#im gonna rewatch tonight lol
cloverofhope · 7 months
anyone ever think about the possibly that Valka forgot about Stoick and Hiccup? not like forgot forgot, but like an out of sight out of mind kinda deal? and after a while she thought about them again and decided they'd be better off without her- and when she met hiccup again it all came crashing down on her just how long she'd been gone.
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sweetlee · 11 months
i love her so much what the freak!!!!!!
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
look, liam , after getting home, would be a nightmare to take places. bryce, owen, whoever, would dread taking him to social functions, but not because of concern for him . no, its because he would NOT realize when certain terrible things are inappropriate to say to strangers. people would be joking about murder or smth which is actually not too ridiculous of a topic to joke about, and hed try to chime in with "yknow, i have actually tried to kill someone before, and it is NOT how anyone actually expects haha. way more surreal and upsetting that people think" and itd be an actual attempt to join in but whoever brought him would have to very quickly go HES JOKING. i promise hes joking. haha liams sooooo funny. it would only then occur to liam that oh, that WASNT a normal thing to say was it. and then theyd leave
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izzy-b-hands · 8 months
Rewatching OFMD yet again while I attempt to get some, any, writing or art done (begging my brain to do either. Please. Because it also doesn't want to be just sitting here watching anything either, even a favourite show)
And I just. Ep 1 Stede has me by the throat; I wanna reach through the screen and hug him and tell him he's gonna come so far. The physical metaphor of a well-dressed but still repressed and unknowing Stede vs S2 dressing pirate like but in things that are clearly at least comfortable to him and his personal style (not that I'm not for him dressing up fancy again here and there, I very much am) and having learned so much and come so far Stede is !!!!!!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I have a race notebook and also the standings written on a board in my room(im a nerd) and im very hesitant to write down any results ngl, cause im super unsure if we're gonna get a fernando saudi situation w carlos or not??
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vaugarde · 2 years
wtf im two episodes from the unova league??
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zeltqz · 2 months
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call me or not, it's up to you.
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☰ — synopsis : you come back home after a night out and see you accidentally posted your private stories public, and received a drunk lengthy voicemail from your ex, ran.
☰ — pairing : haitani ran x fem!reader ☰ — length : 2.4k words ☰ — contents : nsfw and 18+ contents, mentions of violence (sanzu being sanzu), slight phone sex; they don't directly communicate, ran being mildly toxic and messing with your emotions, teeny itsy bitsy drops of gaslighting ☰ — notes : i literally suck at writing toxic characters so im SORRY if this is literal ass, (im trying my hardestttt) i just had a dream about this and had to execute it as best as i could lol
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It was a regular Thursday night when you stumbled into your date’s house, struggling to walk with half a heel working. 
“Let’s get you out of these.” He knelt before you and helped you unbuckle your heels and you sighed in relief when he slipped them both off. 
“Remind me to never wear heels again,” you giggled, clutching onto him. He leaned down and kissed you. You hummed, still feeling the buzz from the alcohol earlier and wrap your arms around his waist, kissing him back. “I had fun tonight.”
He cupped both your cheeks in his hands and peppering them with kisses, each of them making you giggle at the ticklish feeling. “Me too.” There was a final lingering kiss before he pulled away. “Let’s get you ready for bed, alright?” He traced your cheekbones with his finger, and you smiled up at him, nuzzling your cheek against his hand.
“Okay.” He helped you up the stairs and you collapsed onto his bed, your dress riding up your thighs as you laid there, clutching at his soft sheets.
“I’m gonna shower first, alright babe?” He said in the process of removing his shirt. “Wanna join me?”
You shook your head, eyes threatening to close shut as you nuzzled his pillow. “I’m alright. You go first.”
He bit his lip, admiring you splayed out on the sheets for a moment, his mind racing with all the things he could do you tonight if you’d join him in the shower. But of course his fantasies only stay in his head since you’ve been rejecting every single one of his advances for the last three months. It’s always the same excuses : you’re not in the mood, or you’re too tired. 
He sighed. “You sure babe?”
You’re half asleep at this point, just barely conscious as you murmur, “‘m sure.” His tongue poked his cheek and he nodded, saying nothing else and heading inside the bathroom. 
You vaguely hear the shower turn on and about to enter a deep sleep when your phone buzzes.
@/shibayuzuha : oh my god who is this man u’re with on ur story? He is CUTE!!
@/hina_tachibana : was this supposed to be posted on your main? 😢
“What story?” you muttered, rubbing your eyes and sitting up. You click  through your instagram story and rewatch the story you posted a few hours earlier when you were at the club. They were all videos of you and Masato dancing together, kissing, taking shots. Honestly you were buzzed the entire night and you thought you posted them on your private account, much less your close friends. “Oh fuck.”
You went to delete all the stories but the damage was already done, over 300 people already saw it. Oh well. That’s tomorrow’s problem. 
You lay back down, eyelids blinking slowly as you fight back sleep and check your missed phone calls you accidentally ignored. That’s when you see it. A voicemail from Haitani Ran. Any ounce of sleep in your body vanished the moment you sat up quickly, rubbing your eyes checking if you saw correctly.
It was over five minutes long and part of you wanted to delete it, but at this moment, you couldn’t help but be curious. You pressed play and put the phone up to your ear.
“Hey. It’s me. Hope I’m not blocked or whatever, I know how petty you can get.” He chuckled to himself and the deep rumble of it took you back to all those months ago when you’d be laying beside him, head on his chest and just listen to the sound of his heartbeat as he spoke on the phone.
There was a deep inhale and the familiar crackle of him smoking that always used to relax you. “Saw your story by the way. Is that your new boy toy? Two of you look good together.” He exhaled and his voice was kinda slurred. “Kinda glad you moved on though. Thought you’d never get over me to be honest.”
