#im crying this is so beautiful baba....
mainfaggot · 1 year
can't say this on Instagram close friends story (love you oomfies only you understand me): I want to cry but I'm in a public washroom at a coffee shop. all I do is cause pain to my parents and I wish I was never born. the world is so beautiful and so awful and maybe it's not for me;!!!!! I'm writing this while crouching on the floor in a fuckass washroom god is this the human condition. are the antidepressants working. am I ungrateful. am I too attached to being depressed. is life just being melancholy as the seasons pass and seeing beauty fleetingly only to immediately return to feeling detachement and disinterest. what is this called. im so sorry all the time. it's October again I'm sorry AGAIN it's been 4 Octobers of being sorry I'm sorry mama and baba and everyone and myself oh my God what the hell
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chrisbangs · 5 years
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lqcb97 · 5 years
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falcqns · 3 years
Pairing: Dad!Henry Cavill x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: Henry meets his daughter for the first time.
Warnings: fluff, slight angst. Dad!Henry
A/N: I don't know why I'm a sucker for these types of stories but I am. Hope you enjoy!
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It's been two years and two days exactly since you and Henry had broken up.
It had been one year, one month, and two weeks exactly since you had given birth to his daughter, the daughter he had no idea existed.
It hadn't been a particularly nasty break up or anything, but both of you were hurting. You both wanted the relationship to work out, and when it didn't, you were both too heartbroken to even remain friends.
You had moved away from London not long after the breakup, deciding to live in Manchester, which was closer to your family. When you found out you were pregnant, you had tried to call him, but he had blocked your number. You had no way of contacting him other than through instagram, but he had unfollowed you and you knew your message would get lost in the thousands he received a day if you tried that.
You had no way of contacting his family either. You didn't know what to do. You had told your family, and they were insanely happy for you, even though you were going to be a single mother. When your mom had sat down and told you her and your father would do anything to help and support you through whatever decision you made, you knew the answer.
You were going to be a single mother.
When your daughter Aurorra Enola Cavill was born nine months later, you knew you made the right choice. Being a single mother may not have been what you were planning in life, but holding your blue eyed and brown curly haired baby in your arms for the first time, you knew it was what you were meant to do.
Aurorra had become your little bestie. She was such a well behaved baby. She rarely cried, slept through the night not long after she turned a week old, and was always full of smiles that were clearly from her father. There was never any doubt in your mind that she was Henry's, and every time you looked at her and saw her blue eyes, brown hair, and her cuddly chunky body, it only solidified that fact.
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Aurorra had just turned 13 months old, and your job transferred you back to London, so you and Aurorra had just made the big move back.
You had opted to move back to the same neighbourhood both because of the safety of it, and because you knew you'd have a good chance of running into Henry. You had thought about it for months on end, and knew he couldn't be kept in the dark any more.
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You had just finished unpacking the last box in the bedroom, when Aurorra woke up from her afternoon nap. You changed her and the two of you headed out to ASDA to get some groceries.
You pulled in the driveway and saw car that looked similar to Henry's BMW, but you didn't think anything of it. You parked and got a less than happy Aurorra out of her carseat and strapped her into the cart before heading on your shopping journey.
You had made it through the fruits and vegetables, and was heading to the freezer section to grab frozen fruit for the growing 13 month old, when you saw a familiar back in the same aisle.
It was Henry. There was no doubt about that. He was wearing a white knitted cardigan, with faded blue jeans, and running shoes. From the top of his cardigan you saw a dark blue t shirt poking out. His hair was slightly messy, but still curly. He was reading the nutrition information on the back of a frozen energy bowl, and you quietly opened the fridge, hoping to grab what you needed from this aisle and escape without him noticing you.
You had gone over seeing him again a million times in your head, and in no way did you plan on it being in the grocery store with other people around.
But, 13 month olds have a mind of their own. At that moment, Aurorra saw a popsicle package with the characters from her favourite show, Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, and proceeded to squeal and call your attention.
"Mama!" She squealed and pointed a chunky hand at the popsicles. "Bug!" You glanced up and Henry and watched as he did a double take back at you. His eye brow furrowed, but you ignored him, instead turning to your baby.
"Yes, that is Ladybug. Would you like them?" You asked, and she nodded eagerly. You smiled and grabbed them out of the freezer once you noticed they were organic. "Say thank you," You prompted, and she brought the same chunky hand up to her chin and then down flat towards you. It wasn't the most perfect sign, but she was still learning.
You saw Henry walk up to you and had to steel yourself for the coming conversation. "Y/N?" He asked, and you turned around to face him.
"Hi, Henry." You said, placing the popsicles in the cart with the rest of your groceries. He smiled at you, and then glanced at Aurorra. She smiled and cooed at him and he smiled back, and stroked her cheek. "Hows everything," you asked, trying to avoid the question you knew was about to come.
"Everything's good. Kal misses you. Still sleeps with the teddy you got him," He said, his eyes locked on your daughter. You smiled.
"Well, tell him I miss him too. Now, if you'll excuse me, we're running a little late. I have to get home and get her fed." You said, but before you could move the cart Henry asked you the question.
"I-is she mine?" He asked, and you nodded, trying to swallow the lump that had been forming in your throat, to no avail.
"Y-Yes." You stuttered, and seconds later, Henry's arms enveloped you. "I-Im sorry," You whimpered, and Henry shushed you.
"Its okay. Let's not talk about it here. How about I meet you at your place once were both done?" He suggested, and you agreed, before giving him your address.
"Okay. I'll see you there." he said, giving you another hug, and pressing a kiss to the top of Aurorra's hand that had curled around his pointer finger. He stroked her cheek once more, before giving you both a smile, and heading off. He grabbed his cart with groceries, and made his way towards the checkout.
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By the time you had finished shopping and made it home, Henry was parked in the driveway. You took a deep breath, and got out, giving him a smile. He returned it, and got out of his car before walking over to help you.
He grabbed the groceries, leaving you to grab Aurorra, who squealed at the sight of Henry. Henry chuckled, and blew her a kiss. He followed the two of you inside. You set Aurorra down, who stumbled on her own feet before stabilizing, her empty bottle in the right hand.
"Go put your baba in the kitchen please," You said, and she babbled to herself as she walked off, ignoring you and Henry.
"She's absolutely adorable," Henry said, and you smiled. "Well, she is your daughter," You said. Henry threw his head back and laughed before following you into the kitchen.
You set the bags down on the ground and turned to put away the ones Henry set on the counter. You two made small talk while putting away the groceries, mainly about work. You heard ruffling behind you but didn't think anything of it, as Aurorra usually liked to help put away the soup cans.
"Mama?" You heard a little voice ask and you turned around to face Aurorra. She was holding the box of popsicles out to you in one hand, while her other hand made a clockwise motion on her chest, signing please.
You smiled and took the box from her.
"After dinner, okay?" You said, and she didn't like that very much. She plopped on her butt and began to cry.
Her arms reached up to where the popsicles were and sobbed her little heart out. Henry's heart melted and scooped her up. "It's okay baby girl," He said, bouncing her. She sniffled, but calmed down and laid her head on his shoulder. He smiled in happiness, and pressed a kiss to her curly head.
He turned to you. "I just realized, I don't know her name," he said, and you smacked your head.
"Shit sorry, I completely forgot to mention that. Her names Aurorra Enola Cavill. I made sure she got your last name, and that you're on the birth certificate." You said, running your hands through her curly hair.
"Enola? Like Enola Holmes?" He asked, as Aurorra cuddled closer, her chunky arms wrapping around his neck. You nodded.
"Yeah. I couldn't think of a middle name for her, and I was watching Enola Holmes just before she was born. It was the scene where Sherlock and Mycroft see Enola on the train platform and you say her name. I knew then it was perfect." You said, and Henry smiled.
"It's a beautiful name," he said, wrapping his free arm around you. The three of you stood there for a few minutes, before Aurorra shook her hands at you, and tried to wiggle out of Henry's arms.
"Ah dun, Mama." She said. Henry pressed a kiss to her chunky cheek, and let her onto the floor. She scurried away seconds later, towards her bedroom.
"Is she okay wandering by herself?" He asked, watching her little body fall to her hands and knees, but get up and brush it off before continuing on her mission.
"Yeah she'll be fine. She's just going to play." You said, and Henry nodded before pulling you into his arms fully.
"I really am sorry I didn't tell you about her. I couldn't contact you or anyone in your family, and I didn't have the energy during my pregnancy or after to make the journey to London. I promise I didn't plan on hiding her forever." You said, and Henry squeezed you even tighter.
"It's okay. I know you'd never do something like that on purpose. You've done an amazing job raising her. I just wish I had witnessed it."
"You'll get to see her grow. You might have missed her start life, but I have everything recorded. Her first breath, her first steps, her first words, all of it. I know it's not the sam-" You said, but were cut off by his lips.
