering his own weapon to the ground. “What’s your name?”
The man cocks his head. “What?”
Ease the tension.
“What’s your name?”
“Stevie,” he says stiffly.
“Nice to meet you, Stevie,” Carlos says with a small nod. "I'm Carlos."
Ask open-ended questions, you want them to open up.
“This is quite the situation. Why don’t you tell me what happened?”
TK’s eyes have been trained on the woman in front of him but he glances up at Carlos curiously.
“It… It all went wrong,” Stevie almost whispers. “We didn’t mean for it to go like this.”
“We?” Carlos prompts. He sees TK in his peripheral vision, slowly lowering his hands to finish the bandage he’d been securing.
“Me and my partner, Vinnie.” He shakes his head. “But it doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” Carlos insists. “You didn’t intend for this to happen? So what did happen? How did it end up like this?”
“There wasn’t supposed to be anyone here!” He raises his voice and it echos through the parking garage.
Their radios crackle. “Reyes, Strand, status report.”
TK looks at Carlos, who looks at the man with a gun pointed at his boyfriend.
Buy some time.
“TK, will you answer that?” TK nods but Stevie shakes his head again.
Carlos puts his hand out in front of him, trying to stay calm—praying to whoever is listening that they can both make it out of this. “Hey, it’s okay. It’ll be better for you if one of us responds; otherwise, they’ll think something’s up. He’s going to buy us a little time, that’s all.”
“TK, Carlos, talk to me.”
The paramedic has his hand over his radio and Stevie nods. TK lets out a breath and keys the radio.
“Cap, we need a few more minutes.”
“I can give you five, at the most. IC’s itching to go in.”
Their eyes meet and Carlos hopes TK can read his mind—it’s going to be okay, we’ll be okay.
“Copy that.”
Almost as soon as he takes his hand off of the radio, Stevie is pulling his arm—knocking him off balance for a moment—and dragging him toward the van. The gun is pressed firmly against TK’s temple now.
“Listen to me–” he gives him a warning look and TK whimpers softly as the gun is pressed harder against him. “Please, just listen to me. Leave him here; take me—I will go with you. He can stay with this woman here, makes sure she stays alive.”
TK struggles slightly, following his train of thought—like always—and hating it.
“Shut up!” The man jerks TK a little to get his point across. But TK’s eyes are on Carlos, desperate and pleading.
The man’s jaw tightens and Carlos takes that as a sign.
“You need a hostage for leverage, I get it. So take me instead. Once you’re gone, the police will come in and clear it for the paramedics,” Carlos explains. His voice is miraculously steady. “If you take him, she might not make it. How is that going to look for you, Stevie?”
“Why should I?” The man sneers. “What can you offer me that he can’t?”
Carlos shifts. “More leverage. The city doesn’t take kindly to hurting innocent people. But the police will do whatever they can to get one of their own back.”
He furrows his brows like he’s considering it; TK’s eyes widen at that. Carlos meets his eyes and there’s a fear there that he wishes he could do something about.
Don’t do this to me.
It doesn’t take long before Stevie is smirking.
“But if I go with you,” Carlos says cautiously, “you leave him. You don’t hurt him.”
He pushes TK away and Carlos lets out a small breath as TK collides with him.
“Hi,” Carlos breathes and he smiles back as he surveys his face for any sign of bruising on there or—
And he’s dragging Carlos toward the van. TK doesn’t let go of his hand until the very last moment. Stevie opens the door and pushes Carlos in but turns to look back at TK swaying slightly on his feet.
Then the worst thing happens.
There’s a loud crack; TK stiffens; he crumples to the ground and Carlos can’t breathe.
“No, no… No, you said you wouldn’t hurt him!” Carlos tries to push past him to get to TK. The man presses the weapon against Carlos’s chest.
“You told me…You said he’d be safe.”
“Guess I’m not a man of my word.” He shoves Carlos hard, giving himself just enough room to close the door.
He’s plunged into darkness but all he can see is TK’s horrified face.
God, how do they keep ending up in situations like this?
“Reyes, Strand, get out of there, now.”
So they did hear the shot. Good.
“That’s… That’s gonna be a bit of a problem, Cap.”
He’s alive. He’s alive and that’s what matters. There’s a click and he looks toward the front, where Stevie now has his sights on him.
