#im in YOUR walls too Rick
isolophilian · 6 months
the way Percy wipes away his tears so subtly when Grover tells him he's sorry for everything in the infirmary was so,,, Walker Scobell I am in your walls
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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mydearestdaryl · 2 months
ಇ. 𝑚𝛼𝑚𝛼 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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summary: you've loved daryl's daughter since you met her, but becoming her mama is only recent. warnings: twd violence, blood & gore, character deaths, mildly explicit language, implications of sex, not really proofread. pairing: dad! daryl dixon x greene! reader (fluff, angst if you squint, kinda). setting: terminus. credits to: @louifaith for the amazing plot idea, hope you like this! a/n: my first post so please be kind. i tried to keep daryl's character but it was hard. anyway, i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it, and i appreciate constructive criticism. ♡
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it started on your dad's farm when daryl got shot by andrea. heather, his daughter, was younger then, almost two years old, and to keep her from seeing her daddy in the state he arrived that day, you showed her your childhood dollhouse, playing with her until your dad let you know daryl was better and resting in the guest room.
you went to visit him, baby in arms, and she immediately jumped into her daddy's arms when she saw him. he invited you to stay a little longer that night, not even knowing why he did that.
you became heather's (and daryl's) favorite person since then, and when her daddy was better and resumed the search for sophia, she pretty much demanded to be babysat by you and only you.
then the group lost the farm and spent months on the road. heather became more and more attached to you during this time, who would try to keep her positive and happy by telling her you were all looking for a treasure together.
she believed you when you found the prison, where you helped her decorate her and carl's cell with colored chalks you found.
one day you came back from a run with glenn and rick, happy and smiley as you handed heather the coloring book and crayons you found for her. glenn told daryl that the gift almost got you killed that day. too focused on the girl, you missed daryl's adoring eyes when he looked at you.
this happened multiple times. you missed how he was so protective of you, how he always made sure you and heather were fed and safe, the subtle blush on his cheeks when you complimented him, or how his eyes never left you if you weren't next to each other.
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"i didn't even know 'er," daryl started. you were sitting next to him on a bench outside the prison watching the sunset as Heather sat on your lap, napping peacefully. "her mom," he added, stroking his daughter's downy cheek softly.
your eyes met his stormy ones, and after staring at each other shortly, he looked away, suddenly interested in the fences.
"me and merle had been holed up in our trailer as usual, him bitchin' 'bout how i never wanted to go out no more. jus' to shut him up, i agreed to hit the bar with 'im one night," he explained, nervously chewing on his bottom lip.
he didn't even know why he was opening up to you. but there was something about you that had attracted me since day 1. his daughter was a shy little girl with most, but she seemed right at home with you, bubbly and happy in your arms.
and his father was no different. his walls came down in your presence, even if he tried to avoid or deny it. and there was something between you and the hunter, everybody knew. everybody saw it but you two. idiots.
he believed you only liked him because he was heather's dad, and because he provided for the group. that was the only reasonable explanation to him. and you believed firmly he was only grateful that you took care of heather, so he was friendly in return. fools.
"i knew t'was a mistake soon as we walked in. place was too damn loud, too many people. but merle shoved a beer in my hand, said i needed to "loosen up." so i started drinkin'," he said, clearing his throat when he paused. "merle kept passing me drinks, an' i got real drunk."
"next thing I know, merle's leadin' me outside, sayin' he's got a 'surprise' fer me. turns out the damn fool hired some lady, had her waitin' round back. i told him no way but he kept calling names, tellin' me I wasn't a man…" daryl talked and lowered his volume as he stared at the girl in your arms, eyes always softer when he looked at her. "woke up in the mornin' feelin' lower than shit."
"'bout nine months later there's a knock at the door. the lady's standin' there with the tiniest baby i ever saw in 'er arms. pink lil' face scrunched up and her hands like fists—looked real funny then.” he chuckled at the memory and you smiled as well, imagining newborn heather until daryl went on.
“couldn't believe somethin' so fragile was spawned from my sorry ass," he added. you wanted to speak, to tell him he was an amazing man, but you knew that right now he needed just you to listen.
"the woman told me if I didn't keep her she was gon' get rid'a her somehow. i wasn't sure she was mine but I didn't care," his eyes finally made contact with yours again, smirking as if he was about to tell a joke. "then she grew up and…"
"she's your twin," you giggled and he nodded, his gaze finding his shoes. If only you knew what the sound of your laugh did to him. "how did you choose her name?" you questioned. it was something you wondered often.
he chuckled again, meeting your gaze again, "she didn' have a name for a month," he explained with a smile. "then ma uncle said she needed one, and i called her all the girl names i could think of until she smiled at one."
"she named herself," you said with a breathy laugh, placing a kiss on the head of the adorable girl holding you while she slept, your eyes were this close to turning into hearts, and unbeknownst to you, his were just the same, but while looking at you.
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the memories seemed too distant now.
the second prison attack seemed like a blur. one moment your dad was dead, and then daryl was cupping your face, telling you to get heather and leave. now you both were camping in an abandoned rv five days later, the almost-three-year-old blissfully unaware of the stressful situation, for all she knew, you two were on a little vacation. a girls' trip.
maybe keeping the girl in such a state of ignorance was foolish, knowing the chances of never seeing her dad again were high, but she was a toddler, a baby, and you'd keep her unaware and happy as long as you possibly could.
sleep claimed you at some moment of the late night, much to your dismay, since you had been too paranoid to allow yourself to sleep and not keep watch for the past days.
"mama, mama, maaaama," heather called you in a sweet, sing-songy voice as she cradled your face with her tiny hands, shaking your face gently. you opened your eyes quickly, instantly searching for dangers, but there was none nearby. it was now morning, though.
then you realized what she called you, and your heart skipped a bit. she called you mama. she considered you her mom.
"hey baby," you softly cooed. you smiled brightly at her, cupping her sweet little face and placing a short kiss to her nose.
"when we gonna eat?" heather spoke letting go of your face to play with her bunny plushie. a gift from daryl.
"oh, you're hungry? we still got an apple left, let me slice it for you," you said, moving her off you to go get the apple and knife from your bag. a grumble was heard from your stomach as you sliced the red fruit, reminding you that you hadn't eaten in 3 days. all the food was for heather now since it was getting harder and harder to find any.
"mama's hungry," heather giggled as she took the napkin with the apple slices and started munching on it. you hummed and tickled her, not wanting to deny or confirm it as you sat next to her. heather handed you a slice, and even though you wanted her to remain fed, you figured you'd find more food today and took the slice from her hand, eating it slowly to make it last.
yes, you knew it didn't work like that.
"you know what we're doing today?" you started as you got the baby wipes you found in the last drugstore you came by, cleaning her face and hands. oh, how you missed showers.
her cute face lit up with excitement, she had already complained of being bored in the trailer before. "we're going on an expedition today!" you explained, eyeing the stain on heather's shirt she had been wearing for the past couple of days. "we're gonna find food, and maybe new clothes, perhaps a toy, how does that sound?"
"yay!" heather celebrated, making you laugh, "and we gonna find daddy!" she added with a gasp, beaming excitedly. your heart dropped, but you didn't let it show, simply faking your best smile.
"oh, but we're on a girls' trip, honey, daddy will have to wait a little longer." heather nodded and you got your bag ready, although it was almost empty.
you got your quiver on and held your bow with your right hand, heather holding the other hand. "now, remember the rules? if i say yellow…"
"i hide, close my eyes, and be quiet," heather said, skipping as she walked next to you, "and if you say red we run," she added, looking all adorably serious.
"perfect," you praised her. "we're also looking for a new place to sleep, would you like that?" she nodded, crouching down to pick up a rock she found pretty.
in the trunk of a car, you were lucky enough to find two bags of chips on the verge of expiring, but still good, along with a bottle of water—it was a little warm but it was good too. the girl happily helped you put the stuff in your bag before you both quietly continued your journey in search of somewhere to camp.
on your way, you found a sign with a map. some place called terminus seemed to offer shelter for anyone, it claimed to be a sanctuary. it seemed too good to be true, but it was also too dangerous to stay out here with heather another night, so you decided to give it a shot.
you walked almost all day, holding heather when she was too tired, and boy, was she getting heavier, but at last, you found terminus that night. there, the people seemed kind and attentive, perhaps too attentive. obsessed, almost. mentioning how rare it was to see a little kid lately, and going on and on about how sweet kids are.
your gut was telling you to run, to take heather far from this place, so kindly declining the food they were offering, you took your girl in your arms and told them you still had to find her father, as an excuse.
this infuriated these weird people, making them point their guns at you and the sleeping child in your arms as they threatened you to try and move. your heart was beating so fast you thought heather would be able to feel it. you begged them to let you go, holding your kid as tight as you could so she wouldn't see what was happening.
an older woman approached you, attempting to pet heather's hair, but you slapped her hand away. she huffed and whispered in your ear, "oh, don't worry, we'll keep you together. kids and women taste good together."
a couple of the men dragged you to a sort of shipping container, locking you and heather in there, taking your weapons and bags away.
you felt thankful for the darkness for hiding your tears, so when heather asked you what was going on, you faked a happy voice and told her you were in a cave and you'd be safe here until tomorrow. rocking her back to sleep.
you got no sleep at night expecting these cannibals to show up. you were ready to put up a fight. the kid woke up in the morning, maybe around 7 or 8 a.m., which you guessed based on the slight shift of light that peeked through the thin gap below the door of the container.
to keep heather from being afraid, you played with her to guess the number, letter, or word you spelled on her back with your fingers, earning a bunch of laughs from her. but all too soon, one of the men who welcomed you suddenly opened the door ordering both to come with him, dragging you when you begged him to let you go.
he took you to a room with tables that had all kinds of stuff, from toys to jewelry, to clothes and shoes. they were belongings of other people.
the man's voice interrupted your thoughts. "first, take your earrings, necklace, and shoes off, and put them where they belong," he instructed. "the kid can put the toy over there," he pointed at the pile of plushies and toys. your heart ached for the kids that you assumed died here.