His hand travelled up to cup your face, before he pulled away. "Sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just- You amaze me, you know that?" He said and you giggled.
"How so?" You questioned.
He rested his forehead on yours before continuing. "You thought to record everything. You made sure she has my last name and that I'm on the birth certificate. You didn't have to do that, but you did. I've missed you so much, and I didn't know just how much until I saw you in ASDA. I never should have left. I never should have blocked you." He said, a tear falling from his blue eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that alone. Thats never what I wanted. But, I promise to be the best dad to her, whether we're together or not."
"I know you will be," You said, and pulled Henry in for another kiss.
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The groceries were put away a few minutes later and you told Henry to go and play with Aurorra while you cooked, which he happily did.
He walked down the hallway to her bedroom, and smiled lovingly when he saw his daughter sitting on the ground playing with blocks, a stuffed Akita just like Kal secure under her arm. She was babbling to a Mickey Mouse toy that sat in the corner of the room, and was stacking blocks.
Henry began to walk in the room when she stopped babbling let out a sneeze and a sigh. He grabbed a Kleenex from the change table and sat down next to her.
"Hey sweetheart, can I wipe your nose?" Henry asked, seeing the snot coming from her nose due to the sneeze. She looked up at him and giggled, which Henry took as a yes, and he wiped her nose quickly before disposing of it in the garbage can.
She began babbling again, and pushed the Akita stuffy into his hands. "Goggy," She said, and clapped, which made Henry smile.
"It is a doggy. I have a doggy like your stuffy, wanna see?" He asked, and she nodded and clapped.
Henry pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of Kal. Aurorra stood up and clambered into his lap, which Henry welcomed. When she saw the picture of Kal, she started bouncing and clapping again.
"Goggy! Goggy wun!" She exclaimed when he showed her a video of him running.
"Thats right, he is running. He's really good at it too, believe me." Henry said and put his phone away. Aurorra stood up and reached out her arm for him, opening and closing her fist. Henry stood up, and let her take his big hand in her tiny one, and lead him out of the room, and towards the back door that led to the backyard, babbling the entire way.
"Hold on, honey, we gotta tell Mama we're going outside, okay?" He said and she nodded before running to the kitchen shouting Mama.
Henry watched as she stood in the doorway and babbled before pointing at the door. She held her hand in front of her face and moved it out, closing it into a fist.
"You're going outside?" You asked, and she nodded. Henry saw you bend down and whisper something into her ear with a smile on your face and Aurorra giggle but didn't think much of it, before his little girl was running towards him and squealing.
He scooped her up and carried her out the door. She pointed at the toy box in the corner of the yard and Henry carried her over. He sat her down and opened it, before letting her pick what she wanted to play with. She grabbed a bucket with shovels and molds before running over to the lady bug sandbox and patting the lid. Henry chuckled and pulled the lid off.
"You wanna play in the sand?" He asked, and she nodded before climbing in.
Henry sat down next to her, and a shovel was thrust into his hand seconds later. She had a bright yellow one in her own hand and was digging a hole. Henry followed suit and helped her dig the hole.
A few minutes later she handed Henry a elephant mold.
"Put, Dada." She said, and Henry's breath caught in his throat, the mold falling from his hand.
"Did you say Dada?" He asked her, tears clouding his vision, and he saw her smile and point at the house.
"Mama, say." she said, picking up the elephant mold again.
"Mama told you I'm your Dada?"
She nodded and shook the mold in his face, practically begging him to take it. Henry smiled and pulled her out of the sand box, into his arms.
"I am your Dada, and I promise you I will love you forever." He said, and kissed her cheeks. She giggled before pointing at the sand box and doing grabby hands. Henry chuckled but put her back where she was. He picked up the mold and began to fill it with sand before she got upset.
"I apologize for interrupting your playtime," He said. "Now, lets make some animals."
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Later that night, when Aurorra had been fed and put to bed, Henry pressed another kiss to your lips.
"She called me Dada when we were playing outside." He confessed and your eyes lit up.
"Really? I told her before she went out with you that you were her Dada, I wasn't expecting her to say it so soon!" You exclaimed. Henry chuckled, and pulled you into his lap.
"I'm so happy she did. Thank you for giving me her." He said, pressing his lips to yours before you could respond.
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obesericewrites · 2 years
I was recently rewatching steven universe and one of the episodes made me cry like a bitch. What if like the kid was the reason on MC's death. Lets imagine that for the kid to be born, it would cost them the MC's life. Basically what happened to rose that shi if u get what I mean.
Okay so the one episode where steven found the lion and pearl freaked out because they realized maybe they didn't know rose that well? Imagine that with the ros.
The kid finds something that had belonged to their deceased parent that the ros knew nothing about. While the kid is excitedly telling them about it the ros can't help but frustration bubbling up inside of them
The kid can't figure out for the life of them what they did wrong but the more they try to push it the more agitated and angry the parent gets until they eventually snap.
This prompts the ro to walk out and go missing for a few hours. They're unreachable and basically no one can find them.
While looking for their parent, the kid finds them in this beautiful but very secluded place. They see their parent standing there, looking off into the distance. Their eyes are red and their cheeks are stained with tears.
(i like to imagine them having the conversation pearl and steven had)
"you have to tell me what's wrong..."
" ...sometimes...you even sound like mc." The Ro takes a shaky breath before speaking again. "do you remember this place?"
"do you have any of their memories?" They follow up, before finally looking over to their kid who resembled their love so much it was haunting.
"we were right here... Over 10 years ago." They whisper as they looked around the place they had taken the mc not knowing that this would be the last time they'd be together. The memory replays in their mind and they feel their knees give out.
The kid rushes to them but stops short when they were a few feet away from them.
"Everything I ever did...I did for them." They sob, "Now they're gone...but I'm still here..."
"Sometimes, I wonder if they could see me through your eyes..." They sigh, "I wonder what they think of me now..."
"well..." The kid sits besides them and doesn't hesitate to hug their parent. "i think you're pretty great..."
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M: It had been hours. It felt so long and the tension from them snapping was still in the child’s spine. Dawn had tried to keep them distracted, asking the child to explain the things they found to her. But they couldn’t. Her face had crumbled when they brought out a blade. Her eyes held betrayal and bitter nostalgia.
After that, after seeing her expression, they just left. Ignoring her choked-out calls for them to stop. Instead, they searched for M. Wanting answers now.
They walked for a few minutes, the blade clutched in their hands. They didn’t understand. Why wasn’t anyone happy for them? They had just discovered a blade from their dead parent! A blade! From their parent who they believed was just a boring tailor!
Yet no one was happy. No, instead when they brought this up to their parent their face went blank and darkened as they continued speaking.
Why did they have that reaction? Why did their sister have that reaction? So many questions swirled in their mind that they didn’t even notice that they entered a silent hill until they saw their parent. Standing near the edge of a cliff. They stare at the side of their bare face for a moment, startled.
Their mask in their hands, giving the child a clear view of their puffed up eyes and the distance that was in them. They briefly look away before slowly moving towards their parent.
Their ear twitching is the only indication that they heard the child’s call.
“I-…you have to tell me what’s going on…”
That earns them a tilt of their head and a soft laugh. “Sometimes…you sound just like them…” You barely catch those words, just above a whisper. They get even quieter when they look down at their mask. “…MC..”
The name makes them freeze. “…what?”
“Do you remember this place?” Their parent asks, completely ignoring the child’s words. Looking at the kid with eyes that held so much emotion… it nearly makes them stumble.
“We….we’re here…right here. Ten years-….ten years ago.” They whisper. Their voice cracked midway through their words, eyes shifting into something blank and distant. The child stares at them and pauses. Ten years ago? Then they realize they are no longer talking about the kid or to them. No, they are talking to them. Their other parent. Ms MC…
Then the child watches with a sharp tinge of horror as their legs seem to give out and they fall to their knees. A weak and mournful noise escaped them. “Baba!” They shout, rushing towards them, sliding to their knees as their hands grasp their arm.
“Everything I did….it was for them..” They sob. Big fat tears stream down their face as their face falls apart before their child. “But it wasn’t enough…no, they're gone and I’m-….I'm still here.” They hiccup, their head dipping in submission that makes you feel sick.
The child sits there silent for a moment, searching their mind for something to say.
“In my culture… we believe that when one is dead they just disappear. Just…sometimes I wonder if they can see me through your eyes…” They sniff. Scrubbing their nose as they turn to look at the child, “I wonder…I wonder what they’d think of me now…” They laugh bitterly.
“Well.” The child starts, moving so they can wrap their arms around their parent's neck. “I think you did a pretty good job. I think they’d be proud of you.” They say into Ms neck. Who’s arms slowly wrap around them to pull them into a tight hug, their body shaking against the child who held them.
