#im currently rocking back and fourth in a corner
hooksredrum · 7 months
orange using the redrum on mox tonight….
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rae-arts777 · 3 years
I know today has been draining and just horrible those of us who live in the US, so I offer a short wholesome/misfit Dorothy and Makoto fic to lift some spirits.
Best friend
Summary: show them your moves best friend
Currently Dorothy and Makoto were sitting in a corner whispering to each other. Both giggling, both on their fourth bottle of wine. Cythina was salty considering they took the last of her wine.
Team confidence watch worryingly as the two kept glancing back at them, whispering something to each other, and then bursting into a giggling fit.
Abby groaned and glared at the two “ok, what the hell are you two hyenas laughing about?” She curled her hand into a fist “I’m not afraid to punch an old lady and a virgin”
“IM NOT A VIRGIN!!” Makoto stood up wobbling.
“OLD?!” Dorothy joined him, almost falling over, leaning on Makoto for support. “Who you calling old?! I still look young as hell! I pass for 20 thank you ever much!!”
Laurent chuckled worryingly “I think that’s enough wine for you both.”
“SHUT UP BLONDE HIMBO” both of them threw a shoe at Laurent; he barely dodged them.
“No more wine for you both!” Cythina growled “you two finished off the last of it anyways!”
Dorothy wobbly walked into the middle of the room. She slowly stood on top of the table.
“EVERYONE LOOK AT ME.” She yelled; like everyone wasn’t already watching her. “Is everyone looking?! Huh?! Good! Now watch!!!” She threw her hands up in the air and fell backwards.
Laurent quickly placed his drink down and caught her, Dorothy bursting into a laughing fit.
“Dorothy...” he groaned “what were you expecting to happen?” Laurent asked
“I thought I was going to land on my hands!! Like a cool handstand!” She giggled. “Best friend!!” She pointed to Makoto. “You’re turn!!!”
Makoto laughed and was standing ontop of the kitchen island.
Abby and Oz darted and caught him before he fell onto the ground. He burst out into laughter as well.
“Did you see that best friend?!” He asked Dorothy
“I totally did!!! You rocked!!!”
Oz shook his head sighing “ok, ok, I think it’s time we got you two to bed.”
Both Makoto and Dorothy were placed on the couch. The two went back to whispering and giggling while Cythina got a room ready for them.
“Hey everyone!!!” Dorothy stood up and pulled Makoto up with her. “Watch this!!!”
Everyone silently watched the two.
“>:3 NEVER!!!” The two of them held each other’s hand and took off running, Laurent and Oz chasing after them.
“Need i remind you, these two are the two idiots you fell in love with” Oz told him.
Laurent laughed a bit “I know, I have good taste, don’t I?”
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
hi! could you write a hc of ben and the reader’s first time making out which turns into full on vanilla sex?
okay this is a cute as fuck prompt!!! Was gonna use this as a warmup before I got working on my current wip, just a short drabble thing, but uuhhhhhhh ended up writing a full 1.3k for it lmao. So it’s under the cut.
What can I say? Im a soft bitch for Ben!!
The rain was coming down hard outside but you and Ben were cuddled up in his bed watching a movie. It wasn’t an unusual spot to find yourself, your best friend’s bed, though something about it felt different today. His arm around your back felt extra warm and his eyes seemed to drift to you more often than was necessary.  “What?” You asked when you caught him looking at you for the fourth time in about a minute. “Nothing,” he said hastily turning back to the movie. You watched as he unconsciously began biting his thumb nail. “Ben, talk to me. Something is clearly on your mind.” He was silent for a moment, focused on the movie without really seeing it. “I think I like you,” he said slowly, still not looking at you, “like, proper like you.” You stared at him, unsure what to say. If you were being honest, you’d thought about it before. You spent so much time together as it was, talked just about every day, and you’d been mistaken for a couple on more than one occasion. Sometimes you couldn’t help wondering what it’d be like to feel his hands on you in more than just a friendly cuddle. “Sorry, I don’t wanna make it weird between us.” “I think you should kiss me,” you said softly, heart beating harder than it ever had before. He finally met your eyes, looking for confirmation he’d heard you correctly. Within seconds he was on you, arms wrapping around your back to pull you closer as his lips pressed against yours softly. You felt him pulling away and brought your arms up around his neck, wanting to keep him as close as possible. He didn’t argue, sighing contentedly as he ran his tongue over your lip, lowering you down to his pillow. The movie was completely forgotten as he deepened the kiss, propped up on his elbow and slowly tracing his fingers over your stomach. He hesitated as they got closer to your chest and removed his lips from yours, pulling back to look at you properly. “Maybe it’s just me,” he murmured, breath ghosting over your face, “but this feels right.” “Not just you. Can’t believe it took us so long.” He chuckled and let his forehead fall to yours, “‘m gonna keep kissing you now.” “Wait,” He leaned back again, giving you space as you moved to sit up. You felt slightly nervous as you grasped the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head.  “Okay, now you can kiss me.”
Ben practically tackled you in his haste, a shriek of laughter leaving you and breaking the nervous worry that had started to build in your chest. He was leaning over you now, one leg placed between yours, his hands on either side of your head as he peppered your lips and jaw with kisses. He paused for just long enough to pull his own shirt off and then his mouth was on yours again, pushing every other thought from your head. You rested your palms on his chest, feeling the muscles move as he shifted over you, and gradually let them slip over his shoulders and onto his neck. Your bodies were flush together but it still wasn’t enough for you. You rolled the both of you over until you were straddling his lap and his hands dropped to your waist. You pressed yourself against him harder, melting into him. He traced his hand up your spine, making you shiver, until he found the clasp of your bra. You could help but giggle against his lips as he struggled to undo it one handed.  “You dork,” you said as you sat up and undid the clasp yourself, dropping it to the floor. “I swear I’ve done it one handed before,” he said with a grin. “Uh-huh, sure,” you rolled your eyes and Ben laughed, bringing his hands up to cup your breasts. You arched into his touch, letting out a soft moan as he ran his thumb over your nipple. His eyes lit up at the noise. “You’ve got no idea how much I’ve wanted to make you sound like that.“ Before you could react, Ben had rolled you over onto your back again, pressing kisses along the top of your breasts before he sucked one of your nipples into his mouth. A whine fell from your lips and you could feel him smile against your skin.  