“Turn it off.”
Carlos pauses for a moment but does as he’s told. The man turns and looks out the windshield. “How do you plan on getting out of here? They’ve got the place surrounded.”
He doesn’t get a response.
Carlos takes a moment to survey his options. TK’s alone and in pain, Carlos’s radio is off, they’re in a parking complex surrounded by various police departments. But he has his phone.
After a long silence, he leans toward the front seat. “Can I offer a suggestion?”
— — —
“Captain Vega, we’re going in,” Richards announces and Nancy meets her gaze.
TK didn’t tell them what the problem was, but she knows it’s not good. Carlos hasn’t responded to the radio either. She wants to think that it’s nothing, but it’s TK and Carlos—one a danger magnet and the other willing to follow him into anything.
Nancy stands and paces the length of the truck. She hates sitting out here when her partner could be hurt. Again. Her phone digs, effectively pulling her attention out of her head.
“Wait, wait, Cap!” Tommy and Richards—tall, broad-shouldered, in a black SWAT vest—are at her side in a moment. “It’s an audio message from Carlos.”
“Play it.”
“Can I make a suggestion?”
A muffled what? Tommy shakes her head.
“That’s not TK,” she mutters.
“We should go out on foot. Make our way down to the ground level, jump over the barrier at the back of the structure.”
“Why shouldn’t we take the van, it’ll be faster that way.”
“No,” Carlos says fervently. “There’s one way in and one way out and they’re waiting for you to use that.”
“He’s making sure we’re ready for them,” Nancy says, looking up at Richards. “He’s telling you exactly where you need to be.”
“But, look, it will be better if you walk out of here. Willingly. You shot a first responder, Stevie.”
That last sentence is bitter and angry. Nancy doesn’t blame him.
“TK,” Tommy breathes.
“Running is only going to make this worse.”
The message ends. Richards is already walking away, spouting orders to the team leaders.
“Tommy?” The captain looks up at Nancy once more. The words are on the tip of her tongue.
What if we’re too late?
But she doesn’t need to say anything. Tommy takes one look at her and smiles—like a mother consoling her child—pulling Nancy into a hug.
“They’re going to be okay.”
— — — — —
It worked. Carlos cannot believe it worked. He grabs the back of the passenger seat—why don’t criminals ever put seats back here?—and watches as they descend, closer to the ground level.
From what he can tell, Stevie has every intention of giving himself up. All Carlos has to do is wait.
Level 2.
Level 1.
“Go slow,” he instructs. “If you go too fast, they’ll think you’re going to try and go through. That won’t be pretty.”
Carlos hears someone yell as they come into view.
“One last thing,” Carlos says, leaning forward a little as they slow down, “you need to keep your hands up and empty. So give me the gun.”
“Put it on the seat next to you if you want. But if you have it on you, they’ll be less than nice about it.”
Stevie finally pulls to a stop, reluctantly placing the weapon on the seat next to him. Carlos lets out a breath as the police and SWAT circle the car. Someone’s opening the driver's door, yelling orders at Stevie. And the moment they open the back door, Carlos pushes his way out—despite the protests of his fellow officers.
“Reyes, just wait, you should let Tommy look you over—”
He pushes someone else away and pushes through the stairwell door.
Level 5.
He saw the text, but it’s not enough. He needs to see it with his own eyes.
Level 6.
Carlos stumbles through the door and looks around. He sees the woman TK had tried to tend to.
“TK,” he calls.
And there he is. He’s unsteady, and he’s holding a spot on his chest, but… He’s alive. TK sways on his feet and Carlos catches him.
“Why don’t we sit you down, yeah?” Carlos asks. “Will that be better?”
When TK nods, Carlos helps him sit carefully to the ground. One of TK’s hands is on Carlos’s and the other is holding tightly onto his arm.
“Jesus, the kevlar barely helped.”
“You’re going to be okay,” Carlos says. “You owe me dinner remember?”
TK smiles. “I was just…going to make box mac and cheese.”
Carlos laughs, “that’s cheating.”
“You never said I couldn’t,” he mumbles.
He groans and shifts—wincing painfully. Carlos clicks his radio on.
“Captain Vega, can we get the—”
“We’re right here, Carlos,” Tommy calls, turning the corner of the nearest ramp. Nancy is behind her, pushing the gurney.