"mama?" heather spoke to you, hugging your leg. "i don't wanna leave bunny," heather quietly said, and you could tell she was getting scared, but you didn't know how to turn this into a game or a story, and only a nervous stammer left your lips.
"i'll come back to let you know when you can take your clothes off," the man said, eyeing your body in a way that made you want to poke his eyes out. "try anything funny and i'll make you watch as we eat her," he whispered in your ear, almost making you gag from the way his hot, stinky breath hit your neck. you stared daggers at him as he laughed and left through the back door. "i'll be right outside," he said all too cheery.
you felt grossed out. the only difference between these people and walkers was that they were alive and aware, and that thought alone made you feel more uneasy.
"daddy!" heather squealed happily, making you turn your head so fast you were surprised you didn't break your neck, but you only found her reaching for the crossbow on the table of weapons. how did you miss it? It was daryl's crossbow, no doubt. with the little stick figures that heather drew on one side. "nama, daddy's here!"
"yeah," you said almost breathlessly as you grabbed the weapon. "he is," you said, still processing the new information.
"let's go get him!" heather declared, but a loud explosion made both of you jump, heather let out a little scream, hugging you again before she started crying. you held her as you slowly approached the door to hear the commotion outside, hearing the guys that were on guard rush away.
you opened the door, seeing nothing but chaos outside.
you closed it again, setting heather down and kneeling to talk to her. "okay, baby, right now we're going to get away, okay? we're going to run. it's red, got it, honey?" you said as calmly as you could manage. She nodded as you gently dried her tears.
"okay," she whispered. "i trust you, mama," she said holding you tightly.
after a few seconds, you rushed to grab your bow and arrows, as well as daryl's crossbow, slinging each on one shoulder before grabbing a machete that was on the table also. you held heather who wrapped her little arms around your neck, hiding her face in your neck with her eyes shut so she wouldn't have to see anything.
everything felt in slow motion when you stepped outside, stabbing in the head the walkers you came across almost robotically, adrenaline and fear rushing through your veins, and trying to find a way out without being bitten. though a gap in the fence you managed to get heather through, and you carefully climbed over it.
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you walked for about ten minutes until you heard voices. daryl's voice among them. heather's wide eyes made contact with yours, and she pointed to where the noise could be heard from.
"heather and (y/n)?" your hunter asked.
"yeah! i saw them, i thought they were behind us. i called them. they probably didn't hear me!" carl explained, a hint of stress and sadness in his voice.
"the're still there, i'm goin' back for 'em," daryl announced.
you whispered something for heather to say, which she repeated brightly: "you're probably gonna need this!" her tiny voice made all eyes turn to look at you immediately. there were some new faces, but you were only focused on daryl.
his teary eyes made contact with yours, his breathing was heavy, and his lip trembled. you stared at each other for a minute until his gaze dropped to heather and he finally broke down. heather and you ran to him, he and you kneeling for a family hug. "daddy!" heather called happily, eyes closed from the big smile she wore.
you were finally home—the three of you were. his arms protectively around his two girls as heather beamed peppering his father's and mother's faces with sweet kisses, drying your tears too. she didn't understand why you cried when she was so happy, but she didn't question it.
impulsively, he held your face softly with his free hand and his lips met yours. it was a peck, quick so he could pull away before you reacted in case it wasn't welcomed, but you grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in again, pouring all the emotion both had been too blind to notice before into the kiss.
you only pulled away when you heard heather giggle next to you.
taking a proper look at her daddy now up close, she gasped, looking at his blackeye. "mama, daddy got a owie," she pouted, "mama gonna make it better," she told her father, placing a hand on his shoulder in utter seriousness—adorable.
"i'm sure mama will," daryl hugged his daughter, meeting your gaze again, but this time his eyes were softer, adoring, and loving, and yours were just the same. heather nodded before his dad tickled her with his beard, making her laugh loudly, which made the rest of the group smile as well.
maybe things weren't perfect yet. life was not perfect, but this moment absolutely was.
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renren-006 · 2 months
Sunshine Optimist | Daryl Dixion x fem reader
plot: you were sunshine and he was scared of getting burned.
word count: 1305
a/n: heyyyy here is another daryl story hope you enjoy!
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Daryl was always jealous of your optimism, the way you constantly thought things would get better or that the world wasn't as screwed up as it seemed. 
Every time the group had a bump in the road, you were there, telling everyone that things would turn around; most of the time, you were right, and when you were wrong, Daryl was the only one to remind you of it. You liked him and never let his words hurt you too much, not when you knew he was just hurting. Daryl didn't let many people in, including you, but when he did, you knew it was because of your optimism that he did. 
You were like sunshine in his eyes, and he was afraid of getting burned. 
You thought he was like the night sky, dark, but with a few shining stars, the dark wasn't that intimidating. 
The prison was the first shining star in Daryl's world. He hated that he believed your optimism then and loved that you were right. He grumbled about it to Carol so often that the woman would just laugh and shoo him away to go figure out his feelings. Daryl knew he liked you, you made his world light up, and he also knew he could never tell you. He did the only thing he knew how to do when he had feelings: push them and you away so he wouldn't have to worry about it. 
That only made things worse for him. 
You knew he pushed you away, you could feel it and see that whatever he was feeling scared the shit out of him. Rick even tried to comfort you about it.
“He's scared,” Rick said as he walked up beside you. You were standing on the gravel road watching him ride off on his motorcycle after another failed conversation with the man. Rick put a hand on your shoulder. “He's…not good with his feelings”
“I know. Just wish he would talk to me.” You told the older man. “I like him but sometimes it hurts too.”
“Sometimes love hurts” 
“That's not helping this situation Rick” you told him sarcastically. 
“I know. I'm sorry. Daryl…he's like a deer, startle him and he’ll run” 
“That's probably the best way to describe him,” you said laughing. Rick smiled, patted your soldier, and walked back to helping the others with walker controle. 
Daryl kept burying his feelings for you, deep, deep down. He felt his skin burn when he was near you, so he never put himself in that situation. That never worked because you would seek him out more than he wanted you to. It took 6 months of being in the Prison before something happened that forced him to feel what he was trying not to. 
You joined Daryl, Michonne, and a few of the new people at the Prison on the run. You rode with Michonne in the pickup truck while the others tagged behind. Daryl rode beside the truck, failing at not watching you in the passenger seat.  You knew he was watching, knew you wanted to be on that motorcycle with him, but knew you needed to let him come to you. 
Once you arrived at the store a few miles from the prison and looked to have not been raided, you all made your way inside. The building was dark and muggy, and it sounded like a few employees didn't make it. You took care of the ones on your side of the store. Daryl closes behind, keeping an eye out. You glanced around before motioning to Daryl to hand you one of the bags to start filling. You got about halfway down the aisle when a Walker jumped you out of nowhere. He didn't bite you, but shit, he scared you. 
“Fuck” you cursed as the walked pushed you back twords the wall, making you knife fummble out of your handsat the supprise. Daryl jumped into action shoving the walker off you and killing it before it could get a taste of skin. Daryl jumped back over to you looking over every inch of skin.
“He didn't get me. He didn't get me. Im fine” you told him, repeating the phrase over and over till he looked you in the eyes. “Daryl, im fine”
“You ain’t comin’ out ‘ere again” he said seriously, “No more runs”
“You can't bench me Daryl” you told him turning from fright to anger. 
“Hell I can” he said back. 
“No. I'm not yours, Daryl. You have made that very clear. You can't come back and act like you care,” you said angrily, letting all those pent-up months of feeling like nothing to Daryl out. He stared at you blankly, realizing how horrible he must have made you feel, always shoving you away.
“I….” Daryl started, wanting to scream at himself for what he had done.
“No. Im done” you told him pushing the man off you, “i'm going over there, stay the hell away Daryl”
Daryl stared blankly at where your body had previously been before you walked off, grabbed your knife, and continued on to the next row, far away from him. For the rest of that run, you stayed away, walking to another aisle whenever he tried to keep close. Michonne picked up on the energy shift between you, too, without having to say anything.
“If she doesn't want you around Daryl, it's because you pushed her so far to do so” she told him.he nodded back, knowing it was his fault and that he caused it. “You have to fix it. No more shoving her away” 
“I know”
“Good. Now get back to work, we leave in thirty” Michone said. 
That night Daryl found you at your guard tower sitting outside watching the stars. He knocked on the window on the corner wall by you. Glancing over you raised it was him, you rolled your eyes.
“I thought i said to stay the hell away Daryl” you said, a bit of venom dripped in your voice. Something Daryl had never heard from you. 
“I know, Im sorry”
“Sorry isn't going to cut it” You told him, “For months you have pushed me away, made me feel worthless to you and I pushed through but you have no right…”
“I know,” he said, cutting you off. “I was afraid of getting’ hurt y/n” 
“yer sunshine and I'm…”
“A starry night,” you told him. Holding his gaze. “You're like the stars in the night sky, bright enough to make the darkness not so scary. I always thought you were, but then you changed.”
“I…I couldn't stand yer optimism” he said, “ya made me feel…”
“Made you feel what”
“Like my heart was gonna explode” he said, crouching down by you, “yur makin me feel optimistic about the world” 
“I like having that effect on people” you told him, “I like having an affect on you”
“Ya do” he said, “Ya make me feel happy like I haven't been in a while” 
“Good” you said and pulled him down to you, crashing your lips onto his. You pulled away from him, “Tell me your sorry again”
“I'm sorry Y/N” he said, the husky voice of the redneck sent shivers down your spine. 
