ilovelukey · 5 years
Head Over Heels
A/N: Hey guys! Here’s my second writing. I’ll get started on a masterlist (for my literal 2 pieces of work lol) soon! Until then enjoy :)
Warnings: drunkeness, vomit, cheating (kind of), me getting lazy at the end
Word count: 2.2k
        Luke had invited you to come out with him, the boys, and their girlfriends. You had a bad day, to say the least. Your coworkers were absolutely no help and your boss had been a total asshole all day, not to mention you were just put on a big new project that- if you did well on- would probably get you a promotion. You just really needed to unwind. At the top of the night, Luke had told you to relax and have fun, that he would take care of you tonight. You had taken him up on that offer, and in the process, probably had too much to drink. 
         You and Crystal threw back another shot and squealed as the tequila burned your throat. You grabbed Crystal’s hand and dragged her into the dance floor. You wiggled your way through the sweaty bodies and stray limbs. Finally you made it to the center of the floor. You swayed your hips and threw your arms up, letting the heavy bass guide your movements. The bright lights held a heavy contrast to the darkness of the club. 
       Michael came and wrapped his arms around Crystal’s waist, leaving you without a dance partner. You decided to search the crowd for Luke. You looked across the club, everything a little blurry and off balance. You spotted his pretty blonde curls and melted a little bit at the sight. You started walking towards him, but you noticed something was off. Luke had his arms wrapped around a girls waist. He danced with the black haired girl and they were getting much too close for your taste. Your face started to burn and you felt your fists clench together. Luke let go of the girl and you could see they were talking. 
         You stomped over, burning a hole in their backs with your eyes. You snaked your arms up Luke’s back, feeling his leather jacket under your palms. Your hands ran over his shoulders and rested there, you pressed your chest against his back. It must be because you’re wearing heels, but Luke seemed shorter than usual. You were marking your territory in front of the girl. 
“Come on, baby. Let’s go home.” You said in his ear, your voice dripping with anger. Right as Luke started to turn to face you, you heard a voice behind you. 
“Y/n?” You turned around to see… Luke. Standing there right in front of you, a drink in each hand. You turned back to see Ashton was who you had your arms around, standing with the black haired girl… Kay Kay. Your eyes were the size of saucers as you pulled yourself away from Ashton, realizing what had happened. 
“I… I’m so sorry Ash, I thought…” you started, but Ash and Kay Kay were just giggling at your flustered state. You turned back to see Luke, trying very hard- and failing- to suppress his laughter. 
“I thought…” you stepped closer to Luke, but he just shook his head. He pulled you into a one armed hug and kissed the top of your head. He could tell how out of it you were, and it honestly made him happy to see that you had taken his advice and trusted him to take care of you. 
“It’s okay, baby. I know what happened. Went to get you a drink, but I don’t think you need it.” He downed the drink in his right hand, still holding another in his left, with you in his arm as well. 
“What do ya say we head home?” He let you go and set his empty glass at a nearby table and took a sip of the other one. 
“Wanna dance!” You said, wrapping your arms around his waist and looking straight up at him, making the best puppy dog eyes you could manage. He smiled at you and finished his drink. 
“Alright, one song.” He said, placing the glass down. He grabbed your hand in his and guided you out to the dance floor. You wrapped your arms around his waist once again, resting your face on his chest. You slowly stepped back and forth, swaying from foot to foot. 
“I don’t really think this is a slow dancing type of song.” Luke laughed but followed along with your movements. You listened to the music playing, an uptempo dance remix of a song you were sure you had heard on the radio but didn’t quite recognize. The heavy bass making your heart pound in time with it. You reached a hand up to his face and placed a finger over his lips. 
“Shhhh,” you whispered “just wanted to hold you.” You turned around and rubbed your ass into his hips (well really it was more his thighs because of his height). He held onto your hips as you raised your arms above your head, really getting into the music thanks to your intoxicated state. You stumbled a little bit, but Luke caught you and his arms around you were really the only thing keeping you on your feet. Finally, to the relief of Luke’s arms, the song ended and he didn’t have to hold you up anymore. 