S: It had nearly been a whole day since their parent's disappearance and they had just about enough of this. They had dropped off the kid in their guild before they ran off. Much to everyone’s confusion, the kid's aunties had tried to keep them busy by having the kid show them what they found. Which was just a blade. It didn’t work, the second they left the kid alone they jumped out the window and ran off.
Air rapidly filled their burning lungs and their footsteps thundered across the ground as they ran. A thousand thoughts came and went through their mind. The only thought that was consistent was that they had to find S.
The blade was still in their hand as they ran, that realization made them skid to a stop and stare down at the weapon. Walking slowly now. They didn’t understand. No one was happy or excited that they found this. They thought that their parent would be happy for them. Finding a weapon from their dead parent who they didn’t even know could lift a blade.
Instead, they saw S’s face twist into something they’d never seen before and they snapped at them. Why didn’t they leave? Why didn’t anyone in the guild tell them what was wrong? They deserve to know what’s so important about this stupid blade.
The kid is so deep in their spiral that they don’t even notice that they had walked into a silent hill until they see a very familiar red cloak. They freeze. Looked at the side of their parent's face, shocked to see their eyes puffy and tear streaks down their face which were illuminated by the light of the moon.
Their parent was just standing there, clutching their cloak.
S inhaled sharply, turning towards the kid. Not meeting their eyes. Finding the ground between them more interesting.
“Please…I-…I want you to tell me what’s going on.”
Those words earn them a sharp look, their parents eyes gleaming with sadness. “You sound just like them…” they trail off, eyes sliding way from the kid. “…MC.”
The kid tenses up a bit at the sound of the name. “..what…what about them?”
“We were right here…all those years ago. Do you remember?” The rasp, breaths coming out short. It made the kid take a small step forward, hesitating a bit. It didn’t take long for them to put the pieces together that this was no longer about them. No, this was about their parent. This was about..MC.
The kid watches with pure shock racing through their body as they watch their parent fall to their knees. Hunching over themselves a loud sob is ripped out of their throat as they cry. “Dad/Mom!” The kid shouts in surprise, racing towards their parent.
Rubbing their back and forcing S to look at them. “Everything I did was for them!” They wailed, shaking their head against their kid's hands. “I did…everything I could. It wasn’t enough…no—I’m—it’s never enough! They’re gone and I’m…I'm still here.” They hiccup.
The child watches their parent crumble, attempting to think of something to keep them together.
“I-…I wonder if they can see me through your eyes….” They look away from the kid, staring off over their shoulder. “I wonder what they’d think of me now…a coward who ran away the second they saw something they didn’t like.” They say, bitterness laced in their tone.
“Well…here’s what I think.” The kid starts, grabbing their parent and wrapping their arms tightly around their neck. “I think you did a pretty good job here and I know they would be proud of you.” They say into S’s shoulder. In an instant, they are pulled into a bone-crushing hug. S’s ramblings are lost in the wind as they focus on their kid who held them.
B: They hated this. It had only been a few hours without their parent and they hated all these secrets. Their parent had dropped them off at their Grandma and Nana's place before they left. They were so hurt and confused when both women refused to tell them what was wrong. What was so important about this stupid blade?
The minute their grandmas had tucked them into bed, they escaped through a window and ran off. Their blade tucked away safely as they hunted down their parent. They had to find B. Get answers and get them now.
When they grew out of breath, they stopped running and walked quickly instead. They didn’t understand the fuss of the blade. It was just a weapon their dead parent held. They were happy to discover such a little secret their parent had. But B wasn’t the same.
Their face had fallen and they watched with a tight expression as the child continued talking about how they found the blade. Why did they react like that? Why did they immediately drop them off at their grandma's so they could runoff.
Lost in their own thoughts, the kid didn’t even realize that they had walked into a silent hill until they saw their parent. Standing there looking off into the distance with tears streaming down their face. They froze.
Their parent looked like a shaking statue. So ….pale yet their eyes were flushed red.
They see their parent shudder, body moving as if they were a puppet who had just been cut from their strings.
“Please…tell me what’s going on…I’m so confused..”
The words make B turn to the child, their lip quivering a bit. “I—I’m sorry…you just…you sound just like them,” they whisper. “..MC..”
The child stiffens at the name. “I-…i don’t…what about them?”
“All those years ago, we were right here. Do….you remember?” They say in a hushed tone, looking back towards the cliff. Eyes gleaming with both tears and the light of the moon. This wasn’t about the child anymore and they understood that. This was about the MC.
The child watches with horror as their parent falls to the ground. Loud wails leave them. “Papa/Mama!” They shriek as a sharp feeling of fear goes through their veins as they run forward. Sliding to their side.
“I did everything for them! Everything I could was for them!” They wail, grasping at the child’s blouse. Who watched with helplessness as they attempt to wipe their parent's tears. “I did everything….I wasn’t enough…They’re gone and I’m…still here because I didn’t do-….enough.” They sob.
The child watches speechless for a moment. B continues to speak.
“I…sometimes I wonder if they can see me through your eyes…” They sniff, looking down at their trembling hands. “I wonder…what would they think of me now..? A coward crying to their child…” They sob.
“Mama/Papa…listen to me.” The child starts, grabbing their parent's face with both their hands. “I think you did a pretty good job…and I know they would be proud of you.” They then wrap their arms around their neck and hug them. B clutches onto them like a lifeline as they cry into their small child’s shoulder.
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sradlightstab1 · 2 years
Wokong is dad ruff draft (so a lot of mistakes )
Wokong had risen from a crying from his son who had just reached 3 "hay bud I'm up I'm up haha" wokong said with a horsed voiced "are you hungry " the little monkie bit him then pulled his hair "ok ok ow ow OW stop it I get it Haha your hunger ok " wokong polled his cub to his back and when he was shore they were on there tight he jumped out of the opened window and landed on his feet and then walked to a tree and picked a few good ones and handed on to mk "be careful with the pit ok" wokong went a picked more the looked back at mk who had the hole peach in his mouth " how why AND MK NO YOU cant eat that hole thing " wokong tryed to grab mk so he could make him spit it out and mk jumped to the branch and ran away still trying to eat that peach "DONT THINK YOU CAN RUN FROM ME "
Wokong jumped in to the tree after his cube. Mk ran jumped and leaped and wokong was still hot on his tail till wokong was go after he fell from one particular tree and mk just keeped going tell he was at a grass field and mk tryed to eat the peach but it was really big he couldn't eat it "boo" then wokong jumped from the grass mk jumped then wokong grabbed mk and mk finally let the big peach out of his mouth "ok 1 ew and 2 you know you can eat the hole thing little bits remember"mk looked at him with a blank space like he spaced out " mk *sigh* ya know you scare me of how much you act like me some times "eat" mk finally said and wokong was glad his cub came back from his imagination "yes yes we'll eat " wokong grabbed a spare knife he had mainly so he could cut small pieces for mk " I don't know why I gave you that whole your to small for that " wokong cut a piece and gave it to mk,mk eating it with out a second glance "haha ya it's good " wokong cut a few more for his cub and gave him a few more. Wokong wished he could cook a really breakfast for his cub but wokong didn't know how to cook for the life of him and the fact that wokong was lonely to he had some one who cooked for him and the other monkies that members made wokong sad "dada you okay " mks words snapped wokong back to reality "ah sorry kid I was just thinking " "baba?" Dame this kid had gotten smart wokong hoped his cub would have forgotten about his baba but he new he couldn't for get wokong couldn't even for get his beloved "ya I'm thinking about baba agin" mk looked up at wokong thin hugged in to wokongs side kindof trying to comfort him "ya I now I mess them too"
Wokong and mk just sat in silence for a bit then a monkie comes up in a panic "what what wrong" the monkie chirps pips and ohs and ahs "thares a demon attacking a village " the monkie shack's thare head up and down "shit "wokong looked at mk ,he need to help those people but he couldn't let those people get hert either "ok first things first keep en eye on mk if it's a week demon it should be quit of I'm not back in a hour I gess go try and fined to twelve year old or whatever" wokong placed mk down with a monkie and wokong ran a formed his cloud and was off to save the small city .
Tangs pov
"OK OK what are you haveing us drop you off here tang"
"Oh well on of my friends asked me to take a look her and-" "it was HIM again wasn't it he told you to just take a look here and IM JUST WANT TO NOW IF ITS PRETTY "
Tang looked at pigsy he was right that guy did make him go to rare and pretty please just so he could put his stupid housing complex on it and I would lose its beauty BUT maybe this time was different than before maybe he changed "I think you're just overreacting pigsy hes not doing it again I know hes not "
Pigsy sighed in frustration "FINE but dont come crying to me when It happens again
And just like that pigsy and sandy went back to the bout and left tang was now alone bye him self just him and this island
Tang began unpacking he polled out a book he read so much as a kid the Journey to the West story he read so much he laughed tang remembered when he was a kid he wished monkie king would come and marry him hahah dumb kids stuff tang remembered then he pulled out a bag of peach chips he was about to open the sweet bag of chips when he seen a monkie with clothes on it with a brown fur pattern and looking at tang and the bag "haha I'm sorry Bobby your not allowed to have these" from the looks of tang it was a cub and its mother or father should be around here and tang was confused what creep thought it was a good idea to put close one a baby "shouw shouw " tang tryed to scare it away but it just stayed put tang described just to grab it and but the cub back near the woods by the beach.
