#ik this is super late i'm sorry 😭
ty-isnt-there · 2 years
a very very VERY late sunday sk8
because this is super duper late, here's a ton of renga :')
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then of course...!
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itadori-san · 1 year
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back :) Now let the hugging begin!🥰 😘💖💕💝💟
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dumplingsfordays · 10 months
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modern au - roommate hcs !
ft. Kazuha, Scara, Xiao, Zhongli, Diluc, Albedo
I'm backk~
I haven't wrote in a little bit so I'm sorry 😭
Anyways this is a random idea I had, idk how well my thoughts are gonna translate into words but we'll see ig
Also idk if you need a warning for this but Diluc's has a mention of man titties so... do what you want with that ig
Reader's gender not specified, and this is not proofread!! Apologies for any mistakes, feel free to message me and I'll fix them :)
Image credit!
But as always, thank you for reading <3
- omg this man 😭😭 he is (imo) the best roommate you could ever have.
- he'd probably be super nice when you two first meet and stay that way!!
- he wakes up at a fairly good time too, and if he knows that you're sleeping, he'll try to be as quiet as possible.
- he does his share (and often a little more, if he has time) of the chores consistently.
- kazuha even follows a schedule on when to do certain stuff - he writes it down in a calendar in the kitchen
- he does like to cook when he has some free time, and they don't always turn out amazing but the smell will have your mouth watering.
- his room is super neat!! It's very aesthetic and a little minimalistic, but not overwhelmingly so.
- and it's always clean!!!!!
- he mostly hangs around either in his room or the living room on a couch. Sometimes he'll come into your room, but he always knocks!
- he respects your privacy too 😍 this man is a treasure, treat him well
- he doesn't mind hanging out with you!! If you're into makeup, he actually likes to go makeup shopping with you and just chill while you pick out some stuff :)
- everyone thinks you're partners when you guys hang out, but kazuha doesn't seem to mind 🤭
scara (sorry it's a bit short, never rlly written anything abt him before 😭😭)
- he's a little turd but you still like him, and he gets confused because why haven't you moved out yet????
- he probably spends like 80% of his time away from the house (apartment? wherever you guys live basically), but he still manages to do his chores on time
- anyways, he really likes watching movies super late at night, so when you join him 20 minutes in with popcorn, it's sort of a bonding time for you two
- he doesn't cook, so he orders takeout a lot... and what really surprised you is that after a week or so of living together, he started to order for both of you because "you were whiny that I didn't get you anything"
- (he actually does it bc he's trying to say thanks for putting up with him :))
- he goes to bed super late and wakes up super late. You have to deal with this by not making ANY noise when you do stuff in the morning or he will be very grumpy for like 2 days (you learned this the hard way 😭)
- on days when he's friendlier, he'll bring you stuff like plushies when he gets back. He'll say that Yae or Yoimiya asked him to give these to you, but you doubt that those two gave you twelve stuffed animals in the span of a month.
xiao (another short one 😭 just like his height)
- I mean... He's okay?? He just sits in his room a lot and I headcanon that he's kinda sorta a gamer so
- he doesn't mind doing chores for you if you can't, but he'll do them a little late because he's like that
- this man SIMPS for Chinese food, like I'm not joking. He doesn't know how to make it, but before moving in w you he searched up Chinese restaurants and that's one of the reasons he moved in lmao
- you guys don't really see much of each other a lot... but you always, always go on grocery trips together. Why? Because he seems to consistently forget the shopping list that you wrote down for him at home, on the kitchen counter, and if you go shopping for him, he complains that you didnt get the things he asked for (but he doesn't write you lists 👀)
- he does have his sweet moments too. If you play videogames, he'll play with you if it's multiplayer. If it's not - no worries, you'll both play it, sitting side-by-side.
- if you're not into videogames though, he does like learning stuff, especially from you. He thinks that you're a good teacher, and even if it's you teaching him how to make coffee (because he doesn't know and wants to learn), he'll keep persevering through it just for you.
- oh boy. Room time.
- his room isn't that bad, if you can look past the giant pile of Monster cans in a trashcan below his desk. It's often dark, with the blinds down, and if you're walking down the hallway, there's a 90% chance that you'll see green led lights shining through the gap beneath his door.
- speaking of his door, it's covered in those signs that say stuff like 'warning! no stupid people beyond this point' or 'dont touch me until I've had my morning Monster'. If you couldn't tell yet, he's obsessed with Monster.
- he streams on twitch, and he's pretty popular, so you'll hear screams of disappointment coming from his room quite often.
- but one sight that you'll never forget is when you went to bring him apple slices (did I mention that he likes apples??), you opened the door to him standing in front of his monitor in a maid dress 😭. According to him, this was a dare that his viewers had him do, and that you better not mention this to anyone!!
- he was so red when he was explaining it though 🤭🤭 you, being the kind soul that you are, swore on your heart to keep it a secret :)
- omfg you KNOW this man likes having meals with you. That's such a random thought but hear me out.
- when you eat, he eats with you at the table. Even if you made something only for yourself, he'll whip something up for him and eat with you.
- ANYways he likes to save money so much that his room only consists of a mattress on the floor, a coffee table for a desk, a beanbag in the corner, and a bookshelf that is practically overflowing with books. You take pity on him, of course, and buy him another bookshelf, which he now treasures :)
- probably has a lot of plants around the house/apartment, and he takes care of them as if they were his children. There isn't a day when there isn't a bouquet of flowers sitting on the dinner table.
- if you're allergic to pollen, though, he'll make sure to buy plants, not flowers, like China Dolls or aloe vera or cactuses, whichever you like best 🤭
- he LOVES reading!! Whenever you come downstairs, you'll see him reading, and if you're interested, he'll recommend it or books like it. He does wear reading glasses and he looks really hot in them but don't tell him I said that
- he probably takes forty-minute showers, and the shower is chock-full of hair products. 2-in-1 shampoo?? Zhongli's never heard of it. He may be (nearly) broke, but he takes care of his hair.
- tbh I think he likes to bake bread. Idk if COVID is a thing in the modern au, but if it is, then he was probably one of the people that searched up 'how to make banana/sourdough bread' and fell in love with making it...
- I like to think that he has a nice and neat schedule for each day, and his sleep schedule specifically is so freakin amazing. He goes to sleep at around 9-10, and wakes up at 6am sharp 😭
- he also likes tea before bed (and any other time of day really). He loves the different scents of the tea and it calms him a lot, so be prepared for a ton of afternoon tea parties with him :D
- ok so we know that Diluc is super rich and stuff but let's just pretend that he roomed w you to save money-
- he works out. A lot. Usually in the morning and around 8pm, and he always goes to this super fancy private gym or whatever.
