#im glad I realized my exam for this class is not a test but two essays today instead of the day its actually due
lilja4ever · 1 year
I have to write four essays worth of content in three days,.,,..............
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
Ok so can I maybe get greasers headcanons with an absolute academic weapon s/o (think Rory Gilmore/annabeth chase/Devi Vishwakumar) who’s parents like make them get all A’s and they are very Ivy League bound, always dressing in blazers/looking very sharp and corporate and super ambitious? (Probs academic rivals with pony lowkey 💀) Thanks so much lmao I think Dallys is going to be 🔥🔥
YESSS 🫶🫶 i myself am an academic weapon🧐(JK LMAO ap physics has made me lose my will to live) ANYWAYS
yall are actually so cute together ngl
like you guys study for tests together and do hw together
cause you guys are in the same honors classes and stuff
some days pony will get cocky and be like “i’m so much better than you at bio” or smth like that (🙄)
and then you guys get into competitions to see how many times you can get correct answers in class it’s actually crazy
everyone else in class is like 😟 LMAOO
soda is a little on the dumber side😭
im sorry i feel like its canon that he’s a lil slower
but he’ll try and watch you do hw and then get bored like instantly
that or confused
he always says “i was good at math til they added letters🤓☝️”
and you’re just like🥱
LMAO you guys are good for each other tho
cause you convince him to prioritize some form of learning
and he helps you let loose
he is honestly really sweet🫶
like understanding when you turn down hangouts cause you got final exams and you cram like crazy
but he also loooves just chilling in your room while you do homework
his catchphrase is “just ask the teacher tomorrow, man”
and you’re just like “🧍‍♀️ it’s a friday night”
anyways he’s just really supportive and proud when you come back with all As on your report card🙏😜🤩
he is real supportive
hes all abt that grind as we know PLUS he canonically gets on pony for his grades
so he’s glad that he don’t gotta worry at all abt that for you
he’s so proud and happy when you get a good score on a test you were worried about and yall go on a lil date night🫶🙏
he couldn’t care less i’m sorry😭🥱
hes secretly like super impressed and proud to have a smart asf s/o
but he gets butthurt when you blow him off cause you got a test tomorrow and you’re going to bed early
dal never really had the internal motivation to actually put stuff into school so he just doesn’t get it
whenever you try and include him w your studying/homework he tries to help w flashcards
and whenever you get the answer right and it’s super specific he’s just like 😟
and you’re like “right?” and he’s like “…yeah”
MY GUY IS SCARED cause he knows you could just totally destroy him intellectually🧐
also cause he’s scared you’ll realize you’re too good for him
but its okay 🫶🫶
he thinks school is boring like bruh is a total super duper senior just for the friends but the academics
meanwhile it’s like a major part of your life
hes really impressed
whenever you get some academic award he’s always like “WOOOOOO”
you guys have really funny fake arguments
which you destroy him in
youre just like “that’s a fallacy…and that’s a fallacy…bandwagon”
boom roasted asf
you tutor him kinda on yiur school subjects
yk the study method where you explain a concept to someone else to help you remember it?
you do that for him but he’s just like 😀🧍‍♂️
“and that’s pretty much what mitosis is!”
and hes like ”…i’m glad😀”
he’ll also try and teach you abt cars and car parts
which is just a bit of a struggle🤏😀
TYSM FOR REQUESTING🤩 my inbox is open! i’m really trying to get to everyone’s and some take more thought for me to plan than others so sorry if they take a while🥰🤪‼️
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
hii!! First of all ur theme is so aesthetically pleasing and I love all the nagi. I like binge read all of your event works and *chefs kiss*. Could I request a piece for karasu with the theme of like academic rivals/classmates? No worries if not, hoping ur doing well and taking care of urself!
On an unrelated note I saw that post about rude comments and im so sorry that’s happening to you! I honestly don’t know what drives ppl to bother leaving nasty comments esp when it’s not like they’re being forced to read anything T-T Hoping to send you a bit of love to counter those trolls!
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Synopsis: Crows are clingy birds, and Tabito Karasu’s feelings are hurt easier than you realize. (part two here!) (part three here!)
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Karasu x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 9.1k
Content Warnings: academic rivals to lovers, karasu is an asshole, reader is also an asshole, jealous karasu 😍, hiori randomly pulls up at one point for some reason??, yukimiya requests to follow one (1) person and accidentally causes the most dramatic pseudo breakup ever
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A/N: anon i used to pray for times like these 😭😩 LMAOAO karasu is my fav (behind nagi ofc) but i’ve never gotten around to writing him so getting this request made me SO excited HAHA. i haven’t done anything rivals/enemies to lovers before so fingers crossed this doesn’t feel too awkward or unrealistic or rushed anything!! and yayyy i love my little nagi theme (and also nagi in general) i’m glad you like it too!! and my writing too, you’re so sweet 🥹 there will always be jerks unfortunately but lovely people like you make it all worth it 💖 thank you again and i hope this is kind of what you were looking for 🫶🏻
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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You could hardly contain your smile as you sauntered up to Tabito Karasu’s desk, your exam held behind your back. He was sitting by himself — his seat partner was sick this week, from what you had heard, so he had taken the chance to spread out his things and stretch his legs. When he noticed you, he raised his eyebrows, mouth tugging into a frown at your amusement.
“What?” he said. You brandished the paper in front of you, irises sparkling as you leaned over to rest your forearms on the desk.
“I got full marks on the last Chemistry exam,” you said. Karasu made a face at you, snatching the test from your hands and scrunching his face up as he inspected it.
“Seriously?” he said.
“Seriously,” you said. “What did you get?”
He crossed his arms and looked away. “Not telling.”
“You definitely failed!” you said in delight, taking back the exam and laughing at him. “How embarrassing. You failed the easiest test of the year, and yet you consider Chemistry to be one of your best subjects? I can’t wait to see how badly you do during finals week.”
“I did not fail,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I got a ninety-eight.”
“Ninety-eight! That’s even worse than outright failure,” you said. “You were so close to perfection, and yet in the end, you fell short. It must sting for things to work out like that.”
“Yes, I’m positively wounded,” he said dryly before batting his eyelashes at you. From anyone else, the rapid switch in demeanor would’ve left you reeling, but the shifting mood was to be expected from him. “Will you give me a kiss and make it better?”
You rolled up your test and smacked him on the head with it. “No.”
“Anyways, my overall grade in the class is still higher than yours, because rankings were updated today and I’m still number one, so I’m not sure what cause you have to be boasting,” he said.
“Hm, but did you notice who’s number one in Modern Literature?” you said, pulling out your phone and opening the school’s app, which listed each class’s rankings in every subject. “Yup, that’s right, me.”
“Good job, Y/N!” he said, clapping mockingly. “Shall we have a party? It’s a big occasion — the mediocre number two has finally done something of such note that she’s number one for the first time in her life.”
“I’ve been number one plenty of other times!” you snapped. “For your information, I’ve been first in the class in mathematics and history every year since middle school, so who are you to be acting like this is a first? If anyone’s mediocre, it’s you!”
He raised his hands in the air innocently, his trademark smirk gracing his features once more now that he had succeeded in irritating you, as was his typical goal.
“Alright, alright, no need to be upset,” he said. “It’s not good for you. Clouds your judgment.”
“In what way?” you said.
“I mean, somehow, you got the two of us confused,” he said. “And we’re nothing alike.”
“I did no such thing,” you said.
“Well, I seem to recall you calling me mediocre, but between the two of us, the subpar one is obviously you,” he said, flicking your forehead. You slapped his hand away.
“You — the bell is going to ring, so I’m going to go back to my seat, but just so you know, you’re way more mediocre than me, Mr. Two-Percent-Short!” you said.
“Stellar comeback!” he called out. “My ego is bruised beyond healing!”
“Good!” you called back, ignoring the sarcasm. “Maybe it’ll return to a more normal size. Your head has grown too big, it’s almost as ridiculous as that hair of yours!”
“Leave the hair alone!”
During your free period, you decided to go to the library for some peace and quiet to work on your homework and find some of the sources you needed for your next research project. For belonging to a high school, the library was surprisingly extensive, and you had managed to find relevant information for every other project you had ever done in it, so you had high hopes. Unfortunately, it seemed this latest assignment was more obscure than anything you had completed before, so on your second lap of the shelves where the books, if they existed, would be located, you resigned yourself to giving up.
Just then, a volume caught your eye. The cover was shiny and pristine, the spine still unbent with newness. Crouching, you pulled it out, and when you saw the title emblazoned across the cover in bright yellow lettering, you began to laugh, making a beeline to the checkout counter with it tucked under your arm.
“Hey, Y/N! How was your morning?” your best friend said as you set your things down next to her in the cafeteria. You hummed in agreement, searching the room for a familiar head of dark hair. “You good? Looking for someone? Let me guess: your secret boyfriend that you’re keeping from the rest of us.”
“Yeah, I’m looking for Karasu,” you said before the rest of her words registered. “No!”
“You’re finally coming out and saying it?” she said, holding her hands to her heart and pretending to swoon. “I’ve been waiting for you to confess.”
“He’s not my secret boyfriend that I’m keeping from everyone, I’m just looking for him!” you said.
“Could’ve fooled me,” she said. “What do you need him for, anyways?”
“I got a book for him in the library,” you said.
“Right, and this is the guy you hate? Your ‘mortal enemy’ or whatever?” she checked.
“Yes,” you said.
“But you…got a book for him from the library, and now you’re looking for him so that you can give it to him?” she said. You scoffed.
“When you put it like that, it sounds different than it really is,” you said. “Trust me, this isn’t a nice gesture or anything. You can consider it revenge.”
“When are you going to get over this stupid rivalry?” she said. “He’s not even that bad, you know.”
“Not even that bad? Not even that bad? Are we talking about the same Karasu here? I’m referring to Tabito, not his older sister,” you said.
“Ah, I think so? He’s a nice guy,” she said.
“He is the spawn of the devil! And he’s the one who started it, so I’ll stop hating him once he apologizes and means it,” you said.
“Do you think he even remembers that?” she said. “It was in middle school.”
You glared at her. “I remember it. If he doesn’t, well, that’s just more of a reason for me to dislike him on principle.”
“Okay, okay, whatever you say,” she said. “Sorry for complimenting him. He’s awful and rude and mean. I think he’s sitting outside with some of his soccer friends, if you still want to find him.”
“Thank you!” you said, instantly forgetting that you were upset with her for taking Karasu’s side instead of yours. “Watch my stuff, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“See you soon,” she said. “Have fun. Actually, maybe it’s more realistic for me to just tell you not do anything that’ll get you expelled.”
You waved her off as you marched out to the courtyard where Karasu and his friends were lounging, their chairs positioned in the shade so that they did not overheat while they ate. None of them noticed you approaching until you were tapping Karasu on the shoulder and smiling at him sweetly.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” he said, sounding oddly flustered. One of his friends snorted, and more than a few chuckled, but you ignored all of them in favor of setting your bag on the armrest of Karasu’s chair.
“Hi, Karasu. I was in the library earlier and I saw this book that reminded me of you, so I took the liberty of checking it out,” you said.
“Oh,” he said. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“You’re so considerate, Y/N!” one of his friends said.
“We’re all so jealous of Karasu here,” another friend, the one who you believed had snorted, said. “You’re way too pretty for him.”
“Shut up,” Karasu said, sticking up his middle finger at his friend, though none of the group paid him much mind. In fact, it seemed to egg them on more, as they continued to hurl jabs at Karasu while simultaneously incessantly complimenting you.
You didn’t respond to any of them, instead pulling out the book and handing it to Karasu, interlacing your fingers and waiting for his reaction. At first he seemed confused, and then dismay dawned upon his features as he realized what he was holding in his hands: a copy of Chemistry for Dummies.
“What the fuck?” he said. You patted him on the shoulder.
“It’s only suitable,” you said. Suddenly, his expression cleared, and he beamed at you, which caused unease to brew in your stomach. You knew for a fact that he was about to say something infuriating, and you mentally prepared yourself to respond.
“What a roundabout way of telling me you need tutoring! Of course, I’m happy to help you anytime you want,” he said, tilting back in his chair so that he could cross his arms over his chest arrogantly.
“Why would I want tutoring from someone who does worse than me in the class?” you shot back, crossing your own arms in retaliation.
One of his friends whistled. “She got you there, Tabito.”
“Enough out of you,” Karasu said through gritted teeth. His friend winked at you and mouthed ‘nice one.’
“Look, man, all I’m saying is that if you want to ask out such a beautiful girl, you’ve gotta have a little more finesse than that!” he said.
“He can have all the finesse in the world, but I’d still say no,” you said. His friends hollered with raucous laughter, which caused Karasu’s face to turn red, but you only pressed the book into his hands. “It’s due in two weeks. That should be long enough, right? Make sure you return it on time, please, I don’t want late fines.“
“I hope you go into debt because of this stupid book,” he said.
“Aww,” you cooed. “You’ll be the one paying it off, so it doesn’t matter to me. See you around, Karasu — or, hopefully not.”
You and Karasu had met in middle school. The two of you had been assigned to work on a presentation together, and he had told you during your first meeting that because you were a dunce, you should just listen to him and do whatever he said. Ever since that day, you had done everything you could to show him how much better than him you were; for his part, he found great joy in getting on your nerves and so took part in every argument with pleasure.
You had long ago proved his middle school self wrong, by anyone’s standards, but at this point it was a habit for you to hate Tabito Karasu as well as a habit for him to hate you back. And of course, habits were hard to form but harder to break, so you would probably continue in that manner until the day you graduated and left him behind for good.
It was just the two of you who did not get along. Your friends were cordial with him and his ilk, and you did not really mind his little group all that much, crude though they sometimes were. After all, it was just in the manner of teenage boys, and when they were not taking advantage of your presence to make fun of Karasu, they were actually a pretty agreeable sort.
In fact, your friend groups tended to coexist most of the time, even having lunch together every now and again — though they were always careful to ensure that you and Karasu were kept entirely separate, or else you both were guaranteed to ruin the cheerful camaraderie with your sharp tongues and quick tempers. The measures they took were admirable, but unfortunately, they were not always enough. After all, what were precautions when compared with inevitabilities?
“Oh my god!” you squealed. “Guys! Oh my god, oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening?”
“Can’t believe what’s happening?” your best friend said, speaking for everyone at the table. They were all tuned in to you now, wondering what the big news might be that would bring about such a reaction from you, given how put-together you tended to be.
“Do you remember that one model I happened to meet while I was out last weekend? Kenyu Yukimiya? He just requested to follow me on social media!” you said.
“No way!” your best friend said.
“Way!” you said. The only warning you got was an arm pressing against your back, and then your phone was abruptly snatched from your hands. You gasped, spinning in your seat and scowling when you realized that the culprit was none other than that scavenging crow, Tabito Karasu.
“What the hell? He’s average at best, why are you so excited?” he said, scrolling through Yukimiya’s profile, his eyes narrowed critically. “Y/N, don’t you have any standards?”
“You’re probably the only person in the entire country who doesn’t find him gorgeous,” you said, exhaling dreamily as you took your phone back from him and stared at the artful manner Yukimiya was posing in for his profile photo. “He was even better looking in person. And sonice, too! They don’t make men like that often.”
Karasu frowned and swiped at your phone again. You held it out of his reach, reaching across the bench to press your foot against his chest, effectively holding him back from further attempts at thievery.
“Let me look at him again!” he said.
“Um, no,” you said. “I don’t need you making more fun of him. I know you’re jealous, but expressing it like this only makes you uglier, just so you know.”
“Looks like they’re back at it again,” one of your friends said, massaging her temples.
“Yup,” one of Karasu’s teammates said.
“Ugly? Ugly? You’re calling me ugly? Have you looked in a mirror recently? Also, get your gross shoe off of my shirt!” Karasu said.
“I have looked in a mirror recently, actually, and incidentally I’ve also been keeping an eye on my follow requests. Guess what? I’m obviously good looking, since a legitimate model wants to follow me! How many celebrities request to follow you, huh? I bet the answer is zero!” you said, though you did do him the favor of swinging your leg back, allowing him to brush himself off in disdain.
“Lots of soccer players want to follow me,” he said. “I’m quite good, you know.”
“That doesn’t count,” you said. “It has nothing to do with how you look. They’d request to follow you no matter how hideous and poorly styled you and your hair are.”
“Are they seriously arguing about which of them is worse looking?” Karasu’s teammate said.
“I suppose so,” your friend said. “They’re both really hot, though, so I don’t know what the big deal is…”
“Geez, they’ll take any excuse to go at it, huh?” Karasu’s teammate said.
“Pretty much,” your friend said.
“Guess all of that tension has to go somewhere,” his teammate said.
“Exactly,” your friend said, shaking her head as she finished up her lunch.
“That model probably only works for horror magazines!” Karasu said. “It barely even counts!”
“He was in Vogue Japan,” you said smugly. “Look it up, stupid.”
“So what?” he said.
“So he’s handsome,” you said. “Like I said, it’s okay if you’re envious of him, as long as you accept it instead of doing this whole weird denial thing. I don’t blame you for it — in fact, I thought you would be. You don’t have much going for you overall, do you? In all honesty, it’s only natural for you to feel like this when faced with what you lack.”
Karasu’s eyes widened, and then he stood abruptly, picking up his bag with one arm and haphazardly pulling it onto his back. “Goodbye.”
“Bye,” you said, not really caring one way or another what he did with himself. Actually, you would prefer it if he wasn’t there, interrupting your meal and your daydreaming about your impending romance with Kenyu Yukimiya.
“Wow, Y/N,” your best friend said once Karasu was gone. “You’re kind of dumb, you know that?”
“What are you talking about?” you said.
“It’s not her fault,” another one of Karasu’s teammates said. “He’s not much better.”
“Huh?” you said.
“Never mind,” your best friend said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I have a migraine now.”
“Want some ibuprofen?” Karasu’s teammate said. She accepted it gratefully, and nothing more was said on the subject. The rest of lunch passed in a peaceful manner, though strangely, Karasu did not return.
It should’ve made you happy. You wondered, then, why it felt so odd without him there, like there was a gaping maw sitting in the place that should’ve been occupied by him.
Ever since the day that Yukimiya had requested to follow you, you and Karasu hadn’t spoken. He refused to make eye contact with you in the few classes the two of you had together, keeping his gaze lowered to his work and his shoulders hunched away from you. You didn’t even try to talk to him; something told you that it would not be well-received, and you weren’t anywhere near confrontational enough to bring up his odd behavior, so the time without him dragged on and on, seemingly without end.
At first, you were happy, and you told your friends as much. It was a much-needed break from the constant aggravation he brought you, and you found your classes without your competition to be almost boring in their simplicity.
“The more you say you’re happy that you and Karasu aren’t talking, the less it sounds believable,” your best friend said, taking a sip from her juice box.
“Believe it! This is what I’ve been wanting since middle school,” you said.
“Is it?” she said. “It sounds like you’re kind of upset.”
“Am not!” you said. She shrugged.
“Sure,” she said, drawing out the word. “Definitely not.”
“Why would I be upset?” you said.
“You tell me,” she said.
“I’m telling you that I’m not upset. You’re the one with the theory, so give me some evidence to substantiate it,” you said.
“Fine,” she said. “You talk about him all of the time, even when you guys are getting along — or, at least, your twisted little version of being friendly, which isn’t friendly by anyone else’s standards but it seems to work for you two, so I won’t comment further. You keep telling us that you’re so delighted he’s leaving you alone, but you do this thing with your face when you say it that makes it super obvious you’re not. It’s not the kind of behavior you’d display when discussing someone you hate as much as you claim to hate him. Finally, there’s a reason half the school thinks you guys are dating, and it’s not just the obvious aesthetic appeal of that match.”
“What? I thought you were just trying to bother me when you brought that up!” you said. She shook her head.
“No, it’s a common misconception. It’s why no one’s ever asked you out. They all think you’re already taken. Actually, the other day, a guy asked me if I thought he might have a chance with you now that you and Karasu had broken up,” she said.
“What’d you say?” you said, half in horror, half in fascination.
“I told him probably not, and that you and Karasu hadn’t broken up, because you were never together in the first place,” she said.
“Oh, okay,” you said.
“Should I have said something else?” she said. You shook your head.
“No,” you said. “What else would you have said?”
“Dunno,” she said. “Look, you need to cheer up. I’m sure that if you just try to talk to him, things will go back to normal in an instant. Then you can return to complaining about him like usual.”
“Talk to him? About what?” you said. She gave you an incredulous look.
“You were pretty mean to him the other day, Y/N,” she said.
“It wasn’t any meaner than what he says to me on the regular,” you said. “And what I say to him in return. I don’t see why he’d be more or less offended.”
“I think it was a little worse than what you typically say,” she said. “Plus, the context was different.”
“How so?” you said. She shook her head.
“That’s for him to explain, not me,” she said. “Come on, don’t be stubborn. Work things out with him. I miss hanging out with the guys.”
“Ah, so that’s why it matters to you,” you said. “Sorry to say it, but I don’t have any plans at attempting conversation with him anytime soon. Like I said, things are finally calm and stress-free for me. He’s the one being immature, as always, so why’s it up to me to make things better?”
“Immature?” your best friend said. “You’ve held a grudge against him since middle school.”
“And?” you said. She squinted at you before pursing her lips.
“Well, I guess the two of you really are made for one another,” she said.
The next week would mark the beginning of the swimming unit in PE class, which you were actually looking forward to. You loved to swim, you had ever since you were a child and your parents had brought you into the water for the first time, and the thought of getting to earn a good grade for something you liked doing in the first place was an agreeable on.
In preparation, you decided to stop by the pool after classes were over so that you could acclimate yourself to the motions of the strokes once again. The swim team’s practice had been canceled, and no one else ever used the pool, so you would have the place to yourself, which was just about the closest thing to heaven you could imagine while still living on Earth.
Changing into your school-issued bathing suit and putting your things into a locker, you tied your hair back so that it was out of the way and stepped into the steaming indoor pool deck. The water was a bright cerulean shade, the lanes split by lane-lines which alternated colors to match your school’s emblem. When you dipped your toe into the deep end, you found it was warm, not cold like you had feared. The school didn’t splurge on heating the water of the rarely-used pool, so usually, it was all but freezing. You supposed that they must’ve had complaints from last year’s PE classes, so they had restarted the heaters in order to ensure that no one had any cause to whine about the temperature this year.
For a moment, you just sat on the tiled edge, your legs swishing about in the water, the heels of your palms pressing against the lip of the pool as you closed your eyes and luxuriated in the tangy scent of chlorine. So lost were you that you almost didn’t notice the door swinging open, but the clang of it shutting was unmistakable. Thinking it must’ve been a confused swim team member showing up to a practice that wasn’t happening, you opened your eyes, your lips parting to issue a reprimand that died before it could take shape.
It wasn’t a swim team member. It was Tabito Karasu, wearing a pair of swim trunks and nothing else, his jaw taut and his fists clenched as he inched towards the water. He hadn’t even noticed you, and you didn’t feel inclined to announce yourself, so you let your elbows dig into your thighs, your chin resting in your hands as you observed him.
You had known that he played soccer almost as long as you had known his name. It was the entire reason he was so popular and well-regarded in the school, and an inextricable part of his identity, but until now, you hadn’t quite considered what that actually meant. After all, you only ever saw him in the loose, modest clothing of the school’s uniform, so why would you jump to the conclusion that he was so — so — well, you were loath to admit it, but he had a striking body, and, now that he wasn’t being all cocky and maddening, you could appreciate that even his face was of a similar quality.
Blinking, you cocked your head as he extended a graceful foot towards the first stair leading into the shallow end. Water splashed against it, and he yanked it back like he had been scalded. You could not help yourself from giggling as he did this once and then twice again. On the third attempt, you forgot that the two of you weren’t acknowledging one another and cupped your hands around your mouth to amplify your voice.
“What are you doing?” you said.
“Who — Y/N? I didn’t realize anyone else was in here!” he said, stepping back from the pool and straightening his shorts, though there was nothing wrong with them that required straightening. You sprang to your feet and walked over to him, leaving wet footprints in your wake as you peered at him curiously.
“I was just going to do some laps to ensure that I’m at my best for the swimming unit next week. Did you have the same idea?” you said.
“Something like that,” he said.
“What’s with that whole ritual, though?” you said. “It’s not that cold. You should just get in.”
“Definitely not,” he said. You furrowed your brow.
“Okay,” you said. “Why are you at the pool, then, if you don’t want to go in the water?”
“It’s nothing you need to be concerned with!” he said. “Why are you so nosy? Just go away.”
“I was here first,” you said.
“Fine,” he said, spinning on his heel. “I’ll go, then.”
“Wait! Karasu, wait,” you said, grabbing onto his wrist as he made to leave. “Look, we don’t have to talk to one another or anything. We’re experienced enough at ignoring each other, so there’s not an issue in both of us being here.”
“Is that what you want?” he said.
“Yeah, sure,” you said. He swallowed hard, his throat bobbing, and you thought he would say something, but he only nodded curtly.
“Fine,” he said. You gave him an expectant look, but he did not move from the spot he was rooted in, so you thought that you might as well take the initiative. Looping around to the deep end, you inhaled and then dove into the water headfirst, staying under for as long as you could before finally surfacing and allowing yourself to settle into the familiar undulations that came with swimming.
After a few laps, you took a break, peeking up over the concrete to look at Karasu, who was still standing stubbornly in place, his nose wrinkling whenever he glanced at the pool.
“Hey,” you said. “Are you scared of the water or something?”
He froze. “Who told you that?”
“No one?” you said. “It’s pretty easy to tell as an onlooker. Were you planning on trying to get over your fear by coming to swim when no one was here? That’s dangerous if you don’t know how. You could drown.”
“I’m not scared of the water,” he said.
“Really? Then why’re you just standing there?” you said. His mouth opened and closed a few times, and then finally he hung his head in reluctant defeat.
“Whatever,” he said. Judging by the way he tensed immediately after the confession, he was expecting you to say something cruel, but you only boosted yourself out of the water and tapped him on the shoulder.
“I can help you, if you’d like,” you said. “I’m good at swimming.”
“Why would I want your help? And why would you even offer it in the first place? This is just one more subject you can beat me in, and that’s all you care about, so save it,” he said. “Congratulations, Y/N. You get to be number one this time.”
He looped a dry towel around his neck and left you standing alone, shivering and dripping pool water, a puddle forming around your feet as you gazed at the door he had vanished through.
The class rankings updated again after the swimming unit was over. You were in first place. Karasu didn’t even make it to the top ten. You wanted to celebrate the victory — it was the first time you had beaten him so thoroughly, after all — but for some reason, it didn’t really feel like something worth celebrating.
