#ill have to wear a polo shirt
I think the interview went ok
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asanjou · 10 months
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we finished ooos!
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fl3shm4id3n · 11 months
ᵢₜ wₐₛ ₒₙₗy ₐ ₘᵢₙᵤₜₑ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐧.
ꜰɴᴀꜰ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ꜰᴏxʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ), ꜰᴏxʏ x ꜱɪꜱᴛᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: Spoilers? Missing children, child abduction, mentions of death, FNAF stuff, slight mental illness, mentions of getting committed, a bit emotional with an almost good ending?
A/N: I choose Foxy because he is my favorite both in the game and movie. Hope ya'll like this fic.
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You were just gone for a moment, you had to use the bathroom, you thought that he'd be okay with the other kids. When you came out, he was nowhere to be seen. You looked for him everywhere, in the arcade, the ball pit, the bathroom. Then you heard that other kids also went missing. The police got called, you told your mom what happened. You were growing scared and desperate to find your brother. But weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. The police just stopped looking because they didn't find anything. No suspicious activities or of that sort. No one was found and they didn't even find one single body. It was as if they vanished like thin air. But you? You didn't stopped, you didn't plan on stopping until you found what happened to your brother.
Not only that, but your dreams got all sorts of weird. You had always dreamt of the same thing. You were at the Pizzeria, stepping out of the restroom, wearing the same clothes as you did that day, except the place would get darker and more sinister. The people around you have become faceless and the music sounded much more dimer. You'd spot your brother for a moment, then he'd vanish into thin air. Every time that would happen, you'd call out to him. Screaming his name around the pizzeria. You'd also hear a voice, it sounded robotic. It would always spell out something that you couldn't quite catch. But there were some letters that you could make out. 'C...O...M...E... F...I...N...D M...E...'. You were never able to hear it clearly, it sounded like a broken cassette tape. Then you'd wake up. The dream went on for years, you never really dreamt of anything else. If you did, it would always be something that happened in your childhood, evolving your brother. A lot has changed since he turned out missing.
Now it was the early 2000's, you were already an adult. Working a nine to five job at a Target at the mall and living with your mom still. That early morning, you've woken up from that dream. Again, that same dream. You walking out the bathroom, still wearing that outfit you wore that day and the place was full of faceless people and that music. God that music made shivers run down your spine. You did what you'd always do, look for your brother. It always ended with with you entering the main lobby, near the small single stage. And again, that voice. 'C...O...M...E... F...I...N...D M...E...'. You never could make out what he was saying. Then you'd wake up. You didn't understand it. You never understood it. You got ready for work. You put on your red polo shirt with your name tag and your light brown kaki pants. Before you left the room, you looked at a picture sitting in your night stand. It was of you and your brother, on his birthday. You remembered that summer how he had a pirate themed birthday party. He loved pirates. You remember how he would walk around with a black eyepatch and a hook on his right hand. You would even play with him when your mom would be out working late. You always choose to be a mermaid or the villain in his games. You missed those times.
Besides that, you never really planned on going to school for anything. That was the last thing you would be worried about. So you decided to work, maybe save up enough money to maybe hire a private investigator or someone who can help you find something. Now you were at work, doing what you'd normally do. Just helping customers and ringing them out. It was just a regular day. It felt slower than most days. You heard from your coworkers that a security guard got fired, before he punched a guy who he mistook as a kidnapper. If you were in his situation, you'd probably do the same. Now a-days you didn't know who you could trust or you couldn't even look away from a moment because something could happen with a blink of an eye. It was understandable, at least to you.
You've been invited to do things with your coworkers, except you've declined. Always telling them that you were busy or you just didn't feel like going out. It was hard for you to make friends, you had basically isolated yourself from everyone when your brother turned up missing. You never really tried to make friends again. This worried your mom. Since you'd only go to work, go home, eat and sleep. It was a repeated cycle. She had talked to you about going to see a therapist. But you always declined. You didn't want to go and talk to somebody about how after many years you're still on the hunt for your brother. They'll probably medicate you or get you committed into an asylum. You you avoided that topic.
After work, you were back home. In your room, looking through your book. This book had news paper articles, along with police reports, pictures and other things that you've kept for years. This was your kind of evidence that you kept. You'd study these stuff day and night, for the last couple of years. You never gave up. Not only that, but you've tried asking the owner of the place 'William Afton' if you could go into the place to investigate, except the guy never picked up the phone or responded to your letters. You've even tried to get the job as a security guard, but Steve Raglan, who was a career counselor didn't give you the job. He'd always say that. 'It wasn't good for your mental health' or that 'He needs someone who's more calm and collected'. What he probably meant was that he needed someone who wasn't crazy.
You were busy looking at the old, now yellow news paper. Re-reading the article about the missing kids. You've read it many times by now, you might even memorize it. Then you heard someone knock at your door, then they came in. It was your mom. Who had a face of worry. "Y/n? Have you ate anything?" She asked, looking over you saw that she still had her work uniform on, she must have got back. "No, not yet." You responded, then she got closer. Seen what you were reading. She let out a sigh, as if she was exhausted of some kind. "Again? Y/n, we've been over this." She said, then you looked over at her. "I know, but... I just got to find something." You added to her.
She looked at you, seen the dark circles under your eyes. Indicating that you didn't get much sleep. "Baby, it's been years." She said, while looking at you. "You just... have to accept that he isn't coming back." She said sadly, as if she didn't want to say it, but she did. "I know... I just... want to know what happened to him.. or at least who took him.." you added in defense. Your mom then fidgeted with your hair a bit, as if she was fixing it. "So do it, but... you have to stop this obsession. It's not good for you." She said to you. It went silent for a moment, then your mom let out a small sigh. "I'll get dinner started, I'll come to get you in a bit." She said, giving you a small squeeze to your shoulder and she left your room. You sighed, placing your hands on your cheeks and leaned on the desk. Trying to think of what your mom said. Then you looked at picture sitting on the night stand for a moment. After a whole silent minute, you got up from the desk and went into the kitchen where your mom was, to help her with dinner.
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You were at the food court, you had taken your lunch break, now you were heading back. You weren't watching where you were going and you've bumped into somebody. Making them drop a book of theirs. "Shit, I'm sorry." You said, picking up the old looking small book with the title which read 'Dream Theory'. Interesting. "It's alright." He said, then you handed the book to the guy. He was cute. He had messy brown hair and slightly tired eyes. The same description as the security guy who got fired.
"Are you... the guy who got fired from security?" you asked him. He had a look of embarrassment, but he nodded. "Yeah, that's me." He said. It was quiet for a moment, but you spoke again. "What you did was understandable." You said, making him look at you with his eyes slightly wide by your words. "You think so?" He asked. "Yeah, now a-days, you don't even know people's intentions or motives. I would have probably done the same if I were you." You explained. He only nodded at your words, at least someone also thought like him. "Well, I better go, hopefully I'll see you around." You said with a small smile. He nodded and returned the smile. Afterwards, you headed back towards your work place, while he also left to his destination.
You were back home, counting the money you kept in a shoebox underneath your bed. It was enough to fire an investigator, but you knew that you'll need more. This would probably cover the bear bare minimum. It was frustrating. You've spent a whole year saving, yet it didn't feel like it was enough. You knew that you should have got a job sooner, than later. Again, you went through the same old articles and pictures. Trying to find something again. But nothing, it was the same old thing. The same words and the same people in the pictures. Of kids playing around the arcade and one of a person dressed as a yellow bunny. That was odd, you don't remember that bunny at the pizzeria. When was he added? When you looked at the picture of him posing with a girl with blonde hair in pick tails, it felt creepy in a way. Almost unsettling. You didn't really notice this picture or you probably didn't notice it at first.
It was another day, you were in the register, ringing people out. You sighed, in exhaustion. Your feet were hurting and time felt much slower than usual. Another costumer came to the register. You gave them the best smile. "Hello-" you were cut off guard, seen that it was that guy you met the other day. "Oh, it's you. Find everything alright?" You asked him, like you'd normally asked every costumer. You scanned the box of crayons and paper, along with a few things he had in his basket. "Yeah, thanks." He said, while grabbing his wallet. "Found a job yet?" You asked him, out of politeness. "If you haven't, I'm sure you could send in your application." You said. "I actually already did, but thank you for the offer." He responded. You nodded, as you placed the items in a white plastic bag with the red Target logo. "What did you find? If you don't mind me asking." You asked him. "A security guard, at some pizzeria. The pay isn't good, but it's something." He explained.
This caught your curiosity. "Really? What pizzeria?" you asked, putting the packet of bacon in the bag. "It's called, I think. Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza, something like that." He explained. No fucking way. You looked at him wide eyed. "For real?" You asked him, he only nodded. Then he gave you the amount of money that was due. As you handed him his receipt, you hesitated a bit. "When can I see you again?" You asked. "Hm, I don't know, maybe in half an hour while I still have time? Why?" He asked, now curious on why you'd want to see him. "It's cause... I'd like to talk to you about something. It'll be worth your while, I promise." You said, he thought of it for a minute, then he nodded. "Alright, I'll meet you in the food court... When does your shift in end?" he asked. "In about an hour, what's your name by the way?" You asked him. "It's Mike." He told kindly, as you hummed in response. Watching him leave in a bit of a hurry, you went back to work hoping that the time would go by fast.
