#ignore this i just haven’t slept yet probably idk haha
academiario · 2 years
rant: i wish i wasn’t autistic. everything is so hard and i have no idea what’s going on. why do i have to drive a manual while everyone else gets to drive an automatic. i need instructions in life. i want instructions in life. i’m tired of studying and copying normal people, it’s too complicated. there’s a lot of autistic people, people older than me, with more experience than me but where’s the normal people manual??? where?? i’m tired of figuring this out myself. i’m tired of talking. i wish it was acceptable to just, not talk. i wish i could just use sign language to people but i don’t even know sign language. and i don’t even feel time so i’m always late to everything. and my parents don’t even know that i got diagnosed. and i’m not planning on telling them. my mom is starting to notice that i’m weird since i’m in my 20s now, i’m getting older and i still have a lot of stuffed animals.
am i overthinking this bc i recently got diagnosed or is life genuinely and significantly harder now compared to when i was a kid. i noticed that it became gradually more difficult for me to act normal, interact, and fit in with my age group. i haven’t talked to anyone, besides my family, for a long time now. i know i need to talk but it’s so difficult, what do i even talk about to people my age? i don’t know what i have in common with them. who do i even talk to? where do i find them? i literally don’t even have friends. every time i post something on my personal account it’s noticeable that i barely get any likes. i wish people didn’t and couldn’t notice that i’m different.
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roccinan · 3 years
1/? simply because you have the most galaxy brain thoughts ever,,, what do you think would've happened if they waited until s5 to reveal sergio and andrés were (half)brothers?
i do know that when my fam started watching lcdp at first i was so put off. like i watched ep 1 and the prof creeped me out. ""berlin"" creeped me out. e v e r y o n e creeped me out. and i was cringing so hard becz of the short lived romance angle with alison parker. i literally did not watch s1 at all xcept for like sneak peeks. highlights being the scene where berlin discovers monica is alive and does his dramatic door by door thing? that was so SUSPENSEFUL even tho i had no idea what was going on. DOMINGO DE RESURECCION remains forever iconic.
2/? And OF COURSE the group bella ciao dance when they hit earth (hahah i thought the banda were actually like a "found family where they all love each other LOL") i am a SUCKER for found family. but anyhoo when i properly got intrigued was s2 when tokyo was kicked out (the music from that scene is still my favourite) it's just so dramatic..!! why am i telling u all this again? right, i haven't slept a wink and it's nearly 7 am pls forgive me if these rambles make no sense. i have a point with this.. i'm going somewhere
RIGHT. so when the fam actually rewound the ep cz i wanted to know WHY berlin did that (didn't fully realise how batsht crazy he can be), the russian roulette scene played. and pedro's acting. MAN. and like just that ep they made a point of showing us these flashbacks where sergio and andrés hug....
Hi anon! Thanks for stopping by- sorry took me a while to get back to you, will do my best to answer this string of messages (got all 4 parts)! Glad you like my thoughts XD
Firstly, I believe Andres/Sergio would be the biggest LCDP ship if the writers were evil enough to wait until s5 to reveal that they’re brothers asdfasdf. They’re already the two most popular male characters anyway. 
It’d be especially crazy because it’s not like they tell the actors these things beforehand either. So that means there’d probably be a Serdres vs Berlermo vs Serquel fight every 5 minutes. I mean, even if not everyone agrees on everything in the lcdp fandom, it’s the most “peaceful” one I’ve ever been in because no character really gets in the way of any other ship (like even with helermo and berlermo there’s no true conflict since Andres is dead). But with Serdres in the mix?? CATASTROPHE. Everyone out here writing essays about how much of a bastard/bitch/homewrecker/motherfucker that Andres or Sergio or Martin or Raquel is. Never a moment’s peace!! so basically, a regular fandom lmao.
Then when we find out they’re brothers, it goes from catastrophe to Apocalypse. Suddenly serquel and berlermo have the upper hand. Everyone would double down and harass the crew/cast into whatever’s going on.  Plot-wise, everything is the same though, just without Andres calling Sergio “hermanito.” Fandom however, would be a minefield! And I’m glad that’s not the case because I’d probably be an unfortunate serdres shippers XD No joke, my mother and I thought they were a couple in S1. So bullet dodged!
Secondly: haha, everyone creeped me out in S1 too, especially Berlin, I hated him, but thinking back, I think I mostly hated the fact that I didn’t hate him as much as I should have. I’ve made peace with it now but oh boy, was he a controversial figure in my head. I actually like the professor on sight though! IDK why, maybe because I thought his plans were cool or because of Alvaro’s delivery. I was afraid of an Alison Parker romance thing too- like, I do feel like she had a storyline that got dropped, but that part was quite cringey and overall unnecessary to the plot. Same with Ariadna, which was even cringier and even Less necessary to the plot. 
Domingo de resurrecion was iconic though yes! And even with all that said, I genuinely enjoyed parts 1 and 2 because it was so different from anything else I’d seen. Not content wise, but maybe tonally? IDK, they were just really bold with a lot of things, like being objectively unafraid of having the protagonists (plural because all of them did LMAO) do objectively shitty things. Really kept me in suspense from beginning to end! 
I’m usually a big fan of found families too! The funny thing is, then banda never struck me as a “family” until season 3. In 1 and 2, I was wondering what felt different about this show; then it hit me that these people remained colleagues to the end. Like, they backstabbed each other (repeatedly) and everyone was quite selfish, and only the bonds that were already there stuck. They were the opposite of a found family LOL But I think by S3, they went down the found family route and I didn’t mind because it makes quite a lot of sense for them to feel that bond after the Mint heist and almost dying/living together (and having witnessed 3 deaths together on the team). But I still doubt Berlin and Palermo were ever really part of this found family, with good reason XD
LOL the scene where Tokyo got kicked out is also among my favorites!! It was so funny and dramatic, and it was like, wow we can go anywhere with this now! Don’t worry- your rambles and thoughts are always welcome :D
I’m rolling over how you watched the Tokyo expulsion scene before the Russian Roulette scene haha. Also yes, PEDRO. Berlin may have been “controversial” to me at first, but I became Pedro’s fan from day one! Also the Hug is probably what made me like Berlin (despite my determination to hate him rip) in the first place. 
3/? ... and like now that i think about it... tokyo had real guts huh. like she KNEW berlin was close enough to el prof to know his name (fhshshs imagine if she'd heard andrés saying 'hermanito' it's unrealistic that she didn't TBH. i mean obviously they decided to make them brothers only towards the end but like in canon universe. how tf did andrés de 'i raised my bby brother since he was 12 and i'd actually die for him and his stupidly brilliant plans' fonollosa go 5 months without slipping up once and calling sergio hermanito. or like,,, i like to imagine sergio kinda gave him lots of leeway(?) sergio's a lil oblivious too but like i'm sure half of it is.. that's my dumbass older bro shut up i'm not being partial you all have city names .. andr-berlin, pass the salt. like OOF. + sergio also knew his big bro was dYiNG so like. i'm sure they were sneaking in some quality time (i hope they did 😭 gosh imagine if sergio really did not ever consider the possibility of andrés dying in the heist so he'd tell himself he needs to perfect the plan now & anyway he'll have enough time to spend w/ his brother post heist in philippines. and then ... that happened :/
Tokyo has guts in place of braincells you bet that she’d do something like this, consequences be damned XD I also think it’s unrealistic for Andres not to slip up, but I have a feeling nobody besides Tokyo really tried to spy on them in private. I headcanon that Andres instead slips up and does things like ruffle Sergio’s hair or adjust his tie when other people are around. I also think Tokyo was convinced that they were a gay couple when she saw them hug XD And if Sergio never went on to tell the banda that Berlin was his brother, everyone would be giving Palermo such awkward looks after Nairobi accused him of being in love with Berlin LMAO. 
I agree! I also imagine Sergio giving Andres leeway because he’s just so used to interacting with his brother that way haha. So either he’d go out of his way to ignore Berlin in front of everyone else or IDK, borderline telepathically communicate with him. Not even “pass the salt” has to leave his mouth- Berlin just puts salt into his food and cuts it up for him, in front of everyone who’s just staring like O.O
I actually do think Sergio never considered the possibility of Andres dying in the heist because he was just that confident in his own plan. Plus, Andres was probably the one person he expected to survive. And a lot of it has to do with Sergio’s attachment to him + Andres’ own habit of downplaying any illness/injury over the years, which I think is safe to believe canon. He was really in no condition to be in the heist, let alone lead it. Just the fact that he needs to take those injections is a big sign that he shouldn’t be there, but Sergio didn’t catch it because he’s human and blinded by faith :’) So yeah, I think Sergio was planning to spend proper time with Andres in Palawan and at Toledo, they just settled for those little moments by the fireplace. 