You sighed Ben’s name as he continued to trail his tongue over your breasts. Fumbling blindly, you managed to get your hand inside the front of Ben’s pants, drawing a gasp from him as you stroked his cock. Ben grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand out of his pants, shuffling back so he could pull your pants down your legs. He paused with his fingers hooked into the top of your undies. “This okay Y/N?” “Yes, god yes.” Ben laughed and pressed a kiss to your hip before he slipped your underwear off and swiped his fingers through your folds.  “So wet already.” He circled your clit with his thumb, and your response was lost in another moan. You laced your fingers through his hair and tugged until he came back up to your mouth. He pressed a finger into you slowly as he kissed you, swallowing the noises you made as he worked it deeper. You were breathing harder as he added a second finger, stretching you out, his thumb still pressed against your clit, pushing you ever closer to your release. “Wanna see you cum, Y/N,” Ben said, dropping his head into your neck, “been dreaming bout you cumming on my fingers for months now.” He attached his lips to your pulse point as he rubbed your clit harder, tipping you over the edge. Your breath hitched as you rode out the orgasm, Ben pressing kisses to the corners of your mouth in between whispers about how beautiful you looked. He withdrew his fingers from you as your breathing steadied and you whimpered at the sudden emptiness.  
“Oh my god,” you whispered, “Ben, oh my god.” You sat up and placed a hand on his cheek. He leaned into your touch, bringing his hand to your knee. “Did you say you’ve been thinking about this for months?” “Yeah.” “Can’t believe you didn’t make a move sooner, you dweeb.” You pushed his shoulder, “I’ve been complaining about shitty hookups and you didn’t think to mention you could make me cum like that. Unbelievable.” You leaned in to kiss him quickly, “But now I wanna watch you cum.” Ben laughed as you pushed him onto his back, making short work of removing his remaining clothes. You wrapped your hand around his cock and stroked it, watching the way he closed his eyes and swore under his breath. “You’ve got condoms, right?” “Second draw,” he said pointing at his nightstand. Once you’d found one you rolled it down his shaft and sunk down onto him. You paused for a moment to adjust and leaned down to kiss Ben fiercely. Your lips tingled when you pulled away. Ben grabbed your hips as you began rocking back and forth, laying your hands on his chest for leverage. You clenched around Ben, making him moan.  “Fuck, Ben,” you whimpered, “feels so good.” You sped up, and Ben shut his eyes, his head falling backwards.  “Not gonna last much longer,” he gasped. “Don’t have to. Want you to cum for me.” Ben grunted your name as his hips jerked. You quickly rubbed your clit until you came with him, collapsing forward onto his chest.
When both of you had recovered Ben carefully rolled you off of him and got up to dispose the condom.  “That was incredible. You’re incredible.” He said as he climbed back into the bed and pulled you into his arms. “You’re pretty incredible yourself.” You said burying your head into his neck. You were both quiet for a while, listening to the rain as he traced random patterns over the back of your hand.  “What’re you thinking about?” Ben eventually asked. “You.” “Me?” He tilted your head up. “Bout how much of a dweeb you are for not asking me out sooner.” You said poking your tongue out at him.  
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summoner-kentauris · 5 years
plotbunny zachfonse coffee shop au that im probably never going to finish but i thought you guys might enjoy it nonetheless!
It’s seven thirty one exactly on Monday morning, and Sharena runs into the café like hel on fire.
Alfonse stops wiping down the counter and does a double take. Sharena has a schedule, but it’s a very particular one. He’s never, ever seen her face before ten am, usually not until eleven-twenty, when she comes scattering in with at least one of her roommates in tow, grabbing a quick latte before grinning and bustling out of the door in a vain attempt to not be late to her eleven-fifteen class.
“Hiya!” she says loudly, and plunks her bag on the counter like it’s full of a ton of rocks. It makes a loud THUNK noise, and Alfonse winces.
“Oh, sorry,” she says, in a whisper that still manages to hover over the tranquil morning atmosphere in the shop.
“Are you late for something?” he asks suspiciously.
The somber girl standing beside and behind Sharena cracks a smile at that.
“Al!” Sharena exclaims. “I would never be late for a midterm.”
“Calculus-” the girl pipes up.
“That was one time-”
“Sharena!”he interrupts, and pats the air gently. This time, it’s Sharena wincing.
“Sorry,”she says again.
She’s certainly gotten herself worked up over whatever midterm this is, though, that wouldn’t be quite unusual. Still, Alfonse is having a hard time figuring out just what has inspired this early morning energetic panic. A study session too, if the weight of her bookbag is any indication. Looking at Sharena’s friend isn’t any help, either. Reese is hard to read on the best of days, and today she is sporting one of her many impassive stares.
“What class?” he asks.
“History.” They both answer immediately, simultaneously, with one unusually distraught groan each.
He’s a little taken aback. “I...thought you both liked your history class? What happened?”
Sharena wiggles a little and then settles into her we-ELL have I got some news posture, only to be interrupted by Reese throwing down some scattered coins onto the counter and grabbing Sharena’s arm.
“New professor, long story,” she says gruffly. “Let’s go Ray, we’re running low on time.”
“The usual?” he’s forced to call after them, as they wind their way to their favorite tall chairs at the corner table.
Reese waves her arm nonchalantly, and then they disappears into a haze of planning and papers.
