#im a lit nerd at heart
mypersonmyg · 3 years
cherry blossom | jjk
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pairing: jeongguk x reader
genre: fluff
rating: pg15
wc: 2k (yes it is a drabble shut up)
warnings: swearing
summary: spring is blooming and so are you OR he loves the beanie you knitted for his round ass head
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a/n: hello, hi, hey...is this good? idk, but i wrote it because im trying to do that again; this is based on the tebori tapioca couple because i really like them a lot...ALSO i said i would write about beanie boy and here he is :D
tebori tapioca
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Petals dipped in white are decorated in the jagged pink crawling from the root of thin strengthened stems fluttering like wisps from trees freshly bloomed to kiss at your cheeks, tilted upward toward a sky painted in streaks of voluminous clouds. You lift one hand to trace the expanse of day, finger a brush concentrated on the perfect mural, eyes zeroed to see the work of the blue plained aerial. You grasp a stray petal mid-air, charting the exposure of edges fragile and torn from the efflorescent cherry blossom, its trunk the perfect home for the boy whose head appears anywhere but the moment. 
You bring the petal to trace his cheeks seeking the protrusion of his nose, effectively startling the stupor that held him captive. His eyes dance the length of your arm up to your collar, landing on your own gaze in wonder, always amazed by  feelings that engulf him like licking flames. He tilts his head until the warmth of his cheek rests in the palm of your hand, cradling perfection and its questioning peep. 
“Sorry,” You murmur, thumb soothing circles into pliable skin, eyes doubled in apology despite the fondness stretching the muscles of his face, tugging at the edges of his lids. 
“Don’t be,” He hushes plucking the petal, blowing it into the subtle breeze that kicks at the skin of your ankles, traveling the length of your leg, ignorant to the tingle that already resides from the steady grip of a tattooed hand tracing the skin exposed from the ride up of your hoodie. “We came here to be together and I’m zoning out.”
You crook your arm into the grass, still damp from the press of morning dew, petals sticking to your palm as you push forward, Jeongguk cautiously tightening at your waist. The hand that still rests against his cheek sneakily climbs to tendrils peeking from beneath the beanie dressing his head, black knitted and all consuming, wrapping the strands of curls between nimble fingers and urging him to press his lips to your own. 
“I don’t mind, I’d rather sit with you in complete silence than listen to Jimin complain about whatever it is he was complaining about today.” You speak after the first heady press, foreheads gathered in collective rest, lashes just missing with each flutter. You can barely recall the words tumbling forward, but you can count on the attentive nature of your chosen lover to keep you on track, his eyes never missing the beat of your quivering lips. 
“Hmm, but i wanna give you all of my attention.” He pulls you so you’re falling, forcing you onto his lap of denim, your arms finding rest around his broad shoulders. He nestles his head into the crook of your neck, bringing light to the fabric engulfing his head of curls. 
It’s a recent niche, the adornment of the extra layer, a gift from you meant to reside on the side of winter wardrobe. It dresses him well, mirror selfies and dates spent walking the string lit streets of your cozy strip not without the attention of head-on-a-swivel passersby. You don’t mind the look or the attention that you believe present without the added statement, but you often miss the ease of a hand through thick curls and the added volume on humid occasions. 
“Now who’s zoning?” Jeongguk teases, nudging the underside of your chin, fingers retreating to avoid your gentle nip. 
“I was just thinking about you,” Your words are spoken with lips folding inward to rest between the set of your teeth, hands tugging at the top of his hat, almost pulling it free before he swats at your offending limb tugging it back into place. 
“Oh yeah?” You arch into him when a sudden gust of wind wraps around your bodies, biting at your arms left exposed by your insistence of warmth from the saturation of rays that swallow you whole, only missing direct contact by Jeongguk’s insistence that you seek refuge in the crowding branches of the beautiful earthy growth of the ascending blossom. 
“Yeah, you and your beanie. Why won’t you let me see your cute ass head, you nerd?” 
“Excuse me? I like the beanie, it was a gift you know.” 
He’s proud of his counter, head resting against the trunk of the tree before he’s suddenly guiding you from his lap to join in the jump to his feet. You’re like jello, too long spent lounging in the thick of your bubbled comfort, nearly knocking into him out of the habit of proximity and lack of control over your physical being. 
“Not only was it a gift,” He continues, clasping your hands, swinging it between you as you once more find the path riddled with abandoned flowers and the remnants of blades from grass freshly mowed, the smell still lingering with each foot forward. He brings your connected palms to press to his lips, holding them in place for a momentary hum before your nerves are tingling under the sensation and you're trying your hardest to pull away amidst  squealish giggling. “It was handmade.” 
You stutter, feet catching at the tip, threatening to eat concrete were it not for the quick reflexes and unbridled strength of Jeongguk’s arms. He drags you from the center of the path, the resounding tinkering of a child’s bike bell screaming to make way for the train of tasseled training wheels that are suddenly on your trail. It gives you time to recompose, Jeongguk far too busy waving in kind at each passing darling regarding him with various poked tongues and toothy grins. 
“Babe, you good?” He finally returns his attention, the rough pad of his thumb coming to swipe at the hairs that fall from the folded lip of the beanie, tickling at the plains of his forehead that hold just enough sheen from the day's heat to allow the dense fibers to stick to his skin. You fight the temptation to replace his hand with your own, always happy to feel him beneath you, feening for the closeness of closed doors and your head tucked beneath his chin, fingers tracing the ever defining muscles that tease through his t-shirt. 
“I’m fine...I just didn’t realize you noticed.” You shield yourself in the thick of his hoodie, tugging the sleeve to hide your eyes from his prying gaze and infectious grin. You question your own sanity when the remembrance of his attentive nature and the dreamy sigh he’d emitted upon the first snug of the thick fabric to his skull, only compliments spewing thereafter. 
“That I noticed...?” You’re dim witted to the point of ignorance, though his bait works as your face slowly unsticks from the dark material eating his chest, replacing your face with the wrap of your knuckles and the avoidance of eye contact in favor of tracking a peculiar worm inching toward fresh dirt. 
“Koo…” You whine, the nickname and high pitched yearning a new habit Jeongguk has taken in kind. His adoration for you only grows more with each day, your habits taking hold of him like the magnet that you are, an attraction unyielding and all consuming. Some would say that it’s a sickness, but the rapid pump of his love organ and the coos that ooz from him with the precision of a clock at your every utterance feels wholesome.
You’re home, a refuge after long days of piping tea and pounds of tapioca, waist deep in the give and take of the service industry. The only being that makes him feel like giving his all is no effort wasted, always looking for more ways to please even with your assurance that just  halfway makes your heart soar into a galaxy of his own making. 
So he grips you tight and reels you in, inhaling the scent of the light shampoo that laces your scalp and pretends that your whines are only an amusement, a reason for the further push of his pestering. His hands trace the peak of your shoulder blades, easing them of the tension from your bout of shyness. 
“Love, why wouldn’t I notice? Why do you think I love to wear it so much?” 
“Because you’re perfect,” You melt, shuffling on the balls of your feet, hands shoved into his pockets to hold steady in a world constantly rotating around you, dressed in whites and pinks, the songs of birds humming in the trees that arch above you. “But seriously, how did you know? I didn’t say anything because I don’t think it’s very good and I almost didn’t even give it to you because—”
“It’s perfect.” He cuts your words with his own followed by a kiss, much longer than the one previous, your face heating under the awareness that you’re no longer shielded by bud kissed branches in your own corner of the world. The same corner that started it all just months prior. 
Your palms rest against his chest, a gentle pat urging him to part from you despite your own inward cries of the opposite. He obliges, a smile of coyness splayed along his cheeks, pushing at the scar that kisses the apples of his skin. 
“I did notice an attempt at the stitching of initials under the lip...still need some practice I see—”
“Love, that’s so mean!” Your pats previously gentle now offer as much force as  you can muster, easily sending him staggering on his feet, too consumed by his own childish laughter at your rather rugged stitchwork, a poor attempt at further customization. “Ugh, I didn’t think you would notice.” 
He pulls the beanie from his head, hair falling in a mess of dark curl that traces the frame of his cheeks, somehow rounder today than the chiseled jaw that you often find ingrained in your memory. You ache to take him between your palms, a smattering of kisses stored for later use when you aren’t teetering the precipice of embarrassment. A feeling of routine self indulgence that is altogether useless under the watchful eyes of the dream before you.
He delicately dips his finger into the folded hem of the hat, lengthening the elastic trim that suctions around him to keep it secure around his head. He traces the thread that just barely makes out the letters initialling his name, imagining the formation of your lips as you repeat the two syllables with the puncture and withdraw of every stitch. 
It’s clear as the blue dyed sky, the vivid poke of your lips when you realize the curve of the ‘J’ is more of a divot than a definition but push on to the ‘K’. You only add the extra inches when your mind begins to overthink when in truth he’ll love anything from your hands, from your mind and the blood pumping through your veins. 
It wasn’t the accidental revelation of the stitching when he pulled it from the first wash that clued him in. The fabric unfurled from its position of origin, the letters staring back, accented with the perfect attempt at a heart stitched in white. 
No, he finds solace in the patch of thread missing from the edge of the shape meant to mimic the geometry of the organ itself.
It speaks true to the way he feels when he’s not with you, like his heart couldn’t possibly be whole when he’s not taking in the breathlessness of your laugh or the way you pout his name without warning. 
It was the tremor in your hands as you delivered the gift wrapped in faux gold, edges of the paper curled from the lack of a package and a mind too jumbled to think of a bag. Your delivery paired with the fumble of words hushed in rushed breath was clue enough of your attempt at discretion.
It’s in these moments, hat in hand and your eyes scrutinizing the thing when you’d told him how handsome it made him look just weeks prior. He gently pinches the scrunch of your nose, forcing your eyes to his own, hat pulled back over his head. 
He doesn’t miss the quirk of your lips, the hat no longer an object of disdain when it's a part of him. The day you met was the day that you made your place within him and it's in moments like these that he feels whole. 
“I can’t believe you thought for a second that I wouldn’t.”
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"We should have been in bed 3 hours ago." with Virgil+anyone
how bout virge+jan+rem bc im indecisive (ambiguous analogical if you squint ig bc. its me)
634 words
Virgil paced in his room, his mind reeling. He didn't know what to do. It was Logan's Appreciation Day tomorrow… and he had nothing. He tried to find a gift for him, he really did- the man was just impossible to buy for! When he wants or needs something, he buys it himself. What do you get for a guy who doesn't need anything?
He could’ve made something… if he’d started it a month ago. He didn't want to just throw something together at the last minute! Then it’d be shitty and Logan wouldn’t like it and Logan wouldn’t like him and what if Logan already didn't like him and-
“Virgil! I could hear your overthinking from three rooms across!” Janus popped up on Virgil’s desk, sitting cross legged and checking his nails in an attempt to seem nonchalant.
“You’re forgiven. What’s the problem?”
Virgil thought for a moment. Maybe Janus could actually… help. “It’s Logan’s day tomorrow, and I’ve got nothing. No matter how hard I try, nothing’s right.”
“Ah. I see. Do you want ideas? Or help with something? I’m sure Remus would love to help you out, he seems to have a liking for the nerd. I can get him if you want-”
“I HEARD MY NAME!” Remus appeared on top of Virgil’s bookshelf, hanging upside-down by his legs. Virgil jumped backwards onto his bed out of surprise and took a moment to catch his breath.
“YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!” Virgil screamed, though he knew that’s what Remus had wanted. Remus just stuck his tongue out at him.
“Yes, Remus- Virgil needs help with a gift for Logan, do you think you could be of assistance?” Janus said, completely unfazed. Virgil did not like the way Remus’s eyes lit up at that…
“...Oh, I can be of assistance, Jan.”
Hours later, they were still in Virgil’s room, working away. Remus and Janus had… actually helped? Turns out, they knew Logan better than Virgil thought. Remus had suggested a bunch of things- a still beating human heart, various mugs and shirts with vulgar sayings on them (most of which boiled down to “wanna fuck?”), and a flesh-eating plant came up as contenders, all of which were immediately shot down by Virgil. Janus offered to push Logan down the stairs; “so you can be there to give him a band-aid, of course!” Nothing seemed right.
But when they settled on an idea, they got straight to work- Virgil had paint all over his arms by the time they were finished, but he didn't mind. It was all worth it when he saw the finished product.
“Annnnnddd we’re done! Jan, can you hit the lights?” Remus jumped up to his feet, his eyes a bit wild and smile broadening by the second. Janus did what he asked, flicking the switch with a poorly concealed smile.
It was beautiful- bright, glowing stars on a black background, accurate to their position in the sky on the day the “teacher” character was introduced, the day they used as Logan Appreciation Day. Virgil could pick out Orion’s belt, one of the constellations he painted. They used glow in the dark paint; once it dried, it would only be seen in the dark. A perfect gift. And he had Remus and Janus to thank for it.
Remus jumped up and down and Janus clapped upon seeing their creation.
“Shit; we should’ve been in bed three hours ago-” Virgil rubbed his eyes- almost getting paint in them.
“You’re quite right- Remus, would you hang this up to dry? I’m sure you have the space for it,” Janus crossed his arms and looked at Remus, who nodded and grabbed the artwork, sinking out on the spot. Janus wasn’t far to follow.
Virgil collapsed into bed, now content with his gift. Logan was going to love it!
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maxfieldparrishes · 2 years
would it be harsh of me to ask for a bunch of,,like,,unposted ethanessa headcanons or something like that?? i miss the serotonin ur fics would give me ugh
not harsh of you at all! my executive functioning just sucks dong and i'm a horrible procrastinator when it comes to answering asks
so... unposted ethanessa headcanons... hmm... not really sure how much i've left unposted but!!! i will do this for you, and also for them because they are a Forever Ship
(jsyk these will be AU because i'm obsessed with the idea of them in the present day having a happy life and family together... also i'll be drawing on conversations i've had with @curioussubjects about the HML (happy modern life) AU) so here goes!!! under a cut because it got Long lol
ethanessa settles in either the pnw or maine, likely the pnw because there's some space for ethan during his time of the month but it's still relatively close to major cities (depends on your definition of close, tbf) (also i gotta represent my og turf! pnw represent!)
they have three kids - charles, claire, and celia. they are all thick as thieves which makes ethanessa sweat somewhat because of the potential of organized sibling chaos and shenanigans, but they adore their parents so they take it easy on them. mostly.
ethan is such a loving dad i can't even begin to describe him because i get too emotional!!! same with mom!vanessa... like they're not perfect people and they'd absolutely make mistakes as parents but their hearts are always in the right place!!! im crying omg
out of the three, claire and celia are both werewolves like ethan. this means that during every full moon there are 3 annoyed lycanthropes in the house and/or on the property--although now that ethan is older and more experienced with the shifting he's better able to control the urges, and he's made it a point to teach claire and celia how to better cope with the change while they're still young. claire will sometimes have supervised freedom while transformed; celia does not like transforming, does not trust herself, and will not leave the basement, even if calm/rational and if given the opportunity
charles is the most like van. magic shit. spooky ghosts. seances. freaky spellbooks. rituals that are Beyond Intricate. claire can deal with low-level shit, but anything above her pay grade (which is like... minimum wage) is sent to charles. charles is a nerd who loves lit theory and reads it for fun, philosophy and history, anthropology/sociology... academia in general; he wants to be a professor and publish incomprehensible papers when he grows up. also likes knitting to unwind, courtesy of ethan. would absolutely be bullied and stuffed into a locker if he wasn't so nice, cute, and friendly... closest out of the 3 kids to aunt cat, the sometimes-resident Cool Aunt
claire is the Social Butterfly of the three. she's the resident social (media) expert, keeps up-to-date on trends, tons of twitter/insta/snapchat/etc followers. absolutely has a hydroflask with stickers on it and an iced coffee obsession. chaotic middle child energy. super smart and cunning and protective of her family, absolutely the type to get into poli-sci for the activism, which she eventually does. loves cats even though they don't love her, animals in general, the environment, and being bisexual; does NOT love being a werewolf. she loves both her parents but would probably admit to being closer to ethan (is 100% a daddy's girl) probably the only member of the family who actually enjoys organized sports (was on the soccer team) once punched a guy who repeatedly sexually harassed her in the face, broke his nose, and was sent to the principal's office for it. ethanessa were proud <3
celia is the Artist in Residence of the clan. an absolute madwoman in the best way, she lives to create, is creating constantly, and is a fucking superstar bohemian who will one day go down in history and end up in museums. she works in a variety of mediums--painting (watercolors, oils, etc), ink drawings, sketches, clay--and always has something up her sleeve or on the backburner. gives off a vibe of being somewhat disconnected from reality, but she's very astute and observant. 100% the quietest and least social of the three kids, but also the kindest and most open-minded. can go through manic phases that result in an increased creative output but can also crash super hard, is on mood stabilizers and a diet high in omega-3s to help; the lycanthropy does not help AT ALL. 100% goes to school in paint-covered clothes, paints sets for the drama dept, has no social media at all but claire reps her sister's art on her own accounts and charles does too. has baby privilege; everyone loves her the most, including addy, the pet goat.
