#im kidding ofc but it's soooo funny
bisaster-energy · 2 years
when i see a cat vid and it's just a cat doing cat things like crying or sniffing and it's tagged meme. is he a joke to you
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thesimulacrasimp · 2 months
Okay so im gonna just throw randomly my thoughts on sm6 while rewatching it cuz why not, I was doing the same thing for hazbin hotel so why not spooky month too?
Ok im just gonna say: that starting scene with thieves was kinda funny. Also rewatching it, im starting to suspect that this giant spider thing in Lilas attic have her husbands soul, IDK WHY, I JUST FEEL LIKE IT, it just looks so important, it even appeared twice in the ep: in the begining n in the end.
Okay so Skid does know and remember his dad, I just was thinking that his father left/died when Skid still wasnt born or when he was very little so Skid doesnt even know that he had a father, but no he does remember his dad, so that means he presented for quite long time in Skids life.
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Also im really suprised how big Pumps house is, well i mean— he said that his parents work alot so ig i shouldnt be suprised-
Poor Ignacio just wants some peace– *watched the ep a lil longer* Oh hes kinda fucked up actually---
Also for some reason i find kinda interesting that Ross n Rob were kinda comforting Roy every time they were on the screen like "We're here for you, Roy" etc etc, so im thinking maybe something bad happened to Roy? I mean he looked kinda frustrated n angry, so maybe somethng between him n his parents?
Okay but can we talk about how Moloch look so much more scarier than before?
Okay so--- get ready for my rambleling bout my boy Dexter-- HE LIVED WITH HIS MOM N ALOT OF CATS😭😭😭 N HIS MOMS PURE GRIEF BOUT HER LOSS WAS GENIUNALY SO SAD TO WITNESS 😭😭😭😭
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Okay so looking at Skids impression when Father Gregor asked him bout his father-- yeah i think his dad actually died---- but i can be wrong ofc
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Okay- im sorry but-- why does Kevin n Radfords interactions make them look like a couple--- I AM SORRY BUT----
Also the way Father Gregor gave Kevin holy water was really funny to me, it was like: "You know these children?? Yeaahhhh i feel bad for u, kid. Here have some holy water, just in case...." ALSO the fact that ppl started coming in the store ONLY after Radford sprinkled holy water in it-- DOES THAT MEAN THAT THERE WERE DEMONS IN IT THAT WERE KEEPING PPL AWAY???
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Dont mind me guys, im just a little crying :')
Okay but the way how Skid n Pump were SO exited to see Moloch again was really funny n cute at the same time
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Okay... This is the part when i literally teared up. I know it was just Moloch trying to fool Father Gregor to give him kids but idk.... It still made me tear up for some reason, and i even know the reason: i just miss Dexter so much n i didnt expect him to appear so much times in this ep, I just think hes a precious boy who deserved better. I KNOW THAT HE WAS KILLING ANIMALS N I DONT APPROVE THAT AT ALL, but hes still a sweetie idfc.
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Also why would Patty need a gun so immediatly?..
Also that part when Moloch were wandering around the town n Father n spooky bois were trying to catch him was so funny and entertaining
Poor Pelo got ooffed again. Press F.
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And this is the part where i actually cried alot. Poor Skid doesnt know that its not his fault at all.. Also even if Father Gregors words were kinda mean, that Lila is irresponsible mother, I cant disagree with them. Yes, she is an alone mother, but it doesnt give her permission to just leave her child to himself n his friend n go drink n then spent time w her child drunk. Yeah i know, that she leaves him to mr Wonder n Susie, but lets be honest, were here even a single time when the kids didnt just leave the house n cause problem? No. So i think the Fathers words are make perfect sense, n Lila should think bout it. Also a lil thing i just thought bout, why would Lila throw away her husbands stuff? If he actually died why would she do this? Or hes not dead n he just left for some reason? Idk
and so ummm i think thats it. It took me 1 hour to write this lol.
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jack-kellys · 10 months
notes from december performance post-previews that i somehow just wrote up last night in august 2023 whattt how did that happennn:
the way jack replies to “you’re seeing stars alright” feels way more in response to crutchie’s attitude- and when he talks abt his dad getting stomped on it’s not just a context reveal. it’s jack telling crutchie he’s self-aware, he understands his shit place in the world and his desire to change it. just that it’s nice to dream. ow
“time for dreaming’s done” isn’t said with a smile. btw. if u even care
jack stealing finch’s mirror gets me every time
katherine looks back at jack at his “im crushed!” with a little smile
i get that the only reason buttons helps with a lot of the tricks is because he’s the DC but that doesn’t make it any less sweet… he’s always with splasher lmao
jack is quite uncomfortable with the nuns, he doesn’t look at any of them
never ever over spalsher’s little head tilt after his big flip
oscar grabs race’s collar on “i guess he didn’t take care of me!”
morris goes to hit crutchie again after pushing him to the ground before jack stops him
love when race bounces on his toes when he thinks he says something funny
morris blows his cig smoke into davey’s face when he’s grabbing him the extra paper
henry imitates les with finch as his davey, hobbling up to weasel down on his knees
jack rolls his eyes after telling davey “it’s just business” after shaking les’s hand. like can u believe this guy lmao
“mine taught me not to starve” looking at davey like ‘wtf is wrong with you’ LMAO. like jack’s irked with davey actually judging for something so ingrained into jack’s life fr
“HEY!! who was that guy >:(!”
medda checks on jack’s hair and he giggles mid sentence :) like “mooom in front of my friends??”
kaths look of Disgust when jack goes “i admire smart girls” is soooo done. she’s finished w this mf
katherine stays on the set as it shifts into WWK’s scene, staring at jack’s drawing, totally absorbed. i just think it’s fun how when davey sees jack’s backdrop he’s stunned in the same way kath is at her portrait. anyway
jack goes toward finch during the “our union is hereby formed to watch each other’s backs” after leaving ike and finch sweeeeerves away from him. finch only comes on board when davey does actually
when jack’s on the wagon with the “what if the delanceys come out swinging” etc he does a small laugh when the newsies all yell their response like he’s surprised !!
katherine is positioned right above the world’s door as if she’s. inside. ofc initially we read it as her just observing from above but it’s her literal building too.