School without Karasu was lonelier than you thought it would be. You hadn’t realized just how much you relied on him until he wasn’t there anymore. Without him, there wasn’t anyone you could exchange looks with across the room when somebody said something ridiculous in class. There wasn’t anyone who you could talk to in the minutes before the period began. There wasn’t anyone who made you push yourself to be better. What was the point of being first if Karasu wasn’t on your heels, ensuring that you stayed on the top for fear of losing to him? It was boring and lonely to try if he wasn’t doing the same.
You and he were still one and two, but it didn’t matter much anymore. The rankings were just numbers. They didn’t mean anything when Karasu still refused to even exchange pleasantries with you. Why would you want to compete when the other party didn’t share your interest? Now, if you managed to pull out ahead of him, it felt more like you had kicked a dog that was already down than if you had actually won anything. When he got first over you, it didn’t fuel your ambition any. You just wished he would come over and gloat instead of sitting there so solemnly, like none of it had ever mattered to him in the first place.
You couldn’t understand why he was so angry. What had you said that was so egregious? You hardly remembered the conversation you had had with him, it was that thoughtlessly done. You really hadn’t meant much if anything by it. One second, the two of you had been squabbling as you were prone to doing, and the next, he was so furious that he couldn’t bear to interact with you even still.
The day you were ambushed was nondescript. It was just like any other Wednesday, and you were walking back home from school when you were forced to stop in your tracks. A tall man — no, he was a boy, probably a year or two younger than you based on his soft and innocent expression — was barring your way, his arms outstretched and feet planted firmly in the ground to prove the depth of his conviction. He had pale hair and sky-colored eyes framed by the longest eyelashes you had ever seen on anyone, man or woman, with a small mouth pinched into an expression of discontent and lines like tire tracks between his eyebrows.
“Who are you?” you said warily, reaching for your phone, though you hardly knew who you would call. The setting was wrong for this to be a mugging, as it was sunny out and you were on a well-traveled street, but you didn’t really know what else to expect from the stranger, who could certainly outmuscle you if it came to it despite his lovely appearance.
“Yo Hiori,” he said. “I play on Bambi Osaka with Karasu. You’re Y/N L/N, correct?”
“Oh, one of the soccer guys?” you said. “Uh, hey. Yes, that’s me. Is something the matter? I’ve never seen you before. How do you even know who I am?”
“I’ve been watching Karasu for a while,” Hiori said with the utmost of seriousness, his hands dropping to his sides now that he was sure you weren’t going to run past him. “He’s a pretty fascinating person.”
“I’m sure,” you said, thinking to yourself that this Hiori kid was more than a little weird. Did Karasu know that he had acquired such a shadow? You supposed he must’ve. He had always been the observant type, so there was no way someone like Hiori would’ve escaped his keen notice.
“He’s been kind of down in the dumps recently, though. Even our coach noticed it. His playing hasn’t suffered too dramatically, but he’s the captain of the team, so he’s the guy everyone relies on for a funny pep talk or a word of advice when things are going south. Nowadays, however, when he’s off the field, he just sulks,” Hiori explained.
“I see,” you said. “That’s terrible.”
You meant it, too. Karasu without his asshole quips and ready jokes was a different person entirely. A person who you missed more than you could let on, even to yourself.
“It is,” Hiori said. “I took it upon myself to do some digging, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason is you.”
He was definitely a freak. You vowed to bring it up with Karasu, if he ever talked to you again. Even if he was already aware, it felt like a moral or civic duty of yours to ensure that he was fully informed about the extent that this child was inquiring into his life.
“What kind of, uh, digging do you mean?” you said, neatly avoiding the second thing he had said.
“It was pretty simple,” Hiori said. “One of the guys asked Karasu if he was acting off because he broke up with his girlfriend or something, and he got so mad that he left practice early. I opened up social media as soon as I got home and saw that you’re the only girl he follows, so by process of elimination, I figured the two of you were having some trouble in your relationship.”
“Relationship? I think you’re misunderstanding,” you said. “There’s no relationship. You could hardly even consider us friends.”
“Oh!” Hiori said. “I’m sorry. He’s mentioned you once or twice, so I just thought — and given what he said — and his reaction and all — no, I really am just sorry. It was wrong of me to make that assumption in the first place.”
“It’s alright,” you said. “I’m told it’s a relatively common misconception, so I can’t blame you. At least, it used to be. We haven’t really spoken in a while, so I guess everything thinks that it’s over, even though it never began in the first place.”
“You haven’t spoken in a while?” Hiori said. “Why not?”
“I think I said something that offended him, and we haven’t been on good terms since. Not that we ever really were in the first place,” you said.
“You did? He’s a pretty rational person, so it must’ve been something terrible for him to still be angry about it,” Hiori said.
“Maybe, but I don’t remember saying anything like that,” you said.
“What if you tell me how your last conversation went? Maybe I can help you,” he said.
“Sure, since you’re apparently the resident Karasu expert,” you said. “Wanna walk with me? I was heading home, but we can go to the convenience store and get some snacks or something instead. I don’t want to get in trouble for standing around in front of some random person’s house for too long.”
“Sounds good,” Hiori said. “There’s one a couple of minutes away, so we can head in that direction and keep talking as we go.”
“Great,” you said. “Okay, so the last time we talked…I think it was when Kenyu Yukimiya requested to follow me.”
“Who’s that?” Hiori said.
“He’s this model I met while I was shopping one day. Absolutely breathtaking,” you said. “Just really a stand-up guy. We’ve hung out a few times since then, he introduced me to the girlfriend I did not know he had, the works.“
“Yikes, unrequited love?” Hiori said with a wince.
“It was more of a celebrity crush. His girlfriend is super sweet, though, so I can’t complain. Anyways, I would consider them both casual acquaintances. The type you call to have a coffee with, but not the ones that help you move into a new apartment, you know?” you said.
“Uh, sure,” Hiori said in a tone which suggested he had no idea what you were talking about but was too scared to inquire further.
“Moving on, Yukimiya requested to follow me, and of course this was at the peak of my celebrity crush, so I started fawning over him, which prompted Karasu to take my phone and start insulting him,” you said.
“Interesting,” Hiori said.
“Then I called him ugly, and he called me ugly — that’s pretty standard for the two of us, so don’t look so shocked! After that, I said something about how I had expected him to be jealous of Yukimiya, since he didn’t have much going for him overall, so it made sense,” you said. “That’s when he left and things got weird.”
“Okay, I think I get it,” Hiori said. You waited for him to explain further. He smiled at you pleasantly.
“Right, so are you going to share with the class or am I meant to read your mind?” you said after a moment.
“I don’t want to give anything away that I shouldn’t,” he said. “But it’s a pretty simple issue to fix. Try thinking about what you said from his perspective.”
“He has a dumbass perspective. It’s impossible for me to think that way,” you said automatically.
“Do you think that he dislikes you?” Hiori said, taking two bottles of Yakult down from the shelf, handing one to you and keeping the other for himself.
“I’m not really sure how he feels about me, to tell you the truth,” you said.
“I don’t think he does,” Hiori said. “So, try thinking about someone you like and then imagine them saying to you what you said to them. Would you be inclined to be nice to them after that?”
“Well…” Your tongue was heavy and leaden in your mouth, and you ducked your head as you searched through your wallet for money. “No, not at all. I’d probably hate them for a really long time. Maybe forever.”
“That’s possible,” he said.
“Do you think he’ll hate me forever?” you said.
“Most likely not. Like I said earlier, he’s a rational person. I think that if you say sorry and sincerely mean it, he’ll forgive you. There’s a chance he won’t, though; you’ll have to listen to what he says and accept it,” Hiori said.
“But when? I hardly have the chance to see him in school. He just avoids me, and the building’s so big that it’s all but impossible to track him down!” you said.
“We have a soccer game in the evening today,” Hiori said. “I’m heading over there in a bit. Wanna come? You can talk to him once it’s over.”
“Am I allowed to?” you said.
“Why wouldn’t you be?” Hiori said. “If anyone says anything, just tell them I invited you. Here, I’ll give you the address and time now, and you can decide if you want to show up.”
“Okay,” you said, typing out his instructions in your notes app. “Thanks a lot for your help, Hiori.”
“Anytime!” he said. “Hope to see you at the game!”
“Even if I don’t go, I’d still like to meet you again. You’re a pretty cool kid,” you said, reaching up to ruffle his hair. “Kind of weird, if I’m being fully honest, but cool nonetheless. Karasu’s lucky to have a teammate like you.”
He grinned, and it was a tender, shy thing, as if he was earnestly seeking your praise or approval — like how a cat would bring a dead rat to its master or a child would show their parents a treasured drawing. “Thank you. Even if you don’t try to talk to Karasu…maybe you can still come anyways?”
“Alright, then,” you said. “Since you asked so nicely, I guess I have to. I’ll be there.”
The sun was nearing the horizon, but it still had not officially begun to set by the time you settled in the bleachers on Bambi Osaka’s side. Besides a couple of women your mother’s age and an elderly man who must’ve been someone’s grandfather, there weren’t any other spectators. Hiori had mentioned that this wasn’t a particularly serious game, as they didn’t even need to beat the team to make it to Nationals, so it was more like a friendly exhibition game than anything — hence the low turnout.
“Hello, dear,” a woman said when she noticed you sitting by yourself. “Are you friends with one of the players?”
“Yes. Um, Tabito Karasu? I’m his classmate,” you said. Technically, you were there on Hiori’s goodwill, not Karasu’s, but for you to not mention Karasu would be like a betrayal. You weren’t sure if it was him or yourself that you’d be betraying, but either way you did not want to chance it.
“You’re one of Karasu’s friends? Lucky you, then,” she said. “He’s a delightful boy, or so I’ve heard. This is my son’s first year on the team, and he was really nervous to join such a prestigious organization, but ever since his first day, all he can talk about is how amazing his captain is. Karasu’s tough on all of the players, but he really works hard to make all of them feel welcomed, too.”
Bambi Osaka’s team took the field, and you smiled when you saw Karasu in the front, his name across the back of his jersey, a pair of black gloves covering his large hands, an insolent leer on his face as he greeted the other team’s captain. He had not noticed you yet, and you were not sure if this was for the better or worse, because you wanted him to see you, but you didn’t want him to be distracted and play poorly as a result.
“He’s a wonderful person,” you agreed. “He’s the only one in the entire school who can keep up with me, academically or otherwise. I didn’t realize until recently how much I admire him for that.”
The woman’s eyes crinkled around the corners with the ease that came from a lifetime of happiness. For some reason, you thought that she knew something you did not, or could not, but it wasn’t uncomfortable that she did. It seemed to you that being left in the dark was just your lot this time around, and you found that oddly enough, it felt acceptable.
“Is this your first time coming to watch him?” she said.
“Yes, it is,” you said.
“You know, he has this habit before every match of scanning the stands, like he’s looking for someone. I thought it might be his parents, but at the last match, just about his entire family showed up, and he still seemed disappointed,” she said.
“That’s a shame,” you said noncommittally, not sure what else you should say. The woman shrugged.
“Well, I wonder what it’ll be like today,” she said. “There he goes.”
True to her words, Karasu was craning his neck towards the Bambi Osaka side, his eyes darting from person to person until they settled on you. You raised your hand hesitantly, waving at him, knowing that he probably wouldn’t reciprocate.
He turned away almost immediately, but not before you saw him fight back a smile — not the smug type he generally donned, but one you had only ever seen on him once or twice. It was one that made him seem charming and boyish and sweet, that made you want to take back every negative word you had ever said about him. Only now could you understand that it showed who he really was, that at his heart Karasu was that kind of person, not anything like the facade you were so accustomed to, which he showed you for the sole reason that it was what you unconsciously demanded of him.
You had judged him to be horrible, and so he became the bane of your existence. You had told him he was good for nothing, so he disappeared like he really was just that. Everything you said, Karasu went along with gamely, and you wished you could’ve known that earlier, so you would’ve spent less time hating him and more time comprehending these intricacies, which entranced you in the way a spider’s web entranced a butterfly.
“Looks like I don’t need to worry about that child any more,” the woman said as the referee blew the whistle to signal the start of the game.
“Pardon?” you said. “Were you talking to me?”
“No, no,” she said, shaking her head. “I was just musing to myself. Ignore me. Let’s watch the game; I have a feeling that some of our players are going to go all out today.”
Bambi Osaka completely annihilated the other team. Maybe the match didn’t matter, but none of them played that way; instead, they were aggressive and focused, with Karasu at the forefront of every goal they made, commending his teammates and deriding his opposition in the same breath.
That was something you had not expected — he had a massively foul mouth when he played soccer. You had thought that he was rude when he spoke to you, but the things you overheard from him whenever he ran by within earshot made your conversations seem tame. You couldn’t help but pity the poor defenders that he shoved past and spat barbed-wire abuse at.
He was merciless and beautiful and you could probably spend a dozen more hours watching him play without even a trace of boredom, but by the time the sky had turned gold and the sun had dipped towards the ground, the game was over and the members of Bambi Osaka were packing up their things to leave for the night after yet another landslide win.
You snuck onto the field once you were extremely assured that nobody would be upset with you for it, making your way over to where Karasu was chugging a bottle of water.
“Hi,” you said when he was finished, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and tossing the now-empty bottle into his bag. “You played really well.”
“Thanks,” he said. There was impatience but also longing in his voice, like he wanted you to say something so badly but he knew you would not, would never, and so he would rather get the conversation over with and move on with the business of his life than stick around and waste time with you.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“What?” he said.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Karasu, I’m really sorry. I don’t think that you have nothing going for you. I don’t know why I said that. Well, I do, it’s because I wanted to have the last word like I always do, but I don’t mind if I don’t have it this time. Or any other time. Or ever again.”
“What?” he repeated, as though he had been rendered dumb by your confession.
“I miss you,” you admitted. “I didn’t believe I could, but apparently, I can, and I do. A lot. I know that I’m unpleasant and disparaging and haughty when it comes to you, but I won’t be that way anymore if you forgive me for my vices one last time. If it means you’ll talk to me, I’ll be a fool. I’ll be in second place. I’ll be an idiot. But please, please forgive me.”
He took a deep breath. You handed him the bottle of kombucha that you had bought on your way to the game because you saw him drink it so frequently that you figured he must like it. He accepted it gingerly, holding it with the delicacy of a newborn, unscrewing the lid and sipping on it pensively.
“Alright,” he said.
“Alright?” you said.
“I’ll forgive you,” he said. “But on one condition.”
“Anything,” you said.
“You better not do anything as dumb as trying to be mediocre on purpose because you think it’ll make me feel better. What the hell is that proposition, huh? It’ll make me feel worse if anything! I like you because you’re unpleasant and disparaging and haughty and whatever else you said, not in spite of those qualities. I’m sure you heard me while I was playing…anyone who isn’t you would probably be terrified of me when I’m like that,” he said. “Just, y’know, I’m a person with feelings, too, so keep that in mind if you can. Oh, and don’t wait so long to say sorry next time, because it’s seriously annoying for me to feel all out-of-sorts for ages!” he said.
“That’s it?” you said.
“That’s it,” he said. “Hug?”
Ordinarily, you would’ve said no, but you were so weepy at the reconciliation that you nodded and let him embrace you, his arms caging you against his chest, holding you to him so that you could not escape.
“Ew!” you shouted when you registered what he was trying to do, shoving him off of you as he cackled and released you without much of a fight. “Gross, Karasu, you’re disgusting! Get away from me! I can’t believe you did that!”
“I can’t believe you fell for it!” he said as you frantically tried to wipe yourself off, though it was largely in vain. In your emotional state, you had forgotten that he was still drenched with sweat from the game, and you were now reaping the consequences of your poor decision making.
“You’re a bad person,” you said.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “Whatever you say.”
“I probably deserved that one, though, so I won’t hold it against you,” you said.
“Smart decision,” he said. “Wait. Unrelated, but whatever ended up happening between you and that model dude? What was his name again?”
“Yukimiya? He has a girlfriend,” you said. “Oh, well. What can you do, right? I’m not upset about it. Besides, everyone and their mother thinks I have a boyfriend already, so it’s probably for the best that it worked out like this. I wouldn’t want his modeling career to be ruined by home-wrecking allegations or anything.”
“It must be a pretty serious not-relationship you’ve got there, if it’s the career-ending type,” he said.
“I’d say it’s pretty serious, yes,” you said. “He’s an awesome guy. You’d like him.”
“I’ll respect it, then,” he said. “But…if you ever find yourself not-breaking up with him, then, uh, let me know. I’ll take you on a date somewhere. We can argue and reminisce about the day we met over dinner or something. It’ll be super romantic.”
He said it casually, but you were more familiar with him than either of you ever could’ve predicted you’d be. He was secretly nervous about how big of a risk he had taken, fiddling with the zipper of his soccer bag, avoiding your eyes while he waited for your response. You let the silence stretch on for a minute, just to make him squirm, and then you poked him in the ribs.
“Karasu,” you said.
“What’s up?” he said, and he must’ve been trying very hard to keep his cool, but his anxiety transmitted through the endearing crack of his voice.
“I have to tell you something,” you said.
“Go ahead,” he said.
“I’m not-single now,” you said. “So. Will you take me on a date this weekend?”
He lit up, so bright that you were all but blinded by the brilliance of his joy. Then he cleared his throat and pretended to check the non-existent watch on his wrist.
“You’re in luck,” he said. “That works for me. I’ll pick you up on Saturday for dinner.”
“Great,” you said. “I look forward to it.”
“Hold on, don’t go just yet,” he said. You paused, about to ask him what else he needed when he stooped over and pressed his lips to your cheek. “Thanks for coming to my game. I’m not really sure how you knew I was playing, but I’m glad you could make it either way.”
“Um — uh — Hiori told me, he told me you were playing, and, er, where to go and what time and all,” you stammered, trying to wrap your head around what had just happened, replaying it in your mind over and over.
“Hiori? I should’ve known he’d be the type to meddle like that,” he said. “I’m not even going to ask how you know each other. The answer will probably make me feel vaguely discomfited, so I’ll abide by an ‘ignorance is bliss’ policy.”
“That’s probably for the best,” you said, composing yourself, though internally, you were imagining what it would be like if you had turned your head, if instead of your cheek his lips had landed somewhere else. “Okay, I should go now. See you on Saturday?”
“One last thing. You’re pretty transparent, you know,” he said, grasping your chin in his left hand and leaning in. Your eyelashes fluttered shut as he grew closer and closer, but right when his mouth was a hair’s breadth from yourself, he chuckled. “Also, pretty gullible.”
Instead of kissing you like you had anticipated he would, he tackled you in another hug. You squealed in protest, but he held fast, his body rumbling with laughter as you simultaneously struggled to escape and clung onto him as tightly as you could.
“I hate you,” you said when your half-hearted efforts proved to be entirely futile.
“Sure you do,” he said.
“You’re the worst,” you said.
“Absolutely,” he said.
“I’m being serious here. You smell!” you said.
“Well, that’s plain rude of you to say,” he said, messing up your hair in what you were sure he deemed to be a punishment, as if being crushed against his sweaty form wasn’t punishment enough.
“Let go of me, you idiot crow!” you said.
“No can do,” he said. “Crows are clingy birds, you know. Even the idiotic ones. Ask me again in twenty years and maybe we can revisit the issue.”
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neko-rogers · 4 years
But It’s Better If You Do
Trying to keep your relationship with your professor was easy enough, until you learned that someone had found out about it.
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words: 7,424 tags: manipulative!peter, explicit noncon/dubcon elements, degredation, implied overstimulation, blackmailing, kidnapping, college student and professor relationship, 
a/n: whew this had a lot of words compared to what i usually write. plus, since im bad at titles, i’ll just use my fav song titles lmao. (ps. erik lehnsherr aka magneto is here and im just glad i could put him in my little fictional world bc im d biggest slut for him)
     A complete lie, you just did not want to deal with college fuck boys.
     The man in front of the class was practically pouring his heart out into the lecture. The chalkboard was filled with white letterings from left to right, not knowing where to start as you take down notes.
     “It is important to keep in mind that bimolecular structure and function are dictated by the properties of the medium in which they are dissolved,” your professor explains while continually pacing from one end to the other among the students seated at the first row.
     You decided to seat around the middle to the last row, knowing it was the least obvious way for other students in the class to notice how much you fawn over your Organic Chemistry professor rather than the subject itself.
     Honestly you could listen to him talk for hours. All those information he had been discussing would not actually process through your thoughts. You knew that better than anyone.
     But who honestly would invalidate your reason? Everyone can probably relate to hating Chemistry, no matter what subcategory it is. 
     Considering that this was probably one of the most difficult courses you had in your program. You were just thankful and lucky enough you landed on one of the hottest professors amongst the campus.
     “Hey what did Professor Lehnsherr say about the problems during synthesis of proteins?” Peter asks.
     In spite of being fortunate about everything else about this subject, you were not quite happy about Peter Parker following you around like a lost puppy. Especially during the classes you both have alike. 
     The boy constantly asks so much questions as if you were the teacher already. In addition, he seemed smart enough to figure things out yet somehow he keeps on bugging you for reassurance.
     You did not want to be rude. He has not done anything to completely deserve your rage, however he was definitely getting on your nerves.
     Honestly you would not want to be infuriated over his consistent queries, but you were just as distracted as he was, maybe even more. With this, you were looking dumber to him each day. 
     To anyones pride, it was probably a kick in the stomach. You knew you were not the brightest in this class, but it was best to leave the information to yourself. No need for anyone to point out how mindless you were.
     And you really were not. You had other Science subjects you totally excel at. Sadly, Chemistry was just not one of them.
     “Well, uh, I don’t think I got that part either.” You look aside where he was seated and awkwardly smiled at him before mentioning an apology, “Sorry, Peter.”
     In return, Peter smiled at you and dismissed the question. You were not so sure whether to forget about it or take even the least bit of offense. You felt a little mocked by how easily he did it and innocently he smiled, but maybe you were just overthinking this through.
     “It’s fine,” he tells. “I just didn’t get the third bullet, but I’ll try to review it in the textbook when I get home.”
     “Oh okay, sure.”
     “Speaking about reviewing,” Again, Peter tries to start another discourse.
     “I was wondering if you got reviewers for the upcoming text for next week? We all know how difficult Professor Lehnsherr’s exams can get, right?” He lets out a forced chuckle, assuming it could lighten the mood.
     As much as he tried to make small talks with you, almost everyday, today you really feel like you did not want to return the favor. Especially after having to bring up the test next week.
     “I don’t really make reviewers, I usually just scan the books I have at home.”
     Lies. You probably have a box full of index cards and sticky notes in your room.
     You tried to use every studying tips every corner of the Internet could give. All those study-life hacks that really did not help much but pile up to your disorganized state of mind.
     You fucking tried to study Chemistry. You really did.
     “What, you don’t?!” He suddenly exclaims, not realizing the loudness of his voice as it almost caught the attention from people at front. “You seem to be busy all the time though. It’s like I always catch your writing or reading something in class.”
     Maybe your mood was just off but it definitely seemed weird for him to say that. Though, you did not want to make something from what he said. It was not worth your time.
     “I guess people are not always what they seem to be, yeah?”
     Again, Peter gives out that soft chuckle and smile, “Then I guess so. You do make a point.”
      He does not argue with you any further.
     “Can I at least borrow your Physics book? I only bought Chemistry and Biotech for the semester. Didn’t know they would actually utilize it for once,” he scoffs. 
     At first you hesitated. You were reviewing for it too, but you already felt bad for being no help whenever he asks a question and often times disregarding him when your mood if off. Plus, you did just make it look like you were not much of a study-freak.
     He instinctively fist pumps the air and looks at you with a wide, grateful grin. “Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver, Y/N.”
     “Don’t mention it.” You grab the book he needs from your bag and hands it to him. He accepts it and places it inside his while also clearing the rest of his things.
     Looking at his digital wristwatch wherein he raised his index finger up as if he figured something out of it, he says, “He’s going to dismiss the class in a few minutes. We should get ready for Cell Biology next period.
     Oh how you hated it. Were you jumping to conclusions? Or was this boy really trying to be too close with you? Or was he just being nice and informing you to prepare ahead?
     God, you did not give Peter Parker the right to cloud up your thoughts like this.
     “Thanks,” you say, “but I need to talk to Professor Lehnsherr after class. Have to, uh, consult him about my concept paper that he made us submit last week.”
     As he tidies his notebooks up and carelessly shoves it inside his backpack, he immediately looks back at you with a confused expression, “Oh, I can always wait for you–”
     “It’s fine, Peter. Thank you though.” Two of your hands were instinctively waving in front of you, a meek gesture for him to stop coddling you or whatever move he had been trying to make at you.
     “Are you sure? I–”
     And if you were ought to be saved further from lashing out over Peter’s incessant attempts, you finally heard the words any student was longing to hear. “Class dismissed. I’ll see you all on Monday.” 
     “Eri–err, Professor Lensherr just dismissed the class. Better catch up to him before he heads out,” you hurriedly said. And with a loud slam from your notebook, you quickly shut him out. In addition, you practically shoved every thing in front of you into your bag without sparing a second glance.
     One strap of your back was slung over your shoulder as you hurriedly flew down the aisle. Professor Lehnsherr was midway into packing his things before you interrupted and approached him.
     “Professor,” you call out. “I have a question. About the paper I handed in last week.”
     “Uhuh.” He faintly furrows his eyebrows, trying to hide his already obvious bewilderment. “I forgot which assignment was that, Ms. Y/L/N.”
     There were students still exiting in class. So you tried your best to make your conversation with him less suspicious. He was most likely doing the same. 
     “It was about the Chemistry-proposal thing.” You snapped your fingers a few times as you gathered your train of thought, but realizing it was not going effectively. “Well I just wanted to confirm it since, you know, I was hoping for any feedback from you throughout this week.”
     “I’m not sure if I have read it. I’ve certainly been busy this week,” he clarifies. “Nonetheless, we can talk about it later. Thank you for bringing it up. I’ll make sure to follow it up in my schedule, Ms. Y/N.”
     Both of you made your way out the door once there were only a minuscule amount of students left in class. You probably had been looking at your professor with gushing stares, but you doubt the other people in the room could notice it. They were farther away from where both of you stood, much less would they be able to hear what the two of your were talking about.
     “Oh thank you so much, sir!” You almost cried out and jumped in joy while reaching through the threshold. Moreover, you composed yourself before mumbling out, “I’ll see you later, Eric.” 
     In which you were certain no one would have heard it besides him.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     “I’m sure you’ll get a good grade in the exams, Y/N,” Eric leans back to his seat with a humble smile upon his face. 
     “Really? I doubt so, there’s a kid in your class that keeps bugging me out to a study date, or whatever you call it,” you sneer. You lick your lips as you finish taking a sip around the wine glass, setting it down and looking back at the man you were having dinner with. “It’s getting very annoying though, he surely knows how to get on my nerves.”