He sighs, and breathes in, and takes stock of the returning calm quiet. Sharena and Reese are not the only ones swamped by paperwork this morning. All of Alfonse’s regulars are here today. Sitting outside today is the healer, a short nifl man whose light skin is splotchy red from the sunburn he got falling asleep out there yesterday. His godsawful shift at the hospital ends at six-thirty in the morning, and he originally had taken to pacing around on the sidewalk outside until opening like a lost puppy right up until the day Alfonse just shook his head and started letting him in. He’s deep into his third espresso and fourth newspaper. At the table on the other side of the door are the artist twins from down the street. They’re Askran, both with deep magenta hair. One keeps hers in a braid, the other keeps hers mostly cut off, and that’s about the only way to tell the two apart. That and a teeny little scar one of them has about her left purple eye.  Alfonse is pretty sure they come from serious money, given he’s never seen them actually engage in making art, but they do talk nonstop about what they’ve bought. They’re signing energetically back and forth over an intimidatingly tall mountain of photographs. More than once, they’ve gotten too animated and knocked over their drinks. Alfonse wonders idly if he should go ahead re-drag out the supplies out for their long, complicated, terrifyingly expensive order.
Meanwhile, in the middle of the shop there are a few locals on laptops. Then in the front there is his friend Anna napping on her notebook next to a hot chocolate she never drinks. Her curly red ponytail in flopped over her face, and she’d be embarrassed if Alfonse ever told her she snores, just a little. It usually means she’s having...well, she calls them good dreams, but often they lead her to try implementing some hare-brained scheme for the shop. Smushed up with her nose metaphorically against the window is the Múspellian. She’s short, with deep, dark skin and pure orange hair that she keeps slicked back in the most severe and ‘i’m mature’ of ponytails. She’s too young to be from the college, and Alfonse has worried more than once about her. She never talks, though. Alfonse doesn’t even know her name. She came in once with a firefighters helmet though, and as soon as Sharena found out she immediately declared to a doubtful Alfonse that this meant the girl was a firefighter, or perhaps a firefighter intern, whatever such a thing may be.
And then of course in the back there is the new guy. New guy. New guy is tall and buff, intimidating and elegant. He’s got sunkissed skin that is a saturated medium brown, and the one time his large black and gold-rimmed sunglasses slipped he had underneath the most intriguing, defiant pair of eyes. One, a red color that, alarmingly, seemed to almost reflect and refract like a melted gem, the other a faint, rich gold. Alfonse has spent more time hoping New Guy’s glasses would slip again that he would like to admit, but he only hopes it because Alfonse can’t get a read on him otherwise. He doesn’t actually ever get anything other than water, but puts good coffee money in the tip jar. Other than a soft ‘good morning’ and precise pleases and thank yous, new guy doesn’t talk either, none of the Morning Regulars really ever do, but he, less than most. Unlike the other regulars, New Guy is composed in the mornings and completely free of the kinds of small tells and fidgeting details Alfonse would usually use to spin stories about his customers.
He has a routine, of course. He’s there’s every weekday promptly at 7:07, so Alfonse figures he’s taking the 7:05 aetherail into the city. Not only does he have the one Emblian red eye, but he’s also got Emblian hair, beautifully long, tantalizingly fluffy and pastel white. Yet despite the current diplomatic tension, he’s here, in Askr, five days a week. And unless he’s taking the hours-long commute from one country to another, he lives here. More contradictions, he dresses in an oddly formal, precise, businesswear that’s both charmingly antique and blisteringly modern, the kind of coldly fashionable style that is ragingly popular among the high-power suits-and-slacks businesspeople downtown. But, who has coffee uptown when he has to be downtown for work? And he has to disembark from the aetherail to boot, which means he’d have to take the metroway to continue, and everyone in the city takes the metroway from time to time, certainly, but in all the weeks he’s been coming here Alfonse has never seen the man so much as brush up against another person, dodging contact gracefully and subtly even when a collision seemed, to Alfonse’s practiced eye, inevitable…
Alfonse shakes his head and drags himself back to the present. Mystery man is a puzzle Alfonse shouldn’t be so focused on now, or really, ever. New guy has his water for the day, and his single large off-brand e-reader instead of his occasional neat stacks of paper, which means he’s busy, much like Alfonse should be. Midterms hadn’t snuck up on Alfonse, but Sharena’s arrival was a reminder that he needed to be at his most alert for the next few days.
He rolls the momentary tension out of his shoulders, finishes wiping down the counter, and then dives back into the daily work of keeping his little coffee shop running.
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honeyparker · 6 years
nederlander — t.h.
summary: it’s a lively and lovely night at the nederlander theatre
a/n: this is from the first request ever sent into my inbox a loooooong time ago. whoop im so sorry. i used the tour cast instead of the way cast. ben is ben cook and josh is josh burrage. also i START HIGHSCHOOL TOMORROW so fics will be coming out more slowly, so sorry
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“I’m going to be on Broadway.”
The words tumble out of your mouth faster than you prefer, faster than you wish they had.
You’re not sure what to expect from your friends. Yes, they all knew your time on Spider-Man would be short. A small part of Homecoming, that was set in stone from the beginning. They knew that all along. However, they did believe they’d have a little more time then a month or two.
And they also knew that, while you love screen acting, Broadway was and is your dream. It’s everything you love — dancing, singing, acting, live audiences — and they knew they should be happy for you. Most of them are.
“Oh my god,” squeals Zendaya as she wraps her arms around you. “What show? What part? When did you even audition? Answer me!”
“Well uh, I went when I told you guys I was seeing my parents,” you admit, twiddling with your fingers shyly.
“What?” Laura replies, shocked. “Why?”
Your voice comes out gentle and timid. “Well I, I just didn’t want to get my hopes up by letting other people know, so I kept it to myself.”
“Okay, so,” Jacob says excitedly. “What role? Show? When do you leave?”
“Well,” your cheeks turn red with excitement and happiness. “Katherine Plumber in Newsies!” You scream, unable to hold your excitement and eagerness in for much longer.
