#id survive that maybe. 10 times
castielsprostate · 1 year
bestie i am so sorry. it is 24° here and cloudy...
😔😩😭 today AND tomorrow are 32c (tomorrow with clouds though) 😭😭😭😭 i can't tell my tears and my sweat apart
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autisticlee · 4 months
sometimes I think about how when I went to college for a year before I dropped out (basically failed out,) the counselors/dean told me they can't help me at all or give any accommodations unless I have an official autism/adhd diagnosis. that might sound logical at first, but when you think about it more, it's actually quite fucked up. if someone is struggling really bad, what's the harm in helping them? why do they require a paper to get even the smallest amount of help? people who don't need help aren't going to be failing miserably without help! even NTs could benefit from some adjustments to the horrible school system! (but changing the entire system is a whole other conversation that the school system isnt ready for)
but even if you do agree to jump through their hoops, you realize it's even more fucked up that the diagnosis process requires YEARS in most cases (in my case it took 4 or 5 years, can't recall exactly now, for autism/adhd diagnosis, which would have meant i finished school before getting it if i managed to mot fail out, or i wait that long before going back, which is a whole struggle itself) and they also tried billing me for THOUSANDS of dollars because of insurance issues!!
so you put a ton of time and money into this, and then get told the only accommodation they are willing to give you for autism and adhd is "a little extra time on tests"
my test scores were the best part of my whole class experience. that was NOT what I struggled with!!!!! those tests were all online and could be done in the comfort of your home where you can accommodate yourself and have plenty of time left over when you finish them because you are comfy in your own space, (and also, no one was stopping you from having your notes/books/google open to find the answers,) and you don't even need a time consuming, expensive diagnosis for that!
#mind you this was over 10 years ago now. it *could* have gotten better but id be extremely shocked if it has#autistic#autism#actually autistic#adhd#neurodivergent#audhd#school#school problems#yes i know theres rules or maybe even laws for this and its why they are like this but its bad and should change#if they offered smaller classes with less sensory overloading bullshit and other things i needed it would be great!#but they refuse to accommodate your actual needs and make up useless accommodations to legally say they help disabilities#ND people (not just audhd) and other disabled people that graduate with no useful accommodations are so strong and cool. proud of you!#ones who had to drop you youre also cool for not dealing with their bullshit snd allowing yourself to not suffer for a sheet of paper!#(though i know it can feel bad when everyone around you makes you feel bad for needed to drop out or failing out and not going back)#i completely stopped going to my psychology class because i started a week late due to scheduling issues and#suddenly we are told theres a paper due in 3 days and need to hse the textbook i didnt have yet as the source for it all#and it was in the syllabus i didnt get because i was a week late and didnt know we got one. the professor didnt notice me out of#the 100 other students in that large lecture hall. that room was also a sensory nightmare hellscape#too many students made things noisy and distracting. multiple fluorescent lights were flickering constantly and never fixed#the professor used a mic to speak to us and it had a constant horrible loud buzzing. it did that loud mic screech noise randomly#without warning. all the time. the quality of the sound was horrible so it was hard to understand her. on top of that she had a very thick#accent i wasnt familiar with so that on top of the horrible buzzing mkc quality that also cut her out constantly was auditory processing#disorder HELL. I dont know how ANYONE survived thst class but i seemed to be the only one struggling. everyone else turned in their papers#and i gave up and stopped going. was too late to drop the class to get my money back so i wasted probably a few thousand dollars#and THATS what i mean by give me reasonable and useful accommodation. test time would NOT make that class better at all#fix the mic and light issues at least or give me a smaller class with more attentive professor or something!#offer smaller classes for struggling disabled people! if the issue is not knowing who needs them then offer a switch to those struggling!#i got called onto a dean/counselor meeting because a professor noticed my horrible grades and stuff so its possible to catch us and help!#THESE SCHOOLS JUST NEED TO START BEING WILLING TO. dont make us do all the work to accommodate ourselves and expect to do well in school!
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dexaroth · 8 months
first its 'lets go to a nutritionist, losing weight would help you move around better!' which apparently did help but I personally can't notice and now it's 'you're looking a little bit too thin -_- lets go back to eating smiley fries and chicken nuggets like we did when I was like 7. if you truly care. 😑
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
its actually nuts how missing a single vaccination has shaped my entire fucking life. like not only would I not be deaf if I had gotten it on time but I probs wouldn't have adhd either 🫣
#like yeah I have a family history of adhd but im pretty sure the current model suggests u can be genetically *predisposed* but the actual-#development of adhd is thought to be closely linked to environmental 'triggers' like childhood stress or head injuries lol#or in my case brain trauma. fun fact: a suspected 62% of kids who survive hib meningitis later develop adhd symptoms#vs. 5% incidence in the general population.....#when I first heard that I was still in denial bc i thought of adhd as a 'natural' condition like ur just born that way#so if meningitis survivors displayed symptoms that didnt mean they were ACTUALLY adhd. except literally all adhd is-#is a collection of symptoms its not some tangible 'switch' thats flipped in some ppl and not others. maybe thats a rly obvious statement-#but I found it kinda hard to get my head around. i guess just bc of how a lot of psychology is viewed by the public innit#anyway being deaf + nd kinda fucking sucks yall better be jabbing ur babies with every vaccination possible or im coming for ur knees#its funny bc it sounds like im saying watch out !! vaccination may PREVENT neurodivergence NOT cause it !!#*andrew wakefield voice* u wouldnt want a child with autism#but thats not what i meaaaannn obvs ur kid not getting xyz disease that could kill them is the number 1 most important thing#its so cringe actually bc hib b incidence has been down to abt 2 in every 100 000 babies since the vax was introduced in 1985#so I was one of like. probably less than 10 babies to get it in the fucking country and they misdiagnosed me a bunch of times#bc it was so uncommon + I had some rarer symptoms plus the only way to actually CHECK is to test spinal fluid which is a faff#if theyd realised earlier then i also wouldnt be deaf bc it wouldnt have been as severe. just a series of unfortunate events i guess#anyway. immunology is so fascinating i wish id focused on it more in my degree tbh#over and OUT#.diaries
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robboyblunder · 19 days
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Remember how I said I couldn't stop thinking about Ghouls? yeah LOL. Anyways, I finally finished my "Ghoul Guide" which is a comic featuring made up lore about summoning nameless ghouls as well as things about them and their roles!
this by no means is comprehensive of everything I've made up for them, but I'm testing the waters with this comic! if it gets enough love I'll make an additional comic about ghoul origins, element types, and maybe even design non-assigned ghoul outfits for each era costume hehe.
ID in ALT text! transcript for comic text under the cut!
Transcript is numbered for each page the text is for!
A rite of passage for becoming “Papa”, It starts with a will and your judgement
A specialized chamber is necessary, 1) to avoid interference 2) to prevent escape.
After all; feral ghouls are raw elements, And to survive, one must tame them.
Each element has a diversity of strengths and rarity / and the first ghoul summoned sets precedent for how a leader is perceived.
Additionally, the first is the personal servant and an important assistant for life; Often times assistance is needed for future summoning, but a limit of 2 maintains respect to show you’re still capable.
However, they must accept you- you must earn their respect, and they only choose if willing. And they are not always willing.
One must be prepared to face Hell itself. To prove one is worthy to take the stage, controlling the devil’s magic is key.
It’s important to roll the dice and summon a variety, but one may only tame as many as the power of their sin allows, which, naturally, varies.
And while they’re loyal as determined by one’s rank… / Remember: The ministry comes first.
Ghoul records broken by copia.
Record: Most ghouls summoned at one time: 8 (10 including past members), Record: Most obedient first summon (for an amateur).
Record: Most powerful summons (2 S-Class ghouls); All consuming Hell Fire (AKA: “Sodo” or “Dew”); Hurricane From Hades (AKA: “Cumulus”); Record: Most elemental offshoots summoned (3). Offshoots of (then lists the symbols for quintessence and fire).
ghoul roles.
Assistance, Fighting.
Personal Guard, And of course: Performing.
end transcript.
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birdofmay · 2 months
In that vein... (No, the following is not about autism or ADHD)
TL;DR: Using medical terms as insults or otherwise misusing medical terms (even as a joke) leads to uninformed people thinking they have to stop saying these words and creating new words. Either because they think the old term isn't precise enough anymore or because they incorrectly think that we're insulted by the old word.
The constant appearance of new words is confusing to people who struggle to learn new words. It excludes them from participating in discussions about their own condition.
We have to be more sensitive regarding possible repercussions and stop unnecessary discourse by uninformed people.
In Germany, the official word for my disability ID card category and the assessment is "Hirnschädigung", which literally translates to brain damage/damaged brain. And that's a neutral description, nothing outdated.
But many many people have been asking if someone has brain damage whenever they wanted to insult someone who is either slow on the uptake or who just made a very strange or silly suggestion, for example. They used it as an insult all the time, sometimes jokingly, sometimes not.
This is why now a lot of people ask "Uh, can we still say that in the 21st century? Shouldn't we change "brain damage" to something nicer? Isn't that word insulting?" when actually no, it isn't. (Of course you still shouldn't use that term if someone directly tells you they don't want to be called that)
It's the same with "disabled". People used and still use "disabled" and "dumb" synonymously in Germany. So now, well-meaning politicians and even advocates create all kinds of euphemisms because they think that disabled people will be offended by the word "disabled". Because some people use it as an insult.
When I say I'm disabled in German ("behindert"), people flinch. They think I just insulted myself. But no, "behindert" is a normal medical word, it's in the name of our disability ID card. Even more, the literal translation is "severely disabled person's pass", there's a "severe" accompanying the word "disabled". They flinch even more when I say I'm severely disabled.
"Disorder" has a negative connotation because it's been used as an insult. "Disabled" has a negative connotation because it's been used as an insult. People mixed up schizophrenia and DID and now many think that "feeling schizophrenic" is a sophisticated way to say that you feel conflicted.
The pattern is always the same: People use normal medical words either as insults or in an unrelated, non-medical way, and as a result well-meaning but uninformed advocates create "nicer" sounding words because they think the original word is either outdated or offensive. Or they think "Now that everyone misuses it, we need a new word for the medical term so that there are no misunderstandings."
In both cases, "our" words were successfully co-opted and we have to learn 10 new words to know that people talk about our conditions.
Unfortunately, not everyone sees 10 new words for their condition and intuitively picks up the meaning and knows what everyone's talking about. Sometimes words are hard. Sometimes it's hard to learn all these words and then be told by some uninformed activist that we shouldn't call ourselves what we've always called ourselves.
And what kind of people sometimes struggle with learning new words? People with cognitive impairments. People with brain damage. People who had a stroke. People who survived a ruptured aneurysm.
If you hear "Please stop saying you have a stroke or an aneurysm", etc., did it ever occur to you that maybe it's not because we're offended, but because we don't want these words to get negative connotations? Whenever something gets a negative connotation, there's a possibility for it to be seen as a slur and that would lead to 10 new words to learn because uninformed activists think the original term is offensive or not precise enough.
When I say "Hey, please stop saying you have a stroke when you don't understand something", I'm not offended and I'm not saying it's ableist. I've just noticed enough patterns to be quite sure that at some point there'll be an uninformed well-meaning advocate who suggests a new word for stroke survivors because they think the old word isn't precise enough anymore.
And I don't know if there are enough stroke survivors on social media who could stop this new word and mindset from reaching other uninformed advocate spaces...
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 6 months
Francis mosses x fem! reader
thick as blood
sweet as milk
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"god i am down bad" you groaned getting up getting into the shower, it was.....nasty, the grout and limescale made a public bathroom seem more hygienic
but you didn't have time to think about it so you cleaned up and got out trying your best to not touch a thing, you looked over the makeup guidelines for your uniform, it had to be exact in order for the agents that came in to not suspect you. matching foundation no eyeshadow, black mascara and complimentary blush with matching lip stick
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you looked in the mirror one last time before rushing out.
