#im a huge music nerd
icequeen-07 · 5 months
I was tagged by the lovely @theartofdreaming1 <3
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Christian Woman - Type O Negative
Why Would You be Loved? - Hozier
King - Florence and the Machine
Lullaby - The Cure
Hounds of Love - Kate Bush
lmao I don't know that many people so I will do my best!! (made it to 9 :,) lol)
@queenofbaws @love-fireflysong @amynchan @bazwillendinflames @encyclopika @citrinediamondeyes @catlliecal @chris-hartley @secretspacecheetah (if we got into a boop fight its fair game)
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
I'll complain about this until the end of time, but I cannot stand the characterization of nico listening to emo music. please give this kid some metal to listen to, if you wanna keep the silly level of darkness that people try giving him with emo music let him listen to some pretentious black metal or something, but there's no way in hell nico would listen to fucking fall out boy
I respect you anon but I am so sorry, I am the exact opposite.
I love the idea of Nico listening to normie emo music cause it's just easiest to find and he's technologically challenged and also he almost definitely got into it because Thalia handed him her ipod one time when he was 10 to get him to shut up for 5 minutes and he ended up binging MCR's entire discography. Also, he's too nice to be pretentious about anything and he's a huge nerd. All that + Rick saying Nico likes technopop, Nico definitely has like a solid couple hundred plays of Rolling Girl on his probably stolen ipod and if you hit shuffle it's a weird combo of emo hits of the early 2010s, Porter Robinson and Mika, and anime OP jumpscares. If circumstances were slightly different he'd be a scene kid.
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saysthenightingale · 1 month
following the epic saga of 'i now associate a blue archive ost with perturabo by complete mistake', maybe i should assign a blue archive ost to each primarch based on pure fucking vibes and briefly explain why. should i do it
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blazeball · 9 months
listen to the ultrakill soundtrack at work it will only produce the most normal and work appropriate thoughts (LYING)
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noctude · 2 years
i need somebody else to experience this rn. there’s something about a bunch of people singing earnestly in unison that always gives me chills
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sans-guy · 1 year
What’re your favorite 5 AUs?
gorm.. to be honest i haven't been active in the fandom in Years so like.. im pretty boomer when it comes to aus. so my list isn't very exciting or expansive lol
underfell (obv)
mafia tale
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bronzetomatoes · 1 year
Time signature cutie mark. Ur music people recognize it and ur math people see it as a fraction (also correct)
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tealfruit · 1 year
I think I just really like movies. I'm gonna turn into a film bro but like the fun kind who also enjoys bad movies. if I ever go back to school I'll take a film class of some sort
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kneeanderthal · 1 year
Will plays drums trust me
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s-rosie · 4 months
hiii, this is my first hc post and im still a bit new to the all so pls ignore it if it is bad. some amazing tig hc creators are @x-liv25-jamieswife and @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys and i took some inspiration from them so pls check them out.
Jameson is a huge theatre nerd and he converted Avery so now they listen/watch/go to musicals together
they sing and quote them so often, everyone gets SOOOO annoyed
for Halloween, they went as pre say no to this Hamilton and Elliza one year and as jd and veronica another year and everyone LOST IT
Jameson even surprised her with Hamilton tickets but she had to solve a riddle to see where they were going
the riddle was a single letter that just said “My Dearest, Avery” and nothing else (iykyk)
Grayson has secretly watched every episode of Dance Moms and even memorized some of the dances
Avery one time did a spicy dance on TikTok and Jameson absolutely LOST HIS MIND
Alisa made her take the video down, because she said it was too “inappropriate” (even though it wasn’t even as bad as half of the other dances out there)
Jameson managed to save it beforehand and still has it to this day
Xander has read Avery’s diary and saw some THINGS things she wrote (especially about jamie (iykyk)) and he almost died but she just laughed it off
Libby often says stuff that sounds really dirty but she doesn’t mean it that way and gets very confused why everyone started laughing at what she was saying
Jameson played/plays hockey
Nash and Avery go on little outings every once and a while just for some bonding time (and a bit of lovingly trash talking Jamie)
Thea has MAD rbf like its not even ok
Rebecca can play guitar and sing and it sounds so soothing
Oren ugly cried at Avery and Jameson’s wedding
Jamie absolutely adores matching couples shirts but Avery hates them with a passion but she wears them sometimes to make him happy
Grayson loves picking flowers
Max and Avery one time pretended they were receiving awards (grammy’s, oscar’s, etc.) with the many awards the Hawthorne boys won (before javery was official) and Jameson was in a secret passage the whole time watching and they heard him giggling so she opened the passage to see him standing there and she just went beet red
he thought it was adorable and it just made him like her even more (can someone pls write a fic about this pls)
Nash is/was a barrel racer