She smiles at him—relieved in her own way, he knows—and squeezes his shoulder.
“If you scare me like that again,” she scolds TK, “I swear, I will get you fired.”
TK grins up at her, “You’d miss me too much.”
— — —
Everything else goes by in a blur. He rides with the paramedics to the hospital and he sits by TK’s side as he gets looked at by the doctor. Aside from the spreading bruise across his chest, he’s fine and can even go home within the hour.
But there’s something else. He’s been uncharacteristically quiet, hardly looking at Carlos, finding something to busy himself.
Carlos knocks on the door frame of TK’s room.
“You ready to go?”
TK just nods, his eyes trained on the watch he’s trying to clasp around his wrist. Carlos shifts and steps closer.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”
He doesn’t respond for a long moment. “You know, you might be the dumbest person I know.”
Definitely not what he was expecting. “What?”
“You can’t—You can’t do that to me.” His voice is shaky and Carlos feels his heart crack.
“No,” he snaps. No, Carlos Reyes, you cannot put yourself in danger like that. Not for me.”
Carlos frowns. “Why not? Why not for you?”
TK finally meets his gaze—only for a moment—then tries to push out the door past him, but Carlos stops him.
“Let’s just go home,” TK pleads.
“Why not for you?”
“Because I’m not worth it!” He scoffs and runs his hands over his face. “If you get hurt because of me…I’m not worth that risk.”
Carlos takes a moment then cradles TK's face in his hands. “Baby, look at me,” he tilts his chin up. “You are worth every risk.”
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actuallysara · 3 years
sorry if somebody asked this already but what do you think the plot of 3.13 riddle of the sphynx is gonna be 😵‍💫😵‍💫
No one has <3 and oh boy asdfgh
We know they filmed 3 tarlos scenes for that episode and they hinted we're getting Carlos' perspective of understanding and realizing what it means to be with an addict and that TK's gonna have a hard time so I guess it's pretty safe to say that will happen in this episode. It seems like Benito (who plays Gabriel) might be in the episode too because of some photos he posted on ig but nothing has been confirmed yet.
I already talked about this some time ago here but I really hope that them finally addressing TK's addiction and past will just smooth the way for a proposal. Episode 14 is called "Impulse Control" and that has me veeeery interested. So they're possibly (and hopefully) gonna start heading in that direction?
But anyway, I'm currently dying to get some actual info about both episodes and the wait is. killing. me.
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caswlw · 3 years
another thing i didn’t get about the ep was that they were clearly trying to do the whole “the call directly corresponds/influences the current issue x character is facing” 911 thing with eddie and the family with the dad who the balcony collapsed on and the kid being like “is dad dead?” but. literally that dude was just in a freak accident it had absolutely nothing to do with his (or eddie’s) job at all
like all of these cases will always tie to the thesis of the ep (usually a title relation too) and smth that’s going on w the mains, like ig there’s bt and the work couple, you have bobby and the ppl from that building, etc
but like that dude was fine 😩 if anything it gave more focus toward the more analytical perspective of oh. so even if it looks like eddie is in Danger Danger, he’s going to be okay !! esp if yk a little kid (his son) is viewing it solely from the perspective of someone who cares abt him and doesn’t understand the nuance of every little emergency
more analysis under the cut bc i can’t help myself
plus you have to think like. eddie was told by carla in 413 to do what his heart wanted- not chris; whether or not it’s addressed here in this way, yet again eddie is making the choice that for chris this Must be the best course of action rather than literally anything else (which is also pointed out as carla tells him that he really loves this job and doing what he does- but leaving it is again. doing what she warned him against in 413).
what’s obvs important to note is that chris is eddie’s heart in a less than literal way, so when he’s all rash w decision making, it’s bc he sees chris as an extension of himself in how he takes care of his own shit. that said tho, i wouldn’t be surprised to have an arc where eddie realizes that he isn’t happy w whatever he’s doing post leaving the 118 bc his true calling is being a firefighter- whether it goes in the TK direction of saving ppl while not on the job and seeing how it’s instinctual (like buck 302/303) or it’s in the vibe of clipboard fire marshal buck where he tries to do smth close to being a firefighter that fits Wrong (which. that idea is worth a whole other analysis post of possibilities). like chris is Extremely important to eddie of Course but being the sole driving factor behind every single one of his choices would create a weird dependency situation- smth well avoided by most of the other parent-child relationships on 911 proper.