(they're all so supportive of each other i'm so!!!)
even though ethanessa are each other's primary partners, they are also both in a polyamorous relationship with catriona (and she with them) an anthropology professor, and the kids' Cool Aunt Cat
cat is literally a cat--she comes and goes as she pleases, she loves the kids like they're her own, she loves van to death and ethan only slightly less. far too self-directed and independent to ever be a dog, even if she is one of the most loyal and loving people ever
she's not always there bc she has her own apartment and her own life, but she spends a ton of time with the family when she can and wants to
the kids have all known her since they were born, grew up being somewhat co-parented by her, and idolize her completely, charles especially
brings yarn back from her travels so the fam (except for vanessa, who, bless her heart, SUCKS at knitting) can knit sweaters for addy (and sometimes scarves for van if the yarn is REALLY nice)
non-traditional family structures!!!
cat is the one who introduced charles to Theory and also tea. she gave him some hegel and zizek to read as a joke while he drank his genmaicha but he was absolutely enamored; told ethanessa later after he gave them all a lecture about lacan and the mirror stage at dinner: "i have created a monster. i am so sorry."
they don't have cats, but they do have dogs and a pygmy goat named adelaide, or addy for short
addy is the undisputed queen of the household and every single one of them would bend over backwards to make that goat happy
celia is addy's favorite person, because she's always on the floor doing Art, and doesn't mind it when addy climbs on her
addy has more instagram followers than charles and claire combined, because all 3 kids + ethan knit her sweaters and post pictures of her in them online. they have a schedule for it and everything, and the hype surrounding this tiny-ass goat is i n s a n e
ethanessa don't really use social media except to monitor the kids and keep in touch with fam because while they are not necessarily old they are also Old, if that makes sense
ethan goes deep into the forest during his transformations and usually it's uneventful... until the one time vanessa doesn't go with him, which becomes the one time he saves some lost hikers from a cougar and becomes a local legend as the town's Resident Cryptid
(this is a source of never-ending hilarity in the ives-chandler household. ethan is voted "hottest cryptid in the pnw" three years running and van gets it for him on a coffee mug. there is a close-up picture of his absolutely unimpressed face when he's presented with it on the polaroid wall and it is one of van's most treasured photos)
there's a well-intentioned running joke/bit in the town where they all playful accuse each other of being the HCITW (Hot Cryptid In The Woods). ethan almost got outed one day and left the grocery store sweating BUCKETS after one of the hikers he saved turned out to be the cashier in his checkout line, who said that he could have sworn he'd seen ethan somewhere before (ethan: "i just have one of those faces i guess???")
one girl in claire's class is absolutely CONVINCED it's ethan and she's absolutely right, but after claire takes her home one day to work on a project she's like "nah claire your dad couldn't possibly be a werewolf cryptid man he's way too chill and dorky" (claire: "don't tell anyone but that's the weed. at least the chill part is weed. he's just a dork naturally")
ethan is offended despite himself; van and charles have to leave the house to go walk in the woods because they're laughing so hard; celia is unbothered and only emerges from her room to change her paint water. claire thinks that she might one day marry this girl.
(they aren't married but they are still dating!)
none of this isn't to say they don't have bad days. sometimes charles hyperfocuses on things that aren't real--ghosts of people and the ghost in the book and drifts away from reality. sometimes claire is too angry for her own damn good and, when the full moon hits, becomes more of a wolf than either her father or her sister. the period of time before celia's mental health issues were nailed down and treated was hard on everyone. sometimes ethan and vanessa run out of patience with each other. sometimes they all have moods where they just don't want to talk. they're all in step with each other anyway, and sometimes you just don't want to fucking talk.
but all in all... it's a solid family. the state of being alive, in and of itself, is far too messy to ever be perfect, but their life now is better than either van or ethan could have dreamed (especially considering their own childhoods...) there's so much love in there that all of them don't know where or how they can store it all. there is so much love that no one is hungry and there is love left over for those who might need a little more. it's open hearts and warm arms and a hand to hold in the darkness. it's fucking awesome. it's the best.
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41. what kind of editions/versions do you like to read?
For acting, ALWAYS the first folio. Editors always fuck up the scansion and punctuation and spelling and it completely changes the way you’d play it and it infuriates me. (See: the Folio vs MIT Macbeth 1.7)
For reading, probably the Arden Third or honestly? The Barnes and noble. They have some real handy footnotes.
42. are you predominantly a drama nerd, a literature nerd, a history nerd, or something else?
Definitely a drama nerd, but I guess like a literature-as-drama nerd? Like I fuck with Shakespeare obviously and stage / film adaptations of classic lit (someone talk to me about Kate Hamill’s Jane Austen adaptations or The Green Knight movie).
(And obviously a greek tragedy nerd peep the url)
43. funniest line from a tragedy?
God, there are so many. It’s such a common answer but I’m working on Titus Andronicus rn and Aaron’s ‘villain I have done thy mother’ line always makes me laugh. Also, pretty much anything said by Mercutio in R+J, specifically this whole exchange:
I dream'd a dream to-night.
And so did I.
Well, what was yours?
That dreamers often lie.
44. most dramatically compelling line from a comedy?
GOD ALSO SO MANY. I’d say the two that stick out are Viola’s whole monologue in Twelfth Night 2.4, starting with
Ay, but I know--
What dost thou know?
Too well what love women to men may owe:
In faith, they are as true of heart as we.
My father had a daughter loved a man,
As it might be, perhaps, were I a woman,
I should your lordship.
BUT shout to this Much Ado 2.1 line that always makes me cry:
[…,] you were born in
a merry hour.
No, sure, my lord, my mother cried; but then there
was a star danced, and under that was I born.
45. share a Shakespearean hot take or unpopular opinion
(Aggressiveness coming) it’s not a cool or edgy or a well informed take to say Romeo and Juliet is just about some stupid kids who caused a bunch of deaths cause they couldn’t chill. You’re not only not #edgy for thinking that, but you have the reading comprehension skills of a fucking child. Cool you saw one #edgy 2012 tumblr post. Have you even read the play? Much less read it closely and done research on it? I didn’t think so. If you think R&J is about stupid kids, you’re not as interesting and mature as you think you are, you’re not #notlikeothergirls, grow up and read the gd play properly.
Sorry apparently that’s a sensitive subject for me agrshjfsgjj
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soupbabe · 2 years
hi!! can i get a paul dano character match up please?
im 21, she/her. my hobbies are basically reading (mostly mysteries, romances and classics), crochet, studying, writing on my diary, sudoku and drawing.
im an intj and a capricorn. for appearance: im 5'1, i have really long curly brown hair and hazel eyes.
im a lit major but i also really like math, so both books and numbers are pretty much my thing.
I don't know what else to say about myself! hope this is enough. thank you in advance<3
I match you with,,,
Edward Nashton ♡
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Mystery novels?? Math nerd?? Sudoku?? Oh you have Edward's heart! Mind puzzles are a massive part of Edward's being and the fact that you're just as interested makes his mind melt! He'd love to take any book suggestions, already making a mini library in his home of all of your favorites. If you're especially passionate about a topic, expect Edward's full attention on you.
He loves your more artistic side as well! If you go out to buy yarn for a specific project, he wants to be by your side to do as much as he can to help. He's surprisingly critical of certain colors </3
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Hello there. Could I possibly get a matchup with the Bad Batch? If ur still doing it that is...
I’m 5’8 with short brown curly hair. I’m kinda skinny (only because i have an eating issue) with a slim structure. My eyes are a weird colour, mixed with green, blue with a orange/brown ring around the iris (no it’s not hazel). I enjoy art, listening to music, writing, crafts, and just about anything that I can create. I enjoys cities, especially at night but I do enjoy nature during the day. My favourite season is winter and autumn. I’m not very confident and i tend to stutter and get lost for words, can’t always say what’s on my mind because most of the time I’m not even sure what’s going on up there. Im more of a listener than a talker although when I get really interested in something I’ll talk for hours. I’d say I’m a curious soul with an understanding heart. Im a mix between an extrovert and a introvert. Who is sleep? Never met them. I love coffee and tea, mostly tea (earl grey). Bit of a sweet tooth. Tend to do little dances when I’m happy. I like to chew if things, especially when anxious or stressed. I’m pretty chill with anything and everything. Not a fan of loud noises or yelling as it sometimes scares me. And I’m a hoarder/collector, I hoard almost anything and everything. Lol sorry if this is a bit much, ty. Hope u have a nice day/night :)
I bad batch match you with...Tech
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-Tech isn't very social so it's almost a miracle when Hunter somehow gets you two to work together. At the start your both very quite not talking much to each other other then asking for each other to pass different items to each other.
-tech towers over everyone is 6'4 he maybe a bit of a nerd but he's a strong tall nerd.
- alot of things fascinate him, your eyes being one of them. He loves the colours to them, you have on many occasions caught him 'studying' you.
- he really enjoys having you help him and doesn't feel pressured into having to talk but once you both open up there is no way to get you to stop.
-late nights up reading, working and chatting over anything that comes to your minds
-Tech understands that sometimes it's hard to talk, he's been shot down may of times when talking about things he enjoys or knows. So he in very patient with you. He tries not to info dumb on you to much.
- He will routinely make you tea/Caf when he makes his of a morning
-the first time he sees you do a lit trle happy dance he knows he's in love with you. It wasn't over anything important but a little tho g that he had made for you or helped you with. He's a love struck man. He's the defection of leaning on his hand staring love struck at you.
- he doesn't have the courage to tell you so Crosshair is the one who 'bullies' him into telling you with the. "If you don't tell them then they are free game"
Tech's eyes never leave their form as he watches them do a happy little dance down the main hall of the Havoc Marauder.
Tech rest his chin on his gloved hand and smiles his eyes following them as they chat with hunter. He can see them use their hands as they talk excitement written all across their face.
A shadow cast over his face and his eyes flick to Crosshair who Takes a seat on the other side of him. Tech raises an eyebrow to the sniper.
"You know that the boys and I have a bet running over when you are going to ask them out" he says, he rolls the tooth pick across his teeth and keeps his eyes on watching down the hall.
Techs eyes widen as he shifts his body to be facing his brother. " If you don't do it tech one of us boys will, they are nice and like you. It's the reason I haven't made a move on them, but if you don't pull it togethe. I will" Cross says his eyes landing on tech this time.
Tech looks to the table and anywhere so that he doesn't meet Crosshairs gaze. Tech stands up and makes his way over to where 'they' stand near Hunter.
Tech clears his Throat, Hunter smiles and gives a quick nod before walking back to the cockpit. Tech grabs their hand gentle making them look to him. "Can I have a word in private with you?" He ask looking to Crosshair as a way to tell him to leave.
Crosshair gets up and walks to the cockpit where the rest of his brothers are. He turns to look back down to them.
He can feel his nerves on fire, he shouldn't be this worried all the data and information he had collected had proven that he had a 94% chance of them saying eyes when he asked but is always that 6% that scares him.
"Tech?" His eyes shoot back to him as they smile up to him. " Tech are you alright?" They ask lightly. He nods before letting out a sigh. He closes his eyes.
When he opens his eyes again he takes a breath trying to get the courage to ask finally.
"May I kiss you?"
"Of course you can!" They laughed, their arms reach up and grab the front of his blacks to pull him down to them. His lips press agaisnt theirs awkwardly but he doesn't let go. His arms moving to wrap around them. He pulls them closer breaking the kiss to smile at them.
"Took your time tech" hunter calls out from the hall.
Wrecker looks almost broken as Crosshair nudges him "you owe me 3 credits now Wrecker" the sniper says.
"Leave them alone the lot of you" echo away a from further in the ship.
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maryonacross-mp3 · 3 years
Good morning Eda 🖤
look I found a pic of our girlfriend getting inked ;-; Look at this edgy gremlin, someone is working on his arm with a desk lamp in a dimly lit room and he still needs sunglasses indoor 🙄🙄 What a nerd 🙄 He can be lucky that I love him 🙄
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Have a wonderful day and feel loved and cuddled 🖤🖤
And I saw you just found my ask from yesterday :') if tumblr will eat this one too I'm gonna throw hands >:(
hiiii julia you're already awake🥺 (while im on my way to bed soon lmao)
THIS PHOTO!!!! it's literally captioned something like "first tattoo" if i remember correctly and honestly ;-; this soft tiny bitch getting the "best gig ever" tattoo as his first tattoo??? MY HEART???? ;-; im so fucking soft. so so so fucking soft (and yes he's a nerd for the sunglasses indoors but for once i am willing to let that one go and not drag his ass...)
i call taz and johnny cowards for not having a pic of themselves getting tattoed tho and also. didn't they go together as bc do with their family trips to the tattoo shop?😤 im sure they did so, @ taz and johnny, chop chop it's never too late to post those throwback photos thank you very much
so yea, since we can't have those, in exchange, have a random one that we haven't shared. still a poser, what's new🙄
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt92
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
When Chloe pulled back Marinette kept a hold of her shoulders to force eye contact. She knew Chloe still got embarrassed showing any type of affection so if she let go Chloe would likely retreat back into herself. As it was she just looked confused.
“I’m sorry.” She watched as Chloe blinked at her, obviously not sure how to react to that.
“Sorry about what?” Where did she even start?
“I’m sorry I scared you last night.” Chloe opened her mouth to respond but Marinette just kept going. If she didn’t get this out now she wasn’t sure she’d be able to. “Sorry that I’m so used to pushing myself past my limits that I don’t even stop to think if I need to anymore. I’m sorry you feel like you need to keep up a front around me because you’re afraid I won’t be able to handle hearing your problems. And I’m so sorry you didn’t feel like this was something you could talk to me about.” She motioned to the papers still spread out on the table. “It’s obviously something that you’re passionate about and have put a lot of work into. I can’t believe I got so wrapped up in myself that I didn’t even notice you were working on something. You deserve better.” It hurt that Chloe was so afraid of adding stress to her that she didn’t even want to share the good things.
“I didn’t want to bother you with it, at least not until I had a better idea of if it will work or not.” The mumbled response just made Marinette feel more guilty.
“Chloe.” She waited for her girlfriend to make eye contact. “You are not a bother. Your ideas and thoughts are not a bother. We’re partners. Even if you don’t want my input on something, you can still talk to me about it so I can at least offer you support. If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.” Chloe just stared at her for a minute before Marinette saw tears in her eyes. The next thing she knew she was in another crushing hug.
“Thank you.” She sounded so grateful and Marinette was mental cursing at herself. She forgot to take into account how different their home lives were far too often. Marinette had parents who loved her. More than that they were present in her life. If she was excited about something she knew she could go to them and they would at least be interested in how she felt about it. Chloe had never had anything close to that. Her father gave her money and shooed her away. Her mother couldn’t be bothered to remember she had a child most of the time. Chloe had been alone for most of her life other than Sabrina.
“You don’t have to thank me. Given all the times I’ve bored you to tears with my nonsense, not to mention everything you do for me, I’m the one who should be grateful.” And she was. She honestly didn’t know what she would have done without her.
“You’re never boring and after everything I’ve done I still can’t believe you’re even willing to talk to me.” That was the problem. She felt like she deserved to be alone and ignored by everyone around her. Marinette was fairly certain Chloe expected her to just up and leave one day, or maybe even start being abusive towards her because that was really all she knew to expect.
