#im excited for the preview posts later today and i hope you are too
10 years ago Today...
I joined Tumblr. 💕
Okay, I’m not actually sure if today is my blog’s birthday, but it’s the anniversary of my very first post. January 23rd, 2012. I’m more active now than I ever was thanks to the Criminal minds fandom, I’ve reached 600 followers, dabbled in about a dozen fandoms, come and gone and come back again, but I’m still here and happy to be Tumblr Old™. 
I wish I could do a big celebration with giveaways and prompt requests and such, because I love and adore you all so so much -- especially for the massive support I’ve gotten the past year for my writing. But I’m pretty sure I still have unanswered prompts from my LAST giveaway that’s about to be coming up on a year now.
So today, in celebration, my queued posts are going to be a mix of reblogs of my greatest hits and personal favorites (and after solidifying the lineup I'll tell you right now most of them are HC asks and basically all of it is HotchReid lol) and some previews of projects to come this year. Moodboards, playlists, quote and vibes, hopefully it’ll be a fun time for all and you get excited for what’s to come this year. I’ve got them scheduled for the top of the hour every hour -- so let's pray the schedule system works today. XD click on #katys10yearcelebration to find everything :)
Preview/sneak peek posts will be at:
12:00pm EST: Summer Project
05:00pm EST: Late Spring Project
07:00pm EST: Early Spring Project
But seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything this past year, and all the years before. I never really got the hang of Tumblr until I found the CM fandom, but Tumblr has always been here for me to return to no matter how long I strayed away. Here's to another year of great content and wonderful friends. Love you awesome nerds 💞
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((update: my real Tumblr Birthday is actually January 21st! Just got the email xD but I've already had this planned for like a week so it's still happening Sunday.))
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moostaronce · 3 years
Almost Anything
Request: Hey, I loved both your dreamcatcher and loona scenario. Is it okay to request a loona scenario where the members find out yeojin's getting bullied at school and then the next day the 13th member who goes to the same school but had no idea yeojinie was being bullied, returns home early with a busted lip and a cut on her forehead. Apparently, she had fought yeojin's bullies and got in trouble. And can we see a little preview of the fight. If not it's okay. ☺️
Platonic Pairing: Yeojin x 13th member!Reader
A/N: Sure I hope you like it.
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When Hyejoo dropped out of school you and Yerim decided to stay, but Yerim goes to a different school than you and Yeojin. Originally you went to Yerim's school but decided to switch to Yeojin's so that you could spend more time with your maknae. You hardly see each other during school hours but you come and go together every day. Over time, Yeojin seems to withdraw from you a little. Urging you to leave earlier than her and avoiding your eyes when you or the members ask what's wrong.
The members have been looking to you for answers, but you don't have any to give, which frustrates you to no end. She used to tell you all about her day on the way home, but now when you do go home together she's much quieter than you've ever seen her.
Today as usual you feel Haseul burning a hole in the side of your head. Neither of you speaks up or says anything so the tension only rises until you look at her dead in the eye. Haseul can tell from the look in your eyes that it's killing you too, maybe even more than anyone else. So she says nothing. She sighs and pats your shoulder before getting up to finish packing Yerim, Yeojin, and your lunches. She has always insisted on making your lunch so that she knows your eating. Though Yeojin always seems starved when she comes home.
"Yeojin-ah! Yerim-ah! Come on you two, you only have 10 minutes to eat your breakfast." Haseul calls out to her other younger members.
The two come running down the stairs giggling together when they both beam at you, already sitting and eating your cereal. You give them both your best smile even though it's a bit forced at this point. It's always like this. Yeojin smiles in the morning when she wakes up, but the moment you get in the van together her frown comes out and she doesn't talk at all. Not today though, today you were getting to the bottom of this no matter what.
Fifteen minutes later you and Yeojin are hugging Yerim goodbye before heading to your usual van for school while she heads to hers. Yeojin is abnormally quiet again but you don't try to push her. You do your best to keep an eye on her throughout the day when you realize you never gave her the lunch Haseul handed to you for her. With your teacher's permission, you make your way to the class you know Yeojin should be in but when you look in she isn't there. You check the bathroom near her class and hear voices so you go in as quietly as possible and stand against the wall by the door and out of sight.
"Come on seriously? I thought that dumb unnie of yours makes you lunch every day, now we're gonna be hungry you idiot." A girl you recognize as Park Hyemi, a girl in Yeojin's class, standing over your maknae with two others you don't recognize. What's clear is that they're much bigger than Yeojin and she looks uncomfortable, scared even.
Yeojin doesn't respond she just keeps her head down and does her best not to cry.
"What's the matter Yeojin? Why don't you call for your precious Y/n unnie to come to save you? We'd love to beat on her too." This seems to spark something in Yeojin when she looks up and scoffs. An instant reaction to the mention of you and a newfound confidence that proves she believes the next thing that comes out of her mouth.
"I haven't told Y/n unnie about you for your own sakes."
"Oh? And why is that shrimp for brains." Yeojin shrugs her shoulders and doesn't hesitate.
"Because I'm afraid she'd kill you."
They laugh at her and shove her in the stall behind her, intending to start beating on her again. You open the door and call Yeojin's name to create the illusion that you're just arriving and walk in with her lunchbox and a phony smile plastered on your face.
"Yeojin-ah?" You walk deeper into the bathroom to find the three girls lined up next to each other and smiling nervously at you. With Yeojin stepping out of the stall looking a little disheveled but relieved to see you.
"Unnie? What are you doing here?" Yeojin breathes out with worry. Her eyes keep shifting to the three girls doing their best to look as innocent as possible.
"I accidentally stole your lunch, kiddo. You wanna eat together since I came all this way to find you?" Her tiny face lights up immediately.
"Yes unnie, let's go!" Yeojin turns to you and tries to push you out of the bathroom and you can't help but chuckle.
"Wait Yeojinnie, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" The girls perk up and extend their hands to you with excitement that makes you want to vomit on all three of them. They introduce themselves as Hyemi, Doyoung, and Minha. You just smile an ominously sweet smile at them while looking each in the eye. Their hands are left hanging in the space between you.
"Well. I hope to meet you all again soon. Please take care of my Yeojinnie," You pause, tilting your head to the side with what they would only describe as a terrifying smile on your face. "Or. Else."
They all pale remembering Yeojin's words from earlier. You turn and give Yeojin a genuine smile and put your hands on her cheeks, smoothing them a little.
"Let's go eat, okay?"
Yeojin nods at you and takes your hand in hers as you leave the bathroom together but the moment you two are out of the bathroom your face changes and your body stiffens but you don't let go of Yeojin's hand. You actually pull her closer into your side like you don't want anyone else touching her and she knows that you saw more than you originally let on.
"Unnie-" She begins but you cut her off immediately.
"Not another word until we get outside Yeojin. But believe we will be discussing this."
The smaller girl quiets but walks closer to your side than usual. The truth of the matter was she had been dealing with these girls for months now, always wishing she could reach out to you for help but she knows you too well. She's seen how heated you get just at antis posting bad things about your members online. She knows that you value her like a real little sister and she was more afraid of what you'd do if you found out. You get outside and under the tree, you two used to eat under all the time before she started withdrawing from you.
At first, you don't speak you just open both of your lunches and add about half of yours to hers so that she had more to eat than you. You crack open the special chopsticks that you bought her for her last birthday with her name engraved on them and hand them to her with her extra full lunch. Yeojin tries to protest you giving up so much of your food but the look on your face leaves no room for any argument.
The two of you eat in silence but it's comfortable for her. This is the first time in months that she feels safe. The first time in months that she's actually gotten to eat one of Haseul's specially made lunches and in peace. The emotion builds up for her so much that she doesn't even notice the tears streaming down her face until she feels you wiping them, away. She looks up at you and sees the neutrality of your features but the rage burning behind your eyes.
"How long has this been going on and why haven't you told anyone?"
"About 3 months. I didn't want anyone to worry about me. I feel like a burden already as it is. I feel like I annoy you guys all the time."
"First of all, that's too long for us to go to the same school and you not tell me. I thought we were closer than that Yeojin. Second, you could never really be annoying. We love you Yeojin. And you should know that I would do almost anything for you."