     “I’m sure he’s just trying to flirt with you, like any other college boys do.” He optimistically and maturely lays out the options. “It’s pretty normal for anyone to chase someone they are fond of, especially for young adults like you.”
     It was a pretty obvious sign that he was trying to let his message reach you. 
     “Well, I apologize for my standards of men,” you say. “I just want to skip the whole heartbreak in college and character development. All that stuff you usually see in a typical teen romance movie.”
     You sigh, looking down and saying, “I already found a man for me. Why would I stoop down for some guy who’s most likely wanting something from me, and dumping me once he got what he wanted.”
     “Y/N, I don’t blame you for liking men that’s ten years older than you,” Eric assures. “But I want you to realize that you still have a lot to look forward after graduating
     “And I look forward for you too!” You tried to not raise your voice, though having dinner in his house wouldn’t really catch anyones attention. “I can’t wait to finally graduate from second semester and be able to spend more time, publicly, with you.”
     “Yes, I understand, honey.” He places his hand over yours as he tries to calm you down. “Like I said, I just want you to make sure that you’ve clearly thought this through.”
      Eric adds, “There’s plenty of men out there. I don’t want to take away your opportunity of experiencing something new at such a young age.”
     “I’m turning twenty-four! I promise you I’m thinking everything through.” Your voice was much weaker than a few seconds ago. The evident tone of strength fades even with one glance from the man in front of you. You felt yourself shrink in your seat. But you were sure he does not intend to frighten you into compliance.
     “Sorry,” you pout. “Didn’t mean to raise my voice.”
     “I understand, and I won’t pressure you any more tonight, okay?” He tries to uplift your mood, detecting quickly the shift of the room’s atmosphere. “You deserve a good dinner tonight, like I promised, sweetie.”
     His smile made you calmer. It was then that you realized why you were attracted to a man like him even if he was still your teacher.
     The way he handles you in any given situation so sensibly. Though it may feels intimidating at first, he consequently tries to override the tone of the conversation which cheers you up.
     With one hand, he hold yours and gently draws it towards him at the same moment he leans his head down. Eric presses a kiss against the back of your hand and you butterflies immediately fill inside your stomach. “I love you.”
     “I love you too.” Every doubt you had entirely disappeared now. If there were hints of you hesitating to continue seeing Eric, they were certainly long gone now.
     “Let me drive you home after dinner,” he offers, like the gentleman he is.
     Eric always does make sure you get home safe. However, you both agreed that he drops you off at least a block away from your house. Just in case people around your neighborhood might catch you, or worse your parents.
     It was not like you were ashamed of your relationship with Eric. Cautious was the term.
     You were only a few months in seeing him. Fair enough, he was your second semester professor and the both of you met before that period.
     You were not only risking the wrath of your parents once they hear you’re dating an older man, let alone your Chemistry teacher. But you were also putting him at risk if ever his faculty finds out.
     Eventually, the two of you pack up and end your conversation. Other than talking about college, the two of you also talk more about yourselves which has progressed you into learning more about each other’s personalities and likes.
     He helps you out of his house and into the passenger seat of his car. It had been more than thrice wherein he drove you home, and the familiar scent of leather and the typical Glad air fresheners has clung onto your nose. You strap on your seatbelt on just as he was getting inside the driver’s side.
     The ride was not entirely dead silent. Eric made a few more small talks before finally turning a right which was where he usually drops you off. It amazes you how instantly he remembered the way to your home, as you instructed him the first time.
     “Thank you for tonight, like always, Eric.” 
     As always, you made your way out of his car prior to giving him a kiss. You only had to walk straight ahead, glancing at your home which had one dim light illuminating through one window.
     Upon entering the house, you figured your parents were already asleep and a hint of the living room lamp was present. Taking the benefit of not having to be interrogated by anyone, you rushed upstairs to your bedroom, turned on the lights, and immediately closed the door behind you with a sigh of relief. A smile was also visible after recalling your night with Eric.
     As you made your way towards your bed, a piece of paper lays obvious in the middle of it. Your sheets were flattened and tidied, so you could obviously detect when something is placed on top of it. You have no memory of leaving it early in the morning before you left too.
     When picking the paper up, you realized it was a piece of polaroid film. Its back was facing you, having no idea what to expect at the front.
     At that point, the smile from your face turned into horror and all the color in you basically drained away.
     The picture displayed you and Eric at one dinner night out from a few days ago, you still remember. It could have been anything but malicious, but the way his hand was intertwined with yours as both of you laugh away without worries. It was clear as day, the light shining perfectly at the both of you. Anyone can conclude what was happening in the picture.
     You did not know this day would come. The picture was taken from Eric’s home to prevent such things like this from happening. So it puzzled you just as much at it terrified you.
     This was definitely someone who had been stalking either one of you. It was not a mere instance like paparazzis who catch celebrities dating on the streets of New York.
     Someone definitely have been observing the two of you.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     Days have passed, a week almost. Examinations are scheduled for tomorrow. 
     And you prayed that the picture you received would be the only thing terrorizing your dreams. But you were completely wrong.
     From thereon, you started to receive more pictures, specifically one every morning and night, from your past hangouts with Eric. It were simple shots but had the power to completely jeopardize either one of you, mostly him at stake though.
     It was obvious that the person behind this was definitely observing the two of you for a while. Probably even during the most earliest weeks when your relationship with him started.
     Though it may seem unfair, you did not mention anything about it to Eric. It was enough the he was keeping with you, his job, and himself private – which clearly was not working out so well. You felt like it was your responsibility to handle this situation. You were so sure you did not try to publicize anything and kept it on the low.
      Nevertheless, it was out there. Eric had not mentioned anything so you assumed he did not receive a picture like you did.
     Currently, you were seated at the farthest row at the back of the room, somewhat near the corner. Physics was your last subject and you could not wait but finally leave.
     In addition, you texted Eric that you would not be seeing him until after the exams. It was an easy excuse not to see him, saying that you wanted to focus on studying for it; however, you knew that you would just be busy thinking about the creepy stalker gallery you have been receiving.
     “Hey.” Unsurprisingly, a familiar voice whispers next to you which disrupts your heavy train of thoughts. “You finished studying for tomorrow? I’m about to end my review with Chemistry later.”
     “Cool.” Probably the one of the most basic replies in the universe. “I haven’t finished studying, I’m kind of dealing with a lot of things recently.”
     You made sure to generalize your answer, but enough for him to sympathize and at least give you some space.
     “Oh, sorry to hear about that.” Peter frowns. He takes his seat a few desks away from your left, leaving you to continue thinking. You were thankful for his gesture too.
     Surprisingly enough the boy barely bothered you for the entire lecture. You were still engrossed on finding out whoever was stalking you, even so dating back to boys you evidently rejected during the first semester – who badmouthed you immediately afterwards. There were not a lot of names, so it was easy to remember who was who.
     You traced back to each boy and remembered what they said after you told them you were not ready to enter a relationship – a complete lie, you just did not want to deal with college fuck boys.
     Just as you expected from any of them, rumors have spread out about you which was mostly shaming you physically or mentally. Some were milder insults than the other yet at the end of the day you did not care.
     “Fuck,” you whisper to yourself. “Who was that boy at Liz’s party.”
     Your eyes were sealed shut, recalling a list of names while using your thumb and middle finger to massage your temples. It was getting frustrating and mentally exhausting.
     After some time, you had so much word filling in and our of your brain that you were not aware that your own name was being called. Your heart practically skipped a beat after hearing it the first time, assuming that you were being called to recite an answer. But you became content after seeing that it was just Peter, who started tapping your arm to get your attention.
     “Huh?” You lightly shake your head before turning your head aside.
     “Oh, class was dismissed a few minutes earlier than usual–”
     “Don’t forget to answer the assignment regarding thermodynamic concepts found it the book. You’ll hand it in immediately on Wednesday.” The professor addresses the class as they were already carrying their bags and themselves out the room.
     You start placing your stationeries inside yours, packing your other things up until it was only a pair of earphones and your phone left in front. Peter stood near the aisle while looking at you just as you were zipping your bag shut.
     “Oh shoot, I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he states out of nowhere causing you to furrow your eyebrows at him. “I forgot I still haven’t returned your Physics book I borrowed last week.”
     Nodding your head and standing up, you shrug it off. “It’s fine. You can return it tomorrow.”
     “Sure, but how will you do your Physics assignment?”
     Oh yeah. Your professor literally reminded the class a few seconds ago.
     “I think I might be able to do it overnight. How many pages is the task?”
     “Eight, or nine I think.” He frowns looking very guilty at you.
     “Shit,” you swore. That was a lot of pages than the usual assignments given.
     “Yeah, professor said it could help add points if you somehow get a bad grade at the tests.”
     “Never mind,” you tried to set his mistake aside. “I’ll try to do it within overnight tomorrow. I can ask for help from my friend tomorrow morning and–”
     “Wait! I realized you can stop by my apartment to get it.”
     “Oh–er, Peter, I don’t think I have time to–
     “It’s just nearby the campus, I promise,” he assures and adds, “it wouldn’t be a hassle, it’s probably on your way home anyway so it won’t make a difference.”
     “Uhm.” You were doubtful of him. 
     However, you did realize that you did not have anything to do after class. You were keeping distance with Eric for the meantime which meant that your schedule was mostly vacant after this.
     “Please,” he begs, “I feel so bad for keeping it the whole week. I swear it’s like a few blocks from here.”
     “Would it take more than twenty minutes?” You purse your lips, convincing yourself that you would rather force yourself to study at home than spend it at someone’s apartment.
     “I only take around ten minutes to walk so,” he answers. “Unless you’re a slow walker, of course.” The tone of his voice seeming to be joking.
     Again, he pleads. This kid will not fucking budge.
     “Fine,” you blurt out. Though, you realized your sudden-almost lash out moment at the boy that you made sure to reiterate it but slower, “I mean, sure. I can stop by your apartment to pick up my book.”
     An awaited smile and sense of agreement washes over you.
     Peter then leads the way as you walked behind him, maintaining a short distance so people would not throw out any suspicious looks. Like in every college, everyone knows just how fast gossips formulate and rumors spread.
     If you think about it though, it might avert anyone’s suspicion – mainly pertaining to your creepy stalker – with you and your Professor. But you were not prepared for that yet, maybe some time when you can finally think about its consequences through.
     True to his word, as the both of you exited the campus, it took a short time before the boy in front of you told that you were about to enter through the entrance to the building of his apartment. You were not so sure if it was really a momentary walk or because you were so focused on thinking and keeping a distance.
     At some points he did often look back in case you got lost from following him. Plus, like always, he asked you simple questions either about your day or your subjects to make small talk. In which case, you were barely answering him but definitely progressed compared to when he attempted for previous times during class.
     In addition, as the two of you walked down the block, the number of faces you could only assume was in college decreased. Meaning that the glares at you eased up.
     “Well, here’s my location.” A loud huff follows as he uses a key to unlock the door for the entrance to the building, “It wasn’t that far, was it?”
     “Yeah, I guess it wasn’t that far.” You agree as he holds the door for you and then walks right after you.
     As Peter leads you upstairs onto around the fourth level, he proceeds to walk along the corridors. The array of same beige colored doors with small golden indents of unit numbers paraded along it too. Eventually he stops and inserts a key into the lock, twisting it until hearing the unlocking sound.
     For a moment you hesitated to follow him. You just wanted your book and you were sure he can give it to you on a shorter span than your walk from campus to here. Was it that troublesome?
     Entering his complex, you discovered how minimalistic it looked. To be fair it seemed quite small, the living room instantly greeting you through the entrance and a kitchenette at the side. But since his things were tidied up, it looked roomy.
     You instinctively close the door behind you, slightly aware that it did not create a locking sound. Following Peter, you took a few more steps until you stood still at the passageway between his living room and entryway.
     “Do you want a drink?” Peter asks.
     “No thank you.” You were still trying to subtle. “I just want my Physics book, Peter. Please?”
     He looked at you and paused for a split second. You could feel the frown behind the expressionless look. “Yeah. Okay. Sure,” he nods for a few times before turning around and proceeding to a seemingly narrow hallway. “I’ll get it in my room. Be back in a second.”
     Your feet faintly paced back and forth, still where you stood a few meters between the entrance and living room. After a few more minutes, Peter emerges carrying the familiar book with one hand.
     He approaches you within a few stops but stops in his tracks, leaving a distance from you. “Well uh,” he starts as his chin was tucked.
     “I just want to tell you something before I hand you back your book.” He looks up at you with really pleading eyes. During other instances in university, you were definitely familiar with that look. However, this one probably ranked as one of the most downhearted ones. 
     You did not want to feel regretful for him. Though it definitely feels like you just kicked a puppy.
     “Was is it?”
     “I love you,” he blurts out as his face goes back from hiding and looking down.
     It seemed awkward. You were somewhat expecting it, but you were also hoping that this day would not come – or not at least until you graduate and leave the university.
     “Oh.” You honestly did not want to react.
     Were you going to say sorry? How about thank you? Would it be better if you said you did not like him back? Or will the best response be that you are already taken?
     “Peter, I–”
     “Are you really dating Eric?” He shots up with eyes appearing almost teary.
     What. The. Fuck.
     “No,” you mutter. It was not much of an answer to his question. It was more on being quite horrified as your mind started jumping to conclusions.
     The amount of things running around your mind right now was immeasurable.
     Firstly, anyone could make two and two out of what he said, especially knowing that no one knows it even so around your circle of friends.
     Secondly, you should have thought better. Your doubts with Peter should have been grater and you totally underestimated him. However, some part of you prayed that he was just an annoyingly awkward nerd who follows his friends regarding flirting tips.
     Lastly, you turned around and ran.
     You probably got your way with opening the door and taking two steps out. It was not long before you felt arms wrap around your waist and either side of your arms. You were then lifted and pulled behind while you tried to kick at the air as an escape. Did not work though.
     Peter was surprisingly stronger than you thought. He already seemed fairly muscular at class, hiding behind those long sleeved sweaters and flannels.
     Eventually the last thing you remember was the image of the door of his apartment open while you get sucked into the room further. Everything went black afterwards.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     When you felt that you were slowly restoring to consciousness, you were aware of the pounding at the back of your head and your arms.
     You tried to move your hands, wanting to press against the parts of your body that were aching. But you felt incapacitated as your wriggled your wrists around and felt an unfamiliar sticky fluid enveloping around them.
     “Glad you’re awake,” a voice says. “Does your head hurt?”
     You tried to open your eyes, the dark lighting of the room not cooperating with your vision. A light from the window and a lamp were the only things that helped you form something out of the void. 
     From there you saw Peter Parker sitting closely beside you at the edge of the bed.
     Hell please let this be a nightmare.
     “What–” You groan, “What do you want from me.”
     Your mind was building up your anger yet your body says otherwise. You felt exhausted and heavy.
     Peter shushed you in a caring manner, “We’ll talk when you feel better. I’ll let you get more rest okay, sweetie?”
     That was what you could remember the most. If you have awoken for other times in between your sleep, then you surely did not have an idea of it.
     When you finally woke up, the level of your grogginess felt little to none already. You looked around and saw that the room was still dark and seemingly still nighttime.
     As your head was twisting from side to side, you saw Peter appear from the doorway carrying a translucent cup filled with water in one hand. “Hey, you’re finally awake.”
     Instead of replying to him, your wrists writhe beneath the fluid that you are still not familiar of. You could not really look up to get a good view of what it was, but it was wet, sticky, and felt like super glue.
     On the other hand, both your legs, ankles, and feet were free. The back of your thighs bounced against the bed as you struggled, but it would not do much since your arms were practically stuck.
     “Fuck,” you grumble.
     “That won’t help. You’re pretty much stuck there,” he says, Then he takes a seat at the edge of the bed, alike where you remembered him positioned from earlier, “Might as well talk to me until I let you go.”
     “Okay then, when will you let me go?” Your voice was calm hoping you could talk your way out of this mess. 
     “If you behave for me like a good girl, okay?”
     Shivers went up your spine as you cringed at his statement.
     Immediately, your mood shifts from calm to furious after hearing his disturbing bargain. Then purposely rolling your eyes for him to see. “How the hell will I behave if you’re a creepy stalker! You disgust me!”
     Peter hums, displaying a look wherein he seems like he was thinking. You were not sure if it was sarcastic or not, either way it annoyed the hell out of you. “Creepy stalker sounds overstated, it was more on being curious.”
     You scoff as well as exclaim, “You sent me photographs of me and Eric at his house! Fucking hell, Peter.”
     “Oh yeah that part.” He slyly pouts his lips to the side as he comes to realize what he had done, “I guess it was a bit creepy–”      “What do you mean a bit? That was invasion of privacy!”
     Despite being trapped, both your hands balled into a fist, feeling very furious at his dense answers. “I was living my own life! I kept my relationships to myself,” you cry out.
     “Yes, but you weren’t completely living your life,” he whispers while gently combing his hair through the front of your hair. “You deserve much more than someone who couldn’t proudly tell that you’re his girl. Is he even a man? Do you really enjoy that kind of life, sweetie?”
     “We were happy,” you weep. The evident crack on your voice was a signal that you were about to cry though you were not sure if it was because you were held hostage or because you were worried for Eric.
     No one would understand your situation with him right now. Especially Peter.
     “Trust me you weren’t,” he scoffs. “You deserve so much more, and I can give you that.”
     “I’d rather be alone forever than be with you, asshole!” Your voice was inconsistent, clearly affected by how fast Peter’s mood also shifts quickly.
     You also figured you were not looking entirely fresh while crumbling beneath him. Drops of tears and sweat were all over your face and neck, both your eyelids felt swollen, and your nose was almost stuffed.
     Peter stand from the edge of the bed and advances to his desk from the side. A harsh bang echoed throughout the room as your body twitched out of shock.
     “What does that dick have that I don’t?!” He grits his teeth as the curves of his jaw intensifies. A displeased look was written all over his face. 
     “P-please let me go.”
     “I need you to answer, sweetie. We going nowhere unless you answer!” He was never going to let you go if you were not going to cooperate. 
     Every step he takes closer back to the bed just increases your heart beat further. He had rolled the sleeves of his sweater up to the edge of his elbows and you felt threatened looking at how firm his arms looked.
     “Peter, p-please,” you hiccup.
     As Peter returns to the edge of the bed, he does not hesitate anymore to keep a distance. His hands hover to either sides over your body and sets the left side of his head on your midriff, laying while also getting a good view of your vulnerable state.
     He does not even look life he was struggling to make an effort to keep you down, but you could feel how heavy he was and was barely giving you a chance to move around.
     “I can give you so much more, Y/N.” The way his gaze directs at you was definitely one of the creepiest things you have experienced. He had so much emotions yet completely lacked sympathy for your state of mind.
     Shutting your eyes, you only cried further. You felt a hand cup one of your cheeks as its thumb wipes away the pouring tears. Like a broken record, you only pleaded more, “Please let me go.”
     “I can’t.”
     “Why.” You bawled, realizing he has no plans of releasing you anytime soon despite it. “I won’t tell anyone about this, I p-promise.”
     “I know that,” he says, “but you’re going to run back to Eric, probably tell him too, right?”
     You did not want to answer, merely shaking your head as you resisted a cry from your lips. It was somewhat what you had planned, but now you were just scared shitless.
     “You won’t tell anyone but him cause no one knows about it other than you two, right?” He corners your words. 
     “Eric would lose his job if someone, especially your parents find out, right?” Hell he was correct. He most likely had been stalking you for so long to find out about it.
“You love him so much, you wouldn’t want to hinde
     It was terrifying that someone had been learning about you and your life for a while without your awareness.
     “Please stop. What do you want... money?” you whimper. 
     Peter did not seem likes normal college boy; he does not think like one, too, for sure. Anyone with a right mind would not do something like what he did. No one would have the guts to do so.
     “I just want you, Y/N. I want to give you what you deserve,” Peter answers as he sits up and leans his face closer to yours. His mouth leaves a small gap from your right ear as he whispers, “Let me make you feel good.”
     He cuts off your plea with a proposition, “If you let me, I might consider letting you free.”
     “You want that, right? Want me to let you go...” His hand combs through the other side of your face, “just let me show you that I can do way better than him.”
     Every ounce of your blood was trying not to give in. You were smart, you ought to find a way out of this. However, you realized that it will not be enough. You already struggled so much from the super glue around your wrists and you could not imagine how much more would it take now that Peter was on top of you.
     Eventually you stopped struggling and let him be. There was no way out of this than to let him do what he pleases.
     You feel his lips press against your ear first and then progresses over your cheek. His grip around your arms loosen after detecting that you stopped struggling beneath him. You could feel him smile on your skin, “That’s it, relax for me. Good girl.”
     His hand reaches to undo your pants as his lips drifted on yours to force their way on making out with you. Another hand then presses under your jaw and throat. “P-Peter,” you choke, feeling lightheaded after being unable to breath properly though your mouth until the grip had loosen.
     “Sorry, babe.”
     He soon descends from your face to your neck and collar region. You were so sure he was leaving marks on you as you felt him suck and nibble against your  skin. Like a controlling asshole he was, you expect to see bruises on your skin by tomorrow.
     Despite having your hands fastened, he still moves your shirt upwards past your head. It halts and hands loosely around your arms as you emerge topless beneath the boy.
     “Fucking beautiful,” Peter compliments your body under his breath.
     Although he seemed to have time on his hands, he does not leave a second wasted. He also goes to haul your pants past your legs and ankles. The growing look of impatience on his face says it all.
     Peter moves from your side and welcomes himself between your legs. He spreads them out to have enough space for his body and you could not feel more embarrassed than this.
     You grit your teeth over each other as you felt him press fingers against your cunt. Instinctively, you clench around nothing as he continues to play with your entrance, making sure you get entirely soaked under his touch.
     “You know you shouldn’t hold back. I know you’re loving it so far, your body says otherwise,” he teases before laying on his stomach and moving his head closer to your pussy.
     Without a warning, he licks a strip of you making the back of your thighs quake lightly. Peter senses your reaction and continues to do so, using his tongue to play around and poke inside of you until you were slowly giving in without even realizing it.
     Just as you thought you were getting used to his actions, he then inserts fingers inside you, feeling your warmth around it as he pushes it in and out.
     “Oh,” you moan.
     He continues, making sure he also does not leave your bud of nerves behind. The tip of his fingers and tongue alternate on playing against it, making you throw back your head out of pleasure.
     “I bet he doesn’t please you like this,” he scoffs.
     Eventually, at your vulnerable state, you could already feel yourself closing to an orgasm. Your toes curled as your temples throbbed, sealing your eyes shut as you accepted on giving in.
     You bit onto your lower lip, trying to resist a moan. Somewhere inside you, you were still trying to fight back and not let Peter have the satisfaction he had been craving.
     “You’re being so tight... Just let it out.” He coaxes and you hate how you did what he told you so.
     The extensive grin on his face seemed priceless. He pulled back and you were aware that you seemed exhausted beneath him. You assumed he was done with whatever he wanted to do with you.
     But when he started to take off his sweater and unbutton his pants, you realized it was far from over.
     As he presents himself just as naked in front of you, he again welcomes himself between your legs. This time you get a better view of him and his muscles and abs. He gets a good view of your body too for sure as his hand reaches to start stroking his dick.
     He places one hand on your thigh and pushes it farther to give him more room. Finally, he inserts in inside you and you automatically felt him throbbing between.
     There was a growing heat between the both of you, and it only intensified as Peter started to thrust his hips forward and backwards. There was not even a rhythm from him as he moves harder after hearing you softly moan underneath.
     The slapping sound echoes through the room that would eventually reek of sex and you felt ashamed that your body was enjoying all of this.
     “Ah… ah… ahh… agh….”
     “You’re starting to enjoy this, aren’t you?” He brags as one hand was reaching for your breasts while the other holds your thigh up. “Fucking slut.”
     Your body and mind were tired and could only hold so much longer. It was not a surprise when your stomach started to churn your the muscles in your thighs were cramping up.
     Peter did no help after seeing you starting to wear out. He tried leaning in to make out with you and expect to moan into his mouth. You did for a moment, a combination of both your drools were streaming down from the corner of your mouth.
     “We’re making a mess, huh,” he mumbles. “But I know you’re already a dirty fucking girl.”
     He proceeds to deprave you with statements, “Can’t believe you’re enjoying my cock better than that old man’s... Such a fucking whore.”
     You twist your head aside, trying to hide the fact that you feel like your temperature were burning up. You were so sure he could feel the increasing warmth of your walls either way.
     Your eyes were rolling back as you resist arching your back, which was not really a success as the amount of pleasure was overwhelming.
     As you writhe beneath him, you felt a hand on your cheek. It pushes your head back onto looking at front and at Peter. “I want you t look at me when you’re going to cum, sweetie,” he orders and you could not do much anyways.
     The second time you came was a whole other level. You never felt this with any person you slept with so far, rather not this fast and intense to say. “That’s it, fuck, you’re tighter than I could ever imagine.”
     Peter continues until it was his time to cum. The bed continues to move along with his pace and your body was basically abused to his liking.
     And even if you were not aware of it, the boy was practically thankful that his agency decided to agree to soundproofing his whole apartment – his motive being for personal reasons, which they did not question any time soon.
     You were helpless, you knew that. All you had in mind now was rest. Your eyelids were heavy and your mind was drifting to slumber.
     The last thing you remember was Peter moving over your body to come all around your chest like a painter with its paint brush creating a masterpiece from your chest to your core.
     “I love you.”
a/n: ily pls leave comments <3
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kaashiboo · 3 years
haikyuu boys reacting to you talking to an attractive guy part. 1
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┇ akaashi and shirabu
→ fluff
【warnings: swearing】
gn! reader
✎ a/n: i got a bit carried away with shirabu's AAAAHHH. it makes me sad because im a huge shirabu simp but im content deprived so pls expect me to write more about shirabu for an unhealthy amount of times!<3
part 2 - coming soon (ft. tendou and iwaizumi)
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"y/n." he said, almost as if he was whispering but he didn't want to bother you as you seem interested in the conversation that you were having with your male classmate.
"darling." he tried once again, tugging on the hem of his your jacket. fortunately, you turned to him this time.
"i thought we were going to the newly opened coffee shop." he reminded you.
"oh yeah! okay, wait a sec." you smiled at him and returned your attention back to your classmate.