“Oh my god!” Zendaya puts her hands on your shoulders. “Isn’t that like, your favorite musical?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You jump up and down, a hyper feeling filling your body.
“I’m so proud of you!” Laura giggles as she pulls you into a tight hug, rocking you back and forth.
Jacob pipes up from next to her. “Seriously, me too.”
“Tom?” You ask as you pull away nervously, pulling your sweater over your hands and onto your palms. “What do you think?”
You know you should be happy with your accomplishments, with what you’ve done. And the reactions of your other friends, the support they’ve shown you and are currently showing you. But you can’t help but wonder what Tom thinks, what’s going on in that beautiful and complex head of his, why he isn’t happy for you, or so it seems.
“It’s great,” he mutters dejectedly before standing up, turning away, and walking out the door.
You don’t say goodbye to Tom before you leave for New York. You try to, you really do, but he avoids you. When you walk into a room, he walks out. When you say hello, he mutters a quiet and short response before leaving.
You text him the day you leave. Standing in the Atlanta Airport, waiting for your flight.
To: Tom Holland
hey. am boarding soon. just wanted to say goodbye.
You sit send with a quiet sigh caught in your throat, by the lump that’s taken it’s place.
It’s a lively and lovely night at the Nederlander Theatre. Three months into your run of the show, three months of fulfilled dreams and happiness. Three months of little to no Tom.
You miss him. That much you can admit to yourself. Because as much as you don’t want to, as big of a dick he was before you left, your heart hurts and is heavy for the boy who’d become your best friend. You’re not sure what the two of you are anymore.
“Y/N,” Ben knocks on your dressing room door. “Five minutes,” he reminds you before shutting the door.
“Okay, thanks, Ben!” You call after him.
There are benefits to not being in the first couple of scenes of the show. You can listen to the audience and how they’re doing, what they’re reacting you. You can take your time getting ready. You can do extensive warm ups. You can long for a text from your best friend. The last one might be exclusive to you.
“Katherine, those boys are counting on you,” you recite, pushing yourself into your fake set chair. You can barely see the crowd, too blinded by the bright lights of the stage and the fourth wall, but you can feel them. You can feel their heat and their energy as you belt out your last notes before stomping off stage.
The rest of the show goes perfectly. Often, there are problems, like the splitting of the boys’ pants, or dropping of the newspaper. But it goes perfectly tonight, a rarity. You feel pride swell in your chest.
“Knock knock,” Ben says happily, opening the door to your dressing room. “Did you already go to the stage door?”
“Yeah,” you pull an earring from your ear. “Really nice audience tonight. Met a real cute little girl at the stage door, dressed as Katherine.”
He takes a seat on the little couch in the corner. “Think I saw her too. Simply adorable. Anyway, there are people waiting for you in the hallway. Also, stage manager got flowers for you. Someone dropped them off. Spider-Man?” He says, voice layed in confusion
“Really?” You stand up excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Calm down,” Ben laughs. “They’re not going anywhere.”
You bolt out the door, quickly pushing yourself through waves of cast members and friends. “Oof, sorry Josh, yeah, okay, sorry!” You scream in apology over your shoulder.
Laura is the first one you see. She’s got a bright smile spread over her face, her arms crossed as she checks her phone. Zendaya, Jacob, and Angourie stand next to her, basically doing the same.
Their heads snap up. “Y/N?”
You squeeze Jacob, holding him tightly. “I didn’t know you guys were coming!”
“Well,” Laura starts. “We were in New York for a few scenes and couldn’t pass up surprising our favorite Broadway star! You were great!”
“Yeah, really amazing,” agreed Zendaya. “Now I see why Newsies is your favorite.”
“It really is the best, huh?” You joke, hands on your hips.
And then you hear it. A soft voice, laced underneath a British accent and a layer of light. Tom.
“Guys, the bathroom is— Y/N, hi.”
“Hi?” You reply awkwardly.
“We’re gonna give you guys some space. Meet some of your friends,” Jacob says as he pulls the girls away.
“So,” you rock back and forth on the heels on your feet. “Hi.”
Tom stuffs his hands into his pocket. “Hey.”
“What are— what are you doing here?” You motion to the room around you.
“I missed you,” admits Tom. “So much.”
The lump in your throat gets bigger. “We would’ve stayed in touch, if not for you.”
He looks down at his shoes, voice caught in his throat.
“Why do you do it, huh?” You press, pushing his chest with your finger. “Do you know how much it hurt? I thought you hated me! I still do. You were my best friend and you broke me. Didn’t even say goodbye.”
His voice cracks. “Were?”
“That’s all you got of that whole spiel, really? Selective hearing.”
You’re angry. Red hot, white hot. It’s clouding your vision and and your senses and your judgement. You can’t listen to a word that’s coming out of his mouth, too upset and too hurt. Sadness and anger were always something that went hand in hand with you.
“I—,” Tom moves his feet awkwardly. “Was scared. Am scared. Because, well I was losing you.”
“So you chose to lose me even more?”
“I’m stupid, I know,” he runs his hands through his hair. “But I’m just so goddamn in love with you, the thought of you leaving hurt me so bad. Because I thought if I pushed you away, it would hurt less, but God, Y/N, it still hurt so bad. Even more, I guess.”
“You’re so fucking stupid, Tom,” you cross your arms. “So fucking stupid.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“But I fucking love you, you fucking dumbass.”
“Yeah,” you mutter as you pull his lips closer to yours. “So much.”
