#im having a minor crisis here
soiwatchthestars · 11 months
every night i get the urge to just walk out the front door and just- keep walking. the night is so still and quiet and i get this longing for it to be the last one i ever see, to never see the sun again
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tenrose · 2 years
I don't get why these criminals want to control people with uterus so much. Why having an uterus does make us less of a human? Why so many patriarchal societies all around the world decided this shit? Hell, having an uterus is already a pain in the ass for a lot of us without having to deal with being considered second class citizens.
I'm so sorry for every American who don't get to decide what to do with their body. I'm sorry for everyone around the world that haven't had the right to do what they want with THEIR bodies. This shit is frightening. People like to talk about about how women have no right in the Middle East but really they are just jealous it's not in the name of Christianity. And it's spreading all across the world. It has already widely spread inside the EU too and we did NOTHING. And women rights are far from being the only human rights being violated right now.
This is CRIMINAL. Every law, in every country all around the world, having for only purpose to control another human body is a HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE.
It's absolutely terrifying to see that everytime women, people of colour, queer people and basically every minority have been gaining a little bit of more human rights that they didn't have previously, the violence against them get even more intense. It's dreadful how they don't want us to live as free and as equal as them.
And you know how the incels, the white baby boys supremacists, the ultra religious fringes always scream "uh uh women want to emasculate us"? And how I speak before thinking sometimes and then I'm like "maybe I shouldn't be this harsh" and feel guilty about it. And how many women spend time trying to nicely educate them and saying to them that we just want equality despite them insulting them, and howw even I, am like while scrolling "I don't want to be this harsh sounding to men like some extreme feminist groups". And how all of this is in vain.
Well fuck this. I think we should give those assholes reason for once and come for their balls and throats. They want to take away our rights? Get ready to be bitten back fuckers.
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lovefrometernity · 2 years
Just. Random question to put out there in the Tumbly space. How the fuck do humans initiate social interactions?
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
Posts about bpd need to stop being so damn relatable to me 🤨
#listen im not saying i must have bpd cuz of a bunch of relatable tumblr posts dont clutch your pearls on me#but hm im starting to get suspicious ajsjk#just been spending these past few months really digging into my deeply repressed memories and emotions and i keep discovering more and more#fucked up shit lol like first its being forced to acknowledge that i have a bit more than some ‘minor trauma’#and that ive actually just been like horribly abused like. my entire life and still am 😟#then it was like really trying to think about myself and what ive done to cope with abuse and like ive constructed an entire person#to just live as whenever im in the abusive situations and when i was removed from the situation for the first time ever#i had like a huge crash a huge crisis i both functioned way better than everyone said i would like suspiciously better#but also way worse at the same time#i could handle all the responsibilities of living alone i never once felt scared or homesick i was clean i was efficient i used money wisely#but i also felt like i was dying and i couldnt function when my persona dropped#cuz i didnt need to be that person anymore i could finally be me but then like. who even is me ive never gotten to find out#i dont know basic ways to behave i still have no clue how to exist or what i truly want vs what i pretended to want#its all completely muddled and its hard to explain that i cant tell whats genuine with me and whats fake#cuz ive been forced to live the fake shit my entire life you know? ive had to and i had to accept it#ive never gotten to make any of my own actual decisions and at the same time i have to decide everything for everyone else#im the parent of my parents but never was the child and the child is still there asking for attention but no one is there#then you know i had to return to the abuse and so its like i did get to taste freedom but not for long and i spent all my time in that#crisis mode so it wasnt exactly a fun filled time but being back here is much worse than before cuz now i know whats happening#and how i have to perform and its like how do i discover anything about myself in this kinda environment and no one understands the turmoil#the reason why something simple like wearing different shoes is so impossible for me#its just a horrible environment to be in i am in hell constantly ive no clue whats happening and im very obsessive over everything#aaaaghhhhhhh help girl help lol
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wangxianficfinder · 6 months
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Fic Finder
1. Hi, me again!! Returning to your amazing site!! I hope you can help me find this fic!! I'm looking for a fic where WWX doesn't die in his first life, but he ends up in a paperman and in Yummeng they have to find a way to returning him to his body!! Please help!! Be well :) @monicaop21
NOT FOUND! 🧡 a paper friend by soft_wanning (G, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Paperman!WWX, Identity Porn, Meet-Cute, Different First Meeting) I'm not sure this is right but I'd thought I'd mention it just in case - Mod C
I remember this one but can't find it! Iirc, WWX was in a coma in Lotus Pier, but the rest of the cultivation world was told he was dead. Can't remember how his spirit ended up in a paperman, but all the Lotus Pier people knew, and eventually LWJ figured it out when he was visiting for a cultivation conference or something. I think they were trying to figure out how to get WWX back into his body when MXY did his ritual and WWXs spirit was pulled out of the paperman and everyone freaked out that he'd died for real this time
FOUND!🔒 something like by silversshadow (T, 69k, WangXian, XuanLi, SongXiao, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Temporary Character Death)
2. Hi!! Thank you for all your hardwork here.
I was looking for this fic where Wei Wuxian doesn't get adopted by the Jiangs.( I'm not sure if it was because he retained his memories of his earlier life.) Anyway... he gets the Dafan Wens at Yiling and closes Yiling with a barrier that no one can break through.
At some point Lan Wangji comes by and meets Wei Wuxian and there's a little bit of an identity crisis happening because Wuxian doesn't want to tell Wangji who he is but the smart Lan figures it out (I think lol) Also the war happens (again not so sure) but anyway all the sects comes to ask for refuge at Yiling.
The part I remember really well is where The Jiangs come by boat and Yu furen is her usual self with her condescending attitude.
I also remember a section where, towards the beginning, Wuxian actually cures the Burial mounds and like the entire village just loves him and takes care of him because he's such an angel.
Please find this for me cuz I went through 115 pages in my history and still couldn't find it. @poetic-writes
FOUND? The Devil That You Forgot by pottedplnt (Not Rated, 20k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, BAMF WWX, YLLZ WWX, Rogue Cultivator WWX, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Angst, Sentient Burial Mounds, Demonic Cultivation, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sunshot Campaign, Chronic Pain, JFM and YZY Bashing, Bad Parent YZY, Jiāng Family Bashing)
3. hiii for the next FF I’m looking for a modern wangxian fic where wy is a toymaker and LZ is a writer and single father to lsz. It’s largely comfort where wy reintroduces LZ to the magic of imagination I think and idk if it’s only where i stopped but the most recent scene was lz’s mother being stuck in the hospital. I also rmb that wy couldn’t leave the toy shop for long. @crazy-gay-killxr
FOUND! Pure Imagination by Witch_Nova221 (T, 119k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, JYL/JZX, LSZ LWJ & WWX, modern w magic, Romance, Toys, Toy maker, Magic, Found Family, Family Feels, Family Drama, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hospitals, Mentions of Cancer, Minor Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Loss of Parent(s))
4. Hi!! Thanks for your work, I have been looking for a fic I read I while ago. It is a MDZSxTGCF crossover, it starts with Wei Ying arriving to ghost city after his death and Hualian finding him (I'm pretty sure he calls Xie Lian an angel at some point). Some time later, Lan Zhan travels to the ghost city to find Wei Ying, he doesn't find him but Hua Cheng lent him some luck so they can reunite soon.
