#im barely starting with the kids i cant say goodbye before it starts
sapybara · 2 years
They offered me a department in my college town and I didn't even hesitate when I said I want to go and take a look at it but on a second thought I don't want to let my kids go
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devilmayfamily · 2 years
School vs DMC Boys
Summary: Because the fall school season is closing in and some of you may have already moved into your college/university dorms, I present to you all, the DMC boys vs you having to leave for school
"You have to leave?!", Dante whines. "You leave all the time Dante", you reply. "For like, a few days", Dante counters.
He'd rather have you home and will fight with you about it until the day you go
Helps you pack even if it means your a step closer to going
"You can always come visit", you say. "Dont give me that kind of permission", Dante replies.
Actually. Dont. Mans will be there every day to check on you until someone or yourself tell him he has to stop and leave
Has tried to bargain with you
"How about we live together in (enter where your college is). We can get an apartment or do couples housing", Dante says. "Dante, you barely have enough money to pay rent here. Besides, couple housing is for married couples", you reply. Dante:*slowly gets on one knee* "DONT!"
Seeing you get into the van all packed up makes him proud and sad at the same time. He loves seeing you go after your dreams but hates he has to stay behind this time.
He pulls you in for one last hug. "Write me, call, anything", he says. "Was planning on it", you reply, hugging him just as tight as he was you. You give the devil hunter one last kiss before jumping into the van, Nico driving you off.
"You have to leave? Yes, I suppose that makes sense"
He keeps it in how much he's going to miss you
Helps you pack, always double checking things
"You're sure you have everything?", Vergil asks. "Im sure babe", you reply.
Has secretly packed you a William Blake book so you having something that reminds you of him
And some tea because he knows if he doesn't you'll waste so much money on coffee
"You could come visit", you tell him. "Visit? That does sound nice"
He visits once a month, taking you out for lunch or just sitting and reading with you in the surrounding parks or libraries
No one messed with you before, but now no one really messes with you after seeing that cold Vergil stare
Right before you have to leave, Vergil pulls you aside to say his own goodbye
"I will miss you my dear", Vergil says. “I’m going to miss you too Verg", you reply. You pull Vergil into a hug, tears brimming in his eyes. He clears his throat, trying to get rid of them. "I suppose you must start heading out", Vergil says. You sadly nod, looking back at the van. You give Vergil a kiss, running into the van before you cry in front of him.
"Crying Verg?", Dante asks. "No, just dust", Vergil replies, wiping at his eyes. Dante smiles, giving his brother a pat on the back. "You'll see them again"
He's like a kicked puppy like his uncle
Becomes super clingy in your last few days
"Nero, I have to pee" "But I only have these last few days to be by ur side!" "5 seconds Nero!!"
Sure it can be annoying but you wouldn't trade it for the world
He does come visit often but not as much as Dante would. Maybe once a week at least
Blue anthropomorphic wings has never scared college kids more in the their lives
"Nero you scared him", you chuckle. "He needed to get a run in today anyways"
On the day you have to leave, Nero is constantly going where you do; to the room, in the kitchen, on the couch, he's everywhere
After everyone has said goodbye to you, Nero pulls you in for a hug, blue wings also accounted for
"Im going to call every day", Nero says. "I know you will", you reply. "And we will have to talk for at least an hour", Nero adds. "And if we cant?", you ask. "We make up for it next time", he replied. You smile up at the goof. "I'll be back before you know it, dont worry", you say, ruffling Nero's hair. You both laugh as Nero attacks you in kisses before loading up into the van.
"Haha! You have to live in some crummy ol' dorm room!", Griffon squawked out. V held onto the birds beak, fighting the bird to shut up
Griffon is gonna make as many jokes as possible about you leaving. They wont cross any boundaries but they will make you roll your eyes at the bird
Shadow gives you extra loving on the coming days of you leaving
V is helping you pack (when you aren't laying under Shadow)
He packs you all kinds of tea when you're not looking
"Who's this in the picture y/n?", your roommate asks. "That's my boyfriend", you reply, smiling fondly at the photo sitting on your desk. You were able to get a photo of V just admiring the world around him.
You brought a few photos of V and you to have as decor. It didn't help that V was the first to sneak a photo in your suitcase
V comes by once a month to take you out and away from studying all the time. He understands it's important but so is your mental health (get some rest guys)
Everyone on campus is curious about your mysterious boyfriend but Griffon is good at keeping them in line
Speaking of Griffon, the bird can't not visit you
He jokes about you being away but he secretly misses you a lot too
He visits almost as much as Dante would
"Griffon, you can't be here", you scolded the bird. "Who said so? I'm just checking on you", he replied. "That's what you said yesterday", you reminded him. Griffon didn't answer, just snuggled up next to you.
Your poor roommate had to get accustomed to a giant bird coming in through the window almost every day very quickly.
On the day you had to go, all the familiars were out, hugging you and saying goodbye
Nightmare doesnt want to let you go but knows he has to
"Alright you three, they got to go", V says to his familiars. They whine but return to their master nonetheless. "We will miss you", V says, finally able to say his own goodbye. "I know you will", you reply. V pulls you in for a hug, one you know you'll miss. Reluctantly you let go of the man, getting one more kiss from him before jumping into the van. Griffon flies along side the van just to make sure you get there safe.
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finneysbaseball · 2 years
ayo 🤭 could i possibly request headcanons for either dating vance or being griffin’s best friend? ur acc is awesome btw
dating vance but not rlly dating vance while being griffins bsf/ big sis figure
a/n: fem reader on this one but imagine it however u like <3 i tried to make it gn but theres some slip ups!
(see what i did i mixed them together 🤭)
vance would think u like griffin (u kind of do cus who wouldn't? hes adorable) more then him so he would hate him
although griffin would grow on him
you'd be like his second parents
and i hc that vance is a mommas boy so he would be the mom you'd be the dad
vance would totally baby him.
like vance would be like "i don't like griffin"
then would proceed to he caught playing trains with him.
"he forced me he has little doe eyes i couldn't say no" blah blah blah i dont wanna hear it mr hopper
griffin would probably slip up and call u mom sometimes
vance is still annoyed by him sometimes
probably even made him cry on accident w few times if im being honest
like this kid is sensitive.
and im not evn tryna be mean
u could literally ignore him on accident bcus u didn't hear him and he started crying cus he thought u didn't love him anymore
ok ok I'm getting rlly carried away this isn't even what u asked for pls don't hate me
ok so more into the vance being your boyfriend part.
griffin was the kid you babysat ever since he was a 5, since his parents were always on work trips (hc ofc)
u met vance at the grab and go when u bumped into his pinball machine, he cussed you out but didn't beat your ass or anything since he was just practicing (or so that was his excuse) and everyone was like "damn how did she not get her ass whooped😧"
vance then saw u at school and asked in the most calm way he could (which did not work out because it sounded like he was yelling at you.)
which then to that you said "im so sorry i would but i cant , i have a babysitting job this saturday."
vance then tried to walk away but before he could you started talking again.
"the boys parents aren't strict! you could come with me and we could all watch movies together! he would love you!
and to that he said yes
spoiler alert, griffin did not love vance. another spoiler alert, the feeling was mutual.
as you walked to the door to greet mrs stagg going to a meeting, she stopped and said hi to you and vance, you called her prior to explain that you had to study with him (which was kind of a lie but you heard him and his teacher talking about his grades so you thought, sure why not help him with his grades!
as you said goodbye too mr stagg, griffin walked downstairs running to hug you and as u both pulled away he say vance.
"who are you?" griffin said crossing his arms over his chest
"vance." vance said not liking the tone the 10 year old boy was taking with him.
"why are you in my house."
"because your babysitter is helping me with my grades"
"so what your saying is your an idiot?"
"ok ok lets calm down"
"well at least you have y/n shes very smart she helped me get an a"
griffin walked away to go watch gravity falls on tv. (another headcanon lolz)
"he called me dumb."
"vance, hes ten."
"i assure you you're not dumb, you just need to start paying attention in class."
you and vance started working on science, something vance was stuck on.
when griffin spoke up
"yes griffin?"
"im bored!!"
"well i guess i can take break"
"i need help!" vance said with a pout that was barely noticeable
"well my needs are more important then yours u bush!"
"vance hes ten!"
"a stupid ten year old."
"thats why u cant do basic science!"
"griffin apologize!" you said with a stern face
"he thinks hes more important than me!".
"you are both important so you both better apologize or im telling your moms!
that seemed to get their attention as they both shook their head no and started apologizing
"vance, im sorry for calling you a bush.
"and im sorry for calling u stupid."
"now hug it out." you said smiling
"what." they both deadpanned
"you heard me, hug it out mamas boys."
they sighed and eventually gave each other a side hug.
as the night ended, you tucked griffin into bed, finished your homework with vance , and greeted mrs stagg as she came back from her meeting, you both said goodbye to the hardworking mom and headed hom.
vance walked you too your door thanked you for the help, and u gave him a kiss on the cheek
you both agreed that you'd go see the new chainsaw massacre movie next friday, and went too sleep with butterflies.
I GOT CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS MY BAD! @honeyedpaperback hope you liked it!!!
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dodo-begone · 3 years
monster anon bullshit part 2 out of who knows how many parts!
so (y/n) just told the gang that they're from another world and they wanna go home. now, to be quite honest, (y/n) expected the trio to either laugh in their face (specifically tommy), or look at them like they were crazy. none of those things happen, though.
tubbo looks at them with pity and empathy, murmuring about how hard it must be to be so far from home with no way to get back. ranboo stays silent as he is unable to relate since his home is with tubbo, and tommy has a pensive expression as he processes the information. at one point he mutters something about "that no-good schemer being up to, well, no-good"
eventually, tommy perks up and hits them with that "aye you know what, i actually might have a solution!" he drops the demi-god bomb on them, letting the reader know that he's a demi-god with connections to full-fledged gods that rule over specific domains. the reader's taken aback, although not entirely shocked considering how they ended up in this world to begin with.
he suggests they all start the trekk to the arctic, where his immortal father and immortal father's immortal friend reside. [insert roadtrip montage where i switch to second-person]
eventually, when you all make it to the arctic, techno's pretty peeved about tommy's arrival. "what does that kid think he's doing, phil? he brought his whole damn possee with him, too!"
phil's response is something along the lines of "i thought you liked ranboo?" but he cant finish due to tommy bursting into their domain.
its almost an immediate shift in attitude when they recognize a stranger they've never seen on this plane has entered the fray. the once annoyed but comforting familial atmosphere of bickering friends shifts to a cold, hostile curiosity when phil and techno land their eyes upon you.
the death god, philza, looks surprised to see a face he hasn't recognized before. he's the death god; he knows everyone's destined demise and the day in which he will need to punch their tickets, so to speak. however, when he tries to think of your death date, he comes up blank. if his mind were a filing cabinet, the (y/n) folder would be the only one with no contents.
but philza seems to be doing a lot better than techno. the god's balance seems to be swaying very lightly--in fact, nobody notices except phil. and he also notices the red threatening to overtake the white scleras of techno's eyes.
phil, with the rushed kindness of a host trying to usher a drunk guest from his bar, promptly asks you to wait outside their castle. you comply immediately; you'd rather bare the cold than go against a god you just met.
as you leave, you turn around just in time to see the pink-haired god clutching his head in what looks to be either confusion or agony (or maybe a mixture of both?) before the door shuts and blocks you from seeing anything else.
inside, philza and tommy are trying to catch techno's attention while tubbo and ranboo stand awkwardly to the side. the two mortals don't really know what's happening, so they think it would be best to stay out of the way. philza and tommy, on the other hand, know the best way to get techno out of his own head is to distract him in some way. those pesky voices must be screaming something nasty to him, so they start shouting about pretty much any topic they can think of.
philza finally says something about farming that snaps him back into reality. when tommy asks what the hell that was about, philza knocks him upside the head and techno stays silent. both of the older gods have already figured out what just happened, but neither are about to comment on it.
having gained enough control of himself to allow you back inside, techno tells tubbo to fetch you. you come back inside and, to your surprise, neither of the gods are upset with your presence like you thought they were. you do briefly notice that, when looking at you, the pink-haired god's eyes look almost blood-shot, but you're not about to ask what that is. you're only mortal; it's probably way out of your range of comprehension. you fill them in on your situation and they tell you they're likely to find some sort of solution if given enough time. and, since you have no other options, you tell them they have all the time in the world.
you're about to leave when, surprisingly, the more hostile god offers to let you stay with them for the time being. you're surprised considering techno seemed to have some sort of issue with your presence when you first entered his sight, but maybe that was just a weird god-thing. since you don't want to sleep in one room at an inn with 3 smelly teenage boys anymore, you accept without reservation.
waving goodbye to tommy, tubbo, and ranboo, you watch as they head off to go find someone else to have fun with. they told you they'd be back in a month or so to check in, and you're excited to see them again.
you're so excited, in fact, that you don't really notice the glassy stare in the strangest of the boy's eyes. ranboo glances at you blankly as he and his two friends leave, as if he wasn't all mentally present. and when he turns around, you're none-the-wiser to the war that seems to be brewing right beneath your nose.
yeah im a bit of a yandere lover what about it 👉👈
Honestly Monster? I am too!!! God yanderes are so damn good-
And this!? Omg this is so GOOOD MAN!!! So damn good!! I don’t think I can exactly add onto this because like,,, brain not good enough to add more. Haha uncreative.
PLEASE THERE HAS TO GE READING TIME WITH TECHNO AT SOME POINT, IT JUST HAS TO HAPPEN. End of story. If you two read The Art I’d War together, I think that’d signify a bond between you two. Or,,, you know. He’s more than happy to show you what he knows about his occupation. And then him telling “stories” about other gods??? Plz that has to be an ultimate sign of trust!!! Especially when it is stuff about him.