“And that you won't ever push me away like you did”
“I promise,” he said, smiling at the way you were making him tell you what you already knew was true. You pulled the man back and kissed him deeply. He pulled you closer to him, picked you up, and carried you into your tower. The sounds and moans that escaped your guard tower that night were heard across the starry sky, which seemed to smile down towards the Prison.
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lunajay33 · 15 days
Lost Part.4
Summary: Carl Grimes was your best friend since birth, when he died the world turns grey, he was your partner in crime so you shut yourself off from the world, no one could get through, until one day you’re wondering Alexandria seeing Negan in his cell, maybe he could be the one to break you out of this hell
Pairing: Negan Smith x f!reader
Content: Age gap, Depressing themes, Consoling, Spicy themes later on, breeding kink, character development
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Negan quickly hauled my shorts back up and I jumped down from the counter as the three at the door went from shocked to enraged, Rick stomped over ripping Negan away from my side pinning him up against the wall, Michonne walked over to me with the meanest scowl on her face, I backed up in fear until I was stopped by the counter
“I told you he’d use you, are you this stupid, we have enough on our plates without having to worry about you running around with the man who killed two of our own”
“Michonne im not a child so stop treating me like one, if i want to be with Negan im going to be with him and it’s none of your business, just let me be happy” she was pulled back by Daryl who gave her a warning look and she backed off
“Leave er alone she’s been through enough”
I appreciated Daryl so much more, he’s been so understanding lately
“Rick let him go, if he was going to hurt me he would’ve by now” with a groan he aggressively let him go and walked back over with Michonne, Negan coming to mine placing a gently comforting hand to my lower back
“You think Carl would want this, he loved you, he adored you and wanted so much for you and here you are running around with this man and that ruined everything for us, what do you think he’d say” my heart clenched in shame as I sucked in a harsh breath
“Who knows what Carl would say but I do know is that what Carl wrote to you had you stop and rethink everything, saving Negan, so don’t tell me what Carl would say when I know he would just be happy that I’m happy…….and I am really happy” I look up at Negan who’s smiling down at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes
“Don’t come crawling to us when you realize we were right” Michonne huffed as he and Rick stomped out of the house
“I’m just happy yer happy kid, even though I coulda gone my life without seein that” Daryl groaned as he too left lifting the air a bit with his approval
I turn looking up at Negan with a bit of worry that this would become a problem
“They’re pretty protective of you baby” he groaned as he lifted me back up onto the counter
“Will this be too much for you, I don’t want to overwhelm you ever but I can’t control what they do or say” I say biting my lip
“Ain’t nothings going to push me away Angel, I want you and I’ve got you, you’re my girl now”
“Who knew Thee Negan could be so sweet”
“Did our activites from before not show you that, seemed to really like it” my face blushed instantly at his words
“Negan stop!” I whine pushing at his chest playfully
“And so rudely interrupted but god do you taste good” his words made my lower belly tingle that familiar feeling whenever he’d touch me
“I know you want to take this slow but can’t we do more than just playing with eachother there’s gotta be something else right? I want more” that smirk was quickly back on his face that made me tingle
“Oh honey do I’ve got a lot to show you” he says gripping my thighs
“We’ve got all the time…….so show me” he was quick to lift me up wrapping my legs around his hips as he brought us upstairs to a room that would now be ours
He laid me down on the bed hovering over me, tracing his hands up and down my body
“So what do I do?” I ask as I fumble with his belt
“You just lay there and have fun, I’ve got you” he quickly discarded both our clothes leaving us bare and god was it exciting, his body and his tattoos had my body aching to be touched, excited for what he was going to do with me
He took my legs and spread them apart still red from what he did earlier, how he acted like a starved man on my pussy
“Fuck baby girl I’ll never get enough of this” he took his red angry dick in his hand and ran the tip up and down pushing against my clit, he squeezed my legs together for my pressure and god was it overwhelming
“You like that honey?” I was a moaning mess
“Faster please” he obliged and had my legs up over his shoulder, soon he was was grunting and his thrusts became sporadic and I knew he was close, I squeezed my legs tighter and than sent us both over the edge, his cum shot out coating my stomach but I didn’t care when euphoria was wracking my body
I felt my legs being laid back down on the bed and my stomach being cleaned before he laid next to me
“How was that baby girl?” He asked as he pulled the blankets up over us both
“I…..wow” he laughed making me smile as I looked up at him
“Yeah that’s about right, but there’s more where that came from”
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I woke up feeling Negans arms wrapped around me, his head nuzzled into my shoulder his warmth surrounding me
I slowly got out of his embrace and pulled on his flannel and walked over to the window ledge, opening the window to let in some fresh morning air, sitting on the cushions of the nook, seeing the streets still empty only the sounds of birds chirping in the trees, reminding me of Carl whenever we were on the road and heard a chirp or a song he’d point out what it was, it always amused me he was such a nerd sometimes but I loved it
I hear a groan from the bed and the sheets rustling
“What’re you doing up sunshine, come back to bed” his voice gravelly with sleep as he rubbed his eyes
I got up and crawled over him as he pulled me down next to him, leaning up on on arm as his other hand brushed my hair back
“Did I wake you?”
“Nah just got cold, you okay?”
“Yeah just thinking”
“And what’s got your head running in circles” his gentle side with me always made me feel important…….special
“Just times with Carl, I remember he always talked about one day when we got older how our kids would run around and they’d be bestfriends just like us, he was always so optimistic”
“Is that what you want?”
“Did you want kids?”
“I’ve thought about it, I always wanted a baby girl to show her all the beauties of the world but well you know the world ended and it’s not so beautiful anymore”
“I could if you really wanted, we’re safe here we could make something here” my heart thumped
“You’d……you’d wanna have a baby with me?”
He laughed as he pulled me closer
“I’ll do anything as long as it’s with you baby”
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Taglist: @lanadelnegan @lvrgirl6999 @aubiewabie33 @mordilwen-of-mirkwood @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @sadgenderfluidmaniac @aleemendoza2425-blog @my-obsession-spn @heartsforelvispresley @donniedarkosblog @itsmytimetoodream @twisteduniverse5 @heidiland05 @negandevotee
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austinsastrology8991 · 11 months
Planet >> Cheat Sheet <<
We got 9 Planets, and we got 2 extra things; the Sun and the Moon. So we got 11 important things. Everything else is all very revealing although I think we all can agree anything named planet takes >precedence > especially with all the. mythological writings backing them.... and we astrologers just like the moon because shes meant to be our mum. and no one can hurt mummy >> everyone with mummy issues pipe down stfu.
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Well these mythological writings are nice but im here to modernize it with some writings written today. > And with this model of simplification maybe its easier to understand and interpret how they interact with one another in your life. IMO Astrology is not that complicated. Its just hard to talk about because its taboo. Especially since we connatate it with ideas like: the God Of War, or the God of the Underworld this can make it all the more harder to suspend our disbelief. Now legs go
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Sun > The star governing our Solar System literally dictates how our days are gonna go depending on where he is positioned. He is the star, he is the main event, he is the bringer of light as much as he is the light > This makes him giver and a taker because he demands your attention but it literally allows us to live and feel alive. So where the SUN is makes you the star of the show, you dominate here because you invite people in to play and you make sure you playing too. The sun is the party > whats ur party lookin like? The Wolf of Wall street
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Moon > The thing we all have an emotional connection with; since we are all wishing for shit at night and in all honesty its also when we are all the most comfortable getting emotional. or getting REAL. She listens to us as if she is our mum. And she is also a connection to our mums because she represents our psychological foundations which are almost always intrinsically tied to how our mothers raised us > or whoever did raise you < so our moon shows us how we were raised and how we raised ourselves. Where we find comfort and what we hold onto to feel safe. Good Will Hunting
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Mercury > He's the closest to the Sun because he a lil curious how the Sun got so hot. And he right next to venus because mercury a lil curious george. Mercury is what you talk about, mercury is what your curious about. Mercury is what you understand and what you have a yearning to understand. Mercury can do it all, and whatever is touching this, is usually what people come to you for advice for, because they see you got this > all figured out. Rick and Morty
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Venus > venus is the beauty, venus is what lookin good on you. and since you know it look good, you exploit it for attention. Which is why Sun dont appreciate venus because she taking some of that attention it craves. But anyway. Venus is what you attract and what your attracted to, its your value, its how others want to treat you and how you like to be treated. Venus is nice, so your nice back. so be nice or you'll be rejected and it'll hurt you more because you didnt conform to the ideals of the hot babe that is venus. get simping or die trying Wednesday
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Mars > The warfield, the battlefield, the mine waiting to explode. This is mars and it was designed to blow up to cause destruction. This is where you fight and how you fight, but also how others fight you. How good you are at fighting is also indicated and well anyone can fight, but it seems we have supressed mars a lot. And its pretty fkn sad. Makes it all the more easier for some people to get away with fighting.... Which is stupid because they are not good at fighting but since most people dont like to fight we are ruining everyones abilities to fight. A bunch of bitches I say. No wonder you jump into fights as fast as you do because your so InSeCuRe. or get as angry as quick as you do because you been hearing InSeCuRe... we all in the same society calm the fuck down, but lets pretend to be the warrior and watch television again shall we. Breaking Bad
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Jupiter > The generosity of abundance and the idea of attracting all your wishes. Well the rich get richer and the poor get poorer right? Well thats a Jupiter thing, because you attract what you are. And thats why your good at whatever jupiter doing. Because you get a lot of energy attracted here, and you dont mind sharing some of it around. Which only brings forth more abundance > and the cycle of abundant manifestation has been created <
Super Mario Movie
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Saturn > The restriction and limiting fashion of something has actually made you learn to honour/respect it more than anything else. Saturn gave you the sauce by removing the sauce. Now you know how to make yo own SAUCCEEE. and dang don't it taste good now that you made it on your own? and you made sure it tasted as fine as you've always wanted it to be. Hard work pays off and it pays good and you bitchez complaining about saturn should put more work in, or frankly you not doing the right type of work. Saturn a boss, and if your not a boss. You getting bossed around. Saturn fucks you around so you learn to DEAL WITH IT. John wick
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Uranus > Okay so everything got backflipped and made everything turn into a fuck fest. But thats okay. You learned something right? ANd you could only learn it from him.. or that specific fuck fest that he invited you to. So you have an acute understanding founded within a niche puzzle which gave you the quirky genius trait that you have > in respect to where he be. what he do. its ya boy sparky speaks and today we getting into some bullshit
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Neptune > your a dumbass but your onto something. But your not owning it because it is 100% hard to understand, but this makes you look like a airhead, or a delusional something or rather. But. your actually onto something and when everyone else catches up they'll regret calling you all those names because it really was all a cover up of their own insecurities of not understanding something as deeply as you do. You are surrounded by energy here, and a lot of it is created by your imagination > which is fueled by whatever you saw that it can work with or from. And thats why you've learned ways to let it pass through you, or you learned to integrate it into your being. (its always both) Whichever you think it is; thats what happened. Scott Pilgrim against the World
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Pluto > The dark thing. considered evil, misunderstood, loner. dangerous and thats why everyone looking at you all weird and distrustfully. Because pluto embodies the hunter and the hunted. The concept of life or death is your pluto. because you encounterd things that tried to kill you; you yourself too learned to kill, but its a lot more undetectable and 'mysterious' since well you are trying to kill something and that requires covert operation. It plays with the real consequences; not the scratches or bruises of a mars, but the bullet of a pluto. Which is why people distrust it a lot, and by extension you also extend that same sense of distrust. due to your understanding of fear and extreme understanding of what could be the potential consequences; you play to win. otherwise you could die. you are afraid tpyically, so you behave fearlessly; but thats actually out of fear itself. or your funneling negative energy and well thats a pluto thing. And boy does thing thing attract a lot of energy too. I mean consider how when anything bright on in the dark attracts so much, the same happpens to something dark that is exhibited in the light > they both attracts so much.
