#im happy for you though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a week of hell for you too 😔
castielsprostate · 1 year
bestie i am so sorry. it is 24° here and cloudy...
😔😩😭 today AND tomorrow are 32c (tomorrow with clouds though) 😭😭😭😭 i can't tell my tears and my sweat apart
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withonly-sweetheart · 1 month
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Not Quite Right
You're Leon's mystery, he's your mystery. He defends your honor without hesitation, but being around you has him questioning his own morals.
a/n: k personally i didnt deliver with this one i kinda sold but im some kinda block rn needed tk get smth done 🤨😔 (useless core) might rewrite later if ive got inspo
there IS a part two with both a happy and sad ending because i cant let sadness take over but i also just read "if he had been with me" and so yeah ill update this with the links when i post those
tw: angst?? age gap if you squint really hard and look between the lines but nun too serious (theres also suggestive content but wtv)
" if you couldnt tell
they said teamwork makes the dream work
hell i had some help "
wc: 1.8k
The saloon was always bathed in a hazy lemon glow, glaring back at Leon’s squinted eyes as the sawdust kicks up under his boot heels. He peels away from the rowdy crowd and nods to the barkeep for another whiskey. He never really was able to read the small, messy names of absurd drinks scrawled onto the curling paper.
Groaning in frustration, he slams it down, digging his nails into the yellowing parchment. Across the table, he catches your eye, specifically those of which narrow directly at him.
Leon admires your uniform; short, tight-fitted burnt hazel dress. It’s always been ugly to him, but you look… ravishing in it, though his eyes are cool as they flit your way.
And he realizes something else, snapping through his mind rapid-fire.
No one looks at him like that and gets away with it.
“Another round?” he calls out as you saunter past. You eye him sideways but say nothing, shifting your stance at the regulars’ raucous shouts. Not the slightest bit bothered, Leon presses, “Looks like you know your men.”
“Is that so?” you smile, knowingly. “Well, I know that folks say you’ve been ‘passing through’ a while.”
Leon chuckled. “And what do folks say about you?”
“That I know things.”
Intrigued, Leon leans forward. “And what do you know?”
You lean in as well, voice low and intimate. “I know a desperate man when I see one. What are you running from, cowboy?”
“What do you think?”
“That you’re a no-account drifter always poking your nose where it don’t belong.”
Leon chuckles, tilting his hat to adjust to the sudden shift in light. “Reckon I’ll be poking around a while longer then.”
You consider him a long moment. Strangely, Leon wishes he knew what you were thinking. “We’ll see, cowboy. We’ll see.”
Leon smiles. "And what do you suppose that means, miss?"
You chuckle drily. "I’m sure you know exactly what I mean, sir.” And with that vague answer, you turn away, step away, linger in front of him for a moment longer before sauntering away, leaving him with pink ears and flustered thoughts.
If it were anyone else, Leon would’ve been irked. But something about you is different. He doesn’t know why, in a town full of women who adore him, you’re the one to entrance him. He also doesn’t know why instead of pushing you further away, he wants to get closer, unravel your mind like tangled yarn.
So when he walks in the next week, he sits in his regular seat and raises his hand, already spotting you swaying to the music in the back. He knows you see his curled fingers first, before you zero in on his face and the corner of your mouth lifts.
"You seem to have me all figured out." Leon says as you walk past, one hand balancing the drinks on a tray. He tilts his head, studying you curiously. "You’ve done your homework, haven’t you, sweetheart?”
"I sure have,” you reply with a slow, lazy smile, leaning over the counter so only he can hear. “It might come as a shock, but I actually might be using my senses.” You lean away, completely unaware of the effect your husky voice has on him.
He blinks once, twice, before a broad grin spreads across his face. “Well…”
“I’ve got your regular?” you offer, twisting over your shoulder to check the drinks. “On the house?”
“That’s my girl,” he praises as you hand him the cool glass, somewhat back to normal. But your words linger in his mind for an indefinite amount of time. Everywhere, anywhere, whoever’s talking, he wishes it was you whispering weakly into his ear.
Especially when he comes in, as if on a schedule, the next week. His eyes are on you but his thoughts elsewhere, his senses stepping in, flashing warning signs and ringing sirens in his head.
He watches you walk past a group of men he usually sees at this particular bar, in that spot, assuming they’re regulars. What really messes with his temper is when one of them whistles appreciatively and all their eyes immediately switch from your face to a lower area.
“Pay them no mind,” you say dismissively, snapping him out of his trance. “This town has its share of fools.”