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sickandvomiting · 7 years
multiples of twoooooo
Wow this was a lot of questions haha! Thank you!!!! It was fun :D
————-is your room messy or clean?Messy. Definitely messy.
do you like your name? why?No I don’t. It’s boring just reminds me of the Christian values that have been pushed in me since birth that I don’t agree with and that have caused me and my sister more harm than good over the course of our lives.
describe your personality in 3 words or lessSarcastic, caring, witty (????) Alternatively, quirky, asshole, and curious.
what kind of car do you drive? color?I drive a metallic grey Scion IQ. It’s tiny and fantastic.
how would you describe your style?Weird. And probably ill fitting for my body type but fuck society I’ll wear short shorts if I goddamn want to. Really though I have like two modes: biker girl with leathers and dew rags and skinny jeans, or crazy bright colors and patterns and overalls and flower crowns and converse. There’s no in between.
what size bed do you have? Twin. Lifted. It’s nice.
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Austria. Just outside Wien, I think. Wien is one of the safest cities in the world to live, I already speak the language, many of my idols (composers) lived there and roundabouts, and there’s mountains and shit there which is super cool because here in OH it’s just flat for miles and miles and miles in every direction. favorite makeup brand(s)Ummmmmm, the cheap ones??? I can’t afford expensive shit…. Though I did get some eye shadows from online, a company called BH Cosmetics, for pretty cheap and they are FANTASTIC. So shiny.
favorite tv show?You can’t do this to me man I can’t choose just one there’s way way way too many that I LOVE.
how tall are you?5'2".
do you go to the gym? Nope. Too self conscious. I do work out but in my own home.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Ha. Haha. Ha. One single dollar. That’s it. One dollar and an empty debit card.
how many pillows do you sleep with?Like six or seven I wanna say? Honestly the pillows take up more of my little bed than I do.
how many friends do you have? A few close ones, and a couple not so close ones, and one or two acquaintances.
whats your favorite candle scent? CINNAMON. I love cinnamon scented ANYTHING.
3 favorite girl namesSaoirse, Jacqueline, and Fritzi haha
favorite actress? Currently probably Daisy Ridley just because she’s so frickin cute I die
favorite movie? I CANT CHOOSE ONE OH MY GOD
money or brains? BRAINS for sure. Money doesn’t matter.
how many times have you been to the hospital?I wanna say like three times in my entire life. And only twice to emergency services. Once for physical, once for mental. I’ve been in and out for studies and testing and ultrasounds and shit all the time but I don’t think that actually counts.
do you take any medications daily? I’m supposed to but have I been? No RIP
what is your biggest fear? Failure. And disappointing others. And being abandoned.
whats your go to hair style?The “I barely brushed this when. Woke up and haven’t washed it in like three days so I’m just gonna hide it under a hat” style. Or a high ponytail if a hat is too hot.
who is your role model? I have a lot of them. One is Sta//cy Pers//hall, a mental health activist and author with BPD. One is Hawkeye Pierce from M*A*S*H, minus the drinking and womanizing. Another is a cardiologist I shadowed who was honestly the sweetest man I’ve ever met. And there’s plenty more. Like, A LOT.
what was the last text you sent?To my sister: “Dad is being disgusting and racist help me”
what is your dream car? Pontiac GTO, 1967. Black. Those things are sexy as hell and they’ve got enough torque in there to make the good start bouncing when you rev the engine.
do you go to college? Yes. I’m a biomedical engineering major with minors in German and American Sign Language, and maybe a cluster in Piano Performance who knows hahawould you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? UGH rural for sure. I’ve always wanted to live on a huge plot of land in the country. Own goats and cows and horses and chickens and lots of cats. Maybe have a small field to grow and sell sweet corn and a corner of the big yard designated to fruit trees and blueberry bushes.
do you have freckles? If I get enough sun, I get a few light ones on the bridge of my nose. Other than that, no.
how many pictures do you have on your phone? Too many. I hoard pictures it’s kinda bad.
do you still watch cartoons? No not really. I watch some animated films *cough*Ghibli*cough* but those are hardly cartoons.
Favorite dipping sauce? Ummmmm ranch??? Maybe FLG sauce from KFC just because I lived on that shit for the year I worked there in high school?
have you ever won a spelling bee?Yeah. Won the class then the school-wide one in fourth grade, went on to counties and then got out on some stupid hard word when the kid before me had the word “ballerina” and the kid after me had “thunderstorm”. Fuckin BALLERINA AND THUNDERSTORM. I’m still goddamn salty all these years later.
can you draw? I like to think so haha
what was the last concert you saw? Tony Bennett, still alive and kicking and a great showman at 90 years old. He did the last song a Capella with no microphone and honestly it was one of the greatest things I love him.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Don’t really give a fuck but since Starbucks is more available at my school, Starbucks.
what is your crush’s first and last initial?Don’t really have crushes. More squishes. And a lot of them. Hahawhat color looks best on you? Dark reds and oranges, probably. They match my hair.
do you sleep with your door open or closed?Closed. I’ve got a personal AC unit in my room and I ain’t sharin’ that with the whole rest of the house. No way that cold air is mine.
what is your biggest pet peeve? There’s a lot of them. Mansplaining and patronization are up there, chewing loudly is too, getting unreasonably upset about tiny things, belittling people for things they can’t control (or literally anything else), bad spelling/grammar in educated native speakers which shows that they’re just not trying…. basically everything my dad does….
favorite ice cream flavor? Cake batter, cotton candy, mint chocolate chip, and cookies and cream.
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? RAINBOW.
what is your phone background?A picture of my lovely cat, Cheddar.
do you like it when people play with your hair?Depends on the context.
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?When I shower and sometimes in the mornings if I have time. At night if I wore makeup that day but that’s rare.
have you ever been drunk? Nope. Which is simultaneously a good thing and kind of unfortunate. favorite lyrics right nowMozart’s entire “Leck mich im Arsch”. A beautiful and wholesome piece. \s
day or night? Night. I love the stars. Also the temps are way lower so walking at night is nice
favorite month? Tied between December and February. December is Christmas and my sister and Beethoven’s birthdays (they share one), and February is my birth month.
who was the last person you cried in front of? Campus public safety I think. I was having a panic attack at like 4 am in the lounge and someone called public safety to make sure I was all right and they found me bawling, hyperventilating, rocking back and forth, and ripping a newspaper to shreds. They were a little confused to say the least haha
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bitchfitch · 3 years
Prince Art Fight resource
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currently Prince mostly exists as concept art and half finished 3d models >> so this is all i really have for him. on the images front
the following is an excerpt from a no longer canon/ old draft that gets his vibes across fairly well:
Lowell rounded the corner, and saw nothing in the dark alley way beyond.