The Menu
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Oh and I know there is a million overlaps. Ik there are probably better examples. This is my post > make your own < please criticise my work or that of my language again ya fkn bitchs idgaf > swamp stays swampy > fuck off <
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sirensvcubus · 11 months
Season 5 Daryl
-Last Time
: Y/Ns been in the group since the very beginning, with everyone. She and Daryl bonded looking for Sophia and became close friends but nothing more until one night after a game made up by the group.
Daryl x Y/N
Season 5/ Alexandria
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After a long day on the road hunting and scavenging with our small group, (Rick,Glen, Maggie, Michonne, Carol, and Daryl) sit and male a fire before going back to Alexandria.
“Not much but it’ll do.” Rick said putting another log on.
“Im glad we all got to go out together, Im still not so sure I trust these people in Alexandria.” Carol said.
“Seem pretty docile to me,” Maggie said.
“They haven’t been out there, seen the things we have, who knows how long it will last,” Rick said sitting down on a log beside Carol.
“What should we do until these squirrels cook up.” Daryl said.
“I thought of a game.” Y/N said with a small smile, “Called last time.”
“Your just a beacon of hope aint you” Daryl said chuckling.
“Sounds pretty fitting for the situation, good apocalypse game.”
“Last time and then you say something you haven’t done in a while, like last time I had Pizza… I don’t know something stupid like that.” You said.
“Carl had some with the other kids the other day.” Rick said.
“Anyone else get in on that action.” Michonne said smiling. Nobody replied.
“We got scammed.” Maggie said laughing.
“Last time I had whiskey.” Rick said
“Ew” you replied, “once on my 21 birthday, wasn’t good” Everyone laughed,
“More refined taste I guess.” Rick said smiling.
“Me and Glenn got some on a run, bottle didn’t last long.” We chuckled
“Last time we had sex.” Michonne said.
“Oooh good one,” Carol said.
“Long time ago” Carol smiled.
“About a year ago” Michonne said.
“A few months” Rick added.
“A long long time ago, about three years, how far are we into this damn apocalypse anyway.”
“Almost three years, feels like more time has past.” You said.
“Three years for me too, god I miss it.” You said chuckling.
“Last week” Glen said smirking.
Maggie added “ a few days ago…hahahha got you,” she said looking at Glen “same for me about a week” She continued.
We continued on until the squirrels were done roasting, and made are way back to Alexandria chewing them of sticks causing a few weird glances.
Everyone had dispersed from the one house they slept in the first few nights there, but still some lingered there not completely feeling safe just yet. Rick, Carl, Judith, Michonne, Daryl, Sasha, Carol, and Tara still all slept in the biggest house. Some having there own rooms like Y/N, Daryl, Rick, and Michonne, some sharing, like Sash and Carol, and Judith and Carl. Tara sprawled out on the couch. We all stayed up talking but eventually went to our corners of the house.
You went into your room feeling happy and safe because the comfy bed waiting for you and the fun night you had with the group. But still something felt..incomplete. You were lonely surrounded by people. Thinking back to the game you knew why. It had been three years you missed being touched, and just loved.
You had always had feelings for Daryl, I mean look at his arms, you yearned for him, but out on the road it wasn’t a time to start a confusing relationship; Maybe now is you thought…no no I should just go to bed. You plopped down on the bed tossing and turning unable to sleep.
You hesitantly got up and thought a minute before walking to the door. As you opened it Daryl was right outside. You took a breath and looked at eachother for a minute. Before you knew he lunged at you holding your head into his. You vicously made out and he slammed you against the wall as you kicked the door shut.
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forgetminot · 1 year
hii!! just wanted to say its so cool to see a writer with pots and cfs, I have both too! I totally understand those and im sending u lots of spoons 🫶 if ur up for it could u please do something fluffy with rick or daryl taking care of an injured reader? thanks so much!!
My Hero.
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♡ Daryl Dixon x !gn reader ♡
[ Warnings : Injury, angst, killing of a deer, profanities, established relationship, very sweet Daryl, fluffff, slightly proof read ]
Author's Note : awwe, sending you lots of spoons right back!! SOO, i might have gotten carried away with this... The start is how the reader gets injured, so it's slightly angsty and the end is full of fluff; like the most fluffy stuff I have written.
Summary : You get injured while out hunting with Daryl, he fixes you right up and makes sure you are okay.
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You liked to think you were getting better at hunting, you started off in the beginning by watching Daryl from afar, trying not to spook him or the animal he was tracking. The further into the apocalypse you got, you crept your way into Daryl's walls and he'd let you tag along once or twice. Now? He refused to go anywhere without you.
"It looks like deer markings, right?" You question as you study the footprints in the mud.
"Mm, yer' right." Daryl nods, continuing to follow the trail. You follow closely behind as you both make your way through the forest, pushing branches out of the way as you go. Daryl stops suddenly, placing his hand in front of you to slow you. "Over there, see it?"
You smile as the deer steps into view and you take your bow from your back, drawing up a shot. Deep breath in. You release the string and the arrow flies through the air with force, hitting the deer square in the neck and it falls to the ground with a thud.
"Nice shot, you're getting better at tha'" You thank Daryl before heading towards the deer, the leaves rustling beneath you.
"Do you think we can get-" You let out a harsh scream as you step straight onto the plate of a bear trap, the sharp jaws digging into your ankle; your bow dropping to the ground and you fall to your knees in pain, hands clawing at the metal around your leg.
"Shit, Don't move!" Daryl is by your side in seconds, hands cupping your jaw as he tilts your head up to look at him. "Deep breaths." You breathe in deeply, holding your breath and then releasing, tears streaming down your cheeks which Daryl is quick to wipe away. "Ya' need to stay calm for me, ok?"
You nod as Daryl bends down to examine the trap. He sighs deeply, looking up at you. "Think I can pry it open." You close your eyes, shaking your head back and forth in panic. "Need yer' to pull your ankle out as soon as I get it open."
Opening your eyes you look down at Daryl, he's staring up at you with panic written all over his face. "Okay" you whisper.
He places both his hands at either side of the jaws and pulls on them harshly. You cry out as the traps jaws leave your wound and you tug your ankle from the trap as it closes with a loud clang. You fall backwards onto the ground, groaning from the pain.
Daryl is already searching through his bag, pulling out any medical supplies you brought with you. You reach for your bag, taking it from your shoulders and handing it to Daryl.
"There should be some vodka in there." Daryl laughs, raising his eyebrows at you in question. "Not like that, it's for medical purposes." You hiss.
"M' sure it is." He places the vodka on the ground beside him as he helps you remove your now destroyed boot and sock; you wince as the fabric peels away from the wound. Daryl picks the bottle back up, removing the cap and throwing it to the side. "It's goin' to sting."
"Just do it." Daryl pours the alcohol over your wound and you scream out in agony as it burns your skin; you grab onto Daryl's shoulder, squeezing tightly as he continues to pour vodka around your ankle. "Fuck, that hurts more than I thought it would."
"Here, drink this." You laugh as Daryl hands you the bottle of remaining vodka and chug it down in one go. "Knew that's why you brought that." You glare at him, pushing him back by the shoulder.
He takes a bandage from the first aid box and carefully applies it around your wound.
"All I can do, ya' definitely going to need stitches though."