Leon pretends to glance you over before returning his stern gaze to them, recognizing one of the rowdy patrons. “Like him?”
The man catches his eye and scowls. “You got something to say, drifter?”
Leon turns back to you with a roguish smile. “Reckon it’s time I shut them fools up, what do you say?”
You sigh resignedly. “Just try not to get yourself killed.”
You perk up at the sound you already recognize as his boots shuffling across the wooden planks. You glance back down at the drink in your hands, slightly warmer than usual because he returned so late.
When he excused himself a few hours ago, you assumed he had work to take care of. He always came back, anyways, so why bother yourself with the details when you knew that if he wanted you to know, he would’ve told you.
“Well, where have you been-” You immediately stop talking at his appearance. Blood drips down the side of his face, staining the stubble he’s been steadily growing, trickling down his neck. A bruise lines his jawline, maroon and vivid against his pale skin. He staggers over to you, slumping onto a stool, an awkward lean to the right the only sign of his pain.
“Is that mine?” he rasps, reaching for the drink.
“Kennedy!” you exclaim, gesturing to his state and yanking the glass away from his outstretched hands. “What did you get into?”
“Nothin’.” But you hear the sharp inhale he takes before continuing, “Now, did you get all this ready for me?”
“Mhm,” you mumble, gripping your glass tighter, slightly concerned.
“Use your words,” he chides. And now you aren’t concerned as much.
God, he makes you feel so stupid.
“Yes,” you grit out, struggling to be heard against the bustling crowd.
“How ‘bout this?” Leon hums, not waiting for your answer. “Drinks are on me.”
You can’t help but let a smirk tug at the corner of your lips. “Yeah? Anything I want?”
“For a pretty little thing like you, yeah,” he muses, fully turning to face you. You get a better look at his soft, baby blue eyes, fluffy, sandy hair, the way the ivory lights cast shadows across the planes of his face.
“How about not getting into fights?” you joke. He arches an eyebrow as you pass him napkins. He smears the blood across his chin, right under his lips. You can’t help but stare as he tosses his head back to swallow the drink, imagining the liquid burning his throat. “Did you actually fight that guy? You know I was just jokin’ right?”
Leon rasps something you don’t hear, eyes glazed over. “This… is different. What’d you put in it this time, sugar?”
“Just somethin’ special,” you respond vaguely. “Thought you’d like it.”
“Tastes like shit,” he comments, gingerly pushing the glass away. “What, you going around assuming everyone likes what you like?”
“Last guy did,” you mumble, slightly dejected that he didn’t take well to your concoction. To be fair, you did mess up the first guy’s order, mistaking his single for a double and decided it wouldn’t bother Leon if you got him a different drink, right?
“Last guy’s taste ain’t mine,” he says simply, humming in compliance. You wonder exactly what happened on the way here, why he shows up every week without fail. “Tastes stronger than usual.”
“Can’t handle your drinks?” you jab, the corner of your mouth lifting. It’s always amusing to you when you watch a guy stumble out of the bar, so affected by something you made. It sent a feeling of power rushing to your head, like you could potentially control everyone here.
Or more specifically, the one person you wanted wrapped around your finger.
So what if you kept him coming back, glancing up at him every time he left, silently begging him to stay for one more drink? You grew up learning that if you wanted something, you had to work for it.
“I can handle anything,” he slurs, words connecting themselves to the sounds he makes, small purrs escaping his throat and going straight to your head. “It’s just… heavy…”
“Heavy?” You chuckle. “Right.”
“What’d you put in this?” he repeats.
“Just the scotch.” Leon immediately snaps up.
“You know I can’t-”
“Can’t what, Leon? Because you know what I sure can’t do?” His surprised and somewhat curious expression spurs you on. “I can’t sit here and pretend that there’s nothing between us, keep you coming back here every week and have you leave me on the other end of your string.”
You poke him square in his upper chest, digging your finger into the little dip between his collarbones. “And although all the other girls you take to bed can handle that, I sure can’t.”
“I’m… leaving you, sweetheart?” Leon chuckles dryly. “As far as I can tell, you’re the one walking away from me.”
“You walk in here and call me your pretty thing, then leave like it’s nothing!”
“My pretty thing?” The swinging lights dance across Leon's face as he turns, searching my gaze as if seeing new things.
“How much longer? This isn’t how you treat-” In the midst of your rambling, something switches in the air between you and Leon grabs the side of your face, leaning forward, eyes defiant yet demanding.
Quicker than the setting sun through hot summer dusks, he bends his head until your breath mingles, hot and sweet.
