#im a sucker for portraits like this
humberg · 10 months
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Eyes are the window into the soul.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
And now a matching Fernando :D
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saturnisfallingdown · 2 years
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[ID: A digitally drawn portrait of the side profile of a head. The subject is white with neck-length dark hair, and wears a yellow and blue jacket. The face has a defined nose, and small patches of acne scars. He looks forward, smiling slightly. The piece is entirely black, white, yellow, and blue, with use of dots and screen tones resembling comic books. end ID]
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crushedsweets · 4 months
hey sucker! 😋😋
what would the creeps do for valentine’s day?
like yknow, would some be given small treats or do others treat it like a regular day?
happy belated valentines day! hope you guys had fun and shared some love with everyone around you! this is the closest youre gonna get to x reader content from me.
Tim and Brian probably don't do much. They'll totally grab some chocolates/candy and eat it, but just cuz its there, not as a gift. if they had a partner, they'd just go get some dinner.. flowers, basic stuff. put on an unironed button up and pick their partner up LOL.
toby might do something depending on where he is in the story. early on, he is not doing SHIIIIT. deep into his friendship with nina(who opens up a lot of his emotional vulnerabilities n stuff), he might feel a little inclined to pick up some flowers for some of the girls in his life (nina, clocky, kate, lazari) just cuz he used to do something small for his sister/mom when he was younger (cuz frank never did shit). if he had a partner, he'd def wanna do jewelry and classic flowers. he likes necklaces and rings and piercings and stuff, doesnt wear them much cuz they get in the way, but likes seeing people wear stuff he got. he's the type to make them turn around so he could put the necklace on them, but if they even slightly laugh at him trying to be sweet, he's getting mad HAHA. "ok nevermind im returning this you fucking suck" (jokingly.. but he is embarrassed). would just wanna stay home though, no nights out or anything
clocky would paint stuff. she'd give nina a portrait of herself cuz nina loooves being someone's muse, do some nice art of forest creatures and leave some notes for toby. she'd feel pretty awkward about it just cuz even when she was with her highschool boyfriend, she wasn't good at giving or receiving affection. if she's gifted any flowers (which she will be getting), she's absolutely pressing them and either sealing them in some paintings, or putting it in frames that hold her old art/art she picked up at thrifts. if she had a partner, she'd obviously paint them or something. i could see her spending a long time working through a journal to gift them, making every 3 pages a painting, drawing, or journal entry expressing something. "today you and i went to get lunch. i think the place was way too expensive, but you liked it." and then empty pages for her partner to fill in with whatever they want.
nina. ok come on. lets be serious. its nina. she's gonna buy everyone(as in toby, clocky, kate, jane, liu) one expensive gift (cologne, watches, shoes, jewelry, makeup) and then throw together mini bouquets, notes, and probably shop lift other smaller stuff cuz 'IM BROKE I SPENT TOO MUCH I HAVE TO' LOLLL.. she's the type to literally decorate her house for it, putting up some of clocky's more romantic paintings (cuz she has a collection of clocky's work), setting out heart-shaped coasters, bringing out heart shaped pillows.... honestly she probably already had those.... she'd absolutely plan galentines dinner for her friends, bake cookies, everything. if she had a partner, it would be really similar. she likes to spoil people, gift giving and acts of service are her ways of showing love - buuuut she does want to be spoiled in return, so physical affection and quality time is what she wants to receive. she wants to be treated like a princess, be picked up, have her doors opened for her, told she looks beautiful, etc.
jack is even less likely to do something than toby. before the sacrifice, he'd grab a cheap bag of individually wrapped chocolates and give them to people he knew around campus. i could see him buying the same chocolates and leaving it in his cabin. telling whoever visits him to take some. nina would leave him some flowers too(say its also from toby) and he'd be really grateful, cuz she'd be very sure to get him whatever he thinks smells the nice. that way he can still appreciate it. if he had a partner, YOU KNOW HE'S COOKING THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DINNER AT HOME. he's cleaning up, very awkwardly trying to dress nice. black button up, slacks, slick his hair back(or he'd just do whatever his partner says looks best, not too concerned with his own preference). he'd feel sooo fucking embarrassed and very nervous but he just wants to make it special. he'd write a long love letter, too
jeff isnt doing shit for anyone. he'll go steal some chocolate and mind his own business. if he had a partner, one that he ACTUALLY loved and wanted to keep around. maybe he'd pick up some flowers and chocolate, mainly cuz he knows thats the bare minimum sort of gift. he'd let them demand that day from him, which takes a LOT for him to let anyone feel entitled to HIS time. if he knows they have higher expectations (dinner, a letter, etc) he'd probably bitch and moan and be like "ugh you already know im into you why do i gotta do this shit" but if theyre serious, he'd probably do it. half assed though...