"And that's what I'm scared of! I don't want you getting in trouble because of me."
"I won't. I'm going to get in trouble because of me." Yeojin furrows her brows and pauses eating, chopsticks mid-air. When she goes to speak you hold your hand up to quiet her.
"So here's what's going to happen. Tomorrow you don't feel good. I'll back you up, whatever it takes but you aren't coming to school tomorrow and I'll handle this my way. Understood?"
"But unnie you can't-" Her protests fall on deaf ears.
"Do you understand me Im Yeojin?" Your voice never raises but the look on your face tells her that there is no changing your mind anymore.
The rest of the day Yeojin manages to dodge her bullies until it's time to go home and they corner her in the classroom after everyone else leaves. But they don't know that your already a step ahead and before they can even speak you're in the doorway sweetly calling Yeojin's name.
"Kiddo, let's go. The unnies and I have a surprise for you waiting at the dorm." You reach out your hand for her and she smiles genuinely at you for the 3rd time today. It's nice to see.
Yeojin takes you and allows you to put your arm around her shoulder when she approaches you. You smile that same scary smile at the three girls looking dumbfounded as you two walk away. This time you don't change your demeanor or try to scold her. You just happily talk with your maknae all the way home.
When you arrive home together talking and laughing arm in arm the members are pleasantly surprised. Almost immediately you have to go to a schedule and all throughout nobody misses the way Yeojin clings to you. More than she used to before her attitude changed a few months back. When she finally lets you go to use the bathroom everyone turns to you with raised eyebrows and you just give them a knowing smile.
If you tell them now, they may try to stop you from doing what you're planning. You know full well what you intend is wrong and you know that the consequences will be heavy, but you can't bring yourself to care. The thought of those girls pushing Yeojin around and hurting her in any capacity has your better judgment going into hibernation.----------------------
The next morning, you lie to Haseul through your teeth about how Yeojin seems sick and she plays along. Haseul doesn't question it because you've never lied to her before. So you go on your way to school alone. You wait until the period before lunch to skip your class and wait outside of Yeojin's class for the three troublemakers to come out.
Back home Yeojin gets antsy waiting around. You haven't responded to her texts and she can only put on the sick charade for so long. Haseul is the first to notice and then Hyejoo.
"Why do you look so worried?" Hyejoo asks her younger friend.
That's all it takes she gathers everyone in the living room before she starts telling the yesterday's events at school. Meanwhile, her class lets out and the three girls you were waiting for stop right in their tracks when they see you leaning against the wall with your arms crossed. The thing is they may be bigger than Yeojin but they aren't bigger than you. Not to say your maknae is defenseless but you and Hyejoo are known for your strength for a reason.
"So what was it you said yesterday? You'd love to beat on me too?"
They all grow a little paler when you push off the wall and stand in front of them.
"Hit me, if you've got the guts."
So Hyemi does. she punches you square in the mouth, instantly busting your lip. You stumble back a little but you're quick to stand solid again. You don't bother wiping away the blood on your lip, opting to smile at them instead.
This time all three girls come after you but you're quick. One thing nobody but your members knew was that you, like Jiwoo, are a third-degree black belt in taekwondo and working on your fourth. You catch Doyoung right behind the ear with a roundhouse kick that has her down and disoriented while you dodge Hyemi and Minha's efforts to hit you. They aren't prepared for the power in your legs or the speed that you have in general when you sweep both of theirs legs from under them and stomp your foot down next to their heads.
"If you ever bother my Yeojinnie again. We're going to have serious problems, you get me?"
They nod and stay down as you walk yourself to the principal's office. He takes one look at you and gets concerned but he doesn't have to wait for an explanation. You tell him how they bullied Yeojin and so you returned the favor. He ended up giving you 3 days of out-of-school suspension. You're smart so you saved yourself a lot of trouble when you let them hit you first. Even smarter for provoking the, right in front of a camera for proof purposes. So you were sent home.
When you got back to the dorm Yeojin was wrapping up her story to the members and they all looked at you with jaws on the floor at the blood from your lip dripping onto your uniform. Yeojin runs up to you with a tissue and wipes some blood from your forehead too, brushing a wound that you didn't even know was there. You reach for your forehead and chuckle at the fact that one of them, managed to scratch you.
"Um..what's so funny Y/n? Look at you! You're a mess." Haseul is the first to address you with words.
"Don't worry about it unnie, I'm fine. I am suspended for 3 days but it was worth it."
"What was worth it?" Jinsol asks from her position on the couch.
You don't look at the unnies because you know they are staring daggers at you. Instead, you look to Yeojin and wrap her in a tight hug.
"I took care of it." You're loud enough for everyone to hear you and they put two and two together. Yeojin told the members that you seemed to have a plan but they weren't expecting this. There is just silence in the room as you hug Yeojin with all your might.
"Did you win?" Finally, someone speaks relieving the tension a little as everyone is surprised to see Jiwoo speak up.
"Of course I won unnie. This was just necessary damage, that's all." You chuckle when Yeojin hits your arm lightly. Jiwoo smiles and high-fives you. "That's my girl."
"So who's going to explain this to Yerim when she gets home?" Haseul asks. You and Yeojin look at each other and shout simultaneously.
"Not it!"
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Dancer Preview
About six months ago I teased a Prompt I was REALLY excited about. WELL I would like to share the FIRST chapter of that with you! It will be posted to Ao3 soon-ish. Until then... this is what I’m calling Dancer (for now.) Hope you enjoy.
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Clarke Griffin sat in her Painting between Realism and Abstract Class, trying her best to keep her eyes opened. It was ten in the morning and she, Raven and Harper had been out till nearly three AM. It was the last week of school before spring break so parties were already happening. Nia, her professor whom was one of those just call me by my first name types, was going over their final projects.
“Any questions?” She asked.
Harper raised her hand.
“So any form of movement?” Harper asked.
“Yes, but just one and only one model” Nia nodded.
“But multiple paintings?” Harper clarified.
“At least three, no more than five” Nia answered.
“Got it… dibs on Raven,” She leaned over and whispered to Clarke.
“What? No fair!”  Clarke huffed, she had been banking on going with Raven to her MMA class and using her as her model.
“I already asked her anyways, you can ask Octavia” Harper said.
“She’s my best friend!” Clarke wined.
“You like O” Harper said “she does jiu jitsu as well as MMA, it will be cool.”
“Why don’t you do O?” Harper asked.
“Because” was all Harper would say.
“Fine” Clarke sighed.
“Well, then I am done here. You can either stay and sketch or go” Nia said, “Have a great vacation I will see you in two weeks.”
“Two weeks!” Harper said, “I’m so excited.”
“Me too” Clarke said. “Though I still have one more class today… and two tomorrow.”
“I don’t think you do today, Jaha isn’t here anymore.” Harper said as they walked out of the room.
“No?” Clarke asked.
“Nope, big sign on the door… he left after his intro to drawing class, the advance classes are cancelled.”
“Thank god I need a nap, can I go back to Ludlow with you?”
“I’m going to go to the library” Harper said.
“Can I go back there and nap?” Clarke asked. “I don’t want to go all the way back uptown.”
“Yeah no problem, I will be back in a few hours.”
“Sweet, wake me when you get there?” Clarke smiled sweetly.
“Kay, see you.” Harper said.
Ludlow was one of the on campus housing buildings and Harper had a single. Clarke often hung out there when she had time in between classes or when Raven was gone for the night.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket.
Raven: Are we going to Grounder tonight?
Grounder was a bar that was near her and Raven’s apartment, they often hung out there.
Raven: 2 for 1 cause it’s ladies night!
Clarke: Sounds good to me Im currently getting ready to nap at Harpers… by the way… why did you tell her you would be her subject for our painting final?!?! IM YOUR best friend Rae!
Raven: She asked me, I didn’t know it was something you had to do too. I can tell her no…
Clarke: No it’s fine. I will just see if Octavia will do it…
Raven: I’m sure she will…
Clarke: I think she will too. But… im just more comfortable with you. Yeah she’s one of my good friends now but I was her friend threw you first… I don’t want it to be weird.