Thank again for everything!!! @jesuqueso
5. hi! im looking for a fic where the juniors of lotus pier think wwx gives the worst punishment. in reality, wwx just deliveres them to the most appropriate adult to deal with it. like if the best punishment would be "im not mad just disappointed" lecture, then he'll drop the kids off to jaing yanli or if they need handstands then to lan wangji and so on.. but wwx himself rarely punished them and somehow the juniors came to the conclusion that he must give out the worst punishment
this was just a small scene from a long fic. not even related to plot, i think this scene was towards the end. @mumblerovertmblr
FOUND! I'm pretty sure 5 is And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together) or one of its sequels / yes like previouly said, it is in And Time Is But A Paper Moon by sami, in chapter 20!
6. For the next Fic Finder – I was looking for a fic to suggest for an ITMF request, but I can’t find it! It’s a modern AU, where LQR suggests a marriage between JYL and LWJ (after a scandal with JGS comes to light, making JZX a bad option even though JYL still wants to marry him). But LWJ and WWX are already secretly dating, so WWX chaperones JYL and LWJ on a “date” where they finally tell her they are together, and then go about telling the rest of their family through the rest of the fic. @eorlgreylady
FOUND! I think 6 is A Sequence of coming out by kippalittlefox, but it seems to be deleted.
7. What I remember from it is that WWX was in the bath before some people broke into the jingshi and held him hostage when LWJ got back. He had a string to his throat, or a knife not fully sure. After the guys that broke in were killed and it was like the next day, JC came by and the three of them started talking in the middle of CR so that the others would know that LWJ killed the men because they tried to kill his husband and if they wanted to see the scar left across WWX's throat.
This part was at the end of it, but I don't remember it being long. Don't really remember honestly
FOUND! sounds like No journey is too long by dea_liberty (M, 12k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Found Families, Epilogue, Happy Ending, Some angst, a lot of feelings, WWX has some PTSD to deal with, Minor Violence) the last in a five-part post canon series. The incident takes place in an inn, not the Jingshi, but other details match
8. Hi! I’m kinda desperate now.
I’m looking for a fic where a-yuan or I think OC child is wwx and lwj biological child. I remember there is a chapter wherein before dying (due to canon stuff), wwx confessed to lwj that they had a child together. Then wwx died and I think they search for for the child (I forgot who saw the child but I sure it is either lxc or lwj)
I really appreciate it if you help me😭
9. Hey! I'm looking for a fic I've read once but can't seem to find it anymore.
It was a modern Wangxian au where LWJ is a motorbike racer and WWX is a single parent to A-Yuan. LWJ sees WWX on the street as he drives by and circles back just to ask him out on a date. Incredibly sweet fic and I would like to read it again.
Thank you! 😘 @lucica-stuff
FOUND! My Heart is the Finish Line by UseMyMuse (E, 29k, WangXian, Bikerji, dadxian, Mpreg)
10. There's a long modern au where lwj and lxc are art agents or something and wwx is an artist. But the main thing of the fic is that wwx hears from mxy that lwj FUCKS and might have a spreadsheet for it. This turns wwxs world upside down cause lwj is his best friend and he'd never known this. Then there's pining. Wwx painting a triptych, pining while fucking and finally the two idiots talk. There was also a b side version from lwjs pov. I cannot find this fic now. Help.
FOUND! show me a quiver, give me tonight by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 115k, wangxian, lwj/others, communication failure, mutual pining, artists, demisexual wwx, angst w/ happy ending)
11. hello! i need help looking for a fic please 🙏🏻
i remember a lot but these are the important bits: modern au, wwx & lwj used to be classmates, nhs finally convinced wwx to confess his feelings for lwj, and when he did (in public, blurting out loud cause he was VERY nervous), lwj thought it was a prank, got angry and rejected wwx. wwx was devastated, nhs felt guilty, planned to drink & then met wen xu. wwx and wen xu get together, but wwx ran away (?) with wx. he was actually in an abusive & manipulative relationship with wx. then wwx adopts wen yuan and he fled with wy. years later, wwx owns a cafe, wy is a teen and they accidentally meet lwj again at the cafe. the junior ensemble is there, things happen and wx finds wwx but there is a happy ending.
i have TRIED looking for it myself but to no avail. (This part added to an itmf)
we are blessed in this community for all the work that you do, thank you so much! 🙇🏻‍♀️ @emkaii
FOUND! how to make your dad fall in love with your high school teacher in five steps; the complete and bulletproof guide by ravenditefairylights (T, 90k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, NB LSZ, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Genderfluid WWX)
12. Hi i'm looking for a wangxian fic were everyone watches (fallows lan wangji) wei wuxian and thinks that he gave birth to lan sizhui. its on ao3 @sansfan286
FOUND? Assumptions by draechaeli (T, 50k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mainly Novel with a few CQL and Donghua bits, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Adoption, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, not mpreg, Not Established Relationship, Fluff, Canon-Typical Violence, Fix-It, gender non-conforming titles) the mirror follows WWX but they assume A-Yuan is the bio kid bc of convos they overhear but
FOUND? We made every mistake by JosieLinton2002 (T, 10k, WIP, WangXian, Mpreg) also features a mirror where they spy on WWX and they discover A-Yuan is Wangxian's bio kid
13. Hi can you guys help me find a fic? It was a modern au; it was about Lwj slowly realizing the Jiangs neglect Wwx or something along those lines. I remember two scenes, one where they were talking about gifts, and Wwx said Madam Yu got him shampoo and conditioner for his birthday, and Wwx thought that was normal. The second scene was Lwj learning Wwx is left alone in the house when the Jiang family goes on vacation.
FOUND? Lessons in Belonging by Nyatci (M, 12k, wangxian, Modern, Childhood Friends to Lovers, POV LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canonical Child Abuse, Bad Parents JFM & YZY, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobia, Good Uncle LQR, background 3zun, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Assumed Asexuality, some mild non-overly-explicit smut, LWJ really wants to put a ring on it so he does, Domestic Fluff, wangxian adopt a-yuan, 5+1 Things)
14. this is for ficfinder.