- and he KNOWS that you go 'ooga booga man titties' mode whenever you see his chest so that bastard is almost always shirtless
- "Diluc why are u shirtless??" "It's hot in here" "...it's like 65 degrees. How tf are you hot"
- no but he's nice though, don't get me wrong. He'll help you do stuff around the house that you can't and he always seems to be there to help. Can't reach something? Diluc's there. Can't open something because it's too heavy? Diluc's got you.
- he'll do chores, just not very well. Can't do the dishes manually at ALL, and if you do have a dishwasher (which he buys on the third day if you don't), he will fall to his knees and thank the gods.
- he has a 10-step skincare routine. His skin is flawless and you are a little jealous, but if you really want to use some of his products, he won't mind :)
- he can cook (but not desserts/pastries lmao). He's super good with the grill, if you want grilled meat or fish or veggies or anything, really. But if you don't want it grilled, he's just as happy to make it using another method!!
- super good at board games, he's especially amazing at monopoly. Nobody can beat him, and he's proud of it >:)
- you've never been in his room for some reason, but you expect that it's very modern and monochrome, with hints of red (obvi).
- he usually has kinda red eyes in the morning, though, and when you asked about it he said that he likes going for night drives, but you were a little suspicious
- you stayed awake one night and you could hear him exit, but no car noises 🤔 you still wonder on what's he's doing so late almost every single night...
- also speaking about cars, the neighbors are always shocked that there's a lamborghini parked outside of your residence (house, apt building, what have you) lmao
- they're always like "do you have a rich bf?? Who is he??" and you're like "nah he's just my roommate :D"
- this man!!! He's so big brain!!!
- he'll definitely help you with studying for literally anything. Computer science? He got you covered. Bio? Sign him up. Hell, even art? He's super good at it so he won't mind teaching you!
- but when I tell you that he consumes a lot of coffee, it's a LOT. Like 4-5 cups a day. You wonder how, and even if, he sleeps.
- he makes really good coffee too! He bought one of those super cool ones and the coffee he makes is legendary. No wonder he drinks it so often!!
- he barely eats simply because he has so much work, and you essentially have to force him to come downstairs. You make him eat lunch and dinner, and occasionally breakfast if he can. He's super grateful for it, because he sometimes doesn't realize his hunger until he sits down at the table and his stomach growls like a bear-
- he loves classical music, especially Debussy, and it's always playing in his room. You started warming up to it, actually, and now whenever you hear Debussy, you think of Albedo.
- speaking of his room, it's... kinda messy, actually. Think paper and pencils and eraser shavings everywhere. He does clean it up like two times a month, but the papers always reappear within a couple days.
- he really likes art, and he'll hang some of his faves around the house/apartment :) it honestly makes the whole space feel cozier
- does his chores VERY last-minute, but he feels bad about it. You always tell him that it's nothing to worry about, that he still does them, but he insists on trying his best to do them earlier, which you appreciate :D
- he actually uses you as an art reference sometimes, only if you're free for an hour though. He doesn't like paying for models to come in and pose so he saves money by asking you... or at least that's what he says 👀
- your main bonding time is when you go in his room (or vice-versa) and just chill. He likes your company more than he'd like to admit, and you sometimes catch him staring at you from across the room when you're laying on his barely-used bed.
note : sorry if some characters are a little ooc 😭😭 I'm not too good at writing Diluc n Scara so... OH ALSO I would've included Ayato too but I feel like hes not really the type of person to room w someone (well bc he would def flaunt his wealth by buying a private mansion or smth)
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vilevenom · 18 days
hurt comfort for fem branch please 😭
I hc her as autistic so maybe male poppy reassuring her
Ik u don't really care ABT the genders, but I'm heavy projecting on branch cause I kin him and I am DYING today
Thank you SO SO SO much for writing it if you decide to
I am SO sorry that you sent this ask around a week ago and I'm only able to give you something now. I also hope I'm not posting this too late for you 😕 (This is the first night on my vacation I've managed to dig my laptop out) I wrote this pretty quick, and I didn't give it a good read over to properly edit it, but I hope you like it, and that you're doing okay ❤️❤️❤️ P.S-I'm not well verse in regards to austism, so I'm not super comfy writing it. I used my own experiences with overstimulation and sensory overload to write this
It had been…a day. An overwhelming, awful day. And it wasn't even close to being over yet.
Branch had woken up feeling like today wasn't necessarily going to be a bad day, but she knew it wasn't necessarily going to be a good day, either. Of course, that had been before she'd even gotten out of bed. Once she'd pushed herself up and threw her legs over the side, she'd near instantly knew the day was going to be a struggle. The floor was too cold under her feet, none of her clothes felt like they fit on her body quite right, every light was either too bright or too dark, and none of the food in her bunker was appetizing.
Things only got worse when Poppy showed up to drag her out for the morning music routine. She'd gone, of course. She couldn't let Poppy down. However, stepping outside had proven to be the worst decision she'd made yet. The sun was far too bright, and everyone in the village was so loud. And there were just so many trolls participating in the music number, it made her feel like she was in a teeny, tiny room, instead of out doors.
Thankfully, once the song was done and over with, she managed to sneak away quickly to catch her breath and recenter herself somewhat, before Poppy found her once again. She was invited to breakfast with the Snack Pack, which she felt obligated to accept, despite her negligible appetite. She thought, perhaps, she could get away with picking at a muffin while sitting next to Poppy so the King of Pop could direct and hold conversation without needing much, if any, input from her. Unfortunately, that was not to be the case, as Poppy kept prompting Branch to speak. It was exhausting.
Finally, once breakfast was over Branch thought she was at last free and clear. She bid farewell to the snack pack and tried to sneak away, but Poppy wasn't having any of it. He appeared in front of Branch just as she thought she had made it to safety.
"CUPCAKES! Poppy," Branch wheezed, patting at her chest as her heart felt like it was trying to escape her chest. To say that the surprise had also caused her irritation and irritability to spike was also an understatement. She scowled without thought at the pink troll, a low growl escaping her. "What is it?!"
Poppy looked distraught at Branch's anger, shrinking in on himself a little. "Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me while I go take care of some errands around the village before lunch with Nova Swift to talk about an upcoming fashion show."|
Branch immediately deflated at Poppy's apology, though she still felt like she might explode if prodded just the wrong way. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap," she sighed, rubbing at her forehead, "You know I would normally love to join you around town, but today I just-" She groaned and waved her hands through the air. "I don't know how to describe it. Today everything just feels like too much. I don't think I can handle any more…anyone."