Raven: You’re not proposing, just asking if you can paint her.
Raven: … Ohhhhh I see it now, that does sound a little creepy.
Raven: Can I paint you like one of my French girls Octavia? Hahahaha.
Clarke: Going to sleep now. Bye ass.
Raven: When you coming home?
Clarke: I will be home when you get home.
Raven: I will be home at 2:15 just so you know.
Clarke: Check. goodnight… I love you.
Raven: Yeah yeah…
Raven: I love you too Whore 
Clarke walked into Grounder that night, she had gotten there a little after Raven and Harper.
“Hey” Clarke said walking to the booth where her friends were.
“Lots of people here tonight” Raven said.
“Yeah” Harper said. “Newbies it looks like.”
“Spring break I think” Clarke said, “Bringing a lot of people in…”
“Hey people” Octavia said walking over with her arm in a sling.
“What did you do?” Raven asked her.
“Oh Lincoln threw me against a wall…” the tall dark haired girl said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Ya know, you really shouldn’t justify relationship abuse” Raven shook her head with a laugh.
“Shut up” Octavia said. “We were in the gym sparring and he flipped me and I twisted and landed against the wall, it’s my Collarbone.”
“Broken?” Clarke asked.
“Yep” Octavia nodded.
“Jesus and you’re here?” Harper laughed.
“It doesn’t hurt that bad” Octavia shook her head brushing it off.
“How long are you out of the ring?” Raven asked.
“Like a month or so, probably. Maybe more…” Octavia shrugged, “Fucking pisses me off so much.”
“Well maybe you can’t paint her like one of your French girls” Raven said to Clarke.
Harper laughed so hard she almost spit her drink out.
“What?” Octavia asked.
“It’s for a final project; we have to paint movement in some form. Harper stole Raven so I was going to ask you.” Clarke explained.
“I’m sorry” Octavia said. “I’m sure Lincoln or Indra would be down, oh or Lexa do you know Lex?”
Clarke shook her head.
“Yeah she’s my best friend, ballerina and shit too, that could be cool to paint, right?” Octavia said.
“Yeah cool and not at all weird to ask a complete stranger to be your model” Clarke laughed.
“Lexa is gorgeous” Raven said, “You should totally paint her.”
“You know her?” Clarke asked.
“Yeah she takes jiu jitsu with us sometimes” Raven sipped her drink.
“A ballerina takes jiu jitsu?” Harper asked.
“Yeah, it’s good for her coordination and shit” Octavia said. “She’s coming tomorrow you should come, I will introduce you.”
“Okay, sounds good” Clarke said.
Lexa just finished her last ballet class of the day, “Great class guys” Dianna said as Lexa walked over to her stuff and grabbed her water bottle.
“What are you doing tonight?” Becca asked taking a drink of her water as well.
“Nothing, going home showering and going to bed.”
“I hear it's ladies night at Grounder, wanna go?”
“No, I have class at--”
“Nine AM, I know I am in all the same classes you know” Becca smiled. “You could stand to have a little fun Lexa.”
“I do have fun” Lexa said. “Tomorrow I go to jiu jitsu.”
Becca just shook her head. Lexa had been a principal dancer at ABT for four years now and took it very seriously.
“You know, as long as I have been here I don’t think I have ever seen you let loose, not even a little” Becca said. “You don’t even take the contemporary class.”
“I don’t see the need for it” Lexa shrugged.
“It’s fun and another form of dance, just because it isn’t required or as disciplined as ballet” Becca said. “Let that hair down, Alexandria.”
Lexa just smiled, “I will see you in class tomorrow.”
She grabbed her dance bag and headed out the door. She couldn’t help it, it’s not that she didn’t want to make friends it was just… harder for her. She had always attributed it to the way she was raised, or wasn’t for the first part of her life. She grew up in a group home in San Francisco California until she was fourteen, that’s when her older sister Anya turned eighteen and was able to take guardianship of her. Anya and ballet were all she ever had; the friends part was harder for her, though she had a few close friends now that she lived in New York. Her best friend was Octavia Blake, whom she met through a jiu jitsu class she happened upon three years ago. Another instructor there named Indra, who was a few years older than she was, was also her friend, and now Octavia’s friend Raven, whom she liked pretty well so her circle was expanding. Since Costia though she just didn’t do much… going out.
“Hello” She said walking into her and Anya’s loft.
“Hi” Anya said, “How was dance?”
“Good, I took seven classes today.”
“Good lord Lexa, Why?” Anya laughed.
“I gotta keep in shape” Lexa shrugged. “We don’t have any performances we are working on right now, so we just take class all day... Anyhow, how was your day?”
“Good, I had court for an eight year old little girl who is getting placed permanently this week.” Anya told her.
“Wonderful” Lexa said opening the fridge.
“I made your dinner it’s in the oven keeping warm” Anya told her.
Lexa pulled the plate out of the oven, and removed the foil to see a piece of salmon, green beans and roasted sweet potatoes.
“Thank you,” Lexa said sitting down on the bar stool.
“Your welcome” Anya said.
Lexa’s phone beeped from her dance bag, “Do you want me to grab that for you?” Anya asked.
“If you don’t mind” Lexa nodded taking a bite of food.
Anya handed her the phone a moment later and she checked the message, it was from Octavia.
Octavia: Hey, my friend Clarke is in art school and she has to do her final project on Art and Movement or whatever… She was going to ask me but I broke my collarbone and am out for a month or so. I told her she should ask you since you do ballet and shit can I give her your number?
Lexa: Ballet and shit… Nice.
Lexa: What does she have to do, just draw me?
Octavia: Yeah, I think paint you dancing…
“That’s weird” Lexa said aloud.
“What is?” Anya asked.
“It was Octavia. Apparently a friend of hers has to do a final for Art School on movement and since O broke her collarbone she suggested she paint me.”
“That sounds pretty cool actually, to have someone paint you dancing,” Anya said.
“You don’t think it is… weird, I don’t know her” Lexa shrugged.
“I think you need to meet new people, Lex.”
Lexa thought about it for a moment then texted Octavia back.
Lexa: Sure you can give her my number, yeah.
Clarke crawled into bed around eleven thirty that night, she had decided not to stay out too late since the night before they had closed down the bar and she was exhausted. She put her phone on her nightstand and plugged it in, when she remembered Octavia had given her the number of that girl… Lexa. She grabbed her phone and found the number and sent her a text.
Clarke: Hi, this is Clarke Griffin. Octavia gave me your number.
She felt like she should have said more but didn’t know what to say, this way at least the girl had her info as well. She put her phone down and rolled over to close her eyes when her phone beeped.
Lexa: Hi Clarke, I am Lexa. It’s nice to… meet you … I guess… kinda.
Clarke: It’s nice to kinda meet you too. :) I hope I didn’t wake you…
Lexa: Nope, I was just stretching before bed.
Stretching, this girl was dedicated Clarke thought.
Clarke: Always on ballerina mode?
Lexa: I guess you could say that.
Clarke: How long have you been dancing?
She didn’t know why she kept the conversation going, but it felt… natural.
Lexa: Since I was eight, I have been with ABT for four years now.
Clarke: Wow… Octavia said you were a ballerina but I didn’t realize you were like a real ballerina and shit… ABT that’s a major company.
Lexa: Yes, yes it is. Ballet is kind of my job :)
Clarke: Well Im sure you’re amazing then, if you don’t have time for this I completely understand…
Lexa: I think I will, what all will it entail?
Clarke: I need to paint you dancing. So I would need to watch you dance… come to classes if possible… maybe even do some one on one things so I can sketch a bunch of stuff out pre-paint.
Lexa: That sounds doable.
Clarke: Great… do you want to meet for coffee tomorrow sometime to talk?
Lexa: I could do coffee, when are you free. I have a window between two and four PM, and then am available after seven.
Clarke: I have class till 1:30. so I could do 2… But I could also do later tomorrow night… Whatever you prefer.
Lexa: I’m done with jiu jitsu at seven.
Clarke: I can meet you there after and we can head to coffee or even dinner at that point? Raven is going to be there tomorrow… I think… so I’ll know where I’m going.
Lexa: You know Raven?