4/? what always also just GETS me in the feels is that el prof was shown to be this in control creepily calm dude who is miles ahead of everyone. + in the 1st Toledo class itself we see how detached,, like how impersonal he is, how professional - choosing frickin CITY NAMES?! no 'personal relationships' ? (after recruiting his older brother, a father son pair, and war cousins... oh sergio 😂 he's such a frickin nerd and i love him) but like the earlier seasons really emphasised how robotic and down right COLD he can be. it still sometimes bothers me that he put the button in the car. he lead the police to his own damn brother, his blood, who took care of him and adopted him and was terminally ill and like - UGH i try to rationalise that sergio is that cold and unbothered. or that he has strict morals. but it still bothers me becz that button really sort of tipped andres' already unstable sanity. like andrés tells denver someth like you've robbed my future and after that he just seems so much more suicidal and accepting that he can't get out of the mint alive - WHY SERGIO WHY. I KNOW THAT AT THAT POINT YOU BASICALLY DIDN'T KNOW ANDRÉS WAS GOING TO BE YOUR BROTHER YET BECZ IT WASN'T WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPT BUT WHYYYYY
That’s so funny to me too LMAO No personal relationships, then he recruits these guys. Sergio, hello?? Also can’t forget how he just recruited his own girfrleind in the second heist too. Buddy! Love this nerd.
I don’t think that cold aspect of Sergio went away in later seasons either; he just had more opportunity to show a more open side of himself + without Andres, he had to metaphorically leave his comfort zone without a safety net. But in earlier seasons, he really did seem heartless at times XD Then again, we can argue that the same goes for Andres.
To be fair, I didn’t feel sorry for Andres over the button thing lol, but once the brothers reveal happened and all of Alvaro/Pedro’s headcanons came out and we know everything Andres did for Sergio, it makes what Sergio did REALLY harsh. We really just have to explain it through Sergio’s strict morals and him believing this to be the best non-fatal punishment for Andres, who at that point had convinced him he killed a hostage. And because he knew the television interview was coming up, maybe Sergio assumed Andres would use it to “clear” his name anyway. And empathy isn’t one of Sergio’s strong suits either, so through that lens, I can rationalize it.
Also it was lowkey funny to me how Andres was there like DENVER MUST DIE until he found out Sergio put the button there, then he was like “oh hermanito, you and your practical jokes <3″
Still, like you said, Andres and Sergio weren’t brothers yet at this point. They were probably supposed to be lovers lmao and had a dysfunctional Hannibal Lecter x Will thing going on. But because they made #hermanos canon, that button moment just feels very out of place now, especially given how much the two genuinely love each other.
Guess we could also say that Sergio’s just generally kinda bratty with Andres XD Like, he knows no matter what, Andres would forgive him anything. That’s how I see it anyway! 
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acid-eater · 5 years
LOGH 100 Question Meme
Under the cut bc this is huge
1) How did you get into LOGH? 
It was back in 98 when I used to “work” with some friends fansubbing anime in a home studio. One day one of my friends, who used to go to japan a lot because his family was living there as dekasegi, brought some episodes of logh (half of the 1st season) telling us that we should start subbing it because it was “the best space opera ever to exist”. We found the script on the internet and watched it. It was awesome, but we never subbed it because we were too lazy.
2) What did you watch/read from LOGH?  I haven’t watched Golden Wings 
3) Which one did you get started with? the first of the 110 episodes
4) What do you plan to watch/read from LOGH in the future? hmm nothing I guess
5) What books do you own from LOGH? Yoshiki Tanaka‘s novels
6)What video support do you own from LOGH? 720p and old 480p
7)What LOGH videogames do you own? Physical copy none, but I have all pc88 and pc98 games (only to take screenshots because I can’t play them in japanese haha)
8)What’s your favorite LOGH videogame? n/a
9)What goods from LOGH do you own (toys, clothes, etc.) this is everything logh related I own
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(thanks to my favorite girls hisohiso and karisomeotome)
10)If you could wish for a LOGH good that doesn’t exist yet, what would that be? idk, an audiobook, maybe? 
11)Do you own LOGH models? Nope
12)Did you ever thought “OH MY GOD I AM A LOGH FREAK”? Nope
13)Did you ever sang a LOGH song in a karaoke? No, I’ve never been to a karaoke x_x
14)What is your favorite season of the show? 2
15)And your less favorite? Maybe 1? x_x Idk...
16)What is your favorite episode and/or movie? episode 54
17)Favorite scene or event? Reinhard and Yang Wenli meeting
18)Favorite battle? Vermillion! (see? 2nd season is the best) but also Shiva
19)Less favorite scene or event? 3 terrible scenes involving: kircheis, yang wenli and reuenthal 
20)Favorite song? I love Hikaru no Hashi wo Koete and Sea of the Stars
21)Favorite sountrack? Mahler’s Symphony No 2, “Resurrection”. Mostly because of episode 98 ;____;
22)Favorite quote? “Information is a living organism - with a short lifespan.” Yang the Wenli on Spiral Labyrinth and “The people have democratic principles on their lips, but cannot spare the effort to safeguard them! The collapse of a government is the sin of its rulers and leaders. The collapse of democratic rule is the sin of every citizen.” Bucock - The man, the legend   
23)Who would you have sided with if you had a choice? The solitary and hopeless struggle of Jessica Edwards
24)Where would you live? In Heinessenpolis
25)What job/function would you have had? an irrelevant one
26)Which character is the most alike to you? I have NO idea 
27)Which character would you like to be like? Ugh... Bucock, maybe.
28)Who is your favorite character? Miracle Yang
29)Which character were you impressed by the most? Reuenthal
30)Your OTP…? Mitts & Reuenthal
31)…and NOTP? all the hetero u_u
32)Who is the perfect, ideal couple? Reinhardo-sama and Kircheis 
33)Less favorite character? Every fuckin Phezzani (except for Boris Konev) 
34)Who is the sassiest man in the galaxy? Dusty or Schenkopp
35)Who is the smartest character? Oberstein
36)And the sexiest? Reuenthal 
37)Who has the best strategy? Yang Wenli
38)Who has the best strategy from the opposite side? Reinhard
39)Who has the worst strategy?  Braunschweig is really incompetent 
40)Who is the most evil? The whole Terraist Church and of course the Phezzani behind it
41)Who is the most honest? Kircheis and Mittermeyer
42)Which character can’t be ignored yet not your favorite one? Cazellnu
43)WHO IS GALAXY’S GREATEST HERO? maybe kesler, maybe mitts
44)Favorite ship (as in spaceship not your OTP again)? Barbarossa
45)Favorite planet? Heinessen
46)Who are, gradually, the five best officers from the Alliance? Bucock, Yang, Julian, Schenkopp, Dusty
47)And from the Empire? Reuenthal, Muller, Kessler,Mitts, Oberstein
48)Who would you like to have as your subordinate? Julian
49)Who would you like to have as your superior? Yang or Bucock or Merkatz
50)Who would you hate to have as your superior? Reinhard u_u
WOW!! Halfway through, here’s a cookie!!
51)Who would you hate to have as your subordinate? Poplan
52)Who would you like to have as your opponent? Reinhard
53)Who would you hate to have as your opponent? Yang
54)If you could befriend a character, who would that be? Mittermeyer
55)Which character would you have a talk with? Mittermeyer
56)If you could be one of the characters for one day, who would it be and when? One of Cazellnu daughters 
57)Which character could you fall in love with? Reuenthal
58)Which character do you want to treat badly? Reuenthal lol
59)Which character would you have liked to live? Kircheis (end of the anime) and Yang
60)Which character do you wish to see dead (earlier)? Rubinsky
61)What death affected you the most? 3: kircheis, yang and reuenthal
62)What death did you celebrate? Rubinsky
63)What death is the most heroical? Bucock
64)What death is the silliest? Andrew Fork
65)Who is right of Yang and Reinhard? Yang
66)Between the Trunicht Government and the Goldenbaum Government, which would you choose? Revolution!!!!
67)If you were in Yang’s position, how would you have reacted to the Greenhill Coup d’Etat?  The NSMC was a mistake and it would obviously destroy itself, Yang did well in putting that guy (I forgot his name) to talk publicly denouncing that the coup was supported by the Empire, but he took so long to actually attack them somehow.
68)Who used the best technique to destroy the Artemis necklackle, Kircheis or Yang? Yang
69) Would you have killed Reinhard in Vermillion if you were in Yang’s position? Without a doubt
70)Who would you have sided with in Merkatz place? He did the right thing, I would do the same.
71)If it were you instead of Yang, would you have sided with Reinhard after the battle of Vermillion? No. Impossible.
72)Do you prefer Oberstein or Bittenfeld? Tough one... Bittenfeld, probably 
73)Were you sad about Oberstein’s death? More than I expected tbh
74)If you could choose to marry either Frederica or Hilda, who would it be? Frederica, for sure.
75)Who do you think Julian slept with? Mashengo (my otp)
76)In your humble opinion, how many times did Reinhard and Hilda did “the thing”? lol just once and she probably didn't even cum
77)Do you think Reinhard was poisoned? Some questions are better left unanswered 
78)Do you prefer the books, the anime or the manga (or the remake :B)? Anime
79)Do you like Golden Wings/Ougon no Tsubasa? haven’t seen
79)Do you wish the OVA looked like GW/OnT? Noooo
80)Do you like other works from Yoshiki Tanaka? I don’t know any other
81)Do you like other works from Noboru Ishiguro? Of course! Especially Macross, Megazone and Yamato. 