Poppy blinked, obviously a bit surprised by Branch's response. Which was to be expected, really. What troll didn't like to socialize and make plans for big events? Branch knew, even after all the work she'd put in to being a better troll, she was still very much an odd one out.
"Oh," Poppy hummed, rubbing his hands together for a moment, before giving a little nod. "Okay."
It was Branch's turn to blink in surprise, not having expected Poppy to take her at face value so easily or quickly. "Wait…really? You're okay if I skip out on today?"
Poppy's face melted into a warm smile, offering a quick nod. "Of course, Branch. You've been doing so much around the village lately, you deserve a day to relax."
"Oh, thank you," Branch felt her shoulders slump as her chin fell to her chest. She heard Poppy chuckle and only jumped slightly when she felt his hand land on her shoulder.
"Of course! You know I just want you to be comfortable and happy."
"Thanks, Poppy," Branch hummed, offering Poppy a strained smile.
"Any time. Now, let's get you back to the bunker," Poppy said as he moved behind Branch to gently take her by the shoulders and direct her towards her bunker.
Everything seemed like it was going relatively well after that, and Branch shuffled towards her bunker with Poppy following shortly behind. That was, of course, until a random troll suddenly jumped from the bushes in front of them screaming about an impromptu dance party. Branch bristled as Poppy froze behind her and music erupted from every direction, while trolls hurried into the area to start dancing and singing along to the music.
Branch felt like her head was going to explode, quickly lifting her hands to her ears to try and block out some of the sound. She squeezed her eyes shut, a quiet whimper leaving her even as he breathing began to quicken, along with her heart beat. The world felt like it was closing in around her as she curled in on herself, crouching down and just barely resisting the urge to wrap herself protectively in her hair.
It took a solid minute for Branch to register hands on her shoulders again, let alone the fact that someone was even talking to her. She blinked a few times, feeling like she was clearing her vision of static until she could see Poppy crouched in front of her.
"There you are! C'mon, Branch. I'm going to get you out of here," Poppy said over the din of the other trolls in the area partying.
Branch simply nodded, watching in mild confusion as Poppy turned and gestured towards his back. "Up you get, come on," Poppy urged, finally making Branch realize that the King was offering her a piggy back ride. Sluggishly she moved, struggling to get her limbs to cooperate.
Once Branch was settled over Poppy's back with her face buried in bright pink hair, the King began to move quickly through the crowd, easily and effectively dodging around anyone that tried to get him to dance. Somehow, he managed to get away from the spontaneous party and got Branch back to the bunker. He didn't let her down, however, until the two were down the elevator and in Branch's living room. Carefully, he deposited her on her couch, quickly whisking away to fetch a glass of water, pressing it into her slightly shaky hands when he returned to her.
"You okay?"
Branch shook her head, feeling like her voice was stuck in her throat, unable to verbally respond.
"Okay. What would you like to help make you feel better?"
A quiet whine escaped Branch, her shoulders shifting up to her ears, eyes downcast, wishing she could force her voice to work, but nothing was forthcoming. She would love nothing more than to respond to Poppy, who was being so kind and caring, only to receive silence back.
After a beat Poppy snapped his fingers, causing Branch to jump and stare at him with wide eyes. "Oops," he laughed awkwardly, "Sorry. But, uh, how about we stick to yes or no questions? That way you can just nod or shake your head?"
Branch perked up and gave a little nod, a wobbly little smile making its way onto her face.
"Okay, perfect! Would you like a blanket?"
Branch thought for a moment, before giving a short nod. Poppy grinned and was off like a shot, returning not a minute later to carefully drape a thick, cozy blanket around Branch's shoulders. It took her a moment to recognize it was one of her favorites to snuggle up with. Poppy must have noticed one of the times he was over to hang out.
"All right! Now, you've got water already. And it's nice and quiet down here. Would you like company? And by company, I do just mean me," Poppy said with a little grin. Branch let out a near silent laugh, before nodding slightly, thought she frowned after a beat, opening her mouth, only to snap it shut again a moment later with a little look of concern on her face.
Poppy frowned, only to chuckled and move to sit next to Branch on the couch. "Oh, don't worry about the village. I'm sure they'll be fine without me."
Branch let out a breath, humming quietly with a nod, forever grateful that somehow Poppy could read her like an open book. She took a few tentative sips of her water before setting the glass aside, then turned a mild look of trepidation towards Poppy. It lasted for only a moment before she let out a huff of breath, a mild scowl of determination settling itself on her face. Poppy offered a lopsided, confused smile as Branch shifted around on the couch, tossing half of the blanket over Poppy's shoulders, before curling up next to his side.
"Oh," Poppy breathed, a slow grin working its way across his face, before he settled his arm around Branch's shoulders and tugged her more firmly into his side. "Yeah, you know I'm always good for cuddles," he sighed, resting his cheek against Branch's hair, more than pleased to feel her breathing even out where she was pressed against his side.
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from-izzy · 7 months
Which TBZ member would you assign your moots? And why?
hey anon! first of all, thank you for sending this in 🥺 means a LOT to me 💕 sorry that i'm super late 😭 i basically met everyone on this post on oct 8 and i wanted to wait at least a month to get to know them better, and to give a more detailed (basically) thank you and appreciation post. here are the ones that took a part of my heart!
general message to the ones here: you guys are such heart stealers! 💜 again, thank you for showing me that the internet can be a safe place ✨
also i'm curious 🤔 which member would you assign me to?
