#im a fuckin trainwreck
The fanon interpretation of Vox and Valentino's relationship really is just Satan and Saddam Hussein in South Park huh.
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tthirdmember · 5 months
what do you mean there's 2 weeks until im 23 ......... since when
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kratt-au-void · 10 months
mira mira si es que esta basura ya existía desde hace un chingo
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4 de abril del 2022!!!!!!!!??!?! así funciona mi cerebro, me hace recordar cosas cada tanto a full intensidad ksdghsdjghsdk Lo peor es que no puedo poner la info que ya tenía hecha porque dos de esos diseños se hicieron ocs ksdghksdjghs
bueno en otras noticias ya tengo todas las estadísticas y efectos establecidos y creo que debí hacer eso primero porque ahora los objetos se sienten mas fáciles de hacer
ah si y objetos cambia a ser Accesorios así le puedo decir objeto a todo kdshgksghjsd
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chiritori · 2 years
midterms are scrambling my brain and turning it to mush
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zizbombs · 3 months
Is there a more useless cape in the bay than triumph?
After much soul searching, wiki browsing and pondering, the answer to that question is yes. Yes there is.
Meet exhibit A: Trevor, AKA Chariot.
The worst fucking tinker to ever live.
Outwardly, very similar to Triumph. Complete mouthbreathing fodder.
What really puts Chariot in 'I would rather have greg veder have this power' tier is the fact that he had so much potential.
Chariot is a movement tinker, one who I cannot stress this enough, HAS ACCESS TO TELEPORTATION TINKERTECH.
One more time for the people in the back,
I could cry, really I could.
So first off, you need to understand just how good his power is. He literally made fucking POWER ARMOR that could go 100 mph with fucking dogshit scraps. Fucking power armor. The only other tinkers with power armor was trainwreck (a guy who's specialty is literally working with scraps) and Armsmaster, who's funded by the protectorate. And this guy just fuckin made some shit in his basement with an oven and a blowtorch or something.
He's got an extra dash of that shardstuff for sure. Also for some reason he just has extra insight into tinkertech? Just added on, for shits and giggles. His shard was forking over the shardbucks to give it's host a head start, too fucking bad it landed on literally the worst person in existence to have a tinker power. even fucking leet would be better than this idiot.
Not only that, he was able to copy trickster's power. Yk, trickster, just the guy with one of the most versatile and powerful powers in a street level setting and even beyond some of that, no biggie. fucking trickster.
This guy could scan movers and copy their powers.
In a world where this guy had a single braincell, he would've joined the protectorate, scanned strider's power and worked with dragon to set up fucking portals all around the united states or something.
Instead, we get this fucking brainlet.
I'm assuming he could also make some sort of neurological implant to speed up his thoughts to keep up with his tech, but thats just another failure of this troglodyte.
I still, I'm still laughing at how utterly fucking stupid this shit is, but one of his gadgets that he made.
So get this, he made a jetpack right, or a flight pack whatever. Guess what this dipshit decides to add in his shit. A fucking bomb. Yeah, he added a bomb in something he was carrying on his back. The reason? As far as im concerned, as a fucking escape route.
Yeah, you heard that right.
The MOVEMENT tinker, put a fucking bomb in their movement gear, to ESCAPE.
Unless he had some sort of secret 540000 iq plan to do something else with that bomb, but considering this guy's track record I doubt it. Even then that's fucking stupid. Why are you blowing up your gear? 'Oh hey! I got a great idea! Instead of doing literally anything else, how about I put an EXPLOSIVE right next to me in volatile tinkertech! What a great idea!'
Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.
So, this guy triggered about a year before canon start. What was he doing in all of that time?
Literally fucking nothing.
All he did was just ride around at 3 am being a little shithead. A year btw, he did that for a year.
Then he eventually got caught by assault (lol) and was forced to talk to Kid Win. In an incredible play, since Chariot was working for coil and decided to become a rat, got DISCOVERED BEFORE HE EVEN SIGNED THE PAPERS. LOL?
This fucking dipshit was like 'Yeah, they'll never see it coming >:)' meanwhile the PRT had a meeting deciding to fucking just feed this guy faulty information. Can you fucking do anything 😭.
