#ily gma uwu
an-animagoose · 5 years
small leetle ironhusbands fic for @bonernas for chrimbo, even tho im late. hope u enjoy ily 
Rhodey first realised he was in love with Tony after they had just binge-watched the last few episodes of the Mandalorian.
Don’t get him wrong, he’d been crushing on him for months, burying his feelings deep down so he could keep his friendship with Tony stable, not willing to lose the connection they had over his stupid emotions. Rhodey was used to keeping his temptations under control when Tony was around, able to stop himself from leaning over and kissing the other boy or holding his hand, even when Tony himself was being all touchy and close. It was just how Tony was, and how he was right now, lying half on top of Rhodey while they watched the last few minutes of the final episode, face smushed against his chest. It was only after the show had ended that Tony sat up slightly, turning to Rhodey for a second before speaking.
“Honeybear! Did you see that? Holy fuck I can’t believe it’s over, it’s not fair, where am I supposed to get the Baby Yoda content from now, huh? What am I supposed to do-oooh.” He cut himself off when his phone chimed, and he reached across Rhodey to get it, consequently moving further onto him. Rhodey just sighed, used to how easily distracted Tony was by now, and wrapped an arm around him, closing his eyes in hope of sleep after the past few days of stressful meetings. His peace was short-lived, as Tony interrupted him by poking his cheek until he opened his eyes, before shoving his phone in his face, giggling.
“Look at this meme Peter sent me, little shit needs to send me more baby yoda things though, before I fire him.”
“Seems like you found your new source then, huh Tones?”
“Yeah, yeah, depends if Harley can keep off him long enough to let him send them, kids like a leech.”
Rhodey snorted as he watched several new messages come in from Peter. 
[mr stark]
[mr stark did yoSDKJCHFSDJGHJFAKH]
[sorry harley tackled me]
[nvm i. hav 2 g0]
“Seems like he can’t.” he laughed, before Tony looked back at the phone and scrunched up his nose, making a gagging noise.
“They’re sickening. Absolutely disgusting. Revolting. Dirty bastard children.”
“You love them though.” he teased, before tightening his arm around Tony and shifting ever so slightly. He heard Tony scoff, but heard no more protest from the smaller man and just felt him snuggle closer.  Rhodey closed his eyes again, and wished he could stay like this forever, Tony in his arms as they laughed and watched movies and shitty tv shows, it sounded like a paradise. Truth be told, he just wanted to spend forever with Tony, how could he not, with the way Tony just was. 
No, he thought, he was far from perfect. Honestly, he was a complete disaster, but Rhodey loved him for it, and knew he wouldn’t change a single thing about Tony, because he loved him. Rhodey's eyes shot open, and he looked down at Tony, who was texting Thor about baby yoda, and knew that he did. He also knew, that now that he knew, he wanted Tony to know, but the problem with that was then that Tony would know what he knew and would wonder if Rhodey really did know what Tony knew Rhodey knew. But also, Rhodey didn’t really want to wait for the consequences anymore, his mom had always told him to never beat around the bush anyway, so he took a deep breath. 
“I love you, Tones,” he said, clear in the otherwise silence of the room. He felt Tony stiffen against him, so he continued. “Just letting you know.” He held his breath for a moment, as Tony moved to be able to look into Rhodey’s eyes. 
“Of course.”
“Really really? Like- like love love or-”
“Yeah, yeah like that.”
Tony was grinning now, his eyes lighting up as he sat up further.
“Really? Oh my god. I-I love you too, honeybear.”
“Really?” he breathed, shocked that his sudden declaration hadn’t gone sideways.
“Yes, really. Really really. Yeah.”
“Maybe we should stop saying really.”
“Maybe we should stop speaking.” 
Rhodey laughed again, and the smile didn’t wipe off his face until Tony leant down to connect their lips.
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