#im actually shocked at how much writing i've done this year
sga-owns-my-soul · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
first of all HUGE shout out to @spurious for doing this every week and always tagging me 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i loved seeing everyone's posts and making my own wip wednesday posts, it was so much fun and so motivating!! thank you!!!!
it's the last wednesday of the year (what the fuck) so this week it's a
✨WIP Year in Review✨
Number of WIPs Begun this Year: oh my god too many 😂 not including ones that i finished/posted, 43, including ones i've finished/posted, 96. which is, quite frankly, ridiculous considering i haven't written anything in like. 8 years
Number of WIPs Finished this Year: 53????? somehow???? that's absolute insanity to me omg
Longest-Running WIP: not surprising, my millers crossing au is currently my long-running fic 😅 and probably will be for a while
Newest WIP: my newest wip is (working title) 'Lesbian McShep ft Sam" and the concept is genderbent mcshep with john and sam being air force buddies, and sam warns john to avoid rodney bc she's a bitch- cut to a year later when they catch up back on earth and johns like yeaaaaah so i might've. accidentally fallen for the bitchy lead scientist?
Most Worked on WIP: probably my millers crossing au lmao, it's one of those fics that i'm probably going to be writing forever because there's just. so much to explore in that fic with the characters and i'm loving it so much and i can't wait to share it but it's also going to be so sad when i finish it i can tell already
Favourite WIP: oh man this is a hard one! i've done a lot of writing that i really love this year so it's hard to pick a favourite but i think if i had to narrow it down i would probably have to say either Safe House (my unhinged insane cia mcshep au where they kill abusers for fun) or Childhood Memories (rodney surprises the team with a ton of classic childhood earth activities bc 'everyone enjoys the wonder and magic of being a kid')
Favorite Completed Work: again very tough choice bc i like a lot of what i've posted this year but i think its a toss up between Bludgeoned, a very angsty rodney whump fic with the team going insane, or Not Dating, but More Than Friends, a very sweet qpr mcshep fic that i honestly think very accurately describes what their relationship to each other in canon is
WIP You're Most Excited to Finish: safe house omg i'm so close to finishing and i can't WAIT to share it idk if it'll be very well received but i'm SO excited to share it (for the very niche specific audience of one i wrote it for 😂)
WIP You're Not Sure You'll Finish: i started working on a concept at the start of the year that was radek visiting rodney every time he's in the infirmary and idk if i'll ever get around to finishing it but maybe i'll post a snippet of what i've worked on so far if people are interested
WIP Resolution for 2024: i want to finish more plot fics!! i'm pretty good at writing short little one shots but i'm shit at writing plot or longer fics and i have a lot of ideas for long fics so i wanna get better at it!
what a great year of fic writing!! thank you to everyone who joined wip wednesday and everyone who read my fics!!! this is such an incredible community and i'm so happy to be a part of it!!
as always, open tags to anyone and everyone who wants to participate!!
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shuchu · 1 year
im not even a kyo stan but like 😳 imagining the trope where childhood friends get seperated for a while and when they reuinte again, person a is shocked at how much person b has changed and now person a is confused and flustered around person b 🥺
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅ different but familiar ₊˚ෆ
character(s): kyo kaneko
note: gn!reader ; fluff ; not proof read!
a/n: oh gosh i haven't written a proper fic in ages... i apologise if this is sloppy ;w; but hey, my first kyo fic o_o despite being a kyomie for a while now lol oops. i actually really enjoyed writing this, it made me feel all soft and warm on the inside hehe. this kinda ended on a cliffhanger, let me know if you guys want a part two!! thank you anon for the idea!! enjoy lovelies ♡
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art credit
you were on your way to the coffee shop nearby to get your coffee before heading to work. you take a deep breath of the crisp autumn air as you walk through a carpet of leaves, hearing them crunch beneath your feet. you swing open the door and hear the little jingle of the bell before the delicious smell of freshly baked pastries mixed with the fragrant scent of coffee wafts towards your nose. a faint smile graces your features as you walk towards the counter to order.
"hi what can i get for you today?" the cheerful cashier asks.
"i'll have an oat milk cappuccino with 2 shots of espresso as well as a croissant please." you respond, giving the cashier a friendly smile.
"will that be all?"
"yep! thank you!"
just as you were about to pull out your card to pay, you see someone reach forward to tap their card on the machine. you turn to your left to see who it was. a guy with light blue hair smiles at you and says, "my treat."
as you walked over to the collection counter with him, you were trying to figure out why this guy looked so familiar. did you know him?
and then it hit you...your eyes widened as you looked at him
he turned towards you with a soft chuckle, "took you long enough."
"oh my gosh...i haven't seen you in..." your voice falters as you try to recall the number of years
"thirteen years." he says as he looks at you with a small smile
"oh wow...it's been that long huh? how've you been? i hope mr. and mrs. kaneko have been well."
"oh yeah i've been busy, got a job that literally takes up all of my time. my parents are doing good though, thank you for asking about them."
"so...what brings you back to our quaint little town?"
"well...my mom and dad wanted to meet some old friends and catch up with them. i've been working tirelessly for months without a break so i decided..."
kyo's voice drifts off, melting together with the background ambiance of the coffee shop as you stare shamelessly at him, noticing the changes in his appearance since you last saw him.
oh wow, when did he get his ear pierced? his face changed a lot...it's a lot more defined now. also, he shot up so much what the heck?! i was taller than him when we were kids...that's so unfair, why do guys get so much taller after puberty...wait, was he always this handsome...?
"hey...hey y/n...are you done checking me out?" kyo's voice gets clearer again as you snap out of your thoughts. you feel your cheeks heat up after getting caught staring at him and because of the close proximity between the both of you. he leaned in to get your attention and now both of your faces were just a few inches apart.
you avert your gaze to compose yourself and mumble, "i wasn't checking you out..."
he leans back and chuckles, "uh huh...so tell me what i said then." he teases, a smirk evident on his face.
you stay silent because obviously you didn't hear what he said, he chuckles and flicks your forehead gently, "you haven't changed a bit, always spacing out."
you move your hand to rub the spot he flicked with a pout, "quit it, you're still as annoying as you were back then." you giggle after and he laughs too. it felt nice to joke around with him again. your heart swells with happiness, you've missed him — more than you thought you did.
the barista calls out your name and you go to grab your order.
"i'm assuming you're headed off to work now, where do you work by the way?"
"oh it's just 3 blocks down, that massive office building?"
"oh yeah, i know which one you're talking about. what time do you get off work?"
"oh perfect, i'll see you then. we need to have a proper catchup. dinner's on me too." he says with a boyish grin.
"no that's okay, i can-"
"nuh uh uh, no can do. um...i'm sure you have to start walking, it's almost 9am. you don't wanna be late to work do you?" he says as he places his hands on your shoulders and swivels you around to face the direction of your office.
you click your tongue and start walking, turning your head back to respond to him, "we'll see mr kaneko. i'll have my card ready this time."
"byeee! good luck at work! i'll see you at 6!" he calls out as he waves at you
you wave too and turn back around with a sappy smile on your face, your cheeks flushed. well that's something to motivate me to get through work today
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kings-highway · 18 days
i've got quite a lot of fics written but they don't seem complete or cohesive enough to leave my docs,,, i don't know how to outline fics so everytime i get back to them im all over the place and end up doing things from the beginning do u have any advice :⁠,)
so... mhm... this is an interesting question. First of all I GREATLY appreciate you asking but unfortunately this installment of King's "advice column" is going to be half rant, half pep talk, and like maybe a sneaky 3% advice because the truth is... I don't know.
first off: I don't outline anything. Never have. The few times I do outlines it's for the sake of "trying to outline" and never because i wanted to. If you ever see me say the phrase "my outline" what Im actually referring to is the dance-break hallucination of the characters I've set to whatever Top 40 song Im listening to at the moment. I... cannot help you with outlining. Not really.
But I have some things that may help you overall. It sounds like the problem you have is with editing, not writing. Which... if you're new to editing or haven't edited a lot, can be entirely tedious and confusing and you might be saying "ach, but whats the difference!" - the difference is everything. I, personally, love editing. editing is where a story comes alive and can be perfected. If you have a finished full draft of a story, and you truly dont know where to go next... the next step is to be done with it. Literally. I've been working on a personal novel for about 2 years now, and half that time is spent waiting. Put away your draft, write something else. In 2 months, 3 months, come back to it and read it again, change anything you're no longer satisfied with. You'd be SHOCKED how much just taking a break from a story can improve your understanding of it. You may think of things to change in this waiting period - hold off. Hold it in. Let it stew. consider it caramalizing onions. there's simply no way to rush it. NOW - you expressed the sentiment of "i always end up doing things from the beginning-" I say... no you dont. That IS editing. My story has fully changed from front to back multiple times. That new draft you wrote from scratch? congrats, thats your second draft. Not your first. then you do it again. And again. Until the edits become smaller and smaller and smaller. And then when you hate it enough, you say "i cant possibly touch this anymore" and thats when you let someone read it.
And the truth is, they should have been reading it before. Feedback is infinitely important, in the editing process. You cannot expect to only ever show the best product. I have friends who have read drafts of my novel that wouldnt even be able to recognize what it is now. but I could never have gotten it to this point without their feedback. You have to be okay with letting someone - even just one person - see your bad first draft. THEY will be able to tell you where your cohesion is or isnt and how to improve it.
BUT that brings me to a second point, and the idea that this is probably fanfiction. Now, your initial ask was a little vague, so consider the first response there me being under the assumption you were interested in completely finishing a novel or short story with incredibly serious intent. Now Im going to assume you might be looking to publish chapter by chapter or take it "less seriously" because its just for having fun.
And to that i Say:
if youre publishing chapter-by-chapter (and writing chapter by chapter) your cohesion is gonna be shit!!! thats a first draft youre putting out into the world, babe, its gonna be ass! but embrace the chaos!!! I have learned and developed SO MUCH as a writer by publishing chapters one at a time, namely how to "punch through" that lack of cohesion. Consider your first draft a challenge. no matter how many errors you make, you are NOT allowed to go back and change it. that thing you committed to chapter 2? well its chapter 18 now and you either need to address it, or ignore it and hope your readers dont comment. You are beholden to your own writing and theres nothing you can do. Make it work. Its probably not as bad as you think.
Which brings me back to my initial point - dont trust me on cohesion!! Or, maybe, don't trust *yourself* on your judgement of your story. I'm assuming if you're asking you like at least 1 of my stories, so here's that aforementioned peptalk bit from the beginning:
if we're talking about incohesive stories and bad choices and things that REALLY should have been edited, I'm the (hehe puns) King of them. (I sometimes just vaguely think about Paranormality and want to tear my hair out - and yet this is one people seem to love the most!) here's two facts from my stories that are currently still available to read on ao3:
1. In "The Island" Jasvir and the rescue team make a 24 hour journey in about 6 hours (Because I forgot where New Zealand was and didnt fact check before)
2. In "Soulmake Adventures" Tendou describes how Ushijima stays at his apartment when he's "in the city" despite that city being Tokyo and the home base for the Adlers and Ushijima really should, like, have a home. (It did not occur to me to even check)
And Honey, if you think I had a plan for even one goddamn second of Paranormality you're mistaken. Holy shit it's just nonsense after nonsense after nonsense. I REALLY should have like, at least at one point, like... thought ahead. I just kept shoving stuff in and backpedaling and doubling down on things. But it was FUN to write. And people had a lot of fun reading it. I could edit it into something cohesive, but I dont think it needs that. I think if youre writing fanfiction, maybe its okay to just let it be a little bit loose and fucked up for the sake of the joy of it.
here's.... uh.... 3% advice:
1. have an ending. the stories where I know what my last scene (or my last line) will be always get drafted easier and with less stress. I dont mean have an ending idea. I mean literally mentally map out the last paragraph. Really helps me keep on track
2. talk to people. Walk them through your premise and your themes and what you want it to be. saying it out loud almost always will start clicking puzzle pieces together.