"Thank you." You lean forward and press a gentle kiss to his cheek, smiling as you lean away. "My hero." You giggle.
"M' no hero." He states.
"I don't see anyone else around here." You turn your head, looking around the forest. "Except for the dead deer..."
"You're a loud screamer."
"What?" You laugh. "Anyone would scream that loud after stepping on one of those things." You motion to the metal contraption.
"Don't think I would." He replies. You roll your eyes at his response, reaching your hand out towards him.
"Help me up?" He takes your hand, placing his other around your waist as he pulls you up and you groan at the sharp shooting pain coming from your ankle. "Please get me back to Hershel."
"Ain't going to abandon you." Daryl scoops you up in his arms, smiling down at you.
"What about the deer?" You question. "Don't forget my bow."
"I'll get em' later." He answers. "Only worry I have is getting you back home safe."
You wake up in your shared cell, cuddled beneath multiple blankets on your floor mattress; Daryl is beside you, arms wrapped tightly around your waist with his chest firmly against your back. You turn, placing a small kiss against his lips; smiling as his eyes meet yours.
"Hi." He chuckles, pulling you close to him. "How you feelin'?"
"Okay, I'm okay." You say.
"Good." He whispers, kissing your temple lovingly. "You passed out when Hershel was stitching you up."
"That's not a surprise." You grin. "Never have been good with needles."
"I know, told Hershel you would faint. He didn't believe me- Maybe I shoulda' bet on it." He teased.
"Wow!" You giggle. "At least Hershel believed in me."
"Never said I didn't believe in you, I just know you too well." Daryl pulls away from you, sitting up from his position. "Which reminds me, he told me to get him when you woke up." You groan, reaching out and grabbing Daryl's hand.
"Hershel can wait." You say, playing with Daryl's fingers. "Please?" He rolls his eyes, laying back down next to you.
"Fine, five minutes."
"Thank you." You place your hands in Daryl's hair, combing through the knots. "When was the last time you brushed this mess?" You question. He scoffs, looking down at you. "I'm joking!" You smirk.
"Mhm." He hums softly.
"Yeah, angel?"
"You're my hero." You tease, staring up at him.
"Told you-"
"M' no hero" You mimic his words from before. "Seriously, Thank you."
"Wasn't going to just leave you there." He states, taking your hand in his.
"I know." You laugh.. "Just take my thank you."
"Fine, You' welcome." He rolls his eyes as you smile up at him, placing your spare hand on the back of his neck and pulling his lips down against yours. "Love you." He whispers into the kiss.
"I love you too."
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lilgoblinbitch · 3 months
my reactions while i watch this masterpiece of an episode:
why is there a roomba
“we needed a time out” YES YOU DID TELL HIM BAE
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“the hell is this place” ITS WHERE U AND MICHONNE ARE GONNA-
why are they both so sexy omfg this is ...
rick that stare is making me feel things, STOP.
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the queen is so smart and witty and STRONG HOLY SHIT???
no because if i was her at that moment i would be on the ground sobbing and convulsing
oh god.
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have sex already please
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michonne it’s not that simple you can’t just go home yet :(
“what did they do to you” bad things :(
“do you still love me? :(“ MY POOR BABY MICHONNE
“little brave man” i can’t.
please smack some fucking sense into him michonne.
poor rick he’s so fucking broken. and poor michonne i can’t imagine what it feels like to find your husband after 8 years and he’s just…gone. 😔
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okay he deserved that shove from her.
oh god mich again i’m so sorry. rick is gone he’s got stockholm syndrome or some shit
rick lost his manners fr he is not treating his wife well, the blood on her face the “DAMMIT HUG THE WALL” UM RICK DO YOU KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING TO HELLOOO?????
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uhhhhhh what is happening….
oh! i like this part :) (they’re kissing)
oh! i like this even more (they’re fucking)
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oh poor rick my baby he waited for this moment for way too long
omg the look in their eyes STOP THIS IS SO MAGICAL AAHHHH
i’m actually fucking sobbing.
i love them sm i don’t ever want them to leave that bed (unless they go back to their children ASAP)
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“we, our family, are real. our love doesn’t get denied.” 👏👏👏👏
rick sobbing makes my heart drop. this tissue box is my new bff.
i’m still fucking sobbing. like, hysterically.
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holy shit that was truly an emotional rollercoaster. honestly this was my favorite episode. danai, you are fucking amazing, thank you for feeding us this delicious richonne meal today!!!
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outlastrabbit · 4 months
hi hi sorry if this is odd but could i perhaps get a trager x reader where rick is eating reader out and they get too excited and piss on his face
thank you im weird. so sorry you had to read this
Warning: NSFW
Richard Trager Goes Down on Reader
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You were out of breath from Trager chasing you. You ran down the rotten halls of the asylum, all the while he chased you with those giant shears. He inevitably caught up to you though, grabbing you by the back of the neck and throwing you down onto a hospital bed.
“Well! Aren’t you a quick little buddy?”
You grunted and struggled under him, beating at his bare chest. You could see Trager’s evil grin from under his torn surgical mask, his lips mangled. He pushed you down onto the bed by your shoulders, pressing his hips down onto yours.
“Let me go!”
Rick’s grin only grew wider at your pleas. He grabbed your chin roughly, squeezing your face as he stared intently at it.
“Oh, come on, buddy. We’re not done yet.”
He placed his free hand on your belly, slowly running his hand over it before it slid under your shirt. Your chest heaved as you breathed hard, not struggling as much and just watching him fearfully. Trager grabbed the top of your pants and slowly pulled them down, gazing longingly down at your underwear.
“How many fingers?” He asked.
You stared up at him with wide eyes. He didn’t acknowledge your fear and slipped your underwear down, smiling at the pretty sight between your thighs.
“Wha…? What?” You squeaked. Trager thrusted a finger inside you, the suddenness of it giving you a small jolt of pain. “Ah!” You threw your head back against the pillow and arched your spine.
He slid his bony finger fully in, and you clenched wetly around it. He almost purred in delight at the heat of your walls, sliding another finger in. You panted and moaned desperately as the fingers inside you moved faster.
“Buddy…” Trager groaned.
He looked down at his fingers pumping into you, lovestruck at how soaked and hot you felt. As your moans grew louder, he slowly slipped them out of you. You looked up at him lustfully, silently begging for something more.
“You want a little more attention? Perfectly understandable.” Trager grabbed your bare legs and spread them out. You offered a gasp when his face went between your thighs. “Well, I’m here for you. I’ll give you very special attention.”
You threw your head back again, seeing stars when you felt a hungry mouth lap up your wetness. You let out a moan as he finally got to taste you, trying to take his time and lick up every bit of you. Your sweet little mewls of pleasure were making it hard to hold back though.
“Trager, yes! Fuck…”
Trager smiled as he lapped you up, his name on your lips like music to his ears. He kept a firm grip on the back of your thighs, keeping your legs apart so he could eat out every bit of what was between them.
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triptuckers · 2 years
Someone familiar (part 1/2) - Percy Jackson 
Request: nope Pairing:  Percy Jackson x Apollo!reader Summary:  On their way to defeat Gaea, Percy runs into someone they lost a long time ago Warnings:  mentions of injuries, blood, death, angst, y'know the typical rick riordan stuff Word count:  1.3K A/N: first time writing for percy!! aside from the other WIPs in my drafts but shhhh im currently reading all of ricks books and I am in love, also very excited about the disney+ show !! :) enjoy!
Since the Argo ll sustained heavy damage in their last fight, Leo insisted they stop at the nearest island so he could work on fixing his beloved ship. He also claimed Festus needed a break. The rest of the crew decided it was better not to argue with him.
After finding a small island, they dropped anchor near it, and three of them went ashore to check it out.
Though the island was small, it's littered with old abandoned buildings. The buildings look like Ancient Greek homes, probably a village long forgotten by the world.
Percy, Jason and Leo were supposed to do a quick scout of the island to see if it was deserted, then head back to the Argo ll. Spoiler alert: it was not deserted.
Just as they round the corner and see the sea glistening in the distance, they hear a shout and a loud laugh that doesn't sound exactly human.
Percy instinctively moves closer to the sound, but Jason pulls him back.
As Percy raises his eyebrow in question, Jason shakes his head.
'We don't know who or what it is.' says Jason quietly. 'Let's just stay here until were figure out what's going on.'
'I vote for staying back as well.' says Leo, raising his hand.
Percy shrugs. 'Fine.' he says. 'But I am taking a closer look.'
The three of them slowly creep closer to the sounds in the distance. The same view greets them; a dozen old buildings that had crumbled during the years and that are overgrown with weeds.
Suddenly, a loud yelp is heard, and Percy catches some movement out of the corner of his eye.
Something - or someone? - smashes against one of the old buildings and slides down the wall to the ground.
They hear the laugh again. Definitely not human. Then the one who laughed walks in from behind a building. It's a cyclops.
Immediately, Percy feels a pang of guilt in his gut. The cyclops looks exactly like his brother Tyson. Percy hated fighting cyclopses. They reminded him too much of Tyson.
The cyclops chuckles, a low sound coming from the back of his throat.
'Haven't had enough yet, hero?' he says, spitting out the word hero as if it's something dirty.
Percy looks at the other end of the battlefield, where something had smashed against one of the buildings. It moves, but very slowly. Something is familiar about this all, but he can't quite place what.
Carefully, Percy gets Riptide out of his pocket and uncaps it, revealing his sword.
'Percy.' says Jason. 'What are you doing?'
'We need to help them.' says Percy, gesturing to whoever is laying on the ground. 'That cyclops called them hero. It's gotta be one of ours right?'
'We don't know who that is.' says Jason. 'Or if they need our help.'
'They are unconscious on the ground with no way to defend themselves.' says Percy.