“Oh fuck off,” you mumbled. He was still as full of himself as he was when you both ended things almost a year ago. If this was a regular phone call you would’ve hung up or told him he’s not that special, but you looked down and still saw another six minutes left. What the fuck else could he possibly have to say to you?
He chuckled again, and it was so obvious he was drunk now, which surprised you as he was a heavy weight and in your three years of dating you saw him get drunk only twice. 
“You looked so fucking sexy in that dress, baby.” His groan had you squeezing your thighs together. “I can tell by the way he was holding you in those fucking videos he can’t handle you the way I can. He hasn’t fucked you yet, has he? Bet he’s real gentle and sweet with you not knowing you like it deep, and rough. Fuck, man.” He exhaled, rubbing his palm on his face. “Wanna know what I’d do if I was there with you baby?”
“...yes,” you whispered weakly to yourself. It was pointless; he couldn’t hear you and yet you were responding like he could. Blame it on the alcohol but there was nothing you wanted more than Ran right now.
“Bet you do. I’ll humour you though. I’ll take you to the dance floor and run my hands all over that body of yours, force that pretty head of yours back so I can mark all over your neck. Get you so hot and bothered till you’re begging me to fuck you. That happened one time didn’t it? Remember that one night in the club? I had my hands all over you and you dared me to flip your skirt up and fuck you right there. Man, you were such a tease, and a fucking sadist too. Remember when you said you wanted to watch some schmuck clean up my cum from the floor?”
You giggled and bit your lip, teasing your hands down your stomach. You remembered that night perfectly. Ran changed you when you were dating. You don’t even recognise yourself right now because everything just felt right when you were with him. Those years with him were the best of your life, you were young and figuring shit out. You’re still young and figuring shit out, but without him you’re taking a little longer to come to the conclusion of certain things.
Ran had his ups and downs. He was far from the perfect boyfriend, and he knew that. That’s why he was so surprised when you stayed for all those years despite his flaws. He was emotionally unavailable and never spoke about anything concerning him. He was sometimes rude and blunt when pissed off, and the arguments you both would get into would end up in the two of you ignoring each other for weeks. At first you’d be the one to break the silence and show up to his house and just hug him. He’d always smell like cigarettes and it should’ve disgusted you yet you couldn’t help but feel comfort. The smell was strong and yet it never bothered you when you smelt it on him. You’d apologise, crying in his arms as he embraced you back, rubbing up and down your back as you vented it all out in his chest, wetting his shirt with your tears. If he had people over he’d tell them to get the fuck out, hiding your face in his chest until the door closed.
That was the usual routine until the arguments got worst and your pride grew stronger and you’d refuse to talk to him  until he broke it first. He didn’t believe you at first but after a month of no contact he finally broke it first. Since then, he was always the one apologising first, showing up to your house in the middle of the night at random hours to tell you he’s sorry and didn’t mean what he’d said. 
The ups were better than the downs in the relationship. He’d teach you things, he always made you feel good, and simply being next to him was enough to make your entire week, even if it's for a few hours. He made you feel like the only girl in the world, like the most special girl to exist, and he helped boost your confidence by buying you nice things like clothes, accessories, lingerie, and tell you to look at yourself in the mirror and watch as he worships your body, taking his time to kiss his way down your stomach and thighs, and once he got to your pussy he swore  he could eat you out for hours, just until your thighs were shaking around him.
The memory of his tongue between your legs had your back arching off the bed clutching the phone tighter to your ear as you squeezed a hand between your legs, playing with yourself as he talked you through it over the phone.
“Bet you’re touching yourself right now,” he exhaled shakily. “If you’re not, you better start. Want you to remember how well I fucked you every time. Can you do that for me baby?”
“Mmhmm.” Thankfully Masato takes decades in the shower so you didn’t have to worry about him walking in or hearing. Not like you would’ve cared honestly. He’s not Ran, and he won’t ever be.
“Miss you being my good girl. Fuck. He doesn’t deserve to have his hands all over you. Should send Sanzu over and fuck, get him to cut all his fucking fingers off for touching you like that. Man, I bet that idiot doesn’t know that I fucked you in that same dress you know? That’s what got me so damn bothered right now. Wearing the shit I bought you to go fuck around?”
“‘M sorry,” you whimper, parting your folds and slipping as many fingers as you could fit inside without hurting yourself. No matter whatever you shove inside there, it never feels as good as Ran’s fingers, or tongue, or cock. “Need you so bad Ran.”
“Man, wanna hear how you sound right now. Bet you sound so sweet, like usual. Could you do something for me?” You nodded and stopped your fingers movements, listening to his next words.
“Call me again. I miss you so much it’s crazy. Got so much to talk to you about. It’s been how long? Couple months since I last heard from you. And I know you don’t hate me. You never could. That’s something I love about you. Always there for me when I need you. We both took each other for granted, you know? Deny it all you want but you did. And that’s okay. But I wanted to let you know if you ever come back into my life, I’m not letting you go. For real, not making that mistake again. I dunno why I called you tonight honestly, just drank a lot and now I fucking miss you. Call me or not, it’s up to you.”
Then he said the words that made your heart nearly stop and freeze over in your chest. “I love you.” 
Before you could even say it back the voicemail ended, leaving you conflicted.