Clarke: Yes, She’s my best friend… since we were nine. You know Rae?
She knew she did, why did she ask that?
Lexa: Just threw Octavia and jiu jitsu, yes.
Clarke: Ohhhhh that makes sense.
Lexa: Okay, so I will see you tomorrow then.
Clarke: Sounds good.
Lexa: Okay well I should get to bed, I have ballet at nine tomorrow morning.
Clarke: Yeah… I have class at eight. See you tomorrow Lexa.
Lexa: Goodnight Clarke.
Lexa woke the next morning around six and went into the kitchen, Anya was up drinking a cup of coffee already, “Morning.”
“Morning” Lexa smiled.
“Ballet early?” Anya asked.
“Nine is class, but I am going to get there early and dance,” Lexa told her.
“Okay” Anya said.
“I won’t be home for dinner tonight” Lexa said pouring water into the tea kettle.
Anya just looked at her to continue.
“After jiu jitsu tonight I’m going to go to dinner with Clarke” Lexa said her name as if they had been friends always.
“Clarke?” Anya asked.
“Octavia’s friend, the art student.”
“You’re going to dinner?” Anya asked, “I thought she was going to paint you dancing…”
“She is” Lexa nodded, “But she asked if I wanted to go to coffee or dinner to talk about things.”
“When did you talk to her?”
“Last night, we texted before bed” Lexa told her.
“You texted her?” Anya asked with a look.
“Yes” Lexa nodded putting a slice of bread in the toaster. “What’s with you why are you acting all weird?”
“I’m not… I’m just well... glad.” Anya said.
“That I texted her, or that I am going to dinner with her?” Lexa asked.
“Both” Anya smiled, noting that Lexa was looking in the fridge. “I ate the half of avocado that was in there.”
Lexa shut the refrigerator and glared at her.
“Relax there is a new one” Anya pointed to the hanging fruit basket.
“Thank you” Lexa said walking over to the basket and rising up on her tiptoes to get it.
“Of course you had to relevé to get it” Anya laughed.
“I almost piqued to it, but ya know” Lexa said with a smirk.
“Too much for six am?”
“Maybe slightly” she shrugged.
“I’m surprised you aren’t in your leotard and tights already” Anya sipped her coffee.
“Too early” Lexa said mashing up the avocado and putting it on her toast. “I don’t want to get them all avocado-ey”
“I don’t think that’s a word dear sister” Anya laughed.
“Oh well” Lexa shrugged, “Do you know if my black leo is clean?”
“That narrows your question down to about three hundred leotards, Alexandria” Anya rolled her eyes.
“The new strappy one... I put it in the laundry room yesterday and you said ‘I will wash that for you’.”
“Then yes, it’s in the clean laundry basket at the foot of your bed” Anya said.
“You are the best!” Lexa said kissing her sisters cheek before she Chaîné turned to get a glass from the cupboard.
“I’m aware of that fact” Anya said. “I gotta shower and then get to the office; I will see you tonight then.”
“Yeah, I don’t know what time but not late though I am sure.”
“Have a good time Lexa, be a normal twenty four year old for once instead of a prima ballerina.”
Lexa just scoffed as Anya went up the stairs.
“WHY?” Raven yelled Clarke’s alarm went off.
“Because unlike you, I have classes today” Clarke said sitting up wiping the sleep from her eyes.
“Turn it off and lay back down and snuggle me back to sleep!” Raven wined.
Clarke wasn’t sure when Raven ended up in her bed, but she wasn’t surprised waking up beside her. Raven often ended up in her bed.
“Rae, I have to go to class!” Clarke said firmly, as she snuggled back in next to her.
“What are we doing tonight?” Raven asked yawning.
“I’m going to dinner with Lexa,” Clarke said.
“You are?” Raven asked.
“Yes, I texted her last night and we talked a little. We decided to go to dinner tonight after she’s done with jiu jitsu and talk more.”
“You like her!” Raven said.
“I don’t know her Raven, so I can hardly like her” Clarke laughed.
“Well you will, she is gorgeous and nice, she’s quiet though… very serious.”
“That doesn’t sound like my type at all” Clarke shook her head.
“You just wait and see” Raven smiled with her eyes closed.
Clarke kissed her forehead, “Okay crazy, we’ll see. But I gotta get up and get ready now.”
“Booo” Raven said.
“If you wanted a snuggle buddy you should’ve brought O back, you know I have class” Clarke said.
“She went to Lincoln’s” Raven mumbled.
“Well then we need to get you a snuggle buddy” Clarke said.
“I have you” Raven said.
“Well I have to go, if you’re still in bed in three hours then I will snuggle you more.”
“I will be” Raven informed her.
Clarke laughed, “Of course you will be.”
“Come get in bed with me when you get home?” Raven asked.
“Yes, love… Will do, Goodbye I love you.”
“Love you, butt head” Raven mumbled from underneath her blankets.
“Balancé, balance, pique…through, double pirouette, land then triple. You’re going to add that onto the combination we just did, have it?” Hannah asked the class.
Lexa loved barre and floor, it was her favorite class.
“Good” Hannah said, “group A on the floor first.” The music started and Hannah counted, “And five, six, seven, eight.”
Lexa absolutely loved everything about ballet, from the discipline down to the smallest movement, she felt free and control all at the same time when she danced.
“Becca, turn out!” Hannah hollered as they danced. “Shoulders down Bree.” “Very nice Lexa!”
The combination came to an end and Lexa walked off the floor as the other group walked onto it. She grabbed her water bottle off the ground by the bar taking a sip. Becca was leaned with her back against the ballet bar, and looked over to Lexa. “Want to go to TonDC tonight?”
“Can’t” Lexa whispered, not taking her eyes off the other girls. She wasn’t much for talking while in class and Becca knew that, but she didn’t care.  
“Why? Come on Lexa, you never do anything fun…”
“I told you I have jiu jitsu tonight” She said quietly. “Plus after I’m going out to dinner with… a friend.”
Sure Clarke wasn’t really a friend yet, but she more than likely would be, Lexa thought.
“Okay, well we need to make plans for this weekend” Becca said.
“I’ll see what I can do” Lexa nodded and then glanced to the wall to check the clock for the time. That’s when she saw her, standing there at the viewing window. Her stomach dropped, Costia. She knew she would have to see her after the breakup, whenever Costia came back to the city, but it always took her by surprise.
“Costia” Hannah smiled when she turned around and saw her, “Come in here.”
“How are you?” Hannah asked the girl.
“I’m well” Costia smiled.
“Great, are you here for the spring preview week?”
“Yes” She nodded. “Then back to Europe.”
Costia was selected as one of the principal dancers to go to Europe for four years, to preform and study there. It was a new program they were offering at ABT, and one of the main reasons their relationship had ended… Well That and the fact that Costia decided it would be fun to sleep with Maddie, another Lead at ABT, before they left.
“Come take class?” Hannah asked.
“I don’t have shoes or anything, but I’d love to watch…” Costia said eyeing Lexa whom was trying her best to avoid any sort of eye contact.
“That would be great, stay, sit.” Hannah said.
“Hey” Clarke said as she slid back into bed with Raven, who just as she promised, was in bed still when she got home.
“Hi” Raven rolled over and brushed the dark hair out of her face, so she could see Clarke.
“Today sucked” Clarke sighed.
“Oh no, why?”
“I will give you three guesses, and you more than likely won’t need the last two…”
“Why is he such a douchebag? What happened?” Raven sighed.
“He asked if he could come over here tonight…” Clarke rolled her eyes.
“The fuck… Why?!” Raven asked.
“Because he’s Finn… I mean really there is no other explanation necessary. I told him I wouldn’t be home, and then he said… well Rae will be right?”
“Um, yeah… no.” Raven scoffed. “Why did either of us sleep with him, ever?”
“I don’t know, and the fact that he got away with sleeping with the both of us for three weeks really still pisses me off” Clarke nearly growled.
“Right, he’s so proud of himself for it too, like he slept with best friends and we didn’t put it together for nearly a month!” Raven said.
Clarke snuggled into her best friends side and sighed. “So if he comes around here tonight while I’m gone, don’t let him in.”
“Eeww never,” Raven said “and I won’t be here.”