He just was taking L after L.
He's like Leet but he doesn't even have the excuse that his shard hates him.
He's literally Legend's long lost cousin.
no goals, no plans
what are you doing man? 😭
Worst fucking spy on the planet.
Literal shithead kid waking people up at 3 am going on joyrides, which would be based if he wasn't so stupid. Such a cool power too, definition of wasted potential. I just agh.
Only fucking this guy could take a teleportation tinker spec and be absolute fodder.
Im still laughing at the bomb shit. Why is your first thought as a movement tinker to put a fucking bomb inside of your tech. Like what? Instead of literally making anything else. Are you fucking stupid? Yes you are, you are stupid. Even if it wasn't an escape plan (still can't believe it WORKED as an escape plan.) Like, what are you gonna do, throw your shit at the guy your fighting then stumble away because you blew up all of your shit. This fucking guy.
Anyway, stay tuned for more hating.
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blorboconfessions · 8 months
this ask is so so long. i am sorry. in my defense im entirely incapable of being normal about my ocs but oughhhh if i ramble about them on my main then all my mutuals i rp with (hypothetically -- i havent had the confidence to start something big in years pff) will know all about all their lore and ill be so so sad about it. so i am not naming any direct oc names. to keep the mystery
that being said. uoggh auhghh eve my boy eve houggg he is so important to me. poor pathetic former-alcoholic current-smoker meow meow whos last known location being a blood puddle outside a bar he is my everything. the religious trauma one queer ass man can have. the depression the repressed emotion the SHEER HOMOEROTIC ENERGIES i have bestowed upon this man. the energies are homoerotic by default bc hes gay dont worry about it
and the only reasons he doesnt go back to his adam being that hes currently presumed dead and even if that wasnt the case he feels too inadequate and ashamed of himself to return to adam. eve desperately wanting to forget, adam desperately clinging to the memory. adams camera. eves magician bullshit. they work the same job in different divisions. their reunion is inevitable. a man thrust into a situation he can never recover from. his lover having to recover from a situation he could never have predicted. eve looks down into the void he must now hide within from his heartbroken adam. adam looks up to the stars he wishes upon for the life and return of his heartbroken eve. fuckin!!! love them!!!!!!!!! im inconsolable. and it was neither of their faults too!!!!! eve was in the wrong place at the wrong time and adam was simply unexpected collateral damage. and eve can leave literally whenever but he DOESNT because he assumes that adam will HATE HIM and its like GIRL JUST COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND........ i made eve a total trainwreck and i regret none of it. the doomed yaoi. the sydney and jedidiah of my ocs. the original sin. i die
and its even funnier bc eve used to just be a character i had no intention of expanding upon for like at LEAST a year and a half. then literally 5 years ago i ended up revealing who he was early because i wanted to actually develop him as a character. and now im so autistic and a little gay for this man. fuck. FAUCK!!!!!!!!!! he used to just be mysteeeerious notes left at peoples feet and now hes my freak of the week. by now anyone who knows me has probably caught on to my typing style and can guess who im talking about so to anyone reading if you know me shhhhhh shh shhhh no you dont ive said nothing. no witnesses /silly
- 🎉 (since i plan to show up to this blog a good few times im adding an anon tag. i am confetti anon. i use it/he prns and i am exceedingly abnormal)
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clarenecessities · 8 months
ummmm what about. uhhh those women from the supergirl show. now that i type that im pretty sure one of them is supergirl
oh, buddy. yes, one of them is supergirl.
disclaimer: i have never and will never watch the cw's supergirl, bc i love myself
What made you ship it?
well it TURNS OUT that there's a lot of overlap in Supercorp shippers and Catradora shippers, for some reason. can't imagine why! [puts a blanket over my venn diagram's cage]
so i went a little insane after she-ra came out (you remember) and read about 6k fics, just scrolling through the tag with some filters on & clicking on anything that looked interesting. it was a very interesting time in our lives. a lot of me going "huh? whah?" in call. birth of the scorpia disclaimer.