@cloverdaisies 📢 juyeon (+ jacob)
the way i went to heaven and back when clo answered my dm 😍 and then she followed me back?! 😱 told clo about how i was nervous interacting with her and yk how juyeon gives off shy and understanding vibes? i just feel like he would just be like "no no, you're all good. don't worry." like, that's clo right there guys (minus the shy part 🤣). jacob because she was so patient and nice dealing with my rants and me losing my mind (aka. fangirling) 🥺 literally talked to her for 2+ hours when i first properly had a chance to interact with her and it was so random going from plastic 🍴 to anime 📺 to [insert another random topic] 🤭 to her works ✏️ etc. (clo if you're reading this, i feel in love with juvenile again and i'm on my way to target:lover as soon as i have time 😉)
@heemingyu 📢 chanhee
apart from all the memes she has (cute or cursed 💀), she makes me just wanna squish her and just tell her how she should stop being so damn loveable (also stop flirting with me, my heart can't handle it). also you know how chanhee can be savage sometimes? yeah so, that's sana 🤠 but it's all loving banter between us, i promise! 💕 (had an ask because anon thought that sana and i were fighting 🤣) and yk how chanhee smacks deobi out their delulu sometimes, well sana does it in a similar way with her words and arguments 😵‍💫 she def puts up a good word fight fr that it keeps me awake and alert 😭 also, i just know sana is just as sassy as chanhee 🫢 we fangirl about chanhee 🐧 together and a few idols here and there (cravity take my money 💸). thank you for dm-ing me first that day 😭 you don't understand how much i was laughing (and blushing) at 1am because of it 🐝🍯
@justalildumpling 📢 kevin (+ sunwoo)
ik no one will agree with this KSJDKSK kevin is in no way an extrovert like my aussie girl is but j is very kevin vibes for me 💕 the things kevin say is very very comforting and j has made me cry 3 times because of it (yeah, everyone attack her lovingly please 🥺🫂). sunwoo because her energy gives me energy back, and her smile is just so damn cute 😻 bonus, you know that sarcastic smile that sunwoo did that one time on live with his loverboy beanie? i literally saw sunwoo when she did it LIKE IT WAS A "WHOA HOLD UP" moment 😮 the jaemin to my jeno, the eric to my sunwoo 💕 thank you for your words that night 🥹 i think i can make it through now. also note for you j: ...rice 🤨...rice 🍚
@kimsohn 📢 eric
i genuinely thought i scared maya away at first actually 😭 but maya is so sweet 🥺 they were the first one to send a friend request when i ventured out of tumblr 🤭 maya just seems like the one who would approach others and be like "hey, let's be friends!" (i do know maya is an introvert but still!) which is a very eric thing! so i stayed and thankfully got to meet everyone else and everyone else better 😆 would love to get to know you better 😊 ahhhh also maya 🥹 i literally had chills down my spine when you recognised my healing project like 😭 thank you sm for mentioning that! i appreciate it sm 🫶
@laviesm 📢 haknyeon
i can't really explain it tbh 😭 it's quite hard to put it into words but other than mona being so cute, she gives off massive haknyeon vibes 😚 maybe the others are able to put it into words and/or understand what i mean. kind of off topic but mona's accent is so cute 🥺 and the little texts that she would just drop out of nowhere is so wholesome! 🥰 (omg, i suck at explaining this) mona if you're reading this, i support any purchase of yours 💲 probably not a good idea for your wallet but we won't talk about that 👝 so yes, get those shoes 👟 bag 🛍️ and clothing 🧥! you're gonna rock it!
@littleroaes 📢 hyunjae
you know how all the members find hyunjae to be so supportive? that's so dora 🥺💜💌 she's always been so supportive. for me, especially that time when i accidentally deleted my old account (still so hurt by that gosh 😞), i quickly decided to make a new account with the same name and tried to follow all the accounts i know! i msged her to basically explain to her that it's me 😭😭 and that no one is impersonating me or anything but then she goes off and basically just made a supportive post for me? ❤️‍🩹 you're seriously an angel 🪽 would love to get to know you better 💝 and i can't wait to re-read (and read new) your stories when i have time 🫂
@mosviqu 📢 kevin
my fellow psych buddy! 💪 and another person i would absolutely love to get to know better! bar is so sweet and patient with my rants and also my random psych questions (so thankful she answers because the internet and the unit coordinator can be unreliable fr 😭). other than that, we've had some convos that healed a part of my heart ❤️‍🩹 and i'm so grateful to the times when i can just talk about it with someone yk 🫂 felt like i was unconsciously holding it in for so long so it was a relief to let it out 🥹 also, bar! 🍰 you're gonna smash that thesis, i believe in you!
@daisyvisions 📢 sangyeon
i haven't talked to daisy too much but i swear she gives me responsible parent vibes 💪 very easy going, kind, approachable 🥺 i was able to ask her a couple of questions and opinions that i would never be able to ask usually (that was my first convo with her) and for me, it was a big deal 💖 she's so trustworthy and i felt safe asking her that question 😊 daisy if you're reading this, literally can't wait to explore your masterlist when life gets less busy and i meant what i said 😤 (just tell me, i'll be rocking up with some food and we're good to go! 🧋🍱🍿🍨...kinda broke atm so i'll just bring this much for now)
@sungbeam 📢 changmin
...am i the only one who couldn't approach beam at first? 😭 like changmin who seems intimidating at first (wait beam hear me out first—🥹), thankfully time matched up and i was able to finally interact with the author that made me cry and stub my toe on the wall at 3am 😀 so eventually beam went from 'the stealer in THAT last chorus' 🔥 to the 'changmin who introduced chucky to deobi with that huge smile of his'. 🐿️ would love to get to know you better as well 🥺 also i support your purchase with that duck 🦆 bin cause it was so cute! i just knew i had to send the post to you as soon as i saw it (not me forgetting your account name and so i basically scrolled through my whole entire page to find you—)
@winterchimez 📢 hyunjae
so many things to say fr first, ally is basically my soulmate 🥺🫂 like hyunjae who fits in any kind of story scenario, i believe that our shared interests and thoughts led to this awesome, cool and dynamic friendship ❤️‍🔥 it's crazy that suddenly one follow, led to another, to a reblog (to me fangirling once again), to me posting something, to ally commenting 💬 to her closing the gap 📮 and messaging me 📥 after. it's just so wild to think about and i really tend to ponder and think about stuff like origins of friendships quite often. if it wasn't for ally, i most probably would have never met anyone in this post. if i did meet them (which yk, i would like to believe i would have either way), i think it would've happened way further in the future. i love everyone here so much and i think i would have missed out on a lot if ally didn't basically pull me out of my shell 🐚 hyunjae (from what i see) can go to very mischievous, then supportive and then loveable—to me that's just ally ❄️🥺💓 ally, i am forever thankful that somehow God said "they're on the opposite ends of the world? let them be friends anyways!" 🥹
@wuahae 📢 younghoon
another one that i can't really describe! ahhhh! 😭 other than the fact that god cat is a visual 😍 thank you for helping me with all my weird, random rants. i love how i would be like "help" and cat would be like "yes! i am here!" 🥺 also yes! thank you for agreeing with me on the topic of fairy bread! 🧚‍♀️🍞 (not me hating on a bread while assigning you ppanghoon 😭) was indeed a lonely battle without you. look forward to more episodes of grandma izzy 👵 vs technology 💻 episodes because there ain't no way i will figure out how to use any of these new, modern apps without someone that will answer me at any time of the day (for the sake of your health, i would def say please fix your sleeping 💤 schedule but who am i to give you this advice? 🤪 let's be 'sleep-who?' buddies together! 😆)
@zzoguri 📢 jacob
other than the fact that's moni is in love with jacob 🍐, moni also gives me parent vibes 2.0. 🫂 i didn't know moni much until quite recently (and i remember commenting on how i love their fic 😍 and ran out after 🏃‍♀️💨) but time matched up once again and they were part of a group that i managed to open up to straightaway. i actually made a mistake towards moni and i apologised, and they were so understanding ❤️‍🩹 (thank you so much for that btw moni if you're reading this) to the point i slept well after 💤 moni can also go from nods and understanding hums to very chaotic energy 🍻 which is a bit of what i see in jacob whenever he's around some members 🤭 love that for them seriously 😚
bonus! 📢 quote from songs i associate all of them with...