And when his lips meet yours, they taste sweeter than you expect, fuller than you see on the outside, like you’re tasting what you can’t see. At the touch of his other hand cupping your head, your doubts slip away.
He doesn’t need words to tell you what his pride had kept tied up tight before. You hear yourself make a sound of protest as he pulls away, suddenly, harshly, eyes shadowed by… regret?
“I… shouldn’t have… shit,” he seethes under his breath. Leon pushes back from the table, the legs of his stool grating against the wooden planks. His brows are knitted tight, like he’s wrestling some demon you can’t see.
You reach for him again but he flinches away, not meeting your imploring gaze. You realize it’s like looking at a stranger wearing Leon's face.
The thought wrenches your heart, so desperately, you plead, “Don’t go. Please. Stay. What do you need to say?”
“I… need to go,” he says, voice trembling. “This was wrong…”
"Don't do this," you beg, hating the tremor in your voice but powerless to still it. Weeks of yearning lead to one perfect moment, shattered before your eyes.
"I'm sorry." The words break on Leon's tongue like he doesn’t mean much to them. He backs towards the door, unraveling with every step while you watch, helpless.
Moonlight throws his anguished profile into sharp relief as you plead, "Stay. Tell me what's got your hackles up, cowboy."
But Leon only shakes his head, hands drawn tight. "You know this won’t work. Us… we can’t."
The words land like blows, stealing your breath. You stagger after him onto the porch, heart cracking down the middle at the distance in his eyes.
"You're running scared is all." Your own voice sounds small and far away. By the set of Leon's shoulders, you know this was a battle you've already lost. “You think you’re not the right one.”
“That’s it,” he says, eyes crinkling at the corner with his smile. “Atta girl.”
“Why?” you insist. “If the shit between us is mutual-”
“Because you’ve got your whole life in front of you, girl!” he says, exasperatedly. “I’ll just fuck everything up for you.”
“No buts,” he cuts you off, voice final. But you can hear how it hurts him too. “I’m not heartless. I’ve got a conscience, and as much as it eats away at me, I won’t let it have this one too.” His dull eyes find yours. “I won’t let it have you, too.”
He pauses at the top of the stairs, silhouetted against the inky sky. When he turns, there’s no trace of warmth left in his smile. "Take care of yourself, sweet girl."
Then he’s gone, swallowed up by the dark. You sink onto the creaking steps, tasting tears and the agony of loss, the stars uncaring as they sparkle down at you.
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zephyr-bazaar · 1 month
hello!! i hope ur having a nice day!!
i'm willow and i just started playing harvest moon! you seem to be really well-informed about harvest moon, so i hope it'd be okay if i asked you for some advice? :O if not, feel free to ignore this! (also, i emulate my games, so if you're uncomfortable with emulation i completely understand ^^)
i'd like to ask what ur favourite nds harvest moon is! yesterday i started playing tale of two towns and i've been seriously enjoying it haha. i'm now a little bit bored though (i've been playing it for the entire day now 😵‍💫) so i thought maybe i should try the other games, but there are just so many i'm not sure which i should try! the sad thing is that i'm only able to emulate nds games (3ds ones are definitely out sadly, and i tried to emulate the wii and gamecube ones but they didn't work unfortunatelyy) so i won't be able to enjoy trio of towns and more 😔
i really like the social aspect of the game (even though i haven't been able to get married to any of the bachelors ahaha) but i like the farming aspect too! do you have any game in mind? (or just your favourite one!) thank you so much! im so sorry if it's rude of me to suddenly ask you this. i hope you have a great week ahead!! 😊
(folds my hands together and leans in) you have come to the right place.
I actually was having a replay of ToTT before Mistria came out! It wasn’t one I was fond of, so getting a new perspective on it and finding things to like was nice, even if I do agree it’s on the boring side. (Side note Gombe is the best character in the entire series and I wish he moved in with you too if you marry Nori/Nana.)
As for my favorite DS game, well, (gestures to my username). Grand Bazaar is one of my favorites. It’s actually the first game Dirk was from and his older brother is my favorite bachelor in the series!! (I also think Dirk’s ToTT version is a LOT better if you’ve played GB; it’s very nice to see his character development between the games if you see any of his GB heart events.)
A lot of the mechanics are more on the simple side (Iirc it was meant to be a beginner’s game), and since you’ve played ToTT you’re familiar with the hell that is the freshness system. (GB and ToTT are the only games with it; in every other game things never go bad. One of those experimental things that didn’t stick, which the DS games had a LOT of.) GB also has a mechanic where if you step on your crops too much their quality will go down, but as long as you switch from running to walking while watering them for the day, you should be good!!