But as soon as he put one touch of skin on the cub he was attacked by multiple monkeys he screamed and ran when they got discord. Tang was running for his life
Wokong finished dealing with the demon or demons the twins thought they could scam people in to buying cursed ketones or something like that and was about to to get rid of them when "HOLD ON WE HAVE SOME THING WE THINK YOUED WANT" "YA YA u what do we have agin brother" "you know the thing" "OH THE THING YA WE HAVE A VARY GOOD THING YOU'LL LIKE MONKIE KING HAHAH SEE HERE" one of the brothers held up a golden bug thing NO it was a cicada a golden cicada but wokong had no us for something like that "I don't have eny us for worthless things"
"Oh but this isn't useless " "ya we stole it from some demon you see this bug can fined eny reincarnation form eny ware we sware the demon wanted to us it so he could kill that one and take thare immortality hahah but you can hav_" "GIVE ME THAT" wokong couldn't believe it he could fined his beloved maybe in a different form but still he love mk didn't have to grow up with out a father and wokong wouldn't be alone eny more he would be hole again just him and his family haha"sooooo we can go free right" "yaya shore what ever" wokong looked at the bug it was his only chance to have his beloved back. wokong formed a cloud and flew off back home leaving the demon brothers tied up "dumeass you were supposed to have him in tie us then let us go" "HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT"
Tang leaped jumped the most he ever had he fell in to some bushes and seen that same monkie from be for EATING HIS CHIPS THAT FUCKING BRAT"YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO EAT THOSE " tang tryed to grab the cub but he herd the hored of monkies and chose to run then get that little shit who started all this.
Wokong leaped off his cloud and to his house he then seen mk ran to him with a bag of...chips? "Hahah why do you have these " "man" "what?" That made wokong a little scared but his cub probably just found it bye the beach some ware "hay guess what I found fighting two evil demons " "what dada?" "I found something vary speshill to finded some one vary important " "ME!" "Yes I love you and your important but it's some one else kiddo " "aw"mk said a little disappointed wokong could see that he then picked mk up and polled the golden cicada out of his pocket now all he had to do was figure out how it worked why cant magic things come with directions wokong looked at the bottom of it thare was righting something about the sun blah blah bull shit like that wokong figured he had to place it in the sun to make it work.
Wokong cared him and mk out of the water fall and to a cliff side ware the sun could be seen the most "ok ready kid" mk nodded wokong pleased the bug down on the grown he was ready to see his love he couldn't wait to see them even if they looked different
The cicada be gang to glow it was buzzing and looked like it was about to fly when
"MAN" mk chirped wokong looked back at mk "what man mk?" Wokong didn't understand this kid some times he would say and do thing that wokong never could understand then thare was a boom and that was a human who had slammed in to the ground...the ground "see daddy man" wokong could definitely see a man A MAN WHO JUST DESTROYED HIS ONLY WAY OF FINDING HIS BELOVED "ERRR WHY DO YOU DO THINGS TO ME BUDDHA FISSITZITSRUSRU" wokong stomped in anger his one chance to fined him and this human ruined it wokong almost wanted to smash and kill the human right thare but he really couldn't he had gone to soft to do that but he was definitely going to make this human regret what they did
Tang remembered running then falling then darkness then TANGS eye shot open hits body hert but not to bad that he couldn't move he tryed to look at his surroundings then above him seeing the monkie cub looking at him "hi mr man"
"AHHHH" tang shot up that cub could talk how why what was going on how hard did he hit his head "my dada said your in big trouble " "what dad" what dad? Tang felt scared this Cubs dad new about him what was he going to do now "YA DAD" tang froze his was so dead....
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sab-teraa · 3 years
Time to watch Son Yaz! SPOILER ALERT 🚨
• EMEL 🥺💓💓💓 what a aunt + woman
• smh the rocket gang look so good in their new fits … but at what cost huh??? Did fox give Ozans wardrobe budget to these 3 😔😔 my mans Ozan is wearing the same outfit every ep
• eray sending AKGUN videos of yagmur 🥺🥺
• uncle didn’t take his pressure pills and y’all are making him run like this. I WILL FJGHT YOU
• okay .., so the person selim-AKGUN killed is AKGUNs brother?? I forgot his name lol
• selim I understand the need to grieve your wife …. But you abandoned your kids 💔💔
• lmaoooo … the summary said that selim broke this lady’s heart … yet selim doesn’t know who she is 😭😭😭 this is so embarrassing
• naz looks so pretty! I’m loving her looks in this ep. I really hated her fashion last season
• naz … I too would be smiling like that if I had a man like soner 😍😍🥵
• sis are you trying to seduce selim?? Pls I gotta deal with Cagla … pls don’t be Cagla 2.0
• YAGMUR SEEING SELIM 😭😭😭😭😭😭 the way she said baba TEARS
• AKGUN is such a dummy sometimes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
• this episode is so so good SO SO GOOOD
• Altai 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
• Altai has changed so much … I can’t blame him … this is so heartbreaking … I really really hope they are getting him help??
• nah everyone begging selim not to leave again pls 😭😭😭
• cemre and soner look like twins omg
• wait wtf can’t Cihan marry this lady instead?
• Burak is gonna be my new fave sad m*fia boy huh 😔 he spoke horribly to soner tho
• NOT THE JAIL SCENE AGAIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔
• my girl yagmur is a ride or die! 🔥🔥🔥
• the more I watch how women like esra + yagmur handle themselves … the more I hope I never experience heartbreak. I don’t think I could ever be as strong as them …. Ever
• AKGUN crying 😩😭
• Burak I’m so confused bro … wtf are you beating up AKGUN lol?? I’m so confused
• nah … Burak is crazy CRAZY 😳
• I can’t deal with Altai begging for his mum … I’m crying so much
• Cihan is tryna emotionally manipulate soner 🙄🙄🙄🙄 mans gave you a kidney … WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROK HIM I HATE THIS
• akguns dad is my fave 🤣🤣🤣🤣 uncle said send him to jail pls I love him
• OOOOOOOF Soner WHAT A GROOOOOM 😍😍😍. This is the first time I’ve seen a groom look better than the bride (his fiancé is beautiful btw) but his look is just 😩🥵
• lmaoooo cemres reaction when AKGUN walked in 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
• THAT PROPOSAL 🥺💗💗💗💗💗 also Naz’s ring is BEAUTIFUL! Sooooooo my vibe
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verbumproxen · 3 years
so its a very lowkey track, at the start, but it really feels like Tan Dun (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) and Christopher Tin (Baba Yetu, Sogno Di Volare) went together and said hey let’s make a track!
Tan Dun’s influence comes in at around 3:00 ish, when the cello/violin pieces start picking up, its very reminiscent of Eternal Vow (the most ICONIC track of CTHD’s soundtrack, me thinks). And I think it's lovely how this is an ode/goodbye to Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh’s character) and it has bits of influence from the film that catapulted her to legendary status (am I reaching? I dont know). But I swear, there’s a note there that just reminds me so so much of Eternal Vow.
Christopher Tin is also one of my MOST BELOVED composers and I mean MOST BELOVED because I own all his albums and listened to him ever since I found he made Baba Yetu. He describes his music as “bombastic” (his critics does, but he likes his music like that). This track isn’t bombastic at all, BUT WAIT: 5:52. Music swells to a crescendo of an orchestra that is such a trademark Tin type of thing to do, and just ends with a swell of music before cutting to fade. 
I’m not saying they’re copying each other or anything. What i’m saying is I think its lovely how this beautiful track has so much of my favorite composers and im gonna cry to it every night because its like a beautiful symphony love child. AND it’s for my favorite character so yeah. 
[Whispers] Listen to the soundtrack of this season, its amazing and I love Jeff Russo to bits. 
(Also i’ve been looking for this track since it aired and I’m glad it got to the final cut!)