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warmau · 4 years
★ donation request: rich kid!au hongseok
judging by the huge amount of applause that’s just come from outside of the gym
you assume that means that the star of this show has just arrived
other volunteers start running around, frazzled and worried
this one - yang hongseok - is known to be a bit of a,,,,,,,,handful
which you don’t understand 
the guys just another athlete like everyone else 
granted he has won an insane amount of titles in such a short amount of time
and is currently the world champion of his boxing class
(oh -  you know - is well on his way to being a self-made millionaire)
you just ,,,,, don’t get it
how can you be moody and snappy when your life revolves around punching people - like get your anger out in the ring, dude.
either way, scoring such a huge star for your charity work is amazing 
so you’re going to bend to his every will, even if you spend the majority of the time hating it
hongseok strolls in, followed by his manager - kino - who you spent most of your time talking to on the phone in order to set this up
you introduce yourself to him and shake his hand, he’s been nothing but nice 
your worry is all but focused on hongseok
your charity is all about working with kids and helping them get into free sports programs
which means a lot of the people in attendance are innocent children 
so you hope hongseok keeps it ,,,,,, together
he shakes your hand - but seems almost annoyed by it - taking the glasses he’s wearing off and chucking them toward kino
“how long is this gonna take?”
is the first thing he asks and you’re already gritting your teeth
“only half an hour, we want you to talk to the kids about how you got into boxing and then take some photo-”
“kino, did they say photo-op? i never agreed to that.”
kino looks like he’s gritting his teeth too, but he’s probably so used to the treatment that he just pats hongseok’s shoulder
“it’s only two or three photos. it’ll look so good for your publicity hong”
hongseok shrugs his hand off, but veers off toward the table where your volunteers have set up drinks
kino gives you an apologetic smile as he follows suit and you just stand there gripping the clipboard in your hands so hard you think you might break it
it’s only been 5 seconds and i already know - i hate him.
you turn you attention away from hongseok though, you’ve got to make sure the gym is prepped and the kids who’ve come out to hear hongseok speak are all here
as you pass by, you hear hongseok mutter something about how this place is subpar and hot 
you wish you could tell him to shut it, he’s an athlete - a little sweat won’t hurt him
but instead you remind yourself: you need this, and the kids need this.
when you’re done and you’re ready to introduce hongseok to the eager crowd
you walk over to let him know, he has his glasses on again and when you tell him everything is ready 
he barely reacts - just stands up and takes off the denim jacket he’s wearing
it’s hard not to stare - the shirt is black and tight, and he’s a boxer so his body looks like its been carved from marble
but you make a point to focus your eyes on your clipboard and not on his dumb, beautiful face
hongseok notes that you aren’t oggling like just about everyone else 
as you lead him toward the gym, you have the urge to say something - to beg him not to put on that bravado hes known for when hes both out of the ring and in it
sometimes, he gets a little scary and mean, and these are kids so -
you skid to a stop and turn, hongseok raises an eyebrow and an annoyed look paints his otherwise (stupid, but godly) face
“um,,,,,,just so you know - the kids out there respect you, and they all think you’re cool so im hoping you can just,,,,,be professional?”
his mouth thins into a line
“oh, so you think im going to go out there and act like a jackass?”
yes, that��s what im worried about genius.
“no, im just - theyre all young so-”
he doesn’t bother to let you finish, instead he walks right on past you and out into the gym
the kids roar into applause and you pale - you were supposed to go out there and introduce him!!!!
but its too late, and you swallow the horror that building up in your stomach 
because you feel like you just made everything so much worse-
“hi kids, im hongseok and im here to teach you that everyone in this room can follow their dreams! i followed mine and now im a?”
he points the microphone toward the crowd as everyone cheers out the words “world champion”
hongseok laughs, a big and warm smile on his face
and you blink in surprise because
oh my god, he’s doing really well actually?!!??!
the whole event goes so smoothly that you almost dont believe its happening
hongseok not only connects with the kids and plays with them well, but the photo-op he was dreading so much - is so sweet
hongseok is letting kids hang off his bicepes, he’s picking kids up on his shoulders, he’s letting them play with his boxing gloves and even has kino bring out some merch he has signed to give out
you’re in awe - this is not the snooty, flashy dude you saw half an hour ago
and whose been splayed across online news pages since he debuted in the boxing scene
he’s just,,,,,,,,,,,,nice
but then again - you remember what kino had said:this is good publicity
it could all just be an act
one of your volunteers, tall and often lost looking yuto, taps your shoulder and asks if you can go get some supplies from the charity van you guys have out back
you agree, rushing over to get the things and as you’re piling out the boxes full of tshirts and applications packets
you hear the back door open
you’re half hidden by the car, but you immediately recognize kino’s voice and ,,,,,,, hongseoks?
“i want to sponsor all of the kids.”
“hongseok, that’s gonna be a hefty check you know?”
“doesn’t matter, but don’t put my name on it - just make sure the charity people know those kids are all going to be able to pick whatever program they want and ill pay for uniforms or baseball bats or whatever they need.”
“alright, ill go find the manager.”
you almost drop the box you’re holding - there are over fifty kids in there and he’s going to sponsor all of them?!?!?! and not for the free publicity?!?!?
you rush back inside, dropping the boxes in yuto’s hands who gives you a confused look as soon as you ask where hongseok is
he tilts his head and you turn toward the gym, through the door you see hongseok is taking a couple of more photos and waving goodbye to the kids
kino finds you, and asks if you two can talk for a moment, but you shake your head
“i need to talk to hongseok.”
standing out back in the parking lot, you thank him - embarrassed about how you had acted before
“i heard you say you wanted to sponsor all the kids, and im going to be honest i -”
“you thought i was an asshole, just the way i am when im boxing or on a late night tv show right?”
you kind of give him a - can you blame me? kind of look and hongseok laughs again
up close, its brighter and more comforting then you imagined
“being a ‘softie’ doesnt get you far in my sport - so i act out, everyones like if you have abs like that whyd you ever be humble you know?”
you try not to giggle, but hongseok says its true 
“well thanks again, and i know it was rude of me to tell you to ‘act professional’ you-”
“listen, id do the same thing. plus, you are probably the first person with the balls to say it to me - you do know im a boxer right?”
you kind of fumble a little, because you dont know what to say
his tone is kinda flirty, but you’re trying not to think to much into it 
kino suddenly appears, reminding hongseok of another event he has to get to
he smiles and says another goodbye to you, before you have to ask
“wait- why don’t you want people to know you donated so much to us?”
“ah, same reason. the guys arent going to let me live it down when these photos of me letting kids crawl me like a tree get out so i cant imagine what theyd say if they know i spent most of my championship money to help out these kids and not buy like....a yacht.”
he waves again and you cant believe it but you feel something in your heart twinge
that night you get a voicemail from the number you’d used when talking to kino
you assume its a message from him about the event, but you’re surprised to hear hongseok’s voice when you play it
‘aside from the fact i donated a buttload to your charity - do you wanna have dinner sometime? i actually have enough money left over for that?’
you don’t believe your ears and play it back one million or so times
in the morning you drag yuto into a corner and play it for him
“do you thin its a prank?”
yuto scratches his head, “no - i think yang hongseok is interested in you.”
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sanguchito · 3 years
okay incoming rambles and long post of many thoughts i had while i was playing earthbound and after finishing it, im writing them because id like to register them in some way........
i dont know much about these games in general and i learned the hard way that some weapons fucking suck
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funniest shit in the entire game, i think about it at least once a day
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ness missing his home was an extremely important detail to me, from the beginning its always about how hes a very strong boy, he’ll go out there even if his mom forbids it, he will find a way, he will come victorious in the end, but he’s still just a kid with a loving family and he’s never been away from them this long, BROKE my heart the first time he felt homesick in battle and lost his motivation
when i was stuck in moonside with all the weird shit, paula kidnapped, and called mom to cure the nostalgia, i got the dialogue where she says she can barely hear him and right away hangs up bc shes busy with king’s fleas.... ouch!
that poor little exit mouse spent most of the game stored by tracy 😭😭😭😭😭 i was NOT good at treating him like one of my items
i was a little upset when i realized i did the final sanctuaries out of order bc they escalate in difficulty but when i was done with those i realized i never did lilliput steps!!!!! the second one!!!!! bc i was getting my ass kicked by bears and i got upset and left!!!!!wergwrg that was funny though
as they went by, ness’ visions when he reached a sanctuary like, had more impact i think, at first it was like yeah hes seeing somethings from his infancy but near the end they started hitting me harder i guess, the vision of his own mom holding him and such
i forgot abt it and then it took me a while to realize all the sanctuary melodies where a single one split into pieces, i cant articulate very well how i felt other than very moved...
‘the place’ fucking sucked! one battle where the starman attacks before paula makes a shield and boom everyone fucking died, getting all the way to giygas took me so long gtxrghshe
i guess since being the ‘chosen one’ is a common thing for literally any kind of story, i kind of was like not caring much about all the things like ooh the prophecy talks about a boy named ness and you know, all that, and its in the later parts of the game, including the visions at the santuaries and of course magicant my thought did change, but there was nothing like transferring your soul into a machine, traveling several years to the past to kill giygas in his deranged conscienceless state, and when you get there hes waiting for you, wearing your face... using your personal attacks...
that final fight was NOT fun 😭 after getting porky out of the way i could not keep the party alive at allllllllll, and it took me so long to realized what i had to do!!!!! everyone was dead all the time except for ness and when i tried to revive them they were gone the next turn, i also thought that since they give you that insane power up when you get out of magicant maybe ness had to give giygas the final blow or something idk and the music was so fucking insane. i revived paula and then realized she had no hp so i said what the hell and prayed and waaaaa it worked and they she got killed again and could not her to do it again 💔💔💔💔💔 i had to try one more time and well it worked then 💕 and i cried sooooooo much with everyone praying (mom😭) and when the game asks you to pray with paula WTFFFF i cried harder, it felt like the polar opposite of making kris force noelle to kill everyone in ch 2
it was kinda sad killing giygas like yes evil but its state was so pathetic it felt like torture but also like at this point gyigas is barely ‘alive’ or even wants to live at all, very weird
the ending was so so fast, they literally get up from the floor after the fight and say goodbye 😭
by the end when you get to roam around before it all ends theres so many npcs that have the exact same dialogue at the beginning, it really hammers down to me how you just went through this completely insane dangerous experience and literally saved the universe and how it was so imperceptible to everyone else, like yeah some animals and  people acted very strange but to almost everyone that was both the beginning and the end of the danger and threats. It did have an impact in many people that you met along the way, and that you had to work together with, its very clear how the world at large has no idea what happened.
i loved it!!! and i want to play the other titles so bad!!
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sunnydaisy1 · 4 years
Taron Egerton x Reader
A/N: Heyyyy, im really excited to announce this is the first part of my new series Coach! I will be trying to update as often as i can but i am in exam year so it might not be regular. Anywayy, I am hoping you like it and don’t forget to follow me, like and reblog these posts! 
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I excitedly put my keys in my pocket as i shut the front door, smiling at the glorious weather and the thought of surprising my little brother. I had just come back from south africa this morning and my brother hadn't seen me for 2 months. 
I had spent time there over summer volunteering as a teacher to young kids because of a scheme my school does for some year 12 students. My plane had landed really late last night and I arrived back home early in the morning. 
Luckily, my mum had been able to organise a sleepover for Lucas last minute so it wouldn't ruin the surprise of me coming home. My mum suggested the idea of me picking him up from football practise this morning and I couldn't resist being able to see his shocked face when he saw me waiting in the stands. I walked happily along the pavement towards my school where the local football club was held because of the large pitch and facilities. It was only a 15 minute walk so I was happy to take time to breathe in the salty ocean air. I had really missed the cooler temperatures of the coastal area and the overall freshness of my hometown. 
Soon enough, I had arrived at the school and walked behind the sports hall to the football pitches and stands alongside. I could already see a group of parents waiting along the side of the pitch and I excitedly walked towards them, knowing that there was still 10 minutes left of practise so I could watch Lucas play for a bit. When I reached the side, I spotted Maria, one of my mums close friends a little further along and went to stand by her. 
As i approached, she looked up and beamed when she saw me. "Oh Lexi! It's so good to see you again, how was africa?" She asked cheerily, pulling me in for a big bear hug. "It was amazing thanks, how are you?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as I leant against the barrier. "Im good, the holidays have been great and lovely weather too." I nodded, "Yeah, mum told me, nice change to the normal grey clouds!" Maria chuckled, "yes, Tom and I spent many days on the beach, it was a nice change." I nodded, enjoying catching up. "Loads of tourists though, crowds got a bit much on a few days," she added, "mind you though, good for all the local shops on the front." I chuckled, "yeah I bet Mitchie was happy." The thought of the loud, cheerful sweet shop owner caused Maria to laugh, "bless him." 
I heard a whistle sound and my attention drew to the group of boys gathering up the far end of the pitch. I recognised Coach Parker's figure but the younger man beside him was unfamiliar. I looked to Maria and pointed to him, "whos the new lad?" I asked, curious. "Oh that's Taron. Started about a week after you left, transferred from volunteering at another club. I think he's about your age actually." Maria turned to me and nudged me, "Good looking might I add." I crinkled my nose in disgust, laughing, "Eww don't start acting all matchmakery on me Maria, I've got enough of that coming from mum thankyou." The older woman chuckled and hugged my side. "Oh well I made my best shot." she giggled and I shook my head smiling widely. 
Not long after, the boys had finished their gathering and were heading back. I could see Lucas walking alongside the new guy back towards me and I stepped forward a little so he could see me easier. As soon as I did I heard a deafening yell of my name and my little brother came hurdling towards me.
 I laughed as he tackled me into a hug, squeezing me so hard I could barely breathe. I ruffled his hair and laughed as he looked up at me sweaty faced. I crouched down a little, "Hey lucas." He beamed and hugged me again, "I missed you so much Lex." I chuckled and hugged him back. "Come on let's grab your stuff and head home." He nodded and tugged my arm towards the subs bench. I followed him towards the bench where he grabbed his stuff and I saw a few of the other boys who waved at me. 
Once he had everything I took his bag from him and slung it over my shoulder, making to head out of the pitch but he dragged me back."No Lex we cant go yet I have to say goodbye to Coach Parker and Taron." He said, pouting at me slightly. For a 9 year old boy he could be very persuasive just by looking at me. I nodded and let him pull me over to the middle aged coach. 
"Oh hey Lexi!" Coach Parker said, hugging me as Lucas beamed at him. "Hi coach, how are you?" He smiled, "Good good, this little tike did really well today." Lucas proudly grinned and said thankyou while Coach Parker ruffled his hair. "Yeah getting better every time I see him." I replied. "Alright well I need to go see Ryan's mum about his ankle so I'll see you soon alright. Oh and say hi to your mum for me." Coach Parker said as he headed off and I waved at him.
Lucas grabbed my hand again and pulled me towards the equipment shed where the young volunteer stood packing cones away. As soon as Lucas came beside him, he turned around and smiled down at my little brother. 