 “Come on, love. Let’s head out.” He smiled down at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You pouted but complied, letting him lead you through the sweaty bodies and gyrating hips. You passed by Cal, talking to a pretty blonde girl that you didn’t realize and Luke let him know you were heading out. Cal wished you a good night and went back to the girl at his side. 
       You walked out into the cold London air and shivered, pulling yourself into Luke. 
“Cold?” Luke snickered at you, rubbing his hand up and down your arm for warmth. You just pulled him closer and kept walking. Your apartment wasn’t far away, just a few minutes walk. When Luke and the boys left London,it still had such a special place in their hearts that they all ended up getting small apartments there, all basically next door to each other . The club you had just been at had always been one of their favorites. 
       Luke took his jacket off and put it over your shoulders before pulling you back in under his arm. You just hummed in happiness at the warmth of his body and his leather jacket wrapped around you. 
      It felt like you had been walking forever, all of the street lamps and passing cars blurring together in your mind. You realized that your feet were aching, begging to be taken out of the heels they were confined in. You stopped walking and Luke turned to look at you, curious. 
“‘M taking them off.” You mumbled as you tugged at shoe on your right foot, but you kept losing your balance and having to step back down on it, unable to get the shoe off. 
“Babe, the ground is so dirty you can’t take them off. C’mon we’re almost back.” He went to grab your hand but you turned away, still pulling at the shoe. Finally, you sat down right on the ground and managed to slip them off. Luke nodded at some passersby who stared as they walked by you. You stood triumphantly, shoes in one hand, his jacket in the other. You held the shoes over your head to show Luke, like a trophy, but you immediately lost your balance and fell straight forward. Luckily, Luke swooped right in and grabbed you before you hit the ground. He helped put the jacket all the way on you. 
“Alright, get on my back.” He mumbled. You squealed and jumped up, your arms wrapped around his thick shoulders and meeting in front of his neck. You had managed to drop the shoes again but he gracefully dropped down to grab them after wrapping his arms under your legs. 
“So this is what it’s like to be tall.” You muttered in his ear. You felt like you were flying, you were up so high and his strides were so long that the two of you were gliding through space. You tucked your nose into his neck, peppering his skin with kisses. The stubble on his chin tickled your lips when you nuzzled at him there. You kissed his ear and the chain necklace he was wearing, which was so cold compared to his warm skin. 
“Love you, Lu. Love you s’much.” All of your words were slurring, but it made him chuckle. “Never wanna leave your side. Wannabewithyouforever.” 
“I love you, y/n. We’re almost back, we can draw you a bath and get you to sleep. Sound good?” You just hummed against his neck in agreement. You were in that weird drunk half asleep/ half awake state when you got back to your apartment. You weren’t sure how long you had been walking (how long Luke had been walking) but it felt like no time at all with his long legs spanning a mile with each step. 
    Luke nodded at the doorman on the way in, giving him a smile, and pressed the button to your floor. He unlocked your door, still trying to hold you in his arms and almost dropping you in the process. Walking in, he placed you on the bed and left to the bathroom to run the bath, then to the kitchen, bringing you a glass of water. You layed there, watching him. When he moved, it looked like a long exposure shot, with multiples of him trailing behind. He came back and took his jacket off of you, along with the tight little dress you had worn in hopes of you both coming back and ripping it off for different reasons. He brought the water to your mouth and you suddenly realized how thirsty you were. The water helped stop the spinning of your head, but your stomach was now churning. 
    You leapt up, spilling water on Luke in the process. You ran to the toilet, trying to hold your hair back. There were tears running down your face as you heaved into the toilet. Everything you had to eat or drink that day was now gone, spit up in front of you. When you finally stopped retching, you felt Luke’s hand rubbing your back, and he pulled your hair up into a ponytail. 