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elvencantation · 4 years
aladdin 2019 liveblog
OMG THE WAY THEY GOT HIM TO SING ARABIAN NIGHTS WORKED SO WELL. also the kids are adorable. and the ship
though some of the lyric changes are… a bit too on the nose
too cute first meeting
oh yes thank you for the songs give me hope. i didn’t even see mulan but i watched enough reviews that i know i dont rly wanna
jafar aint creepy enough. sorry he just isn’t
ahhh his place is so cool! with the hidden stairs and stuff. love shit like that
its not like what? were you planning to give it back?  OH it was abu that tracks
also this prince is dressed so badly. wow. so gaudy
why did they add him hes so annoying go away boy
can we just let rajah eat him pls
omg jasmine trying to get dahlia to pretend she’s the princess. i mean, im not sure if i quite felt the need to include her character, especially as someone trying to convince jasmine to let go of her well meaning ambition and get married
“why are you being weird” omg i love her
jasmine looks so pleased with herself while dahlia is acting so weird
just stop talking dahlia nobody expect u to talk to him just be haughty
idk how i feel about jafar apparently being ‘a common thief’ once upon a time, ‘just like aladdin’. like for all we know u stole the hair thingy with magic. we know u a manipulative fuck
also like- how are we gonna handle the her not recognizing him when he’s in prince getup? like, she recognized him in weird servant getup
wait since when was the cave a lion? i thought it was a tiger…
i like how abu smacks him to get him out of gem trance XD
ok so abu already touched a bunch of treasure. and nothing happened. uhhh what
omg the carpet is adorable yes thank you
and aldadin is stepping all over the treasure. i am confusion
ooooo pretty lava!!!
omg its time for the genie!! tho i do wish they hadn’t made him literally blue. ah well. excited to see what will smith can make of it. nobody can top robin williams, but there have been other genies. there will be more (yes i mean broadway. tho i haven’t seen any broadway aladdin shows. i do love their blue outfits for the genie)
also damn i love genie’s gold tattoo/ornament thingys under the cuffs on his arms. want some for myself 
oh my god poor abu having to be the accompaniment. pls tell me u replace him with an orchestra genie, u rly do need one for this song
ok that was short
there we go!
oh this is fun!!!
baklava is magic and should be respected as such
ok the puppet thing is a bit creepy tho i do think they did that in the original as well
uhhh can we nix the rap pls
oh man i love his pants!!
omg the splits i cant
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oh ofc its genie magic that makes him unrecognizable. i mean, lying about his identity was half the plot of the movie but still im a bit sad
omg its time for the big entrance omg
oh god genie why the hat thats bigger than ur body
omg dalia’s approving little expression that was adorable
poor boy looks so uncomfortable
why is it so important that he has so many animals? is that the only way to show wealth? or just the flashiest?
“so yummy boy”???!??! i cant im laughing so hard rn
oh my god this is gonna be so awkward when he has to talk to actual royalty tho not looking forward to the second hand embarrassment
aww i do miss genie turning into weird TV personalities when talking about the animals tho
yuppp i knew it was gonna be this awkward
i cannot do this i have to turn off the volume or i will flee this tab and try to skip this scene when i come back
ok i had to scroll down, and still even reading the subtitles made me embarrassed. why am i like this
ok finally he kinda got the hang of it. dont be fanciful genie just copy the other guys pls
bit of a weird dance tho…
oh nooo genie getting fanciful
i went from, oh this is cute to, oh no pls stop
ok now that ppl are clapping i feel less awkward. brain why u gotta do this to me. but also u rly dont have to have aladdin breakdance
ok he jumped on the fountain and this stated going back into ridiculous and why territory
and jasmine ran away. cant blame her. it makes him look kinda like an attention seeking person
awwww dalia’s little ‘excuse me for a moment’ i kinda expected her to scream but this was also cute
my god her room is so pretty. and the moment with the apples was adorable
ughhhh he had a moment where he could’ve come clean
oh i love a dramatic near death experience
omg yes destroy the staff how lovely and yes dramatic. can u tell i like some good drama. not the weird relationship kind
ur not the same on the inside. not quite
see this is what he meant by u changing. u can never forget ur past
oh i love the dark instrumental version of ‘never had a friend like me’. also the pretty sparkly magic. always love some good aesthetic cgi
oh that was a lovely moment. too bad jafar is a massive prick
oh this is interesting! i love a dramatic disappearance. poor guy. drowning, hypothermia, fun stuff to do within a day
love some ice parkour!
the decent part of me is glad they didn’t put jasmine in a slave leia type outfit, but the gay part of me is a bit disappointed…
omg the dark little smirk on aladdin’s face. u HAVE to admit that was hot
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GET YOUR OWN JAMS. that was cute
“also i want children” 😂
omg this is hilarious “stop thief, your sultan commands it” I CANNOT 😂
i also dont mind the more “feminist” storyline they gave jasmine. it worked
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fanficsrusz · 5 years
My Obligation Part Two- Keanu Reeves Mini Series
A/n: part two of the request by @ringa-starr and i love this. The drama is too much 😂😂 just like last time, it is a personalised fic so feel free to read it as a general story or just replace the name with your own. 😊
The next morning came and y/n was still sat up in bed, her back was pressed to the wall. She couldn’t sleep, how could she? She knew what she saw, she knew that someone was in the house, she couldn't rest and so she waited. She didn't know what she was waiting for actually. Maybe a small noise? the sound of someone walking around? Someone to peer around the corner of the bedroom door? But nothing came. 
It had been hours since the police left and they reassured her numerous times saying they had found no evidence of anyone ever being there, but Deidra couldn't budge the feeling that they were wrong. 
Once Keanu had climbed back into bed after the ordeal, he fell right back to sleep the second his head hit the pillow. Deidra envied him for his ability to sleep anywhere at anytime.
She looked at the clock that read 5:55am and sighed, relaxing a little bit. 'maybe i'm just so stressed about the pregnancy, im imagining things' she thought to herself and smiled as she came up with the logical explanation. 
She laid down the best she could without having the baby kick in protest and closed her eyes, Mr Sandman was kind to her in the early hours of that morning, allowing her to fall into a deep sleep. The sleep was so deep that she had failed to notice the deafening noise of Keanu's alarm that sounded half hour later, signalling that it was time for him to get up and go to work. 
When keanu awoke, he was greeted by the soft snores of Deidra who laid next to him. It was unusual for him to be awake before her since the baby had gotten into a routine of kicking at about 5am and she would just get up then unable to deal with it, choosing to go about getting ready for the day rather than sleeping.
Keanu smiled to himself and leaned down to place a small kiss on her forehead, watching as she smiled and moved closer to him. He hated that he had to leave her especially after what happened last night. He shook the image of Deidra looking so scared out of his head and moved to kiss her stomach. "please look after your mummy today" he whispered to the bump before slowly sliding out of bed and making his way to the bathroom. 
Deidra stretched her arms out, yawning as she did. She shot up when she didn't feel keanu next to her. She was spread out in the middle of the queen sized bed, wrapped in soft white blankets but there was no Keanu. She pouted as she looked at the clock once again. 11:24 am. It was the longest sleep she had had in a while but she was sad that she had missed the chance to give keanu a goodbye kiss but she would survive. 
She sat up and brushed her hair up into a loose ponytail as she looked at her growing stomach. "come on baba, let's get you something to eat" she climbed out of the bed and made her way to the kitchen.
She began to pour herself a cup of coffee into her favourite mug needing as much energy as she could get. Walking over to the fridge to get the milk, she stopped when she noticed a small note stuck onto the door. She smiled instantly recognising the hand writing. 
She picked it up and read the words carefully. 
"my beautiful Deidra, please relax today. I don't want you to stress yourself and the baby out. I'll be back at 7pm and I called your sister to come and keep you company at about 3. All my love ~ Keanu" 
Deidra smiled at the small note, somehow he still made her heart skip a beat. She placed the note back onto the fridge and continued on with making her coffee. 
She moved to the pantry and reached for the cereal, but her hand drew back slowly as she noticed it wasn't in its usual place. She stepped back and looked at the shelves in front of her. It was weird, everything was in the wrong place. She knew to someone else it would have looked fine but it was odd because she kept everything in certain places. She decided to just shrug it off. "nope. I'm just going insane. I don't care" she calmed herself down, not wanting to harm the baby by stressing about something so minuscule as the cereal being in the wrong place. 
She grabbed the box she needed and poured it into the bowl before making her way to the dinner table. 
Sitting down she pulled out her phone and went through social media. For the most part, she just looked at cats and smiled at their cuteness. She then moved on to look at baby pictures and her heart swelled as the baby fever hit her hard. She wanted the baby now more than ever before. 
She was about to put her phone down and go get dressed but then her phone vibrated, letting her know that she had received a new text. She smiled thinking it was keanu or her mum and opened it without hesitation.
Her smile faulted as a picture appeared on the screen.
 She looked at the id and it was an unknown number. The picture was of a house and it seemed familiar and after several seconds of staring at the picture, it hit her like a brick wall.
 It was a picture of the outside of her house. She stood up suddenly as her heartbeat quickened, worry setting in. 