“You made mistakes, yes. But you learned and grew from them. Judging someone on their past actions but completely ignoring their current ones is insane. We’ve both done things we regret, but letting those things define you just keeps you trapped in the past. I’d much rather concentrate on our future.” Marinette caught Selina give Chloe an ‘I told you so look’ that she was going to have to ask about later. “But to do that we’ve both got to get better at talking to each other. I need you to remind me every once in a while that I don’t have to do everything by myself anymore, and I’m going to get it through your head that just because your parents don’t think anything is more important than themselves doesn’t mean no one will ever put you first.”
“You two are so cute. I imagine this is how talks with Bruce would go if the man understood the concept of communication. Or admitting he’s wrong about something.” Chloe let out an amused snort before pulling back to look at the woman.
“So you’re saying Damian comes by it honestly then?” Marinette shot her a glare but the girl just stuck her tongue out at her.
“Between having a mother with no emotions, and a father with no idea how to show them you could certainly say so. He seems to have gotten much better at it since moving here though. We actually talked for once instead of just poking at each other.”
“Mari has that effect on people.” Marinette just rolled her eyes at the praise.
“I’m pretty sure I’m not the one calming him down.” Selina’s eyes lit up and Marinette regretted being so flippant.
“Ah yes, the mystery boyfriend that the boys think doesn’t exist. I’m looking forward to meeting him as well.” Marinette shared a look with Chloe.
“That will be on their terms if it happens at all. Given some of the things they’ve said and done, Damian’s not thrilled about having told them that much. And he doesn’t want to subject his significant other to their interrogations until they’ve had a chance to calm down either.” Selina rolled her eyes and let out a frustrated breath.
“I don’t blame him. Bruce was an only child and really has no concept of how siblings should interact versus how his kids actually do. Some of the things that come out of their mouths are ridiculous, especially Jason and Steph. Bruce always seems surprised when their teasing results in Damian pulling out weapons. It’s sad really.”
“So you’ll leave him alone to tell everyone in his own time?” Selina looked surprised by the question but Marinette had to make sure.
“Of course. When I figure out who it is I’ll keep it to myself. I promise I won’t even tell Bruce.” Chloe was eyeing the woman with a calculating expression.
“What makes you think you’ll figure it out before he tells you?” Selina chuckled.
“Because unlike the Bats I pay attention to the things that are right under my nose. Not to mention they all seem to be expecting some drastic transformation whenever he’s around this person and won’t be looking for subtle hints. I do know that Alfred and Cass have figured out who it is already and aren’t sharing, so I’m confident I’ll be able to figure it out, and keep the boys from looking too closely at the wrong things, just in case.”
AO3   Beginning   Previous    Next
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
johnny x reader (literally all smut, i dont know what to say)
you absolutely, 100% loathe johnny suh. what happens when you find yourself stuck in an elevator with him?
word count: 3k (johnny has me messed up this comeback, ok?)
warnings: language, thigh-riding, fingering, elevator sex, degradation, choking, hair-pulling, overuse of the word kitten, johnny eats his cum from you, theres probably more because suddenly im a whore for johnny, this is just a cesspool ok
You were rushing back home, you had forgotten your textbook for your biology class, and your professor would be using problems from it all lecture. You didn’t want to have to deal with her wrath by not bringing it with you. So here you were, sprinting through the streets in the hot summer air, with the sun beating down on you as you headed towards your apartment. You caught your breath as you strolled into the air-conditioned lobby, groaning as the elevator doors started to close. You love your apartment, you really did, but the elevator was so slow, and someone was moving in today, making it almost impossible to catch. And you didn’t want to have to take the stairs up to your 12th-floor apartment. 
“Please hold the elevator,” you yelled as you ran, slipping inside just before the doors closed. As you turned to press your floor, you noticed who you were sharing an elevator with. To be more specific, you noticed who you were sharing the elevator with who was also holding a moving box. Johnny Suh stood before you. Annoying, attractive Johnny Suh. 
Johnny just stared at you, mischief in his eyes and he rested the box he was holding on his hip and gave a little wave in your direction. 
“Are you following me or something, Suh?” you asked, groaning as you realized the 11th-floor button was already lit up. 
“In your dreams, nerd,” he laughed, leaning his head back against the elevator wall. You stood as far away from him as you could, putting in your headphones and praying that he would leave you alone. You and Johnny were self-proclaimed enemies. He was in your science class the very first semester of your freshman year, and when you were assigned together for a group project, your feelings were set in stone. Not only did he spend the whole time bothering you, but he ended up not doing any work, leaving you to finish the project by yourself. After that, it seemed like he followed you around, in fact, this was the first semester since you started college that you didn't have a single class together. Yet here he was, moving into your apartment building and most likely on your floor. 
You would be less annoyed by him if you didn’t find him as attractive as you did. He bothers you all of the time, but you still had your fair share of angry sex wet dreams that he was the star of. You shook those thoughts from your mind as you glanced at Johnny, he was smirking at you, something you just rolled your eyes at. 
“What’s got you all hot and bothered?” he asked, setting down the box and slipping his hands in his pockets. You glanced at the floor count of the elevator, groaning as you realized you were only on floor four. 
“I hate these elevators,” you mumbled, ignoring the fact that Johnny was getting closer to where you stood. 
“You’re blushing pretty hard, nerd. Whatcha thinking about?” he grinned at you, lowering his face so that he was staring at your profile. You refused to turn to look at him. Johnny would never fail to get on your nerves, it's as if he had a gift for it. You were just praying, hoping that this whole elevator ride would be over soon. At that moment, the elevator shook, dropping a little bit and, with a loud screech, jerking to a stop. 
Johnny’s body pushed you into the wall, the force of the stop causing you both to stumble. He quickly got off of you, curse words falling from his lips as the lights in the elevator flickered. 
“Why?” you groaned, your voice rising as the lights came back on, “fuck, Johnny, what the hell do we do?”
“I don't know! You are supposed to be the smart one!!” he ran his hands through his hair in frustration, his voice clearly showing how freaked out he was. 
“God, this is probably because you’ve been using the elevators all day to move-in.”
“What was I supposed to do? Carry my couch up 11 flights of stairs by myself?” Johnny hissed back, kicking the box near his feet. 
“Why are you even moving in anyways, get kicked out of your frat house?” You rolled your eyes, you wouldn’t be stuck in this elevator if it wasn't for him. 
“You don’t know a single thing about me nerd, so I suggest you shut up,” Johnny snarled, sitting on the opposite side of the elevator. You followed his lead, sitting against the wall across from him. Neither one of you looking at the other. 
You desperately checked your phone, letting out another sigh as no service flashed at the top of your screen. 
“Check your phone to see if you have service,” you demanded, watching hopefully as Johnny pulled his phone out, pressing the power button once. 
“It’s dead,” he said, letting his head fall back onto the wall with a thud. 
Twenty minutes after the alarm button on the elevator was pressed you feel the first bead of sweat form on your forehead. You took a deep breath in, and tried your best to ignore the growing temperature of the room. You took a quick glance at Johnny, he was clearly feeling the heat too. 
“Is it getting hotter?” you asked, fanning yourself with a folder you had in your backpack. 
“The air conditioning must’ve broken too,” Johnny said, meeting your eyes for a second before muttering, “I can’t stand this anymore.”
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets as he threw his shirt off, smirking at your expression and quirking his eyebrow.
Your eyes were drawn immediately to his sculpted abs, his chest somewhat sweaty but just the perfect amount. You coughed a little, trying to cover up your blatant staring but Johnny just laughed at you, spreading his legs and giving you a better view. 
“Fuck off, Johnny,” you rolled your eyes, looking away from his toned stomach. 
“Please, nerd, the least I can do is give you a free show,” he chuckled, running his hand through his slightly sweaty hair, “You seem to be enjoying it anyway, so why should I stop?”
“I only looked because you are sweating and smell gross,” you replied easily, looking away before your eyes dropped any further. 
“Whatever you have to convince yourself of,” Johnny winked at you, silence filling the elevator again. 
If you thought it was hot before, it was exponentially hotter now. Your mind not able to get the image of Johnny’s perfectly sculpted body and how his muscles would look as he... enough. You shook those thoughts from your head, the stickiness growing between your thighs despite your efforts to calm down. 
It was like Johnny knew what he was doing to you. He kept biting his lips, running his hand through his hair, and worst of all he turned his groans into moans. You had every desire to cover your ears and pray to God for forgiveness. But it was too late. Your thoughts had already descended into a place that you couldn’t recover from without… taking care of some things. 
You tried to keep cool, but your rising body temperature is due more to a handsome young man than the broken ac. It was becoming too much for you to bear, the heat and tension filling the elevator finally sending you over the edge. 
“Fuck it,” you muttered, throwing your shirt off and practically moaning as cool air hit your tummy. 
You glanced at Johnny, his gaze firmly set on your black lace bra, his tongue poking out as he readjusted himself on the floor. 
“Want a free show?” you asked, smirk mimicking his own when he had asked a similar question earlier. 
“Are you trying to seduce me now, nerd?” Johnny’s voice practically growled, his voice now gravelly and his eyes burning into the side of your head. 
“I don’t think it would take much of an effort,” you smirked, meeting his darkening eyes. 
“Oh really?” he asked, an eyebrow rising at your statement, “I don’t think I’d have to work that hard either.”
You just scoffed at his statement, more heat filling your body as you thought about what his words could mean. 
“What makes you think I’d be that easy, hm?” You shot back, gulping as Johnny let out a laugh. 
“Because I can see the wetness through your shorts love,” he winked, you body immediately flushing hotter, “gray looks good on you.”
“Shut up,” you snapped, moving your legs so you were covered, “It’s not like I can’t see the tent in your shorts.”
“Then come take care of it for me?” Johnny asked, spreading his legs as an invitation. 
“W-what?” you questioned, your heart beating much faster than it had been a moment beforehand. 
“Oh don’t get shy on me now, kitten,” Johnny smirked, “you’ve been so outspoken and such a little brat today. No need to become speechless now.”
“Ok, ha. Ha. Very funny Johnny,” you rolled your eyes, “jokes over. You can quit messing with me.”
Johnny just tsked at this, his voice sending an immediate jolt to your core,“It’s too bad, kitten, I really could’ve helped you with your little problem.”
You both sat in silence for a minute or two, the urge to touch yourself growing the more you thought about the words Johnny had spoken to you only a minute before. You fidgeted in your spot, avoiding Johnny’s gaze and praying that someone, anyone would open those elevator doors so you could go home and pass out against your vibrator. Your fingers played with the hem of your shorts, a moan threatening to spill from your mouth at even the slightest touch.
“Fuck,” Johnny whispered, grabbing your hand in his own and pulling you onto his lap, “If you wanna cum, ride my thigh.”
You squirmed on his lap, your first instinct to slap him and crawl back to your side of the elevator, but your slight movement was just enough friction for you self control to snap. You buried your head into his shoulder as you situated yourself against his thigh, your hips gently rolling against his flesh. His hands found their way onto your hips, guiding you back and forth to increase your pace. You whined against his collarbone, the pleasure exactly the kind of relief that you needed. 
“I knew you could be good, kitten,” Johnny praised, forcing your hips down further and tensing his thigh, a full-blown moan leaving your mouth then. 
“Sh-shut up,” you moaned, “No talking.”
Johnny landed a swift slap on your ass then, the sting still felt through your shorts, “You don’t make the rules,” he growled, stopping your hips and shoving your shorts and underwear down. He slipped a finger between your folds, a groan leaving his mouth as he stared at your core. He met your eyes, his face turning from horny to serious. 
“Do you want to do this?” He whispered, his eyes not leaving yours for a second. 
“God, please Johnny. If you don’t fuck me right now, we really are going to become enemies,” you begged, hands finding their way to the waistband of his shorts and pulling them down. Johnny took no more than a second to snap back into his previous persona, a growl leaving his throat as he grabbed both of your hands with one of his. 
“Do you really think you deserve my cock?” He asked, “You’ve been such a little brat, why should I help you, hm?”
“Johnny please,” you begged, wriggling in his grasp, your hips trying to find some sort of friction. 
“Even now you are just a needy little slut, trying to get off,” he whispered, a groan leaving your lips as another slap landed on your ass, “Poor little kitten, can’t come on her own, needs someone's help.”
You whined as Johnny flipped you over gently, balling up his shirt and using it as a pillow for your head.  Then he kissed you, and not surprisingly to you, he was a really good kisser. His passion and desire were clear as he kissed you, making the locking of your lips a good kind of messy. 
He dipped his fingers into your heat as he kissed you, stretching your lips apart so that you would adjust to him more easily. He quieted your moans with his mouth, pulling away briefly to press a kiss to your temple and shimmy his shorts off. 
Johnny cupped your face once again staring into your eyes and asking a silent question. You nodded in response but he just tucked a piece of your hair behind your ears and said, “I need words, please.”
“Johnny please, I want this,” you spoke quietly, and that was enough for him to press another kiss on your lips and sink himself into you. You both groaned at the feeling, pleasure immediately building as he bottomed out. 
Johnny’s hand caressed down your face until it made its way around your throat. Johnny’s eyes flickered to yours in order to sense any sort of discomfort, but he practically growled as your eyes rolled back. He tightened his grip slightly, sending just the right amount of pleasure through you. 
“I always knew you were a slut, like when your hole is filled and you can’t breathe, hm?”
You nodded, a whine tearing from your throat as he reached his other hand in between your bodies and made contact with your bud. His thrusts were deep, and you swear the elevator was shaking, but you didn’t care. Pleasure surrounded you, Johnny’s hand wrapped around your throat couldn’t even stop the moans from leaving your mouth. 
The coil in your belly was tightening, and as Johnny rubbed at your clit and hit spots within you that no one had ever hit, you came. Your whole body spasming and your eyes rolling back into your head. Johnny moved his hands up and down your sides, soothing you as he continued to thrust. When he pulled out of you, a whine tore through your throat, not ready to let go of the fullness that his cock provided. 
“Don’t worry kitten, I’m not done with you yet,” he smirked, holding out a hand in order to help you move around, “Hands and knees, now.”
You complied easily, used to taking orders from him now and wanting him to fill you up again. You let him readjust you, and when he pushed himself inside you couldn’t help but tighten around him. Johnny cursed, gripping your hips tightly and thrusting harshly to try and get you to relax. When you did, he landed a sharp smack on your ass, a moan leaving your lips before you could stop it. 
“I never gave you permission to come kitten,” Johnny said, his breath uneven but his trusts staying strong. He grabbed a handful of your hair pulling it just hard enough to send another bolt of pleasure through you. His hand hit you again, your eyes fluttering shut at the pleasure. 
“So tight, kitten,” he grunted, his hips rocking into yours at a monstrous pace, “like being used?”
“Y-yes,” you moaned, too caught up in the pleasure to think about who you were saying that to.
His pace was getting more erratic, and his grunts were becoming louder when he reached his hand around you and attached it again to your sensitive bud. 
“Cum, YN,” he demanded, his hand making up for the inconsistent rocking of his hips. You came easily, not realizing you were as close as you were. With your heat tightening into a vice grip around Johnny’s length, he came. The twitch of his cock inside you causing another spasm around him. He hissed, pressing a light kiss to your shoulder as he pulled out. 
“You ok?” He asked, helping you sit on your bum and rubbing your sore knees, gently. You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to even out your breathing, and that's when he struck. 
You felt his tongue lapping at your sensitive core, your eyes shooting open at the sudden pleasure. 
“Johnny what are you-” You started, but a long swipe of his tongue made you shut up. 
“I’m cleaning up,” he added, the mischievous grin that he always wore was back on his face. He buried himself back into your core, spreading your lips with his fingers and licking into your heat. 
None of the people you had ever been with had made you cum twice, but here you were building up into a third high. This one seemed to be more due to the fact that Johnny was eating his own cum from inside you. A thought that made your heat pulse. As Johnny licked, he rubbed your extremely sensitive clit with his index finger. He was gentle and attentive to anything he did that seemed to be too much for you. He resumed his focus on your clit after intertwining his hand with your own, allowing you to squeeze it as you came once again on his tongue. He licked you through your orgasm, your mind completely blanking as the pleasure overtook you. When you were done, he pulled you onto his lap, pressing a kiss to your nose and helping you fix your hair. He helped you pull your clothes back on, and when the door to the elevator was pried open, he hid you from the view of the whistling men who had come to save you. Johnny had never been so sweet with you, and as he helped you inside your apartment and into your bed, only one thought was running through your head. 