The biggest mechanic change, and the one the game is based around, is in the name itself; the bazaar! You don’t have shipping bins in this game, and instead you sell everything at a weekly bazaar on Saturday! You run a stand with all your items set up, and ring a bell to attract customers. Generally if you’re focused and stay for a while, you’ll sell all your stuff. (The game’s goal is to earn enough at bazaars that you’ll be able to have it keep growing and become more famous, which also helps a LOT in the selling regard as you’ll get more customers the higher your rank is.) I tend to save all my stuff for the end of the season and sell all of my crops at once.
This is also where you’ll be able to buy everything; while Raul runs the general store in town, Enrique sells animals at the bazaar, for example. As it grows you’ll even have stands with characters from Island of Happiness and Sunshine Islands setting up shop!!
It’s also MUCH easier to unlock makers than every other game in the series with them, including the games before it. The other gimmick is town has 3 Windmills, all of which are unlocked automatically in your first year. I’m not quiiiiiite sure how they work on emu because they involve blowing to speed up production time, but doing a quick search for people playing Professor Layton and Ace Attorney on Reddit says it’s doable to configure, it just depends on what emu you’re using.
I’m not toooo familiar with animals because I never keep any (seeing this in the first game in the series I ever played when I was 11 traumatized the FUCK out of me and now it stresses me out to have them in any of the games that aren’t AWL LMAO.) But looking it up it seems to be standard fare, with the barn actually attached to your house to make it easier to reach them. You can’t sell your animals unlike other games, but besides that they’re functionally the same but with much easier access in the morning.
I also ADORE the cast so, SO much. Like I said, my favorite bachelor in the series is in this game. The entire cast is very colorful and charming. Both the art style and designs are, overwhelmingly, the biggest influence on my (chibi) art and overall character designs- which says a LOT about the series that made me start drawing as a child in the first place. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I don’t have a number one favorite mayor in the series, but a tie between 3. You better believe Felix is one of them. He’s SO good. Especially when ToTT Rutger if you chose Bluebell is very generic as far as bokumono mayors go. (Luv Ina/Irusa though)
Also it introduced tea leaves to the series which was the most goated thing to ever happen. Tea leaves are the best crop. I love tea leaves.
TLDR Please play Grand Bazaar I love Grand Bazaar.
(I also hope you can get other emus to work! All 3 of the 3DS games are the best in the series, Imo, and the Wii games are classics. If you have Steam you can also get Friends of Mineral Town (the best starter game imo), and A Wonderful Life (it’s a black sheep in the series but a VERY VERY beloved black sheep and the original GameCube version was a LOT of people’s first game.) I’m olivetownhater199x though)
I hope you have a nice week as well!! :) I have job interviews tomorrow and Tuesday so fingers crossed 🤞🏻
EDIT OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO SAY THIS. If you have trouble starting out Fogu’s Guides for the series are a godsend!! I still use them every time I play. (Even if she does also cover the bargain bin harvest moon games. Every game titled Harvest Moon from The Lost Valley onwards isn’t actually a part of the Bokujou Monogatari series, but rather games by the original localizers profiting off brand name when Marvelous switched to in house for translation.)
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lilredghost · 1 year
babyyyy!!! im so sorry i am late, college started so i had to shift to the hostels and its so hectic but also so fun here(its so much like the colleges u see in movies like soty i didnt expect this college to be like that im so glad im here) and there was some issue with the wifi in my room so no ao3 for 3 weeks </3
i am in in LOVE with all the times obikin kiss, its so so soft and sweet, obi's trusting anakin with himself its so cute!!!!!!!
(As much as he loves the scruffing, it’s not exactly conducive to Obi-Wan having a discussion.)
(Or thinking at all, really.)
oh my god me too pls i cant think after reading this u will be the sole reason im not studying before my math quiz
His hope is to extend that feeling to other parts of his life, someday, but for now Obi-Wan will stick to brushing and braiding his husband’s hair with all the care he can muster.
oh he is so oblivious oh god oh please tell me they both know the other person loves them before they separate pls
(And this, Obi-Wan has done before.)
(He is, perhaps, an expert in doing things quietly.)
sjdvhvjkdv pls pls red stop killing me im dying over here
(Anakin would deserve it too, is the thing. He'd deserve whatever he asked for.)
baby pls send him to therapy pls i love him but he is unwell™
But the day has been long and fraught, and he would like to believe that he can be happy too.
maybe anakin is the therapy, mandatory sessions for the both of them??? i'll tie them up back to back in a room until they talk
in public interest i would like you to know that u have officially ruined my plans for studying today as this fic will be bouncing around in my head on a pogo stick. i want to distill this fic and use it as an iv
Baby!! I'm glad you're having fun at college and not, like, a giant crisis 🙌 but no ao3 for 3 weeks sounds like hell 😭😭 My sister's wedding was just this last week (and you know big Indian weddings-- I'm exhausted) AND I resume college next week so it's pretty chaotic over here too.