you never know (hsmtmts) ⛅ - a chapter begins, the pages turn in the wind, this story's so unpredictable lifeline (the rose, the transparent) 📞 - if the world is coming down, i won't let you drown, even if you start to lose your hold travel (bol4) 🧳 - take me to london, paris, new york city
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stop-talking · 2 months
I loveee your Derek fic! IK you said you’ve been kind of stumped lately and I have a suggestion if you don’t mind. Maybe add more to the reader to give her character more personality? Like make her a recovered addict so her and Derek can relate/bond more? Just a suggestion!
I'm so sorry for the wait on ch. 7!!!
I have been writing, just... it's currently a one thousand word incomprehensible blurb of feelings & thoughts, broken up by a few lines of dialogue here and there.
I don't know what to tell you guys as to WHY it's taking so long... other than I just haven't felt right.
Usually when I'm writing, I can see the scenes play out in my head like a movie, and it's just a matter of describing what I see. Like I'm fucking hallucinating.
Sometimes writing is super easy, because I've been replaying the same scene over and over in my head for days and I already intimately know how every little detail should play out.
Sometimes I have to do a little bit of prompting to get the scene to come together. (writing the little blurbs about how each character is feeling usually helps)
But recently, even that did not save me and I just could not see the story. I know that probably makes no fucking sense, but hey, the creative process is different for everyone and I don't think I'm going to be able to describe this abstract process using concrete words.
Basically the vibes have been off. Usually it only takes a few hundred word chapter outline to get me going, but this one took a thousand words before I could finally see the story.
But yes. I finally see the story. And I'm honestly probably going to wait and outline the next few chapters as well before I start actually writing, it'll just make it easier for me in the long run.
So yeah, gonna be a couple days on chapter 7... but when it does finally come out the wait for chapters 8, 9, and 10 shouldn't take too long. And I already know exactly how I want the epilogue to go... (it might even be two parts)
To anon:
I like your suggestion about making the reader a recovering addict as well, and I actually thought about doing that when I was first writing this. The problem is, I'm just not confident enough in my ability to write a character that's gone through that kind of a struggle in a realistic & respectful manner, seeing as I've never gone through that myself.
(I'm doing my best with Derek already, and I'm still not satisfied with how easy it's been for him. I feel like he should be more anguished 😭)
Anyway, it's also a little late in the story to suddenly reveal that she's been though the same thing he has. I mean, the story is partly told from her perspective, and i feel like she would have thought about it before, even if she never revealed it to Derek.
It's an interesting thought, though, and thank you all for being so paitent!
I'm at 197 followers, so submit some deranged jhutch smut requests for a 200 follower special. (I'll write just about anything other than non-con, underage, pissplay, that sort of thing.)
I'll pick one and write a short one-off AFTER chapter 7 of SISOTSIAICEHAS. (Wow, even the acronym is terrible.)
And to the person that requested the Clapton Davis fic... it's in my drafts. It will see the light of day eventually. Sorry.
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monstrouslyobsessed · 3 months
super late but im finally answering some asks~
tw / tags: heavy heavy beastfolk lore/worldbuilding talk, momster talks too fucking much, sex work, long post, beastfolk / beastfolks characters mentioned: cerelos, brief mention of revius, red, implied mentions of papa bull and duke
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When are you going to post? (I apologize if this sounds rude,I'm really curious but that isn't an excuse🙁) —anonymous
ahhh, nah you're good. sorry, writer's block was notoriously bad the past few months, with me not being happy with anything i produced :\ i always thought of yall and this blog of mine though! i wanted to give you my best, than my worst if i could. yall are too sweet for me to halfass anything tbh.
just rest assured that i am still around, just slow as a snail 😭
(also, life. stressing about adulthood as usual.)
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Does Cerelos shed his horns? Like bucks and moose do?🫎🦌 —anonymous
hmmm, yes in his youth. but when he got older and became more experienced with his magic, he probably made his crowned horns permanent. i don't believe he really enjoyed the awful burning, itching sensations that came with shedding (and yuck, imagine how bloody the velvet would be on anyone's head!) and he'd consider himself to look very undignified without his majestic antlers before his people. he's arrogant and strict about keeping his appearance on point in front of everyone that isn't his darling.
shedding also applies to those with just one horn as well (revius), not strictly just those with antlers.
tbf the equestrians would consider the first shedding the rite of passage and would encourage more sheds as they gets older, to better develop their growth and magic in general, before they'd seek ways to permanently stop the shedding. i kinda imagine that constantly growing new horns would take a lot of calcium, proteins, and other nutrients that it's not advised to keep shedding when they are no longer young adults as well.
hope this answered!
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rest is under the cut due to the length and implied adult subjects.
IK this is kinda whack for me to say…but I was watching Spirited Away by Ghibili and there was a few brief scenes where they show how busy the bathhouse is. And I’m in were the cute giant duckies 🐥 and I wanted to clean brush and cuddle em so bad that it strangely reminded me of your beastverse 🙈 So like does that exist where humans are allowed to work in bath houses and wash up beadtfolk? 🧼🧽🧴🫧 And not in even a sexual undertone though I assume some businesses do offer additional services just like irl. Idk I just kinda wanna bathe brush and cuddle super fluffy animals if they’d permit me 🙈 This is how I find my future hubby or something if I lived in your world. I’m such a degenerate 🫡 —anonymous
well, while there are brothels, there are also salons where the beastfolks employ humans for their smaller (and less dangerous) hands to better groom the clients. funny that you mentioned that lol because i thought about the salon ages ago but i just never found any room to talk about it in general until now.
but anyway, most of them are, or were in history, just fronts for "special services" in the midst of the then-super conservative towns fresh after the post-zoo breakout eras where both beastfolks and humans were struggling to learn to live among each other unharmed.
the brothels back then that featured both human and beastfolks employees were often made 'illegal'—especially since any sort of intimate relations were looked at negatively. this is the era where the possibility of humans bearing/providing full beastfolk was being "discovered", still, while being scoffed at. by being discovered, i mean both sides would soon realize it's not a talltale passed down by their ancestors and history books. so the 'salons' were the answer to that, offering special services catering to both sides.
