#im gonna make cupcakes for this
i-love-scarameowche · 5 months
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HEHEHE :3333 TYSM FOR 115 FOLLOWERS THATS CRAZY id make a fic for it but I have no clue so I'll make a fic for 150(actually 120-250(if I ever get there) depending on my procrastination and when I finish the fic) >.< !!!
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psykoe100 · 1 year
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Congrats on the loss boys. Love Wins <3
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cinna-bunnie · 1 year
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mariatesstruther · 5 months
Okay but what about hairDresser!maria?
Sarah is growing up and starts to get more vain with herself, and tommy notices she's having a hard time with her hair. So after he picks up the girls from school for joel, tommy leads all of them to the salon and that's where they meet maria. Man just imagine maria giving sarah all the tips for her hair and trying different hair styles🥺Maria focusing on braiding sarah's hair and trying to ignore all of tommy's flirt attempts lmao. And cute little ellie asking for braids too awwwwwwwww
we LOVE hairstylist maria over here!!!! i could’ve sworn i made a hairdresser au already where tommy takes sarah to salons and maria teaches her to do her hair but i cant find it 😭😭😭
i do imagine that as sarah grows up past like 4-5 and realizes her hair is different from most people around her, she’d be less vain and more self-conscious (i really doubt you meant vain in that way so don’t worry about it, im just sensitive to language regarding black little girls and their hair). austin texas in the 1990s-2000s was only about 10% percent which isnt bad, but i know from growing up in a predominantly white area that it heavily impacted how i saw myself and my hair.
i LOVE the idea that tommy and joel would put extra effort, as much as they could, into making sure sarah’s hair is loved and taken care of. i love the idea that maybe they start taking her to the salon as soon as she’s old enough, like 3-4, to sit in a chair long enough to get herself and her hair pampered
so here’s some actual plot: maybe sarah has a regular hair stylist that she’s gone to since she was literally 2, mama shirley (HEY MAMA SHIRLEY LETS BRING U INTO ANOTHER AU). unfortunately mama shirley is getting older, her hands not as agile and quick as they used to be, and she tells the miller boys that she’s planning to retire soon. they’re both pretty anxious about it because sarah like routine and sameness, and getting her hair done is already enough of a feat for her with all her sensory issues, which mama shirley always accommodates for. luckily, mama shirley assures them she’s found a brilliant replacement that’s she’s been training for months
when sarah meets maria, it’s like the little girl is meeting an in real life princess. maria has long, long, long locs that go all the way to the back of her knees, some streaked blue and purple and pink—all sarah’s favorites. maria has gentle hands and rounded nails that feel good when they scratch at sarah’s scalp in the washbowl, just like mama shirley’s. she has a whole punch of stim toys and fun charms on her locs, necklaces, and bracelets that she lets sarah reach up and play with while she works.
she talks to joel and tommy about their life with her and how she’s doing in school and how they take care of her hair at home, making gentle suggestions here and their based on her own experiences growing up as a black girl in a predominantly white area—fuckin’ omaha, nebraska. she lets joel and tommy step in and try whatever she’s doing with sarah’s hair. tommy, bless him, is so nervous and into her that his hands are way clumsier than usual. luckily, his poor attempts just make her laugh and place her hands next his to show him how to smooth out sarah’s hair correctly, without flicking the product all over himself and his shirt
she remains sarah’s hairstylist for years, and tommy falls in love with her slowly at first, considering he only really sees her once every four weeks. eventually he starts going in for his own hair, then offers to do free repairs for the salon—then, finally, maria pulls him into the back room one day and says “ya know, miller, you don’t have to work here to spend time with me. you can just ask me out.”
“i—i can?”
“you can. you’ve taken long enough.”
“i—uh. alright. sorry to keep you waitin’, ma’am. dinner? tonight?”
“dinner sounds good :)”
gonna tag my hair babies @boilingcowboy and @clickergossip bc i feel like they’d appreciate this idk and i feel like rose may be the only person to remember my other hairstylist au 😭
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lavenderyulu · 1 year
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‘‘You’re unusually clingy today~’‘
The first birthday art i actually post of my blorbos :)
oh and these birthday dates are just headcanons.
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toofypigeon · 4 months
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here are some valentines im making for my friends! i'll post them individually l8r
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queen-of-the-boos · 5 months
Vent in tags sorry
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Okay, because I'm allowed to be a little weird about puppets and dolls on here, I need to share the new crochet(/knitting was optional) stitch markers I just got in the mail, because I am SO FUCKING STOKED TO USE THEM. (Only had a knitting WIP to model them with, I haven't started a new crochet project yet.)