“It’s okay, baby.” He whispered quietly. He flushed the toilet, letting the vomit leave and take with it’s sickly sour-sweet smell. Your head was rested on the toilet seat and you were crying. A drunken mess, makeup smeared down your face, sitting nearly naked on the bathroom floor while Luke rubbed your back. 
“I-I’m so sorry, Lu.” You blubbered “I ruined your night I’m so sorry. Please don’t look at me I look disgusting.” You started to stand, and he grabbed your arm to help you up before pulling you into his chest. 
“Hush, Love. You have no reason to be sorry. You know I told you to let loose and have fun tonight and you did. It’s ok, I’ll take care of you.” You grabbed onto his shirt, your body wracked with sobs from the pain of vomiting, and the sweet boy just held you, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your back. Whispering into your ear that everything was fine. 
“Let’s get you a bath now, okay?” You just nodded and let him remove your bra and panties and help you into the tub. 
“Be right back.” He mumbled and left, leaving you shivering in the warm water, holding your knees to your chest, crying now about how wonderful your boyfriend was. You really didn’t cry much, but when you’d had a few too many drinks all of your emotions were so heightened that it was pretty normal for you to sob over the slightest thing. 
    Luke re-emerged with his shirt off, his hair tied up,a pair of workout shorts, and a glass of water in his hand. He held it up to your mouth again, and you gulped it down, letting the water ease your sore, raw throat. Luke used the empty cup to scoop water over your head, carefully avoiding your eyes. You let yourself melt into the feeling of the warm water mixed with his big fingers massaging shampoo into your scalp. You sat there, once again in a drunken half asleep/ half awake state while he washed your hair and took the makeup off your face. He massaged some sweet smelling soap onto your shoulders. The whole time he was singing under his breath, sending you even further into your haze. 
         Luke pulled you out of the tub and wrapped you in a towel, bringing his arms around you, holding you. He walked you to the bed and put one of his old shirts on you, tucked you in, and layed down next to you, cuddling you close to him. 
             You woke up the next morning with the worst hangover ever. Luke brought you breakfast in bed. Your head was pounding, but your heart was so full with love for that boy that you didn’t even care. You were with him, and so you were happy. 
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irwinkitten · 4 years
into the night | ii | teaser
since i’ve been sick, writing hasn’t been top priority. even with the recovery i’m struggling with my focus and staring at screens. however i’ve been having thoughts about my fave demons, so here’s a teaser for into the night part two. if you haven’t read it, into the night part one can be found here.
i know i said teaser but it’s like 1.4k lmao that’s a small indication of how long this thing is gonna be.
Time was much kinder to Roe and Marcella than their coven. 
The first decade, the coven had their own struggles. There’d been enough times when hunters had nearly decimated them all because there was word about two demons in the midst of witches. 
It was the first time Roe had ever invoked sacrificial protection and the guilt had weighed heavy on her for years afterwards. 
True to her father's word, Calum and Luke had remained with the coven, an added layer of protection as they continued with their lives. They acted as liaison, to reap the souls that were not willing to pay their debts. 
Ashton and Michael traversed through often enough, finally becoming comfortable enough with Marcella and Roe to let their guards down with them. 
Gem had wormed her way into their hearts too, the elder witch having accepted them with ease. More often than not, there would be a point in the week where any of the four demons would sit talking with her, asking about her knowledge, her life. 
A witch's knowledge was sacred, it taught the new generations of the Old Magicks, curses and spells. It taught them how to defend, to care for. But these stories Gem told the four demons, taught them how to open a side of them that they’d believed they’d lost the day they’d sold themselves to the King. 
Ashton sat with Gem on such an occasion, his eyes studying the way her fingers tapped the porcelain cup. 
“Your time is coming, you realise?” Her voice was quiet, Ashton could only nod. “She’ll fight it. She’s a stubborn witch.”