'What if this hero is someone working for Gaea, huh?' says Jason.
'Uh, guys.' says Leo. 'You might want to see this.'
Percy and Jason turn to look at the scene in front of them.
The person who got thrown against the building is slowly getting to their feet. With shaky limbs and bloody wounds, they stand their ground.
As they pull out a bow and straighten their back, Percy, Jason and Leo get a good look at their face.
Percy feels like all the blood suddenly drains from his face.
'Can't be.' he mumbles.
He'd recognise that determined look on your face anywhere. As well as the bow. Or the fighting stance. Or the signature quiver of arrows.
'Still haven't had enough, daughter of Apollo?' says the cyclops. 'Oh, this is going to be fun.'
Before Jason or Leo can react, Percy jumps over the boulder they'd been hiding behind, and sprints towards you.
You knock an arrow and aim it at the cyclops' eye, but your hands shake. The arrow misses its target. You curse and knock another one as the cyclops slowly advances. The second arrow also misses its target, and the cyclops is now dangerously close.
You sigh and do something you normally would never do. You drop your bow and sink to your knees.
After all these years, all these battles, you were tired. Tired of running around the world doing anything the Gods asked of you. Tired of going on quests after quests and narrowly escaping death every time. This was it. You had enough.
You close your eyes and tilt your head to the sky.
'Apollo...' you murmur. 'I tried, dad, I really did. If it's not too late, some help would be great.'
You wait for the final blow. A hand gets a hold of your arm and roughly shoves your bow back in your hand. You frown. That hand is a lot smaller than any cyclops' hand. And why would he give you your weapon back? Was he still not done toying with you?
'You're not dying today.' says a familiar voice.
You open your eyes and see a familiar pair of green ones looking at you.
'Percy?' you say, frowning. 'Gods, blood loss must be making me hallucinate.'
'Stay back.' says Percy, pulling you behind him.
'Gladly.' you mumble, feeling tired of all the fighting.
Percy advances the cyclops. You decide it's a good idea for you to sit down. You slide back down to the floor.
Your vision is blurry, and you're pretty sure you see lightning. Great, a storm. Typical.
Something moves in front of your vision, and you attempt to swat it away, annoyed by it.
'Hey, stay awake, okay?' says an unfamiliar voice. 'I'm Leo. Jason and Percy are taking care of that cyclops. I'm gonna get you back to my ship.'
'You have a ship? That's so cool.' you say softly.
'I know.' says Leo, pulling one of your arms over his shoulder. Leo pulls you to your feet.
You groan as a sharp pain shoots through your leg.
'Lean some of your body weight on me.' says Leo. 'Not all of it!'
Too late. You can barely carry your own weight.
You're dimly aware of Leo yelling 'No, no, no!' before you fall to the ground.
You drift in and out of consciousness, listening to Leo's voice and the sounds of Percy and Jason fighting the cyclops. You can feel Leo shaking your shoulders, but your eyes are just too heavy to open. Your entire body hurts. Maybe it's best if you just let go. After all, most demigods don't live long anyway.
Leo is shaking you again. But it's someone else who's speaking. Percy?
Someone pulls you up. Your arm is thrown over someone's shoulder. Same with your other arm.
Whoever they are, they're trying to take your somewhere. But your feet won't work, they feel so heavy.
You're on the ground again, and then you're lifted again.
This time, it's just one person carrying you.
You faintly smell and hear the sea.
That's weird. If you're dying, shouldn't you feel sunshine? After all, your dad is Apollo, not Poseidon. That's Percy's dad.
It was good to see him again, after all this time. He'd gotten a little older. Then again, so had you. There must have been new campers, because you hadn't met Leo and Jason before. How long had you been stuck in the Labyrinth before you managed to get out?
Maybe seeing Percy was all a fever dream. Hell, maybe you were still stuck in the Labyrinth.
Whatever the case, wether it was all real or not, you are glad you got to see Percy one last time. Even if you never did have the guts to tell him what he actually meant to you.
Maybe it was better this way. You allow yourself to slip away.
part two
A/N:If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Max/Marit
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eddiethedeppressing · 4 months
THIS IS ALL ABOUT ME :D🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🧚‍♀️
[Btw welcome to the blog of Chaos >:3]
I’m a minor :) so ,20+ , please go away:3
I’m transgender,genderfaun,bisexual? And asexual!
I use He/They/xe/bee/fae/void please use them( i mean it🤺🤺/j)
My names are : Edward ,Eddie , Felix and/or shark :D ( please use them all :3 or you could choose one ☝️:]
Btw my birthday is on the 28th Nov >:3
KIT CONNOR ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
I’m a therian :/ and my theriotypes are : Red fox , border collie and robin !
I am mentally ill :( i have depression, ed, social anxiety, anxiety, separation anxiety, sh addiction and probably more .
I know how to skateboard ( i am absolutely shit at it ) i also have an electric guitar that I don’t know how to play :D
I am not good at school. lol
I have a GAY friend group
There is a king ruling my country ( *cough cough im British 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
I hate my mum.
Rhincodon Typus 🦈🩵🩵🩵🐋
TV SHOWS I LIKE: BNA , Rick and morty , heart stopper , the owl house, gravity falls, star vs the forces of evil , HEATHERS, Bluey, Bee and Puppycat , Kipo and the age of the wonder beasts , Hilda , Helluva Boss , I am not okay with this and tadc . I am planning on watching Good Omens it’s just I don’t have time:)
Musicians/bands I like :cave town , Noah fincce, mother mother , the wallows , TX2 , girl in red , TV girl , Clairo, Alex g , cults , Good Kid , Melanie Martinez, Oscar lang ,Sum 41, Madeline Mae , AC/DC and Jack Stauber.🫧
I’m neurodivergent: I have ADHD and autism lol🧍‍♂️
The founder of bread sluts🍞🥐🥨
I REALLY like animals . I even remember some scientific names of foxes a red fox is called ‘ vulpes vulpes ‘ and an Arctic fox is called ‘ vulpes lagopus’ . Pretty cool eh?
I have sensory processing disorder😭😭
Sagittarius :D
I have a BILLION teddies/plushes hdjdhevgshshshsjsjsjsbsnjsjsjdjdjdnsvsgsghshsudjbckjsfwvjdodgwcsjcidggebskxjsfsgsmdj:))
I also really like flowers, I have millions of drawings and fake 3D ones . My parents don’t trust me with real flowers so they give me fake ones :|
I’m in your walls
My favourite colours are BLUE and YELLOW
OMG JAKE AND JOHNNIE AAAAAAA AND SAM AND COLBY AAAAAAAAAAAAAA ( I’m not one of Sam and colbys creepy fans like I don’t want them to fuck me , I just like their content and Humor )
PLACES I WANT TO GO: Florida , Australia, Tokyo , Paris and Germany :D🇺🇸🇦🇺🇯🇵🇫🇷🇩🇪
Please don’t be a dick.
Have a good day :D🧚🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️
Bread slut😊
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mudskip-drabbles · 3 days
send  💬  for  an  angsty  starter . — Soupmates. Coward. :3
oooo im gonna Getcha oooooo~
"Heya Shades, I'm hoooome!" Singsonged with a backwards kick to shut the door as he shucked off his coat. "Beartrap is stayin' over at Trixie's, so it's just you 'n me tonight!" A stumbling pair of thuds as shoes were removed. "Man, you should'a seen her today! She was awesome! We-" Wait.
Something wasn't right.
"Uh...Rick? You home?" Gio knew he was home, his coat and scarf were still hanging by the door. He never went anywhere without them. "Ricky? Buddy?" Nothing. Rick always greeted them at the door no matter how long they'd been gone. "Riiiick?" Not a sound.
Okay, he was starting to panic now.
Giovanni checked every single place a grown man could hide, behind the couch, under the sink, in the bathtub, under the bed...only place left was the closet in their bedroom.
"Ricky? You in there?" Pressing his ear to the door, he was met with the distant, muffled sound of crying. "I'm...I'm gonna open the door now...okay?" No answer.
With the slow squeak of hinges, the door was pulled open, the dim light emitting from the closed curtains across the room revealing the trembling visage of Rick where he was curled up in the corner on the floor.
"...Ricky?" Quiet, scared, worried, met without even a twitch.
Giovanni lowered himself to his knees and shuffled forwards just an inch at a time.
"Buddy? You okay?" Only the barest touch of fingertips against the icy skin of Rick's arm pulled forth a reaction, that being a sudden jolt backwards with a startled shout from the trembling man as his head hit the wall.
"Woah! Woah woah, it's okay! It's just me! It's Giovanni! Your bestest pal!" Hands held up in a placating manner, Giovanni shot his friend a shaky grin as he watched Rick's breathing grow painfully quick, that being the only sound between them for several agonizing minutes. Then, quiet, disbelieving:
"...Giovanni?" Gio didn't get to answer, the air being knocked frm his lungs as he was tackled into a bone crushing hug. "Itwasgoneitwasgone!!! Itwasthereandthenitwasgone!!!!!"
"Wait, hold on-" Any attempt to pull Rick away from his chest was futile with how tightly his arms held on. It's like...he was afraid that if he let Giovanni go, that he'd just...disappear. "Rick, you gotta breathe for me, okay? Can you do that? In and out, try to match mine....there ya go...." Slowly but surely, Rick was able to get a hold on his breathing. He was still overflowing with sobs and half formed words, but it was something. "It's okay, I got you...." Soft reassurances paired with the soothing rub of a hand between shaking shoulders was able to quiet those sobs, at least enough for Rick to get out-
"I thought you were dead!" Everything froze, everything except Rick's sobs now back near full force. "You were there, and then you were gone!"