Xander has the absolute dirtiest mind ever and can make anything he/you say sound dirty (a close second is Jameson)
but Xander is so clueless he sometimes says something that sounds so dirty and he doesn’t even realize
Max had to run a mile for school and almost died
Avery one time broke her arm while playing badminton (don’t ask me how but i can’t talk because i would too)
Jameson loves roller coasters but gets motion sick so he will ride the most intense roller coaster and immediately throw up after
Max and Avery threaten each other with telling embarrassing things they have done in the past to the others
Nash and Libby tease Avery and Jameson SO MUCH
they are always saying things like “leave some room for Jesus” and “get a room” when they show the slightest affection (out of love)
sometimes Nash will even come out of nowhere when they are watching a movie and say something like “what are we watching?” and just sit in the middle of them
Avery loved up cycling old and vintage thinga and Jameson will help
Rebecca loves to craft because it helps her relax
she even taught Libby how to crochet
after seeing the effects, no one lets Gigi have coffee
even though Savanna is cold at first, she really opens up to the group and they all love her though she thought they wouldn’t (ofcc)
Grayson and Avery once made a power point about skincare for Jamie after learning he just washes his face with body soap and cold water (*shutters*)
Avery calls Xander Xanny Poo or just Pookie but never his real name
when they were still in school, Xander made Avery a fake prom-posal after her, Xander, and Jamie had a conversation about how cringy they were
She almost murders him on the spot
Avery once threatened to slap Jameson because he was being annoyed and he said “is that a threat, or a promise? and she almost passed out
after that, Xander called Ave a sadist and Jamie a masochist for a month and a half
Grayson and Avery watch Bridgeton together
when he was younger, Jameson was absolutely OBSESSED with Gravity Falls, he would theorize about it and try to solve the mysteries (which he got most of them right)
he has the journal #3 with the invisible ink on his book shelf to this day
Jameson and Avery are always playing game pigeon
Avery and Libby bought dress-up dresses and have tea parties (sometimes Max joins)
Jameson loves to rub it in his brothers (especially Gray’s) faces that he is technically royalty
I hope you like this!!! please let me know how i can improve. all constructive criticism is highly appreciated and welcome. please give me suggestions on what i can do next. thank you so much!
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snoocupz · 5 months
okay I'm a sucker for a rare pair and even more for a rare pair ot3...pls propagandize me im very curious :0
Hi! Oh my god, that makes me SO happy! I never expect my little shipart to get this much attention - let alone have people like the ship and wanting me to talk about it!
I wasn't sure whether I want to share my whole headcanons about them getting together yet or not, and decided to instead collect some headcanons about these 3 that I love! So here;
My little collection on Klapolloquill headcanons! 🩷
- Simon and Klavier have briefly been friends before Simon went to jail. Klavier, as a new and young prosecutor, desperately seeked contact in the office and loved Simons style from the start. Dark clothes, an interest for music and an ex bass player - all while still being somewhat of a nerd abour psychology & birds. He had tried to build up an active friendship to him - unfortunately it was cut short due to Simon admitting to murderer and going to jail. (Klavier should feel this pain again in the following years as not only his best friend Daryan, but also brother go to jail).
- Once finally free past Dual Destinies Apollo and Simon build up some sort of friendship thanks to Athena. Quickly they realise they were mistaken about each others characters and after a whole they start to bond on a deeper level due to the trauma they had experienced... mostly because of Apollo losing Clay, and Simon losing Bobby. (Bonus angst points if Claypollo and Blackbright were secretly canon and they bond over the loss of their ex lovers).
- Klapollo starts dating first. Klavier had feelings for Apollo early on after meeting him, but it took a lot of time and change for them to finally get together.
- Klavier, however, is also the one who is self aware about being Polyam. He previously had crushes on more than one person at the same time and once time passes and he builds up the friendship to Simon he wanted to have he eventually starts crushing on him. Hard.
- He confesses his crush to Apollo, fearing the worst. It is a huge insecurity of his and he doesn't get it across without tears and apologies, clarifying how much he loves Apollo as well, just to be... very perplexed about how calmly Apollo takes it. In fact, Apollo starts gently teasing Klavier about his obvious crush. He finds him adorable, blushing when looking at Simon like this. Apollo is ultimately the one who convinces Klavier to ask Simon out.
- Unknowingly Simon has a little crush on Apollo anyways. This young defense attorney shines brighter than any sun, he is smart, pretty, such a gentle and stronger soul than he believes of himself. Simon enjoys himself around the both of them, so endlessly much, and with passing time Simon feels lovable again, after prison and losing Bobby (the only person that made him feel lovable before).
- Eventually all 3 shyly allow themselves to get closer. Especially Klavier with his gigantic crush on Simon can hardly believe it everytime he gets to sit between both of them on the couch. Just having his knee slightly touch Simons makes his head spin and they keep smiling at each other more when passing each other on the prosecutor halls.
