#im in a mood tonight lmao
wispmotherr · 5 months
my dear @branches-in-a-flood tagged me in this lil asky-ask game so i thought i'd deliver some a n s w e r s.
Last song I listened to: void by melanie martinez. i didn't love all of portals but damn it i love that song.
Sweet/savoury/spicy: the last few days i've really, really wanted a particular sweet taste but i haven't figured out what exactly it is. it's driving me insane.
Currently watching: i haven't been watching anything lately, i've been kind of uninspired in terms of getting into a show or anything like that.
Relationship status: still hanging in there with my beloved golden retriever himbo. he keeps trying to make soup store jokes at my parents and im tired of trying to explain the meme to them. /dreamy sigh
Current obsession: god fucking damn it it's fucking hozier. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
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goldlightsaber · 1 year
I find it interesting that Jesse Armstrong and others refer to Roman Roy as a "playboy" and say that he "goes back to being a playboy" in the finale cause like....where? I feel like Roman is someone that just wants everyone to think he's a playboy and "drowning in pussy", when he is clearly...not? Time and time again, it's been shown that he can't really fuck a woman and can go quite a long time without doing so. Unless you count what happens with Gerri as sex. To me it has always seemed that he is simply posturing as the kind of man who is capable of "getting pussy", that he is exhibiting a performative joy in objectifying them and fucking on the regular, and that he makes his statements disgusting enough that people don't want to pry into the truth of it any further. And what effect does that achieve, other than to be closer to whatever version of masculinity Logan might've deemed best? Or the closest version Roman is capable of achieving? What Roman lacks in corporate ambition and focus, he makes up for in exaggerated, lewd sex talk. It achieves the effect of making him seem preoccupied with sex, just the way a "normal," testosterone-oozing man would. But as we know, he is actually having very little. This is all to say, "Playboy where?"
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voidmenace · 4 months
thinking so much about my dnd character and how they’re so closely tied to myself as a real person that it almost hurts. i get so far into their head that i cannot distinguish between the two, cannot tell where they start and i end. the fact that i’ve given them my nickname, my sense of loyalty, the amount in which i care, as well as my inability to show that care in a normal way, it’s so. i don’t really even have a word for how i feel about it.
is it some form of self hate when i want to put them in situation after situation until they break? that i want to see them stripped of every ounce of pride and dignity they’ve desperately cobbled together, until all thats left to see is the small child that had to grow up far too quickly, that had to learn to defend themself and their loved ones with feral teeth and claws and their own blood?
maybe i want to destroy them in a way that shatters them into a thousand pieces, just to see if someone cares enough to be gentle when helping them put themselves back together. maybe i just want someone to see them as the terrified child they are.
maybe that says something about me and what i want. maybe i dont know how to let that little girl that haunts me know that it’s okay to be loved and cared for. maybe i want someone to see past every single brick in the walls ive built around my heart and still remain.
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eversncenewyork · 2 months
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rinhaler · 10 months
I'm soooo burnt out from writing again tbh I keep looking at my requests and then immediately closing the tab I just can't LMAO
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landslided · 11 months
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two steps on the water excerpt: daniel and sam and the curse of lawfulness (feat daniel’s unreliable narrator inside voice)
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bixiaoshi · 8 months
my head hurts, i'm hungry n i have to cook i'm sooo close to kms
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safyresky · 1 year
Hello, it me!
I'm dropping in to DEMAND CONTENT!!
Put the Content In the bag!!
I've come here requesting Diteline stuff! Specifically bed sharing/sleep habits. Domestic ass married Diteline stuff!
I've had such ideas pin balling around in my head for my own terrible gays (that I hope to post about at some point) and then I remembered that you have your own far less terrible gays!
Just tiny little bed sharing things and sleep habits have been on my MIND. Was hoping you could fuel the fire here 😈
Funny you should mention content lmao, I've been feeling the last little while that I have been VERY quiet and have had the need to POST CONTENT, BUT HAVE HAD NO CONTENT!! I WILL HAPPILY FUEL THIS FIRE BC I DO HAVE SOME THOUGHTS ON THIS SUBJECT IN PARTICULAR!!
Not a lot, BUT SOME
Mkay. So. Diteline sleep habits!!