So happy you liked this chapter 🥰🥰 I wanted to get through my whole outline of events instead of cutting the chapter in half (but also it took so long that maybe I should have cut it, lol). Obikin kissed so much that I'm amazed they got anything else done honestly!!
Obi-Wan is sooo brave for taking these leaps of faith, I love him so much. He makes a resolution in the next chapter (though it will be a bit hard for him to act on):
The most important thing is this: Anakin still doesn’t know what he is. The second is this: He cannot be allowed to find out, or Obi-Wan will lose him. Anakin may have married him for reasons Obi-Wan will never know, but being an alpha is surely a nonnegotiable part of that. Unless… Unless Anakin loved him. If Anakin, perhaps, were in love with him, the way Obi-Wan is in love with Anakin, then perhaps he could tell the truth. Perhaps he could be held and kissed and accepted in his entirety, as though he weren’t a failure of an alpha, a failure of an omega—
Baby hasn't even figured out that Anakin is already in love with him, or that Anakin doesn't give a shit that he's not an alpha. It's just so hard for him to detach his designation from his sense of self worth 🥺😔
And yes I made Anakin taste like cinnamon!! I only decided that an omega's slick tastes (mostly) the way their arousal smells like halfway through, so I'm SO GLAD that I gave him a good scent and not like. Something weird, idk. Some things smell good but I do not want them in my mouth. Also I'm not sure if you remember this post but it sure does lend a whole extra layer of meaning to it 😂
The scruffing I'm so absolutely obsessed with and idk why! Obi-Wan's emotions have been so out of control in these last few chapters, and it's such a sweet way for Anakin to lend him comfort, while also being hot as fuck in the right circumstances. I need him to pavlov Obi-Wan into getting horny when he scruffs him.
(Also please study for your math quiz baby, the sex will be there to reread when you finish 🙌)
Isn't he so fucking stupid?!! Anakin will tell him he loves him but I'm not sure yet how much he'll believe it (the outline gets pretty loose post-Tatooine rn).
(And this, Obi-Wan has done before.) (He is, perhaps, an expert in doing things quietly.)
OK this was literally like one of my favourite lines in this whole chapter ❤️❤️ It's so indicative of Obi-Wan's character and also the absolute root of their relationship problems. Obi-Wan is holding himself back from telling the truth, from telling Anakin he loves him, from biting him, all while Anakin is doing the same, because neither of them wants to scare the other away. (It also just hasn't occurred to Anakin that he hasn't said he loves Obi-Wan yet. He's so focused on holding himself back physically that he forgets about the words.)
Obi-Wan needs therapy soooo badly, poor thing. I love him but he is definitely unwell™. I don't want to say he's blowing things out of proportion (these feelings are obviously real and he's struggling with them a lot), but they are absolutely a byproduct of the way he keeps spiralling. He'll be feeling sky high one minute and then he'll crash to the ground again in the next. Some of this is his depression but also his hormones are out of wack because his supressants are failing!! 😬
I've been trying not to fall into that rut of "romantic partner cures depression magically" by having Obi-Wan slowly, like, rebuild his support system (Feemor and his friends), find an identity outside of being an alpha and being emperor (like that same thing from earlier about detaching his sense of self-worth from his designation and his job), indulging/discovering hobbies and interests (anthropology, embroidery, time with his friends), and showing vulnerability to others (Anakin is a big one here, but Karishma was an important milestone too).