'ouch' he thought.
the seconds you promised turned into another ten minutes and so he was just standing there behind you awkwardly. he wasn't even paying attention to the conversation, he was just busy watching as your eye lit up in excitement. the way you would make weird gestures with your hands to furthermore elaborate your story. he noticed as well how attentive you look as the boy speaks, you leaning in to hear him better. heck, you didn't even bother to cover your mouth as you laugh— not that he hated it but you were never like that to him.
he blinks, starting to feel uneasy and having the urge to pull you out of the scene but he knows very well that you're not his property and that he has no right to tell you who and who not to talk to. as long as you're safe then he's fine with it.
he tries reassuring himself that your classmate was nothing more than just a friend but his insecurities were starting to slowly get into his head. he looks down to his feet, brows furrowed as an attempt to distract himself from his thoughts.
"keiji?" you spoke softly, placing your hand on his shoulder. he looked up, staring right behind you but your classmate was no longer there.
'how long was i spacing out?'
"are you okay?" you asked. taking out your handkerchief from your pocket to wipe the beads of sweat that were on his forehead.
"do you feel sick? we could always go to the shop next time."
"i'm fine." he curtly replied. he panicked as soon as he realized how rude his response was but he immediately relaxed when he saw you smiling gently at him.
"if you say so." you reached for his hand, and intertwined your fingers together as he lets you lead the way.
the short walk from your school to the cafe was quiet— quieter than usual. you told him to find a seat and offered to order for the both of you.
he wanted to protest and tell you that he could have paid for it but he chose not to. he really did want to talk but the unsettling feeling hasn't disappeared yet which made him want to not say anything at all.
you quickly found akaashi and sat across him. his hands were clasped together, resting on the table and so you placed your hands on top of his. giving it a light squeeze.
"you've been awfully quiet. do you want to talk about it?" he contemplated on whether he should tell you about his weird feelings or not but he decided that it would be better if he opened up.
"earlier," he paused, not really knowing how he should start it. if you weren't close to him then you probably wouldn't have heard that he spoke. you decided to let your hands on the table instead of his hands.
"when you were with your classmate, i was glad to see how happy you looked as you talked to him but it felt weird, i don't know why but the way you acted around him was completely different compared to when you're with me... " his voice shrunk.
"i apologize for thinking like this, y/n. i know it's completely immature of me. let's just— forget about it." he slightly frowned, grabbing his own drink and took a sip from it.
"were you perhaps... jealous, my love?" you chuckled and he playfully rolled his eyes at you.
"it's nothing, darling." he denies.
"it's clearly something, keiji. and besides, what you felt— or i assume, what you're currently feeling, is valid. i should be the one apologizing, okay? i'm glad you opened up to me." you reach for your drink next to his but akaashi was quick enough to get a hold of your wrists with his one hand effortlessly while the other grabbed your drink , the straw near your mouth. you looked at him in confusion.
"just drink it. i don't want to let go." he lets out a slight scoff, staring away from your teasing looks. you obliged before he changes his mind and take away your drink.
he still hasn't let go and you chuckled at how stubborn he was. he knew he could have let you use your other to hand to grab your drink but oh well.
"but seriously, keiji. you probably weren't listening but we were talking about something else." he doesn't know how your statement was supposed to make him feel better but he nodded, urging you to continue.
"i'm not gonna tell you to stop being jealous because i think that's easier said than done but i just want to assure you. we were talking about how his date went because he has a crush on my best friend and they finally went out. he doesn't like me and i don't like him in that way either." you explained calmly.
"and i'm sorry for making you think that i'm not comfortable around you. i think you took it the other way around though. just because you see me more hyper when i'm with others, doesn't mean i don't feel at ease when i'm with you. you make me feel safe and normal." you sheepishly confessed.
"oh." he mumbled.
"'oh'? that's all you're gonna say?" you joked, your gaze diverting on the table where he was still busy playing with your hands.
"sorry for jumping into conclusions."
"it's alright. i love you, remember that."
"i love you more, y/n."
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"goshiki. have you seen y/n?" shirabu asked as soon as he approached goshiki's table.
"huh? why are you asking me that? aren't we from different classes and year?" he tilted his head, confused with shirabu's visible frown.
"yea— i know that, shut up. you know what— never mind." he groaned and left.
break time is almost over and you still haven't shown up. shirabu may never admit but he truly is worried about you.
he stormed to the classroom of your previous class, silently opening the door, and peeked inside. only to see you sitting on your chair with your male classmate standing in front of your desk, a hand resting on the table to support his upper body as he leans down to meet your face.
he scoffs loudly, your head immediately turning to his direction, and leaned away from the boy.
"this is a school. not a motel." shirabu snarled.
"why are you here?" you raised a brow at him while your male classmate stood up straight, fixing his uniform along.
"i— i wanted to check something here but i was not expecting two irresponsible students deciding to flirt in a classroom. have you ever heard of good manners?" he crossed his arms on his chest. watching as you harshly shove your belongings into your bag before making your way to where he was.
you stood in front of him. having to look up a bit to match his piercing gaze, "you're smart but you're bad at making assumptions." you placed your hand on his chest and pushed him to the side to make way for yourself.
"where do you think you're going?" he shouted, trailing behind you as you try your best to get past the crowd.
"i don't know what the hell is your problem with me, shirabu. would you please mind your own business? what are you? my significant other? asshole." you rolled your eyes and continued your journey to wherever your feet decide to lead you as long as he would not be near you.
you looked over your shoulders. seeing that he already stopped following you. you were supposed to feel glad about it but you felt otherwise.
it has been exactly four days. four days without your usual bickerings with shirabu. the whole volleyball team was surprised. it's not like you stopped visiting them to watch their practice, but your interactions with the setter have drastically decreased. no one dared to ask about it and they all act like nothing is happening but the tension still somehow got in the way as you converse with the others. the pair of eyes carefully watching your every move and it took you all the energy to not look back.
'seriously? who does he think he is? it's so annoying. how dare he jump to conclusions. and besides, even if he was right, why does it matter to him so much.' you tried to convince yourself but it wasn't enough to overpower how you actually felt about the whole ignoring situation. you did try to approach him the other day but backed out.
semi noticed that you were spacing out the whole time as he was talking about something. not even the blow of the whistle was enough for you to snap back to reality and so he just patted your back before running back to the court to continue the practice.
you sighed to yourself and felt your phone buzz, receiving a text from haru.
haru: hey y/n! i'm in the library right now. i'll be waiting.
you wanted to bid your goodbye to them but they were too engrossed with practice so you decided to just leave without uttering a single word.
"shirabu! where are you going?" tendou watched as his teammate's figure disappeared from his sight.
"ah, young love." he clicked his tongue in amusement.
"hi haru!" you greeted and he offered a smile before he put his index finger to his mouth, a friendly reminder that you two are in the library. you whispered an apology before sitting beside him.
"so, how'd you do in the exam?" he starts.
"i don't think i'm very satisfied with it but i got a 90% so i guess it's not that bad." you talked as you took out your own textbooks and placed the test results on the table for him to see.
he gasps jokingly, "i beg to disagree that it's not a good grade. i literally got an 88%" he playfully punched your shoulders and proceeded to tell you how proud he was that you managed to ace the exam with his help.
"i hope you don't mind if we settle here instead? i didn't really want to bother my roommate and i think most classrooms are occupied right now." he looks at you apologetically.
"don't sweat about it." you reassured, placing your hand over his that was on the table but you immediately retracted your hand when you heard someone cough.
"what do you want?" you tried to sound tough but you were intimidated by his dark gaze even though he didn't mean to scare YOU off.
"let's talk." he looks straight into your eyes.
"oh? i wasn't asking. i was demanding." he then grabbed all your belongings, carefully but hurriedly putting them inside your bag and zipping it close, and slung it on his shoulder.
"kenjirō." he cut you off and impatiently grabbed your wrist, not forgetting to give haru one last glare before dragging you along to wherever he planned on taking you.
his pace was fast and you tried your best to keep up with him, being careful in order to not trip.
he abruptly stopped on his tracks which took you by surprise and almost hit your face on his back. he gently pushed you inside the volleyball team's clubroom and you finally gave in and decided to let him.
none of you spoke as you got inside. you leaned on the wall just beside the door. staring intently at your bag that he placed on the floor. having no intentions of making eye contact with him.
however, you didn't expect it when he suddenly stepped closer and nuzzled his face into your neck. "k-kenjirō?" you stammer, reluctantly hugging him and rubbing circles on his back for comfort.
"is there something wrong?" you whispered and he finally pulled away from the hug.
"shut up," wow okay.
"i'm sorry for... being mean— not that it's something new but i didn't realize how bad it was to accuse you of something that you may or may not do... but that's not the point. i know you're bad at flirti—"
"kenjirō, are you apologizing or insulting me?" you let out a laugh. oh how he missed hearing that.
"right. anyway, i'm sorry i made you upset to the point that you had to avoid me," he was about to continue but you interrupted him.
"avoid you— what?! i thought YOU were avoiding me so i didn't want to bother you!" you exclaimed and the two of you stared at each other in confusion.
"so you weren't mad at me?" he narrowed his eyes at you, a hint of doubt laced within his voice.
"no? i mean, i was pretty upset that you thought i had the time to flirt with someone but it wasn't a big deal and my anger only lasted for an hour." you tried to elaborate.
"but why didn't you approach me the day after? heck, you didn't even spare a glance at me during practice!"
"because i thought you were mad at me!" you exasperated, massaging your temples at the same time.
"god, y/n. so you're telling me i avoided you for nothing?" you hesitantly nodded at him, mind still filled with questions.
"why were you so affected by it anyway," you mumbled.
"excuse me?" he raised a brow, sounding as offended as ever.
"imagine seeing the person you like to be with another attractive guy and be PHYSICALLY close with him. how would you feel then?" you were taken aback by his sudden confession but you decided to play along with his i'm-still-in-denial-game.
"well, i don't know about that because the person i like is constantly surrounded by handsome guys on the volleyball team but i was never jealous."
"so you like someone from the team," he humorlessly chuckled. "this is pointless." he stated.
you groaned at how slow he was, "you're so stupid. it's you who i like, kenjirō! oh my god i can't believe you're this dumb." he stared at you in disbelief, using his index finger to point at himself, "me?"
"no. the fucking wall, kenjirō. i like the wall!" you shut your eyes closed, trying not to get your annoyance into your head.
"then who were you wi—"
"a friend, shirabu kenjirō. haru is a friend who offered to tutor me for the whole week since exams are coming." you reassure.
"but why him? do i look like someone who won't tutor you?"
"yes..." your voice trailed off and he stood there, dumbfounded with how straightforward you were.
"but if you just admit that you were jealous then maybe i'd approach you instead." you joked.
"i wasn't jealous but you're changing your tutor whether you like it or not. now, come on and let's tell him so i could finally go back to practice." he picked up your bag and tossed it to you.
"you're not gonna ask me out first?" you teased before placing your hand at the doorknob.
"well then, go out with me."
"i said ask, not demand." you rolled your eyes.
"as if you'd have a choice anyway."
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hoodieofholland · 3 years
Professor Tom Holland and student reader. Maybe where the reader is a cheerleader and one day she’s walking home from practise and he sees her an offers her a ride home and he compliments her and ends in fluff! Please ❤️
A/n: heeey, im back again, this was pure fluff and i like the idea, gonna make an entire tag for professor holland cause it's probably my fav trope lol, hope you like it!!
Warnings: none, just fluff stuff :)
You pull the bag's strap over your shoulder once again, wincing at the sharp pain on your skin under the thin shirt you wore to walk back to your dorm.
Usually, you never walked home by yourself, there was always a friend who would nicely drive you after cheerleading practice, but today - unconventionally, a day with such a terrible weather - your friend got sick and missed the training.
Looking up to the sky, you notice the clouds turning even more grey, so you quickened your steps, worried that the eventual rain got you on your way. Sighing, you let your shoulders drop at the realization that your dorm was still far enough for you to reach before it started soaking you wet with raindrops.
And that's when the sound of a car passing by the empty street, besides the sidewalk you were passing through, caught your attention. The vehicle would slow down and get you worried at first, as it was only a few steps away from you. You considered walking further in the sidewalk, so you could create some distance from the car, but as soon as the dark window rolled down, revealing a not so unfamiliar face, you felt relief filling your tired nerves.
"Miss y/l/n", Professor Holland smiled warmly at you, frowning a little at the sight of your figure, bent to the side to be able to accommodate the weight of your practice bag. "You alright?"
Stopping on your tracks, you blink a few times at the man in front of you. Mr. Holland was known as the most beautiful man in his department - probably, the most beautiful man in the whole University. He was also a lovely teacher, always so committed with his classes and students.
A little more committed with you, if you were being honest.
In a very respectful way, Mr. Holland clearly had his favorite student in class, always praising you for your works, presentations and correct answers. 'You're a very talented woman, Miss y/l/n', he would say after offering you to tutor his class for a couple of students, which you quickly accepted to get more credits. At least, that was the reason you told yourself, but deep down you knew you just appreciated any chances you got to spend more time with your favorite professor.
"Oh, hi, Mr. Holland", you feel your cheeks blushing, eyes averting from his gaze and sweet smile to you. He was very intimidating, not in a bad way, but you couldn't help yourself when he stared at you like that. "Yeah, I was just... uh, walking back to my dorm".
You feel embarrassed for explaining this, also for not being better dressed in front of him. You were pretty sure your hair looked messy after practice and that your skin was glistening from a light sweat after walking so much with a heavy bag on your shoulder.
"Do you want a ride?", he asked, not letting the smile fade from his lips. "I think it's gonna be raining in a few".
His confidence and the comfort with his words impressed you. You wouldn't ever think your professor would worry enough about one of his students walking in the rain to offer a ride home. But there was Mr. Holland, with his beautiful and soft brown curls, the pretty crinkle on his eyes whenever he smiled, the way his strong british accent would make your legs tremble-
"Miss y/l/n?"
You blink a few times to get yourself back together, face hot with embarrassment for start daydreaming about his appearance right in front of him.
You ponder about it for a few seconds. It wouldn't sound very nice that your professor drove you home. You were sure that there might be a specific rule about students and professors getting so intimate about each other, but in that very moment, you couldn't bring yourself to care about it.
Mr. Holland, a walking God, was offering to drop you to your dorm, and you wouldn't miss the chance.
"You sure I won't bother you, Mr. Holland?", you ask, bitting your lips and praying he won't say otherwise. He simply smiles sheepishly and shakes his head.
"How could you? C'mon, let me help you".
You smile, lowering your head as you cross the car to get to the other side, opening the door as you enter Mr. Holland's car.
It was warm inside, much better than the cold air, hitting your face and making you struggle to hold your things and still curl into your own body to get yourself warmer.
The drive is filled with small talk, but not after a long silence between the two of you. It wasn't like you hadn't anything in common to say, but you felt really intimidated beside him. No topic seemed appropriated enough to discuss with such a brilliant mind, but Mr. Holland, somehow, proved to be not only one of the most intelligent professors you've ever had, but also a kind and nice guy. He waved off all the stress that was consuming you, and soon enough you found yourself laughing at his jokes and giggling at some wise comments.
"So, I think we're here", he said with a small grin as he parked in front of your building. The rain was pouring outside and you were getting yourself prepared to face that before stepping out of the warm car. "You- uh, do you want to just wait here? You're probably gonna get soaked if you go right now. I mean, you surely don't want to be stuck with your professor here, but..."
He lost his words, too embarrassed for his own words to keep going, and waited until you answered. You give him a sweet smile.
"I'm not stuck here, Mr. Holland. If anything, I'm grateful. You literally saved my ass- I mean, you saved me from, uh, walking in this rain" you bite your lip, trying to contain the giggle from the realization of your manners in front of him.
Mr. Holland's lips lifted a little, the tip of his tongue discretely wetting it.
"Yeah, I'm glad that we bumped into each other too", he said, eyes never leaving yours. And suddenly, it wasn't like your professor was there anymore. You could see a young man, a handsome one, talking to you. "It was lovely talking to you, Miss y/l/n"
You smile at his kindness.
"Same, Mr. Holland", you put your hand on the car's handle before stepping out. "I should go now, got an exam tomorrow morning. Heard the professor is really severe with his tests".
Mr. Holland laughed, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure you can handle any of my exams, darling. You're my best student".
You feel yourself blushing again, and look down before heading out of the car, the rain getting your hair wet.
"See you tomorrow" you say, watching as his eyes twinkle with joy. But before you can get away from his car, you shout:
"By the way, you can call me Y/N!"
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Isn’t It Delicate?
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One    Part Two    Part Three    Part Four    
Part Five    Part Six    Part Seven    Part Eight
Summary: Will Draco find the courage to ask you out? And what happens when you two have class or lunch together? How will your worlds collide? 
A/N: More of a intermediate chapter but ya know it’s still cute and a bit saucy toward the end. I love you guys so so much! Please don’t stop with your comments likes and reblogs, they mean so much to me you have no idea. Also don’t be afraid to come and chat! I’m mostly always here. Love you guys. Stay safe and creative. 
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg​ @queenfeatherwings​ @fanficflaneuse​ @go-whovian-universe​ @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise​ @dietkiwi​ @katsukink​ @takemetothekingdom​
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I was glad that Hermione was my partner in Herbology. I had forgotten to go over today’s lesson last night and I wasn’t ahead or prepared as I normally was.
“This is the only time I letting you slide on this.” Hermione warned. “Draco or not, you still need to keep up on your studies,”
I nodded and watched as she handled the flutterby bush, pruning it successfully. I followed her suit, mimicking exactly what she did and reaped the same results. Professor Sprout seemed pleased with both of us and awarded Gryffindor ten points for each of us.
I watched Harry and Ron struggle across from us, and giving in, I went over to help. Harry’s eyes met mine and something passed between us: a truce of sorts.
With the end of herbology came lunch: when I would see Draco again. The three seemed to realize that.
“Are you going to sit with him then?” Hermione asked innocently.
“I’m... not entirely sure. I mean we do have Creatures together after so... maybe? If he asks?” I offered. “He could always sit with us,” I commented.
I could tell that both Ron and Harry had something to say about that but refrained from it.
“He’d be more welcome at our table than I would be with the Slytherins,” I pointed out. “And I’d rather not get into it again with Pansy,”
They both muttered agreements and I felt that it was a small step in the right direction. 
“Has he asked you yet?” Ron changed the topic. “To the ball, ya know?”
“No,” I sulked. “I think he tried this morning though,”
“What? Did he chicken out?” Harry snickered.
“Yes, I think he took a page from your book Harry,” I smirked. “Are you ever going to ask anyone?”
Harry and Ron both looked down, grumbling their answers.
We entered the Great Hall that was buzzing with the usual chatter. AS every year, it was decorated for the upcoming holidays that held a certain warmth and excitement to them.
My eyes scanned for Draco, not seeing him. Feeling a bit defeated, I sat at the Gryffindor table, half-heartedly making my way through the warm soup that was served for the chill of the day.
Draco almost stumbled into the Great Hall, his History of Magic class having run late because apparently the goblin uprising was more importing than a time schedule or a bell.
And he saw you, sitting at the Gryffindor table, laughing with your friends as if you didn’t have a care in the world, despite what was hovering over them both. He paused a moment, watching you before your gaze followed Ron’s and your eyes met his, an amused smirk on your face; caught staring.
“Are you okay?” You mouthed.
He nodded and recovered, making his way over to you, his nerves growing with every step. He was determined to ask you to the Yule Ball if it was the last thing that he did today.
He could do this. What were you going to do? Say no?
Well, you could totally do that and well, he’d have to accept it, but you wouldn’t say no would you?
As he neared your table, you stood, untucking yourself from the bench and facing him. 
“Hi,” You breathed out. “You’re late,” There was mischief in your eyes.
“Binns,” It was more than enough of an explanation as your face scrunched up in pity. 
“Sorry,” You sympathized. “Another goblin war then?”
He nodded; words caught on his tongue.
“Do you want to sit with us for lunch?” You looked to him earnestly, eyebrows raised.
“Yes, but... before that.” He grabbed your hand. “I... I wanted to ask this morning but didn’t.”
He took a deep breath, distracted by you catching your bottom lip between your teeth. Did you know you were trying to kill him when you did that?
“Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?”
A laughed bubbled through your lips as you lit up.
“Yes, of course I’ll go with you,” You threw a side glance to Ron and Harry, and he felt as if he was missing something.
You didn’t let go of his hand as the two of you sat at the Gryffindor table and had lunch together. His nerves were eating him on the inside; he didn’t belong at this table... he was hated at this table if anywhere.
Yet, with you by his side, no one said a word to him that had malice intent behind it. Instead the conversation shifted and flowed between classes, and homework, the upcoming Ball, the Triwizard cup.
He didn’t speak up as much as he would have in his group of friends, but he eagerly watched you animate the conversation. It was different, watching you up close, and being a part of your own little world here at school.
Every once in a while, you’d squeeze his hand and pull him from his thoughts, or simply reassure him.
Traitor, his father’s voice hissed.
He had a sinking feeling in his chest when he thought about his father and that no doubt, he already knew about what he had been doing and that he had been with you, defending and choosing you over all else. It was a box of anxiety that he kept locked tight to worry about at a later date.
Walking down to Care for Mythical Creatures, he still held your hand, and, in the snow, you huddled closer to him, fearing the cold around you.
“Afraid of a little chill?” He teased.
You gave him a sharp look, your teeth all but chattering and your nose and cheeks flushed red.
Be a gentleman, His mother scolded.
He stopped you, tugging your hand and momentarily set his bag down and slipped his robe off, draping it around your shoulders, all the while you protested.
“I-I’m okay,” You shivered. “You don’t have t-too.” “Wear it,” He nearly ordered. “I’ll be okay. I’m used to the cold,”
You pouted a moment but gave in, slipping your arms into his Slytherin robe and almost curled up into it. He didn’t want to admit it, but he loved seeing you in Slytherin colors.
“You’re staring,” The quip left your lips as you took his hand wand continued with the rest of the students down to Hagrid’s.
“You look good in Slytherin,” He retorted, smirking when you turned a deeper shade of red. 
In Creatures, I all but huddled into Draco, feeding off of his warmth, now that mid-winter was approaching quickly the weather turned for the worse. His arm was around my shoulders, shielding me from the cold, rubbing now and again when I shivered too much for his liking.
I could see the glances exchanged between the Gryffindor’s and Slytherin’s at the two of us together—and me in his robe no doubt, but I was too keen on listening to Hagrid and trying to get something (anything) useful from it.
Getting nothing from Hagrid’s lesson, my mind drifted to the upcoming exams on Friday and I zoned out, trying to figure out the best study plan on the subjects that I was struggling with, moving Herbology to the top of the list since I had missed today’s lesson’s notes and had to do double tonight. No doubt Potions should be high on the list, next to the dates and people of History of Magic, but I had that subject understood pretty well—save the dates.
“Maybe he isn’t too bad,” Harry muttered as we entered the Gryffindor common room. 
“It was nice of him to give you his robe wasn’t it,” Hermione sighed dreamily.
My cheeks flushed again as I stayed quiet.
The week passed and I honestly don’t remember most of it. It was hell: studying, working on essays, the weather not letting up. I was shivering more than not, and it was hard to concentrate. It left me in the warmth of my room, dreading to go anywhere in the drafty castle other than class and some meals.
You haven’t been to dinner in three days, please come down and eat with me. I’ll meet you outside your common room in ten minutes.
I’m worried about you, 
Draco, ~
The letter came Thursday evening as I was once again reading through the Goblin Revolutions trying to keep the dates straight. I had most of them down but kept mixing up a few of them and no matter what I did, I couldn’t get them straight.
Giving up, I closed the books and ordered my notes before slipping on a sweater and changing my socks before slipping down to the common room where Draco was waiting.
“You need to eat,” He scolded, handing me his scarf, knowing that I’d be cold.
“I’m fine,” I mumbled, wrapping it around my neck, reveling in its warmth and how it smelled strongly of him.
“No, you’re not. Now stop being stubborn. You can’t study all the time. You need breaks Y/n,” He sounded truly concerned, his fingers weaving through mine.
“I can’t fail these tests Draco,” I insisted, feeling warm with the seconds that passed. 
“And you’re not going to. But you have to take care of yourself too.”
I huffed as we entered the Great Hall. It was lulled and almost silent, many students studying or overworked from the exams already taken.
“Hey Malfoy!”
I stiffened as I recognized the voice. It was Pansy.
We both turned, his grip on my hand tightened and I wasn’t sure if it was in reassurance or if he was holding me back. It could have been both.
“Still hanging with her I see,” Pansy sneered. “I don’t see why you bother. We all know how this is going to end. You’ll realize she’s not worth it and this madness will end.”
“I thought I told you to leave her alone,” Draco hissed.
“What? She can’t take a little teasing? Isn’t that what the two of you always did? She didn’t mind it then...” Pansy grinned wickedly. “Why should she care if I do it?
“Because you don’t hold a candle to who Draco is,” I snapped.
“Oh, and you’re so confident that you know who he is?” She laughed something that sounded like a hyena. “You don’t know anything about him princess. Your mommy hid you away from the real world for too long.”
“She took me away from freaks like you. I guess she didn’t want me to grow up to be a bitch,” I sneered, and Draco chuckled beside me, tugging on my hand.
“Let’s go,” He murmured.
My eyes met his and I could see the same fire behind them. He wanted to lash out as much as I did, but something stopped him, and I wasn’t sure what it was...
I took a deep cleansing breath and nodded. She wasn’t worth the time to ruin my night with Draco.
We took our seats at the Gryffindor table, far from Pansy and her posse and had a quiet dinner for once. We only exchanged a few words, talking about our two exams tomorrow. My thoughts resided with what Pansy had said.
After dinner, Draco led me once more to the Astronomy Tower where we watched the stars side by side. I was in his robe again, shielded against the chill that the night brought.
“You know she’s wrong,” Draco piped up. “I’m not going to leave you.”
My eyes didn’t leave the vastness of the sky. Sometimes it was nice to imagine words like that were real, and promises could be kept...
“Y/n,” He pressed.
“What if she’s right?” I mumbled. “I... I didn’t grow up like you did... I don’t know you that well, other than...” I shrugged and gestured vaguely.
“What do you want to know?” He pulled me closer and spun me so that we were face to face.
“I don’t know.” I sighed. “What does it mean to know a person?” My hands wrapped themselves around my midriff.
Draco rolled his eyes and tilted my chin up with his hand. My eyes met his.
“My birthday is June 5th,” He smiled, his face pensive. “I never really had a favorite color... my middle name is Lucius,”
I giggled into the back of my hand, giving into his attempt to cheer me up. 
“What, is that funny?” He raised an eyebrow.
“A little bit.” I admitted. “It must be a pure-blood thing. My middle name is a family name too.”
“Oh? Would you care to tell me?”
“And why not?” He almost pouted. “Am I not allowed to know?” He shifted so that I was pressed against the window ledge and he was a few inches before me, his hands on my waist.
“I mean, sure,” I drawled.