Idk if gods NEED sleep?? It's either way in most mythologies, if it's specified (and if you're Hypnos god OF sleep lol). I think Dite can sleep but also can do without?? I'm on the fence about that tbh! Part of me thinks maybe she's like dnd elves and just needs a brief rest for four hours to function. Again, on the fence! SO. THAT BEING SAID. HERE'S SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT DITELINE SLEEPS:
Dite either sleeps on her belly or on her sides! Otherwise her wings get agitated if they don't have space to furl
I think they idle animate if/when she sleeps, lol. They'll occasionally swish or twitch, like a horse tail or cat ear or smth
Jacqueline is a side sleeper and she curls UP. When she's sleeping with Dite she is ALWAYS the little spoon and like, BURROWS into her side if she's facing her
Jacqueline also sleeps with many blankets; she makes herself colder on purpose to sleep cozier with more blankets 🤣🤣
Jacqueline is your friend who sleeps with the window open ALWAYS. She got that from me and I am not ashamed to admit it bc the BEST sleeps are when it's FREEZING COLD but you're bundled in blankets and NOT overheating about it :3
Dite doesn't mind the chill much at all bc Jacquie's already frozen the bed (figuratively), and she can regulate temperature easily enough so she's chill with the blanket fort bed
And she runs warm ANYWAY. It's bc she's partially made of love. Keeps her WARM.
Especially since her preferred way to sleep with Jacqueline is facing her and hugging her nice and close
Which is v easy bc that sprite can make herself SUCH a tiny lil ball
Her wings also tend to hug Jacqueline too when they sleep!! No matter what, when they're cuddling or sleeping, Dite always has at least one arm and one wing draped over Jacqueline
Jacqueline has the blankets right up to her neck; Dite likes to stick her arms out
This causes problems SOMETIMES. Not always, tho! They make it work :)
Jacqueline is a sometimes snor-er and Dite thinks her snores are cute
She may be biased
Sometimes when she's deep asleep Dite glows a bit, and Jacqueline is like awed by it 🤣🤣
Dite doesn't snore, I don't think!
If Jacqueline is awake and Dite isn't, Jacquie tends to trace Dite's facial features (nose, bridge of said nose, eyebrows) until she peeks open a sleepy eye :3
Jacqueline is very annoying when she is bored and one of these occasions involves Dite being asleep while she's awake
This stops being a problem when they have kids as one of those three gremlins is always awake!
Dite is an early riser! Jacqueline likes to lounge in bed. We call it the "coze and doze". You're awake, and cozy, but still dozing in bed. This is one of her favourite things to do with Dite!
She gets very pouty if she gets pulled out of bed before cozing and dozing to her heart's content :)
They get a King sized bed bc all three kids like to cuddle puddle/jump on them and Dite's wings can be very persnickety, so it's the best for all parties involved lol
Here is a lil' snippet from what I HOPE to be this coming year's Valentine's Day post for you all! It's called "Bedtime Stories" and here's the opening, bc it has some v good Diteline bed related fluff >:)
The alarm didn’t even get a chance to chirp before a feathery wing unfurled, whacking it right off the side table and into the wall.
The one note it had started to belt was cut as the clock hit the wall and fell to the floor with a crack, just a little bit broken.
“Whoops,” Donnie said, sitting upright. Both wings unfurled, stretching out behind her. Biting back a grin, she waved her arm, the clock reassembling and popping right back up to the bedside table, the lampshade only jostling a little bit. Letting out an honest to god(dess) teehee, she flew off the bed and right into the ensuite, the blankets lifting up a good few inches.
They fluttered briefly, before a pale hand snatched them back down with a grumble.
“What are you doinggggggggg,” the pale hand pantomimed, the only body part peeking out from the blanket.
“Getting ready for work!” Donnie said excitedly, giggling as the hand puppet drooped, its thumb just askew enough to give the impression of a disgruntled Muppet’s face. “It’s the BEST day of the year, after all!”
Dressed in her Cupid’s best, Donnie flew back to the bed, grabbing the hand puppet and pulling the rest of her wife out from the blankets. She did a little meep as she was pulled out, her hair half thawed until Donnie wrapped her up in a big, tight, squishy, winged hug, kissing her right on the lips. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Jacqueline!”
The sprite flushed, the rest of the snow in her hair practically evaporating. Donnie giggled.
“And you’re up this early?”
“Of course! There’s love to spread!”
“Right here in this bed,” the sprite said. Throwing all her weight at the goddess, Jacqueline managed to pin her wife back down on the mattress, latching onto her like a koala and nuzzling into her neck.
Donnie laughed, flushed. “Jacqueline,” she chided gently.
The sprite grumbled, latching on to her tighter. “Blankets,” she said, and the sheet and comforter slid right back up the bed, tucking the pair in.
Donnie laughed. “Sweetheart. I’ve gotta work today!”
“Play hooky! I’m off all day and it’s so so cold outside. And it’s only gonna get colder, you know. I have it on good authority.”
“You’d really abuse your power to make it colder to try and stay here with me all day?”