3. learn editing. unfortunately im not talking about grammer and spelling, i mean proper content editing. You have to build this skill seperately from your writing.
4. accept that your first draft is for vibes and fun. Push forward and do your best to "force it" however you need to, but;
4.5. understand that deleting work is part of the creation process too. If you do scrap an entire draft and start over, youre not "starting over" - youre starting draft 2. Thats editing!
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t4tozier · 26 days
okay strap in. let's get into it. spoilers for i know it's today, especially ch 7. obvi.
so. first of all. i've had the confrontation scene at the end written for forever but it felt too fast so i kept going back and adding things. i'm ngl i still feel like it's too fast but this was another chapter that i was Struggling with. thank god for sprints for motivating me to get the lead-in to the sisters scene bc that was the hardest part, just getting to the meat of the chapter. this ch is so short :') but it's fine. it served its purpose.
so. so. it was so fun to see people commenting on chapter 5 about how porter was going to become an oathbreaker (if they guessed that porter was involved at all) because the whole thing is. he's never broken his oath. he even says it in the chapter. his oath is to the crown, to the royal family, not to anyone in particular (though, if he had to choose, it would be to jace, without hesitation). plus, one of the tenets of his oath is that he must be willing to do what others aren't. nobody else would dare come close to the king or queen or eldest prince--but another tenet is loyalty. he is, above all, loyal to his prince. (also, fun fact, i took that line directly from the oath of the crown page. it's the tenet of courage - You must be willing to do what needs to be done for the sake of order, even in the face of overwhelming odds. If you don't act, then who will?)
i might do a separate post on the actual mechanics of how he killed the king and queen, if people are interested. but the important thing is that he was waiting for the right moment—and what better time than when jace is terrified of being taken from him, but before the marriage has actually been announced? nobody knew except for riandor, selenidae, and rithmir, and there was no way in hell porter was going to let jace out of his sight. not after 20 years.
so the king and queen die, and then it’s rithmir’s turn. porter’s too focused on seeing to it that rithmir writes his suicide note (with a combination of Command and physical intimidation) that he doesn’t notice when rithmir Sends the message to jace. you’ll want to see this. it was a warning, but it was too late for rithmir.
and then…the sisters. ough. truly my least favorite part but it had to happen. tears in my eyes writing it. miriel clawing her way to maeglin in her final moments, together to the end. jace pulling miriel to him because he doesn’t want her to be uncomfortable. soooo sick.
and after all of this, here’s the kicker: porter truly believes that this is what jace wants. he’s not doing it to be manipulative, or to make sure that jace is porter’s and porter’s alone. it’s not even him being selfish and taking revenge for the abuse that he’s experienced at their hand. he’s seen the neglect and abuse that jace’s family has shown his prince for decades and is fucking sick of it.
and, really? he’s not entirely wrong. of course, jace LOVES his sisters, and that was really the last straw, but his parents? rithmir? jace found rithmir’s body and left him there to be found by someone else. he was fine with it. he might have even been flattered—if porter hadn’t killed his sisters. still, there may be that tiny little voice in the back of his head that says that miriel was first and foremost shocked and scared by what jace was capable of when she saw porter bloodied. she’d been brainwashed her whole life—both of them had—to be scared of sorcery, to be scared of jace. it wasn’t their fault, but would they ever see jace as an equal?
you even see this in chapter 4(?) when porter initially declines miriel’s healing because of her reaction. he won’t stand for anyone hurting his prince like that—because he knows how much jace loves his sisters, and how much more it hurts because of that. it’s the principle of it all. porter is an extension of his prince. you hurt him, you hurt us both.
and finally, this is what i said in response to elijah’s comment regarding jace challenging porter to a duel rather than attacking him in the tower: in my head it was always going to be this way with the duel. it’s just so…detached, to me. jace has repeatedly shown that he freezes or shuts down when he’s faced with conflict, and this is a continuation of that. fighting porter in his bedroom is personal, it’s emotional; having a proper duel outside, with rules, calling porter sir cliffbreaker for the first time in Years outside of when he’d been acting polite at the ball…jace can’t handle having to deal with his emotions. he’s been forced to suppress them for decades lest he upset his parents or hurt someone. we even see this with the way he shuts down when he finds his sisters, how he’s too in shock to even acknowledge that they’re dead and that they aren’t coming back.
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not-poignant · 11 months
You are the only person I've EVER seen mention Sebastian in the Underdark as an option for a ship option for Asterion which BLOWS MY MIND because that moment in his story hit SO hard - that after 200 years he still remembers his name and what being with Sebastian was like and that it was special for them both despite being(for Asterion) and becoming(for Sebastian) this HORROR. Anyway all this is to say, YEAH. SOMEONE ELSE SEES IT! IM NOT CRAZY!
Honestly I'm shocked at how many folks just don't really see lateral pairings anymore? I really feel like part of being shown canonical queer pairings has been the inability of folks to go 'no that guy and that guy who literally have almost nothing to do with each other but still have something.'
(I mean hell, I wrote a Bull/Cullen fic and they literally don't have any recorded dialogue together in the game).
But yes!!! Honestly I think a future fic between Sebastian and Astarion could work so well? My dark angst-loving mind imagines a scenario where Sebastian recovers enough in the Underdark that he sets about looking to get revenge now that he can sustain himself, only to realise that Astarion's broken too (but not before getting at least some revenge). But I love the idea of a story in the Underdark, among the glow of fungus, myconids, and a strange land full of strange things and new wonders.
Both of them recovering together, Sebastian having to make up for what he's just done, and Astarion having to make up for what he ripped from Sebastian's life 200 years before, and Sebastian eventually realising that blaming Astarion for being locked away for 200 years is actually unfair, and finally kind of forgiving him for something that wasn't his fault in the first place. The sheer hurt/comfort potential of that pairing is huuuuuge.
There's so many scenarios between Sebastian and Astarion that would potentially work though. I don't think I'll ever write it myself, but it's effortless to think about, because it also makes so much sense for both characters!
That moment was so well acted in the game, Neil Newbon absolutely nailed each branch of that scene, and Sebastian was really compelling (and handsome), and it's wild to me that certain pairings are just...super rare, when they seem really self-evident? (That being said, I can also see the appeal in people shipping Astarion with a player character etc. But like, I don't really do that, so...I'm left just putting all the characters together like puzzle pieces and going 'oh that one fits, that one fits REALLY WELL, that one fits if I kill Raphael first and change his personality a little, that one's awesome!' etc. :D )
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amelylinaa · 1 year
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went hiking ;]
i took myself and my little sister hiking recently, wanted to share some of the photos i guess
now it'll be more of my thoughts and feelings and other stuff that's probaly not important for you, if you're here for the cc - new infant stuff is being made, so stay tuned!
so I really feel like I've matured a lot, it's been one hell of a ride if you ask me about this year. Frankly speaking i've lost any meaning in my life, like at all, i didn't know what was I doing, who I was, where was I being and thoughts of future seemed so irrational, because there wasn't even any point of living till that time. I just couldn't see future for myself. In january I got diagnosed with CPTSD and things kind of started making sense in terms of my behavior, coping mechanisms, escapism etc. I've started reading reddit posts of people telling their stories of how they've coped with this diagnosis. I guess i never really fully moved on from it, so it mostly still taunts me when i suddenly remember that ah yes, i'm actually forever mentally ill, nice. But I just started to move on you know? obviously not without any help, first of all I started taking antidepressants, then my close ones were there in my toughest times, because the hardest and at the same time most familiar feeling is feeling lonely, like you'll never have someone who understands you, like you have so many relatives and people around your life, but at the same time you're so alone in your head and feelings to the point it suffocates you so much, that crying isn't even possible any longer.
What struck me the most when antidepressants started working (sadly only after 5 months from the moment they were prescribed) is that I never in my entire life felt so... alive??? I really can't remember the last time I've actually felt so balanced, I started having thoughts again (it was so shocking for me that in the beginning i actually had some big issues with sleeping, cause my mind just didn't know how to go to sleep when you're actually able to think), i got all those feelings of love back, that i never knew i was robbed of. Like i would look at my cat and actually start crying just from how much i loved her (now im just extremely happy seeing her hehe), I would look at my absolutely normal patreon/tumblr profile and get so emotional looking at how many lovely people like what i do and support me.
But this leads to another very sad thought that haunts me sometimes, that actually the way I was living all this time wasn't normal, it wasn't my quirk or character type or some other shit I would hear when talked about the way I was feeling (or rather feeling nothing). Like all this time I was always blaming myself. This really made me cry at first. Actually lots of things made me cry when I started my healing journey (now I just don't cry, it's an antidepressant thing).
Only after antidepressants started working all the other "normal" things started helping me cope with anxiety and feeling of loss and sadness like "oh just go for a walk", "start exercising", "journal", "drink more water and eat healthy". You now the shit people that never experienced depression tell you and it's not their fault they don't understand. Honestly it's actually insanely lucky for them, that they don't understand.
So writing all of the above I wanted to say that please, don't be hard on yourself, it's not your fault that you're that way, but unfortunately it's only you who can actually trully help yourself. Even if it seems like there's no point in doing anything and life seems meaningless, remember that there still can be things worth living for, even the smallest ones like who's gonna pet all the doggies and kitties??? or who will download all the most prettiest loveliest most perfectly done clothes by the best creator (me) on patreon/tumblr ever????hehehe. Life is unfortunately meaningless, if you don't give any meaning to it, and it's not your fault that you can't find it, just give yourself time.
I'm absolutely not even remotely close to healing (and honestly I don't even know if it's really possible with CPTSD), but I'm definitely feeling better. Actually I'm feeling kind of down right now, but that's ok!! Because well I'm sure sad for a reason and I'm just trying my best to embrace it and fully feel sad I guess, so I can move on and feel peaceful again, until a new emotion comes and I'll try to feel it again, because that's what apparently humans do as I've learned after taking antidepressants.
Hey, you've read all the way to here, woah, you know that I'm proud of you? And not just beacuse you've read my stupid thoughts, but just because you're here with us, you're very strong and I'm very proud of you.
stay safe, love you all to the moon and back, 
your silly girl, Ame <3
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ahundredtimesover · 5 months
for me, the weirdest part is when he admitted to his parents that he was making out w his assistant in his office. idk its js that AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAAAHHAHAH i would never have the guts to openly admit that to my parents. thats one way to break a barrier and close to his parents ig 😶‍🌫️ i guess the height of all the emotions he's feeling also played a role in that too. i admire the amount of effort jungkook put in in this chapter to get a grasp of his feelings. i, as a person, also have trouble with dealing with my emotions so tendency is that it bursts into a hot mess instead of it dealt with properly. seeing him at least try with baby steps is.. insipiring(?) LOL idk what im rambling abt atp. MY POINT IS i love the layers we were able to uncover in this chapter 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️i wish you could write about my life and i'll js read abt it then act shocked when it happens. there's this guy that i've been pining on for the last 2 years and there's still a lot of layers i've yet to uncover and seeing jungkook uncover so much is just.. wow. and as ironic as it sounds, what made me more intrigued to get to know this guy more was during a school event and i saw he had an old scar on his leg 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️ and its just so ausdhfoash its js like that part where secretary kim saw the scars on her boss's ankles (i forgot his name) this ask is now more than what i want to say 😵‍💫 and i probably have a lot of run ons and grammatical errors there so im sorry if u cringe but that paper also took a toll on me tonight 🤣🤣🤣thank u for the chapter :) i can't wait to read the next one 🩵
HAHAHA I get you! But it was sort of JK's way of 'revenge' for lack of a better term. Like, they kept something from him and now he'll assert his power and let them know what he had done. 😬 From a writer's perspective, it was my way of getting the whole "parents finding out" out of the way. Usually there are elements of 'will the parents approve' in rich aus like this (ex Fight for You) but I don't want to focus on that. It still reflects the importance of the Jeons to the story, especially their relationship.