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After that hour, you were at the food court, waiting for Mike to arrive. He finally did. "Thanks for coming." You said almost shyly. "No problem, but just make it quick. I got to get back home to get ready for my first shift." He explained. You and him sat on a table. "Look, I know you've only known me for a bit. But, please hear me out." You said. Mike nodded, allowing you to processed. "Could you, maybe let me in the pizzeria, while you do your job. I'm just looking for something." You explained to him. He looked at you with a look of confusion. "Don't worry, I'm not going to steal anything, I'm just looking for something." You explained to him. But he wanted to know a bit more. "I don't know. What exactly are you looking for? Treasure of some kind?" He asked. "Well, almost something like that." You told him, but he still not very convinced. You didn't know whether you should tell him the whole story on why you're interested in going into the pizzeria. You just skipped the subject.
"Not only that, but I'll pay you for your troubles. I just want to go in and look, then I'm out." You added, as soon as you said 'paid' he looked at you with more reason. "How much?" he asked. "Two-hundred dollars per night. It'll just be this week and no more." You told him, seen the look of shock in his face. He thought for a minute. Then he nodded his head. "Alright deal, but, you have to pay first. I don't want to get scammed or anything." He said, then you grabbed your wallet and handed him two fifty dollar bills. He took the money and looked at it, in almost as if he'd never seen that amount in while. "That's all I have for now, but I'll give you the rest afterwards." You explained to him. Mike nodded, he seemed as if he was convinced. "Alright, it's a deal then." He said. After that was settled. "Before I go, here's my house number. Call me if anything." You explained to him, writing your house number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. You normally wouldn't give your number to anyone, but you knew that you'd be seen him for the next couple days.
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Back home, you told your mom that you'd be going out at night for the whole week. For some kind of night shift and you'd be back at 6:00 am. You left home and headed to the pizzeria. It was 11:55 pm. You were sitting in your car, waiting for Mike to arrive. A few minutes passed and he had arrived at 12:00 am. On time. He told you to just be smooth and not make it seem as if you were here. He sounded as if he really needed this job. You nodded understandingly and went to search.
Like before, you searched everywhere that you could. Except you got to look more. In the kitchen, boiler room and in the back. But nothing. Despite not finding anything, you'll be back tomorrow night. When you got back to the main lobby, you heard strange movements coming from the single stage. It had dark purple curtains like the main one. You got a bit close, trying to listen and see closely on what was making the inside of the stage move. You reached out and tried to pull the curtains, until you heard the Mike called out to you. "Hey, it's 6:00, we gotta go." He said, you nodded at him, you looked back at the stage. Before you headed out. "Here's the rest." You told him, giving him the other two fifty bucks. He took them. "Thanks." He said, putting the money in his pocket. "No, thank you for letting me do this. I know it's risky." You said with a small smile. "It's nothing really, I just... really need the money and the pay here is not so great. From what I was told." He explained. You nodded. "I understand." You responded to him. "Well, I'll see you later tonight?" you asked him. "Yeah. See ya." He responded with a small awkward smile, then headed to his car. You did the same.
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You went home, slept for a few hours. You had that dream once again. But, there was a slight change. When you got to the small single stage, the voice sounded much different than before. 'Y...O...U... F...O...U...N..D... M... E...' You could slightly make out the letters, but the words completely. Then you woke up again. Like always. You got ready and went to work and after work you went home, then you left to the pizzeria at the same time as you did before. Mike arrived, you paid him the while two hundred dollars and you got to doing what you were doing. You searched in the same places, but this time you looked more in the main lobby. It felt as if you were getting closer to finding something, and that something was in the main lobby. You looked under the tables, bathrooms and even in the trashcans, but nothing. But it still felt close. Looking over at the single stage, you noticed that the curtains were open. You walked over to it, and saw that it was empty. Dammit, you thought something would be in there, before you could leaned close to look inside. You heard a loud thud in the office.
Quickly you ran towards the office. "Mike?" You called out to him, seen that he was on the floor groaning in pain. Bleeding from his arm. You went over and helped him up from the floor. "You good? What happened?" you asked him, setting him back on the chair. "I think so, dunno how that happened." He said, referring to the wound on his arm. It looked nasty. You looked around the office, trying to find a first aid kit. When you found it, you helped him patch up his wound. "What did you do?" You asked him, as you tightened the bandages on his arm. "I have no idea, I just dreamed of this kid, with a pirate hook. I chased after him, then he slashed me." He said, this caught your attention. 'Boy with a pirate hook.' That must have been a sign somehow.
When you got back home, your mom was getting ready to leave. You talked for a bit before she left. When she did, you went to catch some sleep before work. You went back to that same dream, back at the pizzeria, except you were in the last place where it ended. At the single stage, it was open. But it was empty. You got close, leaning in to look inside, but it was dark. All most like a bottomless pit. You stoke your hand in to see if you might find something, inside but you felt something grabbing your hand in the process. You heard the voice again. 'Y...O...U... F...O...U...N..D... M... E...'. Then the house phone rang. Making you wake up with a loud gasp, a bit frightened. Groaning that you've been woken up. You got up and walked towards the living room. You picked up the phone and answered.
"Hello?" you asked through the phone. "Y/n? Hey it Mike, sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing, but. Did you break into the pizzeria earlier this morning?" He asked, sounding worried in a way. "No? I was home the whole time. Why what happened?" You asked him. "Apparently someone or a group of people broke in. I just wanted to conform something." He explained. "That was it, sorry for interrupting." He apologized. "It's alright, I get it. I'll see you later tonight." You said, then you hung up. Who the hell would break into the pizzeria? That was a bit suspicious. You looked at the time and saw that it was close to being time to go to work. You sighed, walking back to your room to get ready.
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Later that night, you were back at the pizzeria, waiting for Michael. He arrived, once he parked and stepped out of the car, then he went to the passenger door and opened it. A little girl stepped out with a small back pack. They both approached you. "Sorry, I couldn't get a hold of the babysitter and I just couldn't leave her alone." He explained to you. "Are you Mike's girlfriend?" she asked. Making you giggle and her brother's face turned a slight red. "Nah, just a friend." You replied to her. "Hm, I didn't think he'd have any." She said, making you laugh and Michael's face becoming redder. After you had a small introduction, you went in.
The place was trashed and a mess. While Mike went to put Abby to sleep, you decided to get some cleaning supplies to help clean the mess. You went to the janitor's closet to find some things, you spotted how on the door there was a dark liquid that had been splattered on there. Weird, it looked almost similar to blood, it was probably an old stain of some sort. You got brooms, dustpans, a bucket, mop and cleaning products. Then headed back to the main lobby. When Michael arrived, you and him got to cleaning. You both swept, mopped and you stocked up the chair and tables. Afterward, he went back to the office while you went on your search. Trying to find any kind of new clues maybe, but nothing. Some 'evidence' must have been cleaned up. You headed back to the office and saw that Mike was asleep and Abby had woken up. "Can you take me to the bathroom please?" She asked. You looked over at her sleeping brother and back at her. "Yeah, lets go." You said, taking her hand and leading her to the restroom.
You were waiting outside of the restroom, waiting for her to finish so that she could go back to her brother. The door opened and she walked out. "Done." She said with a small smile. Then a small noise was heard in the stage. You and Abby looked over for a minute. "Stay behind me." You said, then you slowly walked towards the lobby, with Abby behind you. You saw how the stage slightly shook, you kept the younger kid behind you, grabbing a broom. To defend yourself. Then the curtains of both the stages opened, revealing the animatronics. Of a bunny, bear, and a chick. They were all in good condition, with a bit of dirt and dust on them. The single stage had a fox, a bright red one that was more tattered than the rest, also with some dust.
They all moved their heads, towards your direction. Then they began to walk towards you both. You don't remember them doing that. You held the broom tightly, and kept Abby behind you. Except she peaked and looked towards the animatronics. "Those are my friends." She said, removing herself from behind you and going up to the four animals. "Abby wait." You said, getting closer to them. She seemed as if she knew them. Did she? You kept your broom in hand, watching as Abby interacted with them as if she's known them all her life. You felt something touch your shoulder, looking over, you saw the red fox. He was moving his ears and hook for a hand excitedly. Instead of feeling scared, you felt some kind of attraction? "It's okay, he just wants to hug you." Abby said to you, now the animatronics were looking at you. "He does?" you asked her, she then nodded.
Turning to face the fox, that was twice your size. You set the broom aside, then you extended your arms and moved closer to him. He did the same. You wrapped your arms around the cold fur like robotic body. His arms were around your smaller body. It felt a bit odd, but the more you hugged him, it felt comforting. You felt his hook for a hand giving you small pats, as a way to ease you. This felt nice, then you pulled away from him. Looking at him in his single eye. He moved his jaw excitedly, as well as his ears. It was cute in way. You gave him a small smile. Out of nowhere Abby began to laugh, you looked over and saw how the others were tickling her. She just laughed, which lead to some playful screaming and her telling them to stop. It was all fun and games, until you heard Mike run in to see what was happening.