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but eventually i ran out of she-ra fics. and i like... i couldn't stop, you know? and it turns out that some of the best she-ra authors have written a lot of supergirl fics. so it kept coming up when i was on author-specific binges. and i got curious! i'm a curious guy!
and then it turns out they're really cute >:( they're adorable, damn it.
ik i'm never gonna be able to drag you into this hole with me, since you already have a designated CW trainwreck, but if you're ever feeling bored the first one i ever read was really fucking funny and requires zero knowledge of canon. i didn't know alex's pronouns until halfway through bc i'd never heard of her (literally supergirl's sister). initially i clicked on it bc "superhero pretends to date her civilian identity" sounded hysterical but like... kara is so sweet, and so socially inept. and lena is a human disaster who just wants to help. and they both have crippling abandonment issues and no chill whatsoever
What are your favorite things about the ship?
i like that they appreciate each other. the version of them that i've constructed piecemeal from other people's opinions is such that like... they've both been pretty miserable, right? lena watched her mom die when she was like 4 years old and then got adopted by the luthors, kara watched her planet explode & pawned off by clark (who was like 30 years older than he was supposed to be bc of DC bullshit) on some human family and had to pretend to be normal for a decade or so.
and they both hide that pretty well, kara with kindness and lena with unapproachable businesswoman...ness... but they're both immediately fascinated by each other. and they're both sort of genuine with each other, even when they're in 'nice but bumbling civilian' or 'ruthless luthor' mode. so where it gets interesting for me is those moments they reach a mutual understanding of something, or where they trust each other in spite of Every Other Thing.
in like their first meeting lena says she's just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside of her family & asks if they can understand and kara is like "🥺 yeah..." and like they were just kind of fucked from there. sigh. you don't know how good you have it with riverdale polycule man. fuckin CW.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i have many but the one that comes up most often isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
“khap zhao rrip” is fucking nonsense. it does not mean 'i love you'. it's SVO instead of VSO and zhao is a noun why are you even including kyrptahniuo if you're just going to find-and-replace random words.
listen. listen to me. zhaoivodh khap rrip. it is literally easier than french. nobody fucking does it right logan it makes me feel insane
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tragically-jane-doe · 2 years
my obsession with the ohio production in photos
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i fully believe she will commit murder(Jane again)
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i hearrrr it gives you a errrrectcccion
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mischa just watching the trainwreck that is improv and noel losing his goddamn mind and Penny having the sock puppet as her dolls head
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no im not crying your fucking crying
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canarypost · 10 months
four three two fuck you *beatboxes* weeeooowwwwwww listen up yall this shit is ironic striders beats are best suited to trolls hooked on phonics karkalicious definition makes terezi loco she wants to know the secrets that she cant taste in my photo dying just to know the flavor.i aint doing HER no favors no reasons why i tease her flush just comes and goes like seasons im karkalicious so delicious no i dont do kismesis and if you read any fanfics all that shit is ficticious i blow kisses MMMMWAH dont matter if we're just moirails trolls be lining down the veil for a chance to fill a pail four three two fuck you so delicious SUPER SWEET so delicious FUCKIN ADORABLOODTHIRSTY so karkalicious EVEN EGBERT WANTS A PIECE OF ME im karkalicious C C C C C CANDY CANDY karkalicious def. karkalicious def. goddammit doc scratch stop fuckin around with my mic- ahem. karkalicious definition makes them shippers crazy nepeta's always squealing cutesy pet names like karkitty im the k to the a r k the a the t and the MAJORITY of PAIRINGS had better IN CLUDE ME im karkalicious so delicious my body stays vicious and all the highbloods feelin nervous cuz im doing some fitness zahhak's my witness *whistle noise* PHHE EWW bet that ship curls nepeta's tail and he'll be needing all