And yes, we can see a bit of that growth in JK in terms of trying to understand his feelings, although I'd say that ch12 will delve into that even more (for both of them actually). They themselves are learning how to uncover all these conflicting emotions as well.
Okkk juicy stories! I love how certain aspects of this story are relatable to u guys in various ways! And it's reminding u of your crushes and stuff hehe BUT ALSO SO WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH U GUYS?? 🤭🤭
I may not be able to write ur story but I hope the emotions I portray can help! Hehe thank you for dropping by. No need to apologize for anything. I hope you were able to rest after doing your paper!! 💕💕
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fabrowrites · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
ty @that-was-anticlimactic for the tag!!!!
tagging @rosiehunterwolf @only-lonely-stars @cboffshore @knowledgequeenabc
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
I've got 63 officially! One of those is a one-shot collection though so it's secretly like 85 :D
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
518,844 - let's see if I can break 600K this year!
3. what fandoms do you write for?
the ninjago brainrot is still going strong after 10 years!! I've also dabbled in Monkie Kid, SLA, and MP100
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
The Sun Rises Every Single Night
Oh, haven't you heard? 
Reference Letters
Oh, can I be your Bibilly Hills? 
Sun Rises doesn't surprise me at all, but I'm eternally shocked that "haven't you heard" is so popular. I wrote it in like a day for funsies and stuck it on tumblr, not even planning to post it to ao3, but then it blew up. it is a buzzfeed unsolved fic tho, so that might be why XD
5. do you respond to comments
what a great question :DDD I do, but not for like months afterwards 😭
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
so I think let the wild rumpus start takes the cake with this one, but it's also the first in a series so like it's gonna get better, yk? For standalone fics, my ritsu fic brother let's cry (and get it over with) is def up there, along with Dosimetry :D
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sun Rises's ending still makes me smile when I reread it!! too fast / too slow also has a happy ending planned
8. do you get hate on fics?
not quite hate, but I'll get comments in the "it's been forever since this updated" style lol. I get it i haven't updated in forever
also i've gotten comments that my nya is annoying and like. that's not hate either im just salty
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i do not!
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
not really? I've done things where characters from one fandom are put in a different fandom's world, but that's not really a crossover as much as it is an au. oh and i put ryan and shane in TLNM universe so ig that counts.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. what's the longest you've spent working on a fic? and the shortest?
*cries in Skyward* um? I didn't start you in 2014 you're still young queen
the shortest was probably Perfect World! I wrote that one in an afternoon :D ignore that it's 332 words.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep!! I wrote fics for a telephone event early 2023, including Fang-llo, Everything for Them, and Shattered :D
14. what's your all-time favorite ship? from all fandoms?
shadolin!!!! shadolin my beloved!!! he's a horse girl and she's a system and no one is doing it like them <3
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my morro is adopted by the Smiths fic,,,,, also this one collab that never finished either augh
16. what are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm really good at writing action scenes! I also really like figuring out pacing and how sentences flow.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
details. wym these characters have to exist in a setting??? is it not enough they are talking in the void???
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i don't think I've done it but I don't have a problem with it personally. ao3 has a skin where you can hover over words for translations too so that's kinda cool
19. first fandom you wrote for?
corey said rainbow fairies and YEAH SAME ACTUALLY. i also tried rewriting LotR as a 12 year old? fun times.
20. favorite fic you've written?
my current favorite is ceiling hung with vines hands down!! it's in the same series as Rumpus from earlier :D i also am really happy with A Heist with the Ninjagos, a CYOA fic
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selchwife · 1 year
rant about het shit under the cut ig
part of me wants to stop being SUCH a hater about these fics ive read btw like. im beginning to realize a lot of this is ocd, but when something gets me irritated or angry it's difficult for me to leave it alone in that like, if i don't continue to engage with it (effectively doomscroll 90% of the time) i experience this mounting anxiety until i satisfy the compulsion to Continue Looking At It. i could not really tell you why i feel this way. but it sucks. bc i get stuck in these loops of like staring at writing that makes me mad or authors' social media that makes me mad and it's like, Why am i doing this this is deranged and weird (the compulsions is why).
i think part of why it gets to me so much is like. maybe this sounds silly but bc so many of the people i interact with are also queer and very conscious about heteronormativity i am very comfortable a lot of the time. and i've had decent luck in being involved in hobby activities and fandoms that are similar; selfshippers are overwhelmingly lgbt, FL as a source material is very queer-positive and thus so are many fans, etc etc.
so like. getting back into ffxiv and encountering this kind of very very intense heteronormativity and like, implicit homophobia, i was kind of shocked? it's not that i'm not conscious it doesn't exist, like, i grew up in the fucking midwest, of course i've had to deal with homophobia. more that like, it was such a big thing in a space where i'd kind of expected to feel safe on that front, especially in terms of fandom for emet specifically given that as i've said he's very obviously gender-nonconforming in appearance and mannerism and dress beyond the dictates of genre convention (even if part of that is homophobic queercoding).
like it's one thing to encounter homophobia in your workplace when everyone there is a 40+ year old conservative from a town where there are frequent commercials for agricultural pesticides on television. like yeah, of course you're homophobic, you live here in this cornfield-blasted hellhole, so i get it. but like. From a bunch of fellow video game dorks who like the same flamer as i do? that one kind of stings. and especially when you feel like because you're gay your input is kind of unwanted or regarded as sort of a damper on all the fun within that space. idk. it just is rough. i've never fit in in Real Life and have long made my peace with it because i just don't live in the right location for someone like me, but it sucks to seek out like-minded people and still get left out, i guess.
and for a long time i'd never really thought about how homophobia has affected me. like with a lot of things i just kind of ignored it or bottled it up or minimized it because i thought "well that's just the price of entry! haha it doesn't get to me! fuck those losers!" and like. idk. being in this space all of a sudden where such a high value is put on like, how much more legitimate it is to be straight, it hurts. like that's how i feel when people make emet more masculine or when they import these really highly gendered narratives and ideas into the story and create these characters who are so effortlessly and perfectly feminine and then acting like the value and legitimacy of the relationship rests on how well emet and wol perform cishet ideas of manhood and womanhood respectively, and that anything otherwise is just unconscionable and gross, like. man! it really opened the floodgates and made me realize i've been dealing with a lifetime of fucking baggage about all this and it actually does hurt a lot to be viewed as disgusting and less than legitimate and this shit is 100% why i grew up ashamed of liking boys and thinking it was something wrong that i'd done.
so like it's hard for me to look away from it and put it down and not keep picking at the scab bc like. idk. i'm at the point with all this where i feel like if i just keep picking this stuff up and turning it all around one day something will click in my head and i'll stop wanting people like this to make provisions for me or stop being disgusted by me. like i am very frustrated that i still want this sort of approval, to be seen as legitimate by society or even just by the subsection of ffxiv fandom that writes like this. i know i'll never get it and that people this married to such conceptions of gender are never in their lives going to stop being grossed out by me or my interest in other men. it's just like, fuck! idk!
i think sometimes about how like, when i was a kid my dad used to think it was funny to insult people by saying they were gay or just outright calling them fags and faggots, and like, how uncomfortable and scared it used to make me when i was figuring out i wasn't cis and straight (there were a lot of labels, the specifics aren't important). it really sucked, it was awful and scary because he was such a violent capricious jerk. i think about having to grow up seeing the wbc protests and "GOD HATES FAGS" on tv all the time, and other kids talking about how if they found out their friend was gay they'd beat the shit out of him in high school. actively, "i am demeaning gay people in front of you in class" level homophobic teachers. i used to cringe at fag and faggot every time i read them and feel my stomach drop like i was being punched. emet being so like, loudly and admirably GNC and out there and me feeling like he would use those words as a point of pride helped me overcome all that and make it way less painful and make me feel way more comfortable with myself.
people in this fandom only like emet if they can make him as conventionally masculine as possible. all that stuff that helped me feel better about myself is so ugly and gross to them that they have to erase it entirely in order to enjoy him. it really feels like the worst kind of slap in the face, to me. so i guess that's part of why i can't let it go, too.
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tasteink · 6 years
somehow my fun little writing project has become a novel-length work in 2 months and is probably not even halfway through the plotted timeline. how in the fuck
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
Can I have a Steve Harrington x Munson female reader where she's the one that gets dragged into the upside down instead of Steve and is the one that gets hurt. Lots of Steve fluff where he's just worried about her being hurt along with Eddie telling her she's stupid for doing that and being worried brother
hiiii anon, tysm for this request, i cried while writing it so i hope you enjoy lol (also im so sorry i forgot about the munson!reader 😔😔, hope you like it anyway??) I DID NOT SEE THE FLUFF PART I AM SO TREMENDOUSLY SORRY
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"0x1 = LOVESONG"
summary: steve's girlfriend dives into lover's lake instead of steve. genre: angst. warnings: swearing, sexual references (literally just one), mentions of death, death scene. pairing: steve harrington x reader. an: based on this song by txt. also, i don't know the word count but its long asf lmfao
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in this world of zero / i know / you're my / one and only.
in this endless darkness / like / oh my god, / so / holy.
from the / tip of my fingers / everything / runs / far away
my life / before you / was a mess,
couldn't win / this one round / of chess.
Steve turned to you with a growl, continuing his rant. "I swear to god, Y/N, if you die here I am going to kill you. I will kill you dead." you grinned at his words, "yeah, 'cause that's what 'killing you' means." and Steve glared at you. You rolled your eyes.
Eddie snorted, "your love language is one kind of strange, Harrington." Steve huffed loudly, puffing out his chest. You nuzzled your head into his neck, kissing his skin softly. "Don't worry, Stevie," you whispered softly, "I'm going to be okay. We're all gonna be okay." Steve nodded uneasily, letting out a shaky sigh. "I know," he said quietly, "I know. I just... I can't loose you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't loose you, baby. I don't wanna love anyone else."
You let out a broken sob, trying to muffle it in his shirt, "you won't. You won't, I promise." The boat was silent for a while, with nothing but the tide of Lover's Lake and the shuffling sounds of Eddie playing with the sleeves of his leather jacket to keep you company.
Robin slid the antenna of the radio up towards the sky and spoke into it what you were sure she thought was quietly, but evidently was not, because it broke the long, suffering silence. "Uh, Dustin. Your compass has gone from broken to completely screwed with a capital - ahh!" the kid spoke from the other end of the receiver, "then I think you've found watergate."
Steve frowned, clearing his throat, "what's Watergate?" you shrugged. Nancy turned to where you sat, "uh, I think 'cause it's under water and it's a gate." you nodded your understanding. Steve gripped your hand even tighter.
