#ignore me i'm whining
an-unraveling-unknown · 5 months
I would love to finish a project but I am unable to even begin one if i'm not rotating between that and two others at the same time at a consistent 'one brainsplosion per project' ratio. like a rotisserie chicken but its bad work ethic
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cozy-the-overlord · 2 years
First day of classes …. yaaaay ….
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pixelateddragonet · 4 months
My mother's been going all out for Father's Day for my dad and her's, and has been worried about ordering things on time for the past 2 months but my birthday is 3 days after that and she hasn't even asked if I want cupcakes then much less what i want for my birthday
And I know I'm an adult and shouldn't expect too much for silly holidays like that and I know she has some memory problems from her concussion 5 years ago, but I'm still really bummed out that it doesn't seem like she cares about my life events anymore, like even my little sister noticed and is getting fussy about it on my behalf
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resurrectroxymorton · 2 years
My sister: complains about how far away I live and how we could spend more time together if I lived closer.
Also my sister: spends the week that I'm at our parent's (where she currently lives) with her boyfriend. And all of our activities together include me 3rd wheeling with her and her boyfriend.
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
I've lived with my family for less than a month, and I already want to claw my eyes out or strangle them or both. I hate it here.
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revenantghost · 9 months
Eugh. Gotta do something real scary and adult today with legitimately everything riding on it and I dun wanna ):<
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adamshallperish · 1 year
just saw someone in the drive away dolls tag complaining about how pedro pascal was only going to be in the movie for five minutes and how that meant "clearly he's being exploited". bestie i'm sorry the lesbian roadtrip movie is about two lesbians on a roadtrip and not pedro pascal.
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incorrect-koh-posts · 5 months
You said "which is a tragedy in its own right as far as my tastes are concerned, but I digress", but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. I hope it's okay to ask, but what kind of fics/pairings would you like/prefer to see emerge from the fandom?
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Of course it's okay to ask, dear anon!
Personally? I'd love to see more variety. One of the chief reasons why I enjoy reading fan fiction is finding new things I like - perhaps some pairing I hadn't considered before, some batshit premise or crossover that turns out to be actually brilliant, or maybe a cool genfic that explores previously unseen sides of a character or character dynamic that people don't write about very often. I'm not really the kind of person who seeks out fic based on specific tropes. Once I've read a story with a certain trope in a fandom, it's pretty unlikely that I'll go and read another one with a very similar premise, unless I really enjoy the author's writing.
So what I'd be excited about seeing in the AO3 tag would honestly just be: something new. For instance, a sapphic Sibylla/OC fic would be such a fascinating read (as would be anything at all that explores Sibylla's character a bit more). Or a Saladin-centric fic - sign me the hell up. I'd adore finding something for Godfrey or Imad, and we all know a new Tiberias fic would have me foaming at the mouth. I'd also love an interesting and/or wacky AU (and I'd write one myself if I had the time). Make it Jane Austen and let Baldwin have a gentleman suitor, while Sibylla elopes Lydia-Bennett style with Guy, and Godfrey and Raymond grump about in the Navy. Write a daemon AU (as in His Dark Materials) in the canonical universe. Or throw them all into the 21st century and let Reynald send Saladin threatening messages via fax.
I know the KoH fandom is much too small to engender the sort of variety I'd ideally like to see, and it's only reasonable for writers to sort of double down upon the fic premises and tropes that have done well in terms of hits and comments in the past and write more of the stuff the majority enjoys. As far as taste goes, I'm aware I'm the complete outlier here, and I really don't mean to antagonise anybody with this post or insult their writing or reading preferences. I'm glad your fics are doing well, folks, I truly am - it's only that I'm very likely not the target audience for them. Sometimes I just wish I weren't the only freak in the circus, lol.
(The post anon is referring to is this one btw.)
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elvthali · 1 month
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Artfight revenge for @dreameroftheblue's Kaitou and Raziel!
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cozy-the-overlord · 2 years
Holy shit I do not respond well to being told how to write
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20001541 · 6 months
we lost so bad today afo fans....
the volume 40 cover just released and afo did not appear on it
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isfjmel-phleg · 5 days
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medieval-canadian · 9 months
so i'm crocheting a temperature blanket this year. my initial instinct was to say it's for my 32nd year but that's not actually how birthdays work so instead i'm awkwardly going with "the year i'm 32" and shortening it to just 32 mostly. anyway, that's besides the point.
i have the colour palette/yarn, i have the pattern (toni lipsey's linen stitch pixel temp blanket), i made a gauge swatch, i've started tracking temps (i've recorded hi/lo starting on dec. 8).... but fuck, i'm having so much trouble figuring out the temperature gauge!!!
i can't decide what the intervals should be, i can't decide if i want purples to be warm temps or cold temps or where to put the neutrals, i can't decide if i want to fiddle/tweak(/cheat?) and use the lows for the cold temps instead of the high which was the initial plan.... i just don't know!!! ugh.
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zehina · 4 months
Sometimes I wonder if I'd be missed. Not out of guilt for me not existing anymore, but because I was important to others.
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theflyingfeeling · 8 months
tomorrow-me: I'd really appreciate it if you could drag your arse to the grocery store so that I won't have to get up early tomorrow morning to do it you know?
now-me, wrapped in a blanket with tears in my eyes: but I'm just a baby?? 😭
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dummerjan · 6 months
i decided to stay home today because i felt terrible but was positive i would get up and start the day five hours later i am still in bed feeling terrible today was supposed to be at least an okay today: therapy and in the evening a concert
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