82)Who is your favorite seiyuu? I don’t have one.
83)Who would you like to see in your own language dubcast? huh no one
84)Who is your favorite classical music composer from the soundtrack? Gustav Mahler
85)If there was a LOGH live action movie, who would you like to see in the cast? Please, no.
86)Do you have friends you can share your love for LOGH with? YES!
87)Are you a LOGH proselyte and try to get new people into it? All the time (it never works tho)
88)What is the message from LOGH you will remember? obviously “In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.”
89)What did you like in LOGH? A LOT of things. I liked the writing, the fact that the story is thought and presented as if it were historical data, is really believable most of the time. I like the characters, aesthetically speaking, their design are so varied and unique I could pretty much imagine how they would look like as real people. On a psychological level as well, their variety and depth is amazing and I mention this show as an example on how the best stories are those where both the plot and the characters are awesome.
90)What did you hate in LOGH? That it had to end
91)What do you think of democracy as depicted in LOGH? Democracy is not something that should be taken for granted and LOGH has the best way to remind us about it.
92)What do you think of autocracy as depicted in LOGH? Obviously depicted in a positive way but doesn’t neglect to highlight the limits of this system as well, with Reinhard’s statement that Alec should not reign were he unfitting for the task and him agreeing to give the Empire a constitution.
93)Did LOGH changed your views about politics or history? Not really, it just reassured things I’ve already known and presented they 
94)How did you feel after finishing episode 110?  Ewige Wiederkunft
95)How would you describe LOGH in few words? A modern definition of an Epic.
96)What do you expect from LOGH in the future? Nothing
97)Do you casually read LOGH fanfiction? No
98)Do you casually write LOGH fanficition? Nope
99)Do you casually draw LOGH-related art? No D:
100)Any last words? 
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Because I said too many NOs in the last questions.
Congratulations! You did it! A true galactic hero!
Don’t forget to tag your post with #logh100questions so I we can read your answers (and send you the official Galactic Hero Medal (made of fine Swiss chocolate ;D)
[Translated from the original french meme from this forum:http://www.cosmic-era.com/forum/][Some questions were replaced because of reasons]
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
What day of the week was it yesterday? It wassss Thursday.
What “number day” was it? February 4th.
What time did you wake up yesterday? I automatically wake up at about 6:30 AM every weekday since I have to start work by 8 sharp. I use the free hour and a half to either get some more sleep, or go ahead and try to properly wake up.
What was the weather like? It’s been chilly these days, so I’m trying to savor it as much as I can before it leaves for good in a few weeks.
What did you eat for breakfast? I had coffee so I can psyche myself up for my one-on-one talk with the CEO of the company I work at - she apparently does that with all the new hires to get to know them which I appreciate, but it also made me nervous as fuck. Other than chugging that coffee down, my mom also made me corned beef with rice.
What did you wear? I wore an olive green top I typically wear outside so that I could look nice for the aforementioned video call.
What did you eat for lunch? I’m not usually able to take a lot of bites when I’m working, so the corned beef meal actually stayed wiith me the whole day.
What did you eat for dinner? We had sisig, mainly. My dad also got a free sample of kare-kare when he was out today for some reason lol, so I had that with my rice.
Did you have any snacks or treats? I don’t think so, no.
Who did you talk to in person yesterday? Just my immediate family as I didn’t get to go outdoors.
Who did you text or call yesterday? I had two work-related video calls yesterday. One of them was with Leah, the CEO; the other one was with a client along with my teammates Ysa and Bea.
Did you work yesterday? If so, what time was your work shift? Yeah, as I do every weekday. My shift is from 9 AM to 6 PM, but I start working at 8 AM. I so wish I got paid for that extra hour, lmao.
Did you have to go to school? I have not had to go to UP in a long time, no. I don’t even call it my school anymore.
Did you have to run any errands? If so, then where? All my errands were work-related, so.
Name something you watched yesterday. Good Mythical Morning posts a new video every weeknight here, so I watched it as soon as it came out. I watched some wrestling stuff as well.
Name something you read yesterday. I don’t think I was able to read anything.
Name a song that you remember listening to yesterday. Hm, I do remember feeling a little down very briefly last night and I got in the mood to listen to 26, by Paramore (because of course).
Did you do anything different/atypical yesterday? Did something out of the ordinary happen? Well the talk with Leah happened, so there’s that. I was really nervous for it, but I’m glad it went well. She seems to have liked me so I hope I stay on her good side.
Did you hang out with anyone yesterday? If so, then who - and what did you do? Just with my family. We did the usual stuff, like having dinner together < Same. I usually hang out in the living room with my family after dinner as well, but in the last few days I’ve taken to spending some time alone on the rooftop because the weather has been nice again. I might keep it up until March, or whenever the weather gets sucky and all humid all over again.
What is something fun that you did yesterday? I ordered from a high school batchmate’s small business. I’ve loved her pastries for years, and when she reopened her shop for 2021 the other day, I saw that she had added croissants to her menu. They looked fucking good, so I didn’t hesitate to order from her and now I can’t wait to get them next week, hahah.
What time did you go to bed? For some reason I was really tired yesterday; I think I was asleep by 9 or 9:30.
What day of the week is it today? Friday THE BEST DAY
What “number day” is it? February 5th.
What time did you wake up? I woke up earlier today because I slept early last night – around 6 AM. I was actually woken up by an earthquake, so that’s my new thing for today lol.
What is the weather like? It’s only 8:30 in the morning so I can’t say for sure, but right now at least I can say it hasn’t been warm or uncomfortable.
What did you eat for breakfast? I haven’t had it yet. But I did smell my dad cooking bacon before he left for work today and that smelled nice. I might pick up a strip or two to munch on.
What did you wear today? I’m still wearing the same stuff. I take showers in the evenings on Fridays so that I feel great in welcoming the weekend, haha.
What did you eat for lunch? I will most likely skip it.
What did you eat for dinner? No clue but I’m looking forward to what my dad has planned.
Did you have any snacks or treats? Nope, but we still have some leftover tteokbokki in the fridge. I might heat it up later in the day if I get in the mood for it.
Who did you talk to in person? So far only my parents, but I know I’ll be talking to Nina as well once she gets up for the day.
Who did you text or call? No one yet. We’ll see if I have to text anyone for work today, but so far there’s been no need to.
Did you work today? If so, what time was your work shift? I will be. My shift will officially start in half an hour, but I’ve gotten up early to start other tasks.
Did you have to go to school? No. If I’m not mistaken, I think UP was also recently closed to the public until the 15th because of recent Covid cases, so that sucks. I was looking forward to visit.
Did you have to run any errands? If so, then where? I’m out of 3-in-1 coffee packs so if my parents don’t buy a bundle today, I might have to go to the nearby convenience store to pick one up myself.
Name something you watched today. I have a Good Mythical More video playing at present to accompany me as background noise. I’m not necessarily watching it, though.
Name something you read today. I needed to read several articles for work a few minutes ago.
Name a song that you remember listening to today. I haven’t turned on my Spotify yet but I’m looking forward to Hayley’s single coming out at noon. AAAAHHHHHHHHH
Did you do anything different/atypical today? Did something out of the ordinary happen? I got up very early for work, lol. I usually wait until 8 AM sharp for me to pull myself out of bed, but I was up and at my workspace by 7:20ish. I feel like this set-up is better for me, so I might try waking up earlier again in the next few days.
Did you hang out with anyone today? If so, then who - and what did you do? No. I do want to go to a coffee shop tonight, though.
What is something fun that you did today? Haven’t done much today considering the time... but idk. I might give Grey’s Anatomy a start tonight? Or maybe revisit The Crown?? Maybe go for a long walk around the neighborhood tonight with Kimi? We’ll see. I’m in the mood to be spontaneous this Friday.
What time will you go to bed? I’d like to sleep by midnight or even beyond it because it’s the weekend, and I wouldn’t want to waste my free time.
What day of the week will it be tomorrow? It will be Saturday.
What “number day” will it be? Feb 6th.
What time do you have to get up? No time - the best kind of morning. I want to get up early though so I can maximize my day.
What is the weather supposed to be like? The high is supposed to be 31ºC, while the low will be 24ºC.
What do you plan on eating for breakfast? It depends on what either of my parents will cook, but I am guessing some type of omelette and either hotdogs or corned beef. And rice, of course.
What do you plan on wearing? I haven’t planned it out yet. Definitely something comfy though, especially if I decide to only stay in.
What will you eat for lunch? Will be skipping it.
What will you eat for dinner? If my mom cooks it will probably be some type of pasta. My dad mixes his dishes up every time, so if he decides to be the one to make dinner I’m not sure what he has planned.
Will you have any snacks or treats? I’d love to be able to. My parents will sometimes whip something up in the afternoons, like pancakes or wicked Oreos. Should I decide to land in a coffee shop tomorrow or on Sunday, I will most likely pick up a savory pastry.