“It’s her right to rule. I know his predecessor was murdered, but he knows that he wants his kingdom in good hands. If it wasn’t for the fact that Calum finalised the bond with her, he’d have snatched Roe years ago.” Gem sighed as she finished her tea, her eyes searching the tea leaves. 
“They just read change every damn time.” 
Ashton looked up from his own cup, staring at Gem in shock at the frustrated tone that had left her lips. 
Over the last decade, he’d only heard her raise her voice a handful of times. Each one was warranted by he still knew that the normally calm witch only showed the frustrations when things were going south. 
“Gem?” Old eyes met his and he could see the years of experience and the years of loss as a lone tear escaped. 
“I can’t make heads or tails of what’s going to happen, Ashton. Too much needs to be decided and she will fight it, every step of the way.” 
He sighed as he set his cup down, nodding his head before letting his fingers push through his black curls. The change had come a few years previous when Roe had made a passing comment to the demon and he’d decided that he needed a change.
“He’s expecting her to rebel. He doesn’t want to put too much pressure on Calum, knowing she’ll readily destroy herself to protect him from the Kings plans.” 
“So he’s putting the pressure on you?” 
“Yes and no. My jobs are no different, but I’m feeling the pressure of doing what needs to be done. He doesn’t accept failure.” Carefully, his fingers peeled up his shirt sleeve and Gem gasped in shock at the darkened welts on his skin. 
“He didn’t.” The older witch breathed, her eye unable to tear them from him.
“You can not heal them, Gem.” He warned as her fingers reached out, touching the delicate skin. 
“Watch me.” She snapped back in return, eyes refocusing before the spell left her lips. 
He watched in amazement as the skin on his arm knitted itself back together, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. 
“He dares go for you again, tell him to start a fight with me.” The older witch snapped. And Ashton couldn’t help but smile as his fingers reached out, squeezing her arm gently. 
“I’d look forward to the day where I see a demon, and the king of hell no less, get forced to submit to a witch.” Ashton murmured, earning a smirk from Gem.
“Where do you think our Roe learned it from?” Her words made him chuckle as a knock on the door interrupted them. Michael’s head stuck around the corner and Ashton tensed.
“We need to go. There’s unrest. An Angel appeared.” Ashton was on his feet swiftly, but bowed shortly to Gem before following Michael out. Gem chuckled.
For all his posturing, his upbringing was one he never seemed to let go of once he realised that he had a safety net in the house.
Following Michael outside, they made the journey through the shadows, landing not far from the ostentatious palace where the King held court. His actual home was elsewhere, along with the offices that he used to keep things in check, but the palace was one to be used as a decoy. Ashton was certain that only six others, including himself, knew where the King lived and four of them lived above. 
“What’s going on?” His voice carried as he stepped through. Demons fell silent, their resentful eyes staring at the two as they strode through. 
That had been another downside to stepping up. Demons who were ambitious often killed their competitors. However, the King had made himself clear over the last decade. Anyone who touched Ashton or Michael, paid the price. 
“The Angel bitch appeared out of nowhere, sir.” One of the younger demons commented, the sneer firm on his lips. Ashton held back his sigh of annoyance.
“Someone with a fucking brain cell, tell me what happened?” He snapped out and murmurs slipped through the gathered crowd before they parted. Ashton felt his heart tremble as the beaten and bloody body of the angel lay crumpled in a heap, the wings out and almost shredded with claws.
Michael scoffed as he made his way over.
“Who dragged the angel down here?” Ashton’s mind was frozen as Michael tilted the angel onto their back and memories from his human life hit him hard as the face fitted itself into his memories.
“She just appeared on the floor. No one dragged the bitch.” The first demon spoke and Ashton’s hand snapped out, his fingers closing slowly into a fist until he heard the demon gasp and struggle for air.
“You might think that they are our mortal enemies thanks to Belize, but trust me when I say working relationships exist between Heaven and Hell. Continue to call them a bitch and watch what happens.” He snapped, his fingers releasing and the demon struggled for air, his heaving breaths giving Ashton a vindictive satisfaction. 