that said, there were and are some genuine salons that provided only beauty services. probably commonly run by immigrants wanting to support their families and to help the parent (typically single mothers) in need, regardless of their species. i do imagine it would be pretty common to see very…strong-headed owners defending their employees from very unsavory clients too, since the salons back then would have an unfortunate correlation with those that provided sex services.
in short, the salons were essentially the massage parlors of our reality (the ones that featured 'special services', i mean). however, i considered massage parlors that featured both beastfolks and humans a bit…farfetched due to their strength differences that wouldn't work well for the other side (for example, a lioness would probably break a human's spine, while a human's attempt would be too weak for, say, a gorilla's). not to say that the massage parlors don't exist in the beastfolk au, because they do! but i don't believe having employees from both sides would be a common feature in the massage parlor, and i'm sure it's not uncommon to see them offering their own special services but it'd be limited to their own race/subspecies for the most parts.
so i decided that the salons would fit best and would probably be one of the common precursors to the idea that both humans and beastfolks can live in relative harmony. why? because the employees, and typically just the employees, as some employers are/were often…not good people in these special salons, commonly formed a tightknit bond for various reasons, typically stemming from the time spent together, since teamwork is often a necessary factor to groom a client (especially if the client is of much larger stature).
the salon was a great place to be to get some culture shock, tbh, back then, to see both sides working together to perfect a client's appearance to their satisfaction. as the years pass, i'm sure that the happy ending salon (terms are still pending, but i'm just stealing from the existing ones atm lol) would soon be outnumbered by actual licensed salons that provided no such services beyond beauty-related.
bathhouses are typically self-service in this au, so the attendants often kept discreet with their jobs while still respecting the privacy of their patrons. i imagine most of the beastfolks prefer their privacy (since some can be aggressive, more so when their families are there). if there are drinks and foods being delivered, the attendant would typically drop them off at the entryway and disappear.
meanwhile, the salons would have the employees on site, mingling and chattering with their clients.
in the modern era, the salon typically would hire just about anyone, those without an independent card included, and someone would often take it upon themselves to mentor the beginners. there are regulations that tried to make things harder for the owners, but well, those who experienced struggles and poverty in the past typically do not give a flying shit about the politics. this such culture tends to carry through countless individually-owned salons.
i can go on, really.
tbh, meeting your soulmate in the beauty salon is probably one of the most wholesome (and safe) ways you can get. security is practically in every corner, protective of one other and especially their little humans.
honestly, if you really want to, just ask your beastfolk spouse to take you to a bathhouse. the bathhouse often have a huge family culture and unlike our pitiful reality in the good ol' murica, the bathhouses are pretty much everywhere, though some do take a bit of drive. they never died out the way ours did in our history. some beastfolks are just too big to be comfortable relaxing in the bathtub in the common household bathrooms, so the demands for the bathhouses are still there in the au and would likely always be. and without a doubt, grooming is hugely embraced among the beastfolks, so they'd most definitely love it when their little human groom them (to the best to their ability, at least!).
i talked too much, so uhhh, i'll move on lol but hope this answered!! thanks for giving me the space to talk about the salons too <3
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CURIOUS what do u think if a possible yandere wolf fish ORR ORR A LEMON SHARKKK i read somewhere they get possessive of divers they’re familiar wt —anonymous
i think i've wrote something similar ages ago, but the species is some kind of an eel mermaid, obsessed with the diver. here's the link. and i do have my red boi, he was based on sandbar shark! his darling was some rando surfer he kidnapped to his cove though. eel mermaid
red got a section of his own in my main masterlist, here.
idk if im up for another merman oc though lol and i'm still sorting out how things would go with the seafolk of my beastfolk au, when they are considered extremely dangerous even by the beastfolk's standard. but, wolf fish and lemon shark would be neat candidates to think about! though, wolf fish would be something straight out of a horror scifi and be a far more monstrous than the average beastfolk.
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Thinking of being used by the bull beast folk at least once a week. It’s always sad when you can’t have something you want… —anonymous
same 😔 alas we can only dream…
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omg i talked too much. sorry. 😔 thanks for you patience tho;;
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welcometoteyvat · 6 months
honestly. i'm sorry but prev post, except with less harsh wording, was also my first thoughts about neuvilette and furina's romantic relationship sdflsdjgksjdkf i think it's far outpaced every other neuvillette and furina ship, so it must be popular for a reason, but even fandom's platonic rendition of their relationship makes them a lot closer than I felt they ended up in the archon quest. I thought I might've been missing something in neuvillette's stories/voicelines since I don't have him, but after reading his lore I'm still not super sure where the "they made up immediately and are now deeply in love" take came up 😭
ik about how neuvi granted her vision, and honestly I think they can be good after maybe another 50 years, but really idk. they're very estranged rn like I get that neuvillette feels bad as evidenced by his convo w focalors, but at the same time I.. don't really think he cares as much about furina as much as fandom thinks? his one voiceline says he should pay her his respects, but i feel like that's it............. focalors is the one who called him up from wherever he was before, to go take the judge's seat, and the melusines and humans showed him humanity and love, but although furina may have been part of that, i dont think she was unique in that regards.... he doesn't have the same appreciation of human emotions as what focalors was fascinated by and liked furina for, idk. furina on her part just feels like she's both skittish and tired, both valid, and thinks neuvillette has a bad impression of her. idk they're giving really estranged coworkers to me, as in: they realized they don't really know each other, but it's too late to do anything about that because they're not coworkers anymore
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jnnul · 6 months
hi! ship your moots with idols! moot game!!
omg!! this is so cute!! i'll just do a few ppl bc i feel like i've tagged too many ppl lately and i feel bad for clogging up their dashes 😭 i apologize if i've tagged you like 3439 times today
@jammingjaem - lex is a renjun girlie for sure. i'm sorry i don't make the rules but the vibes are just immaculate!! i see this pair going to those cute couple painting + wine nights and making little paintings for each other and there is a vision here!! mostly bc i feel like lex is so calm/stable?? like she's like a pretty pond without any ripples. she's also down to earth which match his vibes so well fs.
@polarisjisung - hua + heeseung = power couple!! i feel like heeseung appreciates a smart girlie and hua is one of the smartiest pants ik!! also she's also super chill and sweet so i feel like heeseung would just be heart eyes for her in general. not to mention that she's so good at socializing and making people feel included so i feel like they'd be the host couple!!