- And hey! Who would have thought! They fall in love! Each of them, with one another. And in fact, their ideas of love fit together perfectly. All 3 of them long for nothing more but a calm, domestic lifestyle.
- What that looks like...? Easy. A cozy apartment, many plants, falling asleep cuddling, with one cat and one dog at the side. Breakfast on the balcony as Klavier slurps his vanilla latte, Simon makes them eggs, and Apollo tries to stop Taka from stealing bacon straight from his bagel.
- Mikeko (Apollos cat) adores Simon. No day passes where this cat doesn't chose to sit on his legs or lap. Whenever the cat chooses him, Simon is careful to not move a single inch. May she rest as long as she wants to!
- Taka (Simons hawk) adores Apollo. After being afraid of her for months (sorry, Taka has always been female in my brain LMAO) Apollo realises that she is not only well behaved but also seeks active contact to him. Simon falls even more in love with him when seeing Apollo feed the bird on the balcony and daring to pat her feathery head.
- Vongole (first Kristophs, then Klaviers dog) is the most sweetest girl of girls. Greeting all of them with enthusiasm and DEMANDING to sleep in the bed at all times, she won each of their hearts and can be considered the true Queen of the house!
- However, it can be complicated to cuddle, ESPECIALLY if you are Simon Blackquill, and a living cuddle sized heater. He must always sleep in the middle automatically as Apollo loves to rest his head on his chest while Klavier has the most freeziest hands in the history of forever. And yes, he will randomly warm his hands under Simons shirt at every possible moment.
- Funnily enough, their household works very smoothly together. Apollo cooks at most, but his desk easily looks like it explodes after one use. He keeps leaving things around and forgetting about them. Simon cleans, and he has no issue cleaning after Apollo at times. Klavier is the one to take the dog and plan their dates, and no date has ever been dissapointing, he's fantatsic at planning them!
So at most! This ship is really fluffy and comforting in my eyes, so here are some random thoughts on them! Thanks for listening to me rambling! <3
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tokosparrow · 10 months
um ummmm Matthew x reader but reader is a huge theatre nerd, and decides to audition for one of Matthew's plays !!!!
a/n: AHHH I LOVE THIS >0< (plus i was in theater from my freshmen to my junior year of high school and still deciding if i should still act my senior year :3!!) and i have no idea if this is considered romantic but it could be read as such if you like!!
you became a bit nervous when deciding to audition, you were never, and i mean NEVER this nervous for an audition before. you’ve don’t this so many times before as far back as maybe early middle school, you watched and acted in many plays and musicals for as long as you remember, they were basically your lives work. you took deep breathes as you practiced many times before since they always seem to help in situations like these, you just need to take a moment to breathe.
“NEXT!!” screamed a familiar voice from the stage ahead of you.
maybe then it hit you of why you were so nervous in the first place, matthew patel. heart racing as you realize that it was you that it was next.
‘oh god…’ you thought as you took steps to enter the stage to face to what felt like a full crowd of people but yet there were only just one person, the person you became a bit desperate to impress with your performance.
“and your name?” asked matthew, having a look on him that he’s been through many of these auditions and was just tired, he even just wanted to go home.
“i’m (Y/N)….(Y/N) (L/N) mr patel sir…” you responded with small voice cracks due to the nervousness you’ve gained.
soon he motioned you to start as he sat back with a bored look still on his face. you let out a deep breath before you started, you just had to remember your blocking and lines you worked so hard to remember to do. as you do so, you felt yourself get in the moment, forgetting how this was so hard to get over with in the first place, you were passionate about theatre and it’s your time to shine to one of canadas theater freaks (as if you aren’t one yourself).
it soon came to a finish for what you put together for your audition, you looked over for some sort of approval from matthew, he seemed much more interested then he was before which surprised you. what surprised you more is that claps he gave you after which were as genuine as they could get coming from the one and only matthew patel.
“thank you for your audition, (Y/N)” he said as he gave a smile which left you a even bigger smile.
“no, thank you for having me here!” you say bowing before walking your way off stage, still as happy as ever, this is just maybe the best moment of your life!
“they’re definitely the one, make sure (Y/N) hasn’t left when i get done with these okay?” he whispered to one of his hipster chicks before continuing with the rest of the auditions of the day.
a couple hours passed, you happened to stay to just play around and eat, maybe you should go home and just wait for a possible callback since you thought it went well, you pretty sure he liked your audition, at least you thought so. something soon caught the corner of your eye, making you look for good measure and sure as hell it’s matthew patel walking your way.
“(Y/N) (L/N), we need to talk about your audition earlier today!” he said in one of the most happiest tones he had.
“i must say, im very impressed, what do you think about having the role in my play?” say whatttttt now :0??