Robin radioed off, "alright, well, it's in the Lake, but I think we should try and see where it is first before, you know, jumping aimlessly into the beyond..." you stood up. "I'll do it." no one else had as much under water experience as you did.
Steve shook his head violently, standing up too. "Y/N, no. You're not going down there alone. You're not." eyes looking like they would start flowing with tears any minute, you hated how stressed this was making him, but you were the only one who could go down there.
"Steve," you said slowly, "Steve, baby, I've got to go down there and see where it is. I need you up here to come get me if anything happens, but I need you up here if anything happens to me down there." this only made him panic more but you kept talking anyway, "but I'm the only one who's qualified to go down there, baby. I've got eleven medals in diving and I've done three years of lifegaurd training, but I need you here to come get me later."
And then Steve started yelling, "NO, Y/N! YOU'RE NOT GOING DOWN THERE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Robin and Nancy jumped in shock at the tone he never raised.
You sighed softly, knowing he would forever hate you for doing this, but shrugged off the denim jacket anyways, Steve's cotton shirt hugging you tightly.
"Sorry, Steve," you whispered the words before pivoting quickly, staring into the murky obsidian lake water; and you dove. Steve roared loudly, rocking the boat angrily, making the girls shriek and Eddie swear in shock.
"Fucking bitch!" grumbled Steve, panic, worry, fear rolling in his mind, "fucking crazy bitch! She can't even see anything down there, she's gonna get herself killed, for fuck's sake..." he let out a tearless sob. Robin grabbed his shoulders, "hey, Steve. Your girlfriend's right, she is a really good swimmer. And besides, saw Eddie pass her a torch just before she went in." and Steve's breaths began to slow. Robin was right, Steve had seen yn dive from the highest platforms. He'd even seen her save kids in riptides who were close to drowning. She would be okay.
You let the torch in your hand guide you, the yellow light illuminating the dark blue waves of Lover's Lake as you swam through the bitter cold. Steve's shirt was not barely enough, and didn't even cover your arms, but you knew that the denim jacket would just drag you down.
You were counting in your head, how long you'd stayed under the water, and were up to just past thirty seconds as you kicked harder and swam below the darkness, towards the glowing red, away from Hawkins above.
And that's where you saw it, at the fifty-second mark, blaring through a heap of jagged rocks, brighter than police sirens, angrier than bleeding blood red. The vines crept along the center of it, hiding watergate from the deep.
In your head, Steve's voice told you not to go near the vines, but the vines themselves were pulling you near them, calling you. So you swam closer to Watergate, close enough to see that there was white in the red colouring of the lights.
And then one of the vines shot upwards and you screamed, silent bubbles leaping from your mouth, dropping the torch as it floated in the lake. You kicked, as fast as you could, back up towards the Lake, up to where the shadow of the boat was. "Just kep Swimming," said the Steve in your head, "you can do it. I know you can." fifty-five. Fifty-six. Fifty-seven Fifty-eight. You were going to die. Fifty-nine. You were going to die. Sixty - "hi guys."
The watter rippled beneath the boat and Robin swore loudly as head popped out, then your shoulders. Steve let out a gasp of relief. "Hi guys," you grinned widely, swimming over to the boat, "So the kid's a genius. I found Watergate and I think -"
But then Steve let out a horrified scream, an actual scream as your hands lost grip of Eddie's boat. You tried to look at what he was screaming at, but you felt it for yourself. The vines guarding Watergate had grabbed your ankle. You were screaming, too, heart thump, thump thumping. Steve gripped the surface of your hands, but the vines were stronger. They pulled you down, all the way down. Your heart was beating too unnaturally fast.
Steve screamed in horror, gripping on to your wrist, he didn't care if you would break. He couldn't loose you. He couldn't. But the words tumbled from his mouth, "baby, no!" and you slipped from his grasp, the current tumbling over your head, breath fading as the bubbles leapt in a wordless scream of your boyfriend's name.
And suddenly it was all over, the drowning. The vines dragged and dragged, under the water, under Hawkins. The water was gone, and for a while you thought you were dead; you opened your eyes and your breath vanished again, for a split second.
The upside down. You'd remembered listening to Will's tales of it in '83, but you'd never actually believed it. The place might as well be hell. It was like a bad joke, dead, blue, and red all over. But you didn't get to marvel at the place long enough. Because the vines, the vines were still attatched to your ankles.
And there were more or them now. More of them, that came from the blue-grey ground. They were taking it, your breath, as they wrapped around your limbs and skin and body. You'd thought you were going to die in the lake, but you knew you were going to die here now. There was no point in screaming. No one was going to hear you from another dimension.
from this / bottomless pit / you're the only one / shining gold.
now, i can't / stop thinking about you / when i'm sinking / alone.
And so you searched and searched in your mind until you found him, found his calm, safe words. Steve coaxed you, "it's okay to die. It's okay. I won't be upset, I promise. You can let go, baby. You can just let go." but then the other Steve, the other Steve spoke in shattered sobs, "you can't die, baby. You can't die. You've got so much for you, we have so much ahead of us. We haven't even gone to the Grand Canyon. We have to go to the Grand Canyon. Please. Please don't leave me."
And as the bats tore away at your skin and the vines wrapped around your limbs, you hung on. Clinging to his voice, both his voicees inside your head, trying to wrestle free from the grasp of the vines. "Keep fighting," said the Steves, "you've gotta keep fighting." they were the same person now. Keeping you going.
The tears, even though you didn't want them to, fell from your cheeks, you let out more sobs as they mixed with your blood, stinging the gashing scars. "It's okay," cried Steve softly, "it's okay. You're gonna be okay,"
the angel who one day, / appeared / to me
take me away / to your / hometown
i know / it's real / i can feel it
im full of problems / lovesick / nowhere else to go / i was fine to die, / i'm a loser / in this game.
the only one / rule / of this world / save me / take my hand, / please use me / like a drug.
"FUCK YOU!" Steve's voice rang low and loud, echoing throughout Hawkins. You craned your neck up because you didn't believe what you were hearing, you didn't believe it at all. Steve.
Not the Steve in your head, the real Steve, tears streaming down his stranger cheeks that never recognised crying. Steve roared loudly, "FUCK YOU!" a boat oar in his hands, "FUCK YOU AND YOU AND YOU!" Steve leapt at the bats, taking them out in groups of three and five.
Nancy shot them with her rifle, and Eddie and Robin tackled with them until the remaining two squeaked and flew away into the crimson red night. Eddie pumped his fists in the air, "EAT SHIT, DRACULA!" he turned to Steve and grinned, "guess there were vampires after all."
But Steve wasn't listening. He didn't care about the vampires. He just cared about getting you to saftey. Steve tore at the vines, ripping them in half. He thought that maybe it was the sudden course of adrenaline making him stronger, or the fear of loosing his girlfriend.
Either way, he tore through them, grabbing you rougly and ripping you from the ground. You cried out in pain and he almost broke down right there and then, but he told himself to get his shit together.
say you love me / say you love me
till the / end of the world. / all or nothing,
i want all of you / i know i love you.
i'm not going to make it / i won't be able to get / into heaven / i don't / belong there / there's no place / for me / in heaven.
at / the tips of my feet / everything / turned / pitch
"Steve," you sobbed loudly, "Steve. It hurts." Steve choked back his own sob, "shh. Shh. know. I know. You're so strong. We're gonna get you safe, okay? You're so strong. Just hold on for me, okay, baby? Can you walk, princess? Can you stand up for me. Please."
You coughed before nodding grimly, "yeah. I think. I think I can. Not ready yet. Not ready to go. Gonna - need you help me stand please Stevie please," Steve choked again as he watched you cough up blood, wiping it gently away from your chin. "Yeah, of couse, of course,"
Steve took three deep breaths, "I'm just gonna lift you. I'm gonna lift you now, okay, sweetheart?" you nodded at him, mind blank, focusing completely on his words. "Steve," you whispered, "keep talking. Please. I don't wanna die, please keep talking please."
black / in this world / of ice / you're my one /
shining glow. / now i can't / stop / thinking about you / when i'm / sinking / alone
i'm full of / problems / lovesick / no way /
to go / i was fine / to die / im a loser / in this game /
the only one rule / of this world / save me
take my hand / please use me like a drug / i know
i love you
Steve nodded, "okay. Okay, baby. Shh. Just listen to me talk, yeah?" it hurt to move, but you hoped he knew you were listening. Steve let out a shattered breath as he got you on your feet.
He smiled, "do you... do you remember how you alway got mad at me for walking into rooms when you were alone in them?" he chuckled softly, "it was - it was because you would always sing when you thoight I wasn't there. And I said you should consider it, singing, I mean, but you always said no because you said you sounded like Tammy Tohmpson."
"And I said, 'no, she sounds like a muppet. You sound actually good.' and you said, 'no, I sound like a muppet.' and also, also -"
You let out a sharp cry of pain as you walked.
Steve tried not to sob, "also do you remember that night in freshman year at Josh's party where you got really drunk and when you gret drunk you get sad and you told me, you said you were fat and ugly and I got so mad I got so mad because it's not true at all and oh my god we went for so long that night oh my god. I kept telling you how pretty you were."
He still kept talking.
"Or that time. '84. Where you - you saved me from Billy and you kicked his ass and I kept on thinking, you're so fucking hot and awesome - no. No. No, no, no. Please. Please baby. Please don't go. Please. Please, no! Please baby. Please. NO, DON'T FUCKING LEAVE ME DON'T FUCKING LEAVE ME PLEASE Y/N PLEASE PLEASE DON'T GO DON'T GO,"
But you were going. You knew you were going. You smiled softly, "it's okay, Stevie," standing limp on the ground, "I - It's okay." and Steve cried, sobbing big loud tears, "no, nononononono." you held your smile, "I could never make six kids anyway." giggling quietly, ignoring the blood. Steve sobbed, "I don't need six kids. I don't even need one kid. I just need you. I love you. Please. Please I love you so much." your ankle twisted so you fell and he held you in a bridal position, "it's okay, Stevie. I love you too. It's okay. I wanna... tell me ... the ... the Grand Canyons. And... and the Rockies."
Steve nodded but he was still crying, "we'd go... in a caravan. Just Like Eddie's. Every Summer. Our kids. Would... they would be so fucking loud and noisy, Y/N, you have no idea. Even more annoying than those little shitheads.
It would be so hot in there but I don't think they would mind, and on late nights we'd just chill under the stars and I'd try to stargaze but you know stars are difficult so anyway I think we would just sit there and watch them.
We would have three boys and three girls and they would run around the backyard and they would always be fighting with each other but that's okay because I mean, like, Dustin and stuff fight all the time and anyway I don't think that would matter.
We could have a dog. It would be because the kids wanted it and they said they'd look after it but it would always end up to be you and I who looked after it, we could call it Gumbo like that little green dude, you know... and I don't think we'd live in Hawkins but I do think we'd come back sometimes, just for old time's sake..." and Steve kept talking, talking long after he knew the lights had gone out, because he knew it was what you wanted.
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pacifymebby · 3 years
Getting Started / Sam Fender
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Request: Sam takes care of you when you're sick.
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"Howay you get back into bed!" cried Sam when he saw you stood in the kitchen doorway, your tshirt hanging down around your thighs, hair scraped back into a pony tail. You didn't look well at all but you had things you needed to do today.
The last week before Christmas was one of the busiest weeks of the year and you had so much to do before you and Sam drove up to your parents house for Christmas Eve. Presents to wrap, food to prepare, you'd promised your mam you'd make the desserts this year, and youd taken on a lot of extra present wrapping and card writing and Christmas shopping for her. Your sister had two little ones and they'd be staying at your mams Christmas eve as well so you had all these special treats to prepare for them too.