"Hey Lucas yalright?" Lucas nodded and the young man ruffled his hair. He then looked at me and smiled warmly, "you must be Lexi, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Taron." He extended his hand and I shook it, laughing. "Nice to meet you."He smiled and we broke the handshake, still looking at each other. Lucas elbowed me and I snapped out of it, realising I had been looking at the attractive Welsh man before me for a bit too long. 
"Oh um." Taron said blushing slightly and rubbed the back of his neck, "right urm well it was lovely to finally meet you Lexi." He said and turned to Lucas, crouching down to his height, "and I'll see you little man next week. Keep up the good skills and you might play for wales one day." Lucas grinned, "thanks Taron. I'll see you next Saturday." Taron nodded and stood back up. "Have a nice weekend you guys." I smiled and walked away alongside Lucas. 
"He seems nice." I said, nudging my brother. "Hes amazing." Lucas gushed, wiping his cheek of mud. I turned back around to look at Taron one more time and saw him watching us walk away. I giggled when I saw him awkwardly wave and shuffle back to what he was doing. "What?" Lucas asked, making me blush a little. "Oh nothing." I said, Taron's face still in my mind.
When I had finished packing the equipment away I walked over to Coach Parker who had just finished talking to Annelise. I waved as she and Ryan left the pitch and turned to Coach. "Good job today kid those boys really love you." He said, making me smile proudly. "Thanks Coach, I enjoyed it." He zipped up his duffel bag and I grabbed mine, throwing it over my shoulder.
"I met Lucas' sister." I said, trying to casually throw her into the conversation so maybe I could find out more about her apart from the stuff Lucas had told me about her being my age and having travelled to Africa over the summer. "Oh yeah Lexi. Shes sweet." Coach Parker said and I nodded. 
We walked together out of the pitch and he locked the gate behind us then turned to me as we walked. "I know what you're thinking Taron." He said, smirking at me. I felt heat rising to my cheeks and tried to cover it up by sniffing. "Oh urm what what do you mean?" Coach smiled and shook his head, "Shes not got a boyfriend." I blushed harder and Coach chuckled. "Oh I didnt mean..." I said, trying to cover up what was left of my pride. "Shes 17 like you, bout to go into year 13." I nodded, "whered she go to school?" Coach chuckled, "I'm not your personal Lexi guide Taron, ask her yourself." I blushed and nodded, "might just ask Lucas, he tells me nearly everything anyway." Coach laughed, "that lad adores you, thinks your superman he does." 
I grinned, Lucas and I had formed a really good connection over the summer and I saw him as a little brother. "Anyway, have a nice weekend Taron and don't spend too much time obsessing over Miss Davis." I nodded and saluted him, walking to my mums car which sat waiting for me."You okay darling, how was practise?" She asked as I buckled myself in. "Good, Coach said I did well today." She nodded and pulled out, reversing out the parking lot. 
"I saw Lucas going home with a girl today." Mum said and I nodded, trying to act nonchalant. "Oh yeah his sister came back from Africa. Her names Lexi." She smiled and drove out onto the street. "Shes pretty. Look about your age as well." 
I cringed and shook my head, "mum dont do that thing." She smirked and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. "I dont know what you mean darling." I groaned, "the one where you start acting like I fancy her and pester me about it constantly." She smiled, "I dont do that." "Yes you do." I replied, resting my head in my hand leaning on the car door. "I cant help it Taron, I'm just trying to help you find a nice girl." I sighed, "yeah I know."
All along the walk home, Lucas chatted to me, excitedly asking me all about Africa and telling me what hed been doing all summer. It was great to be with him again but I could feel sleep wanting to take over my body so as soon as I got home, I apologised to Lucas and told him and my mum I needed to head to bed for a while so I didnt completely pass out from exhaustion. 
I was now climbing into bed in my pyjamas, ready to turn the light out and sleep for hours in beautiful darkness and silence. I rested my head on my pillow and turned the lamp off, snuggling under the covers. I closed my eyes and drifted off, drowsiness enveloping me and allowing me to relax into sleep. 
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tendoki · 4 years
pulling up with a baby with tendou bc of the quarantine and how the team would react pls 🥺 i feel like coach washijo would be happy and would try to convince yall to let the bby go to shiratorizawa 🤣
anon ive been having the worst day but this request made me lose my shit thank u so much GOOD LORD LMFAOO
I did my best to do this request JUSTICE lol. it turned into general baby havin hcs but I hope you like it regardless!! its rlly long so my bad 🥺
Shiratorizawa reacting to Tendou + his s/o leaving lockdown w a mfin BABY
OK. so he was prob at your apartment when the lockdown was announced
so since all his shit was already there, he had clothes and a toothbrush n it was just generally more convenient for him to stay at your place
he did! he messaged his mom to let her know where hed be, she Didnt Mind lol (we dont know much ab tendous family so?? aah)
now. not saying yall spent all ur time fucking. but u 100% did
and since u ran out of birth control and condoms pretty soon into quarentine......... 👀
both of u sorta just went
both of you were pretty in love anyway, and even if things didnt work out, you guys figured that youd always work together to be the best parents for the kid you could possibly be
which led to were ur at now. a measly week out of quarantine. n ur being rushed to the labour ward.
shiratorizawa closed for the rest of the academic year, which meant that as a 3rd year, you guys and a lot of the team wouldnt see eachother in uniform again
but not to worry!! to make up for the missed celebrations theyve organised a prom and a couple days where 3rd years can come in and give proper goodbyes to everyone, including the coaches!!
everyone on the team showed up, because they wanted to say bye to their senpais 🥺🥺
but. that's like 3 months from ur labour
so when u n tendou pull up to the school, with a 3month old CHILD they r. astounded.
they know its u guys' tho
literally theres not even the possibility for a JOKE that u cheated on tendou because the kid has the same fucking hair.
it's only a little tuft (u know what anime babies look like lol) but that nose n that hair? TENDOU SATORIS GENES CAME THRU
the baby has ur eyes. and compared to the rest of its tiny little face?? they're fucking HUGE
you guys let ushijima hold him (I feel like youd have a son?) and ngl ushi cries.
it's a single tear but tendou will INSIST that waka was SOBBING years afterward
everyone is so attached to the kid sorry
the baby is so attached to semi tho!!! the second semi reaches forward to hold the kid and poke at its fat lil cheeks, hes giggling and blubbering up at his uncle semi 🥺
he offers to help you guys go shopping for more baby stuff 🥺🥺 and when his mom finds out ab the kid (team sleepovers were at reons house n u were ALWAYS invited so she LOVES U sorry I make the rules)
she gives u some of reons old baby clothes!!! n ur LOSING ur mind because WDYM THIS TALL MFER WAS ONCE LIKE A FOOT TALL AND WEARING A BLUE BEAR ONESIE???
she doesnt judge u for being a young mother!! I imagine she was too?? Reon is real respectful n I'll be damned if she isnt just as sweet
the coaches are already on your ass about toddler volleyball. they call up a couple friends and have already organized a group for teaching young Young YOUNG kids how to play despite ur son being. 3 months old.
the whole team is Maybe in love with your son
sorry. it's our son now. shiratorizawa owns ur kid :/
when shirabu is holding your boy. the whole team watches as semi get jealous????? over a kid that's NOT his???
hes petty and tells him that hes holding him wrong (hes not)
washijo is obsessed with ur baby. hes so proud of tendou. insisting that ur son being 'the size of a FAT volleyball' is a great sign for his skills in the court
the whole team. is offering money. they know u 2 are JUST out of highschool and with quarentine, are probably pretty low on cash??
BUT !! I 100% hc that tendou draws!! nd hes been doing a shit load of commissions for like. years LOL
n hes always saved that money!! he only spent it on shounen jump, which dont make too much of a dent in the money pile lol
besides he took emergency comms the second you guys found out ab the pregnancy
if you draw/write/do any work from home that's gets you money, then you do that too!!
he forces u to do less work than him tho because hes WORRIED AB U N THE BABY 🥺
but you guys appreciate the offers from your friends!!! Reon and Ushi's mom both volunteer to baby sit when you guys want a date night, thus ur child creating one hell of a friendship between the ex-captain and his vice's mothers 🥺
I'm not gonna go thru ALL the team members reactions
but they're all really happy!! ofc they scold tendou for not using protection and are MAJORLY GROSSED OUT KNOWING THAT THE TWO OF U HAVE INDEED HAD SEX
even tho the fact that satori is a Horny boy should be universal knowledge by now
the team is there for you guys while the baby grows up!! the second the kid can walk ushi is kneeling down and teaching him to spike
tendou is just as bad and insists that his son is a prodigy and should be a pro volleyball player already
ur son is a mamas boy n it breaks tendous heart ngl
u make up for it by having a daughter a year or two down the line 😳 n shes OBSESSED with her dad it's cute but also BABY ur 4 please stop sleeping in mommy n daddies bed 🥺🥺🥺
also ur sons first words
oh boy
u can tell that the whole fuckin team has been teaching ur son volleyball stuff
u came home n ur son is sat in the living room SURROUNDED by ur (other) boys
ur (main) boy starts blubbing and bouncing at the sight of his mama 🥺 (or dada/other parent if ur an afab trans person!!!)
you tell off the team for tryna get ur baby into vball when hes barely 6months at this point
but before the boys all leave 🥺🥺 ur son grabs his favourite uncle semi and just goes
'sehtah!!!' (setter)
ngl tendou n u r kinda pissed that ur babies first words werent mama or dada. but then u see how happy semi is n u both just 🥺
semi is soft for your son and as the kid grows up hes still attached to him
he cant get away with being a brat though, boys got a whole mfing TEAM of dads/uncles PLUS grampy Washijo are ready to scold this boy
your son (and future daughter) are both SO loved though
theyve always got SOMEONE they know they can depend on
the team loves tendou and they love u, so OFC they ADORE any kids u guys have EVER.
they stay in contact with both of you even if you split up later on, they care enough about you guys that the y/n tendou powercouple is something every new generation of shiratorizawa volleyboys are taught about and introduced to
they're guaranteed a spot!! they dont even have to work for it lmfaooo
mostly because coach threatens to leave the school and work with karasuno if they dont confirm them a place
it's an empty threat but it WORKS
the worldwide lockdown of 2020 is something you and tendou remember fondly forever 🥺
even if it was in bad circumstances the two of you made something so positive
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 11
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Warning!! Spoilers from Defending Jacob!!
I didn't hear from Andy again for hours, it wasn't until around 10:30 that my phone started ringing.
"Hey" i answered quickly "how bad is it?"
"The worst..... the partial finger print they found was a match for Jake.... Y/N they've arrested him!".
"Ive had the police at my house all day, they've torn the place apart..."
"Shit..... i'm so sorry...."
"I tried to tell them this doesn't prove Jake killed Ben.... they knew each other, they have the same classes.... there could be a hundred different reasons for that fingerprint!" I could tell by his tone that he was more than likely pacing as he told me what had been happening.
"So what happens now?"
"I had to hire him a lawyer, we're going down to the courthouse first thing in the morning for the arraignment, find out what the bail is gonna be set at. We went down to the station to see him earlier, it was awful having to leave him there.... it broke my heart. How can they think my son is capable of killing this kid... his a good kid"
"I wish there was something i could say to make you feel better...." i sighed picking at a loose thread on the cushion in my lap.
"I know. You don't have to say anything its nice just having someone to talk to"
"Hows Laurie handling it?"
"I don't know, shes been pretty quiet. She wont talk about it.... shes been tidying Jakes room since we got home"
"You should go check she's okay..... she's going to need you Andy"
"And what about what i need?....."
"You'll need eachother..."
"Thats not what i need....." he mumbled quietly but i still heard.
"You should go try and get some sleep, if you need me you know where i am"
"Okay.... thank you Y/N"
We said our goodbyes and ended the call, i tossed my phone on the coffee table shaking my head. Id met Jacob a couple times over the months id worked with Andy and he seemed like such a sweet kid.... how was this happening?
Around 11 i headed to bed, i wasn't tired at all but i had to try and get some sleep. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling for way too long! My head whipped towards the bedroom door when i heard a light knocking at the front door. I sat up kicking off the sheets and walking over to the window, peering out i saw Andy standing there! Looking down at myself i realised i was only wearing a tank top and my panties, i grabbed my dressing gown from the back of the door and quickly slipped it on as i made my way downstairs.
"Hey.... sorry to just stop by like this i know its late...." he said as soon as i opened the door.
"Its fine.... you okay?"
"I don't know, i went for a drive to clear my head and ended up here" he shrugged shaking his head.
"You wanna come in? I can make you a cup of tea...."
"Okay, yeah that'd be nice. You sure?...."
"Of course, come in. I couldn't sleep anyway" i smiled opening the door wide enough for him to come in. He followed me into the kitchen taking off his coat and tossing it over the back of one of my dining room chairs. I pulled a couple of mugs out the cupboard and flicked on the kettle, when i turned around Andy was walking towards me undoing his top button of his shirt and loosening his tie. He looked exhausted.
"Thanks again for this" he said quietly leaning against my kitchen sink crossing his arms as he watched me make the tea.
"Honestly Andy its fine. I don't mind at all...."
"Yeah?" i turned to face him and he held his hand out towards me, i didn't even think about it, my hand automatically reached for his and i let him pull me towards him until there was no gap between us. His arms tightened around me holding me close.
"Andy...." i started to say leaning back to get a look at him but i was cut off when he closed the gap between us again and kissed me. This kiss was different to the others we shared and nearly took my breath away, i had to push him back a little to catch my breath.
"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this right now...." i gasped trying to clear my head.
"Why not? I need you.... i was thinking we could pick up where we left off this morning" he said with sexy as hell grin.
"I just.... i don't think its a good idea...."
"Is this because of whats going on with Jake? You don't want me anymore?" He took a step back looking down on me like i had physically hurt him.
"What...?! No! It has nothing to do with that! You know i'm on your side!"
"So what is it? Whats changed...."
"Its just, your family needs you and your here with me.... i feel guilty"
"Well don't. I cant do anything for Jake until tomorrow anyway and Laurie and I barely speak on a good day"
"And your not just here because your lonely?"
"No! Im here because for the few minutes/hours i'm with you.... you make everything seem okay.... i cant stop thinking about you"
"And i'm not just a distraction?..... i've done the whole casual thing and that doesn't work for me...."