Their body was limp, but Ashton could hear the shallow, rattling breaths escape their lips and he knew he needed to act to save their life.
With a jolt, he realised things were different compared to the last time that he saw them. And he felt like he was in some sort of cliche moment as he carefully picked up the angel, ignoring how the jolt slid down his arms when his fingers brushed their skin.
“Michael, inform his highness what has happened and clean up.” Ashton instructed and Michael nodded, turning around to kick the other demons from the palace. Ashton waited for a moment before he disappeared and he knew that he needed somewhere safe for the angel.
The sun hit his skin as he arrived, glancing up to the house before whistling loudly.
Calum came barrelling out first, followed by Marcella and then Gem. 
“Ashton?” Calum’s eyes questioned the being in his arms, but he shook his head.
“They’re an angel, I can’t give them treatment below, it’ll kill them. I wouldn’t normally ask, but they-”
“They’re important to you.” Gem murmured as Marcella murmured a few spells and her face dropped.
“Get inside, use the room that you left Luke and I in.” She instructed and Ashton followed behind Gem who guided the two of them whilst Marcella yelled for other witches.
They came down at their calls, a couple scowling as they spotted Ashton, but he paid them no mind as he settled the angel on the bed, his fingers brushing the cropped hair with a sigh.
“What did they do to you?” He whispered before stepping back when Marcella returned with Roe in tow.
@sexgodashton​, @goth5sos​, @calumsmermaid​, @empathycth​, @wildflowergrae​, @calpops​, @rosecolouredash​, @cal-puddies​, @clockwork124​, @loveroflrh​, @stellar5sosrecs​, @ashtoniwir​, @cthla​, @liketheydidwithyou​, @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​, @bluehairedtracii​, @drummerboy794​, @feliznavidaddycal​, @ukulelecal​, @wokeupinjapanisabop​, @converse-luke​, @madbomb​, @ccnicole02​ @youngblood199456​, @megz1985​, @lukesidentitycrisis​, @snapback-irwie​, @neonweeknds​, @666yourwitchyfriend666​, @dietcokecalum​, @cashtonasfuck​, @ashtaway​, @conquerwhatliesahead92​, @itjustkindahappenedreally​, @kchillout​, @damselindistressanu​, @colormekaykay​, @findingliam-o​, @sublimehood​, @sugarcoated-pain​, @singt0mecalum​, @singledadharrington​, @calumspeachy​, @colourfulcalum​, @lostincalum​, @burncrashbromance​, @asht0ns-world​, @flusteredcliffo​, @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave​, @fangirl-everythang​, @lashtondaddies​, @calumssunshine​, @ambskiwi​, @abundant-stars​, @myescapefromthislife​, @lmao5sosimagines​, @beyoncesdragon​, @jae-writes-fanfiction​, @cxddlyash​, @tresfandom​, @utterly-u-n-p-e-r-f-e-c-t​, @niallisworld​, @lietomevalntyn​, @babylon-corgis​, @monochrome44​, @behind-my-hazeleyes27​, @ghost0fy0u​, @lyllibug​, @bloodmoonashton, @ghostofmashton, @summerellaz, @a-little-less-sixteen, @cashworthy, @smokeinherlungs, @longlastingdaydream, @h0tsos, @sweetcherrymike, @5sosnsfw, @sugar-nico, @angel-cal​, @samros95​, @maluminspace​, @lukeinblue​, @cakesunflower​, @allamerican-betch​, @britnicole11​, @gigglyirwin​, @loverofcashton​, @iovehemmings​, @g-l-pierce​, @jannimoeller3​, @wildmichaelflower​, @lukeskisses​, @5sossstan​, @youngbloodchild​, @abb-lan-5sos​, @calumsbub​, @flameraine​, @here-for-the-uproars​, @mateisit-balsamic​, @ilovelukey​, @goldenmndes​, @musiclover1263​, @alloutofcashton​, @tobefalling​, @sarahshepherdblog​, @cassie-sos​, @banditocth​,
if you’ve been taken off the list it’s because i can’t tag you or you’ve changed your url! 