I read a fic a couple of months ago and I can't find it.
in it, lwj dies because of the lan elders in the cave, and wwx gets really really mad (obvi) and then gives half of his heart to lwj surgically (literally)
FOUND! To Love a Lonely God by sunandseas (E, 6k, WangXian, Body Horror, Blood and Gore, Wwx gives Lwj his heart, Angst with a Happy Ending, BAMF WWX, Hurt LWJ, Dark WWX, Dark LWJ, Temporary Character Death, sacrifice as a form of love, Murder Husbands)
15. For fic finder: It was a modern au about sport dueling. You could duel in pairs or one on one, and WWX and JC were raised to be a pair but Madame Yu kept them apart, I think? Anyhoo, JC goes on to pair with Jiang Yanli and WWX eventually teams up with LWJ and win the championship. I feel like someone got kidnapped halfway through?
FOUND! I feel like I win when I lose by so_shhy (T, 25k, wangxian, modern cultivation, Sports AU, Getting Together, some semblance of a plot, gently implied 3zun, obsessively observing someone from a distance is super romantic, LWJ pls use your words, really WWX cannot be blamed for obliviousness in this one, WC causing trouble, WN is precious, Fluff, Podfic Available)
16. Hi! I can't seem to find a fix I really loved -- I remember it was sort of cyberpunk cultivation world and wwx downloaded himself into a sexbot which fought with lwj who realized he was fully sentient and took him home. There's eventual wen remnants and wwx has a secret agenda.
FOUND? In Imitation of Life by travelingneuritis (E, 70k, wangxian, modern cultivation, scifi au, android WWX, tone: neon seedy, rich people are bored and terrible, post-apocalyptoc landscape, happy ending, smut, severe major characger injury, time loss)
17. Hi! I read a fic ao3 and i forgot to bookmark it. It’s a modern and i remember wwx being a ceo of a huge tech company and lan zhan ran away and kinda asked wwx to be his sugar daddy??
FOUND? finally safe (for me to fall) by sassybluee (E, 77k, WangXian, Modern: No Powers, Sugar Daddy, Age Difference, Sex Work, Rich WWX, Older WWX, Service Top WWX, Poor LWJ, Single Parent LWJ, Sugar Baby LWJ, Family Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Cockblocking, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, No Lube, Lube, Addiction, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Implied/Referenced Abuse, wangxian + others) sigh so good
18. Hii I'm looking for these fics I read not long ago, couldn't find it anymore,
A) it's a short one I believe? Where nie huaisang kinda drags wwx with him to the past and wwx was livid (wwx chocked nhs or something), the scene happened in front alot of ppl .
B) I've read multiple like this one can't remember the exact one but it's where wwx was actually female, and hid her true ID from the jinags, and was discovered by the Lans or something
C) it's similar to b but I remember this scene it was an established Relationship post canon? Where wwx got her og body back after being resurrected by male mxy
Thanks in advance ☆ @karinasnowwwx
FOUND? Selfish by Valeska (T, 2k, NHS & WWX, Time Travel, NHS Needs a Hug, WWX Needs a Hug, YLLZ WWX, Sunshot Campaign, NHS kinda messes up, WWX needs a break, Hurt No Comfort, no NHS bashing even if it kinda sounds like that in the summary, he's tired and desperate, which doesn't mix well with presenting opportunities as we know)
FOUND? 🔒 Fallen Flowers and Closed Blooms by mondengel (M, 1k, wangxian, Female WWX, Creepy JFM)
19. hello, I am looking for a fic " where lan wangji save wei wuxian after he jump from the cliff. baoshan rescued wei wuxian, lan wangji ang wen yuan from a cave and save wei wuxian by giving him his mother's core, later wei wuxian and lanwangji become demonic cultivator and immortal. "
FOUND? It's not a perfect match, but Ghosts Shouldn’t by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 15k, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
20. Hello! I’m trying to find a modern AU fic where the Lans still run a school, and in the backstory, WWX did something, got expelled over it (can’t remember why, it’s either punching JZX or messing with LWJ) and after being sent home, Madam Yu disowned him and threw him out of the house. There was also a mention that LQR was horrified, because the other times he expelled someone, they simply petitioned to be readmitted to the school and he was expecting that to happen with WWX.
Unfortunately that’s all I remember. Any ideas help!
FOUND!🔒With Intent by KizuKatana (E, 14k, WangXian, modern cultivator au, Modern with Magic, First Time, YLLZ WWX, WWX/others (minor), Jealous LWJ)
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lutewife · 4 months
Imagine dancing with fem! Alastor.... Especially in the rain
"Strangers in the Night"
gn!reader, platonic, lonely reader, sinner reader, no y/n written, reader is NOT a minor, only in retrospective
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Warnings: Murder, existential crisis, really bad angst (im so sorry), overall freaky
Notes: Good to see you here with us Prochy anon 🫶 Finally somebody with style graced us with their presence, of course I can write it, darling! (I will make you cry with this, because I just knoooow how you love angst 🥰). I didn't write it in the rain cause Idk how rain works in hell so yeah haha
Summary: Reader comes back from a party, depressed and runs into The Radio Demon. Alas tries to make the reader smile, so she invites them to dance. But there is a twist...
Crossposted on Ao3: @domaiscool
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You were coming back from a party. In your right hand there were scissors. You were playing with them trying to distract yourself.
Your head was hurting from the transient noise when you passed by the clubs and bars. Well, at least you thought it was by the noise. In reality, you just caught yourself on thinking too much again.
Was it the alcohol that did it for you? Probably.
You just wanted to get out of this loud district. You have had enough of drunk people and bad music for the night.
Yeah... The drunk people. Making out with eachother and whispering those sweet nothings into their ears constantly. Giggling and squeling.
It made you cringe, at least you wanted to think that. In reality, you were just too lonely to think "good for them". While being in hell, it was usually really hard to find a partner who actually loved you and wasn't just coming for your body. But at this point you just wanted what they had. You just wanted someone to rely on, to prey on. Actually even a friend, even family member, would be good. Your standards lowered when the loneliness got to you. Afterlife is sometimes like that and you just pretended you didn't care. It worked somewhat, at least it made you feel less depressed.
When you were drifting into your thoughts again, something, or maybe someone, interrupted you. In a spur of a moment you staggered, before finding yourself spread over on the ground, your butt hurting mercilessly, since you landed on the scissors.
- Hey! - you growled, massaging the sore spot, then got up quickly and looked before you.