7 am sharp you sat at your desk watching Francis be the first heading out the door giving a small wave to you, your heart fluttered waving back. a few more residents left leaving you with a bit too much free time. most of them wouldn't come back till lunch and as stupid as dopples are for them to appear now is suicide, you look around and see a letter at your desk so you open it
dear agent 591138 it has come to my attention that no one has filled you in on your working conditions fully so I am here to do it for you. your working hours are 7am to 10 pm every full week then you will get the following work week off, we understand this is rather confusing but just know your best interest is our priority (among other things) this gives you time for recreational activities and self mental care. you do know how everything in the office works but we did just throw a gun to you like a baby. your DDD issued pistol has DDD issued bullets so we can verify the killing of the dopples or in serious cases murder of innocent civilians. an agent will contact you intermittently to check your mental health. best regards , agent 907811
what a letter. did they call you a baby with a gun? your 25.
you decided to open the filing cabinet under your desk to place the letter just to find it riddled with boxes of said bullets. you place it over them and close it staring straight into your reflection of the glass "ok lets just breath and get through it" you assured yourself before reaching into your bag for a bagel and milk, odd combination yes but its what you had in your icebox. you started to worry about your food supplies through the week from what you remember you had bread some fruit jam and POSSIBLY not rotten eggs to hold you over but you knew for a fact a grown person was not going to survive on jelly sandwiches. you looked to the phone wanting to call a cousin that lived nearby to get you some things but you decided against it for now, maybe at the end of your shift you could leave them a message with the operator. soon the middle of the day came and Nacha came in with her daughter looking rather feverish "hi so sorry we had to come back in early she's coming down with something" Nacha slid both their papers and ids through the slot holding her baby close, you looked over the info and all was in order. you even studied them and before opening the door "maybe a doctor would help more?" you asked not wanting to sound mean " oh we went to the pharmacy right before coming here, they said its probably something the kids are passing around" nacha responded happily, this woman was really upbeat it almost scares you " oh good, get better kiddo" her daughter coughed a quiet "whatever" before her mom chastised her passing the now opened door.
you looked to their papers, specifically Anastacha's.... then your stomach dropped. her eyes. her stand offish demeanor yesterday and today, you had a sinking feeling about her relationship to Francis but you weren't sure so you decided to drop the idea for now...
2 dopples came in, horrible replication so you just dropped the shutter and called the moment they spoke.
the phone rang and you picked up "hello, this is agent 907811 the one that sent the letter" the voice was manly but upbeat (imagine Gladiolus from final fantasy 15) you nodded to no one "oh hello, a little unprofessional to make wellness calls in the middle of my shift no?" you asked playfully to test the waters on the guy " intermittently, remember?" he said matching energy "noticed you got 2 already, might get more not to jinx ya" you hummed in agreement as he continued "anyway to make it easier for you instead of calling us and explaining the situation I want you to just say my name and ill know to send our boys in yellow, to save time and lives right?" he kind of lingered on the right so on que you answered "right." "great! ok the names rex." he spoke quick "wait really?" you asked absent for a minute "well no my real name is classified but everyone calls me rex, and whenever you dial 3312 it puts you straight to me~" he made you smile hearing his happiness so you giggled "well ok will do rex, time to get back to work" "yes ma'am" you heard hanging up. dreamboat was infront of you already sliding his papers to you "sorry about that Mr. Mosses" you read over the file, a blush overcoming you "boyfriend?" he asked catching you off guard "n-no, the DDD" you almost got up to let him know you were serious but fixed your seating position instead "mmm...ok" you thanked your god he had very prevalent verbal ques, made your job easy "were do you get your milk from?" he asked taking back his papers "my old apartment, believe it or not the DDD moved me in yesterday with everything I had" you chuckled thinking he took his job a little too serious and didn't want enemy milk on his turf "i give you milk now." he almost declared in an odd way. you turned red imagining unholy thoughts "the farm i deliver for also delivers here. the buildings day is Monday but ill grab a case for you tomorrow" he walked in before you could even form the words thank you but on instinct you shut the door behind him.
you tried to calm your blush to no avail, the way he just announced his caring for you! the way he said it made you swoon "i give you milk now" god it was weirdly hot!! you almost swore you heard a bit of a Russian accent when he said it. you kept holding your face praying to go back to your natural color "doll you look like a tomato" another male voice said "oh Mr. Gauss, I apologize its just allergies" you looked away for a minute before doing the usual "its winter. your a horrible liar" he tapped the glass teasingly "all is well, good day Mr. Gauss" you spoke restrained trying not to be angry with the fact he had no issue calling you a liar opening the door for him "see you later doll". you sat there a little peeved to say the least, munching on your slightly stale bagel you continue your shift.
the next morning you woke up to knocking, your heart raced putting on your robe and ran to the door opening it "its 7:30" francis looked down at you looking almost disappointed "oh my god really?? shit thank you for waking me up" you left the door wide open as you rushed to put on a fresh uniform and stuffing your makeup bag in your purse. francis watched you rush from bed to bath sighing and looking around, he placed down five bottles of milk on your counter and opened your ice box "how pitiful" he spoke looking at the carton of barely any eggs and a few rotting veggies. he took it upon himself to leave a milk out and put the rest in making you a single piece of toast. you looked actually quite presentable considering your rushing you walked towards the door hitting something hard "ow" at first you were going to cry because Francis just watched you almost break your nose but you looked up to see him looking down. god did he smell good. like bourbon and vanilla, thank god axe body spray wasn't invented yet. "I made you toast. I have to get to work." he furrowed his brows at the last bit and left you, you look to the counter to see well enough he set the toast with jam on a small plate and a glass of milk at your table.
days had passed and soon it was your friday
it was almost 10 pm but you had to stay an extra hour because the twin models were at a party. you've never really had a full conversation with them but they were nice to you even complimented you on your hair once, finally they came in beautiful gowns that made you get up to see them fully "y/n! so sorry it took so long!" Selenne said raising her hands up air hugging you from the glass which made you chuckle "its my job to see your safe return, beautiful dresses by the way" you placed your hand on the glass to match hers "why thank you, we'll show you the details in a bit" Elenois smiled passing their papers to you, you matched them up everything being in order "you should come to a party with us" selenne jumped a little visibly annoying her twin "sel she has a job to do. a stressful one at that she doesn't need more comingling with the upper-class that watches your every move" elenois huffed taking the ids back "oh actually my days off start tomorrow" you smiled "oh. nevermind, wanna wear airtight dresses and flirt with politics?" elenois laughed making you raise an eyebrow smiling, selenne slapped her sisters shoulder giggling "shes a little tipsy, yakn-" the girls went silent. all of you looking to your left to see it.
a dopple.
a twin dopple.
it was horrifying. a giant sharp mouth filled its face, no eyes no nose it snarled stretching its arm out to the girls as they screamed. you quickly opened the door hearing your own heart beat quicken with every thought, "get in the office NOW" you yelled banging on the glass to get thier attention, they did as told rushing passed El pushing her sister in forcing Sel onto the office floor next to you. the dopple sprung passed the door before you could shut it, it tripping and grabbing onto elenois' leg with its yellow claws you ran up your mind swimming from thier screams, you punched the side of its head forcing it to go down before turning its attention to you. you grappled with it on the floor yelling at the girls to get a grip and lock the main and office door, they were trembling...blood from Els leg soaking her dress as she held selenne nodding to you closing the door and locking the main one from the office. you were bloody , your fist scrapped its teeth cracking the bone a bit as you threw it againt the door earning another scream from the twins it snarled and screeched as you ran towards the stairs unclipping your gun from its holster going up a floor "all residence stay in your homes a dopple is in the building" you yelled repeating the phrase as you heard them all scamble yelling and some of the men even starting to descend the staircase before you hit the first step. the monster stood before you on the bottom step bleeding from its maw "YoU pICk uP A GOosd fiIIgHT MakeSS yoU moRe DeLishessssss" you trembled aiming "Fuck You" POW POW the pistol shot hitting its stomach, its screeches hurt your ears but you slowly backed away as it crawled to reach you it was fast ripping off quite a bit of your skirt as you kept pilling the trigger knowing it had no more than 8 rounds finally it hit its chest making the thing go down by the second floor.
you laid there on the steps breathing heavy hearing almost nothing as everyone crowded around you asking questions and tending to your leg, but you heard nothing.
you got up pushing poor mia to the side backing down stairs passed the body pulling it by the leg to the main floor and leaving it at the end of the steps, everyone but Nacha and nat following for obvious reasons. you walked to the office opening it with your key seeing the twins holding one another sobbing looking up at you, they smilied running up and hugging you close you could start to hear their voices thanking god and thanking you...the gun was still in your hand so you walked passed them slowly sitting in your chair and placing the gun on the desk everyone ran to the girls to inspect them as you dailed the number "....rex....i had to kill it in front of all of them.." you croaked "coming now kid hold on" his voice sounded shaky but you were still processing everything the smell of blood and what seemed like rot, the stinging sensation of your cuts and bruises...the sounds of your residence begging you to answer them. oh.
you breathed in a sharp breath finally being able to sense everything "please step away from the body" you stated to the mcoolys looking over at it "you really killed it" the older one spoke in shock "oh dear your skirt " gloria took off her head scarf to cover you but francis stopped her taking off his wrobe and placing it over you "the ...blood" you managed to get out "fuck the blood right now" he stated mia dressed you in it as the twins blocked you making sure your panty hose were no longer exposed, all of the men looking away either in respect or fear of thier wives.
DDD came escorting everyone upstairs as the other half stayed downstairs to clean up "didnt think we'd meet this way" you looked up from the chair the shmidts brought out for you to sit as DDD officers looked over your wounds. it was rex. a taller man in casual business attire with salt n pepper hair "you did good kid, you saved those girls and the rest of them" he held out his hand to you , you shook it nodding "thank you" he nodded back letting go to speak with a yellow suit qietly "well it seems theres no fatal injuries on any of you , they dressed your wounds so now you rest" rex looked down at you . some would say you looked like a beaten dog but maybe that was just rex "your one tough bitch y/n." he walked off with the hazmats in tow, "i think its time for you to rest baby...you look close to passing out" gloria squeezed your arm as your eyes fluttered, you were passing out and fast "ill take her home" francis spoke up "and we'll stay with her" El and Sel spoke together "she cant sleep in those clothes" el added , everyone agreed as francis picked you up slowly treating you like glass to your apartment the scent of his shampoo and his warmth made you pass out holding him tighter
you could almost hear him stiffle a tear as he held you closer.
end part 2
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thelastairsimblr · 1 year
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Family Pack #3
I’m happy to share some sims with you all today! In this post, you’ll find 10 households (40 sims total), each with their own stories and biographies. All of these sims have additional Everyday outfits, skills, bonus traits, Likes and Dislikes, sexual orientations, pronouns, family dynamics, and Lifestyles. You can find them all on the gallery under my Origin ID: TheLastAirSimmer or in the tray files linked under the cut! As always, feel free to tag me if you end up using them.
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Some families don’t survive a divorce. That wasn’t the case for the Guillory’s; in fact, it only brought Aston and Déon closer. Déon had never considered that the fisherman was experiencing a midlife crisis until he married Willow, a joyful artist half his age. Things were tense initially, but seeing how happy she made Aston was enough to diffuse the tension until Uriel arrived. Déon wants to support this new dynamic, but a needy toddler in the mix might force them to branch out of their bubble.
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For better or worse, Greta has always been one to stand by her choices. She’s had a song in her heart from a young age, but put her dreams of being a pianist to the side once Albie was born. She works as a teacher to support her family, but hopes one day to play again. However, it would be good enough to see Albie fulfill his own dreams of becoming a professional dancer, temperamental though he may be. Like her mother and brother, Beatrice too is unapologetically developing musical aspirations.
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When Bikram and Mia wed, they agreed their careers would come first before starting a family. Their first pregnancy surprised them, but Bikram pivoted to adjust to the new circumstances. Mia, however, was eager to get back to work after the birth. As a doctor, she provided enough for Bikram to cut back at the restaurant and care for Parker. There was a cost, though; today, Parker resents Mia. Wanting to avoid repeating that mistake, Mia is keen on loving her boys, the nerdy Antwan and wary Levi.
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Being raised by Adeline had a profoundly different effect on her kids. Dasia, the eldest, often butted heads with the stubborn matriarch and found comfort in her high school sweetheart Imman. Baqil, the obvious favorite, stayed on the set path and wants to make her proud (coffee is his best friend when it comes to staying on top of his classes). Having married and had kids too young, Dasia and Imman reluctantly moved in and Adeline has since been keen on taking control of the girls’ rearing.
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Falling for an artist was not at all what Rahim had planned. As an engineer, he values structure and practicality, but Gabrielle offers him a new lens to see the world through. This interior designer also takes note from her husband and has adopted his attention to detail in her own work. Their daughter Francesca has her moms’ creative spirit and shows promise (even if she focuses more on boys in her class than her painting skills) and Xavier is more interested in gaming than being book smart.