kates also not doing anything unprompted. she wouldnt even know the day is coming around. her only memories of valentines day would be passing out some candy and cards around class in elementary school, but once she was in the forest, nobody gave HER shit. she might pick some flowers and wrap it in some paper for people , but ONLY if she KNOWS they're getting something for her. like, she'd pick nina some flowers cuz she knows ninas doing something regardless, but she wouldnt get toby anything cuz she wouldnt have expected it from him. then shed feel bad. if she had a partner, again it'd be similar. she KNOWS she needs to put in the effort, but she doesnt exactly have the resources... the farm does pay her some cash since she works with the animals, but she mostly just gives it straight to toby so he can buy stuff for the cabin. but she'd keep it this time around, and quietly ask toby if he could come with her to get some stuff for them. some sweets, a necklace, scribble out a little letter. smth sweet.
janes married. and she goes all out of her wife. buys her like a 3dozen bouquet of red roses, sets reservations at nice restaurants, makes mary breakfast the morning of. all of that. i dont even know how to go into detail on this because thats just how it is for her, theres not some turmoil for her to work through. she'd also start getting sally some stuff. plushies holding hearts, balloons, sweet things like that. if she had a partner...WELL SHE ALREADY DOES!!!!
if liu knows nina is going to gift him something expensive, he's doing the same. he's going to grab her flowers and maybe some shoes or something he knows she's had her eye on. he wouldn't be really subtle about it, just text her "whats on your wishlist right now" LOLLL... he just appreciates nina's presence (after they get over the jeff situation) and likes having a little sister to spoil. he'd probably send jane a bouquet of flowers with a thank you note, since jane did a lot for him. if he had a partner, it would also be very stereotypical. date plans, picking them up, flowers, etc. he'd LOOOOVE to make one of those big baskets filled to the brim with random shit. would wanna come home and draw a nice bubble bath and have some wine. stuff like that in general...
ben, lulu, ann, and dina wouldnt do anything and wouldnt get a partner. lazari would draw some pictures for her friends! sally will draw something for jane and mary
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soledadcatalina · 1 year
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[id: a series of sketches featuring kim kitsuragi and his parents. the first is a sketch imitating a family photograph of his mother and father sitting on steps outside. kim's mother is holding a bundled up, baby kim in her arms, his father sits next to her with his hands clasped over a crossed leg. the caption underneath reads: "Photo of an unidentified Seolite family." the next two sketches are loosely drawn portraits, the first of kim's father: who has short slicked back black hair, rectangular glasses, and a stern expression on his face. the third sketch is of kim's mother whose hair is styled in a short bob, she raises her brow with a slight smirk. the final image is kim at different ages of his youth: as a baby holding his mothers hand, a four year old draped in a pilot's jacket, and as an eight year old, glasses clad and scowling with a shaved head. text pointing to his head reads: "Caught up in a head lice scare (didn't even have any)". ]
im always a sucker for thinking about what any particular character's parents look like and im so curious about kim's
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frogserotonin · 1 year
pls write something for anthony lockwood.. i would take anything at this point.
if you’d like you could write something in an awkward situation (like the deleted towel scene, but like lockwood x reader). i’m a sucker for these.
maybe they could be in love with each other and usually have this tension, then the awkward situation could lead them to confess.
thank you and dw if you don’t want to write this, i’ll literally read ANYTHING :))
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knock knock knocking(on heavens door) - anthony lockwood x reader
a/n: im so sorry this is terrible and also so short 😭 i migjt need to sleep
warnings: mentions of death, ooc, unedited and so fucking awkward 😭
You were an idiot. There were no other words you could think other than those in relation to the events of this very morning.
George snickered, “Surely it wasn’t that bad.” You groaned again, face buried in your hands.
“It was miserable!” You exclaimed, arms thrown up in the air-a textbook example of embarrassed outrage, “This is the end for me! I’m never leaving my room again, you’ll have to slide the delicious meals you’ll make me through a newly created slot in the door. Forget dying on a job, I’m going to pass from vitamin D deficiency!”
“Uhm…Sorry?” George says, ever the portrait of empathy. You tell him as much. “Hey! I’d have more sympathy for you if you told me what actually happened.”
You had a question to do with a new case the agency had just accepted and George and Lucy had been out shopping, so you ran towards Lockwoods room and threw the door open. Your eyes were stuck on the files in your hands so you were not aware of any of your surroundings.