“DUH,” Jacqueline said, pecking Donnie’s chin. “The bed’s gonna get cold the moment you leave and how else am I supposed to be warm and snuggly on this snowy ol’ Valentine’s?!” Jacqueline peeked up, making sure Donnie could see her huge pout.
Donnie laughed. “The sooner I go, the sooner I can come home and snuggle you all day,” she said, kissing her forehead. Her face dropped down, nose to nose with Jacqueline, foreheads touching as she gazed into her sleepy blue eyes. “And all night,” she said, low and breathy, making sure to blow air right towards Jacqueline’s neck.
She made a little choke sound and flushed darker. Her grip loosened; with a grin, Donnie took the opportunity to roll over, pinning Jacqueline down now.
The sprite blinked up, flustered. “Oh dear,” she said.
Donnie laughed, kissing her full on the lips one long-lasting time before gently breaking it off. “Think that will hold you over? Keep you nice and toasty?”
“So toasty,” she replied, recovered. Well, mostly. But Donnie knew her wife very well, and could tell she was about half an octave higher than she normally was. She laughed, sliding off of the bed and straightening her chiton, righting the laurel that had been passed down to her and rolling her shoulders.
“How do I look?”
“Stunning, jaw-dropping, gorgeous—ready to kick ass, even,” Jacqueline replied.
“Oh, stop it,” she said, playfully waving a hand.
“Never,” Jacqueline replied, her head hitting the pillow again. “Check on the kids on your way out? Bianca was still awake when I got in.”
“One more chapter, she said. You know. Like a liar,” Jacqueline said, snuggling into the covers. “Oh, boo. It’s already cold.”
Donnie laughed, clipping her bracelet on her wrist. “It’ll warm up,” she said, leaving the room, keeping the door slightly ajar.
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stardust-sunset · 11 months
when i cuddle my favorite spot to be is the other person’s belly bc somft and also it makes good white noise after a big meal
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orcelito · 1 year
It's me and my thai milk tea against the world
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i know im complaining abt this on the gay website so im preaching to the choir but im just absolutely exhausted at the fact that im seeing literally almost word-for-word the same arguments against trans people that i used to hear about LGB people fifteen years ago. cant we just skip to the part where its at least socially unacceptable for a politician to pubically campaign on that platform.
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answrs · 2 years
I've been thinking about names lately.
like, I don't *dislike* my name, I think? but it's like. as I get older and come out to more people while still looking like I do and keeping it and it feels like people don't take me being trans as seriously, kinda? and it just starts to grate, if that makes sense? so like, in a vacuum I'd probably be fine with it, but I feel like I resent it in a way now.
(kinda like my tits actually now I post this. I don't wanna get rid of em nearly as much as the name (very much neutral/positive on them sometimes even and would not enjoy top surgery whatever) but. in terms of like, the connotations and assumptions they come with.)
except the easiest and honestly imo fitting normal name I could go by* (and even shares my signature initial), as well as the BACKUP to that name, were both used by my aunts as names for my cousins. (and no, not cousins we only theoretically know who are like 3rd-removed relation people across the country no one's seen in 20 years. rip.)
but yeah. maybe if we weren't super close it would feel less weird and I could justify it but like. we basically raised these guys and they're like. tweens already (terrifying thought). so no that name for me. which would be fine, if I could find any other names to even vaguely connect to that aren't of people I already know. :v
*look I respect the fuck out of y'all that go with names like Crow and Leaf. or other names based on you long-time screen names. but I'm in a Very Red™ ohio area and I'm not gonna go trying to explain to people why my name is Roadkill or Swr ('sir' - and yes I have actually considered that it would be fun and also fucking hilarious looking like a short fat customer service woman telling angry old men They Can Call Me Sir. :'))
I'm not even gonna think about my 'it's only been three years how can I possibly remember these They pronouns all the time' mom would react to a new name though. though saying that I honestly think she might have an easier time with it since she only really knows Transness™ as mtf/ftm and is super good with binary trans people? it's just.... me. not being female but not A Man now either. that she has issues with.
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uzumakichcined · 3 months
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There were times she didn't want certain scars to heal. Encouraging those she felt so close with to bite her harder, really leave a scar that she would refuse to heal. After all, there was only one mark that Karin couldn't fully mend and that wound is better left forgotten.
As in this moment, she relished in the feeling of fingertips brushing over indents in her flesh. Shivering as it sparked memories that made her squirm. How deliciously they would tear her apart. Reminding her that sometimes, it was alright to enjoy the feeling of being devoured. Entirely and completely enveloped in another's whole being. From the scents that would linger on her skin as a reminder, to the scars themselves. A permanent reminder and reassurance of just how delectable she was.