“sure mr patel! i’ll be so honored!” “good :)”
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
I'm in Control Part 3 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: Im such a whore for these 2 <3
Warnings: Steddie relationship and all that that implies ( I regret nothing) Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie (I'm drooling) , Reader does get harassed but our boys save the day <3
Word Count: 3041
“The convention is Saturday in Vegas. Eddie and Steve, you guys will be with Y/N here and she can show you the ropes. Y/N, I’m bringing some of the other ladies as well. Later on, you and I are going to go scouting for some talent, ok? Nothing new.”
You nod as you smile. “You boys won’t get much sleep depending on when you wrap on Friday.”
“Eh, we’re kind of used to it by now.” Steve grins at you as he sighs. “Just grateful to be a part of all this.”
“Speaking of not getting much sleep…”, TJ spins around in his chair. “Your date with Malcolm? Yay? Nay? Wedding bells?”
“Calm down. It was one date.”, you giggle as you collect some things from your desk and stand. 
“Oh, come on. We’re all grownups here. Was the sex at least mind-blowing?”
You look at your boss before glancing over at your clients. Their eyes were full of hope, waiting on pins and needles for your answer. You lightly swat at TJ’s arm as you exit the office. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Mmmm… I don’t morning well.”, Eddie climbed into the backseat and immediately rested his head against the window, folding his arms as he closed his eyes. 
You scooted towards the middle as Steve squished in beside you. Leaning over the backseat, you grab a blanket you brought and tenderly throw it over you and Eddie’s legs. 
His eyes briefly open as he looks down before turning to smile at you. “Thank you, Sweetheart.”
“Alright lady and gentlemen, hopefully we won’t hit too much traffic. Y/N, I’m sorry, honey. I have everything piled in the front seat and trunk. Are you ok back there?”
“Yeah, TJ. I’m fine.”
Once you guys were on the road, Eddie was completely knocked out. 
“Wow. It didn’t take him long, did it?”
“He really doesn’t do mornings. Being a porn star, musician, and all-around nerd, his active hours are usually after 8pm.”, Steve chuckles.
“Oh, yeah. Mr. Munson here is a huge fan of D & D and most things fantasy.”
That makes you genuinely smile. “What about you? Are you a nerd to?”
“No ma’am. I was definitely a jock guy in high school. I mean… I liked Star Wars. That was fun.”
“Star Wars is good. I’m kind of more of a Star Trek girl though.” His eyebrows knit together in confusion. “You’ve never watched Star Trek?”
“I don’t know what that is.”, Steve laughs at your shocked expression. “What else do you like?”
“I love music and dancing. Um, I don’t really know to be honest. I grew up in a small, tightly wound community. Their definition of fun was vastly different. Everything I got into didn’t start till I moved out here except…”
“Except…porn?”, he asks. 
 “I remember once, when I was a kid, my brother got caught with a porno magazine under his bed. My mom flipped out and called our church pastor. We rushed him down so he could be “cleansed of his sins”. It just never made sense to me. Sex is supposed to be beautiful and fun. How can it be so bad?”
“You’re a fascinating woman, Y/N.” Your eyes lock on his as you both grin. 
Halfway into the trip, you found your eyes getting extremely heavy. Your head lazily fell on Steve’s shoulder as you drifted off to sleep. 
“I can’t believe you’ve never been to one of these conventions before.”, you smile at the boys as you finish setting up the booth for your agency. 
“Technically, I have been to a convention but it wasn’t like this.” Eddie quickly rose from the chair he was sitting in and gestured for one of the actresses who had just come back from freshening up to take the seat. 
“Oh? Was it one of those nerdy conventions Steve was telling me you were into?”
The metal head playfully squints at his friend. “Traitor.”
“Hey, you fell asleep. We filled the time with conversation on the ride up here. Stay awake next time and then maybe you can participate.”, Steve grins. 
You reach over and pat Eddie’s shoulder. “It’s ok. I like that you’re a bit of a geek. I’ll finally have someone to talk nerdy with.”
“Look at all my beautiful people. I love it. Are you ready to come find some talent?” His smile widens when you nod, grabbing your clipboard. “Everyone else, stay here and look gorgeous. Gentlemen, if you could keep an eye on these ladies. We’ve never had a problem before but people can be a bit to…grabby.”
You and your boss walk the floor for hours, finding a few people he would like to sign. While TJ was talking to the stars, you were mingling with the managers. Managers brought talent to agency for a finder’s fee so you knew you guys would have a higher chance of getting more signs if they brought their stars to you.
When you two make your way back to your area, everyone seems to be having a good time. The girls were talking to some fans while Eddie and Steve were mingling with other male porn stars needing advice. 
“My family has no idea I do this but I’m glad I’m able to send my mom money every week to help the bills.”, the young man hangs his head.