“Hey, question for you-“ A strangled yelp cut you off and you found yourself face to face with a very flustered Anthony Lockwood, who was currently wearing only a pair of sweatpants and in the process of removing a plain white t-shirt.
“Oh…” You searched for words. He cleared his throat and attempted to gain control of the situation.
“…Morning.” He nodded at you, as if his face were not an obscene red. You looked at his nose, knowing any lower and you’d end up staring at either his lips or bare chest, and any higher and you’d have to face the most awkward eye contact you’d ever experienced.
“Yes.” You nodded back, as if you heard what he’d said over the blood rushing through your ears. “I’m-You-I need you?”
The silence was loud.
“To answer a question of mine, that is, but um…you’re clearly busy so I will see myself out.”
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decy-press · 6 months
i finally completed Virtue's Last Reward last night so now i can finally post these memes i made several months ago
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alt text below:
the images show portraits of a bunch of zero escape characters, each one paired up with a dril tweet i thought matched up to them. the characters and their matching tweets are:
sigma: "the rumors are true.; i am indeed sending out valentine day kisses to all of my pretty lady followers. even the ones who have betrayed me" phi: "sad to see people betraying their friends for no reason. couldnt be me. i only betray my friends when it gives me an Advantage" K: "if i had a suit of armor i could easily beat the shit out of any man alive" quark: "DAD: i just heard on t he news that teens are taking the "kick my ass" challenge. please dont do this. ME: you have no power over me, old man" tenmyouji: "dont pay mind of me. i am just a hound dogs old ass..." luna: "can we stop the posts please guys. can we all cool it with the gags, riffs, spoofs, and epic shit. people are trying to do mental health" dio: "struting around in my stepson cowboy hat looking for an ass kicking" clover: "(carrying a huge polkadotted bindle, looking like a dumb ass, shoes completely untied) mother.. father... im leaving home to join the cops" alice: "to the longhorn steakhouse which refused to serve me: a bib most certainly counts as a shirt" zero jr: "the jduge orders me to take off my anonymous v mask & im wearing the joker makeup underneath it. everyone in the courtroom groans at my shit"
ace: "wghen other people do jokes, they get the big buzz feed office, allowed to kiss girls, etc, but when i do it im treated like a Crook. typical" snake: "daily reminder that i wear a suit and tie daily eeven though i have not set foot in public for over 16 years. #GoodBoy #Hansdome" santa: "look at all these pitiful toads shamelessly seeking validation, unlike me, seeking validation in a cool, disaffected sort of way" clover: "(in a really quiet, barely audible voice) hope your dick falls of bitch" junpei: "AH. ONCE AGAIN IM RAKED THRU THE COALS AND TORTURED TO DEATH FOR HAVING A NORMAL PERSONS OPINON. FUCK OFF" june: "GIRL: (after listening to me explain something i invented called Weed Theory for 20 mins) Wow thats pretty good. Did you invent that? ME: yes" seven: "i may not know "jack shit", but i know my friend "jack fists" and he would like to come knock the shit out of your teeth," lotus: "to me the most normal career path is to fail at show biz and resort to getting paid by defense contractors to make reddit psots or some shit" ninth man: "so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement" zero: "if you are a hater you have 9 hours to confess to being a hater and apologise and pull your pants down so every one can see your dick"
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trcickster · 6 months
who is ur favourite character from nevermoor
if u cant pick 1, you can pick a top 3
OH im so sorry I never saw this?? I downloaded Tumblr solidarily for the Nevermoor content so I'm still unfamiliar with all the features and everything 😭
Anyhooow my top 3!!! 1. Morrigan (bcs huge kinnie lol) 2. Lambeth, her backstory is soo interesting I defenitly gotta draw her somethime!! 3. Marina Cheery and Roshni (I think those are their english names?? I'm simply a sucker for wlw representation 💞💞) (Sneaking in a fourth is Ezra, simply can't WAIT for more info on him, he's also so interesting!!?)
Rlly like this feature!! Feel free to ask me anything I love answering questions :33
(Art below is a self portrait I made in class)
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houndfaker · 7 months
how come you’re so crazy about kikuno? asking as someone who only knows her from arena
honestly anon a good 50% of it is “i literally don’t know”. maybe it’s the fact that she’s so underrated that kind of stokes my obsession a little? the other half of it is well. not even so much just her roles in each story she’s involved in but just general stuff about her as a character beyond that. i’ll give my general reasonings
(beneath a cut because wow i started rambling really hard)
im a sucker for the general trope of an utterly devoted character that serves under another, potentially to the point of viewing themselves as a tool. combine that with the general aesthetic of a battle maid and im pretty much sold.