Who will talk to in person tomorrow? My immediate family for sure. < Same. I haven’t made plans to see friends recently.
Who will you text or call tomorrow? Out of all my friends, I’ll probably message Angela. Otherwise I have the day to myself tomorrow.
Did you have to work tomorrow? If so, what time is your work shift? Not during the weekend, thank fuck. There are some clients who are relentless and will continue to message over the weekend, but I ignore them.
Do you have to go to school? Nope. Couldn’t go to my university even if I wanted to.
Do you have to run any errands? If so, then where do you need to go? Not that I know of yet. < Same.
Name something you plan to watch tomorrow. I think it’s time for a new series, haha. Like I mentioned, probably Grey’s.
Name something you plan to read tomorrow. I’ve got nothing lined up. Maybe my usual Wikipedia binge as always.
Name an music artist that you plan on listening to tomorrow. Probably streaming the shit out of descansos.
Will you do anything different/atypical tomorrow? Is something non-routine supposed to happen? I actually haven’t picked up my embroidery kit since January. I wanna get back on it.
Will you hang out with anyone tomorrow? If so, then who - and what will you do? Just me and my dogs.
What is something fun that you hope to do tomorrow? I want to resume my embroidery templates and I already know how fun I’ll find that :)
What time might you go to bed? Again, just any time that’s extremely late because it’s the weekend.
0 notes
tomhsparker · 7 years
missing you - tom holland imagine #4
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about : Tom is away at SDCC while promoting Spider-Man Homecoming. Things start to go downhill as a Facetime call ensues and jealousy arises. 
Warnings : a teeny bit sad. drunk tom!
The ID caller showed up on your phone and you grinned, flopping down onto the bed as you answered the call. Tom’s smiling face filled your screen and you giggled, greeting him with a simple ‘hello Thomas’.
 “Y/N! It’s crazy here!” Tom shouted, “I’ve never seen anything like this before! There were thousands of people on the panel it was insane!”
 “Are you having fun?” You asked, a small yet tired simper reaches your lips.
 “Loads! Everyone’s amazing! Laura is here, Jacob is here, Tony is here, oh and Zendaya is here too!” He continued to ramble on about how everyone had secretly arrived to the convention but your heart sank at her name.
 Tom was an extremely sweet person, and he was definitely good-looking. Your biggest fear from letting him leave to Atlanta was him finding someone new. What if he found someone else prettier, smarter and better than you? Maybe he was already tired of you.
 And it didn’t help that Zendaya was a part of your worry. She was the kind of girl you’d always want to be. She was gorgeous and successful, not to mention extremely talented. You let your insecurity get the best of you sometimes and you would always feel a bit glum whenever you saw them together. However, Tom wasn’t aware that you felt that way.
 “Isn’t Zendaya pretty?” you piped up randomly, playing with the hem of your sweatpants.
 “Yes, she is. Why?” Tom sounded confused. He looked at something behind the camera and he laughed, slapping his chest.
 “Oh, that’s amazing, Z,” he chuckled before looking back at you on the phone, “sorry babe, were you saying something?”
 You were about to say something before he interrupted you, laughing again and talking to someone you could only assume was Zendaya. You could hear her laughter too and you flinched, feeling annoyed. Anger and jealousy was already bubbling inside of you. Rolling your eyes, you scoffed at how he was so oblivious to you on the phone as he dropped his phone to his side so all you could see was his pants.
 This was the first time in days he had facetimed you, and you felt so put off by how he wasn’t even paying attention to you.
 Pissed off, you pressed the end call button hardly, ending the facetime. You put your phone beside you and picked up your laptop, trying to calm yourself down.
 It seemed like the world wanted to rub everything in your face when you clicked on a random song on your spotify. Everything I’m Not by The Veronicas came on and you gasped, throwing up your arms in anger.
 “Oh, come on!” You yelled at no one in particular.
 The song blasted on your speakers and you sighed, letting it play.
 Your phone beeped once.
 Tom’s face popped up on the screen, indicating a call coming in from him.
 You ignored it, letting the ringtone play amongst the loud tunes of The Veronicas.
 It stopped for a few seconds before ringing again. This time you decided to decline the call.
 A text came in. You peeked.
 Tom x : babe, what’s up? u  just hung up?
10. 50 pm
 Tom x : y/n? Im gonna call u again.
10. 52 pm
 Tom x : why did u decline the call?
10. 58 pm
 Tom x : did i do something wrong?
11. 05 pm
 You snorted, picking up your phone and typing a quick reply.
 Me : idk ask zendaya lmao
 Me : im gonna sleep. Have fun at comic con.
 Just as you were about to put away your phone, it vibrated.
 Tom x : I think I know what’s going on. Are you jealous of Z?
11.08 pm
 Tom x : I hope you know I love you, and that I will never eye another girl that’s not you. I understand how you feel, I get sad whenever I think of all the other boys that are with you everyday. So i dont blame you. But you can trust me love. I promise.
11.09 pm
 Tom x : z and i are just friends, nothing more babe. Im way too in love with you. Also im sorry if ive been distant. I miss you so much and i havent been able to really talk to you. Ive been very busy with work and everything else i just idk i feel really guilty now.
11.11 pm
  Tom x : call me back when u wanna talk. Im sorry, i love you. Xx
11.13 pm
 You sighed, giving in. You could tell he was feeling really crappy about it as you watched a livestream of the convention. Marvel was holding a livestream for the interviews and you saw Tom pop up in the screen when you opened the website.
 His eyes were downcast even though he had a small smile on his face. Tom was less energetic and gave the interviewer half-assed answers. He kept crossing and uncrossing his arms and he fidgeted a lot on his feet.
 His iPhone was gripped tightly in his hand, and every few seconds he went to check it.
 Probably for my reply, you thought.
 When the interviewer ended, you saw him walk away from the camera. The interviewer was about to interview Lupita Nyong’o next when another text from Tom came in.
 Tom x : love i really am sorry. maybe u went to sleep already. Im sorry. I love you. Goodnight. Xx
11.25 pm
 “Meh screw it,” you mumbled, pressing the call icon on his contact name.
 He picked it up immediately after the third ring.
 “Hello?” he said quickly.
 “It’s okay,” you sighed, slumping on the bed, “sorry, I just got jealous. I shouldn’t have hung up on you like that.
 “It’s just..I miss you so much Tom. And we haven’t facetimed in so long and.. I don’t know I was pretty pissed off by how you weren’t paying attention to me.”
 “I know, I know,” you could hear his guilt from across the line, “I’m really sorry. There’s just been a lot going on right now.”
 You sighed, “okay, now go and have fun. We can talk more later. I’m not mad at you anymore so don’t worry.”
 “Are you sure?”
 “Positive, I’ll be fine,” You lied through your teeth, even mustering a fake smile.
 Tom hummed, before speaking again, “I’ll call you when you wake up. I love you so much, Y/N. Goodnight, love.”
 “Goodnight,” you mumbled back as you hit the ‘end call’.
 Grabbing a pillow from the top of the bed, you clutched it tightly into your chest as sobs began to rack through your body. The tears didn’t stop flowing, even after half an hour.
 You’d think he would notice that you really weren’t okay.
 You missed him so much.
 And it already felt like, to you, he was slowly drifting away.
 The next morning was horrendous. You woke up to the feel of your soggy pillow and puffy eyes. Rubbing your face, you snuggled further into your duvet.
 There was no way you were going out today. Your heart felt the heaviest it had felt in a long time and nothing seemed to motivate you to get out of bed.
 You missed him too much.
 Making calls to everyone, you apologised for not feeling well and rescheduled everything.
 Nothing mattered more than the ache in your heart. If your mind wasn’t in the game, there would be no point in getting into the game in the first place.
 You decided to check your notifications and was surprised by the amount of texts Tom had sent in.
 Tom x : Good morning, babe. I hope you slept well. I’m out here in San Diego, in some bar. Missing you. 💛
7.30 am
 Tom x : I hope you’re not angry anymore. It’s been bothering me the whole day. I’m still sorry.
7.45 am
 Tom x : baEb i lpve you si much…….im sorry yoi think i luv zebdaya….i dont… i love you im sorry
8.30 am
 Tom x : jacOb says in Drunk! Haha@ he keeps tellinf me that i should go homE
8.35 am
 Tom x : i sAid wherE? LonDon? He saiD no You IdioT the Hotel
8.36 am
 Tom x : i saiD it aInt HoME UNLESS y/n is wit me
8.38 am
 Tom x : jeusu chrisy i lovw you
9.00 am
9.28 am
9.35 am
 You stared at the screen, taking it all in.
 Tom got drunk last night.
 Yet, all his words seemed so sincere. Just before you could exit the chat, a new message came in.
 Instead, this was from Harrison.