As soon as he got there, he assumed Abby and you were in some kind of danger, he then grabbed a chair and held it up, as Freddy approached him. About to fight him. "It's okay Freddy, he's my brother Mike." Abby said towards Freddy, who had seemed to have calmed down. Allowing him to let Mike pass. "Mike, this is Bonnie, Foxy and Chica. Everyone, this is Mike." Abby introduced everyone to on another. "This is... is a joke right?" He asked, looking confused at you. "I thought I was tripping, but no." You responded to him. "It's okay Mike, they just want to play." Abby told Mike, then Chica turned to her and gave her a wink, making her smile.
"Alright, it's time to go, come on." He encouraged Abby. "Hold on." She responded to him, then she grabbed her little notepad and a red marker from her pocket. She drew something real quick and tore it off the notepad. Bonnie held out his hand, letting Abby put the picture on his palm. He then showed the picture to Foxy who looked very interested in the heart drawn on the paper. "I had a lot of fun." Abby told them, she then walked towards Mike. But stopped and gave Freddy a nice hug. Freddy returned the hug back. You looked at Foxy, who was waving his ears and jaw rapidly again. Also waving his hook around as if he was waving at you. "I'll see you around?" you asked him, he nodded his head. Then you walked out of the place with Mike and Abby.
"That was something." Mike said, watching Abby get in his car. "Yeah, it was." You responded, looking back inside, seen that Foxy was near the door. You guessed to make sure that you would all leave. You turned back to Mike who was closing and locking the gate. "So, find something?" He asked again. "Not yet, but I'm much closer than before." You explained to him. After he finished locking up the door. "I better get going. I got work in a few hours." You told him. "Alright, I'll probably stop by." He teased, making smile. "Alright, don't be a stranger." You told him, then you looked at Abby. "Goodbye Abby." You said kindly to her and she gave you smile, then you headed to your car, turned on the engine to get home. Back home, your mom wasn't there. You assumed she went to work early. You took off your shoes and just jumped on the couch, getting comfortable. Taking yet another nap before work. Hopefully afterwards you could get some better sleep. You fell asleep shortly afterwards.
You back at the pizzeria, except wasn't almost scary looking and dark like before. It seemed more friendly and nice to be in. You were standing outside the bathroom, the same clothes as before. Looking around, you saw someone in front of the single stage, they were small, like a child. You got closer to see who it was. Your eyes widen when you saw the back of that person's back of his head. They slowly turned around. You saw that it was your brother, he looks just like how he did when he went missing. He had on his orange shirt with blue jeans, shoes and his pirate hook that he had made.
"You found me." He said, you felt your eyes watering. It's been so long since you've seen your brother. You almost forgot how he looked like. You said his name in a whisper, then you went over, getting on your knees and pulling him into a hug. "Oh...I'm so sorry, I was only gone for a minute. I knew I should have been more watchful of you." You said, as you cried more, hugging your brother. "It's okay. You found me" He responded to you, all you could do was hug him and cry. As much as you wanted to continue to hug and be with him, you couldn't. This was only a dream. You pulled away, and looked at him in the eyes. "Please... I have to know... who took you?" You asked him, hoping that he'd give you answer or a clue. He didn't say anything. "Please tell me, who took you from me and mom?" You asked him again, but again. Nothing. Before you could ask him again. You woke up.
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aaakikoo · 4 months
random low effort Attack On Titan headcanons
-> I’m back from the long ass break lol, I’ll try to most more regularly <3
-> nothing is 18+ so everyone can interact, some of these could be a lil icky n they could give ur favs an ick but some r rlly sweet too <3
-> this a guy ver ill do a girl ver soon!
-> girl ver
listens to rap but fails to rap as fast as the rapper so it turns into him mumbling.😭
has a collection of funk pops
doesn’t have a mid, or bad but TERRIBLE spice tolerance.
thinks that his loud motorcycle is hot
his breath smells like onion sometimes
surprisingly doesn’t sweat alot
his fav colour is sage green and black
tries to act manly infront of mikasa but ends up looking stupid
argues with armin but when he proves him wrong he says “that’s exactly what I said!” 💀
doenst use sunscreen
tries to make food for armin and mikasa but fail so the trio end up making food together instead
lends armin his clothes
drinks jet black coffee every morning
his breath always smells like mint
has a collection of polo shirts
get sad/offended when he sees those tiktoks of ppl saying that blue eyes are scary.
listens to true crime on the daily
is very very organized like WAYYYY too organized, on his desk his pens, papers, clips etc are all sorted out in different containers, his clothes are washed and ironed perfectly in his closet with each drawer, his bathrooms smells so expensive all the time.
wears those shorts with longer black shorts underneath
has little/to no hair on his body expect his face
has a pet parrot
is allergic to dogs
this man has a collection of colognes but only used 3 of them.
also has a tie collection
unlike eren he only knows how to cook the basics, coffee, salads, pancakes, cereal, eggs and bacon, pasta & noodles.
he isn’t super organized but like to have control, I feel like he’d have an obsession with vacuuming especially the living room.
watched BEN 10 as a kid
Fav colour purple
smokes cigs, but only sometimes.
calls his car “his lady”
loves to paint/draw
he’d be one of those guys who wear shorts and a tank and no socks around the house (nun wrong w that)
hairy legs but no hair on his arms n chest??? 😭
asks to borrow ur Netflix
spam comments under his partners posts
loves frank ocean
surprisingly I feel like Connie would know how to bake and very responsible when it comes to that.
still has the hand writing of a 7 year old
has a collection of tote bags
has a silver piercing in his left ear
loves chunky belts and chunky silver rings
a huge fan of ariana grande
doesn’t like sea food
loves to watch reality tv and get involved in drama
a nice gym bro
doesn’t smoke but drinks on occasions like he really takes his chance
has fully loaded biceps
has 3 suits. Black, grey and navy and rotates between them.
has seen every show/movie on Netflix
black coffee everyday as well
loves to collect exotic types of tea
has a skincare routine of face wash, moisturizer and sunscreen
uses a bonnet when he sleeps
doesn’t eat meat
listens to rain ASMR when he can’t sleep
always has a bottle of water with him everywhere
his showers r 30 mins long
only wears suit pants
has a wallet with a pic of Hange in it
his fav cake is cheesecake but only eats it if the biscuit ratio is bigger than the cream cheese
loves red tulips
reads the news paper and listens to the radio everyday for 15 mins
eats only eggs and bacon with orange juice for breakfast
has a huge collection of suit shirts that he wears everyday
carries a small comb around
has a pen in his chest pocket
when he sees a good looking man he always admires them out loud
has 2 colognes that he rlly likes and wears
really good at cooking
tries to say Gen z slangs
a huge MJ fan
loves Sherlock Holmes
a hairy man
loves dogs
only uses sunscreen on his face
has a little bit of a sweet tooth
uses Vaseline all the time, he has a tub at his place, a tub in his office and a stick with him all the time
lactose intolerant
loves to rewatch his childhood shows/movies
loves salty things, actually he eats quite literally anything
scared of animals
has a fear of heights (??)
actually really great with kids
always rushes to the other side of the car to open the door for his lady
sucks ass at cooking
he is really strong but doesn’t have very good stamina
loves to play video games
very good at literature, wants to be an author (modern AU)
nut allergy
has long fingers
very shy and doesn’t really have an opinion on anything
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bearieio · 1 year
modern!abby headcanons
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she’s totally clingy but she tries to be suupper subtle about it.
like she’ll follow you to bathroom just to lean against the doorframe with her arms crossed (mad cuz you left her on the couch by herself) and stare at you like 🙁🧍‍♀️
you finally break the silence and go, “…what?” then she’s all like “oh- i was just waiting for you to get done so i could use the bathroom..” her eyes avoiding yours.
your guys’ apartment has 2 bathrooms…
she’s a wonderful cook 
her specialty is anything with pasta…. it’s true and she told me herself !!!! (real, not fake)
loves wearing crop tops. YEAH I SAID IT. and WHAT?!
usually wears those cropped muscle tanks in order to still get that tank top feel and still show off her muscles ;)
also doesn’t believe in bras. bras r for losers.
she was probably one of those girls in high school who nobody messed with because they thought she was mean. but she’s totally cool ofc.
i don’t think she was a basketball girlie, BUT she was a lacrosse, ice hockey, volleyball, AND probably water polo or- OUUHHHH!!!!!! WRESTLING!!! :D
(ellie was on the basketball and soccer team- but thats a story for another time)
she’s a suffering pre-med/med student. she hates all her professors and classmates, but she gotta do what she gotta dooooo!!!
i feel like she spends a lot of time in her studies,,, DEDICATION!
omg she loves telling you about all about the human body and different illnesses & diseases and how they affect your body.
“the human equivalent to mad cow disease, could actually be creutzfeldt-jakob disease! it completely deteriorates your brain and causes-“
PRAISE!!!!!! she loves it.
will probably never admit it but she loves when you call her a “pretty girl,” “beautiful,” or maybe even “handsome???????”
either a jeep/ford bronco OR a pickup truck lesbian.
either way, the car is definitely one that was passed down from her father and she loves it.
it’s probably like a really muted/faded blue-ish color
if you just so happen to be as tall as her/taller than her (first of all hmu), she’d be kind of competitive with you and you guys would always have silly little quarrels between one another. 