"I don't want this to be a casual thing. I don't want to have to share you with the likes of Frank" he pulled me close again "i'm too possessive to share you. I want to know that your mine and only mine" his hands moved down and untied the knot on my dressing gown before slowly pushing it open "look at you...." he mumbled bitting at his bottom lip as his eyes took in my half naked body "your not wearing much sweetheart"
"I wasn't expecting company..."'i replied breathlessly and he pushed the dressing gown all the way off until it pooled around my feet.
"Please tell me you still want this.....that you still want me..." he whispered as he pressed kisses under my ear, his hands running under my tank top caressing my back.
"I want you" i nodded quickly as i got lost in his touch. That was apparently all he needed to hear, Andy picked me up like i weighed nothing and carried me through to the bedroom.
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I was woken up by kisses being placed over my collarbones and up my neck before he reached my mouth.
"Mmm i could get used to that kinda wake up" i smirked as i stretched and tried to open one eye at least! It was then i noticed Andy was sat beside me fully dressed.
"Your leaving already?....."
"I don't want to believe me! I would be more than happy to just stay in bed with you..... but i have to get home and get ready for Jacob's arraignment"
"Okay" i gave him a smile as i run my fingers over his bearded jaw "call me later?"
"Of course. Im gonna tell Laurie about us.... i don't want to hide this from her"
"Is now really the time?..."
"It'll be fine" he leaned down and kissed me "go back to sleep"
"Okay, hope everything goes okay with Jake"
"Thank you" Andy smiled, quickly kissed me again and then covered me with the blanket that i must have kicked off in the night "i'll call you when i get home from the courthouse" he said as he headed to the door, he gave me one last look then he was gone.
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All the news channels were covering the Ben Rifkin murder. I sat watching as Andy and Laurie walked into the courthouse behind an older woman who must be Jacobs lawyer. The reporters swarming around them shouting questions and hoping for some kind of comment from them, but they both just carried on walking into the courthouse their faces void of any emotion. I decided i didn't want to watch anymore and headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast and a cup of coffee.
A couple hours later Andy was calling me as promised.
"Hey" i answered "how'd it go?"
"Horrible.... but his home. Pretrial is set for August 21st"
"Is Jacob okay?"
"His tired, his sleeping at the moment"
"Im guessing he didn't sleep much last night, poor kid" i shook my head at the thought of him in a cell all night.
"I told Laurie about us" he suddenly blurted out "we've got reporters camped outside the house and following us everywhere, i didn't want her to find out through them"
"Okay, how'd she take it?"
"She was fine with it, she actually asked when she was gonna meet you"
"Oh..... i don't know about that" i shook my head feeling my heart race.
"Y/N its fine, like i said its been over between us for a while now. We're like best friends.... please?"
"There's something i need to talk to you about as well"
"Fine. You coming to me or am i coming to you?"
"Could you come here.... i don't want to leave Jacob and Laurie alone with the reporters camped outside"
"Okay. Do you guys need anything? I could stop by the store on my way" i asked biting my at my nail nervously.
"That would be great actually"
"Okay text me what you need, im just gonna go get dressed and then i'll head out"
"Okay sweetheart, thank you".
After ending the call with Andy i went upstairs to get ready. I was already a nervous wreck at the thought of meeting Laurie but part of me knew i needed to do it, just so that i could put my mind at rest that she really was okay with me and Andy.... that i wasn't being a 'home wrecker'.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict @jennmurawski13 @matsumama @ex-bloodjunkie @kaithezaftig @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @ms-betsy-fangirl @supernaturalwintersoldier
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Alright, Period Cramps just set in and Im looking for songs anyway so Im gonna be listening to every RWBY Song (V1-V7) in chronological order and rank them, starting with the worst. Lets go!
Caffeine: Thank god the team with the Nazi-based leader has the shittiest song so far.
Celebrate: Why tf is this here
Shine: Ehhhh. I dont really know why but the vibes were all off, somehow. The fact that really dislike Jaune (and as an extension, Arkos) doesn't help either.
Forever Fall: This song was 5 minutes long and it felt like 20
Brand New Day: I barely even registered that
Fear: not the worst
Lets Get Real: Either Im too tired or the songs are getting worse
War: Im ranking this one higher because it wasnt over 4 minutes
Bmblb: All the love songs are so generic
Dream Come True: Im listening to all these songs in the form of Lyric Videos and the art used in this one made me think 'Oh, a Jaune Song... Great. Well, maybe we'll get Jaune pining after Phyrrah now! Yknow, to balance it out. A cute lil song of him pining for a nice girl might me like him a bit more!' and guess what. It wasnt that. It was another Arkos Song from Phyrrahs perspective. AND this one had unnecessary Girl-Hate towards Weiss! For no reason! The only reason its above Shine is because they atleast got the vibes right this time.
Not Fall In Love With You: I think Im just not a big fan of the love songs.
Boop: It was pretty cute but nothing to write home about
Until The End: slow piano
Touch The Sky: Its not that bad, its just that Im tired and this song is too goddamn long
This Time (From Shadows II): A just fine song for a shitty arc
I Burn: I liked fine, until they started rapping.
Like Morning Follows Night: I thought this was gonna be one of the better love songs, then he started rapping.
Smile: All this does is make me question how Ilia was in the wrong even more. Sounded alright though.
The Triumph: Eh, pretty unremarkable opening for an unremarkable volume
This Will Be The Day: A very promising start! There's honestly not much to say here
From Shadows: It was fine. I liked the overall sound but the lyrics and the singing are just a bit too edgy for me.
Bad Luck Charm: Someone in the comments under the lyrics video said "looks like someone found his middleschool poetry" and honestly, yeah.
I May Fall: Hey, yknow how the FoB was apparently meant to happen in Volume 1? Yeah. Overall, I thought it was pretty alright. (You can probably already tell that Im not too big of a fan of the louder, more energetic songs so far.....
Trust Love: This is by no means a problem I have with only this song, but I hate how theyre all like "oh this isnt some FaIrYtAlE kid, this is real n dark n shit" as if RWBY isnt the least dark and least subversive story Ive seen in recent time
Rising: Alright but unremarkable
Miracle: Another alright but unremarkable one. At this point I feel like listening to these songs is frying my brain
Ignite: I was just gonna say its an alright Yang Song but that rap...
Big Metal Shoe: I can appreciate some fairy tale references
Gold: The chorus got a bit repetitive but I thought it was pretty cute
Home: Another cute lil family song! This one was kinda long though
Lionized: I really appreciate the vibe of this song
All Our Days: Adorable! I didnt really expect a Taiyang Song but this was pretty nice
Sacrifice: Not really much go say about this one, I thought it was fine
Neon: I feel like I just got aggressively flexed on in the nicest, yet most condescending way possible
Lusus Naturae: Very edgy, but in a way that I can appreciate more
Red Like Roses I: I really like the sound of this one! I kinda wish we had more lyrics, but this was the song used in the Red Trailer so Im assuming it was made to compliment the action more than anything. At the start and end there was this series of notes, that Im assuming is gonna be the Leitmotiv? Either way, Im curious how theyll use it
All Things Must Die: I feel like this song is definitely at its best during the slower bits
Lets Just Live: First of all, I cant believe they live-laugh-loved us. They kept mentioning like, stories and how 'this isnt your TYPICAL fairytale', I could practically feel the writers being like "Huh, huuuuuuuh? Arent we CLEVER? Yes we are, yes we are!" But other than it was mostly fine. A bit long, maybe.
Armed And Ready: Pretty alright Yang Song, I felt like it was just a bit too long
It's My Turn: Not much to say, I thought it was a fine Weiss Song
Nevermore: I think its good
Wings: I really enjoyed this song! Caseys voice is lovely and I think its a very good Blake Song
Indomitable: I liked this one, but I feel like its mainly because the line "the spirit is indomitable" reminds of Flame from VRAINS
When It Falls: This song is trying very hard to convince you that RWBY is Dark Now. And given that Im pretty sure this is V3s opening, I guess it fits. Oh well, it still sounded pretty nice.
One Thing: A real slappin song thats going straight to my YGO-playlist as well
All That Matters: Very neat song about Yang's conflicting feelings on Blake's return. Shame theyre literally not conveyed at all in the show.
Die: Very agressive title, but okay. I also enjoyed this one, who wouldve guessed. I love this whole vibe of Desperate Heroism In A World In Ruin, yknow? Its there in Time To Say Goodbye and Red Like Roses II (two of my favourite songs so far) too. Though it is quite dissapointing that the show never really matched it.
Hero: I dont get how people can look at this and go "yeah, Ironwood was clearly always a tyrant who never even remotely cared for others". Also Caleb Hyles my beloved
Time To Say Goodbye: Another very nice song! I also think the foreshadowing in the third verse (yknow the slow one) was quite well done. The only real issue is, that the plot point its foreshadowing is stupid as hell
The Path To Isolation: Why is Weiss a better character in her songs?
Divide: This song is trying very hard to convince you that RWBY is Dark Now pt 2. It is a banger though, so its fine.
Mirror Mirror: Funfact: This was technically the first RWBY-Thing Ive ever consumed! A Youtuber named Strawbelly made a german cover of this song (and the songs from the other trailers, I believe) and it was one of my favourites for a while. Ive also already listened to some of Weiss' other songs and I remember enjoying them too. I can definitely already tell that I prefer Caseys voice in the slower songs, so I really hope this keeps up
This Life Is Mine: Yoooooooooo, Caseys voice was amazing in this one(especially at the very start)! This is one of the Weiss Songs I listened to before I even watched RWBY and what can I say, I loved it back then and I love it now
I'm The One: Oh, this was absolutely lovely. For the first few seconds I thought I wouldnt like this one, but its a banger! I love the lyrics too, theyre very clever I think
Red Like Roses II: DUDE, I adored this! I did not expect there to be lyrics for Summer at all and I was so pleasently surprised! Sandra's voice was lovely, and I really hope I'll get to hear her again. But on a slightly more negative note, I feel like this is really where the whole 'RWBYs Songs Characterize The Protagonists In A More Compelling Way Than The Show Does'-Problem starts.
I originally wanted to write some kind of conclusion but Im tired and wanna read angst fics. Have a good night!
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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I think Im getting an ear infection. I could barely sleep last night the inside of my ear was so swollen. And it hurts a lot today. Like if I brush against it at all its like. Screamy pain. If I still feel like this in the morning I already let work know I wouldnt come in. But fingers crossed it just stops hurting cause its no fun. 
But despite the pain I was in, it wasnt a bad day. I had a lot of trouble sleeping, even moving to the studio for an hour last night. But eventually I did get some rest. But I still let myself stay in bed until almost 930. 
I got up though and tried to at least take advantage of the little bit of time I did have. 
I got washed and dressed. I liked my outfit a lot. I felt cute with my matching sweatshirt and earrings. I had breakfast and did some organizing and packing up clay for the kids to use today. I watched videos for a little bit. And I got a text from our landlady about a plumber and a HVAC guy were coming today and asking if it was okay for her to bring them in our place. And me and James answered at the same time saying almost the same thing and it made me laugh. Very cute. 
Im just glad Tina is so fast to work to get things fixed 
I ran into Mr Will as I was leaving. He offered me a ride over to the y site but I had time to kill. So I said goodbye and walked to walgreens to look and see if they have new squish yet. But no luck. They did have a truck outside though so maybe tomorrow if I check again. 
I got to work and there were just a lot of things happening, but it wasnt a bad time. Its just a little hard to fill the hours when the kids just refuse to do the things they need to do. Their classwork and homework. Im trying to get them on task but its hard. Especially when their schedules are all so different and seem to change all the time. And it sounds like were going to have 2 more kids start tomorrow. And now we have some kids that just come in the afternoon and its just really tough.
But there were nice parts. Like helping a kid who got overwhelmed by reading. And painting and building with some of them. It was nice. And when we did finally get into the clay project I had ready for them they did such a good job and that was just really cool. Its hard to come up with so many interesting projects. But Im really glad this one was successful. 
I did a lot of cleaning today and my hands smell very strongly of bleach and I hate it. I keep washing my hands but I cant seem to get it to stop smelling. But Im trying my best to ignore it. 
We did have some running around time. Ball throwing. Thankfully no injuries. And then we did a drawing competition and while it was hard for some of the kids to lose, its a good thing to learn. But in doing that we had to deal with some yelling and tears. But were proud of our winner and she got some candy. It was a fair vote, everyone got 3 votes to put on different pieces and not yourself. 
After that we watched a movie. Chilled out. I cleaned the class for the night and tried to make sure everyone had all their things. Which is stupid hard for some reason. Mostly chargers being the issue. 
Very quickly the kids got picked up though and we got to leave at 530.
I carried the kids' sculptures home to bake. And was really happy to be back here. 
James was making us falafel. And we played some animal crossing and just chilled until 7 when James got on a video call with a friend. I finished up what I was doing on the island before going to the studio to work for a little while. But I was a little distracted so I just finished one piece before calling it a night. 
I took a shower and washed my hair and now I am in bed feeling very tired but I still am in pain. I hope its better tomorrow. But I dont have high hopes. 
I hope you all have a good night though. Take care of eachother. 
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tcthetouch · 4 years
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𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎'𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔, 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎'𝓇𝑒 𝓊𝓃𝒶𝒻𝓇𝒶𝒾𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝒶𝓇𝑒. 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒.
『 jamie lee curtis. sixty-one. cis woman. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that JUDITH MILLER from FAIR LANE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -CYNICAL & -SELFISH. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool “RETIRED” ACTRESS  and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +MAGNETIC & +WITTY. i hope i see them around again! 『 may. 21. est. she/her. 』
hello my pals ! after a very long day, i am finally here with an intro for a sexy lowkey demon !
triggers: emotional abuse, brief mention of war, brief mention of considered abortion, substance abuse, brief implication of child neglect, brief mentions of death (but like.... from old age)
So… I’m currently too tired to do the ‘whole chart,’ but… a Sagittarius. Know this.
Now, to understand our dear Judith, you must first understand her parents. Her mother was a wealthy young woman, progressive in her views on social issues… for the time. Nonetheless, she was expected to hold up the standards of the time. Her father was the younger brother of a man deemed ‘a great soldier’ who died fighting in WWII. Followed by the memory of him and his own parents’ obsession with the man, he placed pressure on himself to live up to that standard. Shame there was no war………………….
They met at Judith’s mother’s debutante ball and hit it off. It was, what they perceived to be, a match made in heaven. But that’s always easy to say – it’s harder to prove when a good night culminates in an unexpected pregnancy. To avoid any public scandal on her part, Judith’s mother and father married before she began showing and moved to Mapleview where she would become an excellent mother and he would live up to his brother’s standards by… he was still figuring it out… maybe making the next great scientific advancement? or writing the next great American novel?