It seemed like you arrived at the nearby park. Everything would be nice, amazing even, if you didn't have company. In front of you at the bench, was seated an elegant looking lady with some kind of walking stick, which probably was the reason of your hurting butt. Or maybe it was a cane? You couldn't make it out in such low light. What you knew for sure though, is that she was smiling from ear to ear.
- Oh, I'm sorry darling, did I startle you? That's what you get by walking with your head in the clouds! - said the woman, before robotically laughing. She didn't make any effort of giving you a helping hand. Whatever. It's not like helping people up was a common thing to do in hell.
You scoffed, trying to get the dirt off your clothes. Just as you were going to insult her in every possible way and language it hit you.
Red colour palette, cane, everlasting smile and the strangely familiar voice that was accompanied by the sound of the radio static...
You suddenly sober up.
- The Radio Demon...? - it slipped out. Terrified expression on your face didn't go unnoticed. The Overlord herself looked unbothered by the reaction.
- I'm sorry miss, I mean ma'am, I mean miss-misstress...? Uh... Lady? - you stuttered, the words seeming to fail you. She just grinned wider.
- Oh, how sweet! Now you're trying! - The woman seemed to make fun of your miserable attempts.
You just frowned even more, cringing. Nice. You were making a fool of yourself before The Radio Demon, who is more dangerous than fucking nitric acid. She could kill you here and there if she wished to. Fortunely, the woman didn't seem to want to. How reassuring.
Not knowing what to do with yourself, you sat down next to her, keeping your distance. It was too late to run away now.
The woman raised her eyebrow, noticing your movement, but she was rather pleased at your decision. At least you didn't fuck up that badly.
After some time she asked, as if casually:
- Why the long face, dear?
- Do I know you? - you responded with another question, wondering if you fucked up in the past and now she was coming for you.
- Oh, judging by your face, you know me very well - her smile almost extended beyond her face.
You felt absolutely terrified, but just as you were to stutter something out again, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth:
- Worry not, I don't want to hurt you.
You breathed out loudly. The woman seemed amused again (but with her expression it was hard to tell).
- Although I might change my mind if you won't brighten up that face of yours - her voice felt almost threatening, although her tone remained the same.
Intimidated, you tried to smile a little, but failed miserably. A loud groan escapes your lips.
- I can't. There's nothing to smile about in my life.
You could almost swear that The Radio Demon fought the urge to roll her eyes.
- No wonder you are so depressed, if you think like that - the woman stated dryly - Smile is a valuable tool, my dear. Even if you don't feel like it, you should use it - she lectured you, but you didn't feel like hearing her out. This was all a bunch of nonsense to you.
- No thanks, I'm not good at lying. Besides I don't like to - you said, dissmisingly, surprising the overlord. She didn't think of it that way before. Well, to be more precise, she has never had such a difficult audience.
The woman leaned on the cane slightly and stroked her neck, in thought.
- Do you enjoy dancing? - she finally spoke, her voice raised in question.
- Excuse me? - you felt perplexed at the sudden inquiry.
- I said, do you like dancing, my dear? - she repeated herself, expecting your baffled expression.
- I-I don't know? I've never danced before... - you just felt even more crestfallen and re-adjusted a strand of your hair that was getting into your eye. Was she planning something?The Radio Demon smiled even wider, knowingly.
- Well then... It is never too late to try! - she got up suddenly and gave you her hand.
In the moonlight, or should I say, in the deep red of the sky, she looked especially beautiful. Maybe even a little bit creepy, since her wide grin seemed really out of place in the low light. But the curly hair and wavy dress moving in the wind gave her a disturbing charm you couldn't really place a finger on. Either way, you took her hand warily.
Before you knew it, the woman pulled you along and snapped her fingers with the free hand.
It was strange. You were in hell, but the music which played that time was divine. Little lively melody, but oh goddess, how melancholic and real it felt. You didn't feel like you were a soul right now, even more so a demon; you felt like you were a child. Although a step away from innocence and step further into darkness. The woman really did sway you into a familiar rhythm. An unnaturally young soul, who wasn't suited for all the pain they felt. Finally: you smiled. But it wasn't a smile full of joy. It was a smile of regret.
Lost in the depths of hell, without a mother, or a father, or a sister, or a brother... Lost in the eyes of others, they simply forgot how to function themselves. Pulled into a tango with a much more powerful being, condemned to perdition in it's irises. A man who escaped from cruelty - that's who you were.
A younger version of you spoke, holding a pair of scissors. They were standing behind the woman you danced with and repeating it over and over again, but you didn't want to hear. You knew. And you didn't want to be reminded.
The music coming from the cane was starting to be even more hectic, not so divine as before. Now it was surely a music suited for hell.
Her dress was twirling. It reminded you of turquoise waves you've seen in the living world once. You wondered if the woman once was a human too, not some gruesome monster she was perceived as. Two strangers in the night, you seemingly didn't know anything about eachother, but danced nevertheless.
You were also amazed that you haven't stepped on her toes. It was a miracle, because you weren't thinking at all about your moves now. Too stuck in the past to be thinking rationally, you were yet to discover inevitable.
She twirled you and closing your eyes, you blacked out.
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It went by like a flash.
Core memory of life. Playing in the night. Escaping from the courtyard. The smell of grass and trees. The scissors starring as a plane.
A deer. But was it?
Closing eyes.
The tension.
And the release.
Scissors stuck in the flesh.
It wasn't.
It wasn't a deer.
You were just depending on your mother. She told you to bring the dinner. Even your father was teaching you how to shoot animals. So you killed, because you weren't so keen on being hungry the whole week again. You liked your scissors more, although the animals fleed before you could stab them with it.
It was normal for you.
But what wasn't normal, was that you actually managed to kill it with your sharp scissors.
And that this time... It was a woman.
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You groggily opened your eyes and winced. Your back was hurting.
- Fuck... - you groaned, getting up. You were seated on a bench. The same one The Radio Demon...
Yes. The woman.
Where was she right now?
You could still almost feel her delicate hand on yours. Shuddering, you massaged it.
And then you felt something on your cheek. It was cold. A tear...?
And another. And another. Great. Now you were crying. Why? You knew exactly why. But you didn't even want to think about it. You wanted to erase it from your memory. Even if she probably killed more people than you ever did, even if she was now a monster, you just couldn't manage to stop your saddness.
Because you remember how she danced. Her twirling dress, the waves. Long, long time ago, she was human.
You'll block it out soon, surely. But before you do that, you decided to say one, important word:
- Sorry.