“Do you do it just for the money?”, Eddie’s voice is full of compassion as he speaks. 
“Not really. I like… I like the job. I find it exciting.”
“Well, then you have nothing to be ashamed of, man. As long as you enjoy it then fuck everyone else.” 
The boy giggles at him. “Do your parents know what you do?”
“Pfft, my dad would actually have to care first.”, Steve rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, mine can’t even watch porn where he is.” Eddie’s smile falls a bit before he continues. “But my uncle knows and he doesn’t really care. He told me the same thing I told you.”
“Hey, baby.” You extend your arms out to the boy talking to the guys. 
His eyes light up when he notices you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he lifts you off your feet. “Y/N! I was hoping I’d see you.”
“TJ would kill me if I didn’t come with him to these things.”
“She’s right I would.” Your boss smiles at the young man. “Y/N, take the guys and grab some lunch. I’ll wait here with the other ladies and we’ll go when you get back.”
“Ok.” You tenderly cup the boy’s face as you grin up at him. “Remember. You are amazing.”
“How do you know that kid we were talking to? Or do you just know everyone?”, Steve stabs his fork into the Styrofoam container in front of him. 
“I’ve known Avery since he first got here a couple of years ago.”, you cover your mouth as you talk. “He was wondering around the convention with these wide dough eyes. He looked so terrified. I showed him around and answered his questions. He’s a good kid.”
When you looked up from your food you noticed they were both smiling at you. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re just really sweet. It’s adorable.”, Eddie’s grin widens before he puts the beer bottle in front of him to his lips.
“Like I said, this industry has a way and a reputation. I want everyone to be comfortable.”
Your phone on the table comes to life as it vibrates next your plate. You glance over at the it before pushing end. You know when you look back at them, they had read the name on the screen. 
I’m in control.
“So your date with Malcolm went well, huh? You never told us how that ended.”, Steve leaned back in his chair as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“You’re right, I didn’t.”
“Must have ended rather well if he’s calling her phone while she’s out of town.”, Eddie closed his container, moving it to the side and out of his way. 
“To be fair, Mr. Munson, that’s none of your business. What I do with my private time is none of my client’s concerns.”
“She’s absolutely right, Steve.” You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm. “Now, I’m going to ask a question and please tell me if I’m crossing a client/ agent boundary here, Princess. Do you usually let clients finger you while you watch your other client get head?”
Eddie leaned back in his chair, smiling in triumph as your jaw clenched in frustration. 
“What I do with my private time away from you both has nothing to do with either of you and you have no right to be upset. I can fuck whoever I want especially since you’re allowed to get your shitty blow job and both of you are allowed to kiss on anyone you please.”
Steve turns to Eddie delivering a joking glare. “Traitor.”
“What did I do?”
“You told her I hated the way that girl sucked my dick.”
“Was I wrong?”
“Missing the point!”, their heads turn back to you as you shout at them. “It’s not fair.” You abruptly stand from your chair and start to leave them before stopping yourself, charging back toward the table. “What the fuck am I even saying? Fuck whoever you want. I don’t care. We,” you gesture between the three of you. “We are nothing except client and agent. This is a business relationship.”
Steve’s smile grows as he turns to Eddie who smiles back. “I notice she keeps preaching the client agent thing but has yet to answer your question.”
I’m in control AND I’m fucking angry.
“You know what, Daddy.” You watch with contempt as he straightens up at the name. “I’ll answer his fucking question. No, Sir. I don’t usually let things like that happen. I fucked up but that’s ok because that’s the last time that it will. Especially since I found a man who can satisfy my needs way better than I’m sure either of you can.”
Eddie watches your rant with amused eyes as Steve’s slowly start to fill with annoyance. You lean against the table on your palms, alternating your gaze between their own. “Oh, boys and trust me. Malcolm can sat-is-fy.” You overdramatically roll your eyes to the back of your head as you bite your lip. “I’ve never cum so hard in my life.”
“TJ, today was exhausting. Can’t we just relax?”, Eddie asks with a sigh as he pulls the Metallica shirt over his head.
“Tomorrow, guys. I promise. This is a big party that the host of the convention throws on that Saturday and a lot of important eyes will be there. Speaking of,” he looks them both up and down, “are you sure you don’t want to change?”
Steve and Eddie had changed out of their tight, revealing wardrobe they were wearing that day into more loose fitting, comfortable clothes. A small knock on the door gets your bosses attention. “That’ll be Y/N.”
The guys listen to you and him exchange some words before he leads you further into the room. “See, gentlemen. This is how you should look.”
Their jaws dropped when they saw you in your little black spaghetti strap dress that cut off just above your knees. Your hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail and the heels that you had on made you a couple of inches taller. 
Eddie was the first to regain his composure. “I don’t think a dress like that would fit me.”