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Landon had made many futile attempts to woo his high school crush Johanna, but it wasn’t until he sang a song for her on his guitar that she noticed him. They remain together today, accepting of the others’ quirks. Johanna can often fly off the handle, but Landon is always there to ease her mind. They try to do their part to save the world and instill ecofriendly values in their kids; lessons that young Averie has taken in good spirits. The unpredictable Reagan, however, is a different story.
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Not long ago, Siobhan was living her dream; traveling and performing music with her friends. But creative differences led to a massive falling out and the band split up. Now directionless, she moved in with her older sister Bianca, who was happy to reconnect after years apart (and maybe get some help with her two boys) but Siobhan may as well be a third child. Desmond and Cale love having their aunt around though, and it’s nice at times to get a reprieve so Bianca can focus on her meditation.
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A woman of science with a lot of love to give, Sandra knew early on that she wanted to have a child and give them the warm upbringing that she never had. Despite not having a partner, she decided to undergo in-vitro fertilization. She certainly did a good job of instilling Jonas with a high level of confidence (almost to a point of arrogance) and even as a grown man, he has Sandra wrapped around his finger. He doesn’t take his studies seriously, but has a passion for all things outdoors.
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Lily and Daphanie were ready to take on San Myshuno and on their way to becoming a power couple. Or so Lily thought, until Daphanie changed course. After adopting the girls, Daphanie drove a hard bargain on moving to a quieter part of town. She was able to adjust as a fashion designer, sending off submissions from the comfort of her home. Lily however finds herself commuting to the city, unwilling to forfeit her spot as an up-and-coming food critic, despite missing quality time with her family.
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Gustavo takes his values seriously and expects others to do the same. Quite a negotiator, his wife Flavia is able to use her husbands’ political network to pass her green initiatives around town. Though cohesive as a pair, they differed in their parenting styles; Flavia always trusted her sons’ judgement while Gustavo often quarreled with their eldest Robbie, who only wants to party. Averse to conflict, Paolo does as he’s told, even forgoing his own wants to throw himself fully into his studies.
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aloneatpeace · 4 months
         MR. JANSON '10'
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.→✒️:★: ͜͡✿͜͡ →. Sorry for the long wait guys. I hope you're having a good time wherever you are and have fun reading.
The sound of gun firing wake you all up with jin’s hands still in yours the guards assure everyone inside the guards shoot down the what you could hear and see understand is people who affected by the flare.
Once you all made inside the building the door closes, there people inside walking around guns strapped and working.
You’re all then pushed into a room making everyone yell in protest the room id dark and the door closed behind you.
Someone latch on to you “hey whoever is touch me back off” their arms wrapping around your waist, head on your shoulders.
“it’s your jimin” a giggle soon coming from him when he feels your hands on top his.
Seokjin sigh “jimin leave the girl alone. HEY! who kicked me? who was it?”
Taehyung wince “sorry I thought you’re jimin”
“Wait! do you guys’ smell that??” yoongi asks
“it’s the sweat and tears” hoseok answers
Yoongi sniffs again “no its something sweet…. Like food”
Theo who stumbling around finds the switch and turning on his mouth falls open at the variety of food on long table.
Your stomach grumble when you see the food, you push jimin away making him give you offended look when you directly make your way towards the food the boys also run towards the food devouring everything, they get their hands on.
The feasting ends with an ultimate food fight with jin screaming at everyone who throw the foods yoongi had pocketed few tangerines sneakily.
Now you all lay down or sitting down “the thing, the creatures back there is the people who affected by the virus isn’t it?” jimin asks
“The women ava, called them cranks. The flare is the virus what caused them to be like this. She experiments on us to find a cure” Theo explains
Your jaw clenches “maybe as scientist her method is right but it’s wrong to experimenting on immune kids”
“Scientist scares me” jimin said shivering.
“People without morals” yoongi adds
“The name is fitting. wicked” hoseok join in.
The door opens and a man came up with a smile on his face “you guys doing alright? Sorry about all that fuss. We had ourself a bit of swarm.” He is an older looking guy wearing turtle neck paired with jacket.
“Who are you?” yoongi asks
The guys still have smile on his face despite yoongi cold demeaner “I’m the reason you’re all alive. It’s my intention to keep you that way. Now come with me. We’ll get you kids squared away.”
Yoongi and hoseok take the lead as the rest of you follow them, jimin and taehyung on each side.
“You can call me Mr. Janson. I run this place. For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world. You all should think of it as a way station. Kind if home between homes.”
“That mean you’re taking us home?” hoseok asks
 “A home of sorts.” He turns to glance back before continuing “sadly there wouldn’t much left of whatever you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge, outside the scorch, where WICKED will never find you again. How does that sound?”
The guys exchange a wary look suspicious of the guy “why are you helping us?” yoongi question the man.
“Let just say the world out there is in rather precarious situation. We’re all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the flare virus makes you the best chance of humanity’s continued survival. Unfortunately, it also makes you a target, as no doubt by now you’re noticed. Behind this door lies the beginning of your new lives. First thing first let’s do something about that smell”
He door that he had opened stretched out into that of a similar hallway making you hesitant.
After shower you were given new clothes and taken to a lab, they had hoseok run in treadmill while checking his heart rate Mr. Janson had taken Theo to have a talk.
 All of their blood was collected, yoongi and jin plainly refused to get anything else checked or done to their body. Jimin sits beside you in the bed chatting up. A few smiles he was able to get from you.
“I don’t like this” yoongi starts his voice low only jin could hear him.
“Yeah. But we don’t have choice” jin sighs
“Yeah, we do. We can get out here” taehyung voice chime in hoseok just behind him.
“You saw what is out there. We can’t go out without their help”
Hoseok crosses his arms frowning at jin words “Yes, we can. All we need some guns and food. We can maybe ask them or steal form them”
“I know, you guys feel like you can’t trust someone but we don’t have a choice in this one” jin softly said.
Yoongi shakes his head “why didn’t they come to the glade though, they had armor and everything need fight the griever they could have saved all of us, they could have saved…Namjoon…jungkook. “
A heavy silence falls over them, no one says anything the silence was broken when jimin come in “you guys alright?”
“Yeah, why are you alone? Where is she?” jin is the first one to speak up.
“A lady doc came in, and she kicked me out, so she can check on her.” he answers. They see the doctor draw the curtains and your figure hidden behind it from their view.
“Hey, guys come along with me” A new voice said from behind them.
You doctor is getting done with your examination when Janson came in with apologetic face.
“May I speak a word with her? it won’t take too long” he said looking at the doc she nods and step out the space.
“I’m sorry for interpreting. But I was hoping we wight get a moment to chat in private, before you can be with your friends again.”
You say nothing allowing him to continue “what do you remember about WICKED? You’re not in trouble. We’re just having conversation. I’m just trying to understand”
 “Understand what?”
“Whose side are you on?”
Looking upwards you sit little straight “I remember I used to work for WICKED. I don’t know why I even work with them. I remember that they sent me into the maze. I remember watching the boys die in front of me, I couldn’t even help them in any way. I’m on their side, I am with them”
Janson mind drift to plan B when you concluded your words with firm voice eyes intensely staring at him.
“Do you remember anything else anyone else?” the question was strange in some way making you frown.
“Theo, I only remember him. We used to work with the WICKED”
“Interesting, you say you work for WICKED, but they sent you into the maze. Why would they send you?’.”
“I don’t know. maybe you should’ve asked them before you killed them all.”
He lips curls up in smile “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Enjoy the rest of your stay.”
When Janson steps out, he sends a knowing look to the doctor she nods in understanding. The women step in with a smile “alright one last shot and you’re out of here”
“I thought we’re done. What is this for?” under your watch full eyes you see her getting a needle and unlabeled vial from the closed tray.
“it’s just a shot to keep your hormones balance, after that you can join them” she said with smile ready to inject.
The hesitation lingers but you let her insert the needle into your arms.
The boys wait for you to come back while chatting with the other boys its crazy to think that they were not the only maze and you are not the only girl to exist.
 But yoongi is disturbed to say the least, if the guys saved the other maze why didn’t they come to save them. they could have saved everyone in their maze when they killed the wicked.
Yoongi does not trust the man at all, something about the Janson guy screams evil.
“Good evening gentlemen, ladies” speak of the devil, yoongi eyes narrowed at male who just entered.
“You all know how this works, if you hear your name called, please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me where they will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin.”
 With a scattered applause they smile at Jason’s words, one by one the names get called.
“Don’t get discouraged. If I could take more, I would. there’s always tomorrow. Your time will come.” Janson closes the clipboard and starts to stride out.
“Where are they going?” hoseok voices.
“Far from here.” The boy said with a sad face and turns around “lucky bastards “
“Some kind of farm. A safe place. They can only take in couple of people at the time.
Jimin glancing around waiting for you frowns when he you don’t show up, but something else catch his eyes.
He says your name out loud making the boys at the table turns to them, “isn’t that the doctor who checking her? where is she now?”
the boys see the doctor walking with tow guards and also looking down few times as if she is checking something.
They stood up quickly, yoongi treads faster calling the doctor while jimin yells your name asking where you are.
They were stopped before they could get out.
“We just wanna ask about our friend” seokjin calmly declared.
“Your friend is fine; she is properly being taken care of off” the guard answered.
“Is she okey?” jimin asks worriedly while yoongi glare at the man suspecting something. 
“She is fine.” yoongi says but he doesn't believe it himself for some reason.
Janson enters the room with an iPad and he is welcomed with enraged eyes shooting death glare at the man, Janson smug smile irritating as always.
“How are you feeling now…
Namjoon who is now sitting in a cell with a surgical knife in his hand covered in blood beside him lay dead body of guards and the doctors.
“Oh, you know just thinking about how I should kill you” he grins darkly.
When he got taken by the griever, he thought that was his end, but it wasn’t. he was straight delivered to the WICKED. they had transferred him because of Ava Paige decision as they realized you and the other might escape the maze rather soon. And they were right you all did.
Then it was decided that Namjoon will memory would be erased and then he would send back to maze again. He waited and pretended to be weak, helpless until he was nursed to his health. When the day process came, he let his pent-up anger lose resulting in bloody massacre, he knows that he’s valuable that they can’t shot him an advantage that he used to survive but he also knows that he can’t keep this act for long as well.
“Well, sorry to disappoint you but that not going to happen any soon. What is going to happen is that you would come with me, and we will send you back to the maze”
Namjoon scoff “what makes you think that, I would listen to you” 
“Because we have her” Janson flips the iPad and Namjoon heart drop to his stomach when she sees you laying on the bed with iv attached. “Well not just her, we have everyone here” he swipes the screen and see yoongi, jimin, taehyung, hoseok and seokjin and other Gladers walking in line with a guard showing them a way to their room.
“Oh, you must be confused about jungkook. Well, he got shot”
What? how did that happened? He’s lying. All they do is lie.
Namjoon feels like he’s about cry at same time he’s going to murder someone his train of thought cut off when Janson speak again.
“He was dead practically but we were able to save his life. Right now, he’s in the same room as her”
Namjoon finally breathes out a relief breathe, his legs feel shakey hands too. The heart beating out of his chest slowing ever so slightly nonetheless he calms down a bit.
“Throw the weapon away, and cooperate we will let you see her. you know Ava wants her back this might your last chance.” With that Janson slowly step out the room.
Namjoon, know he doesn’t have any other choice, he lets the bloody surgical knife fall and with Shakey legs he steps out and when he steps out, he sees Janson with guards and the lady doc that he tried to kill when she was trying to wipe his memories. the women hands grip her coat when she sees his hatred glare.
“I could get used to this” Winston said laying on comfy bed.
Yoongi frown sitting down at the bed the sound of locking doors unsettles him further. When the time to sleep yoongi lies awake unable to shut his eyes and mind.
The rattling sounds making him sit up looking around a whisper from under reach his ears
“Down here.” Looking under the bed yoongi see a boy the only they talked about Harris crawling in the vent. “Come on follow me.”
“What?” he whispers with his eyebrow raised in confusion when he gets no answer, he follows him down the vent.
“Hurry this way. Come on”
“Wait a second. what the hell are we doing” yoongi hiss.
“Come on, we’re gonna miss it.”
Yoongi finally catches up to Aris and sees him look down through the opening of the vent he motions yoongi to come closer “watch”
After a few seconds yoongi hears footsteps and the doctor who had been taking care of you come into his vision with a medical carrier rolling behind her. she swipes the ID and open the door to a room yoongi watches various carrier rolled into the room.
“What the hell was that?”