“specs, you take queens.” “thank you!”
buttons gives kath a friendly wave and race offers his water cup when katherine comes into jacobi’s. walks right past the water even as race keeps his hand out lmfao
tommy lifts elmer into his arms after kath says they’d make front page
“this is not some little vaudeville im reviewing” felt more significant
“give those kids and me the brand new century and watch what happens” is a Plea.
welliguessitdependsonhowyoulookatitifyoulookandseebrooklynthenthey’rewithushaha! then race guns toward davey to yell at him
davey is not afraid to yell when his nerves get shot —> when the scabs boutta get they shit rocked
“them? or them.” OSCAR WAVES LMFAOOO
piggyback for les from racer
fight time
-morris has it OUT for racer in the pre-cop half. literally think he gets smacked with the bat TWICE. he’s on the ground, watches splasher get smacked from the ground, and BOLTS UP and races over to him shoving past morris. insane
-jack only swings on the rope to make a clear path for davey and les actually bc that action is the only reason they get to that half of the stage
-finch and romeo teammates for LIFE. they fought like the whole thing together fr. only pair that stuck out to me for the whole length of it (and then of course they watch crutchie get taken from the audience ough)
-nah jack Is a good fighter thru this it’s just the seize the day moment w the delanceys that he’s shit at btw
-davey doesn’t fight literally at all the whole time :/ c’mon. uncanonizing this in my mind
-SPECS KICKS ASS !! he’s got a bat and everything!! fuck yeah!!
shut up jack wipes at his eye during santa fe at “guy can catch a break”
^guy who lets out a sigh of relief when the post card is still in his pocket. fuck off
act twooo
kath goes to racer abt where jack might’ve gone and he’s abt to answer before albert pipes up
race flicking davey’s hat to the side>
^also they keep chatting thru tap sequences i love it
kath holding davey’s hand while they talk in the corner during table movement
crutchie holds his side when he sings…
^the only part crutchie gets teary at is when he starts talking abt the boys/family :,)
“and a little something extra, just on account of im gonna miss you so-” sounds like medda broke off bc her voice got watery 🥲
“every newsie—who could walk—was out there selling papes” OW the rephrasing of that line
as soon as jack turns his backdrop around to show the strike painting davey walks away soooo fast to turn away
WWH reprise is such an argument. “WE’RE ALREADY WINNING!!” yell davey yell!!
^jack makes the most fuming, boiling angry face after “y’know why a snake starts to rattle 😌?”
davey initiates the spit shake when jack offers his hand
kath is Mortified watching snyder expose jack’s refuge history AND SHES SO MAD when pulitzer gets between her and jack omfg
“be glad you’re alive, kid” is spoken and cruel asf but wbk
morris’s laugh kills me everytime it’s so fucked in the head. goddamn
jack doesn’t let davey touch him when he enters the rally like he doesn’t want davey to look like he knew abt the betrayal beforehand….
scope runs RIGHT up to jack after spot pushes him and goes to yell at him LMAO… lucky has to drag her away
“is that really what it’s like in there? rats everywhere, and vermin?” is taken as judgement and not concern and jack fuckin jumps on it LMAO
the actual motion of disgust jack makes at “you just double crossed us to your father- your… father.” dead every time he literally flinches
“i just didn’t tell you everything!!” is said at the opposite side of the stage as jack and looking down and away. idk why she’s the only katherine that has ever played this line as guilty but i’m always so glad for it
“i’m not stupid.” “no-” “i know girls like you… don’t wind up with guys.. like me.” heathers voice: i will never shut up abooout this
jack seems very afraid of the word love?? during kath’s entire piece of STBI he stays away from her… and she def thinks she’s fucked up for a sec fr
wah this song is so tender :( they hold each other very softly
“hey! um… it’s good to have ya back.”
clarice’s spot also has a moment with race beside just letting the kids into the cellar together..<3 ik lillie’s has more tho
there is something so personal abt davey jacobs saying “bleeeed ‘eeeem” while looking dead into jack’s eyes
davey’s reckless hug once jack’s made the deal with pulitzer… every timeeee
FINCH CRUTCHIE HUG!! first to get to him and holds him the longest before race and jack come along :)
“new york’s got us. and we’ a family.” is said as such a statement of fact like crutchie just ends any argument right there. he just knows jack so fucking well.
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choccy-milky · 10 months
i just started your fanfiction and it’s soooo good!! 😭 i love how long the chapters are, i love how clora and sebastian speak to each other and ugh, i just love everything about it 🥹
i’m only just starting chapter 4 now and i’m so excited 🥹🥹🤍
aw thank you!!😭😭im glad you're liking it so far!! and if you think the chapters are long now just wait LMFAO. good thing long chapters dont turn you off💀💀 ((gonna use this ask to reply to some others that i havent responded to yet))
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OMGGGG???? ARE YOU KIDDING😭 OFC ID BE OKAY WITH THAT😭😭💖💖if you ever do end up doing it id love to hear it!!!
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aww im glad you like my art and writing enough to always want something to look forward to💖💖 ik how you feel, im honestly reaching the sort-of end of the raven and the snake and even im like...man...🥺🥺im gonna miss them so much LOL. i do plan to do some epilogues/maybe some oneshots of seb/clora down the line if i get inspired, but i wont be starting another series or longfic, sorry!! it takes a lot of brainstorming and ideas, and everything i HAVE been coming up with is going into my current fic. but ill defs still be around posting art!!🙏🙏 (also even tho im sad about it, im also looking forward to finishing my fic so that i can FINALLY read other seb/MC fics. ive been only focusing on my own and havent read any others in the meantime)
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HAHA THANK YOU im glad my own delulu mind can feed OTHER ppls delulu minds💃💃 and even though i wasnt originally planning on it, YES clora's parents are 100% gonna be in the fic and they are fast approaching. seb meeting her dad INCOMING and that boys gonna be fighting for his life LMAO
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LMAO well i hope chapter 23 satisfied 😏😏🍆
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THIS MAN HAS HIS PRIORITIES OK. nothing goes with losing your virginity like some murder on the side afterwards😇😇
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when i finally finish ill also be an emotional wreck, we can cry together😭😭but until then TY and im honoured to have dragged you back into the HL hole. im glad you like my art of seb and clora so much, TYY💖💖
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anatrik · 2 months
First thoughts TTPD:
What a lana x folklore girlie win this issss!
1.Fortnight is about matty?? HAHAHAHA also why did this make me think of when holt was going running with the ladies when he was in witness protection??? Crying. Fav line has to be they were supposed to take me away but they forgot to come and get me. So sad but also so cool in relation to her cancellation/return. 10/10
2. TTPD- not so hahahaha anymore IS THIS ACTUALLY A FUCKING MATTY HEALY ALBUM??? There was a typewriter at the 1975 show she performed anti-hero at? Unless its somehow about harry? Who else is tattooed on her roster??? Or is this about herself? Kinda feel like modern idiots/who’s going to decode is directed at us lol😂 9/10?