A prized treasure for many, a course so filling that one could never get enough was what she so desired to be. While traveling with some of her companions she felt just so, the desire of those who wished for a bite. Desperate to sink their fangs into smooth skin.
Wriggling on her bed, Karin would rub her thighs together, a feeble attempt to mitigate the rising pressure that she felt. Body temperature rising, her senses hightening, she could tell the clear signs of arousal, and Karin would push it further. Replacing her fingers tracing down her arm with her own teeth, she would try as she could to slot the mark over top of her own maw and bite down. Breath hitching as the familiar pleasurable release of her chakra spilled out and circled through her body. Lightning memories of who had first bitten this spot, and how she longed so desperately for him, or near anyone at this point, to come and eat her alive.
That was the sinful humiliation of it she loved so much behind closed doors. Sadistic and temperment left with the air that rushed from the slamming door now melting into the mold she wished to take. Indulging the worst parts of her most lustful desires. How she longed to feel them caressing her skin, eager hands brushing and feeling for a taste, teeth pressed against every inch that they could manage, lavished in an attention she so rarely would get.
There was no feasible way of replicating it, her imagination and fantasy doing most of the heavy lifting for her but it didn't stop Karin from trying. Letting her hands roam over every pinch she could reach. Dragging her longer nails down so they would leave pulsing red marks in their wake. Twisting and turning on the already ruined sheets when she digs into a particularly sensitive spot. One hand reaching up to run through her hair, grasping it and pulling it back. Fantasies running wild as harsh degrading whispers assaulted her mind, begging and pleading with an unknown persons that she had been good. That yes, she had been so good for them and stood still, played by the rules, and she deserved everything she was getting. Every harsh bite of her nails, each rough tug of her long mane, it was all deserved and her reward.
When she couldn't take it, her hands would grope around for a toy, something to aleviate the burning heat she felt between her legs. An inferno that couldn't be satsified with her own hands as she had so wantonly been grinding against one for the better part of what felt like half an hour. Whines escaping her as she had to pull away as to position herself justly. Sitting up on the bedspread and easing herself down with a relaxed sigh. A satisfying stretch pulsing through her while her hips rolled down too slowly for her own lust addled mind. There was still some rational to it, knowing if she simply thrust herself down too quickly it wouldn't be pleasurable at all, even with all the preperation Karin wanted to draw it out.
Settled finally atop her lavish matress, she'd let go of the breath she was holding before slowly grinding her hips forward, back, working up a small rhythm that she could thoroughly enjoy.
Thankfully with how thick the walls of the compound were, Karin had little worry about being too loud, up until now it was only her fantasy holding her back. Scolding her for each escaped whimper, now encouraging her to release all those pretty noises. Each deperate plea to some unknown force, every gasp that made her clench the sheet in her hands, bounced and echoed off the walls of her room. Though it wouldn't be enough, Karin knew this, and falling forward she would press her torso into the soft surface beneith her as one hand went to grasp the hilt of the toy and start to move it herself. Once more, slowly and methodically. While her other hand would bend in front of her, displayed like a fine meal that Karin couldn't even resist biting into. Flinching from the sudden surge once more as her moan was muffled. Though with all thsi teasing she couldn't withstand.
Biting down harder, she tried so hard to make herself bleed. The familiar taste of copper woud only dot her tongue before the wound would enter it's cycle of opening, and healing shut, a push and pull of her high that reached a precipice when she gave a particularly rough thrust of her toy. Broken moans and stuttered gasps leaving as she tried to bite down harder, but found her strength rapidly draining and collapsing fully onto the bedspread.
Sweaty and overworked, Karin let herself bask in the cool air of her room before moving to pull out her toy and fling it elsewhere in the room to clean later. Content, humming softly, and feeling warm she'd reach for a blanket that had been pushed to the side of her bed and pulled it atop of her. Part of her knew she'd have to get up and clean herself off, but for the moment she could enjoy the love she gave herself with her own two hands, and teeth.
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
still miserable but meds working so it's fine at least I can concentrate on my work instead
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birdmankickedmyass · 4 months
i was also like really fucking judgy until college when i saw girls i knew who also ended up there being really judgy. and it hit me and it made me realize Wow i do not want that to be me. good god
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clown-play · 4 months
ohh, but don’t you know when you grab my wrists, i’ll take the softest gasp at the suddenness of it. and since i love physical grounding when im high, i’ll melt right into your grasp <3
just as you should, baby. you'll lay there under me, grounded by my touch, grip tight on you as i take you on my cock, kissing and biting and leaving marks all over you so people know you belong to me
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