Sadly, in spite of her lifetime’s worth of training, Judith’s mother… proved to lack natural maternal instinct. Perhaps it was passed down from her own mother, transgenerational trauma beginning long, long, long ago. Judith’s father was so consumed with his grand ideas that he hadn’t the time to help! Between becoming the next Walt Whitman one day and the next Albert Einstein the next, all while working for his father-in-law, he just didn’t have any time at all!
Their marriage grew strained and, as Judith grew, they made it even clearer that she was the cause. If she, herself, didn’t do something spectacular with her life, then it was all for nothing!
Her father wasn’t forced into the Vietnam War as a part of the drafting lottery. No, as it grew bigger, as the army grew more desperate, as she began slowly maturing, as his marriage continued falling apart, he voluntarily entered in 1965, when Judith was seven. Before drafting even began!
Before he entered the war, Judith was the victim of plenty of degrading remarks and the occasional Unusually Odd Punishment (think bojack horseman w like beatrice seeing ~7y/o bojack take a cigarette and forcing him to smoke all of it bc he couldn’t waste a perfectly good cigarette!). However, the remarks grew more biting after he left for “the war effort.” The two moved back to California, her mother’s birthplace, to be closer to her mother’s father – an even better source of income when his sympathies were being played on.
...but it was suddenly back-to-work, no-sympathies-for-you when the war ended and Judith’s father was still alive… and, furthermore, when the war was lost. 
With her parents’ marriage worse off than ever, Judith’s unconscious attempts to please them and live up to their expectations began sooner than they would have had the war been won. Or had her father been shot. 
Commercials began at seventeen, but they weren’t impressive. Minor roles began at eighteen, but they weren’t impressive. It wasn’t until she was picked up by an actual agent at twenty that she began actually shining, so to speak. 
Which is actually a great accidental pun on my part, as her first big role was, much like JLC’s, in one of the first slasher movies ever made. Hoorah! But it still wasn’t impressive. It wasn’t big or prestigious, Katharine Hepburn wouldn’t have taken the role. 
But what was even less impressive? 
The pregnancy that followed shortly thereafter. 
Her first thought was to find a doctor who ‘specialized’ in such ‘inconveniences.’ Between the knowledge that a lack of maternal instinct ran in her blood, all women in her lineage getting mistreated to the point that they were simply unfit, as well as the knowledge that she would have to immediately quit the career that had just begun if she wanted to raise the child… 
But the father wound up being a hurdle. He was meant to be a one-night-stand, but he started showing up… again… and again… and again… until she relented and confessed to him that she was pregnant with his child (so she assumed, at least). He was insistent that she keep it… so the compromise became she wouldn’t abort it, but she would immediately hand it off to the man to raise on his own.
Daniel, named by his father, was born. Judith kept in occasional contact, but ultimately tried to leave that chapter behind her.
After that small bump in the road, her agent began lining up more career offers for her. They ranged from OK-I-guess to Not-Katharine-Hepburn-But-Close-Enough. So she clearly went for the latter ones!
Now, for someone who tried to stay clear-headed enough… it became pretty hard as she grew more popular, was invited to more parties, and… given the decade, was surrounded by cocaine! Thus began some more god-awful decisions, a list so long even Leo Tolstoy would put it down before he could finish reading it.
A few years through her increasingly successful career and she found out that she’s gotten pregnant yet again, this time being the result of a one-night-stand had during a borderline bender. For a few days, she obviously considered abortion again. But… how good would it be for her image if she cleaned up and had the baby… and, who knows! maybe she would break the chain of terrible mothers! if she was willing to sacrifice hedonism, then she was clearly doing something right! and… she also felt some remorse for barely keeping in contact with Daniel… so hoorah! replacement!
Turns out she also didn’t have that mothering instinct :\
But it was not, at all, for lack of trying. She never intentionally mistreated her child, Mia (named for Mia Farrow) – she had family days with her and hung out with her and… tried to figure out how to bond with her. She was never cruel like her mother or her mother’s mother or mother’s mother’s mother, so on and so forth and what have you, but… she was Innocently Insensitive. Still caught up in The Scene, there were some nights that were… very loud when she forgot Mia was trying to sleep and invited a bunch of people over. 
Some hedonistic tendencies returned and she found herself allowing a nanny to care for the child more and more often. Never malicious, never cruel, even asked Danny Devito to be Mia’s godfather… but still wound up being a really bad mom.
When Mia moved out, she was beginning to realize she was too old to continue going down the road she was on – to continue making the same mistakes over and over. One child was college-aged, the other was… somewhat older, although she’d lost track of the years. Yeah, she sent birthday cards and made calls every year, but time had just begun blurring together…
As a side-note, this was also around the time she was encouraged to write a memoir. She wound up having to get a memoirist which is a wc!!
The “best thing possible” happened when her mother died a year ago. Her father had already passed, but that was in Fresno – a quick trip. Her mother died in Mapleview, where her roots were laid. Also pls picture her eulogy for her mother like the eulogy in “Free Churro.” Anyway...
So what did Judith do?
Up and disappeared! 
It would’ve been a really excellent publicity stunt… if she’d ever returned. 
She likes to pretend she’ll never return to Los Angeles. The mountain air is so clean and crisp, life is so much simpler, people are so much less… corrupt.
Alas… somewhere in the back of her mind, has many plans to return to her old life. But she needs to make amends first, right?
(tread lightly if any triggers under ‘backstory’ are triggers for you!)
born in mapleview. parents were awful but also it was a case of transgenerational trauma so there are nuances there. father “abandoned” her and her mom to go fight in the vietnam war bc he wasn’t able to fight in wwii like his brother. came back and joined them in fresno and judith’s mom was like “well u guys lost.... cant say it was unexpected with someone like u fighting :\” judith was like “well i’ve learned i’m what ruined their marriage even tho i’m also the reason they got married so guess i’ll go make something of myself bc i want them to be proud.” eventually got cast in a halloween-esque movie, because of course. got pregnant, yeet’d it to the father, “it” being daniel. became a class-a hedonist. got pregnant again, but got clean and kept her, named her “mia”. was a pretty good mom for a while, then forgot that kids weren’t “used” to the 1980s/90s equivalent of modern-day raves. mia left for college. judith was like “wait,,, im too old 2 keep living this life omg.” mom died a year ago. was like “oh wow perfect excuse to come back to mapleview and pretend i never lived in los angeles ever in my entire life goodbye all ties and connections!!!”
spent the majority of her life trying to live up to the expectations set by her mom when she basically said “you better be something great to make up for being alive” + trying to unconsciously make up for ‘ruining’ her parents’ marriage.
ngl family took inspiration from the sugarman-horseman family in bojack horseman bc i just finished rewatching it and :\ i miss it :\ which, in turn, means there’s a tiny bit of muse inspo from the eponymous, but,,,,,,,, like she may not be a good person,,,,,,, but if u’ve so much as seen up to s2e11,,,,, she aint THAT bad.
further basis was fictional director kelsey jannings (of such fame as “women who love women who love recycling”) when she said that celebrities tend to stagnate at the age they got famous. and judith got famous when she was 20.
I FEEL LIKE I NEED TO MAKE IT EXCESSIVELY CLEAR THAT SHE NEVER HAD MALICIOUS INTENTS TOWARDS HER CHILDREN. she just knew she wasn’t ready to be a mother with daniel - it was terrible timing and she genuinely worried about how she would be as a mother ( considering how poor maternal instincts were... basically passed down through generations ) - and she didn’t know how to connect with mia, especially as an addict in the hollywood machine that was literally filled with drugs, thus proving her hypothesis that she would be a poor mother correct. like... I JUST NEED TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THERE WAS NO ABUSE INVOLVED. SHE AT LEAST DID BETTER THAN HER MOTHER WITH THAT ASPECT.
but, as marina once said, “[she’s] now becoming [her] own self-fulfilled prophecy. oh, oh no! oh no! oh no!”
saddie disguised as a baddie.
also spent the majority of her life as an absolute hedonist. remains one, but is currently clean and trying to remain that way... maybe...
wants to be good so very bad, but doesn’t know how to be.
in spite of said hedonistic and escapist tendencies, she does have a very strong work-ethic. you know. thanks to both her parents + her capricorn moon.
no way to avoid saying she’s selfish, though. no way to.
** all are open to any gender
her other child (a wc on the main!)
her memoirist (a wc on the main!)
her childhood friend from when she was still living in mapleview (a wc on the main!)
some fans! idk!
arm candy. pls. she’s bi so. they can be a himbo or a herbo or a thembo. 
you see she’s decently older than all of the characters so i feel like most of this will rely on brainstorming and/or chemistry in threads
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Do You Even Love Me?
Lena Luthor x Fem Reader
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Requested by @dnhtns  
Lena x reader request!! Prompt: Lena & fem!reader are engaged. Lena keeps missing their planning appointments & is distracted & distant all the time & then when Lena actually goes to one of the appointments, she leaves abruptly midway through bc of some business call or whatever. Y/N is so fed up and sad at this point. Later on, Y/N confronts her & they start arguing & Y/N takes off her ring saying "now you have one less thing to worry about, not like you even did in the first place" and leaves. While Y/N is out Kara finds her crying on a rooftop and after talking Y/N says to Kara "I don't even know if Lena wants to get married anymore." After a while Y/N finally ends up back home and they talk and make up. Angsty with happy ending.Sorry for the long prompt lol. I had this specific dream a while back and I just really wanted to see it written but I am terrible with words. I also love your writing too. Thanks. :) <3
A/N- Honestly you guys have no idea how happy it makes me to know that you love my writing. It makes my day so much better. Also hope you enjoy I struggled writing this one from an unknown reason and I’m still not 100% happy with it. I’ve re-written it 3 times and if I don't post it now it may never end up posted lol. 
(Y/N)- Your Name
Warnings- Language
When Lena had proposed to you you had been extremely excited and happy. You couldn't believe that this amazing, beautiful, intelligent woman wanted to spend forever with you. The first couple of months of planning had been amazing. Lena never missed an appointment and if she was going to be late, which was rare, she let you know. It was somewhere around the 3/4 month mark when she began to not only miss the appointments but whenever she did show up she would always end up leaving early either due to a phone call she received or due to LCorp business. It wasn't just at your appointments that she started acting different though, it was at home too. You didn't even know the last time you had gone to sleep with her by your side. Even if she was home though she was distant. Every questioned you asked she either didn't answer at all or she said she was busy right then and didn't have time to talk. It was slowly breaking your heart. What had you done wrong? Was she just not in love with you anymore? You weren't sure if you wanted the honest answer to that question. You were at the end of your rope at this point. You didn't want to leave her but you refused to be treated like this. You had tried talking to her about it, but again she was always too busy to talk. You decided to just push it back for now. You both had an appointment to meet with the florist to talk about the flower arrangements. You quickly left to go to the florist shop and just hoped she would show up and that she would actually stay this time. Once you got there you waited for Lena as long as you could without being late. You sighed as you realized that she probably wasn't going to show up yet again. You still went in though and began to talk with the owner. It was nearly an hour later when Lena had finally showed up.
"Hey! Lena over here. We were just talking about the flower arrangements we want on the tables. Do you have any ideas you want to throw out there?" You asked happy that she showed up even if she was late. Lena just stared at you for a second before telling you,
"I don't really care either way. Can we hurry this up though? I have to leave soon to get back to work." You quickly looked away from her as you felt her words cause cracks in your heart. The owner gave you a sympathetic look. You barely managed to give him a small smile.
"Alright, well how about your bouquet of flowers? Do you have any idea about what you want?" You asked Lena trying to move on. She opened her mouth to say something before her phone began ringing. Without saying anything to you she quickly left the flower shop and answered her phone. You felt the tears begin to fill your eyes. Honestly if she didn't want to marry you anymore she should just say so. You quickly said goodbye to the owner and left. You headed towards LCorp. You were done being dragged around like this, you didn't deserve it. You headed up to Lenas office and walked in not caring if she was in a meeting or not right now. You were going to say what you needed to dammit and she was going to sit there and listen for fucking once. You slammed the door behind you and Lena looked up at you with a frown.
"Really (Y/N)? Are you trying to break my door?" Lena asked but you completely ignored her.
"What the hell is wrong with you Lena! Seriously! I tried giving you time to workout whatever the hell is going on but it seems like that isn't going to work." You shouted at her in the beginning before your voice began to crack. You weren't going to let her see you cry though. Not now at least because right now she doesn't deserve your tears.
"(Y/N) you need to calm down. There is no need for yelling and if you cant discuss this like an adult you need to leave." Lena told you in her cold CEO voice. Your eyes widened. Is she fucking serious right now, you thought to yourself. You scoffed.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now Lena. After all the shit you have been putting me through you have the guts to talk to me like that right now. Wow." You rolled your eyes. You honestly couldn't believe this. The Lena you fell in love with would never do this. Lena looked at you with confusion and anger swirling in her eyes.
"What are you talking about (Y/N)? I haven't done anything to you. Again if we cant discuss this like adults then leave. I don't have time for your childish bullshit right now. I have a business that needs my focus right now." She told you coldly. You clenched you jaw before ripping your ring off your finger.
"You can have this back. Now you won't need to worry about taking away any focus from your business. Its not like you actually did anyways." You said before throwing the ring at her and leaving her office. Lena sat in her chair dumbfounded. Did that really just happen? She asked herself before getting up and grabbing the ring. She felt her tears fill her eyes. She knew she had been distant lately and that she had been fucking up but she never thought that she would push you to the point of leaving her. She needed to find you but maybe she should give you some space first. She decided that would probably be best and went back to work trying to distract herself. Meanwhile you were crying on the rooftop of yours and Lenas apartment. You didn't know what to do. Lena was the love of your life but you weren't sure that you were hers anymore. You had only been crying on the rooftop for a couple of minutes when you felt Kara land beside you. You turned towards her and before she could ask what was wrong you launched yourself at her. She caught you easily and just held you while you cried on her shoulder.
"I think me and Lena are over. She's been so distant and she doesn't even really go to anymore of our appointments for the wedding. I don't think she wants to marry me anymore Kara. I don't even think she loves me anymore." You managed to whisper out once you had stopped crying. You felt Karas arms tighten around you slightly before she let out a sigh.