“bet you can’t reach the bag of chips all the way up there”
“bet you can’t beat me in limbo”
“bet you can’t beat me to the couch“ 
if you’re smaller than her, she’ll take the upmost amount of pride taking care of you and making sure you’re getting what you need :)
but she also loves when she gets to feel small around you.
she loves how versatile she can be around you and how your guys’ romance is totally 50/50, meaning both of you put the same-if not more- amount of energy, love, and effort into y’alls relationship :’)
you guys wear each others clothes all the time too. but.
its like she’ll wear your socks n stuff, but like you’ll wear her shirts, pants, hoodies, and literally everything else.
so it’s basically just you guys wearing the same clothes but like you share socks?😭
i feel like she’s most likely one of those people who listens to almost every genre.
but OKAY when it comes to country, she’ll listen to old country stars like marty robbins, johnny cash, dolly, kenny rodgers, etc.
but wouldn’t it be so funny if she was like into some really heavy shit- like imagine her pullin’ up to the gym listening to ‘what color is death’ by acid bath or like ‘mondo medicale’ by impaled… like.
idk just a thought…….😁
she never lets you drive. unless she’s seriously injured or really tired, you’ll always be abby’s passenger princes.
“make sure to put your seatbelt on, baby”
she’s like… A REALLY GOOD DRIVER. and she does that super attractive thing were she turns the wheel with her palm (ykwim?).
her parallel parking is INSANE. in one go, she’ll have the car in the perfect position, in between two other cars. ugh. i love her.
her hand is always resting on your thigh and she occasionally pucker her lips in your direction, wanting a kiss.
she’s not one of those people who road rages, but she definitely gets upset when people are cutting her off and pulling out in front of her just to go slower than the speed limit.
she flips people off too. paying no mind if the people were paying attention to her.
another thing. i feel like she’s actually a pretty good singer. like nobody knows, but she hums you lullabies before napping with you.
same with whistling. she’s a real good whistler :)
HER HANDWRITING is also super good…… it’s not like a font, and it’s not like straight up calligraphy either, but it’s just super pleasing to look at.
especially when she leaves you little notes around the house and doodles little drawings of you and herself (and alice because i love alice. she’s best dog).
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a/n: also hey guys i’m not entirely sober while writing this so HOPEFULLY when i wake up tomorrow its not some complete bullshit that is just spent my evening writing.. \(`0`)/ ummmm!!
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calorie-laden · 9 months
Snug. As he gets ready to run some errands he pulls on his favourite T-shirt and feels an all too familiar sensation of tightness. The fabric fits taut, uncomfortably so. He gently pulls at the shirt in an effort to stretch it out a bit. This shirt that once fit perfectly is now dangerously close to exposing his underbelly. Looking in the full body mirror he inspects himself. A mild panic ensuing as he sees what he’s done. Months turned into years of giving in, overeating; revelling in the pleasure of food and excess that’s been transforming his body.
He was by no means ever a fit and athletic man; but the last few years had certainly taken their toll. It started slowly. Getting stoned and eating a little more than usual. Maybe once every couple months at first, then every few weeks, eventually multiple times a week. His gluttony increased exponentially, unable to resist the feeling of his belly overly full. Unable to resist the euphoric and primal urge gorging gave him. Unable to resist how much it turned him on. When he started associating food and getting off with each other he knew he was in trouble. He knew there was no turning back the first time he shot his load onto his tight, stuffed belly and growing chest; and even though he was always met with immediate regret as soon as he finished, he knew he couldn’t stop. He continued to promise to himself that that would be the last time���every single time it occurred; and it never was the last time.
He grabbed his jacket. Putting it on slowly and feeling the tightness in the shoulders. There was no way the buttons on this jacket could ever clasp again however he still liked how it looked on him; it still looked like it fit and that’s what mattered. Down the stairs from his apartment and onto the sidewalk he went on his way to the store. His shirt was slowly riding up causing him to have to pull it down frequently for otherwise his growing overhang would be on full display; at the same time his pants were being pushed downward by his thick lovehandles causing him to have to pull them up frequently. After just a block of walking he’s winded, breathing laboriously while adjusting his ill-fitting clothes. People pass by on the sidewalk and he tries to steady his breathing as they pass, not wanting these strangers to know he’s struggling with just walking. His gait is off as well, unbeknownst to him all of this recently added weight was forcing his legs wider and a waddle had began to form. Still he trudged onward. As he arrived at the store he tried to catch his breath and breathe normally however it was futile. This walk of just a few blocks was the most exercise he ever did and as his weight climbed the journey only became more of a challenge.
As soon as he entered the store he became quite aware of all the sensations he was experiencing. The snugness of his clothes and the way they clung to his fat overfed body, the sweat that formed on his face and body, the soreness in his legs and lower back from hauling all of that weight, the itching on his belly from his most recently formed stretch marks, his chest jiggling and bouncing with each step.
He felt embarrassed and slightly ashamed. His gluttony was clear to anyone who looked. His body bared the mark of his gluttonous, lazy lifestyle yet he couldn’t stop himself from heading straight to the snack aisle and loading up his basket with all of his favourite treats. As he waddled down the aisle he grew excited at the thought of gorging himself on all of these snacks. He felt his heart rate increase at the thought of himself sitting back down at home and pigging out.
He arrived at the cashier with his full basket. His face turning beat red as he recognized the cashier from earlier this week. It’s the same guy that cashed out his last gorging session. Sheepishly he empties his basket for the cashier allowing him to scan the calorie-laden food. The cashier was the polar opposite of him, wearing a tight polo that accentuated the vascular muscles of his big arms, he clearly worked out regularly and it served as a reminder to him of what could’ve been if he didn’t succumb to his inner desires.
As he waddled back to his apartment with snacks in hand he felt a familiar pain in his lower back. Maybe it was the new weight he had piled on recently, maybe it was his change in gait from his legs being pushed wider. Whatever the cause it was another new sensation caused by the fattening of his body. It brought him worry but also a sick pleasure knowing his body was beginning to reach a limit on what it could do, soemthing he’d not fully experienced. 3/4 of the way home and he was really feeling the struggle. Sweat marks had formed on his shirt above his chest which only further accentuated their size and how they jiggled with each step. His shirt had ridden up to show just a sliver of his overhang which jiggled in a sort of pattern from it slapping his upper thighs with each step. With his bags in hand he was unable to readjust his shirt, he felt a cold breeze on his exposed fat which proved to be a godsend as it helped cool him during this strenuous activity. Arriving in the elevator gave himself a chance to put down his bags and catch his breath. He leaned back in an attempt to stretch his back, exposing even more of his stretch-mark covered belly as he breathed heavily. His reflection caught his eye, it mind as well have been a stranger, he hardly recognized the obese man before him. Another slight panic sets in. “why can’t I stop?” He thinks to himself as he pulls his shirt back down to cover his hanging fat.
Finally back in his apartment he completely undressed. This was a workout on its own as he huffed and puffed attempting to untie his shoes and remove his socks, his face beat red from the exertion. Next were his pants as he lifted his belly in order to get to the straining button underneath. With the button free the weight of his own fat pushed the zipper open as his fatpad surged a bit forward. He sighed a breath of relief. His shirt stuck to him with sweat but he pulled it off quickly. Lastly, he removed his underwear which he maneuvered off of his chunky thighs. He was finally free from the confines of his own outgrown clothes.
With snacks in hand he plopped down on the couch, it groaning underneath him. He covered the coffee table in his smorgasbord of gluttony. A cacophony of calories laid before him. His dick twitched with excitement at the sight of all this food, his pupils dilated, his mouth watered. He was no longer in control.
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boxheadpaint · 8 months
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new pen tips arrived 2) lubic and vinny are getting along 3) it seems to think i am making a numbered post and i cant be bothered to fix it. anyway the cats like eachother a lot and have successfully worn themselves out from tussling, now vinny follows lubic around like a tiny nervous shadow while they play weird games together. its very sweet and its good to see the two of them happy. just hoping lubic doesnt rub any bad habits off on him, like scarfing a can of cat food left out on the counter momentarily by accident. oh well
missed something this week and im wondering if its why im experiencing weird vertigo right now. gonna have some soup about it at least and fix it next week. i need to get more pants at some point if i dont want to wear belts all the time, but im just way too picky about the look and material. ill wear the ugliest shirt known to man or a polo with 10000 holes in the back but non-corduroy pants that are slightly too form-fitting? would rather go with my thang out (lying for comedic effect
have lots of stuff to draw for other people and myself. i forget how insane i become when i cant draw on a computer. finding that i function better with options actually. like if i only have vegetables but i want candy, ill likely end up eating nothing. if i have both vegetables And candy though im more likely to eat the vegetables rather than the candy. this also goes for water and fruit juice, so maybe its like that for other things too. i wonder how i can hack this
turns out theres two different 'ECG'. i need to get another one, but i dont remember what the one i did was. it was the shorter one though. gonna need to schedule it for february due to other things going on, but for the most part this month heart has been tolerable.