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Proofread by: @koonczi
Fem!Alastor doodles on the header: @m00ndia
I still don't feel like it's good enough, but I hope you liked this lil' one shot :)
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transmutationisms · 5 months
ive noticed you’re one of the few people who still mentions covid and participates in analyzing ppl’s behavior around it like other social issues and ongoings, outside of a few disability/illness-focused blogs. my friends still mask but I get blank stares from them too when I mention covid. most people are uninformed that covid is still a threat but a fair number of people know covid is still around but still avoid talking about it. i thought maybe this is just how people deal with crisis, by ignoring it/making it a social taboo to mention it, but I’m in the US and when trump was in office everyone talked about trump and the threats (and perceived threats) under trump all the time. they still talk about the trump years. now I have …thoughts on how people talk about trump but not other presidents, but i just mean it as an example of people acknowledging something and not immediately forgetting about it. people do routinely ignore ongoings that don’t immediately effect them, like some groups of people ignoring police brutality for example, but covid does affect them or at the very least affected their life in 2020, no matter how briefly. and of course, many people are talking about current events/historical events or analyzing social phenomena all the time but never mention covid. do you know why that might be? because I feel like im in the twilight zone
i disagree that it never comes up at all; i think what you're picking up on is more that it has become, in many people's minds, so ordinary as to be mostly invisible in the same way as, like, the flu. generally people accept that these illnesses exist but they're seen to be inevitable and minor and thus mostly not worth talking about, save for a few bits of eg health journalism that emphasise individual actions (never political solutions) and maybe a convo about immunisations at a doctor's office for those who can access a doctor. now obviously i don't agree that covid and the flu belong in the same category of seriousness, epidemiologically, but narrativising infectious diseases has always been sociologically much more complex than just accumulating Correct Facts based on Observing The Illness. people will give you even blanker looks if you mention that hiv/aids is ongoing, yet here it is still. our perceptions of public health events (of any events really) are formed in complex ways and it's not a new issue to see that the consensus narrative (esp in an imperialist country pumping out back-to-work propaganda about chronic illness in general and covid complications specifically) doesn't match up with what data we can collect. im sorry if that sounds bleak but i do think 'public opinion' in this case and in general is more an effect of capitalist policymaking than an independent entity formed by each rational individual entity like, carefully evaluting the evidence and coming to an independent conclusion or whatever
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mossstep · 6 months
ghost sagau!
Part one… you’re here Part two part 3
characters: Hu Tao
tw/cws: genshin sagau, swearing, minor ooc (idk how to write hu tao)
note: I am a minor, don’t be weird in my tags please!
Waking up in teyvat was certainly not on your bingo card for this year. You had only been playing genshin seriously for about a year or so. You had played before that, but had gotten bored after the Monstadt archon quest, because of the steep ar requirements for the Liyue archon quest.
So waking up in Liyue, specifically wuwang hill was,  jarring to say the least. You had recognized the area immediately. You had basically lived in the crimson witch domain farming for your Hu Tao. Not that you had Hu Tao yet, having lost your 50/50 on each of her reruns. (Seriously! Talk about bad luck!)
As you get up you notice a vague feeling weightlessness, looking down, you noticed that you were partially see-through? What?
You had barely been able regain your composure when you here a familiar song. You recognized it anywhere, seeing as it from was one of the most iconic idles in the game. 
As the director of the Wanshengn funeral parlor sang her song, she suddenly paused, staring directly at you.
“Hello!” She says with a grin walking towards you, “you’re different from the other ghosts that hang around here,” she said with a smile.
“I-“ you opened your mouth to speak, but what were you supposed to say in this situation? ‘Yeah you’re right, I’m from a world where this is all a game and you’re a fictional character lol’ like, you can’t just say that! That’d give Hu Tao an existential crisis! 
…actually maybe it wouldn’t considering her personality, but thats besides the point. 
“…yeah,” you say, “you’re Hu Tao, correct?” You don’t need the clarification considering how much time you’ve spent on this game, but it doesn’t really matter.
Hu Tao laughed, “I’m sure you don’t need need me to confirm, your grace, considering-“
“IM SORRY?” You blurt out before thinking, “what- what the fuck did you just call me?”
“Oh” Hu Tao stared at you for a moment. “You’re the creator right? Everyone here knows we wouldn’t exist without you creating an account!”
“What?” Is the only thing you can’t think about to say, “you- oh my god?” The people here know they’re in a video game? Wait hold on- creator? The fuck?
Hu Tao stared at you for a moment, before a mischievous look washed across her face, “you should come to liyue harbor! I’m sure everyone would be happy to see you!”
“Okay?” You say, and Hu Tao ran off. “Hey- wait!” You didnt know your way to liyue harbor from here, always taking advantage of the waypoints, you go to run after her, but suddenly the world shifted. 
You would’ve felt a wave of nausea if it weren’t for your ghostly form, but one moment you’re at wuwang hill, and the next you’re standing by the waypoint overlooking Liyue harbor.
This was going to be a long day, wasn’t it?
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nekrosdolly · 6 months
a silly little blurb (written on my phone)
a/n; if you don't own a hairdryer + hairspray, you do now. y'all are married. wrote this instead of sleeping, wesker is soft in this, sue me. set before the events of 1998, a few weeks prior.
thirty minutes. it's been thirty minutes and he still can't get his hair right.
albert looks down at his hands, covered in hair gel, then at his hair with a huff. this is the last thing he needs to do before he goes to work. he's in uniform for the most part, undershirt included, sans his blue button up and shoes.
on the bathroom counter lies a thin-tooth comb, also slathered with gel on the teeth. nothing has worked. his hair is so... flat. disappointing. soggy with too much hairgel and not enough hair to distribute it evenly.
you're asleep during all this, though the light seeping from the bathroom door hits your eyes and starts to rouse you.
he's never been so frustrated. genuinely frustrated.
"god damnit. i don't need this." he grumbles as he hastily cleans up the mess he's made of the bathroom. he's as quiet as can be, and yet you knock on the bathroom door anyway. he jumps- how did that startle him?
"baby?" you mumble, rubbing your face with one hand, "you alright? i heard cussing." you lean against the doorframe, heavy with sleep that lingers in your bones.
"fine, dear, really." he says over his shoulder, still in a crisis over his hair. really, he's not that old, how is his hair so thin already?
"m'kay. im coming in." you push the door open before he can protest, let alone hide his disaster of a hairdo. he accepts this minor defeat, half expecting you to say something about his hair when you walk in.
but you don't. you kiss his cheek and mumble a tired "good morning," before walking over to the sink to brush your teeth and start your day. he stares, puzzled as to why you're not seeing what he sees.
"morning, dear." he says quietly, grabbing his overshirt and shrugging it on as you finish up brushing your teeth. his fingers are still a bit slippery with hair gel as he fumbles with the white pearly buttons. wonderful, another frustrating thing. of course you notice.