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THE EYES DO THE DOLL BLINK THING!! SO COOL! And teeth are just so #aes (I'm always gonna be thinking about like collecting teeth in the Alice: Madness Returns video game I was obsessed with. [Maybe I can paint them gold, even? Just an idea.])
This seller has so many whimsical fiber art related things (along with really gorgeous yarn I'm lookin' at). Like two years ago, I bought a facehugger cupcake stitch marker from them (along with slasher movie knife stitch markers!) Where in the world else are you gonna get creepycute unique items like these for all your yarn craft needs?!
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Seriously, these are so freaking fun, I love them SO much. I definitely recommend the seller SillySheepDesigns on Etsy if you're a fiber art person.
I'm not paid to say this, I'm just SO excited about having my weirdness needs met.
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recallback-art · 29 days
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I made cupcakes themed after different LOIL characters, but I approached them from the perspective of what they'd like to make if given the ability to make their own cupcakes.
I have justification for each choice, it was a pretty fun exercise.
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wellenklavier · 3 months
ooo im so excited to leave work today im getting my nails done and im making cupcakes for when i see my bf tomorrow night wheeeee. does this sound out of character for me.. it is a little…. but i might ask them to do my one hand black one hand white thing so hehe
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six-demon-bag · 3 months
me on internet: i am going to cause problems 😈
me irl: eating scone i made and working on my jigsaw puzzle
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letmesleepy · 4 months
They need to invent food that doesn't rot
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acasternaut · 6 months
percy jackson tomorrow im going to flip my fucking lid
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year
I think some of that rage comes because people expected better of her particularly as she has started to position herself as having liberal values, as being an advocate for equality on all fronts from race to sexuality/gender.
her ability to lay with our oppressor and remain silent in the face of all that she has said (particularly when she is so quick to respond to much more insignificant slights pertaining to her and wave the sexism flag) shows that she is no ally of any race equality movement. the bare minimum in allyship is to denounce this kind of behaviour.
its giving white feminism and im incredibly disappointed
and i totally understand why you feel this way because it’s not like im happy about it. i do think she actually cares about other communities, and maybe im just delusional and dumb and going soft and being gracious or whatever words anyone wants to use, i am not ready to make that type of statement about her. but im not gonna stop people and tell them they are wrong for feeling a certain way.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
Every guy in Yakuza seems like they have enough social awkwardness for Tien to role his eyes at…
there's no feasible chance on earth any man can be more awkward than mountain man tien I'm Going To Hide From My Friends Every Other Year And Then For A Decade After Telling Them I'd Never See Them Again For No Apparent Reason And Only Coming Back Cause the World Was Literally Ending shinhan
#snap chats#i already hear someone go 'what about kiryu' girl he didnt last five years before getting involved again#jo's prob a contender tho. tbh.#anyway i just got back from the fnaf movie#first off please remind me to stop going out to places with kayla i might as well be going by myself#does not help that she walks slow as shit like bro dont make me walk this turtle-ass pace#good things came of the trip tho :) first of all im broke 🧍‍♂️ since when did movies get so expensive I DIDNT EVEN GET FOOD#i did get a kirby gacha tho :) inflation's starting to hit the gacha machines now too tho what the fuck 😭#last time it was less expensive than the time before and now this is the most exp its been......#wow its not just luck on what you pull its luck on how much money youre dropping BYE#whatever i dont need groceries anyways. really i dont i swear i did all my budgeting this month already#on the bright side i picked up 25 cents collectively today :) might as well call me a millionaire already#ANYWAY someone give me an excuse to post the new kirby he's cute and his feet are a weird color#o my god i didnt even talk about the movie wait. fuck.#watching jp movies and media has been terrible for my us viewing experience cause it just makes it so abundant how.#AUDIBLE us movies are. and the camera cuts jesus fucking christ i could turn it into a drinking game#what's my verdict tho ????? tbh i thought it was cute. im still in awe of the suits tho if anything i give the movie full props for that#heh. props. get it. fr tho i love practical effects and yk what ill take it. cupcake was goofy as hell ngl but ill take it#highkey forgot coreykenshin was in the movie so it was cute being reminded he was there :) love him..#honestly it really was a movie for fans of fnaf already and i aint gonna act like i wasnt a fan of the series in its early years#def not a movie to watch on its own- not that the plot's incomprehensible otherwise but it prob just wont hit#like matpat and corey being there was neat and the credits song took me WAAAY back to when that song first dropped on youtube LOL#sorry ive turned these tags into a fnaf movie review. kayla didnt talk about it with me so i wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere LOL#im running out of tags Anyway i solemnly swear to only talk bout movies that ft mates that star in rgg henceforth <3#im lying of course. i dont know how to shut up <3 but ill shut up rn im making dinner. movie made me hungry for bacon....
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