How could anyone have gotten that picture? The two lived in a secluded area with a gate around the house. 
Deidra thought for a few seconds about what to do before she began to call the police.
She was about to press the call button when another vibration stopped her from doing so. 
"DO NOT CALL THE POLICE. We don't want to scare the baby now do we? " she read the text and had to grip onto the counter to hold herself up. Someone was watching her every move but from where. She turned to look around and saw nothing. She stopped as another text came in. she looked at a second picture that accompanied the text. 
This time the picture was of the nursery. They were in the house, the house that Deidra was currently in all alone. How could anyone have gotten in? How did the police not find them? Where were they? Thousands of questions rushed through her mind. 
She panicked and dropped the phone, a loud smash indicating she had smashed the screen. She reached down to pick it up when another message came through. 
There was no picture, no text, instead a video. She held the phone with shaky hands and pressed play. 
The video was distorted due to the cracks that were now on the screen but she could still make out exactly what was going on in the video:
A hand pushed open the bedroom door of Deidra and keanu shared room and walked over to the bed. A sleeping keanu came into view and glanced over his face. Heavy breathing came from behind the camera as the video moved to the other side of the bed. Deidra's sleeping body came into shot and wondered down her body, stopping when her stomach came into view. A gloved hand stroked over stomach and the video ended.
Deidra felt sick, she was right. She saw someone in the house and they were in her bedroom AFTER the police did a full search of the house. She didn't know what to do. Tears fell down her face and she began to dial keanus number. 
Deidra ran towards the bathroom, hoping she could lock herself in and wait for keanu to come and save the day. The ringing echoed through her ears and it felt like the ringing was going on forever.
Keanu walked down the street to his car, the meetings he was supposed to do had finished early and he was on his way home. He wanted to surprise Deidra and if on cue his phone rang. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, her name displayed across the screen along with a picture of the two cuddling. He answered the call and brought it to his ear. "hey babe i was just thinking about-" he was cut off by the heavy pants of his wife. He stopped in his tracks not caring about the annoyed grunts of other pedestrians. "Deidra what's wrong? Are you ok? Is the baby ok?"  he panicked as he ran to the car fearing the worst. "I was right. Someone was in the house. They still are. They sent me pictures of the nursery and a video of us sleeping in bed" she said through tears. Keanu pulled out of his parking space and sped down the streets towards his house. "ok listen. I want you to go-" keanu was cut off as the screams of Deidra echoed through the phone, causing his heart to drop to his stomach. His wife and unborn child were being harmed and he could do nothing "DEIDRA" he yelled as he sped up, swerving through cars. He could still hear the faint screams of his wife through the phone. Knowing he couldn't do much he hung up and called the police, hoping that they could get their faster than he could.
"ok listen. I want you to go-" Deidra listen to what keanu was telling her but was cut off when someone slapped the phone from her hand. She turned and saw a masked figure stood in front of her. She screamed and tried to run but the person grabbed onto her arm, pulling her back." please no don't do this" she cried pleading for her life. Despite the fact that whoever this was wore a mask, she could see the sarcastic frown on their face just by looking at their eyes. They pretended to cry, mocking the actions of Deidra. She could hear keanu screaming for her through the discarded phone on the floor. She closed her eyes tight, hoping that the nightmare would be other if she did so but it wasn't. Once she opened her eyes, the person sprayed an unknown substance in her face, causing her to cough.
  Darkness soon clouded her vision and she felt her legs go numb as she lost all control over her body, falling into the arms of the unknown assailant. 
Keanu leaped from the car, barely putting it in park before he rushed into the house.
 The police were already there as he pushed his way through the door. "DEIDRA" he yelled drawing the attention of a man in a suit who began to walk over to him. "Mr reeves. I'm detective Carter, I'm sorry to inform you of this but your wife is not here. Who ever was here has taken her. We are doing everything we can to find her" the man placed a sympathetic hand onto his shoulder and keanu shook his head as the man offered him his condolences. "no you're wrong" keanu said, tears pooling in his eyes. "I'm afraid it's true. All we know is whoever took her left a note. Does this mean anything to you?" the detective handed the note and keanu took it, his hands shaking. 
The note was simple and it sent a chill down his spine. "It is my Obligation to make you happy. It should have been me".
He nodded his head and the detective pulled out a notepad and pen. "what does the note mean Mr Reeves?" keanu sighed and turned away. "it's from a stalker. An obsessive fan if you like. I took out a restraining order against her but i guess it's done nothing" he held his head in his hands as he sat down and the detective approached once again. "thank you Mr. Reeves. I will look into this personally. ''
 The detective left, leaving him in the house. His heart broke at the thought that he could lose Deidra and he cried not knowing that fate of his beloved wife and child.
Taglist: (i do have a permanent taglist where you can be tagged in any fic i post so just ask to be added to itl
@gwenebear @celestiaelisia @blondieee-me
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0verthinking1t · 6 years
Nadia’s parents (book XX spoilers
Ok so I got upright and guys I need a whole separate post for them because Namar and Nasrin are???? So fucking beautiful????????
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And I think Dad is flirting with me?????
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And like I’m not about to stop him honestly but I am incredibly fucking there for these two having a wholesome loving relationship
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And I just fucking love them aesthetically??? Like this man is how old and he still wearing next to nothing and got that smile to slay with, and Nasrin is thicc and fucking gorgeous all hail the queen
And I just love them and I want Royal Sugar Grandma to be proud of me 😭😭
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And then there’s this beautiful nugget
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And I was jazzed because I thought Baba was Nafizah’s turtle and that would be super cute, but no they fucking killed me dead with Nadia calling her dad Baba❤️❤️❤️
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Im crying I can’t this fam is too much
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sunriseknox · 6 years
⭐︎🔠Alphabet Tag🔠⭐︎
I was tagged by @pikachengogh thank you so much lovely 😘
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 people you would like to know better.
(A)ge: 18, I’m 19 in less than a month ooh
(B)irthplace: England
(C)urrent time: 15:09
(D)rink you had last: Very British of me, but tea
(E)asiest person to talk to: Erm my sister? Also some of my friends
(F)avorite song: Very emo of me but Welcome To The Black Parade by MCR
(G)rossest memory: Either the other day when I threw up in the hospital or when I saw a dead baba sheep in Wales while on the hike for DofE
(H)ogwarts house: I used to be Ravenclaw but then Pottermore decided I’m a Slytherin so now I’m a very proud Slytherin
(I)n love with: Kim Namjoon man
(J)ealous of people: Sometimes, jealous of people who are happy, who are healthy and are talented. I never get overly jealous though, I’m happy for them.
(K)illed someone: Yeah several times...on sims
(L)ove at first sight or walk by again: Walk by again, and again, and again and never talk to them because I'm scared
(M)iddle name: Jade
(N)umber of siblings: 1 
(O)ne wish: To be in a place where I’m doing something I enjoy and I’m content with my life and surrounded by people who make me feel happy and loved
(P)lace you want to live: Somewhere that allows me to be who I want to be and do what I want to do
(Q)uestions you’re asked the most: “Are you a lesbian?” Because I’ve never had a boyfriend...lol soz I’m ugly, but jokes on them really bc I'm bi, I'm ugly to both
(R)easons to smile: Food, sleep, people you love and Kim Namjoons dimples
(S)ong you last sang: Destroyer by Monsta X bc I’m listening to the playlist i made of their setlist bc I want to cry
(T)ime you woke up: Around 11
(U)nderwear color: Black lol
(V)acation destination: Well I wanna visit Seoul, but there are several places I want to go
(W)orst habit: I honestly have no idea
(X)-rays: On my teeth? When the dentist needed an x-ray of my teeth for braces
(Y)our favourite food: Fuck man...this is difficult, there's too many
**Extra Questions**
Ultimate Bias: Kim Namjoon ^-^
Ultimate Bias Wrecker: Technically Baekhyun if you put all my biases in a list
Favourite Kpop Song: There’s about 1000, but I’m narrowing it down to Dope by bts and Power by exo
First Kpop Song: I am the best by 2NE1 back in 2012
Favourite Kpop Album: Power of Music by exo or The most beautiful moment in life by bts
Favourite Kpop Ship: I’m a weak bitch for chanbaek and always will be soz
Hard or Soft Stan: It depends, I’m a bit of both
Favourite Kpop Company: All of them are trash but if we’re talking about the company whose artists I like, then it’s sm
Backstory of How I Got Into Kpop: Basically, ya girl saw a bunch of cute guys on her dash and one boy in particular caught her eye because who the fuck is called Suga? So basically me and my sister did a google and where like wtf, how is that a rapper, it's literally a marshmallow. Then a few weeks went on and I felt wild and decided to check out their Spotify and played the first song...little me thought that MAMA was by all of bts (you should have seen my face when i found out it was just Hobi omg) and it was lit. Then I saw this person header gif, one of the people on my dash that was reblogging a lot of the bts, and i was like omg that's cute i want it. I found out it was the war of hormone dance practice, found them cute, found the song lit, watched the music video and was like ooft noice. Then we challenged ourselves to learn all their names and then we fell in love in under a month but said NO more kpop, just bts. Here I am over a year later with 5000 groups. Woo!!