further combine that with a devotion so sincere that it corrupts, and you have me acting up. kikuno being so hellbent on setting mitsuru free of her family’s burdens that she is willing to sacrifice the entirety of sees for it, that she goes as far as drugging her so she might sleep through it all, was just insanely interesting to me. kikuno clearly despises takedera, thinks lowly of him, but joins forces with him for the good of providing peace to the person dearest to her, even at the risk of being hated by her.
she also technically falls under that other trope i like where she has a history of being a lab experiment. which i sorely wish they would’ve done more with! the horrifying implications of a child that was sold to ergo research!! a survivor of that dark hour experimentation that’s effect is typically known only through strega (and eventually sho by extension). takedera threatening her with returning to those experiments is a genuine hair raising moment to me. she’s the type of character you imagine would have a persona, but she never seems to awaken to one, only having the potential to interact with the dark hour.
shes also outright a cool addition to exploring more of mitsuru’s backstory and home life. the drama cd in general gives insight to mitsuru as a child and i came away feeling even more fondness for a character i already love intensely. (seriously, kikuno describing their first meeting and how much of a little shit mitsuru was about trying to make friends with a withdrawn and bitter kikuno…so sweet)
i just really get the sense that the writers have a fondness for her. she almost feels like someone’s oc. she’s practically a main character in the drama cd she originates from, she briefly cameos in a later drama cd promoting the movies (and has a brief appearance in the movies!!!!), then goes from loose mention in the first arena game to a fully visually implemented character in ultimax with portraits and voicework, and later she’s portrayed in the stageplay based on ultimax. surely you could chalk a ton of this up to needing a plot-furthering character and kikuno as a pre-existing concept would more often than not fit the bill but i like to imagine she’s just a Well Loved side character. i sincerely hope that love persists into reload. im DYING to see her again, even if it’s just a brief moment.
SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH HER. in the second scene shes in she tells the limo driver escorting her and mitsuru to the manor to run over a crowd. shes like an angry attack dog for the first half of new moon that mitsuru needs to tell to relax. she fucking pretends to break a ring that normal people use to access the dark hour, acts like she loses all of her memories in the past 6 years to takedera AND TO MITSURU BEFORE BEING LIKE OH LOL IM FINE BTW. IVE ALWAYS HAD ACCESS TO THE DARK HOUR I JUST PRETENDED TO USE THE RING AND NEVER TOLD YOU ABOUT IT. she blows up the iwatodai dorm kitchen because she impulsively came over to help bake something as an apology to mitsuru, and doesn’t tell anyone that she’s never cooked before until after there is a fire. when mitsuru requests a beach-related activity for the senpai squad to partake in she sends an entire cruise ship to them. in arena she intentionally leaves the top open on the artificial dark hour-inducing box so that the police investigators handling the materials snoop into it, trigger it, and get attacked. she stays On Site in a damaged helicopter during ultimax so she can shoot down and blow up shadows and smiles and winks while she does it like she’s having the time of her life.
its not anything New i guess but the way she carries herself does kill me. woman who behaves so put together but is so not. she wants to commit unspeakable violence. shes smug and cunning. also she can be incredibly fucking stupid and i chalk that up to having grown up somewhat sheltered in the same manner as mitsuru. the perfect woman i think
gay ass homosexual woman. if a relationship in p3 is paralleled with junpei and chidori it’s so over that’s them telling you something gay is happening. you cannot refer to somebody as “the one destined for you” and be not gay about it. it does not help that she then compares herself to yukari who is also ridiculously gay with mitsuru. it’s also like why are you as a woman revolving your life’s work around providing comfort and peace to another woman. she’s ridiculous get me out of here.
her arena design is like catnip for me. what is she so dykey for!? her fucking chest harness....
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another thing is like just generally the Potential she holds as a character. i would've liked to see her directly encounter more members of sees beyond her first appearance. i think her and yukari's dynamic in particular is really funny just based on the last bit of dialogue between them in nm/fm. something about the kinda one-sided like. kinship kikuno appears to have with her and like i wanted to see how yukari would further deal with her and her antics but they dont really interact on character developing-based terms in ultimax....i like to think about them anyways. ive also manifested the concept of strega being loosely aware of her from their time as child experiments under the kirijo group, particularly ive been wanting to try writing or drawing something grounded in the dynamic between her and chidori consisting of how differently the two ended up and how that might create further tension than what we got in their brief canon interaction...im just Rambling at this point but its genuinely a big part of her appeal to me.
well while im here. i feel like there might be this impression that i ship kikuno with either yukari or mitsuru but like generally speaking i find it hard to put into words what the deal is. i dont really consider either of them in a romantic relationship with her and yet there is some kind of psuedo-polycule shit going on there in my brain. i dont pair them but theyre doing gay stuff n proximity to each other. do you get it. its like two married women and the maid that they do yuri shit with
she sucks a little bit and also shes so awesome. im her biggest fan. thats all
addendum: PLEASE, one p3 fan to another, do yourself a favor and either listen along to or read the scripts for the drama cds she appears in. (and the whole p3 drama cd catalogue in general because honestly its made up of really great stuff between sincere lore shit and just characters goofing off during daily life.) i'll link the specific ones below for ease of access also.