3.My boy only breaks his favourite toys- went in expecting mad woman rage. Pleasantly surprised. king of my heart to queen of sandcastles he destroys….DESTROYED ME. Are you fucking kidding me rn? Im caling it. Best song. Im crying at 7.30 am this is not funny anymore. Also THANK YOU FOR NOT SLANDERING DAD. I knew you wouldnt let us down like that. Also the chorus sounds like long story short😭 oh this is so sad. Once i fix me hes going to miss me? He was my best friend?😭 he runs because he loves me? Stopp😭😭 1000000/10
4.Down bad- ….aaaand we’re back to MATTY AGAIN? He does not deserve this spotlight but why are all the song so goood😭😭😭 is this why artists love to date problematic men? It unlocks some extraordinary potential? Crazy crazy girl😭 also stay down (bad) 🤌🏾 shes done it again 10/10 also for personal reasons i will be believing this is about joe in that Tom/Joe/met gala overlap period when she was photographed going to the gym a lot and that this is about all that yearning please let it be about that plesplesplesplesplesples also down bad waking up in blood staring at the sky…like i lost a twin is giving bigger than the whole sky🥺
5. So long, london- so so long long, lon-don DONE? ok miss girl😭 the hoax parallels😭 dont be undoing the song i was going to play at my weddddding what is wrong with you😭 my only one my smoking gun to two graves one gun youll find someone??? Also reminds me of la la land :/ how much sad did you think I had in me? You wrote hoax so a lot ok leave us alone. crying again. 10000000000000000/10 oh lol its a track 5 ofc it is😂
6. But daddy I love him- she really said if you ever liked, shared or even LOOKED at the ‘vivaa las vegas’ memes you cant come to the wedding and shes so real for it. Lfgggg. Ubothered unhinged uhmazing. Growing up precocious sometimes means you still hold on to that princess/quarterback wattpad fantasy AS IS YOUR RIGHT QUEEN GO THE FUCK OFF🥳 100000/10 calling out toxic fandom for the first time and we love to see it🫡 this is suchhhh a happy songggg you deserve ALL the chaos and revelry.
7. Fresh out the slammer- god she gets it. Like sure he was great and he is still my biological father and everything but as a decidedly melancholy person myself who has constantly had atleast one close friend in a deep depression I can see how all that heavy lifting can just get heavy at some point especially when youre a partner and their sole lighthouse in wtv storms be out there buffeting their mental health. Its not for everyone and thats so fair and so valid but so sad as well. 10/10 for the honesty.
8. Florida- she really said girlrot summer🫡 this is the lanaest song ever. So lucky one/nothing new coded. This will be the First song I repeat and then so long london. Aaaghhh how i love a self aware melancholic anxious little superstar. 90283749292/10 thank you for giving florence an entire verse whew. Little did you know your home’s really only a town you’re just a guest in is soooo going on my body forever
9. Guilty as sin?- honestly just fuck if it means we dont have to hear about how desirable ratty healy is man ffs. IThe only reason he looks so hot is bc hes forbidden. You have to trust me on this. He’s sooo mid JESUS. U cant be writing hozier lyrics about a man that hasn’t met a shower😭 1000000/10 writing. -16392992/10 content. Unrequited love/lust truly is the greatest weapon in a poets arsenal bc where is this energy in the joe songs binch?😭 this is such a teen in love with a 26 yo creep who called me so mature for my age mom you just dont get ittt anthem😂😂
10. Who’s afraid of little old me?- is a warning 😂 im so here for it. Like yes I still hate matty with all my heart and soul but yes I agree fans should not be allowed so much of an opinion on another persons life and yes I should be afraid (I am). She said aight love letter era over I AM WRITING YOU ALL HATE MAIL AND I’M HAND DELIVERING IT. Shes sooo done pretending to be the relatable girl next door when she’s anything but and is now reminding us of it and yes yes yessss girl OWN ITTTTTTTT. I’ve been saying for agesssss that there is a darkness under all that sunshine from where she clawed her way to the top and this is sooo vindicating. 10000000000000/10 favourite song ever. Mad woman wishes she was who’s afraid of little old me. I am unwell. I am in love. This is the Taylor Swift i stan. The marketing genius the calculating business woman the puppet master with narcotics in her songs thats why we sing along🫡 she so can handle a dangerous man
11. I can fix him (no really I can)- you cant.
12. loml- ofc. OFC. Its the saddest song of all time. OFC. Fuck offf ughhhh. 😭😭😭😭😭 its giving happiness. Its giving divorce. i am a child of a broken home now and my parents still love each other and hold so much regret still. What do i do with thissss? Im just a little girl taylorrr! 1002380292011010101/10 soo so gooood.
13. I can do it with a broken heart- first of all track 13. Love it. Second of all the upbeat barbieness of it all. Third of all I FINALLY PLACED IT. Shes in her unrelatable era. She is not your girl next door. You will never understand her life. She is as much a phenomenon as a person and we literally only see as much as she allows us to and honestly if i have to get put in my place theres noooo better way to have it done. Im having such a great time actually. 10 BILLION TRILLION OUT OF 10 you tellll em girl you FUCKING TELL EM.
14. Smallest man who ever lived- not going to speculate on who it is bc they clearly had a serious problem and its not a joke but damn :/ thats so sad :/ hope they get help? Didnt expect this to be what the song was about at all?
15. The alchemy- she said TRAVIS IS MY BOY WITH HER WHOLE CHEST😌 10/10
16. Clara bow- did she just name drop herself ? I was so right about unrelatable era. Also the Subtle nod to olivia/sabrina noted and appreciated. Lucky one/castles crumbling (mature version) fr fr. Solid legacy song.
17. The black dog- shared your secrets with and location is the same whiplash as a red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground with no one around to tweet it🤌🏾 joe songs hit so so different 😭😭😭 1000000000/10
18. imgonnagetyouback- the valiant roar was not so valiant and more of a mew i guess. 7/10
19. The albatross- oh this is the ONE. The album defining song for sureeee. Mad woman on coke. A rose by any other name is a scandal???? Thats my religion right there. Little last great American dynasty twist there at the end! Fuck yea. She does reallly try to warn the men in her life have to give her that. One gazillion/10
20. Clearly god has favourites and they are the ppl called chloe or sam or sophia or marcus😭 ALSO this song is about joe for sure. The internet starlet hasss to be delaney rowe!!!! It HAS TO BE. 10/10
21. How did it end?- shes back for the fans😂 plot twist the breakup is with yall🤌🏾 but yesss say it louder! One gasp and then how did it end. So good. 100/10
22. So high school- lmao aristotle grand theft auto ONLYY taylor swift man😭😂 you know what you want and boy you got her🫡🫡 11/10
23. I hate it here- mother’s having a mental breakdown kids yk the drill🤌🏾 10/10
24. ThanK you aIMiee- what better way to say fuck you to a hater than to thank her for jumpstarting your legacy my god!!! She is insane for this. The capitalisation is a bit petty tho ngl. 8/10
25. I look in peoples windows- once again I thank you for the kindness and respect shown to joe. Never doubted you but thank you nevertheless. 10/10 short as nice to have a friend but it didnt need to be longer.