No masked man, no trash cans, or crates, just a bare alley. That in of itself was suspicious. Why would the alley have been cleared out like this? Lowell's hand strayed to grip of his pistol, his blood was thundering in his ears as the sounds of the nearly empty street behind him melded with the soft grited sound of his footsteps.
A shape stepped from the darkness as a light turned on, back lighting them and blinding Lowell. The prince giggled as he stepped forward, but the sound was wrong, the footsteps were coming from behind him, not in front of him.
He turned, drawing his gun in the instant it took him to react.
Lowell sucked in a breath as he saw the barrel of his weapon land less than an inch from the smooth plastic of The Prince's mask. Lowell's hand shook, as the prince bowed his head to lightly tap the front of his mask against the barrel.
The light bonk of metal on plastic would have been comedic if not for the dread running through Lowell's veins.
"Hello, Cailean Lowell," his voice was softer than Lowell had expected it to be, and he pronounced Lowell's name correctly without having to be coached, "It's nice to meet you finally, I heard you've been looking for me?"
Lowell lowers his gun. His finger had been on the trigger, one twitch and he would have been no better than his coworkers.
He speaks without thinking, "Are you The Prince, or is your name just Prince?" he momentarily considers turning the gun on himself.
The masked man cocks his head, the huff that rattles through the modulator sounds just slightly amused, "It's just Prince, i don't know where the 'The' came from, but it felt to late to start correcting people,"
Lowell nodded lamely. He had a few scripts he used when speaking to new people. Rules of engagement and guides to keep him from looking as socially incompetent as he often was. He had absolutely no idea to which to use with Prince.
"Hm, does the cat have your tongue Hound Dog? If its if your earlier remark was not what you wanted it to be. just know that it's going to be nice to work with someone who actually knows my name," he put his hands in the pokets of his jacket and rocked back on the edge of his heels, looking as at peace and confident as could be,
"Sorry, I'm just not exactly sure what to do in this sort of situation," he finally thought to reholster his weapon, and did so hurriedly and awkwardly.
"Well then just let me be your guide. Let's start over, ok?" he stuck out his hand "It's nice to meet you Detective, I'm Prince,"
Cailean smiled nervously as he took the smaller hand in his, shaking it as he said "Hello, I'm Cailean Lowell, its… This has been a long time coming hasn't it?"
Prince huffs again as he takes his hand back, Lowell can tell it's almost an laugh. He wonders why Prince doesn't laugh fully.
"It has been, Now come inside we have a lot to talk about,"
La Lunch was usually a very hipster establishment, with reclaimed wood nailed artfully to the wallsvand those uncomfortable metal chairs, edison bulbs on low hanging cords, Lowell actually appreciated those, on cold winter mornings the heat they emitted was a godsend.
But, that's not what La Lunch was today.
All but one table had been pushed along the walls with their chairs stacked neatly on top of them. Rich red and gold fabric was draped artfully over the legs of the chairs, making them look something between a palace decoration and a circus tent.
the sole table with two chairs in the center had small battery operated tea lights scattered across the center with two place settings.
Lowell marveled for a moment at the set up, and everything else about this encounter so far, it was all so… Funny. Like a joke or a harmless prank was playing out around him, and not like he was sitting down with a man wanted in connection to multiple murders, disappearances, and robberies. His nerves were prickling at the back of his mind but he was still comfortable in this situation.
He took his seat as Prince disappeared into the kitchen for a moment. When he returned a moment later he was carrying a plate with a slightly burnt steak and some undercooked veggies.
"I have never once claimed cooking as a strong suit, but i hope this will do," he chirps as he sets it down in front of Lowell,
Lowell bit his tongue before he could offer to tutor him, "Why are you doing this?" He reminded himself to be suspicious, Prince worked on misdirection and and subtle tricks, Lowell absolutely should not trust any food he made
"You know what they say," Prince sighed as he took his seat across from Lowell, "The fastest way to a mans heart is between the fourth and fifth rib, but a close second is through the stomach," he gestured with one hand as he leaned his chin on the palm of the other.
"Ah," Lowell regarded him cautiously, he had to pick his next words carefully, "Should i take that to mean you wont be letting me leave alive?"
Prince froze, "Yeah, i worded that badly. You can leave at any point, and i promise the food isn't intentionally poisoned. I don't intend to hurt you,"
"Intentionally poisoned?"
"Like i said, I'm not a good cook," he huffed that non laugh.
Lowell couldnt help but smile a little. Maybe it was Prince's small size that just made him cute? Or was it the way he over emphasized all his motions to make his body language reflect what a facial expression normally would? The soft voice and easy charm probably played a part in it.
"Prince, why did you ask me hear? You know im looking to arrest you, right?" He hesitated for a second before pulling his handcuffs from his pocket and setting them on the table,
Prince froze as soon as the cuffs came into view, he turned stiff and his tone carried barely contained nerves, a near 180 from a moment ago. "Yes, but you haven't yet. And i know i intrigue you," he took a moment to force himself to take a breath, Lowell hadnt been prone to panic attacks in many years but he still recognized the symptoms, "I can help you, and I think we could work well together,"
Lowell had never heard of Prince having such dramatic reactions, or even having any fears. he briefly considered putting the cuffs away, but he needed to know more, and it seemed they gave him a modicum of power in this situation, "What could you need from me?" he tried to pretend he didn't notice the change
"Smart muscle," he replied his voice back to being that cool neutral but his posture still tense and nervous, "You were very close to finding me on your own, not many could say that detective. I would like that sort of analytic mind on my side." he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, still trying to present calm confidence, "And you're big."