"need help?" you look at him through the mirror as you're starting your skincare routine. you haven't even put on your cleanser yet and he's already struggling- again.
"that would be nice, thank you. it seems that my fingers have some leftover gel on them." he steps towards you as you turn to face him. your deft fingers make quick work of the buttons. you can definitely tell something is bugging him, but you're not sure what. his brows are furrowed as he watches you and holds your waist.
"your hair looks different." you glance up at the mop on his head, sodden with gel and shiny. he frowns. you withhold a giggle. he looks like a wet cat.
"believe me, i know." he grumbles, and you just can't help it. you chuckle and he furrows his eyebrows at you, his upper lip twitching.
"don't be such a sourpuss, hm?" you leave the top two buttons undone the way he likes and peck his frowning lips. he brings you in for a real kiss, one you've been anticipating. he always kisses you more when he's grumpy about something. he's less frustrated when you break the kiss, his frown less severe.
"how long until you need to be in?" you scope out the disaster on his head, taking a few oversaturated strands in hand to assess the damage.
"an hour, but i was hoping to go in early... why?" he glances at your hand, then at your contemplative expression.
"well, maybe i could fix your hair." you suggest. his frown disappears.
"are you sure, darling? i'd hate to waste your time."
"it's not waste." you grab a towel and drape it over his shoulders- no point in removing his work shirt after you spent time buttoning it for him. he can deal with a few wet patches here and there.
"right. so what am i doing to fix this," he gestures to his hair, "issue?" his eyes follow you as you walk to the shower and turn on the water to hot.
"stick your head under the faucet and rinse the gel out. we'll blow dry it and go from there." he's less excited now. the last thing he wants to do is drench his uniform, but if you say it'll help...
reluctantly, he ducks his head under the faucet after removing his glasses and groans quietly at the uncomfortable feeling of water dripping down his neck. you come beside him to work the water through his hair and rinse away the sticky hair gel.
"darling." he's complaining, gripping the towel around his shoulders and you smile to yourself at the sight.
"alright, alright. i think it's out." you shut off the faucet and wring out the remaining water from his hair the best you can.
"thank god." he mutters under his breath, drying his hair off with the towel while you grab the blow dryer, a cylindrical hair brush, and a wide-tooth comb. you plug the appliance in and sit on the sink's countertop, gesturing for him to come closer and kneel down. he does as you ask, resting his head on your thigh.
you brush through his hair with the wide-tooth comb first. occasionally, he presses a kiss or two two the inside of your thigh, something he's doing to show appreciation. you try not to think about how good he looks on his knees in favor of staying focused on the task at hand; helping your husband with his hair. to busy himself so he's not just sitting there, he's taken to massaging your calf.
moments like these, you'll remember forever.
you pick up some styling mousse and heat protectant to lather in his damp hair. when you pick up the blow dryer and hair brush, he comes a bit more curious. you wrap his hair around the cylindrical brush and focus the heat on the section.
you continue to do this, section by section, until his hair looks pretty close to his usual style. he's nearly fallen asleep, kept half-awake by the annoyingly loud hair dryer.
"almost done." you grab hairspray from your side of the counter and shield his eyes before spraying a healthy amount. you hold your breath, but albert doesn't mind the chemicals- can't be worse than what he's going to do to his body soon enough.
he's staring up at you, his eyes half-lidded and sleep evident on his sharp features.
"are we done, my dove?" he asks, sitting back on his ankles and rubbing his bleary eyes. you return his glasses to him and he slips them on, standing up and using the counter as leverage. like this, he's caging you against the mirror with his large frame. you can't say you mind, though. he examines his hair haphazardly and ducks his head to kiss you.
"ah," you place a hand over his mouth gently, stopping him in his tracks. his eyebrows furrow, his eyes narrowing.
"work. you're going to be late." you remind him, to which he rolls his eyes at and moved your hand off his mouth.
"yes, that would be an issue. thank you for fixing my hair, dearest." he pecks your lips before peppering your face with soft, sweet kisses.
"albert. work. go." you intend on sounding stern but it's impossible when he's being sweet, so you end up turning him around by the shoulders and ushering him out of the bathroom. he goes easily, given that the future of your lives is at stake, and grabs his work bag as well as his badge and gun. you clean up in the bathroom and meet him by the front door.
"see you tonight, alby. i love you."
the blush that rises to his cheeks whenever you call him that is intense.
"indeed. i love you too." you give him one final kiss on the lips before he leaves for the next 8-10 hours. you're going back to bed.
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rostomanologist · 6 months
Russia Is Fucking Up Queer Lives. How Can I Help?
i kno there are several masterposts with links and etc, but i want to make one for our foreign friends
so, the help how? mostly, donations and signing petitions. for now ru-queers are in need for legal and psychological support, sheltering and evacuation, which is done by several organisations also, please spread the word. there's little info on what's happening here, so any reblog of news or info posts would be appreciated
Quarteera's petition for providing easier access to refugee status for trans people from russia (since the transition is prohibited here) in germany. can be signed from any country. more details here
Sphere's petition for easier obtain of visas and travel documents for ru-queers in countries that have signed international human rights conventions
Coming Out - helping organisation, provides legal, informational and psychological support
Queer-Svit - organisation helping lgbtq and bame people; provides help for people affected by war in ukraine (relocation, financial support), national minorities in russia, belarus and other "post-soviet" countries, trans people in russia
SK SOS - crisis group working in north caucasus regions, including chechnya/ichkeria; focuses on evacuation of women and queer people from there
Centre-T - initiative group for trans and non-binary people
Dept One - advocacy organisation which also works with lgbtq community (accepts donations with crypto currency, for other currencies email them)
OVD-Info - advocacy organisation which also works with lgbtq community
Resource Center for LGBT in Ural - focuses mainly on helping people in yekaterinburg offline, but also provides online help
Parni PLUS - russian lgbtq media, which also provides informational support for people in need
some of the sites are in russian, so use translate if it's hard to navigate.
im afraid i didn't mention a lot of organisations and initiatives (sphere, russian lgbt network and etc are not included since i can't find links for donations. if you find them i'll add). so additions are welcomed
thank you!
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juyeonszn · 8 months
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PAIRING kevin moon x f!reader
GENRES itty bitty angst? ﹒fluff ig? ﹒smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, kevin is having an existential crisis, established relationship, kinda? cnc?, somnophilia, cockwarming, tbh that’s all 😭 this is a shortie but she’s kinda cute too ig
SUMMARY even when the world felt like it was no longer spinning on its axis, he had you to revolve around, like his own personal sun.