"You...you thought I was dead?" A nod was pressed into his chest, Gio's mind trying to piece together this puzzle as more tears soaked into his shirt. "Wait...are you talking about our bond? It...you felt me there, and then you...didn't?"
"That's....I was only at Trixie's." They all had made a habit to tell Rick if there was even a chance they'd be going too far for him to feel them, none of them wanting to repeat the incident that happened after the Neo Trio went on a field trip a few towns over.
It had taken hours to calm Rick down.
"You can still feel Trixie, can't you? And Molly?" A pause, Rick holding even his breath until he gave a slow nod in confirmation. "Well then why..." Oh.
"Oh, Shit! Ricky- We...Molly's epithet, we wanted to see if she could dumb down someone else's, s-so I let her dumb down mine. It...it must have...Fuck, I'm so sorry Rick! If I had known I would have-" ...called.
"Rick that...that was hours ago! Have you...you've been sitting here this whole time, thinking I was dead?! Why didn't you just call me?" It was far from accusatory, the question hardly above a whisper.
"I...I DON'T KNOW!" Yelled into Gio's chest, a new wave of tears soaked into his shirt as stuttered apologies tried to break through the sobs. "I-I I'm s-s-sorry! I should have helped! I should have- I-I- I'm sorry, I was t-too scared to- t-t-to leave the cage-"
Everything came to a stop.
"What?" Rick couldn't breath. "What do you..." He was breathing too much. "Rick...look at me?" But he couldn't, his head shaking as he held Gio even tighter. He was afraid if he looked up, his fears would be true.
"Hey...It's okay...Rick, it's okay. I'm right here, I'm not goin' anywhere. You can even hear my heartbeat, see?" Soft spoken as a hand gently carded through dual colored locks, sobs quieted long enough for Rick to press an ear to Gio's chest-
Before crying even louder than before.
Gio didn't push, arms holding Rick tight as he cried himself out, only soft spoken reassurances whispered into the sweat and tear slicked hair stuck to Rick's forehead. Eventually, when wails mellowed out to just hiccups between breathes;
"Rick...what did you mean cage?" A question he regretted as soon as he asked, Rick hands holding onto the back of his shirt so tightly Gio thought it might rip. Before he could take it back, to tell Rick that he didn't have to explain if he didn't want to, Rick...started to talk.
And talk. And talk.
By the end, Giovanni was the one buried into Rick's chest while the wizard pet through pink locks, half sobbed rambling of how they were going to 'overthrow the aquatic government' the only thing he was able to really get out between stuttered hiccups. They stayed on the floor for what felt like hours, simply holding each other tight until tears eventually ceased to flow between the two of them, and breathing was only hitched with the occasional hiccup.
"Hey, we... we gotta redo the pact!" A sudden grasp at normality, a hope to move past all this, but Rick could only respond with a look of pure confusion.
"You...still wish to...but...am I not harmful to your image?" He as broken, pathetic. He'd hid in a closest instead of helping Giovanni in what he thought was his final moments.
He didn't deserve his friendship.
"Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I? You're my minion! A good boss can't go around abandoning his minions for no reason." Said so confidently, like it was indisputable fact. "And you have the most epic supervillain backstory!" A bit of cheer found it's way back into Gio's voice as a palm wiped at his eyes, something that Rick was able to reflect in a shaky smile. "Not to mention you have a bitchin' villain name! Rick Shades! It's awesome!" Even as Rick laughed, he still felt...hollow. Giovanni had said he'd wanted to be his friend, but...nothing had happened.
Did...did he not mean it?
"Think about it! With how strong you are, and how awesome I am, we'll make the most epic team! The wORLD WILL COME TO FEAR US!!" Rick could only blink at first, Giovanni sounded so sincere, but...
"y-Yes! HAHA! EXACTLY!" Grabbing Gio's hand, he held it up between the two of them as he tried to grin back. "All the world will come to know of our names! And with such awe-inspiring POWER at our disposal, none shall be able to decline the mighty hand when extended in FRIENDSHIP!!"
Friendship that Giovanni didn't feel back anymore.
"Hell yeah, Odi! Oh wait, can I call you Odi?" A perplexing question, seeing as Rick Odi had said only his friends tended to call him that.
"Of course! Why wouldn't you-" Cut off by a gasp as an unexpected force gripped at his heart, Gio mirroring the same as they watched that familiar string reconnect between them. "...what just happened."
"What do you mean, 'what just happened'! It's your epithet!" Hadn't this happened several times by now?
"Yes, but...it...has never worked that way before..." The hand not holding Gio's came to rest over his heart, Odi's brows knit tight with confusion.
"Wwwhaaat do you mean? You said you bonded with Bear Trap after she called you Odi, right? Because it meant you were friends? You said I could call you Odi, soooo..." A gesture between the two of them, something that only deepened Odi's confusion.
"But...you asked me." Oh.
"You asked me, and it...I've....never had anyone ask me to be their friend before..." Did...that mean it wasn't just a hollow connection? That...that the 'friendship' had to be mutually felt with those he connected with?
His friends...loved him just as must as he loved them?
"Oh..." More tears, but happy this time, a smile plastering itself to Odi's face as his free hand wiped at his eyes.
"Ooookay, I have no idea what's going on, buuuut I assume it a good thing?" A nod, Odi too busy laughing now as he gave up on drying his cheeks.
"Yes. It is...a very good thing." They all...they all really did care about him...
"Cool! Uh...weee should probably get off the floor, my back's kinda starting to hurt?" He was still pinned to the floor with Odi sprawled on top of him, not that he seemed to mind beyond his aching spine. "We can order something from that pizza place you like? And you can tell me all about this really good thing?" Shifting off of Gio, Odi gave a nod as he held out a hand to help his friend off the floor.
"First you must tell me about this 'special training' Molly partook in. Is she as strong as we believe her to be?" To his surprise, Giovanni took hold of his hand once more as he led them towards the door.
"Even stronger! You should've seen her, Odi! She was like 'Bear Claw'! And my epithet went 'whoosh'!" As he listened to Giovanni retell such a grand tale, neither of them seemed to realize Odi had only grabbed his scarf where it hung by the door. If he put on his coat, he'd have to let go of Giovanni's hand and...
He never wanted to let go. And Giovanni didn't either.
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pinkandblueblurbs · 1 year
Daryl fixing you up after you got hurt on a run while Rick chastises you for going off without them 💖💖💖
i don’t…. know why i lowkey gave this plot…… but uh… here ig?
“Quit movin’.” Daryl grumbles, wrapping bandaging around the nasty gash in your arm. You bite back a whine at the sting.
“The hell were you thinkin? What was goin’ through your head?” Rick seethes, arms crossed over his chest and narrowed eyes focused on you. You swallow.
“I didn’t think Glenn should be goin’ out on his own! He’s jus’ too nice to ask around for someone t’come with him. So I tagged along to help.”
“You snuck along to help.” Rick’s voice is near a growl now and your eyes snap to him. “Don’t think I don’t know that. If Glenn had been aware that you wanted to go he woulda told one of us.” You look away, frustratedly sucking your teeth, and Rick keeps going. “You ever think that Glenn may not want to have to keep an eye on you? He’s got experience, he knows what he’s doin’, and he thought he was goin’ out alone. He wasn’t expecting to be lookin’ out for someone on her first run. You realize how dangerous that is? You can not pull that shit.”
You huff, keeping your heated gaze fixed stubbornly on the wall.
“Listen to ‘im.” Daryl’s gruff voice surprises you. “He’s right. Ain’t about you goin’ on a run, ‘s about you sneakin’ off. Puttin you an’ Glenn at risk and worryin’ us all here.”
“I wouldn’t have had to sneak off if you ever let me go.” You grumble.
Rick takes in a sharp breath that you’ve learned means he’s reigning in his temper. “It’s not that simple.” He overcompensates—his voice comes out so benign it’s condescending, like he’s talking to a child— but you know he’s trying. “When you go out on your first run you’re learning. The people you’re with have to help you. We can’t afford that right now— there’s too much that we need, the runs are too high stakes.”
You sigh, offering a small nod. “Yeah. I get it.”
Rick meets your concession by clapping one of his hands on your shoulder, swiping a stray hair behind your ear with the other. His gentle tone is earnest now.
“Once we have things sorted out better around here we’ll get you out there. Long as you don’t pull another stunt like this.”
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lunajay33 · 3 months
New World🍂Part.9
Summary: You grew up in a crappy town with one friend who kept you going, everything started to fall into place, that’s until the world ended and the dead ruled the world, now you and your best friend Daryl Dixon had to stay alive but will you finally confess?
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We’ve been at the prison now for a week, a lot of things have changed, prisoners were found but with that we found a lot of food in the prison kitchen, Hershel got bit and lost his lower leg, but thankfully Hershel was getting better, only two prisoners were left and things were seeming to finally settle
Plus I was doing a lot better with the food supply I wasn’t as ghostly looking and I was able to help out cleaning up the outside court yard just to make the place feel a bit more comfortable
I walked outside seeing Rick and Daryl talking by the truck, I wasn’t able to see him when I woke up because he was always up early to work with Rick
“Hi my love” I said laying my hand on him shoulder as he turned to greet me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side kissing the top of my head
“What’re ya doin up so early?”