the towels cuz imma make him sweat pails four three two fuck you so delicious SUPER SWEET so delicious FUCKIN ADORABLOODTHIRSTY so delicious EVEN EGBERT WANTS A PIECE OF ME im karkalicious NOW YALL NOOKSUCKERS HOLD THE FUCK UP. CHECK IT OUT baby baby ba by if you really want me honey get some patience maybe then youll get a taste ill be tasty tasty ill be laced with lacy its so tasty tasty itll make ya crazy t to the a to the s t e y fucking tasty t to the a to the s t e y fucking tasty d to e to the l i c i o u s to the d to the e to the to the ill just spell it our for you all the time i turn around trolls gather round always sniffin at me tryna guess the color of my blood i just wanna say it now i aint tryna round up any drama lil fucker i just dont want you to know and i guess im coming off just a lil insecure although i keep on repeating how the secret's fucking AWESOME but im tryna tell its a secret that i just dont WANNA tell terezi says i smell delicious so delicious no i dont do kismesis and if you read any fanfics all that shit is ficticious i blow kisses MMMWAH dont matter if we're just moirails trolls be lining down the veil for a chance to fill a pail my body stays vicious zahhak's been feeling nervous cuz i got down to business nepeta's my witness MEE OWW!!! ill even let her first ship sail just watch that kitten be the first in line to fill a pail so delicious eeerriiidaaan seeeeee youuuu caaann trust meeee iiiill help youu beee L L L L CANDY CANDYYY im so delicious ayy ayy ay ayyyy so delicious ayy ayy ay ayyyy so delicious ayy ayy ay ayyyy im karkalicious SHE SAYS MY BLOOD IS LIKE CANDY CANDYY t to the a to the s t e y fucking tasty t to the a to the s t e y fucking tasty d to the e to the l i c i o u s to the t to the a to the s t e y fucking tasty t to the a to the to the to the to the to the d to the e to the l i c i o u s to the d to the e to the l i c i o u s to the d to the e to the l i c i o u s to the d to the e to the now wait just a motherfucking second. do i seriously have to spell this shit until to the end of.the fucking song. i mean whoever wrote the original never had access to spellcheck i guess because t a s t e Y does NOT spell tasty. was this fergie douchemuffin illiterate or something. what do you mean human rap artists are the only ones brave enough to write their own grammatical trainwrecks and call it music. what the fuck even is will smith doing. he doesnt throw down sick fires anymore. fuck this shit i quit
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silvcrignis · 1 year
{Meme}: Send me “Asshole!” along with any two asshole muses be it a romance, bromance or somewhere in between and I’ll tell you who: (this is gonna look sooo wacky bc ye could nae just send these separately so THANKS IM GONNA HATE LOOKING AT IT!😭) {x}
Ship: Trainwreck That I Am (Claude Frollo & Missy Brooks)
Insults the other more often: Missy. Unintentionally but fun fact Claude despises being fucking patronised because the guy who y’know fucking murdered him does it & Missy does it soooo much he’s definitely just wordlessly left a room on multiple occasions muttering in Latin under his breath.
Is so rude in public they have to be constantly monitored: Claude I. Frollo smh.
Scares the shit out of the other one while watching a scary movie: Claude. He does a lil trolling.
Uses freezing water as a “Good morning” wake up tactic: Neither. Claude doesn’t sleep. At all & is above doing that shit.
Keeps telling shitty puns after being told “For the love of God, stop”: Claude.
Is more physically violent: … Claude ripped off King Triton’s arm & beat him with it while screeching “Stop hitting yourself!” over & over like a lunatic. It’s him.
Moves the other person’s stuff around to annoy them: Missy.
Plays more pranks: Missy & Claude just writes it down to get revenge later.
Plays loud music/ is distracting while the other is trying to work: Missy & it’s very annoying these are SENSITIVE documents, Miss Brooks!
Makes stupid faces/comments while the other is trying to be serious: Claude, he’s very annoying once someone decides to stay.
Chases of sidewalk wildlife (pigeons, squirrels etc.) for fun: Missy. Claude is judging her for it. So very deeply.
Tries to embarrass the other more: Missy. But Claude has no shame. Perks of self loathing.
Suggests getting into trouble more often: Missy hgjyjtfv & Claude’s like “I mean I guessss like.”
Is more arrogant: Missy. Claude has like negative 5000 self esteem, he thinks he’s so fuckin uggo.
Tries to irritate the other more frequently: Missy.
“Borrows” the other’s clothes without telling them: Missy & Claude doesn’t really notice unless she’s wearing it in front of him. His sweaters get bloody all the time there’s so many duplicates.