"Should I take offense to that?" Lowell cracks a smile, guilt is starting to eat at him, Prince hadn't flinched at a gun in his face but a pair of handcuffs has him this scared. What was going on in his head? Why was it the cuffs that got him?
"No, Its actually a very nice trait. A few of my… roudier clients have started to key into the fact that I'm not very big, and i make a point of being unarmed." he cocks his head "I don't particularly like it when people try to push me around. Having a fellow your size at my back would probably get them to settle down,"
Lowell nods, he isn't really considering it is he? Is it the guilt? "I… will consider it." Prince perks up a little, "But, I want answers first."
Prince slowly taps one of his claws against his mask's chin, Lowell had wondered what they were made of but the sharp metallic sound answered his question, "how about this? you can ask me as many questions as you like, and while I may not answer all of them, i will always tell you the truth when i do. Does that work?"
"Only if you give me a reason for not answering."
"Fine, i will not be specific if i dont want to," he holds out his hand, "Deal?"
Lowell shakes it with a nod. "Why are you scared of handcuffs?" its a quick and easy question to start off with.
"You'll most likely be finding out latter tonight whether i want you to or not, until then I'm passing on this one, i dont want to get into it right now," he settles back into his seat, "But, now that youve told me you know i dont like them. Put them away." his tone turned sharp enough to nick Lowell's confidence.
"Of course, sorry," he quickly shooves them back in his pocket, "Sorry, What do you mean ill be finding out later tonight?"
"This is an interview, and before anything becomes official id like to take you on a little practical test."
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avaliveradio · 5 years
9.2 New Music Monday Release Radar with Jacqueline Jax Mixed Genre Playlist
Explore some exciting new music from creators all over the world recently discovered by our host Jacqueline Jax as she searches the far corners of the globe for talented songwriters and music creators who are telling their truth to bring the listener a unique experience. This show offers everything for fans of New Music from Classical Composers, Rock, Synth to Acoustic Folk Songwriter styles that speak volumes through great song writing. You’ll love the lyrics and unique music we have just discovered for this segment.  
Listen to the show across all broadcasts:
SUBSCRIBE to our broadcast here: www.wavve.link/avaliveradio
The Anchor Fm page : https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio/episodes/8-12-New-Music-Monday-Release-Radar-with-Jacqueline-Jax-e4u5os
iHeartRadio station page : https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-AVA-Live-Radio-Musi-29336730/
The Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/66mt0DJmsJXtOgZbuoMTRx?si=LYnez8dUTzi7mjM8FJIKEw
Artist: Labán
New Release: Acércate
Genre: Pop, singer-songwriter
Located in: : Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Acércate is a song about an intense but short relationship that left the artist asking for more. It is the sweetness of pain. It is part of the upcoming album Todos Somos Dueños de Aquí.
The principle of respect for human life is part of the album’s concept and a central idea. Therefore, each of the songs is associated with a vital part of the human body. The function of each part is related to the song’s intention. This is the fourth single from the album.
Musically, it leans towards Jazz, Pop, RnB, Funk, and Rock. The lyrical content goes from protest against corruption, impunity, extreme income inequality and violence to frustration and existential crisis to love relationships and friendship.
A new trumpet funky tune, "Feel the Distance" will be the fifth single and it will come shortly after this one. We have a short but amazingly cool tour in certain cities of Mexico and the US will be announced after the release of the album, soon.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/1iSJ17cAQFOlXvFimf3PEb?si=vDfQBlOFQHeKwPCmn1VeSg https://www.reverbnation.com/labán/song/31066116-acrcate https://www.instagram.com/elbuenlaban https://twitter.com/elbuenlaban https://www.facebook.com/elbuenlaban
Artist: Chris Barclay
New Release: New York (I'm On Fire)
Genre: Rock, Metal, Guitar Shred
Located in: : Auckland, New Zealand ”I would love to be a solo artist traveling the world and also be available to be a session guitar player for anyone who wants me to bring some zing in the studio or on stage. Both are my dreams. I carry a card in my pocket with a statement written on it to remind me of my dream. "I am so happy and grateful that I am a professional guitarist performing around the world making a million dollars every year." Pretty big dream.” Technique wise I am influenced mostly by alternate pickers like Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Morse, and John Petrucci. Style wise today I enjoy the use of Modal approaches like Steve Vai and Joe Satriani with Neo-Classical touches here and there.
I am a guitarist in the vein of Steve Van, Joe Satriani, Richie Kotzen, and Yngwie Malmsteen. My heroes are all highly skilled on their instruments. My music is made up of both song and instrumental music-based Progressive, Rock, Metal, NeoClassical Country Rock and Pop.
I have immersed myself in the guitar technique and I strive to cater to audiences who appreciate that same world. We are the guitar players, the musicians, the rockers and rock anthem lovers.
New York (I'm On Fire) is a little departure from my other releases. It is a song written when I first visited New York City. I was blown away by the energy of the city and it seemed that it was indeed the center of the universe. NYC seemed to me to be the ultimate metaphor for success, chasing dreams and where anything seems possible. This is what the song is about.
Chasing dreams, getting noticed, and the fire inside to be part of all the energy in the USA which has fuelled my obsession with this country in my previous work. LA and NYC in particular. I have crammed into ‘New York (I’m On Fire)’ power chord melodic anthem choruses, Vai and Malmsteen inspired guitar solos, and the major hook arpeggio came to me when walking around Times Square, staring up into the sunshine in a hot June sky, it arrived in my consciousness.