MORE this one is a double whammy besties 🤓 along with being kevin’s fic for fawntober, she is also a long awaited request from my 100 follower event for @confuchan !! im sorry this took so long 😭 i hope it meets ur expectations!! if u enjoyed, pls don’t forget to reblog! prompts used are: 8, 19
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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Laying here, staring up at the ceiling like it was more interesting than any news story on TV, Kevin felt like he was at a standstill.
It was like the world came to a spinning halt, and the only thing he could focus on was the low hum of the fan in the corner of the room along with his own breathing. But then you stirred beside him and pulled away his concentration as if it were second nature to you.
Now all he could do was listen to your evened breaths, watching your shoulder rise and fall as you slept. You looked so peaceful, soft snores filling his ears as he leaned in to wrap his arms around you. You felt so warm in his embrace, your skin against his tucking away all the worries that had been stuffed inside of his head. Everything just came so easily with you.
It was amazing how you didn’t even have to do anything, just your presence was sufficient to calm the storms raging in his brain. Your brows were slightly furrowed, like you were invested in the dream you were having. He can’t help the small smile that works its way onto his lips.
You mumble something in your sleep, alarming Kevin for a moment before he caresses your cheek, leaving a kiss on your temple. “I just want to hold you close.”
Maybe holding you close was a bad idea though, what with the way you kept moving. Each squirm brushed up against him, turning him even more restless than he was before. He pushes your hips into the mattress to still you, holding in the choked groan threatening to free itself from the back of his throat.
Despite all the uncertainties that plagued Kevin’s mind moments ago, one thing was for sure. You were wearing way too many clothes for what he had in mind. The thought of your wet heat alone was enough to bring a sense of peace within him. Perhaps that was all he needed to finally fall into a blissful slumber; just the feeling of your warm walls sucking him in.
His fingers sneak down to the bottom hem of your panties, grateful that you were pantsless and your legs were somewhat spread already. He pushes aside your underwear, slipping himself out of his own. Kevin sighs, placing his forehead on your shoulder to quell the inkling of shame burrowing through his chest as his cock slides into your cunt without hesitation.
Fuck, it was like your pussy was made for him. It was as if you were created solely for the purpose of Kevin’s dick burying itself deep inside of you. His eyes flutter shut, finger creeping under your t-shirt to rest his hand on your stomach. He twitches in you when you whimper in your sleep, scooting yourself against him. His broad chest was sandwiched to your back, the two of you as close as physically possible.
This was perfect. He didn’t even have to move, didn’t even have the desire to finish either. All he wanted was to stay like this, his cock snug between the walls of your cunt. In fact, it’s enough to lull himself to sleep, effectively resetting any and every existential crises running through his head.
That was the thing about you. You were always the one constant in Kevin’s life. You could turn a bad day into a good one in a matter of minutes. Even when the world felt like it was no longer spinning on its axis, he had you to revolve around, like his own personal sun.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
4/8/2024 eclipse notes
Overall it was a hopeful day for me despite the ever-looming sense of mourning. but the eclipse made it feel special. this eclipse was so mathematically rare because of the exact EXACT chiron conjunction. down to the minute. never experienced something so precise in my 15 yrs observing astrology.. i lit a candle for sammy & spent a while praying then did yoga n journalled outside as the eclipse waned. u couldnt see the full thing here but i saw a little ^.^
i've talked about chiron on the blog b4 but if ur not sure basically it's a major asteroid named after chiron the centaur, "The Wounded Healer". i feel that nickname sums up wat chiron's about, it's your deepest pain, isolation, rejection, & it's where your greatest potential to heal others (+yourself) can be brought forth. so chiron was turbo-activated today. it's digging up a lot of sh** for me truly. like this is rly crazy. but what i realized today is that i'm in the best place i've ever been to grieve, that was my eclipse revelation i spose.
and this is the most painful loss i have experienced in a loooong long time bcus this was someone i spoke to basically every day for the past year. but even then, i feel sm more equipped to get thru it , even if i feel rly quiet rn & not like myself, i kno it'll pass & i'll feel like i can be normal again. dnt feel much like posting rn but i'll get back to it eventually cus sammy rly loved my blog like sincerely i never felt embarrassed that he read my posts. although i do feel this is causing me another minor crisis over internet usage & how to exist online, i know i have to keep posting for sammy P..
yeah ahh the sadness comes in waves but im really glad i am where i am rn to process it all. it's weird to know this will impact my whole life going forward. it makes me think back to sain;t's death and how that changed the course of everything. except back then i was in the WORST environment to cope with it. it's so different now. saint's full name was saint chiron too !! so i always think of them when new chiron sky theatrics are happening. i'm like Awww Saint Wouldve loved writing a 10 paragraph introspective post about this ...They trained me in this manner :>
couldnt resist a late night ramble as i am ever so restless. tomorrow i have therapy for the first time since the day before denji ate a ziploc bag and got emergency surgery. i think that was like 3? weeks ago?? so basically i'm convinced time isnt real anymore because there's no way it hasn't been 3 months. rapid fire trauma lol o_o like please wonderful lord in heaven can we just pick, a struggle , one single struggle is enough. tysm. thats all for now.. trying not to scroll the dash because everything make me feel too crazy rn so pls dont think im ignoring u everyone Ok ilu.. gn
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
Re: https://www.tumblr.com/olderthannetfic/720791837582983168/tbh-im-quite-shocked-by-all-the-anons-here?source=share
The thing about the OTW publicly suspecting an ex-volunteer is that a) the ex-volunteer was the one who had theorised in a public post that she might have been a suspect first. And she identified herself by username in it. And speculated that she'd been unjustly suspended after that email attack she was the suspect of. So b) the OTW was responding org-internally to current-volunteers' questions brought on by the ex-volunteer's post and they c) did not name her, so only the current volunteers who knew about the ex's post would've been able to identify her as that ex-volunteer. You can't cry defamation if you self-defame, first, and defamation requires that the other person is lying about the reasoning for their suspicion.
As for the CSEM ticket handling and the treatment of the PAC members, esp that ex-vol who worked CSEM tickets, I'm of the opinion that if you take on that work, it's your job to make a call whether or not the material in front of you contains an actual minor. Yes, 99% of it is going to be tickets about cartoon porn or GOT fanfic or whatever, but live-action porn is very much something that you might have to evaluate, too, and she straight-up said she wasn't able to tell with certainty, and so wanted to ban the content (which was fan*fiction* + the ambiguous porn gif) based on it being tagged Underage just to be safe. And it's fine that she said she couldn't tell, but she doesn't get to complain that she was forced to evaluate and eventually dismiss (due to the person in it not being clearly identifiable as a minor) that content, when by her own words, she wasn't forced. She'd also stated that she was working these tickets by choice so the other members wouldn't have to, but now people spin it as if she was chained to her desk and given nothing but CSEM reports. That's unjust framing.