Maybe you didn’t mind having Johnny Suh as your new next-door neighbor at all.
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kozutenshi · 4 years
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you can feel the thorns of the flowers that they threw down on the casket as it disappears out of plain view. through the white lace covering your face, the same colored roses rolled off to the ground under the pearly white and gold of the finely made wood coffin get swallowed by the dirt from the shovels of the workers.
you sat idly as you clasped your hands together, your tears blurring your vision once again.
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— a superstition. old people tell us young to not loiter much after sunset due to roaming spirits that might 'touch' us as we go home.
— to counter, we must chant "maykan, (y/n)" until we reach our house and enter it safely, an expression that tells "come with me, (y/n)" in english which means you're beckoning your soul to come home with you and not stay there with the spirits, especially if you really loved that certain place.
(a/n: i still do this everytime i go somewhere lmfao im a scaredy cat pls hold my hand-)
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"children, wash your hands properly after playing, alright?" the faces of the children lit up as you smiled at them softly, a chorus of gratitude and joy reaching your ears. you watched them waddle away, forming a circle and deciding who is 'it' before laughing and running to their hiding places.
the day was in a perfect temperature, the sun shining neither too bright nor too dim. it was, overall, peaceful.
"3! 2! 1! i'm coming!"
you laughed as the other children tense up with the approach of the 'it'. you smiled at them fondly until you felt a touch on your shoulder.
a touch of coldness, something out of nowhere under the sunny rays. gulping, you paid it no mind as you toyed with the two rings your lover had once given you. the embedded stone in one of them sparkled under the light, making kuroo smile from behind your shoulder.
"you still wear it, huh?"
you couldn't hear him; he knew you wouldn't. besides,
he's dead.
how can you hear the voice of the dead?
it was futile, but he went in front and reached towards you to cup your face, eliciting a shiver from you. the icyness of his touch was more like an air to you that didn't leave your cheek for minutes, before you felt a small cold tap on your forehead, a kiss from kuroo.
"how i wish.."
you stood up shaking, your eyes scanning for a sign before you noticed the sun was about to set. "children, let's go home!"
"yes teacher!"
the children chanted under their breaths as they left the playground walking behind you, the same one where you had met kuroo when you were children.
in your haste, you found yourself at home, the emptiness of your house sinking in, and the realization that you didn't chant it.
you suddenly felt weak, something that kuroo had immediately noticed. he tried to touch you, but found himself unable to as he realized it was his fault.
"kuroo, are you there?"
he froze as he saw the tears in your eyes. he took in your face, your weak figure holding on to the couch. "i didn't know you were capable of such effect, nerd." he chuckles but shortly stopped as you drew in a deep breath. "you're still watching over me? i don't know if i should be glad about that, but, i feel blessed to still have you by my side."
til death do us part, was it? but even in death, he was with you.
"you know the consequence of touching me, yet you still did it, you dork. i'm very fragile right now. maybe if you told me to get some iron and vitamin c for my immune system to be at a good shape before touching me then i would be better."
kuroo silently listened and watched as you rambled about the children, how it felt nice to be a motherly figure to all of them who never found their own. touched was an understatement, especially when he heard a sniffle from you.
"i.. i just wish you were here with me.
not a day in my life, i had forgotten about you. not a day did i not yearn for you. why must you be gone so early?"
tears trickled down your face as you fully sobbed, his heart that was once beating, aching in his chest.
"we could have had our own. we could have fulfilled more of our dreams."
kuroo stood stonily as he watched you reach for the remote for the television. this, for him, was a common sight. you sat on the couch, clutching a pillow in between your arms as your tears fell, the familiar wedding song filling your ears, the wedding video blurry to your eyes.
he probably also should have the urge to cry, but a part of him is cringing at how awkward he looked at some shots that he just couldn't.
instead, he was overwhelmed with the urge to take you in his arms, hold you until you stopped crying. it pained him that he can not do so, that he won't be able to comfort you.
a knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts, and you bregudgingly marched towards the door, not feeling much through the head ache.
"how can i hel-”
"you look like a mess again."
your chuckle floated across the room, and if kuroo's heart was still beating, he probably would've felt it speed up. kenma stood at the door with food in his arms. "mean as always, kenma."
"i'm just saying, will kuroo like it if he sees you crying everyday?"
you froze, noticing the underlying pain in his eyes. kuroo watched both of you fill with silence, before he stood up, making his way to the door.
"he's here, y'know. he was just here."
it was his turn to freeze. "i think i got a fever from his touch, literally." kenma blinked at you before sighing. "maybe yo-"
"you think, it was his way of telling me to let him go?"
the words got stuck on his throat as kenma tried to find the right words. kuroo watched as he struggled, a part of him unsure but still, despite the way you tensed, he enveloped his arms around you one last time.
"that's right."
a brush on your cheek.
"let me go, y/n."
a ghost of a hand holding yours.
"i'll see you in another life."
then the hand slipped.
just like that, his cold presence disappeared and you wanted to sob, you wanted to collapse.
but instead, you let the tears fall, let a part of him go, and smiled.
that's right. 'til death do us part.
"maybe it is, right, kenma?"
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TRAVELLERS: @babythotshq @doodleniella @kenmakodzu @lyzzklm @mfcassandra @oikaw-ugh @seijohlogy @thesecondapplepienation send an ask if u want to be added uwu
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kweebtrash · 4 years
Streamhearts Timestamp 12:47am
Title: Nakie Stream
Pairing: Camboy!JohnnyxCamgirlOC (Rem)
Word Count: 4.2k
Genre: Smut
Features: recording sexual acts, daddy kinks, pet names (good girl, bunny, etc), Soft(ish) dom Johnny, use of sex toys, blowjobs, some finger sucking, anal/vaginal fingering, teasing/whining, shy sub OC, anal fucking, choking, swallowing/messy cumshot
Though Rem is a smart business woman she hides behind a computer screen all day designing websites for large companies. However, when her day is done she’s still behind a computer screen but now showing the world how hard she can cum. She never wanted to be a camgirl but when financial duties called she took it upon herself to make it. The spotlight (and money) got to her and she expanded to showcasing her nerdy side; livestreams, lewd cosplay photoshoots, let’s plays, subscriptions, review, vlogs, tutorials, you name it. Her streams catches the attention of a fellow cammer, Johnny, who on a whim decided to message her. Both aren’t the sexed up dolls they pretend to be in the online life and instead ease their way into a relationship with not so perfect sex, mistakes, and total confusion.
A/N: This used to be on my Kofi which im closing down and just putting everything up on here. This isnt continuing.
Masterlist     Johnny Only Masterlist
"It's time for Nakie Stream!" I giggled as I looked into the camera hooked up to my computer. Dozens of people had already logged on and the number was slowly creeping into the hundreds. I blew kisses and greeted the new arrivals as I showed off my boobs and bounced them a little. Even as I stood around and posed I was getting a few tips. This was all I did it for. I didn't really enjoy it nor did I want to continue doing it for the next ten years of my life. But for now it was another addition to my finances.
I slipped on my pink kitty headphones and connected the bluetooth. The ears lit up, twinkling neon. They were my favorite and I spent some time talking about the specs. Many people would rather just watch me fuck myself but some were actually interested in the fact that I was a "gamer girl™". I hated that title but whatever sold the aesthetic. The truth was that I was indeed a nerd. I had a master's degree in computer sciences and web design, I created websites for companies under an alias and different VPN so nothing would be connected to my other life. The other life, this camgirl/cosplayer/social media influencer/let's player, was my home. I wanted to travel across the country to show off the cosplays I engineered and get my foot in the door to speaking with video game companies through my let's plays. I could sail on that life and would never have to step foot in a retail store or office space again. I would have my own freedom.
I signed softly as a saw a drop in viewers and stopped talking about the headphones. This was the hardest part, being the stupid sex doll for the ones who were only interested in getting off. I turned on the video capture and started up the game so I could properly start my stream. I was just about ready to sit in my gaming chair when I felt warm thighs beneath me. I jumped up and turned quickly, surprised by my boyfriend. He pulled me into his lap, a poised erection parallel to his stomach. He had helped me gain confidence in performing on camera and he was my safety net when we made videos together. I was much more comfortable and relaxed when he touched me. "JJ is joining me today." It was his stupid online nickname because he couldn't think of anything else. "Hope you don't mind. He challenged me to a bet. If I win a few rounds while he's fucking me he will buy me whatever I want, no matter the cost. If I cum or get distracted too much and fail then I get punished in anyway he wants and he'll upload that on his page. I think I can win though. I've spent days awake during releases and playing games straight through so this is nothing."
Johnny scoffed. "You say that now, but just you wait." He set his hands on my hips and turned me away from the camera and let my ass be the center of attention. I bent over and cupped his face gently to plant kisses over his lips while his hands shifted to spread my cheeks apart and show off the heart shaped gem of the butt plug that was nestled inside me. He grabbed a hold of the gem and pulled the plug out slowly, not all the way but just enough to work up some thrusts. I moaned softly, the headphones capturing the sound loud and clear so I could hear it as well as the viewers. The familiar ping of a notification that I received a tip racketed one after the other and Johnny smiled before whispering under his breath. "Blow me for a bit. That'll stall us and give a chance for more people to log on."
I nodded, following his advice and kissed down his bare chest until I reached the junction of his happy trail to the hair above the base of his cock. He turned the chair slightly to adjust the view from the camera and used the small remote beside my computer mouse to move the lens and zoom in more to focus on my face. He was an expert on camera mechanics and even helped me get better equipment for my set up and I had seen my following grow substantially.
I lowered myself to my knees as he spread his thighs apart. Grabbing the base of his cock, he tapped the head against my lips a few times, chuckling on the outside but both of our eyes showed annoyance. We hated doing certain things for the camera but sucked it up anyway. He found the motion stupid while I found it to be a turn off but with my attraction to him outweighed all our discomfort. I parted my lips and slipped his head into the heat of my mouth. The soft moan he let out was definitely a real reaction and I instantly flicked my eyes up to his. His own had closed and his head leaned back against the chair. Gripping what I couldn't fit, I held him steady as I bobbed my head. I swallowed around him and tightened my throat as a slight buck of his hips moved him deeper.
Another moan came, this time from me that was muffled by the invasion. I upturned it into a drawn out exaggeration to add to the stream. Johnny set his hand on the back of my head and kept me close, forcing me to breathe through my nose. "More, baby girl. I know you can do it." He encouraged. I furrowed my brow and tried to calm my gag reflex as I wiggled down more of his shaft. "That's good." He groaned. "That's my good girl."
My cheeks tinged with rose colored fire at the compliment. I held on as he pushed his hips up, dictating a rhythm I was forced to follow as he fell into controlling the situation. I was at his mercy and he knew how to test my limits without going overboard. Deep throating was just another thing we were trying to check off our list but I still struggled to take down his length. He was so perfectly thick and long, nothing over the top or short of disappointment. It was enough to challenge my small body without me crumbling under intense pain. Our size differences, both in height and ratio of his cock to my hole, drove him absolutely stark raving mad. There had been plenty of times where he had to reel himself in before he devoured me completely in a rush of brutal thrusts. But that was exactly what I wanted.
He pulled out of my mouth just as I felt the first drop of precum fall on my tongue. I licked my lips to disconnect the saliva from us-another thing I hated but knew sloppy blowjobs were another aesthetic cash grab. "Get the lube." He commanded with a hard spank to my ass that made me squeak. I trotted away from my desk and rummaged through my nightstand drawer to get the large bottle of lube I had. "And your favorite toy." He added.
I smiled to myself as I pulled out the elongated orb shape of a vibrator that Johnny could control through an app on his phone. He disappeared from the camera view to retrieve his phone before taking his place back in my gaming chair. He guided me to sit on his lap, resting my feet on the armrests so I was spread open. I hid behind my controller a bit as I was too shy to be so splayed out with everything visible. Johnny shoved the controller down right away though, not letting me hide for even a second. I pouted and looked back at him, glaring. He only returned the stare, adding a "what did i tell you?" kind of expression. I exhaled through my nose and pressed start reluctantly. As I was flicking through the menu and character selection I found Johnny's long fingers creeping towards my mouth.
"Open." He demanded and my jaw lowered to accept him again. During a loading screen he thrusted his fingers, pinching at my tongue and stroking the sensitive area at the back of it. My toes squirmed as i wanted to gag but he pulled his fingers forward just before the sensation could worsen. A few more thrusts and he removed them completely, showing off the now glistening skin. He moved between my legs, stroking along my slit and just barely circling my clit. Small tingles started to form in my legs but i was able to concentrate as my battle started. It was nothing special as of now. He just wanted to work up one hole before the other so by the time he was shoved deep in my ass i would be more relaxed. The vibrator always helped in that aspect.
He squeezed a single digit in inside me, his honey eyes looking over me to gauge my reaction. My breath had sped up a little but i kept playing even when his tender lips began decorating my neck in the softest of kisses. I loved when he destroyed me but when he was so gentle it drove me more crazy. His kisses gave my tummy butterflies and I tried to squirm away. His finger only plunged deeper and his other hand gripped a fistfull of hair to keep my head straight, making me wince slightly. My eyes widened and brows furrowed just after as I dodged an attack that almost depleted my character's health. I grew irritated at my lack of assistance from the online players. "FUCKERS!" I shouted. "Do I have to do everything myself?!"
"You're so cute when you're irritated." Johnny chuckled.
"Oh piss off." I scoffed. I wasn't cute, I was dead set on capturing the target come hell or high water.
Johnny didn't seem to like my response as he shoved in another finger quickly. He curled them and fucked me faster then he had been and i almost dropped my controller. I swallowed back a moan and tried not to close my shivering thighs. He would hate that even more. "Make noises." He said into my ear. "Remember what I told you."
"Y-y-yessss!" I hissed. That wasn't faked at all. His fingers were magical and I dug my nails into my controller, scratching into the rubber hand grips.
"What was that?" He smirked as the sound of my wetness started to grow louder alongside the tip notifications. "Use your words."
"S-stooppp." I whimpered and paused the game as I squeezed my eyes shut.
"Giving up already? I've barely just started."
I shook my head quickly and renewed the game,keeping myself determined at the sudden reminder. I thought about what I wanted him to buy me, my end goal and reason for this stupid bet. "N-no. I-im not! I'm not giving up!"
"Oh?" He scooted the chair closer to my desk, still making sure to keep the camera poised perfectly. Reaching for the bottle of lube i had collected, he dabbed a little onto his fingertips. I barely noticed his movements until the cold gel was being circled and pushed inside me. I continued to command myself to ignore it. I had to. I exhaled slowly in an attempt to steady my breath but it hitched as soon as i felt the pressure of the vibrator slowly sink into me.
He didn't turn it on right away. Instead he wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me tight while he buried his face into my neck. It garnered more kisses and occasional nibbles that gave me just a few moments to get back to the game. Slowly, he moved his hands to cup my breasts, giving them both a good squeeze before capturing the nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. Gently, he tugged them into stiff peaks and rolled his fingers over the raised flesh to send small jolts of electricity down my neck. Quiet noises were held in by my lips pressed together though Johnny impatient at the fact i wasn’t letting them out. "You're still not making noises." He growled lowly.
"I can't help it! Im not loud!" I nudged my elbow back into his ribs, trying to squirm away as much as I could. He gave a light tap to my clit and pinned his arm around my waist again. I wanted to move now and I was too afraid to as i saw him make a grab for his phone. The familiar graph like control screen popped up and Johnny pressed his thumb to it. A cursor appeared beneath the pressure and at first he kept it low. That was simple enough for me to handle. He faced his phone to the screen, showing what he was doing to the audience. He chuckled as he read through some of the comments in the chat box.
"Even they think youre gonna lose." He said. "You're doing such a shit job, Remmy."
"Shut up! I'd like to see you try it! Maybe you should be the one trying to play while i fuck your ass." I pouted and crossed my arms as it took longer for my dead character to respawn.
"You're always wanting to fuck my ass." I felt the vibrator increase the intensity and my stomach clenched tight. "Maybe we could do another bet and that could be the stipulation but i don't really see you winning that one either."
"It's not over yet! I can still win!" I said with slight uncertainty.