26. The prophecy- its so sad and humbling to see even a woman at where she is having to beg for love bc that literally is the nature of love. Something humiliating, to have to beg for 🤷‍♀️ cards playing out like fools in a fable cursed like eve got bitten. No one writes like her damn. 10/10
27. Cassandra- very madeline miller on this one. Love love loveee modern takes on tragic greek women. 100/10
28. Peter- ah fuck. This one is going to hurt (it did). 1000000/10 my ribs get the feeling she did😭 all her joe related aches are so bone deeeep ugh. Promises oceans deep but never to keep😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 oh god it hurtsss it hurts it hurtss
29. The bolter- curious child ever reviled except by her father wow.
30. Robin- OMG! I needed this song growing up sooo bad. That way to go tiger felt so so warm like running into a kitchen after a day of being in the mud and u tell ur mum the silly things u did and shes genuinely interested and impressed by your smol victories. A bajillion/10
31. The manuscript- postmortem of every ex ever🤌🏾 love it.
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angelpuns · 10 months
how do you think reactions and stuff would change if one of the other turtle boys got de-aged while the others stayed teens instead of leo? im curious
Ohoho I've actually thought about this.
If it were Raph it'd be an entirely different situation. He'd trust them immediately, he just KNOWS they're his family. The real problem would be he would keep trying to take care of THEM. Getting his ninpo back wouldn't be too big of a problem, the bigger problem would be Raph thinking maybe its better if he's small and trying to convince them of that as well. Which- ofc they want him back but they'd misunderstand and think he wanted to be small so he could get a break ( a very deserved one ). But otherwise it'd be pretty chill for the most part :) Donnie wouldn't freak out as much, Mikey would carry Raph around like a plush all day and Leo would be too injured to know what was going on ( and then feel incredibly horrible guilt when he finds out what happened. This is ofc assuming Raph was de-aged through the same means as Leo, soooo yeah. Honesty this would be a really fun spinoff t write, but I've already got a bit too much on my plate.
Mikey it'd be easy. Incredibly funny, because he's even more of a menace than Leo- but in ways the brothers are used to. Raph and Donnie find it hard to keep up at first, but then they get in a routine and all is well. Mikey trusts them immediately since they've always been his older brothers. They probably just had a growth spurt. His ninpo would be back very quickly and with his innate talent for mystics he'd be back to normal within a week. The only conflict would be Raph is so so so so anxious.
Donnie would RAISE HELL AS A CHILD. I think he has a lot led trouble trusting than Leo, but isn't immediately on board. After a simple DNA test tho he'd accept it and move on. Then he'd promise to tell his brothers everything he learned ( not how the time travel works but he doesn't know that yet ) his main conflict would be having to deal with the ninpi and the mystic stuff. He's already at an age where he relys on his tech and having to do mystic stuff would be so overwheing and bad he'd want to give up. Also Leo is not doing well in the med bay and he's incredibly worried ( sort of got a taste for that in the spinoff )
But yeah, these would be really interesting takes I think!! originally Kid Leo was about -like- childhood perceptions being different. Like the bros had certain expectations of Leo as a child and they were warped. Its still covered, but I think its lost a lot of that and is more about the plot now :)
Sorry I wrote a lot, I just was thinking about this a whole bunch <3
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artinandwritin · 3 months
For the ask game 6, 10, 11, and 14... hopefully those can fill your time but let me know if you need more lmao!
AGH TY for asking so many!! Im certain ill be able to fill a lot of time with those <333
6. Favourite ships; like i mentioned on your post, for me it really fluctuates what ship is in the front of my mind on any given day. Ofc, hiccstrid is a big one (theyre really good to me personally) and I'm currently also in a big snotstrid mood bc of my friend @spacenintendogs 's dragons off the coast au! (Also p l e a s e if you aren't familiar yet with dragons off the coast im begging you to look into it, its such an interesting take on a modern au and Rose's writing and worldbuilding is absolutely phenomonal). Fishlout also takes up a space in my heart, adore them so much! The dynamic is so good.
Ruffnut and her army of men is also so good, and the dynamics she has with Eret, Fishlegs and Snotlout is really fun and has a lot of potential. Tho i do also think she and Heather have potential. As do Eret and Heather! That whole group can just be mixed and matched together haha. Heather and Fishlegs ofc is also wholesome, they deserved more than this!
Due to me being so involved in the oc side of the fandom and being a really big supporter of everything oc (which is common knowledge after 4 years of this haha), I also love a lot of people's ocxcanon ships! Such as Rose's oc Ermintrude and Snotlout, @nosuda-cringe 's oc Mayeth Vang and Snotlout, and ofc the ships you've hinted and teased in otwd (zephbal save me... save me zephbal. I think about them a. Normal amount. Same with castav but i wouldnt let them save me, they need to save themselves first), plus a lot of others. Theyre all very dear to me <333
10: favourite songs from the soundtrack; OKAY so ive actually got history with this! When i was about 13-16-ish i had music classes as part of my middle school experience (lmao) and we were given the freedom to do any project we wanted. In those 2-3 years i used the httyd soundtrack twice for projects!
First I used Forbidden Friendship (that song man. That song) as like. An underbeat or smt? To add things on. Im sure it sounded horrendous and y'know the other kids in my class laughed at me bc of me using an animated movie's soundtrack, but the song did remain a favourite of mine and still is.
The second time I used the soundtrack was just after the third movie released! We were once again granted freedom and I decided to learn Once There Were Dragons on the piano! (Im not certain i still know it LMAO its been 5 years, this was even before I learned about OTWD which is in hindsight pretty funny)
Ofc once again the kids around me weren't amused and I couldn't play piano to save my life (my hands are too small to reach the octaves needed which. Sucked haha) but i had a lot of fun and the song really stayed with me throughout the years, it always brings me at least some sort of emotion <3
11; favourite locations; OH gotta be Old Berk and Dragon Island. We spend so much time in Old Berk during the shows and the movies and the form of the island is just so... memorable, in a way. In school of dragons, i always loved climbing the Great Hall up to Gothi's little hut haha. Miss that silly little island.
Dragon Island is soooo underused but i adore the implications sm! Like, the Red Death's corpse is there (and we all know how much i love environment changing giants) and we haven't really seen it since RoB/DoB. Underused location in my humble opinion.