New Moon (Youtube) (Script) Full Moon (Youtube) (Script)
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casawio · 1 year
my thoughts on wu&io first listen: portrait of a blank slate: I like it a lot! breaks away from their usual form a bit. sexy guitar. this song has aromantic swag to me honestly. love what he does with his voice here its pathetic and memorable!!! The drums are sexy too. Im a sucker for songs that cmwyl: well. you know. not my first listen. i have thoughts about the mixing.. erm maybe I'm just jaded from listening to it sm Its good. its just that the verses are kind of Mid compared to the rest of the ep. It feels muffled and kinda sanded down idk how to explain it. consequences: sounds like a local garage band who makes like one set of songs and plays concerts at every venue that will take them. i mean its good but am I wrong. warsaw: the lyricism reminds me of los camp....... I like this one a lot ^_^ idk the guitar and bass is sexy in this one. yeah the lyricism is my main favorite part of this one. return of the good vocal mixing too the filtered part (sample?) gave me chills... all the best concert snippets I've seen ended up being from this one..... She hopes to god that I just choke! favorite from the ep and maybe my new lvjy fav scum: his voice is pathetic and wet in this one I don't think I can legally comment on how I feel about this.um... I Like It. the guitar in this one is good too. THE KEY CHANGE IS SOOO SEXY TOO. it gets better as it goes on and w each listen
it's golden hour somewhere: Ohh my girl I've waited for you. the layered vocals and lyricism in this one is so yauuy. Love her. Its soo Lovejoy. THEYLL SELL YOU THE ROPE BY WHICH YOULL HANG YOURSELF (NORMAL ABOUT THAT LINE) holy fuck yea .!! love me a boy who will push his vocal chords to falsetto
overall thoughts: i like the medical themes in the album. the guitar and lyricism carries it. I still miss the fucking trumpet everything post pebble brain sounds more generic indie rock band without her BRING THE TRUMPET BACK LOVEJOY 2K23 top 3: warsaw, portrait of a blank slate, golden hour 🙏
this is all subject to change but I wanted to record my initial thoughts
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faunsoda · 1 year
sbi ib au w wilbur as mary is a concept i cannot stop thinking abt, like i haven’t touched ib in years and i was more into smaller dynamics in sbi than sbi as a whole, but it makes me so insane. you’re a genius and i adore that au concept. techno as gary is also so much fun, i rlly liked the whole thing. also the art was SO nice, your style is very neat. if you have any more thoughts abt the au as a whole i’d love to hear them, but if not, just know i love the concept so much
WOOO i hear u, my favorite dynamics within sbi are crimeboys and bedrock bros (it really shows in this au) because i am a huge sucker for sibling dynamics. the remake for ib came out for switch recently so the childhood hyperfixation reawakened like a beast
i have so many thoughts in my brain let me drop these bad boys. infodump time.
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my idea of a first meeting between techno and tommy! rather than having his rose stolen like garrys, its tommy stumbling in on techno getting cornered by one of the lady paintings. techno probably wouldve gotten out just fine eventually, maybe lost a few petals but tommy distracts the painting so he can escape unharmed! then theyre like 🤝 team up time
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please ignore the shitty ooc dialogue everywhere ive just been getting ideas jotted down in my free time hehe. i imagine the dynamic between techno and wilbur in this au being pretty tense! techno is IMMEDIATELY suspicious/wary of wilbur & wilbur wants to leave with tommy, taking technos place. techno doesnt wanna be too protective of tommy because a) this is some kid he just met what does he care b) he doesnt really have any reason to be suspicious about wilbur because hes done literally nothing wrong so far hes just off so techno doesnt trust him
also philza as guertena means he doesnt show up like at all BUT i really liked the theory from a few years ago that part of marys dislike for garry stemmed from garry resembling guertena and her feeling like she’d been abandoned since i cant really imagine she can grasp the complete concept and weight of death. so i did have techno resemble philza a bit here (eg. emerald and stubble that i keep forgetting to draw-) which will probably be unmentioned in stuff i draw for this au because again philza wont show up much. so yeah ooh possible idea that wilbur might resent techno for that a little bit or just be like kind of annoyed by it. idk man im just sitting here.