“They bring in new ones every night like clockwork”
“You know what they do with them?” yoongi asks him with dread filling his mind
“I don’t know. this is as far as I’ve ever gotten. The vents don’t even go into the section. But once they go through that door, they don’t come back out.” Aris hesitate for a moment “ I don’t think anybody ever leaves this place come on. We’ve gotta go before somebody notice we are gone.”
“Why did you show me this?” yoongi asks the lingering question before they depart.
“Because maybe the others will listen to you. there is something weird going around here. And I know you think so too “Aris answer yoongi look down the vent again Aris bites his lips thinking whether he tell him what he saw “And your friend the girl, she not in her room, I crawl past their section but she’s known where to be found”
Yoongi eyes widen in fear and confusion “what do you mean?”
“I think she might be somewhere like this” Aris meekly said seeing the males glare even though he knows it’s not directed at him but your situation.
Aris turns and crawl back yoongi break out of his trance “what your name?”
“Aris” with that Aris leave quickly leaving yoongi with a storm in his mind.
Yoongi returns back to his bed successfully without waking anyone up, laying in his bed his mind race with questions. Where are you? what is going on here exactly? Were you hurt? Did they do something to you. yoongi think he should keep the new your current unknow situation to him if he tells that his it would only end in chaos nothing good will come out of it. he should think smartly about what he should do next.  
On the next day its again the time Janson calling out the selected boys and girls names, yoongi eyes fixed on the male with fiercely. The group was sitting silent unknown to what going on yoongi’s mind, everyone was startled when he gets fast pacing after Janson and the people, they watch yoongi nonchalantly try to blend in behind the called people but is stopped by the guard.
“Hang on. You weren’t called.”
“I know, I’m just gonna be a second” he tries to move but again was pushed a little away by the guard.
“This is a restricted area, kid.”  Behind the boys get up and walk towards yoongi when they see him get pushed around by the guards. 
“I just wanna see my friend. Can you let me through?”
The guard jab a finger against his chest “get your ass back in that chair” yoongi turns and see his friends just few steps away he quickly turns and try to run past the guard. They push him hard making yoongi angered he push the guard back yelling.
“Why won’t you let me see her?” the boys gather around yoongi holding him back just then Janson comes running.
“Yoongi, I thought we could trust each other.” Janson put his hands on yoongi shoulder “you know we’re all on the same team here”
“Are we?”
Janson lips pressed into thin line not liking the way yoongi eyes started down at him “get them to their bung”
The guard pushed them into their bung seokjin turns to yoongi “what the hell yoongi! Are you out of your mind?” jin hands wildly move as he speaks.
“Did you think they are gonna let you through?” hoseok asks crossing his arms
Yoongi shakes his head taking out the ID “Nah, of course I didn’t”
“What is going on?” jimin asks
“I don’t know but I’m going to find out be prepared for anything” the boys share confused glance “I need you guys to trust me on this, okey. Please you have to trust me”
Taehyung nod first “We do” he glances among his friends, and they slowly nod making yoongi sigh in relief.
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@elliott-calls @cerulean1riz
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hellfirenacht · 5 months
Reader ==> Have Lunch With Hellfire Club
Isekai Chronicles Master List
Fic Summery: Through no powers of your own, you end up in Hawkins 1985, in a tv show that you once saw on Netflix. Slow burn, Eddie Munson x Reader will be canon, choose your own adventure to a degree, monkey’s paw author.
Chapter Summery: You sneak into Hawkins High to have lunch with Hellfire Club.
Tags: Eddie and Reader, sfw, Reader is on her period, reader is also just a little horny and touch starved but nothing really happens with that.
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Reader ==> Have Lunch With Hellfire Club
"Ow'' You hissed, laying your head down on the cool table. You had been doubled over for 10 seconds and most of the club looked at you with concern.
"Uh... You good, Lipton?" Jeff asked.
You winced, from both the cramp and what he'd called you. Why did no one at this school use first names? It was already hard enough responding to a false name to begin with, even after memorizing the information on your new kinda-fake ID card. Thanks, Murray.
"Just dying. It's fine, I'll live." You groaned, and forced yourself to sit up and look down the table at Eddie, passed Mike and Dustin. "Got any painkillers?" You asked.
"None that would help you." Eddie shrugged.
"Ah, lovely." You laid your head back down as another cramp shot through your uterus.
It was the last day of school before Hawkins High went on fall break. You had snuck over to the school to have lunch with Eddie and the rest of Hellfire Club. Currently, all of you were sitting outside, enjoying one of the last warm days before the cold set in. Out here, none of the teachers would see you all, and even if they did, they wouldn’t take note of one extra person who shouldn’t be on school grounds anyway. Besides, it’s not like it was your first time sneaking into the school, as it had become a habit over the past few weeks as you made yourself a part of Hellfire. 
By this time next week you’d be set up in the small trailer on the opposite end of the same trailer park that Eddie lived. Just a few more days and you could finally move out of Benny’s and you could stop dealing with stupid jocks and bugs and all the other bullshit that came with being a squatter.  
"What's wrong with you?" Asked Gareth.
"Alphabetically or chronologically?” your voice was deadpan and muffled from being pressed against the old picnic table. “And how much time do you have?" 
You wondered briefly what “chronologically” even meant with you. Would you start chronologically in a direct timeline starting in 1895? Or maybe you’d start at the year you were born and loop back around. 
"She can't be in too much pain if she's still a smartass," snorted Jeff.
"You're laughing. A party member is bleeding to death and you're laughing." The cramp subsided and you sat up again.
"Gross." Muttered Gareth.
"I bleed for days at a time and survive. Get on my level" you hissed.
"Level 5?" Jeff shot back. "You're still behind us, even with Henderson's help."
"Motherfucker I swear-"
"Hey now, no need to fight" Dustin piped up, looking between everyone with concern. "We're all stressed because of midterms, we don't need to take it out on each other."
You closed your mouth and backed down. You didn’t mind the occasional fight with Gareth, honestly you almost enjoyed it when he picked a fight with you because it meant you could blow off some steam. But Dustin was currently your only real friend, and you weren’t going to risk pissing him off. That kid was the only one to try and figure out how you ended up here anyway. 
Plus, he’d been running some one on one adventures with you between Hellfire meetings. With Eddie insisting that all new players start at level 1 no matter what the party was at, Dustin had convinced him to let him do some smaller adventures to help you try and catch up with everyone else. Sometimes Mike and Lucas would even join in. 
"Just ignore me." You sighed. "I'll live even if it kills me." You looked at the uneaten sandwich in front of you. The idea of eating it made you feel gross even if you were hungry. You grabbed it and tossed it down the table in front of Eddie who looked at you with a cocked eyebrow.
"Don't want it. You eat it." you mumbled, forehead against the table again. You were starting to feel like you should have just stayed at Benny’s until it was actually time for Hellfire.
"You gonna be okay to play tonight?" Eddie asked. "Or do you need us to find a sub for you?"
You shook your head. "I'll be there." You promised. "I'll just hit up Robin or someone for some aspirin before the game and I'll be fine. Might not be the most talkative-"
"That'd be a first." Muttered Jeff.
You flipped him off. "I'll be there. I can still roll dice as well at anyone here."
Eddie grinned. "Good, and I'm not gonna go easy on any of you tonight."
"Do you ever?" Mike laughed.
"Yeah, you've always been tough on us, but Cult of Vecna has been your most sadistic campaign yet." agreed Jeff.
"That's because this is my year." Eddie said. "I'm gonna graduate and I'm going out with a bang." Eddie drummed on the table with his hands, revved up now. The vibrations of his drumming echoed through your head and you sat up again.
He stood up, the sandwich left forgotten for the moment. You watched him, and the way he moved was like a full-on rainstorm. Eddie only ever seemed to have two modes, 'on' and 'off'.
He was very much on now.
There was a fire in his eyes that had burned you for the past month since you'd been invited to Hellfire. Your initial attraction to a fictional character turned coworker had burst into a full blown genuine crush. In the autumn air, his cheeks were flushed red from the cold and his natural excitement, and his hair was flying everywhere. Even with Eddie circling the table as he bragged about his campaign to the members your heart felt like it might leap out of your chest, distracting you from the other organs inside you that were ripping themselves apart.
A firm hand grasped you at the crook of your neck, and you tensed slightly at Eddie's touch, your mind blanked for a moment as he made physical contact with you.
Eddie was... Very handsy. He wasn't afraid to grapple, wrestle, grab, and generally put his hands on his fellow Hellfire members. Eddie had picked up Dustin and Mike by the shirt collars and pushed them more times than you had bothered counting. 
This however, was the first time he had laid a hand on you. You held your breath as you tried to ignore the shiver that slid down your spine and into your core. You didn’t dare let anyone see that this had any effect on you. 
‘Not the time, self.’ you scolded yourself.
Eddie gave you a shake, which changed that warmth in your core to a vague sense of nausea. 
“Please don’t shake me right now.” you groaned. Your guts were not interested in physical movement right now. Your legs were already nearly constantly sore from biking everywhere. 
To Eddie’s credit, he did stop. His hand was still firm against you though, and you could feel the cold metal of one of his rings against your skin.
“See this one,” he gave you one more shake, the asshole. “This one is so metal that even though she probably should retreat tonight she’s still willing to show up for us.”
The compliment made your heart swell and the air didn’t feel so brisk as your own cheeks warmed up. You tilted your head back to look at him with surprise; Eddie didn’t hand out compliments too lightly with the club. He was always so straight forward, firm. He wouldn’t say anything unless he meant it. 
“I’ve always shown up when it mattered.” you said quietly, flashbacking (flash forwarding?) just a split second to a group of friends from the future. Not that it mattered, I guess. What was that??
The hand slid off of you, and a sense of emptiness echoed through your chest and at the loss of the warmth and pressure. You shoved down the lump in your throat by taking a long gulp of water. You had been here for nearly 2 months, and that had been the first bit of physical contact you had with anyone outside of a small scrap with Murrey or a handshake with someone, or your literal run in with Steve Harrington. 
One small touch, and you felt like you were falling apart. You were really starting to be sick of this feeling. 
Eddie sat back down and pulled out the sandwich you had offered him and you watched it disappear in 4 bites. 
“Jesus Eddie, did you even taste that?” asked Mike, and to be fair it was a valid question. 
“Didn’t need to, it was edible. Thanks, Lipton” 
“Why do you all keep calling me that?” you asked, looking around the table. 
“What, ‘Lipton’?” Mike asked. “I don’t know, it’s just something we do here.”
“Could... you please not call me that? Just call me by my name please. Or ‘Dipshit’. Or ‘Hey You’ or ‘That one girl in Hellfire’. Anything else.”
“You’re barely in Hellfire.” Gareth grumbled, flicking a chip crumb off the table and onto the dirt below. Gareth had been nice enough the first night you showed up for Hellfire, but then the more you hung around the less he seemed to like you. You’d deal with that later.
Eddie looked over at you, his wide brown eyes meeting yours and he said your name. 
The back of your neck prickled at the sound of your name on his lips. You wanted him to say it again. 
‘Not the fucking time, self’ You scolded yourself again. You had so many bigger issues than a guy with pretty brown eyes and a chipped front tooth that made your stomach explode in butterflies. 
Oh, who the fuck were you kidding? You did not. In fact, he was absolutely the main problem that you were going to have to deal with in a few months. If he wasn’t planning on being a hero, maybe you could actually sleep at night. 
You gave him a small nod, and wondered if you looked as tired as you felt. 
“Sorry, it's an old habit.” Dustin said. “We’ll stick with your first name”
“Thank you.” you said, relaxing. You looked at the time, not long until lunch was over. Then two more hours, then school was over. Hellfire started at four, a half hour after school ended. That gave you a few hours to just wander around aimlessly until school ended. 
You zoned out for the rest of lunch, poking at the food you had brought until it was all passed along to Eddie. He never did bring enough food for himself anyway. 
When the bell rang you took your time gathering your stuff up as most of the club started back towards the school building. 
As you were about to turn and head in the opposite direction towards the woods. something grabbed you by the shoulder and moved you behind a tree before you realized what was happening. Eddie stood in front of you, hands on your upper arms, head tilted with that look of intense concern on his face. You found yourself stiff under that gaze, thrown off by how he had suddenly grabbed you. 
“I meant what I said, earlier.” he said. “There’s no shame in retreating. If you feel like shit, you don’t have to come.”
“I want to.” you said. “I- I really do, I promise. I don’t want to let you down.” It took you three seconds to realize that you had said ‘you’ and not ‘everyone’ and heat burned your cheeks. 
Eddie put a hand on your forehead. “You’re warm and you look like.. You look fucking tired.” 