"We'll see, bunny. I'm gonna take the plug out now." Johnny warned as he wrapped his fingers around the gem base. I nodded and leaned into him, begging for a kiss. He satisfied my craving as he slowly pulled the plug out of me, leaving my gape to flex around the emptiness. He tossed it onto the desk with a hard clunk before gripping my chin firmly. My jaw dropped open as he intensified the kiss, forcing his tongue to fill my small mouth completely. I held onto his shoulders to try and support myself as I got light-headed from the lust clouded thoughts that were spiraling in my head. He parted from me with a quick bite to my lip then reached for the bottle of lube again. He repeated the same motion of swiping it inside me as his fingers worked to stretch me even more.
I could relax around two fingers but he soon added a third which stretched me farther than the plug had. With his clean hand he increased the speed of the vibrator on his phone and I yelped helplessly. I saw him smirk through the video feed on my computer and wanted to wipe it off his face. With shaking hands I gripped my controller and resumed my pathetic attempt at playing the game. The vibrations would send sharper shocks throughout me every once in awhile as Johnny made sure i would feel comfortable taking his cock.
My bottom lip was starting to swell as my teeth kept digging into it. My toes were curling against the armrest and my controller vibrated with each bit of damage i was taking. The toys' own vibrations increased and I was nothing but a squirming mess on his lap. "Are you gonna give up, bunny?" He cooed in my ear. "Are you gonna give up and let daddy win? Please be a good girl for me, ok?"
"N-no! That's not fair! I d-dont wa-wa-nnghh-!" I clenched my teeth tightly as I felt a sudden urge to cum wash over me. He was being relentless with his thrusts now, plowing faster and making lewd sounds as the lube squelched against his fingers.
He made the vibrations spike again and I tossed my head back onto his shoulder, begging him to just slow down a bit. He nuzzled against my cheek and kissed my neck. "Look how loud you're getting for me." He turned my head to the computer monitor as he swiped his thumb across my clit. "Show the viewers how pretty my baby is when she wants to cum, hm?"
I flicked my eyes to the screen, embarrassed but wanting to comply so i could cum. If not i'd be stuck in this hell forever. Hundreds of comments were pouring in and i was able to see a number in tips i had never seen before. I swallowed hard and looked at Johnny. "It's going so well." I whispered.
"See what happens when you listen to me?” I nodded, upset that he was right but at least I could pay my bills with the money we earned. “Are you ready for me?”
I swallowed hard as my heart rate escalated. “I..um..” His erection pressed harder into the center of my back. He felt so swollen and even though I wanted to stay strong, the sub in me wanted to take care of my daddy. I nodded and felt his fingers slid out slowly. With his hands on my waist he was easily able to hoist me up with enough space to guide him towards my hole. Carefully, we worked together, me moving down while he thrusted upwards, to have him fill me entirely. My game kicked me back out to the menu screen as I had died again and it questioned if I wanted to continue. It stayed in limbo, not receiving my decision as my ass had touched the top of Johnny’s thighs and his lips had overcome mine. He scooted down in the chair, giving himself more ease of access to thrust.
The first few motions were careful, paired with a plucking of my nipples and an occasional clit rub. It wasn’t until I started grinding back on him did he increase his speed, pulling out almost completely before shoving himself back inside with a harsh speed. Our whimpers and groans were muffled by our tongues colliding over and over. In between the warm presses of his lips, his tongue would slip out to lap at mine or he would place love bites against my bottom lip. With dreamy and heavy lidded eyes I watched the small contortions of his facial features as his pleasure increased. When his mouth would drop open slightly to release nothing but a strained sound or when his brows furrowed with the intensity of my grip around him, i would drink it in, in love with everything about him.
As I squeezed my walls around him tighter, his hand ascended from the softness of my belly, to between my breasts, and finally to wrap around my neck. My muscles went rigid and my breath strangled. His fingers were formed into a grip that was growing tighter and tighter. I dropped my controller, letting it fall to the floor and found solace in dragging my nails into the plush pads of the armrests. The sound it created seemed to echo in the headphones as my mind transformed into lusty swirling thoughts. The dull burn of his girth inside me started to disintegrate but my stomach still churned with the fantastical feeling of his cock shoving against my insides. “Roll your hips.” He commanded me.
I couldn’t nod but showed my submission by moving my feet onto his thighs and lifting my body slightly. I circled my hips around the head of his cock, concentrating all the strength I could muster into the most sensitive of places. “Fuck, that’s good, angel.” His head fell back and his fingers pulsed their strength around my neck, giving me moments to hiccup in tiny breaths. My thighs burned and my knees buckled as my hold on the armrests made my knuckles splatter with the white color of straining. As he saw my body buckling he wrapped his free arm around me and hauled himself onto his feet. With the hand on my neck he tossed me into the gaming chair, making it skid across the floor a foot or two.
My eyes watered as i looked up at his; darkened and dilated with the idea of ruining me further. The veins in his arms dispersed beneath his skin, deepening into a soft blue hue as he clenched his fists around the armrests now, keeping the chair in place. He pulled the chair forward allowing him to slam back into me. The sound I left out was a mix between a squeak and a scream giving the satisfaction of me being loud on camera like he wanted. Ignoring the way a few tears streaked along the tops of my cheeks from the overwhelming stimuli, he rolled the chair backwards, repeating his motions of dragging me forward to fall into a pattern of ruthless thrusts. I had never regretted getting my gaming chair until this very moment. How he found the simplest household items to torture me with I’ll never know but he sure knew how to make sure I wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. I held onto his arms as my back arched and body squirmed and I was unsure if I could hold back any longer. “Give up?” He chuckled darkly. “Just say the word. You’ve already barely played a round and kept dying so I think it’s a given that I’ve won.” he taunted.
If this was the torture during the bet I feared what his punishment for me would be later on. It was too late to change the way I felt and I was already falling into a subspace that needed to be filled with his cum. “D-daddy…” I cried softly.
“Say it.” He worked in another rushed thrust. “I wanna hear you say it.”
I pressed my lips together and clawed at his forearms. My stomach clenched harder and my toes curled, pulling the tendons taught and shooting cramps up my legs. “Fine! Fine! You win! Please let me cum!!!”
Johnny turned to the camera and stuck his tongue out, adding a peace sign, in victory. “Guess you guys get a little punishment video soon.” He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. “Go on, bunny. It’s okay.”
I let out a small sigh of relief and imagined he would continue his thrusts but instead he reached for his phone one last time. He turned the vibrator up on full strength and I gave in then, growing louder as my cum showered the seat of the chair and onto the carpet below. The tense contractions of my orgasm caused the vibrator to crash to the floor, the buzzing rattling against it. Johnny shut it off completely and waited until i was curled up and suffering from aftershocks to grab a fistful of hair and pulled my head up. “Ahh.” He said.
“I want it in-inside.” I shuddered.
“Nope, that’s for girls who win bets. Open.”
I reluctantly opened my mouth, unhappy with his choice, and watched his large hand stroke over his heated skin just above my tongue. His fist worked faster and faster and his eyes fell shut. He kept my head in place and the sweet heat of his cum covered my tongue, sliding down my chin and dripping onto my chest. I swallowed and licked up as much as I could, even lapping at his slit to make sure he gave me everything he had. Once he relaxed, my hair was let go and i sat back in the chair. I swiped my finger across my chin and licked the last bit of cum that I missed. My legs fell as my body slumped; I better get a bath and cuddles after this, I thought, a pout sprouting on my lips. Johnny made up some quick exit greeting and shut off the cameras and bright ring lights. “You ok?”
“I’m sleepy and sore and want cuddles and a bath.”
He smiled and picked me up from the chair, wrapping my legs around him. “I will make you a bath and give you all the cuddles you want, okay?” I nodded and buried my face in his neck as he walked us to the bathroom. “But to be honest, you were such a good girl today. I’m proud of you for being louder and showing your face more.”
I squeezed my arms around his neck, trying to hide as much as I could for my cheeks were burning crimson. He could be rough but also sweet and docile when he took care of me. I loved him so much it almost hurt. “Can you say thank you?” he asked as if I was a child that had forgotten their manners.
“Thank you, Daddy.” I mumbled against his skin.
He rubbed my back before setting me down on the toilet seat cover. “I’ll let that one slide. I can tell you’re sleepy.”
“You’re gonna stay the night, right?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but with you.”
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
I Do (Javier x Reader) {MTMF} [smut]
Title: I Do  Rating: Explicit  Length: 4100 Warnings: So much fluff and also smut (missionary and vaguely tantric)  Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set May 22nd 1998.  Summary: Reader and Javier make a big decision. 
@grapemama​ @seawhisperer​ @huliabitch​ @pedropascalito​ @rogrsnbarnes​ @thewallpapergoesorido​ @twomoonstwosuns​ @gooddaykate​ @livasaurasrex​ @ham4arrow​ @plexflexico​ @readsalot73​ @hdlynn​ @lokiaddicted​ @randomness501​ @fioccodineveautunnale​  @roxypeanut​ @snivellusim​ @lukesrighthand​ @historynerd04​ @mrsparknuts​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper​​ @awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie​​ @swhiskeys​​ @lady-tano​ @beskar-droids​ @space-floozy​ @cable-kenobi​ @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes​ @findhimfives​ @pedrosdoll​ @frietiemeloen​ @arrowswithwifi​ @random066​ @uncomicalhumour​ @heather-lynn​ @domino-oh-damn​ @cyarikaaa​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​  @yabby-girl​ @xqueenofthecraziesx @punkass-potato​ @coredrive​ @pascalesque​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​ @queenquazar​ @sabinemorans​ @buckstaposition​ @holkaskrosnou​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​ @seeking-a-great--perhaps​
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Javier’s breath tickled the back of your neck as he sighed quietly, still somewhere in between being awake and asleep. He had his arm wrapped securely around your waist, his fingers playing idly against your skin. You looked down at it as you trailed your fingertips over the length of his arm. Your eyes lit upon the ring on his finger. 
He had worn it every day since you bought it for him for Christmas — save for the week it was getting engraved with Sofía’s birthday. Marriage had never really been a topic you wanted to discuss. Thankfully, Javier wasn’t chomping at the bit to get married, despite the fact that everyone brought it up. 
The entire principle of marriage had been ruined for you, as a child. How many times had your mother been married, just to get a steady fix? Who needed a piece of paper or a stupid ceremony to make a relationship real?
You still remembered the way Lance has hedged the topic. The panic you felt about being tied down — about giving up some part of yourself. With Javier you had everything you never knew you needed. 
You had the house, the kids, the dog. A picture perfect life that actually was perfect. 
“What if we got married?” You blurted out, the words escaping you before they had even fully registered with you. Or maybe they had. 
“Yeah?” Javier questioned, pressing his lips to the curve of your shoulder. “Alright.”
Your brows furrowed together at his entirely nonchalant answer. “Really?” You questioned, laughing as you rolled over, draping a leg over his as you rested against his chest. “Did you hear what I said?”
He shrugged, rubbing his hand down the length of your back. “I did.” Javier’s lips curved upwards at the corners. “I couldn’t tell if you were being serious.”
“The courthouse was really lovely,” You admitted, running your foot over the side of his leg as you searched his eyes. “I don’t know… I’ve been thinking about that couple that was taking photos in front of the courthouse yesterday.”
“I thought you hated marriage.”
“Nothing would change. I’m still me and you’re still you…” You bit down on your bottom lip. “I wouldn’t want anyone to know.”
Javier pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek and nodded slowly, “We could finally file joint taxes.” He chuckled, running his hand along your back. “I don’t need a marriage certificate to legitimize this, baby. If that’s what you’re thinking—”
“Neither do I.” You cupped his jaw, running your thumb over his bottom lip. “But what if we did it? Just you and me and whoever they have for a witness.”
A smile spread over his lips as he held your gaze, “Let’s do it.” 
You leaned down to press a kiss to his chest, nuzzling your nose against his skin before you lifted your eyes to meet his again. “I think after everything we’ve been through, we deserve it. Don’t we? Something that’s just ours. No one else involved.”
“Connie and Steve would lose their collective shit.” Javier snorted softly, sliding his hand down your spine. “You really wanna get married, baby?”
Marriage had never really been something that you wanted. It was fine for others, but not for you. And yet, if you were going to get married — it was going to be Javier. Of course it would be Javier. After six years with him, you knew without a doubt that he was it for you. 
You reached behind you to catch his left hand, bringing it around to your face. “I really do.” You pressed your lips to his knuckle just above the ring he wore, your thumb smoothing over the skin beneath it. “Let’s get married.”
Javier stared at you with an almost unreadable expression. For the most part you could usually tell what was going through his mind, but sometimes he caught you by surprise. He brushed his thumb over your lips, fingers featherlight as he trailed them over your cheekbone and jaw. “Hey baby?” 
“Yeah?” You questioned, shifting further up his chest until your nose brushed against his, your lips hovering just above his. 
“Will you marry me?” 
You bit down on your bottom lip, barely controlling your laughter as you nodded your head quickly. “Yes.” You played your fingers through his hair as you surged forward to kiss him. His mouth slanted over yours, tongue sweeping over your bottom lip before slipping into your both to meet yours. 
Javier carefully rolled both of you over, his knee pressed in between your thighs as he draped himself atop you. He kept one hand braced against the bed beside your shoulder, while his other hand skimmed down your side, before coming up to grasp at your breast. 
You curled your fingers around the back of his neck as you pulled back from the kiss, sinking against the mattress beneath him. “Isn’t there some bullshit about not seeing the bride before the wedding?” You teased, tugging sharply at his hair as Javier scraped his fingernail over your nipple, making need pool between your thighs. As if you weren’t already turned on. One look and he could have you aching for him. 
“I prefer the idea of thoroughly fucking the bride before the wedding.” Javier retorted, lowering his head to brush a line of kisses along your collarbone. He pulled back and met your eyes, “Never thought I’d be so at ease with the idea of getting hitched.” 
A grin spread over your lips as you combed your fingers through his hair as you looked up at him. “Me too.” You admitted, “I think it’s because it’s just for us. There’s no pressure, no expectations, no one to please but ourselves.” You leaned up and kissed his chin, “It’s just you and me.” 
“How many anniversaries are we gonna have now?” He teased, stealing a kiss as he slid his knee up further between your thighs. Javier’s free hand moved downwards to grab at your hip as you rolled your hips, dragging your cunt against his knee — desperate for friction. You could feel his cock hardening against the top of your thigh, pre-come smearing against your skin. 
“I don’t even know what the date is,” You told him with a breathless laugh, turning your head to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand. “It’s May 22nd.”
“Sounds like a good day to get married,” Javier said lightly as he cupped your cheek, leaning back down to kiss you. His hand wandered from your face, moving downwards to grasp your breast again, his thumb circling the pebbled peak there.
He rocked forward, grinding his knee against you with just enough pressure that you moaned into his mouth. You ran your hand down his back, grabbing at his ass to pull him towards you. 
Javier pulled back, hooking his arms beneath your thighs as he repositioned himself between your legs, wrapping them around his hips. He leaned back over you, his cock heavy against your sensitive folds. 
You grabbed at the back of his head, kissing him needily as you moved against him, savoring the slow build of pleasure at your core, heat blossoming through your lower belly.
He reached down between you, guiding his cock to your center, letting just the head of him press against your entrance. His thumb grazed your clit, your body clenching around almost nothing, teasing just the tip of him. 
“Javi,” You breathed out, grabbing at either side of his face. “Don’t tease me.” You begged, nipping at his bottom lip before kissing him again. 
Your moan was swallowed up by his kiss as he rolled his hips and sank into you. Your body fluttered around him, the precursor of a release that wasn’t quite ready to wash through you. You curled your fingers around the back of his neck, fingers toying with the hair at the nape there. 
Javier braced himself with one hand on the bed beside you, his other hand cupping your cheek as he drew back from the kiss. His dark eyes met yours, holding your gaze as he started slowly thrusting into you. You leaned up, your lips grazing against his, his breath dancing over your lips as he exhaled and you drew in a shaky breath. 
“I love you,” You whispered, dragging your fingers through his hair with one hand, while your other skimmed down his side trailing your touch of his hip and back up again. You just wanted to touch him everywhere you could reach. 