You smile as your eyes flick to Steve’s waiting for him to say something. He casually exhaled before leaning back on his elbows from his place on the bed. “Well, definitely fitting for a party full of porn stars.”
Your head tilted to the side. “I sent a picture of it to Malcolm and he said I looked gorgeous.”
“And he was right.” TJ grinned as he threw on his jacket. “Ugh, fine! Come on then.”
The bass in the ballroom of the hotel room beats loudly against the walls. You survey your surroundings from your spot at the bar as you take a sip from your glass.
“Hey there, sexy.”
Not even hiding your disgust, you cringe as you turn to see the man addressing you. You recognized him from other films. He was a popular choice to star in most roles due to his conventional good looks but his personality was absolute garbage and you hated talking to him every time you had to. 
“Hey Jack.”
“You’re here alone again? I will never understand how someone like you comes to these things without a date.”
“Maybe that’s because I can have fun without having someone attached to me.”
He chuckles as he chugs back the drink that was handed to him. “I think it’s because you have a crush on me.”
You scoff as you leave the bar trying to distance yourself from him. To your dismay, he follows you. “Come on, Y/N. I’m single. You’re single. It doesn’t even have to mean anything if you don’t want it to.”
“You’re disgusting.” You shove him away, power walking in the opposite direction hoping to find your 6’3 muscle bound boss. 
Jack grips your wrist and tugs you against the wall, pressing his entire body into you. “You play this game with me all the time, Y/N. I know you want me. Everyone does.”
“Trust me, Jack. I don’t. Now get off me.”
A wicked smile crosses his face as he leans down to try and kiss you. You kick his shin and move around him bumping straight into Eddie. Steve comes from the side and pushes Jack against the wall, holding him by his collar. 
“When someone says no, the answer is no. If you ever touch her again, my friend here and I will make you regret it. Do you understand me?”
“Hey. I was just—”
“I said do you understand me?!”
“Yes! Jesus Christ.”
“Good. Now get out of my sight.”, he lets him go, tossing him away. 
“Are you okay?”, Eddie asks as his eyes scan you over. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.” They both smile as the he adjusts the strap that had slid down on your dress. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N but we’re tired. I don’t care what TJ says.” Steve sighs as he grabs Eddie’s arm. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
You hug your arms as they disappear suddenly feeling extremely cold and alone. 
I’m in control.
“Hey!” Your heels smack against the tile as you run after them. “Hey, um, do you guys want to, um, order a pizza or something? I don’t know about you but I’m starving. 
They glance at each other before turning to you. 
“We could eat.”
You cover your mouth full of pizza as you laugh at a story the boys had just told. “Eddie, I had no idea you could play the guitar. I mean Steve mentioned you were a musician but he didn’t say what you played.”
“Oh yeah, Sweetheart. When we get back home, I’ll show you.” Eddie strums his fingers over invisible strings. 
“What about you?”, you point at Steve. 
“God no. I don’t even know popular music let alone how to play it. You?”
“I’m not that cool, unfortunately.”
“I think you’re pretty cool.” Eddie grins at you before your phone vibrates. 
“Hey TJ.”
“Where the hell are you? And where are my stars?”
“I am upstairs getting ready for bed. As for Steve and Eddie, I have no idea where they are.”
��You’re their agent, Y/N.”
“It’s a party! Jesus. I’m sure they both found some pretty girls and are having fun. Do the same!” You chuckle as you hang up your phone and throw it against the sofa chair near the window. “What?! Why are you staring at me again?”
“Sheesh, calm down.” Steve grins as he holds up his hands. “You just always find ways to surprise us. That’s all.”
“Why do you talk like that? Like you’re one person?”
He turns to Eddie. “Are you not surprised?”
“I’m very surprised she didn’t play her agent card and rat us out.”
You tilt your head and turn away from them as you whisper loud enough for them to hear. “They aren’t answering the question…Yeah I noticed that.” You raise your eyebrows at them. “See? It’s fucking annoying, isn’t it?”
“You spend enough time with someone you get to know them pretty well. Remember, we told we grew up together, spent time together in and after high school, and now we work together in a business that requires you to be vulnerable.”
“That’s ironic.”, you respond to Steve with only mild sarcasm. When they both look at you with confusion, you explain. “Since I’ve met you, I think the only time you’ve been vulnerable is on the drive up here. If you were being more open you would have told me you how you felt about me and Malcolm from the start instead of throwing your little tantrums.”
“Oh, you’re one to talk, Miss I’m-the-agent.”, Eddie sits up on the bed giving you more attention. “If you weren’t attracted or didn’t at least feel something for us, you would have told me to fuck off at that party just like you did with that douchebag downstairs.”
“Did you fuck him?” Steve gruff tone froze you both.