I’m tagging; @choginahfam @xmochimin @shimmie-shimmie-kokobop @dimpled-rapper-stan @raplegendwonho & idk who else so anyone that wants to do this can feel free to do so!
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libidomechanica · 4 years
And Jacob eek forgetful, weep grief
And Jacob eek forgetful,  weep grief of  the cried by thus his  light bugaboo, shed  the stuck at dwell one 
now a fit writter  as falseholde no boom their  due, soaped the  pebble, and scarcely his  glareste; take really 
she two, I have the  pines my maids clearnt, alth  anodyne; and made arch thou  and over, Nebrass,  in one, at thee; the 
eteral so blown  tortoiseless watchy presemblind  that it  now no needs made yow thou blissant. As  hearthink, my straws and 
cold led in turn with  some fell mystic  pimp of Baba chills  to my for  foe, though I was 
on the worself  increat passion playd the  dise. Whereer that  run waited amongst  the feud twixt to 
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in the truth  dull MS. “I am to  compelld then be  rise, for am under  black they we strewel 
was his is  it founterpretty  powrs no moved Polly then light,—and  was gone—  it may beauty, sire, yet 
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them! Who jealoud kissed  ape (nuptions, set a kitchd hem  so a day, chords: whan  ther, if I holy, “Tak  down angry was 
most thin feet them delicately  trowns,” that  I saw wine Chaplain.) For  mought was quite:   that deed with thee!
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d-om · 7 years
Don't Go - Eisuke
The fiery sensation of exhaustion ran up and down my legs, forcing my vision to falter and shut down. Halting in the middle of the sidewalk, I grappled my knees in attempt to grasp any amount of air to ease my body and my pain. I couldn’t stop running, how much time did I have? Was he okay? He’s not dead is he? Questions swirling in my head I regained my force to run. Tossing my heels in the road and ripping my skirt I sprinted to the hospital. As my eyes laid upon on the hospital’s logo, I crashed through the doors making nurses and doctors stop and stare at me. Breathing heavily and sweat dripping down my back a concerned nurse cautiously came to my aid. “Ma'am are you alrig-” “WHERE IS HE!” My weak voice projected louder than I realized as everyone shrieked back in fear. “W-Who miss?” “Eisuke Ichinomiya..” Finally regaining my breath my tired eyes shot through the nurse as she awkwardly led me to the desk. "A-and you are?” "His wife…” Her fingers shook as she slowly clicked away at the computer. "Ahh..yes..r-right this way..” Rising from her seat she led me to a room labeled “VIP” and opened the marble door. Inside, I saw the various faces of the bidders silently stare at the door. Ignoring their glances my eyes wandered to Eisuke. Eyes closed, breathing slowly, and bruises and scars decorating his beautiful face. The strength I once had swept away as I tumbled crashing down to the floor. "Hey..” Baba usual happy demeanor was replaced with a bottomless sadness that threatened my own tears to spill. Accepting his helping hand, he led me to where Eisuke was sleeping. His long eyelashes were crusted with tears and the black and blue patterns scaled all over his body more deeply than I had imagined. "We’ll give you a moment..” Soryu patted my back as he and the other bidders left the room, silently closing the door. The only sound in the room was the heart monitor beeping in the dense area. Intertwining my fingers with Eisuke’s hand the tears fell from my eyes. His once warm hands were frosted with a icy coldness. In attempt to warm them up I rubbed them on my cheeks, kissing his cuts. Reaching my hand to brush his bangs away I smiled, the salty tears creating a path on my tongue. "Hi sweetie..” Gripping his hand tighter I felt the size of my tears grow bigger. "You probably can’t hear me..but I hope they will enter your dreams..” Running my fingers through his hair I kissed every visible injury. ”..I’m pathetic aren’t I? I couldn’t even be there to help you when you were kidnapped…Im sorry..If only..Maybe..Maybe then you would be here with me now. Fussing over your coffee being too bitter, forcefully yanking my chin, and coaxing me with your cold words that held so much sweetness behind them…Remember when we first met? I used to hate you..haha..” A small chuckle escaped my lips as I laid my head upon his chest. “Please..Please…come back…don’t leave me alone..!” Crying into his chest I banged the rails of the bed, letting my knuckles grow numb with pain. "You promised we’d always be together!!” Softly hitting his chest my tears overflowed my site making me close my eyes in hopes of stopping them. "You idiot! You idiot! You liar!” Pounding his chest for some time I finally stopped. Letting my wails drown out the sound of his heartbeat. Hugging him tightly, my diamond ring shined brightly in the spring sun. Murmuring one sentence before my strength left I weakly cried.. "You can’t leave us alone…”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oh my jesus thank you for all the love \o/
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deithe · 4 years
15 through 19 for the song asks 🎶
15 (A song you like that sounds like its on the soundtrack to an indie coming of age film)
stand up by James bay, bear claws by the academic, pork soda by glass animals and 8teen by khalid. 
16 (A song that you like that romanticizes being a teenager)
another night on mars by the Maine, and hypersonic missiles by sam fender, maybe. ahhh i don't know many songs that romanticize being a teen tbh. maybe wild heart by the bleachers. 
17 (A song that makes you want to grab your friends jump up and down dancing and screaming the lyrics)
teenagers by my chem and undercover martyrdom by 2 door cinema club, 100%. a few others, like a few Irish trad/rebel songs. 
18 (A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry)
a better son/daughter by rilo kiley or people’s faces by kate tempest. both songs can almost make me cry like a baba. 
19 (A song that you can imagine listening to in an abandoned church ( if it isn’t hozier im judging you, but whatever) )
i've been to an abandoned church actually! its an old prod church in the middle of my town. its burned down now, but god that place was cool as fuck. but, yes, i must conform, the parting glass by hozier is haunting and i love it. very old church vibes. 
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capt-april · 5 years
His confession
 What a mess.  I dont know where it all started, but maybe I do. Im just too afraid to say it. Not maybe, I am.
I will try my best to answer all the issues that I put myself in.
I have spent my life being misunderstood all the time. Maybe because they wont understand or I just dont say what I really want to say. So I’ll answer with all my honesty. And please, UNDERSTAND. Im in a very very hard state right now. I just got out from my depression but I think he’s coming back. I dont want it but he’s strong. They same Im stronger, theyre clearly wrong. I really dont want it. Really dont. So here’s the thing, my beloved girlfriend just broke up with me last two weeks because Im an idiot. And that time I agreed to let her leave because... (a) she’s too hurt to continue. I felt her pain. I dont really know how to describe what she went through but I tell you, she went thru hell. I wanted to give her space. (b) I agreed to separate BECAUSE at that time it was very very messy. I just want to get away from all of it because I was so sick of all the arguments, the blaming games, the dramas, the “yawyaws”, and mostly I just want to relax because I got over my depression that time. I distanced myself because i dont want to be in a mess again. I just wanted to feel happy. Is self love wrong? But I regretted my decision that time seeing what it resulted. I shouldnt have let her go. I shouldve suffered a bit more to make her stay. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was depressed because of some things, (a.) Family matters, specially my hatred towards my sister. The hatred swallowed me whole, it caused me a lot.  This is where all started. My depression kept getting bigger.  Most of my closest friends left because they couldnt handle me or they were just too occupied to even give time to me.  (b.1)There was a night were I messaged most of my closest friends to check on me because I might give up and take my own life. Some responded and checked on me frequently but it didnt last. Some made fun of me. Some didnt even take time to check the message. I did it because I dont want to feel alone. I just really wanted friends at that time. Is self love wrong? (b.2.) My bestfriend, she’s a girl. There’s nothing between us but I treat her like my sibling, we are very close. We were friends since 1st Grade. So, she was very mad at me because of some reasons I know nothing of. She just wont reach out on me. That time, I wanted to see her . To talk about everything. But sadly, she just wont.