i also think that the best way for the show to address the situation w/o rocking the boat literally out of the water would be to have eddie and chris talk about what his job entails and why he Has to do it- probably w some other plot intertwined w chris specifically so he can understand why the instinct is there yk? and chris obvs has expressed joy at the idea of being a firefighter (end of 301? 302 opening?) and the fact that eddie is a firefighter ! but these traumatic events back to back clearly are hurting him and the best way to solve it isn’t to avoid it completely like eddie plans on doing (as he’s chosen as of 510 at least).
not to mention buddie excessively too but telling chris abt the will? the way that there’s a family (extended 118, more spec the diaz-buckley situation) built up around them no matter what. and obviously this doesn’t ensure that eddie is safe and sound like chris wishes, but it could show that all of them take care of each other and keep each other safe, as well as chris if it Comes to that (again, the will). and what’s insane is that eddie KNOWS this and has for a WHILE and avoiding the concept* completely isn’t helping chris, it’s not helping him, and it’s not helping his relationship w that aforementioned family
i guess what i mean to say is that everything is weird. if eddie does become a paramedic then there’s no telling what that means for the whole balance of the team yk? or how they’ll structure the final 8 eps bc if eddie is a focus of like 2 w his “leaving”/stage 4 plot, and we need at LEAST two probably three eps abt the madney happenings PLUS the crossover, that leaves little time for whatever the finale disaster is plus whatever they throw in for hen (more med school advancement, general wilson family moments), athena (idk i just don’t want her to be a cop anymore :/ but generally accepting that her kids r older now and they have shit going on that is separate from her), bobby (general upkeep of the family when it’s Actively falling apart + idk what they’re doing w all these refs to yk. building construction. but s1 refs abound), buck (WOW i could talk abt the bt shit forever but they’re probably breaking up by the end of 5B- maybe the finale even, MADDIE COMING BACK??, rekindling friendship w chim, the will i hope), and that’s just the mains !! albert existing, may and her fitting inside the dispatch and her family without having to abandon either PLUS any chance of college still, and ravi and that little backstory snippet from 508(?). there’s so much to still b addressed and obvs there’s B and C plots but i have to say i’m both thinking 24/7 abt how they’re going to do it best to not hurt anything else and i’m also obsessed w just. imagining how they’re gonna fuck it up
*the lack of major story reference to s4 is a bit strange imo like obvs madney was major last season and they’re not really now? and the plot bunnies left in the final few eps w buddie or bathena ?? ALBERT’S EXISTENCE ??? when he most def could be in things despite chim not being here like he and buck were roommates- and then you have hen and med school ?? weird but anyway ykwim it’s like major things are just going unspoken
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huntypastellance · 7 years
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Christmas news featuring ace Pidge, the Korrasami/Klance war (with guest appearances by the angry Bubbline fans) & a very special guest star at the very end!!!
First up: the Klance/Korrasami/Bubbline war of 2017.
It all started from one asshole: the klanti (anti who is a Klance fan), who wrote this very spiteful, petty, hateful, delusional & “anti-every ship that isn’t klance” 50,000+ word long manifesto. (TLDR: everything is Klance & even the fact that the staff refuse to talk about Klance is proof that Klance is canon. Other ships are nasty & anyone who doesn’t see canon Klance is a gross old man uwu.)
They tweeted that Korrasami (Korra x Asami from The Legend of Korra) was less developed than Klance & that Klance would be more better & canon than it, with more subtext.
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This essentially stoked a mass twitter war with each side accusing & attacking the other. 
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Eventually, the klanti, (keithlovesdudes on twitter & koganya on tumblr), made a half-assed apology claiming that they loved korrasami just as much & then spouted about 2 pages worth of more “why klance is canon” meta.
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Read the “apology” here: https://imgur.com/a/3V6pt
Other Klance supporters tried to redirect all the Korrasami fury towards the Sheith fans instead, claiming that they as fellow canon gays (*eyerolls*) should team up & fight the nasty abusive ships instead.