His nose brushed against yours, his eyes still holding your gaze as he whispered in return, “I love you too, baby.” 
You curled your arm around him, trailing your hand down his spine as you kept your eyes locked on his. There was something so intimate about holding his gaze as he moved within you, so perfectly in-sync with each other that you both drew in a breath and exhaled together.
“You feel so good,” You murmured, lashes fluttering as you tilted your head and brushed your lips over his. Javier cupped your cheek tenderly as he kissed you in return. There was no haste in his movements as you both just savored kissing, touching, and moving together. 
This was the man you were going to marry. You didn’t need to get married to know that every part of your heart belonged with his, but you wanted something that was just for the two of you. A private moment, that belonged to only you and Javier. It seemed fitting, given all the shit you’d both gone through these past few months — having your lives printed on the front page of the newspaper for all the world to see. 
Maybe one day you’d tell the girls, maybe one day you’d tell Steve and Connie… but not any day soon. For now it was your secret. 
Javier dragged his teeth gently over your bottom lip, causing a soft moan to escape you. He caught your hand in his, pinning it back against the mattress beside your head. “Are you going to come for me, baby?” He questioned, kissing you again.
You rolled your hips beneath him, wrapping a leg around his hips, trying to keep him close to you. “I’m close you,” You whispered, trailing the fingers of your free hand along the column of his throat. “So close.” 
He grabbed at your hip, holding you tight as he started to pick up the pace of his thrusts. You arched your back, your inner walls starting to clench around his cock — the first flutters of your release. “Come on, baby. Let go for me.” 
Javier shifted the angle of his thrusts and something about the new angle was exactly what you needed. You cried out his name, your fingers clenching around his own as you came apart on his cock. His pace faltered and you knew he was right behind you. 
You surged up and caught his lips, kissing him to silence the sounds rising up in the back of your throat. He came seconds later, his cock throbbing within your cunt as he spilled inside you.
His grip loosened on your hand and you slid your fingers out of his grasp, wrapping both arms around his body as he sank against you, his weight pressing you into the mattress beneath you. You felt entirely enveloped in him — his softening cock still buried within you, an arm snaked beneath you, his face buried in the crook of your neck. 
Marrying him might just be the best decision you ever made. 
 “Baby, sleeves down or rolled up?” Javier questioned as he fiddled with the buttons at the cuff of his shirt. He had one sleeve rolled up to his elbow, while the other was buttoned at his wrist. You pursed your lips as your eyes raked over him. It wasn’t like either of you had packed with the expectation that you’d get married. That would’ve never crossed your mind. 
“Up.” You answered with an approving nod as he rolled the other sleeve up. He looked good. His white linen shirt rolled up at his elbows, three buttons undone, and tucked into a pair of dark denim pants. The only thing white that you owned was a light shirt you’d brought and a cover-up for your swimsuit. 
The dress you’d chosen from your suitcase was a flowy red maxi dress with white flowers. Somehow it seemed fitting to wear red on your wedding day. Wedding day. That was still an insane concept to consider. You had never considered what your wedding day would look like. 
Most little girls dreamed of getting married, but you had never been one of them. Even still it wasn’t so much about the wedding as it was having something that was just between the two of you. And the tax break — that would be nice next year. 
A clerk stepped out into the hallway where you and Javier were waiting to meet with the judge who was free to perform the ceremony. “He’s just finishing up with his lunch and he’ll be ready to see the two of you.” She offered, before vanishing back into her office. 
“Are we gonna do vows?” Javier questioned as he paced in front of you. “I haven’t even put any thought into vows.” He raked his fingers through his hair, “And I don’t want any of that bullshit that’s usually in vows. I don’t need you vowing to fucking obey me.” 
You bit down on your bottom lip to stifle a laugh, “Babe, are you nervous?” 
Javier pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, staring at you as he gave a stiff nod. “A bit.” 
“I couldn’t tell,” You remarked dryly, gesturing to the floor. “You’ve only worn a hole into the floor with your pacing.” You patted the bench beside you. “This is supposed to be stress free, Javi.” 
“I’m not stressed,” Javier asserted as he sank down onto the bench beside you, reaching for your hand. “I just wanna do this right.” He interlaced his fingers with yours. “I don’t want either of us to regret this.” 
You shook your head slowly as you gave his hand three short squeezes, “Javi, we’ve already lived a dozen lifetimes in these ten-ish years that we’ve been in each other’s lives. I cannot picture my life without you.” You leaned towards him, resting your cheek against his shoulder. “You’re stuck with me. Permanently.” 
Javier kissed the top of your head, “There’s no one I’d rather be stuck with.” 
“Not even Steve?” You teased, tilting your head to rest your chin on his shoulder. “You promise you’re not going to tell him?”
“I kept a whole baby secret from him,” He rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand. “I can keep this secret.” 
“Javi?” You questioned softly. 
“You’ve always wanted to marry me, haven’t you?”
He shrugged, “A little, yeah.” 
You smiled adoringly at him, reaching up to brush your fingers through the hair that fell against his forehead. “Thank you for never trying to pressure me.” 
“It was never a deal breaker.” Javier admitted, “I just know I want to be with you.” He brought your hand to his lips, kissing each knuckle. 
“I kinda got that vibe at Danny’s wedding.” You told him, chewing on your bottom lip. “The way you asked me if that was what I wanted… like you were picturing our first dance or something.”
He nodded his head slowly, “I might not seem like it, but I’m old fashion at my core.” 
“I know you are Tex,” You taunted, kissing his cheek. “You’ve never pushed me to be someone I’m not and that is why I want to marry you, Javier.” 
Javier’s lips drew upwards into a smile, “I love you.” 
You tilted your head and kissed him, “Those are the only vows I need.” 
The clerk stepped back out into the hallway, “He’s ready to see both of you. Do you have your license?” 
“Yes!” You rose to your feet and passed her the license you’d received just a few hours ago and both of your passports. Javier kept a hand at the small of your back as he walked with you as she led you into the judge’s office. 
“This is the Honorable R. C. Johnson,” The woman explained to you as the older gentleman sitting behind the desk. 
“Welcome, welcome,” He ushered you in and gestured to the seats across from his desk. “Please, sit. I apologize for the delay.” 
“This was all very last minute,” You offered with a quiet laugh. “We were fine with waiting.” You looked towards Javier then, your heart doing somersaults when you met his gaze. He’d always looked at you like that and it never failed to make you weak in the knees. 
The judge unfolded a pair of reading glasses and perched them on the edge of his nose as he looked over your marriage license, “I see you’re both from Florida.” 
Javier rubbed at the back of his neck, “We’ve been living there for four years.” 
“Are you on vacation?”
You nodded, “We decided to get married this morning.” You reached over and took Javier’s hand into yours. “It’s been a long time coming.”
“Well, in that case I suppose I shouldn’t make the two of you wait,” The judge remarked, clasping his hands together as he looked between the two of you. “Susan here will serve as witness,” He gestured towards the woman who had helped the pair of you. “I tend to perform a rather basic ceremony — all we need is a pair of “I do’s” for things to be legalized.” He explained, “Do you have vows?”
“We’ve always been pretty good at winging things.” You remarked with a short laugh. “Neither of us is particularly religious.” 
“And none of the obeying bullshit.” Javier asserted, rocking his jaw stiffly as he stared at the judge. 
“Easy enough,” He nodded. “Do you have rings?” 
You and Javier exchanged a look. “Not quite,” You explained, removing the silver bracelet you wore on your left wrist and sitting it on the desk in front of you. Javier did the same with his ring, sitting it beside your bracelet. “Will these do?”
“You two certainly are unconventional, aren’t you?” Judge Johnson remarked with a hearty chuckle, “They’ll do. It’s all about the vows, anyways.” He waved his hand as you rose to his feet. “Let’s get to it, shall we?”
Javier kept your hand tight in his grasp as you both rose to your feet, turning to face each other. “You ready to do this, baby?”
You nodded, beaming at him. “Never thought I would be, but I am.”  
“Whenever you’re ready,” The judge interrupted, “You’re welcome to say whatever vows you’d like to make to one another. Then we’ll proceed on with the necessities and get you on your way.” 
“Oh.” You bit down on your bottom lip. It was like all at once you couldn’t think of a single sensible thing to say in lieu of vows. “You go first.” You squeezed his hand.
Javier laughed nervously, “Shit. Alright.” He scratched at his jaw with his free hand, brows furrowed. “I think… I think I always knew you were the one for me,” He started as he met your gaze. “Your damn fuck you cactus. You called it a sequoia and I just…” He shook his head slowly. 
“Baby, it’s always been you.” Javier’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. “And I wish I’d realized that sooner. Could’ve spared us a hell of a lot of heartache and misunderstandings… But we wouldn’t have three beautiful daughters if things had turned out differently. Who knows what the future might hold for us, but I know you’ll be by my side and that makes the unknown worth it all.” 
“Javi, you’re going to make me cry.” You scolded him lightly, wiping a stray tear off your cheek. “I don’t know how to follow up on that.” You shook your head. “You know everything about my childhood, you know everything about me. I never pictured myself as a mother or a partner, I never imagined myself having a house and a dog in Miami. But somehow you came into my life and made me want impossible things. I’ve loved you for so long, Javi.” You blinked as you felt fresh tears starting to spill from your eyes. “There’s no one else I’d rather stay up with watching telenovelas until four in the morning on a work night.” 
Javier chuckled, lifting your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles. 
“You’re a good man, Javier.” You said with a quiet sniffle. “And I promise to take all of our secrets to the grave.” 
He snorted, “Only you would bring that up in wedding vows.” 
You grinned at him, “All I know is that I love you. I always have and I always will.” 
Judge Johnson cleared his throat, “If you’d like to take the ring.” 
You picked the ring up off the desk, holding on to Javier’s hand. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“I know, baby.” 
“Do you take this man to be your husband?” 
Oh shit. It was happening. 
You held Javier’s gaze as you answered simply, “I do.” 
“You may now place the ring on his finger.” 
Javier reached out and wiped a tear away as it slid down your cheek. “I love you, baby.” 
“I love you too.” You whispered as you placed the ring on his finger. “God, I still remember when you wanted this ring and swore you didn’t want to get married.” You teased with a grin. “Like I’ve said before, you’re a terrible liar.” 
He shrugged a shoulder. “You’re the one who proposed marriage.” 
“If you would like to take the ring — er,  bracelet.”
“We can never do things the normal way,” Javier remarked as he picked up the bracelet. “Think we can slip today’s date onto these?” He questioned, giving your hand three little squeezes as he met your hands.
“We might.” 
“Do you take this woman to be your wife?”
“I do.” Javier answered without hesitation, “I’d take whatever she was willing to give me.” 
“Stop.” You laughed, shaking your head.
“You may now place the bracelet on her wrist.” 
Javier slid it on your wrist, bringing your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss just below the band. “We should’ve had him declare us partners for life.” He quipped, ever part of his features lit up with the grin that seemed permanently affixed to his lips. 
“By the authority vested in me by the State of California, I pronounce you to each other, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Holy shit. You were married. 
You stepped towards him, draping your arms over his shoulder. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, baby.” Javier breathed out, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. Your hand curled around the back of his head, fingers playing through his hair. 
Susan and the judge both clapped for you. “I’ve officiated my fair share of off-beat weddings, but I have never officiated one quite like the two of you,” He chuckled. “I have many questions about what a ‘fuck you’ cactus is.”
You snorted as you turned towards the judge, “I had this cactus that had the perfect middle finger growth on it.” You explained. “So I’d flip him off with it.”
“All the time.” 
“Well, I wish you both all the joy and happiness that comes with marriage.” He offered with a polite smile, “My wife and I just recently celebrated our thirtieth year of marriage and I have never regretted a day.” He sat back down in his seat, signing off on your license before passing it to you. “You’ll have to file this with the courthouse and have a copy sent to your mailing address.” 
“Thank you,” You looked down at the license  — the ink still drying on the page. 
Susan saw the pair of you out of the judge’s office, offering to take a picture of the two of you in front of the grand staircase at the center of the building. The best part of the picture was that no part of it screamed ‘just married’. You looked like a couple on vacation who had found a nice spot to take a picture. 
You had already decided it would go in a frame and hang somewhere in the house. Maybe in the family room on the wall by the TV — the day you got married sitting in full sight for everyone to see. 
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
hey it’s my birthday today and it’s been a bummer in quarantine. you got a rowaelin fluff up your sleeve?
Happy Birthday! I’m sorry your quarantine birthday is a bummer, I too will end up with a quarantine birthday this year so I can commiserate. And yes! I’ve always got Rowaelin fluff up my sleeve! Especially for birthdays.
I also snuck this into my Striking Matches au
After everyone had found out about the engagement they had insisted they all go out to celebrate. So here they were at their usual bar, Rowan with his team and Aelin with her friends, all celebrating their impending nuptials. She had ended up in one of the booths in the corner where every so often loud bursts of laughter would ring out, while Rowan and his friends occupied some standing tables a little ways away watching the sport screens.
Rowan was having a more subdued night, he was the one driving the two of them home afterwards and had to work tomorrow. All of his team were doing the same.
“They look like they’re having fun,” Fenrys said almost wistfully, looking over at the booth.
“Don’t even think about it,” Lorcan grumbled next to him. “I don’t need you throwing up half the morning tomorrow.”
Fenrys raised his hands in surrender, “I wasn’t.” Then Fenrys’ eyes lit up as his eyes shifted to something over Rowan’s shoulder.
“Here we go,” Vaughan mumbled into his glass.
A small, warm hand rested on his forearm and Rowan was about to dismiss whoever it was with a few stern words, but then he turned and saw that it was in fact his fiancé that stood beside him. He smiled at her and she smiled right back.
“You’re pretty,” Aelin said and then she giggled.
“Thank you,” Rowan said turning to face her more fully.
Her fingers dragged up to his bicep and her eyes widened. “Are you a body builder? These things are massive.”
Rowan heard his friends try and hide their laughter. Rowan could tell Aelin was fairly drunk, but decided to play along with whatever game she was playing.
“No, I’m a firefighter actually,” Rowan said.
Aelin’s smile turned a bit wicked. “Even better.” She lent her elbow on the tall table and propped her chin on her hand. “So Mr Fighterfire, you single?”
Rowan choked on his laugh, “Sorry love, I’m engaged.”
Aelin’s face cracked, all bravado and mischievousness gone. “Oh... um...” tears were building in her eyes and her lips were wobbling.
“Why are you crying? Rowan asked, a very mild panic rising in him.
“‘Cause you’re engaged,” Aelin explained, taking one single step away from him. “Congrats on that.”
Now Rowan was just confused. He looked over at the booth where her friends were gathered and saw Lysandra and Elide dying of laughter as they watched their friend. They looked wasted as well, and if Aelin was about to start crying because she thought he was engaged to someone else she must be well and truly smashed.
Rowan reached out and took her left hand in his and held her fingers up to her face.
“Engaged to you, dumbass,” Rowan’s voice was shaking with his restrained laughter.
Aelin blinked, her eyes becoming clearer. “I’m engaged?” Rowan nodded, her expression turning to one of pure bliss. “To you?” Rowan nodded again, his arm snaking around her waist and she smiled again. “I hit the jackpot.”
It seems no one could hold their laughter in anymore and his team all burst out laughing.
“That’s right!” Aelin exclaimed then kissed his cheek, her arms looping around his neck. When they started to drift to his shoulders, her nails scraping through the fabric of his tshirt, Rowan knew it was time to leave. When her lips pressed against his neck he definitely knew he was right. Gods help me he thought to himself.
“Alright drunky, lets get you home,” Rowan said.
He said goodbye to his friends and then went over to the booth to collect Aelin’s things. Lysandra and Elide were still laughing, everyone else was looking highly amused.
“He was already mine you liars!” Aelin said pointing an accusing finger at them.
Rowan rolled his eyes and picked up Aelin’s bag. “Thank you for this,” he said to no one in particular.
“You’re welcome,” Lysandra sang back before she started cackling again.
Rowan kept his arm around Aelin’s waist as she waved goodbye over their shoulders.
Getting her into the car had been a slow effort. She was well and truly gone and Rowan did not begrudge her the headache she would have tomorrow morning. It had taken her all about 5 minutes to fall asleep on the ride home, her head leaning on the window. When they got to the car park of their apartment building Rowan went around to her side to help her get out. Aelin hadn’t woken up so he knocked on her window and she startled awake. That allowed Rowan to open her door and undo her seatbelt before Aelin stumbled out of the truck, Rowan easily catching her.