Honorable mentions to Berserker Island and the weird treasure island from rtte season 1. They really slayed haha
14; favourite animation style; everyone knows i'm a big hand animation girlie so I have to go for those little moments in the franchise where more 2D animation is implemented (like in Fishlegs' leadership dream and the Boneknapper special). The keyframing and the subtle movements are really worth analysing and i absolutely adore how it's used. A real treat for us animators! (Special mention to the animation that's been going around from the live special, so good)
As for 3d styles, I have to say the first movie. It has a very raw edge which i love and it gives everything a great feeling. Plus, the animation error during forbidden friendship they left in the final cut owns me <333
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moonjxsung · 2 months
tofu sends all her love to you too and soju boops you (she isn’t that bad, she’s just insane).
first group trip to san diego sounds so fun!! im glad you have that opportunity! and the matching tattoos!! my friends and i want to get one with this specific artist but she’s booked till like forever and getting our schedules to work is so hard (we want to get ✨cats✨). i love tattoos so much, i only have one😩 but i have the itch to get another one soon (probs after lolla though, another bday gift😂). when you get them, you must show them to me (if you’re comfortable ofc)🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 and the pc holder! the fact that you were indecisive and got the best of both worlds!! we love that! i love keroppi, underrated king.
i’ve watched the sherlock performance like 7 times im not even kidding (plus all the reels & tik toks i’ve seen😭), im obsessed. my new cover roman empire (tired with “ill be your man” from kingdom). i just love shinee so much and sherlock is one of my fave songs/performances from them! so skz literally killed me with that. choi minho has my heart, every time i see the hard or s class tik toks i either die a lil or gain a lil life, idk yet. i love all of the members fr, i played russian roulette with it and chose minho (then i just loved his personality so much, he’s so sweet). taemin is my wrecker too! (and one of my bf’s ults, he’s obsessed with taemin). i’m suuuuper sacred for the future of shinee comeback too bc i really really really want to go see them someday, ik taemin signed as a member of shinee but not solo (like the BP members) so im hoping for at least one comeback & tour with the four of them🤞🏻.
(also, i read your answer like at 3 am like 80% asleep and i dreamt that you, a person that i’ve never seen in my life so you were just a faceless human layout, were going to tattoo me -it was actually such a cute cat design, do you tattoo by any chance?😂- and then we would go to a shinee concert 😭😂)
ily bb! i hope you have a great week!💕
(Soju I still love you 💔) Ughhhh I so feel you on waiting for a specific artist 😭 the artist who did my first ever tattoo was only an apprentice when I met her and shortly after my tattoo she randomly skyrocketed in popularity and bookings and now it’s IMPOSSIBLE to book w her I would give anything to get tatted by her again ☹️ plus the shop she works at is women-only so it just has such a comforting vibe to it but they’re booked out like an entire year 😀 rip. BUT my new artist is also really cool and she can usually fit me in within a few months so I’m not complaining!!!! I love female artists they’re always so talented and sweet also YESSSS I will absolutely post my tattoos on here when I get them !! 🫶💘
PLEEEEASE I HAVE WATCHED THE SKZ SHINEE PERFORMANCE SOOO MANY TIMESSSS especially Jisung’s high notes????:!:!:!:!:!:!/ I CANNOTTTTT also have you been seeing all the beautiful Choi Minho tik toks we are being blessed with. He’s so beautiful fr on his Roman Holiday I NEED HIMMMM 😦 Taemin being your boyfriend’s bias wrecker is SOOOO REAL he’s for everyone frfr. I truly think Taemin is otherworldly like his concepts and his talent and the way he thinks…… if I could be any kpop idol I would hands DOWN pick Advice era Taemin the fucking HAIR the suits the concepts the music and choreography…. He’s like everything I want to be 💔💔💔💔💔 when I die I hope I come back as Advice era Taemin
THAT IS SOOOO FUNNY OH MY GODDDD PLWKKWKEKDKSKS I would be SO bad at tattooing but I would love to try using a tattoo gun at least once so if anyone needs a really shitty tattoo, I’m ur girl 🫶 I hope you can get another tattoo soon!! If you get one after Lolla I would so love to see it (if you’re comfortable ofc!) MANIFESTING MORE TATTOOS ALWAYSSSS 👼 this also reminds me I want a shinee tattoo so bad I would love one for each member and then an Ot5 tattoo ughhh a Taemin tattoo would go so hard I wouldn’t even be able to choose one !!
ILY BBYYYY I’m virtually tattooing a little heart on you 🫶💓💖💗💞💕💘💝👼
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mistninja · 2 years
One Piece 1054!!!
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But momo seems to be sick? Im so worried about this fight
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Shanks crew is so hyped about luffy jshznsjznj i love them
Also, i like that bartos shenanigans were mentioned lol. If barto knew about shanks and luffys connection he would just die
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<333 he looks so proud of luffy
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He knew, ofc he knew all along about the nika fruit!!!
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Holy fuck this is really happening besties its finally happening
This kinda implies that Shanks could have gone take the one piece earlier, but he was waiting for luffy to reach this stage
I dont think he has evil intentions but he has definitely been planning for something big with luffy
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The theories were right!!!
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I think she must have fled with the revolutionaries which is soooo cool man THE PIRATE PRINCESS IS BACK i so hope she gets to reunite with the crew, but even if she doesnt i know this must mean shes going to be a major character in the final saga !!!!
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The Ennies Lobby parallels are immaculate *chefs kiss*
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Tbh i dont know how to feel about this because im not the biggest sabo fan. It is really funny to me how Dragon is just more and more of a footnote mention lol
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
i was invited to speak at this event yesterday and it made me think a lot. it was my first time speaking in front of so many people (100+) and i was nervous ofc, but on the video recording you can't see my stress at all! i was surprised at how confident i looked, even tho i was like screaming inside lol. i think the trick is standing with your feet far apart, like that posture looks very confident, like i was taking up space on the stage in a good way you know. the only thing that bothered me is that i feel like i came off as a bit pretentious, but maybe im being too critical on myself. but idk i hope that i didn't give off a "im better than you" kind of vibe. i'll do better next time. also im such a slow thinker... i was often hesitating at what words i should use, so next time i should definitely practice more. but yeah overall, im mostly satisfied with how i looked on stage! not bad for a first time huh!
but anyway, it was interesting bc it was the first time that we actually went to an event that was for people my age. i mostly have experience presenting in front of and interacting with people who are a bit older like late twenties, thirties and thirties+. and it was interesting to be like in my professional attire and talking to people my age, it was a whole different experience. and for my stepdad, well, he stood out a lot lol. at other events we've been at, age is never really an issue, it's just like adults hanging out and networking and whatever. but here it was like 99% people in their early twenties, one guy in his early thirties (the other speaker) and my 60 year old stepdad lol. and i didn't quite fit in with anyone bc even though we were the same age, i was a speaker at the event so i was put into the same category as the other speaker who was in his thirties. so i wasn't perceived like a fellow twenty year old, you know what i mean?
i tried talking to a couple of people and it was very funny bc when im in my professional headspace im used to certain kind of conversations. meanwhile talking to twenty year olds is such a different experience! i felt so old compared to them bc they didn't perceive me as one of them, it was so strange! like even when i tried to like make a joke or say something "relatable", i felt like i was cosplaying as a twenty year old like in a "how do you do fellow kids" kind of way. but then i know that if i had just been an audience member and not a presenter, we would've got along just fine.
anyway yeah, that was a fun experience! i really enjoyed getting to know the organisers of the event tho! they were my age too, but also put into a different category by the public. there was this one girl who was soooo hot who gave off the vibes of that weird girl from harry potter, the blonde one. luna i think? yeah, she was exactly like her. she told us that she was an influencer when she was 13-14 and had contracts with brands and stuff. and then she quit social media and hasn't been back since. like that's so wild lol.
anyway yeah, what an experience!