Calls the other person “Asshole” the most often: Claude.
Ship: Moving Parts (Keira Black & William Afton)
Insults the other more often: Keira
Is so rude in public they have to be constantly monitored: … Neither of them actually. They only act like bitches to each other in private IG
Scares the shit out of the other one while watching a scary movie: William tries & Keira gives him the deadest most lifeless unimpressed look ever. She’s seen some shit William, screaming “Boo!” at her while she’s watching Psycho’s shower scene does nothing.
Uses freezing water as a “Good morning” wake up tactic: William. His crotch hurts afterwards every time. The idiot.
Keeps telling shitty puns after being told “For the love of God, stop”: Keira. She loves puns & loves annoying him even more.
Is more physically violent: Keira like sir why did you hire her she keeps sending Balloon Boy to P&S because she kicks him whenever he approaches her 😭
Moves the other person’s stuff around to annoy them: William (he’s going to die by her hand someday)
Plays more pranks: They are constantly engaged in a permanent prank war. Neither of them is surrendering. Please God one of you give up.
Plays loud music/ is distracting while the other is trying to work: Keira, if she wants attention she WANTS attention.
Makes stupid faces/comments while the other is trying to be serious: William fucking Afton
Chases off sidewalk wildlife (pigeons, squirrels etc.) for fun: William makes an attempt & Keira trips him before he can embarrass her.
Tries to embarrass the other more: Keira. She loves shaming people it’s her brand
Suggests getting into trouble more often: Keira & William’s like “… Kay 👌”
Is more arrogant: … They both need their britches burned smh.
Tries to irritate the other more frequently: William. It works sometimes. Other times she gives him a boner & then leaves for like 3 hours as punishment for him being fucking dumb.
“Borrows” the other’s clothes without telling them: Keira, she is a lil baby sized thief smh.
Calls the other person “Asshole” the most often: Keira smh like mam you like him or you would not be there be n I c e
Ship: Let’s Be ALONE Together (Kairo Black & Vanessa ??? if you gave her a surname it aint on ya caard, ye never told me wot the heckie it is & it’s 4AM s o)
Insults the other more often: Kairo. The furry jokes are too much fun & such low hanging fruit to not.
Is so rude in public they have to be constantly monitored: Vanessa
Scares the shit out of the other one while watching a scary movie: Neither, Kairo’s a semi-good boyfriend & Vanessa quickly found out Kair is immune to jumpscares.
Uses freezing water as a “Good morning” wake up tactic: Vanessa & Kairo becomes so offended he continues to sleep out of mere SPITE.
Keeps telling shitty puns after being told “For the love of God, stop”: Kai r o!
Is more physically violent: Vanessa, Kairo’s much more laid back than… That Woman & he thinks Vanessa’s real cute when she’s maiming someone.
Moves the other person’s stuff around to annoy them: Vanessa. But like? She doesn’t really have to??? For some weird reason Kairo loses like 30 IQ points when he’s not Keira so he’s already misplacing them himself this is a “no bulling zone” Vanny
Plays more pranks: Kairo & his pranks are surprisingly intricate for someone so fuckin dumb.
Plays loud music/ is distracting while the other is trying to work: Vanessa
Makes stupid faces/comments while the other is trying to be serious: Vanessa!!!
Chases of sidewalk wildlife (pigeons, squirrels etc.) for fun: They both do… God they’re so ridiculous.
Tries to embarrass the other more: Kairo & it’s always some super gay lovey dovey shit Nessa’s not expecting.
Suggests getting into trouble more often: They say that shit in the same breath & then the big crazy smiles at each other come out.
Is more arrogant: Kairo, he is the prettiest boy & he has to hold onto it.
Tries to irritate the other more frequently: Vanessa & Kairo like just. Picks up a newspaper & bonks her on the forehead with it.
“Borrows” the other’s clothes without telling them: Another case of two idiots constantly stealing clothes & showing up sometimes dressed more like their s/o than themselves smh
Calls the other person “Asshole” the most often: Vanessa & smh it’s true sir be less of a tsundere you big meanie.