1/20/2024, ill be able to wear what i like eventually
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fredwkong · 1 year
Hello! Tall white Twink here. I have always been impressed and almost jealous of the gays who wear slutty tight clothing with all the confidence in the world. I wish I was as sexy and confident as they are!
The genie who finds you is wearing a tight hot pink bodysuit with a tiny peplum skirt, like a perfect slutty twink. He looks over your dark, ill-fitting shirt and loose jeans with his lips pursed. “Well, that attitude won’t do at all,” he says, and taps you on the forehead with one index finger.
Your whole body fills with a rush of confidence. The genie’s right, you’re fucking sexy! People should be thanking you for getting a glimpse of your body. You imagine yourself in tight, revealing clothes, and for the first time, it’s a hot idea to you. You can’t wait to put on some gear and get off on your own reflection.
The genie proceeds down your body, tapping your nose to make dark sunglasses appear. A tap on your black polo shirt transforms it into a tight, cropped spandex T-shirt. Your jeans vanish, replaced by briefs. Your beat-up sneakers become big, black leather boots. Just looking down at your new outfit has you tenting your underwear, a shiny dot of precum staining the fabric.
You’ll probably spend the rest of the day jacking off to your own reflection, but tomorrow you should definitely make a Grindr profile and get some hot guys to worship your sexy body. A confident slut like you deserves it!
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Another wish fulfilled.
Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.
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libraford · 1 year
The new guy is very high energy. After taking a kids picture he'll go in for a high five or a fist bump.
We have a strict 'no touch' policy because of covid, but also because we're adult strangers in a school working directly with children and we don't want a kid coming home saying 'the photographer touched me' and have it be misinterpreted, what with tensions being rather high these days.
We've told him many times.
Still does it.
Meanwhile, I get a nasty phone call about me if my shirt rides up and shows an inch of skin, as is natural to see on a fat human wearing an ill fitting polo shirt... because a kid went home and said I was wearing a 'belly shirt.'
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mqole · 1 year
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hbjhkgvhj ok here are uh. some character designs i did abt a year ago
these are all based on the incredible @kayzero's fic zero win game, which is a rewrite of ztd with akane as the protagonist, and it has possibly THE BEST characterization of akane ive ever read- listen just. just go read it you will be enriched i promise.
im not putting an image description bc i dont know where to start (sorry!!) BUT ill put a bunch of character design notes below the cut for people who are insane like me <3333
ok first of all. i know when i sent these to kay the other day they said there were some details canon to zwg that i missed (akane's lil hoodie pocket, aoi wearing white to contrast junpei's black (which is SO inspired btw.)) so just. PRETEND those are there bc i forgor <3
i spent the most time on sigma, phi, akane, junpei and aoi just because they've had multiple iterations of designs. it was fun to take bits and pieces from each version of them, so thats why they get a feature page
you can see a lot of my little pink notes with criticisms of the ztd designs there. in general, i really dont like the ztd designs, they all feel unnaturally bland to me (although thats probably also the artstyle).
most people whove looked into the colour symbolism in zero escape are probably familiar with the whole red/blue thing: that is, theyre colours representing the morphogenetic field. akane and aoi are the most obvious examples of this. 'aka' means red, and 'ao' means blue. in the first nonary game, akane and clover wear red - the colour for transmitters - and aoi and light wear blue, the colour for recievers. in 999 proper, akane wears purple, to symbolise how she can recieve AND transmit, while junpei wears red and blue by themselves. you can do a whole analysis of these colours and i will not put it here thats a whole SEPERATE post
anyway! the actual designs!! i'll start with sigma. i wanted to reconcile his vlr design with zero ii's design, and initially i planned on giving him a coat, but it didnt really have a nice silhouette, so i ditched that idea. instead, i turned his jumpsuit from vlr into a polo shirt - much like what he has in ztd - and gave him some zero-y accessories: the white turtleneck, the belt and the gloves all come from zero's design. once id included the white turtleneck, making the pants white felt really logical. in character design, its generally best to limit the palette of colours as much as you can, so it was a good excuse to reuse a colour while also paying homage to his ztd design. i also cut his hair bc hes a scientist and he'd do that.
phi's design is a lot more like her vlr one than her ztd design. the blue coat was her hallmark accessory, and im shocked that they ditched it for ztd, so i gave it back - along with her boots and hair accessory. i kept her pants and glasses from ztd, as well as the way the bottom of her shirt is tucked into her pants. they just have a much nicer silhouette to me. between my first pass of colours and my second pass, phi's colours changed the most - i realised i had too many blue guys in the lineup, and wanted to make the colours stand out individually. so i leaned into phi's orange-ness. giving her hair accessory, pants and boots an orange hue instead of a blue one, as well as shifting her coat to a more teal colour really helped make those colours pop.
AKANE MY BESTIE!!!! her design was probably the one i had the most fun with. i basically just took her ztd design and purpled it. I did want to include some more details though - her neck scarf was in both her 999 AND vlr design, so it felt wrong not to include it. i also added some gold highlights to her design, just to complement the purple - her boots are also toned yellow, so it felt fitting. the cut of her sleeves, as well as her hair, felt really natural: i gave her the side ponytail from ztd, while letting more of her hair fall to the side to retain her silhouette from 999. i stole the sleeves wholesale from vlr akane, but can you blame me. look at that robe. its so pretty.
overall i have mixed feelings on ztd junpei as a character, but i think his darker turn is at the very least a fun direction to take him. I do like the jacket he has in his concept art. IT SURE WOULD BE NICE IF THE MODEL ALSO HAD A JACKET. his design went relatively unchanged overall, i basically just retoned his hair, gave him a button-up instead of a t-shirt, and puffered his jacket. the red and blue from his vest in 999 is reused here, but in darker, more muted tones. you can see in the corner of the drawing i played around with swapping the red and blue, but the red focus felt too edgy for junpei. the blue also pops really nicely against his dark clothes, so i kept it.
anyone who has spoken to me for more than ten seconds will know how insane i am about aoi kurashiki i mean come on my name is santa. i think a lot about his two designs: that of the first nonary game and in 999. in the first nonary game he wears a blue scarf, harkening to his role as a reciever, but in 999 he wears monochrome. my personal interpretation of this is that his 999 fit was him purposefully disguising his connection to the morphogenetic field. so post-999, since he doesnt have to worry about that, i gave him his blue back!!! his general fit is the same- his pants and shoes are artistry so obviously i kept those, and i ended up making the rest of his look black to contrast his 999 design. if i were to redesign him now wearing white, id probably go a different direction altogether. that third little drawing ive included has some test outfits for him, carlos, and maria, but i never really went anywhere with them. also i gave him dark roots to show his relation to akane a bit more. and also because i like projecting my roots always grow back SO fast
that brings us to the 4 characters introduced after vlr: carlos, mira, diana, and... maria??? yeah like i said go read zero win game. do it. maria is such a fun character. she was, coincidentally, ALSO the only character where i had to design someone from scratch. you can see i fiddled a little with colour palettes, trying to figure out how to give every character a unique look. diana and carlos' designs actually go almost unchanged here- i think dianas design in particular is actually pretty great, and works as a nice foil to luna in vlr. carlos is just kind of normal. he can have his silly polo shirt.
miras ztd design is. ugh ok look its FINE but i hate the boobie designs in zero escape because they always feel like they were designed seperately from the character. mira in zwg is still a sussy baka, but she's a lot more cordial- i enjoyed seeing her more as a snake lying in the grass. I ended up giving her green because its a fun colour to give characters who youre meant to distrust. SO MANY TIMES reading zwg i was like "oh maybe mira's chill - oh wait maybe shes not - oh wait maybe shes chill again" and i love her for that honestly. she still gets boobies because i love women but i gave her a fun little long sleeved corset top. the amount of skin she shows directly correlates to the amount you should trust her (i am only half joking.)
i wont talk about diana because honestly the only change i made was giving her a little blue strip at the bottom of her skirt, but i'll talk about maria and carlos together. carlos i kept as a little pink boy because i love him and i love pink and listen its my character design ill do what i want. maria in ztd AND in zwg experiences reverie syndrome, which is connected to the morphogenetic field. her and carlos' designs both incorporate red and blue again- (just realised diana also has red and blue. pretend that was intentional) -to show their connection to the field. yes yes i know its pink but listen its red enough. like aoi, i gave maria and carlos both different iterations of their designs. i'm less sold on carlos', but i did actually like the baggier, heavy designs for maria. with those ones she looks more depressed than she does wearing overalls, so im calling that a win. maria's was the design i was least satisfied with overall, but hey i did these like a year and a half ago and ive gotten much better since then soo.
if youve read this far this is once again a reminder to read zero win game by kayzero on ao3
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symphonic-scream · 8 months
Gender Thieves Outfits: Summer Uniforms + Kosei Winter
Starting with Shujin!
Futaba: just the basic, the polo and skirt, still has the green crocs and gamer socks and headphones, but they always have a little fan attachment on their phone
Kira: skirt rolled up once, wears her hair up cause that dark curtain? In the summer? That's asking for heatstroke. She wears her choker, as she does with everything, but adds a selection of bracelets to balance out how bland the polo is
Ann: wears the skirt higher, the polo shirt, and her volleyball jacket around her waist. Not much different here
Makoto: slightly oversized pants, suspenders worn down, the scuffed navy vans, and a dark t-shirt, from a band like, Foo Fighters or Pearl Jam or, well, grunge. The summer would be when Makoto starts collecting piercings, so they'd have a whole bunch in their right ear, and a few in the left
Haru: over the polo he wears a lilac sweater vest, pants proper, dress shoes
And now Winter Kosei!