“Where are you going?”
To TonDC, Harper Octavia and I are going… You should meet us after you go to dinner with Lexa.”
“Maybe I will, I can see if she wants to come as well…”
Raven laughed, “Lexa won’t come to Ton!”
“Why?” Clarke asked.
“Because she’s Lexa, she doesn’t do things like that. She’s all ballet, seriously… jiu jitsu is her fun.”
“Well, that sounds like a challenge” Clarke said with an eyebrow wiggle.
“Clarke Abigail Griffin” Raven said. “I don’t think you can crack this one…”
“We’ll see” Clarke said.
Lexa had just gotten done with her class at two and booked it out of the studio while Hannah was talking to Costia, because the last thing she wanted to do was to have to stop and make small talk with her ex.
She got to her car and checked her phone, pleasantly surprised to see she had a few texts from Clarke.
Clarke: Hi! looking forward to meeting you tonight. Raven and O both tell me great things… Where do you want to go for dinner?
And another
Clarke: I’m going to just come to class with Rae and hang out there, so I will see you at 5:30.
She smiled, unsure of why this stranger was causing her to smile, but shrugged it off and texted her back.
Lexa: I’m looking forward to it as well, Clarke. I’m game for pretty much anything for dinner. What do you feel like?
“She texted me back” Clarke said. Her and Raven we’re still curled up in bed, watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix.
“Why are you so excited?” Raven asked. “You don’t even know this girl, or what she looks like?”
“Why does it have to be about looks, can’t I just be excited to make a new friend?”
“Why do you need new friends? I’m all you’ll ever need, Clarke” Raven said.
Clarke laughed, then checked her text and replied.
Clarke: What’s your favorite kind of food?
“Why is it always Cordy who is getting chased by the monsters? She’s always in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Raven said.
“It’s Cordelia, what do you expect? And I think that Zander has had it pretty bad too, he always falls for these women who turn out to be insects or something supernatural” Clarke said. “Then you have the whole Anya thing…”
Raven laughed, “You’re right.”
Lexa: Mexican, but not from here. West coast Mexican food.
“She’s from the west coast?” Clarke looked to raven excited.
“Yeah… San Fran I think.” Raven said.
Clarke: Oh god, I know just what you mean… worst part of leaving southern Cali was giving up the Mexican food…
Lexa: You’re from the west coast too? that’s crazy.
Clarke: Yes! I don’t miss it too much, just the beach and mexican food…  
Lexa: Agree. What’s your favorite thing to eat over here?
Clarke: Either… Pizza or… Chinese.
Lexa: Lets do pizza?
Clarke: Sounds great. You wanna go to Tipsy Tomato?
Lexa: never been there, but sounds great.
Clarke: We have to then... it’s one of my favorites.
Lexa: That works for me. I will see you in a little bit then. Are you taking class?
Clarke: UM No!!!! Just watching.
Lexa: Why not? Scared? ;)
Clarke: I have ZERO coordination… believe me.
“Seriously, Cordelia… don’t go in there!!!!!” Raven yelled at the Tv.
Clarke laughed, “You’ve seen this episode at least ten times, you know she does!”
Lexa: Okay, I just got done with Ballet and have time to kill before class.
Clarke: Are you there already?
Lexa: No, I’m going to try and sneak back into the studio and dance some more. But there is someone I really don’t want to run into.
Clarke: Who?
Lexa: My ex-girlfriend.
“Is Lexa a lesbian or bisexual?” She looked to Raven.
Raven shrugged, “I’m pretty sure she’s a lesbian, does it matter?”
“Not one bit, just curious” Clarke shook her head.
“SERIOUSLY CORDY!!!! NO!!” Raven shook her head.  
Clarke: Eeww, exes are the worst.
Lexa: Agreed.
Clarke: Rae and I are watching Buffy in bed, being completely lazy. So props to you if you go dance.
Lexa: I don’t know if I will to be honest.
Lexa: I’ve never seen Buffy.
Clarke: WHAT? We MUST fix that! And I’m sorry… I could tell you wanted to dance…  How long were you and this girl together?
Lexa: two years, and it’s okay. I have already danced for six hours today.
Lexa: And okay, I’m up for watching it.
Clarke: SIX HOURS, good lord Lexa… And two years is a good chunk of time. When did you break up?
Lexa: a year ago, I’ve totally moved on. I just don’t want to see her.
Clarke: That’s understandable…... I just saw my ex today. He’s an ass.
Lexa: I’m sorry.
Clarke: It’s okay. But he really is the worst… its a long story, I will tell you in person sometime if you ever want to know… lets stop talking about our exs for now though.
Lexa: Gladly, what would you like to talk about Clarke?
Clarke and Lexa ended up texting for over an hour. Lexa never went back into the studio partly because she was afraid of running into Costia, also because she was really enjoying texting with Clarke. She was so easy to talk to, though she didn’t know why, she didn’t question it.
Clarke: Are you here?
Lexa: Almost, are you there already?
Clarke: Yeah we just got here… Octavia and Rae are being mean and said they weren’t going to point you out to me... and I had to guess who you were.
Lexa: I’ll come say hi when I get there, I promise.
Clarke: :) I have really enjoyed texting you today.
Clarke: I’m looking forward to hanging out w/you tonite
Lexa: Same. I’m pulling in.
Clarke: Okay.
Clarke had no idea why she was so nervous, she and Lexa had texted for over an hour about tons of things, she already felt like she knew this girl.
“She’s here” She said to Raven. “She just pulled up.”
“Are you texting her?” Octavia asked.
“They have been texting alllll afternoon” Raven told Octavia.
“I seriously think you two would be amazing together” Octavia said. “Lexa needs someone like you, Clarke.”
Clarke blushed slightly, and rolled her eyes. “Guys we’re just meeting… slow down.”
Octavia looked to the door and Clarke looked to see one of the most gorgeous women she had ever seen walking in the door. She was tall and Clarke thought she looked like a Greek goddess, her chestnut curls were pulled up into a ponytail, and she was wearing a pair of charcoal grey yoga pants that sat low at her hip bones, and stopped before her ankles. On top she wore a black tank top with a sports bra on underneath it that didn’t make it all the way down to the top of her pants, so she could see a perfect amount of skin. Clarke couldn’t take her eyes off her perfect shoulders and neck. She stood tall and it was noticeable she was a ballerina from the way she held herself even as she walked.
“Hi” Lexa said walking right up to her, pulling her out of her mini-trance. “Clarke?”
“Hey” Clarke nodded. “Lexa?”
Lexa smiled slightly and Clarke couldn’t not stare into her perfectly green eyes, but shook herself out of it, and hugged the slightly taller girl standing in front of her.
“Nice to meet you in person” She said.
“You also” Lexa said letting her hands wrap around the blonde. Normally she would find this extremely awkward as she wasn’t a touchy feely person, but for some reason with the gorgeous blonde in her arms, it felt natural. “Hi” She said to Octavia once she had let go of Clarke.
“Hey” Octavia said giving her the regular side hug she normally did.
“I didn’t think you’d be here” Lexa gestured to her arm.
“I can’t do much I’m going to hang with Clarke, and watch.”
“Watch Lincoln” Raven clarified.
“Hi Raven” Lexa said to the smaller brunette.
“Hey Lexa” Raven smirked at her, as if to say I know what you’ve been doing all day.
“How was dance?” Octavia asked Lexa.
“Great, well… for the most part” Lexa looked to Clarke.
“Did you ever see her again?” Clarke asked.
“No” Lexa said, “Thank god.”
“Right? I get that,” Clarke smiled.
“Wait what?” Octavia asked.  
“Costia, I’ll fill you in later” Lexa said.
“You’d better!” Octavia smiled.
“I gotta go put my bag down and get my shoes off, I’ll see you after class.” Lexa smiled to the blonde.
“I’ll go with” Raven said and then both girls headed onto the floor.
“What was that?” Octavia asked.
“What?” Clarke asked.
“She just... full on gave you eyes. I haven’t seen Lexa give anyone eyes… ever. And I had seen her when she was with Costia.”
Clarke shrugged, “I don’t know.”