“....Thank you, Eddie. Just what every woman wants to hear from a man.” Your voice was deadpan. “I’ll be fine. I just need to take an aspirin and maybe take a small nap before Hellfire.”
His brown eyes bore into yours and you wondered how easily he could see through you. “Come on, you can take a nap in my van.” Eddie didn’t bother giving you a chance to answer before dragging you around the school, towards the parking lot.   
It took a moment for his words to register in your brain as you followed him. "....Huh?"
"I have some spare blankets and a pillow back there. I crash in the back all the time. Might not be the... Cleanest or the most comfortable but it's safe. Not like anyone's interested in messing with the freaks van" He said, his hand sliding down your arm to grab your hand. 
Eddie was holding your hand. Shit shit shit shit shit- 
Your brain caught up to you. "Ah, yeah that would be really nice actually." you said. "I probably really need the short rest of I'm gonna survive you tonight."
You wondered if Eddie realized that he had given your hand a squeeze. "Get those spell slots back, you're gonna need them." 
"Thank you, I really do appreciate it.” And you did, passing out in his van was definitely safer than passing out in the woods somewhere until Hellfire started.
Eddie looked over at you and smiled. "Everyone in Hellfire has crashed in that van at least once. It's basically a right of passage to help break in the newbies."
You couldn't stop your mouth from running. "You break in all the newbies in the back of your van?" You looked up at him with a teasing half grin. "Damn, this really is a cult." ‘Not. The. Fucking. Time. Get your head out of the gutter please.’ 
Eddie snorted and shook his head. "You'd be surprised what's happened in the back of that van."
"Sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll?" you offered. ‘What did I just tell myself??’
"Two out of three. I'll let you guess which ones." 
The bell rang and you jumped. "Shit, you’re gonna be late to class.” You looked over at Eddie, worried about his getting in trouble. 
“It’s just gym, no one will care if I’m late” he said. “I don’t like being the first in the locker room anyway. Are you sure you're okay?" Eddie asked, looking you over. "I'm not trying to be a dick but you really look rough."
"I feel rough. I'll be fine." You promised. "I just need a nap. You said it yourself, I'm metal. Can't exactly let everyone down when you called me that."
"You're either very brave or very stupid." Eddie said, opening the back door to the van, giving a sweeping gesture to motion you inside. 
You tossed your backpack in first before crawling in. To your surprise Eddie hopped in with you and closed the door. 
"Just need to move some things around. As a Hellfire member and your DM, you know that what happens in this van stays here." Eddie's eyes narrowed slightly and you nodded dumbly, wondering if he was aware of how some of the things he was saying sounded. "Good."
He pulled up a section of the floor where a spare tire should be, and pulled out a small box. You leaned against the back of the front seat, closing your eyes. Whatever Eddie was doing, it wasn't your business, not when he was being so nice. You really thought you had completely blown it a few weeks ago when you first went over to his home, but by some power he kept letting you hang around. Being coworkers probably helped. 
With your eyes closed, you breathed in deeply and took in the scent of the van. There was a lingering smell of weed and cigarettes, mixed with the natural smell of him and a hint of some sort of air cleaner to mask the smells. It could have been much worse, you found that your tolerance for the scent of narcotics had gone up a lot since being here.  
Your body was already starting to relax, knowing that rest was coming soon. You had been running around Hawkins all week between shifts and doing your own investigation work of the town, looking for anything that could help you come Spring Break. 
Something soft hit your head and you opened your eyes. Eddie had tossed you two blankets and a pillow. "They were washed recently." He said. 
"Eddie you- can you come wake me up before Hellfire?" You asked, feeling the texture of one of the blankets. It was worn and thin but nice against your hands. "I don't have a watch or an alarm." Your watch had died two days ago and you wouldn’t be able to get a new one until Bev paid you again.
"Don't worry, I'll need to come back here anyway. I'm keeping my notes for today in the front seat. Don't peek. I'll know if you do, and there will be consequences." Eddie's tone was serious as he tossed his Hellfire notes in the front seat. He put his whole being into this campaign, and you wouldn't dare betray that trust that was starting to form between the two of you. 
"Wouldn't dream of it, I doubt I could read your chicken scratch handwriting anyway." you said and he grabbed the pillow from you and smacked it on your head again with a laugh.
"Stan tried once. Once. He learned his lesson after that. He didn't even read the right notes, he ended up with an attempt at my English homework." 
Stan. Another name from his past that never was in the show. You had already accepted that Eddie was real, even if it had left you spiraling for a good two days. But there were still small moments to just how real he was. Hellfire Club existed before now. Eddie had friends before this version of Hellfire. Each new piece of himself that he offered you was tucked away in your mind, a reminder of what you were really working for. You wished you could offer the same. 
It was comfortable in the back of the van with him like this. You could count on one hand the amount of times you had been alone together for longer than five minutes, not counting your shifts together at The Hideout . There was a part of you that was still nervous about being with him, this person who shouldn't exist with you. 
Eddie looked at his watch. "Business calls. Get some rest, I'll be back for you before Hellfire." 
"I'll try not to die in your van."
The van shifted as he scooted over to the door, opening it and letting in the late September air for a moment. 
“Night" He said before closing the door behind him, leaving you alone. 
Reader => Take A Nap In Eddie’s Van
You grabbed the blankets and started adjusting them. Thankfully there were no mysterious stains on any of them, but the pillow was very much a 'boy pillow' which was flat and old and offered zero support. But it was his and it smelled like him and it was... More clean than expected. Not like you had any room to complain. 
You laid back and took a few slow breaths. You didn't expect to actually get any sleep but some time to just lay down and relax was enough for now. You were sure that Eddie would tire you out again tonight-
‘With the campaign you fucking pervert.’ You scolded yourself, trying to ignore the warmth in her stomach again from just his hand on your arm and shoulder. Hellfire was always very high energy, and Eddie's stamina was unwavering. As a Dungeon Master- no fuck, not that kind of dungeon master-!
What was wrong with you today? Being on your period and the stress must be catching up to you. You were starting to think you needed to get laid. Or maybe convince Steve or Robin to loan your their Family Video discounts to rent from the back room- 
No. You were NOT going to hit up a jock and his lesbian best friend for porn. You didn’t even have a VHS player. 
You were so fucking touch starved. 
You shut your eyes tight and tried to clear your mind of any perverted thoughts. It was pleasant in his van in a weird way. Cool, and parked in the shade, and just dark enough to let your mind shutdown slowly. Maybe you’d get a contact high, but you didn't know enough about drugs to know and at this point you were too afraid to ask. 
You tossed and turned for a bit, trying to get comfortable enough to just relax. The van's floor was hard, and it took a half hour to find a position (with doubling your backpack with the pillow) where your brain could shut down fully. 
It felt like you had just closed your eyes when a knock came from outside. You jumped and sat up quickly, fumbling in the sheets to cover up before remembering that you were still fully clothed. 
"Wake up, Sunshine, Hellfire starts in 15 minutes!" The van door opened and Eddie smiled at you. "Hand me my bag"
You reached for his bag and pushed it over, shaking your head to reoriented yourself. Right, Eddie's van. Naptime. 
"Last chance to back out." Eddie said. "Say the word and I'll walk away and drive you home after Hellfire."
"I'm okay!" You said, not knowing if you were going to crash at Benny’s or in a basement. "I actually feel a lot better after laying down for a bit. Just let me use the bathroom and I'll be all good for tonight, I promise." 
Eddie reached out to take your wrist and help you out of the van, and you stumbled slightly before readjusting. Eddie grabbed your arms to make sure you didn’t eat shit on the pavement.
"I'm good, you just threw me off. I'm fine, Eddie." 
Eddie answered by letting you go and closing the van door. "You know the house rules. Anyone late gets a penalty at my discretion."
"Yes, Dad" you rolled your eyes and the two of you made your way back to the school. Once inside you stepped away and slipped into the bathroom to freshen up and readjust your clothing and pee. After splashing some cold water on your face and cleaning up you did feel a lot better. 
"You actually showed up" Gareth said as you made her way down the stairs. 
"Get on my level Gareth." you said, taking your seat at the table. 
"Feel any better?" Asked Dustin. 
"Yeah, much better." You pulled out your folder and set your mini fig on the table. "Eddie let me crash in his van for a bit."
The overhead light went out and with a click a single lamp that hung above the table flickered on. Eddie was now seated in his 'throne', his side of the table now set up. 
"If we're done chatting now gentleman, lady" he nodded at you. "Last we left the party...”
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Notes: I haven't forgotten about this series! I feel like I am constantly writing and yet have noting to show for it lol
So what would you like to see Reader do next?
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Dividers by @strangergraphics
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to-my-emil · 3 months
luca's 2024 letter
so i did a whole analysis/explanation/infodump about luca's newest letter on my discord server and. figured i may as well post it here! theres a lot of fun tasty things in here and some confirmation of things that have been implied in previous letters which is fun to look at. please keep in mind i dont have the entirety of every character and manor game's lore memorized so while i did double check some things i mightve missed some stuff. anyway its all below the cut since its Long have fun :)
(also feel free to chime in with any thoughts/feelings/opinions/ideas!)
so theres three sections to this letter! im gonna go section by section, but some parts of the last section are mentioned earlier so uh. sorry if you havent read it yet (id recommend u do read it first)
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so part 1 is pretty fun. luca is confirmed to have survived game 10 (which also features tracy, charles, and bonbon though we dont currently know who the fourth survivor participant is) And its implied that hes the only survivor of the game (according to the "fleeting victory" thats the assumption at least). his traits w being able to connect the ciphers is also officially tied into the lore here; there are in fact wires running underneath each arena (or at the very least whichever arena lucas game was in which we dont know yet iirc) so its canon that he can do what he does in matches and its not something that the detective incorrectly deduced lorewise (idk if any of the survivor abilities are Actually incorrect deductions/not actually things that theyre doing (like for example priestess's portals, etc that seem more far-fetched) but since we know hes done other things incorrectly (like "prisoner" and "psychologist" titles being in quotes/technically wrong) i figure he mightve gotten some of those wrong too). luca is also Super Fucked Up w an unusuable left arm (and his previous injuries which we know includes at Least severe brain trauma but likely physical trauma too considering his time in prison + the leg braces) so uhhhhhhhhhhh. my money is NOT on him for the next game.
which is the fun next thing to talk about: baron deross is making him do another game!! this confirms whats implied in emmas 2022 letter (she writes "I've won the previous round, for now" which implies a second round if not more), and probably means that helena and galatea would also go through another round even though its not confirmed yet. so far we dont have a record of what happens in any second manor game for a player who has won (as far as i remember); usually what happens is entire groups are eliminated before the game and the only survivor goes on to the next round to try again by default rather than having won the game (like murro and luchino). so far luca's second game is the only one we have ANY info about for a survivor whos won their first game; we know that alva is in it and its heavily implied ann is in it (we'll get to this later) so we'll likely find out what happens once we get either of their experiment letters. its also interesting that the baron seems to reveal more information about the experiments to luca after luca won his game, but its hard to know whether thats because luca is also a scientist or if he reveals that to everyone who wins. my guess is maybe the former bc u Know luca would have questions and theres also no mention of baron deross saying anything like that in emmas, galateas, or helenas letters.