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jinhyun · 2 years
how did you get into skz? and who caught your eyes at first?
sorry it was a "one thing about me" game and i just asked about skz 😭 (im the last anon)
lmaooo the question is still about me in a way so don't worry 😹 it's a kinda long and funny story actually
so i had this friend in bts tumblr who became a multi stan and skz became their ults and she was trying very hard to get me into them when they just debuted, but back then i was in my second year of law school and didn't really have time to stan any other groups apart from bts.
while that was going on, i remember coming across a pic of hyunjin at a fansign and i was like. instantly in love. and i dmed it to her and was like HELP WHO IS THIS and she was like THAT IS HYUNJIN FROM STRAY KIDS and i asked about him ofc and found out he was 18 at the time and i was 21 so i went "okay nope he babie, bye" and would just kinda appreciate him from afar jdñskd bc he was soooo beautiful i would melt every time but he was babie to me back then :(
thennnn time passed by and i would always read about this "felix" guy and how talented he was and whatnot, but i didn't have a face to relate to him nor did i know he was from stray kids.
fast forward to early 2019, i was on the train to uni one morning dozing off at like 7am and i didn't have spotify premium back then lmao so once a playlist of mine ended it would just start playing random songs i didn't really look up. so i was listening to bts and their album ended and this reallyyyyy upbeat song started playing and i was kinda startled bc i mean it was 7am jdñaksña but it was so gooddd so i took my phone out to see what song it was and turns out it was miroh by skz 🥲 so i added it to my playlist and texted my friend like DUDE THIS SONG IS SO GOOD and she was like I TOLD YOU TO LISTEN TO THEM!!!!! so yeah she got really excited about it and sent me so many recs and told me all about them and i just finally gave in lol.
the first mv i watched was victory song and i was blown away by felix's voice and i finally saw his face and i was like oh okay so this is why everyone talks about him. and i thought he would be my bias right away BUT THENNNNN i saw hyunjin (kinda had forgotten he was part of skz by this point) and i was like 😭😭😭😭 and i think he was 19 by then and i was like ah fuck it and just stopped fighting it lol.
so yeah i was like, hyunjin first caught my eye as an individual but felix first caught my eye as a skz member, if that makes sense?? and regardless of me being a hoe for hyunjin, i got into skz mostly bc of felix's voice lmao, i just kept watching mvs and listening to their songs just so i could hear his voice. but hyunjin has been my ult all along :(
jinnie stan from day -1.
inbox me one (1) thing you want to know about me!
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throwingupmyemotions · 11 months
guilt lolll
i only cringe when i try to sound serious so i have this urge to write lol after everything but i also don't want to do that at all. but so basically ughh i don't even feel like using periods anymore
so im not going to
from now on im not using punctuation
ill just make a new paragraph for every thought
no ok this is getting annoying too
ok ill stop but pls know that im so unserious rn and every period i write is written with the highest level of whimsy possible. LOLOLOL ive never said whimsy before idek if i used it right but i couldn't think of the word that i was thinking of. omg this is so fun im actually writing everything that im thinking of!! i tried doing this in my old diary but i couldn't write fast enough to keep up, luckily im a much faster typer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
OMG lemme start talking about the whole reason i started this. so basically this is just an intro for something else but i think about it a lot
so like i recently had a sort of awakening? kind of? like it was rlly just me growing up and realizing that the world doesn't actually revolve around me. but like in the best way possible bc i thought everyone's lives around me were perfect and i was the only imperfect one but now i realize everyone has their own problems which ik sounds like smth i should've realized as a kid but idk ig im just rlly dumb and self involved.
so anyway, i have always felt guilt pretty heavily like as a kid i would end up confessing to my parents anytime i did anything wrong because the guilt would literally eat me alive. ooh i have a rlly funny story
i was in like 6th grade and it was that time where i started getting all horny and curious. but the thing is i was suuuper sheltered like i don't even think i knew what sex was until like highschool and so i didn't know what was going on yk. all i knew is that looking at boobs made me feel some type of way( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) HAHAHA
its crazy bc i felt guilty but i didnt even know why?? like im a girl so ofc im curious about what my boobs will look like one day right??? no yeah that excuse stopped working after a yr when i realized i was feeling stuff yk so i completely stopped watching them
it had been about a month since i stopped and i thought the guilt would go away but it literally got worse. so i was lying in bed, and at this point i couldn't even sleep it was so bad, my stomach was hurting and i couldn't stop crying so eventually i went and woke my parents up at 3 am and i was crying so hard that i was like gasping for air so they were both terrified
i sat them down and it took me like 10 minutes to finally speak
and i told them "ive been watching bad videos"
and they started laughing
i cant make this up
it was so embarrassing
so anyway now that you get an idea of what my guilt was like then, its definitely a lot better now but it transformed into me feeling guilty about things that i cant just fix with a confession which makes it harder
ik life is unfair and thats just how it is and we're supposed to just accept it but its soooo hard like sooo hard for me to accept
and im so fucking lucky like im rlly starting to realize how lucky i am now but omg im so grateful for everything that i have but like i don't deserve this at all yk? like i didn't do anything to deserve this life and it makes me feel so shitty like im not a good enough person to get all of this and i feel guilty so i feel like helping ppl is the only way to get rid of the guilt but that's so selfish so then i feel like an even worse person and i feel more guilty and its this crazy cycle that i just made up but idk. im obviously self aware enough to realize that me feeling like i don't deserve the life i have is a me problem. and ik ive been obsessed with the idea of being a good person like my whole life but my awareness of the obsession only makes me feel terrible. like how can i even be a good person anymore if anytime i do anything good i think its fake? and another recent worry that i have is that i have a savior complex which definitely is what this paragraph sounds like. like i feel like since i got so lucky its my "duty" to help other ppl bc it could easily be me in that situation yk.