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kreideprinz-studies · 9 months
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stray notes from physics hw except im sick and studying in bed
okay so ive had a cold these past couple of days and its been fine it's been chill and i had a lab this morning and i went to the lib after to work on some things and i felt like i was dying lol. so i decided to leave and the walk back to my dorm helped a bit from j being outside and breathing in fresh air but then after i was in doors again i started feeling bad again, saaaurrrrr i took five hour long nap and then i had to do my physics hw bc it's due tonight. did not understand half of it and had to rewatch parts of lectures and stuff and im gonna be honest i dont think half of it was covered in lecture but whatever. i think physics is j smth that doesnt make sense to me, like i understand the concepts but have a hard to applying formulas to problems and actually being able to answer anything unless it's a super straight forward question abt a concept. idk. also rly struggling w a lab report and my instructor was not helpful so im going to ask a different guy in the department for help. hopefully i feel better soon bc i hate feeling sick and i cant j sit around and do nothing bc i dont want to fall behind and doing that is j going to stress me out but i also dont want to get other people sick. ahhh.
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
You're Trouble
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Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: Yes - anon (i luv u, truly)
Prompt: You’re the girl during the Trouble performance who gets her face smushed by Elivs. When you run into each other at the police station after the fight breaks out, you give him your info. He shows up later looking worse for wear, and it’s your job to fix him up. [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: Blood (just a little, nothing too graphic), cops, I don't think anything else but lmk if you see something!
Rating: Pg-13    ||     Word Count: 3941
A/N: oh man...i love this i have to say. getting to rewatch this scene in slow motion??? yes pls. also the second gif @ the bottom is from the shannara chronicles (thanks efc for the link lol) + that's is how you should imagine him during the one scene. you'll see what i mean ;)
🦋 mila
“Turn that racket down!” your mom yells from downstairs. “And you’d better hurry up or you’ll be late!”
“We’re comin, ma!” you yell back, reaching to turn the volume down on your record player.
“I can’t believe we’re actually doin this!” says your best friend, Jocelyn. She’s pulling a sweater down over the top of her dress while trying not to ruin her freshly applied makeup.
“I know! I’m so excited I could scream!” you say back, and grab the album cover for the record. You hold it up in the light and sigh. “Oh look at ‘im, Jocelyn. He’s just perfect.”
Jocelyn folds her hands on your shoulder, resting her chin on it and sighing.
“Oh Elvis…”
“Girls! If I have to-”
“We’re comin, ma!” you yell back, slightly more angry this time around. “I can’t take her screamin at us one more time. You go on down. I’m just gonna tidy up a bit.”
Jocelyn nods and leaves to go downstairs while you stop the record player and place the vinyl carefully back into the cover. You hold it out one more time and press a small peck to the image. When you pull back, you see that you’ve left a big red kiss mark on his cheek and you chuckle. As you put it back, your eyes track a small piece of paper resting on your dresser. On it you’d written your full name, address, and phone number. It’s a stupid idea, but you think maybe…just maybe if you could somehow slip it into his pocket…
You shake your head and put the note down, glancing in the mirror one last time before leaving, just to make sure that your parents won’t be able to see what you’ve got on underneath. Your eyes flick down to the piece of paper one last time and you snatch it up, stuffing it in your pocket and wincing with embarrassment. Then, you hop down the stairs two at a time.
After a few minutes of yelling from your mother and backtalking from you, your older brother, Johnny, finally gets you out the door and into the car. You ride mostly in silence, other than the sounds of you and Jocelyn squealing with excitement every few minutes. You can hear the crowd before you can even see it. As Johnny pulls up to Russwood Park, you and Jocelyn press your faces agains the glass of the windows. Jocelyn is practically bouncing out of her seat, and you aren’t far behind her. Johnny pulls to a stop.
“Be careful tonight, girls. I’ve heard bout some pretty crazy things happenin at these Elvin concerts,” he said.
“Elvis, James,” you say dryly.
“Well he’s a troublemaker, whatever his name is. Be careful, and be ready to go home by ten o’clock. Deal?”
You both nod, your smiles ready to burst off your faces.
“Aright, have fun.”
You lean over the seat to hug him.
“Thanks, Johnny. Love ya!”
As soon as you and Jocelyn have hopped out of the car, you both jump up and down, squealing and shrieking. The crowd gathered is already much larger than you expected, and they’re loud, too. Once you’re sure Johnny is out of sight, you both rip your sweaters off to reveal tops that your parents were never approve of. Your skirt is a deep red which perfectly compliments the black sweetheart neck top you’d bought. The whole top half is sheer and puts your shoulders and neck proudly on display. Your parents would probably combust if they could see you.
“Oh no,” Jocelyn whines. “Look at the size of that crowd! We’ll never see him from way back here.”
You grab hold of her hand, interlocking your fingers, and look at her determined.
“Oh yes we will,” you respond. “Cause we’re gonna make it to the front of that crowd.”
You start dragging Jocelyn behind you, elbowing and sneaking your way through the crowd and around all the standing bodies. As you near the front of the group it gets hard to navigate through the people, who really don’t want to give up their places.
“Move over, ya prude!” you shout to a young girl in a red and white striped dress.
You barely hear her protest as you weave through the crowd. Finally, you slap your hand on top of the makeshift stage with a satisfied smile. You yank Jocelyn up next to you and shrug.
“Told ya!” you have to shout now, with the crowd screaming and a line of American-themed women dancing.
As you peer over some of the fans’ heads, you notice a merchandise table with Elvis’ name and face on everything you could think of. You also see tons of police officers lining the sides of the crowd. You point and laugh with Jocelyn. Suddenly, screams erupt from behind you. You jump to try and see above the heads, but it’s no use.
“What’s happenin??” you ask, and Jocelyn shrugs.
“He’s here!!” someone shouts. You turn and grab Jocelyn’s hands, smiling so hard your face aches.
They must be right because the female dancers scurry off the stage and a man in a white suit jacket takes hold of the microphone. He starts yelling, trying to get the crowd hyped up, but you can’t hear what he’s saying. You’re far too busy trying to get one glance of the King himself. The heads in the crowd bob up and down and shift like a thousand fish in the sea, but you just need to catch one tiny fish. You are peering through a small hole in the group when someone shifts. Your mouth drops open. There he is.