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on to section 2!!! (there was a slur against disabled people in the last line of this section so. thats whats blocked out)
OKAY SO. definitely confirmed that hes in a second manor game, its not even subtext its just right there. assuming the "mechanisms" refer to the same mechanisms that are running under the arena and connecting the cipher machines my guess is that this is what he used to shock other participants?? rather than just being to conduct electricity through himself like he does in the game?? idk thats just spaghetti at the wall its not clear here how he actually got shocked and why. it Is clear that he passed the fuck out at some point or another/his memory issues have gotten worse and the wiki points to that guy in his dream being hermann, so that's. interesting. theres an implication here that luca and hermann used to be closer, but once luca started w physics hermann went mmmm time to stop being a father. which. checks out knowing hermann. whats even more interesting is that luca calls hermanns ideas "ludicrous fantasies" that are neither idealistic nor realistic, because like luca you went and did THE EXACT SAME THING. BRO HE WORKED ON PERPETUAL MOTION. YOURE WORKING ON PERPETUAL MOTION. IM SORRY YOU CANT CLOWN ON UR DAD FOR RUINING HIS LIFE OVER PERPETUAL MOTION WHEN U DID LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME THING
i do wonder if this is meant to imply that hermann was in fact actually working on a More ridiculous version of perpetual motion or if luca is just biased as hell against hermann. im banking on the latter there is no way in hell that luca is a reliable narrator considering all his memory issues + his general tendency to outright grab people hes mad at by the throat (<- fun fact we see this at least twice once in alvas backstory video and again in gattos backstory video. luca is the same across all timelines). also implications that hermann became an alcoholic. im guessing as a kid luca was told it was medicine and he hasnt put the pieces together?? or its ironic. idk could be either with him. i highly doubt its actually medicine. ALTHOUGH. theres an alternate explanation here; when luca says "swallow them down" i initially thought he was referring to hiding his "final feelings", since sometimes swallowing down feelings is a phrase used for that kind of thing. but potentially this could be implying that hermann had luca take some kind of medicine potentially to get rid of those feelings in some way?? personally i think its the former because we already know hermann was wasting his life and money so becoming an alcoholic would be an easy answer, but this is probably just because i dont have any answers if it were the latter. something to think about
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now the third part, which gives us info about the next manor game!
so first the "gaunt old man" is (according to the wiki which i agree with in this case) mad eyes, which makes sense because mad eyes was involved in game 8/9 right before this and game 10 was filled with inventors + bonbon so it only makes sense he was there. no idea where he went though. whats more fun is that luca is now In The Fucking basement Walls where mad eyes used to be bc luca doesnt trust the rest of the participants. considering the "abnormal eyes" and that alva is here we know for sure that this is those related to the eye of darkness cult, which means ann is also definitely there. whats even more interesting is that this implies the existence of at least one more member of the eye of darkness cult whos going to be in this game; luca says "new participants" and "these people", and considering how specific the letters usually are with other things i would guess hed say "those two" if it were only ann and alva (of course its possible that theyre the only two have arrived at the writing of this journal, but considering he refers to a ritual coming up soon my money is on all the participants being of the cat cult except luca). luca makes a good note that this new game is likely the opposite of the previous and more focused on religion/spirituality which checks out w the participants, but DAMN hes an asshole about their writing style LMAO. sorry luca not everyone can have the same notes u do
the "brother in faith" guy here is alva, and i personally believe that he can in fact believe see through walls just bc thats funny as hell. just kidding its likely because luca is not as subtle he thinks he is because alva Literally Knows Him. other people might not be able to know hes there but like. that guys also a scientist. hed be able to figure out that theres someone in the walls AND he does in fact know luca. its difficult to tell bc of lucas memory issues but this probably also implies that alva looks very different from how he did in life (i doubt its as tall/etc as in his hunter form since thats what they all see when drugged not what he Actually looks like but im sure theres some stuff like his shorter hair/grayish skin/etc that carries across). i for one am fucking thrilled that theyre in a game together bc oh my god this is a time bomb and im just waiting to watch it explode (again).
as for the last line about a ritual... teehee. im very excited for whatever this is going to be and its killing me that this is the Only Information we have on it so far. likely we're going to have to wait for more alva and ann letters on this one, as well as whoever the third eye of darkness cult member is going to be, but i have no doubt that we'll have some more info eventually. if i had to take a guess its going to heavily affect how game 10-2/11 turns out; i highly doubt any ritual goes on without a sacrifice, and, well... theres only one guy here whos not already part of the cult. things are not looking great for lucas future.
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oscurascout · 5 months
Y/N As A Doorman
From That's Not My Neighbor game
Part 6 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10)
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They had chosen to do house chores. After all, they would be the ones staying at home most of the time. I was happy to have a maid- I mean, a roommate. The good thing was that my house was big enough for plenty of people to live in, as it was inherited from my grandparents.
The D.D.D. agent left a while ago to arrange some things; I don't remember very well what they said they were going to do but I didn'tactually care. All of the residents were in their rooms except four, one being the milkman who was working a double shift. Meanwhile, both of the twins and Angus had left for a business trip, though the twins were expected to arrive sometime this week.
It was almost time to end my shift; I just needed to approve Francis while waiting, strangely, Mr. Schmicht arrive to the window, even though he wasn't on the entry list. "Maybe he had an emergency with his new book," I thought as I looked at Mr. Schmicht's ID and didn't see anything bad. I quickly started looking at the entry request.
Arnold - "You seem to be in a hurry."
"Yeah, you see, I'll be taking care of a very special friend," I said happily.
Arnold - *menacingly* "So that traitor survived?"
I was about to open the door when I heard him say that and completely stopped. "Sorry, what?" I said, confused and hoping I misheard him.
'Arnold' - *angry* "I asked if that traitor survived?"
"Yes, he did, and I won't let you hurt him ever again!" I said, angrily.
'Arnold' - *angry* "Tch, this messes up all our plans, dammit!" *hits the glass* "How? How is that rat still alive? He was supposed to die either by those damn yellow suit bastards or by the many injuries he had!"
"It seems you failed; serves you right for trying to kill him. And you know what? For doing that, I'll start calling the D.D.D. on all doppelgängers," I said with a smirk.
'Arnold' - *angry* "I don't care about the others, but I will tell you this, you better—" *interrupted*
“I think you are barking at the wrong tree. After all, it is you who should be careful because now *stands up and leans toward the window* I will be hunting you down like the prey that you are. So be careful, little doppelgänger. Make sure to always look behind you because if you don't, I, WILL, CATCH, YOU” I said with a smirk. I could tell that they remembered those words; after all, it was the exact same threat they had told me, and that only made them mad.
'Arnold' - *angry and banging on the window* “This is not over, you dumb human! I'll make sure to get both you and your little friend, and make both of you—” *interrupted*
I didn't let him finish and pressed the red button, which quickly put the shield down. I could hear them screaming at me. I quickly called the D.D.D., but by the time they arrived, the doppelgänger was long gone.
This time I didn't hide myself; instead, I held my ground. “I swear I'll kill you,” I thought as the D.D.D. started to patrol the perimeter. After everything was done and the D.D.D. agents were gone, an hour later, Francis arrived.
Francis - “Hello, Y/N. How has your day been?”
“Good. I received word that Hoon is getting released. He will be staying with me,” I said with a big smile.
Francis - “That's good to hear, but remember to be careful, okay? Also, if you ever need help with him, just call me, and I'll help,”
“Thanks, Francis, but a D.D.D. agent will be staying with me just in case. But to be honest, Hoon would never attack me,” I said, smiling.
Francis - “Mmm, so someone will be protecting you? That's good, but still, remember to call me in case of anything, alright?”
“Yup,” I said as I let him in. “This day ended well. Now I know who to hunt,” I thought as I started leaving the office.
Upon arriving home, I saw a truck parked in front of my house, my house lights were also on “He is here, finally” I thought as I parked in my usual spot and headed inside.
As I opened the door, I was suddenly greeted by someone hugging me. I managed to catch myself before I fell over and saw that it was Hoon.
Hoon - *happy* “Hoon! Hoon!”
D.D.D. Agent - “Hey, you're back! Great, I just bought food, so let's eat!”
Hoon happily led me to the dinner table, and for the first time in a while, I really enjoyed the food. “I feel as if everything is okay now,” I thought as I listened to Hoon happily 'talk'.
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at1nys-blog · 6 months
Next Door
When you try to save your friends from bad press (your father's opinion on them) ending up having to find a way to survive it turns different than what you expected, but along the way there are your best friends, new friends and a very annoying gym bro that lives just Next Door
Previously on... Next Door//More about... Next Door//Next on... Next Door
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Vol.3 Ch.16-Turning point
Jumping out of bed, Zoro had never been so happy to start his day. Most of the time he would wake up grumpy and in no mood to interact with a single human being, but today. Today was different, he had a plan and it was the first time in his life he thanked his lack of orientation.
The entinerary for the day was easy: they were going to the gym, two hours wasn't too bad, for him at least. For his neighbor maybe it was going to be atrocious; after he would have made her his personal gym assistant, they would go have breakfast in his favourite Coffe Shop and not for the quality of the brew or of the bakery, it was his favourite place because of his sister; after spending some time where y/n was going to be tease to the bones he had in mind going shopping with the excuse that he couldn't be left alone in a big place such as the mall; after that, if time was still on their side they would have gone to the Franky's for some dinner before driving home.
He got dressed, smile plastered on his face, he was having so much fun already. Taking his gym bag he closed the door of his appartament on his back. Knocking on her door he waited some minutes, minutes in silence, she wasn't going to answer any time soon. He tried again and when he came to the conclusion that it was pointless he decided to call her.
He started searching for "Dumb Witch" on his contacts, and once he found it, didn't waste any second in pressing the calling button.
“Who is that?” The girl’s voice was muffled, she didn't know how she managed to asnwer the call so early in the morning.
“Is me. Open the door” was his only answer.
“Me who?” it took Y/N some seconds to realize with who she was talking with. Zoro could picture her checking the ID caller and scoffed, finding funny her half asleep expression. “Stop lying and go back to sleep” she added. She hung up on him going back to sleep.
He called her once again, acting all hurt and offended about her action.
"Why would you hang up on me like that? You hurted my feelings"
"As if you have any to start with. And to answer your question, I hung up on you because is 5:10 IN THE MORNING so go back to sleep and stop annoying me."
"Sadly for you I am outside your apartament, so come open the door before I send a very nice screnshoot about your little confession." he heard a thud from the device and pictured the girl flying down her bed at his words, he smiled what was he going to pay to see her tripping on air and fall stomach flat on the floor.
"Wait. I am coming, don't..." her voice dissapeared, she had left the phone on the ground don't minding too much attention to the device. Y/N had to focus on going to open the door before it was too late.
She opened the door, holding herslef up on the frame of it she had to catch her breath before inviting the man inside. Hiding her eyes from the bright light of the hallway she tried to look some what her usual around the green haired man.
“Why on earth would you wake me up this early?” she was harsh with her tone, but she thought the man deserved it. After all he just woke her up in the worst way possible.
“Because we are going to the gym”
"WE are going NOWHERE this early in the morning" she made it clear, there was no way she was going to leave the comfort of her house, her bed, this early in the morning.
“Is never too early to speak you know?”
“Are you threatening me right now?”
“Maybe” she groaned. "ah take the car's key I have a nice intenerary for us"
"I have to work, un like you. I can't"
"There is no use in lying to me, I know you have today off. Go get ready and make it quick I have the group chat open and I am ready to send the screnshoot any minutes now" she wanted to scream, to hit the man but couldn't. Dam her and her lack of self control, if she didn't send that stupid text she was going to be sleeping peacfully in her comfortoble bed and not getting ready to spending a day following whatever Zoro had in mind.
Zoro always had and will always have a weak point, that something that alway and will always make him weak to his knee is something very simple and for some point of view very domestic as Ace once told him: a girl wearing gym attire, but not the fitted one where everything is all out there to see and pray at, no, Zoro loves a pair of baggy sweat pants (bonus point if one leg is lifted up) paired with a tank top and a color combined, colege sweater.
When Y/N showed up in the open living room dressed just like that he found himself stearing but it was not like he wanted to, it was stronger than him.
"Look at you, falling asleep already" she called him back to reality and he had to clear his throat before hushing her outside. "Dude wait, let me take the keys. Is not like a plan to sleep outside." at the mention of the house's keys Zoro had a little thought, did he took his keys before closing the door behind him? He checked and not founding the object he was searching for he wanted to punch himself. "Dude, is everything fine?"
"everything is fucking fine." he lied, he didn't want to get teased, not today at least.
The drive to the gym was a nightmare: Zoro was laying in the backseat as if he owned the vehicle and has all right to just stay there like that; he complained about every radio station that played on the radio, if there was a song he liked he would start humming alongiside the singer and then he would complain the song wasn't actually that good.
"Just pick a station and STOP complaining about every song"
"I am sorry I have high standards. I am picky about songs." he defended himself. "Now, can you turn back to the previous station?"
"What? Maybe now there is a song I like" Zoro looked pleased how she started to hold tigheter the wheel, taking deep breaths. He knew she wished nothing but to kill him now and there, but seeing her not being able to fulfill her dreams was too funny. "drive, is green" she mimicked him and started driving headed to the gym.
"I don't like this spot"
"Why? Is close enought to the entrance but not too much."
"Yeah but is going to get hot in there, there is nothing that will protect it from the heat"
Y/N had to keep calm, she was NOT going to give up and let him win, because she knew he was trying his best to get under her skin just for fun. He had leverage and if she survived the day maybe she was finally able to make him let it go.
"Then where should I park?"
"There" he pointed in the worst section of the parking lot, which was the only one with trees big enought to cover the vehicle from the sun, or to better phrase it, it was the only spot he liked it enough to let her park.