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ilovelukey · 5 years
A/N: Here is a lil thing about getting ready for your wedding! I’m planning on doing a whole series with this, next chapter on the wedding and wedding night, and then maybe two little chapters on the honeymoon (next ones will be smuttyyyyyy) 
Warnings: Lingerie? Almost sex? Not really anything
Word count: 2.3k
These are the sets I was picturing:
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(in white)
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(All are from Agent Provocateur)         
        Ever since Luke had proposed, you felt like you were absolutely walking on cloud nine. Planning a wedding with him was an absolute dream. Everytime you approached him with a question- what flavor cake, your wedding colors, the venue- he gave you actual answers instead of just letting you decide, which was insanely helpful. Not to mention you had the same taste in most of these things. The wedding was scheduled in just a few days. Luke was flying his family from Sydney since most of his friends and your friends were in LA. With everything finally prepared, you and your bridesmaids were going out to pamper yourselves. The girls had offered to take you out for a spa day. Your bachelorette party had been a few nights ago and the hangover had been horrible and it honestly felt like you hadn’t had a full night of sleep since then with all the stress and last minute planning so this was exactly you needed. 
       You had just left the Ritz- Carlton spa, your nails were freshly done, you’d gotten a face mask, massage, and a body scrub and you had never felt more refreshed. 
“Where are we going now?” You asked as you realized you weren’t heading back towards any of your houses. 
“This next surprise is actually from Luke.” Crystal winked at you and kept driving. 
        Finally you pulled up and parked in front of a big black building with pink writing “Agent Provocateur”. Crystal, KayKay, and your four best friends from high school got out of the car, pulling you along behind them.
“What’s going on?” you laugh as they drag you into the store. Black leather lines the walls, crystal whips, gorgeous lingerie, all stacked up on every side. A cute little sales associate in a pink uniform walks up to the seven of you and asked in a chipper voice “Hi! How can I help you?” 
“Hi, we have an appointment under Hemmings.” KayKay answered for you.
“Great!” The brunette sales associate answered “you guys are booked for the Bridal Service?” 
“Alright, follow me, please.” 
       You followed the girl back into the store to a private room with pink walls and long curtains flowing to the ground for the changing rooms. Vases filled with flowers decorated the table tops. The sales associate brought a tray with seven flutes of pink champagne, each of you grabbed one and thanked her.
“My name is Kelly, I’ll be helping you ladies out today. Now, which of you is the bride-to-be?” 
The girls pushed you forward,
“Me!” you laughed “I’m y/n.” you stuck your hand out and she shook it. 
“Well, congratulations. Have you been to our store before?” You shake your head no. “No worries!” Kelly smiled, “So we normally recommend that our clients forget any notion they had of what they want because we have all sorts of styles and fits and we encourage you to try them all on. I’ll take your measurements and then I’ll grab a few things for you to try out.” You let her wrap the measuring tape around you, marking down each number in her head. 
“Great, I’ll be right back.” 
        You and the girls sit down on the plush pink couch and matching chairs, sipping your champagne.
“So…” Crystal smirked “Luke has some instructions for you.”
“Oh god,” you laughed and took another sip of champagne.
“He wants you to get something for the night of the wedding, and at least two things for the honeymoon.” The girls all laughed.
“Jesus, Crys, isn’t this store, like, really expensive? I can’t afford this.” Crystal put her hand on your knee, shaking her head. 
“Girl… you should know Luke well enough to know that he has already paid for it.” You groaned and put your face in your hand.
“That little shit.” You mumbled, jokingly, but the girls could see the way your cheeks turned bright red at the information. They knew that he loved you more than anything and you felt the same way about him. The boys always made fun of Luke, telling him he was pussy whipped, but whenever they did, he just smiled at you and winked, knowing you were just as whipped for him. 