There was no way you could stay in bed all day just because you were feeling a little bit unwell. Even if Sam insisted.
"Sam a cannae just stay in bed there's a shit tonne a do before we go me mams!" you tried to argue, wrapping your arms around yourself as you suddenly felt the cold.
You were covered in a fine layer of sweat and now you were up and about it was beginning to catch the draft and chill you.
"What part of go back to bed don't ya understand pet, there's no way am letting you go out when yas are so ill!"
"I've been sick like twice," you shrugged, a lie, it was three times now but he didn't know about the third and you knew he'd only fret and mither more if he did, "im not that ill I'll be fine..."
"Two time too many for me," he argued abandoning the dishes he was washing then to come stand opposite you.
With his hands on his shoulders he turned you back around easily and steered you back towards the bedroom where he lifted the covers back and stood waiting for you to do as you were told and get back into bed.
"Sam..." you started but he shook his head and nodded to the bed again.
"Am waiting pet," he said nodding to the bed once again, leaving you with no choice to give in and do as you were told. He was stubborn when it came to taking care of you and you knew he wasn't going to back down.
Better to let him think he was winning for now.
"Fine," you pouted climbing back into bed, letting him make a show of tucking you back, drawing the covers up over you.
"Don't pout sweet pea, santa won't come,"
"He bloody won't be coming at this rate," you grumbled groaning as you hugged your knees to your chest and let out a helpless sigh, "dya know how much shit I've got to do before we go mams..." you started, not given a chance to finish your sentence because Sam cut you off with a smirk on his lips.
"Aye a do actually..." he said taking a folded up piece of paper from his pocket looking smug when he presented it to you, "written it all down for meself like you do..." he teased letting you read it, watching you with a proud little smirk.
"You've written yourself a to do list?" you looked up at him, glancing between him and the piece of paper synically.
You were always really organised at this time of year and he was always taking the piss out of the many lists you'd write up. Micro managing everyone through the whole festive period like some kind of Monica.
"Aye are ya proud of me lass?" he asked grinning at you, "a don't really nar what order a do it in though like, think a might need micromanaging by the expert..." he said sitting down on the edge of the bed to look at the list with you.
He really had thought of everything and as you looked at it you were astounded he'd remembered every last little thing you'd been worrying about getting sorted.
"Youre really gan do all this?" you asked looking up at him in shock, smiling sentimentally when he shrugged and said aye.
"Well you were weren't ya," he said, "it's all gotta be done like you said, an am not havin my baby doing it when she's sick..."
"Sam," you said with a soft smile, shocked but touched at the same time, soft with the kindness of his action. How thoughtful it was of him to try.
"Sam you don't have to try and get all this done it'll take you ages, a can do some of it..."
"You," he said poking you on the button of your nose, giving you a comically serious look, "aren't gan be doing anything until a say so... Not unless you wanna end up on the naughty list..."
"The naughty list?" you raised your brow, a smile twinkling in your eyes. You felt too rough to laugh at him but if you'd not been so sick you would have done. He looked adorable to you then.
"Aye the naughty list," he said, "a don't see what's funny about that lass, it's a pretty serious thing the naughty list..."
"Aye alright alright," you said cracked a smile as you sighed taking his pen off him and crossing a few things off the list. "You don't have do these they're not important," you said looking at some of the notes you'd made for yourself, like going to the shops for some mascara you'd run out of and some new conditioner for your hair. You could do without those to save him a job. He was after all about to take on the challenge of God tier domesticity, something you weren't sure was exactly his forte.
"Babe a can go to the shop for ya don't be..."
"No because look at all this other stuff you've gotta do, do ya even kmow how to make a banoffee pie?" you asked him with a smile, knowing that the answer was no.
"A can Google it pet, we do live in the 21st century ya know..."
You rolled your eyes at his cheeky smile, too endeared by him to be truly wound up by his sarcasm then.
You leant on his shoulder, turning to kiss him, the cotton of his tshirt soft against your lips and your nose as you nuzzled into him and he wrapped his arms around you.
"Reet," he said, "you try an get some sleep an I'll get started on this lot yeah?" he asked quieter then, though it wasn't really a question and you knew you had to say yes. Knew you had to nod and settle down, do as you were told, even if the thought of him let loose in the kitchen filled you with dread.
"Dya want a cuppa or owt before a go the shop?" he asked groaning when you shook your head and tried to tell him you could do it.
"You've got enough do stop making yourself extra jobs..."
"It's a cuppa tea darlin, it's hardly a chore is it," he chuckled kissing your forehead and brushing your hair from your face tucking it behind your ear gently. "How are you still so pretty when you look that ill..." he breathed, his smile tugging on the corner of his lips as he admired you for a moment.
You just blushed and shook your head, told him not to be daft as you settled back down beneath the covers and let him tuck you in once more.
"A mean it love," he said, his frown furrowing his brow ever so cute as he looked down at you, pushed up on one arm, hovering above you, "you are so unbelievably gorgeous,"
"Go on Sam, get," you giggled shooing him away because he was embarrassing you, "you big softy,"
"Am only telling the truth," he sniggered enjoying the way you blushed deeper. It was one of his favourite things to do, try and embarrass you like that, trying to get you all giggly and shy, trying to make you blush and hide away.
He loved being able to make you squirm, being able to trap you beneath him so that you were forced to look up at him while he showered you in compliments. So that you were forced to let him adore you.
You just giggled, smiling to yourself as you settled back down, closing your eyes, kicking the covers off you as you felt a fever creeping back up on you again.
Sam was gone for a little while but you could hear him down the hallway, hed stuck a beatles album on and was singing along to Shes So Heavy, doing daft little voices to entertain himself as he worked away.
When he came back he was only holding the one cuppa for you and you frowned because you'd kind of hoped he'd crawl into bed with you for a cuddle.
"Where's yours?" you asked with a little pout, one which only grew when he laughed at you.
"A don't have time for a brew lass, av got housewife shite to do!" he grinned, "am gan down wilkos get meself a little apron to wear for the rest of the day, ynar so I look the part like..." he grinned sniggering at you when you laughed and almost spat out your tea.
"Sam don't be daft, don't want you stressing about all this stuff just cause I am..."
"Babe," he smirked softer then, looking at you more seriously then, "you stress about it every year so that everyone else gets to have a dead good Christmas, think a can manage it just once ey," he said stroking your cheek before leaning down to kiss you there too. Smiling when you smiled, your heart glowing at his sweetness.
"love you Sam," you said quietly, his eyes lighting up at the words.
"Love you too pet, nar promise me you're gan stay in bed and get some rest..." he said standing up, letting his hand trail your serene expression then as you looked up at him with sleepy eyes.
You didn't really want him to go but he really was determined that he was going to get all your jobs done for you and that determination alone was so sweet thst you had to at least let him try.
When he came back to check on you a few hours later he had condensed milk smeared across his cheek and crunched up digestive on his chin. He didn't seem to have noticed either and when you saw him you laughed so hard you buried your face into your covers to try and hide your grin.
"What?" he asked chuckling a little self consciously.
"How's the banoffee pie going?" you asked with a smirk, your lips twitching with the giggle you were trying to hold in.
"How'd yknow a was makin..." he trailed off realising exactly how you knew, "oh," he said with a sheepish smile, "messier than it looks this bakin lark int it," he grinned.
You couldn't reply through your giggling, the sight of you smiling reassuring him.
"You feeling any better pet?" he asked sitting down beside you, being careful not to get any mess on you.
"Yeah," you smiled, "bit anyway, haven't been sick again," you said with a small smile, relieved to see the relief in his eyes as he reached out and held his hand to your for head to check your tempreture.
"You don't feel too hot anymore either," he nodded, "a was beginning to worry you weren't gan be better by Christmas,"
"Don't have time to be ill," you shot him a smile making him roll his eyes.
"Thought a told ya," he said then pushing you back down into your bed, "am gan take care of all that..." he said, his hands on the pillow either side of your head as he crawled above you, hovering over you.
When he leant down to kiss your nose he accidently got a little of the caramel on his cheek on yours and you squirmed giggling.
"Sam!" you giggled, "careful," you said smiling as you reached up and drew your finger across his cheek to scoop up the caramel that was left there.
He watched as you raised it to your lips and smiled to taste it.
"S'nice Sam," you said looking up at him with a mischievous twinkle in your eye, "maybe we'll make a domestic goddess of you yet," you bit back a smile watching his eyes crease at the corners when he grinned and sniggered too, kissing your cheek before flopping down onto the bed beside you.
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jimins-goodgirl · 2 years
A/n; hey guys, im back. Sorry for not writing for almost a year now, I've been really down lately and this year hasn't been tye best. I hope you can understand. This is a short story I wrote for you, not explicit mostly just some kissing. Again, thank for understanding and reblog if you liked this. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Sorry for bad spelling or grammar! Keep in mind, english isn't my first language 😮‍💨
Prom au!
Around 400 words
Warnings: literally pure fluff, unless you consider kissing a warning 🤷
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Dancefloor 🪐
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Music blasting as you and your friends get ready for what may just be one of the most memorable days of your life. Earlier in the year you and your friends had all agreed to come over to you'r house to get ready for prom. No exceptions. The night finally came and you found yourself singing along to cringy love songs with your friends while dressing up.
After hours of talking and getting ready you were finally done and on your way to prom. As soon as you arrive and step foot into you schools what was an old gymnasium, you were mesmerised by how beautiful the school heads and students made it look. The venue covered in shiny glitters and dreamy fairy lights looked breathing.
Since you arrived a bit later because you weren't about to listen to a sappy hour long speech from your teachers about how far you've all come and how they wish you the best of luck for you incoming education and/or job, the people had already started to go out to the dance floor with their dates to dance to slow classic music. You and your friends had made a mission that you all pick up one of the single guys there and dance with them.
Time started to pass and all of your friends suddenly all had dates leaving you all alone standing stiffly by the side or the dance floor right across the white tables with snacks. At that point you were sure that all the descent respectfully guys, that didn't only want sex were taken. When you feel a pair of eyes staring at you.
You look up to see none other then Jimin sitting right across you munching on some snacks all while staring at you. You and him haven't talked to much in general but he was very welcome in your friend group so he would come by during lunch to sit with you guys. You knew his personality very well for someone who wasn't very known at the school.
You've always had an attraction to this boy, and you could feel he felt the same attraction towards you. Time was ticking by and you had no one to dance with so you decided 'fuck it'. You look back at him with a flirty look on your face and gesture him to come over. You weren't actually sure if he'd take the offer but not even 2 milliseconds later you see him almost fall of the chair he was sitting on to jog over to you.
He arranges his hair as he walks up to you. ".....hey" he said with a cute smile, trying so very hard to conceal the fact the he was out of breath from running to you. "Hi" you reply back, flashing the same cute smile that he gave you back at him. "Soo uh, wanna dance?" He asked as he offered his hand to you like the gentleman he truly is. You nod in agreement and take his hand. You slowly walk onto the dancefloor and start to slowly get comfortable with eachother's bodies as you both sway across eachother while holding hands.
This whole dance thing with him earned you a few glares from the girls that fancied him but you decided to block them out. Jimin slowly starts nudging closer towards you when finally your touching foreheads as your bodies find the rhythm of the music, slowly swaying as you pull eachother close. He keeps looking straight into your eyes. His eyes are almost intoxicating.