“Mmmhmmm” Octavia smirked, “She likes you! What did you guys talk about today?”
“A lot of stuff… her childhood, her sister Anya, Ballet and Costia.”
“Lexa? You were talking to Lexa right?” Octavia asked sounding surprised.
“Yes Octavia… why?” Clarke asked.
“I didn’t even hear about her childhood until we had been friends for like a year… she’s just very, reserved.”
“She was quite open about it today” Clarke shrugged. “Who’s teaching today, Linc?” She asked changing the subject.
“Indra” Octavia shook her head.
“She scares me” Clarke smiled.
“Careful then, she loves Lexa, and kinda… looks out for her.”
“Oh great” Clarke said.
“You DO like her!” Octavia smiled.
“Shut up, Octavia!” Clarke rolled her eyes.
Thoughts? This is just a preview, this story WILL be posted on AO3 within the next month or so. (I have to get some of my other projects finished before I post this and I would like to have it Completed or very close before I post. Though I do have a lot written!) 
Much love to you all, and as ALWAYS thank you for ALL your support!
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wwonder-landd · 7 years
From Kitchen to Couple
Pairing: Anthony Ramos x Female Reader
Warnings: like maybe two swears, nothing bad just the S word, yikes im sorry for that Preview: The reader meets Anthony again. This time it’s in a new place, at a new time. 
Y/S/N is your sisters name, but if u dont have one just IMAGINE Masterlist | Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Three weeks later, Monday, 7:02am
Waking up at the sound of your alarm was going to take some getting used to, as you had gotten so accustomed to lazily sliding out of bed around 9am to go see a new country on your recent school holiday. 
Getting up and grabbing a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a pale yellow sweater, you went into the bathroom for a quick shower and then dried your hair and changed into today’s outfit. 
After much of a struggle to get your bag packed for classes today, you left all your books and pencil cases shoved under your bed before the trip. Finally prepared you walked back into the small bathroom and looked in the mirror and brushed your hair and teeth before spraying on perfume. 
Grabbing your phone and seeing a new text and some notifications. You open the text first. 
Y/S/N hey, hope you landed safe. mom didn’t want you to worry, but she said that you left something here before you left? like a journal of some sort? i wasn’t sure.
Quickly grabbing your bag and shuffling through it, then checking your carry on you realized what exactly you had forgotten. Shit and it’s not a journal, well it is. You use that book as a journal and a planner, and it’s super important to you especially on a day that your already thrown for a loop. To not have your journal would cause mass destruction!
Not exactly mass destruction, 10:00am
Walking into your first class of the day; advanced level two music history. 
Trust me, it’s more exciting than you might think. Learning why things were the way they were had always excited you, from being little when they main question is always “Why?” to learning to derive the Pythagorean theorem in ninth grade algebra. You always liked knowing why.
A cause your mother would say. “There’s a cause for everything, everyone you meet, every way you react and every person you meet, there’s a reason.”
Those words deeply resonated with you. You figured because your mother had said them so much over the years. Now at your bright age of twenty-one, you still wanted to know the cause of things. She said that’s probably why you’re going for a doctorate in music, to be able to know why everything about music is how it is. 
Y/N can she send it to the dorm or something? i really need it 
You messaged your sister about your journal after remembering you had rushed out earlier today to get to class. Now that class was over you could head to the cafe for some lunch or work on some work from music history. You did have a paper to write and figured on walking to the cafe to eat something while starting it. 
Out of class, 1:00pm
“A large hot mocha, with no whip please. Hm, also can I get a grilled cheese?” 
“Sure, your total is $6.47. Oh, debit or credit?” 
“Debit please, thank you.” 
“It’ll be out shortly. Thank you for coming.” The girl behind the counter had said. 
“Wait, I know you from somewhere don’t I?” She said, as you began to walk away. This caused you to turn around. 
“Um I don’t know. You do look familiar.” 
“The kitchen!” 
“Pardon?” You said, truly not knowing what had caused her to yell at you.
“Oh, sorry. It’s just, that’s where we met, the community kitchen. I’m Jasmine, you met me and Anthony that night.”
It all suddenly clicked in your head, you had met her when you met Anthony, but hadn’t seen them since before break.
“Hey Anthony, come out here.” 
“Jas, you know my post is in the kitchen, not the counter.” You heard a familiar voice say, before seeing his hair up in a hairnet and piled on his head inside said net. 
“Oh, hey Y/N! Wait hang on.” You smiled and waved, quite awkwardly you thought, as he turned and walked back into the kitchen. “I believe this is yours,” he said as he came out with a plate and a coffee in hand. 
“Yeah that’s me, thank you both. I have a paper for music theory to write.”
“Music theory? What’s your major?” Jasmine asks, 
“Music, I worked on a few small Broadway productions.” 
“Wait, how old are you?” Anthony asked, now jumping in the conversation.
“I’m twenty-one, and I’m here to get a doctorate degree in music. The goal is big Broadway productions for me.”
“That’s rad! I love Broadway and I was in a show called 21 Chump Street last year!” Anthony replies.
“You were in Chump? No way! I love that show, I look up to Lin so much.” 
“I’m trying out for Hamilton, I hope I get it. Well Jasmine is trying out too so we’ll see how that goes!” 
“Good luck to you both, but I’m gonna sit down now so you can take her order.”
Jasmine hands you a slip of paper, “our numbers so we can hang out sometime!” “Oh cool, thank you, bye guys!”
You said your farewells and looked at the clock, 2:24pm.
So much for getting to work on that paper with another class at 3:00.
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saltyslack-toast · 4 years
#KnockTheBook : Anne Frank
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“The nice Anne is never present in company, hasn’t appeared one single time so far, but always predominates when we’re alone. I know exactly how I’d like to be, but, I’m only like that for myself. And perhaps that’s why, I’m sure it’s the reason why I say I’ve got a happy nature within and why other people think I’ve got a happy nature without. I am guided by the pure Anne within, but outside I’m nothing but a frolicsome little goat who’s broken loose”
I knew this book exist since I was in elementary school it was on the 6th grade I guess. I saw this book in one of the notability book store (re: Books and Beyond) in kinda so-so Bandung Mall (re again: Istana Plaza). I read the behind book preview and my curious ass was really intrigued, that time I didn’t know wtf is holocaust and my English skill was so poor, I mean like still but now its getting better right?????  My 11 years old wallet was penniless, so I didn’t buy the book,  that’s ok though because book wasn’t the main source of my happiness and I don’t really read much books that age. Many years later, there was BBW Bandung in 2019, and I’m so excited since I started to read quite a lot of books after I’m in college and just like that, I found a gem I’ve been wanting for since I was starting my puberty and now I’m at the edge of my puberty era (STILL COULDN’T MOVE ON FROM MY PUBERTY DAYS, PLEASE CHECK THE PREVIOUS POST OF MINE OR I’LL KILL U! Never mind it was a trash anyway). I’m gonna review this book in a way this book relating my life, because I SWEAR TO GOD Anne Frank is me in 1942 indeed.
Okay let’s cut the shit off of the personal history attached to this book, cause no one cares, no one probably read this master of shit.
The title of the book is “Diary of A Young Girl: Anne Frank” written clearly in the book’s grayish cover and it has a picture of queen Anne herself writing on her diary I suppose?? So it basically Anne frank writing her story and someone took a picture of her posing like she was writing the story and the picture became the cover of her story that she wrote when someone was taking that picture, got it?. The book is published by Wilco Publishing Book in 2013 in Mumbai, India. The book’s price is written on its cover, it was 19.95 in US Dollar and converted to Rupiah approximately worth RP 326.569, please note that I convert this price when USD 1 is worth RP 16.300 (fuck you corona). But don’t worry, if you are going to buy one in BBW the price is 50% cheaper than the original one, omg someone take me to BBW RIGHT.NOW!.
For those who dumb in history but insist to read this history-biography kind of book (WHICH IS STRANGELY CONTRADICTION, like dude u suppose to have good grades in history class if u like this kinda book, but whatevs I don’t judge), chillax there’s gonna be a short sum about what’s happened in WW II and the origin short story of Hitler gon’ mad with his bonkers political party. Also, there is a little summary about Anne’s previous life before she starts writing her diary in that crazy era she’s living. This book is literally her diary, I said diary, it means u could see her recounting her daily activities in a writing book (Except the fact that she named her diary with Kitty and consider it as her friend).