“Well?” He asked, drawing closer to me so that I could feel the warmth of his breath fan across my face; electricity flowed between us again, the same nervous potential energy.
“It’s not Magdalene is it?” He asked, his lips brushing against mine.
It was a good thing that I was leaning against the window ledge, because I was all but putty in his hands.
“No,” I breathed out, my hands running up his arms as my fingers laced themselves together behind his neck.
“Won’t you tell me?” Another soft fleeting kiss. 
I shook my head, my voice gone with his kiss. 
His lips captured mine before I could answer. The kiss lingered and grew to something stronger. One of his hands left my waist and caressed my cheek before sliding into my hair, cradling my head. My hand followed suit, running into his hair, pulling him closer.
A gentle gasp had his hot breath mixing with mine because he used his hand that resided on my waist to pull me flush against him before lifting me so that I was propped up on the ledge. His hand moved to support my back, but I wasn’t afraid to fall with him near. And despite the chill of the air, cold was the last thing that I was in that moment.
As the kiss deepened, I made a soft sound, my hand trailing down his shoulder and chest. He hummed a response, pulling away softly.
“This is coercion,” I murmured into his lips. He was so close; it was hard to find a place in my mind where he didn’t exist.
“Is it?” He mused, pressing his lips back to mine, picking up where we left off.
“Yes,” I breathed out, cupping his face, my thumb stroking his cheek softly.
“Is it working then?” He chuckled.
I pressed my lips back to his, kissing he deeply for a moment more before totally giving up and giving into him.
“Elizabeth,” I whispered.
Part 10
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k9zuha · 4 years
DUDE ONLY $20 IS RLLY GOOD FOR THE AMT OF 5* U HAVE AND UR HIGH AR OMGGGG BUT STOP I THINK THAT TOO 😭😭😭 like i price things in terms of boba 2 determine their value
AAHHHH I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN DOWN 2 DOING HER QUEST YET but apparently there r spiders and a trippy time loop which . I am not rlly down for 😭😭 but that’s fr so hu tao
YEAHH FEEL THAT LIKE I need a pyro coz xinyan is not cutting it but I wanted xiao Sm more than hu Tao so I’m glad I got him even though I have 2 anemo now LMAO
Her butterfly trail IS THE ABSOLUTE CUTESTTTTT n the way she has the flame blossom mark enemies... love her
YEAH I HEARD AB THE CAMERAS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR but I just checked this article on cb testing procedures n apparently they got rid of the clause w cameras but the “no returning to prev answers” is still there 😭😭
RIGHT but the tests r just as hard as normal years rn and my memory retention is SHIT for online class
BUT DUDE LMAOOOOO THATS NOT JUST “headed easier” u have to be rlly good 2 just prep a week b4 the exam I think I’m “self studying” I@ng this year except i actually haven’t done shit so 🤔🤔🤔🤔
PLEAJSNNES I WILL GLADLY SAY THAT IM A H8R like if ur offended by it that’s ur problem 😕😕👎👎 but YEAH OMFG I watched 2 eps of hq before getting bored even tho I was so hyped for it in July or smth 😭😭 same w bsd wan
RIGHT 😭😭😭😭 like idgaf about everyone else I just want SHINYA back 😕😕😕 so I might just read catastrophe n that’s it LMAO
Dude the biblical allusions 😭😭 reminds me of that one tweet that was lkke “I snuck into my m*m’s room to steal her bible so I could make ons theories but she came back n saw me reading the Bible and got so excited she almost cried bc I haven’t touched the Bible in years” 😭😭😭 OVER ONS THEORIES IS WHAT MAKES ME LAUGHHGGG
DW AB LENGTH BAE ITS A LONG FUN CONVO HEHEHHE But dude omg UVE ALWAYS WON THE 5050 WTFFF UR LUCK >>>>> ive only had the 5050 once and lost it LMAO hoping I hit it early for hu Tao 🤔🤔
YEA I ALWAYS USE BOBA i used to use shirts but they’re like $20 and boba is better it’s in increments of 5
PLEASW SLFKDDLF I WAS STUCK IN HER QUEST FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES BC I DIDNT REALIZE THERE WAS A LOOP i was like god this quest is a bit repetitive huh 😕 when am i going to be done
i wanted her so bad but i hate using healers like my xiao team has no healer he’s always on life support =_= AND TWO ANEMO IS GOOD i also have that i play xiao venti albedo and zhongli so usually he has a shield and there’s no room for a healer i want jean so bad
THE BUTTERFLY IS LITERALLY SO CUTE LIKE WHAT THE HECK and when she disappears when she runs like foskfkflwlrn they really went off with this character design
thank god cameras are off i hate having my camera on for anything but i turn it on in class bc i feel bad for my teachers 😭😭
cb literally needs to be abolished like why are the ex@ms hard this year 🤬🤬🤬 makes me angry
AND MAYBEEEEEE tbh l@ng essays are kinda easy bc even if ur claim is wrong as long as u defend it u can get the points and my class only did mcqs and i always got high scores bc mcq is very intuitive just like i be guessing on that it’s all abt context and stuff that is my advice to u 👍🏼
I AM A HATERRR but one time i was talking to my friend and i said i didn’t like kou from blue spring ride and she said i was a hateful person and that i didn’t understand kou bc im not a decent person who feels an obligation to be kind to others i was like 😦 so now i am wary of being a hater ☝🏼
I ANSWERED THIS BY ACCIDENT LOLL let me finish what i was saying 🙄
i read catastrophe it might be the only book i’ve ever read in the past 6 years... kidding i actually like to read I DONT RLY REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED but FRRR SHINYA BAE COME BACK the religious allusions confuse me i don’t even bother i just read other people’s theories 😭
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thenamesseven · 6 years
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Plot: You had been so focused on the projects and exams that you had in the following weeks that you didn't even noticed when you delete Changbin's audio folder from your laptop. You literally deleted the new Stray Kids' album which resulted in a very angry Changbin and you getting the silent treatment.
Genre: Soft angst and fluffy (?)
Warnings: None.
This was a request! I hope this scenario is exactly what you wanted!
It had been an accident.
You truly didn't mean to do it but it had all happened so fast that you didn't realized what you had done until Changbin came back home and by that time, it already was too late.
You were dealing with lots of exams and projects at University, your days being so stressfull and busy that you barely even had time to breathe. Like every student, your mind was only focused in your classes, notes and marks and your brain tended to forget about not useful -but definitely not useless- information in this period of time. Basically, you ignored everything that wasn't related to your studies.
That's how you forgot Changbin had been using your laptop to produce some songs for the StrayKids' new comeback because his laptop was being fixed. That's exactly how you ended up deleting the folder that Changbin had created, thinking it was probably a random folder you had made for something useless.
"You did what?"
Changbin stood infront of you, his eyes flicking between you ,sitting on the chair, and the laptop placed behind you. The look on his face gave away you were in deep trouble, you knew the mistake you made could get, not only him but the whole group into huge problems.
"I didn't really mean to" You repeated again, this was the fourth time you had said that in one minute and it was starting to get on Changbin's nerves. "I was just-"
"You're telling me you deleted all the work I've done in your laptop?" He repeated again, you visibly flinched at how bad that sounded "For real, (Y/N)?" Afraid to speak up you simply nodded, biting your lip so hard it wouldn't be a surprise if it started bleeding. "Get out"
You looked up at Changbin slightly confused just to be met with his cold glare. Seeing him being so mad at you was a rare thing, he truly looked like he wanted to murder you right there and wouldn't have any regrets about it later.
"Get out (Y/N)! I have a lot of work to do thanks to you!" You flinched again at his loud voice not being use to Changbin using that kind of tone with you.
“I’m sorry Changbin, I really-”
“Get out, seriously, I’m just really mad and I prefer not seeing you instead of saying something I’ll regret”
Not willing to make him even more mad you decided to get out of the room before Changbin started shouting again. You weren’t mad at him, actually, you couldn’t imagine how mad he had to feel right now cause you had basically got rid of the job he had been doing for almost two weeks. All those sleepless nights, all the stress his been going through, all the effort he had made ended up being for nothing thanks to you. With teary eyes you headed to the bedroom you shared with him and got in the cold bed where you were probably going to sleep by yourself tonight.
Next morning things didn’t get any better. You had expected him to still be mad at you, maybe to scold you once again without shouting but you sure as hell weren’t expecting him to act like you weren’t even living with him. After you woke up, on your way to the kitchen you peeked into the studio just to see a bunch of blankets and pillows on the couch which told you he had slept there instead of in the bedroom by your side. Letting out a soft sigh you headed into the kitchen where he was sitting as he ate some cereals, the little black bags under his eyes and the tired posture he had made you feel even more guilty.
“Good morning” You muttered hesitant, not knowing how he would react to you trying to start up a conversation between you two.
“Glad it’s good for you” After saying those words Changbin just stood up, placed his cereal bowl on the sink and walked away leaving you alone in the kitchen.
Those were the last words Changbin spoke to you.
Since that morning he became mute. No matter how many times you tried to talk with him, how many questions you asked or how many attempts you made to get him to at least say something, Changbin completely ignored you as if he couldn’t hear you, as if you were a ghost and he could not see you. It was driving you crazy, you felt horribly mad to yourself and the guilt was slowly consuming you.
One night, while you spoke your usually monologue as you had dinner with him, you had enough. You knew you had screwed up pretty much this time, you also knew what you did could have got all the guys in big trouble but you couldn’t take the silence anymore.
“I can’t” You said placing the fork down onto your plate, a little harder than you had intended, causing Changbin to misunderstood your gesture “I know I fucked up, I really know Chagbin but you ignoring me is driving me insane”
“You not listening to me drives me insane” He replied calmly, like if he truly didn’t care about what you were saying.
“I listened to you, I just didn’t remember that folder was yours!” Your voice rose a little feeling absolutely frustrated “I’ll stay up with you, I remember all the melodies you sho-” You were cut off by the sound of his chair being dragged, he was standing up, ready to leave you before you could say something else “Are you listening to me!?”
“Im doing the exact same thing you did!” He shouted back "You could have got me and the guys fired! Or in a lot of trouble (Y/N)! Don't you realized you deleted our whole freaking album?!" Changbin literally exploded, all the pent up frustration he had been accumulating was being freed in that moment.
Your lower lip started shaking a little, you felt guilty enough every minute that passed without Changbin talking to you, he really didn't need to remind you how stupid you had been.
"I'm sorry, you know I wouldn't do that on pur-" Tears started rolling down your cheeks, your boyfriend sighed looking at you. The pained expression on his face told you he really wanted to give you a hug and comfort you but his mind kept him still, not comforting you would remind you of your bad actions and teach you a lesson.
"Stop, crying is useless now" Sighing Changbin turned around and headed back into his studio leaving you there feeling sad, guilty and cold.
The days that followed that night were even worse.
Changbin kept being quiet and full of sassiness whenever you tried to bring the subject up. Him not feeling like talking and you not feeling like getting roasted by him once again ended up in quiet and long days that were driving you mad. Honestly you didn't know what to do to get him to forgive you anymore.
One day when you came back from work, you found Chan sitting on your couch. Your heart dropped to the floor, he was the leader and the one who probably got into more trouble thanks to your ignorance. Would he also be mad at you? Will he ignored you like Changbin? All your questions were quickly answered when he turned his head and saw you standing there, with a small smile on his lips he greeted you.
"Hi, (Y/N)!" When he talked to you in such a happy way, you let out a sigh full of relief that you didn't know you had been holding. You were honestly glad that, at least, somebody would interact with you in your apartment. "How are you?"
Placing your purse on the table you looked up at Chan with a sad smile on your lips "I'm so sorry for what happened Chan, I swear to God I didn't do it on purpose" You bowed politely in front of him, apologizing "I was just so focused on my tests and I didn't realize what I did until Changbin came back home"
"Hey, it's okay" He pushed your shoulders up so you wouldn't be bowing in front of him, a smile on his lips as he looked down at you "I mean, we were a bit scolded but that's all, we're lucky we all remember the melodies and stuff, we'll have all the tracks back in four days more or less"
Four days.
Changbin would have to work four days and three more nights without resting.
That was not going to happen any soon. "You two need my laptop today?" You asked out of nowhere, by the look on Chan's face you knew he hadn't been expecting that question either.
"No, I brought mine" He said shrugging "You have projects and stuff to do right? We'll try not to disturb you too much in your study time" He smiled ruffling your hair but before he could say something else you quickly moved away, running straight to your bedroom.
You barged into it, grabbing your laptop and all the money you had been saving up. Without stopping, as you exited your room you put on your jacket and a hat since it was a bit cold outside, Chan's eyes were curiously following you before they moved to Changbin, looking for answers as he walked out of the kitchen with two sandwiches.
"I'll be back soon" You simply said before walking out of your apartment for the third time that day.
You didn't waste time getting into your car, with your laptop in one hand and your purse in another you started walking -semi running- down the street searching for the new electronics shop that had opened nearby a week ago. You didn't remember too well where it was, you only knew that you had stopped to look at an iPOD on your way back home from University one day.
"Come on...Where are you..." You muttered to yourself half breathless half exhausted, rushing yourself even more. This were times when you wished you would work out more often so your body wouldn't give up on being fast so quickly.
After an hour of running, asking and looking around you were able to find the shop. Unfortunately, by the time you got there, the owner was already closing the door.
"Wait!" Your voice came out weak, breathless from all the running you've been doing "Can you fix this laptop?" You shook your head, holding your hand up "Not fix...I need you to recover some files I deleted two weeks ago...Can you do that?"
You looked hopefully at the man standing in front of you. Maybe it was your worn out expression or the fact that you were about to beg him to recover them whatever it was, it made him accept your laptop even when the shop was already closed.
"Fine, I'll see what I can do" He muttered closing the shop's door "Come back tomorrow, I'll take this home and see what I can do"
His words almost made you cry "T-Thank you so much! I'll come as soon as I get out from my classes" The man nodded with a small smile on his face before he locked the door and walked away with your laptop in his hands.
Sighing, you looked up at the already dark sky and closed your eyes "Please, please, please...Let him recover the files so Changbin and the rest of the guys can get some rest"
Standing outside of the shop once again, almost a day after, you were praying to every single god up there for some good luck to get all your files recovered. This would be the only way you would stop feeling so guilty about what happened and it would probably make Changbin happy which was your main objective.
Opening the door, you took your hat off and patiently waited for your turn. By the time you stepped forward and faced the man that took your laptop last night your heart was pounding against your chest so fast that you thought you would have a heart attack.
"You are the girl from last night, right?" He asked looking at you, you nodded quickly unable to say something "Well, I managed to recover most of the files you deleted, some of them were kind of impossible"
"Please tell me you managed to recover a folder named C" You pleaded looking at him.
The man stood quiet for almost two minutes, thinking "I think so, it contained lots of audio files right?"
"Yeah! Oh my god, thank you so much" You sounded so relieved, so happy that the man couldn't help but chuckle softly at your cuteness "You just saved my life, how much is it?"
Like last night, as soon as you walked out of the shop with your fixed laptop in your hand you started running back home although, this time since you knew the way, it took you less than an hour. When you reached the stairs, you took two steps at a time, you didn't even know how you managed to get up without falling down or breaking your neck but by the time you got to the door you didn't have enough strength to open the door so you weakly knocked on it.
Changbin opened it but he didn't even react when he saw you. The black bags under his eyes had just got even worse and he looked like he would pass out at any moment. He was exhausted and it was all your fault but luckily, you had fixed the problem and he would be able to sleep as much as he could.
"I fixed it!" You shouted breathless, looking at him. However, Changbin frowned looking at you, not really knowing what you were talking about "I fixed it!" You repeated pointing at your laptop.
"It didn't work?" He asked confused "That's why you ran out yesterday night?"
"I took it to the shop" You replied leaning against the wall "And they recovered all the files I deleted"
At first, Changbin stood there quiet letting your words sink into his brain. His eyes were on your face as he tried to process what you have just said. In mere seconds, his face went from 'Im still mad at you' to 'Omg let's get married right now'
"YOU FIXED IT!?" He shouted, a huge smile on his face as he looked at you with his eyes almost bulging out.
"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" He pulled you into his arms tightly, kissing your head as his arms squeezed all the oxygen and strength from your body. "I'm so sorry for being a jerk to you, God I've been such an asshole but I just wanted to get back to work, finish the album and be able to sleep baby Im so-"
You cut him off by pressing your lips against his, a small smile pulling up both of your lips as you both kissed trapped in each other's arms. Suddenly, Changbin picked you up while he gave you his phone and started walking deeper into the apartment.
"Text Chan and tell him to call me later" He simply said, opening your bedroom door.
"What are you doing?" You asked laughing quietly, letting him carry you everywhere.
"Getting ready to take the best nap in my life"
Five minutes later, you were laying in bed buried in all the blankets that you had in the house and surrounded by all the pillows Changbin had managed to find in seconds. With his arms around you and the warmth from his body relaxing yours, it only took you seconds to fall asleep by his side.
The silent treatment was oficially over.
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bandit-12 · 3 years
Izuku Midoriya's Journey: Humble Start-Izuku Midoriya: Origins
The film started as it showed a scared 4 year old Izuku Midoriya at the park crying
Aww your so adorable"most of the girls cooed at young Midoriya as they took picture with their phones Midoriya sat their blushing with embarrassment at being called cute.
Of course a hero's journey usually starts during their childhood that's usually when most quirks start developing" Iida exclaimed.
Sorry for asking this but why are crying" asked Jiro as she watched the screen
You'll find out" Midoriya's said as he worriedly eyed bakugo.
Why are you being so mean Your making him cry if you keep hurting him I'll stop you myself; Midoriya said trembling with his fist in defence position with a boy behind him crying and young Bakugo and his friends in front of him.
Of course he'd be there knowing their history together; Todoroki thought as he and everyone else glared at bakugo.
Even though your quirkless your still pretending to be hero Deku" Bakugo said as him and his friends closed in on Midoriya.
Your such a bully bakugou; Hagakure yelled at him
I'm glad we didn't get stuck with him" Monoma said with Kendo for once agreeing with him
Deku what did he mean when he said you were quirkless" Uraraka asked which caused midoriya to flinch
His quirk probably didn't develop yet,Its like Iida said quirks usually develop during the ages of 4 right Midoriya" Yaoyorozu exclaimed.
Its.. its kinda complicated you'll see; Midoriya said with the others looking confused.
The sad truth Is: All men are not created equally that's the lesson I learned When I was four; older Midoriya narrated as the scene showed child Midoriya laying on the ground after being beaten up by Bakugo.
Boooooo; everyone yelled angrily at bakugo even the pros were glaring at him disappointedly.
What the hell man what's your problem; Sero yelled.
You went too far; Kaminari yelled.
Yeah man you beat him up that's so uncool" Kirishima yelled.
You were hurting a kid and he was just trying to protect him so how could he; Ashido yelled.
At least he acted more heroic than you; Uraraka angrily yelled.
Exactly and your violent actions would put our school to shame if this got out; Iida reprimanded.
Quite true I'm very disappointed in you young Bakugo This behavior will not make you good hero before you attend camp next week I demanded you see Mr Hound Dog for some counselling otherwise you can attend summer school here instead; Principal Nezu demanded with a much more stricter voice.
But that won't hold me back, I'll keep chasing my dream" Midoriya narrated as the scene showed him older and running down the street.
Yes go Midoriya(Deku) The crowd yelled at his eagerness.
That right young Midoriya push past those bad memories and keep going forward that will lead you through the straight path of becoming a hero; All Might said proudly with the teachers nodding in agreement.
I will; Midoriya said proudly.
Midoriya joined the crowd as he watched the villain fight then the theme song started.
Hey we have our own theme song cool; kaminari said excitedly.
This music really hits I like it; Jiro said as she jammed to the music .
We look magnific; Aoyama claimed as class 1A was shown in their costumes.
Shigaraki; Midoriya said aggravated as he as he saw Tomura Shigaraki on screen knowing a few day ago when Shigaraki captured him at the mall.
Don't worry Deku we won't let him touch you again; Uraraka reassured with Iida nodding next next to her.
Look It's Mr Aizawa kicking ass; Ojiro said as they watched their teacher Fighting the villians at the U.S.J .
Look its All Might fighting the Nomu; Sato exclaimed with All might looking at Aizawa's scar regretting not getting their faster to save him.
They really are so cool; Tetsutetsu said with everyone from class B minus a jealous Monoma nodding in agreement.
The screen showed punching hero Death Arms holding up a metal structure in order to save the people trapped the camera showed an illustration of Death Arms in Izuku's notebook.
Everyone stay back this is much too dangerous; said rescue hero Backdraft as he made a police line with his water quirk his sketch was also shown in Izukus notebook.
Nice observation skills young Midoriya am I in one of your notebooks; Midnight said with a wink.
Well yes I take notes on all the pros I've seen on tv and on in person; Midoriya said embarrassed
Your Observation skills are impressive Midoriya did you make one about us too; Yaoyorozu asked interestingly.
Can we see it Deku; Uraraka asked with the others begging with her with Midoriya looking embarrassed.
Suddenly Kamui wood came onto the scene to fight the villain causing all the trouble
That Dopey grin of yours must mean your a fanboy right; a man stated to Midoriya
He's not wrong you do get flustered every time you meet a new pro; Ashido teased while others chuckled
Before Kamui wood could attack the villain pro hero Mt Lady showed up with her special move Canyon Cannon which she came in, in her enlarged form and delivered a kick towards the giant villain while receiving all the credit from the photographers
Piece of cake for the world's next hottest hero hi everyone im Mt Lady and you don't have to worry about this "bum" anymore; she said as the cameras kept flashing
Midoriya you really are a lucky bastard; Kaminari said as he and Mineta stared at the screen drooling at the sight of her "ASSets" Jiro, Ashido, and Hagakure glared at the two perverts while the rest stared at them in disbelief.
Look out Midnight you got some competition; Snipe teased remembering the fight the two female pros had during their talk show.
Shut it Snipe I was a sexy pro long before she got her license; Midnight yelled out of aggravation.
Midoriya was seen muttering as he took notes on Mt Lady the man next to him noticed and gave him a thumbs up asking if he wanted to be a hero too.
Yes more than anything" Midoriya happily replied.
Title card- Izuku Midoriya:Origin
Go Midoriya you can do it" mostly everyone yelled proudly
From the progress he's making I have no doubts he'll pass the licensing exam in August "Nezu said with the others nodding in agreement even Aizawa looked impressed
You've gotten so much stronger the first time we met im so proud of you "All Might thought as he proudly stared at Midoriya.
That kid's gonna go far don't ya think "said Gran Torino
He will "said All Might
The scene changed to Midoriya sitting in his classroom while the teacher explains how its time to get serious about their future he then exclaimed how he knows they wanna be heros with all of them (minus Midoriya and Bakugu) raising their hands and showing off their quirks
How dare they use their quirks on school grounds back at soumei we'd get a months detention for abusing our powers like that" Iida cursed.
Hey Deku how come you're not raising your hand or showi..."Uraraka asked before she was interrupted by Todoroki.
Uraraka where watching his life now stop asking and keep watching and maybe we'll find out "Todoroki told her.
Hey teach don't lump me in with the in with these losers I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as some D-listers sidekicks " said Bakugo this caused the other students to rage at him.
The teacher claimed that Bakugu might be able to get into U.A after reviewing his test scores
Bakugo went on boasting claiming he'll end up as the most richest and most popular in the world and that it all starts U.A High.
I'm glad he didn't run into the Hero Killer Like us" Todoroki told Midoriya and Iida who nodded in agreement after remembering their encounter with Stain.
Oh yeah Midoriya don't you wanna go to U.A too" the teacher asked Midoriya ducked his as the other students began laughing at him claiming that he can't get into U.A's hero course without a quirk
Actually they got rid of that rule so maybe I could be the first" Midoriya argued before Bakugo destroyed his desk in anger and backed him against the wall
Your below these rejects Deku, your quirkless you really think they'd let you into U.A when they can have someone like me "Bakugo berated.
I wasn't trying to complete with you or anything its just I wanted to be a hero ever since I was little even though im quirkless I can still try my hardest"Midoriya said nervously.
What do you mean you'll try you'll never hang with the best, you'll die in the exams''Bakugu yelled as the screen showed him and the other students as shadow demons with red eye's.
JERK " all the students yelled at Bakugou.
If Midoriya's dream is your nightmare maybe you really do need the counseling" Tokoyami scolded.
Keep your beak out of this bird boy" Bakugo yelled but everyone ingored.
Don't worry Deku we won't ever treat you like they did"Uraraka said.
Yes here in Class A we all respect each other "said Iida with the other agreeing.
Thanks guys" Midoriya smiled but then realized the worst wasn't over, oh no when they see what Kachaan did and said to me next there gonna really hate him "Midoriya thought worriedly.
Those brats wanted to be heros yet they treat their own classmates like this, no wonder they didn't get in"Aizawa cursed
I'm sorry you had to go so much young Midoriya" All Might thought feeling useless.
The scene then change to the slime villain running away after robbing a store the citizens asked where the hero's were ,a skinny man was scene transforming into All might and left to stop the villain.
All the student were too distracted by the slime the notice which allowed Midoriya to sigh in relief.
The scene then changed back to the classroom with Midoriya writhing more info in his notebook when Bakugo took it from him
Were not done talking Deku "Bakugo said as he and his two friend mock him by calling his notebook a diary, Bakugo then burned it with his quirk and finally threw it out the window with Midoriya looking down mournfully.
How dare you Bakugou that was personal property you creatin" Iida yelled while the others glared at him. Guy's it's alright I still have it, see" Midoriya said as he showed the slightly burned notebook, but that didn't ease the anger they had on Bakugo
Bakugo told Midoriya how heros who show potential are destined for greatness and that he will be the only one from junior high to get into to U.A
Bakugo then threatened Midoriya about applying to U.A as he burned his shoulder then he and his goons left the classroom while Midoriya stood there frustrated, Bakugo turned around to tell Midoriya one more thing, If you really wanna be hero so badly there's one way to do it.
Oh no Kachaan" Midoriya shouted worriedly
Oh Crap what am i'm doing"Bakugo shouted
Everyone looked at them in confusion
Believe that you'll be born with quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building"Bakugo mocked before he left
GASPS came of the mouths of the pros and students, they couldn't believe a hero in training would say such a thing.
Just then the students began to angrily berate Bakugo
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" Yelled an angry Uraraka
YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF" Yelled and angry Kaminari
YOUR SUCH A BULLY "Yelled an angry Ashido
DUDE YOU WENT TO FAR" Yelled an angry Kirishima
That was low even for me "said Monoma as he and the rest of class B watched the berating in shock
Don't you think there being a little too hard on him' Ibara asked still shocked
Can you blame them after what he did to Midoriya he deserves it "Kendo said as she stared at Midoriya with sympathy?