 Haz O : hey y/n, i think you probably read the drunk texts tom has been sending. just want to tell you. tom has been drinking a lot for the past 2 hours. he’s upset, y/n. after he puked on the sidewalk, he cried. he cried about how much he missed you and how he didn’t deserve you. that you lie when you say you’re okay. he said that it would be easier if you both broke up. you could find someone better. so, stop being mad at tom. there's nothing going on between z and tom. If they did, i would've told you. he’s feeling so guilty for no reason.
 You felt hot tears gathering at the side of your eyes. He was beating himself up because of your jealousy. Guilt took over you as you fumbled to type out a quick reply. A plan was already forming in your head and although it involved a lot of money, you knew it would help in fixing this problem.
 It was probably too reckless and spontaneous, but you had enough of missing Tom and clearly, Tom was sick of missing you too.
 You : I’m getting on the next flight to San Diego. Take care of Tom for me. x
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comicteaparty · 6 years
December 20th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on December 20th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Goddess of Paradise by Dee S. / Beedee.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Goddess of Paradise by Dee S. / Beedee~! (http://paradise.bluedubia.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
my favorite scene so far i think is when eridu runs into ekka. it was nice to see a character actually be happy to see her after a slew of eridu running into charas who dont really care all that much. and i just think its a good balance in general to all the hard truths eridu has woken up to.
although my second favorite scene admittedly is probably when she meets amun. just cause amun is gonna win all those awards for being lazy and laid back
but in general i liked how casually amun reveals that nah bro, its been 1200 years of slumber. as if its no big deal (which tbf for gods probably kind of isnt to a degree but still XD)
My favourite scene was near the start of Chapter 4, with the human encounter. In large part because there was mention of a "dead human", making me think "wow that took a dark turn"... then it turned out she wasn' t dead and there was the whole "ick" factor, that wasn't dark at all.
Nice sort of twist, is I guess what I'm saying.
I also do like the Ekka scene though. In part because of my tendency to enjoy yuri ships.
ah that was a hilarious moment. where eridu is basically treating the priestess like shes some dead insect or roadkill. but i also like within the comedy you see a really blunt and significant view into how she views humans
Amun was cool, it was a good way to advance the plot, I'm not always keen on the laid back types though, heh.
Yeah, roadkill's kind of a good word the way that happened. ^.^
It's really interesting the way it's developed in first person overall too.
Reminds me a bit of a picture book, but the first person is a different take on that too.
for the record you mean 2nd person. first person is "I do this thing" second person is "you do this thing"
but yeah this is probably the first 2nd person comic ive run into. im interested to see where it goes cause 2nd person is generally the more difficult pov to make work but theres also a lot of potential for creative stuff
Oh yeah... that type of person.
Totally. I'm not sure how else you'd do it either, aside form having captions blocking the art. So this works.
yeah it does work. although i also like that the comic has tons of silent moments that just let the visuals speak for themselves. because these are definitely some gorgeous visuals!
That's true too. Also neat how some things stay the same while characters or other items appear.
yeah it really helps draw your focus.
another scene i really like is when eridu shows up back on the island and all the green sprouts. cause its beautiful imagery. but im also haunted with questions about what happened to those two people who were watching
Oh yeah, that was great. Goddess of amazing entrances or the like - though we saw the real one later on. ^.^ In retrospect, I feel like that made sense too, with humans being a footnote that she hadn't even expected to be there.
Though I do wonder about them too.
Maybe they were worshippers.
maybe. although thatd be ironic if that sudden overgrowth killed them then
died for their beliefs
worshipped too hard
True. Though I'm not sure death will really be a thing in the comic.
Feels like that was averted.
maybe. id for sure say there probably wont be onscreen death.
well violent death
Unless it's one of the older gods maybe.
QUESTION 2. After a 1200 year slumber, the Goddess Eridu finds the world quite different. Besides people being on her island, what else do you think will be a culture shock for Eridu? Do you think she’ll be able to adjust to all the changes, or will she refuse to accept them and continue to try to return the status quo? What do you think the other divine aspects have been up to over the years? Do you think more will be glad to see Eridu, like Ekka, or will more act like Amun and not care? Do you believe Eridu will manage to gain back her divine powers, or will something prevent her? Overall, how do you think this journey might change Eridu’s perspective on her divinity, on humans, or anything else? What will that change (or lack of change) mean for Eridu’s future actions?
I wonder if technology exists on a world where Gods/Goddesses are just wandering around.
depends on how we want to define technology. like for instance back when the world was young a loom would technically count as technology just cause it was a machine for advanced tasks.
im gonna laugh if eridu gets to a village and like theres electric lights everywhere. and she flips a light switch on and off wondering how humans came upon such magic and which god gave it to them
i feel regardless technology would advance
since if eridu can be considered a look into the average god/goddess than they probably mostly just ignore humans
unless theyre like "man i feel like being worshipped today"
Well, that's a fair point. I guess I feel like if you can just ask a god to turn on the lights, there's not much need to do the inventing.
I also kind of wonder if one of the divine aspects is what put Paradise to sleep in the first place. Like, maybe was in league with that Enki new God type.
Unless Enki turns out to be a posturing human that the divine aspect was using as a puppet or something.
dang now thatd be an interesting twist
Also, this is a small island in the middle of nowhere. Maybe the mainland is rather different in terms of society.
All about the twists.
this is also a large possibility. i considered that too. that whatever the island is it might not be representative of the world. honestly it could be argued the island has more old world values even cause theyre the only ones with a shrine left
ahhh sorry I'm late! I'm reading up. hello people!
but yeah the twist, i just wouldnt think itd be possible cause the divine aspects are like parts of herself. so itd be hard to imagine one getting powerful enough to oust her. but that is what would make a twist like that so interesting cause it seems so unlikely
i think as far as the aspects though were gonna meet more amun's than ekka's XD not necessarily as laid back as amun, but more like they moved on in life/got bored
Might not be old world values as much as it's just new gods have taken over everywhere and they haven't gotten around to dealing with the island yet.
I kinda thought about the parts of self thing... but isn't there a part of ourselves that we sometimes hate, and wish we could get rid of? And the Goddess doesn't seem like she'd be the nicest person to that part of herself, maybe. Though who knows, I may be way off.
I wonder if some of the others might also be asleep, or be serving other goddesses or something.
the impression im getting is theyre all in their inner sanctums. so cant exactly serve anyone if theyre stuck there. and i also doubt they would cause i dont get the impression they think eridu is dead
thats like declaring loyalty to the assistant manager while the manager is on vacation
Maybe they left voicemail at the inner sanctum and are wandering sans powers?
Fair enough though. There'd need to be incentives.
but idk i mean could be possible
theres a lot of room for variety cause weve barely scratched the present day surface
these are some good theories dang
Also not sure how her perspectives will change... given how a few days can't wipe out decades of personality. Would need something monumental.
i like to think shell at least come to view humans differently. or her role cause generally losing powers has the effect of humbling some one
QUESTION 3. The largest mystery presented in the story is why Eridu slept for so long. Who do you think forced Eridu (and her spirit aspects) away from the physical plane? What do you think the reasons were? Was it someone trying to do away with Eridu, or was it for some larger, greater good purpose? Does whoever Enki is have something to do with it? Or is Enki just some innocent bystander who was mistakenly identified as the one who created Eridu’s island? What do you think will happen when Eridu finally runs into Enki? Also, considering Eridu was already forced away from the realm, do you believe this could easily happen to her again? What is stopping the culprit from banishing Eridu back?
(I think I'm belatedly realizing that's the creator. )
lol thats okay math. yes @Beedee is the creator
Losing powers can do that. I wonder if flying is a thing with other gods.
haha yes I am~
I feel like Enki is more an opportunist than the one who engineered everything or totally innocent. Though we've yet to meet him.
Kind of like the Wizard of Oz, in a way?
i definitely think thats a distinct possibility. im on the page enki isnt this malicious entity and i dont think enki is responsible for what happened to eridu
I do feel like Goddess will get all up in his face though.
but maybe enki is no one. maybe hes just some human who found the island and said "hey my dudes lets live here this island is great." and then as history usually goes stories got exaggerated and eventually a human of great deeds became a god
Oooh, maybe. Like, he doesn't actually exist anymore but put lots of things in place so people wouldn't realize that. (Makes me think of some societies from Star Trek.)
yeah or something. but i could go either way. or it could be a combo of both
either way i dont think enki is responsible
to me it seems more likely kur is responsible at this point
for kicking eridu out of the physical planes
cause he needed her for things later
tho its curious she doesnt remember getting kicked out at all
I find it interesting that you both get a vibe that enki isn't responsible even though he hasn't shown up yet :0
I guess I just feel like that's too obvious of a solution. Goddess blaming the person who's actually behind it. I expect a twist, like how there weren't originally humans on the island.
I hadn't considered Kur as having a part in it. That's interesting.
heh, fair
Crazy theory time, the Priestess human is actually a God in disguise!
yeah im with math. enki is the obvious choice. thus more likely a red herring. which could be wrong. maybe enki is all bwahahaha i have taken over
the priestess was responsible!
Who has lost her memory and forgets.
Enki could also be the one behind it, but he was told to do it by Kur, or someone else.