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sw4tch · 2 years
u should info dump about smth, anything
(ali my friend my beloved my good time gamer and bestie HIIII!!!! 💕💕💕)
it's not like i don't have topics to infodump about, but the truth is that i feel like you've handed me a mic in the middle of karaoke and now it's my turn (oh god it's my TURN)
also 👉👈 um um i'm not sure if the info i'd be dumping would be NEW or interesting to anyone. why am i overthinking this. "I have no mouth but I must Rant" kinda situation over here.
Like I'd LOVE to infodump about my very, very personal deltarunesona au shenanigans I've been working on for like, a YEAR now- but that feels too PERSONAL to TALK about on my PERSONAL blog, gods forbid I show any kind of Intense Passion i have which might be deemed """""weird"""""
Same goes for my 4 DnD characters (DID U KNOW I RECENTLY FINISHED A WHOLE CAMPAIGN?!?!?! MY FIRST CAMPAIGN and my tiefling paladin got the happiest most lesbian ending possible, hell yeah) bcus i have LOTS of lore for them but i always end up. Not sharing it? Not even with my fellow players on the table bcus man i know they don't really care lol. Like, did u know i have Powerpoints of various lengths talking about them?!?!?!? For at least 2 of them. Eshuu (my most favorite warlock, my goat boy whomst i love deeply) got the 5 star treatment and his powerpoint has 40 slides of content. I JUST LOVE ALL OF MY CHARACTERS and i have been CURSED, cursed I TELL YA to play on tables that don't really. Have that same passion for roleplaying characters (acting wise, u know) or creating OCs. Like cmon guys i thought we all agreed dnd was for repressed theater kids (JOKE)
hmm hmm I MEAN my on rotation rants currently are:
Deltarune (just. listen this is MY BEHEMOTH talk about deltarune with me and i will just not shut up. mostly i like to talk about speculation of what will happen on the next chapters and my god. my god, toby fox when will ur brainworms end (never apparently)).
Star wars (THIS IS A SPECIAL ONE. OKAY??? BCUS I BECOME A FUCKING HATER WHEN SOMEONE EVEN BRINGS IT UP. Not because I don't like star wars per se, BUT I HAVE FUCKING BEEF WITH IT AS A FRANCHISE. This all started on the day i was born ON THE DAY they released that last trilogy movie and my life fucking ended. "somehow palpatine returned" I WILL NEVER LET THAT GO, THEY MADE MY BEAUTIFUL MAN OSCAR ISAAC SAY THAT LINE AND NOW HE'S THE FACE OF STAR WARS' SECOND GREATEST NARRATIVE SIN- HOW COULD THEY DO THAT!!!!! WHO WROTE THAT!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I MEAN. I MEAN. I'm always ready to list all of the reasons why i fuckin love Mob Psycho 100 but i don't think that's revolutionary. Everyone is doing it these days. Anyway I am in love with Reigen Arataka and my hot take is that HOW could you not love him. Also the Reigen spinoff is GENIUS bcus it's not even ABOUT him.
This is also a special case but it's not a rant im always ready to make but. Homestuck 2. The epilogues. Krusty from the Simpsons going "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT".gif As I'm sure you'd suspect I have STRONG emotions and OPINIONS about All that mess. What a trainwreck. They did ONE thing right but it did not justify the Clown Show it all was. My god. my god.
The legion of super heroes (and by extension, the CW and Michael fuckin' Bendis): Do you wanna know my complicated relationship with DC comics, my love-hate relationship with it, my love for supergirl, my love for the supergirl series which ENDED UP BADLY and also my deep deep love for one of the most BEATEN AND BRUISED hero teams in modern runs???? My god this rant is for YOU. But all u have to know is that I love Brainiac 5, he's my beloved, and i think my love cursed him to be the most DONE DIRTY character of all time. It is my cross, my burden to bear.