If I knew what he went through id take back everything I told him" Shino thought regretting what he said to Midoriya during their match at the sports festival. I never thought young Bakugo was capable of somthing so dark, and to think of what I said to young Midoriya after I left him on that roof" All Might thought in shock I knew young Bakugo had Pride and Anger Issues, but that was getting out of hand, Something must be done"Principal Nezu thought in shock after finding out this disturbing news
Suddenly the room began to felt hot,everyone stared at Endeavor but he was still in shock at what He just saw, only to come out of it when they all saw it was Todoroki enraged and burning on the left.
YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO HIM,I'LL KILL YOU" Yelled a frustrated Todoroki with fire in his left hand
STOP SHOTO " Endeavor roared at his son not to fight
COME AND GET ME THEN ICY-HOT" Bakugo yelled as he jumped up and igniting his hands
I don't think so "Eraserhead yelled as he canceled their quirks and restrain them with his capture weapon
Settle down no fighting will be happening here, Todoroki control your emotions next time"Todoroki nodded as he and everyone else calmly sat back down, as for you Bakugo you won't be walking away from this, what you said was unheroic weather it was a bluff or not ,but after this is over you'll see Me, All Might, Hound Dog, and Principal Nezu in the office so we can talk, plus I want you to write Midoriya an apology letter, just so you know your on thin ice if we ever catch behavior like that again you'll be expelled From U.A before you can say plus ultra understand" Eraserhead finished
Yeah sure" Bakugo said frustrated as Eraserhead walked back to his seat, Endeavor thanked him for stopping his son from fighting.
Wait Mr Aizawa there's no reason punish Kachaan I already forga..." Midoriya defended but was cut off by Gran Torino
No kid he's right we can't let people like him go that easily, he needs to know what he did was wrong if he wants hero understand" Gran Torino finished and Midoriya nodded and sat down with his friends looking at him with sympathy.
That's what I like about you young Midoriya regardless of your history you manage to forgive those who harmed you in the past and you still push forward towards your goal" All Might who was still upset at what he saw,proudly said.
We have to make more changes to next year's entrance exam" Ectoplasm Suggested
Yes we can't risk letting more people like Bakugou into our school" Cementoss agreed
Midoriya are you ok" his classmates asked
Im fine im just worried about kachaan" Midoriya said
Don't worry about him im sure after what Mr Aizawa tells him I'm sure he'll learn his lesson"Iida asked concern
Till then we got your back Deku "Uraraka said with the others agreeing
Thanks guys" Midoriya said with tears in his eyes.
The Screen Showed a frustrated Midoriya Walking outside the school, idiot You can't go around telling people to kill themselves, what if I did jump then policies would investigate you, think before you speak" Midoriya angrily said to himself as he approached a small pond where his notebook was being nibbled on by fish.
At least he was smart enough not to go through with it" All Might said in relief with everyone else sighing.
That's enough it's not fish food "He said as grabbed his notebook
That dumb bastard" Midoriya swore referring to Bakugo
Hey Midoriya Watch your mou... Kaminari teased before Jiro plugged her earlobes into his ears vibrating him
Lay off, you saw what Bakugo did to him, so don't blame him for swearing"Jiro said as she glared at Bakugo.
The screen then flashed back to Midoriya as a child, mom, mom the computer he yelled to his mother, they then went to his room which was embellished with All Might posters as she turned on the computer and searched for a All Might video while he rocked back and forth in his chair.
Awww your so cute" Hagakure cooed as with the other girls blushing at seeing Midoriya as a kid, this just made Midoriya blush.
You've been a fanboy how long" Kaminari teased as the other guys began laughing and Midoriya blushed harder as he joined the laughing
All Might laughed at being so appreciated by his successor
Midoriya sat there smiling as he watched All Might on screen saving people,Fear not Citizens hope as arrived because I am here"All Might stated as Midoriya watched him with Pure joy on his face, he's the coolest hero ever when I get my quirk i'm gonna be just like him" Young Midoriya said as he Imitated All Mights laugh.
The scene changed to the doctors office, Sorry Kid It's not gonna happen"the Doctor said causing Midoriya freeze in shock, the doctor went on to tell them that quirks usually start developing at the age of four and asked Mrs Midoriya what kind of powers she or her husband had.
Mrs Midoriya explained how she can float small objects towards her as she pulled her sons action figure of the ground, and that Mr Midoriya can breath fire"Midoriya just stood there still shocked as his mother spoke.
The Doctor explained using Izuku's x-rays that research showed that people with quirks have one joint in their pinky toes, and that Izuku probably won't gain a quirk since he has two.
That Doctor should be ashamed for letting a child down like that" Recovery Girl berated.
What I want to know is how Midoriya has a quirk now" Thirteen asked confusedly.
Now now everything will be explained soon enough just be patient" Principal Nezu said as he sipped tea.
Hey Deku not to pry but where's your dad" Uraraka asked curiously at hearing about Izuku's father for the first time.
Oh... well he's away on business a lot but he's barely visits or calls us that sometimes I almost forgot about him " Midoriya said downhearted for have no memories of his father with everyone else feeling sorry him.
Todoroki gave him a nod of reassurance understanding what it's like living with one parent after his mother was put in that hospital.
I'm sorry to hear that Midoriya but if you ever feel alone again you can talk to us" Iida said with everyone agreeing, Midoriya began smiling knowing he had good friends and someone better than a dad.
As long as I'm still alive I'll make sure your never lonely again" All Might said concerned after hearing about Midoriya's fatherless childhood.
The scene changed to Midoriya sitting In a dark room watching All Might on the computer, he told his mother with tears in his eyes, that even when things seem impossible All might never gives up, he then asks if he can be a hero too.
All Mrs Midoriya could do was cry as she hugged Izuku apologizing claiming how she wished things were different,Mom that's not what I needed to hear, Couldn't you see I was depressed,there was only one thing I really wanted to hear"older Midoriya narrator.
Barely anyone had dry eyes at this even Aizawa Pretended to be asleep to avoid the water works.
Even men cry Kirishima just let it out" Sato said as he and Kirishima started bawling.
This music is so depressing" Jiro stated as she wiped her eyes with her earlobes.
After seeing such a tragic backstory Bakugo had a look of guilt on his face for the way he treated Midoriya.
No matter what anyone else says I still believe in you Deku" cried Uraraka as she hugged a Midoriya who was crying at watching his bad memories.
The scene changed to older Midoriya standing in front of a tunnel, I made a decision that day; no matter what anyone else thinks, I have to believe in myself, and I'll keep smiling just like him" narrated Midoriya as he walked through the tunnel mimicking All Mights laugh.
Hearing his dedication to never give up everyone smiled at him.
That's Right Deku don't give up" Uraraka smiled as Midoriya blushed.
Indeed despite all you went through you pushed forward and accomplished so much" Iida said proudly.
I'm proud of you too young Midoriya, Remember a hero must believe in their beliefs if they want to exceed, Just remember that only you can decide to be a hero, All Might said proudly to Midoriya before speaking out to all the students, Take your experience to heart kids you got this" All Might said receiving smiles from everyone.
And that's why you are all here, we all know you went through a lot since enrolling here and we apologize but despite that you all fought through your struggles and made it to this moment here and I know you'll all do much more after you become pros" Principal Nezu spoke up with the teachers proudly agreeing.
Just then the sludge villain appeared in behind Midoriya and attack him causing him to drop his notebook.
You'll make a perfect skinsuit for me kid" Sludge villain said as he made his way into Midoriya slowly suffocating him.
NO MIDORIYA" everyone screamed worried .
THAT BASTARD HOW DARE HE ATTACK A CHILD" Endeavor shouted with the other pros looking shocked.
It's a miracle he survived such a monster but how did he escape" Nezu said concerned.
Damn if only I gotten their sooner he wouldn't have suffocated" All Might cursed at seeing Midoriya choking.
Geez Midoriya your having a bad da..." Sero said trying to lighten the mood only to get yelled at by an angry distressed Todoroki.
SHUT UP SERO NOT THE TIME" yelled Todoroki with everyone glaring at Sero .
Ok im sorry,geez when did he get so protective" Sero said with his head down
I can't breath, I think I'm dying, somebody help me "Midoriya scream muffled as he was passing out while struggling to escape
Thanks for your help kid, Your My hero"The Slime Taunted When suddenly a manhole cover from behind flew into the air causing the villain to turned with fear as the music changed to All Mights Theme.
Fear not young man your safe ...because I am here"All Might said as He came out of the hole.
Oh no"the Slime cried out as he tried to attack All Might with his tentacles only for the pro to dodge and counter.
TEXAS...SMASH "All Might roared as he punch forward,and the wind pressure alone was enough to pull the sludge Villain apart dropping Midoriya In the process
Is that All Might" Midoriya said before passing out
YAY ALL MIGHT " the students cheered while the teachers looked at All Might proudly for saving one of their students, even Eraserhead was impressed on finding out why the two were so close
Thank god All Might showed to save you Huh Deku" Uraraka cheered as grabbed Midoriya's Arm with force.
Yeah it was but...Uraraka... you can let me go now " Midoriya said in pain from Uraraka grasp
Oops sorry Deku" Uraraka said as she let go
So You met the kid before U.A huh Toshinori" Gran Torino asked All Might
Yep I was originally gonna choose a Successor here in the school.. But then I met young Midoriya and well...(sigh) you'll see" All Might whispered to Gran Torino
Hey Wake up hey"The scene then showed All Might trying to wake up a passed out Midoriya By patting His Face
The students deadpanned at All Might while the pros stared at him in disappointment,they knew about his time limit but he handled the situation poorly before he could answer he was hit in the head by two angry elderly pros
All Might you idiot you dont wake somebody who just passed out like that" Recovery Girl Scolded as she punched the back of his head.
I'm sorry but I was running out of time"All might tried to argue before getting hit again.
Then why didn't you take him with you to the police and let them escort him home you dunce" Gran Torino shouted while beating All Might with his cane.
After a few more beatings the two old pro's came to an understanding
Well if the two haven't officially met then the boy wouldn't get his wish"Recovery Girl stated
Yeah and he wouldn't be here today either" Gran Torino replied
Are all old pros this dangerous" Midoriya thought as he saw All Might with bruises on his face
Midoriya woke up and backed away screaming after seeing his favorite hero in front of him
All Might apologize for getting Midoriya involved with his work, and thanked him for helping him capture the sludge villain ( who he contained in a two liter soda bottle )
Amazed at having the number 1 hero in front of him Midoriya Frantically looked for a pen so he could get All Mights autograph only to find that All Might already signed his notebook
Midoriya got up and started bowing like to All Might, thanking him claiming that he'll cherish his autograph as a family heirloom.
Just thought I'd save you the trouble Young Midoriya" All Might said as he and everyone laughed at Midoriya's fanboying
All Might said goodbye as he left to go turn the sludge villain into the police
No... wait don't go, I have something to ask you
Deku please don't" Uraraka ask concern
He didn't" everyone asked All Might
He did" All Might said embarrassed
The scene the showed All Might jumping into the air only to find Midoriya Clinging to his leg for dear life
Everyone began laughing at the scene
Midoriya you are a savage" Kaminari teased at seeing such a brave stunt
More like thoughtless, what were you thinking Midoriya, you could have been killed" Iida reprimanded
I'm sorry I was so excited I didnt think clearly" Midoriya said embarrassed
Now Young Midoriya you shouldn't be so downhearted If you hadn't done that then You wouldn't have been here today" All Might said.
Hey let go,I love my fans but this is too much" All Might ordered as he tried to pry Midoriya off his leg,only to stop after Midoriya reminded that he'll die if he lets go
All might told Midoriya to keep his mouth and eyes shut as as he looked for a place to land
The scene then showed All Might and Midoriya on the roof of a building
Not a smart move young man,bang on the door for a while and someone will let you out now I have to go"All Might said as he was about to leave.
Please wait"Midoriya begged
No I have to go"All might said
Please I have to know" yelled Midoriya as he remembered everyone telling him that it was hopeless for him to become a hero
Everyone watched nervously, hoping All Might would say something encouraging to Midoriya after seeing His sad memories again
Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk, I'm a normal kid without any powers..can I ever hope to be someone like you" Midoriya yelled stopping All Might as ne looked at Midoriya waiting for his answer.
Meeting All Might was a dream come true, what I didn't know was that this encounter changed my life forever"Midoriya narrated as the episode ended and the screen cut off.
Record then sat down and apologised claiming that he was exhausted and to give him 30 minutes and a snack and he'll been ready with the next episode.
Speaking of snacks come down to the cafeteria while you wait, I have prepared some really tasty food for you all, can't watch a life story on an empty stomach" lunch rush exclaimed as everyone left to the cafeteria
Hey Deku,what happens next" Uraraka asked with a smile
S..sorry I can't you'll just have to wait "Midoriya said nervously
Please Just one hint" Uraraka begged
Hey Uraraka" Shinso asked
Yeah, what is it"she responded thus getting brainwashed by Shinso quirk
Leave him alone and just wait for the next episode"Shinso ordered as she obeyed and left for the cafeteria.
Thanks Shinso I owe you one" Midoriya said.
I just don't like spoilers, now let's go get some food"Shinso said as they left.
Jiro had shoved past Bakugo Watch where you're going" Bakugo yelled Or what, you'll tell to jump off building too" Jiro scoffed as she walked away Screw you too"Bakugo shouted Whats that I hear, it certainly doesn't sound like a hero to me" Sero said Na, I just hear a goat, a Baku-Goat" Ashido said in disgust Fine, stay mad, I don't need any of you" Bakugo yelled in anger as he stormed off to the cafeteria (sigh) you may be jerk dude, and what you said to Midoriya as low, not even you deserve this neglect" Kirishima thought as he followed him Everyone was in the cafeteria having lunch, of course nobody sat near Bakugou (Except Kirishima), they were All very angry with him after they saw him try and convince Midoriya to Kill himself
Guy's, how long are going to stay mad at Kachaan" Midoriya asked his closest friends who sat with him for comfort
Until he apologizes for bullying you"Uraraka said in anger as she glared at Katsuki
Well you heard Mr Aizawa, he's gonna make him write Midoriya an Apology, so I think we should forgive him" Iida reassured
Todoroki then slammed, his hands on the table
Should we though, we All remembered how he tried to attack Midorya during our fitness exam, and the crazy stunt he pulled on him on our first day of training, now this, how can somebody like that enter U.A, to me I don't he even deserves to be a Hero" Todoroki said aggravated
Everyone was stunned by this amount of empathy Todoroki had for Izuku, normally he was an easy going guy who kept to himself, but everything changed right after the sports festival
Todoroki, I understand what your saying, but that was long ago, Kachaan may not say it, but I know he didn't know mean it when he told me to jump, that was just the overconfidence and pride he was saying, any way if Kachaan willing to apologize then I'll accept because I already forgave him" Midoriya assured
Yeah, but it's not like he really mean it, The whole reason Bakugo's even doing it is so Mr Aizawa doesn't expel him" Sero reminded
Yeah, so I really don't think counts" Jiro agreed
Kachaan's admiration for becoming a Hero is the same as mine, If he really cares about his future, then he'll do anything to keep it, so any apology from him is good enough for me" Midoriya stated
Well If Midoriya's ok with it, then I guess I'll forgive Bakugo "Tokoyami claimed
I've been given a second chance at life, so I guess I'll forgive him too" Iida agreed
I guess everyone deserves a second chance" Yaoyorozu said as she and a few other joined
It won't be easy, but I'll try for Deku's sake" Uraraka finished
Thanks guys, now let's please talk about something else" Midoriya asked
Ok, how about this, how did you get your quirk before school started, thats been eating me up for a while" Asui claimed with others agreeing
I don't want to spoil things, but it sort of developed sometime after All Might came back to Japan" Midoriya stated
Is All Might some kind of God" They all Wondered
At Bakugo's table
Bakugo was just shoveling food down his throat like a feral animal, with Kirishima staring at him awkwardly
Go away, why are you even here, shouldn't you be with Deku, comforting him after what I did" Bakugo asked annoyed
I could, but I think he's covered, look man what you did to Midoriya was wrong, I mean he's never mean to you, he never makes fun of you,he thinks your cool, and all you ever do is yell at him and ridicule him, I mean come on, all he ever wanted was to be a hero" Kirishima lectured
It's his own fault for being too nice, Deku should learn to man up and fight" Bakugo replied irritated
Don't you try and blame this fiasco on Midoriya, Bakugo, the only time he's ever done anything to you was stand up for that kid you were beating, leave Midoriya out of this, this is all your fault" Kirishima yelled disappointed
You think I don't know that (sigh) If I could go back in time I would punch myself for acting like a complete ass" Bakugo claimed knowing that he now to to face the consequences which wasn't going to be easy
Well, in that case, I'll have to be your look out, you won't so much as bully a single person here as long as I'm around" Kirishima declared smiling wickedly, as Bakugo looked shocked
DON'T DO ME ANY FAVOR'S SPIKY HAIR" Bakugo angrily barked
Oh you can be sure of that" Kirishima stated
In the teachers lounge
All Might and Record were sitting down having some tea (all Might was in his skinny form
All Might, I have to let you know my quirk won't skip memories, are you sure you want me to show your student's all of Izuku's secret, I mean I just got one them in trouble" Record asked nervous
This is part of their development into becoming real heros, young Midoriya has managed to hold these secrets for so long, so I know the others will do the same, as for young Bakugo, I think he'll be fine, he wants to be a hero that badly so I know he'll accept the consequences" All Might reassured
Ok, I just wanna let you know that I think you choose the right person to be your sucessor" Record praised Thanks, but there something bugging me, is there anything you can tell me about the boy's father" All Might ask curious
(sigh) no, the guy's been gone most of the kid's life, if Izuku hasn't seen him, then I can't find him" Record replied sadly
I see" All Might said disappointed, as he hoped to reunite Izuku with his father
But hey, he still has you, you managed to mentor him for months and that's more than his own father, I think you're pretty swell, in this form or not" Record said proudly
Gee thanks, now let's go back, I'm sure those kids are dying to see what happens next" All Might said as he transformed back into his Hero form and left
Ok (Sorry All Might, but Lied to you about Hisahi) Record thought as he went back to the authorium
0 notes
perfectlyrose · 7 years
wrong number, right person
Summary: Complete accident brings Rose and John into each other’s lives by way of a misdialed phone number but as they form a friendship that could bloom into love, it almost seems more like fate.
Pairing: Ten x Rose || Rating: All ages || Word Count: 4264
Note: For Day Seven of 31 Days of Ficmas: prompt “ring.” This is... so much longer than I intended it to be when I started writing lol. - tagging @doctorroseprompts for the event :)
Rose answered her phone without looking to see who was calling, assuming it was Jack for the third time that evening. “I told you Jack, I can’t come out tonight, I’ve got homework and a bloody astronomy exam tomorrow I need to revise for.”
“Um, I think I have the wrong number but I could probably give you some tips on astronomy if you need them,” a male voice on the other end of the line that was decidedly not Jack said.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry. My friend has been calling me non-stop trying to get me to go clubbing with him tonight and I just assumed he was trying again,” Rose said, cheeks heating.
“No need to apologize! I’m the one who dialed wrong and interrupted your revising,” the man said, very cheerful for someone talking to a stranger.
“It wasn’t going well, so I really don’t mind.”
“I meant it when I said I could give you some astronomy tips. I umm… I might have a doctorate in the subject.” The last sentence came out in a rush, like he was nervous about admitting it.
“Really? You sure you’re not trying to impress some random girl on the phone?” Rose teased.
“Honestly, astronomy and astrophysics don’t usually do the trick.”
“Got degrees in both?”
“Bit brilliant, aren’t you?”
Rose laughed. “Alright mystery doctor, want to give an impromptu intro to astronomy lecture over the phone to a stranger?”
“Love to, actually. What unit is your exam on?”
“Honestly, if you can make parallax equations make sense I will probably propose marriage at this point,” Rose admitted. “I’m really lost.”
He laughed. “Proposing to me and you don’t even know who I am. Bit hasty but I like it.”
“Hey, I just said I might propose, no promises. Besides, this is dependent on your teaching skills.”
“I’ll have to be impressive then.”
“You better be, I’d like to pass this exam,” she shot back. “I’m Rose, by the way.”
“John, but you can keep calling me Doctor, if you want.”
She raised her eyebrows even though he couldn’t see. “Alright, Doctor.”
Rose could practically hear his smile.
“Alright, ready to learn?”
“I guess. Last chance and all that.”
With that he launched into a lecture that was far more engaging than any of the actual classes Rose had attended. Her impromptu professor had a tendency to go off on tangents but also a knack for actually describing things in a way that made sense to her and by the end of the conversation, she actually felt like she might pass the test.
“Thank you so much,” she said, things winding to a close. They’d been talking for an hour at least. “You have definitely earned a potential marriage proposal.”
He laughed, the sound warm and low. “Wait and see if you actually pass that exam.”
“Seriously though, thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome.”
“I don’t know who you were trying to call but I’m really glad you rang me instead.”
“Me too.”
“Alight, goodnight then, Doctor.”
“Night, Rose.”
When Rose got her exam grade back and saw that she’d actually passed by more than a smidge, she quickly snapped a picture and texted it to her mystery caller.
Text to Space Doctor [5:32 pm]: <Image attached>
Text to Space Doctor [5:32 pm]: i passed! ready to accept my proposal?
Text to Starry Rose [5:36 pm]: Congratulations! Knew you could do it!
Text to Space Doctor [5:42 pm]: my prof is probably going to think i cheated
Text to Starry Rose [5:43 pm]: Nonsense! You’re brilliant!
Text to Space Doctor [5:45 pm]: science isn’t really my thing but thx
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: Feel free to call me up if you need help again. I’m happy to be of assistance.
Text to Starry Rose [5:54 pm]: If you want. That was probably weird to offer. Sorry. I just like to help and I enjoyed talking to you.
Text to Space Doctor [6:01 pm]: thatd be brilliant!!!! im def going to take you up on that
Text to Space Doctor [6:02 pm]: sorry cant chat rn. at my mums for dinner
Text to Starry Rose [6:02 pm]: Have fun! Look forward to talking again soon :)
Rose stowed her phone back in her purse and headed into the kitchen to help her mum with a smile on her face.
“You know, I never asked who you were trying to call when you ended up ringing me,” Rose said. “Last time, I mean. Obviously, since I called you this time.”
It was a couple weeks after that first call. They’d texted on and off about random things and Rose was really starting to consider him a friend despite never having laid eyes on him. With another exam looming, she’d called John up for another tutoring session.
“Oh, my sister, Donna. She wanted to try and talk me into coming to some dinner party so really you saved me,” he said, voice completely earnest.
“Happy to help.”
“Gracious of you. Ready to start?”
“Don’t need an offer of marriage beforehand?”
“I am a patient man, Rose,” he said loftily.
Rose snorted. “No you’re not. Even I could tell you that.”
“Teach me of the stars oh wise, patient Doctor,” she intoned, laying the sarcasm on thick.
“Still rude but I’ll let it slide this time.”
Text to Space Doctor [8:34 pm]: i looked up the going rate for tutors and i’m really glad you aren’t charging me anything
Text to Starry Rose [8:37 pm]: Who says I’m not logging hours to bill you later?
Text to Space Doctor [8:41 pm]: would have to find an address for me to bill me :)
Text to Starry Rose [8:43 pm]: That /is/ a dilemma.
Text to Space Doctor [8:47 pm]: besides… i already offered to marry you in exchange for your services as tutor. not my fault you didn’t take me up on that excellent deal
Text to Starry Rose [8:50 pm]: I still could.
Text to Space Doctor [8:51 pm]: nope too late now. missed ur chance ;)
Text to Starry Rose [8: 54 pm]: A true tragedy.
“Oi! Spaceman, are you listening to me at all?”
John whipped his head up to give Donna a sheepish expression. “Yes?”
“You weren’t. You had that goofy smile on your face that means you were texting that Rose girl.”
“I did not!”
“You so did. When are you going to actually ask her out?”
He sighed. “I don’t even know if she’s in London, Donna. Can’t exactly take her to dinner if she’s not in the city.”
“But you do want to take her to dinner!” Donna crowed.
John rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone after shooting off a quick text to Rose. “Yes, fine. I’d like to actually meet her in person and maybe eat while doing so. Happy?”
“For now.”
Text to Starry Rose [10:21 am]: I wish I was anywhere except this meeting right now.
Text to Space Doctor [10:22 am]: probs better than my astronomy lecture
Text to Space Doctor [10:23 am]: i swear this guy doesn’t realize half the class is asleep
Text to Starry Rose [10:25 am]: I would MUCH rather be in an astronomy lecture right now.
Text to Space Doctor [10:26 am]: nerd
“Ooh, are you texting your mystery man again, Rosie?” Jack asked, leaning closer to her. They were out at the pub and crammed into a booth with three other people.
Rose rolled her eyes. “He is not my mystery man. He’s just a friend who’s helping me pass astronomy.”
“You don’t even text me that much,” Jack said, eyebrows raised. “So, come on, spill the beans.”
Rose groaned and reached for her beer. “I might, might, have a crush on my mystery man.”
Jack cheered, drawing looks from everyone else at their table. “So make a move!”
“I don’t even know who he is, Jack! He probably doesn’t even live around here.”
“So that makes making a move a bit difficult, yeah?”
“You two lovebirds already have a great connection. What’s a bit of distance and putting a face to a name?”
“A lot.”
“Fine, fine. Just think about it though.”
Text to Space Doctor [1:47 am]: u stil up?
Text to Starry Rose [1:49 am]: Yes. Didn’t realize it was so late, actually.
Text to Space Doctor [1:52 am]: jack got me drynkj
Text to Space Doctor [1:53 am]: drunk. ha!
Text to Starry Rose [1:54 am]: All his fault?
Text to Space Doctor [1:56 am]: no
Text to Space Doctor [1:57 am]: ur falt too
Text to Starry Rose [2:00 am]: Really? How so?
Text to Starry Rose [2:05 am]: Rose?
Text to Starry Rose [2:11 am]: Are you alright? Do you need someone to come get you or anything? I’m in London but I can call a cab anywhere.
Text to Starry Rose [2:20 am]: I’m going to hope you just fell asleep or your phone died but let me know that you’re alright when you see these messages.
Text to Space Doctor [7:46 am]: remind me never to drink w/ jack again.
Text to Space Doctor [7:47 am]: my head is killing me
Text to Space Doctor [7:54 am]: sorry for worrying u last night. fell asleep
Text to Space Doctor [8:02 am]: also sorry for drunk texting you
Text to Starry Rose [9:13 am]: Glad you’re alright. You can text me whenever, you know that :)
Text to Space Doctor [9:14 am]: :) :) :)
“I still can’t believe you haven’t finished reading Harry Potter,” John complained. They’d been talking for almost three months now and, as far as she could tell, he had called tonight specifically to complain about her lack of Harry Potter knowledge.