Ryuji: varsity style jacket, dark blue with gold, over the white uniform shirt, collar undone, tie barely done right. Pants ill fitting, and some loud sneakers. Plus, he has a nose ring, in the winter it's navy
Hifumi: look at canon, she wears it properly, likes the structure of the rules
Summer Kosei! I had to look it up lmao
Ryuji: blue dress shirt unbuttoned, the track team uniform under if, ill fitting pants, the loud sneakers, and spiky bracelets. Changes his nose ring to gold!
Hifumi: up to standard again. Look at the photo below, but again, she likes stability like this, the wildness she'd bring would come from elsewhere
Below the cut are the concept arts for the Kosei uniforms since canon Yusuke never once wore it?? Also all of these are up for changes so if you have suggestions PLEASE LET ME KNOW THIS WAS SO HARD
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fawnandshadows · 1 year
How You Get The Girl
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Warning: Language
The hot summer sun tickled the back of Elain’s arms as she waited, squished between her sisters and cradling a homemade apple pie in her hands, on the porch of her parents house. 
Her denim bucket hat low on her head as if to ward off the anxiety she felt at the impending sight of her mother. Elain couldn’t remember the last time she answered her texts, and she could only imagine what ambush her mother was planning. 
She shifted her weight from foot to foot, her heels digging into the wooden plank beneath her, and she was absurdly aware of Azriel standing a few feet behind her, flanked by Mor and Cassian. Rhysand stood on the opposite side of Feyre, holding Nyx to his chest so that his son was facing outward. His son sitting on his strong forearm, and his hand splayed over Nyx’s rounded belly. 
Elain smiled as she looked at her nephew who was decked out in a pair of tiny khakis and polo shirt. The teeny tiny Sperry’s on his feet were a gift from Elain, and they bounded up and down as Nyx kicked his feet in the air. 
Nyx’s blue eyes caught Elain’s gaze, and she couldn’t stop herself from crossing her eyes and sticking her tongue out at him — his little giggle almost covered the sound of the front door opening. 
“I certainly hope you didn’t make that face at your Cartier shoot,” The icy voice of Helena Archeron scraped at Elain’s ear. “But you’ve been posting all kinds of crazy pictures lately, so I’m not sure I should be surprised at this point, Dear.” 
Elain tore her eyes away from Nyx to look at her mother, standing elegantly in the doorway. Her tall, slender frame was draped in a white silk dress and a string of pearls ran around the circumference of her thin neck, and her blonde curls were piled on top of her head in an elegant up-do. 
“Mother,” Nesta said sharply. “You’re awfully overdressed for brunch.” Which was saying something considering that nothing less than heels and a dress was acceptable for Helena’s brunches. Occasionally, one of the sisters could get away with wearing a skirt without a remark from their mother, but not often. 
Helena waved a French tipped hand at them. 
“I’ve invited a few extra guests,” Her blue eyes raked over her daughters. “You’ll all do. Just keep your tongues in your mouths please,” She took a step to the side, allowing them entry into the house, but not before her eyes latched onto the bodyguards standing behind them. “I see one of the bodyguards followed the dress code,” Her nose scrunched in ill-disguised judgment. “And the other two are showing off their tattoos.”
Elain felt heavy as she stepped into her former house. 
— —
The sprawling backyard was perfectly decorated with shrubbery and flowers Elain had planted throughout her lifetime. 
Elain sat tucked between her sisters — both Feyre and Nesta stayed protectively by her side as soon as they saw the other guests that were invited to the brunch. 
Graysen. And his father. 
Normally, she would have taken her hat off because it broke one of her mother’s unwritten rules of propriety, but Elain kept it on like a security blanket. Tilting it as far forward as possible so she wouldn’t accidentally lock eyes with Graysen, who sat on the opposite side of the table. For the two seconds she actually saw of him, he looked just as uncomfortable as she felt. His father, however, appeared just fine. 
“Nolan,” Helena said, her voice icy and smooth as it cut through the air. “Elain just did a shoot for Cartier, and we are dying to see how the pictures turned out. When will you see the proofs, dear?” 
Her stomach soured as her mother paraded off her accomplishments. 
Without taking her eyes off the limp lettuce on her plate Elain said, “About a week now.” 
“Impressive.” Graysen’s father drawled, and Elain could feel his oily gaze on her. 
“Well,” Helena prompted in a cool, forceful voice. “Tell us about the shoot, don’t be shy now. Thankfully the buzz around the shoot is helping with damage control,” Elain felt every bone in her skeleton stiffen. Her neck creaked as she turned her head to look at her mother who was raising a glass of white wine to her lips. “And I’ll need to talk to you,” Her frosty eyes landed on Elain. “About cleaning up your online presence.” 
“What's wrong with my online presence?” Elain asked sharply, and she could feel Nesta and Feyre stilling at her sides. 
Her posture was perfect as she faced her mother. Back straight and shoulders down and neck extended. 
Her mother sighed as she set down her wine glass. 
“People are talking,” Helena spoke to her as if Elain was twelve again and had to be told about the importance of calorie deficits. “But thankfully they’re talking more about the shoot than your…” She trailed off and motioned her hand in the air, letting everyone draw their own conclusions. 
“I don’t care if they talk.” 
“What a luxury.” Her mother said with a plastic smile. 
The screeching of her chair legs backing over the stone pavers tore through the air, causing the conversation at both tables to halt. 
“You should be a little nicer to the man who saved your daughter,” Elain said, standing and tossing her napkin onto her plate. “Being associated with him is something to be proud of,” She looked her mother dead in the eye. “Even though you wanted Feyre to marry Tamlin before everything happened and hushed the story so that the press wouldn’t find out,” She swallowed all the other words that threatened to spill from her throat. How Helena cared more about image and perception than putting her daughter’s abuser in jail. “Excuse me.”
She slowly walked across the patio, careful not to meet any of the questioning stares thrown her way, and careful not to listen to the hush in-fighting happening at the table she just left. 
The air-conditioning greeted her and cooled her overheated skin as she stepped into her former house. 
The back of her neck sticky with sweat as she made her way to the powder room, ignoring the posed family portraits her mother hung on the walls and the clinical atmosphere that came about in a house that always looked a little too perfect to feel like a home. 
She shut the door behind her and let herself fall against it as her body uncoiled the tension that was building within her. 
Elain didn’t look at her reflection in the mirror across from her. 
She dropped to the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. 
—— ——
When she finally emerged outside again the brunch was over and two groups were forming. 
Her parents chatted in one with Graysen and his father (the only bodyguard that stood with them was Lucien) and across the yard her sisters stood with their bodyguards. 
And one lone figure stood at his table with a glass of water held in a scarred hand. 
His hazel eyes looked to her as she marched towards him. He brought his glass to his mouth as he watched her approach. 
“Can I give you a blowjob?” Elain asked, her hands at her head, pulling the brim of her hat down as she gazed up at him. The water lodged in Azriel’s throat at her words. “Sorry,” Her brow furrowed. “I should have waited until you swallowed.” 
“That’s what she said,” Cassian grumbled, picking up his phone from where he had forgotten it on the table. “Blossom,” Cass looked at her with a pained expression. “When you’re offering illicit blowjobs, please be aware of your surroundings. I can’t,” He heaved out a deep breath. “You know, both of you know,” His eyes cut to Azriel briefly. “That I’m not the best when it comes to secrets. But this,” He lifted a finger and motioned to the three of them, his phone slipping through his fingers again. “Is going to be forgotten along with all the flirting that definitely should not have happened on the bus the second I step away.” 
Cassian turned his back on them and made his way to the rest of their group preparing to leave. 
She lowered her hat further, obscuring her flushing face. 
“Well,” Elain cringed. “At least he doesn’t know that you went down on me.” 
As soon the words were out of her mouth, she heard a sharp curse. 
Elain let her hands fall to her sides and saw that Cassian was once again at their side. 
“If anyone asks I don’t fucking speak English,” He picked up his phone again and turned to walk away, but not before looking at Azriel with something akin to a glare. “Don’t fucking hurt her.” 
Cassian started to walk away again, but Azriel stepped into his path with a dark expression. He mumbled something too low for Elain to hear, but whatever it was Cassian merely nodded and continued on his way. 
“I’m so sorry,” Elain whispered, her face contorted with embarrassment. She brought her hands up to cover her face. “I didn’t mean to — I didn’t see him there.” 
Gentle fingers pried her hands off of her face. Elain stared at the grass by her feet, her head hung low. 
“Elain, look at me please,” Azriel said softly, so softly that Elain looked up at him with a heavy head. “It could have been worse.” 
“How?” Elain grumbled, nudging her toe to touch his sneakered ones. 
“Well,” Azriel tilted his head as he looked down at her. His eyes brighter than they should be. “It could have been your mother that overheard. Or Rhysand. Or your father,” He looked away briefly, over her shoulder where her father was conversing with Graysen and his dad. “I don’t think he would have taken it that well.” 