“Elvis Presley!!” the announcer yells, and screams erupt all around you.
You clamp a hand over your mouth as he walks onto the stage. He makes his way toward the center, and you bite onto your fingers. He is so much more handsome in person. And the way he walks. It’s like he owns the world. His black hair lays floppy in his eyes, and he peers out into the crowd with dark eyes. Suddenly, he’s looking right at you, and your hand falls from your face, leaving you gawking with an open mouth. He smirks and winks. You grab onto Jocelyn’s hand, but neither of you can move.
“Did you see that?” you shout, and Jocelyn clenches her teeth together with a vigorous nod.
“He looked right at ya!” she says.
As he centers himself to the mic, the crowd starts to grow quiet.
“There’s been a lotta talk bout the new Elvis,” he starts, and the crowd erupts into a chorus of boos. “Course, there’s that other guy.”
He lifts his hand into the air and wiggles his pinky finger. You aren’t sure what it means, but the way he flaunts it makes you think maybe he isn’t supposed to be doing it.
“You ain’t nothin but a hound dog, cryin all the time,” he sings, and you feel your heart skip about a million beats. The crowd cheers around you. You can’t tear your eyes away as he grips onto the microphone and glances around, as if he’s thinking about something important. You and Jocelyn clutch each others fingers hard.
“There’s a lotta people sayin a lotta things,” he continues. “Course you gotta listen to the people that ya love. But in the end you gotta listen to yourself.”
The crowd erupts into cheers again, and you squeeze Jocelyn’s hand.
“And I want you to know those New York people ain’t gonna change me none,” he shouts.
You bite your lip, practically buzzing from excitement. He rips the guitar off and hands it to a bandmate. When he returns to center stage, it’s like someone’s lit a fire in his eyes.
“I’m gonna show you what the real Elvis is like tonight!” he shouts, holding up his arm.
The band starts to play, and he belts out his song. Your favorite of his songs.
“If you’re lookin for trouble, you came to the right place. If you’re looking for trouble, then look right in my face,” he sang in that deep southern voice that you’d learned every variation of. “I was born standin up, and talkin back. My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack.”
Your heart literally thumps against your chest as he sings raspily. It sounds so much more intense in person than it does on your radio at home. Jocelyn starts to scream, bouncing up and down. You throw your hand over your mouth again, trying to breathe in and out slowly as he tosses his head around like a ragdoll. You can’t help but shriek when he seductively twists the microphone stand with one hand.
He wanders over to where you and Jocelyn are standing and gazes into the crowd. You’re gripping each other so tightly you aren’t sure you’ll ever use your fingers again. One of the girls near you is literally crawling onto the stage, and Elvis is standing so close that she probably could touch him if she tries. The way he holds the microphone as if it’s a dance partner makes your chest heave. Your eyes hungrily trail down his body and latch onto his fingers on the top of the microphone. He starts to wiggle his body like you’ve watched him do so many times on television, and you join Jocelyn in jumping.
Suddenly, he throws his body up and crashes down onto his knees. Right in front of your face. Jocelyn rips her hand free from yours to cup it around her mouth and scream. Your fingernails latch onto your hair and pull at it, as he pushes his pelvis up directly toward you. His eyes turn upward, dark and dangerous, and he looks right at you. Smirking a little, he leans down and curls his fingers around your jaw, forcing you to face him and only him. His fingers dig into your skin, and your hands grasp at his sleeves. He sings right to you, and you can feel all the blood being drained from your body. You don’t even have the self control to scream. He winks before dragging his fingers along your jawline and releasing your face. He smiles smugly and walks backward to center stage. Your chest is heaving, and you can barely move enough to blink.
He drops the mic stand from one hand and smoothly catches it with the other, leaning over it to sing as if it he was dipping a dancing partner. You are still heaving with deep breaths as Jocelyn grabs hold of your shoulders.
“OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!” she shouts over and over and over again.
You can’t take your eyes off of him as he dances and moves around on stage. He falls onto the ground, bent over and screaming into the mic. When he rolls onto his back, the feeling in your body starts to come back to you, and you laugh loudly. He is wild, out of control, illegal. And you can’t get enough. Everything starts to move too quickly. At some point you think you see him laying in the middle of the crowd and then crawling back onto the stage, screaming.
The next think you know, Elvis is being hauled offstage by some police officers and people are screaming and running. As they drag him away, the crowd starts pushing and everyone sprints frantically in different directions, not knowing what to do. You grab for Jocelyn’s hand but she slips from your sweaty grasp. As you stumble around, someone grabs hold of your arm. You wriggle free of his grasp, turn, and slug him square in the face.
“You don’t touch me!” you shout. You turn and push people away as they try to run around or straight into you. “Jocelyn!!! Jocelyn!!”
Someone else grabs your hand, and you turn to punch them. This time, it’s a police officer and he snags your wrist with a handcuff.
“What the hell’s your problem?!” you scream, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. “Let me go! I didn’t do nothin!”
“Y/N!” you hear Jocelyn’s voice, but you can’t move around to find her. The officer lifts you up and practically drags you into the police car, even though you kick and beat on his back the whole way there.
Once you’re in the cop car, you run your fingers through your hair and try to bring your breathing down to normal. As soon as you come to terms with the fact that you’ve been arrested, you start panicking about what your parents will think. And how you’ll get out of jail without them finding out. Then, you worry about Jocelyn and whether she’s alright. By the time you get to the police station, you’re hands are shaking ever so slightly and you’re exhausted.
The officers guide you out of the car and into the police station, sitting you down in a room while they process your papers. You pick at your nails but hold your head high. You hadn’t done anything wrong, and you’d swear to it in court. You sit for what feels like hours before someone comes into the room. It’s your brother, Johnny, who enters with a solemn face.