Incidentally, I like the map feature. That's clever. Tracking the path over the island.
ahh thanks!
(I mean, story guide, not really a feature, but still.)
I often go to those pages, I'm rubbish with names.
even if i remember the names i love those sorts of pages for spellings. cause i read a lot of comics and its hard to remember how to spell everyone's name even if i know what it is XD
That's fair. Also neat how it's being developed over time.
i like to think the reason eridu was sent away was not to do away with her. like maybe eridu did something bad she doesnt remember (or didnt consider bad). like flood some other god's island that got too close to hers. only that island was heavy populated already.
Oh, that's a thought. Or maybe someone else did something bad and she wanted to forget it. Said sleep until I don't remember, didn't realize that'd take a few centuries.
QUESTION 4. Eridu’s arrival seems to coincide with several “coincidences” within the story. Why was the Dragon-God Kur also slumbering for at least 1000 years? Is it somehow related to Eridu, or was it for a separate reason? Why has Kur woken up early? Also, what is Ekka making for Kur that he even goes to the effort of sending Eridu to help get it? Further, we see a few other gods talking about Kur. Why is Shulsa seeking out Kur so desperately? What exactly could go “badly” that Zida leaves to prepare for it? Also, who is Daiard looking to settle a score with? Lastly, why do you think the priestess of Enki was conveniently near where Eridu crashed? Was that just a coincidence, or was she there for a related reason to Eridu?
good question
Kur forgot to hit the snooze alarm. Or whatever the equivalent is. (Oh, maybe that's what they were bringing to him...) I'm also not sure what to make of the interlude. Does make it clear that there are other Gods around, the Priestess wasn't making things up or delusional or something.
Maybe Enki told the Priestess to go there because of all the vegetation.
i think the interlude does kind of prove other gods are around.
now that im thinking of it
Yeah, helps to flesh out the island.
kur just woke up from a 1000 year slumber and the first thing he does is to sit down and kind of take a nap before eridu shows up
which i identify with
maybe the 1000 years is just normal for kur
thats just how long he sleeps
his 8 hours so to speak
I will quickly say: yeah that's just how long he sleeps
I kinda got that impression from the fact that they knew when he'd be awake. More or less.
Though it could have been a prophecy or something.
man i wanna sleep for 1000 years
so jealous
Incidentally, I liked how Kur was built up to be this ancient amazing entity, worthy of awe, only to have Paradise say, yeah, nevermind that nonsense.
at the end of this session, if you are up for spoilers, I'd actually be willing to show the WIP last panels of this chapter for a short amount of time. it explains some of Kur and Ekka's deal haha
Aw, it's not Ekka and the Goddess jumping on a mattress?
maybe in a side comic lmao
I was amused by the reaction to the failed stripping too.
i enjoyed eridu's disappointment that they werent gonna have sex. just cause it was so blunt. XD
Like, ow, my chest. And yeah, that upped the rating, I think
maybe daiard also hates enki. cause to me the obvious choice is eridu. so im gonna go with enki. everyone is gonna join forces and go after enki
and enki is gonna be like "hey friends would yoou like some tea"
to be honest
Enki, actually God of Tea.
daiard was a dumb callback to the beginning of chapter 2, that became worldbuilding(edited)
New crazy theory: Goddess actually ends up putting herself to sleep in the past because the divine can mess with space-time.
thats brain hurting
oh gosh
It was all a plan to help her become more grateful, or something.
hmm, this actually makes me remember that eridu thought shed been sleeping to recharge. maybe there is no villain. maybe eridu just overexerted herself to the point she forced her own self back
shes gonna go on a long quest only to find out she was the villain all along
future Eridu goes back in time to punch herself in the face
Hah! I could see that though, like "shape up, self".
Also, recharging could be a thing. Maybe she just needs a good nap to be able to fly again too.
nope this is canon now. future eridu very wise. /shot
i hope she finds the flying having divine aspect soon and gets her powers back. cause man those inner sanctums seem really inconvenient to navigate
cause i dont think ekka's was any better than amun's
ekka's was just more convenient cause a plant taxi picked eridu up
the sanctums are all awful to navigate on foot
but I like drawing environments lmao
they are beautiful environments too. i really enjoy the contrast between ekka and amun's sanctums
Anyway, this comic does hit a lot of the things I enjoy, from an interesting narrative style to great environments... and some romance too. (edited)
thank you ovo
Maybe Ekka and Priestess are the real ship.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Dee S. / Beedee, as well, for making Goddess of Paradise. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Dee S. / Beedee’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://paradise.bluedubia.com/
Dee S. / Beedee’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bluedubia
Dee S. / Beedee’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/bluedubia
Dee S. / Beedee’s itch.io store: https://bdubia.itch.io/
Dee S. / Beedee’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Beedeebia
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Inhibit by Eve Greenwood / evegwood. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, December 27th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://www.inhibitcomic.com/
Comic’s Webtoons Mirror: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/inhibit/list?title_no=40462
Comic’s SmackJeeves Mirror: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=147115
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angelixii · 6 years
do 1-98 on the question thingy
 oof ok
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?- definitely closed
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?- nah
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?- out
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?- uhmm why would I?
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?- maybe just a little c;
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?- don’t think i’ve ever cut out a coupon ever so no
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?- uhmmmmmm swarm of bees?
8: Do you have freckles?- nah
9: Do you always smile for pictures?- yes cause its weird if you don’t and it makes you look mad when you aren’t :c
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?- oH when i’m talking to someone and they are too ‘busy’ doing something like being on their phone and completely ignoring me c:
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?- nah
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?- I might have when I was littler, but not that I can remember
13: What about pooped in the woods?- I seriously hope not
14: Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?- not really no
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?- ew no my school is extremely gross and im slightly a germaphobe (it’s not too bad) so no
16: How many people have you slept with this week?- UHM
17: What size is your bed?- twin I believe
18: What is your Song of the week?- uhm i’ve been listening to Stray Kids - Mixtape #1 all week so ig that XD
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?- is that even a question? (of freaking course)
20: Do you still watch cartoons?- same answer as the last quesiton C:
21: Whats your least favorite movie?- I haven’t even watched it but the emoji movie ..
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?- uhm idk but if I told you it wouldn’t be hidden anymore so c;
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?- ima girl and its 38C
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?- either ketchup or nothing (depends of the type of nugget)
25: What is your favorite food?- chicken!!
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?- oof probably The Maze Runner series or The Greastest Showman (id also cry over and over c:)
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?- cant tell you if its never happened srry
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?- nah not my thing
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?- hell no
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?- ..
31: Can you change the oil on a car? - ..
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? - ..
33: Ever ran out of gas? -..
34: Favorite kind of sandwich? - C: a dorito sandwich (literally just doritos on bread) (ikr so healthy)
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? - pancakes with syrup and butter c:
36: What is your usual bedtime? - oof
37: Are you lazy? - I think my last url answers that one (kassidyislazy)
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? - uhm i still dress up heh but normally animals
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? -  year of the chicken i believe
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? - im not even sure if i get this anymore or not but National Geographic Kids (idc if im 80 im still reading this magazine)
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs? - idek what lincoln logs are so legos
43: Are you stubborn? - mayyyyyyyybbbbbeeeeee C:
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman? - im sorry idk what this question is talking about
45: Ever watch soap operas? - yeah no
46: Are you afraid of heights? - maybe a little c:
47: Do you sing in the car? - all the time
48: Do you sing in the shower? - all the time
49: Do you dance in the car? - if its just me and my sister and im hyper
50: Ever used a gun? - i really hope not too unless its like at a shooting range
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? - uhhh picture day?
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy? - no not really but depends on the musical
53: Is Christmas stressful? - as a 13 year old no
54: Ever eat a pierogi? - im sorry what?
55: Favorite type of fruit pie? - ive never had any other pie except pumpkin (ik i live under a rock it sucks)
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? - animal vet, zookeeper, and photographer
57: Do you believe in ghosts? - eh never seen any so idk
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? - all. the. freaking. time.
59: Take a vitamin daily? - haha no
60: Wear slippers? - do flip-flops count?
61: Wear a bath robe? - nah
62: What do you wear to bed? - either t-shirt and leggings or shorts
63: First concert? - haha i like this question ._. (never been to one)
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? - Walmart definitely
65: Nike or Adidas? - oof probably Nike
66: Cheetos Or Fritos? - BBQ fritos for the win
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? - never had sunflower seeds so peanuts
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? - uhm no
69: Ever take dance lessons? - hA no
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? - nope
71: Can you curl your tongue? -  yes?
72: Ever won a spelling bee? - possibly in like 2nd grade but idk
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy? - many many times
74: Own any record albums? - nope
75: Own a record player? - nope
76: Regularly burn incense? - nah
77: Ever been in love? - c: with people i know ill never have yes
78: Who would you like to see in concert? - C: Bts Stray Kids Got7 Exo Monsta X...i’ll stop now
79: What was the last concert you saw? - c:
80: Hot tea or cold tea? - neither
81: Tea or coffee? - neither
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles? - snickerdoodles
83: Can you swim well? - i mean kinda?