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Other Klancers tried to calm the flames by claiming that Klancers didn’t really hate the Korrasami fans. This failed.
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Bubblines (Princess Bubblegum x Marceline from Adventure Time) got dragged in as Klancers compared the two ships & were spamming the Bubbline tag, much to the annoyance of the Bubblines.
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Rather than Korrasamis & Klancers against Sheith, this turned into Bubblines & Korrasamis against Klancers. Every side looked stupid, but the Klancers looked especially stupid.
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Second: the Keith-Against-Sheith ace wank.
Trashy anti with zero common sense or understanding how time & familial relationships work, keith-against-sheith, went into a rant about how Bex TK’s headcanons of Pidge being ace were disgusting & sexualizing the character.
This led to a very very long stupid discourse (ignoring that queer teenagers think about sex, ignoring that adult writers are the ones writing media about ace youths & queer youths, ignoring that teenagers are taught sex ed by adult teachers in high/middle school - aka adults whose literal jobs revolve around thinking that teenagers have sex & how they should be taught about safe sex) that can be summed up as the following:
-KAS acesplains to an underaged ace anti, shootymcshoot, despite not actually being ace & without a single verifiable source. Shootymcshoot actually apologizes to KAS for “educating” them without any sources.
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-KAS gets into a fight with other anti (the infamous anti creep from the Shalanonymous wank), allura-of-altea, & then blocks her after acesplaining to her.
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-Sourwolf-wot (the jackass that made the post that We color-lined at the top of this news post), ignorantly accuses allura-of-altea of being a typical nasty shaladin, because anyone who argues with an anti is CLEARLY a shaladin!!!
And here’s some bonus stupid from KAS.
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Finally: Sourwolf-wot - the klanti who’s fine with wincest but goes into a Hulk-like rage around sheith.
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As you can see in the color-lined post & in the KAS ace wank, sourwolf-wot is an idiot.
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And also does not care about victims of abusive/pedophilic relationships, given that they accused Sheith fans of being in those relationships & laughed at them for being abused & manipulated. As though a child being raped & abused was something AMUSING for them.
Why are We focusing on them?
You see, a while back, when We posted about all the hateful comments Jeremy Shada (voice actor for Lance) was receiving on his instagram post (not voltron related) about Klance being “ cancelled”, (all he did was say in an interview that Keith & Lance were like brothers).....
sourwolf-wot raged at Us for not cropping out their comment in the screencaps, even though We mentioned that We included every comment, including the nice ones, & the scroll bar in the post because We could not archive this instagram post.
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Notice that they wouldn’t even TELL Us which comment was their’s so that We could delete it or censor it. They just wanted to insult Us.
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This was their comment, which We only figured out after looking through their blog.
If they had asked politely like a normal person with brains & morals would, then perhaps We would have removed it for them.
But they’re just too toxic for that.
Well, since sourwolf-wot hit a sore spot for Us (even if it was unintentional, it’s clear that they don’t give a shit about victims of abuse & even find their abuse funny), We went on the attack.
Here, they accuse shaladins of reporting their account to Instagram (no proof provided) & claim that that was why their account was deleted.
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And here’s their Instagram post where they brag about openly posting Klance (Is it Klance? It’s probably Klance, though) porn (although with NSFW warnings, but even so, this is against Instagram’s ToS) & then talk about Lance or Keith’s dick & how only Christian suburban moms would be offended by seeing pictures of underaged teen boys having sex on their Instagram feed.
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For reference: your account can only be deleted if
-it’s a bot bug -you broke Instagram’s ToS (such as by posting porn)
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So that’s that. They’re an asshole.
EDIT: We never realized it until now, but sourwolf-wot had actually been featured on this blog’s “Anti Hall of Shame” before. It was way back before this blog was created & the hunty squad (not yet formed at that time) were talking about hypocritical Klantis who headcanoned Keith & Lance as underaged minors, but had explicit Klance porn all over their blogs & even used it as their blog’s header image.
A screencap of sourwolf-wot’s blog (the theme has been changed now) was the example used by one of the squad members & was subsequently posted to the Hall of Shame after We created it.
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That white font under the porn is Our edit, which We put there to give context to why it was in the Hall of Shame.
Happy Holidays, everyone. Thank you for supporting this blog for almost 4 months, despite the mistakes We’ve made!
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