You try to stand up, but the handcuffs prevent you from moving. You crash back down into the seat and stare at your brother.
“What in the Sam Hill is goin on here?”
You shake your head.
“Johnny, I didn’t do nothin wrong! A fight broke out and some man grabbed me! I mean, I guess I punched him in the face pretty good, but he deserved it! He was tryin to hurt me! I-”
Johnny holds up a hand and just shakes his head.
“Get in the car,” he says.
“Well wait, where’s Jocelyn?” you ask, feeling guilty for forgetting about your friend.
“She’s already home. She said she ran as soon as it got violent. She’s the one who called me. Get in the car. We’re going home. And Mom is not to hear about this, you understand?”
You are speechless, so all you do is nod and stand still for the officer to unlock your handcuffs. You feel so reassured to know that Jocelyn is safe. You rub your wrists as you follow your brother out into the waiting room, a tiny smile of relief plastered on your face. 
When you enter the lobby, you happen to glance over at the waiting area to see none other than Elvis Presley himself sitting there. He’s slouched back in the chair, his legs spread wide and his head tilted all the way back. He looks very inviting. While Johnny deals with some paperwork at the front desk, you nervously pad in Elvis’ direction.
“Y’alright?” you ask quietly, trying not to draw attention to yourself. His eyes open and head tilts down ever so slightly. A small smile graces his lips.
“Yeah, baby, I’m just fine,” he responds, his voice hoarse.
You can hear Johnny wrapping up and suddenly remember the piece of paper in your pocket. You shove your hand down to see if it’s still there and feel it crumpled up. You finger it for a few seconds trying to decide whether to mortify yourself or not. Realizing that you may never get the chance again, you clutch onto it and frantically step forward to hand it to him. He slowly reaches up and takes it from you.
“In case y’ever need anything,” you whisper. Just as he’s about to respond, Johnny harshly yells your name.
You turn immediately and follow him outside and into the car. Your car ride home is silent, and you can tell that your brother is disappointed. Not upset or angry, thank god, just disappointed. Disappointment you can deal with. You’ve dealt with it before, thanks to your rebellious streak.
When you get home, it’s very late. Definitely later than your curfew of ten o’clock. You quietly go upstairs and immediately climb into bed, pulling the covers over your face. Tossing and turning, you swear you’ll never go to bed. You can’t stop smiling. Now that you are safe and sound, images of the wild night start to resurface in your mind. You see Elvis, a smirk on that beautiful face of his. You feel his fingers around your jaw. You hear the roar of the crowd and his raspy voice echoing all around you…
You jolt awake. Something is tapping on your window. You sit up, rubbing your eyes and trying to see better, as if seeing would help you hear better. The tapping continues. It sounds like someone is trying to unlock the door to your tiny balcony. With wide eyes, you carefully swing your toes out of bed and frantically look around for something to protect yourself with. You sigh, frustrated, and grab a pair of scissors.
Your feet move slower than death as you approach the door. You gently grab ahold of the curtains and take a deep breath before flinging them open and holding the scissors out defensively. Once you realize who it is, you quickly put the scissors down and unlock the door.
“...Elvis?” you ask in a whisper. He stumbles into your room with a breathless smile.
“Hey baby doll,” he says, and your heart thuds.
“What are you doin here?”
“You said if I ever needed help,” he replies, holding out the scrap of paper.
You take it from him to ensure it’s the paper you’d given him at the police station. Your eyes widen when you realize it is the very same.
You’re about to respond when you notice a little bit of blood dripping from his side. Your breath falls flat and you reach out to put your arms underneath him and support him.
“Oh my god!” you hiss. “What the hell happened to you?”
“Police roughed me up real good,” he responds with a chuckle that quickly turns into a groan.
He leans on you and groans as you drag him to your bed. You pull the blanket taut and lay him on top of it. Yanking the curtains open for more light, you run to the bathroom for some water and a towel. When you return, he’s holding a photo from the bedside table. You examine his wound in the moonlight. It looks like a small cut on his stomach. You thank the stars for the darkness to hide your embarrassment as you speak.
“You’re gonna hafta take your shirt off,” you say.
“Yes, ma’am,” he responds, sitting up. He tries to lift it off himself but winces at the pain. You quickly move to help, grasping the fabric to gently lift it off his frame. You avoid staring at his naked torso as you pour water from a cup onto the towel. You gently press the towel to his wound.
“Ouch, fuck,” he says, and your hand imemdiately covers his mouth.
Your eyes nervously fly to the door, but you don’t see any light shining underneath. You could feel him chuckling underneath your fingers. You remove your hand.
“Be quiet!”
“Why? Am I not supposed to be here or somethin?”
“Well I ain’t supposed to have no boys up here in my bedroom. Plus, it’s the middle of the night, and we’re we’re up here…alone…”
He says nothing, smirking and glancing down at his crotch. You once again thank the stars that it’s too dark for him to notice your embarrassment.
You shake your head and press the towel deeper into the cut. He hisses and grabs onto your arm with his hand. Your eyes immediately move to his fingers digging into your bare skin. You release a shaky breath and carefully pour more water on the towel.
“I like what you’re wearin,” he says, breathless. You ignore him even though your entire body is screaming.
“Thanks, I wore it just for you,” you respond without skipping a beat. You aren’t looking at him but still catch his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. You lean to get a better angle on his wound, not realizing how close to him you are.
“I don’t think I have anything to co-”
You stop in your tracks when you look up and make direct eye contact with his lips, pink and swollen. He has a small cut on the bottom one with a little dried blood. But they still look like the most kissable things in the world. You steady yourself and gently raise the towel to his lips. He catches your wrist.
“What are ya doin?”