On one hand I understand it's imporant to study but on the other hand !!! This fic also bounces around my head on a pogo stick 🤭🤭 I always love to see which things you noticed and which things you liked because it gives me so much motivation to keep writing, thank you!!! 🤗💕💕
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
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MERMIE MERMIE HI!!! Omg hi howdy happy February I’ve MISSED YOU 😭 I hope February has been so sweet to you and if not I’ll go beat it up!! So I got sucked into the beautiful hell hole that is the last of us and now I’m making a full post apocalyptic animal crossing island, the pic is just a super quick pick I got of it and I cannot WAIT for the day you get to run around it and laugh as I try to swat at you with a bug net 🥹
Also your new icon is absolutely precious and *all might voice* I am here!!! To add to the deku talk of course! And since I’m on that post apocalypse vibe mindset I wanted to say that Deku would without a doubt decimate a corrupt military officer with his bare hands or even a zombie and not get bit once but also cries/whines when you say you’re going to do some foraging on your own and HAS to stay by yourself at all times even though he knows you’re pretty good with a bow and arrow because he just wants to hear you talk about the different plants and fungi you’re looking for and I think that’s the true duality of man ™️
I hope you are doing well!! How’s your week been going!? If I could I’d send you some sweet treats I got from Disneyland (we went for my momma’s birthday!!) and as always I’m sending you so much love and sweet thoughts and am beyond proud of you!!! 💌🦋💕✨
THE LAST OF US. 🥺 i wanna visit your island and run around the apocalypse vibes!!! ur lil avatar is such a survivor lmaooo. you need to come visit mine too!!! nothing’s changed very much tho, i moved the able sisters and excavated out near the secret beach but most of the time i just run around and play the pan flute to my flowers and the gyroid thingies.
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lemme know when you wanna play and have some time. 👀 my week’s been okay!!! not as good as going to disneyland tho 👀 how fun!!! i hope your mum had a wonderful birthday, though i’m sure she did with you and the family there, Keds 🥺💕 what sweets did you get??? eat them vicariously for me lmaooooo.
but omg, okay, circling back to TLOU and Deku in the apocalypse—sdlkfjsdlkfhjlsjhHVSFJKHFSJFHLKkjsdflkhjsdjflhjlsdfjlsdjf im convinced he’d put you and your party in danger by like, wanting to help every stray that crossed his path. 😔 though he would have a good danger sense… but ur soooo right about him getting suspiciously wet-eyed whenever you’re even slightly bruised!!! mouth trembling as he helps wrap up a sprained ankle or something, ugh. ridiculous man!!! but i think he would’ve (well, you all would’ve) seen and experienced so much loss that he just can’t face another big blow. 🥺 big dumb BABY!!!
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bbael · 5 months
hiii 🖤 i missed u,,, I’ve wanted pop by and say hello for so long now and always think of you <3 but i have been generally dead to the world for a little while now sdjsdjsdj im fine tho !! but life has just been beating my ass fr these last couple months 💀
anywho !! here i am using my last ounce of energy to lovingly scribe you a message, written in my own fair blood of course, on an ancient parchment,,, but the little bat i paid (in beetles) to deliver you my letter got lost; so im forced to type my message to u here instead, which will have to do 🙄 (sillyness)
but how have u been dearie!! i myself have not been up to much during my expiring, but the sun has started to come out again, and the bluebells where i live have started to bloom, and my pet doggy is loving to sunbathe, so those things are good. i saw a concert too the other month and have another booked for next year ! and am contemplating booking einstürzende neubaten for later this year, but i genuinely have nobody to go with that could stand it 😭
as always and forever, love u lots, and hope you have been well,, i feel so bad for not messaging for so long now, but please know i have thought of you every day 🖤 sending many of hugs, & till later my dear !! 🖤
Hiii oh my god, getting this ask a couple weeks(?) ago was such a relief hon because I was starting to think you were actually dead, like not even kidding I was concerned 😭 so good to hear that at the very least u lived and are well enough to make it to here my humble ask box.....
Literally praying for the bat bc girl is he okay :((
But I'm glad over your side of the world things are getting warmer, I yearn for the sun as much as your doggy might tbh :(. (Puppy sunbathing is such a wonderful visual too omg...)
Hope you're spending lots of time outside and making the most of it! Here's cooling down pretty fast and I'm shivering 24/7, I hate it and hate being bundled up in 500 layers >_<.
I can't believe you have the chance to see EN this year omg... I would so go with you 🥹🖤 ur hanging out with the wrong ppl hon..... I hope u can still go though, live my dream please~
& how are you now?? You still half-dead and busy or already doing better? 🥺 I need more updates, felt like forever truly..
My life has not been super exciting either....
Idk if i got to tell you about my latest development which was that a while ago I started working as a prof, finally. Had it coming for years but felt so damn unprepared.... it's been embarrassingly easy though, I'm very happy with how things turned out and just getting 2 hours here, 1 hour there at different schools for very short term periods while I keep my half-time on the place I was already working at 🥹 sounds busy as hell but it might be the most free time I've had in years lol.