She went all of three steps before Rowan sighed and just scooped her up in his arms so she didn’t end up hurting herself by tripping over her own feet in those heels. Aelin snuggled into him, almost purring like a contented cat as Rowan started the trek up the flights of stairs.
“Ro?” Aelin whispered.
“Yes, Aelin?” He said.
“I’m sorry my friends convinced me I wasn’t engaged to you and that I should go hit on you. That was mean, huh?” He paused to look down at her as she looked up at him.
“It was a little mean, but that’s alright. I can take a joke,” Rowan told her then started walking the stairs again. “Sorry I called you a dumbass.”
Aelin hummed against his neck. “Hmm, but I’m your dumbass.”
By the end of the second flight of stairs Aelin was already asleep again, snoring softly in is ear. That had him smiling.
Miraculously Rowan managed to opened the door while still holding his dead to the world fiancé in his arms. He took her straight to the bedroom and attempted to lie her down on the bed but she somehow managed to keep a vice like grip around his neck. Rowan managed to extract himself from her grip and then pulled off her shoes. With those off sleeping intincts kicked in and she rolled over, grabbing for her pillow.
Rowan watched her, hands on his hips and a smile on his face, he was just now catching his breath. Once he did he got ready for bed himself and lay down beside Aelin. Although unconscious she reached for him and Rowan pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head. She may have momentarily forgot about their engagement and made him carry her up six flights of stairs but Rowan loved this ridiculous woman with all his heart.
@tangledraysofsunshine // @nalgenewhore // @highqueenofelfhame // @galyxsy // @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @http-itsrebecca // @highladyofthesith // @aelinfire-bringer // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @sleep-and-books // @3am-reading // @average-girl-at-best // @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius // @rowaelinforeverworld // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @tswaney17 // @mydarlingfireheart // @rowansfirebringer // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @vanilla28 // @fireheart-of-your-dreams // @enquires-state-building // @im-not-rare-im-rarr // @your-high-lady // @mariamuses // @ttakeitbacknoww // @vi0let-femmes // @kindofawalkingpoem // @sleeping-and-books // @armixers-unite // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @orynthsqueen // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @unassumingsodalovesherbooks // @empire-of-wildfire // @brittneym15 // @camerooonchiu // @worldoffae // @mybbyfeyre // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows //  @thesirenwashere // @pilesofriles // @chemicha // @keshavomit // @sarahbringsoutmygay13 // @wifeofchrishemsworth // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @illyrian-velaris // @flowerspringsea // @whitethorn15 // @whiskeybusiness1776 // @notaddictedtoanything // @thereaderandfangirl // @mynewdreamwasyou // @tintinnabulary // @the-regal-warrior // @searchingforbellarke // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @officialasianbitch // @burningbookz // @viajandosinalas // @chaoticskyy // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @bamchickawowow // @thehuntressofmoon // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @meltalgel-ig // @gay-book-nerd // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books
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nejiraez · 5 years
bakugou katsuki“soft” boyfriend hcs
let me start this off that he is an ass, but he’ll have SOME moments where he’s chill that make people go... “wow” || this is because “soft” bakugou won the poll. SEE? i listen to the people and not with my heart as much as it kills me :’)
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Bakugou is the type of person where if he sees you struggling to understand class lessons or homework he’ll help you
Sure he’ll taunt/tease you at first saying shit like “I’ll be ‘beat’ this lesson into your brain that you’ll be reciting the anatomy of the nervous system for weeks.”
^Don’t be scared lmao, that just means he’s just THAT good of a tutor!
Since Bakugou’s such a good student and gets outstanding grades (fucking nerd~) UA gifts him with many prizes such as fan deck seats to sports events, hero conventions, restaurants, etc etc
You’re always the plus one he brings with him. ALWAYS.
You don’t even watch basketball, yet he’d still bring you to go and watch a game with him.
Bakugou just thinks you should experience things. You always say “I want to experience things” but he doesn’t think you actually want to experience things because you would experience it if you wanted to experience things.
^“Katsuki, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” (if you know where that whole bit is from i will cater to you!!!)
The two of you are like a package deal, wherever he goes people are bound to find you there accompanying him.
Truth is he just enjoys having you by his side
 The day hell freezes over would be the day where he willingly admits that he’s one clingy bitch.
If you haven’t talked to him for let’s say three days due to you genuinely being busy, expect a text message from him saying “why are you ignoring me”.
Lit e r ally, the night before he sent this text you’d send him memes to consciously let him know “hey im still here”! You just couldn’t busy yourself with him too much because of the workload you have to deal with.
The tiniest changes in your behaviour has him on edge and seeking your reassurance. He’s slightly vulnerable in those moments
In moments when you’re quiet or haven’t said anything in a while, he’ll softly nudge you and give you one of those looks to inquire “are you okay?”
your achievements are his achievements
he’s abundantly proud of anything and everything you do, even if he may not show it outwardly or in public
if bakugou ever brings you home to meet his family?? just know, you made it bitch
you gained his trust, so much so that he’d let you meet his parents
and that’s saying something
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justwritethatdown · 4 years
Bechloe Week 2020 – Day3: Drunk Texts 
We were bound to be together
An au where Beca didn't get together with Jesse and that allowed her relationship with Chloe to grow.
The way Pitch Perfect 1 should have gone ;)
Set during Beca’s first two years at Barden; everything goes as it should, nothing angsty happens and everyone is happy. Just a sloppy falling-in-love story between two college girls, told through their drunk texts, kind of...
Rating: T
Words Count: 2.5K
Thanks to @viharistenno for being my beta
Read here or on AO3
She took my arm, I don’t know how it happened
 After Hood Night, Beca was lying on her bed; the weird buzzing in her brain caused by alcohol made it hard for her to fall asleep. She wasn’t used to drinking and partying with strangers until late night, but she had to admit it wasn’t the worst thing she’d done. That Jesse seemed nice after all, a little pushy maybe, but Beca knew she needed a push sometimes, maybe she should give him a chance-
Her phone buzzed on the nightstand
CHLOE BEALE: Im so glad that I met you xx
BECA: Yeah, you kinda mentioned that…
Beca bit her bottom lip and a bright smile formed on her face. There was something about Chloe, that didn’t make Beca want to push her away. On the contrary, it was rather a pull, that made Beca want to get closer to her.
She placed the phone on her stomach, letting out a heavy sigh, smile still present on her lips. Beca couldn’t believe she actually auditioned for an acapella singing group, just because a crazy – naked – girl told her to, after crushing her shower and forcing her to sing with her; it was a situation that normally would have made her run for the hills and yet, she went to the audition – and she got in – and to the following party. Beca didn’t even know how that happened, Chloe had dragged her into this whole new world, and she was kinda okay with that.
It confused Beca; for the first time her instinct didn’t tell her to push this person away, it told her to get to know her better, to become her friend, but most of all Beca wanted Chloe to like her, she wanted to impress her. She checked her phone to see if Chloe had texted her anything else, but there were no new messages, so she let out another sigh – a disappointed one this time – and put the phone away.
Maybe Chloe was still with shower guy, they seemed to be pretty close at the party. Her stomach twisted and Beca huffed again; the way Chloe had grabbed her arms and how close she got to her while talking, gave her some vibes, for a moment she’d thought that the redhead was flirting with her – a thought she wasn’t completely opposed to – but then she saw her with that guy while she was busy talking to Jesse, and kicked herself for being so delusional, she was well aware they were having sex in the sowers, they were obviously together.
Beca shook her head and rolled her eyes to herself, turning to her side to try to sleep.
  I felt it in my chest as she looked at me
  CHLOE: Admit you had fun tonight! :P
Beca was a bit more tipsy than usual – okay, let’s say she was drunk – but it wasn’t her fault; Amy arrived there with the clear internet of getting the brunette drunk that night. She dumbly smiled at her phone and almost gave in, but then she remembered their bet.
“I don’t know why I let you drag me to this stupid party” she spat out when they arrived at the ΣΒΘ frat house.
“Come on, I bet you’re going to have fun” cheered Chloe making Beca roll her eyes.
“I doubt it” stated the brunette.
“We’re here bitches!” screamed Amy going straight for the alcohol table, followed by Stacie.
When her head started to spin, Beca realized that maybe she’d let Amy fix her one drink too much, but she didn’t care, not when Chloe was leaning in so close to whisper things in her ear – shout actually, to be heard over the loud music – and had one arm wrapped around Beca’s shoulders; the weight of Chloe on her felt amazing and the way Chloe looked at her made her heart do funny things in her chest.
Beca definitely blamed it on the alcohol, but deep inside she knew it was the same feeling she had the first time they met at the activities fair; that smile Chloe gave her and those blue eyes, so deep that Beca felt like she was drowning in them, knocked all the air out of her lungs and she felt her heart racing.
Even if she did run away that time, Beca just couldn’t stop thinking about her, until that girl jumped in her shower, making Beca incredibly frustrated and embarrassed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t help but looking – more than once – at the girl’s naked body and her mind wandered without her permission. Chloe was undeniably beautiful, and her confidence made her even hotter.
Beca should have known then that she was gone, but – always oblivious to her own feelings – it took her several weeks of parties and rehearsals to know that she had, in fact, fallen head over hills for the redhead.
Suddenly Beca felt Chloe stepping away from her and saw the girl launching herself into Tom’s arms. The brunette found herself downing the remains of her drink and accepting a new one from Amy. The rest of the night is still a blur, she vaguely remembered Jesse helping her through her dorm room door and saying good night, at which she believed she grunted before the guy closed the door behind him.
Beca frowned at the memory and looked back at her phone; there was a new message on the screen
CHLOE: you disappeared tho. Stacie said you left w Jesse :(
BEC: yoy wr wit Tom
CHLOE: I told you I was going to say hi and when I came back you were gone >.<
BEC: are u tofether?
CHLOE: No, I’m alone
BEC: no I mwan ar you datingm
BEC: ?
Chloe started typing and deleting and Beca started to freak out; she’d known this girl for less than a year, she saw her with Tom from day one, she had no right whatsoever to be upset about them dating, even if Chloe had been sending her mixed signals from the start and was annoyingly touchy and loving and not-so-unintentionally made Beca’s head spin more than alcohol did
CHLOE: No, he’s not my boyfriend. We used to be fwb but I ended it a while ago because I started to like someone… :)<3
  Just keep your eyes on me
 The following day Beca felt like shit; her head hurt, and she felt nauseous, that’s why she was immensely grateful to Chloe for dragging her to that stupid party the night before their special rehearsal’s session.
“Remind me to kill you when this is over” she lamented when Chloe greeted her with her usual bright smile – the girl clearly didn’t drink as much as Beca did the night before – and a quick hug
“Can’t wait” winked the redhead, making Beca’s blood boil in her veins.
Chloe really looked amazing that morning and was clearly making an effort to be noticed by the brunette; she managed to make even that idiotic hostess choreography look beautiful. It wasn’t just the dancing, Beca found every movement Chloe made incredibly sexy, maybe because of that half confession she had made the night before, or maybe because Beca knew Chloe was doing it on purpose; she knew it because Chloe basically never dropped her eye contact with Beca, almost like she was trying to cast a spell on her, and maybe she did.
“You’re on a mission today huh?” Beca hushed to her during a break
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” answered Chloe wearing a shit eating grin
“Well, better for me then, I’m enjoying the show” she shot back without thinking too much about it and regretting it right away, but the fire it lit in Chloe’s eyes told her she’d said just the right thing.
“What’s with all this eye fucking?” suddenly spat out Amy, making the room giggle. Except for Beca who became bright red, and Aubrey who cleared her throat glaring at Chloe, who innocently smiled biting her lip.
“Did you finally hook up or something?” asked Stacie in amusement
“Can we focus on the damn choreography?” asked Aubrey grinding her teeth.
  Deep in her eyes, I think I see the future
 Beca’s plan was simple: to go to college for one year, convince her dad that she tried and have him send her to Los Angeles the following year to finally start working towards her dream of producing music. However, something along the way went incredibly wrong, or rather incredibly right, and now all she wanted was to stay there with those nerds who somehow became her family.
The look on Chloe’s face when they won the finals made Beca realize that her future wasn’t in LA, her future was right there with those girls, with Chloe. In that moment Beca felt like she belonged there; she saw her next few years at Barden, with the Bellas, and in the hug they shared, Beca felt that Chloe would be part of her life forever.
The girls celebrated in the Bellas’ sorority house and they all, even Aubrey, got incredibly wasted. Most of the girls had already moved there from their dorms and wouldn’t have to go anywhere after their party.
During the night Chloe made sure to let Beca know, more than once, how sad she was that the brunette had decided to really leave for Los Angeles in the end, instead of moving in with her, and she never left her side the whole night. They drank together and laughed and danced, and they almost kissed, but Chloe pulled away last minute confusing Beca. When Beca asked her why, Chloe mumbled with watery eyes “you’re leaving, what’s the point?”, but immediately cleared her throat and dragged Beca to dance with the others. In her inebriated state, the music and Chloe’s body moving rhythmically against hers, were enough to distract Beca from that statement. Only later, walking back to her dorm, it carved its way back into her mind.
BEC ♡: I not gng to LA  
CHLO: ???
BEC ♡: im stang heee
Chloe’s reply was a string of emojis Beca was too drunk to interpret followed by
CHLO: yoy styng w the bellassssss
BEC ♡: im staying fr you
CHLO: were gnna be cocaptnsss!!!
  This woman is my destiny
 Beca’s second year at Barden started out completely differently from her first one; she was living in a sorority house along with eight other girls and was co-captain of the acapella group she led to victory the year before.
Her relationship with Chloe evolved in a strange way; they acted like a married couple now, but they never crossed the line, both too scared of ruining what they had. With Aubrey gone, the Bellas were their responsibility and Beca knew that was what mattered the most to Chloe, so she chose to focus on their acapella group. For Chloe, not because she was scared of fucking things up, obviously.
Their mutual pinning was clear to all their friends; some of them – Amy – teased them  about it, while others desperately tried to help them figure it out.
One night, during one of their let’s-get-drunk-because-why-not nights, they were playing truth or dare
“Beca” started Stacie “truth or dare?” she asked with a wicked smile, making Beca sweat
“Truth…” tentatively answered the brunette
“Do you have more than platonic feelings for anyone in this room?” asked Stacie raising an eyebrow. Chloe held her breath at that and Beca was the only one to miss it, too occupied freaking out
“Dare” blurted out Beca “dare, I meant dare!” Beca’s heart started beating dangerously fast, hoping that Stacie would have let her change her reply, but the girl’s eyes twinkled and Beca knew she’d fallen right into her trap.
“I dare you… to kiss the girl you have the biggest toner in the world for and release us all from this ridiculous sexual tension you two generate” commanded the tall girl rolling her eyes.
Beca felt all the air leave her lungs. Everything was silent around her and all she could hear was the uneven beating of her heart. She swallowed hard looking at Chloe to see what her reaction had been and the girl’s hesitant smile calmed Beca a little.
Beca wasn’t one to back down from a challenge and the alcohol in her system only made her more competitive, but most of all, there was nothing in the world she wanted more than to finally kiss Chloe, so she crossed the circle they were sitting in to reach the redhead on the other side of it. Chloe was biting her bottom lip in anticipation and Beca could see in her eyes that the girl wanted to kiss her just as much as she did.
Beca gently rested her palm on Chloe’s cheek. They didn’t speak, but they didn’t need words to communicate; their eyes were saying all they needed to say. They expressed how much they both wanted to do this, but only if the other was okay with that, and that it was going to be okay. They completely forgot they weren’t alone.
Beca leaned in and kissed her, Chloe wrapped her arms around Beca’s neck and pulled her closer, letting out a sigh that made Beca’s heart flutter. They stayed there, kneeling in the middle of the living room, kissing slowly and deeply, their lips moved together as if they were dancing. Beca wasn’t sure who deepened the kiss, but as soon as their tongues touched, a million fireworks went off in her brain, covering the sound of their friends whooping and clapping and wolf whistling – Amy – and making her forget her own name.