“You have some blood there,” you respond, unable to tear your eyes away from his lips. He releases your hand, and you gently dab the towel against his mouth. You reach up to hold his face still, placing your hand on the side of his jaw. You slowly pull back the towel and look at the cut, all cleaned up. For a few seconds, you just stare at each other, both of your eyes travleing everywhere. You start to drop your head but he catches your face with his hand. His fingers curl around your jaw like they had at the concert, and you audibly gasp. He smirks.
“I knew I recognized you,” he mumbles. “You were at my concert tonight, weren’t ya?”
You nod, frozen in his grasp.
“Yeah…,” his eyes trace around your face and body. “I saw you punch the shit outta some asshole, too. Is that why you were in jail?”
You nod sheepishly. He smirks.
“I picked you on purpose, you know. Outta all those girls,” he says, his eyes tracing around your face again. “You wanna know why?”
“Why?” you breathe out.
He strokes your cheek with his thumb and then drags it across your bottom lip.
“I could see the fire in your eyes,” he replies, his eyes glancing between your eyes and lips. “I could tell you were trouble.”
You smirk and lean over, closing your eyes. He pulls your face to him and just barely ghosts his lips over yours. You shudder, clutching onto the towel in your fingers. He brushes his lips against yours again, and you gasp. You feel his mouth curl up into a sinister smile.
“What are you waitin for?” you whisper against his lips.
“For you to tell me what you want.”
“Kiss me.”
He obeys immediately, capturing your upper lip between his. He kisses you hard, gripping your jawbone. Your hand meanders up to his chest, resting on the smooth skin near his heart. He pulls back slowly, painfully slowly. You flutter your eyes open and gaze up into his blue ones. He’s still holding onto your jaw, but more gently now. You lean forward again, pressing your lips to his. You gently push him down onto the bed with the hand you laid on his chest. His fingers leave your jaw to wind around the back of your neck and thread themselves through your hair. His other hand sneaks onto your waist, gripping you and pulling you on top of him. As soon as you start to put pressure on his body, he groans and accidentally bites your bottom lip. You pull back with a finger flying up to the skin.
“Ah,” he winces. “Sorry, lil mama. I didn’t mean to bite ya. Not yet, anyway.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind,” you reply, giggling. You touch your lip and seductively drag your fingers across your lips and down your neck. His grin spreads into a smile, and he strokes your cheek.
“You are trouble.”
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Reblogs, likes, comments + feedback are extremely appreciated! Please help support your content creators!
**If you notice any triggers or grammatical errors that I missed, please let me know! :)
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rigil-kentauris · 7 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better
tagged by @valerianvault
Three Ships: JUST THREE???
i am ALSO on that ffxiv juice and as yall MAY have guessed from all my aymericposting its wol/aymeric.
id be here all night if i did ffxiv ships so moving on.
ffxiv has really taken oven my brain space huh? tbqh the other games im playing rn arent big shipping arenas for me. what do you ship in frostpunk? coal x generator fics i suppose. if youve got time to fuck youve got time to truck in some more steel from the steel pile. extended shifts for everyone.
this is where i would have put my feh ships if feh wasnt dead to me
well i could put bylad/claude three houses here. power couple of the century. going to get an emulator/mod at some point to restore justice in s supports. i havent got anything against bylass ships but usually the way people write her drives me fucking INSANE.
hm what for three. ugh. ugh. ugh i said no more ffxiv. but i would be lying if - and would LOVE to lie about it though - i would be lying if i tried to act like cidnero hasnt consumed at minimum 15% of my waking thoughts in recent months. its like a fucking perplexus sphere. a very Puzzle. like the rct2(?) roller coaster auto complete function. i WILL figure it out. whatever It is. but everytime i solve a piece another puzzle pops up. gonna reduce this fucking fraction youll see. youll all see.
First Ever Ship: lol. so way back when, my sister was trying to tell me her Lame Older Sister about this cool new thing called shipping. which i was NOT getting at all. and she, i would imagine because of the relative mainstream awareness at the time and the largely practical fact that i knew what marvel movies were, decided to offer the example of 'its like What If iron man and captain america were together'
which i thought was patently silly. i dont remember why now. i think my main objection was that it did not happen, and why would people spend so much time thinking about things that did not happen.
well anyway. tale old as time i thought it was very funny to ironically talk about it. and then it was not ironic anymore. so it goes.
Last Song: well according to my phone music app it was of the night by bastille.
Last Movie: hm what WAS the last movie i watched? i havent watched a movie in a minute. well we're going to be rewatching the gran turismo movie probably tonight. i liked it quite a bit in the theater (went to an empty matinée).
Currently Reading: UGH still slogging through Utopia. im at a part where it seems tommy has lost the thread, so, its difficult. and then my friend wrote a book! and im very excited to read the new draft
Currently Watching: SCAVENGERS REIGN!!!! a very beautiful and thought provoking show about a group of people who get stranded on an alien planet and how they interact with that biosphere and themselves. the animation is beautiful and colorful. it is on hbo max or whereever you receive hbo products. the last episodes drop today idk if i can handle it
Currently Consuming: nothing because i just woke up. im going to haul myself out of bed for some frosted shredded miniature wheats soon i hope
Currently Craving: anything but frosted shredded miniature wheats. bacon cheese egg wrap. chocolate chip brioch bun. pasta. hm i might be hungry. lets say Food
Tagging: @czigonas @plaidypus @lieutenantk thanks for joing me on my breadmaking saga yesterday.
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gerhardtz · 2 months
Hi hello ty for giving me fargo brainfever 🥰
The best recommendation system really is "cool person on tumblr is obsessed with this thing" lol. Hasn't failed me yet!
I'm taking it slow bc we are a watch-a-bunch-of-shows-simultaneously household and there's no room in the main rotation yet, so I sneak an episode during lunch when my partner is out of the house.