@nyxvrse - mx. nyx with felix lee bc i said so. they're both little balls of sunshine that you just want to be around all the time bc the energy is so incredibly good!! not to mention that nyx is hands down one of the sweetest ppl ik?? like they're always saying hi with good energy i can feel thru the screen and i feel like they deserve someone as pure as they are!!
@hanlimz - cass the angel herself w seungmin!! another chill couple that's super hard-working and supportive of each other's dreams bc they're literally just built like that. and cass is so incredibly talented that seungmin would brag abt her everywhere and vice versa. a super healthy and happy pair!!
@mingyuonthemoon - it feels criminal to not say mark or mingyu but jaemin!! moon is just such a sweet person who always has something good to say abt others? like she goes the extra mile to make someone feel appreciated and recognizing their work and i feel like jaemin would be able to do that for her the way she deserves?? like she deserves to be PAMPERED dear god
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7ndipity · 5 months
hey !! i ♡ ur writing, its helping me get away from reality and the hard times it has brought last year 2023, so im hoping that both for u and me and whoever is reading this that 2024 is gonna be a good year, full of joy, blessings, and health, im also hoping for the boys, even tho they'll spend most of the year in the military, that this is gonna be a great year ...♡ idk if the shipping game is still going, but id like to join, if its possible haha....im kind of late but i was afraid at first (im very shy) then i remembered that i can use the anon option!
also u asked which member we'd ship u with, so i'd personally say yoongi! ik u write a lot of fics on him, so maybe its that, but also you seem like a very nice, calm and understanding person, also a very like "warm"? person and i think thats just the type of person yoongi would enjoy being with :) or with jimin too!
well abt me ..for the shipping game.
Im a 00 liner, she/her, im from a slavic country, i have long hair with bangs, dark blonde, brown eyes and some freckles, petite (?) like very short.. omg it seems like a school presentation im sorry, also, im an atheist/agnostic but im very open to religions and spirituality and i personally love talking about such matters, i love having deep talks also, i love reading and rewatching the same few film or animes (like evangelion im obsessed). i talk abt this things over and over.
also, im an introvert and im very insecure both abt my looks and the way i act, but i always try to be sincere abt my feelings even tho its hard since im kind of a people pleased but i!am!working!on!it!! im an optimist, things have gotten better before and they will get better again. im a calm person but sometimes i have silly moments so its either that i talk it out and like talk talk talk talk or idk i just laugh at everything....also, i really like physical affection BUT i dont like pda...like cute but not in public yk.
omg i wanted to make this short for u...im sorry, if ur not doing the shipping game anymore dont worry i might be late for it ig😭help...
also one last thing, im a yoongi stan because i love the kind of person he is, caring, calm, very mature also emotionally intelligent and is not afraid to show vulnerable parts of himself. Also he is very passionate that admirable and he a cutie yk it already like...also! hobi is my wrecker cause he is the sweetest never fails to make us smile :) ok...i said enough now you know abt me😵😦 anyways.....sorry i hope u have a good day🤍 happy new year again, i really wander how u keep it up with writing and daily life seems like a lot to me u always bless us with new amazing stories and ur very sweet and patient when answering, take care🤍🤍
Ok, first off thank you so much for your sweet message! I'm so glad this blog's been a place of comfort for you, and I definitely second your wish that this year be kind to us all!
I’m about to make you so happy, cause I would ship you with Yoongi and Hobi, and also a little bit with Namjoon!
Yoongi and Joon love people that they can have genuine, deep conversations with, so I think they’d really appreciate your openness and sincerity, as well as your optimism. Plus, I think Joon would find you super cute(lowkey think he would be into height differences)
You mentioned a bit about your style in your second message, and I’ve said before that I think Hobi would really love a partner with similar fashion sense/ style to him, so i think he’d really be into your alt/skater style(and as a fellow Aquarius, you two would pair quite well together)! Plus, he and Yoongi have such warm, reassuring personalities, I feel like they would be so comforting for you!
Hope this was okay💜
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diorsbrando · 1 year
[Heyy Sosa, I hope you're doing well! I'm sorry this is random, but I have to rant about Tsukishima from Bleach. I just finished watching the old episodes, and he..... he made me feel many things. I was angry at him for brainwashing ichigo's friends and family, but.... that man is goddamn pretty like I can't. Kubo had no business, making him that fine. Like... his voice. Imagine this man speaking to you softly as he fucks you roughly. Or he talks to your pussy as he eats you out. Ik he did terrible shit, but i would let this man fold me like lawn chair 💀💀💀]
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[Like look at him 😭. Anyways lol, sorry for the rant 💀]
pls don't apologize i love the rants ! i should apologize bc im super duper late :((( i've been staring at this picture of him and this ask with hearts in my eyes i couldn't wait to answer it !!
and see, this is one of the reasons why i love u ! because WE SEE EACH OTHAAAAA OKAYYY!? pls i beg and implore u to continue to rant about this man in the future bc he and ginjou !!!!!!!!! LETS FUCKING TALK ABT ITTTT!. MMMM u should have seen him in the manga bc somehow he looks even sexier in there😖and this picture u chose >>>>>>>. idk why people don't talk abt him he's so fine ! ofc i cant ignore what he and ginjou did to my stinka ichi but i also can't ignore how gorgeous and tall he is either !! i literally NEED to climb him like a tree ! this ask of urs is making me go insane because why did u put the image of him talking to our pussy before he eats us out in my head !!??? and and and he'd slap our pussy when "it doesn't answer him" GOSSHHHH PLEASEEEE IM TEARING MY BONNET OFF ! he reeks of soft dom energy im telling u !
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auraee · 1 year
Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z
Now ik my-
I'm getting a Demon Slayer themed bday party
. . .
O k a y .
It can't be that bad 🤷🏽‍♀️
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I’m sorry about the super late reply😭 but I do think it’s a neat idea ☺️ are you going to cosplay?