The first proper sentace hes said to you shocked you a bit. "I really want to kiss you..." He blurted out. You feel his hot breath against your lips. "Then do it-'', you didn't have time to finish your statement before he closed the gap between your faces. His lips felt warm and extremely soft as he worked his mouth over yours.
He rips away from you with a deep breath. "I liked that." You announced. "Wanna do it again?" He asked although he was sure of the answer. "Oh god yes." He finished your sentence with another one of his beautiful kisses. This time you felt his tongue slip into your mouth. You didn't even fight over dominance because you know he'd win.
As slowly as the time goes by, you and him had already spent the whole night dancing, talking,and kissing. Every time you kissed, it felt like an angel had came down from heaven onto your lips. You both were lost in the passion. Unfortunately the night must come to an end. "So you wanna be something?" He asks you shyly looking to his feet. Which is a bit wierd considering you were just sucking eachother's faces off about a few minutes ago. "Yeah, id love that" you answer and you see his face light up. You swore you could see stars in his eyes the moment he looked up to face you.
You take his phone and dial in your number signing the contract name of as ''my girl💓💓''. " Here you go babe, call me whenever you want to go on a date" you say with a smile as you start to walk away from him. Suddenly you feel him grab your wrist and turn you back around straight into his arms to kiss you. After pulling away he mutters "Sure thing, 'my girl' " with a giggle while waving his phone with your brand new contact profile in his hand.
With one last smile of the night, you part ways, you can now go to sleep knowing you have a cute-ass boyfriend and that this truly was a memorable night after all.
A/n; thanks for reading till the end! The best way you can help me get reach is by rebloging this post if you liked it :) Love you all sweethearts, have a great day/night!❤️‍🔥
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donggyul · 4 years
Fuck Toy (sixsome)
Member : X1 hyung line (Seungwoo, Seungyoun, Wooseok, Yohan, Hangyul)
Genre : Fluff/Smut
Note : I finally start writing after a long time!!! This is like the longest I've ever written😂
Warning : Well there's not exactly a warning but hey it's a smut so...
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You were really close to the X1 members, especially the hyung line because you were their manager.
On Sunday morning, they asked you and the other managers to come over to play some games together as they were bored and out of things to do since they've been in quarantined for almost a year.
15 of you, 11 X1 members + you and 3 other managers, played various types of games, from board games to video games to simple games the whole day, having breakfast, lunch and dinner in between. It was close to night time so the other 3 managers had to leave for some work/home so you're the only manager who stayed to take care of them. The maknae line had already went to bed as they had school the next day.
You're left with the hyung line so you suggest they go to sleep early so that you can head home to rest. But they have something else in mind...
"Let's play one last juicy game before you go..." Seungwoo suggested.
"Juicy...?" you questioned
"Okay then let's play truth or dare!" Seungyoun said.
So the remaining 6 of you played a round of truth or dare, you know it's always save to pick truth because who know what dares they'll make you do.
"Y/N's turn! Truth or dare?" Wooseok asked.
"Why do you even bother asking...she always chooses truth" Yohan said sarcastically and that made you feel challenged.
"Says who? Dare!" you said.
"Fell right into our trap!" you heard Seungwoo whisper.
"Trap? What do you mean?" you ask him.
"So, we have a dare for you but we can't do it here" Seungyoun explained.
"Oh boy, what crazy things are they gonna ask you to do now" you thought.
"Okay so where should we do it?" you asked.
"Your house" Wooseok answered.
"My house...? Why?" you ask.
"You'll see" Yohan smirked and in a flash the 6 six you sat in the car and head off to your house.
"Woah this house is huge...You live here all alone?" Hangyul said amazed when you arrived.
You turned to answer him but something about him makes you feel butterflies. You've had this huge crush on him ever since you saw him at Music Bank when he first debuted in IM, you didn't dare to approach him that time so you were over the moon when you heard that you were in charge of X1, the group that Hangyul newly debuted in. Sure, the other member's visuals were stunning too but somehow there's only Hangyul in your eyes. He was the shy type so you never really gotten a chance to really talk to him, especially because the other members would be swarming with questions to ask you or stories to tell you before you can even say "Hi" to him. You stood there staring at him until he turned around to look at you, catching you off guard. The both of you turned away from each other, embarrassed.
"Yeah, my parents left this for me before they passed away" you answered.
"Ohh I'm sorry, I didn't mean too..." Hangyul apologized.
"That's okay...I'm used to it now" you answered and opened the door to let them in.
They explored the house with amazement. There's 10 rooms, 7 toilets, 3 kitchens (one for upstairs, two for downstairs) and a lot of living room space.
"I'm glad we decided to come here, its perfect for the dare" Yohan said.
"So what's the dare?" you asked when everyone's done exploring.
"We've been eyeing you since the first day..." Seungyoun said.
"And we figured you'll be the perfect fuck toy for us..." Seungwoo continued.
"WHAT?!" you said shocked.
"Don't be so surprised... You'll love it" Wooseok said.
You were speechless but before you can say anything Seungwoo cut in.
"Let's start slowly, we have the whole night after all... So choose one of us to start it off" Seungwoo looked at you.
You thought for a moment and you really didn't want to do it but since its a dare you have no choice.
"Okay...Hangyul" you said.
He looked surprised when you said his name, he didn't expect you to choose him at all.
"Ughh fine... Go pick a room and start doing whatever you're supposed to do" Wooseok said.
You pulled Hangyul into the biggest room (two king sizes bed side by side and a huge toilet). The two of you awkwardly sat on the bed while the other 4 watched TV and played whatever video games there is at your house. He looked somehow nervous and scared.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to you know?" you said looking at him.
"How? They're gonna notice if we fake it" he said turning to you but turning away when he realize you were staring at him.
"Okay then, we can get to know each other first? How about that?" you suggest.
"HEY! You guys better start ASAP! There's like 4 of us waiting" Seungwoo knocked on the door and said.
You looked down, you really didn't want to do this, the only reason you chose Hangyul is because you wanted to get to know him a little more.
"You don't want to do this do you?" Hangyul said noticing your facial expressions.
"Not really..." you answered.
Silence filled the room.
"I like you" he suddenly blurted out.
You look at him surprised.
"For a very long time... I first saw you at Music Bank when you were in charge of Wanna One, since then I couldn't take my mind off you" he confessed.
"Me too" you decided to confess.
"What?" he said.
"I first saw you then too, you have no idea how excited I was to be in charge of taking care of X1" you said.
"Well yeah who wouldn't be? There's so many handsome people here, except for me, I look hideous" he said.
"No silly...I was excited because you were in this group, I actually had this huge one-sided crush on you since that time I first saw you and please do not call yourself hideous, you're perfect" you said and you could've sworn you saw a small smile and a slight blush on his face when you said that.
"It's not one-sided you know..." he said.
"Well I know now..." you said wiggling your eyebrows making him burst into a small laugh.
"I hear you're not doing anything" Seungyoun said knocking on the door.
"Ohh and we'll switch after an hour so hurry up, you know what happens if you don't do it right?" he added.
"Can we, I mean can I? No..." Hangyul stuttered.
Something went over you and you smash your lips to his, leaving him shocked and frozen. He didn't budge at first but you didn't care and continued kissing him. Soon after, he kissed you back pulling you closer to him. The kiss was sweet and soft, exactly what Hangyul is. Both of you pulled away, trying to catch your breaths.
"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over m-" he kissed you again before you can even finish your sentence.
"Can you take care of this?" he ask pointing to his bulge.
"I'll be delighted to" you said and he quickly pulled his pants and boxers off revealing his huge cock.
"I..." you stammered.
"It's huge I know... Think you can make it?" he said worriedly.
You didn't waste a second and started stroking and sucking on his huge hardening length, making him moan at the sudden touch. He took off his shirt and leaned back using both his hands for support, giving you more space. You kept sucking and licking, massaging his balls with your free hand. He was a moaning mess, sweat running down his body, he looked even hotter and sexier from your point of view. He gripped the sheets tighter as he was almost there. After a few more sucking and licking he finally cummed in your mouth making you cough but you still swallowed it.
"I'm sorry are you okay, that was a lot wasn't it?" he said embarrassed.
"I'm fine, but I do get something in return don't I?" you said.
"Of course, but can we skip the foreplay? We only have 45 minutes left" he said.
"Impatient huh? Fine by me" you answered and he wasted no second to quickly pull all your clothes off.
As soon as he pulled you bra and panty off, he started sucking on one of your nipples and massaging the other, taking you by surprised. He's been doing it for about 3 minutes, switching sides every now and then with you playing with his hair.
"Gyul... I thought you said no foreplay?" you said.
"Sorry I can't help it, I wanna taste every inch of you before they do" he pouted.
"Well even after they fuck me, I'm still all yours..." you said tousling his hair.
"But still! I wanna be the first one" he pouted cutely again.
"Alright alright" you chuckled at his cuteness.
After another minute or so of sucking your boobs, he lays you down and starting licking the outside of your clit making you slightly moan. He smirked and started licking your clit harsher and sucking harshly. Your moans just got louder as he stuck not one but two fingers in and started thrusting in and out, curling his fingers while sucking harsh on your clit. The moment he added another finger and thrusting it faster and harsher than before, it became too much to handle. You felt like screaming because it hurt too much but you can't bring yourself to stop him because the pleasure was too good to be true. Without warning you cummed all over, and he licked every single bit of cum left on your pussy. You wiped the remaining cum on his lips, trying to catch your breath.
"You okay?" he asked to which you nodded in response.
You climbed on top of him and sunk down, slowly moving your hips to make sure his length is fully in you. It took a moment for you to adjust, in that short moment, he took both your hands and placed it on his chest, then he guide your hands slowly down till his abs, making sure you touch every inch of it. "This is all yours" he whispered sending shivers down your spine. You started gently rocking your hips, he gripped your butt cheeks, squeezing and slapping it. You soon got the hang of it and sped up the pace, both of you moaning because of the pleasure. He started pounding upwards and you started grinding down on him, both wanting to feel each other more. But soon enough, your orgasm got onto you, the pleasure was so overwhelming, you forgot to tell him that you were close and squirted all over his cock. "Wow I didn't expect you to squirt" he said looking down at the juices you released. "Oops sorry" you said embarrassed but he didn't seem to mind at all.
He took you off him, laying you down, licking the cum that you squirt till there's nothing left. He slowly inserted his humongous dick into you making you winced from the size. After checking that you're okay, he slowly thrusted in and out of you. It's the most careful he's ever been as he didn't wanted to hurt you. It's the 2nd time he's entering you but it still hurt a lot but after a few thrust, it eventually felt so good. He started thrusting faster and faster after seeing your relaxed expression, hitting every spot perfectly. Your boobs was shaking uncontrollably as he went extremely fast, determined to make you cum. The room was filled with skin slapping and moaning noises. You grip on tighter to the sheets as you were close to your 2nd cum.
"I'm close... Please don't stop..." you begged.
And luckily for you he didn't. After 3 more thrust you squirt all over but he still didn't stop. He kept thrusting and thrusting, overstimulating you until he was almost there. He was going to take it out and cum elsewhere but you wanted him to keep going.
"Hangyul, just cum inside me, its okay" you stopped him.
Hearing this, he immediately spill everything inside of you, so much, you can feel it filling you up and some spilling out of you. He took his time catching his breath, and laid on top of you hugging you tight, still not taking his length out. He didn't want to, but he also doesn't have any strength to go on.
"You okay?" you asked wiping the sweat off his face.
"Tired but extremely good..." he replied.
"I'm glad my first time was with you" you said.