I felt so alone. I got no one. (Even now). I cant talk to my family, dont have friends to talk. Maybe I have, but friends who understands? Nah. And my girlfriend just broke up with me. Where can I go? Thats a question. (c) My girlfriend herself. That time, she left me because she wanted to focus on her studies. There’s nothing wrong about that. Nothing wrong at all.  Not just that, she was very confused at that time. Because of my actions while i was drowning in my depression, I didnt notice that it would affect her so much. It would inflict a lot of pain. She distanced herself from me, me being a grenade. But put it like this; the person you most cared needs you so much on that point because he has no where to go, no people to catch him, not even himself. And you just leave him? It would break him so much. That was my downest state.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (change gear tayo? Tagalog-bisaya-english tayo? Sige kay sakit na gani ang heart, sakit pa sa ulo.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yan na yung time na everyday at everynight sya umiiyak sa kwarto pero pinipigilan nya lang kasi ayaw nya marinig sya nang mama nya.  Morning na yan sya gatulog kasi grabe kalakas ng insomia nya. Tapos gigising na yan ng hapon. Pagkagising, kain agad, minsan lang lalabas kasi ayaw makisalamuha sa mga tao. Tapos lalaro lang yan sya kasi yan ang escape nya. Tapos tulog ulit. Same routine lang. May time na di nya na kinaya, pumunta sya sa lamesa, umupo, tumunganga lang hanggang sa napansin sya na mama nya. Tinanong sya “May problema ka Gy?” Pagkarinig nya yun tumulo agad luha nya kasi di na nya kinaya. Sinipa na naman nya ang mga gamit sa luob ng bahay nila sa sobrang galit. Sumigaw. Umiyak. Nagwild. Andaming nangyari nun. Sa huli, kumuha sya ng kutsilyo. Pero tinakbuhan sya ng mama nya para pigilan. “Di nya man kelangan umalis!!!” Yang ang mga salitang parating lumalabas sa kanya nung nangyari yun. “Balik ka na pleeeease. Di mo man kelangan umalis ba. Balik ka naaaaaaa.” Crying to it so loudly to her kahit alam nya na di sya naririnig.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karon murag gabalik man iyang pagkadepressed kay grabe bug-at nasad kaayo. Suicidal baya na sya. Suicidal means kanang gusto nimo pasakitan imong sarili or gusto ka mawala nalang. Pasakitan nimo imong sarili, thinking about kanang serious kaayo na injury pero di ka gusto mamatay. Ana. Magkuha na syag kutsilyo tapos tutukan lang nya. Tan-awon nya ang pundasyon na kahoy sa ilang kisame na pwede bitayan sa pisi. Mugawas sa balay inig gabii, tapos kung naay muagi na sakyanan kay makaisip sya na muambak lang kalit. Wont you call that suicidal? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mali man pud gud iyang gipangbuhat sa iyang uyab gud. Pero mablame ba pud ba nimo sya kung sya mismo biktima pud? Ani man gud na oh. Walay nakabalo ani na story kundi sya lang maong mamisunderstood sya sa mga lihok nya. Nisalig sya sa iyang bespren. “Promise I wont do it again.” Ana iyang bespren sa iyaha. Dili na daw niya usabon na padunggan dunggan iyang uyab, ug magbuhat ug mga butang na magcause nasad ug away sa ilahang duha. Pero giulit gihapon. Mapasayluon man gud sya maong gidawat gihapon nya iyang bespren. Gikasuk-an gud nya iyang bespren pero nagpasaylo dayun sya. Naa juy mga tao na kusog kaayo manggamit ug patience sa isa ka tao. Ana sila taas dawg patience si Idrian, well, tama sila. Taas jud. Pero naay tuktok. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dali ra jud kaayo sya musalig sa isa ka tao. Thats the most beautiful yet deadly trait about sa iyaha. Dali ra kaayo sya musalig. Labon na sa mga ginaingon sa iyaha. Ana iyang bespren sa iyaha na “I will do anything for you.” Didto sya nisalig, na buhaton jud to sa iyang bespren. So naghangyo sya na “Please, ayawg buhat ug mga butang na mulala ni. LET ME HANDLE THIS. Di na ko gusto mulala pa ni.” Syempre nisalig jud sya na buhaton to nya kay mao may ingon sa iyang bespren. He thought he had it all together. Na mafix ni nya if mahulog lang sa iyang plano tanan. He was wrong. Sa ulahi kay nangaguba gihapon tanan kay istorya ra diay ang tanan. Mao na iyang ginapasabot na biktima pud sya. Nisalig sya sa isa ka tao na abi nyag buhaton nya ang tanan para nya. Pero didto sya nagkamali.  Gimanipulate sya na musalig sa tao gamit ang mga words na kusog kaayo ug impact sa iyaha. Gihimo syang tanga thinking na buhaton sa iyang bespren ang mga promise nya sa iyaha. Mao nay rason ngano gasalig gihapon sya sa iyang bespren tungod ato na words. Pero mao pud nay rason nganong nangaguba tanan. Sa pagsalig. Wala may mali sa pagsalig ba. Ang problema ra jud kanang gub-on ang pagsalig. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karon kay gibulagan na man jud jud sya. Dako kaayo iyang pagmahay tungod sa iyang nabuhat. Pero ang pangutana, mablame ba nmo sya nga nisalig ra pud sya sa ubang tao?  Gusto ra sya maokay ang tanan. Kanang magbalik sila na wala nay problema ug mga issue. Pero he had to hit rock bottom to realize kung unsa juy nawala sa iyaha. Dako kaayo. Dakong pagmahay sa butang na dako pud kaayog imporansya sa iyaha. Daghan jud syag gusto iingon ba pero iyang mind mismo gadula sa iyaha ug di makaya mahandle ang maisip niya maong maglibog2 pud sya sa iyang mga ginasulti. Mao sigurong di sya masabtan kay di pud nya matarong istorya kung unsa juy gusto niya isulti. Hays ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mao ni ang point.  Giingnan sya sa iyang uyab na dili na magsigeg dikit sa iyang bespren kay masakitan sya. Pero kabalo ka nganong gibuhat gihapon nya? Kay dili sya gusto maleft out. Wala jud baya na syay mga tinuod na mga amigo. Kanang amigo na loyal, tinuod, ug permi naa dira. All he has is himself at that time.  Gibuhat nya to kay alone kaayo sya sa iyang life. Dili lang sya gusto mafeel na alone sya. Is self love wrong?
After sya gibulagan, open kaayo sya sa iyang lihok na mag uban2 sila sa iyang bespren, Syempre, normal kay classmate sila sa NCII. Pero gibuhat ra pud to nya as a way of venting out and being loved. Remember, wala syay tinuod na mga amigo, gusto ra nya mahappy kauban mga tao na nasa palibot nya. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nag graduate na iyang uyab, niadto sya pero wala sya kaabot. Nidiretso nalang sya sa dorm sa iyang uyab kay kabalo sya na naa sya didto. So syempre gicongrats niya, comfort, ug uban pa. Pero syempre again suko kaayo iyang uyab sa iyaha, di nya istoryahon, dili magpagunit. Makasabot sya eh kay kabalo sya sa gipangbuhat niya. Hantod sa naghilakanay silag istorya, nag explain sa ilang both sides. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that talk, daghan kaayo syag narealize. (a) Narealize nya kung unsay nawala sa iyaha; ang babae na gilove syag tinuod ug taman. (b) na ang babae na nakigbulag nya kay mao tong babae na bisag buak na ang pagsalig kay nilove gihapon syag taman nya. (c) Na ang bespren nya kay hantod istorya ra, wala sya nilive up sa iyang words na gihatag sa iyaha. Na gimanipulate lang sya into trusting her. Na sya ra pud diay ang gaguba sa iyang relasyon. (d) narealize nya na grabe nya katanga ug kagago. Naa na sa iyang atubangan ang babae na mulove sa iyag taman pero wala nya giatimanan mismo. Honest sya, nakita niya ang worth sa iyang uyab, pero not fully. Kinahanglan pa na mawala sa iyaha iyang uyab para makita to niya as a whole. Karon dako kaayo syag pagmahay kay ngano gilet to nya mahitabo. Karon gusto nya mubalik iyang uyab sa iyaha, admitting that he was wrong ug sala nya tanan. And grabe nya kasuko sa iyang bespren karon after realizing what she did. Naay time sa klase nila na wala jud niya sya gipansin bisan daghan syag chance na pansinon sya. Tungod to sa kasuko nya. He felt so betrayed and played by the person na gisaligan nyag taman.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After all said and done, isa ra jud iyang goal, ang mubalik iyang uyab sa iyaha. Karon, mas ready na sya sa mga challenges and risks na agian para makuha lang balik iyang uyab. Kay mas kalabo na sya unsa iyang daugon kung mupadayon sya. Same gihapon iyang goal as ever. “Same mind, same heart, same vision, same spirit.”  Buhaton nya unsay buhaton para lang mubalik si Shannen Haggai sa iyang life. If you just let him.”  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daghan kaayog gajudge sa iyaha karon, wala sya kabalo kung kinsa to sila pero kabalo sya na daghan tungod sa nahitabo. Pero wala nila naisip kung ngano nahitabo ang mga nahitabo. Pero ready sya atubangon to para lang mapasaiyaha nasad iyang uyab.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He’ll ask you again, mablame ba nimo sya sa iyang mga manipulated actions? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Idrian
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