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? - uhm yeah
85: Are you patient? - hA no
86: DJ or band, at a wedding? - hmm idk
87: Ever won a contest? - no i dont think so
88: Ever have plastic surgery? - nope and certainly dont plan on it
89: Which are better black or green olives? - how about neither
90: Can you knit or crochet? - nope
91: Best room for a fireplace? - oof idk
92: Do you want to get married? - i mean yeah
93: If married, how long have you been married? - hA
94: Who was your HS crush? - aint been there yet
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? - used to as a kid
96: Do you have kids? - uhm no
97: Do you want kids? - not now
98: Whats your favorite color? - dark blue
Oh my that took way too long and i know who sent this ask thank you so much my friend C:
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
When you take surveys, what kinds of questions do you HOPE will be asked? more unique questions obviously. What is a career you dream of pursuing but realistically you shouldn’t? travel blogger. Have you graduated high school? yes. Do you like 80′s music? not really.
What kind of food is your favorite? (Ex. Mexican, Chinese, Thai, etc.) japanese i think.
How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? it’d be a shock since there hasn’t been a draft in basically forever. Do you have a daily routine? Is it boring or do you enjoy it? i do when i have work. it’s pretty boring but it keeps me from not being late. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? yes. How do you feel about shaved pubes? no opinion. everyone’s entitled to do whatever they want for their body. Are you more liberal or conservative? liberal. What is the best book you’ve ever read? i just loved harry potter. i could read the series over and over. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? hermione i guess. How often do you wash your hair? every 2-3 days. Why do some teenagers drink alcohol? it’s the age where rebelling is fun lol. Can young people fall in love? If not, why not? i think it’s possible. depends how ‘young’ is young though. What does your room look like? messy. Do you celebrate Halloween? What about Christmas? no. yes to xmas. Do you have a religion? If so, what is it? i was raised catholic and still consider myself one, i just don’t practice it very often. Would making abortion illegal really be the logical thing to do? no. What’s the worst that could come out of letting gays marrying? haha i can’t think of one? What is a culture other than your own that fascinates you? japanese. Does the person you like, like you? yes. What’s your opinion on masturbation? if you don’t do it, you should at least try. i rarely do it but it’s something nice to do for yourself once in awhile hahaha. What is your favorite Queen song? bohemian rhapsody. How do you feel about PDA? (Public Display of Affection) not a fan. i just ignore it anyway. Can you do any freaky joint things with your fingers? no. Do you take the fashion industry seriously? hha no. Are you shy? not really.  Who is the sexiest celebrity? Would you cheat on your partner for this celebrity? rihanna. haha no i wouldn’t, i’d tell him first and he’d probably allow me. What topics are you really shy about and don’t like discussing? my future. What are your favorite topics? depends who i’m talking to. Do you watch or read National Geographic? no. What kind of parent do you think you would be? i hope i’m like my parents. they were very loving and protective. i was never spanked as a kid yet i was still scared of my parents and obeyed them. how tf did they do that. What turns you off as far as the opposite sex goes? bad hygiene is an instant no. and their general attitude towards other people. What kind of person could you never be friends with? basically the same as above ^ Would you be friends with yourself? probably. Do you flip a shit when people have bad grammar and spelling? i feel a slight tinge of annoyance but it’s whatever.  How often do you cuss? everyday. Name something that you are against. Why are you against it? abuse in general. physical, verbal, emotional etc. idk it’s just wrong. Do you ever look at words so long that they start to look really weird? yes. and if i keep saying it in my head over and over. How is your self-esteem? low. When was the last time you felt bad about yourself and why? always. How old are you? 26. Do you write in a journal or diary? yes. What’s annoying you right now? that i haven’t slept and i need to leave for the airport in an hour. Do you take any medications? What for? birth control. Do you love animals? most. What is your astrological sign? sag. What’s your favorite lyric from a song? i can’t think of one. actually this isn’t very meaningful but i like it: she said she loved my necklace, started relaxin’, now that’s what the fuck i call a chain reaction.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by ohsh1t2wksl8
Who was the last person you got into an argument with? What was it about? My mom. We rarely get into arguments anymore so I was surprised when she made a comment the other day that was snippy enough to provoke me. She has a unique ability to make me feel insecure over just about everything, and last Saturday it was about my spelling abilities in the 7th grade.
Who was the last person you spoke on the phone with? What was the call regarding? My last call was with a client who has a tendency to micromanage :/ He called to ask me to accomplish a task, which was a little bothersome because all interactions with our clients ideally should be seen by everyone in my team, i.e. my manager and my director for visibility. Anyway, in the end I just let my bosses know that he called to ask me to do something for him.
Who was the last person that slept in your bed? Are they a lover or a friend? Gabie is the only other person who has slept in my bed, I think. She is neither. 
I still get stunned whenever I type something like that up...thinking about how I practically grew up doing surveys, and how she was in nearly every survey I’ve taken since day one, and now she doesn’t play a single role in my life, it’s just super surreal to take in and I don’t think that feeling will ever go away. 
Who was the last person to give you a hug or a kiss? Did you return the sentiment? My dad gave me a casual hug when it was time for him to go upstairs for bed. He just put his arm around my back while I was sitting on the couch, so I wasn’t in the proper position to return it.
Who was the last person to give you a gift? What was the gift? What holiday was it for, or was it “just because”? Erm, idk if it counts as a gift but Andi lent me their vape pen for the foreseeable future, haha. They know how much I like vaping and how it relaxes me; and since they don’t do it as much as I do (unless they lied for my sake), they lent theirs to me. It was a “just because” gift, which I appreciated.
Who is the person that you last went to for advice? Angelaaaa, earlier today. I’ve been in contact with a potential supplier for work purposes, and I had to do some negotiating in my last email. I have zero knowledge and experience in negotiations, so I didn’t know if I worded my email right, or if I insulted the supplier, etc lol so I immediately went to Anj after to check my email and to let me know if it sounded okay.
Who was the last person to say “I love you” to you? What significance does this person have in your life? My mom. I’m not super close with her and I haven’t replied to her with “I love you too,” since I was like maybe 14 or 15 due to the incredibly strained relationship we’ve had for the majority of my life; but she is my mom so she still holds a level of significance. I’m just not sure how much I’m willing to do or sacrifice for her.
Who was the last person that you spoke with, in person? Also my mom. She was asking where a certain local mountain was located because a friend of hers had recently climbed said mountain.
Who was the last person to request you on a social media network - and did you accept? It’s this middle-aged guy who I share a good number of mutual friends with. I figured he’s probably a professor or someone in media since all our mutual friends are either students and professors in my college, buuut I’ve personally never heard of him before so I ignored the request.
Who was the last person you texted or messaged, and what was it in regards to? Justine, my former co-intern. My company stopped taking in interns at the start of the year, but for some reason there’s this one girl intern that they’ve kept having around so we’re all trying to figure out why they kicked out Justine and the other co-interns but retained this one girl who still logs in her attendance every day, lol.
Who was the last person’s vehicle that you rode in? My dad’s, but I haven’t been on it since Christmas. I’ve been in a car more recently than that but it’s always my car.
Who was the last person to make you laugh or smile, and why? I’ll be breaking the rules quite a bit for this question, because it was Cooper. Earlier he kept barking at some dog he saw outside but whenever Nina asked him to “Shake,” he paused his barking to reach out his paw, without fail, and then proceeded to bark until he was asked to “Shake” again, hahaha.
Who was the last person that you took a photo with? Not sure, I think it was Andi.
Who is the last person that you flirted with? Were you successful? I don’t flirt.
Who was the last person to pay you a compliment, and what did they say? I honestly don’t remember. I’m sure I receive them more often than I think I do; I just do a horrible job keeping track of them. The last one I remember getting was my director saying I did a great job with a press release I had to work on in a rush last Friday, since the client had only placed super minor revisions on the material.
Who’s the last person that you visited in the hospital? I’ve never had to visit anyone in the hospital.
Who is the last person that you lent money to? Not a person but I will sometimes pay for things on my company’s behalf at first - since PR entails a lot of buying a lot of crap - and then ask to have the amount reimbursed right after.
What was the last food that you ate? My dad made some kind of Chinese-style, stir-fry thing with loads of chicken and vegetables for dinner earlier. Idk, he likes to combine things in the fridge. As usual, it ended up tasting delightful.
What was the last beverage that you drank? Coffee. As much as possible I hate drinking coffee in the evening since I don’t like being unable to fall asleep; but I had been craving a cup all day. I made one at around 7 PM but made sure I had the whole cup down by 8:30ish, so that the caffeine can subside sooner.
What did the last pair of footwear that you wore look like? They were just boring, blue flip-flops I wore out earlier when I walked Cooper.
What was the last color of pen that you used? I think it was blue.
What was your last thought before falling sleep last night? Nothing, man. I zonked out last night. I closed my eyes at 9 PM in the living room while my family was still around and the next thing I knew it was 12 AM with the whole first floor empty.
What was the last television show you watched? Friends. Been watching a lot of it recently, because I’ve been stressed a lot recently.