If driving with an annoying Zoro wasn’t bad enough exercising was even worst.
“I don’t remember if I told you that but just as a reminder here: I hate you”
“I did nothing wrong”
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME??" she started, looking at him with wide eyes, it was not possible that she heard him say that, not after the morning she had BECAUSE of him. "you woke me up at 5:10 am on my day off. You told me to get ready for the gym and I have to be your personal weights?"
"I work out better like this"
"I wOrK oUt BeTtEr LiKe ThIs" she mimicked him. "I swear I am going to choke you one day"
"I actually don't mind being choked" he jokes, quoting what she had told him just yesterday.
"Ne.Ver." and he went to his push up with Y/N on his back.
Unbeknowst to both of them they smiled for just a second, Zoro found her short-temper something to use to tease her and rail her up a little bit; Y/N found herself enjoying all this harmeless teasing between the two of them, it was the first time in her life she had found a boy that was trying his best to keep her in check and humble her down from time to time.
The rest of the work out went on pretty smoothly, the two still bickered but it wasn't as bad as that morning, it was something more superficial and it happened only when the silence started to be too much to handle for the two of them.
"Two hours is more than enough, can we go home now?"
"Nope, I have more I want to do today." his phone rang but he didn't check who it was or why someone was searching for him this ealry in the morning, (spoiler it was Luffy, he was up pretty early for his usual because of Uta and he wanted the two of them to meet ince they are his two best friends) he had more important business to attend. "turn here, you can park wherever you want this time"
"Thank you, your highness, this is such an honor"
"Don't push your luck, I never gave you permission to mock me" Y/N rolled her eyes and went back to focus on the road. Zoro had to give credit to her, she was a good driver. He also thought he ought her an apology for having thought any different just because she was a girl, but again, not today. Maybe tomorrow, in the morning. Or maybe some other time, later in time.
"Where are we going now?"
"Somewhere nice..." turning back he notice she was not moving, sitting on the hood of her car he rolled his eyes to the sky "trust me. Just this time."
"I will not move an inch if you don't tell me where we are going"
"Is a surprise, now move"
"Nope" she said crossing her arms and now sitting on top of her car, she was not going to move unless the boy spoke. Zoro knew better, he knew all that was a way to make him talk and he was way stronger than her playing this game. Nothing was going to break him, no sir.
If he wasn’t going to speak and she wasn’t going to move an inch, Zoro make it his mission to get her to walk. Approaching Y/N he took her by the waist.
“And what are you doing exactly?”
“If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed” and started to pull her off the hood of the car.
“Geez, I got it. Now let me go I can do it myself.”
“I sensed you were having some troubles” he teased her.
“Keep talking and we are going to have some troubles.” He brought an arm on her shoulders, getting face to face with Y/N. Way to close to her. The height difference made her look up at him a bit, noticing how grey his eyes were.
Zoro didn’t know why he did that but at the moment he thought it was a good idea. To hold her this close and tease her knowing damn well she would have attacked him out of nowhere.
He leaned in, just for a second, when a voice in the back of his head stopped him, and in time. He flicked her forehead and then walked towards his destination.
Y/N caught up to him and elbowed Zoro on the side.
“What was that for?”
“For flicking my forehead. That shit still hurts and now I have to buy some make up to hide the redness.” He just scoffed at her silliness not saying much more. He needed food before going back to his favorite hobby: teasing the girl next door.
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ilyxxnsm · 3 months
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True Love 05
| is true love supposed to hurt like this?
warning: domestic violence, toxicity. don't judge. smut. reader's body type briefly mentioned. reader's ethnicity's not mentioned, but she's light skinned to white. mental health mentioned (medication, depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc). implied self harm (skin pinching, nail biting, scratching, hair pulling). of course physical abuse (hair pulling, slapping, pinching, punching, he breaks bones be fr, hickeys and bite marks??). drug dealer yoongi. everything against reader. reader's 17, yoongi's 23. this is fucked up, like really fucked up.
| and because of you I don't even trust the wind, i question even my merit, my success, who I am, what I deserve, what I gain, what I lose, what i buy, what i sell, what i eat, even my funeral expenses...
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It's been a month since Yoongi left you in the hospital to rot by yourself, and you feel worse than you've ever been, even if your wounds already healed.
You had to come back to your apartment since he changed to locks of his, and you've been surviving out of water, snacks and instant soups every two days, no need to say you're a walking dead. Nights are the moments where dread, anxiety and nostalgia have a meeting in your head to torture you, and without the sunlight giving you some serotonin, you're afraid of yourself, of what you could be capable of doing.
Your head hurts and you just can't stop thinking about him, you feel like you're gonna start pulling your hair out of your scalp if you don't stop, just like last night, you need fresh air. You get up and leave your apartment and start walking in the middle of the empty streets, your head empty and your heart aching for him. You must look crazy since it's like 10 degrees outside and you're wearing just his hoodie, pajama shorts and some old UGGs, like a crazy homeless junkie. You walk down the empty streets, looking at your feet, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. How can you love someone who's as toxic as him, someone as violent and aggressive as him, someone who wouldn't hesitate to punch your face the instant he gets mad. You don't understand yourself, you hate yourself for being like this, the only one you can blame in this situation is yourself. Not him, he'll never be wrong, you'll never be able to hate him.
You walk for what it seems like hours, and you don't notice but you're almost at the other side of town. The air is so cold and lonely and dry that makes your skin and nose dry, you're not even able to take care of yourself now, like a stupid three year old kid, and you fucking hate it. You suddenly realize your surroundings and you're near his studio, somehow, you already know he's there. He's always locked up in his studio, working almost insanely on his music. You remember the nights you both stayed there until the sun came out, he loses track of time when he's inside, and you remember how he said he never picked up the calls when he was working, unless it was your name on the ID call. You wonder if you should go see him, what if he closes the door on your face as soon as he sees you, what if he gets mad and hurts you again. Or maybe he's been missing you too and wants to take you back, but you know he's too proud to take the first step.
You look at the building of his studio from the street in front, it's 4 am and you can see the lights from his studio windows, the ones that you always saw glowing red on the nights you would wait there for him to finish working. The memories of those nights make you shiver, remembering how you'd lay on the couch, listening to his breathing while he worked and smoked with the headphones on. He always said he worked better feeling you next to him, it didn't matter if you spoke or not, as long as you were breathing next to him. As you take the elevator to the floor of the studio, you look down on yourself and realize you probably look like you've been dragged behind a car, you try to fix your messy hair, but you give up and just end up knocking on the door, feeling your legs tremble as you wait for him to open. You know the password of the keypad, but you don't wanna walk inside just like that.
After a few seconds he opens the door with a tired expression, as soon as he sees it's you, his eyes widen and he looks shocked. He's wearing nothing but a pair of oversized black sweatpants and a baggy grey t-shirt, looking pale as usual, the red rings under his eyes makes it obvious he hasn't slept in days. He looks like he didn't even shower in days, it's clear all he does is work, sleep and probably eat cup noodles. He looks at you from head to toe before speaking. "How the fuck are you here?" He growls, pushing you inside and closing the door behind you. He knows you don't have a car and there are no taxis at this hour, so that means you walked almost an hour to come here, and that's insane for someone as weak as you. "It's 0 degrees outside and you're wearing that?" He scoffs, throwing a black blanket at you, you remember you used it as a pillow the nights you both stayed here.
He pushes you to sit on the black leather couch in the corner of the room and kneels on the floor in front of you, making you spread your legs so he can sit between them and take a look at you. You wince when he grabs your leg, his grip tight enough that it's gonna leave his fingerprints bruised in your skin. "Why are you here?" He asks, making you bite your lip and wanna cry, you missed him so much, you missed the manhandling and mistreatment. "I just wanted to see you" You mumble, your small hand reaching to hold his that's on your thigh, feeling his slender, long and calloused fingers. You can hear the faint melody of a song coming from his headphones on his desk, Cubase open on his screen. He makes you so nervous, but so safe, like the pain is a reminder of his presence. It's been a whole month and you're touch starved, you would kill to have him back.
He looks at you without saying anything, his eyes roaming through your body, his hands grabbing your legs as if he's searching for something under your skin. He notices the red spots on your arms, hands and legs, you've been pinching and scratching your skin out of anxiety, even biting your hair, he can tell from your wet and broken ends that look like they were munched by a cow. He looks at you for a few seconds and lets out a dry chuckle, rubbing the corner of his mouth with his thumb. "Is that my hoodie?" He asks, tugging on the soft fabric that drowns you. You nod, your hand searching for his again, holding his wrist to keep it against your thigh. "I miss you" You say in a muffled whisper, watching his feline eyes stare up at you with an unreadable emotion, you never understood him completely. You don't wanna be alone again, you wanna stop taking those stupid antidepressants that don't seem to work anymore, you don't wanna be alone in your bed tonight. You want him back, and everything that comes with him.
He keeps staring at you, his hand slowly tightening up on your thigh until it start hurting. You notice the way his Adam's apple goes up and down when he swallows, his gaze is almost feral and you shiver under it. You can feel the electricity on your skin when he's too close and it's so familiar it's almost painful. He looks at the expression on your face, and suddenly stands up, towering in front of you, his tall frame blocking the desk light and casting a dark shadow over you. His long slender fingers find their way around your jaw, forcing you to look at him with a grip that's firm enough to make you shiver. "Why did you come here, huh? Did you come here to beg your man to take you back?" He asks in a cold, almost mocking tone, his grip on your jaw tightening as he makes you look up at him.
He leans closer to you, his other hand grabbing your leg and forcing it to wrap around his waist, the cold metal of his ring against your skin. He's so much taller than you, you feel enveloped in his presence. You feel his breath close to your face and it makes you bite your lip to stop a whimper from coming out. His sharp, feline eyes staring down at you, his hand sliding to your neck, grabbing it so you stay still. "I know how much you miss me" He growls, squeezing your skin making you wince. "You're such a masochist, coming back knowing I could break your pretty neck" He lets out a low chuckle, his grip making you a bit dizzy, you gasp for air. "Look at you, you don't even fight back"
You feel yourself melt under his touch, you've been craving this for weeks, the smell of smoke and aftershave, the roughness of his hands and the cold of his rings. Feeling his breath on your face after so long, having his eyes glued on you. His tall frame towering over you, you're drowning in his presence. "Please, I miss you" You whisper as he releases your neck from his grip so you can breathe again. "I love you" You say as he turns around casually, holding on to his arm and trying to make him look at you. "Please, take me back, I'll be better..." You beg, almost crying, you're so desperate for him, for his attention, for his rough kisses, for him. You don't even care if you're giving him an ego boost or giving him a green flag to keep treating you the way he does, you just want him to take you back.
He turns back to look at you, a smirk appearing on his face as he looks at the way you're holding onto him like a lost puppy. He chuckles, a deep sound that rumbles through his chest. He turns around to look at you again and grabs your face in his big hands, his face close to yours. He looks straight in your eyes and there's a hint of a smirk in his expression. "You're so beautiful" He whispers, his thumb stroking your face, leaving a trail of fire behind. His hand tangles in your hair before giving it a harsh pull, your scalp burning, you gasp and whimper, but don't pull away. "I love you..." You whisper as he grabs your neck again and squeezes, now tighter, making you see stars. "I love you" You choke out, your face turning pink from the lack of oxygen, he can't believe how submissive you are. He lets go of you after a few seconds and you stumble back, feeling your throat aching as you cough and gasp for air.
He sits down on the black leather couch, sitting back and spreading his leg as he stares up at you with a smug expression. "Come here" He says with a deep voice, pointing to the spot between his legs, like he's calling a dog. You quickly obey and go stand between his legs, your hands holding on to the couch to steady yourself as he grabs your hips and pulls you closer, making you sit on his lap, straddling him. He lets you settle and you start to relax a bit, your body pressing against his hard frame. You cling to his body like a lost child who just found her father, feeling so safe in his arms. He chuckles, brushing a few messy curls away from your face and caressing your face roughly, he's never been the gentle type, everything he does is aggressive, sharp. You're such a sight for sore eyes, flushed cheeks, bright teary eyes, pouty swollen lips, red nose.
He pulls you closer and nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent, like he's trying to get high on it. You let out a small gasp and shiver when his touch and his kisses burn your skin, leaving dark spots all over your neck and collarbones, you missed the marks he leaves on your body, the trophies of his love for you. His hands are all over you, grabbing and pulling you closer, his big hands around your waist. His mouth on your skin makes your mind go blank and you melt in his arms, your hands buried in his hair and your body arching into him as he kisses you and bites the underside of your jaw. You close your eyes, letting out tiny needy whimpers and moans. Is in this moment that you forget the pain and abuse and focus on the deep connection you both have, in the twisted yet strong love, on the feeling of his mouth on your skin, on his magic running through your veins.