"(Y/N) you are the only girl for Lena. That woman looks at you like you hung all the stars in the sky. Hell just a week ago she couldn't stop talking about you." Kara told you. "She was all like, (Y/N) is the most beautiful woman ever Kara. Have you seen her smile? It lights up the world. Im so lucky to have her in my life." Kara said trying to imitate Lenas voice. It caused a laugh to fall from your lips. You shook your head at Karas antics and smiled. If Lena had been telling that to Kara just a week ago maybe she still did want to marry you. You stayed up on the rooftop with Kara for a couple more hours before deciding to head back down to the apartment. You slowly opened the door to find Lena sitting on the couch with tears falling down her face. When she saw you she immediately jumped up and pulled you into a hug.
"(Y/N), baby I'm so sorry. I was out of line earlier. I just... I've just been so stressed and busy and I kept feeling like you would change your mind about marrying me because you would realize that a woman as amazing as you could have anyone she wanted. I guess I just got so scared you were going to leave that I began to unintentionally push you away. I'm sorry please forgive me please." Lena held you tighter as she began to cry against you. You're eyes were wide as saucers and you didn't know what to say. Lena wasn't doing it on purpose she was just scared. You sighed as you wrapped your arms around her waist.
"Lena baby you have to talk to me about this stuff. You cant keep it hidden. Communication is key you know this. If we don't communicate with each other this relationship won't last." You whispered to her softly. She nodded her head against your shoulder before telling you that she knows. She kissed the top of her head before leading the both of you towards the couch. You laid down with her laying down on top of you.
"I'm also sorry Lena. I shouldn't have practically attacked you at your office. There was probably a better way of starting that conversation. We both have things we need to work on but I wouldn't want to work on them with anyone but you." You said. Lena lifted her head from your chest and placed a soft kiss on your lips. When she pulled away she pulled your ring out of her pocket.
"This belongs to you baby." She slipped it back onto your finger and you gave her a small smile. You still needed to talk about somethings but for now you were just happy to have Lena in your arms and Lena well she was just happy that she hadn't lost you forever. You both ended up falling asleep together with your limbs tangled together and smiles on your faces.
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chicagopd2020 · 4 years
New Beginnings Are Good For Everyone Ch.3
Getting everything packed up and ready to move was alot to do is so little time. She had already talked her boss at the FBI and they hated to lose her but they just wanted her to do whatever she had to do to be happy but she had to go into the office to sign some paperwork and to get the rest of her things. It was kind of a bitter sweet kind of thing, she was happy because is finally getting to do what she has always wanted to do but then again its the job that she has had for the past 5 years and they were her family in a way but the one that she was going to miss the most is the one that got her to the place that she wanted to be and that was Erin, she was her best friend the person she had been closest to in a long time and she was going to miss that.
Walking into the office it felt weird because she wasnt in uniform and she knew that it would be her last time ever stepping foot into the FBI, she heads to her bosses office so that she could get the easy part out the way signing her name to few papers that was no problem, but saying goodbye to the people that she has worked with for the past 5 years that was going to be the hardest part of this whole day. So after shaking hands with her boss for the last time and them telling her that she will be missed, she walked to her desk with the small box to get everything she had. Out of the corner of her she sees everyone watching her with sad looks on their faces but Erin was the only one that walked up to her and let her know just how much she was going to miss her. She was happy for her but that didnt make the fact that she was going to miss her hurt any less. They had a small conversation and shared a tight hug.
Im gonna miss you says Kim
Back atcha but this isnt goodbye this is a see you later. Erin tells her
Oh for sure, i may be leaving but you cant get rid of me that easy. They shared a laugh
I would never want to get rid of you. Now you go and show them just how much of a badass you really are.
With one finally tight hug Kim knew she had to go. She had a small tear in her eye but she knew that her and Erin were going to talk alot and they would still be great friends
The moving truck would be there first thing in the morning and her flight leaves tomorrow afternoon. She would stay in a hotel the first night but that following morning she had to meet someone about an apartment. Then the first step as to making Chicago home would be done. Crawling into bed for what would be her final night in Washington that was the first night in a long time that she went to sleep in her own bed with a real smile on her face. The next week was going to be a long and busy week but it was a week that she couldnt wait for
That night when Kim left the whole team went to Molly's and of the guys kept asking me how i knew her and if she was the girl from the night before. I just ignored them and let them continue to ask, they honestly sounded like teenage girls wanting to find out about their best friends crush or something. The only one that I actually trusted to talk to about it was Kelly he wasnt one around to know who i was talking about and he was just being a supportive friend and its what i needed right now. Yes I was a grown man talking about a girl i liked to one of my friends.....ok maybe i was the one that sounded like a teenage girl. When I got home that night as I was laying in bed I was kinda kicking myself for not trading numbers with her but I know that Ill have it once she joins the team. I mean she did say that she wanted us to get to know each other better, so that is a good sign. I can honestly say that I was looking forward to Monday more than I have in a long time.
Waking up realizing that it was Friday hoping that maybe they would just get a small case and that he would be able to enjoy his weekend off and just spend time with his brother and friends, something that he hadnt got to do in quite some time but he wasnt getting his hopes up to much. Walking out of the apartment heading out for what he hopes is going to be a good day. He really didnt think he would have the patience to deal with any dumbasses today. He was looking down at his phone as he was about to walk out the door when he bumped into a smaller figure and about knocked them over he looked up to apoligize when his eyes locked with hers and the only thing that he could do is apoligize.
Im sorry I wasnt paying attention I was looking at a text Voight sent me.
Its fine I was lost in conversation with a friend from Washington and wasnt watching where I was going either. Kim says... Erin let me call you back after I meet with the guy about my apartment & she hangs up the phone.
I would love to stay and chat but we have a case and I have to get to the scene. Jay informs her
I completely understand, but maybe if you have any free time today here is my number feel free to text me at anytime. She smiles as the manager of the apartments come out to meet her.
Job..Check Apartment..Check
But she still has a couple hours til her stuff will arrive. She contacted the movers and let the know the address that they would be bringing it to. Saying the excitment was taking over body would be the correct term, she actually let out a small screech of happiness once she was alone in her apartment. Locking the door she decided to just go get the stuff that she had with her at the hotel and just grab some lunch and maybe walk around and explore the city a bit while waiting on her things.
Walking around the city she was just mesmerized with how beautiful this city was I mean she cant say Washington wasnt beautiful but the way that Chicago was just felt like maybe this is where she was meant to be this whole time. It felt like home. Finally recieving the text that her stuff was going to be arriving in 30 mins she started to head back to her apartment. Her phone went off again thinking that it was the movers but this time it was a number that she didnt recoginize, opening up her phone the text simply said "Hey this is jay, I had a second so I thought that I would text you so that you would have my number as well" she smiles and simply replys "Ok. Got it. Hope work isnt to hard on you today."
The movers got everything up to the apartment without breaking anything surprisingly because on the way up they dropped a few things and i guess it was just her lucky day. Everything was still in one piece but now that she is alone she can actually start making this place look like a home. She has music playing as she is setting everything up and then her mind starts to wonder about who her neighbor could be the only information that the manager give me about my neighbor is that he was a guy and he was barely ever home. I mean yeah I am pretty sure that once I start work that ill hardly ever be home to but I am absolutely ok with that. She had finally got her bedroom setup the way that she wants it & almost half done with the living room when her stomach growls and she looks at the time realizing that it is almost 7pm and that she hasnt eat anything since lunch, she was so caught up and getting everything she just forgot. So she just stopped what she was doing and grabbed her keys and wallet to go get something to eat. As she locks her door she turns around and definitely didnt think thats who her neighbor was going to be...
You have got to be kidding me........
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jeonchan26 · 4 years
All In My Head (Part 3)
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All you could think about was what Jungkook told you, you can’t say you weren’t scared because you were. His look and voice, gave you chills the time that you dated Jungkook you never saw him angry until now. But even when he treats you so little, you hate the butterflies that he gives you. You hated being weak for him, for someone that treated you like crap, “Stupid heart!” you thought. 
You were finally home and you were exhausted, you fell asleep but got woken up by a knock on the door, you looked at your phone and saw that it was barely 4 o’clock. You rubbed your eyes and took a moment to compose yourself, the person knocking got louder. “Gosh, I’m coming!” You yelled. You made your way to the door and opened, surprise to see Jungkook and his friends on the other side of the door. Jungkook pushed you aside and made his way into your home, his friends following him in. You closed the door with a confused look but made your way towards the living room where the boys seemed to have made themselves at home. 
“Can I help you? what are you guys doing in my house?” You asked while looking at them with your arms crossed against your chest. “See guys didn’t I tell you she is a beauty, you can see the pregnancy glow” Jungkook said while laughing with his friends. “What do you want Jungkook?” Why are you guys here? I’m not going to ask you again” You asked him. 
“Well you see princess, I came to warn you about our little secret” he said while getting up from the couch making his way towards you. You looked at him and then back at his friends, “I understand, I wasn’t going to say anything about this. Wouldn’t want people to know that my baby daddy is the player of the town. Gross!” You said smirking at Jungkook. Even though your heart was racing and you were scared and nervous as hell you couldn’t let Jungkook see that. You had to stand your ground, at least until he was gone.
Jungkook pushed you towards the wall caging you between him and it. He didn’t look happy but then again that wasn’t your problem. “Listen very carefully princess, cause you know damn well I won’t repeat myself again. You tell anyone that your kid is mine and there will be consequences to pay. You will wish you didn’t meet me.”
“Trust me Jungkook I already do wish I didn’t met you.” You told him trying to get some space in between you. “Mhm princess as well as we both know that isn’t true because you still become pudding in my hands. You love getting my attention. Mm i bet that’s the only reason why you got knocked up by me because you thought I would stay in your life and live this happy life with you. But news flash it ain’t that way baby.” He said while getting closer to your face.
“From now on you will report to me everything you do. Where you’re going, who you with, etc. My friends will keep an eye on you 24/7.. is that clear?” he ask giving you some space to finally breath.
“Wait what? You just said you didn’t want anybody to know about the baby. You doing this stupid shit is going to make people wonder sooner rather than later” you told him while taking a few steps forward.
You looked at Jungkook & his friends and you noticed something strange. While some of his friends were sitting next to him, others were in guard position like if they were guarding Jungkook, making sure nothing happened. Your thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook speaking again, “you let me worry about that. You just worry about my rules?”
“You must be fucking crazy if you think I’m going to listen to you rules” you said sarcastically. “Listen sweety, you don’t want to get on my bad side, which you already half way there by getting knocked up” he said relaxing into your couch.
You couldn’t help but think how sexy he looked. His face showed no emotion, his appearance held so much power which confused you in a way because you guys met he was a goofball but now that you are starting at him and hearing talk the way he is makes you wonder if there is more to him than meets the eye. Jungkook and his friends got up, getting ready to leave. “Listen princess if you want to not get in my bad side just do what I tell you, that’s literally all you have to do. But let me tell you this if I see you flirty or trying to get at someone else it won’t be pretty” he said while his friends walked outside leaving you and him alone.
“You Cant be serious Jungkook. You don’t want to be a family but I can’t created a family of my own either that doesn’t make any sense to me” you told him throwing your hands in the air. “You’re lucky Im letting you still be friends with Jackson and Lisa. You should be grateful because baby you don’t know what I’m capable of” with that junkook gave you a kiss goodbye and left.
You were dumbfounded, what did he mean by that? Has he hurt people before. Now you were stuck in the thought that maybe Jungkook was someone with a lot of power and you were going to find out the hard way.
Part 4 coming soon🦋
I decided to do a plot twist, if you can call it that. But let me know what you guys think 💭
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chocojjk · 5 years
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summary: badboy! changbin if you squint 
words: 7k
warnings: one mention of death by illness
a/n: this took way too long cause i got so lazy lmfao, slide into my inbox with prompts cause idk what to write after this 
not edited per usual, im lazy :(((
you and changbin lived in different worlds
changbin has always been the schools most notorious bad boy
along with his group, 3racha
he was the typical bad boy -- gets into fights, wears leather, barely shows up to class, etc.
after watching countless of rom-coms, you and i, reader, should know that bad boys like to keep to themselves
and they won't bother you unless you cross their territory, not at all different from changbin
someone bullies one of his friends???
you might as well run now , because he will be coming for your ass
he catches you talking shit?
you should probably say goodbye to your mouth and have a doctors appointment ready
the point im trying to make is that seo changbin does not take shit from anyone
which doesn't really matter at this point because everyone has learned to fear him
on the other hand, you're, what they say is a “good girl”
too caught up with your books and your grades, in the library 24/7, worrying too much about the future you envision
you stayed away from drama as much as possible, happy with the 2-3 friends that you have  
you probably saw this coming,, but just in case you didnt, ill say it
your two different worlds are about to collide
youve been searching for a little over 20 minutes to where he could be when you finally spotted him at the table all way in the back of the library
you let out the deepest sigh, you shouldve figured he would choose that table jfc
‘he really is sticking to his reputation’ you think to yourself as you made your way over to him
“hi, im y/n, i'm your tutor,” you say, giving him a soft smile
changbin doesn't even bother to reply to you as he got up and left
you were left standing there like,,,
what the fuck just happened ??
before you finally snapped out of your confused trance and chased after him
catching up to him you grab his arm, putting a complete halt to his movement
and suddenly the library was even quieter than it should be
every single eye in the room focused on the interaction that lies in front of them
the notorious bad boy and the goody two shoes,,, how incredibly cliche
he looks at you, his eyes dark and unreadable
the expression on his face was emotionless yet it felt like he was crushing you under his stare
finally noticing that your hand was still gripped around his arm, you quickly let go, letting out a small “ehem”
the tension in the air was thick, it felt like someone just put a dark cloud above your head and you couldn’t blow it away
god damn this was awkward
not even the good awkward where you can laugh about it later, this is the kind of awkward situation that hits you in the middle of the night and suddenly you're just cringing at every bad thing you have done in the past
“uhm, im suppose to tutor you,” you try to say confidently as soon as you found your voice, but really it was barely above a whisper
“maybe show up on time,” he says, his voice as dark and as strong as his aura
and with one final look at you, he walked out of there
you didnt bother anymore, you knew you were at fault
‘we’ll try again tomorrow,’ you think to yourself before your best friend, hyunjin walked up to you, pulling you outside the library  
“dude are you okay?”
“uhmm, why wouldn’t i be?”
“i just saw you talking to changbin”
“ok and ?”