Beca couldn’t have enough of Chloe’s lips. When the kiss ended and Chloe tried to move away, Beca desperately chased her mouth and started kissing her again, gaining a chuckle from the redhead. The two girls were only separated by Amy accidently bathing them in tequila while waving a bottle in the air, shouting that they had to drink to that.
After two – or was it three? – Bhloe drinks, as Amy had named them, Beca was still snuggled up next to Chloe. They shared some quick kisses during the rest of the night and when they decided to go wrap it up, Beca really wasn’t ready to sleep. All she wanted to do was kiss Chloe all night long and the morning after, and for the rest of her life. When Chloe pulled her in for another kiss, she was happy to welcome Chloe’s tongue in her mouth again
“Good night, baby” whispered Chloe against her lips before leaving.
Beca was lying awake in her bed; she could still feel the ghost of Chloe’s lips lingering on hers. She took her phone and started typing.
BEC ♡: I lied at trth o dre I dont have a tner for you
CHLO: Bec…
BEC ♡: Im crazy abt yoy! youre my destiny
BEC ♡: you’re
CHLO: you jst gve me a heartattack yoi asshole1
BEC ♡: srry xD
CHLO: wnna cme here to sleep w me?
BEC ♡: we r drnk…
CHLO:  I jut wanna slp
BEC ♡: Any wll tease th shit out of us
CHLO: I don’t care
CHLO: I miss u
Beca didn’t really use much her bed in the Bellas’ house.
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mother-snake · 4 years
Thank you so much for the response to my ask! It was so so good!! 💕 I saw you posted wanting short, mostly Janus centric, ideas so maybe something nice and fluffy after I just asked to put him through angst? Maybe Thomas and the sides taking a chance to show Janus appreciation after his acceptance or something?
well short is out of the window with this one im afraid...(this one is defianately fluffier than the last by a long shot)
taggs: @idkanameatall @imma-potatoo warnings: angst words 3212
-a bold statment-
Janus had been having one of those days. He had turned off all the lights and built a small blanket fort filled with pillows and stuffed animals. Fairy lights lit up the small space and he had a book in hand.
He couldn’t focus on the book. he had been re- reading each page as he lost concentration once again. he felt frustrated, tired and just wanted whatever he was feeling to disappear.
He pulled the blanket that had been covering his lower half and moved it further up. snuggling close as possible as unwanted tears made of frustration began to prick his eyes.
He was barely cut out of his mind by a small soft knock at his door. “Janus?” Logan said, just able to be heard, “may I come in,” he asked.
He rubbed his eyes before letting the lock on the door click open. He heard the sound of the door open and close. “Janus may I turn the lights on,” Logan asked. “yes” the lights remained off.
He listened as Logan shuffled around the room and shift a little. The opening of the blanket fort was pulled back slightly, letting Janus catch a small glimpse of the logical sides face. “hello,” Logan said with a small smile. “hi,” Janus mumbled back.
The air was quiet but not tense. Logan let out a sigh before looking at the blanket fort. He was quite impressed by the way it had been built. “are you alright Janus?” he asked as he peaked a little further in. he didn’t respond, but Logan could tell the answer despite his ‘lack of emotions’ “would you like a hug?” he asked. Janus looked at him with nervousness. This didn’t feel like something Logan would do. this wasn’t something he was used to. But the offer was too enticing for him to deny. he gave a small nod to Logan and shuffled over for the logical side to make his way in.
Logan slipped in, and sat by Janus. The snake seemed to melt into the simple touch as Logan wrapped an arm around Janus. he looked over to Janus’s lap where a book sat forgotten. “a fine choice of book if I do say so myself,” Logan said. “thanks,” Janus muttered.
They sat in the quiet for a while. Janus had been trying to keep his emotions in line as the time continued. He burrowed his head into the crook of logans neck. he felt tired, but he didn’t want to sleep. His heart felt heavy. His mind had thankfully begun to slow down. his eyes began to droop as the warmth radiating from Logan. the logical side feeling like a hot water bottle or heater.
A small smile creeped Its way onto his face. Logan had stayed for who knows how long, maybe out of politeness or maybe it was kindness. Either way, it warmed his cold heart. Ever. So. Sightly. and he soon found himself falling fast asleep.
And deep down he hoped that it could last.
Logan glanced down as he felt his shoulder grow heavier. A smile appeared on his face as he looked down to see Janus fast asleep and looking calmer than he had ever seen the snake. he couldn’t find it in his heart to leave Janus. And he didn’t mind if he had to stay until he woke up. he would keep the fact that Janus’s scales had been slightly discoloured by a from of grey mixed with yellow to himself for now. --
Patton had been in the kitchen that faithful night. He had put on the kettle and sat down on a stool by the kitchen island. he hadn’t been able to sleep no matter how hard he had tried. He was beyond exhausted but no attempt had been successful.
There were soft, quiet footsteps coming from the hall. He turned to face the door and felt his eyes go wide as he saw Janus standing at the door shifting nervously. “am I not intruding?” he asked looking at Patton. “of course not kiddo,” he said patting a stool next to himself.
Janus shuffled in, not knowing what to say as he sat down as Patton stood up as the kettle stopped boiling. “would you like some tea?” he asked. “no thank you.”
“are you alright Janus? Would you like to talk about it?” Patton asked as he brought the two cups over. “I’m not fine, it wasn’t a nightmare,” he said before taking a sip of tea. “can I ask what it was about, it might help to tell someone.” “yes,” he said sternly.
Patton stayed quiet after that. he wouldn’t be getting through to Janus today. He tapped his fingers on the counter as he looked into his partially filled cup. the only sound that filled the space was a clinking of cups against the surface.
It was only when Patton looked up from his cup that he spotted it. Janus’s scales were slightly… discoloured. “Janus, do your scales normally turn blue?” he asked looking at them slightly closer. “no, they don’t always do that,” he responded with a small smile. “that’s amazing!” Patton said, stars appearing in his eyes. “you don’t think so?” Janus asked, reaching up his hand to touch his scales. “of course! Its amazing,” he said excitedly,” do you know why they do it?”
Janus’s scales had begun to change slightly a coral colour mixed in as his human side blushed. “it isn’t like a mood ring, it doesn’t help me express my emotions,” he said as he rubbed his neck.
Patton was in absolute awe. “I need to find some paper,” he said before bolting out of the room, causing Janus to let out a chuckle.
Yes, he maybe did let down his cover on his scales for Patton to see. But he knew that Patton would need cheering up.
As the minuets ticked by, Patton came back into the room with a tub of coloured pens and a sheet of paper. “I hope you don’t mind, but I want to make a chart for everyone. I feel we could use it in the future,” he said. “I suppose that will be doable,” Janus said, his nightmare forgotten about by him for now.
“hey Janus, can I let you in on a secret?” Patton whispered with a toothy grin. “very well,” “logans eyes do something similar, just look at the rim of his iris,” he hushed at Janus.
And that’s how they spent the next several hours. With Patton bouncing questions off Janus and creating a mood chart that he would then hang in the Livingroom by the date calendar. Janus wouldn’t say it. but it felt nice to be listened to. Even if it was just answering a few questions.
He hoped that this could last. --
He it wasn’t a good day from the get go. He had woken up late, got piled behind work and skipped both breakfast and lunch.
He was stressed and about ready to begin crying over the fact his pen had stopped working when he felt a presence in his room. he rubbed his eyes before he heard the person speak. “come on Jannie, you need a break,” Virgil?
He turned to face the anxious side. his eyeshadow wasn’t dark like it had been when he was in the deceitful side’s permease
“I'm not fine.” He said as he reached for another pen. “dam right you’re not fine, Janus. Your scales are going grey from stress. Please take a break,” Virgil said, “you haven’t eaten anything all day. Eat and then ill let you get back to whatever this… is?” he said looking down at the barely legible hand writing.
“no,” “great, come on. romans making dinner tonight,” he said as he pulled Janus up from his seat.
 As soon as he left the smell of mac and cheese filled his nose, a small grumble came from his stomach. To his misfortune, Virgil had apparently heard. Virgil kept up with the pace and they were in the commons much sooner than Janus would have liked to be. “where aren’t the others?” he asked, noticing a very empty table. “ah, its just us three today. The others have gone to Remus’s imagination believe it or not,” “not including Patton?” he asked surprised.
“yeah, our dear father whisked away by my brother and the dear nerd,” roman said as he peaked his head from the kitchen door, “food’s ready,” he stated with a wink.
 As they ate, roman and Virgil began to talk about the recent events that had occurred today. “what do you think of Mr. Flores Janus?” roman said looking over. “I'm afraid I don’t really have an opinion on the matter,” he said, taking another bite from his food. “oh come now, surely you must have,” roman said with a raised eyebrow.
Janus didn’t say anything for a brief moment before he was startled as the prince yelped in pain grabbing his knee. “you don’t have to answer Janus,” Virgil said, wary of the purple shifting scales. “well, I don’t thank you for the meal but I best finish up my work,” Janus said as he stood up. “try and get some sleep tonight, okay?” Virgil said before bringing Janus into a hug, surprising the deceitful side greatly.
As they pulled back, he Janus almost felt his heart lift as he saw the bright purple eyeshadow under the eyes of Virgil. God, how long had it been since they had done that. they must have been around seven the last time he witnessed that.
He had enjoyed the company and break, but he knew he needed to get back to work before Thomas suffered because of the pile up. but for now, he would just enjoy the fact his friend was becoming his old self once more.
He hoped that this could last. --
Two days later he had a heavy knocking at his door followed by a sort of exited screech.
He let the lock on his door go and Remus burst into the room with a wicked grin before faltering slightly. “what the fuck are you doing on the floor?” he asked. “definitely not wallowing in self-pity and doubt. You?” he said sarcastically.
Remus scowled as he looked at his friend on the floor. Looks like today was going to be one of those days. “okay dip shit. Grab as many blankets as you can carry,” Remus said as he plucked Janus up from the floor by the arms. “why?” Janus asked, concern plastered all over his face.
“were taking over the commons today, and they can’t fucking stop us!” he cackled as he grabbed an armful of blankets from the floor.
 It took far longer than either would admit, but it did look impressive. Remus in the end had to summon more blankets for the inside, but that just meant Janus had more blankets for future times of need. So, he wasn’t exactly complaining.
They crept inside and Janus immediately flopped down onto a pile of soft and warm blankets. Remus sat by his side and ran a hand through his hair. “when was the last time you had one of these days?” Remus asked, “because I feel like it’s been fucking ages.” “beginning of the week n yesterday,” he mumbled into the pile of blankets. “and you didn’t say anything?” Remus said almost annoyed, “you realise the others and me would be more than happy to led you all their limbs right?” he said as he ruffled Janus’s fluffed up hair. “I don’t know,” he said exasperated, “I just totally want to put all my issues on all of theirs, cause that’s so fair.”
Remus stared at him with a scowl for a couple seconds before a lightbulb lit up in his head. Oh boy, Janus was going to kill him for this.
“give me a couple minuets will you dear snakey?” said side watched as Remus left their blanket fort. A small pool of worry began to build up in his chest. had he offended Remus?
 He wasn’t expecting for the sides to trickle in one at a time however. first was roman who quickly placed himself next to Janus, then Virgil who threw a blanket over Janus. The familiar scent of coffee and lavender seemed to somehow put his mind slightly at ease. then came Logan with a book in hand. he sat down a bit away, but he knew that the other was concerned. The blue rimmed brown eyes showing that he was himself in slight distress.
Then came Patton and Remus. Patton was holding a tray of cookies and a couple cups, whereas Remus came in with what he assumed to be a pot of tea.
Remus placed himself on the opposite side of Janus as the side sat up slightly before leaning over and whispering to the snake. “told you they cared,” he said with a victorious smirk.
For the first time in for a long time he felt himself just relax as he felt a hand run through his hair. The warmth and love that surrounded him seemed so real.
He hoped that this would last. --
It had been a week later. The other sides popping their heads in when he was beginning to overwork himself so they could get him to take a break. Patton had found himself occasionally staying up with Janus when neither could sleep and sharing secrets about the other sides. They shared stories from after the mind palace split into the two segments. Giving stories that would have seemed impossible to anyone else.
Logan would often join Janus reading in the Livingroom early in the morning when no one else was awake.
Roman and Remus had begun to take him out into the imagination so he could get some natural heat from the sun. he had found himself happier on those days.
Virgil would often wrap him in a blanket when his scales would begin to show that he was slipping slightly.
But despite all they did for him. He still didn’t know why he felt so… alone? Was that the right word? there was normally an empty feeling in his chest, sometimes when he got too overwhelmed and cried it would appear. He would lose his ability to feel. And he didn’t like it. not one bit.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been so surprised when he was summoned. But being lost in a pile of work and in his pyjamas was the last way he had ever wanted to see Thomas. Yet caught up in work, he didn’t even realise he had been summoned.
“Janus, are you okay?” Thomas asked looking down at his side. “hu?” he looked up and around the room. it was just him, Thomas and…Nico. Oh.
“well…  this was certainly unexpected,” Janus said,” don’t worry Thomas, just got caught up in my work. nothing else,” he said before snapping his fingers. his papers went back to his room and his normal attire replaced the black and yellow snake themed pyjamas he had been previously wearing.
“so, you are Thomas’s deceit?” “indeed, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person Nico,” he said with a smile.
“wait- Janus… since when did your scales change colour?” Thomas asked as he looked at them with almost the same curiosity Patton had. “ah, yes. I forgot you didn’t know about that,” he said, wincing at the fact he had actually forgotten himself.
Nico stared at the two’s small interaction. “so, do you know why they change colour?” he asked. “imagine a mood ring,” Janus said with a fake smirk, he was ready to bolt at a second’s notice.
Apparently, the fact that he said that had caused Nico to give him a small smile, “not enjoying this?” “I don’t tend to like confrontation unannounced. I preferred to be warned about these things so I'm prepared,” he muttered, giving a small glare at Thomas.
Nico let out a chuckle, “ill remind him next time if this happens again,” he said with a wide smile.
Janus gave a small nod before beginning to sink down. “wait, before you go,” Thomas said, “I haven’t seen you in a while. I hope you’re okay Janus,”
Janus was taken back by what he had said but he knew his answer, “some days are always harder than others, but I think I'm going to be fine Thomas, goodbye,” he said as he sunk down.
“you think he’ll be alright?” Nico asked. “eh, knowing the others, they’ll make sure of it,” he chuckled lightly.
 Janus rose back up to his room, but he didn’t go straight back to work. Nope. He gathered a couple blankets and made his way to the commons where he made a small cocoon for himself and decided it was time for a nap. it was always warmer out here than in his room.
A warm feeling spread in his chest. covering him completely in a feeling he hadn’t felt in such a long time. hope.
Hope that the future would be okay. That for now everything was okay and he didn’t need to worry so much about Thomas.
He hoped that it would last. --
-two weeks ago-
Every side (other than Janus) and Thomas Were gathered in the real living room for a small meeting. the topic, of course being about the one person who wasn’t there.
“so, I take it we called this meeting for the same reasons? Right?” Patton said, pulling at the sleeves of his cardigan that was wrapped around his shoulders. “I believe so,” Logan said.
“do you two know much about why Janus maybe trying to push us away?” Thomas asked looking over to Virgil and Remus. “its… been like this since we were children. After the mindspace split he sort of just… Closed down. It was around that time he began to lie,” Virgil said meekly.
“the fucker would hide away most the time, but still kept an eye on the louder dark sides. Like a parental figure, but more babysitter than anything else,” Remus said boring his eyes into Thomas’s head.
“so, he’s been like this… for years?” roman Virgil nodded and pulled his legs up onto the sofa, “I don’t think he is aware that he’s no longer there. That he’s safe with us,” he said looking at Remus.
“what do you mean?” Patton asked nervously. “some of the others were known to get. Violent over nothing… he tried his best to keep us away from them,” he said reluctantly, “I just think over the first couple months, he took what they said to heart.”
Everyone remained quiet. Trying to process what was told. every part of their minds seemed to link as one as a single thought coursed into their minds. “well then, looks like we’ve got a lot of work to do. but for now, let’s make sure Janus knows he is welcomed then? Shall we?” roman said as he stood up from his place on the floor.
They looked at one another and nodded. they would make sure Janus knew they’d always be there for him. That would never change.
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