I rushed back to my hotel then recorded it on my Mac Book and my Fender Stratocaster. I knew there was a song in this when I got back home to New Zealand. There is certainly a little tip of the hat to Slash and Guns and Roses Sweet Child of Mine in the guitar hook. I wrote two pieces of music from this visit, the other that became a neo-classical Instrumental ‘The Freedom Fire and Love Of America’
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/chrisbarclay/song/29943877-new-york-im-on-firehttps://open.spotify.com/album/6FCkjAKZZjOw2OZPhi0TKW https://twitter.com/chrisbarclaynet https://www.facebook.com/chrisbarclaymusic https://www.instagram.com/chrisbarclaynet http://chrisbarclay.net https://www.youtube.com/user/chrisbarclay1
Artist: A Permanent Shadow
New Release: Fool
Genre: Indie, electronic, rock, synth pop, eighties
Located in: : Barcelona, Spain
A Permanent Shadow Releases 80's Synth Rock Single 'Fool' ahead of their New Album Launch coming up this year. ‘Fool’ was written after the terrorist attacks in our chosen hometown of Barcelona in Summer 2017.
We wrote this song after the terrorist attacks in our chosen hometown of Barcelona in Summer 2017. Lyrically, Fool is a plea for tolerance, open-mindedness and freedom of mind. We are nobody's 'Fool' and nobody ever should be. 'Fool' is the second single by A Permanent Shadow and will be released on August 30. Our first single ‘Empty’ got great feedback, and we are looking forward to 'Fool' getting some reaction. Both singles serve to herald the arrival of our debut album Songs of Loss which will be out on September 20.
The claim for this record is "45 years in 45 minutes" as we pack all our experience as people and as musicians in this record. It is music made from the heart but with a bit of brain as our lyrics are not the usual pop-rock stuff. We sing about losing your dignity, drifting through life without direction, getting rid of your former self, struggling with the passing of time or seeing your life fade away due to illness.
Happy-go-lucky it ain't, but people of a certain age and experience will understand.
LINKS:  www.facebook.com/apermanentshadow www.twitter.com/apermanentshad1 www.instagram.com/apermanentshadow
Artist: Henderson & Hemmerling
New Release: Follow The Light
Genre: Folk
Located in: Oshawa ON, Canada
This is a retro-sounding folk song in the style of Emmylou Harris, Joan Baez, Judy Collins about reuniting with a loved one after a long separation. It is about the journey homeward and the spiritual connection of two souls. Intricate acoustic guitar work, piano, bass, and beautiful 5 part vocal harmonies.
This release highlights our use of real instruments as opposed to synthesized sounds, a direction we have followed from the beginning. The pure, natural sound of early folk with a strong emphasis on melody, harmony, and lyrics. Our songs tell stories and incorporate symbolism and meaning.
We are currently recording a new album, keep an eye out for it.
LINKS:  https://soundcloud.com/user-641177893/follow-the-light https://hendersonhemmerling.bandcamp.com https://lornehemmerling.wixsite.com/henderson-hemmerling https://twitter.com/HendersonHemmer https://www.facebook.com/HendersonHemmerling
Artist: Humberto Castellano
New Release: Hall Of Heroes (Album)
Genre: Classical - Contemporary
Located in: Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The debut album, "Hall of Heroes" contains six different stories expressed in music. Every song represents a very specific story, not a situation, but a sequence of scenes.
As you close your eyes and listen to the music, every turn in the melody represents a turn in that sequence. These are epic orchestral songs.
I'm creating pieces that sound powerfully emotional, like those of Hans Zimmer, but also, at the same time keeping the classical touch, like John Williams does. This album is, as you might guess, about stories in which the characters struggle to do which is correct. But there's also romanticism, pain, desolation, fear... hope. All those elements make a story complete.
Before the love for music arrived in my life, since I was a kid I already enjoyed telling stories, of any kind and to everybody. Later, I got into the musical world and crossed through different genres. But I always felt music as a world isolated from all of the rest of the things I loved... until, by coincidence (or not), I came across with three instrumental songs that changed my world entirely: 'Pirates of The Caribbean', by Hans Zimmer; 'Heart of Courage', by Thomas Bergersen; and 'Arrival', by Steve Jablonsky.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/humbertocastellano https://twitter.com/HJCastellano https://www.facebook.com/HJCastellano https://instagram.com/hjcastellano
Artist: John O'Brien
New Release: Happy To Love
Genre: Pop
Located in: St Augustine Beach, Florida
This was a song that came about rather purposefully. I was scheduled to go to a recording session to record a couple of demos and I had written a fairly sad song that I was going to record.
I decided that I had to write a really happy song and spent time trying to figure out what happiness actually is to me.
LINKS: See video: https://youtu.be/_R0h2KB89B8 Website: https://johnobriensmusic.com Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/65h0Nqw8jzL435OpjvJYuB?si=uNYdmgMVQAORlrcZymQHfQ Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/track/108168354 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/john-obrien/06-john-obrien-happy-to-love?in=john-obrien/sets/the-love-you-need-album EPK: http://johnobriensmusic.com/gallery YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzP4-jgRZ1ofrEaKgQWX4w
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnobriensmusic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnobriensmusic
Artist: Cabela and Schmitt
New Release: The Dreamer
Genre: Soul
Located in: Colorado and Nebraska USA
Dreams and procrastination. Funny how we would like to do certain things, but not bad enough to put the work into them to make them happen. Taking the easier softer road always leads to nothing getting done. And doing nothing is... just a dream.
We have so much music we want to share with everyone willing to listen. Decades in the making we are now dedicated to fulfilling our mission.
Our newest single Dancing Shoes is officially dropped 8/23/2019. Our next single Thankful will be out 8/20/2019. The 'Dancing Shoes' album will go out on 10-1-2019 with a few more singles in between. We are so grateful for all those involved in helping us get the music out there and to all the people who listen and enjoy it.
LINKS:  www.cabelaandschmitt.com https://open.spotify.com/track/1H9INRRrv17Po7xL8EiCuV?si=AAz9gCzpRy-u1xOFZEZq_g @CabelaSchmitt https://www.facebook.com/cabelaschmittmusic https://www.instagram.com/cabelaandschmitt https://soundcloud.com/user-473833568
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