“I’ve been a bit busy.”
“The last one has been out for ten years, Rose.”
“I’ll get there!”
“You’ve at least seen the movies, right?”
“The first couple. I’m waiting to read the books,” she said, grinning. This was too easy.
He groaned dramatically. “I’m not sure I can be friends with you.”
Rose laughed. “You know you are far too easy to wind up, right?”
“Doctor, I’ve read the whole series like three times and seen all the movies,” she admitted, still grinning as she moved into her kitchen to pour a glass of wine.
“I cannot believe you.”
“Still want to be friends?”
He sniffed, dramatic to the end. “I suppose, but you’re on thin ice.”
“Even if I tell you my theories on the Sorting Hat?”
“...I’m listening.”
Text to Space Doctor [3:34 pm]: i’m going to fail all my finals but especially astronomy
Text to Starry Rose [3:36 pm]: You’re going to do brilliantly. Want me to call tonight to help go over things?
Text to Space Doctor [3:39 pm]: please. i’ll be home around 7?
Text to Starry Rose [3:45 pm]: I’ll talk to you then!
Rose walked out of her astronomy final feeling cautiously optimistic about how she’d done. She quickly fished out her mobile and turned it back on to text John. She quickly shot off a message that she’d survived and then headed straight to Tesco’s to get a celebratory bottle of wine.
Jack wasn’t finished with his tests until tomorrow so they were going out then. Tonight was all hers and she had a date with Netflix and at least one bottle of wine.
She was settling down on her sofa when her mobile buzzed in her pocket. Rose quickly checked it and smiled when she saw it was a text from the Doctor.
Text to Starry Rose [6:52 pm]: Congratulations on making it through your class! I’m sure you aced the final!
Text to Space Doctor [6:54 pm]: SO glad to be done with that class
Text to Space Doctor [6:55 pm]: celebrating with alcohol and crap telly. any watching suggestions before i pick something?
Text to Starry Rose [6:59 pm]: Star Trek?
Text to Space Doctor [7:02 pm]: omg you are so predictable
She grinned and queued up the next episode of the comedy she’d started a week ago and settled in for a cozy night.
About three quarters of the way through her bottle of wine, Rose had the sudden realization that without astronomy class, she wouldn’t have a built-in excuse to call John anymore. She knew they were friends, but what if everything was built on that tutor relationship and things started crumbling.
She’d known for a while that she had a massive crush on her mysterious friend, despite having no clue what he looked like or any identifying details about him. She took a healthy sip of her wine and picked up her phone, quickly opening her conversation with John.
Maybe meeting in person was the next step. She’d wanted to for ages but something had held her back. Fear. The fear that he would be disappointed by who she was outside of their phone conversations or that maybe she would be disappointed in him, but she thought that scenario unlikely. The fear that actually meeting would somehow ruin the magic of their instant friendship.
That feeling was suppressed by red wine, showing up only as a tickle in the pit of her stomach as she started typing.
Text to Space Doctor [8:50 pm]: you know… we should meet up sometime. get chips or something
Text to Space Doctor [8:53 pm]: i’m in london too. don’t know if i ever told you that
Text to Space Doctor [8:56 pm]: but i’d really like to properly meet you.
Text to Space Doctor [9:00 pm]: only if you want tho
Rose stared down at her phone, biting her bottom lips as the television played on unnoticed. He usually answered faster than this. Had she made him uncomfortable? Oh god, what if she’d completely screwed things up?
She set her phone aside and tried to concentrate on her show and reclaim the celebratory mood she’d felt earlier but it was gone.
Soon the wine was as well.
John never texted back.
When Jack arrived at Rose’s flat the next afternoon, he expected to find his friend chipper and ready for a night out on the town now that they were done with the semester. Instead, she opened the door in sweats and an oversized t-shirt, expression drawn.
“Whoa there, Rosie. You feeling alright?” he asked, stepping into her flat and closing the door behind him.
“I’m fine,” she said, giving him a wan smile. “Just lost track of time. I’ll go get ready, you know where everything is.”
“Hey now,” he said, grabbing onto her arm so she didn’t get very far. “What’s wrong? Did you get a bad exam grade back or something? It’s not like you to be so down, especially when we’re free of classes for a bit!”
“I’m fine!”
“You’re not. Fight with your mystery boy?”
Rose looked away and Jack felt a protective anger rising in his chest.
“What did the jackass do?”
“Nothing, that’s the problem,” she said with a sigh, sagging back against the back of the sofa.
“Care to elaborate?”
“I’d texted him earlier last night to tell him I’d survived the astronomy final and everything seemed fine and then I had to go and open my stupid mouth after having a lot of wine.”
Jack raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.
She sighed. “I asked him if he wanted to meet up sometime, like in person. Get chips or something.”
“And he didn’t answer you?”
“S’like he fell off the face of the planet. I haven’t heard from him all day.”
“Aw, Rose, I’m sorry. I know you really like him.” Jack gathered her into a hug and his heart cracked a bit when he heard her sniffle.
“I really really do. Why won’t he answer me? He could just say no and we could stay phone friends at least.”
“I don’t know, Rosie. Your man’s an idiot.”
She laughed, a small watery thing but a laugh nonetheless. “Yeah he is.”
“Wanna stay in and watch cheesy chick flicks and eat ice cream?”
“I don’t want to ruin your night, Jack. You go ahead and go out without me,” she insisted, pulling back from the hug.
“Nope. I’m spending the night with you. We can go out another time when you’ll actually have fun.”
“I might have already eaten all my ice cream.”
“I’ll go get us some more while you pick out movies. Deal?”
“Throw in some wine and you’ve got one.”
They shook on it like they always did and then Jack kissed her forehead and waltzed back out the door.
John sped back to town, anxious to get to his flat where he would have both a charged mobile and service so he could use it. He’d gone on a stargazing trip and forgotten that he wouldn’t have any reception or power and he hadn’t told Rose that he was going off the grid.
Damn but he missed her. He was really hoping that she still wanted to be friends now that she didn’t need his astronomy knowledge any more. He thought that she would but there was still this niggling worry that maybe he thought they were better friends than they were. He could be blinded by the ginormous crush he had on her but he was almost positive that they were legitimately friends.
The moment he stepped into his flat he dropped his bag on the floor with a thud and made a beeline for the phone charger by his bed. Powering up his mobile, he winced at the number of texts he’d missed. A couple were from Donna but he went straight to his messages with Rose.
He couldn’t contain his grin when he read the first few, the ones that said she wanted to meet him. John couldn’t believe he’d missed these! Then his heart fell into his stomach as he kept reading.
Text to Space Doctor [10:34 am]: if you don’t want to meet up u can just say so
Text to Space Doctor [10:40 am]: i’m not going to hold it against you or anythin
Text to Space Doctor [5:45 pm]: i hope you’re alright. not like you not to text back.
Text to Space Doctor [6:02 pm]: sorry if i made things awkward
Text to Space Doctor [11:22 am]: you know what, fuck this. i really want to meet you because i really like you and you’re one of my best friends now. you don’t have to up and ghost me just out of the blue like this
Text to Space Doctor [1:30 pm]: please at least let me know that you’re okay
John swore profusely as he checked the time and realized that her last text was from four hours ago. She’d been texting him all weekend, thinking he was just ignoring her because he was an idiot and forgot to tell her he was going out of range.
Hands shaking, he hit the dial button and raised the phone to his ear, praying she’d actually pick up.
“Nice of you to finally answer me,” she said acidly when she picked up on what he thought was the last ring before it went to voicemail. “I do like to know that my friend isn’t dead in a ditch somewhere.”
“Rose, I’m so sorry,” he started.
“For worrying me or for being a prick or for something else?”
“Everything? I was on a stargazing trip and I forgot that I wouldn’t have service out there. And then my phone died and I’d forgotten to pack my charger and I just got back to my flat and saw your messages. I called right away. I’m so sorry.” The words spilled out of him, like if he got them out fast enough, Rose would believe him faster and they could move past this and get to the meeting up part that he really hoped she still wanted to do.
There was silence for a moment and then he heard Rose start laughing.
“Oh my god, I was worried that I’d scared you off and then that something had happened and you were just being your normal idiot self,” she said through her laughs.
“Um, yeah pretty much. And for the record, you proposed to me during our first conversation, I don’t think you’re scaring me off now,” he said, rubbing at the back of his neck with his free hand.
“Well, that’s good to hear.”
“So, chips? I’ll buy. I really want to meet you too.” He paused, heart racing as he worked on getting the words out. “I kinda really like you too,” he said.
“It’s a date,” Rose said. He could hear the smile in her voice and he grinned too.
“Are you free right now? I could murder a basket of chips right about now.”
“I am! Just have to wait for my phone to finish charging.”
“Perfect. I’ll text you the address of my favorite chippy?”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later then!”
John made a little happy noise and Rose laughed.
“I like the sound of that too,” she admitted.
“I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Bye, Doctor.”
“Bye Rose.”
They rang off and the Doctor just grinned down at his phone. He had a date with Rose! A real proper date!
His mobile buzzed and he quickly opened the message from Rose.
Text to Space Doctor [5:47 pm]: meet in an hour? this is the address.
Text to Space Doctor [5:47 pm]: <image attached>
Text to Space Doctor [5:48 pm]: and that’s me so you know who you’re looking for ;)
Text to Space Doctor [5:49 pm]: see you soon! xx
Text to Starry Rose [5:49 pm]: You are gorgeous.
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: <image attached>
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: One hour. See you soon :) xx
Within five minutes of meeting, neither of them could remember why they were so nervous about doing this. They talked as easily as they had over the phone and text for months but now, they could see the smiles they were drawing from the other person and brush fingers as they stole chips from each other.
Rose teased John endlessly about forgetting his wallet when he had promised to buy but said that they were definitely on him next time. His answering grin was so wide and bright that Rose thought she might pay for the chips all the time just to see it.
They reluctantly parted ways after a couple hours, heading in opposite directions outside of the shop. Rose had barely made it around the first corner when her phone vibrated in her hand.
Text to Starry Rose [9:15 pm]: Have plans for tomorrow?
Text to Space Doctor [9:16 pm]: miss me already? ;)
Text to Starry Rose [9:16 pm]: Yes.
Text to Space Doctor [9:16 pm]: big ol’ softie <3 i miss you too
Text to Space Doctor [9:17 pm]: and no i don’t have anything planned
Text to Starry Rose [9:18 pm]: Good. Want to hang out with me?
Text to Space Doctor [9:18 pm]: absolutely. give me the details when you know them?
Text to Starry Rose [9:20 pm]: Will do :)
Text to Space Doctor [11:15 pm]: so i figure i might as well put this out there before i see you tomorrow. i meant it when i said i really like you and you should know that it’s as more than just a friend. i’m hopin that you feel the same but if not than we can stay just friends
Text to Space Doctor [11:18 pm]: really what i’m trying to say is that if you’re not completely opposed to the idea i’m probably going to kiss you tomorrow
Text to Starry Rose [11:19 pm]: Honestly, I almost kissed you today when we hugged goodbye so I’m definitely not opposed and I feel the same way :)
Text to Space Doctor [11:20 pm]: !!!!
Text to Starry Rose [11:20 pm]: Haha, my feelings exactly!
Text to Space Doctor [11:22 pm]: so… do you want to just come over to mine tomorrow and watch netflix and maybe make out on the couch?
Text to Space Doctor [11:23 pm]: i might even let you convince me to watch star trek finally
Text to Starry Rose [11:23 pm]: Yes.
Text to Starry Rose [11:23 pm]: Also yes to the Star Trek. You’re going to love it!
Text to Space Doctor [11:24 pm]: your nerdery is catching, apparently
Text to Space Doctor [11:24 pm]: i only didn’t watch it before because i thought it would be more fun to watch it with you
Text to Starry Rose [11:25 pm]: Now who’s the big ol’ softie? :)) <3
Text to Space Doctor [11:25 pm]: the promise of make outs helps too
Text to Space Doctor [11:26 pm]: still you <3
Text to Starry Rose [11: 28 pm]: I’m going to get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow! xx
Text to Space Doctor [11:29 pm]: goodnight doctor <3 see you tomorrow xx
121 notes · View notes
casper-has-a-cat · 7 years
WARNING: descriptions of vomit below!
read the warning!
read the warning!
read the warning!
okay, you’ve been warned!  please enjoy the fic!
Kuroo didn’t like labels.  They made things feel deceptively permanent, falsely mutually exclusive, and generally excessively dramatic.  Thus, he tried not to label his days as being “good” or “bad.”  Today, however, was an exception.
Although he hadn’t woken up on the wrong side of the bed, per say, he had woken up on the floor, and with a terrible crick in his neck at that.  Which sucked, but at that point he was still able to convince himself that it wasn’t a bad enough to be a Bad™ day yet.
Then he realized he’d woken up an hour and a half late and he decided that it at least had potential.  
He rushed to get ready, knowing he’d miss first and second period at the very least, but hoping to make it to third period on time since he had a Statistics exam.  The getting ready went pretty smoothly, and Kuroo started to think that maybe the day would get better.
Needless to say, he was wrong.
There was no food in his house.  None.  He’d forgotten to get the groceries last night, and this was the result.  He slammed the cabinet door shut, losing his cool a bit before reminding himself to stay calm.  He managed to do so, right up until he saw the unread messages on his phone screen.
From: Kitten Time: 6:45 am where r u
From: Kitten Time: 6:53 am r u coming
Call from: Kitten Time: 6:55 am
From: Kitten Time: 7:02 am we r gonna b late
Call from: Kitten Time: 7:02 am
From: Kitten Time: 7:03 am im gonna skip if u do
From: Kitten Time: 7:03 am i dont want to go today
Call from: Kitten Time: 7:03 am
Call from: Kitten Time: 7:04 am
Call from: Kitten Time: 7:04 am
Call from: Kitten Time: 7:04 am
Call from: Kitten Time: 7:05 am
From: Kitten Time: 7:05 am moms making me go
“Shit!”  He couldn’t help it.  This time he shouted out loud.  One good thing was that since his parents were out of town, nobody heard him, but it didn’t make him feel much better.  By the time he texted Kenma back his hands were shaking and his head was pulsing vaguely behind his eyes.
To: Kitten Time: 9:24 am Kenma I am so sorry I totally overslept.  Hang in there.  I’m on my way.
And then he was, as he had told Kenma, on his way, begrudgingly taking with him a headache instead of breakfast, but on his way nonetheless.  He was forced to make a large detour due to a new construction site’s cropping up.  He scowled.  Not only was it inconvenient, but they’d cut down his favorite tree.  It was where he’d first met Kenma.  And now suddenly it was gone forever.
By the time he got to school, it was already 20 minutes into third period.  Kenma still hadn’t responded to his text, Kuroo couldn’t stop thinking about how his favorite tree was gone forever, his head still hurt from having been unable to eat, and his neck still hurt from having fallen off his bed.  Basically, he felt like crying.  Instead, he shot Kenma another text and went to take his test.
To: Kitten Time: 10:30 am I’m sorry Kenma, I really am.  I’ll see you at lunch, okay?
During the test could barely focus.  He was so hungry, and the combination of the crick in his neck and his mild headache was really starting to get to him, making it hard to remember material even though he’d stayed up late memorizing it.  Still, he was nearly finished when the teacher stopped them.  Five minutes early.  Kuroo couldn’t believe it.  When the teacher came by he started to protest.
“Excuse me, but I believe we should have another five minutes?  I’m almost done, and-“
“Well, Mr. Tetsurou, maybe you should have thought of that before you came to the test 20 minutes late.”
“But-“  The teacher took his papers.  Kuroo sighed and relented.  It wasn’t like he really had a valid excuse anyway, and he was truly too exhausted to argue any further.
He slunk to the cafeteria, scrolling through his non-existent new text messages in a daze.  He wondered how angry Kenma was.  
Angry enough, he soon discovered, to avoid sitting at their usual table.
“Damnit,” he mumbled, wanting to kick himself.  He shook his head.  Kenma could be anywhere.  At the moment, however, Kuroo felt like if he didn’t eat, he would pass out, so he got in the lunch line.  It wasn’t until he was at the register that he realized: his wallet was gone.
As his hand searched his pocket, which had nothing in it but a hole, his face paled.  The lunch lady was glaring at him, tapping her fingers impatiently.
“I, uh,” he stuttered, still searching his pocket in disbelief even though he knew he wouldn’t find anything there.  His throat got tight in that way it did when he wanted to cry but refused to do so, and he opened his mouth to explain what had happened.
Just then, a small figure popped up beside him and stuck a wad of cash into his hand.  Kuroo looked down in surprise, then let out a breath of relief.  It was Kenma.  He was pouting and aggressively avoiding eye contact, but he was there.  Kuroo smiled, paid for his food, and then followed Kenma as he stalked away.  They ended up underneath a tree.  Kenma sat down with his back to it and started eating, just a bit.  Kuroo tried to sit next to him, but Kenma immediately scuttled to the opposite side of the tree so that their backs were to each other.
“Kenma…”  Kuroo spooned some of his lunch into his mouth.  Despite how hungry he was, he couldn’t appreciate the food when he was so worried about his best friend.  Hoping it would help him think more clearly, he made himself eat anyway.
“The teacher called me out for being late,” Kenma mumbled, not looking up from his food.
Kuroo’s throat tightened again.  He knew how much Kenma hated being the center of attention, and this time it was Kuroo’s fault that he’d been made the focal point for his entire class.
“I’m sorry, Kenma.  Really, I am,” Kuroo apologized, not knowing what else he could say.  He didn’t think telling Kenma that he’d been called out for being late, too, would help matters, and yet it felt like his brain was short-circuiting, only capable of looping through the day’s regrets and sending him sharp bursts of physical and psychological pain.
They ate in silence for the next fifteen minutes.  Then Kenma spoke up again.
“They cut down the tree.”
Kuroo looked up, hearing that Kenma’s voice was much closer than it had been before.  Sure enough, the smaller boy was now next to him.  He could see the slight crease in Kenma’s brow that meant he was upset.  Kuroo hated that Kenma was upset, but he was glad that the tree meant something to him, too.
“I know, Ki- uh, Kenma,” he corrected.  Kenma looked up from his game and gave Kuroo a long, bland stare.  Then he shrugged and turned back to his game.  They didn’t say much else before the bell rang and they had to go to class.
The second half of Kuroo’s day was nearly as bad as the first.  He was assigned group projects in all three of his afternoon classes.  He hated group projects with a passion, because it always meant working with idiots.  It didn’t help that his headache still hadn’t gone away, even though he’d been sure to eat more than enough at lunch.  He scowled, and tried to be nice to his group mates in spite of their infuriating stupidity.
He had at least been looking forward to practice, but when he got to the gym it was empty.  Then he remembered that the coach was out of town dealing with a family emergency and had cancelled practice.  Normally the team would meet anyway, but quite a few of the other team members had other events to attend today anyway and were taking advantage of the time off.  Kuroo pulled his phone out to text Kenma to ask where to meet him so they could walk home together, but could hardly believe the message on his screen.
From: Kitten Time: 2:52 pm im in a hurry, so ill go home ahead
Kuroo rubbed his temple.  Kenma was never in a hurry, so he must still be angry.  He’d thought they were on okay terms after lunch, but maybe he was wrong.  The thought only made his head hurt worse.
To: Kitten Time: 2:58 pm Are you still mad at me?  Kenma, I’m really sorry.
To: Kitten Time: 2:59 pm Be safe on your way home.
To: Kitten Time: 3:00 pm Text me when you get there?
Kuroo sighed.  He couldn’t force Kenma to respond, and he knew his friend wouldn’t answer a direct call, so he put his phone in his pocket - the one without a hole in it - and started walking back, slowly, and with his eyes trained on the ground.
It was, of course, only fitting, then, that he would be surprised by a sudden downpour about five minutes into the 25 minute walk.  He looked up at the sky for a moment.  Normally he would curse it out, but at this point he didn’t even have enough energy to do so.  He just blinked a few times and trudged on.
By the time he got home his new shoes were ruined, he was soaked to the bone, and his head was positively pounding.  It was so bad that he was having trouble seeing.  Nausea turned his stomach as he stumbled around his house closing all of the blinds and trailing water everywhere.  Finally, he made it to his room.  It was only when he was in his bed, curled up (still wet) around an empty trashcan and shaking like a leaf, that he allowed himself to admit that it had been a Bad™ day.  His phone pinged, but Kuroo was on the verge of falling asleep, so he half-subconsciously muted it and drifted off.
“…’uro.  Kuro, wake up.  Kuro, please.” Kuroo awoke to a soft voice.  He only just had time to recognize it as Kenma’s before his stomach flipped viciously.  He panicked for a moment, but fortunately the trashcan was still in his arms.  He sat up, ducked his head into it and was almost immediately sick.  The act of doing so only made his head hurt worse.
Kenma made a strangled, shocked noise, but caught his friend as he dipped sideways, dizzy and half blind from pain.
“-uck,” Kuroo mumbled, and then heaved and threw up again.  He blearily looked at the mess at the bottom of the trashcan and instantly vomited two more times at the sight of it.  When he was finally able to pull away, Kenma was looking at him with wide eyes.
“Kenma, I’m-“ Kuroo rasped, intending to apologize, but Kenma cut him off, a shaking hand wiping residual sick off of his face with a Kleenex.
“Are you sick?”  Kenma asked bluntly.  Kuroo shook his head minutely and winced.
“Migraine,” he muttered.
Kenma blinked at him and nodded.
“Kenma, why…?”
Kenma frowned.  “You didn’t get my text?”
Kuroo’s eyes darted to the desk stand where his phone lay, and Kenma had scooped it up without any hesitation.  If he’d been at 100%, Kuroo wouldn’t have made the mistake of looking at it in the first place.  If he’d been even 70%, he would have reacted much more quickly, quickly enough at least to get it out of Kenma’s hands before he read anything Kuroo didn’t want him to read.  As it was, he felt like he was dying a torturous death, so he ended up protesting only after Kenma was already staring at the screen.  In fact, he reacted just as Kenma’s eyes widened marginally, expression otherwise unreadable.
Kenma showed him the screen.  Sure enough, there it was.  That “From: Kitten.”  Kuroo’s face flared red in embarrassment.
“Kenma, I can expl-“
“I got your wallet.”  Kenma stated suddenly.
“What?”  Kuroo started to frown in confusion but a stab of pain to his head forced him to relax into a neutral expression again.  Kenma showed him the screen again, and Kuroo scrolled through his notifications in amazement.
From: Kitten Time: 3:29 pm coming over
From: Kitten Time: 3:30 pm found your wallet
Call from: Kitten Time: 3:30 pm
Call from: Kitten Time: 3:31 pm
From: Kitten Time: 3:32 pm is your phone broken
From: Kitten Time: 3:42 pm here
From: Kitten Time: 3:43 pm let me in
From: Kitten Time: 3:44 pm u shouldnt leave the door unlocked
“Kenma, did you really…?  In the rain?  You found…?”  Kuroo could hardly speak his throat was so tight with tears on the verge of spilling.  Kenma handed him his wallet.  It was soaked through, but it was undeniably his.  His credit card was there, his student ID was there, his insurance card…
He only barely prevented himself from sobbing, and only because he feared it would make his head hurt worse.  Then Kenma spoke up again, quieter this time.
“And… You can call me Kitten if you want to.”
That was it.  Even as it intensified his pain, Kuroo dissolved into tears.
“Kuro!”  Kenma tensed up and made to examine his friend for any further signs of pain or injury, but Kuroo held up a hand.
“’s okay, Ken- Kitten,” he mumbled, and then laughed.  “’s just been a really long day, and you made it so - hic! - so much better,” he explained.
“Kuro…”  Kenma whispered, reaching out a hand.
Then the nausea got the better of him and Kuroo lurched for the trashcan, retching painfully until he burped up the rest of his stomach contents.  Kenma made a face, but still wiped Kuroo clean before taking the trashcan away.  He moved to stand up, presumably to clean it out, but Kuroo grabbed his wrist.
Kenma hesitated.  “I have to-“
“I’ll clean it later.  Actually, I’ll just throw it out.  Please, Kitten?”
A funny expression crossed over Kenma’s face then.  Something gentle, something vulnerable, maybe even emotional.  Kuroo couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was before it was gone, but it didn’t matter, because Kenma nodded, and then crawled into the bed.
It didn’t take long for Kuroo to fall asleep after that.  As he did so, he thought about what an incredible day it had been.  He smiled.
This was why he hated labels.
send me an ask!
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3inghao · 7 years
I'm so glad to see you are happy and back. I don't wanna like add any stress in anyway but could you tell me what engineering classes are like? Cause im thinking of looking into environmental engineering so id just like to know from an insiders view.. sorry if this is strange.
no this isn’t strange at all! So my college doesn’t have environmental engineering, and I’m in software engineering which is going to be quiet different but like I’m only ever around other types of engineers so I can try my best to give you advice..get ready for an essay. 
Assuming you haven’t started college yet, it actually might be a good idea to start your major as an undecided engineer. I say that because a LOT of engineers switch types of engineering after the first year, so it would keep your options more open but still centered around engineering. If your school doesn’t have that as an option, that’s alright because engineers all take practically the same classes the first year anyway. If you are pretty sure you want to be an engineer but are just unsure on what type of engineering I would definitely just go in as an environmental engineer instead of completely undecided (unless it’s undecided engineer) because you’ll be taking the same classes as all the other engineers anyways and that’s better than taking random classes that won’t be related to an engineering major. And I definitely wouldn’t sweat trying to figure out what kind of engineer you want to be before school starts..like I was between software engineering and chemical engineering but two weeks into chemistry I realized I never want to look at a periodic table ever EVER again. Like I don’t know how to explain it because it took me so long to realize I wanted to be an engineer and what I wanted to do with my life while I was in high school, but once you come to college it becomes really obvious real quick. One of my good friends, one week in, already decided she was changing her major. Another friend, half the semester in, decided she wants to do a different type of engineering. Like it won’t make sense till you’re there, but you will know very quickly whether environmental engineering is your thing! 
As far as classes go, all my classes are some kind of STEM related class. It can kind of be difficult at times, and I would definitely not take very many credit hours your first semester of freshman year. Because it takes ADJUSTING getting used to only be learning calculus and chemistry and programming all day versus high school where you had a lot of different subjects. Like for sure don’t take that many credit hours..just don’t. I assume if you’re interested in environmental engineering, then you like science which is gonna be v v v helpful. I have to take three natural science classes, but software engineering and science are like so god damn unrelated it hurts my soul. I’m never gonna need to know chemistry but i have to take it for some reason!!! nevermind my angst about science because if you like science than you’ll be fine! Just be prepared for 2-3 hour science labs and your lectures for science classes, for the most part, are going to be very big. 