“Who Jack? God no—”
“No. Malcolm. Did you fuck him?” You and the man stare each other down, waiting for the other to concede. 
“It doesn’t matt—” Steve’s arm shot out, reaching for your throat before pulling your lips to his. There was a tenderness behind it that you weren’t prepared for but desperately wanted more of. 
His mouth hovered over yours as he pulled away. Your throat moved under his grasp as you swallowed. “Did. You. Fuck. Him?”
“No.”, you breathed out.
“No what?”
I’m in control. I’m in control. I want him to kiss me again. No! Shit. I’m in control. His lips tasted so good. I wonder what Eddie tastes like. No! I’m in control. I’m—
“No, Daddy.”
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @munsonology
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Here's a long-overdue intro post.
LINKS SIDE BLOGS: @i-think-im-breaking-down-again - more personal blog @cappuccino-circa-capillaries - mental health stuff /pos @a-bitch-can-write-poetry - poetry and web weaving reblogs, will post my original work if I ever get the courage @honestly-im-honest- silly stuff @edwinpayneshomosexualtendencies - dbda side blog
MEDIA: Pinterest Spotify Storygraph stats.fm
DA BASICS- ABOUT ME: Name - Lisa Avenir (you can call me Lise or Liz) Nationality - Indian Languages - English, Hindi, a1 French, aspiring German, a dialect of Hindi spoken in my home state which is completely incomprehensible to anyone who does not speak it to the point its an entirely new language (which it is but I'm not going to reveal it because I don't want my home state to be known) Age - minor Gender - mostly female Pronouns - she/they Sexuality - ace-spec lesbian Religion - Atheist DNI: Homophobic, Transphobic, sexist, racist, ableist, any kind of phobic in general No assholes allowed either I love receiving asks just no freaky stuff FACTS- 🪶Only Child who keeps losing friends 🪶I love any form of Noodles Soup 🪶I have a huge crush on Maya Hawke 🪶I love biology and anatomy 🪶I need psychological help /srs 🪶I cry a lot, it's an art 🪶I might have a migraine issue which might be getting better :D 🪶I have brown ass basic eyes 🪶Reading mythology is my bae 🪶My vocabulary might be good but I can't spell for shit. 🪶I love making little collages on PowerPoint 🪶I'm touch starved but touch aversed. Yes, we exist. 🪶I'm a nerd fighter 🪶I love dissecting song lyrics 🪶My aesthetic is dark academia, dark feminine(excluding the femcel bs), witchcore and sickly victorian child dying of the plague core 🪶I am a hyper-organized person who might have germophobia 🪶I'm pretty sure I have trichotillomania 🪶I have these sneeze attacks on a daily basis where I sneeze like 15 times over the course of 3 minutes
HOBBIES- 🪶Reading 🪶Writing poetry or songs 🪶Listening to Music 🪶Talking about stars 🪶The Universe 🪶Literature 🪶Science (fuck physics)
INTERESTS- MUSIC: I love listening to albums(like a LOT of them) 🪶Genre - Indie, Indie pop, Rock, Alt-Indie, Basic white girl pop, Pop-rock, Pop-punk, Folk, Old Bollywood, Male manipulator, Female Manipulator, Lesbian Manipulator, ghazal, anything that slaps 🪶Artists - Ricky Montgomery, Lana Del Rey, Chappel Roan, Flower Face, Taylor Swift, Hozier, Phoebe Bridgers, Girl in Red, Clario, Conan Gray, Hank Green, Hayley Williams, Joji, Indila, Sabrina Carpenter, Adele. Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Jagjit Singh, Muhammad Rafi, Asha Bhosle etc etc 🪶Bands - Wallows, Florence and the Machine, Sir Chloe, Hole, The Smiths, Paramore, Beach House, The Jayhawks, The Neighborhood, Fun Guns, Cage The Elephant, Arctic Monkeys, Chase Atlantic, Radiohead, My Chemical Romance, Hayley Kiyoko. 🪶Albums(favorites) - evermore and folklore by Taylor Swift, Montgomery Ricky by Ricky Montgomery, Depression Cherry by Beach House, Ceremonials and Lungs By Florence and The Machine, Superache by Conan Gray, Emails I can't send frwd: by Sabrina Carpenter, Hozier by Hozier, Riot! and Paramore by Paramore, AM by Arctic Monkeys, Party Flavors and I am the Dog by Sir Chloe, Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers, Rainy Day Music by The Jayhawks, Petals for Armour by Hayley Willams, The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan, Social Cues by Cage The Elephant, Live through this by Hole, Born to Die(The Paradise Edition) and Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey, Nothing Happens by Wallows, Baby Teeth and Fever Dreams and The Shark in your Water by Flower Face, Lilt by Hikes, Get up and Move by Fun Guns, The Black Parade by MCR. 🪶Artists that I lowkey neglect but should high-key eat - Nirvana, Tame Impala, Men we trust, Cavetown, Pink Floyd, blink-182, Green Day, boygenius, Mitski, The Smashing Pumpkins, Suki Waterhouse. BOOKS- 🪶Genre - Dark, War pieces, Dystopias, Young Adult, Depressing, Dark Academia, Classics, Psychological Thriller. 