“he’s bad news y/n,” your best friend says, warning you
“ i dont really have a choice hyunjin” you reply
you think back to 3 days ago when you were called to the principal's office
not gonna lie, you were shaking in your boots,, only bad kids get randomly sent to the principal's office
as you entered the room, Mrs. Seo was already waiting for you behind her desk
“hi ms. l/n, i dont think weve formally met,” she says, reaching out to shake your hand
“ its nice to meet you”
“ please, sit down, make yourself comfortable,” she continued, pointing to the seat right in front of her
sensing your nervousness she quickly added a, “don't worry, you're not in trouble”
your brain was starting to hurt from trying to rack what you must have done wrong to be seated in the big office
“ why am i here then if you don't mind me asking?”
“ ah yes, i need you to tutor my son”
“umm, why me?”
“you're top 1 in the class, is there anyone better than you to do it?”
well,,, she wasn't wrong
you mentally pat yourself at the back for this, happy that your efforts were being noticed
“don't worry ms. l/n, if you succeed, i’ll make sure you get into any college that you desire “
‘pshhhh, im top 1 ms seo, i can do that on my own’ you think to yourself 
“....and fully paid for.”
well, shit , how can you say no to that offer
its literally free education right in your fingertips  
what's the catch??
“ you can do that?” you ask
“ of course. i know very important people. so what do you say?”
and after a few minutes of contemplating within yourself, you finally agreed
“ also, while you're at it, i want you to change my son's reputation.”
and there it is
“ i'm sorry?” you reply,, maybe you just misheard the fact that she literally asked you to change her son
“ i don't just want you to tutor him in english, i want you to make him a better person.”
“how do you expect me to do that?”
“be his friend. teach him the ways of life, i'm not always gonna be around to get him out of trouble. You're a smart girl ms. l/n you'll figure it out.”
without giving you a final say, she ushered you out of there but not before she added
“ one last thing ms. l/n, dont tell anyone about this.”
the way she said it was so scary, and its like a spell was casted on you and you could only utter out an
“ of course mam”
i guess from her standpoint, she made sense
“ i just dont understand why Mrs. Seo chose you out of all the people”
“ we’ve already gon over this hyunjin”
“ yeah yeah, its cause youre the smartest of the class-”
hyunjin continues to talk however you’ve tuned him out as your eyes went to focus on changbin, himself
greeting the rest of his friends, an actual smile on his face, much different from the changbin you encountered a couple minutes ago
he gets up on his motorcycle and was about ready to put his helmet on when he felt someone staring at him ( i told yall, tYpiCAl bad boy )
he whips his head around in quick search for the culprit
and for the second time that day, you found yourself looking in the dark brown eyes of the the one and only, seo changbin
his smile quickly disappearing once he found your eyes
putting on his helmet whilst still maintaining the eye contact, he quickly drove away and you can't help but continue to just watch his figure retreat to the size of a dot until he was completely away from your line of vision
the next day - friday
you were in the library, seated in the table changbin used the day before
unlike yesterday, you were there dummy early
exactly 30 minutes before the actual tutoring session
he wasn't going to get away this time
finally , the chair across from you gets occupied, a backpack loudly flopping its way unto the table
he doesn't say a word,
he doesn't even look at you
he just sits there, staring at the table between you guys
“uhm, i think we got on the wrong foot yesterday, im y/n”
you say, a wide smile on your face, trying to change the atmosphere
he scoffs at this
‘omyfuckinggod who does he think he is’
‘im gonna fucking murder this kid’
‘his mom was right when he said he needed to change’
as much as you wanted to just punch him in the face, you plastered a small smile on your face instead
“should we start?” you continue
“i guess”
for the next hour, you learn that changbin doesn’t even need tutoring
he was definitely smarter than he lead on
he knew the answer to every single question you asked and didnt even seem like he was trying 
“uhmm, changbin can i ask you something?”
he just nods at you, urging you to go on
“are you failing your class on purpose?”
and with that he stands up, giving you a small smirk, “i think this session is over,”
“i-okay- i-i’ll see you on monday!” you say even though he was already a good 5 feet away from you  
as you laid in your bed that night, you wondered why the boy chose to fail his class
but no matter what scenario you could think of, you just cant understand it
is this what privileged people do ?
they know that they can get away with anything so they dont even try ?
‘aish, why am i thinking about him,’
‘y/n stop it’
you tried forcing yourself to sleep, to completely shut off all thoughts
but damn that stupid smirk on his face just keeps reappearing
and with that you slapped your pillow unto your face, not at all excited for the days to come
saturday night - 9 pm
to be honest, you weren't the type to go out on a saturday night
however you stayed in bed the whole day binging your netflix shows that you completely forgot to run your errands
so now you're here, at the local supermarket, buying your weekly groceries
you may be asking why can't your parents just do it?
you only live with your mom, and she was very busy running the night shift at the hospital + picking up extra shifts
so she's really never home 
and when she is, she crashes right to sleep, exhausted from work
so ever since two years ago, when you turned 16, this has been the life that you were used to
you weren't complaining of course, she was only working to provide for you and your future
the least you could do is help around the house
after a good 7 minutes, you finally gathered everything that you needed
eggs, check
bread, check
peanut butter, check
a bag of hot cheetos,,,, check check and check
you nodded, proud of yourself for finishing it so fast and made your way to your car until a loud crash stops you from doing so
the next thing you know, you were being dragged into the alleyway
“1!!!!1111! I- get off of me,” you say thrashing and kicking, trying to get away
‘oh god, im gonna die tonight,’
‘if there is a god out there,, pls,,, not tonight’
‘i haven't finished my netflix series yet,, plssss’
however your thoughts were cut short when your captor whispered, “shhh, its changbin”
he finally turns you around, making you face him
“play along if you don't want to get hurt,”
and in one quick motion, his lips were on yours,,,
seo changbin was kissing you
your eyes open, stunned at what was happening
and then you noticed it...5 men walking around the area
and hoping that you've watched the right dramas, you pieced together what you think is happening
leading you to closing your eyes and kissing him back
which honestly caught changbin off guard, “good girls” dont react this way???
but he’d never let you know that, as he pulled you closer to him,
his arms snaking  around your waist
your hands going around his neck, the grocery bag being forgotten
yall were full on making out now
too caught up with each other’s taste to even notice the 5 guys leaving
(((im really bad at writing these kinds of scenes jfc, this sounds awkward as hell pls just picture it)))
until finally after like 23823 years, you pulled away, trying to catch your breath
damn, that kiss was good
probably the best one you’ve ever had
just cause you're a goody-two-shoes doesn't mean you haven't been kissed before okay,,, were not going THAT cliche
he slowly lets go of you, his eyes darting to the grocery bag on the ground
“your eggs are broken,” he says
“m-my eggs?”, you reply, still on cloud nine,
following his gaze, you snapped out of your daze
“oh, r-right, my eggs,” you say softly, a frown making its way upon your face
changbin grabs your hand, pulling you towards the grocery store
“what are you doing?”
as usual, he doesn’t reply
honestly, you should be used to this by now
he dashes around the supermarket
you were right behind him, trying to keep up with his fast paced speed
finally, he gets to his location, the egg aisle
“which one do you want?”
“eggs, which one?” he replies
“uhm, you don't have to, i can ju-”
“i'm not doing this for you,” he replies, cutting you off
you looked at him , not knowing what he meant
‘if he wasn't doing it for me then who the fuck is he buying these eggs for, i don't see anyone else here’
sensing your dumbness he grabbed a carton of the most expensive eggs and made his way to the cashier, pulling you along  
and you don't know why, or what has gotten into you, but all you could do was watch and follow
“here. were even now.” he says, before walking away, leaving you in front of the grocery store, holding a carton of eggs
and now we’re back to the start of the week
which means another week of tutoring
as you waited for changbin to show up at the usual spot, you can’t help but think back to two nights ago
the feeling of his lips against yours all a distant memory yet at the same time, one that you could still remember clearly
“hey,” changbin says, breaking you out of your thoughts
“hi?” you reply, confused as to why he even greeted you in the first place
you guys do the usual, read a couple of flash cards, learn new words blah blah blah and all that boring crap that you learn in a high school English class
at one point you guys find yourself just sat in silence, and you can’t help but ask the question that’s been on your mind since Saturday night
“so who were those guys?”
“doesn’t concern you”
“uhm, the fact that you had your tongue down my mouth says otherwise,”
changbin was shocked, he wasn’t used to people responding to him the way you just did
don’t you know who he is???
he gives you one of his signature smirks, regaining his composure
“you liked my tongue being down your throat,” he says teasingly
excuse me what
is he flirting with you ??
what’s happening ??
“who said I did?” you say mimicking his tone, not allowing yourself to back down of this conversation
after Saturday night you told yourself that you were never going to just watch and follow
if you didn’t want the damn egg, you should’ve said something, you were so disappointed in yourself
you had your own brain, you can make your own decisions
besides you were here to be in control over him, not the other way around
“oh cmon, you’re really gonna try to refute it??” he says, the stupid smirk still evident on his stupid face
god, how you wish you could just smack it off
with your mouth
wait, who said that???
“you enjoyed it just as much as I did,” you say, knowing that if you answer then he would stop
and you were right, he completely shut his mouth and let the silence envelop you once again
“they were kids from another school,”
you look up at him, shocked that he actually answered
“why were they looking for you?”
“I may have keyed their car,” he says chuckling
“Isn’t that enough questions y/n?”
that was the first time he’s ever said your name
and you weren’t gonna lie, you liked how it sounded
“it’s fine”
“i don’t want to question it but why are you being so nice?”
“you helped me out without questioning me which means you trust me. im just returning the favor.”
“so, what im hearing is , you trust me?”
<( ̄︶ ̄)>
“don’t make me have to say it out loud”
you don’t know how you did it so quickly,
maybe the gods are at your side, but you finally got thE seo changbin to trust you
2  weeks later
you’ve been tutoring changbin just the same
same time
same table
same library
however, so much has changed
mostly the dynamic of your guys’ relationship
it was like he was a totally different person
like I said before, changbin was smart
but in these last couple of days, you realized just how smart he actually was,
he can honestly probably give you a run for your money
and because of this, your past tutoring sessions have ended up with you guys just laughing and joking around
weird, right ?
changbin and laughing ?
who would’ve thought ??
even onlookers were surprised
and everytime changbin laughed at one of your guys’ silly antics, you swear you can hear a pin drop
the whole room just becomes silent
at first, it bothered you how people were just listening in to your conversation, obviously judging the scene
but as the days went by and it seemed that changbin could care less, you started not caring either
and if you were being completely honest, you looked forward to spending time with him
when changbin was with you, it was just you and changbin, nothing else
he somehow manages to make you forget about reality
“lets ditch tutoring sessions today,” he says as soon as he took the seat next to you
“changbin, no”
“c’mon y/n, live a little”
“excuse you! I do have a life!”
“making out with your homework and watching Netflix shows 24/7 is not a life”
“okAy, now you’re just being mean,” you say, pouting at him
“im not being mean, I’m being honest,”
“yeAH and?? no one asked for your honesty,”
changbin laughs at this
lately he found himself laughing more
and for once, he didn’t mind it
you were doing something to him
and he liked it
“cmon, I’m not taking no for an answer,” he says, packing up your things
you sigh in defeat
you know that once changbin sets his mind to something, there's no changing it
so here you are, standing in front of an abandoned music building
“uhhhh, what are we doing here?”
“have you ever trespassed before?” he replies, a smug smile on his face
“nu-uh nope, no way in hell changbin!” you say, your attempt to stop this from happening
however, changbin was already making his way towards the door, completely breaking the lock
he was inside  
“c’mon y/n,” he says reaching out his hand to yours
even though all you need to do is take two steps forward and you're officially a criminal
you were scared shitless
what happens if you get caught omg
almost like he was reading your mind, he quickly says, “y/n, ive been here over a million times and ive never gotten caught,”
“i dont know changbin”
“hm, thats too bad, i wanted to share a secret with you,” he says, a hint of playfulness in his voice before he stepped out of the building and made his way towards his motorcycle
but of course,,,
you being a nosy bitch
“lets go inside”
you guys enter the building, the rooms getting darker and darker the deeper you go (this building is huge okAY)
if you weren't shitting your pants before, you definitely are now 
an abandoned building???
and its dark???
youve seen this in every scary movie out there
it never goes well
“uhm changbin,” you whisper, as you guys continue to walk
“i-um can i hold your hand? im scared and - actually you know what its fine its dumb you dont hav-”
but before you can even finish your sentence, his hand were already laced around yours, providing you the comfort and security that you were looking for
you shut your mouth after that, just letting changbin lead the way
passing by so many rooms, each one looking the same as the other, it was starting to feel like a maze
however , changbin seemed to know exactly where to go
‘I guess he has been here over a million times’ you thought to yourself
“were here,” he says, opening the door and letting go of your hands as he reached out for the lights
not gonna lie, you were missing the way his hand felt around yours but thats not the time to think about that
“a music room?” you asked, clearly puzzled
“yeah, you might not know this about me but i can spit barsss,” he says, letting out chuckle
“you dont believe me huh”
“absolutely not”
“ok, watch this”
and with that he entered the recording booth, of course not after he pressed a bunch of buttons
honestly , you have no idea what he’s doing
but as soon as he put the headphones on
*cue any 3racha song because im too indecisive to choose one*
he was,,
spitting bars
you could not believe your ears
who the fuck is this
you stood there, stunned at the fact the he was rapping about real shit and not something stupid and meaningless (rip wow, she is meaNinGFUL to me okAY)
after he finished rapping, the room was absolute silent
changbin felt dumb, he thought you were gonna praise him but there you were not uttering a single word,
he need you to say something ,anything,, hell, you can even laugh
he’d prefer anything over the silence  
he’s literally the ‘i just showed u my dick pls respond’ meme but its like ‘i showed u my talent pls validate me’
avoiding to make eye contact with you, he walks out of the recording booth
sitting on the couch against the wall, he finally breaks the silence
“so yeah, thats a song my friends and i wrote, its stupid-”
“its not stupid.” you say quickly
“since when where you into this?” you ask, curiosity filling your eyes, taking the seat right next to him
“what do you mean? music?? everyone’s into music y/n” changbin retorts, not wanting to go into detail
“hhhh, you know what i mean changbin,”
changbin doesnt know why
but he wanted to share this side of him with you
maybe because you were the first person that he has ever allowed himself to be close with
or maybe it was because you stuck around him for this long, no one, besides chan and jisung were able to do that
whatever it was, he wants to keep you by his side
he figured that showing you his true self would do just that
so after having a battle with his inner thoughts, he finally says
“my dad was really into this stuff, he taught me everything i know,” changbin beamed
“oh! thats really cool, do you still make music with him?” you say, genuinely interested, youve never really heard about his dad before
“uhmm, hes not really around for me to do that,”
aaaannd,,, thats why,, god reader smh
“oh, im sorry,” you say softly, mentally slapping yourself
“no its okay, you didnt know….he passed away when i was 11”
“what happened?,,,, y-you dont have to tell me if you dont want to,” you quickly added
“I want to,” changbin says, reassuring you
“he just,,, he just died in his sleep, apparently it was a stroke,” sighing, he looked up at the ceiling, trying to hold back his tears
“you must miss him,” you say, your voice still soft
for the first time since youve met changbin, he resembled a piece of glass
so fragile
he was giving you a piece of him, letting you see clearly a part of who he was
and all you wanna do is make sure that you won’t break that piece
“he built this studio...wanted to start his own music company,” he continued as you sat there just listening to him
“my mom hates it though, she stopped funding this place as soon as she can,”
the mention of his mom suddenly brought you back to the deal that you have made 2 weeks ago
and god, you felt guilty
you were here, trying to change him, when nothing should be changed
sure seo changbin had a bad reputation but he is not bad
he’s just protective is all
to be honest, he was one of the kindest, gentlest soul you have met
“i promised myself that i would continue our dream, for him and me, but mostly for him,”
“i-is that why youre failing your classes?” you ask, everything finally piecing together
“you dont care about school because you already know what you want to do...where you want to be”
“hm, you truly are a smart girl y/n,” he says before nodding and flashing you a smile
those words
so similar to the ones his mom has given you
but this time you weren't in the mood to pat yourself in the back
because shit, this is thE dumbest thing you've ever done in your life
after hearing this, you made up your mind, you werent gonna partake in this deal anymore
if you were really as smart as everyone says, you can get into the school you want without any problem
sure it won't be free, but your mom aint working her ass off during her nightly shifts for nothing
and so, right when you go to school tomorrow, you were determined to end it
you’d still tutor changbin, you just won't accept any of the perks that came along with it
“thank you for sharing this with me,” you say genuinely, a smile creeping unto your face
“thank you for caring enough to listen,” changbin replies, his smile getting wider
and then it hits you,
“wait, so you mean to tell me that this is YOUR studio all along??”