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winterf4iryy · 11 months
i'm glad that's better now! and omg that's so exciting!! it's gonna be so beautiful omg <33
i'm doing good! TODAY IS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FINALLY 😭 so i'm super excited to just be done with school and exams lol 😭
YES IT'S LITERALLY THE BEST SUPERHERO MOVIE EVER LIKE 😭 i don't have any words bc it was like perfect. there was nothing bringing it down a bit, there was no little problems it was PERFECT. and there's an INDIAN SPIDERMAN?? that literally made me so happy 🥺 AND OMG HOBIE IS MY FAV HE'S SO- ALSO ALSO JESSICA IS SUCH A BADASS I LOVE HER 😭
ugh- i just- everything about it was just too good!! and like major props to all the artists who worked on it bc i could pause that movie at any point and it would create a beautiful picture that i could put up. AND OMG DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FACT THAT HE WENT TO THE WRONG UNIVERSE AND THAT THAT MILES WAS THE PROWLER AND OMG 😭 ANDDDDD OMG THE END WHEN THE SCREEN WENT BLACK....i swear my heart skipped a beat and then when it said 'to be continued' i literally screamed "NO" in the movie theatre 😭
i’m so sorry for the late reply nova <33
BUT YAYYYY SUMMER HOLIDAY!!!!! 🥹😭 im so happy for you ik how much you wanted to be done with school.
also how was your birthday? :D 💓💓
I ABSOLUTELY 100% AGREE!!!! IT WAS PERFECT. i truly expected no less but it’s so hard not to be amazed by it. the attention to detail in the animation is incredible— and the storytelling and arcs and how complex each character is???? INSANE. and the humour?? ALSO THE FACT THAT THERE ARE DIFFERENT VERSIONS PLAYING IN THE THEATERS!!!!!😭😭😭 apparently they’re minor differences like changes in dialogue or how something looks, etc., but oh my god. they’re really making it like a multiverse im just in awe.
PAVITR WAS SO CUTE I LOVED HIM SM 😭😭😭 <33 i hope we see a LOT more of him in the next movie! it’s so heartwarming to see people’s reaction to him being in the film🥹 it just shows how important diversity is in media. which is a whole other tangent i could go off on regarding the spiderverse films ESPECIALLY this one bc they really just do an incredible job. like i don’t think some people get how meaningful and powerful it is to have hundreds of different spider people from all walks of life, showing how anyone can be hero :( it makes me wanna cry
i still cannot believe they did that to us 😔 my heart dropped too, i was like it can’t be.. AND THEN IT WAS 😭 im honestly glad they didn’t rush it though bc we had so many character arcs in this film. gwens and miles’ and miguels and i feel like peters too a little bit? and then the spot is still there, and then miguel turns out to be an antagonist PLUS miles in the wrong universe + that vers of him being the prowler. it just makes sense to have a third film. IM SO EXCITED FOR IT
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neteyamsilly · 1 year
It’s ramble anon!!
Tumblr being silly as usual 😑
Thank u so much!!!
I don’t feel obligated at all by the way!! I’m always super excited to send you anything!! I’m actually pretty shy lmao, even if I have been on tumblr for years now, you are the first person I interacted in this way!
(My exams results were good btw!! Thank u 😊)
LMAO we might as well be all connected together 😭, I swear that’s what happened, and I’m SO glad it did, I wouldn’t have been able to concentrate at all if I knew the new chapter was waiting for me while I was in class 💀
I HAVE TO SAY: I LOVE the name JACK, she just sucks at naming things like her dad 😌
Or she just doesn’t care, like her dad lmao
It’s so funny that she’d name her ikran just to piss off Jake, like, what is he gonna do??
Btw the jack in cards is like a symbol of good luck; like she is the wild card of the family, what better name for her ikran than that? (There are many (or so anyone keeps telling her), she just doesn’t care 🙄)
[Why can I picture Norm and Max teaching Y/N to play cards?? I mean, IK the group at the old shack (Jake, Grace, Trudy and Norm) had to do something other than eating and sleeping (not sleeping with, I’m looking at u Norm and Trudy) and I think cards would have been an easy, entertaining enough and not too tiresome game to play together and it got passed on to Y/N (maybe those cards were Trudy’s or Grace’s, that’s why Norm still has them.. now I made myself sad 😭)]
And Neytiri somehow finding out and being fucking mad lmao, like “we have our damn games at home, u don’t need this skypeople crap”
If the events of TWOW happened I totally see Y/N maturing more and being a lot more astute about being a little shit lmaoo
Like convincing Ao’nung to fly with her?? That took SKILL and a silver tongue (like the art of persuasion type of crap she’d pull lmao)
[not me inventing happy lalaland headcanons nonsense while Y/N is literally dying and could be taken away from her family 💀💀]
But anyways I digress!!
Of course I look forward to the next chapter!! But I hope you get to rest and don’t get pressured or stressed to write the next one!!
I hope you have an amazing day!! Thank you so much! ❤️
I'm so happy that I get to be the first one to get to interact with you like this, I might just turn into a webtoon/kdrama male lead that goes "you're the first one to do this to me" LMAOOOOO
ALL THE THINGS YOU SAY ABOUT JACK IS EVERYTHING IM GOING FOR SDJDSDJSD sister!reader is meant to literally be a copy of jake, so i want to give her some of his funniest traits as well and naming of the ikran is one of them. fucking jack. she does it out of "funny haha" and "dads gonna hate this and im gonna love it" and "i do not care" venn diagram thing BSBDHBSH
And neytiri full on going mom mode: "we have cards at home"
cards at home: entirely different subservient thing
AND UR SO RIGHT sister!reader would get smarter about being a little shit. she has to be because lo'ak is an idiot
Thank you so much for the ask, as always <333
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taegularities · 1 year
hi rid! candles and flames was honestly rlly good!at first i was confused bc i felt like their conflict had gotten resolved rlly fast, esp since u said it was gonna be a two/maybe three parter
but when that conversation with his uncle happened... my jaw dropped! i was like "yep hes def my fucking enemy now" 🤨
ik u liked it when i shared my notes last time and i took some more while reading again so here ya go! idk the more i think about it, the more i feel like i shouldnt trust him/give him the benefit of the doubt. im super excited for the next part!
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lmfaooo e, yes that was my thought process, too. i wanted them to get comfortable with each other, but obviously... the actual enemy part has just begun 😈 and yessss, i love your notes and the way you give me feedback !! i'm so sorry i'm getting to it so late, but i appreciate it so much, and it genuinely makes me laugh :')
like that #fakeassbitch and 'gluck gluck 5000' skjfhjksarghjksg and yes, kid has been in dire need of therapy for AGES. someone talk to this man lmfao 😭 yeahhh, i definitely want to keep his character ambiguous for now, bc obviously, we have no idea what's going on in his head... buuuut.. stay tuned 👀
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handweavers · 2 years
Hey kiran, I sent an ask a bit ago about ur favorite clothes patterns, especially shirts, and was wondering if it got deleted? I swear you made a post about patterns not that long ago with some cool zero waste ones but I cannot find it... so sorry if this is pushy, I know you've been working super hard lately and obviously you're welcome to ignore this, but wanted to ask in case it never went through!
it didn't get deleted but I haven't been able to find it either, I know its here somewhere but this website is so broken 😭 I'm gonna keep looking for it cause ik it's somewhere in my blog archive, when I find it it'll reblog it!
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