Which means I'll get to rewatch whatever I get through in a few weeks when we start it together adkfhhjsjsj I'm so psyched
YAYYY IM SO GLAD U LIKE IT !!!! and im honoured you think im cool 🥺 it's such a good rewatch show... me and my bf are gonna start another rewatch of season 2 tonight OORAHHHH 💪💪💪
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lokittystuckinatree · 10 months
LCU (Loki Cinematic Universe) Rewatch Part Three here we come!
Thor: the Dark World
Oh Gods I forgot how…indescribable this movie is. I have no words. The outfits and settings look so real and the elves look so fake?
Me every time I see Loki: oOmMgGg Hiiiiiiiiiii 😘
“Mother did I make you proud?” And the whole way he handles this scene…How did anyone ever take him seriously - no wonder he went off the rails, that’s his greatest fear
“Do you not feel the gravity of your crimes” ok this is pure speculation but going off of what we know about Loki’s moral and emotional system - he’s capable of remorse and empathy, but he tends to compartmentalize and bury guilt and shame, repress and conceal his true feelings, and rationalize, minimize and justify his actions instead of accepting what he sees as weakness, so yes, I’d imagine that deep down he absolutely fucking feels it. And it don’t feel good.
Loki justifies his imperialism genocide and violence in an imperial genocidal militaristic society but the second he becomes king he decreases military intervention something something (one of the good bits of Ragnarok)
“I don’t enjoy hurting people” But Odin does. And so Loki pretends to.
BOOOOOO Odin no one likes you BOOOOOOO SCREW YOU
oMggg Sif hiiiiiii. Look at her, Thor. LOOK at her! With your eyes! She prettyyyyy
Odin and Thor: talking about Thor’s love life. Loki probably: rocking back in forth in his cell because no one’s ever gonna love him. Another Loki at the same time: chasing his soulmate across spacetime because she pulled a Loki on him and he finds that endearing
The sets and ambiance of Asgard are gorgeous how do I move there
Yet another obscure character I don’t remember, Darcy’s in the comics now I’m so proud, Selvig’s lost his last marble, so have I Selvig, so have I
The weird gravity/time space anomaly/warp thing in that abandoned building actually makes for a fun scene. You cannot change my mind on this. The Aether is pretty creepy though ngl.
Thor and Jane are so cringe together. I love them. They also break my heart
The plot of this movie is really…something
Loki and Frigga’s bond actually makes me teary I know they didn’t have the best relationship it was strained and toxic at times but omg they care about eachother so much I’m getting emotional…she genuinely was the only person Loki truly loved in a healthy way. And he fucking lost her. FUCK
Cut to me relating to Loki so much it makes me physically recoil. I’d get into why but I’m not trauma dumping today.
“I don’t know why Loki helped the dark elf get into the palace”…lol stop lying to yourself you know the reason very well. You have the same resentment and lust for chaos inside you that Loki does…that desperate grief that makes you want to burn down the world that burned you. you know. I see my worst in Loki, and his story gives me hope that I can change. There’s a good chance I will die young (medical shit) and Loki dying young also gives me comfort.
This movie is peak Loki. I just fucking adore the little shit. I just aahfhkjkmng *aggressively squeezes*
Heimdall is underrated
Someone on discord said Frigga autocorrected to Fridged on their phone and Frigga’s dying and that’s all I can think about rip…bruh this scene hits a lot harder after my dad’s death ✌️
HE WASNT EVEN ALLOWED AT HER FUCKING FUNERAL FUCK YOU ODIN DRINK BLEACH!!!!Anyways I forgot how cinematic and heartbreakingly beautiful the funeral was
YOU CAN SEE THE SPARK LEAVE HIS FUCKING EYES IM GONNA FIGHT ODIN IN A DENNYS PARKING LOT. I’m ending on the Loki illusion scene for tonight because it’s 3 am and I’m in emotional distress.
How can anyone watch the illusion scene and the deleted bits and actually believe Loki is a cold hearted psychopath? I have this fucked up headcanon that Loki almost attempted suicide after Frigga’s death and either stopped himself…or Thor showed up right on time. I can’t prove it but I know it’s true by gut instinct.
There’s something so weirdly profound about someone who seeks out death being unkillable. Character who thinks he represents death actually represents life. That’s something the Loki series actually did well. They definitely screwed up his character in places, but I can see the backbone of what they intended. I don’t know how to explain this, but I don’t ship Sylvie with TVA Loki, I ship her with Pre-Ragnarok Loki. Aka, I characterize TVA Loki as closer to OG Loki than he is thus far.
There’s a tiny detail about Loki that makes me go feral. You have to psychoanalyze a little, but Loki doubts his brother even cares about him, so whenever Thor says he feels betrayed and threatens him, Loki smiles. It means Thor cared. It means there’s hope. Negative attention is better than none at all. Disappointment is better than apathy. I wish I didn’t know how he feels.
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finished work early, time for ep 3 before i have to do other stuff
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random shot of the dorm hallway. probably gonna have a ton of seemingly useless screenshots during my rewatch because im mostly rewatching for details i guess lol
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random screenshots like this one. wonder if those book covers are based off anything
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lotte truly a sweetheart. i’d be so peeved if some rando shoved their feet in my face... like what the hell lol
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have any of those art/staff books ever confirmed if theres a sorcerer’s stone in japan?