Elain groaned and leaned forward, letting her forehead fall into his strong chest. 
“I thought we were supposed to be a secret?” Azriel teased, but Elain noted the strain hidden in the depth of his voice. 
“We are,” Elain whispered. “Everyone is too busy with themselves to notice us.” 
Azriel tensed beneath her and said, “You’re not wrong.” 
Elain peeled herself off of him, and looked up at him with wide eyes. 
“So can I?” 
“Can you?” Azriel prompted with a raised eyebrow. 
“Give you a blowjob?” She mouthed the words which caused Azriel’s mouth to twitch. 
“A revenge blowjob?” He said lowly, his eyes dimming just a bit. “To get back at your mom?” 
Elain’s face screwed up at the words. 
“No,” Elain whispered. “That’s not what this is about,” She shook her head. “I just want to do something new with you. Something I haven’t done before.” 
Azriel nodded his head in understanding. 
“I think that’s fair,” Azriel said, little crow's feet appearing by his eyes as a smile transformed his face. “Considering you’re my first girlfriend.” 
Her heart stuttered. 
“Really?” Elain asked, and Azriel nodded in response. His teeth sinking into his bottom lip to temper his smile. “We’re still on for our date tonight? Right?” She whispered hopefully. 
“Yes,” Azriel replied, “And you’re sure you’re ok with what we have planned? Because we could do something…a little more datey.” 
“No,” Elain shook her head with determination. “I like our plan.” 
tagging: @123moiaussi @fuckmelifesucks @thefangirlofhp @sakurakittypeach @nikethestatue @tswaney17 @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @feyredarlinq @duskwhisperer @nyxreads @rinadragomir @secretpuppyflower @captainbrucebanner @ultadverb @irisesforelain @shedoessoshedoes  @magnolia-blossom87 @sheenabeene @nivem565  @casuallivi @rhysiedarling @elain99-blog @athena-85 @swankii-art-teacher @reverie-tales @jujugirlfrombookstore @shadowflorecita @shy-violet-soul @thisloveseternal
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whoiwanttoday · 1 year
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So the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic was yesterday. It seems to be the biggest deal of all the champagne themed polo events annually. I can't say that for certain, I am not really someone who knows a lot about Polo if I am being honest. I know it involves horses, shirts that everyone wears to work now despite the fact that they are always sort of ill fitting and no one looks good in them but it's so much more comfortable than any other work approved options everyone just goes with it, and they carry giant mallets. I have spent the weekend listening to a lot of the Coup so I am inclined to find some point about a bunch of people who have never worked a day in their life using a workman's tool for leisure but the truth is I am no Boots Riley so I'd just make a terrible go at it. My point is I don't know a lot about it and secretly I assume anyone involved in it is unbearable but I assume this is the big deal event cause there are always a lot of celebrities there and there is a red carpet and that doesn't happen for very many sporting events and certainly I can't think of any other Polo related red carpets. Now, any time I make a statement like that some weisenheimer will send me a message with something like, "What about The Queen's Royal Promenade Polo Jubilee" to which I will tell them the Queen is dead so it's probably the King's Royal Promenade Polo Jubilee now but more important as an American who believes in the ideals of our founding I care less than zero about the King and Queen and they can all choke to death on a stray mallet for all I care. And it is really missing the point, which is I watched the Stanley Cup finals last night and there was no red carpet at all. It was just ice. All that aside, Karen Gillan was there, she is the only celebrity I have seen from it so far but that's ok cause she looked fantastic so she is getting posted. I also hope as a Scot she would agree with me that Royalty can go get fucked but I assume she'd want to see them choke on an Irn Bru instead for patriotic reasons. Which is fine with me, mallets were just on my mind. Today I want to fuck Karen Gillan.
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slyth-princess · 1 year
This is part two of my live blog post of RWRB. Like before, I’ll put it below the cut to avoid spoilers but if you want to see my mildly incoherent screaming… well, this is the place lol!
As always, happy viewing :)
- Alex looks absolutely TERRIFIED for this convo
- Ellen also looks a bit terrified haha
- His little laugh when he says no
- She has to sit. Oh god.
- No powerpoint. That’s unfortunate. But at least they alluded to it.
- I am glad we got the “you need to figure out if you feel forever about him” convo. And he sounds so sad when he tells her he doesn’t know if they will ever get there.
- “When your child is Alex Claremont Diaz you get used to the exceptional.” WE LOVE AN ACCEPTING MOTHER
- “Please call me congressman” hahaha
- This scene is fucking everything.
- I said it before but I’ll say it again. I love his relationship with his dad. (But I don’t love that his parents are still together)
- They are so cute. I’m so obsessed.
- Jesus. The water on their bodies. I’m looking respectfully. Lord.
- Instant Henry panic. Alex. Baby. Read the room. Poor Henry oh god.
- Almost love confession. Throws self into lake. Fucking hell.
- Him leaving. Even though the scene is sadder in the book I’m still fucking broken.
- Aww bby David
- If by “ended things” you mean you fucking ran. Dear lord.
- I’m living for this scene with Bea. Seeing more of this side of the story is lovely. It gives it more depth.
- This song is EVERYTHING
- It’s fascinating to see the aftermath from Henry’s side as opposed to Alex’s. I love that.
- Nervous Alex is everything. And I love him and Nora.
- I know it wouldn’t have been realistic my possible but still. I was robbed.
- “This is costing me everything”
- “I will not trade one prison for another”
- Somehow I love this scene just as much as the book version even though it’s so different
- “Don’t make me” oh GOD
- Now I know they they looked so heavy in this scene. I have been wondering that for ages.
- His smile at Alex putting the song on so they can dance. And the way Alex smiles at him. Oh my god. And how they hold each other. They look so damn happy.
- He’s so nervous giving him the ring. I’m dead. And the fucking key. I love them so much.
- “I’ll be as patient as you need”
- That moment just before everything goes to absolute shit lol
- Whoa. Well. I didn’t see that coming. That happened very different. And actually I’m very glad I’m seeing it though Henry’s lens
- Fucking Miguel. I fuck hate that asshole.
- Alex’s speech is beautiful
- “The forced conformity of the closet cannot be answered with forced conformity of coming out of it.” 👏👏👏
- My lord Zahra is everything
- Alex just went through so many emotions
- “Touch me and die”
- Lord, it should be illegal for someone to look that good in a t-shirt
- Then playing piano together is absolutely fucking everything
- “We really need to get you a book on English history”
- Henry baby I just want to protect you in a rainbow bubble forever
- “The king wishes to see you. Both of you.”
- He reached for his ring and Alex is wearing it. Oh GOD.
- Oh fuck RIGHT off Phillip
- How is Bea that fucking beautiful
- I love that Alex refers to him immediately and Henry doesn’t even bother to try not to accept it
- “I don’t want your protection, I want your support”
- Alex looks so fucking gobsmacked happy
- The kings face is sooooo good
- I want to punch Phillip in the face
- Ok, I’m actually loving the fact that the king isn’t saying it’s not real and he doesn’t believe it but that they shouldn’t do it because of “country”
- There it is. There’s the tears. I knew they would come. This is everything.
- I actually kind of love the way they changed the king tbh
- I am sad we didn’t get some of the things that happened when they realized they were accepted
- Ok. Look. It’s obviously not a factual account. But that’s… just… not how election night would look.
- I’m so glad Henry is here with him for this
- Lol Alex saying it right as I type it
- The bikes. The house. GOD!
- These end credit scenes of them are so funny. Just the way they showed them. I love it.
- The little pinky touch oh god
God. God. That was everything. I will have a follow up with coherent thoughts soon but lord. I’m so full of emotions.
It wasn’t perfect like we knew it never could be. But it was still everything.
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eva-knits12 · 3 months
Grilling with Ransom Drysdale
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Trigger warning: Ransom Drysdale, Andy Barber, mentions of a chronic illness-multiple sclerosis. fluff
Summary: Ransom Drysdale makes dinner on the grill.
The chicken is thawed and ready to be grilled. Ransom made a potato salad, he has corn on the cob ready to be grilled, and there's corn niblets for Harlan and Katherine. Harlan is coming over with Marta. Harlan's and Katherine's high chairs are set up on the deck. You're having a good day, and you've been able to walk without the help of your cane or walker today. Plus, you and Ransom have been playing with Harlan and Katherine for a good chunk of the day. Your cousin Joelle, and her husband, Andy Barber will also be coming over with Joy, who's 15 months old.
Harlan is wearing a cute little white polo shirt, and cute khaki shorts, with cute sneakers, Ransom is wearing a similar outfit, but is wearing expensive sneakers. Katherine is wearing a cute, white polo shirt with a cute khaki skirt, and cute, red sneakers. Both of the twins are wearing a cute, white bucket hat, that was crocheted for them by you.
Right now, Harlan and Katherine are taking their afternoon nap in their nursery. A playpen and some toys are set up outside so the twins and Joy can play before dinner. A small sandbox is also set up so the twins and Joy can play in the sand after dinner.
Harlan and Katherine are 16 months old, and they are already walking steadily. It seems that you and Ransom can't keep track of them at times, since they go pretty much everywhere! Once they discovered that they could walk, they haven't stopped. They manage to go until they wear themselves out, and then it's naptime.