        Kelly walked back in, her arms carrying at least a dozen hangers with all different shades of white, cream, and beige. Some bras covered in lace, others bedazzled, satin, cotton, all overlapping each other. You and all the girls gasped at the beautiful fabrics in front of you. Kelly started hanging them up on the rack by you.
“So we have a few different styles for the bridal lingerie here. Go ahead and try those on. I understand that our groom-to-be also wants some options for the honeymoon so I’ll grab those and be right back.” She winked and walked out. 
“Damn, girl. These are gorgeous.” Your maid of honor, Emma said. 
“Try this one!” KayKay gasped, holding up a pink and black set, with a matching garter belt. 
“Wow. That’s stunning.” You touched the soft satin material. You took the hanger and closed the curtain behind you, stripping off your own clothes and underwear and putting the new set on. The fabric was soft against your skin as you pulled the curtain back, showing it off to your friends, who all immediately hooted and whistled. You did a little turn for them and posed, jokingly, laughing. You repeated the process with the next set, and Kelly walks back in with more beautiful sets hanging over her arms, this time in bright colors. She placed them on the hangers and looked at the white set you were currently in. 
“That’s beautiful on you.” She said. You looked in the mirror at the white lace bra, with little ties crossing the front. A matching waist trainer made your waist look even smaller, and matching white lace panties pulled the look together. You had to admit, you did look really good. You had been hoping for a white set, in the spirit of being somewhat traditional. 
“Wow…” the girls all sighed. 
“Y/n, you look fucking hot.” Emma laughed. You had to admit that you really did look hot. 
“I really like this one.” You said, still admiring yourself in the mirror. You weren’t normally one to stare at yourself like this, but you felt really good in this. You’d been working hard to lose a little bit of weight and get in shape for the wedding and you were proud of how well you’d done. 
“I… think this is the one.” The girls all cheered at your revelation and you smiled at Kelly.
“Perfect! You look great. I brought you some stuff to try on for the honeymoon too. Oh! And we have this gorgeous robe that goes with the set you just picked out.”  Kelly left the room to grab the robe she mentioned, and you took one last look at yourself before turning to go back into the dressing area, closing the curtain, and trying on some sets for the honeymoon. 
        You tried on a whole bunch of other looks. Finally, you found two you adored. One red set with a bralette with straps across the front, all in lace. It had a matching garter belt with little frills on the end and you knew it would look perfect with a pair of black heels you had at home. The other set you decided on was a bright pink corset made out of a satin material with lace on the top of the cups of the bra. 
        You checked out with the three sets and a robe and you and the girls headed out. They dropped you off at home and it was already dark outside. When you walked into you and Luke’s house, you were greeted by Petunia, happily trotting over and licking at you. You put your shopping bags down and got on your knees to give her a hug and a few kisses. You heard some louder footsteps heading towards you and looked up to see your handsome man, his hair pulled back and he was wearing sweatpants and a t shirt. You immediately got up (much to Petunia’s disappointment) and ran over to Luke, jumping in his arms.
“Luke, you shouldn’t have.” He chuckled and squeezed you tight, lifting you off the ground. You wrapped your legs around his hips and gave him a big kiss. 
“If we’re being honest, it’s more of a gift for me, isn’t it, love?” He placed you down. “Now show me what you got.” He patted your butt as you walked over and picked up the bag, filled with three pink and black boxes, each wrapped up with a bow.
“Hmm you’ll just have to wait until our wedding.” You grinned, slyly. 
“Not fair.”
“It’s very fair!” You argued back, hitting his chest lightly. You walked back and threw your arms around him once again, and he leaned down and kissed your nose.
“Gonna be my wife, baby. I can’t fucking wait.” 
“Mmm. Mrs. y/n Hemmings. It sounds good, doesn’t it?”
“It sounds pretty damn perfect.” He grabbed you by your waist and threw you over his shoulder in a fireman carry, while you laughed and kicked your legs and hit his back in protest.