I'd add the magnus archives to that list BUT admittedly I still haven't finished the podcast and I have still a very loose grasp on the concepts they just introduced on s3. BUT. B U T. JUST KNOW. I love Elias Bouchard he's evil and he sucks and he made me listen to the brutal pipe murder of a man and i went "wow :) what the hell is his deal <3"
Well. Well I think that's my infodump about MY possible infodumps. Now that I think about it, i'm not sure if this is the answer u wanted. As in, was ur ask made in response to something else? Literally i dont know why i am once more overthinking about it. ANYWAY ALI ILU AND I'M ALWAYS GLAD TO HEAR FROM U!!!!!!! SORRY I DONT TEXT MORE LIFE IS HECTIC AND WHEN TOO MUCH TIME PASSES I START TO THINK I MIGHT BE BOTHERING PEOPLE, BUT ILU FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
🗣 Pinkyy + Nakaou
"HoW the hell do you Walk in these! I nearly toppled over onto hiM! Y-You set Me up!"
Pinkky had been sat at her vanity, her hair down.. even unwrapped around her horns.. She was brushing it meticulously. Making sure no tangles were there before she put her hair up.. Makeup long removed as she looked at the purple blood in the mirror. Her 'brother' as she's learned that's what he technically was. The vernacular was always sooo weird to her. Kinda totally dumb but it was the proper title.. even if she didn't feel like she fit that role all too well.
He looked flustered.. Holding those heels she bought him. Not actually her heels. Definitely has a pair of her own in her closet.. She remembered a lot of guys liking them for their height when she wore them. She figured whoever the hell Nakaou was thirsting after was totally into it too if they asked for him to 'wear a good pair of heels'. It was fucking.. Corny. In all honesty. Yeah if she ever saw this random ass troll she'd probably tell them to get better game. Laaaammee
"Like. T♡tally chill ♡ut ya? Lmao. Isn't that like a t♡tal charm p♡int ♡r smth? Catch attenti♡n ♡f ur b♡♡ thang?"
She chuckled leaning onto the palm of her hand..seeing him flush harder.
"You!!!!!! I don't Want hiM to think iM a fuckin CLUTZ!!! I-I Was tryin to be c-cool and M-Maybe.. L-Like fuckin.. S-Sexy! Eatin shit cause you gave Me borderline stilettos!! Not apart of My p-plan!"
"Awwww~~~ Y♡ure like t♡ts a fuckin dweeb."
She almost wanted to tease him about his lame attempts to be suave. First with his pitch.. then with his pale.. now this? Man. He is certainly the dorkiest fucker on the planet.
"Just like. Pr♡p♡se ♡r smthn. Anyways.. Are y♡u like g♡nna stand there ♡r are y♡u g♡ing t♡ get ready f♡r the sleep♡ver?"
The heels were tossed in her direction softly, clacking against the floor.. She laughs lightly at his little outburst..
"N-Not if yer gonna keep fuckin pickin on Me!"
"Awwwee cm♡♡♡♡nnn Luke n vivi are g♡nna be hanging with meee~"
She giggles as he huffs.. seeing him head to her closet to grab something to slip into.. Yeah! Hell yeah! She's gonna get some time with the people she cares about.. If only Nishii wasn't a nervous trainwreck... shed really have a full packed house. Might be a little awkward at first or at times.. but she wants to have her brothers meet her boyfriend!! and her bestie!!
"♡h! And like hands ♡ff the red h♡♡dies! Th♡se r mine!"
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godheader · 2 months
im surprised the irs hasnt been knocking down the apartment door for the last 5 years, bros a fuckin trainwreck
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420technoblazeit · 5 months
I'm. I'm participating in the ask game because I like participation but we're not mutuals it's fine--
Hear me out, there's a few of those: purple glitter (ofc), radioactive (ofc), strawberry (it would be a trainwreck all around I think but we'd have fun!), and Gerard Way In The 2000s (except we're not mutuals lol)
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HI HELLO HIIIIIIII i didnt realize we werent mutuals broski just dropped u a follow. also i woudl love to bake with u ik u wotn believe me but im fuckin killer with a whisk my dude im a beast with that bakign shit dont even worry about it
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
smth ab being in gingi shift is soo funny cuz im aroace but then smth fuckin Snaps and all i think ab is kissing randy jade on th neck. i wanna hold th local trainwreck , wanna smooch his stupid face <3
[ to every randy ever, your face is only stupid bcuz it makes me wanna scream an cry n punch th ground cuz its so pretty ur a fuckin godsend darling ]
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somuch-4-stardust · 2 years
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