I'm sorry if I already told you that btw, can't remember at all and I must sound like a broken record if I did ahhh
I'll also be moving couple provinces away soon which is,,, amazing...unbelievable even! But I'll update on that as it happens bc I really am too anxious to even think bout it atm lmao
Anyhow,, I really really I'm so unbelievable glad to read from you my dear 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 you have no idea,, I was sending my little moths to find you 😔💔🥀 holding u in my arms tightly so I don't lose sight of u as easily omg.
Really hoping things are well over there and that you are having a much easier time now ;w; sending literally all my love like leaving none for nobody else, mwah 🫀
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devintrinidad · 1 year
Heeeeyyyyyy!! Im really sorry for the late reply, I was busy for the past week!!
I got around to starting CAW manga!! it is *really* good. I personally prefer it to the anime!! I had to read it from the start bc I forgot almost everything about the plot and now that I have read it back to back, I am surprised by how connected it is! I thought the chapters would be unrelated to each other and instead focusing on the educational aspect of the show, but it is surprisingly very well paced! (I haven't finished it yet though)
I really didn't expect him to look like a shoujo love interest this is so funny
He takes off his mask and it's the most gorgeous guy you have ever seen.
I ALSO read the first part of the abnormalities series!!!
GOOD GOD GOODNESS GRACIOUS. 3803 my POOR GIRL. Her insurance better cover the much needed therapy sessions
I *really* liked the parallels with her and cancer being abnormal. I never thought of it that way.....
The part in me who usually doesn't care about shows plots and just wants everyone to be friends wishes there could be a timeline where cancer is their *harmless* friend, but alas.
+ NK looks SOO adorable, Macrophage is as gorgeous as well. I really love it when girls look up to other girls 😔🙏
Thanks for the good read and hope u have a great day!! :DDD
No need to apologize! Heheh, we all have our lives to live, I'm just happy that you're okay! :D
Anyway, nice! I loved the manga when I first read it in 2018! It was really great and I love the little tidbits about actual cell biology and science! And yeah, the arcs sort of move into each other seamlessly, often bringing characters from the past into the present arc (depending on what pathogen/teratogen is in the body).
Yeah! He's their senpai! He's adorable and I wish he didn't have to cover himself up all the time, but he was just so adorable as a younger basophil, hahah! Even then he was still very msyterious!
Oh my gosh! You're reading it? Yooooooo! It's been a while, I hope you aren't too traumatized! :D
One of the main reasons why I made Abnormalities was because of the parallels I noticed and how I perceived their interactions would go. I'm glad that you were hooked on it!
And yes, I am that evil! I remember having so much writing that chapter, I wanted to break AE-3803 while simultaneously making sure that Cancer was a menace both physically and psychologically.
Timeline where Cancer is their friend… Well, there is the rest of the Abnormalities series… The series is an overarching plot where AE-3803, U-1146, and Cancer confront their persnoal demons, weaknesses, and what it's like to have their roles predetermined in the body. I wouldn't say true redemption is in the cards for Cancer, but AE-3803 eventually talk it out.
More love for the CAW girls!
Thank you so much for the kind words and you are very much welcome! I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
hi my love i’ve been a bit depressed and shit so my apologies for not coming on here as often but i do miss talking to u bae <33 i read the request i made and it made me soft again :((( just know that i go back to that fic often when i’m feeling down bc your writing is just out of this world !!!! how are you though? anything new? traveling? i hope you’re doing good :) i feel like im writing you a letter jijij i’ve always wanted a pen pal bc i think it’s so cool anyways i’ll come back later in the day bc im going to do instacart (like doordash or uber eats but for groceries!) bc i luv money (i’m a capricorn jejeje) ily -🌙
BABES 🫶💕🫂 you’re okay my love, i’m glad you’ve decided to stop by again, it always makes me happy
ahh i miss talking to you too <3 🫂 thank you so much 😭 really it means the world to me that you liked it enough to go back again you’ll make me giggle a little or whatever
i’m okay, still alive just doing my thing i guess. i don’t think much has happened, i finally packed up my bedroom to be shipped home ☹️ and i’m kinda sad because nearly all of my plushies are in boxes and my bed feels so empty and my room is dead as hell now because it basically just has my clothes. uhh i went to an astronomy museum yesterday, i baked scones for my mum, and i finished the first part of my fic. i think that’s basically everything.. i just stay home most days while my parents work but i’m gonna go out for dinner next week with a friend
no traveling yet, im back in shanghai until june probably and then im gonna go back to the uk and then i start uni, im gonna rip my hair out but it’s okay 😔✊ i really think i’ll be fine once school start but i have from june to september to rot in my decrepit lil hometown before then
other than that i’m arguably good, i hope you’re doing better too 💕
NO BECAUSE when i was younger i always wanted a pen pal but people online scared the shit out of me so i just fantasized about what it would be like to have a pen pal. i honestly think it’s really cool. kinda off topic but i saw a video one time where you can be pen pals with guys in prisons, idk what you’d talk about but i guess that’s a cute like thing for the people locked up
GDHAJAJ okie, make sure to be safe!! <3 MWAH ily 🫶🫡
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seoafin · 3 years
in chp 58, there’s this subtletly of gojo’s insecurity,, which is kind of obvious when u rly squint lol but again,, this is another mistranslation 😐 (1)
a panel of gojou training megumi which goes :
m: well beggars cant be choosers
g : is it that annoying? to ask me?