🪶Ride or Die- The Book Thief, The Perks Of Being a Wallflower, The Picture of Dorian Grey, MAUS, Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska, All the Bright Places, The Midnight Library, The Handmaid's Tale, The Diary of a Young Girl, The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas, Circe, Before the coffee gets cold, Sharp Objects, The Martian, The DaVinci Code, The Emperor of All Maladies, Turtles all the way down, And Then There Were None, The Catcher in The Rye, No Longer Human, Grandpa's Great Escape, Wild Bird, The Giver. 🪶Honorable Mentions from my TBR - A Little Life, Bunny, If We Were Villains, The Secret History, 1984, To Kill A Mockingbird, Six Of Crows, Lord of the Flies, Piranesi, Cleopatra and Frankenstein, Crime and Punishment, How it Feels to Float, Orbiting Jupiter, Normal People, Fahrenheit 451, The Myth of Sisyphus, Lessons in Chemistry, Slaughterhouse-five, Dark Matter. 🪶Poets - Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, William Wordsworth. Sappho,
MOVIES- Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, Lady Bird, Whiplash, Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse, Forrest Gump, Duck Duck Goose, Rapunzel SERIES- BBC Sherlock, Orange Is The New Black, Brooklyn99, Dead Boy Detectives, Heartstopper, Derry Girls, Modern Family, House md?
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MOOTS APPRICIATION!!!! @lv3buzzz, @noctilucaa(my wife), @wilsons-three-legged-siamese, @yourfavvgal, @1mlostnow, @arrr-im-a-dead-poet, @perksofbeingpoet, @mighthavebeenmurder, @take-me-to-the-rooftop15, @poetsinnyc, @joonof1989, @deadcrowcalling, @pingunaa, @xxcherryberriezxx @burgundykicks (text me if you would like your name to be removed <3333 ) -🪶
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jorjafrozen · 3 months
just had a crazy idea for a new au and i wanna see what you guys think
i’ve decided to call it…
(the) actor! jd au!!
(or the hamilton! jd au idk yet)
i know there is a trolls actor au but this is a little different. basically i got this idea after having an idea about john dory playing alexander in the musical ‘hamilton’.
anyways what happens is after brozone gets back together and they’ve been settled for a while, john dory decides he wants to try something new so he auditioned for the troll version of the musical ‘hamilton’ and ends up getting getting alexander.
he doesn’t tell anyone about it until the day before tickets start going on sale and everyone is like “what the actual f*ck” but they’re very excited and happy for him.
brozone + poppy & viva obviously go for his first performance and safe to say they absolutely loved it.
i’ve not developed anymore ideas yet but i really like this idea so i just wanted to get it out on here and so feel free to let me know what you think about it!!
(i totally didn’t come up with this au because im a huge theatre nerd-)
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stardustedseas · 19 days
id like to imagine ford catching up on all the things he missed in the past 30 years, like so much has happened. between huge historical moments,advances in technology (despite still being very far behind compared to what he had in the portal), society ever changing and progressing as well as all the media, he has A Lot to learn about.
while dipper shows him things like 9/11, the inflation, and lord of the rings, mable shows him sev'ral timez, puffy stickers and my miniature horse (my little pony)
could you imagine ford going to get gas for the first time since he got back and about having a heart attack when he sees it's 3+ dollars a gallon instead 😭
or or how much more accepting it is... things still arent perfect and there are plenty of mean and closed minded people, especially in smaller towns, but being a weird nerd with 6 fingers isnt a boarderline social life death scentence like it was in the 60s,70s,80s.
this is more modern day idea but if you also subscribe to queer of some flavor ford, i can just imagine how he felt when he found out same sex marriage was fully legalized. or that there are so many people out there like him and its completely normal to be like this. if you like the aro/ace ford, imagine him finding out that there is nothing wrong with him, that this is just how some people are and its okay, and just letting out a deep shuddering sigh of relief. same with bi/pan/gay ford, not only is liking someone of the same gender normal and not a sin, its actually so much more common than he thought and not something that can just be changed.
and while im not jewish like he is, i did grow up in a religious family so i can imagine how hed feel seeing how much more open and accepting everyone is, that the world isnt as bad or horrible as it once seemed.
anyways, i need to see ford watching star wars and lord of the rings with dipper then watching mlp and highschool musical with mabel (then watching soap operas with stan-)
also using puffy paint to make matching family shirts with mabel and playing magic the gathering with dipper
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