“I was cold without you” I said nuzzling closer into him loving his warmth
This made Rick laugh totally forgettting he was there making me blush
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The day went in as usual, cleaning up, securing the place, I heard the door open and saw Hershel hobbling out with the help of Carl, Lori and Beth
“Hey Hershel look at you go!” I said as Maggie, Tdog and Carol jogged up just as excited
“WALKERS!” Carl yelled as he noticed a group of walkers behind us
All hell broke loose after that, Lori, Carl, Maggie and I ran off securing ourselves inside, but when we went to go to the beds there were more walkers we managed to find a secure place in the boiler room trying to hid from the walkers that were still roaming the halls
“Carl are you okay?” I asked checking him over he looked shaken
“I’m….im okay” he said as he hugged me, he was still young and he barely ever got comfort so I let him hug me he was the sweetest boy he didn’t deserve to live in a world like this
We went down the stairs were Lori was with Maggie and she looked panicked that’s when she started screaming
“The baby is coming” she said as she held onto the chains hanging from the wall, Carl held onto me tighter hiding his face in my side so I rubbed his back as Lori continued to scream trying to push
“Lori stop somethings wrong” Maggie said as he hand was covered in blood
Lori layed down as we all followed her Carl at one side as I was at the other
“Maggie you gotta cut me open”
“No I can’t”
“You have to save my baby….please” but Maggie still refused
“I’ll do it, I’ll save em” I said squeezing Maggie’s hand as we traded places
“See my scar that’s what I got from my previous c-section” I tried to calm my breathing realizing what I was about to do, how this would change the three of us
Carl handed me his knife as Lori said her last words to him, we were all crying now my heart was heavy and I felt sick
“Okay……I’m ready” Lori sucked in a breath before I steadied my hands as best as I could before I sliced into her, her scream so painful that will forever me seared into my mind
She passed out and I was trying to be quick as I saw the babies feet and dropped my knife to the ground as I gently pulled the baby out, she wasn’t moving
“What do I do?” I asked Maggie nervous
“Turn her over, pat her back and feet” there was blood everywhere but I had to focus, I repeatedly hit her back but not too hard to hurt her and finally she started crying, relief washing over me
Carl passed me him jacket so I could cover her holding her against my chest
“We need to go” Maggie said standing up
“We can’t leave her to turn” Carl said as tears were falling down his face
Using a free hand I lead Carl to the closed door we came in from so Maggie could put Lori out of her misery I refused to let Carl do that
I held his one ear against my stomach and covered his other with my hand, Maggie’s gun went off and she came up with a pale face, Carl clung to me as we left to find the others, the little baby warm against my chest, the scream still playing in my head, the blood drying to my hands and chest, I needed Daryl
We came out the courtyard seeing all the walkers were dead and the remaining members of the group were there, when Maggie saw Glen she ran to him crying, Rick was in shock
“Where…..where is she?” He asked looking at me and Carl with red eyes
“I’m sorry Rick” I said as my lips trembled
Rick dropped to the ground crying, I couldn’t imagine the grief he must be feeling but now this baby and Carl didn’t have a mother and their father wasn’t mentally well enough to take care of them……but I will, I’ll try my best for them
I felt a hand cup my cheeks, looking up seeing Daryl with sad eyes
“Oh sunshine” he pulled me into a hug Carl between us as he still hadn’t let me go
I kneeled down after Daryl pulled away, showing Carl his baby sister properly
“She’s beautiful isn’t she? As cute as a button” I said looking up at Carl seeing his tears were stopping as he gazed upon her
I heard Daryl saying he was gonna go with Maggie to find this baby girl some food but before he left he kissed my cheek whispering words of love and they were off on his bike
Carl sat down next to me as he leaned his head against my arm as we both look at this ray of sunshine, a miracle in such a dark world
“What are you thinking of naming her sweetie?” I asked as Carl booped her nose
“I don’t know yet”
“That’s alright there’s plenty of time”
Beth came over with a soft rag and water so we could clean her off and dress her I fresh baby clothes we found on the road
“Thank you y/n, for all this” Carl said I could hear the sadness in his voice
“Of course I’ll do anything for you both…..always”
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Daryl got back later with Maggie as she made the formula, he kneeled infront of me brushing his thumb over the baby’s cheek
“She’s beautiful” he said smiling up at me
He took her and fed her the bottle swaying her side to side admiring her, he had the look of care that he only ever gave me it was the most cutest thing I’ve ever seen, this makes me wanna have a baby with Daryl even more I just know he’d be an amazing father
“She’s a lil asskicker” he said making everyone chuckle, Rick was no where to be seen so I decided to take care of her for the night, Daryl and I were sat on our make shift bed with me back against his chest with lil asskicker curled against my chest babbling little cries
“I want one” I said feeling Daryl’s heart beat faster against my back
“We can’t”
“I know” I said sadly feeling a heavy weight on my heart, knowing what we could have had if walkers never existed
“I would tho ya know, if things were different I’d have a family with ya” I laid my head against his chest nuzzling closer to his neck loving his smell
“I love you D”
“I love ya too”
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I was sat in little book corner ledge up against my front window watching as the trees leaves swayed in the wind, hearing the little birds chirp and that wonderful feeling of the lowering sun warming my skin as the sky turned shades of orange and purple
After a long day of working with students and cooking Daryl’s favorite meal I was waiting to hear the comforting rumble of his bike and she him jog up my sidewalk to the front door and if right on time there he was, covered in black grease stains but still as handsome as ever
He walked in dropping his work bag and coming over scooping me up and spinning me around making me giggle, I felt so much love in my heart, so absolutely lucky to have found him, he trailed kisses up and down my neck then all over my face
“How was work D?” I asked leading him to the bathroom to clean him up
“Eh, worked on some bikes, nothin excitin” he said as he leaned against the sink as I ran a cool wet cloth over his dirty skin u til he was good enough for dinner
I threw the cloth into the laundry basket and wrapped my arms back around his shoulders
“I missed you so much” I said leaning up to kiss him gently feeling his scruff against my face
“Missed ya too, ‘specially when I know I got a woman like ya at home in my shirt with yer little pink panties” he said squeezing my hips
“Oh stop dinner first, plus Juniper is in the next room sleeping” I said laughing as he fake disappointed sigh
I got Juniper out of her crib as she was already up clinging to the railing bouncing probably having heard her fathers voice, we walked back out to the kitchen sitting at the little table as we started dishing up the food, I could tell he was starving when he chowed down, I feed Juni some mashed up vegetables as she giggled being just like Daryl loving food
After dinner we cleaned up and sat in the little living room on the floor playing with Juni, Daryl tickled her feet making her scream in joy as she tried to climb all over him
“I love this, I love you, Juniper, our life’s together, this little old house, I love everything you’ve given me D”
“You know it’s not real though” he said looking at me with the saddest eyes
“What? What do you mean?” Everything started to get blurry
“We never got to have this life, it was cut short before we even got the chance sunshine, I’m sorry” his voice was like bricks on my heart as his voice started to sound farther away and I could barely see either Daryl or Juniper
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I shot up immediately from sleep, sweat covering my body as I tried to catch my breath, remembering I still had the baby in my arms as she squirmed from my sudden movement
“Hey ya okay?” I heard Daryl ask from behind me rubbing my back as I was still between his legs
I shock my head remembering the dream, what I could have had, a beautiful little girl with dark hair and light blue eyes like Daryl, beautiful house and to not be scared every waking moment and hungry
The tears came fast and I couldn’t calm myself whimpering loudly feeling the extreme pressure from the day and the dream
“What is it sunshine” he asked holding me back to his chest
“It was a nightmare, just an awful nightmare”
My soul felt hollow, my heart crushed, my hopes dead in the dirt, I wanted so much in life atleast I still had Daryl the only light I had left
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Guys I put my soul into this chapter please like or repost!!:)
@deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites2 @writer-ann-artist @i-wear-wet-socks313 @thebadbatch2022
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tokillamockingbird427 · 9 months
listen, originally i was gonna post either this or a very angsty ask either next week or the week after since i posted an ask on monday already,but heres something i feel like elias may do :) (is it dad elias? probably, yea i think…)
contributing to the previous anons ask(not the rick roll one.. that shits funny im sorry lmao) about elias carrying hesh & logan in baby slings, i feel like he still does, but randomly, carries or hugs hesh, logan or even any of the ghosts to this day just not in baby slings of course. but the man targets logan.
why logan? well, the poor guys the youngest(son AND in the team, not to mention the second shortest besides kick, whos an inch or so shorter.), and is kinda light for a 6 foot guy(hes 170 ibs according to the wikis… i think half of that is pure muscle.), making him a perfect target for carrying/hugs. he doesn’t mind it… some days. some days he just accepts defeat and other days, this man SPRINTS away and does anything to not get carried or hugged. (i like to think he doesn’t really like physical affection. also think of this— merrick(i chose him and i dont even know why.. brains not working well rn) drinking coffee in the afternoon to then see logan SPRINTING away from an elias whos running after him and later tackles him to the ground or face plants into a wall cause logan made a sharp ass turn)
logans suffering does NOT end there though, cause elias’ tantics go onto hesh, then later keegan, and the list goes on…
(hesh on the other hand does not mind it at all and enjoys when his dad does that. feel like that man LOVES physical affection.)
(also regarding my last ask: dont worry about not responding to my ask on time ! i was pretty fucking tired writing that so dont worry, we all get tired :).also, i live in the est timezone if ur wondering if we are indeed living in the same timezone :))
—🎧 anon
Laughing at me being Rick Rolled, how dare! (Joking)
Elias for sure saw that post where it was like "One day your parents put you down and never picked you back up again." so he vowed to himself to pick his boys up at LEAST once a week if not more because that shit hurted him. INCLUDING the Ghosties. Even Merrick. Mark his fucking words.
Half the time when Logan runs he's playing, and the other half he's serious and will wail like an angry cat when he's caught. Elias will back off if he realizes Logan's serious but that's usually after he faceplants into a wall. He will then goes and takes out the affection on Hesh, who is entirely too happy about it. Big goofball.
(Timezone buddies, hells yeah. And don't worry about sending multiple asks a week, send em daily for all I care lol.)
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