i obviously have a weird relationship with guilt and my own self image so i wrote this story a long time ago. like a rlly rlly long time ago. this is one of the first things ive ever written for pleasure bc i used to hate writing. so like its obviously not good but it makes me feel things so i wanna put it in here
standing on the damp stone floor barefoot, you look up to see yourself in some kind of cave with an eerie glow illuminating what would be complete darkness.  you feel empty- or maybe blank would be a better word, nothing is in your mind, no memories or significant thoughts. but more than that, no emotions- even the realization that you are naked doesn’t bring panic.  trying to think what your shivering wet body is doing here, bare and alone in a dark cave, you almost don’t notice when you see a figure approaching you. the unusual lack of anxiety as you’re waiting allows you to notice it’s odd movement almost like the unknown being is floating. now it is close enough that you make eye contact, and everything comes back.
all of your memories and emotions overwhelmingly flood your brain pushing you to a crouched position on the floor.  as you cradle your head in pain, you squint up at the once unknown figure now in front of you. though you’ve never met before, you somehow instinctively know exactly who it is and what their presence means for you.  the inevitability of the situation leaves you feeling less scared than you should be and more tired from the waiting.  in fact you were exhausted, waiting practically your whole life for this, your fear easily overshadowed by your impatience.  defeatedly standing up, you take a step forward, giving your soul to the devil.
he looks at you with what impossibly seems like sympathy.  gesturing for you to present your forehead, you  squeeze your eyes shut and raise your head.  while you feel numb to most of your emotions, you can’t help but feel the shiver of terror that goes through you as you wait with your forehead bared.  after what feels like hours you finally feel a soft touch to your forehead, almost like—
your eyes snap open to find him lifting up from the kiss.  a kiss. on your forehead. he kissed your forehead. wondering if this was a trick to make the resulting torture worse, you look up at his face only to see it engulfed by sadness, tears threatening to fall out of the devil’s eyes.  you don’t understand, this isn’t what you deserve.  finally feeling an emotion, you are panicking.  you had been waiting to be punished, getting what you deserve is what should be happening it’s what needs to happen. ‘it can’t end like this it can’t end like this it can’t end like this it can’t end like this’, repeating in your head.  you hysterically look up to see tears silently flowing out of the monster and belatedly realize you’re sobbing too, echoes of your panicked wailing filling the cave.  desperately trying to spark a reaction, you push the devil hoping he will retaliate but he only stands there, continuing to silently cry for you. 
*LOL GET IT my guilt was my punishment but fun fact: my parents actually did this like they almost never punished me for anything bc my guilt was enough
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ohmygosh HI 😙 i heard you were doing matchups soooo i figured i’d slide in here and wave my hand around in front of your face hehe
i’m fem, around 5’7, and an average body type. i’ve got longish dark brown hair, (i’m growing it out) which the inside is blonde - which i usually dye red or blue. i wear a lot of different types of clothes, but for the most part they usually fall into the ‘goth/emo/dark lolita’ category or the ‘academic scholar with good taste’ LMAO
personality wise, i’m pretty introverted but outgoing (ie i have no energy w people but i talk to a lot of ppl) i’m pretty friendly with strangers and i don’t have much trouble walking up to anyone random and asking them stuff, buuuut i usually don’t because i’m pretty antisocial (i don’t like to talk to people unless at school or im forced to lol) i spend a lot of my time at my house, really honing in on the things i enjoy! but if someone i like enough wants me to go on a date or hangout with them i’ll do my best to muster up the ability to do it for them (though i personally just prefer dates @ my house cuddling tbh but i dont mind going on an adventure if it’s for someone else) i’m pretty darn stubborn and i love to argue (when its controlled/ nobody is being mean and its all facts) people also say i’m pretty funny too, and pretty sassy (i’ve got good comeback’s apparently)
i do a lot of different stuff in my free time, i 🍃 up sometimes (not always/all the time), i also do a lot of art and drawing, i write a lot and read ofc, and i really like debating! my plan is to major in chemistry or political science annnd yeah!
my type in people varies a lot, i really like jocky dudes - and smart girls but for me what’s important is despite any differences is being able to talk through issues or disagreements! i also like being around people who don’t always share the same ideas as i do because i don’t like being confined in an echo chamber :) different experiences r what make us unique!!!
i’m pansexual so i don’t really have a like huge gender bias thing, but my only request is that you don’t pair me with a goth kid soley cause they’re goth 💀 thank u my beloved match maker 🤭
— 🎸 anon! (if its not taken)
p.s : will also be requesting for funzies so if u see another req from me yk why :,)
hi my luv! im gonna match u up with Wendy!!
You guys would LOVE debating with each other for fun.
I can imagine she’s super easy going and very easy to talk to and be around.
Please draw or paint her, cause she’ll melt.
I think she’s very clever with her words without trying but she could also enjoy silent cuddling dates just watching a movie.
As we’ve seen in the show, she’s very good with communicating about issues and I can honestly imagine that the two of you would last a very long time.
hope you like it <33 pls feel free to request more. it took me a bit to get thru the last few days but im back on it 😭💕💕
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curedeity · 2 years
Shogun Steel Episode 5:
-Ren episode???? REN EPISODE!!!!!
-did the op change to finally show plot details???
-omg its this episode lol we get to see shinobu being a nerd
-id like to think anyone can enter the wbba headquarters and go see the director, most of them have just never tried
-madoka makes sure to compliment maru all the time. Positive reinforcement for the kid!!!!
-"im madoka. I keep your beys from being destroyed forever. You should worship me."
-i have nothing to say about this scene its simply perfect. Would be funny if tsubasa was just working a secretary job and shinobus like "wait you saved the world why are you working that job" and tsubasas like "i tried to be director for a day and i needed a year of therapy afterwards'
-"i took over leadership of the wbba" whered you bury hikarus body
-i dont think its their bond that let them use synchrome first, i think they were just messing around with their beys. Most bladers dont seem to understand basic mechanics
-i wonder what type of person kyoya would give a bey to
-zyro why are you asking shinobu to work with you before maru SHES RIGHT THERE
-tsubasa forgot that teenagers is repressed. Benkei remembers though, he hung around kyoya ofc he does
-that was a cool shot but shinobu why tf are you shooting your bey into the moon????
-REN! REN REN REN! I have no idea why her voice actor is like that.
-ren has the cutest little animations thats one of the best introductions
-"his famous technique" he used it twice
-ren sounds like a pokemon actor i cant explain it
-i like zyro and rens combined dumbass energy
-ren is kinda right like people do learn from each others strategies
-zyro please recognize ren as your rival. Please. Stop ignoring her
-ren is as angry as i am. Boy i get your gay but the lesbian is about to commit unimaginable violence against you.