ALSO WATCH TF OUT FOR SCIENCE CLASSES BC THEY ARE NOT LIKE HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES like I just wish someone had told me..”adrian u may have thought high school chem was easy but this shiz ain’t the same so read the god damn book and start studying at least a week and a half before the test” then I might not have gotten such a low score on the first exam lololol but honestly I’m adjusting so it takes time. I would just make sure you stay on top of your shiz in science classes and use the resources available to you and start studying EARLY. Also even if your like oh this is review from high school..still make sure you spend quality time studying otherwise you will regret it…this is from experience. 
As far as math class, I think they are very bearable. Idk what grade you are in but if you can I would try and go to the highest level math class your high school offers. For me, it was honors AP Calculus which is Calc 1 and Calc 2. This will really help set the foundation for your calc skills for college because you’ll have to go through calc 1, calc 2, and calc 3 and the probably differential equations and linear algebra. But having taken some sort of calculus in high school made what I’m doing now SO much more bearable, and I even got 100 on the first exam! My tips for math classes is always show up to the lectures, do AT LEAST half the homework assignment (bc i like never did math homework in high school), and try to go to your teachers office hours often and just ask a couple random homework questions because having the teacher who knows what they’re doing working through a problem with you one on one is gonna really save you on the quizzes (esp bc the teacher knows whats on them). I really enjoy my math class (i went straight into calc 3 from high school), but even if you start at calc 1 again having taken your high schools calc class will be so so so helpful (AP science classes on the other hand?? didn’t take any nah worth it lol).
I think that’s a decent amount of adivce? feel free to send another ask if you have like more specific questions! i love being an engineer I feel like I made the right decision even tho i dislike science courses lol i get free printing at my school for bein an engineer it’s pretty sweet but just know….there’s a reason STEM majors get paid more after college..bc this shiz isn’t a walk in the park and there’s a lot of work, but if you’re passionate about it you’ll excel! 
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in-mutual-weirdness · 8 years
Elsewhere University: Wayward
AN: First attempt at writing a thing in a long while. I have a weakness for fae stories and urban magic-y kind of scenarios, and @charminglyantiquated‘s universe here caught me hook, line, and sinker. Still, didn’t think I’d write anything for it, until the library scene popped into my head while I was procrastinating. Hope you enjoy what it’s turned into.
When you were younger, your parents had impressed upon you the importance of going into the sciences.
“Be practical,” they said. “We have three sets of tuition to pay for. You can't waste time on art or philosophy. Love is all fine and noble, sure, but debt is not.”
Your original reaction had been a slowly growing resentment. Now, you're glad for it. You wouldn't touch humanities with a 10 foot pole now.
Oh sure, you're no automaton. You can appreciate people with an eye for theory, ink-stained fingers, or the aptitude for composition. A good portion of your friend group chose to study and create beautiful things. You love hearing about what they do, seeing the way their eyes light up and their words run away from them in sheer enthusiasm. But interspersed between their conversations about theater or lit class readings, you heard...other things. “Weird and inexplicable” didn't even begin to cover it. You finally put the pieces together in the spring of freshman year, after Sydney disappeared and everybody gathered to drink in memory and mourning.
It spooked the hell out of you. No two ways about it. Elsewhere University had a reputation for weirdness, for sure. You'd be lying if you said that hadn't swayed you in favor of attending in the first place. But this went past weird. “Weird” wasn't going to get you killed or kidnapped. The only thing keeping you from just transferring straight away was the impossibility of trying to explain it to your parents. And your grades weren't exactly gonna convince any other admissions office to let you in. Nowhere comparable, anyway.
So you coped in the ways you knew how. Reading all the guides you could get your hands on. Finding source folklore. Your choice of major had already stacked the cards in your favor. And while you still hung out with your arty friends, by sophomore year you'd found another group. A group more shielded from the weirdness. Where things could be normal and nobody thought to ask doppelganger questions or carry old screws in all their pockets. Except that one engineer lady, but far as you could tell, that was just a personal quirk.
And then school brought the hammer down on you.
You knew that college was gonna get tougher. But knowing didn't mean you were prepared. Those grades that had kept you from transferring came back to bite you. That creeping unease from Sydney hadn't gone away, and it was showing up in your work habits and shattered focus. You'd talked to the student health services people about it, and gotten nowhere. Scholarship money was on the line. The second round of exams was coming. And linear algebra was the first one.
You’d done your best to stay away from Elsewhere’s weirdness. But that didn’t mean you weren’t aware. You remembered what your humanities friends had told you. There were things you could do, loopholes you could exploit. Options, options, always options. If you were brave enough to take them.
And so here you are, venturing into the lower floors of the library.
You didn’t know many specifics going in, but you did know where to look. The bio majors Facebook page didn’t explicitly mention their library base camps, but the “Spelunkers Club” did, and had drafted a map to boot. The printout is sitting in your backpack, right now, sandwiched between notebooks. You’d wondered about their ability to diagram a non-Real, inconsistent space, but the solution made you laugh in shocked delight once you saw. While the shape of the shelves would change every six days or so, even a fae-touched library was militant about the Dewey decimal system. You spot the Fashion books (746.92) and make a right, nodding at a dude you recognize from your Psych class. He gives a weak thumbs up in response. Not somebody you'd expect to come here, but the psych lecture is the morning after the exam. If any of you vanish, it'll get reported quickly.
You move off a ways, finding a row of empty carrels against the wall. All identical, save one, whose lone desk light throws shadows around the walls. The rest of the row has their lights off, but you can hear the ambient shuffle of papers anyway. Best avoid those chairs, then. You pull out your ramen packs, selecting the saltiest variety (verified with a taste test, once. And never again.) The remaining 2/3 of the packets you scatter about the table, and stash back into your pockets. Should work.
You crack open your textbook and a bag of chips, and get started.
Time passes. The sound of your pages joins the general rustling. The clatter of laptop keys cuts through intermittently. You pull out your phone to google a definition and glance at the clock--apparently it thinks you’re in Dubai. Well, at least there’s proof that the time dilation here is actually a thing. Or just that it screws with your electronics. You make decent progress through some of the practice problems, but stall whenever you hit the theorems. That's algebra for you. A lot of numbers and graphs and definitions that use letters like they're words you should understand. You don't. Which is why you're even in this part of the library right now.
It takes you a while before you realize that no letters make sense anymore. You're still thinking in English- at least, you're pretty sure it's still English. But now even the chapter headings in your textbook look merely like shapes. It might just be delirium. That's the reasonable conclusion. You’d downed your second can of Red Bull just trying to keep your eyes functioning. But...
On impulse, you try to write your uni name. (Not your real name, you're not stupid. Just panicky.) Descartes. Cogito ergo sum, and all that. It comes out successfully, but it's entirely due to memory. Making the individual letters takes as much effort as if you were writing them backward, every curve meticulously plotted and traced.
Your circle is undisturbed, thankfully. But the shuffle of pages has stopped. Wind howls from beyond the walls, and the shelves creak like old floorboards. For a moment you wonder about the psych kid. It's a moment too long. You see something move out of the corner of your eye, when you look back toward where he was.
Don't move. Nothing’s there.
Except the Red Bulls are doing a number on your system, and even though you were never the wordy sort you'd still like your language back, thanks, and even if you wanted to leave your suddenly too-small circle and brave your way back to the campus proper, that exam would still be there.
The memory of your GPA curdles your fear into anger. “I thought we were the kind of people you'd leave alone,” you snap, turning to yell over your shoulder. Your voice climbs an octave as you start to rant in earnest. “What's the deal? I'm a STEM major. Doing math. Algebra. You don't even like algebra.”
“Mayhaps,” comes a voice from behind the shelves. “Numbers and Logic are mortal things, it’s true. But you are not a number. You just work with them.”
“And other things,” you reply. You strain your eyes into the dark, frozen in your half turn, but the shelves reveal nothing. Whatever’s out there doesn’t sound like it wants to approach. Probably. Your brain is racing, just barely outpacing your heart. “What do you--is there something you desire from me?”
“Presumptuous.” There’s a cicada-like buzz behind the voice. It makes you picture some kind of massive chitin-plated thing waiting just out of view.
“I meant no presuming. Uh.” Your tongue ties itself in knots to avoid the word “sorry.” It’s surprisingly hard to come up with less dangerous words. “Tell me where I went wrong and I shall try to avoid repeat offense?”
The hum continues. It's starting to sound like laughter. Your spine shivers like a loosened spring. “I want nothing of yours, pupa. What use could I have for it?”
You're pretty sure that question is rhetorical, and if it wasn't, any answer you could give would only endanger yourself. “Then if that’s so, we may move on with our lives. I’m sure you have your own stuff to- to attend to.” You try to muster up enough courage to turn back to your desk.
“I don’t understand. My current business is talking to you.” The thing- the Visitor’s legs skitter about around the shelves, its voice circling around. It better not be getting closer. “You’re proving a rather difficult conversation partner. Most im-po-lite.”
“I did not come here expecting conversation,” you say, uneasily. God, you want out. You shouldn’t have said anything to begin with. You never know who’s listening. “I came here to study, nothing more. That’s where my lack of grace comes from, uh, good fellow.”
“Odd, that you should stroll right into somebody’s front parlor and not be prepared for conversation.”
That can’t be right. That can’t be. The map- You turn the chair fully around and reach over to your backpack, before pulling back at the last minute. Can you even show that to a fae? Is that allowed? You wrack your brain for details, and keep coming up blank. Meanwhile, your Visitor- or Host, perhaps, as the case may be now- waits patiently beyond. “I was told that this was neutral ground where I could complete my work undisturbed,” you say, finally. Your hands rest on your lap now, fingers aching from where you gripped the swivel chair armrests. “I was told that this was public ground.”
“Misinformed trespass is still trespass, hatchling.” Their tone of voice doesn't change, but something in the cadence of it makes your hand stray toward your ramen packs. “You've wandered across my threshold and barred the door. Surely even you know what that means.”
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. You raise your hands in a placating gesture. “I understand. I will-” Die? Get Taken? Tell the Spelunkers that their map is a piece of shit and they need better cartographers? “I will leave and remove the salt circle. I will find where the actual neutral zones are and leave your domain alone and not trespass on it again. And...”
And? Your brain insists that something is missing, but by now all you want to do is flee and never come back. “And yeah. Does that sound reasonable to you?”
There's a different sort of clicking now. It sounds like pincers. You swallow back the lump of shuddering fear and wait for their answer. The entire section of the library is quiet except for that awful sound. “Usually there are reparations for an offense such as this. But...” Oh God oh god what does it want now. “I see that you've already lost something. That would normally go to the offended party. But I have no use for your words. Go then, pupa.”
It’s already started to skitter away when you’ve finished processing what it said. “Wait!” You even reach out toward the shelves, almost tripping out your chair onto the salt circle. Your legs are practically wobbly enough to wriggle out of your own jeans. “My- the words! English. Do you have my words?”
“They say external ears are better for hearing. I think they're mistaken.” You don't have time for its coy amusement, but it has even less time for overt demands and careless students. You grit your teeth and wait. “I have no need of your words. But I know how to get them back. I could retrieve them for you, even. But, that would be a favor.” You catch a glimpse of something between a gap in the shelves and you look hurriedly away. There's only leather spines and library labels. There's nothing else worth looking at over there. “And I don't give those out readily, even to those who haven't offended me. That is my offer. You know what to do, pupa.”
Trade nothing you cannot afford to lose. But you've already lost- You screw your eyes shut and count to ten, in half-remembered high school Italian. Uno, due, tre... You get to “cinque” before you switch into Spanish by accident. Right. A peace offering. You look at your desk, at your backpack, glance down at your pockets.
Only one option stands out to you.
You pick up the map and throw it out at the room with a flick of the wrist. “Here,” you say, as it drifts down just outside of the yellow-y line of flavor powder. “A map. Designed by the best cartographers of my age.” In a manner of speaking. “Knowledge for knowledge. Use it to secure the borders of your domain.” You reach for your notebook, and while you can't read what it says, you recognize the formatting of the list. “Here is a copy, in my own writing. It is as a contract. Take it as confidence that I will learn and know the borders here, and not cross them, ever.”
There's a rush of movement and suddenly something with more legs than you can really perceive lunges out from behind the shelves. You can't help the scream of terror. (Nor the stream of pee either. Caffeine, what a diuretic.) The sheer speed of it blows your hair back, as if you were standing on a subway platform by an oncoming train. When it’s passed back into the shadows, you look down at your feet. The circle hasn’t moved at all.
“Do not let anybody say I am not fair,” it says. “I always give back equal to what is given in turn. You can have your letters back. I grant you 24 hours of grace period inside this building. That should be more than enough to settle whatever affairs you need to in here. Good morrow, pupa.” It slinks back into the library, the click of its legs blurring together like the sound of pouring sand. Once more, the only sound is from the phantom students on either side of you.
You collapse back into your chair, barely able to move. Thankfully, whatever that fae did seems to have worked. You can read your notes, and even the textbook again. The adrenaline rush of it all has thrown everything into sharp relief. You write with abandon, blasting through proofs and problems alike with new vigor. When you finally leave and walk back out into the late evening sun, you stumble back to bed and nearly sleep through your alarm. But the exam, after that ordeal, feels like a doctor’s visit. Longer than you wanted and a bit uncomfortable, sure. But nothing worse than that.
Psych dude doesn’t show up the next lecture, but you do see him during the break. Probably just came in late. You do that too, you know the feeling.
It isn’t until that weekend, when the exam comes back with a grade better than you could reasonably expect, that you get antsy.
When a about a row’s worth of people don’t show up to your systems biology midterm the week after, you upgrade to worry.
You really wish you could say that you contacted the Spelunkers Club before their page got shut down.  (Part 2?)
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faunaspirit · 8 years
VOLTRON AU High School
This is my first time writing a fan fiction, but I felt pretty inspired after seeing @chiouart post some pretty Voltron art of the Paladins as high schoolers. I hope you like it, I might write more!
Shiro - Senior; 18(early bday) Allura - Senior; 17 (moved up a grade) Keith - Junior; 16 Lance - Junior; 16 Hunk - Junior; 16 Pidge - Junior; 14 (moved up 2 grades could’ve been 3 but she liked her lame ass friends) Coran - Graduated; 20 (is the super chill older kid who works part time by the high school)
-It’s finals week and top Paladins of Altea High are currently relaxing at their usual spot in Sals Diner; Coran just started his shift so they’re all eager to annoy him as they study for upcoming exams-
Lance: I’m totally flunking out in Altean Lit guys, I don’t even how I’m supposed to pass the dumb test. Pidge: *mildly annoyed* You could try studying like the rest of us Lance.. Hunk: Lance have you even read the book? Lance: Wait, what there’s a book!? Keith: *deep sigh* What did you even think the test was on? Pidge: If he didn’t spend all class staring at the back of Nymas head maybe he wouldn’t be struggling. I swear I don’t even know how you’re in the advanced class! Lance: *blushing* I don’t spend all class staring at Nymas head! She just happens to sit in front of me.. Keith: *rolling his eyes* Ok so who’s got the better grade in Altean Lit because I’m in the Galra Lit class.. Pidge: *mildly defeated*Hunks pretty good at Altean but we should wait for Allura considering she has the top grades in the whole school. Hunk: Don’t worry about it Pidge, that’ll definitely be you next year. *Coran walks to the young Paladins table* Coran: What’ll it be today guys? Pidge: Vanilla Shake. Hunk: Chocolate Sundae, and a side of large fries. Lance: Blueberry Lemonade. Keith: Strawberry Shake. Coran: Alrighty, you know you could have said the usual considering you get the same thing every time. Pidge: Goodpoint. *the rest of them nod in realization* Coran: So where is Allura and Shiro? Lance and Keith: *annoyed inflections* Senior duties.. Pidge: *chuckling at the word duty* I know Allura was helping the yearbook club finalize designs for the cover. Hunk: Yeah, and Shiro stayed after football practice to go over next games plays with coach Ulaz. Coran: Ah, I see. Well they shouldn’t be long now, I’m gonna put in your order. *Coran walks away and as he does the doors to Diner doors open to reveal Allura and Shiro entering, they approach the table* Allura: How’s the studying coming along? Lance: *pushing Keith* Saved you a seat Princess ! Allura: Lance how many times have I told you Allura is just fine, we are friends aren’t we? Lance: *slightly defeated by the word Friend* *Shiro takes a seat next to Keith and Allura sits next to Pidge* Shiro: *he takes in a deep sigh but still smiles* *Everyone looks over to him a slight look of concern* Keith: Is something wrong Shiro? Shiro: *slight pause* This is Allura and I’s last year at Altea High.. Allura: *smiles gently in his direction* Shiro: We’ve achieved so much already but there’s a lot left unknown, *to the group* I want you guys to keep putting your all into your time here, one day we’ll all be attending Voltron University and maybe even someday form Voltron ourselves. I’m so proud of you guys.. Pidge: Lance is flunking Altean Lit. Lance: Shut up Pidge, I’m not completely flunking ! Shiro: Well I’m no Altean scholar but what parts of the book are you struggling with? Keith: *mildly amused* He hasn’t even read the book.. Shiro and Allura: Lance! Hunk: *chuckling*I’m pretty sure if there’s a question where you need to draw the back of Nymas head he’ll pass. Pidge and Keith: Nice one. Shiro: *looking at Allura* You got this? Allura: *looking towards a puppy faced Lance* I guess… Lance take out the book I’m gonna go over it with you, *Coran interrupts with food* Coran: *smiling* Looks like you’re all here now, Shakes for Pidge and Keith, Sundae and Fries for Hunk, Lemonade for Lance, strawberry Jello for Allura, and tall iced green tea for Shiro. Allura: Awe thank you Coran for remembering. Shiro: Thanks Coran you can put it on my card today. Allura: You’re too kind Shiro, Coran just put it on my tab. Shiro: Allura you always treat us, now it’s my turn. Allura: It’s really no trouble Shiro, you work hard for your money it’s really no trouble to treat my friends. *the young paladins watch the two go back and forth* Keith: We’re all super broke but it shouldn’t be all on one person I’m sure we can all cover what we ordered individually. *Shiro and Allura glare at Keith before they continue on who will pay the bill* Pidge: How about you split it ? Allura and Shiro: Sounds good to me. Keith: *still feeling wounded from glares he received a moment ago* Shiro: I’ll cover Hunk and Keith as a treat from their captain. Allura: I’ll take Pidge and Lance as a treat from the robotics club president. Coran: Alright then, I’ll leave you guys to your studying. Have fun guys. *Coran walks away and the paladins begin there studies* Hunk: Here Allura maybe my notes will help you with Lance. Allura: Thank you Hunk, ok Lance time to focus. When’s your test? Pidge: Tomorrow. Up to Chapter 12. Allura: Tomorrow?! Lance how could you leave this to the last minute. Lance: *feeling guilty* Well I mean I had two swimming competitions and then all the practice and then Hunk and I had to finish the preliminary designs for Engineering. Allura: Ugh fine Lance let’s go through these notes. Pidge: Hunk you needed help with History right? Hunk: Yeah, I had food poisoning when my class went over the lesson on Zarkon. Keith: Oh Pidge and I are in advanced the advanced history class. Maybe our notes will help boost your grade. Pidge: You should probably look through my notes, Keith’s is mostly bad pictures. Keith: *embarrassed* They help me remember, it’s not like I’m bad at the class. Pidge: That’s true Keith got a better score than me on our last test. Shiro: Woah nice job Keith, I’m proud of you! Keith: *uncontrollable smiling* I mean it’s like you said Shiro “Patience yields focus”. Shiro: I’m glad you remembered that, *Leans forward to look at Lance* maybe it could help some others with their studies. Lance: I’m trying really, aren’t I doing well so far Allura. Allura: He’s not as absent minded as I thought, he should be ready for his test tomorrow by the time we finish going over chapter 12. Shiro: That’s good, as long as we work together there’s no reason any of us should fall behind. *The Paladins continue their studies until the sun had already set* Shiro: I’m thinking we should call it a night, anyone need a ride home? Pidge: My moms dropping off Lance and Hunk. *Pidges phone rings* Pidge: Oh that’s her, cmon guys. *Hunk, Lance and Pidge all step from their booth seats* Hunk: Later guys, see you tomorrow. Lance: See ya tomorrow oh and Allura thanks for the help I’m totally gonna beat Pidge and Hunks scores tomorrow. *Everyone laughs as Lance makes his annoyed exit, Pidge and Hunk Exit behind him* Shiro: Allura do you have a ride? *Coran interrupting* Coran: I actually just finished up, so I’ll take her home. Allura: Thanks Coran, *she winks* maybe next time Shiro. Shiro: *lets out an embarrassed chuckle* C'mon Keith I’ll drop you off, you’re on my way home anyway. Keith: Oh, sure. I actually my bike with me, do you think I can fit in the back? Shiro: Yeah no problem. *Coran, Allura, Shiro, and Keith all exit Sals together making their way to different cars* Allura: *she shouts from the other side of the small parking lot*See you tomorrow, goodluck on your exams! Shiro: *Smiling he waves back to her and enters his car* You got it Princess ! Keith: *waves and enters the passenger seat of Shiros Car* -The next week- *Paladins sit at a lunch table in the cafeteria together* Pidge: *smirking* So what’d you get Lance? Hunk: Yeah I want to see this cause that test was harder than I thought, I only got an 84. Pidge: I got an 89. Shiro: *he smiles proudly* Nice job you guys. Allura: Well Lance, we’re waiting.. *Lance dramatically whips out the tests from his bag* Lance: 91! I read ahead and answered the bonus question ! Woo beat that Keith! Keith: *confused* Im not even in Altean Lit.. Shiro: *shocked* Wow Lance nice job, I guess we should be expecting more from you. Lance: Wait, no way I’m not gonna study any more than I already do! Hunk: Lance you don’t really ever study. Lance: Exactly. This is all Keith’s fault. Keith: *annoyed* I’m not even in your class! -End-
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unrrrreliable · 3 years
so much stuff happened
i dont even know where to start lol. actually ive wanted to come on here a few times but i didnt know the password but oh well.
so to summarize all the stuff thats been happening/has happened this past 8 months: 1- school, no friends (in my class), same shit. 2- my dad got drunk on february 5th and got stuck in the fucking park at like 23.00 and my brother and i had to call security to open the gate and then we also had to call the police and the ambulance because he was too drunk and aggressive. and 3- i had this fucking piano competition on march 21st, got the 1 prize which was reaaallly wide as in a lot of people, even those who didnt really deserve it, got it. basically it was really fucking stressfull since i was practicing the wrong way, didnt make huge progress, wanted to stop and cried a lot. but hey its been a month (the 2nd and last part was on may 8th and it went pretty bad because i got like 5th prize. i know i competed against ppl who are in university but i still couldve done better and anyone who comforted me knows that. i also went to the therapist a few times. is it helping? well i cant say that it isnt, but yk. at least its someone i can talk to. 
right now i still have to practice for my piano exam which will be on june 24th. its going fine ig, although i didnt study properly for like a month. thank fuck tests are done bc i seriously couldnt do any more of that shit istg. 
to be fair whats worst in this precise moment is my school situation,. not academic, but social. so as you know, i havent reallyyy tried to be part of the boy group in my class, as in i dont really talk to them, mostly because i just have no idea of what to say to start a conversation so it gets really akward. but today my mom came into my room asking me if there was a cena di classe today and ofc i said no bc no one had invited me. but then i remembered that yesterday a few ppl were organizing something for today. i think it wasnt only the 4 guys but there also were some girls but im not sure. either was, not trying to be dramatic but that kinda hurt lol. like i know i dont talk a lot in class but what would it cost you to invite me. but whatever. i also cried 30 min ago. it felt good afterwards tbh. but i still kinda feel like shit. its just the fact that this whole school year ive been really fucking lonely. not 0 friend lonely, but generally in class i would be kind of a loner. like i only talked to the two girls who sit behind me and who of course have their own friend group, which they have had since middle scjhool. my middle school friend group basically dismantled since two of theme are in one class and therefeore formed their own group, two others went to another school and another one, which is basically the only one i talk to daily, is in a different school. and honestly we dont go out that much anymore because i stopped writing. i realized that i was the only one who would ever call them so i felt that i was being kinda clingy or maybe i just didnt get the message. anyways, i know that i couldve tried harder and actually get in the group but idk, i just didnt care. obviously it sucked to be alone and i knew why i was and what i had to do in order not to be it anymore, but idk why i just didnt try enough. so yeah this school year sucked ass. at least im changing classes next year. 
one of the reasons why i didnt really bond w them is that were just different people who have different tastes and interests. they talk a lot about video games and football, which i have no understanding of. generally every interaction i have with them is really akward. but still i feel like and know that i couldve tried harder. what sucked is that all my friends are in other classses and formed their own friend groups and are just moving on yk? it kinda tore apart the friend group but im happy for them. meanwhile i was stuck in that class. not many friends tbh, never went out and still never go out. wow nice im crying again. 
tbh what really sucked was going home at lunch or after school alone and seeing wveryone with their own friend groups. and yes again, i know that i could have waited for them or just tried to conversate with them, but whenever i waited for them or tried to catch up they just walked faster (not on purpose) but it was impossible to even squeeze myself in so i was just like whatever. also what really sucks is that they (plus another guy who literally is always hanging out with his girlfriend) are the only guys in my class. and i cant only hang out with girls cause yk.
i also miserably attempted to form a group which consisted of me g g v and v. it failed because g and g started getting all bitchy and viscious and i was like ok then fuck off. plus theyre always w their boy/girlfriend, and v is always w g. and i literaly have never even had a conversation with v. 
but im so glad m exists. shes one of my best friends. i really like being around her, talking to her, i like the way she just lives life and is up to anything. also she’s always there. i just love her so much. not in a romantic way though. i also really like f but she hangs out with her boyfriend every satuday, which was the day we used to hang out. i still love talking to her and being with her. those are basically roughly the only two people i hang out with. like i cant really think of anyone else except for my old middle school friend group with which the last time we all hung up was in march. 3 months ago. i hung out w a, in the middle of april i think. but that was it. so of course we dont hang out regularly. also, i havent gone out for the entirety of may, which again i know is my fault, like i couldve asked anyone in my class. the boys dont really go out tho, bc i know e only hangs out w his out-of-our-class friends. and tbh i feel like if the 4 of them went out he would invite me (questionable?). but idk. but again, i really like hanging out w her, acc we went to milan on friday. it was really nice. we both enjoyed it a lot. theres still something i wanna say about her but my mom is calling me so i have to wipe out my tears haha
see ya
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