what gojou is actually asking in the panel is 「そんなに嫌?僕に頼るの?」- "is it that bad to rely on me?" ,, the raw specifically used tayoru “頼る” 🥴
i think the whole point of 'fostering the next generation of strong jujutsu sorcerers' stems from this insecurity or rather his inner (and very well hidden) knowledge that he isn't invincible and he can't be relied on indefinitely
that's what bothers me about the fanon’s misconception that gojou has a 'god complex' the idea that gojou is the superior shaman doesn't come from him but from everyone else in his world,, it's a burden that was placed on him he's just trying to deal with it
but sometimes ur disinterest or indifference doesn't make u a better, bigger person ,,, gojou isn't necessarily a better person than geto just bc he didn't stray off the path. his indifference speaks volumes,, but yes he’s trying ig
but does this stop me from clowning this mf ? NO
jjk translation team 😭😭,, i rly dont even want to know what goes on behind the scene anymore,,,
I WAS SO HAPPY THAT JGKRK ACTUALLY HAVE A DECENT TRANSLATOR , i picked the series up like a week after i first caught up with jjk and was side eyeing it like “pls dont tell me its like jjk’s m.tl” after reading the EN tl b4 trying to re read with jp raws
the problem with translated things is that,, u have no idea if ur actually reading the manga/ manhuas/ webnovels/ etc or if ur reading what the translator interpreted with their personal bias
yes, morally grey/ ambiguos characters are so sexc to read but,, i dont even want to know if i have crossed path with those kind of ppl irl, in this life or the next one (i did twice actually, and hope that there wont be a third time💀) ,, getting into convos where it leads into someone questioning humans’ rights (to live) get my gears running on how to ghost them right away like HUHH IKFYL, HOW DO U ARRIVE TO SUCH CONCLUSIONS,,, im both fascinated and wary of human’s thought process
on an unrelated note,, YES!!! VNC IS GETTING ANIMATED AND BLUE PERIOD TOO ,, im not going to start with pandora hearts 🥴
also if ur going to start tog, i think it will be better once it’s out of hiatus (it’s almost been a year now) 😔 the story is actually getting real good,, this is one of the series i cant even talk abt bc it will be very biased ,, I JUST RLY LOVE HOW THE FEMALE CHARACTERS ARE WRITTEN , STRONG WOMEN GO BRRR
all of them are empowering but it doesn't mean that these women shld lose the sense of femininity (there’s more than enough series i went thru where the author turned the powerful women into sth akin with “not-like-the-other-girls” and reeks of sth,, finding out SIU (tog’s creator) is a man was so surprising like am i actually seeing this right?)
,, the story line is one hell of a slowburn but everyone is connected even the npc-ish turns out to have their hand dipped in the bigger picture not to mention the lore - 🐱 (2)
forgot to add this but i’m curious if part of megumi’s exasperation towards gojou is bc he cant be fit into the “black or white” box since gojou’s a gray character lol (3) - 🐱
yes!! i saw that translation mistake! I don’t know how they translated that into “do you hate me that much?” HATE RELYING!! ugh
i think one of gojo’s biggest flaws is that even though he knows and acknowledges that he needs strong comrades, he will always fall back on doing things solo because he’s the strongest, and that’s just the way that it’s been for so long. that is not the definition of a god complex at all lol
I’m planning on reading blue period. I’ve heard really really good things about it so im excited, especially since i finished jigokuraku yesterday. LOVED THE ENDING.
i haven’t read tog in so long!! i think I was in the part where rachel betrayed baam or smt I don’t even remember it’s been like 5 years so I can’t comment on how SIU writes women bc I’m p sure back then I was still struggling with my own occasional instances of internalized misogyny LMAO 😭 
everyone in jjk degree is gray to a degree, which I think is one of my favorite things about it. I can’t wait for this week’s chapter and what lord tengen is going to tell them....I need more information on gojo’s family/everything !!!
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