You feel the need to have him be closer to you, you push yourself against him, you need him on you, all over you. He takes off your hoodie, leaving you in the tank top you use as pajama. He tightens his grip on your hips and suddenly pulls you up by your thighs, making your legs wrap around his waist, your heart beating so fast you think it's gonna burst out of your chest. He pushes you down on his desk, making some of the stuff on it fall on the floor as he lays you on the cold surface. He doesn't seem to mind he just step on his keyboard. He's on top of you, holding your wrists over your head, his face close to yours. He takes off your tank top slowly, noticing the scar on your torso, a scar the surgery left and the doctor said it won't go away, scars of his love, you guess. His fingers trace the red skin outstanding on your ribs, making you shiver and squirm impatiently.
He leans down to wrap his lips around your sensitive nipples, making you moan like a virgin, so pathetic. He sucks on your nipples, taking his time on each one of them as his hands slide down your mini shorts and panties, a string of arousal between your skin and them. He spreads your legs wider roughly, making your miscled tense and ache, but he doesn't seem to care as he starts rubbing your cunt with his palm. Your eyes widen at the shocks of pleasure after a whole month without it, your hips grinding against his hand as he mocks laughs at your eagerness, he knows how much his touch affects you, not only because the physical pleasure, but because of the mental peace it gives you, like any rational thought and logic is gone and there's just voice, his body and his face in your mind. You want to lose yourself in him.
For a moment, you swore to yourself that this was the las time, that after a month in a hospital bed, you learned your lesson and you weren't going back to him, but here you are, begging him to make love to you and make your mind go blank, to ease the pain of absence by hurting you even more and telling you he's never gonna leave your side. The sound of his zipper going down is music to your ears, you can feel his hard cock hitting thigh as it springs out of his boxers, his balls and tip swollen, almost purple, and you're so happy to know how hard he's for you. His lips kiss your scar one last time before going back to your neck, sucking a small hickey before wrapping your legs around his waist and sliding his cock in between your folds, searching for that place that drives him crazy. You have to hold on to the desk as he slams inside you, your insides churning with the intensity of that thrust, but you like it anyways. His dick inside you, what a beautiful analogy of love.
He closes his eyes and stays still for a moment, his head falling on your shoulder, as if he had just been giving the most pure elixir in the world. His hands run up and down your thighs in such a tender and loving away, leaving no trace of the violent man who attacked you that night. "I missed you so fucking bad..." He whispers, kissing you deeply, slow, not usual for him whose kisses always leave you bruised. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as he starts thrusting in and out of you, with no rush, taking his time to enjoy the way your walls tighten around his shaft. He's not just fucking you, he's making love to you, he's worshipping you. "I missed you more" You whisper back between kisses.
You can barely move and you shiver under the thin sweaty sheet you're wrapped in. You don't know how many time you've been here cause you can't think about anything else, but you don't wanna leave. He's laying next to you, one arm around your waist, staring at the ceiling, bot of you laying on the cold leather couch. His fingers draw small shapes over your skin, trailing over the red and purple spots on your body. He's smoking a cigarette, occasionally reaching to flick the ashes on the ashtray behind the couch. You can't move your body, everything hurts, but it's a good kind of pain, the kind of pain only he can give you. You snuggle against his chest, hugging him tightly. "I love you" You whisper, kissing his cheek gently and feeling his mouth curl into a smirk. "I know" He says, taking a deep drag of his cigarette and blowing the smoke towards the ceiling. He never says "I love you", but you don't need him to, you know he does.
Everything's okay now, he's by your side again, you're safe, you're okay.
That until you feel a sudden nausea, and it's not the ramyeon you ate in the morning.
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catchyhuh · 11 months
O wise angry Lupin circle on my monitor, grace us with your answer: Who is your favorite?
i used to joke that regardless of if i wanted it to be obvious it was obvious until one of my friends sincerely thought i hated him for like three months because of how i talked about him. so maybe it really isn’t that obvious!! on a completely unrelated note here’s a list of zenigata fun facts off the top of my head!
as far as i know he’s the only one with an exact age. you do the math of when byebye lady liberty came out and the birthdate on his id, you get 51. damn.
canonical shoujo fan (read rose of versailles) but also has seen dirty harry 40 times so. varied tastes. he’s a complicated person.
local police departments fucking hate him not because of his weirdo methods or just how eccentric he is in general (tbh its more funny to them than anything, and he DOES end up putting other, worse criminals in jail during the process of the lupin escapades) but because he racks up HUGE fucking debts like everywhere he goes and like maybe 10% of it is actually related to lupin. he picks out nice hotels and restaurants and shit (or he did before they finally started cracking down on that shit). but i say we let him. waste that cop budget and live that high life my man!!
has survived multiple building-leveling explosions, has survived falling dozens of feet with nothing but a looney tunes sound effect indicating there was any impact at all, being shot in the heart twice, one time being legally pronounced DEAD but going “jk did you say lupin” and shooting out of bed, he got hit with enough tranquilizer to keep an elephant down for 3 hours i think (he woke up in 10 minutes) and he’s also bitten through steel bars with his teeth. no i don’t mean the handcuffs, although he does do that a lot too, i mean actual like jail cell bars. he’s a medical miracle
honestly i think if he just committed to only using bikes and motorcycles he’d be able to keep up in car chases more effectively because not only has he just outright tackled someone with a motorbike before but he’s fast as fucking hell on those things!! 
sorry made it this far without mentioning lupin but he’s also had lupin’s phone number a few times. he texts him. i mean lupin texts zenigata. probably noWell maybe the other way around but he knows better than to even try to trace the number at this point. he also used to hate cell phones but got over it and now has a live wallpaper. don’t tell him those things drain your battery he’d be so disappointed
uh apparently he worked construction at one point in his life. kinda terrifying to imagine a pre-thief-busting era zeni
has had THREE different first names because they couldn’t be fucked to keep track. koichi apparently came from a misspelling of his SECOND name (which i can’t be bothered to look up again i’m lazy i told you this was all off the top of my head) and they just went “no i kinda dig that. keep that one” and so that’s what they’ve used since. i cannot stress enough how unserious this series is
here's a small collection of images of him eating shit!
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friendly-books · 11 months
Dresden files Fool's Moon live blog
Fool’s Moon 
Ugh male gaze already
You’ve never mentioned Kim Delaney in your fic so I don’t have high hopes in her survival especially when she’s looking into summoning or binding circle
Sometime apprentice? Eh? How does one become a sometime apprentice
Harry drives a Beetle but he’s so tall and a beetle is so small ha
I’m absolutely blaming you for my love of Marcone and how unreasonably happy I got at the mere mention of his name in chapter two I might have a problem 
“He was one of Johnny Marcone bodyguards” pg. 18 Geez Marcone’s men can’t catch a break. First Tommy Tomm, then “Gimpy” Lawrence, and now “Spike” 
Ahh!! What was that agent Benn thinking? Pulling out her gun?!? I know Harry and Murph were going to live but still. I’m horrified by this lack of gun control 
Murph and Harry are fighting:(
I like Harry being a detective 
Who’s Justin? Why did Harry burn him to death? I’m reserving my decision if Justin is good or bad because while Harry is a good guy Bob doesn't have a moral compass.
Who’s Elaine? What happened to her?
Alphas really that’s the name they chose?
Susan you’re back!
Harry’s talking to himself again 
“What could possibly go wrong?” pg. 102 Harry sweetie you didn’t just say that. I can’t believe what I just read. Harry, you should know better than to say that. Every time someone says that things will always go wrong you’re supposed to be genre savvy. 
How is Harry still alive? He went to a hideout of possible murder happy werewolves with minimal tools and or weapons and no backup?
Marcone has arrived yay! It only took 10 chapters 
“Ah Mr. Dresden” pg. 114 Why did I think of Verinari when Marcone said Ah Mr. Dresden? Maybe because Verinari says Ah Vimes 
I love chapter 10 it’s all Marcone and Harry
Why does a demon know Harry’s mom?
“What was left of Kim Delaney lay naked and sublime on the bloodstained floor a few feet from the circle” pg. 143 I didn’t want to be right :(
“Middle-aged, starkly handsome man” pg. 145 Bi Harry counter 3
Why does a demon know Harry’s mother?
“Good-looking detective” pg. 231 Bi Harry 4 counter 
Wait did Harry call Rudolph the person who kills Murph good-looking??? What did I just read?? WHAT?!? 
It’s cool that Harry fights a werewolf 
I’ve now met ID Harry weird that whole bit was weird 
The FBI was in on it?!? 
Marcone to the rescue! 
“A man in his mature prime, his hair immaculately graying at the temples, his custom-made suit displaying a body kept fit in spite of the advancing years” pg. 293 Bi Harry 5
Really Marcone, you're really trying to get Harry to sign a contract now? 
“Marcone looked good in his gray suit and perfect hair and his manicured hands, but he wasn’t” pg. 295 Bi Harry 6
I find it amusing that Marcone and Parker are fighting over Harry for different reasons but fighting over him nonetheless :)
“He won’t accept my offer. He’d rather die.” pg. 297 Marcone knows Harry
“Marcone’s mouth dropped open, and it was an intense pleasure to see the surprise on his face” pg. 297 I love that Harry can get a reaction out of Marcone 
Loving chapter 23 with all its Marconeness 
How old are the characters? Harry calls the alphas kids, Billy calls Harry Mr. Dresden, and Harry talks about Marcone’s gray hair. I’m picturing Harry and Marcone as a mesh of @drawsdenfiles and @kaphkas fanart.
We got a title drop 
Awww Susan got Harry his duster
Why is Marcone’s house so big? Why does he need a big house? 
“If he truly offered you a challenge, he’s here,” Marcone said, his tone completely confident, “I’m certain of it.” pg. 365 Marcone really knows Harry huh 
I like that Marcone’s never underestimated Harry 
“Please remember that I want Dresden, alive if possible.” pg. 375 Wow Marcone really wants to hire Harry. 
Nooo the FBI kidnapped Murph :(
What did Denton see in Harry’s soulgaze? 
Marcone to the rescue again or not, honestly Marcone you should listen to Harry more often
“I guess it could be worse” pg. 394 Why would you say that Murph? Why???
“Mr. Dresden, Marcone said crossly. I’ve asked you not to call me that.” pg. 398 You should let Harry call you John, Marcone 
I love Harry and Marcone’s banter
Marcone’s throwing knives bit was cool
Harry using the belt was interesting. Glad Susan calmed him down. 
“Dresden! The pit!” pg. 417 Nice of Marcone to warn Harry
Harry using his necklace is cool! 
No Murph trust Harry, why did you shoot him?
Yay Murph was shooting Denton 
“Of course,” Marcone said, with a note of disappointment in his voice “I’d just hoped you hadn’t realized it. Nonetheless, Harry-“ 
“Don’t call me Harry,” I said, and hung up on him” pg. 428 I love this entire bit. How come Harry gets to call Marcone John but when Marcone calls Harry by his first name he gets upset? You should just call each other by your first names 
I hope we see more of the Alphas 
Oh Harry’s making connections with the ongoing mystery yay! 
Final thoughts 
Loved all the Marcone we got. I like that we’re getting more on the ongoing mystery. I hope we see more of the Alphas. I liked the fights and Harry’s detective work. More Bi Harry the counter is going up! We’re up to 6. As with the previous book, I'm not a big fan of the male gaze but I think that’s more to do with the length and descriptions used. Harry (or Jim) will go on for a solid paragraph describing women using words I don’t think anyone would use while with Bi Harry it’s not as long and I can see people using words like good looking or handsome. I mostly glazed over the male gaze bits. I don’t know if my predisposition to Bi Harry and a Harry/Marcone shipper is making those parts stand out or if it’s because I’m actively looking for them to add to the counter. Speaking of Marcone I don’t recall if it’s said why Marcone wants Harry to work for him. Yeah having a wizard on staff is cool he can do magic but surely Marcone knows that there’s more magic people and some are more likely to work for him than Harry. So why does he specifically want Harry to work for him? He tried to get him to work for him three times in this book and once in the previous book. There’s trying to hire someone and then there’s whatever this is. I enjoyed this book. Good book for Harry/Marcone moments. Looking forward to the next book!
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