-poor ren doesnt even get her introductory episode focused on her. How rude. But they did still let her be iconic
-i think this episode just shows off the pacing issues soooo much. This episode had the gang meet the old bladers, had rens introduction, and is having the rebattle with the unabaras. These are three separate episodes!!!
-listen maru and zyro vs kite and eight wouldve been perfect. Sibs vs sibs. I do think he should synchrome with shinobu first but like, maru
-more property damage!!!!!
-why did they animate kites adams apple??? Why.
-summary: best episode, ren really makes this episode. Shes such a personable character and even in short bursts she can show off really well. I just wish the episode treated her with more respect, she shouldnt be brushed away like a side thought. This episode is a mess but an enjoyable one.
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radiotorn · 2 years
hey bestie this is definitely not tori please do the tf2 ask meme odds if you are okay with that pleas thx ^_^ *frolicks away*
ANSWERING THIS SOOOO LATE but i want it OUUTT!! so here we GO
1- Who are your favorite tf2 content creators? hmhmhmmmmm….in terms of entertainment videos im sorta looking for someone but i like Kostamoinen, Winglet, STBlackST, CrazyScoutFIN, ShorK, Jesse Baumgartner & plus ive heard good things about Hoovy Tube but donnt know yet…..in terms of art…well…check my fav tag 😏 and also all my buddies and pals they're correct and right whenever they say things about thhe video game
3- Who is your favorite side character? I think Miss Pauling isn't a side character soo….i really like Heavy's family they r very awesome mode….i also have a soft spot for Olivia Mann i think too much about her and then i cry (yes…u can ask if u would like to…giggle) or MAGGIE GASP…i love mags....im going to give her the world and then more
5- Who are your LEAST favorite characters? hmmmmmm….ik ive said it before but i guess cheavy huh. OR classic soldier and scout i do not like them (the classic ones that come with cheavy ofc)
7- How did you find out about tf2? answered in the last ask for these, but from a ytp audio used in a flipnote if u rlly want it lmk
9- How long have you been in the fandom? funny enough i have the exact date bc i keep a journal. May 2nd 2021 is when i played the game for the first time so it started then
11- Favorite voice line? a LOT of them are engies lines again bc. well. like "Start prayin', boy!", "im wolverine-mean, you son of a bitch", and "you look a mite tongue-tied, son" they. he. im ok. im ok. im alright
13- What’s your favorite thing about the fandom? i stay within my small bubble most of the time, but i do technically have fandom to thank for introducing me to some really awesome people and mutuals :] so that i suppose! also the savetf2 tag is really really awesome
15- Do you have a NOTP? if so then what? scoutpauling and spyscout, to the max. one is incxst and the other is just. not right lol both are nem jó for me. the majority of them are either nice or just not my cup of tea
17- An unpopular opinion you have? hmm….yes! not in the terms of ppl not agreeing but just bc it hasnt been talked about but Maggie is Hungarian! she is to me and thats it ok. like theres more backing it up but its burried under a personal hc that is intertwined with an oc so.shrugs. shes hungarian to me even outside of self indulgence
19- RED or BLU? red :] i like the look of red bases more than the blu ones
21- What is your favorite piece from the tf2 OST? ROBOTS ROBOTS TO THE.MAX I LOVE. THIS SONG SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! I LOVE THAT!!! I OLOVE IT!!! it makes me feel so awesome
23- Who do you main? i kinda find myself maining someone different every once in awhile, but i'm mostly a demo or scout main! i try to at least know how to play every class a little (except spy. not yet i'm not ready)
25- What is your favorite ‘Meet the…’ video? meet the pyro i love that one…my favey….revolutionary for the time….
27- Which character would you get along the best with? OH HELL uhh hm hmmm hurm looks inside myself…realistically? probably scout or engie…but why must i choose…when we could all be friends….i have ten hands
29- Is there a character you loved at first but now you hate? nope! my love has only grown since i got into this game i find something to love in all the characters and those who i didnt like i still dont fuck with
31- Which character is overrated? i mean, i feel like scout obvs is but i also really like scout but ppl dont get him. they dont get it right u gotta get him right. i feel like that can be the case with a lot of overrated chars......spice it up with the portrayals and then it wont taste so bad even if theyre still overrated
33- Which character do you relate to most? (or as the cool kids say, “kin”) yknwo im not just saying this but i think a good blend of engie and sniper (moreso engie maybe) with like. seasoned with some pyro . like its the nonchalance with boiling autism rage and also. sparkle on. does that make sense
35- Best character design? FUUUCCKKKK U CANT ASK THATTTTT!!!….thats something i think that like. did something to me. like. getting into tf2 shaped my entire taste and outlook in a way. like. older ppl. older ppl swag is what i learned and all of them r so distinct and have their own silhouettes and outfits and AHGHGHHH its literally art to me….but ig if i HAD to choose its a tie btween heavy and demo
37- What is your favorite update? ok i have to make it clear i wasnt into the game for the time of the major updates but i think the very start of scream fortress..or ig the haunted hallowe'en special…is my favorite because i LOOVEEE scream fortress i love the halloween maps i love the season!!! I LOVE HELLTOWER MY DEAREST!!!!! I LOVE THE HALLOWEEN SEASON!!!!!! AND AUTUMN!!! …but other than that i think love and war is another aswesome one
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yozzers · 3 years
Hi hello just want to say I love your headcanons for Alice and Masquerade, they are great and incredibly gender, you’re right.
You’re so right that Masq should’ve been in season 2 hdkshdk, I want him to make fun of Spectra. “Oh please, think up something original.” *Flaps hand*
(Also it says requests are open but no pressure if you don’t wanna obviously. Maybe more doodles of them? ;u; )
aw thankies!!!! means the world when ppl tell me they like my hcs hehe  masq and alice r actually my ocs so ofc im right /j 
n he really should have!!! before my rewatch i genuinely thought he was but i just misremembered SOOOO many things and one of it was “oh right alice definitely had several fights and masquerade gets cheesed at one of them” and i don’t know how my head came up w/ that. i was very off too bcs turns out noooo masquerade just gets a cameoooo T-T tch !!! he’s so funny and while I don’t think he would’ve genuinely added much, it’s still jarring fr him to just be, tossed out so quickly, alongside alice (and i mean ESPECIALLY alice ur kidding, would’ve been so cool to see her interact with Ren) 
like nooo dont just “kill off” the 14 yr old rage gamer he shoudlve been pitted w/ s2 rage gamer!!1!! putting spectra and masquerade in the same room to physically duke it out fists up n everything (logically masquerade would be swept easily but in an ideal world...) 
anyways yeah heres some of my s2 alice + masquerade thoughts via drawings 
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