Your cousin Joelle arrives with Andy. Joelle brought her famous Jello pie, which is a favorite with Ransom and Andy. It's also a favorite with family. Andy is carrying Joy, and has the diaper bag over his shoulder. Joelle, is looking at Andy with a combination of love and lust, because Andy has never looked sexier with a diaper bag on his shoulder and a toddler in his arms. They are already out of the Audi, and are walking their way up to the front door. Joy is a little cranky from being woken up from her car nap.
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Joy is wearing a cute denim sundress with cute, white sandals. Joy also has on a similar bucket hat, but hers is in pink, that was crocheted by Joelle.
You're knitting in the living room when you hear the doorbell ring. You put down your knitting and get up and answer the door. Ransom is busy gathering everything he needs for the grill.
You and Ransom answer the door, and Ransom and you greet Andy and Joelle.
"Is that Joy? She's getting so big!" says Ransom.
"Hi, Louise. Are you sure your feeling up to this?" asks Joelle.
"Joelle, just because Louise has MS, doesn't make her an invalid," says Andy.
"Who says Louise is an invalid?" says Ransom.
"I'll get the twins," you say, when you hear the twins cry.
You and Ransom go get the twins, and bring them down. Joelle has put her famous Jello pie in the fridge.
"Is that Harlan and Katherine? They're getting so big!" says Joelle.
"Oh, they walk everywhere. Once they discovered that they could walk, we can hardly keep track of them. It was the same when they were crawling," says Ransom.
"Joy's the same way. We can't keep track of her once she starts walking," says Andy. Joy, Harlan and Katherine are all playing together. It's more like chasing each other right now. But, they manage to slow down long enough so that Ransom can read to them. Ransom reads the twins and Joy Go Dog Go. After, Harlan, Katherine and Joy are playing in the play kitchen.
After a while, Harlan and Marta arrive. Marta has brought her famous baked beans, and Harlan has brought a bottle of wine.
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Harlan gives you the wine, Andy puts the beer he brought in the fridge. Marta is amazed at how big the twins are getting. Joelle introduces Joy and herself to Marta.
"Wait, Joelle is Louise's cousin?" says Marta.
"Yep, we were born in the same month," says Louise.
"My dad is one of seven kids," says Joelle.
"My dad and her dad are twins," says Joelle.
"Oh, so it would make sense that you two were born in the same month in the same year," says Marta.
"It just worked out that way," says Louise.
"Everyone thought we were twins, but we had to always explain that we're cousins," says Joelle.
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Ransom and Andy are busy out on the deck, talking. They are also drinking their beer, while Ransom is at the grill, keeping a close eye on the chicken.
Harlan, Katherine, and Joy are all playing in the playpen. Harlan is busy fussing over his grandchildren, and Marta is helping Joelle with laying out things for the cookout.
Harlan is sipping on his wine, while Marta is busy trying to lay things out just so. Marta helps you get outside, and places your cane near the door in case you need it.
"Marta, stop fussing over Louise. If she can walk today, she can walk today," says Joelle.
You never would have run into your cousin years ago. She was working for your doctor at the time. You felt it best not to get too much into it at the time. You knew the reason why Joelle had moved here, and you didn't want to give her abusive ex the satisfaction of finding her. You knew it was your Nana that blabbed, and to say you were pissed off about it was a massive understatement!
Harlan was the best. He made sure that Joelle was safe. You and Ransom offered to have Joelle stay with Harlan, but Joelle didn't want that. You weren't going to force it, either.
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The twins are taken out of their playpen and Joelle takes out Joy. Andy takes Joy, and places her in his lap. Joelle cuts up Joy's portion into bite size pieces. Joelle pulls out a sippy cup that has some water in it.
You and Ransom put Harlan and Katherine in their high chairs. Marta and Ransom cuts up Harlan's and Katherine's portion into bite size pieces, and they eat their chicken and corn niblets. Joy eats her corn niblets and her chicken, and even munches on some apple sliced that you also cut up for her. You also gave some apple slices to Harlan and Katherine.
"Oh, you two are so cute!" says Joelle.
"You know, Joelle, Ransom has never looked sexier than being at a grill," you say.
"I feel the same way when Andy is in his sweats," says Joelle.
Joelle is right, Andy never looks sexier than when he's in his sweats. You've seen Joelle look at Andy when he's in them. You and Ransom went over and spent a few weeks with Andy when you were hospitalized for sepsis after Joelle had a miscarriage and an infection. Andy did look damn sexy in sweats. Ransom wears lounge pants and a sweater. Ransom refuses to wear sweat pants. He would wear a white T-shirt with a grey cardigan. Andy worked while you and Ransom helped clean the house and cooked for Andy.
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"Joelle, we never thought you were going to make it," says Harlan.
"You are so strong. You've been through a lot, and survived," says Marta.
"No, Louise is the strong one. She always has to face the unknown, and she does it with a smile on her face," says Ransom, who has picked you up bridal style, and carries you to the bathroom. You have to pee, and your bladder isn't exactly weak, it's failing because of MS. When you went back on the medications, you started to feel better, but you still experience bladder control issues at times. This was one of those times.
Marta helps you with the bathroom, and waits outside so that you can pee, and wash your hands. Marta has the cane, but Ransom picks you up, and carries you back outside.
Harlan is eating and talking with the kids. Joy is trying to feed Harlan her corn, and Harlan is taking every bite. Joy is laughing, and Harlan and Katherine are feeding each other their corn niblets, then they start to feed Harlan.
"You guys make good corn," says Harlan.
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Harlan reads Harlan, Katherine, and Joy The Cat in the Hat, and Joy is taking in and hanging on to every word. The twins and Joy are in Harlan's lap, and they are all enjoying this. Joy falls asleep, and so do the twins.
Everyone has dessert, and Harlan just loves Joelle's jello pie. He has requested that it be made at the next small Thrombey event. Harlan invited Andy and Joelle to dinner this month. You think that's great, because Harlan won't have the rest of the Thrombey-Drysdales over after the stunt they pulled four years ago.
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Marta checks on Harlan, and they decide that it's time to go. Andy and Joelle also decide that it's time to go.
"Joelle, I just loved meeting your daughter Joy. She's such a delightful girl," says Harlan.
"Thanks, Harlan. For everything. I think Joy loved hanging out with her cousins," says Joelle.
"Yeah. Joy loved meeting her cousins," you say.
Harlan and Katherine each hug Joy, since Joy was a hit with everyone. Marta is seeing how much everyone loves Joy.
Andy has the diaper bag on his shoulder, and he takes Joy to the bathroom to change Joy's diaper. Yep, Joy's diaper was really wet, Andy changed it pretty quick. You and Joelle were chatting while Andy was changing Joy's pee filled diaper.
Marta takes Harlan to the guest room, and gets Harlan settled in. Marta puts on her pajamas, and so does Harlan. Ransom has the guest bathroom and guest shower prepared.
You jump Ransom's bones later that night. You don't care if Harlan and Marta are only a few feet away. Ransom has never looked sexier than being at a grill. Its a good thing that Ransom had a vasectomy a few months ago.
Joelle jumps Andy's bones that night. Andy has never looked sexier than having a diaper bag on his shoulder, and carrying his toddler daughter in his arms.
The next morning, it's business as usual. But, you don't want to leave Ransom's chest.
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wheelercore · 6 months
Somewhat relates to Yuri the smuggler but whats up with all the naming of modes of transportation. I mean like- 2 me the constant comparison is being made between hawkins and the soviets... and Yuris helicopter he takes in and out of russia being named Katinka (Karen). Add to that we have Peterbilt in s2- El leaving Hawkins to find Terry (can u say the mothergate). Then we have TODFTHR in s3, which again, in and out of Hawkins (which was a pretty obvious Wheeler reference because they guy they took it from was blatently wearing a teal polo shirt paralled to mike and teds in that season). Also, not really a car, but Steve "smuggling" (lol) the kids into the back door of the movie theatre in s3.
Really the only thing this could possibly be referencing to is transversing the boundary between Hawkins and UD Hawkins... but (baring Petergate because who knows who that is) why are the Wheelers conceptualized as the vehicles or the owners of the vehicles that can get you from hawkins to the UD. Like... smugglers right? I mean we all know about the Wheeler Curse, bad supernatural shit always happens to people around the Wheelers but the Wheelers themselves are always relatively untouched (insert here photo of Max's nosebleed in class with Mike sitting right next to her). One of it happens to be will and barbaras kidnapping to the UD.
(And you know what actually lets bring petergate into this too- suzies sister tabitha (girl who pretends to die on the ground) and that reference to Saint Tabitha, who was a woman in the Bible who fell ill (like how nana wheeler has cancer), but was raised from the dead by Saint Peter (hopper voice nothing is wrong with nana). Suddenly thinking about El taking the Peterbilt truck to find her mother after she was told not to pursue it. Laughing nervously. Anyways.)
This is all to say hawkins is an open air prison but also this scene from Prisoners which i think is so so so fantastic and Apt
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I'm the one who decided they should stay. literal. fuckgin dark portal hole in the ground.
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