“Luke!” but you could barely get his name out, you were laughing so hard. He carried you up to your room, placed the lingerie boxes in the special “wedding closet” you two had, which was nearly overflowing with all of your stuff for the special night. He threw you on the bed and your face was hurting, you were smiling and laughing so hard. He came back and threw his body over yours, making you laugh more at how heavy he was.
“Lu…” you laughed, “You’re crushing me!” 
“You calling me fat?” He poked at you.
“No, but you’re a fucking giant.” You squealed at him, still only partially able to breathe through the laughter and his weight smushing your much smaller body. He giggled and held his body up on his elbows. 
“You’re just tiny.” He said and kissed your neck.
“I’m normal sized! You’re like… Hagrid.” 
“Okay no sex tonight.” He said as you kept laughing, trying to pull him back to you as he moved his body away from you, jokingly turning his back to you. 
“Noooo, Lu!” You whined and laughed, sitting up and grabbing the back of his shirt. You pulled the fabric towards you and finally he turned around and jumped back on the bed, right next to you. 
“Only if you take it back.” He smirked and crossed his arms. 
“Fine!” You sighed, “I take it back!” You pouted at him, trying to hold back a smile. Luke laughed and went back to kissing you, each kiss making you laugh, because it tickled a little bit with his scruff. 
“...Paul Bunyan.” You whispered.
“What did you just call me?” He furrowed his brows at you.
“Paul Bunyan! He’s a famous giant.” 
“Okay, that’s it.” And his hands were on your stomach, tickling you. Luke knew all of your most ticklish spots, and hit them all perfectly. He did this until you couldn’t breathe and were begging him to stop.
“Luke! I give up! You win!” You shouted. 
“I don’t believe you.” He looked at you suspiciously, barely taking his hands away, just in case. You just smirked at him, and he narrowed his eyes at you.
“Clifford.” You whispered. He immediately brought his fingers back to your sides, picking right back up where he left off. 
“Clifford? If anything, Ash is Clifford right now. Or is Michael Clifford?” 
“You can all be Clifford!” You yelled, in between laughs. He smiled down at you, his hands finally easing up once he could tell that you couldn’t physically take anymore without running out of oxygen or peeing yourself. He brought his hand up to your cheek, stroking it. His lips lowered down to yours, pressing a sweet kiss on yours. You hummed against him as his hand went down to your neck. 
“Such a naughty girl, huh?” He smirked at you, cocking his eyebrow. You just nodded in response. 
“Gonna have to teach you to be good when you’re my wife.” 
“You could teach me now.” You dared him in a light, raspy whisper.
“I dunno, baby girl. Think you should ponder on your actions.” He chuckled as your mouth dropped open in fake shock. 
“I really didn’t do anything wrong, Hemmings.” You pouted. He just smiled at you lazily, his eyes half lidded. He studied your face, just for the sake of doing so, because he loved to look at you. 
“Y’know, soon I’ll be calling you Hemmings too.” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to your nose before rolling over back next to you, pulling you into his arms.
“That’s very true.” You turned to him, propping yourself up on an elbow. He was still looking at you dreamily. 
“Don’t you fall asleep on me.” You warned him, but it was no use. He just chuckled at you.
“Had a long day. Had to meet the boys so early to work on… stuff.” 
“Yeah,” you recalled “I forgot to ask, where were you this morning? When I woke up you weren’t here. And I got up at like… eight.” 
“Hm. That’s for me to know and you to find out.” He stated matter of factly. You laughed at him.
“Well, I need to shower, love. If you’re asleep when I’m back… then good night. I love you.” You kissed his forehead and got up.
“Love you. My future wife.” You heard him mumble and you smiled to yourself as you closed the bathroom door and got in the shower. You smiled to yourself as you were drying off, and getting ready for bed. You were probably even smiling to yourself as you were sleeping in bed, curled up next to your own little giant. Your future husband.
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