and at this changbin lets out the loudest laugh
and you can't help but mirror his actions
1 week later
oof, that time jump, i thought you were gonna end it the next day reader
you work hard, but somehow satan, aka the author, works harder
Mrs. Seo had to leave for two weeks, attending board meetings around the country, and whatever principals do,,, i'm too lazy to research what they actually do  
and so you spent another week, with seo changbin by your side
one week down, another to go
and when that day comes, you can finally freely hang out with him without all the guilt eating you up
this week you guys even hung out outside of the library
you’ve been with him so much, even your friends have started to notice it
“y/n, are you coming with us to the movies,” felix asks
“oh,, umm sorry guys, i cant,”
“who else are you gonna be with? i thought we were your only friends,” minho pointed out, a pout on his face  
“with changbin of course,” hyunjin hissed, obviously upset that you have been pushing them to the side  
“ i can hang out with anyone that i want,” you argued, really not having any of his attitude 
“ you shouldnt hang out with people like him,” hyunjin retorted
you scoffed, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i mean blink once if youre being held captive” hyunjin joked, as the rest of the table snickered
however, you didn't find it funny,
who were they to talk about changbin like that??
they didnt even know him
and so you stood up, leaving all your friends calling out for you
walking to the table, you flopped down on your chair, slamming your backpack on the floor
“what's got you in such a bad mood?” changbin asks
“nothing,” you huffed, getting your materials out of your backpack
you didn't want to tell changbin that your best friends think hes the devil himself and didn't want you around him
meanwhile , changbin was annoyed
it seems like he's shared so much with you since the music room yet he still barely knows anything about you
he wondered that maybe you didn't want to be in his life the way he wanted to be in yours
but fuck it, he’s just gonna spend the time he has with you enjoying it rather than filling his mind with negative thoughts
but damn, you're frown was really bothering him
“y/n,” he says, calling out to you
no response
“y/n,” he continues, poking you on the elbow
still no response
You sigh, looking up at him, an emotionless expression on your face, you responded with a strong, “what.”
*insert changbin doing aegyo*
and with that , you lost it
you were an absolute madman
you never expected that the one and only seo changbin
notorious badboy
would ever do aegyo
all because you had a stupid frown on yourself
you laughed so loud
changbin doing the same as soon as your melodic laugh hit his ears
which resulted to you guys being kicked out of the library
“ i cant believe you got me kicked out of my favorite place,” you say, seated in a booth inside the ice cream parlor near your guys’ school
another one of changbins ideas
“ hey its not my fault you laugh like a hyena!” he says smiling before you threw a curled up paper tissue at his face
a couple of seconds later, after your laughter has died down
“ so, you want to tell me now why you were in such a sour mood?”
you knew that if you werent gonna tell him now that would still end up finding out about it from someone else
and so you came clean
“ its just my friends,,,, they dont think youre a good influence, wants me to stop hanging out with you” you say
“ oh,”
“ but dont worry!, i didnt listen to them, i actually told them off,” you confessed
“ why didnt you listen to them? theyve been your friends longer than youve known me?” he asks
“ because they dont know you” you reply, “and im sure if they did, they would also be friends with you”
as much as he appreciated the way you stood up for him, he didnt want you going through all that trouble 
‘god, what did he even do to deserve an angel like you,’ changbin thinks to himself 
“ don't tell them off next time,” he grunted
“ wh-what?”
“ everything they say about me is true”
“ changbin, no its not”
“ honestly y/n it doesnt bother me so dont let it bother you”
“ why doesnt it bother you?” you ask, wanting to know the reason
“ because its high school. after this, literally no one would care anymore. and then real life starts, people move on and worry about bigger things, things that actually matter more than the status quo. let them say what they say.”
and just like every other time, changbin has left you stunned
the arrival of Ms. Seo - tuesday 
a week has passed since the ice cream parlor
and Ms. Seo was back in town
this was it
the day you finally put a halt to it
and you were beyond ready
you haven't seen changbin all day
you figured that since his mom was back then he was also back to avoiding the school like it was a plague
you entered Ms. Seos room, determined
“Ms. Seo -”
She puts a hand up to her lips, signaling you to be quiet
‘bitch omygod i literally cant keep doing this any longer,’
‘its already been over a month’
so you ignored her warning
“im not doing this deal anymore. I’ll still tutor changbin but I won’t change him,,,, and you can keep your stupid money,” you let out, releasing all the bottled up emotions
“is that all,”she replies
“then you may leave”
it was that easy????
you thought she was gonna stop you, force you to hold your end of the bargain
if you knew it would’ve been this easy then you wouldn’t have worried over it so much
but you don’t know a lot of things
and you certainly didnt know that changbin was on the other line
later that day
you’re seated in the library
usual place, usual time, waiting for the one and only seo changbin, yet he never showed
you didn’t think much of it
‘maybe he just forgot’ you tell yourself
the next day - wednesday
here you were again, waiting for him
still nothing
you try and think of reasons why he wouldn’t show up two days in a row and can really only think of one - maybe his mom told him that he didn’t need tutoring anymore?
but surely, he would tell you
right ???
sure you guys started off on the wrong foot but you were friends now
at least you thought so
you decided to just give him the benefit of the doubt
‘maybe he’s just busy’
2 days later - friday
you’ve tried everything you can do to get a hold of changbin
all your calls went straight to voicemail
texts were left on delivered
you didn’t even see him around school anymore
it was like your worlds never collided and he was never a part of yours
you were starting to get worried, what if he got himself into trouble
“look who decided to show her face,” hyunjin comments as you took the seat next to him
ever since the day you guys had your argument, you have never been able to talk to him about it
“im not in the mood,” you reply,
hyunjin sensing that you were exhausted,
“hey,” he says softly, “what’s wrong?”
“y/n please, we’ve been friends for over 3 years, you don’t need to lie to me”
“aren’t you mad at me?”
“no. im upset that you’ve been pushing us to the side for your little boy toy but im not mad,” he says giving you a soft smile
hhhhh, it was times like these you remember why he was your best friend
hyunjin was just so thoughtful, so caring
you return the smile he gave you as you pulled him in for a tight hug
“I’m sorry hyunjin”
“it’s okay, im sorry too, now tell me what’s wrong?”
“it’s just changbin-“
“I swear to god, if he even laid a finger on you he’s a dead man”
“no!” you say quickly putting an end to his assumption
“so what happened?” he asks, eyebrows going up in sheer curiosity
and then you told him
you told him about the deal with Ms. seo
about how your relationship with changbin changed along the way
how you ended the deal
and now we’re back to changbin and ignoring you
“damn, well have you tried actually going to him?”
“i wouldnt even know where -”
and then it hits you
the abandoned music building
“hyunjin, youre a genius!!!,” you say excitedly
“thanks, we been knew”
“ i have to go ill explain later, bye!!” you say, dashing out of there as fast as you could and made your way to the abandoned building
taking the bus there gave you time to reflect on everything that has happened this past couple month
how much your life has changed since changbin entered it
he pushed you to take risks, to live out of your comfort zone, to not care about other people’s opinions
he made you feel free
and most importantly, he made you happy
the good girl has fallen for the bad boy, i told yall this was gonna be cliche right?
continuing on
just as you  expected, the door was open
the dark didnt even bother you anymore, the only thing in your mind was changbin
oh,, where could he be??
could you ever find your way into this maze of a building and retrace the steps that he took when he was by your side?
as you got deeper and deeper into the building, you feel yourself start to get lost
‘fuck i already saw this door’
‘omg y/n did you really just walk in a circle’
and then you hear it
music, singing
your nightingale
you walk faster, desperate to get to the voice
and here you are now, face to face with the one and only, seo changbin
he stops singing as soon as he saw you walk in
“hey,” you whisper out yet he continued to just stand there, not uttering a single word
“your voice is really pretty, i didnt know you could sing!-”
“what do you want?” his voice, dark and firm just like the day you first met him
This caught you off guard
Did you do something wrong?
“Did i do something wrong?” you say, not aware that you have said your thoughts out loud
changbin chuckles but it was so uninviting, like he was taunting you
“ please, drop the act”
“what?” you reply, completely confused
“ you dont like me ”
“ changbin, what?”
“ you're just like everyone else”
“ changbin i really dont understand pl-”
“ i shouldn't have trusted you.”
“ what?!??, no changbin, you can trust me! just tell me whats wrong!”
all the while, you guys were still talking with a glass between the two of you
ironic, since you felt like a wall has been planted around changbin and you cant reach him  
“ you think i should change”
“ no”
“ what do you mean no? I heard you y/n! I heard what you told my mom, i heard about the stupid deal, the stupid money!”
“ changbin, let me explain”
“ i know im known as the bad boy y/n, but you… youre even worse than me”
“ changbin.”
“ youre a monster”
and with hearing those words, the tears that you have been so desperately trying to keep just bursted out like a waterfall
changbin too, has let out his tears
and all we got now are two broken people who can clearly see each other yet are still on opposite sides of the glass
“ you're just like everyone out there that you have resented, you judged me by other people’s words, i thought- i thought that i can finally found someone i could open up to but you never even gave me chance from the beginning”
you let him talk without interrupting him
you deserved the ache you were feeling in your heart
everything he said was true
and with that he breaks down, straight to the floor, back against the wall, hugging his knees
and all you could do was watch, until you couldn't take it anymore
you finally entered the recording booth , taking a seat on the floor right next to him, mimicking his broken figure
“im sorry”
you looked up at the ceiling as you sighed
he deserves an explanation
“ yes, i took the deal, but that's because i thought i needed it changbin. I may be smart, but financially my family isn't doing well. my mom already works extra shifts but it still won't be enough. my dad isnt even in the picture, i dont know where the hell he is”
and with this, changbins head slowly perks up, looking at you with his glass-like eyes, as you continued to stare at the ceiling
you were finally opening up to him
just like how he has been doing
“ i took the deal because, you’re right, i judged you, i was stupid and i never expected us to actually be friends, clearly i was wrong. you have taught me so much. you have pushed me into doing things i never thought i could do. you made me see the world in a different way.”
he’s still just listening to you when you finally took your eyes away from the ceiling and faced him
“ i understand if you dont want to see me anymore but i cant leave you knowing that i never got to say this,” you continue, afraid of the results that were about to come
“ what else are you hiding from me?” he says, but this time, he says it softly, the furious changbin that you have encountered just minutes ago was completely gone
“ i think im in love with you,” you say, quickly looking down, embarrassed at your confession
“ y/n look at me,”
“ i dont want to”
“ why?”
“ i know you're gonna break my heart”
“ you broke mine first,” and with that he lifted your chin up, making you look him straight into his eyes before kissing you
this kiss was different from your first one
it was slow but passionate, filled with all of the unsaid words between the two of you
your guys lips both slightly chapped from all the crying
yet his lips still felt like the softest pair against yours
pulling away, changbin leans his forehead against yours, his eyes closed
yours were open though, taking the sight all in before you pulled away, wiping away his left over tears
“ god, were a mess,” he finally says out loud, before he pulled you in a tight hug 
“ im sorry,” you say again
“ i’ll forgive you if you promise to continue tutoring me?”
“ what ?”
“ continue the deal, get the money”
“ changbin, i really don't want to do that”
“ i know you dont. but we have to finesse my mom somehow,” he says, bursting into a smile, clearly joking
“eYE,,, i cannot believe you right now! You can't be serious!”
“ but i am. go back into her office tell her you’ll continue it and get the money for your education.”
“changbin! stop joking! I already feel bad about it!”
“Okay fine i just like it when you tutor me okay, its kinda sexy” he says
playfully slapping him, you guys laugh, the tension in the air finally gone
“ you know if you didnt buy me those eggs, we wouldnt be here by now,” you say, a small smile on your face
“ hmm, and why?”
“ because those eggs were the first time i realized that the most notorious bad boy, the one and only Seo Changbin, can also be soft,”
“ do not use my name and soft in the same sentence ever again,”
“ what are you gonna do about it?” you reply, taunting him
and so
he pulled you into another kiss
and another
and another
until a series of laughter coming from the both of you interrupted it
“im glad i bought you those eggs”
hhhhhhh this ending is so rushed and so bad i just didnt wanna leave it unfinished 
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