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random school grounds screenshot… unironically had to look up where the greenhouse/botanical garden building is placed after i started that little one-shot thing i did and originally had diana and akko sitting outside and was like wait its only 2 weeks after the missile so its still february lmao they cannot be outside in the snow… so that’s why they ended up inside
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crab claw diana
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why is she like this
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hadnt noticed before that everyone’s broom ribbons match their team colors
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oh akko lol
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lol honestly love the juxtaposition here of amanda’s dumbassery and then diana going vroom vroom while she practices for the upcoming relay race. showoffs the two of em
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this is it guys… my bike au,,,,
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jock akko
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i just like this shot
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there they are
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lowkey screenshotting random shots of the town for references
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delicious premises
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just more reference screenies
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akko keep your gay under control please
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lmao this will never get old
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probably a strange thing to point out, but kinda weird they decided to go with akko’s handwriting on the relay race application to be in cursive
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oh huh they do show the vase prize before the relay… did not remember that
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imagining how annoying this must all be, but diana just deals with it lol
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gay gay gay
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rip akko-tan
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uk’s biggest gay
i should’ve taken a screenshot from when they’re on the tower but oops forgot to… instead here’s a random comment about this being the first time we see diana lose her composure over something because of akko
quick edit to this: i guess you can say that ep 2 sorta counts but this one is directly due to akko challenging her. ep 2 she just done goofed with trying to destroy the papilliodya etc
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she did it
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this will forever be one of my favorite series of frames of diana lol
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gayvendish… i see you…
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can’t end this ep rewatch without the blue team ending art
ok that wraps up ep 3… might do ep 4 tonight too, but i literally started this ep like 2 hours ago lmao and am just now finishing it
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cerebrobullet · 1 year
Sharpe Rewatch 4- Sharpe's Enemy (1994)
tonight's theme is:
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(this is a lie, tonight's theme is actually me crying over teresa)
alright, starting off I have strong feelings about harper sitting on top of his captain, protectively pushing him back down to the ground with a big 'ol hand on the back of his head. then sharpe just kind... accepting his fate and curling up in the middle of a pile of his boys. i cannot label what exact emotion it gives me, but OH BOY it's an Emotion.
side note: sharpe says the chosen men were acting under his orders so.... were his orders to.... have fun? lol
fuck i take it back i AM gonna cry over this epsidoe. look at how happy sharpe and teresa are!!!!
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i DID forget just how much teresa roasts farthingdale for insulting her hubby. amazing, #realtionshipgoals #girlboss, i'm gonna gif it later.
sharpe telling harper "don't name it after me" about his kid with ramona, only for sharp turn around and name his own son patrick. excuse me, rude.
i also hadn't noticed before that teresa is sewing a lil rifleman doll and now i want to cry again.
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She gives it braids later? so i guess it's supposed to be of antonia in her daddy's uniform ;A;
now a bit i still don't understand is the, like, cooking lesson aside that happens in the middle of the hostage exchange? ... that's it, idk, it like doesn't effect the plot at all. just weird to me.
but, ah, anyway, frederickson!!! i love him! i wish he showed up more often, but i appreciate him most in sharpe's revenge, doing all the leg work to save sharpe's ass. he's just fun! i just think he's neat!
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sharpe literally swallowing the urge to burst out laughing tho *chef kiss*
but the "why do i always have to wear the dress, sir?" from perkins makes me wonder just how many times they've played the "disguise one of us in a dress" card and why i didn't get to see every single situation this was their answer to. robbed, robbed of good content.
hey now let's talk about a cinematic parallel that i hate. it's this:
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( : im fucking dying and i hate everything
"I lied. my wife taught me. she taught me many things."
*lays down on ground, cries fucking eyes out* THIS STILL ISN'T FAIR. just the IDEA of it- sharpe already has an Emotional Thing about the guy who taught him to read and write, and then he gets himself a badass literal #girlboss wife who teaches him how to speak french, teaches him how to chill out a bit as leader, teaches him such soft things. a woman who's been through rough shit, just like he has. he's so proud and amazed of her, every time he speaks of her. and then it's... just all gone.
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him kissing the sword as he salutes teresa's grave makes me physically unwell
now, i do want to know how duco manages to keep his head when literally every single thing he claims in regards to sharpe ends up biting him in the ass. you'd think after the second time maybe people would, idk, not trust him judgement...
ok. i'm... im just gonna sit here and cry now.
this was somehow worse the second time around. probably because i'm going through theses so much slower. and i like it most when sharpe has someone to come back to, rather then doing the new girl of the week thing. though jane is.... well. jane is jane. we don't talk about jane.
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gonna start rewatching gravity falls with my bestie tonight im gonna try to make a list of funny quotes through out the watch lol
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tyonfs · 5 months
on a more happier note, i’ve been a film geek recently. i’ve been trying to indulge myself in more movies and yes i count rewatching harry potter as being a geek but i watched saltburn recently and ohhhhh myyy i loved it. im gonna watch la la land for the first time tonight then call me by your name.
i guess that’s been my substitute since i’ve dropped kpop. honestly i feel like kpop was the last piece of my childhood and since i’ve let that go it’s like im actually being an adult now. it sounds dumb but i’ve liked kpop since i was like 10 ish because of my cousins. it’s just like drastic for me to just let it go. but i think sometimes you just have to let stuff go to grow, that’s one of my 2024 mottos. 🤗, hope this is more lighthearted than my last ask lol - 🎀
omg honestly i think i've watched more movies in the past 3 months than i have in the past 3 years 😭😭 but it's been so fun!!! i haven't gotten around to saltburn yet actually but i've heard EVERYONE raving about it so i really need to get to it :') jacob elordi was sooo good in priscilla like im actually excited to see how he plays his role 🤧 LA LA LAND !!! it's such a cute movie but the ending 🥲🥲 i hope you enjoyed it tho !! what else is on your watch list?
omg you've been following kpop for so long !! but yes sometimes we don't have time for our interests when we grow up and sometimes we do but either way it's whatever makes you happier in the end !! 🥹🥹 i've honestly found myself connecting with a lot of my childhood interests again this year surprisingly (esp with the new pjo series (i haven't even watched it yet) (boycott disney+ tho))
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