"You're lying about your first time aren't you?" he said still hugging you.
"I'm not, it really was my first, was I okay?" you asked.
"Okay? You were amazing, I can never get over how you sucked my cock so good like that" he answered.
"You were amazing too... Guess you had lots of experience huh?" you said.
"I was? Not bad for a first time I guess... Wish I could've done better though" he said.
"Wait... It's your first time?" you ask.
"Duhh... I don't have time to date or have a one night stand with a stranger, nor do I want to" he said.
"So why did you do it with me?" you ask.
"To tell you the truth, I was hesitant at first, and I didn't agree to it because well, you are our manager after all. But I didn't want to lose to them as well" he explained, turning to lie to the side, his cock still not leaving your pussy.
Pulling you closer, he continued "but I was willing to do it because it was you, if it was other girls, I would've never done it"
"Liar... there's so many other pretty girls out there" you teased.
"I'm not lying" he said kissing your forehead.
"Thank you" you said pecking his lips.
"For what?" he asked.
"For liking me and being my first for everything" you said.
"I love you, you know that right" he suddenly blurted out making you blush, breaking eye contact with him.
"What are you shy?" he teased.
"No I'm no-" he cuts you off by tickling you.
The two of you spend the remaining 5 minutes talking, laughing, sharing the weirdest stories, and it so amazing how both of you just clicks whether its having sex or not.
"Alright times up, its our turn" Seungwoo interrupted.
You turn to take a look at Hangyul and he does not look pleased but you had to comfort him somehow.
"Hey, don't worry, no one is gonna be better than you and its only gonna take 4 hours, which may seems long but I'll be back before you know it! Okay?" you said giving him a few kisses in the middle.
"Actually we just decided to fuck you all at once and it'll only take an hour because 4 hours is way too long" Seungwoo said.
"We includes me too right?" Hangyul asked almost immediately.
"Yeah yeah whatever" Seungwoo replied.
"Even better! You'll be here so there's nothing to worry about okay?" you said hugging him tight.
"I'm okay, I'm just scared they'll be too harsh on you and hurt you" he said with a pout.
"Well if they're too harsh, then you can stop them for me, how does that sound?" you said and he nodded in response, hugging you close, not wanting to let you go.
Soon later, all of them came in the room naked and prepared, ready to wreck you.
Hangyul slowly pulled away from you as you winced from the sudden emptiness.
"My baby is fully stretched I see" Seungyoun said flicking your clit making you startled.
"So, who's cock do you want into your holes first?" Seungwoo said.
"Anyone is fine" you answered.
So they played a short game to decide who goes first.
Order : Yohan, Hangyul, Wooseok, Seungyoun, Seungwoo
Yohan pumped his cock a few times before you climed on top of him and slowly sat down to fit his length, his was not as big as Hangyul's one but it was still big. You gently rocked your hips to make sure that Yohan was fully inside you. You leaned forward to let Hangyul enter your 2nd hole. He gripped your hips and slowly entered you but stopped when you winced. "I'm okay, just keep going" you assured him. All 3 of you took a second to adjust to the new feeling. Yohan and Hangyul thrusted in perfect rhythm, when Yohan was thrusting in, Hangyul thrusted out, your body felt so full. Hangyul pulled you up to play with your nipple while Yohan played with the other nipple.
"You okay?" Hangyul whispered sending shivers to your body. You answered by nodding, eyes closed.
"Gyuliee can you please go a little faster?" you begged.
"Are you sure you can handle it?" he asked worried.
"Don't worry" you said.
They both started going faster. This time Yohan groped both of your boobs while Hangyul stretched your clit with his fingers. You were practically screaming but didn't care anymore if you were loud, all that was in your mind was how their cocks both fit perfectly into you and how good both of them made you feel. You grinded more and more into them and they pounded more and more into you. You didn't want them to stop, the pleasure was too good, you tried to fight your orgasm back but your body wouldn't let you and you eventually squirted all over. Yohan looked panicked, he needed somewhere to spill but you're still on top of him. "It's okay, you can spill in her" you heard Hangyul said startling you. Yohan was hesitant but he couldn't really hold it in anymore and cummed inside you. Hangyul pulled out of you and pulled you off of Yohan, putting his length back in your pussy to spill his seeds in you for the 2nd time.
You tried catching your breath but the other 3 boys wouldn't let you, Wooseok basically shoved his cock into your mouth, gripping your hair and started fucking your mouth. You couldn't even move, tears running down your face, he was very harsh, you were gagging but he didn't care. Seungyoun and Seungwoo grabbed your hands and made you stroke their cock. "Suck bitch" Wooseok said finally letting go of your hair. You started sucking, licking and softly biting his cock, both your hands still stroking, pulling and twisting Seungwoo and Seungyoun's cocks. You can feel Hangyul hugging you from behind, one hand pinching and playing with your nipples, the other hand lightly tapping your pussy to make sure that you're not in big pain before slowly inserting his fingers, moving his fingers in and out, curling them inside you. Wooseok then again grabbed your hair, fucking your throat, making you gag and making him cum. "Swallow" he command and you did.
Seungyoun laid down on the bed, pulling you to lie on top of him and inserting his length into your 2nd hole. You didn't have any strength or energy left due to the amount of orgasm you've already released but they're still not done with whatever they planned. Wooseok entered your clit soon after and they started pounding hard. It wasn't exactly the perfect rhythm, it was more like them doing whatever they want. "That's my good pretty girl" Seungyoun said groping your shaking boobs, squishing it, twisting and pinching your nipples. They were pounding so hard you felt like your bones were gonna break. Wooseok was the first one to cum, he took his cock out, pumped it a few times before squirting everything on your belly. Seungyoun on the other hand was still abusing your 2nd hole when Wooseok left your exposed reddish vagina. After a few minutes, Seungyoun carried you up off him and squirted in Wooseok's mouth, as per his request.
The other four boys left to wash up, leaving you alone with Seungwoo. He was the only and last one that hasn't went into you yet so he laid you down, head facing the pillows. He grabbed both your hands and put them behind your back and started to pound into your 2nd hole without even caring how much pain you were feeling at the time. He used his free hand to finger your bruised pussy. It was 3 fingers at once, the pain was almost unbearable. "Seungwoo please stop... It hurts..." you begged but he didn't seem to care. After he a few more thrusts, he stopped. You thought it was over but he turned you around and made you ride him. You tried resisting with all your might but he was too strong. Before you know it he was gripping your hips tightly, pounding into you like an animal again, even harsher than before. "Swoo please, it hurts so much" you cried. "What? You gladly take all their cocks but you wouldn't take mine?" he said. "I would take yours if you just gave me a break" you said, tears rolling down your face. "Fuck toys don't have breaks" he roared and pounded harder, making you bounce up and down. Your whole body just gave up at this point, tears streaming down your face nonstop, praying for Hangyul to finish washing up so that he can somehow stop Seungwoo.
Fortunately, Hangyul came out of the bathroom just in time. He was shocked to see you cry, he knew he had to do stop Seungwoo before you got even more hurt. "Gyul..." you cried with the little strength you have left. With all his might, he pulled you up from Seungwoo, hugging you tightly in his arms. You felt a rush of emotions and tears flew out uncontrollably, it was unexplainable, painful, but you were also glad that Hangyul was there by your side no matter what. You heard Seungwoo grunt and curse, leaving the room. "It's okay... You're save with me now bub" you heard Hangyul say. Hangyul helped you to clean up, and dressed you in comfy clothes.
"Does it still hurts?" he laid you down on the bed hugging you softly, you nodded, still unable to speak.
"Don't worry about anything and sleep okay? I'll be by your side the whole night" he assured, caressing your hair, making you fall asleep.
Tiredness wash over you, falling asleep in his arms, peacefully.
The next morning
Hangyul woke up first, staring at you, slowly running his fingers through your hair and face, touching each of your facial features softly and carefully. He smiled at how cute you were when you were sleeping. He moved to grab his phone, accidentally waking you.
"Hangyul?" you said half awake.
"Sleep more, you must've been tired" he said hushing you back to sleep.
"Thank you" you said hiding your head at the crook of his neck.
"Anything for my baby" he lightly kissed your forehead.
"What?" you said looking up at him.
"Am I wrong? You're mine" he said smiling softly.
"Well if I'm yours then you're mine!" you said.
"Of course I am" he chuckled, patting you back to sleep like a baby.
"What do you wanna eat later? I can cook anything you know" he said.
"Anything is fine, but don't go till I wake up" you pouted.
"I won't... I'll be right here so you don't have to worry okay" he said.
You nodded and went back to sleep.
I'm sorry if this sucks 😭 I wanted to end it sweetly and Hangyul here is such a sweetheart 🥺 also I'm terribly sorry for making Seungwoo the "villain" I just felt that Seungwoo is the perfect role for it...
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fly-like-a-phoenix · 3 years
House of Lust (part 16)
Abbé de Coulmier x reader
Summary: Five years has passed since the events of Quills. The Abbé de Coulmier is released of prision by a misterious event. And he will know again those feelings he never thought will meet again: love... and lust.
Warnings: some mentions of violence and wounds, mentions of sex.
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Odelle went to the dungeons in the morning, finding François sleeping on the ground, covered with the blanket. She actually thought he was dead for a minute, but he wasn't. He survived the punishment. And she didn't know how.
What she was thinking by now was about that empty bottle and that blanket. Who gave those to him? Was it you? One of the guards? Louis? Claude? One of the guests? No, they didn't know he was in the dungeons.
She opened the cell and approached him. She kneeled beside him and put her hand on his shoulder, moving him to wake him up.
"Abbé. Hey Abbé. Wake up. C'mon."
He started to open his eyes and, at the moment he saw Odelle, he jumped and moved to a corner, scared like if she was the product of a nightmare. He even thought he was dead, and she was a demon from a real Hell.
"Oh, do I scare you that much? That's nice!" She mocked. "Take this. Put them on." She throwed him a new cassock, shirt and trousers, and waited for him outside, smiling. He still had some bruises all over his body, and that made her feel good. But the lashes in his back somehow were cured. And she noticed it. It was impossible he did it alone. Someone must have help him.
Coulmier arrived at her side with new clothes, while he finished zipping the last buttons. He was breathing slowly. He frowned when he saw her standing and waiting for him. He wanted to kill her. It was the same feeling he always had while seeing doctor Roger-Collard.
He thought a lot about him those days in the dungeon. It reminded him a lot of the Charenton cell he made him go into. He thought a lot about Madeline too. And the Marquis. He dreamt about them. And you. He dreamt about you a lot.
"What the hell do you want now, Odelle? What are you going to make me do?" Said he, angry. His nails scratched the skin of his palms.
"I'm not going to make you do anything, Abbé. I'm done with you. I punished you because of what you did. But that's it. Today is the last day of the House of Lust this year. And you'll be free to go."
Was that true? He didn't trust her at all. But she didn't seem to be kidding. Maybe she was going to free him. Maybe it was true. But it was just a maybe. He didn't say anything else. He just glanced at her with hate.
"Now, go to Y/N chambers and clean yourself a little. Fix you hair. You're so handsome, but now you look horrible."
She smiled and left. He heard moans coming from a door next to where he stood. But it was a common thing by now, and he didn't mind about it.
He entered to your bedroom and found you sleeping. He approached to you in silence, sitting at the edge of the bed, extending his hand to touch your hair. You were fine. That was everything he wanted to know.
"Y/N, it's me." He said, and you woke. You scared at first, but then you recognized him.