Neither is it ok to want to suspend a user for tags that from context clearly pertain to a *fictional* work. She says she was told she couldn't ban it despite wanting to because "Legal says gifs are transformative fanworks and Disney had recently implied it wanted to crack down on gifs", which, to me, carries the implication that Legal said to ignore CSEM if it comes in the form of gifs or other transformative works. When what that actually is, is the obscenity exception about visual sexual content in which no real kid appears to have actually participated (if the pics are not of a child, but meant to be about underage sex, they need to be obscene under the Miller test to be illegal, and transformative works have artistic value). Which is stuff that she, as the former go-to CSEM ticket girl of the OTW, should actually know. Granted, the one bit I don't doubt at all is that unpaid volunteers don't give or receive enough training, but personally, when questions of legality and attached morality (is this ruling fair, or harmful?) haunt me, I look shit up. And I don't believe for a moment that Legal did not look that shit up despite specialising in IP-law, or had misunderstood CSEM laws to such a degree that they'd actually say it's not CSEM if it's a gif.
I've seen people now - that ex-volunteer among them - demand a mental healthcare budget, at least for post-emergency-use, and call failure to provide that neglectful. The lack of mental health support in a unpaid-volunteer run org for the people who do this kind of important work is unfortunate, and was even more so in the aftermath of the email attack, but the OTW can't just magic that money for 900 people's healthcare up. Them continuing not to pay (cause that's what it is) their volunteers after a crisis is not abuse or neglectful.
The majority of their (the ex-vol's and allied vols) points seem either ignorant or deliberately framing themselves as the victims of some horribly abusive organisation who made them look at and shelter CSAM and is now bullying them after they blew the whistle on it. I don't really see anything worth getting the whistle out for, here, so yes, I think it's a smear campaign.
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fatliberation · 6 months
hey, i really need advice and I hope it's okay to come here for that. tw for eating disorders and abuse i've been suffering with severe back and leg pain and of course my parents and doctor attributed this to my weight. my doctor has recommended a strict diet for me to lose weight and my parents ( im a minor ) are taking it upon themselves to implement this diet, restricting my food intake, punishing me for getting snacks, etc. I have a history of anorexia BECAUSE of my parents forcing me to lose weight and have recently regained all that weight, which took an extreme toll on me along with ridicule from family telling me how much better i looked when i was underweight and extremely sick. i was still suffering from the same pains at my lowest weight. my mother has a history of disordered eating and has frequently tried to and successfully forced me into doing diets with her.
Oh dear heart, I am so sorry. It is extremely inappropriate for your provider to recommend a diet, ESPECIALLY given your history with anorexia. I'm sorry that your parents continue to cause you harm, it must feel so awful to have your autonomy taken from you like that. I am enraged on your behalf. Fatphobia is so poisonous. You deserve unbiased and proper care for your pain.
Do you have any connections to adults you can trust? School faculty or mental health professionals? My first recommendation would be to find a new doctor, but I understand that my usual advice is a thousand times more difficult as a minor. If you have a therapist (hopefully one who is anti-diet), they should be able to write a letter to either your parents or your doctor, advocating for your needs and explaining how this is harming your wellbeing. They can also have a meeting with both you and your parents, if your parents agree to it. If therapy isn't an option for you right now, I recommend reaching out to either of these free ed hotlines and share exactly what you told me. These are trained professionals who can offer you much better advice than I can.
Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders Hotline: 1-888-375-7767
Project HEAL (Help to Eat, Accept, and Live) Crisis Textline: text HEALING to 741741
Good luck, sweet pea. My heart is with you. I sincerely hope you're able to get out of this soon and receive ACTUAL care for your back and leg pain. Remember that there is nothing wrong with feeding yourself, and nothing wrong with existing at a higher weight, despite the messaging you're being bombarded with. One day this will all be behind you and you will have the breadth to heal. It will get better. In the meantime, please rely on friends and give yourself permission to do whatever you need to keep yourself safe. Sending buckets of love. 💕
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I really liked your post about the Forever situation , im also part of his chat, and your post kinda helped
I got a very big anxiety crisis because of this situation, it was terrible, but im better now!!:D
The only thing that scares me is the fandom invalidate the people who were victims of pedo just because they decide to still watch Forever y'know?
I’m glad I could help somehow!! if you’re anxious about the whole thing, don’t be afraid to take a step back!! I felt this looming sense of dread over it this morning, as I’m sure many of us did, so I’m happy I was able to put some people’s minds at ease. we don’t know everything about the situation yet, so let’s all just take a deep breath and remember that we are not personally involved in this situation and we can make our judgements if and when more information comes to light.
and YES god the thing about invalidating victims sucks, and the thing is it seems to happen from both sides of the argument. ofc most people from both sides aren’t invalidating victims’ experiences, but there are loud minorities from both who are. Some of those who dislike him are ignoring the victim’s wishes to not be involved (bc the information came from a third party) and pestering her to talk about it anyway as if somehow hearing from her will magically make it all make sense, even if it means her reopening her trauma and causing her harm, and some of those who still support him are saying there’s no way this is a valid allegation and the alleged victim should be ashamed, and he is right to get pissed since it’s OH SO CLEARLY false and EVERYONE gets these allegations nowadays (sarcasm). We have no way of knowing 100% if it’s true, the alleged victim has claimed that she does not want to be involved as far as I’m aware, the information came from a third party who apparently has a history of digging up dirt about the Brazilian ccs—there are SO many factors here that we can’t confirm or deny anything.
half the fandom is reacting the same way Dream’s fanbase did when his allegations (whether they ended up being true or not; idk i don’t care enough about him to watch his fucking video essay) came out. People are saying that the person bringing up the allegations is clearly just a hater and that’s the only reason they have for this. And maybe that’s true!! Idk!!! I’ve heard through the grapevine that the alleged victim does not want to be involved!!! It’s like when Cellbit’s past abusive relationship was being talked about a few months ago; the victim wanted no part in calling him out because the situation was done and over with and they didn’t want to think about it, let alone fight for some kind of justice they didn’t even want. It’s a complicated situation, but people need to stop putting this off as just hate from antis. These are allegations, and they should be taken seriously, while also leaving the victim alone and not pestering her for details. If she comes out and says she doesn’t want justice for this, let her have her peace. If Forever shows that he has changed—which it seems like he has, at least from my perspective—let him sort this out. If all of it is true and as bad as it seems?? Sure, drag him to hell and back. But take in as much information as you can before you decide what you want to do.
but anyway RANT ASIDE, no matter what, do not be afraid to take a step back and do something else. Your mental health is more important than the dubiously moral actions of some content creator.
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