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i also did the three main endings! promise of reunion and together forever were kinda quick because i did not have time to properly draw and color them :,] but i found a neat brush and wanted to draw the forgotten portrait painting because ow. in my original drawings of this au tommy didnt have a green bandana but i decided to give him one as a stand in for the hankerchief ib carries! after all this ill probably do some redraws of moments from the game or try to reimagine the toy box since wilbur is notably not a child like mary is!
yeah hey that was probably like way more information about this au than anyone couldve wanted but B] if you have any thoughts about this au that differ from mine or if you just have thoughts in general id love to hear em! my brain is rotting. thanks for coming to my ted talk (and thank you for the ask, i am new to tumblr so this is my first ask yippee!!)
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scwirrel · 11 months
Tagged by lovely @themirokai. I didn't realise how much i wanted to journal some stuff out until now. thanks 👍.
Current time: 1:35am. which is not actually that late as i am live laugh loving in my nocturnal era. still plenty of time to watch a movie.
Current mood: creatively fraught. i want to get back into creative writing but I've gone so long without completing a project it feels hopeless. waiting on divine intervention at this point.
Current activity: vibing. (when i posted this originally it kept the previous description. i no longer remember what i was doing)
Currently thinking about: i really hope i don't get fired. also i need to clean more. also i need to do more admin. anxiety abounds.
Current favorite song: anything by MF Doom. 90s era. when i crack and swing back to whiny indie girl ballads its always gotta be Presumably Dead Arm by Sidney Gish though.
Currently reading: A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James. its a fairly hefty book about Bob Marley. im loving its versatile writing style and the portrait it paints of the rationale behind sexual violence but i definetly feel like im missing a lot of Jamaican political context. sometimes it feels like a book you should be handed a textbook for before you start, but thats a fault of mine and not the authors. I was previously trying to force myself though Pride and Prejudice but i just cant. Im usually a sucker for classic lit but that era just doesnt do it for me. sad.
Currently watching: im planning on watching the summer i turned pretty before i go to bed. no tv shows right now though. only chick flicks.
Current favourite character: im thinking a lot about everyone from the Sandman series. especially our titular boy. the cheekbones stick out in the mind. im desperately fighting back against another batfam phase. refixating on Tim Drake and Jason Todd would entail a lot more comics and bad movie adaptations than im comfortable with right now.
Current WIPs: i have a lot of unfinished paintings in my sketchbook right now. we wont talk about my writing wips. can a messy room count as a wip? thats the projects taking up most of my emotional space right now
Tagging my favourite (cough: only) mutuals here. no obligations at all, ignore this at your own discretion. @mammoneythegreat @fandoms-incorrect-quotes
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roseybunlucy · 2 years
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I have so much to say about every single one of these guys! Below i'll comment on my s/o, the runner up, who I thought I would originally marry and our kid names!
This template was made by pinkcatflower and if you'd like to give it a try too, here's the link!
Harvest Moon DS Cute
Commentary- I never actually played this game. I asked for it but my brother got me "Harvest Moon DS" instead, but SKYE is the reason I started playing harvest moon! When I was little I was trying to find games where I could marry and start a family. I found skye and I was swooning instantly! Now that I'm older, im too scared to buy and play the game because what if my fantasy of the guy who started my love of the series doesnt come close to who he actually is?
Harvest Moon : Sunshine Islands
Commentary- THIS was my first harvest moon game! As for Will, I cant remember exactly why I chose him since it was so long ago. Maybe I thought he was cute, I didnt like the other candidates or that I thought marrying him would help my income on the farm (Which it didnt!) But it doesnt change the fact that he'll always have a special place in my heart for being my first Harvest moon husband! I still do think he's a cutie to this day.
Who I thought i would marry - Pierre! I was on the road to him until Will came at the last minute! Lol
Child name- Maulina. I remember before the kid was born, i named my cow malina and i liked the name but i didnt want to name my child after a cow so i spelled it differently. I also remember seeing a "leak" of the child portraits, with will's kid having blonde hair and blue eyes and I thought the name was fitting for that design. I later found out that was not infact an official leak 😅
Harvest Moon : A New Beginning
Commentary - I had no patience to wait for all the bachelors to show up in this game so I regretfully rushed and married the first person that came, Neil. I was never a fan of his tsundere personality but his nervous face did make me smile after the marriage every now and then.