"Abbé! Oh my God, I was so scared! Are you okay?" You hugged him quickly, not letting him a chance to go anywhere.
"I'm fine, Y/N. I'm... I'm fine. I'm alive." He smiled.
He broked the hug and looked at you im silence, right into your eyes. You kissed him with hunger, surprising him. But then, he continued with the kiss, touching your face and then your neck.
"I've missed you so much, François." You said, and his name in your lips caused something inside of him.
He started to cry suddenly. You didn't understand why, but you hugged him again, caressing his hair with pity. You didn't know what he had been through.
"Why are you crying, Abbé? What is it?"
"I thought your sister was going to kill me, Y/N. She... Let me in that cage like an animal. And, you know what? I didn't care about that. But then I thought about you, and I wanted to survive for you. I'm so glad you're fine! This are tears of joy!"
You hugged each other again, but when your hand caressed her back, he jumped with pain.
"What is it?" You said quickly, noticing he wasn't that right. You cupped his face with your hands. "You're not okay."
"No. Actually, I'm not." He smiled with pain in his eyes, tears still filling those green diamonds. "Your sister tortured me."
"What?! That fucking bitch! I'm going to kill her!" You screamed.
"Don't say those things, love." Coulmier cut what you were saying, putting his index finger in your lips. "I share the feeling, but tomorrow we will be free."
"You're right. I'm sorry, François. You're absolutely right. Tomorrow we can go to any place we wish, together."
"Actually, I want to talk with you about a couple of things---"
"Not here. Wait. Come with me to the bathroom. I'll give you a nice bath."
He smiled and followed you to the bathroom. He took off all his new clothes, and you couldn't help but put your hands in your mouth when you saw him naked. His back was all wounded with lashes. He had a stiched cut in his chest above the right nipple. And many bruises all over his skin.
"Josephine helped me." He whispered, in case anyone was outside. "She cured my wounds. You were right. She is not like Odelle."
"I told you she's nice. I hope she can get out of this place soon." You said, helping him enter the bathub, which was full of warm water. You started to clean the rests of blood from his back with care.
"I wanted to talk about that. I'm thinking she can go with us, at least while we go away from here. Do you agree?"
"Well... Yeah. She's my sister. And yes, she's done a lot of bad things, but I love her. It's a good idea. I agree."
You both stayed in silence a couple of minutes, just watching each other. You were washing his back with care and, when you ended, you started to give him a little massage in his chest and shoulders. He moaned a little because of the good feeling. After those days in the dungeons, it was nice to be back with you.
"Odelle makes a party every year when the days of the House of Lust are over." You explained. "We have to go and act normally. If anyone asks why they didn't see you these days, we can say you had a seminary."
"What happened these days I've been in the cell?" He asked with confussion.
"I don't know. I've been in a cell myself, Abbé. Odelle locked me up in my bedroom. Josephine brought me food and some water, and I had a bath just before you arrived."
"That bitch... I can't wait to be out of here, away from her." Said he, with hate. You couldn't blame him. You felt like that since many years.
"I need to ask you something, Abbé."
"Tell me." He responded, closing his eyes to feel your fingers massaging his scalp.
"When we were... You know... About to make love... And my sister found us..."
"You said you had to confess something. What was it?"
François opened his eyes and looked at you briefly. He suddenly remembered how good you tasted, and the sounds you made while he was fucking you with his mouth and fingers just before he was taken to the dungeon. Yes. He had to confess something. Something awful. And surely you will understand.
"Do you know the 100 Days of Sodom? The book, I mean. It's a Marquis de Sade book."
"Yeah, my sisters have it in our library. Odelle reads it since it came out, and uses to practice somethings in here. Why?"
"Did you read it?"
"Some parts, just because she obligued me to do it. What has the book to do with your confession?"
He closed his eyes and let out a heavy breath, like if what he was about to say was really painful for him. He shocked his head and, with notable shame in his eyes, he talked with low voice.
"It wasn't the Marquis de Sade who wrote it. It was me. Roger-Collard... The doctor who made me be an inmate... When the Marquis died, I started to write as if I was him. I heard his voice in my head, guiding my hand into the paper. When Roger-Collard knew about that, he made me write a long story to print as a book. He told everyone it was the last thing the Maquis ever wrote, but it was me."
"And what about that?" You said, not getting why was that so bad.
"If people is so wicked... If this House of Lust has it existense based in that book, as you said... It's all my damn fault. I... I was so away from God... With everything that happened in those days... My mind was full of demons. And I really understood why the Marquis had to write them."
There was an extended silence in the room, with you finally getting how bad it was for him to write such a nasty, bad and pervert tale as that. Who will imagine it? A priest writing those things!
"Hey. Look at me." You took his face in you hands. "No one has to know. Ever. And I will keep my mouth shout. I promise. It wasn't you who wrote it. As you said, it was the Marquis. But you don't hear him anymore, don't you?"
"No. I haven't hear his voice in a year."
"So, you are you. And that's everything is fine." You said, smiling. He smiled back and kissed you.
"Now, we have to go to the stupid party. This will end soon. And we will be free to do whatever we want."
You helped him to put his clothes again and, back in your bedroom, you brushed his hair with care. He looked at himself in the mirror, and you, standing behind him, approached to him and kissed his cheek.
"You're so damn handsome." You said, waiting for him at the bedroom's door. "And you look so fine... I don't think no one will ask anything odd."
"I'm fine thanks to you and Josephine. And you are magnificent and beautiful too." He responded, smiling, hugging you and kissing you again, as if he didn't spent three days in a cell after a painful and pleasurable torture. "I love you, Y/N."
Guests started to arrive to the dining room from their bedrooms while you smiled at him. It will be a long, weird day. You both knew that. But you didn't imagined what was coming. You had no idea...
Tagging: @darknessisafriend @five-miles-over @yukis-writing @thegirlwho @jokerflecker @missrockabilly99 @luperugorria99 @weirdflecksbutok @skaraboo @starksclown @sgtsavoytruffle @joaquinisart @sophiefleck @the-queen-of-things @ajokerfangirl @bailaycantaconmingo @joaquinphoenixdaily @joaquinfeed @beatlebabe1996
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bbugyu · 3 years
I'm anon that asked about Jun's mbti analysis. Thank you for writing it! Honestly, I didn't pay much attention to him before but after mbti episode, I started to feel he's so relatable for me personally. In Catch Stock when he shrunk himself the moment the members looked at him, I do that A LOT. And never run out topics to talk about n actually talkative, me too that many people who's I'm comfortable with but not close enough to actually know me on personal level never believe me when I said I'm an introvert cuz I can be such a chatterbox once I feel comfortable. Lookat me know rambling tmis 🙈😂
And about hiding struggles as well cause not wanting to make orhers worried, same. Upon reading your analysis, I'm glad that it's not just me that feel his personality is like what you've described. It amazes me how I relate to him while zodiac wise I suppose we should be rather different, he's a gemini and I'm a scorpio. But then again, I do relate to other infps in svt at some level, tho not as much as Jun. Sorry for my lengthy comment. If you don't mind can you do Hoshi's too? 😆
Also, if it's still available or if you accept any anon, can I be anon 🌵? Thank you so much!
hi!! so sorry this took me way longer than expected, my week has been 🤕🤕🤕 but im back! jun was so cute in catch stock 😭 the way he shrank when they all started screaming is such a picture perfect example of infp JDFKHDJKFH like of course he had the intuition and brains to invest correctly and get the most money (plus the bonus of guessing the right ones to invest in on the first round) but literally no one was more shocked than him LMAO. another part of that ep that i think really shows his personality is when they were strategizing and jeonghan and minghao kinda took the lead, he just laughed and was like "the importance of picking the right team" JHDFKHDF i adore him so much
you would be surprised how similar scorpios and geminis can be!!! i'm not a zodiac expert (i can't be good at everything i'm too tired 😭) but my best friend is a gemini and two of my other super super close friends are scorpios, and it's amazing the way they can bounce off each other. you're a fire sign, while jun is air, but the vibes are... similar somehow? insert some lengthy poetry about how fire needs air to exist blah blah KJSDFJ
okay! gay little oolong has been made. let's get into hoshi's personality analysis!!! again, sorry this took so long to get to 😭 my overwhelmed little brain couldn't handle another one of these for a couple of days.
quick overview of infps (i've done this three times now LMAO but in case this is anyones first time reading one of my analyses): mediators are super loyal, very sensitive to others feelings, and they value harmony and authenticity.
i've said this before i think, but hoshi is my mom's bias (she's practically ot13, but she said hoshi is a SLIVER above everyone else. another cute thing: she says she loves seventeen as if they were my friends 😭😭😭 mama bbugyu ily) and she says one of the reasons she loves him so much is because he does things sometimes and they remind her of me LMAOOO she calls us her twins because we were born the same year only a month apart 😭 and honestly.... yeah. i relate to him a lot LOL his brand of infp is definitely most similar to what i was when i was a little bit younger (i used to float between the mediator and the advocate in my teens, but i think i'm solidly in infj now). a lot of people seem to be shocked that he's introverted, but it really doesn't surprise me at all - we can be loud and rambunctious! we can be outgoing! we just need to be alone and quiet to recharge our battery. you can tell by the way he is when he does solo vlives or like.. that one vlive where he was with jeonghan sitting on his bed. he would just sit quietly and stare out the window with his hand over his mouth and jeonghan was like "why are we live lol" but that's how he relaxes! i think he enjoys company that he can share comfortable quiet with.
infps have so much going on in their heads, they can't help but ramble a little bit (so don't apologize!!!), even if they're can be shy or nervous in front of people they don't know well. a lot of times, i feel like hoshi forgets that he's shy LOL like he'll just go off and then u see in his eyes that he suddenly realises that he's rambling and gets shy mid sentence in interviews. but that's so endearing to me!!! you can tell his passion takes over sometimes haha. he is so cute
i thought it was so wonderful that hoshingi selected jun and hao as the members that were the most thoughtful this year. he said it was because he knew they missed their families, but they always put seventeen first and stay in korea 😭 the fact that he's so empathetic towards their struggle with being away from home says a lot, i think, especially because he's their leader in performance unit. honestly the fact that he pointed it out at all makes him one of the most thoughtful members in my opinion.
i said this in jun's as well, but i think it's even more obvious with hoshi: infps are known to overlook details, until they are in stressful or high pressure situations, they become blunt and detail oriented. hoshi is THE PICTURE of this. he helps with choreo and the way he monitors the group and points out tiny details is SO specific. like, "you're leg is at 50° and it should be at 45" specific, which i sure some people would take as nitpicky, but the other members know it's not personal. i know they all pay attention to this, but i feel like seventeen wouldn't be so praised for synchronization without soonyoungie.. it's really his claim to fame. and again, as the performance team leader, i think he takes that role really seriously.
the tertiary cognitive function of infps is introverted sensing, which in layman terms means that instead of processing things in the moment, hoshi reviews memories after the fact and analyzes when he's alone. there have been several times where hoshi has brought up things during vlives that have happened and talks about how he thought the way he reacted or the action he took was regrettable, and he just kinda pouts and says "ah i guess that's how it is," but you can see in his face he's still thinking about it. i think he relives these moments in this way, and sometimes it can be overwhelming emotionally. i know he really regretted his mistake speaking japanese at mama this year 😭 i hope he doesn't beat himself up so much about things like that! infps can hold onto those things for too long... but i think he benefits from having members and carats that tell him to stop worrying about it. these things happen, yk? it isn't productive to dwell too much on mistakes beyond learning from them.
thanks again for requesting these! i really do love doing them ❣️
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