In this book, you are going to meet plenty bold characters. Here I describe few of ‘em that quite memorable for me. First is Queen Anne herself duh! She’s fucking THAT BRIGHT, I mean she was 13 when she wrote the story of her life, loves to read books, emotionally instable just like a mad teenage typical but she really has very unique perspective of how she depict the whole condition when she was in hiding. Second is her fucking family duh!(2), her mummy is weirdly kind of remind me to my mom FOR REAL, both of them were as problematic as her youngest daughter, sensitive, and caring as regular moms out there. Daddy is totally a sweetheart and kind of hard-working just like most of the Jews I guess?? And Margot which is Anne’s older sister, you know that golden child in the family who always be the spotlight in your big family gathering? Yes she is one of the kinds. Not only Anne and her family that is pretty intriguing, but there is also one little family which also joined Anne’s family in hiding, that is Mr. Van Daan Family and all of their dramas *applauding* that is caused by Mrs. Van Daan’s deportment (She’s quiet funny for me though) . There is still a lot amount of characters that is also involved in this book, but you can read the book by yourself its good honey trust me its good and worth it.
I think for the first time I managed to look serious in previous paragraph right?
What’s very interesting to me is how Anne and her mom fighting could be very relatable to all of us. The peak of these fighting dramas was on Friday, April 2nd 1943, when Anne refuses to have her mum took prayers with her, I would say that was truly heart breaking moment. You know the time when you had a huge fight with your mom and you feel so miserable because you disgust the situation where no one was there for you and all you can do is to blame yourself because you love your mom and realized that she got nothing wrong, and what you did is  self-loathing all days long, as her mom said,
“I don’t want to be cross, love cannot be forced”
I’m on my fucking tears for reading that sentence, perhaps people that has lots of problem with their life might be understand exactly how it feels, for longing to just vanish from the world because die in all likelihood would still make people around to be distressed because of you? (OMG Ana, u really need stop exposing yourself!). However, after all the fights with her mum, Anne figured out that it’s only the matter of unpleasantness and misery rebounding all the time. She learned that it still much better for hard words on paper than to be carried along with her mum’s heart (it’s a pro tip y’all!).
“Leave me in peace, let me sleep one night at least without my pillow being wet with tears, my eyes burning and my head throbbing. Let me get away from it all, preferably away from the world!”
           Anne was hiding for 761 days, of course many things happened and her relationship with Peter (the only son of the Van Daan’s family) is one of the cutest story I liked. Peter was 3 years older than Anne, in my vision he’s the type of nonchalant chap, yet very sweet inside. Started with Ana’s frustration to be alone, ended with having another person other than her family to be talked to. Peter and Anne, after they were close to each other (because they weren’t really get along together at first), they spent most of their times in the attic which is Peter’s basecamp in the annex, talking about life as a teenager and their complicated family before the life in the annex. It kinda remind me of how surviving life becoming the point of how we see each other’s color, Anne had become comfortable to talk with Peter about all her difficulty and so otherwise. Anyway, their fucking love story gonna prompt you to the nostalgia of young love in mid school.
“Already this morning I noticed that peter kept looking at me all the time, not in ordinary way I don’t know how, I just can’t explain……. I made a special effort not to look at him too much, because whenever I did, he kept on looking too and it gave me a lovely feeling inside...”
It’s not over yet, there’s going to be a lot of scenes that giving you goosebumps which cause by a burglar, yes not a ghost, but a fucking burglar, and other shits that would give you a nerve because Anne’s diary also described how the current war situations going (IT WAS SO INTENSE F U HITLER ROTS IN HELL U DUMBASS). The war was not only happened outside the annex but also inside, the war over making noises when everyone’s sleeping and the use of a little table in afternoon between Anne and Mr. Dussel, I perceived it quite hilarious!
. That’s probably a glance of how this book is so intriguing for me. The perspective of Anne Frank of everything sometimes could be so naïve but also relating to my life as well, even until today. Especially during this corona outbreak which has becoming the pandemic, I’ve stay at my home only for 39 days but already feeling sick even for an introvert and antisocial like me could be that JADED, so right now y’all bitch imagine being Anne Frank have to stayed in a hiding for fucking more than 2 years with exactly the same annoying people every fucking day. Nevertheless, if you guys interested to read this book you can buy it in BBW which available in Tokopedia on 27th April until 3rd May this year, so please don’t miss the chance! (to be noted that im not having any relation to BBW, im just so happy that this bazaar coming up into my life). And also you can check the official website of Anne Frank House in www.annefrank.org, there’s a lot of information you could uncover about Anne and other people in furthermore and the visual of the hiding they have been living (IT’S SO MUCH COOL BRUUH).
I think that’s it, I really had no idea how to review a book, this shit just basically me mumbling my opinion about the books I have read. I hope my writing is getting better than the previous post (even I thought this trash was a degrading quality of mine). And a bit information, I finished and posted this writing in the time of corona virus, it was so hard to everyone enduring all the negative impact from this pandemic on our life, so please if you’re lucky enough to  still be able enjoy all the fortunes, please help those who badly impacted of this pandemic and I. BEG. YOU. TO. STAY. AT. YOUR. FUCKING. OWN. HOME. If you’re still strolling around for unimportant purpose and not even using a mask, im literally gonna kill you bitch!
So yeah, that’d be all. Thank you for read until this much guys!
*me talking to non-existing audience*
Xiao, see you in advance!
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dreamscript · 8 years
HEY IT ME AGAIN-- LITERALLY SAME I GOT SICK AND LIKE IM STILL COUGHING AND I WANT IT TO STOP. LIKE. RIGHT. NOW. I hope you feel better soon! I can only imagine how bad you're suffering! Make sure to get lots of rest and binge watch Naruto hehehehe// I got sick around Christmas so it's kinda just here// But yeah lol just excuse me late responses (; 7 ; ) and yas girl just embrace you're inner otaku its okay xD (i wanna re-read Naruto actually//) OMG YES PLZ I LOVE YOUR FICS AND-
{CONT} YO HOW DARE YOU WRITE THAT JUNGKOOK FIC IM SHOOKED JKSDFNKJD// LMAO IF THAT AINT ME IN ANY MATH CLASS FUKFFKFKKFKF BUT ITS OKAY YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IN YOU! There was freezing rain here a day or so ago. That was fun . u . (sobs) IF YOU COULD TWEEK MY BLOG OMG ID LOVE THAT. But the theme isn’t originally mine and I’d assume the original owner wouldn’t want the original code changed?
{CONT} IDK I wanted to change my theme for a while now // Something not endless scroll but just boxes for previews? Also I wanted a minimalistic theme based with pastel colours and black and white hehe/ ANYWAY NO NO WORRIES SOMETIMES IM JUST HERE WONDERING IF YOONGI SUED BIGHIT FOR DYING HIS HAIR TOO FREQUENTLY AND NOW HE BALD (LOL) BUT YEAH APPARENTLY THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO HAVE A COMEBACK IN FEBRUARY AND MY WALLET IS UPSET. I ALSO WANT THE NEW ARMY STICK FOR NO GOOD REASON AT ALL LOL
{CONT 3 xD} I’ve only read Naruto Manga so if you wanna screech with me about that lets do it ahaha/ HECK YES I WILL READ THEIR FIC- I WILL NOT STUDY JAHAJSDSDKJF Shout out to Cat and Fae too like i seriously love their fics- your Christmas series had me shooked!! Anyways I have so much work to do and so i will bother you later :) - Sakura !