What was the last board or card game that you played? Trivial Pursuit or Pictionary; I can’t remember.
What was the last kind of bread that you ate? It was just regular toast. My mom made pasta last Sunday so she toasted up some bread to accompany the dish.
What color is the last shirt you wore? The one I wore before my current top? It was yellow with silver wording.
What was the last electronic that you plugged in to charge? My laptop. Though I really have to plug in my phone since it’s been on 3% for a good while now.
What’s is the last thing that you Googled? Mt. Pulag, since that’s the aforementioned mountain my mom was asking about earlier. I know of the mountain but wasn’t sure where exactly it is, so I had to Google it for her.
What’s the last concert you attended? Paramore.
What’s the last sporting event that you attended/watched? A volleyball game between the UP and Ateneo women’s teams.
What was the last app that you downloaded to your phone? A logo quiz game loooooool, what a throwback. I was looking for phone apps to download last Friday; and apparently logo quizzes still rank pretty high under the Trivia category, so I downloaded one to revisit the fun.
What was the last video game that you played? Mario Kart 8.
What’s the last computer game that you played? Some suuuper fucking old computer game I played as a kid called Magic Ball. During the first few months of the pandemic my memory started to torture me about a ball game I used to play on my dad’s old laptop but whose title I couldn’t remember, so on one day I spent a few hours trying to track it down. When I finally saw the right game, I downloaded a free trial (because you still had to buy the game 15 years later lol) and savored the 30 minutes re-experiencing my childhood.
What’s the last injury you had? The usual scratch from Cooper.
What’s the last holiday or event (baby shower, graduation, etc) that just passed? Christmas. But the next one would be my dad’s 50th birthday which we’ll be celebrating this weekend.
When was the last time that you took a painkiller, and what did you take it for? Around a month ago for a headache (which is my only reason for taking painkillers, anyway). I’d keep taking more but we’ve run out and my parents haven’t restocked it yet, partly because I know they know how reliant I get on them to get rid of my headaches.
When was the last time you went to the bathroom? Earlier this evening. My dad tripped while carrying Cooper’s food bowl filled with his dinner meal, so a lot of the rice spilled onto the floor. I helped him out and since the food was a bit sticky and wet, I had to go wash my hands in the bathroom afterwards.
When was the last time that you listened to music? Do you remember what the most recent song was? Also earlier this evening, just before dinner. I was working out on the rooftop and needed music to keep me company; anyway, the last song that played was Beyoncé’s Countdown.
When was your last work shift? Today. I work every weekday from 9 AM to 6 PM.
When is the last time that you had trouble falling asleep? Last Thursday, I think.
When is the last time you saw your parents? 15 minutes ago.
When was the last time you saw a significant other? When they were still my significant other? September. As an ex? Late November.
When was your last year of schooling/education? 2020 so yeah, didn’t get a graduation after four years of busting my ass in college.
When was the last time you took a shower? This morning. I want to take one again tonight, but I’m a little lazyyy.
When was the last time you did anything sexual that went beyond kissing? September.
When was the last time that you did your laundry? I don’t do my own.
When was the last time you had to use public transportation, and what form was it? LOL, like 2017 maybe? Or 2018. Idk, I never use the public transportation in this stinkhole of a country. I used a train to go to Manila, but that was during a dead hour so the train wasn’t crowded and hot like it normally would be.
When’s the last time that you were sick? What was wrong? May. I had a UTI and it disguised itself as a nasty fever that lasted about a week. Didn’t even run into any issues with my urinary tract or anything in that region at all.
When was the last time that you hung out with friends/acquaintances? Virtually, two Saturdays ago. In person, two Fridays ago though that was only with one person.
When was the last funeral you attended? Who passed away? I’ve never attended a funeral, but the last wake I went to was Nacho’s, in September 2019.
When was the last wedding that you attended? Who got married? LMAOOOOOOO. 2007. My mom’s youngest brother and my now-aunt. I’m just waiting for one of my friends to get married now.
When’s the last time that you took a risk? What was the risk? Is stepping away from my ex a risk? I did it over the Christmas season...idk, my mind just had a very sudden shift overnight and I immediately went from seeking to keep in contact with her everyday to not giving even a quarter of a shit and starting to want to live life on my own terms. I certainly think it was pretty bold of me and I’ll always be proud of myself for making such a big step.
When’s the last time you mailed something handwritten? I’ve never mailed anything, period.
When’s the last time you got a haircut? I can’t remember if it was late Feb or early March of last year.
When’s the last time that you went swimming? August 2019.
Where was the last place you drove to, and what did you do there? I went to the new-ish Starbucks at Katip Extension just because I needed new scenery but still be in my comfort zone, which to me will always be Starbucks. I went there supposedly to chill and take a few surveys, but my Viber suddenly got bombarded with work-related messages and for the rest of my time there I was feeling a little stressed and I wasn’t able to finish a single survey.
Where was the last place that you went on vacation to? Tagaytay and Cavite. We’ll be going back to Tagaytay again this weekend, so yay.
Where was the last restaurant you ordered food from? If coffee shops count, Starbucks. If they don’t, I had food from this local Japanese place called Omakase delivered to our house last Saturday.
Where was the last place that you went on a date? Lmfao it was Yabu from like March last year. I won’t be having dates any time soon either, but I’m no longer salty about it.
Where was the last place that you went shopping at? H&M.
Where was the last place you got lost? Somewhere in QC near Tomas Morato, because I had been trying to look for the office of this company who arranged a job interview with me. This isn’t to sound salty because I’m definitely not, but I’m glad I didn’t get a follow-up anything from that company because their office is actually a house (a very nice house, but still a house) and when I was there I failed to get any I’m-finally-a-working-girl-in-a-big-city vibes from it - which to me is important especially at this stage in my life since I’m now finally a full-fledged adult who just gained a deeper level of independence. I aimed to work somewhere that really feels like a legit office/workspace, which my current employer would be able to provide me under normal circumstances.
Where’s the last place that you walked to? My room. I came from the living room a half hour ago.
Where did you last have sex? My bed.
Where was the last place you left your keys? Dining table, as always.
Where’s the last place you got drunk? My room.
Where’s the last place you embarrassed yourself in public? How did you do this? At the parking lot of the aforementioned Starbucks. I was handing my parking ticket to the guard keeping watch of the cars going in and out, and he told me to take care driving, to which I replied, “You too.”
Why did you last cry? I hadn’t cried in a good while and needed a release. Also, because I was in Katip. It was a place I shared with Gab for many years and a place where a lot of fond memories - that I am now forced to shelve to the very back of my head - were made. It was surreal to hang out there and drive in the very same roads I used to take with her, now alone, and everything got overwhelming fairly quickly so I allowed myself to pull over at an isolated spot in our village to let myself cry everything out for a few minutes.
Why did your last relationship fail? She feared commitment and the relationship was becoming too much of a burden for her. Also tbh, all the red flags she had been exhibiting finally came to a head and finally reached a point where they were impossible to resolve. For six years I couldn’t directly talk about marriage, kids, and even my own coming out to my family with her and it was like...what are we even doing anymore? Anyway the tl;dr version of it was that I was apparently becoming a lot of weight to her so she bounced.
Why did you leave your last job? I’ve never left a job.
How long has it been since you last visited a doctor? How about a dentist? A doctor, 8 months. A dentist, a year and a month.
How long does gum usually last when you chew it? 10 seconds.
How long can you last in bed? Longer than I’d want to. Being ace, for the most part I run into trouble trying to last, so I’ve always felt bad for my partner about it.
How long did your food last get microwaved for? A minute is my default setting.
How many pages was the last book that you read? Around 225 pages.
How big was the last fish you caught? I’ve never gone fishing.
How long was the last movie you watched? I can’t remember and I can’t be bothered to look up that movie at the moment because it continues to make me sad today.
How long was your last relationship? 4 years. Technically 6 since we had that on-off thing in 2015/2016. 
How much did your last grocery bill come to? I don’t do the groceries.
How difficult was your last exam? I remember thinking it was fairly easy but that I definitely would not be getting a 1.00 haha. There was an essay question that I completely failed to review for so I had to bullshit that part. Anyway, the lockdown started like a week later so my final grade never ended up mattering anymore.
Did you always get picked last in gym class? We never did picks in PE.
Do you believe that nice guys finish last? Idk.
Can true love really last forever? Sure, but it’s not for everyone.
Give me the first initial of your last name? C.
Something you wait until the last minute to do? Work. I have this certain kind of email that I receive everyday that I immediately have to work on once it’s in my inbox, and I get it at 7:55 AM. I will only get out of bed by 7:54.59.
Have you made your last will and testament? I have one tucked away somewhere in this laptop but I remember making a very conscious effort to hide it in some obscure, hidden folder so that I don’t come back to it often. It seems to have worked because I don’t even remember where it is or what I named it as.
Something in your home that’s on it’s last leg(s)? The electric fan we have in our dining room.
Give us some famous last words! "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!" has always been fascinating to me. Sad, but fascinating.
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