Who I thought I would marry/ Runner up - I remember dating allen in this game but I thought his personality was so horrible after a while I deleted the save file. I do wish I had took the time to get to know Sanjay. Thinking back on it, I couldve possibly liked him if I had talked to hime more.
Child name- I think it was Sage but im not 100% sure...
Story of Seasons
Commentary- My FAVORITE game of the series with my most FAVORITE bachelor! Mistel! His personality got me immediately! I was always caught off guard by him and blushing. Needless to say he's my number 1. With Nadi an extremely close runner up! I actually chose the picture of him that made me like him. The first time I ever saw that smirk, I had an instant crush.
Child name- Surprisingly I never married! It came out when I was in high school and I got too busy but I do sorta remember the names I was going to use! There was 4 names in total since this game gives you twins but I only remember "Drossel and Verona". I guess the art design made me feel like these names were fitting for this game. I also remember wanting to give Nadi's kids a plant based name.
Story of Seasons : Trio of Towns
Commentary- I liked Inari's ears and im a sucker for white hair. Other than that, I just wasnt a fan of any of the other bachelors
Runner up- If Inari didnt exist then I would had chosen Hinata, I like positive energetic characters.
Child name- Kana, After my child in Fire emblem Fates
Story of Seasons : Friends of Mineral Town
Commentary - Kai! I LOVE Kai! I hate putting my favorites in competitions with eachother but Kai is DEFINITELY in my top 3. He's so charming, smooth, funny and charismatic! How could I NOT like him? He's made me blush a few times too. Not to mention we both have the same favorite food!
Runner up- If Kai never showed up, I probably would have gone after Cliff, It made me sad that he came with no family, I wanted to help him go from nothing to a new found expanding family!
Child name- No child name! I got too busy with school again to marry him sadly! Plus I never thought of a name for our future kids.
Story of Seasons : Pioneers of Olive Town
Commentary- Not too much to say here. I liked Jack's normal personality, his events were cute AND he's not too bad looking himself. I never finished the game far enough to marry him.
Runner up- Ralph. I had a hard time deciding between the two. Ralph's events were pretty cute plus I liked his personality.
Rune Factory 4
Commentary- Doug! I didnt expect to like him but I was so caught off guard the first time I saw his introduction! I was like "Woah! Whos that!" He had instantly piqued my interest after that!
Runner up- I remember I had accidentally asked Dylas out in one of my other files. I had no interest in him but seeing that he liked me made me see him differently. I also had another file where I had planned dating Leon but I lost interest in that
Who I thought I would end up with- Before the game came out I looked at everyones Bio and thought I would fall for Vishnal! His design was cute and his personality seemed nice on paper but once I started playing I lost interest fast lol.
"Harvest Moon" : One World
Commentary - Jamil had the best 1st love event to pull me in. It showed how compassionate and caring he is and has to be one of my favorite events I've seen. It had me thinking about him hard enough to leave an impression on me!
Runner up- Sami. I did marry him but Jamil stole my heart.
Who I thought I would marry- Everyone except Braden
Harvest Moon DS
Commentary- Muffy is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! And has such a cute personality! I could never understand how she had romance troubles. If she were real I'd snatch her up in a heartbeat! As for Leia, Her sweet pwrsonality and cute looks got me too. Sadly, all my hard work went in vain as my save file corrupted and I was never able to marry in the game.
Harvest Moon : Sunshine Islands
Commentary- I never really had a thing for Lily, she was more of an "If I had to choose" option because I find her pretty.
Harvest Moon : A New Beginning
Commentary- I feel like If I could, I could write a whole essay about Tina. Im surprised that she's so underrated when she literally started my awakening! Everything about her is so perfect! She made me realize Im a sucker for short hair and her peppy outlook on life and energy made me feel so refreshed. Infact the first thing she ever told me that made my heart flutter was "Let's seize the day!" and she had the cutest little smile. For some reason that moment was a core memory. I just think she's best girl. I started a new save file just for her and Ive never done that before!
Child name- We never married but I had planned on naming our daughter "Tharja" for some reason.
Rune Factory 4
Commentary- Xiao Pai is just cute! I think I liked her mom more though lol.
"Harvest Moon" : One World
Commentary- Malika is just pretty and I think her personality is neat. I feel like she teases alot.
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highcourts · 2 years
Meet Opal Temperance Ilex!
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AKA: Ottie! (she/they/he)
This bulky fae stands at 5’8 & travels the gorgeous lands working as an artist & painting murals for various different folks. They’re originally from Robaire’s kingdom but havent been properly settled in a home for more then a year or two since she was a younger teen. She sports some rather dirty & scuffed black boots, a paint-covered set of overalls, a long sleeved black shirt, and an assortment of leather & metal bracelets.