IM HEALED AND BETTER NOW THANK YOU I HOPE YOU’RE FINE NOW TOO??!?! but i remember my doctor telling me once that if you’re still coughing like a month later you should get it checked out or something D:
and oh. my. god.
but yeah no it’s okay! i have super late responses as of late…. and it’s really only because i’ve been too emotionally spent by the end of the day or tired or busy or just “not feeling it”
idk, but i hope to get back into being more active. i miss this place. i miss interacting with others, as little of it i seem to be doing right now (guh _ _)
dude it was rainy and windy and cold today and i had to go outside and the entire time i was walking/running/dying to class i was thinking a) why b) this was a Mistake
ah well in regards to your theme, usually the theme makers are okay with minor changes (sometimes major ones too) as long as you keep the credit and the changes are for personal use (as opposed to commercial use/redistribution, etc). just to be sure, you can just check their rules. they usually have that whole page/pop up or will simply include it in their theme code.
hmm what do you mean by boxes for previews? i don’t think i’ve ever seen such as thing. it sounds interesting, though. are they previews for like posts or…?
thank you for loving our collaboration! i’m still amazed on how quickly we got things put together and everything… honestly… cat and @zephyoongist​ are so talented i don’t know what i’m doing here :’) (or where i would be without them)
and now finally…
(for the maaaain event)…
okaY OKAY I WILL SCREECH WITH YOU ABOUT NARUTO. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW. just under the cut because spoilers:
i love kakashi
i also love gaara. i can’t choose between the two, but lately i’ve been more biased towards kakashi. i blame it on my sister because she’s always had a thing for him
(i still love you gaara its okay my sand child)
kakashi’s backstory had me in tears… like… with obito died and he’s telling kakashi he’ll give him his sharingan (the sharingan that he’d always been talking about that would get him to hokage) to be his eye to see the future…
i just..
fucking broke down man like dude… stop… you’re killing me here… and then how kakashi really changes afterwards
(okay but listen child kakashi was savage as fuck though and it was hilarious)
(also i know it’s a filler but that one episode in which it showed guy and kakashi comparing dick sizes as kids….,,..,.
….,,..i wasn’t expecting that at all but i don’t mind the info heheheheh heh /dies)
literally if she hadn’t died a lot of the issues in naruto wouldn’t have occurred but they fucking did
no i’m not blaming her she died for a noble reason okay it just makes me really sad i’m sorry
on a side note minato and kushina were cute as fuck
ANYWAYS GAARA OH MY OH MY GOD MY POOR BABY as a kid he was so cute and just wanted some friends and was out helping all those villagers and such but then his damned dad just had to go and screw those things up like STOP IT HE;S MY CHILD
even though i love those two, my favorites are actually the akatsuki
like. they hate each other but istg they secretly love each other like have you seen kakuzu and hidan’s interactions??? they tease and insult and threaten (and have killed) each other but kakuzu is actually patient with hidan’s rituals and such, and hidan will still accompany kakuzu to the collection centers
also, when he sees asuma’s guardian shinobi thing the first thing that comes to mind is kakuzu and how he’d want him for the money and he’s like u gh but like !!!
and AND when hidan at first thinks he’s accidentally killed kakuzu in his fight with shikamaru & co., he has that look of panic ooooh my god I JUST GASHUDFJSDIJASD
also hidan is just hilarious. like when they go to recruit him he’s like “who are you guys, all wearing the same clothes?? are you guys an orchestra or band or something?”
/points at kakuzu/ bet you play the bass
/points at konan/ bet the girl does vocals and keyboards
/points at itachi/ …or do you do vocals…?
and then the first thing hidan and kakuzu do to each other is kill each other
the look of utter disbelief on both of their faces
“what the–why aren’t you dead?”
“bitch that hurt–wait. why aren’t you dead?”
but anyways we can’t forget about itachi and kisame either, now can we?? like. they are actually like the only partner group that openly got along with each other, and they were sad oh my god they were sad upon realizing each other’s death’s
and idk just the way kisame says “itachi-san” does something to me
 i t a c h i
oh boy i have so much to say about this kid
but before i move on i must! address! the others!!
okay so like deidara is actually op as fuck and sometimes idk i feel like he doesnt get enough credit?? idk.
and he’s 19 like lol what bye
but anyways, after his “fight” he loses his other arm because kakashi and now he’s armless BUT THIS KID STILL HOLDS HIS OWN though completely on the defense AGAINST TEAM GAI LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HE’S AMAZING and then he manages to create a bomb without using any sort of handseals and fools them all into thinking he’s dead
i love this boy give him a metal why did he have to die so early why (yet another reason why i dislike sasuke lmfao)
black zetsu scares the fuck out of me (esp when i learned of his true past and intentions) but white zetsu!! he’s such a sweetie holy shit
and also unlike so many others he actually likes everyone and when he saves deidara he’s like “you’re a fun guy to be around” and then and then later when he’s talking to tobi he reveals that he’s sad that so many of the akatsuki members died like D::
let’s not forget when black zetsu called him weak (they had split in two at the time) and white zetsu just kind of D: and wilts a little like ooHH NO oo baby it’s okay it’s okay
konan is so strong… holy crap… like… her ultimate attack? with the bajillion paper explosive tags disguised as a lake?? that go off for 10 minutes? holy fuck.
yahiko’s pretty damn hot if you ask me (yes i know he’s a cadaver in the main time period but listen)
idk my favorite arc of the entire thing was pain’s invasion of konoha… like from the moment jiraiya’s message arrived to when everyone got revived…. and then kakashi almost became hokage…
it was fantastic
i think it’s mainly because it was a mystery, race against time, battle thing all in one and it was so neat i guess
also you could see everyone in the village working together, fighting their hardest, showing their potentials for like, the first time ever
um um um okay sasori mentally scarred me as a child, and now whenever i hear the rattling puppet noises i immediately think of these scary nightmares i had after watching his fight with sakura… yeah, puppets scare me a lot now
orochimaru is a creep ‘nuff said moving on
tobi! i love this alternate ego of obito/”madara” like idk he’s so jumpy and honestly it’s fucking hilarious watching him because he’s so secretly op certain people underestimate him at first (and then others overestimate him because of his association with akatsuki)
like. when he was warding off konoha from itachi vs sasuke’s fight (which i am still emo about) he was just like playing whack-a-mole with them and then he’s like lemme use this ability! frill-necked lizard!
and they all kinda stand and stare at him intensely execting something legit
but in reality that’s it. the extent of htat ability is just him hanging upside down with the cloack falling behind him to look like a frill-necked lizard
and it’s fucking hilarious
i also thought it was fucking adorable when he and deidara first confront sasuke
and the little bitch goes ahead and slices through him
literally through him
but sasuke thinks that he actually killed him and sasuke’s all like “one down”
and deidara just kinda
ugh this kid
and tobi gets up and brushes himself off like wow that was rly fast!!! and sasuke just >:/
sorry i thought i should make this clear but i lowkey highkey have this vendetta thing against sasuke like this little shit
i mean ofc i know the reason for his disillusionment really isn’t all his fault like @ itachi really?
like really when he goes back to konoha and sasuke tries to kill him… he goes and easily breaks his wrist
and he kinda just considers him for a moment like
how about i….. make his situation even worse…?
and then traps him in a genjutsu that forces him to relive their parents death for 24 hours like why the fuck this is literally all your fault
and also on a side note, fuck danzo. why the fuck did the 3rd not kill him when he was supposed to. why. all the wrong people lived for far too long.
but yeah no idk i just really don’t like sasuke after he defected and became a Vengeful Teen
AND ITACHI’S STORY MAKES ME CRY EVERY TIME HOLY SHIT IT MAKES ME SO SAD WHY DID THIS BOY HAVE TO SUFFER SO MUCH and then mess up his little brother’s psyche to the point in which he starts killing like everyone wtf
another favorite moment arc of mine is the very beginning
like the first 15ish episodes
he’s such a blessing. he’s literally one of those crucially important side characters and i appreciate him and i love him and it would’ve been nice to see more of him, but hey, that’s okay too.
(his part in the naruto road to ninja movie had me in tears. like at the end. fucking tears.)
like naruto and kakashi may be super close and stuff, but when he needs someone as a guardian, naruto turns to iruka and idk i feel that says a lot about their relationship and it makes me cry all the fucking time
um anyways yes i also love zabuza
he’s so strong and empowered
i have a lot more the say probably but it’s getting late and i need to take a shower and sleep and get up early in the morning to make food so i’ll just leave it at that
(i wrote a lot i know i’m sorry)
(hope i didn’t blow you away with any spoilers D:)
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