And- despite the experience you think they’d get from their travels- Ottie is actually rather awkward & bad at communicating. They’re a tad clumsy (very clumsy) and lacking grace, but they’re kind & they try their best not to let their mistakes get them down! What he lacks in confidence, he makes up for in kindness & determination!
Ottie has no love, but they hope to find a sweet fae to share their heart with one day. They just know their sweetheart is out there somewhere!
“What do you mean you wanted the portrait to have open wings?… ah- okay- dont worry! Its an easy fix! Gimmie just a few hours and i’ll have ‘er all fixed up!”
my, my, my ... what an unexpected yet extremely welcomed guest we have – come now, opal darling , the innkeeper has asked for your presence.
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there you were, in the innkeepers quarters – with the innkeeper herself infront of you. she smiled, poured you & herself a bottle of red wine, and pursed her lips. she gave into the silence, giving you time to fully take in her image.
she was quite pale, her eyes a pretty shade of violet and wings a snow white – if you were to guess which court she came from, you'd have guessed the winter court...
if it weren't for the horns that stood atop her head proudly.
" you may be wondering exactly what I am now, aren't you little faerie ? a lady with the wings of a fae and the horns of a devil. truly a sight for sore eyes I am, am I not ?" she asked, her eyes holding an arrogant glint.
"I usually do not show my horns around here, but you caught me off guard – surprisingly, so lo and behold ! a living dark fey. "
a dark fey.
it's been so long since they've last been seen, because the last time they've been seen was -
was during the war with them and humans.
humans pulled iron from the earth, made their swords and shields with it - drove the dark fey underground, but the bullets that pierced through their wings as they flew through the skies one last time - that is what finished them.
the innkeeper grinned.
atleast that's what everyone thought.
they were not "seelie" nor were they "unseelie", they were simply dark fey. more powerful than any hornless bird like the fae could be.
perhaps, right after the age of fae — right after this age, the dark fey will rise again.
as the dark fey are recovering. they are multiplying. they are growing more and more powerful.
"what's got you so distracted, darling?" the innkeeper pulled you from your thoughts.
" eh, must not be anything important – let me get to the point..." she murmured, surprisingly relaxed. she tilted her head, looking at you through hooded eyes.
"you are the fae who works as an artist, yes? come, you should not stand - i cannot have a guest be tired in my presence. sit, sit. tell me of your travels, tell me of your art, tell me everything."
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also say hello to the innkeeper <3
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snakedogge · 2 months
ill ramble about my gaming idea cuz it makes me feel better hehe
anyway conceptually the game is an RPG farming sim (im a sucker for rune factory!!) but set in a world separated into knights, pirates, and witches.
you wash ashore on a mostly abandoned island and gather resources/materials to live and to build your own little ship. on this island is a witch who will help with creating your structures in return for payment (crops you grow, etc)
obligatory here was the prototype art of her portrait
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as you build a sturdier ship you can make longer and larger voyages out around the world, unlocking different recipes/materials in different regions.
you discover the world is actually just massively submerged. approximately 200 yr ago, a small moon entered the orbit and affected lots of the current normal:
tides are higher, old planet submerged
tides are more drastic between low/high tides
greater earthquakes and volcanic activity
longer days (28 hours)
nights are brighter
you can eventually develop your boat to also work like a small portable greenhouse so you can still loosely farm while you travel. i also wanted to implement the ability to hire NPCs you were friendly enough with - beyond just marrying some of them - so that you can automate some of the functions of the farming while getting to focus on being an adventuring merchant.
i wanted there to be a rough idea of different economies in different places, so oranges would not be as profitable in one place but super worth selling somewhere else kind of deal
and ofc i love just doing character design so i designed multiple marriage candidates, including my beloved runaway knight winnie and her two kids (who doesnt love single moms uwu)
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anyway i have a lot more than this that i never finished but once i get caught up on the work im actually contracted to do for a VN i might. starrt again B)
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sncrly0urs · 3 months
Rafayel's been invading my mind lately... like bitch gtfo im trying hard to stay loyal to Xavier
anyway just a rant Im having a brainrot about rafayel x artist!MC but is insecured of her works so she hides it from raf and when theyre both dating MC has a secret sketchbook of hers dedicated to only portraits of rafayel (and little doodles of his fish) and somehow when rafayel found out she draws/paints he would plan out dates where they just draw together, have a cute little art room as their whole canvas somewhere in Raf's house, do their own business working on a painting and just basically enjoy each other's presence as they work and and an—
(I'm a sucker for the artists becoming the muses of the beloved trope, and they are the artists and muse of each other AURGHHFV)
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